#i dont know uhhh i think i just had an epiphany
cloudcountry · 10 months
i think i may have created way to much pressure on myself when i tell people to send stuff that theyve tagged me in that i've missed. like yes i'd love to be able to read everything you guys send me but im gone most of the day now and its just not possible anymore. it kinda makes me sad because ive probably missed out on so much because of the sheer amount of things in my mentions.
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mihai-florescu · 10 months
(..i ended up talking A Lot so please sleep and take however much time you need before looking at this since i know it’s pretty late for you..anyway!)
you mentioned earlier (and thank you for answering!!) that you had never seen a production of sweeney todd in which case i wish you couldve seen the production i went to in the summer it was really good…..i do have..some issues with the way it was adapted into a movie by tim burton, as is kind of the case unfortunately with sondheim musicals when they get adapted into movies, they tend to kind of be stripped of their charm and comedy and played almost completely straight (the into the woods movie…i wont start cause ill never shut up but its….euuuu……)
and though i think as a movie musical the burton version of sweeney todd is actually a rather good adaptation, the way the story is presented in the medium it was written for will always be the better version to me, since not all elements of theatre translate very well into film….one thing kind of apparent especially if you compare the 1982 version (which is my favourite) and the burton movie, the actors on screen have to compensate for the fact that the camera is capturing their every movement up close, so their performances have to be very restrained, and Burton focuses much more on atmosphere rather than crazy movements and gestures and facial expressions - which i think was a good decision, though it does kinda lose a bit of its i guess. original charm, since sweeney todd is Supposed to be a dark comedy, like, the theatre version is really really funny…..
uhh. I didn’t quite know where I was going with this but yeah the original ST musical is supposed to be more of a dark comedy than just. plainly dark like the burton film (though it does still keep some of comedy beats which is nice) and well some bits of the musical are supposed to be..i guess critique? or satire? one of the two of yknow the typical love story with Johanna in the role of the typical ingenue except she’s kind of lost it a bit so she’s not as “pure” as they’re supposed to be and only really “falls in love” with Anthony and decides to go off with him since it’s the only way she can see to get away from her creepy “father” who wants to marry her at 16..
anyway anyway what i meant to say was as a really really good example of epiphany and the whole 4th wall breaking, I think George Hearn is probably the best sweeney at this in my opinion since he really does just pull of the role of the cynical kind of deranged man super well (angela lansbury is great as ms lovett too she’s so funny & it’s kind of unfair to compare bonham carter to her when it’s well. Angela Lansbury…) ..there’s a recording on yt taken from the dvd version of the 1982 production which i recommend!!
uhhh… sorry for rambling so much i have a lot of thoughts about a lot things…….have a good night and sleep well!!!
Dont apologize, this was very lovely to read! Im a casual sweeney todd fan so i didnt know about the 1982 production on youtube, thank you for telling me about it! And the analysis of adapting the stage show for the screens, i love how passionate you are. I hope this doesnt sound fake, i do mean it honestly
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
[Does not look at the list] let's go uhhh 55%!!!!!!!! And also uuuuuhhhhhhhhh 93%!!!!!!!!!!!! For Dañarte and Char :) I hope I did not pick something horrible on accident 😌
93%. Does your character have an enemy. What is their past? Why do they hate each other?
ehehe why did this part post twice. I thought I MOVED it why did it COPY whatever wait til the end for this one LOL
55%. What is the character's favorite weather?
HMMMM i went back and forth on this one a few times. but im chewing on these prompts and discovering lore as I go... and I think Char actually likes snowy days cause he liked to go out and have snowball fights with friends... and perhapeth they remind him of his CHILDHOOD DAYS WITH CATER when they would play in the snow together :3
Tumblr media
i dont. i dont know what toddlers look like / i chronically draw tiny guyifications of characters so i mean. i tried but u just have 2 believe me when i say this is lil babs char and caycay age 5ish LOL
Dañarte... I think would complain about the cold snow LOL [wow hes just like me fr-- dsklfjds] and he might like a sunny warm day actually. i was gonna do the opposite at first, but then i had an epiphany so i like these better 😌
93%. Does your character have an enemy. What is their past? Why do they hate each other?
ehehe. EZ. Dañarte has his weird one sided enemy feelings against his dear cousin Char. something something resentment about char beign the mainline family for whatever princely throne he's gonna take when he's older, i said once before this was cuz since i based him off hans and hans was like a younger of several brothers and he wanted something to rule, i was goin w/this, but it still kinda sounds very leona lion king teehee. whoopsie. OH WELL!!!!!!!!!
anyway char... i feel like sortakinda knows Dañarte has it out for him but is just... politely pretending not to notice LOL hes trying to be friendly so they can GET ALONG but it's harder 2 ignore when Dañarte is at his moody teen years...
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rice-pudding-slaps · 3 years
tagged by: @still-not-a-witch
Name/Nickname: I shall not share my name, but you may know that my friends call me Cereal Box
Gender: You know when you go out to eat and you ask for a coke but they dont have coke, so they offer you sprite.
And you dont dislike sprite but is not what you wanted, but you are really thirsty so you drink sprite.
And you spend the whole meal thinking "Man this would be better with coke". And you know it would be. But is not terrible having sprite. And you are really salty bc is not horrible but is not quite right? yeah
Star sign: Fun fact. I have no fucking idea. I could be Capricorn or Aquarius, but no one can figure which I am.
Height: short.
Time: uhhh 22:01
Birthday: January 20th!
Favourite Band: Don't really have one? I dont usually follow bands just listen to the songs. THO I would say 31 Minutos counts so im gonna say 31 Minutos
Favourite Solo Artist: Oh fuck this is hard. Silvio Rodríguez is definetly up there. Also Violeta Parra I adore her. And Ricky Montgomery also has a special place in my heart! (Very different vibes lmao)
Song stuck in my head: Cake to Bake from Aarzemnieki, The Starry Night from Starry (Musical) and Jellicle Song For Jellicle Cats from CATS share the podium today
Last movie I saw: CATS (1998)! which surprises exactly no one
Last show I saw: Brooklyn Nine Nine just now!
When was this blog created: About 5 months ago
Why was this blog created: I got into Cats and was starving for more content and instagram wasnt providing enough. So I came here!
What do I post: Mostly just Cats stuff. Tho sometimes I scream in spanish to the void
Las google search: uhhhh "How to look up the history of a cellphone's calculator"
Do I have other blogs: Nope! Just this one. Dont really plan on that changing. Im just here for Cats
Do I get asks: Not really! But I would absolutely love to! Im always open to chatting
Why did I chose my url: So there is this line in Bustopher Jones that mentions rice pudding, and I was so intrigued by it. Cuz I thought it was some flan with rice.
It was arroz con leche. I looked up the recipe and had that epiphany. I had to use it somehow. That absolutely broke me.
Following: 212
Followers: 125
How much sleep do I get on average: A good amount tbh! 5-6 hours of sleep!
Lucky number: 108. I will not explain further
What am I wearing: Hoodie, shorts and leg warmers!
Favourite food: CINNAMON ROLLS AND RED VELVET COOKIES. I love sweets so much. AND CALZONES ROTOS MMMMMM i would kill for those rn
Nationality: Chilean! From the land of the conchesumadres
Favourite song: Uff. That one is really hard. I would probably say Ojalá by Silvio Rodríguez rn.
3 favourite fictional universes to live in: First one Fairy Oak books. No questions asked. Peak cottagecore and wizardy. *chef kiss*
Pokémon! I know, cliché, but is just one of my childhood games I could not leave it out.
My neighbour Totoro. God, the peace and tranquility... please let me live there forever.
Tags tags tags: @0zzysaurus @la-isla-de-circe @per-the-jellicle-magician
(Obv just if yall want!)
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Oh! Boarding house wasfuunnn. They didn’t spare the angst either, but in a fitting, more contained way ( like the show is pretty light , they did everyone;s feelings justice pretty much without it changing the tone of the show too much). i liked all the characters and their dynamics a lot. i wasn’t so sure but they showed everyone’s sides pretty well i think. especially the four ( the ones who weren’t cousins,
one was just kind of doing his thing , light and stuff and Seoul-weon i think just had simpler feelings throughout the whole thing so they didn’t need to focus on is pov that much,
plus i think them kind of keeping his “complete honesty” or whatever moments for the end was a really good way to make the last few episodes interesting)(that point in episode seven where they kind of got you guessing, i laughed on my own for a good couple of minutes thinking “imagine if he says he’s straight”)
i completely get the “epiphany night” thing, a night of coinsedences and drinking can do wonders for the heart, i agree, i dont have a problem with that at all, i
just - i think they may have overdone it a bit with a couple of the boundries stuff. Like the bathroom scene(s) were too much, that’s where i had to kind of just kind of “uhhh, ?????whatever, moving on, i guess” . the “multiple cameras before kiss” thing im afraid wasn’t a big hit here , it was fine whatever
its pretty, its fun, its maybe actually kind of comforting, like a comfort show thing, you know? They weren’t trying to be super funny, which worked, they were funny on their own, i think. acting was good and fun and fitting. dialogue and character ... like awareness, they didn’t sacrifice anyone to drama or plot, they picked up on things in a very satisfying way (the young cousin was a bit in his own world or whatever, but he doesn’t really care about them most of the time , so it made sense that he wouldn’t be paying them much attention)
yea, good , fun. and i got to kind of stabilize myself with a couple of things id been having annoying toughts with, nothing just a little too much friends(edit:the show, i, long story, anyway), little too much time spend with people who got a few stereotypes about the world that aren’t realistic i think. Comfort watch to help myself get the poison out.
really glad i watched it, and i imagine ill be thinking about it before i fall asleep tonight, all smiles and happiness and contempt
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sweetheartjeongguk · 6 years
i was tagged by @luvecafe !! thanks so much love! 
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
drink - lemonade
phone call - my mother
text message - to my groupchat about the cockroach i just witnessed in my kitchen RIP
song you listened to - i think epiphany? 
time you cried - yesterday when i watched a rlly sad video about a little boy talking with his grandfather who was dying from stage 4 cancer :((
dated someone twice - yes lol shouldnt have but i did
kissed someone and regretted it - not that i know of
been cheated on - kinda?? but this was middle school so none of that shit counts lmfao 
lost someone special - yes 
been depressed - yes
gotten drunk and thrown up - yes (i didnt even go hardcore on it but it still Sucked)
rose pink
baby blue
sunflower yellow
made new friends - yes, in school
fallen out of love - nope
laughed until you cried - yes 
found out someone was talking about you - hmmm nope i dont think so
met someone who changed you - nope 
found out who your friends are - i guess?? lol i been knew who my friends are 
kissed someone on your facebook friends list - nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - about 95%
do you have any pets - yes, two (dog and cat)
do you want to change your name - nope, but real talk - i go by a different name on here :) but technically may is still part of my name 
what did you do for your last birthday - ate at a restaurant with my family and then stayed home lmfao idk if i went to LA but i think it was just anticlimactic in general
what time did you wake up today - 2 PM oops
what were you doing at midnight last night - watching bnha in my living room (i finished s1 wootwoot) 
what is something you can’t wait for - i cant wait for a school break lmfao IM TIRED
what are you listening to right now - nothing rn 
have you ever talked to a person named tom - yes, my music teachers name is tom plus i have an uncle tom lol 
something that gets on your nerves - people talking during movies in the movie theater
most visited website - twitter
hair color - dark brown 
long or short hair - long
do you have a crush on someone - nope (unless bts counts)  
what do you like about yourself - my humor 
want any piercings - yee,, i only have two rn (both in my ears) so i wanna have a helix piercing) 
blood type - i think A+???? i actually dont know lmfao 
nicknames - ok so one of them actually has my real name in it so ill just ignore that loooool, angus, bading (my fam was real adamant about me being gay since i was a child pffft in retrospect, its kinda mean) 
relationship status - single
zodiac - capricorn // chinese zodiac - rabbit 
pronouns - she/her
fave tv shows - brooklyn 99, tokyo ghoul, bnha, sailor moon, modern family
tattoos - none 
right or left handed - right-handed 
ever had surgery - yes
piercings - two (one in each ear)
sport - lmfao im the most inactive person ever but i like field hockey 
vacation - i like going back to my hometown or to LA // i really wanna go to hawaii or to different countries in asia like japan, korea, or the philippines 
trainers - uhhh idk what this mean so...none? lmfao 
eating - nothing at the moment (i just had rice, chicken, and veggies earlier)
drinking - none but i should drink water huh :)))) 
Im about to watch - probably more bnha 
waiting for - me to get my act together so i can finish my homework tonight lmfao 
want - more money to buy bts merch and another manga lmfaaaaaao 
get married - in the future 
career - psycholinguistics or forensic psychology  
hugs or kisses - hugs
lips or eyes - eyes
shorter or taller - taller
older or younger - older
nice arms or stomach - i love Arm
hookup or relationship - relationship
troublemaker or hesitant - i guess both depending on the situation 
kissed a stranger - not rlly since i kinda knew them ... lmfao 
drank hard liquor - a little bit and its DISGUSTING
lost glasses - too many times to count
turned someone down - yes
sex on first date - nope im a dumb virgin lmfaaao 
broken someone’s heart - maybe??? 
had your heart broken - yes
been arrested - nope
cried when someone died - yes 
fallen for a friend - kinda ??? i guess you can say lmfao
yourself - to an extent (jins looking down at me in Shame) 
miracles - sometimes
love at first sight - i wish but not really at the same time?? bc like my friend said, thats kinda like lust at first sight bc u just kinda like the person based on their appearance 
santa claus - nope 
kiss on a first date - sure  
angels - sometims 
best friend’s name - natalia // i have four others but i dont wanna spread their names out like that lmfaaaao 
eye color - hazel brown 
fave movie - fantastic mr fox, your name, isle of dogs
fave actor - i dont rlly have one?? 
ill just tag five people bc im too lazy to pick out 20 .. also youre in no way obligated to do this !! itd be cool to read some of yalls though so do as you please! love yall :)))
@minnyc24 // @maplelattaes // @jeonpetals // @chims-kookies // @neonjeon
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apokine · 7 years
Anna told me to do the whole thing so here we are I guess
How did you choose your name? IDK I just wanted to still have a name that wasn’t like ~weird~ but still unique 
What gives you the most dysphoria? (Acknowledging that not all trans people experience dysphoria) even tho I got my tiddies removed i still feel kinda weird abt my chest if i’m not wearing a top lol…also a weird one but lipstick
Do you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria? social maybe? it’s just sort of there all the time so
What do you do to perform self-care when you’re feeling dysphoric? what i always do when im feelin down - EAT LOTS OF FOOD
What was the first time you suspected you were transgender? uhhh i think the first time i suspected it as a like TANGIBLE THOUGHT was this one time when i was out w/ friends and had to go to the bathroom and i absolutely had an epiphany in the bathroom that i wasn’t a girl hahahahaha
When did you realize you were transgender? idk how this is different from the last one and i dont rly remember when it was that i like officially stopped thinking of myself as a girl
What is your favorite part of being transgender? other trans ppl probably. stay awesome, trans peeps
How would you explain your gender identity to others? mostly genderless, but i fluctuate around
How did you come out? If you didn’t come out, why do you stay in the closet? Or what happened when you were outed? im out w/ family/friends, who all found out in diff ways i guess? some ppl i just told, i also wrote stuff on tumblr & fb about it
What have your experiences with packing or wearing breast forms been? no experience with either lol 
What are your experiences with binding or tucking? binding sucked haha i defo wore my binder way more than i should have and got that Big Back Pain so i eventually mostly stopped and then got my bops chopped off
Do you pass? nahhh (is it even possible to pass as nonbinary??? question for another day)
What (if any) steps do you want to take to medically transition? got top surgery, idk abt hormones cuz i dont see myself as transmasc and am not interested in looking Very Masculine but i would like to look Less Feminine
How long have you been out? uhhhhhhh year a half maybe???????
What labels have you used before you’ve settled on your current set? none, tho i wouldnt say i’m particularly ‘settled’ haha
Have you ever experienced transphobia? sure have
What do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in public? usually the women’s restroom, sometimes mens if it is more convenient
How does your family feel about your trans identity? mixed reviews lol, some of my family is super supportive, some of them are like “why are you doing this” etc
Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth? i mean i guess i’m stealth at work bc i worry abt my job
What do you wish you could have shared with your younger self about being trans? i wish that younger me just knew there were options i suppose
Why do you use the pronouns you use? I use they/them bc she/he felt too gendered for me and neopronouns just sound too strange to me personally. I respect and admire anybody that uses neopronouns bc those ppl are paving the way for future generations to have more options that are normalized tho. I just can’t do it myself cuz I have a big fear of standing out which is totally at odds with like everything I wanna be lol
Do your neurodivergencies affect your gender? i dont think so but who fuckin knows
What’s your biggest trans-related fear? NOBODY’S EVER GONNA LOVE ME
What medical, social, or personal steps have you already taken to start your transition? i feel like this has already been covered by previous questions
What do you wish cis people understood? that my gender isnt anybody’s business!! who cares!! 
What impact has being trans affected your life? idk honestly. dont know where to even begin trying to measure that
What do you do to validate yourself? well sometimes i like to argue with strangers on the internet 
How do you feel about trans representation in media? i love the increasing representation in the media and it makes me very happy to see being trans normalized and validated, but obviously there still just isnt enough good representation
Who is your favorite trans celebrity? angel haze maybe
Who is the transgender person who has influenced you the most? hmmm well i think that trans people i know irl are the ones who have given me the most courage. when i see other people come out or change their name or use they/them pronouns or WHATEVER i’m like “wow if they can do it i can too”.
How are you involved with the trans community, IRL or online? i wouldnt say im really involved w the community in any way aside from just being present here on tungle dot com
How do you see yourself identifying and presenting in 5 years? pretty much the same
What trans issue are you most passionate about? affordable & accessible healthcare!!! 
What advice would you give to other trans people, or what message would you like to share with them? hey buddy i did it (am doing it?) and so can you
How do you feel your gender interacts with your race, disability, class, weight, etc. from the perspective of intersectionality? i feel like skinny white androgynous ppl are the ‘default’ nonbinary ppl which sucks. i esp feel the weight thing bc i feel like it really prevents me from being seen the way i want to be seen. on the class front, i feel fortunate that can afford surgery and whatever else i need
What, if any, is the difference between your gender identity and your gender expression? i feel like my gender expression is super feminine to other people. but to me i feel like my expression is pretty much aligned w/ my identity  
Do you feel more masculine, feminine, or neither? neither
What is your sexual and romantic orientation, and what are your thoughts on it? sexual - idk i think i need somebody to figure it out and tell me. don’t really feel like labeling it right now, but sex is just not big for me. romantic - panromantic cuz i just like everybody. somehow much easier to figure out than my sexual orientation
Is your ideal partner also trans, or do you not have a preference? no preference tho if theyre cis they better not be a douchebag about it
How did/do you manage waiting to transition? honestly i’m a huge procrastinator LOLLL. as long as i keep telling myself ‘haha yeah it’ll happen eventually’ i’m just like ‘cool so i dont have to do it NOW…’ as long as i have the knowledge that it WILL happen im like..i can wait. If I think abt the possibility that it might not happen I freak the fuck out…for a bit I thought it might not be possible for me to get top surgery (due to medical issues) and I was in panic mode.
What is the place (blog, website, forum, IRL space) you get most of your info on being trans or on trans related things? idk i guess i learned a lot on tumbles
Do you interact with other trans people IRL? not super often, i mostly know trans ppl that are just like acquaintances or casual friends. our interaction is limited to liking each others instagram or facebook posts lol
Are you involved in any trans-related activism? nah tho i think it’d be cool
Free space! Answer any question you want, or make up your own question to answer. i refuse to make up my own question 
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