#i don’t knooowwww
teecupangel · 1 year
Hi! I was thinking about your reblog of my AssCreed headcanon list and I got this idea... Adha and Desmond character swap?
Desmond just wakes up in the Levant without any reason while Adha gets transported into the future because of their weird Chalice connection.
Bonus points if the switch happens at a really awkward time, like Des wakes up in bed with Altaïr and Adha with Lucy/Shaun/Rebecca (... basically whatever modern day character you ship Desmond with, or maybe all of them if you wanna go the poly route)
And what do you know, maybe Desmond knows enough about the future to warn everybody about Al Mualim and Kadar gets to live, and maybe Adha is well-versed enough in Isu bullshit to save Lucy and the world (and also Clay, somehow? Can we fit him in there as well?).
The reblog in question and the tags I included:
#no 3 though would mean that calling adha the chalice meant, #she was similar to desmond miles, #maybe she was a failed version, #and there's a few like her, #with desmond being the final 'product', #i personally headcanon adha is called the chalice because she has a specific isu blood that can open something, #like maybe the lost city of iram, #also known as atlantis of the sands
Honestly, Desmond being reborn as Adha has been a Yew Branches idea of mine since last year mostly because:
The term Chalice would mean it’s meant to hold something (as @fanworldbuildingfun once stated) and considering the most famous Chalice is meant to hold blood, the idea that the title Chalice is connected to her blood is high and is similar to how Desmond’s blood(line) plays an important part in his story.
Adha means ‘sacrifice’ and Desmond ends up sacrificing himself. (While Adha was the sacrifice that needed to happen so Altaïr would become who he is in AC1)
Adha wanted to leave Levant and everything behind. Desmond wanted the same thing and did just that.
There’s a possibility that she was 25 when she died (unconfirmed) which is also the same age Desmond died.
Anyway, let’s talk about how Desmond and Adha swapping places would work.
Okay, so let’s go over what we’re sure will happen:
Desmond and Adha would switch places at very awkward times because that would be fun and we all love to make Desmond suffer (affectionately).
Desmond would end up saving Kadar and warn everyone about Al Mualim (and be believed, I guess?)
Adha would end up saving Lucy and the world
Optional: Clay will be saved as well
So, for this one, we’ll have to twist the timeline a bit. We never did get an idea of when (if he ever did) Desmond relived Altaïr’s memories of Altaïr’s Chronicles (although I do like to headcanon he dreamed of it while he was stuck in the trunk of the car as Lucy drives them to the Rome hideout) so we’ll throw that away and make Desmond only have vague memories of Adha because we are setting this in the timeline where Lucy is still alive so that means Desmond hasn’t reached a Synch Nexus with Altaïr yet.
I propose that they switch not after a night of passion but during it, like in the exact middle of it. The kind reason for this is that no one would mistake that some kind of nefarious switcheroo has happened or another. The mean (totally the main reason why I'm suggesting this) reason is… maximum embarrassment and panic for Desmond which I am all for. XD
Okay, so let’s focus on Desmond first:
The best time for Altaïr and Adha to have some quality time would be just after they reunited and left the sewers and before Altaïr went to Tyr to ‘confront’ Harash. For this, we’ll assume Altaïr didn’t leave immediately and, instead, decided to stay with Adha for one night. During that time, Desmond changes places with her and… there’s a long period of just the two of them staring at each other with growing surprise and whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck
Then Altaïr grabs him by the throat and demands to know who he is and where’s Adha.
And just as Desmond is starting to get lighthearted from the lack of oxygen.
He manages to blurt out.
“I’m Adha!”
And that… is how Desmond Miles, the Isu’s favorite chew toy and the unluckiest chosen one in the world, screwed up so badly that he now has to pretend to be the tragic destined-to-die lover of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
Of course, Altaïr didn’t believe him at first but then Desmond started answering his questions, questions only Altaïr and Adha would have known the answers to and Desmond is pretty sure it wasn’t his Bleed of Altaïr that was giving him the answers.
Not when one of the questions made him say “Oh, that? Yeah. I lied to you back then. What? You were cute as a kid and you believed everything I say so I wanted to see if you’d be able to tell if I was lying! You never did, right?”
There was no way Desmond could have answered that unless Altaïr knew it was a lie. Altaïr had truly believed it which means…
For some reason…
He has Adha’s memories inside him.
Unorganized Notes:
Desmond got Altaïr to call him ‘Desmond’ because “it’ll be weird if you call a guy ‘Adha’, right? Also, the Brotherhood knows Adha and I don’t look anything like her.”
Desmond joins Altaïr in finishing up the remaining plot points of Altaïr Chronicles because something inside him knows something bad is going to happen if he doesn’t stay with Altaïr. Also, Altaïr wasn’t going to let him out of his sight because there were still a bit of lingering doubts about Desmond’s true identity which Desmond is like “yeah, that sounds about right”.
Altaïr Chronicles’ parts end successfully but Desmond gets a headache the day Adha was meant to die. He loses consciousness and Altaïr has to carry him off to somewhere safe until he wakes up.
When he wakes up, he knows where to go…
And now we get to Adha’s side of the story, in which she gets transported while Desmond was in the middle of a little stress-relieving session with Rebecca, Shaun and Lucy. All three of them immediately freaked out while Adha is momentarily confused before giving the same excuse Desmond gave to Altaïr.
“I’m Desmond Miles.”
Everyone is super sus at that but, really, they’re dealing with Isu BS and Desmond’s Bleeding Effect had been weirder than what was recorded (Lucy’s insistent “It can’t do this!!!” falls into deaf ears) and they figured the best way to check if Adha is Desmond is to put her in the Animus to check her genetic memories.
Lo and behold…
She has the same genetic DNA as Desmond Miles.
Not only that, the Animus ‘sees’ her as Subject 17 and the next memory to be played was the same memory of Ezio where they stopped for the day.
So, yeah…
According to the Animus…
Adha was Desmond Miles.
What the fuck.
Unorganized Notes:
Unlike Altaïr and Adha who did have an intimate romantic (most probably, fuck it, I’m headcanoning here, childhood friends to arranged marriage) relationship, Desmond’s relationship with Lucy, Shaun and Rebecca is primarily sexual although the feelings were starting to creep in.
If this was a fic, the narration would be more… vague. Less of Adha being an unreliable narrator and more of like the narration isn’t set in Adha’s eyes like with Desmond’s but in the eyes of the people around her although she’s the main focus.
She actually has a higher sync rate than any of Desmond’s past synchronization which is surprising.
Instead of going to the colosseum, Ezio’s memories stopped just as he had taken the Apple back from the Borgias, instead giving them the memory of Altaïr and everyone freezes when they saw Desmond with him.
They were underground and Shaun noticed that it looks a lot like the vault in the Vatican but… there are pillars, large and tall, piercing the dark ceiling above them.
After that memory plays, Adha slips into a coma and the Animus tells them that taking her off would endanger her so they keep her hooked to the Animus as it starts playing memories of Altaïr and Desmond.
During that time, Adha meets with Clay who calls her an ‘anomaly’ and Adha just smiles as she says “yeah, that sounds about right.”
Their conversation will be hidden from everyone (including the readers) and it will end with Adha waking up from her coma and telling everyone that they need to go somewhere else right now.
She takes them to the colosseum first to get the Apple but she tells Lucy to stay in the van for now. When Lucy tries to join them, the van locks by itself and Lucy freezes when she hears Clay’s voice coming from the laptop connected to the Animus.
When they returned, Lucy is oddly quiet and just asks Adha where to go next.
Adha gives them the location of a place they never heard from Ezio’s memories at all.
The Convergence:
The location in question is the lost city of Iram which has an underground Isu ‘temple’ named Iram of the Pillars.
The pillars there served as one of the many failed experiments of the Isu to protect themselves from the Solar Flare. The pillars were meant to store the data of all the Isus and the idea was they would be used to transfer the Isus forward a little bit after the Solar Flare.
The process of uploading the data itself proved to take too much time and Juno used the premise of this project and created the Mead to transfer the Isu’s consciousness instead of its entirety.
Iram can only be opened by a specific bloodline. To be more specific, the bloodline that Adha belongs to with an Isu ancestry that had been in charge of the Pillar Project (since this is a Capitoline Triad thing, I wanna say Minerva since she has a statue in Masyaf according to the novel but the idea of Juno and Aita having a child that would could be the Isu ancestor of Adha is a bit fun). This Isu ancestry is also in Altaïr’s bloodline thanks to Umar although his blood is more ‘diluted’ than Adha’s.
The Isu ancestry is why Adha is named the Chalice and why she ‘can turn the tide’ of the crusades since this is pretty much a teleporter of some sort.
Desmond is connected to Adha for one specific reason: he’s was Adha in his past life and now, thanks to whatever the fuck happened in 2012 that serves as the premise of all Yew Branches, Adha herself is the reincarnation of Desmond Miles after he died in 2012.
In other words, the Adha we’ve been looking at had been Desmond Miles who used Iram’s Pillar Project to switch their places because she, as Desmond Miles, wanted to save the people he couldn’t save in his previous life. And now, the pillars are ready for its final use.
By using the Pillars that have been upgraded thanks to Desmond in the past (and Altaïr) bringing the necessary POEs that would start the automatic upgrade construction that would need centuries to be completed, the Pillars could be used for one big moment where the entire world will be transported a few seconds into the future just as the Solar Flare hits. This way, the entire world would be gone and when it returns (without anyone knowing of the time and space displacement), the Solar Flare would have already been completed.
This is the conundrum…
Do we include in the idea that using the Pillars to save the world meant that Adha and Desmond would be stuck in their current time with Desmond with Altaïr and Adha with Shaun, Rebecca, Lucy and (digital ghost for now) Clay?
Or will the Pillars switch them back in their proper time?
What would count as a happy ending in this scenario?
Because Adha has Desmond Miles’ memories so she does love Shaun, Rebecca, and Lucy the same way Desmond Miles had and everything she had done was to save the world and save Lucy and Clay.
And Desmond has spent years with Altaïr at this point, growing close to him and Altaïr definitely realized that Desmond is more than just Adha.
So… really…
Would returning them to their original timeline truly be a happy ending?
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larrylimericks · 1 year
#Souis Starter Pack Edition Holding hands for the paps, cuppa Joe, Metal tees—they’re so simpatico! (Tagged the band from her shirt So sleuth fans could confirm!) Welcome, Sof, to the Big Gay Shit Show!
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kitty-bluu · 2 months
Don’t confuse icky daddies with Pedophiles. Icky daddies want YOUNGER girls that want daddies., NOT underaged girls. Fuckin creeps.
I knooowwww, I'm not that silly lmao
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hore4women · 11 months
Ahsoka: Will you pass me the blush.
Anakin, clueless: The what?
Ahsoka, annoyed: The blush?! You know the stuff that your mom throws at you when the vodka runs out?!
Anakin, sad: I don’t have my mom, she’s dead.
Ahsoka: Anakin, I didn’t know… I didn’t knooowwww… that your mom is dead.
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zombvibes · 2 years
could you draw the weapon equivalents for your au? (like the snow ring, brave axe, etc)
SURE CAN!! Needed to redesign noelle and berdly’s weapons anyways!
Mind you I’m not really good at designing weapons so sorry if they look icky :-(
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This is Susie’s weapon : The flame bracelet (left)! Like og Noelle’s weapon, it’s an accessory. tms!Susie’s magic is fire (like how Noelle’s was ice, also og Susie has been associated with fire and fire is the opposite ice yadda yadda). Though it’s only on her left wrist, she can produce fire from her right hand too (among other areas like her maw)! Uhhh don’t really have anything to say. It’s a bracelet that possesses fire magic. Don’t think I need to elaborate.
It originally was supposed to be a ring (shown on the right) but I realized that it would be too similar to the original Noelle’s weapon. So I scrapped it and made it a bracelet instead! The magic didn’t really change so don’t have anything to say about its powers.
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This is Noelle’s weapon : The Glacier Spear (left)! It’s a spear that was meant to resemble an icicle. (but…I may I failed that to capture it’s icicle-ness. But I think it looks neat regardless!) The middle of the spear head glows (where the blue gem like thing is) when using spells.
Similarly to how og susie’s axe glows when she uses a spell, shown below. (This also happens with tms!susie’s bracelet too)
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Also the blue gem was meant to look like an eye (like how og!berdly’s weapon has an eye) but again…may have messed that up.
The “weird route” weapon (middle) isn’t official yet! I just wanted to jot down an idea at least (and I did it for funsies too). It was meant to kinda sorta resemble a trident but uh again again….think I failed that too. The weird route weapon can produce, instead of a snow storm, an ice storm! (I’ve also thought about hail but I’m not certain at the moment.) The little spikes is where tms!noelle puts her hands btw. She’ll get used it considering how numb her hands will be because WHOOPS SORRY SPOILERS HAHA LOSERS YOU WON’T KNOOOWWWW. (think the spikes are little too low now that I look back at it…YOU GET IT THOUGH SHUT UP.)
The idea of the older weapon design (right) is pretty much the same. However, its magic was just general ice powers (like it could freeze enemies). But currently, unlike the original Noelle’s weapon, the tms!noelle’s new weapon can only produce ice (mostly icicles) and no snow! She doesn’t really freeze the enemies though. She does something else…(CAN’T SAY BECAUSE OF SPOILERS HAHAHAH ONLY *I* KNOOOWWW)
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AAAAAAND last but not least, Berdly’s weapon : uhh…it doesn’t really have a name. Now you can’t really tell because of this drawing, but this sword (both swords actually) is HUGE and HEAVY. Similar to Cloud Strife’s Buster Sword! “Oh wow! Berdly must really be strong then, huh?” NO!!! HE CAN BARELY CARRY IT!!!!! He just kinda…drags it around when using it. He CAN swing it overhead but rarely does it (because well…it’s heavy…). “But zomb why would Berdly have a weapon he can’t carry?” Because he wanted a cool big sword!! Leave my man alone!!
I don’t think I have much to say about Berdly’s weapon either…it’s a big sword. That’s it. Big ol’ sword that he can barely carry.
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head---ache · 9 months
don’t feel bad for not posting constantly, you don’t owe ppl art and art is supposed to be fun and it’s no fun if you pressure yourself
yea i knooowwww nnskskdnsld I do tell myself that, and I'm usually pretty good with it when it comes to requests, but when it comes to posting it gets a bit hard to remember it, so thank you bskznskxnsk
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vctrvn-ls · 10 months
your last post is devastating i actually really think nikos confidence would drop so much for a while like you said im pt sure he is the type to put his all in his relationships (yes im kinda delusional and i dont know the man but even the beta squad says he is the most caring and selfless amongts them) so i feel he might be a bit dependant on his s/o and cheating would break him for a moment
Like obv I don’t know him personally ahaha, but everyone keeps saying how hed do anything for his friends
which is crazy
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kurxn · 2 years
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Look at the character sheets from the DS game 😭 they’re so adorable I love them all. (I don’t have the game. These photos are from Google (,: ) Takuma’s sweater is adorable. And look at Kaname brooding lol.
Also Takuma is tall?? Idk why it never settled in that he’s as tall as Kanameee.
OKOK so it says ‘人間年齡’ under the vampire’s ages— Which translated to human age. DOES THIS MEAN THEYRE NOT THAT OLD FR? ORRRR. It would explain why Kaname was always so much bigger than Zero and Yuki. I mean I knooowwww vampires age differently but still.
人間 = human 年齡 = age
My Japanese is very limited, so please correct me if I’m wrong!
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mangoposts · 5 months
lmao about the rachel polaroid thing, i could be wrong but aren’t the pictures stuck to the wall? so its not like he arranged them a certain way he could’ve just taken a picture in that area and maybe madis picture wouldn’t fit the photo? idk if that makes sense
Ion knooowwww bruh it’s not a big deal 😭😭 Whether it means something or not i don’t really care
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WAKANDA FOREVER DOES HURT LIKE HELL DOESN'T IT. I was so sad. I didn't know Chawick but I still think its so unfair that he passed he shoulda died at age 100. The movie was gorgeous tho and T'CHALLA'S SON IS THE CUTEST HE HAS CHADWICK'S SMILE AND I AM NOT OKAY. I have a feeling the MCU is not done making us cry tho because look at the GotG 3 trailer. That shit gonna hurt too 😫😫😫 ROCKETTT. I love these weird ass space mfs so much, they are proof that anyone can fit in with true friends.
Bruh…I’M STILL TRYING TO RECOVER I’M NOT EVEN JOKING! I was literally already shedding tears in the beginning scene! I didn’t know him either but as I always said, his sweet soul and his personality and his overall presence was so big that when he passed away, it felt like we all lost a close relative. And sometimes, no lie, I forget he’s gone because he was so full of life! 🥺 Truly an angel on earth man! He deserved to be immortal haha! 🖤 & AHHHH I KNOW LITTLE T’CHALLA IS SUCH A CUTIE!! THAT BOY HAS TO BE RELATED TO CHADWICK IN REAL LIFE BECAUSE THEY ARE LITERAL TWINS! MY MOUTH DROPPED! I’m so glad they might continue black panther with this surprise! 🥰 *hugs* We’ll be fucked up together don’t worry lol!
And omg I knooowwww!! I’M NOT READY FOR THAT EITHER!! 😭😭 MY POOR LITTLE ROCKET! PLZ DONT GOOO! 🥺🥺 And same I would kick it with these guys in space anyday! lol! ✨💫⭐️
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mastermind-attorney · 2 months
hi! My name’s verity and I’m a 16 year old aspiring lawyer in japanifornia! I’m gonna be posting about my life, and feel free to ask me questions about anything! Just don’t be a creep. If you’re weird, I’ll block you. Most people should be fine though! Thanks for looking at my blog and see you later!
this is a rp blog where I will post and reblog in character for verity, my ace attorney Oc! She is 16 so please don’t be weird in the ask box/wherever else. I don’t want you to be weird around me either. I’ll block you if you’re weird.
both verity and me use she/her pronouns, and if you ever want to direct an ask to me about anything, please send it to my main blog @mastermindlissi.
I knooowwww I reused the whole mastermind thing but. Verity would call herself that too.
feel free to ask her anything, I might respond with art or just a text response depending on how I see fit. If I don’t get to an ask right away, I haven’t forgotten about it, I’m probably just thinking.
if I do ever post ooc stuff it will be tagged as that. Anyways, enjoy verity’s little blog!
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rotteneldritchhorror · 5 months
Gotta love when a man plays a dog-like but not-dog creature (ya know- like a dragon or like a peppermint pig or somethiinnngggg I don’t knooowwww)
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dammit-theclown · 9 months
I know fabric is more or less “my medium” but holy fuck holy shit I fucking HAAAATE fabric so muuuuuch dude you don’t even know you don’t even KNOOOWWWW. It’s so fussy. Gets stuck on fucking everything. Takes the whole ship with it. Needs me to stab it roughly 1300 times with a tiny needle to stay together. Fucking.
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theworldwalkerswols · 2 years
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1. Kyler meets Aymeric as in MSQ: Haurchefant introduces them when Aymeric requests an audience with him and Alphinaud.
2. Kyler's first impression of Aymeric is that he is well-spoken, a man with power (which makes Kyler be on his guard instantly). His current impression is that he is an incurable idealist, sensitive, intelligent, and empathetic. 
3. Aymeric's first impression of Kyler was to be a bit starstruck, their meeting inevitably colored by everything he'd heard about the so-called Champion of Eorzea. His current impression is that he's shy, introspective, attentive, capable, and caring.
4. Kyler realized he loved Aymeric after returning to Ishgard from the Hinterlands the first time, sitting in the Fortemps family library drinking with his two lovers in front of the fire.
5. Aymeric fell for Kyler....rapidly. He, like Kyler with Haurchefant, can't cite a specific moment when infatuation turned to love.
6. Haurchefant pointed out to Kyler that Aymeric was smitten with him. Kyler, having received the necessary encouragement, took a gamble, brought Aymeric a bottle of wine in his office one night and kissed him. Fic here :3c
7. Kyler adores seeing Aymeric's soft side, his wonder, especially regarding places he's never been, when he is unobserved and allowed to be fully himself. One thing Aymeric loves is how intense Kyler gets when he's working something out in his mind, planning or problem solving.
8. They both love music. Aymeric plays piano, and Kyler loves few things more than to listen. Though Kyler is extremely shy about it, he can be convinced to sing...as long as it's only his loves there to hear (or he's been plied with alcohol).
9. They both very much dislike being interrupted. If they were otherwise alone together it makes Aymeric’s anxiety skyrocket and in general Kyler gets grumpy.
10. Kyler expresses his love for Aymeric primarily through quality time and attention, ie insisting he take a break. They can often be seen walking side by side through Ishgard when Aymeric has stepped away for a moment, or having lunch together. In private it is Cuddle Hours.
11. Aymeric expresses his love primarily through words and touch. In private he is a cuddle-seeking missile and Kyler is happy to oblige him.
12. Aymeric, like Haurchefant, has a consistent sleep schedule where Kyler does not. So who wakes first is roll of the dice.
13. Aymeric absolutely talks more, though he also gets Kyler out of his shell by peppering him with questions about his travels. Kyler opens up with him easily, as he is so genuinely interested.
14. Though they are both affectionate, Aymeric expresses it much more outwardly as long as they aren’t observed. Aymeric can often be paranoid about how he is perceived and rightly so after the assassination attempt.
15. Their perfect date is one that’s terribly romantic: candlelit dinner, just the two of them, talking and drinking by the fire, dancing to an orchestrion roll, spending the night.
16. They would love to travel literally anywhere together. Aymeric is just so happy to get away any time he’s able. Vacations are hard-won with him and he truly does have the urge to travel for the sake of it. Kyler meant it, too, when he said, “Why not join me on my next [adventure]?”
17. Gods I’m bad at coming up with AUs bc this already iS ONE Uhh I Pianist Aymeric! Composer Aymeric and his motorcycle riding boyfriend Kyler! I DON’T KNOOOWWWW
18. Going off script here and adding a nEW SONG “Crack the Shutters” by Snow Patrol
19. Who apologizes first after a fight also depends on the fight with them, though I do think Aymeric often apologizes first if only because Kyler can take longer to process his emotions.
20. Something tells me Aymeric would love to adopt a child down the line, but it’s not a subject he’s broached :,D
21. A significant moment in their relationship was Aymeric’s letter to Kyler before he went to fight Shiva. It caught him off guard, that he felt strongly enough to send it. The first time Aymeric asked about the nature of Kyler’s relationship with Haure is another. That Kyler was open and honest was meaningful to him.
22. As animals, Aymeric is, appropriately, a silver fox. Kyler is still a black/grey wolf.
23. Aymeric is the more sensitive one.
24. Aymeric is also the better chef, hands down. He loves cooking and even more so if he’s cooking for his loves~
25. Aymeric can’t possibly pick a favorite food, he’s too good at making too much stuff. He likes trying new things, whether or not he’s the one cooking. His culinary adventurousness also leads Kyler to trying new stuff and they have a ball with it.
26. Aymeric is not one much for costumes, unless it’s a masquerade.  And then, of course, he has to be Exquisitely Dressed. Immaculate. Kyler loves seeing what he’ll come up with.
27. Aymeric skillfully walks the line between practicality and finery with Kyler’s gifts, ever aware that he’s constantly on the road. Jewelry, a particularly fine coat or pair of boots. Things like that. Kyler sweats bullets shopping for Aym, “What do you get the most fashionable man in Ishgard??” But inevitably he finds something that makes him think of him: a book, a piece of art, sheet music, something from his travels... it works out.
28. For Valentione’s Aymeric would love nothing more than to cook Kyler a fancy meal and stay in and....maybe...... getdressedupforhim <coughs>* Kyler would bring him fancy chocolate from outside of Ishgard, both to sample and to bake with, and probably a wine.
29. Aymeric is clearly better with cold, with his fingeRLESS GLOVES IN ISHGARD WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MAN?!
30. Aymeric “I don’t get sick” de Borel Kyler, interrupting: “YOU’RE SICK, STAY HOME” “I’m fine” “AYMERIC I WILL CALL LUCIA” 
Aym has to be grounded (bossed into staying in bed) because otherwise he won’t take care of himself.
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creaturebehavior · 2 years
i found static last night right before i fell asleep
i was feeling so determined to get murphy but since i already have 2 cubs on my island, cubs were barely spawning at all
so now i’m thinking i might kick out bluebear and try to move in murphy. and kick out static to move in someone else. I kind of want Pippy and i don’t have any bunnies yet. but i want a villager with a blue house to live in the plot where bluebear is living currently and Pippy’s house isn’t blue…… but Pippy gives kidcore vibes and i kind of love her.
if i get pippy i might kick out tabby :/ i don’t knooowwww I can’t decide
i feel attached to my villagers but i also appreciate the spirit of rotation
also i’m not completely attached to Melba yet, although i do think she’s a very charming normal personality type villager and i kind of want to move her house and create a cute little area for her near the beach. But there’s also a huge selection of very adorable and charming normals, so i feel like i need to scroll through the list on the guide app and see if there’s anyone i want more. i do love that she’s a koala though because it adds species variety to my island and she’s so small and cute.
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chthonicillness · 2 years
anyone else feel like they’re reaching out to touch a stove burner not knowing whether it’s still hot every time they make an attempt at human connection
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