#i didnt intend this as romantic but you know how it is
venic-of-paper · 4 months
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Based on that one bojack meme.
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kings-highway · 3 months
some safe-for-work headcanons regarding how they might of gone about having sex for the first time for some of my favouritr haikyuu ships:
daisuga: look you know these bitches had it scheduled. not like a meticulous planned thing, but it was definitely something they knew was going to happen in advance. Like they talked about it, agreed they both wanted it, and then 3 weeks later Suga's parents go away for the weekend and they know like a solid week in advance that their "hang out" on Saturday evening is basically exclusively so they can have sex. They're very prepared. This also probably makes that week of training super annoying for the team bc they cant figure out why their captains are being SO overly giggly like you are seventeen/eighteen year old men wtf is going on.
iwaoi: i've always thought they were probably way more nervous than any of their friends assumed and definitely did not have sex as early as people thought. like mattsun and makki both constantly tease them in a way that insinuates they're actively having sex but they probably didnt actually do it until like... the last few months of high school. They were both just nervous! Iwa was very afraid of rushing things and doing it "wrong," and Oikawa wasnt even sure what doing it "right" would be so they had like 6 false-starts before they actually managed it.
ushiten: dorm living is not condusive to intimacy so when for the first time in like 8 months since they started dating that they have a confirmed evening with a locked dorm alone they end up making out for just a crazy amount of time. Tendou is too nervous to actually move anything forward because he's too anxious over the possibility of rejection but he keeps making these weird half-insinuations like "haha I cant believe nobody's going to be back for another four hours... we could do anything and get away with it... isnt that so funny... like nobody would know if we were making out or having sex or just reading a book... haha... isnt that crazy... me and you..." and he's all weird and twitchy about it until Ushijima tells him he doesn't think the idea of them having sex is crazy at all and then it is on immediately.
kuroken: highkey, kuroo probably lays out like a whole romantic, corny ass evening with candles and rose petals and is prepared to have a whole long conversation about being "ready" and Kenma just sort of rolls his eyes and is like "have you finished talking? this is Too Much. I need you to understand this is Too Much. Oh my god I love you but WOW." (it works anyway and Kenma is sufficient wooed).
tsukkiyama: this one might be a little out there but I genuinely think they're the most likely to have it happen by accident, or in a spontaneous moment of opportunity. Like they both intend to just take advantage of the empty house with only a bit of making out and then suddenly they're losing their clothes and it's like "we'll have a conversation about it tomorrow, im sure."
kagehina: okay this one is more stupid but I imagine after they've been dating a while Hinata is like "you know what, im ready to take the next step" but Kageyama cannot read ppl so Hinata's somewhat obvious attempts at seduction go entirely over his head, and Hinata is getting increasingly frustrated and dramatic and trying really really hard to get Kageyama to realize what he wants and it ends up causing a fight between them because Kageyama thinks Hinata is being weird and Hinata thinks Kageyama is being intentionally distant and eventually Kageyama blows up and is like "Oh my god if you want to break up or something just say so!!!" and Hinata is like "Oh my GOD I dont want to break up with you I want to have sex with you!!!" and of course that shuts everyone up and unfortunately Yachi is probably also there and wants to die.
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rubylovessharks · 9 months
floyd leech x fem reader x jade leech smut warning: this has some yandere details and this is smut. kinda dark (?) reader is fine with it though. this didnt start with an established romantic relationship with the twins but did end with one. from my (very short) research i have found some stuff about how moray eels get to the point of mating, which is to have enough food, for the water temperature to be warm and if i remember correctly the ok sign for them to mate is their mouth being open (?) so ive been thinking of this scenario for the past few days. this was longer then intended :(
You were in the Monstruo Lounge with your friends after you all finished all of your tests for this semester, you all wanted to celebrate together. So here you are talking and waiting for your orders but you feel eyes on you. I mean it makes sense because you are in a dorm full of scheming guys, so you can never tell what any of them is thinking. Yet the unnerving feeling of being watched doesn't seem to end. Little did you know that a set of twins were looking your way from not too far preparing you and your friends order.
"Ughh I just don't get why shrimpy hangs out with those guys! Like are they better then us? no!" The taller of the two pouts his face as he talks with his twin. "Now now Floyd, there's no need to worry. I know she prefers us a lot more then her..." he pauses for a moment there as to find a better word then the one he is thinking, "friends." his signature smile on his face as he finishes making your food. "how about you help me get these orders to the customers and then we'll call our lovely pearl for a little..talk?" "ohhh~ that sounds sooo much more fun then handing out orders!"
And here was your food. Delivered by the Leech twins. Their smiles uncanny yet charming, you think to yourself. It really was true that you like them over your friends. Your fantasies just as twisted as theirs, you wouldn't even mind if your food was spiked just so they could take you down into the depth of the sea.
"I hope you all enjoy your food and drinks." Jade says with a smile. His head then turns to you, "i hope you won't mind if he had a chat after you finish your dish? Me and Floyd had something we wanted to talk to you about." It wasn't everyday you were called to a one on two chat with your crushes, you nod a bit to fast with a smile that was too wide. "We hope you enjoy your meal! We worked reaaal hard on it, we even got you extra!" Floyd says as he waves to you while he and his brother walk away.
You finish your food quickly as you were excited for your interaction with the twins. You bid your friends farewell and walk to the Monstruo Lounge bar table to find the twins, instead you are greeted by Floyd. "You actually came! Saves me work. C'mon Jade is waiting in our room!" He tells you, seeing your confused look he adds, "what you didn't think we wanted to talk here. With all of those hungry eyes on you."
as you walk over to their room Floyd takes your hand roughly, squeezing it. He is also tagging you a bit but other then the rough treatment nothing really happens on your way to their room. Although you seem to notice that Floyd's eyes are on you and not the way ahead. Once you get Infront of their door Floyd slams it open, not enough to break it but you are sure they'll need to fix it later...
In the room Jade is standing there with a bunch of different stuff mostly food and bottles of water, and there's even more on their tables. "I brought them!" Floyd takes you as if showing his brother a prize he won, big smile on his face. "Floyd i am sure you are leaving a ton of bruises on them...You should let them go a little." Jade says as he finishes putting all the stuff he had in his hands on the table and turns back to the both of you. "oh come onn.. We are gonna leave marks on them anywaysss! Why not start now.." Your face turns to one of confusion after what Floyd said, what did he mean by 'we are gonna leave marks anyways'...?
"My Floyd you are scaring the poor thing." Jade gives Floyd his usual calm face. "Do not worry pearl, it won't hurt too much." he looks at you now, yet his words don't help you understand the situation any better. "I do hope you ate all of the food we gave you. We would be very upset if you didn't." He gives you a hurt face "yeaah we worked so much just to keep you from bein' hungry in our lil' session~" now you are even more confused.. "Oya? It seems she doesn't know what we are talking about. My did you not tell her brother?" "huhhh? Was I supposed tooo.."
"Alright then, dearest I hope you noticed the temperature this season. Eels don't have an actual mating cycle. We get to mating when the water temperatures are warm, that there's enough food to eat and we have all of these conditions." Now you get it...All that extra food, that talk about marks.. All of it was their natural instincts. Wait- what does that mean that they took you for that?!
"ahha! Red fits you well shrimpy~!" "It seems our little prey has understood their situation." You weren't actually listening, still trying figure out how you got both of your crushes to pick you as their mate you don't even notice as Floyd pushes you over to his brother who pushes you on the bed. "Do not worry pearl, we will take good care of you." Jade smiles at you as he starts taking your uniform off. "Can't we just rip it though?? Like she won't need it anyways if she is gonna be staying here.." "my brother where are your manners."
You try to ask what is it that they mean by that and you immediately feel small after asking. They laugh at your question, your stupid, stupid question. "My shrimpy you are so silly!" Floyd gets closer as he says that, "you won't need to go outside when you are our mate. All you need to think about is being a good lil' wifey or us, yeah?" "Floyd's right dear. The outside is no place for you, with all of those hungry, hungry people just wanting even one bite out of you! You are a lot more safer here with us." they flash a smile at you, one that should be considered creepy yet you aren't afraid at all. Instead you give one smile of your own, maybe not as creepy and sadistic, yet still a smile that says a lot from how you feel about your situation.
"Oh what a cute smile you've got there shrimpy! I just wanna squeeze you to death!!" Floyd falls on top of your body as he says that and immediately starts to touch your squishy parts. You guess that he isn't a huge fan of your clothes as he starts to claw at them trying rid of them. "Oya oya Floyd no need to claw at her clothes." The shorter twin tries to calm his twin down yet to no avail as the taller one broke the fabric with his unkept nails, scratching a bit of your skin in the processes. Seeing as he already got to break down some of your uniform he continues until he finishes destroying the piece of clothing off your body, leaving you naked and easy for the taking.
"See! I told you it'll be better if we just cut her clothes to pieces!" Floyd tells his brother, big smile on his face. His brother looks at you before answering Floyd, "my, I guess you were correct." As you look at Jade Floyd gets to work on your body, his not so human tongue all over your neck and some of your chest, licking and licking until he puts his mouth on your body.
Sharp teeth nibling on your body threatening to draw blood, as he gets closer to your most sensitive spot and he bites it. And he bites it HARD. You let out a small scream as tears well up in your eyes and you immediately feel a set of fingers on the top of your head. "shhh. As I said before this doesn't hurt too much, please try to endure for us love." Jade pets your head trying to keep you from thinking too much about the pain. You try to keep yourself from making any more pained sounds as Floyd's mouth lets go of the spot, Jade shoos Floyd to let him comfort you further as he licks the wound.
"Hey hey shrimpy now even if someone sees you they'll know who you belong to! Ain't that funn~?" You nod at him as your hand reaches to Jade's head as he still licks your wound from Floyd. "YEAH!? Greatt!! I'm so happy to know we both agree this is for the best" his smile grows wider by the second. You suddenly feel a soft kiss being placed on another sensitive spot of yours, Jade loooks up at you from his spot before speaking. "Now I want to warn you before I mark you as well love, I promise to be gentle just bear with me, alright?" you nod at his words preparing yourself before the second assault, and as Jade promised his bite is indeed more gentle then Floyd's yet it still hurts a lot.
"Heyy shrimpy how 'bout you jerk me off as Jade continues to mark you up?" You look over to Floyd as he already has his pants off and his dick out. So now you have one hand that is clenched on Jade's hair and the other is jerking Floyd's cock. You take time to take in the details of his privates, a lot more girthy then long, it gets more red as it gets to the head it would probably hurt to take into your mouth. Yet you don't think you will be against it. The closer Floyd is to orgasam the louder his noises are.
You feel Jade stop what he was doing and his head's direction turns to Floyd. "Don't you want to have your first orgasam of the session inside of her Floyd?" "ugh get off my back I can paint both her outside and insides white. It doesn't matter!" Even though it is clear Jade doesn't approve of his twin's way of thinking, he can do nothing as Floyd releases his come over your stomach and chest.
"Heyy Jade think lil' shrimpy could take the both of us in the same time?" Floyd looks over to Jade with a sadistic smile, "my not with her dry her flods are!" your privates are in fact not dry at all, how wet do you even have to be to properly take them?! "Oh don't worry love. I'll make sure you can take us both as soon as I finish eating you out." "whatt? I was hoping I could eat her out first!" "you can take her mouth if you'd like. I'm sure it's just as fun."
Right when they finished arguing they both got into position. They lay you down on the bed so your head would stick out for Floyd to have easy access to your mouth, and for Jade to have an easy access to your privates. Jade's own mouth is skilled enough to please you to orgasm after a short while of just some licks and tongue fucking, while Floyd abused your mouth and throat already getting close to his second orgasm.
That's what your few next hours looked like. Sucking on Floyd's cock as he throat fucks you and as his balls slap against your face. Having Jade in between your legs fingering you, sucking on your clit and of course, tongue fucking you. You came so many times by now you have lost count! Of course Floyd isn't any different.. Stuffing and messing your throat, mouth and face with his sticky cum.
"Don't you think she is ready to finally take us both?"
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mayearies · 1 year
SPIDERMAN CLASSIC …. miles morales ⟡
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… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
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#MILESMORALES brooklyn’s one and only spiderman!
⟡ genre: fluff | warnings: platonic/romantic pov, implied aged up જ⁀➴ note!: first time actually using miles as a graphic wow also hype up my 1610 fics more damn
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the large metal doors shut behind you as the music became muffled. your makeup was nicely done, your dress beautiful, but not for the one it was intended to be seen by.
yup. you got stood up at prom.
he was this guy you liked, you considered a friend. and he stood you up. the grey message from your screen illuminated on your face as you leaned against the alleyway. you were disappointed, yeah. but nothing to cry about. the thing to cry about is how humiliating it was.
you left after a few drinks, you friends toning down your sadness. but it didn’t last long. you just wish-
well, this was a surprise. here laid infront of you was the infamous spiderman who saved your city every day. or spiderman 2, most people called him. the only thing different was he was wearing a suit with a bowtie and flowers. and it matched your dress. coincidence? also he was upside down. that’s normal.
“yeah! that’s me,” he rubbed the nape of his neck “sorry, is it weird to see me out of character like this?”
“more or less. why are you so dressed up?”
“long story short— i’m finding a prom date last minute.”
that was both true and a lie. the boy behind the mask was finding a prom date last minute, yeah, but it was purposeful in a way. you could have swore he was younger. he sounded like a freshman or sophomore to you.
“um.. yeah. that’s all im really in for. what are you doin’ out here? arent you cold?”
“a little. i got stood up tonight by my date. sucks, huh?”
he nodded like he didn’t know. you didnt hear it from me, but, that was no mistake. he webbed the guy to a nearby alleyway a few blocks down. apparently he had been that pickpocket going around all throughout this week.
a win is a win in miles’ eyes.
“…would you like to be my date? you can say no of course i was just asking-!”
“that.. would be nice. amazing, actually.”
his lenses went wide, taking up most of his mask which was pretty cute. underneath, he could feel his face warming up. and not because he was upside down.
“yeah! then i can brag to my friends how i went to prom with spiderman or something, it would be fun.”
“.. would you go with me if you knew who was under this mask?”
“mmm. depends. you seem sweet. my parents say you’re a jerk. you know, that week that rhino destroyed my dad’s car and blamed you? i saw the whole thing so i thought different.”
his face was heating up more, definately not because he wasn’t right side up.
truth was, miles may have been stalking you for a while. he liked you a lot but was too shy to directly confront you, so he watched from the sidelines. found out everything you liked. everything you loved. he just wishes he was a part of that list.
“also, you sound familiar. have we met?”
“what? nonononono- i’ve never seen you in my life!”
“uh huh.”
you did wonder who was underneath, now. you never suspected it would have been someone you knew, but the drastic change in tone once he dropped the fake deep voice made you wonder.
you wanted to pull his mask above his eyes to see if you did know him, but he waved his hands at the point where it reached over his nose. he seemed like a really shy guy, despite him being the hero of brooklyn.
you hummed in contentless, “well, my friends might hear an earful from me about this encounter. and how i’m going to be dancing with the savior of new york. so thanks for that, spidey.”
you gave him a small kiss on the cheek and he froze, fully expecting a kiss on the lips. peter told him about this whole ‘spiderman kiss’ thing and he wanted to try it. its how he won over mj, after all.
even if it didn’t turn out the way he hoped.
“didnt expect that?”
“absolutely not!”
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afterwards notes: rewrote this twice also hype this up wtf
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©hiimayee loves you !
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paintbrushnebula · 4 months
Just now realized that we're gonna get to see what Gwen intentionally *trying* to flirt looks like
bc like the few times when she said really sentimental things to Miles in ATSV weren't her intending to be romantic. Like the part where she said "What I always think: You're Amazing" was the most affectionate thing she's said to Miles so far, but that was her being unusually candid out of the heavy emotion she was feeling at that moment, not genuine flirting (at least not to her).
But if she's gonna be trying to make up with Miles and maybe doing some mmhmmhmm rizzing...
And I just think that will be Very Funny to watch.
Because you see the thing with Gwen is that she's not used to being open and vulnerable, so she isn't used to just saying how she feels about someone. I think that's why her love language is physical touch.
This is probably totally me projecting, but I always interpreted that physical touch is Gwen's default way of showing affection because expressing affection with words is much more difficult for her to do. It's like her way of expressing love where words fail her. It's kinda all she thinks she's capable of giving.
(Anyone who knows me knows I'm rather touchy too. With my siblings, parents, family, etc. It's always kisses, hugs, gentle arm squeezes, all that. So I relate to this aspect of Gwen's character a lot)
But obviously, physical affection isn't enough anymore. It's cute and highly appreciated, but it won't reveal everything that lies in the heart, or explain what she believes. It's pretty clear by the end of atsv that Miles will need some words from her. Some good words.
Now what's funny to me about Gwen's rizzing potential is that we've seen what it looks like when Gwen is trying to impress someone without knowing how good her chances are. She tried to make a good impression with Miles' parents, but got really awkward and cringed at herself after every attempt at banter or friendly conversation. This was different from how she interacts with the people at the Spider Society because superheroing is her element. It's something she knows she's good at, so there's no self doubt. But Gwen's a fish out of water in domestic situations. I mean, think about the scene where Gwen invites Miles for a swing around New York. The scene that follows very clearly resembles a date, despite the fact that it's not what Gwen meant when she called him out of his window. I think that Gwen had thought about how this could've looked like she was asking him out, then proceeding to shut down any thoughts like that, denying herself that they were on a date, despite that that might've been where her mind had been. Sidebar, I headcanon that during that scene, Miles did allow himself to pretend they were on a date. But anyway, this moment still has Gwen in her element because she's calling him out to swing around the city as spider-woman. It's certainly not the same as asking to casually hang out in civilian clothes to grab a bite or whatever, which would've been much more domestic, which would've been much more difficult for Gwen to attempt at. Gwen knows what the odds are when she's Spider-Woman, but she doesn't know the odds when she's Gwen Stacy.
Gwen not knowing the odds of something working out is what actively keeps her down throughout ATSV before she returns home. She acted with pessimism, and if the chances weren't high, she didnt want to commit herself to trying something that might not work out in the end--a similar outlook I had and still kinda do have, albeit toward my creative endeavors, not romantic relationships (I don't really have experience in that arena tbh)
But now after ATSV she's throwing caution to the wind with Miles, she's gonna face the music and use words this time. And some of those words, might be romantic! Gwen is gonna have a lot to say to Miles, there's so much she'll want to express to him--has been wanting to express to him for 2 years now! A lot of gushy mushy sweet stuff perhaps! Perhaps some rizzy words, yknow? And knowing Gwen, they're probably gonna have a hard time coming out the way she'd like! And it'll probably be very funny!
for us anyway
Ahh, the mythic struggle beauty of being an introvert.
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selfishmachinez · 7 months
this request was inspired by someone else who wrote it with Adam but idk I can’t find the post I think they may have deleted it or smthn😔
anyway- reader x Lucifer , Adam, and mammon (romantic, seperately) who plays that “best brother ever ” prank on them in public? i just think it’s really funny😭 if you don’t know what I’m talking about this is what I mean: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLevxYyu/
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notes: STOPP I SAW THIS ITS SO FUNNY😭 this trend kills me everytime omg
also hours after posting this i realised it was flopping cause i didnt add any tags someone bury me😔
warnings: adam and mammon being themselves (assholes😇); mammon being a bitch (kinda nsfw for him? idk you'll be the judge of that); not proofread
word count: 339
Lucifer 🍎 —
okay so for all 3 lets say your relationship isnt out to the public yet, but people just kinda figured it out already
poor baby was so clueless😭
i dont think hes very up to date with pranks/trends/all that
"well youre not an angel NOT LIKE THAT youre TECHNICALLY not an angel so we cant really be,, siblings,, BUT im glad you think of me like that i just thought we had more going on???"
if you keep the prank going he'll gen be hurt
you had to sit down and explain the joke to him
all you got out of him was a nervous chuckle and a "oooohhhhhhh..."
give my man some time ok hes old as hell (pun intended) 🧍‍♀️
Adam 🪽 —
first of all how DARE you
hes usually the one pulling the pranks on you
bro was flabbergasted 😭
he gives you that stare he gave lucifer after he said "and now i am going to FUCK you >:)"
second of all he kissed you back ok but when you said THAT???
"dont say that, you crazy bitch."
"i love you big bro, cmon."
he pushed you after that one ok🥰
after you tell him you were jk he was like "fuck was that for??? you wanna ruin MY reputation???? do you know who i am" bla bla bla
hes not gen mad just a little pissed at best
Mammon 🃏 —
"youre the best big bro ever!"
his reaction is fairly close to adam's imo
except hes not mad and actually plays along
"you into that stupid ass roleplay thingy now, eh?"
shit got heated for a second😨
"is it now?"
had you genuinely panic
that horny bastard istg!!!!!!!
he saw the trend already so he knows youre just playing
the kiss kinda threw him off tbh, he didnt want your relationship being public yet (cause he outed asmodeus and fizz and didnt wanna be seen as a hypocrite etc)
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iiotic · 14 days
Neuvi with a reader who is working towards her degree so is studying alllllll the time and is superrrr busy and while he admires this abt her and admires how beautiful she looks while focusing, he worries for her physical and mental health and maybe just maybe also would like her attention 🤭 tehehehe
summary: in which, you, neuvillettes wife recently moved in with him, after some time neuvillette realized that you are overworking youself, working towards your degree, and is busy most of the time how'd he react?
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tw: overworking reader?? generally fluff, slightly suggestive at the end, lowercase intended, not proff read, fem reader | wc: 0.6k
thank you for the request!! neuvillette my beloved, hope you enjoy girlie. (not one of my proudest works i hate it omf)
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recently, you and neuvillette married, nothing too big mostly just formalities and a small wedding in the city of freedom, mondstadt away from prying eyes of strangers.
then you moved in together, the house wasn't too big yet enough for your comfort. after some time of living together you both learnt some of your habits, how neuvillette would check every morning and before going to sleep if theres any new letters from the melusines, how'd you always wake up at a ceratin hour, how'd neuvillette bring you flowers every week before going to work, leaving them on the kitchen cabinet, or on the bed with a little note attached to it, how'd you and him struggle with the same problem; overworking yourself.
neuvillette didn't realize it at first, you'd always study when he was working. however when he came back and saw you still studying, thinking that you just started or been studing for like an hour he admired your determination. you always looked so focused on your work, your eyes narrowing slightly with you biting your lower lip or your tongue sticking out slightly; beautiful. he found you absolutely mesmerising, even more in those moments.
you managed to find time for it even after cooking, keeping the house clean and coming back from your own work. he never understood why you needed to work, he was makinh enough money already but you insisted telling him that you needed it for your experience, and so he never really brought the subject again.
it all changed when he realized that the cycle repeated itself again, again, again and again. the first or two weeks that it happened he just thought that its the specific hour that you study at, but after that he started to get a little worried about you.
the day would be the same practically everyday; waking up, getting ready, kissing you goodbye, going to work, coming back from work, seeing you study, getting unready, going to sleep sometimes with you or without you in bed.
neuvillette was tired of it. he didn't understand emotions very well and yet he could sense that he missed your touch, your affection, he wanted more than just a kiss goodmorning and goodbye. call it selfish but at this point he couldn't care less. besides don't you know that is unhealthy for you? draining you mentally and physically.
what was his solution? try to get off work for you atleast once every week, which not always succeded as he still is and will be his busty self. (but can you blame him? the whole fontaine reliefs on him.) and take you out on a date, whether it would be taking you to a romantic expensive restaurant, taking you out on a picnic or simply baking or cooking with you at the comfort of your house.
yet it didnt solve everything, sure his "selfish" desires were fulfilled but it didn't sopve the problem of you overworking yourself. he didn't exactly know how to solve it as he struggled with it himself.
so what was the most reasonable thing to do? talk with you about it. he already thought that you were smart already, and dont need to study 24/7 just to get some deegree. the talk could go two ways either a. it would turn into a fight or b. the talk would go smoothly and you end up considering what the chief justice said.
however even though the situation would go in two different ways, it would end up the same way. things would be settled in bed, if you know what i mean. pheraps if the iudex would prove how much "fun" you're missing, you'd change your mind and study less valuing your mental and psychical health more.
at the end of the day you chose the right option, besides your deegree is coming soon, isnt it?
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© 2024 iiotic. — do not steal, translate or repost any of my content onto any other platform
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
How would Emily, Velvet, and Charlie react to their barely awake partner kissing them on the forehead and just fall asleep then and there?
Emily, Velvette, and Charlie getting sleepy forehead kisses from their partner
tweaking out, im only on my second post today and my hand is already cramping up hisshiss hiss i gotta lock in usually i dont start cramping until my 5th post notes: reader is gn, short post CWs: none
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very similar to charlie, shes into a lot of the cheesier cliché romantic stuff, and keeping up with similarities shes going to be laying in bed next to you happily turning over the interaction in her head
has a harder time keeping still afterwards, but she manages to not wake you up... she'd feel just awful if you she did end up waking you up! may cuddle up into you during the night until she falls asleep
will do something in return, whether it be waking you up with kisses or doing something else during the day... she doesnt view it as a transactional thing where she needs to give something in return... she just wants to return the energy!
intended to keep it to herself but she may blurt out what you did out of excitement while talking to you, she didnt mean to gush it just happened!
shes not all that into affection, much less surprise bursts of it
its not that she doesnt love you or doesnt like doing affection, she just likes knowing when its going to happen, you know?
the only thing saving you from a look is that youre instantly crashing down into the bed.... shes going to let this slide just this once
this is making it sound like shes genuinely mad at you, though, shes not and shes not going to doing anything in retaliation or return for the surprise display
at most she may bring it up casually and tease you for it, lightheartedly with little intent to make you feel ashamed... though does it count as revenge if she enjoys the flushed look on your face when its brought up?
shes going to want to smother you in kisses back or jump up in joy, ive mentioned before that she loves this sort of thing-
but youre so obviously tired and falling asleep
and she doesnt want to deprive you of sleep when you so obviously need it... so shes going to be sitting quietly thinking about it for a while until she herself falls asleep
not without giving you a kiss as well, even though youre more than knocked out by then
she makes a mental note to "get back at you" by waking you up with kisses in the morning
she gives off theatre kid vibes, shes going to love cheesy cute stuff like this... very easy way to get her in a good mood!
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i-heart-hxh · 6 months
Hi so i was thinking,is it really a shinju is gon didnt consent to it? U need two people for it to be a shinju, and i have a feeling killua was half joking when he said he wouldnt commit shinju w gon, because he wanted it but gon didnt,its not a shinju if both didnt consent to it, and therefore does it mean it has no implications?
Hi! It's true that if Gon wasn't aware of it, it wouldn't be a shinjuu (lovers suicide). However, it's possible Killua planned to propose this to Gon at the last minute if it became clear they weren't (or Gon wasn't) going to survive, but he was keeping that possibility as a last resort.
I also think Killua was framing it in this way as a form of comforting himself. If they couldn't be together in this lifetime, he was hoping maybe they could be together in the afterlife/next life. And I'm sure he couldn't stand the thought of Gon dying without him, so this was the best Plan B he could think of if all else failed. I bet the thought of whether Gon would even agree to it if it came down to it weighed on him heavily, with his concerns about whether Gon even saw him as a teammate or a friend at the time, but it's not like he had another possibility to fall back on in that case--he just desperately wanted to be with Gon no matter what it took, even to the point being willing to die with him rather than live in a world without him.
Regardless of Gon's probable lack of awareness that Killua was thinking this way, I think it's very, very telling of the nature of Killua's feelings that he framed the potential for them both dying in this way rather than describing it any other way.
On a more meta level, it's also very, very telling that Togashi chose to have Killua use this word, because he certainly knows what the implications of it are. It would have been easy to phrase it differently (like the English translations did...) if he didn't intend for it to have the romantic implications that it does, and, as usual, when you consider how much romantic subtext already exists between Gon and Killua, there's definitely no way he unknowingly chose this word.
So, Gon's probable lack of awareness doesn't remove any of the implications, really.
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lazarusrisingx · 22 days
Alright so this’ll be my first official one shot for this account yippee!! Im starting off with something fluffy cause ya boi hasn’t written fan fics in quite a while (yes i was a fan fic writer before but i wanted to start over cause i abandoned that account tee hee)
summary: A fluffy one shot where sylus teaches you to ride his motorcycle and you..kinda fail at it
also for one shots i think im gonna use MC instead of Y/n as the name? if yall want me to change it for the next one just lmk.
this story also diverges from the actual lore of LADS, its mentioned theyve already had some past ‘romantic’ moments tee hee.
triggers: mentions of scrapes and blood, no serious injuries, motorcycle incident without helmet, uhhhh there isnt really anything triggering so yeah! just pure fluff and scared sylus
might be a bit ooc sylus but im tryna stay true him, also excuse my bad spelling im gonna autocorrect everything but im writing on my phone so don’t judge.
okay lets get it peoples!!
It was a relatively nice day in the N109 zone. Crime seemed to hold itself for the crisp cool weather that decided to roll in over night. The sky was less murky grey than usual and a few patches of blue peeked through fluffy white clouds. The sun was near setting as MC and a certain silver haired man sat in his office.
“..you want to what?” Sylus asked, not looking away from a manila folder in his hands.
“I want you to show me to ride your motorcycle.” MC repeated.
The tick of the grandfather clock was the only sound that could be heard for a few moments. MC felt for a moment she might want to take back her recquest, but Sylus silently set down the folder he held and leaned back in his chair with a sigh.
He rubbed his eyes, and folded his arms, studying the girl without expression.
“If you do-“
“Your telling me the great wanderer huntress doesnt know how to ride a simple motorcycle?” Sylus interrupted. the edge of his lip quirked up in a slight smirk.
MC narrowed her eyes at him.
“Its not in the training for us to be taught to ride or drive.”
Sylus tilted his head, before speaking again.
“You mean you dont even know how to drive?” It sounded as if he was holding back a laugh.
“Will you teach me to ride or not! I can hire an instructor if you wont.” MC said, purposefully dodging the question of her driving skills.
She had thought about asking Sylus before, but lately the two of them hadnt had a single afternoon to do anything besides… questionably legal missions. It was so nice out that she thought itd be a shame to spend it in this dark and dreary office.
Sylus stood up without a word, dragging his coat off his chair and picking up the manila folder. He punched a code into one of his many safes and placed it inside for safe keeping, and went for the door.
“Are you coming? Or should i roll out a red carpet for you sweetie?”
MC stood up quickly, a smile sliding across her face as she followed him out of the room.
The two walked down the hall of his house quietly. She felt excited, and slightly nervous. Sylus didnt seem like the most compassionate teacher she couldve found. however spending money on an instructor was something she never intended to do in the first place.
Sylus glanced down at her as the two stopped by his room.
“you cant wear shorts, and I cant wear dress pants nor this shirt. Go get changed.” Sylus said as he opened the door.
MC gave him a questioning look as he opened the door for her, leaning against the wall waiting for her to enter.
“I dont have clothes here.” MC stated.
Sylus shook his head, his hand twitched and an invisible force pushed MC forward.
“I had the twins pick something up for you in case you needed to stay here for a while, itll be the third drawer from the bottom sweetie.”
the surprise on MC’s face mustve been obvious, because a quiet chuckle left Sylus.
“Dont look so surprised kitten, we work together enough that if you end up injured under my watch I’m not going to send you home to recover alone.”
“How do you even know my size in pants?” MC asked as she lifted out a pair of jeans. surprisingly they looked as if they would fit quite nicely.
Sylus leaned over her, his chest brushing over MC’s back. He was much warmer than she thought he might be, and the contact sent a slight spark of electric through her. He opened the top drawer of the dresser and produced a pair of black pants and a nice fitted black shirt for himself. MC glanced up to find Sylus peering down at her with a curious expression. Was that a smile she saw? If only for a split second. Sylus lingered against her for a few moments, pretending to look for soemthing else before taking a step back.
“I told them to look in the kids section.” He said.
MC turned to scold him, and found him unbuttoning his dress shirt, his silver hair dangled in front of his eyes as he looked down, the shirt parting just enough to expose a strong muscular chest, before MC promptly turned around her face turning bright red.
“Ill find a bathroom.” She said quietly.
“Straight ahead sweetie.”
She made a bee-line towards it, not looking back to see how Sylus’s eyes followed her, or the smirk on his face as he pulled his shirt off.
MC shut the door behind her, heart pounding in her ears. It was an odd reaction since she had seen him shirtless before. although it was different because this was unexpected.
She wiped the image from her mind and quickly got changed. Sadly, the pants fit her perfectly. MC was truly curious as to how Sylus or the twins figured out her size but it wasnt something she was ready to look into.
MC walked out from the bathroom, Sylus was dressed in all black his shirt was tight enough to show the outline of his abs, and make his arms look incredibly huge.
Sylus was finishing a message to someone on his phone. He glanced up at MC once before he finished the message.
“letting the twins know we will be out for a bit. I expect youd like to go to dinner after we are finished?” Sylus asked.
“mmm sure, I saw a hot po-“
“im picking where we eat. I dont feel like going to linkon tonight.” Sylus interrupted
He stood up and opened the door for the two, motioning for MC to walk out before him. She obliged, and the two walked in silence to his garage. Sitting in a parking spot was his usual black and red bike. The paint shiny from being newly washed, not a speck of rust nor dust decorated the expensive equipment.
“do you atleast know the basics of controls?” Sylus asked.
“theres the clutch, throttle and break. i know that much.” MC responded.
Sylus nodded, he pulled the kickstand up on the bike and began to slowly walk it towards the exit.
“Mine has some.. enhancements, so youll have to go easy on the gas. turning is fairly self explanatory. but as i said before take it very gentle. I dont want a scratch on this bike.”
MC nodded and followed behind him. She was getting nervous now, but she knew Sylus had a decent driveway that she would be able to drive around, that way she could avoid any extra cars or pedestrians. the few times she had driven a car, she had done fairly well, although went a little slower than the speed limit… by ten miles.
If anything, her only worry was annoying sylus with how careful she was!
The two walked out of the small garage and into the cool outside. wind rustled the small trees and birds chirped quietly around them.
“Get on here.”
Sylus held out his hand as he kept the bike steady. MC carefully got into the drivers seat and set her feet on the rests.
“put a foot on the ground so the bike can tilt when i let go.” Sylus said
“like this?”
MC put one foot on the ground, and Sylus let its weight rest on her. It was heavier than expected but nothing she couldnt handle. He took a step back and folded his arms.
“Turn the keys in the ignition, let it roll forward a bit so you know how itll feel.”
MC fumbled with the key for a moment and the engine roared to life. She smiled proudly, and looked to Sylus who was to focused on watching her slowly roll forward.
“Turn the gas a bit, and ride to the edge there, you dont need-“
MC thought she had pressed the gas lightly. she really did. Instead, the bike shot forward across the driveway, pointed not towards the grass, but the exit to the driveway. A scream escaped her as she pulled her foot onto the rests.
The wind ripples through her hair as she sped towards the entrance to the street, the handles wobbled in her hands, and within a second she was flung from the bike.
Metal screeched awfully on concrete as the bike was sent skidding towards her. Her body tumbled over the driveway, the rip of jeans and the feel of gravel driving into her arms didnt feel like much as she watched the bikes path heading straight for her.
MC threw up her hands, curling up expecting to be hit by the skidding motorcycle, but the impact never came.
The sound of heavy footsteps and muffled yelling made her open her eyes. Her vision was blurred, and her ears rang slightly. In front of her was a barrier of black and red smoke, instead of hitting her, the bike had been stopped not a second to soon.
“MC! For fucks sake!” Sylus yelled.
MC began to shake a bit, not from the pain in her arms and legs, nor the throbbing headache from hitting her head. She scrambled to her hands and knees. Sylus was running towards her, an unfamiliar expression on his face. His crimson eyes glowed brightly from using his evol.
“Sylus i-i didnt think itd be so sensitive!”
the barrier dissipated and MCs heart lept into her throat. the bikes previously shiny paint was nearly fully scraped clean, the seat had a few tears in it, the handles previously rubber grip was now worn down to the metal on one side. there was a bend in the rim of one of the wheels.
Tears filled MCs eyes as a mix of anxiety and fear pierced her heart. His bike was ruined! the one thing he had told her not to do was crash this, and less than a minute on it she had!
MC’s hands brushed over the ruined paint job, she barely noticed the blood dripping from her arm or down her hands, nor the pain of dirt being gritted into her badly scraped knees.
“What are you doing, what are you doing?” Sylus asked.
he had dropped to his knees beside her, grabbing a firm hold of both arms, that same unrecognizable expression written all over his face. his grip was firm, but MC didnt look away from the bike.
“Your bike! Sylus is swear i didnt mean to do that! I was gentle l-like you said I didnt think-“
“the bike? the fuck are you on about sweetie look at you!”
His voice was harsh and demanding. his eyes were still glowing crimson as MC finally looked at him. She was trembling badly. finally she noticed the blood now coating his hand and her arm. her lip was also split down the middle, and a cut on her cheek.
“I-ill pay for the bike Sy-“
“the bike? you think i give a fuck about the bike i have ten more just like it.”
He dragged the two of them to their feet.
“but you said-“
“your hurt.” Sylus said plainly.
His eyes scanned her wounds as if he was looking for something.
“Its nothing-“
“we are going back in.” Sylus stated.
in one swift motion he lifted MC off her feet, carrying her like a princess. MC was speechless as he stepped over the bike, walking quickly to get the two of them back into the house.
“You dont care about the bike?” MC asked.
Sylus glanced down at her.
“Why the fuck would i care about a damn object right now.”
MC paused for a moment, she stared up at his face, now noticing a thin layer of sweat over his forehead, his eyes darting back and forth and he looked… pale. was he scared? panicked?
the last thing MC expected from him was concern over a few scrapes and bruises. Well, maybe they werent scrapes. with each step her adrenaline wore off, and throbbing pain came over her entire body.
Sylus brought the two of them to his room, slamming the door open. The twins stood there together, talking back and forth.
“Boss- wait is she-“
“get out.” Sylus said gruffly.
“Boss are you alright? you look-“
“I told you both to get!” Sylus yelled.
The twins looked at the both of them for a moment, before scurrying out of the room.
“They could patch me up sylus you dont have to do this.” MC said quietly. he ignored her as he gingerly set her on the plush comforter.
“sylus the blood, i cant ruin more of your things.”
“why do you think i care about ‘things’ MC. sit down and wait for me. if you can get into your shorts put those on or im taking your jeans off myself.” Sylus said.
MC watched him enter the bathroom and rummage around. She didnt know what to think. of course her first thought was that he would be more concerned for his bike, he had seen her get hurt by wanderers before and hadnt seemed so… upset by it.
She found her shorts on the floor and slowly peeled the ripped jeans off herself and tugged on her shorts. her leg was definatley sore and bruises already began to blossom over her thigh. the concrete had rubbed away quite a bit of skin, blood dripped down her leg and onto the floor now.
without a word sylus came back in, his eyes had finally stopped glowing, and in his arms he held rolls of bandages antiseptics, tape, and cobain.
“i can do this myself Sylus.” MC said
“no.” Was all Sylus had to offer.
a wave of black and red smoke pushed MC back onto his bed. it wasnt as rough as usual, almost like a cushion pressing her into place.
Sylus knelt down in front of her. eyes narrowing as they scanned over her leg.
“shouldve been more careful.” Sylus mumbled.
“i know im sorry.” MC replied
“no, not you. I shouldve been more careful. that bike has enhancements on it, its to much for a beginner i didnt think about it.” He said.
MC grew quiet for a moment.
“well i wont die.” MC said, trying to lighten the mood.
Sylus didnt seem impressed. he hesitated his hands hovering over her leg before he grabbed a damp cloth and began wiping blood from her leg. His hands were calloused from boxing and fighting, but he was much gentler than MC expected.
“you wont die, but you still got hurt.” Sylus said after a moment.
he folded the cloth over itself and cleaned the edges of her wound. He gently brushed one of her scrapes, causing MC to grimace.
“sorry.” he mumbled quietly.
his free hand left the bed where it was planted, and gingerly took hold of hers.
“squeeze when it hurts, you wont harm me sweetie.” He said. His crimson eyes flicked to hers making a bolt of electric shoot through MC’s heart. she hesitated, before giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
sylus’ shoulders relaxed a bit after this. he picked up a new cloth, and doused it in antiseptic.
“it has lidocaine in it, but it might sting a bit.” Sylus said
Thankfully, he didnt try to clean the wound in sections. he paused for a moment and pressed the cloth firmly to her scrapes. MC grunted and squeezed his hand. When she looked back at him he was gently rubbing his thumb against the uninjured portion of her leg, looking at her with that oddly concerned expression.
“better?” he asked.
MC nodded her head letting out a breath. He lifted the cloth, now that the area was numb he was able to thoroughly clean the bits of dirt out. the process was repeated over the second patch of scrapes on her calf. Sylus slowly wrapped her leg in cobain and gauze, before sitting on the bed beside MC.
“are you alright sylus?” MC asked.
He had kept his usual snarky comments to himself the past few minutes and it was slightly worrying. Sylus turned his head to her and looked her up and down.
“you shouldve worn a helmet.” He said quietly
“well i wasnt intending to drive more than five feet.” MC replied.
a small smirk came across Sylus’ face.
“five feet? I thought youd have more confidence in yourself sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC laughed quietly and shook her head.
“my teacher didnt seem to have much confidence ‘ride to the grass’ i beileive you said.” MC replied.
Sylus quirked up an eyebrow.
“it seems i was right doesnt it?”
He gestured to her still injured arm, and held up a clean cloth.
“still got another spot to take care of sweetie.” He said.
MC groaned quietly, but turned so he would have a better angle for it. She looked away and waited for him to begin cleaning the wound. instead he leaned towards her, his hand slipping around to the back of her head and pulling her forward. MC nearly protested, but Sylus placed his hand on her back after resting her head to his chest.
She could hear his heart, beating extremely fast for someone so fit.
“just… a moment.” Sylus said quietly.
MC practically held her breath for a moment, before taking in air. his cologne smelled nice, a mix of fresh spices and expensive cigars. the muscles under her head her soft but firm. his arm resting around her body in a hug. Sylus was hugging her.
tentatively, MC put her good arm around him. it felt right, her anxiety and worry began to slowly melt away the longer they stayed like this. her eyes grew heavy, and she began to relax more and more against him. he was so solid, his chest rose and fell under her, slowing down after a moment or so.
“dont worry about the bike sweetie. really. im more concerned about the fact you were… injured.”
MC smiled slightly.
“The great leader of onychinus is concerned for me?” MC asked
a chuckle vibrated through Sylus’ chest. he almost sounded releived.
“more than youd know MC.” Sylus said quietly.
MC’s heart fluttered slightly. she closed her eyes as Sylus began to move again, his free hand found the back of her head, beginning to rub her hair gently as he pressed the cloth to the side of her arm. It wasnt long before the two had to seperate to allow sylus to wrap her arm.
“Why dont we order food tonight. I dont really feel like going out again.” MC said.
Sylus cleaned up the bloody cloths and nodded his head. he began to make his way towards the bedroom door.
“you pick the spot, ill pay.” Sylus said.
“absolutely not, i just trashed your bike-“
Sylus stood up and in a few strides crossed the room to stand in front of her, he leaned down and tilted her chin up to make MC look at him.
“how many times do i have to say that i dont care about the bike, just that you dont have a damn head injury?” He asked.
MC stared up at him for a moment, Sylus brought her face a little closer, speaking quietly now.
“I got you hurt today MC. The least i can do is pay for a damn meal.” He said.
MC couldnt help but look between his eyes and lips. was she insane to think about kissing him now? they were so close, and it wouldn’t be the first time one of them had made an attempt like that. Sylus scanned her face. did he just lean in more?
There was a knock at the door.
“Boss? we were just wondering if you needed us to get the bike out of the driveway.” One of the twins said.
Sylus looked dissapointed, and slightly annoyed. he released MC and turned away from her, going to the door and opening it.
“Ill come out and help you, one if you dispose of these. MC, you might want to change your shirt. Ill be in the living room when your done, sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC was left alone in his room. bright red blush creeped over her face as she slumped back on his bed. She was cursing herself slightly. Part of her was angry she even thought of kissing him, the other half was angry she didnt.
She flopped over onto her stomach groaning loudly before she sat up again.
Another uneventful night of eating in.
maybe ill make a smutty part 2 to this one? maybe not straight smut but some good steamy kisses and things like that idk.
uhhhhh yeah! i havent written in a little while so i dont know how good this is or isnt!
if yall have any ideas for other oneshots then just lmk. im currently working on the storyline for a yandere!sylus x reader fic so i might drop some teasers for that when i can.
in the meantime ill alternate between fluff and smut, i can do some sad stories to but they gotta have good endings cause i cant stand my mans to be sad like that.
also gonna work on some zayne material because i love my mans zayne just as much as sylus if not a bit more. i feel like he doesnt get enough love fr.
okay byyyyyee hopefully this was good.
please credit me if you share this story
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not-goldy · 9 months
We know JK didnt write the songs from his album, but he made very clear in interviews that he made sure to look for translations of the lyrics and to learn what the songs are saying before choosing them.
Oh so he got all translations and understood very well but still went with those fuck ass songs like 3D ? There's a line between sexy/explicit songs vs vulgar songs. 3D was very vulgar with many appropriate comparisons about women and sex... and JK still chose to sing them and include in his album. Forget they are all about him fucking women and orgasm but I thought he said none of songs is about him personally? Or is 'jikook song' narrative is only when it feeds the delusions ?
I love that this is what is stressing you out🤣🤣🤣
Let's get somethings straight..... pun intended
The Jungkook wrote a het song narrative was beget by you and yours- I and other 'Jikookers' debunked it and Jungkook confirmed our assertion that he DIDN'T write it.
So you and yours delulu point number one.
Check mark please.
Now here you are spinning the narrative into well he understood the lyrics blah blah blah blah 🙄
To that I say, OF COURSE HE DID.
We, the true stans of captain private Jungkook do know, BEEN KNEW, been always aware of the FACT he does check out the lyrics to the songs he covers and sings and he always understands what it is that he sings about or recommends.
Which is why we've always said he's queer coded as fuck because of certain covers certain song choices certain artistic lens and expressional point of views- he may not have written there for you but he sure as hell understood what the song meant its romantic connotations, it's queer artist and its queer codes and he superimposed that on Jimin as the object of his lens.
BOY I'm holding on to something won't let go of you for nothing. I'm running running just to keep my hands on you- is pretty much a rewrite of standing next to you one would say. Or perhaps the vice versa.
Jungkook is drawn to certain themes in music either gay or straight and he's selected one that talks about boy love gay love as layover over a footage of another man he filmed- I'm glad we can agree, you and I that that is something because he is neither ignorant of or stupid to know how such a content would be understood by the General public especially those outside Korea.
So I do agree with you, all jikookers agree with you that Jungkook checks out the lyrics of the songs, that he understands what they mean yadda yadda yadda.
The only delusional person I see here, is the individuals who fail to read any queer meanings into GCF tokyo and the many other queer coded moments of Jikook- wait that's you isn't it?????
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Oh and FYI, we also know he's dated WUHMEN in the past and said he didn't particularly enjoy it or understand what the hype was about and never felt real love while dating the girlies.
Yet I think he found real love with Park Jimin and it knocked him off his feet. Gay love. Mh mh mhh
Love it for him.
Edit: and in case you missed the point here, 3D is a very commercial project not very personal to him. He had to choose and do what will sell....
Compared to a personal projects such as GCF in Tokyo where he didn't care how it was going to be received by fans or the commercial market- hell when he was advised to choose another member to generate clout and buzz he refused. He chose a gay song for that instead to promote same love.
That's how personal it was for him. No?
So there's that. What do you think about that too?
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shivstar · 3 months
why do u hate wolfstar lmao like u saying ur getting harassed is funny as hell it’s just a ship 😭😭
For me to explain you that, I have to explain a bit of psychology.
In psychology, reactance is an unpleasant motivational reaction to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. Reactance occurs when an individual feels that an agent is attempting to limit one's choice of response and/or range of alternatives.
Reactance can occur when someone is heavily pressured into accepting a certain view or attitude. Reactance can encourage an individual to adopt or strengthen a view or attitude which is indeed contrary to that which was intended — which is to say, to a response of noncompliance — and can also increase resistance to persuasion. 
In crux, my hate for wolfstar stems from reactance.
Wolfstar works on the structure that it is a canonical ship because jkr was playing hide and seek and sprinkling around crumbs of clues that Remus and Sirius are boning each other. (Or should I say Sirius was getting f*cked by his moony, because that is what 90% of wolfstar is about. A top Remus and a bottom Sirius- add this to my reasons for dislike list)
But anyways whenever anyone says to (most) wolfstar side of people why the literal soulmate guys - James and Sirius are not much famous as a ship, the reply is 'ew, why would you want to downplay the importance of a friendship' ' I can never see James and Sirius in a romantic setting' 'but there is no chemistryyyy!!!!! '
But when the same reply is given that oh I see Sirius and remus as casual friends who dont know each other well because they distrusted each other, the fandom and it's defenders comes bearing weapons.
My point is I was pretty neutral towards the ship.
Then i went looking for Jegulus. Because I was interested in marauders side kf stories. I found jily to be bland. Wolfstar was downright signaling towards toxic relationship I was never interested in. (I believe that canon Sirius deserved so much better than canon Remus, who is such a rag tag kf a guy) ( you guys have found a cure to that too by innovation of fanon Remus. The macho man. The alpha leader. The casanova. The sex guru. But the problem is that his name is still Remus Lupin and I have read hp books with all devotion. I can only see him as a guy shirking away from his personal responsibilities. Not checking up on Harry. Running away from pregnant wife. Naming a 17 year old kid with the biggest target on his back as the godfather to his child. Hitting Harry when he was trying to explain to Remus that he is a coward. Not telling Dumbledore about Sirius's animagus status. {Please do not romanticize his reasoning, I beg you. It is about hundreds of students's life. Including James's son. Also do nit say that he thought that Sirius didn't do it. Then he should have done a better job in helping Sirius out of azkaban. Atleast found him in yr 3 and helped him than. CLUE - he is the co creator of marauders map, don't tell me he didnt know where Sirius was} You get it....
Still I was pretty neutral towards wolfstar. I never interacted with it because I was nit interested.
But reading Jegulus comes with the added bonus of free wolfstar. All the time.
I left the fandom not liking how the marauders I loved were never found in either jegulus nor wolfstar. Disappointed.
But then i entered the World of Prongsfoot. Found mostly writers doing justice to the James and Sirius and Peter and Remus I was initially intrigued as a kid.
Also I am not talking about following canon plot in the fics... I am saying the wibe is always off. Like my hc is Sirius and James as top dogs and then Remus and peter. While the basic given in wolfstar and jegulus is Sirius+James + Remus and then Peter, if they are feeling charitable. Otherwise it is Remus and then James and then Sirius and then Peter.
Then tumblr through - 'you may like this because you like this' and extra excited wolfstar and jegulus fans through wrong tagging decided that I should see these incorrect marauders era post . Where Sirius is always dramatic or stupid or idiot and a combination thereof. That was the day where this intense dislike begin.
Now this unnecessary shoving in my face something I am not interested in, made me hate wolfstar.... The reactance theory I explained earlier. I am just reacting to this incessant need to believe wolfstar is canon. That Sirius only belongs to his moony and no one else. That Remus and Sirius are soulmates. ...
PS - do not comment or message me etc to make me change my opinion or make me see things from your side. The truth is that i cannot suddenly make you like a ship say Prongsfoot in the Romantic light when all you see is two friends. Similarly I won't suddenly start liking wolfstar Or Remus Lupin. This is my post with proper tagging so that I am nit hurting sensible feelings of anyone. I have right to have my own views and opinion. And that in this case is that I despise wolfstar and Remus Lupin. I am not inviting people to make me see light. I am just answering to a simple ask.... 😊
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2haetls · 2 months
could we get nsfw/kink hcs for jolyne and hermes with a dom!male s/o? please and thank you!!!
RAAAAHHH YEAAAHH!!!! im not that good with this so sorry
get you, jolymes
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sketch info : jolymes seperate w male reader, smut hcs obvi, dom male reader, reader gets switchy in hermes' part, nsfw hcs.
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JOLYNE KUJO is kinda freaky, shes into whatever you're into unless you arent a fuckin creepo! oral is one of her fav things, esp receiving it. but she does a pretty good job giving it too. shes very vocal during sex too, praise and degradation go both ways, giving and receiving, and shes definitelygoing to let you know what she likes and doesnt like. another one of her kinks is shibari/bondage.. ahah, this almost has nothing to do with stone free. Public sex is a no, semi public is ehh cause i think shes very romantic and loving.
breeding is 100% her favorite thing. After spending so much time with emporio, she changes everything about her, and when shes around babies she just goes nuts. overstimulation is good too, but she doesnt like going too far. somnophilia is great too, especially when shes feeling too tired from playing and working, when you put it in it just drives her mad. she falls asleep so quickly with your soft voice and slow thrusts. and when youre both feeling pent up, makes it even better. she lasts very long and likes it rough, shell make sure its enjoyable for the both of you.
jolynes nipples are extremely sensitive, even more during sex. speaking of nipples, i think she would lactate not alot, but if its a day when shes leaking, shes gonna let you do the job for her. "fuck.. too much.." her moans are so cute too.
hair pulling is a yes, and so is body praise. again, she has a size kink, and her body is pretty small too. her slightly musculare frame makes it much better, if youre a big guy, hell yeah. belly bulge is insane, and she just breaks if you press on it softly. spit in her mouth and pull her hair, she again, is a freak. i think she would like being spanked, personally. but i dont know, knife play might be a better choice for her.
got no more ideas for girlie, sorry!
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(H)ERMES COSTELLO is not as freaky as jolyne, but shes still freaky.. fym youll give him your panties? Anyways
ermes' chest is most definitely sensitive, shes got them surgically altered, so be nice! she likes to get pretty risky too, doing it in public settings like the bathroom, by windows and changing stalls are a good way to get steam off. quickies will happen very very often, its not suprising either. i believe she has a very high libido, and its kinda hard for her to control it.
she likes riding you at first, making her seem dominant. but further in your relationship, she likes being more submissive cause its a struggle to be a bad bitch and be dominant at the same time. overstimulation goes hard, both giving and receiving, and shes good at giving head too. its the best, literally. kissing, no pun intended, is also really needed, she likes being taken care of no matter who you are.
Personally, personally me. i think she has like, big mouth space and no gag reflex, so have fun with that.
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wow this was an emotional rollercoaster i cried twice while writing it cause i didnt like how i wrote for them, sorry rqstr! im not good at writing girls qnd hcs
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psihawaii · 13 days
i know nothing about mashup week but i do wanna hear ur thoughts on trans scott
first of all: thank you for indulging me!!
second of all: obligatory LISTEN/READ MASHUP WEEK: MEGAMIX!! ill probably make a separate propaganda post anyway but plsss. mashup tournament that scott won three years ago that he now has to host and interview every1 and i like how he’s written better than most collabs (where hes not just. himself obviously.) write him. host says the tournament is a lot more like wii sports resort now and doesnt elaborate.
third of all: ooooooooookay so. This really got away from me im gonna put the rest under a readmore.
i’m gonna refer to them w/ they/them just for simplicity, but let the record show i don’t think they care that much either way/i switch up pronouns whenever i talk abt stw AHDHDJ (my main hc for a while was no pronouns scott just bc of how the descriptions are written hahahahahaha get itttttttttt)
i’ve Alwaysssss thought scott (the character obvi. do i have to keep clarifying that here too, im always gonna be referring to the character in this postSHDJDJ) was trans ever. since i joined the fandom in late 2021. Partly because borderline forever reminds me a lot of how i realized i was nonbinary (realizing somethings wrong and then course correcting by just… doing the opposite and wondering why that couldnt possibly be the solution.) but mostly because borderline forever is just Like That. . But more on that later
OUTSIDE OF THAT so much of how they act is sosososo deeply trans to me, or at the very least very egg-like and in denial deeply. THE THING that got me deep into stw initially was gifts of gaming because what the fuck man. scott’s very public breakdown because they feel extremely alienated from their peers and that this isn’t an isolated incident!!!!!! (finding other people unrelatable that is (and that’s probably also an autism and/or aroace thing but it can be all of those at once. Smile.) like so often is scott self deprecating abt how nobody cares abt them or their interests or how desperate they are for attention. dude.)
and like. okay so i made an entire nonbinary dysphoria comp already but there are so many. weird throwaway jokes. that aren’t… you know directly about them being trans/dysphoric but about how they hate facial hair or their voice or hated that they couldn’t have ‘girl toys’ growing up or that they shower fully clothed or that they’ll just. roleplay as a girl.
(and i was gonna have a whole bit about… i think you could make some kind of point about how scott ‘roleplays’ as a girl in specifically romantic/flirting contexts (tinder + speed dating) and how that could play jnto their dysphoria, but i also do just think they’re aroace. but there’s something there)
and no matter the intention of the jokes they’re still like. canon. (and i was gonna do a whole thing abt how scott the woz (the show) treats continuity basically being that. jokes + ‘throwaway lines’ establish canon things because they keep being brought back, and that lore is (with few exceptions) consistent. it’s fun. and meaning that these things are (assumedly) things scott thinks/does/how they act even off screen.)
and also i guess if im gonna talk abt trans scott i could At Least dedicate an entire paragraph to borderline forever because holy shit man. Before i rewatched a bunch of episodes this year, i of course had it in my head that borderline forever was totally trans coded but i sorta reasoned that that was my own headcanon clouding my perception and that it wouldnt be that blatant (<in quotes because im sure The Man Himself didnt intend for it to be read this way, but its fun to interpret it as such) but no it really is.
what do u mean theres been an unseen force in your life that’s always been there but you hadn’t noticed until you experienced internalized transphobia talked about something tangentially related, that’s now preventing you from living your life and doing the things you want to do. That isn’t directly harming you, and that other people can’t notice so they dismiss you. What do u mean.
Closing in is literally a song about how they can’t believe they’ve been living their life like this and how they feel like they’re suffocating from the idea of continuing to live like this. They saw the border glow. If you will (sorry.)
The ending of borderline forever is pretty… its… well i guess for me to really have definitive thoughts on it i would have to decide on what i think the allegory is because scott taking the border back serves different purposes for different ones, good and bad. In terms of the trans allegory, I initially considered that it was like him. Accepting transness as part of themselves and learning to live with it and move on from that (effectively transitioning just not. Outwardly (?)). Until my boyfriend (forced to watch every scott the woz lore episode for (for the most part) the first time with me) pointed out n. No it kinda just seems like they can’t imagine themselves as any different/better and thinks This Is As Good As It Gets so they retreat back to their status quo. And like. Huh. Yeah. 100% it’s still affecting them negatively and they hate it but they’re ignoring it now they saved the world and they never have to succumb to the horror of being understood and perceived i mean no one else has to worry abt this ever again.
like… two years ago i wrote a fic about nonbinary scott called Abiura Di Me (it’s never getting finished, i was originally gonna do a little comic to end things off but it felt kind of ehh. the only way i’m finishing it is if i completely start over. which who knows.) and, despite not rlly having this interpretation at the time, i did want to kind of explore scott like that, thinking they’re ‘content’ with their life now and wondering why they still feel unhappy/unfulfilled.
In general scott feels like a character that’s so… rigid and strict with their identity/attributes of themselves in a way that, often, makes them miserable, or at the very least in a way that they’re self deprecating abt like i said b4. (i.e. their virginity, and how it oscillates something they take pride in vs. something that they’re ashamed of (b4 accepting it in barrel blast)(youtuber slash tumblr user prim m, in description of their barrel blast mashup did a rlly interesting lil. few sentences of analysis abt this in particular!!), but is, to them at least, a key part of who they are that they have to keep asserting + how they talk abt themselves liking video games and how, similarly it oscillates between smthn that brings them a lot of joy and again, smthn that they’re ashamed of thats another reason they feel isolated, but is nonetheless. Probably THE defining thing about scott.)
And while this^ feels like a general internalized transphobia thing, it’s probably THE reason i think they’re nonbinary specifically, although i fuck with transfem scott severely. I really like the idea of scott unburdening themselves from any kind of labels and kinda just being happy Existing, it’s essentially what they already want/think they already have just with less expectation put upon them to perform. You could say. Preventing themselves from being put into a box or. Or yknow… some kind of blue borde-[i am killed.]
But anyway to answer your question trans scott is my lifeblood i love them a lot. I like… half joke their egg has been fully cracked now bc of the bits they’re pulling now (mainly. Changing their name in same name, different game and. all of gamer products.) (and side note even though i can glean Transness from any1 of these jokes and that… in a lot of cases scott Is the butt of the joke in them they don’t rlly feel meanspirited most of the time. whether thats bc im in denial ro theres smthn to it thats any1s guess. Tee hee.) i think they’re figuring stuff out and how they want to be perceived and if this is really something they want for themselves (is, but going abt it weirdly/making a joke of it and not taking it seriously (again, goes w the whole self deprecating rigid identity thing!!)
I don’t think scott changes much upon transitioning. Even though i think in the stw universe hrt/gender affirming surgery does… pretty much whatever you want it to and none of what you don’t want (i’m going off the… one ama where he said smthn along the lines of the stw universe is a perfect bubble where nothing bad happens + being able to get treated for murder + how i think scott the real person would think that kinda stuff works AHDNDIJDDJ and also cus i think its funny) i dont think scott would Want to change much physically. But i really like the idea of them keeping dyed blue bits framing their face (get it.) + slightly longer hair. and boobs cause i think thats awesome. personality wise they’re exactly the same and still suck though. But w/o shame and i love them
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losersroom · 4 months
could u directors cut the conversation of gay90s where it's like "I’ve been thinking about April. You know, before I left." to "“Absolutely,” says Brock, who has never understood anything less in his life"....whatever pieces of that that u want to!! i just love that conversation and would love to hear ur behind the scenes!!!!
GOD so like. alright that whole fic grew out of a conversation me and g were having Forever ago about this post, particularly the second point. and i was like, oh hey, that reminds me of this story i wanted to write about brock going to the gay 90's. and then i sat on it for like two more months.
so the important thing to take away from this is that it was only ever supposed to be that first part, where brock and jonas run into each other and then jonas sucks him off and they kind of subtly agree to not talk about it, the end. but like, i am at heart a gigantic sap and i wrote up to there and realized i couldn't leave it on the final line of. it can never happen again. because i too have been gay and closeted and sad about it, and i didnt want to give all that to brock.
(the other thing, which you didn't ask about but here it is, is like. a lot of these thoughts and attitudes i gave brock in that fic were just... how i felt, about myself and queerness and everything, at age 21/22, born and raised in the midwest. and like obviously i grew up and got over it and i'm extremely queer and trans and married now, and i want to think, hey, in this universe i'm constructing, it can get better for brock, too. we just have to get him there.)
anyway i had to then construct like. a narrative throughline from blowjobs to some sort of mutual understanding. ive said this before but i always think it's fun in these things to like, present brock's opinions and perspective and expectations and just pepper in around the edges hints of what jonas is actually thinking and feeling and doing, which. doesn't always line up. and then make people guess what's going on in his head, same way as brock is guessing. what i HOPE people took from that scene is that, you know, that whole summer brock spent thinking about jonas, jonas was thinking about him, too. trying to work out in his head if brock being there was a one-time thing or if there's an opportunity to have something more. and i DONT want to get into whether or not i think jonas actually has a history in this continuity with any of the people that brock imagines he might, because i think it's more fun to leave people room to draw their own conclusions, but he definitely has more experience with Being Queer In The NHL than brock does, and navigating that world, and being just. careful about it. exercising caution. he might want to mess around with brock again, but he has to approach it with discretion, you know, in case brock... Isn't into that. (but in my heart, because i'm me, i also like to think that jonas is interested because it's brock, not just because he's there and potentially the only one of their teammates available. u know. in my heart everybody's in love, im a romantic, i can't help it.)
so that scene was just intended as like. connective tissue. but it wound up being my favorite part of the entire fic lol. just the... palpable awkwardness of trying to figure out if a guy is interested in you. being on the same page without really being on the same page. and then jonas choosing to just hang out awkwardly and watch a terrible movie at 2 am with brock not just because he cant think of another way to extract himself from the situation now that its clear theyre not going to fuck, but because he sincerely likes spending time with this idiot, lmao. that's Real. that's a move i would have done, when i was dating.
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Hello!!! sorry i jum in here but i saw many post of your as a polin pen hater. You can hate what you want of course but its necessary to lie just to hate a character because of her body??? it wasnt that bad, she was not mean.
yes, what she did telling the ton marinas secret was not the best choise but it was what she thought it was the only way. Do you all wish for colin a marriage with not love?? and in a more practical way this is fiction and we all now he was going t end with pen , they are end game and thi is romance, its suppouse to be romantic that theu found each other, and for me it is. She didnt told marina secret because she wants colin for herself , she never thought she cold have him. maybe yo dont understand this but we, fat girls who are foung unattractive NEVER expect love or having a man, even less somone like colin. I think you, as many sadly, jugdge Pen actions too strong and deep down its all becuase of how she looks. Depp down i know you judge her action strongly becuase you can't accept that a woman who looks like that get something. I know you will keep hating, just want to say my opinion
(2) I saw you ask once why we ( pen fans) are mad when people hate her like you do if we got everything, saying like she happy and get married and LW. i will answer that from my perspective. Im fat, people is mean and that herats and yes, maybe it not a good things but it nice to have a revenge for all that suffering , but beside that i feel represented FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME in a romance show, ALL THE ROMANCE FEMALE LEADS AND THIN WOMAN and for the first times she looks like me but everyone is hating her becuase of how she looks and the worst is anyone accept its becuase of that, you all write long essays jugdging her actions but as i said, Were her actions that bad???? think about it fr......
Others please also refer to this post for more context.
I did not intend to answer this ask, because honestly, I'm really very lazy. Since there are only so many ways I can make my argument against the same accusation over and over again, especially to someone who clearly doesn't want to listen, I figured ignoring was the right decision. I'd rather spend my creative energy and efforts on my own writings, instead of figuring out another elaborate wording on how being critical of a character's actions does not equate fatphobia, and that personal adversity does not equal a 'get out of jail' free card for repeatedly inflicting pain on other people on a mass scale. I've talked about it in depth in my own blog, as well as reblogging other eloquent, well thought-out posts from others, Polin fans and anti-Polin fans alike. You can just scroll through my blog to see that. But I don't think you have come after me, time and again, to be convinced.
Even now, I still think ignoring you would have been the smarter, or at least, easier course of action for me. But I digress. Maybe it's one of those days where I feel more confrontational, maybe my ADHD is acting up and my meds are not hitting as well today, maybe after weeks of stress-filled personal achievements I'm feeling talkative seeing someone trying to disturb my peace. Nontheless, since you've made diligent efforts in seeking out my response, today's your lucky day, once and for all.
Something my mutuals and followers might have learned about me, is that I, being pretty fucking lazy, don't post/write a lot. To remedy this, when I do post, oftentimes I try to be as thorough as I possibly can. So, in the spirit of being thorough, here's a little log of the things I have received in the past weeks, on this site as well as on AO3, some of which, @cherryblossom970sblog, I have reasons to believe came from you
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So you feel represented by character. Awesome. Good for you. You should celebrate it with like-minded people. You think nobody likes Penelope the way you do? Find the ones who do. I can assure you, they exist. I saw them daily on my dash. Read fics that bring you joy. Don't read the ones that don't. I have seen way too many Penelope/Anthony, Penelope/Benedict or even Penelope/Gregory fics, or fics where Penelope just straight up abused Colin that are celebrated in the comments. I don't like those and you know what I do? Scroll past those fics or click out of those and not read them. You know what I don't do? Go after the writers, try to police their writing, and accuse them of bigotry for not catering to my preferences.
Accept the fact that it's not going to be a 100% percent approval rating. And that's fine. That's part of life. I'm a primary Benophie fan, I've seen people wanting Benedict to end up with different people. It's their prerogative, I leave them alone. I have mutuals who have different takes on actions of Kate, Edwina, and Anthony, with varying degrees of feelings regarding how season 2 ends, and I have my own opinions. Personally, I find all three parties were wrong in that triangle, especially Anthony, and the sisterhood between Kate and Edwina in that season ought to have been handled with more respect and care. And my mutuals and I have civil, nuanced discussions about such things and ending those with still different opinions. That's okay. They're fictional characters and their actions are up to character analysis. It's fine.
What ISN'T fine is obssessively stalking inboxes of strangers, REAL people, unleashing insane level of hate and prejudices in defence of a FICTIONAL character, and accusing them of crimes they OBJECTIVELY did not commit, all because they don't share your opinions. I know you don't think this kind of behaviour is okay, you said so yourself that it's not a good thing. You've experienced fatphobia, you have my sympathies for that, but it doesn't give you the right to be shitty to other people. Your own bad experiences do not entitle you to disrespect, dismiss, invalidate and insult the people you harassed, including me, many of which are WoCs who have valid concerns regarding how their own experiences are represented and treated on the show. My struggles of being a bisexual, Asian, immigrant woman does not excuse me from being toxic to people who have done me no harm. I will not be vindicated in demeaning someone who have criticisms against the actions of fictional character who share my traits, criticisms that I just happen to disagree with.
And frankly, I find reducing the nuances of a character or person to only their bodies, to contribute (as either condemn or excuse) their actions to be only the result of their bodies, fucking insulting. It's infantalising and dehumanising.
Have a nice day and happy shipping. Leave us alone.
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