#i didn't think i would be getting any romantic interactions this year either but im VERY pleasantly surprised šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•
hisui-dreamer Ā· 4 months
My Dearest Rinna,
As the echoes of affection linger in the air this Valentine's Day, I feel compelled to share something with you that has long dwelled in the recesses of my heart. Will you be my Valentine?
In the shadows of Night Raven College, amidst the whispers of secrets and schemes, I find myself drawn to you with a fervor that defies explanation. Your presence is a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the path to a love I never knew I sought
Let us rendezvous at the Mostro Lounge, where the ambiance is as enchanting as your smile. There, amidst the flickering candlelight and the soft strains of music, I long to confess my affections and share moments of intimacy with you.
My dear Rinna, know that beneath the facade of politeness lies a heart that beats only for you. Join me, and together, let us embrace the magic of this night and the love that binds us.
With deepest sincerity,
Jade Leech
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ahem... i mean...
My most beloved Jade,
It makes me incredibly happy to receive your letter, and I confess it would make me the happiest person on earth to be your Valentine.
I know you don't often show it, but your kindness swells my heart with glee every time I'm met with it. Your mind so so spectacular I find myself longing to hear you speak your thoughts more often.
You must know I'm not nearly as eloquent in person compared to on paper, so I do hope you'll be more forgiving towards me. I fear my heart might burst if I am to withstand too much of your teasing. But I am very much looking forward to our rendezvous.
Worry not, my dear, for my trust in you is stronger than anyone else and your sincerity is clear as day. I shall see you later.
With overflowing love,
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wttcsms Ā· 9 months
Amber, I'm back to yell at you!!!! I'm literally dying over Most Noble what?! Its sooo good, i literally took a deep breath while my eyes watered cause of that ending! Oh to be in love with Sir Nanami šŸ˜ He really is too much, the way he wants the mc so much, it gives off enemy to lovers vibes, with a lot of slow burn! Its so good the way I gasped when i read it on AO3 cause it said chapters 1/1 šŸ˜­ No, its too good, YOU'RE the reason i even love Nanami so I refuse to believe thats it for them. But also thank you for that, it was such a good read the pining got me right in the feels i had to take a moment for myself to calm down. Please don't say its over šŸ˜­
Moving on lols, the way I read Balancing Act this morning! I wanted to scream, and I'm in no way a morning person but that one woke me up! Gojo being so self assured, I love that for him. The way you wrote the whole crew working for Gojo and Getou! Nanami saying that Getou is just like Gojo but would give himself 6 months instead KILLED ME!!!! Also just Nanami, and his whole work is shit rang through my head when you said he left then came back šŸ˜­ Just the way you wrote them all is soo good, the interaction between Gojo and Mc oooomph absolute genius! Utahime and Gojo friendship! Personally that little bit got me hook line and sinker cause i dont ship them šŸ«  Finally that flashback of them as teenagers in high school!!! Yes queen him falling in love and not realizing it but also i loved that the mc ruined what i assumed would be his year of just fucking around! Its god tier I know im going to add this to my list of comfort fics!!!
hi hi, i was waiting til when i was less busy so that way i could give this lovely msg a proper response!!! as always, i love love love hearing ur thoughts and seeing u in my notifs makes me so happy, like kicking my feet and giggling happy because ur such an amazing reader and i love hearing ur thoughts on my work.
first of all, even w/out me, u would have fallen for nanami bc that's just the type of man he is. most noble was so fun to write purely bc i didn't have a set plot line in place, i just let the word vomit spew all over my docs and clicked post on tumblr. that being saidddddd, i am always open to revisiting our princess and sir nanami bc the fun part in writing mutual pining is the eventual getting together. like all fairytales, they are so gonna have a happy ending <3
im so happy you've read balancing act because for me, it's such a fun project and a way for me to not so subtly vent out any pent up feelings i had towards my experience in working in banking in nyc BAHAHAHA. i think workplace dynamics are so fun to write as well & i really wanted to incorporate just how blurry boundaries are within the field but also how close knit they truly are because most of the time, you see your coworkers more than your family and your significant other and it's hard not to become friends or something more (it's either that, or u all hate each other's guts LOL). geto and gojo would not be besties if they weren't both absolute menaces, i stand by that. utahime + gojo are lowkey MY dramione HAHA, and so i always like to write them in some type of relationship, whether that be platonic or romantic. they def squabble like siblings in this fic + it's going to be so much fun writing them in a diff light than i normally do (what's up for debate is whether or not i hint towards nanami x utahime :O) nanami found out that working in academia is JUST AS TOXIC as industry, so he's back bc, hey, at least he gets paid hella money, but we'll explore more nanami lore in balancing act once i decide on his exact role in the fic muahahaha.
thank you for always reaching out with your thoughts on my writing and just to chat in general, it means the world to me <3
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caught-the-lovebug Ā· 10 months
so I have this really really weird situation with my sort-of crush right now.
We both know each other for around a 3 months or so, and i feel we're pretty close friends but im not sure he feels we're THAT close yet, but we still talk sort of often.
we were pretty good friends, and we'd constantly roast each other, make fun... very play-fight type of friends.
so, i honestly just thought of him as a friend for quite a while, but there was this contantly lingering but unidentifiable feeling everytime i'd talk with him. I just brushed it off, because - well, I don't trust chemical reactions.
but then this one day i just realized that - i feel some sort of affection for him. whenever he smiled, laughed at my jokes, responded wittily, made eye contact with me, I'd feel so happy and feel the need to squish his face (haha im so cringey T_T)
and then i was like "okay, this is some kind of romantic affection, definitely" which was weird for me, because I'm ace and I've only ever had one other crush in my entire lifetime, and that was feeling was veeryy different. this was smthing weird, like - i just wanted to protect him at all costs, yknow? that kinda thing, but it wasnt very sibling-y either.
i told a few of my friends abt this while the crush grew, and i tried to interact more, but then this one day I tried talking with him and i figured that someone who knew told him that I liked him and after that, he started acting really distant with me, which I hated, because even if I did like him, I considered him to be a great friend, and I didn't want to lose that friendship. We texted fine, but irl, we barely spoke.
later on, i learnt that he likes another girl and doesn't like me romantically, but doesnt mind being friends with me. After that, I found the whole process of "making him like me" so tiring and gave up on my crush, which was surprisingly exhilarating.
currently, I've convinced him I just want to be friends and I did that to myself as well so now I don't feel any pressure or anxiety when talking with him and I just act as myself (which is so relaxing compared to when I was constantly overthinking everything i did around him). I like the relationship we have as friends but I do still sometimes wish for more.
I like not crushing on him consciously because i can be myself, but at the same time, i catch myself thinking about him or just giggling over how adorable he is or glancing at him whenever I see him.
I'm a little confused as to what we are right now, and more importantly what I'm feeling for him, and idk if maybe I might have a chance with him in the future? should I still make tiny attempts of flirting or trying to impress him or should I just let it be and go on its own course?
(i dont even know what point I'm trying to make here - I just needed to vent T_T)
Just needing to vent is so valid.
I'll attempt to answer your questions still but if the vent is all you needed, then feel free to ignore me lol
It seems to me that you are friends. That doesn't change if someone is crushing on the other. Friendship is separate to romance, they exist side by side. You are friends and you have romantic feelings for him. That's okay.
Getting caught up in what feelings mean and what words to use, I often find isn't helpful. I had a crush on my best friend for four years. It didn't stop us being friends but our friendship felt closer and different to others I'd experienced. When I would get frustrated trying to label how it was more than just best friends but not dating because he didn't feel romantically back, it felt awful. The reality is, words are flawed. Capturing our entire complex history and my emotions for him in one word wasn't going to be possible.
And this can be true for newer crushes on friends too.
In regards to a chance in the future, you might! But equally, you might not. It's okay to have your feelings and not force them away if you don't want to. In my experience, crushes on friends are difficult to force away. But I would let it fade when it does. Clearly, he doesn't want to lead you on, so holding onto hope isn't going to help your friendship.
And on that same topic, I don't think you should try attempts at flirting. You've both decided to be friends and not pursue romance with each other right now, I wouldn't push that.
In saying that, having a crush can be fun and exciting, and you're allowed to exist in those feelings and enjoy them. If you don't like them, that's valid too! But you don't have to be ashamed of them and you don't have to force them away if you don't want to.
I hope this helps!
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sapphic-luthor Ā· 2 years
hi bestie i need some advice :(
so i have basically been in love with my best friend for more than a year now (it's bad for me i know) and it's justtt not going away. i told her i had feelings for her like six months ago and she ? didn't directly say she didn't feel the same or anything she was just like. i'm sure you'll find someone and i'll be the happiest person in the world when you do. ever since that rejection, i've obviously tried to brush past it completely but every now and then she would say some extremely questionably platonic things like "you're the best thing that's ever been mine"; "you're the only thing i've ever been sure of in my life"; and many many more supercorp-like interactions if you get what i mean. (she also sent me a very romantic song about us being meant to be and said it was 'us'???) and she has been doing/saying things like this even since before me telling her i had feelings for her, and i've thought of bringing it up again to her but i would rather do anything else than jeopardize our closeness yk? so basically i'm just stuck lol. i keep telling myself that these interactions are just platonic best friend interactions but at this point i really don't think they are, and i'm stuck between holding out hope for her and... moving on? (even tho i already know that's a hopeless cause as much as i've tried)
i just. don't know what to think or anything so i would love any input u have if u have time lol im sorry this was so messy
and i've thought of bringing it up again to her but i would rather do anything else than jeopardize our closeness yk?
ok i really hate to tell you this but you gotta do it. i know it feels like you'll be risking your closeness, but it's really important to me that you understand that the closeness right now is predicated on a very confusing dynamic that is slanted heavily in her favour in terms of deciding the terms of the friendship, and that's deeply deeply unfair to you and your feelings. gonna throw some further stuff under the cut here for you:
she knows how you feel, and her two choices are to either stick with her original response that she's not interested and act that way to allow you the space to move on, or to acknowledge whatever it is that's got her sending you these weird romantic things that are giving you (possible) false hope but definitely sending mixed signals.
i had a huge crush on my best friend when i was younger who was very straight, but she also had a habit of sleeping in my bed holding my hand and telling me how she wished she could see me so we could snuggle and how we were soulmates and blah blah blah. and it was hard! it was so hard! we were very young, and she was very in need of love in any way she could find it, and she absolutely took advantage of my feelings for her in a way that i now recognise as super uncool. i don't blame her for it because we were young and we were both going through some serious shit and not quite aware enough to know how to handle it in a healthy way, but it was a really painful time for me and i really really wish somebody had told me to sit her down and say "you either need to stop doing this or tell me where the impulse is coming from so we can figure out what to do with that."
i spent a summer away from that friend and met somebody that i fell hard for in the meantime, and we were able to slide seamlessly back into a purely platonic friendship, but i got lucky. that could've really easily been the kind of thing that i held on to for a long time thinking maybejustmaybe and it wouldn't have been fair to myself or to her, because i wouldn't have been able to be a good friend to her when she was dating people or in a relationship.
all this to say: you have to get this cleared up with her. the panicked feeling you get at the idea of losing that closeness is going to be nothing compared to the hollow ache of wasting years thinking it might happen while she's stringing you along. please do you (and her!!) the honour of having the courage to have the hard conversation now, because i swear to god it will save you both
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tsukidrama Ā· 3 years
erwin is such an interesting character and him dying right before reaching his ultimate goal made his death even worse. i wish we could have seen him as the colossal titan too! i think the story would have definitely been different and levi x colossal would have been a very scary duo on the battlefield.
ooh i see! yeah annie is way more than the cold heart bitch the fandom likes to make her look like. she didn't kill those people for fun, and for almost all the warriors people tend to forget too easily that they were 12 years old and brainwashed when they were sent to paradis so of course they killed a LOT of people but it's not like they had a choice, especially since their families were still in marley.Ā 
omg starting aot when it first aired must have been stressful, you have my total respect, i could have never survived the cliffhangers. but that was smart to notice all of these things and go past what annie did! i didnt even realise what giving up must have meant to her.
i'm pretty new to anime, aot was my third anime and i started watching it in january when season 4 just started airing. i binge watched the first three seasons and seeing all of those plot twists one after the other was a rollercoaster! but because i watched the episodes "too fast" i missed a lot of details and had to rewatch to understand some characters better (including annie). after that i started reading the manga after s4 part 1 finished airing.
annie was totally confused after coming out of that crystal and catching up with what happened in marley too must have been a LOT, she was barely out of her crystal and had to go back to war again, the boat scene seems so out of place! same, the shippers for them can be extreme i avoid them as much as i can. (i saw your tag and wtf)Ā 
i'm not the biggest fan of her dad but it's just me projecting qkjsjsls but i understand his motives and indeed all of that training was because she's important to him. he's the dad grisha wanted to be lmao.Ā 
do you have favourite ships btw? šŸ˜Š
agreed. a piece of my soul dies during episode 55 every time. erwin should have been the one to get the injection and i will die mad about it.
i honestly don't have a problem if people dislike Annie. i'm kinda like: good stay away from her. she was the first anime girl that i really got attached to so she's got a special place in my heart. she's definitely in the wrong for all the shit she did but i also think that she knows that, and she knows she can't change the past either. that's part of why i think she'd have a pretty substantial breakdown after all the fighting. she's never been in a place where she can truly reflect on and process what happened to her - and crystal jail doesn't count because it effectively put her in solitary confinement and that's just as psychologically stressful as being used as a human weapon. i also don't think any of them LIKE to kill people, they're so brainwashed that they see it as doing what they HAVE to do to be safe *but i pointedly glare at Zeke who is on thin fucking ice*
yeah it was pretty rough, but it also means that ive analyzed literally every plot point, every interaction that ever happened. there wasn't really anything else to do. i definitely recommend paying attention to small details during your rewatches, everything makes so much more sense once things have been revealed (some still don't though unfortunately). it's fun that you're getting into anime! there's a whole world out there to get into and attack on titan is a pretty good starter. a little intense maybe šŸ’€
the boat scene bothers me a lot, ive talked about it before on here. i genuinely don't understand why people see it as a "confession" or in a romantic context at all really, when he's literally brushing her off the whole time and thinking about eren. they really aren't canon in any significant way, not compared to the other canon ships. and it's pretty hilarious how defensive and shrill the shippers will get if you point them out.
oh shit, no no no. that is NOT why i like annie's dad, not even a little bit. im a little worried that's the impression i've been giving off now so i might make a post about him later? the way he treated annie when she was a kid was definitely abuse no matter how you look at it. the fact that he adopted her for the sole purpose of using her to gain status? fucking evil. i had an abusive father myself and i know what you mean about projecting. until her backstory was revealed i hated him with everything in me, but she cares about him so much and wants to be with him again so much that in my opinion anybody that excludes her father from her narrative is in denial. she has a good relationship with him whether anybody likes it or not. i get the impression that now he has a second chance he would do absolutely anything for her to make sure that he does right by her this time. i see him as being pretty haunted by the things he's done to her but he also thinks he deserves to feel like shit so he keeps his mouth shut, it's the least he can do for her after how he made her feel/what she had to do.
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angeltiddies Ā· 4 years
hihi!! may I request these from the destiel asks: #2, 4, 11, & 13 pls? also I hope u received my ask for ur url celebration & tumblr didn't eat it as it usu does for mešŸ™ˆ anywho thank u!šŸ’œ
HI YES I RECEIVED YTOUR SUPER CUTE PROMPT ! im working on it, i have an idea, i just need to do some research (ie. go to work tomorrow and write from experience lmao) ill post the ficlet under your ask, so youā€™ll get a notif!Ā 
also thanks for the ask! ily for interacting ahaha youā€™re the best.Ā 
questions from thisĀ 
2. What is your favourite Destiel moment?
honestly, iā€™ve answered this before I think (classic moments, s8, s12, s13 esp), but right now iā€™m being emotional and iā€™m so attached to s15. honestly, the whole 15x01 thru 15x13 run of destiel angst and love and softness and pain has been so amazing. like, the way they are treating it is with a certain importance that makes me so happy (also im a sucker for angst). I think out of those moments though is cas leaving and deanā€™s fucking face :(((,Ā  the phone call between dean and cas where they were so obviously concealing deeper feelings, theĀ ā€œhere let meā€ that shows, despite the turmoil they still care abt each other so much they canā€™t avoid their rebelious fates to be put together, and last, deans purgatory prayer. i still canā€™t believe dean was so emotionally vulnerable and he deserves kudos for being so brave and for admitting his fears and his struggles to someone he loves.Ā 
4. Who are your favourite Destiel fan artists?
i think ive answered this long ago, but i think iā€™ll just tag a buncha people and if they are repeats, KUDOSĀ 
@wigglebox @c-kaeru @winchester-reload @ah-syddlesticks @skeletonsinzeeclost @lizleeshipsĀ 
ALSO a million insta artists who idk if they have tumblrs, but feel free to check my following list on my insta for some of my faves!Ā 
11. Do you think itā€™ll ever go textually canon?
to me, it genuinely already is, the pining, the words, the actions, they are all there. however, for it to goĀ ā€œcanonā€ like general public not looking at it so analyticallyā€¦.genuinely yes. i always get nervous saying that though, i fucked up years ago with thinking the same abt johnlock, but knowing this is the final seasonā€¦.i justā€¦have a gut feeling itā€™s going to happenā€¦ i think it might happen in a tragic wayā€¦but even if that happened, at least they had eachother for the time they did. (this reply made me tear up, im not coping w the end, clearly)Ā 
13. What is your ideal way for Destiel to go canon?
would accept any of the following:
a kiss :(Ā 
a hand hold
an acknowledge of their actual feelingsĀ 
an ā€œi love youā€ from deanĀ 
an explicitly romanticĀ ā€œi love youā€ from either side.Ā 
also because of my answer to 11 i canā€™t stop imagining dean or cas dying and the other one breaking down to sayĀ ā€œi loved him. i couldnā€™t help it. i loved himā€ and the other half hearing from whatever beyond they are in and saying it softly back likeĀ ā€œi loved you too. i still love you.ā€
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avidbeader Ā· 6 years
since like around s3 or s4 a bunch of fans have been like "im scared bcus romelle might show up & make shiro or keith b straight :'(" and "u kno the hets are gunna do it" and it was really annoying and stupid. particularly since that seemed to be half of all discussions about romelle, either hoping for her to show up and affirm either shiro or keith's straightness thereby preventing sheith, or desperately fearing the possibility. what she would mean outside of shipping didn't matter to them.
Okay, I do remember some of that nonsense. Thank you, Anon!
Itā€™s crazy how some people are so wrapped up in shipping above all else that they forget how good storytelling works. IF Romelle had been introduced back in S3-4, then there would have been a stronger chance for her to be romantically linked with one of the main characters and have it serve that main characterā€™s arc. But from the get-go, JDS and LM have made it clear that romance in ā€œVoltronā€ is a tool to enhance character development, not a focus of the showā€™s action. Thatā€™s a reason Lotura became a thing - Lotor was introduced early enough and developed slowly enough for us to think, ā€œYeah, maybe.ā€
Thatā€™s why ships like Sheith and Allurance feel so strong - theyā€™ve been slowly growing in the background, through character interaction, since Season 1 until suddenly weā€™re at a point where Keith risked everything to get Shiro back even though all signs pointed to Shiro betraying the team; until we have Allura looking at Lance as a trusted friend instead of an annoyance and Lance mature enough to admit that what he feels for Allura is a new and scary experience. Compare that to Hunk and Shay, which started cute and was allowed to fade out with almost no screen time. Lance and Keith, who finally started being able to function as teammates and then they have zero interaction for seasons at a time. Or even Hunk and Pidge - we suddenly started getting shout-outs in S4-5 and that felt obvious and fan-service-y even though the story was locked in years ago before there were any fans to service.
At this point weā€™re about to see the seventh of eight seasons, the last third of the story. I really donā€™t think any new characters we see will become romantic partners to any of our core cast - itā€™s too late to develop that properly. And that includes Adam - yes, he was linked to Shiro romantically IN THEIR PAST. The S7E01 scene made it clear that he and Shiro are no longer together and Lauren Montgomery stated several times post-screening that while it was a strong relationship, Shiro and Adam are over and not reuniting. And that makes sense story-wise; whether that flashback happened back in S2 as originally planned or now, the introduction of Adam was meant to be contrasted with Keithā€™s actions and how Keith is the better person to be Shiroā€™s partner.
Hm, that turned into an essay. Thank you again, anon; didnā€™t mean to soapbox all over everything.
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fishys-hub-of-himbos Ā· 2 years
So I made a roleplay blog for all my potential roleplays on this site. Listen Broski's, I'm just gonna slap some basic rules and general roleplay information about me for potential partners to make good matches. I make tons of OCS and have absolutely no life.
About Fishys roleplay experience:
I started roleplaying online about 6-7 years ago, on amino. And it wasn't pretty. Now at 18 I consider myself a pretty decent Roleplayer. I'm no novelist in the slightest, but I am able to get fairly wordy. I'd like to improve my ability to roleplay by practicing with others of different literacies.
Many of my role-plays take place in some form of fantasy setting and they tend to get romantic. I just really like writing cute romantic scenarios. I'm an avid character shipper(not in the toxic way or anything) so I'm always open to discuss different characters and character duos.
Fishy's Roleplay Rules:
I am an LGBT man, if that is a problem to you don't interact with me.
Don't ship shame unless the ship is obviously in some way harmful to anyone
Don't force my characters into actions. I really want to be in control of my characters in each scenario. If I feel like my character was forced into something, I'm really not going to want to rp.
If you're coming to me with a roleplay request, please have a bit of an idea of what you're looking for in the roleplay. Im always willing to help with plot creation for a roleplay but ya gotta meet me half way here.
A bunch of my characters swear like hell. I. Swear like hell. You don't have to, but don't tell me to tone down my language. I genuinely don't give a fuck to censor myself in front of strangers on the internet.
I go to school Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00 pm. I try to respond consistently but if I don't, please don't spam me. (i'm free for now, since it's summer)
In that same note, occasional. OCCASIONAL "in case you didn't get the notif or forgot" messages, are okay. Sometimes my phone sucks or I'll type something and instantly forget to send it. And I apologize in advance
Any style is welcome, though please don't hit me with one liners. I don't care how you separate your dialogue from your action sentences. Just PLEASE don't hit me with a one liner.
I'm fully okay with it getting totally intense and gorey. My only concern is that if there is sexual assault that may go on for the sake of plot, (AND I MEAN TRULY FOR THE SAKE OF PLOT NOT BECAUSE ITS WHAT YOUR CHARACTER WOULD DO) please give me a warning before the message or somewhere before it gets intense.
Try to keep the plot SA to a VERY minimum in that same note though.
Don't fandom shame, I'm in a bunch of fandoms, some you may not agree with. We can agree to disagree and still be cool.
Don't be racist. Like.. again if it's not for the sake of plot, just don't. I would prefer not to be called a slur
I have pretty shitty grammar and spelling sometimes. And I'm sorry. That being said though, don't correct me unless you genuinely cant understand. Kinda douchey
18+ is allowed. However, keep in mind I am in a committed relationship and nothing in the roleplays is real for Fishy. I'm not here to get your rocks off, I'm here to create world's. And sex is a part of worlds in all aspects.
What you will see on this page:
Original character information
Characters based in fandom universes
Characters based on mythology
Roleplay plots that I have been thinking about
Character art that I made from either Picrew, or drew myself
Probably some fandom art reblogs
Ship lists for fandoms I'm in
Aight I think I got the important shit down. Message me to roleplay if you wanna.
~Fishy out~
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