#i do that a lot LOL sometimes i forget the initial point i had when i write a fic
cerealmonster15 · 4 months
i do love sneaking in side ships to fics where they arent the focus but also i think the only reason i have the cater/trey mention in this story was bc i needed a reason to prevent cater from giving silver and kalim more thought out advice kflsjdfklsjd i had to interrupt him and make him LEAVE!!!
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
What about a girl who on the surface seems to be happy. She's the one that is always there for people no matter what. Yet no one is there for her when she really needs someone. In a dark day where she thinks if she leaves the world no ones life would really change because she never really meant anything to other people. But Eddie finds her in a really bad state and somehow talks to her down and slowly overtime helps her feel wanted and loved. Shows her she's not alone.
A/N: I pushing this request and another someone gave me together because they were very similar. I get this to the core of my being and please never forget you aren't alone <3. You matter and the world is 100 time better because you're in it.
Warnings: Heavy material, mentions of emotional pain and depression especially feeling like no one cares and feeling like a burden. Enter with caution. I imagine a lot of us here have felt this at least at one point in our life.
Word Count: 2476
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Everything is loud. 
Especially that voice that tells you no one cares.  Yeah you have your friends but they have their partners and their families. Yeah you have work but that’s all it is…work. The people you help are there for just that. As soon as you leave their peripherals it’s like you no longer exist. You have your family but it always feels like they are looking for number one…themselves. You’ve done everything for so many people and yet it feels like no one would do the same for you. 
It's not like you expect anyone to. You do things for people because you genuinely want to. Sometimes, however, it would just to be nice to feel like you were someone else’s first choice… 
Someone who woke up and was excited because they knew they were going to get to spend their day with you. Someone who while out in the world saw something random and their first thought was to call you to tell you. Someone who when you needed something whether it be to laugh or shoulder to cry on wouldn’t hesitate to be there. Someone who asked about your day because they were genuinely curious and not because they needed something. Someone who loved you unconditionally because you’re you.
It was a slow build up to tonight.
It starts with the little voice throughout your day telling you that no one would care. They’ll all move on after you’re gone. How long would it even take for someone to notice? No one calls unless they need something and you’re always the one to text first. You initiate meet ups with your friends and even then it’s hard to get everyone together. You fade in the background at work unless your boss needs someone to belittle. 
You haven’t seen your family face to face in so long. They always say their busy or their schedules are tight. Sometimes you call just to talk to your parents and no one answers. 
You had tried dating but most people you met up with just wanted sex. Anytime you tried finding a genuine connection, it was met with an innuendo that made your eyes roll. 
Today was particularly hard. Your account was overdrawn and you didn’t know how you were going to make it to the next check. Your boss said you seemed distracted and that you need to get your numbers to a better place or else you’d get a write up that could lead to a termination. You called your sister during your break but she didn’t answer instead posting online a selfie with her and her friends at lunch. You messaged a friend with a joke hoping to start a conversation about your worries without coming off like a bother. 
“I’m so exhausted. I wish I could meet a millionaire so I don’t have to work anymore lol”
She responded with a simple laughing emoji. 
You laid in bed scrolling through your phone at all the happy photos of people with their partners, other friends, and or children. They all seemed genuinely happy…why couldn’t you? You were really good at playing content but it took every ounce of energy you had. You didn’t want to pretend anymore. 
You wanted to place the weight of everything down for even just one day of relief while someone took you in their arms and told you that you were safe. 
The voice was practically screaming now in your head that you would never get that relief. The only way to end the pain is to remove yourself entirely from the equation. 
Your logic brain knew it didn’t want that but you didn’t know how to turn it off. 
Opening your front door, you ran outside in the rain in no particular direction hoping that you would end up wherever you were meant to be. You don’t know how long you were on your feet but suddenly you were swept off them as you fell forward into the mud beneath you. 
You heard a faint voice but it was hard to understand under the wind and thunder that shook the sky. A leather jacket covered your arms before you were lifted by your biceps and carried into a home nearby. 
“Jesus, sweetheart. Are you insane? You’re going to get yourself killed walking out there in this weather.”, the boy scolded as he shook his hair like a dog and took off the shirt he was wearing without any hesitation. “Fuck. Here let me take that here.” Grabbing his jacket, he rung it out in the kitchen and hung it on the counter. 
You watched him with wide eyes as he moved around what you realized was a trailer with purpose. 
“Alright, here’s a towel. Do you need to use my phone to call someone or—” The towel he handed you promptly feel to the floor when you didn’t reach out to take it from him, giving him pause as you both stared at it on the ground. 
His bare feet scooted against the rug as he placed himself in front of you and bent down to grab the towel again. You could feel his eyes scanning over you and when you glanced up to meet them you noticed they know reflected concern. 
“You know what? I’m being rude. I haven’t even introduced myself and I just pulled you into my humble abode.” With a big tooth filled grin, he extended his arms out wide and bowed. “My name is Eddie Munson and you are…?” He waits but when you don’t respond, he nonchalantly shakes his head as he stands to his full height again. “No worries. You can tell me when you’re ready. Um, I don’t think a towel will be enough and since it’s still storming you are more than welcome to use our shower. I have some fresh clothes you can change into and we can wash the mud off your outfit. If you want, of course. No pressure.”
One of his eyebrows quirks at the sound of your voice before he flashes you another soft smile.
“Ok? Cool.”
When you step out of the shower, you can’t help but feel more relaxed under the steam that filled the bathroom. Eddie’s cigarette smelling clothes added an extra layer of comfort as they hung off your small frame. Glancing at the items on the sink, you smiled at the aftershave and hair product that lingered. Picking up his cologne, your smile grew as you inhale the smell that could best be described as home. You could get lost in that smell…
Continuing to dry your hair as you headed towards his room, you found the metalhead shoveling arms full of clothes that were on his floor into the closet. 
“Oh, uh, hey. Sorry. Yeah…my room isn’t usually this messy but…”
“It’s fine. I’m sorry for ruining your night.”
His face visibly scrunched in confusion as he took a seat on the edge of his bed. 
“What makes you think you ruined my night?”
“I just…kind of…appeared.”
“Nice, pretty girl like you shows up on my doorstep. Introverts dream right there, honey.”, he chuckles as you blush. “Naw, you didn’t ruin my night. I was just going to lay here, smoke some weed and listen to some music. Would, um, would you like to join me?”
You think for a moment as your eyes take him in. Eddie had changed out of his wet clothes and put on a long sleeve shirt with some shorts that reached past his knees. His hair had begun to dry and frizz in an adorable manner that had butterflies flutter in your tummy. 
“Yeah? Cool.”
“Y/N.” As he slides down to the floor, his head tilts when he hears you speak. “That’s my name.”
Grinning, he reaches under his bedside table and pulls out a little box with a couple of joints pre rolled within. 
“That’s very beautiful. So Y/N, is there a particular genre I should stay away from or are you openminded with music?”
“I’d like to think I’m pretty open minded.”
Eddie lights the end of the paper between his lips and his chest moves with every inhale and exhale before passing it to you. The effects are immediate as you feel calmness wash over you, handing it to him before laying on your back beside him. 
While you continue to listen to the music that plays neither of you says a word as you pass the joint freely between each other. The most recent song ends and a guitar rift begins to play that you feel like you’ve heard before. When you turn to look his way, your eyes lock with his earnest ones as if he’s waiting for you to recognize it. 
When the singer begins to sing the lyrics, your eyes close as you grab your stomach and laugh harder than you felt like you ever had before. Watching the way your personality unfolded has Eddie cackling with you until you were finally able to catch your breath. 
“Is that a fucking rock version of Lil Wayne’s ‘Lollipop’?! Oh my god it sounds amazing.”
“I have this weird fascination with rap songs turned into metal covers. It just tickles my funny bone the right way.”
“I love it.”
“And I love your laugh. It’s infectious.”
Glancing his way, you softly smile as you pass him the last of the bud in your hand for him to finish. 
“Thank you.”
“It’s nice to see you smile. You seemed a bit sad when you came in.”
“Yeah…we don’t have to talk about it though.”
“Do you not WANT to talk about it?”
“No, I just…you don’t wanna hear all that heavy stuff.”, you sigh as you sit up and lean against his dresser. 
“I mean I want to hear more about you, Y/N, and if that ‘heavy stuff’ is a part of you than I wanna hear it.”, he responds as he sits up as well. 
“You don’t know me, Eddie.”
“I’m trying to, sweetheart.”
“What do you mean why?”
“Why do you want to know? Like I said you don’t know me. Why do you care?”
“I care because I want to know why a gorgeous, seemingly kind woman like you was walking out alone at night during a thunderstorm. Whatever caused her to do that must be really hurting her and I know how much that sucks. I want to help…if I can.”
Your eyes take him in as he pulls his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them to hold them in place. It was so odd to feel safe with someone you didn’t know. You weren’t sure if it was his smooth voice, the intense yet soft hues of his own eyes, or the protective concerned energy that surrounded him but you decided to take a leap and let go.
“When I get lonely…sometimes the voices in my head…get too loud. Not like you know voices, voices but just like that little voice…that makes the world…seem hopeless.”
“Like…no one cares about you to put you first and maybe the world would somehow be better without you in it?” When your gaze shifts his way, you find his have moved to the void in the floor in front him. “Yeah, I know how that feels especially when you hear it being reiterated with that voice.”
“It’s like an extra weight is pushing down on me and I can’t breathe.”
“You just want someone to take off some of that slack and tell you everything is going to be ok. And not because they want something or because they feel like they have to but because they genuinely want to.”
As you nod, you hastily try to dry the tears that fall before he notices.
“Y/N? I promise everything is going to be ok.” When Eddie slid closer to you, you couldn’t stop yourself as you climbed into his lap and curled into his broad chest as his arms circled around you. “You’re safe and the world is 1000 times better because you’re here.”
He continued to coo softly that everything was ok, rocking you gently in his arms as you continued to cry. 
Six Months Later
You beam as you hold Eddie’s hand at the table with your friend and her date as you wait for your food to served. 
“Hey, you know what would be fun? Maybe after we eat, we can head over to Scoops and try that new peanut flavor they have.”
“Oh, yeah!”, your friend exclaims with bright eyes. “I heard it’s so delicious.”
“I mean ice cream sounds great but Y/N can’t have that flavor. She’s allergic remember?”, your boyfriend replies nonchalantly as he quietly thanks the waiter as he places plates down in front of everybody. Without skipping a beat, Eddie opens your burger and steals your pickles he knows you give him every time before wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he eats with his free hand. 
Since that first night you met him, everything came almost easy with Eddie. For the first time, you felt heard and understood. Those first couple of months, you half expected him to disappear but every day he showed up with the same enthusiasm that made your heart want to explode. 
The first time you two fought, he realized it was because you were afraid to be open. 
“Sweetheart, how am I supposed to know it bothers you if you don’t tell me?”
“I just…I don’t want to lose you. I like you a lot, Eddie, and I’m afraid—”
“To be yourself? Baby, I like you a lot to. YOU… not some image of you. Don’t make yourself unhappy to make me happy. I don’t want that.”
From that moment on, you did everything you could to express how you felt and every time he tried to meet you in the middle. Every bad day, you were there for each other no questions asked. Every good day, you relished especially the small moments where you two would just lay on the floor and listen to music enjoying each other’s company without feeling like he’d rather be somewhere else. 
You were his first choice and he was yours. 
“How about we go to the arcade? They have that ice cream shop next door and then we can play some pool.”, you suggest knowing Eddie can smoke while you guys play as the music you both like plays. 
“That sounds like fun.”, your friend grins. “I’m not good with pool but I know Adam likes to show off.”
“So does Ed.”, you giggle. 
“Pfft, like you don’t like watching me bend over the table when I shoot my shot.”, he teases as he throws a wink your way before kissing your forehead.
Eddie Asks/ Donate to me :)
Just in case y'all wanted to hear the song :P
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magicalregression · 8 months
General Hazbin Hotel hcs
Hello fellow agere hazbin enjoyers. I come with hcs for the main 6. Pls enjoy
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🛡 ~ Charlie ~ 🛡
She's a little. Regresses to like 6-7 y/o and is so sweet and innocent.
Still wants to help everyone, and spends her time drawing posters to attract people to the hotel.
Her main cg is Vaggie for obvious reasons, though she will also gravitate towards Angel if he's around.
Eepy baby. Once all of her energy is gone, pick her up and she falls right to sleep.
⚔ ~ Vaggie ~ ⚔
She's a caregiver. Vaggie also will babysit the other littles in the hotel if needed, though she has an obvious preference for Charlie.
Is kinda hard on the littles when need be, can be very strict. This is especially true for bed/nap time, mealtimes, and baths. No stinky, overtired littles on Vaggie's watch.
This just popped into my head but cuddles where she uses her wings as like a blanket thing or just lets the little snuggle into it yes yes
Tends to clean up after playtime. She wants to be madder, but could never be truly angry with her babies.
🕷 ~ Angel Dust ~ 🕷
Angel is both a little and a babysitter. When he regresses, it's at a similar age to Charlie, maybe a bit older to around 7-8.
His energy levels highly fluctuate depending on his emotions before regressing. If he had been in a stressful situation or recently come back from work, he's very tired and kinda just wants to be alone with whatever he's entertained himself with. If he's not in a high emotion environment, he's full of energy!
Likes playing tag and hide and seek with the others. Sometimes forgets that he's much bigger than everyone, though, and may accidentally cause some booboos.
As a babysitter, he takes his job very seriously. Might not be as strict about meals or naps (definitely lets them just have as many sweets as they want), but will take tea parties and games very seriously.
📻 ~ Alastor ~ 📻
I know a lot of people like little Al but for personal reasons, he is a caregiver lol. He has too soothing a voice and mannerisms with Nifty for me to not harp on it.
Takes his little out to Overlord meetings or to visit Auntie Rosie. When they go see Rosie, she always has a new outfit for them, whether a onesie or full outfit, there's always something. At the Overlord meetings, he'll let them sit in his lap or between him and Rosie. The others don't mind bc I say so.
Alastor doesn't like touch he doesn't initiate, and you are no exception. That being said, if they find a way to pull on or play with his ears, the most he'll do is let out a long sigh before letting them continue.
Calls them a little Overlord. "Come now, little Overlord, it's time for bed." and "Little Overlord, what have I told you about sneaking up on others?" and the like.
I have the most thoughts about him but will keep this short for everyone's sakes
🧹 ~ Nifty ~ 🧹
A little. She has the biggest fluctuation though and will be either 2 or like 7, no in betweens.
Always has energy. She's bouncing off the walls. Because of this, Angel is the last person asked to take care of her because he'll give her candy and then she gets even worse. He's also a little cautious because of the one time he made her cry, but Nifty just kinda drifts over to him anyways.
Husk usually gets stuck looking after the lil bugger. It'll start as Alastor's problem, then he conveniently disappears and Vaggie gives her to "kitty" (it's not that they don't love her, they do, she's just a lot lol). I imagine little Nif and Husk have a similar dynamic to Boo and Sully in Monsters Inc.
The only way to get her to sleep is with radio static. The white noise calms her down. Bonus points if you give her a fluffy plush to hold as well.
🐱 ~ Husk ~ 🐱
Husk doesn't really like children, even of the regressing variety. It's not that he hates them, he'd just prefer to not have to interact with them as much as he can. The most he'll do is babysit, but even then he's a little clueless.
Tends to get stuck with Angel the most, but he prefers Nifty just because he's been around her the most over the years.
Has the bar stocked up with different juices and milk and other drinks for kids. Also has a wide variety of sippy cups with different themes for different littles. Charlie likes the ducky one, Angel has one with crabs on it, and Nifty's are all plain. Everyone uses the space themed ones, though, so he has the most of those.
He has a little nook under the bar that someone could use as a little hiding space as well. If the littles are playing hide and seek and someone goes down there, Husk is the last to snitch.
If you wanna see specific scenarios or hcs about certain characters, feel free to send in an ask!!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
I don’t know if this is CPN but i am interested in all the astrology stuff when it comes to zz and wyb. so I understand if some people are not into that. During the roadshow, one of the people who attended is this 陶白白Sensei blogger ( with 18 million followers ) who posts about astrology. they describe for example what a certain zodiac sign is like and so on on their blog. they were invited to the event and was even asked to speak because WYB opened about how leo(s) like being praised. This person then described what a leo is ( intense people who will do what they set their mind to and sometimes even forget to eat or sleep. they don’t care if people laugh about them ) and people noticed how yibo was nodding along.
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he agrees and seems like he knows how on point the description is for him and other leo(s). the blogger seems to think so too because of what he shared on his account.
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now here comes the CPN part. Back in 9/16/2021, this blogger posted a reading about leo and libra and lots of the comments are about zz and wyb.
“Today I will talk about the pair of Leo and Libra.The short time it takes for the Leo-Libra pair to fall in love, and the heat. The sweetness of love will really far exceed everyone's imagination.”
the funny thing is his response to the people’s comments:
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What's going on, every time I write this series, there will be comments. Isn't this the XX and XXX? Mysterious, after all Is it xxx and xxx??? It makes me want to knock.
( knock meaning, wants to know more about this cp for themselves. XX = XZ XXX = WYB )
So here’s some excerpts from that article. Actually, this post is just an excuse to feed my leo x libra compatibility agenda too 😂😂😂
This is pretty long but i love it. Lol. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Basically, as long as you look each other in the eye, even if you have only known each other for a week, as long as the Leo takes the initiative to express good feelings, Libra will give a response, as long as there is a response to make the Leo’s confidence increase, he will work harder to create romance.
Libra likes this feeling of being surrounded by love too much, and they will not think about the past, do not think about the future, and choose to be together when the emotional atmosphere is up.
Therefore, if you can be together quickly within a month or two of being together, if you almost feel more than a few months, that is really almost meaningful, and you will quickly calm down and feel inappropriate after being together.
To put it bluntly, as long as love makes both of them unable to recover their senses, their relationship will quickly heat up and enter a long period of love.
That is, as long as one party feels that it is not what they want, the relationship will always be stuck in that place without results.
Back to what I just said, enter the long period of love.
Why is it a long love period?
The most suitable point of Libra is actually complementarity, in intimate relationships, the lion is a person with a strong desire to express, and Libra is a person with a strong ability to appease.
The lion can find its own dependence on the other party in the process of expression, and Libra can find a sense of participation in the relationship from the time it confides in the opposite direction.
These two are people who hate hypocritical socialization, and the usual group of fox friends have long had enough, but they are too bored to participate in those time-wasting activities.
Now that someone who knows that he loves himself has appeared, he is willing to go home and call the other party for 3 hours, and he is not willing to go out and waste time and energy.
This kind of love will change the lifestyle of two people, and it will really directly become the most important part of the life of two people, and even the spiritual pillar.
To put it bluntly, lions have always been such people, but many people cannot meet the lion's longing and dependence on love, resulting in the lion himself being disappointed and does not want to rely too much on feelings.
But Libra is different, Libra really likes the feeling of having a person dependent on himself, he will not be bored or slack at all. He will answer calls as late as possible, how boring things he is willing to share, and how meaningless quarrels he will answer.
In fact, it is precisely because Libra is always righteous, he will pay special attention to the words spoken by the lion, even if the lion is guilty of deliberately looking for a sense of existence, Libra will patiently play with him.
What is this called?
In Internet parlance, this makes me understand your cute love, you understand my weirdness.
Some friends may start crying when they look at it, "It was true at the beginning, but then he changed, and the relationship between the two people deteriorated, and they couldn't go back." ”
Indeed, this is also the biggest contradiction between the feelings of these two people.
The problem now is that both of them have too much hope for this relationship and too strong a vision for the future.
In fact, these two people are very contradictory, the lion is fierce, Libra is more fierce than the lion, they often get unhappy because of a sentence that does not coincide, sulking.
But the vast majority of contradictions do not break out because they are bowing their heads for love to make way for love, not for each other.
Many times, they are angry and do not say, they are afraid of affecting their feelings, and this fear must be because two people have had an earth-shattering quarrel, so that both people are afraid of this scene again.
The key to the problem is here, these two people must really quarrel for no reason, such as today I called you you perfunctory me, tomorrow I sent you a message you did not reply in time, the day after tomorrow I asked you out to eat you said you have something, the day after tomorrow I lie down very bored you go out to play.
As long as one party is out of balance, he will suddenly burst out after chewing for a few days, and then attack the other party.
The lion is a man who cannot speak, and Libra is a man who says he will fight back.
Therefore, no matter who is looking for whose trouble, it will definitely break out into a "war".
As long as one of the two people has an unbalanced mentality, this "war" will break out regularly.
It is never because of what happened, but because of grievances.Passive people are wronged, and active people are even more wronged.
Once tired of the quarrel, the two people began to recover and think about why this relationship became like this, whether the two people are compatible, and whether there is a future, and the spiritual belief brought by the relationship will also collapse.
As I said earlier, when these two people are in love, they will leave their lives behind and start a new relationship life, when they try to return to their previous life and find that it will be easier and happier.
This relationship may never go back.
Because they have given too much in their relationship, when they start to care about who is right and who is wrong, and who pays more and who pays less, they will feel that both of them are emotional "victims".
They will feel that neither of them did anything wrong, it's the fault of their relationship, they are inappropriate people and shouldn't be together...
To be honest, I can only analyze these, and I can't help anyone.
When these two people fall in love, they will protect their exclusive feelings to the utmost, and they will not listen to outsiders at all...
The biggest problem is that they imagine their relationship too beautifully, and the blow of reality will make them suspect that their relationship has deteriorated.
Normal mind is very important, don't focus on how to keep two people from quarreling, this will only make both of them feel more wronged when there is a real quarrel.
The key to success is that after the quarrel is over, whether you can make three chapters calmly, and when you find that there is a gap between two people, whether you can go out for a walk and relax, then sit down and communicate calmly, and ease the grievances in each other's hearts.
Don't think that feelings should be sacred, so avoid talking about impurities in feelings! ! !
Only by cleaning out the impurities will the relationship last and then sublimate.
Persistence and belief are very important, and maintenance and communication are more important.
MY GOD. If this piece does not describe what we have seen and speculated about ZZ and WYB then I don’t know. It’s so clear why BXGs responded to it and how “accurate” it is. 😌😌😌
CPFs are thinking about this guy who attended the show and saw WYB, did he think about that article years ago? How people reacted to the Leo x Libra pair and he got interested with ZZ and WYB?
This also reminds me of the 95% compatibility reading.
Anyway, these boys and their love is truly favored by the Universe and even if there are obstacles, I believe they will stay together <3
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tamelee · 10 months
Hey so I had a question and am wondering if you want to answer it because for a sns shipper you’re tolerable not to be mean. Yep I don’t ship sns I like nh together so if you wanna ignore this then that’s fine I don’t really care but what sns shippers always forget is that interpretation is the only thing that matters. I like nh so what? I think they were built well and make sense but that’s not going to make me not a shipper. You guys come up with all these theories that don’t make sense and I don’t like sns and that is my interpretation and that doesn’t make anyone wrong because you have no say in how I should think and feel. So this literally debunks y’all sorry. I still really like your art and some meta if it’s not about sns. Cheers.
Hi, glad to know that I’m tolerable lol. Very interesting. 
It seems like you anticipated the possibility of being ignored because we have opposing views on the matter which you’re already aware of, but I wouldn’t ignore you simply because you ‘ship’ something other than me. (Though I’d rather just call myself a fan in the context of SNS.) In fact, you’re always free to challenge anything you want, it’s fun for me and perhaps even informative for us both. 
You say; 
Interpretation is all that matters
You interpret NH to make sense and well built(/developed) 
Your interpretation is right because it’s how you think and feel
You conclude; 
Because interpretation is all that matters, your interpretation debunks us all (I guess you mean SNS-fans and the theories that support them)
Ngl, that’s an extremely weak argument (if you can even call it that) 😬 but let’s talk about ‘interpretation’.
Interpretation by nature is subjective. 
It’s important for sure, it matters in the sense that your personal perspective helps you determine whether you like/dislike something because your preferences would have no foundation otherwise. 
It’s impossible for an interpretation to be ‘wrong’ in a general sense because it’s something that happens naturally when you engage with any creative expression. You observe something, your brain frames the thing, then you attach personal meaning behind it and of course it’s okay to experience anything however you do, because that’s a natural response and different for everyone. 
So, in regard to your criticism, I don’t think anyone meant how you think/feel about an experience is ‘wrong’ or makes your interpretation ‘wrong’. 
But, using this as a reason to ‘debunk’ us all, makes your logic a fallacy. In other words, I disagree with you. Interpretation is certainly not the only thing that matters here. 
Interpretation can change in different cultural contexts, it may require references from other work and sometimes it is so ambiguous to the point where it is even necessary for a reader to draw a conclusion themselves based on the context when it’s not literally ‘there’. A lot of subtext provides the opportunity to delve deeper to see whether your initial interpretation is supported by the narrative or not. 
The whole purpose of interpretation in a literary analysis (because that’s what’s important here) is to explain the interpretation and make sense out of the meaning to then determine whether it is valid in the context of a narrative. 
In the sense of literary interpretation, there are ways to prove whether an interpretation is correct or not. It is a misinterpretation when you misconstrue the meaning (or any other of the endless elements) behind a story. And thus, theories are made to question and challenge an interpretation/claim/argument etc- which is what SNS fans imo do really well generally. 
And that’s why ‘interpretation’ by itself isn’t the only thing that matters when analyzing because it doesn’t prove anything, and 'the thing' doesn't care about your damn feelings nor is it ever really relevant when analyzing. Claiming your framing does prove it all is such a disrespectful way of looking at the literary work. The nature and meaning behind Naruto and Sasuke’s bond requires (and deserves) further analysis and taking a deep dive towards Kishimoto’s intentions, especially after such a random ending and a horrible, misaligned sequel. There are well-supported arguments which rely on evidence based on a (,or THE one and only~) primary source. (The Manga.) Every ‘meta’ is a case-by-case matter of course and I don’t always agree with them either, but analyzing does require a lot of critical thinking and I have admiration for the people who do so/can. 
You can strengthen your argument by analyzing how your interpretation debunks SNS-theories and, in the context of the story, (the primary source) why NH is developed well and makes sense. Though I get the shortcut, it seems completely impossible to do and too much of a task, but feel free to try anyway :)! 
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carefulfears · 1 year
do you have any thoughts on jack willis (and scully and mulder)?
mmm yeah i need to rewatch lazarus but i feel like jack kind of gets overshadowed by daniel a bit (in the same way that phoebe is overshadowed by diana) just because scully was a smidge older and they had a more committed relationship but like...he was still her teacher...and still significantly older than her.
WILLIS: No. It's real. I’ve been on this long enough. I know the difference. Besides, I can feel it. I can feel them. I'm inside their heads.
SCULLY: Just as long as you keep yours.
in their first interaction, willis has brought scully on to his big case, and it's clear that it's because they have an understanding of each other. they're very in-tune with each other, and they get on well.
but she quickly utilizes that understanding to express that jack perhaps has a tendency to "lose his head" (and her first line is "relax")
this is something she reestablishes later to mulder, when she claims that jack's change in personality after his near-death experience could be explained by "the stress of the case...the trauma of being shot...jack's personality..."
MULDER: How well do you know him?
SCULLY: (forced casual) We dated ... for almost a year. He was my instructor at the academy.
(SCULLY keeps walking, MULDER stops and looks at her.)
MULDER: The plot thickens.
SCULLY: (walking back toward MULDER, remembering fondly) We even had the same birthday. We used to celebrate in some dive in Statford that had a slanting pool table. But it was always so hard for Jack to relax. It was impossible for him really. He was always so intense, so relentlessly determined.
lol lol lol. do you think the syndicate knew they were sending miss "i just have to fuck my teacher" to spy on mulder
(how many times over the years does she describe mulder as "relentless"?)
it's almost cute here how she kind of slyly smiles and creeps back to tell him all about her past escapades. she's been very impatient in this episode: someone close to her is hurt. she doesn't want to go talk to mulder's wackjob scientist friends about body-swapping. and she's never told him anything this personal, or about her past, before. they're friends. it's the predecessor to seven years later, her kicking her shoes off on his couch, to tell him all about daniel over tea.
when she sees jack later (it might be dupre in jack's body, but she doesn't know that), she initially demands that he go to the hospital, but quickly acquiesces to what he wants her to do.
and she continues to defend him to mulder, unwilling to believe that there may be anything else going on, other than what she accepts as jack's erratic “personality.” (she would rather accept that jack forgot her birthday, and those times they spent it together, than that he's gone.)
when "jack" calls her to meet him, she comes, despite her misgivings. (she questions him about missing evidence that he'd been carrying). and when he holds her at gunpoint and throws her handcuffs, she restrains herself.
(it almost reminds me of small potatoes, in kind of a twisted way. scully has great instincts. sometimes she quiets them, sometimes she purposefully ignores them.)
it's pretty clear at this point that "jack" isn't actually jack. mulder's theory is most likely correct, he "swapped" with dupre when they both flatlined at the same time. when he interacts with dupre's wife, he knows every personal detail about her, and jack would have no reason to pretend.
i love this part here:
MULDER: (tense) Forget it, Bruskin.
AGENT BRUSKIN: Plus which, the manager just ID’d him and Scully.
MULDER: (really tense) I said forget it, Bruskin.
AGENT BRUSKIN: This isn't one of your X-File theories, is it?
MULDER: It doesn't matter what I think. We’re still after the same thing. 
we talk a lot about the last scene (and i will) but it's already being enforced here. it doesn't matter what i think.
this is the first time, i think, that scully might really be in serious danger?? and it just doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to be right, or to be believed. (there are different kinds, of relentless men).
SCULLY: (into phone) Mulder?
MULDER: (on phone) Dana, are you okay?
SCULLY: (into phone) Don't --- (WILLIS pulls the phone away)
MULDER: (voice, on phone) Dana?
she's "dana" here, for a moment, and i just have to point that out every single time. earlier, she was his friend on a staircase, telling him secrets about her ex-boyfriend. now, she's tied up against a radiator, and he doesn't know where, and they're afraid.
scully starts trying to reason with "jack," using personal details to try to coax him back into himself. (she also says here that he was born in '57, making him exactly 7 years older than her, and in his early 30s to her mid-20s when they dated).
when she tells the story of their fishing trip to his family cabin in a snowstorm, jack flashes to a memory of the snow. she's almost got him. it gets a little dr. jekyll/mr. hyde, as she speaks to him as a loved one, through the lens of the murderer who's overtaken his body.
i love this analysis here:
Yes, I am imagining young Scully bundled up with an older man in the mountains in a violent snow storm, letting him teach her how to fish in the ice, making love in a cabin in a cold dark woods, him wrapping her in a blanket when she got too cold. I love this image as a backstory. It’s so real and human and adds depth which prevents her from falling into the ‘uptight science nerd prude’ she could have been. She's a young woman. Her life is three-dimensional and rich in passion and mistakes.
she's a young woman. her life is so filled with whirlwind affairs. married professors that she runs from. fbi instructors who still wear her love confessions on their wrists. unfailingly relentless men that she follows into basements and alleyways forever and ever.
it makes me think of what she says in never again:
I’ve always gone around in this, uh ... this circle. It usually starts when an authoritative or controlling figure comes into my life. And part of me likes it, needs it, wants the approval. But then at a certain point, along the way, I just, you know .... (makes a STOP motion with her hand)
which....i agree with this post here, i don't think she's talking about mulder, when she says there are "other fathers." he doesn't actually have authority over her, except for what she gives him. (whole other can of worms!)
but it does drive her crazy that he doesn't fit the mold that her father built. for as similar as he is to men like jack willis and daniel waterston, there are 100 other conflicting ways that he's different, and that's what makes it so hard. (first of all, that he's not sleeping with her, even though he could be. he could've been from the motel room in bellefleur. and, especially as the years go on, it's both frustrating and entirely captivating that he's not)
being very brief on All That because i think it's another post entirely, but it's relevant here too. she admits herself, it's a cycle. she is obsessed with authority. she is eternally trying to make her father proud. and here, with jack willis, it's only been a few weeks since she admitted that he died disappointed.
since she admitted that the reason she doesn't believe, is because she's afraid.
and so, now, in lazarus, she's bleeding and handcuffed to a radiator, and she continues to negotiate with her captor as though he's an old lover ("you're my friend. you won't kill me, jack.")
(this is also when mulder listens to the tapes of jack's notes on the case he was working, where jack describes the murderous violent marriage of warren dupre and lula philips as "a love affair i almost envy," for it's disconnect from consequence)
lula reveals herself as the one who turned dupre in, and starts to let jack/dupre get very sick, taking away the insulin that could save him. as mulder starts to close in on their location ("And for those of you who don't know already...this one's important to me. So, uh, let's do it right. Thanks.")
in the morning, as jack dies, he starts to remember. snow. a red stove. wrapping dana in a blanket when the wood ran out. this is the tangible memory that their relationship is rooted in, and it's what returns him to himself, as he flickers in and out, and eventually passes.
SCULLY: (sighs, looks away and sits) What am I supposed to tell myself?
MULDER: (starts to leave) Good night.
SCULLY: (looks at watch) It's not working. It stopped. At 6:47.
MULDER: (turns back to her) The exact time that Jack went into cardiac arrest at the hospital.
SCULLY: What does that mean?
MULDER: It means ... It means whatever you want it to mean. (gently) Good night.
in the end, it doesn't matter. it means whatever you want it to mean. (keep your head.)
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plural-culture-is · 1 year
hello, i saw that you take asks asking for advice? sorry this is gonna be kind of long-
so at some point (i have no idea when, i've always had a really bad sense of time lol. i think it was maybe almost exactly last year? idk lol) i started talking with a voice in my head (which i passed off as an imaginary friend), but over time they kind of. multiplied. and then i kinda went 'ah shittake mushrooms am i plural??'
initially i kinda went 'oh whatever' and didn't end up interacting much with (what i believe to be) my system for a while. if it's relevant, i ended up getting a concussion at the end of july and before that i was not having a funky fresh time in school so i kind of shoved plurality onto the back burner
then in december, my director made a passing joke about the possibility of me being plural during a rehearsal, and someone in the system (who doesn't wish to be named) said something to the effect of 'he doesn't know there's (i forget the number) of us' and i ended up spending the weekend obssessively researching plurality.
anyway- i've been treating it as if i was system for the past little while bc i'd rather be wrong than y'know. accidentally ignore real people that happen to share my brain. (when i don't accidentally think to myself that i'm probably not plural while talking to them-). and i guess i kinda want an external opinion?
-i do experience a lot of dissociation, and often don't feel like i'm me or that these hands are not mine, or that i'm not controlling myself and it's just some autopilot being on. this has been happening for as long as i remember. i also seem to have two handwritings, and have communicated with members of the system via journalling
-i did use to do competitive sports from a young age, which i hear can potentially cause undue stress/trauma to a child, so that could also be something?
-some of them (members of the system, we haven't decided on a term bc communication is spotty) do fit classic roles of a system. most notably is there's one that continually keeps me from doing things that could harm myself and helps 'protect' me from intrusive thoughts
-when i discovered apparently people remember shit and the brain doesn't just dump it like an hour later, that surprised me. i'm still in my teens, but i genuinely do not remember much about... anything tbh. the term 'gray out' honestly explained a lot for me
-i have aphantasia, but the system insists there's a headspace. some of them make fun of me for 'being blind in headspace', but i think they're also helping?? me with the aphantasia, since recently i've been able to see shadowy outlines of stuff they 'airdrop' to me. this includes waking me up by bombarding me with the word 'boo' zooming at my face when i was half asleep.
-sometimes i can feel them like, hugging me or comforting me
-i also do feel some sort of presence in there, and can sometimes pinpoint where certain members are. i also seem to be unable to access the 'back half' which is apparently intentional so.
i mean there's probably more but my memory is not great lol. typing this out does make me feel a bit more like this is real and i'm not misinterpreting things (i do have a very active imagination, hence why i initially went 'ah late imaginary friend having'). but i'd still like an external opinion, so thanks for taking the time to read this half rant that is way longer than it should be haha
yes, i do think you're plural. i have nothing else to say lol, all of that sounds very plural and it seems like you already know that anyway
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queenharumiura · 5 months
I would like to know your honest opinion on ship Xanxus x fem!Tsuna.
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @squaletta Reminder: This is me just talking. I'm not even talking about RP. ((Thank you for indulging me btw!))
Hate it | Am Neutral to it | Ship it | love it! |
Mandatory readmore
Let’s see… this one is a lil hard because this is a fem!Tsuna which is your portrayal specifically. I suppose the disclaimer is that this is entirely based off how I personally view your muse from what I’ve seen. I am liable to be incorrect about things, so apologies if I get some things wrong or understand things wrong of your portrayal of Fem!Tsuna.
I said neutral and ship because well, it’s hard for me to ship something if I don’t know much about it or I don’t have a strong understanding of a character. I’m also in general very ehhhhh about (M)Tsuna and Xanxus. I don’t hate it, but I don’t like it either. Like we’ve discussed before, there are differences when it comes to gender altered characters, so tentatively, after thinking some things through, I think I could like the ship- though it would depend on how it was done.
In the previous one answered, I sorta mentioned it, but I write these based off how I think a ship could feasibly work and be developed. So this isn’t to say I know anything about canon events or know about BG of your Tsuna. This is more of a thought exercise, so do keep that in mind. The Xanxus is also possibly different from how some may portray him because again, this is based off how I think it could work—so some things may differ because that’s how I’m choosing to think of him to make a ship work. Kk. Disclaimers done.
So, some of this talk will make sense if I also preface with (M)Tsuna. The reason I don’t like the ship is because every time I see (M)Tsuna and Xanxus, they always make him the most uke to have ever uke. The megaladommed of ukes. I hate it. Tsuna is a fearful lil dude and pretty timid but he’s not like that. He has some back bone to him. He knows when to take a stand. Moreover, he would at least put up a bit of a fight. He’d ba panicking at the very LEAST not just crying through everything. Bruh.
That’s how every single person portrays the (M)Tsuna x Xanxus ship for some reason, however. Idk. It does sometimes involve funny art though, I’m not gonna lie lol.
So, with that, we have the contrasting Tsu-chan as I like to call her. We’ve established before in a ‘how do I see your muse’ kinda meme that happened a while back. [x] Linked for reference. I enjoy the fact that she has more fight in her in the form of sass/sarcasm. She’s more willing to just take charge initially as opposed to Tsuna who normally takes a more nuanced neutral stance at first before he finally decides ‘okay I need to act’. I am going off on a limb to assume that some of this can come about due to the fact that Tsu-chan is a woman.
She likely had people who doubt her ability to take charge and to lead a massive famiglia like the Vongola. Not to forget that she was quite young when Reborn first came into her life to train her to become the 10th. Women in general are usually told to just be pretty and it is best to be subservient to a degree. Just let the men do all the work, or to simply listen to men as that’s their place. That is a mentality that a lot of places tend to have though things are better in more modern times and in some countries.
I think, Tsu-chan had to take the stand and had to prove herself time and time again to the point where she’s just so used to having to prove herself that it resulted in her faster and stronger response to altercations than Tsuna did. He has a more passive kind of attitude to things but she does not. She’s also seemingly more ambitious than (M)Tsuna likely was. That’s the vibe I get. She may be respectful towards others, but she can easily take it back. She will take shit from NO ONE. Honestly? DAS RIGHT GIRL, YOU DO THAT. GO AND KICK SOME ASS BECAUSE HE WAS A FUCKING DUMB ASS. DO IT. FOR ME.
It isn’t to say that (M)Tsuna doesn’t have fight in him. It isn’t to say that TYL him didn’t have ambitions either. However, canon him was always shown to be more gentle and passive until you went over a line and then he acts. Then everything he was holding in comes forth and he’s a force. Tsu-chan, I have the gut feeling, has a much lower threshold, than (M)Tsuna. Also possibly had less insecurity issues than that of (M)Tsuna. I cannot speak to all iterations of how you write her, but at least based off the premise of our interactions, Tsu-chan had a childhood friend and one she got along well with.
Haru is such a positive bean (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!) and she’s such a caring and supportive person (THE BEST WAIFU OF MY LAIFU!!!!!!!!) and so I think that as opposed to (M)Tsuna who didn’t have friends, she would certainly have a bit less of the sociability issues that he had. From this, you could say that she has more emotional intelligence than he does. This may turn into her having a stronger sense of self, which then means that she’s more willing to assert herself. So from a younger age, she was PROBABLY (I’m just guessing) more willing to be honest and speak up than (M)Tsuna was.
Why am I saying all this and why is it relevant? It’s VERY relevant. Xanxus cares a lot about power and authority. He also cares about image. Something that I think some people often forget is that Xanxus may be ‘old’ comparatively to the others, but he’s also quite young too. He was frozen for many years in ice. He had lost many years that could’ve been used to experience more in life. When he was thawed, he was still in the heat of the anger of realizing he’s not of blood relation to Nono. He lived his life as a lie, almost. This wasn’t even something he was told in confidence by Nono. It was something he had to find out indirectly. That is such a huge blow to someone, especially someone as prideful as him.
People don’t realize just how much that kind of thing can mess with someone. You’ll feel a lot of anger, hurt, and even betrayal in many cases. It can be traumatic and this is things that I’ve been told from people who had such circumstances happen in their family. It is trauma, despite how little it may seen on the outside. It shapes the way you view the world and your familial dynamics. For Xanxus especially it also changed the political game. It changed his stance, it changed his ‘ranking’ in a sense because he NEVER had the placement of being the next heir to the Vongola like he thought.
Tsuna/Tsu-chan being the rightful heir (due to no other living relations surviving) is not only a thorn in his side but a painful reminder of himself. They are the opposite of him. They lived the majority of their lives not even knowing about the Vongola or about how they had right to the ‘throne’ so to speak. It directly contrasts himself. The thing about (M)Tsuna is that he’s timid, he shows a lot of fear. He’s very ‘soft’ in the way he goes about things. That is not something the Vongola needs- that’s how he’d see things. Sure, Nono is also a pretty tenderhearted person, but he is a mafia boss.
I’m very sure that he knew how to harden his heart and do what must be done. It’s evident in the way that he literally caged Xanxus in ice. He will ultimately do what must be done- but he’s also very tender in the sense that he only caged Xanxus in ice instead of revealing the truth and ousting him or getting rid of him. HOWEVER, it also shows how cruel he can be. To be caged in ice, to be trapped in that time of your immense anger and hurt? That’s truly cruel. To not even allow Xanxus the time to really process through his grief and hurt, to rob him of YEARS of his time, possibly condoning him to being a man-sicle for years until maybe Nono’s death. Hard to say whether the ice made from Nono’s flames won’t melt after his death.
If so, imagine how awful that is? Xanxus may wake up in a totally different time, everything is different, and the one person he may have wanted to get answers from—is dead. No chance to even get any form of closure! That, to me, is INSANELY cruel.
Sorry, back on topic. If I’m correct in thinking Tsu-chan had more back bone when younger holds true, then at least Xanxus would take that into account and hate her less on the account of perhaps acknowledging that she may be a fit for the role. That she could possibly lead the Vongola. She won’t just lead them into the shitter like he probably thought (M)Tsuna would do with how soft he is. He probably hates Tsuna so much because of who he stands for, what he has the privilege of (and doesn’t even WANT- HOW DARE. FK YOU. I WISH I HAD WHAT YOU HAVE), and for how weak he seems. It would be a bad image for the Vongola. HIS Vongola, the one that SHOULD’VE been his—entrusted to this lil baby boy fledgling. It makes him so mad.
Though I think he’d have a better impression on Tsu-chan which would help. With her stronger emotional intelligence (bc frankly, Tsuna is very emotionally dumb as hekk but it’s understandable due to his lack of socialization. That’s a common result of a lack of socialization) she’d be able to perhaps notice how much pain he’s in. How much inner turmoil he’s going through with the impact of the news of his real bloodline being not of the Vongola. He isn’t truly Nono’s son.
From here, I think Tsu-chan would have a better way of dealing with Xanxus. I strongly doubt he would want to be consoled directly, because of his pride and his great disdain of the reality. How he found out. The betrayal. If Tsu-chan can navigate that well, break down some of his walls, become a small pillar that helps him on that road to healing from his hurt. The damage is done already, for sure, but it can get better. I mean, think about it. Tsu-chan also was never told about her lineage. She was suddenly thrown into a new life, one that she wasn’t warned about. One that she literally has no choice in the matter of. It’s a direct opposition of his situation, but it’s still very vexing.
I think in some way if she’s able to talk to him, and he can learn about her situation and how it affected her, it can open him up to some things. Not pity her situation, because it is something he wanted (to be the boss), but he can sympathize with the fact that they were both in a sense victims of the circumstances of adults not telling them things. Not giving them the time to warn them of what was to come, and certainly not giving them the time to truly process things. Tsuna was quite literally told lol you’re the next boss, no you have no choice in the matter. Oh by the way all these people are after you because of who you are. Ye you gotta fight. You gotta watch your friends suffer.
OH!!!! Sending you off to the future. You could die. BRO. Tsuna had NO TIME TO REST. nO TIME TO REALLY HEAL. NO TIME TO PROCESS HIS LIFE. NO WONDER he was so adamant about wanting out. No wonder he gets so prickly with Reborn. It’s very reasonable! (Fite me world, it’s reasonable. I think the ending where he’s like nah I don’t want this was actually quite fitting. The WORLD can fite me on this. I don’t think that part was a bad ending. I hate the yakisoba scene and that’s what made the ending bad for me lol)
Depending on how things progressed between them, I can maybe… see Xanxus trying to offer some help to her. Give advices or help with resources if she needed it. She may be stuck in a situation she didn’t want to be in, but based off what I’ve seen of her, I think she is more accepting of it than Tsuna was. Assuming that to be true, that isn’t a demerit towards her. IF she is trying her best despite being so new to things and not having been born into the life like a lot of them were- he’d have to give her some credit for trying. He would ultimately decide that for the sake of HIS Vongola, he wants her to be the best and strongest boss that she could possibly be.
In doing so, they form a stronger sense of trust and respect for each other. It’s wayyy more subtle in canon because of how much he hates Tsuna lol. I think in Tsu-chan’s verse it may be more obvious, depending on how things played out.
If it plays out in this sort of way, I do think they could be a ship. It would need a lot of work and it may not be the most wholesome of ships because of there being differences in rank, his pain, and the fact that he probably will forever be angry about the fact he couldn’t be the boss. Though, what can you do? It’s the mafia. It won’t all be pretty rainbows.
If I had to say, the theme for this kind of ship is one where they see each other through an inverted mirror and see how the other is struggling through the reality they didn’t want. Seeing that, it makes them want to help each other in small ways and from that comes the respect and comfort.
Let’s see… I did promise some(?) cute(?) ideas perhaps for a ship.
Perhaps by TYL time or even after that, where Xanxus has processed a lot of his trauma and has seen Tsu-chan blossom into a respectable boss that she is, he has to (secretly begrudgingly) accept the fact that she’s a good boss, one fit for the Vongola. She is his boss. (In canon I think Nono will forever be his boss, fuck Tsuna. You aren’t my boss you lil fuck. That’s his energy, I feel) IMAGINE? Just a scene of him taking her hand kissing the back of it and ‘Though you aren’t the one I wanted at the mantle of the Vongola, you have proven yourself to be worthy. To the Boss, I pay respect.” JUST IMAGINE THAT. The prideful guy admitting that after years. I FOAM at the mouth.
So, a part of my HC is that because he is so full of rage that it morphed his flames, imagine that with prolonged exposure and association with Tsuna, he calms down some and his leadership skills are a lot less violent and angry. He calms down and is more of a vision of who he was before. The very Xanxus that Squalo wanted to support and follow. Just imagine others noticing how his rage flame is less and less prominent as he heals by her side and his sky flames eventually become purer and they all know that it is due in part to her influence. That is until something happens to Tsu-chan and then the full brunt force of the rage flame resurfaces again. Ahhhh YESSSSSS I LIVEEEEEEE for when guys just SNAAAP!!!! GO GET EM TIGER! THAT’S THE ENERGY I LIKE. The chaotic destruction. Ahhhhhhhhh Sorry that’s not cute, is it? (IT IS TO MEE!!!!!!!)
I don’t see Xanxus being the type to really fluster. I can see a scene where maybe she tries to flirt with him and doesn’t get much of a reaction from him because he doesn’t feel like reacting (lol) and so she maybe one day surprises him with a surprise lil kiss. He goes silent and stares at her—and it’s so disappointing bc like REACT, YOU FUCKING WALL OF A MAN!!!! GET FLUSTERED! But no. He just grabs her and kisses her as a response because he’s more retaliatory than reactionary. Yess… is what I want. I like. I want it.
So yeah, those are some of my thoughts. No idea if any of that made any sense but I tried!!!
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
I'm gonna enable you to make that Heartslabyul cafe idea you mentioned
KLFDHSKLFDSJG i have many old doodles and a few mini fic docs laying around but i dont THINK any of them are on tumblr! it was an au my friend and i used to bounce off each other for a long time on discord back in our early twst days and i used to doodle out sooo many of the scenarios we talked about!! it was very loose and silly for funsies but it was basically an au where heartslabyul boys ran a seaside cafe [i cant remember if school was involved, it was a non nrc au but they were maybe in college/university? if that was part of it, it was never really relevant lol]
i ended up rambling a lot trying to remember what i could about it lol so i put it under a readmore:
it was more or less like
riddle managed the cafe
cater/ace/deuce were mostly up front with customer handling
trey was a head baker/chef/whatever
scarabia was also there i think, i believe jamil worked in the kitchen with trey
kalim... was there. i forget what he did LOL he was maybe like... financial sponsor? did his family technically own the place? i truly cant remember ksdfjdskl but he was there, for some reason, with the cafe. i think it initially started as heartslabyul cafe but then we merged scarabia with them for funsies, like i forgot til just now that they also were part of it. we maybe also played with the idea of naga jamil [and kalim??] but i tbh can't remember if that was this au or something im blending together with it in my memory right now lol. if we did, it didnt end up really staying relevant.
diasomnia we later added as like a rival coffeeshop across the street. i dont think they came up too often but i did draw malleus a lot in the au with them lol
the octavinelle boys were also major components because they were merfolk on the docks by the cafe that recently learned to walk and kept appearing at the cafe and pretended to be human while they made it their life's goal to bother everyone in there all the time forever. friend was also showing me mako mermaids around this time so i think there was a lot of inspiration for this au from it [i cant remember which came first tho LOL]
the savanaclaw guys were kind of there, but they were all secret werewolf type people. jack still turned into a wolf i think, but i believe leona and ruggie were also shape shifty people but just into big cats? i looked back in the discord convos and i see i had assigned ruggie to a Savannah Cat, but idr what leona was lol. everyone was keeping their creature forms a secret but i know the fish boys were at least found out at some point.
pomefiore... i think was also mermaids. or at least epel was a secret guppy and vil was a secret betta fish - floyd nicknames obvi lol. i dont remember if the octavinelle guys knew their identity but i think maybe so? vil was still a famous model and i think rook was just some regular[?][as regular as rook can be lol] guy that hung out with them and knew their secret. epel maybe got a part time job at the cafe or maybe he just hung out there a lot lol. epel also bonded with cat ruggie and i think he and deuce bonded with wolf jack [and thought he was just a Big Dog or something] but they didnt know they were jack and ruggie in person form. maybe. something like that.
i don't think ignihyde was there much if at all, like maybe idia was at the rival coffee shop as a customer sometimes bc they were the quieter goth equivalent to planet heartslabyul chaos lol. but also this au was mostly made back when i think book 5 was still being released / the period before book 6 really got started in jpntwst [eng twst wasnt even announced yet] so we didnt know a whole lot about ignihyde and diasomnia at the time / we were new to twst!
and then of course this was centering around a lot of soap opera style relationship drama bc thats just how it goes when my friend and i do funny little aus. it was mostly just us coming up with scenarios via discord messages and i'd draw out a bunch of them or occasionally write a fic here and there about it. i think my friend drew a few too. it was a fun time and i MISS that au. it was all over the place but that's whats fun about having silly teehee times in the dms LOL we are just playing with our barbies and piling ideas on top of each other forever!!!
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heinrix · 11 months
uhh so i’ve seen a couple other people do this and i rlly wanted to lay out oz’s lore/backstory in a post so that it’s clearer lol, especially considering i allude to it in my fics a lot
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general info:
Ozadius Devries (He/They), 27 years old. Levistus Tiefling, formerly Dispater Tiefling. Gay boything, he’s trans but likes to be funky with his gender sometimes Class: Oath of Conquest Paladin lvl. 12, Champion to the Lord of the Hells Stats: STR 20. DEX 8. CON 16. INT 14. WIS 10. CHA 18 Alignment & Background: Neutral good with neutral evil tendencies. Charlatan Proficiencies: Athletics (+9), Insight (+4), Deception (+8), Intimidation (+8), Persuasion (+8) Notable Features: Legacy of The Ash King (Resistance to both fire and cold damage), Boon of The Abyss (In place of radiant damage, your Divine Smites now do force damage) Weapons used: • Act One - Maul of Brutal Justice (Invoke Duel. Whispering a target’s name into the mace, if the target comes within 30 feet of you, you and the target are stuck within 30 feet of each other. You may not stray 30 feet from one another until one of you is dead. You gain advantage on attack rolls.) • Act Two - Halberd of Vigilance (Sentinel Weapon. Gain a +1 bonus to initiative rolls and Advantage on Perception Ability Checks. Adroit Reflexes. When you make an Attack Roll as a reaction, you make it with Advantage.) • Act Three - Obsidian Sword (Devour Soul. Whenever you use it to reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the sword slays the creature and devours its soul, sending it directly to the Lord of the Hells, unless it is a construct or an undead. A creature whose soul has been devoured by the Obsidian Sword can be restored to life only by a Wish spell.)
Ozadius Devries grew up on the Amber Peninsula of the Exhalian Empire in a large port city, Vetalonia. He was born to a pair of tieflings, Lev (his mother) and Carrion (his father) Devries, however his parents were not eager to abandon their lives as pirates and gave Oz away to the first couple that wanted him at the ripe age of 5. Luckily for Oz, his adoptive parents, a firbolg by the name of Beric (father) and a seldarine drow, Triss (mother) truly wanted him as their son and cherished and loved him.
Growing up as a tiefling in a densely human populated city was difficult for him as the children around him would tease and bully him for his appearance.
Needless to say, Oz did not have many friends when he was a child, except for one other boy, a half-orc the same age as Oz named Astolfo. Whenever Oz was in trouble Astolfo seemed to always be there, defending Oz and beating up the older kids who picked on him until their late teens. Oz had feelings for Astolfo but never had the courage to vocalize them, though the two boys had kissed they never mentioned it as anything other than fun. But when they turned 18, Astolfo had told Oz he was leaving Vetalonia to study the arcane, chasing after this one specific warlock pact Oz knew he had been obsessed with for the past year; Oz took this as abandonment and a personal slight.
For the next four years, Oz worked at the local brothel, honing his abilities in understanding people and their wants and needs; this led to Oz becoming quite adept in manipulating people and robbing rich nobles blind with little effort. In those years of Oz trying to forget Astolfo, trying to move on, he simply couldn’t and dropped everything in his life to go find his best friend; this took Oz on an arduous journey, retracing Astolfo’s footsteps into finding access to the patron he became a part of. Through a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, Oz found out that Astolfo had died but not truly, he was in some sort of timeless pocket dimension where the warlock “patron” existed but it was not a singular patron but thousands of minds of previous warlocks who had usurped the original patrons power and now shares it with those who desire to dole out the will of the warlocks within the pocket dimension.
Oz joined this pact of innumerable minds in order to speak with Astolfo and convince him that resurrection and living a normal life with Oz was worth more than his obsession with this convoluted warlock patron.
In his travels, Oz came across a group of adventurer’s: Penny, a monster hunter in debt to local lords, Zuul, a goliath barbarian dedicated to the god of war, Akla, an orc barbarian whose sole purpose for adventuring was to gather items for a girl she had a crush on, and Sippa, a kobold tinkerer who wanted nothing but to explore the surface for the first time in his life. Oz threw his lot in with this band, seeing as his chances of survival with a group were higher than on his own. He grew, over a few weeks, to appreciate all of the weirdos that surrounded him but one thing led to another and several bad decisions were made that led to the entire group becoming wanted by the Exhalian Empire for treason; Akla had gotten physical with guards that were trying to arrest them for suspicions that they had stolen military property (to which they had), a domino effect occurred, Oz nearly died if it were not for the demon contract scroll he had swiped off of Penny the night before and so Ozadius Devries, warlock to The Legion was now oathbound to a sloth demon vying for the Throne of the Hells. A misfortunate side effect of Oz’s newfound allegiance was that Astolfo was now alive, entirely against his will, and Oz wanted nothing more than to right his wrong, to make up for what he had done to Astolfo.
After several weeks, nearly a month, of travel the group had not realized they were being followed by a vengeful group of guards from the previous city, hellbent on killing the treasonous adventurers. In the dead of night, while both Oz and Sippa were on watch, a volley of gunfire sprang upon them from the treeline, waking the rest of the camp with a start. A paladin, in his holy wroth, went after Penny, to which Oz tried his best to protect her but as a paladin himself he knew the strength of which his and this other man’s swings of the sword held. She was struck down in front of him, mercury armor of little use to her as radiant energy slashed right through it and he turned to Oz next. He fought, bloody and trading equal blows but with the help of the paladin’s friends, their whole camp was slain on that moonlit night in the wilderness. Monacco was the only reason Oz survived as he was bleeding out in the dirt, the demon stitched his wounds together, alongside the help of Sippa who had hid within the brush the entire fight. Both the tiefling and the terrified kobold ran, leaving behind their friends mangled corpses.
A day or two after their escape, Zuul was resurrected by his god and Akla was resurrected by the Fey heart she had been carrying. Penny was less fortunate but they did gain a new companion, one they had known since meeting Penny, her sentient mercury armor had consumed her corpse and grown to be able to shift into a human visage with most if not all of Penny’s memories; they called themselves Merc. Oz and Merc would go on to become quite good friends, while the rest of the group still treated Merc as if they were a tool to be used rather than someone sentient and living.
The general attitude of the group toward Merc culminated one day as they visited Sippa’s home city in hopes of resurrecting Penny via the manmade god that Sippa’s home worshiped. Once there, things went downhill, fast as Merc had run off into the city while the rest of the group went to visit the tower containing the god, Deus. Upon talking to Deus, it offered Oz the chance to ask it a question alongside the resurrection of their friend and he had been wondering something for some time at that point. “Am I Oz?” So much had changed about him: his appearance, his attitude, his morality, his goals. Was he who he had always been or was that Oz truly dead and gone. Deus answered him honestly, telling him that it is natural for people to have changed through traumatic experiences. However, Oz did not contain a soul but rather it was in the hells and he was merely puppetting his own body. This was, obviously, incredibly disconcerting to Oz and he sort of shut down, thinking of himself as a puppet all this time and that he was just the embodiment of his contract with Monacco; he didn’t possess his body, it wasn’t his nor had it been since he took that icy hand in the darkness.
In the time that Oz was having an existential crisis, Penny was resurrected and Merc had broken into the tower and attempted to consume Deus, having grown larger than the companions had ever seen them; they had been wandering all over the city eating every magic item they could find. All of the companions except for Oz began attacking Merc and Oz touched Merc - the only way to communicate with them now - and begged Merc to not consume Deus but Merc just asked Oz “why?” he had been selfish in the past many times, why couldn’t Merc, who had done so much to help the group, be selfish this one time. Oz was dumbfounded and abstained in the fight, simply holding his hand onto his friend's mercury ooze body. But hearing his friends cries of help as Merc fought back, acid and bile from their own body burning and singing his companions as they continued to consume a god, Oz stood, ripping his hand away from Merc and bringing up his maul and whispering to the magic within the weapon, “I’m sorry, Merc.” Swinging down with his hellish-backed fury, he fought a monster he called friend.
They were losing, as Merc had grown stronger and was draining Deus of its magical divinity; Oz saw this and prodded at Monacco within his mind, begging to teleport just him and Merc to the nearest portal to the hells that had been popping up since a war was waging between the surrounding empires. His patron granted this wish and soon it was just Oz and Merc, surrounded by the heat of Avernus as Oz, running low on energy continued to pummel the ooze as Merc began to consume the nearest magical artifact, Oz. He felt mercury begin to enter every orifice of his face, sliding down his throat as he gripped onto his maul, hoping against hope that each blow would be the last. The heat and brimstone stink of Avernus overwhelmed Oz as the ooze began to sink into the corners of his eyes, into his ears, and up his nose; he began to cry, welling tears pushing past wet metal as he thought of all his wrongs, all the people he had hurt. Perhaps this was deserved, this death on the edge of the material plane and the hells, alone, with only a friend to guide him back to his soul.
But the aching jaws of death had never been for Oz as he was yanked away from Merc’s grasp and shunted somewhere, somewhere foreign and sticky and smelling of thick iron.
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tauforged · 7 months
Your instincts are correct, your coworker is annoyed with you and instead of saying something is being passive aggressive about it.
Some people (and I am not say the are correct, even if I maybe sometimes find myself in this category) view pacing yourself at work as being lazy. If I have a task I want to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible so would likely end up annoyed if someone wants to do the task later. At that point it would feel easier to me just to do it myself. Which would then make me feel annoyed with you.
Even though- to be clear- you haven’t done anything wrong. I think if I were your coworker I would suggest taking some time at the beginning of each day to divide the tasks and then just mind my business and let you do yours however and whenever.
It sounds like maybe you tried a variation on that, though. So honestly, your coworker is probably just a passive aggressive asshole who is afraid to tell you how they really feel.
I don’t have any real solution to this, sometimes people just don’t work well together for any number of reasons. 😔
literally it’s like, i totally understand where she’s coming from and we’ve on several occasions tried to initiate a daily check-in system but it keeps falling apart because sometimes i forget and she’s the type of person who will watch me forget something and choose not to remind me in the moment when i can easily fix the mistake, instead opting to wait until the thing that got forgotten becomes a Problem so she can point out that i was the one who was supposed to do it, and also because she will just randomly assign me tasks on the checklist without actually discussing it beforehand which kinda defeats the purpose of our morning check-in entirely -_- we’ve had several talks about dividing out the workload and i’ve reminded her a lot that i don’t pick up on subtle hints and prefer to communicate directly, so if she’d like my help with something to just ask rather than wait for me to notice because i might not, it just feels like i’m getting ignored because… idk. is she trying to show off how good she is at being a lab tech at my expense? she acts like we’re competing for a job when this is meant to be a two person team. it’s annoying lol please let me contribute to the workplace without having to fight you to do my job??
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drifloonz · 2 years
Hi! I'm usually not one to send asks all that often, but what the heck. I'm kinda curious about your thoughts on something too since I've seen a lot of differing opinions.
Steven. Obviously Miki's accident and Missingno annihilated his sanity, but I feel like Mike's ghost also haunts him. Not in a malicious way, but just by existing. He just really wants to understand why Steven had to do that to him but whenever he attempts to reach out Steven flips due to guilt. I've seen someone's headcanon where Steven is this cold-hearted bastard who never cared about Mike, even as kids, and idk. It just doesn't sit right with me. Nothing wrong with it I'm just wondering how many other people share that sentiment vs Steven feeling immense guilt at being so blinded by rage that he'd murder his own brother and basically sell his soul.
Sorry if this is too much, I tend to ramble 😅
HI!! you were my actual first ask but i didn't see this one at first until i was writing the other one and out of the corner of my eye saw this and went "wait a minute." funny how that happens.
ANYWAYS i can definitely do that for you and ALSO do not apologize i ramble so much as well its fine. this'll be so long i apologize so im putting most of it under a read more !
cw for Bad mental health, strangling/murder obviously, and also some suicidal ideation ( which is warned for in the paragraph its shown in ).
i think steven just sort of like... blocks it off and tries to forget everything about that ever happened, but obviously, you cant forget that stuff that easily. it haunts him but he tries to push it as far back to his head as he can and he tries to forget SOOO hard... he's in intense denial. i like the art of him immediately regretting it but i think he'd just stare at mikes corpse for a few minutes and then just be like. scarred by the imagery, and it'd make him breathe heavily and make his eyes widen in regret and he'd just keep staring for a few minutes. but he'd just run away afterward and it just burns into his mind sometimes, making him remember and regret it.
as someone with mental illness of Horribly Bad amounts, when someone you trust like that betrays you or you believe them to betray you ( which, its the ladder for steven and mike, mike obviously didn't intend to kill miki whether or not you believe he initiated the trade with slightly malicious/selfish intent or not ) it does bad damage to your psyche. especially when the murder of someone you care for is involved, which makes the thinking in steven's brain go "oh mike murdered miki. intentionally or not he's the reason she's dead." and then that makes him very upset towards mike mixed with someone he sorta looked up to betray him like that. he just regressed hard and went thru a depressive spiral for a whole year, having the thing he most loved taken away from him so suddenly almost entirely without his control, and then he got so tired of bottling it up he snapped ( lol ) and killed mike.
suicidal thoughts cw for this paragraph: and also during the 1 year without miki, steven obviously went through a major depressive episode and a sort of downwards spiral that just got worse and worse, and i don't think he wanted to get better. this is heavy but i sort of think he just hoped neglecting his self-care would eventually kill him and reunite him with his miki again, which is all he wanted. he didn't eat much if at all and he just sat in front of miki's grave, sometimes for days. he made a bed out of his misery, because it felt comfortable in a morbid way. if he died, he'd reunite with her, because at that point he didn't know anything could bring her back and all he wanted was her. it felt better than just... getting over it, or trying to. people convinced him to take better care of himself, but he still barely did anything past his necessities. this didn't help his mental state at all, as you can probably tell, which also fueled his hatred towards mike after the incident more and more. he made himself suffer this much due to an accident he caused, and he used that as further reasoning to dislike him, even though that was all self-inflicted.
i also like to think they didn't hate each other genuinely before this - mike never genuinely hated steven, but steven after the incident probably had Many complex feelings towards mike, mostly negative. but before the incident, they definitely had arguments and spats, and sometimes one would say something that would genuinely hurt the other ( usually steven did this to mike more than viceversa imo but both happened ) which both of them also probably bottled up and didnt talk about a lot ( although mike'd definitely apologize if he ever went too far - steven, i feel like would be too guilty and nervous to apologize ) which also sort of exploded in steven's face after miki died in front of him. those 3 things mixing together did not make a good combo for him.
the interp of missingno needing souls or steven at least thinking it does is fun but i like to think it never did and steven was just going through a horrendous downward spiral, and he went back home bc... where else would he go, he'd still have to pack the rest of his stuff to leave if he intended to, and seeing mike so vulnerable flipped a switch in steven's mind and made him just go [ steven voice ] "You know what would be funny?" ( worst way to describe that but u get it ). this can also arguably be missingnos influence or missingno possessing steven, which i feel is more plausible then it needing a sacrifice. but i think it just probably inserts or pushes forward steven's intrusive and aggressive thoughts, which i like to believe he always had especially after the incident, but never this bad. and then he just did it bc the thoughts wouldn't leave him alone and his mind convinced himself into it. even though he already had miki and didn't need to do that, it felt... fitting, to him. it was satisfying for a moment, especially because i like the interpretation that his mind warped mikes dying expression into him looking like he's laughing at steven ( explaining his hyplull sprites when hes being strangled being so weird ), until his mind realized the damage he just did, seeing mikes glazed over expression that was very much not smiling or laughing, and he went "oh. shit" in his head probably. his mind couldn't even comprehend what he just did. it'd take a lot of processing, and he didn't even want to process any of that, so after staring for a bit he just walked away from the scene and escaped to never be seen again.
i also like the interpretation that steven thought mike didn't actually care that much about miki dying or even did the trading thing on purpose - he clearly didn't kill her on purpose, but steven was so blinded by his own muddled emotions and rage and he needed an outlet, someone to blame, so he couldn't see it any other way and CONVINCED himself that mike did that on purpose. also because admittedly in canon mike saying that he needed a charizard implies he already had a charmeleon but thats muddy territory and probably just slightly a plot hole. but if that was the case i bet steven was like "... just evolve the charmeleon?" "but that'd take too looooong!" or something like that. mike is impatient as hell fr fr mans got adhd
if you want a good take on this and havent already, read faulty on ao3 . i hate ao3 for various reasons and only go there when im Parched for content. but goddamn that fic has the best characterization of the two imo, especially of this dynamic of them specifically along with their other relationships ( namely daisy and reds relationship to steven and mike too ) - steven even sometimes goes through like being slightly better around mike and then it all drops when he realizes she died for nothing, and mike didnt even finish the dex. fucking phenomenal fic tbh i love this characterization of them sm. a lot of this summarizes how i think they'd both act after the incident
as for the haunting... yeaaa. i think steven's just way too scarred and confused and scared to even allow mike to properly reach out, if steven even realizes it. i like to think he's paranoid and overthinks so he probably goes "oh god what if its mike" and then woopsy daisy! It is mike. and he just tries to pretend its nothing so bad and to ignore and avoid him because he's scared and confused and it makes him think far too long about his emotions on the situation that he was intentionally bottling up and pushing to the back of his head.
he also probably would think mike would try to revenge kill him because that's just how he thinks he himself would react if mike did that to him. Which makes him regret things further. he sleeps less due to this, usually on the defensive even though mike has no intent to harm him. i don't think mike ever had any room in his heart to ever hate steven. he's just confused or slightly upset at worst at anything steven's said or done to him... mike probably doesn't even really blame him, but he does just hope he's ok and prob lets out a sigh of relief when he finds steven, who is still a mess going through many things, and also murderous now, but he's still alive! which is a win in mikes book i guess!
he probably just tries to pretend mike isn't actually there or actively get rid of him, or he wouldn't even notice mike is haunting him in the first place, depending on how obvious the signs of the haunting are. his house is already sort of run down and haunted as fuck anyways, but in the back of his head he knows somethings off.
i also ... like the interp that steven took all of mikes team bc nobody was there to care for them anymore. so maybe when steven notices he sends out mikes blastoise or some of his other party members and hopes to god mike leaves him alone to go bother his own pokemon who he hasn't seen for years. after all, he basically never let mikes mons out of their ball, and even considered donating them all to professor oak or something ( probably just.. leaving the pokeballs out infront of the lab one day ) but that felt wrong, so he always kept them on hand. sometimes feeding them and not much else. mike probably had a ghost type ( gengar ) who can conveniently probably see him, and mike definitely would try to communicate to steven further through said ghost type. and he'd just be like. "gdi why did i send out the ghost type" in his mind.
miki can definitely see mikes ghost. mike is also like "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. WAIT YOUR ALIVE????" in his head, but he quickly gets used to it. he has no idea what the hell a missingno is or how/why she's alive but he just stops questioning it. they sometimes share a glance and nod. mike will sometimes avert his gaze from her due to guilt though. miki doesn't seem to care or hold resent, probably because imo 'M ( however you want to spell Missingno Miki ) isn't actually miki. it's missingno sort of possessing, haunting, or keeping miki's dead corpse alive, but her soul is no longer there anymore. at least most of it Isn't there. due to that she's a lot more emotionless. even if miki's soul was in there though, she would not hold genuine resent. if miki's soul was in there she'd probably be scared of steven ( specifically yk S!3V3N ) tbh
i definitely think steven has hallucinations sometimes, usually of miki or mikes corpses, usually much more horrifying looking than they actually were, so this doesn't help!
steven overall is just on the fence and regrets it all but doesn't even wanna think abt or interact w mike but if he somehow became more okay with it, he might start leaving mike notes or something. or talking to himself, assuming mike might overhear. small steps like that. and maybe if mike is able to sometimes steven just passes out on the couch or smth and mike covers him in a blanket while hes asleep and stevens just like. "That was not there when I fell asleep." in his head. stuff like that.
also mike might switch the tv channels or just Project an image onto it somehow. and steven just. squints at it. i think it'd be nice if they eventually got used to eachothers presence again and just silently hung around eachother. mike really wants to look after steven after seeing the state he's in and how much he didn't really help steven effectively when mike was alive. for an example probably, like, nudging the bathroom door open and turning on the bathwater and trying to make steven take a mfing bath and practice self care for once and steven just begrudgingly sighs and goes to do it since he might as well. and mike just walks away and is very smug about it. he Will make his little brother practice self care again and he's made that his personal goal. steven walking into the kitchen and seeing various pots and pans floating around along with a mess on the floor ( mikes getting used to his levitation powers still </3 ) and he just squints his eyes and leaves and comes back and theres a meal on the counter
steven making pancakes and he just holds out a plate for mike and he just takes it. and steven just sees the plate floating and goes "yea thats about what i expected" or smth. its cute, Although i cant see that happening very easily unfortunately </3 steven is very broken and very much Not wanting to think abt mike. so itd take very long for him to warm back up or even be ok with him possibly existing arnd him. but this'd prob happen eventually if mike is persistent, and by god, is mike persistent. its what got him into this mess in the first place.
i can write so much abt these depressed ex champions fr!!! anyways thank you for reading sorry for writing so much words. i hope this feeds you enough content for the next winter. i hope literally any of this made sense bc i just sorta typed my thought processes until it looked legible - wispy
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
HOLD UP, hold up, Ciaran has an older sister?! I didn't even know! ;-; And she's like a Bakery owner? Well, that's cool. I'm sure Beel would get along with her just fine, lol.
Speaking of Ciaran, does Ciaran have any romantic feelings towards the Obey me Cast? Do you ship them with anyone? I don't think you talked about that yet, unless i somehow missed it?
Btw, did you come up with a name for Ciaran's mom? xD
Also, don't stress yourself with writing Arrie's story. Don't push yourself with opening requests if you know it’s going to slow down or stress you out. Don't forget to drink water 🥛
Love your content 🫶🏼
Why yes, Ciaran does have an older sister! There's a little more detail about her in Ciaran's profile post, but her name is Fiadh (another Irish name lol it's pronounced fee uh). Actually, at one point Ciaran had four siblings. But I decided that was too many and cut out three of them. So now it's just Fiadh. She and Ciaran lived together until Ciaran was taken to the Devildom. She has a whole part in the beginning of Ciaran's story where she's trying to figure out what happened to them. She eventually gets to the Devildom with the help of a sorcerer and a witch, where she finally finds Ciaran. But yes, in the human world she owns a bakery!
Ah, I've mentioned it briefly a few times, but mostly all I've said is that I'm indecisive about who Ciaran could end up with. The thing is, I could write Ciaran's story however I want, so in the end it would be possible for me to have them fall in love with any character.
That being said, I think about them most often with Barbatos, Solomon, and Mammon. Everybody else generally stays platonic in my mind. Initially, I was always planning on having Ciaran fall for Mammon. I wrote some scenes where this starts to happen... but then of course Barb is my fave, so I wrote some scenes with him and Ciaran and... they work so well together. And then the same thing happened with Solomon lol.
Ciaran's story varies depending on who their love interest is. But those are my top three choices for them. I could also see them with Simeon or Satan, though.
But there are reasons that Ciaran specifically would be more likely to fall for Mammon, Barbatos, and Solomon. Like I swear it isn't just because I love those three lol. I think it was more like... I love writing about those three? So I wanted to create an MC that'd fit with them so I could write about all my faves.
ANYWAYYY I could write about Ciaran and their relationships all day lol.
And YES I actually DID come up with a name for their mom!! I'm still so surprised someone asked if she was single sadlkfjdlkfj. I decided that unlike her kids, she uses the anglicized version of her name because that's what her parents named her. So her name is Kathleen O'Mara and while she generally goes by Mrs. O'Mara or Mom/Ma, she went by Kate when she was younger and some family members still call her that.
And thank you so much, anon! It means a lot to me that you're concerned about my well being, honestly, because I sometimes don't prioritize it myself lol. But I am feeling really good about Arrie's story right now, so that's a plus! I'll definitely try to drink some water tonight, I forget to do that a lot...
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purplesurveys · 8 months
Did you know that all the fish are dying out? That's the sad case for a lot of animals...
Would you ever wear a white tuxedo? I can't see why I'd ever refuse the opportunity. It's not my personal style, but also why not?
Do you judge a book by its cover? In a literal sense, yes. People-wise, I have my first, super topline impressions depending on how strong a person initially comes off as.
Do you like chips and dips? Yes, anything that comes with a dip I'd be all over.
Last time you went on a rollercoaster: 11 years ago in Singapore. I rode one for the first time, hated it, and have never wanted to get on another rollercoaster since.
Ever been to a pottery class? Not a class per se but I went to a factory once where we were shown the process of pottery and allowed for a handful of volunteers to make their own jars. I joined in :)
Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? I hope it doesn't...
Who was the last person to stay over at your house? That would be Reena I think, but that's been a while.
Do you like red lipstick? Not on me.
Can you recall your country’s national anthem? Of course.
Do you believe in ghosts? Nope.
Which sweets/candy would you put into your dream pic'n'mix? I never liked candy and never had a bag of mixed candies, so I don't relly know...maybe a bunch of different gummy shapes, sour strips, and peanut butter chocolates.
If you had a boat, where would you sail in your boat? Point Nemo.
Can you rap? I have select rap verses memorized but abilty-wise I'd never say I could be a rapper haha.
Are you a light sleeper? No, I'm awful when it's situations where I have to wake up. I'm never able to do it, regardless of how many alarms I set.
When you were young, did you ever pretend to “marry” somebody? Eh, not really.
What is your favourite Disney film? Toy Story and Tangled.
Do you prefer brown or white bread? White.
Have you ever spent an entire day in bed? I have. I need those days sometimes.
Don’t you just find it annoying when people get too much plastic surgery? I'll sometimes find it hard to understand people who do it in excess, but I just keep those thoughts internally always and I also wouldn't say it's annoying.
How high’s your pain threshold? Very low, it's almost clownish.
What would you wear to a red carpet event? I see myself declining the invitation, lol.
Whose birthday is next, out of all the people you know? Hobi's :)
What kind of coat are you going to wear in the winter? We don't have winter and I don't own coats.
Did you ever go through a Goth phase? I didn't.
Do you find architecture interesting? Only to a certain extent. I like seeing photos of certain styles, like brutalism, but I wouldn't read about architecture.
When on the computer do you ever think about how it all works? Never, tbh.
How many songs are there in your iTunes library? I haven't used iTunes in over a decade.
Do you like Irish accents? I don't dislike it but I also don't particularly watch out for it.
Describe the worst date you’ve ever been on: My ex cursing me out in full public view at a party.
When did you last go to the park? Last July at the KLCC Park in Malaysia.
Which two animals would you breed together to make a hybrid? Dog and quokka, haha.
Do you ever forget how to walk? Doesn't really happen to me, no.
Do you own a Jesus bracelet? Nope.
How far out can you stick your tongue? Not far at all. It doesn't take long before it starts to hurt.
Do you like David Bowie? I like him and acknowledge his talent but I can't say I've really listened to him a lot.
Would you eat a live cockroach if it made you a millionaire? Tempting, but no.
Does it annoy you when you feel like people aren’t really listening? It depends on how they're like when they do so. Some people are more outright about not actually listening to what you have to say (my mom does this a lot and it drives me insane), but there are those instances where someone just isn't comfortable with eye contact so they do other stuff while hearing you out – that's okay with me.
Are you the type who usually plays it safe? For the most part.
Do you want what you can’t have? Yes, all the money in the world lol.
Ever been copied by somebody, clothing or style-wise? Not really.
Is there a point to clear nail varnish? Idk I don't know much about nail polish and things like that.
What is the latest time you’ve ever woken up? 11 AM.
Ever gotten into trouble over something you didn’t really do? Sure.
Are you currently ill? I had colds just a few days ago but it's on its way out now.
Don’t you just hate being corrected? If it's done in either a condescending or a really harsh reprimanding tone, then yeah.
Are there any really beautiful buildings close to where you live? Not really. You'll need to go all the way to Manila for the pretty architecture.
Who do you think about most? These days, it's about thinking of what to do and what new things to explore and experience once my resignation officially takes effect. I plan on spending April doing a hard reset and kind of just taking a trip here and there to rediscover myself and get myself ready for my new chapter.
I'm also thinking of what new jobs to apply for, of course.
Do you have embarrasing parents? No. My mom can be embarrassing when she occasionally turns into a Karen but otherwise at 25, embarrassing is a word I hardly use for my parents anymore lol.
How often do you use the word “poltent”? Did you mean potent? Because I'm not sure poltent is an actual word.
How’s your grandmother? They're both fantastic and healthy.
What in your opinion is the most annoying noise in the world? Kids.
Are you any good at writing? I am.
Can you speak any Spanish? Not conversational but I could make out words and phrases beyond the basic ones because Spanish colonization.
Do you like things from the ‘50s? Just Audrey Hepburn but otherwise wasn't being a woman at the time awful?
Would you rather be skeletal or curvy? I don't have a preference.
What’s your favourite type of cloud? I don't have one either.
What’s something that really matters to you? My wellbeing.
Did that pass some time? Yes, so much so I took this over 3 days lol. Thanks it was fun!
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libra-stellium · 1 year
Astrology of My Wedding Flowers 🥰 (long post)
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I saw this photo in a tweet and it was love at first sight and I’m not even in a relationship but these are going to be my wedding flowers!! So I bought the seeds and planted them 🙂
Naturally when I saw it was 11:11 right when I finished planting the seeds I had to pull up a chart
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I’ve never done a chart for planting seeds before but the first thing I noticed is a lot of Taurus!! Earth stellium for a plant? Love it! In the 10H of gardening? Also amazing!
0° rising feels so fitting for planting seeds! The very beginning awww
Leo rising ruled by the sun! These require a lot of sunlight and I don’t get direct sunlight in my apt so they get their own plant light! They’re also going to be getting a lot of attention from me bc I will be photographing every step of the way and looking at them every day lol they will be celebrities in the group chat
0° Pluto opposite ASC 😩 it’s about to be a rough ride but it’s a Taurus sun so I’m either gonna keep trying to grow them or they’re going to almost die and bounce back 🤞🏾 we'll power through!
Saturn in pisces in the 8H of death, trauma, other people’s resources 😅 I’m gonna have problems watering it correctly probably lol it’s relying on my water resources being consistent! Might have to include watering them into a routine so I don’t forget
Libra 4H is cute! I got them their own pot that’s white with embossed flowers on it it’s really cute. Also I’m a Libra and it’s in my house 😂 they’re gonna be delicate and need extra pampering from me
Cancer mars 12H 😅 I almost ruined/drowned the seeds before planting them lol the instructions said to put them in water for 24-48hrs in darkness so that the seeds “break open”?? Sprout?? Lol idk so I did but I forgot I did and it went to over 72hrs but it ended up fine! Does this qualify as inducing the seeds? I think so
Sag moon 5H wow! Jupiter ruled 5H? I think that when I do succeed they’re going to grow so big and tall! Maybe a lot of babies?? I was reading up on it and how at a certain height I need to cut it so it grows other stems. I’m expecting it to look full at some point so that it fills the pot. They’re Japanese sweet pea so that checks off the international aspect of Sag?
Sag Moon square Pisces Saturn yeah it’s gonna be a watering issue lol oh man
0° Venus in Cancer 12H sounds rough but I have no idea how to read it for this situation lol is the plant going to feel isolated and not loved??? I hope not! Right now they’re with all my other plants
Mercury rx in Taurus aw I also have Mercury rx so we’re both misunderstood lol
(I typed this up and never posted but that was from May 7th)
May 15 picture update
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May 20 picture update
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June 10 update
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June 19 😩😩
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June 30 😭😭 I don’t have a full picture by they’re in the corner of this pic dying
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July 18 😅 I initially planted 9 seeds and only 7 grew and only one is still with us so I got more seeds ready and this time every one gets their own little pot!! I think this might be the Venus 12H playing out bc I had to isolate them I couldn’t control how much water each of them got in the big pot bc sometimes it was enough and sometimes not and sometimes too much
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Any thoughts on the chart?? Let me know!
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ablupen · 2 years
Thoughts about Arcana Twilight
So, I've had Arcana Twilight downloaded on my phone for about maybe a month now, and I finished the current floors about maybe four days ago, so I just want to share my progress and my thoughts ^^
Firstly, my cards:
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I spent a lot of coins on levelling and gems on buying amplifier stones for the last three chapters lol. The gems really carried me through everything XD
These my current affection levels:
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Funnily enough, my favorite characters are actually Vega and Alpheratz, but alas, it's expensive to level up and I got the Spica card before the Alphie one. Now that I'm finished with the current story though, I'll be grinding more on Twilight mode.
Speaking of the characters, these were my initial opinions on the game itself and the characters:
The game itself: I played this game after finding out about Obey Me. Funnily enough, the Play Store actually recommended me THIS game first, probably because I like fantasy stuff and AT happens to be kinda high fantasy. However, I saw some reviews about some bugs and I wasn't entirely sure about playing it yet, so I played Obey Me first after seeing someone talk about how it was "a mix between Obey Me and Mystic Messenger" (which, I'll also talk about at some point because they're really cool) and enjoyed that, so I finally downloaded this one.
Mmkay that was a lot of exposition but not a lot of thoughts. So, I didn't find those bugs the reviews were talking about, which made me happy. It was uncanny at first how similar the appearance and stuff were to Obey Me at first, but I got over it pretty quickly. I enjoyed it beginning to end :)
Arcky: bean. looks like sunshine, is sunshine.
Spica: Serious, but in a nice way. I like this dude. Kinda looks like Kartein from Eleceed on Webtoon ngl. He must need lots of coffee in this school lol.
Alphie: I like his voice tbh. He's pretty nice, I think. Lmao he kinda made me wanna know what other Tharavals are like if he's the opposite.
Poll: Omg he's like a Chihuahua. Also, heterochromia? Looks cool!
Sirius: Sus. Just one line and he's already suspicious. The two signs of suspicion: 1. Openly talkative or friendly 2. Not really around. I LEARNED THIS FROM BELPHIE YOU CAN'T FOOL ME. But since I forgive easily and I wanna make as much allies as possible, I'll tolerate it. Cool eyes.
Vega: W h o a buddy- you look really cool but put the sword down. Something's up with him tho for sure.
And then, these are my final thoughts:
the game: Really good! Love the aesthetic, everything works, and things can be earned back easily. Gacha is wack, but tolerable. Can't wait for the next floors and I'm starving for AT content qwq
Arcky: Still a bean!! He's so optimistic but he really needs to stop overworking himself twt. I wonder who made him forget us.
Spica: He can actually be pretty sweet sometimes. In terms of story choices, I do usually tend to go to "wtf is this?" And he usually agrees in more elegant terms XD.
Alphie: Let the man sleep lol. Also his relationship with Schedar is so funny lol. Also the fact he went to the meeting room just to intercept him lmao. And the fact he deleted us from Schedar's contact lmao. 2nd favorite character, I loved resting in a tree with him. I want him to be ok.
Poll: Bean no :( I feel so bad for him at the end when Alphie became unconscious. Also the fact he fired first :(
Sirius: Sirius, are you frocking serious?? I expected something but I- ugh. Fine. I'll help clean after this mess. That twist and foreshadowing better be good.
Vega: *inhale* awww! Dude he actually shows a lot of affection compared to other characters in the later floors 🥺. And the fact he used to be our childhood friend??? 🥺. He's such a sweetheart I love himmm 🥺. Favorite character, and there's a reason my AT OC has part of her hair dyed white. Dw Vega I'm not leaving you again
So... ending thoughts.
Tips for Ppl trying to complete?
Buy Four Season amplifier stones
Grind in Twilight levels
3 star everything in a floor for more gems. Go backwards if you need to
Try not to use your gems for scouting
Level up cards as much as you can and also complete as much of their Milky Way as possible
Quick clear boss levels a bunch to advance to the next floor. Also use gems to refill energy if you don't feel like waiting. You'll get a ton of material like this, especially coins.
... actually that all sounds really standard and I got kinda lucky with 2 SSR cards. Welp.
Thanks for reading all this if you read all the way! I'll probably talk some more about AT and OM bc they're fun ^^
Might also write fics and headcanons or whatnot
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