#so im MAKING NOTES like bitch dont forget your own ideas
cerealmonster15 · 4 months
i do love sneaking in side ships to fics where they arent the focus but also i think the only reason i have the cater/trey mention in this story was bc i needed a reason to prevent cater from giving silver and kalim more thought out advice kflsjdfklsjd i had to interrupt him and make him LEAVE!!!
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sourlove · 5 months
"Listen, I know this might seem sudden, but I have to get this off my chest. I think I've fallen in love with you."
Slowly, you turn to face owner of the heterochromatic eyes gazing up at you. From where he was tied up. On a chair. In your basement.
"...come again?"
The man you had just kidnapped, with the intent of holding for ransom, blushed. "I think- no, I know I've fallen in love with you."
You smiled faintly, emphasis on 'faint' because there was nothing you wanted to do more than pass out and wake up from this nightmare. Todoroki Shoto was nothing but a spoiled, rich kid on paper. Sure, his father had significant power but that also meant you could charge much more for his release when you kidnapped him.
Unfortunately, hindsight was a coldhearted bitch. How were you supposed to know that he had his own fucking gang? What 23 year old man had that kind of power?? Why is it that the one time you decide to test your luck to get some extra cash, you kidnap a mafia boss???
"From the moment you tried to use that chloroform on me, I-I felt something," Todoroki rambled, interrupting your thoughts. "I was confused at first at the audacity but once I pretended to faint and you dragged me, very painfully I must say, to your van, I knew it had to be fate. I had read about fate before, but I never imagined that it would be this..." He trailed off and stared at your face in dreamlike wonder. "...beautiful."
You laughed awkwardly, silently noting the possibility of brain damage from when you moved him. "That's great man, but look-"
"It's more than great!" He leaned forward, his eyes gleaming excitedly as the ropes strained against him. "Nothing has ever made me feel this way before: flowers, money, the works, but the moment you tied me up, I knew we were-!"
"Look the whole kidnapping thing was a mistake. okay?" You interrupted abruptly. You ran your hands through your hair in frustration. Who knows how long you had until someone found you?
Todoroki's smile melted of his face. "A...mistake?"
"Yes! Exactly! It was just a wrong place, wrong time kind of situation! And I am sooooo sorry so let's just forget this ever happened and I'll even drop you off wherever you need to go." You finished with a nice 'im-so-sorry-for-kidnapping-you-please-dont-kill-me' smile.
He stared at you blankly for a full minute, making you sweat nervously. There was obviously a screw loose in his head and you really hoped you hadn't provoked him too badly.
"So you mean you never planned to kidnap me?" he asked quietly.
You shook your head. "I didn't. I'm sorry? I think..."
The silence echoed throughout the basement as precious seconds ticked by. Your hands itched to do something, but what? You weren't a murderer and there was no way you wouldn't face some kind of consequence so the only way out was to convince him to let the matter slide.
Todoroki chuckled at your dumbfounded expression. "Do you really I would believe that you kidnapped me, Shoto Todoroki, for a mere ransom?" He smiled adoringly up at you and you felt a chill run down your spine. "You wouldn't do something like this," he nodded down at his binds "For someone you don't love."
You backed away slowly. "Hey, you've got the wrong idea, I-"
"No, no I don't have wrong ideas," Todoroki drawled. "In fact I think I might be very right about this one soon."
"W-what...?" Suddenly, a loud pounding came from your front door above the basement. Loud, angry voices spilled into your home and stomped around, obviously looking for something. Or someone.
Todoroki looked almost apologetic as he smiled. "It looks like you'll have to make your choice now, my love. You just ran out of time."
You swore and hastily began cutting at his rope bindings as he watched in amusement. Fuck it. It was better to hang off the arm of this psycho than get caught by his men as his kidnapper. And he knew it too. You wanted to punch his stupidly pretty smug face.
"I'm so glad you decided to see thing my way, darling," Todoroki sighed, wrapping his arms around you. "And since you wanted me so badly, I'll give you exactly what you desire." He pressed your foreheads together just as the basement door splintered open.
"From now on, I'm never letting you out of my sight~"
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basslinegrave · 1 year
vent cuz its good to get out (i have some in my drafts and notes but i keep thinking about them while posting them clears them out of my brain so)
if you read tw homophobia and racism and transphobia i guess, no replies expected (unless you wanna be a hater too)
another summer means another "dad wants to travel somewhere", and even though i said before that i dont wanna go anywhere this year, to not make them (dad and his wife) sad i said a short trip would be okay maybe.. but even that offer i had to refuse, but its always so hard! even though i always weigh the pros and cons i feel like shit every time
the pros being making my dad happy (now i also said im not going if he doesnt mind, to which he replied he does mind. while i understand that, he doesnt see my side of things) i wouldnt enjoy the trip itself ever, so theres no pros there even if we went to my dream locations, never good with them
the cons are literally hurting myself, having to be with people that will never accept me as i am, having to pretend to be someone im not, having to put a mask on and pretend to be a good little girl they think i am, like having to dress not too masc and shave and all that bs that makes me uncomfortable, even though they seem to have absolutely no idea im trans (my fav one was passing by a wedding dress store and them pointing at the store window like oh this will soon be you youre gonna wear one like that hahahaha great joke even. sadly not a joke from them) i cant even bind fully near them for safety and i have to constantly misgender myself which is ruining my mental health further
i also cannot stand that womans racist views and homophobic takes (she havent talked about that lately but i will not forget her talking about wanting gays dead. like literally she was talking about shooting them up and when i tried to reroute the convo she wouldnt stop. also same trip i said shes being racist because she was making fun of koreans and I had to apologize. not her, me. dad was on her side. i was like 19 and she called me a little kid that should not talk back. RACIST BITCH) (also love how she said shes better than me cause i was just a hs student and didnt have a job and she had to work hard and didnt go to college and shit. so in her own words im better now cause now i have a diploma and also worked at the exact same place as her so i did walk in your shoes bitch)
i dont really care if i cut them off. yes dad was nice, but i think she skewed his views and i dont see myself coming out to them (or at least him) anytime soon, and if i ever get on T i dont think i will continue talking to them anyway. i wont change them and im not here to do that anyway, and i want to stay safe
microdosing cutting them off by not going on trips with them
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violetnotez · 4 years
Haaaaiiii! I don't know if you've done this before, but can you do a headcanon with Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari (separately) dating a slim thicc reader who's waaaaay to kind to everyone for her own good? Sorry if that was specific lol. It just suits my life.
HC: Slim Thicc + Overly Nice Reader | BNHA
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Shop Owner Note: The fuq how did you describe me in four words lmaoooo-I really liked this idea alot!!!!! Also I only did Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto caus emy brain got fried, so hope thats okay!
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Midoriya most definitely drink his respect women juice
He was raised by his mother after all
doesnt mean the boy cant be a little perverted-
He just loves your body!!!!!
How can he NOT love everything about it, from the way your school tights slightly squeeze your thighs to the point where he feel like he cant breath
Or when you wear his shirts and its tighter around the chest and flowy around you waist
Mmmmmm lets not forget your hero suit- this man would probably kiss the shoes of the person who made your suit
Cause DAMN they really made it as tight as possible and he just loves it sm
Lets be real this dude has probably popped a boner by accident just thinking about your hero suit 😶
He is very much respectful about you and keeps his raging hormones horniness to himself
He is ALWAYS making sure you feel comfortable in your relationship, whether its from holding hands to cuddling, he will always make sure you give your consent
Now, when it comes to your kindness, this is something Midoriya probably loves the most about you
But he does find it really concerning when he notices you say “yes” to everything somebody asks you to do for them
And running yourself down, not looking as energetic as yourself
He is very observant, so he notices little things that signal you are little overwhelmed 
Like your clothes arent as perfectly ironed as they used to be, you seem to be forgetting your own things while remembering to bring everybody else’s, your smile seems strained, and you just look stressed
He is so incredibly empathetic- it pains him to his s/o look so distraught 
It does anger him a bit that these people can so easily take advantage of you, and not even care that you arent feeling your best because of what they asked of you
But he swallows down the anger, offering to help you with whatever you need at your dorm room
He tries to make it as stress free as he possibly can, bringing your favorite snacks and playlist of music to calm your mind
But at some point hed give you a very gentle talk,,,,
He knows you havent been feeling too great, whether you deny it or not, and he wants you to know that its perfectly okay to not say “yes” to every person
He knows you mean well and you want to help everyone out of the generosity of your heart, and he loves that about you
But you as a person are important, and you come first over anyone
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
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Like Midoriya, just LOVES your body
Like cmon, how can he NOT
Dude is a ass+boob man change ma mind 
At first he deifnitely denies it-
Him??? Stare at your ass??? Pshh he was looking at the oven baka, if anything your ass was blocking his view-
You would know you caught him red handed cause he face would get redder than Momo’s hero suit and he would actually stutter—-
Which would make him extrmeely annoyed and he’d be cussing a storm+be in a grumpy mood for an hour or two
But once you two get more comfortable in your relationship-
He will have use every opportunity to just be meannnn
And by mean
I mean turn slapping your ass into some sick game
Like if you dont yelp and cuss him out whats the point?
Once he slapped you so hard he legit left his big ass hand print on your butt cheek and you were about to slap his smug ass back....
But off a 50ft building  🙃
Also a big softie too
Like when you to cuddle he loves cuddling into your chest 🥺🥺
To him it’s just so comfyyyyyyyyyy
Honestly, Bakugo can’t understand at all how you can be so nice to people
It confuses him???? But he finds it really....nice???
Like half the stuff you do for people Bakugo wouldn’t ever dream of doing
He knows he’d either give that person an intimidating, dirty look or just laugh at them, cause yeah right he’d waste his time with their stupid problems
But you are totally different than him-you had a lot more patience and sympathy than he had, always coming to everyone’s rescue it seemed like
He finds it attractive and to him, it confuses the hell out of him how he does
But what bothers him is how much time you spend away from him
He won’t ever admit it, but he feels lonely when you’re not around
And what’s even worse-is by the time you do hang out with him, your too tired to even properly pay attention to him after running around and doing everything for everyone else
Bakugo the Attention Whore
One day this dude would have enough, as he’s been getting the bad end of the stick for a good couple of weeks——
He just barges into were ever your at, and doesn’t give to shits what so everrrrr
Bakugo has one mission in mind: getting his s/o back
Wouldn’t acknowledge anyone but you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you out of the room even if your protesting with him
“The hell are you doing Bakugo, let go-“
“No 😠”
“Pleaseeeeeee I was in the middle of working on something-“
“I said NO 😠😠😠”
Angry Pomeranian Activated
Once stop dragging you until he locks you in his room, forcing you to hear him out
He HATES being emotional or open, but at that, he starts spilling his guts through gritted teeth and choppy sentences,,
Saying that you waste too much time in thise “extras”, that they don’t deserve as much time as you give them, and that you have more “important” things than do all their work for them
*cough cough him being the more important thing
But hoenstly, you feel a little bad for him,,,,,
So you compromise with him and promise you’ll spend more time on him
He’s pretty happy with that,
but now he takes it one step further to make sure you deifnitely have enough time to hang out with him
If he’s around when someone asks you for help, he’ll cut them off and lie straight theough his teeth, saying you two have a “date” and squeezing you close to him with an iron grip
“Wait-Bakugo-we didnt have a date planned-“
“Tsch, now we do-“
Shoto Todoroki
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I have said this timeeee and timeeee againnnn
But Shoto really is the definition of innocence
So really, it wouldn’t ever dawn on him on how killer his s/o’s body is
He’s just kinda like....yeah I know they have a butt and chest? Doesn’t everyone?😶
This poor Boi someone help him
It only really sets it after a few months of being together that he’s actually really, really in love with your body
Like how did he never notice how good you look in leggings?
Or how soft and comfortable your chest is?
And why does he want you to squeeze him with your thighs? 😳
Hormones are ragingggggg
And also veryyyyyyyy protective over you
Shoto is very observant and quiet in social situations, usually opting to check out his surroundings instead of trying to be sociable
So he’ll catch from time to time classmates commenting on you and your figure, and it never sits very well with him
At first when these incidences happened he was very conflicted, not understanding this intense jealousy and need to protect you
But after a while of contemplating his feelings, he understood it was because he was protective of you
And ohohoohohoh
This man is PROTECTIVE
He does little things you would never reallly notice until you actually do
Like when he takes you home after hanging out or a date, he lingers a little longer outside your door to make sure you’re inside safely
Or when you’re walking together he will make sure your walking inside the street and away from the cars
Also has a tendency to grab your waist or your hand when a group of men come your way
He just gets paranoid okay 🥺🥺🥺
And because he’s so protective, he doesn’t practically like that you’re being taken advantage of sometimes because of your kindness
Especially when it comes to other men
On a few occasions Shoto has spotted you in a sticky situation with a guy who was being a little too close for comfort
It would make you uncomfortable of course, you had a boyfriend you already loved a lot-
but you felt kind of bad just being a total bitch to this guy who desperately wanted a chance
So you’d just awkwardly laugh and smile with their stupid pick up lines, trying your best to be polite but also show you weren’t interested
But Shoto at this point has radar for when your in trouble, and just pops out of nowhere 💀
He’s not the type to flaunt his relationship by impulsively kissing you or anything like that, but he’ll show it in subtle ways
Like calling you “dear” or wrapping his arm around your waist
Honestly, the look of pure relief and comfort in your face shows more than Shoto could have ever done,,,
And that Shoto was deifnitely someone that was more than just a “guy fiend” and soemthing like that
Also Shoto would give them a look that could kill and that instantly scares the shit out anyone lmao
These dudes faces would deflate like balloons real quick, cause at this point everyone knows who Shoto Todoroki is
And how the hell can they compete with that
Instant “oh shit my bad” type energy
After those incidents, Shoto locks down way harder
He practically has you glued to his side, and he doesn’t let go
Like at all
Get used to it cause for the rest of the day Shoto is gonna be following you around like some body guard 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Aftermath)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is about 17 or 18; i cried while writing this. sorry this is really long!!! pls forgive me 🥺
prompt: takes place from a3 to smffh
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Intense Years (3) Continued (5)
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let’s start on a happy note! ahahah
so for a while, earth was calm
you, pepper, and tony got to be a family for a while
wedding planning!
of course you got to try the ben&jerry’s ice cream named after your dad: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
“it’s not fair that you got ice cream named after you and i didn’t”
“well, when you grow up to be as awesome as me, maybe you’ll get your own ice cream flavor”
developing nanotech suits together for a Bonding Experience(tm)
speechless after the first test
“dad, this is...”
“the coolest thing to ever exist?”
yall ready for some shit?
the day that ebony maw invaded was pretty—what’s the word? interesting? no. well, yes, but...HORRIBLE.
it all started when you got the call from your dad
“y/n, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“god, i really have to change that. okay, JOSHIE, answer it. hey, dad? what’s up?”
“hey, kid! you know that weird ass building on bleecker street? how fast can you get here?”
“JOSH can you track FRIDAY really quick? lets see how far dad is...uh, okay, be there in five, see ya”
taking your suit for a spin and realizing how GREAT it was to be able to basically fold up your suit and put it in your back pocket
knocking on the door and it opened on its own, it was kinda cool
“is this a museum? cool.”
bruce turning around to see you after about three years and giving you an awkward smile and a wave while you stood frozen around the wizard-guys
“y/n, god, you’ve grown up!”
charging into him for a long overdue hug
“you don’t know how much i missed you. it’s been chaotic without you”
“i can...i can only imagine”
a debriefing on the situation you were about to face, and bonus! having to play the catch-up game with bruce
“just call him, dad. we need as much help as we can. steve will understand”
rushing outside to face off with some ugly-ass aliens
“oh nooo, it’s roger smith from american dad”
bruce: 👀, stephen: 👀, wong: 👀, tony: 👏👏🥰 that’s my girl
simultaneous nanosuit unveiling
“you ready for this one, pops?”
“of course! ive waited years to kick some more alien ass”
montage of you and tony getting your asses beat together (as a family <3)
peter showing up
“give me one good reason why i shouldn’t send you back to that school bus”
“because i’m good company?”
“whatever, just listen to whatever dad has to say, i forfeit my responsibilities over you”
pew pew, repulsors, pew, tiny rockets! fun! action! destroying new york again and again. good times...
until JOSHUA gave you notice that your dad was flying high
“call him. now.”
“hey! how’s it going down there?”
“dad, you know how i feel about you and space”
“i know, i know. i just...i gotta take care of this. keep pepper safe for your old man, okay?”
“i lo—l—ve y—”
“y/n? y/n?! i love you! shit!”
“we lost connection with her, sir”
trying to call peter
“call failed, y/n. should i try again?”
“i’m gonna kill them...”
walking through the rubble to find bruce, the only sensible man you know
taking him to the avengers compound asap to get to rhodey and figure out what comes next
meanwhile, tony was dealing with space and another teenager
and worrying a lot about leaving you on earth
“i mean, mr. stark, y/n’s one of the most capable people i know. she’s probably trying to fix this whole mess as we speak”
“i didn’t get to tell her i love her”
having a lovely meeting with thaddeus ross with rhodey, having a lovely time watching them passive-aggresively argue until your former teammates arrived
having to patiently (and professionally) wait for ross to hang up before running into them for a hug
“holy shit, you guys have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to see you. it sucks not being all together anymore”
“i know, y/n. we’ve all missed you.” -cap
“a lot” -nat added
bruce’s little entrance that was sure to bring some awkwardness
you, secretly freaking out about your dad
sam was the one that found you crying after you “stepped out” for a few minutes too long
“oh, y/n,” he was contemplating grabbing someone else to step in, but decided to sit next to you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, kiddo. i can’t promise you anything, but your dad is a fighter. a big pain in the ass. i think your odds are good”
laughing through your tears
“yeah, you’re right. thanks, sammy”
he gave you a little hug while you calmed down
getting to business, the ass-kicking kind
as the wise natasha romanoff once said to your father, you were being “uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal”
your mind did this funny thing...wandered into places it really should not go
the talk about sacrificing vision led to wakanda, where you had a swell time patrolling
“guys! we’ve got incoming. a lot of incoming”
well-deserved uncle/niece team up. who wouldve thought?
you would have nightmares about these aliens for years to come
“you get to die, and you get to die! everybody gets to die!”
“y/n, what did we talk about?” -rhodey
“using humor as a defense mechanism makes the team uncomfortable...”
covering the girls 😌 because we gotta have those all-girl teamups, uh-huh?
some more blasting
thor made his comeback and you just could not miss it
“hi, thor!”
you landed next to him and your helmet receded
“well, hello, miss y/n! good to see you again! my, you got taller...oh! meet my friends: rabbit and tree”
having a “what the actual fuck” moment upon seeing thanos for the first time
and flying at him from behind with a massive nanotech blade ready to kill this purple bastard
but he grabbed your arm and flung you into the dirt, that was gonna leave a mark
“i just had to make a suit when i was ten...no one stopped me, huh? i couldn’t be elon’s kid, he was a nice guy”
watching thanos snap his fingers and looking around to see dust floating through the air and thanos retreat
“rhodey? uncle rhodey?!”
“i’m right here, kid, don’t worry”
he grabbed your hand while you were dusting
“tell my dad i love him, promise?”
fading away and leaving rhodey with your last words
he was mad before anything else
all he could think about was a promise your dad made him take years back
“rhodey, you keep my daughter safe no matter what, promise?”
the avengers recooperating at the compound, waiting to figure out whether any of the space-crew survived
they had to let pepper know that you didn’t make it, she was a mess upon hearing that news
tony finally making his way back to earth
and stumbling out of that ship
“where’s y/n? where is she?!”
“tony, tony, calm down”
“dont tell me to calm down! where is my daughter?!”
“she made me promise to tell you thay she loves you”
tony knew the answer by now, he lost his mind over your death
it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, for the past 18 years you’ve been with him
after a long period of recovery, tony and pepper moved on, got married, built a home, had a new daughter...
tony made sure there was a spare room for you
he put all the things you left behind in it
there were so many photos of you in the house
and he’d show your sister, morgan, all of them. he wanted morgan to know her sister
“that’s y/n when she built her first robot. it snuck up on me a few times. it went ‘boo!’”
morgan loved the stories about you, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t see you
“when do i get to meet her?”
“uh...maybe someday, sweetie”
after being unbothered for almost 5 years, the remaining avengers came back with a plan that was so tempting, he just wanted his little girl back
cracking under pressure and telling pepper that he couldn’t ignore this mission because it was his chance to get you back
“get her back, tony”
“you think so?”
“i miss her, too.”
and so it began, he made it his mission to get you back
peeking at the wallet picture of you on his shoulders when you were so little
tony travelling to 2012; loki’s invasion
and there you were, the sassy genius 12 year old that he missed so much
“we’ve got this, tony, we’ll bring her home” -scott
and then things went badly and also 2012 tony went into cardiac arrest and 2012 y/n dove onto the floor to tend to him
“dad? give us some room, would you?!”
2023 tony smiling at how much he missed you worrying about him and how reckless he was
but also...the mission kinda went bad so that sucked
push it a bit farther back and now tony was with grandpa stark! asking how to be a dad and all that!
he could barely stand still waiting for you to come back to him, god he missed you more than he thought
and after a bit of hard work, it was time to snap
just like that, you were back in wakanda, puzzled by the gap in time before one of dr. strange’s portals opened in front of you
and then you were in the ruins of the avengers compound
“JOSHUA, can you locate my dad?”
“i think you’ll be able to see him”
“wow, i cant believe i programmed your cocky artificial ass”
“i think you can”
seeing your dad flying high and patching into the comms
“miss me, old man?”
and then he hit the gas to get to you and when this man hugged you, you almost couldn’t let go
“i’m so sorry, y/n. god, i’m sorry. these last five years...i was so lost without you”
“it’s okay, dad, i’m here now”
getting shot at during your reunion
“son of a bitch...we’re having a family moment here, asshole!”
yes, im gonna say it again. of course i am! and.........father/daugher team-up
the last one
“peter, is that you? you asshole! i cant believe you went to space without me!”
“missed you too!”
rhodey!! cant forget about uncle rhodey!!
“you gave my dad the message, right?”
“it was your dying wish, of course i did!”
“great. don’t forget i love you, too, rhodey!”
“couldn’t let me forget it”
lest we forget that pepper joined the fight?
plot twist: (step)mother/daughter team-up
mother/father/daugher team up!!!! ultimate stark machine!!!!!!!
and then you left him alone for 5 minutes and he’s got the infinity stones and you know it’s the last time you’re going to see him and you cant decide what your next move is and you’re just frozen and you cant catch your breath and he snaps and your heart plummets
you have to rush to his side, the last time you can sit beside his tired body and let him know that its going to be okay
“hey dad, it’s okay, we’re gonna be fine. thank you for everything”
peter grabbing your hand as you both sobbed next to your dad, feeling robbed of your time with him
pepper brought you home where she told you all about the five years you missed
both of you just cried harder than you’ve ever cried before
“so i have a sister?”
morgan was so happy to meet you, she couldn’t contain herself, practically latched onto you
and she didn’t fully understand what happened to tony
you saw your new room for the first time and didn’t leave it for a while, occasionally pepper or morgan would pop in
morgan actually crawled into bed with you a few times
the funeral was one of the worst days of your life
the remnants of your young life pulled back together for one day
then you hid back in your room before you heard a knock
“who is it?”
“it’s happy”
“come in”
“hey, kiddo. me and morgan are gonna get some cheeseburgers, you wanna come?”
she really was a stark
after a long hibernation, you started to get back into the groove of your old life
but the press was brutal and harsh, you were bombarded with questions regarding your dad
it took everything not to explode on camera
you stayed in contact with the rest of the avengers, mourning your dead, keeping the support system, staying a family
it was all you could get...for now
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random-fandom1 · 3 years
Lights were blaring, music blasting, sweaty bodies grinding against eachother. A hand touches Peter waist, lips attach themselves to his neck. A man, his name is James? What a strange name. A hot name. A perfect name for such a hot man. Moans escape him. Lips continue to assault his neck, a hand pulls him towards the exit
"Is this okay?"
That voice. If you could fall in love with voices, Peter would be walking down the aisle.
8 years later
“Olly James Parker! Hurry up, you don't want to be late for your aunts! You know what MJ did last time.” Peter shudders remembering about how MJ purposely put sand in his salad the last time they were late. The quick patter of soft feet can be heard from the landing upstairs and suddenly a small boy dressed in overalls appears at the top of the stairs, a mop of brown curls covering his left eye.
"Where are we going daddy? Are we going to that fancy place Auntie Shuri took us last week? I didn't like that place, the big red things had strange eyes and the plates. They were, they were too big," The boy made huge over the top circles with his arms. Peter had to agree though, the plates were bloody huge, "I like the cafe Auntie MJ takes us too. I like Kath. She's nice. The pink doughnuts are my favourite" Peter listened to his son rant on about how pink doughnuts are his favourite from Cafe Asgard for about 5 minutes before speaking up. 
"There's no need to worry babe, Auntie MJ is picking the place I think. Shuri and MJ had bet on who stole more of the others clothes, turns out it was Shuri and then Shuri, being the competitive bitch she is decided to try and seduce -" Realising he was wandering off appropriate topics for a 7 year old, and that he'd slipped up twice in that story. He looks down to realise he's probably safe as the boy is still going on about how the sprinkles are the right amount of hard. "Go get your shoes on bud"
"Ok" and with that Olly ran down the hall, curls bouncing with every step. 
Peter couldn't help but admire his son. About how he was an exact copy of him, from the hair to the freckles scattered across his body. Olly carried his and his dad's intelligence and needed to figure out how stuff works. He was a total clone. Well, almost. He had his eyes. Those beautiful steel blue eyes, the ones that looked at him with so much passion that night. Peter cried when Olly opened his eyes for the first time, realising that he's going to have to be reminded of the man he fell in love with, the man who left him alone and pregnant in his bed, everyday for the rest of his life. He's going to be reminded of James.
Peter is pulled out of his thoughts by a small hand tugging his jacket. 
"Come on daddy, I hear a horn honking outside. I don't want Aunties MJ & Shuri to be mad at me" Olly says, looking at his father with huge eyes, genuinely scared of angering his impatient aunts. Resisting the urge to coo, He crouches down in front of his son and wraps him in a hug.
"Oh buddy, they'd never be mad at you...me though, that's a different story. So on that note, chop chop, I'm quite fond of my head" Peter stands up from his crouched position, takes Olly's hand and walks out the front door
"-and the dinosaur was big and green with spik-" 
"Ok Olls, I think that's enough of that story. Why don't we head inside" Peter said, holding a tight smile on his face. He unbuckled Olly and headed inside, followed closely by MJ and Shuri. MJ instantly headed towards their usual table beside the window while Shuri made her way into the queue where she instantly started talking to a brown haired man. 'Must be a friend from work' Peter thought. He crouched down to Olly’s level, "Why don't you go get a table with Auntie MJ and Auntie Shuri and I will order the food? You want a pink doughnut and a strawberry and banana milkshake, right?" Olly nodded and ran off towards MJ.
Peter took a moment to think about how he got to this very moment, about how he ended up having Olly. He thought back to the morning after. He woke up alone. James just slept with him, got up early in the morning and left without a word. Peter had to show himself out of his house. There was no note, no contact number, no nothing. All there was was a growing fetus and Peter who couldn't get the man with steel blue eyes and godlike voice out of his head. It was clear that he wanted nothing to do with Peter so in return, Peter decided that he didn't need him. That he can raise Olly by himself without another person. It helped that he had a big family and money was never an issue, seeing as his dad owns the biggest tech company in the world and his pops is a captain in the army. Sure he thought about going back to the flat, seeing if James felt the same way about him as he did. He wondered if Bucky would raise Olly with him, if they could be a family. He's shaken from his thoughts by his phone binging in his pocket. 
Pulling it out of his pocket, he sees a message from his pops. 
‘hey pete, do you know how to activate that protocol you used to wake us up with? Monster ear or something? dads fell asleep in his locked lab again. thanks, have a good day petey. love you x’ 
Peter lets out a chuckle when he reads the message. Trust his dad to forget to unlock the lab door. He starts to make his way over to where Shuri is holding their place in the line, typing back a reply to his pops. 
“-and then glenn tried to make me take out her copies, like who does she think i am - oh, Pete there you are. I thought you got lost on your way over. Here meet my boss, Bucky, he knows all about yo - get off your phone it's rude” Shuri says, getting annoyed by his ignorance. 
“Yeah, yeah. My pops is asking about commands again. I swear he never stops” he says, putting his phone into his back pocket and looking at Shuri. Peter was yet to look at the man in front of him, too busy giving Shuri a death glare.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Peter, Shuris told me a lot about you. She tells me almost daily about your latest mix up, I must say you have a lot.”
Peter freezes
Time stops
It's that voice, the voice he fell in love with. That deep and gruff voice with the right amount of softness on the edges. It's like music, the voice of angels.
He slowly turns his head to look at the man in front of him, watches as his eyes widen upon getting a full view of his face, realising washing over him. 
Everything around them become background noise
The only people left in the cosy cafe are them, scrap that actually, the only people in the whole world are them.
They must be zoned out for a while because suddenly Shuris snapping her fingers in between them. Peter's cheeks flush a dark scarlet and he closes his mouth which must have fallen open. 
“Peter, you have no idea how much I - fuck, Ive thought about this moment for so long, and I - god, I dont know what to say” Peters eyes snap back up to meet those eyes, those pools of steel blue. They haven't left his mind for years, haunted him around any corner he tried to turn. 
Thats when he realised, he was in love with him. He loved James, he hasn't seen him for years, met him once before that, but fuck, he loved him. 
“I-uh - I…”
“Daddy, whos this? His eyes look like mine. Isn’t that funny?” Olly comes over and stands next to his father, looking up at, well, his other father. Bucky looks down at Olly, then back up to Peter, then back down to Olly. You can practically see the gears turning in his head, probably trying to figure out who this is, probably piecing it together slowly. Peter gulps and then looks down at Olly.
“Olly, I told you to stay with Auntie MJ. You know what happened last ti -” Peters cut off for what feels like the 50th time today. 
“How old are you kid?” His voice is shaking 
“Don’t answer that”
“Whos your other daddy?”
“Don't answer that either, go back to Aun-”
“Answer me, how old are you kid?”
Olly is slightly hiding behind Shuris leg, not quite sure what to do. 
“You can’t just go around asking people you've slept with and then left alone to clean up the pieces with not even a contact number or note or anything’s kids how old they are, what is wrong with you?!”
Something flashes across Buckys face, regret and hurt, but they quickly go back to rage. Steel blue eyes turning into a stormy grey, like a storm at sea.
“I can if they may be my child!”
“That doesn't make it right!”
“For god's sake, stop being so difficult-”
“I’m being difficult? Do you hear yours-”
“I do funnily enough -”
They’re interrupted by a small voice
“Im almost eight…”
Both they’re heads snap round, looking at the source of the voice. There they see Olly holding up 8 fingers. Tears well up in James’ eyes, the final piece clicking into the jigsaw
“Hes my son..” Its barely above a whisper. Peter lets out a defeated sigh
“Yeah, he's your son” 
Slowly James crouches down to Olly's level. Olly looks him over, analyses him as if he's trying to figure out what's inside this man. It's scary that Bucky has the exact same look on his face. Eyebrows furrowed, steel eyes cloudy. It makes Peter's heart let out small flutters.
“Hey there kiddo, Im, well im your papa.” Olly takes a second to process what's just been said before running into his papas arms. Tears are streaming down his face. Both their faces. Scrap that, tears are running down most of the people in the cafe’s faces. 
“I've always wanted a papa, daddy always used to say that you went on a mission to space and that its taking a while. But he always said you’ll be back.” 
“Did he now?” Bucky looks into his eyes and all is said in that look. 
He was going to do whatever it takes to be a part of this family, to be with the man he loves and their son.
And Peter wouldn't have it any other way.
“Whats a bitch papa?”
Shuri cackles, an old lady gasps and Bucky's eyes widen comically
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ellovett · 4 years
list of people that made this year pretty neat :)
Hi all
Ok so 2020's almost ending (it just ended i started writing this post like....5 days ago??) and i just wanted to do this thing where i have a message towards everyone who supported me/who i think are just very cool and very epic, i only really got into the twst fandom just at the beginning of the year and im just gonna get straight to the point now messages are under the cut :)
@permanentlyexhaustedowl - AYAAAA ;;;;; bro you're literally one of my first long time friends here in the twst community and i just want to thank you for everything, our convos in either public servers or in pms, your love and support for my content,,or whenever i vent to you,,,,,just- your love and support man i appreciate it so much and i cannot thank you enough, you're just so sweet and caring and supportive and friendly just aghhhhhh ;;;;; even your reblogs make me smile uncontrollably and i explode, also all the brainrots i have about my interests ;;; thanks for listening to all of them,,even tho you really didnt have to ;;;;;; I love how we make our twst ocs interact and the little brainrots we have with them ;;; You've helped me so so so much and in so many ways, I am beyond glad that we're bestfriends, you're one of the nicest most caring people ive ever met and i love you so so so much, beyond belief ;; 💕 pls never stop being you?????? You quacking amazing person??????? 😎🤙💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
@shoujoqueensstuff - AYYYY SHOUJOOOO!!! 😎🤙🤙 hhhh you're also one of the first people ive ever had a long time friendship with here in the twst community, and seriously bitch i love you so much ;;; so so much..i cant go a day without talking to you about literally anything and just vibing, the support and love you've given me over these months is insane i cannot thank you enough for that, all of our rps, convos or just pure brainrot have been so much fun, and i fucking love it that we built our own little world outside of canon,,all the aus we built with our ocs???? I love them. I love them all to death, including your amazing ocs, and even tho we live on literally opposite sides of the world you're always there for me whenever i vent or when im feeling extremely down or insecure ;; ,,im just so so so happy and glad that i met you and that we're bestfriends, i care about you so so so so so much- hhhh i cant put it into words my brain is dying i just- i LOVE YOU BIITCH, I AINT NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU, BITCH.😎💖💕💖🤙🤙💕💕💖💕 TAKE MY LOVE BITCH 💕💕💕💕💕 thank you so much for sticking around ;; i love you and support you in everything you do so much I could never ever thank you enough for the friendship you've given me..
I can literally go forever on how much i love and appreciate the both of you, i can just scream into the void for all eternity,,but i cant put it into words anymore. You both made my year so great and so epic ;;; i love you guys so much
Now the chaddams 😌
@thetwstwildcard - hi ma :D you're just so cool and so epic lizz ;;; i cant- all of our conversations and brainrots have been super fun and i enjoy your company very much;;; you are just so nice and friendly,, and your ocs (especially staff ocs) are god tier amazing, i will love the nrc mom squad to death. I am honored to be ur child and i love you and father claude (and my four (?) other dads you married) very much 💕💕💕
@alpyssketch - bringer of father claude,,,,i owe you my life alpy,,,,,,but no seriously you're also a very epic person and you're honestly so nice and sweet!!! You never fail to make me feel welcome in any conversation and you're just so damn friendly!!! We may not talk that often but I very much enjoy your company ;;; ily!!! 💖💖💖
@multi-ankin - another very cool and epic person!!!! you're very fun to talk to and you're also pretty funny in the vc fjfjfj, your ocs are all so amazing too! (djdjjd although my staff oc bias makes me go for kas) we should totally talk and make our ocs interact more in the future tho!!!!!! 💖💖
@just-patchy - pATCHYYY!!!! :D hi!!!! you're also a very cool person!! our interactions have been so much fun and i hope we can have more in the future ;;; the ideas you have for your ocs and how you put them into writing is so good!!! like really good!!! And your art has been greatly improving too!!! Never ever think that i dont see you as a friend because i do!! 😤😤💖💖 i care about you bro!! Never forget that!!
@bakujho - :D hi jho!! you're a lot of fun! And I THINK YOU ARE SO DAMN COOL AND BADASS it's unbelievable,,i look up to you jho i wish i could be almost as cool as you when i grow up ;;; the things you've done for this fandom are also very admirable! like the whole gravedigging (jellyfish) situation! But we're not gonna talk about it now- hhhhh you're just so epic jho ;;; seriously 💗💗
@Kurui - hhhhh you're probably not gonna see this ;;; and i cant find your tumblr (if any of the other chaddams could possibly show this to her thatd be so great ;;;) but nonetheless i still think you're just so fun and cursed ;;; and you give so many amazing ideas!!! Your ocs are all also so cool too! Your art is just so detailed you clearly put a lot of thought into them i just admire that sm ;; (also your edits are extremely cursed and epic i love them dearly-)
@twst-the-royals - JULIE :))) HELLO,,,you were actually the first ever person i spoke/interacted with in the fandom! And you were just so nice and friendly and patient with me ;;; im glad that i got to talk to you,,and we dont really talk that much now but pls pls PLEASE know that i care about you so much and that i support you in everything you do ;;; 💖💖💗💖 ill do my best to make you proud!!
@girl-in-the-tower - hey Az!!! ;;;; you're so epic and cool,,honestly i admire you so much, the lore/writing you have for your ocs/fanschools are just so well thought out and so well written ;;; i hope to become a better writer like you in the future, but for now ill just take notes and learn from you ;; you're super encouraging and supportive too!!! I know we dont talk much but i could never thank you enough for all those little yet meaningful moments ;;; 💖💖
@rikanoctrix and @mirrored-pomefiore - hi!!! i know we arent that close but just know that you two are huge inspirations for me when it comes to art, the both of you draw your styles so incredibly well and i admire that so so so much ;;; 💖
@ocean-water-tea - FATHER TEAAAAA QAQ okay so first of all,,,,how can you draw so well using ibispaint, i ask for tips, specifically on how to draw hair and tits 🤲 but seriously though you are so fun to talk to!!! So cursed!!! So ☊⊑⏃⍜⏁⟟☊!!! You encourage me to my true cryptid self (despite aya's protests 👀) and i thank you kindly,,,you are also very funny 😌 a funny little clown simp, and you're super friendly and cheerful too! I almost never feel nervous when reaching out to you ;;; I hope we can have more wacky adventures in the future 💖💖
@zonamemoryverse - HEYYY ZONAAA!!! you're a fairly new person and you've already come so far ;;; you're a very chaotic person to talk to and i enjoy all of our conversations!!! Also our interactions with our ocs were super fun too, and i love hearing any shred of content i can get from ur epic ocs,,,dont stop being epic!!! 💖💖
@namelessfish - Hi fish!!! :DD you've been a very supportive friend to me over these past few months,,and im happy i have someone i can relate my not-so-great experiences with ;;; please know that i care about you dearly and that ily ;; 💖💖💖💖
@wondersbeyondcompare - JFFJJF BRO DONT THINK I DONT SEE YOU WHENEVER YOU REBLOG MY CRINGY ASS POSTS 👁👁 I SEE THEM AND I CHERISH THEM ALL I REREAD THEM ON SAD DAYS. All the little tags and comments you put on them always make me smile so hard ;;; im just very happy to know that you like whatever the hell im doing and it pushes me to do more!! You're incredibly sweet, dont worry!!! Ill be sure to make you proud!!!! 😭💖💖💖
@circuscarnage - Anna!!!! We dont talk that often but whenever we do it's always so much fun ;;; you're so sweet and i appreciate you so much ;; all the stuff you drew for my ocs are all so incredibly cute and i really have to give back- jUST YOU WAIT ANNA. IM GONNA MAKE FANART OF YOUR LOVELY OCS AND YOU CANT STOP ME- 💖💖💖💖
@twistedapple - hi crow!! :DD again we dont really talk that much but i support you greatly in everything you do!!! You're another epic and cool writer ;;; your writings for your ocs are just sooooo well written and are just so good!! You're also super good at art too!! And i hope to see more from you in the future!!! ;;; 💖💖💖💖
@not-twst-enough - Ellie!!!! ;;; bro you've been supporting me from the very start, from lillet's old ass bio to now, and i very much appreciate it!!!! You're also super friendly in the twst server too ;;; and all the content you have for your ocs is just so exciting! Good luck with the fandorm and all future stuff ;;; ily!!!! 💖💖💖
@fumikomiyasaki - FUMI. DONT THINK I DIDNT FORGET YOU DKDKDK,,,Another cool and amazing person!!! All our brainrots and conversations have been really fun ;;;; thank u for that,, You are very fun person to interact ocs with tho!!! Especially with ships!! MadScientist² will forever hold a place in my heart.,,,💖💖💖
@oiseaunoir11 - hey Al!! :) you were one of the many people i admired and looked up to when i first joined the fandom, your art is something im deeply inspired by and your shitposts at like...4 am in the morning always give me the big funny,,one thing i really admire about ur art tho is how you'd draw backgrounds :0 you've gotten so good at them!! And your poses look super natural and effortless, i hope to be almost of a better artist like you 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️ also i cant wait to see ur animatics 👀 they look dope- hope we can talk or maybe even interact ocs more! 💖💖
@leonasbitties - luuuu :))) hiiii,,,we dont usually talk on servers that often but that doesnt mean that i dont consider you as a friend! You have a lot of super cool ideas for ocs and your art is just getting better and better and better with each piece!!!! i look forward to seeing more from you ;;; 💖💖💖
@peteza-mozzarella - PETEEE :DDD another very cool and friendly person, you're literally the sweetest person ive ever talked to and i love our little chats!!! Hhhh you're just super nice and your ocs are super cute,,please never stop being you you epic bean ;;;; 💖💖💖💖
@the27th - Hi Andhra!!!!! You've been quite the long time mutual,,and your reblogs always make my day ;;; you're just so sweet and kind and i always feel at ease when talking to you, the hunger games sessions you host are always super fun even though im often asleep to even participate 😂 thank you sm for the love and support ;;; ill be sure to give them all back to you 💖💖 starting now 💗💗💗💗💗
@mamushroomoracorn - MAMUSH :DD we've only really started talking recently but you're just so nice and friendly ;;;; all of our talks have been so wholesome and great and im so happy about that, and your art is really really really good!! Ur art style is just so unique and so cool!!! ;;;; and dw mamush,, ill show the froggies like i promised soon 😔💖💖💖
@rookvonhunt - HEYYYY 👉😎👉 hi hello i would die for your ocs. If theyd ask me to perish then i will 200%,,ur so epic and cool and all of your ocs are just god-tier, i cant wait for what else you have to offer!!!! 💖💖
@lawlessofdusk - lawless ;;;; aaaaa honestly you're just so kind and sweet, i couldnt thank you enough for all the love and support you've given me!!! And i desperately need more content of ur ocs bc they're all so cool and interesting 😤😤😤💖💖💖 i hope to talk to you more soon!!!!
Fkfjfjfj i think that's all!! Id like to thank you all for sticking around with me with my first year in the fandom ;;; you guys make all the bullshit and drama here worth it 💖💖💖
If i forgot to include you in here then PLEASE DM ME I AM SO SORRY-!!!! I dont want to leave anyone behind!!! So please feel free to confront me about it ;;; happy new year everyone!!!!
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seerofmike · 4 years
i feel like a huge portion of kpop fans are gay fetishists attracted to the idea of quote unquote feminine men and thats why theres so much bullshit
YES okay. okay let me rant for a minute. let me preface this by saying i am NOT a kpop shipper at ALL. this is going to be long so i’ll put it under a’ ‘read more’ because i’ve been holding it in for TWO FUCKING YEARS BABY!
being mlm in boygroup kpop fandom is literally so exhausting. 99% of the people who ship real life human men from boygroups are fetishists and i will tell u why
obviously we all know of a ship in a fandom where the characters' personalities are twisted to fit the heteronormative view of "top" and "bottom" --one character is hypermasculine (top) and the other one is feminine (bottom). there are typical traits associated with both. the ‘top’ is scary or mean or angry or serious while the ‘bottom’ is emotional or bubbly or shy. while this is egregious, at least its fictional characters. their personalities can be simplified or exaggerated and it doesnt cause any real life harm.
im going to define what i think of as a fetishist: a non-mlm person who overly sexualizes gay men/men they think are gay/gay ships, and forces them into heteronormative roles for their own pleasure. its not even limited to cishet women. plenty of non-mlm lgbt people do this too and its like disheartening. so anyways
enter the kpop fandom
i may be incredibly biased here because one of the most affected members [of bts] is my favorite kpop boy, but oh god is the ‘personality change/simplification’ thing AWFUL here. i do not go out of my way to find fanart or see fanfic threads, but being in the bts fandom, u will inevitably see it and i REALLY wish i didnt
so anyways. my favorite boy ever is hoseok. he is sweet and hardworking and very passionate about dance and he can be serious when needed, but ultimately he tries to be very lighthearted and will consistently laugh or make jokes or do something funny when the other members feel uncomfortable or awkward (mostly during english-speaking interviews). he kisses the members on the cheek a lot/hugs them a lot/cuddles them a lot [this is important for later okay]
of course, theres a lot more to him because he is a multi-faceted real life human being, and i don’t know him personally, but that’s a general idea of what he’s like, okay?
SHIPPERS will have you think differently. some video got popular on youtube ""proving"" that hoseok is a sadist (which is just clips of him jokingly playfighting with the younger members), and the video depicts him as secretly mean and serious, and shippers will use that to say "hoseok is a total top!" and then most fanart or imagines or fanfic threads you see are top!hoseok, using this imagined 'hoseok is a sadistic dom' narrative to fuel their fiction, because SOMEONE has to be the top, so they twist him into this hypermasculine mean person (and probably feminize the 'bottom' of their ship but more on that later)
EXCEPT it is not just fiction. this narrative bleeds into REAL LIFE. you have new armys who dont know anything about the shipping scene, and yet somehow the narrative of hoseok being a secretly mean, sadistic person has already made its way into them. in real life, hoseok likes rainbows and wearing nail stickers and putting glitter in his hair. yet people in the fandom will say shit like "hoseok hates femininity" "hoseok would never wear [thing] because he's a dom"
sometimes on twitter you have ppl like me who say uh actually you guys are really weird and this is fetishy and in real life hoseok is very nice and not sadistic at all, you will UNDOUBTEDLY get comments like "omg hoseok isnt cute/nice when will yall learn he’s secretly like [x] and [x]". you could post a video of hoseok with a puppy titled "wow cute" and u will get like 2 clowns in ur comments going 'hoseok isnt CUTE hes a sadist’ . i wish i was joking but i am not. they will do this for EVERY action hoseok does. he cannot blink without people twisting it into a sexual thing
[also, side note: its funny that, since hoseok is one of the least popular members and therefore one of the least shipped members, he is often the odd man out among pairings, and is assigned 'the straight one' by default, and 9 times out of 10 people who assign him 'the straight one' do all this 'dom daddy hoseok' shit.
which just goes to show that this is indeed a matter of heteronormativity.]
so anyways arguably the most popular ship with hoseok is with yoongi, sope. this absolutely happens to other ships probably but im just using them as an example because i see it the most, being a hobi stan
yoongi is very calm and thoughtful and kind and sometimes appears to be cold/having a bad attitude but its just because of the way he speaks, which is very bluntly. again hes a multi faceted real human and i do not know him personally but thats generally what hes like.
god the fandom. treats him SO BAD. so horribly. he's shorter than hoseok. he's shorter than hoseok and people will exaggerate that literal 1 inch height difference so bad and people will turn his whole personality into shy and blushy and In Love With Hoseok, so in love with hoseok that ‘he gets sad’ when hoseok doesn’t kiss him/hug him/or whatever and IT BLEEDS INTO REAL LIFE.
ANY time hoseok or yoongi do ANYTHING together at ALL, people will ALWAYS push the narrative that hoseok, being the mean sadist he is, is 'hurting' yoongi for not returning his undying love or whatever. hoseok did a vlive where he made bracelets for all the members and he considered putting a cat charm on yoongi's but ultimately decided not to because he was having difficulty and oh my GOD sope stans twisted it into 'hoseok HATES yoongi, yoongi would have been so happy, he would have worn that all the time, hoseok isnt affectionate he hates being close with other people after all :(' which is LITERALLY not true because hoseok gives all his homies good night kisses but okay! whatever fits your narrative!
everyone """headcanons""" hoseok to be a top so they will make him a MEAN HYPERMASCULINE person. everyone """headcanons""" yoongi as a bottom so they will make him a SOFT UWU HYPERFEMININE person. shippers are literally pigeonholing the two of them into fujoshi-esque roles for jack-off material.
anyways this all boils down to: gay fetishists will do anything, ANYTHING, to twist characters or real life fucking people to fit their heteronormative view of top and bottom. top=mean and masculine, bottom=soft and feminine. hoseok is a real life human being. yoongi is a real life human being. they both have real life human personalities, and yet shippers twist their personalities into the opposite to fit their narrative, to the point where nonshippers will genuinely view the two of them as something theyre not.
you have tons of armys that theorize that hoseok's happiness is just a mask he puts on to hide a cruel nature. on twitter. on youtube. in fanart and fanfiction. you have tons of armys that truly believe that, despite literally all the evidence, believe he hates being cute, he hates being happy, he hates the members, and hes secretly a dom daddy fuckboy who wants to bend yoongi over a table. hes a real life human being and fetishists doing their fetish thing has real life consequences.
the same is true for bottom!hoseok stans: they overexaggerate his more cutesy personality traits and he does have a 'feminine' figure i.e. he has a rly small waist but they will overexaggerate that as well and give him huge hips and its disgusting but dom!hoseok is far more frequent with far more devastating consequences so i used that as an example but they’re both bad.
people who """"headcanon"""" [like actually headcanon/firmly believe and not just joking or lighthearted] that members are gay will force these types of roles onto the members. if someone genuinely believes that like, yoongi is gay/bi/whatever, and then try to force this subby soft uwu persona onto him, they have no respect for gay people. they dont. gay people are simply objects for their fantasies. their view of gay people is so one-dimensional and so driven by fetishists’ ideas that its actually disheartening.
and god bitches will deadass be homophobic yet still ship real ass human idols. not just for bts specifically but all boygroup fandoms. sometimes when you search up an idol's name, [idol] gay will be trending--whether it be because of people saying "im gay for him" or whatever, and a LOT of cishet people will try 'clearing' the searches because being gay is bad or something. people normally ‘clear’ the searches if something like [idol fat] or [idol ugly] are trending, which im telling you so you know the context that people only clear the searches when bad things are happening.
[never forget that time 'jungkook gay' was trending and bitches were like "lets clear the searches!" but their pinned tweet said some shit like "sub jungkook x dom jimin coffee shop smut au thread 🌈". bitches also be like i cant be homophobic i ship taekook]
and hoseok and yoongi arent the only ones affected ! we could get into why namjoon and jin (another popular ship) are often assigned 'dad' and 'mom' respectively, or the fact that gay fetishists not only twist members' personalities to fit their ship narrative, but will also force tropes onto them i.e. taehyung/jungkook shippers who will literally demonize jimin and call him a slut or say that he's trying to 'get in the way of' of taekook or 'steal' taehyung/jungkook but thats a whole DIFFERENT rant baby! racism/asian fetishism is also definitely a present factor in all of this but this focus was primarily on gay fetishism and heteronormativity.
oh my god i could also get into the severe transphobia/trans fetishism in this fandom too but this post is already long enough as it is
tl dr: gay fetishists will fetishize real life people and it has actual real life effects and we should ban straight women from shipping mlm
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Spencer x Ghost?
Spencer x Ghost
(AAAAA- it has been months since you sent this to me, and all i can say is im so sorry) Side note I have my friend @lethalbreadkills helping me with this one!
For reference: Maddie (maddiefriendlovesbilly) is green, Jimmy (lethalbreadkills) is red (((its 4:30 at the time i have joined this so im dead braincell wise sorry yall))) and Orange is stuff we decided together :3
Also this is so very chaotic im so sorry for this anon but this has been in my fuckin drafts for SO LONG and this is the only way its getting finished (its now 5 am uwu) im so sorry for all the shitposting i do its a mess. I shouldnt have been allowed here. (we finished at about 5:30 am its hell <3)
Sphost? Ghencer?? Sphoster??? I adore and despise them all equally.
We have decided that it should be BeanieGhost
Anyway I think this ship is really cute
They’re both so neurotic I can only imagine the chaos that would ensue
One of them starts a rant on some topic and the other joins the hell in
And Ghost would let this dream come true???
I would die for both of them and if Spencer told me I had to die I wouldn’t even complain, no questions I’d just be like “Aight.” I trust him that much.
(Not sure I trust Ghost’s judgment enough to do that unquestioningly; sorry Ghost)
Back on topic
I can’t imagine these guys on anything that comes close to society’s definition of a date
It’d be more like “hey you wanna come on this hunt with us?” “maybe, depends if there’ll be snacks” or like chilling in Spence’s room binging the entire star trek: original series in one sitting or “oops sorry about that level 11 entity that attached to my soul and is now wreaking havoc in your house, wanna make out later to make up for it?” “Fine but you also have to play three rounds of Call of Duty with me afterward”
They wouldn’t be romantic often but like highkey? I can see them throwing themselves into the line of fire for each other with a recklessness only they could survive
We can’t forget that Spencer is a more than 60,000-year-old overpowered demon/god/entity/thing, which, yes, could throw a slight wrench in this ship for multiple reasons, but I choose to make angst out of it instead.
Side note: Ghost is a chronic conspiracy theorist (and you can’t tell me otherwise) and every once in awhile Spencer will offhandedly say something like “Y’know I helped the Egyptians build the pyramids” and Ghost just goes fucking feral.
Look, I’m not saying Spencer IS touch-starved and most likely has issues creating and developing relationships and therefore avoids interpersonal connection, especially offline, but I AM saying he is prime material for it. (thats a lie thats exactly what shes saying don’t believe it) (I’m projecting okay dont judge me) (loser imagine projecting)
Imagine with me for a second: Why does Spencer willingly stay with a family who locks him in their basement with only minor complaining? He’s a near all-powerful entity just released into the world for Spence’s-sake - If he wanted to, there’s no telling what havoc he could wreak! So why doesn’t he? Why would someone so powerful, so terrifying, so dangerous that a group of people decided to seal him away forever stay with the first family he finds in sub-par conditions for years - especially someone who’s seen to be as high-maintenance as Spencer? Let me hit you with a theory: He’s chasing the feelings of validation, safety, and love - no matter how rarely it’s shown - that a family can provide. Being socially isolated for even a few years can do a number to a person’s psyche (I should know, I’m projecting onto this character right now), let alone thousands.
Now maybe Ghost can’t match thousands of years in isolation, but damn if he doesn’t have a few years of crippling loneliness on his record too.
I can see the two of them learning how to be vulnerable around others together, emotionally and physically; learning how to open up and how to talk through issues; and some third point, because points are better in threes.
(May I suggest that these losers are both trans but thats just me adding in my own projection lmao)
(You absolutely may)
Imagine the conversation thats just “so i have a murderer in my head thats an ass” “rip to u ig sounds like a you problem :///”
imo spence has trouble expressing emotions other than like,,, annoyance and haughtiness, its like sort of his go-to defence, so showing Ghost his emotions is a big step for him
I hear you, and i say yes good. (found this one headcanon that i kinda live by where he was uh, either autistic or adhd i dont remember but theres that too) OH yeah that would be at thing huh. Spencer: *is emotionally vulnerable @ ghost* ghost: oh shit im trusted??? Oh fuck uh.
Yeah so like…. Ghost and spence showing emotion at eachother is kind of :flushed: ghost be like: whats an emotion. Imagine having emotions fuciiing loser hhaha,,,, *laughs nervously*
Ghost is also very emotionally distant with most people so it would probably be like “what??? The fuck?? Emotions?????? You have those???”
Ghost and Spencer be like *gay*
So another idea is that maybe Spencer realizes Ghost doesnt play any games [like the uncultured SWINE he is] and decides he must [remedy] this and so he introduces him to like, nintendo first. (some bitches thought that said nintendo fortnite. Im bitches) and theyre playing like, mario kart or smash or smth and Ghost gets really [fuckin into it]
Ghost and spencer: *literally in eachothers laps playing fucking wii tennis*
Spooker: what are the- *TOAST FUCKING SLAPS A HAND ACROSS HIS MOUTH* shut up you dont wanna know what happens when its mentsonssbfdjfsd (sorry i had a stroke uwuwuwuw)
(Theyre in denial we don’t judge in this house)
They will not hesitate to play dirty either, they will straight up push each other over and vaguely flirt
Ghost is losing and straight up fucking goes “ur hot” and spencer actually dies and boom ghost is the winner. sparkle emoji Magic sparkle emoji
“I am Not a HomoSexual:™:” “Yeah, sure you aren’t” “Screw off”
Pet-names-ish: Asshole, Gaymer-Boy, casual insults, Mr. Spirit Bitch, Mistake, Loves Ghosts More Than His Boyfriend What A Fucking Loser aka Gay-ass
They both open up a lot most likely. Gain someone to trust since they’ve sort of been through the same things (though on much different scales)
I can see soft hours of hanging in each other’s bedrooms
Spencer is a tsundere you cant tell me otherwise youre just a coward if you disagree
So is Ghost so this can only go well
Every time Ghost has to solve a case at the Acachallas Spence is just peaking out from his basement like “the fuck is this?? Hot Man??????”
Enemies to lovers 500k (Gets Hot and Steamy :flushed: NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!11!!!!! 18+!!!!!!! GAY LOVE StORY!!!!!!) Lemonz!!! Made from teh Sexiest of Wattpaders UWUWUWU YAOI Boys Love don’t like don’t read!! (this is so fucking stupid jkfnd) I hate this with a passion Q^Q. All my years of being a basic watpad fanboy have helped me to the moment i bring maddie to tears
The steam is just like,,,,, holding hands and being angy all the fuckin time the steam is literal because their anger translates into actual steam
Their angst has nowhere to go and it just sits between them like two raccoons at a dumpster-style mexican standoff
They really start off hating each other huh. Like, I know this can still lead to healthy relationships but neither of them are very good at healthy relationships with people he hasn’t known for his Whole Life so that’s an Oh No.
They totally feed off of each other’s stupidity (but this could be seen as a pro too so take that as you will) as well as anger - im talking one-upping each other kinda shit
Its ridiculous honestly how intense it gets, like they straight up need intervention sometimes because they dont realize they can just STOP
I think this would be a relationship that would that a lot of time and hard work to make work, but i think in the end it would be really super cute!! Like it would make no fuckin sense to anyone else but somehow they’d understand each other and help each other through their similar issues. Also theyre both big nerds in different ways and i think they’d have just ranting sessions back and forth over and over and it would be soft!!!!! So yeah, i think it would work, at least, i want it to :D
So. Maybe?? I feel like it could, but they’d need to work pretty hard to make it healthy and not constant fighting. Could be stupid amounts of cute and wholesome but also could be stupid amounts of oh no and pain, depending on how the two act. If they learned how to get along with each other and work past their differences it could be super cute and soft. Just a very, er, bumpy beginning. And middle. And end. (this makes me very nervous,,,,why did you mention an end) (wouldnt you like to know weather boy) (TvT) UFDUNS bumpy but soft . Agreeing with the loser gay, want this to work it’d be interesting :3
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ADHD sides hcs :3c
self projection time? self projection time
feel free to add ur own hcs onto this im jus usin my own experiences here 
startin w PATTON
emotional regulation? who’s she? patton only knows feeling emotions with Every Single Atom in his body so powerfully he might one day Explode
if he’s happy hes HAPPY!!!!! it’s like his body fills with light and he’s walking 2 feet off the ground and nothing could go wrong — and then whoops, something goes wrong, and wh o o ps, hes crying, whoops —
has a million stuffed animals sitting aLL around the house so he always has something to Squeeze
Squeezing is a good stim dont @ me
he throws his whole body into stimming
flapping, bouncing, jumping, spinning — his body must be moving at all times or he will die 
starting things is. Very very hard for him. executive dysfunction hits DEEP and he’s just,,, paralyzed. he wants to do the thing!!! he really does!!! his brain just Wont Let Him
logan used to get very frustrated with him but then patton like, explained how it felt and a little lightbulb went off in logan’s head
“patton, I think you have adhd.”
“... i’m guessin that doesn’t mean im a-delightful-hip-dad?”
then they did some Research together and put together a plan to help patton work around executive dysfunction and, it works, sometimes
when it doesnt, logan makes hot cocoa and sits with him
“Hey, Pat, what’s for dinner?” “huh?” “I said, what’s for —” “meATloaf”
hearing is an uphill struggle so sometimes he just Signs instead but a lot of the time he gets so excited about what he’s trying to say he just dissolves into flapping halfway through the sentence
lots of hyperfixations !!!! so many !!! he cycles through em one after another suuuuper quickly 
he never forgets a hyperfixation, and the mention of ANY old hyperfixations will have him cry-flapping
roman: hey did u know they’re making another phineas and ferb movie -
patton, vibrating intensely and sobbing, .5 seconds away from launching into orbit: theYR E MAKING A WHAT
singing is his absolute FAVORITE STIM
that moment where u reach a point in a song where ur chest just, Swells and u can feel ur voice Vibrating ? yeah
sometimes Does Not warm up beforehand bc ??? he has No Choice but to sing along to certain songs and he cant always control when they come on so his voice sometimes gets Very Raspy from belting without warmups
aside from that twirling and doing Ballet Poses are also very good stims. he stick his leggy out Real Far mmhm
roman: *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt fin
his room is a MESS and NO he will NOT clean it LOGAN he has a SYSTEM 
he doesnt have a system and the mess stresses him out to no end but he has one (1) braincell and it’s dedicated to Starting Projects And Not Finishing Them so
needs validation to survive
like legit if he doesnt get validation he will DIE 
on the flip side, if he gets any sort of rejection, he will also Die
logan: so I read through your latest script, and the idea is solid. We can definitely work with this. I did notice one oddly structured sentence so I fixed that for you —
roman: so you basically hate it and i should die 
rejection sensitive dysphoria is the one villain he has yet to figure out how to slay
contrary to what u might think, he keeps his hyperfixations Very close to his heart. he doesnt think he would survive it if one of the others were to criticize them
the one exception to this rule: disney. 
you cant look at this boy and tell me hes not hyperfixated on disney i mean did you s E E him in that one ep cmon
he will ramble about disney to anyone who will listen for hours. days, even, if you give him the opportunity. infodumping about disney is like injecting pure sunlight right into his bloodstream; by the end of it he’s glowing
once, after accepting anxiety, virgil and roman ended up in another debate about the Meanings of disney movies, but this time it was friendly, and by the end of it roman had gotten to ramble about each and every one of his favorite movies and he had never been happier
it was the first time virgil ever saw him Flap
they still get together to talk disney sometimes
virgil: *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while liste
like roman, Music is virgil’s main stim, but he prefers to just. Move. bouncin his leg and drumming his hands in the air and shaking his head etc etc
it takes. literally foreVER for him to trust the others enough to stim around them. music is his main comfort but, for a Long Time, he wouldnt let himself listen to it when the others were around, just bc he knew he’d want to stim and he couLDNT bc what if he got juDGED
but then one day roman starts singing and patton jumps up and starts spinning and virgils like “???” and logans like “that’s how they stim” and virgils like “!!!!”
he Tappy Leg Real Fast
he also has a string of beads he carries everywhere to twist around his fingers bc bead,,, Good Texture
he struggles with rsd just as badly as roman, but he shows it in a Different Way
roman hurts, but hes an actor. he’s not about to invite more rejection by letting them know how much their words hurt! no no no, he keeps up the bravado until hes back in his room and then he breaks
but virgil. the rsd hits and its like, a physical blow to his chest and he crumples, wilting in on himself, and the world around him just sorta, ebbs away. for virgil, rsd is static
after AA the others start to learn his Signs for when hes feeling Bad™ so whenever he shrinks away they’ll stop the conversation and talk him through his insecurities until he feels better
went to Halloween Horror Nights one (1) time and now listens to the music on repeat and just. stims for hours
also hes in love with austin gumbam from academy of villains me? self projecting? never 
knows Every Obscure Fact from Every Horror Movie Ever and the urge to infodump is Consntantly at the forefront of his mind but he Never Does
unless someone gives him permission 
virgil: oh? chucky? thats a. cool movie.  did you know that — uh. nvm
logan: no no, go on
virgil, vibrating at a speed that could shatter glass: iF YOU INSIST-
this bitch is just as bad at Emotional Regulation as patton
hes just better at hiding it
that little stunt w the paper in lntao? he is Constantly .5 seconds away from going apeshitt. that was just A Glimpse into the chaos
he’s just,,,, very very bad at Identifying what he’s feeling. patton hid his feelings from the others, but he still knew what he was feeling, and he knows how to identify emotions
logan, on the other hand? 
logan: passion and anger are both Hot. they must be The Same Thing
patton: i. i mean. not really
logan: goddamnit
patton: logan? are you crying?
logan, touching his cheek and finding Tears: hm. tragic. and here i thought i was “happy”
he’d much rather just,,, Not feel but thats not an option bc he still feels things intensely, he just doesnt know What he’s feeling most of the time
quiet stims. he runs his hands along the fabric of his tie, feeling the grooves of the stitches, and readjusts his glasses constantly. if he’s feelin extra wild, he’ll even pull out his rubix cube and solve and re-solve it without even looking
LOTS of obscure hyperfixations
he has so many books on so many different subjects,,,, his room is more of a library than a bedroom and thats just the way he likes it
throwback to that one time he hyperfixated on reptiles and thomas’ little “slimy boy” outburst had him chasing deceit around the mindscape trying to feel his scales “FOR SCIENCE”
memory. problems.
he HATES hates hates hates the fact that things slip his mind so easily. hence, the notebook, and the daily planner, and the deluge of postits hanging around his bedroom
it frustrates him to no end especiaLLY when he forgets important information in front of thomas
patton watches out for the signs of Frustration and brings logan a cup of tea later than day and helps him sort through the Mess of notes on his desk to catalogue the Important Info
just let logan and patton be adhd buds @god bls i beggeth
but when he does remember The Information and thomas praises him? effervescent
logan, after thomas called him cool, kicking down pattons door: I FINALLY KNOW WHAT HAPPINESS TRULY FEELS LIKE
patton: hey! cool your jets there, kiddo!
patton: :3c
logan, turning around: neveRMIND
patton: nO WAI T-
the day thomas called him cool was the first time he ever Flapped
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surrealsunday · 4 years
Ok so now that I recovered and processed it, im back to attack your inbox and I already apologize in advance for the potential spam. First of all THE COUCH PART: the flirty and carefree and so clearly in love but in even bigger denial UGH they are killing me!!!! I loved every part of it bc duh! But just the way they were so comfy with each other and messing around as if theyre the only ones in the whole world! And the fact that Lucas knew about the threesome thing killed me😩1/8
Them at work? Idk why but it felt different than other times more carefree (again using the word wow)and i was very 👀🤔 at the Jeremy situation i gotta admit, did lucas tell him off fully or what? Emma being all yeah hes happy and clearly being fucked well and Imane is there all 👀i wonder why hes so happy👀 poor eliott, but then when lucas got him coffee it kinda made me all happy bc he remembered that lil convo in the morning, hes so sweet but trying to act like hes not. 2/8
And Mika knowing about Elu and not even giving them a chance to deny it 😂 OH SHIT how could i forgot Lucas hugging Eliott in the locker room! Idk why but that part had me so warm! Like he really did need eliott in that second! then when he kissed him i really thought jeremy would walk in based on his amazing timing in the past but oh well! But the fact that Lucas showed any affection to eliott felt like such a big step for him! This boy is so in love, we love to see it! 3/8
NOW THE TRIP! I was sure theyd go either with the whole group/friends would “force” them for a trip or maybe theyd visit Claudine BUT THE FACT THAT HE MET HIS PARENTS?! BITCH MY WIG! GONE. I can just imagine Lucas freaking out, especially bc he was all “everyone loves emma!” About her meeting alex’ brothers. I can just imagine him being the same level of nervous if not more! But i was so excited that we met Eliotts parents! Especially since usually we dont get this side. 4/8
And Bas “walking in” on them gave me a tiny flashback to Tempo 😂 AND LUCAS JEALOUS! Hand on his thigh! Boy, its okay you’re all he sees anyway! OH SHIT HOW COULD I FORGET THEIR WEIRD WAY OF DECIDING TO SEND EACHOTHER DICK PICS 😂 idiots! Side note: JAIME THE TATTOOS! ANY PICTURE WITH EVEN A CENTIMETER OF A TATTOO!! MY NEW WEAKNESS AND ITS NOT EVEN REAL!!!!! Oh shit and the reason why he got the tattoos!!!! I teared up! I’m could see them getting matching tats later in life 5/8
Him being afraid of the ghosts and then the next day being “afraid” of eliotts mom and hiding under the covers😂😂 also the (no its not my own YANN) MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD! The dinner scene made me so soft but also feeling upset for Eliott like poor bby no wonder hes feeling like shit when he comes to visit his parents but then LUCAS DID THE HAND THING AND HELD HIS HAND AND IT MADE ME FEEL SO FUCKING WARM INSIDE MY GOD YOU KNOW HOW TO WRITE TO MAKE A BITCH FEEL 60 EMOTIONS AT ONCE! 6/8
honorable mentions: lucas saying eliott is different when it comes to standing up for himself it made me very emo but also it reminded me of the ugly doctor. Im loving the Brat/Average nicknames! Especially average always used so nicely. Lucas being all “you dont have to cuddle me but if you do i wont mind but you dont have to” ALSO ELIOTT REALIZING THAT HES FALLING and the ending ‘im glad i came here with you’ well fuck jaime just rip my heart out and take it. I clearly don’t need it. 7/8
I dont think i need to even try and explain my feelings about the bathroom scene..I think the fact that it took me hours to recover from this chapter speaks for itself.I was surprised that they posted eachother on their social media. I am also surprised that Arthur knows about them which made me a little 👀just fucking amazing! 100000/10 as usual! My new favorite chapter! I am in love! Every week you make me fall more in love with them! And ranting/spam is finished.. sorry🥺 8/8
Don’t apologize for sending me your thoughts! I love them!!!  
I love the couch scene too. I love the unadulterated flirtiness of it all. They’re both just super giddy and happy to be together and even though Lucas is still a little bit of his prickly self, there’s just a lot more of that casual comfort than there had been when they first woke up together at Lucas’s place. And of course part of that is how Sofiane treats the whole situation with a lot of ease. Oh and yeah - had to bring up the whole threesome thing because that couldn’t have been kept from Lucas and was also the perfect chance for Eliott to tease him hehe (especially because it’s very clear to them both that neither of them are the least bit interested in the idea). 
There’s definitely more ease between them at work too. And yes, Lucas had a convo with Jeremy. He wouldn’t have told him off - in fact he would have been as nice as he possibly could about it (too nice) but this time Jeremy got the message because he’s put two and two together and gets that it’s about Lucas and Eliott. 
“BITCH MY WIG” made me lollllll. Yeah, I really felt like they needed to get away from the hospital and everyone they knew to be able to completely drop their defenses and get a chance to really be together, and be a lot more honest about how they were communicating. So a little trip to Eliott’s it was! And that also gave me a chance to give you a lot more depth on Eliott and his background and relationship with his parents. You’ll get more next chapter. 
Oh and you ain’t seen nothing yet as far as the tattoo edits go! My faves are in chapter 9 and the epilogue hehe.  
I love all of the other moments you mentioned. I love just hearing about the moments that really got to you!!! Thanks so much for sending your thoughts. 💕💕💕💕💕😘😘😘
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 4 episode 17
"Absolute Power"
Notes by me
- abydos !!! Kasuf!!!! Abydos needs to always be Noted bc it was the First Planet < 3
- the ghost of sha're perhaps? Ive always said this show needs more ghosts
- goggles
- The sand speaks to Daniel. He is the sand god, guardian of the sand
- poseidon quivers before him
- "whos calling???" Hes so professional
- STEP SON!!!!!!! "Shifu" I love you, you are so cute omg
- this kids got ears for days
- I wish I had nanobot to make me grow fast. Would love to be 7 feet tall within 2 weeks
- Oma taught him to forget certain things. I would also like to have this power, there are certain things i would like to forget not gonna get into specifics
- "its always better to have a big long wick" someone arrest him
- am I finally getting Daniel and Step Son content . if I dont, this is false advertising
- this kid talks in riddles like Gollum
- wouldnt be surprised if he started saying "it cannot be seen, it cannot be felt...."
- awkward! Poor Daniel has to talk about apophis being his biological father
- "wed be filling his head with a thousand hitlers" colorful description
- Daniel in protective dad mode
- they want to go into this poor kids head who wants to bet this is a bad idea
- shifu is very Asian culture and it looks great on him
- OR WE CAN BLAST DANIEL TO THE FLOOR you know normal father son bonding time
- no glasses! Daniel
- he gave him the memories didnt he
- this episode was written for me specifically
- is Daniel becoming evil ? The writers love me
- is he reading WITHOUT glasses????
- oh boy hes lost his shit
- Very dismissive of tealc , almost like hes a goAULD!!!!!
- his IQ fucking spiked
- jack: youre being a little bitch!
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- this isnt good! Could explode his brain!
- visions of Blasting Jack with a ribbon device is normal I suppose
- visions of killing apophis...less normal
- he lives in a mansion like a rich bitch
- shifu is living with him😭😭💖💖
- ah his marbles are no where to be found
- everyone wants to BEAT HIS ASS and yeah I would like to see it
- okay of course he has cameras in the prison. this is just normal insane rich ppl stuf
- the over confidence. Shanks stop making me love u
- Daniel wit those white pants
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- he has his own SPACE SHIP ???? Wheres my space ship
- *shoots Daniel with no hesitation*
- okay that didnt work. Plan b for Before he kills you
- "you never were that bright" alright. He needs to die. *cocks gun*
- jack: its the goauld! Theyre controlling you!!
Daniel: youre forgetting one thing. I'm an asshole
- he just blew up moscow and his minions are like just another day at work
- omg it all in his head JUST LIKE WHAT SHA'RE DID TO HIM
- shifu was proving the govrnt cant be trusted????
- or that the memories of the goaulds is too dangerous to remember
- daniel in a coma one minute, doing a jig the next
- oma is a good Mama 😭
- "thank you for telling me of my mother"
"She would have been proud of you"
"Of you as well"
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- leave me alone I need to Process
- hes the same being as Oma (big light thing)
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: shifu touches his forehead and his finger emits a bright light, Daniel falls to the floor with a yell and passes out. .noises, hospital scene, vivid recall, intrusive memories/visions, is generally evil thru out episode
No glasses!Daniel 🤓 several scenes thru out the episode for several minutes
🎶listening to Awake by Josh Groban🎶 just thinking about Daniel telling shifu about all the times he and sha're sat together and talked about archeology and him teaching her about languages and her teaching him about ancient Egyptian culture and shifus face lighting up at everything Daniel is saying bc this is his REAL dad and maybe some things he heard about sha're are familiar bc he does those too? Maybe they have the same laugh. Maybe they both like star gazing. Maybe they both like wearing daniels glasses to tease him. The words of this song also remind me of daniels depression about her death and how much he misses her but I like to think he found a little peace in telling her son about how much he loved her.
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inkskinned · 6 years
literally just a dumb unorganized list of school tips
source: im a grad student. i’ve had a lot of school. also i’m adhd & mentally ill and require +8 organization. this is mostly directed @ college students, but maybe high school students can use it too, fuck, idk, it’s been forever since i was stuck in that hell hole
just say “professor” either ur using the correct title for a person (will make them feel good) or you’re giving them a bigger title on the assumption they deserve it (which will make them feel good) and also prevents having to ever i mean ever use their names
talk at least 1 time a week in each class, aim for 1 time a day. even lecture classes. i fucking hate talking in front of more than 5 people, so what i would do is prepare a question about the hw/etc (even if i didn’t need it answered) to ask the professor after class so they saw me and got used to me and saw i was invested in their class. about 89% of teachers - if they see you try, they will pass you. i mean it’s literally that easy. i know people who went from like a c- but because they legit tried, their grade got bumped up to a b-. 
if u have to bring a laptop, pre-download the required material/screenshot it, and then turn off your wifi. it’s too easy to not listen.
physical writing will always give you more information recall over typing.
nobody cares about stupid shit anymore trust me they don’t remember that you were accidentally locked in a towel out of your room bc they have their own dumb shit that happened.... in college all the “cringe culture” turns into “god i wish that were me” culture ... wear ur onesie to a party trust me you make +800 friends and 799 of them will be girls telling you you’re adorable and they’d die for you
about locking urself out.... if ur like me and can breeze past post-it notes placed in obvious areas, don’t be a dumb bitch and rely on post-it-notes. while most schools offer 1 free lockout, dont rely on it - it once took 2 hours before someone could get to me. i was in a towel, which meant no phone. so like. anyway, what i do now is i put something on the handle of the door i have to open/unlock. i can’t just open the door w/out the thing falling down and making a loud “you dumb bitch unlock the door before u shower” sound. 
this works for all important don’t-forget it things. other obstacles i’ve used to remind myself to do something include: putting a chair with my wholeass posterboard in front of the door, an entire printer with a single piece of paper that just read “for the love of god check to be sure you have that essay”, and a recycling bin i kept forgetting to empty. guess what bitch finally emptied the bin once it was between me and a swift exit!
no offense and like the whole “it’s the best years of your life!” thing is great but in reality everything goes better scholastically when you treat it as “i came here to win, not to make friends.” i still did make friends, went to parties every weekend, was popular enough i’d be invited to several on one night - but i came there to win. when i put my scholastic life and my mental health first, i went from a 2.0 to a 3.98. yes you can, bitch.
you’re spending the money. don’t squander it. trust me when i say i know plenty of people who breeze through, bc you often can. but like. don’t. challenge yourself bc like. talk about an investment.
if you hate your major, change it. don’t make your life something you can’t stand. on that note, do NOT agree 100% to a track until you have at least some experience in the field. i cannot tell u how many ppl i know who got their whole masters/phd program done, walked into their new profession, and were like, Oh Fuck, I Can’t Live Like This.
college literally offers so many free things and if you’re not taking advantage of them whenever possible i get it but like. try to take advantage of them. this is everything from your gym (which probably has free classes dude) to clubs to like. sober events. these sober events are so ... fuckin good dude i’ve made mason jars with little plants in em... bee aviaries... candles.... go to the free stuff
oh ps on free stuff i wanna say about 4 of 5 days there’s free food on campus just look for things like job fairs, presentations, or discussion groups. also while you’re there at the job fair like. u know, go to the job fair in earnest
i took off 2 years to work and also to just. recover from my bullshit. and it took me 6 years and 3 schools to get my bachelor’s. it wasn’t easy but bitch i lived. there’s no such thing as “too long” to graduate if that’s truly what you want to do.
if on the meal plan, eat as clean as you can the first week. then introduce each part of the cafeteria’s possibly-food-poisoning-creating foods one at a time. give @ least 2 days between each experiment so you know for sure if you get sick what caused it. i literally never eat meat at school but you can still get sick off of unwashed lettuce/salad dressing that hasn’t been refrigerated properly/weirdass things you won’t even think of. this prevents like. dying in a public bathroom.
white loaf bread can be gross & boring. discount bakery section for your slightly chewy artisianal bread needs. if overstale, either toast it or dunk it into water and microwave it (unless u got an oven. use the oven if u can)
steal as many apples from the dining hall/events/etc as physically possible just do it they keep FOREVER and @ some point you’ll be like. fUCK i need a nutrition. ps if you’re keeping them in ur backpack (i wouldn’t keep more than 2) make sure to wrap w/a few paper towels so if you drop your bag you don’t get apple mush
write it all down bitch. “i’ll remember it” no you won’t. unless you are capable of remembering every idea on this list and in order, you won’t remember it. in general, if you write something 3 times, you will recall it correctly at least 80% of the time. i also read it out loud to myself, bc, you know, auditory recall
DO NOT just put your assignment at the top of your notes, unless you’re 100% sure that will work for you. in most cases, it’s much better to have a planner/agenda/place you expect to look for assignments. +7 points if you lie to yourself about deadlines and move them all up.
like not to sound too much like a DARE ad but like. if you don’t like it/don’t want it, don’t fuckin do it. the idea that “there’s nothing to do if you don’t party” is such bullshit. like i promise if you’re like “i am a grouch and want to stay in and binge netflix” about 45 ppl will show up in pjs like “bitch fullscreen it, im a grouch too.” there’s also like. the chance to just.... not overindulge. on wednesdays i have “wine wednesdays” where we sit around and drink a glass of wine while we do our hw. it’s chill and friendly instead of like. drink until u vomit. don’t feel like you either gotta slam the breaks or the gas pedal, is what i mean.
PLEASE know the signs of alcohol poisoning/overdose. most schools have a “Safety Always Matters Most” policy, which means that you can call for help w/out getting into trouble. if you think someone is in danger, act. this also goes for making sure ppl get home safe even if they’re just incapacitated, not poisoned. step in, dudes.
also just. notice when ur starting to rely on stuff too much. i’m super easily addicted to things, so i keep a healthy distance from liquor. i don’t let myself “drink to feel better” bc that’s a scary, scary thing to link to feeling better. if you or somebody u know starts drinking all the time/gets anxious if they don’t drink/drinks in the daytime .... get help. schools have counselling services for a reason.
you’re gonna get a cold/flu of some sort in the first 2 months just brace for it. in the meantime, drink vitamin c, try not to touch too many handles, and when people say “there’s something going around” believe them.
watch kaplan nike just do it 
if you can teach it, you know the material. a super good way of knowing if you studied the right way is to try and teach the material to a stuffed animal/imaginary class.
“i don’t know how to study” bitch me too the fuck. this is usually bc we’ve been taught that studying is just sitting down and staring @ ur notes. it’s not. it’s different for everyone, and you need to understand it’s 99% preventative care. if you don’t go to the class or do the homework, studying is going to fucking suck, bc you’re learning the material all at once for the first time. the place you should consider “studying” is “i’m confident in 70-90% of the material, but need to review.” do not let yourself fall behind .... just go to office hours and ask questions if ur not getting something. studying should feel like you’re remembering what you already knew but kinda forgot, not like you’ve been blindsided.
the whole “writing it down in ur own words” while u have been told this 700 times it really helps bc it means u gotta translate it through your own understanding. if you can’t, and it’s not bc the material seems too obvious to you to state in another way - ask yourself if you don’t understand the material. chances are u are missing a bit of info.
i know it’s like A Thing that Some People do but i never had the mental health points for it but i know some people just take 15 minutes after every class to review their notes. since i’m 100% early to every class ever, obnoxiously so, i try to do it before class. having the last class’s notes up in my head super helps. like. put down the phone i know you’re socially anxious me too but review those notes. chances are if u start flipping through pages other ppl will too. this is also fun bc as soon as you start this whole thing, at least one person will be like “is there a test?” no bitch there’s no test but im gonna be ready when there is!
literally so much of success is fucking posturing i could link about 800 peer-edited studies that show that when a student is expected to do well (and knows they are), they do well. like i literally didn’t change my appearance at all, never bothered to look nice (once winter hits i wear 67 layers all the time), but when i showed up after my 2 years off from school, i presented myself with the whole “i came here to win” vibe and people... really respected me? i mean in hs i remember ppl saying shit like “yeah, well, you aren’t gonna have the homework”. by the time i was in college i had an honest-to-god conversation which included someone being like “so tell me what you’re overachieving at right now” like they just expected it from me. wild.
i live by “bite off more than you can chew, and then CHEW IT” but it’s probably unhealthy. the truth is that i have a lot of energy all the time (lmao adhd!!!) and i used to get told i was “trying too hard” and for a long time (still???) i didn’t (i don’t?) know what that was, you know, bc i had a D average, clearly i wasn’t trying. it turns out i was just. putting all my energy into stuff that wasn’t making me happy like toxic friendships etc. when i decided “nope, all this energy is for me and my schoolwork”..... uhhhhh suddenly i was a golden child and everyone praised my try-hardness ... it’s a fuckt up system tbh
take at least 1 class just for fun. i try to do that every semester. it helps break up all the requirements. if you’re like an engineer and got no time or credits left to spend, try to audit your fun course.
make ur advisor love you i don’t care what it takes make them cupcakes show up to thank them i dONT CARE just do it 
the library isn’t always the best place. if i start getting anxious bc i pavlovian train myself that library=work, i find a new place to go to do hw. try to go outside if you can!!! not like where i live bc like it’s snow all the time but try. a little green really really really helps depression. 
if you’ve been in the same “Studying” place for 1 hour and haven’t done anything the chances are Something Isn’t Right. first, look @ ur body. are you not focusing bc of some pressing physical need? sometimes just taking a shower and coming back helps. are you uncomfy? are you too comfy and going to sleep? if body okay, look @ the material. do you not understand it? do you just need to switch to a new topic for a little bit? can you find a youtube video that will help you better understand it? make notes on what you don’t get so you can ask in the next class. if it’s not the material, it’s not ur bod, check the Actual Space. sometimes just getting up, going for a short walk to a new place, and trying it there actually? really works? if none of this is working.... try ur brain next. hardest to reset bc like, what, turn it on and off again? i use things like caffeine, a short workout, a nap, or a podcast all to just... give me a little boost. 
don’t be afraid to leave. i mean this about class, friend groups, and the college ur at. just get up on outta there if ur not feelin it. i cannot recommend “drop the class” enough. even if it’s a required course see if u can switch the times if u hate the professor day 3 it’s not gonna get better just get the fuCK out
don’t nap in the same position u go to sleep in, nap upside down w/ur head away from ur pillow. don’t ask me why but it works to 1. fall asleep faster 2. make sure u sleep okay at night and 3. wake up less annoyed 
on that note don’t ever do anything in ur bed in a sleeping position unless it’s genuinely sleeping in it. body will get confused. just sit up, lazybones.
when/if the library has those therapy dogs during finals week.... just go pet them make the time for it
ask before hugging people, but don’t expect a “yes”
get a backpack that fits and doesn’t hurt ur back u fuckin hippie idc how cool it is to wear ur backpack super low just don’t do it it’s not worth it
the tutoring center is a fucking goldmine.... free essay edits my dudes
bring a fan dorms are always hotter than u expect
switch dorms if u can if u realize ur in the wrong room/wrong roomate like just don’t bother with nonsense
when in doubt, follow preschool rules. tell ppl when they did something cool, just ask when u need help, and be confident even in your mistakes, because at least u tried
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murcidea · 4 years
aight under the cut is my notes i took, I wrote down all of sugimuras lines in the game Sans the shadow sugimura as that was a cognition of okumuras and added commentary about how i take them. so. here. under the cut. if you dont know what these events are then sorry man. its in order, the first meething with him, the confidant where u meet him, and then in that one cutscene where every1 thinks akira is dead.
you made me look everywhere for you... 
(genuinely annoyed. where the fuck was she? he has obligations to spend time with her and would rather not waste it searching for a person he already dislikes.)
What were you doing somewhere without reception? Out late with guys--Thats it. Isn't it? 
(he doesnt think she was at all. He knows her too well. In his eyes shes a prudish little girl, theres no way she was doing  that. hes being a bitch to make her upset. he wants her to hate him. maybe this will be what finally pushes her over the edge and makes her ask her dad call it off. he has no clue that kunikazu is so awful that he would allow her to be literally abused. he thinks hes better than his own father at teh very least becuase shes so gentle. he must be kind to her unlike his dad.)
C'mon, let me have some fun too, will ya? 
(in the off chance he would never have agreed to go through with it. he doesnt want to fuck her. hes not that depraved, hes more into actual adults than highschool girls. sure shes legal but good lord no thanks. he would probably just call her a slut and laugh at her for thinking he wanted her.)
Can't you do that for me?
(same as above, hes just trying to scare her.)
//gasp// What the-- Goddamn cat! Will you shut up you stupid cat?
(under normal circumstances he would not have kicked a cat at all but he was genuinely scared. Hes a jumpy person by nature and morgana scared the fuck out of him. when he told the cat to shut up it was more him paniced. He was thinking more along the lines of "please be quiet while i think about what to do oh dear god i hope its not hurt but im so fucking mad." hes got irrational anger issues. he would go home later and regret it so badly he adopts a cat to make up for all hes done to the one (morgana) he kicked earlier.)
Sorry about the disturbance. It's just a... lovers quarrel with my fiance. 
(saving face. His father is cruel and making him look bad would get him great punishment from his father. He doesnt want to have to fist fight or anything. god that would suck.)
How dare you make a fool of me. i'll be telling your father about this too. I won't forget your faces. 
(he realizes theres no point in saving face now. theyre cunty little teenagers. he hates them as his nights already been bad enough. theyre on the shit list and he hopes they go fuck themselves. even then he doesnt hate them 100% id say its about 55%, hes not truthfully a hateful person, mostly apathetic.)
Haru? I was just heading home from a business engagement when i saw you from my car window.
(he wanted to see her as he saw the opproutunity to harass her about hanging out with akira. no other reason.)
Hm? Do I know you from somewhere? .....!
Youre one of those brats from before... 
( He knew this from the get go, hes just a very good actor.)
...Hold on, Haru. You think you can go on a date with another man and leave your fiance in the dust?  
(he couldnt care less, hes got an obligation to be sure she doesnt make them look bad however. as much as he hates to interfere hes gotta be sure she doesnt ruin either his or her reputation. this is all to upset her but also an obligation to be sure shes not fucking up.)
Oh yeah? And what about the contract I made with your father? Are you sure about that? Think about the reparations clause. If you back out of the deal now, you will lose everything you own. Okumura Foods, your estate... And what about your employees? Are you really willing to put their jobs on the line for the sake of your selfishness?
(it was his fathers idea to say these things if it ever came up, hes going along with it out of obligation. a bit afraid to go against his intentions as he can easily cut yutaka out of the family and their money.)
Besides this marriage is exactly what Okumura Foods needs right now. My father would have no trouble managing your shares or sweeping away your company's tarnished image.
(ah this line. exactly what made me think that perhaps sugimura is not as evil as he seems. theres someone behind him pulling the strings. he doesnt say he will fix it, no, its his father. hes just a playing peice in his fathers plan, not unlike haru.)
That reminds me, did Takakura-san tell you about the wedding hall? He got us the Phoenix wing at the Wilton. He made a provisional reservation for ten days this coming spring. After all, The sooner the better. We'll have to look into our guests' schedules as well. There'll be over three hundred of them, you know.
(yeah he wants it the fuck over with. he doesnt want to marry her at all no. but he thinks making the deadline closer will make her more likely to panic and drop out of this arrangement all together. he knows she must hate him. he hopes she pulls out.)
Takakura-san can handle Okumura Foods in the meantime. Why don't You go stop by the gym or something, Haru? I mean, if you have time to mess around with this punk, you damn well have time to get a little thinner.  
(straight up hes being a rude ass he loves thicc bitches.)
I'm out of here.
I believe your father can rest in peace now. That phantom thief could never have changed anything. Only a handful of people are qualified to alter the world.
(he says this very pompously but its actually the result of him watching powerful people stand by while he's suffered his whole life. He doubts that the phantom thieves are even really doing anything worthwhile. not like they can help everyone. he hates the false home he thinks they're giving people.)
So you've been coming home late. Thats what I've heard. I make a good playmate, you know.
(obligatory creepiness as she STILL hasn't called off their arrangement god DAMN IT PLEASE HARU. he does talk like this for real with people hes into tho. ngl.)
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Alright so I did this for Episode I which you can find here and then Episode II which you can find here and then Episode III which you can find here. So here’s my weird live reaction/note taking/whatever this is.. to Episode lV.
I remember this being my favourite of the original trilogy because it sets everything up and basically kick started everything but lets see if that changes when i’ve finally got through all of these. 
Also I’m just watching whatever version i can find online because I can’t be bothered to go and find my dvd of it so yeah.. whether we get weird updated version or original effects or whatever, who knows. 
All the old effects like how C3p0 looks and r2d2 are impressive. 
There wasn’t really anything in the opening crawl i felt like commenting on, no big THEY DID THAT IN THE OPENING? but i guess it’s the first one that came out so that makes sense. 
WTF did the stormtroopers use to get that door open, that was so explosive wtf.
Also the blasters are like set to 10000 and smoke is everywhere. 
How did nobody shoot the dorids?
Yooo little Ani nice suit my dude. 
Hold on, she sent a msg with r2 to go to Obiwan which for 1 howd she know he’s alive? I’m gonna presume her dad said or something and 2.. ..why not just.. go yourself? 
So when they’re set to stun a Stormtrooper can shoot someone no problem
Also we dont get enough stun weird circle blaster shots
Ohhhh she didnt go because the scan for lifeforms thing alright ill allow it
but my dude.. even so.. maybe just shoot it just in case? like.. droids exist and people know about them?
DARTH VADERS LITTLE HANDS ON HIPS! Omfg he’s like “God damn, this bitch again.”
This Vader is a sassy boy. 
I love this guy who works with Vader and doesnt mind chatting back to him. 
Loving the droids in the desert. 
R2 does not look like it would work in a desert. 
C3 like “He tricked me into going this way” stop being a lil bich. 
The crawler thingy is badass. 
I thought that was a magnet it was just a big sucky pipe. 
Oh yep theres the new effects. 
Droids sleep? I guess power saver mode. 
Wtf is that dome droid
Luke! Luuuuuke! Iconic 2 words there. Well reused for that episode of Rebels where Obiwan watches from a distance. 
Bocce.. what a classic language. 
How is that “wasting time with friends” and not chores, going into town to get something sounds like a chore to me. 
Why did they get an atromech anyway? Like.. what’d they need the other droid for? 
C3 is a real bro lbh, if it wasn’t for him, R2 would be with the jawa still. 
Oooh oil bath. sexy. 
I wonder if people ship R2 and C3 because tbh it makes sense to me. 
Luke got an erection at the mention of the rebellion. 
Now it’s getting harder at that random blurry image of his sister. 
R2 is a cheeky lil shit. 
This is just some good home life shit. 
Dat soundtrack. 
You know what.. it’s a really nice home. 
Is it just me or is Owen dressed kinda Jedi-y. 
So is “Sand People” like the racist way to say “Tusken Raider”?
Obiwan, thats a ridiculous fucking noise. 
“Hello There” iconic. 
You know what the Prequels do add a lot to this. 
A young Jedi named Darth Vader.. im sorry.. thats just not a name. 
For someone who wants to get off the planet, Lukes like “Naa but i gotta get home”
Obiwan also just being like “You know what, fuck it here.. lets go.”
You know what as much of a bitch as that guy who gets force choked is, he’s a good actor. 
Also Tarkin yay. 
I feel like he should have dropped to his knees or something there. 
That is a scary droid. 
Cool door close. 
Thats a weird ass CG droid with a hole in. 
None of the other storm troopers gonna wonder why Dave’s being weird? 
Wahey! Figrin Dan and the Model Nodes! Love that Jizz music. 
Who just ugs on the back of a bartenders shirt? Wtf Luke
Yo he didnt even pay for his drink, free drinks?
Who gets the death sentance in 12 systems and goes around bragging? 
The first arm cut off and theres all sortsw of blood which there shouldnt be because lightsabers cauterize the wound, tut tut. 
Gooood scene with Han and Obi, honestly i keep forgetting to comment because im just watching xD
Wahey! Greedo 
If we’re doing a han shot first thing.. Greedo shot first in this version and missed and then Han shot him but tbh i prefer the Han shot first.. makes him more interesting. 
Jabba looks smaller. 
Casual Boba Fett appearance. 
Yooo Poncho. My boy Cal approves. 
Fuck those weird long nose aliens. 
The Falcon looks so good. 
Get those poor guys by the Death Star laser a damn rail. 
We just cool with igniting the lightsaber in front of Han and Chewie? Chewie at least knows wtf it is.
Chewie is a badass. 
Let the Wookie win. 
WTF that isnt the lightspeed effect.. it’s like a weird blanket tunnel 
The fact they get onto the Death Star with no issue is kind of ridiculous. 
The motion of Darth Vader is kinda just.. not fitting right. 
Han just pat Chewie like hes a dog. Rude. 
Han just gets caught up in this without a choice rly. 
He just wants those sweet credits. 
Also Set Design on Star Wars is amazing. 
Leia just lounging all sexy like 
Also does she have a stain on her tit? .. Not that im looking >.>
The Jedi being called a religion is kinda weird but i guess accurate. 
This has to be the worst star to a friendship for all three of them. Chewie seems cool though. 
I also thought the trash compactor scene was earlier on in this movie than it is. 
Who the fucks voice was it that said “Thats your imagination” ? 
How the fuck are they standing if the water is that deep?
I liek the touch of the monster whos name im sure i learnt but forgot let go as if it knew the trash compactor was about to turn on, that implies it has a safe spot down there that it stays. 
Some of the voices sound off on this but ah well 
Hans already a little Handsy with Leia but i think Harrison Ford was sleeping with Carie at the time so like.. i get it. 
Obiwan just strolling about, as you do. 
I love just these giant pits with walkways with no rails. If I worked on the Death Star it’d be a nightmare for me to get around. 
“NO WAIT THEY’LL HEAR!” ...and they’re not gonna hear you shouting?
Stormtroopers just shooting the shit is the best. 
You know what with everyone being like “Wow that ships a shitheap.” I can understand why the prequels made their ships look nicer and newer. 
I love that shooting a door panel in star wars just makes it so the doors wont open at all, thats some good shit. 
Lukes as bad of a shot as a Stormtrooper. 
First little kissy incesty moment but hey it was on the cheek, universally thats fine but im sure at the time this was him setting up that Luke and Leia were gonna end up together, before he decided they were siblings. 
Vader just standing there, lightsaber already out like “Ahhh Mr.Kenobi I’ve been expecting you”
As lack luster as the chroeography is in this fight im kinda thinking of it as like, they’re reading each other, like Obiwan and Maul’s final fight. 
I don’t really know why Obiwan just chooses to die like that but heyo. 
Vader stomping on Obiwans clothes? Why? I guess because he gave himself to the force and thats the first time he’s seen that? 
I love the gunner seats moving around, idk why i just love it. 
Whats the point of the ear peices if they’re just gonna shout at each other. 
Not mentioned it until now but everyone says Leia wrong. 
They’re really harsh to Han tbf
This is like if you got an Uber to a place and then the Uber driver got pulled into a police station because you’re a terrorist and then you have a go at the Uber driver for wanting to leave after he’s got you out of there. 
Another kiss for Luke.. .. okay
I like how Biggs earlier scenes are deleted so when he shows up it’s just this random dude who somehow knows Luke
That air traffic control guy has no idea what hes doing, nobody is even in the air yet or moving, wait. 
Man X wings are cool, makes me think of Battlefronts VR mission thing where you get to pilot one and it’s the coolest VR thing ive done. 
For a space station the size of a moon you’d think they’d have enough fighters to just wipe out the rebels no biggy. 
ALSO if they know the rebel base is on that planet, why not just blow that planet up? 
The targetting computer seems very invasive. 
Those turrets are useless. 
I would have rated it if they let that random dude blow up the Death Star.
Tarkins thinking face is beautiful. What a man, 
If Luke missed this shot, everyone knows he’s turned his targetting computer off, so they would be PISSED
RIP R2. 
Woooo Mr.Solo. 
Well.. Well done Luke you killed a lot of people, some just trying to do a job and live their lives. 
Han, Leia and Luke all went off together all holding each other.. like.. Threesome? 
I’m sorry but after that, someones doing some fucking. 
Leia just giving her lovers, dont @ me, a medal. Thats why Chewie doesnt get one, he wasnt there for the orgy. 
R2 looking fresh. 
You know what, that is a good complete story that actually works on its own, i appreaciate that. 10/10. :P
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misssophiachase · 6 years
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Set It Up – A kinda but not really Klaroline Fusion (like all my different fusions)
Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaeslon are working as assistants to the most demanding, rival NBA bosses in New York. From Macy’s to Madison Square Garden to the MGM Grand in Las Vegas can they stop bickering long enough to come together to make their lives easier?
All I do is Win
151 W 34th Street, New York, NY 
"Before you say anything,” he offered, holding his hand up to silence her. “He actually tried to fire a mailman today.” 
He being Mason Lockwood, the Brooklyn Nets owner. He was also notorious for being an arrogant, demanding bastard and then some. 
“Mailmen work for the U.S. government!"
“Oh boo hoo, I don’t care, Mikaelson,” she replied gruffly, equally not caring but also knowing it was true and his boss was an ass. 
“Says the girl whose boss could give Cruella De Ville a run for her money.” He wasn’t wrong. New York Knicks boss Katherine Pierce was fierce, feisty and a real bitch at the best and worst of times.
“Exactly why I’m here to claim my blender that you have your grubby paws all over. I called earlier and put it on hold,” Caroline demanded, exhausted from the trek to Macy’s Department Store noticing he was already clutching it possessively.   
She took a few seconds to admire that his thieving ass was sort of attractive in that fitted, grey suit even if he didn’t know his proper place.
Five days ago she didn’t even know him but Klaus Mikaelson had made both an immediate and lasting impression on her, and it wasn’t a good one. She had always welcomed competition but his good looks were kind of messing with her resolve. 
She had no intention of letting him win.
“But your name isn’t on it,” he shot back, refusing to relinquish her property. 
“Now, that’s extremely mature,” she scowled. “If I don’t get this exact gift for the Warner wedding my boss is going to kill me.” 
Yes, to some it was just your run-of-the-mill gadget that mixed ingredients together. But this wasn’t just any blender. This was the newest, state of the art Vitamix Blender that retailed at a jaw dropping $1198.
It also happened to be the last one left in Manhattan, Caroline knew given just how many stores she’d called in vain. She just hoped the Warners were grateful, if she managed to steal it from his greedy clutches of course.
“My boss will too given it’s a gift for his only sister’s birthday,” he shot back. “If you think I’m going to give up this blender without a fight you’re sorely mistaken.” 
Okay, maybe she had forgotten in her haste to put it on hold, oops, but Klaus didn’t have to know that.
“Only because you got caught out breaking the rules because I already put this on hold,” she bluffed, refusing to let him win.
“Okay fine, what do you want?” 
“I thought I made myself pretty clear, Mikaelson,” she growled, gesturing towards the blender.  
“What else do you want besides this blender?” 
They both held each other’s gaze for a full thirty seconds before each finally responded their resolve unflinching. 
“Disney on Ice tickets. I hear that the Under the Sea Christmas Spectacular is a huge hit in your borough.”  Brooklyn was most definitely a bad word she could never utter.  
“Seriously? That’s really what you want?”
“Deathly,” she hit back, rolling her eyes as she did it. “Surely you would have some contacts, you know if you’re actually a good assistant.” 
“Because I’m sure Katherine Pierce would love to watch a singing crab and one memory-less fish,” he scoffed. 
“She may be the Ice Queen but she also has thirteen impossible and incessant nieces and nephews. And last time I checked all fish were memory-less.”
“Well, then you’ve never met my Marvin.” Caroline was trying to ignore just how adorable he looked defending his goldfish one dimple at a time.  “Even so those tickets will cost me more than this blender.”
“Okay, so how about I sweeten the deal with some boxing tickets?”
“Not sure the local boxing round robin is his speed, love, so that’s a definite no.”
“Well, I suppose it’s your loss,” she drawled. “Hand over my blender then, Mikaelson.”
“You’re going to have to make me,” he replied jokingly. 
“Real mature,” Caroline reiterated, surprising him and plucking it from his grasp. She couldn’t miss the way his hand felt brushing against hers as she did. “I hope I never have to see your smug ass again.” She stalked away, hips swaying in her wake.
“Until I have to explain the missing blender,” he called out in frustration by way of response. 
“Because I’m sure a missing blender is going to be your biggest problem given you turned down Pacquiao vs Broner ringside seats in Vegas.”  
She made a mental note in her head. Caroline Forbes 1 - Klaus Mikaelson 0. Suddenly her hellish life as an assistant wasn't so bad if he was suffering too.
4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 
Klaus Mikaelson was the type to hold grudges. It started when he was six years-old and his younger brother Kol stole his favourite toy and it had only grown stronger and more spiteful in the years afterward. 
Caroline Forbes was going to pay. Mainly because his boss hadn’t let him forget how pathetic he was to lose the blender he wanted to ‘a girl’ as he emphasised in air quotes. Klaus was far from chauvinistic and his boss was obviously still living in the dark ages. 
Caroline wasn’t just ‘a girl’ she was a pain in his ass and Klaus planned to bring her down and it didn’t hurt that it was her home game either. 
Rivals the Knicks and Nets were squaring off at Madison Square Garden and he’d been plotting his revenge ever since their last meeting. Sure, she was kind of gorgeous with those blonde waves and crystal, blue eyes but she was also his devious competition. And she was unrelenting. He had to beat her at her own game and he’d found the perfect way to do it.
“Glutton for punishment hey?” 
“Excuse me?” He shot back from their neighbouring, courtside seats. The pre-game arrangements were well underway. “Last time I checked the Nets and their staff have every right to be here, even if it is on enemy territory.”
“Unfortunately, yes,” she growled. “But it’s nice to know you are going down tonight.”
“Have you seen the ladder, Forbes?”
“You are one game ahead, after tonight that won’t be the case,” she scoffed. Klaus took a moment to peruse her outfit before arguing back. Even in her hideous blue and orange jersey she couldn’t help but look stunning. He decided to put it down to the fact her floral perfume was infiltrating his nostrils and messing with his composure. 
“Wanna make a bet?”
“I’m pretty good at those but if you’re game.”
“Oh I’m game,” he smirked. “The Nets win you get me those ringside seats in Vegas. And by seats, I’m going to need eight.”
“Wow, someone is wishful thinking, but yeah sure, not that you’re going to win,” she scoffed. “I cannot wait to witness the annihilation, Mikaelson.” 
Klaus didn’t even respond, just sent her a teasing glance and made his way to the changerooms to finalise everything. He had a good feeling that his team were going to take the win and Klaus would be on the way to Vegas for the big fight at the MGM Grand. His boss would forget that bloody blender ever existed. 
“In your face, Forbes,” Klaus celebrated hours later as the Nets crowd at Madison Square Garden continued to chant well after the final buzzer. She was shocked to say the least, still cute in defeat but he’d never admit it aloud.  
“This is all your fault,” she snarled. “You cheated.”
“Last time I checked I wasn’t on the court.”
“Yeah probably a good thing, you’d never actually keep up, lazy bones,” she snorted. “How about that whole surprise pre-game show where number one Nets fans Beyonce and Jay-Z just decided to belt out the Star Spangled Banner from their seats?”
“I had nothing to do with that,” he lied.
“You are the worst liar,” she huffed. “You know just how well it would be received and in turn boost team morale.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he bluffed. “The best team on the day won.”
“You are unbelievable,” she scowled. “Must really be desperate given just how much your job depends on it.”
“Is that what you say to make your situation better?” He shot back. “Didn’t think you’d stoop that low, oh hang on that whole blender situation was exactly that.”
“I guess I’m desperate,” she murmured, Klaus couldn’t miss the way her expression seemed so defeated all of a sudden. “My college loans are looming and I may have been a little dishonest under pressure because my boss wants to fire me all the time.”
“Story of my life too believe it or not,” he offered. “If only they could get on with their lives and not focus on every little thing that we do.”
“Hang on,” she murmured. “That might not be the worst idea you ever had, Mikaelson. How about we set them up together?”
“Mason and Katherine? That’s just a recipe for disaster. That much combined combustible energy cannot be safe.”
“Exactly why we have to do it,” she murmured, raising her eyebrows.
“So, I suppose I’ll see you in Vegas then?”
“If you’re lucky,” she chuckled, but given her tone Klaus knew she’d be there no matter what.  
MGM Grand, 3799 S Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV
“Okay, I sent the fruit basket to her room.”
“Aren’t you a romantic,” she drawled teasingly, barely looking up from her magazine on the bed as he entered. Klaus Mikaelson was the last person she expected to organise that. As much as she was attracted to him, Caroline was seeing no similar interests besides setting up their bosses. 
“Please don’t ever call me that. But, last time I checked you’d done absolutely nothing,” Klaus shot back. “And I won the last bet and everything. Time to show you care, Forbes.”
“Like sending an identical one hour massage voucher to both his and her rooms for the same time in the hotel spa?”
“I suppose that’s okay,” he mumbled.
“Why do I get the impression that you don’t like ideas coming from anyone but yourself?”
“It must be all that ego,” she groaned. 
“You really do hate me,” he asked incredulously, it was unusual for any female to think badly of him let alone abuse him incessantly. 
“For the most part.”
“Wow, aren’t you sweet,” he drawled. “So what are we supposed to do to pass the time?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Caroline shot back. “How about something more intellectual?”
“Wow. Finally something we have in common,” he smirked triumphantly, as she produced a chess board. 
“I happened to be chess champion five years running in High School.”
“Well, don’t want all those potential but ignorant suitors knowing that fact,” he chuckled, sending a stray dimple her way. Caroline tried to pretend that it didn’t affect her but everything inside was telling her that it did. 
And she was scared of the foreign feelings it had caused.
But in true Caroline fashion she decided to push it aside so she could beat him at chess then deal with the consequences that were threatening to derail her feelings later. She didn’t get that chance though. In fact she was in a more vulnerable position than expected. 
“Check Mate,” he murmured, sweeping his queen across the board to take her king. 
She was stunned at first mainly because she never lost. Ever. But he seemed to know her and rather than unsettling her it was weirdly okay.
“We have a boxing match to get to,” she responded mechanically. His hand grabbed hers immediately, the warmth spreading through her body. “Need to keep an eye on our bosses after all.”
“Or we could do something else?” He offered, squeezing her hand affectionately. “My siblings are in town tonight but I’m going to warn you they are...”
“Nick’s Fans?” She asked. “I’ve certainly experienced them and worse.”
“You have no idea, in fact I think they’d be perfect company for Katherine and Mason.”
“Why do I get the feeling you don’t care if you lose your job right now?”
“Well, if you knew my brother Kol and his big mouth,” he teased. “But if you’d rather...”
“No, I’m starting to really like your brother Kol.”
“Well. then you’re really going to like my sister Rebekah,” he chuckled. “How about we explore Vegas some more? See what fun we can get up to?”
“I suppose it can’t hurt, right?” Caroline replied.
Famous last words.
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