#i don't give a fuck about ships that this point just let him heal
nervousdemeanor7 · 11 months
crossing my fingers that when Nora said "TSC is a love story" she is talking about Jean falling in love with life.
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lady-embers · 5 months
Trigger Warning: SA
Some people think because Gwyn was SA, she can't ever have sex again, she can't be partnered with Azriel because Sarah said he was a "freak" in bed, Sarah won't have time to have Gwyn heal and also included "kinky sex scenes", etc.
As a SA survivor myself, I will tell you your takes are wrong as fuck. A lot of SA survivors heal from their trauma and have a lot of kinks themselves when it comes to sex. BDSM in particular can be freeing for some given its all about the WOMAN having control of when to continue or stop whatever is happening.
Just because Gwyn was SA does not mean she has to abstain from sex forever or that she can't be kinky herself with Azriel.
Sarah can certainly write a story in which Gwyn heals, explores, and be kinky as heck with sex. Azriel would be the perfect partner for her to given he saved her and wouldn't want to do anything to trigger her. He'd wait for her consent. His scars on his hands would give Gwyn piece of mine that it's HIM and not anyone else. He'd more than likely let her have control and tie him up before doing anything like that with her. He could use his shadows before placing his hands on her to bring her pleasure. Besides, we don't even know what type of "freak" Azriel is in the bedroom.
Also, where is this outrage when it comes to Rhysand or Lucien? Because they were SA too but no one has an issue with them having sex or being with someone else after their ordeals. It seems to only be an issue with Gwyn and that's because of a ship war. Which is honestly sickening in itself that it's only an issue with her.
So who are you to say Gwyn couldn't be comfortable with Azriel and explore sex again? Who are you to say Sarah couldn't write a book with Gwyn and Azriel together because of her SA?
WHO ARE YOU TO SAY IT IS WRONG OR SICK FOR THIS TO HAPPEN? Because I will tell you point blank it's NOT you.
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anonzentimes · 6 months
Except it's not actually a hierarchy he's created in his head. The thing that so many fans fail to get is that what is truly terrifying about Nagito Komaeda is the fact that there are lots of Nagito Komaedas out there in the world of Danganronpa. People who's sense of self-worth has been royally fucked by the culture that Hope's Peak (and later the Future Foundation) helped foster. Nagito is simply the one who says the quiet stuff out loud. Like something that's really telling in hindsight is before Episode 4, Hajime never actually calls Nagito out on his talk of talentless people being worthless. Because as the climax of the game makes clear, Hajime is one of those many other Nagito Komaedas out there.
Honestly, great point anon thank you! While he undoubtedly does have a hierarchy in his head I actually did forget to mention in my ramble that this specific trait is mostly a learned thing from the world that they live in (never let me cook at 3am again smh). It's commonly accepted and believed in, Hajime is the biggest example that we see. The "objective" fact everyone accepts that the talented are better than the talentless. Hajime only cares when he learns he's "worthless," and it takes a toll on his personal self esteem.
Nagito believes his talent is worthless because it harms everyone around him and only benefits himself, and when there's no one to harm it goes after him, so he considers himself on the same level as someone who isn't an ultimate. Just combining this with his unhealthy coping mechanism and obsession with Hope and we get some of the most important traits of his character. His self esteem may come from growing up with terrible experiences and blaming himself, or that he's on the same level as someone who isn't an ultimate.
I do think that it's upsetting they play into how he thinks he's worthless by never caring to give him reciprocation or just not at all being bothered by his absence when he's suspended it just really sucks.
The closet thing he gets to reciprocation is Chisa which her caring about him shocks him, and Chiaki a little bit because she's trying to help the whole class and he's included. In Dr2 he is drawn to Hajime and he attempts to get his attention and approval pretty often, they enjoy each other's company at least before things get crazy and Hajime shows reciprocation. Nagito's more of an actual threat in Dr2 and I can understand more their fear and negligence, I still think tying him up and not letting him go anywhere is a horrible thing to do to anyone. I understand it more but It still feels upsetting.
I'm happy for Nagito that Hajime is in his life though, he seems to genuinely love him/care for him quite a lot. Hajime seems to care for him too, even when he's afraid and upset. It's not to the same degree as Nagito, mostly because of Nagito's threatening presence once he loses his filter, but Hajime does care for him and has enjoyed time with him. Their relationship can and has been healed after the killing game and he can actually have one of the healthier, if not healthiest, relationships in his life with Hajime.
(Also I say love because saying like doesn't feel right it doesn't express enough emotion and relationship as general relationship I don't care what you ship lmao)
I really do enjoy seeing fan works and such where his classmates, even if not the to the extent of Hajime's reciprocation, they genuinely care for him and treat him a lot better.
Anyways!! Just wanted to say with this reply some extra stuff I didn't before, some restatements, and the fact yup you're completely right!! Sorry I forgot to mention it in my original ramble post thanks so much anon! :)
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readingwiththestars · 4 months
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["whatever our souls are made of hers and mine are the same"]
| ✮ 3.5 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers for ihhbwm + some spoliers for ioihth]
ok so lemme tell you i had the BIGGEST reading slump ever just as i started to read this. so this review may be a little choppy at some points because i've just pointblank forgotten some parts and don't wanna go back and re-read finny's pov just yet.
i was so on the fence about reading this because on one hand i really wanted to read finny's pov and on the other, complete and utter heartbreak.... yeah....... so anyway i read it.
when i tell you that this book had me ugly crying in the middle of the night. like seriously finny's pov?? fucking broke me. are you kidding me? the way he speaks about autumn? ugh when am i gonna find a guy like finny fr? but seriously this book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions just from the heartbreak knowing whats already gonna happen to finny as he describes how happy he is and how he can't believe autumn loves him back, to the smile i had on my face reading about 'the moms' bickering over baby stuff for autumn.
i will say this now i did expect a little more (hence the rating). i wanted idk more closure at the end there. idk rlly know how to describe it better since its 10 o'clock at night and ive had zero sleep for the past four nights in a row. but yeah i wanted something more. (bitch u wanted finny to be alive)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
finny -
*sobbing noises* i could go on a damn rant abt this boy. holy shit. he's just perfect. if i see one person ONE PERSON coming after him istg- he was such a caring sweet person like the pencil??? and always going to the sketchy gas station (i nearly called it a servo then lmao) to get the candy autumn likes?? and always making sure people were safe when he drives?? *cough* apparently not you though sylvie *cough* just ahhh laura when i get you. cause like why'd you have to make him get out of the car, hmmm? lets just compromise and you give me an alternate universe where finny misses the puddle or better yet where sylvie kept her damn seatbelt on.
jack -
tbh i wasn't all that excited to read about jack. (also to be fair i was still sobbing from finny's pov so that probably didn't help) like i seriously just thought it'd be some jock trying to process finny's death by hooking up with alexis (who by the way can go jump up her own ass and die) but we got the whole other side of him where he was genuinely affected by finny's death and really was his best friend. but the way he didn't like autumn way just- yeah. also i saw him and sylvie coming from a mile away like seriously it wasn't very subtle.
autumn -
*sobbing noises increase* autumn my baby girl. i just wanted to jump through the pages and give her a hug. seriously i feel robbed that we didn't get to see a happy autumn. angie and her's friend ship was so precious tho. and i love love LOVE that they bonded over being moms/soon-to-be-moms. im also just gonna say the way we didn't see an ounce of jamie or sasha this entire book made me so happy! i also lowkey wanted to see more of when she was an actual mom? like what would she name the baby? i wanted to see domestic autumn a little more. but i still love her so much and it was so lovely to see her heal <3
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers]
"my love for her is the closest thing i have to religion. but it's okay that she doesn't feel the same. i'm fine. i can handle it" - finny
"my devotion to autumn is engraved on my very being. i am in awe of her. i will sit in the stands and cheer her on in life as her most ardent admirer. i know i'll always love her in the same way i know i'll always need oxygen" - finny
"it's all done. finn's story is over. his whole life. that was it. not even nineteen years, and he'll never, ever do anything else ever again. finn won't go off to college or celebrate his birthday. he won't get another hair cut or get the oiled changed in his car. he won't bite a hangnail on his thumb or buy another CD. finn smith has done everything he will ever do. he won't get to be with autumn." - jack
“this baby isn't what's left over from our love story. this baby is our story's continuation.” - autumn
"if only i'd told her that i loved her years ago, i wouldn't be here now." - finny
all in all laura you can pay for my therapy mkay?
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bougiebutchbitch · 5 months
yk i haven't been able to get hyper mobile Izzy out of my head all day... maybe they hit a storm and he manages to dislocate something while they all are doing their best to keep the ship going and once the crew botice they all are all ??? and worried and all while Izzy's just there like. 🙄 same old bs, stop fussing ):<
omg yes! I imagine he's full of arthritis too after a lifetime of constant sublux/dislocations........ and I'm agressively giving him my current bugbear of 'hips keep coming out'. So like, after a fight his non-prosthesis leg'll be stuck in internal rotation, shortened, immobile and completely unable to weight bear.
Poor dude is balancing on his hoof and nub which, as he did NOT give that residual limb anywhere near adequate time to heal.... owie.
Fang puts a hand on his back to steady him, thinking his leg got cut or whatever. That hand strays lower when Izzy wobbles, and - oh, woah. He can feel a whole damn femoral head sticking into Izzy's scrawny li'l ass-cheek.
Which - well. That's nothing new, really.
"Need a hand, boss?" Fang asks, real cheerful.
Izzy, white with pain, grabs Jim's shoulders for stability and nods. Hips don't go in easy without help, after all. But while he's needed assistance before, he's always been a total ass about it, worrying at Fang and Ivan the whole time like an injured, untrusting dog, even as he clings to them, high off his mind with the pain.
Now... now Ivan's not there to help (a hurt Izzy can't examine too closely, in case it supersedes the one currently eating away at his hip). But when he raises his wavering vision, he sees the whole damn crew arrayed before him, still bloody and sweaty from the fight, panting as they stare with... worry?
Ugh, thinks Izzy, though he has to duck his head real quick to hide the smile.
"Gimme a Captain Morgan," he says.
As Pete blurts 'what, like the rum?' Fang obligingly tucks his beefy arms under Izzy's armpits and helps Jim shuffle him over to lay on a nearby pair of big barrels, sword clattering to the deck. The pain has dulled from the awful fire of his major weight-bearing bone stabbing into his sciatic nerve and soft tissue, to a constant gnawing ache. Like his hip joint is full of acid.
"Happen a lot, then, huh?" mutters Jim, as they arrange him at Fang's direction, knee raised at ninety degrees over his screaming pelvis.
"Fucking - fuck - fuck - "
"I'll take that as a yes." Jim glances at Fang. "You better show us all how to fix it, then."
Fang shrugs, pointing to Izzy. "Eh, he's the boss."
So, as Pete returns with the promised rum - which Izzy grabs without a 'thank you' and swigs from the damp bottle neck, blunting the pain to the point where he can concentrate - he gives 'em a tight-lipped, breathless lesson on how to apply axial traction and use your knee as a fulcrum, until you feel that satisfying clunk.
As soon as it's back in, the pain flares brutally, then shrinks away, leaving him wracked and shuddering. Izzy shoves at the bottle when Pete next tries to raise it to his mouth, sloshing liquor everywhere (but he shoots the man a harried nod of gratitude, which, judging by Pete's grin, he treasures). He waits for his racing heart to settle. Then makes to sit - only to pause at the big hand splayed over his chest.
"Uh," says Oluwande. "You sure that's a good idea?"
"I'm first mate," argues Izzy. "I give the orders."
But he lets himself sink back as Olu pushes him, and when Lucius gingerly picks up his bloody sword from where it fell and starts to clean it (pulling faces the whole time at having to touch blood and goo), he doesn't snap for him to leave his damn weapon alone.
"What helps?" he hears Roach asking Fang, all matter-of-fact - the man's taking notes, Izzy bets. "I've pulled a leg back in a coupla times - different method, but same principle, y'know? But I've never stuck around for what comes next. Cold first, to stop the swelling?"
"Good luck finding that in the Caribbean, babe," says Frenchie, to which Roach dips him a wink as he vanishes below deck.
"Do not doubt my power!"
Izzy rolls his eyes - but Roach returns soon enough, carrying a cool glass bottle from the hold.
"Get him in the shade," he orders Fang and Jim, waving to the slightly cooler area below the great cabin's overhang. "Lay him out, and fetch him a new one of these every time it warms up."
Frenchie and Lucius readily volunteer for the task of wrestling Izzy's trousers down, with much eyebrow waggling and wolf-whistling apiece, but Izzy, for once, doesn't have the heart to shove them off. He just snorts, helping them shove the blood-crusted leather to his knees, modesty maintained by his smalls and the long drapes of his oversized shirt.
"Oh yeah," says Roach, snapping his fingers as Frenchie rolls the cool bottle against the outside of Izzy's hip - how he'll react when Izzy caves and asks him to put it on the inside instead, Izzy doesn't know, but he kinda wants to find out. "Don't let him get up."
The whole damn crew nods. Izzy lets his head fall back on the planks with a thunk.
"It's really not that big a deal," he grumbles (though the lingering ache of abused tendons begs to differ). "S'back in. I can walk. S'fine."
"Sh-sh-sh," scolds Archie, leaning on Jim's side a few feet away. "No need. I've heard you yell, little guy - we'll all be able to hear you bark orders from here."
Jim nods, smile thin as their knives. "So, you'd best get shouting at us and telling us what to do, so we can be away, huh?"
And, well, Izzy can't argue with that. He relaxes into the comforting cool of the bottle (and, loathe as he is to admit it, Frenchie and Lucius's hands, both of which press gentle on his skin), shirt clinging to him with blood, none of it his own. Or that of his family.
Then he raises his voice.
"Alright, you lazy twats! Show's over! Back to work!"
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usopps-devotee · 2 years
Sanji and Usopp accidentally bushing you off
Your boyfriend is always busy and you can never seem to quality time with him, now being no exception.
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• Promise he didn't notice he was doing it at first.
• Really he didn't, between making all sorts of new things and helping Franky there really wasn't much time for everything .
• At least he was still trying to figure that out, he spent plenty of time with you just not alone.
That brings us to where we are now, you're sitting on the bench as if you were his newest fascination. you felt like anything but that at the moment. Franky interrupted the makeout session and you could tell that Usopp was trying to politely kick him out of the room when Sanji calls for dinner.
You hop of the work bench not saying anything, not that you've spoken to Franky since he's walked in, it makes a big enough statement about how you're feeling.
• Things continue like that for what feels like forever and you're fed up at this point
• He's constantly helping with shipping maintenance, or groceries or doing his own thing, and when he's not you're the one who's got something to do
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• Pretty boy notices immediately but there's little he can do about it
• He's so busy around the ship and almost never accepts your help when you offer
• "It's okay angel, I got this you can go relax. I appreciate the offer sweetheart but I'm almost done. In a second I'll be all yours, just let me finish this."
• You know he doesn't mean to lie to you but you're getting sick and tired of your promises of time with the prince only to get nothing
• On top of him not wanting you to help because you got roughed up in your last fight.
• You just leave the kitchen with a pout
You walk into the kitchen as your lover is washing the dishes, hips swaying as he sings a song to himself. Sanji was startled by the sound of the door but quickly recovers telling you to take a seat and that he'll give you his attention in a second.
"If you let me help you it, you'll get don't quicker right? So, you should let me help."
It's a good argument, great even but it's quickly shot down. "Chopper said you shouldn't be on your foot, I can't have my princess standing any longer than necessary till she is healed."
• By the time he is done luffy and zoro are asking for more food
• Well mainly luffy, you swear zoro only tagged a long to start another argument with the cook
• This is the point where sanji notices how bad he's fucked up, normally you're the one who stops arguments but you didn't even try this time
• luffy's hunger stopped the argument because the captian always gets what he wants
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leconcombrerit · 7 months
I keep putting off watching recent episodes of DFF not because I don't like it but because I'm legit scared. I just watch spoilers. No further emotional involvement for now.
I put a lot of faith in this show and I'm slowly starting to think that maybe I should try and snatch it back while I still can. Although "think" might be a bit of a stretch. It's more of a survival instinct at that point.
Look, I don't care what trajectory it takes for most plot points and characters and ships and twists. Whatever is fine, it's done a good job so far, I'm in for the ride. There's just one thing I want -okay, maybe one and a half.
And it's for Non to have a good ending, preferably New as well.
And no, "everyone including them gets a bad ending" isn't a valid alternative for me. My love for these characters themselves put aside, it's the message and symbol that matter to me. I'm weary of the usual way characters like them are treated. Mentally and emotionally exhausted. I think I saw some Until Dawn comparisons at some point, and what happened in Until Dawn is exactly what I fear will happen in DFF too. Because it usually does.
Non, who's mentally ill and kept rolling with the punches over and over again, and New, who lived through trauma after trauma since his brother's disappearance, would traditionally snap (Non's aborted attack during his breakdown, New's whole story arc) and die.
It doesn't have to depict them as villains ; it can be a soft, sad and respectful tale of how people get abused and cornered and go too far as a result. So far they lose sight of themselves. But how many stories have you seen where they get a good ending ? The opportunity to heal and live ? Not many. Redemption and peace can only be achieved through death. It may be "realistic", but I find it very funny that media defaults to realism about this specific matter almost all the time.
What's worse, Phee and Jin are presented (so far, I'm still holding my breath) as the more "morally right" characters. Those you could see getting a good ending more easily.
And if Non, and preferably New, don't get a good ending, Phee and Jin absolutely musn't get one either.
They both have their flaws, sure, but how many times have we been shown that Jin is the least horrible person in this friend group, if not a downright good one at heart ? He's painted in a different light, always singled out. And Phee ? He's selfless, he's not a murderer, he's brave, he's kind, he regrets, he forgives, you get it (unless my theory of choice is right, but I'll go with what is explicitly told here). They both display values that everyone else lack.
But they got it served on a plate in comparison with the others. Those values and principles were developed in an environement that let them grow. We don't know much about their financial situation, but we haven't seen them struggle -unlike Non, New, and Tee's families. Phee talks to his dad and goes to him for help ; what about Por, who gets abused and is visibly scared of his father ? What about Non and New's relationship to their parents ? What about Tee's sick father and criminal uncle ? Where's the support system ? What about Fluke, always on his guard, entrenched in the sidelines, too scared to even allow himself to even think ? I'm leaving out Top (who I think represents gratuitous, unassuming evil) and White (who doesn't fit in the same equation for now) here, they give me nothing to work with so far.
Most of them don't have the strenght to walk the "right" path. They lived through shit much harder than Phee (who, by the way, chose to be with Non knowing, or even because, he was riddled with issues, and for whom Non's fate didn't break other parts of his life) or Jin (who seemed to live in his cute bubble before shit went down with Non, unaware even of his friends' true colors). They get a boost from the start and an easier middle, so of fucking course they'd be better armed to fight for a better end. Non was fucked from start to finish. He didn't stand a chance. New didn't stand a chance. Por, Tee and Fluke probably did, but not those two.
And it's not fair. Life isn't fair either, sure, but I can't help but repeat myself : it's fiction. And if even fiction tells you that if you're too damaged, and/or if you stumbled on a bad path while running away from what kept hurting you on the righteous one, then the only peace and redemption you can hope for is death, then I don't want it. Give me hope, not another "bittersweet" catharsis where it's always the same ones getting the bitterness and the same ones getting the sweetness. I don't want to be told I can be forgiven, I want to be told I can win and heal.
On a sidenote, I'm more lenient when it happens in fantasy settings. The events that lead to the character's ultimate fall and broken mind (sometimes rebuilt completely crooked) are far removed from reality. Your whole family was killed, you fought so many wars, truly horrible things, you name it. But in DFF the trauma is painfully rooted in reality. Many viewers, me included, had trouble watching Non's bullying. His breakdown, his loneliness. This is why I'm so demanding with the show. And as the end is closing in, I get scared.
HOWEVER I still have hope. A lot of elements I noticed could point to and ending I could accept. And, you know. It's not like going along with the trope I described is bad. It can be perfectly executed. It's a fine direction to take. Hell, I used to live for this narrative as a teen. It's just not for me anymore, I guess.
... Well, it was supposed to be a short post, apologies for the long rant, but I needed it off my chest.
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Dear pjo fandom
I just read the sun and the stars and i was so happy to come here and see all the little cute fan arts and what i find is a bunch of adults complaining about a child books series istg this fandom is one of the most toxic ones out there.
Now i could tell you that if you want to consume a product whatever it is movies,books,tv shows ecc that's explicitly for kids/preteens you have to approch it with the right mentality which is letting your inner child enjoy the product if you're 20+ something, cause of course the adult you won't feel the same wonder, and sure kids products don't have to be bad or bland and there are other things out there aimed at kids that are better than tsats BUT it's not a bad book, mark oshiro did such a good job at portraying healing and trauma, they also did an amazing job at presenting to middle schoolers the idea of romantic relationships being not all roses and flowers and unicorns, human relationships are hard no matter the kind, it's something difficult to accept and to deal with especially when every single fairy tale you read as a kid teaches you that there is a happily ever after, that after adversities everything gets solved and goes fine, when you grow up you learn that nothing is further from the truth than that, i could also tell you that of course the concept is extremely simplified but again it's a book for kids/preteens, i could tell you to not go for something you know it's not targeted to you if you want approch it in a cynical way, i could give you as example that reading tsats and wanting maturity out of it is like going to watch a disney animation movie and then complaining they sing too much. Cause now you have to tell me when rick riordan has been mature or not cringe in the whole entirity of the pjo saga? He literally wrote a dam joke after killing off a 12 years old, added a judo flip to a romantic reunion of two characters that haven't seen each others for almost a year, wrote a romantic declaration from a 20 years old something to a 16 years old girl, wrote about gods falling for the stupidiest shit said by teenagers demigods, made percy at 12 years old won a fight against the fucking god of war and i could go on so if that has been ok with you till now what is even the point? The truth is y'all are not complaining cause the book feels immature/cringe/ooc ecc y'all are complaining cause you hate will and you hate him cause you ship nico with percy,jason,leo or who knows who and that's ok you don't have to like will or solangelo you can ship whatever you want (i'm an "anomaly" in this fandom i never shipped percabeth, i started prefering percy and rachel and i ended up loving the idea of annabeth and piper, still i can be objective enough to read a whole saga where percy and annabeth are the main couple and not shit on it just cause i don't ship them together) of course you can complain about this book but at least make an effort and think of valid reasons. The real problem is why did you decide to buy and read a book that focuses as one of the main plots on a relationship you hate so much, if you can't stand them as a couple why did you read it in the first place? This book is not perfect it lacks things and there are topics that needed to be handled better sure, but it's not bad,ooc or cringe, cheesy maybe but not the kind of cringe you are trying to make it pass. The real deal here is you don't really care about any of those things you just hate the ship the book revolves around and again that's fine but just be honest it's way more respectful than taking away the work af a queer author that tried to settle more the idea of a queer couple being normal and equal to a straight one to a group of young people who are living in a society that still is against queer people.
Damnit shut up, do it for the gay kids
A former kid (still queer tho)
(if i made mistakes forgive me english is not my first language)
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oakwolves · 1 year
Your artstyle is so cute and pretty!
If you don't mind sharing, do you have any dariraine headcanons or AU plot ideas?
Hi, tsym!
I do in fact have a few Darius + Raine hcs! Some aren't specifically ship focused but they're there.
Also if you see some of these hcs from my twitter no you do not
I think when Darius is particularly stressed out he turns himself into abomination goo and just lays there spread out on the ground. The more he’s pushed past his exertion point (which is arguably a pretty high threshold) the longer he remains a goo puddle. Whenever he goes into this state. Raine has walked in on a Darius-sized puddle a few times.
When Raine deals with burn out they literally catch fire. It's mostly harmless to them and only causes them discomfort/overheating at worst but is damaging to the environment around them. No one can physically touch Raine in this state, so what Darius does is use abomination magic to help cool Raine down at least temporarily
"Songbird" started off as a term of teasing affection for Raine when they were in Hexside, but became more of a snarky insult as time passed in the Emperor's coven. (This would be post OG-GG death where Darius's grief consumes him and his close relationships deteriorate). As he spends more time with Raine + the BATTs post Eda's Requiem he slowly starts to ease back into that same fondness and affection he had for them before without even realising it at first. Raine picked up on it sooner but wanted to let him figure things out for himself.
Raine definitely gave him an earful for the stunt he pulled in Hollow Mind until they realized Hunter hadn't come back to the castle and Belos was actively looking for him.
Not my original AU but I think if their plan in Hollow Mind had gone uninterrupted, Raine would be the first person he'd ever opened up to about his mentor and what happened to him.
When Darius figured out how to turn his entire body into abomination goo the first person he showed was Raine (who promptly freaked out until Darius assured them he was fine. This was in their later years of Hexside where he was no longer talking to Odalia and Alador)
Darius's lockscreen: Raine captured in the best lighting/angles/etc, Raine's lockscreen: Blurry, out of focus shot of Darius with Hunter accidentally photobombing
Darius called Raine "Raine-bow" once while stoned and they never let him hear the end of it.
Sometimes Darius finds himself making little abominations whenever he's bored. Raine likes to use bard magic to give them sentience and make them dance.
they're bi4bi and t4t (Darius is a trans man to me!)
And a bonus hc for specifically Raine
I think Raine would have some degree of aversion towards plant magic for a while (because of Terra) but over time they get to heal and slowly learn to love it again, especially after they get their sigil removed and get to try it out for themselves. (Also Terra dies within the 3-4ish year timeskip) Music/Bard magic will always be their affinity but they definitely take the chance to explore their potential fully
A bonus hc for specifically Darius
When Darius and Eber first met, Darius was an older teen/young adult starting off as a coven scout and Eberwolf just wouldn’t stop fucking following him around no matter how much he tried avoiding them. But eventually he comes to enjoy Eberwolfs presence and they become close over time, close allies and roomates within the emperor's coven
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cinamun · 1 year
I never liked Jayce, or Elliot, and especially thotimas prime of the jungle. I felt like they all tried to form Hope into their vision of what they thought she should be to fit their warped minds. I see bits and pieces of Jayce moving away from that and I love it but I still can’t get jiggy with it. Please y’all don’t hate me too much for it, I tolerate Jayce but I just don’t see him bringing out Hope’s full potential🤷🏽‍♀️ I do see him helping her heal past what has happened to her and now them. One things for sure Jayce is the only one out of all that truly loves Hope for who she is, I just don’t like him much
I just don't see how Jayce or Elliot or Even Thotji Thomas of Mt. Thotorebi tried to mold her, but let's focus on Jay:
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I would say he brought out her full potential the evening he cleared up that confusion for her and sent her Black ass to the ancestors.
But that's besides the point...
Jay has encouraged her to use her words on multiple occassions because she is hard on herself and sometimes insecure. He was a big supporter of her dream of living under the mountain and stayed her supporter when that didn't work out after graduation. I would even argue that he really doesn't need to do much, Hope has already reached her full potential. She has a brilliant mind which has led to excellence in academics and her career. Not to mention she's a gifted athlete who wants to give back to little girls who can't swim.
Hope needs a man who will compliment that AND provide her with the love she desperately wanted as a teen (the reason she ran away), AND reassure her and lift her up. I have seen Jay do nothing less. Elliot (RIP) was incapable and Kenji only wanted to fuck.
So nonny this has to be just something personal between you and the character. Its okay to "just not like him much" as you say, but you haven't really given solids as to why he and Hope aren't good for each other.
You're probably not alone, other people may not like Jay either, but you're gonna have to come harder if you want us to think about this ship not shipping because this ain't it.... is all I'm sayin.
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ravnloft · 2 months
i'm on a bit of a writing break and i won't be publishing any fic updates until september at the earliest. BUT. i am constantly microwaving my blorbos. so you get some meta (°◡°♡)
something i can't wait to delve into more explicitly in wt. is. the way amma sees her relationship with astarion.
it starts transactional and manipulative (exploitative, even! She Is Not Nice!). he entertains her, and she keeps him alive. she entertains him, and he keeps her alive. they clue in to each other's evil nearly instantly and go (handshake emoji) tactical alliance sex
and then he helps her kill the lolthites...
and she's like. okay. maybe this is a little bit more than just a tactical alliance. i kind of respect his prettyboy grind. maybe we're like, pals. maybe even... friends? ew. disgusting. i need to walk this back
she tries to walk it back and he's like. what the fuck is wrong with you. amma says "i need to chill" and astarion is like "why are you chill? you've never been chill. i didn't fall for you [lying] because you are chill." and he still meets her halfway in the dynamic-- tries to proactively make sure she's happy/safe, instead of just being sexy and distracting-- because in his mind, she's losing interest, and he has to dig his claws in and cling to her for dear life. and there definitely isn't any deeper meaning to that impulse. sure, gale helps him get better at magic, and lae'zel hasn't killed him for being annoying, and shadowheart heals him, but that could mean anything. those other three aren't as important as her. she's the most advantageous one to have a tactical alliance with, because she doesn't care about anyone, and he doesn't need to dwell on why that makes him uncomfortable.
while on the other end, amma is like. yeah, i don't care about anyone. except i care about you. and i care about shadowheart. doesn't everyone care about shadowheart? she's the most care-about-able girl in the universe. but also, i care about you more than i care about shadowheart. that is not a good thing. i only know how to care about killing. if i care about you, i will end up killing one of us.
but he's already dead. :^)
SO SHE STARTS TO LET HIM IN*... she decides that if they're both pretending so hard to be in a relationship, then maybe they're just in a relationship. she starts trying to meet him halfway, too. and she uses the communication avenues that they're used to. she kills people, she feeds him, she sleeps with him. and he freaks out!!! because if SHE (moral vacuum whose ability to survive is a negative character trait) is in love with him (alive) and HE (guy who was degraded past the point of wanting anything to survive, including himself) in love (finally reminded what it was like to enjoy being alive) with her (still alive) then WHO'S DRIVING THE "I'LL DIE FOR YOU" PLANE
they both panic! they start trying to give chances out! astarion sees the weird attraction amma and shadowheart have (is it romantic? is it platonic? is it motherly/daughterly? is it damned4savior?) and tries to prick that open and make it bleed. he tries to kiss shadowheart. he tells amma that shadowheart is in love with her. and he likes them both!!! he can barely handle caring about one person with whom he is actively fucking (in every sense of the word!), let alone a little goth nunlet from downtown who won't even feed him if he is starving!!!**
anyway. thanks for coming to my ted talk. here is a compilation of amsteriart (I STILL NEED A GOOD SHIP NAME FOR THEM OURUGHGUFUGIGHUGHGH) art for you <3
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*she tells him "you have me" and she tries to make him feel happy and safe and taken care of, like he's done for her so far, even though she knows he was doing it to manipulate her... ourgh. waugh. they're both leaning so far into trying to "tactically seduce" each other that becomes simultaneously a sexless psychodrama and an erotic rivalry. otherwise known as falling in love.
** to be read in the exact tone and seriousness of the popular tweet, "jail for mother for one thousand years!!!" (miette et al, 2019)
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rotten-vivs · 1 year
1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24
choose violence ask game (life series edition)
oh my god, this is gonna be a bit long lmao, bear with me
1. the character everyone gets wrong
tango, i have rarely seen people get him just right. he's one of those characters that unfortunately gets molded into whatever the fandom needs him to be. dont blame them, i can admit i also struggled to have a good grasp of his character at first
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i saw someone rant about how scott and cleo were just merciless bullies against pearl. which yeah, they were pretty mean to her, but the person didn't even attempt to understand scott and cleo's motivations. i know it doesn't seem much, but as someone who has a passion for that series's characters and their motivations it pissed me off that they were just ignored
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
the person from the question above lol. i rarely block accounts (unless they're bots), but the post i mentioned had very disgusting vibes
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
solidaritek shippers who talk shit about flower husbands. and the opposite too, but i've seen that one more. let jimmy be loved by two people for fuck's sake!!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
"dogwarts were the good guys actually" NO THEY FUCKING WERENT. watch the crastle or jimmy and scott (especially those two), dogwarts tried to forcefully take over all groups at one point. im not saying they were evil, they had understandable motivations...but that doesn't make them "good". i think this opinion popularized as pushback from "desert duo are the good guys" opinion (which is also wrong lol)
9. worst part of canon
the limited life ending, im sorry. not because martyn "played dirty", if anything that made the ending way better than it would've been. but the lead up from all three final perspectives were a bit underwhelming
10. worst part of fanon
sometimes people give too much power to the watchers to the point they take away autonomy from the characters. they are WATCHERS. they watch, not play. yes they put the players in the situation, but the players themselves are the ones putting the show
13. worst blorboficiation
i dont know if worst, but lizzie. she tends to be very dumbed down and infantilized. as if she didn't kill as boogey multiple times by making people trust her. dont get me wrong, she is chronically confused, but she is not a sweet innocent angel too fragile for this world
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i really dont know anything about hermitcraft so there might be a reason for it, but i see a lot of fics that make that server the "safe haven/place of healing in between life games". i dont really watch hc, so whenever i see it in fics and they reference stuff from that server i go ???. not complaining of course, i just try to pick up the context clues and use the general fandom knowledge i gathered through osmosis
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
y'know, i still don't know what those things that people put on pearl's head are. they look like bunny ears, or two feathers sticking out. something i also see a lot is all the winners in stained glass windows, sometimes in a "Hall of Winners". i dont know where it came from, but i eat it up every single time, i love it
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
not a fan of romantic smalletho. i tried, the idea of them is fun, but they're just besties in my brain
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
ender skizz!! his 3L red skin is so iconic. also more team best as superheroes. they called themselves the heroes of the server, dress them up as that
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
i dont see people referencing cleo's almost death by tree suffocation on the first episode of third life, even though they were so many perspectives of it. narratively, it was the first time that they saw death as a possible threat. outside of the story, it was so fucking funny. they were all chilling and suddenly, tree
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
i'll be honest, im not the biggest smut fan. i'm not against it, but i dont really get the appeal. i won't turn away an E rated fic if im interested on the concept of the overall fic, but i dont actively search them. i will say...treebark smut is always so well fucking written. the love, the devotion, the yearning, the desperation, the craving. treebark enjoyers can write a good sex scene, and you can quote me on that
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
bigb was jealous of ren and martyn in double life. he says it, out loud, multiple times. there's so many angles you can go with this and so much potential. there's the treebark angle of course, but there's also how bigb used that to avoid responsibility from having a secret soulmate behind ren's back. tbh ren and bigb's relationship overall is way too ignored for literally being the most interesting soulmate pair
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
a bit more overall mcyt than life series fandom, but any boundaries discourse, especially shipping for some reason. i have a lot of opinions, but overall i think we should stop fucking talking about "boundaries" so much. boundaries assumes a two-way interaction. and unless i am tagging the cc or putting stuff on their chats/comments or on knowingly frequented tags, what i am posting does not need their permission. does that mean "post everything, have no morals"? fuck no, but that is really the responsibility of each person. if i don't think something should be posted on the internet, i won't do it. if i see people posting that stuff, i will mute/block/report (if needed). you know what we shouldn't do? bring attention to uncomfortable shit to ccs when they are live (aiming this directly to the 2 donos in the last couple of weeks that have asked scar what his boundaries on shipping is, which he either truly doesn't understand or is purposely avoiding to reply). anyways, always causes rancid discourse and at worst full on witch hunts for shit that really doesn't matter
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
THE FINAL HANGOUT for Desuhiko. I. Think. I've gotten all of the Baubles up to this point. Going into this chapter, every character has one Bauble left to find for one last chill-sesh with them. The way that lines up looks deliberate.
Like, if this is the final chapter, it makes sense that everyone's last bauble to close out their Gumshoe Gab would be located here.
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Oh god, are we breaking up?
You're literally the only character who has shipping tags pop up in the tag list when I go to type your name at the end of the post. Not even Kurumi. So if this is what it sounds like then you're about to break the hearts of approximately 100% of the game's audience.
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Yuma has the patience of a saint. Imagine spending an hour hanging out on an empty rooftop with nothing to do but get rained on, while your only companion (who asked you to come here) is evasively trying not to talk to you.
I would have excused myself and bailed after like five minutes.
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This conversation is coded as hell. No wonder Desuhiko's the only character with algorithm-prioritized shipping tags. He's gotten closer to a love confession in this brief conversation than Kurumi has in hours of hanging out with Yuma and constantly refuting that she's his girlfriend, anime-style.
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This is purposeful ship bait. The game's made clear that Yuma/Kurumi is its OTP. It refuses to shut up about it even though it's moving that subplot along at a snail's pace. But the coding in this conversation is clearly meant to throw a bone to the shippers.
100% "If you get it, you get it. But if you don't then Desuhiko's just being a silly-billy by how seriously he's taking this." A paper-thin subtext with just enough deniability.
And judging by the hashtags, people have absolutely taken the game up on its offer. In fairness, reading into things like this is what you have to do to squeeze even an ounce of same-sex romance out of most IPs. Writers will ship-tease until the cows come home but balk at giving us openly gay/bi characters.
At least we got our cool enby Halara. As long as Kodaka doesn't lose the fucking script in the final chapter and sticks the landing for them, Halara will easily be the best LGBT character he's ever written. (Not that the competition makes that difficult or anything.)
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Trust Yuma to be utterly oblivious to the subtext here. It's a long-established character trait that he struggles with understanding people when their behavior doesn't match his standards of normalcy. As is typical of Kodaka's protags, he is aggressively the Straight Man.
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The musical equivalent of saying, "No, I will not go out with you, but I would like to be friends instead."
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Desuhiko is not taking rejection well. But at least he's not doing that thing some people do, where they'll let someone go on tour with them as a fan while utterly convinced that, if he gives it some time, Yuma will come around and realize that joining the band really is what he wants for his life.
Desuhiko's in too much pain right now to accept Yuma as a fan. But he's accepting Yuma's rejection for what it is. He isn't deluding himself to cling to something that can't be. He's processing his emotions and allowing himself to feel. That's the first step in healing.
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He is, however, stonewalling. His moment of vulnerability has passed. The defensive walls are up and stronger than over. Accusing Yuma of only wanting to be his fan out of pity is a defense mechanism.
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Yuma has successfully pried Desuhiko back out from behind his walls. He's sorry that they can't form the band that Desuhiko wanted but there is a strong basis here for an incredible fanship, one that could change the course of both of their lives.
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Sorry, Yuma. You talked yourself into this. Fortunately, I get to bail and let you two have this private moment together.
As is pretty well established by this point, I don't have a high opinion of Desuhiko. It's personal. He hits too close to home and reminds me a lot of myself at his age. But I can see why others would like him and his dynamic with Yuma.
He's a far cry from what I expected him to be when I met him. I expected a much more objectionable character, especially given Kodaka's track record. But actually, Desuhiko's pretty cool.
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whinlatter · 2 years
What do you think about Deamus? In my head, while Ginny was flirting with Harry, Dean and Seamus were getting closer. I'm sure he went to Seamus' for a few weeks to find out what was going on in the WW, and while he was there, he started feeling things for Seamus that he was confused about.
While I would love to see Dean and Ginny meet up during HBP, I can’t see Molly letting her children out of her sight during HBP because of what happened to Sirius. Even though they bickered, she loved him like a grumpy little brother. I kind of see that bringing back memories of what happened to Fabian and Gideon. With Voldemort finally being seen and the wizarding world acknowledging his return, I can see parents being stressed to keep their children close. Especially with everything that happened with the first war, and don't forget there were attacks happening in the Muggle world, so everyone was on edge.
i really love the idea of deamus, and love both of those boys 4ever. i definitely think the year ginny and dean were together was really tough and formative for seamus (convinced of this via the fault in faulty manufacturing by @pebblysand). that said, i do think it's pretty clear in canon that dean was extremely into ginny and was hurt that he was parred off by her, so not sure that that hbp year was The Year for dean working out feelings for seamus - i think that would have happened later.
in a kind of toxic turn from me... i do prefer an extremely slow burn deamus ship. or even a sadder one, where it happens but they don't make it forever, you know? my favourite actually is maybe they do give it a go in their youth, fuck it up, and find their way back to each other later in life, when they've both done a bit of growing up (seamus) and postwar healing (both, but particularly post-war dean - the guy is on the run in really traumatic circumstances throughout DH). i've owned up to it before (here) but i think there's also something quite compelling about an unrequited thing from seamus' side, that helps him figure something out about himself and that he grows up through.
partly this is me being a bit like, okay, not everyone can end up with someone from school. and the other part of me that really likes the idea of both seamus and dean having real chaos twenties. i think, at some point, it would be nice for dean to be in a long-term relationship with a muggle for a bit, finding some peace straddling both muggle and wizarding worlds through that relationship, if only temporarily. it's just fun for the characters who we don't know about to play with different timelines or different romantic arcs than we have with the main cast of characters. i think both seamus and dean are really interesting characters in their own right, and that's what makes deamus as a ship so compelling - there are just so many ways you can do it and have it be a meaningful and compelling relationship arc. and i want those two handsome lads to be happy always ❤️
re molly not letting ginny go off to london to meet dean - you're ofc right that molly would absolutely not allow it BUT i have great faith in young ginevra's commitment to trying to give her mother the slip. i do love that idea about molly and sirius' relationship though, anon!
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apoptoses · 1 year
Re: the poly relationship anon and the Reddit thread that mentioned Marius being in a relationship with Pandora, Bianca AND Armand at the end of the series lmao I think I have an idea as to how they might’ve reached that conclusion. It's worth noting though that I think it's a gigantic reach and not really what Anne meant when writing about Marius’ interactions with any of these characters in the last trilogy but let's see... I remember Marius referring to both Pandora and Bianca as his “wives” at some point (perhaps even in the same time?) in the PL trilogy, and it’s clear his relationship with both of them is romantic in nature and in great terms by the time the series ends. Bianca pursued him pretty relentlessly, Pandora is always referred to as his love/his great love and Marius is extremely pressed when she gets back together with Arjun + everything that happens with Arjun later on, etc. Armand isn’t involved in any of this mess (for once) beyond snatching Daniel back at some point during RoA. His relationship with Pandora is pretty much nonexistent, and even his relationship with Bianca is left incredibly unexplored post-Venice (a crime, obviously). The relationship between Armand and Marius is strained/tense at best, explosive at worst (even though the love is there, will always be there), but as we all know by the end of the series Marius feels confident about them finally being able to have a conversation and Armand's heart being "open" to this happening. We never see said reunion/conversation but if said Reddit person interpreted all of this as them getting back together romantically (which again, I don't think it's even on the table for these two right at the end of the series, and realistically it's going to be a long road for them in terms of being able to have a healthy relationship) and THEN added Marius' situationship with both Pandora and Bianca... then I guess you have a poly relationship scenario, sort of? lmao it's the only way it kinda makes sense but even then they're reaching for the stars.
You're extremely right when you say that in terms of "endgame" couples (or as endgame as it can be under these circumstances), Louis/Lestat is the only ship that could be defined in those terms, given how explicitly their reunion/romantic interactions were made. It's said that Armand and Daniel reunited and Daniel ended up moving into TG to live with him but as far as we know, they could be living together as vampire pals (the mere thought of this is fucking hilarious tho imagine them going through all of that just to be roommates djshkjssk). Just like for all we know, the relationship between Louis and Armand might have been entirely platonic while they lived together at TG. Just co-parenting. Conscious uncoupling kings!
Anyhow who knew I had so many thoughts about this!!! xoxo a highly caffeinated DA ❤️
Yeah it's a huge reach lmao Like it says Armand's heart is open to a conversation with Marius and I personally read that as a conversation where they could attempt to heal the rift between them over Marius giving up on rescuing him from the cult/making Benji and Sybelle against his will. Not that it would be an instant 'getting back together' talk.
It's funny because I'm so so SO down bad for them in the Venice years in TVA/their reunion scene in QotD but I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't be more than platonic ever again. They've become such different people and tbh their original relationship was very physical, and it seemed like once the newness of Amadeo being a vampire wore off like...what did they have to talk about together? To me that's the real tragedy of their relationship.
Not that I'm against shipping it!! I mean I've read some good post-canon fic of them. But anyways I digress lol
But YEAH exactly Anne wrote it so that you could interpret any of these relationships minus Lestat/Louis any way you want at the end. Though lmao @ the idea of Armand having his exes living in his house like a bunch of divorced couples who refuse to move out and separate their lives. Conscious uncoupling indeed 🤣 Though probably still better than the inevitable shitshow that Auvergne will turn out to be, with dozens of polyamorous vampires with metric tons of baggage and strained relationships will be like-
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Picturing Daniel ending up like Alice in the L Word trying to chart out who is fucking who and who is broken up at any given time lmao He'll have to be sure to write this shit in dry erase marker because every three nights the lines will need swapped around. A mess!!
Bless Anne and her inability to have any of these vampires keep it in their pants (mouths? considering all the biting) I swear.
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lunar-years · 1 year
rjk hunger games au is SO GOOD i would read the hell out of that if u ever decided to write more. but also the everlark gifset you reblogged could definitely be a concerned and shaken roy (katniss) latching onto a recently revived and sarcastic jamie (peeta) who’s just casually joking about how he died. and maybe keeley takes on the role of finnick in this scenario, or she’s part of the resistance and supporting from afar.
how do you think jamie won his games? when and where do rjk figure things out for the first time? i don’t think i’m going to be able to stop thinking about this.
The book lines go so hard for that scene too: "You were dead! Your heart stopped!" *Katniss losing it* Peeta: "Well, it seems to be working now" vabvbjcsbj SIR. 1) generally a scene of all time and 2) very excellent content for Roy/Jamie AU yes yes.
I'm not sure how Jamie would win his Games because I want him to do something rebellious :) Maybe in keeping with the THG plot, he orchestrates the Katniss & Peeta berries movie only without the romantic angle. WHAT IF Sam is also in the arena and they become allies... Except Sam at the beginning is like "I am not going to last long here. I cannot kill anyone, I cannot." and Jamie is like...fuck that I'm not just letting you sit here until someone comes along and kills you wtf. So after that they have an unspoken agreement that Sam will forage for them because he's really good at identifying edible leaves and berries and Jamie will do the fighting if/when it comes to it. then when it comes down to just the two of them Jamie is like okay Sam i'm sorry but you have to kill me now. and Sam is like absolutely not. did you not hear me when I said I'm not going to kill anyone? It's okay Jamie do what you need to do. but Jamie of course says ABSOLUTELY NOT and comes up with the berry scheme!! I simply think a hunger games AU deserves a samjamie bestieism side plot.
as for rjk... Roy has isolated himself for sooo long after winning and meeting Keeley and secretly fueling the resistance with her as the liaison has finally given him a sense of purpose again 🥺 so those two are already getting close when Jamie is reaped, and Jamie again is friends with Keeley from school and because she gives him tasks to do to help the resistance. Jamie is still so young, so most of the others in the resistance dismiss him but Keeley sees how desperate he is to help and is like, well why shouldn't he? she's always seen his potential :) So they are also already very fond of each other. and roy and jamie are in their enemies to friends arc because that needs to be the royjamie dynamic in any universe, i don't make the rules. Roy finds Jamie annoying because he's always getting in the way. also in the early days after they meet Jamie tries to give Roy hunting tips just to be snarky lmao and roy is like absolutely fuck you i've been hunting before you could hold a bow. Also Jamie is relentless and nagging and won't leave roy ALONE to his own peace and loneliness in the victor's village. So by the time Jamie is reaped they have a tentative friendship and care about each other but would never admit it.
Then Jamie comes back and is obviously extremely traumatized from the experience, especially since his ally-ship with Sam had him doing all the fighting at the very end. Roy can uhhhh relate to that. more than a bit. So he takes Jamie under his wing in the Victor's Village and starts showing up to check on him and cook him meals. they learn so much more about one another and help one another to heal. Keeley continues to be their access point to the resistance in the District, because she's a bit more under the radar to the Capital since she was never in the Games. It's dangerous for Roy and Jamie to get too involved, but they help Keeley wherever they can and it basically becomes all three of them living together in Roy's giant victor village house. I'm imagining this as a slow burn of like, a year or two after Jamie's back home before they even get together. once they do though, the Capitol finds out about it and starts sending Jamie more and more often to the Capitol :( the only silver lining is that Jamie at least gets to see Sam on these trips, as Sam is another Capitol fan favorite. And Keeley and Roy get angrier and angrier back home about, well, everything but it's so much worse now that Jamie is so relentlessly being forced into prostitution. So yeah, they start getting reallyyy risky with resistance activity. Cue: Quarter Quell :(
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