#i dont even know if i should add tags
cathchicken · 2 years
I think I need to clarify a few things from my last comic. I posted this on reddit as well, earlier today, and I think the mention of non-toh subjects sparked some confusion/discussion. So I want to make a few things clear and go over what I probably messed up on. Sorry, it got a little long, but if any of you were from the reddit post/indulge in dimensional/multiverse theories, you may appreciate this:
- So, a lot of people mainly pointed out how I sort of fumbled the definition of the Kardashev scale. I am aware the scale specifically ranks a civilization’s use of power, NOT how powerful the civilization is. The collector was a pretty bad person to rank, and I was also aware of that, which is why I tried to explain that my ranking of him was just a VERY rough one. He is only an individual, and we have seen so little of his capabilities in general that I couldn’t possible try to theorize how his species would function. I think the confusion spawned from my terrible wording in the comic, as the collector references his physical powers, and then directly moves on to the Kardashev idea. In my head this was a separate thought, but when I wrote it, they weren’t even separate sentences aha. My bad!! Also, someone smart pointed out how we don’t even KNOW if the collector is even a species, or if he’s actually a rando just blessed with really powerful abilities. All in all, adding the kardashev scale in the comic and frivolously ranking the collector was sort of pointless... a fun sort of pointless, but I can see where you all are coming from. Sorry about that!
- Other people discussed my mentioning of the term “god” and what the definition of a god is. So, this idea is ENTIRELY up to your opinion, to be honest, but to make the comic less confusing, this is how I see it: An actual god, in reference to this comic and potentially other things I may talk about, are 10th dimensional beings (or higher) that, essentially, are all powerful, exist in all timelines, exist in all physical places/universes, all at the same time, and can manipulate whatever they want. Now this to some will sound ridiculously silly, which is why I even talked about it in the comic. This definition is not the actual Wikipedia or dictionary definition, it is just my own idea. It is not inherently real, it is just theoretical. Hopefully I made that clear... people in the comments started to reference other “gods” (and when I use quotations, I do not mean they are wrong, just not relevant to the definition I previously explained) in media, like Greek gods. I hope I didn’t offend anyone by trying to explain I wasn’t really talking about them, and just expressing my own idea, but I have a feeling I probably read some responses wrong and a lot of confusion came out of it. Other definitions of godhood in media are not more “incorrect” than mine, I was just trying to explain that the comic was taking place in a universe where my definition was inherently real. I added it for fun, not to challenge other people’s beliefs/ideas. My mistake by sort of just going off about how I personally like to see these dimensions instead of clarifying they were only my opinion, didn’t help either. In conclusion: these were my little headcanons I made up, and I didn’t mean to offend anyone, so I also apologize for that!
- One last little thing: I added string theory at the end purely for jokes. I thought “oh haha string theory is supposed to take place in 11 dimensions right?? hah what if the collector knows about that too”. So yeah, I REALLY didn’t think about how string theory would even be connected to the universe, and I am also not an expert on it either. If that bothers you... I don’t know what to say, but I’ll avoid talking about it in future posts so I don’t mess things up. I should educate myself first!
Alright, that’s pretty much it... I know me making a post about this is silly, but I am just as invested in theories like higher dimensions and multiverses just like you guys. If anything, talking about this stuff is actually pretty cool! You guys are like me :) And learning more about these things and revising my theories is probably a good thing too. This was a silly little toh comic, and I only wish to continue making more silly toh comics!!
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itslilacokay · 26 days
HE GOT OUT GUYS NO WAY (this is a definitely real ava 11 screenshot)
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arsenicflame · 2 years
i Do Not Trust people who make Mary the bad guy in their stories when the show went out of its way to specifically show us how she was suffering just as much as stede was in their marriage and that shes, yknow, a good person
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randomminty · 1 year
please i am BEGGING for you to drop the other roleswap champion designs,,, i had no idea how hard cynthia would slay in lance’s fit and my animal brain is now starving for roleswap steven and lance if you ever feel confident enough to post them,,,,,;
[insert meme of guy on his hands and knees offering a wad of fanned-out dollar bills here]
TY JUST FOR YOU ANON…. i redrew my old designs. I still cant figure out stevens design but this will do
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Just for fun ill throw my old designs/brainstorming under a read more too!
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This is a year old. Theyre so ugly. Okay
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natsmagi · 1 year
sorry for making yet another textpost but i came across that post saying they dislike transfem natsume because he "canonically hates being perceived as a girl and tries to erase all sorts of memories related to that" and also went on to shame genderbends of him aswell. So, as someone who not only draws genderbends of natsume but is myself someone who is nonbinary and hates being perceived as a woman, i thought id offer my two cents
first of all; i think its important to note that natsume does NOT hate his childhood. in fact, hes quite happy that he had such an unusual upbringing!
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what natsume hates is being perceived as weak. thats why he was raised as a girl after all, it was his mother trying to protect him from evil spirits. he doesnt hate the whole "-chan" or "wearing dresses" thing because he has a hatred for womanhood, its because due to his upbringing hes now come to associate those things as being weak. he begs tsumugi to forget about it because that means tsumugi remembers natsume being weak, and natsume thinks tsumugi still referring to him as "natsume-chan" means he still sees natsume as weak. (iirc natsume did however once say that he is a little sad that he doesnt really know how to relate to young boys due to this in poltergeist, but i couldnt find the exact quote. either way that just adds to the complexity of natsumes relationship with his childhood, because while he is happy to be "abnormal" in that sense, it has left him lacking in some areas)
i have to ask though, should this conflict of his not be something we hope he overcomes? should we not want him to develop a healthy relationship with various gender expressions? should we not want natsume to overcome his belief that feminine things = weakness? i want natsume to reach a point where he can wear feminine clothing and not feel like some damsel in distress because of it. i want natsumes character to grow. i want him to develop a positive relationship with his gender because natsume DOES enjoy some more typically feminine things, like baking! he used to bake with his mom when he was little! and i want him to feel like he can indulge in that side of him without feeling insecure.....
i LOVE transmasc natsume, my primary hc for him is transmasc nonbinary after all, but with all these things considered, shouldnt people be allowed to headcanon him however they want? if they hear his story and negative relationship with femininity and how that resonates with them and they themselves are transfem, should they not be allowed to hc him as such too?
which brings me to my next point; my own personal relationship with gender and femininity. i was raised as a girl and i fucking DESPISED womanhood. i hated everything about it. i hated how i felt forced into a box i didnt want to be stuck in, and i hated how it felt like my whole life had already been planned out for me due to societal expectations, aswell as me needing to present a certain way. i was peak "tomboy" growing up, constantly wearing super baggy clothes and wouldnt even brush my hair alot of the time. but despite that i remained miserable. i frankly hated how i looked and would constantly dye my hair vibrant colors in an attempt to make me like myself a little more. it wasnt until i realized "wow, im actually not a girl at all" that i finally let go of believing i needed to look a certain way (and thus, defying it) and started to dress for myself. i started to dress in clothes that made me happy and feel pretty! alot of which leans feminine, but clothes doesnt have a gender, and how you dress doesnt define your gender either, but it can still be a bit scary yknow? especially since i dont want people to think of me as a girl, and drawing a bunch of femstars has really made me learn to love myself more in a funny way. i can put these characters in clothes i think are beautiful, i can explore the more feminine parts of me that i adore but dont want to express in public due to how i want others to perceive me, but it has also warmed me up to femininity even more. because femstars to me feels detached from the expectations of society because its not a real thing!! there are no canon femstars designs!!! i can do literally whatever the hell i want with it and its been so liberating to me!!
all this to say; i think it really sucks seeing the way this fandom treats transfem hcs and explicit genderbends, because like ive said before; they can truly be something so personal. you dont know why that person is drawing what theyre drawing, so its a little unwise to make assumptions based on ........ Well, whatever it may be. i know very well that women dressing the way society expects them to SUCKS, esp if you have personal ties to it, but you have to realize the issue isnt femininity, but misogyny.
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zoejayw · 1 year
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commission for robbie! just opened up a couple more grab bag commission slots today now that i’m close to catching up with the backlog
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frankiebirds · 5 months
I've always been a little thrown off by the way the characters (the team and the passengers) react to Reid trying to talk down Ted, and I've never liked that the episode ends with Ted being shot (although I appreciate that he survives).
I'm not saying this to be critical of the characters: the team doesn't have audio, and the passengers (save for Elle and the incapacitated psychologist) don't have the knowledge to see Reid getting through to him, but:
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I don't know. Look at Ted's face. I'm bad at reading expressions, but at the very least, this doesn't seem like the expression of someone unaffected by what's being said to him, or the face of a man who's about to start shooting people. During the conversation, Ted stops aiming the gun at Reid, and yells at Leo to shut up when he tells him to shoot Reid.
I really think that Reid was on his way to talking Ted down, and I wish he'd gotten to do it. I don't think Elle hitting Ted while Reid is talking him down makes a lot of sense*. She's one of the few passengers who can understand that Ted is calming down, and I think she's at the right angle to see his changing expression. I wish Reid had gotten the chance to keep talking, because I do think he was close to ending it without anyone else getting shot.
One other thing I noticed while watching this episode—throughout the episode, Leo has always been onscreen while he speaks, either in the same frame as Ted, or the camera cuts to him while he speaks. However, if you rewatch the scene, notice that whenever Leo speaks during it, not only is he always offscreen, but his voice has an echo to it that wasn't there before. I don't think most of the analysis I post is reflective of the writer's intent, but that seems very intentional to me, symbolizing that Leo is becoming less real to Ted and therefore losing his grip on him.
*this is a criticism of the writing, not the character. yes, elle is impulsive, but the choice to hit ted while he's being talked down and is no longer aiming the gun at anyone seems like a strange and risky choice.
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paraonyx · 7 days
So... I have this habit where anytime I get really into a certain thing I'll always try to attach it to anything I watch or listen to.
Even if I'm not trying to my mind will always go to "Hmmm, how can connect [media] to this?"
And I also really like musicals, so I'll usually end up making AUs of that media as a musical
So with that being said...
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(I don't like the way I drew cobs in this jeeze)
So I've been spending the last week continuously listening to the soundtrack over and over making up ideas for this AU
And I got most of the roles down (I think? I'm not good at putting characters in the roles of other characters so if anyone had any suggestions about the characters I'd be happy to listen to them)
Jeremy- Fan (dont really know why, just kind of always though of Fan as Jeremy in my daydreams)
Michael- Pickle
The SQUIP- Steve Cobs (the creator becomes the creation)
Chloe- Salt
Brooke- Pepper
Jenna- Microphone (maybe, not too sure on this one)
Rich- Nickle (Nick set a fire and he burned down the house)
Jake- Trophy
Christine- Either Test Tube or Clover (Test Tube is mainly for shipping/self indulgent reasons and Clover is because I think she'd fit the role better)
Jeremy's Dad- [I have no clue lol]
Mr. Reyes- MePhone4 (I actually don't know how well he works for the role, but it feels right to me 🤷‍♂️)
And there's other characters like Madeline (which i understand she's only mentioned which shouldn't matter too much but I'm probably gonna make animation at least with all the songs and I feel like it'd be better visually to kind of include her in Be More Chill Pt. 1) and the guy who gives Jeremy the SQUIP who I also don't know about. But for the background characters I could just include whoever I wanted to.
I just wanted to talk about this. But whenever I do make the videos about this AU I'll have to do it at a time when I'm not using projects that I'll eventually procrastinate as an excuse to procrastinate on projects I'm working on.
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scarlettcryptid · 3 months
the stitching on dabi's pants. has anyone ever drawn them as just. shorts.
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systemgoblincore · 10 months
Tumble. Help my wetcat behind find a very certain mumbo jumbo/hermitcraft in general fanart, please. I am begging. <- currently having a major autism moment.
pspspspspssp does this ring. ANY BELLS
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if it wasn't for my mutual (@local-meatlocker) remembering the piece, i would be convinced ive lost my mind...
i am going to feel so crazy if it's like. Very easy to find but my brain rot on mumbo atm is clouding this. anyway urhm thank u I can offer a single tangotek or mumbo doodle in return
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avephelis · 9 months
(SPOILRERS ON RITPIDE EPISODE 100 if u havent seen it)
hey saw ur post on jayson ferin and thinking abt how young he was when he became a parent n if he actually loved may or not .. like he did fuck off (to go visit may) in episode 100 when jay told him may was dying so he cares for her somewhat. is it love? is it just looking out for the mother of his children ? dk
IT'S SO INTERESTING TO ME I NEED CONDI TO DROP MORE FERIN BACKSTORY MANN. personally i think at least at some point he loved may and probably still does but like. did something sour there? was he just always this way? is his idea of love just inherently flawed?
idk jayson ferin is a fascinating character to me (terrible father, fascinating person)... i kind of wonder if having kids at a young age could also be related to the ferin legacy thing? because if faye ferin is still active in the navy i'd assume she'd be pretty young for a grandmother, too. lot of thoughts about her relationship with jayson and drey.
and i think about jayson shaming jay for leaving her mother alone, back in the block arc. because he did the exact same thing, even whilst may was ill, and i wonder if he was just being manipulative or if he was projecting or if he was genuinely unaware. shaking condi and grizzly DROP THE INTERGENERATIONAL TRAUMA LORE. DROP IT.
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alteredsilicone · 1 year
i think i have complained about this already
but anyways
people complain about Eternalism thinking it would be a tool to retcon lore in warframe but like...
it hasn't happened and idk if it's gonna happen, I think people just misunderstand the point of Eternalism
so far the only reason it exists is to explain the Drifter and Operator existing (and sort of once again proving the Void does not bow down to conventional rules and laws)
like, even cave wizard Teshin isn't a second Teshin... it's our Teshin who fell through a void portal
so far we have only one alternate dimension character
the Drifter
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lockedtowers · 6 months
seeing ppl in the tags super used to the j/apperwock(y) in b/urton's alice and then getting mad at how 'ugly' the s/yfy version is is absolutely hilarious to me bc the s/yfy version is literally just lifted from the original illustrations
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
i follow pjo tags that im usually fine seeing on my dash and i keep seeing people posting about some Discourse thats popped up again since the comic con card photo things came out about leah and like. i guess i curated my dash well because im seeing literally none of that
#crunchyposts#pjo#pjotv#im not tagging this with a//abeth i dont want it in my tag for her#thank god i dont follow racists and am not on reddit#the amount of people on reddit i saw who were so disappointed in them not looking like the characters#i honeslty dont really understand the gripes with them not looking like the book descriptions like any issues i had went out thewindow when#i saw actual people attached to them#i like that ann/beths black!!!!! i think it adds a lot to her character!!!!!#i dont give a shit about percys hair color!!!!!!!!!!! ive seen walker act i trust him!!!!!!!#i really dont get why people are so disappointed with it????? i saw one person say bc they had an idea of what they looked like for years#but i mean. more representation for marginalized groups#ive thought a lot about lack of rep as a queer south east asian person i was just happy there was more of it for other marginalized people#i wouldve preferred an animated show but honestly i prefer this now bc i never wouldve gotten why annabeth works better if shes black#if it was animated and they changed the race of any of them the discourse (cough and racism cough) would be 10x worse itd be awful#but like an all white cast???? i wouldnt like that either#and you KNOW the shitstorm online if they changed any major character even if it wasnt one of the main 3#anyways sorry long tags again i thought a lot about this get off my blog if you complain about any of the actors appearances i dont think w#should dictate what a childs appearance should be just for a tv show#edit actually extra thing here i think it would be kinda cool if rachel was still white so we could subvert that trope of poc love interest#being stepping stones before the main character inevitably ends up with the white main love interest#if they made it like extra clear that he was going to choose annab/th though to shut down any racism that might happen
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glass-clown · 1 year
oh boy i sure do wish blocking someone actually did something
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zarafey · 1 year
Something something that cough drop story but its me and my luggage
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