#i dont owe you anything
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Okay, why do you people get so upset when the question is about Tae kook. Same like when the question is about Jikook, all you have to do is clarify what you think happened. Yes, "I think I heard Jk's voice". Or "no don't think it was his voice". As simple as that. Or whatever else.
You guys are so scared to debunk any ot7 or Tae kook stories now.
Some people probably just genuinely didn't understand what was told, since there many translations and ot7s spreading information.
I've done many posts in here about the causality of my inbox. Please go find them or just for a second imagine what my inbox looks like after any moment ever. From both tkkrs, jkkrs, anti shippers etc. The ones yall see are rhe tip of the iceberg. You don't want me posting everything. I promise. It's 1. Hateful shit, and 2. A waste of everyone's time to constantly repeat myself.
So no, I'm not scared. I'm fucking exhausted. And I don't give a fuck anymore. If you don't watch content and don't form your own opinions about shit, it's not my job to do it for you. And for you to tell ME of ALL people that I'm scared to debunk moments/information/stories is laughable. That's so much of what I do here. I have a whole section of my masterlist dedicated to correcting misinformation. But it's not my job. Want me to care more? You are welcome to pay for my services. Otherwise, I'm just going to enjoy BTS content the way it deserves to be enjoyed and let everyone else go fuck off into lala land if they want. Because who the fuck cares what tkkrs are saying? If they want to say taekook live together and had a board game night with their friends over and JK was hiding behind the door but we still heard him over vlive, great. Let them. Who cares. It's not my job to make people actually use their brains here. I do it anyway ALOT. SO MUCH I STEP PEOPLE THROUGH THINGS AND HELP THEM THINK FOR THEMSELVES. But I'm exhausted and I don't care that much about everyone's insecurities or confusion. I gave you the exact quote of what was said. And the ability to decide what that means is up to the individual. My opinion is not anymore important or factual than anyone elses.
And if you don't like how I answer MY asks, don't send any then or you can just...
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You don't own my time and I don't owe you or anyone else my time or my opinions.
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skywarpie · 8 months
Show the receipts calling them out. Otherwise, you're vagueposting like a little kid, and your claims are what's BS. It's easy to say you're the one who was wronged when you don't provide any proof.
Okay cool :)
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fonkeloog · 2 years
I was just asking a question, because i love the story so much. You could have just said you did not know. I was not being rude, but instead you decided to attack me like that? That was uncalled for. It's because of readers like me that your fic gets any attention in the first place. You should be thankful instead of bitching at me
No ❤️
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gorillaxyz · 2 months
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4th album today this will be the last since its 4am. oh but you will for you must ☺️
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Why the FUCK do parents think it's their right to control YOUR life decisions and act like they've been personally attacked when you don't follow what THEY want you to do with YOUR life
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hereditaryminds · 11 months
Why does everyone act like I owe them something?.
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heatseeker-22 · 1 year
Early Foo Fighters >>
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bagelqaq · 1 year
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bonus under the cut, slightly suggestive(?)
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andoutofharm · 1 year
i have a special kind of annoyance for people who say fall out boy (or any band!) look “sad” or “bored” because they’re standing still while playing or have a serious expression like. just say you know nothing about them and also have zero respect for neurodivergent people and/or people who’ve had surgeries that restrict their movement and go
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shkika · 1 month
i can't get over how cool this fuckin bug is i love seeing it on my dash so much
and i know i've already done it, but GOD I JUST wanna keep giving you all my thanks 😭
i love you (platonic) and your stuff and this website so much it's astonishing how i can spit out my most random thought ever after reading "happy wiggles" and be graced with the gift of A GORGEOUS PIECE OF ART
so THANK YOU SO MUCH for your creativity and passion and for simply being yourself on this wonderful site (your bug will make for a nice addition to the collection of fictional characters in my brain)
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thabk you,, here is little wee wee enjoying its wretched meal
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casualavocados · 2 months
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Why did you do it? I don't know what you're talking about. I was drunk that night, and you told me you would always look at me— You want to get back at me, right?
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girlyaois · 1 year
I honest to God think a lot of the moral fears surrounding whether you think about your f/os enough or if you comfort your f/os enough in your mind or if YOU do enough FOR your f/os can... really and truly be answered simply by being reminded that they aren't real. you do not morally owe any of your f/os your time, effort, or emotional availability. because they aren't real, and you are. and it's OKAY to say this. it will never be immoral to acknowledge we daydream and draw fanart for ourselves and our joy because we're real people, they're not, they don't need anything from you. don't exert yourself worrying about people who don't exist.
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asexualbookbird · 3 months
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Immediately forgets everything that happened in June. Uh. I threw a tea party! Finished a knit hat! Did one (1) queer corvid piece! Started playing baldurs gate! Read some good books! SAW SOME SANDHILL CRANES!!!! Found new enrichment in the form of a new walking route! A busy busy month! Didn't read as much as I intended, but I did get to check off five more books on my Reading Books I Own chart so I call that a win.
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The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakranorty ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- WHAT A FUN BOOK! "Adventure" is the perfect word for this. Yes, it's a trilogy with only one book out, but this also works so well on its own, as individual books SHOULD! It's its own little thing. Wrapped up neat and tidy with little threads to pick up in the future. I had so much fun and the audiobook was a DELIGHT, I want to read it again immediately.
The Novice by Taran Matharu ⭐- This has been sitting on my shelf since its release. It moved homes with me. It will not be doing so again. Bland, generic, poorly written. Proof just because you were an internet success, doesn't mean you don't need an editor. Also proof that publishing is about Luck and Connections. I know goodreads ratings mean Nothing, but come on. Why is this one so high. Did people really enjoy it that much? HOW??
Translation State by Ann Leckie ⭐⭐⭐⭐- Okay. Look. This was not my favorite Leckie novel. In fact it very well could by me least favorite Leckie novel. HOWEVER. Even then, it was still fun and enjoyable. I wish it ended differently, but I still loved all the characters and how they interact. I do want to reread this as well, because I remember enjoying Ancillary Justice more the second time around and I wonder if the same will happen here.
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What Moves The Dead by T Kingfisher ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - A reread! To get ready for What Feasts At Night! Even knowing all the secrets, it's still a perfectly bite sized creepy read. My favorite thing about Kingfishers writing is how even with the darkest subjects she still manages to add humor. And it never seems out of place! It's a great breather for the reader but doesn't detract from the tension. Do not recommend reading this while walking through a field of bunnies.
What Feasts At Night by T Kingfisher ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I gave What Moves The Dead four stars at my initial read through, so I wonder if this will ALSO change to five stars upon rereading. I had to read the first few chapters twice for them to stick, and ended up switching to the audiobook which was very well done. I really didn't expect another book about Alex Easton, but I'm hooked now to be honest. I mean, stop putting this soldier in Situations, but also. I want to know what other Situations ka gets into. Angus and Miss Potter are adorable.
The library has a few summer reading games with prizes so my reading in the upcoming months will be influenced by those. Someone said there might even be a local bookstore gift package in the mix and I Want That. I do still want to do the Bone Season updated read, if for no other reason than to get rid of those books so I don't have to pack and move them. Other than that, no reading plans. I've read nearly every book that's on the shelf in my bedroom, which, wow, so it's getting harder to choose what to read. I guess that's a good thing! Leaves more room to reread old favorites.
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crazysodomite · 2 months
r/childfree is so scary they are the types of people to not give up their seat to a pregnant person because 'its their fault and they made that choice so i dont owe them anything'. theyre the types of people who think parental leave shouldnt be a thing.
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demadogs · 1 year
as a gay swiftie i need to say it i fucking hate gaylors so much. the news of the split of her 7 year relationship came out yesterday and gaylor is already trending on twitter. it doesnt matter how huge of a status a person has STOP READING INTO THE SEXUALITY OF REAL HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!
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irafuwas · 10 months
i don't know why, but in the sparse five hours of sleep i got last night, my brain decided to plague me with dreams of lilia taking care of an elderly silver, up until the final moments of his life. i could hear silver's thoughts the whole time, and he was so absolutely inundated with shame and guilt it almost seemed like he was suffocating. he kept thinking over and over and over again that this all should've been the other way around. he should've been the one looking after his father in the twilight of his life. he should've been his aging father's rock, his safe place to land, his stalwart defender against a world so unbelievably cruel to its most vulnerable denizens. again and again his heart cried out in vain, it should've been the other way around.
as a child he had once wished - prayed, even, to the same force now threatening to reclaim his spirit back into its unconscious designs - for his father to live a long and prosperous life, and it was as though that very wish had backfired on him in a way he never could have possibly imagined
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