#i do appreciate opinions about him c:
Going Crazy About the LADS Boys Kisses (Entwined Shadow Event)
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His kisses are strong and needy but at the same time it shouts as a stablish relationship. MC (only) reaches out for him and hugged him tighter.
We know that they kiss before (Drunken Intimacy and Heart Within Reach) But this is something different. You can see how MC entrust herself to him. We got a full blown make out session with Zayne. I almost faint!
Since Zayne is a man of few words, its really bone melting to hear him convey his feelings directly.
He always exudes confidence, yet he once again like to confirm your feelings for him.
This card really makes me crave for him. Oh, Zayne! The man you are!
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He is as cryptic as always. He really like to spoke in riddles that always got me thinking twice but his kisses are different. He is sure and he really wants it.
I saw on twitter that the cherry MC holding cherry is a euphemism for something. Thinking about it, I feel that it's right considering Xavier also mentioned "It's also the first time". I just don't know how to chug this down. You can look at it as M/C proactively offering herself to him or Xavier asking it from her.
All of this making me feel that they are starting their relationship or going to another level. What do you think?
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His kisses is sweet and it is the first time he is more serious and I definitely like him this way.
Rafayel conveys his feelings in a way that is like joking or sarcastic, but this event definitely changes him. However, contrary to the beautiful and serene garden they are in, his words are deep and meaningful that is almost scary. It's like he is gonna disappear anytime.
This card almost feel like the start of their relationship and I am really happy for him. After pinning for MC for long time, masking his longing for jest, he finally allows himself to be with you wholeheartedly.
I always feel like he is scared from his own feelings. He has gave it all and he is finally doing it again. Oh I'm crying.
Final Thoughts (Just My Opinion Cause I Might Miss Something and I can be wrong)
After analyzing everything carefully, Zayne is definitely ahead when it comes to relationship. Their kiss and their body language says it all.
Xavier is somewhat tentative but he sure loves MC. He craves for us but did not know how to express it.
As for Rafayel, it's like he is taking his sweet time building a strong relationship with you. He is so cautious and borderline afraid to get things so fast. And I really really appreciate that.
This is the first time I wanna get all the cards and I hope everyone can as well.
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ceoofglytchell · 20 days
Daughter Of The Sea
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Summary: Crushed by the burdens weighing on his shoulders, Aegon takes you, his wife, on a flight on Sunfire to a special place, where he can forget the raging war and the burdens of the crown for at least a short time and at the same time start an attempt to get closer to you.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Tully!Wife!Reader 
Word count: 4108 words
Warnings: fluff, obvious pining, brief angst (communication is hard), mentions of past smut, Aegon having dirty thoughts about you, very brief hint of a breeding kink, brief making out, no mention of Y/N 
Notes: I am a little stressed at the moment so this will be the only fic coming from me this week, but I will most certainly be back with another one on Saturday 💛. As always, feedback and criticism is always appreciated and please remember that english is not my native language.
"No, no, fat old Lord Tully can either raise my banners or see his burn," Aegon said firmly, scanning the members of his Small Council. It was only early in the morning and he was already having to hold one of those miserable council meetings that just always tired him out. He would rather drink wine in his chambers or go out into the city to the Street of Silk, but he was no longer allowed to do that either. He was the King, after all.
"Lord Tully has another proposal, Your Grace. One that doesn't involve any bloodshed or fighting. A marriage alliance. His daughter is not yet married, but she will be soon if the pretender realizes that too. In this way, with this alliance, we could unite a large part of the Riverlands under our banner and expand our army with their men."
A small murmur went around the table and he could immediately see his mother looking at Criston with her dark brown eyes and they shared a long, knowing look. It was decided without him even having the chance to say anything about it and give his own opinion.
Once again, a decision was made over his head and he was forced to do something he did not want - just like the crown on his head, which was never meant for him.
He was going to get married and he didn't even know you.
You were different than he had expected.
A little more than a month had passed since the wedding, which had been held in small circles in front of a High Septon and your families in the great Sept in King's Landing. You were a pretty little thing. A little younger than him, loving and innocent. You had actually blushed when he had pressed a small, fleeting kiss on your lips to seal the marriage, which had then given him the motivation not to get drunk to the point of insensibility during the banquet so that he would not have to endure your company.
Instead, the opposite had been the case, for he had quickly grown to enjoy talking to you, hearing your soft voice and seeing the warm expression in your eyes. You were a little shy and you did not have much in common, but as the evening progressed, as the moment drew closer and closer when you would have to retire to your marital chambers to consummate the marriage, Aegon had noticed how you were picking at your cuticles and how you kept raising your hand to your face to bite your nails out of nervousness.
It was a habit he himself had, so he knew exactly how you must be feeling.
At that very moment, the king had felt something for you for the first time. He had realized that not only had he been forced into this sudden marriage, but that you had also suffered from this decision, and that you knew him as little as he knew you. Here, you were both the victims.
Aegon had been gentle when he had you lying beneath him in his bed and taking your innocence. He had tried as best he could to make it as comfortable as possible for you, but your little whimpers and the big tears that had rolled down your cheeks as he did his duty broke his heart and he had vowed to be good for you. You were now his wife, his queen, and soon probably the mother of his child, if his seed had taken root in your womb that one time, which is why he wanted to be a better man for you.
He had to get to know you first and maybe at some point your heart would open up to him and you could love each other as if this had not just been a political alliance but a marriage of love from the start.
This very word clouded his every thought as he wandered through the cold, bare corridors of the Red Keep in search of something. He was the king, but at the same time he was completely powerless, at least when it came to his own life, because as long as he can remember everyone has always decided for him or over him and that was no different now. The only person who had decided absolutely nothing for him or forced him to do anything so far was you.
That was probably why he had instinctively walked to your chambers without even looking where his feet were taking him, and now found himself in front of the closed doors.
He could hear a faint noise from inside and as he took a step closer to the wooden doors he realized that you were humming. He did not recognize the melody nor could he hear you clearly, but for some reason your soft voice alone was soothing him immensely, as if you were a distant light in a world that consisted only of darkness. He only had to approach you and reach for your light.
He carefully opened the door and stepped into your chambers, which he had only briefly visited once before, when you had just furnished them after you had come to King's Landing. Back then, the interior had been sparse, but now every inch reminded him of you. It was comfortably furnished with plenty of seating, cushions and plants. The tapestries that hung on the walls were not about any sexual practices, unlike his, but yours were embroidered with small fish, aquatic plants and it was all in the colors of your house - red and blue - to give you a feeling of home so that you could properly settle in. On the shelves were piles of books, more embroidery and small pictures that you had painted on parchment.
You sat on an armchair in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth slightly as you gently stroked the cat that had curled up on your lap and you hummed a calm tune to it. He didn't remember the name of the small, orange kitten, but he knew it was a parting gift from your younger brother Oscar, so you wouldn't feel lonely in your new surroundings.
Aegon didn't want you to be lonely - or unhappy. Quite the opposite, he wanted to see you happy and above all he wanted you to be happy with him, as you would probably be together for the rest of your lives unless - gods forbid - a tragedy happened and you were taken away from him, which he would never allow. You were his wife and he would be damned if he couldn't protect you. If he wanted to be strong for anyone, it would be for you.
Approaching footsteps made you look up from your little friend in your lap and you froze when you saw your Lord Husband standing in your doorway and your eyes widened as he was the last person you expected to come visit you. Your marriage had been quite cold up until now, except for the consummation on your wedding night, but that was it. After that, you hadn't even kissed or touched each other in any way, except for the occasional kiss on the cheek before supper.
However, you would be lying if you said you didn't long to be close to him. You did not want to live a life without love, but to get it you also did not want to break the promise you had to make to him at the altar.
"Husband? What are you doing here?"
He wanted to approach you, but something inside him wouldn't let him move and he remained rooted to the spot at the door, which he at least closed behind him so that you could talk to each other alone.
What was he doing here? That was a good question. One that he himself didn't have an answer to. He wanted to get closer to you, but he didn't want to force his company on you either. However, he knew of a way that would allow him to be close to you, to show you a different side of him, while you would probably enjoy it too. He might even see you smile, but not the kind, respectful smile you always had on your lips, no, a real, loving one that was only meant for his eyes. He had not heard your laughter yet either.
"I wanted to see you." You blinked in confusion and scratched the cat a little more behind the ear, as if it would take away your nervousness itself, which wasn't the case, as your heart was beating so fast you were afraid it would burst out of your chest. He wanted to see you? Why? He had never voluntarily come to you to spend time with you, but you suspected there was a first time for everything.
"Why?" A rather unpleasant thought entered your head and for a moment you feared that he had only come to do his duty and then leave again, like the first time. You longed to be close to him, but you still wanted to get to know him a little better and learn to love him before you let him into your bed again. Hopefully he saw it the same way. "Have you come here to do our duty?"
The king immediately shook his head so that his short, white curls fell into his face, but that didn't really bother him. What bothered him, however, was that you thought he had only come here for that reason, but at the same time he could understand why. In your eyes there could be no other reason why he should come, since after a month of marriage you still barely knew each other.
"No, I... I wanted to ask you if you already have plans for today?"
The cat jumped off your lap and disappeared into your bedchamber next door, leaving you all alone with him, and you immediately felt a little more tense again. You wanted his attention, but it happened so suddenly that you were at a loss for words for a moment.
“No, not really. Do you have anything special in mind, husband?”
“I wanted to ask if you would like to ride with me? Just the two of us?”
You didn't know if it was his hopeful look or your longing and desire for freedom that made you accept his offer, but you did. The only thing you hadn't seen coming was that he wasn't leading you to the royal stables, but to a carriage that would take you to the dragon pit.
"I do not think I am made for the skies, Aegon," you said carefully as you heard Sunfire's gentle chants and the golden dragon slowly moved out of the darkness of the pit into the light to greet its rider. His mount was nothing short of beautiful. The dragon shone in a variety of colors when the light shone on it, and the dull pink of its wings reminded you of the many flowers that often grew on the shores of the small lakes in the Riverlands. Despite everything, the thought of flying on the back of such a winged beast filled you with fear and awe.
"No, small fish like you belong in the sea and that is why I am taking you there." For a moment you just stared at him, unable to believe that the first time he voluntarily spent time with you, he was granting two of your dearest wishes - to get closer to your husband and to see the sea again. Of course, there was a good view from the highest towers of the Red Keep, but just seeing it was not the same as feeling it, and you didn't want to disturb the fishermen at the harbor at their work just because you felt the need to stroll barefoot across a sandy beach.
The young king held out a gloved hand to you and tried to smile invitingly at you while he gently stroked the shiny scales of his mount with the other. He hadn't been out riding for a while and was already looking forward to flying through the air with you and seeing how you would feel about being able to see the world from above. On Sunfire's back he had always felt completely free, free from the annoying duties, free from the weight of the crown, free from the burdens of his name, free from everything, and you might feel the same. At least he hoped so.
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves before you walked closer to the beast, which seemed to be watching you curiously from the side.
Aegon helped you climb onto the saddle and then sat behind you to assure you that you would not fall off during the flight and that he would be a widower a month after the wedding. The warmth of your body so close to his, the sweet scent of your hair and the way your body clung to him drove him to the brink of madness in the first second, which was why he quickly gave Sunfire the command to take to the skies so that he would no longer have to think about you while you were so close to each other.
A small cry left your lips as the dragon, along with you and Aegon, rose into the sky above King's Landing and you saw the city from above for the first time. Instinctively, you pressed yourself closer to your husband's chest and grabbed his arm, which was wrapped securely around your waist, your fingers pressing so tightly into the fabric of his tunic that it was a wonder he hadn't objected to the touch.
Sunfire rose higher and higher until it almost reached the clouds, and Aegon couldn't help but grin like a fool when he felt you reaching for him in search of protection and safety, holding on so tightly as if you were afraid you might slip off the saddle and fall into the depths at any second.
As if he would ever let that happen.
"Are we nearly there?" you called over the wind that whipped against your ears and messed up your hair, while your narrowed gaze was fixed in fascination on the landscape below you.
"Soon! Be patient a little longer, wife." Aegon answered close to your ear, sending goosebumps down your arms as his voice made you realize just how close you had been and how much trust you had just put in him. You didn't even know where he was taking you except that it would have something to do with the sea.
After not too long of flying, you saw the outlines of a small group of islands appear in the distance, although they seemed to be uninhabited. The dragon suddenly began to fly a little lower and when your husband gave no other orders to contradict this, you realized that this must be the place he wanted to take you to in order to spend time with you - an island in the middle of the sea.
The island you landed on was small and had nothing more than a few rocks, some grass and a few plants and a small beach where the waves gently crashed. The sun was high in the sky and the sea was completely calm, which was a huge relief for Aegon, as he knew from experience that in the event of a storm, most of the small island would be swallowed up by the waves.
You landed on the ground again with wobbly legs and you could immediately smell the salt in the air and feel the sun burning on your skin. A smile formed on your lips as you stared into the horizon and saw the endless blue stretching out before you, which for some reason warmed your heart and made you feel more free again.
Riverrun, your home where you grew up, was not directly at the sea, but the castle had been surrounded by river water on all sides and you loved to ride to the coast with your younger brother to spend the day there, which made you miss the sea and nature even more. When you and Aegon had children together, you swore that they would not only have a dragon egg laid in the crib, as you knew was the Targaryen tradition, but you would also show them places like these and maybe even your childhood home at some point.
As Aegon dismounted behind you and Sunfire rose back into the air to circle over the island or just fly around a bit, and he saw your broad smile, he could feel a lump forming in his throat. He had always thought you were beautiful, but only now did he realize that you were much more than that. You had a beauty that he had never known before, and he was a fool for staying away from you for so long.
"Have you known this place for a long time?" You asked him, turning back to him to look into his eyes, which appeared a light purple tone in the blazing sun that reminded you of lavender.
"I come here occasionally. It is quite relaxing and simply... beautiful."
"Peaceful. It is peaceful," you responded then, whereupon Sunfire made a noise that reminded you of your cat. It sounded almost like an agreement - if a dragon could understand humans at all. He seemed to understand his rider well enough, even if he barely spoke High Valyrian.
"Yes, that too," Aegon gently patted Sunfire on the flank, causing the dragon to straighten up, flap its wings and take to the skies again, flying circles over the island group as they stood on the small beach and looked at each other.
"What do you do when you are here?" You asked him, lightly playing with your wedding ring on your ring finger, as it was a better distraction than biting your nails.
"Laying around and doing nothing, mostly," he felt a little bad telling you that, as it did not sound particularly like kingly behavior, but it was the truth and he did not want to deny you that. After all, he was doing this entire trip with you to get to know you better.
You nodded your head, an idea coming to you as you heard the sound of the waves slowly hitting the sandy beach and you could smell the salt that was hitting your skin. However, you didn't just want to smell it, you wanted to feel it too. "I will go swimming, I think."
Aegon blinked, as this was certainly not what he had expected you to do. He had expected you to lie down and talk, but not that he would suddenly see you starting to undo the laces of your dress and reveal your thin white shift and parts of your supple skin that he would love to caress and kiss if you let him one day.
"Be careful, please," the king asked gently, as he was not about to come with you and sink into the salty sea water and feel as free as a fish himself, but hopefully you would. He wished that you would feel as free and carefree as you did before marrying him.
"I will be," your blue dress fell onto the ground, while you walked into the waves in your white undergarment until you were surrounded by water up to your shoulders, while he sat down on the ground and quietly watched you from afar.
You reminded him of the old tales about nymphs who were said to have seduced men at lakes with their beauty and then dragged them into the depths never to be seen again, but he also knew that you were different. You were definitely tempting him right now- not that you knew-  but you would also never harm him. A small part of him wanted to join you, to see if he had managed to make you feel happiness again, but his courage failed him and instead he merely kept on watching you.
You swam through the cool water for some time, and each and every minute you could feel his eyes following your every move, while your husband's dragon flew around in the sky above you the whole time. Two dragons were watching you, and you had hoped one would join you, but he did not. Of course not.
Aegon had lost himself in daydreams the longer he watched you swim. He dreamed of a life where he had met you under different circumstances and he had married you because he wanted to and not because he was forced to. It would have been love, not obligation.
Lost in these sudden daydreams, he did not notice you rising from the waves again, the now soaked shift you were wearing being practically see-through now, the thin fabric clinging to your curves like a second skin.
When his gaze focused again and he saw you like this, his amethyst colored eyes widened immediately and you stole his breath away by not even doing anything. You were heavenly.
You dropped into the sand next to him and lay down, your eyes fixed on the blue sky and your hair spread out beneath your head like a halo. He couldn't take his eyes off you anymore and he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over every inch of your body. Under the thin material of your shift he could see your hardened nipples and little pearly drops of water running down inside your cleavage, making him look at your breasts for a moment longer than necessary, which caused a lump to form in his throat and to feel something stir deep inside him.
Gods, now he would have to control himself.
"You could have joined me," you said suddenly out of nowhere and turned your head so that you could look at your husband's handsome face, which was catching the rays of sunlight in such a way that you thought he was glowing.
"I did not want to force my company on you."
You quickly rolled onto your side, giving him an even better glimpse of your cleavage and he had to actively bite the inside of his cheek to avoid making any noise that would ruin the beauty of this moment and that would force him to explain himself.
"Aegon, I enjoy your company. I just wish you would give me more of it. You are my husband and I barely know you."
The disappointment in your voice broke his heart, but at the same time he cursed himself for not being able to think of anything other than ripping off the last piece of clothing that covered your body and repeat your wedding night, but this time properly and not just giving yourself to him because it was your duty as his queen to give him heirs. But he restrained himself.
"My little wife enjoys having me around, huh?"
"Come on, you are not that bad. I am sure you are more bearable than Aemond." You giggled and the sound made his heart beat faster and a warmth spread through him that he had not felt before with a woman yet.
"You would not have survived marriage to him, little fish. He is too... fierce."
"Do you not know what they say? Tough on the outside, soft on the inside. Perhaps I could have softened him."
Aegon laughed and shook his head firmly, as he was a thousand percent sure that even your kind nature and sweet disposition could not have changed his little brother's stoic demeanor, even if you both shared a common love of books. "No, my love. Even you could not have done that."
"And what of you? Do you think I am able to warm your heart?"
The king did not have to think about his answer for a second and he replied to you without thinking of any possible consequences: "You already have."
You didn't know if he had closed the gap or if it was you, but suddenly your lips were on his and you lost yourself in the way he held you tightly and deepened the kiss with a sense of urgency you had longed for.
Maybe you would not have to wait forever for love to blossom.
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elaratyrell · 3 months
Jacaerys Velaryon NSFW Alphabet
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*Divider from saradika-graphics*
Warnings: AFAB! Reader, smut under the cut {duh}, language, mentions of pregnancy, Jace's monster dick, breeding kink
A/N: Look at him. Look at how beautiful he is! Prince of Dragonstone ❤️
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The king of aftercare, Jace will always prioritise your needs first in the bedroom, and that still applies to afterwards. You're feeling slightly sore? He'll immediately run you a warm bath himself with your favourite bath oils and massage your aching body. You're hungry or thirsty? He's already dressed and gone to the kitchens to fetch you a snack and a bottle of the finest Dornish red or Arbor gold. You just want to be held? He'll happily oblige. He'll hold you securely in his warm embrace, peppering kisses across your bare skin and softly singing to you in High Valyrian as you slowly fall asleep.
Modern! Jace will be pretty similar to his canon counterpart. He'll get you something to clean up with, run you a bath or shower and make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jace is pretty much happy with everything about himself physically, but doesn't really think about himself like that. He would probably say his favourite body part is whatever his partner loves. Whether that be his hands, his mouth, his cock, whatever they love the most, he'll appreciate about himself the most.
As for his partner, he adores everything about you. If you asked him, he couldn't be able to name one thing. Your hips, your stomach, your thighs, your breasts, your cunt, your ass... he loves all of them. But he does adore your eyes. He loves gazing into them, how they well with emotion, how they cloud and glaze over in pleasure as he brings you to the edge again and again. Even outside of being intimate with you, he'll always be gazing into them, admiring how the light reflects in them, how your pupils dilate when you meet his gaze, how they flash with emotion. They're the physical part of you that shows who you are the most, and he loves that.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I stand by my opinion that Jace has a bit of a breeding kink, and would love to cum inside of you. It's more intimate and the though of you two having a child drives him wild. But if you have a preference for where you'd rather him release, he'd be happy to comply.
Modern! Jace will always use protection if you're having penetrative sex unless you're actively trying for a baby or feel comfortable enough for him to release inside of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's the heir to the Iron Throne, the Prince of Dragonstone. He has definitely fantasized about fucking you on that throne, the pretty crowns adorning both of your heads sealing your rightful place as King and Queen of Westeros.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Hmmm... canon Jace would pretty much have zero experience, especially if you were betrothed when young (unless you count Aegon allegedly taking he and Aemond to a brothel when they were younger).
Modern! Jace will probably have some experience here and there if he dates you during college or afterwards, whether that be from hook-ups or a past relationship, but he hasn't slept around as much as Aegon has.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary and he doesn't care if it's considered "vanilla", it's intimate, and he can have his gaze locked with yours all the while. He loves the way your bodies are pressed together, your legs hooked around his hips or even over his shoulders, lips connecting every few seconds as he thrusts into you. He also doesn't mind you sat in his lap, hips rolling against his. Any position where he can see your face. It's closer, more intimate and romantic where he can see you, kiss you, hold you closer.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think Jace lies somewhere in the middle. He won't go out of his way to be funny or humorous when having sex, but he also wants you to be comfortable, and will happily smile and laugh and make a joke to make you seem at ease. He won't take it completely seriously though, he isn't like that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Dark curls up there, dark curls down there. But he keeps everything relatively neat and trimmed. He wants to look his best for you, of course, and does take pride in his appearance due to his status.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Jace is a romantic. He will see it as an intimate act, even in the more casual and light hearted times you've had sex. It’s an expression of his love, especially if in a serious relationship or betrothal with you. He's not the type to just sleep around with people unless he truly feels some kind of connection with them, and the deeper the connection, the more intimate he considers it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As a last resort. If you're apart for a long period of time then he might need to blow of some steam, but he tries to wait it out for as long as possible until he can see you, since he knows that you can help him out better than his own hand ever could.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I feel like Jace wouldn't have as many kinks as other men in the hotd universe, but here are the ones that I feel he could potentially have:
Praise Kink: Nothing gets him going like you moaning about how good he's making you feel. He also loves singing your praises and feeling you hold him that little bit tighter. To be in this vulnerable intimate moment and hear you breathe out those three words makes his heart soar. Knowing he's making you feel this good makes him feel good, and makes that moment all the more special.
Hair Pulling: If you want this man to moan pull his hair. Feeling your fingers tangle in his curls, nails scraping across his scalp as you tug hard at his roots will drive him crazy. He fucking loves it.
Breeding Kink: The thought of you having a child together, having an heir to continue your family lines will definitely bring something out within him. Maybe not in the way someone like Aemond would. It's not the thought of continuing the Targaryen dynasty on, it's the thought of continuing your shared line, binding him to you and you to him forever. The idea of you wanting to have a child with him, regardless of... ahem, rumours, but because you love him, because you want him... draws out that possessive side of him.
Size Difference: I'm not talking about a physical height different here. I'm talking about the size of other things. I'm talking about when he's inside of you, and he sees the outline of his cock bulging your stomach. I'm talking about when he gently presses down on it and elicits a moan of his name from you. I'm talking about that.
Marking: It's that possessive side of him. It shows people you belong to him. Shows his uncles that you chose him, that you want to be with him, that he's the one who makes you feel good. I'm talking hickies, bruises and bites littering your neck, your chest, your thighs. Red nail lines raked down his back. And he'll happily let you leave one or two on him as well. It goes both ways.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
He'll mostly appreciate the privacy of your bed chambers or personal rooms where nobody can interrupt you, but if you rile him up enough, he may be tempted to sneak off somewhere discreet.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Tease him. He'll snap. His cheeks will flush, his jaw will clench, hands pinned by his sides and balled into fists. You will have such a hold over him, the effect you have, it drives him wild. And you might not even realise that you're doing it. An accidental brush of the hand will cause his whole body to stiffen until he realises it wasn't intended. A firm kiss to his neck will make his head tilt back and his hold on you to tighten.
Jealousy will also be a big motivation for him, on both sides. If you're feeling insecure, he'll show you that you have nothing to worry about, that he loves you and only you. If he's the one suffering a case of the green eyed monster, his more dominant, possessive side will come out. You're with him, not anyone else.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not hurt you, he will not degrade you, and he will not want anyone else to watch. Sex is a private thing between the two of you, and no one else.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's a giving king. A selfless lover unless truly provoked, he'll happily spend hours between your legs just to hear your sweet moans and taste you as you come undone beneath him (or above him, he'd let you sit on his face).
Of course, he won't object to you wanting to give him pleasure, but if he had to chose, he'd chose you over him any day.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends. Eight or nine times out of ten, it'll be passionate. He'll take his time in making you feel pleasure, preparing you for him and making sure the experience is completely satisfying for the both of you. But if he's riled up, whether that be from jealousy, a fight of just general frustrations, then he may be more rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He prefers to take his time with you, but if he or you needs it that badly, or his duties are time consuming and have led to the two of you not spending time with each other as often, he will of course be down for a quickie.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes. If you want to try something new, he will give it a try unless he's genuinely uncomfortable with it, like if you wanted him to hurt you, he'd be very hesitant.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last a few rounds for sure. Maybe even all night. For as long as you need him to keep going, he will. And if his cock can’t take any more, he has his hands and mouth to satiate your desires.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don't think Jace would ever own toys, but would use them if you had any you wanted to use. However, they wouldn't be his first port of call. I don't think he'd feel the need for them, since he can give you such pleasure with only his body. He wouldn't be opposed to toys, but wouldn't see them as a compulsory need either.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jace will only tease to a certain extent to prolong any intimate moment you have. He likes the reactions he can get out of you, and how it makes your release that much more intense.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I feel like he'd moan, groan and grunt a lot. It wouldn't be overly loud, most of the time muffled in some way, but not quiet either. And he wouldn't hold any noise back either. Why shouldn't he let you know how good you're making him feel? He'll moan your name a lot, breathe out praises on how good you're making him feel. You may even be able to draw out a groan if he's got that much pent up frustration.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I want to talk about Jace's dominance for a second. This man has a POSSESSIVE streak.
Yes, Jace is kind. He is selfless and loving and protective of those he loves. But he does have a temper. And he does feel possessive over you. It's not because he doesn't trust you, because he does, with his entire being, but his protective nature just goes to the next level with you. And when he gets jealous and that possessive side comes out, his rougher, more dominant side will emerge as well. The side that will pin you against the nearest wall, that will have your eyes rolling back into your head, his name being the only word you can speak, you can think of as he rips release after release from you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Do we really need to go over this? We know he's got a monster cock. It's long, it's girthy, it's huge.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. He's pretty much always down if you are. It's not necessarily sex he's always after that makes his drive so high, it's you. You make him crazy. He could never get enough of you, hence why his drive sky rocketed after he started dating you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not that quickly. He'll make sure you're okay first, make sure you have everything you need. He'll probably wait for you to fall asleep if you're both wanting to rest, just to ensure you don't need anything before allowing himself to succumb to his tiredness. If you need to be up, to attend to duties or events of the day, he'll probably go and shower or bathe (with you preferably) after making sure you're okay.
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Tag List:
@watercolorskyy @jacesvelaryons @bucknastysbabe @snowprincesa1 @your-favorite-god @howyouloveyourdragon
If you wanted to be added to the general HOTD taglist or taglists for specific character/s, just let me know
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glitterjay · 5 months
Enhypen reaction when you take off your engagement ring after an argument 💔💍 (heavy angst to happy ending pls)
⭒ angst (but its happy at the end????), arguments
⭒ c's note: yall are making me cry and for WHAT. i also did this up to jungwon only because i just can't see ni-ki being engaged just yet. reblogs are appreciated!
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @enhabooks
heseung had a really bad day at work. he was exhausted, and to be completely honest, he did not want to see anyone at all. so when he got home and ignored you, you confronted him about it. he had given you attitude when he first walked into the house, and you were not about to deal with that. the argument escalated quickly, with you taking your engagement ring and giving it to him. this made him realize quickly what he had done, realizing he shouldn't have taken his frustration out on you. he'd approach you gently, apologizing first about his actions and asking how he could repay it. he knew you wouldn't talk to him normally right away, and he was okay with it. he admitted he was the one in the wrong, but he'd beg you to put the ring back on
you and jay had been clashing a lot when it came to opinions, which often led to arguments between the both of you. tired of this behavior, you took the engagement ring he had given you a month prior and placed it in the bowl where you kept your car keys. jay noticed this and sighed, taking the ring in his hands and approaching you calmly. what had caused all of this were the fights you had often, so causing another one would be the worst thing he could do. he'd ask you to sit and talk it out with him, brainstorming ideas and ways you could avoid all these problems without ruining your relationship. he'd then give you the ring and tell you to wear it when you feel ready.
jake had snapped at you after you tried to explain why you hadn't told him you were going out beforehand. there was no need for him to yell at you like that, but he did anyway. with tears in your eyes, you took off the engagement ring you had on and dropped it on the floor. it was only then that jake realized he was being far too harsh and immediately apologized for his actions. he wouldn't care about the ring, actually. his priority then was to resolve what his actions had caused and to let you know how much he truly loves you.
you had taken your engagement ring out after a heated argument with sunghoon simply because every time you saw it, it reminded of you of the way he had snapped before your eyes. he knew he was wrong for exploding that way, and he was aware that both of you needed some time to relax and cool off before talking again. it made him sad when he saw said ring in the night table next to the bed. specifically the one on his side, but if he was being honest, he fucked up. it took him by surprise when you approached him first to talk things out, giving him your own ring so he could put it back in your finger.
it was rare when you and sunoo faught, but this time it had gone over the edge, making you take off the engagement ring he had given you, and tossing it out in some bowl that was laying around the house. it hurt his feeling, and it hurt you too knowing you broke the promise of never taking it off again, but there was nothing else you could've thought of in that moment. sunoo was quick to apologize first, not being able to take it anymore, and ask you to at least put the ring back on.
arguments were jungwon's least favorite part of a relationship, and it sure became his enemy when you took your engagement ring off and gave it to him after fighting over something quite stupid. he was incredibly upset about it, but took matters into his own hands to make a surprise for you as a way to apologize, and propose to you in the hopes you'll say yes and put on the ring again. (you did)
© glitterjay | tumblr
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jeonginsleftcheek · 4 months
Stray Kids with an S/O who is a huge horror movie fan
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pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
genre: fluff
disclaimer: this is as always just my opinion :)
a/n: as a huge horror movie fan myself, I had to write this! enjoy!🩷
As he said before, it's not like he's scared of horror movies, he just doesn't think they're interesting to watch. But, you're interesting to him and he loves you so he will definitely try for you. He also thinks he won't get scared cause 'nothing scares him' but oh boy was he wrong. You have to promise him extra cuddles because he's not gonna be able to fall asleep that night. Will also try to dissect the plot with you after the movie, and try to find meaning in the story just so it's less scary to him.
If he was never really invested into the horror genre, you could show him the classics like The Shining(1980), The Omen(1976), The Amityville Horror (1979), Psycho(1960) and then also some newer iconic movies like Get Out(2017), The Ring(2002), Sinister(2012), Hereditary(2018) and The Conjuring(2013).
Loves it. Loves to try and scare you while you're watching a movie together. At first, you're so happy that you can share your love for horror with your significant other. And you know he really doesn't like jumpscares, so you try to find movies that don't have many of those. But if they do and Minho predicts a jumpscare, he'll grab you at the same time it's happening, making you jump out of your skin even though you saw the movie already. You kinda start regretting watching horror movies with him because he annoys you on purpose. He thinks you're so adorable when you're mad at him, but he wont push too far and he'll always make it up with cuddles and kisses later. Overall, 10/10 experience.
I feel like he'd watch almost any horror movie cause he's a curious cat (hehe) and you'd both share your favorites.
I don't know why, but I also feel like Minho would appreciate good old silent horror movies. I just think if he's a horror fan he may enjoy seeing the roots of horror. Like The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari(1920), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde(1920), The Phantom Carriage(1921), Nosferatu(1922) and Häxan(1922).
I don't think he's too scared of them but I think he doesn't really care for them too much? Though, if you have some interesting thriller or detective movies to recommend he will definitely wanna watch them with you. I think Changbin likes a movie that has an intelligent story with a plot twist. He likes to guess what's gonna happen next and when he's actually right he'll be so happy and proud. He'll keep talking about how he guessed the plot and how smart he is and how you have to give him extra cuddles now. Either way, you're cuddling and snacking the whole time while watching and it's just nice and cozy.
I think he'd enjoy thrillers like The Game(1997), Fracture(2007), The Machinist(2004), The Double(2013), Shutter Island(2010), Zodiac(2007) and 1408(2007).
Miss him with that shit cause he ain't watching it unless you manage to coax him into it. It's gonna take a lot of persuading until he finally gives in but you have to be careful in choosing the right movie for Hyunjin. He doesn't like loud noises and he doesn't really like to feel scared. He'd rather watch something for the story, especially if it's an emotional one, and he also likes character driven stories.
I think he could watch artsy or slow creepy movies that are more drama-like but have elements of horror like Pan's Labyrinth(2006), Dark Water(2005), Windchill(2007), It Follows(2014), The Eyes Of My Mother(2016), I'm Thinking Of Ending Things(2020) and Case 39(2009).
Okay, with this one you can go crazy. Any weird horror movie, anything kinda disturbing, deranged or unhinged will be right up his ally. As a horror and anime fan himself, he's seen some pretty weird stuff so experiment, I guess. I also feel like he'd like fun horror movies, idk how to explain but ones that are disturbing but fun at the same time, like you can't look away even though you're looking at a train wreck.
Movies like Funny Games(2007), The Ruins(2008), Suspiria(1977), The Perfection(2018), Perfect Blue(1997), May(2002), Audition(2000), Saw franchise and Terrifier series would be fun for him. Also, since he mentioned Paranormal Activity, found footage horror movies would be fun to watch with Jisung too like Creep(2014), REC(2007), Unfriended(2015) and Cloverfield(2008).
This is just not happening unless you can bribe him with cookies, gummies or any other sweets and ofcourse many cuddles and kisses, even more than you share usually. You'll have to practically beg him to watch a horror movie with you or make some kind of compromise that you'll participate in some activity he likes more than you later. He's not gonna sleep all night if you make him watch anything too scary, actually he wouldn't even be watching that. He'd probably be hidden in your neck the whole time and even the creepy sounds coming from the tv will give him nightmares.
The only way to make him watch horror movies is if they're mixed with comedy or they're so bad that they're funny. Like the Scream franchise, The Cabin In The Woods(2011), What We Do In The Shadows(2014), The Happening(2008), Tucker & Dale vs. Evil(2010), Housebound(2014) and ofcourse zombie comedies like One Cut Of The Dead(2017) and Shaun Of The Dead(2004).
Kind of indifferent towards the scares but I think he gets annoyed with plot holes and characters acting stupid. Rolls his eyes at every over used trope or cliche sentence. You actually end up laughing while watching horror movies with him because he's too cute when he's annoyed.
"How is this killer still alive? He's been run over by a truck ten times, this is stupid!" or "Okay but why is he going towards the sound? Is he that dumb, he's gonna die!"
He does like dry humor though so he'd like some black comedy movies with horror elements like American Psycho(2000), Parasite(2019), The Lobster(2015), The Menu(2022) but also if you want to annoy him on purpose (because he's cute when he gets worked up) show him slashers like the Halloween franchise, Friday the 13th franchise and Black Christmas(2019).
With Jeongin, I feel like it can go either way and it definitely depends on the theme of the movie. Also, he will probably try to act brave in front of you (until he jumps at a loud sound and then gets embarassed). For some reason I don't have an exact subgenre of horror for him but for some reason I feel like he'd like newer horror movies like Us(2019), Nope(2022), Last Night In Soho(2021), His House(2020), Host(2020), The Invisible Man(2020) and Fear Street film series.
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destielembarker · 24 days
tags: FLUFFY, THEN EQUAL AMOUNTS NOT, cuddling, crying reader, fighting, blood, angry logan, pain kink, biting, hair pulling (m! receiving), no use of “y/n”, reader has a pus$y, cheating (mentioned), dirty talk, x-men characters, wade wilson, 18+ (let me know what else i need to add)
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notes: i have severe adhd so be prepared for these not to be answered in the way they were intended but the appreciation is there all the same. also shitty grammar bc i decided to be a STEM major. please comment if you enjoyed!! love hearing your opinions.
SFW alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
This mfer does NOT do pda but that doesn’t mean he isn’t affectionate. You’ve grown to be okay with it. When it’s just you two in yalls bedroom in the mansion, he will never take his hands off you. Always following you to each room like a lost puppy. You’ve had to kick him out the bathroom a few times bc he says he doesn’t care but come on! He tries so hard to use his words too but it never comes out quite right so he sticks to physical touch.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
His hard ass dismissive attitude makes it hard to be friends with him and he knows that. ‘Push everyone away so you never get hurt’ kinda situation. But you bond in making fun of people. you both giggle when Scott trips over a chair and hell, if you’re gonna be mean, might as well do it together. The moment that solidified it between you two is when you had been in the mansion for about a week but never seen Logan before. You walk into Xavier’s office where he was chatting with Jean and you immediately blurt out “Nice hairdo dickhead!” and he, without missing a beat, responds, “Nice forehead fuckass!” and he mocks your fake gasp.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
This man doesn’t cuddle, he cages you in, in literal adamantium bars. He wraps his entire body around you and holds on tight like it’s his last time. You’re also smaller than him so his stomach is curled around your back and once he’s asleep, there’s no fucking way you’re moving his arms bc they are so heavy. His legs also braid between yours so you’re immobilized. You’ve had to explain a few times that he gets hot at night and breathing is a necessary function but he doesn’t change.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Bachelor of what, 200 years now? (he’s got some bad habits) He’s very weary when it comes to settling but mentioning a nice place in the woods peaks his interest. It takes a lot for him to admit that’s what he wants but when he does, you know instantly he isn’t just the type to settle with anyone and you’re special. He’s dated yes, but he usually plays the typical male card on some house work tho. He handles a majority of the outside work while inside he doesn’t care for much. Which is ok bc he allows you to be a stay at home wife bc of the nature of his work and he wants you to be as safe as possible.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It ain’t logan if it doesn’t go down in flames. and shit it would. He would definitely hit you where it hurts saying things like “I never loved you, you were simply accessible and easy!” and “Why do you care so much about me when I care so little about you?” and shit. it causes so much pain and resentment you’ve rather him cheat on you at this point.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Oh this a long long long wait but you two ain’t rushing to get hitched. He must first feel you’re worthy to keep around first because he ain’t just giving his heart away willy nilly, he’s been hurt multiple times and so have you. But after you almost died on a mission trying to save him he knew you were the one. And hell you’re already doing what married couples do now just without the kids, ceremony, and rings. He knows you’re his and you know he’s yours. You suggested the idea of rings but he claimed he would lose it so don’t waste your money on it. but you two mark each other up in other ways to set your claim so…
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s like a big dog that forgets he isn’t a lap dog. You’ve had to remind him he’s bigger and stronger so his seemingly small nudges from him feel like big pushes. He learns quickly and is soft and gentle and considerate too! Kinda same situation for emotionally, he’s a man out of his time so men didn’t really show emotions back then but he knows to keep you around, you gotta hear some type of verbal conformation of his love. He starts slowly with “You look nice today.” then slowly evolves into “I’d rather die than not spend another day with you in my life.” and that’s about as gentle as it gets.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Aside from running hugs (check my last post) he is such a good hugger. Remember what I said about PDA? hugs don’t count. He will wrap is arms around your neck and just stay there while he has conversations with the team. Seeing each other after two weeks? He will pick you up and swing you around after he gets back. He loves to pick you up to hug your middle to hear your heart beat while you hug his head. but sometimes he squeezes too much making you without oxygen.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This comes after a year of yall being together when you had a massive argument about his relationship with Jean. He is always flirty with her and it makes you kinda jealous, so you confront him about it. He gets defensive and finally blurts out. “I DONT LOVE HER. I LOVE YOU.” and the room goes silent. You both stare at each other for a minute then you just smile and walk out. Not a ‘i love you’ back or anything because he was being a dick. But, eventually it comes later that night in bed. He gets so happy he cuts off your air supply from the kisses and hugs.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If there’s one major thing that makes him different than the other guys you’ve been with, it’s his possessive jealousy. If another guy does so much as come within 3 feet of you he puts himself between you and him. At the grocery store checking out, and its male cashier? He will do all the talking and paying. And don’t get me started on Scott teasing him about taking you away from him. The claws come out and you have to grab him before he launches himself in Scott’s direction.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
This man and his kisses. I don’t think there’s a place on your body he hasn’t kissed. All over you from the very top of your head to the bottom of your feet he loves it all. And don’t get be started on the ‘racing home from a mission to meet you in your shared bedroom’ kiss. It’s more of a long drawn out sloppy make out session. Half the time you meet him at the door to your shared room and he can’t even say hello before you’re all over him. Where specifically does he like to be kissed you ask? This is the sfw section so use your imagination on that one.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Strangely enough this gruff exterior man loves kids. He prefers if they can walk and talk unless they’re y’all’s. He is such so interactive too. With his increased stamina he loves to tire them out by asking “do you wanna race?” and thus he runs those suckers out so they sleep and you two can do adult things.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s very quiet and grumpy. It starts with him rolling over towards your side of the bed. whether you’re awake or not he kisses your forehead or lips. If he has any extra time he will wrap his body around you and grumbles, “Good morning beautiful” and just hums when you stir awake. He isn’t much of a talker in the morning so you both just place soft kisses on each other until you meet each other in the bathroom for your morning shower together.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Similar situation as morning, depending on what the occasion is. If you’re hanging around the kitchen having a drink with Jean, Scott, and Ororo; he loves to talk and wind down with them then eventually both of you stumble to bed. A lot of kisses and cuddles. Some nights are shared with the both of you watching a movie, cuddled on the couch making occasional comments. He does turn into a grumpy old man when he gets tired so usually you turn to physical affection instead of verbal to keep him happy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Oh this man has lived and loved. He has double the life time of memories that are fuzzy sometimes so something might remind him of something and tell you about it. I don’t think there is enough time in your life to hear everything there is to know about this man. Your relationship didn’t start on a long emotional outdraw, but, a hot heated physical relationship, then-turned-soft situation. Having to pry into his head about how he feels about certain things usually is how you learned what you do know about him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Anger isn’t the right word when you piss him off. Annoyed is more like it, at least that’s what you think of it like. You know he isn’t really angry because if he was those claws would come out more often. But from an outside perspective he’s saying things like “Shut the fuck up.” and “Stop speaking for 5 goddamn seconds.” and you know he doesn’t really intend harshness, just annoyance. It depends on the situation if he is patient tho. If it’s a serious situation, he will snap at you. If it’s a lovers quarrel he will sit you down and talk about it (with his dick in your mouth)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Logan doesn’t forget any of the smallest details about you. One time you off handily mentioned that you don’t like tomatoes, so when he makes you and sandwich, he remembers no tomatoes for you. It was a tiny gesture but it was so sweet. He knows you like it quiet in the morning and loud music at night. He knows everything, even your favorite brand of tampons.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The month you first met was probably his favorite because all you two were doing was bickering. He would always say he was teasing you but you genuinely were spitting harsh remarks which he laughed off and dismissed. You knew he was attractive from the moment you two locked eyes but the constant arguments lead to a unusual rage that lied somewhere between frustration and hunger. Eventually, one night, it built so much in your body you started drunkly yelling at him, and he started laughed which pissed you off even more. So you marched across the room to smacked that smirk right off his face, that’s when he grabbed your wrist before it collided with his face and shoved you against the wall and started aggressively kissing you quiet. You were so angry trying to push him off but your body got the best of you and your fingers traveled to his hair to pull him closer to deepen the kiss. One thing lead to another and you woke up the next morning in his bed with nothing on.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Go back to J for reference. but he is aggressively protective of you. Claws out anytime he senses something might take you away from him. You attempt the same for him but you both know with his advanced healing and his aggressive behavior, nothing can get to him. And hell, you tried to protect him one time and you almost died, so he usually takes control of physical threats. Verbal threats? He loves to watch you argue with other people about how “taken” he really is, and he stands back with his arms crossed and smirks.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
God forbid you lift a finger on everyday tasks, he always growls and pushes you out of the way. dishes? laundry? cooking? He doesn’t say anything but comes over and takes whatever you’re doing and motions you to sit down. There’s only so much “I got this!” or “Let me do it!” you can say before he stops responding and keeps rinsing the plates in the sink. Where you differ is dates and anniversaries. You love all the “lovey dovey shit”. You never took much interest in any of the romance before but seeing him surrounded in rose petals and candle glow creates such a perfect contradiction you have to keep doing it. You can’t decide if he really likes it or not but he always grumbles and smiles everytime you do something romantic so you keep doing it.
You both really don’t do big gifts but sometimes you find something like a leaf shaped as a heart or a zippo with your initial and a heart around it in a gas station and gift it to him. He does similar things for you just to let each of you know you were thinking of one another when you’re away from each other. The only big gift he does unprovoked is get you a beautiful engagement ring.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Beard trimmings in the sink. Use his claws for unnecessary things which leaves scratch marks on things (there’s only so much you can touch up the paint on the wall before you give up.) Smoking in the house. Leaves the toilet seat up. Works too much. Tracks mud in the house with his work boots. He makes growly noises at night which sometimes stirs you awake. HE SNORES. (not a bad habit but it happens)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn’t try to but he’s just naturally beautiful. the hair the beard he tries to keep trimmed but he doesn’t really care because you tell him everyday that he is the most physically attractive man that has ever crossed your path.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely. The yearning in his body that he feels when you’re apart for an hour, let alone weeks while on missions is enough to kill him. You know he can’t call you because of spotty service on missions but you still like to send him selfies and he’ll respond when he can with hearts. He isn’t really technologically advanced so that’s what you get but, you know he is smiling on the other end.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You have a small cat, that he found, that absolutely LOVES him. He acts like he hates her but she always screams and runs towards him when he gets home. She will climb up his back and sit on his shoulders and rubs her head all over his ears, back of head, and face. You get mad at him everytime he swats her off so he just allows it now. Everytime he sits down she is right on his lap. You knew she loved you when he first brought her home after he found her on the side of the road but she loves him even more. Slowly you find him baby talking to her while he makes dinner and eventually he starts referring to her as yalls baby. He knows you would do anything for him, but you do EVERYTHING for this cat so mutual respect is formed.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He hates pop music. Hates high pitched noises. Hates strong smells. Hates getting rained on & having wet clothes. Hates when you do poppy clicky noises with your mouth. hates people who chew with their mouth open. Hates annoying people in general. But everything about you that previous partners have been annoyed about, he loves. (having to unlearn not to keep parts of yourself from him takes a long time.)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
For the first couple of months he told you that you shouldn’t sleep with him because of his nightmares can get so bad that he can accidentally stab you. Well that that ain’t got shit on your insomnia so youre always half awake enough to get out of the way if he does start thrashing. Plus your king size bed is big enough to roll out of the way and not hit the floor.
After a while his restlessness slowly evaporates because he feels so safe around you that the nightmares begin to fade. You both learn that you both get a restful night if you’re cuddled in his arms. No half touches, full on koala on your back. he is big and heavy and it does get hot at night but he doesn’t care, he just pushes the covers off (it helps both of you don’t sleep with much clothes on anyway) and curls around you tighter. It took a while to get use to, but now you cannot sleep without it. His two week long mission returns are met with your dark circles under your eyes. You told him multiple times it’s okay because he is saving people but he can’t help but to feel bad.
NSFW alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jesus christ if you can get a chance for him to stop fucking you for 10 minutes he might partake in aftercare. His stamina is INSANE, he might get a little winded after 3 rounds and give you a break. but after he cums the first time, he is rock hard 5 minutes later. but afterwards you’re too tired to even care what happens but it’s usually met with lots of kisses, check in questions, and obviously cuddles. he is so physical touch driven so if he doesn’t say it, he’ll definitely show it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hair so he keeps it a little longer so you can grip onto it while he eats you out or aggressively making out with you. and he has said multiple times in the beginning that you’re not pulling hard enough so you YANK on his hair which invokes a loud growl from him and starts driving his tongue deeper inside your cunt. that’s when you learn that soft touch’s aren’t doing it for him anymore.
His favorite part on you is your torso. whenever he can he will wrap his hands around your middle and pull you closer to him. your torso can be grabbed anytime he wants to move you or throw you around so his hands will always trace your sides with his fingers and hold you down.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Pls refer to my older nsfw post about this man but to recap this man is absolutely different in terms of his semen than any other man. the fluid production in one ejaculation is probably twice the amount of a normal person. AND it’s thick and potent. the amount of sperm cells are also doubled than a normal person. it’s more of the consistency of liquid glue but without the sticky factor. it sits heavy inside you after one round and you know he isn’t finished.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a AGGRESSIVE breeding kink. he loves to fill your cunt filled to brim with his cum, he presses on your slightly bulged lower tummy to watch the cum drool from your cunt. you both know that IUD isn’t going to hold up much longer so he keeps mentioning things like, “i hope our baby gets your eyes.” and “Do you think we would put them in soccer or baseball?” and you always laugh it off but you’re at the point in your relationship with him that whatever happens, happens.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Bitch, “is he experienced?” is an insult even to think about. Logan Howlett is two hundred fucking years old. and he is a WHORE. you have enough self respect that you don’t even ask what his body count is because you know it’ll be in the high double digits if not triple digits. he knows every person is different but he knows exactly when he hits the spot on his partner and runs with it. you’re no exception. usually your younger partners in the past had to be taught how to please you. he doesn’t, he watches you closely and hit all your buttons plus more the first time you slept together and continues to do it each time.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Oh he loves to watch you ride him. not because he gets the most sexual pleasure from it but because he loves to sit back and smoke his cigar and watch you struggle to keep moving. his cock is so big it pokes out your stomach below your belly button and he loves to rub his hand over it while thumbing your clit. also gravity moves your cervix lower inside you so his tip is nailing it everytime you take him completely. it hurts and he has bruised you a few times but it hurts so good and he loves to watch your thighs shake and hear your whimpers of “Lo please help.” “i can’t do it by myself!” and he just chuckles and deeply growls, “You got this baby girl, keep using me to please yourself.”
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
This man doesn’t fuck around (hehe get it.) no but seriously, he only gets humor from watching you grow more and more desperate for him. he will tease you for a while but once he is fully inside you something takes over him and he begins to get more feral. he bites, he growls, he scratches, and he sucks on your neck claiming you as his. No time for jokes.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is fuzzy like a kitten and it doesn’t stop on top of his head. his chest, arms, thighs are all covered in black/brown hair. like his face, he keeps his pubic hair trimmed but not too tight. you have to watch when you give him kisses all over his body because you end up sputtering hair out. of course he likes to watch you struggle and pull spit covered hair out of your mouth after you suck him off.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
You both lost the niceties very quickly into your relationship. it’s immediate pouncing onto one another the moment you two are alone. he pulls your hair back from your aggressive make out session causing you to whimper stating, “You want daddy to fuck you now?” he says looking into your eyes. “p-please!” you cry back and immediately he starts ripping off your clothes.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
His sex drive is so fucking high it’s insane. when he is on missions night one he’s already got his cock in his hands thinking about you. if you’re in the same time zone he will send you pictures with the caption “Thinking about you ❤️”
Any other person would disgust you but he has you so whipped that your mouth waters everytime you get a new dick pic from him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Blood play, do you know how giddy this man gets when you’re on your period and he can eat you out. you found it extremely weird at first but seeing the tip of his nose, beard, lips and chin covered in blood when he pulls back to get some air and has that feral terrifying look in his eyes it sparks something inside you. he also likes to mark you with claws. you both know how sharp they are and your lack of healing factor can be fatal but that’s what makes it all the more fun. he is currently sketching his name into your thigh one slash at a time. waiting for that to heal and scar over till he moves on to the next letter. right now your thigh looks like:
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L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will take you whenever and wherever he finds fit. you have told him numerous of times that if charles finds yall he’s kicking you both out but that doesn’t stop him. wherever anyone is out of eyesight he will pull you aside and beg for it. empty classroom? laundry room? theater room? he doesn’t care.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The sight of any outfit on you that exposes more skin than usual. little mini skirts and crop tops are his weakness. when you bounce down the stairs into the kitchen for breakfast wearing a old band shirt you cut into crop top and some black denim shorts he almost drops the hot pan he’s holding. which scotty laughs at and he quickly whips his head to him saying, “shut it.” while slowly turning back to you gawking at your exposed tummy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t share. Wade will definitely have asked one night but that resulted in having to buy a new rug for the living room because of the amount of blood wade’s wounds dripped everywhere. he spent at least 10 minutes stabbing him everywhere before Wade said “OKAY, i tap out. i get it. she’s yours.” while you giggled on the couch nursing your third cosmo that wades heavy hand poured.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Logan’s favorite quote when you first got together was “I don’t eat your pussy for your pleasure, I do it for mine.” and shit does he live up to that. he’s so good at it and his tongue gets so deep inside you. his entire mouth latches onto your clit and sucks. you joke he goes blind when he eats you out because he absolutely makes out with your sopping pussy saying, “wrong lips asshole!” which results in him reaching over your torso and wrapping his hand around your throat and pinning you onto the bed while he continues to lick your entire pussy with a flat tongue. he uses both hands to thumb your folds wider so he can get deeper inside you while maintaining eye contact. he loves to kneel on the floor beside your bed and prop you up on pillows beforehand because your elbows usually give out. he loves to watch your face twist and scrunch and listen to your needy whimpers. he keeps conversation to a minimum but occasionally he will pull away with a spit string still attaching his bottom lip to your clit saying, “MY pussy always tastes so good for me. you’re MINE.” and goes right back to what he is doing making your head throw back in pleasure. he abruptly pulls back and smacks your ass, “Fucking watch me.” he says harshly. you snap your head up looking at him with wide eyes and he gently blows onto your swollen clit making a tear drip from your face in full pleasure alone.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I don’t think this man believes in the term “slow” anymore. whatever he does in life he has to do it quickly. Sex is no exception unless he is purposely teasing you. After a particularly bad night where you two were non stop arguing you decided the only way to resolve it was some good old fashioned hatefucking. this lead to a trip to the OBGYN the next day because of the severe bruising on your cervix (i told you he was big.)
It started with some mild discomfort during sex then felt like something heavy landed on your stomach. you immediately yelped in pain which he surprisingly reacted quickly and concerned. “N-no more. Hurts.” you said through tears and sniffles. he immediately pulled out and started asking a bunch of questions and apologizing while wrapping his body around you hugging you tightly. he grabbed your shirt and your panties and helped you get dressed. he put on his gray sweatpants and crawled into bed beside you. you were curled up on your side facing away from him.
“Hey honey, talk to me. what’s going on?” he muttered softly into your ear, curling around your back. “I don’t know Logie, h-hurts.” he took a deep breath and shivered on the exhale. the thought of actually hurting you, hurt him. you knew that.
you rolled over, wincing in pain, to look him in the eyes. “I love you.” you mumble while making eye contact with his fearful eyes. he smiled and brought you into a big hug. “I-I love you so much baby. I don’t remember why we were fighting-g but i don’t care anymore. I wanna make sure you’re o-okay.” he sounded like he was going to cry.
“I’m ok baby! We’ll get it checked out tomorrow. I don’t remember why we were fighting either. I love you that’s all that matters.” you say against his bare chest.
he lets out a shaky sigh and chuckles a little before kissing the top of your head and relaxes his body off to sleep with you still wrapped tightly around him.
that’s when you both learned to take it easier.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
You hate quickies but most of the time it’s easiest way to calm this horn-dog down. sometimes in boring meetings he will come up behind you, wrap his arms around your middle and slowly rub his hard-on against your ass. that’s when you turn around and look over your shoulder and give him a look of “really?” and he looks down at you with a very serious look on his face and nods slowly. that’s when you both have to excuse yourself from the meeting in Xavier’s office to a nearby empty classroom.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
You think it’s a risk everytime he opens his mouth. straight dick-to-mouth thinking. he says the nastiest things that he doesn’t recall afterwards.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can cum 3 times without feeling tired. you’re suprised more often than not about how much cum his balls can actually hold. it feels like a huge load inside you each time and you joke it’ll start leaking from your nose if he’s not careful.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Oh no he doesn’t allow you to use toys. you’re a strong independent individual but this is his one rule. nothing else should give you as much pleasure as he does. you suggested a bullet vibrator clit one time but both of you agreed it isn’t as good as his thumb rubbing circles on your clit so he threw it out. he allows you to finger yourself when he is gone to take the edge off but your fingers are too small and doesn’t reach where you like it so it enviably leaves you more frustrated than before.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you could change one thing about Logan it would be his ability to tease you for so long. he brings you right on the brink of giving up and calling quits out of pure frustration alone before he slams his entire length into you. he knows how bad it pisses you off but he brings it out on occasions. he makes you cry most times about how bad you want him inside you and he loves to watch your makeup run down your face.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
If you were an outsider who didn’t know what was happening and started listening inside yalls bedroom you would think he was pretending to be a rabid bear. he growls, groans, huffs and moans when he is inside you inbetween his breathy voice asking “Does my baby girl love her cunt filled with daddy’s cock?” “you’re so fucking tight, shittt.” and “stop fucking squirming and take me.” he doesn’t try to be quiet either. like i said, when Logan fucks he turns into an animal. he only cares about you two.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Logan Howlett likes to be choked. you already think he loses brain function when he fucks well this makes it ten times worse. he stops talking and turns to soft grunts and his hips snap harder than before. it’s sometimes a trick you use when he is being too vocal and want him to just fuck you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He loves his tight black boxer briefs with some name brand across the top waist band. but if not, he’s commando, some days which you told him is weird but he just laughs you off stating, “easier access to you.”
Also he lovesss his stupid white tank top under his shirts. you call it stupid because jesus christ, every curve of his huge muscles on his abs and pecs are exacerbated by these tank tops. he has caught you drooling mid conversation when he casually walks around with it on.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Animal i tell you. he doesn’t give up. if he had it his way he could be straight fucking for 5 hours without a break. you’ve had to remind him a few times “Honey it hurts. i’m tired.” and weather he feels he’s got his fill or not will elicit a response like, “I’m sorry honey is daddy too much for you? Do you need a break?” or “Shut the fuck up. you’re going to appreciate whatever I give you and you WILL say thank you afterwards.” while snapping his hips harder into you. Most days the latter is preferred.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a while to actually settle afterwards. he needs to make sure you’re comfortable, not in any pain, cleaned up, and warm wrapped around him before he can settle and drift off to sleep.
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gdn019283 · 2 months
Why I believe Arthur isn’t attracted to women and my not so deep analysis over it (this is my personal opinion, and a mess, so bear with me)
Hear me out.
Not only Arthur is a very constipated man over pretty much everything, doesn’t show or openly says what he feels, especially in the first two seasons, but he doesn’t even have friends, except those that he is supposed to have because he is a regent, and later a king. His father is even worse, thought him nothing if hatred and repression, so we can say he sucks at socialisation, and I may or may not be projecting here, but I know what it feels like to be out of your bubble and enter the world feeling completely out of yourself, which is why Arthur is attached to the hip with Merlin, and is he so enamoured, attracted, shocked with him during their first encounter.
Back to my point, he is socially awkward, but I don’t believe that is the reason behind why he acts the way he acts towards every single woman character in the TV show. (his own bloody wife included)
Arthur doesn’t like women, repertory A:
First kiss with Gwen. Lovely, I always smile when I see it, but why. Like, Arthur thought he was going through with his death, just received a token of affection that no one had ever dared give to him, felt appreciated, like a beaten kid who receives his first hug, and thought: “Okay, well, might kiss her too, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?” , dipped for a peck, and FLED RIGHT AFTER. His face showed no emotion, he basically just gave a shrug when he realised he and Gwen couldn’t be together and went on with his day. And honestly, if it wasn’t for the amazing soundtrack, I would just stare at the screen with a flat face during their first kiss. You can feel the difference between this scene and the one where Lancelot saves Gwen and tells her to run, and they kiss before they part, and THERE you can feel the longing, understand why there had to be a parting kiss. Arthur almost feels relieved that Uther won’t let him stay with Gwen after he survives, but whatever.
Repertory B:
Arthur, even if enchanted, stills asks Merlin for advices on “feelings” and “girrlllss”. This doesn’t need explaining.
Repertory C:
Men can be shy, obviously, even with women, but, as I cited above, Arthur has no idea how to socialise. His friends, hell, even his relationship with Morgana, wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Merlin. So explain to me why Arthur doesn’t even look at Gwen until he has to, and goes around NOT CARING about women, unless Uther is the one throwing them at him, and then caves when a pretty man appears on the screen. I also believe this is the directors’ fault, who tried so hard to make the relationship between Gwen and Arthur real, that they just made a gay show, but Arthur, when he had more worrisome things to think about, he didn’t care about women, or girls, or courtship, in the slightest, until Elena gets in the picture and he has to think about marriage and a future with his queen, again. I firmly believe Arthur chose Gwen not because he loved her romantically, but because to him, she was the best choice amongst everyone else.
Repertory D:
The Knights of the Round Table. Arthur, a prince that throughout all three seasons has an hard time even speaking openly to Merlin without making fun of him, or to Gwen, suddenly fights his father over Lancelot (because he admired him quickly, and couldn’t understand that because of his sexuality, he felt very comfortable around a thoughtful man like him), drools over Percival the first time he meets him, probably thinking of how nice it could be to jump the giant like a tree, and has a love hate relationship with Gwaine, because Gwaine is everything Arthur envies. Free, open, and in a close relationship with Merlin, (a man) that Arthur forbids himself to have. (also, nice hair)
Repertory E:
Mithian. Arthur doesn’t spare a glance at a single woman in the show. He does it with Gwen (poorly) because he feels he needs to, and once again avoids marriage, and acts like a complete panic around Mithian in the entirety of the episode where she is introduced. He can’t take her compliment when he meets her the first time; he doesn’t realise that standing outside a woman’s chamber for that long can mean something else; he is affronted of having burped in front of her, not because he likes her and she is a woman, but because Arthur’s ego is too huge; this man has no clue over: “how to act around women”, because to him, women are people he isn’t attracted to. As simple as that. He finds Morgause irritating and not beautiful, like many others, because to him, she is just another very good warrior who has beaten his ass.
Repertory F:
Arthur doesn’t have sex with Gwen (oh, hot take). We never see them languidly stare at each other (unlike the eye fucking that happens between Merlin and Arthur. That’s not sexual tension that can be cut with a knife, it’s a wall of homosexuality where Arthur often bangs his head on) Yes, this show was very chaste, but definitely not intended for kids (see innuendos), so how could someone who should be close to Gwen, in any way possible, doesn’t recognise that his wife is bloody enchanted and she is trying to kill him? No, you don’t need to have sex with someone to understand that they want you dead and that they drastically changed their personality, but my brother in christ, this just proves me that Arthur was attracted to the idea of a peaceful kingdom, ruled together with an intelligent, fierce, and good woman by his side, rather than attracted, attracted to Gwen per se. The rest of the time he just followed Merlin around like a puppy. He married for love? I believe he married his best friend Gwen so that he didn’t have to go through the process of having kids. The heir had never been the problem. If it was for Arthur, he would have married Merlin the instant he met him in the market during the first episode.
Repertory G:
Do we see Arthur openly complimenting the women in the show? No. Also, because it’s not the point of the show. The point of the show is the homosexual relationship Arthur has with his serv—(he does it with Gwen and probably Mithian, because she is objectively beautiful, but I can’t remember other instances)
Last but not least:
Separately, Arthur, and here I’m adding Gwen, too, are both complex and well thought characters, lacking many things and contradicting themselves during the show, always because of how they were badly written in a lot of episodes. The Arwen scenes are lovely, but they don’t bring out anything. They don’t make you hope, giggle, despair, cry, because to me, there is nothing there to be tragic over. They just needed to fill a gap so that the people who didn’t like the idea of Merlin and Arthur together romantically would have something else to watch. Which is also the main ship of the show and it makes everything more hilarious, because they fucked it up so bad, LMAO.
The more you try not to make something gay, you just make it even gayer that what you had originally planned.
I had so many other points, but my ADHD said no. So if you want to add something else, feel free to do it!
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alyrasturnz · 2 months
HII I was wondering if you could please do Chris x quiet reader I love ur writing<33
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❐ summary » in a world where opposites attract, chris is the bubbly, effervescent soul who brings light and laughter wherever he goes, while y/n is the soft-spoken, quiet presence who finds solace in the whispers of the wind and the pages of a book.
❐ pairings » bf!chris x quiet!reader
❐ warnings » none
❐ a/n && w/c » first chris fic in agesss  • 442
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bf!chris who loves to fill the silence with stories and jokes, always trying to make you laugh with his endless chatter
bf!chris who notices when you’re feeling overwhelmed and gently takes your hand, giving you a comforting squeeze to let you know he’s there.
bf!chris who respects your quiet nature and never pushes you to speak more than you’re comfortable with, understanding that your presence alone is enough.
bf!chris who excitedly shares every detail of his day with you, from the mundane to the extraordinary, because he loves seeing your reactions.
bf!chris who finds joy in your quiet companionship, appreciating the peaceful moments you share together without needing words.
bf!chris who always makes sure to include you in conversations, even if you’re not the most talkative, because your opinion matters to him.
bf!chris who loves to see you smile, and will go out of his way to bring a little more happiness into your life with his bubbly personality.
bf!chris who treasures the times when you do open up, listening intently and cherishing every word you say.
bf!chris who loves to plan fun activities for the two of you, always thinking of ways to make your time together special and memorable.
bf!chris who understands that your quiet nature is part of what makes you unique, and he wouldn’t change a thing about you.
bf!chris who makes it his mission to learn all your little quirks, so he can surprise you with things that make you happy.
bf!chris who loves to see your eyes light up when he talks about something you're passionate about, even if you don’t say much.
bf!chris who always makes sure you feel included and valued, never letting your quiet nature make you feel left out.
bf!chris who is your biggest cheerleader, always encouraging you to pursue your dreams and supporting you every step of the way.
bf!chris who finds joy in the small, quiet moments spent with you, like watching a movie or just sitting together in comfortable silence.
bf!chris who loves to see you blush when he compliments you, knowing that his words mean a lot to you even if you don’t always say it.
bf!chris who is patient and understanding, never rushing you to open up but always ready to listen when you do.
bf!chris who loves to share his world with you, always eager to bring you into his adventures and experiences.
bf!chris who appreciates the balance your quiet nature brings to his life, grounding him and reminding him to slow down and enjoy the moment.
bf!chris who loves you just the way you are, quiet moments and all, because to him, you are perfect.
tags — @imwetforyourmom @meatballzerz69 @pinkishpearls @thedangerousalleyway @muchloveforhacker @stinkytinkywinky @jetameivous @everleiqh @conspiracy-ash @ifwdominicfike
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Johnnie Guilbert NSFW Alphabet
(first time writing, lmk how I did and pls pls pls request some more for johnnie guilbert if you enjoyed because i think hes insanely under appreciated and deserves more written for him)
A=Aftercare (what they're like after)
Definitely big into after care and does whatever he can to take care of you after
B=Body part (Their favorite body part of their partners+their own)
Partner-thighs, they're plushy and he loves squeezing them and loves the way they look when they are wrapped around his head
Theirs-Hands, he loves what he can do with them and he loves how they look around your neck
C=Cum(Anything to do with cum)
He prefers finishing inside to avoid mess but would ultimately do whatever you wanted.
D=Dirty secret(Self explanatory)
He definitely gets off to pictures of you when you're not w him and he's feeling frisky (or if he's js to shy to tell you)
E=Experience(How experienced are they?)
not really at all, except for giving head.
F=Favorite Position(Self explanatory)
Cowgirl-He dies a little bit every time you ride him, he seriously can't get enough of it. Or any position where he can touch you while making eye contact with you
G=Goofy(Are they more goofy or serious during the act?)
Definitely depends on what you're comfortable with but will most likely be the type to make a joke or two and then be really serious after that yk
H=Hair(How well groomed? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
Doesn't really need to do much since he's a natural blonde but will maybe trim it up if he feels like it. Doesn't care if you have any, he agrees that if hair wasn't supposed to grow there, then it wouldn't.
I=Intimacy(How are they during? Romantic aspect ofc)
He is the touchiest mf there is. Loooooooves to touch and see his hands all over you and more verbal than you'd think
J=Jack off (Random Masturbation Headcannon)
As stated before, he definitely Jacks off to you when you aren't around and he's feeling rather frisky so maybe like 3-4 times a week at the most
K=Kink(1 or more of their kinks)
Switch-loves seeing you on top and in control but will take the reigns every now and then
Marking-Loooooves to see bite marks and hickies and such all over you and loves it more when you leave them on him
Hair pulling-loves when you tug on his hair while he fucks you/eats you out
L=Location (Favorite place to do the deed)
Prefers the bed but will eventually escalate to the shower or maybe even the couch when no one is home 😈
M=Motivation(What turns them on? What gets them going?)
Literally anything you do could get him going because he's so infatuated by you, and I think he may be a bit sexually frustrated 💀 but loves skirts, lacy lingerie and fishnets specifically
N=No(something off limits)
Anything that could hurt you or him
O=Oral(Giving and receiving preference, skill. Etc)
is a GOD at giving head. About the only thing he's really experienced with and IT SHOWS. Does like recieving but poor baby would be too shy to ask so you'll have to offer
P=Pace(Are they made rough/fast or slow/sensual or other)
Anything you prefer because he doesn't wanna hurt you or make you uncomfortable
Q=Quickie(Their opinion on quickies)
Doesn't care for them much at all, he likes to take his time and cherish the moment
R=Risk(Do they experiment? Do they take risks?)
Will experiment within his boundaries and your own
S=Stamina(How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
Can last about 3-4 rounds before he needs a minute, if you're not satisfied don't you worry because he'll give you so much head to make up for it
T=Toys(Do they own/use toys on their partner or themselves?)
Doesn't own them for himself but would be down to try them if you brought it to his attention
U=Unfair(How much do they like to tease?)
He doesn't start the teasing often because he's too shy but will do it back if you start teasing him
V=Volume(How loud they are, What they sound like)
Quite shameless when it comes to this intimate time with you, doesn't care who hears
W=Wild card (Random NSFW headcannon)
He secretly loves to fuck you until he can see your eyes rolling into the back of your head and loves fucking your mouth/throat but will only do so if you ask him to
X=Xray(size of his- basically)
6 inches soft and abt 8.5 inches hard
Y=Yearning(How high is their sex drive?)
Higher now bc of you
Z=ZZZ (How quick they fall asleep after?)
Prefers to cuddle after sex and loves falling asleep like that, he'll fall asleep after he knows your asleep
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Watching Reality TV
Requested: a request for the boys preferences, how would they react with f!reader live watching reality tv shows like Kardashian’s etc, would they love it - anon
A/N: Hope you like it my love! This was really fun to imagine :D My old roommate loved reality TV and I swear I heard so much about it it feels like I've watched it for myself lol. Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Butcher says what you watch is ridiculous, but, much like a dad who says this, he'll stand behind you and watch entire episodes. Only after it's ended does he throw a fit, claiming that was the dumbest thing he's ever seen and it's rotting your brain. When you talk about it with the rest of your friends, the latest episode or drama, Butcher is full of strong opinions and will tell you to your face this person is a c-nt and that person deserves better. You don't make a big deal out of this, though you share knowing looks with everyone else. He's not very good at hiding his interest in reality TV, but you also don't want to scare him away. You like watching it with him, you like his opinions. It's not often he shows interest in something outside of work. If this can offer a thirty-minute distraction, you're more than willing to share.
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Hughie doesn't personally love it, but he would never tell you to stop watching it. He asks you questions about the people and the latest episodes. He never forgets who is who and forms his own opinions about the shows having never watched them. He likes that he can show interest in something you love. The least he can do is listen to you talk about it. When you and someone else are debating the drama and unpacking the story, he definitely shares his own ideas. He listens so carefully it's as if he actually watched it with you. If he catches you watching it, he'll sit beside you and put faces to names. He finds it incredible that his idea of these people was so wrong, yet so right. He really has nothing against reality TV and if it makes you happy, that's what matters. He uses it to bond with you more than anything else.
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Annie has pretty neutral feelings about reality TV. She might watch half an episode with you, but it's just never been her thing. She's not going to pull a Butcher and make fun of you for liking it, but she's not going to go out of her way to ask you about your thoughts on the newest episode/season. It's just one of those things that aren't for her. Still, she can't deny how happy it makes you and she's glad you have some sort of distraction from all the craziness of your jobs. She makes sure not to interrupt your TV time and will pass you notes instead of distracting you, hoping it's less disruptive. When you and M.M. sit together and bond over your love for it, it can't help but make her smile. You two need this. A break from the drama and life and death for more silly drama about relationships and brands and family.
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M.M. loves reality TV. He tries to never miss an episode. When he does, he's horrendous about spoilers. He will yell across the room for you not to spoil anything when you're telling Hughie about the latest drama. He acts like a child, placing his hands over his ears. You two sit together all night and binge the newest seasons. Sometimes, when it's been a while, you'll re-watch the last seasons so that when the new episodes start, you'll know what's going on. He always shares whatever snacks he's gathered and is a stickler about talking while the show is playing. If you can, he'll pause it so that you can unpack the drama. If not, you'll have to wait for commercials. Since he was placed in charge of The Boys, he's had less time to indulge in this vice. He's more lenient about spoilers which you find sad, but you do your best to give a good break down of the show.
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Frenchie watches it with you, but he's pretty vocal about his distaste for their actions. If someone crosses someone or cheats on someone or gets in a fight, he's the first to be standing, yelling at the TV, throwing snacks at the screen. It always makes you laugh and more often than not you have to calm him down before watching the rest of the show. He just gets so worked up. Especially when they're doing stupid stuff that'll get them in more trouble. You've learned quite a few French swears from these tantrums. Sometimes he gets so worked up he has to walk away, watching the rest in his own time so that he doesn't disturb your enjoyment. He has so many opinions and makes it known that certain people are favored over others. He comes to their defense so fast it actually makes you laugh and defends their actions regardless of how petty or downright bad they are.
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Kimiko doesn't watch it. She's not too interested in TV, but she can understand the appeal. Between you and Frenchie, she knows basically everything about the people and the plot, asking questions as if she's been watching the whole time. She loves how happy it makes you. Everyone on this team needs a healthy outlet. She noticed that your typical partner in crime (M.M.) hasn't been around to watch it and, not wanting you to feel the absence, Frenchie stepped up. If neither are around, she'll join you, working on something else that grabs her attention, but mostly she just likes the idea of just being with you. Every so often her attention will be grabbed and she'll understand why you like it so much, but overall it's more of an opportunity to just be with you. Be in your company. You don't notice this happening until it's happened a few times. It makes you feel seen by your friends, appreciated by them.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks it's absolutely ridiculous. He stands behind you and will take a few minutes to watch (completely out of context) before deciding whatever show you're watching is shallow, and fake, and idiotic. He makes his opinion known of course and actively shows his disgust anytime he catches you watching it. He can't ban it from Vought Tower, though he's thought about it. Homelander doesn't watch very much TV as it is besides the news and a few select channels. Overall he thinks TV in general makes people stupid and reality TV is at the top of the list. He doesn't care how much you like it or the lore behind the stories, all he sees are six pack abs, and lip filler, and people doing dumb things to get famous. If you're talking about it with Firecracker or The Deep you know the conversation ends in Homelanders presence.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
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#mlist #jjksmau #whoreclub #taglist #ko-fi
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—cw: gn!reader, deep.throat, unprotected, n!pple sucking and biting, swallowing, pearl necklace, Nagi is h0rny asf here.
—wc: 800
—A/n: This is the most nastiest thing I have written in a while so it better not flop😭 Reblogs are appreciated.
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You're giving a birthday blowjob to Nagi and he's just sitting on the couch, legs man-spreading with you in between, bobbing your head on his dick. He is trying so hard, you know, not to come quickly because he wants to savour all that you please him. But, it is so difficult to do that when you are making such lewd noises, eyes nearly teared up when his flushed tip hits the back of your throat.
"Yeah. That's it, baby," he whimpers, unlike guiding you. Nagi always makes sure to help you out with your nasty activities. Yet, this time there was not a single word that left his mouth was anywhere near commanding. It was submission. It was that desperation to reach that high from your tongue tricks.
To make it worse, your eyes are locked with his in such a way, as if you were warning him not to look away. Something about your e/c eyes compels him. Nagi groans. Yes. Groans oh so loud as he thrust his hips upward, so eager to give you his all. Your fingers claw his thigh cuts, as you just take the force he is applying. You gag, with the most lewd face, drool tracing your jaw. Fuck. That's it. That's what makes him lose control as he grabs the back of your head, pushing in further, and he shoots his load down your throat. It's so hot as it travels down your oesophagus, so deep that not a single damn drop laced your tongue.
Nagi plops his stimulated self on the couch, making it bounce a little. He looks down at you, fingers reaching your cheeks to wipe the drool, while you lick your lips.
Nagi pulls you in his lap gently. You start rubbing your now bare skin on his girth. With the way you straddle yourself and move your hips, it's almost hard again. Nagi discards your topwear, revealing the perky nipples he wants to devour. They look so inviting. He immediately latches his mouth to it, earning a yelp out of you. While Nagi is busy rolling his tongue on your nips, you lift yourself up slightly, and prop back down on his cock. It feels so warm from all the heat between your legs. As you gently move yourself, Seishiro places his right hand on your back for support, as the left one toys with your bare chest.
After vigorously sucking on you, he takes a move back and watches how fucking gorgeous they look. The nipples are swollen, lightly bruised form his soft biting, glistening with his saliva. He is so turned on by something so small. Almost like a pervert. A part of him wants to take his dick out of you and just fuck your pretty nipples. And that's when he gets a great idea.
When you hug him tight, grip his white locs as you let your orgasm flutter on his shaft, Nagi goes wild. He turns up the pace, not caring how sensitive you must be from your climax, just a few seconds ago. He thrusts like a hungry animal. Like he wants something so bad, but you can't get a hang of it. Just when Seishiro feels he is about to cum, he pulls out, quickly changing positions, so now you are pressed against the sofa as he stands there. You call his name, but that is ignored. Nagi pumps his cock for a few times, and as soon as he orgasms, you watch with your mouth hung open. He is splattering—no, decorating your neck, your chest, as well as your nipples in his white cum, forming a pearl necklace. His breath is heavier, which tells how badly he wanted to do this. It's the smile of satisfaction that masks his lips now. Being the nasty man he is, he spreads the load on your nipples, softly covering them. In his opinion, his sperm glistening on them looks better than the saliva. Nagi sucks them once again, tasting himself on your chest. As he looks deep in your eyes, you decide to lick the few drops of his cum that was splattered on your lips. You can see that smirk. He is so proud of you.
"Happy birthday, Sei." You wish him.
"Thank you, m'love," he says before sitting besides you, then pulling you on his lap, making sure to give you, the love of his life, proper kisses for the best birthday present he received.
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Taglist: @sugardaddyreo @gojoest @luvjiro @luv3rrx @angybees @nikokopuffs @matchakaii @chosos-mascara @loml-riri @his-saiko @aztecbrujeria
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Oscar has been planning on proposing to y/n for a couple of months by now, already bought the ring, tried multiple times to propose to her but every time he felt too scared/ anxious to do it. One time Y/n accidentally finds the ring somewhere in their shared apartment
this is so cute! thanks for the request! ilysmmm. mwah!
tw: fem!reader, swears, scaredy cat oscar, lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 2.2k
the sunlight peered through your window, through the see-through blinds you insisted on buying for yours and oscar's shared room. the way the light hits your resting features makes your man sigh out in bliss. every single morning he has the exact same thoughts when he watched you sleep, 'i need to spend the rest of my life with her'.
it had almost been a eight months since he first had that thought. seven since he acted on it and asked your sister to come with him when he was shopping for a ring. a second opinion does not hurt.
the ring had sat in his drawer for a good few weeks, maybe even a month as oscar contemplated how exactly he wanted to go about proposing. this was one area he was completely clueless for. give him literally anything else and he would be able to rhyme off the answer quicker than he could answer for himself. your favourite food? those cookies with the chocolate inside. your favourite film? the lego batman movie. clothes size? you were a small but in most t-shirts you preferred them in a medium so they were a bit baggier on you. how you would like to be proposed to? no clue. oscar knew deep down that it didn't really matter where he proposed, or even how he did it. he was sure you would say yes in if he proposed halfway through taking a shit. it mattered a whole lot to oscar, he wanted it to be a memory you looked back on with fondness and love.
the first time oscar tried to propose, it was a super traditional and basic way. the boy had booked for you to both head on a cute getaway before the season started back up again in february. you had always talked about wanting to go to greece, so he had booked you both in for two weeks in santorini. oscar carried the ring in his pocket the whole holiday even though he had planned out when he wanted to ask you.
the restaurant you had both just eaten in was probably one of the most expensive buildings you had ever been in. you told oscar so. he laughed in response.
"i think the paddock costs much more than than, love." oscars arm was around your waist as you walked alongside him, you were basically leaning on him at this point too. you snort at his words.
"fine, the most expensive looking building i've ever been in." you reword your sentence. oscar laughs. he swears he has never laughed as much as he had in those two weeks with you. oscar had ended guiding you both up to the top of this hill, you barely even noticed, too busy talking his ear off from the glass of wine you had drank with dinner. you were on holiday, why not?
there was a cute little bench that had fairy lights wrapped around it sitting pretty at the top of the hill, over looking the city and the ocean next to it. oscar encourages you to sit. he knew he had made the right choice to propose here when, a few days after arriving you had told oscar that greece was probably your favourite place in the entire world now.
you sit with your head on your boyfriend's shoulder as you watch the tide from far above. oscar fiddles with the ring in his pocket, nerves beginning to eat away at him. you grow quiet as your eyes twinkle in the moonlight. jesus, you looked like something out of his wildest dreams, oscar was sure of it. your voice breaks the comfortable silence between you both.
"i know this holiday isn't finished yet but i really have had the best time with you osc. i appreciate you doing this for me. you do too much for me, i want to pay you back for it all one day." your voice is a whisper because talking at a normal volume just doesn't feel right in the moment.
oscar's nerves get the best of him as you bare your heart to him. here you were being vulnerable with him and he couldn't even build the courage to ask you to marry him. the driver was so unsure of where the nerves were coming from, he was completely sure you would say yes, he knew you loved him yet his hand slipped out his pocket to move towards your thigh to give it a squeeze. a sweet kiss is pressed to your hair before oscar is whispering back his reply.
"me too, sweet girl. wanna stay here with you, forever." a part of his brain tells him that if he just proposed like he was supposed to then you would be able to do this with him forever and it would be promised. he shakes the thoughts from his head as he tells himself that now wasn't the right time awayways.
you had come back from that holiday, still his girlfriend and your finger still void of a ring.
the second time almost caused him to have a panic attack. this time it was less traditional and more relaxed. it had been almost two months since your trip to greece and the sight of your ring finger being bare sent oscar into a spiral every time he caught a glimpse of where that diamond should be.
you finally had him to yourself after a gruelling triple header. those races had actually given oscar some of the best results of the season so far, but it had taken it's toll on your relationship as you had barely spoken to your emotional support boy. the time zones messing you up, plus the fact that you had way too much school work to finish causing you to be forced (by oscar, himself. it pained him to do it but he knew how important this degree was to you and he was not going to let you throw it away just because you missed him and wanted to watch him drive in circles for an hour and a half for three sundays straight) to stay at home.
oscar was sure you would be waiting for him on the couch in your shared living room, it's your routine at this point. when oscar gets back home, it is the late evening. maybe around dinner time. he hopes you haven't waited on him to eat.
as the australian boy unlocked the door, he looked around the apartment. three weeks without his home comforts (you) had taken its toll on him. it is sort of dark in the hallway leading to the living room, the door to the room laying wide open. oscar can see the back of the couch and the blaring light of the tv. it was bright.
the ring had stayed at the back of his bottom drawer in his bedside table. it was right next to you, right where you slept without him for twenty-one nights without him. oscar was desperate to get his hands on you.
as soon as the threshold was crossed and oscar was in the living room with you, your perfume hit him like a brick wall. the brown eyed boy almost started crying at the smell, he had just missed you that much.
your laying on the couch, asleep. this actually surprised oscar. you were never usually asleep, you were so good at controlling when and where you fell asleep, waking up however... that was a different story altogether.
oscar takes your legs and lifts them up softly to slide in underneath them. he was not going to lay down next to you because he knew for a fact as soon as he fell asleep there would be no waking him up until at least midday tomorrow. you were like that everyday.
oscar admires you for a bit before the urge to propose to you comes creeping back. the desperation of being yours for the rest of his life, reared its ugly head as his eyes follow the swoop of your lashes against your cheeks. he thinks about shaking you awake to do it.
the boy is too deep in thought to realise you've woken up. it's like you can tell when he is in mental distress and you come to save him from himself.
"you're home." you mumble into the air. it is left hanging, not responded to as you sleepily blink yourself awake to finally get a good look at him. he's lovely to look at. as lovely as ever.
"you okay?" you ask him after period of silence that is too loud to bring any comfort.
oscar doubts he is any good for you, so for the second time he chickens out and doesn't propose, although it does send his tired and self conscious mind into a spiral that almost brings on a panic attack. he's quick to assure you he's alright, "just tired after all that flying." is his excuse. you believe him and do not have to try very hard to coax him into bed.
once you both had done your night routines next to each other for the first time in three weeks and oscar was laying practically on top of you, he thought about the ring again. just sitting in his bedside table when it should be on your finger as you brag to everyone you see in the shops that you were getting married to the love of your life. it will happen and oscar will see it, he just has to build the courage, next time for sure.
that had been four months ago. the boy didn't even try to think about attempting to propose to you, it all bearing too heavy still. the longer he took the more he talked himself into the idea of you not wanting to marry him.
so when you find the ring on a tuesday lunch time, it is safe to say oscar is shitting himself. oscar had been laying on his side with his head on your lap on the couch watching some documentary on whether or not the remains some archaeologist had found was really an alien or not. you were listening in as you scrolled through your phone, carding your fingers through his hair. it had popped into the brunette's mind that he had forgotten to order his sisters birthday present, it was sitting in the basket, ready to checkout but you had distracted him by asking him what he would do if you chucked your glass of water in his face. so he asked you to log into his account and get it for him.
"it's asking for your card details, osc. where is it?" you ask, reading out what the phone in your hand was saying. oscar groans at the thought of you leaving him for even a second physically hurting him. "bottom drawer of my bedside, love." oscar mumbles, concentration falling back onto the tv. unknowing he had just told you the location to the item that had been plaguing his mind for the past eight months. the realisation doesn't kick in when he hears your gasp, or when he is rushing through to your room to check in and make sure you are okay. it only hits when he sees you sitting on the floor in front of the piece of furniture, turning around to face him with tears in your eyes and a ring in your hand.
"is this what i think it is?" you ask him, voice shaking. oscar really is dumb because he cannot work out his you are crying with happiness or out of sadness. although he is quick to sit beside you, hands reaching for the ring but you pull it back out of his grasp, waiting for the answer.
"yeah," oscar sighs. "i've tried to propose to you twice now but every time i get too scared and don't. i've been trying to for eight months". oscar gets even more worried than he originally was when he sees your frown. there was no way he had just fucked this up with you.
"i could've been engaged to you for eight months?" you ask, you seem genuinely disappointed by this fact and that is what snapped everything into place in his brain. you wanted to be engaged to him. oscar jumps forward to wrap you into a bone crushing hug that makes your heart skip beats.
"i will marry you oscar." you tell him.
"i'm so sorry i chickened out, i don't know what was wrong with me. i could've been almost married to the most perfect girl in the world. my most perfect girl." oscar murmurs his apology into your hair but you had already forgiven him. way back before he had even apologised.
the light still beams into the room, oscar thinks about buying black-out curtains until he sees the way the morning light hits your eyes just after you have just opened them. although they close again much too quickly for oscars liking.
it is like you can feel oscar's stare because you grab his arm, pulling him closer to you.
"love you osc." you mumble into the pillow. eyes drooping again as your face relaxes. oscar presses a kiss to the side of your head as he whispers "love you even more, pretty.".
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ficarcheologist · 4 months
୧ ⊹₊ ⋆ nsfw alphabet 💭 feyd rautha
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WARNINGS ⁞ smut, 18+, profanity, innuendo, afab reader, she/her pronouns
OPs NOTES ⁞ Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Dune characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them. Comments, likes, and reblogs are never required but are immensely appreciated 🩷
MY NOTES ⁞ This is not my work. If you are the owner of this work and would like it taken down, please provide proof of ownership and I will take it down/redirect where necessary! Link to the fic reblogged on one of my other side blogs.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If you’re his wife or a favored concubine/lover, you can expect some degree of aftercare, but otherwise? He’s honestly probably halfway out the door before you’ve come back to your senses. However if he genuinely cares about you, he’ll at least clean you off and ask if you’re alright.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of his own is his hands. And your neck for similar reasons. He loves watching the way his fingers wrap around your throat. The sight of that excites him like nothing else on the planet.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Harkonnen have black cum and that makes it pretty easy for Feyd to stain your body or clothes and mark his territory.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You’re a bit shy about it but his absolute favorite act of intimacy with you is going down on you when you’re on your period. You’re so responsive, and blood has never scared him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
About what one would expect for a nobleman his age, maybe slightly less as he focuses more on fighting.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary for both the control it gives him over you and the intimacy it provides.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Deathly serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Shaved, perfectly well groomed. Feyd is a future Baron, and everything about him needs to be flawless.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s surprised by how much he changes through the course of your relationship. He goes from despising the romantic aspects of it to craving that affection from you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Only does it when he’s off world and can’t get his greedy hands on you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Knife kink, blood kink, impact play, hair pulling, biting, overstim, pregnancy kink, breeding kink
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The luxurious chambers be shares with you at the palace. But, he does enjoy a good session where there’s a risk of being caught.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your cleavage, the sound of your voice, seeing you hold your own in a fight, seeing you smile at him, seeing you cry.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’d be turned off by disrespect. Sass is fine to a certain degree, but disrespect? No.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers giving. Loves the power he has over you to make you scream and writhe against his ministrations, the way you taste, everything about it. And he’s damn good at it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Almost exclusively fast and rough and HARD. Very rarely will it be slow and sensual.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sure, he’d rather take his time with you but he has nothing against a good quickie and engages in them often.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Definitely a risk taker and game to experiment with almost anything at least once.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
4-5 rounds, excellent self control so makes you come at least once or even twice before he does each go about. If he has time, he’s definitely going to wear you out.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Prefers the simpler things - like knives - but would have no issue trying out some toys on you, not so much on himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you’ve pissed him off? He can be very, VERY unfair. He will edge you for literal hours until you’re begging him to let you come.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Average to slightly louder than average. Mostly animalistic sounds (snarling, growling) and the occasional moan of your name.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Secretly enjoys the idea of you taking the lead and pinning him to the bed, having your way with him, riding him and using him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s big. 8 inches, long, thick, veiny.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Average. He’s a busy man who often has other things on his mind, BUT when he’s with you and doesn’t have any worries? It goes from average to insane quite fast.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on his mood. Typically he will fall asleep pretty quickly.
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ma1dmer · 11 months
Elden Ring - Blaidd NSFW
I will never deny myself a good knot or heat headcanon
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): he can't help but fuss over you, he'll be kind of tense, quick to jump to your every request until he is sure you are fully relaxed and comfortable
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): he likes everything about you, for him there isn’t just one part to focus on, its everything that simply makes you, you, being in the position he is and having the duty he has, he notices new things he obsesses over every day
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): breeding kink? breeding kink! he won't pressure you into it, but the idea of letting him knot you completely, it's definitely something that keeps him up some nights
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): i can see him as feeling guilty sometimes of the way he wants you, maybe wanting to try out some sort of primal play, due to well him being a half wolf, but not wanting to scare you off, so he is left with his imagination, thinking of chasing you through a forest, not worrying about your safety and being the only actual predator around, and then properly claiming you when he manages to capture you
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): not that much, he is so duty bound that it's hard for him to relax and allow himself to chase after someone in that way
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): very vanilla, the only thing important to him is being able to see you, both to see your lovely expressions and to keep an eye for the subtle shift between pleasure and pain
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): he can laugh, he wants you to laugh as well, won’t initiate those moments as often though, more preoccupied on making you feel pleasure, but he won’t shy away from them, and your laugher always brings a smile to his own face
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): //hmmmmm thats a tough one but i would say he might be very hairy, thats kind of a controversial opinion though
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): very passionate, he takes his time with you because he knows later on when he gets closer he might get lost to pleasure , so he makes sure you are fully prepared for him with a bunch of compliments and kisses and other types of foreplay
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): he usually doesn’t have to, his duty keeping both his body and mind quite busy, also his needs rise when you are there with him
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): he is very vanilla
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): would prefer to have you somewhere protected with four walls and maybe even comfortable on a bed, but sometimes you simply don’t have much of an option so he won’t complain if the best you two can do is a more quite part of the forest for example
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): praise, it’s something kind of embarrassing for him, but it’s nice to be appreciated especially by someone he cares for so much, it makes him want to be even better for you, prove to you how good to you he can be in more ways than one
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): hurting you, he simply can’t, things can get out of hand sometimes, due to how massive he is, but he tries to be as gentle with you as he can
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): his favourite thing to do, diving between your thighs, your hands gripping his fur, his claws digging in the plush of your thighs as he holds you still for his tongue, he also likes face riding a lot.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): will usually start slower, but the closer to his orgasm he gets the rougher and faster he gets, apologising with every thrust , telling you how much he loves you, how he just can't control himself
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): would prefer not to purely cause he is worried about you not being properly prepped up for him but otherwise it’s a welcome distraction
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): would rather not, doesn’t want any surprises and its kind of hard convincing him to try out something entirely new, he doesnt want to disappoint you but prefers to stick to more vanilla things
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): being a fighter is his entire being, so he has a lot of stamina, a lot of energy, however, due to, complications //cough knot cough he mostly goes for one long round 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): he doesn't feel intimidated by anything, he wants you to feel good so he would absolutely be game with using toys on you, however he himself prefers your touch
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he can't deny you, he simply can't so teasing is out of the question, he is more playful during your day to day but he prefers to serve you when you are naked.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): surprisingly quiet, he grunts and huffs a lot and the closer he gets the more he growls ,his voice strained low and grumbly as he warns you he is about to cum.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): I think he would have some sort of oral fixation , gently biting into your shoulder, or licking your fingers or running his tongue up your legs and to your thighs
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): big very big and thick, has a knot for sure
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): he is in control of his needs for the most part but he does tend to get excited when you are around, your scent ,your voice, the feel of your body beneath his big hands, you make him lose his mind
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): he is surprisingly quick to fall asleep, he'll be holding you close, face pressed at the top of your head and as you are talking his eyes will droop until he is finally asleep, if you wake him up he'll try to pretend he wasn’t asleep
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NSFT Alphabet: Matthias Czernin
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Does my little dance while screaming
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Let the man recover first! No really, he needs a second to recover and come back to reality. He would be very into bathing right after, he will though enjoy skinship and needs to be given affection from you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Matthias, after the fire burns half of his body, tries not to think about it. Bad enough looks at Louis who looks perfectly undamaged while he is ugly. You have to tell him what you like about him, sit him down, and tell him your favorite parts of him. On you though, he likes your legs. Idk he seems like a legs or thighs guy
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I don't think he's a cum inside guy, he can when lost in the moment, but he rather cum on you so he can wipe it off or cum on the sheets that need to be changed anyway
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he would like dollification, listen, something about the control and trust you give that he can appreciate. He could dress you up, put the proper makeup on, tying you to the rope to hold you in place. The process is probably what gets him going before even the play starts, admiring his work.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Virgin, sorry not sorry taking his virginity 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Would say riding or doggy style depending on his mood but also a mating press (i think it hot dbbdbd)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Serious but he might laugh a bit if you are the type to be really happy during sex. It is endearing 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think cuz of the fire he has no hair (though i think he was one a bush not groomed)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Matthias prob is the romantic type but he has no experience in this field so be patient with him. Give him a chance, he is trying.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I think he has out of curiosity but then just didn't do it again because he couldn't cum and it annoyed him
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dollification but also body worship (giving). But also he probably no idea what kinks are until you lol
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom, he is a private person
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Idk whatever plot i makeup tbh
He would try impact play but the second he hit too hard that was enough for him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving. He needs to work up to receiving because of his dislike towards his body.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is a building-up kinda guy but if you catch him on one of his bad days, he can be fast and rough. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
No, and yes, you get the quickies on him. Blowing him because you definitely can have an oral fixation around him
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He is willing to try anything so long as you respect when he says no 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
One or two rounds, listen HE IS TRYING gotta edge him
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He would like using toys on you only but you could try it on him when he is comfortable with trying to be submissive 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He has to edge you, you outlast him and he needs you to crumble
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Matthias tries to be quiet but is actually very vocal, very flustered when you point it out too
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Matthias is naturally dominant but he is giving. I say naturally because he needs something he can control, something stable that won't force him to change unless he allows it. But he does become open to be the giving submissive, now he is giving you his trust and control over him. It helps to praise him through it too, he needs that reassurance from his partner that he doesn't have to be perfect. Matthias has to be shown he can enjoy himself without worry.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's good just let him fuck you okay
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I don't think at first he has a high sex drive, it is probably very low. It's about average when you become his partner though
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Out like a light lol but it is the best sleep of his life.
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didyoulookforme · 6 months
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nsfw alphabet: cute & soft matty healy x fem reader
so, i'm not a writer whatsoever, but i have thoughts (a lot of them smutty tbh) about a certain matty healy and wanted to jot them down as i need to try and get them off this brain of mine.
i have a type and it's middle part sometimes straight hair sometimes curly silver chain baggy clothes wearing matty, who in my head appears shy and innocent at first due to his fidgety demeanour (eg. running hands thru his hair constantly, mindlessly biting his bottom lip, repeatedly tapping his foot, etc.) but is actually very opinionated and witty with the people he’s close to, including you. he’s been your bff for years but is afraid of taking it further because he adores you and doesn't want your friendship to be ruined due to his big feelings towards you. he loves to hug you to feel you close and breathe in your scent, but honestly, he doesn't (or tries to not) have much physical contact with you otherwise because his mind, heart, and body cannot take it. he's enamoured by you and has been for years now to the point where he is 96.7% sure he's really, really in love. that's how it all starts and you do eventually end up together, but it takes some time... oh, and he has a crazy sex drive and lots of dirty thoughts about you. a shy romantic horny opinionated man who is mostly a sub.
nothing super unique, just mostly here for the soft bf matty vibes because we all deserve one of those.
(sorry in advance for all the grammatical errors, typos, and run on sentences. i'm not a proofreader.)
warnings: 18+, lots of smut with some fluff. this is too fucking long lol
(not quite) sfw version here
matty healy masterlist here
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
this boy lives and breathes to take care of you, before, after, and during sex. anything he can do to make you feel safe, loved, satisfied. but his favourite form of aftercare is, hands down, using his mouth and tongue to make sure you're all clean. after he does so, the little ritual continues by spending time just softly kissing each other's lips. you both indulge in the lingering taste of each other's cum, but there's nothing dirty or aggressive about it. it's all gentle, a sweet reminder that you belong to each other.
b = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
if matty were to choose his favourite part of his body, it would be his arms. after all, there's a reason why he keeps decorating them with tattoos. makes him feel confident about himself and, honestly, doesn't mind all the compliments either. bless him. but he also has grown to appreciate his unruly curly head of hair, the reason being that he knows how much you like it after all the tantrums you throw whenever he cuts it. before you get together, you only play with it when you're too drunk or high, but when you do so it makes his heart grow.
his favourite part(s) of your body are your hands. so delicate with silver rings adorning almost every finger. it's difficult for him to not watch when you rub them against each other when you're nervous. or how your hand finds itself in front of your mouth whenever you laugh too hard at his nonsense. he knows you prefer dark nail polish vs. lighter coloured ones. he has imagined countless times how your hands would feel on him. sigh. he worships those hands of yours and would kiss then every single second if he could.
after you do get together, he realizes that, as cliché as it sounds, he loves your cunt. for one, when he first saw you completely naked he thought he could just die happy right then and there. but that was until he got to taste you and decided he'd much rather be alive as he could never have enough of your sweetness. and how it perfectly fits around him? he swears he’s the luckiest motherfucker alive.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
oh god. don't let the shy boy act fool you. he is FILTHY. it took a few months for this side of him to show, but you are over the moon when you find out how enthralled he is when he sees his cum dripping out of you. it all started one afternoon when you were riding him (his fav position of course, see letter f below). he finished inside you, his head thrown back over the couch while trying to catch his breath. after a few minutes, you raise your hips to pull away and carefully sit right below his stomach, making sure not too hurt him. once his breathing is back to normal, he looks back at you with those sweet tired eyes, gaze travelling down your body and ending at your spent core, where he notices beads of his white cum running down your cunt. the sight is almost too much for him, poor matty. he bites his bottom lip hard to stifle his whimpers, but somehow gathers enough courage to ask if he can touch you ("sorry sorry sorry i know it's gross. fuuuck. forget i said anythi--" "matty, calm down, baby. my sweet boy, it's okay. you can do it. i want you to.") his mind goes haywire when he brings his thumb to touch you, picking up a bit of his cum which he then rubs on your clit in small, gentle circles. sigh. but yes, cum is involved and you both love it. that's that.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
before you were officially dating, you once left a black shirt at his place, one of your favourites in fact! don't really know the specifics of why or how it happened, but you left it there and he found it. his sensitive soul found it difficult not to immediately grab it and put it against his face to smell your lingering scent. but it didn’t take long for his horny mind to take over and wrap the piece of cloth around his cock and get himself off. before he realized what he was doing, he had already stained your shirt and the shame he felt was unreal to the point where he could not look you in the eye next time you saw each other. “oh, btw, i think i left my top at yours. do you think you can bright it next time?” his face had never been more red in his entire life lol. it wasn’t until you were together that he confessed to it when you were playing an nsfw version of truth n dare in your living room because you were both drunk as fuck.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
okay. so believe or not, this matty doesn't really do hookups. he's in a famous band, yeah, but he's not really looking to get off with people just for one night. he will only do it if he feels a spark with someone on some level other than physical attraction, but he prefers the intimacy and closeness that comes with a relationship. because of this, he hasn't had too many different sexual partners, but during those few relationships he worshipped his other half and did everything he could to learn every single little thing about how to please her in the best way possible. it takes him time to get there with every gf, but once he knows what you like, you will never be dissatisfied. tl:dr not too much experience when it comes to body count, but will excel A++++ all around with the partner he's currently with.
f = favourite position (this goes without saying)
without a doubt, you riding him while he’s sitting up. can be on the sofa, your favourite dining chair, the edge of your bed (his preferred place), the back of the tour bus, you name it. this man loves close skin-to-skin sweaty contact. he is eager to keep you near when you grind yourself on him, one arm tight around your mid back, the palm of the other gripping your ass, guiding your hips back n forth. this way he can also keep kissing your face, neck and shoulders whenever he wants to and feel your tits against his chest. it also allows him to look up at you as you bounce up and down his cock, this which might be one of his favourite sights in the entire world, just as if he were worshiping you.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
for the most part the sex is a calm, sensual endeavour, but if something happens like his fingers getting tangled in your hair, him kissing your teeth, you accidentally tickling him, he'll be adorable and smile, letting out a soft laugh. you love that he's vulnerable enough to chuckle at a small mishap rather than him getting frustrated. he's too damn cute. you can barely handle it.
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
sweet matty knows you love going down on him (which he thanks his lucky stars is a real thing as he cannot get enough of your lips around him) so he tries to keep himself trimmed down there. you couldn't care less tbh but it's cute and rather hot to see him that invested in thinking of what will be best for you and your pleasure. funny enough, you would've never thought he did so given his current nonchalant way of dressing (baggy clothes, torn band shirts, messy gelled hair). but this boy does like to keep you guessing after all.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he cannot possibly be close enough to you (re. his favourite position being you riding him). you are his world and will hopefully always be, even if he had to wait what felt like a lifetime to finally have you romantically and sexually. both of you prefer slow and sweaty sex whenever possibly, filled with lots of sweet words and love you's and him nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck while you run your fingers through his hair. he's a shy horny romantic at heart.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
our boy here has undoubtedly gotten off at the thought of you many, many times before you get together. whether it is him reminiscing about a certain memory and/or looking at photos of you, he's certainly done it. he's also been caught by adam when he's not-so-silently moaning your name while he's no-so-silently jacking off during tour. but because adam is a sweet soul and understands the hardships of missing the person you love, he doesn't give him too much grief over it (unless matty is getting on his nerves).
now, when you do end up together, there's a time when the two of you are high (you do that a lot), giggly, care-free and the topic of masturbation comes up for some reason. this is when it is confessed that you both had (obviously) gotten off at the thought of each other pre-dating and that ends up turning both of you on to the point where one of you suggests if you can watch each other do it. so that happens and mutual masturbation continues to be thing in your relationship.
and of course, matty still masturbates many times while he's away because you end up sending him short snippets of you pleasuring yourself. so he cannot help himself.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
it’s all about praising. he loves it. you love it. it's a win win situation for both parties involved and it couldn't be more perfect. because he can sometimes get nervous, your praises make him feel at ease. call him a sweet boy (his fav) and you’ll have him at your mercy. on the other hand, if you refer to him as a good boy, he will almost devour you alive.
one summer you were playing fetch with mayhem in the park “aww! who’s a good, sweet boy!?” and for some reason matty started chocking on the coke he was drinking “are you okay?” “yeah yes. cough. ‘s nothing. wrong pipe” “hm, okay if you say so.” five minutes pass and mayhem is cuddling with you while you scratch his ear “such a sweet, pretty baby boy, aren’t you mayhem? yes, of cour—wtf matthew, are you sure you’re alright?” you look back at him as he’s trying to aggressively clean the coke he spat out and landed on the crotch of his pants. after that you notice that he not-so-subtly tries to readjust his baggy jeans ever so often. you get a sneaky suspicion of what might’ve happened, but it isn’t until you are together for a few months that you test out your theory and praise him and he literally comes undone seconds after the words leave your mouth. he’s almost too much <3
l = location (favourite places to do the do)
vanilla answer, but your bed. the fact that he can have you in the place where you sleep just drives him crazy with lust. it's your space. it smells like you. you spend endless hours there resting, facetiming him, watching tv, (as well as pleasing yourself). so yes, your bed is a sacred temple to matty. amen.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
before sex: wear any of his clothes and that's almost a sure way to get him turned on. especially his jumpers and shirts. once upon a time you two + the rest of the band went swimming. after you got tired of everyone cannonballing into the pool (because they're grown men boys), you stepped out and wanted to get out of your wet swimsuit asap because you hate the feeling of wet clothes on your skin. without really thinking, you just grabbed his jeff buckley shirt (i love jeff buckley btw), put it on, and since it is way larger on you that it is on him, you thought "lalalala i'm just gonna remove my swimsuit here since this shirt is roomy and no one will be able to see anything." as you're doing so, george has matty in some sort of headlock (because, again, boys) but as he's struggling to get out of it, his eyes end up in your direction as you're pulling the suit bottoms down. this makes him tense up and freeze in place, so now george has the upper-hand and submerges him underwater. when matty comes back to the surface, he's outta breath, huffing and puffing, and none made easier because (unbeknownst to you) your wet body and swimsuit have made his white jeff buckley shirt see though. and since then he cannot get enough of you wearing anything of his.
during sex: pull on his hair when you're riding him and it's game over. he'll immediately get a goofy toothy grin on his face while bitting his bottom lip and adoringly look at you thru half lidded eyes as if there is nothing better in this life (because of course, nothing compares 2 u).
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
absolutely nothing that could possibly hurt you too seriously. you two eventually get into some harsher tendencies and kinks, but it's always consensual. he'd never forgive himself if he caused you unwanted pain.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he absolutely loves both. he swears there is no better feeling than having your warm mouth around him but he's never too pushy or needy about it. you of course enjoy it too, but the best part about it is just seeing him come undone as he gets loud, sweaty, and shaky which is a sight you'll never grow tired of. and as mentioned on letter b above, he enjoys your cunt A LOT so he'll never miss an opportunity to go down on you. that tongue of his? unreal. but he's definitely noticed that your favourite is when he sucks on your clit so he spends majority of the time doing that. imagine you sitting on the edge of your bed, him shirtless kneeling down with your legs over his shoulders, and his head between your legs while his lips are wrapped around you, gently sucking and licking while you gently pull on his hair and tell him he's your sweet boy. it's heaven for the both of you.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
more often than not, it’s slow and sensual as that’s something that both of you really enjoy. from one romantic to another, you cannot get enough of the passionate sex.
HOWEVER, fast and rough comes into play whenever he gets jealous as he cannot help himself. but it's not in a hard, mean dom type of way. more in a "i'm all yours. i want to make you feel so damn good and please you so you don't look at anyone else. please do anything you want with me" type of way. the first time he ever wants to have rough sex, he acts all shy and nervous when asking you if it's okay as it's not his norm. but you're there to guide him through and make it easy for him. <3
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not really your or his thing, tbh. reason being that if you have sex, it never ends up being quick. you'd much rather be late to the event or appointment than to rush it. the amount of times he's been late to soundcheck is alarming, but it's not like they can kick him out of the band, right? one time when he walks into the rehearsal, flustered and with hair all over the place, he sees george about to mock him but matty beats him to the punch. "before you even fucking start, yes, i was having sex before this. yes, it was amazing. yes, i know i'm late again. that's it. i'm sorry. let's carry on." but the thing is that a sexually satisfied matty = amazing gigs, so the others cannot fault him.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s down to try anything but only if you discuss it first so both of you are comfortable. again, he may look and act shy most of the time (especially with people he doesn't know too well) but he's known you for years so he's super comfy with you, thus he's game to do anything which might bring you pleasure as long as he doesn't seriously hurt you (as mentioned in letter n) because he wouldn't be able to deal with causing you any sort of lasting pain.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
tbh one of the other main reasons he goes to the gym (see letter x) is so he can last longer for you. you both have insatiable sex drives (see letter y) so he wants to keep fit in order to try and fulfill any and all desires you might have. once you get together, it's no secret to any of your friends that you have a VERY active sex life that they can only dream of and matty loves to remind them that they’re just jealous when they do make fun of him for it. he’s cute.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he didn’t think much about them at first UNTIL that one night he was over at your place and opened up your bedside drawer, hehehe. so hear me out... our boy loves getting high (especially with you) so he asked if you had any weed as he very surprisingly (i know, i'm shocked, too) forgot his own. you just looked at him with wide eyes like “whoa, wait. you forgot? are you okay?” while you jokingly felt his forehead to see if he was ill. he gently swatted your hand away and squinted in mock annoyance, “fuck off... but really, do you have any?” :insert big brown caramel puppy eyes: you motioned over to your bedroom and told him that your stash was in the drawer of your bedside table. he struts over, nonchalantly, humming a tune that’s been stuck in his head since that morning because you’d been listening to it nonstop. he gets to your room, stares at your comfy bed wishing he could sleep with you, in both senses of the word, because he's head over heels for you. he'd do anything and everything you'd ask him faster than the words could even leave your mouth. he sighs, knowing that couldn't happen because you weren't his gf :( anyway, he bends over to open the top drawer of your left bedside table and start shuffling around to find nothing but books, notebooks, photos (including one of him napping, awe). he moves on to the second drawer to find a black lidded box which he opens and to his surprise (or dismay) finds your toys which causes him to almost drop the box altogether. his eyes gaze over each of the vibrators and other small devices in there and he cannot help but think of you using them on yourself. siiiiiiiiigh. a "did you find it, matty?" is screamed by you which causes him to instantly come back down reality. the box is put away and he speed walks out of the room, heading straight for the kitchen to get a glass of water to hopefully rehydrate his desert dry throat after his discovery. "well, did you find it?" "nope, changed my mind. don't want any weed. i'm okay. i'll just drink my water. here. in the kitchen." when in reality he was standing behind the bar so you couldn't see how rock hard he was. fast forward to right before you go to bed that night, you want to get yourself off so you go to find your fav toy when you see that the box is on a weird angle with the lid not fully closed. then it dawns on you why matty had to very abruptly leave that evening.
BUT ANYWAY, after you get together and your enjoyment for toys is out in the open, he loves using them on you which is a huge turn on for you because it shows that the seemingly shy boy is actually super confident when it comes to your sex life together.
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
much like the cum play (see letter c), it took a bit for matty to feel comfortable enough to be a tease while you were having sex. he's not too much of a dirty talker (if you haven't noticed yet, he's a sub in this world of mine, sorry) BUT he eventually finds out that you love begin edged. so yeah, he has fun with that, going down on you over and over again until you are screaming.
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
poor matty tries to stifle his moans, whimpers, and any other sounds that come out of his mouth but it doesn't work well for him as he always ends up being the loudest out of the two of you. this is another thing his bandmates always tease him about, as they can always hear when he's getting off on the tour bus or having sex with you in another room. and this is another instance where he reminds his mates that they're just jealous because of his amazing sex life.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
remember how i said i have a type and he's a chain wearing matty? well, once you both start having sex, he very quickly finds out you fucking love pulling on that chain to bring him closer to you. he also notices how you tend to kiss around the area where in sits around his neck. your obsession about it becomes 100% confirmed when he sees that the background of your phone is a photo of him shirtless but still wearing that silver chain. so he knows that he always has to wear it, a quiet sign that you control him. but one morning after his shower, he comes running to the living room, huffing and puffing that he cannot find his necklace until he looks at you. you just smirk and wink at him when he sees the chain around you. oh, he doesn't know what he's in for.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he once heard you say how you were starting to find "more conventional, muscular men" attractive so he took this as his cue to immediately look up the number of the best and closest personal trainer he could hire. fast forward six months and you're at his flat, drinking and listening to music with the band. who knows what happens (probably george's fault) but matty ends up spilling his glass of wine all over his shirt. UGH. "fuck me. it's embarrassing how many clothing items i've ruined 'cause of this expensive habit." you laugh loudly at him, obviously, but karma gets you once he takes off his ruined top so he's just standing there in his dangerously low rise grey joggers. that shuts you up as you just stare at the muscles on his back and the mostly defined v shape above his crotch. matty leaves the room to get a clean shirt without noticing you basically drooling over him. however, perceptive handsome ross does pick up on the vibes and teases you for the remainder of the evening.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
high. higher than anyone you've ever been with and you're thankful for it. albeit it is PAINFUL when he's away on tour for months at a time, especially when you cannot go and see him :( no matter how many photos or videos you send each other, it's never enough to satiate you desire to have him close to you. the only silver lining is when you both do end up back together, as you both know you won't be sleeping that night and won't be going anywhere else the day after.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
once the soft making out session is done (see letter a), he's gone. he's a sleeper. he's a napper. he's the big spoon and holds you close, lazily kissing the back of your neck before he settles himself against it. again, he's all about that close contact, gotta love him. but give him 3 minutes MAX and he'll be out. a tired boy has to rest, i guess <3
ALRIGHT. that's enough for me rambling. not sure if anyone will see this but my mind feels about 12% lighter for now. until the next brain rot takes over.
if you happened to make it this far, you're a gem. thank you. you're the best. and i'm always free to talk about this man and smutty thoughts about him!
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