#i don't watch it in french anymore but i love the way she says that in the french dub
maddy-ferguson · 8 months
2012 for the movies ask game!
am i allowed to say the hunger games. i've seen it like 20 times i rewatch it once a year and i did that even before there was a thg renaissance
send me a year and i'll tell you my favorite movie(s?)
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hayakawalove · 5 months
Wisteria and Ciabatta
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Part Two
Summary: Traveling merchant Suguru has led a relatively tame life thus far. Growing his flowers, baking his bread. One day, when he ventures out further than normal he comes across something more beautiful than all the flowers in the world. You.
A/N: I'm not really sure where this came from. I don't expect it to get a huge reaction, just because it's like way niche. But I couldn't get this out of my head. I am like pretty certain there will be a part two with smut, but this first chapter is just very sweet. This chapter can be read alone, you won't need to read the next one if you don't want to. Suguru is a loserboy in this but I like him that way. Enjoy!
CW: SFW, food, fluff
W/C: 5,608
The forest was quieter than usual today, he couldn’t help but notice. Suguru had become well acquainted with the sounds of the forest over the years. He traversed them for work often, always traveling from town to town to sell his flowers and bread. Flowers from his own backyard, and bread made to perfection from his own two hands. He enjoyed the way people's faces lit up when they saw the beautiful flora or when the food passed their lips. Suguru had to go out of his way today, venturing out further than normal. He didn’t sell as much as he wanted to in the towns near his home, so he figured he may as well see if anyone else would be interested. 
Lavender, Hydrangea, Yarrow. 
Suguru ran the list through his mind repeatedly. The basket he carried beside him held heaps of flowers, all trimmed to perfection. Along with the flowers he had several loaves of bread. 
Dutch, Rye, French. 
His footsteps slow when he notices a cluster of homes come into view. It was a small town, one he had never been to before. There couldn’t have been more than 50 buildings, but they were all full evident by the smoke rising from each chimney. His feet fall onto the stone path as he makes his way to the first house. When he knocks, he plasters a smile on his face. He had danced this routine many times before, always donning a careful mask when interacting with potential customers. 
“Hello?” An old man opens the door carefully. He must have been twice as short as Suguru. 
“Hello, I’m selling flowers and bread. Would you be interested in buying any?” 
The man opens his mouth to decline when a woman’s voice sounds out behind him. 
“Who is that?” 
She hobbles into view, situating herself beside what Suguru can only assume is her husband. 
“This fellow is selling flowers and bread, I was just going to-“ 
“You never buy me flowers anymore!” 
Suguru averts his gaze, training them on the floor below. He doesn’t mind being there while they argue, but he’s learned that an unwanted ear can make people uncomfortable. 
The old man grumbles before walking away further into the house to grab his money. Suguru can feel her eyes wandering over him. He digs his hand into his basket and produces a Hydrangea. 
“On the house.” He speaks quietly, winking at her. 
Her face flushes as she takes the flower, admiring the color. Her husband comes back and counts his cash before handing it to Suguru who doesn’t bother counting it. He grabs a heap of flowers, all three types tossed in, before handing them to the man. 
“Thank you, sir.” Suguru smiles before stepping back, watching him give the flowers to his wife. 
An adorable moment by nature. It almost feels too vulnerable to see the look of love on the old woman’s face as she receives the gift. 
Suguru continues on to the next house, selling flowers and bread as he goes. He went to every house in town until there was only one remaining. 
He walks up to the dwelling, knocking on the door and waits patiently for whoever’s living there. 
The door opens, your body standing there. 
If you asked Suguru a day ago what he thought the most beautiful thing was he would say a dicentra or maybe even tulips. That was before he saw you. Your cheeks like petals, soft and plump. You also had eyes that shined brighter than the early morning dew that clung to his garden. You were magnificent. You were the most beautiful flower he had ever seen. 
Suguru never found himself speechless. Throughout his life he had found himself in a multitude of situations that would warrant it, but he wasn’t, not even once. He had trained himself on how to smile and talk to people, he prided himself on it. No one was too hard to talk to. 
Until he met you. 
His lips refused to cooperate with him, throat muddled up. You look up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. 
“I’m selling homemade bread and flowers.” 
That’s what he decided to say? Not even a proper hello first? 
“Oh, lovely. I was hoping to make something for dinner but didn’t have anything around the house. How much for the bread?” You ask, digging in your pocket for money. 
Suguru tears his eyes from you, a painful task, and opens his basket. Most of his inventory was gone. He did have a loaf of Dutch bread at the bottom of the basket, the sight of it mocking him. He couldn’t give you that. It was no longer fresh, and it was cold to the touch. He couldn’t give you it. 
You pull out your hand, palm cupped with money. 
“I’m out of bread.” He finds himself saying. 
Your brow raises. A beat passes before you speak. 
“Okay, what about flowers?” 
He wordlessly thanks your graciousness. In his basket he finds two Yarrows. All of his flowers were beautiful, but he found himself cursing God for not making anything more beautiful. 
Suguru holds them up to you, fighting back a whimper when your hand grazes him as you pluck the stems from his grasp. 
“How much?” 
“You don’t have to pay.” 
He would never force you to pay for anything, especially not something that could never rival your beauty. 
He watches your lips slowly morph into a smile. 
“You’re an interesting merchant.”
He’s sure you’re making fun of him, but he doesn’t care. His cheeks feel hot as he looks into your eyes. 
“I was planning on visiting this village again tomorrow, I will bring more bread then.” 
He wasn’t planning on visiting this village again until now. It had been a random stop he never was going to make again. 
Your eyes flit down to the Yarrow, admiring them. 
“You know where to find me.” 
Suguru’s feet hurt when he finally arrives back home. He wants to go to bed but he can’t. Not when he needs to make bread for you. Usually he had extra dough laying around, but he didn’t. Even if he did, he would’ve preferred to make it fresh. He works tirelessly as he prepares the dough, pouring all his love into it. Flour cakes under his fingernails, his palms hurting from kneading the dough for so long. 
He wouldn’t dream of complaining. Not when he knew who this was for. He didn’t even catch your name. Once he knew it, he would spell it in the stars so everyone did too. 
Suguru barely gets any sleep. It was a concoction of baking and nerves. His house smells like bread while he walks around, preparing for his long journey ahead. He searched in his kitchen before finding a small jar of homemade strawberry jam. One of his neighbors, a kind elderly widow, had made it for him. They often traded breads and jams, occasionally sharing them outside when the weather was right. 
Once everything was ready, he placed it all in his basket before setting off into the forest again. 
The walk was way faster than he remembered it being. His mind was too clouded with thoughts of you. He enters the town, making his way directly to your house first thing. He wasn’t even really sure if he was going to go to the other houses after. 
The door rattles with his fist, and he wills the butterflies going off in his body to settle down. 
If he had at all been worried your beauty was a fluke, which he wasn’t, his worries certainly died down the moment he looked at you for a second time.
You’re just as beautiful the second time around as you were the first. 
Your chest was heaving with sweat lining your forehead. You must’ve been hard at work. Doing what, he wondered? 
“It’s you.” 
“It’s me.” He responds with a smile. “Much more prepared this time, I’m sorry.” He doesn’t want to tell you he stayed up until the sun rose to prepare your bread.
A sly grin breaks across your face. You lean against the door frame, your eyes sliding down his figure. Suguru can feel his skin tingling with each inch your eyes covered. 
“What have you brought for me today?” 
Suguru holds up his basket and reveals the fresh bread. It was a simple loaf of wheat bread, and although it was basic, it was renowned as his best selling one. He feels his heart flutter the second the scent reaches your nose, your face lightening up. 
“That smells wonderful.” 
“Tastes wonderful too, or so I’ve been told.” 
You open the door a bit more, revealing the rest of the house behind you. It was humble, an aboad that was probably common in these parts of town. 
“Why don’t you come in and share it with me?” 
The offer stops Suguru in his tracks. Out of all the things you could have said to him, he wasn’t expecting that. 
The first thought that crosses his mind is flattery. You want to eat with him? 
The second feeling that follows after is worry. You want to eat with him, and he’s a stranger. 
“You hardly know me.” He speaks. 
The idea that you would open your door to just anyone frightened him a bit. What if it was someone with bad intentions? 
“What’s your name?” 
You don’t look afraid, even though Suguru feels you should be. 
You toss his name across your brain several times. You say your name back and step away, letting him come in. 
“Now you know my name and I know yours. Share it with me?” 
He's touched by your kindness, but still mildly unnerved at the idea you might do this for someone with unsavory motives. 
It’s hard to refuse your offer, so he finds himself stepping in after you. The close proximity whisks his breath away but you hardly notice. You don’t even spare him a glance as you head over to your table. 
You sit down and look up at him, waiting for him to join you. He places the basket on the table before rummaging around, pulling the loaf out.
“I also brought more flowers, in case you were interested.” 
“Will you let me pay this time?” 
“Maybe.” No, he wouldn’t. 
Suguru didn’t need any form of payment. As long as he got to see the joy on your face again, that was all he needed. 
You grab a knife and begin to slide through the loaf, slicing several pieces for the two of you. He wondered if you were able to tell he made the bread fresh for you. Did the warmth of it tingle your fingers? Could you feel the love that seeped from it? 
Suguru pulls out the jam and sets it aside. 
“What’s that?” You ask. 
“My neighbor made it. It’s strawberry.” 
You pick up the jar, eyes gliding across the glass in amazement. 
“Where do you live? The people in this town don’t bake bread or make jam. Maybe I should move to your town.” You joke. 
Don’t say that, he thinks. If you say that, he might beg you to. 
He hardly knows you, yet he’s finding himself completely entranced by you. He aches to learn more. 
“A town further South. A couple hours at most.” He keeps his eyes trained down on your hands, watching as you spread the jam on the bread. 
Only when the silence stretches on for too long does he rip his eyes from your fingers, looking up. 
He doesn’t know whether he should be startled or not at the face you’re making. Your eyes are open wide, like you’re looking through him. 
“Hours?” You repeat. 
Suguru nods, his brows raising. 
“I didn’t see a horse.” 
“I walked.” 
You stutter a bit before placing the knife down, pushing the plate in the middle of the table. Suguru’s eyes drift down, the intimacy of sharing a dish not lost on him. 
“I could never walk that long.” You murmur, picking up a piece of bread, raising it to your lips. 
Suguru tries not to stare at the way your lips part, but it’s difficult. 
“It’s not that bad.” He pulls his piece up to him, taking a bite. 
“Not everyone has such long legs.” You say around the food. 
Suguru’s mouth perks up, a smile gracing his features. He was used to people commenting on his height, but he felt an extra ounce of pride when you were the one saying it. 
You mumble around the food, hand flying up to cover your mouth. 
“Suguru, this is wonderful!” Excitement seeps from your words and Suguru’s heart jumps. 
“Thank you.” He dips his head down, suddenly bashful. 
The two of you share the meal, words flowing flawlessly between you. 
“It’s a shame that my father isn’t here, I’m sure he would love this as much as I do.” You comment. 
Suguru leans back, not sure if this is a touchy subject. 
“He’s just out of town today, I’ll share some with him when he comes back. Maybe.” You smirk. 
“What does he do for work?” 
“He helps people get their farms up and running. I think he traveled to help a young couple get theirs set up.” 
Suguru begins to daydream about owning a farm with you. Would you adore his flowers as much as he did? Would you let him do all the work? He wouldn’t mind it, he preferred it. 
He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but he couldn’t help the infatuation that grew in his heart. 
Besides, Suguru never was one to love normally or calmly. 
“I was trying to clean the house before he returns, but I must admit I’m having a hard time reaching things.” 
“Would you allow me to help? I’ve got long legs, you know.”
A song floats over to his ears, a song built on your laughter. He could get used to that. 
“I couldn’t make you do that. I already dragged you inside to eat with me. I’m sure you have much more important things to be doing.” 
Never, he thinks. Nothing would be more important than this. 
“It’s okay.” He says plainly. 
He watches as you seem to be debating inside your head. You give up, standing up to carry the dishes to the sink. 
“I would love help changing out the candles.” You say sheepishly. 
Suguru waits as you leave to go find the extra candles, his head racing with thoughts. After you finished, there would be no reason for him to stay. He would have to go back home. He wanted to stay and talk with you more. Your words facisnated him. He felt like a child, the way he longed to hear you tell him stories. He didn’t want to go home. Not when being with you felt more like home than his own ever did. 
“I found them.” You speak, snapping him out of it. 
You guide him around the house, showing him every spot that needed a new candle. 
It should be a simple task for him. He finds it increasingly difficult, however. He feels your eyes bore into him each time he reaches up, making his heart pound. Even though it’s easy to do, he’s just replacing old candles, he almost feels like he’s never done anything so hard before. He can feel the way your eyes track his movement, almost making it impossible to focus. His linen shirt suddenly feels too hot, as he tries to keep his eyes on his hands. 
“There, how does that look?”
You stare at the metal candle holder for a minute before nodding, a soft hum coming from your lips. 
“It looks wonderful, Suguru.”
He decides no one has ever said his name as beautifully as you do. 
He steps back, following you towards the kitchen. He can tell that he needs to leave, but a small part of him is upset at that fact. 
“Will you be in town anytime soon? I’d love to purchase more bread, if that’s alright.” You stare at him as he gathers his things. 
He nods, and looks down at you. 
“I can come back in several days.” 
“Fantastic, I’ll be looking forward to it.” You say happily. 
So will I, Suguru thinks. 
Suguru leans back, watching you chew a new recipe he tried for bread. So far, so good, he thinks. Your lips are played in a smile as you taste it, swallowing it with a sigh. 
“I don't think you can make something bad.” 
“Is that a challenge?” Suguru jokes. 
“One you’d fail, I’m sure.” 
Your flattery causes his heart to race, a throb settling deep in his chest. 
“I wish I could bake like you.” You say. 
“I could teach you, if you’d like. It isn’t that hard.” 
Your eyes flash with excitement and Suguru has to swallow the knot that forms in his throat. 
“You can?” 
Yes, anything for you. 
“Sure. I can bring the ingredients tomorrow.” 
You jump up and down in your seat, chattering away to him about all that you want to do with the bread. Are you aware of how you make his stomach twist? He thinks there’s no way you are. 
When Suguru comes the next morning he has a burlap sack filled to the brim with ingredients, all for your bread. You open the door the second he knocks it, taking him by surprise. 
“I apologize, I didn’t sleep much last night.” You say all giddy, opening up the door more. 
Suguru steps inside and follows you to your table. You already have it set up according to how he told you. There’s bowls and spoons, all perfectly set. His hair is already tied back, so all he needs to do is roll up his sleeves. 
He stands next to you, reading out what ingredients to add next. He watches over your shoulder as you eagerly mix, chuckling to himself when some of it spills out the sides. 
“Slowly, sweetheart.” He murmurs. 
You apologize quietly, following his order of slowing your hand down. 
It was looking good, but now was the time to start getting your hands dirty. 
“The next step is to knead it. You do this by placing it on the table, and pressing your hands into it.” Suguru explains, watching you scrap the bowl and plop the dough in front of you. 
“Mmm like this?” You ask, folding it over itself. 
“Just like that, a little more pressure.” He adds. 
Without even thinking, he reaches his arms on either side of you, correcting your form to knead it harder. His hands hover over yours, pressing your palms down more against the plush dough. 
“You have big hands.” You chuckle, and suddenly Suguru’s aware of what he’s doing. 
“Oh, my bad. I shouldn’t have-“ 
“No, it’s okay. You should keep your hands there, so I don't mess up.” You correct him. 
You turn your head over your shoulder, looking at him. His face is unbearingly close to yours, heat from your cheeks radiating off and scorching his face. He looks deep into your eyes before you’re quickly looking back down, watching the bread below your hands. 
Suguru berates his heart as he helps you, hoping it slows down. That moment with you kept repeating in his mind, over and over again. 
He snaps out of it when you squeal, pulling the bread from the oven. The top of it is perfectly golden, the smell of it filling your tiny kitchen. 
“Look, Suguru!” You say, placing it down. 
He looks over the top of your head and smiles. 
“It looks good, let’s wait for it to cool before we try it.” 
He would have liked to wait a little longer, afraid it would burn your tongue, but he couldn’t say no with the way you were tilting back and forth, begging to cut into it. Suguru takes the liberty, pouring the bread from the pan before sliding a knife down the side of it. It cuts smoother than butter, steam wafting up from it. 
“Okay, let’s try it.” Suguru raises a small piece, holding it in his hand as he lifts it to your mouth. 
The heat soaks into the pads of his finger tips, but he’d much rather get burned than you. You look down and blow on the bread, Suguru has to force himself not to gasp at the air caressing his skin. You look up at him and take a bite, smiling as crumbs dust your lips. 
“It’s so good!” You murmur around the mouth full of food. 
Suguru uses his other hand to lift up a separate piece, taking a slight nibble. It was fantastic. Sweeter than the bread he made, he wondered if that was just because you were the one who created it. 
“You may put me out of business.” He jokes.
You pull your piece from his hand, holding it tightly next to your face. A shame, he thinks. He would’ve preferred for you to keep eating from his palm. Did that say something about him? 
“I might, you better watch over your back.” You say, eating the rest of your bread with a grin. 
“I will.” Suguru says back, treasuring the way the food melts on his tongue. 
“Hey Suguru?” 
The two of you have settled into a comfortable routine, as he had visited a couple of more times, always sitting in your kitchen to share a plate of bread with you. 
He flicks his eyes up to you before looking back down. 
“Is the forest dangerous?” You finish. 
Suguru takes a moment to think. He’s never thought about it before. His feet have carried him through the trees for countless years. 
“Not really. The only thing you have to look out for is bandits.”
He takes a moment to appreciate the way you’re gaping at him. 
“I’ve never seen any though. Just know they’re out there.” 
“They’d be a fool to try to rob you.” You mutter under your breath. 
Suguru lets out a quiet chuckle. Any reason to point out his height, you’d take it. 
“As children we’re warned not to go in too deep.” You mumble. 
“I can bring you if you like? They have some Gardenia’s there, not too deep in. We can go and get them if you want?” 
“You’d keep me safe from bandits?”
Yes, you don’t even have to ask. He’d go toe to toe for you.  
“Of course.” 
The more he got to know you, the more Suguru grew to like you, really like you. It was no longer infatuation, it grew into something more beautiful and large. 
He notices you dip your head down at the tone of his soft voice. You have a few habits he’s picked up on. One of them is every reaction you have to his words. You like to poke and prod him, but the second he pushes back or uses a specific tone you look away, teeth nibbling on your lip. It’s adorable, he thinks. 
You both decide to go to the forest tomorrow. He decides to stay in your town overnight because there would be no point in making the long trek back to his only to come back tomorrow morning. You offered a bed in your house, knowing your father would not have it, but Suguru declined. It would be improper, he told you. He had never felt his body fight so hard against him before. Even though it’s hard for him to say no, he doesn’t relent. He ends up staying at the only Inn in town. It was a normal house, with five extra rooms spread out. His host was a sweet older woman who insisted on helping carry his bags to his room. The act pained him, but he knew better than to tell a woman no.
As he lay in bed that night he stared up at the ceiling, thoughts of you curling around his mind. 
You were here, in this town. 
Suguru wakes up earlier than you do. His eyes crack open the second the sun shines through, his body restless. There was so much to show you, he didn’t know where to begin. Along with that, he felt the early onsets of fear begin to take hold. He had never thought about bandits before, but now that you mention it he couldn’t shake the idea. What if there were some when you went out? He wasn’t afraid of taking care of you. He knew he could do that. He just didn’t want you to see something ugly. He feared he would never forgive himself. 
Suguru walks to your house, stopping a short ways away outside to linger near a bunch of trees. He didn’t want to intrude, and he had no idea what you’ve told your father about your relationship with him. 
What was your relationship with him? 
Friendly, he thought. You had always welcomed him with a smile. However there were lingering touches and stolen glances over fresh bread, conversations floating across your tongues easily. He didn’t want to get his hopes up. There was a chance you thought nothing of him, treating him as you would anyone else. 
His head shoots up the second his name falls from your lips. 
“I apologize for making you wait.” You say, stopping short in front of him. 
You look like you got together hastily, sleep marks imbedded in your flesh with several of your hairs out of place. 
Did you know how perfect you were? 
“I wasn’t waiting long, are you ready to go?” 
Suguru smiles at the excitement spreading across your face. He knew the flowers were in bloom, but he wasn’t sure they could rival you. 
As the two of you walk, you take careful calculated steps as you notice the weather. It was sunny without being too temperamental. You could hear laughter of the village children carrying over the wind to you. Suguru listened to you as you rattled on, occasionally dropping his input, but he much preferred to listen. 
When the trees started to get thicker Suguru noticed you start to walk closer to him. It was cute, the way you looked towards him for shelter and protection. 
“I think this is where I saw them last time.” Suguru says aloud, stopping to the side and looking around. 
“They’re bright red, so they're easy to spot.” 
He sees excitement curl in your eyes at the prospect of finding some hidden treasure, even if that treasure was just flowers. 
Suguru locates them after several minutes, grabbing your hand and leading you towards it. There were several bushes laid together, all of them overflowing with the red petals. 
He smiles to himself at the gasp you let out, your fingers tentatively reaching forward to kiss the leaves. 
“Pretty, right? I always think about taking some home with me so I can plant them but I can never bring myself to do it. They look much better out here anyhow.” 
Suguru sits next to you as you stare at the bush. He finds it cute that you’re interested in his interests. If you asked, he would tell you anything you wanted to know about plants or baking. Suguru wasn’t an expert in everything, but he was an expert in those. 
“Suguru, thank you for showing me these.” Your voice trails off, still focused on what was in front of you. 
He smiles and picks a red Gardenia, careful placing it behind your ear. 
Your hand trembles as you reach up to touch the flower on your ear. The forest was silent, save for the sounds of birds and bugs, complete serenity falling over you. 
The only way Suguru’s able to tell that time is passing is by the view of the sun, now completely overhead, shining through the canopy of trees around you. Neither of you wanted to leave, so instead you lay on your backs, looking at the trees above you. The leaves and sun paint beautiful pictures, yellow shapes being shined upon your skin. 
“Hey Suguru?” 
Suguru hums, turning his head to the side to look at you. 
Your arm is outstretched, holding the flower he gave you in front of you. Your fingers are twirling it around, spinning the flower over and over. Suguru’s dizzy at the sight, but he can’t tell if it’s because of your beauty or the the spinning. 
“They say flowers have a language of their own, don't they?” 
Suguru’s lashes flit as he memorizes the lines on your face, wanting to capture this moment. 
“They do.” 
“Do you know the meanings of flowers?” 
“Some of them.” 
Suguru sits up and pulls the tie from his hair, letting the black silk cacoon him. He looks over his shoulder back at you, but you’re too preoccupied with the sight of the twirling. 
“What does this one mean?” 
Suguru ponders for a moment, unsure whether or not he should tell you. Would it come off too strong? He couldn’t bare the thought of lying to you though. He’s a strong man so he fights the urge to look away from you when he says, 
“Secret love.” 
He swears the forest ceases all sound at that moment, that or the beating of his heart is far louder than anything else. 
“Is that so?” You ask, peeking around the bright flower to look at him. 
He hums, waiting to see if you would have a negative reaction. Would you get up and leave him here, never to allow him back into your home? He wouldn’t blame you. 
A demure smile spreads across your face, sitting up until you’re laying on your elbow. You bring the flower to your face, taking in a deep breath before you sit up completely. Suguru tracks your movements carefully. 
“In that case,” you say, sliding the flower behind Suguru’s ear, the bright pop of red constrasting with his dark hair. 
Suguru swears his heart stops beating in that moment, his body completely rigid with surprise. You knew the meaning of the flower, and you were giving it to him? 
A silent understanding flows between you two, Suguru no longer on edge as the seconds pass. You both are aware now, your feelings as out in the open as they could be without physically saying it. It was funny, the flower meant secret love but his admiration for you was no longer a secret. 
“It’s a shame we can’t stay out here forever.” You say.
You lay back down, closing your eyes. 
Suguru silently agrees, leaning back until he’s laying next to you, much closer this time. He wonders what’s going to happen next. Would he be able to court you properly, would your father accept him?
He hears you shuffle around before your face pops into view, blocking out the sun above him. His brows raise in surprise as he looks at you. You looked nothing short of an Angel, golden light haloing around your head as you smile down at him. 
“I know you’re busy where you live, but why don't we meet in this forest once a week?” You say. 
“Or I can walk down and meet you closer to your village, that might be easier.” 
No, he couldn’t handle the idea of you walking these forests alone, or walking that long at all.
“Let’s meet here.” Suguru agrees, reaching a hand up to cup your cheek. 
Neither of you want to be the one to look away first. So instead, you just continue to gaze into the others eyes. 
Suguru hears an older man call your name just outside the sanctity of the forest. It must be your father, and by the sounds of it he was angry. Probably upset that dinner hadn’t been made yet, if Suguru had to come up with a reason. He didn’t want to dislike your father, after all he had a hand in creating you, but he didn’t appreciate the way he treated you. 
“I suppose I’ll have to leave now…” you trail off, your voice caked in sadness. 
Suguru’s grip on your cheek tightens, and he resolves to do something he’s never done before, yet dreamed of countless times. 
He sits up and leans in, his lips ghosting yours. 
“Suguru…” You whisper, looking into his eyes, the movement of your lips tickling his. 
“May I?” Just this once, he wants to beg. Let me taste you just this once. 
He waits for an answer that doesn’t come. Instead, you’re meeting him halfway, kissing him softly. It was everything he had dreamed of. Your lips were soft, the lingering taste of the sweet strawberry jam he always brought to you mingling with his own. 
If only he could stop time. 
If only nothing existed but the two of you. 
As soon as it starts, it’s over. You’re pulling away, your eyes flickering open to look at him. He can hardly breathe under your gaze. His fingers itch with the need to grab you, press you against him, show the love he’s been feeling all this time but has been too afraid to say aloud. 
Suguru’s lips tingle as he watches you slowly rise to your feet. You dip your head in acknowledgment, tossing over your shoulder. 
“Coming, father!” 
Stay, he thinks. Stay. 
“Goodbye Suguru.” You murmur, giving him a smile. 
He watches you scamper out of the forest, feeling like you took his heart with you. 
He isn’t sure he’s ever going to want it back. 
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The Pull Of You - Part 1
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
Soulmates - Feeling the pull between each other indicates a bond. A kiss confirms it.
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Summary: You meet Steve and Bucky on a Tuesday. Steve ignores the soulmate pull, Bucky can't. There's something about you that neither can shake, even when you're wearing one of Clint's t-shirts and your unicorn slippers. After weeks of slipping into your bed Bucky decides he can't hold back anymore. He's telling you after the mission, whether Steve is all in or not. When you don't come back from the mission, they are both ready to burn the world down and the team have the matches to help. But is everything as it seems and have they been betrayed by someone on the inside.
Chapter Summary: You hate it when people make you get your head out your ass and realise what's right in front of you. Especially when it's involving a certain two super soldiers.
You're antsy on the way home. That's what Clint calls it anyway. He's eyeing you as you flip a knife between your fingers and it doesn't take him long to notice it's Bucky's knife. One given to him during his time in Wakanda. He's pulled away as Nat, his own soulmate calls him to the back of the jet, a worried look on her face. He goes to speak but Nat puts her fingers to her lips and signs instead.
"Did she say anything?"
Nat and Clint had dropped you in France to assist French intelligence with a high level threat that involved Chitauri weapons being smuggled through the Paris tunnels. The S.H.I.E.L.D agents had clashed with the French authorities so Hill had asked you to step in, smooth things over and take the lead. Nat and Clint had picked you back up as they passed by from their own mission in Spain. You'd been your usual self when they'd left you but you were definitely not yourself when they picked you back up.
Clint shook his head in response to her question, he paused for a moment and signed back.
"Maybe something happened."
"I already checked the first reports coming in and her body cam, I'm not seeing any issues, apart from Agent 17 being an asshole."
"Well, that's nothing she can't handle."
"Is it me? Am I being too overprotective? Is she still mad at me?"
"No, my love." he signed back, "maybe she's thought about what you said."
Nat lowered her eyes, still disappointed in herself at how she'd lost her cool when you'd try to avoid the conversation about Steve and Bucky, and speaking to them about your feelings a week earlier. She'd slipped into bed with you in the early hours of the morning following your heated conversation an apology on her lips.
A muffled "Fuck off Romanoff" had come from the lips buried in your hair. Bucky. You couldn't look her in the eye as he pulled you back towards his chest, his metal arm around your waist. You didn't look up until his soft snores were heard, expecting her usual smug expression, but you were met with a sympathetic one and the lump in your throat that you'd been fighting since that morning was back and tears ran down your face. She stroked your cheek and kissed your forehead, holding you as much as she could without disturbing Bucky. It took a while for you to stop and when you did she realised it was because you'd cried yourself to sleep.
Your door opening brought another guest and she'd half expected one or both of her soulmates to peek round the door, but it wasn't Bruce or Clint. It was in fact a 6ft 6" blonde super soldier. Well he definitely wasn't one of hers. She couldn't hold it in this time and smirked as she slipped from the bed.
"Don't say it." Steve whispered.
"I don't know what you mean Rogers, I wasn't going to say a damn thing."
"It was Castle wasn't it, he got under your skin."
"Goodnight you damn know it all."
Nat quietly left the room as Steve took the vacant spot in your bed.
Back on the jet Nat and Clint watched as you huffed and placed the knife back into the sheath built into your suit. You pulled out a tablet from the charge point on the wall of the jet and started to type furiously.
Maybe something had happened on the mission.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
Would love to hear what you have for bad or any of the french!!
I have my own ideas but love hearing how others interpret things hehe >:]
And maxo is def lonely...I'd say eye before but he's so alone :<
OOH alrighty this was fun >:3 i totally feel you! i love hearing other opinions too >.> especially for stuff like this, because everyone interprets it differently!!!
note: these are all q!, of course, so keep that in mind! i also don't watch these ccs very frequently, so this is just what i've noticed! :D
bad is, arguably, the end. this one probably isn't a surprise—he is literally the grim reaper. but on top of that, as shown especially in his recent arcs, he will not hesitate to end life if necessary. he's immortal[?], he's seen a lot of death. it doesn't faze him quite the same way anymore. his rage is cold and calculated (hello, ron). he just has this air of...inevitability.
antoine is the stranger. hands down. i'm sorry, but this man(? question mark?) is so freaking weird /pos. he totally nails that uncanny valley-type vibe, the not-entirely-human thing. i also like to think of it as though he's performing, masquerading amongst the humans. i just...hmm. i love antoine.
baghera is the lonely. that hurts me so bad to write ksjfgsk but especially after the recent lore, it makes sense. she seems to have a tendency to close herself off from people, whether she realizes it or not. she's close with people, don't get me wrong—but it's...i don't know. it's not the same. i can't quite explain it.
etoiles is the slaughter. i know that feels like an obvious answer, but it just. makes. sense. the man is a fighter, through and through—whether he wants to be or not. his first reaction—whether joking or not—is generally violence, in some way. i also really love the way the tma wiki says this: "fear of not knowing where, how, or when pain will come—but that it will." i feel like that quote is just...really applicable to etoiles.
pierre is the eye. pierre was tricky, i'm not gonna lie, but i really think he falls under the eye. he sees a lot more than he admits he sees. his mechanical brain is freakin' incredible. he puts things together super quickly once he has all the pieces—see philza's birdcage incident as an example. i just. yeah. eye vibes.
i'm abstaining from kameto. mans is out getting cigarettes. just havin' a good time. good for him to be honest. avoidin' the horrors. <3
also, i wanted to take a stab at maxo myself—i completely agree that he fits the lonely so well (my poor cubito :( ), but i would argue that maxo is the spiral! i dunno, i just feel like a lot of parts of his lore have very...spiral-esque feelings to them. false friendships, gaslighting, madness—in a way, he's turning into a sort of spiral himself, what with that leg—can he even trust himself anymore?
thank you for asking!! >.> :D hope i was entertaining >:3
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jellyfishsthings · 7 months
Warnings: this is going to be a multi part series and it's going to be angsty cause I am in my feels. Female reader, Padmé and Anakin were together but had a healthy break up, Jedi reader so forbidden love
This story takes plays in Clone Wars yet many events have been changed (like the meeting of Ashoka and Anakin... don't worry the sibling energy is still there.)
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I head towards my room. The walk there feels like an eternity. When I finally reach the familiar doors, I slip inside. I remove the damned dress haphazardly as I head towards the shower. I let the cold water envelop me, trying to remove the tension from my shoulders since my usual scalding hot shower routine will not calm me.
After a while, I got out and dressed myself in a long T-shirt and tucked myself under the heavy duvet. My eyes flutter close, exhaustion taking over my senses despite my nap on the ship that was rudely interrupted. Yet, my mind is clouded. Padmé's words resurfaced. "You are made for each other." Yeah sure… as much as I want it to be true, there is no way there is no chance for the two of us. And so I will myself to sleep, and I let myself dream of what we could be.
I dream of him.
Dawn finds me still in my bed for the first time in forever. Today is what I call a "slow" day because I don't have to do anything. So I bury myself under the comfort of my pillow and my comforter, and I stay there for at least one more hour, doing absolutely nothing. Yet my body craves movement, and I can't stay still anymore. I throw on my robes and head towards the cafeteria, where chaos erupts.
"But Master-" a young feminine voice calls and is interrupted by a much louder one.
"I am not your Master, girlie. There has to be some kind of mistake." Anakin's voice booms and echoes through the hall. Causing laughter from all the other current residents of the Temple.
"What is happening? " I whisper to Obi-Wan as I enter the room.
"Anakin has a Padawan. A much… stubborn one." He says, chuckling.
A young girl stands across from my friend with arms crossed and a scowl. Anakin wears a similar stance and expression. I calmly get closer to them.
"Ani. Won't you introduce me to your friend?"
He draws an annoyed breath, trying to maintain his composure.
"My name is Ashoka."
"Nice to meet you, Ashoka. Were you shown your room yet, and your new clothes?"
"No, because skyguy over here …"
"Don't call me that." Anakin snaps, and I try to stifle a laugh. "Not you, too."
"She's funny."
"She's overly sarcastic, mean, arrogant and… why are you smiling like that?"
"Oh, how the tables turn."
"What do you - No."
"Oh yes." I say and smirk at him, waiting for his response. It never comes, at least not directly.
"Come on, Snips. Let's have a tour of the Temple." He says with an exaggerated sigh. And I beam at the nickname Snips. He is already invested even if he shows clear dislike to her … for now. I wink at the young Padawan, and she smiles at me as they leave the room.
I find Obi-Wan slacking at the corner table, watching me with a knowing smile. I serve some French toast on a tray, and I join him. A comfortable silence enveloped us as we ate.
"May I ask you something?" He says after a while.
"Of course Master Kenobi."
"Drop the formalities, firecracker. Will you join me in the meditation ring? I am afraid my usual partner is rather occupied. "
"Of course."
And so we leave our trays in the washing compartment, and head towards the meditation ring. Our outer robes are removed as we sit across each other, and we cross our legs, placing our hands above our knees facing upwards and straightening our backs. Our eyes flutter close as we let ourselves delve into the Force; we let our spirits travel miles and miles away. Soon, I feel something resisting my mind's borders, trying to slip inside, and I gently push it back. This goes back and forth for a while, and Obi-Wan is a great opponent in this as it turns out. We are both out of breath and sweat collects above my brows.
"The Force is strong with you. You have great power in you, and you use it wisely. Your constraint and maturity proceeds your age. "
"Thank you, Master."
"Yet you wear your emotions, much like Anakin. Especially with Anakin."
"Well, of course, he is my friend."
"That is not what I mean, and you know it. I have raised you both. I know what I see. Your feelings for each other are obvious, at least to me. The council forbids any kind of attachment." He says calmly. "I think they are wrong. Attachment is what makes us stronger; it is what gives us hope."
"You mean -"
"I do not think anything, kiddo. You are too smart for your own good. I have faith that you will figure it out. And dismiss any thoughts of leaving the Order; he is not complete without you."
I stayed still in my place, baffled at his words, as he kindly smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my forehead.
My thoughts are tangled knots for the rest of the day. Every loose string I find makes the mess even more complicated. Every task I try to do is left unfinished, I give up on the thought of a productive day, leaving reports unread on my desk and I head towards the training room.
I hijacked the sound system of the room and I put my one and most prized possession into the old pick up I once found on a black market. Loud music fills the room and I head towards the center of the arena. I position myself in a fighting stance and I let my body get lost in the music as I repeat fighting routines. Hours could have past or mere minutes before a small body appears next to me trying to copy me. I flinch as she gets close to a striking distance.
"You are awesome. Why can't you be my Master and not Sir Grumpypants?"
"I wouldn't know Ashoka."
"Master speaks very highly of you."
"Ashoka what the hell are you doing?" Anakin yells as he lets the doors slam behind him. I roll my eyes at his dramatic entrance and his antics. "Go back to your room."
"But you said-"
"Now. I won't say this twice." And so Ashoka leaves with a long, suffering sigh. After she is out of the doors I turn towards my friend.
"You didn't have to be so stern with her."
"Don't criticize me." He buries his hand in his hair, tugging at the roots as he whispers. "What am I supposed to do? She is just a child and I have to turn her into a warrior? The war is raging and-"
"Breathe. Just breathe." I say as I encircle him with my arms, hugging him tightly trying to calm his panicked breathing.
"I can't do it. I won't." He mutters over and over as tears slip down his face.
"You can and you will. You have to."
"I know." His lips move against the skin of my neck, forming the words but never saying them out loud. "You will help right? I am so lost."
"Yeah, this is what friends are for."
"Yeah, friends." He repeats sadly.
Friends. The sound of it is bitter and it sits badly at our tongues, since we are both too afraid to face the truth.
words: 1.277
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soooliviane · 7 months
My theory about Bella Goth's disappearance
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Oh hell no, I can't see my wife while my eyes are closed…
Recently, I thought about numerous theories about why Bella Goth disappeared of Strangetown, and I actually have my own, let me tell ya.
First, i found 2 pretty famous theories:
- Bella Goth was abducted by aliens, under the order of the Caliente sisters and Don Lothario, was released in Strangetown, ran away to Lunar Lakes (Sims 3), had a girl there and died of old age.
- @alexplayssimsnstuff's post, here's the link
According to me, there are truths and wrongs in both theories. Let me start to explain.
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About Morty and Bella
APS said that things were not going well between Mortimer and Bella because she was unfaithful (romance asp), because they can't belong together if we try to get Bella back, and because he quickly started to date Dina Caliente. Another thing, in the PSP game, Bella tells us that she married Morty only for his money and she stayed for free television (i don't know how to traduce that, in french we say "câble gratuit", she can watch premium channels on TV, for free).
I don't think so.
First, if she was unfaithful, Morty would have memories about it. If they were separated, Cassandra would remember this. I think Bella's romance aspiration should be interpreted as she is not interested in seduction but she loves her husband (look, she refused Don Lothario !)
About the whole "fighting" thing between them, I could have an explanation. I was inspired by the Deathly Hallows in HP, and particularly by the resurrection stone. The story says that when the sorcerer used the stone to bring back his loved one, she was there but distant, cold, because even if she was materially there, she wasn't belonging to the living ones' world. I think this could be the same for Bella. She is there, but her relationship with Morty is not anymore, and she can't rebound because she is not totally alive. The tombstone of L&D isn't a conventional way to resurrect sims. As you could read, I mean that Bella is dead.
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Rare picture of Bella enjoying her "câble gratuit".
What about the "I married Morty for money and TV" thing ? Well, I can't believe that it's true. Remember that they were really friends since they were kiddos, they had so much in common like being paranormal lovers or their Hot Topic vibes. Let's look at the context of the revelation, she is horrified, she wants desperately to leave the city. She is even ready to give you a whole house for a few bucks ! Guys, she's not in her right mind, and I think we all would be like this if we were abducted by aliens, released in an unknown place where there are ghosts, monsters, zombies, a neighbour who kills her husband without being bothered and this freaking cop who eats trashy donuts.
So what about Nina, Dina and Don ?
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Ding dong, here come the taxes !
The story of Dina and Nina calling their alien mates to get rid of Bella so Dina can seduce Morty and take all his money is extremely known by Sims 2 players. Buuut, there's something wrong in this theory. Yes, Dina and Nina are 25% aliens since their dad is born from an alien abduction. But the dad is actually more human than alien, and since he never met aliens again, how the girls are supposed to contact aliens ? Moreover, why would aliens keep contact with like ALL OF THEIR HYBRID BABIES ? Of course Dina is a fortune asp girlie but I don't think she could plot a way to get rid of Bella. Nah, I think it's just a matter of life in which Dina saw a good opportunity to earn more money (I don't think also that she killed Michael Bachelor, even if she cheated on him with Don, she was in love with him). My theory about that is that she was stucked with a lot of debts, and right after she heard about Bella's disappearance (according to me, this would not take long, even if Bella's brother is dead, she still is the only relative alive for the Goth family), she moved in Pleasantview, like a nasty parasite attracted by the smell of fresh flesh… 😈
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POV : You're Don Lothario and you kinda miss your maid's work
What about Donnie, uh ? Well, let's take a look at his situation. Don work in medecine career as an intern (pray for every poor girl this gross man was "treating"…), so he makes almost 600§ a day. He is NOT poor at all. And since he doesn't aspire to money but romance, why would he marry a rich girl just for the money and make more difficult for himself to hook up around ? Being engaged to Cassie is literally a bad memory !! So why did he proposed ? Well, you can see that dear Donnie and Cassie haven't ever "played doctors", surely because Cassie wants to wait for after marriage, and Don is bitchy enough to marry Sandra, or just engage, just to put her in his hunting table.
Soo, what i'm tryna say is that Dina and Don (yep, because Nina has nothing to gain from this so i don't think she's involved), at the beginning, didn't have any intention of hurting Bella. But, now that they are into their own plans, Bella reappearing would be catastrophic for them. Not only because she would return to her place in her household and in Morty's heart, but also because she could ruin Don's relationship with Cassie with these few words : "He tried to F me first". In conclusion, if Bella returned to Pleasantview, Donnie and Dina would seriously have to get rid of her immediately.
If the guilty isn't Morty, Don or Dina, who abducted Bella ??
Easy question, I'll give an answer very quickly : Aliens
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Aah, the sweet taste of deception, but wait, the tea is boiling.
But let's take things as they are. Bella was fascinated by paranormal since her childhood. And fun fact, with Sims 3 Generation, if we try to ask her to go to prom with her, she can refuse, saying that aliens may abduct her.
Bella is a very gorgeous, smart and charismatic woman, it's totally understandable that aliens would want to abduct her and mix their genes with her perfect ones. If I was an alien I would totally want to abduct her (yep, she was one of my first lesbian character crush, who else ??). So, that night Bella disappeared, she was just looking at the stars with Don's telescope and *BAMF* alien abduction, babe ✨
If she was simply abducted by aliens, why she can't go back? Why she is in Strangetown? Why the hell did you say that she's dead ?
Well, you know that there are actually two Bella Goth. One from Pleasantview that is missing. AND one in Strangetown, as a townie, and quite different than the first one.
Indeed, this one has no memories, a different face AND a mess around her name.
If in the original version and a lot of traductions, Pleasantview Bella and Strangetown Bella both share the same name, there are 3 versions where her identity is changed.
- In French, where Pleasantview Bella Goth is "Sonia Gothik", Strangetown Bella Goth is named "Kathy Lalouche" (French version of Kitty Curious, the mother of Pascal, Vidcund and Lazlo). Same thing in Thaï.
- In simplified Chinese, they kept Pleasantview Bella's first name for Strangetown Bella's but changed her last name for the Curious equivalent. Lot of simmers say that it's a mistake made by traducers. But with the same Curious family? And when we are checking ST Bella's datas, we can see that she recognises Vidcund as her sibling, and Jill and John Smith (Jenny Curious/Smith's kids) as her nephews. Vidcund and Jenny also consider her as a sibling. So now you can understand that this name thing is not a random fact. And this plus physical differences, we can conclude that these women are not the same.
What happened to Bella?
Since we can meet real Bella in Strangetown on PSP, we can assume that she ACTUALLY WAS in Strangetown. But what we forgot is that she is alone, no Curious family around her, and more important : she wants to leave the town.
I think that's the last time we have news about her.
Yep, in Sims 3 Ambitions' time travel machine, we can learn that Bella Goth became an alien queen in the future. But sorry not sorry, that's not our Bella. Why would she become a queen of people that traumatized her?
We also learn in Sims 3 world Lunar Lakes that she died there of old age. But it doesn't make sense for two reasons:
- I think that Lunar Lakes is like a very far future. Yep, she could have drank youth serum AGAIN, but where would she find this in freaking Strangetown desert, far from her scientist husband ?
- Why THE HELL would she travel to the FREAKING MOON, when she could just go back to her family and live a kind of normal life far from paranormal and alien things. Little reminder, Strangetown is on Earth, since as a player, we can go into and out of this city, Bella could totally take a bus, or ask tourists to transport her back to "civilization".
Two Bella were released in Strangetown. One is our Bella. She immediately left the Curious' spaceship area, found an abandoned house where to live and lived on the money she had in her pockets (I refuse to assume that a rich lady like her doesn't go out of her house without cash or credit card, idk) and maybe work. But quickly, she found out about Strangetown's weird things and ran away. She met our character at Mambo Loa's Market, sold us her house for all of our money and left, using the money to buy a ticket bus or just ask gently to kind tourists. After a loooong journey, she finally came back to Pleasantview, all happy with the idea of seeing her husband and her children back aaand met Dina and Don, who got rid of her immediately. That's how she died. And since she died in secret, Grim Reaper can't resurrect her, and when we try to invoke her by Tombstone of L&D, she acts so weirdly. Here is the tragic end of Bella Goth.
And what about "Bella Curious" ? Well, she is a clone of Bella Goth, made by aliens and released in Curious' house/spaceship area. Because they are kinda friends with aliens. They "raised" her and treated her like family, in a alien lover's environment.
But why would aliens do that ?
There is this theory that I love very much from Gonz, I'm sharing his Tik Tok down this paragraph. But it basically says that Sims games take place at different periods of time, on a same timeline (Sims 4 doesn't count, EA ruined everything 🤢), and this timeline lands on a tragic end : a doomed future, where aliens have invaded Earth.
But with this theory on mind, don't you wonder how they took power on Earth?
And don't you wonder how "Bella Goth" became Queen of Aliens ?
What if "Bella Curious" had a task on earth, being a kind of a spy for aliens. And since she is beautiful, charismatic and very intelligent, people would just bend the knee in front of her (Actually I, would bend the knee for her…) She filled her mission successfully, and since alien people owe this extraordinary human clone everything, they made her their queen. And, why not, took her to the Moon where she could live her old days peacefully and die of old age.
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can you please do a dallas winston angst where reader is going through a depressive ep? and they aren't in a relationship but they also aren't friends (like a romantic connection type thing)
OOO I LOVE THIS! Also if any of you are going through a state of depression, I want you to know that it will be okay. Just keep trying and you will eventually get to wherever you wanna go! <3 Also I'm gonna make this like a depressive ep bc she's sick of Dallas not making up his mind about if he wants to be with her or not. Hope that's okay :).
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
❝ And what I really meant to say is I'm sorry for the way I am. ❞ (also the song is "Cold- Crossfade" <3)❝ Cause I'm pretty when I cry. ❞ (Song- pretty when I cry -Lana del ray.)
Dallas wandered around town, seeing you at the diner so he thought he'd come see you.
Big mistake.
All the flirty and playful banter that you two used to share wasn't there when he flashed you a smile and you had yet to wipe your tears.
"Hey Y/n. Whatcha doin' all by yourself?" He said, his accent already making you sick to your stomach.
You loved his accent. But today you didn't wanna see him.
You didn't wanna hear him.
"Trying to get away from people. So if you'd be my little helper and go away." You said, looking out the window of the diner.
He stayed quiet for a bit, trying to search for reasons why you could be acting like this.
"You gonna keep staring? You heard what I said. Get lost." You snapped, pushing him out the booth seat.
He was kinda shocked, pony and Johnny stood in the background, wondering why their best friend was acting so mean.
"You okay y/n? I don't mean to stick around after you told Dallas not to. But I'm a bit worried." Johnny spoke softly to you.
You looked at him plainly before rummaging through your purse.
"I'm alright Johnny. Just- here." You hand him and Ponyboy a few dollars, telling them to go get a snack from the counter.
They didn't wanna walk away, but they knew it was better to leave you alone so you didn't get upset again.
Dallas watch as you avoided his stare.
"Don't call me that, Dal." You say as you play around with your French fries.
He looked at you with confusion.
"I've been calling you that since we met, whats up with you?" He says, anger obvious in his voice, now getting fed up with your cold shoulder.
"Dallas. I don't mean to sound like a bitch but I don't really give a damn. You come in and sweep me off my feet but then when theres a time where we should be together, you brush me off like some dirt. Make up your mind, Dal." you said as your old tears began to be replaced with new ones.
He looked at you, and you couldn't tell if he was angry. He tried to keep you calm, in fear of other people seeing the scene the two of you are causing.
"Doll I do love you-"
"Do you though?"
He banged his fist on the table, making you jump slightly. He noticed and wrapped his arm around you, not wanting to come off to harsh.
"Yes. I do love you and you know I do. But are you sure you wanna be with me? I'm not boyfriend material and you know that."
You rolled your eyes, a smile threatening to shine through.
"Im sure dal." You hugged him tightly, in hopes of him wanting the same thing.
He kissed your forehead softly, before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the booth.
You looked up at him confused as he wiped away your recent tears with a smile on his face.
"Lets go the the drive in tonight, yeah?" He said, twirling your hair.
You were deeply in love with him. And you didn't care anymore if this was another sick trick. You would fall for it over and over just for him.
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luukka · 9 months
Just to say that I can't help but love every character introduced in the first two episodes of PJO because GODS:
Annabeth is fucking awesome she has this bad bitch energy and smart-ass look and gods that's awesome, she just know what she's doing I love it
Grover and his anxious "I want to tell everything to my friend even if everyone tell me not to because I don't want to hide anything from him anymore" energy is *chief kiss* plus he's adorable
M. "No need, Son" D. That's it. That's all.
Professor Brunner is so sweet and funny with his grandpa energy I love him (plus in French I'm pretty sure he's dub by Morgan Freeman's french voice which makes me love him more.)
Luke calls Annabeth his sister and that's enough for me to love him (I'm not stupid but I'm weak to sweetness)
Clarisse is so fucking cool, even if I always imagined her very buff, like Luisa Madrigal or Maui, I can't wait to see more of her
Sally, ultimate goddess, her toreador thing against the Minotaur, her hand on Percy's chest in the car, her way to call Smelly Gab out, do I have to say more ?
Smelly Gab, really not what I expected but not disappointed, he looks pathetic, that's enough for me, I can't wait to hate him
And the last but not least, Perseus "I'm Sally Jackson's son" Jackson, a little gloomy at first but more and more sassy every minute passing while still struggling with his mom's grief I love this sweet sweet child
That's what I think for now (I watch in French since I'm a bit lazy, so the quotes probably are not accurate sorry) and I also love the effects on some scenes like the Minotaur one –the ambiance, the blur, the growling of the beast, awesome– or Percy's search for his powers –I laughed so much.– and Grover and Percy's match is awesome they're synchro and that's awesome
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"America is so over." "We're screwed." "We're cooked!"
HEY. Eyes on me. No, don't look at them, look at me.
This isn't as unprecedented as you think. Assholes have been trying to seize power for eons, and people have tried to assassinate them for just as long. Sometimes failing. Sometimes not. Yeah it emboldens their fan base, yeah it turns them into martyrs. That's not unprecedented either.
The question now is what are YOU going to do about it. Yes, YOU, my fellow American citizen.
Yes, I know it's terrifying. Breathe through it. Have a good cry if you need to. Vent to a friend or several. Then stand up, dust yourself off, and make a plan. Think: what's your sphere of influence? Your REAL sphere of influence. I'm not just talking about voting, though yes absolutely do that please (and learn a lesson from the French: don't split the vote. Not this time). I'm talking about the people you know in real life. Platforms you might have where people actually listen to you. What can you do in your limited sphere of influence to fight back?
Fighting back can take a hundred thousand forms. Here are some I've personally come across and/or practiced:
- Check in with your friends who might be struggling emotionally. Make sure they don't feel alone. Be a good friend!
- Have the hard conversations wherever they feel appropriate. By conversations, I don't necessarily mean confrontation. It can be hard to talk to someone you disagree with, especially if it's a topic you're passionate about, but you're sure as hell not gonna change anyone's mind if you yell at them, Jesus Christ.
- Find out who's in need in your area and help them out. I don't just mean strangers, I mean people you know too. Be curious about their lives and listen to their problems. Maybe your uninsured friend is struggling with migraines, and you happen to have migraine meds she can use. Maybe your broke friend needs a pair of jeans, and you have a pair you don't wear anymore. Maybe you grow herbs on your balcony and can brighten people's lives by giving some away. The possibilities are endless. Whatever you decide, the more of these small choices you make, the safer and happier the people around you will be. In a country without a proper social safety net, it's up to YOU to help weave one.
- Spend your energy wisely. Don't argue with Trumpers on the internet, and for God's sake don't waste your time fabricating elaborate conspiracy theories about "what actually happened." Whatever it was, it happened, and now we're dealing with the consequences. Our job stays the same: keep Trump out of the White House, push the far right back. That's the goal. Now lock in.
- Keep living your life. You can't be engaged in the fight all the time. Eat. Stay hydrated. Watch your favorite shows. Hang out with friends. Do the things you love, whether it's writing fanfic, drawing, or listening to music. Go outside. Enjoy beauty wherever you find it. How else are you going to remember what you're fighting for? Draw strength from the good things in life.
- Learn a little history. Read books or listen to podcasts about other hard times. Let them broaden your perspective. This isn't the first time people have faced a dire political threat, and it won't be the last.
- On that note, research ways other grassroots movements have brought down authoritarians in the past. The Serbians did it twenty years ago. Now they're telling us how they did it.
- Whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP. It's not over till we say it's over. Don't just give Trump the country! Say no, goddammit. Stand up. Follow the example of so many of the famous stories we love here on Tumblr (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Stranger Things, etc), and fight, even if it feels impossible. This is a contest of belief. Find your reason for fighting and lean into it hard. Don't let Trumpers outbelieve you.
Chin up, love. You are more powerful than you'll ever know. And when we stand together, they should be afraid of us.
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1solone · 21 days
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The problem is;
We look for someone to grow old together,
While the secret is to find someone to stay a child with!
What does Love mean to 4-8 year old kids?
Slow down for a few minutes to read this...💕
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined!
'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore...
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too.
That's love.' Rebecca - age 8
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5
'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4
'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him,
to make sure the taste is OK.' Danny - age 8
'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.' Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt,
then he wears it every day.' Noelle - age 7
'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.' Tommy - age 6
'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that.
I wasn't scared anymore.' Cindy - age 8
'My mommy loves me more than anybody.
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.' Clare - age 6
'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.' Elaine - age 5
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.' Chris - age 7
'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.' Mary Ann - age 4
'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.' Lauren - age 4
'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.'
(what an image!) Karen - age 7
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross...' Mark - age 6
'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.
People forget.' Jessica - age 8
And the final one: The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'
(this made me cry!)
Now, take a few seconds and post this for others to inspire and spread Love like butter!
And then go be a child again today!… ‿ℒℴνℯ⁀❤️ always with ℒℴѵℯ ❤️🕊
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remapped-soul · 1 year
If you're still taking prompts, Charlos + "jetlag"!
oh sweet anon, i am so sorry this took so long (in my defence...rosquez). here i am with the promised charlos (with a twist to it). i hope you like it <3 my dms are always open for prompts.
Don't make a deal with the devil if you can't handle the heat. His Abu used to tell him this and more when he was still young and naive, hands clutching to her skirts as she knitted by the fire, tales of devils and saints always on the tip of her tongue.
"Throw salt over your shoulder," she'd say. "Never stop at a crossroads. Never ask for absolution there."
At 27, Carlos is not young anymore. His Abu still calls him naive. He always loved summer best. If he's dealt a one-way ticket to hell, there are worse ways to go. At least, Charles will wait for him upon arrival.
Carlos is not superstitious, never been, not in the way Charles is with his red-quali pants and good luck bracelets, but Carlos pays attention. Still, he doesn’t recognise the crossroads until it was too late. He thought he was better prepared.
“What do you want?” “To win.” And now making it 150th start from pole position, is gonna take victory and for the first time in Formula 1, Carlos Sainz is victorious! He wins the British Grand Prix! His crossroads comes in the shape of the rampant cavallino. His devil has dimples. He spills blood for only one of them.
Carlos didn't know what to expect once he asked, once he said yes, once the kiss sealed the deal, but whatever was on his mind involved the burning pits of hell, pain so intense he’d forget anything else. The devil feeds on your soul. His devil gives him massages when Carlos is jet-lagged
In Melbourne, Charles is already in his hotel room when Carlos gets there. For a moment, Carlos sees double, two devils sitting on his bed, set ablaze by the sunset washing Melbourne in molten red, his ruby shackles glowing around his neck around his wrists and ankles. The heat his Abu warned him about runs in Charles' veins, pumps his heart, makes his eyes glow in the dark. Carlos wants to touch. He's never been afraid. He also wants to sleep. Maybe he should eat first or take a shower. Maybe—
"Sit," Charles says, voice soft, eyes unnerving, a predator watching his prey. He moves and the illusion disperses. Charles’ skin is smooth and unmarked. He’s human.
Carlos sits. All of his strength goes out of him the minute his ass hits the mattress, a puppet with its strings cut off. It takes everything he has to not slump sideways and go straight to sleep.
Charles’ fingers are in his hair between one blink and the other. Carlos doesn’t see him move, but there is heat all around his back, a puff of breath against his ears and Charles cards his fingers through his hair, tugging at his roots.
“How was your day?”
Carlos tries to say something but it translates into unintelligible sounds.
“Words, cariño.”
Carlos snorts. “Aren’t you supposed to understand every language on earth?”
“In the life before this, I spoke Portuguese. In this one, I’m speaking French and Italian.”
“Poor English too.”
Charles nips the tip of his ear with his teeth. Carlos hisses and moves away from him, but Charles is faster, arms strong, pulling him in, back against chest. Charles nuzzles his nose in the crook of Carlos’ neck, pressing his lips to the exposed skin.
Carlos squirms. “Hey. I’m sweaty.”
Charles makes a show of dragging his tongue all the way up to his jaw before he grabs his chin and presses a hard kiss to Carlos’ mouth.
“Take this off,” Charles purrs.
A moment later, Carlos is on his stomach, shirt off, Charles straddling his ass as his fingers work the kinks in his muscles. He’s not afraid to moan, melting into the mattress, feeling the long hours spent on the plane, the squash session, the time spent with Lando on the golf course. Charles does something wicked to his shoulder blades. Carlos moans louder.
“Dios mio.”
Charles snorts. “Try again.”
“You’re such a brat,” Carlos grits out.
Charles bends, peppering kisses up his spine until he reaches his ear. “You love it, mio tesoro.”
“Do I have any other choice?”
Charles presses a kiss under his ear. “This was your choice,” he says, fingers skimming down his ribs. “Spending time with Lando is also a choice.”
Carlos turns his head, cheek bumping into Charles’ nose. “Jealous?”
Charles grins, wicked. “That would be a sin, wouldn’t it?”
Once upon a time, his Abu warned Carlos that the devil is everything you wish for and more, the horns merely a display of power. Carlos has never seen Charles’ horns. He’s not sure he has any. He is not sure if this is what he wants either, but now that he has it, his life before seems incomplete.
Carlos falls asleep that night against Charles’ chest, relaxed and safe with a pair of arms around his neck and a fresh string of bites on the inside of his thighs. Maybe a deal with the devil is not that bad. Maybe having Charles growling in his ear as he comes that he’ll protect Carlos is not that bad.
Come morning, Charles sends his forgiveness to his Abu back in Spain. He crosses himself and goes on with his day. Australia feels good this year.
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Today's episode was Revelation, where Lila becomes class rep and Chloè's cheating is outed.
We start with the reveal of Lila's multiple moms. SO immediately stopped the episode and said, "I think I'm done with this show." After I was done laughing, we kept watching. (I did say that we could stop, I'm only watching this for love of him)
We got to the scene where Chloè's cheating is outed and both of us are confused by Marinette's reaction. After hearing that Chloè will need to do extra work to catch up, Marinette gets upset because Chloè doesn't deserve help as if Chloè getting extra work is a privilege that takes resources from others, but it's really not? Or, if it is, they don't explain how. Both my SO and I would have been thrilled if our bullies got outed and was then made to do extra work after years of cheating. Like yes, make her work, please! It's about GD time.
This was followed by lots of ranting about how fake Lila comes across and how stupid the class is and how dumb Hoaxers lies were, which I enjoyed, but it's just preaching to the choir so I'll skip the fine details. Safe to say, the only time Lila's lies working feels realistic is when she's powered up as Hoaxer.
We both have one questions about the Lila as class rep thing: Why in the world would Lila improving Chloe be a legitimate campaign strategy? Why would anyone blame Marinette for not doing that? French schools don't actually expect student representatives to act as counselors for their classmates, right? Because that's utter insanity. We're assuming this bit is as accurate as the reach of Andre's mayoral authority, but please confirm that if you know because it bothers me!
We get to the scene where Nathalie spills Gabriel's secrets to Lila and it's another "we're forcing this for plot reason, not because it makes any sense to the established lore" right up there with the BS way that Ladybug's yo-yo worked in the season four final. Why didn't Gabriel notice this was happening? He's always been fully aware of his akuma's actions before. And why he didn't have Nathalie remove her ring since he was worried about Lila in the exact same episode? Why does Lila retain her consciousness while other akumas don't?
All in all, this is just a generally aggravating piece of television and I didn't even touch on Alya and Nino's writing. STOP MAKING THEM BAD FRIENDS!!!
Fun fact: this was the episode that made me stop watching the subs as they came out. I stopped caring about spoilers and waited for the dub so I could tune out when things got too annoying. I just didn't care anymore.
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thegeminisage · 6 months
star trek update time. last night* we watched tng's "attached" and ds9's "necessary evil." *i am typing this at fuck o clock it will go up when im at work
attached (tng):
ok, the premise of this is basically every spirk fic ever, right...? "ooh, we accidentally have a telepathic connection and our feelings are revealed"
to get this out of the way, i like how much worf e riker e deanna was in the b-plot of this, even just circumstantially (i missed data though). i also think riker finally getting fed up with the aliens and giving them shit was really funny. riker is never mean to ANYBODY. i'm also glad he was relatively chill about picard being missing for once lol. like, in NO way were these assholes ready to enter the federation. not to agree with picard, but PART of a world can't enter. if you haven't mastered world peace you can't sit with us etc etc. not that i'm fully buying the propaganda of the federation as the ultimate good or that earth does somehow have world peace but whatever. even i know these guys weren't ready. what a fucking joke
frankly stunned this didn't lead to discussion about the affair baby wesley crusher. yes i know picard said he would never act on it. i don't care about that. i KNOW these people have had an affair baby. they're the type. he would knock her up and leave her high and dry. it's the kind of man he is. don't tell me there's no affair baby. i know what i know. there IS an affair baby!! i will die on this hill
actually, even though i dislike picard, i think sir patrick stewart is a v talented actor and i DO like him. i also really like beverly, so they managed to be charming a couple of times in this episode, mostly when they had a thought we couldn't hear and then started snickering about it
that said, i have no respect at all for jean-luc. the campfire conversation sucked. beverly was DEEPLY flattered and also in a little bit of a vulnerable position and he WAS LYING when he said he didn't feel that way anymore bc he tried to hit her up at the end of the episode. a man would have HELD HER, jean-luc. i would have held her. beverly crusher i would treat you so much better
this is insane bc i don't even have a crush on beverly. like genuinely. i only talk like this about sophie devereaux and brit marling characters. i just think it's outrageous her man doesn't treat her better. i almost had a fit when it came out he didn't like the breakfasts until beverly responded in kind also lol her saying croissant w the french accent
them getting sick when they split up was really funny. jean-luc, time to ruthlessly experience morning sickness. this is how it was after you left her high and dry post affair baby conception
the bait and switch at the end fucking killed me i love beverly making him ask and then turning him down GOOD FOR HER but i have no idea what motivated the entire thing. like, was the goal to get them together before the series ended? ok, why keep them apart? why show her pushing him through to safety at the expense of her own if she was gonna turn him down? why was she giving dtf vibes there at the end? like i was YELLING at him to go to her and then he did and she was like "actually nah." which was FUNNY and again good for her but what the fuck? i thought she wanted him. i just want her to be happy.
necessary evil (ds9):
i knew going in that this was an odo episode but AN ODO AND KIRA EPISODE??? swoon. oh my god she was the first person to give him his little constable nickname. HURL. KILL MEEEEE
actually, odo/kira and odo/quark people were BOTH getting fed during this ep. odo like yeah idc about quark but im gonna solve this murder case w extreme prejudice. i like both so i had a great time
every single mention of odo's dehumanization in the past makes me HOMICIDAL please treat him really niceys. i would kind of like to know what the cardassian neck trick is though. just not from odo
"i dont drink" fuckin hilarious. i think odo should shapeshift himself a digestive system so he can try food. um one that can digest stuff in 16 hours i guess or it would all just fall out when he gooped again. we tossed around the idea of chewing gum, since you just spit that back out eventually. but does he even have tastebuds, or just the approximation of them? his other senses seem to work ok........
the window in this acted SO sketchy like she was fake crying at her third dead husbands funeral after she just inherited a zillion dollars but she literally was innocent. she pointed at kira and was like girl she did it and we're like NO kira's innocent! and then kira is literally not innocent but shady sketchy widow is. incredible
kira with long hair my beloved. i would hate it if she had long hair in present day but it's perfect for past kira
ds9 looks SO BAD in the past. to have children running around and playing in it now is insane. you can really feel the difference between the cardassian occupation and Now so well in this episode, it's as striking to us as it would be to kira and odo
ohhh my god kira and odo. "will you ever trust me again" he's not even mad she killed that guy just mad that she lied about it. AUGHGHGHG
but when kira did something shady it was for a good cause. when odo was being shady he was indirectly working for the fucking cardassians. "choose a side" so true but he eventually chose kira's <3
i love deeply that he didn't try to fuck her. like it genuinely didn't even occur to him. ace king.
40s mystery style of this was so fun. odo narration is so funny bc like he doesnt wanna do it and his log is just one sentence bc he thinks its fucking stupid and then by the end of the ep hes like man am i supposed to be usign this thing as a diary?? girl dont worry about it james t kirk did the same fucking thing
final note: rom in this episode was amazing. i've never really given him more than a passing thought before this but him secretly being a fucking amazing thief was truly fantastic. sisko and odo good cop bad copping him was really funny too especially when you remember his son and sisko's son are besties. i would still rank the ferengi as my least favorite ds9 characters but i was pleasantly surprised with how often i laughed
TONIGHT: tng's "forces of nature" which sounds like. its gonna make me mad lol
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im-unthinkable · 11 months
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“The problem is, We look for someone to grow old together, While the secret is to find someone to stay a child with!”
Charles Bukowski
What does Love mean to 4-8 year old kids? Slow down for a few minutes to read this...
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined!
'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore... So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.' Rebecca - age 8
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5
'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4
'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.' Danny - age 8
'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.' Bobby - age 7
'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.' Nikka - age 6
'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day.' Noelle - age 7
'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.' Tommy - age 6
'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
'My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.' Clare - age 6
'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.' Elaine - age 5
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.' Chris - age 7
'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.' Mary Ann - age 4
'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.' Lauren - age 4
'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image!) Karen - age 7
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross...' Mark - age 6
'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.' Jessica - age 8
And the final one: The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, ‘Nothing, I just helped him cry.’
Now, take a few seconds and post this for others to inspire and spread Love like butter!
And then be a child again today!
ctto: Stu Dunn
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purplesurveys · 4 days
in what form of communication did you last use to talk to the person you're currently interested in? I'm not interested in anyone.
if you were to leave the house right now, would you change your outfit all? I'm already dressed up, actually; I'm just taking this before I head out since it's still a little early. So no, need to change anything from what I'm wearing now.
when was the last time something really cute happened to you? Last night Cooper quietly shook my hand when I asked to, even though he was visibly sleepy and just wanted to go to bed hahaha.
why aren't you texting the last person you kissed? Because we haven't talked in four years and I intend to keep that timer running until I die.
has anything happened to you within the past month that's made you really happy? I went to the cinema by myself last Friday to watch Jungkook's movie.
do you want to see someone right now? I'm okay to be on my own.
did a boy or girl text message you last? Girl.
when was the last time something bothered you? Work always sneaks its way up my head to bother me, even on weekends; that being said, the correct answer to this would be just last night. I envy people who can switch off their Work Minds during the days their job doesn't have to matter.
what was the last thing you looked up on youtube? Probably a Going Seventee episode. I seldom look stuff up myself anymore and just go through my recommendations.
have you held hands with anyone in the past 24 hours? Nope.
did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? I think she did, yeah.
what exactly did you drink the last time you were intoxicated? It was a few glasses of espresso martini.
do you actually love your parents? In the grand scheme of things, yeah. It's very easy to say this about my dad, but with my mom...a little more challenging. She hasn't treated me the best, hasn't been the best mom all my life, hasn't ever uttered a single apology for all the damage she's done; but the older I get, the more I see her as just a flawed person much like everyone else.
Maybe it's self-induced Stockholm Syndrome. Maybe it's just easier for me to let the past go because I've wiped out very, very big chunks of my memory and only remember what I choose to remember. But I have at least feelings of what I'd call love for her. I haven't said it to her since I was 11/12. But I think I feel it for her.
have you ever had a school picture turn out absolutely dreadful? No. We're permitted to check them anyway and do retakes until we're happy.
are you more prone to being the social butterfly, or the wallflower? It really depends on the crowd. I can hang out at both sides.
would you rather go to a katy perry or taylor swift concert? That evening sounds horrendous.
have you ever thrown up from working out? No but I've nearly passed out. Like, my vision started blacking out and I had to stagger my way to the restroom completely blind, only relying on my memorization of the rooms' layout. It was a stupid decision not to call for help but I didn't want to make a scene and have more people crowd up on me.
what pattern do the sheets on your bed have? It's just a plain brown/mocha sheet.
are your days full and fast-paced? Unfortunately they are.
what languages can you count to ten or higher in? English, Filipino, Spanish, Korean, French.
are you good with painting nails with your left hand? No.
do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? Nah. We drank from each other's cups/tumblers in college all the time so I've brought over that habit to the present day. I wouldn't share if I'm in an unfamiliar setting with new people, though.
have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? I'd be very surprised if someone answered with the latter.
have either of your grandparents ever told you a sexual joke? I don't think so.
do you spend more time outside or inside? Inside.
would you rather give up the computer or the tv? Computer. I watch everything on the TV and tbh only use my laptop for surveys.
do you own any fake designer purses? No.
who was the last person you were with that smelled really good? My mom.
do you think braces are sexy? Not particularly.
what were you for halloween in first grade? I can't remember if I even dressed up for Halloween in 2005.
last person to make you seriously mad? The customer service rep at GCash.
don't you hate when people have cell phones but never answer them? I can think of a few people who are chronically on their phones but can take forever to reply, but it only bugs me when it's an emergency situation.
who have you recently made up with after fighting? I wanna say Gabie? We've had a few clashes at work because of differing philosophies, but because I'm non-confrontational and very burned the fuck out out I chose to be the one to adjust because I'm always going to be seen as the wrong one given my higher position.
what kind of toothpaste do you use? Colgate.
last thing you bought at the grocery store? Milk and bottled coffee.
what were you doing this morning at 1am? Eating pizza.
funniest name you have ever heard? Haven't encountered a 'funny' name.
what could someone do to irritate you? Cut me in line. I will 100% take a photo of you and post it for the world to see...I just did it the other evening.
have you used a tissue today? Yes.
the last person that slept in your bed gets arrested, what do you do? Laugh.
what color hair does your mom have? Black.
when people ask "how are you?" do you say "good" even if you aren't? Yeah, of course. Unless you're a friend, then I'd give you an essay.
honestly, did you really love the last person you said i love you to? Yes.
when was the last time you were told you were cute? That's not a word I get a lot.
how was your friday? Eventful, chaotic, eventually peaceful.
when is the last time you were in a swimming pool? In?? Cannot remember. But at a swimming pool, Wednesday.
did you speak to your father today? Haven't yet but I probably would today.
what was the last thing you drank? Water.
is there anyone you want to come see you? Nope.
how did you wake up this morning? Just by myself.
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1solone · 1 year
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The problem is;
We look for someone to grow old together,
While the secret is to find someone to stay a child with!
What does Love mean to 4-8 year old kids?
Slow down for a few minutes to read this...💕
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined!
'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore...
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too.
That's love.' Rebecca - age 8
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5
'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4
'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him,
to make sure the taste is OK.' Danny - age 8
'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.' Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt,
then he wears it every day.' Noelle - age 7
'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.' Tommy - age 6
'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that.
I wasn't scared anymore.' Cindy - age 8
'My mommy loves me more than anybody.
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.' Clare - age 6
'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.' Elaine - age 5
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.' Chris - age 7
'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.' Mary Ann - age 4
'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.' Lauren - age 4
'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.'
(what an image!) Karen - age 7
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross...' Mark - age 6
'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.
People forget.' Jessica - age 8
And the final one: The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'
(this made me cry!)
Now, take a few seconds and post this for others to inspire and spread Love like butter!
And then go be a child again today!
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