#i don't know why i wrote this this is actually really upsetting omg
jjwho · 2 months
What You Need To Hear RN.
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Pile 1
Cards pulled out: Seven of cups, Nine of cups, The highpriestess and Five of cups
You have a lot of options laid in front of you or are coming in, but it may have not been the thing or option you have been seeking, but it could be something that's taking you on the right path, but I see you being upset or more focused on this other option you'd like have instead of looking at these many options being given to you. The way you may be looking at your situation right now might be you only seeing yourself having to take this path step by step in your way, but you may not understand that these other options will lead you to your future dreams or your future career path ect ect where you're actually happy doing what you're doing. Be okay with not knowing what's coming towards you and learn to not be so upset and stuck on the last because you weren't able to take the path "that was right for you", because there's a reason why you weren't able to take that path and that's why you have many options coming in now or are in front of you now, because your path is taking you to a different place which will still keep you happy in the end with your true dreams coming true in the end.
Signs: white butterflies, red wine, stars, Aries, virgo, pisces and Sagittarius. Green vines, 777, 333
Pile 2
Cards pulled out: Five of cups, five of swords, hermit and four of wands
Omg, I literally wrote this whole bitch ass thing out and it didn't save. Idk maybe that'd how you've been feeling lately pile 2. Anyways so let me try to retype everything exactly as how I remembered it if I can remember. You may have been going through some unexpected changed or something unexpected might have been stoned upon you so that had you really depressed and not feeling good at all causing you to want to surrender and give up to your circumstances that are put on you and you just feel so destroyed. It's time for you to really look back at this and really think is this is the right decision and just give time to yourself to reflect and think things through as you should know that you hold so much power and it might seem that you don't but you do, take pride in your achievements and take back what's yours from the people whether it's fake friends, or bitchass family members, take back what's yours. Honestly. Likeee. Better your self esteem girl you need it and celebrate what you've gone through and achieved with some real friends and family and their support will give you enough courage to take back what's yours with sass.
Signs:Violet blue, green eyes, green apples, parachute song.
Pile 3
Cards pulled out: Four of swords, seven of pentacles, five of pentacles and the lovers
Pile 3 you need to rest-
You've been working really hard and you should take a break, you could be working off financial debts or student loan debts and we get that but that can cause you to go off balance, you should learn to work and also give yourself time to rest cause you gave yourself a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights and are disturbing your studying or just your normal life routine. Learn how to ask people for help if you need, don't assume you can handle everything at once. If a person truly cares about you they'd help without a second thought. But mainly learn how to be in harmony with your body, mind and soul and self care is essential for you to step up girlie.
That's all that's coming through so the reading is super short
Signs: cereal, white wans, documentaries, student in university, medical field.
Pile 4
Cards pulled out:six of cups, queen of cups, lovers and ace of pentacles
Pile 4 it seems like love and stability is coming in for you. With love to come in you may need to emotionally heal yourself and reflect on your childhood and childhood trauma and maybe connect with your inner child or you next partner may be someone who reminds you of your childhood and that's why spirits wants you to heal on your last as you may try to run away from this lover or get triggered by this person. Be more gentle with yourself and be aware of your own emotional needs and don't shame yourself for having needs. I see you needing stability when it comes to these things before your next partner can come in. But that's all im getting pile 4
Signs: Aries, blue moon, riviera, ocean, water, blue glass, dark roses
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artemistalkstoomuch · 4 months
All of My Opinions on the Mean Girls Musical Movie
Firstly, loved all the original film references. Of course the obvious ones like having the same lines, the thing about fetch being slang from an old movie, but also!!
. Janis' suit being purple for spring fling!! and omg let's not even talk about how pretty Aul'il Cravalho was throughout the entire film. Her eye make-up was so impressive
. that part in Sexy where they're cycling through potential outfits and one of them is the white shirt with the purple bra holes cut out !!
Slightly upset about the fact they cut out Meet the Plastics and it ended up being more like, Meet Regina, but I get that. On the topic of songs, I understand a lot of them were cut out because they were "too theatrical" but I can still miss em!! Truthfully when I heard the new Stupid With Love I was devastated because it's one of my favourite songs and they fucking tiktokified it, but I actually think it works really well in the film- it gets the "cringy first proper love" aspect across, which is its purpose, so I'm happy.
AND THE PRINCIPAL AND MS NORBURY ARE TOGETHER which was actually adorable, and I didn't think about the fact that could be something that happened, but I'm very happy it did.
The bus at the end of Rather Be Me was such a jumpscare but also so funny. THEY MISSED OUT THE DIALOGUE TO DO IT THOUGH SADD. Plus she was so goofy that entire song?? Why was she running in and out of all of those random rooms.
The rumours spreading via phones looked half cool, but it's dated the film imo, which is what Tina Fey originally set out to avoid! Like "fetch" was made up slang so in years to come the film wouldn't seem cringy for having slang teens actually used to use at the time.
Big drum-roll: We did not see enough of Regina's meanness to actually justify her being a mean girl. A lot of it got filtered out through songs, and the majority of stuff was just her, like, responding badly to sexism?? Also tell me how I'm gonna villanise Renee Rapp she fucking SLAYED what a queen.
Also WHERE IS COACH CARR'S SEXUAL ASSAULT. THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON MS NORBURY GETS ARRESTED!!?? That, to me, is one of the biggest indicators in the original film of just how powerful the "Mean Girls" are, they know about this, and the other teachers don't. Not only that, but it highlights just how immature they are, because they don't do anything about it. They're girls who run the school, without having any sympathy or context to do something about bad stuff they know happens. It's just "a funny thing to write". Not having that made me sad tbh.
Changing the line to "you wrote this" in World Burn was clever but I wish we got to see more of the girls turning on each other, rather than direct fighting.
Where was the 4 way phone call, DEVASTATING. We literally did not see the plastics actually interact with each other. There was no meanness, no impact, all we got were the "events" when OTHER THINGS HAPPEN. You could say it lost a lot of filler, but the filler was actually context! And part of what makes the film so good!
Devastated she doesn't say "damn you're mine" in Someone Gets Hurt. I do think it's hilarious they just didn't make the actor guy for Aaron sing at all lol
"That filter you use looks just like me" WHY. I appreciate the change from the line about weight but like, this DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. at least say "that filter you use has nothing on me" THE WHOLE POINT IS SHE'S ABOVE IT
I didn't like the extended version of Revenge Party, sorry, too used to the old version
And I did not like the girlbossification of Sexy. I get it's supposed to be powerful like "watch me as I run the world in shoes I cannot walk in" but I feel like the whole point of "I expect to run the world in shoes I cannot walk in" is supposed to point out the irony, like, being slightly critical of "modern feminism". I will say though that the wobble from avantika as she says that is superb.
Overall I thought the film was enjoyable and a nice blend of the original film and the musical, but I think both ended up losing individual meaning because of how much they intersect. You don't have time to appreciate the lyrics and power of the musical because you don't hear them all, and some of them get cut, and you can't follow the plot in a meaningful way because the songs are happening, and they skip a lot of context to fit them in.
Would totally watch it again though, if only to see Renee Rapp say "get in loser" cos she actually nailed that
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allamericansbitch · 5 months
i'm sorry if this makes me sound like i'm overreacting or something, but i truly can't get over the way swifties have already turned the m*tty thing into just some blip, some month that aged us all or whatever, some shitty rebound bc "everyone makes bad choices". she made the choice to be incredibly public with a man who was doing nazi salutes and admitting he watched porn of black women being brutalized (among so much more). and then when fans of color talked about how upset we were, she doubled down. called it "cancel culture" or whatever. like..... did everyone collectively forget about that? everyone 'makes bad decisions especially after brutal breakups' is such a shitty excuse like do we ?? make decisions to date gross men who go against every moral we claim to have ?? who is "everyone" ??
idk as a fan of color that entire thing still hurts and what has hurt even more is seeing swifties rationalize it or act like it wasn't that big of a deal like 'omg she's so chaotic look what she put us through that month'. i have loved her for so long and i thought she also cared about her fans similarly that was a moment where i really was slapped in the face with the reality that it may be a show and she may actually not care as much as she says she does. and it's so painful for white fans to try to tell me i'm overreacting or wrong or don't know/care about her.
you're so right and as soon as the news of the breakup came out i said how everyones gonna diminish all of it and make it look small and even joke about it. taylor publicly dated a vocal bigot who said slurs and did so many terrible things. and when there was valid pushback, she made it into some 'im a grown women who can do what she wants, why are a mans actions blamed on the women' white feminism bullshit. she enabled racist, ableist, homophobic, antisemitic behavior and didnt see a problem with any of it.
and fans who gave her the benefit of the doubt and wrote it all off as 'she's just heartbroken and going through something' or 'we've all made bad choices in heartbreak' is so.... telling. like you openly admitting to dating racists or at least being okay with it is wild. and stop saying 'we' because believe it or not, any decent person would have racist, ableist, homophobic, antisemitic actions as a dealbreaker. but taylor didnt.
it's not a just a 'bad choice' or 'chaotic behavior'. she approved and enabled racist, ableist, homophobic, antisemitic behavior. she openly showed she was a bad person and any fan who writes it off as anything less is also one and im so sorry they made you feel like you were overreacting due to their under-reaction.
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futuregws · 8 months
Here's my unwanted final opinion on the bear:
Whoever wrote the script or honestly the people that made the show in general actually, they deserve all the fucking awards, it's so well written and what I love the most is the character development in every single character even the smaller ones, it was beautiful, it was refreshing the way they wrote women on this show even though I'm a little confused over Claire and why they thought it was a good idea to include her, I know what people think she was "used" for, but idk if that's actually what they were going for, but anyway other than that all the other women?? Perfect, Natalie and Sydney and the little bond they developed, fucking adorable. This last episode was really good but I was expecting it to end a little less sad and maybe this is just me being way to hopeful (probably) the shit Carmy said to Claire without knowing he was saying it to her at the time was so mean, and that to me just makes it veryyyy clear that he still needs a shit ton of therapy, bc he could totally have dated Claire and still done a brilliant job at the restaurant, I don't love Claire and I've said it before she needed to chill with some stuff but my heart broke a little for her having to hear that, but what REALLY destroyed my heart was that nasty fight between Richie and Carmy they were both so mean to each other but Carmy just reached a level that I don't think we have ever seen his character at before, anyway I started the show not really liking Richie but by the end of season 2 I gotta say I do like him he can really be a sweetheart and he showed that in the last two episodes, and I'm very proud of him not gonna lie, and Tina?? Ugh that woman where she was and where she is now, the character development/growth wow. About the scene of Carmy and his panic attack and people basically ignoring the fact that he was a having a panic attack for shipping purposes (bc that's what it felt like to me) bc you know "he started thinking about Syd and he calmed down" blah blah blah, I saw a gif set of this with someone saying that and I was like, oh interesting, but knowing how shippers in general are I was like, okay but is that the full context?? And no it really wasn't, what they showed was very surface level and people saw the images and were like omg they are in love but completely chose to forget the images before and the context of what day it was, like yeah he calmed down remembering her bc just like Jeremy has said he knows that Syd is there for him, he started this with her and now he's opening it, they both share the same passion and knowledge and they know they can rely on each other so yeah obviously he calmed down I have severe anxiety and I can't tell you the amount of times that at school I would think about people around me that made me feel even a little bit comfortable just so I could calm down and get something done and why was I thinking about those people it's not bc I was in love hell no, it's bc I knew I could trust them in a way and could count on them, if I needed anything they are there I'm not doing it alone, and thats the whole ass point that is being missed and I think is so upsetting honestly. Finishing this show and now having the scene of Carmy stuck in the walk in freezer and basically every way he acted with his feelings towards Claire (which in my opinion weren't that strong but okay) tells me that Carmy does not need a romantic partner that man needs a new therapist and that's what makes sense for his character. Let me try to make this last part short bc it's already huge, Marcus needs to learn how to deal with rejection goddamn why did he have to yell at Syd, anyway I have my own thoughts on Syd's "romantic" life but this is already too long so I'm gonna end it here lol
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eff-plays · 8 months
can we get more of your feelings about the durge/astarion stuff pretty please?? because i feel SO vindicated after reading your thoughts and am almost resentful of durge/astarion stuff having everyone so "they're made for each other!" and "they're canon!", it feels so invalidating towards tav/astarion. i really don't like durge either; i have one canon character when i play rpgs and dark urge does not fit them in the slightest 😓
if i wanted to put an understanding spin on it, i guess that's the trade off for having your own custom character with a back story you've created, and at least astarion is so incredibly loving towards tav and talks repeatedly about how incredible they are and how much he cares for them. but i do absolutely have SO many created scenarios in my head where my tav breaks down with their own traumas and ptsd, and astarion is there to comfort and help them through it, because god knows we don't get any of that in the actual game 😭 (i hope this made sense omg, i just love your opinions and want to hear them all)
Honestly I am not generally in the business of having too many opinions on things I haven't personally tried or experienced, so what you've seen so far of my opinions on Durge/Astarion is basically the extent of it, and my reasoning for deciding not to try it in the first place.
However, I can offer some further vindication in that I think saying "they're made for each other" or "they're canon" is such a dipshit and factually incorrect take that it's pretty much not worth getting upset over. People can say and think whatever they want, that doesn't always make it true, particularly not when it comes to RPGs that are meant to be played as you want them. People who say this are fundamentally misunderstanding the concept of an RPG, and they're probably stupid, and their opinions aren't worth considering or taking seriously. Or, they're just trying to upset you and they feel smug about their own choices, in which case you should still ignore them.
Like, I hate Ascended Astarion, but I'm not gonna say Spawn Astarion is canon. If I do say it, I will clarify that it's canon for me, because it is, but canon in general? It would be literally, factually untrue. So why would I say that unless I'm wilfully obnoxious and smug about my choices? Or just dumb? Which I am, but not like that.
Iirc Larian encouraged people to play custom origin for their first playthrough, and people did, and most people tried going for Astarion. That means that, statistically, a shitton of people have Tav/Astarion as their main pairing. Why would they encourage this if it's apparently not canon? Why shoot themselves in the foot by offering an apparently inferior experience first?
Also, just because one writer wrote stuff for one character because they had the time to do so, does not make it somehow the definitive answer. It was clearly not intended to be the only romance where Durge gets a specific variation, I doubt Larian would do that, so it's basically an accident, or at least unintentional.
That being said, even if it was intentional, who's to say it's a good thing? Harkening back to my Dragon Age days, I remember people saying that Andrastian human was clearly the intended experience, and the game struggled to accommodate any other race/class. Does that make it canon? Or just bad game design/writing?
Obviously not saying Larian did a bad job, clearly they did a good job if people are going to bat for it this obnoxiously, but the logic is equally flawed.
I do have issues with Durge in general as a concept (mostly cuz I just don't understand the logic behind including it aside from ... previous game fanservice?) but I haven't even graduated from gamer school yet so I won't get into that.
Also, one thing abt Tav I love that Durge misses out on is just the sheer ballsiness and comedy of rocking up to Bhaal's secret temple and killing all his guys and just not even being involved in any of that shit at all. Durge gets all that angst and drama, sure, and Orin is soo important apparently, but she died in two rounds for me. TWO. Imagine being just some fucking guy who fucks up your shit so bad that you have to restart everything. That amuses me to no end.
So ... there's that, lmao.
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depthofpixels · 17 days
jumping back on here to say, hey, I turned 25 last thursday! and, i really need to rant about the latest episode of dimension 20 so if you're into that hit that read more.
OKAY, so Porter is this seasons BBEG (with Jace Stardiamond as a surpising partner in his grand plan ), total twist. At first I assumed Brennan pulled that out of his ass after how much Fig and Gorgug disliked Porter this season, but Brennan said he's been sitting on this for 5 years irl.
let's take a step back: season 1 episode 3 of FH, Jace and Porter BOTH run in to the cafeteria after the fight in episode 2, after the kids run out and tell Goldenrod about what had happened. Looking back on it, it was weird as hell that they went in there, they did nothing but canvas the area before Riz's mom came to the school. They were totally (probably) trying to get Gorgug and Kristen in on the plan, but that didn't because of how unpredictable Arthur Ageufort is, which is why their plan was finally able to go to fruition when AA when on vacation.
If I remember correctly, in season 1 Brennan makes a lot of hint to Porter's lineage at various points. It feels, not obvious, but it's clear that Brennen set a lot of things up with the intentions of following whatever line of plot the intrepid heroes seemed most interested in. (he totally was not expecting Ally to change deities so many times, or them hyping up Galier so much, or the Night Yorb/Garthy word scramble from Riz, but he probably had the Porter-is-Evil-And-Connected-To-The-Nightmare-King shit locked in from day one. )
ON TOP OF THAT, they needed the bad kids to be the ones to kill interim-principal Grix. If anyone else did so, the bad kids would think that Grix being dead tied into a bigger plan, which lol it did. After the election, the new student body president will be the new school principal which allows them to remove AA's wards around the school which stops Elmville from being moved anywhere else. At first, I was confused about how longterm successful this plan could be with AA coming back, but it literally wouldn't matter. If the town is in the Astral Plane, devoid from time and space, he'd have to know that's where it was to even begin to find it, he couldn't even use chronomancy since it is OUTSIDE OF TIME, i love this show omg.
AND OISIN OH MY GOD YOU FUCKING SCALY SHIT. the ping pong balls. i though they were balls of awkward teenage flirting, but no. they balls of BETRAYAL. i rooted for you, we all rooted for you! I still have faith that the "rat grinders" are going to become uncorrupted and this all works out. they're kids, it'd be wild to decide to kill them despite knowing they weren't this bad before two grown ass adult men met them, let them die/got them killed/killed them and resurrected them with the sole intentions of using actual children for their own personal gain.
ALSO ALSO, Jace Stardiamond or Porter totally killed those kids at the mountain of chaos. 100%. You're telling me Jace chaperoned these kids on their adventure and all of them just ended up dead and resurrected and he had nothing to do with it? Really. Now, is there a chance that Jace was just helping the kids and Porter killed them all, including Jace? Sure. But, I think they picked these kids specifically, maybe due to KC's anger/bitterness, maybe because of Lucy. But this was for sure premeditated. Also, it looks like Jace and Porter (...And Porter and Zara) have a thing going on so I'm not sure he'd be cool with getting killed by his fuck-buddy, but maybe their just freaky like that idk.
I wrote all this to say, if you are like me and also GM/DM on games, don't be upset when players call out hidden plot points that you haven't gotten to yet, reward them for paying attention when you eventually do reveal that plot point! Ah! 10/10 episode, we should all be watching D20.
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beah388love · 1 month
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Your on your period
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel:it was the middle of science class and you was sitting next to miguel and demetri , a couple of minutes past and you jusy knew and remembered you was due so you began to panick because you didnt have any pads or tampons with you, miguel noticed you was acting weird so he wrote down on a piece of paper 'are you okay? ♡︎' you wrote back no and he quietly whispered to you "whats wrong?" "im on my period and i dont know what to do" you whispered berg quietly back. He put his hand up and said "y/n feels ill can i walk her to the nurse sir" the teacher said yes and you both went to a shop to buy you pads or tampons(or anything you prefer) once you had found a bathroom and sorted yourself out you wouldnt stop thanking him and apoligizing for wasting his time,be immediately told you to stop apoligizing and took you too his house to have a movie marathon and cuddle.
Eli/hawk:you get very hormonal on your period and perticularly today your emotions were everywhere and you was watching peppa pig(idk why lmao) but in the episode you was watching susy was just plain evil and you started crying like having a full mental breakdown and when hawk heard you crying he immediately ran up to you and asked you whats wrong "s-susy is such a bad f-friend" you said between sobs "whos susy?" Hawk replied in a very confused tone and you just pointed to the tv "are you being serious?" Hawk said which made you cry even more "n-no! Dont cry its okay i-uh susy is a horrible friend" he said trying to comfort you and you just kept crying ,when hawk caught on that you was on your period throughout the day he went to a corner shop and got you your fav/f and he got you some more pads or tampons(or whatever u prefer) and he tried to not say anything that would offend you or make you sad for the rest of the day.
Demetri:you and Demetri were cuddling in his bed with your head on his chest and Demetri was gonna pee himself so he sprinted to the toilet and when he came back he turned the light on and that's when he saw it the red stain under you and on your shorts "OMG-ARE YOU OKAY ARE YOU DYING?" Demetri was screaming at you thinking that you was dying and bleeding to death "please don't die" he nearly had a heart attack until you told him you was on your period "oh- I-uh are you okay?" Demetri was now as red as a tomato  "yea but uh I need pads/tampons(or whatever your prefer) demetri went to the store to get you some but didn't know which ones you like or if you even have a preference so he texted you And when you told him what they looked like or the name he got them and bought you some snacks too. When he got back he washed his bedsheets and put new ones on and gave you some of his joggers to wear (which were really baggy on you) and then you guys are snacks and did a movie marathon of all your favourite films.
Robby:Robby would usually keep track of your period because he found it really stupid asking you all the time because you would get mad or sad at him cause of your mood swings so instead he just kept track and when he checked in the morning and saw you was due he bought some of your fav things and some pads/tampons(or whatever you prefer) because you was running out and then you guys chilled at his house and whenever you got a bad cramp he would give you a heating pad and massage your stomach.
Young daniel larusso:he knew instantly because you was always really sensitive on your period and would cry over the littlest things so he tried his best to not say anything that would make you upset or annoyed and when he did he would immediately not talk until you said it was okay for him to again and it might sound bad to others but you both knew it would stop unnecessary arguments and meltdowns for you both so you guys would just cuddle and watch films together all day.
Young johnny lawrence:Johnny knew what a period was but he never actually knew what it was if that makes sense so when you told him you was on yours he was very confused on what he should like if he should hug you or not touch you so he kind of did a mixture of both which was making you really upset because you didn't know why he was acting like that and confronted him after a day or two "Johnny why are you being like this?" You said randomly while you both were cuddling "what do you mean?" He answered back genuinely confused "well you keep being really cuddly and clingy and then you won't even touch me" Johnny knew exactly what you meant now and went bright red "I-uh I'm sorry I just didn't know if you wanted me to touch you or not i mean I've never had to deal with a girl on her uh what's it called?" he said "a period?" You answered "yeah! That's what it's called god that been bugging me all day" he said making you laugh "Johnny you can cuddle me if I'm on my period ,I mean like don't overdo it y'know just be how you usually are" "how I usually am?" He said kind of not believing you "yes how you usually are" you giggled. After that Johnny would act normally around you but he would still be extra kind to you because he knew that periods hurt from seeing you in pain from cramps before.
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reclusivedouche · 11 months
Riverdale 7x12 Thoughts
This two boys opening, where Archie and Reggie are obviously on a bisexual journey
Leave Julian Blossom in a coma tbh
Especially how Clifford wants to blame Reggie like bro your stupid kid did the thing
I think Archie should sock Clifford Julian-style bc honestly Clifford could not take Archie
Sheriff Keller really is the worst version of himself in season 7 like he is so much worse at Sheriff-ing
Juggy defending Ethel from going back to the sisters like just kiss her already omg
Alice is absolutely insane omg the way she is just like my mother where she acts like she isn't a fucking asshole
Honestly if she was gonna like fake adopt Ethel she should've given her Betty's room
The way every episode is like Archie having to ponder while someone (Reggie, or the gays) are going through it like he is a fool but like I love him anyway but
the storytelling choices
It truly never occurred to Veronica she could break into her own home like?
OMG Mrs. Thornton is so dirty for just reading Archie's poem out loud and then naming him as the author to the whole class
Archie looking so pressed while she reads it is the same energy I had when I had to sit through my own play being read at a showcase
Push him out the window
Additionally, tho, has Archie broken bread with Kevin and Clay over the gay things??
Sports where we're really saying bulldog brother in distress
this stupid comic book thing I need to know what Francis Dupont Werthers is DOING
Am absolutely loving that Ethel is actually getting story ???
Or another boy (or girl w/e)
Not Julian tho
That fucker
Honestly Archie should also punch Uncle Frank for being stupid
Betty looked so upset when she thought Archie and Reggie were coming over
Old white men wanting to go back to the old days??? Always a red flag
Clifford is really out here threatening to kill Cheryl as if he did not kills Jason 65 years ago in the future or whatever
Omg my friend had to tell me the song was from South Pacific and now that I know, I'm having a very visceral memory of the time I was in South Pacific (as the only non-singing part tho lmao)
There were a lot of gross men in that bc they could sing (and I mean the actors not the like characters tho...)
The choreo is so much better in Riverdale tho
Even if it involves Kevin
Like could Clay kiss a hot man? Idk
Betty getting a gay ex boyfriend like? Good for her. But like get rid of Kevin
Veronica is so thirsty and I'm so into it except when she's being a predator to out gays (to herself)
Dilton having a huge dick tho is my absolute favorite throwaway detail like yes
Is this thing where Mrs. Thornton is suddenly like the teacher is bc she's the one who's gonna be accused of communism
Is that happening next week with the outings? Eek
The comic boss dude being like immediately ready to have Ethel draw like yes I love it
He's dead I mean literally you killed him lol
Very pleased we actually get to see Mary working part time at the dress shop
The way they speak to her like she is the one who curates the dresses being sold
I simply don't understand why we have to have Brett Weston Wallace but we don't also get Donna like give us Donna!
Let the boys kiss while they do the dishes
Justice for Ethel!!!
Is Jughead still drinking powdered milk or is that gone now that the milkman is dead
I better see a canon kiss between Betty and Veronica in a future episode or ELSE
Love only getting Polly in name tho I'm sure we'll have to deal with her at some point this season
Betty is also the ultimate ex-girlfriend
Okay tho Mary then reading the riot act to Alice, who is completely unbothered lmao
They will legitimately drag anyone to Riverdale but never Katy Keene give us KATY
I heard the good word from the bird
Jughead is wise beyond his years??? Somewhere in there is a memory of the future!
Veronica called Betty ;-;
These boys are going to WRESTLE
Just let them kiss my god
Archie asking Reggie to wear his dad's patch
Like Reggie knows Archie likes to write poems
Write him a poem
Also are we gonna have to see Archie at the Dark Room lmao
Ugh okay next week is gonna be a full trip I am not ready
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sxfik · 1 year
Omg dud you finally get around to reading witchshadow?? What are your all over thoughts??
omg hello!! and yes i did! i actually ended up rereading the whole series because it's been literally seven years (saying that outloud makes it so much more real wtf). it took me a while bc my god are those books a l o t to get through for me now.
i mean idk if i need to preface this since you were literally there but like... i was one of like the 10 people that was active about this series on here when it started back in the 2016-2017 era. like i love this series, and to this day i've kept the username and all the stuff i wrote for it, so just like idk a disclaimer: im not here to hate or anything, just truly mourning something i really loved.
overall thoughts: witchshadow was so disappointing. like resoundingly disappointing. there was so many things i had issues with, and idk if i even have enough time and words to describe it. i feel like this whole series suffered from having too many complex plot points and too many characters introduced five books into a six book series. not to mention the amount of lore and words that is dropped into the books with little to no explanation of what they mean and what they indicated in this world? like how is it book five and i still don't understand what a domna truly is?
i feel like the complexity balance was really held well up until witchshadow, when it literally just got so confusing that none of the characters felt like themselves? also the weird timeline for this book did not help. like jesus christ this book is complex as it is, how are you making it harder for us??
like a) iseult. i felt like she was overshadowed in her own book, i wanted to know about her nomatsi heritage and literally so much about her like the other books did for the main characters, but this felt so disappointing. where was all the worldbuilding you set up for this moment? why did esme just get downgraded all of a sudden? and also just... she doesn't feel like she made any character improvement/her arc went backwards?
b) safi was just? stupid in this book? how did she have a negative character arc. like i know she's supposed to be reckless and making impulse and stupid plans, but her character felt reduced to just that. like first and second book safi: i knew why she was making these decisions, even if they backfired, but this just feels like a mockery of her character. and i love safi, and i wish she had a way better arc than she did, and got treated with the same book time as isuelt and aeduan.
and also god, the weird emperor/safi bs was so unbareable. she's literally like 18 in this book (i actually thought she was closer to 19/20 but whatever i guess she's 18 here). every scene with them was so werid and uncomfortable. (especially that weird one where she walks in while he has sex what the fuck was going on there) why was she desperate to have sex with what i assume to be like a 60 year old??? i had to force myself to read through these parts and not skip them
and god the hellbards. i loved them at first but im getting sick of them taking over the story. why are they so important that they essentially replace both merik and practically the whole main cast of characters. why are they mentioned at every turn? if they were this important, why didnt you introduce them sooner?
c) why does safi and iseult just not have any interaction. its literally been five books bro the seperation arc is enough (and yes i fully consider them separated) !! why have they had 0 character development together?? they're arguably the center of this series, and what started this whole chase, and yet we've gotten maybe one book and a half of them actually growing together. how is this gonna turn out for the final book when you have maybe 600 pages and 6 characters to get through?
d) where the fuck was merik. hes literally a main character how did he disappear??
e) the whole vivia/stix to vivia/vaness makes me. upset. i dont understand the decision to make them threadsisters when they were vivia was gay panicking about her 24/7 in windwitch. literally 0 buildup for something that feels like it came out of nowhere. why are they like siblings now, it feels so so so weird. i honestly have so much more to say about this and yet im still upset
now this might seem like such a hateful rant, and i promise it's not hate, it's just frustration at what seemed like such an excellent book series. and honestly, up until bloodwitch i was doing fine and then this book was just... so different to the rest of the series. i know susan was forced to combine the books into one, and so maybe that's why, but idk man, this felt so disappointing.
i love foreshadowing and worldbuilding when it's done right, and i think it was doing great until this book. a lot of stuff felt like plot twists out of nowhere, with no rhyme or reasoning to it. it just didn't feel like a witchlands book if you get what i feel. honestly, out of love and time for this series, i think i'll be reading the final book as well in the series, hoping things get fixed and we get to see characters that were beloved back again.
(p.s. how are you? its been so long!!)
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urwendii · 8 months
OC game
tagged by @crysdrawsthings THANK YOU you just made my evening with this omg !!! I have a LOT of bg OCs but these ones are the one with actual fleshed out stories:
under the cut because i wrote a lot as usual
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Favorite OC | Dumbest (Affectionate) OC | OC I would be best friends with:
-> [Original Story] LUKAN. L U K A N. listen sorry, Aryn knows why, we talk abt him a lot. Luk, he's just the best, he's that dumb part of me that likes to tinker with everything and gets electrocuted because why checking if the power is still on when you can solder that component right away? he's a Prince in a fantasy world, but he has ADHD with the Hyper streak at 200%, he loves to make things but most of his inventions would end up blowing up at some point, he's totally clueless about some social situations, he is helplessly in love with Cyra but goes about it in the utterly wrong way and def has a kink in getting rejected / sassed away.
He's the type to get distracted mid-battle because Would you look at this great invention in the enemy's new catapult system!! while his poor soldiers are holding on for dear life trying to defend their Prince.
he's meme material but he's the very best and has his moments.
Newest OC:
-> [Tolkien] AMARËA !!!!! i love Amarëa she's my new Maia blorbo and I love her. Bit spoilerish but I think by now everyone interested in reading All The Fire Bright have read the Reveal so... She's Arien's daughter (andmairon's). Sung into being, and just about as annoying as a child of these two can be. Jk. she's a child. Children are of course delightful :) She however has the annoying tendency to revert to her spirit form - a ball of fire when upset. children amiright...Ossë is her favourite uncle but no one is surprised. She had a child crush on Finrod before the exile of the Noldor. I like irony as you can see. Thats a difficult conversation she will have with her dad later :)
Oldest OC:
-> [SWTOR] That would be Althia I think. She was my 1st Marauder with a terrible past (like most of my OCs ngl), young babey Jedi who got kidnapped by a Sith and raised in the academy on Korriban and ended up being the Emperor's Wrath (while still being light side because take that!)
Now I miss swtor...
Meanest OC
-> [Tolkien] I don't really have mean OCs as per say, just really sassy ones but maybe the rudest would be Aramírë, one of Aulë's Maiar. She's featured in PYL as one of the few Maiar joining Ossë in trying to bring Mairon back before he does something stupid (again). She's bold and confident and doesn't take shit from wannabe-emo-dark-lord sulking away on Númenor.
-> [SWTOR] edit: Actually my meanest OC would be Marha. She was my Jedi Knight. Jedi with a complicated relation with the Republic, was Fallen at some point, ends up as the Alliance Commander against Zakuul. Aurea's Twin sister although they grew up separately when Marha and her mother fled the invasion of their native planet by Zakuul. (Altathea - a planet of the largest community of Miraluka in this region of the galaxy.) Hates the Emperor with her whole being. Mostly a neutral Jedi, have seen too much war to be unaffected and doesn't hesitate to make the tough calls. Definitely has a cold demeanor but captivity + possession + forced leadership after second captivity by your first jailor's son will do that to you.
Softest OC:
-> [SWTOR] Aurea. my Miraluka babe, part of Zakuul's Force army and Thexan's betrothed (well before Arcann rudely nuks him) She's the softest, and goes through SO MUCH emotional horrors. She's gorgeous though and a skilled Force healer. Has an unbreakable tight bond with her Scion teammate, Elhaan. Might end up in an ot3 with him and Thexan at some point.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC | Smartest OC:
-> [Original Story] Cyra. Lukan's L.I. My autistic child <3. About the smartest person in the room at all time. She loves books more than she loves people, hates wearing shoes and loud noises, emotions are ...complicated and there are so many of them to try to guess in others. She's of dragon kin and wears some recognisable features as such. Will bite you with poisonous fangs if you try to kiss her. Princess of The Old Times(tm), has a huge memory and will weaponise it against you. Cursed. Secretly lonely.
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penny00dreadful · 8 months
💔⛔️ for the asks!
omg Klaus! Thanks so much!
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Hm. Kinda? I don't know if this is intended to be a question about a fic I wrote that hurt me in a good way because it was so full of angst, or a fic that I wrote that people were unhappy with.
My angst filled fics ususally don't hurt me because I know how they'll end and I always do happy endings so there's never too much hurt there for me 😈
I suppose if it's one fic where reader reaction was a little unhappy if would have to be First Impressions. People were really not happy with how Eddie acted in that fic, like not even from the 'omg there's so much angst he's being such a little silly bean' it was more like 'jesus fucking christ he's acting like an actual idiot and it's making me so upset, he wouldn't act like this' or 'he's being incredibly stiupid, what gives?' or even just a 'seems like you missed the mark on this adaptation, he's acting stupid just because the plot needs him to.'
Maybe that's not how those comments were intended to come across, maybe I'm reading too much into it and taking it a little personally and a lot of the comments were also positive, but it's the most... contentious fic I've ever written so I always kinda dread getting a new comment on that one, just waiting to be berated again 😅
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Usually, if I have a fic idea I tend to write it but there is one or two Steddie ones that I've never quite gotten around to.
The one that comes to mind is Rakshasa.
Steve disappears for a few minutes once they're coming back through the portal but then he's climbing through and everything seems fine, they go through the motions of Max's trailer, the War Zone and it's not until they get to that field where they start making their weapons that Eddie starts to realise why something feels off.
Because no one else in this group really knows the King Steve persona. The kids all knew him outside of school. Robin didn't know him until after. Even Nancy got a boyfriend version of King Steve, but Eddie who'd been watching Steve for years at this point, knows how he used to be.
He also knows King Steve was a front. But here Steve is, acting like his old highschool self but this time it's not a front, it's real.
Steve calls Eddie a freak with as much vitriol and meanness as the rest of the town does which is a giant red flag because Steve had never and would never.
So Eddie begins to subtly interrogate him, trying to find gaps while the others go quiet.
He huddles the kids and reminds them of the Rakshasa they fought previously in the campaign and how they defeated them.
Eventually they realised it's some kind of skinchanger who has taken Steve's form and their Steve is still stuck in the Upside Down.
Rescue missions etc. etc.
Yeah, I dunno if I'll ever get to that one 😅
Ask me!
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ajokeformur-ray · 9 months
hiii erika <3 i’m a long term follower who literally adores u (and arthur) like i’ve had ur notifs on forever basically 🥹❤️ and i’ve actually never ever felt confused by anything you’ve posted before so i wanna get your response to something!! i know its not your responsibility to coddle me but i’m really interested to know more about why you’re anti vegan cus i’ve never really heard of that before!! veganism has been something so positive for me, and now i’m (by no fault of yours) feeling insecure like it might be bad in some way or if i’m missing something cus u tagged that it’s dangerous or kills people and i was like 😳‼️‼️⁉️
for context i have also been bothered by many products being branded as plant based because it feels so unnecessary, overpriced, and makes people feel like.. almost holier-than-thou for buying it. i absolutely under no circumstances think i’m better than someone who consumes animal products (like, at all!!!) and really cannot stand people who think they are… it pisses me off so bad. i was wondering if that is the kind of mindset that makes you anti vegan? or if there is some other reason you are that maybe vegans should know about? sorry for the rant on my anon soap box & feel free not to respond love ya !
Hiiii nonnie!!!💖
I want to say again that I didn't expect anyone to see that post; it was a throwaway thought with throwaway comments and I wasn't necessarily prepared for a discussion on what I wrote, so please forgive me if I word anything badly!!!💖 I'm honoured that you've had me on notifs, omg????🥺🥺🥺🥺that's so sweet of you🥺🫂🫂🫂I'd love to talk with you about Arthur if you ever want to!!!🫂💖
I also wanna apologise for making you feel insecure about veganism, I really didn't mean to do that 😭as I said, it was a throwaway post and throwaway tags and I didn't mean to upset anyone by it 😭 if veganism is positive for you, then that's WONDERFUL and I'm happy you found a lifestyle/diet you enjoy and connect with!!!💖
I'm antivegan for multiple reasons. First is, as you mention, some people take it WAY too far and make it a point of "I'm better than you because I can afford to follow X lifestyle" and that pisses me off as much as it pisses you off!!! Second, is like I said in my previous veganism ask, vegan products make my food as a person with coeliacs disease even more expensive because not only do I have to buy an expensive pepperoni pizza which isn't actually pepperoni and isn't actually cheese, but I then have to buy animal product cheese and meat to go on the pizza because I AM gluten free but I'm NOT vegan so I have no choice but to buy more food and therefore spend more money just to have an animal product pizza which is also gluten free. That's where a lot of my antiveganism stems from, because it's EVERYWHERE and I have no choice but to passively support it because I want to eat🙃Veganism is a choice for most people. Being gluten free for medical reasons is not. It's very frustrating and expensive already, even before having to compensate for the lack of animal products in a great deal of the food I'm forced to eat for allergy reasons.
Also, I don't agree with some of the veganism products such as, like I already said, freeze dried coffee granules being advertised as plant based (????) or pleather!!! Plastic leather is more harmful to the environment than actual leather from a cow, which is biodegradable and a natural byproduct AND lasts longer than plastic leather. And also, I don't like the way bees are treated; "honey is bad for us, bees are made into slaves" is just... it's wrong. Us eating honey is GOOD FOR BEES and actually, if bees weren't happy with their beekeepers, they would literally just leave the hive. They have a symbiotic relationship with us which serves both sides and I don't like how there's this anti-honey rhetoric just because honey is a natural byproduct AND DOES NOT HURT BEES. It HELPS them. But this falls into the "some vegans take it too far" thing.
To summarise, while veganism practices may be good for the environment, it's also more harmful in other ways. But that's true of anything, not just veganism and I'm aware I do have a bias and some gaps in my education on veganism. I'm working on it.💖
So those are some of the reasons. But my biggest antiveganism reason is how genuinely dangerous it is - it can and HAS actually killed people from malnutrition and these videos of "before and after veganism" are all over YouTube. I will say, though, those tend to be absolute WORST CASE and are not true for everyone. Media sensationalises both sides of a story. But some people do absolutely take it too far and those are the people who tend to unfortunately die as a direct result of veganism.
So those are some of my reasons for being antivegan. I do have some gaps in my education on the topic as I said and it's incredibly nuanced, a discussion I wasn't necessarily prepared for after posting a very casual "throw my thoughts to the void" post and I'm so sorry for any offence or upset I've caused. I didn't mean to but that doesn't diminish the actual harm🫂if veganism is something you love and enjoy, then I say go for it!!!! Do what you love, do what makes you feel good and is best for you, and you can't go wrong!! It's just not right for me.💖
I hope this answers some of your questions, nonnie🫂 I love you too and I hope you're okay!!!💖
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astraystayyh · 9 months
Alright I only have one thing to say Sahar. Thank you. Thank you so much for invisible thread and for literary just existing. I cannot explain properly I words how amazing this fic is. You don't even deserve words you deserve poems darling.
One of the things that stood out to me the most was how you represented reader's PTSD because of her mother. As a person who went through a very similar experience (and I do have PTSD yay) this is detailed correctly to the last word. The way you explained reader's guilt properly and her not feeling upset even though her mom died is a very real thing that I have seen happen to me and some of the people around me who've gone through similar experiences. I don't why I'm so fixated on these amazing descriptions but maybe it's because it's not often that I see these things portrayed correctly in media, even in books. Ma'am I will pay you to become an actual author.
I also noticed the way you wrote Y/N's hesitance to love again which was very beautifully conveyed in the first paragraphs. It's like we've known loneliness and desperation for so long that it's the only feeling we have and we accept that it is our destiny. But then Minho steps in and Y/N just feels something else. Something other than loneliness and longing for people to love her. She finally feels proper love and she receives it too. And that's just so comforting.
The colour thing omg I will ramble about this and no one can stop me! It was so painfully beautiful, and I mean that in a good way. Minho's little breakdown and Y/N just straight up feeling guilty is just so.... I can't explain this emotion (143 I love you hehe). It's almost like this is what is a good relationship when you and your partner both are dependent on each other for support both mental and literally everything else. And Minho also feeling guilty that he broke down? It's almost like this one quote I made in 9th grade and I recently also read on the internet "We may be going to Hell, but we know that we have held Heaven in our arms."
One of the reasons I feel like why this story is so comforting is because it portrays love, not as all roses and Cupids but as actual human love. It portrays love in laughter, in the little inside habits we have, in just sitting in silence knowing that we are fluent in it, in baking cakes, in remembering details, in risking everything to get something the other wants and most importantly, in finding solace in one and other. Babes whatever writing pill you're on, GIMME IT.
Overall, this is now in my "I'm coming back to this after angst" fic list! And I'm gonna read this so many times, my gf's gonna think I'm mental.
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I offer this Minho picture to you as a gift for creating such a beautiful piece of literature.
I'm sorry if this too long by the way. I was gonna write a 4 page essay but Tumblr said no. Love you babes! I hope you have a great life and find your Minho too!
(PS: I noticed a few days ago an anon translated your name into their native language so I wanted to tell you that in my native languages, Sahar means adventure (in hindi) and the thorns of a rose (in Telugu))
i can't tell you how much times i reread this since you sent it in ☹️☹️☹️ i just want to thank you first for taking the time to write me such sweet and thoughtful feedback, it truly means the world and more to me 🥹 like you've just made all the nights i spent working on this fic worth it!!!
I'm so happy you found yn's reactions realistic :") i really tried to make them as human as they can be, and not too optimistic where everything is forgotten as soon as she's with minho,, i was really afraid it wouldn't be realistic so thank you for letting me know <33
!!!!!!!! yessss,, with minho she no longer longs for love she just receives it freely, without even asking for it,,, and i feel like that's what healthy relationships are about, just a healthy nurturing love
I'M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED THE COLORS THINGIE,, it was such a big part of how they opened up to each other in pt.1 so i figured I NEED TO HAVE IT,, anddd yes both of them are so.. cautious around each other, like they don't want to hurt the other at all costs :(( and that's such a pretty quote wow
your description of what kind of love this is MADE ME SO WARM INSIDE,,, ahhhh love can be so beautiful when it's with the right person 🥹
im genuinely so so so HAPPY you liked this fic and that you found it this comforting ☹️☹️ i don't even know what to say apart from thank you, for being so sweet and for just existing as well!!! i hope you're happy and healthy always <3
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the show Becoming Elizabeth?
Apologies to anyone who liked it, because I'm gonna rant. I guess I will go by character.
It's the first time an Elizabeth has been an absolute snooze for me. I don't know if it's how she's written (a moody, irresponsible brat) or the actress being bland with a whiny voice, but I hated her almost as much as I hated her brother Edward. Young Elizabeth was intelligent, cunning, and far-sighted, but this one is immature, selfish, and dull. I knew they were going to go the repulsive route of having her fall in love with her molester, but those scenes were still "cringe" to watch. (I wish they had cast someone younger -- Elizabeth was 14 when Thomas Seymour was preying on her and she looks "mature"). That episode where she's freaking out because she might be knocked up was just... ugh.
Edward. OMG. I hated this kid, which is to say -- excellent job! He's just as much of an obnoxious fanatic as the real boy was and if he had lived, he would have been every inch the tyrant that his dad was, only in moralistic, "I'm gonna not let anyone worship as they please, it's my way or else." IRL, he really did upset Mary so much she left the court in tears and he was known for being a bully. I was on the fence about him, but after his hawk-abuse, I can't wait for him to die.
Lady Jane deserves better. They make her pitiable in one scene and then bitchy in the next, but overall she was barely there. We did get a glimpse of what an absolute a-hole her parents were, though. :(
Thomas Seymour. ToTaL Creep. I can't figure out what he wants; and he's this weird blend of obnoxious, innocent, inappropriate, cautious, and stupid. I had the hardest time figuring out his Enneagram type. He seems passive next to Catherine Parr, who by the way, is given an absolute hatchet job. This emasculating, promiscuous shrew is not the woman who wrote an impassioned book on religion -- the only one of Henry's wives to be a Reformist in her own right. WHY.
Edward Seymour. 100% top notch, though why did they change the reason for his execution?? I actually felt the sorriest for him, because he seems the most reasonable. He showed the best Te/Fi use as well -- in terms of "I am not gonna force people to worship the same way I do, that's stupid, let Mary keep her beliefs." That's good Fi, right there. And half the time I agreed with his "WTF are you doing, Tomas?!?? Are you an idiot???" reactions. (Yes, yes he is.)
Mary I. PERFECTION. Like, they got her absolutely right -- her flaws and her virtues. I would love to watch the series again but only sit through her scenes. She stole every moment she was there. She's sympathetic but also shows flickers of Mary's dark side in her own budding fanaticism. It's nice to see more empathetic portrayals of her these days -- I just wish we didn't have to vilify other historical figures in the process. Strong and opinionated but also careful and smart. I did roll my eyes when she told Elizabeth "you are probably cleverer than me" because so far, nope. Mary is the one who knows how to navigate court politics!
Stop telling me Elizabeth is smart and showing me how stupid she is.
On a personal note, I got sick of the f-words. I want intelligent and provocative dialogue like what's found in Anne of the Thousand Days, not for Elizabethan characters to sound like punks. The costumes were pretty, the music was good. Do I want another season? Eh. I do, if only to see more of Mary and Lady Jane and to see Edward die and figure out if they can get me to like Elizabeth, because so far... nope.
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the-wanlorn · 9 months
For the ask thing:
🧐🛒 and 💔
(For this writing meme)
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?: Hmmmm I feel like this anon is a person who knows me and is asking me this one purely to call me out for how I don't. No. I do zero research, ever.
Thanks to going through pre-uni school as ~gifted~ (aka never once studied or did anything that involved actually working to learn something) and uni as "undiagnosed severe adhd", the entire concept of "research" makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. If I cared more, I would like. Probably go to therapy about this. But I don't.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.: Oh my god why didn't you do these in order I spent like five minutes trying to find the stupid shopping cart after the detective emoji one omg.
idk if I can answer this one. I try not to look at commonalities between my non-sprawling-AU fics because I don't want to know what my writing says about me. I used to use the word "infinitely" as an intensifier a lot until I realized I was doing it and stopped? I like writing stories about characters who don't know how to love themselves being loved intensely by other people?
My sprawling AUs all try to like. Incorporate character-as-legend but I don't think I've actually posted any of those, so like, whatevs.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?: Yeah, broke my heart that it's not as good as it could have been. Broke my heart that some parts of it are exceptional and the rest is trash. Broke my heart that the exceptional bits are the bits no one wanted to read because they didn't feature fandom's woobie at all.
Uh, but that is not what this question meant, I think, so in the interests of full disclosure: Not really. I mostly spend my time cackling with glee as I put characters through Situations.
At this point we all know I'm doc_sock, "inventor" of the Defenders OT4 with my bff back in like 2010 at the absolute latest, right? I wrote We All Fall Down (major character death fic) to troll her and mostly succeeded in upsetting myself, so I guess that counts?
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moth--knight · 11 months
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback? // 💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? // 🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"? // 🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
omg......hiiiiiii :3
answers below the cut because I never shut up also thank you for asking!!! WAH
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I love love love when people tell me what lines/sections of my fics hit the hardest for them!! specificity in comments is always nice :)
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
oh man, Desert Hearts for sure. I did not expect SO many people to get invested in it - it was actually kind of stressful toward the end cause I didn't wanna disappoint! but I am very grateful for everyone who has read it and commented and such. AUGH.
also my barlissa fics??? I wrote two on a whim in like a single week and people have been SO kind. I am a bit blown away. working on a third rn hehe :3 here are the links one // two
oh my god also leather and lace. the girlies really liked that smut xaskldfhsakj I wrote it as a gift for a friend but it is nice to see that leather butches are beloved by many <3 <3
essentially, a decent amount of my fics get more positive attention that I would assume. it is nice!!!! but also.....I do not understand. haha.
I am also kind of obsessed with how often people lovingly threaten me online over what I write, both fluff and angst. are you flirting with me? are you actually gonna beat my ass given the chance? are you just dramatic? who knows. I love it tho.
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
this is me being controversial but I don't think people "got" I'll see you back home or hyperosmia. like, people LIKED those fics a lot, but projected a lot of their own feelings onto them I felt. both of them were written on a whim and both of them are not my favorites. lmao. I understand WHY people were upset, over both luka as a character and the ending of bayo 3 as a whole (I too was/am upset, which is why I wrote the damn fics sajkfhwdkj) but idk. out of all my work they are they fics I think people engaged the least with despite leaving a lot of comments/kudos. most of the feedback I got was people ranting about their own opinions and like. NOTHING about the fics themselves. alas.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
this is such an interesting question, so forgive me cause I am gonna ramble a bit. i'll answer the first part first. ha.
fandom is this nebulous thing imo, and so interaction within fandom is a double edged sword. for as many lovely people are you will find, there are ten more who fucking suck asdjhskj. the best way I have found to navigate fandom is to find people making the things you like, support their work, and if opportunities to get closer arise, feel free to take them.....but also feel free to end them. I have blocked many accounts over just the past year just because I realized they were making my personal fandom experience stressful - nothing personal usually, but I use fandom for fun, so I don't wanna engage with people who are making me miserable lmao. block and curate, prune your fandom garden, and you can have an overall good experience I think. interaction is the lifeblood of fandom! I think comments, kudos, tagging people in things, talking in the tags of posts, etc etc make it so fun and worthwhile. like personally, I do write for my own enjoyment, but it wouldn't be half as interesting without readers/commenters/mutuals/oomfies/friends. I have become friends with some of the most genuine people in my life through fandom, and even got to meet some IRL (and abby if you see this I WILL be visiting your ass our next trip will NOT be cancelled xsakjdghsaj). sorry I am rambling is it almost 1am here in NY but like. fandom is about participation I would argue. but it is good to be careful. be respectful. be patient. don't hesitate to step back or mute or block if you need to. engaging with each other is SO awesome but you aren't going to vibe with everyone and that is ok!!!!!!
oh man. I perhaps am not the best person to answer this, because online I am pretty socially outgoing? I rarely reach out first but if people wanna talk or whatever I am usually very down. I love people. love chatting. teehee. but I think that "fandom engagement" can take a lot of different forms. even if you don't feel comfortable talking to people directly, you can always still like/reblog/retweet their work! you can leave notes in the tags! you can leave anon comments! I think sometimes fandom creates this pressure to engage and create, but some of my favorite people in fandom are the ones who just reliably read and like my fics and if I am lucky they will leave a comment that is just some emojis (I have a regular commenter like this. I would kill for them. I know NOTHING about them. but everytime they comment a purple heart on my fic? whew. amazing.) essentially, do what feels comfortable for you and know that even if you aren't engaging directly in the same way, it is still SO lovely to have people engaging at all. fandom should be fun and not stressful imo. if you are having fun that is what counts. we are all playing in a big sandbox together. if you wanna chill by the edge and watch or play with your own tools that is totally fine. just nice to have you there. :)
ANYWAY. hope this was interesting for anyone who reads this behemoth of an ask. dklasfdhdj.
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