#Drowning tw
filibusterfrog · 10 months
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oc movie poster Again
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kenobihater · 3 months
reblog for a bigger sample size of former angry, creative, and/or highly dramatic children
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waifujuju · 3 months
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Cloud would be so much more powerful if he had a phone
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clumxy · 11 months
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Fear of drowning
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was back in high school and Michael Scott was my teacher. Instead of teaching he put on a documentary about dolphins and filled the classroom with water. Kids were drowning but Michael didn't seem to bother.
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taiturner · 8 months
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YELLOWJACKETS OCTOBER, a quote from other horror media The Haunting of Hill House ft. LOTTIE MATTHEWS
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dyoungs · 4 months
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where am i? all i see is darkness my empty heart can't seem to fill up. so where am i? drowning in the waves, i want to sink endlessly, even if it's only for a moment. where am i? it's all darkness. the emptiness fills my entire body.
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rabbit-rays · 20 days
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TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: You really should be careful with believing what people tell you. All records indicate that the subject 'Jackie Delco' died mysteriously, alone, and with no witnesses. The only record of their death, from [SOURCE REDACTED] states that a sudden storm arrived while they were unanchored, and they were seperated from the group and never heard from again.
But it sounds nice, doesn't it?
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
Could you do the gang with a stage magician reader
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Circus Crew x Stage Magician Reader
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TW: Mentions of sawing people in half (painless), drowning (magic trick), bullying
Type: Headcanons; platonic.
A/N: "Caine, Bubble, and the digital six's reactions to a stage magician reader." I combined the two asks because they were very similar.
He's so happy. A real stage magician in the digital circus? Incredible! Immediately upon arrival and finding out who you were, he sets you to work showing off all your skills. He just wants to see what level you're at so he can help you to be the best magician in the whole circus!
However, it'll come at the cost of you having to actually do real magic instead of just illusions. The sawing people in half one definitely is traumatising the first time you do it (Kinger assures you he'll be fine). Once you get used to using somewhat-real magic, you actually get to do some pretty mind-bending stuff.
"A human? With skills in circus work? What a wonder!"
Bubble doesn't really mind. You were a stage magician? That's good! You must be able to help Caine out then. To be honest, I don't know enough about bubble to say its (or she's? He's? They're?) anything more than just an AI assistant to Caine that is really, really annoying to him.
Either way, it helps out in traumatising you (see: sawing people mentioned in Caine's section).
If you join when Pomni's first there, she's too focused on the exit to care as much. You were a stage magician? That's great! Good for you, genuinely! But would there be any way that could help her get to the exit somehow? Do you know any magic tricks or something? No? Just illusions? Oh, okay.
But if you join when she's started to give up, she does treat you a lot more like a friend. She does admire your tricks a lot either way and is quite impressed by them, she's just too sidetracked with her crisis to focus on you that much. Once she calms down, however, she compliments you on your skills and is interested in learning some herself. She still freaks out when you have to "drown" yourself, though.
"Hey, hey, wait! Get them out of there! Hey!"
Ragatha thinks it's fun that there's a proper circus performer in the circus. Well, maybe you didn't work in circuses exactly, but it's close enough. Ragatha's long given up on finding the exit, and just tries to enjoy her time in the digital world as much as possible. She compliments you on your skills.
She also helps you out when Caine is pushing for you to "run" an activity. Because let's be honest, he'd totally force you to be the lead star of some stuff due to your skills. She also reassures you everything will be fine when your profession forced you to do some less-than-pleasant, honestly traumatising things.
"Don't worry, new stuff. Everything going to be just fine! Kinger won't feel a thing!"
Jax is absolutely using this to his advantage. Well, when you're friends, of course. When he first meets you, he's really just focused on being a jerk. He'll make fun of you for choosing to try and do "magic" and how you must just miss childhood wonder. He's not that dumb, and can work out (or at least he thinks he can work out) the "deeper meaning" to why you chose your profession.
Once you're friends though, he tries to use it to his advantage. You two will prank the other circus members by getting Ragatha to pull a centipede out of the magician's hat instead of a rabbit, or having an aggressive rabbit be pulled out by Gangle. It's all very fun for him.
"So, you're a magician, hm? Still clinging onto your childhood? To bad you can't go back there--or back home!"
He's the "victim" to all your tricks. He's the type to go "no" when asked if he will be the assistant/person performed on when he goes up on stage anyway. In reality, yeah, he doesn't want to do it, but he also knows nobody else will and just does it anyway. He knows it won't hurt.
Outside of shows, Kinger is pretty entranced by some of your tricks. He's very impressed with your never-ending handkerchief one in particular. He asks you to teach him some tricks, perhaps to help fortify his impenetrable fortress or for his acting shows.
"No, I don't really want to do this."
Gangle really likes your magic tricks. I imagine she's someone to have two diaries in her room at all times. She writes the day's happenings in one, and keeps a log of everything about herself she remembers in the other. Gangle would happily get a diary for you so you could write down all your tricks!
Your magic tricks always bring a smile to her face. Whenever she's got her comedy mask on, of course. When the tragedy mask is in use, she usually resorts to crying about how much she misses seeing magic shows in the real world. Best to keep it to just the comedy mask times, when she'll thoroughly enjoy it.
"I can feel my memories of the comedy show slipping!"
Zooble's cool with it. They know it's all just pretend in the real world, so he's initially not to phased about it. Still, she's impressed with the level of your skill. And when the wacky reality-warping nature of the circus comes into play, you really can do some cool stuff that he enjoys.
To me, Zooble doesn't seem like one that would be very interested in learning all too much about doing magic tricks themself. However, they do enjoy hearing about your shows. It comes with a lot of exciting stories and also gossip, which makes him feel closer connected with the real world.
"So, you're a stage magician? That's cool."
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"If the time comes when I really become a zombie... let's go to the pool together, okay?"
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rosamayarts · 9 months
something about the parallels between Stede's iconic 'passive aggression' scene that leads to the boat catching fire and sinking, and Calico Jack telling the story of when Ed set fire to a boat killing everyone onboard and using it as an example of how ruthless Blackbeard is. something about Ed being ashamed of his actions and distancing himself from them 'technically, I didn't kill those people, the fire did', while Stede just laughs at the chaos he creates. The show often takes the stance that vicious words can be just as brutal as physical violence, most obviously in the scene where Ed is appalled when he learns about passive aggression and calls it 'diabolical.' And I just love that Ed and Stede's relationship isn't as simple as 'edgelord x cinnamon roll.' Stede wouldn't be nearly as great a character if it wasn't for that darker side he has. I'd love to see more of it in season 2 fr
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whumpypepsigal · 8 months
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Whumptober 2023 | No. 14
Water Inhalation
One Piece (2023) s01e06: “Where’s Nami?”
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
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booksofstars · 1 year
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the horror of dying alone together.
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alasforher · 8 months
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don’t want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
I was riding a rollercoaster with my dad. It started heading down towards a water feature. I had three premonitions that we were gonna drown so I jumped out. My dad didn't and I think he drowned.
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