#i didnt mean to stay w him for longer than 3 days but he was nice and rich. anyways
thotkumi · 1 year
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers as taylor swift songs
requested by my swiftie in Christ @yudgefudge!! thank you luv <3
leo: you're on your own, kid. ive been associating him w this song way before i knew that everyone else was doing the same lmao. it rlly does encompass his entire journey, from humble beginnings n jus being a little kid playing for fun (from sprinkler splashes/to fireplace ashes), to being the best in the world n all the struggles that come with it (i search the party.../just to learn that my dreams arent rare). the man gave his blood sweat n tears like hed be saved by a the "perfect kiss" which here is a metaphor for the wc obviously. n ohmygosh "everything you lose is a step you take"!!!! BRUH???!?!?! every line, from "i didnt chose this town (ie paris)/i dream of getting out/theres just one who could make me stay", to "the jokes werent funny, i took the money/my friends from home dont know what to say" are all SO leo coded.
ney: anti-hero. i ADORE him n theres a lot of people that like him. but theres also a lot of people who like not liking him. hes one of the best in the world, and as great as that is, he has, unjustifiably so, garnered a significant amount of haters (its me, hi, im the problem, its me/at tea time, everybody agrees). hes rlly endured a ton of it throughout the years, but keeps going (pierced through the heart/but never killed). after facing so much backlash, youd probly worry about the people that still support you and how much longer you can hold on to that (one day i'll watch as youre leaving/and life will lose all its meaning). also, hes a rich person. which makes the bridge pretty relatable for him but like in a funny way.
gavi: nothing new. this one is more based off my inner musings than actual like evidence. i have no idea whats going on this lil dudes head. but i know that IF i were in his position, i'd relate to this song a FUCK TON. its basically a song abt being in the spotlight, n being the shiny young thing that has peoples attention. but what happens when thats not true anymore? (Lord, what will become of me/once ive lost my novelty?) what happens in a few years when an even younger prodigy comes around n impresses everyone? (are we only biding time 'til i lose your attention?/and someone else lights up the room?/people love an ingénue). im not gonna write down the whole birdge but its basically abt the inevitably of meeting your replacement. the song basically asks: "will you still want me/when im nothing new?" he seems like a happy dude who probly doesnt think abt this stuff, but if i were a famous promising young soccer player, this stuff would definitely weigh on my mind.
muller: the story of us. Lord forgive my mullendowski heart. i tried to think of a song that would fit jus him n leave shipping out of it but,,, yeah it wasnt happening. in my mind theyre a package deal. anywho the song's about being around someone youre still in love with after youve broken up (now im standing alone in a crowded room/and we're not speaking and im dying to know/is it killing you like its killing me). ik theyre on good terms n all but in my mindbrain i imagine him them being in the same place for the first time since lewy left him bayern and poor thomas jus "nervously pulling at my clothes/and trying to look busy." and my gosh "but you held your pride like you shouldve held me"??? the AUDACITY. i can go off about this whole song tbh. oh n also even tho speak nows a country album this song is kinda,,, rock/punk-ish kinda??? which is to say, its very loud. much like a certain someone. fun fact i almost put seven for him bc of "before i learned civility/i used to scream ferociously/anytime i wanted" but i figured one line wasnt enough for me to put the whole song.
mbappe: evermore. this is a brooding song. a depression song. so i can definitely see this as a post 2022 world cup final song for him. it actually relates to a sports loss very well. (i used to listen to this song n think a oikawa from haikyuu,,, heh). if theres one thing abt mbappe its that hes dedicated. i can see him "replay(ing) my footsteps on each stepping stone/trying to find the one where i went wrong," yknow, jus thinking abt the final over n over. very "i rewind the tape but all it does is pause/on the very moment all was lost." but at the end of it all, hes young, hes talented, n has more world cups ahead of him. ie: "i had a feeling so peculiar/this pain wouldnt be for/evermore."
klopp: dear reader. this whole song is just advice. its taylor dishing out advice to her fans, most of whom are younger than her. kloppo loves his players, he wants to give them good advice that applies not only on the pitch, but off it as well. (dear reader/bend when you can, snap when you have to/dear reader/you dont have to answer, just cause they asked you) however its no secret that our lovely manager can be pretty hard on himself. so its possible that while he gives advice to those he loves, he feels like hes not worthy of giving it (you wouldnt take my word for it/if you knew who was talking).
again, everything stated is speculation, fueled entirely by my delusional lil mindbrain. as i dont know these ppl.
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catlady-ily · 2 years
dear diary;
sorry for the lack of updates! it's been a mix between busy and uneventful lately and overall i've just been tired.
not too much happened on wednesday - i had some pretty boring classes, but i hear my sport teacher gave us permission to flip off any of the boys from the other class if they catcall us while we're running. i love this sport teacher, he gives me a C just because i actually try in that class (every other semester, i got Ds bc i kinda suck at sport), so that's pretty cool!! and, other than that, i ended up cutting myself again. not sure why, just did.
thursday was a little bit more eventful i think?? idk - we had an icas test first period for english. icas is this testing for extension students and im not entirely sure why we do it, but it did mean not having a normal english lesson, so i can't exactly complain. during math class, something rlly funny happened - so at some point, the teacher explained something, which like always, was followed by a collective "ohhhh" from the class. but for some reason this time everyone started moaning!! and the teacher's response was "well i'm glad you all enjoyed that 😭. after school my family went to ikea!! not completely sure why, but i did get some candles!! i love ikea candles. and the food there - i ate a lot, rlly proud of myself!!! i love ikea.
friday was, well, a bit scary. i started the day by waking up early to finish a science poster that didnt even end up being due that day- halfway through drama class (which is going rlly well btw!! i'm rlly enjoying our performance so far), a lady came to take me out of class for the rest of the lesson and i didnt know why until she took me to her office and sat me down. turns out she was the youth support officer at the school and someone had made her aware that there were cuts on my arm. basically i ended up telling her the full truth, why i started initially, that i wasnt sure why i started again now, it was just scratches with some scissors, etc. then she said she would have to call my mom and let her know for the sake of my safety. although i begged her not to, she ended up calling my mom anyways, and i basically just started hyperventilating and crying a bit bc i was rlly rlly scared she'd be mad. luckily, she didnt seem to be angry at me, just a bit shocked bc she thought i'd been going so well lately and sad bc she didn't want me to be hurting myself. that afternoon she spoke to me about it and said the same thing. she then said she had to tell dad, i begged her not to, but she said that it wasn't something she could hide from him. so, she told dad, and i sat there absolutely terrified the whole time. anyways, it went ok, dad said the same thing that mom did, and they both said that we can maybe talk about it together another day.
saturday and sunday were exhausting - i worked in the mornings (on saturday i had to stay an extra hour because one of the new coworkers wanted to go home a bit earlier) and then in the afternoons i was so tired that i really couldn't do much. i hear from my coworker that she loves working with me bc i work hard and i always get stuff done (contrary to our other coworker, who's older than me and just kinda mopes around the whole time) and that one of our superiors is also rlly happy with my work!! im rlly glad to hear this, means my efforts are paying off :3
my eating's getting a lot better which is amazing!! im no longer hungry all the time, and i think im getting some good food in >w< only goes upwards from here!!!
oki i have to leave for school now, so i'll end it here!
love, kitty 💕
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mydekuacademia · 3 years
Can I get A-Z nsfw for kacchan?
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I feel like he can go one of two ways: hes either a big baby and just wants to hold you until you both fall asleep, or he does everything from running you a bath to making you some delicious food to massaging your sore muscles
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner)
His favorite parts of his own body are his shoulders and chest. Hes muscled af and is proud of it
On you, he is absolutely an ass man. He wont touch it in public unless he knows nobody can see, but in private? Hoo boy
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He likes to cum on your ass, back, or face or in your mouth. And his pull-out game is immaculate, so count on getting cummed on
D: Dirty Secret
Hes thought about having a threeway with you and Kirishima. He decided against bringing it up and was grateful for that later on when he realized he didnt want to share
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Not experienced at all. He never really saw sex as something he needed or even really wanted until you came along. That being said, he still knows what hes doing for the most part. Plus, hes observant as hell, so he'll learn soon enough
F: Favorite Position
As we've established, hes an ass man, so he prefers having you face away from him. If hes really pent up, he'll bend you over a counter. Otherwise, reverse cowgirl is his go-to
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Absolutely not. Hes not goofy in normal life, and that carries over to the bedroom
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He trims his pubes really short, but not shaved. He likes that he feels closer to you that way
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
I mean, as intimate as Katsuki can be. He probably wont call you a dumbass, which translates to true love in Bakugou language. He does, however, take extra care to be gentle with you if hes feeling sad or sappy
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Another thing he didnt really have the desire to do until he was with you. Prior to dating you, he masturbated only when completely necessary. But now that he knows how good the release can feel, he does it maybe once a week or if hes really pissed and cant be with you
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Katsuki. Is. Daddy. He loves when you call him daddy, or even sir. It gives him a huge power trip
Quirk usage - in place of spanking, he'll set off small explosions by your ass. Not enough to hurt you, just enough to get his point across and see your ass jiggle
Orgasm denial and edging. You can cum when he says you can, and he'll bring you right to the edge over and over until he decides youve had enough
Brat taming. Hoooo boy he loves when you act up so he can tame you
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, any place you wont get caught. Bedroom, kitchen at night, couch, etc. If its a quickie, he does not care about comfort, so literally any surface works. If it's proper sex, he prefers the bed or couch
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Mostly when you act bratty towards him and when you get a little too friendly with someone else (even just hugging them for what he deems to be too long)
N: NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not share, even though he used to fantasize about it a bit. Youre his, dammit
He wont do anything that will actually hurt you or leave marks that last longer than a week or so
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers receiving over giving, but still gives you oral sometimes. He just doesnt really know what to do and wont ask for help, so he only really does it if youve had a bad day or something
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Katsuki is 100% fast and rough. He'll slow down a bit if you ask nicely, but he prefers going at a damn near impossible pace
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He honestly loves quickies. He often doesnt have the patience to wait until you two have more time to go at it, so quickies are perfect. Of course, he loves being able to take his time, but hes not too picky
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Some stuff, hes more than willing to try. Different positions, bondage, sensory deprivation, etc. Other things he wont try unless you bed and/or give him something in return. So like, if you wanna try pegging, you're gonna have to beg for h o u r s and maybe blow him too
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He typically lasts 2 or 3 rounds max, but he can last a pretty decent amount of time, especially if hes teasing you. You best be ready for hours of edging if hes in the right mood
T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Nope. He wants to be the only one to make you feel good. The only thing he might have is a pair of handcuffs, but thats iffy
U: Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bakugo is so unfair. He will tease you mercilessly until youre shaking and crying and begging to cum. He, however, cannot handle teasing. He'll either get mad right away or end up begging within minutes
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He isnt really that loud. The most youll get from him are low grunts and groans. If he's really, really pent up, he might let out a whiny moan when he cums
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He didnt watch porn until being with you. He knew it existed, he just saw it as pointless and trashy. But now he watches it every once in a while if you arent around to help him out
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Hes a bit longer than average with an average girth. Being decently big was a big ego boost for him tbh. It curves slightly up and is uncut
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
A little lower than average tbh. Hes so focused on hero work and one-upping midoriya that sex doesnt really cross his mind that often
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He likes to hold you for a while afterward, so unless he goes all out with aftercare, he stays awake for about half an hour.
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6sakusa · 3 years
‘worth more’ part 3, oikawa tōru.
a/n: im dedicating this part to @humanitysvertigo for motivating me to write & inspiring this piece with your song suggestion ‘like you do’
warnings: implications of toxic relationship, mild swearing, anGST, me not proof reading.
“you’re an idiot.” iwaizumi grabbed the setter by the collar in a brash attempt to knock some sense into him. more often than not he’d been constantly named as too aggressive for his own good but the ace knew exactly what oikawa needed in order to be brought to attention and there was no way in hell that he was about to let him get away with this.
“i’m not in the mood for this right now.” oikawa scoffed shoving off his bestfriend as he picked up another ball from the pantry preparing himself for another serve.
“i don’t care what you’re in the mood for, this isn’t good for you, how many times have i told you to cut this shit out.” iwaizumi launched towards the male, he was now raising his voice as he made reach for the ball. it was insane how much he would get riled up when it came to oikawa’s safety even though he hated to admit it.
“why are you like this.. you’re all like this, why are you trying to stop me? i need to get better, i need to do better, i need to—“ his words were cut off by a swiff headbutt from iwaizumi causing him to go crashing towards the ground.
“don’t you ever get tired of saying selfish shit.” it was obvious that anger was building up within the ace, but if you didn’t know him well enough you would miss how it was interlaced with pain and sadness. the sight of his bestfriend hurting himself took a toll on him too regardless of if he showed it or not and he couldn’t bare the sight of oikawa mistreating both you and himself. growing up together iwa found himself as the boys sole protector, as if he was his responsibility and now as the days grew longer it seemed as if the burden was almost getting to heavy to carry. the last thing he wanted was to have to walk away from the friendship because it was becoming too stressful and draining, no, because part of iwaizumi was oikawa and he couldn’t imagine his life without the selfish boy.
“don’t you wanna win? why do you play iwa? are you content with the participation awards? because i’m not.” the setter grit his teeth as he reflected back on his recent loss. the way the ball had hit the ground just a hair out of his reach, the way the score was so close and the taste of victory was almost on his tongue, the fact that it was their last try at going to nationals, the way it was his own kouhai who had beat him, the way he had disappointed iwaizumi above all. he had to make up for it, he had to make up for all of it.
“i play because it’s fun.” the ace shouted shoving him further into the ground. “i play because.. i like it, i like volleyball, and i like playing with you and the rest of the team, it’s made me who i am today.” his voice softened and he finally let go of his bestfriends collar, inhaling a deep breath as oikawa watched with wide eyes. “what does volleyball mean to you now? do you just want to be the best at what you do for something you don’t even find fun? look around, think about all the people you’re hurting.” he referred back to you.
“i’m doing this for you guys as much as i’m doing it for me—“
“no you’re not, we’re in our third year now, it’s done oikawa, it’s over.. there is no next game, there is no next tournament, there is no next time, and that’s okay because these past three years have been the best of my life, there’s nothing else i could have asked for, you’re the best partner anyone could ever want, my bestfriend and the best setter.” iwaizumi sighed collapsing backwards, hitting his own head as the words just kept tumbling out.
“really?” there was a newfound light in oikawas eyes, one that the ace much preferred in comparison to his gloomy figure that would always pop out when he was being much too harsh on himself.
“yes really, you are the best setter—“
“no.” oikawa cut him off unexpectedly. “really? i’m your bestfriend?”
“are you shitting me? you’re an idiot, who else would it be? we’ve been friends since we were kids.. stupid crappykawa.” he mumbled off at the end noting how sappy the setter had turned him.
“you have a way with words iwa-chan, or maybe you’ve just gone soft on me hm?” he joked around lifting the tense atmosphere off the two of them.
“and now you’re all smiling and shit? you were just depressed two minutes ago” iwaizumi clicked his tongue at the sight of his friend, he wondered how he was always able to switch his mood up so easily. sometimes he was envious of his ability to do so, he wanted nothing more than to turn off the nagging voice at the back of his head sometimes that would tell him—
“what can i say? i’m suddenly feeling inspired.” he looked up to the ceiling as if he was in some soft of romcom and iwaizumi scoffed at the sight of it. sometimes he wondered how he’d ended up with a bestfriend who was so cheesy.
“well good because aoba johsai isn’t the whole world, there’s a volleyball career waiting for you anywhere on this planet, but nothing everything is replaceable like that.” iwa successfully recaptured the setters attention with his last words.
“what do you mean?”
“y/n... she’s not replaceable but you treated her like shit today didn’t you? i saw her sitting out in the rain so don’t even try to deny it.” he gritted his teeth at the thought of it, the way your fingertips were icy cold, your warm tears juxstaposing the freezing rain, your clothes absolutely drenched and your catatonic state of pure silence as he walked you home. there was only one person who could be the cause of such pain, and he was standing in front of him now.
“the rain?” oikawa jumped to alert now, he knew he wasn’t in his right mind when he had spoke to you, all that was going through his head is that he was a burden that you needed to rid yourself from, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love you or didn’t care about you or could live without you.
“what did you say to her?”
“i said i didn’t need her..” his heart clenched as he recalled the events, how could he be so foolish? and then to let you sit out there while he was ignorant to the entire situation as he stood there selfishly serving the ball over and over again.. “i scared her.” he swore he was on the verge of tears as he forced out those words, nothing hurt more then seeing your eyes wash over from love to fear in the matter of seconds as he towered over you. and for what? all you were doing was trying to help.
“well why are you still standing asshole? go to her, i’ll clean your mess up.” the ace sighed staring at the vast amount of balls sprawled over the court.
“no i can clean it up, don’t wo—“
“shut up, go.” he was interrupted by iwaizumi who had his best interests in mind as he always did.
“i owe you one.”
“you always do.”
finally changing out of your drenched clothes you could barely bring yourself to move, you’d already turned down food and avoided questions when your parents had ask why you were practically dripping onto the floor. it was too much to even speak, it felt like a part of you was gone, someone you had planned your entire future with just didnt need you anymore in the blink of an eye. you were even reconsidering your university options just to be closer to oikawa and now he had tossed you away like a tired ragdoll. you had been warned about oikawa before, plenty of people named him a playboy, even his own bestfriend had warned you to stay away but something had left you so drawn to the male that it was unexplainable. it was a feeling that only those who had experienced it would know, it was true love, if soulmates existed you were sure he was yours and never in your life had the thought of even breaking up crossed your mind.
the two of you had gotten into heated arguments before and many times it would end with you in tears or him storming out but he always came back. why hasn’t he come back? was it truly over? were you just not enough for him? you knew how important volleyball was and you always supported him but you hated seeing him overwork himself. did that make you a bad person? maybe you were, maybe he was right and you weren’t being the supportive girlfriend you were meant to be, it was your fault, you should be better right?
“y/n?” your thoughts were interrupted by a sickeningly familar voice and you turned to see the very boy that you were just thinking about. there was no doubt now that fate existed, otherwise why did things always end up like this?
“what are you doing here?” you narrowed your eyes at the setter, scrambling to wipe the tears off your face. you hated looking weak more than anything but you couldn’t help the dent that the entire situation had left in your heart.
“iwa-chan told me what happened and your parents let me in, were you crying?” he moved closer towards you, watching as you tried your best to stifle your tears as if nothing happened. you knew it was a pathetic attempt, you really did, but you couldn’t help how badly you wanted to be strong. you flinched backwards, causing him to halt his movement as he was making his way to cup your cheek.
the sadness that washed over his eyes in that moment was almost unbearable for you to witness. of course it would pain him that you would flinch away from his hands like that, it looked as if you were afraid.
“w-what? why are you flinching? i would never hit you, i love you.” you hated the way you knew exactly when he was telling the truth and when he was lying, and right now tōru oikawa was being the most genuine that he had in a long time. one part of you wanted to pull away so badly, to tell him that he treated you like absolute shit, that he didn’t deserve you and to scream and shout at him to get out. but the other part of you, the stronger part, wanted nothing more than to revel in his embrace, for him to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and promise how he was going to marry you one day while he played with your ring finger reminding you over and over again how much he loved you, because no one loved you like he did.
“please.. say something y/n.” he clenched his jaw as you stared at him with empty eyes, he couldn’t bare the thought of knowing that he was the one who had done this. it was always him who had caused you pain and suffering and now he was wondering if he had made the right choice by coming here.. if he hadn’t you would get over him one day wouldn’t you? you’d probably find someone who loved you without the grief that he always provided, someone who made you happy without requirement, someone who could give you a life that he couldn’t. what he didn’t know was how much you wanted to tell him how no one else mattered to you and how you had felt this way since the moment you’d met him but your mouth wouldn’t say the words you wanted them to so badly.
“why.. why do you always do this to me.” your voice cracked and you couldn’t hold it in any longer, your eyes glossed over before tears spilt out uncontrollably. you moved to clutch your own body, burying your head in your knees as you cried your heart out to your boyfriend who immediately moved to embarace you. what shocked him is how cold you were to the touch, you were sure to get sick tonight so he would stay by your side the entire time if he had to.
“i don’t know.. all i know is how sorry i am.” he pulled you closer so that you were not facing his chest as he brushed the hair out of your face and rubbed your back soothingly. “i cant explain it y/n-chan, i mess up really badly sometimes and i don’t know why, all i know is that life isn’t the same without you in it, since i met you everything just seems brighter, like it’s all worth it.. no matter what i say to you i will always love you.”
you cried harder as you came to the realisation of how weak you were for him.
“you’re the only person i can’t bear to lose y/n-chan, you’re the most selfless person i know, please don’t ever walk out of my life, i’ll do better i promise.” a tear rolled down his own eye as he imagined how empty things would feel without you, he wondered where he would get the willpower to wake up everyday.
“you promise?” you looked up at him with tear stained eyes through those beautiful eyelashes of yours, and how could he not love you when you still looked so pretty even when you were crying over him.
“i promise.” he hugged you a little tighter, wanting to memorise this moment for everything that it is.
“then i’ll stay by your side forever tōru.” you smiled softly at the thought of the rest of your life with the boy you always intended to spend it with.
“and i’ll marry you one day y/n-chan.” that day you fell asleep in your boyfriends arms as he stroked your hair and coddled you with promises that you’d remember for decades.
what the two of you didn’t know was how iwaizumi sat in the gym, motionless with a pained expression on his face and a slow tear rolling down his cheek as he led the boy he’d loved since childhood right back into your arms as he always had. he even stayed cleaning up for the rest of the night before practicing how he would face the two of you in school the next day with a smile on his face. as long as his bestfriend was happy he told himself.
because oikawa was wrong about one thing, there was someone more selfless than you.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Forgive Me
a/n: this was a request and an angsty one
im so sad theyre banning tiktok!!! :(
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anon request:  okok haikyuu hcs part 2: oikawa’s the reader’s best friend because their moms were also best friends but they went to different kindergarten + elementary schools so imagine how excited they were to go to kitaichi together,, anyway reader is the manager (again) but also functions as a really skilled medic,, (oh yea they start dating in second year) anyway they hit third year and reader protects bb kags,, so they break up. fast forward and reader is now in another school (either in miyagi/tokyo)
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part 1.5
part 2
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requests open!!!
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oikawa torup in da house
so in this one,
yall are the iconic childhood friends
for the sake of this headcanon, hes an only child
so to explain
your mothers were actually college friends and became best friends and were so close that they decided to live next door to each other and have a child around the same time
also to mention, their husbands were also best friends and a few matchmaking rituals, they all got married
omg i want a friend to do this w me
it worked and they got pregnant and imagine their surprise when one was expecting a boy while the other was expecting a girl
they were already planning yall wedding before you were even born lmao
due to the closeness of your mothers, ofc yall would be best friends and you and oiks practically grew up w each other
every friday night was your night so sleepovers happened all the time
however, when yall were starting to go to school
you both ended up in different schools
dont ask me why ask your mom
oiks was throwing a tantrum and just crying bc you would be separated while you were just clinging on to him, thinking he would disappear
‘no! n/n-chan and me are going together! im not going if shes not!’
‘now, now, tooru, youre both going to be apart for only a few hours’
‘mommy i dont want to leave tooru-kun’
‘youll walk home together, baby’
i would cry too
so yall developed a routine that tooru would go to your school to pick you up and you guys would walk home together
again, explain to me how little 6 year olds are able to walk to and from school
he would always hold your hand to keep you beside him and you would swing your hands while humming a tune
‘ugh, i hate being so far away from you n/n-chan’
you sighed but gave him a bright grin
‘i do too. but we have to wait until we’re older so we can be together forever! mommy tells me that her and papa were not together for a long time but after school, they are now together forever. so once we finish school, i can be with you whenever i want!’
tooru nodded, a determined smile on his face
‘we’re going to be like mommy and papa. we will be together forever and we’ll have our own house and we’re going to die together!’
bls theyre like 6 and already practically thinking about marriage and they dont even know it
sometimes, if you both have leftover money, you would both go to a convenience store, Sakanoshita Market, and buy milk bread
‘mister, you dont have anymore?’
‘sorry, kid, now go on and have real dinner!’
you both lived in each other’s houses and sometimes, your parents would even wonder if they have a child bc you would disappear off to the oikawa’s house or the l/n’s
when he met iwa, ngl, you were jealous
even though you have the best friends rights due to being friends since day 1, you were still worried about being replaced
ofc oiks knew about that concern and kept you from being left out so he constantly dragged you to play with him and iwa
they developed an interest in volleyball and you wanted to hang out with them so you sometimes tossed the ball to tooru who would set it to iwa
whenever they wanted to do something else, you would always suggest going on an adventure
meaning going to the park
uwu kids are so cute
your little trio formed and soon, you three were the closest
despite going to different elementary schools, you still found ways to hang out together
instead of you being jealous of being cast aside by oiks
it was him being worried that he was going to be replaced by iwa
it became apparent when iwa mentioned about going over to your house on friday to study something 
and tooru is petty so he was mad that you didnt invite him
there was no way he was going to let iwa take you from him bc he knew you first and he was the first one to announce his intention of getting married to you in the future
he was yours and you were his, plain and simple
he went to your house unannounced and used his key to enter the house
your mom peaked from the kitchen and greeted him
‘oh, hello, tooru-kun! y/n is upstairs studying’
he nodded and went up to your room where you were reading some notes while doing some homework
you looked up to him standing at your doorway
your eyes lit up and your cheeks flared to see him
bahahaha yes feelings
his face crumpled up and he tackled you, hugging the life out of you tightly
‘y/n-chan! dont leave me! youre mine, not iwa-chans! im better than iwa-chan, okay?!’
ofc you were just confused but tooru was weird and youve learned to accept that over the years
‘tooru, we’ve been friends longer. i’ll always be yours and youre mine too so youre always going to be first’
he was all teary eyed when you said that and demanded cuddles and a movie after making him run all the way from iwa’s house
‘but i didnt ask you to, though’
‘you were still the reason i had to run so take responsibility!’
he might be a handful but he was oikawa tooru and you love him otherwise
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
as yall were settled and the beginning of e.t begins
baby oikawa was absolutely in love with that movie fite me
he asked you why you didnt invite him to study with iwa
you stopped and looked at him confusingly
‘tooru-kun, youre good at science aren’t you? iwa’s this 👌 close to failing just bc he mixes up solid, liquid, and gas’
this is a random fact that i made up so pls dont blast me about this !!!
oikawa stops then just doubles over laughing 
‘ohmygod! iwa-chan!’
yall know that arm wrestling video and his stage actor just yelling out iwa-chan? yes im imagining that
you looked at tooru weirdly
‘hm, laughing over your friend’s demise, okay’
needless to say, oiks called you during lunch and sounded like he was running and it was bc he was being chased by haji-kun after he made fun of him
‘ugh y/n! why did you tell him that!’
‘i mean,,,, its pretty embarrassing’
now comes middle school!!!
yall are finally able to be in the same middle school as your friends!!!
you were so excited and you wouldnt shut up about it bc youve been looking forward to the day that yall get to be together everyday
not that you didnt have friends in your old school,
you just preferred being with the guys since you werent into the girly things yourself
and you get to see tooru everyday since he was in your class
oiks and iwa immediately wanted to join the volleyball club and they were soon accepted so it was only normal for you to be in practice a lot
you didnt join a club since none really interested you so it was okay for you to go the gym and do your homework while they practice
there was no choice on staying either since you usually walked home with them since oiks lived next door and iwa hung out at either your place or his
the current manager of the team noticed your friendship and frequent appearances so she asked you to be the manager rather than just being there
you didnt really have a choice bc oiks agreed for you and excitedly told you that you were going to be with them for the next 3 years
‘everyone! thank you for the past 3 years!’
hehe i just died inside
tooru was so happy that you would be in volleyball bc that was two favorite things lumped into the best 3 hours of his life: volleyball and you
so thus started your managerial duties
you became friends with the team but was closer to the first years
you quite literally watched them grow into amazing volleyball players and you sometimes cried along with them when they either got hurt or lost
specifically during the shiratorizawa match
it was then that you were sure of your feelings for your best friend
as he wept in the locker room, you stayed by the door, unsure if you should go in or not
but the others have gone to the bus already and iwa wanted you to go and get oiks ready so they could leave
so, you entered the room and your heart dropped, not even noticing the nasty smell of sweat in the boys locker room
he was hunched over the bench, a towel over his head
sure, he was just a first year and he has more opportunities to win
but it was the first time oiks experienced such a loss
and that smug look that ushijima gave him as he sat on the floor
you saw the defeated look as you stood with the coach at the bench
rushing forward and kneeling in front of him, you hugged him tightly
he cried, both defeated and embarrassed, but he didnt let go
it was then that you vowed to be there for him whenever this happens
every loss, every defeat, youll be there
it was painful and you had a feeling that this crush on him would make it harder in the future but you didnt care
bc tooru looked the most beautiful when he smiled
by now, second year has started
youve obviously noticed that your now second year friends are working much harder
and they were gaining more popularity
bc this was the age where puberty starts hitting everyone and lets just say god decided to bless the volleyball team
it shouldnt have surprised you that they were going to be known in the school or prefecture bc they were talented and handsome
perfect recipe for a dream boy
what was only a confession every few weeks or so, turned into nearly a dozen in a WEEK
dw you got some too!!
as a manager, you knew it was going to be a hard job being the only female in a team full of boys
but you didnt expect it to be this bad
girls would corner you in every hallway, outside or inside, to either give you their love letters to oikawa or to threaten you to stay away from their grand king
lmao king okay
and dw, you told them to catch you outside by chipotle after school but they didnt show up
that nickname seemed to get into oikawa’s ego as he told you about his love for that term
as you three walked home, oikawa was telling you about this one girl who called him her king and he giggled at the thought
‘she told me that she wanted to be my princess! but i told her i was a king so she should settle for a prince like iwa-chan’
you laughed at iwa’s angry face
‘shittykawa why am i downgraded?! you think youve above me or something?!’
you howled causing iwa to glare at you
‘not you too y/n!’
you were laughing so hard that your face was red and it got worse when iwa gave you a noogie
but little do you know, oikawa was looking at you at the side, trying to gauge your reaction
you didnt seem to be bothered at the fact that some girl wanted him to be theirs
that was why he frequently told you about his confessions
tooru wanted to know if you still felt the same about him being always yours by telling you stories about the girls and if you were jealous or not
but you remained indifferent and just laughed along
however, you WERE jealous but you didnt show it
youre like ‘im a bad bih you cant kill me’
with all these much prettier girls and talented girls than you, you were sure he would find somebody else
as long as he was happy and smiling, you were going to be just fine
tooru was lowkey hurt about you blushing with iwa and not being bothered about the threat that was looming in the distance
so he practiced more, slightly regreting now that you were in the team
he was being an insecure little bean again and suddenly hes thinking that you and iwa seem to be interacting more (even though you werent) and he was being jealous and this caused him to be slightly more irritated
with all of his practicing, he ends up hurting himself more often like bruises and such
that worried you deeply bc he was practicing too much and pushing himself way too hard and you knew he would combust any moment now
this energy seeped into the others and theyve begun to be more intense during practice and you were sure they were wearing themselves out
youve expressed your concern to the coach about the bruises on their skin and their wincing at every movement
‘the solution to this, y/n-chan, is to study about this and be the medic that helps heal our soldiers’
with that request, youve started taking more trips to the library, staying up late reading medical articles, and buying pain relievants and medical tape
this was when you decided you wanted to be a sports therapist or an injury related profession in the future
so you were obviously prepared when you caught oiks practicing late again
you were actually stocking up some medical supplies when you were passing by the gym and found it still open with lights
he was practicing those damn service serves again and you were starting to get irritated when he didnt listen to you about not pushing himself too hard
‘tooru-kun, lets go home’
your voice resounded from the loud sounds of the balls hitting either the floor or wall
he gritted his teeth
‘i need to do this. i need to be strong enough to beat ushijima. i need-’
‘tooru-kun, let’s go home’
but he didnt listen to you and spiked once more but he didnt land back on his feet
but on his knee
tooru made a sound of pain
your heart started beating really fast and you busted out your bag that had emergency supplies
tooru saw you kneeling beside him and for a second, the pain subsided and he was only focused on you
the way your stray hairs from your bun framed your face and the delicate eyes that were so focused on bunching up your kita jacket and using it to elevate the sprained knee
‘ice. i need ice’
you kept mumbling and was about to stand up but his hand flies to clutch your arm
‘y/n-chan, please dont leave me’
‘but its going to swell-’
‘i dont care. i need you right now so dont leave me alone’
you stared at each other, one slightly irritated while one was begging
‘i told you that you were going to hurt yourself if you push too far and look where you are’
‘but it hurts and i need affection to cool it down’
‘N O, tooru, what you need is proper treatment’
‘cuddles are considered treatment, you know’
‘we’re literally in the middle of the gym-’
‘i dont care’
he gave you those puppy eyes and you harshly looked away to the side
then you sighed before sitting down behind him and holding him in your arms
he was content with your affection and your familiar cherry blossom perfume engulfing his senses
his back was rested against your front uncomfortably while your arms were around his middle where his fingers played with your hands
it was silent for a moment except for his occasional hisses of pain but he decided this might be the time
at this point, he was hurt already so he doesnt care if youd reject him since the pain in his knee would cover the pain of his heart
hes like 14 what he poetic and deep for
‘ne, n/n-chan’
‘go out with me?’
your arms tensed and he squeezed his eyes shut, prepared for the rejection
‘only if you stop doing these late practices bc i want to have dates with you after school’
oml oikawa was so happy
like so happy that he just turns around excitedly and hugs you, competely forgeting about the pain in his knee
‘omg tooru your knee!’
‘ow! ugh!’
so thus began your relationship
anon, im very reluctant to make this fluff to angst
he stuck to his word of not going too far with his late practices and yall often had dates at the park, the convenience store, or just at home
ofc it wasnt everyday but it was close to it
everything was great in the world bc you had your best friend as your boyfriend and he made you so happy
during the summer, you began being an apprentice to your uncle’s clinic to further advance your knowledge in the medical field
that meant less time to spend with tooru which meant sulky tooru
this often caused arguments between you two since he always brought it up
‘n/n-chan, i miss you!’
‘i miss you too, tooru-kun. but i have to continue this so that i can be a better medic for the team!’
‘but i matter more than the team! n/n-chan!’
that was his problem. he thought that now you were dating, youd be revolving him 24/7 and he was everything you thought about
but you still had a life to live and prepare for
you sighed before sitting next to tooru on the floor
‘i finish at 2. then we can go get some milk bread and hike up that trail in time to see the sunset. sound good?’
that made him brighten up and you were dreading of repeating this same cycle again in a few days
but you actually liked this boy and even could say you love him despite his clingy and slightly obsessive personality
when your third year rolled around, oikawa was finally the captain of the team
you were now on the hunt of another manager to take over for next year but so far, its been hard
theyve all been fascinated by the boys, especially oikawa, making it a hard task
during the practice, you notice that tooru has been different
to the others, he was fine
but to this one student, kageyama tobio, he was cold
harsh, even
it wasnt like him to treat his kouhais like that so you were confused and obviously worried for a player on your team
you pulled him aside one day and you asked him what was going on
‘tooru, why are you being mean to kageyama?’
he just smiled, but it was much more different
like a whole different smile youve never seen
‘hes the first setter ive met who is an underclassman. im just trying to toughen him up and shape him to his potential’
but you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow
‘by criticizing every single movement he makes like breathing? by constantly embarrassing him in front of the others? by isolating him from everyone else?’
his eyes twitched and his grin got wider as he gently held your hands
‘we’ll talk about this later, n/n-chan, kay? now, i need to get back to practice as captain and you can continue being the manager’
to be honest, you were kinda pissed
‘no, tooru. you need to stop-’
‘y/n? stop it. this is a stupid thing to argue about so drop it’
boi watch yo mouth
but you didnt push further to not make a scene so you went to kindaichi and gave him his bottle and a towel to kunimi
it was tense between you and oikawa for the next few days
the team could pick up on the weird energy but refused to say anything because hello you were their mom and oikawa was their captain
but iwa didnt care so he straight up asked yall as you were taking spiking notes
‘oi y/n, shittykawa, did you argue or something? its kinda tense in here’
the entire team froze and even the coach looked between you two
lmao i love the coach
‘hm, y/n-chan and i just disagreed on something, didn’t we, y/n-chan?’
oikawa turned and gave you a grin
to others, it wouldve looked real and so convincing
but to you, you knew it was fake
thinking back on it, you shouldve known that was the beginning of his new persona
whenever you pointed it out, he would deflect and you wouldnt stop until he told you what was going on resulting more fights bc he was not doing his vital share in this relationship: communicate
‘tooru, listen to me!’
‘no, y/n-chan. im busy so later’
then it became like that
‘later, y/n-chan’
‘after this spike’
soon after, it felt like you didnt even have a boyfriend anymore
even iwa was starting to notice something weird since oiks was doing this to him too
he was distant, focusing too much time on volleyball which took a toll on his health
and he was getting angrier at tobio for unknown reasons
but these reasons soon came to light when that unfortunate day came
you were waiting for oikawa to finish up his practice so you could also pack up the balls and go home
iwa was already packing up to leave so it was only you oikawa and tobio remaining in the gym
youve talked to kageyama about tooru before and you encouraged him to ask oiks how to serve bc he was really good at it
today he was asking again but you already knew that he was going to refuse him like he has before
but you didnt see this coming
you saw him start to raise his hand with this manic look in his eyes and your eyes widened, running full speed towards kageyama
we finna change this up so buckle up babes
instead of kageyama, you pushed him aside so you took the hit
the force and the intensity of the slap was equivalent to the ones he used to his serves causing you to fly to the floor
you were breathing heavy, tears threatening to fall from the throbbing pain on your face, yet you didnt move
then your head turned to look at kageyama before giving him a nod and a smile
‘g-go to iwaizumi, tobio. he’ll take you home, kay?’
he looked unsure, looking between you and oikawa but your long blink and small smile told him that you would be okay
he ran to the exit and disappeared from view
it was now just you and oikawa
on the other hand, he remained frozen
he didnt know if he should grovel on his knees or cry to forgive him
in all the years youve known each other,
from the very beginning in your diapers,
youve never spoken to him in such anger, venom, and hurt
‘dont say another word to me. dont apologize to me. i did what a normal person would do and protect an innocent child from something he doesnt deserve. he was just a child, tooru’
you stood up, eyes still not meeting his, instead focusing on his taped fingers that used to hold your hands with such gentleness and touch you so softly
‘what happened to you, tooru?’
you whimpered, arms wrapping around yourself
he was lost
he didnt know what to do
he had his own tears falling and he stepped forward in instinct to go to your arms but you flinched and backed away
that caused him to sob before throwing himself on the floor in front of you
‘y/n, please. y/n forgive me. i didnt mean to! please, y/n!’
part of you wanted to think that he was just so stressed out for the incoming interhigh that he wasnt thinking straight
but you knew you were just making excuses
this relationship started falling apart the moment you started your third year and you were just trying to hold it together
it was like holding water on your palms yet ignoring the water that was spilling on the side
you can only ignore it for a short while until eventually, the water is not there anymore and youre suddenly asking yourself, ‘where did it go?’
and now youre asking yourself, where did you go wrong?
was it your fault?
‘tooru, for months, ive made excuses for you. many times ive tried to sort out our problems, yet you always made excuses to not talk about it. it takes two to dance in a relationship yet it feels like im just dragging you in circles. we’re going in circles, tooru!’
he looked up at you, slowly standing on his feet with hands hovering over your shoulders, afraid to touch you
‘i can make this right, y/n. forever, right? you promised me years ago that we’d be together forever! we would get married a-and live together and be like mom and papa, right?!’
you choked back a sob at his face
he looked like someone else
he wasnt your tooru
he was the oikawa tooru that held you as you tried to walk
the one that pulled you back up to bed when you rolled off
the one who purposely tripped himself during your first year when you slipped so that you wouldnt be embarrassed in front of everyone
this was a selfish, jealous, tooru
the same look he gave you when he found out that you were studying with iwa without him
‘you hated tobio because he was a good setter, right? you were jealous and scared that he would take your place? was that it, tooru?’
that was then he really realized that you were the only one who could read him like you were reading a book
a single glance and you knew right away
and you calling him out on it allowed him to figure out why he truly didnt like tobio
and it was embarrassing that you said it out loud
and when oikawa tooru was embarrassed or flustered, he deflects
and it usually ends up badly
‘jealous? dont make me laugh!’
he scoffed while you glared at him
‘then what was it, then tooru? why did you do that, huh? because by the way youre acting right now, youre nothing but a green-filled monster. man, you seriously their captain?’
‘shut up, y/n!’
his personality took a whole 360 and you stepped back, scared he would lash out again
‘you dont know anything! you dont know how its like to feel second place from that bastard ushijima. you dont know how its like to feel threatened that your own kouhai could possibly be better than you. you dont know how it feels like to not feel enough no matter how many hours you practice or serves you hit. you dont know anything, y/n-chan’
he hissed and you shook your head in disbelief
‘so to satisfy your own insecurities, you hurt and put down others just so you could feel better about yourself. that just proves you are no longer the tooru i know.’
‘well i dont need you, then!’
you were taken aback by his shouts, composure now broken
‘im not him anymore so you either take whats in front of you or leave!’
at his suggestion, you narrowed your eyes
‘dont make me say my choice because you already know what im going to say’
despite knowing youd say that, part of him still wanted you to at least stay
but he was hurt and he wanted to hurt you as much as you hurt him
‘then leave! i dont need a distraction in my life anymore! you no longer satisfy me! so go!’
the tears now fell and you opened your mouth to say something but you closed it, replacing it with a sob
you bit your lip to compose yourself and swallowed that lump on your throat
‘fine. we’re done, oikawa tooru. and im sorry if i was a distraction to you for the entire 15 years of life we spent together. i can assure you that you will no longer have to put up with me’
then you left
you tried not to think about it bc you were only 15 and you were young so this wouldnt be the last time youd feel love
but not only did you lose a boyfriend, but you lost your best friend
and this is when you realized that best friends are only meant to be best friends
nothing more, nothing less
your parents knew nothing of what transpired and blamed your bruise at running into something bc you didnt want to strain the friendship your mother and his had if they found out her son hit you
family dinners were awkward and your parents kept asking until theyve just figured out that you were fighting
for the rest of your lives
iwa didnt know either
you made kageyama swear to you that he wouldnt say anything and you were relieved that it wasnt his business to say anything to someone else anyways
it was a secret that remains between the three of you
all was known was that you and oikawa broke up and you acted like he wasnt even there
if you had a problem, you went to iwaizumi since he was the vice captain
other than that, you no longer interacted with oikawa
it was an obvious thing that you wouldnt go to seijoh and your families were confused, wondering what the heck happened
‘y/n? youve wanted to go with tooru to seijoh since you were younger so what changed?’
‘people change’
tooru changed
instead, you went to karasuno
it was a suggestion from the guy in the milk bread store after you expressed your dilemma of finding a high school
‘karasuno’s right up there, kid. it’s not that far of a walk, right?’
‘i guess youre right’
during your first day of high school, you were shutting the gate when you saw iwaizumi and oikawa by his door
iwaizumi raised a hand in greeting and you smiled at him before walking down the road
‘i still wont force you to tell me but just know, you either fix it or get over her’
iwaizumi cautions tooru who kept his eyes on your slowly getting smaller figure
‘but i cant fix it this time’
you disassociated yourself from volleyball for the rest of years until a good friend of yours, kiyoko, asked you to help her manage the boys
she asked you to just help her out during your last year and you agreed since shes done a lot of things for you over the years
‘we have a practice match with aoba johsai on tuesday so you think you can come then?’
you froze, not knowing what to say
but its been years and you no longer cared
besides, you still felt protective towards one of your former baby chicks kageyama and him being there with that guy worried you
so you agreed
on your way there, kageyama stuck close to you since you were the only one he trusted there
‘are you okay with this, y/n-san?’
you squeezed his arm with a smile
‘it’s okay, tobio. besides, iwa told me that kindaichi and kunimi are there and i miss them so’
the boys and you started unloading their bags and kiyoko asked you to go and fill their bottles in case
the gray-haired setter, you knew as sugawara koushi, accompanied you to carry them so you were filling them up as he held the container of empty bottles
‘the boys are going to be good, you know. and dont worry about kageyama. hes extremely talented and we could win easily’
you gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded
‘i have faith in our firs-’
a voice from behind you made the hair on your arms stand and you saw him there
he was shocked to see you there bc last thing he knew from iwa, you no longer had anything to do with volleyball
but here you were, in his castle, with an unknown person beside you
suga noticed your tense form and placed the box on the floor
he put a hand on your shoulder and made you face him
‘you know him, y/n?’
but you only gave oikawa one more look
‘no. not anymore’
oikawa screamed
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yall that one last line is not relevant to the story but i put it there since someone pointed out that oikawa was always screaming and i thought that was a funny comment
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cassyapper · 3 years
loving you may mean losing you but i dont mind (jotakak playlist)
dont talk to me about the title of this thing im embarrassed enough
anyway but okay so!!!! very excited to share this!!!! this has been in the works since september but my picky ass finally found an adequate amount of songs so here it is!!!!!! my jotakak playlist (:
special thanks to my lovely and wonderful friend jade for helping me finish this this thing <3
track list nd why i picked the songs that i did under the break!
1. the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! by sufjan stevens i chose this song because it’s all about internalized homophobia and being in love with your best friend as a kid which RLLY resonates w jotakak imo. esp cause in the song, stevens’ friend ends up leaving abruptly, leaving stevens to wonder about what couldve blossomed if they had stuck together and worked through the difficulties together, which JOTARO....THAT IS JOTARO-CORE esp cause kak also “leaves” (dies). so this song was a v obvious choice for me and in fact this song is what inspired me to create this playlist in the first place
2. we are beautiful, we are doomed by los campesinos! this song is abt being in love with someone but you both have ur issues so it’s kind of a mess. considering jotaro and kakyoin’s (to point it quite frankly) trauma and the fact that both of them do jack shit to try and cope with it healthily, this song DEFINITELY fits them. esp cause this song mentions physical fighting and the imagery that goes with it (”he got his teeth fixed/im gonna break them”, “i’ve got a fist on fire”, etc) and the entirety of the bridge/last verse rlly gives me these two’s vibes so! ya (:
3. love love love by of monsters and men this song is the singer feeling like shes completely unworthy of being loved by this important person in her life, particularly because she has NO idea how to show affection and love the (for lack of better word) “acceptable” way, or any way at all really. this REALLY has jotaro vibes cause he is one repressed motherfucker and as we see the entirety of his story, jotaro is full of love he loves so much it’s just he has no idea how to properly express it cause he’s scared essentially. but that didn’t stop people from loving him, in this case, that being kakyoin. hhhhHHh
4. ribs by lorde this song is about being scared of growing up but due to the lyrics being written the way they are, i kinda spin the interpretation of it to be the fear jotaro and kakyoin had on the crusade to egypt, as they were the youngest and didnt know if they’d make it back and everything is just incredibly overwhelming there is so much going on all the time those 50 days. i can do a full analysis on why but that would be kinda long LMAO. for now let’s leave it at they have a very Unique fear of growing up but it still fits with the lyrics. particularly the last bit of the song with the “youre the only friend i need” verses,,,makes me think of these two...
5. can i call you tonight? by dayglow i interpret this song to be about trying to figure out what, exactly, your feelings are for this very specific and important person in your life. since jotaro and kakyoin r both repressed and also suckers of internalized homophobia, i think they fit that theme very well. particularly with the whole “i feel like we’re close, but maybe we’re not actually? what are we?” theme going on in the lyrics, this whole song makes me think of jotaro and kakyoin figuring out their intense and sudden (cause again only 50 days but also, those 50 days had So Much going on) feelings for each other. also the “now i’m no longer alone” line in the chorus HHHHHHH that’s them
6. la la la love song by toshinobu kubota ft naomi campbell SO I KNOW THIS SONG IS KINDA JUST FLUFF but we need some light-hearted moments in this thing hjgg;. ALSO toshinobu kubota is canonically jotaro’s favorite musician so i wanted to reference that and this was my fav love song of his that i’ve found so far so (: also the “you are my shining star” line,,,heh
7. truce by twenty one pilots so this song is very soft. it’s about tending to wounds and taking a moment before continuing to push on. it makes me think abt jotaro and kakyoin taking care of each other on the journey (for example the lovers arc/n’doul fight). also the whole “stay alive, stay alive for me/you will die, but now your life is free/take pride in what is sure to die” makes me go fucking nuts that is. that fits these two to a T fuck
8. this side of paradise by coyote theory this song has big “two lonely people are in love with each other for the first time” vibes and OHHHHHHHHHH THAT’S JOTAKAK.... there are a lot of little lines that make me specifically think abt these two, such as “love so strong it makes me feel weak” (jotaro-core...), “if you’re lonely come be lonely with me”, “i’ll be yours if you’ll be mine” (wanting some security while ur in love for the first time is common but especially for these two i think it works spectacularly) but yea this song as a whole is just...ohhh them. theyre in lvoe HK;FNJFL
9. i saw you in a dream by the japanese house EVERY. SINGLE. LINE. OF THIS SONG IS POST-EGYPT JOTARO. EVERY SINGLE LINE. and the ghost the singer talks about seeing? they hadnt changed at all? they were such a pretty vision, a perfect hallucination? BRUH... just listen i could do a whole analysis on this song it all just fits jotaro mourning kakyoin throughout the years so so so so well it makes me feel nuts holy shit i just. literally every line. every line fits i am not joking. i cried when i first heard this song LMAO
10. video games by the young professionals SO LMAO obviously kakyoin’s epic gamer moves are being referenced but beyond that i interpret this song to just be the fun parts of being in love esp when ur young (backed up with the “kissing in the blue dark” and the “watching all our friends fall” lines). also the chorus just makes me want to cry cause just, happy jotakak moments PLEASE. “the world was built for two only worth living if somebody is loving you, and baby now you do” THEYRE NOT ALONE ANYMORE THEY FOUDN EACH OTHER IM GONAN WAILLLLLLL oh my god. im nuts theynkjNJKNJF also “i heard that you like the bad girls” please. these two shitty teenagers
11. ikanaide by sohta ft. yuki kaai this song is abt not wanting someone u love to leave u cause youll miss them obviously but also ur scared of how the time will change you and if it’ll make you unrecognizable eventually. big post-egypt jotaro vibes 😔 especially cause one part of the chorus translates to “i shouldnt cry, i shouldnt cry, but the truth is i want to say dont go” and im jus like OHHHHH NO IT’S JOTARO FINDING OUT KAKYOIN DIED jkfnNKJFNJDhkld
12. therefore you and me by eve ALRIGHT. god this song is one hell of a doozy. i interpret this song to mean being sincerely in love but youre in the wrong place/wrong time. considering the uh Whole Situation in part 3 there were definitely better times to fall in love for these two. jotaro and kakyoin try to be happy w the moments they do have (i think the second verse in particular adds to this sentiment what with the selfish ghosts part) but they want a better environment understandably so theyre also just kinda ignoring things until they can properly care for a relationship. but well...who knows if theyll live to make it to that better environment ):
13. mayonaka no door/stay with me by miki matsubara this song is a v sweet sentiment abt like “it’s not just heat of the moment!! i do care about u a lot!!” and asking the person u have feelings for to stick around. big kakyoin and jotaro vibes as it would be easy to call what they have a fling considering how relatively short of a timeframe they had but i genuinely think their relationship was deeper than just that and this song nicely reflects such. “jotaro and i will share a room cause we’re both students” fuckin head ass
14. a thousand years by sting oh sting.... so since sting is kakyoin’s favorite musician canonically i had to add one of his songs here as well but beyond just that i do think this song fits them!! it kinda gives me big “if not in this life, then the next” vibes which is a big uhhh thing for jotakak. they may be doomed to tragedy but the moments they have together make the tragedy worth enduring ironically i feel like this song is mostly from jotaro’s pov considering i dont think he ever completely got over kakyoin and this song def has that kinda sentiment but hey it fits them...
15. mr loverman by ricky montgomery SO FUNNY STORY i actually REALLY. REALLY didnt wanna add this song at first cause i felt it wouldve been...idk too cliche? i guess? and i was ALL kinds of picky when choosing songs for this playlist HOWEVER. eventually i relistened to it and read the lyrics while thinking specifically abt jotakak and it actually rlly does fit quite well KJDFN; another jotaro mourning song ): it’s not just the chorus tho the whole song fits jotaro immediately post-egypt but also i feel like some time around part 4 this sentiment would come back to him cause Yknow. Gays In Morioh and the mess of his family life back in america. it just aches for him cause while he’s happy josuke is happy he wishes he couldve had that for him and kakyoin too but yea jus ... them
16. you by petit biscuit an instrumental?? in a ship playlist?? yes that’s right much like mr loverman i was hesitant to put this song in cause it’s harder to justify since i dont rlly know much abt music (and not to b controversial but interpreting lyrics and interpreting music r two different things) however i really think the vibes of this song fit jotakak. it’s got a somber melody but the keys of the piano are high which im taking to mean “light in the dark” which. jotaro and kakyoin (along w the rest of the crusaders) were each other’s lights in the dark. also the ending samples a conference/lecture talking about space flight and like. star platinum. space symbolism. jotaro. yeah
17. saturn by sleeping at last MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. this song is all about losing someone very close and important to you, but reflecting on the good they brought into your life rather than the pain of losing them. this song also has HEAVY space imagery which stardust crusaders is absolutely chalk fucking full of so also it’s a very philosophical song and considering that jotaro and kakyoin are both Nerds and both got a nice view of the stars/space in the desert with each other, im sure they had conversations similar to the one highlighted in the song. i think it’s a good note to end the playlist on cause kakyoin is dead and jotaro is the survivor but it’s not a mourning song so much as jotaro taking the love he had for kakyoin and pushing forward with it allll th way into part 6
but yeah that’s the tracklist! i might add or take away a song or two but this is mostly it (: hope yall enjoy!
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (5) | T.H.
Summary: Harry and Harrison made it to New York without witnesses. One secret is revealed and a relationship could be broken up for good. What will the future hold for Y/N and Tom?
A/N: Everybody buckle up and grab your tissues, we’re in for a bumpy ride. Lemme know how you feel after this! Was it what you expected??
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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It’s one thing to keep a secrets, but it’s another thing when you’re hiding it from the people you love. For Kate, she was becoming consumed in her own guilt as each day passed. Everyday her breaths would shorten, her heartbeat quicken, and her conscience relentlessy invading her inner thoughts. Kate tried to find all the possibilities to avoid the truth, and make everyone happy...but it didnt matter. One way or another, someone was going to get hurt.
Kate stood in front of Harrison and Harry at her doorstep. While she was relieved and excited to see them, a slight tinge of fear was present. “How are you going to find out the truth?” She asks calmly as Harrison and Harry made their way into the apartment. Kate picked up her phone, checking for an message. None showed up.
“Well, we might have found something. A clue maybe, but we’re not sure.” Harry explained as he picked up his macbook, turning it on.
“Is Y/N here?” Harrison asked, and as if on cue she appeared, heavy bags under her eyes.
The moment Y/N laid eyes on the two, she couldn’t believe it. Her hands quickly rubbing the sleep from her eyes, almost convinced it was a dream. “What? Harry? Harrison? What are you guys doing here?” Y/N excitedly asks. She made her way towards the boys giving them a long awaited hug. “I missed you guys.” She whispers.
“We want to help you.” Harrison says as he pulled away. “The unknown number? We might have an idea.”
Y/N looked at them suspiciously, checking her phone for cryptic messages. “Does anyone know you’re here?”
They both shook their head. “We didn’t tell anyone back home. As far as anyone knows, Harrison and I are going on a 3 day hike with little reception.” Harry reassured her with his boyish smile. Y/N look at him with admiration. He may not look like his brother, but his tone had Tom written all over it.
“Great. Just make sure your location is off on your phones..they could be watching us.” Kate warned as she checked her phone again.
Harrison looked at Kate with sympathy. In the years he’s known her because of Y/N and Tom’s relationship, she always seemed to be the sweetest most loyal friend out there. He was happy that Y/N had someone like Kate in her life. Not to mention it was also a plus that she was fairly pretty, even with the worry written all over face, she was still beautiful to Harrison.
“Hey.” Harrison spoke out for Kate’s attention. “We’re gonna figure this out. I promise.” While Kate nodded, she silently knew that this was not going to end well.”
“Wait...so Tom? Is he—?” Y/N asks the boys with anticipation.
Harrison knowing, exactly what Y/N was asking before she could even finished answered swiftly. “No! Of course not!” He laughs as if it was the silliest thing to answer. “Y/N, Tom loves you. He still does.”
“But the pictures..”
“Was a PR stunt set by Natalie’s publicists.” Harrison finished. “He’s doing a project that Natalie somehow got involved in, and they wanted a PR relationship to sell it. He didn’t want to at first, but then they showed him pictures of you and some div.”
“Hey he’s not some div! Matt’s a good guy.” Y/N defends. “Sweet actually, but I turned him down at the end of it. We’re just friends.”
Then it clicked. “Wait. You said that Tom saw the pictures?” Y/N asked trying to piece it together. “How did he get pictures?”
Harry and Harrison took a moment to think it through. “Well...Natalie’s publicist showed it to Tom.” Harry answered.
“But we don’t know where she got the pictures from.” Harrison added. “My money was on Natalie...still is.”
“Cmon mate. There’s no way she could have gotten pictures in New York and suddenly fly back to London.”
Kate slowly made her way to her own room, no longer wanting to be part of the conversation. They were getting too suspicious, and the more they questioned, the more nervous she got.
“Well maybe the unknown number sent it.” Harry said as he continued to be deep in his thoughts. “Or they found out on that fan account you found Harrison.”
“Wait? Fan account? They know?!” Y/N freaked out. Three years into making sure she was kept in the shadows, and it went all down the drain. If it there were fan accounts then it would only make it harder to finding out who really did sabotage her relationship. Let alone everyone’s lives.
“We don’t know yet, but Harrison found a fan account that was posting about Tom and you. Not together at least, but seperately. The weird part is...barely few people follow it, so we’re not sure what it means.” Harry explained, as he tried to pull up the account. “Oh no.”
“What? What do you mean ‘Oh no’?” Harrison panicked.
“I cant find the account.” Harrison said as he tried to pull it up, but the page disappeared.
In the nick of time, a message was sent to all three of them.
Looks like you’re back to square 1 ❤️
“Shit! How did they know?” Harrison questioned in anger. “We were this close!”
“It’s okay Harrison. I appreciate that you guys tried, but it’s a lost cause.” Y/N consoled him, rubbing his shoulder.
“It won’t be. We’ll find another way.” Harry encouraged as he hugged them both. “By the way, where’s Kate gone?”
All three looked up to notice she was missing. Y/N waved it off, assuming it was just one of those days. “She probably went to bed early. Kate gets tired easily, nowadays. It might be because of her new job on top of watching out for me. Its a lot to take on for a person.”
The reasoning seemed valid enough Harrison and Harry. Plus it was Kate they were talking about, she always had Y/N’s back from day one, she wouldnt blackmail any of them or ruin Y/N and Tom’s relationship..right?
Late in the night, Harrison had trouble sleeping because of the jetlag. Since it only was a medicore 2 bedroom apartment, Harrison and Harry slept in the living room on the sofa bed. Luckily it was big enough for the both them and they didnt have to resort to cuddling. Harrison lied on his back as he looked out to the NYC view, thinking about everything and nothing at all. He smiled, thinking about it all. For a very serious couple, a lot of shit has gone down and yet here he was with trying to save it. He cared about the two so deeply, they were his family and family never turns their back on the other.
Then he heard something, whispers coming from the hall. Harrison didn’t dare to make a move but he trained his ears to listen carefully at the voice.
“Im telling you they are getting suspicious.” The voice whispered into the phone. It sounded like Kate’s and Harrison continued to listen in.
“No.No. I sent the damn pictures to you for a reason. No one told me that they would come here. I wasn’t prepared for that.” Kate continues as she paces in the corner.
Pictures? Harrison was awake more than ever, as he quickly shook Harry, and told him to stay quiet. They continued to listen.
“Look I did everything I was told to do. She got what she wanted, now —” Kate stopped in her tracks as she saw Harry and Harrison in front of her. Immediately she dropped the call, her lips moving, unable to find the words.
“How could you?” Harry said his brown eyes glaring at at the girl who just betrayed her best friend. “She was your best friend! How could you?!” He spoke louder.
Kate tried her best to quiet them down, but there was the point. She knew this day would come. “You don’t understand.” Kate whispers, looking at the ground. “I was only doing this to protect Y/N.”
“Protect Y/N? Blackmailing her? Sending pictures of her and a guy to Tom, so he would turn against her? That’s protecting her?” Harrison questioned, hurt by her actions. If he was hurt, then surely It would hurt Y/N far worse.
Y/N comes out of her room as she sees the three gather together, glaring at each other. “Hey..w-what’s going in?” She asks nervously.
“Why don’t you tell her Kate?” Harry spits out as he gestures to Y/N. Kate looks into her best friend’s eyes tears welling up. Y/N had fear struck into her face, afraid of what she had to say.
“I’m so sorry.” She cries. “I didn’t have a choice. She would have ruined our friendship if I did.”
“Kate. What.Did.You.Do?” Y/N asks, emphasizing each word to the question.
Kate shook her head as she let out a deep sigh. “Im the reason your pictured with Matt got out Tom.”
Y/N shook her head, tears streaming. She didn’t want to believe it. “Please tell me you’re lying.”
“Im sorry Y/N. I swear I didnt mean for this to get out of hand. I was threatened that if I didn share them, then they would say something that could ruin our friendship..and...I didnt want that to happen.” Kate frantically explains, sobbing at her no good explanation.
Y/N shook her head, her face switching from sadness to anger. “Looks like you didn’t need them to ruin it at all for you. Now you’re gonna tell me what you know and then Im packing my stuff and Im moving out.”
Kate sobbed as she try to plead to her ex-bestfriend to stay. “Look I’ll tell you everything okay, but it’s not much.” She takes a deep breath before she continues. “I was the one that started the rumors and created the fan account Harry and Harrison saw.”
“Why?” Y/N asks, her disappointed face unchanging.
“I was jealous of you at the time. Y/N you had everything I could have ever wanted in my life. A job, a boyfriend that doesn’t leave you, a family that loves you, and the fame which you didn’t even want to accept with open arms. You were always a step ahead of me at something and I was tired of it. So when you told me you felt uneasy about Natalie when she first moved in, I sold that info online and twisted the story so that it looked like Tom liked Natalie and they were a potential couple.”
“Oh my god.” Harrison said as he let his head down. “You made Natalie think that Tom was in love with her secretly thats why she had become so persistant.”
Kate slowly nodded as she took another breath. “As for the fan accounts I can’t tell you much because I was just asked to create them by the Unknown number.”
“Wait so you’re not the unknown number?” Harry asked confused.
Kate shook her head. “I don’t who it is. Im just a vicitim as much as you guys are.”
“No cut that bullshit. It’s because of you that all of our lives are a mess. It’s because of you that I had to lose the most important thing in my life. So don’t say you’re a fucking victim when all you really did was try to save your own ass.” Y/N yelled.
“You didn’t have to if you were so confident in your relationship with Tom.” She spat back.
“I love Tom with all my heart, but I was referring my best friend. I never want to see you again.” Y/N states, emotionless. No one had ever seen Y/N like this. In fact no one had ever seen her mad as she was on this very day. The day she lost her best friend.
Y/N went to her room to quickly gather her belongings, stuffing them back in the bag. Her phone was ringing and she didnt hesitate to pick it up.
“Tom...” she answers, holding back her sobs.
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit​ @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson
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honeymoonjin · 3 years
Ugh in response to the anon who seems to dislike Hobi so much they had to go off on the #savehobi campaign as if any of this is real:
1. It’s. Not. Real. It doesn’t matter who your bias is in real life bc these are versions of them they aren’t accurate to them (like I’m sure they’re all just as kind and wonderful as you write them but s t i l l ! D a m n ! This is an au!) also like hi! I started as army as RM bias w Jimin being my bias wrecker and then D-2 dropped and now Yoogles just basis wrecked me so hard he’s now my bias and Joonie is my bias wrecker...but I love Hobi’s arc in this so I want him to stay!
I find 1. His scenes genuinely more interesting and better than everyone else’s. And yeah. Maybe he takes it “too professionally” whatever tf that means (as if jimin didnt start this whole competition as the “porn Star dom too good for you all” persona he always used on camera and jk isn’t literally camming through the show??) (also like...he messes with much more serious kinks than the others so we hate him for going the extra mile for explicit understanding for proper consent among everyone? What?) but like he puts a lot more effort and thought into his scene and always makes sure it’s something yn will enjoy and would be willing to explore without taking it too far since she’s new to a lot of these kinks.
2. His outing? He literally offered to go get smoothies and have a normal night out if she wanted to and SHE chose the red room and mistress bee over that!
3. Idk how many times I’m gonna go off about this to you (I apologize bc I don’t blame you teddy- I love the way you write him!) but he is aromatic. Sorry he doesn’t fit into your ideas that sexual and platontic bonds can’t run as deep and be as meaningful/loving as romantic bonds! Do I think he could interact with her more? YES! PLEASE TEDDY LET THEM INTERACT MORE! I feel like something holding him back is knowing she has these romantic bonds and he knows he can’t offer that but also he isn’t out to anyone in the house but joon! So he’s probably nervous she will treat him different bc they’ll never be in love that way like the others (and I know it’s different but one of the reasons I don’t actively seek relationships (besides like anxiety and a general dislike of ppl 🤪) is bc I’m always scared of having to have the I’m asexual/what is asexuality conversation- idk there’s a lot of ppl who just think it’s not real or think we’re just “straight ppl trying to be special too” both in and out of the lgbt community so it’s weird sometimes)
4. I also feel that one reason we differentiate jimin using his professional persona from Hobis (besides romantic vs nonromantic aspect) is that we’ve seen jimin more have moments “outside of the show” where he lets it go and it’s not just the scene assigned and Hobi hasn’t had that. Like even outside of yn, we see a lot of jimin/Tae scenes that have sexual undertones (even when they don’t have sex) that are viewed more favorably bc they’re in love and also bc there’s just more of them (no complaints over you feeding my vmin love) i kinda hope we get to see up close Hobi interact more with Joonie and yn and the others like we see the other characters do bc he seems close with a lot of them from mentions here and there (sitting on each other’s laps, stroking each other’s hair, eating/cooking/watching tv together, him and joonies whole thing, he was excited at the idea of the “sleepover” in the bunkroom with some of when when he failed his prompt) but outside of his assigned scenes he’s almost always been a background character or as an antagonist to jimin and we as readers are only told by others about his good interactions we almost never read them for ourselves.
Idk this got super effing long and idk how much sense it makes but those are my thoughts on this whole #savehobi thing also like 100% I feel like he should have fan fav scene more/be higher in rankings at least bc his scenes are so amazing and well written and interesting and new but also always show the deep trust between him and yn as well as how well he pays attention to her likes/dislikes/ the little things! Cool. That just made t longer but anyways!!! #savehobi !!!!
babes i wish yall would get paid by the word really i do because it means the world to me that people care enough about my story and my characters to actually take the time to write these asks, like irrelevant of what it's about it always makes my day, and when it comes to discussing the characters it just is so fascinating to me to hear people's reasoning for things!
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Discord pt 64
[Date: 08/03, 6.01 AM - 08/03, 6.32 AM GMT]
[Direct continuation from pt 63]
[CW: Manipulation, stalking]
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C R O W N: “are you all happier without me?”
Maxwell: “yes”
C R O W N: “...”
fetch: “we might be, yeah.”
C R O W N: “...”
Marcus: “...guys”
fetch: “just get out of here, dammit”
C R O W N: “i see”
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Maxwell: “leave”
Marcus: “Baron and prince and lizzy are still with him”
jayyyyyyyy: “yeah, but theyre not in the court”
Marcus: “They are jay”
jayyyyyyyy: “crowns lost so much power. rescuing the others will be childsplay”
Marcus: “They’re still there”
Little-K1ng: “this is a weird vibe, just 3 dudes in my living room. i hope you guys know i have like, a bed and then a couch and also a floor”
Maxwell: “i call the floor”
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Marcus: “That just makes him stronger”
Marcus: “Less people to control”
Little-K1ng: “floor is now called for, fetch can have the bed, and marcus gets couch i guess!”
Maxwell: “i can sleep anywhere man i used to sleep on the floor for fun as a kid!”
Little-K1ng: “zero porch sleepers, PLEASE,”
C R O W N: “I'm sorry. I just wanted to give Ranboo a happy family.”
Maxwell: “no you didnt bitch”
fetch: “just get OUT”
Maxwell: “that aint how a family works”
fetch: “get these squirrels out of my fuckin yard”
C R O W N: “...fine”
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Marcus: “Do you remember what I said when this family asked about my thoughts on Dream?”
C R O W N: “yes”
Maxwell: “....i forgot how much of a dogboy you were fetch, heh...nice to see ya again man”
Little-K1ng: “[calling out of my front door to the street] ay fuck off pal not tonight”
fetch: “Pff, you too ya little rat”
Marcus: “I would like to change my answer.”
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Marcus: “You are no better than Dream. You are no different than the man who you described as a horrible person. You are no savior.”
C R O W N: “...”
Marcus: “You are a coward.”
Maxwell: “ey i may be little but i can bite your kneecaps”
C R O W N: “...
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Little-K1ng: “okay so i cant believe how not surprised i am but.... at the moment maxwell... theres orange juice in the fridge and cookies in the pantry (they're oatmeal raisin for your Health), if "someone" (you) starts bleeding again just sit and chill”
Little-K1ng: “but definitely get at those snacks”
Maxwell: “thanks man, sorry for barging in”
Marcus: “...what the hell are we wearing?”
Little-K1ng: “nah its all good ill be in a better mood once these bad boys! [holds out 2 excedrin] actually kick in”
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fetch: “I dunno man but hey max, you look good in a skirt”
Little-K1ng: “i mean you do suit the skirt”
Maxwell: “.........hUh”
Marcus: “How the hell did I run in demonias what the fuck”
Maxwell: “i mean ive got combat boots so thats good but seriously man how the fuck did you run in those”
Marcus: “My hair isn’t supposed to be short”
fetch: “Okay you rock the demonias but are your ankles okay”
Little-K1ng: “yall are so fashionable i am almost not going to offer better clothes”
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fetch: “...
ow ow ow
Little-K1ng: “wh?”
fetch: “gdox”
Maxwell: “i know ive got a button up on but not having a cloak or sweater of somesort feels horrid”
Marcus: “Fetch?”
fetch: “ow
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[Crown edited onto the google doc: "I'm sorry i'll be good just please come back i don't want to lose anyone else it hurts i already lost tommy and now you all left me please come back please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please"]
Marcus: “Fuck”
fetch: “hes tampering”
dreaming: “fetch you okay?”
Little-K1ng: “woah dude hey hey sit its okay just sit”
Little-K1ng: “the doc...”
Maxwell: “uh oh”
fetch: “ow ow wh at the fu c k”
Maxwell: “the fuck happened to tommy what is he on about”
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Little-K1ng: “WOAH okay so fetch just hit the floor”
Maxwell: “shit fetch you okay”
Marcus: “Fuck, do you have tissues? His nose is bleeding”
Little-K1ng: “AH AH HEY UH HELP ME uh hes bleeding flip him over”
Little-K1ng: “hes bleeding a lot dont let him drown”
Maxwell: “oh god okay”
Little-K1ng: “cmon recovery position dont you know that?? ok”
Marcus: “Yeah of course”
Maxwell: “dont lay him down yeah he'll choke on  the blood if we do”
Little-K1ng: “okay hes good just. drooling blood onto the floor okay, thats, ew, but not the first time”
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Little-K1ng: “oh yeah the doc huh? okay that alteration must have really hurt”
A random Spark: “It was a big one, a whole page”
Little-K1ng: “oh ouch”
Maxwell: “so should we try to leave it for now for fetch to fix when he wakes up to not hurt him more?”
Little-K1ng: “okay, note to self, buy more excedrin
this weeks trauma is sponsored by excedrin”
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Maxwell: “what the shit happened to tommy?”
jayyyyyyyy: “tommy died??”
Maxwell: “HE WHAT”
jayyyyyyyy: “I DONT KNOW??”
Little-K1ng: “yeah uh, he kinda, look ok yall can explain that and ill just. try to clean this up”
Mothbo: “Max, it's been much longer than a day.”
Maxwell: “what”
Little-K1ng: “a... a day ??”
Marcus: “...max”
Maxwell: “how...long has it been”
boo: “a month or so”
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Maxwell: “god my head hurts this is too much to process”
Little-K1ng: “hahaa,, yeah no you've never met me, its been an awful lot longer than that, look, we've had a long night, the sprinklers are staying on overnight, just sit and we can get some sleep, yeah? ill stay with fetch and make sure he doesnt choke”
Little-K1ng: “ill get you the snacks and you can recover from the blood loss, sound good?”
Marcus: “I can um”
Maxwell: “thanks so much man...”
Marcus: “I can stay up and help these two, I basically took care of them back at the-
You know”
Maxwell: “okay...tomorrow....yall havge a  lto og explaining to fo”
Marcus: “You don’t look well, Mona you should rest”
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Maxwell: “im going to slepw nihgt fucekrs ha....its good to be back”
Little-K1ng: “i appreciate the concern, good night marcus. nice to meet you :)”
Marcus: “It’s uh, nice to meet you too
Mothbo: “rest well, Max. Please stay safe okay? We missed ya”
Maxwell: “course....”
[jayyyyyyyy: “have a nice first night free marcus! :]”]
Marcus: “...thank you”
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Chat: “...”
katichu (derogatory): “Chat?”
jayyyyyyyy: “hi, chat. you maybe wanna take off your crown, mate?”
Chat: “You know what? I really don't care anymore. I should've known who you all really were when you first showed your true colors by being so hateful to crown and the family. You're all nothing to me :) And guess what? I'm completely fine with that!!”
A random Spark: “We made our choice”
Chat: “Yep! And I've made mine, and I'm completely fine with knowing that I've done nothing but right by Crown, and that none of this is my fault and I'm not to blame for anything and I haven't done anything wrong and it's perfectly fine and I'm okay!!”
Chat: “I know you never cared about me anyway. You don't need to keep saying it. I have my family and I'm h a p p y n o w”
[jayyyyyyyy: “We do care about you. We're also all tired as fuck.”]
Chat: “Right.”
Chat: “I'll be leaving now. Thank you for nothing.”
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honeyjaez · 5 years
A solo stan who is thinking about checking other groups out?
There is nothing wrong with being a solo stan (as in only liking 1 group) as long as you are kind and courteous to other groups.
Also this post might not be for you.
But if you are a solo stan (usually starting with BTS) or just in need of finding new groups and thinking about spreading your wings here are some suggestions. 🙂
When I first got into kpop way back in the 2010 years I had no clue what I had stumbled on and I only liked 2 groups max for the longest time because I didnt know about any other groups. Since then I’ve come to love so many groups that I wish I knew about sooner.
Now mind you. I am primarily a boy group stan so there are not a lot of girl groups on her so please forgive me. -*edit I’ve decided to do a part 2 of just girl groups so stay tuned
This is also under the impression you already know BTS and their brother group TXT.
also if your fav is not on this list I dearly apologize. I picked groups that might be a good intro to like multiple groups.
Groups down below ˅˅˅˅
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-13 Member group under Pledis Entertainment.
- Debuted May 26, 2015
-Popular in Korea and slowly gaining popularity internationally.
-AMAZING dancers.
-Like the synchronization is unreal for 13 people.
- Divided into 3 sub-units; Performance Unit, Hip-Hop Unit, and Vocal Unit
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Don’t Wanna Cry. Hit, Clap
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-Currently a 6 Member group under YG Entertainment
-Debuted September 15th, 2015
-Addicting Chorus’s and bad ass rapping
-Their Leader B.I recently left the group early this year, but fans are hopeful for a reunion. But that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate OT7 right now.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Bling Bling, Love Scenario, B-Day
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-6 Member group under RBW Entertainment
-Debuted January 9th, 2019.
-They are a crazy good for a rookie group and have a lot of bangers.
-Their choreography is no joke
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Valkyrie (Debut song), Twilight, Lit
(Seriously they have no bad songs)
NCT 127:
(NCT is actually a massive group divided up into sub-units)
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-10 Member group under SM Entertainment.
-Debuted July 10th, 2016
-Crazy Powerful dance moves.
-Look mean, but are actually sweethearts.
-Gaining popularity in the west.
-Some songs to introduce you to them:Cherry Bomb, Touch, Highway to Heaven
NCT Dream:
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-Currently a 6 member group under SM Entertainment
-Debuted August 24th, 2016
-Cute Charm and Powerful stage presence. 
-NCT Dream is as this moment not a fixed unit and based on idols age.
-When they get old enough the members “graduate” and join other NCT sub-units
-Mark of NCT 127 was once the leader but he reached the age limit and “Graduated” and thus no longer apart of the group.
-Many fans detest this concept and wish SM to make them a fixed unit but that doens’t mean you can’t love OT6 or OT7 at the moment.
-Some songs to introduce you to them:  Boom, We Go Up, Go
Stray Kids:
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-8  member group under JYP Entertainment
-Debuted March 25th, 2018
-Gained a lot of popularity through their survival show of the same name
-Strong and Meaningful songs that deal a lot with self struggle and depression. 
-All songs are produced by members Bang Chan, Changbin and Han who make up the sub-unit 3racha.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Hellavator Levanter, Voices, My Pace, Double Knot, God’s Menu, Back Door (I mean this list can go on and on)
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-7 Member group under JYP Entertainment
-Debuted January 16th, 2014
-Another amazing dancing group
-Strong Charisma on stage.
-Variety Kings
-Some songs to introduce you to them:Hard Carry, Eclipse, You Are 
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-7 Member group under A Team Entertainment
-Debuted October 31st, 2015.
-Severely underrated 
-Has lost some members and gains some as well.
-They work super hard year round with hardly and rest.
-Please stan VAV.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: She’s Mine, Poison, Spotlight. 
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-6 Member group under Fantagio Entertainment
-Debuted February 23rd, 2016.
-Cute, Charming group.
-The boys are actual angels.
-The group is a breath of fresh air.
-Super Talented.
-Addicting songs that just make you smile
-Can have the same concept as literally any other group but still make it their own.
-Vocals are beyond this world.
-Also just overall very pretty.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: All Night, Blue Flame, Baby, Always You. 
The Boyz:
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-11 Member group under Cre.Ker Entertainment
-Debuted December 6th, 2017
-A really fun and charming group.
-Their song’s are very addicting
-Dance like songs
-Sweet sweet boys who deserve love.
-Member Hwall left in October of 2019 due to health reasons 
-Some songs to introduce you to them: D.D.D, No Air, Giddy Up 
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-5 Member group under JYP Entertainment
-Debuted September 7th, 2015
-An actual band so they don’t dance on stage
-but crazy talented
-Their songs are known to make people feel happier.
-I don’t think it is possible to have a bad Day6 song.
-Jae’s twitter is quite possible my favorite place on this earth.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: I smile. Time of our lives. Colors, I need Somebody. Dance Dance. Literally any of them.
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-Currently a 9 Member group under Cube Entertainment.
-Debuted October 10th, 2016.
-Also Underrated.
-Such amazing discography.
-Strong vocals and major crackheads
-Went through their survival show “Pentagon Maker” and debuted as 10 members.
-Former Member E’Dawn was basically kicked out of Cube and Pentagon after revealing he was dating label mate HyunA. Fans are still hopeful for an OT10 reunion.
-But we can support OT9 now.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Sha La La, Shine, Like This, Cosmo (Japanese song).
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-9 Member group under FNC Entertainment
-Debuted October 5th, 2016
-FNC’s first dance boy group.
-If you want any songs to put on your workout playlist, or just get you hyped then their are your boys.
-AMAZING Dancers.
-They are almost all actors as well. If you watch K-Drama’s you might recognize Chani (their maknae) from widely popular Sky Castle and Rowoon from new K-Drama “Extraordinary You”
-Stan SF9. Stream RPM
-Some songs to introduce you to them: O Sole Mio, RPM, Now or Never, Easy Love
Monsta X
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-A SEVEN Member group under Starship Entertainment
-Literally the definition of hard-working.
-Powerful Choreography, crazy stage presence, intense charisma...must I go on.
-Literally deserve the world.
-Were formed through the survival program No Mercy and have not stopped since.
-Their songs are so addicting and on top of that are actual sweethearts.
-Only want to make people smile and feel loved through their music.
-Would possibly die for their fans.
-Okay I’m talking too much.
-Gaining popularity in the Western regions.
-In October of 2019, member Wonho (the orange hair in the gif) left the group due to rumors and lies being spread about him. He didn’t want to hurt Monsta X’s reputation so he left the group but fans have strongly opposed this, fighting for starship to help clear his name and have him return. The protest continues on even after almost a month.
(Trust me, if you knew this group and Wonho, you would understand why fans are opposing this.)
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Follow, Shoot Out, Beautiful, Dramarama, All In, Alligator.
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-5 Member group under Pledis Entertainment
-Debuted March 15th, 2012
-Very unique style and concept with their albums.  Sticks to their own specific style.
-Addicting chorus.
-Honey Sweet vocals. 
-Had a sub-united called NU’EST W while Minhyun was promoting as a member of Wanna One. (The W stood for ‘Waiting’ which should tell you the type of guys they are).
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Bet Bet, Love Me, Face (Debut  Song), Help Me (Nu’est W song).
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-7 Member group under Cube Entertainment
-Debuted March 21st, 2012.
-Ballads anyone?
-Are primarily a vocal focus group
-But understandably because BTOB has one of the strongest vocals in Kpop.
-But can also dance.
-Honest to good crack heads
-Variety Kings #2
-Currently 3 members are serving their military service but you can still support them in their quiet time.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: I’ll be your man, Only one for me, Beautiful Pain, Missing You.
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-8 Member group under KQ Entertainment
-Debuted October 24th, 2018.
-In their one year so far since debut they have shown the world that they are not a group to underestimate. 
-Strong Dancers, powerful choreography. 
-Their stage presence is no joke.
-Songs are super addicting and go hard so if you need a workout playlist Ateez is your group.
-San is Satan in disguise.
-Prepared for debut for a really REALLY long time. 
-Already signed up with a US record label.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Wonderland, Pirate King, Treasure, Say My name, Wave. literally any of them.
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-9 Member group under SM Entertainment
-Debuted April 8th, 2012.
-If you know BTS, you probably know about them.
-But EXO are worth all the hype.
-Korea’s chosen representative (Whether you agree with it or not, it’s true) 
-Deadly Stage Presence and Charisma
-Their songs are always iconic.
-Leader Suho just might be god I haven’t figured it out yet.
-As of November 2019, 3 of their members are not promoting with the group. Lay is off promoting solo stuff and stuff in china and america (because SM doesn’t want EXOLS happy) and the other 2 members, Xiumin and D.O are currently serving in the military.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Monster, Love Shot, Lotto, Tempo.
Golden Child
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-10 Member group under Woollim Entertainment.
-Debuted August 28th, 2017.
-Underrated group x 10.
-Dancing is on point.
-Stage presence on point
-cute songs
-They are just charming boys who smile more than the sun i swear.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Wannabe, DamDaDi, Genie, Let Me
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-5 Member group under Beat Interactive
-Debuted May 23rd, 2017
-I literally don’t understand why they are so underrated.
-They have created their own unique style in kpop with a rock vibe that is hardly used in the community. 
-POWERFUL dancers.
-Rude as fuck but thats besides the point.
-Another great group if you need workout songs.
-Some songs to introduce you to them: Undercover, Savage, Callin, Take Me Higher.
Other groups that I did not talk about but I think should be mentioned:
-Great Guys 
-Kim Donghan(solo)
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rainingspellforlove · 3 years
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he never knew there will be someone who changes his life completely. someone who makes him feel loved. and someone who finally makes him fall in love. 
so from now on, don't let go of this hand when I'm with you, all my worries disappears, my life has changed, I will change your life too so that your beautiful image can last forever
Super Junior D&E - Change
sometimes when life gets too hard, you will not care at all about love. your priority will change. solving life problems first then love is the last. lee hyukjae never experienced how to love and being loved by someone. he’s always alone and had like few friends. he didnt care. he went to college and always sits alone. he enjoys his self more than to care about other people. 
he did his best for studying and made money. hyukjae’s mom is sick and needs to stay at hospital for few months. that requires a lot of money of course, so he must do a part time to pay all the bills. hyukjae’s sister and dad already said that he shouldnt work too much, just focus on the college, they can help the bills. but he insited to make money too, so they’re just letting him do it. he just lives his life to prioritize his family. 
hyukjae had this daily routine days, first he went to college at the morning until 3pm, then he went to hongdae to do something like street dance with some groups there. sometimes he joined a group of street dancers but sometimes he did it alone. hyukjae had this speciality, it’s dancing. he loves it so much. dancing is like half of his life. he wants to join an academy but he always thinks that too much money is needed so he just buried his dream deeply. fortunately, there’s like a group of street dancers that allows anyone to enter without joining an academy. hyukjae decides to join because at least they can make money from it. it’s like a charity performances but it’s okay he loves it. hyukjae learned dancing while watching the youtube alone, and he mastered it quickly. even the street dancers group amazed by him. so they sometimes makes a solo performance for him and he can take all the money from his performance. since then everyday he went there for dancing. 
after hongdae, sometimes he went to minimarket as a part timer, but  he had night shift for just 3 days in a week. because sometimes, the street dancing lasted longer than usual. it depends of how people attracted for them. his days always got pretty busy, but he did it for his mom. 
in the college, he always seems to be alone and not seen. he always wears black outfits from head to toe and he had like long black hair almost mullet style. actually he’s pretty attractive, but he just choose to stay away from people. also, no one knew he’s a street dancer because he always wears a hat to cover while dancing.  he will stay unnoticed. he just loves to be alone. he also had like 3-4 piercing holes in his both ears. he didnt wear those piercings while going on college but he wears it when he went to hongdae to dance. 
maybe people around them didnt notice him being there in the class because of that dark aura of him. and no one dares to be curious. but, there’s this one guy always been curious about hyukjae. and turned out he knew that hyukjae is a street dancer!  
This guy always quietly watches hyukjae since they got in the same class for this semester. actually, he never went to the same class as hyukjae. apparently in this semester, there was like a special joint class for some of the faculties. he decides to take this because he must to get a better grade for this semester and he should take another addition class. he loves his hobby so much until he forgets that his grade is falling. basketball is his life, so he joined the club in the university and did his best for basketball. the team he’s in often gets a win but he didnt realize his grade faces a downfall. so here he is, attending the class. the number one basketballer, lee donghae finally makes a move to fix his grades. 
at first donghae didnt notice this fairy (he said it himself for the first time he saw him)  at the class for like almost 2 weeks and this sudden realization hits him so hard. 
once upon a time, after finishing his basketball practice, he and his teammates went to hongdae for hanging out and eating snacks. then he went separated from his teammates and got attracted to a crowd. 
“wow, what is this crowds”
then he walked closely and watched, turned out it’s a street dance. he’s stunned by the performances.  drowning in their skillful and amazing dance performances. he’s amazed especially by this one skinny guy. his moves are perfect. beautiful. strong but delicate. his dancing skills are crazy. he is stunned and frozen by this amazing dancer. he was too focused on him. he even clapped so hard after their performances ended and gave them bunch of money. this was too lit af and deserved more audiences. but he’s too curious of this one dancer. his face cant be seen because of his bucket hat. he wears an all black outfit and his hair is a bit longer. he had 3  piercings in his right ear, and one of the is long piercing. and suddenly, this dancer guy opened his hat and bows to everyone to thank for their performances... that time he almost dropped his coffee, good thing he was quickly back to his sense. 
“what the fuck i dont know that fairy exists in the world” said donghae to himself
he’s definitely beyond stunned... and speechless. donghae is awed like hell. he must find a way to get to know him no matter what. he ‘s in love for the first sight definitely.
days after that, he always went to hongdae for watching his fairy everytime he had time after practicing. he loves to see him so much while dancing. but he’s still didnt get a chance to get his name because he always dissappears quickly after the performance. maybe later he will get that chance. 
and that sudden chance comes to donghae like a lightning struck in his head but not in hongdae, it happened in his class.
that day after the class ends, donghae was about to run to his basketball practice, but he crashed into someone. and that someone’s books was scattered on the floor.
“oh God sorry sorry im in a rush lemme help you” donghae said and puts this someone’s books from the floor
“ah no it’s okay, it’s my fault too i didnt look at the way clearly” said this guy softly
donghae quickly takes the books in his hands and gives the books to this guy. at first, donghae didnt look at this guy’s face before he stands up. he looks at the books and found a name on it.
“so lee hyukjae,  im sorry for crashing into you, here’s your books-” then he feels the time stopped. he’s standing still there stunned at the presence he saw right now. 
donghae who’s still in dazed was suddenly back to his sense after this lee hyukjae called him
“ehm- hey? thank you but hey are you okay?” hyukjae said 
“oh-o-oh im yeah. im-im- youre welcome. y-yeah im- totally fine.”
“good, my books?”
“books, oh yeah,yeah ofcourse your books. here”
“thanks. ehm whats your name?”
“donghae, im lee donghae”
“thanks donghae and sorry for crashing into you. good bye”
then hyukjae walks away after that and donghae still didint believe what he saw.
his fairy. his beautiful fairy is actually at the same class with him. and he didnt know??? then days after that, he always takes a look of him everyday like every single day. he’s so curious about lee hyukjae. why he always alone and why everyone didnt notice there is a beautiful guy here in his class. donghae admits that hyukjae seems like a so much outsider and stays away from people. donghae wonders why he’s like that. but he didnt care, he must get to know him more.
so he got himself prepared and tried to talk to him after his dancing performances. he actualy runs to catch him to talk. 
“hey wait” donghae runs
then hyukjae stops and looks back. he’s surprised at donghae’s presence right now.
“o-oh h-hey. lee donghae how-”
“you know i always watch you almost everyday but i never knew that you’re one of my classmates....”
“thankyou for watching. but it’s kinda embarassing to know that my classmates knows me in this state”
“why? you looked so damn amazing... youre stunning”
“w-well thank you for the compliment.. it’s nice hearing someone directly compliments me like this. it’s just too rare for me hearing this”
“i mean it you’re really amazing. i love your beautiful moves.”
actually, hyukjae already knew that donghae always watched him almost everyday and he knew too that he is his classmates! so thats why he always quickly runs away from donghae. he’s afraid he knew him after he’s in the same class with him.  it’s just too embarrassing. but that crashing moment happened and hyukjae realized that it seems donghae realized it too that he’s in the street dancers in hongdae... that time he knew he’s fucked up. he cant hide this anymore.. 
“s-stop complimenting me it’s nothing kdsdjksjdf”
hyukjae’s ears got so red and he’s blushing to death
donghae just chuckled looking his reactions
“the fuck are you so cute for....” he ruffles hyukjae’s hair without he even realized. 
hyukjae’s heart beats so fast after donghae did that. 
“i didnt know that you’re this cute actually, it’s different when you’re dancing..”
“uhm y-yeah i dont know it’s just naturally done.. b-but no i-im not that cute you know”
“do you have time after this?”
“just going home maybe, why?”
“lets take a walk a little and let me take you home. is that okay for you?”
“w-why do you want to take me home? ”
“i dont know. it feels like i must make a first move by taking you home?”
hyukjae didnt know that donghae is this bold. he’s flustered and cant say anything
“come on lets take a little walk here..” then donghae just pulled hyukjae’s hand ready to walk around hongdae.. 
they walk around hongdae street, talk about everything, and donghae found out that hyukjae is fun. he even reacts to donghae’s lamest jokes. and donghae managed to know why hyukjae loves to dance and why he did this street dance.. donghae feels sorry but when he didnt offers help because hyukjae already told him that he can do this alone and he didnt need anyhelp. because he loves it too dancing. donghae always wonders why he loves to be alone but he didnt talk about it, maybe next time. hyukjae seems like he’s comfortable with donghae’s presence because hyukjae keeps laughing and responding to anything donghae said. 
“i have told you why i love dancing,, so what do you love donghae-ssi?”
“basketball, you didnt know that im in the uni team?”
“uhm yep i dont know, sorry i didnt know at all about our uni and stuffs, im just coming for the grades and graduates quickly thats it”
“yeah well it’s obvious of you hmm yeah so if thats the case, you must watch me on the basketball competition 2 weeks later”
“ huh.. why should i?”
“so you can get to know me better”
“it’s not even a reason”
“i watched almost all your performances you must pay back”
“but i didnt ask you to watch it anyway”
“then should i tell everyone that youre doing street dance?”
“NO PLEASE DONT. okay i’ll watch”
“why youre so annoying”
“because it seems you already take my heart away”
“sksjfdksjf stop saying something like that. we just knew each other for like few hours”
“i dont care, youre cute”
after hanging out for a while, they decide to go home. donghae gives hyukjae a ride to home. in the car, they both actually have the same music tastes so they sing along together along the way home. 
“thank you, i admit it today is fun even you’re kinda annoying. but you know it’s weird to see you the famous guy hanging around with me the emo and lonely guy in the class, it’s okay if you shouldnt hang out with-”
“hey lee hyukjae, dont you just realized that i flirted my ass off for you this entire night? i fuckin like you so dont you dare to push me away, because i’ll come for you no matter what happens, okay got it?”
“no buts or i’ll kiss you right now”
“f-fine f-fine, o-kay then see you tomorrow on class, i guess?”
“see you- oh i forget to tell you something”
“what is it?”
“come closer quick”
donghae suddenly takes off his seat belt and kisses hyukjae’s head quick. 
“good night”
“h-hey w-what-”
“see you tomorrow dancing fairy”
hyukjae will never knew that his life will change completely after this day.  
after that day, donghae who’s always sits on the back and near the exit door, suddenly sits on the middle near the window where hyukjae always sits. 
“good morning, from now i’ll sit here for the whole semester”
“what even?” 
and people slowly started whispering to each other when this happened. what is happening when this hottest basketball player of the uni suddenly sits beside this emo guy. and people keeps wondering through the 2 hours class because donghae cant keep his hands down off hyukjae. 
sometimes he plays with his hair like curling it and carressing it. 
“what now”
“you should show your face more even your hair is this long, like this”
donghae slips hyukjae’s hair slowly behind his ears and make it like his face be more seen. 
“pretty. i think you should cut your bangs a little” 
and ofcourse hyukjae is blushing to death again
“s-stop playing , listen to the professor”
“yea yea yea” 
hyukjae definitely realized this sudden attention and he’s nervous af. he hates attention (except for his dancing). 
class ends and hyukjae wants to go home right now. hyukjae quicks cleans his table and ready to go home.
“dont you need to go to hongdae?”
“im tired so i ask them for a day off.”
“oh, then can you watch me practice for a bit?”
“why... should i....”
“pleasseeeee please please please”
donghae cant stop whining and people start staring at them..
“fine fine fine please shut up”
“then lets go”
they arrived at the indoor field and his teammates are wondering who he brought at the field..
“wait here, it takes 30 minutes then i’ll take you home”
“why is it so fast?”
“because this time i just need to coach the juniors and my other teammates will take care for the rest of it.”
“ah right, you’re the captain. cool”
“you will know that im cooler than you think.”
“prove it”
donghae smiled to hyukjae and take the challenge “of course i will prove it”
donghae starts to coach the juniors, he’s so different while on the field. he becomes all serious and dicipline towards the juniors. he showed them the moves and how to play properly. and he really proved it that he’s cool when he did basketball. his moves is quick and he had like his clever strategy to trick the opponents. he looks amazing while doing the shots. he scored many points. he’s definitely the ace of the team. 
“he’s just showing off, but i admit he’s cool” 
then suddenly some of his teammates comes to where hyukjae sits in the side of the field.
“hey who are you? donghae’s friend?”
“y-yeah kinda” hyukjae looks a bit nervous always
“but how come i never find a cute guy like you in this uni, weird, are you from other uni?”
“no-no im in the same class as donghae”
“oh, are you interested in him or -” when one if his teammates didnt even finish his sentence suddenly a ball thrown at his head. 
“dont you dare to touch my property” donghae who throws the basketball quickly runs to hyukjae
“eish you prick, we just try to get to know him, whats the problem”
donghae starts to pull hyukjae behind his back, and holds his hand tightly
“he’s mine get away from him even youre all my teammates dont you dare to go near him or i’ll kill you”
“look! look! he’s that scary.... come on lets go guys hahaha”
“he’s like an angry puppy... our captain is indeed scary” 
then they go away..
“i start to regret to bring you here, are you okay”
“im finee nothing to worry”
“but you looked hella nervous”
“HAHAHA youre right but you know i cant stay calm in front of new people”
“right... sorry..”
“it’s okay really you fool. by the way, i admit that youre cool. i love your quick moves”
“right? im indeed the coolest in basketball”
“pfft showing off. here drink it” hyukjae gives donghae a water
“you looked so exhausted, dont you need a rest?” hyukjae takes a towel from the bench and wipes donghae’s forehead while he’s drinking
“look you’re drenched in sweat..”
this time donghae who’s flustered, drops his drink on the floor. fortunately the bottle already empty. 
“hey whats wrong you drop your bottle. oh wait- fuck youre- blushing?!?”
then donghae nods slowly
“arghhhh take your towel, now im flustered more” hyukjae just throws the towel to donghae and runs away. and donghae quick grabs his hand.
“lets stop this and lets go home..”
donghae starts to say goodbye to everyone and go home with hyukjae
donghae didnt even realized he still grabs hyukjae’s hands until they got into his car. donghae’s tightens his holds without saying anything. and hyukjae still got his ears red while holding hands with him. then donghae suddenly said, 
“two weeks from today, i have a match..”
“then maybe i cant visit you often at night.. but i will still visit you”
“it’s okay though you dont need to come often-”
“no but i love to come. and if i win-”
silence for a moment
“go on a date with me”
“and if i lose, i will go back to my original seat”
“s-sure it’s up to you”
“do you know that i want to kiss you so bad on your pretty lips but i resisted it because i need to win first”
“youre crazy”
“i know. for you” 
donghae is indeed a love fool. he’s challenging himself to win and he decides it himself too. hyukjae cant understand donghae’s mind at all. he just met him for like maybe 2 weeks? lately donghae just keeps wandering around him like a puppy. since he sat beside hyukjae in the class, he keeps following hyukjae around. donghae is a clingy puppy.  sometimes he takes hyukjae home or even picks him up in the morning. hyukjae is totally okay with that and he feels that donghae is not a total nuisance for him. he likes his presence actually. hyukjae admits donghae is such a gentleman, kind, and funny person. at least he’s trying to be a funny one. 
“stop trying to be funny. your joke is a total failure”
“at least im trying!” donghae looks upset and it’s cute
“aigu, eung eung aiguu” hyukjae unconsciously ruffles his hair
hyukjae suddenly realized his actions and he’s completely frozen. he’s about to lower his hand but it’s too late. donghae grabs it fast.
“dont” he takes hyukjae’s hand and place it into his cheek softly.
“h-hey..” hyukjae slowly starts to speak
donghae slowly closed his eyes and still grabs hyukjae’s pretty fingers in his cheek..
 “i love your hands. it’s delicate and softer than mine.” hyukjae cant say a word. he’s about to explode
“youre really driving me crazy”  he finally opened his eyes and brings hyukjae’s hand closer to his lips. slowly, he kissed that pretty hand softly
“im definitely gonna make you fall in love with me”  
hyukjae’s ears are so burning like tomato. he’s speechless. he’s never been loved by someone boldly like this. donghae is a whole new one. 
day by day passed and it’s time for donghae’s basketball match. hyukjae promised him to come but he had a sudden calls from his street dancers mates that they have a sudden meeting that day. he didnt have time and he’s in rush. he’s late for like 15 minutes. he ran like crazy to the university stadium. 
“oh man i cant be late. i promise him”
while in the stadium, donghae seems like looking around the whole seats in the stadium from the basketball field. hyukjae isnt there.. he’s a little bit upset.. 
“didnt he want a date with me.... did he hate me.. but he kinda likes me. or am i just delusional...”
then the match begins.
hyukjae still on the bus and keeps looking on his phone. 
he’s finally arrived at the stadium and he’s 20 minutes late. hyukjae breaths heavily as he arrived at the stadium seats. fortunately there’s an empty seat at the front. 
“thank god i didnt miss the whole match” hyukjae sighed
the score right now is tie and keep chasing each other. hyukjae is freaking anxious. he’s already sweating even he didnt play the game. he’s nervous too.  the 3rd quarter is already finished. and there’s a break for like 5 minutes. donghae is sweating real hard.. his jersey is all wet and hyukjae knew he’s tired.  donghae pants heavily and his looks are all serious. donghae looks around to the audiences and he’s smiled brightly after that. of course he’s looking on his fallen angel who looks extraordinary beautiful today. turned out hyukjae wears bright outifts and donghae looks stunned. the crowds screamed when donghae smiled brightly like that. he definitely had fans actually. who’s not gonna love him when he is such a perfect guy. and the crowds in the stadium seats already knew that donghae just smiled like that for hyukjae. hyukjae who’s flustered like hell keep lowering his head because of embarrassment. all the attentions on him really makes him nerrvous and flustered. then he looked slowly on donghae who’s still looking at him from the field. 
“fighting!” hyukjae finally mouthing those words slowly
donghae nods slowly “i will” 
the last quarter starts. the game is playing again. the score gaps still in a slight different. sometimes our uni leads , sometime the opponent leads. donghae still plays in a pretty good state even it’s the last quarter. he’s really working hard on this. he scores well too. he’s indeed a pro hyukjae thinks. 5 minutes left and hyukjae couldnt be more nervous than now. he keeps moving his feet anxiously. 
“come on donghae-ya, you can do this come on” 
3 minutes left and the score is tied
2 minutes left....
1 minute left..... 
30 seconds left... suddenly donghae takes the ball and he runs. 
and the plot twisted! he did the buzzer beater and scores 2 points! the uni team won!!
hyukjae screams and claps happily with the crowds to celebrate the winning team. donghae runs and hugs the team to celebrate it also. then donghae looks  to the audiences and searched for hyukjae. he smiled to hyukjae and runs to the audiences seat. hyukjae is flustered and he’s like ready to run but the crowds are just too crowded for him to run. he cant move from his seat because too many people there. donghae who runs there and of course making the crowds even wilder. 
finally, donghae faces hyukjae. hyukjae stands slowly and face donghae who’s all wet in sweats.  
“c-congrats you won” hyukjae said
“of course im a man with words”
“hum sure sure” 
“so, a date with me?”
“sure mr. lee, just decide the time and place.”
“this weekend? are you free?”
“im free”
“your street dance schedule?”
“i can make my schedule off for you”
“wah im very honored”
they just laughs after that  .. donghae suddenly places his hand softly into hyukjae’s cheek and said
“you looked beautiful today.”
that time when he did that, the crowds screams wilder because of that sudden scene. seems like the girls love them being together too. 
“uu-uh thanks....” said hyukjae nervously
“i-i mean you look beautiful everyday but today you’re extra lovely”
“sorry i cant help myself. thank you for coming. seeing you like this on the audiences makes me more competitive haha”
“but sorry im late earlier. there’s-”
“no no it’s okay even you came for the last 10 minutes i’ll be glad”
“uhm, i will have a dinner with my team, so..... i’ll text you later?”
“of course you can go then”
“i really dont wanna leave you like this but-”
“eish you just won, you must celebrate it you brat” 
“but i want to be with you....”
“dont be like a kid. just go”
“fine.... dont forget this weekend okay? i’ll pick you up”
“eung eung i promise.... okay? just gooo quickk” hyukjae pushes him slowly
“okay fine, but before i go-” 
“what now....”
donghae moves one step closer and kisses hyukjae’s forehead rightaway... hyukjae is dazed again for the nth time because of this man.
“see you on weekend” donghae said softly and leaves him in shock. 
the crowds keep screaming excitedly looking at the scene... donghae is indeed a crazy and bold if it comes to love. he’s like the type of “what he wants, he always gets.”
the d-day.
after his 22 years of living, it’s the first time of him going on a date with a guy. he never admits he’s gay or straight because he never knew how to fall in love before. but dang there’s that guy,  that very guy who came to his life like a bomb, a love bomb.  he doesnt have any idea at all, what to wear and what should he do later. 
“eish what am i thinking too much. it’s just a date?! calm lee hyukjae. lets be calm first okay. lets wear the usual outfit”
hyukjae is ready to go with his best outfit, a denim jacket with a grey tshirt inside it and a long pants with same colour. then he goes to the meet up point at starbucks near his street dance place. 
actually donghae arrived early and he’s already with his ice americano. he sits beside the window while looking on his phone. hyukjae who came after ordering an ice chocolate (he’s a literal non coffee person) approached donghae slowly. 
“h-hey sorry im a bit late” 
then donghae looked up and “oh hyunkjae no it’s o-”
before he finished his words.. he’s stunned again for the nth time right now. hyukjae always makes his heart explodes... today he looked outstanding. wonderful. beautiful. his fallen angel.... donghae is falling from head to toe.
“you looked beautiful..  oh my god. are you real??”
“eish. stop it you’re just exaggerating. you look good too today.”
“im just wearing all black here, and youre looking super good and how can i deserve you my angel......”
hyukjae cant stand this cringe man in front of him and punch him on his chest. and he just arrgh-ed
“stop with this nonsense and lets go okay you cringe weirdo”
“okay okay hahaha”
 they walked out from the cafe and finally go somewhere. 
“what are we going to do today?” 
“lets watch a movie?”
they go to the nearby cinema and watch avengers. both of them are in love with marvel so they had fun watching it. it’s not even a romance movie but donghae quietly slipped his hand to hyukjae’s hand beside him and holding it tight. he’s still focusing on the movie without looking on his hand which automatically in tangled with hyukjae’s. hyukjae feels his heart almost jumped at this state. hyukjae already experienced these kind of actions donghae gave him. but he’s still not used to these... it still gives him an explosion in his mind. hyukjae tryin to be calm as ever while enjoying the movie. 
the movie ended and they’re so happy because it comes with a happy ending. they walked out from the cinema still holding hands. donghae seems didnt want to let go, so does hyukjae. 
“do you like it?”
“of course, ive been wanting to watch it since it came out”
“glad then we’re the same. lets go strolling this street and find place to eat.”
they take a stroll to the street. walking around while watching some of the street performers. they buy some snacks and share it together. hyukjae bought an ice cream cone and he enjoys it so much. while he enjoys the vanilla ice cream slowly (still holding hands with donghae) donghae suddenly comes to his face closer and licks the ice cream too. so they just few inch apart with their forheads attached from one another. 
“hmm it’s good”
hyukjae who’s startled by his actions (again) just continue with his ice cream and nods. donghae who always looks like an innocent boy after doing all of these sudden actions, smiles happily. 
hyukjae finally done with the ice cream and he said 
“dont you want to buy any snacks here? there are many delicious snacks here”
“hmmm let me think”
donghae slower his walks and thinks but suddenly looks up on hyukjae “whats wrong?” hyukjae asks
“there’s-” donghae just wiped the leftover of the ice cream in hyukjae’s lips corner and licks it for himself. 
“okay clean” 
again... for the infinite time already... lets just calm down heart. said hyukjae in his mind
then they watched some street performers there. there are some bands performing so they decided to watch them. 
“wah they’re so good. i love his voice. it’s soothing” 
the band apparently sings baekhyun’s song UN Village. and it sounds good with the band performance. 
“hm yeah it’s good i love it too.” donghae finally said. they’re still holding hands in quiet while enjoying the performances.. after few minutes donghae lets go of his hand and moves from the side to hyukjae’s back. suddenly donghae slips his both hands circling hyukjae’s waist. donghae is backhugging him. he places his head in hyukjae’s shoulder and quietly whispers something
“you know, im still tired from yesterday’s match... but i really want to have a date with you quickly.  lets stay like this for another one song they perform”
they stay like that for a while.. hyukjae carresses donghae’s hands in his waist softly while enjoying the performance... hyukjae slowly leaned his head to donghae’s in his shoulder... 
“you did great... lee donghae im so proud.. promise me after this date, you will rest okay?”
“ehmm, thank you.. okay i promise..” said donghae while closing his eyes and hugging him even tighter..
the atmosphere there really fits them right now, the music, the lights, and the environment there... hyukjae slowly carresses donghae’s hair slowly... donghae feels so comfortable, hugging hyukjae warms his body. he loves it too much
the song ends and donghae still doesnt want to let go.
“the song ends.. come on we must eat...”
“lets just walk like this then”
“weirdo i would never do that of course. come on eish youre like a koala lets go eat okay?”
“fine....” finally donghae lets go his hugs and starts to holds hyukjae’s hand again
“good boy. i have my favourite restaurant around here. lets go there, you’ll love it”
they finally go to hyukjae’s favourite restaurant nearby. it’s a korean dish restaurant. they served good meats and many more. 
they arrive and sit near the window. the place is cozy and not too many people there. because it’s already night and got a few hours left open. they already ordered some things to eat and wait for them to come.
“i had fun today. you know that i never been in a date before. and it turned out today is great. it’s because of you. thank you i love it so much”
“you know, maybe im the luckiest person here because i can make you go on a date with me”
“not again please oh my”
“seriously, my basketball friends always asked many things about you, but i never answered any of them because you’re gonna be mine. and mine only” said donghae proudly
“cringey stop it”
“but it’s really true like how not to fall in love with you when you’re looking like a fallen angel”
“s-so do you fall in love with me?”
“of course i do?!? it’s obvious though..”
“i know.”
“perhaps... you dont like me?”
“no of course not you dumb”
“ so you like me??”
then the food comes... 
“lets eat first hahahahah” 
“aaarghhh lee hyukjae the cliffhanger”
they finally eat together happily... and donghae keeps giving hyukjae food and feeding him. 
“stop feeding me, i can eat by myself..”
“you’re too thin you must eat a lot!!”
“i know i know i eat a lot actually but i dont know my body looks so small i guess”
they finished their dinner and walked out from the restaurant. 
“it’s already late, do you want to do something at this hour or lets just go home?”
“lets just go home, you need to rest too. i know you havent rest well since the match right?”
“h-hmm yeah but-”
“lets just go home okay. it’s enough, i love this date and im so happy okay?”
“fine lets go home then”
“good, you also need to rest quickly”
they have a ride in donghae’s car to hyukjae’s apartment. they talk about anything in the car like how does it feel winning the match, and something about donghae and his love for basketball. 
“you’re really pro basketballer even you’re not that tall hahaha”
“eish, not just tall people who’s becoming a pro. this not too tall people like me can be one too!”
“okay okay, but i admit you’re really good. you’re really great at sport. am i right?”
“yeah you can say so. i love working out my body though hahaha”
“i know it’s too obvious with your big stature. it’s good actually” 
“good for what?”
“this is embarrassing to say but i love your hugs it’s comfy and warm....”
silence for a bit....
 “oh my god what did i just say just forget it”
donghae just smiled and said “i can give you more hugs in the future too”
“just stop it kasdjksad this is embarrassing”
they finally arrived on hyukjae’s apartment.. but it seems hyukjae seems to think about something.. 
he hesitates at first but he finally gathers his courage to say this.
“lee donghae”
“hm yes?”
“y-you can come if y-you want” said hyukjae slowly
donghae looked a bit startled but he nods anyway 
they walked out from the car quietly and donghae slowly grabs hyukjae’s hand. they walk slowly to the hyukjae’s room. without a single speech they entered the room.. still holding hands. hyukjae can feel his heart about to explode anytime. hyukjae’s room looked clean and neat.. donghae looks around for a lil bit and he still follows hyukjae where to go. they finally sit together in the side of the bed.. after a moment of silence..
“your house is nice”
then hyukjae said again “do you want a drink or something-”
“i want you.”
the moment donghae said that, hyukjae’s heart really beats so fast. 
“you know i cant resist you and you just bring me here... so what do you expect me to do?”
“I-I-feel like wanna to invite you-” hyukjae flustered he cant think of anything
“i really want to kiss you right now.. can i?”
hyukjae cant think of anything and he just nods.....
donghae moves closer and kisses him slowly... the kiss feels so warm and delicate.. hyukjae loves how donghae kisses him... he completely melts into his lips. his mind goes blank.. he just thinks of this man here kissing him passionately without any hesitation.. after few moments, donghae pulls back..
“so what’s your answer? do you like me too?”
hyukjae nods slowly with his ears already becomes red as tomato.. 
“i-i like you... a lot” 
“i love you too my angel.”
donghae smiled softly and moves closer again to press a kiss again to hyukjae. donghae finally kisses him longer and makes hyukjae slowly leans into his own bed while donghae kisses him from above. donghae takes off hyukjae’s denim jacket slowly while continue kissing him delicately.. slowly one by one, donghae unbuttons his shirt and takes it off and hyukjae too. donghae who takes hyukjae’s shirt off. donghae loves every hyukjae’s feature. his white and soft skin against his lips. he kisses every spots in hyukjae.. donghae always wants this. he wants all of him. he wants hyukjae from head to toe. donghae gives many lil kisses to hyukjae’s body until he shivers by those. hyukjae’s mind went blank. there’s just donghae, donghae, and donghae. donghae’s lips in every space of his milky skin... he even left some red purplish marks there.. hyukjae cant say anything he loves it too. donghae who finally faces hyukjae’s eyes again said 
“i would never let you go, i love you too much what should i do...”
“i wont go from you i promise... stay with me until tomorrow..” hyukjae slips his hands into donghae’s neck
“sure my love” donghae continues kissing hyukjae’s lips again.. the cold but warm feeling while having bare body pressed like this. they melt into each other... 
after having those marks everywhere, they fiinally go to sleep for real. donghae who had his arm around hyukjae tightly while hyukjae hugs him back.. 
“you can rest here with me until tomorrow... just sleep well” hyukjae said softly
“of course. thank you for loving me back”
“no..... it’s me who’s feeling so thankful right now. you know i never been in love.. and then you came and made me feel so loved.. and i realized i fell for you too”
“lets just thankful for each other for having this mutual feelings for each other. finally i can say to the world that lee hyukjae my fallen angel is finally mine”
“eish stop blabbering lets just sleep”
“sure sure good night” donghae tightens his hugs and kisses hyukjae’s forhead for the last time.
hyukjae never knew he will have these kind of stories in his life. lee donghae changed his whole lonely life. he finally feels how it is to be loved. and how to love. he loves this man so much. he madly, severely, hardly in love for the first time in his life. and it’s because of lee donghae. 
- fin
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knicole0527 · 3 years
How Did I Fall For Unwritten History?
So I’m in a whole relationship right? Like a whole fat ass relationship. Like me plus her equals nobody else . Its kinda dope and kinda like coccaine . If she was a drug I’d take it . She grounds me . She makes love to my mind , heart , and then my body . Her way of words sometimes makes me feel stupid because she uses words I cant imagine using . My vocabulary aint that big . But ask me about math or science ? I’m definitely ya girl . She was my missing piece . If that makes any sense at all . We definitely have our rollercoasters but I’ll killl anyone over her and I stand on that . Best part its with who I chose and not who my parents chose or approved of. I actually dont care whether they approve of me or not. Mom didnt want kids anyways. As she put it, she likes “ a return to sender kid “ I know she used to joke about it but I later found it to be true. So at this point either you like my happiness or you dont. But anyways, So we met the first time at work, Afni Call Center to be exact. She was a bet. By bet I mean with green money with coworkers. So I bet that I would get smashed by this girl and they would each owe me 50 bucks. I mean who can turn down money. Plus she was kinda cute and I know she was watching my little booty when I would walk away . I was 80 pounds lighter when we first met .
But here lately things have gone to shit . I can admit I fucked up . Well in the beginning . I cheated . She found out . But I was honestly gone tell her everything but she found out I broke her heart all that and then some . Since I put all my business out there . Only reason why I cheated was because I wanted a kid . I wanted her for sure but I wanted a kid . As time passed us by I realized she doesn’t want kids at all . So I had to make a decision , kids or stick around for my one true love in my adult life . So I looked her in the face , I probably had tears In my eyes and told her I chose her . She looked at me with confusion for a little and I dont think she anted me to flat out give up kids. But I was gone doe what I had to do to keep her by my side .
Now before we get to me cheating . I had an apartment on Old Morgantown Road . I loved that damn space man . Hard wood flooring . Storage unit . I had a w/d hook up . I had a good apartment and I could afford it and be able to live my best life . Rent was 475 a month . Utilities and water ran me about 80 . So I was well within my budget . But my dumb ass got involved with this man who I thought I could change . I was trying to hear from nobody about nothing . I wasnt trying to hear that he was cheating because I felt like I gave him no reason to cheat . I was giving him everything and then some . Hell I let his stupid ass cousin stay on my couch . So they were living rent free right , I know stupid Kendra always doing dumb shit . I should have opened my eyes but I didn’t .
Well he and I are definitely no longer together . He got my little cousin pregnant . I dont know whats worse . That she knew he was still living with me . That she knew we was kin . That he knew we was still together , fucking and living together and I never ask for a dollar . Or that my bosses had to call me in the office with another one of my cousins and sit me down to tell and show me that he was cheating and she was pregnant . It even shocked me that she tried to question me about my niggas car . Like girl he and I live together so yes maam I’m gone drive his car . and she was in shock to see me in the drivers seat . huh . Aint that funny how it all played out though ? But you know , karma got took his dick for a minute . He got the worst news of his life . His heart was just as shattered as mine . His trust was screwed if not worse than mine . He found out that while he was too busy cheating on me , she was getting knocked down by his cousin . LMFAO SERIOUSLY . He did all that cheating and got that girl pregnant and ended up getting played himself . So while I was his woman , he had a side bitch who had a side nigga , but THE SIDE NIGGA HAD A SIDE BITCH . I hadnt had sex with him in a while because things started getting to me and I was becoming very suspicious so I was still going to get checked anyways . But yea . What a fckd up love hexagon . Crazy how we all worked together . But when I reached my snapping point . I became a little on the ratchet side and called his mom and told her come get her sons belongings because he was homeless again . My cousin didnt have her own spot so somebody had to come take care of him because by that time I was done pretending .
Shit got bad for me mentally . I had me fckd up . I lost my job and went broke because I drank and popped it away . I know definitely wasn’t the right thing but I just wanted to feel numb to everything . I didnt really care how I got high just as long as I as high I was okay and at peace .
Alot of time went by and my past came back . She made me feel safe . And she saw me ; like the actual me . She knew something was up . Hell I gained 50 pounds since the last time we seen each other . But when she came back . I dont know if I was more so excited to see her or trying to fuck her right there on the floor at work . I walked in the door and the moment I seen her ... I didnt care who I was talking to , I think Wanda , I’m sorry boo but I seen my old boo and just had to do it . I could not help myself I had to hug her before I did anything else . I had a little more weight on me too because during our last encounter , hmm hmm , I was a bit smaller and hadnt grown boobs yet . So when she seen me running 90 mph to her ; baby girl was in for a shock .
Time went by and we started seeing each other a little more outside of work . Then she started to spend the night . But when she started doing that , I think I made things a little complicated for her at her moms . I had no intentions of doing so but it kinda got weird because she wasnt coming home very much any more . But yall , when I had her all to myself . Do you know how many times I undressed this girl with my eyes . I mean she standing there fully clothed and I seen EVERY INCH of her thru them clothes . It was bad yall . lol . She kinda eventually sorda moved in ; even though I thought she had already moved in . Time went by and things were okay ya know . We were just in the “ talking “ phase and just filling each other out . She started to grow on me a little more than I planned . and then I wanna say it was my birthday or after ? Baby girl was so drunk . She , our mutual friend , and I went to go grab food and drinks . Weeellllllll , I trapped her into drinking and drinking and drinking . We got home ? and she drank and and got funnier as the night went on . I remember that day like it was yesterday and the videos I have are absolutely the funniest videos I have ever recorded . “ butt clouds “ and the car honk that about gave her a damn heart attack .
Anywho times have went on . We decided to go to hilltop and live there . Who would have thought we would live together because I was stern on not wanting to live with her . It was weird living there . Always wondering if or when we were going to get a roommate . Then ? Thats the first time I ever broke a heart . See , she was always wanting to like distinguish a title. Meanwhile I am petrified of titles and labels and shit . Plus I have labeled myself for so long I didnt want to put a label on she and I . So I waited and waited and waited and decided to test waters . By testing waters meaning , I caught baby fever BAD . LIKE BAD BAD . I wanted a kid so bad I didnt think about talking to her first , I was just hoping one day I could be like , surprise baby we are having a baby ; butttttt I was gonna tell her how I got pregnant IF if actually happened . But she kinda beat me to it . She seen the messages on her tablet and as you know it went to shit from there . I broke her heart . I wasnt sure if or when she would or could ever forgive me . ( its JAn232021 ) and I know she still hasn’t forgiven me for anything . Not sure if she will ever get past it enough to love me love me .
We made it official , May 2019. By that time the only things that mattered to me were building a life with her. Come August 2020 . We got a place together and as time went on, I knew something was wrong but I would rather ignore it than have to go to the doctor because that just aint my cup of tea. I hate doctors.. they always wanna diagnose people with shit. I just didn’t wanna be one of those people so I held out as long as I could before it got to the point of being unbearable . I lost yet another good job . At first they thought it was covid and it wasnt . I tested negative for covid . Then I had like 5 appointments that following week . I was put on all types of stuff . I was throwing up everything . I was crying non stop . I was doing things not in my normal regimen . Thats when things fell harder on her . Harder as in bills , and stress and everything . I became that burden . I became the thing in the relationship that puts everything on the line . I became the complete failure in the relationship .
I wasn’t able to help like I planned . in fact my checks were so small that every pay day because I had all my bills and people I owed money to on auto pay and I kept making promises, put me in the negatives . I was in the negatives for 3 to 4 months . So imagine being the one in the relationship who didnt feel welcome . Who didnt feel like I deserved the love and things like that . All I wanted to do was help out and I couldn’t . Made me want to pack up and wait until I knew she was gone so I could leave . I didn’t know what to do . But I knew I was pretty much of no use . I knew that she resented me . I knew it pushed things back so far it may never come back to normal .
But now , Im better than I was still struggling though .  But I have this amazing job . I have a job where I can do my part and not hurt . I have a job where I can finally help out now . But its not enough . I’m not enough . The love is not enough anymore . I have became disposable . I have become the one who broke and shattered her heart and trust in her adult love life . How do I come back from it ? How do I rescue something that may have already died ? Am I worth it ? Am I better off without ? Do I deserve her ? She deserves the world and I want to give it to her I do .
But idk , maybe my mom was right . just maybe the only things I’m good at are singing and laying on my back . Havent accomplished shit yet . Got banned from a job because I tried to put my hands on someone . Got fired from 3 good fucking jobs because of my health .
Im crashing at this point . My future is on edge . I am on edge . this is not cool dude . But I will play the hand I’m dealt . Maybe I will win and marry the woMAN of my dreams . Or maybe I will just fck it up once again . We Will See .
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foolishlovebugbaby · 5 years
stupid cupid | part 1
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part 2 | part 3 | part 4
college!au / bang chan x fem!reader
Summary: bang chan is always complaining about being single since birth, so best friend reader decides to play cupid and sets him up. big mistake.
Genre: angst-y?? with some fluff later on idk you decide (a Lot of slow burn so idk how many parts this multi-shot will have lmao)
Warnings: none
college life, to summarise, was hectic.
multiple deadlines for multiple classes; pages upon pages of assignments and essays that needed to be done; hour long lectures almost every single day, and on top of all of that, a part-time job as a book clerk at the library that needed to be held down in order to help pay for your apartment rent.
needless to say, your days were filled with so much to do encapsulated in such little time.
thankfully, you were not alone.
you had your best friend Chan to hold you down through it all even though he had just as much struggles as you did
you had met him right before you started college on a website while looking for housemates in order to afford rent (you were drowning in student loans and so was he, so to you it was a match made in heaven)
to say your parents were reluctant to let you live with a male was an understatement- but after meeting him and realizing that he was a total sweetheart that couldn’t hurt a fly and that there was no other option, off you went. 
you two were very similar in many ways; for one, you both shared a deep love for movies and films and star wars, which is why you both made a childish pinky promise to always have movie nights on wednesday evenings and the tradition hasn’t been broken since
another thing you also shared in common was the fact that you both were completely, utterly, stupidly and perfectly single.
he, since birth, and you since the 11th grade when your first love became your fist ( and, thus, worst) heartbreak
bonding over these things and the fact that you both were endlessly passionate about reaching your goals allowed you both to develop a deep and meaningful friendship, enough to make you both realise that you were each others’ best friends
whenever he’d stay up and pull all-nighters to get his work done, you were always next to him on the dining table doing the same even though you didn’t need to, but wanted to keep him company just so that he didn’t feel alone.
and whenever you had mental breakdowns during exam season, he was always there with ice cream and flash cards in hand to help you get through it all
needless to say, even though the first two years of college were anything but a breeze, chan always made you feel okay.
so now there you two were, third year college students on your run-down, second-hand couch, watching re-runs of the big bang theory and catching up on how the week was so far.
“it makes me feel so lonely watching minho and his girl act all cutesy in class, i feel like the ultimate third wheel.” chan whined next to you on the couch and you rolled your eyes
“you’ve been complaining for so long about how you feel oh so lonely, why don’t you just find someone then? there are enough people all over campus pining over you anyway.” you said, scoffing at the brunette.
chan had been complaining for so long about how he felt like a deprived lovebug and how he was an utter virgin in everything that had to do with love, and you were getting annoyed with how often he complained
“but that’s the thing- i don’t even know where to start! how do you even approach people? how do you even know whether that person is a nice person? god, they should teach us ‘finding a life partner 101′ instead of the laws of thermodynamics, it’d be way more useful.” he rambled on
“you’re so whiny channie. you know what? let me help you. i can set you up on a blind date with someone who i think you’d like so that the filtering process would be shortened- how does that sound?” you turned to look at him, propping your elbow onto the  couch headboard and rested your head into the palm of your hand
suggesting this was your first mistake.
he looked at you quizzically, his thick eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinty
“you would do that? for me?”
“if it gets you to shut up then of course.” you grinned sarcastically and giggled, with him rolling his eyes at you
“oh haha,” he said and stuck his tongue out “forget i even said anything.” he huffed and got all pouty and exaggerated by crossing his arms and looking away from you. you could only laugh at his feigned hurtful expressions
“i’m kidding! you know i’m just joking- oh stop pouting you big baby.” you said, grabbing ahold of his bicep to get his to turn and look at you
his very muscular bicep
“i’m being serious okay! i want to set you up with someone so that my poor channie stops feeling so lonely all the time.” you mimicked his pout and patted his head
“alright, fine. i’m trusting you with this. if i get dumped i’m blaming you.”
you didn’t have to blink twice to agree to this whole ordeal or even to suggest it; you and chan were just friends- best friends at that, and everything between you both was completely platonic
or so you thought.
so there you were, in your literature lecture, spying on the one girl you thought would be the perfect fit to chan’s empty heart.
so far you knew that her name was Hana, that she was a screenplay major (and so, obviously, knew a good lot about film), that she was recently single and ready to mingle (according to people around campus), and that she looked absolutely gorgeous
being your outgoing self, you immediately approached her all wide-eyed and hopeful.
“hi, you don’t know me but would you mind going on a blind date with my friend?” you quipped innocently
she looked completely shocked and dumbfounded
afterall, the only thing she knew about you was that you shared literature class together- and that’s about it.
reader you complete weirdo
“uhm, may i ask what your name is?” she said, looking bashful and flustered
“i’m y/n. and don’t worry, chan isn’t a complete weirdo- shit did i just say his name?? fuck i just took out the point of a blind date.” you mentally slapped yourself for being this much of a dumbass, but to your surprise, hana’s eyes flickered with interest.
“do you mean bang chan? as in cute-boy-in-the-physics-department bang chan?” 
“uh yeah i think so? cute boy? since when was channie known as cute bo-”
“i’m definitely in! i’m sorry for sounding so overly-enthusiastic, it’s just chan’s been quite popular these days, and i’m just a little excited.” she said bashfully
“don’t be sorry! just give me your number and i’ll text you the details soon!”
to say that chan was excited when you told him would be an understatement
“you’re going to love her, channie! god, i’m such a good wingman, you should pay me for setting you up this good.” you said, smirking, feeling proud of yourself
“don’t get too cocky just yet. but oh my god, i can’t wait to meet her!” he said grinning, completely over the moon, and your smile matched his.
wednesday evening rolled around, the day of their blind date, and you couldn’t have been more excited for him. you had arranged for them to meet at a cute little trendy café downtown- perfect for a first date- where they could just talk and get to know each other.
you honestly felt like a proud mom sending off her son to get married, and the happiness you felt for him was genuine- no if’s, and’s or but’s.
“do i look okay?” chan said, coming out of his room dressed in black jeans with rips in the knees, a black muscle tank top and his white denim jacket. he wore an expression of nervousness- a very cute one, at that- and you couldn’t help but let your gaze linger a little longer than normal with a little more affection than you’d like to admit.
“you- you look great channie!” you said, stuttering at first as you were taken aback by just how attractive he looked
you always knew your best friend was handsome- but something about the way his ruffled hair settled on his head and how his lips were flushed a deep red from biting them out of nervousness made your heart skip a beat
but of course, you ignored it.
this was the second mistake.
he was attractive, and that was that.
“you really think so?” he smiled bashfully, ears going red when he saw how your eyes gleamed after seeing him. it made him feel fluttery and giddy to have you compliment him.
“you look really handsome, channie- i mean it.” you said again, a soft smile dancing on your lips and he looked down and scratched the nape of his neck, suddenly feeling embarrassed by all the attention you were giving him.
“you should wear that really nice perfume you own!” you said giddily
“already am! i know it’s your favorite scent- i just hope she likes it too.” 
after a few more minutes of chan’s nervous questions and you telling him to calm down, he was off.
he didn’t know what Hana looked like- all you told him was that she would be sitting alone next to the window in a pink top.
so when he laid eyes on the girl you described, he had to do a double take to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.
she was a sight to see, that was for sure.
before he entered, he sent a text to you 
to stardust: u didnt tell me you were setting me up w a fukn model
from stardust: oopsies (✿◠‿◠)
he chuckled and rolled his eyes before entering the café and making his way over to her.
he introduced himself, as did she, and the night played on.
meanwhile, on the other side of town, there you were on the dining table, finishing up your last analytical essay on whatever the heck you had to analyse for your creative writing class
it was ten pm now, and you groggily made your way onto your sofa with your fluffy throw blanket wrapped around you like a burrito 
you flicked through the channels on the tv, being unable to find anything remotely interesting, until you realised something
it was wednesday.
movie night day.
and you were alone.
you felt a pang in your chest at that realisation. after 2 years of almost always spending wednesday nights with chan by your side, you suddenly grew increasingly aware of how lonely you were. by now you two would be cramped on the couch, debating over whether or not to put on a new movie or series or to re-watch some of your all-time favorites.
but there you were, staring into space, alone and cold on your couch, chan no longer beside you.
you immediately buried those thoughts away 
‘he’s happy and having a good time, and i’m so happy for him- he’s my best friend.’ you thought to yourself
your phone dinged, interrupting your train of thought
from solo: this is going too well, im buying u sushi next week to thank u
you let out a breathy laugh at that
to solo: hehe glad to hear that
from solo: gosh i love you
your breath hitched in your throat when you read that message. it made your heart suddenly pick up speed and made your tummy feel weird. he’s never said that before, you thought to yourself, your mind malfunctioning. you blinked yourself back into reality.
to solo: i know.
with that, you shut off your phone. 
you had to remind yourself why he said it. 
he was being thankful, nothing more. that’s all there is to it. 
i’m his best friend, nothing more. that’s all there is to it.
you had to shake of the stinging feeling in your chest and chose to distract yourself by watching the nature documentary that was playing on tv, even though it bored you out of your mind and caused you to just stare at it blankly for the rest of the night. 
soon enough you fell asleep on the couch, alone and cold, with the tv playing a show you didn’t like on a channel you didn’t watch with a dull pain brewing in the middle of your chest that you chose to actively ignore. 
and that was the third mistake. 
i’ll just end it here for part one. please reblog and like so i know you want this multi-shot to continue! also all my star wars babies- peep those references heheheheheheh 
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- Juliet
requested by anon: hi! I'm the girl from the human story and I read yours, and it's just, amazing! I've been thinking in something to ask and I was watching Romeo+Juliet (that one w DiCaprio) and the idea came: one story where the reader is playing Juliet in the school play and Warren can't forget her and try to find her
word count: 1.5k
warnings: written at midnight and not proofread lmaoooo
someone pls send me rare warren gifs and i will love you forever
A/N: sorry i didn’t write for a few days :( been super busy! also pls dont roast me i haven't read romeo and juliet since freshman year so it’s been a MINUTE, also i didnt know how to end this lmao
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Warren felt as though his arm was about to be ripped out of his socket as Jubilee pulled him down the hallway.
“Jubilee- no, stop! I don’t want to sit in the stupid theater for two hours watching some stupid play.”
She continued to drag him along, “Too bad. I got two tickets and no one else can go, so suck it up bird boy.”
The pair finally reached the auditorium, handing over the tickets to the girl guarding the door. 
“Why do we have to pay to see our school play? It’s so stupid.”
Jubilee rolled her eyes, leading the way to their seats. 
“You think everything is stupid. Besides, I don’t care, I just want to see my friend on stage!”
Warren followed her into one of the rows near the front, a perfect view of the stage. 
“Your friend is in this? Who?”
Jubilee sat down, pulling on leg over the other. “(Y/n). She’s new, just enrolled a few months ago.”
“How do I not know her?”
“She’s a grade below us and she’s been pretty busy with this.” 
Jubilee gestured to the stage, taking in all the pretty props and backdrops. 
“She’s got a big role or something?” 
Warren craned his neck, trying to see behind the curtains on the sides, looking for this mystery girl.
“She plays Juliet! She’s so good! God, I love her- you’ll love her too, she’s amazing.”
Warren laughed a little at that. He wasn’t the kind of guy to fall for a theater nerd. He put his feet up on the chair in front of him, leaning back until the show started. 
After a few minutes, the lights began to dim. Warren was staring off into a daze until he felt Jubilee hit him.
“Pay attention!”
He groaned, sitting up straight, feet planted on the floor. 
The light on the stage shone, as a narrator introduced the two families of the production: The Capulets and the Montagues. On each side of the stage stood a different family. 
Warren noticed how bright the light shone on a certain girl standing with the Capulets, making her hair almost glow and her eyes shine bright. He wanted to know more, hoping that was Juliet, but she was ushered off stage as the scene changed, leaving Warren frustrated. 
He stays focused on the play, ears actually listening to each line and trying to make sense of the old timey talk as best he could. Eventually Warren saw her again, her long dress looking beautiful as it hung off her body. 
Lady Capulet launched into her monologue, “What say you? Can you love the gentleman? This night you shall behold him at our feast. Read o'er the volume of young Paris' face.” 
Warren had tuned out the Lady speaking, focusing on (Y/n). She was captivating, even while only brushing her hair, listening to her co-star recite lines. 
Suddenly (Y/n) stood from her chair, “I'll look to like, if looking liking move: But no more deep will I endart mine eye. Than your consent gives strength to make it fly.”
Warren couldn’t understand her words. He poked Jubilee in the ribs. 
“What did she say?”
“She basically said she’ll give Paris, her suitor, a chance, but if she doesn’t like him than she won’t look into him more.”
He nodded, turning back to the stage, watching as the scene shifted to the feast of the Capulets. 
Romeo and his boys entered the party, dressed in costumes to hide themselves. 
Warren hated how close Romeo got to (Y/n), hands touching, speaking lines of love. 
This is stupid. No one falls in love that fast, he thought, his inner voice laced with jealousy.  
The play progressed into Act 2, showing more scenes of Romeo and Juliet. Warren started to feels antsy, realizing that the way Romeo fell so quickly for Juliet, wasn’t very far off from how he was dreaming about (Y/n). 
He felt his face heat up as he discovered he actually had very strong feelings for a girl he had never spoken to. Somehow, just in the way she acted and presented herself on stage, Warren had managed to fall for her. Fall hard. 
His blush only burned harder as Romeo and Juliet shared a passionate kiss after being wed by Friar Lawrence. 
“This is a school play! They shouldn’t be doing that,” he whisper-yelled to Jubilee. 
She seemed to be enjoying the show as well, no doubt proud of her friend for being so talented. 
Before Act 3 started, the narrator returned, summing up the past events quickly, giving the actors a break. The new act flew by, the only memorable part to Warren, being the emotional spat (Y/n) Juliet had with her parents over not wanting to marry Paris. 
Following Act 3 was a brief intermission. Jubilee stood up, wanting to buy snacks from the concession stand outside the theater. 
“You coming with? Snacks are on me, since I’m the one who dragged you here.”
Warren nodded, hopping out of his seat, following Jubilee to the stand. They stood in line, giving Warren the perfect time to ask about (Y/n).
“So.. (Y/n)’s a mutant.”
Jubilee looked at him, nodding slowly, “Yeah, why else would she be at this school?”
He shrugged, moving onto a different question. “What’s her mutation?” 
“Something with ice, I think.”
“That’s cool. Is she dating the guy who plays Romeo?”
“No, she’s not dating anyone.” 
Jubilee was too focused on choosing a snack to realize how strange it was for Warren to be so interested in (Y/n).
“B-but she’s into guys, right?”
“Yeah, she likes guys- wait, why-”
“No reason!” 
Jubilee looked him up and down before paying for two bags of m&m’s and a large coke. 
“Whatever, Worthington.”
Warren laughed nervously, taking his bag of m&m’s from her. 
They take their seats in the theater again, waiting for Act 4 to open.
A few minutes later, the lights dim again. The scene opens to Friar Lawrence helping Juliet fake her death, hoping it would give her a way to avoid marriage to Paris and allow her to be with Romeo. 
Warren watched as (Y/n) laid still, having drank the “sleep draught” to fake her death. Now that she wasn’t moving, he could really take in her seemingly effortless beauty. 
Warren was in awe of her. Everything about her seemed perfect.
Act 4 finished, leading into the final act. Warren was seated on the edge of his seat, waiting to get to see more of (Y/n). He could hear Jubilee slurping on her soda next to him.
“Shut it!” He whisper-yelled to her. 
“What? You actually care about the play now because you want to bang the lead?”
“What?” Warren’s head whipped to face her, “I don’t want to bang her! I mean- I- I do, but that’s not all I want to do.”
Jubilee covered her mouth, trying to hold in a laugh. “Wow, I take you to one romance play and now you’re some softie? Damn, Worthington.”
“Just shut it!” 
He turned back around, ignoring her teasing. He watched (Y/n)’s movements as the last scene began. He was so enamored with her. The way she spoke and moved so confidently. She was amazing. 
Suddenly the lights were going back up. Warren felt as though the play had zoomed by, feeling slightly disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to stare at (Y/n) any longer. 
Jubilee jumped up from her seat, stepping past Warren and into the aisle. 
“Where’re you going?”
“I drank a whole large soda, I am about to PISS my pants!” She rushed out the doors and towards the bathrooms.
Warren stood up, figuring he could wait for Jubilee outside and thank her for the ticket and the snacks. Right before he headed towards the door to exit, he heard her voice. (Y/n)’s voice coming from the stage. 
“Thank you so much!” 
She had been given some flowers by another student. Her hands still covered in fake blood from her “stabbing”. Even covered in fake blood, she was breathtaking. 
 Warren turned on his heel, making his way to the stage, unsure of what he would even say. His mind was spinning as he made it, waiting until (Y/n) was done thanking a teacher who was saying how amazing she was. 
The teacher walked away, giving Warren a chance to speak with her. 
She turned towards him, “hey?”
“I-I’m Warren. Uhh- friends with Jubilee, she brought me here actually.”
“Oh! Where is she?”
“Peeing. I mean- using the lady’s room.”
(Y/n) nodded, smile breaking out across her face. 
“Uhm, h-here. For you.”
Warren handed her his unopened pack of m&m’s. 
“Oh, thank you! I love these.”
“You did great. I never thought I’d like a school play, but you really lit up the stage. You were amazing.”
She smiled at him, “Thank you, Warren. You’re too kind.”
“C-could I take you out? On a date, I mean?”
“Oh.” (Y/n) looked taken back. “Sure. Yeah, that sounds nice.”
He nodded, his face burning. 
Jesus Christ, this play did turn me into a softie. 
taglist: @chocolatealmondmilkshake @thoughtlesspace @billyhargovesgurl @babebenhardy @rexorangecouny @cyndagoaway @killcomet @mcrmarvelloki @queen-turtle-boiii @hardlylo @ziggymay @jacqueline1916 @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ixchel-9275
hmu to be added!
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gaydinobots · 5 years
THANK U im gonna just. do every category because i havent talked abt them in a hot minute so obviously! its time to go ham
under a read more because wow. wow this is so long. im so sorry 
their first impressions 👁swoop thinks grim is pretty hot but to be fair. thats a fact. i think he respects grim just because grimlock is like. strong. he would want to know him more he feels like theyd vibe. grimlock thinks swoop seems fun, no special feeling or anything. hes drawn to him a lil but not because of looks (if anything hed find swoop more cute in a weird, ‘this persons objectively not attractive but i cant stop noticing them’ kind of way) . basically they like each others vibes 
their first date 🕯i think i made a joke tweet a long time ago that theyd probably have a date in a junkyard or something as their first date BUT tbh. i think they probably did go to like…a bar for their first date!! swoop drinks more than he can handle to impress grimlock and even tho grim tells him to lay off he thinks its cute hes trying so hard (grimlock pays for Everything) 
their first kiss 💋THINKING ABT THIS MAKES ME EMBARRASSED OH MY GOD………..ok swoop initiates the kiss impulsively, it probably happened on one of their first dates, and he didnt think much of it. grimlock thought abt it a lot longer than he expected to (it all worked out in the end)  
an inside joke they share 🃏they make fun of slug getting mistaken for a heterosexual by every lesbian he knows…………i think swoop would probably bring up anything dumb grimlock has said too but u see grimlock loves him so he just laughs it off 
a recurring fight they get into ⛈they dont rly fight fight because max dinos 3 proves swoop can only stay mad at grimlock for all of 5 whole minutes. i think they fight over grimlock getting too overprotective when they were starting out but theyve been together long enough to like. be more mature abt handling it!! 
their love languages 💞i think grimlocks highest one would be touch!! idk why im attached to affectionate touchy grim but i feel like he just likes to hold his partners….whether its straight up cuddling or just a casual hand slung over a shoulder. swoop is more of a quality time kind of guy!! i dont think they rly do gift giving often BUT theyre do a lot of nice stuff for each other instead. grimlock also rly isnt into like. verbal affection as much as swoop is. swoop is verbal abt his affection but isnt big on being complimented himself. 
how they feel about pda 🌹swoop LOVES pda because hes dramatic and likes to show off sometimes. he needs everyone to know he loves his wonderful bf and show him off!! grimlock isnt so big on the public part but he indulges swoop anyway + he likes being affectionate - its a win/win for him either way
their favorite things about one another ⭐️grimlock clearly has a type for airheads hgkdsf but for real i think he does love how cheerful and upbeat swoop is!! he likes how impulsive swoop can be too because it means he cant predict what he’ll do next….so he’ll find something new to love when he doesnt expect it 😳 (maybe im being a bit mushy here. whos going to stop me? no one thats what) i dont think swoop ever rly put thought into his favourite trait of grimlock or hed just give a superficial answer about it. but his favourite part about grimlock is his more compassionate side + i think he also likes how grim doesnt. particularly care what other people think of him! he thinks grimlock can be rly sweet and is maybe a little proud of the fact hes one of the few ppl that actually get the Whole Grim Experience 
how they would adapt for one another 🍂swoop has to slow down a lil bit for grimlock! he’s naturally high energy which can be overwhelming for grim, so when swoop realises this he starts to make sure that grim can keep up w/ him. he also does try to take things more seriously cause i feel like hed view his whole thing w/ grim as being casual up until a certain point. grimlock on the other hand definitely tries to be more attentive to swoop. grim is naturally just. not rly receptive to people but when he decides someone is worth the effort he goes ALL IN. hes not the best listener or anything but he does try his best to be interested! even if its for little things.
their favorite celebrations 🎃dinobots collective anniversary because they all decided to just lump up their anniversaries into one nice day + slash’s birthday !!!!!!! i think swoop would also like. get jokingly into knowing different species celebration days but he doesnt rly care much for the meanings
their domestic rituals 💆what intricate rituals do they do………………………i mean they WERE separated for most of post war so they dont rly have much material to go off of. i guess fighting is a good bonding activity w/ ur partner so you end up resting together at night………they definitely cuddle Quite A Bit, swoop and grim also allocate a specific amt of time to swoop gossiping abt something or laughing at other people…im bad at this part OOP 
their family and friends’ opinion ⚖️in an ideal world the dinobots (minus lesbian icon strafe and their daughter slash) r all dating each other in one big polyamorous marriage anyway….the scavengers are very happy that grim’s happy even if krok keeps asking them to stop making out on top of his fridge when he wants engex. misfire keeps planning really weird elaborate date plans which both appreciate even if grim isnt rly sold on shoot shoot bang bang as a date night concept. i keep thinking of a dumb au where the other dynos live and slug is kind mmm because he and swoop are dating and he thinks therell be drama but the spoiler here is that they all have 2 hands so swoopsluglock ends up being the REAL endgame 
their shared living space 🏡the dynos barely have a house half the time in idw oop. i like the idea of them all somehow finding…dinobot island. gay dino paradise if u will. perfect honeymoon destination complete with very nicely heated mud pits 
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