#i dont know what other tws to add feel free to ask to tag
egg-on-a-legg · 1 year
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pietà - william-adolphe bouguereau
details because im very proud of them :D
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, cats, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
basic questions that i love answering
“hey what should i call you” good question. i dont really care, most of my mutuals call me arson. thats cool. bc i love arson. (clearly) but you can call me really whatever. planet names are dope as shit, but only @marcysbear gets to call me neptune. also enthu is off limits, only @terrifying-acceptance gets to call me that.
for the record: if you call me either of those names and are not either of them, that is crossing a genuine boundary of mine. you ARE NOT allowed to call me those names if you are not the designated person for that.
“ur gay” woah really i didnt know that ur like the first person ever to notice that!! (no ur not, ive known that for years)
“what type of gay” yes. the easiest way to explain it is bisexual. that being said: i use bisexual surprizingly little. i call myself lesbian and gay all the time (as in wlw and mlm).i’m polyamorous and arospec. month three of my identity crisis: uh i think the term arospec works well bc idk where the fuck i am on it but i’m definetly on this spectrum! grayromantic also works i think.
“gender????” im genderfluid. which explains the pronoun changes. im also trans, nb, genderqueer, and any of the genders and terms i need to articulate what the silly lil dudes in my head make me feel.
AUDHD :D explains why i am obsessed with space (going back to names planet names are cool and epic btw)
“do u horny post on main???” i reblog horny posts to my main but i dont normally do the original horny posting. tell me if i need to tw that btw :3
my cool and epic tags
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
the beloved - my beautiful beautiful queer platonic partner @terrifying-acceptance who i tag in a lot of shit :]
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
the last section that is mostly important for followers :]
if u wanna follow me it’d be cool if you have a banner and pfp but as long as ur like not a bot ur good.
feel free to ask questions :) this is the point at which i tell you that i love getting asks and dms. my dms are always open unless i am dead. (current status: alive at very least.) also i am in school so you are practically guaranteed to get a response not immediately. give me 12-24 hours to respond before being offended. after that it’s fair game.
I genuinely do not care and give no fucks about what you believe and how you live your life as long as you dont hurt yourself or others, you are not offended by me being very not religious/spiritual and you do not shove it down anyones throat.
I mostly do reblogs and tag them as such half the time
lastly if you interact with this post it lets me know that you read it but i’m gonna look at your profile anyway if u follow me so you don’t have to.
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
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credit to @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
(order of the banners are “this user loves contradictory labels” with a lesbian flag, and four other idk, “exclusionists fuck off”, then this user loves being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, genderfluid, then non binary)
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catnykit · 3 months
Whump Idea #2
Just a punch of prompts of the idea...
▪︎the jar going to the regrigerator. Dark and cold. •let the jar half full of water in the fridge,the water slowly freezing while whumpee's inside ▪︎Whumpee getting somehow sick or something without nonhuman!Whumper knowing what even is that •nonhuman!Whumper asking help from nonhuman!caretaker, • Nonhuman!caretaker being horrified by whumpee's state ▪︎The jar getting slowly filled up with water, nonhuman!Whumper Watching whumpee drown for a big after all the panic for the waiting ▪︎Dont feed the whumpee in the jar for a long time,and when they're starving give them a bottle that turns out was liquid poison ▪︎putting a little friend in the jar( aka wild hostile entity thats aslo tiny)and let whumpee be eated alive until they on the edge of death then just killing the entity because nonhuman!whumper can easily squish both ▪︎Shake it Whumpee go bing bong bing bong-And it hit very hard aganist the glass But becouse t i n y the jar doesnt break. Aslo bone break and dislocations and y'know the classic of Hits ▪︎Shaking the jar everytime whumpee tries to sleep,So they get sleep deprived ▪︎Presume it with other entities like it was a weird potion or cooking ingredient or something exotic like that
You can literally do whatever you want with a whumpee in a jar. Feel free to add some more that keep the admosphere!
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hello! I just had a question: Where do you draw the line with the asks? Because I want to send you stuff or ask stuff, but I also don't want you being uncomfortable viewing them? You having a good time is important to me because I get so much serotonin from your blog >w<
I wrote an entire response for this and then my tumblr crashed so here’s a take two.
Ok so my guidelines for asks:
You can ask stuff about prompts, posts, advice/ideas to help flesh out or progress your dpxdc fic? anything you want! Anything from your own prompts, to an idea for a prompt for me to write, to just questions about myself, but I have a few rules:
Please before you send me an ask think to yourself, “is what I’m about to send a hate crime, incredibly racist/sexist/homophobic/etc?” If any of that is a yes, then please don’t send it. I can and will delete it and ignore your question.
I have no big triggers myself. Other people do though so please put a TW at the top of your ask if it contains triggering topics.
Dont spam my inbox. If you have 10 cool ideas you want to talk about, write them and post them on your own blog! Curate your own blog! Make people read your cool ideas! Please don’t send them all to me. I get 20+ asks a day and spam is just exhausting to deal with. Please sent a max of 3 asks a day.
Please properly indent and paragraph your asks. ADHD is a bitch and my brain doesn’t focus on blocks of text. This is more to benefit y’all because I normally skip large walls of text to work on responding to properly spaced asks that I can easily digest.
If you have any constructive criticism or corrections on something you think I can improve for a prompt or something I stated about canon lore that was incorrect, feel free to correct me on it. I will reiterate though, constructive criticism. Fact checking isn’t inherently negative but it can easily be perceived as such. I only know so much about various fandoms and lore, take it easy that I don’t know everything and anything about a particular subject.
If you have complaints and want to talk shit, genuinely just DM it to me instead. I’d rather have a discussion about why you think of me or my blog negatively rather than just having the equivalent of a drive by of someone shouting “you suck!”. It causes equally the same reaction: I’m just confused and a little miffed that someone had the audacity to shout at me. If you wanna say something I’d rather I’d you just say it to my face. ^-^
Please don’t send in any asks about trans AU’s. I understand their appeal and enjoy reading them, I’m simply not Trans or have any feelings of body dysmorphia. To me it feels wrong to write about it because I can’t connect with the subject so I can’t write it accurately. If you send something in about a Transgender headcannon or AU, I won’t add any further commentary on it. I may post it but I won’t be elaborating on something that isn’t right for me to elaborate on.
Absolute no’s for pairings and ships:
Absolutely no adult/child anything. This sounds like common sense but I’ve seen enough people ship Bruce and his Robins together that it’s an issue. No twincest either, that’s a no go.
NSFW Ask Guidelines
Asks: if you have a cool idea you want me to bounce off of. I get a lot of asks that are better as submissions.
Submissions: if you simply have a cool prompt you want to show to a larger audience. No commentary given. Please only use the #prompt art tag if what you’re sending IS art.
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
Nightfallsystem - Main blog. Plural System. cringe asf autistic and chronic pain haver. giant isopod enthusiast.
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‼️hi guys if ur reading this during october 2023 plz check out @qiekzart rn im doing a thing ✨✨
Check out my etsy plzzz :333 i post adoptables !!
My name is Qiekz, my pronouns are it/its, please use my actual preferred pronouns. For your DNI purposes please know I'm 14 ^_^ also no nsfw interaction or you will fucking die!! im also learning japanese! (please send help.... im dying..... grahh.. ive gone too far to quit its kind of my curse now.)
what to expect from this blog? random shit, this is my personal blog. there may be vents and rants (tagged as #vent and #rant respectively) there may be random shit there will be so many reblogs.
i try to add ids when i can into the alt text, though i have chronic pain so sometimes im too tired to, sorry
Special interests: Giant isopods, Yugioh 💀💀
interests: TBHK, manga and anime, servals, marine animals, suicide boy (critical of it...), made in abyss, (critical of it...) , japanese language ,, ... i forgor
FEEL FREE (i encourage you to!) TAG ME IN SHIT ABOUT MY INTERESTS!!! esp yugioh im really autistic about it o my god
#autistic about this thing tag <- will be me tagging shit im really autistic about!!
not really in discourse anymore other than transgender stuff so if you try to drag me into discourse ill drag you into the pits of hell. i fucking hate syscourse so much.
If i am not speaking and another system member is, the post will be tagged as "- [name]". I tag common triggers, flashing lights and eyestrain, etc, these will be tagged as "TW [topic]". also JSYK i block a fuck ton of people so like, yeah, I block anyone for any reason I want. I will also not unblock you. unless youre liek my friend or smth.
We have so many fictives sooo,, source list: TBHK, Omori, OneShot, Wolf Song the Movie (yknow, that one on youtube.), yugioh..... </3 .. sourcemates r cool to interact n stuff feel free to send an ask im just shy...
anon hate MUST be original no lame "kys" or "[slur]". i will judge you. try better. try harder. get good. if you send anon hate i will judge it and rate it out of 10 so please try your best.
i am weirdo fictionkin heres the list: hooni from suicide boy yayy,, faputa from made in abyss ( I FUCKING HATE THE SORUCE FOR BEING SO WEIRD OMFG AHGHH),, jolteon from pokemon. . im weird and fuckd up . much prefer if u dont rlly seperate me from me in sources. cuz i just am me. sorry. ig. just refer to me as me . thank you
I am critical of all of my interests!!
or more just i hate them agh just be normal omfgggg crying sobbing
if you wanna avoid a common trigger its most likely tagged #tw [topic]. i also tag eyestrain and flashing lights but usually i just tag it as "#eyestrain" or "#flashing". tbh i unfortunately cant be trusted to remember to tag any other specific trigger because of bad memory. i wont tag reclaimed slurs but i will tag slurs used in a mean way
Please do not DM me unless you actually really need to. Send me an ask if you want to DM me and specify that you want it answered privately if you want. but i AM UNCOMFY WITH DMS. unless we're friends or i DMed you first. otherwise i place a curse on you I MUCH prefer asks over DMs
Sideblog list
@oops-all-traumacore (TW TRAUMACORE)
@sunnymogai (inactive)
@hellhoundmutt (inactive)
@sunnymogai2 (inactive)
@qiekz (EYESTRAIN + FLASHING TW please block if you are affected by that please)
alter blog 4 tasma:
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Anti plural, pluralphobe, anti endo, sysmed, against created alters/etc, "dont believe in systems",
Proship, condone or support posting any sexual stuff that includes a child, lolicon/shotacon/etc, someone purposely meant to look like a child, cub.
LGBTQphobic, transmed, transphobe/homophobe/biphobe/panphobe/etc, 'super straight'/variants, anti-ace inclusion, anti-aro inclusion, anti a-spec inclusion, aphobes, anti mspec lesbian/gay/etc, stelliophobic, anti lesboy/turigirl/etc, anti any good faith queer identity, anti neopronouns, anti xenogender, anti mogai.
Ableist, support autism speaks, think "narc abuse" is a thing/demonise people with any disorder including NPD, infantalise people with disorders/disabilities/etc, post/support on subreddits like r/fakedisordercringe or r/systemscringe, use the term "Aspergers" / describe urself as an "aspie" (Hans Asperger was a nazi who killed many disabled people, so shut the fuck up.)
Racist, cultural appropriators.
Radqueers, trans-id/transX, transrace/trace (not adoptee term), support the term transplural, pro-contact/contact-complex/contact-neutral for harmful paraphillia, sway people away from getting help for harmful paraphillia, MAP/Pedo/zoo/necro. (also transspecies is ok if its not used in a transX way)
Fujoshi/variants. fetishize mlm/wlw, etc.
Against traumacore / vent art.
Have minors on ur DNI (no offense im just a minor lol), NSFW-Focused blog
Post stolen art (includes AI images) / trace art without consent
other stuff is im neutral on factkin or kff tbh. and i think id rather stay neutral on tulpas as a term. i just dont fucking care. i dont involve myself in syscourse anymore, i might post more endogenic positivity later but id rather not due to the rampant harassment and infighting in the system community.
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tw: sexual assault, controlling abusive behaviour, mental health issues, fat fetish
im 25, gay, and i live with my boyfriend who is a good bit older than me. we met on the internet when i was in low place during the pandemic and I was wanting some form of affection. I moved in with him about a year ago not long after losing my mother. I am also very fat, I always have been, and hes fit I knew going into it that he had a fetish for my weight i just wanted affection but since living with him it's gotten more intense and he says he doesnt 'want' me to get bigger but he likes my weight and he knows i obviously have problems with food anyway so he says he likes giving me what i want. he weighs me and measures me every week and i have to do it tomorrow. I never look at it he says he does it to make sure im not getting bigger. but im not an idiot. And i have to be naked when hes here I hate myself so much and i hate having to look at myself like this 24/7. I have no friends at all and I'm so isolated, hes the only person i really interact with apart from my therapist who he takes me to, I depend on him for so much and he controls my whole lifefor his own pleasure i have to go along with it no matter what. he knows everything about me he knows all my trauma from a past relationship like this where it was even worse, he infantalises me and keeps my money i have to ask him for things. i dont feel okay i feel like a zombie, im so confused and sad i dont know what to do. I dont have anywhere to go and i dont want to live like this. I know i should tell my therapist more about my relationship but im ashamed to say it and i dont even know if she can help me i feel like theres nothing i can do. I had a bad day and im so lonely
Oh the sexual assault tag was because he has had sex with me multiple times in my sleep even though i have told him i dont like it. he tells me it's not a big deal and that i like it. He knows i was r word in my late teensand i tell him thats why i dont like it i have cptsd from my first relationship and he says it's not the same thing. I just want advice on what i could do
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about what you've been going through. Please know that there's no need to feel ashamed, just as other survivors have nothing to be ashamed of. It's not your fault at all.
It sounds like your partner may have preyed on you during your low point in the pandemic and is taking advantage of you in several ways. It's controlling of him to demand you constantly weigh yourself and you deserve the right to say no. You also deserve the right to wear clothes around him if you want to. Isolation is also a key feature of abuse. It sounds like there may also be some financial abuse going on as well, with him in control of your money. I can definitely see how these things make you feel infantilized.
Please know that it can be considered rape to have sex with someone who is asleep because they are incapable of providing consent (unless it was agreed to prior, but that doesn't seem to be the case here). Especially knowing your history, he should respect that. While it may not be the exact same situation that you experienced previously, it's still not okay and you deserve better.
A therapist may not be able to directly help you leave this situation, though they can definitely provide emotional support much better than us. If it is safe to do so, I recommend looking into some local crisis resources. I'm not sure where you're located, but this is a super helpful resource regarding abusive relationships. They have ways to reach out, as well as forming a safety plan.
If anyone else has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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welshkitsunes · 1 year
Rules & Info
Ask Box: Open
Request: Open
Hi, the names Wren/Welsh (you can cal me either), i go by he/him,they/them & its/it prounouns, this blog is specifically for me to post my mcyt art, now i am a lil new to tumblr kinda, ive been here for awhile just have never really posted.
° I wont post anything NSFW (honestly it just makes me uncomfy drawing it )
° I will do ship art , but i will not ship the real people, and i will not do art of those uncomfortble with shipping (whilst i do ship/post ship art, this is not just a shipping blog, i will also post non shipping stuff, so i'll try and make sure to tag them correctly)
° please no drama or discorse here, like personally i know theres still the whole discorse with shipping and what not, hence why i will try to tag correctly, if i forget to tag or tw something plrase let me know, and i will fix instantly,
° AUS, i will draw for aus , may have to look into the ones i dont know
Fandoms i'll draw /post for
Rats smp(im sad to admit i never drew for it when it was still on TWT), Hermitcraft, Origins Smp , Life series and Empires smp
I will also be posting my persona and some other stuff from my create/origins server.
TW: trigger warning (for any sensitive topic)
Wrenspersona: Persona art/friends personas will also be under this
Wrensask: if i get asked anything will be under this tag
techory: its my create/origin server
(if i have more tags i'll add them later)
Whilst i dont mind if you call me Wren or Welsh, please no nicknames, unless i say its okay , also honestly you can call me by any pronoun i stated above, but please never call me by she/her, once again no nsfw asks, i may be over 18 but it still makes me uncomfy , as im ace , also no flirting with me , unless were close or mutuals, now thank you for reading this feel free to ask/request any art i stated above -Wk
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