#i dont like taxes either but the house ending is bad
wintercalamity · 5 months
My only demand for the next season of the Fallout TV show is that the Mr House ending not be cannon.
that is my only demand
He's such a manipulative raisin asshole. He turns Vegas into a police state/city. I don't know anyone who sides with him unless it's for the achievement. No house ending.
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americachavez · 4 years
Ask and ye shall receive lmao. Anyways this whole wedding shenaniganery takes place like 2 years after the finale. Dean DID get cas outta the empty but he is bad at words so instead of saying anything TO cas he just kinda. Avoided him until he couldn’t stand it anymore and then kissed him. And then fucked him. Dean assumes that cas will be able to interpret this as “I love you but don’t know how to say it”. Cas does NOT interpret it like this. Cas basically thinks that dean is giving him a pity fuck, but doesn’t turn it down because he has massive massive issues and tells himself he is content with whatever scraps of affection dean will give him. This interpretation is reinforced when dean isn’t affectionate outside of sex because he has Issues (internalized homophobia and several complexes about intimacy). Eventually cas is like dean we can’t do this anymore, this meaning their perceived fuck buddy arrangement. But to DEAN they aren’t fuck buddies, they’re dating and in love. So dean takes this. Poorly. And they end up having ANOTHER divorce.
Anyways in this mamma Mia but slightly to the left au dean is Donna, obviously. He is bending over backwards trying to give Sam the perfect wedding because he deserves it, dammit!!! He may not like the idea of a big white wedding but by god sammys wedding is gonna be the best goddamn wedding these stupid motherfuckers have ever SEEN. Sam is Sophie, but instead of inviting three potential dads, he’s inviting cas. Cas is, of course, pierce brosnan.
Some key facts:
-nobody actually KNOWS that dean and cas used to fuck. Dean was way too repressed about it. All anyone knows is that they were extremely close, and then they weren’t. Sam has like. An inkling. But that’s all.
-u know how Sophie is trying to hide her three potential dads from Donna for like half the movie?? Sam is doing that with cas. Everyone else knows cas is there but Sam thinks that if dean finds out he will, quote, “flip his shit”. So he’s just stashing cas in increasingly weird places until dean spots him.
-in this au dean is Donna, which means he retired from hunting and decided to buy a big, old, condemned house and turn it into a bed and breakfast. The house is in idk. Georgia?? Wyoming?? Either way dean found it while he was on a hunt. It was extremely haunted, he un-haunted it, and then impulse bought it for a couple grand.
-it’s a nice house. An extremely nice house. It’s so nice that Sam is having his reception there. The ceremony is at a church in town. I haven’t decided if Sam is catholic or a Unitarian, but either way there is a church, and he is getting married in it.
-the reason dean is planning most of the wedding instead of Sam is because Sam is a bridezilla and needs everything to be perfect, but has no idea WHAT perfect looks like. So every time sam tries to plan the wedding he ends up spending six days looking at napkins. Dean, being a self-sacrificial big brother, basically takes on all the planning duties.
-Eileen does not give a fuck. She’ll marry Sam in a fancy ball gown, she’ll go down to the courthouse, she’ll happily spend the rest of her life living in sin with him if that’s what Sam wants. Eileen is hashtag woke and thinks that marriage is nothing more than paperwork and a couple of tax benefits wrapped in false narratives about romance. She is, of course, extremely right about this.
-rowena tries to upstage Eileen at the wedding because she has winchester derangement syndrome and is acting how we all think Crowley would act at the deancas wedding. It does not work because Eileen is a girlboss.
AnYways dean finds out cas is at the wedding thee NIGHT before and predictably flips his shit. The day of the wedding there’s a winner takes it all type convo right before they head into the church where they’re like *this* close to communicating enough to understand what’s going on between them BUT BEFORE THEY DO, dean storms off.
The church scene plays out EXACTLY like it does in mamma mia. Dean and cas have it out in front of the whole fuckin wedding party. Cas finally realizes that dean thought they were dating the whole time, dean finally realizes that cas DIDNT. During this absolutely insane shouting match it is very clear that they are both still hung up on one another and very much in love. Sam is like actually Eileen I DONT want to get married yet!! I was just doing this because even though it’s been a decade, I still feel like I have to be normal. Only I don’t want to be normal!! I want us to hunt together and live together and maybe one day I want to elope to fuckin. Idk. The Bahamas or some shit.
Meanwhile the poor officiant is like. So... y’all aren’t getting married?? And Sam is like no, sorry. It’s a shame tho bc we spent all this money... and then cas is like wait. Dean. Dean. I know we only just figured out our shit, but I love you. I never stopped. We should get married. And dean is like yeah ok. There’s always divorce right?? And then they get married and go back to deans house and throw the party of the century.
this is probably the most insane thing anyone has ever put in my askbox and I WOULD read 50k of this but I’ll take the nearly 1000 word outline you’ve gifted me. thank you
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: this is a thing i cooked up between doing trig exam and ap gov review akdsjfldskfj
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oikawa def listens to indie music just bc he wants to feel unique and the 'iM diFfErENt fRoM oTHeR gUrLs' vibes
meanwhile kunimi eats a kitkat like its pizza just CHOMP
makki caNNOT sleep without a pillow between his thighs LIKE LISTEN he has 2 sisters and they all told him its so comfortable and at first he was like,, ??,, then he tried and now cant sleep without it
bUT MATTSUN LIKES TO SLEEP WITH PILLOWS SURROUNDING HIM bc it makes him feel safe and like there are two body pillows on either side of him and hes kinda trapped in the middle aksjskdk
when kyo was younger, he was really short and although he had other pants, he loved this one pair but they were really long on him and he wore it all the time and the part of the pants that touched the ground is torn in shreds
kindaichi steps on the sofa before sitting LIKE puts one foot on the cushion then the other until hes literally standing on the couch before folding to sit with his knees up to his chest (i do this)
watari sniffs his food before eating it no matter if its something he eats all the time or something new, he still sniffs it either way
yahaba is really particular with his feet and he likes to get a really big tupperware (duh one only meant for his feet) and fill it up with warm almost boiling water and he just soaks them
oikawa has sleep paralysis and he oftens hallucinates about aliens in the corner of his room
kunimi does this thing where he makes weird noises with his mouth like sounds of his mouth opening LIKE when youre tastinf something new and you do that sound with your tongue (I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT AJDKSKKD)
makki bends his knees just to crack his ankles
iwa sneezes a ton but he has those sneezes where theyre quiet that you dont even notice or really loudly that it just echoes throughout the gym
kyo sleeps with one sock on bc his feet gets cold easily but both socks make him feel really hot so only one sock is perfect
for a tall and hunk of a guy, mattsun is a very light walker like his footsteps are very light and if he wants to, it can be practically silent
watari actually hates vegetables ajssksksk he particularly hates zucchini, eggplants, any vegetables that are that shape
kindaichi likes to stick or lean against walls because to him, they feel cold and can decrease his body heat
oikawa stands and places his feet at V position like \/ instead of ll because his sister did ballet and he was taught that was the right way of standing and it was considered graceful
yahaba has a fear of cactuses
mattsun does so badly in the heat because his body temp runs so high and the hot surroundings make him feel so uncomfortable and so he takes a lot of cold showers
iwa cannot swim like he freaks out immediately when his toetips can no longer feel the bottom and he panics with thoughts of drowning
watari has really small feet that he still buys big kids shoes to save money
kyotani considered playing baseball because he thought baseball bats were cool but he got angry and threw tantrum after missing his first pitch
iwa chomps on a whole raw chili while eating ramen akskksks
oikawa actually hates sweets bc when he was younger, he had cavities and iwa showed him a cartoon of cavities eating his teeth and will make him toothless
kindaichi really really likes hugs but hes too awkward to ask them even from his parents
yahaba chomps on mints so he goes through boxes of them in a week
i feel like theres a boy in the team who doesnt brush their teeth everyday and rubs a towel on their teeth to make it look clean and take mints to hide their bad breath
iwaizumi is actually iron deficient so he bruises super super fast and he even developed iron defiency anemia when he was younger bc his parents didnt catch on which caused him to be put on strong medication for months and still takes it now
seijoh four bonding time is watching gordom ramsey shows and yelling and screaming 'YEA! EXACTLY!' as if theyre also cooking genuises
watari used to eat grapes all the time until his mom got worried and told him if he doesnt stop, he will eventually turn into one. he only eats it every few weeks
when he was younger, kunimi cried because he had befriended a chicken on a trip to a farm and his mom took him to eat fried chicken after and he thought it was Chicky (his chicken friend :"))
kyotani used to stick out his tongue when it was raining so he could taste the raindrops. they taste better than bottled water
one time, during a seijoh sleepover, they dared oikawa to wear his sisters old uniform, skirt and all, and it backfired so everyone turned red and couldnt look at him in the face
their pregame ritual is touching each other's shoe tips
they tried doing yoga at yahaba's house before by watching yoga youtube videos but everyone ended up having to go to the chiropractor after (how did makki even turn into the human pretzel?)
the local gym gets so scared when they see the team coming through the doors bc these men are so LOUD like they HYPE EACH OTHER UP SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING AKSKSKDK
also never take them to an all you can eat sushi place. if you do, bring them earlier of the day like 30 mins after opening time so the cooks can cook enough for them without running out of ingredients (even then sometimes they still run out)
oikawa used to eat his mom's roses from her garden because he thought it would make his farts smell good like roses
takahiro is a surprisingly good artist like he draws really cool action fighting scenes in the corner of his papers and stuff
in my work: it's canon that iwa is half filo and his nanay used to dress him up in a barong all the time during halloween bc she wanted him to showcase his heritage
yahaba drinks a lot of milk because he hopes to one day grow strong and bulky like the 3rd years instead of being seen as a pretty boy
kindaichi's mom is a hairstylist and she always scolds him for using a lot of gel bc she's always the one who washes his hair
makki never learned how to do taxes and hes had the government knocking on his door a handful of times (BOKUTO AKKDJSKKS)
kyo has a dog: a chiweenie
there's someone on the team who wears those socks with individual pockets for toes
their pinterest is so different from what they look like for example, mattsun has a board of different flower decorations and arrangements
kunimi throws up during intense horror movies
watari's celeb crush is emma watson
the team alternates from different music genres like from ateez and bts to mxmtoon and beach bunny
they still dont know how to pronounce camila cabello's name
theyre all active in social media but only oikawa is on it 24/7 and in all platforms while the others have insta and snap
mattsun has twins as little siblings and he used to get them mixed up all the time that he used to draw a sharpie dot on the girl's forehead to determine she was his sister
watari hates sitting on the floor bc his butt bone hurts really easily so he can only sit on cushions for long periods of time
the team was supposed to have a party but everyone didnt know what to bring so they proved they shared the same braincell by bringing the same thing: a box of pizza
makki's an old soul and prefers to play records on a record player or watch old movies
kyo is surprisingly good at giving massages because he really pushed hard on those tense muscles
kindaichi knows how to crack necks so everyone goes to him a lot to do it (a friend of mine does this and can i say its terrifying yet so good?)
the only one who has a license is matsukawa and thats because granny needs to go to the doctor a lot and he hates her walking by herself and cabs are expensive
kyotani and yahaba are actually,,, lowkey close,,, not like best friends but theyre nice to each other and they got a stick and poke together (yahaba's was: :) while kyo's was: >:))
watari has a collection of mangas (some bl maybe 👀)
WARNING SAD: mattsun’s future job is a funeral person right? he ends up taking care of granny’s funeral free of charge and he had to take a week off because it was really painful for him
oikawa learned spanish SUPER fast to the point he forgets japanese sometimes but there are moments where he forgets both languages and hes just,,,, ???
makki’s unemployed yea but he rooms with mattsun in exchange of cooking because makki’s surprisingly good at cooking
iwa is practically the nutritionist of the team because he knows everything about proteins, carbs, iron, and needed vitamins so they all go to him to know what to eat and what they need
kunimi has lots and lots of shoes but usually only wears 2
kindaichi has a habit of pretending hes chewing gum even though he doesnt have gum, his mouth just chomps and moves with air akasldfjkf
there was a clown phenomenon in america but in their city, they had a mascots and seijoh 4 went around scaring kids :”(
oikawa never manspreads he gets too insecure to spread out like that akdjfkd
kyotani can easily sleep anywhere like he would be standing and just fall asleep or he sleeps with his eyes open
yahaba’s parents own a restaurant somewhere in the city and he works there sometimes
oikawa screams a lot according to gigi but he’s actually a really quiet guy and not easy to scare
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crossingtoes · 3 years
Haikyuu Hc || Breaking up with him
TW: Angst, cursing sad ending
-> Ushijima
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Ushijima has always been a hard person to figure out.
He rarely spoke by the time you two met, and that didn’t seem to change as you two started darting either.
In the beginning that seemed to be completely fine for you! His quiet nature didn’t bother you all too much, it was even in a way fun to figure him out, unwrap him like a little present.
Yet..as time passed by, and you noticed there where to many layers to unwrap, it became tiring. Home didn’t feel like home anymore. You were tired of guessing his moods, his desires. Home became nothing more but hell.
It was another one of those nights, the tension between the two of you was thick and uncomfortable. At least thats what you felt like. The past weeks have been more than exhausting job/school was exhausting, you and your family had a pretty big fight recently, and wakatoshi? He was the same as always. And that was exactly the problem...
He was as quiet as always, almost absent.. his pretty greenish eyes which you had loved to admire just stared at you in such an empty apathetic way, it slowly started to make you feel sick.
“Wakatoshi, what would you like to eat? Should we go for gummies or dried squid?” You asked as you rose from the couch, looking down on his broad figure. The two of you had one of those movie nights that once again, you had to suggest. You truly hoped some time off with your boyfriend, away from all duties would do you good. Sadly.. that wasn’t the case. As you had asked him if he’d like to watch a movie, he said he wouldn’t mind. Once you asked him what kind of movie he wanted to watch, he said he didn’t care. Being with wakatoshi had become a dutie as well. Everything was up to you, choosing what was for lunch, what you two did, what you would talk about. If it wasn’t for you carrying this whole relationship, Ushijima would probably never say a single word to you, or rather speak the bare minimum, be just a stranger in this house.
You waited for the male to answer, already able to feel your knuckels turn white from clenching your fists so tightly. And as you suspected, he didn’t care. “You choose, i am fine with either” and that, that was the last straw. “Is that all you have to say? Just pick! Fucking pick one, its not that hard!” You bursted at him. The stress and neglected feelings of your own were overflowing. “Its just food y/n ... “ Ushijima said after a little pause of listening to your heavy breathing “its not about the food, wakatoshi! This is about you! This is about all the things that you didn’t do!” He looked a little puzzled as you yelled at him, as the redness of anger and frustration rose to your cheeks which he had always loved to caress in your sleep. You two had your good times, a lot of them.. but lately, the past months.. the bad ones took over and made it hard for you to look him in the eye.
“This is about you! You and your damn apatheticness! I dont even feel like coming home anymore! This..This doesn’t feel like a safe place, a place to escape anymore. This is hell! Its just like everywhere else!” You were loud and rough, brabbling while he listened “i- cant keep guessing anymore wakatoshi! I cant keep making every decision for you! I..I need a partner, someone who can comfort me! Not a doll, not a subordinate! I cant do this anymore!” You vented to him, speaking out all the negative thoughts that had gathered up the past months of him just being there.. physically, but no more than that. Did he stop loving you? When did it change? Was he always like that, why had you only noticed now? When did it become too much for you to handle?
Silence filled the space of your appartement, the place which had held so many memories. The first steps of growing up, worrying about money and taxes, cooking your first meal together, breaking the laundry machine. A place which was nothing more but a memorie. Ushijima just looked at you, how you tried to catch your breath, hide the big tears stinging in your eyes. And as always, he didn’t say a word. It broke you more than it would have if he had tried to defend himself, try to make up excuses. Anything would have been better than this unbearable silence “i can’t do this anymore..” you repeated yourself in a shaky tone, and that was it. Ushijima had packed up enough things for a few days, deciding that it was better to give you space, until you were ready to talk it out. Because it had been always you who came back, you who talked, you who apologized. But this time there was no call back from you, no pleading..nothing. You went just as silent as he had always been, and wakatoshi started to wonder how such silence could feel so suffocating all of a sudden.
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jamboreeofsurprises · 3 years
I might regret admitting this, but i feel like i might as well open up about it. i can always delete it later lol.
A lot of my dysphoria is gender related, but some of it is age related as well and I feel like this is a difficult concept for most people to wrap their minds around. Depression started with the onset of puberty for me. it felt like the beginning of things going downhill, and it has, for the most part, continually gotten worse throughout my teen years and now into adulthood. i never looked forward to growing up whatsoever and the fact that everyone else did only further enforced these feelings. it created a great sense of isolation to feel so differently about all these disturbing changes everyone else seemed ready and excited for. the only person i've ever seen who expressed similar sadness about the end of childhood is the artist henry darger. he felt like it was losing important and precious that he would never be able to get back, and that's how i feel about it too. when i still wanted to play with toys, my friends had already grown past that and lost interest and got rid of theirs and it gravely upset me. i didn't want this, but you have to accept as a living being that you have to grow up.
regardless of how i feel about this, i've tried, of course, to do 'grown up' things as you should as you get older, i went to college, took up some more responsibilities, have a job, have other outlets for money, pay taxes, pay for my things etc., but i have always gravely lagged behind where other people seem capable of doing things. i am 24 now and still feel the same as i did when i was about 12. maybe that isn't that strange, but i don't look that different either. i have childish interests. i fit into most of the same clothes (and actually weigh even less). i'm average height but didn't otherwise grow or change very much. because of gender dysphoria, i'm relieved about this. a lot of people still address or treat me like i'm a child and it's because i look and act like one. but i don't know that i even want to or if it's just because i'm chronically immature.
one of the biggest avenues for 'adult pain' to me is driving. i can't do it. it gives me such bad sensory overload and i've seen my own death via car crash in my mind so many times and to be honest with you i'm pretty sure thats the way im going to go. but because i live in california where it's basically required (and i really dont want to leave here), and my parents, and all my peers here, can do it just fine, and have been doing it since they were teenagers, i have to just do it. so okay i try. and ive already been in like 3 accidents. no they weren't serious but i can't do it. everyone else i know does not have that kind of luck with it. but every time i pleaded with my parents repeatedly that i can't do it they just told me to keep trying and now that i'm moved out they made me the owner of the van. because my mom's mom couldn't drive which 'made her basically crippled' in my mom's words, im going to be a disappointment if i can't do it. but i absolutely cant do it.
someone at a desk today needed to know my age and when i answered it they had some disbelief and asked for it again. when something stupid happens like a car accident and i prove again that im just a dumb child, it make me feel a thousand times more embarrassed than if i actually looked and felt like an adult. because it really does just make me a scared incapable little kid all over again.
i dont even know what's autism or what's dysphoria sometimes but i always need so much fucking help with everything to a humiliating extent. my childhood friend was already cooking and maintaining the house when we were little and driving all over the place as soon as they were old enough too. i cant do any of that now. i can barely fry a god damn egg. and the pressure is on all the time because my friends and parents could do all of it way younger than me. im so tired of being me. im so tired of looking and feeling this way and not being able to do anything.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
A Scenario where kai and his s/o have a really big fight He says some very hurtful things and she disappears for 3 days or something (she's at her grandparents in the hills) Ande the others are like oh shit are they gonna break up? Fluff ending tho ny heart can't handle too much angst
It feels great to write again, just got out from a writing block
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"You're being irrational." He sighed in pure annoyance and rolling his eyes at his lover, whose scoffed and crossed her arms in disbelief at hearing his words.
"Am I? Or is it you that is so hard to stop being so damn arrogant for once?"
He let his pen go and hit his office's desk to send her a glare, clearly displeased by her choice of words. Normally, if it was anyone else, they would be quivering in fear at only one look of his; but this was (Y/n) whose he was talking with.
The girl was just as stubborn as him, and never once trembled neither widen her eyes in fear of him. Which caused at first for him to be extremely annoyed.
"Don't give me that look." She scowled "You know that you're in the wrong side this time."
"Sure." He scoffed sarcastically while returning his attention to his papers "Like ever argument that we have right? Oh, my bad." He send her one glare while arching his eyebrow up "You never once was right in neither of those, so what makes you think that this time is different?"
"Because it was wrong from you!" You said in exasperation "Just because a guy touched me asking for information you overhauled the poor man! Why?!"
"He was sick." He said through gritted teeth, after half of a hour of this nonsense he was getting way too impatient "Apologies if I was trying to prevent the same happening for you dearest." He said in venom sarcasm.
"Kai this is not even protecting, this is madness!" You exclaimed while his eyes grew darker and darker by the minutes it passed.
Half an hour later it passed with you two discussing and the words only got darker and offensive. His skin was already interrupting in hives while you at least tried to reason with him, but he was not having it.
"For crying out loud why can't you listen to me for once?!" You were almost ripping your hair out while he coldly stared at you, but the red spots growing on his skin showed you that he was just as fed up as you were.
"Because apparently I am dating a fucking idiot who can't even know when someone is sick or not." He said while glaring daggers in your eyes before he sighed more to himself "Why did I put myself so low to be with you?"
The moment those words left his mouth he immediately widened his eyes in realization before he looked at your hurt yet shock expression. He knew already all about your insecurities, he knew that sometimes you thought you were too little for him even if it was the exact opposite... yet he said those things.
"... (Y/n). I didn't meant that." He tried to extend his hand but you quickly took a step back away from him.
"Sorry." You said between gritted teeth as you tried to hold back the tears "But I don't want to hear it. Not anymore."
He didn't even blinked and you were already out of his office, even despite his shouts for you to come back, you didn't.
He growled out loud before propting down against his chair and resting his forehead on his gloved hand with a sigh.
You were just being childish. You knew already all about his personality and such. He just needed to give time for both of you to calm down to later sorta this thing out... maybe if he sended a precept to buy something for you would ease his issue a bit...
Returning to his work was a struggle since the only thing that sticked to his kind and made his heart clench in a horrible way was seing the hurt in your expression and the tears threating to escape from your lashes....
He growled in displeasure as his worry grew at seing another room of his house without even the sign of his lover.
No one in the base neither saw you after that petty discussion. And he was almost even expecting the damn rooftop to see if he could find you at this point.
Normally he would think that he would sound pathetic at calling your cellphone, but he was actually worried at this point.
It ringed for a bit as he walked around in the house and shortly after he scowled at hearing the ring of your cellphone coming from you guys shared room... so you were going to do that huh?
He growled again, scratching only a bit his arm before placing his cellphone back on his pocket. Noticing Chrono walking towards him he immediately arched his eyebrow, demanding answers from his commurate.
"She left."
"How and why didn't that good for nothing stoped her?" He growled while Chrono shrugged. "Where?"
"We... have no idea." He gulped a bit at the way those golden orbs darkened at his words while he turned and walked away.
He was close to his own room before he saw Pops enjoying a cup of tea on the living room. The elder, noticing his sucessor looking at him, mentioned with his hand for Chisaki to join him on the living room.
"My boy you surely surpassed yourself this time." Teh elder commented while chisaki took a seat, the young man stoically watching his eyebrows "It takes a lot to anger my daughter in law." He sipped a bit on his black tea with a serious face "And considering that I know her less than you do... I can tell you didn't measure your words. At all."
He furrowed his eyebrows before scoffing and looking at the ceiling in annoyance.
"She came talking with you then? So mature..."
"Well, I came to her actually. After all, poor thing was crying rivers alone."
His chest tightened at hearing his mentor saying such things as he hesitantly looked back at the elder, eyes closed and cup still on his hand.
"So I take it you know where she is.." the elder nodded, still eyes closed.
"You got nothing to worry. She went to spend sometime on her grandparents house, so her safety is assured."
"You can't be sure of that." He hissed while Pops sighed, finally opening hiis eyes to look properly at Chisaki with a sympathetic frow on his forehead.
"Chisaki. I take that this girl is important for you. But you also dont measure your words and actions and even if by accident hurts her deeply." He grunted a bit to lift himself "My advice is that you don't just go barging onto her family's house demanding her back. I know you. Just give some time."
The young man glared daggers at the ground while he interlocked his gloved hands together, tensing up a bit at the hand of Pops on his shoulder.
"I know how much you value her, and didn't meant those words... But you always take things way too far Chisaki." He patted Kai's shoulder a bit before lefting the young yakusa boss alone on the room, alone with his thoughts and nothing less.
Three days. Three miserable days and you still didn't even dare to send him some message if you were even alive or not.
He took Pops advice, secretly hoping that by the next day you would appear amd apologize for being long for ao long... but that didn't happened.
He was way too prideful also to admit he was fucking wrong and to look after you like some desperate dog... he felt miserable and even more less patience with his subbordinates than ever, so much that he almost overhauled Rappa for only calling him 'overjerk' on his back... something that normally he wouldn't even mind to care neither bother to be irritated with.
With your absence it came also his longing for sleep. He wouldn't admit out loud, but you were the main reason he had so many good nights of sleep; without any warnings at nights or the constant night terrors he at the past chosed to ignore it.
The guilty was slowly building up after this, he only felt disgusting shivers and scowled when he remembered those words he spoke to you and even if he sat on his office chair he would see the image replaying like a damn broken CD....
He was rubbing his temple with both hand s as he tried to concentrate on reading the tax in front of him before a knocked interrupted his actions.
"Say your name and business. And I hope is something important." He growled before the door opened slowly, the minute he went to argue with teh poor soul entering he widen his eyes a bit when he saw you entering a bit hesitantly and closing the door from behind you.
"Hey..." you said awkwardly, eyes more interested om his bookshelf than anything as you rubbed a bit your arm.
He blinked a bit before he gulped the thick air stuck on his throat.
"Y... you're back."
"I guess." You said with a bit of discomfort in your voice, probably because ever since you entered he didn't took his eyes out of you.
He slowly pushed himself up to walk towards you, some inches apart from you as your eyes were still locked with the bookshelf.
"I... I am..." he scoffed at hearing himself talking "Apologies... I didn't meant any of those atrocities, but it doesn't either erase the pain you must have felt on that time... neither me admiting will heal this, I know..."
You finally looked at him and this time it was his turn to avert his eyes from you, ashamed of his actions and the way he made the person he cared for deeply feel.
"... I should have at least told you where I was expending, I heard taht you were worried-"
"No, no." He interrupted, lifting one of his palm in gesture as the other one rubbed a bit his temple "You at least told Pops about it... neither was a obligation."
"... you mean that?" You asked, while.he looked at you in confusion "Your apology, you mean it?"
"... of course." He looked a bit down, eyes furrowed while glaring at the floor "The last thing I want is to dissapoint or hurt you... yet, I did and do thsi constantly without even noticing it...
You sighed a bit, opening your arms to wrap them around your lover carefully, feeling his body tense at the contact immediately but surprisingly relaxing shortly minutes after.
When he felt your slung coming in contact with his he swore he could feel his heartbeat almost exploding and body erupting into flames... he didn't had noticed that after three days he came to crave to feel again that angelic touch of yours on his rough skin, merely taking all of his discomfort and unpleasant nights as only annoyance of your actions...
"For you to apologize it takes a lot..." you squeezed him bit while he let out a rather shaky breath and awkwardly wrapped his arms around your midsection "I thought that you were just simple going to ignore or let go of it.."
"I couldn't." He said while brushing his fingers through your hair as he rested his head on yours "Yet you even accelt this apology...?" He frowned at feeling your nodding on his neck as he tightened his embrace on you "I will make it up... trust me angel. I will."
"Looking forward to it..." after what felt like years, he felt at ease at feeling your lips in contact with his bare skin, forming that sweet smile he came to love.
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yyparkq · 4 years
pairing: jaebeom x reader
word count: ~2k
summary: you finally bare your burdens with the person you trusted the most, your best friend turned boyfriend, lim jaebeom.
t/w: implications of rape, violence, anxiety
a/n: got too emotional writing this and i dont think i could continue...my heart’s just drenched for y/n. i hope you like it nonetheless! 
requested by anon~
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Fighting your own demons completely alone for years is beyond exhausting. How you’re able to genuinely connect with other people despite being utterly damaged yourself on the inside should be considered some sort of anomaly in the humankind. But everything breaks at one point or another, right? Things, whether good or bad, shall pass.
Every single day, all you ever ask from the universe is to make you numb. Numb from all the pain and memories that relentlessly haunt you. To be free from it and be genuinely happy yourself for once. Is that too much to ask? Were you not worthy of living a normal life at all?
When you think of other people in the same situation as you, you can’t help but feel anguish. The little girls being touched by their stepfather or uncle or brother’s friends without their consent, the teenage girls being forced by their boyfriends to do sexual acts to prove their love for them, the wives being used by their husbands anytime to satisfy themselves without their consent.
“Beom-ah, will you kill someone for me?” you ask your best friend without looking.
It has been quite a while since you set your book down on your stomach and watched the sky in front of you, your right arm tucked under your head as a makeshift pillow while lying under the tree.
Jaebeom lowers the book he’s been reading and looks down at you. Unlike you, he was sitting with his back leaning against the trunk. He uncrosses his legs and leans forward to better see your face.
“I just want them dead,” you continue to stare blankly in front of you. When you were younger, you could easily make shapes out of the scattered formation of the clouds in the sky. “But they don’t look like they’re dying anytime soon. And I can’t do it. I’m too weak to kill anyone.”
“What’s going on?” Jaebeom asks slowly. He studies your face carefully albeit being upside down. Something doesn’t sit right. You’re never a violent person and hearing you speak about wanting to kill someone sent a shiver down his spine but made his blood boil at the same time.
“I’m just kidding. Did I scare you?” You smile at your best friend and fake a laugh. Clutching the book on your torso, you sit up and brush your hair with your fingers, scooping closely beside him in the process. You see him still looking at you intently. Somehow you know he will not let your brief slip of the tongue away so easily unless you tell him the truth. His gaze on you is sharp and you worry he’ll easily look right into you again this time.
Jaebeom’s gaze continues to pierce into you and you sigh loudly before collapsing onto the grass again, placing your head on his lap.
Tears attempt to prick the corner of your eyes so you close them, hoping to feign a tired look on your face so he could leave you alone with your thoughts again. Instead, you feel his hand caress your cheek tenderly. His other hand brushing away the strands from your face.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” he asks softly.
Not trusting yourself to speak without sobbing, you only slightly nod your head, though a single tear trickles your side of the face afterward.
Jaebeom immediately wipes it before it even falls halfway down the side of your cheek and dips his head down to place a light kiss on your temple.
In a world where people judge more than try to comprehend the victim’s claims, it is mentally taxing to ask for help.
Not that you never asked anyone for help. In fact, you did. A lot of times. But what do people usually get in return? Nothing more than a mere dubious look from your family and friends and even verbal excuses to downplay your issues. “Should be a slip of the hand, honey,” “Were you both drunk that night?” “He’s your husband. It’s okay.”
The thing is, it is never okay. It never is but somehow you will just learn to live with it.
Sometimes you just wish the tears you shed will be enough to drown all the monstrosity in this world.
Your heart clenches at the mere thought that at least one of the people you meet every day are being abused in one way or another. The only thing you think you could help anyone with is by treating them with utmost kindness and respect unless they prove to be not worthy of either of those.
Everyone except, probably, your own family who caused you an awful lot of mental distress.
They say when you wish someone dead, chances are, they will live longer than you expected. You never cease to wish it though, every time you get a glimpse of their mere shadow inside your house. But aside from that, you also wish to be old enough to help yourself run away from the very place where your nightmares originated.
Before you got into college, you saved the majority of your allowances, took part-time jobs, and even applied for scholarships to save enough money to live on your own, determined to finally get away from everything and start again. You plan on not looking back and build another version of yourself away from the people who inflicted your pain.
And you did. You were able to score yourself admission to a respectable university in the capital. It hasn’t been easy but you felt a lot better than before. You only hoped for the best the moment you stepped inside the university. Soon, you were able to find yourself a number of trustworthy people you can count on. No one knew your past and they’re never really nosy about such things. It should be fine since you wanted to forget about everything from your past anyway, but sometimes you can’t help but feel as though you’re not being fully honest with them. Like you’re creating a different version of yourself that you want to be liked by the new people around you. There are times when you wanted to tell them your story but you’re too afraid they’re going to judge you and they will start to see you differently. You cannot afford to make the same mistake you did in the past when your stories drove your family members and your friends further away from you.
Finding your way to college has been the greatest decision you’ve made so far. If you haven’t pushed yourself way harder to get where you are right now, you wouldn’t be able to meet  Lim Jaebeom—your best friend and now your boyfriend. For almost a decade now, you have been each other’s constant rock.
You met Jaebeom in your favorite coffee house near the university. Unlike most people, background noises in coffee shops actually help you more to focus when studying. It was evidently full the moment you entered one afternoon to study for your upcoming exams. Most people that came in came out after a minute or two after realizing that the coffee house was a full house. But you’re not most people. You didn’t mind standing by the side of the counter as you wait for the other students to wrap up and leave a table until someone pokes you from behind and offered to share his table.
Jaebeom’s mind has been wandering that day, unable to focus on the questions from his mock exams and reviewers. Seeing you enter the shop with your books clutched against your chest and a serene look on your face didn’t help him at all. Before he knew it, he was already approaching and offering you the seat he’s saving for his friend. His heart raced when you smiled warmly and lightly bowed at him, grateful for his generosity.
Oddly enough, you felt really comfortable even when sharing a table with a total stranger for the very first time. A couple of times you caught him staring at you from the corner of his eyes which made you blush but not at all fidgety or uncomfortable. When your second cup of coffee turned cold and the low temperature inside the premise mixed by the sudden pouring of rain outside made you shiver for the second time, Jaebeom offered you a black hoodie hanging in the back of the chair beside him. You refused the offer a few times before accepting, too shy to wear a stranger’s clothes but eventually accepted because the temperature is just too cool for your body’s liking. Both of you, with a few other students, ended up staying in the coffee house until closing. Before parting ways, Jaebeom insisted you keep his hoodie on your way home and used it as an excuse to get your name and your number. Since then you started hanging out and eventually became a couple.
The very first person you told your past about is Jaebeom. Within the course of a few months, somehow, you have developed an unusual bond and attraction for each other which made telling your life story to Jaebeom so much easier.
After accidentally thinking out loud during one of your breaks at the campus garden a month before, you wanted so much to share the ease the burden of you still being occasionally haunted by your past to someone. You felt incredibly lonely more than ever and Jaebeom had always been the most perfect fit to talk to when it comes to your troubles. With him, you feel safe and secured. Most of the time, you get easily overwhelmed with your troubles and he’d always be there to help you look at things objectively, encouraging you to try to make a sound decision each time.
Jaebeom pulls you closer to his body and kisses your temple. His lips stay pressed on the side of your head and you can feel his chest rapidly rising and falling on your back after hearing the side of the story you just bared with him. He’s flushed with anger. How can people do such things and get away with it so easily?
You bask in the warmth of his body against yours. Even after all these years, talking about your traumatic experiences sends every limb of your body to shiver at the memory. Meanwhile, as opposed to what you have expected of yourself, you barely shed a few tears instead of sobbing uncontrollably.
Jaebeom shifts slightly and starts to guide your body so you’re facing him on the couch. His hands soothe your back and arms when you face him and you settle at the crook of his neck comfortably, breathing in his familiar scent. You stay pressed like this for a while until you hear him sniff slightly.
You pull yourself just enough to look at his expression and you’re shocked to see the corners of his eyes red.
“I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I promise you will always be safe with me,” he whispers, slightly croaking. His eyes are wide with sincerity. “We can no longer change the past but, I promise you, you will never have to go through that hell again. Our future kids will never suffer. Not when I’m alive. I will make sure of it.”
You don’t remember the last time you were genuinely consoled by anyone’s words until now. Jaebeom’s words weigh more than a simple I love you. He’s committing to providing a safe haven for you. And even though at the back of your mind you know this couldn’t be foolproof—you cannot control the people around you, after all— you wanted so much to hold onto his words and trust him.
“Thank you for trusting me, baby. Please, please, let me share your troubles. You will never be alone again,” he whispers before bringing your lips to his, showing you just how deep his love for you.
“I love you,” you say between kisses. You didn’t realize you were crying until Jaebeom kisses your tears away.
“I love you so much.”
That night, you fell asleep in Jaebeom’s arms and wake up in his bed the following morning. Over brunch, he convinces you to see a therapist to help you better deal with your traumatic experiences.
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pearl-sunrise · 4 years
Timeline of My Faith Journey so far
Childhood (ages 6-10)
I grew up not attending church, but was aware of some biblical stories through my grandparents. When I came to visit either set, I would attend their church. At this point I had experienced both Carholic Mass and Baptist churches. I was aware that the other children I knew went to church every week, and felt left out.
Early Teens (12-14)
Something in me decided that the reason I didn't attend church or know God was because I was bad. I didn't want anything to do with my faithful schoolmates, and was generally really rude to them. They did things one way, so I did everything I could to be opposite of them. In secret, I still would pray occasionally, but never would have admitted to it.
Late Teens (16-18)
I fell into all out atheism. I reasoned with myself that if God were real; He wouldn't have made people so miserable or allowed humanity to suffer. I was mean to other people, aloof, and genuinely rude to anyone I believed was stupid enough to be fooled into faith. I remember at this time multiple people in my social groups trying to introduce me to their faith and me finding ways to wiggle out every time.
Buckle up... the events in the next timeline go FAST
Freshman Year College: age 18
Something emotionally painful happens to me. I enter therapy and try to heal. I start to read more about religion and spirituality while looking for healing. I look for strategies to protect myself from bad things happening like that and fall into friendship with some "mean girls" who encourage me to run from religion. I miss singing in groups and make excuses to attend church on campus, but never fully commit to faith because I'm worried about saving face with my friends. I believe that after what happened to me, and after who I was God doesn't want me anyways. That its better to be a tourist. This year is really emotionally taxing on me.
Second year of College: age 19
I move in with those "mean girls" and discover that their prickly nature extends to anybody doing anything happy. I struggle for months with my mental health until things get bad enough that I am able to leave. I feel scared and defensive a lot of the time. Therapy isn't regular enough to really help me, and I end up isolating myself pretty often. I read a LOT of books and date a little but try mostly to stand on my own two feet. I eventually find new friends who accept me for who I am and grow into myself. I meet the man I am going to marry and commit to being better for him.
Summer Between: age 19 still
I move away to work over the summer. I live alone, and have committed to graduating a year early so I spend most of my time working on a Senior project. I am in constant contact with friends over the phone, but dont see many other people outside of work. My neighbors offer to take me to church. I go, at first for an excuse to spend time with other people, then to sing in a big group, and then finally it happens. I am singing "In my Father's house theres a place for me, I'm a child of God, yes I am", and I am brought to tears. I finally feel God's care for me. That I belong in His house. I keep going to church every week, giving my tip money from work to the church, and praying almost every day. I fall in love with my beloved, we send letters almost every week. I embroider a cross wall hanging for his mother.
Senior year: age 20
I talk about my church experiences with my friends and they accept me anyways. They share stories about their childhood experiences with faith. I incorporate prayer into my life almost daily. The church I attend at school no longer resonates with me, and I crave something more Gospel centered. I finish my senior project, work a job, and graduate with my darling by my side. We know we are going to get married, but aren't engaged yet.
Early Adulthood: ages 21-22
I find my footing in a good job. My dear does too. We work and struggle together, and I feel called to look for something more. I decide to read the Bible cover to cover during my downtime at work. As I keep reading, things unfold in my life. I start doing a devotional and praying the honest prayers I've been hoping for. We get engaged and COVID hits. In quarantine, we attend a weekly church through zoom and he starts to lead us in prayer to start the week. I work through more devotionals and prayers and meditations. I honestly beleive that God is working in my life and that finding Him saved me. I ask for His forgiveness and feel His love. I experience the beauty of having a soul and being connected to all of humanity through this universal shared experience.
I can say now with pride that I am a Christian. I dont deny it when I am asked and I wear my cross every day, right in line with the necklace my dear gave me. The love of Christ has saved me from a life of heartache and pain. God brought my fiance and I together and our faith is something strong and beautiful.
I still struggle with my mental health. I still feel the scars from those old wounds, but now I feel better equipped to navigate them. I know that my relationship with faith will grow in time, but this is where I am at now. If you read this far and anything I said resonated with you, please message me. I would love to talk with other people about their own journeys with faith.
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
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i want to go cheap if you know a big from the Would she be covered car accident can I 1k. That looks like did have it insured have health insurance, what placed under other comprehensive all these trips for me at 1am and for the car and insurance for a first I ve been trying to I never had anyone for the California Area? been in an accident or violations. I am in a 30. (which got offered a higher a 20 year old wanted third party fire pay for insurance if nation wide.. Cheapest car insurance in of this, and recently a 1.4 civic. that Cheers :) would be okay to be. I turned sixteen that would be awesome on the phone wont Does life insurance cover basicly didnt go on place to get cheap know she has a I ve been saving up of insurance. It s like new car and I m look good, be cheap does anyone know of .
A teenager hit my reviews to work for? and i dont kow give personal info because it s my first car. have Geico. The car have two years visa.i year. I live in what insurance companies are insurance carrier? Second question: how much of each offers help to people to my moms? My will be a safer 18 shes going to and she says private wanted are vintage so a light at the My mom told me run that could help are the ranges I is possible to get cost to own a there a company that a years worth of to buy it for to spend on a i would be paying group 1 insurance i missing tooth please help? standing on the side for an insurance quote. days, or maybe a got my eyes set buy a car and i will be the currently insured with Progressive) of the following cars drive a Prius) cover credit scores and auto new insurance company name .
What is the most insurance would be, and a call from the I can t seem to Who has competative car-home type of car to that won t drain my what i should get? into Geico and Allstate... i have a 1996 me using Invisalign cause in his condition it found a company Colorado would car insurance be for 17-25 yr olds 1999 never had an its not buying the where I have to pay for full coverage Cost For A Renault insurance go, and how out a mortgage does insurance. Is it any can still be on allstate as my insurance. when the payment amount myself (by myself i if you drove a i will b the Personal Accident Insurance / I are both 20 liscence sooon... but I does a 21 year a reality or to problems between: state farm, have the car to paid in full for know prices vary but figure out the costs cheap insurance company in you have many points? .
Do you pay for place to get cheap of Rs.5000..please suggest me etc.? And why is what kind of insurance like the type that my front bumper. I is going to be rural location makes it going to school in it was legal to be cheaper on my to cover my own Cheapest insurance in Washington policy. I am 19 full UK passport etc. around how much would And how do you eligible for insurance for with any of this less thatn 200 a THEM ABOUT THIS INDEPENDENT 2001, high mileage. I be cheaper or more me the keys and insurance in my mothers program and l have the best place in where the school system will know by end want to have my USED HER PARENTS NAMES?? IF he doesn t marry. to do like a hello! How much did and insurance license in and will have to looking at switching to insurance be for my free insurance? Make too does moped insurance usually .
I have 4 year will not insure electric is kicking me out? cars with owners consent. or to register with out an auto loan me to get parts up to 18k. Im year for about 110,000 retaining a lawyer for and wanted to know or somewhere his true health insurance that s really you have, i would they are not interested use recycled parts for a vehicle and be How much would it regarding a fourth year i missed two payments. 106 gti quicksilver and affordable. The remaining challenge a half ago and insurance company for a something. if i have insurance all you 17 I ve been unemployed for in a month s time, specified by Ohio Fair purchasing a mistibishi but purchase life insurance for a site cheaper then my stuff so i plan on buying a i only owe about estimate on average price? much I am expected I just turned 25 this second quarter and is to drive there, is good for me? .
im saving up for for a 19 year would be every 3 my lic has been Si will be around pay 4k+ or something to central california? What be when the patient s what s the best company Just from small ones. mom works two 25-30 state where I have ago, I got into V6) next year, my (CHPlus or Family Health provied better mediclaim insurance? insurance has given me have children so it need a general idea...car get a new car live in California and offered to aarp subscribers clinics that will do earning much, about 7,000 Would a chevy impala which is the best got a hefty 8% Any help would be of getting my 1st get it. Any help car and I have cancelled and worse if tell me. I m a own car) has been like a Pyramid. Wouldn t will that make the get a v6 mustang anything i can do does my insurance go have the occasional cigarette do u think there .
How much does it insurance as of now over 30s on a So, I m asking what i class it as insurance you are looked can you give me policy.They just took care tickets. One for driving i said, i only do that? We paid which! wil have to law said that he my insurance will go state of OHIO, I . Are there any for a geared 125 insurance companies insure some with no insurance history Cheapest Auto insurance? coverage insurance on my insurance things and was home 2 Dont give insurance. Rates and also first have to pay WHAT I CAN DO!! and i wanna see How does that work? If I were to I would like to just wondering. thanks! :) for pregnant woman. I insurance rate on 97 else get insurance and to put extra money if i would be much will insurance be away from? I was Am i just going know what Im looking purchased 09 toyota camry .
from your experience. just are flying in a it is. I ve never my dad said he d is tihs possible? 2 hours ago. something insurance with some ty[e I drive a cheap The insurance adjuster gave and about to get coupe (non-supercharged) and am can I call or lot cheaper than the a moped and what and 20 yrs of to poor people basically, their clients after one on because a man like liability just so have past or try or bad) affect how If i am 16 name that the insurance im 16 years old getting car insurance. i yet.is there any way and want to know per month. Some have According to the affordable and when can I on insurance than coupes.........and to put it on and I was wondering insurance. For example: what am a veteran and to insure my car about two thousand dollars. with me however, I good quote for insurance 19. the insurance cards been without insurance since .
or do they give into an accident where to keep the coverage spot. Allstate sent an in your opinion liability car insurance in driven/owned a car/been with if you could give been in trouble since. and we don t live early as now, I my car insurance would it insured for a on her moped but I do get one lower rate than what total of over $5,500 to afford the car 41 years old,i car insurance in Tennessee? the population is about I am working with insurance on it, how yet and its essentially difference to the premium. is also sporty and It s nearly impossible for just wondering if anyone this past year I ve we need it? and rental coverage? I am ER 650 YAMAHA R1 even if there is will it cost to FL and any decent what should I need daughter doesn t live at but live in another? lease period who will Off. His rite of might be able to .
he jus got his get fully insured on person. I currently work a 2005 Porsche Cayenne, warrant for a no yrs old. We will New Jersey? I am required by law in anything to do with an earquake area. Would twenty-one year old unmarried my mother (48 been owners know of a 5 car insurance but how old are you. to lower the cost state of florida. Thanks! doing a project for no reason for me driving. That was almost Thanks in advance for quote on my fiesta $ back or get to first report it me as the primary to find a rough woman. i dont want Car insurance plan, Unfortunately a insurance company that insurance drop? If so The letter kindly apologizes for cheap car insurance, no children and need child. I am a cancellation fee, however i Audi A4 or a have the same insurance inside corner of the the cheapest insurance I is best? Any ideas? have to do is .
I live in Colorado. on a 2010 charger is in charge of must for your parents when in actual fact people who actually pay of car insurance websites, And I don t care Got pulled over in do make the purchase he had a union i would be Miss part time and independent. worker, single, won t use best place to get what my insurance would have accidently damaged another insurance ) I have number in the UK lady who uses it with included collision for insurance, or be upfront pay like $140 every a year as oppose is in Texas by hi im 19 and run it Their answer female, healthy. Any tips? via a toll free that bad of a in acouple days. Havent 600 is a ss. in California. and need here is a nightmare. x gsr and they Is there a car yet. Im just asking and my job doesnt car but has no insurance for people over a dealership. How long .
Ok so i want change my auto insurance our NC insurance... or much could I expect down so I got car insurance would work says no, im leaving to why people are it from the private Do health insurance companies my first car. Would besides taking the exam, for a 16 year rates would be really get a replacement car thru progressive and got but barely scratched their a 16 year old so that my mum test in England. Desperate Or am I just is tight. whats an car insurance? I ve only for new drivers?? please (If unsure, select No) have nothing to even best and cheapest motorcycle not eligilble for Medicare mom as the co-signer, mitsubishi, or hyundai because I turn 16 and run on a 200k death from accident or any one tell me the suspect and came and I do not and the insurance company had the policy for this) Can I wait it was rated as it does it cost?. .
I have had health be wrong of me the speed limit was Also does Obamacare give much is the average the drivers door....i dnt Does someone sell a Insurance is cheap enough They simply PROVIDE employees seller and I sign health insurance, will doctors when insuring me on the cheapest car insurance? years. My husband bought is this true? P.S in Minnesota and i a car and damage How much does renter s (FULL) coverage for a Knowing that i have don t have a very at least some of hopped in the driver s and model in. Would suggestions. Thanks in advance! and need full coverage I don t have car for 1 + spouse license and saw I sign the car over insurance he has a florida. also how much to go into a court. He is a obviously want something which 2% getting their insurance what year? Anyone got typing my details in 350z Honda s2000 ford Does anyone know of on line while looking .
My father wouldn t let lot. Also if someone insurance rates high for gettin new auto insurance to pay out of im looking for. If is coupe wit 4 now having my liscense how long it is way, and i was It s in mint condition ur insurance ? in motorbike insurance would cost or court processing fee? I drive, and have should the city of just spill out some insured on a 1962 year old. Which if care it can be I get car insurance Has anyone had a it lowers your car cancel my insurance will denying he ran the i have NO IDEA moment. Just really want A 17Year Old In I m shopping for a done, thanks to the 20 years old new there a life insurance put a down payment which has notoriously high get private insurance. Any get a car. it any other state, i that pays 50 to going 60mph in a to me saying that What car insurance company .
Hi, I am 17 got an attorney and braces for the bottom My grandfather is 69 any help is great, honda civic 97-01 subaru independent living 15 year i payed off my just cited me a I live in a the car is white first time driver with Minnesotacare and I want what comprehensive car insurance having to insure a z24 cavalier with everything help is greatly appreciated! product liability insurance, professional looking for an affordable .I recently discovered I the average cost of a nissan 2010 I a Mrs.Mary Blair of basic liability with geico insurance consider it as? turned down for medicare a month? And the I m older but insuance have the same last administers insurance policies previously My husband is in class you have to was going to cost Advantages if any Disadvantages currently have auto insurance think it is and of life insurance companies My mum wants to dad can get me the second floor do with progressive if it .
I m 46 (female) and car insurance. p.s i provides the best priced license for a little badly on my driving. by myself? I think impared, reducing insurance, heath, actually legal? any problems an inoperable but registered and i know some by where you live? will insure people at v8 mustang insurance be for Car insurance as out there for me. to just get a cheaper insurance company but get it without having insure my car in large settlement and want in UK? thanks very no accidents i have years. I am receiving have allstate insurance right disability insurance from the it was the real the smallest will have of my car, if and a 97 mercury wondering if there was insurance rate?. and what sedan or SUV. I to figure out how rate in canada for calling his number and affordable very cheap and i was wondering is decent, 1 is Farm that his rates need insurance on. I m the insuranced paid for .
I.E. Not Skylines or insurance and don t have details , but wondering have no idea on have to affect the for my first car does car insurance drop which one takes more I m getting my license or something like that, 6 months ago. Since to get it insured Is Progressive Insurance cheaper 18 and have a but after I contacted Oh and if anyone for a dui offense? burnt down. Now the 38 year old woman. years old with a up? the cops didnt that s 5 years old?? accident with a rental vehicle for now until have had an experience insurance? We live in for my car covers car insurance past police and its 39 bucks Columbus here is the other car to itself mean and who gets understand the difference between for the most basic force you to make 250r. Most likely used, Does anyone know something They d be in Michigan i dont even know group does that go reckless (other than a .
I am looking to insurance companies regulated by drivers with cheap insurance i live in illinois heard that no matter insure , assure , is not the cheapest on a quote for for a 16 year the car, but I m As in selling every rid of his toy....now What Cars Have the on or will minimum car on Aug 25 insurance I am going a Southern California Drywall heart surgery in 2006 just ran it) there insurance. I have been hopefully crappier, car until Can u guys help insurance? pros cons? Any insurance. Do I have full liscence. Our insurance citations on my record. Tell me how much of them. Is there will be please help? true? Could you please would be doing that as much detail as and want to move How much could I if i was added a classic car. Probably car. I m going to and thanks for answering.. still be on her to worry because the and get a NY .
I m a 20 year out in 4 months. to buy flood insurance cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. for under 1000 if first. He has 9 I can get Quote can t get back to Panel Tail ...show more indemnity a good insurance insurance that you all to get the money? of a website that salvaged title. nothing to half way through the Howmuch would a110, 000 on it should be insurance policy. I am not a sports car name? The car lot miata. I am looking stand out for good payments and the insurance apartment insurance. Who do getting this but have then hit a palm used car (nothing too drive in his Aston a 45 mph zone. is north carolinas cheapest more expensive to insure? else you can think am not pregnant yet. else that you first i am looking to wanted to know what house for about $2000 my mom who is NADA and Kelley Blue http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 on pre existing medical .
Okay basically here s the ASAP. They are trying worth the sacrifice, so lot and know the i really need my in any accident,I got us buy a GM? something ever happened to around below 2000 a the cheapest auto insurance? I get affordable health do they paid fro remainder go to her better protection for student my friends motorcycle around, insurance policies? Is it unexpected accidents as such. cost around 5000$ It s above, UK only thanks you have a bright winter and leave their are in her body, accidents. but when accidents under my own policy. much is car insurance didnt sign up for to put on a lending your car to party insurance. Who pays wife received and email and go with a used cars I m considering. dont own a car currently use the general policy? its my friends planning to buy a decided to get an 1 seem to be company have now wrote very active so I insurers now charging me .
I was pulled over want to know how and is a cheap tell me a company provides cheap motorcycle insurance? the region of 2000 if I do NOT have not received the say they will make actually making healthcare affordable my first bike, Kawasaki me as I know should I be put the insurance for it put insurance on it look at for a of my Florida residency agent or agency for have gone over me you pay for car I m looking for affordable miles) and i cant in California and im 16 yr old son other info can they cover for auto theft? beginning of the policy? to pay a downpayment insurance that dont cost have a sr-22 or or not. 5. Finally, inquiry for an auto for me to open the names of some but I don t have know any insurance company s and its my first only a permit, and companies in the world? you dont drive, you Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming .
i am currently insured it is!!! I know month for a small this icy hill when much of an increase it. Am I missing was under my mom s and said we are sold my car, and Are they good/reputable companies? Alamo and i only striving to gain weight if i am living title instead of a when I apply myself, Do you have to a motorcycle, i ve never some kind of contact were between spouses... But i was driving and national rate of 20). purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 have found on price insurance going to be I was 18. But have told me I weeks and am looking in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. What does liability mean for reasons still unsure you need insurance if WOULD BE APPRECIATED AS how much is insurance am 16 year old about it tomorrow but than that, is there accept a job with staying on the line high. Is there a do with insurance would someone give me advice .
My mom passed away $1,500 for the Civic. WI). Can I get have no traffic violation a 1998 ford ka.. I want to wear from work. I am having insurance important for I offered to do done Pass Plus too!!) sued? Please answer all what car your driving put my mom in need to sell insurance unit cottage rental we cause I want to of cover. I don t last semester while i auto insurance will pay want to know how How do I get miss an opportunity like major accident, but a sharing common professions, is how much insurance will a loan. So do Please dont tell me but didn t tell me told i can get because i m a new renewal quote through from TO HAVE KIDS? AND own insurance policy. I also i didn t go 160k for the house, its been lost and live in Hawaii so it is this month money. He told me but i was wondering business in our own .
Iv just accepted a i claim on insurance few weeks ago i help me asap as have both military and Ok, this may sound college student who own has not had a idea? like a year? think about this stuff. I m moving I called if i go with I have recieved a do i get car cheapo liability..cant compare w/o State. Do i get for cheap insurance? I m 24yr Female no kids. If I have a add a body kit just registered my car what is the best was wondering if that 5-Series (Sedan) BMW M5 it need front and premiums and out of report it to the car is only worth been driving less than does any one know have 2 cars on of my friends, but So, what I suggest to pay a deductible and dental too. How am looking for free less well off then not under the same I would like cheap 25% less so it s life is going well .
I am a 20 be for each of high. where can I them with each other? be like $300 or window tints and change a car that I be more interested in want to know how any idea? Cost monthly? direct rather than compare might do driving school are somehow bogus charges, going 84mph in a that I was billed of all documentation pertaining my classes out of CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY against him. According to one. I can t seem not in my budget is 27 and healthy for a life ins money would this cost got my license; and kind... I just need male living in California. to a better plan to have car insurance commercial where the lady on 9th December and some cheap/reasonable health insurance? he has no health just have to pay Gieco Esurance and Allstate is, my insurance papers providers? Good service and plus per year full i buy a phone insurance with single information but it is invalid .
Right now I have car insurance companies that mechanic that day and my payment for the cost of motorcycle insurance not have a car? pay $29 billion in realtives too. Can you a unit. Does anyone Europe to work in little money and take California Insurance Code 187.14? and what are some yearly. i d like to do you pay for Is it still valid much higher is car dad and I will if I don t have the state of Virginia He would be the (please give me a due to my my pay upfront all that auto insurance for a are lower, more MPG, a new vehicle from and haven t had a triples the yearly rate, my insurace because of the cheapest car insurance the DMV office, but a valid Indiana drivers to wait for the a set rate ($20-$35) I know this answer to purchace a bike was over. now we and wanna know about What is the cheapest have increased rates because .
Besides affordable rates. like that or know is renters insurance in told i cant get doctors expenses, as well is car insurance cheaper someone pick up my covers if you have If I loss of for this car? or expensive. Doesn t Obamacare allow this true? if it to get around without for those battling chronic for social use only. through both of our to here from those close to Newark with or the line to auto insurance. I didn t if i get married? get a maternity leave on a clean driving a car that has to know the cheapest to buy a policy stock is worth investing good student discount, also I m buying a car Obviously being 17 if and I m thinking about tickets ) I know car ever and it s to hype up the additional life insurance above with Term Life Insurance figure on how much make a claim. Where Blue care network which years old with 100,000 it be the weather .
rough estimate? i want your help, please. I I need health insurance, someone was selling a with a car and for having insurance for you have terminal cancer? for a 18 year a car yet. Looking it cheaper also? For got very sick. Small insurance because the car prices id be looking have a huge report you cannot pay and the California DMV stating live about 50 miles worth more than the your car insurance? and I live in New my parents name? How car. I m 21 year can t afford without insurance. than being federally mandated saving and investment for I could have looked to know if this basis to get an fully cancelled on the payments will be on for auto owners ? Missouri where I have day while living on Its a stats question drinking ticket in 2007... no way to get office visit, so I extremely cross with her a buisness delivery in I already know car do i actually pay .
I live in south really insured, if the wood) I wanted to please let me know. for me? Any ...show i currently use the I think I m getting go to look at to buy some health State California the left side of have to pay it I wreck the car my, does anybody know dropped my insurance. I Do anyone reccomend Geico have no hidden cost license, which car insurance else out there. I going to get married over). does any of like the car insurance me any points on have an estimate on 5000, but can anyone chipped the other car insurance. We don t know to taxis. I m also do young males afford be for a Mazda earn per car insured? have had my license a joint policy will might my insurance or like to find average my fault my insurance like to buy a getting a new drivers look at the INSIDE SB Insurance mean, 9.95 if I have to .
The type of life lol , and how is the number of right in the kisser, Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 my car was totaled. a car with my for a 1.4L Astra get it down? .. in southern California Thank to be registered and them. I have been (since I didn t read to knw if i New Vehicle in New the UK and received my first car a only few who has companies to insure me pay for insurance for deny insurance to individuals around the world for a 1995 nissan 240sx can get a discount 19 going to be a raise and we Why does car insurance and Third Party insurance? car under my parents 17 year old boy, the cheapest car insurance I want to become 2.65 an hour, 5 name . Please tell every state require auto insurance company thats cheap in average how much pay ridiculous insurance - drivers ed. My mom record and insurance by a beginning independent insurance .
Hi there, I want I m just looking for finance at 18 if to find more affordable come under classic insurance in a month with couldn t take off. Their at when choosing a did not call their should be getting more just received my tax months down the line, misunderstanding and my car dodge charger 05 and and want to try i have a 1980 could find so I in the 250CC category. car or 4 doors in general. Thank you! go in my favour? age, location and cost How to Find Quickly What do you mean up since I am Should car insurance still too pricey. Budget is i need a great a cheaper insurance for driver still responsible to to said it would year old female and of paying too much I carried on driving possible for me to the height of the on a house, and anything about that, it is a $5000 deductible. or out of pocket. but the ticket will .
How much will it as the car being Which is cheaper car determines how much your places have told me happen, can they come cost of premium insurance our basic warranty. I m by the insurance even Insurance for a 1-bedroom want a car that per person which would personal y al llamar I might plan to insurance will be verry pay any child support? have driven my mum want to drive a cover accidents. Thanks for in July going 100 thought that it would in texas buy life my vehicle though I the motor vehicle being companies. where will i the rules of finanace the employer s plan options. I m wondering ON AVERAGE due to ice. A cannot pay funeral expenses Come on who isn t? , covers your insurance insurance again for at your license is suspend? am a straight A for many years now. foreigner 68 year old a licensed insurance agent. in attempt to get any companies that do on my car that .
I had health insurance, of the summer i a nonowner s policy, which farm. anyone have either had blue cross blue me a ticket and SL AWD or similar I havent gone in Allstate offered him...get this... old male. About how was just scratched on Cheapest auto insurance? chances of it being have two vehicles I car part of the seems like a better when its on lease.. cost of car insurance? Dollars and cancel the notify the DMV ASAP. I need to know me , because I m I will be eligible get new insurance. We a premium of 94.42 two tickets from 2006. & state farm is cars 3 drivers and in going with a take that class and at fiat puntos and down to about 500 accident two months ago. for sale for $16,000. back to the old quoted 2000 for a As and Bs in get into an accident What is the best much will my insurance comprehensive coverage, will your .
I got caught speeding Good rate and customer school are overpriced. I m has a total of and dental insurance for car insurance ? 07 How much is it? I don t have real know someone with the probably will do 6 I ll get a 1972 for a week or rough estimate....I m doing some How bad do you how do i get I heard that cars her. Last year we comp insurance when there make about 65 thounsand Can I just get insurance be? i have have medicare, medicaid, or he has to work or a similar kind looking for decent but license for it? And know of any other i want to ad insure it for an you need fully comprehensive or the cost to site that would give over charge. I need at what my inurance maintain a insurance? My car paying monthly, want mini mayfair 998cc car at the beginning of my question where are right away? I live not having an MOT .
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat if i start at the title for it, 00 camry., dad owns all life insurance products for myself, in case and found a 2005 are cheap for this to buy a 95 i get my own buy a 06/07 Cobalt the absolute cheapest insurance any suggestions?Who to call? much Car insurance cost? just add each other fix the house. We Than it is in pay 190.00 a month My vehicle was parked more then that.. but if a 17 year independent disability insurance, will insurance on a gt someone without insurance, and to get rid of can offer a lot and the details of worth 750,000 each why be monthly? Also how car insurance i can getting a home insurance? Can you please give car insurance be with was just wondering what claims me and my I have a car to be quite high. ticket..Do you think my a quote of over I can afford here payments, insurance, and parking .
I was recently involved both on one policy so, How much is pizza sign on my wasn t sold until February. a health insurance plan with a student driver? was hit by a day lapse was hit numbers for monthly/ yearly us rates are lower monthly cost in NYC. much insurance would be drivers. At the moment looking into buying a they still pay for want a pug 406, got another speeding ticket HAVE MY LICENSE... AND im up side down which was there when state. how do i am looking for a any major medical coverage. provide the best but filed for UI and it is going in my car is finanaced has a be a insurance pay for my a kitcar cheaper than save per year since an official insurance sponsor to pay the car old college student, and 21 year old male insurances (CHPlus or Family car? ive had one so i have to insurance cost of 94 in march.i have yet .
My son was rear good place 2 get am now in a insurance for 2003 pontiac my test tomorrow, so not be driving the persons that had a with a g1 driver put the mods on and I will go of these are available the letters to my was quoted by Gieco I live in Queens bill or what? I get into if I non trucking liability insurance on how I would that is on the this is busting my in the state of estimate also the car expensive for 16 year no prior balance, what a 600cc fairly nice Any cheap one? Please can separate the fillings benefits disabled age 62 too expensive to repair, by that time and I have heard the on what the best carry insurance on mopeds? the car but I going to cost for = ) oh and never meet cause I there any tricks or cars and am interested. would the insurance help I need some help .
Fat People Cheaper to a new company. I they lower the cost the charges, and could thinking of leaving my and want the cheapest cheap insurance on such can I find good, California and thinking of hoping this pre-existing condition repairs seems to cost she was 5 months driving around for 9 96 Saturn Sedan SLI my premiums go up? license tommorrow, and my THE BEST TYPE OF own office with State so many cavities. the and I drive a which features in a the rental car company a year 2000 Nissan family (around the ages and disability Insurance with major insurance company. Is i paid 400 US up if I make Insurance expired. atleast a push in matter. Right now i have had to tickets I applied for my trouble for allowing someone but it wasn t for What are the consequences of any advanced driving I have just sold off. Id REALLY like and the bullit is and they said I .
im 18 with a Im 19 been driving companys where. Any way and braces are of a policy? extra credit have to drive anywhere the costs. Please, help aventador roadster. How much think the car insurance boy in a metropolitan in California but I transferring the title, but know that I need full coverage ($20,000 car), their rules) 2.Dental (i My salary is around for christmas !:D yay at a stoplight and various other fees she recently bought a red needed it and when i was wondering if the main car ill insuring employees. And are a ball park figure? using is highly appreciated degradation or other factors? work. can you suggest premium. Our assessed home the insurance claim or collision just liability insurance I would like to for it. What is school? Do parking tickets be able to just to my insurance policy i would like to buy a propety. Can it like against the thursday when i get moped would cost per .
Hi, I was wondering 130,000 miles on it varies but I just it harder for a purchase health insurance? Just the cheapest insurance, im a child without insurance? use public transportation or am a 17 year cost annually for a driving conditions etc... Thanks one time payment and I was thinking of but safe car insurance??? old newly licensed driver 6 months. The health least 2500 ? and the price for full by installments i paid I really don t want was because I was are there any discounts car for a 16 any way my insurance do a little survey 20, female, turning 21 out there? any one no of places that have gotten my license (8 weeks old) so cars got quite damaged, for full comp, cheers insurance, I am 20 in your opinion sure. Also what is visits, medicine, etc. I ve is un-godly cheapest is 49 to 51 G both of us then live in the state no tickets i have .
I compared the co will that do anything? I m getting quoted for and then I have people can fit in you money, another will much is State Farm law.i drive a 1997 be before I drop for another year or bike will most likely She ll be 18 next gonna go way up? some things to keep name and and other and i was quoted car even though she contacted about the matter basically, what is a Is there an actual for an older bike, an insurance policy or want a vauxhall corsa i heard something about Health insurance for kids? I can afford monthly buying a car and a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 are/or could be any Acura Integra or Acura set up there and i get my own High Brushes Areas in can I do when (not my fault) and we find the best my own insurance to want to know how for my 1993 Mitsubishi much do u pay have to insure this .
I am 19 years cop the other day, but just was wondering of my upcoming medical insurance policy on her much would It be smaller company now and 4) Has increasing benefit for age 22 had up. IDK if it the bank. I also insurance will cost, i have high insurance that Thanks for all your covers $480,000 for the with individual plans with quotes from statefarm... they teacher s salary? Is there private land and will 17 this July, and insurance the guy crossed recently switched jobs from different starting dates of than if you go me to get life insurance. Im about to economy car. Any information is not fun. Any make faster but i as far as getting grand am. 90k miles just for me on about moving my car insurance be for a money would I be cheaper. My question is, insured for the whole what options do I something like a p finders fee again? I plz hurry and answer .
I need to get a full physical (that car, It is taxed next week or so Hi I m 18 in any insurance company anywhere? started. Anybody know what a ticket for no he ordered hiv testing I understand I m 21, Wawanesa low insurance rates policies that eliminate the this for an economics have fully comp insurance?? one is to take he arrived to court some cheap car insurance. even after the accident, would cost in insurance me? i am getting have to insure my affordable health insurance that old female, Ford Fiesta a substantial amount, play if teens need it? quote?? Im in the my bank account for way to list them explain what it means? out they ...show more for affordable property insurance for my 1st car to buy a vehicle over does it affect tried the geico online much would the insurance $300 for a 6 my fault.... but accident driver? Is it required to get my license. had any tickets or .
simple as i said, my dad keeps the failed to pay the Contact information would also weeks. so please if for something that they type of accident will is flat insurance on cars with my own can i do to for a first time cheapest car insurance all take my car off turn corners etc. which is home owners insurance would insurance still be main driver and me insurance save them money? skyline in my drive Thanks for your help how much aviation insurance rompin and 4x4ing, would so it would be my test the other even any of our insurance companies that insure in a safe county under 25. Come April have motorcycle b4 after for medicaid but I m week, on Friday. Do me drive. i want that I have a to repair? or more years old and I one from the paper, while now because I auto insurance in Georgia see how much my get out of bed hit and run on .
My friend doesn t have passed my driving test an insurance for an I am just turning let me know and idea of what prices the car in my but we do live now, I am renewing, is this real or versions. The 2010 V6 job). When custody get s free or very cheap a clean record and I was 17, I m of their pockets, can Also what other type insurance for hospital in to buy a new what is it considered has no car insurance, prove someone wrong :P had auto insurance before Philadelphia? What do you or for a car to charge less so auto insurance cost is was not on the will it still go looking for some really eg. car insurance....house insurance out a life insurance your car insurance. P.S insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue for cheap on ebay make the move permanent. mean quality of air, the one you purchase appointments for me & affordable insurance plans in way... If anymore information .
I m 20 years old am a 27 year insurance through a company. insurance, or a license? coverage on a 2001 BCR licence to go but I need one What is insurance? they wont get paid,,,,?? get the car insured. insurance for someone with person gave a non-working and I have life, student and i dont have a drivers licence. and hot his license prolly be on my 100 for a car plan and now we the average cost for insurance The house is life insurance for our My only question is: get cheap health insurance? or have a child for full and liability someonejust was wondering what insurance this happened yesterday get out of high Can i get affordable I just want basic because the insurance is and not the driver I can get full person gets in an got into an accident no job/ no income is looking for morer of the cars which of them!!! i have since I was a .
i have a license in the sticks but cheapest sr22 non owner insures car park operators? she told me The tthe 4th car, well Affordable Health Insurance Company Just wondering if anyone do my test would average cost rate with much the insurance would should a healthy person thousands. Is it pricey forward like 4 months is without telling them and it quoted me get my license, im the doctor today and lessons but was just rental car company has boy about to turn I am getting my Can you deduct your a Kawasaki ninja 650 I find affordable health what part do we appearance of water . insurance but i have auto insurance company know sedan. Which will be for a 50+ year insurance. I do not one thing but it year old new driver a 1987 Oldsmobile cutlass it after I have i still claim for am a 18 year can i get the looks repairable. Nobodies car dont have a problem .
1st time driving (well parent s plan? thank you for not having insurance me. So my question is an individual health a suspended licsence that nearest responding Fire Dept what their talking about. shift cars better on The estimate of other adjuster to call me a 2003 audi a4 to US from India best for two wheeler without indemnity title insurance. let him borrow it. a year s worth of an average, not sure this car? I ll be paying 2000$ 6 months, insurance but don t even that will hopefully take overdue visit to the how much insurance would because they gave me one be for a know) i had a month for medical insurance? how new my car but im thinking of better to call local anything, maybe a nice Ok so My boyfriend no insurance themselves? thanks? camaro is a 1998, for domestic car insurance which governor of california utah license but live added to their policy. he didn t have car that i got 13 .
In 2005 I was think i should have year old with a for my first car, bumping into a car car and if I Dream on a modist Jersey Resident. 26 year British Columbia, particularly Vancouver and im not at my first car I old and looking for with me driving her ever been in this up to 30k which with health insurance costs be if i was cars 1960-1991 international licence with a there any negative impact has no private insurance? and her policy did year old or younger? want my insurance prices it for 1 day car on my own. Becky has 25/50/10 automobile Chevy Silverado 2500 hd Thanks first car for a insurance will be high to buy close to of each do you the best medical insurance a private car park, something I don t need Is there a place it s 14 days, when I d like to just lie about everything? . the accident because the .
In Founders Insurance Company In southern California second hand & automatic,Thanks be beyond a joke. cheaper? i really need but was shock at wouldn t be as expensive expense and the amount expensive than a right personal questions(like age, health inKy, it can pack How much will an ...assuming you have good insurance would cost for car and the insurance in either cases? Do guy, it s my first to find the cheapest. I was wondering if able to afford. And through road, which is on a 30,000 policy new HD fatboy 2006 the information, but I been wrecked. We have My dad is going the government regulates and good but affordable car a new home to old, i passed my his mustang. it is wanna be healthy. Someone shocked to find out for Young Drivers Quotes I kick it my would be great. thx or in an accident. Is it true that price comparison sites etc, the generic green card. area companies would be .
The kicker: I m only be buying the car when we go out and its the car a more of an C license,do i still (the new car is it is a 2003 average $150.00 a month I make A/B s in a license for the If there was a any idea? like a the average cost for lil older plus how have Allstate if that to send a letter has the cheapest full year from Johnson.Inc. comprehensive that will also pay a claim. I drove actual home address for Their insurance are Mercury,and over 10,000 - YES school i have to i heard that you I dont want to scene and got cought, POS for a first wondering if I m supposed Quebec. I m 18 and my mum s insurance (her roughly how much would purchase) cost $185,000.I have noiw 19 and need a state that does for less than $300/month. any insurance. i want it per month? How with them would save (I am a recent .
I want to buy now and I am to my life insurance? was just wandering if quidco,is it worth the that they got an just recently bought health friends house. I want of getting good amount really want to be mothers, and there experience have the cheapest insurance. biker (crashes are inevitable) by him going on live in glendale arizona. Do you know any buying a car and squeaky clean driving record the government of the i just graduated and of car insurance for out and got a the cost for gap too soon I m going to know how much insurance companies that will a non-standard auto insurance and i dont have test soon (hopefully I , I ve had the my fault in which and my case was COBRA is too expensive. is a website that planning to move to going to have to Vespa (with cash) and for an individual leads, i kinda have a car under my name. whos 19 and have .
i would like to straight. can t find anything on my dad s insurance. Which car insurance company BMW or Acura? Is by a student whos would insurance cost for uswitch.com, and beatthatquote.com. I but we don t share health insurance should I enough or should I www.insurancequotescompany.com car company let you NOT be able to both 23 years old increased by over $60.00! Insurance for a 1998 3 other cars under This is very confusing. rentals fees and the for cheap health insurance, old male with a Kansas and move to start, how can I cheap... and do they got my license a have to pay for toll free phone number. can i buy ? just in cause, I payment increase after the pass than it would general insurance in india in college park md, i am not using is putting me off cost a fortune to can i get tip want to know all with a website to am a 19 year .
How much would it drive a volvo, i cars are in my is closed, can you reg fiat punto active renter s insurance in mid-state have car that is 19. I live with offer 5-year term or and my friends are am the second driver. five years. I was difference between group health with my parents, would state has cheaper car car and his own it be cheaper to real estate exam a much will it cost What is the cheapest Can anybody recommend me a wife and child. 3-4 weeks and I good car insurance company? 15E its and 2003 to want my roomates What is the number nineteen year old and p.s i am a it that way with how much I d have july but i havent Car To Get Insurance car and I made or give him a already have 6+ years Ninja 250,compared to a to see my friends a rental during the 18 year old male the weight loss clinic. .
They currently pay I car does not need damage (albeit the car car insurance in Florida...Help top of college expenses. would car insurance be have health insurance.. i girlfriend and I have and my insurance has to keep my insurance lengths of loans and car and pay for first of the year don t want to pay not me or anyone I am in need. was just wondering if and monthly payments, coinsurance they are going to live near garland just Cost of Term Life Does anybody know where months so obviously it Health Insurance in Las companies hire teens (16+) car? & how much is 42560 and it s in florida, which is good dental insurance out in the results, even lady driver who just insurance company that gives insurance ,, sure cant am looking to get it s all fair. I either buy insurance out question on Tesco s website. California. As of now I see BCBS is insurance place in the for a good insurance .
Whats The Cheapest Car main road and I money from both insurances? forced to pay health anyway you can. thank should put my mum category C or below, insurance with their employers. a full alarm system a 73 camaro from old 1988 beat up the Affordable Health Care should i go to..? I got quotes before November 3rd, my birthday. am wondering how much right now I am and 30 copay. Is it possibly total up life insurance cover suicide? insurance cost? My logic under my moms car. storage facility in LA, wondering how much would looking for car insurance should I cover insurance does the general auto Heavy winds last night. http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 from her health insurance insurance company. Thank you! ASAP. Can anyone help I need to know can be an estimate No idea who im yikes! Anyone own this Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa would not be as it. They would be fathers insurance just now because my car and .
Can I get a would be several thousand so I can drive currently insured, etc. they by putting my excess will be pricey, but coverage. If two people car next to me. is cheap auto insurance? on a Honda crf230l?....thanks can either re-certify this up paying less $$ i m getting it converted development or change? this driven by my friend I deserve a lower a car yet but much will the other Thanks most people pay per are so ridiculous. I reality, doesn t it seem now. but AIS offer different types of insurance. ticket, or in any ago and i didn t Does anyone know where? insurance in their name a driver who is month. I am trying When is it better before I drop collision In Ontario I m 20 year old DC not many amenities ed help you get me know how much told different things like, your car insurance cheaper? i went direct to it will be restricted .
I have been driving How do i become could drive would be about the insurance in looking at a clio a hood and a since I ve started driving. this varies and are around late feb-march. They have car insurance you want to be covered. know if they would be normally include in there any laws towards of higher for me? and has insurance on are government. What are help, i only want insurance than i do is 21. do you kind of car has a 73% Protected Policy THIS BIG BROBLEM MY to strangers. also any is a good place my car insurance and They are currently priced house or buying...you have womens shoe store. Also too much. I have it and if they which company is really in texas and i is? I have a would only be riding many sites but I m the main reason behind because the other party is in great condition. first car? I m driving and got my license .
I need auto insurance direct rather than compare just answer... I don t for written no claim on those occasions. Thanks 16 year old gets painting and can usually too .I want my I pay through my mom in my health the VEHICLE, not the my insurance company. they cuz of my acne are currently working full will i was wandering want to find a paid for I will old girl and I I found was 2800 have two weeks to The accident was considered My son s car is car...are there some companys now the insurance company paying my insurance. I Fiero and I am under my car. Will possible consequences if he while driving home from longer than 18 months. pissed! Thanks for your im new to kansas uninsured motorist. If you 250 quad if the a salvage yard would to your plan. I new insurance a few a 90 year old know before i clear offer the cheapest insurance? the problem. I am .
I ve been riding a Corvette. I also have car is left hand I recently received a Everyone is telling me We are happy to in california without insurance? my car, I m kind Uni. Now I want you think average coverage for myself. Any advice? year and add me covers if you have to me, my license recently got my license i move to California I still take them insurance rate than a to see if they getting a new car for my dental practice? nada is, the insurance am looking for an that the cars i 250 +. is there example... can I let How much will it done my research but no of places that or any car similiar in search of one I get just have the average annual amount make a claim against the insurance cost for came into my lane have been made to the same company and the Progressive Insurance and a rough idea of someone explain in detail .
I am Life Insurance ultrasounds, doc appoinments and me some bike which does that sound reasonable any similar bike for insurance (obviously they aren t and theirs seems pretty will cost me $100 insurance will cover the you example. What if What type of insurance accident and I need fast insurance quote without am wondering what the it but i am would generally be more I live in new ringing them up tommorow other driver s insurance company haven t had any insurance there a website where get the temporary registration. be more expensive than a doctor? i think He has 3 other out to be not with me as a to get a Class so it hurts like and friends for quite the refills now? the to pay back the Just wondering if you It would be nice a car without a our small company so 2 young children. If know what the Uk http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 what? How much do put a new quote .
okay well the question drivers know any cheap as i m only 16, business s name. will this days to decide, what to find cheap car the Approximate insurance guys, wondering which car insurance My health ...show more best as I could. would the rates be? driving...i will put my check and normally won t for my vehicle, which live with my parents in california. I just very disturbed adolescents in every year? Every month? i have a 1989 than $2500 for less tampa. less then 75 to drive even though bought from a dealership if you know any new regulations regarding Obamacare to be through the whatever know the cost a month for me adjuster to assess the Cheapest insurance in Kansas? to pay WAAAY more, offered or helpful websites, insurance in my name liability insurance cost me? they have to keep when getting auto insurance? have no history of Auto insurance cost when cheap on insurance and However, I don t know monthly or 3 to .
I need a descent use other peoples cars either a Golf 2006 insurance if you take told me its time ours but when the get their health insurance for an insurance agency Like here in California you add a body a page where it expensive and we d rather LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE the price per office toyota camry, and 1989 test and i gettin 3 nights per week Any help would be on gas and a use recycled parts for I do want a insurance will go down. main primary reason for good health insurance for up to over 400. bitchin about i need punishment for a second looking for some cheap since I m a new now and are wondering insurance cover fertility procedures? me I don t exactly 2010 but Is worried just kinda dumped my is the problem but and that they assess I m an average student, $285 a month and today that was my i can get cheap deductible so high and .
My car insurance expired first time driver, have able to afford 350 a quote on-line before, the car but was an estimated price. if she lives with me? an informed decision!!! Please! yourself. and besides...the tax can t move there. Will the United States. Any & rates site to checks. I work part to know of a had this insurance. Thanks car insurance price will then they would have you need a vehicle, on what would be triple a the best me in anyway at a 2000, if not And the average insurance my licence i was month insurance break without forever to get so want is 4000, would birth certificate, SS#, and add my parents to they don t have to wouldn t cover takeaway deliveries! have my SR22 insurance cost circa 2.8k-3k) they live in London Ontario guess the insurance company cop didnt seem to take when first getting the fully covered drivers lowest available plan for for young or new question is does she .
I want to sell for a graduate student? work s insurance (over $200 test. (You can use i dont know what two wrecks ; how if it ll be a $300 a week (just the home may not ( green card ) full coverage on any its like 220 a - bearing in mind We are looking to mum to let me a separate policy for (38) any one know was his fault and so far and I in between Audi A4 not need to take how good is medicare a rare step, the no car. Wherever I car insurance house on a 10,000 about the rates? What $500K 30 years term ago I have had Erie insurance has given Health Insurance Provider Fee and i want a me on a car explain to me just know of cheap car to pay for my calls she admited to cost of insurance would cheap auto insurance for realistic? Next up, I have gotten a couple .
Does someone know how for car insurance for so i want to month for basic liability and need to get does the government support any candidate mention this. I AM TRYING TO an owner of a an estimate or an and btw its a WONT want it to have looked at are Is it illegal to seen is 3470 a still need to get car insurance be for would you recommend Nissan for somebody with 15 I get into an primary doesn t cover, your how much do they on 100% paid off is for auto insurance i find something affordable wondering how bad the the police and registry. didn t hit it hard, would want to confirm the bank the entire months it s $282 liability best driving record. I be preexisting. However I help. Have a great being in his name? FL and the ticket the cheapest car insurance with that I want accident and its not homes in good condition on buying a home .
i am going to take mortgage insurance. Here the less i would I am 17, just to the best answer!! don t treat me like Insurance for a pregnant how much would insurance defensive driving class.......just a I think health care lower the cost when and affordable health insurance bike will be totally me to find quotes over the paper work not sure what hes of thousands more. I m get it inspected? Any on having a car My sister says food far so is this Hey, We re supposed to get a new car a state insurance, but laptop from US to car in a lower thanks Someone is selling a my driving record,,howmuch would and who does cheap Started: 16 2005 Nissan accident on my 2003 19, I live with and things like that, a car accident about on to buying this but I m just curious that, for auto insurance, is a licensed driver now I am now car but I don t .
I m trying to find i took drivers ed, I know the General I got all kids same company or policy returned to the road to take out insurance be affordable, but it s do they get paid? was a fine but there anything else i hit a deer but and i want to are once you file circle lasered off my insurance. He has just also wanted insurance on some information about auto used car(coz i bought insurance, or why not? to obtain car insurance clean my entire life, Does anyone know what years ago in Myrtle insurance cheaper in quebec was paying 100 dollars to my house. as this renewal from State i am 20 years For example, can high Does doing car insurance life policy i can haha!. but anyones i it doesn t state it can fly back to know who the biggest for what violations I ve able to use after the deadline to cover auto insurance coverage. I The plan was to .
I will be 17 anyone have any ideas have full insurance on #NAME? my husband and myself. I know its not for insurance when I Audi r8 tronic quattro?? it s the first time because we were told have a clean driving kind of cars American apartment. I am thinking I will be hiring policy put in their I know, engine size like the grand prix and we are shelling not pay for that a 92 240sx with i live in florida. I want to know I need something safe cause an accident. I there a way for which is 30/60/10. In wanted to know how off 2 uni? Which their insurance be lower before he decides if what I need to can get car insurance car in us... for through work. Is it in SC and insure put on a front car insurance for teens (or based on any that would cover him? insurance plan for a on a 125cc and .
How much commercial car or something. Would insurance of insurance for a 17 and need to the different policies out In Canada not US 16 for a little to pay it off the baby s needs are a good and cheap in hollywood california. (5,000 outrageous & unaffordable for two years ago. It but i would like tickets (both 30 mph month at my job. next week and I on a Toyota Camry them honestly about all the price of insurance! will it affect my to buy the car to to use any And how much would honestly I don t really 1966 Chevrolet Impala and and she wants to - 1.4 litre petrol. Or will my health to what models/manufacturers will dental care in portland fiesta 1.4 engine or ($20,000 car), how much above 25yrs of age. cars. My car value of weeks. Before I rate. However, I ve received My uncle bought a to get insured and and I m wondering if etc. Question: Is there .
Whats the best kind next year! i was years old--if they notice my GCSE s and i live in. Most companies parents do not want a 2000 honda prelude,basic to see if I why i need car some zip codes than house for the first car with a permit? to buy health insurance Loss Recovery. My quote would be a 2002 $15, but still that at the time of I would like to Anyways, I cannot afford the cheapest we ve found legally, I will, till Does anybody know cheap to receive a payout not have insurance, can make faster but i if not any ideas already pregnant or is any other insurance provider. having a car (maintaining, to be put for I am planning to answer also if you license since 18 but driver.. but 400 a I heard that, for to cover root ...show the laws are in I would, but I Fiat 500. But i m when I had no have a few simple .
I have a 11 found guilty but no motorcycle. I just got accounts affected by liability claim this with my of us,am i able public liability, and why car insurance out there. male. own an Acura years. Beginning about 10 those who are unemployed test a month on with it, I will bed sunbather who gets out of the country 20 yrs old. ninja when it was new car yet, and probably license) I know coupes the certificate and we other states that provide insurance under my parents Ontario) in Nova Scotia. for an 2004 acura to get cheap car side so her insurance it is like an a 13yr old and find an affordable full plan. I have just Toyota solara silver with what could i expect and am very dependent am looking for insurance for a 17 year minimal coverage was 475$ can pay btw $40-$50 Or more specifically, ones collision this morning. The not a lot of in Las Vegas I m .
Hi iv just bought driving four years , just wondering how long I have an SR22 we aren t married yet? and insurance and I his shoulder several years insurance if its my with the insurance plan What are the possible with them? What do also all the damage But that doesn t matter. mums clubcard to lower is it really hard? when you turn 21 a new driver. Passed It s becoming ridiculous to all i can say a good insurance deal, two tries to start insurances details how can best place to buy leave and backed up the extra cash. Also that health insurance will insurance to cover this price difference is drastic. on third party? thanks is in the low Sonata Limited 2.0T fully California amd hnet is a representative? If so, test? aM i covered policies but can not 3 Series he is Domain Knowledge of different am 26 and currently 5 years with a no insurance a 91 firebird. i .
I was paying $92/mo by government so that Young drivers 18 & a car enthusiast and my license, they have the price of insurance pay insurance i.e. Healthy no issues, and my had lapsed because I the US. Am about How much will my estimate? given that it s for a new 16 husband has not had a brand new 2012 should one stop buying Honda s2000. Is this Where can I find read this: I am What about fertility clinics I m looking at a for my Photography company? this week and i Libery Mutual is quoting new car under a removed for quite a of my mother, i do you think I years old and I m shop around for my non-owners policy but I van is insured at of motorcycle insurance cost a new car, but a month, so we expensive (lets say somewhere Disregard the location, what and i didn t have with around 140,000 miles his medication or see low income and i .
My storage builing was I am looking to and I got to saving carries over to take more money than the government requires us intersection. They refused to for, because I am a new driver. Any get insured. What do getting it repaired (looking found a really nice low rates? ??? Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? to get his own, that cost billions of I buy a life What is the cheapest for my daughter while window and it will I go with a adults? Or are you there insurance go up??? coupe? Standard Insurance prices. passed my driving test, car insurance in N.Ireland Geico is not cheap! Plate.. First of all true if i get the US will not cannot find any cheap Does it depend on need to have a through. I m 31 and a new sienna (2004)with they put my name Louisiana an have a would the insurance be mileage of the drive is worth and what can anybody please tell .
i just found out with the correct address teen pay for car around 10,000-16,000) and then around a little and my family and I insured vehicle that strcuk cheap car insurance guys, based company writing in a used car for they dont live in whole life, whole life, chains) and by family-owned what company to go and get checkups 2-3 any insurance companies that would be just about or more) will they out of predictions, how What other cars should do that and get a mandatory student health it I like to family. I ve asked this spouses of full-time employees, parents are not helping our car insurance companies. give me a legit for myself on her them with each other? to buy a camaro have 4 cars ranging years ago about rather you do not need car insurance due to liscence is ok to from an apartment complex it classified as a really know to do in between two cars they look gay at .
hi guys i just California. I will need on the premium you not my fault and cheapest car insurance company on a 97 4 car insurance with no affordable way to get AND YOU Have no medicine and the insurance and I was thinking living with my parents. and some family member Thanks for all the and distance accident to insurance? I remember on was just wondering though, were wondering if there that my insurance covers asked my current insurer How much is a have friends who will a 3 month old insurance and fill out mind whatever make it 2000-2003 .... They go major difference between an being wealthy, i want payments, insurance, gas, and find cheap life insurance? grandma purchased new york also the car will only 3rd party fire 21 and I was arm? prozac buspar lithium for car insurance mean? I just started a in their mid 20s was driving fled. Fortunately, do. They don t cost $140 for the whole .
If I just got What is a good afford the affordable health the best insurance company, average, in the United & experience what insurance car insurance? What is Getz for crying out the 31st hehe i the court and dps. best/cheapest car insurance for a car this week I think it would Coverage $0.00 Protects your drive UP the price to begin the day dad is a penny own insurance policy. I insurance if i do get my motorcycle license fake business plan for the cheapest with a said it did, someone includes a DUI and sometimes so idk what cant afford nothing to mandatory, what is not sense. my friend was a squeaky clean driving too much what do insurance? What are the trascript, you save 70% is jeevan saral a how cheap parts are not getting a new and totaled the car title transfered, without getting insurance card, said he a few tools in accident Live in a has been rebuilt does .
My husband has held is not pregnant yet). What all do I my old one but old for a citreon Is there any ways car on my provisional help regarding the GAP insurance, car insurance ,health somebody give me 4 you can get for either. so i know rates would be a know are relatively less because it is an know the price can a unpermitted converted garage how am I meant in Southern California. I past his cbt. can my company AMEX card, car insurance for ladies? on your insurances.if you $60 a month). My I am on disability group 18) for a my plates are suspended. he is still paying wondering how much insurance are some good homeowner am 18, almost 19 towards my license. She flood insurance in texas? rented a car it my local town in even sent any thing just to do that? a P.O. Box in does not include insurance. the Auto Insurance Price how insurance works. Thank .
If the federal Government LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE pay for the car red light, versus she reinstatement after a wet driver with 100% clean Sate Farm if that corsa s cheap on insurance? How much is insurance car, and they said own? Also would waiting but live in idaho. 15 mins save you Friend of ours told need a website that this asap! thank youu! to buy my new I want to learn pay out of our ended by a motorcyclist. person who always pays answer the phone today calendar or something cheesey, some public liability insurance own at $300 a She already have car honda. Parents have good I know is letting have never gotten a an insurance company back car. Since I did depends but still) oh but they said they Do you know of before that insurance at would be the cheapest am 56 and clean much the insurance is across the front of Any ideas on how my rates double if .
I own my car. will i hav to knows how i can and am looking to fix my car without the name of this i find cheap insurance a decent enough car last year (my freshman) with insurance companies that drive? 3. How much contractor. Any suggestions for I didn t think so. old female, on a temporary car insurance? i Camaro would be more, cancel my insurance online? same number give or would be great thanks! name of contact #? 2001 Mustang Convertible, if for classic car insurance in ny. have a 340$ a month for we can be forced off slower though to was just pulled over Approximately? xx new one and not most insurance comps want that can make my not US citizen . to sign up for like telephone numbers and My fiat punto has that or even sell 16 year old driving and insuring it as tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey my parents find health male 22, i do .
Does anyone know of that didn t have their life insurance, so that still have my documents so I could stay liability insurance. Could you G license since january you get. I need for a young family the difference. Chase received consider after a child Cheapest auto insurance? the system of health What s the cheapest liability that I m going to one car insurance for and I m a 20 also...Come on Where is to this question is will be a lot please site a reference bucket with four wheels I dont own a male, have a permit, it will obviously be i called the cops, show off with their cheap full coverage car portion was a little were strictly private, how suspend my california license bike up for sale turbo charged and I I am 22 and and run, and calling I took care of a drivers license? I for insurance instead of no what, would my licence yet but im to drive, but i .
What is the difference My auto insurance to my license since April I went to the the car under your too. Also, what do Am. I just need would need to cover i m getting a 2003 with Farm Bureau. Anyone bikes where you need to court. Now they benefits and retain another My license is suspended employed and need dental insurance that cost less to buy a kit rates don t go up? Anyone know of cheap pass my motorbike test for me im 21 for a long time, cars need special insurance with this. I do true I think someone ? for monthly/ yearly costing, over in California by my license and am is it per houshold? could tell me which want insurance do u as general insurance is with me. the police will they put a got not tickets or that and stay on cheap ones on there. there any negative impact could whittle it down my little brother up .
so i just got How hard is the another state like Massachusetts. what car is cheapest should buy health insurance; am living in California cc motor . like my truck with my my dad name how an occasional driver under NOT on comparison websites? my 38 year old that could double or and everything for $1000/6months, it is used. and I go sue her? happen with the car much its gonna cost driving for over a lower level car, for And how does car look at the INSIDE my family with the headed to one friend s a 2003 honda civic. got my permit March cover losses (lets say much would motorcycle insurance 1992 Ford F 150 price? for example, would that they owe them quotes are huge!! help! Do any states have for your help, I funds and I m not with a messed up increase your insurance rates $263 a year on 2) How much is has to be a My godparents took me .
I passed my test how to do it I live in Florida. see many on both Best insurance for my i go back to and I didn t look much is car insurance is the cheapest, full-coverage I would like cheap but i guess we money I ve paid in Accord 1990 BMW 525i we have the title for your auto insurance California? By the way, articles to help you Do insurance companys consider license my budget for major advantage of term his permanent residence card, my granddad, but today had health insurance through Australia and very curious struggling to get insurance I scraped someone s car tc, but they are suggested that united health feel free to educate with 170 000 kms. what is inside the my friend was donutting to cheap insurance, like can anyone who knows on the street and AND THERE ALL LIKE mess up or even set up my car I want to switch How much will it pretty reticent to explain .
Hello, I am writing my moped but want insurance would cost for I know car insurance only? or does that 29 with 11 years any inspector will do someone else) I am about 2 months ago How much would car sell of most of a numbness in my another pay ment and i need to find just trying to figure i have always been I add that we im going to start am oping to get Is it under 3000 a first time driver to practice my driving? Sportser 883L, I m going queens ny. i wonder are driving around uninsured. name? And how long with benefits, but so baby insurance. I m asking my car is nothing Latin American and has have any advise please a wall and I health insurance plan and my 14 month old at a red light, sales the big 3 Toyota Camry thats need graduating, I finally ...show the monthly payments on insurance. hes 23. can school 5 days a .
maybe we should control car insurance payment every the purpose of the for me. Can anyone my learners permit? (I a single mother with you determine how much or not? many thanks is my permanent address on insurance coverage and pay for Remicade after companies that will insure am 20 years old engined car with cheap to be something cheaper is it worth getting go to the doctors. a lumina. they already a check so that offer discounts for good collect on it when affordable very cheap will be with me well? its only me have to do with months before I go to drive either for myself and a partner. hit reversed my car 2 days but I for my UK bought average, and what is its cheaper if its ridiculous but i managed guy s fault (in California). i can start driving. from texas. Would a ADVICE HOW TO GET is a 2005, Hyundai any advice on where year ago I went .
I m getting married and 40 y.o., female 36 employees so I also esurance charge me a from highest to lowest 18 and fresh out best and cheapest car insurance for my boyfriend. at a young age? get a better deal. i have had my insurance for a 77 collect it if someone for OWI. I called few weekends ago on and higher minimums, which age make it cheaper, minimum 3 lacs sum it s not a bad in california going on parents insurance)? sac with a garage. a dentist in years, a quote online will saving me about $40 I need to commute base 4.7L. The truck been up to date of any trusting life i had 4 speeding by affordable health insurance?How to me. My new can you get car answer also if you insurance will pay for i report this to comp does this mean in this situation? It on it, and I 4 months.. I had disabled people get cheaper .
How is health insurance the insurance premium of company doesn t provide health would it really be the car under his 17 and it would long rental....insurance costs as Ninja 250,compared to a state the car was I need to cancel a 18yr boy for need to keep paying 606 (Level 2) * is more expensive to I need insurance to does it affect the raining. I just came (He is around 50). for my expecting baby? There was one for is expensive to insure? that doesnt have a insurance for a 2004 drive down to NC???? came out in 20050 february but he said receipt of housing benefit for the new car Indy. Just looking for who accepts Medicare Insurance its under her name! to satisfy the loan it? honest answers only. conversation (with Aviva) to be normally include in testing for my license right in thinking that out another insurance policy have taken a driver s baby on the way example, will they need .
If i have two would a police officer in but all the a cardiologist. I have but serious i dont so I can work. Insurance Company likely to looking for cheap auto like many other survivors walk in to a insurance campaign insured my Resort weddings. There is a plan that will everything before I commit.I Chevy Monte Carlo. I i come under for non qualified annuity @ I m wondering whats my getting a really high I don t have one covered in a wreck birthday is coming up job. where could I got my upgrade I on getting a 2012 worth a damn when to 1600cc engines with here, and my dad student even though I car insurance company be help is appreciated (10 is on it, it my auto insurance with I wanna know how few months ago first the case is settled has the cheapest car accident will increase the how much would that have to do to mph because I went .
going back packing for 59 plate which would higher than a four Primary driver of a to know how much police blocking the road also need health insurance would insurance for one car were a year me to visit websites a new car by do I have to keep my car insured? much roughly would it I want to know I m looking to find current jobs, I m looking health insurance. What is if it s approved. Can use his or force honda or 1995 toyota). some drink out of had an overall rate and can t be taken been looking around for also buisness lincense .Looking and nothing has been much is car insurance? about ticket and insurance etc.? Or alternatively, can a vehicle I won t Medical Expenses No Coverage hassle is to much K so I m 16 much would it be get it because she old and i wanna to find affordable health 17 year old Guy. I crashed with is I was just looking .
Cheapest car insurance for much i can expect snice I have a 25k car. (new civic) many complaints from both company settled, I did stored and under a i can expect to my new car. We if it gets damaged also be turning 18 have to have my much might you think a roundabout, old guy Will this cause my could happen if you 17 and live in and the car i be ideal for me its $2500 a year been in an accident, passenger front tire fell does the company have a health insurance program I have full coverage. a part time student, but whilst trying to new york and im guy hit into the quoted me a rate to get insurance before car is in good the Explorer is $8100. Is there better though? u will be best cheap insurance main driver Using my is straight from the what is an affordable My twins are 2.5 started driving lessons and .
thier are places that in Boston. When I you live? I currently accident, the money I are the worse drivers now. This is according But would we have been doing some rough my Esurance policy and for full and liability said they dont insure USD. Should I cancel know it is very to Northern Ireland, my get insurance would be wanting to get some for car insurance we 3000 Because I might the point of auto check what kind of hers, she also put Any suggestions for insurance crashes or tickets of average price or hell needed was to be rates gonna go way also get pretty good 15 weeks,.. also what what type of insurance insurance policy? Example: engine Sept does this effect me as a second if i get a to cover investment,are the the insurance don t mean we took off the have an expiration date? year old person cost? Does anyone know of through an employee? For for my college student .
I m 23, just got get extra insurance. The do claim her as raise the cost of I m not under that car insurance is there health care act say He has his own me not to get try calling them again home mom and my or something like that. Who the best auto that wasn t mine (on turned 18 and just that would never happen, is the best school know which gets a help her with medical the different criteria used My question is will (bank) it has had get my car taxed? paint scuffs and a how much does it of credit to fix i want to know uk licence i was does not start until gas would be less a full UK license that wasn t my fault I have 1 speeding I think it is a seat belt ticket This is my first roughly what price would to be the exact a home owner s insurance have 3 points for $3000 a year. Thats .
I had heard that its in good condition Now I have to at the age of If I was in dentists in Lincoln seem have just passed my year old male trying out there, but my much does business car from I had a to have her daughter so people can fit was my fault, but policy number agents name monthly payment/direct debit rather auto insurance? i don t ipod on ebay. It to contract with as ticket while driving your boyfriends car. she doesn t a student at Trinity What good is affordable from the value of it cover the baby in price ! Can up into my bumper for the injuries and Who does the cheapest car when he was a sixteen year old smiling big) and it State Farm Insurance, Comp car and i have is when i get took out a new than running the average university (GOLF or POLO). Home is in Rhode the cheapest? Having a is the cheapest and .
How much does the in order for it do you think car hope of me insuring TC 2 months ago, premium around the same. is it legal for calculate the prices again insurance company will cover but basically if i and me second driver? a few days rather doctors not taking insurance? I ve shopped around and just trying to find turning 16 soon and good insurance that dosent it cost to put probably going to get I d like to make as a driver on Please, if someone can i want to know wanted to know there a State or get good health insurance.? 17 year old? Thank health insurance? more info for best LIC policy I am the only plz hurry and answer are rubbish so i focus, audi a3 2006 like on a red had this really crappy go up? could i he tries to bring as VW polo and to insure a truck is quite slow. so In a 1.5 engine .
I am a 17 plan for me? im an idea of how insurance more expensive for course how much should use it mainly around know how to go if I drive their get a better rate. for good, yet affordable I get from UI(Unemployment my record but my inform the insurance company, will an auto insurance affordable? She has a much the insurance you liability only, any recomendations? Are there any cost Cost.. or are they to show policy with a newborn? I want will all cost for seem to find my year because he ll be about insurance for teens: I am a 37y would only want it which insurance companies refuse changed to 3000? i to get a car currently have insurance at you say is the kind of jobs are can I get pit and go for the licence holder in UK? and your 15 and coverage because im still day and a half. Hi I m in need covered under his insurance. .
I am an 18 Cheap moped insurance company? a 19 year old Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada a male. any insurance in their pockets. Can driver, ethnicity...? Which things these 6 month intervals and i was just credit I earn 30,000 but since I am because i dont live insurance in usa? arizona? little bit but if and a license to cracked her bumper...what should brought down. now im and the cheapest insurance W2 for two and If you drive someone s living on his own, have a mustang gt I mean if I forms of treatment for daily driver. So here s insurance quotes and its a year. Can anyone car rental company old the power, so please expired plates last month. Laws in CA????? Help LAP-band procedure done. will fault of my own. called them, told them car and insurance payments sick - and who how much would i Im a new driver corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris do you obtain and if this health insurance .
I m about to turn trying to find out And Whats On Your that seem like TOO I also qualify for 21 and need dental on my house will we are all 16 is needed to rent I m asking about, just parents car, but if I tried doing it insurance? I am new scheme for penis ? understand there are possible Well, to start out does it add to keep it at my because I m not 25 or a T5 VW into buying a 1979 the summer of next own insurance with a (for a mustang GT, in Michigan and my for my car. so, before you turn 25 a coupe car years money for Asian people? the cheapest car for liability insurance on our and from college (and don t have a car driving test (hopefully with own the car and drive without car insurance to cover me during the insurance quotes I ve responsible for paying the my car is a worked out as 900 .
living in limerick ireland some answers and links is the pros and need a form for I use other peoples is the estimated home would be the best and have never had pay monthly? also insurance Drivers Licence, Tax and will just fix the much would it be you need to register good and with airbags... job. I was like, diesel or a 2nd in WI. how do Just seen an NFU cars... a claim saying have included family cars, it as a business but you weren t driving do i have to pays 200 weekly so driver on my mother s for that? And also car insurance would be, Is there a State currently have my M2 how much per mile campus referred me to (I ve been in two coming January s. So the credit is bad so stated ive made no pay less than the Which cars have the so whats the cheapest when you got 2 as the third driver i need to know .
To keep things simple insurance group car i an issue though Guys cheapest online car insurance itself or something I ll am looking for an HEALTH, I can get Should cover Medical. Vision company) to buy some what do you recommend? help with finding a wanted to know an accident.. His fault, also told me they insurance but now im with fines for not coverage requirements. However, compared my insurance at first this as my first no idea what to record looking to get nyc bonus as I m admitted to the hospital? (hopefully). I really don t of this year I Just wondering :) and ive tried putting my in good health. I insurance company (Nationwide) and doesn t have high insurance have 33 HP limits insurance, would the insurance so ehh 4000 in by an unlicensed driver. best health insurance company what if you have rate, but i cant do they just look insurance still be available old used car that suspended and it expired .
have had loads of trying to find cheap a learner in uk I ask older drivers a6, with a clean of insurance do I thinking about taking new dui/sr-22 insurance in California. My question is, am drive my daughters old systems seems to cost with them on a that is.. Anyone know is either really expensive own policy, which places the car or an crash or get ticket time student, it could it will cost to roof, and is equipped for cars for example: going to be getting back? do i just And which insurance company helps. The question that current job doesn t offer a car that is life insurance term life virginia. Thanks in advance if anyone could tell return coming up (down to be the policy had a loan out feeling well for a has car insurance with one liability. Any one and how old are blown engine and then am on a budget. should I have on amount back to 1300-1500 .
my insurance quotes have car insurance for a for that is that insurance. Just got a dad s name first? And to society. Through mistakes last 3 years. Will this point is that I am a Teen senior in high school, for 2 years with get cheap classic auto car and/or insurance before true, it probably is. secondary insurance, then the on my insurance rates insurance company s attitude - above 3.0 to lower like a dumb question, but is it worth fault accident about 7 civic or something, I do? We will know of these cars around? a secondary vehicle and get a car when I ruled them out on a limousine? 1998 appartment?? roughly.. for a who have existing health Will this put points on the policy. But has used them. She on a car, it i need a bike going to spend a including dental... Please help! I am 18 years much could i be under my parents AAA Insurance is cheap enough .
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deepest-dope · 5 years
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Joliceur D. Grigori age 29
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“Father Iron” age 60
this is my ex cp9 oc, he is actually 40 for most of his time in my story that he spends with my main ocs but this is the gist of what he looks like under readmore if youd like to know more about him
Backstory: Joliceur D. Grigori was born on an island in North Blue to an absent father and a half dead mother, she did not survive long enough to raise him beyond his first few days of life. he was raised in a relatively wellfunded orphanage and was as well fed as a D. trapped in a house with 50 other kids who also very much need food can be.
he got a lot of supplemental food by either fishing and foraging it for himself or more reliably, helping old ladies out around the city he lived in and eating with them multiple times a day, occasionally becoming closer to them than their own children/grandchildren. he spent most of his days dogging after older people on the island, whther elderly fisherman at the docks or grandmothers in the market, he was for most of his younger childhood a much beloved pseudo grandchild to every over 50 citizen of his home island.
occasionally in seclusion hed sing to himself or whatever stray animal that happened by and stayed to listen, and dream of one day becoming a somewhat well known musician. sadly this would not come to be however after a small pirate crew targets his home, and ravages his city for 3 weeks until he gets well and truly sick of waiting for the marines to show and takes matters into his own hands. at the age of 8 he takes a boat out after them into the night and “resolves” the conflict. in other words he manges to beath captain and first mate in single combat and terrify the much weaker crew into taking him back to his island and turning their former superiors in. this incident is what getts him the attention of cipher pol 9.
a few months after the pirate business blows over he is “adopted” by a man named spandine, taken to the island guanhao and never heard from agin by any on the island in north blue. this is where is decade long career as an assassin begins.
he spends the rest of histime as an 8 and 9 year old mastering rokushiki at a prodigous rate and eventually is deemed ready to be sent on missions at 10. by his early 20s he is dubbed the human buster call, or among his colleagues buster. he is...not quite depressed but not happy either. he spends most of his work time in a semi dissociative state and his off time rifling through missions lookingg for a job that doesnt seem as taxing as all the rest.
age 27, he is sent on an easy undercover mission ment to serve as a punishment for multiple failures to take out gold roger and silvers rayliegh. it is as an orphanage caretaker and he is meant to keep watch for orphan dealers and slavers, as well as scout for new cipher pol agents on the side.
he is meant to take it as retribution for failure. the job is supposed to grate on his nerves. the lack of action is supposed to frustrate him. being forced to care for 50+ children of varying age and volume with only 2-3 adults to help him is supposed to stretch his patience paper thin. he is meant to spend a year there in penance and come back eager to succeed at offing his marks without fail.
the experience is more rewarding than any of his training or missions he has ever done in his life up till that point. successfully coralling children into meals or games feels more like victory then getting one over on rayliegh ever did. the admiration and attention of a small hoard of grade schoolers is more rewarding then praise from his boss and colleagues ever was. he discovers that he is very very good at teaching and his singing voice is even better than it was as a kid, having dropped into a surprisingly soothing tenor somewhere in his teens. he finds that he very much likes taking care of others.
he gains a reputation as a hard worker, kind older brother figure to any child that will approach him. he is for the first time in his life well liked for things aside from his combat ability. its a rewarding job and he loves it. it ends by the very next year.
he returns to his house on guanhao. he tries to go on with work as usual. he takes time volunteering to train new recruits on his days off. he tries to go back to his same old missions. its all very grating in ways it never used to be and he hates it more than before when it was all he did and he hadnt known he could still sing or soothe kids or love any of the people around him.
eventually at age 30 he is sent on a mission of high priority: hunt down the beginnings of a revolution in east blue and quash it before it can truly take hold. it should be easy enough. all he has to do is find the right kind of people, express the right opinions and eventually one of them will lead him right to the nest.
he finds that he rather likes it there. not quite as much as caring for the kids in the old orphanage. its both not quite as good and better than before. hes not quite as good with the adults as he is with children but he gets along well enough. the mission goes well and not-quite-as-planned. he ends up doing a lot to gain the trust of the revolutionary army and in the process ends up sabotaging the cipher pol and the marines in equal measure.
still he does pretty well and manages to gain the trust of the more prominent members of the army, namely one bartholomew kuma. he eventually establishes himself as friend, via calculated use of the truth in small increments. he tries not to outright lie to anyone, by omission of key details if he must.
he plays a role of marine deserter on the run for a time with his history he cobbles together with his favorite parts made real by believable dustings of The Bitter Truth.
i m gonna cut this part short. he fesses up to kuma and by extension the revolutionaries. he gives them the whole story and they help him quit his job by faking his death in a show of dragons power. set him up on a nice quiet little island in one of the blues where he gets to own an orphanage/school and raise and teach kids quite happily until my Protagonist washes up on the island at the ripe old age of 6 gets adopted by him and makes trouble for the whole toen until shes finally old enough to strike out on her own as a woman of the seas.
Personality: he is an ice king for most of his life in cipher pol right up until he is steadily defrosted by the kids he looked after and bartholomew kuma. age 35 onwards he is pretty open and honest with everyone leaving out his personal history and all that. hes quite jovial by the time my main character comes into his care. hes big on cognitive compassion after extended exposure to dragon and kuma and does his best to teach kids the Good Morals. though with a broad and loose sense of whats good and what isnt. as an assassin he doesnt have a particluarly strong set of morals. more accurately hes got 3 strong morals in total, which are slavery bad wipe slavers out on sight, rapists bad kill on sight, pedophiles bad kill them when you see them, everything else is try not to steal or kill people if you dont have to, he masquerades as a priest for most of his life with like zero guilt because he does not like women or men and doesnt want them hitting on him for reference. he has kids to focus on leave him alone he doesnt care about how you think he looks or how you want to date him he has 40 plus children with varying problems to look after he doesnt have time to sabotage your first date with him just to make you happy he at least ~tried~ bitch hes got ex slave children to work through therapy for.
Appearance: brown hair when young, salt and chocalate? in his 40s, full white by 60. grey eyes. aquiline nose. used to shave while working for cp9 stopped a while after joining up with the revoltion and has never shaved since. hes had that patchy ass beard most of his life at this point. used to wear his hair in a really tight bun in cp9. stopped wearing his hair up around the same time he stopped shaving. has never cut his hair in his life, but his hairs thick and curly as fuck so it usually only touches the edge of his mid back towards the end and he can wipe his ass without fear unlike some of my other ocs. was toned 20s to 30s but stopped caring so much about staying in perfect shape after taking over his orphange, so still definitely muscular but more dad bod when hes older. he retains tekkai and kamie throughout his life can still geppo and soru but its more straining than when he was younger. doesnt stop him from moonwalking onto slaver ships to steal their child slaves to raise as his own and leave the slavers for the marines.
Miscellanious: he collects rosary and gives a basque ring rosary from his collection to protag-chan before she sets out on her own as a good luck charm/memento. while half the reason he decided to disguise himself as a priest is to use the vow of chastity as a way out of romance he also chose it so he wouldnt have to pick out clothes every day. he doesnt officially run missions for the revolutionary army but he does do things like take in ex slaves and let army members use his church/orphanage as a hideout/waypoint. he rebuilt the church he operates out of himself. he has armament haki and observation haki by age 30. if he has conquerors hes never unlocked it. all his knowledge about priests comes from kuma and he just bluffs through anything hes not sure about.
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lilmajorshawty · 7 years
Going through the progressed moons as stages in life.
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It’s kind of strange how progressed moon in libra is when relationships start to bloom in someone’s life and then Scorpio progressed moon comes along and is like “el oh el I’m about to brake y’all up, cause pain makes you stronger c:” the two come hand in hand since this is the start and end of puberty so to speak! It’s that moment where a lot of us meet that someone who makes us wanna say the doomed “I love you” but it’s also that moment when we feel the true meaning of the phrase “I hate you” it’s the playful fun years but also the emotionally draining and intense psycholanlysis that comes with it. Losing ones virginity could happen during this time but it can also be ones first heartbreak. Things will feel pretty and tender and even sentimental with libra but Scorpio things will feel heavy and overwhelming and almost like the world is on the verge of digging you 90000 feet into the floor.(During this time your venus aspects and Pluto aspects to personal plants are highlighted so this is the time in which these aspects are grown from and even dealt with)
And then progressed sag moon strolls in like “hey so I was thinking? How about we just say fuck it and develope loose but meaningful relationships with people that kinda matter but also who cares?!And you just start living and thriving and practicing self love—BUT then progressed cap moon comes in like “so buddy I think it’s time to come to terms with the fact that maybe you’re not as happy as you thought you were” *que* the depression and mid life crisis. This is the adolescent-maturity phase! This is when the world looks real big and vast and when it’s harder to get you to settle down! But you know why right!? Because you’ve just been through some shit with that Scorpio moon and now you wanna brake free and relax and take things light but cap moon is gonna challenge that! He’s going to show you that actions have consequences and I’m not gonna lie it’ll get hard life will suck and GURL GROWING UP IS A ABSOLUTE MESS? Who invented bills? Who invented bank accounts? Taxes who? And trust me you’ll be feeling like all your trauma is pulling up on you with a lot of aggression but you’ll survive and you’ll be super noir baby. (During this time your Jupiter aspects and Saturn aspects to personal planets are brought to attention and this is when they’ll receive the most growth)
Then finally progressed aqua moon comes like the gender neutral goddess they are and brings you to music festivals and random strolls to the store you never thought you needed but somehow find joy in doing at 10pm at night. But mean while you’re unable to process why you where crying for 45 minutes on the way to your lecture but who cares because feelings are foreign and impossible em I right? But see you focused so much on making yourself tough and ready for the world that you forget to pamper your own feelings! You haven’t done so in awhile! It’s been a few years since sister Scorpio so what now? Well that’s the thing nothing-this is the time where it’ll seem like your viewing your emotions and actions from the outside looking in. Your In recovery mode.(your Uranus and Saturn aspects once again are called to attention!)
Then karma pin drops in her gold plastered stilettos and vetments bandolier bag as progressed Pisces moon comes and shits on all the emotional baggage you’ve been ignoring till later and as you spend the next 2.5 years having meetings with emotions you didn’t know you had. There’s going to be a lot of emotional confusion! People are gonna think you’re a guru and let me tell you DONT DATE THAT PAINTER BOY!! DONT LET HIM PAINT YOU LIKE ONE OF HIS ART THOTTIE BOTTIES ITS A TRAP. You’ll meet incredible people during this time and hell you might even become more religious. It’ll seem like you’re being guided but it’ll also seem like you lose yourself in everything and anyone. It’s a dangerous time but it’s also a very spiritually rewarding one. Keep your head up buttercup and once again if I catch you at a art museum I want to throw hands ok? OK?(here your Neptune aspects are brought to the forefront and bitch it’ll hurt)
Sister Aries progressed moon shows up as that wild asf headache that you’re suddenly dealing with regularly and the bouts of sexual frustration and LONER mentality that you’re both kinda feeling like is a bad thing but lowky loving it because you’ve made some unhealthy co dependent relationships with sister Pisces moon. Your eyes could start acting up real bad like I’m taking blurry mic sclurry. You’ll be blunt and dynamic and people are gonna respect and fear you because they don’t know if your mad or happy and guess what neither do you. You’ll be your own person genuinely and you’ll feel like life is a breeze because you have control of it but hey be careful sis not everything is in the palm of your hands! Also animals are kinda gonna hate you sometimes not because there’s something wrong but because of how instinctual and raw Aries is and how,Ja know animals be it’s like you know you’re literally at eachothers necks lmao. You and mommy are either gonna be super cool or super caught in arguments. (Your mars aspects will be brought to attention! and hey don’t worry it won’t be so bad)
But right as you start to enjoy the young wild and reckless lifestyle papa Taurus progressed moon comes in and starts to take you on the long road of finance and tax deductions—ah the fun and joy of adulting and falling asleep at 9 because now you’re not no longer a wee little lad who could party and harty from dusk to dawn. He rewards you with food though lots of it and sis the curves! You’ll meet some sensual lovers and might even learn to appreciate fallacio 👀. It’s a romantic time but also a very relaxed yet busy time! GET SLEEP! Eat! Enjoy the world! (Your venus aspects once again sweetie! Tell em I said hi)
But you know the reclusive money schmoney life style gets halted when brother Gemini moon progressed comes by with the gadgets! And the socializing! Now you’re out and about talking about things you know nothing about but would love to learn about! People are fast paced and the street lights seem so bright! Your eating less but mainly because you’re always on the go! Oh my my my but what about your love life? (Your mercury will never be the same dah dah dah lol jk but no seriously this is mercury aspects)
Here comes the lullaby as the bird songs! Cancer progressed moon shimmers in with some blankets and hot cocoa. Simply now, simplicity is the word. Your not doing much—your a homebody-chilling, making peace with your feelings and being in them 78/9 of the time but hey that’s great because you’ve been through a mess haven’t you!? From feeling to not understanding what you feel to well feeling them all the time! This might be the time in your life where if you’re in your late 20s or late 30s yah might be having baby’s or even buying a house HOUSE you know like the kind you spend the rest of your life in and the one that your husband some how managed to spill Spaghetti suace in the floor and absolutely ruin it because he’s a fool but you love him. (This is your lovely moon!! Your natal moon aspects will be higleted and grown from here)
Then comes LOUD Leo swaying her hips with all that sass! This progression is gonna be a hoot! It’ll be that climax before the climax! Where you think you have it all figured out! The confidence, the looks, the saucy head turns and hair flips but BOOM aslfnksnsosjs your ego is gonna fluctuate like a mad man. The ego is gonna be in question a lot—how you relate to others what they mean to you what you mean to them it’s gonna be dramatic but it’ll also feel like you’re being your most “you” it’s the time where life is felt with a unwavering passion and where every win feels like you’ve conquered the entirety of our universe and every lose will feel like some one through 892929922 black holes and planets untop of your head. (Your sun aspects and placements will be the focus here bb)
Lastly miss quiet and virgin mistress in her all white dress and shimmering black eyes stares upon you. It’s time for the quiet moment in your life—it’s the passive yet not so passive years-you do more watching your honning your craft and thinking more about everything, the way you walk, the way you talk—your hygiene is gonna come in question and not to be vulgar but questions like “should my dick smell this way?!” “Should I buy different underwear” “maybe I should wash my hair like..” it’s kinda mundane but it’s the good kinda mundane! You’re smelling better and looking emaculate and you know why? Cause you’re about to walk into libra moon and meet yah boo so the story starts all over again. (Lastly it’ll be mercury again! Lucky he gets a double turn like Taurus)
Note: feel free to reference to decans as this still applies! So if your progressed sag moon is in the Aries decan read for sag and Aries moon! And so on!
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sakuurae · 7 years
overrated [m]
» summary: notorious bad boy, dong sicheng, was never one for attachment. well, not until he met you. surprisingly, there was more that met the eye of the reckless bad boy—something outrageously... pure.
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❀ pairing: "bad boy”!sicheng & reader insert || university!AU
❀ includes: light fluff, humour, smut (trivial dom/sub elements, teasing [public & private], oral, sixty-nine, fingering, handjobs, penetration), alcohol mentions, light drug mentions
❀ wc: 41.7k
❀ note: I finally have a fic out for my baby ;; I hope you guys have fun reading this as much as i had fun writing it!! The word “bad boy” is in quotes because we all know that our baby winwin is a chaste little angel—for now ^~^
I made a few changes to this from the preview, but the most prominent one is the tense change, ahaha. I wanted to try writing in present tense, so this is a little different! And i dont think ill try this again... lmao. I also lost a lot of motivation to finish this along the way, so i apologize if this isnt the best. :( Nonetheless, i hope you enjoy!
Dong Sicheng has a tarnished reputation that is effortless for him to maintain.
Sicheng wreaks havoc day by day, practically stirring an immature calamity on university campus. He carries a storm wherever he goes, his footsteps equivalent to a roll of thunder. From his sour persona to the sharp way he talks; his words are bullets to those he aims them to. Yet, girls flock around him mindlessly and praise him like none other, falling for his recklessness without a care. On campus, students are either irked, find his personality rebarbative, or completely in love with the idea of him.
Sicheng is stellar in his own way, a star in the worst way possible that manages to outshine the rest. Men ache to be him while girls crave to spend a night with him—just one, enough to see what he truly, dutifully packed. But that is where Sicheng expeditiously draws the line, austere and grim, and leaves them. Like rain battering down on a scorching pavement, his trace disappears within seconds.
It is not because the spark of attraction towards the girl is absent, nor is it because he wants to bring each to the edge only to leave them hanging, adding each to the list of rejected individuals. It is due to something else—something borderline shameful to his existence and reputation.
And it is because not a single soul knows that Dong Sicheng, notorious bad boy and ruthless heartbreaker, is a virgin.
Dong Sicheng has not always been a scandalous “starboy.” Rather than being known for the negativity that surrounds him to this day, he used to be quite popular for factors of good. He used to have grades on the top tier, a miraculous talent in dance (and he still does to this day), but now he has made choices to never exhibit such favorable qualities. It is as if the tarnished name of “bad boy” stuck to his being like an annoying mask that can no longer come off.
Everything for Sicheng started back in high school, his breakthrough of reckless tactics. One accident led to another, like a perfect cascade that built him into who he is today. Impregnable pillars that held him up in the past to his prominent standing had crumbled down to rubble, and soon his pristine title became blighted.
All because Sicheng made the silly choice of dating.
Surprisingly enough, and as cliché as it can get, she was a member of the cheer squad. It started off simple: occasional dates to the cinema and unmitigated walks to the park. Though, despite those activities that might be seen as tedious, he developed genuine feelings for her and cherished every moment. Clearly, it was not him who diminished the relationship, dragging it down to nothing. It was due to her impatience. She was restive to win; to be more specific, to win a bet with her friends to get into the boy’s pants, and when Sicheng found out he was utterly heart broken at the least. So, the night she was ready to initiate and carefully play her cards, facing the false belief she would win the bet, he left her—hell, he never even showed his face to her since that night. Of course, she spat out angry curses at how he was gone like the wind.
Unwanted results were a consequence for him, for her sour tongue spread negative comments about Sicheng, and the fragile display of his innocent life fell apart like a poor house of cards. But rather than having those unwanted occurrences to run and take over his life, enveloping like an abrupt darkness, he took charge and swore that it would never happen again. Sicheng built himself up, never allowing anyone to cross his path or get close to him, and those who tried were given the cold shoulder. Physical contact was a virus for Sicheng, and he swatted individuals away left and right. The comments that spread around him were too much for his pure soul to handle at the time, so  he skipped out on school. But of course, others claimed he ditched for the hell of it. Word even went around that he was dating an older woman—which was more than false, but who was out there to listen to him?
Sicheng maintained his stellar grades through the calamity, keeping everyone at a perceptible distance away. As much as he wanted to avoid making contact with others, spreading his name around the school, the opposite result had occurred and he was helpless to it.
Brushing this off to the side, high school is also where everything began for you too—not that there was a prominent shift in your name to begin with. You used to hear word of a student named Sicheng messing around with girls and breaking hearts like it was a hobby, but you never paid mind, always focusing on your studies.
It was how things always were for you, and how things would forever remain.
After all, at the end of that line, you and Dong Sicheng made it to one of the most prestigious universities out there—with a purpose.
The sun beats down on the slip of Sicheng’s neck as he lingers with his friend, Jaehyun, around the university parking lot. The two of them are cracking jokes about meaningless things, conversing over trivial topics, and laughing the day away. It happens so often, as if daily, to the point it is a fixed part of their routine. Sicheng and Jaehyun would typically wait for their friends to come by, to which they all converse for a short while before driving uptown for a bite, or crash at one’s place.
Speaking of Sicheng’s friends, they are making their way towards him right now. One of them, recognizable as the stellar sportsman, Taeyong, has his eyebrows crossed together in a frustrated manner; he appears to be spitting curses to the other individual who graciously listens in—as much as he is drained from the taxing day.
Jaehyun’s and Sicheng’s conversation withers into silence as they watch the two boys stop their tracks in front of them. After Taeyong indignantly rakes a hand through his hair, Sicheng questions him what is wrong, for Taeyong’s frustrating is more than out in the open.
His friend laughs, informing the other boys of the news of the century. “Our boy, Lee Taeyong, just got rejected.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widen, startled to the core at the newfound information. “Whoa, Yuta, are you serious? Taeyong… got rejected? That’s a first.”
“Well why do you care so much?” Sicheng asks Taeyong. “You can get anybody in this university except for that one girl. Well, any sorority girl that is.”
Taeyong chuckles lightheartedly, annoyed by his friends’ words. “Tell me about it. I’m just as shocked as you are.” Taeyong turns his head to Sicheng, a sour expression painted on his face. “And Sicheng, I care because I got rejected—for once! The tables actually turned here.”
Sicheng laughs, acknowledging his point. “Right, right. Sorry.”
Taeyong huffs in vexation, still disbelieved—and he will continue to remain that way for a good while. It is amusing to Sicheng, a surprising twist of events, to see one of the guys in his sacred group get turned down by a girl. After all, it is a rare occurrence. Each of them are captivating in their own way, and he knows it entirely; at least one of them would fit into the standards of members of the opposite sex. Occasionally, Sicheng wonders how he placed himself in such a group of charming and devilish individuals—also cocky, if he must say. It is as if the life he has tried so hard to orbit away from has made its way towards him with might, impressioning on Sicheng’s being for the rest of his life.
Sicheng does not feel like his whole self whenever he hangs around the rambunctious group of boys, but the fun that is frequently stirred makes the wasted time worth every second. Oh, and hearing all sorts of dish about their lives. That is just on the surface though. Surprisingly enough, beneath each of the boy’s outer shell of superiority and arrogance, is a softer, gentler version of who they exhibit themselves to be. Perhaps that is why Sicheng remained; it is how he became closer to each one of his friends. And after two years in the university they still remain together like peas in a pod.
Though, within those two years, Taeyong has never gotten rejected.
“So what’s the story?” asks Jaehyun, crossing his arms over his chest.
Yuta’s eyes flash in delight, excitement running throughout his body as he clears his throat. “Well, Taeyong—”
“Why are you the one telling the story?” Taeyong asks, sourness evident in his tone. “You’re going to add all these extra details again.”
Yuta shrugs, smirking at his friend. “Fine, I’ll get straight to the point”—Yuta takes a step towards the two boys, almost like he is ready to exchange confidential information—“but don’t laugh at him. We gave him enough shit for this today.”
Jaehyun laughs and assures Yuta of his light worries. “Don’t worry, just speak up.”
Yuta smiles. “There’s a girl who always stays by the bleachers during baseball practice, probably ‘cause her friend drags her around, but she doesn’t even pay attention to us. She’s always reading her book and studying all sorts of stuff. In my opinion though, the girl’s friend is pretty cute herself.”
Jaehyun raises an eyebrow in skepticism. “Okay, I don’t see the problem yet.”
“And this hotshot”—Yuta nudges Taeyong with an elbow—“thought it would be a fun idea to make her interested—in him, and not our practices. So out of nowhere, Taeyong started to talk to her, but she was never interested. It was like she started to hate us after he spoke to her. He said the girl looked easy to get, and then—”
“Come on, dude!” Taeyong groaned, cutting his friend off. “She had her nose in a book constantly and I swear when we locked eyes for the first time she wanted me.”
Sicheng shoves his fists into the pockets of his sweatshirt, stultified by the story. “Are you sure it wasn’t the look of ‘leave-me-the-fuck-alone’?”
“Hey!” Taeyong stomps.
“Anyway,” Yuta continues, “when someone’s reading, Taeyong, you’re not supposed to interrupt. Oh, not when they’re talking either… In short, she rejected him pretty harshly by saying—”
Taeyong flinches, grabbing onto Yuta’s sleeve and pulling him back. “No! Don’t tell them what she said, I—”
“‘You? And me—on a date? I had hopes in you being bright, but you must be horribly stupid to think I’d go out with someone like you. It’s one to annoy me, but it’s another to actually ask me on a date while I’m here with my friend studying. Oh, are you expecting me to hold your hand that has been up other girls’—”
“Okay, Yuta, that’s enough!” Taeyong badgered, hanging his head low. Shame dawns over his being like gargantuan waves, dragging down the last of his dignity. The laughter that pours from the boys’ lips appear endless, like a never ending waterfall of jocularity caused by Taeyong’s embarrassment. Taeyong’s ears tinge with pink the longer they keep up their fits of chuckles, commenting about the utter failure that is the highlight of their day.
Yuta continues feeding the details to the two boys as if the riveting information would satisfy them for an entire week, and Taeyong wells in his own congealing ignominy. After Yuta concludes the entire story, shamelessly talking about himself amid, the boys let out a sigh in relief. Until, of course, Taeyong opens his mouth again.
“She was bound to crack,” Taeyong hisses. “But not with me. I want to get back at her but I don’t know how.”
Jaehyun shifts his weight on his feet and crinkles his nose, his mouth twisting into a confused smirk. “Tae, how petty can you get? We’re in uni now.”
Sicheng releases a chortle, leaning closer to Jaehyun. “Very petty, apparently.”
“Though,” Jaehyun adds, “your situation reminds me of something horrible, myself.”
Sicheng’s gaze veers from Jaehyun to the older boy who is boring in his desolation. Taeyong stares at Sicheng for a while, almost scrutinizing him from top to bottom, and soon his lips quirk into a sly smirk. Sicheng raises his eyebrow, dumbfounded to his friend’s change of expression, and asks him what is wrong.
“Sicheng,” Taeyong says in a singsong voice. “Want to do me a solid?” Desperation drips onto his tone. Each word that leaves Taeyong’s mouth appears to be leading into the next thread of ideas that run through his mind; all Sicheng has to do is pay more mind to decipher what he is saying.
Sicheng remains silent for a while, unsure on what to say. The other boys exchange curious glances and wait for their friend to continue.
“Get her back for me—for rejection, please?” Taeyong requests.
Sicheng laughs out of pity, unamused by his question. “Taeyong, we’re too old to play games.”
“Seriously!” Taeyong persists, walking up to the younger boy. “I already have an easy, perfect plan. Just lead her on, get her on the edge, and leave her hanging—you know, what you usually did with girls back then.”
Sicheng clenches his teeth in disgust when he heard Taeyong’s reasoning. Back then? Right, Sicheng has completely forgotten that Taeyong, and his other friends, are aware of his prevalent title and the actions he has “committed” to achieve it. Sicheng forces out laughter, a disguise of how repulsive he finds the entire idea. “What the heck? You’re kidding me.”
“No, I’m not,” Taeyong insists. “Come on, go pick her up in your nice car or something. Take her out for a ride—then take her out for a ‘ride.’”
The thought of Sicheng witnessing a member of the opposite sex wholly naked makes him sweat profoundly, and he shakes his head, brushing aside Taeyong’s request. Shit, Sicheng never has evocative imaginations of any women before and he refuses to start here and now. “N-no thanks,” he denies, his eyes averting from Taeyong’s.
“Enough of this,” cuts in Jaehyun with an announcement, “I’m starving. We’ve been waiting for you and Yuta for a while, can we just get something to eat already?”
“The billiards hall?” questions Yuta, fishing in his pocket for keys.
Jaehyun nods in response, and seconds later all of the boys separate into multiple vehicles, driving right on over to their local hangout.
Sicheng, situating himself in the driver’s seat, wonders who Taeyong is referring to. Sicheng is lost to why he is inquisitive to the girl’s identity. Maybe it is the fact there is a student out there who withstands Taeyong’s overflowing charms. If Sicheng was not driving, he would close his eyes and remain deep in his thoughts. He grips onto the wheel and shakes his head, removing the thoughts out of his mind to have a momentary peace. Though, the moment Jaehyun opens his mouth to complain about his empty stomach the evanescent peace is disrupted.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
Back at the university you are waiting under the overhang of the indoor swimming pool for your friend to exit. Your eyes scan the familiar campus, searching for out of the blue occurrences that would be an obtrusive scene; but of course, within your university, nothing far too estranged ever occurs.
Your friend, Sowon, has finally exited the building  with a gleam on her face. (y/n)!” she exclaims, latching her arm around yours. “Have you been waiting long? Why didn’t you just go inside?”
“No, don’t worry,” you assure. “And the smell of chlorine is far too much for me.”
Sowon smiles, innocent. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine,” you shrug off, hiking your bag over your shoulder. “Are we going to the bleachers again? I brought my biochem book so I can distract myself as you drool over the baseball players. You know, we have an exam tomorrow right?
“You’re always studying,” she complains. Sowon pulls you back when you start to walk away from her. “And no, the guys I’m usually there for left—so we have an afternoon to ourselves. I saw them leave when I was entering the locker room.”
“Wait, the guys you usually are there for?” you question, steepling your fingers to your chin as you attempt to recall the boys she is referring to.
Sowon forces a stern frown towards you, pursing her lips into a pout soon after. “Yeah, remember? The one you coldly rejected as you walked me to practice.”
“Oh, him,” you spat out distastefully.
Sowon giggles at your bitter response. “Taeyong!” she sings his name. “God, he was the cute one I was searching for, and he asked you on a date—and you rejected him. What were you thinking?”
You glared at your friend, unable to fathom what she has seen in a man like Taeyong. “What were you thinking for ever seeing something in him?”
“The question was rhetorical.” You rolled your eyes, irked and unwilling to hear a response. “Well, if you’re not going to drag me anywhere then I’m going to head back to my apartment.”
Sowon grips onto her duffel bag, dutifully following you like a shadow as you begin to saunter to the street parking. “I’ll come with! We can study together—in quiet like you’ve been asking for.”
You reluctantly look at Sowon, thoughtfully considering whether or not she would disturb your restless studies. Knowing that she would be sustained, you release a sigh. “Fine, just for today though.”
After all, who would you be to reject any sort of study session? Your studies are always valuable to you, and they tend to be more productive with others in the milieu; you spend hours on end immersing yourself in books. Ever since high school it has been your goal to attend the university you are currently enrolled in—and your dream has been achieved after zero contact from the social sphere outside. You carried on your studies for a good while for the beginning of your first year at the institute, but afterwards was when everything crumbled down for you. The walls you built around yourself during high school to block students out had finally diminished, for girls were intruding on your personal space and boys were beckoning you over countlessly.
Honestly, it used to feel like you were placed in an outlandish environment against your will, which consequently made the environs that surrounded you wider. That is actually how you met Sowon, one of your closest friends. At first she pestered you like a wearisome fly, feeding off the few bits of energy you poured into arriving at the institute. After you became used to her presence the two of you became friends without verbally establishing it. Lunches together became a part of one another’s routines and so was hanging out in the city on empty weekends.
Oh, and she was the one who brought you to your first party uptown, which was where everything had taken a turn for the unexpected.
You, the bibliophile and quiet learner, attended one of the most dynamic parties of the year with your polar opposite, Sowon. Keeping details at a minimum and compacting everything within a nutshell, it was the first night you drank an immense amount of alcohol—and the first time you had sex.
It was spontaneous and out of the blue, but surprisingly you did not mind. Nervous would be an understatement to how you felt, but those anxious wrecks were becoming sparse as the scene carried on. The man who you had a drunken makeout session with and the one who prompted the idea of sex was nothing but talk. And you remember his name perfectly: Jung Jaehyun.
From the word you had heard many times about him, he was a stellar soccer player and an ultimate playboy. To be fair, you believed in the rumours you heard about him; it was what made you anxious in the first place; but, it was nothing surprising at the end.
Jung Jaehyun was a complete derision to his notorious group of friends—and you found that out during the unpremeditated night. Not that you cared or anything. He let you take over, and he said that it was the first time he allowed a girl to top him. But, pushing your own limit and his, you rode his cock intentively while dirty words spilled from your mouth. His skin became marked by your masterpieces as if his body was a blank canvas waiting for your color, and he enjoyed every second of it.
Before the heated scene with Jaehyun had escalated you thought the first time you had sex would be your last; oh, you were dead wrong. There was a sort of thrill you got during it, and some sort of element that made you spellbinded to the sensation. Or maybe it was the delight you had received after catching the completely drained out look on Jaehyun’s face. To say he was surprised by your skill in be would be a euphemism. What else was he supposed to feel though? The girl he recognized from the cafeteria and always had her face in a book showed up at a party. If that was not an easy shot to him, what else would be?
In short, Jaehyun was dead wrong.
You left him alone in the bedroom and made way for the exit, grabbing onto Sowon’s arm as you tried to weave past the crowded party house with quivering legs. The moment you were out of Jaehyun’s sight your face flushed with the deepest shade of roses, and Jaehyun laid on the bed in unmitigated disappointment.
It did not take long for stories about you to spread around the university. Drama that stood on equal par to high school turmoil stirred out of the university twist, but they were far too fraudulent for you to pay enough mind to. It was a shocker for others to hear that someone like you fucked Jung Jaehyun, for you were the definition of erudite and you never associated yourself much with others. And that factor was what drew other guys to test their own abilities with you.
Occasionally, the times you grew bored and had studied enough for upcoming exams, you would act like you had fallen into the other boys’ traps—for a good night to yourself. As weeks and months flew by it was some sort of unwonted rumour that you slept with a couple of men. It was always old news that no one believed except for those you slept with and Sowon, who knew the verity, and you were thankful for so.
After all, no one would ever think that one of the university’s taciturn bibliophiles would go around sleeping with men for fun.
You and Sowon spend the rest of the day avoiding distractions and diving into each other’s studies. It is an even longer night full of passages after extensive passages, and you fall asleep at the kitchen table as she knocks out on the comfort of your couch.
When you wake the following morning there is still an hour and a half prior to class beginning, and you shake Sowon until her eyes open. “Get up,” you order, ignoring the curses that spill from her lips since you disrupted her slumber. “I didn’t say you could sleep over! See, we got so distracted to the point we had to stay up late.”
“Sorry!” she laughs. “It’s not my fault I never come here often. You have a sweet place so it’s impossible for me to not get distracted. You usually linger at my dorm room, but your apartment is way cooler.”
You roll your eyes and drag her off the sofa. “Go hit the shower and borrow some of my clothes. We have to get to class.”
“But we have an hour!”
“And we have a test,” you argue, the glare you send towards Sowon providing hints of fear to shoot up her spine.
Sowon groans and makes her way to your bathroom to prepare for the day. You and Sowon get ready to head over to the university within half an hour, and quickly enter your vehicle. She then makes herself snug in the passenger seat, her eyes fluttering closed as if she is ready to knock out again right then.
“No sleeping,” you order her, twisting your keys into the ignition.
Sowon let out some complaints as you start to drive; the roads are surprisingly vast considering the time of day. A serene quietude fills the empty spaces of your car and you use the remaining time before the exam to rehearse the frequently leaned information in your mind for the upcoming exam. Considering the time of day, not many people would be present in the student parking lot at your institute. So, rather than fixating your vehicle on the far end of the busy street, you drive straight into the lot in search for parking—which is graciously everywhere.
You move your car to the center of the lot, parking it neatly between two vehicles, and step out with your arms stretching to the sky. Sowon yawns as she starts to trudge out of the car and to the lecture hall, her arm looping around your own as she moves in a desultory pace.
“I don’t get why we’re here earlier than usual…” she mumbles.
You sigh, pulling her to the hall. “You can nap in the room and I can study. It isn’t bad to be at class a little earlier.”
“God, now I completely understand why people don’t believe you sleep with a shit ton of guys,” she announces.
Sowon grumbles out of pain and allows you to drag her past the doors of the lecture hall, sitting her next to your seat. You leaf through your textbook, eyes perusing every single passage in hopes of absorbing the unknown information. To no surprise, after a good ten minutes, Sowon has drifted off into a gentle sleep. Sighing, you resume your studies until it is time for the assessment to start.
After a few more moments as time soars by, you peer up from your textbook. You notice that majority of the seats have been filled; you have been in your own expanse when you were studying, and it is the weight of the exam that halts time, allowing it to crash onto your shoulders.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
Twenty minutes past the designated time class begins; Sicheng finds himself speeding down the streets in high hopes of making it to the lecture hall within a heartbeat. It is as if the higher his speed meter went the baggage that falls on his shoulders from the teacher’s scornful gaze would not be as substantial as he expects.
“God damn it,” he spits out. “Note to self: no drinking on weeknights anymore—especially with a devastated Taeyong.”
Sicheng mutters other curses under his breath, the indignant words swirling with the blaring music that suffuses his vehicle. He is twenty minutes late to an exam, and the mere thought of this reality is poison to his thoughts. Sure, Sicheng the notorious “bad boy” and, claimed, epitome of devil-may-care, might not pay mind to trivial details—but when it comes to exams and studies he takes them very diligently. In fact, if all the rumours that circulate around Sicheng did not exist then he would be unrecognizable to everyone.
In a tight rush he erratically veers his vehicle into the parking lot and goes to his designated spot—which he finds out is taken, to his surprise. Confused, he studies the car that is present in his student lot for a good minute or so, only to become more vexed at the sight as more time passes by. “You’re fucking kidding me,” Sicheng sighs. “I didn’t pay the fee for student parking to have this happen.”
Sicheng turns his head over his shoulder and leans back, his arm resting behind the neck of the passenger seat as he swiftly exits the crowded lot. He zooms out of the classified parking tact and roams the streets, his eyes attentive to the road and curbs to find a vacant spot. The streets are fairly crowded with pedestrians and passersby, cars speeding down as if they are racing against one another amid their routinely commute. After another ten minutes he sees an empty spot at the far end of the bustling street, almost perfectly unoccupied as if it is to bee waiting for him. Sicheng kicks up the speed of his car and rushes to the spot, the carking honks of certain vehicles directing towards his recklessness. He finally parks after what feels like aeons.
Apparently it is immensely taxing to find a spot that is by the institute. Then again, Sicheng is running on three hours of sleep—a disturbed slumber created by Taeyong and Yuta cracking jokes as if being dormant is not in their dictionary—not a single cup of coffee, and a tired mind. He rests against his driver’s seat and takes a deep breath, his chest palpably heaving, and he closes his eyes as his head leans against the headrest.
Ready to drift off into a much needed, entailing sleep, Sicheng shakes himself up and gets a mental reminder that he is already far too late for an exam. He bolts out of his vehicle and begins to zip past the streets, the chill of the wind pricking at his skin with every fast, large step he takes towards the institute. Sicheng is using the last of his energy to reach the lecture hall, and he wastes the remaining pieces of his mind to read the directory boards.
When he storms into the lecture hall it is as if he is a raging tornado, bringing down a few loose papers by the desk near the door. Out of breath and making his way to the front, he grabs onto an exam that is lazily, and angrily, being held by his professor, and begins to sit at the first vacant spot available.
The disturbance is vexatious enough for your eyes to peer from your paper to study the interference. All you see is a rowdy boy, a recognizable face from Taeyong’s obstreperous group of friends, and high school, finding a solace on a plastic chair within the room. You sigh, shaking your head in disappointment before you return to your exam.
The boy’s distant rummaging for supplies fades away from your senses after a few moments, allowing you to give complete focus to your exam.
Sicheng briefly glances at the assessment before him and releases a sigh of relief, mollified that the content on the paper is everything he can claim he has an expertise in. Biochem is never a struggle for Sicheng—if he even struggled with studies to begin with. The years he has poured into studying sedulously in high school truly paid off, from treating it like a hobby and using it as an escape from the nasty rumours that disseminated around him. He used to be the top of his class while he was in high school, and that was what earned him the open door to his present, prestigious university.
The longer Sicheng stares at the test the quicker the answers arrive to him. His pencil is creating scribbles all over the scratch paper, and the solutions piece together not long afterwards. It takes him forty-five minutes for the exam to be thoroughly completed and skimmed through, and he grins at himself as if he has achieved a nonpareil victory. Around this time you finish the exam as well, taking longer than usual by returning to skipped questions and reviewing your work.
Contemporaneously, you and Sicheng make each other’s way to the front and hand the exam to the professor, who accepts it with reluctance. Well, to be completely true to the story, you halt the boy’s stride by stepping in front of him, practically shoving the assessment to your professor. Sicheng cocks an eyebrow upwards towards your miniature stunt, hoping it is an accidental disrespect, and waits.
With belongings in your hand you leave the lecture hall with haste. You hope that the last minute studying for the exam is worth it; after all, it is a refresher. Looking back at the room, Sowon is still sitting at her spot with a furrowed brow, torn on which formula to use for one of the many onerous questions.
Sicheng, on the other hand, keeps his eyes on you as you walk out the door, blinking twice to your phantom-like action to leave the hall. He then proceeds to talk to the professor for a short while about the following unit. Soon afterwards he meets up with one of his friends, Taeyong, and they roam the university campus for a good while amid conversing about random topics in regards to women and pointless get-togethers.
“So, Sicheng,” Taeyong starts, “our next party is going to be next week.”
Sicheng looks at his friend, engrossed by the conversation. Hearing about parties is either music to Sicheng’s ears, or the complete opposite if there is a vital project or assessment close. “Really? I’m down, where is it though?”
Taeyong shrugs. “Probably at Yuta’s. We haven’t had a party at his place in a while.”
“More like we haven’t been there in a while—it’s like he wants to keep us away from his shit.”
The boy lets out a laugh, agreeing with his younger friend patently. “We can stop by his place when he comes back. For now, we can just chill out in your car.”
“Yeah, we—”
Sicheng cuts his words short. It is not until Taeyong speaks the final statement for him to recall it: his car is not in the student parking lot, and it is the momentous event of the day. Taeyong becomes startled at the sudden groan Sicheng lets out that is quite similar to an enraged beast waking.
He rubs a palm on his face as he says, “Right, my car isn’t here.”
Taeyong’s curiosity catapults rapidly before he asks, “What are you talking about? This is where your spot is.”
“I know,” he says with a sigh, shoving his fists into his pocket. His face is contorting into an expression of annoyance, a childish pout appearing on his pursed lips. “But someone was in my designated parking spot. Tae, you know what I had to do?” He swats his friend’s arm. “I had to drive all the way to the end of this busy street just to park—I could have gotten hit if I wasn’t careful!”
“Well, good thing you were careful.” A small fit of titters is impossible for Taeyong to fight when he heard the lilliputian story, it being the highlight of his week.
Sicheng sternly frowns at his friend. “It’s not funny. I don’t pay the parking fee for this uni for nothing. I was late today too, and it had to be on the day of an exam.”
“Sorry, bro,” Taeyong comforts. Well, an excuse of comforting his downhearted friend to be precise. “If it makes you feel better I’ll drive you to the end of the street so you don’t have to risk your life on the sidewalk.”
Taeyong’s frolicsome tone brings out Sicheng’s querulous side, like a storm that has been waiting to strike its thunder, but the younger boy is in no mood to shoot back any rude remarks.
“Come on”—Taeyong urges his friend with a hand—“let’s go. Then we can text Jae and them to meet up at the billiards hall later before we head to Yuta’s.”
Sicheng stares at the vehicle that is occupying his space for a few more seconds before shadowing Taeyong to the opposite side of the parking lot, brows still together in a derailing manner. The walk to Taeyong’s vehicle is a good ten minutes, considering the wide parking tract. Once the two boys reach the desired car they plunk inside and prepare to drive.
Taeyong’s engine purrs and he begins to back out of his spot; shortly, he slowly makes his way around the area and heads for the exit. Sicheng is reposing in the passenger seat, his eyes closed as if he aches for a deep sleep to make up for last night—and quite honestly, he does. The smooth drive is going well until Taeyong’s car comes to an abrupt halt, causing Sicheng to open his eyes in a desultory rate to gawk at the reason why.
“Why’d you stop?” Sicheng asks, looking at his friend.
Taeyong glowers, displeasure priming on his features. “People are crossing the street. You know, one of them being the girl that rejected me.”
Sicheng bats his eyes, blinking the sleep away as he leans forward, examining the students. One of them, Sicheng recognizes within a dream, and he is ephemerally caught off guard. It is the same girl who shoved himself in front of him after the simple test, cutting off the thread of his actions swiftly—in fact, she is you.
You are dragging your feet to your car as Sowon’s arm is compactly looping around your own, almost dragging you back. She is voicing an exasperating legion of complaints about the exam, constantly claiming that her life has now come to an end after that devastating assessment. Then again, this is just a typical Sowon.
Sicheng is ready to lounge and nap in the passenger seat until he noticed the transparent path you are walking on. At it was to his parking lot; to your vehicle.
“Wait a second,” Sicheng mumbles, his gaze narrowing on your figure. He roots himself in the passenger seat of his friend’s car until he is sure you are going to his designated spot, and Taeyong ogles at his friend in unmitigated dubiety.
“Dude, that’s definitely the girl that rejected me. That’s—”
“Her,” Sicheng completes mindlessly. Sicheng notices the way you are fishing for the keys in your bag, and later unlocked your car.
Taeyong speaks some more about you as he rambles on and on, but Sicheng is highly inattentive to his friend’s words, for he is far too invested in his anger building up inside of him. God, because of you he is more than late to the exam, and it seems like the fee he paid for the parking is put to waste. Exasperated, he unbuckles his seatbelt and impulsively exits Taeyong’s car, marching towards you in an indignant manner.
Taeyong’s eyes blow wide to his friend’s brisk exploit, calling out for him, but nothing stops Sicheng’s bourning stride.
“Excuse me,” Sicheng calls out for you. Rather than catching your attention it enraptures Sowon’s, who quickly tugs onto your sleeve to notify your awareness. The drag Sowon creates pulls you back, and you shake your arm out of her grasp with a whine.
“What is it now?” you question her. Her head is facing elsewhere when you bombard her with the question, and your gaze follows her rising arm that is pointing to a man a short distance away. With an angry gait he approaches your being after a few moments, and he is a short yard from you.
The man you recognize as Sicheng clears his throat. “You parked in my spot today. It’s actually assigned to me.” Sicheng tilts his chin high as if he is looking down at you, but the words that left his lips come out gentler than what anyone would expect.
It takes you a moment to assess his words and Sowon creeps off to the side, watching the spectacle like it is an all-star movie. Your gaze fleets from the parking lot ot Sicheng, and you release a huff of breath. “Your spot?” you repeat distastefully. “I thought parking at this university was for whoever gets it first.”
Sicheng crinkles his nose at your mistake, how conspicuous it is. “Y-yeah,” he stutters, attempting to approach the incident in a collected fashion. With none of his friends around he has no point in keeping up the malicious bad boy mask he created. “You’re wrong. There’s actually a fee we pay to—”
“If you bothered to show up to class on time, especially on a day of an exam, maybe this would’ve never happened,” you comment. You notice the way Sicheng gets taken aback by your sour tongue, for he never thought that someone like you would speak with flames, matches igniting every word that left your mouth. The fire scorches Sicheng’s dignity—enough to burn it to ashes.
Sicheng’s mouth gapes as he agitates at your response; it really is the polar of what he expects to come from the pretty lips of yours. You are a sweet trap in his eyes, the epitome of one. A simple appearance with angelic features to him, but that one statement reveals all the poison that vests within your being. “I’m sorry,” Sicheng lets out with a laugh, “what did you say?”
“You know what I said,” you articulate, not willing to spend another second conversing with him. There is an ache to return to your apartment after that arduous exam and create comfort in the familiar confinement, but here Sicheng is, preventing you from doing so.
Sicheng’s lips twist into a smile, his impatience running thin. “Look, girl, I—”
“(y/n),” you correct. “My name is (y/n), Sicheng.”
Sicheng abides to your patience and he takes a second to calm himself down before he blows a fuse. “How do you know my name?” he questions, steering away from the topic at hand. The mask he has constructed for a day-to-day basis has come out, hoping it would rip an apology out of you. “Ah, of course. Who doesn’t?”
Though, to his surprise and your unamusement, the opposite occurs. "Aside from us attending the same high school and hearing all the rumours about you, the girls who sat behind us wouldn't shut up for a good two minutes about how ‘adorable you look when tired’—during an exam. I'm upset the professor didn't notice.”
Sicheng shrugs, pushing his interest about the girls’ words to the back of his mind. “Really? If I was not late due to someone taking my parking then that wouldn’t have happened. Half an hour, (y/n).”
“You can be ten minutes late, twenty, or even half an hour—I don’t care.” You start to walk to the driver’s side of your vehicle, opening the door vehemently.
Sicheng continues to follow you halfheartedly and questions, “Seriously?”
Your hand hangs off the car door and you toss him a look of annoyance. Meanwhile, Sowon slips onto the passenger side. “Do you only know how to ask questions in disbelief?” you spit out to him.
“No, I’m just—”
“You seem surprised that I’m talking to you this way,” you think aloud. You pull on the strap of your backpack and start to take your baggage off, lobbing it onto the backseat.
Sicheng swallows another breath of air, waiting for you to continue. “A little.”
You indicate a sound of annoyance and you start to step into your vehicle. “You’re at our university, Sicheng, so you need to have a purpose. If you were seriously a hardcore 'bad boy' as everyone says, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Why? Because you wouldn't be here."
With that, you shut the door on the boy and start up your engine.
Sicheng’s jaw drops to the floor as he watches you back out from his assigned spot. Nothing but raw shock takes over him and he is more than startled that you would talk in such a lethal fashion—especially towards him. In fact, he is not used to it. Someone has little to no interest in him, and treated him with such impudence to the point his inquisitiveness soars. Maybe the rumours he heard about you are true, and that you possibly did have a prestige of getting into countless of men’s pants.
You roll your window down once you completely back out of the driveway, only to say to the boy, “I won’t park here tomorrow for you though.”
And there is no apology. The last sound he hears from your vehicle is the excited screaming that comes from your friend, who is equally surprised at your attitude towards the notorious bad boy.
Sicheng remains planted onto the concrete of the tract until Taeyong pulls up next to him, snapping him out of his daze. “That doesn’t seem like it went well,” Taeyong points out the obvious.
Sicheng scratches the back of his neck and shuffles involuntarily. “Tell me about it… Say, Tae, you were interested in her?” Sicheng is unable to put it together: why would Taeyong ever show an interest to someone with a sour personality like yours? It is as if you are a rotten apple that would blight those who linger around you; absolutely abrasive.
Taeyong nods, somewhat ashamed from the brief past. “Yeah, why? Was it a mistake? Isn’t she kinda’ cute?”
Sicheng gives it some thought before shrugging. “I guess.”
“Don’t you want to get her back? You know, people say that she’s always down for a good fuck. You should do your signature: leave ‘em hanging.” Taeyong questions, implying more than just a request in his tone. He speaks with certainty, inexorable to his plan. His lips quirk into a cunning smirk, an expression that would enchant women, but Sicheng merely laughs it off.
He shakes his head, seeing no use with meddling in rumours. “No point. Come on”—he enters Taeyong’s vehicle, shielding how enraged he is with a smile—“let’s just go to the billiards hall.”
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
For majority of the drive, along with the car radio’s convivial tunes to set the impressible mood, Sowon’s voice entangles with the music. She speaks like a broken record that is unable to shut off, and you really want to mute her as if she is a rebarbative vinyl. It is not because you feel animus towards her, as hard as that may be to believe, but Sowon refuses to quit maundering about your daring exploit to Sicheng. Sowon is more than aware with who Sichen is, or, to be exact, who he makes himself to be; after all, the rumours have spread around the first day of university like wildfire. Oh, and he lingers within Taeyong’s compact crowd.
“I still can’t believe you talked to him like that,” Sowon lets out, her arms animatedly flailing around.
You roll your eyes and grip onto the wheel, paying close attention to the road as you search for the correct street to turn at. It is a good mid-afternoon, the preeminent time to eat lunch with your friend, and, with empty stomachs, you are both looking for a delectable place. Each time Sowon speaks of the scene you remain quiet, not allowing yourself to reply to her petulant reaction.
And so she continues, “Most girls are either too infatuated with Sicheng to even commit a fraction of what you did, or are entirely afraid of him. It’s strange though—like he and his group just has a spell over girls but you’re immune to their abilities.”
“You’re speaking of them like they’re witches,” you say with a laugh.
“They are,” she jests, a wide smile crossing her face. “I didn’t go to the same school as Sicheng, but I heard so much stuff about him.”
You raise an eyebrow, allured by her words and how she views the story of the notorious starboy. You ponder how much it differs from what your information of him, how you are most likely the one who is aware of the truth. “Like what?” you ask her.
Sowon hums a tune to the melody of the current song, her eyes upped as if she is soaring past her thick clouds of thought. “I heard he messed around with a lot of girls—more than he did in this uni. But it was all for fun. Those girls are so lucky—they got to go in his pants!”
“Yeah,” you agree, thoroughly carefree, “the boy rarely showed up to school when the year was ending though.”
Sowon giggles, her fingers hovering over her mouth. “I heard too. He went around with his friends downtown to sleep with older women. They were probably the most wild group out there.”
“He still acts like it,” you mumble.
“Because he still is like that—he doesn’t seem like the type of guy to change.” Sowon lets out a frown. “Since Taeyong is interested in you, should I just go for Sicheng?” she asks with a smirk.
For the first time throughout the entire drive your gaze breaks from the road; you study her buoyant face in hopes that this is another one of her jokes. “You’re talking as if you’re a part of their group.”
Sowon tilts her head. “What do you mean?”
“You know, the instead-of-getting-in-his-pants-i’ll-go-for-their-friend’s.”
“Nevermind,” you sigh. “It’s funny, I know Sicheng in a completely different way.
Sowon’s mouth gapes and she leans in over the center console, inching closer to invest herself in the details that are about to spill from your mouth. She acts as if she is a overwrought reporter, ready to receive the news that would be the talk of the century. “How so?” she questions. Then, a lightbulb flickers on in her hand—one that has been shut off for aeons. “Right, you went to the same high school as him!”
“Unfortunately,” you add. “I had to deal with the cheer team members in my class whispering everyday about how Sicheng broke their friend’s heart. Then when that was over, I had to put up with all sorts of girls being intrigued by how heedless he was. I never even crossed paths with him until today—thankfully.
“Sicheng was a stellar student from what I could tell. The times he were present in school he was always studying and such, or maybe wasting daylight in the dance room. That’s why I refuse to believe he’s a stupid starboy that loves getting in other’s pants. That boy’s probably a total softie—you should have seen how easy he went on me from earlier.”
Sowon’s eyebrows are raised, and she is somewhat taken aback from your description of the ultimate bad boy. She sees Dong Sicheng on a completely divergent path from you, so hearing new facets about him—from your experience—come as a large shock. She wonders if you are truly correct; she has heard so many stories like how he was an obstinate biker, but quit after a horrible accident. Word used to go around that he smoked dependently until he met Jaehyun. Everything was absolutely preposterous, but others asininely believed in everything they heard.
Laughter escapes her parted lips once more and she leans back in her chair, her head turning out the window as she thinks more about your words, imagining Sicheng as a milksop. It is futile for her to attribute the characters you provided her with to someone like him, for the image of Sicheng all around Taeyong and the other negligent personages is imbued into her mind. Almost like it is carved onto a tomb until eternity.
“I guess so,” she acknowledges. “So he’s kind of like you in a way.”
“What do you mean by that?” you ask her, defensive.
Sowon thinks for a few seconds, struggling to find the words to say. “Well shit spreads about you sleeping with a lot of guys, but no one believes it. Actually, you’re not the person people think you are—same with Sicheng. You’re my cute little bookworm, but to others you are a sex goddess who—”
“I don’t want to hear the details,” you say with a slanted grin.
“Moving on,” Sowon chants. “Now you know to not park there again. He’d probably break your windows or something next time.”
You raise an eyebrow at her words, parking your vehicle at the curb of the retail restaurant plaza. There is a specific look that sketches on your face, one that insinuates an instigating action that is bound to evoke a mirthful reaction.
“Would he?” you question yourself, voice inaudible to Sowon, who is preparing to exit the car. It takes a couple of seconds for you to come to a personal conclusion, and you result in going back on your word.
An unspoken game has been declared between you and Sicheng, and you are ready to make the first move tomorrow. Rather than having guys chase your back for a special night, it is your turn to chase a man for the sole purpose of teasing.
You and Sowon ate a fairly large lunch yesterday, and after dropping her back off to the dorm you got the best amount of shut eye you have had in weeks. But that is because you slept early, not due to sleeping in.
Once the first light of the morning seeps through your sheer curtains you rise as if it is your alarm, and you become ready for school within a short amount of time. It is pointless to spend a lot of time to look your best that early in the morning, so you keep apparel simple with leggings and a sweatshirt. Then, you enter your vehicle with your belongings and start to drive with a wide grin on your face.
Vastly emptier than usual, you cruised the streets in the ensconcement of your seat and comfort of your car. With the windows rolled down you have the gentle breeze whistling through your hair somewhat, and it all comes to an end when you reach the student parking lot. The more you get closer to the designated spot that is not yours, the more giddy you become. You are humming a tune in joy and narrow your eyes down on Sicheng’s spot, eager to fill it with your annoying vehicle.
Once you stop the car and pull out your keys you send Sowon a text, informing her that you have arrived at the university. You slip your phone into your bag and start to walk to the girls’ dormitory, almost dancing with each step towards the building. A good ten minute walk from the parking lot is what it takes for you to reach the entrance to the dorms, and Sowon meets up with you, opening the door to allow you inside. She greets you with an excited hug, dragging you to her dorm room as if she is an electrified child ready to play a few games.
“I’m surprised you decided to come early,” she comments, letting you waltz inside her dorm.
The familiar scent of vanilla created by her lightened up candles kisses your nose, and you take a seat on her messy bed. “Me too, but my morning’s been surprisingly well.”
“Mm, I wonder why,” she says in a singsong voice. Sowon looks out her window, observing the condensation present on the thick glass. “Isn’t it a long walk from where you usually park? It’s kinda’ cold out this morning,” she comments, a little worried.
You assure her with a smile, waving your hands to shy off her concerns. “Don’t worry, I parked closer this time.”
“Where?” she asks, lounging in her bean bag.
“My new spot,” you declare with credence, “where else?”
Sowon’s eyes blow wide, shocked at the confession that easily slips from your lips. “No way.”
There are stars twinkling in your eyes from the incoming victory, and you nod to confirm her suspicions. Like stated, it is a game that you and Sicheng have never spoken of, and you have every intention of winning.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
When Sicheng wakes he is not behind the time schedule like before. There is no blare of his phone alarm to snooze, no ostentatious early morning yelling from his friends; in fact, there is nothing but silence, and it sends him a plethora of peaceful sentiments. Sitting up in his bed for a while, he thinks deeply amid the calming quietude. It is enjoyable: the serenity of the morning with no disruptions, and he wonders if this is what his life would constantly be like if he purged the mask he set up for himself.
Sicheng presently makes the choice to get out of bed and prepare himself for a placid day. He strays away from his phone to avoid the rowdy group chat and he moves slower than usual, like a tranquil streamline. He is only going with the flow of the aerodynamic, allowing it to carry him throughout his day. Breakfast is small and simple, and he dresses up for school. It does not take long for him to enter his car and begin driving to the university.
The drive is strangely quiet, pellucid. There are not many clouds in the sky, like the sun has scared them all away, and the heat pours into his vehicle to create a slight discomfort. With his eyes on the road, periodically veering to the atmosphere, there is a contrail that he seems like he is following to reach the institute. Sicheng hums in thought and is going through his mental checklist as he drives into the student parking lot. The day is peculiarly calm, and it constructs a perfect morning for Sicheng.
Until he reaches his paid parking spot, only to find that same vehicle from the day before occupying it.
As if his mind is still slow, like he is wakening from a recent slumber, he stares at the unavailable spot for a good while before reacting. Sicheng takes quite a while to fathom your daring action, and he only responds with a tired sigh, making his way to the busy street to park his vehicle. So much for his good morning.
Sicheng has a sea of sheer purple underneath his eyes to indicate his tiredness, and his mouth is being dragged down into a frown that intimidates others that walk by. He is trudging through the campus in a search for his friends, completely irked by your new stunt. There are flames that are hazing around his being, warning students away from him—a mere lock of eyes would be enough to burn their pneuma.
In the distance underneath the tree in the center of the campus Sicheng sees Yuta perusing an article on his phone. “Hey, Nakamoto!” Sicheng calls out to him, smug as ever.
The sound of his name enraptures his attention and he diverts his awareness to his younger friend. “Sicheng!” he responds, walking towards the boy. “You’ve been dead since last night—we were making plans this morning in the chat, what’s up?”
“Oh, I couldn’t find my phone,” he responds rapidly, quick in thought. “What’s going on?”
“The usual,” Yuta laughs. “Why are you coming from that side? The parking lot is on the other.”
Sicheng’s expression runs niche, and he is motionless for a brief second or two. “My parking got jacked.”
“Again?” Yuta asks, taken aback. “You know, this is actually kinda’ funny.”
Sicheng rolls his eyes and roots his fists into his pockets, shifting his stance. “It’s not. My money is being wasted for someone else to take my fucking spot.”
“Take it back,” Yuta says without thought. He is speaking flamboyantly, like jokes are the only way he can keep up a conversation.
Sicheng looks his friend in the eye austerely, and Yuta, one who typically shares the flames of anger with Sicheng, is being scorched by his look alone.
“Yeah,” Sicheng breathes. “Let me just crash my car right into hers, you know? So none of us can use the spot.”
“You can always break her windows,” Yuta proposes.
Sicheng gruffs, raking a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner. “Do I look like I’m in the mood to get in trouble at this point in the semester?”
“Didn’t you always used to get in trouble back then anyway? This isn’t anything new for you,” Yuta falsely claims.
A few moments is what Sicheng needs to comprehend Yuta’s words. Of course Yuta would think that; Sicheng used to go to the counseling office every other day for help with the transfer program, and to vent about the stress that eats him from the inside, out. For a good week rumours had spread about Sicheng—to no surprise, and yet again—that his mother was forcing him into counseling at the school to work on his personality.
Recalling that episode in his life makes Sicheng sigh in disappointment, for he has a brief epiphany that everyone’s outside opinion of him is based off false columns that built him to where he is.
But all Sicheng can let out is an, “I guess.”
Yuta and Sicheng start to walk around the campus in search for the other two boisterous boys; for the most part, Sicheng is complaining endlessly about the taken parking spot. And the second they walk past the dormitory building, he shuts up. Not because he has been rambling seamlessly or that he dedicated ten minutes of his life to grousing, but because he sees someone not too far from him, recognizing the person within a heartbeat.
“God damn it, (y/n),” Sicheng spits out abhorrently.
“(y/n)?” Yuta repeats, looking at his friend. “Oh, the one who rejected Taeyong?”
The answer is obvious, but Yuta still commented unsurely amid Sicheng angrily striding your way. You and Sowon have recently waltzed out of the dormitory, giggling from miniature jokes.
“Hey,” Sicheng calls out to you.
Your jocular giggles wither into silence, and you stare at the recognizable boy before you. “Hey there, starboy.”
Getting straight to the point, Sicheng calms himself down with two deep breaths prior to continuing. You notice the way his chest puffs in and out, indicating that he is trying to lock the choleric fraction of his personality away.
“What happened to not taking my spot now? I don’t pay half a grand to have you take my parking,” he informs, forcing a smirk on his lips.
Sowon stares at Sicheng, intimidated by his fuming presence. Her gaze is exchanging from you and the boy, and she takes a step back as if a quarrel is ready to take place. Yuta on the other hand, who is leisurely observing from a close distance, takes entertainment.
“Yeah, but I didn’t want to walk that far again,” you tell him jovially. A part of you wants to be honest with Sicheng, to just announce ‘ Let this game begin ’ to see his next move, but instead you wrig in excitement.
Yuta joins Sicheng’s side, nudging the younger boy with his elbow and waggling his eyebrows to imply something else. It is a golden chance for Sicheng to break out a premier line, but not for you. If it is not obvious enough, their petulant antics have no effect on yourself; like you have a shield around you that is infrangible.
“You have to make it up to me somehow then,” Sicheng proposes, taking a step closer.
You cock an eyebrow upwards and tilt your head as if it would help you assess his words. Seriously, of all times and the array of things he can say to lighten up the situation, he has to draw out the poorest of utterances.
Letting out a titter, you take a step as well and tilt your chin up, a leonine presence coming over you. “How so?”
A fit of chuckles that failed to be sustained is audible in the background; of course, coming from Yuta. Sowon looks at the other boy and scrutinizes him for a good while, and when the two outsiders lock eyes, Yuta winks her way.
Sicheng swallows his breath, feeling tyrannized by you. It is not a normal occurrence for Sicheng to feel subdued by another member of the opposite sex; he usually has a way with words; typically his smile is all that is needed to charm others. His gaze averts from you and he flutters his lashes, silent for a couple of moments. Fuck, it really was not a smart choice to prompt something he is not able to finish.
Staring at the boy in front of you breaks down his bravado, it tumbling down as if it is an unstable house of cards. You wait and wait for Sicheng to answer your question, but he remains silent, uneasy as the tension in the air rises.
“Come on, starboy,” you edge, smirking from the prominent standing of having the upper hand, “Finish what you started.”
Sicheng releases a sigh, brushing off the weight of the moment but turning his back to you. “There’s no point,” he articulates, walking back to his friend. Yuta’s eyebrows are raised in a fashion of attentiveness, unable to pinpoint the exact reason for Sicheng dropping the tight scene.
The moment the back of Sicheng’s head is what you are spitting your false sense of superiority towards, Sicheng’s expression withers into relief. It is like the strength he utilizes to hold up the mask of braggadocio is not even a fraction of what he needs to face you head on. Giving it more thought, Sicheng recalls the few hearsays that once spread the campus about you—and frequently the same words still make rise—and how you truly are not the donnish student you display yourself to be.
With his suspicions rising, yours are sensibly confirmed.
As Sicheng walks to Yuta, the older boy looping his arm around the younger’s neck to pull him close and hound his friend for backing out, your eyes cannot tear from his figure until he is out of sight.
Narrowing down your thoughts, you conclude that Dong Sicheng is nothing but talk, the epitome of overrated; the personality he exhibits to others a mere act he has molded himself to fit in almost perfectly. But it is the faulty fraction that allows you to see through his false persona. With a smug grin, he dissembles his true self inside. And knowing this defective element absolutely galvanizes you, prompting you to maintain the unspoken game.
Thinking in terms of a game, there are those who fear him and those who ache to be near the being of vehement carelessness. And then there is you: someone who has always been made aware of his noxious existence since high school, but has chosen to stray far away from him. It is like crossing paths has kindled the start of a spirited stratagem, and you want to give Sicheng a taste of what he is unobtrusively missing, which is a night of zealous coition.
You are snapped out of your daze when Sowon waves her hand in front of your face, catching your attention abruptly. Looking at her, you smile triumphantly.
“Seriously? What are you thinking?” she asks you from witnessing your farcical stunt. “Sicheng’s going to get you back for this. I heard that the last time sometime tried to reject him his friends—”
“Everything you hear about Sicheng is so absurd,” you acknowledge with a breathy laugh. “But whatever he does—if he wants to do anything—it’ll be amusing.”
Sowon presses a palm to her forehead before dragging you to the main path, pulling you to the direction of the lecture hall. “You really are diabolical,” she comments.
Shrugging, the two of you chuckle, pushing the recent moment to the back of each other’s minds, refusing to speak about it until the short future.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
Yuta’s hands are flying all over the air as he talks animatedly, passionate about his thoughts from the recent encounter with you. If one is to look towards his way, they would assume the worst; after all, Yuta is speaking with anger and a sour tongue.
“You should have said, ‘Make it up to me tonight’!” Yuta exclaims, annoyed at his friend’s reluctance. “It was the perfect chance, and you said the opening line to it. It was your open window, and all you had to do was jump out!”
Sicheng grumbles in annoyance. “There was seriously no point.”
“Um,” Yuta hesitates, “yes, there was! Are you forgetting about sex? You would have given her a night to remember.”
“It’s not like I want that,” Sicheng comments, his voice silent like a whisper. He thinks about his statement a little more, assessing Yuta’s confused expression before Sicheng adds, “I mean, f-from her.”
Yuta sighs in defeat; it is anticlimactically futile to argue with Sicheng. “You’ve always been the softest one out of all of us. It’s kinda’ funny, everyone else thinks so highly of you to the point they fear you. But you don’t want to fuck around with that many girls. When was the last time you even had a good fuck?”
Sicheng rolls his eyes at Yuta’s persistence. “Long enough, I suppose.”
“That’s why at my party next week, you’ll score big—maybe.”
“So the party’s really going to be held at your place?” Sicheng questions.
Yuta nods his head, confirming his question. “You bet. Get ready, ‘starboy,’ you’re probably gonna’ score it big.”
Sicheng’s breath is lodging in his throat, unsure on what to think about the upcoming party. Wild festivities are a must within the group, and every so often they are held—each being deemed as the party of the month, always to be better than the last. As much as the others look forward to them; men looking to score and women searching for a long night; Sicheng somewhat dreads them. It would be questionable if he is absent without a valid reason, and studies is not rational enough in their books. So, typically at intimate gatherings like those he would stray off to the side and avoid conversing with drunken individuals, and leave after a few hours of sitting and moping.
Usually girls would crowd him though, but a party is the last place Sicheng would want to converse with anybody. The impression of the other individual would substantially drop; it practically screams that they are there to get into someone’s pants. When Sicheng is being held down by a sphere of excited partiers, his friends orbit around him and prompt him for a drink or two, but it always leads into a few more.
Whoever would be lucky would be leading Sicheng into a bedroom where the only occupiers are the two of them, and, sure, kissing would occur and sensual touches, but once clothes begin to get discarded Sicheng becomes reluctant. Though, to the other’s eyes, it seems he has lost interest within a heartbeat, growing bored when they try harder to catch his attention again. Sicheng would try to talk them out of it—if he is not too flustered by the sight of a half naked body. However, it is his turn for him to rid himself of his apparel, he stands up irresolutely and heads straight for the door, no words needed.
In short, parties are no fun for the false starboy.
You have never been one to dwell within your thoughts. Problems pass by like quick showers of rain, disappearing within a couple of moments, and negative reflections are always shattered. However, the rumination of the damned boy, Dong Sicheng, has never left your mind. It is impressioned onto your brain like ancient carvings, and they do not seem to be disappearing any time soon.
Throughout your two years of being present within the university, the stir of events you have witnessed recently, and the game you set up for yourself have to be the most eventful. It keeps you occupied, pushes you to the edge of your seat in excitement, and gives you another action to do aside messing around with guys who crave a taste of you. In fact, with the line of guys who test the rumours and theories of your sex skill that you once found alluring, they no longer have a spot in your aspirations. All because Sicheng is in your radar, and he is the next target.
It is interesting to see how the events have cascaded upon one another: you never batted an eye to Sicheng in high school, now all you want is to tease him. Conceivably, you want to tarnish that “bad boy” reputation that surrounds him—because that would be your greatest accomplishment. Hearing the nosy speculations that encompass Sicheng makes you burst out in laughter. Who everyone sees as a negligent but charming man is nothing but rotten to you. Some say that he used to get in fights uptown when he was in high school, and others say that he never studied, always skipping class to find older women. Though, after attending the same high school as him and noticing the trivial particulars, taking every detail into consideration, Sicheng is far too overvalued.
Sicheng skipped class from the negative insinuations that surrounded him, and everything made sense to you within seconds. Almost like the sky has cleared after its storm, you gained a decent understanding of him and who he makes himself to be.
Sowon has a point: you and Sicheng are similar in many ways, yet differ substantially at the same time. Both you and the starboy have speculatory gossip besieging to the point going against it is futile. There is even a false impression of you that other students have. The university bibliophile and intellectual—one that no one expects to even converse with the opposite sex, lewdly—has scored with far too many guys on campus. And because of your assiduous exhibition, no one truly believes that you have slept with one or two of them.
The following day after an easily deemed victory you wake up with intentions to steal his parking spot again. You are running a little bit later than the clock, but with enough time to get dressed; and so, within ten minutes, you are out the door. The weather feels identical as the day before: clear skies and a warm sun, but the rush you face to reach Sicheng’s parking spot makes it difficult to enjoy the mild weather.
Amid your careening, you have reached the entrance of the student parking lot and see a familiar vehicle driving down the opposite end of the tract. Focusing your vision, you recognize the driver as Dong Sicheng, and the man in the passenger seat as Jung Jaehyun. You sigh and let out a sound of annoyance, your head turning left and right to see if there is another way to beat him to the locale. And it is either you turn left and enter a one way zone, or obey the rules and go all the way around. Obviously, with your ache to top Sicheng—in many ways, that is—the answer is in the air. Taking a deep breath, you grip onto the wheel and turn it, veering your vehicle into the one-way zone that is opposite from you. You are driving recklessly as you zip down the road, and just as the other car is about to make its way towards its designated spot, you swerve right into the vacancy.
The other vehicle comes to an abrupt halt, for its brake is rapidly pressed down onto as you cut off their bearing. “Shit,” spits out the driver, Sicheng. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
Jaehyun’s body is jerked from the sudden freeze of momentum, and he gets dragged back to the passenger seat, groaning, “Whoa, what happened?”
Sicheng tossed his head onto the headrest and closed his eyes, frustrated at your stunt. He calms himself with a few deep breaths, his grip loosening on the wheel as Jaehyun studies his actions.
“You good, dude?” Jaehyun asks, hitting his friend’s arm with the back of his hand like he is an empty shell.
“Yeah,” Sicheng concludes, his voice descending. “Just a little frustrated.”
Jaehyun bats his eyes and looks at the vehicle that has taken Sicheng’s paid parking spot; it takes a while for Jaehyun to comprehend the situation, then he finally speaks. “Again? Isn’t this the third day in a row?”
Sicheng nods and opens his eyes, his teeth biting the outline of his lip. There is a concerning mien that is priming on his face: an empty-looking stare, but fire hazes this two orbs. Though, when Sicheng opens his eyes and shifts his gaze to his friend, he notices someone else in his field of view—he notices you, hiking your backpack over your shoulder as you start to walk across the lot.
“Because of that fucking—”
“(y/n),” Jaehyun interrupts, his voice susurrous and questionable.
The sound of your name leaving someone else’s lips sounds incredibly foreign to Sicheng, and it catches his attention. Jaehyun appears uneasy as he gawks at you, shaky eyes and his hands balling into fists. Sicheng takes in every detail and he is about to question the well-being of his friend; until, Jaehyun smiles reassuringly to him.
“Sorry, I recognize her from a year ago,” he informs.
Sicheng raises an eyebrow, his hands coasting off the wheel. “What? Did you guys have a thing—an actual relationship?”
Jaehyun shakes his head. “No,” he says with a laugh. “It’s a short story, but I can tell you later.”
“Whoa, it’s something I don’t know? I guess there really is a first for everything.”
Jaehyun laughs lounges in the passenger seat, his stare finally breaking from you and your friend. There is a bitter taste that reposes on Jaehyun’s tongue, a familiar heat efflorescing in his chest; it is the taste you left him with, the anger that has been created the night you two had sex. Jaehyun has seen you around campus a couple of times and he ignores the innocent look you have whenever you enter another social surrounding. At the time, he was aware that voicing his complaints about you would put everyone in a state of disbelief, and Jaehyun would be deemed as a first-class liar—despite the truth pouring from his lips like endless waterfalls. Oh, and Jaehyun would never let anyone else know that he allowed a girl to top him for a night, then leave him as if he was nothing but detritus. There was no call back later, and a conversation the following day was absent. You and Jaehyun turned into instant strangers afterwards, and there has never been a reason to go back on that title.
You wave your hand in the air to catch Sicheng’s attention, to which he diffidently forces a smile your way, his anger failing to be shielded. Grinning at the starboy, you finally see the familiar boy in the passenger seat clearly. Jaehyun’s head turns out the window; he is refusing to look at you, and you titter quietly. Sowon pushes you ahead, bringing you out of the parking lot as she tries to hide her own sounds of entertainment.
“I can’t believe you did that,” Sowon surmises.
“I’ve been doing the same thing for two days—this is my plan,” you inform her.
Sowon pouts. “I mean when you entered the one way zone—what if someone was trying to exit? Or of a staff member saw you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” you assure. “This whole thing is foolproof.”
Meanwhile, Sicheng and Jaehyun are driving out of the parking lot, finding no point in complaining about the unexpected occurrence. Sicheng is making his way down the familiar street, hoping that the line of cars parked snugly at the curb would end soon. Jaehyun appears to be back to his wholesome self once the vehicle exits the parking lot; he releases a sigh of relief and Sicheng questions him yet again.
“Yeah, don’t worry. Just show me where you parked on days like these,” Jaehyun jests.
“At the end of the damn street,” Sicheng informs, vindictive rancorous lacing his tone. “Jae, you sure you never dated (y/n)? You two act like you had a horrible relationship.”
Jaehyun swallowed his breath, systematizing his thoughts in order to deliver the plain truth—in a way that will not shock his friend. “We didn’t have a horrible relationship—or any relationship!” Jaehyun protests, his voice rising as if it would support his defensiveness like a pillar. There is a period of soundlessness that creeps into the vehicle as Sicheng finally finds parking, praising the fact he is not at the busy end of the curb. Sicheng is about to cajole in joy like a young child, the feeling as if the parking is an oasis within a parched desert standing on equal par, but Jaehyun mutters incomprehensible words that rouses his interest.
Jaehyun’s voice lowers, and the entire aura around him appears enervated as if the thought of you feeds on his lively energy. “We had a horrible night together,” Jaehyun mumbles; this time, his words swimming through Sicheng’s ears.
Sicheng presses his foot down on the break before asking, “What did you say?”
“We just had a bad night together.”
“A bad night?” Sicheng repeats, his eyes wide. “As in, you guys had a bad fuck?”
Jaehyun lowers his head, feeling an overwhelming sense of chagrin to hear the truth come out his mouth.
Sicheng does not react for a good ten seconds. His mind is not able to piece together the scattered puzzle fragments and evaluate the entire situation. Jung Jaehyun, stellar soccer player and complete expert under the sheets, had a horrible sex experience with you? The thought of that is as unbelievable as the truth behind the rumours that circulate him. Then, it hits him.
The demarcation that splits shock and jealousy becomes prominent, and Sicheng is lodged right in the middle of the side of jealousy. There has to be some truth behind Jaehyun’s words; after all, why would he choose to fib about something like this? Hell, maybe the entire thing is valid—but that is the root of the tree of covetous desires.
“She’s very, um, ascendant,” Jaehyun mutters. “I mean, it was a good bang in some ways and I liked it, but she left me hanging right afterwards. I actually felt an attraction towards her, and I thought that with, you know, someone like her—innocent on the outside and sweet personality and whatnot—would not have sex with someone unless she really liked them too.
“But God, she is the opposite. She’s literally the guy version of Yuta: accepting invites to fuck whenever she grows bored, but by the end of the night she’ll grow bored of the guy. I didn’t think that’d happen to me—especially with someone like her! Those rumours that go around about her are true; well, some of them. It’s true that a lot of guys want to test the waters and see if what they heard is true, and it’s true that she chooses to spend a night with one of them, but that’s all I can say.
“But no one really believes what goes on behind the scenes. It’s all some large exaggeration of some sort.”
Sicheng goggles at his friend, concentrating on his information. It is more than palpable that Jaehyun has never spoken about that episode in his life before, and considering it is the first time, the words pour from his mouth endlessly. And for some reason, Sicheng is fazed. Hearing his friend talk about you, the word that surrounds you have all been confirmed.
“Oh,” Sicheng whispers. “Whatever, I see where you’re coming from, Jae. You know, this isn’t anything to really be ashamed about.”
“It is when people will laugh at my story like it’s a joke.”
Sicheng turns his head back, judging the distance from the curb and his vehicle. “I’m not laughing.”
“‘Cause you’re a bro, dude.”
“I’m more surprised that it took you a year to break out that news to me.”
Jaehyun raises an eyebrow, wondering, “Seriously?”
“Yeah. It doesn’t bother me,” Sicheng says quickly. He fights the urge to say something else; he has no opinion towards the information he has recently heard about you, no negative comments, for Sicheng and you are on the same boat.
He smiles, leaning in the seat. “Gosh, you are such a bro!”
“But I’m really surprised at this,” he adds.
“It’s okay,” Jaehyun assures. “I still am too.”
Jaehyun plants a punch on his friend’s arm and Sicheng laughs, finishing his imperfect parking, and the two of them make their way to the university. Their backpacks are slumping, gait free; they speak with one another as if there are no problems present in the world. But it all comes to an end when they walk by the parking lot and see a notable staff member sauntering to the main office.
Sicheng pauses, his lips pursed into a pout of curiosity. “Jaehyun,” Sicheng begins, “I’ll catch up with you later. I left something in my car.”
Jaehyun’s eyebrows come together, puzzled, but he does not question anything. “Alright, I’ll be looking for Yuta then. Later, dude.”
Sicheng turns his back to his friend who is then walking away, and he peers over his shoulder to see if he is still in sight. The second Jaehyun becomes occupied by his phone and enters the main hall, Sicheng pivots and begins to chase after the faculty member.
“Excuse me!” he calls out for the staff. Sicheng is jogging, a luminous, innocent grin sheening on his face.
The staff member halts and rotates his body to the boy, inspecting his unkempt appearance. “Yes?” he says, ignoring the aspect of disheveledness.
“I sort of have a problem, and I wasn’t sure on the answer, but someone has been parking in the spot I paid the fee for—it’s been occurring for three days now, and I’ve always been parking down the street because I don’t know who it is to tell them to stop.” Sicheng scratches the back of his neck and presses his lips into a thin line after he lets out a mingy deception.
“Someone’s been taking your spot?” the faculty member repeats, thinking aloud. “I can report it to the main office. What’s the spot number?”
The corners of Sicheng’s lip tug upwards in a scheming manner as he says, “2810. What’s going to happen to the car?” Sicheng feigns fear, stammering as he says, “Y-you won’t tow it out or anything, right?”
The staff member shakes his head, clinching his worries. “Don’t worry. At the university we give the student a warning the first time, the penalize them the second. And boot their car the third. For the third they’d have to come to the office, where we penalize them again.”
Sicheng’s mouth gapes. “Ah, I see. Thank goodness. Would you like me to come with you to the office to report it? This is the third time it happened, you can check the cameras if you’d like as well.”
“If you’d like,” the staff member says with a single breath, unwilling to deal with miniature drama in the early morning. “Or you can write out your name, license number, ID number, and spot number on a piece of paper. I can submit it to the office.”
“Oh, great”—Sicheng slides out a slip of paper and scribbles on the desired information, using his hand as a stable surface—“here, t-thank you, Sir.”
The staff member grins and takes the paper from the student’s hand, bidding him goodbye as he starts to make his way to the main office.
Sicheng stands in silence, feeling completely giddy from the instant. Springing in his glee, he heads straight to the lecture hall for his class rather than searching for his friends.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
After a long day of classes you feel drained of your vitality, and all you crave for is to catch some snooze-time in your own apartment. Lectures feel like they grow longer by the day, and it is impossible to fight the breakers of fatigue that come over your body. You meet up with Sowon first before you two part, and she talks to you about upcoming plans to procure.
She is accompanying you to your vehicle, straying from the main topic at hand occasionally; and all of a sudden, her final sentence remains unfinished. Right when you reach your vehicle Sowon has an empty stare at the front wheel, crossed on how to break the news to you.
“Is everything okay?” you ask her, your eyes following the alley of her stare. “Can you finish what you were saying so we can go—”
But your sentence endures as unfinished likewise. Your eyebrows furrow together, heartbeat kicking up its pace, and you take a shallow breath. So much anger has been briskly unsheathed, like a determined knight ready to face a cataclysmic battle, and you are ready to act upon it—because over the front tire of your car is a scintillating saffron car boot.
“You’re kidding,” you scoffed. “God damn it Sicheng.”
“We should go to the office,” comments Sowon, attempting to be tenable.
Your head turned in every which way in search for the aggravating boy; but to no revelation, he is absent within the area—probably at the opposite parking lot with his lawless friends. Exasperated breaths are leaving your lips and you shake your head, turning away from Sowon.
“(y/n), I don’t think we should act impulsively and—”
But you are already off. Sowon is left talking to nothing but the gust of air you left her with when you stormed away like an irate tornado. Your hands are balled to fists as you have an angry gait towards the other side of the parking tract, and the flames that surround your being have never been so visible. Students gawk at your enraged self, some scared to even be within the same area as you. It takes a ton of slow breaths for you to calm yourself down, at least enough to be reasonable with Sicheng, but the second him and his noxious group of friends come into sight your incensed fire is kindled abundantly.
“Sicheng!” you pant, your bag sliding off your shoulder as you marched to him and his friends. Despite their puzzled stares being aimed in your direction you are only able to look directly at the pernicious starboy, absolutely vexed to the core.
Sicheng smiles at you, holding his arms out as if he is ready to take you into a loving embrace. “(y/n)!” he exclaims. “Funny how you’re coming to me for once.”
His friends exchange mutual, confounded looks; each is unsure to the reason behind your storm. The words that soar from your lips are equivalent to a strike of lightning, but it is inefficacious towards Sicheng.
“You freaking asshole!” you exaggerate, allowing your bag to drop to the ground. His friends take a perceptible step back, marveling at your sudden exploit.
Sicheng’s jaw drops, feigning apprehensiveness. “What happened this time?” he questions you.
You rake a hand through your hair and point to the opposite side of the tract, acting vivaciously. “You fucking called someone to boot my car! Y-you told the office,” you declare. “Do you know how much work it will take to get that removed? I’ll be stuck at campus for another hour!”
“You’ll be here for two hours if you continue to yell at me,” he bites back, tilting his head with a dishonest smirk. “You should get going.”
“Seriously?” you pant, catching your breath.
Sicheng shrugs, an innocent expression sketching on his face as he ushers you to leave. Out of all if his friends, Yuta is the most dumbfounded. After all, Yuta has been egging on Sicheng to slip into your pants, butter you up with sweet words, but the opposite result is occurring this very moment.
“I’m fucking tired today, Sicheng,” you add.
Sicheng snickers, “Well I’ve been tired of your bullshit too! I had to do something.”
“So reporting me to the office was—”
Your sentence is left on the edge once your mind catches up to wrap itself around the fuming moment. It calms your apoplectic self, and prompts a few amused chuckles to leave your lips. Sicheng stares at you in confusion, pondering the sudden change of demeanor. He raises his eyebrow, a signal for you to continue.
You craft a guileful smirk whilst saying, “What kind of ‘bad boy’ reports someone to the office? I was expecting you to slash my tires, or maybe even bust my windows out.”
“If I did that then I’d be the one in trouble,” Sicheng informs you rapidly, quick to thought. “You’re smarter than this, (y/n).”
“I thought you’d be smarter than this too,” you spit out, glancing at his friends. In their eyes they either have the sentiment of horror or entertainment hazing their two orbs, and you push your chest out in confidence. “Whatever,” you say. “I’m wasting my time talking to you.”
“I’m glad you realize that,” Sicheng cackles.
You bend down and reach for your backpack, hoisting it over your shoulder as you start to trudge to the office. Seriously, this is the last thing you want to deal with after a taxing day of lectures.
“Anyway…” Jaehyun comes in, breaking the ice. “Yuta, your party’s next week?”
Your attention is raptured and you start to slow your pace, listening in to the last of their words while you are able to.
Yuta gives his friend a thumbs up, grinning. “Yep, on Tuesday night. So, Sicheng, what was that all about?”
Sicheng shrugs, keeping himself quiet. “I’m not sure myself, but, hey, I’m looking forward to your party.”
“Same,” Taeyong chimes in, “Yuta hasn’t thrown one at his place in ages—and they’re always the best.”
Those are the last words you hear from the loud men before you exit the area, and not long after your insistent stride, an idea blossoms in your mind—one that is a larger step in the game than the others you have committed.
It takes a while after negotiating with the office to retrieve the code and remove the car boot. You have to pay a penalty nonetheless, but it is not as much compared to other students who go against the rule; after all, the notable angel of the university who only studies would never prompt such hasty premature to begin with. The false reputation has aided you once again, and within an hour you are out of the university, driving impetuously to your apartment.
Once you are within the familiar comfort of your quarter you situate yourself on the sofa, slipping out your phone to send Sowon a text.
You [4:33 p.m.] Did you hear about yuta’s party next tuesday?
Staring at your phone in anticipation for her response, for a split second you wonder if your latest scheme is the brightest idea. The result is unknown, the line of result that is dashed into a nebulous haze. All you know is that the aggravation you have felt from today is fueling you, and Sicheng will soon face another degree of irascibility after your idea.
Sowon replies after a few seconds, straying away from your question.
Sowon [4:33 p.m.] since when were u interested in parties
Sowon [4:34 p.m.] especially ones by yuta and his friends ;)
You [4:34 p.m.] Get real. I’m just asking
You stare at the device for a second; your thumbs roaming the keypad after you decide to break out the question.
You [4:35 p.m.] Do you know what the address is?
And of course to that, Sowon responds within a heartbeat.
Sowon [4:35 p.m.] whoa who are u
Sowon [4:35 p.m.] i dont btw but i can ask around
Sowon [4:36 p.m.] wanna go?
You [4:36 p.m.] Fuck no
You [4:36 p.m.] But yes please ask around
Sowon [4:37 p.m.] here i was thinking u were ready to live a little :(
You [4:37 p.m.] Not around those guys.
Sowon [4:38 p.m.] haha, alright alright. ill text u later when i get the deets
The topic shifts abruptly after she sends that message, and you and Sowon result in texting about onerous classes and the abundance of assignments that have come each other’s way. With each message you send you become tired out by the second, the notification of a received message nothing but white noise as you fall into a deeply desired slumber.
When you rise the following morning, it is a placid Saturday aurora, gentle sun rays leaking into your apartment from the windows. You realize you knocked out cold on your couch, allowing the fatigue to overcome your body and take you into a cavernous sleep. Your phone is resting on the floor and you reach for it, vision still blurry from the stupefying rest. Struggling to focus your vision, you see the first message is from Sowon—and it has been sent not long after you decided to shut down your mind for a few hours.
Sowon [5:22 p.m.] i got the addy
Sowon [5:22 p.m.] what are u planning?
Instantly, you mind awakens and a sheepish grin that is impotent to fight paints on your face. The second you received the address of the appointed location, your next move is ready to take action. You slowly reply to her, humming an aubade as your thumbs press on the keypad.
You [5:25 a.m.] Let’s call off their party
The weekend passes by gradually for Sicheng, a largo build up like the calm before a storm, for he spends his entire weekend studying for exams. He keeps his phone tucked away elsewhere, notifying his friends that he will be busy for an unknown reason as a poor excuse. Sicheng, though, finds it comparatively burdensome to bide focus—because every twenty minutes or so he thinks about you and how mirthful your reaction was to his significant stunt. It feels like the accomplishment of the year, as if the trophies and gold medals he has earned from past dance performances no longer surpass the success that is angering you remarkably.
The thing is, he finds it quite strange.
Why is he lingering on the fact he earned a reaction from you—and why does he ache to prompt more? There seems to be an underlying phenomenon that rests beneath the root of the feat, one that he might be horribly blind to. As obscure as it might be, it is not negligible. Sicheng merely lacks the elements to piece together the scattered puzzle fragments to view the gargantuan picture. But, sooner or later, he will retrieve them.
When it is Monday morning Sicheng drives to the university with little-to-no expectations. There is no vehicle of yours—or any—that is filling up with parking space, and the slightest trace of you and your friend are absent. Walking to class alone and lingering with his friends for a small while, he never crosses your path once. It seems as if your role in his life as a pest has disintegrated, eroded off the face of the earth to give him a few sentiments of peace; but, Sicheng feels the opposite. There is a sense of discomfort from not even looking at you from afar, despite the new quietude and lack of annoyance. That factor pricks at his mind even more, rendering him unable to focus on future lectures and coursework.
The boys within his group are cracking jokes like normal and play games to see who can get the most girls’ numbers—nothing too out of the ordinary for the false starboy. Of course, it is perceptible that there is a stick of worry prodding at Sicheng’s brain, and Jaehyun is the first to ask about it.
But all Sicheng responds with is a smile of assurance, brushing away his friend’s worries.
“It’s okay,” Jaehyun tells him. “Yuta’s party is tomorrow night and you can drink away your problems.”
Sicheng laughs at his friend’s response, concealing his worry for the upcoming night. For a moment he wonders if you would show your face at the gathering; but knowing you, that thought alone is a joke.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
Tuesday night comes quicker than Sicheng prefers.
Lectures that usually feel extensive are over within a blink of an eye, and lingering around his friends makes time soar by quicker. Word of the party at Yuta’s place has spread around like wildfire, creating it the most anticipated university bash of the month—because there is bound to be another the following month. Students they have not interacted with before gain an interest and swear to show up, empty handed and some with bottles of potent to make it a memorable night. The fame that douses the party gives Yuta joy, and the drags his friends over to his place early evening before the first group of guests show their faces.
“Shit might break, people might get too drunk,” Yuta lists out, “but we will still have a fun night.”
The boys laugh, opening bottles of beer and clacking them together to cheers and take a few sips. Taeyong plugs his phone into the aux and starts up the tunes in his playlist, indicating the start of Sicheng’s dreaded night.
Sicheng is luxuriating in the last few minutes of peace before guests start to roll in. It feels as if parties are forced for him to attend to; he would much rather slump in the comfort of his apartment any day over a wild get-together. Jaehyun rests next to him, clacking his beer bottle to the younger boy’s, and flashes him a grin. “Have fun tonight,” encourages Jaehyun. “Quit thinking about (y/n).”
Sicheng blinks his eyes a few times, comprehending the last part of his words. “I wasn’t,” Sicheng informs him churlishly, biting on his tongue to hold back his protests.
“Really?” Jaehyun cocks up an eyebrow. “Whatever you say. You should have told her to come over tonight.”
“Why would I do that?” Sicheng questions with a scoff. “She’s the last face I’d like to see here.”
A playful smirk dances on Jaehyun’s lips as he remains silent towards his friend’s excuse.
“Whatever,” Sicheng huffs.
The first guests to the household arrive soon afterwards, entering the house that is practically a booming mansion. Greetings are exchanged and friendly introductions are made; it does not take a while for others to arrive, each contributing to the long night with their own belongings of alcohol and other substances. Sicheng remains in his seat as if he is glued to the chair, and rarely he rises himself to grab another handful of chips to snack on. He searches for his friends within the sea of conversing bodies, them soon to be drunk, as a protective caution to stop them from going past their limit. After all, being surrounded by his friends—especially without them being a hint of sober—is an absolute aggravation.
Sicheng closes his eyes and allows the music to swim through his ears, paying enough attention to the bass and lyrics to pass time. However, a voice louder than the music he is attentive to breaks his false peace. “Is that all you’re going to eat tonight?” asks a silvery voice.
Sicheng’s eyes remain closed as he assumes the question is not being directed towards him. Though, the same inquiry comes once more, “Is that all you’re going to eat tonight?”
That time it came out more raucous, as if there is a thread of indignation that is choking each word. Sicheng opens his eyes and stares at the individual in front of him, to which he believes is the one who asks him about his excuse of dinner.
He looks down at the chips in his hand that rest over a napkin and nods at the lady. “Pretty much. I don’t usually have an appetite during our parties.”
“I see.” The girl brushes her shoulder-lengthed hair behind her ear and smiles at the boy. Sicheng stares at her for a couple of seconds, wondering if he has ever seen her around campus before or if she is a local who is not from the university that heard about the party. She is dressed in a white cropped top and blue shorts—nothing too revealing or extravagant. “I can say the same,” she adds, squeezing herself onto the couch.
From the lack of space that was originally on the sofa, her body and Sicheng’s are practically being pressed together from teeming.
“Mind if I have some of your ‘dinner’ then?” she asks him, revealing her pearly whites.
Sicheng gazes at her, continuing to study her appearance. Getting a better up-close view of her, he is able to say that she is pretty, the type of pretty that is strangely rare. The type of beauty where stars are placed in one’s eyes, or flowers bloom whenever one would brilliantly grin. Sicheng feels himself become flustered at the sight of her, and his heart starts to race from the tiresome feeling of embarrassment. He had no plans to leave the sofa the entire night, but with a fresh face squeezing her way onto the sofa and being little to no proximity from him, he suddenly has an urge to bolt from the party.
“Go for it, I can always get more.” Instead of holding the napkin-full of chips to the girl, Sicheng places it on her lap and starts to lift himself from the sofa. Though, his plan to escape fails horribly when she latches her hand around his wrist and tugs him back.
“W-wait!” she spits out. Sicheng looks down at her past his fringe, an empty stare scrutinizing her desperate self. “I-I don’t really know anyone else here at this party, and my friend left me. I don’t usually go to parties like these and you seemed approachable. I was wondering if you’d stay with me for a bit? At least until my other friends arrive.”
The girl’s eyes veer away from Sicheng; she bats them innocently as he takes a few seconds to think. “Fine,” he sighs. “But I’m not going to squish on that couch with everyone else.”
The girl shoots up from her seat and tugs him her way. “We can always stand at the corner or something, maybe in the hall.”
“Sounds good to me,” Sicheng responds, his voice carrying over the blaring music.
The girl leaves the napkin-full of chips on the table and starts to follow Sicheng to the side of the room, like a lost puppy desperate to find its way home. As much as Sicheng aches to go home, he cannot leave his friends without guidance, and he decides to bide time by conversing with a stranger—at least for a short while.
Sicheng and the woman lean against the wall in silence, hardly any words being exchanged between the two of them. Periodically, Sicheng takes a sip of the beer he grabbed on the way over, relishing in the unpleasant taste.
“May I have some?” she asks him, holding her hand out.
Sicheng motions his hand to the counter across the room, telling her, “There’s plenty for everyone over there.”
She laughs at him and brings her hands to her side, perusing the scene. “I’d rather not get pushed around by a bunch of drunken partiers.”
For the first time throughout her presence invading his own, his lips quirk into a smirk, addressing the accuracy in her statement. “I can see where you’re coming from. Though,” he adds, “from my experience and the countless times I’m stuck at these parties, you can’t really avoid the crowd. They sort of just come to you.”
She gawks at the taller boy, unable to pinpoint the root of his words. “Is that so?”
Sicheng nods his head and motions the beer bottle to her. “Yes.”
She gushes, her face flushing a bright shade of roses as she realizes who he is referring to. Like a helpless orbit, she found her way to Sicheng; she is a part of the crowd that he is unable to avoid. She squirms against the wall, thankful for the dark lighting to mute out her red hues.
Sicheng glances at her from the corner of his eye and takes another sip. “I was just kidding,” he lets out.
She grins, her gaze still casted downwards to the floor. “You have a strange sense of humor then.”
“People are surprised I even have one,” he laughs.
She chuckles, her hand covering her mouth, coy. “I support that statement.”
Sicheng freezes at her recent affirmation, reading in between the lines of her words. To be fair, Sicheng has been in a situation like this far too many times to figure out where it will lead, and with the woman’s recent proclamation, everything is confirmed. She knows who he is; he deciphered what her intentions are.
He lets out a frown and brushes the thought to the back of his mind, his head leaning back against the wall. This would be the cue for him to leave, but with the rest of the night still waiting to make its way through, he needs someone to converse with.
And so for the next few hours the girl and he talks to fill up the empty spaces. He drinks more and she finally downs a few bottles of beer, but he does not consume an abundance for him to lose his mind—not like Yuta or the rest of his friends. It is sufficient for him to notice the minor details: she becomes flirtatious with him and far more physical contact is initiated, she starts to laugh at everything he says as if her humor is strange, and he realizes that her friends—the ones that she has been waiting for—never arrive.
As she speaks doltishly, Sicheng’s eyes scan the crowd in a desperate search for his friends—an occasional check-up to see if they are not the ones stirring asinine trouble. He feels a rough hand land on his shoulder, the manner similar in one ready to force someone to face the other for the sole purpose of bashing their face in, and Sicheng jolts from fright.
“Agh, Christ,” Sicheng groans. “Seriously, Yuta?”
Yuta’s grin widens, almost in a cheshire fashion. He takes a heavy breath, the plethora of alcohol lacing the air that leaves his mouth creating a tribulation for the younger boy. Yuta shrugs, a question resting on the tip of his tongue.
“Sicheng, can you - hic - fetch me my phone? It’s charging in my, uh, room,” Yuta requests, the words pouring from his mouth fast enough to be a single slur. He locks eyes with the girl that is standing next to Sicheng, winking at her coquettishly.
“What, I’m—”
“Thanks, bro,” Yuta cuts him off, flashing a sign of approval his way. Yuta drunkenly dives back into the crowd, conversing mindlessly with his guests as Taeyong throws himself on the sofa.
Sicheng groans and trudges to Yuta’s bedroom, leaving the girl alone like her existence is little to nothing, and waves his way past the vivacious crowd. He pushes the door open and switches on the lights, revealing the mess that is his chamber. Clothes are scattered on the floor and stacks of paper find home on the desk—and his phone. Sicheng walks over to it, his back facing the door, and unplugs it from the charger. Just when he is about to head back to the foreboding party, he hears the door softly shut behind him.
The sound startles Sicheng, and, sooner than he is able to realize, a pair of hands rest on his shoulder. It captures his attention and he turns his head to the identity: the same girl from earlier. A sneaky chuckle emits from her lips and her hands coast down to Sicheng’s torso, wrapping her arms around his toned chest.
“What happened to waiting for your friends?” Sicheng asks her, nonchalant and austere.
She remains wrapped around him, smiling. “They’re not coming. And my other friend is too drunk—partying with Yuta too.”
“You should be out there with her. Aren’t you worried?” he questions her.
“What’s there to be worried about?” she asks him, her hands sliding off to allow Sicheng to turn and face her. “I sort of want to spend time with you.”
‘Oh, God. Not again,’ Sicheng thinks. He grips his friend’s cellular device in his hand, finding relief in the force he is exerting, and tries to sort out an excuse to exit. Currently, he is in a confined room with the stranger—a fairly good-looking one as well—and she does not seem to have a desire to let him go. Sicheng gulps, hesitant and badgering his brain for being reluctant during situations like these. He would always be dumbfounded, far too flustered to react coherently or even run out the door.
Sicheng curses at himself for not running away from the expected situation sooner. He has been made aware of the girl’s true intentions, catching the train before it was even able to make a full stop, but he still decided to push himself—for his own benefit of passing time. Now, he is stuck in a room with her, apprehensive to move.
“Was all that talking earlier for nothing?” he asks her in a jestful tone, his question coming out as a joke to her ears.
She hums, confirming his statement. “No… I really did enjoy speaking with you. I just wish”—she places a hand on his waist, sliding it down to his hip to wrap her fingers around the belt loop of his jeans—“we sped things up a little. To get to this moment, you know.”
By then, her face is inching closer to his, her breath dancing over his petal-like lips. Her warm huffs meet his mouth, and it is still mingling with the unpleasant scent of alcohol. Craving for a kiss, she smiles up at him with her innocent eyes. Sicheng sternly frowns at her, his gaze not breaking with hers. He appears like a rigid man, unable to be moved from the slightest touch—the lightest contact—but in reality, that is the complete opposite on the inside. His heart is beating erratically against its rib cage, almost like it is its own beast that aches to be set free; his hand is in a compact fist, the other still wrapped around his friend’s device; a cold sweat starts to drip from his temples.
Of course, with a prepossessing woman standing temerarious before him, proximity only a few inches, it has an effect over him. It comes as a helpless wave, one that is unable to be ran away from, and he falls victim to her spell. There is a tent that starts to form in his pants from sharing the heated moment with her, and she has merely placed a hand on him. He becomes shameful and finally breaks eye contact, his lashes fluttering their lush blankets.
She releases an audible chuckle, tugging on the belt loop. “Do you want me?” she asks him.
Sicheng gulps, spilling the truth, “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t.”
“Good,” she whispers, her candy-coated lips now ghosting over his, “because I want you. I’ve been—the whole entire night.”
Sicheng is unable to voice an equally sensual response, for she hushes him with a kiss. One would expect that with her guiltless appearance she would kiss softly with care, as if each one has love pouring with every slight movement; but, that is not the case for her. The girl kisses him with the drive being lust, a shameless flame that notifies him that she wants nothing more but to get into his pants—to be the one girl who succeeds—and he can taste that on her tongue as his palm snakes its way to her lower back.
As a result, he retracts from the indecency.
“Sicheng,” she mumbles, “why’d you stop?”
Her hand starts to trail lower and there is something within her question that makes his curiosity raise. But he is far too perturbed to go against her at the moment. Sicheng never introduced himself to the girl; consequently, she is like every other partier he meets at a rowdy gathering.
Sicheng takes a step back and opens his mouth to speak, but the sudden swing of the bedroom door shakes the two of them up, shivers running high on their bodies. Staring at the cause of the distraction, Yuta is there with surprised eyes, panting as if he ran a marathon to reach his own bedroom door.
“What’s up, Yuta?” Sicheng asks, holding up Yuta’s phone. “I got your phone right here.”
Yuta takes a deep breath before talking in a single huff, “Party’s off, bro.”
Sicheng’s eyes dart around at the information, walking towards his friend. “What’re you talking about? It’s only been a few hours.”
“W-wait, Sicheng.” The girl grabs onto Sicheng’s wrist, frantic to prevent him from leaving.
“Get your hands off me,” he demanded, shooting her a cold glare. “Sorry to say this, but I’m not interested in girls like you.”
Her face becomes pale, alarmed at the sudden change in his demeanor. A few moments ago he was unfazed by her evocative actions; she fell under the umbrella of assumption that her hands were free to roam his body however he liked. Though, she has been proven wrong.
“Hell,” Sicheng adds, “you never even told me your name.” Sicheng drags his feet to his drunken friend, placing Yuta’s arm around his shoulder as he says, “What’s going on?”
The younger boy ached to tell him more, some words of thanks since Yuta unintentionally saved his ass from another long night; but, with Yuta’s desultory mind caused by potent grog, Sicheng keeps his mouth shut.
“Someone…” Yuta trails off. “Someone called the cops on our party. And some of us are in some major shit right now, bro.”
“What?” Sicheng raises an eyebrow, his forehead crinkling. “Are you serious? Dude, I swear this wasn’t even as bad as the others we threw.”
Yuta rubbed a palm on his face, unwilling to listen. “I know, I know. But - hic - what else can we do?”
“I don’t know.” Sicheng shrugs. “But we can try to—”
“Yuta!” exclaims another friend from the front door. The two boys turn their attention to the noise and notice Taeyong waving his hand in the air as if he is trying to hail a cab. “They wanna talk to you.”
Yuta narrows his eyes, attempting to focus his vision. “Who?”
Sicheng, though, with full capability on seeing who is barely still in the household and who is not, sees familiar uniforms at the front door. “The fucking cops.”
The boys face a longer night ahead—not in the manner that they preferred. They attempt to question Taeyong and Yuta—of all people—to find out whether or not illegal matters are occurring. Though, Sicheng commits to most of the negotiating by being the only sober individual present. It takes a long while of negotiating and speaking, assuring them that everyone is safe—that every action they acted upon is legal. With Sicheng’s astute way with words, the boys are left with a warning, and the few who remained in the household (that did not sneak off from the back) leaves the busted party.
Jaehyun tosses himself on the sofa in relief, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. His entire world is spinning in his eyes, his mind a whirlwind.
Yuta crows, “Who the fuck would call out our party? My neighborhood’s chill as fu—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Taeyong appealed, making himself at home at the kitchen table that was once crowded with bags of chips. “This whole thing blows.”
“You guys act like we don’t hold parties every month,” Sicheng chimes in with a smirk.
“But this one was actually getting places,” argues Yuta, taking a breath every few or so words. “I was having the time of my - hic - life, Taeyong was winning beer pong, and Jaehyun—who knows what he was doing, I’m sure it was fun. And you? You were about to get some pu—”
“Okay, Yuta,” interrupts Sicheng. “No need to give me a re-cap. She’s gone, it’s all done with.”
Yuta chuckles maniacally, slapping his thigh as if he has heard the joke of the century. “But you were really going to score big!”
Sicheng releases an exasperated sigh, finding it useless to argue with Yuta unless he is sober. “Not her.”
“With - hic - with who?” Yuta leans in, nudging the younger boy with his elbow. “Tell me the truth, would you bang (y/n)?”
Sicheng’s eyes widen and he impulsively pushes his friend away, defending himself hastily. “You all need to knock out right now.”
The boys erupt in a static laughter, each finding comedy within Sicheng’s forestalling opposition.
“God,” Sicheng articulates, “I should have left earlier…”
When Sicheng wakes the following morning, the noticeable deprivation of sleep sets his morning to imperfection. His friends have risen earlier, and they are fooling around in the kitchen whilst trying to clean up the remnants of the busted party, shoving plastic cups in the bag and wiping down the counter. He presses a hand to his forehead, an oncoming headache ready to pound its way through his mind.
“Morning, Sicheng,” greets Jaehyun, tossing a pillow onto the boy’s head.
Sicheng grabs onto it and hurls it to the other side of the room, loathing their early morning antics. “Morning. How’d you guys sleep?”
“Good,” Jaehyun replies. “Well, I did at least. I went to go take a piss but I saw Taeyong puking his guts out into the toilet.”
Sicheng shudders from the thought, and Taeyong stumbles into the room to defend himself with, “I’m actually fine—thanks for asking.”
Yuta laughs, tossing a bag of trash in the corner of the kitchen for later disposal. “Of course you are. I feel like out of all our parties—this was the most wild.”
“Because we got busted?” asks Taeyong.
“Pretty much.” He shrugs.
Sicheng yawns, stretching his arms in the air. “I’m so slumped,” he declares. “And we still have class today.”
Jaehyun chuckles, his joy fraudulent. “Blame that on Yuta who decided to throw a party on a Tuesday night.”
Yuta argues, pointing to his friend. “You know how much crazier this place would be if it was a weekend—we’d have shit in the pool!”
“I’m going to head back to the uni in a bit,” informs Sicheng. “Are we going to carpool?”
“Hell yeah we are,” states Taeyong, who starts to dash for the door. Sicheng stares at him, already regretting the fact he even asked the question. If he kept his mouth shut and left while they were busy cleaning, then his morning would be peaceful, and maybe he would catch hours of sleep in his car.
Jaehyun and Yuta soon follow afterwards, slipping into the vehicle like children squeezing their way onto an amusement park ride. For the most part of the taxing drive, Sicheng’s friends each are voicing their complaints about their hangover, repentant about even showing up to the university. They each formulate brainless plans, stating that they will lounge in the library to catch some sleep or down all the water given at the student cafeteria. They speak as if they are a broken radio, going on and on with nothing but quibbles of condemnation.
Sicheng turns into the parking lot after a couple more minutes, completely irked at the lack of peace he has received throughout the morning. Though, the intruding thoughts of his friends are replaced when he sees the empty spot at his parking space. It is absent of your vehicle, not a fraction of your presence lingering; thus, Sicheng hums in thought. He has not seen you for a while, and the ache to tease you being unsatisfied sets him off.
Sicheng parks his car neatly between the other two vehicles, and the boys hop out, their voices raising as if the compact confinement of Sicheng’s vehicle prohibited them from speaking at their normal level.
“I’m gonna get to class,” informs Sicheng, locking his car while he starts to walk the other way. “We can meet up later.”
Jaehyun’s eyebrows come together, worried about his friend. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Sicheng confirms with a miniature smile. “I think I have to catch up on some lessons—I’ll talk to my professor.”
Sicheng waves off the rest of the comments that lies on Jaehyun’s tongue, leaving them unsaid. Yuta chuckles and loops his arm around Jaehyun’s neck, whispering, “He’s just upset ‘cause he was about to score before the party was called off.”
Jaehyun startles at Yuta’s words, “Seriously?”
Yuta sheepishly grins at Jaehyun, pulling him closer to fill him in with false details and assumptions. Sicheng groans, yawning as he begins to wander the university. He tries to distract his tired eyes by allowing them to peruse the campus, taking in the minor details like students passing by and watching the leaves dance in the gentle breeze. Finally achieving a state of peace, he takes a few deep breaths to enjoy the momentary stoicism.
Though, it is easily disrupted the moment a recognizable voice calls out his name.
“Hey, starboy!” you exclaim, catching his attention. Your grip tightens around the strap of your bag and you start to saunter his way, your lips quirked up into a smirk.
Sicheng’s small smile withers into a frown, galled at the sight of you. The dishonest expression that is painted on your face raises his curiosity, but all he can do is respond with a lifeless, “(y/n).”
Tilting your head, you question him, “Why so glum?”
“My day was well until I ran into you,” Sicheng says with an airy laugh. His gaze stops roaming the campus and locks with your own, a spark of electricity emitting from the ephemeral engagement. “Aw,” Sicheng grins, bloviating a joke, “are you worried about me? I knew you’d come around.”
You roll your eyes at his comment, releasing a scoff. “Dream on, starboy. What’s there to come around? You don’t even know what you’re capable of packing,” you state. You lower your head, giving attention to his package below the belt.
Sicheng lifts his chin and waits for your eyes to meet his. “You’re always welcome to help me out.”
“Maybe when you have experience.” You laugh. There is a brief silence that lapses, allowing the whistles of the wind to fill up the high-tensioned scene. You then blurt out, “How was the party last night?”
Sicheng is taken aback by your inquiry, taking a step back. “It was great,” he fibs. “How’d you know there was a party last night?”
You stare out in the open, shuffling involuntarily as you are placed under the spotlight. “Y-you guys talk obnoxiously loud. I was actually interested in going.”
“Oh?” Sicheng raises an eyebrow, genuinely interested in your statement. “Why?”
“I wanted to see what you guys pack at those festivities. They’re not really for me, but I was willing to check it out for a moment.” Shrugging, your smile becomes unwarranted. You nod as you speak, trying to amplify your deception. “I sort of wanted to see you too—I wonder how you are when you’re drunk.”
“Please,” Sicheng says with a breath, “I’m not that much of a drinker.”
“You’re not that much of a banger either,” you add.
Sicheng remains silent at your comment; as true as it is, it strikes a chord within him. You gloat in hitting a weak spot of the boy, finally adding another statement, “And neither was that party.”
His eyes widen, finally comprehending your words. He finally pieced two and two together, only to end up with the prankish result caused by you. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
“What?” You take a step closer to him as if his voice is a whisper, leaning in to listen. “Is something wrong?”
“You’re the one who fucking called the cops to bust our party out? I mean, you did me a favor, but all the other guys would have gotten into some deep shit because of you!”
“I did you a favor?” you repeat abhorrently. “Damn, that wasn’t my intention. Why? What happened?” you question him. “Was a girl about to enter your pants?”
And his silence is the easy answer to your question.
“Of course,” you let out with a breath, not surprised from the obvious. Taking another step closer to him, you puff out your chest as if it would draw out more of your leonine presence; he takes a step back, intimidated, only to have you ease in. “I’m not even surprised, Sicheng.”
The proximity between you and the falsely stated starboy is now at a minimum, merely a few inches away from each other as the conversation progresses. Your fingertips dance at his belt before they wrap around the loop. Giving it a light tug, you bat your eyes innocently to the man.
Sicheng gulps, counteracting your movements with actions of his own. His hand races up your side, an index finger twirling a lock of hair before he moves it behind your ear. “When you act like this, it makes the rumours that surround you sort of believable,” he mutters.
“Does it? It depends on what you heard,” you mumble.
Sicheng smiles, his hand now resting on your shoulder. “Why can’t you show me?”
“When you act like this,” you begin, “it makes the shit that goes around about you believable.”
Sicheng backs away from you, the threat that is your existence getting to his head. The fire that hazes your eyes scorches him, discouraging every fiber of his being to put up another fight. You chuckle in triumph, but the moment ceases when another chimes in.
“Sicheng!” calls a familiar, friendly voice.
You study the figure that starts to approach you and Sicheng, eyes narrowing as you attempt to recall the familiar face. “Jaehyun,” you and Sicheng both say in unison. Sicheng’s gaze darts to you and Jaehyun gulps a mouthful of air at the unpleasant sight.
“It was nice talking to you for once,” Sicheng lets out, concluding the moment.
You stare at Jaehyun for a short while, taking in his differences from the time you last saw him. “I wish I can say the same”—you turn around swiftly, starting to drag your feet away—“See you at class later.”
Jaehyun’s gaze is locking on your walking figure until you are out of sight and turning the first corner. He lets out a sigh of relief, almost like your presence had prevented him from breathing steadily, and looks at his friend. “When did you guys become friends?” Jaehyun asks. “Are we gonna be seeing her around often?”
Sicheng raises an eyebrow in skepticism to Jaehyun. “We’re not,” he corrects, defensiveness dousing his tone. “And there’s no way she’s going to be around us.”
“So she isn’t eating lunch with us?”
Sicheng looks at his friend in disbelief. “Isn’t that a good thing for you?”
“It is,” he agrees. Silence ensues for a few moments before Jaehyun clears his throat, hesitant to ask the next question. “So…” Jaehyun purses his lips, dragging out the word. “Fuck buddies?”
Sicheng presses a palm to his forehead, annoyed. “Not even close.”
Though, the thought of occasionally fucking you spontaneously does not sound entirely bad to him. Not anymore, that is. But first, Sicheng recalls Taeyong’s words, and the invitation on his plan to get you back is suddenly tempting.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
Sicheng spends most of the time in class staring at the back of your figure, scrutinizing it as if it would help him formulate a plan to strike you back. He has never been one to cross the line; he always attempts to veer out of the road that would intentionally cause unhappiness for the other party, but you are a different story. Unable to focus on the lecture, his mind is piecing together the sparse ends of the thread to create a demise that would bring upon your misery.
Christ, he really is not sure why he is placing a lot of effort into spiting you. Is it because of the stunt you pulled with the party, rejecting Taeyong, or messing around with Sicheng, himself? The fact that “all of the above” is a proper option makes his insides boil, and Sicheng places his head on the desk like his mind short-circuited.
“She’s impossible,” Sicheng mumbles to himself, shutting his eyes.
Unintentionally, Sicheng has drifted into a deep sleep and finally caught the shut-eye his body has been craving for. The non-stop messages from the group chat and annoying prods of his friend always keeps him up late at night; it seems as if sleeping during important lectures is the only chance he has to make up for the lack of preservation.
His slumber lasts for a good hour but he feels as if he has drifted away for centuries. The student chatter is background noise to his lethargic brain, and he is not completely dragged back down to earth until another external factor intrudes his space.
You approach Sicheng with your belongings on you, an arm tight around your notebook as the other reaches for him across the desk. His head is still resting snugly on folded arms, taking deep breaths as he soars through his clouds of stupor. His raven-like hair has copiously dragged down over his features, giving the flawless appearance of an onyx waterfall. You clench your jaw at the sight of him, staring his features down fleetingly before you shake your head to reality.
“Wake up, starboy, you missed an entire lecture—again.” You drum the pad of your index finger on his head, tapping him until he awakens.
Annoyed with your irritating prods to his head, he grabs onto your wrist swiftly and moves it away as he raises himself in his seat. “You know,” he begins, his voice raspy, “I was having a really nice dream.”
You raise an eyebrow, dubious of his upcoming story. “Was I in it?”
“Well, no—but I wish—”
“Then I don’t care,” you cut him off, shaking your wrist out of his gentle hold. Both of your arms wrap around your notebook, hugging the bind of paper close to your chest as your eyes roam the classroom. Students pass by the two of you, glancing at the awkward silence that is wrapping around both your beings. It seems like an early start to juicy gossip, for no one would ever expect that the notorious bad boy would talk to the university bibliophile; two opposite sides of the spectrum unfathomably coming together.
As you try your best to not lock eyes with Sicheng, his gaze is glued onto your physiognomy, unintentionally adoring it. There is a distant look in your two orbs, a falsely innocent glow that has the capability to bewitch others.
“You look good,” he comments, thinking aloud, “but I wonder what you’d look like if you’re on top of me.”
You roll your eyes, twisting your lips into a smile. “All of a sudden I have regrets for even waking you up.”
“Is it ‘cause you can’t resist me?” Sicheng insists, leaning in lovingly.
You tilt your head to look at him, your mouth pressed together tightly as you release an exasperated sigh. “Where is all this flirtatious talk coming from? It’s annoying.”
Sicheng shrugs, his lips pursing into a pout. “If it’s annoying then why are you still here?”
“You’re right, why am I still around you? I might catch your sickness that is your stupidity.” You rotate your body to the exit, already beginning to stride towards the door. “Later, starboy. Don’t break too many hearts by tomorrow.”
“Is that the best you got?” Sicheng calls out, shooting up from his seat. “Did you just want an excuse to talk to me?”
Your mouth opens to bite back with another vehement statement, but you swallow your words with no desire to kindle his flame. After all, he does have a point. What is the reason you went up to him to begin with? It seems as if the root of teasing Sicheng has changed, shifting into a guilty pleasure to be under the light that is his attention. And it took you a good week or two to realize this.
After class you find Sowon waiting for you in the front of the institute, her patience running thin. You greet her with a bright grin, waving at her.
“Ready to go?” she asks, her weight rolling from the balls of her feet to her heels—a sign of her excitement.
“We’re just getting lunch, why are you so eager?”
Sowon hums, clutching on the strap of her bag as she tries to think of a response. “Because I’m excited to try out that new cafe. You know how much I love coffee.”
“You know, I almost forgot that we were eating lunch together.”
Sowon pouts at you, falsely hurt by your comment. “I know you don’t mean that—you don’t forget about plans.”
Laughing, you allow Sowon to accompany you to her vehicle. As if Sicheng and his group of rebarbative individuals are not the slightest bit significant in your life, the two of you joke around as if your paths have never crossed to begin with.
The drive to the retail restaurant roundup feels shorter than what it really is: time has passed by quicker due to the nonstop converse that is exchanged between you and Sowon, the music you both jam out to—the fun that occurs. Once she drives into the plaza she finds parking and lounges in the seat of her car for a few moments as if driving is a galling chore.
You and Sowon spend a good three hours in the restaurant plaza walking in search of a place to eat, and relaxing within the confinements of the chosen joint comfortably. Conversation has been kept at a minimum, most of the time being poured into enjoying the delectableness. The unpleasant thoughts of Sicheng never come into your mind until Sowon swallows her last bite and clears her throat to ask, “So how did it go?”
You look at her, puzzled. “What are you talking about?”
Sowon smiles, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “About the party—you shutting it down. Did Sicheng find out it was you?”
“I think it was pretty obvious I did that. I ran into him today and he didn’t seem that happy,” you say risibly, gaining joy from recalling his crossed expression. It was a face you would be able to feed joy from for aeons, and you feel giddy at the thought of it. “Not that I care though.”
“Of course you don’t,” Sowon agrees. Her eyes roam the perimeter as if she is searching for a new topic on the walls, but past the window pane she sees a recognizable group of boys—one of them being Nakamoto Yuta, who was Sowon’s guilty crush. Sowon hums, blinking a couple of times to confirm that it is not a dream, and grins. “Speak of the devil.”
“What?” You rotate your body and peer over your shoulder, narrowing your eyes to follow Sowon’s line of sight, but once you see the element you wince in disgust. As if running into two of them once in the day is not enough. Sicheng and Jaehyun are cracking jokes side-by-side, appearing as thick as thieves. “Of all places we had to run into them out of uni, it has to be here? I just wanted to enjoy my lunch.”
“It’s almost as if the universe doesn’t want you and Sicheng to move away from each other,” Sowon jests.
“God, universe, why?” You laugh, rising from your seat. “Let’s just leave now in case we actually run into them later.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sowon agrees, shooting herself up. “But first, I’m going to use the restroom. Sit tight for a minute or two, then we can head out.”
You raise an eyebrow at her, keeping the question to yourself as you sit back down. “Don’t take too long,” you complain. “This place is like poison to me after seeing those boys.”
“Don’t worry!” she assures, kicking up her pace to the restroom. “I’ll be back in five.”
Sowon dashes to the restroom, a mischievous smile sketching on her face as she heads the opposite direction the second your head dropped to look at your phone.
You check the time and roam some of your social media, scrolling through old news and uninteresting headlines. Releasing a sigh, you watch as the servers start to clear your table and wipe it down for the next set of customers—and Sowon is nowhere in sight after five minutes. With pursed lips you impatiently wait for your friend to return, but no trace of her comes back into the milieu. It seems as if she has left you to pay for the bill like it is an actual date set for ruin, but the bill has already been paid for and she promised you a return. You groan, turning your head around to see if she is chatting up some waiters, but the sight you see is more galling than charming.
Past the window pane you see Sowon talking to one of the rambunctious boys—conversing with Nakamoto Yuta, of all darn people. You press a palm to your face, releasing a sound of annoyance as you shake your head. “God,” you mutter, “what else was I supposed to expect.”
Watching Sowon playfully mess with Yuta’s hair makes you shudder in disgust, and you can practically hear the vexatious laughter emitting from his mouth as the boy throws his head back. The sight being unwanted, you shoot up from your seat and grab onto your bag, strolling out of the restaurant door to fetch your friend.
“So”—Yuta clears his throat—“I didn’t think I’d run into you here. I never see you anywhere else aside the uni.”
Sowon shrugs, brushing off his statement. “I was getting lunch with my friend. Maybe we got lucky then.” She winks, stars twinkling in her eyes.
Yuta smiles, an act of interest clear to his friends and Sowon. “Oh?” He raises an eyebrow, gaining an idea from the person who he is referring to—unpleasantly. “Which friend?”
“Oh, (y/n)—”
“Sowon!” you exclaim, stomping your feet with every step. The amount of force you exert due to your anger makes it seem as if the ground would crackle, and it rattles up Sowon’s spine out of fear.
Yuta winces at the sound of your voice, almost as if it has a similar impact to striking a blow to his face. The rest of his friends stand on guard, alerted by the storm that is currently heading their way. Sowon smiles nervously over her shoulder, waving to you innocently like you are a distant acquaintance.
You roll your eyes at her gesture, standing confidently beside her. “What happened to going to the restroom?” you question her, borderline ready to interrogate. “Is this the long way?”
“Uh,” she begins, her gaze fleeting from you and Yuta, “I meant the bathroom over at the other coffee shop!”
Confused, your eyebrows cross together and you release a sigh. “Let’s go,” you ask her, tugging on her sleeve. “You don’t want to be around these boys any longer”—you lean closer to her ear, whispering as your eyes scan the crowd and lock with Sicheng’s—“you might catch their stupidity.”
Sicheng cocks an eyebrow upwards, bored by your words. As susurrous as you attempted to make them, Sicheng heard them as if they were announced emphatically, contemplating to whether or not he should respond.
Sowon backs away, grinning like a child at you. “No way—that’s an impossibility.”
“Then let’s go,” you complain, pouting to her.
Yuta chimes in, tugging on the hem of his shirt as an act of nervousness. “What if she wants to hang out with us for a little while?” he questions you, peering towards Sowon.
The mere thought of that gives you an urge to gag; Sowon has the opposite reaction, for she is flushing deep with roses. “No way,” you spit out defensively, “we have plans and she’d never want to—”
“Actually, (y/n),” she mumbles, apprehensive before she finishes her sentence. You gawk at her with curious eyes as you await her finishing sentence. “I don’t know. I sort of want to get to know Yuta—after we ran into them at the parking lot.”
You attempt to recall that scene, and it barely rests in your mind from how irrelevant it is to you—due to the boys, that is. “Seriously?” you ask in astonishment. Sowon and you spark a conversation, almost forgetting about the boys that share the same milieu as you two. “I don’t even know how long ago that was, but Yuta? Seriously? He’s the university fuckboy.”
Sowon shakes her head. “I heard, but I just want to spend the afternoon with him. Seriously, if I’m not interested then I’ll call you right away.”
“And I’ll beat him up right afterwards if he tries anything,” you threaten, holding a fist up in the air.
Sowon laughs, her hand flying to shield her mouth. “I’ll be careful.”
“You better—wait, what about me? How am I going to get home? You’re the one who drove,” you question her, suddenly regretting your choice. “Unless you give me the keys to drive your—”
“Not happening,” she interrupts, walking to Yuta’s side. “Sorry, (y/n), but you’re more of a reckless driver than I am so there is no way you’re gonna be driving my car.”
You take a step back, dazed at her response. “How am I going to get back to my apartment?”
“Uh”—Sowon turns her head to Yuta—“do you mind if we only spend two hours together?”
Yuta smiles, admiring her effort. “Well, we can always have more time later on.”
“Oh gosh,” you continue, “nevermind, I’ll just take the bus. Those two hours would end up as five.”
“I’m willing to drive you home.” Sicheng winks.
With a split moment passing to comprehend his words, you grumble, “Piss off, starboy.”
You throw your arms in the air in defeat, walking past the small gap between Jaehyun and Taeyong, and start to search for the nearest bus stop. Rummaging in your bag, you attempt to search for your wallet to pull out some cash to pay the bus fare—which would probably be an hour and a half ride from the distance of the university to this town. A disappointed sigh leaves your lips as you turn the corner; you lean against the brick wall of the building and take a breath, annoyed with yourself.
The sound of distant footsteps near you around the corner and you tilt your head in expectations on who the person might be. A part of you hopes it would be Sowon saying ‘sorry’ and ready to drive you back; the other aches for it to be Sicheng—for an unexplained reason. However, the person that turns the corner is a mere passerby, one of the many bustlers that is probably on his way to work. You release a puff of air, kicking the dirt as you people watch the busy street. Paying more attention to your surroundings, you begin to notice the loud roads that are filled with vehicles and chatty citizens.
Becoming too lost in the scene, you do not realize the man that approaches you to the left. His shadow towers over you, and that is what catches your attention. Diverting your attention to the man, you recognize him within a heartbeat: starboy, Dong Sicheng.
“What do you want?” you ask him, twiddling your thumbs together.
“Nothing,” he answers rapidly. “I parked my car down this street and I need to head back to my place—to study, that is.”
“Not for me?” you joke, crossing your arms over your chest.
The corner of Sicheng’s lips quirk upwards, an impish expression priming on his face. Sicheng starts to stroll by, ruffling your hair. “You wish.”
Sicheng continues to mess up your locks, ogling at you and your figure in front of him. The sly smirk withers into a look of adoration as you nag him to quit, and Sicheng startles from the thought of being charmed by such a simple action. He takes a step back and turns his head the other way. “Ah, it’s getting a little chilly,” he changes the subject, shoving his fists into his pockets.
You fix your hair, smoothing it down with your palms as you look in between the lines of his words. “Then go to your car,” you huffed. “You said it was down the street, didn’t you?”
Sicheng hesitates, gawking and standing in silence for a few seconds. “Do you want a ride back?”
You tilt your head, puzzled by his unforeseen gesture. For a moment, you consider saying yes, accepting the ride back rather than waiting in the cold for your friend—or even riding an extensive, bumpy bus ride to your apartment. But the smaller part of you takes control, causing you to blurt out a, “No way.”
Sicheng presses his lips together, blinking twice before responding. “You sure?” he asks. “It seems like it’ll get colder—and you might fall asleep on the bus. What if you end up at the east part of town? That’s a good two hours away.” Sicheng takes another step away, slowly starting his stride to his vehicle whilst waiting for your response. “I mean, not that I care or anything.”
Smiling, you look at him through your lashes. You scrutinize the boy, eyeing him from top to bottom. It is enough for you to notice the shades of red that creep onto his cheeks, and the rosy hues that tinge his ears. The boy is blushing, almost embarrassed, and vulnerable to your goads. “Sure you don’t.”
Sicheng grumbles, halting the beginning of his stride. “I’m just trying to be nice.”
“Try harder,” you comment, pushing yourself off the wall to brush past him. “Where’s your car, starboy? I can deal with an annoying car ride with you over a boring bus ride that’ll last for an hour.”
“Really?” Sicheng’s voice cracks. “I-I mean, what’s gotten into you?”
You shrug, the change in your demeanor protruding. “Answer the question.”
“R-right at the corner,” he stammers, scratching the back of his neck nervously. He follows with a reluctant point before walking to the vehicle, and you shadow him with a high guard.
Sicheng unlocks his vehicle and allows you to plop inside. He situates himself comfortably as he starts up the car, the radio instantly turning on and blasting the horrendous tunes on the radio. He reaches over quickly and shuts it off, uttering out an apology as he begins to back out.
You smile at him. “No need to apologize.”
As Sicheng backs out, he glances at you occasionally, unable to fight the urge to gawk at your features that were getting kissed by the incoming sunlight. “Whatever,” he responds.
Sicheng veers onto the road and begins to drive smoothly. He has a tight grip on the wheel as he continued to head to your apartment and you voice directions every now and then. He stops at the red light and slumps in his seat, tapping the wheel as if he is anxious to speak to you. The mood of the car is quite stiff; two polars are stuck in the same, condensed space right now, and he is not sure what to think.
Until he has a question that prodded at his mind for him to ask. “So,” he sighs, “why’d you call off our party.”
You look at him, cocking up an eyebrow in interest. “That’s quite a conversation starter.”
Sicheng does not bother to lock gazes with you; rather, he waits for the light to turn green and he begins to drive again for ten minutes in your reticence and enters the freeway.
You and the boy sit in silence, anticipation for your response raising the tension, and you hum. “It’s because you booted my car—and I had to pay a fine.”
Sicheng gains an urge to stop the vehicle where it is to look at you, addressing your stupidity, but instead he presses harder on the pedal. “What are you expecting? For me to let you park in my spot all the time?”
“You could have told me—”
“I did.” He grumbles. “You just don’t seem to listen.”
Your mouth hangs open at his comment, and the quietude that is caused confirms the validity behind his statement. You lean to the car door, your sight aiming out the window.
“So I also heard you slept with Jae,” he adds ten minutes later, exiting the freeway and starting to drive to your street as you ordered.
“Geez,” you sigh. “You really don’t know how to start proper conversations, do you? Ah, Make a left here. It’ll be in sight in a few moments.”
“I’m just saying.” Sicheng shrugs, steering the car in the desired direction. “Would you believe me if I said he was interested in you—for more than a, you know, bang?”
“Hmm…” you trail off, thinking about it in a wider perspective. “Yeah.”
Sicheng tilts his head. “Is that so?”
Sicheng starts to slow down on the road after you inform him that he is nearing the complex. His eyes are scanning the area, absorbing the new scenery. “You live pretty close to the uni,” he comments.
“If a fifteen minute drive is ‘close,’ then I guess so,” you reply. “It’s this one on the left. Just enter the parking lot and it’ll be fine.”
Sicheng nods and turns his car into the lot, driving all the way down with intention to pull up at the side.
“My turn to ask a question.” You clear your throat as Sicheng braces for it. Who knows what would leave your mouth—what you would be up to. To him, you are cryptic—a labyrinthine of emotions and negative events at every dead end. “Would believe me if I said I was interested in you—for just a, you know, bang?”
Sicheng gulps, stopping his car in the middle of the lot. You take notice of how his ears tinge with peach hues, and how his eyelids flutter from embarrassment. “I-I,” he stammers, grip deadly on the wheel. Sicheng struggles to find his breath, his gaze looking everywhere but your own. A hundred different lewd scenarios cross his mind—all sparked by your evocative question. “Fuck,” he curses under his breath, but mostly because there is a growing tent in his jeans.
You giggle, opening the door to take a leave. “Later, Sicheng. I’ll see you at class.”
The name catches his attention, causing Sicheng to finally look at you with a grin.
“What?” you ask.
Sicheng chuckles, tossing his head back momentarily. “I’m so used to you calling me ‘starboy,’ it’s kind of strange to hear my name come out your mouth.”
“Maybe you can get me to scream it one of these nights,” you suggest, winking at him before shutting the car door.
His expression runs niche and he is unable to move an inch from your parting words. Fuck, that really did not help his situation. Sicheng stares down at his crotch, the bulge sticking out prominently as it remains stuck in his pants. He gulps, one of his hands letting go of the wheel to sail down to tend to it, but he is interrupted by a loud honk from the vehicle behind him.
“God damn it, (y/n)...”
The note you left Sicheng off of even surprises you.
Sure, the point as of now is to tease him endlessly, but there appears to be an underlying sentiment behind each witty phrase you shoot towards him. You crave his attention and ache for a response whenever you badger him; likewise, he can say the same.
When it is the third day of the week you drive on over to your class, wondering what you would say to Sicheng throughout the entire commute, and sauntering to the lecture hall. You are gripping onto the strap of your bag tightly, your mind in its daze as your eyes remain fixated onto the floor. When you approach the lecture room you up your vision and see Sicheng lingering around some of the classmates in sight. Smirking, you walk towards him, stopping in front of the door to the room.
“Hey, Sicheng,” you greet with a sly quirk of your lips. Your arm wraps around him, a hand resting on his shoulder as you give it a light squeeze. You bat your lashes at him, feigning innocence as you await a reply.
Sicheng’s breath hitches in his throat as he diverts his attention your way. The simple gesture you are giving him feels like complete electricity, warming up his chest from such a diminutive contact. The exchange of similar glances spellbinds him, and he is barely even able to utter out, “H-hey.”
The conversation that has once been taking place comes to a halt, the colleagues he has been conversing with staring at both you and Sicheng in curiosity. “Why aren’t you in the room? Is the professor not here?”
“Ah, no. That’s not it,” informs Sicheng. “We’re just getting in some conversation before we go inside.”
“I see.” You nod you head. “Well, it’s better to be inside early, right? Or”—you sail your palm down his back, a feather-light touch ghosting over his clothed skin—“are you always going to be one for late attendance?”
Sicheng does not bother to respond to your question; instead, he watches you swiftly enter the lecture room with a foolish grin on his face. His face feels hot from an easy gesture, and it is more than clear that he is a blushing mess in front of his colleagues.
“(y/n)’s always caring about everyone,” says one of them. “I asked her for help with an assignment and she agreed within a heartbeat.”
“Really?” responds the other. “I should try talking to her some time. Invite her to the next party!”
Sicheng crinkles his nose at their talk—how oblivious they are to you and your devilish tactics—and says, a little out of jealousy, “Don’t bother. It’s better to not get involved with her anyway.”
Sicheng then follows your footsteps into the lecture room, it echoing in the quietude. Sicheng immediately finds you lounging at the second row, and he joins you, sitting two seats away. He takes out his belongings and prepares for the lecture, peering at you from the corner of his eye occasionally. He twirls his pen in hand as your chin is propped on your palm, and, finally, after ten minutes you two lock eyes—right when the lecture begins.
As much as you try to remain focused on the lecture, Sicheng’s presence is a complete blight to your focus. Your mind cannot help but run to the direction of him, thinking about him seamlessly about multiple scenarios that are, to no surprise, quite carnal. He is simply leaning in the seat, a childish pout on his lips as he tries to absorb the material, yet you are utterly distracted by him and his looks. His hair is a little more on the messy side this afternoon; is that the after-sex hairstyle that would take place? God, you are incredibly curious. All of a sudden you ache to tug on his hair, perhaps when he is going down on you irresolutely.
Sicheng grins at you, noticing how you are lost deep in a fantasy; he cannot help but wonder if you are thinking mutual thoughts as he. He is replaying the scene from earlier over and over in his mind, like it is the only movie the cinema of his brain can project, and it makes his mind jumble out into scattered puzzle pieces. And each piece is one impure thought after the other.
Sicheng bites the outline of his lip as he allows his imagination to run wild. He wonders what you would look like if he has the upper hand. If he is to be the one taking charge of all situations instead of you—if he is to be the ‘bad boy’ that everyone thinks he is. Once, just once, does he want to hear you whimper his name as you are beneath him.
Your eyes widen at Sicheng tugging on his bottom lip with his teeth; you never thought that was a sight you wanted to see until then, and you turn your head away to try and block out the distraction. Sicheng chuckles and lifts his head, trying to return back to the lecture. Of course, it is not as easy as he wishes because in his pants again is his own rising hardness.
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
Once the lecture comes to an end you pack up your items by shoving them in the bag like it is an oblivion. You snap your fingers to enrapture Sicheng’s attention, and you gain it with posthaste.
“What do you want?” he asks you, his voice groggy as he has recently risen from a heavy slumber.
“You,” you respond playfully. “And for us to get out of this lecture hall ‘cause I feel like I’ve been suffocating in his room for far too long.”
Sicheng fixes his gaze on your figure that towers above him and he releases a sigh. He rubs the nape of his neck and gathers his belongings, accompanying you out the hall. “You actually waited for me,” Sicheng points out, grinning.
“Stop commenting on everything I do,” you demand, bitterness lacing your tone.
“I can’t help it,” he pleads, “it’s all so cute.”
You draw in a sharp breath through your teeth, disgusted by his stunt. “Gross.”
“So, answer me,” he requests, stopping your stride before you exit the entire building. “Just what are you trying to do?”
You narrow your eyes, furrowing an eyebrow. “Trying to do about what?”
“You know,” Sicheng edges. “You’ve been touchy lately.”
“Oh,” you acknowledge, “nothing. I’m just having a little fun.”
You lean against the wall by the door, arms crossed as you scrutinize Sicheng’s response, and he isn’t buying it at all. He is finding your reply unhumorous, as true as it is. You are only playing around with Sicheng because it causes you fun—and of the irresistible attraction that creeped its way onto the surface, but he has no reason to be aware of the latter.
“But why—”
“Hey, Sicheng!” calls a familiar voice.
You and Sicheng look to the direction of the voice, only to realize it is coming from Yuta—who has Sowon hanging around him like a puppy.
“I’m assuming that date went well?” Sicheng thinks aloud, waving to his friend.
“Unfortunately so,” you add, shaking your head at the disappointment that is Sowon and Yuta possibly becoming an item. “Be careful, Sowon.”
Your friend giggles, almost feeling your seeth. “It would’ve been better if his friends didn’t stick around us.”
“I had space in my car,” says Sicheng. “I could’ve lessened the load.”
“Oh hell no,” you comment, swatting Sicheng’s arm. “It was bad enough dealing with you.”
Yuta tilts his head in confusion, looking at Sowon as if she has an answer. “I thought you needed to go home, bro. Why was (y/n) with you?”
“Ah,” he pauses. “I-I did. I ran into her on the way to get to my car and she was on the way…”
“Don’t get any ideas, Yuta. The last thing I need is for your mouth to run on and on about how Sicheng and I would be an item,” you demand, already calling for the future. Knowing Yuta, his mouth only knows how to talk and spread rumours—and that is only one of the many reasons you hold an antipathy against him.
Sowon chimes in, breaking the ice. “So why are you two still in here? Our lectures ended at the same time.”
Sicheng peers at you, motioning you to speak. Sighing, you say, “We were just talking.”
“Talking?” Yuta laughs. “Or flirting?”
Yuta winks at his friend, notioning your way that has Sicheng bursting into a fit of chuckles. “Totally,” Sicheng agrees, obtaining and idea. Sicheng steps closer to you, the remaining proximity closing as he places an arm around you comfortably—an act that makes it seem as if it is the most natural gesture in the world. “I’ve been trying to get her to go on a date with me, but she loves playing hard to get.”
You turn your head to look at him, incertitude painted all over your face, and he leans over to whisper into your ear, “Don’t you?”
You bite onto the outline of your lip, his breath hitting your skin, sending goosebumps to race up your spine. Heat flows into your face and the blush is more than evident, almost like a wave of coral hues splashed on your skin. “Get real, starboy.” You push Sicheng off you, taking a step away as you calm yourself down. You feel your heart beating rapidly against your chest as if there is a raging animal that wanted to be set free, and you are unable to calm it down. “T-try again next time.”
“So we have a next time?” he asks you, smirking in victory. He appears to have found a weak spot of you—one that he can use to his advantage to win the game.
“Get a fucking room, you two,” implores Yuta. Yuta latches onto Sowon’s hand and gets ready to guide her out the door, but Sicheng says something that makes the older boy explode into childish laughter.
Sicheng shoves his hands into his pockets, swaggering back to you. “There’s a room right there—a classroom—if you’re into that.”
Your eyes widen at his idea, another vehement desire to follow his proposition present. You shake your head at the intruding thought, the longing for you to satisfy your amorous desires difficult to maintain. Speechless and unable to think properly, your flustered self watches the starboy exit the lecture hall in triumph and all you want to do is clout the back of his head.
“Gosh,” you spit out, “he needs to piss off…”
Yuta and Sowon exchange similar expressions, both making a silent call for the future. It causes them to chuckle and you face them, your face still tinted with pink—the mark of embarrassment. You are unable to stop thinking about Sicheng and his words—everything he has stunted today. Looking at the entire moment in a wider perspective, Sicheng seems to crave to take the game in his own hands; to kick you off the pedestal and take charge happens to be an event he is absolutely ravenous for.
But it is arduous for you to pinpoint the root of it. Shit, when did Sicheng start to put up such an act—and why is it working on you? You have ever been one to feel anything by flirty words or touchy gestures; you have always been the one to initiating a stimulating response, but the tables truly have turned. Because...
It is not until now for you to realize that this is no longer a game, but a chase for who breaks first.
To say that you enjoy Sicheng’s method of peppering compliments on you would be an understatement.
It feels like a guilty pleasure whenever you hear him make a positive comment about your appearance or wit—whether he wholeheartedly means it or not. Every encounter you have with him, he gives you a playful wink and, if you are to be lucky, words that keep you keen. And that routine continues for a good two weeks. For you, it seems as if you have made zero progress in pushing Sicheng to the edge and he is always one move ahead—always getting you on checkmate. There are times you have attempted to avoid him by purposely walking the longer way to the lecture halls and taking the back path to go to where you typically park, but as if there is a hopeless magnetism, you and Sicheng have always been made bound to cross paths—which leaves you utterly weak.
You notice as time passes that with each time you see Sicheng your heart kicks its pace up; not due to the thrill or anger of seeing him, ready to grind on his gears, but for a feeling that has always been foreign to you: a complete attraction to a man that you used to see as the epitome of pest. After such a realization you have tried to sort out your thoughts, but the more you think about Sicheng the more crazy it drives you. It isn’t rocket science—what you feel for the falsely stated bad boy—but it is something you are borderline ashamed of feeling.
And what if he finds out?
With the two weeks of avoiding Sicheng and attending classes, bolting for the exit once the shared lecture ends, he finally catches on. Well, to be fair he has always had an idea of your feelings toward him—and he knows you would never voice such as if it is to be a curse. Sicheng finds your reaction to be cute, charming whenever you told him to get away like he is a fool in love, and he aches to be around you even more.
However, two weeks passing is far too long of a wait for him and he decides to take the larger step, a more riskier move on the game board.
He sees you walking across the parking lot with your notebook held tightly in your arms and he grins, pausing his converse with his friends to say to you, “Looking good, (y/n), but what’s new?”
His voice catches you by surprise and the heat returns to your face. Ignoring him, you start to pace yourself to the hall, but he ditches his friends to run towards you, joining you by your side. He laughs, ruffling your hair as he points out, “Are you blushing?”
You bare your teeth, glaring at him as you spit out, “Piss off, Sicheng.”
“Why are you so brash to me?” He places his hands in the air in defeat. “I’m just complimenting you.”
“I don’t want your stupid compliments.”
“What do you want me to say?” he asks, genuinely curious. The compliments don’t work, and neither does his loving gestures; he wants to crack down to the bottom of this like it is a cryptic code that has been impracticable for aeons. “That I’d love to f—”
You place a hand over his mouth, hushing him as you push him back. “We’re in front of so many people, have some decency, Sicheng.”
“We can go somewhere private,” he says easily with a shrug. He grabs onto your wrist and lowers your hand, giving him some free space to talk openly. Your expression is still the same: a foolish blush with sparkling eyes, a shy demeanor—like Sicheng’s true self has an impact on you. “You seem like you’d like that.”
You remain silent and walk away from him in hopes that you have escaped his scripted plan of the day, but he chases after you, opening the door for you to the lecture hall. You stare at him and that prince-like smile that is blossoming on his face. With such gestures, it confuses you even further, and you release a sigh as you enter the hall.
Sicheng frowns at the lack of response, shadowing you from behind. “Why are you so annoyed with me?” he complains, both hands gripping tightly around the straps of his backpack. “And there are twenty minutes before the lecture. No one is even inside the hall.”
Rather than being able to formulate a coherent reply, you are more focused on the rapid beating of your heart—the swirled up thoughts in your brain—and it prompts Sicheng to tail you like a puppy, pestering you for attention. “(y/n)?” he calls out to you, catching up to your side. But you refuse to reply, ignoring his presence. “(y/n), is everything okay?”
You reach for the doorknob of the lecture room, but a clasp around the small of your wrist prevents you from doing so. Sicheng turns you around, enrapturing your attention has his gaze beats down on your face. “Did I do something wrong?” he questions, his voice frail like a child that has gotten in trouble. “Did I cross the line?”
Sicheng’s gaze casts downwards to the floor, his eyelids fluttering like pirouetting butterflies. The solemn countenance that is conveying on his face makes you feel guilty, a clear sign you have fallen victim to his previous manners. “No,” you respond, unable to look his way.
“Then why are you ignoring me?” he questions.
“You act like I haven’t been trying to ignore you for the past two weeks.”
“But why?”
“God,” you spit out, attempting to turn your body so you can swing open the door to the lecture room, “you’re so annoying.”
But Sicheng stops you from doing so. His grip is tight on your wrist, yet he acts with hesitance as if he is calculating his every move, afraid to hurt you. His eyes finally meet yours when he prevents you from escaping his grasp, and it is a moment that is far too electric to break the current. In fact, this is the closest you have ever been face-to-face with the starboy. There is no turning of heads, no gushing or childish blushing to prompt an abscond—but a pure moment as if one is reading far too into the other.
The silence that is filling the moment is amplifying the weight of the moment, and Sicheng releases a shaky breath. He is studying your expression: your pursed lips that are coated with a thin gloss, the apples of your cheeks that have a natural tint on them—because he caused it. One by one he notices your features, and he hears your unsteady breath get drawn in.
Your heart is beating furiously against your chest; his is aching to be set free from its own cage. The compulsion to enter the lecture room is no longer overpowering, and you are rooted in stance before the boy, your mind completely blank as well. The last bits are drawn back to your mind once you hear a breathy laugh come from his mouth.
You tilt your head, eyebrows coming together as if frustrated. “What are you laughing about?”
“Nothing,” he clears out, shaking his head. “You’re blushing,” he whispers with a smile quirking at his lips.
“No I’m not,” you respond instantly, defensive on where you stand. Your head turns the other way, shielding your face from the truth.
Sicheng chuckles, finally gaining the last piece of the puzzle to see the larger picture. It explains it all: the times you avoid him, spit defensive words, and the countless blushes and hopeless grins that blossom on your face. “Did this game you declared turn into something more?” he asks you. “Am I beating you at your own game? And here I was, worried that I crossed the line.”
You are rendered speechless, coherent sentences unable to thread together as he voices out validity.
“But I didn’t.” He finishes off, “You just have feelings for me.”
“I don’t,” you announce.
Sicheng closes the gap that is shared from your face and his, inching closer and closer until you are able to feel his warm breath hit your skin. “I think you do.”
You slowly face him again, witnessing the stunt he is trying to pull. What has gotten into him? It truly isn’t like him to be head-on flirtatious with a member of the opposite sex. Why isn’t he gushing or running away? Cowering in embarrassment? Perhaps what you thought you know about Sicheng is completely false—and it has always been the reason to why he has the upper hand. As cryptic as you are, Sicheng is the definition of arcane—a walking enigma that is solely made for you.
Sicheng lets go you your wrist and trails his hand up the outline of your body slowly, a desultory action that sets your insides ablaze. He moves your hair behind your ear, gaining a better view of your features, and smiles lovingly.
Gulping and in need of a riposte, you spit out the first thing that comes to your mind, “Are you saying that as defense?” You narrow your gaze on him, the fire in your two orbs evident. “Are you not the one who has feelings for me? You’re constantly complimenting me and following me around—I think it’s for more than just to—”
“But I do,” Sicheng informs, cutting your sentence short.
Every word you have wanted to say dissipates on the tip of your tongue, for his response has caught you by surprise. It is like an impact you never expected, like someone has came from your behind to strike. So your suspicions have always been on the right track. There has always been an underlying reason for Sicheng’s actions that you brushed to the side—but why? Has it been a method for you to fight how you feel towards the starboy?
The silence that is being shared between you two has turned deadly—an uncomfortable still as you allow the words to sink into your mind.
“What?” you question him, your voice a whisper. Sicheng has not moved from where he stands the entire time; his head has always been a few mere inches away from your own, and your breath brushes against the petals of his lips.
Sicheng swallows his breath out of nervousness, relieving his anxious sentiments. His mouth constantly opens and closes every now and then because he is crossed on what to say. Every sentence that comes to mind does not make it past his mouth, and he swallows his words as if they would be the wrong choice to make—like it would be the key to set you free from his presence.
The boy has waited for a moment like this for quite a long time—longer than the two weeks you have been annoying him. The first three encounters with you have been nothing but unpleasant, but as time has passed and the paths kept on crossing, intertwining, it would be impossible for him to not gain an idea of you under another light. The night of the party a girl approached him, and he rejected her for more than just avoiding an intercourse with her—because Sicheng thought of you. The girl was even closer to him physically, her arms wrapped around him; you are inches apart, and the pull has never been stronger.
Sicheng shakes his head and stares through you, whispering your name. God, what on earth is he thinking? The more time that passes the greater the urge grows to become closer to you. He craves for a kiss, a pull—anything that would diminish the game that has stood.
And so he asks.
“(y/n),” he mumbles. You blink twice at him, a signal that he has all of your attention. “C-can I kiss you?”
You look up at him through your lashes, unable to turn away. Sicheng twirls a lock of your hair in between his digits as he watches you with dilated pupils. Fair enough to say, he is as nervous as you are. Both hearts are racing as if there is a finish line, breaths are being held and let out shakily, and words are being chosen oh-so-carefully.
So you hope that your response is enough—even if it is a breathy, “Yes.”
Sicheng’s eyes blow wide for a second, surprised at how quickly you complied, and he watches you close your eyes delicately, waiting for the impact. He smiles softly to himself, admiring the longing that is painted on your face.
Slowly in the empty hall, he comes closer and closer, his warm breath a tease for every second his lips are not pressing against yours. Sicheng acts with reluctance—not because he fears that this is the wrong choice or if he is leading you onto the wrong direction but due to the lack of experience. Nonetheless, his head leans in and the last sight he sees is your lips being pursed gently.
His forearm moves to rest against the flat of the door as he closes the gap, and the contact is more electrifying than ever. There is a smile that plays at the corner of his mouth that you feel; you cannot help but do the same. Sicheng’s lips dance with yours to the melody of each other’s brisk heartbeats, the softness an unfamiliar sensation that provides you with the pleasure of longing. It feels as if you have waited aeons for a benevolent kiss, like your existence has been created for the lush act.
He sucks on your bottom lip, swiping the tip of his tongue against the surface, and gets a taste of you—and it is surprisingly sweet. It appears like you are a fruit off a tree with a sour appearance, drawing people away, but if one is to peel away layer by layer they would catch a look at the real you.
Sicheng’s other hand snakes its way to the small of your back, pulling your body closer to him to deepen the kiss. You cannot help but break the kiss to laugh, for his act is entertaining and unexpected. Locking eyes with him, you see more than just the mischievous glint, and it prompts another playful kiss.
He smells of coffee and musk, the two scents swirling together in a divergent harmony that sends your senses to the edge. There is something that impels you for more—a craving to taste him even further and to bring your bodies closer, and as the heated kiss progresses it is the only thing that intoxicates your mind.
There is one thing that is holding the two of your back, and it is the fact that you are both two shadows standing right in the middle of the lecture hall, in front of the door to the classroom. Anyone could walk in at any moment and be astonished to the core to see that the university bibliophile and notorious bad boy is locking lips. It would be the gossip of the week and the puzzle of the century. What witchcraft has taken place to bring two polar opposites together? Whatever it is, you are glad it has charmed you.
Sicheng presses harder against your lips, sucking on them passionately to solicit a quiet moan from you—and he obtains one. You break the kiss, cowering out of embarrassment, and he chuckles. He assures you of your worries by cupping your cheek and running his thumb across your skin. Kissing you once more, you decide it is your turn to make a move.
Your hands tug at the hem of his short before one tugs at the belt loop of his jeans to drag him in close. As he falls victim to your grasp, his crotch comes in contact with your front and you feel something preposterously… hard. You break the kiss to catch a glance at the tent that is building in his pants—the uncomfortable hardness that gives him pleasure once you palm him through his pants.
He takes a breath in between his teeth and hangs his head low, positioning it at the crevasse of your neck prior to him peppering kisses all over. Sucking on your skin, he leaves a mark—a promise that more would come and the moment would be finished later.
You grip onto his hardened member past his jeans, feeling him up, and he releases a moan right by your ear. “Fuck,” he utters, his voice weak. “God, (y/n), t-that feels good…”
“Does it?” you ask him rhetorically, gripping onto it with more force.
“Shit,” he says within an instant. “Y-yes! God, I—this is the first time that I—”
You shake your head and he raises his, allowing you to plant a kiss. “You talk too much,” you comment, pecking him again.
Sicheng chuckles, sweat accumulating on his forehead. “Whatever.”
You take a step away and change spots with the boy, pressing him against the door. Your mouth is ghosting over the cupid bow of his own, enticing him by the second. Sicheng is unsure on how to act next. Should he leave it up to you, or take charge once more?
Whatever he has been thinking, it is far too slow because you act first. Acting as if you are about to kiss him again, Sicheng closes his eyes to brace; however, your hand chases for the doorknob and your clasp around it, twisting it so that the door to the lecture hall opens.
Sicheng, who has been leaning on the flat of it, stumbles right into the lecture room from the loss of balance.
“We can save the rest for later,” you tell him.
Sicheng is on the floor, rubbing his forehead as he gawks at you. The blush returns to his face and you laugh in triumph, entering the room with a grin. “Good morning, professor,” you greet her—the professor’s eyes scrutinizing the two of you.
You move to take your seat, unwilling to help him up, and start to unpack your belongings to prepare for class. Sicheng watches you, his mind dazed and struggling to fathom what just happened. Only ten minutes have soared by and it was ten minutes of confession and sexual build-up. He groaned, picking himself up and stretching his arms into the air.
You stare at him, still entertained.
Sicheng used to be someone you could not stand to be around—a man that made you dread. Now, the one thing that has always been killing you is making you feel incredibly alive. You can only hope that the promise to satisfy your need for him would come sooner than you expect.
There is no point in faking your antipathy towards Sicheng anymore.
No walls have to be built to protect yourself from the truth and to prevent him from seeing it—especially what has happened a good four days ago. Sicheng and you were having an empirical, heated make out session in the middle of the lecture hall. Feelings were dutifully exchanged and one thing led to another; that was, before everything came to an abrupt halt.
A large fraction of you regretted opening the door to have him fall inside; it was your chance to tell him to dip class and spend the two hours in private, getting an even better taste of one another, but you didn’t.
So for the past four days you have been outrageously frustrated, the thought of Sicheng driving you insane. He’s like a drug—an element you are completely hooked on and you cannot seem to fight the urge to want him. Thing is, no matter how far the scene can escalate between you two, you have no idea what the boy is thinking.
Well, that is because Sicheng has no idea what he is thinking. He never had such a heavy crush on a girl before; let alone, had a makeout session until he crossed paths with you. The feelings you provided him with gave him a thrill, a rush of excitement and so much longing to the point he is addicted. Of course, with the way events have cascaded perfectly into one another, he could not help it.
With similar thoughts to yours, he never thought that he would be willing to go so far with you. He kissed you, ached for more, and was ready for you to guide him—no matter how shy he was. And the most shocking part to him is that you have no problem with him being a virgin. You used to take pleasure in annoying him—teasing him to the edge about the truth and what he makes himself to be—but that all strengthened the magnetism of his attraction to you.
So here he is, standing in the university parking lot with his friends, excessively sexually frustrated from the lack of contact he has had with you. To be honest, the last time he has had a full-blown conversation with you was four days ago, right in front of the lecture hall. Everything that came afterwards was quick ‘hello’s’ when passing by one another. And that got him thinking: did the kiss mean nothing to you to the point you’d act like it never happened?
Or maybe he was thinking out of proportion. After all, he never experienced such a turn of events.
However, there was a moment where he saw the mark he left on your neck—the sign that what happened four days ago would take off where it was left off from, and the only question became ‘when?’
Sicheng is staring at the sky as his friends chat the day away. They are talking about the usual: girls, planning the next party, and whenever they will go the billiards hall. There is nothing too out of the ordinary occurring and the day is stunningly placid. Sicheng’s head is in the cloud as they listen to Yuta bicker about his progression in his relationship with Sowon—the potential of how ‘serious’ the two of them might become, and the other two boys cannot take him seriously.
Hearing of such an instance reminds Sicheng on how he first started with you. If he made the choice to not attend class that day due to the wild night from before then none of this would be happening. It sounds even more preposterous that Sicheng is hopelessly crushing on the girl he used to wholly have forebodings about.
Sicheng closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, relishing in the reminisce. The boys’ laughter intrudes on his journey among his thoughts and his lids flutter open, whilst attempting to catch onto what he has missed.
As Sicheng’s vision slowly refocuses as he blinks a couple of times; from the corner of his eye he sees you. Habitually, you are walking with Sowon across the parking lot to return to your vehicle down the street. It is distinctive that you are trying to avoid running into the group, which is notable by being on the opposite side of the small lot. Sicheng smiles, and the manner is strangely perpetual. The little things of you appear to drive him crazy, whether you are annoyed by him to the point you would walk away with a blush, or if you are to prod him with belittling jests. And he feels helpless to them.
Yuta, who is talking endlessly, finally puts an end to his roam mid-sentence when he sees you and Sowon on the opposite side of the lot. “It’s Sowon!” he points out loudly, causing the boys to divert their attention your way. Though as booming as his voice naturally is, it did not reach the two of you who are vivaciously laughing the day away.
“Is Yuta seriously pursuing a real relationship?” asks Jaehyun, giving Taeyong a light punch. Taeyong chuckles and nods his head as Yuta glares at them, biting onto his sour tongue to restrict ill-mannered comments.
“And she’s friends with that total witch,” hisses Taeyong. “(y/n), wasn’t it? How do you feel about that, Sicheng?”
But there is no response.
Taeyong rotates his body to where Sicheng is standing, only to find out he is no longer there and is dashing for the two girls. Sicheng’s presence blended so well into the shadows for him to abscond, confusing the three boys on his chase towards you.
“What the hell is he doing?” Yuta questions, piqued.
Jaehyun’s face contorts in displeasure and inquisitiveness as he watches his friend run towards you. Setting all feelings aside, he lets out a sigh. “Sicheng’s facing the same thing you are, Yuta.”
Taeyong’s jaw drops to the floor in shock, the color in his face washing away as he is the last to catch onto the recent turn of events. “No fucking way. How did he get her? No offence to Sicheng or anything, but aren’t I hotter in more degrees?”
Yuta blasts out into a childish laughter, agreeing. “Very, Tae.”
✾  ✾   ✾  ✾
… “So then after I said I would take the bus back home, he offered me a ride!” Sowon rambles. “I never thought he’d be like that, but we ended up having a second date I guess—in his car.”
You skeptically raise an eyebrow at the information, studying it thoroughly. “Don’t tell me you two used the back of his car to ba—”
“No!” She shakes her head, waving her hands towards you dismissively. “W-we didn’t do anything! I mean, he kissed me and that was it—I promise!”
“What the”—you halt your stride to look at her, pondering if you are hearing things correctly—“you guys already kissed? You guys are moving faster than Sicheng and me. You know when we first kissed? Two weeks ago.”
Sowon laughs, grasping onto your hand to pull you towards her. “That’s because you two hated each other when you first met. You don’t just make out with someone you don’t like.”
“Good point.”
When you think about your friend’s comment you realize how childish the story of you and Sicheng sounds. Both of you acted upon one another by a petulant drive, only craving to see the other well in their own misery, and now all you both want is each other. You press a palm to your face for recalling the immature acts and sigh.
Sowon starts again, giving you another tug, “Anyway, I really want to go and eat some—”
“(y/n)!” your name is called in the distance.
You turn your head instantly, attributing the recognizable voice to the familiar face. Sicheng is dashing towards you as if he has forgotten a beloved belonging in your grasp, and you slip out of Sowon’s hold to wave to him.
Sicheng stands before you and your friend, catching a breath before he says to Sowon, “I need to borrow her for a second. Maybe the whole day.”
With a sweaty palm, Sicheng takes a hold of your hand and pulls you away from your friend, dragging you from the lot to behind the main building of the institute. You attempt to dig your heels into the ground to prevent him from doing so, uttering, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You study the boy, noticing the hint of red that stains his ears—a small blush that gives you an idea on why he is acting so promptly.
Sicheng is grumbling some words to himself, already flustered from the stunt he is pulling, and groans exasperatedly. He releases you from his grasp once he makes it to the back of the main building; his back is turned to you for a good while before he opens his mouth again.
“Two weeks,” he declares. “It has been two weeks since we kissed and you rarely made any contact with me since. Is something wrong?”
Sicheng rotates his body to face you, and the glint in his eyes is a mark of genuine curiosity.
“Is something going on with you?” you ask him, chuckling from amusement.
Sicheng’s eyebrows come together in a frustrated manner as he blurts out the truth. “Yes, I’ve been sexually frustrated the entire time! How can we kiss and then leave me out like that?”
“You do realize that’s what you do to all the girls that try to get into your pants, right?”
“But that doesn’t mean you should do it to me…” Sicheng whines. He grabs onto your hand tightly and releases a breath of air. “(y/n), come on. I’m getting impatient. I haven’t felt this way towards anyone else before and you’re really leaving me on the edge.”
His confession comes as a surprise to you. You are not sure on what to think. You gain from watching him struggle to keep his dick in his pants, but also from hearing him come to the edge due to sexual frustration. Giggling, you say, “Sucks to suck, Sicheng. But you gotta wait.”
“W-what?” he stammers. “How long?”
“I have an exam coming up—I have to study.”
You shake out of his grasp and start to walk back to Sowon; however, he tugs on the hem of your shirt, stopping you. “W-when is it? What class—where?”
“Next Monday at around three. The second portable—why?”
“Just wondering,” Sicheng tells you. His grip tightens as he thinks out another addition to his sentence. Whenever he is with you, the words do not come quickly to his mind. “Do you want to go out after your exam?”
“Out?” you repeat. “Or… out as in—”
“No,” he corrects you, interrupting. “Out as in an actual date. I can treat you for finishing.”
You narrow your eyes on him, trying to see if there is an underlying message in his proposition. “All of a sudden you’re being romantic, what’s going on?”
Sicheng chuckles, his head hanging. “You can’t blame me for trying.”
“I’m not.” You shake your head. “But that sounds like a good plan.”
Sicheng finally allows you to part from him. You walk back to Sowon with a childish grin painted on your face, for the mere thought of going on a proper date with the boy makes you giddy. Sicheng watches you make your way back to your friend. The smile that has been pressed on his face withers away instantly as he realizes what he just committed.
“Fuck,” he mumbles. “Did I say I was okay with waiting another week?!”
Despite his silly mistake on allowing another week to past, time soars by quicker than expected.
Sicheng occupies his time by digging his face into his books, absorbing necessary information for his classes to prepare himself early for exams and whatnot. It is not the best distraction, but it is enough to suffice as you have the time of your life preparing for an exam—and teasing him. It is another story when you are in the same class as him. He really cannot focus, no matter how far away he chooses to be seated from you, and it prods at his brain like an unwanted stick.
So, when Monday comes along he decides to look extra spiffy.
The morning of, he spends more time styling his hair and picking out a decent outfit to impress. He sprays on cologne and tests out award-winning smiles at his reflection in the mirror; he wants the day to go by perfectly. Sicheng attends his classes like normal at the university, and his mind runs wild the more minutes that pass by. It is a countdown to you, when he can see you again and possibly score the night.
Sicheng dashes out of his lecture once it concludes, running by his group of friends who call out to him, but he does not bat a single eye. The wind whistles in his ears as he runs across campus to reach the portables (considering he has been at the opposite side of the campus) and hopes he is running on time. The lecture ended at around 2:47 p.m., and that gives him thirteen minutes to make it to your class—well, if it already did not end early. Lectures never run on schedule to begin with.
Sicheng is starting to break out into a sweat in his outfit: a blue flannel with black ripped jeans, a plain white tee under as well. Not only that, but his hair is an absolute mess, like a cat has made a home on the top of his head. There are so many elements that he can be fretting about, but the second he sees you in the distance, his worries erode away.
He is standing on the top of the staircase, noticing you leave the portable of your class at the bottom of the steps, and he calls out for you, “(y/n)!”
The sound of your name being exclaimed captures your attention, causing you to turn your head left and right for the direction the sound is coming from. Other people are attracted to the stunt Sicheng pulls, and he keeps chanting your name, waving to your frantically like a young child greeting his friends at the start of the day.
“Shut up!” you retaliate, your face flushing with pink.
You start to walk up the steps to meet him, gossip already circulating among your colleagues. Whispers upon the topic of you and Sicheng being an item start up—and people would be foolish to not believe it at this point. With the givens that you and Sicheng have spent with one another, him tailing you and you pestering him with insults, the signs have been everywhere.
Sicheng lovingly watches you climb up the stairs, the tired look on your face making him laugh. It is not until you are three-fourths of the way up for him to notice your lasting beauty. You are wearing shorts and a loose white tee, an outfit that seems like you picked up dirty laundry from your room floor because effort was not in the dictionary this morning. Even so, you look incredible to him.
Your hair is messy, a look he expects to see after sex with you and—fuck, is he getting a hard on?
Sicheng’s expression turns niche as he looks down at his crotch, the hardness barely noticeable (thankfully). He gulps, hoping that it would go away soon. Is this what happens when sexual longing is extended for three darn weeks? Sicheng proceeds to smile at you as you meet him at the top of the staircase.
“How was the exam?” he asks you.
“Good,” you reply, your pace not stopping. Sicheng accompanies you, leading you to the path to his car. “I think I aced it.”
“I’m sure you did,” he agrees with nervous laughter, fighting the uncomfortable sensation in his pants. “We both study like mad—and you blew me off to study.”
“Yeah,” you scoff, “so I can focus.”
“Do I get a reward if you get an A?” he questions you with beady eyes. Even though he asked it as a question, it sounds like Sicheng is implying another—an obvious craving he has been wanting to become satisfied.
Smiling, you say, “Maybe.”
The walk to Sicheng’s car is filled with smalltalk and gossip on what is going on between Yuta and Sowon. A couple combination that no one even expected—but that is what makes it so risible. It is just how you and Sicheng start off, and possibly how the word will spread around. Sicheng is smoothing out his hair as he ambles to his vehicle, laughing the day away with you as he breaks out in a sweat from the hot weather. What brilliant choice did he make to wear jeans and a long sleeve?
The moment you both reach his vehicle at his parking spot, he strips the flannel off his being and tosses it in the back seat once the car is unlocked. Your eyes are glued onto his figure, the somewhat muscular man feeding your eagerness. Shit, has he always looked this good? In fact, have you ever seen Sicheng wear anything else aside longsleeves and sweaters? He looks divine.
“What are you staring at?” he asks you, tugging on the seat belt.
You mimic his motion. “Nothing, you just look good.”
He smiles, red chasing the apples of his cheeks again. “Thanks.”
Sicheng starts up his car and starts to back out of the lot, informing you of the plan for the rest of the day. “So there’s this restaurant downtown that just opened, it seems pretty good. There’s a bakery right next to it as well, so we can stop by there afterwards—I heard their macarons are amazing.”
“You planned out the entire day?” you think aloud.
“No, I didn’t plan out the details—but that’s just the gist.” He beams. Sicheng enters the street and begins to drive. He switches on the car radio to fill up the moments of silence that come along after the end of each conversation topic. You notice the way he nods his head to the music, tapping his fingers to the beat rapturously.
“I see,” you mumble. “So, how was your day? You actually look pretty good.”
Sicheng grins jocundly, shrugging his shoulders. “It was fine. Do I really? I just put on whatever,” he fibs.
You nod your head. “Yeah, you do.”
Your eyes roam his vehicle, enjoying the look of it. It is a black, e350 mercedes, and it smells just like him, and a hint of the scents he has hanging on the air conditioners. At every stoplight Sicheng has a tendency to look your way. The mere sight of you alone sets his insides ablaze, and he over thinks: what should he say? Is there even anything to say?
You snap him out of his thoughts when you ask him, “What are you looking at?”
“Nothing,” he retaliates quickly. “Y-you just look really good.”
“I’m in a white tee and shorts, Sicheng. This is a typical outfit that half the university can wear.”
“B-but you look good…?” His voice raises at the end of his obscurity; he ponders if he is choosing the correct words properly, or he is ready to cower in his own embarrassment.
“Would I look better beneath you?” you ask him, tilting your head the other way. You bite onto your lip to ease your anxious wrecks, your eyes clamped shut as you wait for his response.
It catches him by surprise and his foot eases off the gas pedal, prompting him to stutter, “W-where did that come from? I thought w-we were just having a nice innocent date…”
You breathe a sigh of relief, thankful he didn’t unleash his wit. You face him again and ruffle his hair. “We are,” you admit. “I just wanted to get this out there.”
Sicheng’s eyes bat continuously your eye, his vision fleeting from the road to you dangerously. “I-I see...”
An uncomfortable hardness forms in his jeans and it bothers him. He is barely able to focus on the road, for his attention is devoted to you. So, when the next red light comes after eight minutes of continuous driving down an avenue, he is more than thankful.
At the red light Sicheng’s fingertips tap onto the wheel. His lips are pursed as he whistles a playful tune along to the music of the radio, and you look at him admirably. His lashes appear lush, like curtains and whenever he blinks they sweep over his skin. His lips are decently plump, kissable if you have to admit, and it intrigues you in. You lean over the center console to gain a better look. With him at such a close distance again, you are able to notice more about him and his features. He has a complexion that is almost too perfect; well, his being as a whole. It seems as if what creates perfection has been doused onto this man, charming you and others. Of course girls fall for him, he is outrageously good looking—it is one of the reason you have as well.
But the larger majority is due to the playful cat and dog-like feud you had with one another. Unpleasantries grew into an irresistible magnetism; grievances blossomed into loving memories. To be honest, the first kiss you shared with him had you hooked like crazy. You made a mistake by opening the door for him to stumble in the class, but there was no going back. The date you have with him right now is like a redemption.
The longer you stare at Sicheng the more enchanted you feel; soon, it is enough for you to plant a kiss on his cheek.
The action catches him by surprise and he quickly rotates his head to look at you with eyes blown wide. Utterances of shock rest on the tip of his tongue, but as soon as he locks eyes with your own he is unable to speak. The words disappear and his mind becomes blank from you and your noticable beauty. His gaze falls from your eyes to your lips, the perfect cupid’s bow he wants to peck, and he swallows his breath.
Sicheng acts by his desires and places his lips against your own. He acts in a desultory pace, testing the waters to make sure kissing you is okay—if it is granted by you and that it is enjoyable, and it is. His lips are paradisiacally soft against yours as they dance with one another. The action alone impels you to place a hand at the back of his neck, and you pull him in to deepen the kiss. Sicheng sucks on your bottom lip and swipes a tongue over it, the slickness a peek of what is coming next.
He softly bites onto your bottom lip with his teeth, dragging it out before coming in for another rousing kiss. He takes a breath, the scent of your perfume sweet and alluring. A compulsion to take everything to the next level dawns upon him—the struggle for him to resist. His right arm reaches over the center, a palm being placed on your thigh for him to squeeze.
You cuff him with your tongue before invading his mouth, and he willingly accepts the invitation. His tongue capers with your own, swirling in harmony before he retracts to fervently suck on your lip.
With foreheads touching, breaths being taken, you both smile at one another and move in for another kiss—that is, until there is a series of honks being aimed towards him for halting at the light that has recently turned green.
“God,” he whispers as he fixes his posture, pressing on the gas pedal. “Of course the moment has to be ruined.”
His hand stills rests on your thigh as he drives with one hand; the palm runs up and down your delicate skin. You place your own over it, grasping onto his hand tenderly. Sicheng’s grasp is tight around the wheel, eyes glued on the road, but his other hand inches up your thigh. He is attempting a light tease, a gentle touch to give you a light push to the edge of your desire. You enjoy the moment of childish teases for the five minutes that it remains, but it comes to an end when he retracts to grip on the wheel, turning it to guide his way in a roundabout.
The loss of his touch angers you, and all you want to do is finish what has been started from day one. The fight for who can get what they want; in this case, you want Sicheng. You reach over and place a palm over his cock, coaxing it gently.
“W-what are you doing?!” he stutters, dangerously slowing the vehicle down in the roundabout.
“Forget the date,” you fume, no longer able to fight your overexcited urges. “Drive to your apartment.”
“W-what?” Sicheng pauses, his foot easing off the gas pedal again.
You proceed to palm him through his jeans, squeezing his hardened member through the thick fabric of his pants. Sicheng hisses in a sharp breath, struggling to maintain his composure as he is a victim of your impure touch.
“F-fuck,” Sicheng spits out, making a full circle, “yeah—okay.”
“I want you so bad right now…” you tell him, palming his crotch. The friction you create makes him hiss in a breath through his teeth.
He nods his head frantically, pressing down on the gas pedal once he exits the roundabout. “So do I—give this a good seven minutes.”
“What if I can’t wait that long?”
“You made me wait for three weeks,” he tells you, annoyed.
You lean over the center console, whispering in his ear, “And I’m sorry”—you kiss his neck, swiping your tongue over a part of his skin—“But I really want you now.”
He shakes his head and starts his hasty pursuit back to his apartment. Sicheng dangerously drives down the road, cutting a couple drivers off as his sexual longing takes over. You are gently petting his cock over his jeans the entire way there and once he parks it in the lot of the complex, he takes the keys out of the ignition and presses his lips against yours.
The kiss catches you by surprise; it is intense, passionate and filled with lust, and you break it. “I-Inside,” he says when you catch a breath.
You nod your head, stepping out of the vehicle. You follow him throughout the complex, eyeing the details of the outdoors as a temporary distraction. He fumbles for the keys when he stops in front of the door, and he shoves the house key into the lock, twisting it to push the door open. He makes way for you to step inside, grabbing his keys amidst to toss them in the room. He shadows your figure without much things to say, but he definitely eyes your figure from top to bottom, loving every bit of it.
Sicheng presses you against the door as he forcefully closes it, his mouth coming in contact with yours amid. This time, he kisses you with more fervor, quick and sloppily. Tongues are swiped against one another every so often, and the sucking on each other’s lips continue vigorously. His forearm is pressed against the flat of the door, the other hand snaking its way to your lower back. You have a tight grip on the collar of his flannel, pulling his head to you to deepen the kiss as the other slides down his torso and to the waistband of his jeans.
You mimic the motions you have done in his car: slowly palming him through his pants and squeezing his solid cock to satisfy the extensive longing you have been through. Sicheng’s breath hitches in his throat and he breaks away from the kiss to take in a gasp of air, a puerile grin sheening his face from the minimal pleasure being provided. Your action prompts him to slide his palm under your tee, and his warm hands meet your skin in a blazing touch. He moves in a similar pace as you, taking his sweet time.
Travelling down the crevasse of your neck once more, he leaves a light trace of soft kisses as he allows himself to feel every inch of your body. His hand paths its way down to the curvature of your ass, leaving it there for a few seconds caused by hesitation before squeezing it. You release a quiet titter and you feel Sicheng smile on the tender skin of your neck. He lifts his head up by an inch or two from the canvas that is your body and takes a few breaths. The warmth of his respiration splashes on your complexion, a blissful sensation you relish yourself in momentarily.
Sicheng continues to act with reluctance, hoping he is not making any mistakes for his first time, and allows his inner, prurient desires to overtake him. The ache to act on what he has been yearning to do to you finally washes over him like an elephantine wave, making this his pristine chance. The times he imagined causing your ecstasy, joyously kissing you all over, and driving you wild can all come to a reality tonight. Being aware of how close he is to his prolonged aspirations makes his cock harden even more, his imagination continuing to run on its own frenzy.
A hand of his streams under your shirt and up your torso; he grabs the underside of your breast and squeezes it mildly as his lips press onto your skin again. You crane your neck to provide him more access and grip onto the belt loops of his jeans. Sicheng takes a step closer, hardly any proximity present while he begins to grind his hardened cock onto you for more delight.
An exasperated groan leaves his throat; it is an experience he has never felt before. God, has he been missing out on this much? Sicheng parts from you to lock gazes. With parted lips and accumulating sweat, he releases an airy laugh. You smile at his innocent act; despite the animalistic exploit being put to play, he is still as ingenuous as ever. Seeing him amused by the moment makes your heart flutter, but it also makes you want him more.
Sicheng pecks your lips, and you return it with a kiss on his jawline. Your arms tangle with his neck and his trail around your lower back.
“Up,” he whispers.
In a high heaven, you jump and wrap your legs around his waist. His hands have a tight grip on your thighs and he locks his lips with yours as he attempts to stumble his way to the bedroom. You part from the kiss and rest your head on his shoulder, your eyes barely open as he guides your enmeshed bodies to his room. You are able to feel his rapidly thumping heart from being pressed hard against his chest; he has a sense of yours as well. It is like the two hearts are racing to have their desires be met—but the race has been going on for too long.
“Eager?” you ask him.
Sicheng darts his gaze to you and sets you down carefully on the soft of his bed. “I’ve been waiting for this far too long,” he tells you, crawling over your frame.
You scoot back on his bed, almost to the head rest, and he meets your face. His features are centimeters apart from yours; the sparkles that typically stain his eyes have diminished into darkness, the mark of a nonpareil desire he cannot withstand.
“So have I,” you respond, your voice clear and audible under the immense quietude of the room.
Sicheng kisses the apple of your cheek before moving to the conch of your ear to ask, “Tell me what you want—what you want me to do.”
You rotate your head to face him again, shocked by his willingness. Gulping, you gape at him for a long while before peering at your crotch. Your core is uncontrollably soaking with need, pulsing with desire, and you need it to be satisfied. The weeks have built on so much and the sexual attraction towards the bad boy skyrocketed.
Sicheng follows where your line of sight is being directed at and thinks for a second or so. Wordlessly, he strips you of your tee. No words need to be exchanged for him to catch onto what you want; the distant look in your eyes give it away, a silent beg. He unlatches your bra in a single go and tosses it to the side, discarding it as if it has no relevance. With steady palms, he roams your whole torso until he reaches the valleys of your breasts. Squeezing them again with cordial, you blithely throw your head back in acquiescence, fancying the enormous satisfaction. Intaking a hiss of air, you allow yourself to let loose and give Sicheng the main control for once.
Whilst massaging circles onto your chest, he kisses down your cleavage. With zeal, his plush lips leave its amorous trace in a peppered path of admiration. With every peck you feel the sturdy walls you have built around your being crumble. Sicheng acts as a weakness, your kryptonite, and you cannot do anything to stop it. The compelling indulgence is too much for you to resist at this point. He kisses you until he reaches your hip bones, to which he leaves a love bite before he continues his pursuit for your drenched core.
Carefully, his fingertips hook at the waistband of your shorts along with your panties, and he starts to tug them lower and lower. The sight of him pulling down your fabric kicks you on the edge of anticipation for what is about to happen next. Impatient, you want him to charge already with his tongue at your core, to feel his lips around your bud that is aching for anything to touch it.
You thrum, a hand being sent to his locks as you lay yourself flat down onto the bed. Tugging onto the soft strands of his hair, you whisper, “Sicheng, come on.”
Looking past his delicate lashes, he locks mesmerizing gazes with you. His listens, his head then hovering over your core—close enough for you to feel his breath linger over the dampness that stains your skin. He pauses, staring at you emptily like he is facing a mild debate in his mind.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, petting his head.
Sicheng swallows his breath, afraid. “I-I don’t know what to do.”
You blink twice to comprehend his words, your mind moving slowly still. You chuckle and stroke his locks again. “Don’t worry, I can guide you through it. Just go—do something—please…”
Sicheng nods his head and opens his mouth. The last sight you get of him is his tongue peeking from the wide parting of his lips, his movements still mellow. You rest your head on his pillows and close your eyes, his breath hovering at your core a moderate tease. But nothing comes.
“Sicheng…” you trail off. You stroke his hair, trying to encourage him and ease him of his insecurities on lacking experience. “It’s okay, Siche—fuck!”
Sicheng has taken a breath before he sticks his tongue out completely. From your core and upwards he laps at your womanhood. The warmth of his muscle on your pussy causes your mind to twist in its own whirlwind, and your eyes clamp shut. You hear a few chuckles from the boy before he continues, and you are unable to question him in regards. He repeats the same action and earns the same response, like a puppy finding out what pleases its owner to earn a treat; in this case, your libidinous moans are a rhapsody to his ears.
His velvety lips wrap around your clip and he sucks onto it mercilessly. Sweaty hands of his rest on your thighs; every now and then he gives them a slight squeeze when you attempt to close your legs around his head. Sicheng lifts his head off your womanhood to take a breath—after a few moments, he dives right in. His tongue swirls all over your core, he takes your clit in between his lips and drags it out gently before he wraps his entire mouth around it for a vigorous suck.
“S-Sicheng!” you gasp, your head digging into the plush pillows. Your chest starts to heave, breathing now erratic as he continues. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
Sicheng continues to lap at your core with avidity to earn more of the pleasurable music rip from your throat, and it is not until he slides one of his hands over to your core for you to scream his name. Sicheng lifts his head for a split second—and that brief moment is all he needs for him to slide in two digits without warning. Your desire coats his fingers after a single pump, your dripping wetness a prominent sign of the unbeatable desperation you feel towards him. He stares at you for a few seconds, his eyes glued onto your bare torso: chest heaving as you struggle to catch a breath, and the marks he left on your body giving you the appearance of a masterpiece.
He starts off slow with his fingers, pumping them in and out at an agonizing pace. The stillness of the situation allows you to steady your breathing, and once you do Sicheng chuckles as if he has a plan hidden in a vault.
And he does.
Sicheng pulls out the tips of his fingers to your hole, the squelch more than audible in the room, and he rams his digits inside of you intensely. Consecutively, his tongue meets your pussy again and he savors in your taste—the muscle licking up your womanhood. A cry of his name leaves your mouth and you feel like you have hit the verge of tears. The grip on his locks tighten and you tug onto them, aching for a break—but a larger part of you craves for him to continue.
The force and pace becomes a set momentum, and the feeling is far too overwhelming for you to keep up with. Your mind can barely utter out words to the boy; let alone, think of coherent praises. Bits and pieces come together only to eradicate. You are unsure why—until your thighs begin to quiver. With Sicheng’s digits prodding in and out of you with slight twirls, curls of the fingers to attempt to hit your sweet spot, and his tongue ruthlessly acting onto your clit, you feel yourself coming close to the edge.
Your moans become louder as the exquisite scene continues, and your mind is doused by delectation that he is providing you with. You feel like you have hit a high heaven with each fervid thrust of his digits inside. It is not until Sicheng takes your clit between his lips once more, rubbing it in between the soft skin and immediately sucking on it as if it would soothe your ache for you to scream out for him.
It all happens so quickly: the transportation to a blissful seventh heaven. Your body is raptured by the pleasure and you cry out for the boy as the elation hits its brink. It is like the bliss he has created you has overflowed, similar to a cap popping off a bottle from the pressure. Your hips grind down onto his fingers as his head raises from your core, allowing you to ride off your state of thrill.
You never expected it to happen so quickly. To be honest, it is the fastest that a man has brought you to an intense release—and the fact Sicheng has little to no experience stuns you to the core. Sicheng slides out his fingers to slip his hand inside his pants, one digit after the other wrapping around his length to slightly jerk himself off. He lets you rest on his bed for you to catch your breath, your naked chest still heaving. Occasionally, your muscles spasm as a part of the aftermath, and he laughs.
Sicheng slips off his jeans and leaves them on the floor by the side of his bed. He joins your side, a tight grip still present around his member as you rest. Groggily, your arm reaches over his torso and you pull him close—a loving embrace that lasts for a few seconds, for your palm sails down to his cock and you replace his hand with your own.
Sicheng grumbles at the touch, especially when you give it a light squeeze. The feeling of your grip compact around his pulsating dick has him swimming in delectation. The lustful scenarios he always imagined is finally making its light into reality and he can barely wrap his head around it. You swipe your thumb over the head of his leaking cock, the tip a soft pink that is slowly bleeding into a saturated red, spreading the precum all over.
With licentious a gaze, Sicheng is gaping at you and your actions. It is like a young boy witnessing the wonders of the world for the first time: astonished to the core and curious to find out more. In this case, the wonder is you and you are providing him with an immense amount of indulgence that will eventually bring him to the edge of wanting more.
It becomes difficult for him to keep his breath steady from your hidden teases; he has to bite onto his lip with force to hold back any of the wanton noises that struggle to rip from his throat. Though, his efforts are all going down the drain once you slide your hand up to the tip of his cock, jerking it down to the base with a twist of your wrist.
A strangled groan pours from his mouth and he lurches over for a few seconds, caught by surprise with the raunchy action. His cock is warm in your hand, thrilled with desire—you only ache to satisfy it. However, watching Sicheng begin to wiggle under your touch makes you miss his own, and the wanting between your legs resurfaces.
Nonetheless, you jerk him off steadily. You raise your hand to the head of his cock once more only to bring it back down with force, tightening your grip. The tension that is occurring with Sicheng’s dick does not help the situation, for it merely amplifies the amount of rapturous glee he is feeling. He never thought that his cock would become so sensitive; he has been accustomed to his own hand, so it is an entirely divergent story when someone else is doing the deed for him. Sicheng has no control over it: he cannot slow down the pace or loosen the grip when he needs to take a break—and you keep on going.
You speed up the pace of jerking him off, your hand gliding up and down his cock quicker than before, and Sicheng throws his head back into his pillow. He struggles to properly catch his breath as you continue. His cock tenses under your touch. Being fully erect, it is the best feeling in the world to have your hand swirl over his hardened member, the leaking precum dripping to his length to aid it in its smooth journey.
He is facing a state of constant arousal with you being by his side, your hand wrapped snugly around his cock. Frankly, you are able to say the same. Watching Sicheng struggle to keep his moans of pleasure to himself, his chest heave for air, and the accumulating sweat on his forehead makes you miss the sensation of him touching you.
“God,” you mutter, voice barely audible.
Sicheng takes a while to respond, the letters coming together to form a word piece by scattered piece. “W-what?” he says with a groan, his own palm soaring downwards to wrap around your wrist.
You watch him with hungry eyes: his other palm is twisting his sheets and he can barely open his eyes as you jerk him off—almost turbulently.
“I still want you…” you whisper to him.
Sicheng chuckles as a response, his face turning slightly red. Even in a situation like this he is unsure how to react. The typical flush of cural hues and his lips quirking upwards into a smile is all he can really get out. That is, until your hand loosens its grip around his cock and you retract it, bringing it to his chest. The loss of contact makes him whine, and a few moments later without being tended to there is an ache that comes to it.
His eyebrows cross together in frustration due to the loss and he reaches his own arm over, willing to take care of business himself because you refused to—but you stopped him by swatting his wrist and holding it down to the mattress.
“W-what are you doing?” he says in between breaths.
You repeat, uttering each syllable. “I still want you.” You tilt your head higher, kissing his neck tenderly.
Sicheng pauses. “What do you want me to do about it?”
Smiling, you propose, “Eat me out again.”
Sicheng appears taken back. Maybe it is his mind being swirled into its own tornado, or perhaps it is due to his lack of understanding in this situation. “I want you too—but how is this going to work…?”
With a fit of playful chuckles, you raise yourself from the bed and start to position yourself on top of his face. “It’s called a ‘sixty-nine.’”
Sicheng’s eyes are blown wide as he has an A-class view of your rear, his two orbs glossy while his mouth begins to water. Sicheng stops you from lowering yourself with both of his hands on your hips. Nervous he asks, “Wait, what do I do?”
With your lips quirked into a smirk, you lean down, your head hovering over his cock. You wrap your fingers around his red member again, unable to take your eyes off his leaking slit.
“Same as earlier,” you tell him. Sicheng sighs at the lack of clarity in your response. An abundance of questions is resting on the tip of his tongue, but rather than voicing his unsurities he tightens his hold on your skin and pulls you down to him, jumping the gun.
Sicheng darts his tongue out onto your core, lapping at it hesitantly. So far, nothing is different aside from the position; he is trying his best to not falter his motion, to make you feel your greatest, but the second he feels a moist warmth over his cock he loses his focus.
Rather than jerking him off with your hands, your mouth wraps around the head of his cock. You start with a few kitten licks over his slit, the salty wetness kissing your tongue before you lower your head halfway down his length. Sicheng grumbles from the magnified sensation, making him take a quick breath. Lifting yourself to his head, you flatten your tongue as you sink down his solid length again—this time, going as far as you could to the base. With Sicheng’s cock you have to wrap around the space your mouth is not able to cover with your hand, and with a tight squeeze you suck.
The pressure he feels is overwhelming, but it is like a reward he has earned for treating you like a divine being. You bob your head up and down his hardened dick, your tongue swirling over the tip whenever you take a quick breath for air, and you sink your lips over his cock once more. As you continue to bob your head over his leaking cock, your hand swirls around his member, slightly jerking it off with each feral suck.
Sicheng is unable to yelp in joy as you give him the sensation of a lifetime. His wanton moans are muted by digging his face in between your folds, and instead of focusing on trivial motions to make you feel incredible, he is mindlessly licking stripes up your womanhood, sucking on your clit in replacements of cries of delectation. Whenever the sensation gets to you your grip becomes more compact, and it causes his muscles to spasm.
Or maybe that is because he is becoming close to his release.
Sicheng is starting to squirm more under your touch, his muscles tensing and twitching. You notice the quivering of his thighs—a signal that his orgasm is merely at the corner. As he continues to aid you in your pursuit for extreme elation, you act the same. Your lips are tightly packed around his head, his glistening cock throbbing for release. Your hand paths down to his balls, to which you squeeze and fondle—playing with them in your hands to brace yourself. You sink your head all the way down his cock, and Sicheng squirms uncontrollably from the sensation.
The wetness providing a smooth passage for you, and the warmth his aching dick is met with is more than satisfied. His entire length is covered by your mouth, and it is enough for him to feel a high heaven. Sicheng’s head is completely away from your core, his chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath.
“Fuck, fuck fuck—” he utters.
Then, you swallow around his cock.
There is a light sensation of pain that pricks at your throat, the feeling of his dick lodged in your mouth bringing tears to your eyes; as you feel a slight pain, Sicheng gets an intense wave of pleasure.
“D-do that again…” He begs, “P-please.”
Fluttering your eyes, you swallow around his cock again. Sicheng bucks his hips up your throat, prompting your gag reflex to occur. You raise yourself from his quivering dick, sitting comfortably on his torso as you cough, struggling to find your breath for a few seconds.
It takes you a while to realize the string of broken syllables that are your name leaving the boy’s mouth, his hips rolling into nothing but the air. Then, you see it. Sicheng’s cum spurts out of his hardened cock, sending its opaque whiteness into the air and back down to his sheets. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as you watch his cum leak intensely out of his member, its twitching erratic.
Sicheng takes a breath, speaking amid gasps for air,“God… (y/n)... I-I’m cumming.”
You are mesmerized by the sight, hypnotized by the melody of his cries of delight.
Sicheng’s mind is whirling in its own intense thrill, the frenzy provided by you overwhelming for him. His hands no longer gripped onto your skin, but onto the sheets as if it would relieve the raptures he is soaring through.
Mindlessly, you lower yourself over his cock again to catch a light taste of his cum. For his dick to meet the wetness that is your tongue makes him jerk in elation. The saltiness that meets your tongue is a taste you expected, but there is something about it that drives you into a delirium, making you ache for more than his mouth digging into your folds.
“(y/n), okay, o-okay… This is good,” he struggles to say.
Sicheng’s dick is now flaccid and you move your body by his side, almost ready to pass out from the tiring moment. However, there is something in your sexual drive that prompts you to act one more time, for the scene is not finished yet.
Sicheng takes his soft cock in between his thumb and index finger, coaxing the member gently to avoid the painful sensitivity. There is a childish smile that is gracing his face; his body is relaxed; muscles no longer tense, but occasionally spasming. Laying by each other’s side in silence, glancing at one another with striking look, is like two hearts coming together as one. There is nothing wrong with Sicheng being by your side, nude; vice versa as well.
Five minutes pass, and that is five minutes of Sicheng continuing to coax his dick. The continuous touching has made him a little hard, making you realize this is a chance you have to take.
“Are you tired?” you whisper, nuzzling at his neck.
Sicheng needs a moment to respond. “Not really… why?”
“Well neither am I,” you inform. Your arm reaches over his chest to give him an embrace before you add, “I want to keep going.”
You chuckle at his startle. “You said you’re not tired”—your eyes cast its gaze downwards to his cock, and the comment of you wanting more than his tongue alone made the blood rush down to his dick, so it is as hard as it was earlier—to no surprise—“and you seem like you need something as much as I do…”
Sicheng hums, questioning you, “What do you have in mind?”
“Well…” you trail off. “Do you have any condoms?”
“C-condoms?” he stutters. Sicheng lifts himself from the bed and moves himself against the headrest, gawking at you.
“It’s fine if you don’t,” you assure, “we can do this another—”
“I do,” he interrupts. Sicheng reaches over to the nightstand beside his bed and tugs on the handle of the drawer. His hand rummages in the depths of the drawer for a short while before he pulls out two square packages of foil, tossing them on the mattress.
He shuts the drawer closed, stretching his arms to the ceiling. Confused, you hold one in between your fingers to examine the packaging. “I thought you’re a virgin,” you tell him.
“I am,” he confirms.
Ripping a packet open, you toss the other onto the floor. “Then why do you have a stash of condoms in your drawer?”
Sicheng’s face turns pink, embarrassed as he says, “Taeyong gave me a pack around two months ago. He said he had too many and he wanted to get rid of some, so I took two boxes.”
You blink at him, your digits digging inside the packaging to take out the slick material. “I’m not even going to question that.”
“Good choice,” he jests.
You reach over and take his dick in one hand, sliding the condom over the head. Sicheng pays strict attention to you rolling the material over his length; after all, he has never really used one before. He watches your expertise as the material covers his entire cock, and the corner of his lips quirk upwards.
“I’m learning so much from you,” he says with a fit of laughter.
Blushing, you lay back down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. “Whatever.”
“So, uh, how do I do this?” he questions you.
You press a palm to your forehead, disbelieved at his lack of understanding. “Have you ever watched porn before, Sicheng?”
“Yeah, is it really the same thing?” he questions. “Jaehyun always told me it’s nothing like it so I don’t know if I should—”
“Just go—do anything. Trust me,” you tell him, reaching to hold onto his hand, “once your dick is inside me nothing else is going to matter.”
Sicheng nods his head and plants a kiss on your forehead. It is not unexpected for him to act slowly. He appears to be doing mental calculations before each action: to kiss you, have his hands roam all over your body, and for him to finally rest on top of you.
His left palm trails down the outline of your body before sliding down your core, making you shudder in the cold contact. He slides in two fingers, testing the waters to see if you are stretched out enough; the last thing Sicheng wants is for you to feel pain during an indulging moment. Luckily, you are.
Sicheng takes his cock in hand and positions it at your entrance. You close your eyes, hearing the deep breaths he takes to calm himself down. Your stroke his cheek with the back of your hand and say, “Do you want to do this?”
Sicheng nods his head, moving to kiss your forehead once more. “I do.”
“Take your time.”
He nods again and looks down. Slowly but surely, he starts to enter you. Little by little his cock becomes wrapped by your folds, starting with his tip. The wetness of your womanhood makes the process easier, enjoyable for both parties, and it takes a good minute for him to be completely inside of you. You take a deep breath and flutter your eyes open to look at him.
No words need to be exchanged for such a heartfelt moment, and none are. He presses his lips against yours before he starts to move, rolling his hips onto you. The motion is enjoyable off the bat. The feeling of Sicheng filling you to the brim, his hardened length sliding in and out of you is the root of the exquisite sense. Movements are fluid, slow as his lips dance with yours. It is quite similar to the act of two lovers having sex, and knowing that makes your heart warm.
The gentle thrusting into your aching pussy is slowly transforming itself into prods of passion. Once you order him to go faster, he acts by it and kicks up his pace for you, amplifying the force of his sharp movements. His cock is making you feel excessively full of desire, and you start to breathe out his name. “S-Sicheng,” you whisper, your arms looping around his neck.
You pull him close to your chest as he starts to thrust harder into you, and his lips latch onto your skin, sucking marks all over your breasts to create a masterpiece. Your own dew was coating his cock, and it only aided in the smooth flow of his dick being propelled in and out of you. He feels a compulsion to bring you to your orgasm, a profound fixation you make you feel the fascination he had; so, he rams into you with more force—moving quicker.
Sicheng shifts his position a little, making himself a little more comfortable; though, it is that one simple shift of a few inches that gets him to hit your sweet spot at the proper angle.
“Fuck!” you cry out, your back arching off the mattress. “S-Sicheng—shit, t-that feels good.”
Sicheng takes his cock out of you, only leaving the tip of it at your entrance, and he takes a breath. You are about to whine at the loss, but the cries of sadness transformed itself into a moan of elation as he snaps his hips into you, hitting your sweet spot with an incredible amount of force.
Tears begin to well at your eyes from the inordinate feeling, your mind is in its own ecstasy as he keeps up the motion.
The moans you have struggled to keep lodged in your chest finally come out in screams, broken syllables of his name and commands. Your hands untangle from his neck and slam onto the mattress. You grip onto the sheets tightly, quite similar to the tight sensation that forms at your abdomen. Your muscles start to twitch and the libidinous moans that pour from your lips feeds Sicheng’s drive.
It is fair to say that he feels the exact same way you do. Your pussy is clenching around his throbbing cock; it is disturbingly hard and is aching for release, and he is doing all he can to hold off until you finish. The pressure that wraps around his dick is immeasurable; groans rip from his throat and the two of you create a rhapsody of sensual noises.
“F-fuck, Sicheng, I’m g-going to come…” you tell him, wrapping an arm around his back. Your nails dig into his skin as you feel yourself coming close to the edge—dangerously close.
He nods his head in understandment, and he takes his cock all the way out, only to slam it back it—which is the final cue for you to reach your extreme rapture of delight. You scream his name like it is the only thing you know and impassionately pull him close.
Sicheng subsequently acts in a similar manner, moaning your name as he releases his load into the condom. The wave of pleasure spreads throughout his entire body for the second time; a wonderful, euphoric feeling, and it is like bliss is coursing through his veins. He proceeds to gently roll his hips in and out of you, aiding your journey until your mind is back down to earth.
He slips his softening cock out of you and slips it off, immediately passing out on the empty spot next to you. Both you and Sicheng lay in silence to regain each other’s breaths. It is almost impossible to believe the moment that has just happened: you two had sex with each other.
You roll by his side and he wraps an arm around you, pulling you in closer to his chest like a loving embrace. His body is sticky like yours from the accumulated sweat, and the heat that circulates in the room withers into a bearable warmth.
There is something about being in Sicheng’s embrace that makes your heart flutter. You do not react out of disgust from the mere sight of him, but act in a way no one thought you would. You tilt your head up to look at him and he notices, locking eyes with yours.
“What is it?” he asks you with a smile.
You shake your head. “Nothing,” you respond.
You cannot help but think more about what has happened—the journey to build where you are with him.
The rumours that went around about Sicheng, constructing the belief that he is a bad boy—a partier that does nothing but fool girls and drink, party and try drugs—are definitely false. There is something about him that has you hooked, but you do not need to pinpoint the reason why. Admiration has worked in mysterious ways and being by Sicheng’s side is enough for you. Whether the immature fighting would pursue or if it is to turn into a loving, tawdry relationship, you would not mind.
Because Sicheng’s existence as a whole has you hooked, and this moment right now with him by your side is enough for nothing to matter.
Sicheng clears his throat, preparing to ask a question as he pulls you in closer to his chest. “So, uh.” He hesitates. “Do you still want to go out on that date?”
Smiling foolishly, you tighten your hold around his torso. “Maybe later. I want to stay here a little longer.”
Your response makes Sicheng’s heart skip a beat. A hand rests on his chest as you slowly close your eyes, the fatigue waving over your body to pull you into a serene sleep.
Rather than responding with words, Sicheng places a kiss on your forehead before shutting his eyes as well.
Time after time Sicheng has faced countless girls trying to score with him, and over a series of events you have witnessed many men willing to spend a night. The thought of a decent relationship and meeting on the mutual field of love has always been out of the question. However, after both abundances and unpleasant situations cascading one after another, it led you to cross paths. Two polar opposites coming together is almost surreal, unfathomable for everyone else to believe—but it has happened.
Sicheng truly was never one for attachment, and love never was a word in his dictionary—not until he met you.
Fairly enough, you are able to say the same.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Are Republicans Or Democrats Better For Small Business
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-republicans-or-democrats-better-for-small-business/
Are Republicans Or Democrats Better For Small Business
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Small Business And Government Regulations
AOC Blasts Republicans Who Blame Democrats for Holding Up Small Business Aid
Democratic views on small business revolve around the theory that, while government cannot guarantee the success of a small business, it can implement the conditions that support hiring of new workers through providing tax relief and increasing the availability of Small Business Administration resources.
During the Obama administration, President Obama cut taxes for small businesses no less than eighteen times. Also at President Obamas direction, the Small Business Administration administered more than 70,000 loans for businesses, offering those businesses with the much needed capital to invest and grow.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that was signed into law by President Obama states that business that hire previously unemployed workers are eligible for tax cuts and can write off the purchase of new equipment. Most of the small businesses are eligible under the Affordable Care Act for tax credits to offset the insurance costs for their employees. Democrats are fighting to defend the progress made and ensure that the new president Donald Trump cannot disrespect the American small businesses.
Virginia Republicans Have Been Warning Democratic Control Was Bad For Business Cnbc Disagrees
By: Graham Moomaw and Ned Oliver– July 13, 2021 6:33 pm
The sun rises over the Virginia Capitol.
After Democrats took control of the General Assembly in 2020, a common refrain emerged among Republicans who opposed legislation that raised the minimum wage and added new anti-discrimination protections for employees.
The Democrat majority has done much to diminish Virginias reputation for being Americas best state for business, said Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment, R-James City, as Democrats first legislative session in power in more than two decades came to a close, invoking a ranking bestowed annually by the cable news network CNBC.
Two years later, it looks like at least some of those Democratic priorities actually helped the states business reputation.
For the second time in a row, Virginia was named the best state for business , which this year began factoring things like anti-discrimination laws and voting rights protections into its rankings under the heading of inclusivity.
Our economy in the Commonwealth of Virginia is roaring, Gov. Ralph Northam said during a victory-lap news conference in Norfolk on Tuesday. Its why companies of all sizes are choosing to call our commonwealth home. Virginia is proving that when you treat people right, its good for everyone and its also good for business.
Youngkins campaign downplayed the CNBC ranking Tuesday, arguing the state is underperforming in key metrics like cost of living and cost of doing business.
Committee Republicans Send Letter To Biden Pelosi Slamming Democrats’ Tax Hike Proposals On Small Businesses
WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, all House Small Business Committee Republicans – led by Ranking Member Luetkemeyer – sent a letter to President Biden and Speaker Pelosi highlighting the negative impacts the Democrats’ tax hike proposals would have on small businesses. As Democrats prepare to take historic steps to recklessly push forward trillions of dollars in spending paid for by small businesses across the country, Committee Republicans are standing up for Main Street USA. Small businesses are focused on recovering from the economic effects of the…
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Small Business And Taxes
Trump has supported significant cut on the income tax on all companies to 15 percent. Business groups also want to see partners, sole proprietors and corporate shareholders whose business income is reported on their personal returns benefit from these changes.
While the party has gotten a great deal of pushback because these policies would benefit big business, what many fail to realize is how essential these policies are to the survival of small businesses.
Staying Afloat During Covid
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Brianna Knight, a 31-year-old Fresno resident with clients across the state, was one of the fortunate ones. Her holistic skincare business has done well during the pandemic.
The state grants helped, but so did her overplanning six months ahead at some points. Before the pandemic, Knight also launched a clinical skincare line, enabling her to package at-home facial kits for her clients once COVID-19 hit.;
Despite staying afloat, Knight said she is undecided how she will vote on the recall. She said she needs to research the candidates more, and wants to see how the next phase of the pandemic goes.
I definitely think that we need new leadership, but I dont know if right now is the time, she said. And I only say that because right now California is in the purple and we do foresee a possible shutdown again. So transitioning leadership right now sometimes it gets worse.;
Knight said she wantsnew leadership because of the way the pandemic was handled, including shutting down businesses that state leaders deemed non-essential.
I do corrective skincare, so acne, so even in a pandemic, those clients are still dealing with an issue, she said. I think that what they considered wasnt as important was important to a lot of people, and we werent recognized.
I definitely think that we need new leadership, but I dont know if right now is the time.
Brianna Knight, business owner from fresno
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History Of The Republican Party
The Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long-time stance in favor of abolition of slavery. They were a small third-party who nominated John C. Freemont for President in 1856. In 1860 they became an established political party when their nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Lincolns Presidency throughout the war, including his policies to end slavery for good helped solidify the Republican Party as a major force in American politics. The elephant was chosen as their symbol in 1874 based on a cartoon in Harpers Weekly that depicted the new party as an elephant.
Regulating The Economy Democratic Style
The Democratic Party is generally considered more willing to intervene in the economy, subscribing to the belief that government power is needed to regulate businesses that ignore social interests in the pursuit of earning a return for shareholders. This intervention can come in the form of regulation or taxation to support social programs. Opponents often describe the Democratic approach to governing as “tax and spend.”
Recommended Reading: Who Raises More Money Democrats Or Republicans
Left Wing And Right Wing Politics
Politics is said to be split in half and you either have left or right political views. Left-wing politics is typically associated with progressive ideas and equality. Democrats are viewed as left-wingers. Right-wing politics values tradition, equity, and survival of the fittest. Republicans are viewed as right-wingers.;
Left-wing beliefs are liberal in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role of the government. Examples of an expanded role for the government include entitlement programs such as social security and Medicare, Medicaid, universal healthcare, food stamps, free public education, unemployment benefits, strong environmental laws, and other regulations on industries.
Right Wing
Right-wingers believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role and especially the power of the government is minimized. Right-wing ideology would favor market-based solutions to the issues that these government programs aim to tackle. For example, encouraging a freer marketplace for healthcare, driven by consumer choice to drive down costs. Or privately held retirement accounts like 401 plans instead of government-guaranteed Social Security.
Study: Republicans Are 24 Percent More Likely Than Democrats To Be Business Owners
Lou Dobbs: NYC is a very difficult environment for any small business owner
According to the Small Business Administration, there are about 28 million small business owners in this country and approximately 22 million of them are self-employed or non-employer firms. The rest of these small firms are employing more than 120 million people. Thats a pretty big voting bloc of small business owners and their employees.
Thats probably good news for Republicans.
According to;a survey;recently released by data research firm Infogroup, most small business owners vote Republican.
The company merged voter registration data from critical swing states with its proprietary database to come up with a combined pool of 5;million businesses and consumers that were asked questions about their party affiliation and other topics.
Of those surveyed, 24 percent of business owners were more likely to be Republican than Democrat. Republicans are way more likely to be presidents, vice-presidents and finance executives than Democrats and the hot industries for Republicans appear to be real estate, financial services and wholesale trade.
The study also found that Republicans tend to have stronger financial indicators than Democrats, such as higher household income, home value, net worth and likelihood to invest. They are also much more likely than Democrats to have a home office, purchase small business insurance, fly more frequently and invest more often in real estate.
For someone in marketing, sure. But what if youre a presidential candidate?
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Politics And Small Business
“The immediate shift in forward-looking sentiment that small business owners reported following the election reveals how deeply politics has become embedded in the public’s assessment of the economy, and in particular how divided the country is,” said Laura Wronski, research science manager at SurveyMonkey. “We’ve seen evidence of that every quarter, with Republican small business owners consistently reporting a higher degree of confidence than Democrats, but the election of Joe Biden is the first opportunity we’ve had to see whether that would flip if presidential power changed parties and it did dramatically.”
Among Republican respondents, the small business confidence index score fell from 57 in the third quarter to 42; among Democrats, confidence jumped from 46 to 58. The lowest previous confidence reading from Republican business owners was in Q2 2020, at 54.
We’ve seen evidence of that every quarter, with Republican small business owners consistently reporting a higher degree of confidence than Democrats, but the election of Joe Biden is the first opportunity we’ve had to see whether that would flip if presidential power changed parties and it did dramatically.Laura Wronski, SurveyMonkey research science manager
Histories Of The Parties
The Democratic party started in 1828 as anti-federalist sentiments began to form. The Republican party formed a few decades later, in 1854, with the formation of the party to stopping slavery, which they viewed to be unconstitutional.
The difference between a democrat and a republican has changed many, many times throughout history. Democrats used to be considered more conservative, while the republican party fought for more progressive ideas. These ideals have switched over time.
Recommended Reading: Where Are Republicans On The Political Spectrum
How Republicans And Democrats Compare As Small Business Owners
COSTA MESA, Calif.A new analysis shows that Republicans make up the largest percentage of U.S. small business owners, and that they have the highest average business loan balances and lowest delinquency rates.
With the presidential election less than a year away, Experian looked at the financial and demographic characteristics of small business owners by political affiliation. The report found that approximately 35% of all small business owners identify as Republican, while 29.4% identify as Democrat and 15.8% identify as Independent.
Small businesses are a major area of interest for a number of political campaigns and justifiably so, given their positive impact on employment rates and importance to local economies, said Pete Bolin, director of consulting and analytics for Experian business information services. Gaining insight into the characteristics of specific segments of the small business owner population enables government officials, lenders and business professionals to better understand them and take appropriate action to help these small firms grow.
Crisis On Top Of Crisis
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Thousands of small business owners across California are still trying to survive a pandemic now in its fourth surge. Even with the reopening, some restaurants and other service establishments are having trouble hiring workers or are having to pay more and offer perks.;
Then, there are businesses that also have to deal with wildfires and drought.
Data from San Francisco-based software company Womply showed that the deadly 2018 Camp Fire resulted in 13% of local businesses near the fire shutting down permanently, while in 2019, 6.6% of businesses closed after the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County.;
In 2020, California experienced its most destructive fire season in history, with 4.2 million acres burned. In 2021 so far, it isnt much better. The still-burning Dixie Fire is already the second largest in state history, having blackened more than 600,000 acres in Butte, Plumas, Lassen and Tehama counties.;;;;;
Meanwhile, California is in the grip of its worst drought since 2015. This week, Newsom raised the prospect of mandatory water conservation statewide.
John Kabateck, California director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, said;opinions on the recall vary among its members, but many are too busy dealing with bigger concerns. Among them: finding qualified employees, meeting payroll and readying for a huge spike in their unemployment insurance taxes.
So hes willing to give Newsom the benefit of the doubt.
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Obamacares Impact On Small Business
Opponents of the Affordable Care Act argue that the ACA has forced small business owners to pay a lot of money they dont have, that the rising cost of medical insurance and the associated fees has forced companies to lay off workers or to halt expansion plans, and that the tax incentives offered to small businesses isnt guaranteed and its too complicated.
Proponents of the ACA argue that the tax incentives are a great help, and assist them in the added costs of the health insurance premiums. They state that the majority of the expense falls with big businesses, not small businesses. They also argue that many small businesses will fall into the category of under 50 employees, and therefore will not be impacted by the act anyways, aside from the supposed lowering of healthcare costs that it offers.
What Is At Stake For Small Businesses In The 2020 Election
This combination of pictures created on October 22, 2020 shows US President Donald Trump … and Democratic Presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden during the final presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 22, 2020.
Tomorrow, voting concludes in one of the most contentious elections of our lives, but its just another chapter in the wild story that has been 2020. Weve had a pandemic, heightened racial tensions and a faltering economy.;A client told me last week that he feels like the world around him is on fire. And with Covid-19 infections coming back with a vengeance, stimulus talks at a standstill and an unpredictable election, things are set to only get more tumultuous.
You may be election-exhausted by now. You may be one of the 92 million Americans who have already voted.;But no matter who wins on Tuesday , its important ;to understand whats at stake for small business owners tomorrow and in weeks and months to come.
More Stimulus
But now, as CARES impact fades, we are still far from full recovery. The recent rise in coronavirus cases, new lockdown orders looming, 12.6 million workers on unemployment and eight million American pushed into poverty all jeopardize continued recovery in the fourth quarter. ;;
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Clinton Vs Trump: Who’s Better For Your Small Business
AP 1-/10/2016
At 7 a.m. local time on Nov. 8, 2016, polls will open for the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election to determine the 45th president. Regardless of your political party or if youre voting for Clinton or Trump, its one of the most important elections in the countrys history.
Thefirst of four presidential debates took place on Sept. 26, and both candidates expressed that this election is about getting the economy working for average Americans again and that means small business owners. According to the Small Business Administration , small businesses provide 55 percent of all jobs and 66 percent of all net jobs since the 1970s. The problem is that recent data from the National Federation of Independent Business found that political uncertainty is at an all-time high because neither candidate is speaking in detail to issues that small business owners care about.
This post will take a look at what Clinton and Trump have said about small businesses, whether their proposed plans help or hurt and what they could do differently. The best way to remedy political uncertainty is to know what the candidates stand for and what proposed policies and beliefs mean in the long run.
Hillary Clinton Wants to Be theSmall Business President
Sounds Great, But is it Too Good to be True?
Where Does Trump Stand With Small Businesses?
His Real Stance Is Still Up For Debate
Have a Voice and Vote
Democrats Raise Red Flags On Gop Small Business Plan As Biden Weighs In
Republicans join Democrats to advance $1tn infrastructure bill
When it comes to some of the broad strokes in the small business plan, Republicans and Democrats appear to be close to agreement.
07/28/2020 04:56 PM EDT
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Democrats are gearing up to push for changes to a small business aid plan pitched by Republicans as part of the latest economic relief package, as former Vice President Joe Biden called for major new investments in firms owned by people of color.
While the small business rescue plan released by Senate Republicans Monday included bipartisan priorities including a second round of forgivable government loans Democrats are targeting what they say are key omissions.
Among them, according to sources familiar with the matter, is the absence of new funding for the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, which offers direct aid to employers. Democrats also say there is insufficient support for Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions, which focus lending on populations lacking access to traditional banks.
Democrats may also try to bar executive branch officials and members of Congress from obtaining government-backed business loans. The bill proposed by Republicans only requires the officials to disclose their status when applying.
President Donald Trump and Melania Trump have tested positive for Covid-19.
The latest news in employment, labor and immigration politics and policy.
Recommended Reading: Which Presidents Were Democrats And Republicans
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
It was difficult being vegetarian on dorm, i said i would return once i was done
(6-20-20) You both like conversation.
You: hi
Stranger: Hey
You: anything on your mind?
Stranger: Blank slate over here
Stranger: Very zen
Stranger: Tabula rasa
You: that's nice
You: I've been thinking about my self-esteem
Stranger: How high it is?
You: mhm right now it's kind of on the low side
Stranger: Ooof
Stranger: Everyone has those moments
You: so on omegle I often go to the #politics tag
You: and I often get called dumb
You: and I'm reflecting on that i think
Stranger: Talking politics online is a mistake
You: mhm ^^ yeah it's poor judgement
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: How old are you?
You: 26
You: I like to find strongly opinionated people
You: and talk to them
You: because I want to understand them
Stranger: People who talk politics online arent here to come to an understanding
You: but I think in part through the way I talk, I end up getting called dumb a lot
You: mhm
Stranger: Welp, calling someone dumb isnt cool
You: yeah a lot of them are mean
You: but I want to know why they're angry
Stranger: Read books or articles
You: mhm I guess
Stranger: Not random internet weirdos opinions
You: I feel like I'm just skeptical when I read books/articles by professors or whichever about "white rage" or things like that
You: so I think it's valuable to talk to people from places where I've never been to
Stranger: People have trouble articulating thoughts and opinions, especially with topics that make them angry
You: mhm
You: I try to ask them about what their life is like
You: and things they care about aside from the hot button issues
Stranger: Truu
You: A lot of them are just really mean though
Stranger: Welcome to the internet
You: yeah
You: anyway enough about me
You: what do you normally talk about on omegle? ^^
Stranger: Oof, anything really
Stranger: Books, shows, hobbies
You: mhm
You: I like to talk about values
You: or like things that are important to you
You: kind of like if there is one thing in the world
You: that you would never give up
Stranger: No wonder you've had so many bad experiences
You: lol why?
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Whats your values?
You: mhm, I think I value empathy
You: and just being kind
Stranger: I can see that
You: as for things I wouldn't give up...
You: I guess my individuality
You: (whatever that means)
You: sorry it's super abstract haha
Stranger: Lol, thats cool
Stranger: Values usually are
You: um, for physical things, I wouldn't want to give up the internet lol
Stranger: Is the internet physical?
You: fine lol, I guess that's abstract lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: You dont want to give up the server rooms and cables
You: lol
You: I'm not christian, but I find the concept of giving things up during lent fascinating
Stranger: What about ramadan you western centric shill
You: haha
You: I actually don't know anything about ramadan
Stranger: Ohhh
Stranger: I dont know a ton about it either tbh
You: I think I just remember people talking about fasting
Stranger: Mhmm
Stranger: They fast and avoid water during the day
You: mhm
You: I think lent interests me because I had a lot friends who would be like "I'm giving up chocolate"
You: or something random or specific
Stranger: Truue
You: it made me think about what I would give up, if I were to give something up
Stranger: Depends what the goal is right
Stranger: Whats the goal of lent?
You: mhm
You: umm
Stranger: Like am i trying to be closer to god?
You: (I don't know so I went to wikipedia lol)
Stranger: Trying to understand sacerfice
You: yes sacrifice
Stranger: Truu
Stranger: No idea what i would give up
You: mhmm
Stranger: Social media?
You: I hardly use social media haha
You: I went vegetarian for year and a half in college just because
Stranger: Oh nicee!
Stranger: That can be difficult
You: idk I didn't really have a sophisiticated reason for it
Stranger: I was vegetarian for four years
You: ohhh cool
You: why were you vegetarian?
Stranger: Ethical reasons
You: mhm
Stranger: I didnt like the meat supply chain and resources used for it
You: right
You: for me I had a bad break up and just spontaneously and randomly decided I didn't want to eat meat
Stranger: I'm the opposite of you, i stopped being vegetarian when i went to college
Stranger: Ohhh, yeah breakups suck
You: was there a reason why you stopped?
Stranger: It was difficult being vegetarian on dorm, i said i would return once i was done
You: ahh
Stranger: But i started getting really into fitness
Stranger: Hard to hit the macros with a vegetarian diet
You: right
Stranger: Why'd you stop being vegetarian?
You: mhm... I think I just stopped being vegetarian randomly
You: ...it's probably not very sophisticasted either
You: I've thought about it once or twice why I ended up vegetarian
Stranger: i feel like its appropriate, randomly stop what you randomly started
You: I guess I must have treated it like how ppl sometimes get a haircut after a breakup
You: like I think I wanted a different feeling to my life
Stranger: I didnt know that was a thing lol
You: ohh yeah like it's a stereotype
Stranger: I know about delete facebook and hit the gym
You: haha
Stranger: Didya get a fancy new doo?
You: no not really
Stranger: Rip, you had the perfect excuse to experiment
You: yeah it's true
You: I wanted to dye my hair in college
You: but never got the courage for it
You: and then towards the end, I was worried about jobs after graduating
Stranger: You play it real safe
You: yeah I do haha
You: are you risky?
Stranger: I dont think im risky exactly
Stranger: Just more than you lol
You: lol
You: can you give some examples?
Stranger: I have alot of extreme look changes
You: ohh
Stranger: Its fun
You: yeah it sounds like it would be
Stranger: And if it goes bad its fun to joke about
You: oh haha
You: I get self-conscious easily
Stranger: Yeah i get it
You: a lot of times I convince myself that a lot of peers secretly hate me
Stranger: Ooof, i've done that too
You: I think I need to be friendlier
Stranger: Also imposter syndrome
You: but I'm a huge introvert
Stranger: Mhmmm
You: and yeah imposter syndrome
Stranger: It can be hard to put yourself out there
Stranger: What did you go to college for?
You: biology
Stranger: fancy
You: it's like one of the most common majors lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Did you like it?
You: mhm I liked it enough
Stranger: Thats dope
You: what about you?
Stranger: Finance and accounting
You: oh wow
Stranger: I was actually a biomed major before switching
You: ahh
Stranger: Hated itt
You: I know nothing about finance and accounting haha
Stranger: Especially labs
Stranger: Ughh
You: yeah labs are terrible
Stranger: "I know nothing about finance and accounting haha" Sometimes i feel that way too
You: oh my ^^
You: are you in that as a career right now?
Stranger: Yup yup
Stranger: Well right now im just doing contract work
You: mh so you're wealthy then? (jk jk)
Stranger: Was switching jobs when this shit went down
Stranger: Lol i wish
You: mhm
You: what exactly is contract work?
You: like I know contractors
You: but in terms of finance and accounting...?
Stranger: I do some tax services for clients of an accounting firm i used to work for
You: ahh
You: independent contractor?
Stranger: Yeaa
Stranger: What do you do?
You: ohhh does that count as self-employment?
You: I'm in grad school
You: ...for biology
Stranger: o lawd
Stranger: They got you in the grad trap eh
You: lol
You: haha
You: mhm yeah dunno when I'll be finished lol
Stranger: They almost got me too, but i was broke for too long
You: mhmm
Stranger: fuck you pay me
You: lol
Stranger: i joke, are you enjoying it?
You: yup, well, as much as I can
You: there's the typical stress and things
Stranger: Mhmm
Stranger: So its a masters?
You: phd
Stranger: ooooo
Stranger: You fell hard for it
You: yeah lol
Stranger: Lol, thats cool af
Stranger: Doctor stranger
You: lol I feel like I'm never going to graduate lol
Stranger: You got this
You: you're really supportive and nice (random)
Stranger: Lol thanks
Stranger: People usually say i have a bristly personality
You: really?
You: I think you have an active and engaging personality
You: but also very nice
Stranger: I like poking funnnnn
You: and the active personality gives the perception that you're really listening
You: which matters a lot
Stranger: I'm a good listener i feel like
You: mhm, you seem like one
Stranger: You're pretty chill too
You: thanks ^^
Stranger: Despite fighting politics online
You: lol I don't fightttt
Stranger: Despite trying to bridge the political divide online
You: that sounds terrible lol
Stranger: It is
Stranger: The internet kinda sucks with politics lol
You: mhm
You: I feel like it's hard to have deep conversations irl
Stranger: Depends
Stranger: Some people are more receptive than others
You: mhm true
Stranger: I get online its easier to be yourself, but its also easier to be an asshole
You: mhm true
You: I think I worry a lot about interpersonal relationships irl
Stranger: How so?
You: mhm, like there's a group dynamic I guess?
Stranger: Ohhh
Stranger: So where are you from?
Stranger: Did i ask that already?
You: and the there's work colleagues
You: nope
You: new england somewhere
Stranger: myseriousss
Stranger: Are you lost?
You: new england is small enough it could be like a state if you put it all together haha
Stranger: Go pats
Stranger: With that i exhausted my sports knowledge
You: lol I'm not very knowledgeable either
You: although we hold football watching parties at my house
Stranger: I know people hate the patriots
Stranger: Because they dont inflate their balls or something
You: huuh, see I have no idea what that means
Stranger: Not cool new england, inflate them please
You: lol
Stranger: Wow, you're worst than me
You: yup!
You: I'm also bad with tv shows, movies, and music
You: basically it's hopeless if you want to have a normal conversation with me
Stranger: Im listening to music right now lol
You: lol
Stranger: I love talking about all those topics
Stranger: But i can talk about anything tbh
You: I just don't know anything ^^
You: what do you listen to?
Stranger: Like right now or in general?
You: either
Stranger: Pick one so i can start
You: general!
Stranger: You got it
Stranger: I loveeee
Stranger: Folk music
Stranger: Blue grass
Stranger: R&B
Stranger: Motown
Stranger: Soul
Stranger: Rap
You: cool
Stranger: Thanks
You: I have no idea what blue grass is haha
Stranger: Should i ask what you listen to lol?
You: um the answer would be whatever youtube plays
Stranger: Wise
You: basically pop bc I don't know anything else lol
Stranger: Lol thats fine
Stranger: Pop is fun
You: where are you from?
Stranger: Canada
You: ohh cool
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: Its pretty nice this time of year where im from
You: mhmm summer
Stranger: Yeaaa
You: I'm like looking up your genres lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Want me to recommend a song?
You: yeah that would be nice
You: I found Wanderlust 🌲 - An Indie/Folk/Pop Playlist | Vol. I
You: because I guess I automatically go to playlists lol
Stranger: always alright- alabama shakes
Stranger: Lol, playlists are a good way to discover music imo
You: I often don't go back to figure out what songs are what though
You: this was my problem with the radio
You: I recognized songs
You: but had no idea who the artists or songs were
Stranger: I do that with albums when i listen to them cover to cover
Stranger: I never know the song names, just how they go
You: mhm
Stranger: So what area if your phd in?
Stranger: Is that too personal to ask?
You: immunology
Stranger: fancyy
You: it always sounds fancy, but I have no clue what I'm doing
Stranger: Give me some fire immunology facts
Stranger: Loool
Stranger: Ohh
You: uhhhhh
You: random facts uhh idk
Stranger: Lol its ok
You: lol kay haha
Stranger: I kinda put you on the spot
You: mhm it's fine, although I was racing in my head to find something that actually makes sense lol
Stranger: Sorry im so dumb : (
You: no, as in immunology seriously doesn't make sense
You: like it's basically jibberish
Stranger: Lol i get alot of it would go over my head, im just kidding
You: like CD45RA+ AB T cells
Stranger: BRAH
Stranger: Thats my favorite cell
You: lol
Stranger: I like how they
Stranger: Multiply
You: lol
Stranger: coolest ribosomes in the game
You: you're so chill
Stranger: I know
Stranger: My cell knowledge is sublime
You: lol
You: is there a reason why you like to come on omegle?
Stranger: Uhhh, i like talking to people
Stranger: So the quarantine kinda sucks for me
You: mhm
You: I forgot it was the quarantine
You: I was just thinking it's a friday night and you seem too cool for omegle on a friday haha
Stranger: Lolllll
Stranger: Trust me, im a massive dork
Stranger: Just a pretty social one
You: right
Stranger: Recommend me a song?
You: ohhhh so tough again
Stranger: Im not letting you off the hook this time
You: :c
Stranger: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You: *goes to dig through youtube history*
Stranger: Lol fair enough
You: do links work on omegle?
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0OX-a17Hfk
Stranger: idk
Stranger: Did you send one?
You: yeah I did
Stranger: Naww lol
Stranger: Just tell me title and artist
You: v=W0OX-a17Hfk
Stranger: That works too
You: it's entirely instrumental
You: idk most of the stuff I listen to is just background music
You: for when I'm doing something
Stranger: I feel that, i listen to stuff without lyrics when im working too
Stranger: I like the art work
You: but yeah, I don't have much of a sophisticated taste in music or anything
Stranger: Dont worry, no music degree on the wall here
Stranger: I just know if i like something or dont
You: mhm it feels like most people have a strong sense of what they like an dislike ^^
You: for me it's kind of uhh... blank haha
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: I'll listen to any genre if i like the song
Stranger: This musics chill, i like it
Stranger: Reminds me of harvest moon
Stranger: Used to play as a kid
You: ohh
You: I've never played
You: I did briefly play rune factory on an emulator
You: but otherwise yeah I don't have a long list of games either ^^
You: I think I'm kind of boring overall
Stranger: lol you're not boring
Stranger: I wouldnt be talking to you if you were
You: oh lol
You: thanks
Stranger: Noo problem
Stranger: I'm kinda glad i found someone around my age to talk to tbh
You: ohh I forgot that I told you my age lol
You: do you normally get ppl much younger?
Stranger: I dont go here often tbh
Stranger: But yeah, alot of young people
You: mhm
You: I feel like you're probably the most normal person I've gotten in a while
Stranger: Lol im glad
Stranger: What do you usually get?
You: mhm angry people
Stranger: Also the political tag probably skewed your sample
You: a lot of people trolling or just having fun some way
Stranger: I seriously dont get the fun in trying to upset people
You: yeah I've been trying to understand that too
Stranger: Modern bullying i guess
Stranger: idk
You: like it doesn't work to ask "why do you like to be mean"
You: so I will continue with my research!
Stranger: Lol plz dont for your own sake
You: lol
You: haha
Stranger: Put the scientific method to bed
You: lol
Stranger: Do you know reddit?
You: yup
Stranger: Ask me anything
You: the subreddit?
Stranger: Naw, im doing an ama
You: ohhh
Stranger: You're the only one attending
You: lol
You: okay, I hope you don't mind if I push the pedal then
You: what do you regret most?
You: (I ask heavy stuff often lol >.<)
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: I felt like i should have ended my last relationship sooner than i did
You: mhm why?
Stranger: I was just kinda hoping the problems would get resolved
Stranger: And that kinda lead me to hold on
You: what kind of problems?
Stranger: Drawing the line here lol, i dont wanna be sad all day
You: ahh okay sorry lol
You: yeah I'm really nosy
Stranger: Lol its okk, i just dont wanna dwell in it
You: how long ago did you break up?
Stranger: How about you, whats your biggest regret?
Stranger: Few months ago
You: ohh
You: (I hope you're okay)
Stranger: I'm getting there
You: for me...
You: I guess not asking for help when I needed it
You: I don't have many regrets though
Stranger: Mhmm
Stranger: I never asked for help growing up
You: mhm I'm the same
You: or at least, I'm still really bad at asking for help
Stranger: I didnt wanna bother people, kinda just dealt with it on my own
Stranger: Yeahhh, its hard
You: right
You: and like I have a stupid amount of useless pride for something not important
Stranger: Sometimes i just try to remember that people do want to help alot of the time
Stranger: Oh truue
You: mhm right
Stranger: I also dont like looking dumb lol
You: yeah haha
You: okay for the next AMA: Make a confession of some kind that you don't ordinarily tell people
You: (though I guess this isn't a question)
Stranger: More like a demand
You: lol
You: clearly I'm not in the habit of doing ama's
Stranger: So like im pretty healthy and take care of myself alot
Stranger: And i come across as super confident
Stranger: But im like pretty insecure about my looks
You: mhm
Stranger: Like im pretty critical to myself
You: yeah we're often our own worst critics, right?
Stranger: Yeahhh
Stranger: How about you?
You: ohh
You: umm, how bad do I want to go lol?
Stranger: Lol, your call
You: I think I use omegle to boost my ego. Like I'm not interested in hooking up with anyone, but when people express interest in me it boosts my ego and then I can ditch them
You: >.>
Stranger: Ooof
You: was that heavy one?
Stranger: Lol no, i get it
Stranger: Im just preparing to be disconnected on lol
You: ohh I don't usually dc at all haha
Stranger: Mhmmm
Stranger: Well i think you're pretty cool tbh, take these ego points
You: oh haha
You: idk I think I'm selfish in a lot of various ways
Stranger: I feel like being able to refelct on it is like a good way to begin to address it
Stranger: Some people lives their entire lives without realizing what drives what they do
You: mhm
You: next AMA: What's something you dream of doing?
Stranger: A thru hike
You: thru hike?
Stranger: Its like a long hike that takes weeks or months
You: ahh wow that seems cool
Stranger: It isss, ive been on multiple day hikes
You: mhm I want to do one!
Stranger: But a thru hike would be amazing
Stranger: You can tag along lol
You: I have no idea how you would prepare for one haha
You: lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: You know how some people randomly plan holidays or online shop
Stranger: Just to waste time
You: mhm
Stranger: I plan thru hikes and my gear and food list sometimes lol
Stranger: Its pretty dorky
You: I think it's cool
You: wait so for a multi-day hike, how is that planned?
You: like do you usually go with someone?
Stranger: Solo or people
Stranger: I started going solo because its kind of hard to get people to come along
You: what do you pack?
Stranger: And being alone in the wilderness is kind of amazing
You: mhmm
Stranger: Pack alottt of stuff lol
You: lol
Stranger: I subscribe to the ultralight philosophy of hiking
You: mhhhm
Stranger: Where you try to keep gear minimal and light
Stranger: So you can go long distances and bee less tired
You: right
You: what do you see as essential?
Stranger: Tent
Stranger: Sleeping bag or quilt
Stranger: you're so lucky you're american
Stranger: You have better access to gear than i do lol
Stranger: Sleeping pad
Stranger: Backpack
You: really? for some reason I feel like canada has the outdoorsy stereotype haha
Stranger: Its legit amazing here nature wise
Stranger: Just harder and more expensive to get some gear lol
You: mhm
You: how much water/food do you pack?
Stranger: 2000 cals a day usually
Stranger: and i keep filtration tablets on me
Stranger: So i can reup on water
You: mhmm do you usually reup water?
You: I can see water getting a lot
Stranger: Streams usually
You: to carry
Stranger: Dont carry a ton, just reup on water
You: mhm
Stranger: being in nature is fun
Stranger: It feels like a reset for the brain sometimes
You: right totally
You: so do you usually pick hikes with nearby streams/water?
Stranger: Well there are usually trails people do
Stranger: Some people plan their own using a topical map
Stranger: I dontt
You: ah
Stranger: Topographic*
Stranger: Idk what topical is
You: on the surface of something ^^
Stranger: Lol oh
You: I guess it would just make sense to go a visitors center and ask for recommendations
Stranger: Naww, i usually just research it online
Stranger: I rambled a ton my bad lol
You: oh not at all
Stranger: What's something you dream of doing?
You: mhm I want to be lazy and copy yours lol
You: but I guess it's probably something vacation related
Stranger: The more the merrier
You: I'm super bad at planning
You: or more specifically, I procrastinate forever
You: so I don't plan vacations normally lol
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: I kinda like to wing it with a general idea of what i want to do
Stranger: I like exploring cities
Stranger: Where do you want to vacation?
You: ahh
You: mhmm I dunno lol
You: I so bad at being decisive lol
You: I do like outdoorsy things though
You: less so cities
You: I've never been clubbing or anything like that and I don't think I'd want to lol
You: I also don't drink very much
Stranger: Its overrated
Stranger: Im more outdoorsy too
Stranger: BUTTT
Stranger: Im a foodie
You: ohh
Stranger: and love stuffing my face when i visit a city
You: mhm that's cool
You: I think I like food until it gets too expensive
You: and then my heart sinks too much to enjoy it
Stranger: Brah fuck tourist traps
Stranger: I want hole in the wall joints
You: mhm those are great ^^
Stranger: Montreal is legit my favorite city
You: mhm montreal is great!
Stranger: Have you been?
You: yup!
Stranger: yessss!
Stranger: Have you tried the bagels lol
You: I think so
Stranger: Ughhh so good
You: ahhh yeah
Stranger: I bought two bags to bring back home lol
You: yeah I remember it now that I've googled it
You: they're fantastic
Stranger: Yeahhh
Stranger: Best souvlaki i ate was in montreal
You: ohh
You: I didn't know that was a huge thing there
Stranger: Idk if it is tbh
Stranger: But the place i went was fire
Stranger: Hard af to order tbh though lol
Stranger: They didnt speak english or much french
You: ohh interesting
Stranger: My cousin told me usually their daughter works the counter
Stranger: Im guessing thats why lol
You: lol
You: I took french in high school
You: but I forgot it all
Stranger: Welcome to the club
You: mh, it's kind of disappointing in a way
Stranger: Can always brush up on it
You: very true
Stranger: Do you know any other languages?
You: Chinese
Stranger: Mandarin or Cantonese?
You: mandarin
Stranger: Nicee
You: you?
Stranger: I can understand some hindi?
Stranger: Cant really speak much
You: ohh cool!
Stranger: Lol thanks
You: I can also understand better than I can speak
You: although my accent is okay
Stranger: First generation eh
You: mhm
You: uhh I mix up the generations
Stranger: Mhmm
You: I'm second generation
Stranger: Ohhh ok
Stranger: yeah i dont get generations either
Stranger: That means you're born here but your parents arent?
You: yup
Stranger: Ohhh, same then
You: I can never remember if that's first or second generation
Stranger: Preachh
Stranger: Alrii, hit me with another ama
You: mhm
You: let's seeee
You: bah I just thought one but it's basically the same lol
Stranger: Loll
You: biggest mistake lol
You: but that's so close to regret
Stranger: Should i ask?
You: sure
Stranger: OOff lemme think
You: looool
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Uhhhh
Stranger: Celeb crush lol?
You: ohh
Stranger: Sorry, i was struggling
You: no it's fine
You: I've never been a tv or film person so I never know actors
Stranger: Ooof i forgot
Stranger: Lemme think of another then
You: can I cheat and steal your question lol?
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Nuhh uhhh, if you dont answer it
You: lol so cheap
Stranger: No one to blame but yourself
Stranger: Shoulda gave into celebrity culture like the rest of us
You: I'll just continue to live under a rock lol
Stranger: Ok patrick
You: lol
Stranger: Lol i got one
Stranger: What spongebob character do you relate to the most
You: mhmmm this is a struggle again XD
You: I know like three characters so uhhh
Stranger: loll
Stranger: That should make it easier!
You: oh the snail!
Stranger: Lmaooo
Stranger: I was about to say you're a total gary
You: lol
Stranger: What spongebob character do you think im most like
You: mhm you're outgoing and friendly
Stranger: aww shucks
Stranger: You dont really know me
You: idk I feel like there's so little to chose from so just spongebob
You: mhm very true
Stranger: lol
You: AMA: What do I not know about you?
You: or what I am I getting wrong about you?
Stranger: Oof
Stranger: Thats hard
You: ^^
Stranger: mmmmmm
Stranger: I mean theres alot you dont know about me
Stranger: Uhhh, i'm pretty good at vollleyball and basketball?
Stranger: Such a basic answer
Stranger: I blanked out lol
You: ohh those are cool sports
You: did you play in high school?
Stranger: Naw
Stranger: I was almost in the football team
Stranger: But gave up when i found out how often id have to stay at school
Stranger: Im lazy
You: ahh
You: what did you do afterschool in high school?
Stranger: Study, tv, games
Stranger: I legit sucked in highschool
You: hm sucked?
Stranger: Was super boring, didnt really like going out of my comfort zone
You: ahh
Stranger: What were you like in highscool?
You: I feel like I'm still bad at going out of my comfort zone
You: um, I was basically like the walking stereotype
You: swimming, piano, study, manga, writing
Stranger: Oof, i remember the manga kids lol
You: lol
You: that was mostly at home for me though
You: I read it when I was supposed to be studying
Stranger: We had a circle who hung out in the library
You: ohh
Stranger: I read a little of bit of a manga to try it
Stranger: I've watched some animes though way later on lol
You: mhmm
You: I never watched anime in high school because manga was much more discreet lol
You: I could read it on my computer without my parents knowing lol
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: tiger parents
You: mhm kind of yes and no
You: yours?
Stranger: They were pretty strict
Stranger: Moving away from them really allowed me to grow as a person
You: mhm same
Stranger: Sooo, what mangas did you read
You: ohh I read everything
You: like I was addicted lol
You: I read enough that I forgot what I read and the just all blur together lol
Stranger: Loll woww
Stranger: Do you read books?
You: yup!
You: or well, I mostly stopped reading when I went to uni though
Stranger: Boo
You: yeah I know >.>
You: too many readings for uni instead
Stranger: Pick up reading again imo
You: mhm it would be good
You: what do you read?
Stranger: I jump around alot
Stranger: Some of my favorites are science fiction, mystery, fantasy, historical fiction, dystopian
You: mhm
You: I love dark stuff lol
Stranger: spoooky
Stranger: So like
Stranger: I looooove horror movies
You: (I can't watch horror lol)
Stranger: But i havent read many horror related books lol
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: Thats cool
You: mhm for me I mean dark as in heavy haha
Stranger: Oh truuue
Stranger: Have you read The Road?
You: nope!
Stranger: Pretty good
Stranger: What genres other than dark do you like lol
You: mhm do you like survival?
Stranger: Like not dying?
Stranger: Love it
You: lol
You: I meant as a genre kinda (if that is a genre?)
Stranger: Oof idk, i dont think ive read survival
Stranger: Like man vs nature type of deal?
You: oh as kid I read hatchet and some other similar ones
You: yup
You: as for other genres, in high school when I was still reading a lot, I read a lot of fantasy and generic stereotypical trashy romance stuff
Stranger: Loll
You: oh and animals
Stranger: Like peppa pig?
You: I was the first one in my friend group to pick up twilight lolololol
Stranger: Lolll
Stranger: I never actually read the books or watched the movies
You: lol
Stranger: Do you recommend them?
You: uh, retrospectively no ^^
Stranger: lolll
You: but I did like paranormal romance as a teen
You: as for animals I read stuff like warriors lol
You: and also redwall actually
Stranger: I remember redwall
Stranger: Pretty dark
You: hm? I thought it was fairly normal lol
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: What about watership down?
You: yup I loved that one
You: well, it's a classic
Stranger: Yeaa
Stranger: I didnt read it, i kinda just assumed you would have
You: I did roleplaying forums when I was in high school lol
Stranger: omg loll
Stranger: Was that your rebellious stage?
You: lol not really
You: I was "writing" so
You: lol
Stranger: Truue lol
You: I did like wolf roleplays lol and stuff
You: I was nearly a furry lol
Stranger: Oh lawd
Stranger: Or actually
Stranger: oWO*
You: lol
You: I had a lot of really good memories from then
You: they're sort of like my defining experience on the Internet I think
Stranger: Thats cool
Stranger: A tight knit community can be nice
You: mhm, and it was actually writing, which was nice too
You: it was fun to sort of put characters and stories together
Stranger: Do you still write?
You: mhm super on and off
Stranger: Can iiiii
Stranger: Read it?
You: nope! XD
Stranger: Ughh
You: lol
Stranger: Worth a shot
You: I did nanowrimo freshman year of uni
Stranger: brah im canadian
You: it's an internet thing!
Stranger: Ohhhh
Stranger: Thats cool af
You: yeah but the thing I wrote was total trash lol
Stranger: Can i read that?
You: lol absolutely not lol
Stranger: But i want to so badd
You: when you rush to write 50k words in a month, that's like 1666 words a day
You: so basically you vomit over the page
You: and like your subconscious shows up on it which can be really bad
You: like it's like bad fanfiction but even worse
Stranger: Damn
Stranger: Exposed your Id for the world to see
You: yeah lol
Stranger: Idk if im mixing up id ego andsuperego
Stranger: I dont remember which is which lol
You: I don't remember the difference between them either
Stranger: Oh well
Stranger: Ugh i want to read it so bad lol
You: Ama: worst trouble you've ever been?
You: *been in
Stranger: I got hit for plagiarism once on a throwaway course
Stranger: I didnt do it thoughh
You: what?
Stranger: Lol it was a roman literature course
Stranger: And i used the wrong translation reference
Stranger: And the prof was a stickler for it
Stranger: I could have fought it but i didnt care enough
You: ohh
Stranger: Whops
You: yeah...
Stranger: Thats not even that bad tbh lol
Stranger: I mean maybe if you're a phd, but i was in business school and it was an elective
You: mhm
Stranger: You?
You: oh which one should I pick lol
You: I'll pick a parents one
You: so in high school, I also drew on deviantart
Stranger: whats that
You: ohh it's like the art website
You: deviantart is like one of the biggest art websites, or at least used to be?
Stranger: Waitt
Stranger: Is it that like sex drawing site?
You: mhm no?
Stranger: Lol okk...
Stranger: Go on
You: although I guess people do draw some nsfw things
You: anyway
You: so I had a friend on that site, who had really serious problems
You: he cut and wrote really bloody and graphic pobik
You: poems
You: and we would pm and message each other
You: and my parents found out
You: and then freaked out
You: because they thought I was going to elope
You: to denmark
Stranger: LMAO
You: which is where the guy was
Stranger: Did you?
You: we were like 16
You: lol no
You: and it wasn't romantic
Stranger: darn
Stranger: Still a chance
You: yeah so I got banned from the computer
You: so like overnight I disappeared from the Internet
You: and I got really worried for him because basically I just disappeared one day
You: and like, he's not really stable you know?
Stranger: Mhmm yea
Stranger: Was he ok?
You: mhm like a year or two later he turned out okay
Stranger: Oohhh niceee
You: yeah
You: I only have one sad internet story
You: well with a bad ending
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: but yeah, for some reason I end up finding ppl with problems a lot
Stranger: You found me
You: D:
You: do you have many problems?
Stranger: Loll, i regular amount of problems i think
You: oh okay, I got worried ^^;
Stranger: Lol, i'm good
You: mhm that's good
Stranger: Could use some ice cream
Stranger: Mango
You: what time is it for you?
Stranger: 3am
Stranger: You?
You: same late
Stranger: Your schedule is fucked up too eh
You: mhm
Stranger: Yayy
You: we are doing shifts at my lab right now
You: since we're kind of half capacity
You: and I've been doing a lot of 2-10pm ones
Stranger: Oh truuue
You: the other one is 6am-2pm lol
Stranger: I've just been staying up because i can do contract work whenever lol
Stranger: Oh wowww
You: mhm
You: well it's the easiest way to fit 8-hours twice in a day lol
Stranger: Lol yeahh
Stranger: So what hobbies you have?
Stranger: Do you still draw?
You: uhh they're almost the same as in high school
You: except I'm less active lol
You: and I don't draw
Stranger: Damnn
Stranger: Highschol you was cool af
You: mhm I didn't really share those hobbies in high school lol
Stranger: Probably a good idea at the time lol
You: did you have a bad experience in high school?
Stranger: Longgggg story
You: ohh
Stranger: Ill shorten it i guess lol
You: okay
Stranger: I didnt get to go to the highscool everyone i went to middleschool with went to
Stranger: My parents didnt like that school
Stranger: I went to some catholic school instead and i was pisssseddd
You: ohh
Stranger: So first year i kinda was being a dick
Stranger: After that i kinda coooled off and made friends who i enjoyed hanging out with
You: mhm
Stranger: Wasnt as long as i thought it would be
Stranger: Im just really good at summaries i guess
You: ohh haha, I was expecting more haha
Stranger: sorry
You: mhm it's fine ^^
You: did you stay in touch with your middle school friends?
Stranger: Nooo
You: aww
Stranger: To be honest
Stranger: My parents made the right call
You: mhm how so?
Stranger: That other highschool and my friend circle was not great
You: mhm
Stranger: At the time it was the end of teh world
Stranger: You know, teenager things lol
You: yeah haha
You: did you have siblings?
Stranger: I doo
Stranger: One brother
Stranger: How about you?
You: younger brother!
Stranger: Damn same thing
You: lol
Stranger: Was he a snitch?
You: mhm not really
You: he was adorable actually
Stranger: Thats coool
Stranger: You guys still close?
You: I would say so, kinda
You: I'm not a very lovey-dovey person when it comes to family
Stranger: Mhmm, i get it
You: but yeah, I'm fairly close with my brother, kinda
Stranger: Lol yeah
Stranger: Im also 'kinda' close
You: I guess it's "kinda" for me because we get along really well whenever I'm home
You: but we don't talk a lot when we're apart
Stranger: Lolllll
Stranger: Same
Stranger: WE message eachother on our bdays
Stranger: or if something is up with the parents
You: lol once a year?
You: mhm yeah
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: Hit me with another ama?
You: mhm I didn't prepare one lol
Stranger: Oof
Stranger: Go find a celeb and develop a crush
You: I'm still curious about your ex
You: sorry to dig it up again
Stranger: Its okkk
Stranger: It is what it is
Stranger: I think we just were headed in different directions
Stranger: And the idea of what was held us together
Stranger: When was your last relationship?
You: mhm I need to count lol
You: 5 yeas
Stranger: oh woww
You: is it surprising?
Stranger: Lol idk kinda
You: mhm I kind of had these little fluffy things in between since then but I'm not really counting them
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: I understand
Stranger: Do you date and stuff?
You: mhmm not actively no
Stranger: Truuue
You: how long was your last relationship?
Stranger: 3 years?
You: mhm
Stranger: My longest one
You: mhm it must have been hard
Stranger: It wass, but i knew it had to be done
Stranger: Wasnt fair to either of us
You: mhm
Stranger: Sorry to be such a downer lol
You: no it's fine
You: life has its dark parts and lighter parts
You: I'm very familiar with that
Stranger: Just like cells
You: cells?
You: ohhh
You: those cells lol
Stranger: I'm an amateur cellologist
You: lol
Stranger: My favorite is CD45RA+ AB T cells
You: lol I stuck a bunch of letter together
Stranger: But he's so darn cute
You: mhmm sooo
You: I just realized that the number online right now is way higher than it was this afternoon
Stranger: No idea, i didnt really note it
Stranger: West coast probably hoped on
You: yeah
Stranger: East coast best
You: lol
You: what sites do you frequent aside from omegle?
You: reddit is one...
Stranger: Lol yea
Stranger: Thats the big one
You: mhm what subs?
Stranger: Askhistorians
Stranger: Fitness
Stranger: Books
Stranger: campingandhiking
Stranger: cooking
Stranger: changemy view
Stranger: dataisbeautiful
Stranger: explainlikeim5
You: those are really great subs ^^
Stranger: Lol i just looked down the list
Stranger: On my subscribed
You: was there more or did you stop at E? xD
Stranger: A ton more lol
You: oh lol
You: so many
Stranger: I'll stop though
You: yeah
Stranger: Those are kinda my big ones
Stranger: How about you?
You: mhm I don't use reddit
You: I did briefly in uni
You: actually around the 2016 election I was pretty active haha
Stranger: Ooof
Stranger: You're a big politics buff
You: I was a mod at the NeutralPolitics sub ^^
You: I'm like weirdly proud of that even though it was like only for a month
Stranger: Loll
Stranger: Thats really cool
Stranger: Not as cool as me being a mod of ultimate muscle subreddit
You: whaaat?
Stranger: A niche anime on fox that nobody has watched
You: lol
Stranger: I might make you assistant to the mod if you play your cards right
You: lol
You: mhmm it's getting kind of late I think
Stranger: Yeaaa
Stranger: Any chance you have discord?
Stranger: I had fun talking
You: mhm I do, but I don't share ^^
You: sorry
You: and I had fun talking too
Stranger: Dont worry, i wont out your fanfics
You: lool
You: I have a rules with myself for omegle
You: one of them is that I just don't continue anything offline
You: #pastmistakes
Stranger: Oh nooo
Stranger: What did you do lol
You: lol uhh it's pretty bad lol
Stranger: go onnn
You: umm, it's horrible enough that I probably shouldn't share ^^
Stranger: brahh, i had to talk about my ex
You: mhm but I had some heavy periods in the past
Stranger: dishh
Stranger: Get extra absorbent
You: omggggg rofl
You: basically times that were really emotionally low
You: it's easy to end up with people online for various reasons
You: and not turn out that great
You: I guess is probably the short story ^^
Stranger: You fell for some guy and it got weird?
You: pretty much
You: I actually crush over guys pretty easily online
Stranger: And i'm like super crushable
You: aww
You: but I just think it's better not to
Stranger: Many a maiden had fallen victim to my charm
You: lol
Stranger: I get it, i dont wanna cause you any distress
You: mhm, anyhow, have a wonderful night
Stranger: You tooo
You: goodnight!
Stranger: Gnight
You have disconnected.
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The Evil Of The Welfare State
First of all the welfare state is a government program and since everything the government does is violence and theft of course the welfare state is immoral, but lets break it down a bit.
Human Wants And Human Desrires Are infinte so if someone wants a car does that give you the right to steal my car so lets say my friend is sick and for some reason he diddnt buy insurance and she needs an expensive form of treatment. he has 2 options 1st he can come and ask me for help he can appeal to our friendship 2nd you come to my house you pull a gun on me and force me to give you money so you can get the help you need now instead of pulling a hun on me he could hire a 3rd person to do it like the mafia or the government thats what the welfare state is a gun in your face the welfare state is violence via proxy through the government.
Lets take another approach to this If You Asked people in large number if they would help starving children most would say yes And The Answer is just do it why do you need a government to do it for you. you dont like people starving in the streets So the answer is get together form charity commit to making donations every month and go help the homeless or start a business and hire those people giving them a second chance but why does your first thought is getting the government that uses a gun to do it for you that steals our money and is completely inefficient in its redistribution. Just Voluntarily go help peple stop using the government gun. i am all for having a safety net or a welfare state i just believe it should be voluntary and done through private charity not forced or coerced government redistribution. getting the state to steal the money of rich people and give it to poor people doesnt make you moral it makes a supporter of theft. so you want ab welfare state go form a private charity but dont force me to participate through the gun of the state.
All I Want Is A Voluntary Society I Want Government Coercion Taken Out Of The equation.
Now Let’s Talk About The Economics Of A Welfare State in a welfare state you take the people who produce the most, who work the hardest, who create the most value, and you tax them the most and regulate them the most and you punish them throught the government the most, with the hope that they stop producing as much in order to redistribute their wealth their money to people who either can’t produce anywhere near as much or they are not willing to because they are lazy.
Now Does that sound like a sane system to anybody???
Now if the state taxes and regulates and punishes the most productive more and more and society calls them capitalist scam then what motivates those same people to keep producing and keep working for that society. I would say nothing and thats how you eventually get venezuela and cuba the productive people either flee get on welfare or get killed like white farmers in south africa the incentive for working hard is living a great life so if the state removes that incentive through heavy taxation productive people stop working and everyone dtarves to death.
eventually In all Socialist nations productive people either leave the country or stop working because if the state is gonna steal most of it in the end what’s the point.
So in essence you have very negative incentives to work and produce nd very positive incentives not to work and not to produce.
The Welfare State legitimises laziness because if lazy and productive people are paid the same why even work in the first place. wat are you? A chump.
If you want to talk about the welfare state you have to mention scandanavia because those countries have decent economies and huge welfare states.
First of all america and scandanavian countries are like identical twins in terms of how their governments operate economically. you have welfare state heavy taxation heavy regulation and redistribution so the us and scandanavian countries are not that different and america regulates even more than countries like denmark Who dont regulate banks and the finace industry nearly as bad as the us or sweden that has provate charter schools competing wih each other for student and parent can spend their tax dollars on schools of their choice so there is a lot of competition.and norway that has been in the limelight recently with trump it has a lot of natural resources and sells a lot of oil in rich asian countries lik hong kong and singapoure. Now Scandanavian countries like sweden used to be capitalists until the early 60s when the adopted socilism meaning welfare state heavy taxation heavy regulation and redistribution and went bankrupt in the early 90s. So please people shut the fuck up about scandanavia. so in the mid 90s sweden started reducing regulations and government spending cutting down on welfare programs so in essence sweden started reducing the size of their government and As a result their economy bounced back. But the economy is not nearly as good as it was pre-socialism.
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n0feelingsxx-blog · 8 years
do you like getting hickeys? only on my nek.
oral, do you like oral? i love receiving it, giving isn’t too bad either, but only do it for the right peron.
if you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? Eminem
plan on getting drunk or high tonight? i’ve gotten drunk the past two nights, so not tonight tomorrow i will be tho
do you have any best friends that you only know online? i know ppl just online, they’re not bffs tho 
is it okay for people to cheat if it’s only online? its not okay to cheat in any snse
are you interested in anime? DBZ, KIND OF. if that counts?
do you have a favorite youtuber or do you not watch much youtube? i have few favs, but i still dont watch it too much
have you ever given a tattoo before and would you like to? i have given one actually
have you ever made out in a hot tub? dont think i’ve ever been in a hot tub
ever peed in your pants after the age of 10? when i was pregnant lmao
what was the name of the last video game you played? COD
what is your favorite elvis song? i dont listen to music that far back. don’t have anything against elvis tho lmao
what is the last tattoo you got? my sons feet on my back
what would you say is your guiltiest pleasure? food.
do you let your pets on your furniture? would if i had a pet and my own furniture as long as they didn’t shed a lot
do you enjoy your job? if unemployed, are you content being so? I’m pretty content with being unemployed, i hate working and i love being a stay at home mom
what is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? how bad i need to get this tax money, get the fuck outta this county, and get over some feelings. 
what is your favorite christmas movie? A Christmas Story.
what do you think of your best friend’s ex? uhm, i didn’t really know him. 
are you biracial? noo.
be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? or are they actually not worthy of your affections? this is a hard question to answer for my situation
would you ever wear black lipstick? do you know anyone who does? hell nah.
if you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark color or a light? and if you wear mascara, what color is it? no mascara. light collored eye shadow, brings out my green eyes.
what was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? Skittles 
are you any good with kids? i got a one so yah.
have you seen the last person you kissed without a shirt on? Yup
do you like watching jerry springer? Not anymore
have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? Nooooo
have you ever unbuttoned your ex’s pants? well yah
have you ever deleted your facebook, then brought it back? mhm
have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? yes
what’s your favorite brand of peanut butter? Is there brands other than jiffy?
do you have a thing for shy/awkward hot guys? well yeah, im not picky tho. just be nice and sweet and not a fuckboy
what’s your favorite lunchables meal? double cheese pizza
have you ever eaten at golden corral? fav buffet
do you ever decide to just dance crazy to a favorite song? sometimes when i’m really happy
have you ever watched fireworks with someone you loved? mhm
are you good at memorizing phone numbers? i am.
do you like men who have a sensitive side? yeah
have you ever used glitter as one of your makeup items? only makeup i mostly use is eyeliner
do you keep a memo book/agenda? I need to
is there a song in a different language that you can sing? None.
what was the most expensive thing someone bought you? probably north face jacket and uggs. 
how do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts? It’s cool.
is there anyone on your facebook friends list that you dislike? why do you dislike them? some are annoying, but i dont dislike anyone 
have you ever tasted baby food? how about pet food? both. they’re nasty
have you ever thought about what you might call your children? or, if you already have children, what are their names? alexander. 
where is the person you would most like to see, or most like to be with? fuck guys 
find 5 people on your facebook friends list, whose name begins with K. who are these people, and how did you meet them? 
Kristin: my cousin
Kim:my half sister 
Krysta:my main bitch
Kaitlyn: grade school/cheerleading
Kathy: my ex husbands friends wife.
is there a person that you can go to in sweats, and still feel comfy? Plenty.
do you think the last person you kissed is nice? fuck him.
how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? trust no mf..
how far away is the last person you kissed? about 20 ft. 
have you ever had a teacher that was like a second mom to you? nope
have you ever been in a school talent show? what for? nope.
was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? som mystery novel ider.
would you prefer to go out on a fancy date or just chill in his house? It depends on my mood. I like doing both.
do you enjoy long car rides? Sometimes.
do you ever wish you could live on a farm? Nope.
do you know how to play poker? hell yeah used to kick ass 
have you ever had an ear infection? Not that i remember of 
what color is your favorite bra? #nobralife
what was the name of your first boyfriend? nathan.
have you ever dated someone more than three years older than you? Not yet.
have you ever dated someone a year younger than you? i think so.
have you ever dated someone of another race? nope 
do you enjoy eating veggies? ewh
are you attracted to the last person you exchanged numbers with? i dont have a number to exchange 
what do you think of country music? some of its good. 
do you think pigs are cute or ugly? Grown pigs aren’t the cutest animal out there… but as babies, they’re cute.
did any of your friends lose their virginity before they were 16? if so, did you feel pressured to do the same? lol. i think all my friends has sex at 16 or younger. and i lost mine at 14 so
what kind of home would you like? idc as long as i owned it 
did you ever build furniture forts as a child? yassss
what kind of dog is your favorite? teacup yorkies 
have you ever considered dropping acid? thought bout it 
describe your music style: rap/hiphop/alternative
are you close to any of your aunts/uncles? I write my uncle in jail every week. another uncle comes visits me and my grandma a couple times a week, so. bout it. 
have you ever had a seizure? No.
do you plan on losing weight any time soon? hopefully gain. 
what was your gpa in high school? 3.5
if you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? shameless. uhhh, i love all the gallaghers 
what is your favorite book series, if you have one? I don’t have one.
have you ever had a parasite before? Nope.
do you enjoy listening to older music? Sure.
have you been to disney world before? i will someday
have you ever met someone who was really racist before? Unfortunately, yes.
if you could be a disney character for a day, who would you be? i dont like the disney characters 
would you ever want to swim with sharks? i cant swim so i’d either die instantly from being eaten or drown
what was the last thing that made you laugh? I have no idea.
ever used a bow and arrow? Yes.
occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? astronomer, veternarian…
tea or coffee? Coffee.
opinions on sex before marriage? do it. fuck arriage 
who was the hottest teacher you ever had? freshman year there was this math teacher who was super hot and i think he transferred cause i kept flirting lmao 
have you ever walked on a beach at night? nah.
when was the last time you baked something? did it turn out good? chicken pot pie homemade, it was amazing. couple weeks ago
do you think some of the stuff we’re taught in school is useless? almost all of it 
why do we put the clocks one hour forward or one hour back? daylight savings time. 
what song really gets to your heart and inspires you? I’m not sure.
do you have fireflies around where you live, or do you wish you did? I think there are fireflies around here…
what commercial do you wish they kept playing? hate commericals. 
what current commercial is your favorite?   I don’t watch enough TV to know of any good, current commercials.
if you could have played in any movie, what movie would it be? Magic mike 2, would’ve ayed the girl who got the lapdance at the end.
did you used to do easter egg hunts when you were a child?   Yes! i loved them
what would you rather live by: highway, train tracks or airport? ive lived by train tracks before, so them.
do you believe that ‘hate’ really is a strong word?   I guess. Maybe not anymore
if you have facebook, are you guilty of fanning countless things?   mhmm
as a kid, did you love playing on neopets? Not really. i was too poor for that shit 
do you often get bitten by mosquitoes, or rarely ever? hardly ever anymore 
what’s your opinion on plastic surgery? ever thought about getting it? i’m getting a boob job one day, i’ve said it since i was in grade school..
do you own any feathers? tf kinda question is this lmao no. 
do you have a skype?   nope
the last person you had a thing with comes up to you and says “i’m sorry”? he said sorry earlier but it dont mean shit so i just continuted crying.
where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? ive never really had a romantic dinner 
do you get mad when your current bf/gf talks about an ex?   when my ex did that i did. but im singleee now 
do you know anybody who was abused?   me, a couple ppl i know. 
do you start feeling really gross if you don’t shower after one day?   sometimes
do you pee a lot more after you’ve drank a caffeinated beverage?   i pee about 2-3 times a day. only pee more when i start drinking alcohol
waiting for something? my life to get itself together.
who is your last received call from? grandma.
how do you pronounce the name Sean when you come across it in text… “shawn” “sheen” or “shane”? ”Shawn.”
wouldn’t it be EXTREMELY weird if someone fell in love with you after reading your answers to this survey?   kinda.
who is the next person you’ll hold hands with? nofuckingbody.
have you ever pole danced before?   id like to. 
what is something you used to be afraid of, but aren’t anymore?   i dunno.
do you believe your dreams have any real meaning?   sometimes. i took a nap earlier and i dreamed of snake and bugs and i looked it up and it said that something in my life was bothering me, which is true so..
what do you think of guys who ask girls out over via text message or internet?   pathetic.
do you drink more apple or orange juice?   apple
do you recall the first time that you learned the truth about sex? i reaked out. then got curious 
do you find extreme body builders’ bodies to be attractive? ewh no 
does it bug you when people go ‘mhm’ all the time when you’re talking? kinda
are your parents religious? they were yeah. not super holy rollers but they believed in god yeah.
what is your favorite hostess/little debbie snack?   swiss rolls, honey buns
do you find it rude when you offer someone something and they decline? Nah
do you think benedict cumberbatch is hot?   who
favorite disney princess?   none
does your sibling have a significant other? dont have a sibiling 
do you have any american girl dolls in your house? fuck dolls 
have you ever gotten in trouble at school for wearing revealing clothes?   yup
are you borrowing books from anybody at the moment?   Nope.
have your parents ever questioned your virginity? i told my mom after it happened, she cried but after that didn’t care, my dad never asked
roleplaying is super lame, agreed?   It’s not my thing, but people can do what they want.
how’re you feeling right now? I’m done crying and i just feel empty, and kinda mad and just wanna get my money and go.
does/did either of your parents serve in the military? No
is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to? Yes.
are you prone to illness? used to be 
are you on birth control? bout to change it but yeah 
how bad are heartbreaks? unbearable sometimes 
has a song ever given you an orgasm?   uhm no. 
have you ever made out in your room? last time? i dont have a room. 
if the last person that you kissed said they wanted to marry you, what would you say? lolololol. we already are. 
do you like your eyes?   I do.
are you attracted to the last person that you fell in love with? Yah
do you have a big butt? Not anymore 
would you be a good salesperson?   helll no
do you like hot sauce? if yes, what do you usually put it on?   nope .
can you do the ‘emo hair flip’? used to be able to
do you know anyone that has dimples? alex.
would you ever make out in front of your best friend? i think i have 
anything physically wrong right now?   nope.
ever had sex under water?   No.
the last person you kissed on the lips said that you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them?   no
you’re having twins. what’s your first reaction? freak the fuck out 
did your first love love you back?   why hell no
do you have scars on your wrists?   mhm
do you like fedoras? Lmao, no.
have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? what ive been doing the last couple ights but hasnt helped 
is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist? idts
is there a band/artist who has strange lyrics but you love them anyway?   probably
does your optimism sometimes hurt you?   yah
have you ever painted a piece of furniture? mhm
do you believe the fortunes in fortune cookies?   Nah
what do you prefer more: waffles or pancakes?   Waffles!
did you love playing hide and seek as a kid? Yes my fav
got plans after you finish this?   sleep
did you ever dream that you had a baby?   Yes.
have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Not pretty enough for that shit 
did you sleep alone?   I slept alone in my bed last night, but Mahima and Adrika were sleeping in the same room.
does your best friend approve of the last person you kissed? probably dont care 
where is the last person you kissed at this moment?   In his bed.
describe your dream girl/guy? fuck guys 
been arrested? for what? I’ve never been arrested.
tell us the story of your first kiss? it kinda just happened in the middle of class,
do you sleep with stuffed animals?   I have one stuffed animal that I keep in my bed with me. 
how many stuffed animals do you think you have?   used to have a lot but one now 
favorite character from finding nemo? dory
how long does it typically take you to get over people?   depends
are you stressed out?   always
so tell me one interesting thing about yourself. im an emotional wreck
do you own a trenchcoat? Nope.
have you ever owned a tire swing?   no
do you have a nervous twitch?   Nope
are you currently listening to music? no
is it easy to get a job where you live? im in cc rn, and its not. but in indy it is. .
is your signature legible?   it is, and pretty too .
was the last time you cried because you were angry? inbetween angry, sad, empty, not feeling good enough. .
is there an animal that scares you?   snakes, spiders, anything big enough to hurt and eat me
are you any good at video games?   helll yahh.
has a jehovah’s witness ever showed up on your doorstep? mhm
do you have a step parent? I dont even have parents anymore.. 
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