#i dont feel like fixing the colors on these sorry!
ghostorbz · 28 days
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School doodles ft my yellow ass bedroom light
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felsicveins · 3 months
I feel like Bruce would use his charm against Otto whenever he tries to mess with his brothers. Bruce sees Otto about to say something nasty to Floyd, calmly gets between them while giving Otto a Look™ and telling him to play nice, immediately flustering him so badly Otto has to run away to avoid embarrassment.
Not sure if Floyd and JD would find it funny or be horrified at the idea of Otto actually being into Bruce (even if it will never develop into a relationship).
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The Talk consists of Bruce telling Otto to leave his brothers alone
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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cautionszz · 4 months
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i couldnt do a high-effort lineup if i tried heres some way i draw the beta kids
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harvestmoth · 4 months
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its a few days before but this counts to me
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collection of The Guys
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duskerot · 1 year
maybe i will stop lining my art . maybe i will just color under my sketches after cleaning them up alittle
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luna0713hunter · 9 months
If it’s okay, can I request “passionate kissing, pressed up against a wall” and “being caught kissing” with zoro?
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Author's note : i answered three asks in one cause they were kinda similar!!hope you all enjoy it darlings!
"passionate kissing,pressed up against a wall"
"being caught kissing"
"neck kissing"
"first kiss"
Based on this prompt
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Warnings : kinda suggestive,nothing major!!!just heated kissing,just you guys being in love and Zoro finally making a move,reader is said to wear a dress
You visibly gape as you stare up at rows after rows of breathtaking dresses. Never,not even once in your whole life,had you seen so many gorgeous clothes all in one place.
And having a chance to try them on?!
You were living your dream!!!
So as soon as Nami was satisfied with her choice and left the room,you took her place;taking dress after dress with you behind the curtains to try them on.
But there was a small,tiny bit of a problem.
"you're going with that color?"
Zoro Roronoa who apparently,had nothing better to do except watching you try each dress on. And leaving unnecessary comments.
"it doesnt go well with your skin color."
Just like that one.
You huff and stick your tongue at him.
"you dont get to give fashion advice when you're sitting there in a bathrobe!"
Zoro merely shrugs and goes back to drinking again.
You go back to try more dresses on,each one looking more stunning on your figure.
As you emerge from behind the screen,in a dress in your favorite color and feel awfully attractive, You spin around and look at yourself happily in the mirror while trying to fix your hair with your fingers. You're so busy trying to make your dress sit better around your curves,that you fail to notice someone moving behind you until you step back and bump into someone's chest.
Someone's steady,hard and toned chest.
You raise your eyes and look at the mirror and meet Zoro's,and let out a nervous chuckle.
"uh...am i in your way?"
"no," Zoro's face is awfully close to your ear as he talks;his voice making a shiver run down your spine, "I'm actually enjoying the view."
You gape again for the second time in the past hour,as your cheeks start to color and your skin heats.
Was Zoro actually flirting with you?!
You watch as Zoro closes to you,until his chest is pressed flushed against your back and his hands rest on your hips. He smiles to you from the mirror and you hate that he looks so god damn stunning in those suits.
"Zoro?" You whisper when he leans down and presses his lips to your shoulder, then up to your neck
"you're driving me crazy with that dress."
And you let out an embarrassing squeak when he turns you around and pushes you up against the wall next to the mirror and rests one hand on your hip, as the other fists on the wall next to your head.
"are you though?"
Your eyes travel down to his lips,and unconsciously you wet your own. Not knowing how Zoro's eyes follow your every move with hungry eyes.
"and if I'm not?"
Zoro doesnt bother with answers;always a man of action than words,as he presses his lips firmly against yours.
You have no idea where this hunger is coming from,but you're not complaining. You return his feverish kiss with your own as you chase his lips whenever he pulls away;your arms wrapping around his shoulder to pull him closer. You feel like tonight,all your dreams might come true. Since you already achieved half of them.
Your very fucking first kiss with the man you had the biggest crush on since the moment you laid your eyes on him and became his crew mate happening just when you're in the most gorgeous dress in the whole world.
Zoro doesnt let you pull away,not even for a second. And apparently he's making it his life goal to kill you young right on the spot.
The two of you are so caught in your own world that you dont hear the door to the closet opening and someone walking in. At least not until you hear a loud gasp and a louder "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?"
You jump and pull away like he's burned you (he might as well with how hot your skin feels) and try hard to not scream when you see how Nami and Usopp are grinning at you two knowingly.
"guys!we were just-"
"i dont even wanna hear it," Nami stops you with a hand, "just came down here to tell you guys dinner is ready."
"and if you want a spare room, I'll ask Kaya to give you one!"
"not helping Usopp!"
You let out a loud groan and hide your face in your hands. Zoro rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around you so you could hide your face in his chest.
"ok,you two,get lost."
"yeah sure,lover boy."
And then they left,but not before Usopp letting out an embarrassing whistle and an unmanly giggle.
"so," when Zoro breaks the silence,you raise your head to meet his eyes, "do you wanna take Ussop up on that offer?"
And when you hit his chest and laugh, with your cheeks flushed but your heart full, you pull him toward the dinning room to finally eat.
But maybe...you could talk to Kaya in private later.
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jakeromanoart · 5 months
How do you make your color palettes?? theyre literally gorgeous, I've been trying to do more bright "clashing" colors but they always clash too much
hi!! i may have posted this before so sorry if i sound like a broken record. i have three different ways i find palettes for my art.
method #1: sample from my own art is it because im lazy? yes!! a little bit!! but does it also work and give me a jumping off point for my art while keeping my art looking cohesive?? also yes!! i know of 4 recent paintings that all sampled and referenced each other. i'll post them below
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if it aint broke dont fix it! also if youre experimenting with color and things just arent looking great go find an artist you like and sample from them. i dont condone copying or tracing art but drawing inspiration from your favorite artists by eyedropping their paintings so you can learn from them is in the okay zone for me.
method #2: just straight up using my favorite colors CONFIDENTLY i created this palette and i literally sample from it every time. i think a big part of making color look good is just being confident. if you zoom into some parts of my art there are definitely instances when things clash but i actually try to lean into those instances bc it creates a sort of unique eyestrain look. colors dont have to always play nice for a piece to work
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i always use at least three colors from this palette to start (feel free to sample from this if youd like)
method 3 is kind of a last resort but it does the trick in a pinch: i take my reference picture and pump the colors WAYYYY up then sample from that. for this painting in particular i wanted to include a lot of green. admittedly green palettes are my worst enemy so i relied on this method to help me out here:
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i like this method especially with my ref photos of nature because often i find that natural colors hardly clash and there are many harmonious undertones hidden beneath what at first glance looks like "just green" or "just brown" . pumping up the saturation with a photo editing tool brings all those hidden colors to the surface while keeping them somewhat harmonious
i hope this helps a little bit! ive never taken a color theory class or anything so i wish i could give more technical advice about color relationships and stuff like that but mostly i just.. use the colors that i love most, which may be a good place to start ⚡
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
Hiya sweetheart, can I request Riize and where they’d take you on a first date? Ty 💖
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• PAIRING — riize x gn reader (i think again??😭 i have really bad memory omg)
• GENRE — some shyyy, some confident, some in the middle.. i really had a fun time writing this
• WORD COUNT — 732
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — ty for requesting!!
• TAGLIST — @moonlightdarlings • FULL CREDIT — @moonlightdarlings (i really feel bad for pestering you for ideas, when i didnt do anything so tyty and sorry :<)
Shotaro would take you to a firework show at the beach!!
Would get a towel and gesture you to sit down, scooting right beside you
Using this time to get to know you more but just cant because how the wind is flowing your hair, the blue and red hue coloring you face makes you look even better
Small pda because he really likes you, but doesnt want to scare you away. His hand ghosting over yours until he finally gets the courage to hold it, looking down when you look at him
Say how pretty the fireworks are, but really he's just stealing glances at you and your smile
At home date!!
Knows you spend a lot of time talking about your favorite movies and shows, so he clears the living room, kicks out all the members and prepares the show plus a bunch of snacks
A little self doubt when you come because should the pillow be facing the other way?? Are the snacks too sugary??
But melts when you speal and give him a big hug
And you didnt hear it from me, but hes defo daydreaming about that hug for the next five business days 🤭 ♡
Amusement park!!
Lays at how silly your hair looks after being on the roller coaster, guesturing you to come here so he can fix it
But realizes what hes doing, quickly batting his hands away from your hair and shyly scratches his neck
Takes you to the gift shop so you could try on different headbands, everyone in the store mistaking you as a couple
Also takes you to the photo booth so you could take lots of silly pictures together, which he puts them all in his phone case. (There's a pic where you're doing a silly pose and sungchan is looking at you fondly, but we dont talk about that) ♡
Shopping date!!
We all know how much wonbin likes his fashion but hes also really curious about yours, and is willing to try it
Takes you to a milion little shops to try on clothes and boy the compliments he gives you, he's your own fanboy
But when you compliment him, he quick denies it, his face red and he keeps shaking his head no (that rhymes)
Pays for all of your belongs even when you tell him not too. So in return, you give a peck to his cheek... in front of everyone ♡
Takes you to this very fancy, romantic, over expensive date
He's dressed all square with the sweetest cologne that makes your head spin
And please, lets not forgot how flirty he'd get. Leaning over the table to wipe something off of the side of your mouth, his lips inches from yours and you just stop breathing. Very reasonable
"You know what my black card and love have in common? They're unlimited." ... "You're so cute when your blushing."
I cant think of anything else, so lets just take a moment to scream :) ♡
Aquarium date!!
Takes picture of you and the turtles but say how you look cuter
Also the type to start small pda; holding hands while looking at the animals (the way i cant just picture the grin on his face, the way he'd look down at you, the way his eyes would shrink and how shy he'd get. I'm jumping off a cliff)
Buys you matching plushies and keychains, taking pictures of it to post on Instagram later
And maybe even a kiss when hes walking you home, saying how fun the day was. And if thats moving too fast then you're eating food while watching the penguins. The choice is yours :) ♡
Picnic by the lake!!
He was a little nervous about the whole thing, second guessing himself but when you start talking to him, he forgets all of his thoughts.
Is just feeling so calm and relaxed, laughing at whatever you say with a grin
When you're talking, he would randomly look into your eyes, before getting shy and looking away
Groans when you tell him how cute hes being, telling you to shut up with that soft voice of his ♡
All of them would defo smile to themselves after the date was over
Would text you "next week, 7 pm?"
And just so happy and giddy, falling alseep with a smile on their faces ♡
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whosthere54 · 15 days
My notes on the Quixis Answers stream!
- all bleeding eyes pointing back to Icarus
- look about mid 20s icarus genuinely over resets 40-50 years true for every character
- No creation powers because they are not “all them” they have pieces of the other sherberts in them. No creation powers because they aren’t them, hesitation because they aren’t them.
- bound is last one standing in the infinite hall of portals
- Midas fully believes that they will die with their world BUT THEY DONT (and they’re totally okay with that)
- REO WAS QUIXIS (They do not remember their time as quixis)
- THE THINGS allowed glitches (we were The inciting incident) THE REAL WORKD GLITCHES INTO FABLE
- Fable can’t be streamed anymore because the glitches will hurt that world
- Midas is from a dystopian utopia (I CARE SO MUCH)
- Midas had a fable and isla, Athena Centross, Caspian, Jamie
- Real older than Midas (Idk if they said specifically said on that show idea or if that was cannon so I wrote it down anyways cause I care)
- The tiktok account how did I not know-
- World rebuild themselves
- Townhall board - whiteboard (in quixian)
- Every sherb has to wake up in their bed, theirs is their desk.
- WHEN THEY MOVED THE DUPLICATE HOUSE SHOWED UP (They mention again that it was the opposite X and Y coords opposite positive and negative)
- The vods being matched to the auras
- The outside cannon was the only one I hadn’t caught
- Their browser being yellow and brown lolol
-guys I care about Ajax so much
- Hypixel Sherb - 2 different eye colors bleeding yellow TubNet bleeding smth I didn’t catch that
- Icarus was always pulled to the worldport when gone across dimensions. Hypixel to TubNet Eye glitch because of the change in dimensions
- Reo is the most okay with being alone because he just finished being quixis and is used to it (I CARE SM)
- things disappear reappear swap places things places spaces change time does not (smth like that)
- The concept of having to ascend to do things right and fix things I hold it in my hands
- “Are you in ic has feelings? No…”
- B I R D I E
- Midas did not die or go back to their destroyed world.
- Gray eyes
1 - Denial (Hardcore sherb farthest from denial)
2 - Asshole (Kurt farthest from asshole)
- Sherbverse is a metaphor
- Not a System
- Parallel to what it is like to be a system
- 1 full CMV 2 Mini CMVs coming out and lots more sherbeverse content <3
- Sherbeverse section of the discord
- May have something to do with the Ven epilogue 👀👀
- #SQCU :0
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saewokhrisz · 3 months
have u ever talked anywhere about your coloring or composition processes? u are honestly one of my favorite artists and i would love to hear any insight on how you make pieces 💓
wahh thank you TTT !!! I did sorta give a very simplistic answer here but it was more of my simpler sketchy style so lemme redo that, ill try to be consise and make this understandable ?? its a bit hard cuz it honest to god depends on what Kind of piece im even drawing, cuz for some i go the whole length of doing lineart flats and all that, others i just just fuck around untill it looks right?
i do usually start with a rough sketch or colour draft, especially with more compley pieces this helps with figuring out the feel, honestly i should spend more time drafting properly, figuring out poses and such but im so lazy i just go w the first thing that looks good
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then just lines over the colour draft, fixing lots of anatomy and proportion stuff, and depending on how i wanna do the colours ill either keep the colour layers or merge them together and have the edited colours as the base colour (this might not even make sense help)
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see this piece at the time gave me an insane ammount of trouble with lighting and colours, so after trying to render i ended up merging everything together....which i dont USUALLY do but the rendering is pretty similar except usually i have colours be seperated by layer,
ANYWAYS sadly i dont have a process on how it got from flats to this specific render for this piece...but i still followed my initial drafts/plans with vibe and colours and just painted over it, its why i make it after all!
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but honestly a lot of times its just very simple colours and just trying to mainting good contrast and values !!!! and THEN fucking around with colours and rextures, for other pieces i kinda just paint as i go? i have this timelapse of my justice piece that may be a bit more help!
it includes the initial colour draft, the cleanup/lining process, flats, rendering, and all that so its probs the most accurate timelapse of my morecomplex work processes, with stuff that doesnt include heavier backgrounds, which is a whole OTHER topic honestly
im sorry if i cant explain it more cohesively, i genuinely barely know what im doing most times and go by muscle memory and stuff i Know but cant. Explain? like i know how light and folds work since i observed and studied them but i cannot put it into words at all )--)0
my brushes also contribute a lot to how i render and colour, depending on what i use, you can find the swatches for them here !
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bingusbongu · 3 months
May I humbly request some Dr. Flug general dating hcs.. (hES SUCH A LITTLE GUY RVRGGGRGRHR)
A/N: SORRY IM ALITTLE LATE URG URG URG, well, i did do some Flug canons awhile back, BUTTTT since he is my favorite character of all time ill do some more:) I WANNA KISS THE BAG MAN. Also im going to be trying out some tumblr post styles in the next few posts i do to actually make my work appealing and attract more people! So dont mind if it looks different^^
《 Masterlist 》
《 Rules 》
TW: Stalking, mentions of neglect and abuse, murder and insane scientist behavior , mentions of starving,
Dr. Flug General Dating HCS
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• okay, the fact that he even managed to start dating you is truly bizarre to him. Even the fact you found out he liked you was by pure accident
• you either found out from Demencia who spilled the beans on accident while blabbing about the doctor, or Flug accidently fumbling out an "i love you" after you either do something for him while he wasnt paying attention.
• though, it worked out right after he found himself with a partner, and he STILL is so befuddled about it
• does not know a single thing about being in a relationship. You are going to have to be the one taking the lead. Slowly showing him the ropes of how a relationship works. He litterly took notes while you tried to explain everything to him, ITS IMPORTANT TO HIM OKAY??????
Once he gets an understanding of how a relationship works, he kinda starts,,, watching you abit more? Not only is he worried about you but he also tries to figure out your favorite things. He gets even more observant of you. Documenting you like you are some wild animal.
oh? You like a certain food? Writing it down. Certain type of chocolate? Writing it down. Special interest? Favorite music? Favorite animal? Favorite color? Everything about you he has down in his brain and his notes.
• though, he is usually to busy to actually go out and buy you certain things, so, instead, when he occasionally had time, he might tinker something small for you or fix something you need up! Just go to him and ask! Or if you dont, you might find it mysteriously fixed the next day
if YOU get him something, he has to stand there and pause for a second. You, got him something? You took your time to pick him out something? You put thought into a gift for him? He absolutely gets butterflies. And when i mean Butterflies, i mean he gets BUTTERFLIES. He stutters a thank you so bad as he is stimming in his spot.
if its an item like a plane thing he treasures it SO MUCH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. He will start crying. Anything you buy for him or make for him, he puts it up somewhere so he can always see it, always. When he gets stressed he will look over at it and it automatically calms him down its SO SWEET
• he is so nervous to initiate physical affection that he clams up. He has gone so long without any actual form of touch that isnt to harm him, that he completely forgot what gentle touch feels like, so you are going to have to go slow as to not overwhelm the poor baby:(
Starting by holding his hand, gently slipping it into his own hand during a random time like just walking. He nearly jumps, but once he notices, he gets so flustered just by the little hand holding that he eventually slowly closes his fingers around yours in a gentle hold.
Occasionally putting your hand on his back when he gets upset or angry ir stressed is a MUST, He immediately relaxes
I think he needs a massage, like desperately. Rub this mans shoulders, rub his back gently. He shivers at your touch but completely folds. He has so many knots in his back its sad. So, occasionally, Flug will let you try abd work them out for him
Cuddling would take awhile im the relationship. He still gets so flushed under your gentle touches, that he has to adjust. Once he does though? You best believe he is coming to you for it. After a long day, he will go and find you and collapse into your chest while mummering something and letting you coddle him while listening to him rant, and MAN he appreciates it. He also likes it sometimes when you just are quiet together and he isnt doing something and leaning on eachother. Either he is tinkering or reading something and your are next to him with your head on his shoulder. Its really nice for him to get some quiet.
• kissing??? That also advances over time. You have to start slow. So your first move is definitely a cheek kiss. Slipping one onto his bag on one occasion, he nearly overheated and passed out. Like actually fainted
your form of kissing is just you occasionally pressing soft kisses to his bag. Which would usually happen in the mornings, when no one is looking in his lab, or at night. But each time he nearly explodes.
ACTUALLY kissing him though???? A DREAM. he has to get used to your bag kisses to actually think of kissing you for real. And he gets so flustered by it. Everytime you kiss his bag he cant help but wonder how an actual kiss with you would be like. So, he would stop you one of the times after you kissed him, and shyly ask you for a real kiss. He nearly coward out of it when you happily agreed. Though, you gave him his time, as he lifted his bag up only ever so slightly, and you leaning in to kiss him
Mfs heart actually almost stopped GIVE HIM CPR STAT. It was just a quick kiss, but you had to catch him from falling over before he passed out again
Will occasionally give you kisses back, mainly in the mornings before he goes straight to work, he gives you a little kiss and sluggishly leaving to slave away.
• Dates are alittle tough. Flug is ususlly pretty busy, but, atleast once a month you guys go out with eachother, going who knows where but enjoying some much needed time together
• cant flirt for the LIFE of him. Its always something science or plane related. Its adorable yes, but he doesn't have no capability of flirting with anyone, even if he tried.
• your guy's relationship is very secretive. Especially with Flug being a villain it puts a target on you. Even if you work alongside him, he dosnt want anything to happen to you, so he does everything in his power to protect your guy's relationship. Who knows what would happen if the big Hat himself found out?
The only ones who know of your relationship is Demencia and 505, and his bots
• SPEAKING of 505, he ADORES you. You become his second parent. Adding you in drawings and EVERYTHING. when Flug first started liking you, 505 definitely did his best to edge his father on and talk to you, he is such a good son UGHHHH.
• Flug finds alot of comfort in your presence. You can just walk into a room that he is in and he immediately relaxes and becomes much calmer.
You are his safe place. Eventually, he will open up to you, you just have to give him time. He has been keeping in his emotions for so long he forgot they even were there. So, if you let him vent out everything to you and you just hold him and listen to everything he has to say, just holding him and letting him actually cry for once, it makes him feel so safe. Like he dosnt have a reason to fear around you.
Will show his face to you eventually, just give him time
• usues nicknames only in private, like 'mi amor' or 'love'. And will have a heart attack if you call him one right back
• you are always there the moment he gets hurt, patching him up while he complsins that he could do it himself. But, underneath, he feels do special to have someone care for him for once in his life
• Flug is VERY protective over you. You are way to special to him for anything to happen to you. He makes sure you have a bot with you 24/7 to protect you incase he isnt there to do so, and to keep an eye on you. He dosnt knoe what he would do if he were to lose one of the only things that actually matters to him. So he always has your vitals up and always knows of you are okay or not.
Benefits of having a mad scientist of a lover, you have to be used to it. He tries so hard to hide that gruesome part of himself away that you just have to accept him for who he is. Even if you do, he still would prefer to keep you away from his work as to not traumatize you, no matter if you are used to it
Though, if someone is bothering you, being mean to you, just automatically tell him if he dosnt already know, they will go missing within an hour after you tell him. He would litterly do anything for you. You can say "kill this man" and he will attack without hesitating.
• he doesn't get to jelous, he mainly gets insecure. If your talking to someone else, he eternally freaks out, thinking about how he is a bad partner and your are going go leave him. You have to reassure him that you love him and are not going to leave him
• is very hesitant when you offer to help him out in the lab. He dosnt want you to end up hurting yourself, and he would feel awful if you were to do so. When you do try and help him out, its mainly just giving him tools and listing to him rant about the new invention. Regardless, the two of you enjoy the time together.
• just, out of random, you are the cook. Flug has so much troubles trying to cook its sad. He never really had time to learn for himself, and he is used to his bots doing it for him instead, or not at all. So, to make SURE this man eats, you make him food! Keeping Demencia away from it and bringing it down to his lab to eat, instead of starving himself. And boy does he appreciate it so much
Speaking of his bad habits, you have to make sure he actually eats and drinks water and rests. He is so stubborn and fights you sluggishly on it, but you always win and are dragging him to bed.
• Flug wont say it, but he depends on you so much, you are his rock, his caretaker. What on earth would he even do without you? You guys actually have a healthy relationship. You are aways with him and supporting him, no matter what the situation is, he knows he has someone who actuslly looks to him as a human being, who gives him the love he needs
He loves you so much, you are the sun to him, brightening him up and bringing him warmth and comfort.
He often asks himself
How did he get so lucky?
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clovenhoofedjester · 3 months
jellicle lineups; part 3/4
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LETS GO PEOPLE!! LETS GO !! sorry for taking so long to get around to this one !
demeter | 🔒 🍰 🌇
ive seen a lot of complaints about demeters design being toned down over the years so i decided to bring some of the bolder design choices back for mine. mullet demeter is REAL now ! honestly i couldve done more w/ their makeup but shhh its ok....
i tried to push the gold in their design by making the eyeshadow really obvious and giving them gold lips. enjoy their lacy dress too... i tried to design something which they could dance comfortably in
demeters newer 3 words (nervous, sensual, secretive) mean everything to me. love them so much. i think theyd be 29 in human years
bombalurina | 🌹 🍓 🛼
so i totally based her hair on that concept art for drag queen bomba. the bob is too cute ! i had a blast doing her design for the most part. i struggled w that makeup and the color of her dress but its ok.
i also tried to give her something she could dance in—just like. imagine the length of the dress a little shorter. im not going back and fixing it
i based her color palette/patterns directly on her concept art because tbh, i dont love blond/ginger bomba ! so black/white/red hair bomba it is
i think she would be 27 in human years
hysperia | 🪴 ⌚ 🍡
this is my version of exotica, renamed hysperia, because i do not love her og name. its not fun. the name hysperia is taken from an ensemble kitten character from the og london production
i also based her design on a multitude of things, asides from her 2 costumes in 98—like some nbq/greycat designs since i feel like that design not becoming a common ensemble character was a waste. A WASTE I TELL YOU! ive also based her fur length on warsaw victoria because oh my godddd that design is so good. peak
her neck bow is a nod to the 2019 movie... the macavity girls w/ those bow collars. they were onto something there
she would have a much more prominent role than the few times she cameo'd in 98, still retaining the elegant/shy personality she shows in the film. shed be 29 in human years
cassandra | 🪐 ♠️ 🥯
i originally made her makeup a lot closer to her replica designs but decided to go for something a little different based on a makeup look i saw on pinterest LOL. so like. enjoy her slight earthy gothic vibes. i also didnt struggled too much on her outfit since i came into this knowing that i wanted her to be wearing something formfitting and bejeweled. a little circus-y too
more people have got to play up her disdainfulness. she'd be 26 in human years
alonzo | 🎹 🍢 🎳
once again, another design pretty similar to his standard replica one. i just tried to make the black patch on his face a little greyer and with some white detailing. because tbh every alonzo with white mascara makes me go crazy its so cute
i also tried to make his head fur/bangs a little distinctive—inspired by a random pic from a production i dont know the name of
enjoy his little cute fit too. pinklonzo. pastelonzo
that one gif of him pantomiming eating a playing card IS canon to me. he'd be 28 in human years
munkustrap | 📼 🥧🎙
verrrry similar to standard replica munks makeup-wise ! however, fur wise.... say hi to mulletstrap. to manestrap. 2 me he is tuggers brother so he gets that. i have no justification for the mullet other than idk, looks good, is funny, and the oslo 1985 production was right to give him one. also he and demeter can match now
i do like when theyre seen as something of a prince... so say hi to the gothenburg and opera populaire-esque epaulettes. theyre cayoot. they also get warsaw munks Big Pant Vibes
give this man a break. hed be 30 in human years
macavity | 🔥 🥂 🎯
he was actually one of the first cats i made design notes for when i started hyperfixating on this musical like.... two months ago. i really tried to mix elements from a bunch of different designs 4 him.... and sorry yall hes a deut brother too. im predictable
the manginess, mane, more ginger-y head fur, tugger-ness and the mouth markings from the 2016 revival... the big big hair, white fur and general makeup from his replica design... and the stylings of il sistina mac with the fitted coat. he also gets unique eyelashes like tugger—this time white instead of gold. he also gets that ominous magic cat eye shading
i think he would act a lot like 2019 mac... suave. but also not as dorky and desperate as he is in that movie LOL. he'd be 33 in human years
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ccaramel-llow · 4 months
Hey if you are still taking requests could you maybe do Noah, Cody and Ezekiel with a mute reader?
Pairings; Noah/Reader, Cody/Reader, Ezekiel/Reader (All seperate)
Warnings; Cursing, Cody being weird, Ezekiel himself, Teasing.
, This guy would be the sarcastic and moody friend, Saying rude remarks about people in front of their faces when someone talks rudely of you.
, Will glare at the person who talks horribly of you and WILL smack talk the hell about people infront of their faces not giving a damn if their hurt or not.
, Noah would definitely be surprised if you did speak though, And would definitely say a rude remark without realizing it.
"You sound like a dying man gasping for air."
, Will probably gossip about people while your there just listening.
, He probably said a lot of rude things to you when he first met you, But when he warmed up the rude remarks just stopped and happened slowly when he got confirmation you
, Cody would be supportive and really chill about it, Telling you how hot Gwen is from time to time because everybody would just tell him to shut the hell up, He appreciates how you dont though. He does shut up though if you give him a angry glare.
, He will rant about his hyper fixations while your eating your food.
, Cody will definitely fix whatever electronic you or someone broke. He'd gladly do it!! Your the only person who listens to him anyways.
"You dont have to say a word my friend!! I'll fix it for you!! Just give me about like, a day or two?"
, Cody names you "Silent" While you put his nickname as "Chatty" in your contacts.
, Cody will punch someone if someone makes fun of you.
, This guy would be your friend when he was rabid and you tried to look for him out of worry.
, Like Tarzan idk?? He'd probably be hesitant to trust you at first because of the horrible shit Chris has done to him because he was unlikable.
, He warms up to you soon and follows you around like a damn dog. Would probably kidnap you and Chris wouldnt care as long as you were the favorite in the show.
, He will literally rabidly attack others who smack talk you.
, He trusts you more then anyone else, Because even though your mute you cared for him when he was rabid and actually went to LOOK for him.
, He literally cant talk himself lmfao. I think he lost his memory of speaking or whatever so he relates to you alot. But he can read your body language!
-- end --
, He isn't that big on realizing how others feel but he can read your facial expressions and body language!
, He likes to say "If you don't speak that means you love me." And he smirks stupidly as you dont say anything.
, Noah personally does NOT know what to do in romantic relationships.
, He will be extra rude to people when they are rude, Or if he eavesdrops on people talking smack about you behind your back. He gets irritated just by hearing people talking badly about you when they dont KNOW you.
, He gifts you a notebook with a multi color pen, If you break it then he will stare at you with disbelief and call you a dumb ass.
, Nothing really changes with this guy, He rants about his day and some random stuff.
, Will probably spend his lifesaving's on candy and wrap it up in the most nicest gifts ever just to give it to you as a suprise, Like imagine waking up to Cody getting jumped by the girls (if you are a girl) just because he placed a gift of chocolate on your bed.
, He's the type of guy to give you flowers and intentionally buy milkshakes so you both can have edible straws and drink out of it.
, Sorry for saying this but he wears your shirt under his normal attire. And if you were in TDWT and it was that one jungle episode where you both were caught, He'd intentionally give you the x ray glasses.
, He lives with his mom. Trust.
, You probably have dark humor or He just bothered you until you got a restraining order against him.
, He didn't stop flirting with you though.
, Eventually you found him silly and felt bad for him so you dismissed the restraining order.
, He brushes his teeth every day for you.
, when he turns rabid he still brushes his teeth because he doesnt want his teeth to be piss colored even though their already crooked (I think) around you.
, Tries to impress you by giving you flowers except he got them from a grave yard due to him being a broke fuck.
, He leaves dead animals on your bed as a love language.
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Leon or Carlos with a chubby! reader? Maybe... smut??? I love your work😭🫶
Pairing: Carlos Oliveira x chubby!Reader 
Genre: Established Relationship AU, Smut 
Synopsis: Carlos’s arms aren’t just for show. He’s ready to show you how strong he can be to hold you as he worships every inch of your body. 
Word Count: 3.4K 
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT; body image insecurity, pet name: sunshine, spanking, lingerie, mirror sex, fingering, air sex? Idk, body worship, praise kink 
A/N: CARLOSSSS !! latin men >>> ahem ahem anyways thank you for supporting me and requesting this!! I hope you enjoy it <33 (and if u dont , im so sorry i literally wrote this on a red eye flight with a fever :P )
- masterlist - 
Was this too much? 
You twisted your body, analyzing your figure through the floor length mirror. Spring was here, the sky was clear and the breeze was warm. Thus, warranting you to have a rare sliver of confidence to dress up for your lunch date with Carlos. Conjured in your mind, you thought you were going to pull off the outfit stored deep in your closet; however, physically being in the outfit redacted your confidence and called forth the insecurities which made you bury this outfit in the depths of your closets way back when. 
It wasn’t that the outfit was bad, per say. It’s just that the folds and flow of the fabric wasn’t falling where you wanted it to or how you wanted it to. You were a perfectionist when it came to looking good for Carlos – although his arguments always say otherwise – and currently, you did not feel perfect. So, you spent the next few minutes second guessing whether or not you should change your clothes, redo your hair, and add more makeup. 
“Almost ready, sunshine?” Carlos peeked his head through the door of your shared bedroom instantly fixating his vision on your figure. 
“Almost,” You mumbled, fixing your hair in the mirror before turning to Carlos and gesjuring towards your body nervously. You’d made it a habit to ask him how you looked before going out, although he always had the same but caring response, “Do I look okay?”
Carlos shuffled his way over towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and giving you a chaste kiss, “You look perfect.”
You returned his kiss with another before glancing at the mirror again, “You don’t think I should I change?”
“Is there something wrong?”,” Carlos furrowed his brows, “I can buy you something else if you don’t like it.”
With the way that Carlos was looking at you, you would’ve felt guilty for putting yourself down, especially since he was the type to drop everything and worship the ground you walked on just to get that thought out of your head. As much as your insecurities hurt you, disappointing Carlos hurt you more, so you did your best to suck up your worries and not dampen the mood for a happy date night. 
You shook your head, deciding to just deal with your outfit. Thankfully, Carlos dismissed it and led you towards his overly fancy sports car and choosing the one of your favorite color. Although his fancy car came with an equally fancy key fob which automatically opened the passenger door, Carlos still made it a point to run around his car and manually open it for you. 
“Why thank you, kind sir,” You teased, ducking to crawl into the lowered vehicle. As you ducked, Carlos not-so-sneakily checked out your ass before giving you a lighthearted smack and earned a small yelp from you. Carlos was quick to close the passenger door as he laughed from hearing your muffled scolding from outside the car. 
Once he seated, you slapped his arm, wincing when your fingers connected with toned muscles. Pouting, you held your hand close to your chest in feigned pain and muttered, “Damn you and your biceps.”
Carlos smirked, taking your injured hand in his and pressing a soft healing kiss to your knuckles, “And, you love them.” 
You looked out your window to try to hide your blush, not wanting to give Carlos the satisfaction of teasing you. Momentarily, he released his hold on your hand to start the car and change shift gears before settling his one hold on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. Once recovered from your blush attack, you peeked over and giggled as you watched his messy waves get tousled even more from the rolled down windows, “So, do I get to know where this mystery date is?”
“That ruins the surprise, doesn’t it?” Carlos continued to rub your thigh, hands large enough to cover most of your skin. From the surfaces where he couldn’t reach with his open palms, Carlos made up for it by tracing random patterns back and forth from left to right. 
You exaggerated a groan, hating surprises from Carlos. Undoubtedly, you loved it when he planned cute dates for you, but this man was extravagant enough to book a two week stay in Bali and call it a date night. Despite this, you graciously let him off the hook with a shake of your head before zoning out for the rest of the car ride. Sitting in comfortable silence, your consciousness was regained when the vehicle approached a fancy sky high building near downtown. 
“You’re kidding…” You spoke breathily with disbelief as you looked at the three star Michelin restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to, “How…?”
“That’s for me to know, sunshine,” Carlos took your hand and pressed a kiss with his smirking lips, knowing that he’d done a good job impressing you. Exiting the car, Carlos passed his keys to the conjoined hotel valet and helped you out of the car. 
You felt bad about stepping on the cleanest red carpet you’ve ever seen in your life, but you sucked it up once the red carpet led you towards an even more expensive looking marble flooring of the hotel lobby. Clinging on Carlos’s arm, you tugged him down to whisper, “Don’t you think we’re kinda underdressed?”
You squirmed as your eyes meet the grand chandelier, intricately framed paintings, and well-dressed staff members. Saying that you felt self-conscious was a major understatement. 
“Kinda? We’re very underdressed,” Carlos pointed out like it was obvious. 
You pinched his arm in retaliation, “I asked you if I should change! You knew we were coming here!” 
The stubble of his beard prickled your hairline as he reassuringly kissed your temple, “Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.”
Your mild annoyance was quickly dissipated as you recanted previous dates with Carlos. It was true he always planned your dates very well, always having every detail accounted for and a Plan B for unsuspecting events. But still, you could’ve at least walked the carpet looking done up! 
“I’ll meet you later, okay?” Carlos gently pushed your grip off his arm, causing you to panic from the thought of being left alone. 
“Wait, where-”
Carlos didn’t wait for your response as he separated from you, going into a separate elevator and flashing you a cheeky smile accompanied with a wink. You would’ve grumbled out a curse at his retreating figure if a heavily French accented voice interrupted you. 
“Carlos Oliveira’s guest?” 
You turned to accompany the voice with a short, older woman, clad from head to toe in designer brands and accessories. You politely introduced yourself with a soft smile towards the woman before being escorted beyond the lobby. 
“Please follow me this way.” 
Nervously, you followed the woman closely, not willing to get lost in the very tall and expensive building. You feared that even looking at something for too long could cause it to break, and you definitely did not have the funds to financially recover from your clumsiness. Stepping into the elevator, you mustered up some small talk to kill the silent awkwardness. You figured out that this woman named Ludivine, was a personal stylist flown out from Italy. Her career and experience was riddled with luxury as she mentioned having many encounters and personal relationships with some of high fashion’s biggest brands. 
“So, where are we going?” 
“Monsieur Carlos requested that we prepare you,” Ludivine explained, “He said, make them look like a God that walked the Earth to enchant their people with their grace. I can already tell you must deal with a handful being with an admirateur like that.”
You coughed to cover your choke from Carlos’s explicit verbiage. You made a mental note to scold him later for it. The small chime of the elevator drew you from your thoughts as Ludivine showed you to your suite which housed an entire team of stylists, makeup artist, and hair dressers. One section of the room transformed to the equivalence of the behind the scenes studios of any global fashion week. One crisp snap of Ludivine’s manicured fingertips sent the team scarabling as they hovered around you and began to prep your appearance. From cleaning to settling the finishing touches, you felt like Katniss getting ready for her interview as the workers completely altered her appearance as a coal miner’s daughter to a prim and proper woman. 
After what felt like hours sitting and waiting, the team finally revealed your freshened look. You were definitely more done up than what you’d do to yourself, but it still had that natural and comfortable feel. You were impressed with their work and thanked them. From the corner of your eye, you spotted a clothing rack filled with various expensive fabrics protected in plastic dust bags, “Am I wearing these?” 
You sifted through the clothing rack, inspecting each hanger one by one and determining which one suited your best style. 
Ludivine shook her head, “Non, mon cher. Monsieur Carlos had insttructed us to dress you in something personally chosen to his liking.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. Carlos rarely ever commented about your clothing choice, let alone being the one to choose your outfit. He was a firm believer that you were allowed to wear whatever you wanted as long as you felt comfortable in it. After all, he made it a point that he could fight whoever decided to bad mouth or nonconsensually touch your figure anyways. 
Ludivine brought in the outfit and hung it up on the bathroom door. As curious as you were, the cotton protective sleeve over the outfit kept your glances at bay. Focused on the outfit, you missed Ludivine sneaking in a fancy box and handing it to you, “Please change into this and come out when you’re done.”
You took the box with you into the bathroom. Placing the box into the counter, you unraveled the silk bow and took off the top to reveal a black laced lingerie set. Taking a closer inspection, you noticed the center of the bra bejelwed with the letter “C” amongst the lace and sheer mesh fabric. This set offered no coverage at all, especially the bottom half with nothing but a string covering your ass. 
Obediently, you quickly dressed and threw on the provided bathrob before heading back out to Ludivine, “Please keep your eyes closed.”
You nodded compliently, thinking about the consistency of Carlos and his surprises as you closed your eyelids and patiently waited in your bathrob. You hear a series of shuffles which sounded as if she were walking out of the room instead of towards the location of where the outfit was hanging. 
“Ludivine? Ludivine, are you still here?” You called her name out many times, hoping to hear some sort of indication from her presence still in the room. Silence accompanied your voice as you grew worried. Just as you were about to open your eyes, the sound of a zipper and rustling fabric calmed your nerves from the fear of being left alone. 
You were aided into wearing your clothes, cautiously stepping into it one leg at a time. Once fitted and securely snuggly on your body, familiar arms enclosed around your waist, causing you to melt into the touch and open your eyes, “Since when did you become part of Ludivine’s stylist team?”
“Since I saw your outfit on the store’s mannequin and pictured you underneath me in it,” Carlos pressed a kiss on the soft spot of your neck, causing you to shrink back from being tickled. Carlos followed your movements until he had you backed up against a wall made of one large sheet of mirror which reflected just about every inch in the hotel suite. 
Face to face, Carlos looked you up and down to admire his work before pressing his lips on yours, giving you the most gentle kisses you’d ever received. He treated you as if you were so fragile even breathing could corrupt your innocence. His lips moved down to your neck again, eliciting a soft but muffled moan from you. 
“None of that, even your voice is perfect.”
“What are you doing? Shouldn’t we be leaving?” You said inbetween his kisses, although not really wanting to leave his arms. 
“You don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been acting?” Carlos’s hands began to run up and down the sides of your body, squeezing and caressing every so often. Once at your hips, Carlos pulled you forward to rest against his hips and slowly grinding on you. You whimpered, pressing your things together as he snuck his hands to grope your ass. 
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know. I’ve seen they way you’ve been looking at yourself and how you always ask me if you look good,” Carlos licked the shell of your ear before teasingly nibbling, “Don’t forget I notice everything about you.” 
Carlos wrapped his hands under your thighs and tapped twice. Responsively, you got halfway to lifting yourself up before planting the soles of your feet back onto the ground defeatedly, “I can’t. I’m too heavy for you.” 
Carlos’s heart broke as he watched you shrink back, arms crossing as if to shield his view from your body. With a newfound flare of passion, Carlos turned you around and pressed your face on the cool mirror, “Let me prove you wrong.”
You couldn’t help but stick your ass out and desperately rub against Carlos’s hard on through his dress pants. Carlos grabbed a handful of fabric and harshly tugged on it, ripping the top half completely off of you before the entire thing collapsed around your feet. 
“I should’ve chosen something easier to fuck you in,” Carlos grumbled in annoyance, “Oh well.”
You gasped in shock, turning your head upwards to look at Carlos through the mirror’s reflection, “Carlos! That was-” 
Carlos shushed you by slipping your thong to the side and sliding his fingers through your wetness, “Don’t worry about that, just focus on me. Eyes on me, sunshine.” 
Carlos dipped his fingers again, teasing your clit before sinking a finger in. You mewled in response, watching through the mirror as his fingers disappeared within you. Carlos only gave you a second to adjust before kicking your legs further apart and burying another finger into you. Your hands stretched across the mirror, a small fog of condensation forming from how sweaty you were becoming. Carlos hawkeyed you through the mirror, eyes trailing all over your outstretched body, “Look at how well you wear my lingerie. Lace looks so good on you, I think I want to fuck you with it still on.”
Carlos curled his fingers, whispering sweet nothings into the shell of your ear. Your orgasm was building up with the familiar tightness settling in your lower abdomen. Slightly bending your knees for Carlos to have easier access, you made the mistake of looking downwards. Just as you were on the edge of cumming, Carlos ceased his movements and removed his fingers, leaving you desperately unsatisfied. He used his other hand to caress your chin and tilt your view upward to see him in the reflection, “I thought I told you to keep your eyes on me. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already this fucked out?”
You shook your head weakly, mildly disappointed at yourself for forgetting a simple rule. Nonetheless, Carlos was feeling generous today, prompting him to spin you around and press his body against yours. He rested his forehead against yours, giving you another gentle kiss, “Can I continue?”
You gulped, feeling nervous about being eye to eye with Carlos. Nodding your head, you spoke, “You can. Can you undress too?”
Carlos’s heart ached with how cute you were under his gaze. He shook his head, bringing both of your hands and placed it on his chest, “Do it yourself.”
You slid your hands, all along his torso and relished in the feelings of his muscles under your fingertips. Your curious hands made their way to the buttons of his shirt and slowly worked your way through them. Once all unclasped, you brushed off the crisp white shirt and let it fall to the floor neighboring your ripped attire. You took a second to admire his physique, never failing to leave you breathless. You trailed your hands over his abs, relishing as your hands felt the texture of his chest hair and happy trail. Looking up at Carlos, you thought you’d be met with his signature smirk, yet you were surprised to see him waiting patiently for you to explore him. Non-judgemental and non-condemning. With that in mind, your hands lowered to his happy trail to unbuckle his belt and push down his dress pants just low enough to free his erection. Without notice, Carlos wrapped your hand around his cock to stroke him, “This is what you do to me. This is all you, no one else.”
Releasing his hold on your hand, he massaged them into your hips again, “Let me show you how perfect you are.” 
Hesitant yet curious, you agreed and took a deep breath to prepare for whatever Carlos was brewing in his mind. Without a second delay, Carlos took himself into his hand and guided himself into you. You went to curl one leg up to allow him more space to thrust into you, but Carlos had other plans as he hooked both legs in the nook of his arms and supported all your weight. He took a moment to adjust before stepping away from the mirror wall and holding you completely. Startled, you clasped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself as close as possible to him, “Carlos! You’re going to drop me!”
Carlos chuckled, flexing his arms as if to show off his strength, “I’m never gonna drop you.” 
He kissed you lovingly once more before his eyes darkened with lust, “Hold on, Sunshine, because I’m gonna fuck the insecurities out of you.”
Carlos proceeded to prove his point by lifting you up with both your legs hooked over his forearms and bouncing you up and down on his cock. You clenched from fear, having never been in this position before. Carlos grunted as he felt your muscles constrict against his shaft, “You feel so good, no one can take me as much as you do.”
Carlos pressed a loving kiss on your shoulder, a reminder to you that he’ll always be there to take care of you. Melting from his kiss, you relaxed in his arms and let him bear your weight. He hoisted you up, thrusting into you again before setting a steady pace. Everytime, he let gravity aid him to bottom out as the slaps of your skin echoed throughout the suite. Your nails dug into him as he voiced out his pleasure in your ear, letting you hear how good you were making him feel. He shifted, so that you could see the both of you in the mirror, “Everything about you is perfect. You are my favorite part about you.” 
Squatting, Carlos readjusted your weight and pistoned faster into you, “Look at how pretty you are, doing so well for me.” 
Your hands tangled themselves into his messy hair, pushing it back to place sloppy kisses on him. Your moans got louder as Carlos steadied his pace, bringing you towards your much needed orgasm. He felt the walls of your pussy constrict around his wet cock again, letting him know that you were near, “Carlos, I’m- I’m-”
“Shh, I know. Don’t hold back, let it go. Cum for me, Sunshine,” Carlos urged you with another deep thrust before you withered completely in his arms. Your body fell limp against him as he held you safely and walked you to the bed. Putting you down, you took a moment to catch your breath, “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I can do anything for you,” Carlos leaned over to kiss you. 
You laughed, “Should we get going now?”
Carlos’s eyes hungrily looked over you and your lingerie clad body, licking his lips, “You thought I was done worshipping you? That was just the first course.”
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