#i don't think the tweets gave full context
slowestlap · 6 months
Max struggling to donate for Jimmy Broadbent's Mind Charity campaign during the 23h charity stream | via StanleyDeslandes_7 on twitch, 9 December 2023
↳ Includes Max being clueless and confused, boys tryna be helpful and Max just paypaling Bennett 1k€ to finish the donation on his behalf
+ Max's Bennett's donation message:
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joyswonderland1108 · 7 months
I'm.. Confused?
Okay i will be completely honest here, i rarely very rarely watch any content that isn't purely BTS when it comes to, well.. BTS. So when it's something about Bang PD talking about BTS sometimes i only catch snippets on my tl and i end up watching it very later solely because there was a mention of BTS.
Now this popped up on my TL because someone qt tweeted it, i'm not sure about what this interview was all about, i still didn't watch it, i don't have the whole context but anygays :
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(My Tumblr isn't giving me a preview of the post so i'm linking the ss of the post anyways)
After i've been sitting here reading this over and over again, reading comments and quotes i was like.. If this is real, well it most probably is since i didn't see anyone correcting OP yet on the take, just how many times were BTS lied to, gaslighted up until this day about things they are doing..
And if you think about it it's actually pretty scary, imagine being manipulated into thinking you are not doing good enough and you need to do this and that to be able to achieve XYZ goal that you have, but at what cost? How do we even know that those "motivations" aren't backed up by a selfish desire of seeing BTS grow just for the financial gain the company gets from that? How do you even know that the way they are being led won't strip away what the members themselves wanted to achieve by choosing a path that was wrongfully introduced to them?
I don't know if i'm making sense here and i hate how people are quick to call BTS company's puppets when shit like that is being talked about, but honestly? Personally if i've been working under someone who is supposed to be a leader helping me, someone who so far through years has been a person i've looked up to, respected and trusted to seek advise from to continue to push for my dreams, just for them to end up being liars about the advise they gave me, because maybe the most crucial part of my dream was never going to be fulfilled following the advise i was given, maybe the advise helped me grow and through me that person was able to grow as well leaving the part i might've been in desperate need from the start..
I feel like i'm still not making any sense, i also don't know how much i should rely on a single post and comments and qts backing it up but as i said, if it's all true, if it's all not just some misunderstanding of some sort, then goddamn it's really scary!!! I wouldn't want to imagine our boys trusting someone enough to see their advise as something precious they might feel it should be considered, they make them believe that they are given full freedom to chose while maybe even the choices that are out there presented to them are still not on a wider scale presenting a potential to reach what they were made to believe would make them achieve what they want for the future.
Many artists don't only seek the artistry recognition, some people want or NEED a recognition on different aspects including who they are too as a person not just as an artists, but the mere thought that this can be stripped away from an artist just by using this gaslighting tactics.. *Sigh*
I'm rambling, i don't know i just poured all the thoughts that came to my mind after reading that. All i ever want is for our boys to be happy with their career, their artistry, their creativity, their professional and personal lives, i just want them to find comfort in both and always feel no type of restriction or barrier out there for them to reach the peak of their happiness..
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good7luck · 9 months
"It's bad / infantilizing to see / treat Noe like a child!"
MJ-sensei in the official interview(*): (my rough translation)
ふたりのことを一言で紹介するなら…… ヴァニタス──「自分嫌いの天の邪鬼」 ノエ──「見た目は大人、中身は幼女!」 です。
To introduce the two in one sentence......it'd be
Vanitas: A perverse person(**) who hates himself
Noe: His appearance is an adult, the inside is a little girl!
(*) The actual interview link is usually not available somehow, to me at least OTL
(**) 天の邪鬼(Amanojaku) means "heavenly demon" originally (JP wiki / Eng wiki). Noe mentioned amanojaku (bad-tempered) in the manga chapter 53 (anime episode 23) when describing Vani, who started to rush at Noe again.
Also, the anime official website special voice part has some character(s) say a few words everyday. On December 21st, 2021, Vanitas says something similar to that about Noe (at the end): "~ the inside is a kid (nakami wa gaki) ~". The scripts were all written by MJ-sensei herself(*).
(*) Sorry I cannot find the exact source tweet right now, though ^^; It was probably after the official preview of ep 23 was out. I think MJ-sensei said she wrote the entire scripts herself not only for the special voice part but also the official preview dialogues. She was really busy at that time, even creating the BD/DVD bonus manga pages as well.
Of course, I'm aware that calling Noe "child-like" can be quite negative / problematic, depending on the full context and such, case by case. However, I don't think it's inherently, objectively malicious / insulting only, either. Like the word "pure / innocent".
Besides, I believe MJ-sensei intentionally gave Noe such "child-like" traits (even kinda opposed to Vani), not just one or two, from chapter 1 to now. (current) Noe is indeed meant to be read "like a child" symbolically, for good or bad (to him / others), even if he's physically 19 years old.
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harocat · 1 year
(prev anon here. First of all, thank you very much for their sources! It definitely made a bit more at peace. Second, I am very sorry if this goes very long, or if it makes you uncomfortable (feel free to ignore this if it does, I am just kind of venting))
Okay so basically. I finished yoi like a couple of weeks ago and I was so giddy with happiness! (Though there were a few things I could have wished went differently, overall it was such a pleasant, feel good show) HOWEVER I made the mistake of searching for meta on tumblr because I wanted to see what other interpretations were. Because I came across a lot (and I mean A Lot) of posts form when the show aired (2016-18) about people either being disappointed by it being a queerbait/ multiple posts saying it was y//a/o/i fetishizing everything/about how it was just a generally shitty/mediocre show and that it's fandom was delusional or whatever and like. On one hand I do understand that the rep isn't perfect, and that there were various fandom drama that resulted in the wank (namely the crunchyroll award thingy, kubo's confusing interviews(?)) But also it's just. I was obviously not there so I still do not know the full context and it was all OVER years ago and presently, the show is mostly remembered by people with love and nostalgia. But now, I guess I just read too many negative comments about it and I just. Am very upset since I feel like I've lost the happiness the show gave me when I first watched it? I just don't know how to or what to do to like. Not take them seriously?? Obviously people have different opinions, they HAD different opinions but it also feels very draining to read something very, very negative about something you are emotionally connected to. On my first watch, I was almost 100% sure victuuri were canon? (Especially with Yuuri saying he's going to show his love to the world multiple times, and just. The whole show with every episode) and on one hand I get that people wished they could get explicit confirmation, an on screen kiss without it being hidden and everything but I just. I feel so confused and low-key stressed about this, especially since I KNOW all of this discourse is in the past and the fandom doesn't really have any of it now?? And it's been seven years since everything happened and it's over!! But. I just. I saw you've been here right form the start and I really wanted to know if you really had any advice (in lack of a better word) on how to just get over all of this? (Again: please ignore this ask if this is kind of out of nowhere because I am *this* close to chickening out and not sending it fjdgd. But I think I really need to talk about this and put it down because it's bothering me too much:( )
OKAY this is super long. tl;dr corporations and some fans are evil and homophobic, Kubo and Sayo are queens, and YOI is and always will be 100% canon gay.
First and foremost the main reason that the show is remembered largely fondly now and that all those meta about it being queerbait and all are ignored now is because 90% of them were bad faith criticism. There were a fair amount of people who REALLY hated this show, and most of their reasons were pretty petty (seriously I remember them calling themselves the YOI salt squad? lmao)! And they wrote really disingenuous meta that has not stood the test of time because of that. So I know it may be hard and some of their posts might get to you, but do your best to ignore them. They're not done in good faith. They're not done because these people legitimately care about representation. Most of them were done because a show they didn't like was popular and was being heralded as very special. There was actually even a big anti-Kubo movement on 2chan Japan that aimed to basically destroy the popularity of her work and of YOI by doctoring fake tweets, making accusations of plagiarism, etc. Mind, this was not just because of YOI. Before YOI, Kubo did a popular radio show with her best friend, who is one of the most famous trans women in Japan, Mineko Nomachi. She also occasionally discussed lgbtq+ rights in the workplace. You can imagine this annoyed the very conservative users of 2chan.
Secondly, one thing that caused issues in the fandom was mistranslations. There were two translators famous for taking interviews with the creators and basically 'no homo-ing' them. If you ever see translations floating around from Tora on Ice or K@rice, please just ignore them. Even the translations they did that weren't inaccurate, it's not worth digging through the mistranslations to find them. The problem with this ended up being that their mistranslations upset A LOT of people. People ended up really heartbroken over them because YOI and Victuuri meant a lot to them, and though it's mostly ebbed by now, there's still some damage caused by their homophobia.
Just to give perspective, K@rice said that if Victuuri were ever 'confirmed canon' (because according to her, despite making out and getting engaged they weren't canon), she would sell her blu-rays and leave the fandom. Well, I don't know if she sold her blu-rays, but when Otsuka said that quote I linked in the previous ask, where he used the indisputably romantic word 'renai', she did make a post about how 'disappointed' she was and never talked about YOI again. Both of them had a history of doing this in canonically lgbtq+ fandoms before, and have continued to do it in other fandoms since. But yeah, they caused a lot of damage.
When Sayo Yamamoto pitched YOI, she couldn't find a studio to take the project on. Although she was considered somewhat of an auteur, neither of the anime she'd made before were hits, and she was trying to sell a show that no one thought that would be popular. Studios that were interested in the project suggested she make it about teenagers in a high school club, which she refused to do. She brought Kubo on to help, and eventually they were able to get Mappa to take the project. At the time Mappa was considered an experimental studio that took on really creative, inventive projects that other studios might consider too risky. Otsuka (Mappa's second in command) at the time thought the show could be a hit, but probably not many other people felt the same. Indeed, there was almost zero buzz for the show before it aired in Japan. They always do big polls for most anticipated anime of the season, and YOI didn't even rank in fall 2016.
So Sayo and Kubo wanted it to be a romance, but Avex (the parent company above Mappa) didn't want this. She had to push for it, and she said that 'all parties' tried to stop her from putting the kiss in, but she insisted. To note, as a woman in the anime industry without any popular shows under her belt, this is hugely badass of her. She and Kubo both could have lost their jobs and lost control of the show they wanted to make so easily. She would NOT compromise. It was amazing of her.
YOI comes out and ends up being like... the biggest hit ever in both Japan and internationally, but while Mappa is pretty happy to embrace the gay (which you see with all the merchandise they directly produce; it's very overtly romantic), Avex gets cold feet (I'm assuming BECAUSE it's so popular). They want this to be a super marketable franchise, but because they are stupid they don't grasp that the romance is part of what makes it that. They stop doing a bunch of magazine spreads of just Victor and Yuuri looking romantic, and start shoving Yurio in there as an awkward third wheel. They try to market the series as a cast of bishounen where you 'pick your fave boy' instead of focusing on what fans are wanting. It's all very messy.
And then, this might not be Avex's fault, but magazine publishers get in on the censorship. In order for YOI art to be accepted in these magazines, they force Mappa artists to remove the rings from Victor and Yuuri's fingers. Although this at first is excused by fans because 'well the rings are spoilers', by a few months post series, fans begin to outcry, and even Japanese fans are growing very angry. One Mappa artist comes forward after the spread she drew is criticized for lack of rings, and says 'she never would have left them off, and that they were there when she submitted the art.' And this is how fans find out what's happening. This happens again when YOI animation director Noriko Ito expresses surprise that the design page for the rings is not included in the YOI setting book released by a publisher, because she knows it was supposed to be in there. The publisher removed it. Later art, as in post 2018, has more often featured the rings, but there's so little of that art that it's hard to know if it would be a permanent thing if YOI ever continued. Plus, that art has been specifically for YOI collabs and merch as opposed to magazine spreads.
After that we find out that Kubo and Sayo are being censored in interviews. Please don't criticize Kubo for being 'vague.' She did the best she could in a situation where she wasn't allowed to talk super explicitly about the romance. We know for a fact that when Kubo and Sayo were interviewed, Avex SPECIFICALLY told interviewers that they were 'not allowed to be asked questions about lgbtq+ aspects of the series.' I know! It's so upsetting. We also found out that Kubo and Sayo brought character designer Tadashi Hiramatsu on the project because they did not think they were being taken seriously as a team of two women (no hate on Hiramatsu though, he's amazing and he totally loves YOI). Avex didn't believe in YOI as a romance, even after it proved so successful. It's the saddest thing on earth.
So the end conclusion is that Kubo, Sayo, and yes Mappa (though I have plenty of criticisms of them now) were pretty cool about YOI. Kubo and Sayo pushed for and wrote a gay romance into a sports anime, something that had never been done before, at constant risk of losing their job and status in the industry. They were badasses and they're both writing heroes of mine because of that, and it actually makes me love YOI more knowing how much they cared and how much they were willing to risk to tell the story they wanted to tell, that of a romance between Victor and Yuuri. And it is a romance, indisputably so, and anyone who disagrees is frankly giving them a slap in the face.
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
btw the original tweet Bad Bunny put on his show was made by a Harrie after his carpool karaoke aired because Bad Bunny sang as it was on it. It was a joke about how Bad Bunny could do AIW since he did for the Carpool but Harry couldn't do el apagon. I think the joke got lost in translation because Harry fans don't know what el apagon is and didn't understand the speech he gave before singing it either.
Hi, anon! Thank you so much, I took a little time earlier today to understand the full context and the meme behind that tweet. You’re absolutely right.
With that being said, I still stand behind what I said, and I don’t think it’s cute or funny. I’m obviously very biased in my opinion and I’m fully aware I’m acting very overly protective of Harry 🥲 But yeah, I don’t think these kinds of jokes really work in his favour at the moment. Why add his name to it? It’s not like they’re super close or best friends, so I think it falls flat for me and sounds kind of shitty, still. Next thing we know “Bad Bunny shades Harry Styles” it’s all over tabloids and people don’t give a single shit about the real context and reasons behind the joke and it keeps pushing people’s perceptions in the same direction it has been going for a while now, which is not good for Harry. So. IMO, it was very unnecessary…
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A Little More Time With You for a Calum fic bc you haven’t written for 5sos in a while 😊
Hi! Thanks for this!
Hmm--I feel like I could really ring the angst out for this one (because of course everything I write is angsty) . But I'm lowkey obsessed with this idea of two people who know the relationship is failing but don't want to let it go because they're too stubborn or too scared to let it go.
But I do think in a fic like this I'd want to write from Calum's perspective. He's opening up the photo album that he stored all the selfie's, memes sent, photos, screenshot of tweets. It's all about the relationship though. He's supposed to be clearing them out. But instead he ends up swiping through them all, remembering the context for each of them.
The photo taken at the beach where it rained on your picnic and crabs and seagulls stole bite of your food. The meme you sent of a couple arguing nose to nose with each other and giggling. You'd captioned it, "Next time we get angry with each other. We're doing this." All it had done was make the two of you giggle until your sides hurt. He has pictures from all the times you changed your hair or got it done. Pictures of you in store fitting rooms unsure of what to get. One picture is you showing off a pair of jeans with paint splatter on the thighs. you'd asked if it gave "too much I'm always in the pain section of Lowes and not enough I sit on the deck to paint" Calum told you to get them anyway because they'd be great for "the one thousand paint jobs you'll do on the office until it gets done right". He has pictures from when you met his parent, joined the guys on tour, dropped lunches off during recording sessions. There are so many fucking pictures.
I envision this fic in a lot of flashbacks. So each time he swipes it's a new memory to the audience but an old memory to Calum. Broken up by the date the photo or video was taken or sent before it dives into the full context.
But at the crux of this is Calum's hestitation. You were looking for more than he could give and Calum wasn't going to hold you back. Not someone like you. So the two of you agreed to spend one more night together. You were already in the process of moving out. When Calum was at the studio, but right before he'd get home, you'd leave work, pack up a few more boxes of stuff and head back to your apartment. The only signs that you'd been in the house were in the distant lack of something cooking or the aroma of take out and the holes in the closet and drawers and bathroom from where your stuff was steadily disappearing.
He was trying to clear out everything so that after tonight when you left in the morning, with final boxes, it'd be out of his system. But he couldn't hep but think that he'd always want jut a little bit more time with you.
He almost texts you not to come over. That it wouldn't be a smart decision, but by the time he works up the courage, you're ringing the doorbell. You hadn't given back your key yet. Not until all your stuff was gone.
Calum realizes it's been two and half hours of him swiping through the memories. He thinks as he locks his phone he can give a clean slate tomorrow, delete everything after the last night. Because right now his wish is granted. He's got one more night.
Send me a fic title and a fandom (that I've written for) and I'll tell you what I would write!
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iloveyou-writers · 2 years
Hi. I never thought I would send an ask to you but here we are…
For context: I have currently a WIP I want to give to a publisher once it’s done and finished. It is my only active WIP and the one I’m the most into at the moment.
But I feel stuck. Not really in the writing process but here in this writing community. I cannot post snippets because of the publishing laws and I am never sure which information about the work is to much of a spoiler. On the other hand I want to communicate with writeblrs. I still want to be part of the community, share my love for an art form that was always part of my life and take part in games.
Outside of Tumblr, only my closest family knows about my writings. Every other person — may it be friends at university or wider family — isn’t much of a reader/writer and most of them don’t even have an interest in these things.
I even considered making a private Discord for mutuals I found on Tumblr, where I probably could share a lot more, but I’m unsure…
People told me to write you a message and that maybe you can help me with advice in this situation.
Thanks in advanced for reading all of this ramble and for your answer 😅
I honestly think that making a community of friends that you can talk to about your ideas, plans etc, is the best part of being a writer.
I have friends that don't mind being told spoilers and I think that's my favorite kind of writer friend because I can ramble openly without worrying about spoiling anything. Maybe try making friends that you can do these sorts of things to?
There also is no law against posting about your writing on your blog. No, you probably don't want to post the whole thing or even like full chapters, but posting short pieces is fine as long as it's your own writing. The only law there is is no plagiarizing others' writing.
Like I said in my reblog, I recommend taking a look around and seeing what specific publishers' requirements when it comes to publishing snippets of your writing. Like, writers will tweet about their writing all the time - even famous authors - so there's no law against it - it's really up to the publishing house's discretion. :)
I hope this gave you a little comfort. I think the most important part of being a creator of any kind is having that fried group that you can talk to openly about your writing. I hope you get to have that.
🤍 H
PS if you don't want to create your own discord page - if that's too much effort - you can always join a writing discord server. There are tons of writers on tumblr that have created them. :)
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popopretty · 2 years
I don't understand why so many people send hate for Asagiri sensei did Dazai's pov about his orange stocks. Like what make them offended? It just a funny joke between he and Oda actors.
At first many people love it and some even make fanarts about that. And now the Asagiri comments full of hating and really means cmt. All their reasons are very weird.
"He can't do Dazai's pov, he destroy Dazai's personally, or his character, he don't know anything, he said that stocks is disgusting...."
But the point here, if someone could do Dazai's pov the best, that much be Asagiri sensei right, because he is the one create Dazai, give him personal and characteristics, right? And what's problem he say his own stocks is disgusting? Like he is his stocks :')
Idk, i too tired to argue with those toxic fana
Don’t argue with them.
I went and checked. The comments are so rude and some of the haters say that it’s an insult towards Chuuya? Is it because he mentioned “black hattifatteners on orange socks”? If so then I think they’re pretty delusional.
Maybe some people are offended about the way he pretended to be Dazai? It’s been stated a million times in bsd that all the characters have nothing to do with the actual author or actual events. So I don’t see a problem with him trying to make a harmless joke from a character’s pov (whether he did a good job or not).
But haters are gonna hate. Let them be. It’s no use to argue with them. Let’s just continue to enjoy what we love. I hope the haters find better things to do with their life.
I will put a rough translation of the tweets here for more context. You can interpret it however you want, but don’t say anything if you don’t have anything nice to say.
Asagiri: I heard that “if you wear cool clothes with some lame socks, you will look fashionable overall” so I immediately gave it a try. In the end, I couldn’t gather enough cool clothes so I only pulled off the lameness of the socks.
Taniguchi Masashi (Oda’s stage actor): This is somewhat beautiful. (This is a popular Oda’s quote in the novel)
Asagiri: “Ahhahahaha!! Look at this Odasaku! These orange socks have so many black Moomin’s hattifattener patterns printed on it! Everyone is looking over here! Ahahaha they’re so gross, right, Odasaku? Hey hey look, Odasaku!!!”
Taniguchi Masashi: I see.
In case anyone is wondering, the hattifatteners look like this. They are characters in the Moomin’s book.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I wonder: if I showed this simple (and definitely incomplete) list of things Jikook did with each other to some outsider... would they think they are a couple or not?
(-> YES. YES THEY WOULD. The fact that people have the gut to discredit them because they are same sex members of a boy group blows my mind! The overly pushed heteronormative is especially disgusting :/)
JM is JK 's emergency contact
JK has JM initials tattoed on his ring finger
they know e/o's family very well JK's mom loves JM JK references JM's father multiple times JK's brother seem to like JM a lot
JM gave JK a '(love)bite' on his neck
JK nibbled on JM's ear on a stage in front of 66k people after saying 'I love you'
JK called JM baby
JK called JM dangshin
JM called JK puppy prince
JK drops honorifics with JM
you are me I am you
they where together on free days/national holidays
they are often seen arriving and leaving together in the same car
JK said JM is the perfect person to marry
JK always gives JM his full attention when JM is talking
JK said JM is the member who gave him the most confort
they went to see the first snow together
they wore matching outfits on valentine's day
they went on a private holiday together (JK's present to JM for his birthday)
JK recorded their holiday together and published the video as his last present to JM (said video has romantic undertones and lyrics)
JK has preferential treatment for JM - pancake - never getting angry and letting JM get away with anything - scolding the other members when they talk over JM
they have special voices/tones for e/o
they share or match clothes jeans shirts green jackets vampire t-shirt olive brewery sweater grey t-shirt pants/shirt by LV check collection olive green and balck plaid jacket purple shirt and purple marni sweater shoes on several occasions
they went on a date to disneyland
they went on a date bowling
they went on a date ice skating
they touch in sus places neck (both) inner thighs (both) waist (JK to JM) chest (JM to JK) hair/face/lips (both) ass (both)
they hold hands for no reason
they back-hug for no reason
they side-hug for no reason
they hug for no reason
they sit on top of e/o
JK gravitates towards JM
JK stares at JM a lot esp his lips
they cuddle
JM said he would go to the moon with JK
JM said he would feel safe with JK even on a deserted island
JM said JK is a reliable banreyo
JK said everything about JM is cute
JK said JM is the cutest
JK said JM with makeup is sexy
JK said 'if it's sexy, it's JM hyung'
JM said he loves waking up and seeing JK
JK portraied his and JM morning routine in the music video for LGO bc he wanted realism
JM said the part of his heart that thinks about JK is quite big
JK woke up early on a 'retreat' in New Zeland to collect snow and gift it to JM
JK said JM's existence is honey for him
they have been seen going shopping together
they have been seen working out together
they have given e/o plenty of compliments (even on their phisical appearence)
the thing JK is most sorry for is an argument with JM when they were younger
jin repeatedly teased them for their couply behavior
they flirt on stage magic shop
they naturally pair up for group pictures
they wait for e/o to head home
they give e/o advice on dancing, performance and singing
they are together at weird hours at night (night buddies coff coff)
V called them out several time for being together alone instead of with him (vlives)
they said they better not do vlives together bc they distract e/o
the members refers to them as a unit
staff has said they never see them separated
they have questionable selcas together (of buised lips and shared beds)
JK said JM is shameless
they flirt a lot during downtime
JM seems to like being picked up/carried around by JK
JM said JK is his happy virus
JK said he makes JM happy. JM didn't deny
rabbit spit
JM saying JK likes being tied up
allusive pick up lines everywhere my heart is burning why are you acting cute detective play with me arrest me do you think you can always be forgiven bc you are cute it's not our first time I want you why do you always come to my room give me a kiss why am I so erotic? I am going to be your future boyfriend are you happy bc of me? Don't you hear my heartbeat? I purple u do you like me that much? This is my toy JK's holy sweat You gotta spank him although he's older
questionable subtitles provided for context star, wind and romance mood and they lived happily ever after JK is happy with JM kate minslet and leonardo jungcaprio JM is JK's favourite model the director is getting into it JM and JK are one the maknae is happy thanks to JM hearts, cute comments and music from the editing team over their interactions
the sun and moon duo
golden closet film
big romantic gestures for e/o JM getting back to korea from Paris for JK's birthday JK singing romantic songs to JM
korea's open secret
being seen together taking a covid swab
JM always stays afterhours to reharse with JK
they are e/o biggest fanboys
JK is protective of JM (airport)
jimmeo and kookliet
JM got annoyed Jin called him while he was spending time with JK
they went on a boat date to see the red moon
they went to see malta together
JK is often potographing or filming JM
they have moments together that are proper misteries and so weird the mosquito net incident the whole osaka vlives fiasco the various 'home' references laguna beach the kiss sound video while JK reharses weird tweets/hashtags what do you want for your birthday, do you have a desire? Ambiguous use of the world ARMY what is tasty in Busan JM's manager the tissue incident the incriminated-selfie gate
they seem to know everything about e/o
they mention e/o a lot
their last two solo songs are love songs (finding love in unexpected places and the joy coming from happy love)
j-hope mixes them up a lot
JM has plenty of cute pet names for JK
JM said 'it could appear as if JK is simply somebody close to him who is younger (but...)'
JM is always with JK when he is phisically or emotionally hurt
JK often massages JM for his chronic pain
JM often massages/caresses JK bc yes
JK imitated JM's dangerous dieting in order to make him realize how bad it was
they have private (questionable) videos dancing together/practicing alone
JK took over a call JM did to Jin on vlive to say 'I love you'
JK said 'I love you JM' in the mic after a concert
JK said 'I love you' to JM on the red carpet in sign language
They both said they get hyped when they make eye contact on stage
JK gave JM the cutie award
JK stays close to JM when JM falls asleep in public places
they blew kisses to e/o
they got lost staring at e/o and forgot what they where doing JM on the red carpet both of them at awards
they paired accessories
they paired hair colors
they have a lot of admiration for e/o as people
JK lets (or makes) JM win
they get frequently lost in their own world
they reference things only the other understand
JK sometimes puts up a bit of a jealous act I do not approve of this
JM lets JK scold him
JK said to JM 'you are always number one for me'
JK said to JM 'I am always watching you'
JK has been recorded softly containing JM when he's on a perfectionist streak
they seek e/o out for comfort after performance hugging/hand holding
when one is hurt the other looks like he's suffering too JK on stage when JM broke down in the first virtual concert JM when JM got denied in a game
they defend e/o from the other members and have e/o's back
the other members separated them on several occasions when they got too touchy
personal space who?
They know things about e/o that are clearly not shared with the class brushing teeths snoring alarm ring sleeping time
black swan performance
they put e/o hands under the other's clothes to touch bare skin
JM kissed JK's neck
they feed e/o
spanking and ass-grabbing
they were caught on camera ogling e/o shamlessly
JM's weird strenght kink
JM said his camera roll is full ok JK
they have a different smile for e/o
other members said suspicious things about them together
JK only saw JM and J-hope during their official break
all the members minus JM complain about JK not answering his phone
heart eyes
drinking from the same bottle
blindly recognizing e/o's body parts just by touch or out of context photos
napping on each other (yeah, you read that right)
non-verbal communication over 9000
weird editorial cuts in backstage videos when the two of them are together
JM said 'JK falls asleep hugging me'
JM said 'JK plays hard to get but when he thinks I am sleeping he comes by and say I love you'
JM said he is the main model for GCF
JK said JM's photocard is sexy
JK sometimes hesitates in touching JM or holding him when he knows they r on camera
JK said JM is a fallen angel
JK praised JM's dancing several times
JK likes to tease JM
fixing e/o clothes
JK closes his eyes when JM touches him
JM run trough a whole stage abandoning his stage persona when he hought JK was being sick
JM puts JK's happiness first
similar mindset about important stuff in life
JM sat on JK. Uh. Different ways
JK putting his hands over JM while being hugged in order to drag JM even closer
JM ordering JK around and literally dragging him around
JK being overprotective
the members subtly panicking when JK/JM have to interact closely on camera
JM having to fight for JK's forgiveness while Jin was immediately let off the hook
Quite a list anon, lol. You put so much work into this list I couldn't not post it.
I do agree with most of your points if not all of them, but a good example of just how much there is out there to show how these two are the real deal.
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gaylorswiftvibes · 3 years
I've been thinking and I feel like I finally have a willow interpretation that makes sense to me. I was watching the storyboard video and it definitely stuck out that this reflection was in some way or at some point meant to be just her, seemingly to represent thinking back on herself or her life. However, in the video, this is changed to a reflection of her and the male character. I think this represents a clue for interpretation- we are shown a man and a certain narrative in the final product, but, behind the scenes, Taylor has a different story. Ultimately, I think willow is about protecting a relationship through hiding it from the public narrative. Let's examine!
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I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night
Rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife
I feel like this line is very vague, but emphasizes the difference between how she shows herself to be and how she is- potentially highlighting that someone unique cut through her walls/plans/etc. and changed her or her outlook.
And if it was an open-shut case
I never would've known from that look on your face
Lost in your current like a priceless wine
I feel like she's saying that things are complicated with our situation, but I'm "lost in your current" and still drawn to you. I don't know what plan would be best or what's going to happen, but it doesn't necessarily matter and them being together is the ultimate priority. Note, Taylor uses wine as a metaphor for sex frequently. To call lesbian sex a priceless wine is just kind of lowkey iconic. Moving on.
The more that you say
The less I know
Wherever you stray
I follow
I'm equating the more that you say the less I know as the further this public narrative goes, the less I'll "know" about the situation. Wherever we stray from the truth, I will follow the path that will allow me to be with you.
I'm begging for you to take my hand
Wreck my plans
That's my man
I want to go with you, and will prioritize that choice over any plans around constructing an ideal or truthful public narrative. I feel like I'm definitely over-interpreting "that's my man", but in context it seems like a confirmation of utilizing a male narrative, beard, etc. to protect the relationship-- more on this later.
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind (oh)
Head on the pillow, I could feel you sneaking in
Life and plans changed as they needed to. At the end of the day, they were together and it was worth it.
As if you were a mythical thing
Like you were a trophy or a champion ring
And there was one prize I'd cheat to win
While it wouldn't be unusual to compare a love interest with a mythical thing, trophy, a champion ring, a prize, etc., I think the use of the word cheat is really key here. Why would you be doing something deceptive to ensure the success of a relationship (aside from literal adultery)? I think it makes sense to think of bearding as "cheating" in this context. You get the desired public narrative, you get the privacy, you get the relationship-- all without the costs associated with a public gay relationship or any other risks associated with their particular situation.
You know that my train could take you home
Anywhere else is hollow
I really like this line because Taylor has used the metaphor of a train in other songs. It specifically felt like a little bit of a callback to the Archer, "I jump from the train, I ride off alone". This part requires a connection, but I interpret the Archer to be about Taylor's relationship with her public narrative in the context of coming out to her fans. I have a full interpretation post from when Lover dropped-- if I can find it and figure out how to link it, I'll put it here. In any case, I interpreted that line in the Archer to mean leaving her public narrative as it was and subsequently losing public approval. The "train" in context would be the public narrative- once it starts, it's difficult to change course without running off the tracks. Relating this back to this lyric, I think it can be interpreted as I can keep you safe within the public narrative that I've created. Other options may not be guaranteed, but you know that I have the power to protect us.
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind (oh)
They count me out time and time again
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind (oh)
But I come back stronger than a 90's trend
Roughly, I think this section relates to how public favor will come and go. Taylor's career has been long enough and big enough to demonstrate this quite well. You can't control everything and nothing will be perfect. Unrelated, but it has to be said: this was objectively not the song to put a 90's trend reference lyric. Taylor, what were you thinking. A single out of place modern reference in an otherwise timeless, witchy, ethereal song? Ugh. And no one around to tweet it. I digress.
Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark
Reference to sneaking around outside of the public narrative/view in a planned way.
Show me the places where the others gave you scars
This line is just really cute and I vibe with it.
Now this is an open-shut case
Guess I should've known from the look on your face
Every bait and switch was a work of art
Now there is a plan of how the relationship will operate outside of a public narrative, and an understanding. Every bait and switch was a work of art, not something to mourn but celebrate as it allows the relationship to be protected. Also could reference the more literal bait and switch within the art and the public narrative itself with the use of beards or double meanings.
Hey, that's my man
That's my man
Every bait and switch was a work of art
Yeah, that's my man
That's my man
Hey, that's my man
I'm begging for you to take my hand
Wreck my plans
That's my man
The repetition here is really striking, especially paired with "every bait and switch was a work of art". I think it could be interpreted a lot of ways, but to me it's almost a joke. Like hey, we're going with this bearding public narrative to protect us and I'm all in at this point, look over there, that's my man! Maybe that's my man! Here's a PR stunt, here's a lyric with a double meaning, here's the bait and switch, that's my man.
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I do feel like this interpretation aligns with the music video, although the video is obviously so detailed and requires further analysis.
In general, I think the lyrics could be interpreted in so many ways-- that's part of the beauty of Taylor's writing. Let me know what y'all think!
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incarnateirony · 4 years
I'm really confused about this whole misha/cas thing. If cas is suppose to be in the finale why are they trying to hide misha's location so hard? His tweet about maison today made it seem like he's home but then why was he away for two weeks in the first place.. or is he just breaking his 14 day quarantine by being with his family? None of this makes any sense and I don't understand what's going on and why most importantly
So many pieces to this here:
Just because a person is in a finale does not mean they are going to be publicized as in the finale, especially if they are the big loss/reward for a character, you don’t give away your plot twists and resolutions, and in fact, do your best to hide them.
Secondly, nobody ever said Misha had to quarantine without his family, was quarantining without his family, or that his family wasn’t there or wouldn’t be there. Also, there’s zero context about the story in question. For all we know they were all in a car going from necessary point A to point B and Maison stuck her head out the window like a cooped up dog going THIS IS THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE because she got to get out after a few weeks before being told to get back in the car and pouting. It could have been over a zoom chat. It could have been something his wife told him just happened.
And we’re not even going to get INTO the fact that almost 10% of the finale itself has already been filmed, not just the 50%~ of episode 19 so far.
Misha is great about riling up the fandom, but the fandom’s even better at riling itself up by making giant sweeping assumptions based on a single linear thought or assumption. There’s a complete fractal of potentials here, but you know what the least likely one is? Misha quarantining for weeks only to not be on set (as he’s also said) and then unquarantining (based on a series of assumptions) and not being in the finale. Like in the order of “fractal potentials”, that’s the most strange and bizarre one of them all for people to jump to.
Like literally, if the PR/actors all gave away their big plot twists would anybody keep buzzing? Would anybody have emotional rides? And moreover, have you ever seen a TV show give away their literal final plot twists months before they aired?
C’mon now fandom, I know you guys individually know better than this outside of reactive herd noise. You’re a sharp bunch of cookies when you think independently.
Misha’s status being maintained with secrecy is quite literally a sign of how important he is to the resolution. Someone will call it arrogant presumption. I consider it common sense. Bookmark this post. If come series finale I’m wrong, feel free to drop into my anon box and “told you so” with a link to it. But I have full confidence I’ll never get that anon, so take that as you will.
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onisiondrama · 3 years
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"Onision Takes On Everyone LIVE" May 18, 2021
Cross streamed on Youtube, Twitch, and Periscope
This one is pretty long, so I'm not going to go into detail unless I find something interesting.
Pretty chaotic, supporters mostly talking to each other.
He keeps asking for anti-maskers to join.
He says the anti-o kings are always afraid to show up to his livestreams.
He says his career collapsed and he used to be a lot more popular. Someone says PewDiePie says he wishes he could have a small community again. James says he wishes it could be small without the misinformation.
He says his fake meltdown videos sped up the process of his channels dying.
They talk about how the vaccine was made in a year and how some of them don't trust it. James jokes that he got it because if it is bad, his suffering will be over and he'll die in a year.
A fan bring up Eugenia not age restricting her video where her underwear was showing. They're saying she's showing her underwear to 10 year old fans. James doesn't seem bothered. Probably because he's been in nothing but underwear plenty of times in videos.
He says he's not a Youtube partner anymore. (Including this because of my previous theory that he got back on due to him being able to conduct fundraiser streams. I don't think he would outright lie about this, so imo that disproves my theory for now.)
James says if there is multiple lives, he's leveling up a lot in this one because he's getting a lot of experience.
Someone (Sarah) abused Kai's friendship so Kai deserves privacy. Kai is innocent.
James doesn't have people in his life sign NDAs anymore because they don't work. He's spoken to a lawyer to have it enforced, but it's not worth it.
Someone asks if he was James' friend and James asked him to sign an NDA and he said only if they had sex, would James have sex with him? James seems to dodge the question and says he doesn't have friends. Then he corrects himself and says he does.
He plays a sketch with Shiloh and says people don't play the full clip and the happy times. He talks about throwing candy corn.
James says he started Only Fans because he was making fun of the baby carrot thing. He says he was the one that started baby carrot with with a fake text he tweeted. He made CGI people with a baby carrot and people wanted to see him. He gave them what they wanted and a lot of gay men were happy about that.
James says people took what he said about black women's hair out of context. They only showed the clips where he said people's natural hair looked bad when he also said other people's natural hair looked good.
James says he used to be sexist against men, but now he has a general loathing of most people.
He says he's not a feminist in the internet context, like the meme of an angry lesbian, but he's a feminist in the real world context, like wanting women to have equal rights.
He says he doesn't know why people say his hair is so greasy. He thinks it's because he uses too much conditioner.
He asks someone who they watch the most on Youtube. They say LetsGameItOut. James doesn't know who that is and looks at the channel. He says it looks like LGIO is successful because he puts a lot of effort into his videos.
James says he always thought if he became president he would be shot right away, but when Trump made the Muslim ban, no one shot him. He says he guesses Muslims aren't the stereotype everyone makes them out to be.
They talk about veganism. A fan offers to help James with finding foods to help him get what he was lacking when he was vegan. James doesn't seem interested.
He ends the stream because he got a phone call.
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rotatemp3 · 3 years
Ok I know you said not to talk about the translation issue but I just found out about it and want to share my two cents on this from experience in another fandom.
As a carat aka seventeen fan, I have seen what can sadly happen when we, international fans, don't have a full context of what was translated. Sometbing that was more vague or quickly translated without proper explanation (yes I know these are two different scenarios but both relyed HEAVILY on fan translations) please, please and once again please be careful with translations if you do not understand things because honestly not including something or not doing the proper translations can cause the house of cards to collapse. I thank the anon who gave proper context to what changkyun said as well as the 2nd translation tweet you provided because the original made me scream in frustration. They did the similar thing like in the carat fandom, left after hours with no mention of the meaning of some phrases. Cue chaos and we have what we got. Since me and others do rely on translations, we have to trust the fans who do them do it correctly. People who have a full understanding and such. While I am forever thankful for fans who do this, I know that I have to be careful with them as well. Its why I wait for official translations from respected fan translation groups or even from the company. As the anon explained, some things are going to be tricky to translate and I speak this from experience! Trying to translate my native language to English can be tricky since there are some wording that just doesn't fit well within the English language. So do I think changkyun meant ill will? No, I think he simply was venting his thoughts to fans where he was comfortable in his native tongue. Kfans didn't see any wrong because they got what he meant where us oversees fans well, we couldn't help but feel confusion.
Idk i feel like I am rambling, I am sorry for the bother and you can for sure delete my ask! I don't want to make any uncomfortable as fans are allowed to feel hurt and confused. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this with some similar experience of fan translations causing some issues. I feel bad for the entire situation because all of this could have been smoothed out if OP who did the translation added context, not just quick tweets to get things out there due to demand. No, put a screenshot if needed of the full detail about what was said. Maybe changkyun could have worded it different but again, in Korean it may sound chill and ok but as someone who doesn't know Korean I wouldn't have that full understanding. As you mentioned, after the last issue with no word (sadly a common issue. Even in seventeen we had this struggle) i think it just caused the water aka fans to react and flood with it all.
hi there!!! thank you for taking the time to share this with me. from both of these situations we can see how easy it is to come to a certain conclusion about someone as a result of mistranslations... which is concerning as many fans rely on these translations to find out what’s going on with their idols. these fans who do the translations, while i appreciate everything that they do, have a responsibility to relay the correct information to fans. mistranslations can lead to many misunderstandings... and we know when the mistranslations paint the idol in a negative light, it spreads and spreads until it reaches non fans and by then it’s too late to stop it... and i have seen plenty of instances where even when the information has been proven to be untrue, it still the follows the idol around. i know fans want to be the first to share things and this goes with translations too, but i hope fans can appreciate how much responsibility they have when they share this information and take more care with it.....
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