#i do want to cuddle but im sneezing a lot :')
lobito-snz · 4 months
imagine this:
A is in bed, suffering from their horrible allergies, sneezing non stoping with a runny nose, and their sneezes are at this point so desperate that they can't even stifle them. The problem? there's B sleeping RIGHT next to A and B is being cuddly and needy, so they want to be hugging A and also want to lay their face on A's chest, but A is a sneezy mess, can't even cover their sneezes rn, and gets extremely shy about it.
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sofia-cloud · 11 months
Miguel taking care of reader while they’re sick! He’d be so worried about losing them</3
hes such a sweetie
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- ,, PAIRING: soft!Miguel x reader
⋆·˚ ༘ * CONTENTS: comfort, fluff, soft Miguel, sickness, cuddling.
*ೃ༄ NOTES: im sorry if this a bit short, anyways in this story Miguel is lovelyy and tell me if yall want more of Miguel
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it was a normal day of winter, when suddenly the temperature of your body got higher. You didnt know why that happened but at first you didnt mind, a few hours later you felt so tired and decide to rest a little. It didnt help much cause you got a sore throat and even a cold, you felt so vulnerable at that time as u couldnt even stand up. Your throat was aching so bad, your bed was covered with a lot of handkerchiefs, you just couldnt take it.
“babe, can you- *sneezed* can you come over.. im feeling a little..” you couldnt even finish that phrase that ur phone fall down by your hand and you faint.
“Love?? Youre okay??” Miguel asked as the call was still up, when he didnt received an answer but just heard the phone fell down, he quickly stopped on what he was doing and he turned into spider man to do it as fast as possible, he came out of the building and started throwing cobwebs for the skyscrapers, in all it took only 2 minutes to get home.
His heart was pounding, not knowing what had happened to you, he thought of the worst. He immediately opened the door and ran to your room, until he saw you that you had fainted.
“Please wake up” he said as he gently put a wet cloth on your forehead and raised your legs so that the blood would spin. His look was a lot worried, you were very important to him, he didn't want to lose someone like you, he spent good times together with you, he felt comfortable by your side, you were the only person who could understand him, the only one who was there in the moment of need, now he wouldn't let you down.
Your eyes opened slowly, murmuring incomprehensible words, when Miguel had noticed it he hugged you softly, feeling how vulnerable you were at the time. He just wanted you to be okay, he didn't want anything else at that moment.
“Im here for you treasure, just tell me what you need, do you want some water?” He asked you holding your hand, sitting on the edge of the bed.
You nodded because you didn't even have the strength to talk, he immediately went to the kitchen to bring you a glass, he even brought you a medicinal in such a way as to get rid of your sore throat and a little fever.
“Miguel, what would i do without you” you said as he mixed the medicines into the water, putting a hand in his face, he had put his hand on top of yours.
“I can't lose you, love, youre too important to me” his voice sounded so sweet and sincere, you loved when Miguel opened up to you emotionally, without him you probably would never have been able to get up, he was always there for you, he was always available and ready to help you.
A few hours later you felt better thanks to the medicines, Miguel had stayed all that time in your room and bringing you food or drink, he had sat in the bed next to you while you were watching tv, you had laughed and joked.
“Do you feel better darling?” He asked you by looking directly into your eyes.
“Yeah, i think tomorrow all this will be gone, just because of you” you smiled softly at him.
You kept watching TV together until you fell asleep in his chest, he stroked your hair and gently kissed your forehead.
“I'll love you forever” he whispered as he watched you sleep and arranged the blanket better on you.
You weren't completely asleep yet, at that comment you smiled slightly and squeezed him slightly more.
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bumblinv · 1 year
Hi! Are your requests open? If they are I'm just gonna leave this here, Neteyam, Ao'nung, Lo'ak (sperate) x OmaticayaGnReader who is sick, like flu for the na'vi or something like that, they have a fever and the chills and everything could it also be fluffy and absolutely adorable
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--- personal doctors ☆゚.*・。゚
neteyam, ao'nung, rotxo (seperated) x gn!metkayina!reader
you catch a cold, its time for your lover to take care of you
a/n ; im not good at writing lo’ak, so i bring you rotxo instead! i hope you dont mind<3
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: ̗̀➛ neteyam
realizes your sickness even before you did
when you first sneeze or cough, his mind goes straight to the day before, recalling any peculiar food you've had
neteyam would notices too, when you pause between chores to massage your forehead
he will take over cleaning. making sure every corner is clean so you won't sneeze from the dust. he also makes sure you stay hydrated and even whips you up nutritious meals until your condition got better. usually, the fever never got up to you
but when it does, he goes in full momma mode
this man grows with 3 younger siblings, caring for someone is natural for him. he would stay by your side, whispering your name every few hours to wake you up, so he could feed and help you drink
neteyam might not be the best healer, like her sister, but he can make certain herb drinks
makes you ginger tea regularly to warm up your shivering body
you tend to get all sort of nightmares from your sickness, but dont worry, you’re waking up to neteyam since he’s cuddling you all night long. he will run his slender fingers through your hair, whispering comforting words to your ear
“everything’s okay, dear. i’m here” 
we all need neteyam in our lives:(
: ̗̀➛ ao'ung
acts like he doesn’t care, but the moment your temperature starts to rise, he brings his mother straight to you
the tsahik would probably do nothing. she tell him to go ask kiri for some herb tea, and to make sure you drink and eat well, since fevers could heal by itself
but mans stressed
would refuse to let you lift a single muscle. he will be the one helping you change, wipe your face to keep you fresh, feeding you
since he’s not the best cook, he would ask tsireya to make you soups, wich she happily does. she makes great food, but your tongue tastes sour and your appetite is no where to be found
so ao'nung scolds you
“quit acting like a baby and please, just eat” 
you know ao’nung. none of his scolding are anger, he’s just extremely worried.
watching you go to sleep after being scolded makes him feel like a villain. he would join you in bed and whispers an apology. gently bringing you closer to his chest as the both of you fall asleep
remember he's a worrier? it makes him act too much like a mom. he will insist on taking care of you, even when you're feeling better. will only stop until he's sure you're 100% healthy
ao'nung is a big softie
: ̗̀➛ rotxo 
most clueless compared to the other 2
pls dont be mad, its not his fault
something tells me he’s an only child, a one that rarely got sick too, so he doesn’t know anything about caring for ill people
rotxo might be confused, but he’s not an idiot
the moment he touches your forehead and realizes you're scorching hot, rotxo instinctively wraps a fluffy blanket around you. the man will make you drink a lot of water, and went off running to the sullys
“what the fuck?” 
“sorry lo'ak! its an emergency!”
he got home with omaticayan food wraps in hand. you’re too sick to say anything, so when he lifts your head to feed you, you don’t protest
the one thing that scares you the most is that his jokes completely disappears
all his stupid jokes, gone.
not in a bad way, this man is just so dedicated on you that he stops joking around. he cannot stand that you're feeling all sick and uncomfortable and wants you back to your healthy self
this man is so serious, even when he tried feeding you raw cloves of garlic
one time, he heard kiri saying that garlics are ‘good for boosting the immune system’ 
he’s not wrong😭😭😭
but kiri hits him on the head once she founds out
instead of feeding you raw garlic, she gives you a mix of aged garlic and honey as medicine such an asian mom move
he feels bad afterwards, would kiss your entire face despite your protest
the next day, you wake up feeling fresh. but your lover boys voice got so hoarse from sore throat and complains about his sore limbs
yes, he got your fever and yes, he never regret kissing you, even when you're sick
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carlos-in-glasses · 26 days
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Thank you for the tag @honeybee-taskforce @thisbuildinghasfeelings @nancygillianmvp @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@paperstorm @whatsintheboxmh @heartstringsduet @strandnreyes
@ladytessa74 @lemonlyman-dotcom @sznofthesticks @tommy-kinard-buckley
@alrightbuckaroo @tellmegoodbye @reyesstrand 🧡
A little something from Poet Fic, which is also somewhat of a Sick Fic! Btw I might not participate in WIP tags quite as much over the next little while. I'll see how it goes but a lot of this fic seems to contain spoilers for itself so it's tricky to pick out sections! BUT please do still tag me in things because I always want to know what people have going on! ILY!
“Did anyone ever read these? Anyone in your family?”
“No!” Carlos barks, shocked by the question - or the image it conjures. “God no. You’re the only one. And, I know you’re my soulmate and everything, but I was still never going to tell you about it.”
“Why not?”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“But you still kept it.”
“It’s possible to be embarrassed by things you’re also proud of,” Carlos says, quirking an eyebrow.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” TK bursts a laugh, rocking into him.
Carlos lets himself smile. He looks down at his little tome, his collection of secret pain that he still experiences like echoes. “This poor kid.”
“I know.”
“When I realized I’d lost all my poems in the fire, I told you I didn’t care,” Carlos says, “But I did. I actually cried. I just felt like I’d let myself down. I thought about how devastated I’d have been as a teenager, knowing everything would go up in flames like that. And the love heart for Scott – throwing it away felt like a weird betrayal.”
They look into each other’s eyes. TK sneezes.
“I think you should get some sleep,” Carlos says, handing him the box of tissues.
“Read to me.”
“To bore you to sleep?”
“I want you to prove to me that they’re bad.” TK draws a finger around the ‘O’ of Astros on Carlos’ sweatshirt. “Because I don’t believe you.”
Carlos sits up a bit so he can put his arm around TK, pulling him in to cuddle up against his chest, sneezes and all. TK takes a second to feel how loved he is, even when he messes up.
Open tag and tags below
@nancygillianmvp @safeaswrites @literateowl
@fallout-mars @carlos-tk @kiwichaeng
@actual-sleeping-beauty how are the weirdly-coloured cloths coming along? @eclectic-sassycoweyes @vineofroses
@three-drink-amy @basilsunrise @herefortarlos
@fitzherbertssmolder @sugdenlovesdingle @theghostofashton
@freneticfloetry @chicgeekgirl89 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@sanjuwrites @liminalmemories21 @never-blooms
@welcometololaland @rmd-writes @lightningboltreader
@bonheur-cafe @chaotictarlos @goodways - If you want to share/ haven't already! No pressure ever! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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nametakensff · 16 days
Relinquish Control (D/isco E/lysium, M/M)
Sooo I wrote 5.8k of sickly sweet K/im x H/arry whump following on from this fic (though you don't need to read it)
K/im inevitably catches J/ean's cold from H/arry, but ends up feeling a lot worse than anyone had bargained for. Caretaking ensues 💕
M/M, ongoing bg M/M/M, H/arry has a sneezing fetish, cold sneezes, spray, handkerchiefs, sneezing on someone's face, nose blows, mentions of mess (nothing graphic), contagion, fever, coughing, v whump heavy fic, lots of sappy feelings and caretaking, mentions of sex, mentions of erections because H/arry is insatiable
CW: Unintentional contagion with unintentional complications, K/im develops a chest infection, H/arry has a lot of self hatred, K/im has control issues, language mentioning animal death because J/ean is hyperbolic as fuck, all these men are emotionally damaged and immature in their own ways but trying their best anyway
NSFW - Minors DNI!
“I’m so, so sorry I got you sick.”
Harry gently pushed Kim’s sweaty hair back from his forehead, biting his lip in concern as the Lieutenant shivered at the contact. The fever had left his skin overly sensitised – even the slightest touch seemed to cause him discomfort.
“Harry, it’s okay. Honestly.”
Kim peered up at him, bleary eyes seeming especially bloodshot and vulnerable without the regular framing of his thick spectacles, mustering up a tiny smile that made Harry’s heart ache. This was all his fault. He’d fucked around with Jean when he was sick, he’d gotten himself sick, and then he’d gotten Kim sick. It had been as stupid as it had been wonderful, for the first couple of days. He’d taken a sick day and Kim had done the same, even though neither of them really needed it – they’d fucked within an inch of their lives and cuddled up with tea and tissues afterwards.
Of course getting the opportunity to indulge in such kinky, nasty, fantasy tier sex had been too good to be true. Harry was already on the mend, and Jean was almost entirely healthy – but Kim was another story altogether. Whether it was the recent stress of his transfer, the lingering physical and mental impact of the case in Martinaise, or plain old bad luck - what had been a simple, albeit nasty head cold for Jean and Harry was now shaping up to be a miserable chest infection for him.
Harry could feel his expression shifting into a countenance so pained he was grateful Kim’s eyesight was bad. He didn’t want to cry, but he felt so guilty and so useless in the moment it was feeling like an inevitability.
Apparently Kim’s eyesight wasn’t poor enough to misconstrue the pure misery etched onto Harry’s face – or he was already an expert at reading his supreme moodiness, like he had a built in barometer specifically attuned to Harry’s idiosyncrasies. He reached a weak hand out from under the veritable cocoon of bed sheets and squeezed his wrist.
“Harry. Really. It’s not your fault. I’ve been overdue something like this.”
His hand dropped limply back onto the bed. It was horrible, seeing Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi in such a state. To Harry, he was a knight in shining armour. He had seemed indestructible. He was beginning to see what Kim had meant about his putting people on pedestals, but all the same - Kim was strong, organised and composed. Harry just hadn’t been able to mentally picture him ever looking quite so unwell. ‘Weak’ and ‘Kim’ felt like antonyms.
Even if technically, yes, it wasn’t his fault Kim’s cold had worsened so dramatically, he’d still given it to him. He’d still reaped the benefits of all the sneezing, all the ground-shaking fetish sex Kim had indulged him in. He was itching to pour his heart out and lament about how truly awful he was, how irresponsible and insatiable he had been, but there was something else he was begrudgingly learning. People do not like to listen to overly self-indulgent, narcissistic proclamations of self-depreciation. Even for the ever-patient Kim, there were limits. He would not make this about him. He was trying to change.
And so, Harry merely swallowed back the guilt and the tears against the lump in his throat. He cupped Kim’s cheek in his palm, chest blossoming with warmth as Kim sighed and let his head loll sideways and into the contact.
“Do you need anything else? Seriously, is there anything more I can do for you? Just say the word and I’m on it.”
Kim was still burning hot to the touch, even after the assistance of a cool compress. It occurred to Harry that he was now seeking the relative coolness of his palm – which was worrying, considering Harry ran hot on a normal day, and his temperature was still a little elevated from his own lingering cold. At least his sneezing had stopped – he didn’t want to trigger Kim into more sneezes of his own, not with his throat as swollen and sore as it was. He never thought he wouldn’t want Kim to sneeze – at least not this early into their fumbling speed-run of a relationship. He wasn’t so delusional as to deny they didn’t still thrill him – he was a greedy, selfish man – but he could wait.
“Mm. No. I’m…fine.”
He wasn’t. They both knew he wasn’t, but Harry thought perhaps it occurred to Kim that admitting how poorly he actually was would be the final straw, the tipping point into relinquishing all control. And what could be more terrifying than that?
In the early stages of his cold, Lieutenant Kitsuragi had been sneezing and marginally lethargic – but, for all intents and purposes, not all that different from his regular self. When he’d started to feel worse - genuinely unwell - he had withdrawn. He’d been short with Harry in the office – he’d been short with everyone, his normal taciturn composure beginning to crack, and with it, his professionalism. Everyone had quickly given him a wide berth, which Harry could see he hated despite practically manufacturing the situation for himself in the first place. He’d called out sick on Friday, ignored Harry’s calls all weekend, and when Jean confirmed he’d called in sick a second time on Monday, Harry had been practically climbing the walls with anxiety.
Kim wasn’t answering his latest calls, every nervous one of them made hourly from his desk. The palpability of his anxiousness was concerning to both himself and everyone around him - he looked pathetic and desperate. He was pathetic and desperate. Jean kept casting him contemplative glances all morning before he eventually took pity on him.
“Go see if he’s okay. I’ll cover for you this afternoon.” He’d offered as he and Harry sat eating lunch in the communal kitchen.
Harry had looked up from where he’d been picking dejectedly at his sandwich, eyes round and glossy enough to put to shame any orphaned puppy.
“Really? Is that okay?”
“Listen, Shitkid. Life is a joke and as such, you're my superior officer. You don’t need my permission to check in on your boyfriend – a valuable member of our unit, in case you’ve forgotten.”
Harry smiled at him, delighting in the sheepish way Jean couldn’t quite maintain eye contact with him. He deduced that Jean was also feeling somewhat responsible for Kim’s misery - being patient zero, as it were.
“You’ll be alright? I’ll come back as fast as I can.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t bother. Just go.” Jean nodded. “I can’t watch you play with your food like that any longer. You look like a fucking box of kittens just got set on fire right in front of you.”
Harry jumped to his feet in an instant.
“You’re the fucking best, Vic.”
Jean halted him with a strong arm around his middle before he shot out of the room, forcing a soft ‘oof’ out of him.
“Take your sandwich with you. People who don’t obtain most of their calories from booze actually eat food instead.”
Harry raised an eyebrow at him.
“Rich coming from the depressed masochist subsisting off of coffee, cigarettes and the occasional chicken breast, but okay.”
Jean scoffed and rolled his eyes but otherwise didn't take the bait. Harry snatched his sandwich up from the table, feeling warm and grateful. His partner’s words were biting, but his concern for his well-being and the obvious pleasure he had in knowing that Harry was maintaining his sobriety were loud and clear - if you knew how to look past the guarded, gruff exterior. He waved at Jean as he hightailed it out of the joint, practically running the rest of the way to Kim’s apartment block.
Winded by his frantic ascension of the building’s winding staircase, he probably overdid it with the pounding on Kim’s door – no, he definitely did, on reflection. It was just that with the lack of immediate response following all those missed phone calls, his mind was conjuring up every worst-case scenario in the book. To say he was overwhelmed with relief when Kim finally started to open the door was an understatement.
He’d been grinning in gleeful anticipation at finally coming face to face with the Lieutenant, but his expression promptly fell as he took in the sight of Kim - shaking, sweating, miserably unwell. He looked as though he barely had the strength to stay upright, let alone pull open the door.
“Harry, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
If Kim looked bad, he sounded even worse. In fact, he sounded as though he’d been gargling with razor blades. Harry winced.
“Oh my god, Kim…”
Kim huffed out a little laugh, both amused and insulted by the naked dismay directed at his person. He opened his mouth to speak but was promptly overtaken by an intensely violent and hacking coughing fit, gripping the door frame like a lifeline as he angled his face away from Harry with a fist pressed up to his mouth. It was a horrible cough, chesty and audibly painful. Within seconds, Harry was manoeuvring the door shut behind them as he stepped into Kim’s apartment and ushered him, still coughing violently, back into his bedroom.
The room stank of illness – that distinct, cloying scent of unhealthy sweat and misery. Kim was still going, gasping for breath with desperate little snatches of air between the coughs that racked his slender frame. Harry sat down on the bed beside him, stroking his back and biting his bottom lip so hard it almost bled.
Finally, some agonising moments later, Kim managed to stop. He sat there, slumped forward and breathing in a careful, measured fashion. Harry reached for the half empty glass of water on Kim’s bedside table and handed it to him wordlessly, cringing as Kim choked a couple of times at the sensation of the liquid trickling down his raw throat. When he managed to avoid triggering another attack, both men practically deflated with relief.
“Thank you – sorry.” Kim delicately wiped his lips with the back of his hand, letting Harry take the glass back off him.
“Kim…how long have you been feeling this bad?”
Kim looked at him, and Harry realised that he was sans glasses. His hair, normally slicked back, hung loose in a messy shock over his forehead, and his face was unshaven, several days of stubble growing in alongside his standard pencil moustache. His nostrils were chapped, pink and raw. Harry would have found his dishevelled appearance painfully attractive were it not for the overwhelming concern that was currently squeezing his heart in a vice-like grip. Kim sighed.
“Since Saturday evening. I was hoping it would go away on its own, but-!”
Harry swore and reached out to support him as Kim was cut off by another round of coughing, mercifully shorter than the previous attack but still leaving him shaking against the larger man when it finally released him.
“Fuck…” Kim muttered. He burned under Harry’s touch.
“Shhh – I’m gonna get you some water, and some tea, okay?”
“Harry – you don’t need to, I can- “
Harry almost shocked himself with the authoritative tone with which he silenced the Lieutenant. Thank God for the gift of his irrepressible (and irresistible) masculinity - it ever so occasionally came in clutch for him. Kim shut his mouth and didn’t seem pissed off in the slightest that Harry had cut him off. He looked at him expectantly, like a dog awaiting a command. That alone was as clear an admission of illness as any to Harry.
“I know I don’t need to do anything.” Harry started. “But I want to. You could have called me. I was calling you. You’re – you’re really sick right now.”
Kim huffed.
“I’m not that sick.”
“Sure, and I’m Dolores Dei herself.”
If Kim had been even the tiniest bit more prone to immaturity, Harry was sure he would have rolled his eyes at him.
“Will you please get back into bed and let me help you?” He patted the bed behind them, inviting Kim to crawl back into it. “You help me all the time.”
“I’ll let you help me when I actually need help.” Kim rasped, but dragged himself back under his duvet all the same. Harry watched him, the undignified crawl of defeat paired with the stubborn backchat causing him to reassess his recent impression of Kim as an obedient dog. No, he was instead a recalcitrant cat – if he’d had a tail, it would have flicked back and forth with displeasure as he nestled into the sheets. The thought was endearing, and almost comical enough to make him laugh.
Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi was, in fact, a huge, stubborn baby when sick. This was a delightful new discovery which made Harry both despair and rejoice in equal measures. He’d had years of experience (only some of which he could actively recall) of Jean vehemently denying affection and assistance when he needed it the most. Hell, he himself was an expert in pushing people away whilst simultaneously (and paradoxically) demanding their perpetual assistance. Kim, it turned out, was only marginally less emotionally constipated than either of them. The only thing for it was to match that stubbornness head on.
“There.” Harry crooned as he tenderly organised Kim’s duvet around him. “Doesn’t it feel nice being tucked in?”
Kim looked up at him with tired eyes. Harry could see that he was a conflicted mix of embarrassed and grateful. Good. This would be easier than anticipated. Unable to help himself, he leaned forward and peppered Kim’s warm face with tiny kisses. He nearly died when the tickle of his unruly facial hair made Kim actually fucking giggle in response.
“You’re adorable.” He murmured against Kim’s mouth, stroking his cheek.
“Detective, I’m a 43-year-old police officer.”
“An adorable 43-year-old police officer.” Harry corrected, pressing a quick kiss to Kim’s chapped lips. His voice was nasal, nose miserably clogged – Harry didn’t want to deny him oxygen any longer than need be.
“You shouldn’t be kissing me.”
“Why the hell not?” Harry kissed him on the tip of his poor, red nose, melting as he watched it wrinkle and squirm in response. “I gave you this cold in the first place.”
Kim sighed. Harry did not like the way his chest seemed to wheeze.
“I fear it’s become something worse, at this point.”
“Yeah.” Harry frowned at him, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles on Kim’s cheekbone.
Abruptly, he stood up, tossing his blazer into the corner of Kim’s room and rolling up his shirt sleeves.
“I’ll be back in a minute. You just rest, okay?”
Harry fumbled about in Kim’s kitchen, trying not to make a racket as he hastily put together a cup of tea. He also filled a pint glass with water, cursing under his breath as Kim began to cough from the other room - a nasty, punishing sound that seemed to go on and on. He needed to see a doctor, Harry thought. He’d breach the topic with Kim in a bit.
He'd helped him sit up in bed, first to drink some water, which Kim sipped gingerly. Harry could tell he was dreading every cough that threatened to burst out of him. He’d taken the glass from Kim and exchanged it with the tea, asking him to drink as much as he was able.
“Have you taken anything for this?” He asked, watching Kim with a worried frown.
“…Not since Saturday. I didn’t have a lot of medicine on me.”
‘I rarely need it’ went unsaid, but Harry heard it all the same.
“When did you last eat?”
“…Yesterday. I’ve been meaning to go grocery shopping, but…” Kim sighed, wincing as the tea rolled down his throat.
“Well, shit. I’m running out to get you meds and soup as soon as you finish your tea, okay?”
“Detective, you have a job.”
“Jean-Jean gave me explicit permission to come and check up on you. He told me not to bother going back today.” Harry grinned at him, pleased both by Jean’s leniency and the way Kim could no longer leverage work to get him to leave. Kim sighed.
“Honestly, you’re acting like I’m terminally unwell. I’ll b-be…I’ll be f’fi-hh!”
Harry’s eyes zoned in on Kim’s flaring nostrils in an instant. Despite it all, despite the concern, he couldn’t help the way that ominous catch of breath went straight to his cock, twitching briefly in his trousers in anticipation. Kim was unmistakably going to sneeze.
“Ohh, can you - !”
Harry took the mug of tea from Kim and placed it safely back on the bedside table. He watched through unblinking eyes as Kim’s eyebrows rose, mouth dropping open and revealing his pink tongue as it cupped itself in ticklish preparation of the sneeze to come. It really didn’t get old, watching Kim like this. His poor, reddened nostrils twitched devilishly against the cold-induced tickle, urged along by the warm vapours of steam.
He took in one final, sharp little gasp, briefly waving his right hand in front of his face before pitching to the side, away from Harry and into the protective cradle of that same hand. Harry reached out to place a strong arm around his trembling shoulders, half in support and half out of the raging desire to be touching him every time he sneezed.
“HgGK’TSSChh!! Hpt’TSCHGHHh!! Hagk’TSCHOOouuu!!”
They shuddered through him, the vibrations running through Harry in turn and leaving him to break out in an excited rush of goosebumps from head to toe. Kim was miserably congested, and the sneezes were much thicker, much more nasal than usual. The definitive sneeze of that violent little triple was deliciously desperate and vocally rich. Harry was almost entirely hard when Kim snuggled into him, snuffling into his hand and trembling against the crook of Harry's neck.
“Ough. Désolé.” He muttered, sounding entirely wiped out.
“Bless you, honey.”
The pet name rolled out of him so naturally that it took Harry a whole few seconds to realise that he had even used it at all. He tensed in sudden anxiety, kicking himself for the slip-up. Were they ready for ‘honey’ yet??
 When Kim didn’t pull away and instead snuggled even closer, he let himself relax, circling both arms around Kim and holding him for several moments. It was only when Kim sniffled again, keeping his hand securely over his nose and mouth, that Harry realised he’d probably made a spectacular mess of himself.
He pulled back, rubbing Kim’s back and looking around the room. It didn’t take him long to locate a handkerchief, half buried in the bed sheets, which he held out to Kim. The Lieutenant reached for it gingerly, uttering a small “merci” before skilfully obscuring his face from Harry and indulging in a quick nose blow. It was crackling and thick, but judging by the sound of it, not awfully productive following the initial few seconds. He sighed, swiping at his twitching nostrils for a couple of seconds longer before folding the handkerchief shut and snuggling back into the crook of Harry’s neck.
They sat together for a few moments before Harry cleared his throat.
“Ready for more tea?”
“Yes. God…I’m so tired.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Harry cooed, reaching out for the mug, helping Kim into position and nobly ignoring his throbbing erection.
After he’d finished his tea, Kim had been exhausted enough to fall asleep within minutes. Harry stood over his bed and watched him sleep for a while, feeling a little like an invasive creep but also finding no fucks left to give. Now that Kim was unconscious again, the all-consuming panic was returning.
He hurried through the store in a daze, buying an assortment of different foods and canned soup for Kim. He bought cough medicine, decongestants and tissues before saying ‘fuck it’ and buying a huge carton of orange juice for good measure.
Kim was still sleeping when he got back. As he set about making him soup he listened to him snore, the sound so congested even through the wood of his bedroom door that it made his chest ache.
Harry left the pot to simmer for a while, collapsing onto Kim’s sofa with a heavy sigh and dragging the palm of his hand up and down his face a couple of times in exhausted resignation. He wouldn’t let himself lie there for long, knowing any more than five minutes in a supine position was a dangerous game to be playing if he didn’t want to fall asleep for hours on end. The soup would be done soon enough, but the waiting was agony. He was happy that Kim was able to sleep but he just wanted him awake; he wanted Kim to reassure him that everything was okay. Stupid. Childish. He needed to snap out of it. He slapped his own face in reprimand and immediately regretted the power in his swing, cursing the sheer size of his palms.
His body jerked violently, suddenly, a terrible falling sensation. The shock of it had him scrambling to his feet. He’d been dozing off, exactly what he’d been hoping to avoid. He glanced frantically at the clock on the wall and was relieved to see that at most he’d been borderline moribund for no longer than 10 minutes – just enough time for the soup to be done.
He ladled a decent portion into one of Kim’s pristine bowls and helped himself to a spoonful. Not bad, he decided; the flavour could be a little stronger but Kim likely couldn’t taste much anyway. He placed it on a small tray with a clean spoon and another glass of water.
The domesticity of it all made him nervous as he carried the tray out of the kitchen; it was like he was a little boy again, nursing his first serious infatuation. He must have done things like this for Dora – unavoidable, in a relationship that long, and yet. Thoughts of her still ached. He pushed the blurry, blonde image away, replacing the vague outlines of her with a clearer impression of thick glasses and slick black hair. He would overwrite her, record over their memories together the same way he would have eventually recorded over their wedding tape – had he been good enough for her to marry in the first place.
Kim was still asleep when Harry entered the room and placed the tray gently on the bedside table, careful to avoid disturbing the Lieutenant’s glasses. He was facing Harry, but only partially visible, tangled up in the cocoon of his blankets. It was fucking adorable. He looked like the world’s weariest caterpillar. His mouth hung slightly open to accommodate his poor stuffy nose, painfully pink and nuzzling into the fabric of his bedding. Harry buried the devious thought of waking Kim up by teasing his sensitive nostrils into a sneeze, instead reaching out and gently shaking his shoulder.
The Lieutenant was an incredibly light sleeper normally, so when he hadn’t woken upon Harry’s entrance and only cracked open one bleary eye after twenty seconds or so of increasingly vigorous jiggling, it was another nail in the coffin of Harry’s soaring anxiety.
“Heyyy, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” He smiled as encouragingly as he could muster at his sick boyfriend, who groaned and promptly launched into a lengthy coughing fit. Harry swore, helping Kim to sit up and stroking his back.
“Here, Kim, fucking hell…” He handed him the glass of water and the Lieutenant gulped it down greedily, panting when he was done. He was struggling valiantly to maintain an even breathing pattern between the warring hindrances of his blocked sinuses and tickly throat.
“Better?” He asked when he’d helped Kim relax back into the pillows he arranged between his back and the headboard.
“A little. Thank you, Harry.” Kim smiled at him. “I’m okay.”
That meek little smile was clearly manufactured for Harry’s benefit, and that only made it feel worse, somehow. Kim yawned into his duvet, one hand clutching the fabric to his face.
“How long have I been asleep?”
“About an hour and a half.” Harry answered, turning to retrieve the soup. “I made you something to eat – wanna give it a go?”
He proffered the tray towards Kim, taking in his surprised expression with pleasure.
“Did you cook this?”
“Well, it’s canned soup, technically, but I tossed in a couple of things to spice it up.”
“You didn’t have to, you know. I could have done this much.”
Harry sighed, waiting for Kim to take the tray.
“A simple ‘thank you’ would have sufficed, you stubborn ass.”
Kim flashed him an apologetic smile and took the tray.
“Sorry, sorry. And thank you. I really do appreciate it.”
“That’s better.” Harry huffed, adopting the authoritative tone he used to whip out whenever his high school students were testing him. “Now eat your damn soup.”
Kim grinned.
“Yes, sir.”
It took Kim an exceedingly long time to get through even half of the soup – he kept needing to cough, and Harry decided to permanently hold the tray in place for him whilst he ate. It was much easier than repeatedly leaning forwards and backwards in anticipation.
It was as he held the tray in place, angled over Kim’s lap and several inches away from his face, that Kim’s breath started to hitch. Harry barely had a second of recognition before Kim was swallowing frantically, dropping his spoon onto the tray a moment too late to be able to catch the desperate sneeze in the palm of his hand.
Harry shivered, eyes closing reflexively against the delicate smack of spray that misted his face. On the technicality that he was needed to hold the tray in place and prevent Kim from spilling the soup, he didn’t bother moving.  The second sneeze baptised him in much the same manner, barrelling out of Kim almost immediately after the first.
The brief hesitation as Kim sucked in air to fuel a definitive third sneeze allowed Harry to open his eyes, taking in the Lieutenant’s tortured expression, his damp, flaring nostrils stretching to their limits. Instinctively, he leaned even closer, watching as Kim’s face froze for a moment in a rictus of irritation before he was sneezing hard enough that some soup sloshed over the rim of the bowl. He had managed to bring up a hand last minute, but the covering was lazy at best, spray escaping through the gaps between his fingers and misting Harry again.
“hHH’GKKT’TTSschoouu!! Ugh, excuse me…”
He snuffled miserably, blinking away a few stray tears. Harry handed him a clean tissue, feeling giddy and electric but trying his absolute best to disguise it. He was doing a horrible job; he was entirely hard, painfully so, and he could feel the smug grin that parted his lips despite his best efforts to remain placid. He tried to subtly wipe his face clean with his shirt sleeve as Kim busied himself with blowing his nose.
“I take it you enjoyed that?” Kim asked suddenly.
Shit. He’d been even less subtle than he’d hoped. Harry winced and cast a guilty ‘well shucks, you got me’ grin his way, relieved to see that Kim didn’t look bothered in the least. If anything, the cheeky lilt of his voice and the smile that reached his eyes seemed to imply a sense of endearment and satisfaction.
“I did. Sorry. Bless you three times.” He wiped the spilled soup away with another tissue, offering out his hand to Kim to take his own used tissue and tossing them both.
“Mm, Thank you. No need to apologise, detective. It’s quite nice, you know. To feel desired at one’s most disgusting.”
“You’re so not disgusting right now. But trust me, Kim – I get it.”
They smiled at each other until Kim broke eye contact, reaching for his spoon and clearing his throat. Naked adoration, both giving and receiving, was still relatively uncomfortable for him - Harry understood this implicitly - but the tension of his mouth belied how much effort he was putting into repressing a most persistent smile. Noticing this just made Harry beam at him even harder.
To Harry’s dismay, Kim’s condition only seemed minutely improved after eating. He’d cuddled with the smaller man until he’d fallen asleep again, then pulled up KIm's desk chair and sat beside his bed, leafing through one of the Lieutenant’s books on Aerostatic Pilotage. It was good to distract himself like this as his boyfriend wheezed and snored several feet away from him. The endless stream of information that he filed away in the recesses of his brain was always a decent method of channeling his focus within the relative chaos of his noisy mind. Besides, it was much less destructive to overload his system with facts than substances. He tried not to think about the cooking wine he'd seen in a kitchen cabinet earlier.
A sudden whimper from the pile of bedding and limbs that was Lieutenant Kitsuragi had him mobile in an instant, hovering by Kim’s bedside as he groaned again, opening his eyes ever so slightly and panting for air. Before Harry even reached out to touch him he could feel that he was boiling, burning up as the heat radiated off of him. He was damp with perspiration, loose hair plastered to the skin of his forehead.
“Oh, sweetheart…”
Kim turned towards him, eyes unfocused and glassy with fever. When he didn’t say anything, just peered miserably in Harry’s general direction, almost through him without the aid of his glasses and with the sickness fogging his brain, Harry had to dig his nails into his palm to prevent a full-blown panic attack.
“I’m gonna get you a cold compress, okay? Just hold on a minute.”
He scrambled round the small bathroom for a face towel before rushing back to the kitchen, filling a bowl with ice cubes and water. The bowl was too small and the towel a little too big, but it would have to do.
Kim’s attempts to convince Harry that he was fine eventually came to an end. As Harry cupped his cheek and lay beside him on the bed, adjusting the compress and supporting him through the occasional bout of coughing, the Lieutenant’s resolve finally broke.
“Harry…” He started, and before Harry’s eyes he seemed to physically shrink down into the bedsheets. It was as though the determination and stubbornness left him all at once, his energy positively depleted. “I feel terrible.”
Kim’s eyes squeezed shut. Harry didn’t know if he was cringing, humiliated by his own admission of defeat, or whether he was trying his best not to cry. It might even be that he had a migraine coming on. It didn’t matter. None of that mattered – all that mattered was making him feel better. His chest physically ached.
“Okay. It’s okay.”
He kissed Kim’s burning cheek, took one of his clammy, limp hands in his own and laced their fingers together.
“Will you stay here tonight?”
“I can’t believe you even felt the need to ask.”
“Mm…apologies. I’m not used to this.” Kim spoke gently, squeezing Harry’s hand softly, far too softly.
“What - being looked after?”
Kim smirked at him just a little.
“’I can’t believe you even felt the need to ask.’”
“Ha ha. Funny man.” Harry deadpanned, pressing their foreheads together, forcing Kim’s eyes to cross as he stared at him down the length of his nose. The Lieutenant huffed a small laugh against his lips, just as Harry had intended.
“Listen, being a lonely, touch-starved, middle-aged man is my shtick, okay? If you come for my gig like that I’ve got nothing.”
Kim closed his eyes and smiled against Harry’s mouth.
“Not even communism?”
“Political alignments alone do not a personality or archetype make.”
“So find a new archetype. Maybe the loving, doting boyfriend.” Kim muttered. “You’re doing a very good job of it right now. It suits you.”
Harry moved down to nuzzle his face into the crook of Kim’s neck. His skin was sweat-slick, hot, and smelled distinctly unwell, but it didn’t bother him. He wanted to bite down into the flesh and taste him. He wished he could physically crawl into Kim and live inside of him. The feelings that overwhelmed him brought stinging tears to his eyes.
“You think so?” He asked round the lump in his throat.
“I do.”
They lay there for a little while longer, jostled only by another round of coughing from Kim that urged Harry to prop him up in bed again. The change in position seemed to shift the congestion in his poor nose, and with it, triggered an irritating tickle. Harry watched in adoration as Kim’s expression twisted, then gasped softly as Kim turned and sneezed twice against the column of his throat.
“Hupt’TSHHUuuu!! HGKk’Tschoouu!! Ohh…”
He rubbed his runny nose against Harry’s skin, causing him to stiffen and moan in pleasure. Kim now had intimate knowledge of exactly how to drive him crazy, but he sensed that this particular, miserable little motion as his boyfriend attempted to quell the tickle in his nose was simply enacted out of sheer exhaustion, rather than any active desire to work him up. Somehow, it just made him even hotter – that Harry was simply a means to an end in that moment, a substitute for a tissue or a hastily raised fist to rub against his nostrils was – well. His pants were torturously tight.
“Bless you, baby. You poor thing.”
With all the willpower he could gather, he lay Kim down again and wiped his dripping nose clean with a tissue. He couldn’t help taking his time, luxuriating in the sensation of playing with his nose through the thin material. He swallowed back a groan when Kim’s nostrils flared wide, flexing under his fingers and pushing them apart. He didn’t sneeze again, for which Harry was grateful – that might have been the final straw before he was forced to sneak off and rub one out in the bathroom. Not that Kim would have minded, he was sure. Enabler.
“You should try and sleep now, okay?”
“I’m gonna stay here until you’re out and then I’ll crash on your couch.”
“Do you need – there are no clean sheets –“
“It’s okay, Kim. There’s a throw blanket, and it’s getting warmer. I’ll be fine, honestly.”
Harry stroked his cheek, something that Kim seemed to like a lot. The Lieutenant nuzzled into his palm and hummed an affirmative. Harry clucked his tongue softly - he was still much too hot, burning into him.
“Gonna take you to a doctor in the morning, honey. You’re not well at all.”
“You sure? Gonna let me drive you there? No complaints, and no apologies?” He teased, relaxing just a little bit when Kim’s lips twitched into a tiny smile.
“I’ll behave.”
“Good boy.”
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alexanderlightweight · 4 months
Hey, hoping you and your loved ones are doing well and that you are regaining your strength and health. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. This is me sending virtual hugs :)
Thank you!!!!
Anon this made me feel so much better about things recently I really appreciate you!
Also just; you and everyone on tumblr hs been so amazing and nice and understanding. I appreciate all of you, my ao3 has been getting a lot of commands about updates and I’m just… I want to update too! I write every day in my head. Im just typically wiped out after but I’ve stabilized enough in PT that we don’t have to do it as often. So i won’t be a turtle rolled on its back when I got home from it as much.
I got a lot sick due to being around a group of traveling, germ collecting niblings a few months ago. Since i hadn’t recovered from Covid (kept getting small illnesses). What followed was me finally getting into a few appointments I’d been waitlisted for months on. So I’ve been doing some hard core physical therapy and some other stuff to try and get my health back up.
@queensaryn aka Saeth’s fibro got fucked up with Covid and they’ve barely managed to leave the house twice a month (even just to sit in the car while I get groceries) but they’re also improving albeit slowly. We have to be careful with their goals and limits. Basically they have to be treated like an overripe peach or a plum blossom, or baby strawberries.
Very delicate.
The rest of the house recovered faster but they still have some long Covid symptoms like us and it’s been hard for everyone. Months past and sometimes one of us will still get taken by surprise when the lingering affects hit us.
But we’re getting better! Sorry if that seemed pessimistic, it’s been exhausting, but I’m definitely finally getting stronger. It does seem like every time I make two steps forward we find something else wrong and I go 1-3 steps back but after three years of fighting I’m getting help for some old injuries and damage.
Just last night I was plotting out a scene in ‘a craft of adoration’ that I can’t wait to actually type out. So thank you again for the encouragement, it makes me want to push through because I really love writing. And it’s a lot more encouraging then some very backhanded compliments and demands for updates on ao3.
Which tbf, they probs don’t know I’m sick and have been struggling but I’m already fighting so hard to get better that it gets discouraging. So thank you for lifting my spirits!
And thank you to everyone else who has sent me and the House well wishes if they happen to see this. My inbox is a little bursting rn with prompts so I tend to get distracted very easily when I try to look through it.
Sending virtual hugs back and lots of Nightshade cuddles!
I will say that the Abyss and Nightshade have both been incredibly cuddly since I got sick. Nightshade throws a tantrum if anyone in the House so much as sneezes. He is horrified by the thought of any one getting sick again
💜 lumine
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nightdustfallen · 4 months
Finally made a ref sheet lol if any of ya'll needed a bit more of a full view to draw em here it is, as well as the accurate non-shadowed colors By the way, you can use the tag "nightly.art" to see all of my art if you dont want to dig thru all of the other art (of lovely and talented people) that i regularly reblog
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Which i suppose also segways into an introductory pinned post? perhaps
Well im Nightdust!! my main fursona is this guy above me, he is called Nightdust Fallen, he is a breed of a husky and a wolf, making him extremely fluffy and puffy! The reason for his name is by the fact that (in my head canon or lore) he came from a bunch of fallen space star dust, hence why he likes space so much and staring at the stars, he also has some sort of ice magic i havent fully fleshed out yet, one thing i can say tho is that when he sneezes, he does it softly and he puffs out small ice snowflakes and can freeze things he touches he is also supposed to wear glasses like me but i suck at drawing those and forgot to include them here anyway so
He is very shy, doesnt talk much but is very protective of his very close friends and would do anything to protect them and make sure they're safe, he is a femboy (of course), enjoys listening to calm relaxing music and high octane electronic music at times, is a gamer, likes cuddling up in bed and i think that's it
It also doubles up as a self description of myself so yeah lol Still tho feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or anything, with that said onwards to more personal stuff
I enjoy drawing obviously, but i also enjoy cooking stuff and origami, i play a lot of roblox usually to pass time but a game i really got into is "Voices of the Void" i really recommend but it's not for everyone, i like the game's concept and how detailed the space is there. For some reason, a lot of the time i am cold, my hands, feet, nose and limbs overall are very cold which is why i thought about giving my oc some ice magic thing. I am taken, in a relationship with my cutie bunny bf, and my sexuality is bisexual. As said before i do not talk much since im not the social type and usually freeze up or dont know what to say, hence why sometimes i take a long time to respond to something or my response is "dry" or not full of much emotion since i dont really know what to say or feel like im annoying if i talk too much. If you read thru all of that and get here then reply with the word bean so i know you're a true one hehe. I also often wait for others to start the conversation rather than me starting since i again, feel like i would bother the other person or like i could distract them if they are doing something
Anyways i believe that is pretty much it, thank for reading all of this if you did, and i probably didnt mention lots of details i should have but they arent coming to my mind right now
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
*sneezes* so uh, I saw you were willing to write for girlies in the fandoms too…. also don’t worry about my stalking, worry about the weather-
N e ways…. May I ask for a morsel, a crumb, a sliver of some ururaka x gf because she’s underrated and I love her and I, too, would love a gf (if you want to supply o b v i, no pressure) 🥹🥹💍💍
ABSOLUTELY 1 MILLION TIMES YES IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE FOR HER OMFG. also congrats emmy for being the first official request for a female character on my blog I’m SO HAPPY!!
also??? you can stalk me WHENEVER you’d like. i’m so serious rn. i’m definitely guilty of stalking your blog as well, dw abt it
fem!reader, but no physical description is given!! fluffyyyy, prohero!uravity, nonpro!reader, non-sexual nudity (they take a bath together), one maybe two if you squint suggestive jokes, lots of love. todoroki and uraraka are besties bc I say so.
first time writing for a girl kinda nervous, so if it feels slightly stiff in the beginning or slightly ooc dw abt it (but i pulled up her character wiki so i think it should be okay <3
let me compose myself I’m too excited rn, she would be the S W E E T E S T gf ever you’re turning me into a full fledged simp for her with this-
pro hero uravity who got all of her paperwork done for the day AND brought in some wannabe villains, even if it meant cutting her lunch break with pro-hero shoto a bit short. she tells her interns and sidekicks to call her if anything serious comes up, but since things seem to be going smoothly, she’d be going home an hour early.
she’s so excited to get home, regardless of whether or not you’d be there- both are good options to her because on one hand, you’d be there, ready and willing to cuddle on the couch. on the other hand, if you weren’t there, it’d give her an opportunity to cook something nice for the two of you- she’d been wanting to try this one recipe for a while now.
opening the door to her condo, she took note of your shoes being absent from the front hall. you weren’t back from work yet. 
she wishes she could take care of more things around the house on a regular basis, it wasn’t in her nature to sit idly by when things needed to be done, but with her hours being so unstable most of the time, it meant leaving it to you more often than not. so when she had time to do something nice for you, like cook dinner, she took full advantage of it.
she just wanted to take care of you, someone who has stood by her since pretty much the beginning of her hero career. you always did such an amazing job at caring for her after her shifts, all she wanted was to return the favour. she had always had the motivation to spoil you, but now she had the means as well. 
after changing out of her hero attire, she headed straight for the kitchen and got out the recipe on her phone. soon enough, she was fully absorbed in what she was doing. so much so that she didn’t even hear the door open 20 minutes later.
“well this is a nice surprise,” you snuck an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, causing her to squeak and almost drop the pan she was holding.
“baby, you’re home! I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner, did you call for me?”
you shook your head and smiled at her. “saw your shoes by the door and wanted to scare you.”
she huffed out a laugh. “you menace.”
giggling, you stole a slice of the pepper she had been cutting up. “you love me for it.”
uraraka gasped. “and a thief! I should take you in for that, you know.”
“hmm, you wouldn’t dare, I make things interesting for you.”
“yeah, yeah, just don’t steal any more ingredients please, I’d like to have enough left for our ultra-romantic, super tasty meal later.”
your eyes lit up as if you just remembered something. “oh yeah! what are we making anyway?” 
“we are not making anything, you always handle dinner, let me do it this time. and I’m following that recipe I told you about a couple weeks ago.”
she put the peppers in the pan and turned the heat on low before turning to face you again. giving you a once over, she frowned slightly at how worn you looked, even behind your faux-peppy mask. “how was your day, baby?”
you shrugged. “not the best, kind of rough but nothing I can’t deal with.”
uraraka made a disapproving sound but let it be. you weren’t in need of a lecture about how much you could deal with on your own, she could tell you just needed to be taken care of. 
she pushed herself up onto the counter and held her arms open. you gladly took her invitation and nuzzled into her chest. “how was your day, ochaco?” 
“it was good, thank you for asking. things were running smoothly today so I figured I’d come home early. I’m glad I did, I get to make you feel better now.”
she felt you smile into her skin. “I’m glad you had a good day, my love.” 
“I’m sorry yours was shitty. anything I can do to make it better?”
you hummed. “just having you here is already making it better... but if you’re offering...” you looked up at her and she immediately identified the look in your eyes as mischievous. 
“what is it, my love?”
“maybe while you’re cooking our ultra-romantic meal, I could run us an ultra-romantic bath to relax in after we eat?” you were playfully running your nose up and down her neck as you spoke and she squealed a bit at the tingly sensation. 
“I like that idea a lot,” she giggled. “go get changed into something comfy, I’ll let you know when dinner is almost done so you can start the bath.”
she took your face in her hands and peppered kisses to your squished cheeks before sending you on your way.
an hour later, stuffed with food and dishes done, you were both sat in the bath together, basking in each other’s company. times likes these, when you were cuddled up close and whispering sweet nothings to each other, always made her reminiscent of a time when you hadn’t even started dating yet. 
you were both fresh out of high school, her just starting pro-hero work and you starting your own life, but you clicked so easily, it would have been criminal to not give it a shot. 
it was cute for her friends to see at first, when you happened to see her off duty in a small café with some of her old classmates. you were both stumbling over words- over each other, as she tried to get out of your way to accommodate what direction you wanted to go in.
but they soon grew tired of her pining for a girl who so obviously reciprocated her feelings. so an intervention was held.
“uraraka, I can see that this girl likes you, too. you’re just scared of making a move. don’t be.” said shoto.
“yeah, ochaco, if todoroki of all people can see that y/n likes you, then you know it’s true. you need to make a move!” prompted mina. 
“what’s that supposed to mean, ashido?”
and she was so incredibly glad she did. 
months into the relationship, the shyness finally went away and you quickly realized neither of you had ever felt more at home with another person. that’s not to say you two never got flustered anymore though. any bit of flirting from one of you could render the other speechless and panicked to no end.
for example, how uraraka could feel how warm her cheeks were. it was better now that you were submerged in the water with her, your back leaning against her front, but she was still calming down from before that. 
and of course you just had to tease her. 
“pretty girl, what’s the matter? you’re all red from that? you know we’ve had-”
your girlfriend hid her face in the crook of your neck and secured her arms around your waist. she whined. “stooooppp!”
you laughed and carded a damp hand through her hair. “I’m very sorry, sweetheart, I’m just teasing. you know I love it when you get like this.”
yeah, she smiled slightly into your skin, a new determination to fluster you back arising. I know exactly what you mean.
she raised her head from it’s hiding place and relished in the look on your face when you turned your head to the side and saw a familiar expression. 
she maintained eye contact and brought a hand up to brush her knuckles against your cheek so gently, her other hand still on your wait, thumb caressing your skin. “it’s okay, but... with the day you’ve had, I wonder if you’ll let me... take care... of you for the rest of the night, my pretty girl?” a kiss was placed behind your ear and you squeaked.
uraraka let out a loud laugh as you took in a deep, but very shaky, breath and promptly face-planted into the water. 
she loved you so much and absolutely nothing could ever change that.
but anyway, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!!! TY FOR REQUESTING, AND P L E A S E GO CHECK OUT EMMY, THE WRITING ON THAT BLOG IS TOP TIER. and I am so lucky that this fic got partially deleted when everything was still fresh in my mind BC. I WOULD HAVE CRIED IF I HAD ANOTHER KAGAMI TAIGA  INCIDENT. do you all remember how upset I was that day? that was heartbreaking and I still have not returned to it. it’s still in my drafts bc tumblr decided to be a bitch that day </3
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v-anrouge · 3 months
Day three of sendin love! I’m kinda sick right now so let do sick headcannons
Vil probably rarely gets sick cause he takes such good care of himself but it does happen sometimes. He hates it, he tries to push through for a bit before calling out and boarding himself into his dorm room. He isn’t leavening his dorm until he is better! He has many potions on hand, so he also doesn’t stay sick for long. He tends to chug a potion, eat some good food and rest up. Only a select few are allowed to see him when sick, his dad, rook, and you of course! His beloved! He doesn’t want you to stay too long though so you can avoid being sick! But he does swear he gets better every time you bring him some food and water.
Rook ignores his sickness, hides it and goes about like he’s fine. It take a lot to get him to honestly rest, only a really bad sickness will get him to truly rest. And he hates it! He’s like a grumpy kid who wants to get up and play when they have the flu. Needs to be babysat to be kept in bed, but he does take his medicine and vitamins without complaint. He hates it the most when his ears get clogged, cause he uses his ears a lot to tell where people are. He gets a bit jumpy when sick, and only you or Vil are allowed near him when sick. Sometimes Trey, but he’s only alllowed to drop things off, no long visits!
Epel is used to colds, or small sicknesses. Being in the north means he has a strong immune system for the cold, but whenever he gets wet or it rains he gets a cold and sniffles. He just shoves a scarf over his nose and mouth, and keeps going. Vil eventually locks him in his bedroom, and Epel angrily eats his apples. He drinks hot apple cider for most of his sickness, and eats a lot of porridge. Believer in the BRAT diary when sick, bananas, rice, apple sauce, and toast. Epel rarely gets truly sick, but his colds can last awhile even if they’re just a cough and sniffles.
I Hope YOURE doing okay, and taking your time for yourself! When you ever come back, I’ll be here with a lot of ideas to talk about! Feel better!
im loving ur asks so much😭
vil overworking himself even when sick :( sighs he's always looking after ppl but when it comes to himself he really can neglect himself, i imagine the only person that really took care of vil when sick was his father so he feels a bit embarrassed having someone see him like that, and a bit insecure, he thinks he must look like a pitiful mess but honestly? he looks cute with his red little nose and sleepy expression
ROOK BEINF STUBBORN IS SO REAL he feels too vulnerable so it's hard for him :( him only allowing vil and his lover to see him is so real😭 its especially hard for rook because he feels weak and small and he can't even cuddle it out with you because he doesn't want to get you sick :( plus he loses the kisses:(( he can't wait till he gets better
epel def wipes his nose with his sleeves and vil WANTS HIM DEAD for it😭 epel is another cutie when sick and he fucking hates it, for the funnies im gonna say epel sneezes like a kitten sometimes and other times he sneezes so loud people genuinely get scared
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alumort · 1 year
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Happy new year! Not the 1st here yet but im falling asleep so you get it earlier lol
The house was getting colder now that the moon had replaced the sun up in the sky, and for once Neji couldn’t find himself enjoying the low temperature of that Winter night. Had it been any other day, he would be satisfied with a warm cup of tea and nothing else– but right on the last day of the year, his husband had fallen down with a nasty cold and couldn’t even get out of bed for long.
He had to be warm, and Lee simply refused to be laying down for anything that wasn’t sleeping or cuddling– the brunet had to make sure he actually stayed under his blankets, and try to help him feel better. And so Neji was trying to prepare some soup, at the same time using a new recipe that the other man would probably love– a chicken curry soup. It wasn’t too hard to prepare, thankfully.
Lee probably wouldn’t eat too much, but he still decided to make a lot just in case his expectation was incorrect. He would have some once his husband had fallen asleep again– for now, he entered the room as silently as physically possible.
It was strange seeing his husband curled up in their bed, his face pale and with coughing fits every now and then, which made the brunet realize his partner was still awake. He was too tired to even look up, not even noticing that Neji had arrived until he had sat by his side.
“My dear,” the taijutsu master muttered, letting out a weak smile. There was a wet cloth on his forehead that needed to be changed soon, but for now, he had to eat something.
“Hey, Lee. I made you some soup.”
Lee immediately brightened up, standing up and grabbing the plate as carefully as he could– just in case something happened, Neji ended up holding it still, and the other man slowly eating the food without saying much– he had to focus as to not make it fall by accident, after all, and it was harder to do when sick.
He seemed happy with the soup, even letting out a grin.
“It has curry… I like it,” he exclaimed once he ate enough, deciding to get comfortable under the blankets once again. Neji got up and looked around, mentally reminding himself to bring more napkins and fresh water for his partner.
“I’m glad you do. I’ll save it, and we can heat it up if you feel hungry again,” the brunet informed, and Lee just nodded without saying anything. Carefully, he grabbed the wet cloth (which was hotter than it should now) and empty water bottles, just to go back to the living room.
After having refilled and refreshed everything (and grabbing more napkins) he went back to his husband, who hadn’t fallen asleep yet. Lee was probably waiting for him, his eyes focused on the other man and even letting out a soft hum when his forehead felt cold once again, the wet cloth placed on it once again.
“Thank you, my love,” the taijutsu exclaimed, and Neji caressed his cheek in response.
“It’s no problem. I know you’d do the same for me,” Neji replied, silently grabbing his bedclothes and changing there, just to go to the bed without saying anything at all.
“Neji… you will get sick if you stay here,” Lee commented, his voice breaking down every couple of words and giving him the necessity of coughing. The brunet offered him one of the water bottles, and he let out a soft smile before sipping from it.
“I don’t care. I want to stay by your side, Lee.”
His husband said nothing, but he ended up wrapping him with his arms, humming softly when Neji returned the embrace without saying anything at all.
"I ruined the day, and everything. I am sorry, I know you wanted to be with Hinata and your niece–"
A sneeze, and Neji used the short self-interruption to speak with him, a hand carefully holding the other man's face.
"Lee. Dearest, you got sick, you didn't do this on purpose," the brunet whispered, placing a gentle kiss on each of Lee's cheeks. "There's time to visit my cousin and her kids, but now, you have to get better first. I don't want to leave you alone when you're like this, and I won't."
"But I am a Jounin. I can take care of myself," Lee protested with a pout, giggling as he received more kisses.
"And? You're my husband, I'm going to help you when I can. Also… you literally can't get out of bed. Stop trying to act all though."
A chuckle, and then Lee let out a long yawn before getting comfortable on the bed, ready to continue sleeping– Neji decided to imitate him, but his brain didn't want to let him rest.
He felt tired, and almost fell asleep on the spot, yet his gaze fell on the dark night sky before tiredness could take over. What time was it already? Neji couldn't see the clock from where he was… it wasn't needed, though.
The sky lightened up with a million different colors, and only then Lee opened his eyes and the cloth on his forehead fell, startled by the sudden noise. His partner got closer to him, caressing his shoulder with such softness that the taijutsu master relaxed once again.
"Happy new year, Lee. I love you," Neji mumbled,
"New year…" Lee repeated, scratching his stuffy nose as he talked, starting to fall asleep– before that could happen, he opened his eyes widely, suddenly remembering something. "It is Gai's birthday! Oh, I do not think I will be able to give him his gift…"
Neji couldn’t help it but chuckle, and his husband slightly tilted his head to the side in a silent response.
“I’ll give it to him, don’t worry. You have to rest,” the brunet exclaimed, getting closer to the other man just to place his lips on his boiling forehead. Lee smiled and rested his head on the crook of Neji’s neck, shifting his body closer to his.
“Thank you… I love you.”
They didn’t say much afterwards, falling asleep to the sound of fireworks and their own breathing.
… and if Neji woke up with a sore throat the following day, he tried to not let it show too much, simply waiting until it faded away with time. He didn’t want to worry Lee too much, at least not while he was ill.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Just disguisting isn't a boys book at all. It also isnt a girls book. Its a no one will ever like it book. It's so disguisting. Literally. There's a paragraph about
When your playing with a knife and accidently cutting your own belly and your guts falling out. Then your dog enters the room and eats the guts, puking and eating it again. Then it poops and runs away. You can only watch with your mouth open and a fly flies into your mouth. It startles you so much you accidently swallow the fly. You look up and a bird poops in your eyes. You walk around, blind, and step in the poop of your dog. You slip and fall in a bath full of pus and maggots. You try pulling out the stop (if thats the word) to not drown but accidently pull out the hair thats in the stop. In there, there's a halfgrown babychicken with a little mutant body and says "Mama... mama...". You find it so disguisting that you say '#@!#@%$!' (funfact: its the most disguisting word ever) but you forgot your head explodes when you say that. So your head explodes and your tongue ends up in the toilet and your eyes in a spider web and the spider makes them liquid (funfact: spiders have stuff in their stomach that makes things liquid). But its a good thing because your parents enter the room dancing and cuddling and they ask 'whos body is this?' and start eating it because it weren't actually your parents- it are flesheating zombies and they start eating your body. Then a huge snail enters the room and starts doing a striptease, which you cant see, but you can feel it. Then your gutless, headless, halfeaten body runs out of the house to a road with lots of cars, yelling: "HELP! MY PARENTS ARE FLESHEATING ZOMBIES AND THERES A SNAIL DOING A STRIPTEASE!!!" But nobody listens because no sane anyone would ever stop for a gutless, headless, halfeaten body; they all just run over over over and over you until your just a disguisting red stain on the road. Read: mostly red, exept the pus and the white little pieces which are the maggots.
Dear goodness that is not a book for anyone, what the heck did I just read ewwww, actually my sister might like it. it kinda reminds me of this thing I remember seeing as a kid. It was like an easy bake oven for gross things, like worms, maggots, and vomit it was called the queasy bake oven and you baked like worm cakes and dog vomit. Things like that. That's why as a kid I considered it a boy book cause the queasy bake oven was geared toward boys. But my sister actually wanted it. But we just got easy bake ovens again, we got easy bake ovens twice. Well I got one three times. I still have the third one, And yeah we had to get doubles of the same toy cause we didn't know how to share. One christmas we got one easy bake oven each and one snoopy snow cone machine each, we couldn't share it was a good thing she was more baby dolls and I was more barbie. I hated baby dolls. She also liked sports and bikes and skate boards. And I liked barbies, Britney spears and journals. However we both did religiously watch Bring It On, we had the VHS and DVD, that is not a movie for children now that I think about it. We were also somehow allowed to watch Players Club cause our family rented the vhs from block buster and the vhs player was in our playroom. That movie is about strippers, why was no one watching us?
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softxsuki · 2 years
HEYYYY (this totally isnt 🍄 anon) could i please make a request. school has been really stressful, especially with my depression and ive been completing less and less each day and I have been feeling so so guilty abt it. my thoughts happen mostly at night when im trying my best to sleep. though, the voices in my head wont leave me alone:,D Ive been crying sm beacuse of it and the voices in my head keep telling me that I shouldnt be feeling this way, and how I have everything I need etc.
kuroo, being my comfort character, i would like to request a sceneario where he wakes up one night to gn reader crying at abt their depression etc. and where he reassures us abt it all? ik you just did like 2 kuroo fics alrdy so im fine w you putting this request aside and work on other requests before this one:)
tysm in advance:]<333
Kuroo Comforts Reader At Night About Their Depression
Pairing: Kuroo x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of depression, stress, guilt, feeling like giving up
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 990
Summary: In which Kuroo wakes up to you crying at night about your depression and stresses with school so he comforts you c:.
[A/N: HELLOOOO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I'm insane for keeping my requests open when I have over 100 pending right now aaaaaaahhh, but I'm so glad I can write things like this to help you guys out <3. I've been sick this whole week, coughing my lungs out and sneezing like crazy, so apologies if this sucks. I blame the mucus in my brain (that's gross I'm sorry NBFHEABFK) UHHH YEAH, I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed with your studies and juggling your depression and guilt as well. Things WILL get better so keep pushing forward. Once school is over you'll feel a lot lighter, but for now we can just keep trying. TRUST ME once I graduated it felt like a breath of fresh air. Keep fighting through each day because I promise you that better days await you, and you're not gonna want to miss that! ;) <3 Hope this drabble helpsssss. Also I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to be romantic or platonic SOOOOO if you wanted it to be platonic, then you guys are cuddling and sleeping together as friends 🧍‍♀️ :) okay bye ]
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It was late, around 3am as you sat wide awake in bed with Kuroo snoozing beside you. Drops of moonlight seeped into your room from the windows through the gaps in your blinds; it was a serene night, a huge contrast to the utter turmoil you felt within you.
It had been weeks since each day seemed to drag on and on. Small tasks seemed like huge chores as it felt like you were barely making it through each day. You were falling behind in your studies for school and your parents had called you multiple times in concern, which just made you feel guilty. The dark pit in your stomach only grew larger as each day passed, threatening to eat you whole at any second. 
You turn away from Kuroo in bed, shuffling away from his arms that were once wrapped tightly around you as he continues to sleep. You curl into yourself as warm, fresh tears make their way down your face as your thoughts completely consume you. Why couldn’t you just get your act together and get everything that you needed to get done, done? Why did you have to feel so stressed, which only made your depression even worse as the fear of disappointing your parents and Kuroo loomed over you? Why couldn’t you just DO IT–study, do everything you needed to do? Why did you have to cry about it now? What was crying doing for you? But each negative thought just made more and more tears fall down your face. 
You try to hold your sobs back, but they eventually escape your lips as your body trembles and shakes with each sound. You feel Kuroo stir beside you as he sits up in bed.
“Hey, what's wrong?” He moves towards you, leaning over your form to get a look at your face, but you turn away and stuff your face into your pillow so can’t see you in that state.
“I’m sorry for waking you,” you say between sobs with your head still stuffed in the pillow, hoping he can make out what you’re saying, “I’ll just go to the living room.”
You begin to move, crawling out of bed, but a firm grip around your wrist stops you, “Y/N,” Kuroos calls you, “Tell me what’s going on.”
You hesitate. Did you really want to drag Kuroo into the mess you called your mind? You glance back at him, a desperate look on his face as his expression falls further at your tear stained face. Ultimately, you sigh in defeat and sit back down on the bed as you explain everything to him, from your depression, to the high stress you’ve been feeling lately, and so on.
“I just feel so guilty that I haven’t been able to do anything around the house or find the energy to study for my classes. It’s almost like I get paralyzed the more stressful my classes get and I can’t seem to get anything done. I feel depressed and just tired of everything. I just…want to lie down and give up sometimes,” you confess as guilt once again spreads throughout your body.
Kuroo sits beside you the whole time, his hand that still held your wrist rubs soothing circles into your skin, encouraging you to speak until you were done. 
“It’s okay to feel stressed sometimes. I’m sorry for not noticing sooner,” he sighs and looks over toward you with a small smile, “There’s no need to feel guilty about not meeting others expectations of you. You’re doing your best and school can get extremely stressful at times. You’re doing so well fighting your own battles with your depression, your daily tasks, and juggling your studies on top of everything. What’s important is that you’re trying.”
You take a shaky breath in and meet his gaze, “But what if I can’t try anymore?”
If your words shocked Kuroo or scared him, he didn’t let his expression falter as he gives your hand a squeeze, “Well that’s what I’m for. I’ll help you get back on your feet. We’ll take each day at a time, starting with getting you slowly back into your studies. Perhaps we can find a fun way for you to study so you feel more motivated to do it?”
You think it over, imagining yourself laughing and smiling beside Kuroo while studying instead of dreading it, “Yeah, I think that would be nice.”
So together you both come up with fun ways to study; from treating yourself to your favorite things like food, a quick anime break, or music break, to studying outside to expose yourself to new scenery like a park or library instead of the same four walls of your room; Kuroo was intent on helping you ease your stresses from your classes.
“Of course this is just a start as I’m sure your classes aren’t your only problems, but we’ll slowly get through this together, okay? Now wipe those tears and lets get back to bed,” he says while pulling you back onto the bed with him into his arms, “And don’t feel guilty about things like this. Everyone can see how hard you’re trying, so never be afraid to ask for some help and guidance. Your family and I will always be there to help you when you need it.”
“Thank you Tetsuro,” you whisper as your eyes suddenly start to feel heavy.
“Anytime Y/N,” you can fainly hear Kuroo reply as your eyes flutter closed.
It was as if all the negative thoughts and voices in your head vanished as the emotional weight you had been carrying released you, allowing you to relax in Kuroo’s arms long enough to feel at peace. With your eyes closed and Kuroo holding you close to him, you dream of the future where things would be brighter and lighter each day, and it was all thanks to the man beside you.
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Posted: 4/18/2022
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Sniffles & Music
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom finds out that Y/N has the common cold and knows just the thing to make her feel a whole lot better. Tons of Fluff! Stay healthy!
A/N: Like I said, Im back! This was locked up in the drafts and I tried my best to finish it up. Sorry this is so short and def not my best work lol.
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ACHOO. Thats the fourth time Y/N sneezed within hour. Her nose red round and plump, her eyes on the verge of closing...she felt like death. Its a miracle how she didnt wake Tom up, with him sleeping ever so soundly next to her. It was almost cruel how he peaceful he looked, curling next to her pillow while she was suffering and using up a whole roll of tissue paper to stop the mucus from dripping down her nose.
She tip-toed out of the room, emitting tiny sounds as the hardwood floor creaked with every step. As much as Y/N would love to tell her caring boyfriend how awful she felt and how desperately she wanted his cuddles, she couldn’t for the sake of his health. After all Covid was still very much a thing, and she sure as hell was not gonna let him get sick from taking care of her...She could manage...she thinks.
“Mmm Darling?” Tom mumbles as he slowly awakens from his slumber. “Why are you up so early?”
Y/N’s ears perk up and silently curses herself for not being quieter. “I uhh...Im just gonna go and get some work done...before—“ Oh no..she could feel her nose start to twitch, and her eyes closing up again. Y/N quickly turns her head towards her right arm.
ACHOO! She sniffles lifting her head up only to sneeze again.
Tom now fully awake quickly gets out of the bed and rushes to his sweet girl. “Darling, you dont look so good.” He says softly lifting her face to his full view. “Are you sick?”
Y/N sniffles and shakes her head. “No.” She answers, her voice sounding a lot more congested.
“Y/N.” He said sternly.
“Maybe a little. It’s just a nose cold. Im sure Ill be better by tomorrow.” She reassures him.
“Well only if you’re properly taken cared of, you will. Please Y/N, just take the day off from work and let me make you feel better. You always take care of me. Let me do this for you.”
Y/N sighs in defeat as she whips out her phone to text her boss. “Okay, handsome. Looks likes you win this one.”
Tom makes sure that Y/N is back to bed resting as he prepares a nice cup of steaming hot tea. The steam slowly makes her way to her nose, sighing in relief at how the warm vapor opened up her nasal passages and boy did it feel good. "Ugh, it's like I can breathe again", Y/N slowly sips the hot beverage, taking note of the tartness. "Whoa...that is a lot of lemon, babe." Puckering lips, and squinting her eyes.
Tom's eyes light up, "So you can taste and smell?" he asks.
"I can taste and smell enough to know that Harry definitely makes the better tea." she teases him, with her stuffy voice.
Tom chuckles, "Now I definitely know you're sick...so tell me darling, what else can I do to make you feel better?"
Y/N looks around the room as her feet rub against each other, pondering about her answer. Truthfully, she didn't have to take long because Tom and her both know what it is that she exactly wanted. "Song and a cuddle?" she asks innocently, batting her eyelashes. She lets out a little sniffle, smiling with her red button nose.
"Anything for my girl." He replies kissing her on the forehead. "But you should know, Im still a bit rusty."
So here they were in their dimly lit room, as Tom plucked the strings of his guitar, murmuring that one song he was desperately trying to nail. A few curses thrown, replays, and the occasional "I swear I did this before", but it didnt matter to Y/N, she loved all of it and how easily it made her feel better. This was her super-concentrated dose of vitamin C. When all was said and done, Tom placed the guitar down, climbing into bed, as he instantly wrapped his arms around her frame. Kissing her shoulders, and the back of her head, he whispered "Feel better, darling."
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mrsmount16 · 3 years
Hey I was wondering if you could write a MM imagine where him and the reader have only gone on a couple of dates then when the announcement of the first lockdown is made he asks the reader to isolate with him? Then I was thinking while they’re isolating they’re experiencing a few Firsts with each other (e.g., cooking together, sharing a bed, movie nights, cuddles and kisses etc).
I didn't know how to write this without being super long and boring so I was going to section it off but hopefully it still gives off the same energy then a normal write lmao, also thank you for the request and this is such a good idea 😩. I didn't really know what other firsts to do😕 I haven’t proof read this either, so it could make no sense at all and probably have spelling mistakes but pls just power through it 🤞🏼
Warning: None.
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Lockdown was being announced and everyone was panicking, the news emphasised on the amount of food people were buying and how there was no loo roll left but also about how relationships weren't going to work out due to being locked in the houses for all this time without seeing your significant other or because you was seeing them too much.
You had only been on a couple of dates with Mason, but you both knew that you wanted to pursue something more personal and deep and not just mess around for the fun of it. Thats why when he asked you to isolate with him you didn't hesitate to say yes. Even though the news told you otherwise of how to feel you simply ignored and couldn't wait to spend as much time with him as possible, building up a true connection between you both and making your bond stronger.
Cuddling and kisses and sharing a bed.
You arrived earlier in the day and had already taken your things to the spare bedroom and now sat on his couch, him on the opposite side. You guys hadn't stopped talking throughout the whole movie that played and eventually when it ended you insisted that you bought a takeaway for the both of you.
He agreed and when the pizza arrived you both sat at the table and had a slice, talking endlessly about random things like 'why colours are named what they are' and 'how were humans created'. After about an hour, it was dark out and just turned 9pm.
"I'm gonna get comfy and ready for bed."
"Yeah, I'll meet you up there in a few." He smiled and kissed your cheek, grabbing the box and walking off outside.
It was pretty cold out so you pulled on a hoodie and joggers, and you removed your makeup and cleaned your face and teeth and sat on the bed in the free room on your phone.
He knocked on the door and peaked his head through the door frame at about 10.
"You coming?" He gestures to his room.
"Oh yeah, hold up." You smile watching him leave.
He lay on the bed on his phone, lighting up when he saw you enter.
"You don't have to stay in here if you don't want to." He stated, watching as you climbed into bed next to him.
"No, I want to." You snuggled up next to him, resting your head on the pillow.
"I want you to, too." He put an arm around your waist and finally rested down after turning the light off on the bedside table.
You were both submerged in complete darkness, a tranquil atmosphere surrounded you both, the duvet lazily spread across you and your faces faced each other. His eyes were closed, but you lightly leaned in and pecked his lips causing him to open his eyes.
"Goodnight." You said, looking up at him.
"Goodnight pretty." He smiled, kissing you again lightly and resting his head.
You fell asleep in his arms, totally engulfed with his care and serenity, it rubbed off onto you. This was the best sleep you ever had in ages, and you wanted to do it a lot more.
"Hey! Thats not where the flour goes." You retaliated at Mason putting the flour on your nose, a sneeze followed shortly after.
"Oh, my bad." He giggled, sticking the rest of the flour in the bowl.
"These are going to be the best cupcakes you have ever baked."You said, mixing all the ingredients with all the strength you had.
"Yeah? I reckon by myself I could cook some pretty good cupcakes. With no help of Course." He leaned against the counter, his apron said 'world best chef' and he was covered in all ingredients that you didn't even know had to be in the cupcakes.
"Well, we will see about that once you taste my cakes." You smirked, sticking your tongue out at him and wiping a little bit of frosting on his cheek. "Got u back." You giggled.
He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer to him so your front's were together.
"You look amazing cooking.." He cheekily smiled.
"Not too bad yourself." You kissed him, he deepened the kiss and ran his hand up your back, until you felt a hard crack on your head and then an ooze of a liquid go down your back, mason was laughing uncontrollably, holding his stomach and near enough rolling on the floor.
"Mason!" You shouted, shocked and holding your head, "Did you just egg me?" You laughed, grabbing the egg that was on you and smearing it all over him.
"Two can play that game!" You giggled, grabbing flower and eggs.
Fight and makeup.
"No, I just don't particularly like her. You told me about what she did, she's a bad influence." He argued back.
"Oh, so she's a bad influence? So you think I would do something like that?" You scoffed. Your friend invited you to go on a walk around the park, and you told Mason but when he heard your friends name he instantly scoffed and shrugged his shoulders. He had no care about it and sighed, telling you to just 'do what you wanna, your choice at the end of the day.'. You asked why he was being so moody and he replied that he doesn't like her, and you understood why but because he didn't like her didn't mean that you couldn't hang with her. You did tell him that she did cheat on her boyfriend and you completely disagreed with her actions too but now he was saying she was a 'bad influence' like you was going to be influenced by what she did and start following her actions like you was a child.
"Its only for a catch up Mase, I haven't seen her in like 3 weeks. I haven't been at work remember and ive been locked up here."
"Yes, but anyone but her. We could go. I't doesn't matter, just go. Ill see you when you get back." And then he stormed off up to his gaming room, releasing all his stress on his games.
After about 40 minutes, you realised he was right, it wasn't just the cheating but she just overall was a bad person and you shouldn't have been encouraging such gossip with her.
You entered his room and put your hands on his shoulders, he looked back at you and then carried on his game like you wasn't even there.
"I'm sorry Mase, you was right. I can surround myself with much better people, and I will."
He turned his chair around so he was facing you and grabbed your hips to sit you down on his lap.
"It's okay, and ill go on that walk with you. Let me just finish this game." He said, smiling lightly and giving you a kiss which you returned.
Go-to support.
It was about 2 months into lockdown and your work had been piling up. You was stressed and so not motivated to do anything, even getting up out of bed was hard.
This day was particularly a struggle. You had to finish a presentation and only had today to do it, so you panicked and speeded it, finishing it as quick as ou could without caring about the outcome and just sending it off.
You sat at the kitchen table with your face in your hands, thinking about all the possibilities, will you lose your job? Will you get demoted? You just couldn't stop your mind from wandering.
"Are you okay babe?" You heard Masons voice from behind you and felt a hand on your back soothing you.
You couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down, whimpering and wiping your eyes.
"Mason I need a break from work, its so stressful and I think with the work I just did I'm going to lose my job and im just not motivated to do anything and I-" you rambled on, until he cut you off.
"Hey, hey calm down," He crouched down and placed his hand on the side of your face, wiping your tears away with his thumb. "Don't beat yourself up about it. It's happening to everyone now, im sure if we ask your work to give you some time for your mental health im sure they would let you." he smiled reassuringly.
"We?" You sniffed.
"Yeah, we. We're gonna get through this together. Now, it's always we." He stood up and hugged you tight.
Love and a movie night.
It's been about a 5 months now, and you and Mason had been going strong.
Mason insisted that you watch a movie tonight, sit down with some popcorn and snuggle up together. Of course you said yes.
About halfway in the movie, a conversation popped up about 'what would you do if you was a worm?' and you couldn't stop laughing, at both of your responses.
"Yeah, but I would definitely still love you if you was a worm." He joked, laughing with you.
You stopped almost instantly, looking over at him.
"What?" He looked over, confused.
"Did you just say that you love me?" You questioned, sitting up.
"You didn't hear? I love you." He smiled, chuckling.
you gasped, putting your hands over your mouth. He reached out and grabbed your face.
"I love you." He repeated, just for you to realise what he did, so you could know that it was real, to process the words.
"I love you." You stated, grinning from ear to ear.
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
uwaaa someone who writes for ayakoi! ur the first i found actually… since rqs r open is it alright if i ask for a scenario on how nachi would react when he finds out his s/o is allergic to cats? (s/o loves cats despite the allergy tho and can hang around cats for abt 15 minutes before getting itchy or sneezing)
im a nachi stan whos sadly allergic to cats so- srry if its a rly weird rq tho :’)
That must be horrible for you Dx
But I hope that you like this one and some love of dear Nachi and have a great day!
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You loved cats so much. Of course, you would never love those fluffy and adorable animals as much as your boyfriend, but they were your second favorite living beings on your list. Just the way they would grab your fingers with their little paws and purr, whenever your fingertips rubbed softly on their fur made you so happy.
Thanking the gods, you were happy that even your lovely boyfriend Nachi was one. Sure, he was an ayakashi, but his other form was just adorable! So cute! Oh, how much you wished to hold him forever and ever, but unfortunately the gods didn’t want to fulfill every wish. You had a cat-like boyfriend, but also… an allergy. One bad allergy, making you always sneeze and get all itchy, when you were longer than 15 minutes around a cat.
“Come on, (y/n)… You have to stop patting that little kitten.” Nachi sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and puffing his cheek, when he stared down at you. “But look at this little boy! He is so-…. So-“ Your eyes shut close, sneezing loudly in the middle of your sentence, making the kitten jump and run away to the lively street. “Oh no! Don’t ru-… ruuu-… Ooooh!” Another sneeze escaped you, faster than any hummingbird could fly.
Another sigh left Nachi and he shook his head, before he sat himself down next to you. “How many times have I told you to stop holding them?” He asked, gaze never leaving yours, as you told him the answer to his question. “A-Around… six times…? But you know that my little kitten friend was adorable!”
The orange-haired ayakashi loves you a lot. But then there were times, he even asked himself why he loves you. Just like right now. Why were you even interested in cuddling stray cats with your allergy, rather than hugging him? You could always hug him, while he is in his human form. Hell, he would even turn into his cat-form so you can get some more love and affection from a speaking cat! Sure, your allergy would always kick in, when you hugged him then, but he loves to be in your arms. He was supposed to be in your arms and not those other cats!
Apologizing to your boyfriend, you spread your arms, needing a hug from the ayakashi you love so much. “Please forgive me, Nachi!” He rolled his eyes, leaning into you to get one of your warm and comfortable hugs, that could always melt his heart.
“Are you nuzzling your face onto my head, because of your itches….?” A low chuckle left you, not wanting to stop your hug, but the desire to scratch your arms was so big. “… Do you need help?” You nodded your head, nearly tearing up. Now standing next to each other, you walked home, hand in hand. “Can you become a cat again, so I can cuddle with you?”
Nachi laughed, shaking his head at you again. “No. Last time I did it, you sneezed on me.” – “I won’t do it again! I swear!!” You gasped at your laughing boyfriend. “Maybe later, after your allergic reactions stopped.”
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slasherhaven · 4 years
hi! I was wondering if I could get headcanons of Brahms, Bubba, and yautja taking care of a sick s/o? sorry if this has been done already, im new here :S
Brahms, Bubba, and Yautja. Taking care of his sick S/O:
Brahms Heelshire
Normally it’s you taking care of him but he can come through for you when the time calls for it.
When you had first gotten sick, you tried to just push through it.
But eventually Brahms started to worry about you. He doesn’t like that you’re forcing yourself to act like you’re not sick, and he doesn’t like that he’s probably the reason for that.
He hasn’t taken care of anyone before, having always been the one being doted on and looked after.
He’ll probably do whatever he’s learnt from you when he’s been sick, or from how his mother used to care for him when he was sick.
He will actually encourage you to sit down or just go to bed. He’ll mostly just lay with you the whole time, but at least he’s not making you carry on with chores.
He’ll make you soup and bring it to you, placing some medication and a glass of water beside the bed for you.
The house is boring without you so he will be lying with you nearly the whole time, cuddling up to you or letting you cuddle up to him unless you need some space. 
However, this does mean that he is going to get sick. 
So, once you’re feeling better, he’ll probably be sick and you’ll have to care for him.
Bubba Sawyer
As soon as you start showing signs of being sick, a few sneezes or coughs, he’s babbling in concern and ushering you back to the bedroom.
You need rest, Y/n!
He’ll wrap you up in blankets and just fret over you in general.
He’ll get you whatever you need or want. 
He’ll make sure you eat and stay hydrated, waiting on you with absolutely no complaints.
Even if you tell him you’re fine and to just relax, you’ll be back to normal in a few days, Bubba is still going to be worried until that happens.
He isn’t worried about himself getting sick though. So, he will hold you and cuddle you. 
And he doesn’t want you to be stuck in a room all by yourself. He has to keep you company!
Unfortunately, this might lead to him getting sick as well and you having to care for him once you’re better. 
While Brahms will definitely get sick, there is only a chance that Bubba will.
Yautja (Predator)
At first his concern is way too out of proportion. All he sees is his mate getting sick and, depending on the extent of his knowledge on humans, he doesn’t know how dangerous it is.
He does relax when you explain that it’s a common illness, one of those things you get quite a lot, it’s really nothing to worry too much about.
All you need is some rest and you’ll be fine.
With that information, your mate is going to make sure you get that rest.
You’ll pretty much be bedbound until he’s confident that you’re better.
You just stay put and get some rest, he’ll get you anything you need.
Another wonderful thing about having an alien mate is that he can be around you all the time when you’re sick, he can hold you and cuddle with you as much as you want, and he can’t get sick. Yautjas aren’t vulnerable to human ailments.
And, of course, if you have access to it at the time, your mate will take you to get medical attention. Knowing this advanced aliens, they could probably make you immune to the common cold.
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