#i dont even own a dog nor was i raised around dogs but its not exactly fucking subtle!!
ruthlesslistener · 9 months
It astounds me just how many dog owners don't know jack shit about dog behavior or body language. No girl your dog isnt playfully rumbling at you when you hug him hes growling at you bc hes deeply uncomfortable with the fact that you're hugging him (dominance display) and putting your face right next to his while he's actively telling you he needs distance, its a miracle he hasn't ripped your fucking face off yet and he'd be entirely justified to do so if he did. No the way to correct this behavior isn't to fucking yell at the dog or 'assert dominance to be alpha' because thats not how canine social behavior WORKS you fucking idiot the correct way to do this is to RESPECT YOUR ANIMAL'S FUCKING BOUNDARIES so that he can feel comfortable around you and NOT feel like he has to resort directly to snarling and snapping because your dumbass can't tell the difference between a relaxed-mouth-and-eyes pant and a stiff-grimace-rolling-eyes-licking-mouth 'please for the love of god leave me alone i want none of this' expression
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abilouwrites · 23 days
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(Reader is depicted as white)
It was unusual for him to find himself infatuated with a person, let alone a woman. But a southern one was.. simply unheard of. Especially from him, sun kissed skin with a golden hue to it. A brunette with sun bleached hair. Not in the hero course but a general studies. Short legs that have a burn to the back of them, but it doesn’t look like she minded that much anyways.
It’s strange to see a new face halfway through the year, but she’s butterflied her way into his friend group. Bright and beamy and smelling like a wild-poppy. Quickly enamoring his friends, Uraraka and her tightly holding her hand as they face the lunch line. All smiles and beams as they plop down, the girl from the sunshine state smooshed against him, “‘m so sorry-“ she apologizes, “I always end up against you, I really hope you don’t mind”
It’s hard to mind when the girl of sunshine and bbq is squeezed against him, and her bare thigh pressed against his clothed thigh, their elbows touching every now and again, “I find it no trouble at all” he smiles softly as she pulls out her chips, opening them and placing them in the middle. Having no mind when Uraraka takes a few, nor when Midoriya or Todoroki do.
She smiles and looks over at him, leaning against him just a fragment of an inch. A sign of trust, that the butterfly has made her own land, her own people, “geez I’m so tired after math, and I’m not even done with the day..” Uraraka looks worried, an eyebrow raised as Todoroki speaks
“Maybe you should stop staying up so late to watch those sad animes. I hear you crying” he speaks, slowly and refined. Accusatory but gentle. Iida can feel her shrug against him.
“I keep telling you to watch them, ‘Nana’ is my favorite. It makes me cry each time” He can feel her giggle next to him as she slouches more and more, “maybe, honestly I’m just homesick”
“Why would you be homesick? I mean I understand it but UA is pretty great?” Midoriya remarks. The girl simply shrugs again and brings her knees to her chest.
“I miss my bed, and my friends and.. I miss my mom. And my dog.. and my cats. Jesus I even miss my chickens” A teardrop falls, smudging the mascara, “I fucked hated those chickens”
Iida shifts his arm, using it to console the girl who’s about to cry, “I’m sorry y/l/n. If you’d like you can go back to the dorms?” He offers but she sits up-right and lifts the tears that have collected on her eyelashes.
“No. I’ll finish today” she shakes her head, not minding Iidas arm around her shoulders, “are you guys willing to do a movie night?”
“I can’t.. it’s uh my moms birthday” Midoriya looks apologetic, “if I finish early I’ll come”
“But it’s a weekend and you all have families you want to go home to” she adds.
“I’ll watch a movie with you”
Iida doesn’t expect to find himself here, against the girl of his dreams. The girl who’s fast asleep against him. Laid on her stuffed bed with too many pillows and weird figures decorating her window staring at him.
He’s not uncomfortable, he’s more than comfortable with her head pressed against his chest, her leg against his abdomen and the tips of her hair tickling his nose. But it’s suffocating. Watching the girl he loves regret coming home here. Witnessing her laptop full of flights back home, the cheapest.
She sleeps soundly, eyes flickering behind closed lids, little jerks from her arms. A side of her he’d never seen, a side of the butterfly that shows her weakness. The exhaustion that seeps through her drooping wings. A tiredness that exists but will never fade. A sickness that never fades until at its orgin.
“Don’t go. Don’t leave. I want you to stay.”
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gamblersdoll · 5 months
“what is it?��� guts muttered out, his eyes somewhat twitching. he leaned against the thickest tree, folding his arms.
“what is your problem?” you gruff out, folding your own. he could never be more oblivious.
“my problem? whats yours?” he grunts, “youve been distant, from whats left of the group and more!” he shouts, obviously agitated.
“yeah, because of you!” you sneered out, growing agitated yourself. you poke at his chest with your index, hard. “after all the shit we been through, you still act the same way!” you flail your arms out, turning your back to him. “cant ever get a conversation from you, and to make matters worse i cant even spare you for a moment.” you rant, looking back to glare at him.
“you have–“
“trouble in paradise.” skull knight sneaks up, standing next to guts. his horse chuffs, and you grit your teeth. “you both still argue after a year and some days.” he sighs, his irises flickering to you and guts.
“fucking forget it, you think of no-one but yourself.” you grit, forcing yourself from the both of them.
leaving you to yourself.
you and what being left of the hawks, were never staying in one place. having to move every twelve.. twelve? twelve hours, and maybe shorter. not with the brand of sacrificial offering embedded in your skin.
and its hard to find shelter without some sort of problem, only finding a cheap hotel that you could stay at and a bar that had a bunch of low lives. of course, you had to make a stop there. and as in “you,” meaning the entirety of your group.
you looked down at the wine that was in your cup, deep in thought.
he still acted the same, which was valid, you know? but it wasnt valid the way he brooded around as if you hadn’t helped him at all, nor as if you didnt do your damndest. were you both friends? shit, you couldnt tell, you only felt as a place holder.
you look over to guts, seeing his sitting by himself and you want to bite the bullet..
but yesterday? should you even bother?
fuck it.
you move your body to the table he sat at, plopping yourself into the other side of the table and look down at your drink and say nothing.
he stared at you for a minute, then looking to the floor. he felt.. nervous? like he was just in the room by himself and a girl he had been caught playing hooky with.
“you know, youre wrong.” he mumbles, not looking at you. you look up at him though, eyebrow raising and you patiently look at him. “i.. i do care—“
“i find that hard to believe.” you cut off, scoffing and playing with the cup. “you act as if i havent been here for the whole duration i met you. which is five years, going six.” you sigh out.
“its been that long?” he asks, dumbfounded. you nod, “well.. i, i do care. i have cared.” he says, looking to you. “i just, i just want to make sure youre okay, that rickett and casca is too.”
“and i get that, but brushing me off daily isnt caring, at least not to me.” you say, crossing your legs together.
“i dont brush you off.” he says, confused. “when have i ever brushed you off?”
“everytime i try to fucking talk to you, guts.” you retort, looking to him now. “every damn time. yet im distant?”
“yeah, you are.” he retorts back, like a dog on his haunches. “youre distant as shit, and you get angered easily.”
“am i distant, or are you confused on why i dont bother trying to talk to you?” you grind your teeth, tapping your foot. he sighs, relaxing and having both hands on his mug of beer.
“what am i supposed to do?” he says to the mug, tapping on it. “ever since that day happened, its been nothing but hell.”
you relax too, still tapping your foot. “we have limited people and probably time together. why push away the only people you have? not just me, but rickett.”
he never answered that question, yet asking you another.
“what were you trying to talk to me about?” he asks, looking up to you. “i haven’t forgotten.”
you look to the side, pausing your tapping and thought process. “it..” you stop yourself, pondering on if you should even bother with telling with. it was like a itch that you had to eventually scratch, but did it have to be this bad? “its nothing, forget it.”
“no, i want to know what was important.”
“it was nothing, guts.”
he glared at you, pinching the bridge of his nose. “thats one of your problems, you start a rant then never finish.”
if you could punch him in the throat, you would.
you laid in the cheap hotel bed, looking up at the ceiling of wood and slight cobwebs. maybe you should have talked to him, but feelings were so hard, especially now. now of all times. you were finally drifting off to sleep, finally after hours of walking and having to deal with people in the bar.
yet whoever decided now was a good time to talk to you was obviously a fool. whoever it was.
you threw the blanket off, rolling out of bed in only a shirt that could cover you up until your lower thighs. your feet padded against the floor, unlocking the door and opening it. you recognize the armor, and the bionic arm that he wore. you looked up to him, and somewhat felt a little warm to see guts.
“its awfully late for you to be askin’ for me.”
“i know, im sorry.” he says, slightly leaning. “i was hoping if i could, come in and talk to you for a minute?” he said, peaking his head in and looking around.
you sigh heavy, opening the door wider so he could enter.
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first snippet from the newest rewrite of goddess-touched lets go
(also new more casual format so i dont feel obligated to keep things Professional cause this is a play space not, like, a marketing presentation)
dusk pov, ~560 words content warnings: implied mass death, implied familial death
Emerald’s jaw tightens, gratitude and shame dancing around his throat.
His eyes stay downcast as she helps him up. Pinned to the loamy earth as he tests his weight, not quite focusing once the liquid in the dirt stops looking close enough to water to convince oneself otherwise. Even so, before she can brush past him and start leading the way downriver, he stops her with a gentle hand on her shoulder. What comes from his lips isn’t a protest, though. Nor is it in Mae, nor Common. It shivers like an apology all the same.
Lakia freezes, tenses. The coil of anger around her rears its head, flaring and spitting like a cobra ready to strike. Braces, baring its fangs and rippling with a frenzied rage caged just beneath the surface of its scales. Her words are short, clipped. Rill, I think, the smooth trill of the language bleeding through and finally connecting to my memories of Tal’Ren. She turns her head marginally, not quite looking him in the eye as she shrugs towards the devastation. His expression falters. He gets maybe three words of protest out, before she snaps back. The only thing I understand of the exchange is the way she spits Veratrum like a curse. Nothing more is said. He lets go, blinking, troubled and confused and guilt-ridden. She walks on, waving for the crew to follow, surreptitiously telling one to keep an eye on Emerald in case his leg fails. And together, they all begin the dogged journey back to Aree. I linger, even after Emerald shakes himself back to the present. Watch the water, a flimsy thread of connection to something--someone--else tickling at the back of my awareness. Turn, once I’ve built up the courage, and look back to the remains of Impalfahr. Five glass statues stand atop the ruins. One is much smaller than the rest, her violet locs tied back in a name-bracelet that I lost along with the book it was holding place in about a year after she died, and that I still find myself missing at the oddest times. Two are strikingly paler than the others: one hunched and worn with age, her lilac braid nearly brushing the ground, the other standing at attention and baring the line of red rope burn that circles his throat even in death. Another, skin darker than mine and face more indistinct than the others, my memories too faded for the details to form, holds her hand up in a gentle, sad farewell. And the last, standing ram-rod straight as ever, peers at the center of the ruins as he chews on the pipe between his teeth. “Ember was right.” I hear Genli Rainer’s echoing, rattling voice again, just like when he first appeared in the desolation. He only managed a greeting, then, before the rest of the city awoke. “Wish I was brave as they are, to tell them when I could. Maybe this is the clean slate they can use to change the world.” He turns crisply on his heel, the only one of the souls still recent enough to move. He raises his hand, touches it to his forehead. And Genli Rainer, general of Impalfahr and my Godfather in all but legality, fallen with the rest of the city at the hands of it’s own, gives me the three-fingered salute of the Firebreathers. “Give Actaea hell for me.”
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genderkiller · 8 months
haaeeelp i got tagged by @phantomfitzroy so im being forced (!!!!!!!!!!) to do a tag game like its 2015
Are you named after anyone? my actual name Yes , my mom chose it (...im transgender.) because of a fuckig game of thrones character. but my screen/secondary name kill/killian NmmNmm? N?Y? Noyes Yes no? im gonna say no i did technically steal the name kill from some guy i saw on instagram but yea no killian was my own idea i wanna say
When was the last time you cried? im not sure. i think a couple weeks ago when my best friend was in the hospital. i cried like 8 times in those 24 hours. i really do NOT wanna talk about that.
What sports do you play/have you played? i used to play touch rugby as a little little kid. wanted to play basketball too but i realised im not actually tall enough nor can i .... see well enough. for any sport.
Do you use sarcasm? Excessively. my mom raised me singlehandedly and shes..... really sarcastic and kind of mean as a person (not to me tho <3) so yeah i. use it a LOT.
What's the first thing you notice about someone? probably their sense of humour. if your sense of humour doesnt jive with mine i will not even attempt to get along with you.
Eye color? deeper grey-blue with a yellowy ring around my pupils
Scary movies or happy endings? i grew up a really shitty cynic about happy endings and predictable movies so i will always take a scary movie over a happy ending
Any talents? ummm i used to be able to sing Not sure that i really can anymore because of what T did to my vocal range. umm. i can draw (YAY) i am good at public speaking when scripted especially. and im very good at making friends :]
Where were you born? some dinky shit city in new zealand. think it got voted most boring city of the year in like 2021.
Hobbies? art, talking to people, playing casual games (sometimes SCARY games)
Any pets? shittass dog (i hate him) (thats a lie) we got him from the shelter like early 2022 and hes been a nightmare ever since <3
Favorite school subject? originally it was english/creative writing but i dont really...do that anymore? like thats not an option we get at school anymore for some fucking reason? and i havent done art since like, middle school, so i guess health because its easiest?
imagine me tagging you as like some sort of beast capturing program. @arcaneyouth @alveolion @lycomaniacs @gravellymistaken @relientk optional of course x no pressure
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poptod · 4 years
Pull the Stars Out of the Sky (And Gift Them To Me), (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: The new Pharaoh has a bit of an obsession problem.
Notes: i suppose this would technically be yandere but i really dont want to admit that i wrote yandere fanfiction about a childrens movie WC: 4.6k
He called himself a savior. His people called him a God. Thus he acted as a sort of savior God, decked in gold, more powerful than the kings of a hundred foreign lands. He kept his friends close as he had no enemies, those in power too afraid to stand up to his might. 
It was not as though he was undeserving of this title––quite the opposite. He dug his country out of a dangerous recession that followed an invasion by the Hittites. He defended his status as Pharaoh against his tyrannical elder brother, who had attempted to claim his rightful place on the throne. He brought great prosperity to his people and maintained his image of regality, the untouchable air around him, as though the Gods truly did walk the earth in the form of him. 
Here he was, the most powerful man to walk the earth, coddling you as his fingers ran through your hair.
The decisions that brought you to this moment were poorly thought out at best and downright shameful at worst. Your home in the southeast of Africa now lay what felt like eons behind you, hazy memories of chains and scuffing, bloodied feet whirling in your head. Even in your village you knew of him––not by name, of course––and had already grown to fear him. By the time you got out of your home village and began going market to market, you knew to stay clear of him at all costs. But his dirty soldiers were everywhere, and constant vigilance brought you back-breaking stress that had your steps faltering. 
Your stumbling was what brought you here. Stumbling into prison, stumbling into a palace, stumbling into a King's chambers.
"Aren't you just gorgeous," he cooed softly, petting your head. 
The rough, uneven pull of your breath was the only disturbance in the peaceful room, bathed in warm light and Egyptian paintings. Every nerve in your body screamed to get away, to worm yourself out of his touch, but with every attempt he just held you tighter. 
"What's your name? You look hungry," he said, eyes scanning your panicked face. "Would you like something to eat?"
Punch him. Talking to you like a dog.
You shook the thought out of your head, but the Pharaoh took it as a nod of confirmation. 
"We'll get you some food," he decided with a smile, separating from you long enough to stand and pull you up with him. 
He did not part his hand from yours, instead leading you through the long, tall hallways and their arches that painted scenes from stories you didn't know. Your past excursions to Egypt had hailed no such royalty, nor did any of your other travels. Most of the time you stayed in hostels and taverns. The grandeur and sanctity of churches and temples were as close as you got to this, standing on the cusp of a garden that stretched further than you could see, the white alabaster pillars lining your vision. 
"Come," he said, and you thought it best to try not to disobey him. "This is a food garden. You can eat anything you like."
It had been a while since you'd gotten a good meal. The last thing you ate was hardtack from a tavern about a six-hour walk down the river from here. 
The Pharaoh followed closely behind as you moved forward, constantly looking over your shoulder as you scanned the different vines and bushes. It was the color that caught your eye––most of the plants along the Nile sported an olive-type green, dull and yellow-ish. Many of the leaves in this garden were a bright green, more so than moss and grass, lively and soft beneath your fingers.
Only after scanning the whole of the garden did you decide on what to eat. From blossoming flowers in the water that lined the walkway to the figs hung high on the trees, you chose plums sprouted fruitfully from a short tree.
You sat right where you stood as you began gnawing at the flesh, tangy juice dripping from your bite marks. After a moment of watching you the Pharaoh lowered himself to your height, earning a chary side glance from you. 
"What is your name, lovely?" He asked again, much softer, as he once more began to pet your hair. Most other times you would've shaken the hand off, but most other times it wasn't Pharaohs touching you. 
"Amoke," you said through a rough throat and full mouth. Your voice had remained unused since you stepped foot in jail, and it was only now that you were reintegrating its' use.
"Amoke," he repeated, nodding. "A western name. Is that where you're from?"
You nodded.
"Do you like it there?" He asked quietly.
You shrugged.
"I should like to keep you here, then," he murmured, gaze flickering to every feature on your face. You watched his interest closely.
What came to mind was that you didn't want to stay here––that you wanted to keep on the road, stay away from the permanent and escape the inevitable routine. You couldn't say that, though. Not to his face. With nothing on your mind but leaving him and his touch, you remained silent in the wake of his request. 
The sun soon set behind the garden's walls, casting long shadows that consumed the both of you without fail. When the residual light of the sky began to fade, he took your hand, paying the stickiness no mind as he led you back into the palace.
"I shall keep you in my room," he said with a firm confidence in his tone that stewed in your empty chest. "If ever you need something, just tell me. I can give you anything you desire. During the day you should stay in my room as well––it's safer that way. I'll be able to keep you safe."
From what?
Fifteen years travelling the world on your own and now you're forced into a single room for your 'protection.'
"My name is Ahkmenrah, though most call me by my title. 'My King,' and such. You may call me what you wish. I don't mind," he said, a smile crossing his features as he opened the door set in front of you. His eye only tore from you for a second before his attention was back, scanning the way you stepped nearer to him and into the room. 
The once-bright light of sunset had vanished in his bedroom, replaced by the eerie purple of a late dusk. Outside the balcony arches, the sky bore an ombre of plum and blush, reaching up into the dome where stars had already come to see the world.
"I know your name already," you murmured, staring out to the city. His eyes remained ever on you, burning the back of your neck. "I know you freed many of your slaves but kept worker camps in Kush. I know you intimidated every nation so severely you can do anything you want now. It's not like anyone will stop you."
"You're knowledgable," he said, taking a seat on the floor.
"Is that what's happening here?" You asked, but he didn't quite understand. At his confusion you sighed but continued. "Am I supposed to be intimidated enough by you that I will stay here of my own free will?"
He furrowed his brow, tilting his head ever so lightly to the left.
"You... don't want to stay here?"
"No. I have a life that I'd like to get back to." Much of it being avoiding you.
"I don't understand," he said after a beat of silence. "You want to leave? But – there is nothing in the world I cannot give you here. Any riches you want, yours. Any delicacies are yours."
Ahkmenrah collected things. Already it was clear enough to see––collect and retain an image that prevents any fight against him, collect the riches of the world to give to his people and himself, collect the respect of those around him, and collect you. He will share with you everything he has gained if only you join this ever-growing, ceaseless collection of belongings. There is nothing stranger than being offered to become a toy.
"I prefer to keep moving. Meet new people," you said.
"You'll be safe here," he said, reaching for your hand. You instinctively pulled your hand away, but a sudden poisonous glare overtook his eye, and your heart froze in its' place long enough for him to gracefully lead you to your knees.
With you now raised on your knees, he met your height, nuzzling your cheek with his nose. 
"I don't need to be –"
"You will stay here," he said, his intensity thrumming in your nerves. Once again there was no thought more comforting than leaving this place.
He must've noticed the panicked look on your face, as his expression softened.
"Do you understand? Oh, lovely," he said in a hum, fawning over you as his touch overcrowded your senses. His nose rubbing up beneath your jaw as he nuzzled into you, his hand holding your hip tight as the other tangled in your hair. He took in your scent with deep appreciation. "Sweet darling.. pretty one."
His mumbles grew less coherent the longer he held you, dusk fading into midnight as the silence of crickets resounded in the distant flora. The tension in your chest never fell, leaving you exhausted with your stiff breaths, bags beneath your eyes begging you to fall asleep, even if it was in the possession of another.
From waking up in an underground prison to mistakenly entering a King's chambers, the day weighed heavy on your mind with little solace at the end. Still, the body has its' cravings that will never relent, and you fell asleep to the rhythm of his praising murmurs and stroking hands. 
Even hours later you awoke to arms still twisted around you, keeping you pressed tight to the warmth of the Pharaoh's chest. Hunger bit at your stomach, acid burning around the empty walls in a sweet reminder of your recent diet. Two-ingredient crackers and two plums in the last two days. You supposed that you wouldn't have to worry much about that in the future, so long as you stayed in his graces. While you doubted he would withhold food from you as punishment, you wouldn't put it past him, as it was a common jail tactic in many cities.
Wandering had been your sin for many years before this moment, and it would continue to be so whether or not you gave into the urge. Being stuck in any place––even one so comfortable as this––itched at your skin, tugged at your motionless legs and pulled at your scattered fingers. Despite your original insistence that you should stay still, your foot began to gently bounce as your fingers fidgeted restlessly. Your eyes darted every which way.
"I see you're awake," he mumbled, voice barely there in the first dregs of morning. "Stay a little longer."
Not that you really had a choice. His legs were all tangled in yours and you could barely move.
For what seemed to be another hour and a half you lay there, wondering when he would wake again and finally release you. He couldn't keep you here forever––not sleeping with him, not in this palace. It was clear he would not willingly let you go, so in the meantime ideas stirred in your head, plotting out ways to escape without his knowledge.
A knock came from the door when rays of sunlight began to touch the bedroom floor, flooding in through the arches. You wriggled when you heard the sound, disturbing Ahkmenrah from his sleepiness, which at last led to the loosening of his grip. The moment he went lax you tore yourself away.
Breath finally returned to you, the long hours of night fading away as your chest heaved an even up and down. The blankets around you fell as the Pharaoh stood, making his way to the large doors, where he removed the lock to let in a lean servant.
"Good morning, my King," he said, his gaze naturally coming to you. He stared at you but addressed Ahk, his words concise and posture straight. "You have a meeting with the embalmers of Thebes this morning, on the false accusations. After that you have –"
"– to overlook the temple building in the markets, yes, I know. My memory isn't that bad," Ahkmenrah grumbled, sighing deeply as he rubbed his face with his hand.
"Apologies, I just..." the servant's eyes flickered to yours, "didn't know if you.. drank last night."
"Just a glass, Naguib," he said with a slight smile, one that fell once Naguib began to root through his wardrobe.
You watched from your spot on the floor; the glint of gold in the closet, the mirror perfectly reflecting the King's standing position. His reflection yawned, dreary eyes meeting yours with a gentle delight. Instantly your vision darted away. 
"Amoke, this is Naguib," he said, and in that moment you forced yourself to turn back to him. He was smiling expectantly, the servant behind him waving a polite hello. You returned the wave and he appeared to be satisfied.
Naguib picked the King's clothes and donned them on him, from the lapis beaded collar to gold cuffs on every wrist and ankle. The cape that streamed from his shoulders was a light all its' own, as though Ahkmenrah wore the sun upon his back, the silk drifting in gentle waves towards the marble floor. Only the crown was more regal than that, but above all was the man himself. The sweet coos and fawning words of the previous evening had faded into a stone face, pride on his puffed chest, and cunning on his parted lips. 
"I'm afraid I'll have to leave you here for the day," he said as he stared at his reflection, smoothing out the wrinkles in his sleeves and the unevenness of his necklace.
"But –"
"No," he interrupted you before you could truly start, voice dipping low as half-lidded eyes turned to you. 
There was something about his stare––something about the way he looked at you, as though he knew every thought in your head. This must've been the look that, in part, earned him his reputation. 
"Stay here, pet," he said in a softer voice, bending down to kiss your forehead.
His lips were warm and enviously soft on your skin, but you had little time to process it before his cape whipped behind him, leaving you alone in the room. Naguib had left with him and locked the door. Now the only sound to calm the incessant ringing in your ears was the incredibly distant murmurs of an early-morning market, filled with birdsong and calling voices attempting to sell their work. 
Fumbling to stand, you padded with bare feet towards the open arches. From here you could see the Nile and the many temples sprouted up throughout the city, their towers marking themselves distinct from the houses cluttering the twisting streets. It wasn't all unlike the other cities you'd seen––a different architecture style, of course, but similar nonetheless.
The arches had no railings of any sort, so as you peered over the edge, you kept both hands on the pillar beside you. Right beneath the Pharaoh's room was a garden, smaller than the one you had visited the night before. 
It wasn't too far down, either.
You darted back into the room, pulling the thin blankets off the bed and off the floor, tying the ends together with frantic hands. Even your breath hastened to match your heartbeat, speeding dangerously in your chest as apprehension filled you. There was no time to waste––you needed to escape now, before he came back, before you had to memorize his routine; before this became more than a two-day problem.
Guards in their uniforms passed by outside, circling the palace with spears in their hands. You glanced out at them as you worked, trying to find the rhythm in their marching, and having little luck before you realized there were multiple groups passing by the arches at different times. A soft groan left you as you bit your lip in irritation. More things to calculate.
Although the ground didn't seem all too far away, it took a decent amount of time before the makeshift rope could reach the ground. Several hours of rearranging the types of knots and their placements finally wrought good results––the lowest blanket could now touch one of the trees near the garden's entrance, which you could use as a way down.
The sun had to be around midday, going by the shadows, and you assumed the Pharaoh would not be back to his bedroom until later in the evening. Before you could stay to see that time, you tied one end of your blanket rope to the arch's pillar and casted the length of it below you.
Hesitation caught you as you attempted to climb down, the sheer height of the building catching you off guard. What once seemed a short way was suddenly a means of death––not that it wasn't ever that before––and you could barely breathe with how tight your throat became. Your shaking hands gripped the cloth tight, sweating with the tension building in your muscles. Gentle breezes only accentuated your sweat, but it was not of import to you. All that remained on your mind in the overcrowding of fear was the need to escape, and thus you returned to your task, carefully scaling down the palace wall.
Nothing but silence dared make a sound in your thoughts as you climbed, breath evening further with every step you took downwards. The anxiousness only faded once you could see the individual leaves of the tree below you, and the design of the blanket stretched out on its limbs, crimson red and gold in the sunlight.
The moment you could reach you did so, clambering onto the thin branches in hopes of swinging towards the thicker ones. As you reached for the next branch, another hit your wrist, pain instantly shocking your left hand out of its' grip. Fortunately you caught yourself; just barely, and a second later you dropped to the ground with a huff.
You ran.
Without thought you ran, as fast as your feet could take you, as far as your lungs would allow. Air began to sting in your lungs, wind biting at the back of your open throat as you bounded through the halls, praying you wouldn't meet anyone on your way out.
The Pharaoh and his power was intimidating, no one could deny that, but your fears remained centralized in the idea of being known. You scarcely gave your name and hated living on in memory. Your own world was perfectly fine and you found no need to exist in anybody else's, no matter how much Ahkmenrah wanted you to.
But of course your stumbling would get you. As your thoughts were occupied, you paid little attention to the road in front of you, toppling over a railing you hadn't noticed yourself barreling towards. You tried to catch yourself with bulging eyes, but the ceiling was fading with mortifying speed. Bile filled your mouth as a sickness invaded your stomach.
Cool water splashed around you, soaking your clothes and skin alike as you sunk into the pool. Vines entangled you, the legs of lily pads separating in your wake, their flowers naught but silhouettes above you. A shadow appeared above you, but before you could make any decision it grabbed your upper arm and forced you out of the water.
"Ohh, dearest," sung a voice, accompanied by the close cradling of your body despite it being soaked. The sick feeling in your belly grew into a poison as recognition came to you. Your muscles tensed again in his grip, every nerve fighting against a fleeing instinct.
"My King, isn –"
"Quiet, Gyasi. My poor, sweet love... what are you doing here?" He asked, his hand coming up to stroke the hair away from your face. "I told you not to leave the room."
You shivered, leftover adrenaline sending shakes throughout your body. It left a tense silence where you would originally reply.
"You feel cold," he said, though you didn't feel at all cold. "Let's get you cleaned up, hm? I ought to do it anyway, since your clothes are a little torn."
He brought you to your feet, keeping an arm around you as he patiently led you away from the pond and those gathered there. Most everyone stared at you as you left, but you could barely notice, your vision blurred and hazy.
Steam filled your senses in the room he led you to, warm and scented with honey and lavender. Your eyes opened there, head raised to see the servant women working, stoking the fires and heating the water. Beside you, Ahk motioned to one of them, mumbling something in her ear that sent her out the door. Though curiosity did come to you, you kept silent in the unease of the Pharaoh's presence.
He had yet to accuse you of trying to escape, but it was only a matter of time. The rope in his room was still hung off the balcony. That fact kept you wary as much as it kept you jumpy, something Ahkmenrah unfortunately noticed.
By the hands on your shoulders he led you to a bath dug into the raised floor, the water inside steaming pleasantly with the scent of honey. Reluctantly you began to peel your clothes away, all too aware of his eye on you, memorizing how you stripped yourself down. As you dipped into the water, you attempted at removing the sick irritation you connected with him staring at you. It would happen quite a lot more (whether or not you wanted it to) before you could leave this place.
"Do you have any injuries?" He asked as he moved to sit beside you, his golden robes dirtying on the floor.
"I don't know," you said hoarsely.
"I'll have one of our physicians look over you. That was a long fall," he said, leaning forward to kiss your forehead again, before standing and leaving you to the care of the servants.
As promised, a physician visited you shortly, scanning over you while one of the women scrubbed at the dirt beneath your fingernails. The heat of the water calmed your muscles, untensing your anxious grips even as you were bombarded with questions.
By the time the servant women had dried and dressed you in new clothes, the Pharaoh had yet to return from whatever excursion he had left on. It didn't bother you, considering you didn't especially like being around him, but it did leave you wondering as you lazily watched the servants. Even if you wanted to leave you couldn't; you had no idea where in the palace you were, and there was a fair amount of guards wandering around outside the room. You bit at the inside of your cheek.
A good while later––far past the midday when you'd first fallen––he returned with singed clothes, ash covering his face. Your eyes widened at his appearance, and he was quick to notice your mild alarm.
"Incident at the, um, Bastet temple. One of the new priests really likes working with fire," he mumbled in a dazed voice, shaking his head as though he was trying to shake himself back into his body. "Are you alright?"
You nodded.
"Good. I've got most of the rest of the evening free, so let's get you back to my room, yes?"
It took quite a lot of self-control not to spit in his face, and much more willpower to slowly nod. He would accept no other answer and the suggestion of such would land you in unknown terrain.
He led you back down the hall, and each step you took burnt your regret into the ground beneath you. If one could identify the scent of fear, it'd be coming off you in floods, obvious in your panicked eyes and hastened breath. He would find the rope, and he would no doubt be angry. None of this would have happened if you had just watched where you were going.
Panic saturated your heart, functionally marinated it, as Ahkmenrah reached forward to open the door in the middle of the hallway. Every click of the latch had you flinching, till the door swung open and the light of late-afternoon hit your eyes.
The rope tied to the arch was inconspicuous, but the absence of nearly all the blankets in the room was not. Slowly the cogs in his brain sped up, and in each passing second you could see further recognition in him, till his eyes turned to the rope knotted around the pillar.
He said nothing––simply moved forward, glanced out and down the balcony, and turned back to you.
"You were trying to escape?" He asked you, nothing behind the tone of his voice, which might as well have been as bad as any anger he could've unleashed.
"I told you I could keep you safe here," he continued, and you, in your head, connected dots that suddenly appeared. He would never let you outside his room now––now that his point has been proven. "See what happens when you disobey?"
You blinked and he was standing in front of you, close enough that every inhale of his chest brushed against your shirt. At first you tried to step away, but he moved to cup your face, keeping you frozen in your spot. Your terrified eyes stared into his.
"The next time you try to leave here without me, I shall have to intervene myself, if you do not hurt yourself on your own as you so often do. Do you understand me?"
You nodded. There was nothing else you could do, not with your throat so tight you could barely swallow.
"I obviously cannot trust you," he said, his gaze flickering between your eyes.
He left you standing in the middle of the room as he went to one of his chests, pulling and unlocking the latch before the creak of hinges sounded in the room. You turned to watch in both interest and worry, patiently waiting for his reveal, before he turned back to you with rope in his hands.
As per usual, your first instinct was to bolt out the door. Your feet practically itched with the tension stored up in them, but you stayed perfectly still, terrified into submission as he pulled you forward. You almost stumbled, but before you could fully do so he pushed you onto his bed. Quickly you moved from your stomach to your back, creeping backwards on the bed as he drew nearer, the rope drawn taut between his hands. Kneeling on the bed with his head held high above yours, he was an opposite from the lovesick King you had first met.
He tied your wrists to the bedpost and you let him. He pulled the knots so tight and intricate there was no hope you could get out without breaking the rope, and you let him.
"I can keep you safe here," he murmured, lodged between your legs with his lips against your temple. Your heart stormed hell in your chest. "You will stay here. Any attempt on your behalf to leave and I will have to punish you. Understand?"
"Then I am a prisoner," you said, your voice hoarse and broken.
"You are what you make yourself," he said in a much more stern tone, looking down at you with knowing, wary eyes. "If it is a prisoner, then so be it. But you will be, throughout all actions and situations, mine."
"You belong to me."
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
The Witcher And The Baker
(Ok to rb! This is the first time I write a geralt fic that I actually like! So please rb with nice words!,even if you dont know the Netflix series or the games!go off!)
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"There's an inn down the road"they said to geralt.
Its not an inn, Its a damn lodging house instead of an inn!the thing was huge!.
--In what can I help you--said the inn Keeper, a young woman with white dragon horns and a sunflower apron said.
--Ill be staying here for a while--geralt answered in his short and dry tone--How much Is it going to be?.
--well,since youre going to become a regular then I guess I should Lower the price,how About 20 gold coins--the inn keepers voice was sweet and soft spoken, and it made the witchers cheeks burn Pink.
--O oh okay--he said, clearing his throat--wheres my room?
The Man sets the coins down and the woman grabs it, putting in a chest under the counter and then walking to the Man.
--Follow me, over here
She kept her soft tone, and they walked down a corridor.
Geralt was baffled,no inn keeper had treated Him like that, softly and kindly as she did.
then they turned the corner and the second room they stop.
--Here it is,it has a bathroom and its own kitchen but if by any chance you cant Cook please tell me and ill do it for you
--Please,you have already been too kind-- the witchers dry tone seemed softer as well as his expression.
--Have I?--she giggles, smiling--please, go and rest, enjoy your stay...
--Thank you-- he nodds and enters the room, sighing as his body relaxes.
He leaves the weapons on the table,and takes off the heavy armor, laying on the bed, its comfortable and the matress ,it sinks under his weight.
How on earth did she even get matresses that comfortable?and charge so low for it?.
Then he freezes as he hears a soft lullaby being sang.
His dorm happened to be just behind the kitchen, the smell of baked goods started to make him feel sleepy.
When was the last time he had slept well?, when was the last time he slept?.
He cant really think of an answer, the inn keepers soft voice was luring him to sleep.
The place was just the right ammount of warm, the matress was made by the gods, and the covers of fur werent itchy, was geralt on the heaven itself?.
He flips on his side covering his body with the blanket,it had been a long day of witcher fuckery, and it was only noon.
His body was asking him to sleep.
And so heavy eyelids Turned into closed eyes.
And then he fell asleep.
Its late afternoon, geralt wakes up with a soft knock on his door.
--Sir?--The inn keepers voice asked-- I have some snacks and tea ready, come by if you want some, free of charge!
The Man grunts in response, he sits on the bed and stretches his neck, hearing the womans steps Fade away.
He sighs and goes into the shower, warm water too? What was up with this place.
Now, after a quick shower, he Walked back to the counter, there were some tables and some other people there staying.
He sat alone right at the table for two besides the Window.
He looks outside, its raining..
Good thing he left roach with the stable boy.
--Hmm there you are!--The inn keeper said putting down a tray of baked goods and tea on the table--May I sit?
Geralt couldnt help but smile,and nodded--of course...
She sits Infront of him,brushing a strand of chocolate brown hair behind her ear.
--I suppose since youre going to stay for a while we might as well get to know eachother, im jerico, jerico von terra
--Geralt--the Man said, shaking jericos hand.
--Well geralt, shall we?
He particularly didnt drink tea or was concerned on eating pastries or sweet things at all, but this time hed figured he would give himself a treat.
--i dont like to talk much--he said after drinking a bit of his tea.
--Its alright--she said--we can Keep silent if you want
His smile grew, nodding again.
And so they ate silently.
And well, poor geralt couldnt help but look at her, jerico had big green eyes like emeralds, soft cherry lips, and a beautiful porcelain skin.
He wanted to sigh in love.
The kindness was too much for him, maybe because he isnt used to it,maybe because it was New.
Whatever it was, he was starting to grow fond of it.
And sure,he had some questions about her, dragonborns werent well liked, but the people in town seemed to be very fond of the inn keeper.
--Dont look too much or youll pluck your eyes out
Jeri said giggling.
The Mans cheeks burn red.
--I didnt mean to stare...
--Dont worry about it
After 'tea time' geralt went back to his room.
He was internally hitting his head against the wall.
What was up with him?he asked himself.
He only hoped it wouldnt Keep him up all night.
And so days Turned to weeks, and weeks in months.
--So, mighty witcher-- jerico said, trying to annoy geralt as he helped around in the kitchen.
--Dont test me jerico....
--oh but I want to know, how was todays hunt?
The Man looks over to her with a brow raised--are you trying to bake me something again using your "cake scale"?
It had become a habit for jerico to bake stuff for him.
The "cake scale" was measured in,the harder the hunt,the bigger the cake would be.
--Jerico I still have some cake from last weeks hunt you dont need to
--But geralt! I want to!--jer said,pouting Like a kid.
--Fine, it was alright-- she always gets him with those puppy dog eyes-- not to hard, but I did hit my back against a rock pretty badly
--then thats a medium cake,chocolate with lemon drizzle then?
He smirks,she knew him too well--vanilla, actually
--Okay then witcher go rest!
The Man grunts and corners the woman against the kitchens counter one of his hands cups her cheek and the other cages her.
His eyes were pitch black, his skin dead pale.
Hea afraid he scared her,until with red cheeks she wiggled her brows and giggled.
--i didnt knew this side of you geralt, Pretty cool~
he groans letting her free-- is everything a joke to you?
--Maybe yes maybe not, go and rest come on
The Man sighs, its useless to argue with her.
He says a soft goodbye,and back in his room he sats there on his bed.
He had been cooking up these feelings for his inn keeper friend, he couldnt help but feel bubbly around her, the way she always treated him with respect and kindness.
How she braids his hair when he knows hes going on a long hunt that Will make taking care of his hair a living nightmare.
How she treats his wounds, scolding Him about it.
And how shed wake him up with a soft tone and her hand lightly stroking his hair,asking Him to wake up.
And he knew he wanted his life to be like that for ever.
An hour or so later jerico knocks on the door, with that softness that was so characteristic of her.
He opened the door with a big goofy smile.
--hey, heres your cake
He took the Plate quickly leaving it on the table then back at the door leaning on the door sill.
--Ive got to ask you something
--Sure, shoot
--so...--geralt said trying to find the right words--when we first met you treated me with respect,you didnt fear me nor did you treat me poorly, why?
Jer raises an eyebrow leaning with her elbow on the wall.
--Well,because youre human too, and you deserve the same kindness as everyone else
And thats when it clicked for him, he wanted her by his side forever.
--And another thing
--Would you like to eat this cake with me?and I can tell you more about the hunt
Jeris eyes lit up and nodds.
She comes in, sitting with him at the table as both drink some tea, jerico listens to geralt talk about todays hunt, very invested in It.
Then geralt takes her hand, gripping it softly as he finished his tale.
--I really dont know how to go about this, so ill just say it, jerico...I like you, you have been always so sweet to me,youve spoiled me with things and I feel like I cant ever repay you for this, so let me try to make this up to you by giving you my love if you feel the same as I do
Jerico grips geralts hand and she smiles,a big grin.
She almost jumps out of his Seat, and as the Man stands up jer jumps on him, the witcher catching the dragonborn by her legs who wrap around his waist.
--you have no idea for how long have I waited to admit my feelings towards you,guess youve won this time, mighty witcher.
--dont try and test me now--he said clearly joking.
--you dont scare me--and with that she cupped his cheeks and kissed him.
He sets her on the table hugging her waist while his other hand cups her cheek, caressing it.
--And im glad I dont...
--youre such a dork
And that sent him back to his usual grumpy expression .
--Theres my geralt
--Jerico...do not test me
His eyes went black again.
--Oh you know I will...
Geralt sighs in annoyance,Why does he even try with her?
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taezhu · 5 years
student vp!Lucas
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surprisingly, lucas got the role of the student union vice president out of sheer luck
He's popular and he has a lot of friends and the only reason he ever signed up for the role was a bet he had with jaehyun
that jaehyun would give me 100$ if he got vice president
Lucas is really competitive so did actually get it by asking everyone to vote for him
which annoys the shit out of president Doyoung but, Lucas is pretty chill
Anyway, the important stuff
you meet Lucas when he is on the end of another bet, at the piercing store
you has trained etc as a piercer just before starting university as your older family friend owned a tattoo and piercing shop here
So you were guaranteed a job basically, which was cool
Lucas shows up with Johnny, jaehyun and mark and tells you that he wants his nipple pierced
And you're a little confused because you know who Lucas is
And the rest of the actually, they're all university famous basically
You tell him that's fine but you notice hes a little nervous because he laughs awkwardly and is reluctant to follow you into the room
Hes really quiet until he sits down on the chair and you go to ask him to lift his top and he stops you
With wide puppy dog eyes and basically begs you not to
"Look, I dont want this, i have 60$ on this but dont want to get this piercing"
And you're a bit confused at first because you've had people scared before but this seems different
So you put down your stuff and pull up a chair beside him and try to explain that it's all okay
"Nope, you dont get it, my parents will never speak to me again. It might hurt but it doesn't bother me, can you find a reason not to do it?"
Well, that's a pretty valid reason
and after about 20 minutes of both of you discussing literal reasons he couldn't get it
"Sorry guys, I couldn't get it, it would have rejected"
Johnny seems to question it a little, as does mark, but jaehyun just seems disappointed
His cover story would be that there wasn't enough room for the bar the properly fit and it would definitely just reject it
Which was a lie but
Either way, Lucas left with the promise of owing you one at some point though that seemed unlikely
Because it is still Lucas and he doesn't and wouldn't ever speak to you again after this
Or so you think
The next time you see him is two days later actually when you're minding your own business and a group of people come into the library
And you were sat at a booth on your own since it was the only space free
Usually you would sit at a table but there was nowhere else free
So the other group starts fronting because they're annoyed you're sat there on your own and one guy gets shirty
He tells you to move because you're taking up too much room and tbh you were going to move but no
When they started getting rude you definitely weren't going to
And they start raising their voices to the point where people are looking and when one guy starts to get more aggressive
You have Lucas and Johnny at your aide blocking him
And Lucas thanks you for saving a seat for them and you run along with it
All the while jaehyun gives them a bit of a stare and a scare too
and they both sit down with you and you're a bit confused but they're pretty good company
Well, Lucas is, jaehyun is looking at places to move into next year and going between phone calls with his girlfriend and his parents
But you do end up getting to know Lucas a bit
And when jaehyun disappears for a second Lucas tells you that he heard the guys who were getting shirty and wanted to step in
"But dont worry, this isnt me owing you. I bet you thought I forgot about that, huh?"
"Oh.. yeah. It's been 2 days. I forgot about that. Feels like longer, right?"
And from then on you become lucas' personal diary, but by accident
It starts with him texting you stuff hes got to do so he remembers it
but actually you tell him a few hours before to remember he has to do it
And that is how your relationship grows because you're basically his secretary
Even more of a cliche secretary when you meet him after this meeting he had with Doyoung and Lucas is pissed
like so pissed that he doesn't want to talk because although Lucas doesn't take things seriously 24/7
He often does take his vp role seriously and tries his best
So when he spent an hour with Doyoung telling him he was useless and needed to step up without telling him what he actually did wrong
He is pretty upset, so much so that he ends up trying on your shoulder and you cant really make any sense of him
Until you start telling him how pointless it is to listen to someone like Doyoung because of x, y and a
and yeah Lucas is listening the whole time, hes not an asshat
but when you start running out of things to say his eyes fall to your lips and he loses his concentration
and he doesn't think for a second and kisses you really slowly, softly and with a load of emotion he never thought he had
You pull away with eyes really wide like what, and instead of waiting for you to say something he does it again but much more rushed
And that night you spend at his doing a little more helping for him
and you dont regret it in the morning because its nor even awkward but you're confused as to what you both are
So you're friends with benefits it turns out, maybe with a few emotions on your part
and you start to think maybe Lucas likes you to
Especially when hes the one who buys you lunch and when you're in the middle of everyone steals kisses
And came really close to telling you he loves you but mark interrupted him
That's the situation until you tell him you'll meet him after one of his classes so you can walk with him to the library
and you know he's waiting for you in the building but you're not exactly sure where
Luckily he's loud enough for you to hear him wherever he is
So you're looking around for him and you can hear him talking to who you assume to be Johnny and you hear your name come up
oh God its cliche too for you to only hear this part of the conversation but they're talking about getting you to fall in love with him
and what you hear is that someone bet Lucas that he couldn't get you to fall in love with him
It hurts you a little more than it probably should have and you definitely jump to conclusion
But because you have feelings you take it to heart and you decide to go alone and you tell Lucas you remembered you had something to do
which he doesn't really believe, since you do remember everything
Lucas is a bit of an empath so realises that you're off with him
especially when he sees you a few days later on your own and realises that you're avoiding him
you dont hide it when he sits down opposite to you and give him an awkward smile and kind brush him off
But you're not as much as an asshat as you think he is, so you straight up tell him what you heard
Lucas is a bit disappointed at himself for letting you find out about that
"I know its really shitty that we made a bet about you and I ducked out of it when I realised you were… pretty cool"
"Like cool enough for me to realise that I had feelings for you rather than the other way around"
"and I told jaehyun I backed out of it because i was scared you would find out and pierce me or something"
"Which is really dumb, i know, but the reason i ducked out was because I cared about you and didnt want to hurt you and because it would have been… good if you did actually like me"
"What I am saying is that I like you and I realised a while ago but I guess I never thought you liked me to so I ignored it and then everything happened between us and I never wanted you to know about that bet but Johnny brought it up because I wanted to confess to you and take you out but… yeah"
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xfreelycolorfulx · 5 years
Camping Conundrum-BedeXOC
If you dont like OC x Canon literally just dont read it 🙈❤️
Cold...So cold!
The days it snowed in the Wild Area were some of the worst; Gabrielle didn’t actively carry a set of thicker clothes for this situation. Bad on her, she supposes, but her rucksack is heavy enough! Her hands had an iron grip on her upper arms in a pathetic attempt to keep herself warm, thin frame shivering almost as pathetically. Her shaky breaths came in small puffs, visibly clouding into the air, occasionally distracting her for a few seconds before cold struck again. The abundance of flakes were merciless on their way down, paying no mind to her already reddened nose as they made it their homeland for a few moments before melting, only furthering her torture.
A displeased whine crept out of her lips, arm raising to wipe her nose after a sniffle. Oddly enough, the snow was so light, it seemed to just melt upon making impact with the grass. The snow didn’t tend to last long either, a few hours, at most. Weird, but nobody seemed to question that fact anymore. With a gentle smile, her frozen fingers brushed the pokeballs at her hip, glad that her precious pokemon were safe and warm. They were what mattered, she could worry about being warm herself in one of the Budew Inns later; or so she thought. As her gaze lifted back to the sky, dread crashed down in a heavy weight as she noticed the sky darkening, only lit by the fading pink-orange on the distant skyline. Brows furrowing in distraught, her gloved fingers thread through her hair, other hand moving to hold her cap to let her do so.
“Of course… Just my luck.” Shaking it off, Gabrielle affirmed herself; now is no time to be negative! Setting her cap back into its proper place, a smirk made way to her confident posture before she hunched over again, the breeze deciding then would be a good moment to pass by. Shuddering until the breeze passed, she let herself crumble to the floor, a defeated sigh heaving from her chest. The Snover sheltered in nearby grass peered curiously at her, a handful of Stuffuls bounding out to sniff curiously at her form and bag, a few sitting at her front to chirp cutely and wave their front arms. With a small laugh, her hand reached to brush against the one closest to her. The Stufful pressed into the affection with a happy squeal, nuzzling its cheek into her palm, allowing itself to be pet before her hand pulled away shortly. Gabrielle knew better, Stuffuls were forces to be reckoned with, and she didn’t want to stimulate it into a battle mood. Although seeming momentarily disappointed, the Stufful went back to its previous activities. She hummed, stripping herself of her rucksack, “Guess there’s no better time to camp then now!” She smiled, turning it around the pull off her camping gear, “Ahh~ Nothing sounds better than a warm bowl of curr-”
Her monologue was cut off as her hands brushed a nearly empty rucksack, at least of the largely needed objects she’d needed. A confused and panicked ‘ah?’ came from her lips, hands messing with the contents of her rucksack, double-- no, triple checking-- each pocket with growing panic. After the search, she came up fruitless, shoulders sagging as she let the bag slip from her grip and gently fall into the grass. Of course. She had forgotten her camping gear; the most essential set a trainer could have, especially in the Wild Area… and she didn’t have it. Swallowing harshly, Gabrielle whimpered as she bit back a frustrated sob, eyes clenched shut to prevent the flow of her oncoming tears. In place of her cries, her body sat quaking, her head ducked in shame and fists clenched against her knees. This night possibly couldn’t get any worse!
“What are you doing? You look more pathetic than usual.”
Her head shot up at the familiar voice, nearly giving herself whiplash as she turned to look at him, startling him for a split-second. Bede was a familiar sight nearly everywhere she went, though, Gabrielle never expected to see him here. At least, not now, nor in this weather! She shot up, rushing over to him and grasping his shoulders with a broad smile, making him reel back in surprise, “Bede! Am I glad to see you!” Glad? Why is she glad? His brows scrunched in confusion, mouth opening to prod at her situation further before she moved to decide and do so herself.
“What luck! I don’t have any of my camping gear, it’s snowing, and I’m almost an icicle.” He seemed unmoved, staring at her blankly, “Yeah, I know, stupid of me! Right. ‘No less to expect from a nobody’ or whatever it is you say. But… I really need your help right now! You have your camping gear, and even if you leave now, I doubt you’d make it to the nearest city in good time. Can I please,” she emphasized her begging, “camp out with you? At least for tonight?”
Bede sat, almost flustered as he turned his head sharply to turn away from her, not daring to meet her gaze and succumb to the puppy-dog eyes Gabrielle was very much using to attempt and sway him. Taking a moment to answer, giving him time to collect himself, he brushed her hands off of his shoulders and glared her down, a smirk making way to his face. “Share a tent with somebody like you? Please, I among many others know you’re nobody important! You may have beat me twice before, w-which I let happen of course!” He cursed himself for stuttering, “But you’re not worth the time for something like that.”
Glancing at her, he tensed, startled by her dropping smile, so outwardly sad that she looked like a kicked puppy. Seeing Gabrielle look so… defeated… It didn’t feel as good as he thought it would, not even close. In fact, it kind of hurt. His confident stature slowly dropped, eyes shut as he fought himself internally. He didn’t like feeling this way, there was a dull ache in his chest, and he didn’t want to disappoint. Opening them, he sighed and crossed his arms, gaze settling to the brush beside her.
“Although...:” A small blush tinted at his cheeks at her hopeful gaze he noticed in his peripherals, hands clutching at her chest, “I’m not completely heartless… I’ll allow it.” Though he grumbled this out, she had heard it well, rising to throw her arms carelessly around his form, nearly knocking the two of them over. He choked on his breath, attempting to push her off in vain, “D-Don’t touch me!”
Gabrielle only squeezed tighter, chanting her thanks into Bede’s shoulder like her life depended on it. Letting him go, she wrung her hands as he brushed off the front of his jacket. That damn jacket, he was lucky, it almost taunted her. It was large, puffy, and obviously very warm, the end of it reaching his knees. She shivered unconsciously, watching him set up his own camp, making a petty remark about her not assisting him in pitching the tent. Gabrielle apologized softly, stating she would have helped, but she doubted her shaking hands would help him set the tent right. Bede knew she was right, but gave a small eye roll in response, because he’d never admit such a thing.
Once the tent was propped up, Bede was pleasantly surprised at Gabrielle setting down an armful of wood, setting it into a neat pile for a fire. She stepped back, reaching for her belt, tossing a pokeball between her hands a few times before tossing it forward, allowing a Centiskorch into the field. Gabrielle rose a hand to carefully stroke two fingers along the top of its head, “Bede, you remember Ashe, right?” He nodded; of course he did, the thing helped her sweep his entire team, though he rose a brow, forgetting she had nicknamed her pokemon. She stepped back from the wood pile, asking rather than demanding--as most would in battle- for the Centiskorch to light the fire for them. Without hesitation, Ashe churred in response, obediently doing as told.
The fire quickly crackled to life; luckily, the snow hadn’t made the logs and branches too wet. Gabrielle threw herself down, sitting as close as she could without it burning, “Ahhh!~” Her body sagged in relief, Ashe settling nearby, disliking the cold as much as her trainer. The wild Pokemon nearby quickly scuttled off, not wanting to be near the blaze. Bede kept back, attention brought to her shivering again. She’s still cold? Why, the fire is lit, right? This is when he took a moment to realize how long she had actually wandered in the cold, her fingertips quaking and red. When she had grabbed his shoulders, he could visibly see the flush on her cheeks and the discoloration of her nose. Clearly, Gabrielle had been out for hours. Bede sighed, shaking his head, expecting nothing less. He knew she was capable of great things, lest he ever tell her that, but she was obviously careless about a lot of things too.
Bede sighed audibly once more, taking it upon himself to remove the jacket that had been secured around him pretty much his entire journey, hesitating in a moment of self doubt. Willing himself, he approached with the jacket, open in hand, and--in a moment of panic--more or less threw it on top of her, throwing off her weight. Once catching herself, Gabrielle glanced at Bede, who had silently plopped himself by the fire a good foot or two away from her. Pulling his arms flush across his chest, his cheeks flared in a familiar flush as his gaze darted away from her form. She sat silent, only smiling softly, huddling herself into the warmth with a quiet coo.
The pair sat in silence for a while, Bede seeming to only hunch further into himself every glance he took towards her. Huddling into its warmth, Gabrielle hummed in content, seeming to bring some sort of ease to Bede’s initial panic. The fire continued to crackle as the night bore on, the sky darkening slowly. Tossing a smile to Bede, Gabrielle softly inquired, “Why not let out the Pokemon for a while? Make some curry? I don’t think either of us have had dinner.” Without waiting for an answer, her hands reached to cluster the pokeballs at her hip into her palm. Allowing them to enlarge, she tossed them lightly away from the fire, the five remaining Pokemon burst from the pokeballs. As soon as they had finally set, they quickly perked to nestle up by the fire. Turning to Bede, Gabrielle eyed his own pokeballs before glancing back up at him, “Your turn, I’m sure your pokemon would enjoy a little leisure!”
Bede’s nose wrinkled a bit, “As if you know what they’d enjoy…” Contrary to his statement, he nudged the four pokeballs into his palm. Tossing them almost carelessly, or seemingly so, as he normally would for any battle, the four Pokemon of his own joining the group. The Pokemon were a welcome sight, even the blank ‘stare’ of his Hattrem. After they settled themselves, his Ponyta and Hattrem excitedly moved up to nudge against Bede affectionately, his Duoision and Gothorita instead going to peer at Gabrielle’s own Pokemon in curious familiarity. Although Bede tried playing it off as if he was trying to push away his Pokemon’s loving touches, he sat contently and let them do so, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. As Gabrielle watched the interaction, she tilted her head curiously, “Hey, Bede? Do you nickname your Pokemon?” She knew he never referred to nicknames in battle, but he might in private, right?
“What? Why would I do something so childishly trivial as that?” Wrong. He turned his gaze towards her, looking almost bewildered by the question. Gabrielle pouted in disappointment before perking back up and crossing her arms confidently, “Alright, then I’ll do it myself!”
“No, you can’t-”
“Too bad! Hmm… The Ponyta is definitely a Cotton Candy!”
“You’re not naming it tha-”
“Hm… The Gothorita seems like a Muffin.”
“Are you serious-”
“The Hattrem is Eloise.”
“That actually… isn’t too bad-”
“I dub the Duoision… Jello-Mello!”
“I hate you.” Bede groaned, burying his head in his hands, further showing his disapproval. Gabrielle only snickered, pressing a playful finger into one of his now-puffed cheeks, “No you don’t~”
He snorted, gently slapping her hand away from his face and moved to lightheartedly sneer at her. Her hand obediently fell back into her lap, but the grin on her face only grew in turn. While it was true Bede didn't hate Gabrielle, he tried multiple times to convince himself he had at least disliked her, but even now the events unfolding before him tonight were proving otherwise. It kind of... terrified him; it was clear to many—especially after learning of his backstory—that Bede wasn’t one to know how to handle his own emotions very well. Chairman Rose is all he has, and assumes he ever will have, he can’t lose focus and disappoint him now. He can’t. He can’t…
A soft brush against Bede’s arm knocked him out of his stupor, his gaze out of it for a moment as his eyes met the Ponyta sliding its snout along his forearm in concern. Bede sighed, frame relaxing and a hand gently brushed through its mane in a silent thanks. His fingers slid through his platinum blond hair, bangs lifting and falling perfectly back into place.
“Are you alright, Bede?”
As if his previous thoughts had made him forget the entire world around him, Bede jolted at the sound of the female voice; he had forgotten how close she was. He felt vulnerable, hands wringing in his lap, why did she have to notice?! Of course she’d notice, she’s close enough as it is, but you’re being awfully obvious! His hands stopped wringing to allow him to clench his fists carefully. Get ahold of yourself. His eyes lid almost tiredly, in no mood for his usual witty responses at the time.
And that was that. Gabrielle knew better than to push into his emotions, no matter how badly her playful nature really wanted to. Though her concerned gaze remained on him for a while, the pair sat silently. She remained quiet before glancing up at the stars slowly gathering above, thinking of a topic to change the mood. Gabrielle took a moment to watch across the way by the grass , Jello-Mello playing a game of tag with Egg, her Dracozolt, then across the field where Muffin playfully pat at Cider’s—her Appletun’s—back. It was nice seeing them get on after all the battling they've done in the past. The others had either nestled down for sleep or were simply relaxing in the fires warming blaze.
After another long moment of silence, Gabrielle hummed and shuffled to stand, “Nothing cures a quiet night like curry, how about it?” Her voice was soft, though not a whisper, not akin to her usual tone. He only nodded, her smile widening in return. Without a word, he stood to join her, leaving her in momentary silent surprise. Her surprise melted into a soft smile, moving to dig ingredients she had packed in her bags; berries, that is to say. Hopefully Bede has something to add into the pot that’ll spark up a delicious mix! Sifting through her berry collection, Gabrielle tugged a small bag of pecha berries from their confines and glancing over at Bede setting out a pot for the works, carefully starting up the base curry mix.
Bounding over, she offered the bag to Bede, who took it from her with a curt thanks. Removing a pecha berry, the look of momentary shock on his face was evident on his face; did she know he preferred sweet curries or was it just chance? Bede blanched, shaking the thought off, it had to most definitely be chance. Gabrielle smiled, “Do you mind helping me chop them?” He huffed, but took a few from the pile, collecting blades for the two of them to dice the berries up. Bede took the first one, moving to slice the fruit quickly to scoop it into the curry mix before it burned, the berry chunks all different sizes and shapes. Glancing over, he watched Gabrielle’s fruit pieces dice into quaint pieces; sure, they weren't all identical and perfect, but they were fashioned into manageable bite sized pieces.
“What are you rushing for, Bede? The curry isn't going anywhere, it doesn't cook that fast!” Gabrielle laughed between her last few words, causing Bede’s cheeks to redden in embarrassment. He had typically always rushed through his curries at times, deeming he didn’t have enough time to spend slowing down, he needed to train! Before he knew what was happening, her small hands encased his own in a guiding manner, moving to guide him into slicing. With a choke in his breath, his hands quaked in her hold, making some of the bits fairly misshapen. Gabrielle didn't mention it.
Once the curry had finally been fully cooked—Gabrielle having had to stir it herself since Bede had been going a bit too fast and spilling some over the edge of the pot—the pair filled their bowls in respective shares for their Pokemon, who all took the food with grateful chirps. Luckily, Bede had a few fruit bunches on hand to make the curry extra sweet! Even though it wasn’t up to par with the curries she usually ate, those being much spicier, she didn't mind having something new that others would prefer.
The Pokémon tucked in rather quickly, Bede’s Pokemon taking delight in the enhanced quality of the food. The teens sat quietly with their own portions, Bede absentmindedly stirring the stock, Gabrielle lifting a spoon and offering it to Bede, “Here!”
His cheeks flushed red, choking, “Y-You’re not going to feed me! I’m not a baby!” His voice gave small crack of embarrassment, disproving his point to some extent.
Gabrielle pouted before her lips lifted into amusement, “I wasn’t going to feed you, I was offering a cheers! Unless… you want me to feed you?~” She was only teasing, but it was fun to push his buttons. The splutter that escaped his mouth was plenty reward. Bede’s mouth open and shut in unsaid words before he lifted his spoon to haphazardly clank against her own to shut her up, in turn making both the utensils contents shift and fall to the ground. With an embarrassed ‘tch’ he looked away and dunked his spoon back into the curry.
“Boo! Don’t be a stinker, Bede! I just want a toast!” She took another scoop, lifting it with a pout. His eyes wandered to her spoon, patiently waiting mid-air. With a defeated sigh, he lifted another spoonful to bump hers, much more gently this time in a successful toast. With a cheer from Gabrielle, they both swallowed their generous scoops of curry. Bede hummed in satisfaction, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth at the sweet taste.
“I like sweet curry, what luck.” Gabrielle jumped, not expecting him to talk but smiling quickly, swallowing her own bite.
She chuckled softly, waving her spoon, “I know you like them, you mentioned it in a conversation once some time ago.”
I did? Bede was puzzled, he didn’t recall ever mentioning that, and if he did, why it was important enough to remember. She only smiled, taking another bite of the curry, Bede silently following suit after another moment of thought. Many of the Pokémon finished rather quickly, nestling together to sleep for the night. Gaze moving to meet the sky, Gabrielle smiled softly at the comforting presence of the stars, the snow lessening.
Tapping his shoulder, Gabrielle pointed skyward, “Look, the snowfall is clearing up!” Following her gaze, the snow has actually visually lessened, the flakes having not only lowered in number, but also shrunk in size.
With a quiet hum to himself, Bede murmured a quiet, “Seems so…” Gabrielle cooed, snuggling further into the borrowed jacket and smiled against the fabric.
The Pokémon began taking extra shares between their trainers eating slowly, the curry pot finally left empty for the night. The two gaped at the empty pot, having been unaware of their Pokemons escapades for extra food, leading Gabrielle to pout some, but let herself sag in defeat, “Ah well… It’s time we head in anyway.”
She smiled softly, setting the dishes aside to be cleaned properly later on, fully fastening the jacket around her form as the breeze blew just as cold as before. Bede only rubbed lightly at his arms, doing what he could to avoid the breeze. He was tempted to ask for it back, but something about her content and… generally want to wear his jacket struck a hidden cord in Bede; what was this feeling? He didn’t understand why her wanting him around had affected him in such a way, he didn’t care, right?
A small yelp came from him as Gabrielle's Drizzile, Bahari, was quick to put out the fire. She shot him an apologetic smile for spooking him, the smile returned with a dignant huff, as if he hadn’t been startled at all. Once the fire had died down, Bede silently made a trek for the tent, a yawn squeaking its way past his lips. “Ah, wait!” A sharp tug at the back of his shirt almost knocked him back to the floor, and the front to choke him for a moment. Bede turned to glare at his attacker, Gabrielle shrinking sheepishly, “Sorry!”
Standing straighter, her fingers idly twirled in her locks, “I was wondering if you’d like to stargaze for a while? You don't have to! But the snowfall is clearing, I think it’d be nice.” Bede quirked a brow at her behavior, she never usually seemed so bashful about asking him to do anything before. His exhaustion was clear by his half lid eyes and the soft scowl on his features, but despite this—
Both appeared surprised by his answer, Gabrielle brightening and Bede taking a moment to question if he had made a mistake. Her hand clasped his own once more, tugging him to sit at the end of the tent where the door sat open. Sitting indian style, Bede promptly ignored the feeling of her knee brushing his, no matter what sort of comfort it brought. Gabrielle craned her neck up towards the stars, on a mission for the nearest constellation. His own gaze remained on her for a moment, features unconsciously softening at her content before letting his eyes slip shut before opening to follow her gaze.
Gabrielle pointed out a few constellations, though when asked further about them, covered her eyes with her cap with a claim she knew nothing more than their names. Typical. Bede smirked, glancing down at a sudden added weight in his lap. Cider, Gabrielle’s Appletun, took his Hattrem’s usual place in his lap; a given, as it was asleep with most all the others. Cider only peered up at him curiously before nudging its head under his hand. With a breathy laugh, his fingers brushed across the Appletun’s head and returned his gaze skyward, not seeming to mind when Cider began affectionately nibbling at his fingers. The snow had finally ceased falling, now only leaving the breeze and the remaining snow for a chill.
Gabrielle sat up, lifting her right arm to point upwards, “Hey, Bede, look! I actually know about that one! It’s—“ A sudden weight on her shoulder cut her off. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed an ‘o’ inna silent gasp, quieting at the sight of Bede pressed to her side, asleep. It was nice to see him look comfortable, a small smile gracing his features and eyes shut softly, brows relaxed rather than furrowed in their usual frustration. His breaths were soft, hand draped lazily over top the Appletun in his lap, who had dozed off along with him.
Reaching behind her, Gabrielle took one of the heavy blankets he had in his tent, carefully working—with mostly one arm— to drape it over the two of them. She couldn’t bring herself to wake him or risk moving him. With a squeaky yawn of her own, she rested her head against his own and let her eyes slip shut for the night. It was a perfect moment she’d never forget.
Especially not when she had a photo to remember it by.
Her trek back to Hammerlocke didn't take long, not after being shooed off by an embarrassed Bede before she could even help him pack up, claiming that she had gotten them into such a sleeping position and saying she should have woken him up to sleep inside. Gabrielle only chuckled, taking it in stride and collecting her Pokémon. Thanking Bede once more, her arms enveloped him in a farewell, much to his protests before she rushed off again. He had glared softly down at the dirt, pink tinting his cheeks again and his arms crossed. He seemed back go his usual self.
“Gabrielle! Hey, Gabrielle!”
She perked at the sound of the familiar voice, an even more familiar face rushing towards her. Hop smiled brightly, tugging a badge from his bag, “Hey look, I bea-“ he paused, glancing her up and down, “Did you get a new jacket? It looks familiar.”
Oh no.
WHHHHEEEW MY WRITING SUCKS! Check the story on wattpad though! One of my close friends made cover art for it!
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Baby Shower Pt 1
Part of the Two Men Series
Book: The Royal Romance/Heir
Summary: Maxwell throws Riley and Liam an impromtu baby shower that leaves guests feeling...unwell.
Characters: Riley, Hana, Olivia, Madeleine, Maxwell, Drake, Bertrand and Liam. All of them belong to Pixelberry.
Profanity Warning.
Only tagging those who requested to follow the series, just in case this isn't your thing. If you want removed (I promise its fine) or added, let me know.
@gardeningourmet @dcbbw @crookedslimecreatorpasta @moonlightgem7 @katedrakeohd @emceesynonymroll @romanticatheart-posts @carabeth @kimmiedoo5 @ladyangel70 @burnsoslow @sirbeepsalot
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You are cordially invited to celebrate in the upcoming birth of a little Prince. This Saturday at 7:30 PM-Beaumont Estate, Ramsford
Contact Maxwell Beaumont to RSVP
Riley looked over the invitation she received to her own baby shower, being held tomorrow. Hana had thrown an official shower last month, however, Maxwell, being Maxwell, wanted to throw one last hurrah with only friends and Madeleine.
Riley, propped up on pillows in her bed, places the invite back on her nightstand.
With a week left until her due date, the Queen was feeling anything but in the mood to party. Her feet were swollen, her back ached, insomnia kept her up most of the night, she just wanted to relax.
Maxwell, insisted, much to his chagrin, it would be fairly low key, or at least by his standards. She was hesitant, however, she has never been able to resist the pouty lips and puppy dog eyes of one Maxwell Beaumont.
While deep in thoughts, she places a hand on her tummy, watching her white, oversized cami contort in odd shapes. "You are rolling around a lot today...You should just come on out and give your mommy a break".
"Little guy full of energy today, Love?", Liam asks with a wide grin, standing in the doorway. He walks over to her side of the bed, removing his robe, before leaning in to kiss her.
"He's always a ball of energy, which I would love more if he would just come out". She raises her voice as she lays her head back with a huff, "...We've tried everything, spicy foods, herbal teas, walks....sex...what else is there?"
Liam climbs in bed next to her, cupping her cheek, "You still have another week, just give it time".
She rolls her eyes, Liam typically is her voice of reasoning and reassurance, however, lately she has been trying to figure out, more and more ways, to 'snip the berries' while he slept.
She sighs loudly, before going off on a tangent, "Time? That's easy for you to say, I've peed my pants twice this week already from sneezing, I'm fairly certain poor Mara won't be walking so closely behind me anymore after last nights supper, and Drake got an eye full when both breast started leaking during our walk this morning".
He starts to laugh, but, the evil stare she shoots him, stops him quickly. He composes himself, while massaging her thigh absentmindedly. The stare doesn't stop as she then moves her glare to his hand on her thigh....she's going to kill me...stop touching her now Liam...
Liam quickly moves his hand away and stretches while yawning, "Ahhhh, okay....I'm just going to move over here on my side, place a few pillows between us, and see you in the morning". He leans in for a kiss, but, the scowl on her face makes him hesitate, as he opts instead to just pat the top of her head.
Liam rolls over, places his hands between his legs for protection and prays silently to himself..."God, spare my life tonight and my...'you know", he says while gripping himself tighter," ...if there is anything you can do to get the baby out sooner, for me...I mean for her...it will be worth it. Also, sorry for using your name in vain three times today while talking to Neville and lying to Madeleine about not noticing the five extra pounds in her ass..err...butt...um..amen".
The next day....
"Do you have to do that?", Riley grunted, as she shook her head,  sitting next to Liam in the limo to Ramsford.
Liam looked at her quizically, trying to be patient with her, "Do what, love?" He knew she was about to tell him some ridiculous annoying habit, he was unaware of doing.
She reached over and placed her hand on his, "Tapping your hand on your lap".
-I wonder if exorcism would work on her?
He smiles back at her sympathetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't even realize I was doing it."
She removes her hand, turning away from him to look out the window, "Of course you didn't....I"m sure your loud ass stomach growling for the past thrity minutes was no doubt distracting you".
-Nope, she's too far gone.
The limo driver lowered the partition and yelled back, "Your majesties, we are pulling into the estate now".
"OH THANK GOD!", Liam suddenly yelled out with both fists pumping in the air, eyes closed, taking in a relieved breath. He then looked over at his wife who did not seem amused with his little outburst. He rubbed her arm gently, "Thank God for you, Love", he said with a sly grin.
The limo stops in front of the estate and the driver walks around, opening the door for them to step out. Maxwell runs out the door and greets them almost immediately. He starts to pull Riley into a hug, pretending he can't fit his arms around her. She laughs at him and swats playfully at his arm. Liam watches as his wife smiles and carries on with Maxwell, trying to figure out what happened to her between the limo and the door. Whatever it was, he was ecstatic there would now be six other people for her to berate besides him...of course...that could also mean six other people to annoy her and he would have to deal with it later. This baby needs out now!
The Beaumont Estate Ballroom was beautifully decorated with baby themed displays, a wide spread of delicate treats, sparkling lights and lovely floral arrangements.
Riley and Liam were impressed by the amount of work Maxwell had put into this baby shower, it was emaculate. They had feared, perhaps, this might turn out  similar to the birthday party Maxwell threw his brother two months ago. Bertrand was not impressed with the topless belly dancers, nor, the one named, Lusty Lawny, who insisted on giving the birthday boy a lap dance for 20 minutes as he was handcuffed to a chair.
Drake's birthday included a mud wrestling ring, where Maxwell's friend, Bertha cracked two of his ribs and gave him an atomic wedgie.
Hana's birthday was a seance in a local cemetary that gave her nightmares for six months.
Then, for Olivia s birthday, he took her skydiving, in which, he had to piss so bad. He thought it would stream downward instead of spray back up on her.
The last thing either of them wanted was something disasterous to happen. Liam pulled Maxwell aside, as Riley spoke with everyone else.
"Maxwell, I want your absolute word that you don't have anything strange taking place during this shower, and by that...I mean strange for me and not strange for you".
Maxwell wrapped an arm around Liam's shoulder with a serious look, "Liam, I give my word that I have planned no strange activities this evening, just good friends hanging out together before you two enter parenthood".
Liam let out a large exhale, still a little leery, but, hopeful Riley would leave happy and in one piece when it was all over with.
He leaned into Maxwell, speaking in a hushed tone, "It's just...Riley's a little on edge wanting the baby to come right now and I want to keep her as comfortable as possible...it would really help me a lot".
Maxwell nudged him slightly in his side with a smile, "Hey, it'll be fine Liam...plus, I have a really good feeling that tonight is the night the baby will be born."
Liam furrowed his brow, "why do you say that Maxwell?"
Maxwell started to say something when he notices that Olivia has arrived, "Hey!Everyone's here now, so lets get this par-tay started."
Liam tried to yell back at Maxwell, but, he was gone. Did he just call this baby shower a 'par-tay'.
Drake makes his way over to Liam, stands face to face with him, a look of confusion plastered on his face, "There's no booze here."
Liam gestures to his wife sitting at a nearby table, "Since she can't drink alcohol, she insisted no one else can....It will be okay Drake, it's just a few hours."
Drake's face scrunches up, "You've got to be kidding me? I can't do it man, that's how I survive these little Maxwell gatherings."
Liam gripped one a Drake's shoulders as they walked to a nearby table, "Hey, listen....Riley's really short with me right now and nothing can go wrong tonight. Will you just keep an eye out for me and make sure Maxwell doesn't have something planned that would...i dont know...cause me to miss the birth of my first child due to my untimely disappearance".
Drake wanted to laugh, but, he understood his friends plea when it comes to Riley. "I know what you mean, when we were walking the grounds yesterday, she was talking about how denim makes me look tubby. When I pointed out her her own stomach, she called me a son-of-a bitch and kicked me in the nuts. That got her breast leaking and I never want to see that again.... Trust me, I got your back, I'll keep an eye on Beaumont".
With a nod and a smile of relief, Liam sat down next to Riley.
All the guests seemed to enjoy their appetizers, non alcoholic punch, and scrumptous blue velvet cake. Maxwell planned games afterwards, in which, Hana guessed the exact number of 1285 tiny plastic babies in a jar. He had them decorate sacks of flour as babies and diaper them, Hana's was voted the best. Drake rolled his eyes, "of course she won, she's used to decorating socks to use as playmates".
Hana shifted in her seat taller" Well, at least I didn't just write Jack Daniels on the front of my baby in large letters....by the way...your baby is stupid".
One hour later....
Hana looks a little uncomfortable, her stomach is rumbling and she excuses herself quickly. Not to long after her, Bertrand has a pained expression on his face and is grabbing his stomach, he stands and shuffles with urgency out of the room.
Drake is sitting with Liam and Riley, she is continuing to call him a little bitch over his comment yesterday, but, he doesn't even realize it. He starts to sweat and feels a little flushed; his breathing becomes ragged as he clutches his stomach.
Liam notices his change in demeanor and becomes concerned, "You okay Drake, you're not looking so good".
Riley raises a brow, "See....I told you, you little bitch".
"I don't know what's going on", Drake says as he tries to steady his breathing, "it's my stomach".
Riley crosses her arms unconcerned, "....and a fat ass too".
Liam motions to Madeleine, "Sweetheart, I heard Madeleine telling Olivia you have cankles, you should really go talk to her about that".
Riley sat in up in her chair and glared at Madeleine. She started taking out her earrings, "Oh did she now, hold these earrings Liam, I'm about to shove a color coded binder up that bitchs giant ass".
Riley wanted to walk to Madeleine with an attitude, but, the most she could manage was a small waddle.
Liam leans into Drake with a sympathy, "Sorry about her...anyway, you really do look rough Drake, what's going on?".
Drake still clutching his stomach, "I dont know...like my stomach hurts really bad all of the sudden. The only thing I ate was a few tea sandwiches, cake and punch".
Liam thought for a moment, "Yeah, nothing that should cause you to feel this sick. You know...I saw both Hana and Bertrand leave out of here in a rush...neither of them have returned either".
Drake weakly lifted his head and scanned the room for Maxwell. He was at that moment, jumping up and down with excitement watching Riley yell at Madeleine.
Drake took a deep breath before yelling, "BEAUMONT!".
Maxwell stopped when he heard Drake call out his name, he skipped over to Drake and Liam with a big, giddy smile, "Man....she is really giving what for to Madeleine...Im so glad I invited her, Riley made her cry...hahaha!!".
"Maxwell", Drake muttered, "I think the food is making people sick...my stomach is killing me....wait...oh, I gotta go now!!!!". Drake stood up quickly, clenching his backside as he ran out of the room.
Liam looked at Maxwell for a moment. "Maxwell, there is something going on. Three people now have ran out of this room, holding their stomachs or in Drake's case, butt...you did something to the food didn't you?".
Maxwell glanced around the room, nervously. He didn't think his concoction would affect other people, only Riley. He remained silent, contemplating whether there was a connection. His gaze fell on Olivia, who was now looking a little distressed and reaching for her stomach.
"Maxwell, answer me", Liam demanded.
"I just thought it would help her go into labor", he said sheepishly.
"What did you think would help her go into labor?".
Maxwell hesitated, but, Liam grabbed his arm and gave him a commanding look.
He gulped, "Castor oil....I put it in the punch".
Liam, stunned, placed both hands over his face, before opening them again, "So they all have.....the shits?".
How will Madeleine handle her predicament?   Part 2
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weaverlings · 5 years
(so this is super long and mainly about WTNV because that’s the part I understand, or... at least have spent a lot of time thinking about, but there’s definitely a heavy component of comparison between the two series in this)
@vildflower said: I’ve been thinking how wtnv and tma approach similar concepts of vaguely otherworldly entities who are only somewhat connected to the universe that they seem to operate in vs. the universe that they seem to exist in
so this is all super interesting stuff thank u!!!! I just needed to get to the computer to go over it properly bc tbh it deserves it
vildflower said: like,, tma has the whole concept of rituals and avatars whereas wtnv could arguably have. a hierarchy? like when you think about it;; huntokar, the distant prince, the woman from italy, even the great golden hand, are ancient and possibly the closest to ‘gods,’ who dont interact w nightvale often but either have vested interest in it or are able to interact w it more easily due to number of reasons as compared to, like, the rest of the world? 
Part of the reason I listened to The Magnus Archives in the first place was because I’d heard hints of the connection between belief (fear specifically, as it happened) and reality, and the tangible effects that this connection has. I have pretty much always interpreted Night Vale along similar lines, but now having listened to TMA... I don’t feel like the execution is all that similar? 
While the lines are super fun to draw, WTNV doesn’t have such clear divisions or, well... I guess TMA didn’t, either, but I don’t think WTNV does have such clear organizational structure?
I think the/a key difference between WTNV and TMA is that not all of the entities of Night Vale necessarily tie back into an overarching force, or at least... the same overarching force. Which you go into, but that’s just such a core aspect of TMA that it at least feels pretty distinct. 
And the gods of Night Vale, I think, all have a much clearer and even more “relatable” sentience than the Powers. The gods have trouble communicating with other people, in various ways, but they also, say, express regret or ask for coffee when they do communicate.
vildflower said: and then theres the smiling god who could be said to be in a category of his own, or even perhaps in the same category as cecil- the way the smiling god’s existence seems to be in direct connection to desert bluffs/the joyous congregation and cecil seems to ‘depend’ on nightvale and its residents. or maybe it would be more accurate to equate station management and the smiling god, both finding ways to communicate w their respective towns through 'avatars’: cecil & kevin.
Yeah! If being a “Voice” means anything, I do think it would be related to these gods... I guess it would’ve been Huntokar, once, for Cecil. (And now, well... I don’t know. But if bloodstone worship is just happening, that’s a lot of undirected faith, and I feel like it needs to go somewhere... or to something.) And yup, for Kevin, it would be the Smiling God.
However, one thing I’m hoping we’ll see from this arc is addressing the fact that what the Joyous Congregation THINKS is the Smiling God is apparently really different from what it actually is. Even some of the church elders - the actual pastor - believed that it was the centipede, and this would seem to indicate that’s not true. 
I mean, if nothing else It Devours! was pretty clear about the fact that the centipede was just an animal, so I don’t see it or anything like it having plotted or directed someone to exploit people’s brains for labor in the future
So I wouldn’t put the Smiling God in the same category as Cecil, or even Kevin, but I think Cecil and Kevin occupy the same category like you said... 
For what it’s worth, I’ve always thought of Cecil more like an “oracle” (even before Alice Isn’t Dead!!) - giving advice or answering questions, kind of a guide, if in a sort of opaque or enigmatic way, whether he wants to be or not. And then Kevin is more like a prophet - offering a vision of how things should be, giving commandments, etc, regardless of what people might ask for or what would help them.
vildflower said: continuing this heirarchy the next lower tier would perhaps be city council and the librarians which have pretty fixed, smaller areas of direct interaction w nightvalians. there’s also the spire! which sounds quite similar to the spiral, i think….
I think that’s a good example of how it’s different... “Barks” sounded like the kind of thing that could have been related to the Spiral, that sort of distortion. But the purpose was different - the Spire wanted to bargain, and from the sound of it it’s a lot more open about its demands (iirc: Night Valian “Thanksgiving” involves going out to thank the Spire for its “mercy”). It’s also a known destination. 
People in Night Vale know what it is to them. They may not know what it is exactly, but they do know the role it plays in their community. So while it absolutely fits into the structure of Night Vale, I don’t think it’s that similar beyond some (admittedly major) aesthetic elements?
All of those forces in Night Vale, the librarians and the council etc, while indeed forces and while they definitely relate to the human citizens in weird ways... they’re still citizens. 
The Powers are TIED to the world of TMA, but an explicit part of it is that they’re fundamentally alien to it, too, and basically need to be forced in.
vildflower said: but yeah,, hope you don’t mind the long rant rip aksk but at this point I’m pretty sure one could draw up a list of some 15 nightvale entities too lmao
(fdsdgh no you don’t need to apologize, I loved it and I’ve been thinking about this kind of thing a lot anyway too!!)
vildflower said: HOW COULD I FORGET! the glow cloud interacts w an even smaller group of people (the PTA) than the city council + angels!! I’d say they’re actually at the lowest rung cause they seemed to only be interested in josie; maybe their attachment to them in turn lead to be attached to nightvale even after she died?
actually the Glow Cloud works w/ the school board and seems to end up in conflict w/ the PTA and I only remember this because I was checking on it for something recently oops. 
ALSO THE ANGELS... YEAH THAT’S NEAT because!! they’re the only part of this that has an explicit connection to belief in canon!!
“They are all named Erika with a K. All angels are equal to all other angels. They share all memories and all physical sensations. They experience everything simultaneously. Their minds are overwhelmed with enlightenment and pain.
“They have no centralized leadership, but they do have committees, lots of committees. These committees do not have titles nor objectives. The committees simply emerge as needed...
“Angels have no bodies, only visual projections of winged, barely humanoid forms. These forms are dreamed up by those who see and acknowledge them, and may vary based on the viewer.
“The secret hierarchy of angels is an ethereal mass of feelings and thoughts made manifest by necessity. They’re only individual beings because we imagine them so, but they are collectively beings.”
But I think, yeah... Night Vale is, at its core, a community. And the worldbuilding of WTNV reflects that, even to the extent that belief is involved. I mean, really, the world does run on “belief” it’s just not a supernatural thing... We believe in the necessity of our social structures, so we create and act on them. 
And that’s what happens in Night Vale, it’s just that in Night Vale, a divine Glow Cloud runs the school board and the librarians will eat you. All the “forces” that we expect are there. Even though they’re strange (to us, at least), it’s all centered around the maintenance of a community. TMA has a much larger scope.
theres that whispering forest too and omg the desert otherworld, and the black star in ‘a story about you’ & other episodes; entities that manifest more as locations than sentient beings? 
So yes!! Night Vale as a place is definitely a gathering point for the weird. I think of Hiram’s favorite memory in this context, too - Hiram was happy in Night Vale because he could just live, for a while, anyway. Or at least, when people were upset, they weren’t upset by his nature as a five-headed dragon (who cares, right?) but because of what he did)
It does have a clear structure, but it’s not the same kind that the Powers operate under - WTNV (depending on interpretation, and none of it is canon tbh, as much as I love it) and TMA are both very different explorations of the connection between belief and reality.
Like the Whispering Forest is... well, apparently it’s its own town now. But it was sort of the local weird forest; it was... a citizen, maybe. In the way, indeed, that the Glow Cloud still is! It just wants to live (and grow. and expand) and Night Vale is a place it can do that. 
The Desert Otherworld seems to be connected to the Smiling God, although we don’t know much about how or why or if it’s always been that way. Dana saw some things, though, like when she almost forgot herself in the image of a triangle (iirc), not to mention the rumbling and whatever’s up with the Mudstone Abyss... And then it does have its connection to Night Vale, too, through the Dog Park... There’s a LOT going on w/ the Otherworld; that’s basically its own post dsfdgfdg 
And the dark planet lit by no sun is like. I admit I’ve never thought of it in the same light as the other things before! So I’d want to do that before going into it but that raises some SUPER interesting possibilities and if you have more thoughts I’d love to hear them! It definitely merits that further consideration. 
So in summary: TMA has rituals and avatars, and WTNV has community. I think.
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thepleasureisguilty · 6 years
misty morning~ were wolf au pt 3
ongoing rp with @ask-a-slippery-boy part 3 of 3 
part1: https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180510647144/into-the-woods-werewolf-au
part 2: https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180510912084/howls-throughout-the-night-were-wolf-au-pt-2
SFW~ (ish) has conversation about happenings from previous night, being sore etc. does contain: long drawn out after care  and allot of dog and wolf puns... enjoy! 
*the sun begins to rise, i am so happy i have been able to ease this process for you. I take a few moments to take in the wolf scent, i savor  the feeling of your fur... And the light hits you*
*I give you a long final lick followed by a howl before the light hits me. Like before I’m seized with pain as my body cracks and snaps. Instead of growing I’m folding in on myself like a spy glass. Each pop brings a new wave of pain. My howls and snarls become more like screams and moans. I’m slowly turning back to normal under you.  I dig my fingers into the dirt and shake violently as the changes grip me.*
*I hold you through the change being mindful that im not crushing you during this already painful experience, i am overwhelmingly excited to talk to you again and see the look on your face when you realize I "layed with the dogs" all night. *
*there’s a few loud final cracks before my body is finally still. The pain fades from me and I tremble from relief as it leaves me.* M-mast... *my mouth feels wrong. Formulating words is a struggle all it’s own. My voice is raspy and faint.* Im not on the tree...? *I sit upright quickly with a yelp* mast! Mast are you okay? Did I hurt you??? Did I???? *I hold you at arms length and look your body up and down. There’s the bite, but I did that before I turned. But you’re covering in scratches and dirt. Tears well in my eyes and I hold you close to me* Mast Oh Mast I’m so so sorry. Are are you okay?? Darling oh my love...
*I hover over you, now wanting to touch you and make it worse, your fluids dripping from my entrance and onto you as you still. i am relieved when you a make up and hold you close when you sit up. I rest your head against my chest and straddle back down on you, petting you lovingly.* ilya you were extremely gentle with me the entire night... You earned the name good boy
*I pet your hair lovingly and kiss your cheek* ilya I am fine! I am happy! You have nothing to apologize for *I pull your face back to look at me* you protected and cared for your mate so well *i rub our noses together*
*I look at you concerned* B-but I bit you! I mean I was lucid for that, but I was so horny I wasn’t in control really... and you’re all scratched up... and dirty... *I pull you back against me. I’m so tired, my limbs are shaking with the effort of sitting up but I’m so worried.* Darling are you sure you’re okay?
Comon my love *I pet your hair and smile loosening your chains* lets get you in that hammock handsome
*I suppose I can question you about the night when I wake up. I don’t remember most of it. Just how good it felt to be with you, my mate. Once free of the chains I pull myself up using the tree with a whimper* fuck... god... I’m too tired to interrogate you but I will in a few hours
*I stand up with a wince, cum still pouring down my legs, i can rest later, right now i need to be strong for you. I wrap your arm around my neck and shoulder and lead you to the hammock, i lay you down and hobble over to my bag, collecting the wool blanket, a biscuits and the bottle of water, i hobble back over and lay the blanket over you* hehe talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing *I laugh a bit at my own joke, both being proud of it and trying to raise your spirits*
*I shoot you a look when you wince, i don’t like the look of that. But the cum pouring down your legs more or less answers that question for me.  I do my best to hold you and help you walk too, but when you lay me down I basically collapse. I’m nearly asleep already when you make it back. I pull you into the hammock with me and wrap my arms around you.* I’d bark with laughter, but that joke wasn’t worth it. *I grin but it’s broken by a long yawn*
Ha neither was that joke *i smile and open the cork to the bottle* here drink something before falling asleep love
*I don’t have the energy to sit up so I pour the water into my mouth from here and inevitably spill some on my face. Not that I have enough energy to give a shit. I pass it back to you* T-thanks Mast. I... it’s better with you here. So thank you for coming...
* i take a swig and place back on the cork, setting the bottle to the side* darling... I dont want you to go through this by yourself ever again...
*i yawn again* L-let’s talk about it when we wake up... I’m so tired... I can’t think too good... I love being with you but... safety? I just... we need to talk more about it... when I’m not falling asleep, or really wolf horny...*I pull you close to me* but thank you for being here. I love you. You’ve made this whole thing much better...
We will *I kiss your head and hold you close* we will ilya well talk about everything *kisses head* rest now my love *I pet you and humm to you softly as you fall asleep in my arms, i am brought back to my hiding hole, sketching beetles and little matters of wildlife... I was so lonely then... Now in this hammock there is you... I cant help but take that as a metaphor for you entering my life and hopefully staying here... I hold you similarly to how you held me the entire night , protective, loving, kind... Your my mate... I love you so much*
*I fall asleep almost instantly. I don’t dream really. I sleep too deep for that. My body and mind are still aside from my breathing and the beating of my heart. Normally this time is so filled with struggle and pain. I could have never of imagined how much better it would be if I had you here by my side. I’m not scared to deal with the consequences when I wake up, I’m just excited to see you again.*
*I hold you and stroke your hair while you sleep, occasionally dozing off from my own exhaustion. And occasionally shaking myself awake, wanting to be there for you the same way you were for me last night* my wonderful mate... I want to always be here for you... *i whisper into your hair as you slumber*
*after a while of fighting it, i fell into a deep slimber as well*
*Early afternoon light shines brightly into my eyes. I groan and hide my face into your neck. I’m vaguely aware of my surroundings but my whole body aches. Especially my pelvis for some reason. I’m not ready to wake up yet. I nuzzle my face deep into your hair to pretend that I never woke up. It won’t last, but I can pretend.*
*I wake to your nuzzling and nuzzle back kissing your neck gently taking a deep breath of your scent, still feeling animalistic from the night*
*As the sun shifts it shines down and warms the blanket and makes us extra toasty. I still don’t want to wake up. Sunburn be damned. I find your hands and hold them. I yawn and  press deeper to you*
*I hold your hands sleepily and become more awake and persistent with my neck kisses for you*
*I groan as you kiss my neck. My body feels like lead. I have a bit of a headache. To be honest I’m in a foul mood. But it’s softened by your presence. It’s difficult for me to find things to be irritated about when I’m in your arms. I brace myself and open one eye to look at you. Gods it’s so bright. And gods you look stunning, maybe a little worse for wear, but some joe still so stunning just the same. I give your hands a little squeeze.*
*I gaze at you lovingly* would you like some breakfast?
*i can tell you are upset, groggy, cranky, like a hangover on steroids . thankfully i know how much food helps you*
*I swallow. Speaking seems enormously difficult. Despite being so pissy, I’m doing my best not to take it out in you, who by the way, I am deeply grateful for.* Breakfast would be phenomenal... *My stomach growls in agreement* but sadly I can’t get up, nor can I bare to part with you. *I swing a leg over yours to anchor you down*
*I let out a chuckle* i was afraid of that *i present you with the cloth full of biscuits from my bag* eat up darling I'll make ham and eggs when we get our energy back *I smile at you and kiss your chest lovingly* i know your upset my love, but its all okay. Its over now till next month *I nuzzle into your neck giving into the cuddles*
Mast, you are truly miraculous. *I fumble to untie the cloth and pass you a biscuit. I can’t really sit up, but I practically stuff a whole biscuit in my mouth while you talk. I moan as I chew it. Fuck it’s delicious.* I-I’m sorry for being so groggy... I do really appreciate you being here.
Haha ilya, you have no need to apologize you just turned into a giant horny wolf man for the night! Haha I'm just glad your okay *I nibble on my biscuit happily, i am fairly hungry myself*
About that *I swallow the rest of my biscuit* are you really alright? I... I can’t imagine last night was easy for you. Whatever happened.... actually could you tell me what happened, when you feel up to it? It’s all rather fuzzy for me at best, no pun intended...
*I swallow my biscuit too* I must admit I bit off more than i thought when I told you i wanted to be bred yesterday haha... You handled me with care the entire night though, even the light scratches on my body... I know you were holding back allot... It seemed like you just simply wanted to be as close with me as possible.
That would explain why my pelvis in particular is so damned sore. *I put a hand on your thigh* I’m sure it must be far worse for you. I do recall... well... er... it’s rather /bigger/ than usual. Mast... I’m sorry if I pushed you too far last night. Is there anything I can do now to help?
*I flush, a lot of last night was animal instinct for me as well, i expected the moment i agreed that. It would probably be rough... We luckily have been resting the past few days so that makes me not /as/ sore...* ...im sore, there is no hiding that, but i figured i was going to be *I smile at you* you didn't push me too far star strand, it hurts but its also an experience I wouldn't want to remove from my life...... Did.. Did it help you at all? Do you feel any better today because of it?
*I frown* I’m sorry that you’re sore... I... Ive never done anything sexual in wolf mode before... I er... well I didn’t know it would be... like that... *Im blushing pretty obviously. I hadn’t even though about the changes my cock itself would go through. Let alone using it.*  A-anyways... it did help that I wasn’t trying to get away all night. Usually I wake up with grooves carved into me from pulling against the chains all night. I’ve dislocated my shoulder before... and the one time I did get out I had burns from the silver... so thank you for giving me a reason to want to stay...
*I cup your cheek with my hand* well you did not hurt yourself on the chains , you havent been burned and everything is in place... I call that a successful night *i smile and kiss you softly* the best thing you can do for the next few days is not hump me *I smile and chuckle a bit, lightening the mood*
*Im still really worried about you, but I kiss you back softly and chuckle with you* Mast, I dont think I could hump you if I wanted too... those muscles are very spent. *I pull you into a slightly deeper kiss* I mean, on the other hand..  if you wanted to hump me *I tease with a wink. I suspect we’ll both be pretty spent for the next day or so at least. But... but for the most part you seem to be alright. And having you here did make everything so much better for me, as selfish as I feel about it...*
Haha I'll need a few meals first my love *I kiss you smiling* i am okay ilya... I'm just sore *I pet your hair and scritch behind your ear again* your a good boyyyyyy
I can’t imagine why *i tease. I flush deeply when you call me a good boy* I- I... well... you know! I ... I just... and you!! Well... I.... *I hide my face with my hands*
*i giggle at your reaction* your so fucking adorable *I begin rubbing your belly with my other hand*
*I hide my face from you in the covers. It was harder to be embarrassed about this when I was uncontrollably horny.*
Hehehe *I scritch at the side of your tummy * such a sweet boy
You’re so mean! *I tease from the safety of the blankets* did you come all the way out here just to tease me? Fate is a cruel mistress but not half as cruel as you!
*I scratch your tummy with both hands * you are in love with this cruel mistress my darling *I purr and laugh mischievously as i attack*
*I gather my limited strength to throw my hands out of the blanket and grab yours. I pull them to my mouth and pretend to bite one of your fingers before kissing the rest of them* Mast I am /so/ in love with this cruel mistress
Ahh!!! Do i have to muzzle you again * I bark laughing*
Oh come on now love, my bark is worse than my bite
*i laugh* I would make you howl if i wasnt so tired
I’d make another pun if I wasn’t in such a bad mood. *I roll over and yawn. Normally I’d suck it up and stumble back through the woods so I can go home. But.. but being with you is far more satisfying than being at home will ever be. I’m happy to just spend some time in the woods with you.*
*I hold you in a big spoon position* dawww grumpy puppy
*I shake my ass against you too be cheeky* I’m you’re grumpy puppy
*I buck against you gently* haha yes you are... Is there anything i can do to raise your spirits my wolfy lover. *I nuzzle into the back of your neck*
Yes, there is ... *I wrap my arms around yours* hold me tighter
*I smile and wrap you in a tighter hug nuzzling my face into your back and kissing you, i also try to wrap my leg around you but wince a bit from being sore*
*I smile to myself when you nuzzle into me. But I notice that you wince when you try and swing your leg. I roll over to face you and wrap my own leg over you. I kiss your cheek* I really am sorry for pushing you past your limits
*I smile* ilya... Do you feel any closer to me today than yesterday?...
*I nestle myself into your neck, waiting for your response, last night felt like ... Yet another bond was made between us... Or at lease between me and wolf you... I dont even know how i would go about a conversation like that... It wasnt just you rawing me... There was something else behind it too ...at least i thought there was...*
*I rest a hand on your cheek* You know? I think I feel a little closer to you with each passing day. There's always something new, another reason that makes me proud to be by your side. But... this is something I've never told anyone... It's a fairly new affliction.. . I I'm still figuring it out. I don't remember much from last night, but I do remember how incredibly right it felt to be with you. I remember feeling whole, happily mated, and bound to you for life.  I... I don't think I've ever felt like that before. I don't think I've ever felt perfectly content, partnered, and without anxieties or doubts. It's true that I had limited capacity for second thoughts or worries, but.. but I think it means something that I felt so deeply content just to share my life with you. Underneath all the needless worrying, there's just love for you
so... yes. I do feel closer.
sorry, I realize I kind of rambled there... its alright if you dont feel the same way I just... wanted you to know that's how I feel
*I lay there and listen to you talk and bring my face out of your neck when you finish* ...ilya... Thank you so much for trusting me with this part of you, i promise to make these nights as easy for you as possible...i I felt very primal last night... Unable to really communicate with you through words, but when ever I looked into your eyes..  There you were, this grey and red that looks into me.... It felt right to mate with you... Even with the pain.. It felt like it was much more of a bond forming than just trying to get off. It seemed like you wanted me specifically to be there, and even though you were sore too... You wanted to breed me!... And... I wanted you too.... Ilyashka I love you and i am honored to be your life mate! I only hope i can keep up with you *I kiss you softly*
*I kiss you back but look at you a little bashful when we part.* He... I... the wolf... I I think "mating" is serious business for him... like I dont recall very well, but I think last night I did have every intention of breeding you for real, of raising "pups" with you... of being bound with you, for life even... *I brush your hair behind your ear and flush* I-it still doesn't sound like a bad deal to me...     *I look away for a moment to collect myself. All that being said...* Mast we do need to talk seriously though... I agreed to let you come here because I was being selfish. And gods it is so much better with you here, but... but I don't know if you should come back. Its so dangerous for you mast! even when i was trying to be gentle I hurt you!  I... I don't want to put you at risk!
*I flush too* pups huh.... *I try to think about what it would be like to raise a family with you, us adopting a orphan off the street and giving them a loving home .... You would make a wonderful papa there's no mistake about that... I never thought of myself as having "pups" before you...* oh yes we do need to talk about this... We need a more comfortable situation for you... You were in misery allot of the night that you were chained up, it was uncomfortable for you! No wonder you hurt yourself trying to get out! I want to make you a little bed to put out here! I want you to have food and water available through out the night, a full meal before and after, i also want a to build a fire for you, its winter soon you'll get cold without moving.
*I blink at you* Mast.... *Of course you would be thinking about me. You're so kind and loving to me, I actually feel a touch of guilt, like I don't deserve it. Old habits die hard.* Mast I'm not trying to talk about me right now... Its dangerous  for you to be any more involved than you already are. Mast I.... *a lump forms in my throat* I couldn't live with myself if I ever seriously hurt you....
Would you prefer it if i wasnt here while you were full wolf? I dont think you'll hurt me... But i want you to be comfortable... *a rock is in the base of my stomach... I want to be here for him but not if it will upset him so much *
I... *Gods I want you here so badly. The previous nights have been just short of agonizing. But with you? Yes I spent some of it in pain, but mostly... mostly I was overjoyed. I don't want to be alone again. * I... *I bury my face into your chest* How could I be so selfish as to ask you to stay?
*I hold you close* you dont have to be... I want to stay with you ilya... I want to support you through these nights *I really do, i want to be a comfort to you in this harsh experience and also be kinder to you than you have been to yourself*
*I hold you tightly* but what if something happens? What if I turn you? Or what if I really hurt you by accident?
Then we would deal with it together *i kiss your head* you are a doctor ilya, with a almost functioning clinic, you could fix any scratches you might give me and as for turning me? That just means well ve chained to a tree together. *i smile down at you*
I I I love you so much mast... I I just don't want to see you hurt... *I frown up at you* I do want you to be here! I just... I just don't want anything bad to happen to you if I become careless
*I stare down at you and cup your face* if WE become careless.... Your no longer alone ilya....
*I hold your hand to my face* I.... I know that I’m not alone but.... but if WE become careless it’s YOU who will get hurt....
*I nuzzle the hand* then lets try to not be careless *I smile at you*
*I scan your face for a second before taking a deep breath* okay... we won’t be careless
*i kiss your cheek* is there anything else you want to talk about darling? Any other issues you have?
*I have countless concerns, and countless worries. I have more what if’s than I have energy to say them all. But I also have you. I hold your hands and give them a squeeze* .... just promise me you’ll tell me if it gets to be too much... please don’t continue on helping me if it becomes too much of a burden. Promise me you’ll take care of yourself first.
*I smile at you softly * deal. And I want you to take better care of yourself too... I'm serious about making this more comfortable for yourself
*I relax some when you agree* Okay, I'll work on taking better care of myself too.
*I push our foreheads together* good
*I wrap my arms around you with a yawn* And speaking of taking better care of ourselves... Darling I am so tired. Can I seduce you into a nap?
Haaha yes you may *I snuggle into you and am.ost immediately fall asleep*
Oh thank gods... *I tease. As you settle back into me sleep takes me easily. *
*I stirr hours later, the sun is beginning to set and it is getting colder out, i rise and check on your breathing, your sleeping soundly, my stomach twists in hunger... I think it's about time we both eat something*
*I only stir because you do.* mmmm Mast? *I yawn and my stomach growls loudly* jeez... *I sit up with a groan and rest against you*  good morning..?
Haha good morning *I kiss your forehead* i'm starving, mind if i make some food for us?
*my stomach growls impatiently in response* Please..... Can I help at all?
*I roll out and hit the ground with a o of * oof! Haha no i got it love *I am weaker than i thought i would be but I can wobble over to my bag and get my flint and steel, luckily with it being late fall there is allot of dried leaves and sticks around, i pick up a few and clear a small spot near the hammock making a tp formation and striking the flint and steel together, it forms little sparks that burn through the leaves but are not going up in flame... I eventually catch it though and get the little fire going. I pull out the bacon and eggs and a tiny pan and begin cooking*
*i lay the bacon, it pops and sizzles as it cooks, making my mouth water and slicking the pan with grease. I take the bacon out and crack the eggs in 3 for me and 5 for you, it gives a satisfying sizzle onto the grease and all but the yoke cook thankfully quickly, while it is cooking i ace my clothes back on as best as i can, it is cold out bit the fire is comforting*
*I wince as I watch you hobble away. You said you had it, but I’m still worried. I sit up and stretch. I feel like every one of my joints needs to be popped. I ease my self carefully out of the hammock. And promptly lose balance once I’m back on the ground. I hold the tree for dear life while I get my bearing. Once my stance has firmed up I stumble over to my clothes and shimmy into them. I collect the silver I placed in a wide ark around the tree. Touching them still tingles slightly. But only slightly. When I make my way back to you you’ve already got food well on the way of being done. I put the silver back in my bag and lay the blanket from the hammock over your shoulders. I kiss your head.* Mast, you really are amazing... *I sit besides you, the fire makes me feel cozy. The food smells phenomenal. I press myself to your side* Honestly mast... thank you so much for all you’ve done for me, specifically last night and today. I... I really appreciate it. And you.
*I instinctively hold up a arm to catch you when you almost fall, granted i do nothing more than give your tummy a good squeeze , you were already latched to the tree,  a sense of warmth and coziness falls over me when you lay the blanket on my shoulders and kiss my head, i open a wing of the blanket and wrap it around your shoulder as well when you come to sit next to me* ...ilya... I meant it when i said i was here for you... Always here for you... *I kiss your head* I love you ilya
*I hold your hand to my face and kiss you palm.* As gentle as you'd like me to be
*When you offer a wing of the blanket to me I snuggle in close to you and rest my head on your shoulder. * Mast, love, thank you so much for being there for me. Thank you for all of your love and support. *I kiss your cheek* And I'll always be here for you. I want to be by your side through anything.
*I kiss your head* well that will make telling you i'm a vampire so much easier!!! *i give you a devious smirk*
*I look at you, exasperated. Normally I'd assume you were joking but after everything we've been through it's not out of the question. Either way. I lean my head to the side to expose my neck* Oh? are you feeling thirsty?
and thats it! hope you all liked it! please feel more than welcome to tell @ask-a-slippery-boy and or i what you think! 
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buckisthatyou · 7 years
A Little Too Late
Pairing : Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Word Count: 1736
Summary: you think by giving him his personal space might make you the best girlfriend but he might take it for granted
Warnings: angst, cheating
Author notes : THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THE FIRST FIC IM SO GLAD YOU GUYS ARE WILLINGLY SPENT YOUR PRECIOUS TIME FOR A SIMPLE FIC OF MINE!! THAT MEANS ALOT TO ME THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🙌🙌❤️❤️❤️ so here is a new fic from me. sorry for bad grammatical error :') hope you guys enjoy it and please dont mind to give me feedback :)
You and Bucky have been together for so long. The relationship is great until he started to befriend with another girl. He always comes back home late night saying that he got work to do. While the truth is he spends time with the girl.You think it is the right thing to let him does what he wants. Besides, as a girlfriend you want to give him his own personal space. 
But things get worse. You guys spend less and less time together. Him skipping dinner due to how late he comes back home. The lack of intimacy as he is rarely at home with you. Until one day you can’t take it anymore.
You are going to tell him about what you feel today or better you are going to show him what he missed for these past few weeks. As usual, Bucky get ready after shower to go out to God knows where with God knows who. 
“Buck baby” you call to him.Your legs slowly approaching him, the love of your life. He hums acknowledging your call.
 “Do you really have to go again tonight?” your hands snake around his broad chest from behind. Your head lays on his shoulder, taking a deep breathe of his aftershave smell. 
“I have to. You know that, y/n” he moves both of your hands away from his body. 
“You’re going to meet her, aren’t you?” you snap at him. “Buck, I am your girlfriend. Do you realize how you treat me these past few weeks? You neglect me. You are away to spend time with some other girl that is not me, your girlfriend. I don’t mind you to socialize. Hell, you can be friend with anyone on this earth but I want your attention. I want to spend time together as a couple and be happy like we used to.”
Hearing those words coming from your mouth cause anger to take over Bucky’s body. He yells at you. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are? Trying to control my life  and everything. Just because you are my girlfriend that doesn’t give you any rights to fucking control me. You are not that special” 
He pushes past you and stomps to the door. He slams the door before he is out. He leaves you and gets out from the house and all you can do is staring at the door. His words. Those things he says hurt you. "Am I really not that special to you Bucky?" you keep on saying that to yourself with tears streaming down your face.  
After hours of crying, you start to calm down. You want to fix this. You have to fix this. Bucky means the world to you.There is no way your relationship will be over because of stupid fight over stupid girls. So,you wait for him that night but he doesn't come home nor he does for the few days. You try to call him but it goes straight to his voicemail. Hey you’ve reached Bucky Barnes. I’m sorry but i’m busy. Call me later. You miss his voice and God knows how worried you are about him. You two have fights before but he always comes back to you. No matter how many days it takes for him to have some space he will always comes back home.
You know there’s only one place he will go to when he is not in the mood, it is his office. So, you go to the place. Hoping he’s there and doing fine but to your surprise he is super fine, spending time -laughing with the girl who is comfortably sitting on his lap. The moment his lips meet her you feel like the part of you are dying. The way their lips moving together in such a perfect way makes you want to puke. You just can’t believe it. After all these years he just decided to just let it go away. You never know he could do this to you. With every strength left in your body you walk to him 
“I figured we are over Buck.” You take out the ring he gave to you as a symbolic of being his world. 
The look on his face is shocked but it changes to serious face and he just nods. Part of you want him to get up and chase you, crying and begging you to forgive him. Part of you want him to say sorry and this is just a mistake. Part of you just want him to say that he will work this out. But you know it is over because he does not even flinched or sorry when you caught him. There is no look of guilt on his face when you return the ring back to him. It is over. You know it is over. There’s no need to fight and save this relationship. It is hard but you will do it anyway. You need to let him go.
After a few weeks of the break up you realize that you’re pregnant with his baby. You know it is impossible to tell him that you’re carrying his baby but then all your friends ask you to tell him “At least he knows about the baby” they say. You meet him up and you are feeling scared and anxious. You miss him.
 As soon as he arrives at the café, he still looks like the man you loved. The man who would hold your hand. The man who would hug you and protect you. He sits in front of you. 
“What do you want now? I thought we are over?” 
You could sense the annoyance in his voice.You heart breaks. He doesn’t sound like the man you knew for 5 years.
“I.. I’m pregnant Buck. It’s yours.” 
“This is bullshit. Are you just making this shit up so we could still be together? Are you crazy? Me and my girlfriend are happy and we are expecting our first baby too. So please fuck off. Stop making shit up.” He gets up and leaves. 
Furious written on his face. You see him leaving you. Again. He doesn’t even give you a chance to explain. You do not want to get back (actually you want too. you miss him and still love him). You just want to let him know that this baby is his and you want to keep it. You don’t expect him to say that you’re lying. You don’t understand why he acts like that ? what’s your fault ? Why he hates you ?
After a few years, you are coming back to pay some old friends a visit. They never mention his name though you know Bucky is still living in the city. The same city where you and him first met each other. The same city where you and him fell in love. Oh and the same city where you and him fall out of love too. There are too many memories and secrets of you that this city knows. Perhaps this sacred city knows the deepest secret of yours that you still couldn’t forget him. But then again how is that your fault? He is the father of your 5 year old son. On top of that, your son looks a lot like him. The smirk, the eyes, the lips, the brunette hair and the endless love for pancakes. Basically everything about your son reminds you of him. So someone please tell you again how could you forget a man named, James Buchanan Barnes.
That evening after you spend your day with your old friends you let your son play at the park. Somehow in the windy day the park is empty. But you don’t mind as it is pretty relaxing for you. You’re too busy reading to notice that there’s a man with your son. You run to them while hoping your son is fine and the man is not a creep. Though from afar it does look like everything is all  right as your child is happily patting what you assume the stranger’s dog. 
“James” you call your son.
Both of them turn to you and you swear to God that your heart stops when you realize who is the man the minute he lifts his head up. 
“Mommy!” your son, James runs to you. “This puppy is so cute! You gotta see it” your son tells you enthusiastically. 
You just nod and grab his small hand, “Yeah I bet it is but I think we should go home now. Playtime is over, baby. Come.” 
Just before you could go, Bucky stops you. “y/n.. I need to talk to you for a few minutes." 
You almost say no and walk away but his eyes are pleading and you give in. “Sure.” you say.
“He is a great kid though. You take a good care of him. I know you will be a great mother.“ Bucky starts the conversation while looking at your son who is too busy colouring the book you give him earlier while the dog is casually laying next to him. 
Bucky’s eyes focus back to you. “y/n, I know I was wrong. I hurted you. I am sorry for that. I am sorry for being the man I promised to you that I will never be. I am sorry for leaving you, raising the great sweet James alone. I am sorry y/n” 
He keeps telling you how sorry he is for leaving you but you just stay silent. You don’t know what to say. He also says that the girl is just using him for money. The baby isn’t his. Its belongs to other man. 
“Me and her broke up a month after you left.” He takes your hands. ” (y/n), if you could…., if we could…“ Before Bucky could even finish his sentence somebody walks to you while holding your son and kiss you on the cheek, 
“Missing me babe? I know I will find you here” The man smiles to you and Bucky before he casually introduces himself to Bucky, 
“I’m Alex, the fiance of this beautiful woman” 
You could see that Bucky’s face, it changes to disappointment, broken, sad? But nothing you could do about that. You have decided to start a new life the moment you know he is no longer yours to love.
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duyxjpg · 7 years
Paper Hearts~ [JK FF/ pt.2]
aHeyyy my cotton candieeees~ ♥ Here I am with part 2~ I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing it~ ♥
pt. 1
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“I think Ho Seok is hiding something from me Y/N.” Yerin busted out, out of nowhere. 
I furrowed my eyebrows. “Why do you think so? Did something happen last night?” I asked her. She looked into my eyes for a second and than looked back out of the window. Something was definitely going on. She started talking. 
“I am not sure, I just..It’s just a feeling. He was different yesterday. Like he tried to escape my questions. So I didn’t ask him further but I know he is hiding something.” she explained. 
“You think he is cheating on you?” I asked carefully. I swear if this is the case I am going to bulge his eyes out. Rub his face on a wall till a flame starts. I am going to cut his body parts and give his bones to street dogs.  Okay enough said. And no I am not psycho. 
“NO, not something like that. Y/N I just realized I never met his friends before, he never talks about them. It’s strange. I think something is going on with his friends.” she said thoughtfully. 
I smirked. I had a great idea. Yerin looked at me suspiciously. 
“NO.” she said and stood up from her seat. Since yesterdays incident we didn’t leave the house yet. Hye-Jin aunti asked as too many questions, we lied to her and little we both know that she didn’t believe us not even for a second but she didn’t say anything either, I felt bad but done is done. Than Yerin literally made me to tell the story over and over again till we both fell asleep. 
“But you don’t even know what I was going to say YERIN!” I protested. 
“I know that smirk Y/N, it means trouble, so no.!” she shrug off and sat down on our bed. 
“Just listen to me okay, it’s a good idea and nothing will happen to you okay?” I made sure to sound convincingly as possible. She nodded. I smiled. 
“Okay basically you are going to call Ho Seok oppa tonight and ask him if he has any plans. If than we are going to follow him and see where he is going.” I explained. 
“See the plan is harmless.” I smiled and rub my hands.
“Okay but what if he sees us, he will kill me.” Yerin whispered. 
“He won’t catch us don’t worry okay?” I promised one more time. I gave too many promises i thought. I hope it ends well I thought. 
“What kind of place is this damn?” Yerin whispered standing behind me. The phone call went very well, Ho Seok oppa said that he was having a guys night with his mysterious friends. We told him we would stay home and babysit our neighbors kid. In fact he couldn’t believe first than the neighbor kid was a literal monster, but we told him we were forced to. And now we were going after Ho Seok oppa.   
“Pshhhh don’t be so noisy daamn, I think it’s a hidden bar.” I guessed. I once read a thriller book and the detective had to figure out a murder and he needed to enter this hidden bar. And the description in the book and our situation fitted perfectly, and yes maybe it was crazy to go after a thriller roman theory but it made sense.  
“And how would you know that Agent?” she said sarcastically.
“I read about it a lot. I am sure Ho Seok oppa went inside this building.” I said. “There is no other way to go nor is there any sign of a cafe /bar whatever, you name it.” I finished my sentence. We lost him when he went into this weird dark back street. I mean we needed to make sure he wouldn’t see us, I guess we were a bit too far away. But somehow I knew he would be inside this building. The building looked abandoned but still there was lights in the halls. And it was the only building with lights in this area, it wasn’t that hard to figure out that much. 
“What are we doing next?” Yerin questioned, she looked scared. 
“We are going to find Ho Seok oppa.” I whispered and glimpsed at my surrounding before entering the old building, Yerin just followed me without saying a word. 
“I can still not believe. How did you know there was a hidden bar?” Yerin asked me shocked, I shrug. 
“Intuition.” I basically said, I didn’t have the time to explain the whole book plot. Now we where inside the bar and damn it was beautiful inside. The design and the smell everything was perfect. Too perfect I thought. Ho Seok oppa was dressed normal, not fancy. 
“I can’t see Ho Seok.” Yerin whined. I couldn't find him as well. I looked a bit closer to the tables but no sign from our lovely Ho Seok. 
“It’s because he is not here. I mean he is here but not here. Ugh I mean I think there is another hidden place in this place.” I tried to explain. The book theory went very well. I couldn’t believe myself that this was happening right now, I was really feeling like I was in that book. I didn’t know why but my instinct said I was right. And I am trusting my instinct more than anything. 
“WOW, I am going to start reading as well, Y/N how can you know so much stuff about this kind of places.” she fangirled. I just laughed. It wasn’t that difficult to guess right. 
“Ho Seok wasn’t wearing fancy clothes Yerin, look at this place. Everyone is wearing expensive fancy clothes. And the guy outside let us in because we knew about this hidden place. I think, not everyone knows about this place.” I smirked. We tried to figure out where he could be. 
“Look here Y/N, I think I found the hidden place. Look at this door.” Yerin said. I looked where she was pointing. I smiled. She was right. It has to be this door. We started going towards the door. A man appeared in front of us.   
“Where are you going ladies?” he asked. He tried to scare us. Well he was good but he didn’t scare me. No one would scare me unless you were my mom but that’s another story. I stepped forward. 
“We want to find a friend.” I said causally. He raised an eyebrow. And suddenly Jungkook fell into my thoughts. It looked much better on him. He looked handsome raising an eyebrow, but why would I think about him and compare him to others. Because you are stupid, my inner voice talked to me. I shushed her. 
“We are looking for Ho Seok if you don’t mind.” I challenged him, I didn’t know if he would believe us or if he knows who Ho Seok is but in movies it is always like this and I gave it a shot.
“Go ahead.” he whispered and let us enter. For a second I was surprised but Yerin took my arm and we went inside quickly. Finally we found the right place. This place was a disaster. I wish I could stay outside. It smelled bad and WOW is this a couple having sex there? I always read about this stuff but never saw it live. It’s disgusting I can say that much. I looked at Yerin she was looking shocked as well my poor friend I thought. 
“Okay lets split you go and look this way and I go this way.” I pointed with my finger. Yerin wasn’t sure, I could read her face but she nodded anyway. Alone we could find him much faster and we could figure out more.
I sighed. I knew Ho Seok oppa but why would he end up in such a place like this? He had a bubbly personality. It didn’t suit him to hang out here. Maybe he is a serial killer at night, my inner voice guessed. I rolled my eyes at her. And yes I was talking always with my inner voice when I was alone. 
Suddenly someone hold my upper arm. I turned around and saw a waiter in front of me. I tried to raise an eyebrow but I sucked at it. “What do you want?” I asked him and escaped from his grip. He looked at me suspiciously. Than he started talking. “Aren’t you looking for Ho Seok? I will bring you to him.” he explained. 
“Yes but No. I mean yes I am looking for him but sure I an find him on my own.” I panicked. If he would bring me to him he would kill me. I needed to figure out stuff before facing Ho Seok oppa. The waiter laughed a bit, I wasn’t sure why he was laughing. 
“I don’t think so, I will bring you to him. You are quite innocent to do this kind of things.” he said. But it was like he was talking to himself. I didn’t even know what he was talking about. Something felt utterly wrong. He hold my arm again and stared going towards a table. I was trying to escape. 
“Wait no let me go.” I hissed. He was ignoring me. “I said let me go.” this time I almost screamed. He was still ignoring me. We were walking pass dancing people or more like the waiter was walking pass and I tried to escape his grip and tried not to fall over drunk people. 
“I said le-” I started my sentence but the waiter literally throw me towards the tables. “Shut up you little hoe now you are here where you belong to.” he hissed and started walking off. I blinked a few times, what was he even talking about? 
“So you are the little hoe who will entertain us tonight?” I heard a disgusting drunk voice. I looked at the table, 4 men were sitting and laughing hysterically. I stepped back. 
“What- What are you talking about?” I stuttered. My breath become unsteady and so did my heartbeats. “I am looking for my friend Ho Seok who are you?” I questioned him. I should run probably. 
“I am Ho Seok.” he replayed. I looked at him with wide open eyes. They misunderstood me from the beginning on. The boy in front of the door misunderstood me, the waiter as well and now this disgusting men as well. I was in big trouble. 
“No. There is a misunderstanding. I am not looking for you. I am looking for another Ho Seok.”I said and start going away. As soon as I made a step someone hold my arm again but this time it was much stronger grip. I was forced to face the disgusting Ho Seok. 
“You don’t like what you see? Aren’t we handsome enough for you to please us you little hoe?” he hissed. I was trembling. 
“Let me go you disgusting drunk bastard!” I screamed in his face and after that i felt a sharp pain on my cheek. He hit me. I was shocked, how would he dare. I had tears built up my eyes. 
“You are coming with us, we will teach you a lesson you little hoe.” he hissed again and started  pulling me towards a door. I started screaming but no one was helping me. No one was even listening to me. I couldn’t get off of his grip and his friends were just laughing and following him. I started crying, this was the end I thought. 
“Let her go.” someone literally roared. I looked towards the person who was standing now in front of me. I started crying more when I saw a familiar face finally. It was Jungkook. 
“Go away kid.” the disgusting Ho Seok hissed. Not letting me go. I looked at Jungkook with begging eyes. He can’t leave me here with them I thought. 
“I am sure you don’t want to fight with me.” he smirked. And before someone could react he punched the disgusting Ho Seok in the face so hard that he fell into the ground without even moving anymore. The others looked shocked but run off without taking there friends with them. I couldn’t even move an inch. I felt Jungkooks hands on my shoulders. He as looking directly into my eyes. 
“Are you okay Y/N?” he asked me. Looking for a sign from me. I wasn’t even close to be okay. I just hugged him. I didn’t care at that very moment. I felt his strong arms hugging me back. I start crying hysterically again, without saying a word he lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to sob. I couldn’t even think clearly anymore.
“Ho Seok is going to kill you Y/N.” he just muttered and carried me outside this disgusting place. I just held him closer.  
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isaacathom · 5 years
i have also yet to decide where approximately TDoDAN takes place
part of me wants to say Ironside Utah because thats a funny callback to a dream about a fucking audio only burger bar, but also i know negative content about utah. i know nothing about utah. i know less than nothing about utah. how the fuck could i set a detective story in utah yall.
i mean shit i cant really set it anywhere in the us because i dont goddamn live here and i mean shit you want me to set a murder mystery in melbournes outer east? again? again in the outer east? it wouldnt have even been melbourne at the time either, like where im at now was fucking cow paddocks (still is yo we got cows and horses in lysterfield. i saw two emus at a farm in kilsyth). aint nothing city suburban bout it.
ok i went off on one and started googling cars and roads so uh sorry
okay i say that but when the wikipedia says it was ‘founded in 1880′ i dont know what that specifically means for ‘this was considered part of the city of melbourne’ nor so i have a fuck of a clue how long it wouldve taken to drive from a city apartment (like, cbd and shit) to ftg in like. fuck. when are most detective novels set. like the 50s? how fast was ya car in the 50s. w
literally all i have learnt so far is that norton probably owns a holden and that being called ‘westbrook’ and ‘norton’ is fucking ironic for a dude raised in the south east. god dammit alexis.
yea i have no fucking idea how to begin to calculate the time itd take to get from the cbd to a ftg approximation (we can use Upper Wattle Gully again if we want :3c) back in the 50s. even if i have a specific car. 
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on that note aint this a cute car. I’m torn on whether Alexis would have a coupe (thats what this is, a holden coupe/ute from the late 40s/early 50s) or if they’d have the 4 door passenger version of the same car. cause like they live on their own. they don’t need a car with 4 seats. but at the same time, it probably would not hurt to have the extra 2 seats for if they need to cart around police officers and shit while on the job. 
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which means you get this fucking puppy instead. v nice. plus it fits the genre bc the first holden cars were based on chevvy designs so this basically Looks like the sorta of cars everyones fucking driving in 50s stories set in america. im like 40% of the way there, yknow.
i have still yet to find out how fast this car went nyoom nyoom down the fucking highway. not that we HAD a goddamn highway at the time, right, we basically got that i 2008 w/ eastlink. jesus christ. ok so the general gist is the urban speed limit was 30-35 mph (fucking god dammit). i say 30-35 because it is unclear when vic changed to 30. i am also very unclear, again, if ftg and that area counted as fucking urban. because noone wants to spell this shit out for me, i guess, lol. if it wasnt urban then the speed limits like, 60mph, which is pretty nice. i think for the sake of safety we’ll assuuuume the speedlimit was l30mph, or uhhhhh 60km? no, 50, ok so 50kmph.
which is great but that means the cbd is only like. half an hour from ftg. which isnt even fucking true NOW, because eastlink sucks ass. admittedly im looking at this at 5pm, aka THE WORST TIME TO LOOK FOR TRAFFIC TIMES, but you get the point.
ok so if i /assume/ that dandenong rd and the princes hwy were around, thats still only like. an hour odd? to travel? for the distance from ‘the CBD’ to my own ass house. odd. i guess. also did you know we named the Princes after Edward, Prince of Wales, aka the one motherfucker who abdicated the one time? wild. history makes fools of us all. wait, hold on. no i think w’re good. im.... pretty sure the princes was in the spot it needs to be for alexis to travel south east on it then take a hard left into the burbs. i guess the reaaaaall question is whether ftg road was there. which i cannot find bc noone gives a fuck about state route 22
‘state route 7 terminates in knoxfield’ youre not... wrong? but youre also being VERY specific with wording considering state route 7 literally makes up the border bw knoxfield and ftg and terminates at a fucking dog park but i mean Go off, right, go off.
okay calling both ftg road and burwood hwy part of route 22 is also not wrong but jesus christ right, jeeeesus christ. boof. oof my dudes. oof.
wait was burwood hwy around. thats like. a direct line from the cbd to the suburbs. i say ‘like’ it literally is a direct road from the cbd to the eastern suburbs. i guess google just doesnt like that one lmao, far dukes.
okay so what im getting from this abrupt spate of frantic googling about cars and roads is that if i did set dodan in melbourne, itd take probably around an hour for alexis to drive their holden fx from the cbd to the outer eastern suburbs, mostly taking the princes, bc the other roads weren’t fucking built yet dude its the 50s. i say roooughly an hour bc the distance thing is hard to gauge, the speed is also tough to fucking figure out, and im assuming the roads are shit once you leave the princes. they still are shit sometimes, thats just how it be. it feels about right. and based on how i feel like the cbd is Pretty Far Away, I feel like the citizens of Upper Wattle Gully in 1952 would also consider it Pretty Fucking Far. it still comes across weird for Alexis to move to the inner city and literally never visit but thats because Alexis is a jackass (and also, mood, i would do the same thing)
i think that works??? sure. i dont know what the fuck it was like in melbourne in the 50s but i am The Bitch in charge, and i can do what i want, and if that means having a black lady run Halligans Pub in the south east of melbourne in the 50s, than yall have to accept that as just like, a Fact. the best investigator in the UWG branch of the police is a woman in her mid 20s named Moira? best fucking believe it bud. The protagonist is a nonbinary private detective? what the fuck of it. its fantasy. i do what i want. the setting is only loosely based on SE Melbourne in the 50s, fuck if its even australia mate, i do what i want. bite me, yknow? its great
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absyoung55 · 7 years
It's Not Worth It
Part 2 
Part 1
 A/N: I threw the Scottish accent out the window sorry.
The jeep ride was silent both Stiles and Y/N seething with anger. “Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?” Y/n glared at Stiles “I saw you leave Heathers Birthday party. Why were you there?” Stiles kept his eyes on the road but was gesturing spasticly “I was there to protect You” Y/N mumbled propping her elbow on the window ledge and putting her hand in her face “protect me from who!? My friends?!” Stiles screamed at you “Your friends weren’t the only ones there!” You snapped at him. “Yeah I know YOU were there” Stiles looked at you for just a second his expression one of hatred. His comment boiled your blood your fists heated and glowed red hot you held them up to not burn anything. You had saved that fucking girls life. You had allowed Heather to live you could have let the Darach take her. But she was Stiles friend.
At Heather’s party: Y/N had followed Scott and Stiles trailing behind out of ear shot so Scott couldn’t hear you. Or smell you. You observed a short blonde girl kiss Stiles you nearly burned the front door down peeking through the side window. Then they left Scott and disappeared into the house the girl reaked of lust. You could smell Stiles a mile away his chemo signals off the charts. Y/N rounded the corner of the house to peek through a window and there it was. A hideous human being no lips to cover her teeth nor eyelids to cover her bright blue eyes her face mauled and scared. Power rolled off her, supernatural Power, a power you had felt before a long time ago. She was a Darach. Once a druid but was now on a dark path. She started messing with the girl alone in the cellar. A growl ripped through your chest and the thing turned you couldn’t tell if she was shocked at your presence. She waved her arms about; to use her power on you. Y/N crouched and your own power burned bright your eyes glowing violet locked on the hideous thing. Springing forward on your heals you tackled the disgusting thing, wrestling her to the ground straddling her you gripped her forearms and shoved your knee into her wind pipe and incinerated her. Within minutes the Darach was a pile of ash. The blonde girl was released from its spell. Just then Stiles returned with something, and the girl screamed at him and stomped away. Stiles followed after her trying to understand what happened in the 5 minutes he was gone. You kicked around the pile of ashes to make sure there was no evidence of murder. Then you looked around for witnesses thankfully there were none. That’s when you heard it. An Alphas howl. Loud and strong really strong. Curiosity consumed you, Scott could protect the Stiles right? With that comfort you headed to the source of the Alpha cry.
Back To Now:
 “Stiles pull the fuck over NOW” I was furious. My fists burst into flames as Stiles swerved to the side of the road “ What are you gonna do WALK home?! woah.” Stiles was just as furious until he saw my blazing fists. “A-are you okay whats happening?” my eyes glowed violet and I stared at his heat signature “ I dont have control” what is happening I’ve never lost control. Black stripes zig-zagged across my body. I slammed open the Jeep door and fell into the gravel on the side of the road. My claws dug into the cool rocks charring them upon touch. My tail whipped wildly around my legs. I felt pressure on my back and I looked up, Stiles had gotten out of the Jeep and was in the ditch besides me. “ Y/N look at me” I met his eyes “Calm down” like a well trained dog I obeyed, the glow left my eyes and slowly the black stripes receded. God damn what is this boy doing to me? I collapsed on to the gravel, earning a laugh from Stiles. “I have a way with calming out of control werewolves” Stiles looked at his finger nails and pretended to shine them on his hoodie, I rolled my eyes and rose from the gravel. “Im not a werewolf, I’m part werewolf part werelion with a whole mess of complicated” I put my hand on my hip and z snapped my fingers. It was Stiles turn to roll his eyes, I smirked at him. We both got back into the jeep, “Hey um so whats with the flames I mean Scott doesnt have flames… and Malia definitely doesnt have flames..” I looked down at my lap playing with my fingers, I peeked over at Stiles, He was looking at the road then me then the road then back to me. “well its a long story” we just then pulled into his drive way. I pretty much lived at the Stilinski house the sheriff, even though I was thousands of years older, treated me like a daughter, I loved Stiles, I tried to love him like a son, considering our age but its difficult, so right now I’m settling for friends/ roommates, It wasn’t hard to convince the sheriff and Stiles to let me stay with them, I cleaned, cooked, did laundry fixed things, and worked on the jeep. In return I slept on their couch. Stiles shut off the jeep and turned to look at me “Well we have all night” I looked at him in disbelief that he wanted to know. Stiles hopped out of the Jeep and opened the door for me. “Thank you sir” I sarcastically hopped out of the jeep “M'Lady” Stiles pretended to tip a hat. We walked side by side up the side walk and I shuffled to the side so Stiles could unlock the front door. Once we were inside I felt awkward, “I dont know where to start…” I plopped down onto the couch and Stiles sat quietly next to me. “I guess start at the beginning” Stiles shrugged his shoulders. I let out a long heavy sigh “well my father was a bitten werewolf and my mother was a purebred born Lowenmensch- er werelion. My mom was an alpha but she died giving birth to me so I was actually born an alpha. My mother’s sister; who was not a werelion, but a banshee, raised me because my father hated me for killing my mother and wanted to kill me to become an alpha. Anyway Lowenmensch are different we um this is kinda bad, but most Lowenmensch only live on a diet of pineal glands,” I looked over at Stiles to see his reaction but he had a neutral expression “its a part of the brain Stiles..“ I searched his face for disgust but there was none. “I’ve heard of worse Y/N” Stiles slowly reached over and took my hand in his and began running his thumb over my knuckles. “Don’t worry about what I think it doesn’t matter” Stiles attempted to comfort me “ Stiles what you think means the world to me ….” I couldnt look at him so I looked at the floor memorizing the pattern of the wood. “But why?” Stiles sounded concerned “it’s a part if my story if you want me to continue…” I looked up at Stiles and he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head for me to continue “I lived with my Aunt until she passed away when I was 20 years old, she died from a mysterious disease at the time but now I know it was a vitamin c diffidence. Anyway she wanted me to have her pineal gland be my first and it was, after eating it my senses were heightened, my roar was more powerful, and my eyes glowed purple and I came to learn that I could heal the sick and wounded. After she was gone for a few weeks my father came looking for me. When he found me his intentions were clear, he was going to kill me. He never even laid a finger on me my roar scared him into submission, and I never saw him again. I stopped ageing at about 18 so when I turned 50 and still looked like a teenager I knew I had to leave my village before they lit the torches” Stiles laughed and let go of my hand and relaxed into the couch “I left Scotland and traveled to Europe, my first stop was to help the tribes build Stonehenge. Then I made my way to Rome, I fought in the Colosseum and became an undefeated champion. They moved me to Greece to fight their gladiators and beasts. Thats where I met Plato and Aristotle and started studying to be a philosopher. Eventually I had to leave Greece because of the apples.” Stiles looked confused “apples?” He lifted an eyebrow at me and I laughed a little “at the time to throw an apple at a woman was a propose of marriage, I was young and beautiful then so I was constantly bombarded with apples” Stiles looked like he wanted to say something, he opened and closed his mouth a few times searching for words “you still are young and beautiful” Stiles mashed his lips together and looked at the ground “thank you Stiles” I leaned over so my face was under his as he looked at the floor a huge smirk plastered on my face. He thought I was beautiful. “No problem” Stiles smiled crookedly. “After Greece was the renaissance so that was horrible, I spent weeks painting with artists all over Europe specifically I was an assistant to Michelangelo painting the Cappella Magna - er Sistine Chapel. I was the one who would bring him meals and more paint and other disgusting things I don’t want to talk about.” I shuddered and Stiles gave me a look “Chamber pots” and that’s all I had to say for his eyebrows to shoot up. “Anyway I moved around a lot, I never really connected with anyone until my first visit to Beacon Hills. There was a Phoenix here at one time, phoenix are evil creatures they set anything the touch on fire they look pretty much like burnt crispy zombies, I murdered one of the last ones in front of a little boy it was going to kill, after the phoenix died I took its pineal gland. Since then I’ve had a problem with my temper and my animal transformed into a tiger, and I have an affinity for fire.” Stiles hand had settled on my clothed thigh. “You saved someone? From the phoenix?” I felt a sadness weigh on my heart “I only wish I had been there sooner to stop others from loosing their lives, I only saved one boy” Stiles stood up “One boy can make all the difference that one boy could have grown up to do amazing things” you thought about Elias …. Elias wow I am so stupid Elias was the man from your squad in Vietnam “Elias Stilinski” the name left your lips the same time the front door opened. “Hey dad how was work” Noah entered the house “Boring but I’m not complaining” I stood suddenly startling both of them “Noah, … were you named after anything?” The wheels kept turning in my head pieces clicking into place “My father named me Noah after his sergeant that lead him through Vietnam untouched He said he was the most noble and selfless man he had ever met and hoped I would be like him his name was Noah..” “O'Mally” both boys looked at you “the men always called me Ma'am” both boys faces were shocked and their jaws fell slack “Elias. How is Elias I know he’s not dead” I looked at Noah hopeful “He’s.. He’s… growing old effects everyone different” I nodded my head slowly a tear escaped and rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away and sniffled. “He is a good man I ran into him a few times in life, Stiles he was the boy I saved from the phoenix.” Stiles looked at his dad and his dad stared at Stiles. “My father named me after You?” I laughed really hard so hard I crumpled to the floor clutching my gut. I heard Stiles snicker and I looked up to Noah with a grin plastered on his face. 
 I made spaghetti for supper the whole time I was cooking Stiles and I talked I told him all about little Derek and Vietnam with his grandfather how I left the Hales and came back and they were gone and what I had done after to cope then I got to the part with Lydia “Stiles something happened to me that night,” I let out a heavy sigh “have you ever heard of an imprint” I stirred the noodles “You mean like a baby duckling when it hatches?” I giggled “well sort of, a werewolf imprint works differently, it’s kinda like you’ve found your soul mate you would do anything for them you would die for them, it’s an extreme kind of love.” I looked at Stiles he was looking down lost in thought his bottom lip trapped between his teeth with his eyebrows mashed together. “It’s very rare and only happens every thousands of years… It’s happened to me… I- I imprinted … on you.”
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