#i don't mind people shipping Steve and all of that
Does anyone have fic recs that center around El? Everytime I try to read ST fanfic I only find Steve centered ones (or eddie) but I wanna read about my girl growing and healing, not Steve's love life
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3minsover · 1 month
Steddie who keep missing each other. Who aren't in love at the same time. It's neither of their faults; they're just not quite in touch, in tune with each other.
Sure, Eddie had a stupid huge embarrassing crush on Steve throughout junior year, senior year and senior year 2.0. Sure, it was made so much worse when in Steve's first and only senior year, Eddie found himself sat in math class diagonally behind the fallen king. He'd watch the way his hair moved when he ran his hands through it in frustration. He'd see the shift of muscle under his shirt when he bent down to pick up a dropped pencil. And every time Steve would smile, flutter his lashes and pinch his eyebrows, say; "I'm sorry sir, I just don't know", Eddie would find himself shifting in his seat, nipping at the skin on the side of his finger, knee bouncing under the desk. They didn't really talk beyond 'hey's in the corridor, beyond 'did you do the homework?'s - to which Eddie would without fail stutter out an 'Uh- so, no. I meant to- Just, uh. No.' and Steve would without fail flash a soft smile, bump his shoulder into Eddie's and whisper 'Me neither.'
It got easier, after Steve graduated. Eddie still saw him around, still recognised his car in the lot when he was giving Robin Buckley from band a ride to school. But it wasn't so immediate, wasn't so raw. And after a while, the butterflies would fade. He'd be able to meet Steve's eye across the Family Video counter without feeling his mouth go dusty and his heart leap into his throat.
Steve hadn't realised his feelings for Eddie were anything more than friendly, until he graduated high school. Without the daily glances across the classroom, the moments he'd always take to make conversation, it felt emptier. It gave him time to think about the way his chest would tighten at Eddie's shy smile whenever they talked. Steve hadn't realised he might be allowed to feel something softer than 'dudely bro-ship'.
That is, until it fades so the only time Steve sees him is when he drops Robin off at school, or when he comes in to family video to rent Halloween again. Steve's heart prickles at the sight of him, but after a while, Eddie's visits drop off.
Steve tries to keep himself busy, grateful for some time without inter-dimensional battles or Russian agents trying to kill him. Thoughts of Eddie drift to the back of his mind, for almost six months. And then in the spring of '86, Steve finds himself thrown against the splintered wall of a nondescript boathouse on the outskirts of town. And it's Eddie Munson from Math that has a shaking, jagged bottle held up to his throat. It absolutely doesn't awaken things in him that he never knew he could want, absolutely not.
But regardless, he's staring half-terrified into the dark, watery brown eyes of Eddie Munson from Math, and all he wants is to reach out and smooth a palm over his cheek. He wants to curl his hand around those trembling fingers and tell him it's all gonna be okay. Of course, it isn't. Steve doesn't get much of a chance to talk to Eddie over the next week, what with some vampire soul-sucker guy terrorizing the town, and Max getting possessed and the whole thing going entirely to shit. But he finds himself drawn inexplicably into Eddie's space, splits off with Eddie and has the girls pair up and then Eddie calls him 'big boy'. And his entire world stops spinning for a moment. For just a second, it's just the two of them, and Eddie's face is so close to his, his smile so wild and beautiful.
The whole world stops, before it rockets back into thrilling, terrifying motion.
In the fear and the panic of the final Vecna showdown, Steve has to thrust his feelings back down deep. He can't let shit like a crush get in the way when the lives of the people he loves most are at stake.
It all happens so fast, and before he knows it, Max is in a coma, Eddie's been torn up to within an inch of his life, there's no certainty that Vecna's even gone, and he doesn't know what to do.
For days, Steve sits by Eddie's bedside when he can - when he's not with Max - only sleeps when he does. He silently begs for Eddie to be alright, feels guilty for every thought he has that isn't about Max. He begins to resent how desperately he pines for the moments when Eddie's awake, and after a week, once it's clear that Eddie's going to recover, Steve doesn't visit him anymore.
With all the feelings that are getting jumbled amongst the multitude of all the other horrible nasty fragile things that are writhing around inside, Steve forces himself to shove any thoughts of Eddie down, to get over him. And before he realises, it's been weeks. He's still worried for Eddie, of course he is. The guy almost died in Henderson's arms. But now the world's not actively ending, now he has a moment to breathe, he wonders whether the sparking, shimmering thing that had his mouth going dusty and his heart leaping into his throat was the same thing that had him saying all that shit to Nancy in the upside down.
He can't trust that it's not just a trauma response.
After Eddie recovers, slowly and with more help than he'd ever admit he needed, he sees Steve again. But he's distant. Friendly, but impersonal. An acquaintance. Things are as they were before. It hurts, but he knows all too well that any of the flirtation, the playful teasing and longing looks can only be chalked up to the fear of the end of the world.
It's a couple months before Steve tells Eddie he's going to college out of state. He's leaving in a week. And everything that had been laying dormant for so long comes bubbling up to the surface.
"Shit, I wish you'd given me a little more notice, Harrington," Eddie says, trying desperately to keep the heartbreak out of his voice.
"I'm sorry man, I just. It all happened pretty fast and like if I didn't do it now, it wasn't gonna happen, yknow?" Steve shrugs awkwardly, runs a hand through his hair.
If I didn't do it now, it wasn't gonna happen.
"It's gonna be a damn sight harder to like you this much when you're that far away," Eddie's mouth says before his mind can catch up.
"I like you too, man, but hey, I'll be home for Christmas. You can catch me up on everything I miss, huh?" Steve bumps Eddie's shoulder, just as he used to when they were leaning against the lockers back at school.
"No, Steve. I- You're, I mean. I like you. In a- Like I have, I totally have feelings for you, dude," Eddie forces out, watching his sneaker as he kicks at the ground.
"Eddie..." Steve says softly, and it just breaks Eddie's heart even more. Because that's a let-him-down-gently 'Eddie'.
"No, no it's- Don't sweat it man, just sorta had to tell you before you- Anyway. Have fun at college. I'll- I'll be here when you come home."
"Eddie, wait. I'm sorry. I just..." Steve begins, looks so pained, reaches to take hold of Eddie's shoulder. He avoids it, ducks out the way. And then Eddie leaves, before Steve can try to do something awful like making him feel better or tell him it's okay.
Eddie doesn't see Steve again before he goes to college. Hears from Henderson over the next few months how he's getting on, all the babes he's dating, the assignments he's trying to actually do before the deadline, and Eddie forces himself to smile, crack a joke, whatever.
Slowly, he extricates himself from conversations about Steve. Doesn't want to hear it, but can't tell anyone why. So he finds excuses; he has to take a leak, just remembered he promised Wayne he'd pick up groceries, got band practice, whatever he can come up with. He doesn't even hear Steve's name, tries desperately not to think about him (and fails), until December.
Until the evening of December 24th, when there's knock at the trailer door. With Wayne already asleep, Eddie drags himself from the couch to pull the front door open.
Eddie's met with a coat-wrapped, scarf-muffled, bobble-hatted Steve Harrington standing on his doorstep. He’s rocking back and forth on his toes, arms crossed tight around his chest, hands tucked under his arms. His cheeks are pink, the tip of his nose pinker still, nibbled by the cold. He’s just as beautiful as the last time Eddie saw him, and it jerks his heart into frantic motion against his ribs.
He’d thought he was over Steve, that seeing him again would be just like what it is; welcoming home an old friend. Except all Eddie wants to do is take hold of Steve’s frostbitten cheeks, pull his face towards him and kiss him like it’ll erase all the months of pining that had gone before.
Of course, he doesn’t. Instead, he just balks, says "Steve? What are you-?"
"I had to see you. I’m sorry if this is like inappropriate or if you don’t wanna see me- Dustin said you seemed like, mad at me or something. And honestly I can’t blame you, really. I shouldn’t have- it’s not that I didn’t, that I wasn’t. What I’m trying to say, Eddie, is that I know it’s too late. I know I missed my shot. But I haven’t stopped thinking about you for the last four months."
"I know I have no right to do this to you. But it was killing me, man. Because I think I might have- I think I might be-"
"Me too," Eddie interrupts. His mind’s whirring and tumbling, trying to gather up the pieces of Steve’s fragmented confession. Steve’s jaw hangs open just a little, paused halfway through a word. "I thought it’d gone away. Thought I’d gotten over Steve Harrington," Eddie continues with a sardonic little shimmy of his hands, "but uh, seems you’re a little harder to shake than I thought."
"D'you, d'you want to shake me? Off, I mean," Steve asks, dipping his chin and looking up through thick lashes, a shy, self-conscious suggestion of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
"No. no I don’t."
"Oh thank god. 'Cause I don’t know if I’d survive that," Steve exhales, his small smile spreading into a grin. He rocks forward onto the balls of his feet again, and Eddie finds himself pulled into Steve’s orbit. It doesn’t matter that he’s just in his socks and the doorstep is damp with cold. Eddie crosses the threshold and curls his fingers gently around the lapels of Steve’s coat. Eddie’s struggling to breathe, little puffs bursting forth from his lips and clashing in the air, mixing with Steve’s own.
"Can I-?" Eddie asks, doesn’t dare say the word aloud in case Steve’s not on the same page; gives himself an out if Steve’s not where Eddie’s at. Where he’s always been at, really. It just wasn’t quite at the right time.
"Yes. Please," Steve breathes, sweet frosty breath swirling gray-white around in the thin, chilly air between their faces. Slowly, giving Steve plenty of time to back away, change his mind, Eddie draws Steve towards him, tips his chin until their noses brush. the very peaks of their lips touch, and Steve’s breath hitches at the contact. It’s the prettiest sound Eddie’s ever heard. Eddie sips in a breath, hardly daring to move, and lets Steve nudge their mouths together.
Their lips press softly together, and Eddie feels Steve’s hands come to grip at the sides of his sweater, bunching it at his waist. He pulls Eddie towards him, moans softly, just the tiniest hint of voice slipping out and into Eddie’s mouth. A new prettiest sound.
Suddenly aware of their very public, very chilly location, Eddie stumbles backwards, pulls Steve inside with him. Steve follows enthusiastically, kicking the door shut behind him with his heel, lips never leaving Eddie’s for even a moment. They’re entirely wrapped up in each other, even as Eddie frantically unwraps Steve’s cold-proof clothing, lost completely in the feeling of their bodies pressing together.
They took their time, to get here. But now that they are, here is where they’ll stay. It won’t be easy, being apart for long stretches while Steve’s away at college, but now they’ll have a little something of each other’s to keep hold of until they’re together again.
They’ll have the promises they made each other that night, the words whispered against skin, the kisses pressed and breath shared. They’ll have the silent, precious exchange of one heart for another. And that will see them through.
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Bob Seger
Ship: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Is there a handbook for what to do when your crush walks into your store to buy a gift for his girlfriend? There should be!
Word Count: 5,432 words
Warnings: Stancy, Steve being deeply in love and then getting his heart broken, brief mention of Steve's asshole dad, pining reader, hurt/comfort, Tommy & Carol, language, innuendo
Note: Inspired in part by Steve's rendition of Old Time Rock & Roll.
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Nancy hadn't been herself, not since Barb disappeared, and her mood had only been getting worse every day. Steve could feel her retreating into herself, hiding from the world and from herself and from him. He could feel Tommy and Carol getting progressively more frustrated with her (and with him for putting up with it) with every passing day.
And it's not like Steve blamed Nancy. Her best friend had gone missing while Nancy hung out with people Barb wasn't the biggest fan of. And, to rub salt in an open wound, Nancy had been having sex with Steve while Barb disappeared.
Steve felt a little guilty, to say the least. He'd had the thought of If I hadn't wanted to sleep with Nancy so bad, she would have gone home with Barb and they'd both be safe. But after a while, he wasn't so sure about that. The longer he thought about it, the more he became convinced that if Nancy had gone with Barb, they both would have gone missing.
Whether it was through his own guilt or because he wanted to make Nancy feel better, he wasn't quite sure, Steve found himself driving to the record store just off Main Street after school got out. He'd blocked out the noise of Tommy and Carol bickering, Tommy in the passenger seat and Carol leaning forward from the back seat, too busy trying to remember which bands had played from the radio the night he was studying at Nancy's house, and whether or not Nancy had actually liked them. He didn't want to screw up his little surprise by getting her music she wouldn't listen to—or a vinyl she already owned. Maybe he should have discreetly snooped through her pile of records before he'd made up his mind to do this...
Tommy sharply elbowed Steve in the ribs. Before Steve could snap at him, he said, "You're overthinking this, man. She's either gonna pretend to love it and not actually care, or she's just gonna not care."
Behind them, Carol giggled. It sounded far more sinister than it should have.
Steve glared at him for a second before he made the turn into the store's parking lot. "You're no help, you realize that?" He parked the car and turned to the two of them. "You're gonna stay here and wait, got it? And don't do anything stupid, I'll make you clean the back seat this time."
Carol grinned. "What if it's the passenger seat?"
"Or the driver's," Tommy added, leaning back to kiss Carol, before Steve could snap that the passenger's seat was Nancy's seat. Steve felt his throat constrict.
"Do not get it on in my fucking car," he warned, "or I'm never driving you anywhere ever again."
He got out, slamming the door behind him, and sent a warning glare back over his shoulder. Tommy flipped him off through the windshield. Beside Steve, an elderly woman gasped in offense and Steve winced.
"Sorry about him," he muttered, but the woman was already scurrying off into her own vehicle. Steve sighed and pushed open the front door to the record shop.
A little bell above the door chimed once as he swung the door open, and then again as it closed behind him. Steve had only been in the store a handful of times, but he loved it more and more with every visit. The walls were plastered in old vinyls, displayed so that the name of each band was readable. No vinyl was the same color, some of them blue, some red, some multicolor, but all of them were different. A small gold plaque designated the oldest vinyl the store had on the walls, which was a reddish Vocalion from 1922 and was positioned directly above the door.
Rows and rows of alphabetized vinyls spread throughout the store, which was bigger than it looked from the storefront. In the lefthand corner nearest the door, a cashier's desk was set up, though there was no employee behind it. A plastic sign read I'm in the back! I'll be back soon!
Steve headed for the aisles of vinyls, then recognized what was playing over the speakers—Bob Seger's Night Moves.
Humming as he flipped through the stacks, Steve didn't notice the door to the back open, or you walk out of it and back to your desk.
"Mmm, sweet summertime, summertime," Steve sang, keeping his voice low, still embarrassed by his voice, an instinct his father made sure he would never shake.
But you heard it, even with the volume of the radio. You looked up from the desk, gaze scanning the rows. You spotted the back of Steve's head and recognized him immediately. That hair was unmistakable.
Heat burned in your belly. Suddenly, you really wished your coworker hadn't gone home just ten minutes earlier, complaining of nausea. If she'd just stuck around a few more minutes...you wouldn't have to face your long-time crush who was absolutely not available, happily dating Nancy Wheeler and unlikely to leave her any time soon.
You resisted the urge to hide your face in your hands. Sure, you'd liked him since middle school, long before he'd become part of the popular crowd and back when his hair was still a mess that hid his eyes from the world, and yes, you had two classes with him, but it's not like he'd know who you were, right? You'd keep relative anonymity and he would remain none the wiser of your long-standing admiration of him.
But then the song changed to The Fire Down Below and Steve was shimmying where he stood, singing the line "Here comes hot Nancy, she's steppin' right on time" with the hugest grin on his face.
You sighed. The school, your best friends, the entire senior year was right—Steve Harrington was down bad for Nancy Wheeler.
The tiniest bit of hope that he might one day notice you was dashed every time you heard that loving croon of his voice every time he sang Nancy's name.
This is why we don't get our hopes up, you told yourself, echoing a sentiment your best friend had drilled into you ever since Steve became the ladies' man that made him so popular in high school. Not that it erased the previous middle school years of drooling over Steve, back before anyone else had really considered him attractive.
You watched as Steve meticulously went through every record in the store, clearly searching for something specific. You normally would have gotten up and approached a customer taking this long, but it was Steve. You knew the instant you got up from your stool, your legs would give out underneath you. And if that didn't happen, you'd walk into a shelf on your way over to him. And if that didn't happen either, you'd start stuttering the moment you tried to talk to him. And if that didn't happen, you'd turn bright red and combust on the spot when he either asked for your help or turned you away.
Too stuck in your head, you didn't even realize the record had stopped playing until you heard Steve's singing stop. A pang went through you at the sound of silence—Steve's voice was almost more soothing than the music itself.
You turned around and dug through your pile of vinyls the store let you play until you found another Bob Seger—the album he'd released last year. Steve had been singing Bob Seger, and you desperately wanted him to keep singing.
You cleaned off the record before placing the needle down. A few bars into Even Now, you turned back around and squeaked, jumping in surprise.
Steve was standing at your desk, a pleasant but awkward smile on his face.
"Uh...hi," he said. "Sorry if I scared you."
You blinked at him and cleared your throat, hoping your voice didn't come out squeaky. "It's...it's fine. Can I help you with something?"
"Uh, please, I'm looking for—" He snapped his fingers. "You're in my chemistry class, aren't you?" You nodded, meekly adding that you were also in English together, and he beamed. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere!"
"Yeah, uh... Hi, Steve," you said. "You said you were looking for...?"
Steve shook himself out. "Oh, yeah, um... I'm trying to find a record for Nancy, my girlfriend, because I want to cheer her up after...everything. I'm sure you've heard about it."
The tiredness in his voice surprised you. But you nodded without bringing it up. "I have. How's she holding up?"
Steve sighed. "Not...fantastically. That's why I'm doing this, I want to get her something to take her mind off things."
You raised your brows. "So you decided on a record?"
Steve shrugged, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. "I thought it would be something we could dance to, and that that might make her feel better."
Your heart squeezed. How are you so sweet? "Alright, makes sense. What does she like to listen to usually?"
Steve shut his eyes as if thinking for a moment, then said, "She likes ABBA and Michael Jackson, she has a Fleetwood Mac tape but only ever listens to Rhiannon, but she sings under her breath every time Journey comes on the radio, doesn't matter what song it is. She's got Madonna, Bowie, Blondie, and The Beatles already as tapes and vinyls, so I don't want to get her those."
You blinked at him. "You really do pay attention to everything, don't you?"
Steve smiled shyly. "I...I guess so, when it comes to Nancy."
You left the back of the desk, hoping you weren't visibly shaking too much. "Let's go find you a Journey vinyl, okay? They just released a new album a few months ago, I'm pretty sure we've got it on vinyl..."
Steve followed you to the J section and the two of you started flipping through, both of you softly singing along to Love's The Last To Know as you did.
Halfway through the song and completely through the Js section, you interrupted the song with a gasp.
"I know where it is! Wait here," you told him, and hurried into the back room. You dug through the most recently delivered box of records until you saw the familiar blue album cover of Frontiers, letting out a victory cry as you grabbed it.
Steve was leaning on the shelf, still singing "We lost our way and our love's the last to know" so mournfully you wondered what heartbreak he'd been through before.
"I got it!" you said, grinning and holding the record aloft.
Steve beamed. "Thanks! I really appreciate it. I know I was kind of...out of my depth for a bit there."
You shrugged. "Eh, that's nothing. I've had people come in here demanding records we don't carry from bands that only just released music." You rolled your eyes. "'No, sir, we don't carry Metallica, and even if we did, the album came out last week, so we wouldn't have it yet anyway!'"
Steve snorted with laughter, handing you cash to pay for the vinyl. "Let me guess, it was the Munson kid."
"The Munson kid," you confirmed.
"Thanks again," Steve said, though he didn't seem inclined to head out the door.
"Any time," you said, instantly regretting the words because if you saw Steve at your workplace more than this, you were going to have a heart attack, but you paired the words with a kind smile anyway.
"See you in class tomorrow," he said, stepping out the door and waving goodbye. You watched him go, putting the record in the back seat, snapping at Tommy and Carol in his car, and pulling out of the parking lot.
You let go a tense, nervous breath. The pain in your chest eased. Well, at least Steve knew of you now. And even if his dedication to Nancy was unfailing, at least you might get to talk to him now, even if it only worsened the ache in your heart.
Steve skipped third block.
The entire school seemed to be talking about why—or at least, his entire gym class, who had told a story about Billy Hargrove getting in his face the entire basketball game, and then Nancy dragging him out of the class to "talk" about something. At first, everyone had assumed they were banging in the locker rooms, until somebody reminded them Nancy hadn't been in first block, and she never skipped, and that Steve usually drove her to school—but he hadn't missed first block. Then when he'd come back, upset and angry, from his talk with Nancy, people started to put a story together.
You weren't sure you wanted to believe the story, or the many versions of the story, that were floating around you chemistry class. It didn't line up with what you knew of Steve, or what you knew of his relationship with Nancy, most of which you heard straight from him.
But then again...
You shook yourself out of your head, your gaze straying back toward Steve's empty seat. You sighed, pulling your notebook toward you and copying down the notes on the board as neat as you could—undoubtedly you'd need to give them to Steve when he decided to come back to class.
But when your best friend came into the class, handing your teacher a doctor's note, her wide eyes already told you Steve wasn't coming back today.
She sat down beside you, hissing your name. You looked at her. "What? What's wrong?"
"Is there a reason I just saw Steve Harrington crying in his car?" she whispered to you.
Your eyes went huge. Whatever had happened between him and Nancy, it wasn't good. "Keep your voice down and don't tell anyone else about that," you said.
She flipped her notebook to a blank page and started writing. "You better fill me in on everything I missed today," she said.
"Obviously, but only once I know exactly what happened," you said. "Which means only once Steve tells me what happened. However long that takes."
It became painfully clear that Steve didn't want to talk—to anyone. He snapped at anyone who tried to bring it up with him, and his mood was waspish. The situation was made worse by the rumors spread by Tommy and Carol—that Nancy had only been with Steve for his money and the sex; that she left because Steve wasn't good enough for her; that she was cheating on him with Jonathan.
You knew that the jibes about Jonathan hit Steve a little too close to home. The same rumor had circulated last year when Will and Barb went missing, but this time, you were almost positive they were true.
Nancy was entirely unbothered by the whole thing. Seeing her prance around with Jonathan, not caring that doing so was hurting Steve more than anything, made your blood boil.
On your way to the record store for another one of your slow closing shifts, a week after Steve skipped chem class, you saw the two of them walking together along the sidewalk. You rolled your eyes at them. You had once thought Nancy to be the luckiest girl in the world: smart, pretty, and dating the hottest man Hawkins had to offer. Now you were certain she was the most careless, throwing it all away for a mediocre man.
Steve's car was in the store's parking lot when you arrived. You parked next to him, looking over to find him in the driver's seat, staring into his lap.
You got out and knocked on his window. "Steve? You okay?" He looked up, sporting red-rimmed eyes. You could hear Bob Seger's Comin' Home playing quietly on his radio. "Oh, Steve..."
Steve got out of his car. Voice quiet and rough, he asked, "Can I hang out for a while?"
"Yeah," you said. "Whatever you need."
His lip trembled. "A...a hug?" His voice as meek and barely there. But you heard it and the request made your heart break. You enveloped him in a tight hug, letting him soften into your hold. You remained that way until Steve decided he was done, not caring how many of your classmates walked by, staring in wonder at Steve clinging to you, new gossip already burning on their tongues.
A good day meant boppier music at the record store as soon as you started your shift and shoved your coworker from the mid-afternoon shift out the door. So you swapped out all the mellow music in the stack of records beside your record player with music with a good beat that you could dance to while you restocked and reshelved.
Not even half an hour into your shift, the Naked Eyes record spun into Always Something There To Remind Me. You turned up the volume as high as you could without destroying the speakers and being chewed out by your managers, singing along and dancing by yourself while you worked.
"Well, how can I forget you, girl? When there is always something there to remind me!" You finished stacking your records in the aisle and turned back for a new pile. "Always something there to remind me. I was born to love her, and I'll never be free, you'll always be a part of— Steve!" You careened into his chest, grateful you weren't holding anything, because it all would have dropped to the floor. Steve's arms looped around you, stopping you from falling. "Don't sneak up on me, you scared me!"
"The doorbell rung!"
"Well, I didn't hear it!" You finally looked up at him, heart beating wildly out of your chest at the feeling of his chest against yours, his arms around your waist. You realized he looked downright miserable. "What happened?"
He sighed. "Remember how I said I was gonna try and patch things up with Nance?"
Steve's lower lip started to tremble. "It...it didn't go well."
Your heart dropped to your feet. "Oh, Steve, I'm...I'm so sorry."
He sniffled. "It's, uh, it's over. She...she doesn't love me, has never loved me, I'm still bullshit, and she's been sleeping with Jonathan. So..." He heaved a heavy sigh. "It's over. Completely, totally, officially over."
"Steve," you whispered. "I'm so sorry, honey. Is there anything I can do?"
He smiled, lips trembling and eyes watering. "Change the song?" The words came out with a little hiccup and a laugh.
You realized what the song was about. "Oh! Yeah, sure, right—sorry. It's such an upbeat song in the actual music, I didn't even think about the words!" You untangled yourself from his arms to change the record. "What are you in the mood for?"
"Nothing romantic, please," he said, sitting down on your stool. "And, after you're done..."
You looked at him, sensing his hesitation. "Yeah?"
"Can I have another hug?"
You smiled at him, looping your arms around his back where he sat. He fell into you, burying his head in your shirt. "Of course, Steve."
You held onto Steve as tightly as he held onto you, praying he wouldn't notice the fast beat of your heart while he wallowed in his grief. It was a strange feeling, for Steve to be hiding from the world, form Nancy, from his broken heart in your arms, all while you harbored a horribly deep crush on him and a secret, guilty delight that it was over with Nancy.
"I just..." Steve huffed, clearly trying his best not to sob into your shirt. "I don't know where I went wrong. I don't know why I wasn't good enough."
Without really meaning to, you put your hand in Steve's hair. "Does there need to be a reason? Some people just aren't meant for each other, Steve."
Steve looked up at you with his red rimmed eyes, tears on his lash line. He hesitated a moment and then said, "If I tell you something...promise me you won't just...laugh at me."
Your heart broke for him. How many times had he told Tommy or Carol or, what the hell, even Nancy something, only to be laughed at, for him to ask that of you? "Of course I won't laugh at you, Steve." You squeezed his shoulder. "Why would I laugh at you?"
He didn't answer your question. "I know it sounds...ridiculous, but...I just—" He sighed. "I thought Nancy was the one. I've never been happier with a girl before, and she was honest, she was smart, she was determined, she had goals, she was nothing like the girls I was with before, and she made me feel alive! I thought for sure that I was... That I was maybe gonna spend the rest of my life with her."
You bit your lip. "There was no maybe about it, was there, Steve?"
He sighed, letting his head fall back into you. You muffled your grunt as he hid his face in your stomach, his arms sliding up your back and hold you closer to him. "No," he mumbled into the fabric of your shirt.
You smoothed your hand through his perfect hair and kissed the top of his head. You froze, hearing his tiny intake of breath. "Oh, I'm...I'm sorry, that was kind of...automatic, I guess?"
Steve peeked up at you and tugged you closer to his body until your feet hit the legs of your stool he was perched on. "It's okay. Um... Can you...keep doing that? With my hair?" Pink tinged his skin. "If you don't mind."
"I don't mind," you whispered, rubbing your fingers across his scalp. He sighed, pushing into your touch. Heat bloomed across your body.
"Sorry," he whispered. "I know this is...weird. But, um, Nancy never... Never really touched me or— Or held me or anything, so..."
"You don't have to explain yourself," you whispered. "Not to me, not to anyone. Okay?"
"Okay," he agreed, slowly relaxing in your arms.
"I've got you, Steve," you assured him. "I've got you."
Before he'd even pulled into the parking lot, Steve was mentally apologizing to you. You'd told him time and time again when he visited you while you were working that you enjoyed your slow closing shifts. It meant there was no one to bother you while you were in the middle of a restock, making you forget where you were; it meant there was no one to complain about the music you played, so you could listen to whatever you wanted; it meant your final hour was spent just closing up shop instead of shooing customers out the door—except for Steve, who had become a regular and always stayed until you left, sometimes to give you a ride home and other times just to have a friend around.
But today, he wasn't coming alone. His car was full to bursting with young children: Dustin, Max, Lucas, Mike, and Will, all of whom he'd been tasked with picking up from their after school activities for the day. He had tried to get them to go home quickly, but his attempts to rush them out of his car had led them to discover that he was seeing a girl, which they all took the wrong way, of course.
Sort of.
Now that Steve was prowling the world alone again, he'd realized his initial estimation of you—pretty, smiley, shy with new people but confident with your friends—was right, but it was a muted reality compared to how you really were. It was like he'd been looking at you with sunglasses covering his eyes this whole time. Now that those glasses were gone, the record shop girl had become more than just his best friend.
And he was really hoping the kids were not about to point that out.
As per usual, you were playing Bob Seger when Steve pushed the door open. He'd yet to figure out if you played Bob Seger so much when he came to visit because you loved Bob Seger, or if you had (correctly) pinned Steve as a fan.
(Not that Steve had ever told anyone he was a fan; he let them think the only reason he even knew about his music was because of Carol's obsession with Risky Business.)
You weren't at your desk like Steve had expected; you were carrying a huge stack of records in your arms, shelving them as you walked along the rows, singing along to Sunspot Baby without a care in the world.
"Sunspot baby," you sang. "She sure had a real good time."
"I looked in Miami, I looked in Negril," Steve joined in. You turned with a grin, heading back to your desk. "The closest I came was a month old bill."
You noticed the kids as you put down your stack. "You brought company today, I see."
Steve gave you a look while the kids were still behind him. You stifled a giggle. "Uh, yeah, these are the kids. Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Will Byers, and Mike Wheeler."
Dustin walked straight up to your desk. "So you're the girl Steve talks about all the time?"
"All the time, huh?" you said, smiling in a way that suggested you were sure Dustin was exaggerating.
"Every time we see him," Mike groaned. You stared at the younger Wheeler in surprise.
"Oh, really? Is that so, Steve?" you teased.
He rolled his eyes, unable to stop his blush. "Sorry to interrupt your quiet shift. They wanted to stop in and grab some records."
"No we didn't—we just wanted to meet you," Lucas said. Steve's calm expression became painfully forced.
The young redhead snorted. "Speak for yourself." She looked up at you expectantly. "Do you have any David Bowie?"
You grinned. "I like you, you have good taste. Back side of the first row."
Max grinned and dragged Lucas with her.
You looked back at Steve. "Do you have enough room in your car for one more?"
"Need a ride when you leave?"
You nodded.
"Yeah, I've got room. I'll just make the kids rearrange."
You laughed. "You don't have to do that," you insisted.
Steve leaned across the counter. "Don't worry about it—I want to. I'd feel terrible if I left you to get home on your own."
You smiled at him, noticing Dustin nudging Mike and Will and pointing in your direction out of the corner of your eye.
Somehow, the kids' presence lightened up the rest of your shift. Time passed quickly with them there, adventuring through the store and asking you question after question about the vinyls lining the walls.
You waved off Steve as he tried to get the kids to leave you alone. "They're fine, Steve. It's okay. You wanna help me get everything packed up? I've gotta lock up soon."
"Oh, yeah, sure." Steve took the vinyl off the record player and slipped it back into its case. He glanced over his shoulder and called to the kids, "Hey, guys! We're gonna head out soon."
You ran through your closing tasks as quickly as you could, anxious to head home for the night.
"Alright, everybody out. Got everything?" you asked, ushering the kids to the door and taking out the key. You set the alarm system for the building and locked the door behind you.
Steve put a hand on your back. Warmth bloomed through you from where he touched you. "You're all ready to go?"
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
The kids opened the doors of Steve's car, jumping in quickly. Dustin made his way to the passenger's seat. Steve stopped him, gently shoving him toward the back seat with everyone else.
"Hey—move it, Henderson, she's got the passenger's seat."
You stared at Steve. "No, no, it's okay, he can—"
Steve shook his head, holding open the door for you. "Come on, it's fine, just..." He gestured into the car. The kids whispered and giggled at him. He sent them a glare and Dustin's annoyed face shifted into a gleeful smirk.
You got in the front seat, unaware of the glances being exchanged in the back or the glare Steve was giving them.
"Seat belts!" Steve said as he got into the driver's seat. You giggled at him as the kids groaned. You caught the way his face lit up when he looked at you, and butterflies tickled your insides.
Once the kids had listened and all were buckled, Steve pulled out of the parking lot and started his way through Hawkins, dropping them off one-by-one: Will first, on the outskirts of town, his mother waiting at the door; Max, who was relieved the Camaro wasn't in the driveway; Dustin next, his new cat sitting on the front step; Lucas, who was immediately met with his snarky young sister; Mike last, Nancy already at the door—saying goodbye to Jonathan.
You glanced at Steve. "You alright?"
Steve looked at you, releasing a deep sigh. "I'm okay," he said. "I...I'm doing better now."
"Good," you said. "You deserve it."
Steve gave you a curious look before he said, "Let's get you home, right?"
And if Steve drove slower the whole way back to yours compared to driving the kids home, you weren't going to say anything.
When he got back to your house, Steve pulled into the driveway and sighed. "Well. Home sweet home," he said.
You looked at Steve with a smile. "Thanks for the ride home." You picked up the bag you had put on the ground. You got out, then stopped yourself before you could close the door. You crouched to look at him in the car. "Hey, Steve?"
"Yeah?" Was it just your imagination, or did he sound nervous?
You took a deep breath. Now or never.
"I talk about you all the time, too."
For a moment, Steve processed your words. Then his eyes went wide. Hope bloomed on his slack-jawed face. "You..." He bit his lip, holding back a smile. "You mean that you..."
"Yes, Steve," you said, voice quiet. "Always have. Just ask my friends—they'll give away my secrets just as quickly as Dustin gave away yours." You drummed your fingers against the roof of his car. "Do with that what you will. It's up to you if...you want to even acknowledge it or not." You closed his door and started for your front door.
A door squeaked and then slammed shut moments later; running steps approached you.
You turned as Steve's hand fell on your shoulder, pulling you close to him. He yanked your body close to his, his arms sliding around you, his hands gripping your shoulder blades. For a split second, you reveled in his hug, noticing the difference in it, relishing in the love in his arms instead of the misery.
Those few seconds became nothing as Steve pulled back. You gave a sound of protest, quickly squashed by Steve's lips.
Your heart had stopped beating, but was simultaneously pounding. You moved on instinct, looping your arms around his shoulders, yanking him down to you. Never once did your lips part from his as the two of you grappled to hold each other in the best way possible.
Thunder boomed overhead. You gasped, pulling apart.
"Was it supposed to storm?" you asked.
"I didn't think so," Steve said.
You kissed him again. Steve smiled into the kiss.
"You should get home before it pours," you whispered against his lips. But neither of you made any move to let go of each other.
Steve adjusted so that his head was against yours, his mouth at your temple. "See you tomorrow in class, then?"
You hummed. "Yeah. Tomorrow."
Steve pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I don't wanna leave."
You looked up at the sky, watching the already-grey skies grow darker as storm clouds rolled in. "We're going to get soaked if we stay out here, Steve."
Steve squeezed you tightly. "Tomorrow, then." He kissed your forehead again. "I'll see you tomorrow...sweetheart."
You beamed at the nickname while Steve blushed while he gave you the moniker.
"And to think," you whispered. "You'd known me all this time, but this? This happened all because you stopped in my store one day."
Steve hugged you tight to his chest. "I wish I'd noticed you before, sweetheart, really I do."
You kissed him. "Well, you've noticed me now." Light rain started, dusting Steve's hair until it sparkled. "Now go, before that pretty hair of yours gets ruined."
He grinned, brushing his hand through it. "I knew you liked my hair."
"Always have." You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "Always will."
☞ ❊ ☜
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Stranger Things // Steve Harrington
part 2? lmk!
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the S.H. taglist!} @ohatropa@nix-rose@live-the-fangirl-life
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Daily Ficlet 7
I’m challenging myself to write a little ficlet every day, using the prompts from this list. Today’s prompt is recipe book.
Steve finds Wayne in the hallway, pulling what items he can from the closet there.
"Need some help?" Steve asks as Wayne struggles with a bigger box that seems wedged in pretty good.
"Sure. Just get yer hands up here and ready to catch," Wayne answers, shimmying the box to and fro while Steve moves to follow his instructions. The box isn't by any means light when it falls into his hands, but it's not the heaviest thing Steve's had to catch -don't think about it, don't think about Eddie's limp body awkwardly shoved through a gate. Don't-
"Thanks, son," Wayne climbs back down the stepladder he was on and takes the box from Steve' hands, walking down the hall to place it on the counter. The front half of the trailer is missing, the gate took it, but a decent amount of of the trailer remains (Eddie's room remains) and the government has finally allowed Wayne to return to pack up what he can.
It's better than starting over completely.
"What's in the box?" Steve asks, because it's the only item Wayne hasn't just demanded he load into the moving truck outside.
"It was supposed to be Eddie's graduation gift," Wayne says softly. "'Suppose it'll have to be a 'glad you woke up from yer coma' gift instead."
"Yeah," Steve says, even if he doesn't believe it. Eddie's been asleep months now. They saved the world, killed Vecna, closed the gates, Max woke up, and the kids have started Sophomore year; Eddie remains comatose. "Can I get a sneak peak at the present?"
"It's not much, and ain't nothin' new," Wayne says, opening the box and beginning the process of pulling things out. It looks a bit like the contents of a hope chest. Things to start living on your own with. Robin's mom has one for her that Steve's seen, and even contributed to. There's an envelope of $500 tucked along the side of Robin's chest.
"This was his grandpa's. My dad's," Wayne says, pulling out a belt buckle. "And my ma made this, not for anyone in particular, mind you, but just because she liked to keep herself busy." It's a blanket, thick and a little scratchy when Steve touches it. "And this. This is the most important." Wayne pulls out a binder from the bottom of the box, handing it over to Steve for inspection.
He takes it carefully even though it looks sturdy. Holding it in one hand, he flips it open. He was thinking maybe it would be a photo album or something but it's not. It looks like a recipe book. All the recipes are hand written on looseleaf paper, with post it notes sticking out randomly. "What makes this special?"
"That's his mom's handwriting," Wayne smiles but he sounds sad. "Eddie lost her when he was five. She got real sick, y'know, and never got better. But she wrote out all them recipes. I'm amazed Al kept the thing, but I guess I shouldn't be. No real value in a binder of recipes 'cept to the people close to the author."
Steve looks back down at the binder. He still has both his parents, however distant they might be, so he doesn't know if he'll ever fully understand the significance of getting this piece of someone back. "Does he not have anything else with her writing on it?"
"No, not writing. We got plenty of things they used to own. Eddie's caseworker let us go through the whole house, after Al'd been shipped off to the penitentiary, to gather anything Eddie might want or need. Was supposed to just be his stuff, mind you, legally speakin', but I think that lady knew if we didn't take other stuff, Eddie'd never see it again.
"So, Eddie's got things that were hers. But nothing that's uniquely hers. There's jewelry, and a coupla blankets, but all that stuff is replaceable and not... Well, I dunno what I'm tryin' to say, but that's just stuff that was hers. But this. This was her. Y'understand?"
And Steve does. There's a difference between having something that belonged to someone once, and something that really feels like them when you hold it. Steve doesn't have anything like that, personally, but he knows there will come a time when the difference matters. When everyone grows up and scatters into the future. He imagines a hand written letter from Dustin will mean much more for him to find after a long time of no contact than it would to find his old Roast Beef t-shirt in the back of a drawer or something, moth bitten and musty.
"I can't wait to find out if Eddie's an angry emotional, or a sad one."
Wayne laughs. "He can be both."
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booksandabeer · 9 months
Ramblings on Fandom: Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, Delusional Shippers, and Alleged Misogyny
So with the release of Season 2 of What If…? emotions are once again running high, the outrage is outraging, and people are up in arms about the whole Captain Carter situation. While I do think that some reactions are a little overblown, even needlessly aggressive in tone to the unfortunate detriment of their otherwise convincing arguments, I share the confusion and frustration about the sudden centering of a long-dead & never excessively popular character, the sidelining of the Steve-Bucky friendship, and the as-inexplicable-as-it-is-total exclusion of Sam Wilson as Captain America. However, I’m not here to talk about the show because (1) I haven’t watched this season and have no plans to (why waste time torturing myself with something I know I’ll hate?) and (2) other people have already written dozens of metas about it, so what could I possibly add at this point.
What I do want need to talk about (lest I explode) is something that has irritated me for a long time and that is now happening again: Every time someone even mildly criticizes Peggy Carter, expresses doubts about her suitability as a heroine, or even just questions her disproportionate importance to the franchise post-EG, inevitably a certain section of fans will come out of the woodwork to immediately throw around accusations of misogyny and yell about how we’re all just a bunch of delusional Stuckies who are mad that she got "in the way" of our ship. Sigh.
This is gonna be a long one, so I’ll put it under a cut. Rant incoming. You've been warned. If you don't want to read, simply keep scrolling.
First of all, let me state very clearly that I’m not debating the existence of misogyny and sexism in fandom spaces—or in the media from which these fandoms originate. At all. It exists, it’s a thing, I’m not denying that. Which is exactly why it frustrates me endlessly to see these accusations thrown around as a gotcha! argument to shut down any and all critical debate around a female character. All it does in the end is escalate rhetoric and radicalize attitudes.  
In the case of Peggy Carter, specifically her treatment by Stucky shippers, I’ve always found 'misogyny as a motive' to be a largely unsubstantiated accusation.¹ Now, I neither presume nor do I want to speak for the entirety of Stuckynation, so I will not claim that there aren't corners of the fandom where people discuss her in ways that I find off-putting and deeply unserious, but I will say this: If you genuinely believe that disliking one (1) fictional female character equals “hating all women” and wanting to suppress and marginalize their presence in fiction and real life alike—then I think we need to take that word away from you until you’ve learned its true meaning.
You might also want to ask yourself how exactly reducing a female character to a mute trophy wife or a heroine who has to act out her love interest’s recycled storylines helps your feminist fight.
As for the “getting in the way of your ship” part of the argument. Very simply put: No character can get in the way of something if there never ever was “a way” to that something to begin with. “Being mad” implies that there was a reasonable expectation that wasn’t met, a substantive hope that was crushed. Now, I’ve said this before and I’ll gladly say it again a million more times: No Stucky shipper in their right mind ever truly thought that there was even the slightest chance that Marvel Studios owned by the Walt Disney Company would allow Steve “Captain America” Rogers and Bucky “Winter Soldier” Barnes to be canonized as an explicitly romantic pairing in their billion dollar franchise. Be serious. That was never in the cards. I wish we all lived in a world where it was, but we don’t, and it wasn’t. The best we could ever hope for was for Steve and Bucky to get a good, satisfying, in-character ending. And if, in Steve’s case, that would’ve included hints (or more) about a possible rekindling of his, uh, aborted romance with Sharon—then so be it. But we never got any of that. The characters never got any of that. Instead they sent Steve into 1950s suburban hell, literally trapped him behind a white picket fence, and condemned him to a life of passivity and lies, all so he could be married to a woman he barely knew a long time ago in a completely different world; who built and ran a top-to-bottom Hydra-infested organization, but apparently never noticed that there was anything wrong with her life's work. For decades. Great. As for Bucky—well, we’ve all seen the devastatingly grim-faced, utterly lonely, and deeply sad version of him that was presented to us in TFATWS. Happy endings all around, I guess.
So. Am I mad that Steve didn’t get to ride into the rainbow-colored sunset with Bucky at the end of EG? No. Because that was never going to happen anyway. Would I have been mad had he ended up with Sharon or another female character in the 21st century? Also no. Granted, I wouldn’t have been ecstatic about it, but mad? No. But am I mad that Steve ended up with this specific female character under these specific circumstances as presented in canon? Fuck yeah, I am.
The thing is: I personally believe Steve and Peggy to be fundamentally incompatible when it comes to the way they view the world and their respective places in it; their morals and values; their capacity for compassion and empathy; their ability and willingness to compartmentalize, compromise, and collaborate with people and institutions whose ethics and/or politics do not align with their own. I have a real hard time believing that a relationship between these two (or worse, a hasty marriage) could be either happy or long-lasting.
I don’t believe Peggy to be inherently evil, I don’t hate her, I simply think she operates within a different moral framework than Steve (and even genuinely believes it to be a righteous one).² Your mileage may vary, but I personally happen to find that framework reprehensible, even indecent, and ultimately dangerous. After all, over the course of the 20th century, we have seen exactly where that kind of “the ends justify the means” brand of pragmatism leads—over and over again. Not to mention that the people who use this line of argument to defend characters like Peggy (or real-life politicians for that matter) never seem to want to look too closely at who gets to define what "the ends" are in the first place and who decides when they've finally been met.
(Never. The answer is never.)
And to be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with depicting, and even centering a narrative around a morally (dark)gray character—oftentimes it’s actually the more interesting option—but you cannot at the same time claim that they are purely good and should be only admired as such when their actions literally tell an entirely different story.
So, no. I will not accept Peggy Carter as the shining aspirational heroine that the MCU so badly wants to sell her to me as—while simultaneously continuing to reveal things that paint an increasingly darker picture of her character. And I will certainly not celebrate seeing one of my favorite characters of all time—whose defining trait was that he couldn't ignore "a situation pointed south"; who used to fight for the little guy and against the establishment; who once said about the very organization that Peggy Carter helped build that it was so corrupt, it all needed to go—rendered morally inert for some hollow happy ending that may as well be a conservative’s wet dream full of false nostalgia for an America that never really existed. I cannot find it in me to be anything less but mad about that.
But that does not make me a misogynist. It does not make me a delusional shipper. It makes me someone who looks at what the MCU has been telling me about Peggy Carter for years now—over and over again—and takes it at its own word.
¹ If you’ve actually read a a fair number of Stucky(!) fanfics you will have noticed that the reverence afforded to and "page time" devoted to her character and her relationship with Steve is somewhat disproportionate to anything that's backed up by canon—well, up until EG, where she was suddenly reanimated as The Great Love of Steve’s Life—and in my experience, it's highly unusual for any fandom to put so much (mostly) positive attention on another character, let alone a potential love interest that is not part of the endgame ship.
² I also want to emphasize that if you love Peggy and she's your fave: good for you! I genuinely have no beef with you. People can agree to disagree. All I ask for is that we maybe stop willfully ignoring the less savory aspects of her character. You don't need to pretend she's perfect to justify your affection for her. I LOVE Steve, and yet I have no problem conceding that he is FAR from perfect.
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backjustforberena · 2 months
I think some of you here are overly indulgent with Corlys and tend to overly romanticize his relationship with Rhaenys. I believe the issue stems from projecting Eve and Steve's relationship onto these characters.
Hello, anon. I hope you're doing well. I debated long and hard about how to reply to this. I don't know who the "some of you here" is referring to so the first thing I would like to say is that I'm just talking about myself. Also that your phrasing is rude.
This is my response to your accusation that I overly romanticise the relationship between Corlys and Rhaenys, and specifically do so by projecting the relationship of Eve Best and Steve Toussaint onto those characters. I'll take it point by point and, please do feel free to get back in touch in case anything isn't clear enough for you.
I would very much like it if you could credit me with the intelligence to be able to differentiate between an actor and a character. I do not believe I have ever created a scenario, a headcanon or an interpretation about this ship from the way that Eve and Steve interact with one another. Eve is not Rhaenys. Steve is not Corlys. They are very little like their characters. Their relationship, certainly, is nothing like the relationship that is shared between the characters they play on screen. It also has no bearing on how that relationship is portrayed on screen, beyond what the work asks of them in fulfilling their jobs to bring these scripts to life.
To suggest that I am somehow "projecting" romance onto Rhaenys and Corlys from the way the actors interact is not only unfair and baseless, it is also illogical. What romance is there to be gained by projecting a completely platonic four-year friendship of two colleagues onto a "love match" marriage that has lasted over thirty years?
Eve Best and Steve Toussaint are a joy on the press circuit. I have found much happiness in watching their interviews, seeing them be playful with one another and having a nice time. They are friends. That is where it ends. The only thing that I take from Eve and Steve to then apply to the way I think about Corlys and Rhaenys is what they say about Corlys and Rhaenys. Nothing else.
What an actor says about their character is important because that is what they are playing, and thinking, and feeling about a scene. That is reliable information in which you can then build an opinion of a character and of a ship. Just as you might listen to a showrunner or a writer or a director speaking about the same thing. And I do do that. I find great happiness in hearing their insights. That, however, has nothing to do with who Steve and Eve are as people or how they are with one another.
I have never done anything or created a thought that has no textual basis from either within the show or from other equally valid sources such as interviews. And I resent the implication that I do.
The relationship of Corlys and Rhaenys does not need to be over-romanticised. It is romantic. Is there hurtful, painful or otherwise unidealistic behaviour involved? Of course. It's a grown-up, complex relationship that navigates a lot of flaws, failings, betrayals and losses. I've never shied away from that aspect. They are not a perfect couple. That is evident.
But I don't need to over-romanticise them when I have canon quotes such as "I wonder if they knew it was all for her", "We are at war, Corlys. If something were to befall you…" and "And I would remedy that small-minded error by any means", as well as various other moments, actions, and scenes.
I don't need to over-romanticise when I have interview quotes, referring to Corlys as Rhaenys's "beloved husband" and Rhaenys as "the woman he loves". The thing that Eve and Steve were told, by the showrunners, at the outset, is that this couple is in love. It was a love match.
If Steve says that Corlys feels the fragility in the relationship then I take that on board and I look at how he might be trying to address that. If Even says Rhaenys is feeling the fragility in the relationship, I will also take that on board and see where she might be receiving that message. Likewise, if Steve says scenes reminded him of what Rhaenys and Corlys might have been like when younger, I will look for that. If Eve says that Rhaenys and Corlys still maintain a "rocking sex life" then I will take that and run with it. That's not over-romanticising, that's just being informed.
And if I were to over-romanticise them, then I certainly would not take anything from the way Eve and Steve are with one another because it is not relevant, applicable, or even helpful. It is also rude to do so with any serious intent because they are real people, whereas Rhaenys and Corlys are fictional.
In terms of being "overly indulgent", I'd be very grateful if you could tell me any specific examples, because god forbid I find enjoyment out of shipping and generally interacting with the idea of this couple and their arc. I won't apologise for finding something that brings me joy, and I won't be shamed for it, especially when I pride myself in being logical and always having basis in text and perspective. If you have a different opinion than me, then that is fine. But allow me mine, and do not imply that no thought or the wrong thought has gone into my opinion.
A ship is supposed to be romantic. This ship is romantic. That is just a fact. The relationship between the two is romantic. From the first scene they share together, to the last. Shipping hurts no one, it brings joy, and it is, I would argue, the whole gosh darn point of it all. There are far worse ships to be shipping than a middle-aged married couple, be honest. If I am indulgent, then thank goodness because it makes me smile.
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Look, considering I've only gotten involved in Stranger Things after season four and therefore haven't been around the fans during other new season filming starts, but my brothers/sisters/nb in fandom what the honest fuck is going on right now?
I have been a part of other fandoms when new seasons started filming and the worst I'd seen was BBC Sherlock. And you lot are behaving worst then they did.
And Jesus fuck, that's a fucking low ass bar.
(Again I am ship and let ship, kinktomato, and headcanon free for all)
But this is just what I've seen in my small deliberately secluded corner of the internet so forgive me if I get some things wrong.
Ronance fans have turned on Steddie fans.
Steddie fans are trying to eat each other over who tops and who bottoms between two horny, barely out of their teens, men.
Eddie is confirmed dead.
Dustin is trying to become Eddie.
People want Will dead because Noah Schnapps said some stupid shit regarding genocide.
And Argyle isn't coming back.
I'm going to give you my feelings on these so buckle up lets go:
1- Steddie and Ronance fans have turned on each other. And I know this because I doom scroll through steddie tag. That Ronance fans think Steddie fans are delusional and that they're going down after season five airs and there will be more Ronance fans because they're perfect for each other.
Where to even begin on this? First, never tell a shipper that their ship is never going to be canon because they don't care. Just ask all the Destiel, johnlock, and merarthur fans. Steddie fans are just going to ignore all but the most salient parts of season 5 if Eddie doesn't come back and write AUs for the rest of their lives. You know, like they have since the last scene on the Piggyback faded to black?
Secondly, I don't think I've seen much Ronance without Steddie. Granted I only read Steddie, but it seems that the two ships are tied pretty heavily together. The fruity four comes to mind. So maybe it's that they're getting tired of being a side ship next to a massive one like Steddie. Who knows. But apparently they're bitter.
And I say that because they keep tagging their anti-Steddie posts as Steddie to make sure we see it. Honestly, I just block them and go about my day. But seriously, I've never understood people's need to be shitty like posting hate on the tag for that thing. If you don't like it, fine. Block and move on.
Thirdly. Lastly. Maybe. I don't like Ronance. I saw the charms when I first joined the fandom and it was cute. Until the more I read and I realized that most of the time they don't bring up that Jonathan is even a person let alone Nancy's current boyfriend. That most of the time Steve is written wildly out of character about not caring that they're a couple and that he just wants them to be happy. Like, one Jonathan is severely under used in the fics I've read. Like Will doesn't have an older brother anymore. It's all Steve or Eddie. Which considering how you like your flavor of queer for Eddie or Steve (gay/pan/bisexual) Will talking to them about being gay makes sense, but Jonathan showed us in the last season that he is going to protect Will no matter what. Then blip! in fanfics, he's gone.
And then the whole Steve being okay with Robin not only dating an ex-girlfriend of his, but the ex. The one he thought he was going to marry. The one he dreamed a whole fucking future on. That was still hurt by two fucking years later. You either think very lowly of Steve or you just don't care. Because if you think Robin and Steve are the same person/share the same braincell/ride or die for life, there is no way even if Nancy threw herself at Robin would she even consider it. (I can write a whole ass post just on this by the way, don't get me started.)
2- This is the most recent bullshittery due to a current event about Sub Eddie. This is the worst discourse in any fandom and the worst offenders on either side tend say the most homophobic shit imaginable.
And it's pointless. Whether you think Steve is a top or bottom, whether you think he's dom or a sub. Same with Eddie. Everyone has their own flavor they prefer and they won't always match up with yours.
Personally I write them whatever feels natural for the story. But here's the major crux of the matter. I don't believe a little nerd in Bumfuck, Indiana has any idea what flagging is. I'm sorry. Left pocket, right pocket. Doesn't matter. The likely of him even knowing what BDSM is is pretty slim. I grew up in a small town. There will be some people that know, but that's because they know adults in the scene.
Don't like, don't read. Seriously, guys. Let people enjoy what they want to.
My personal feelings on the matter is that Steve is a bottom/sub because he deserves to be taken care of and Eddie would absolutely want to be that person for Steve, in and out of the bedroom. Again, you do you, beau.
3- The tombstone. Sigh. It was hard to see that. Not just because it confirms he's dead, but because it's been defaced. Most likely like fans have said, "BURN IN HELL" the poor bastard.
Having a tombstone doesn't necessarily preclude Eddie's return. There are several ways he can still comeback Kas! theory not withstanding. But the wank here is people jumping on Steddie shippers and Eddie fans in general pointing and screaming "see!"
Like we didn't have campaigns for Barb and Bob and (Billy). If someone's favorite character has died, don't be dicks when they want them to be resurrected a la Jim Hopper. Because that right there is the main reason people will still hold out hope until the final scene fades to black, okay?
I guess this one is just be nicer to each other, okay?
4- *sob* like holy fuck. Dustin you sweetheart. The long hair, the torn Hellfire t-shirt, the rings. The horns and sticking out his tongue. That poor boy needs several hugs STAT! And of course, people can't leave well enough alone on Facebook, I couldn't tell you how many of the comments were "steddie fans are going to make this all about them, aren't they?" Even though there wasn't a single comment by a Steddie making it about Steve/Eddie. But so many eye rolls. The other half were death threats against Noah Schnapp.
Which brings me to...
5- Noah Schnapp said some really shitty things about Zionism and the attack on Gaza. There is no escaping that. He said them. He double downed on them. And while yes it sucks he said those things, let's not forget he's still young and stupid. He's barely 18/19 years old. I remember being that age and saying stupid fucked up shit, and hoo boy does this make me grateful I was well into adulthood when the internet became a thing (24ish).
There are a lot of reasons to be upset by his comments and I get that. But death threats and calls for his dismissal/boycotts just seems excessive to me.
One, because the story began with a kidnapped little boy and a runaway little girl. If you get rid of one of them especially this close to the end it would fuck up the story. Now if there was more than one season left, sure. But this is literally the end. And for all we know, Will's character may already be doomed by the narrative. So calling for it now isn't go to do anything. Especially since they already had all the scripts written and would have finished filming if it hadn't been for the strikes.
Two, one person on the cast said something stupid and hurtful and you want to boycott the entire show for it? Like, what did David Harbor, Joe Keery, Maya Hawke, Millie Bobby Brown and all the others do to deserve you boycotting their show? If the last season tanks it could seriously hurt their careers, but hey Noah Schnapp said something bad, so fuck them?
I'm going to stop there, because this is another one I can go on and on about, but yeah. Don't hurt other people in your rush to vilify an 18 year old.
6- Eduardo Franco recently said that he didn't get a call so he didn't think he would be back. He was sure that ship had sailed.
Fans are upset, naturally. Argyle was a sweetheart and deserves better than to be cut from the story like that.
But thanks to the incident with David Harbor and Jim Hopper supposedly being dead, a lot of fans are saying he's only saying that because it's a "secret" he's coming back. Which would make sense for Eddie or any of the other character died. Martin Brenner, for example, but not Argyle. There would be no need for subterfuge. Plus, he would already be out in Georgia if he was coming back.
It's sad that he was done dirty this way, but if they split up the filming like they've done before there is still a chance he might get to come back, but as far as the current filming is concerned, yeah Argyle isn't coming back.
Just... be kind to each other. Remember that the other people on the end of the URL is an actual person with feelings. That people can like what they like so if they aren't hurting you, don't hurt them, okay?
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stxrvel · 2 years
the outbreak: extra (1.5)
summary: you had a word with bucky on your way to your last mission.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: +2.5k
warnings: some bad words and slight angst.
note: hey! this wasn't planned but i wanted to add something else to the story that was surely missing. i hadn't thought about the self destructive behaviors we normalize in our daily lives and sometimes that is reflected in what we write. this conversation was something i had envisioned but hadn't seen possible, but i decided to finish it and post it after a whole day of reflection. this talk was perhaps VERY specific, but i've had conversations like this with my friends, so i hope you understand what i am trying to visualize. you can read it before or after part 2! the feedback is always appreciated! thank u for reading.
part 1
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Clint was extremely quiet and curiously attentive. As you prepared everything to enter the Quinjet, you shared a silent moment that was uncharacteristic of him. Generally, he would begin a pleasant and seemingly normal chat, until he would start jabbing at you with his off-hand comments and jokes about anything that came to mind.
The Clint Barton who was with you in the armory room was not your typical Clint. You began to wonder what would have happened to keep him so quiet when you saw out of the corner of your eye that Bucky entered the room.
He hadn't been able to convince Fury to send Steve in his place on the mission, and during that week you had seen him only once, about twenty yards away. You wanted to pretend (as usual) that things hadn't broken down between the two of you. That that argument had never happened and that Bucky had never found out about the real thoughts going around in your head. That everything was just running its normal course and you still considered yourselves co-workers, at least.
But it was just you playing pretend.
Bucky walked past you, grabbed the weapons he needed, the razors and knives he handled so well, a couple of grenades that he carefully stowed in the loop of his suitcase and headed for the exit without a single glance at anyone.
Clint had his back to you, but you could feel his body tense, so still you could barely tell he was breathing, as if moving between you would set off a bomb or something.
“The Quinjet is ready,” Bucky exclaimed as he stopped in front of the door. “Don't be long.”
And he got out without further ado.
The mood didn't change later, when Bucky was piloting the Quinjet having a chance to leave it on automatic and Clint was sitting with you in the back of the ship, as far away from you as possible. You watched his figure in front of you and how he sent you wary glances from time to time. The situation was becoming tedious.
You knew you were pretending not to know what was going on. You were pretending that no one felt the tension that formed when you and Bucky were in the same room, mostly being emitted from your body because the man was like a big ice cube. It was the indifference you had seen so much of him direct at other people, especially those he didn't trust, and you never thought it would be directed at you. It hurt more than you could imagine.
So for that reason you preferred to just keep the image in your head of everything that had happened before that fateful day. Maybe your mind thought it would be easier to deal with the rejection that way, because you did know it would happen, and it had taken time for the moment to arrive, but when it finally had it swept in and took everything with it, leaving you just taking it all in in the deep silence.
When the Quinjet came to a stop at its destination, Bucky walked back between you and Clint to head for the rear ramp of the ship. He quietly grabbed his things and stepped out.
Clint had moved to unbuckle his seat belt when you felt the need to ask the question. You moved to mimic the man in front of you.
“Why are you acting like that?”
“Like what?” Clint turned to look at you in confusion, his brow furrowed, when he had fully risen.
You watched his figure begin to move toward the front of the Quinjet and felt everything inside you strangely stir.
“As if you were afraid someone would suddenly start burning up next to you.”
“Not true.”
You turned to look at the man with an ingrown eyebrow, and Clint only gave you a look of complete naivety as he sat down in front of the ship's controls. You walked over to where you had left your backpack and began putting away the few things you were going to need.
“You're too tense.”
Clint clicked his tongue. His body slumped over the big chair and he shifted his feet on the floor until he was facing you.
“It's just… being around you two is too uncomfortable. In and of itself just seeing Bucky these past few days is scary.”
You frowned as you moved your hands inside your backpack. You picked up one of the pocketknives Natasha had given you, with rose embroidery on the black handle. You saw out of the corner of your eye the pistol you had been given as equipment to use in case of emergencies, and you hesitated whether or not to take it.
“Why is it uncomfortable?”
You heard the man let out a laugh before answering. “Are you kidding me? The atmosphere is so tense that I could jump in the air and get caught in an invisible mesh.”
“Of course not. There's no discomfort at all. We're fine,” you repeated your mantra with an assurance that surprised you.
You took the gun in your hands after observing it for several minutes and felt its weight between your fingers, as if telling a story you didn't want to know. Will you carry it with you or…?
“You seem to have repeated that to yourself too many times to believe it. Cute.”
“It is what it is.”
Clint sighed and watched you carefully. Your gaze on the gun did not allow you to see him examine your figure for a while, and you barely noticed the silence that formed between the two of you. Clint, then, remembered something.
“Do you really think no one heard the argument you two had last week?”
You raised your head. You went blank. You let the gun drop into the backpack again and furrowed your brow, followed by closing it and putting it back where you had initially left it. You watched Clint warily, his serious face giving you to understand that he wasn't playing with you.
“The walls aren't that thick.”
You couldn't help but simply not answer him for several seconds because what were you going to say to him? You couldn't go back to saying that everything was fine between you and Bucky because clearly everyone now knew you had something and that an angry Bucky doesn't listen to any excuses and is unkind in that state.
That explained a lot about the sneaky looks you sometimes felt when you walked around the Complex and the therapist's card Steve had accidentally left at the foot of your bedroom door.
You saw Clint again with the face of someone caught red-handed, and at the same time you felt vulnerable because under no circumstances would that possibility have crossed your mind.
Would Bucky even know?
“Can you pretend with me?”
The man sighed, but seeing your agonized expression he agreed.
And then you had to go out to meet Bucky.
You had landed about a kilometer from the distance of the target, which was a small house in an abandoned industrial town. With the information gathered, you had been able to learn the nearest location of the target within some of the houses that were within a fifty meter radius from the center of the town. Clint, already in charge of the Quinjet, would leave to supervise from the height that everything was in order, and give air support if necessary.
Bucky was a few meters away from the Quinjet, his things arranged in their respective places and with his binoculars he observed the town from his position.
“It looks desolate,” you couldn't help but comment to break the choking silence.
The man hummed in response a nod and lowered the binoculars to pass them to you without turning to look at you.
“Look east from the center. It's the only house that has light.”
You took the object he offered you careful not to brush against his skin, and promptly used them to peer into the distance. In the center of the village there was a fountain that served as a traffic circle to connect the main roads. Looking to the east, even though it was daylight, you could notice electricity highlighting one of the houses.
“It could be the target.”
“Or a trap.”
You lowered the binoculars.
“Do you have to be so gloomy?”
Bucky gave you the first look of the day. His eyes were not rough and his expression was not coarse like the few times you had seen him before, he seemed a little calmer than before, but you tried not to raise your hopes thinking that clearly the man had to maintain professionalism during the mission. And you had to do the same. Starting by stopping over-analyzing him.
He looked like he wanted to answer you, or say something else, but he just turned around and started walking towards the path that led to the village.
You definitely wanted to say something, even though you also wanted to remain professional, because you didn't want to spend the next fifteen or twenty minutes in stony silence and with your thoughts being the only thing that answered the questions in your head.
Instinctively, you kept thinking that you still had that kind of relationship with Bucky. Like you'd ask him a question about anything and he'd answer trivially and then you'd tell him something super curious about the sky and the trees and he'd listen like he was being told the truths of the universe.
Why did everything have to be so complicated?
Why did everything have to have been complicated like this?
You walked through the dry grass and stones, enduring the silence for several minutes. Every time you looked up to see the town, you felt it receding instead of coming closer. Bucky's body in front of you moved easily through the grass, almost as if he were levitating through nature.
Again, you felt that itch in your mouth with the urge to say something to fill the silence, but your mind suppressed your body's instincts. You hated it when routines disappeared, especially when they involved people who were important to you. You didn't like the sense of loss that came with the truth and that you had thought that by that point you would be more than used to it, but it seemed you had only fooled yourself.
You did it before and you were doing it then. Some things just wouldn't change.
You were seriously thinking about starting to talk to the trees when you heard his voice:
“I'm sorry.”
Bucky sighed, and after a few seconds you thought he wouldn't speak again and that he had only, unlike you, let his impulses win the battle, until you heard him again:
“I regret how I acted the last time we spoke.”
His words left you perplexed. You had expected anything less than to start a conversation about it, especially to apologize.
You frowned, not knowing exactly what to say. You weren't used to people showing that kind of remorse after walking away from your life. You suddenly felt uncomfortable, and feared the direction the conversation would take.
“Well, you had your reasons for being angry…”
“Yes, I had reasons to be angry, but all I did when you gave me the truth was walk away. That wasn't the right thing to do.”
“Well, what else were you going to do? If you stayed and hugged me you weren't going to solve anything. It's okay, Bucky, it's not like I was expecting you to do anything different.”
The man stopped his steps, and you would have collided with his back had you not been a safe distance away, your legs trying to match his stride, but failing miserably.
You saw his body turn in your direction with a puzzled expression. You tried to hide in the back of your mind the voice that constantly reminded you not to talk about those subjects. You didn't want to evoke those sensations that kept you religiously away from your feelings, the defensive actions of your own head trying to keep the boat of your sanity afloat. You didn't want Bucky to keep harping on the subject, but you knew he would.
“Are you saying that-?”
Bucky shut his mouth. Before he finished speaking, he pursed his lips into a line and took a deep breath. You could glimpse that he was dealing with his own thoughts at that moment.
“It's not normal, Y/N, nor good for a person to leave you like I did after telling you something with so much meaning to you. And also, that it took me this long to bring it up...”
You hummed in response. He was telling you the same thing that many other people had told you throughout your life, but you didn't know why his were causing your body to react differently. It was like having your chest spread out like the wings of a butterfly. It was such a strange sensation, so foreign to you that you were unconsciously afraid of it. You didn't want to feel it. You wanted it to go away.
“Why did you do it then?”
“Because I was an unconscious idiot. That's why.”
The man resumed his march as he finished speaking, and you had to wiggle quickly to keep up with him. You felt your head moving a thousand miles, as if it could travel a hundred times back and forth the village road without stopping for air once. You couldn't find a way out of the conversation, so you tried to beat around the bush.
“But aren't you a little hard on yourself? You're going to therapy, aren't you? You have things to deal with, too.”
“Maybe you're used to people leaving you, but that doesn't mean it's okay.”
You furrowed your brow, almost stopping your steps and watching his back. It wasn't okay for people to leave you? You'd lost count of all the times you'd asked yourself that question since you'd had the conscience to do it. You didn't want to think that the world was cruel to you, that people were mean to you, but that the world and people didn't have to deal with the shit you carried around.
The words died in your mouth when Bucky stopped again and that time you almost crashed into him.
“I didn't mean it that way. The truth is, people suck, and there will be plenty of fuckers who decide to leave rather than stay and help you grow. Maybe you met a lot of them and started to see them as normal, but that's not the case. That's not usual, much less with someone you consider your friend.”
Bucky nodded in response.
“As in appreciation and respect?”
“Yes, you couldn't have defined it better.”
You saw him look away, suddenly sinking into his thoughts before resuming his march on his way into town. You followed him, that time more closely thankful that he was no longer jogging like he was in a marathon. There was a contradiction of emotions in your chest and in your head. There was a part of you that liked what Bucky said, that actually rejoiced in his response and appreciated his sincere apology; but there was another part of you that continued to disown his tokens of appreciation, that didn't want him to see you from above as if you were a little ant he could step on with his shoes.
That part of you that wanted to believe his words clashed with the part of you that didn't want to be vulnerable again.
“I was supposed to be that for you. Then I pushed you too hard, didn't know how to talk things out and also didn't know how to deal with the response I got. I was too angry, but that shouldn't have been a justification.”
“You wouldn't have gotten the information out of me any other way, you know that?”
“I don't think so.”
“You would never have gotten it. If you had stopped, I would have put up walls to keep you from ever coming near me again.”
You meant what you said, and Bucky knew you did. Suddenly, you felt as if in that moment you could deploy the walls to stop him from talking.
“I'm not justifying anything I did, Y/N, I also don't want to say that's how it was supposed to happen because I'm sure I would have found another way. If I hadn't let my emotions win…”
“Can we just let it be? I already know you're sorry and I told you everything was okay.”
“But nothing is okay.”
“Yes it is.”
“No, you're trying to avoid the subject.”
You snorted loudly. You hate it. You didn't want to be rude to him, but you were reaching a limit you could barely tolerate when dealing with such topics.
“Can you blame me? I feel like I've already exhausted all the feelings talk I could possibly have in a year.”
“It's not wrong to talk about these things…”
“And, still, I'd rather not.”
Suddenly, it was like having a rush of adrenaline running through your body. You started to move your legs quickly, and surprisingly you were able to overtake Bucky and start walking ahead of him. Although you looked as if you were not too affected by Bucky being this insistent with your feelings, you actually had your heart beating at an impressive speed. Your chest contracted with every breath and you felt a rock settling in the pit of your stomach. Suddenly it seemed that the temperature had dropped drastically and your hands were breaking out in a cold sweat. A shiver ran through your body and you felt fear at the possibility of Bucky bringing up that subject again.
“You should consider seeing Dr. Green.”
You stopped your steps. You watched Bucky walk toward you and not stop as you asked him, "How do you know about that? Did Steve tell you about the stupid card?"
The man gave you a sidelong glance.
“I gave it to him.” 
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Hi, again. 👋
I found the post you were talking about. The stan's account was deactivated, but yeesh. 😬 Nice replies to them, btw.
The stan that bashed on me said I was being misogynistic, even though I'm a black woman who just wanted to see another black character get their chance to shine.
Hell, it's not just the shows and movies (I think this all started with Endgame). It's also the Steve Rogers musical too. I don't know if you know about it, but Disney made the musical real, and it really did Sam and Bucky dirty.
Sam isn't even in it. Maybe he was mentioned once, but the musical showed an image of Sam as Captain America. As for Bucky, his scene from CA:TFA, where he saved pre-serum Steve, was given to Peggy instead. Bucky was mentioned once, and the musical tried to justify Steve's ending from Endgame. All for this ship.
And, frankly, I don't hate Peggy, I'm just more annoyed that other characters get shoved aside as well as this great dynamic that Steve and Bucky had, while she and her ship with Steve has been getting propped up more and more. But, seeing some of your and the others' posts, I get why you guys don't like her.
Girl, don’t get me started on the abomination that was Rogers the musical. It could have been glorious, it had so much potential, but once again Bucky’s role in Steve’s story was given to Peggy, and Sam wasn’t even there!
I feel like Marvel feels the need to tone down Stucky or their friendship overall because it was just too powerful. We all remember the hashtag that begged Marvel to make Stucky Canon, #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend. They just couldn’t let it happen, not to a main and important character like Steve, god forbid. And so ever since civil war Stucky has always had little to no scenes together no matter how well established it was in previous projects. All their scenes and dynamic were given to Peggy, their friendship was toned down, Steve’s whole ending happened. It just feels like Stucky is so menacing to Marvel that the only way to stop us is by destroying Steve, Bucky and their relationship.
I mean, Steve is given no justice in his ending and in all the other projects he appeared in. Bucky went from a victim and prisoner of war to someone who must make amends for things that were beyond his control. And the depth of their friendship was toned down and reduced every time Peggy was involved. And then they wonder why many people in the fandom dislike Peggy or why the whole Rogers the musical initiative flopped the second it went beyond Hawkeye.
Like, even if you don’t ship Stucky you can tell that they care for each other, and you can tell there was a shift after people actually wanted Marvel to take action and do something about this dynamic. Steve can’t get even one episode as his own character because Peggy must be there. Bucky had more luck, but still… and let’s not even talk about Sam, his only appearance was as a zombie!
In another post of mine I ranted about how bothered I was that Peggy was inserted in the 1602 storyline, and i haven’t changed my mind. It would have been so nice to give Steve one episode about himself, about his dynamic with his best friend and about the relationship with himself and his fellow avengers. But no, Peggy must be there too, and for no good reason as well.
I feel like Marvel trying to erase pre-existing relationships to have Peggy shine only results in fans turning their back on Marvel and hiding in fanfiction or whatever piece of media that can actually bring justice to the characters. Once someone on Tumblr said “you gave us the characters, but once you mess them up they’re not yours anymore. You don’t understand and respect them, therefore you don’t deserve them.” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am currently reading and writing fanfiction rather than buying into everything marvel gives us.
Peggy was the love interest with more screen time even before what if and all that jazz, she had her own show! And I fear that the day Marvel will realize that pushing a reimagined Nazi turned Mary Sue into every single what if episode where she can fit instead of enhancing the characters that are actually relevant in-universe it will be too late.
Sorry about the rant, I get carried away when it’s about my boys lol
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gayofthefae · 4 months
Another hard truth of the matter for arguers is: if they wanted to write an endgame ship, they wouldn't have made it so easy for their build up to confession towards El to be confusable with buildup to confession towards Will.
You and your girlfriend are having trouble and you keep telling your best friend how you wish you had told her you love her and you don't know why you can't? That is not clear enough for me to be rooting for you to "tell her the truth".
As Pink Podcast recently said about Francesca Bridgerton before she met John, I want to root for you to get what you want but I can't do that if I don't know what you want.
They didn't tell us what we wanted, leaving us to split off in our guesses based on his ambiguous words - which they could have made less ambiguous. Half of us split in the direction of his strange behavior towards Will being over-correction, half split in the direction of the last thing we saw in his point of view behind him happy in his relationship with El.
But if they were making Mike and El endgame, they wouldn't have constructed that split off at all. The only reason to encourage confusion is to get people to both jump ship and be surprised when it comes. They have no reason to disguise whether Mike and El will stay together unless they are playing Will as an option, which he wouldn't be unless Mike is queer, which wouldn't make sense for his storyline unless....
Plus, they already have their "Team X" "Team Y" marketing quota filled. They haven't been using that for marketing, so why split opinions then not use it? Because the more you poke the bear, the more passionate people get, which only works for characters whose relationships aren't the center of their arcs like Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan. And they want you to be as calm and open minded as possible, with no fear of "I told you so"s so you can be fully onboard when it happens.
They made you root for what Mike wants but didn't tell you what that was for 8.5 of 9 episodes, only having Mike present a question with no indication of whether the answer was of the ONLY two options: "if I loved you less maybe I could talk about it more" or "I don't love you anymore"(which has other implications when you consider Will's plot), and only providing payoff for people who had vaguely guessed that the answer of reasoning and what he wanted - which they chose to convey HE didn't even know until late in the game - was vaguely "El", but they still didn't know the details enough to root for him to confess the "truth" because they still didn't know what that was and so were happy because the characters said they were happy but not invested as it was happening because they couldn't empathize enough to predict the next word with the characters or read the subtext.
They did some weird shit to make even the die-hards be invested in only the rewatch because they couldn't predict the reasoning even if they predicted the outcome and made a a large portion of people become indifferent to the relationship, with an even larger group actively rooting for him to be with someone else. They did some weird shit. And it ended up exactly how they wanted to.
The only people left invested are the people who nothing could have swayed. Everyone else is indifferent, "Team Will", or a combination of indifferent and hopeful for Will that makes them obliviously "Team Will". They did some weird shit and they did it on purpose.
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queenofthegayships · 6 months
Lil mcdanno headcannons not a whole lot of people seem to have.
Steve is the bottom. There is no switching. Steve is strictly a whimpery, needy bottom with a huge praise kink. He's pretty shy in bed, hesitant to ask for something (at least at first he builds confidence as he gets used to being with a man and not in control, but hes never quiet demanding) but he can beg like nobody else.
He's a cuddly guy. Not that he isn't in cannon, but he's a bit more in my brain. Little spoon, head on Danny's chest, buried in his neck, in Danny's lap cuddly. Obviously, only that far when he's in a snuggle mood his normal day to day extent would stick to head on Danny's shoulder pressed against him during the day curled in Danny's arms one way or another at night.
Private mcdanno moments being Steve can get giggly with his Danno, especially since Danny knows how to tease him just right. Or in bed they can have tickle fights that Steve regularly looses.
I like to picture a golden Steve regularly wearing flower crowns he makes himself. Eyes shining with laughter on days off, Ohana BBQ and stuff
When Steve and Danny get married, Steve is wearing white, and Mary walks him down the aisle Danny's the traditional groom.
Steve calls Danny "Danno" as much as Grace does. Steve gave himself to Danny. Danno is Steve's person. He belongs to Danno. His Danno.
Danny is one possessive MF and makes sure everyone knows who Steve belongs to and Steve loves every second of it. Love bites that can be covered with work clothes but shown off should they go out. Though the whole ass island knows about them so I dont think either of them would have a problem with showing them off at work. Arm around Steve's waist, guiding him around. Glares at everyone who checks Steve out.
Years and years ago right after I discovered fanfiction I read somewhere that men that are in positions of power tend to be submissive at home/in bed because they don't want or like to be in control 24/7 and my mind has taken that and run with it. That one thing influenced my entire way of shipping characters and how I look at dynamics. In my mind, the more serious guys are all sunshine smiles and sweet laughs with their family and partners. The Steves of Mcdanno and Stucky, for example. So used to being the protecter, they turn to pudding when they are protected, held, and cherished. Sunshine men and their grumpy humans.
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muppetallica · 10 months
Hi and thank you for the follow! Your blog seems really chill and I'm loving your headcanons so much!
I wanna make a quick complaint (but I promise that's not the meat of this message, I have a method to my madness I swear) and that it's reading William/Steve x reader fics is kind of disheartening as a plus size woman. MOST (but not all) heavily imply the reader is thin and it's just so... Disheartening... Same thing with me not seeing a lot of representation for people who love his character and even go as far as I do to self ship with him for instance trans people of all kinds, men and poc. It sucks.
Since you make really wonderful headcanons and you're the first person on here I feel comfortable asking thus far, how do you think he'd respond to someone plus sized taking interest in him or vice versa, him finding himself interested in someone plus sized?
Hi there! Thank you so much for this message and for all the support you've shown my blog! As a plus-size girlie myself, I completely understand your feelings and would be glad to provide some thoughts :)
William Afton x Plus-sized reader headcanons
In my humble opinion, William would LOVE a plus-sized partner. He is a firm believer in "more cushion for the pushing".
Everything you do would make him go crazy. Seeing the way your body moves would drive him mad.
William would have an unshakable desire to mark you up. He would want to leave fingerprints all over the supple flesh of your thighs and your chest. He would keep a death grip on your thigh while doing anything.
This man loves tummy rolls too. He thinks it's adorable if you were to wear conforming clothing.
Dude would go feral for your ass. If you're like me and have Venus dimples, OH BOY, OH BOY, prepare for him to hit it from the back and stick his fingers in the dimples.
If you're ever having a bad mental health day, feeling negative about your body, William would simply not stand for it. He would stop at nothing to make you feel better.
William understands feelings of insecurity. As I've said in previous headcanons, he feels insecure over his scars. But, it can be really difficult to process that you don't see how beautiful you are.
William lives for spoiling his partner. He'd buy you anything your heart desires, especially trying to buy you plenty of fancy clothes to make you feel as beautiful as you are.
If you're someone who wears crop tops, he would LOSE HIS MIND seeing your tummy stick out under the fabric.
Assuming you have somewhat of a difficult relationship with food (to indulge myself here), William would spend copious amounts of time trying to repair it to the best of his abilities. Eating with you, reminding you to eat, talking you through it - he's willing to do whatever it takes to see his bunny smile and not struggle.
He would always compare your body to Greek structures of Gods and Goddesses, saying that you hold more beauty than they ever could.
If anyone ever makes any snide remarks about your figure... well let's just say that their fate is not looking good and the next time anyone will see them would be inside an animatronic. William would kill for you and die for you in a heartbeat.
In short, William worships you. He thinks you are the most beautiful creature on the face of the planet, and will always try his best to remind you of that.
Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed, and feel free to send any more requests my way!!
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stayinggoldforpony · 2 months
hiiii!!!! love ur posts, ur hcs specifically always eat. i was wondering if u had any hcs for family game night w/ the gang??? ty!!!!
they're probably playing monopoly and after every game night they all yell they're never playing it again (they play it every week)
they fight about who's banker and then finally they all scream "FINE DARRY YOU DO IT" because he's the only trust worthy one
Could also someone making Johnny do it
Darry was probably sitting on the couch minding his own business 😭 he's there to keep the peace
Steve and Two-bit probably start wrestling for some reason
Steve takes it SO seriously, like he is LOCKED IN
Two-bit is robbing the bank FOR SURE
If Johnny was banker everyone would start yelling and Johnny would be like "uhm please don't rob the bank?"
bro is stressing
Dally yells at everyone to shut up and yanks the money back from two-bit
NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!!! what pieces are they using??
steve: car
darry: shoe
soda: dog
twobit: thimble because he thinks it funny
dally: canon
johnny: hat
ponyboy: would wanna use the shoe but cant because of darry so instead he chooses ship or wheel barrel
if you know me you know I gotta include some papercut
oh if curly comes over??? he wants to use the ship. but he sees soda reaching for the dog?? he picks the dog.
and soda starts being like wth but pony just tells soda to let curly use it because curlys excuse would be "I use the dog at home :3"
(he doesn't. pony knows this because pony has gone to the shepard house and played monopoly with angela, tim, and curly. but pony doesn't wanna call curly out on lying because he knows soda would always use that as another excuse to why curly is horrible and they should break up)
ponyboy loves snakes and ladders because because it reminds him of his childhood (they used to play it a lot trust)
he doesn't care for the game much itself though
I feel like Pony is the type to get genuinely upset when people start cheating and not taking the game seriously
like he probably leaves the games sometimes because things get too hectic
and everyone thinks he's just being a sore loser and its like "actually no i just wanted to play the game"
this would probably mainly happen because he'd wanna play a specific game that no one else likes but soda makes them because pony's turn to pick
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nekoannie-chan · 3 months
Steve Vs. the Internet
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Title: Steve Vs. the Internet.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Reader.
Word count: 177 words.
Square: D2 “Steve Vs. the Internet.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve is trying to understand how to use the internet.
Major Tags: Kind of fight.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @steverogersbingo Steve Rogers Bingo round 3. SB3090.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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Steve woke up one morning with a clear mission in mind: he had to master the internet.
He sat at his desk with a cup of coffee in his hand and a laptop in front of him.
The first battle began with turning on the computer. After several unsuccessful attempts to remember his password, he finally managed to log in after many attempts and several minutes. In fact, he succeeded because he found the paper where you had written down the password. He then opened the browser.
“Let's see how hard this can be.”.
He reread the instructions you had left him, but now it all seemed too complicated; he needed help. He dialed you, but you didn't answer, so he decided to call Tony.
“Tony, I need your help with something technological.”.
“Don't worry; as soon as Y/N gets here, Y/N'll help you.”
When you arrived, Steve was making a mess; hundreds of windows were open, but you started laughing when you saw that he had started live streaming.
The internet had definitely won Steve over.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 11 months
FNAF Movie Requests - CLOSED
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Requests CLOSED as of November 16th, 2023.
(Requests are now closed, and I am keeping this request form up in case I have need for this again.)
So, I highly resisted the urge to fall into the fanfiction hole with the Five Nights At Freddy's Movie characters, but here I am lmao. Josh Hutcherson is so wonderfully sat, wet, and pathetic and I can't help myself.
I have tweaked my prompt list for this fandom, and you don't have to use these prompts when requesting fics, but please keep in mind that I am more likely to write and complete a request if it is simplistic and can be written in a shorter fic. I aim to keep request fics under two thousand words (around three thousand words at most).
Characters I write for: Mike Schmidt, Vanessa Monroe (Afton), and William Afton (Steve Raglan). (I may also write platonic fics with animatronic characters if people want to see that?)
Note: I will be writing for the movie version of the characters, but because I am a fan of the games, I am not against making references to the games and playing around with the canonicity. I care much more about the themes of the games than any solid sense of canon.
Requests can be sent to my ask box here or to my ask box over on my writing blog @sundrop-writes - I am probably not going to get to requests right away because unfortunately I am feeling sick right now, but I wanted to post this request form to help me get inspired. Please read all the rules/guidelines below before sending in a request.
(More information below the cut - please read it before requesting.) 
(Also - warning, this prompt list technically does have some mild spoilers for the movie.)
I will accept requests for poly ships. (Character x reader x character.) I love requests like this - I think for this fandom, the only one that really works is Vanessa x Reader x Mike (which is one that I would really love to do), but under certain circumstances, with the right request, I might write Mike x Reader x William.
In your request, please specify if the reader character is female, male, or gender neutral. When I write gender neutral fics, I do not describe what kind of genitals they have in any way, so I don’t write ‘GN AFAB’ reader fics. If you want the reader character to have a vagina, that would be a fem reader in my fics. 
EDIT: Typically, I don't write for reader characters that have specific traits - like a specific race, height, described as having specific looks, etc. but my one exception to this rule is that I love writing plus sized/fat reader fics. I love spreading love for fat bodies, especially through fics, and I love making people feel good about their fatness through the gaze of a fictional character. So feel free to send in requests for a plus sized reader character, it's one of my favourite things to write!
I will write smut, angst, or fluff, but I mostly prefer writing smut or angst. When requesting smut, please specify if you want the characters to be dominant or submissive. In your request, write ‘sub!reader’ or ‘dom!reader’ or something like this to let me know. I am a big fan of writing submissive men, so know I don’t shy away from that, but I will write any dynamic as long as it’s properly communicated to me. 
I will for a lot of dark topics and different kinks. In general, the list of things that I won’t write is a lot shorter than the list of that I will. So if you’re wondering if a request is okay with me or not, just ask!
Just for reference, my big no-nos are: virgin!reader, sexually inexperienced!reader, or innocent!reader - I am okay with doing a ‘faux’ innocent reader or writing about the canon character being a virgin and having their first sexual experience with the reader. I am okay with writing about sexual cocercion, sexual blackmail, or dubcon.
Also, I don’t write fics about miscarriages, safeword use, or extreme choking kink. While I don’t write about miscarriage, I am okay with writing about pregnancy (and it’s something I enjoy writing about). 
Smut Prompts/Ideas: 
The canon character is a virgin (ex: virgin!Mike) 
“Just the tip.” 
Stuck and Fucked/Situational Bondage 
Hate Fucking 
There Was Only One Bed
Caught Masturbating 
“Can you teach me how to do (blank)?” (ex: “Can you teach me how to give someone an orgasm?” “Can you teach me how to perform oral?”) 
Late Night Semi-Public Sex (bathroom sex, kitchen counter sex, etc.) where they shove a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet (or purposefully try to make you scream) 
Breeding Kink (or Faux Breeding Kink with a Strap-On) 
Extreme Dirty Talk
Phone Sex
Underwear Stealing
Them taking dirty pictures of you
Unknown surveillance/Perv!Canon Character/Them getting off to you doing something mundane
Dumbification Kink/Objectification 
Daddy Kink or Mommy Kink (their reaction to being called Daddy or Mommy for their first time) 
Them masturbating to the thought of you 
(There is more kinks that I enjoy writing, but this is just all that I thought to add to this list) 
Angst Prompts/Ideas: 
(You should definitely send in some of these, I love writing angst but people don’t request it as often. I will even write hurt/comfort just to write the angst part, so you can send in a hurt/comfort request if you prefer.) 
They break up with you to keep you away from danger (this one would work really well with Vanessa)
Attending to their injuries after a fight (or, them attending to your injuries after a fight) 
You are attacked (verbally or physically) and they step in to save you 
Their reaction to you being killed/your death (bonus angst: you died before they got to confess their feelings to you) 
One of you has been brainwashed and completely forgets the other 
(Directly inspired by the movie) - you are in a coma and they confess their feelings for you thinking that you can't hear them
They save you from a near-death experience (or you save them) 
They find out you are alive after thinking you had died 
Being reunited after years, but you didn’t part on good terms 
“Who did this to you?” 
Unrequited Love (they see you with someone else, they think that you’ll never love them back, etc.) 
(For hurt/comfort, I can do any of these with a sappy ending!) 
Fluff Ideas/Prompts:
They confess their love for you
Your first kiss together  
They surprise you with a cute date 
(I am really stalled for ideas for this list, I suck at writing pure fluff lmao)
(Again, you don’t have to use these prompts, I just think that these are good examples of things that will fit the 1k-2k mark.)
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
How Stranger Things mishandles racism
Looking back on how the Duffers mishandle racism. It's bad.
Stranger Things on the whole is very tepid in its portrayal of racism.
In the 80s, in rural Indiana it would have been way more blatant, especially from bully characters like Troy and Billy.
Troy is racist and homophobic. His vile comments about Will and treatment of the party is vile. He makes one racist comment about Lucas and it's never brought up again. Him trying to kill Mike is more focused on and they still try to make him sympathetic in the comics.
Billy is a racist, the Duffer Bros even admit this, yet they backtrack one season later.
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They wanted Billy to say the N word in the script, but Dacre did not want to say the vile word to avoid being type cast as racist characters.
Even in Runaway Max
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He singles out Lucas and out of everyone Max befriended, Lucas is the only one he was violent with. He specifically said this about Lucas "There are certain type of people in this world that you stay away from"
Billy didn’t target Mike, he didn’t target Will, he didn’t target Dustin. The excuse his stans use is “he was protecting Max, he would’ve done the same thing for the others” HE DIDN’T, HE SPECIFICALLY FUCKING CHOSE LUCAS!
He singled out the one black kid in the party and told Max to “stay away from people like him” and then slammed him against a wall with the intent to kill him, until Steve stood up for Lucas(yet ya’ll ship that racist sack of shit with Steve)
Yeah, that's fucking racist and even Caleb said Billy was fucking racist.
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his backstory doesn’t even give us enough of a reason for his blatant racism. They could’ve at least given some more context to why he was such an asshole to Lucas. Childhood abuse doesn’t explain his bigotry. Like yes, he could've internalized Neil's racism, but you can't keep blaming Neil for shit that Billy's done as a grown adult harassing a black kid.
They specifically based Billy on Henry Bowers from IT.
And then they backtracked a season later. Billy is possessed instead of being a willing participant of The Mind Flayer to get revenge on Max, Lucas and the party. All the racism against Lucas and abuse of Max is washed over and they act like it never happened.
And honestly, I don't think Patrick should've been apart of Jason's friend group because it would've done more to make him hateable than to make Lucas the token black guy of Jason's brigade of psychos. Especially considering how everyone else in the group but Jason looked down on Lucas. To me Jason is the type of guy who makes everyone think he's this great guy, very misogynistic and closeted racist and the type of guy who would defend Lucas to his friends by saying "he's one of the good ones"
Honestly I would've replaced Patrick with Troy. Troy returning apart of Jason's group would've worked so much better the more I think about it. To get past the whole Lucas in the group, you could have Troy put on a “oh I’m so sorry I’m not like that anymore” act but saying racist things behind his back, then have the act drop the second Lucas doesn’t fall in line. Maybe Troy was supposed to score the winning shot, but Lucas was called in instead of Troy and he held that resentment and it's been building, so the minute Jason and co drop Lucas, Troy's psycho ass is after him. Then Troy gets to have his little revenge on the party and gets to be as vile as he can since they woobified the Henry Bowers of the show a season prior.
Even less obvious, is my one of my biggest gripes of season 4: Officer Powell should have been passed over for Chief in favor of Officer Callahan. No way Powell is getting that position in rural 80s Indiana. And it would have made the season better, because then you could have Callahan bumbling the murders, with Powell stepping up showing how much better he was despite getting passed over for obvious reasons.
So yeah. Racism in Stranger Things is so downplayed, they introduce racist themes and don't do anything with them or just outright forget they exist in the first place to make vile characters seem better.
This reddit post says it all
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