#i don't know what I'm saying i thought i would be able to think of more things like that but brain is mush bc arm
marigoldendragon · 2 days
Was thinking about who in the twst cast would be a sobbing mess at their wedding
Riddle. No. He'd be fluctuating between super happy and trying to maintain some decorum, and end up red faced half the time, but I dont think he'd cry.
Trey. Pretty emotionally stable guy. He'd probably get misty eyed if he felt it but otherwise no.
Cater. Yeah. Not like, super ugly crying (he needs to look good in his wedding photos) but I think he'd shed a few tears.
Ace. Yes. He'd be all cocky about it right up until the vows, then he'd start balling.
Deuce. Yes. I think he'd be fine until either his mum or his spouse started crying, then he'd break.
Leona. No, he'd just be a smug bastard the whole day. Not saying he wouldn't love his spouse, he'd just be insufferable about how great they are.
Ruggie. I think he could swing either way. Like he's had a hard life so he'd know how to not show venerability, but if it was a smaller more intimate ceremony where he'd feel safe to cry I think he would.
Jack. No. But his tail would be a blur the entire day.
Azul. Absolutely. Man craves affection. Getting married? He'd be a MESS.
Jade. No. Mr playing at being a butler would be the perfect gentlemen the entire time.
Floyd. No. He would be bouncing off the walls though.
Kalim. Absolutely. He has no qualms about showing his emotions he would let loose on the day.
Jamil. Yes. He'd hate that he's crying in front of people, but someone choosing HIM?? He would not be able to hold it in.
Vil. As fun as it is to imagine getting married is what breaks Vil's mask, no. He's a professional, he's not going to ruin his makeup.
Rook. Yes. One look at his spouse in their wedding attire and he'd be on one knee spouting poetry about their beauty, tears running down his face.
Epel. Yup. He'd probably not be happy about it, but he does cry a lot in the main story. Sorry Epel XD
Idia. Yes, but probably more from being just kind of generally overwhelmed by the whole thing. Like his anxiety gets the better of him once or twice.
Ortho. No? I would assume once he's lived some more life and gotten adult body upgrades he'd probably want to find romance. Maybe he'd make and install a crying unit just so he can experience it?
Malleus. No. But I think it would hit him AFTER the wedding. Like he's at home with his new spouse, looks over at them and it just kind of hits him. Starts ugly crying.
Silver. Hmmmm no. He's a pretty serious guy, and I think he'd get misty eyed, maybe a tear or two, but I don't think he'd be the sort to really cry that hard.
Sebek. Yes lol. He'd try so hard to be the serious mature husband but man cannot control his emotions. He'd have tears running like a faucet all day (and denying it all the time).
Lilia. No, he'd be all big beaming smiles. His sons' weddings however... he'd be a waterfall of tears the entire day. An absolute wreck of a man he'd be so proud.
Feel free to add any thoughts. There's a few characters I'm not super knowledgeable on, happy to read any counterarguments/extra thoughts people have :D
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Another interesting parallel between Wyll and Gale is that they have both lived quite some time without any fucking privacy.
I don't need to elaborate on Wyll because, you know, Mizora. But also, at the Stormshore Tabernacle, Gale says that Mystra is omniscient. This implies that throughout their entire relationship, she always knew what Gale was thinking - what he thought and felt about her, every time he lied to her, whenever he was upset with her, every less-than-amenable-to-her-wishes thought he ever had. It's enough to drive someone mad, when you think about it. How much did Gale fruitlessly police himself when it came to how he thought of Mystra, afraid that he would disappoint or anger her? How much did he beat himself up over his own thoughts and feelings, knowing he couldn't hide it from her? Did he ever fear that she would use any of his thoughts to hurt him, the way Mizora obviously does with Wyll? Do they bond over that?
And in turn, how would this affect their relationship? Wyll has never been in one before and has been quite starved for any intimacy for the longest time; all he had was Mizora fucking with him 24/7. This means that, functionally, he hasn't had any lasting ties to anyone who wasn't capable of reading his thoughts and knowing where he was at all times in the last 7 years. And god knows how long Gale's been with Mystra, as well
Do they subconsciously expect the other to know what they're thinking? If the other ever asks, do they automatically tense up, assuming it's some sort of test or that a punishment (for Wyll) or disappointment (for Gale) is coming? If the other says what they're feeling, do they register that as an order? Is it hard for them to remember to tell each other certain things, because they cannot in fact read minds, at least not after they lose the tadpoles? (That's another thing too, they HAVE been able to read each other's minds from the moment they first met).
I've always felt like communication issues would be the #1 problem in their relationship, because, as much as they're both quite direct and open about their feelings, they also feel the need to constantly put up a front and prove themself to their lover. But this adds a new layer to it - unintentionally keeping each other in the dark about certain things, really basic things, because they're unused to having to say them out loud. And potentially being upset that they have to say difficult things out loud, as if it's some exercise in humiliation, which it likely was with Mizora/Mystra. Potentially assuming the other did something they weren't okay with knowingly, because that was always the case before. Almost guaranteed to being so out of practice having to voice their feelings to be understood that they don't know where to begin, or what to say, and feel stupid over it.
Of course, it helps that the other is going through the exact same thing. I'm sure they can figure that one out, as soon as they can express everything I mentioned above.
But it does make for an interesting dynamic in their early days, and one of the many facets of their communication issues. Also one of the many ways in which they can heal together from their respective traumas, so different in nature yet so similar in effects over their psyches.
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freyaphoria · 13 hours
Run Away Together
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tw: Yandere Hongjoong, kidnapping, hwa is kidnapped too, food mentioned, blood, gun, torture mentioned, slightly seongjoong but idk what are they too, yandere seongjoong x reader
wc: 2318
a/n: Hello! I think most people don't like the yandere theme, should I stop writing in this theme? Idk I should continue writing or not, so if you give me feedback, i would be happy :,)
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"If Hongjoong saw what you were doing, he would tear us both apart." You jumped so much at the sound you heard that you almost lost your balance. You suddenly turned around and looked at the dark corridor where the voice came from. "Seonghwa please, let me go.” Seonghwa was walking towards you with slow and silent steps. You really didn't want to think about what Hongjoong would do to both of you if he found out you had escaped from your room
Seonghwa was always more tolerant in your relationship; He was the best option between the two in your emotionally weak times. Hongjoong, on the other hand, was more strict and rule-making. Seonghwa would relax Hongjoong's rules for you when he wasn't around. Out of the two of them, the idea of kidnapping you came from Hongjoong and Seonghwa felt guilty towards you for not being able to stop his idea. That's why he treated you more gently.
"Angel, don't make things difficult and come here." As he walked towards you, you took a step back. "Seonghwa, let's run away together. He's not at home anyway. He won't know until we go to the police." You said in a pleading tone as you reached your hands forward and tried to stop him. "Police? Even the nearest grocery store is 3 hours away from here. We might even fall prey to wolves in the forest while trying to escape." You stopped when your back hit the outside door. "Don't you have a phone?" Tears filled your eyes as you realized he wasn't going to help you. Seonghwa was your only friend here and you thought maybe he could help you out. "Remember, I was once his victim, just like you. He destroyed my phone in front of my eyes when he brought me here." He reached out a hand to you and caressed your cheek. "Why don't you give in and try loving him? Believe me, he's not someone to hate." Isn't he someone to hate? You harshly removed Seonghwa's hand from your cheek. "Hwa, he kidnapped us! Are you aware of th-"
"If you treat him like that again, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget."
You lost your balance backwards when the door behind you suddenly opened and Hongjoong grabbed you by your arms harshly from behind. "As if trying to escape wasn't enough, you also tried to persuade Hwa, and on top of that, you were rude to him. Know your place." You tried to avoid his grip. "I'm not rude to him, I took his hand away from my cheek. You are exaggerating. And if you're not happy with it, just let me go!" You said all the words in one go, and Seonghwa was praying to stop you from going any further and saying anything.
Hongjoong had the scariest look you had ever seen in your life. He could make anyone do whatever he wanted with just one look. Now he's giving you the same look, waiting for you to kneel in front of him and apologize. But this time you weren't going to fall for his trick. You would walk out that door no matter what the cost.
The door was still open and Hongjoong's grip was gradually loosening. "Angel, don't be stubborn. Come on." Seonghwa gently grabbed your shoulder, trying to pull you inside. Hongjoong's silence scared him too, and he almost knelt down and apologized for you. Hongjoong noticed Seonghwa getting nervous and nodded at him. "Hwa my prince, you go inside and wait for me." Seonghwa instantly listened to his order and went towards the living room. He didn't want you to get hurt, he would have stopped Hongjoong if he could. Hongjoong would include Seonghwa in all your punishments so that he wouldn't forget his place. Him telling Seonghwa to go inside made you panic. "Police, huh? What will you do when you go to the police? Who will believe you?" He took one of his hands from your arm and placed it on your stomach. "Look at you, I take good care of you, I even made you gain weight since you came here. Your hair and clothes are also clean. Who would believe that someone kidnapped you? Do you have proof?"
He was really taking good care of you. He prepared your 3 meals with the highest quality and also provided snacks. Ever since you learned what would happen if you didn't eat with a harsh punishment when you first came here, you had been eating everything on your plate out of fear.
"They will believe me! I have been missing for months. They will definitely ask what happened!" Right now, in Hongjoong's eyes, you were like a child throwing a tantrum because she wanted more candy from her mother. "I've told you a hundred times that no one is looking for you. Your family is very happy to be rid of you." Ah, he started again. His favorite thing was to hit you at your most sensitive point, the problem between you and your family. If you continued to listen to him, he would manipulate you again and make you stay here. So you hit his stomach with your elbow and broke away from his grip. You slipped away from him, went out the open door and ran into the front yard.
The fact that he wasn't following you caught your attention and scared you, but there was no turning back now. It was the first time you had stepped outside in months, and as Seonghwa once said, you were in the middle of the forest and it was pitch black. You couldn't see where you were going and you were constantly losing your balance because the ground was full of large tree roots. The best thing you could do was try to go as straight as you could and keep running until you saw a road or a house.
Hongjoong went to the terrace, watching with amusement as you excitedly tried to escape. One of his favorite things was to give his victims such small hopes and then shatter those hopes. When he first brought Seonghwa here, he tried to escape with all his might. He even tried to fight Hongjoong. But he gave up after a while because he was caught every time. Hongjoong was sure you would be the same.
Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong from the terrace door. "Go and bring her to me before she falls and hurts himself." Hongjoong said to Seonghwa without taking his eyes off you. "Me? But I don't know the way. We'd both get lost." He hasn't gone out since he came here, except his small escape attempts. He didn't know the forest too. Hongjoong placed his hand on his forehead in distress and sighed. "Then you two should get lost and be eaten by the wolves, Seonghwa. I told you to go and bring her here." When Hongjoong raised his voice, Seonghwa got scared and immediately went downstairs and took the flashlight. He didn't want to run outside in this cold, so he called out to you. "Angel! Please come here! The forest is too dangerous!" When he couldn't hear a sound from you, he huffed and went outside and started looking around with his flashlight. When he couldn't find any sign of you, he looked up at Hongjoong on the terrace and shrugged. Hongjoong gestured with his hand towards the right and Seonghwa ran towards it.
He wanted this to be over as soon as possible, he ran towards you with all his strength, balancing himself with the illumination of his flashlight. When he took a break to catch his breath, he saw your curled body under a tree and jumped. "Agh! You scared me!" As he approached you, he moved the light to the side so that it wouldn't dazzle you. "Let's go. Hongjoong is angry. Let's not make him more angry." You still had your back turned and were not looking at him. This made Seonghwa shiver and he placed a hand on your shoulder to get your attention. "Angel? Are you oka-" When he looked at you, he saw you staring blankly ahead. "Stop being mysterious and stand up. He's watching us from the terrace. The longer we stay here, the worse it will get."
You turned your head towards Seonghwa. "Hwa, I hear car noises. If we run fast enough, we can catch one and get out of here." Seonghwa leaned towards you and put his hands under your armpits, pulling you to your feet. "Stop talking nonsense. We're in the middle of the forest and there's no driveway here. Like I said, the nearest grocery store is 3 hours away from-" "How do you know? You've never been outside either?" You interrupted him and asked in a whisper. Seonghwa rolled his eyes at you. "I know because Hongjoong said so. Now come on-"
Just then you heard a horn sound.
Seonghwa has never been this deep in the forest before. So he wasn't sure if Hongjoong was telling the truth or if there was a highway around here.
"Did you hear that?" you asked excitedly. It was clear from Seonghwa's surprised face that he heard it too. "No, we shouldn't do this. We shouldn't be here. Hongjoong will kill us." You took the flashlight from his hand and held Seonghwa's arm with your other hand. "Then we will die together. Rest assured, it is better than this life."
You pulled his arm and started running towards the direction of the voice. On the one hand, Seonghwa felt guilty for betraying Hongjoong, but he also wanted to be free. His feet were moving without him realizing it. After a while, he ran ahead and started pulling you. He seemed to want freedom more than you did. He had to take part in all of Hongjoong's crimes. Hongjoong was more obsessed and more brutal when he first kidnapped him, he had tortured Seonghwa for years with all of those aspects, and unlike you, he had no one by his side. After his tortures, he did not have a friend who could wrap him in his scarves and caress his head to put him to sleep. Of course he suffered more than you.
"Seonghwa stop! I can't hear!" You stood together, waiting to hear a sound, breathless. There was complete silence and for a moment you thought you were dreaming. "We're sure we heard a horn! Maybe the cars have stopped passing. Let's keep going, we'll definitely find a road!"
Everything happened suddenly. If you ask in seconds, everything happened in 5 seconds.
1 Seonghwa held your hand again
2 You again shined the light of the flashlight in front of you
3 Seonghwa pulled your hand and prepared to run
4 You fell to the ground when something hard stabbed your leg.
5 You felt a warm thick liquid flowing down your thigh.
Since they kept talking about wolves, you first thought that a wolf had bitten your leg. Then, when you didn't see an animal next to you, you looked at Seonghwa. Seonghwa was staring at you on the ground, frozen in place with fear.
"What happened?" You couldn't feel anything because of the adrenaline. You just felt the warmth. "He shot you."
You couldn't see anything left behind because the light falling on the ground illuminated your face. You knew someone was there when Seonghwa lifted his head from you and looked forward. As the person in front of you moved towards you, Seonghwa stepped back.
"Hwa, give me one reason why I should forgive this action.” This bastard... This was the first time Seonghwa had gone this far, so he couldn't think of anything to say and fell to his knees out of habit. "Hongjoong plea-" "Okay, shut up, I'll think about whether to forgive you or not when I get home. Now you..." He turned to you and crouched down next to you. "What should we do with you?" He ran his hands through your hair and caressed it gently; His tone of voice and the fact that he was stroking your hair while you were lying on the ground covered in blood did not match at all.
"Since you are responsible for this, you will suffer the most punishment." He pointed the gun at your head. "Should I kill you right here and bury you right here or-" He held your hair harshly, lifted your head and looked at you with that scary look again. "or do you want to continue living and rot in my basement?"
Seonghwa was watching you with bated breath. Hongjoong had the potential to shoot you at any moment. "Have I still not taught you that when I ask you a question, you must answer? How good of a person I am. I even offer options." He fake laughed. Seonghwa stepped forward. "Hongjoong! It happened suddenly, forgive her." Hongjoong slowly turned his head towards him. "Do you want me to ask you the same question or do you want to shut up?" Seonghwa immediately fell silent and lowered his head.
You slowly started to feel the pain in your leg. "Kill me." He was looking into your eyes so deeply that you could feel his gaze on your soul. "I said kill me! It's better than living with you!" You shouted at him, driven by pain. "Uh wrong answer!" He pulled the gun from your head and held you in his arms. "Put me down! I want to die!" You were so cute when you were having a tantrum, he thought.
"Now, let's go back home and think about what you've done. Hwa my prince, can you hold the flashlight for us?" Seonghwa immediately did as he said.
He prayed for you and for himself along the way.
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note: English is not my first language. If you find anything ridiculous in what I wrote, you can tell me lol.
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kodathings · 2 days
𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊
Drunk!Ning x gf!reader
Warnings: Mention of drinks, drunk Ning, mention of cigarettes and teenagers making out.
Gender: Fluff
a/n: An anonymous person asked me for this before so I hope it's good since it's the first request I've received. And I couldn't put an image on it, I don't know why and I gave up.
You never imagined that just one party would cause problems for you, you weren't even there to see what happened.
It started with Ning just being invited to a party at Giselle's house and she obviously accepted the invitation since it's been so long since she had fun like that. You can't protest for not being able to go with her, you just left her alone that night hoping she would show responsibility, but that's not how things ended.
"Honey, I'm going to the party, okay? I'll help Aeri and the girls pack the missing things" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and picked up the bag she left next to you on the couch. "Call me if you need to and be careful, don't drink too much" you saw the girl playfully roll her eyes at your concern "Okay, mom" "Hey, stop it, I'm just worrying about you"
She gave a wave and was quick to leave quickly because according to her she was too late and needed to get there soon. The apartment felt a little empty without her with the sun she always carried with herself, but you could get used to not going places with her for the first time. She always asked you to come along, but this time you were too busy and she understood that.
With a prolonged sigh, your body melted into the sofa and you stood there like an old woman typing things into the notebook on your lap without moving anything other than your fingers and eyes. The worst thing about all this is that she didn't tell you when she was going to come back, of course it's a party and she wouldn't have a time, but anyway it was good to leave an estimate and she didn't even leave that.
Leaving her alone in the world is harder than you thought. Were you really feeling like a mother letting her daughter go out for the first time to an unfamiliar place, It wasn't that Giselle's house was unfamiliar, but sometimes things could get out of hand at a party. A party with mostly teenagers to be more specific, that is, everything will go wrong at some point and you knew it from the beginning. Everyone knows it.
As the night went on you found yourself checking your phone a few times, the time seemed to pass too slowly for you but not for Ning who was having fun. You just wanted a text that she was okay or a call. What does it cost to just say she was alive???Should you worry that much? Maybe...yes...
It was already past midnight and you started to give up waiting for her, well she wasn't going to come back early so all I had to do was go to sleep and hope for the best for her. As a precaution, your cell phone didn't stay silent tonight to listen to calls and messages if she sends something. Finally you lay in bed, without your girlfriend your side seemed much harder, it's strange that there isn't an extra weight on your side to serve as a pillow. What hell would that be.
It was like a teen movie: the sound of the phone ringing woke you up with a shock because it was too loud. You can't focus to see who was calling you, it seemed like an unknown number but it was just Karina, one of Ningning's friends calling you, and also one of the people who were at the party.
Your head was too sleepy to think about the worst, so your reaction was the least likely, until you slowly gave up your cell phone without even remembering that you had a girlfriend running around alone at a party. "Who is this? I was sleeping, man..." your head lay down once again on the soft pillow while on the other end of the line you could only hear 3 people talking and background music "If this is a prank I will-" "You’re Ning’s girlfriend right?”
It would be terrifying for anyone to see how his eyes opened now, his mind retraced all the memories of his day and especially that his girlfriend was out of the house "Yes it's me. Did something happen? She is fine?" an awkward silence remained on both sides.
"She's fine...she just drank too much" it was as if Karina wanted to tell you something else but left it aside, but left without success when suddenly Giselle started talking "She mixed drinks with no meaning and now she only talks about you. Can you come get her? I swear to God Winter can't stand listening to her anymore, no offense."
You know it's not the intention to offend or anything, but you still felt a little upset with the way she spoke about it, it would have been better for Karina to have spoken out straight away. "I'm coming" and you were actually arriving, you didn't even bother to change your clothes, you just took off your slippers with drawings and walked out in your pajamas to the car.
Giselle's house wasn't that far making her life easier and lessening her worry about leaving Yizhuo with the three girls, the only one responsible was Karina and she seemed more drunk than the others two. Arriving at the house, his eyes swept over the teenagers and adults smoking or kissing in front. This felt more like a nightclub than a party to you. "Where did that girl get herself?" When I say there were a lot of people making out I say A LOT, no joke.
You left the car parked just before Aeri's house, you didn't want someone to mistake you for an Uber and start having sex in their car that would be fucking disgusting. With her cell phone in her hand, Karina's number was being called, this was repeated more than once as it took her so long to understand and she looked for her head even more. "Hey, where are you? I thought you said you were coming" this time it was Winter speaking.
"I'm already here at the front. You can bring her here, right? I'm..." her eyes went to her pajamas with a big unicorn on the print "... in some trouble here". More and more complaints appeared in the background as minjeong tried to talk to you "Are you serious? Okay, I'm already going with her"
"Ning, just let me out of the car, why is it so hard to let go?"
"I don't want to lose you, stay here..."
It was so cute but so irritating to deal with Ning in his drunken self. She was very emotional and very clingy thinking that something will happen when you let her go. She stayed the whole way home grabbing your arm and never letting go — she almost caused an accident, but we won't talk about that. It was for these reasons that you couldn't let her go out to parties alone, especially when it was at Giselle's house.
"We're just going to get out of the car, I promise you can hold my arm again after this." There were so many attempts and the silliest one made her loosen her grip on his arm. "Promise?" her half-closed but still striking eyes went to you as if you were a puppy afraid of being abandoned, despite showing her tiredness it still looked cute somehow "Promise". It was so relieving not to have your arm being held so tightly as if it were a rope squeezing your arm.
The difficulty of taking care of her was only getting worse when you entered the apartment you missed so much. Still feeling like a tree and your koala, you tried walking around the room with her on your arm, the strong tightness returning to give you slight pain that you would have to endure.
"You had fun tonight, didn't you?" you said as you walked with her down the hall towards the bedroom, your mission was to distract her while trying to at least let her sleep in comfortable clothes tonight. "Yes" a drunken smile appears on her lips along with a low laugh. "The party was cool, there were a lot of people there and I didn't even know them all" Ningning seemed to have fun talking about it, her eyes closing in sleep.
"I'm glad you had fun" In those moments it seemed like so much patience and affection in your voice, if not just one thing different would make her doubt you or even cry. "Sit here, let's take those high heels off of you" she could barely walk straight with her drunkenness. Crouching in front of her, You spent a while trying to figure out how to get those high heels off her and they were really high for some reason.
Your girlfriend can't help you, she's too busy lying in bed without making any effort to formulate meaningful words, they were just drunken mumblings, nothing you should pay attention to.
Your help was with everything as if she were a big baby, from taking off her shoes to helping her take a bath. During this she grumbled angrily at every thing she didn't want to do and was soon sleeping in her arms or just staring at you meaninglessly.
Ning was already lying in bed in her own less drunk world as, with great difficulty, she took a cold shower right after getting rid of her clothes that smelled like cigarettes and drinks.
The lights were turned off, you lay down next to her in bed with a tired sigh after everything you had to do tonight, everything was too hectic. "Thank you for taking care of me" a voice appeared right next to her along with a pair of arms and a leg coming over hers "I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for you"
Your body turns to her side only to see those beautiful eyes looking at you in the dim light of the night, there were more words than in a dictionary "I was worried about my girlfriend, you're still like a baby" a light slap was transferred to your arm as a joke "Stop it, silly".
Both laughter was breaking the silence of the night, listening to her laugh was like seeing her singing the softest melody that could exist. You liked her laugh in the same way you liked hearing her talk, even if it was the stupidest thing she could imagine. Spending this time with her was sacred for you, it would be for anyone because of the way she naturally is.
Little by little you calmed down, Ning getting lost in your eyes more and more and you in the same state as her. The weight of sleep you lost worrying about her began to appear so suddenly, both for you and for her. The silence felt so comfortable, the annoying noise of the party was no longer looping in Ningning's head.
The weight in her eyes caused them to close quickly without any action. She hugged you a little tighter than usual, letting you know that she didn't want to leave you in your sleep. And she wouldn't, not now that the two of them were cuddling together, feeling and taking comfort in each other's warmth for a likely long night's sleep.
"I love you, Y/n…" a soft murmur came out before she fell asleep in your arms.
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aniesvision · 1 day
wanna bet? (chris sturniolo x f! reader)
part 3!
click to read part 1 and part 2
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warnings: enemies to lovers trope!, teasing, suggestive, smut!, being a bit possessive over here (just a lil bit tho), p in v, no protection (don't do this), a bit of praising, happy ending!
a/n: wanna bet? is now over :( it was fun to write it, i wanna do more long fics. im also not sure if some parts made sense but i tried. friendly reminder that english is not my first language!
synopsis: matt and nick are back! and now the bet thing is (almost) over, in the end it turned out way different than they expected.
He rolls his eyes and I giggle. We took our baths, almost innocently. Nothing else happened, and we even talked like normal people do. We got out of the bathroom, got dressed and went upstairs to the living room, where Nick and Matt were, sitting on the couch. They looked at each other suspiciously and then back at us.
-So you're all alive...? —Nick asks, confused to see that we both arrived together, from Chris's room, with wet hair.
-Yes, Nick, we're alive. —Chris replies, sounding annoyed.
-Wait, since when are you guys here? —I ask, remembering the bet.
Maybe I won, even if it doesn't matter anymore.
-About forty minutes, I think. —Matt replies, suspicious.
I look at Chris, who covers his face with his hands and lets out a deep sigh.
- I love you guys so much. —I say to Matt and Nick while laughing at Chris's reaction.
-You guys made me win a bet and now he has to do everything I want for a week. —I explain quickly, seeing Chris look at me a little stressed.
-I thought we agreed that this bet was no longer worth it.
-You thought you had won and I accepted your request. And now you'll have to accept mine. —I look at him intently, trying to send him a message that only he would understand by the way I looked at him.
He looks at me slightly confused, but didn't say a word, knowing that we'd discuss it later.
-Can someone explain? —Nick asks, confused and wanting to know what was going on.
Matt also looked at us confused, but not so interested in knowing like Nick was.
-We made a bet, if he won I would owe him one, if I won he would do everything I wanted for a week. Then we thought he had won, he already made the request he wanted and I accepted it, now we saw that I was the one who won for a short time, so thank you very much.
Chris rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, watching me intently with an expression that could almost confuse me with anger if I didn't know exactly what he was doing. I walk a few steps to the side, getting closer to Chris and whispering in his ear.
-You'll have to make me cum at least twice every day for the entire week.
He holds his smile, biting his cheek and locking his jaw, taking his eyes off me and walking to the couch, sitting in the middle of the brothers. Without saying anything, I walk to the kitchen, taking a can of pepsi that the boys brought and sit down next to Nick, who took turns looking between me and Chris, still not understanding much.
-You're not telling me what happened while we were gone? —Nick looks straight at me, hoping I'd tell him all the details, but this time I couldn't say anything.
It would be better and funnier to keep it a secret for now, just as I agreed with Chris.
I open the can, taking a few sips and looking at my friend with a smile.
-Nothing happened, we just made a bet and fought as usual. And I won, so I'm going to make sure this is a very long week for Chris.
I look at Chris with a sarcastic smile, who just looks at me without reaction and turns his gaze to Matt, bringing up some random subject. I knew he was probably making a giant effort not to look suspicious and I was holding myself back from laughing.
-You guys are weird. —Nick says, rolling his eyes and ignoring the situation. I felt relieved that he didn't insist on knowing more, not knowing if I was going to be able to keep this character under pressure for long.
I pick up my phone and start to mindlessly navigate through social media, distracting myself and talking from time to time with Nick. The hours went by and it was already super late.
-I think I'll go to bed, you coming? —Nick asks.
The two of us always shared his bed when I slept at their house. I was supposed to leave today, but I ended up staying late without even realizing it and didn't want to drive home alone.
-I'll go later.—I give him a smile and he smiles back, walking up the stairs to his room.
Matt had already locked himself in his room a few minutes ago, so once again it was just me and Chris in the living room. He looks at me intently, as if afraid to say something. I get up from the couch, glancing at him before going to the kitchen and throwing the empty pepsi can in the trash. Without saying anything, Chris followed me and turned my body so that I could look at him. Our gazes met and he took turns between my eyes and my lips before pulling me in for a long and heated kiss.
-My room. —He says, guiding me down the stairs again by the hand and locking the door as soon as we pass through it.
He kisses me again, already running his hands over my body until he takes off my shirt and throws it on the floor once again.
Soon enough our clothes were back to the floor and he was on top of me, aligning his dick with my entrance and thrusting all of him at once, making sure to cover my mouth with his hand to prevent me from moaning loudly as he starts to move faster and deeper.
-Fuck, you're so hot, I'm glad you're all mine now. —He whispers in my ear.
I close my eyes and bite my lips to prevent myself from moaning too loud, letting out a few hisses from time to time. Chris uses his hand that previously covered my mouth to trace circles on my clit, making me grip his hair and arch my body, begging for more.
-Chris, fuck, don't stop, please. —I plead, between moans, seeing him smile and increase the speed even more.
I left scratches that would definitely make red marks on his body, but I didn't care about it now, neither did he.
Chris was impressively good, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was so good that he made all the other guys I had sex with look pathetic.
-You look so beautiful moaning my name and begging me to fuck you. Even prettier now that you're all mine.
His words triggered my thrid orgasm of the night, his name escaping my lips like a mantra as he looked at me like a starved man looks at a meal.
-Good girl. —He smirks.
His own orgasm followed right after, a whine leaving my lips as I feel him shooting his load inside me and pulling away to collapse on the bed beside me.
After we caught our breaths, I let out a giggle, making Chris look at me confused, but with a tiny smile.
-Maybe it doesn't take much for me to stop hating you after all, you just gotta fuck me like that more times.
I shrug, making him smile and pull me in for a kiss. We put our clothes back on and went back to bed.
-Stay here tonight. —He asks, looking at me intently, his eyes showing me that he meant it.
-Nick's gonna be suspicious if I don't come up. But don't worry too much, we'll have plenty of time to sleep together along the week.
I press a quick peck on his lips and leave his room, walking up the stairs with a smile on my face.
Before I could open Nick's door, my phone vibrates with a new notification and I unlock it to read.
"gn pretty girl, come kiss me goodbye before u leave tomorrow"
I smile even more, typing a reply.
"pack some stuff, ur leaving w me tomorrow, I'll make an excuse about the bet we made to matt and nick so they don't find it too weird, ur staying with me all week pretty boy"
I open Nick's door, seeing him lying in bed scrolling through with his phone and he soon breaks into a smile when he sees me. We talked for a few minutes until we fell asleep.
When I woke up the next day, I warned Matt and Nick about the bet me and Chris made and said that he would come back with me 'cause he needed to do everything I asked during the week. They laughed, thinking it would be torture for Chris to stay with me for so long.
Back to my place, along the week, Chris treated me like a princess all the time, it almost felt like we were a couple. The dynamic between us changed so much so fast, but it was way better like this. We got to know each other without all the fights and arguments, and I actually started to like him. He showed me parts of him I had no idea that even existed, and how he was making me feel, the way he now talked to me and all the cute things he'd do or say was something unexpected by me.
He also kept his promise to make me cum twice a day, some days even exceeding that amount. Surprisingly, this was the best week I've had in a long time, and it was with him.
tags 💕
@fratbrochrisgf @aaliyahsturniolo1 @sturnsvlg @edgemaster696 @user9383738392 @bigbeefybitch @riowritesitall
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cherrycola27 · 2 days
A Favor Among Friends
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Series Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption, historical inaccuracies. Regency era men and ideals. Eventual Smut. RegencyEra!AU Banner Credit @thedroneranger
Masterlist Previous Part Next Part
Chapter 2: The Offer
Your heart leaped in your chest when Bradley walked into the room. He brought your daisies, your favorite flower. He brought some lilacs for your mother and a bottle of wine from his travels for your father.
Sitting with him in the drawing room, talking felt so easy, so natural. You knew that he was the one for you. If you had it your way, by the end of the season, you'd be his Viscountess. You were giddy at the thought.
Bradley was just about to leave when your brother and his wife walked in. Eddie immediately asked to speak to Bradley in the study to catch up, you presumed. So, you excused yourself and took your sister-in-law by the hand and led her to the sewing room so you could show her the latest embroidery piece you'd been working on. Once you were married, you'd be able to join her sewing circle.
"Edmund! It's so good to see you!" Bradley exclaimed as he walked into the study. "What are you doing here, Bradshaw?" Your brother asked him harshly. Bradley looked at him puzzled.
"I'm calling on your sister. I intend to court her and take her as my wife." Bradley said as if it was the most obvious thing.
"No." Eddie deadpanned. "No? What do you mean, no?" Bradley asked him. "No, you cannot court, my sister, and you most certainly cannot take her as your wife. I will not allow it!" Edmund state.
"I don't believe that is your choice, Mister Beaumont. I believe the say is your father's, Lord Beaumont. Bradley narrowed his eyes.
"She is my sister! My baby sister! And I am your best friend. You have known her all of her life, and she was like a sister to you! Which is why I don't understand why you would want to court her. And as far as having her marry someone I know, I'd much rather her marry a stranger than my best friend whom I know all about. I know every triste and affair you have had Bradshaw. And my sister deserves an honorable man. Someone who will be faithful to her." Your brother exasperated.
"I have my father's ear. He will listen to me." Eddie bit back. "Why can I not court Ducky? She is a wonderful woman who is well accomplished in many talents and has been a friend to me my whole life! Surely you would rather her marry someone you know than someone you don't?" Bradley asked your brother.
"You think I am not honorable? I am a gentleman, and unlike many men of the Ton, I have no bastard children. And I would be faithful to Ducky." Bradley argues back.
"Bradley," your brother sighs, "you are a rake. You have been since we were six-and-ten, when your mother passed. I am not saying that you are a bad person. But I know that it is not a lifestyle you will be able to give up. I know I am being harsh, but you are not good enough for my sister, and you will only break her heart. So please. As your friend, I am asking you not to call on her again." Eddie finished.
Bradley clenched his jaw. "Fine." He walked to the door and paused. "I'll be taking my leave now. Bid your family a good day for me." He said before storming out.
You were saddened that you didn't get to give Bradley a proper goodbye, but hopefully, you would see him again.
Rainy weather kept everyone inside for a week, but on a fine Wednesday morning, the sun broke through the clouds and brought new life back to the Ton.
That afternoon, your mother insisted that you go to Market Square and promenade with her and your brother and hopefully find a suitor.
You looked and saw that Eddie and your mother had stopped for a refreshment, so you quickly walked over and looped your arm with Bradley's.
You wore a golden yellow dress with fine beadwork, some white lace gloves, and your hair swept up away from your face. You were walking slightly ahead of your brother and mother when you spotted Lord Harrington coming down the path towards you. You curled your nose at the thought of promonading with him and quickly looked around for a way out. Just across the path, you spotted a familiar frame.
He was startled to see you. "Ducky? What are you doing?" He asked you.
"Lord Harrington was about to come ask me to promenade with him, and I would rather jump in the pond. Which is quite the risk because I cannot swim." You giggle.
Bradley laughed at you before escorting you to your family.
"Lady Beaumont, Mister Beaumont," Bradley nodded to them. "I was hoping I could escort Miss Beaumont through Market Square this afternoon. Would that be alright?" He asked.
"Of course!" Your mother cheered and smiled at him. Eddie smiled too, but you couldn't help but notice how pained he looked.
"Thank you." You whisper to Bradley. "Lord Harrington is determined to have me has his third wife and refuse to be it." You say. "You are not someone's third wife. You are someone's first and only wife." Bradley said to you. You smiled and turned away from him, fearing the blush in your cheeks would give away the crush you had on him.
"You know, we have to stop meeting like this, Lord Bradshaw." You chuckle as you curl your arm tighter around his.
"What ever do you mean, Ducky?" He asks you, still using that nickname he gave you all those years ago. You turn slightly to see your mother and brother walking a few feet behind you.
"I mean," you drop your voice to a whisper, "I swept you into to promenading with me through Market Square to avoid a suitor, just like you swept me onto the dance floor at the first ball of the season."
"I didn't hear any complaining from you when I did. However, if you'd like, I could always find someone else." Bradley chuckled and lifted his hand as if he was going to pull away. "No!" You said hastily, clapping your hand down over his. He let out a chuckle and shook his head. He enjoyed spending time with you, truly.
He turned back for a moment to see your brother shooting daggers at him. Bradley shook his head. You were the one who pursued him this time, but your brother didn't know that.
Three months. It had been three months since the first ball of the season, and you had yet to secure a proposal from Bradley. He hadn't called on on you since the first ball, but he'd danced with you and each one since then. Always two dances. One quatrain, one waltz.
Each time was always magical, yet he'd neglected to call in you again. Unfortunately, Lord Harrington had called on you three other times. Each one worse than the prior visit.
However, as you sat at your vanity, you hoped that Bradley's mind had changed. He promised you that he would be at your home this week and your parents had told you to wear something "elegant" because they had news for you this afternoon.
You donned a beautiful emerald green dress with pearl adornments your mother loaned to you. As you descended the stairs, you heard voices and in the drawing room. They seemed to be in high spirits.
You took a deep breath and plastered a huge smile on your face as you walked in the room, only for it to drop at who you saw sitting with your parents.
"Lord Harrington." You grimaced. "Miss Beaumont, wonderful to see you again. Forgive me for not being able to stay longer, but I must leave." He said the moment you walked in.
"It's quite alright." You half smiled as he took his hat and kissed your hand to bid you goodbye.
"Darling, come sit." Your mother said. "We have some news, Y/N." Your father said as you sat down. "Lord Harrington has ask for your hand. He has made quite the offer."
"What? Have you accepted it? You told me I had until the end of the season, and we are only halfway through!" You shouted, smacking your hand on the table.
"Darling," your mother began, "we have not accepted his offer, but it is the only offer we have had all season. And, there is no telling how long it will be available. So, your father and I have decided that if you do not secure a match in two weeks, your betrothal to Lord Harrington will be official."
"No, no! He is old enough to be my father. How could you allow that. He has a lesser statis than we do!" You protested.
"He has a sizable estate and is willing to talk a dowry significantly smaller than your sister's was. The decision is final." Your father said before dismissing you from the room.
Tears stung your eyes as you stormed up the stairs. You couldn't believe this. Your parents were so desperate to get rid of you that they were willing to marry you off to someone twice your age that looked like he was one day away from going in the crypt.
You were so angry. You refused to be sold off like some prized heifer. You'd seen the girls who were placed into marriages like this by their parents. You had to find a way out.
You paced around your room, searching for something, anything to help. Your eyes landed on your globe.
"America, I could go to America." You whispered. There was just one problem. You needed money. Your family had money, but you'd never be able to take the amount you needed to start a new life in America without getting caught. You needed help.
"Marisol!" You called for your lady's maid. "Yes?" She asked you. "Have the stable prepare my horse. I'm going for a ride." You said. She nodded and took off.
An hour later, you had your cloak pulled up around your face as you road your mare through the pastures to your brother's estate. You were disheveled by the time you made it.
"I need your help." You demanded we the two of you were alone in his study. "With what, my dear sister?" He asked you.
"Mother and Father intend to marry me off to Lord Harrington if I do not find another suitor in two weeks. I cannot be his wife, Eddie. I will not." You say.
"So, I'm going to America. Aunt Johanna lives in North Carolina. I can reside with her until I find a more permanent place to live. But I need money to do that. Can you help me?" You beg your brother.
"Y/N, this is a crazy idea." He tells you. "Eddie, I do not care if you think I am making a rash decision. I will not be trapped in a loveless marriage to a man forty years my senior. Will you help me or not?!" You shout at him.
He sighs. "How much do you need?"
"Three thousand pounds. Enough to start over and support myself until I can find work." You say. "I know you must speak to your wife about this, but Eddie, just know, I will find a way there with or without your help."
"Give me a couple of days to get the funds together. And to arrange for me to travel with you. I will not let you make the journey alone. It's far too dangerous." Your brother tells you.
"Thank you, Edmund. Truly." You say as you hug him. "I must leave now, Mother and Father do not know I am here. I will have my things packed and find out how quickly we can leave." You say before bolting out of the room.
"You're not actually going to let her go to America, are you?" Your sister-in-law, Clarissa, spoke as she emerged from behind a bookcase.
"Of course not, I just needed to pacify her for a few days." Eddie spoke as he settled into a chair and rubbed his face. Clarissa settled onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"She said that she had two weeks to find another match. Do you think it's possible. Has anyone else tried to court her?" Clarissa asked him.
"Sir, Mister Edmund Beaumont is here to see you." A valet said to Bradley as he sat in his study looking over his ledgers. "Send him in." He half mumbled.
Your brother sighed before jolting up. "My god, Rissa, you're a genius!" I need the carriage at once. I have an idea!" Your brother exclaimed before running out of the room
"Bradley!" Eddie practically shouted as he strode in the room. "What, Eddie?" Bradley rolled his eyes, still annoyed at the conversation from a few months ago.
"I need you to do something for me as a favor among friends." Eddie said seriously. Bradley sat up straighter, noticing his friends tone, and his flushed his face was.
"What do you need, Eddie?" Bradley asked him. "I need you to marry my sister." Edmund stated.
The laugh that Bradley let out was boisterous and echoed off the walls of his study. He subsided after a few minutes and noticed that your brother was still standing there.
"Oh. You were serious, " Bradley said. "Yes, I am!" Eddie shouted. "Didn't you tell me a few months ago that I had to stop courting your sister?" Bradley said as he leaned back in his chair.
"Yes, but things have changed. My parents are going to betroth her to Lord Harrington in two weeks if she doesn't have another suitor by then, and Ducky said she refuses to marry him. So, she's planning on running away to America so she doesn't have to marry him. She came and asked me for money so she could! Do you realize how crazy that is and how dangerous it is?! Bradley! She said she would go with or without my help!" Edmund shouts.
"Eddie, if I go to your parents and ask for her hand, they are going to think I'm crazy. I called on her once!" Bradley shouted.
"Yes, but you promonaded with her at Market Square, and you've danced with her at every ball. It will not seem out of the realm of possibility." Eddie counters.
"Fine. But she already has an offer. Why would they accept mine?" Bradley asks him.
There is a long pause between the two men. Your brother can see that Bradley is weighing his options. After what seems like an eternity, he breaks his silence.
"You are a Viscount. You have a higher rank and a larger estate than Lord Harrington, and if you agree to take a smaller dowry, they will surely accept your offer. But, fear not. I will make up for the lack of dowry from my own purse. I will give you three times that of what my father does. Please, Bradley. We both know how head strong Ducky is. She will run away, and if she does, we will never see her again. I cannot lose my sister. I am sorry for the things I said before. I will never doubt your honor again if you do this for me." Edmund begs him.
"Thank you!" Eddie almost weeps as he moves to hug his friend. "You're welcome, Edmund. I know how much she means to you." Bradley says.
"Alright. I will marry her. I will go in the morning to your parents. But I do not wish for a dowry from you. Knowing that Ducky is safe is more than enough." Bradley finally says.
"She means the world to me." Edmund smiles. "I have one request, though. You must promise me that you will be faithful to her. No affairs, no mistresses." Edmund tells him. "I promise." Bradley assures your brother as he shakes his hand, and escorts him out.
Once he's gone, Bradley walks over to a painting on the wall and removes it, revealing a small safe hidden behind it.
Bradley pulled the key from his pocket and turned the lock. He opened the small door and pulled out a small blue box. Inside what his mother's betrothal ring. A stunning arrangement of sapphires and diamonds set in silver. He placed it on his desk, and tomorrow, he would place it on your hand when he asked you to be his Viscountess.
Bradley wished the situation was different. He'd wished that you were accepting his proposal out of love, not out of need. But he would be a good husband to you. He would take care of you.
Convincing your parents to accept his offer was much easier than Bradley thought. He guessed that the idea of them not having to give a dowry out weighed any other reservations they had.
Your smile almost seemed genuine when he asked you for your hand. You played the part of a dutiful fiancée so well as you gushed over your ring, which was a perfect fit. It was almost as if you actually loved him, but Bradley knew that it wasn't true. And no matter how big the smile on his face was, his heart was broken.
Tagging those who might be interested: @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @desert-fern @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @na-ta-sh-aa @katieshook02 @beyondthesefourwalls @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @horseshoegirl @djs8891 @roosters-girl @rosiahills22 @dempy @callsign-magnolia @gretagerwigsmuse @mshistorylover @seitmai @kmc1989 @bcarolinablr @waywardhunter95 @whatislovevavy @inkandarsenic @dingochef @princess76179 @schoollover @cheyrenee @angelbabyyy99 @bobfloydsbabe @sunlightmurdock @sebsxphia @atarmychick007 @queenlmno @sweetwhispersofchaos @mamaskillerqueen @withahappyrefrain @pwficrecs @blackwidownat2814 @carolineesnell @inky-sun @hrlzy @berrypockets
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babymochibeargyu · 1 day
[Babymochibeargyu 100 Followers Event]
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I honestly can't believe we reached this many in the span of 44 days? Like I said before, I didn't think I would even be writing so many fics after my first two as I was just doing for the plain fun of it, but after seeing how well received my works started to get, I just decided to continue and here we are. anyways enough of my rambling lets get to the event🥺
As you guys know I usually have been writing for Gyu on here, because he's been really living in my head rent free and I have just so many fluff thoughts to write about.
But for this event, I'm letting you guys choose who you want to see in my fluff/whichever genres you guys want me to write about[as due to a recent poll you guys seem to be deprived of the other members hence I decided to do this]
here's how things will go:
1st Event
pairings: 1 txt member x reader
genres: any genre is fine(I'll try my best to write whatever you guys give me)
genres can be :fantasy, hybrid,enemies to lovers or just plain fluff, whatever your heart desires!!
no smut/nsfw(im not confident😭),SA,rape,sexual harassment, incest
no. of entries per person: I'm not sure how many will participate(but I hope you guys do >_<) so I'm just gonna give you guys max of 5-10 request per acc![ if yall would like, you can send more, but they will be looked to afterwards, so as to give everyone a fair chance]
(those that I do not reply to during this event, may be turned into a future fic)
how do I get my entry to be written? : if your entry inspires me, then you'll definitely will be seeing it turn into a fic
also tip, I usually get heavily inspired if there's pictures!!
i just found out that if you are using laptop and not anon, you can insert pics otherwise[you can copy and paste pics into the asks(if you wish to remain anon), it will also give me a clearer sense of which direction I should go for]
entry duration: currently i will be giving it 2-3 weeks[from today 23June - 15July] unless theres an overflow of entries then i may end the event earlier so fastest fingers!!(also im not really sure whether when my next milestone will be so if you wanna see your ideas come to life please send them in now 🙃)
opened to who?: anyone who's following or isn't(yet): since the tags will include all members, it will appear to those who isn't following me too. so if you do send in an entry and aren't following (yet), do think about it and join in the fun :') because all is welcome!! [so that you can also see whether your entry got picked!!]
rules for sending an entry:(please please please read before sending anything!!)
Updated: moving forward any anon request that I receive during this period, if without emoji and without stating that its for the 100 Lovelies Event💗i will take it as its a separate request and will look at it only after the event(so don’t say I didn’t warn you if you’re wondering why your asks hasn’t been chosen!! As i cannot be updating and finding out all the time on my blog thank you, and im pretty sure its quite clear in my rules already)
it would be nice if i know who I'm replying to, however if you want to be anonymous, please at least put 2-3 emojis with it
in the event somehow the emoji's chosen gets repeated at least with more than 1 emoji I'm able to identify that you are different people
this is so that I know how many entries you have already sent in! if there are no ways for me to identify you, I may not write it for the 100 followers event, so as to be fair for everyone participating)
for the fics please state (member x reader, genre, settings/prompt of what you want to see. and I'll continue from there)
if you only state member x reader and genre, your entry will be ignored(so please state!! i don't want to ignore any of your entries!!)
also please write in your entry :100 Lovelies Event, so that I know that your ask is for an entry
I will choose up to 10 entries to write from(is the current goal i have but if im in a feel good mood i probably will write more). Sooo let me know your heart's deepest desires and let your imagination run wild LOVELIES~
~ all the fics written during the event will be under the tag of [100 Lovelies Event💗] and can be found under the main masterlist as well.
2nd Event(update)
- if anyone would like, you can request a short song cover from me(I’ll try my best) and I’ll upload it to my yapping blog under the same tag!!
- this doesn’t count as an entry for the 100 Lovelies Event💗so it doesn’t matter how many song request you sent in!! I just wanted to do something that’s personal to me too
But anyways let’s get this fic party started🥳
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kudouusagi · 2 days
Translation of part of the story from the bravern bd novel
I've only translated the part at the end about bravern. I might go back and translate the other parts later but right now I'm in Japan on a study abroad I don't have much time.
Spoilers for most of Bravern!
In the beginning he said, "let there be light(Isami)"
I was him and he was me. In the end, we became one and the same.
It's because Isami was there that this was able to happen. It's because Isami was there that the world was able to be saved. This is something I wrote in the instant while my life was flashing before my eyes when the death drive of wrath, Ira, hit me with a surprise attack and I began to lose consciousness.
I'm already not sure whether it was me or him that wrote it. However, our feelings towards Isami were one and the same.
That's why I(Bravern)...... I(Smith)...... wrote this for Isami.
I'll make you explode with bravery
Written by: Bravern, who has gone to the stars
When I first met you, you were crying, weren't you?
But because you're a strong person, even though you were confused, you still responded to my request.
When you shouted the name of the special attack...... it was because of your shout that I was able to fight.
And then when you asked "what's your name?" I answered.
I said, "My name is Bravern".......
The next time we met, you were scared.
Of course you were. I made you suspicious, was pestering you, and on top of that I was telling you to fight.
I don't think you could have ridden me even if you wanted to.
The way you kept me in suspense at that time was really charming.
But even still, you rode me once again.
And it's because of that I became sure.
I said, "Oh, Isami. You're my true soulmate"
After that, you stayed inside me all the time.
I thought I was so lucky.
But you were just brooding, weren't you.
You were shocked when you heard me say soulmate, weren't you? At that time I didn't try to understand your feelings at all.
But, but, you know, Isami,
I'm sure you will understand someday. How wonderful fighting together with our burning souls is.
Isami, seeing you get angry and showing your emotions so openly is beautiful, but there's no need to be angry.
Lulu will become a friend who fights with us.
Right now she might only be looking at him, but she'll see your appeal before long Isami.
Just as I was drawn to you, she'll be drawn to you as well. Though, it's understandable that you don't know that now.
So rage, rage. Show your emotions. There's no reason to keep your emotions all to yourself.
You've tried so hard, Isami. You've really freed your mind.
He, and everyone, are really pulling out your emotions.
I only played a small part in making that happen.
When you dove into the sea I was really surprised, but that sea breeze after you came to an understanding with everyone really felt good didn't it?
The large ship we were on board was heading toward the land of the rising sun at battle velocity.
Saving you was honestly really difficult.
There is a poem written by Shiki Masaoka as a gift to his friend headed into the navy.
"Even in war, don't shy away from anything. On your voyage, when the wind blows, blow, when the waves rise, rise."
――――Do your best, Isami
Isami, at that time I was really moved.
I was going into battle with you and him to save the land of the rising sun ―― there's nothing better than this.
The calls from your friends―― your fellow countrymen, were able to reach them.
Due to our brave actions, the uprising was a success.
The sunrise we watched with everyone at that time was beautiful.
And isn't it so―― so great, Isami?
Your comrades, who had the same feelings as you, were still alive.
You'll definitely be able to free the world. And just as you have been wishing, we won't let anyone else die.
Hoping for things is easy. Actually making them happen is difficult.
And you made it happen. It probably would have been impossible on your own. It was something you were able to do with him and your comrades at your back. You're amazing, Isami.
Also, thank you for caring about our new friend superbia.
Starting now, we're traveling thousands of miles to free the world.
Before that, you have to say a very painful farewell, but...... I'm sure you'll be able to overcome it.
Finally, the time had come.
At that time, just as you were fighting with your full strength, I was fighting at mine.
I couldn't make plans for it or prevent it.
If I had done that, I could probably have saved a life. But you know, Isami, I just couldn't do that.
If I did, I might not have been able to meet you. And we wouldn't have had the chance to save the world.
I hope you'll be able to understand that.
That he(smith) had to leave your side, while expressing such strong emotions at that time.
No matter how many times I shouted your name, it wouldn't reach you.
Honestly, at this time I was struck by a sense of unease.
The world beyond this point is a world I don't know. We have to go into it together. So please―― Isami. Hear my voice.
And then, you responded with bravery.
An explosion of bravery―― that's right, an explosion of bravery.
Just as he said at that time, his explosion of bravery was the one and only way to create a path forward for you and me.
Let's go, Isami. His bravery, his explosive feelings, will always be with us.
That's what brave explosion bang bravern is.
Isami, at that time, you were already a hero.
But there was something you didn't do quite right. Something that even I didn't realize. And then Lulu corrected you.
Perhaps his dying words resonated with her too.
That's right, you have to come back alive too.
Let's go, Isami. To the final battle.
Alongside sperbia and lulu――
Since you're a strong person, I'm sure you'll be able to do well without me.
You're not just strong, you're also brave.
Sperbia and lulu will be with you. I'm sure you'll be able to save the world.
I'm sad I won't be able to go along with you, but please don't get depressed and move forward somehow.
Isami――Isami――...... I love you, Isami.
When I woke up, Isami―― you were glowing gold.
I thought I'd never see you again. But I was able to see you again.
Bravery fusion————
That was what you got on the other side of your explosion of bravery.
You became me. And I became you. And he (smith) also......
And the lulu (I can't believe she was a soldier from the future!), also fused with superbia and became our sword.
This is yours and his——our true form, bang brave big bang.
This is where my job comes to an end, but if you or him, or everyone else needs me, I'm sure I'll be able to come back. Surely. Surely——。
Let your bravery burn. That, that is what—— the explosion of bravery is——......
New York times square, EST 10:40 PM
In the city that had been rebuilt after the death drives had been defeated, screams of people and the sound of guns are once again ringing through the city.
At that moment, a light lit up the night sky.
And then he appeared.
There was a giant robot with emerald eyes and a red and white mechanical body with gold horns on top——
it was Bravern who had saved the world along with the ATF——.
To be continued in part two
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starlightsuffered · 3 days
Christmas Breeding
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Info - infertility issues, soft Dom Timothée, pregnant reader, pregnant sex, breeding kink, cock warming
The day had been done slowly. Timothée wanted to cherish every moment he had with me. I did as well but ! was desperate for him to get to my surprise.
Timothée and I had been married for four years. We'd been trying desperately to get pregnant for the last two.
He'd been extremely discouraged when time after time the test was negative.
He'd decided that he would take off all of December so we could focus on just fucking. We made love on every surface of the house imaginable. However, when l'd ask if he wanted to check on my potential progress, he always said no. I knew he was scared and blamed himself.
He said we would officially check on the first of the new year. I hadn't been able to wait so long.
Last Friday I had felt it. My orgasm had been more earth shattering that it ever had. I'd felt like we were one and connected in our souls. I knew that had done it. I knew I was pregnant.
I had taken three tests and they'd all come back positive. I'd sobbed for joy. I'd gone to the doctor's to make absolutely sure. It seemed everyone agreed. I was pregnant.
I hoped Timothée wouldnt be upset with me for checking earlier than we agreed. I hoped he wouldn't be because I was excited beyond belief. I couldn't wait to show him the positive tests.
"Why don't we hope for luck on this Yule day and make love to see if it sticks," he crooned.
"Oh of course," I said. I began to slowly take off my short to show off my Christmas themed lingerie, but then I pretended | noticed something.
"Oh, Timmy, I think there's something left in your stocking," I said casually. A grin unfurled on his face. He winked at me.
"Cheeky," he chuckled. He clearly thought | had a sexy surprise.
My palms were slick. My legs felt like they might give way. I didn't know what he'd say or do. I was worried about shouting and blame even though Timothée was nothing like that.
"What- what is this?" He asked. His large hand shook as he held up the positive test.
"What does it look like?" I asked with a shaky smile.
"But, but, it's positive," he said slowly.
"Yes it is," | nodded.
"And it's yours? This is your test?" He clarified.
"Yes it is," I said, holding myself.
He dove into the stocking again. The multiple positive tests fell out. He breathed heavily as he held them and stared and stared.
"Is this a dream?" He asked with big watery eyes.
"No, it's not. I even went to the doctor and got checked out. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but-" He had marched across the room and kissed me forcefully on the mouth. His hands roamed all over me. He was sobbing gratefully into my mouth. I swallowed his noises of joy. I was electrified by overwhelming happiness.
"My beautiful girl, you are giving us a baby," he said.
"Yes I am, I will, I can't wait," I rambled.
"Get on the floor," he demanded. "And clothes off!"
I was glad that although I was pregnant, his dominate streak was still here. I tore off my pajama pants and I was just in my red and white lingerie. I laid out, on display for him.
"Oh no, I'm not on top, not while your beautiful body is growing my child," he growled. His clothing had been torn off as well, and his cock was throbbing and hard.
In seconds he was on the floor and he had me. He was ripping off my thong. He shoved the fabric against his nose.
"You smell even better pregnant," he moaned. He lowered me onto his dick and then he was thrusting upward harshly.
"I want that beautiful stomach all round with my cum," he groaned. "Such a good girl getting pregnant. You took my cock so well, so many times."
"I did, I did!" | whined as I met his thrust. He felt so good stretching me out. He was bouncing me up and down.
"I knew you could do it baby, I fucking believed in you so much," he promised.
"You did it too," I managed to get out over the pleasure. "All that, fuck, cum!"
"Yeah y/n you took it so well and I filled you because you're a perfect girl who deserves to be filled to bursting with cum," he was growling almost possessively. I knew his dominance and possession would get even more intense now. I couldn't wait.
"I will be, I'll be bursting," I agreed as I placed my hands on my stomach.
"That's right! Who put a baby in you?" He asked.
"Y-you did," I gasped.
"Say my name," he demanded.
"Timothée put A baby inside me," | nodded my head.
"That's my girl," he grunted. I could feel him throbbing and twitching inside me. He was gripping me. One hand came and held my stomach.
"Gotta put as much cum inside your tight pussy as possible," he said as his hips snapped.
"M'already pregnant," | moaned, completely cock drunk.
"Gotta make sure. I need to breed that womb over and over to make sure you stay pregnant with my baby," he swore.
"I'm gonna come," | cried as I my walls clenched him. I let out a wail as I came undone. I saw stars as my body convulsed and twitched.
"Gonna cum, gonna cum inside you," he moaned. He pulled me down so I was flush with him. He was spilling ropes inside of me. He was crying out too, so pleasured and overwhelmed. His load had never been so large.
"Don't get off. Stay on my dick," he pleaded as we came down. We were both still throbbing. I nodded and laid down on his chest. He pulled a blanket over us. Every so often he'd thrust up a little bit to make sure he could still feel his cum inside me. He would sigh in satisfaction when he did.
@pmak2002 @softhecreator @plutoispurplw @sp1deyyf4ngz @seungcheol17daddy @jesschalamet @vvsdreaming
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7nessasaryevils · 1 day
We are back, my beloveds!!! Ep 8 what fresh hell awaits me??
- WE COMING OUT SWINGING SON OF A BITCH: yak's little smile and the immediate way he goes to take off the necklace cause he knows... his heart is someone else's now 😭😭
- bolster light effect my beloved... how I have missed you 🥺🥺🥹
- "if you take it back again, you're a dead man": tell me you're married without telling me you're married
- Dee taking accountability for how his words hurt Yak... ohhh emotional growth how wondrous you are
- man said "you broke up with me" SIR YOU WEREN'T EVEN DATING
- Dee leading Yak back home (count one of I'm so fucking fine)
- the Phadetsuk family is under my protection and if someone breathes on them wrong I'll sit on them NO ONE TOUCHES MY BABIES
- Yak's stomach growled and my dumbass thought it was my stomach growling....
- awwww family dinner time!
- Cher being fucking awesome as always
- Taem... darling... the sad glow in your eyes is hurting me 🥺 you had your chance with Yak...
- of course Yak didn't answer; he was too busy cuddling his Mho Dee ♥️
- Yak, sir... I see you... whatchu thinking in that pervy head of yours hmmmm? 🤨🤨🤨
- never mind... I know exactly what is going on in that PERVY head of yours 🤣🤣🤣
- gentlemen!!! Avert your gazes!!! 🤣
- awww Dee trying to understand more about Yak's world
- the most fashionable Grim Reaper is back.... and continues to scare the shit out of me
- Dee knows something's wrong!!! Yeah baby, get ready to call out your man!
- the fact that Dee knows about the hallucinations Yak saw... that means Yak told him!
- Ter... you lowlife dried up dog shit human turd crap being... may your scrubs always have a rip in them! May your phone never charge! MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE AN IN GROWN TOE NAIL!!!
- hehehehehegegege jealousy my beloved how wonderful you look upon Yoryak Phadetsuk 🥰🥰
- I don't know whether to be endeared about how excited Yak is to eat Dee's cooking... or fucking terrified because Yak is about to eat Dee's cooking
- the food is edible???
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- COSTUME FASHION SHOW (although Yak being unsure about the whole thing but still trying for Dee's sake 🥺🥺🥺 count two of I'm fucking fine)
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- the irony of Yak being able to coordinate fights but unable to dance in rhythm 🤣🤣🤣
- disappear comp- ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?
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- I'm about to commit violence... pretty sure Kao and Granmama would help me
- product placement... my goodness I forgot what you looked like 😅🤣
- nooooooooo cute product placement!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm suddenly violently thrown back to the Miscellar water scene from BBS
- "let's register for marriage" NO ONE FUCKING TOUCH ME (this show better end with Yei and Cher having rings on their fingers, that's all I'm saying)
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- you've never pro- oh gods oh gods is this happening is it it?!?!?
- speaking very honestly and seriously though: something in me breaks in the very best way watching Oyei ask Cher to marry him because they can. This is a thing that is very real for them. And it's beautiful.
- I love you Taem but girl.... you doing me a heckin annoyance- what is with that face???
- we're faking dat- sir when you start blow drying a dude's hair with that look in your eye YOU'RE FUCKING MARRIED!
- THAT'S A WEDDING GROOM OUTFIT YOU DUMB FUCKS WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY STUPID GAYS (all except Cher and Kao... they have all the brain cells)
- oh no... oh no no no no (remembers the scene from the trailer last week with Taem and Ohm) I do not like this nope nope no
- oh gods... the need in me to tell Yak to help Taem but also Dee's heartbroken face!!!
- fuck no fuck no fuck no go away Ter curses upon you you flip floppy cock
- just one word- here's TWO words: fuck you
- also, Ter is an absolute asshole because Kwan is the one he's here's with and yet he goes to Dee to essentially say "oh I'll drop her for you in a heartbeat"... tell me you're an asshole without telling me you're an asshole
- Ter and Ohm sitting in a tree, both being A S S H O L E!
- fuck yeah report his fucking ass!!!!
- WHY ARE THESE ASSHOLES TOUCHING PEOPLE- where's my machete I need to chop appendages
- push him away push him away push him away for fucks sake Dee push him away
- oh thank fuck (could have shoved him harder is all I'm saying)
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- Dee says it wasn't out of sarcasm... I don't care, I'm going to my grave with that broken look on Ter's face (honestly Dee, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you though; you know your worth)
- calling Ter pichai is perfect because Dee is finally distancing himself from this man; breaking the ties of familiarity and putting him where he belongs: in the trash as a fellow doctor
- if I had a quarter for every time I wanted to chuck my phone at a wall because a dickhead is touching one of my babies... I'd have a whole ass dollar... WHICH IS FAR TOO MANY QUARTERS!!!!
- Vivi.... remind me to erect temples for you too, my sweet desi wearing queen ♥️
- Kwan, you deserve better. The entire fucking hospital deserves better than that piece of shit quack doctor.
- wait is he.. he is... please let that be...
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- look at my princes dancing!!! My kings!!!
- do I take extra joy in watching Ter shoved off to the side? YOU FUCKING BET I DO
- ohhhhhh sir... sir are you gonna ask him to da- oh
- say it back Dee SAY IT BACK!!!!
- HPV info my beloved 🥰🥰♥️
- you're going all out to win him over: WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING BEFORE?!
- oh no oh no no no no that makes me scared...
Well, this episode had me wanting to bang my head into a wall thanks to two assholes but on the whole, a lovely episode!!! I cannot wait to see how next week fucks me up!
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shakingparadigm · 2 days
I'm glad we have someone like you in the fandom and that you started a youtube channel too. It feels less lonely I guess! Everything you post (theories,art,informations,jokes) is in my opinion so interesting,creative and detailed. I don't really send asks but I really had to tell you that I appreciate all of this,not what you simply post,but create too! I believe after Alien Stage will end,I will miss your posts about it but I'll have a good time remembering the days before a round was dropped,where we all assembled there to scream in fear (AVENGERS... ASSEMBLE LOL) and I'm sure I'll continue visit even if you'll talk about something else,with Vivinos content here and there if qmeng and the team will post about it etc!
One thing that makes me more conscious about ''IvanTill tragedy'' is that... Ivan loved the idea,the meaning,he had of Till,because he never got to be seen by him,got to express himself and be something for Till,which means getting to really enter Till's world. So I think at some point he asked himself ''What do I love'',which led him to the circle of reasons we deduced from their backstories,reason of the words chosen in the official art,where he says ''shallow feelings''... but they weren't shallow at all... And I think this is so sad,that he could not feel the depth in it,or understand his emotions... It's so sad we don't have a glimpse of Till's pov... Thank you for reading this until the end,I'll silently return in my den :)
Sorry this turned into such a long and awkwardly sentimental post,,,, ;;
Thank you....!!!
I'm really happy that you think of me so nicely, even if my posts and speculations are off the mark... or if the things I make are truthfully not very good. Even if they're mediocre at best, I still put a lot of my heart into them. I've always had a lot of things to say, but I never really opened myself to speaking about them until earlier this year. It feels really nice and comforting to share everything and be responded to with the same level of enthusiasm. I keep repeating myself when giving my thanks, but it's just because I will always be grateful to everyone I've talked to so far. That will never change. Thank you for taking the time to send me an ask! It really means everything to me. Let's focus on enjoying ourselves and anticipating what's to come! Even though Alien Stage is bound to end, we're still only halfway there!
I genuinely would like to thank you for your support. I wouldn't hold it against you if eventually you lost interest in my blog later down the line, but the fact that you'd still want to visit even if I end up switching to other things is so kind. I can't put down everything I'd like to say in a way that sounds coherent, and I undoubtedly am making this a bigger deal than it has to be, but from the bottom of my heart I'd like to thank you and everyone who has been so so kind to me. Truthfully I'm still unsure about whether or not I even deserve it, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything. I remember everything, too. Right down to the first few people who shared their thoughts to me back when I first started this blog!
I'm sorry if I seem like a bit of a downer, or if I seem less active lately? Less present or something like that. There's a lot that I've been going through lately (to add on to that my damn house flooded. yikes. currently staying at a friend's right now), and it honestly worries me to think about a lot of things, not to mention all the asks that I haven't been able to answer yet... I'm so sorry. I'll get to them eventually, I promise! They mean a lot to me and I want to do them justice with an answer, but some days I just can't find it in me to put thoughts into words.... once again, I'm so sorry. I don't want to make it seem as though they're a burden or anything, though! It's genuinely the highlight of my day to receive one.
Your perspective on Ivan and Till is worded so wonderfully. It truly is tragic that Ivan views his feelings as shallow, especially when in reality they're so complex and all-encompassing. Someone who loves so fervently and desperately (obssessively) actively denies themselves something as simple as the validation of their own feelings. Ivan viewed so lowly of himself until the very end, believing that he was never able to mean anything to Till (You don't care about me is such a devastating line). Ivan's emotions are complicated on purpose, his character was designed with the intention to confuse. It's stated that only Ivan himself can truly know what he's feeling, but even then he is an unreliable narrator and is too deep in the throes of self-loathing to allow himself any mercy. Constantly at war with himself, even just moments before his demise.
Ivan is described to have the most flawed personality out of his peers ("twisted"). The fact that he hones in on this aspect of himself to the point where he cannot see himself as anything of worth to the people he cares about is so profoundly sad. A flaw within itself, the perfect recipe for self-sabotage.
Till's perspective on Ivan is desperately needed, even if it wouldn't make a difference to the present circumstances. When speaking of Ivan's feelings for Till, VIVINOS mentions that one cannot simply move on from such deep-seated and long lasting emotions in just a short time. Surely Till would share this sentiment, right? Constantly overwhelmed by his own heart, wouldn't Till mull over the feelings that drove Ivan to sacrifice? Wouldn't he dwell on the impact that Ivan has made on his person? What form does Ivan take in Till's memory? One cannot move on from feelings like this so easily, and although Till didn't feel for Ivan in the same way, it's undeniable that he at least felt something.
So far (iirc), the only official statement of Till's feelings towards Ivan is that Till found him strange (and vice-versa, but Ivan was fascinated and attracted to Till's "strangeness" while it seems that Till was... less so...). Although it makes sense that Till is so protective of his true feelings, it would be nice for his thoughts on Ivan to be expanded upon, just for some semblance of closure.
(Sorry if this went off-topic.... or if my answer ended up being off again haha but thank you genuinely for the ask. I appreciate it more than you could ever know).
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thefooljester · 7 hours
could u write maybe a little fic/scenerio where reader and Toby are in a very like calm, relaxed, comfortable environment, I’d say Toby and reader are very close. Anyways Toby takes off his mask and reader is admiring his scars. With a more gentle gaze, not judging or disgusted. And that’s when Toby realizes he likes reader!
What a cute request! + big thanks for the compliment you left in my anon box, i appreciate it alot :3 i hope you like this (and i'm sorry for specifying the reader's gender like this, i just didn't know how to rewrite this as gn in the "scenraio") - - - - - -
toby realizes he’s in love [+ scenario?]
features: ticci toby
reader: female
warnings: maybe body horror? idk scar description but not graphic, i promise
You don’t mind Toby’s scars and treat him kindly – He realizes that he loves you Meeting:
"Oh. ...Oh. I... I didn't expect... I mostly tutor kids, but... u-um... Are you...", you looked down at your clipboard, "...Tobias?"
Said man in question could only nod at your inquiry, not really expecting someone like you to open the door either. It happened on a whim, as most things in his life do, but he really did want to put time and effort into finding a tutor to learn more - or rather... relearn everything.
It might be a bit difficult, simply because he never graduated high school and, on top of everything, forgot most things about his childhood, only really remembering some core memories ...most of them terrible.
Toby really wanted to participate in society again, though. He's left his "previous occupation" behind and ignored the voices in his head... and the static. He wants to put all of that behind him and start anew.
But. Um... He expected a kind older lady, someone who'd remind him of his mother – did he even have a mother, by the way? He doesn’t remember – or something, not... you. You were basically his age and you were so nice to him so far, despite his battered appearance.
"Is everything okay?" Your eyes swam around nervously. ...or so he thought.
"I have Tourette's. The tics are normal, don't worry." He replied without thinking, a sigh escaping his lips. He's needed to explain himself a million times already... What's one more time going to change? Still, he thought that… he’d seem like less of a freak these days.
"Yeah, okay... but... I meant... Don't you want to come in? I don't usually teach outside. Is that uncomfortable? I promise I have no ulterior motives or anything. You… didn’t reply to me…"
Oh. Right. Yeah. Right! Toby smiled, conscious of the bandage covering the gash in his cheek. The wound has healed up by now, but had never been able to close up entirely. He knew that normal people would find it quite gross to look at, especially because drool would sometimes seep out of the literal hole in his cheek. And... He didn't want to scare you away.
"I...I-I'll come in, thank you." He said bashfully.
He looked around curiously. He's been living with Tim and Brian in a cabin for so long that he forgot how regular homes look... especially because he's never been at a girl's - um, woman's - house before. It was... very nice.
"Do you want something to drink? I have water, tea, coffee, juice... milk?, probably. Whatever you want."
He wanted to nod, feeling his mouth dry up and his heart flutter in nervousness by merely looking into your eyes, …but then quickly shook his head instead, remembering his scarred face. He'd have to tilt his head so far back to ensure that no liquid escape his mouth, otherwise you'd definitekly grow suspicious. He can't have that.
"O-okay. Just ask if you want something, yeah? Let's see... I... well, I mostly teach everything up to 8th grade but most p-parents want me to teach Math and Science. What do your k-kids need help with, if you don't mind me asking?"
You're really gentle... He liked that a lot about you. He would almost claim that he'd felt safe around you if he hadn't been so hyper-aware of himself.
"My kids?" Toby wanted to giggle but only managed a wry smile – did he look so old? - and added,”I… need a teacher…” "You need a teacher?" You repeated, tilting your head to the side with wide eyes, at which Toby blushed, "I... Forgive me, but... I might have misjudged your appearance. I thought you were an adult, but if you’re in 10th grade and about to graduate, then I don't kn..."
"No, no, I am. I am an adult." He looked away from you, embarrassed about admitting this, "I'm 24, but... I dropped out. Years ago. I want to learn everything now though... to get a job...and yeah." Toby has never felt this awkward in his entire life. Never - and he's had his moments. Here he was, confessing his messy circumstances to a stunning, intelligent woman.
God should just strike him down right now.
"Tobias, sorry, but... I'm no real teacher. I can't give you a high school diploma or any other qualification." You looked disappointed on his behalf. You definitely had a kind heart.
"That's fine... I didn't expect that much when I contacted you. I'm doing this for me." He added, nervously chewing on his bottom lip before he stopped, knowing that it was weird.
You looked to be deep in thought, considering his reasoning.
It would only be fair if you shot him down now. If anything, he expected as much.
"Then... sure. Yeah! I think it's admirable, to be honest. You're a good guy, I'm happy to teach you!"
Ah, don't play with his heart like that...
"You can just call me Toby, by the way. Everyone does..." "Okay, Toby." You chuckled, causing him to shuffle his feet…
He so wasn’t used to this.
Listen. I don’t want to be the first one to say it but someone has to say it: Toby is a loser – like, socially speaking. He cannot talk to people, how was he supposed to talk to women? Such a beautiful one at that… and you smiled at him… as shallow as it may be, that alone was enough to have him interested in you.
Now, he wouldn’t ever dare to openly flirt with you! He thinks that the relationship you two have is strictly platonic! Even if he becomes good friends with you, even if he appreciates you so much for selflessly helping him… all platonic. Toby doesn’t like you, okay! You’re just a close friend who helps him through his hardships and offers great life advice. He can’t deal with rejection.
Plus… well, he wouldn’t ever dream of admitting his feelings to himself because he knew that you wouldn’t want this whole mess.
...That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to be near. Far from it! He wants to be around you all the time, and he adores the fact that you’ve become so comfortable with him that you invite him over.
On such a day, you admitted that you just wanted to have someone with you because you had a stressful week. Work has been difficult and you had to deal with some personal problems on top of everything. You told him that you needed him “here” because he “never fails to cheer you up”… No, Toby! Hold your horses, she obviously doesn’t mean it like that… But his heart never stops fluttering, even if he tries ignoring it.
It’s been some time since you met and you, over these past months, fell into a quaint routine that mostly involved you two sitting on the couch… comfortably close to one another. Still… all platonic though. Friends can sit next to each other and talk until the sun comes up… all while he’s nervously bouncing his leg and sweating like crazy. It’s perfectly normal!
He notices that you’re quieter than usually… and offers to hug you – impulsive decision… he was about to take it back and apologize, but you just muttered a “please.”
How could he deny any of your pleas?
Awkwardly, he put his pale arm around your shoulder, breath shaky as soon as he felt your warmth against his scarred skin.
Boldly, he tried pushing his luck by laying his head on top of yours as a way to get even closer to you, but your pout and quiet whine made him shoot up and get away from you immediately. Toby was ready to apologize in multiple languages at that point.
“Your bandage scratched me… it’s itchy…”
Oh. Of course. Why didn’t he think of that? He only wanted to please you.
So he took it off with a boyish grin, immediately noticing how your eyes zeroed in on… oh. Oh my God! How could he forget?!
“Sorry! Sorry, I-I wasn’t thinking?! I know it’s, l-listen, I know that it’s… uh…”
Shit. He wanted to die. That thing was beyond obvious…
“Did it hurt?” You asked gently, your hand hovering just above the gash that revealed parts of his gums and teeth, the very scar that proved his past mistakes for everyone who had eyes.
“No?” Toby replied, sheepishly smiling down at you… he couldn’t feel pain – he told you as much, but you… you still wanted to know. You just wanted to make this easier on his soul, didn't you? Your kindness knows no limits, but you don't have to lie to him...
“Are you sure? You… Can I touch your cheek?”
He… was he going deaf?
He took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, not wanting to be faced with the disgust you’d surely express once you realized how hard and damaged the scar tissue is… how much courage it took him to look in the mirror sometimes… He knew that is was a grim sight, that is was gross and… just branded him as the sicko he is, deep down.
Your touch burned him. He wanted to cry at your feather-like caresses that traced the edges of his damaged skin, humming at its strange texture.
“I’m just glad it healed up nicely.”
He opened his eyes. Yours were filled with concern… and relief, mostly. You… you were so tender, weren’t you? How could he doubt you for a second… of course you wouldn’t judge or gag at the sight. Of course you’d accept him.
Toby felt his cheeks burn – and if he were able to observe himself, he would have seen that his pupils dilated, practically exploding with love for you.
Oh, he was down bad.
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666writingcafe · 1 day
Journey Through the Soul
Author's Note: I'm combining Solomon's side chapters in the hard mode of NB9 and 10 into one thing and doing some reshuffling in the process.
I want to show you something.
When Solomon sent me that message during my latest shift at the House of Lamentation, I thought it was a physical object of some kind. After all, he does like to go shopping quite a bit when I'm gone; he claims that a lot of the stores in this timeline aren't in ours, and he wants to get as much stuff as he can before we return back home.
So, imagine my surprise when I find myself in a brightly-lit, lavishly decorated dining room with platters of food all over the place.
"Please tell me you didn't--" I start to say, thinking that he spent a ridiculous amount of money for dinner. However, I'm interrupted by Solomon putting a finger on my lips.
"Watch," he whispers.
"They're mine!" someone yells suddenly.
"No, they're mine!" a second person replies loudly.
Except these aren't two random people arguing with each other.
"You certainly are stubborn, aren't you?" Diavolo asks, laughing heartily.
"Not as stubborn as you!" Simeon exclaims, his laugh sounding a lot crueler than what I'm used to. "There's no way we're turning over humanity to you demons."
"Well, what gives angels any right to them? The way you try to exert ownership over them is arrogant, don't you think?"
Am I witnessing one of Solomon's memories?
"You've got it all wrong. We aren't trying to exert ownership over them. We serve as their guides. Humans are weak and fragile creatures, and we have to be there to protect them."
"You really don't get it, do you? Humans are quick to lose sight of their path in life and end up lost and confused. We should be the ones to show them the way. We could lead them some place where they'd be able to find happiness."
We were taught that humans were dumb creatures easily tempted by sin. Part of our job was to keep them on the path of salvation because they were too stupid to do it themselves.
This isn't a memory, is it?
"Ah, there you are! So glad you could come!" Both Diavolo and Simeon--or whoever these entities are--have spotted Solomon and look overly pleased to see him. "You can have some of my chocolate cake."
"Or you can eat some of my fixed fruit pound cake," Simeon offers.
"So, which will it be?"
"Which do you prefer?"
"Well, Solomon?"
Yeah, this isn't about cake.
Everything becomes completely still. Solomon sighs, and I realize he's frozen the scene playing out in front of us.
"This is creepy," I tell him.
"Only because they look like people you know." I'm unconvinced.
"Trust me, MC," Solomon continues upon seeing the look on my face. "Their appearances are unimportant. I wanted you to witness this particular argument between angels and demons because it's one that I've been brought into several times throughout my long life. They want to hold power over me--over humanity--for all of eternity. Both of them. And no matter what I do, they won't stop pestering me about it." As he talks, he visibly becomes more distressed.
"Are you afraid I'll get roped into it, Solomon?" His eyes meet mine.
"You already have. They're just doing a better job of hiding it from you."
You using the half-breed is one of the smarter moves you've made in a long time.
You have pacts with seven of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and the blood of angels flowing through you. I’d be stupid to not have you by my side.
I would do anything for you, even if it cost me my life. But I also want to completely destroy you.
"Have you ever eaten any of the cake?" I ask him.
"Yes. I have. But the alliance has always been temporary, which annoys them."
"Of course it does. You always have to be difficult and troublesome." The room suddenly disappears, leaving Solomon and I standing in a black void with a disembodied voice echoing throughout it.
"If only you'd chosen our side, it would've made things so much easier," the familiar voice adds, causing Solomon to chuckle.
"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but you must know I wouldn't do that, right? After all, that's part of our agreement." A groan. "So why do you continue to test me? Shouldn't we be past that by now?"
"Never." I want to leave. Now.
"You think I'm questioning my convictions."
"At the moment, no. But you might now that you've allowed yourself to love someone again." What?!
"What if something bad happened to your darling apprentice?" the voice continues taunting. "Or maybe they choose to side with us. Wouldn't you want to stay with them, no matter what?"
"MC feels the same way I do. Your threats mean nothing."
"How can you be so sure? They've already assumed the form of a demon. What's to stop them from continuing to behave like one after you two return to your timeline?" Silence.
"Solomon?" I ask. I've never seen him look this unsure before. Does he have doubts about my allegiance to him? To humanity in general?
"He doesn't know what you truly want, MC. He's incapable of seeing inside your heart."
"And you can?" I'm pissed. Here Solomon was, showing me part of his soul, and this guy decides to hijack that and push us around in the process.
"Of course. That's part of my job. I know how you feel about the brothers. You only see Solomon as your safe option. You don't actually love him. Not completely, anyway. If you had your way, you'd be a full-time resident of the Devildom, allowing everyone to use you as they saw fit."
"Enough!" For once, no retort. "The only reason I agreed to leave my timeline in the first place is because you told me that Simeon needed my help. I have no interest playing your sick little political game. My loyalty is with the people I love, and that includes Solomon." Another groan, this time drawn out more.
"You two have confidence to the point of arrogance. You'll end up falling just as hard as those brothers, if not worse."
"You're one to talk." It seems as though Solomon has gained his confidence back.
"How dare you?!" Solomon shrugs.
"You're the one that made me this way, so don't be surprised when I start acting like you, Nightbringer." I didn't realize our companion had a name. "Now, either you leave willingly, or I will force you out myself. But we're done here."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch
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hannamoon143 · 11 hours
Hey there!
An angst hyunin with main character jeongin who is in love with his patrolling partner in police station that he (hyunjin) is a criminal or sth and jeongin won't understand till he going to follow investigation. He has a grudge against the criminal because he hurt one of his family members and this motivated him to become a policeman in contrast to his soft spirit.he wish he would never became a policeman and never understood that hyunjin is the criminal...now hyunjin also knows and he have to kill his love or arrested for him.
Why him?
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Genre:Angst,Crime story, Fluff,hurt/no comfort
Pairings: non idol jeongin x non idol hyunjin
Warnings:throwing up,crime,yk police stuff,crying,mentions of food,sickness(like a cold or smth),Heartbreaking stuff😔🙌 (I'm sure i forgot something)
a/n: Remember this is a work of fiction and doesn't refer to the real members.Only most characteristics and some details are the same like in real life. @uleeversly here is what came out from your request.I hope you like it.<3
not proofread (Bad grammar and stuff)
Jeongin was now a policeman since three years . When jeongin was 16 years old a criminal robbed his whole neighbourhood when he was at school.But the worst part was that the criminal shot his little brother in his leg.From the moment when he saw his little brother that he loved more than anything at the hospital,he gave a promise to himself.No matter how long it would take,he would find this criminal,and arrest him.That was now 7 years ago.The hate he felt against this human was still the same,also if he didn't even know who it was.
Jeongin only wanted to become a policeman beacuse of this criminal,totally against his soft nature,but today he loved his job.He loved the thought that he could prevent situations like the one he was in 7 years ago.And maybe the love for his job also laid a little bit on his patrolling partner hyunjin.When jeongin saw hyunjin for the first time he was mesmerized by Hyunjin.Jeongin and Hyunjin went on patrouille together once a week.They always talked a lot while they slowly drove through the dark city.They always had the night shifts together.
Also if Jeongin was able to see Hyunjin all week at the police station he looked forward to that one day every week.It was just the two of them sharing their thoughts and laughing together.Jeongin caught feelings for hyunjin long ago.But the problem was they were just friends,and the worse part they were colleagues.But jeongin still enjoyed every little minute he had with hyunjin.
So when they drove through the sleeping city they talked like always,but suddenly Jeongin thought about that they always talked all night long but somehow he anyways knew nothing about hyunjin.So when Hyunjin still giggled about a joke jeongin made earlier Jeongin asked:
"Rigth now i thought,you never told me something about your past.Where do you actually come from?"
Hyunjins smile faded away. "Is this important?I think people should concentrate more on the future and not so much on the past."His look was cold now.
Jeongin didn't know why Hyunjin reacted like this.Did he say something wrong?Jeongin,soft like he was, quickly apologised,because he felt like he didn't respect Hyunjins privacy.
As Hyunjin (who by the way drove the car) looked at Jeongin his gaze softened.
"Jeongin,you don't need to apologise,i'm just very sensitive about my past you know?"
Jeongin understood this.But as they drove on it was quiet.Jeongin wanted to understand why Hyunjin didn't want to talk about his past.But he didn't ask again.
Suddenly the car made a weird sound.
"What was that??"Jeongin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't know maybe the engine?"Hyunjin said,because he knew absolutely nothing about cars,but didn't want to worry jeongin.
Then the car made a few more humming noises but then it stopped and a cloud of smoke came out of the hood.Jeongin and Hyunjin got out of the car.It was freezing.Of course it was,it was Winter. "Ah shit,we need to phone someone who can repair this"Hyunjin said alittle bit angry "Give me your phone please?" he then asked ,looking Jeongin in the eyes.
"take your own,my battery is empty"he answered.
They had a little problem now,because Hyunjin left his phone at home.As he told Jeongin his eyes grew big.What were they supposed to do now?As they looked around there were no people and all stores were closed.And it got really cold.Jeongin was very sensitive about coldness,and he also panicked because they were stuck somewhere in a part of the city he didn't know.He started trembling and panicking,but tried not to let hyunjin notice but he did anyways.Hyunjin looked at the trembling jeongin panick in the eyes.For a short moment Hyunjin asked himself why Jeongin got a police man when he panicked so easily.But then he took his jacket out of the car and asked jeongin "You want this?" Jeongin got a warm feeling in his stomach,but said "No i'm fine,really?" Hyunjin looked at him and said "No,you are trembling.And also you don't have to worry i promise everything will be alright." Jeongin got lost in hyunjins eyes and now took the jacket.When he before was a little bit scared because Hyunjin reacted so cold on one of his question he now remembered why he was in love with Hyunjin.
They both sat back into the car,because it was still a little bit warm.Suddenly Hyunjin opened a secret compartment (It was normally for a gun,but for some reason Hyunjin put food into it.) Hyunjin took out two granola bars,and handed one Jeongin.Jeongin chuckled,"Why do you have food in there?" With his mouth full Hyunjin answered "I like to be prepared for everything" He pouted thinking that jeongin would judge him. Jeongin found this so adorabole he started giggling like crazy until he choked on the granola bar. He started coughing and hyunjin patted his back.But as jeongins face started getting redder and redder hyunjin got worried.But then suddenly jeongin opened the cardoor and got out at time when he threw up.Jeongin was so embarassed.He thought Hyunjin would now laugh at him or find him gross.
But hyunjin rushed over to him with a concerned look and without noticing he lightly stroked jeongins hair. "Is everything alright Innie?"he asked worried. Jeongin forgot to asnwer.Did hyunjin just call him Innie?And was he stroking his hair? Jeongin felt like he was on cloud seven,and started blushing.Then he remembered he had to answer so he just nodded.Hyunjin secretly adored the way jeongin was blushing,he didn't even know why,but is somehow looked cute.
They both sat in the car again and they talked.They talked for hours.But this time it was different from all the other nights when they patrolled togehter.In those nights they were colleagues who joked toghether and just talked about random stuff,but this night felt different.As hyunjin told jeongin a story and he didn't respond when he was done hyunjin saw that jeongin fell asleep.He couldn't help but smile.He looked adorable.Hyunjin careful stroked his hair back,and when jeongin moved he thought he woke him up but he didn't.Instead he laid his head on hyunjins shoulder and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.Hyunjin was like frozen.He didn't want to wake jeongin up,and this felt so.. so comfortable.Hyunjin admired jeongins peaceful sleeping face for a while until he drifted off to sleep too.
"Hello? Excuse me,you young men in the police car?"
Jeongin opened his eyes.Where was he? Oh.After three seconds everything from last night came back.He must have fallen asleep.Jeongins cheeks turned pink when he noticed that his head laid on hyunjins shoulder.Wait,hyunjins arm was around jeongin.Hyunjin still slept peacefully,holding jeongin like a plushie.Jeongin wished he could have admired this cute picture a little longer,but then hyunjin also woke up from the voice of the man that stood in front of the car.Jeongin had forgotten him totally.
As hyunjin noticed how he held jeongin he also blushed and immediately let go of him.Both of them didn't say anything.Then they both got out of the car ,and explained their situation to the man.And he then called the towing service.
When jeongin usually got home after a night shift he would immediately go to sleep,but today he couldn't stop thinking about the wonderful moments with hyunjin yesterday,and how hyunjin held him so tight,he barely could even breathe but still it was somehow comforting.Then suddenly Jeongin noticed,that he still had Hyunjins jacket on.He smelled on it,and it had the familiar mix of his cologne and...him. Jeongin didn't stop thinking about hyunjin the whole day.And then also the night.
As jeongin drove to the police station the next day,he was disappointed because hyunjin wasn't there.His co workers told him that hyunjin was sick and that's why he didn't come.Jeongin felt guilty because Hyunjin must have gotten sick because of the cold night,and he gave his jacket to jeongin.
So jeongin was kinda bored untill his co workers from the department for long time cases wanted something from him.
"We know you probably gave up on this,but when you came to us you gave everyhting to find the criminal that robbed your neighbourhood once.And we didn't think we would ever find them but yesterday we received a information from an anonym person that will help us a lot.We can't say anything about it now,but we will stick with it,and if that's okay for you,we will contact you as soon as we find something out"
Jeongin thanked him and went back to his desk.He didn't know what to feel.His collegaue was right,he gave up two years ago,and that maybe the criminal would get caught now,after seven years was a little bit confusing for him,but he tried not to think to much about it.
When jeongin drove home after work he suddenly got a call from hyunjin.He never called him before.Jeongin again got a warm feeling in his stomach,as he asnwered the call.
"Hey innie... I know it's late and you're probably exhausted and i hate to bother you but uhm,could you maybe come over,because as you probably heard i'm sick and i can't feed my dog kkami,but she needs something to eat,but you can also say no,you were just the first personn that came to my mind"
Jeongin smiled at the thought that hyunjin first thought of him when he needed help.And he couldn't describe how much he loved it when hyunjin called him innie.So he said yes,and he didn't even drive home,he immediately drove to the adress hyunjin gave him.As hyunjin told him,there was a spare key under the doormat.When he got in he smelled hyunjins familiar scent. When hyunjin heard the door of his apartment open,he croaked "i'm here"
Jeongin followed the hoarse voice until he got to hyunjins bedroom.He looked pale and all sweaty,but he was snuggled up in a big blanket. Jeongin didn't like seeing him weak like this,and felt the urge to apologise.
"I'm so sorry Jinnie,it's my fault that you are sick,i took your jacket and i should have gave it back to you.And right now i remember i still have your jacket.I'm so sorry,i'm gonna bring it to you tomorrow."
Jeongin apologised not noticing that he just called hyunjin jinnie.But Hyunjin did.He smiled a little bit.Jeongin must have took it from him,cause he always called him innie.
"No,it isn't your fault,and *cough,cough if you want you can keep the jacket.Oh and kkami is *cough in the living room.Her food is in the green box in the kitchen."Hyunjin said,no he croaked.
Jeongin didn't know why,but he decided to take care of hyunjin.That means he did know why.He loved Hyunjin.
When Jeongin gave kkami her food,he cleaned the kitchen and washed some dishes.Then he decided to cook a soup for hyunjin.While he made that soup,he also cleaned the living room,and prepaired some medicine.When he finally was done with everything he also took hyunjins laptop and then went into his bedroom again.When jeongin came in he winced.
"Oh my god Innie,you scared me,i thought you went home like an hour ago.*Cough" Hyunjin said dramatically.
Jeongin giggled.He helped hyunjin to sit down in a comfortable position and then gave him the soup and his medicine. "Oh i also brought your laptop,i thought maybe you are bored and you wanna watch netflix or something."Jeongin added and gave hyunjin his laptop. Then jeongin said goodbye and wanted to leave but then hyunjin said. "Uhm maybe we could watch a movie together?If you don't have anything important to do."
Jeongin had butterflies in his tomach.Did Hyunjin just invite him?
"My shift tomorrow only starts in the afternoon so yeah why not"he said,trying to sound cool.Hyunjin patted on the place next to him.Jeongin sat down and then they searched for a movie. Hyunjin scrolled and then suggested titanic.Jeongin agreed but said "Please don't laugh at me when i start crying,ok?" Hyunjin chckled and started the film.Jeongin sometimes stealed a glance at hyunjin.He found it beautiful how his expression always changed when something happened.And hyunjin did the same.And one time when they looked at each other the same time they both started blushing and looked down.As the movie carried on and it started getting sad (Yk,when the titanic starts sinking)Jeongin tried not to cry.He always was a very soft person,but tried to hide this fact from others,because he was scared people would laugh at him.Little did he know that Hyunjin found this a very beautiful characteristic, he even was a little jealous how easy jeongin could express and show his emotions.But then as the scene with rose on the door and jack in the water came jeongin couldn't hold his tears in anymore.They streamed down his face,and seemed like they would never stop.Also if Hyunjin knew it only was because of the movie he still hated seeing him cry.But he also wouldn't have denied that he looked pretty when he cried.As the movie was over jeongin still cried.He just hated how it ended.He complained to hyunjin that the end was just so unfair. Jeongin immediately stopped talking when hyunjin suddenly cupped his face with his hands and brushed away the tears with his thumb.This moment was beautiful.They looked each other in the eyes. "Please stop crying,it hurts me to see you in pain"hyunjin whispered.Jeongin felt like he lost his breath.
But unfortunately the moment was over when suddenly kkami came through the door and jumped between jeongin and hyunjin.They both started laughing also if they would have wanted the moment to last longer.Then they decided to watch another movie to fix jeongins broken heart like hyunjin said.As they watched and jeongin glanced over to hyunjin he noticed that he must have fallen asleep.Jeongin stopped the movie and admired Hyunjins slumbering face,just like he did in that car.He knew he should have just went home,but he laid down next to hyunjin,who was now curled up in his big blanket and just looked into his face.He almost was asleep too,but then he suddenly heard Hyunjin mumbling something.At first he thought he woke up,but he was still asleep.But then he mumbled something again.It sounded very unconscious but then he heard his name. "Innie...Innie.. you are.. so pretty...even while.. crying"Was what hyunjin mumbled into his pillow. Did jeongin understand this right? Did hyunjin find him pretty?He smiled.God he was so in love.Then hyunjin did the same thing he did in the car.The only thing different was now that there wasn't something between them.He pulled jeongin to his chest,nuzzling his face into jeongins hair.Jeogin inhaled the scent of hyunjin,the scent he loved the most,one more time and then also drifted off to sleep.Nothing mattered when Hyunjin and Jeongin were together.Except them.
When Jeongin woke up the next morning he immediately remembered where he was.The only thing was,hyunjin wasn't there.As he wanted to get out of the bed hyunjin came through the door with a lovely prepaired breakfast.
"Nooo,you have to stay in bed,yesterday you took care of me,and today i feel a lot better so i take care of you and your broken heart."Hyunjin said in his sweet dramatic way.So Jeongin sat back into the bed,and hyunjin also sat down,together they ate the breakfast,talked and laughed together.When hyunjin complained about the fact that he thought kkami didn't love him,jeongins phone rang.He looked at it and it was his co worker.he muttered an apologise to hyunjin and asnwered the call.
"Hello Jeongin,i said i will inform you about any informations of the criminal.And we don't have a very clear track yet,but we can say that the criminal is still in this city.That was all for now.I will inform you about any news"
Jeongin hung the call up.He didn't know why but that his past was stired up again amde him feel uneasy.
"Is everything alright?"Hyunjin asked.
Jeongin nodded.Jeongin said goodbye and headed home.Hyunjin was confused because he just suddenly went home.
The next days were boring.Jeongin was a little bit uncomfortable these days,because of the invastigation of the criminal.Then finally Hyunjin and Jeongin had a night shift together again.
As they drove thorugh the city like one week ago hyunjin asked: "Innie,is everything alright?You seemed so concerned the past days"Jeogin just nodded.
"Uhmm,you know maybe you have time for a movie tomorrow?Kkami misses you,i think she likes you more than me"Hyunjin said.He sounded a little bit nervous.Jeongin was looking forward to the distraction and to spend time together with hyunjin. "But don't fall asleep again."Jeongin said giggling. "Yah! i was sick",hyunjin said acting like he was angry.But he was just happy to see jeongin smiling again.They talked about what movie they would watch,and joked around.And suddenly the sun rised.The time always was over so quick when Jeongin was with hyunjin.As they both went home,just to see each other in a few hours again,jeongin laid in his bed thinking about hyunjin.Jeongin really liked the way it was now.SInce that one night in the car they definitely got closer.But the problem was,jeongin couldn't ignore his feelings for hyunjin.The more he thought about it he noticed that in the past week his feelings grew a lot.Suddenly he felt like he would burst.For someone like him who always showed their emotion it was really hard to keep his feelings a secret.But if hyunjin didn't feel the same jeongin still wanted their friendship.But it wa so hard,so he decided to tell hyunjin about his feelings today.
Jeongin had only thirty more minutes.Outside his window there was a heavy storm.He sat on his bed the whole day and tried to find a way to confess his feelings for hyunjin.He was so nervous he couldn't even say one straight sentence.As time flew he got in his car and drove to hyunjin.When he got there he knocked on the door,and a few seconds later hyunjin opened the door.Jeongin only got more nervous when he stepped into hyunjins apartment
"I thought this time we maybe watch at the tv,and i also prepaired some snacks"
Jeongin only nodded and smiled and then sat down next to hyunjin.As they watched the film suddenly the tv went black.Not only the tv also the lights around them. Jeongin gasped.How he hated the darkness. "W-what happened?" Jeongin asked a slight panick in his voice. "I think that is becaus of the thunderstorm."Hyunjin said.He didn't care really much to be in the darkness but as he heard jeongins heavy breathing he felt guilty.He didn't know why.He just didn't want to see jeongin in panick.
"Hey Innie,calm down,everything is going to be alright ok?"
"I hate when i can't see what's around me."Jeongin answered with a trebling in his voice.
Hyunjin did the first thing that came to his mind.Something that his mother did when he was scared.He got nearer to jeongin and just closed him into a comforting embrace. "Look i'm here okay? And as long as i'm here you don't have to fear the darkness.And i won't leave,until the darkness disappers."Jeongins heart skipped a beat.That was so sweet.He didn't know why but he felt like this was the right moment.
"Jinnie,i have to tell you something"
Hyunjin didn't say anything but jeongin knew that he had his attention.
"Okay so you know when i saw you the first time i thought wow this guy is so handsome and he seems so nice.But i didn't have the courage to talk to you first so then i was happy when i saw we had to do the night patroll together.And in these nights we always talked and laughed together,so i fell for you.You seemed like a rose in a bouqet of tulips for me.I knew you probably didn't even see me as a friend but i didn't care.But last week after that one night i feel like we got so much closer,and my feelings for you grew so much.I love you Hwang Hyunjin."
"Oh and if you don't feel like that that's totally okay,and if it's like that i hope we can stay friends,i promise i will never bring my feelings up again "
"And you don't have to say anything,don't feel guilty i just want-"
Jeongin couldn't continue his nervous speech because suddenly he felt hyunjins soft lips on his.This moment was everything jeongin wanted.Hyunjins scent that smelled like vanilla,eyes closed, their kiss was being carried by the darkness that now didn't seem scaring anymore at all. As jeongin slowly let go of hyunjin he was pretty sure he was smiling the brightest smile ever,he didn't see it but he felt it.The lights turned on again.Voices came out of the tv.But that all didn't matter.Jeongin and Hyunjin looked each other in the eyes ,smiling like crazy.
Jeongin was still in Hyunjins arms,and he just nuzzled more into them.Then they both sat on th couch pretending to watch the movie on the tv,but they both just thought of this moment they would never forget. As it got later and later Jeongin decided to finally go home,also if he would have wanted to stay longer.
At home jeongin couldn't stop smiling.He also didn't sleep much this night but he didn't care.He loved hyunjin.And hyunjin loved him.That was his last thought befor he finally fell into a peaceful sleep.
As jeongin woke up the next morning he was very excited because he would see hyunjin at the police station.As he got up and ate breakfast his phone started ringing.He was a little disappointed,because at first he thought it was hyunjin but it was his colleague that lead the investigation after the criminal.Jeongin answered the call.
"Good morning jeongin,i'm sorry to disturb you so early at the morning but i have news.We caught the criminal."
Jeongin held his breath.
"I would say it is great that we found the criminal,but we are all shocked who it is.And i don't think you will be happy about who it is.Could you please come to the police station immediately?"
"Uhm yes sure." Jeongin said.His heart was pounding.Why did he say that he wouldn't be happy who it is? Was it someone he knew?Jeongin got really nervous,and tried to call hyunjin,because he didn't know what to do.He didn't pick up.So jeongin took his things and drove to the police station. He went in and his co worker immediately was there."So we have him behind at our department.Follow me please" Jeongin didn't say anything.He was so nervous.His hands were all sweaty and his breathing heavy.
He went in.No.No.It wasn't like he thought right? In front of him there sat hyunjin.hyunjin looked at him.Of course he knew why he got caught.But when the man said he was going to call the man whose house it was,and whose little brother he also hurt,he still didn't know that this house he robbed seven years ago was jeongins.Jeongin was pale.He couldn't breathe.And so was hyunjin.Hyunjin wanted to say something but the man behind him said,it was better not to say anything until they asked him.Jeongin didn't know what to do.His ears started ringing.He felt like he was in some kind of fever dream.He needed to get out here.He couldn't look in hyunjins frustrated face any longer,or the face of the criminal..
Jeongin rushed out the room,not listening to anyone.He headed to the bathroom.He locked himself in,and broke down.He couldn't believe this.Or he just didn't want to believe it.He knew hyunjin didn't want to talk about his past,so he assumed something must have happened,but not this.Jeongin started sobbing.This was so overwhelming.Why were the man he loved the most in his life and the man he hated the most the same? Why him? In that moment jeongin wished he never got a police man.Or even better that he would have never find out.He knew if he wouldn't know it would still have happened.But then he could at least have been happy.
Hyunjin begged the men that also were his colleagues that he may talk to jeongin.But as he didn't give up they agreed.There were policemen everywhere,what could happen? Hyunjin rushed to the bathrooms.He thought his heart couldn't shatter more when jeongin walked through that door before.But he was wrong,because it broke even more when he heard jeongins choked sobs.And those were because of him.
"Jeongin please,let me explain this.Open the door."
Jeongin was on the floor.He didn't know if he should open this door.Because he wasn't sure if there was the man he loved ore the man he hated.But unfortunately hyunjin somehow managed to crack the lock.Of course,jeongin thought,he is a criminal.As hyunjin stepped in and got closer to jeongin he winced and got a little more away.It hurted hyunjin so much to see him like this,all he wanted to do was giving jeongin a hug and tell him everything is going to be okay.Tell himself everything is gonna be okay.But he knew it was his fault,and he didn't know if this could ever be fixed.Jeongin didn't even look at hyunjin,he looked down,his tears falling on the cold tiles.His thoughts were so loud and he was so overwhelmed.Everytime the same question:What should i do?
"Jeongin,i know you don't wanna talk with me right now.Probably you don't even wanna see me,but just listen to me okay? When i was younger and... did this.So i got bullied since i was thirteen.I don't know why but yeah.There were these guys.I knew they did illegal things and stuff,but after years of being bullied i wanted to be one of the cool ones.So basically they said if i would make it to rob this neighbourhood and show them everything i got,i could be a part of their gang.Of course i was stupid and naive and believed them.But yeah when i showed them the things i got they took everything and beat me up.They moved to the other side of the world and said if i followed them,they would make my life like hell.So i never did.I wish i had a good apologise,and a excuse that would fix everything but the truth is i haven't."
Jeongin listened to him the whole time.
"Look,i'm sorry for the bullying thing and stuff.But it doesn't change anything for me you know? The whole time since i was sixteen i promised myself i would find this guy and arrest him with my own hands for the thing he did to my brother.And i'm scared. I'm scared because the man i love more than i ever loved someone is now also the man i hate the most."
Now they both sat at the floor crying.Hyunjin also was totally down.Why did he have to do that back then?Why did he stay in the city? Why did he fall in love? But he knew he couldn't change any of these things now.
"Look,i still love you with all my heart.And if you wanna do that then you can climb out the window,and i will pretend like i didn't see anything.I will take them like 30 minutes to notice,enough to drive to the airport and catch a flight to somewhere far away.If you do that i will delete your number from my phone to not get in any trouble.It will be like you never were here."
Hyunjin felt like he couldn't breathe.Because that was the moment he realised he had to choose.The first option was he would let arrest himself,but be near jeongin and be able to talk to him.Or he would go away.Run away from all the trouble,Able to be free somewhere far away,but also run away from jeongin.
Hyunjin stood up. Jeongin also did.Hyunjin pulled Jeongin into his tight embrace.Then he kissed him softly,a tear running down his face.
"I love you Yang Jeongin.I think i always will.And maybe someday we will meet again.But i think it hurts less if we don't have to see each other always.We both know a little piece of you could never forget what i did.And i know that is selfish,but it's also easier for me"Hyunjin whsipered trying to hold back the tears.
"I love you too,Hwang Hyunjin.More than anything in my life"Jeongin sobbed.
Then Jeongin kissed Hyunjin one more time.The last time.He didn't want him to go.There was nothing he'd like to do more thank beg hyunjin on his knees to stay.To say that they would togehter find a way to get him out of this.That they could find a way to be happy.But he knew that hyunjin was right.Hyunjin let go of jeongin and slowly turned him his back.He climbed up to the window.He was almost outside but he looked back one more time,forcing himself to a painful smile,and said "But please do me one favor.Never forget me please." Then he was gone.Maybe gone forever. Jeongin couldn't believe that the light he searched for so long in the dark tunnel of life,was gone again after just one week.
Both of them would never be the same.Their hearts were shattered into a million pieces.Maybe one of them would move on,would create himself a happy life with a family.Perhaps even both. Or probably their ways would cross again somewhere in the future.But maybe none of them would.Maybe they would both never be able to move on.The love of their live gone forever.
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mildlyromanticperv · 4 hours
Why would I...?
Eunha x MReader. Fluff. Fighting insecurities.
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-Babe, dinner's ready! -You called your girlfriend down to the living room after a couple of hours in the kitchen, today's Friday night and you two planned an evening together to make up for the lost time during the week, her job as professional makeup artist is a 24/7 on-call job and you come exhausted every day due to the physical demand of your construction work.
-Coming! -Her sweet voice echoes through the walls of your shared apartment just like music into your ears. Due to the the small amount of time you've been able to spend together the last couple of weeks, she comes out dressed ready for an outdoors date and her perfume... Oh my god her perfume... Such indescribable scent fires up every nerve of your nostrils filling your heart with a warm fuzzy feeling you can only describe as... Love.
-Sweetie, you didn't have to! I'm disgusting and you dressed up so adorable... -You know you're supposed to be a manly man, hairy chest and all... But being alone with your girlfriend takes out that sensitive side of yours only she can experience.
-Don't say that! I mean I certainly wasn't expecting you to be all dressed up in tuxedo or anything, but you look really handsome tonight. -She smirked at you as she took a seat at the dining table. -Plus, the mere fact that you and I can finally spend some time together makes up for anything. I've missed you so much.
At these words you expres a huge "Awwww" within your brain that you can't quite express due to your sheer focus in plating your dinner, as if you were to cook for the president itself. -I've missed you so much as well, baby, actually today I was told I might speak too much about you... Hehe.
-What do you mean!? -She answers embarassed and blushing, her voice raises due to the thought of you flaunting her among coworkers.
-Yes baby, I can't help but presume my girlfriend. -You shrugged and finally came out of the kitchen ready with the food and a couple of tall glasses, not long after you came out with a fresh bottle of white wine to go with the dinner.
-This all look so awesome! I didn't know you were such a good chef... -She says with a sultry voice flirting so blatantly the whole thing felt like two youngsters discovering their new love. -You spoil me too much, I guess tonight I'm going to have to be extra kinky...
-Eunha, behave yourself. -You say jokingly in a very poorly acted stern voice. -I'm not that kinky... -You blushed embarassed for her teasing.
During the rest of the evening you two engulfed the food with awe and excitement, since there was no words exchanged, the looks between you two flew in a mute ode of romance, teasing and... dirty talk.
After such buffet served on your dinner night the only thing left was to rest the food with a movie in your living room, between you two there was always a banter to choose this movie so both could be pleased... although deep down you always knew that she's the one to win since her puppy eyes are almost impossible to say no to.
-Baaaaaaaaabeeeeee, let's watch scary movies! Pleaseeeeee? -She attacks first with pouting.
-But sweetie, you fall asleep always in the middle of the movie, lets watch something with action... adventure, you haven't seen Lord of the Rings, have you? -You block her first punch and answer with a broad swing.
-No, that's only half-naked dudes slashing and punching, no fun... -She holds her chin thinking. -Why don't we watch a Disney movie? Perhaps Aladdin? -She ducks your punch and then respond with a well placed uppercut right on your chin.
-You know I'm a sucker for musicals... -You say to her with a suspicious voice, enjoying the blatant manipulation she just engaged in. -I still don't know... What about Godzilla? You said you wanted to watch it... -You endure that uppercut and throw an open hand punch straight to her cheekbone.
-Mmmm, maybe... But I'm not in the mood for giant monsters destroying cities, plus I don't like the CGI. -She gets ready for her final blow, she knows the power she holds over you and she doesn't hold herself back. -I wanna watch Inside Out babe. -Finally she uses her signatur pout and holds your arm, pressing herself against you and looks from below into your eyes with her stray puppy eyes.
-Fiiiiineeeee. -You answer reluctantly because you know better than upset your cute girlfriend.
As if an oracle predicted it Eunha falls asleep barely at 15 minutes of the movie, your heart flutters at the feeling of her cheek pressing against your shoulder and her steady peaceful breath.
-I love you so much. -You say to her barely above a whisper not really looking to wake her up, slowly and with stealth you turn off the TV and let her lay down on the couch, placing her head on your lap where you start caressing and combing her hair, she stirs around facing your abdomen and curling into a ball right next to you, luckily she brought a blanket for her feet so you cover her to make her comfortable.
Times such as these, so flawless, so quiet, they feel like frozen in time... Her porcelain skin shines under the faint light of the TV and her pink hair spread along your knees and your lap is the perfect combination for you to have to control your every cell not to wake her up and propose right there and then.
Her chest goes up and down slowly following the quiet sound of her breathing, after just a few minutes in which you're completely sure she's fallen completely asleep you let her head rest on a nearby cushion to go and prepare our bed for a much needed long night of sleep. You lift your girlfriend grabbing her gently by her legs and her shoulders, out of love for your girlfriend you just let her in the bed with her current outfit just taking out her shoes and socks.
Finally you start tidying up and cleaning the kitchen and the living room, you turn off all the lights and proceed to lay down on the bed, holding Eunha from behind as the big spoon.
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The very next day you wake up next to a pillow with the scent of your girlfriend, but no sight of her.
-Eunha? -You ask still in the recently awoken state and rubbing your eyes. You quiclñy grab your slippers and stand up looking for her just to find her in the kitchen with a very soothing smell of hot coffee.
-Sweetie? Did you sleep well? -She says as she sees you coming out of the room in a groggy state, her outfit changed from her white blouse and furry blazer to a pink pajama with a cotton coat for the cold, a pair of oversized pajama pants and fuzzy slippers. -I didn't want to wake you up, I know you need a good rest.
-It's fine babe... -Yawn. -Did you sleep comfortable? I didn't wanted to wake you just to change into a pajamas last night. -You chuckle remembering her peaceful expression.
-Yes sweetie, I imagined I might fall asleep so I wore comfy clothes.
-You always think of everything even when you're exhausted, that's so cool!
-It's called paying attention to the details, dum dum... -She chukles as well.
-There's only one thing I like paying attention to and she's making coffee... -You walk around the kitchen counter to hug Eunha. -Thank you babe.
-You can thank me by washing the dishes, dum dum. -She says enjoying the closeness of your embrace around her waist, she enjoys this so much she lets out a quiet hum of satisfaction when you start rubbing her arms.
-Okay mom I'll do it soon. -You roll your eyes playfully, but righ away she smacks your cheeks.
-Idiot. -She says with a big smile.
You then start to wash the dishes and notice something you have been noticing for a few days but never really payed total attention to, Eunha's dish was in the fridge with leftovers from last night, she didn't eat the whole thing.
Usually this wouldn't be weird since she stays fit for her own decision, but this time you ensured to give her a reduced portion, so... Why would she left food on the plate?
You spend the rest of your dish washing deep in that thought, not quite being able to explain yourself why that change in her eating habits.
Could it be for health issues? Nah her childhood illness is gone and she told you doctors assured there's no way she'd have it again.
Is she being bullied? Perhaps her coworkers are just jealous she's so fit, but still... She's very confident on herself, it doesn't add up.
What could it be? Is she hiding something?
Your mind runs wild with the possibilities until she gently pokes your shoulder.
-Sweetie? Is everything okay? -She rests her hand on your shoulder, clearly worried.
-Yeah baby I'm okay, I was just lost in thought, that's all. -Surely you didn't lie to her... but you didn't tell her the whole truth as well.
-Is it because of the new construction site rules?
-Sort of yeah, I have the feeling they're withholding information.
-Well babe don't you worry for now for that, it's Saturday, we have to rest.
-You're right babe. What would I do without you? -You clenched your nose playfully to ask her for a kiss.
-You'd be lost, probably even still at the grocery store not knowing what to buy for last night's dinner. -She chuckles and she tips on her toes to plant a soft kiss on your lips.
-I love you, my sweet bunny.
-I love you two, my handsome puppy.
I think perhaps I should've warned about these sweet times, for diabetic people this might not be good for you.
-What are we going to have for breakfast? -She asks once the coffee is poured and you two meet at the table to discuss your day.
-I was thinking of some grilled cheese sandwiches and smoothies.
-Oh, really? -She looks to one side thinking of it but either way accepts the offer. -Sure babe, but we don't have anything for grilled cheese.
-I know, I'm going to order takeout, I want to spend my morning cuddling with you. -You pout as she do with puppy eyes hoping she'd say yes.
-Okay okay babe... -She chuckles. -Come here. -She takes your wrist and walks to the couch where she sits in between your legs and wrapping herself around with your arms. -Babe I.. I want to ask you something, it's... kind of important.
Your heart beats rapidly, anxious and unsure on what to do, what is she wanting to speak about?
-You know you can trust me, honey, of course, talk to me. -You nuzzle your face in the crook of her neck and hold her tight.
-You... you think... -Her voice fades, speaking in such a low voice it's only a faint whisper in the air. -You think I've put on weight? I... I feel like my thighs and belly are getting bigger...
-Wait, honey, is that why you've been eating less? -You ask clearly concerned.
-I thought you wouldn't notice... -She says with a small crack on her voice.
-Babe... -You chuckle slightly obviously not trying to offend her. -I'm worried you might get sick if you don't eat well, for the rest, I don't care... -You start to caress her arms and belly trying to reassure her. -If you feel that you need to do so, I'll support you exercising or eating more veggies, but trust me. -You whisper closer to her ear with a loving voice. -You're perfect just the way you are. Bigger thighs? You know me, that's my favourite feature from you along with your smile and your aroma... Bigger belly? You're just more huggable.
Your words get to her heart, speeding it up so much she feels her own heartbeat on her ears, she goes red and flustered with your words up to the point a small tear of joy falls down her cheek.
-You... you mean it? -Her voice cracking almost going to cry.
-Babe, I really don't care, you can turn brunette instead of your pink hair, or perhaps go bobcut... Hell, you could go bald, gain weight, stop doing your makeup and I'll still love you with all my heart. -You let go of her belly and spin her around gently so she can face you, then you place your right hand on her cheek very gently, caressing slowly. -You're the love of my life, and there's absolutely nothing that could make me love you less.
She leans into your touch, feeling peaceful and reassured with your words, but the faint thought of her insecurities still linger in her brain.
-But... wouldn't you like me to be thinner? -She pouts avoiding your gaze.
-Why would I? Would you stop being Jung Eunbi if you changed or if you gained a pound or two?
-Well... no, but... -You gently lift up her chin to make her meet your eyes.
-No, right? I fell in love with Jung Eunbi, not the body of Jung Eunbi, as long as my baby is still there, I really don't care how you look. -Right after this you clean up the tear that threatens to fall down her cheek.
-You're just too kind to me, you're just saying those words... -She pouts.
Unable to think of anything else to say than the truth that reigns in your heart you just do the first thing that comes to your mind.
You quickly lean forward and press your lips softly against hers, you close your eyes and hum in content, your left hand wanders to her waist and presses her lower back, pushing her body against yours.
-Would you stop loving me if tomorrow I go bald? -You ask after separating your lips from hers.
Her cheeks are blushing wildly and she looks for her breath softly. -No... I wouldn't, but please don't do it, I love your curly hair. -She chuckles feeling reassured by your words and your actions.
-I won't babe, but you get my point, right?
-I... I do, thank you so much sweetie, I love you so much. -She hugs you and nuzzles against your chest, crying slightly out of pure joy and thankfulness by the thought of you loving her that much.
-I love you so much as well, my sweet Eunha.
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gildeddlily · 2 days
absolutely losing my mind because of these two!!!
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are these two actually toxic, or are they just kids who don't know how to communicate? easy, they're just kids! (this was fast)
reading the manga will not make you understand that (or im just stupid), and this is why I'm thanking the author on.my.knees for the spin-off!
after watching the anime I fled to ao3, of course. read some works about Rin and Isagi, managed to not spoil myself anything.
then i read the U20 arc. after reading every ryusae I could find (writing one myself rn, doing god's work) I finished to read the manga cause, yk, I wanted to know what would happen with my babies and then boom! Reo and Nagi!!!
I didn't particularly care about them at first: Nagi was strong ofc, but kind of boring? he's not my favourite archetype, and while I loved Reo I hated their fight and wanted nothing to do with them. key word(s), at first.
then, then! I randomly read some fics about them cause they'd started to grow on me, and boom, tons of fics about their breakup/makeup. stunning works, ofc, but I started to see so many "Reo's fault" "Nagi's fault" "toxic relationship" that I kind of started to get uncomfortable (sometimes people throw around the word toxic when it's nothing like that), so what's to do? read the spin off ofc.
that I did, and now not only I love them both with all of my heart, but I'm Reo's number one fan (and kinnie)!
and I developed a deep hatred for those "toxic x" theories and takes. SO. let me blabber and rant.
they love each other so much!!
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this is Nagi.
he thinks "damn, soccer/football is a pain, I hate sweating and running, but I don't hate Reo" even though most of the time he spends with Reo is spent playing soccer/football (I won't choose one english is so confusing- in italian it's literally called kick).
he doesn't feel forced to be Reo's friend, he likes it.
because Reo loves him, it's as simple as that.
he wants to be Nagi's friend "despite" Nagi's personality: this is something he currently says through the spin-off, which made me cry- Reo truly is the first person who ever accepted Nagi as someone who is lazy and unmotivated, who complains a lot, who doesn't put any effort in what he does, who doesn't offer much.
Or at least he thinks that he doesn't have anything special to offer, until Reo arrives.
he still has those terribly self-deprecating thoughts, but now he has something to offer, his talent.
(and after a period of happiness, their honeymoon phase one could call it, he starts to doubt the sincerity of Reo's care. from thinking "i'm not his slave, i'm his partner" he starts to doubt Reo's honesty: "maybe he only wanted to be my friend because of my talent, a talent he knows how to use"- since he still thinks that he's got nothing to offer! but we will talk about this later.)
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this is Reo!
he thinks "I wanted to be the one who could make you love soccer/football, the one able to light up something in you" but he also thinks "seeing you like that, even if it wasn't me who'd done that, made me happy".
he's so jealous he's almost funny, and isn't that the most teenager thing ever?
who wouldn't be jealous after working so hard to be special to someone, just for someone else to take the place you're working so hard for?
it's terrible, but still, it doesn't stop Reo from being happy that Nagi found something exciting.
something that made Nagi as happy as the combo Nagi-soccer/football made Reo happy.
the thing is, Nagi thinks he's Reo's friend because of his talent, which maybe it's true. maybe, hadn't Nagi been a genius, they wouldn't have become friends, but his talent was the sparkle that made him become Reo's treasure.
Reo is someone who has everything, who gets everything he wants, or as he says everything except what he really wants.
for that, he has to work.
so, what he wants is to play soccer/football, and to play it with Nagi.
(in order to be Nagi's friend, he needs to work hard, because he needs to be honest and gain Nagi's trust- this is how friendship works: even when it seems flawless and easy, there's so much work behind it, and knowing it is important. most of the times we only realise it once we lost that bond- for example, Nagi. Reo already knew it, and this is why he tried so hard to not leave Nagi's side)
at one point, the two things became linked to one another, and his dream turns into "winning with Nagi, my partner". Because Nagi is talented, is special, and Reo saw his talent, and how Nagi was unable to do the same. He wants to show Nagi that soccer/football is fun, that his talent isn't a pain, that he is special, because Nagi doesn't know it, and for Reo a star that doesn't see his its own light? is just preposterous.
He cares for Nagi and loves everything about him, even all the "bad" things, and he doesn't think that Nagi has to change, and this is what, for me, makes their break-up way more serious and relatable for a lot of people.
it triggers a "I'll change to be better" "for me you never had to change" "I need to change for myself" dynamic.
2. changing and longing is way more fun when you're doing it together!!!
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so they split up.
Nagi doesn't do it because he likes Isagi more, or because his style of play is more interesting, he does it because Isagi was stronger than Nagi and Reo: entering Blue Lock, Nagi had trust in Reo's ability to use his talent to win, he didn't even think about failing, and while Barou came close to making him feel like he could loose, Nagi overpowered him at the end- but then Isagi beats Nagi, and Reo with him.
Nagi understands that Reo's dream can't become reality if they aren't the strongest, and if being together doesn't work, maybe they should split up, part ways, become stronger and then join forces again, and win everything. win the world cup.
while his friendship with Isagi is sweet and I love them, for Nagi Isagi is like a cyclette.
he'll use the cyclette to get get fit and make his bf swoon over his legs, he won't stay with the cyclette once he doesn't need the training anymore. and even if he will, it will always be just the cyclette he uses to get fit "for" his bf.
(metaphor isn't metaphoring)
Reo doesn't know that.
he knows he's strong, but he knows that Isagi and Nagi are on a whole other level and he feels threatened. he fears that Nagi will choose Isagi instead of him, and he tries desperately to not loose Nagi.
Nagi is his dream. Slowly, day after day, Nagi became part of his dream, and now he's losing not only his best friend but the dream that made him free.
Reo says it himself- he knows that Nagi did the smartest thing by leaving, but he's young and scared and sees it as Nagi leaving him.
He feels abandoned, and he thinks that Nagi is abandoning his dream to go with the bigger fish, the apex predator, in order to become the best striker, by forgetting the promises they made at the start of Blue Lock, to stay together til the end.
Neither of them forgets the other.
Nagi leaves, and all he thinks about it "I need Reo to see this" "I can't wait to let him see how much I've improved", and he misses Reo, just as much as Reo misses him.
the only difference?
Reo is oblivious about Nagi's real feelings and thought process, and his thinking of Nagi turns into spiraling into depression and self-hatred.
so Nagi changes.
he starts to see the beauty in soccer/football, he finally sees what Reo had tried to make him see for months, and he's thrilled. he's having fun. he's grateful that Reo convinced him to not discard Blue Lock immediately. he's different.
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different why? because Isagi beat him? because Blue Lock happened?
he changed not when Isagi beat them, but the moment he became Reo's friend, and found a reason to do something.
because Reo was the first person to ever tell him that his laziness, boredom, his oh so troublesome antics were alright, that he was what he was, and he was enough not only for Reo, but for the whole world.
Reo accepted him even when he was set on being static, made him want to change, and now that he's changing he feels worthy of being loved so much.
"you saw something in me back then, you forced to me work hard, and now thanks to you I ('m on my way to) realised my own worth, now I found something exciting"
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he changes.
Reo sees him after what, a few days, and he's already improved so much.
and he thinks that he was Nagi's cage, his personal dead weight, that Nagi may have been his treasure but he wasn't Nagi's. that Nagi doesn't need him anymore. if Nagi doesn't need him, what will be of his dream?
(we could start a long-ass post ab mental health and recovering but I won't for my own sanity)
what's his worth then, since he got into Blue Lock just to stay with Nagi till the end- especially when he can't even be number two, with Isagi there- and Nagi won't be with him anymore?
he needs to change too.
3. destroying yourself in order to change (no fun)
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Reo says that he isn't brave enough to destroy himself like the others do.
Isagi, Barou, Nagi, Chigiri, they all destroy themselves in order to become stronger and change, evolve, but Reo can't. he's scared, he's confused, the whole arc is just him looking like that. then what does he do?
he lets Nagi destroy him. "If I can't do it, Nagi will" don't you understand you're doing exactly what you say you're unable to do? the fact that you're not the one pulling the trigger doesn't mean that you're not killing yourself
he pushes Nagi until he snaps and tells Reo to fuck off, that he's a pain, that he's weak and someone Nagi doesn't want anything to do with, because that's what Reo thinks.
He thinks Nagi doesn't want to be with him anymore, he's feeling guilty for what he thought (later later), he's insecure- and instead of being reasonable, he founds a way to confirm his "irrational" fears.
"I'm not being insecure since Nagi confirmed it"
he sabotages himself. that's the nail in the coffin.
instead of destroying himself with football/soccer, by learning from a lost match, he destroys himself with life, by putting on the line his relationship with the person he (not exaggerating) loves most in the world.
he's unable to distinguish life from soccer/football (and this will be the aspect that makes him so different from most of the other characters), because since meeting Nagi they've become one thing. soccer/football is his life, Nagi is his life, because they're his only chance at being happy.
(Nagi is able to distinguish between the court and Reo: this way, Reo is just as special as Isagi is, since Isagi may have made him see the fun in soccer/football, but Reo made him get angry. Nagi who thinks that his strong quality is the fact he never gets angry, that he's a pacifist. Isagi is his soccer/football revolution, Reo is his life revolution.
Reo can't. they all insult each other on the field, but they're all friends afterwards. not Reo. not yet)
now he's lost Nagi, and his dream, and he has to pick himself up from the ground.
this is how Reo changes.
4. miscommunication is a beast
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As I said before, Nagi starts to think that Reo only cared about him because of his talent. he's angry at Reo. he doesn't understand why Reo said those things, why he was so stupid, why he didn't understand Nagi.
he says "I'm not his toy" and he isn't, but really, try to get into his shoes.
he thinks his partner, his best friend, doesn't believe in them as a duo anymore, doesn't want to believe in them like he used to now that Nagi has changed, now that he's more "independent" from Reo.
"what, now that I know how to fight alone, he doesn't want me anymore?" that would be anyone's first thought.
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and he doubts Reo's trust in their dream.
when did Reo start to have so little faith in them, in Nagi? when did he give up on them? he thinks that, after spending weeks trying to improve just to make Reo's dream true.
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and he's angry, but he still hopes to play with Reo again.
he still want to, because him and Reo are partners and Nagi still believes in their dream. because he remembers Reo's passion, and he believes in him.
+) 5. being relatable as fuck
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(what kid with absent/abusive parents never thought back on their action and went anxiously all "Am I just like them?")
Reo begs Nagi to stop being so strong, stop improving so quickly, stop running towards a place Reo can't reach yet, and isn't this a human thing to do? He desperately wants to be with Nagi, and thinks that he'd rather stop him from improving rather than lose him. He thinks "Please, give up on your dream, your ego"- and isn't that familiar?
he just thought the same thing his father, a man he hates and despises and who doesn't believe in Reo, told him. and he said that to Nagi. Nagi who gave him a ticket to the top by being at his side, who let him see hope.
he panics. am I just like him? Am I cruel enough to wish for someone to give up on their dreams, just to get something out of their failure?
he's different from his father, because he's seventeen, he's scared to lose his best friend, and we can be irrational in situations like this one. does he know it? no, the same way he doesn't understand that Nagi didn't left because of him.
so yes, he's in the worst head-space ever.
isn't he relatable? this is what that made reo my favourite character in a second, probably. he's so human and he makes so many mistakes and he's so stupid sometimes, but I can see myself in him very clearly.
and now.
in what way is their relationship not balanced? their love and care not mutual? in what way one used or manipulated the other?
I think they're flawed, and they made mistakes, and they hurt each other, but I also think that we throw in the word "toxic" the moment a relationship isn't perfect.
they're friends and they're teens, they will make mistakes and they will hurt each other, and their friendship (and they were roommates) won't be perfect- this doesn't make it less genuine or beautiful.
don't get me started on what happens in the manga (really don't do it) (all of this was just nagi's spin off!!!)
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