#i dont really ship them in a “they'd be so cute together!” way
mintaikcorpse · 4 months
Whats the ship name between Flug & Miss Heed? I've just been calling them Paperheart rn
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dontlookheswatching · 3 months
I wanna randomly ramble about my main au regarding ships real quick.
TRIGGER WARNING, PLEASE NOTE THAT I MENTION THINGS LIKE ABUSE, RAPE, ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE!! Please don't read if these things upset you! I want everyone to be safe, so if any of this is triggering, this is to tell you to scroll by!
I'm a multishipper, I've stated this on my blog before, I ship practically everything if I see it a certain way. But lore wise when it comes to my blog, relationships are specific. I might post a relationship chart one day, but basically, I have main ships, and then I have like a billion little side ships I enjoy but they wont make a big appearance on this blog unless they're random doodles unrelated to the lore, or part of a ramble or reblog. Im gonna list examples of each so people know what to expect in future posts where some of these ships are featured. If you want to unfollow me for some of these, I'm not stopping you, I'd highly encourage doing so if any of these ships make you uncomfortable, because I don't want anyone to stay on my blog if it brings discomfort.
Several main ships I have that'll be featured perhaps the most are ones like Jeff x Ben, which if not already obvious is the main relationship that'll be focused on. Another is Tim x Toby, they're both adults in my au, I do not support pedophilia whatsoever and if need be I have aged up characters to avoid this. Lastly, I have Liu x Eyeless Jack. I honestly dont know why I started shipping it but its really cute to me and it stuck and they're very dear to me. These three are perhaps the ships that'll be featured the most, but I'm having a brain fart like always and I'm already forgetting my own ships-😭
These are ships that'll be in the blog as well but they aren't as big and focused on. A example to start off with is Jane x Clockwork. I know, canonly, Jane is married to Mary, and I love that, but this is my own personal au so things are different, although in my heart Jane and Mary are definitely on top, and I might do doodles of them from time to time. Another example is Nina x everyone. No, not literally. She just has crushes that come and go ALL the time, and she flirts with everyone, so often to where no one questions it anymore. She had a Jeff arc and got over him and now she's living her life how SHE wants to. A few more include Nurse Ann x Judge Angels, Hobo Heart x Cody/X-Virus, Lost Silver x Glitchy Red, Jason the Toymaker x The Puppeteer, and Kate x Rogue. I have many more, but for now, I'm gonna explain the ones already listed since a few might seem really random. For Angels and Ann, Im just gonna admit, I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers or people who act like they hate each other but they secretly love each other deep down. For Hobo and Cody, in my au, they're both huge loners, and we're paired in a mission once. It was very awkward but the more they talked the more they realized they had a lot in common. I love them. Theres more lore to the reason I've paired Silver and Red together, but to sum it up, Silver had a massive crush on Ben, but Ben has his eyes set on Jeff and didn't return the feelings, and I didn't want Silver to be sad and alone his whole life, plus, they're dynamic is adorable. Sad pessimistic person x person who has seen whats under the sadness and admires them anyways. For Jason and Puppeteer, i saw a cosplay with them on tiktok and I couldn't help myself, I caved immediately. And lastly for Kate and Rogue I realized their characters have several things in common and I realized they'd probably get along pretty well.
Now, for side ships, I won't give an explanation, this ramble is already longer than planned. Im just gonna throw them out there with no context. EJ x Ben, Ben x Lost Silver, Nina x Kate, Tim x Brian, Tim x Jay, Jay x Alex(Yes some other marble hornet characters may be featured in the blog or in doodles), Jessica x Amy, Toby x EJ, Liu x Ben, and many MANY more, too many to state here.
Now that its out there, I wanna real quick talk about something I've reblogged a few days ago. Just because they're bad people who have done bad things, it doesn't mean they dont deserve love or happiness. Plus, the majority of these creeps were people who were wronged time and time again until they were pushed over the edge, it probably definitely wasn't something they had planned out since they were like 3. Now, despite this, some of them definitely aren't the best lovers to have, like Jeff, because again, these are murders and deranged killers. This is a super dark confession but theres A LOT of lore between Ben and Jeff in my au where things were AWFUL for them because Jeff couldn't get a grip on himself for the longest time. He's not like that anymore, and things are MUCH better for the both of them, but they definitely had an era in their relationship where things were beyond toxic. Beyond toxic as in Jeff was incredibly abusive, physically and mentally, and had a MAJOR alcohol addiction, and even proceeded to get Ben addicted to drugs at some point, sometimes going as far as raping him when he did not give consent. I won't give away too many details, but I will say, again, this is in the past and they've both healed over their traumas and managed to get through it together, and are in a much better state(A lot of breaking up and getting back together happened throughout this 'toxic era' though, and even after healing, theres still minor problems that I will not elaborate, they will be found out throughout the blog and maybe hints in some doodles.) But this is a good example of what a realistic relationship in this fandom with Jeff might look like. But just because people are deranged and definitely not mentally stable, it doesn't mean they can't try to change, and it definitely doesn't mean they dont deserve love unless they're as bad as Jeff was but with no intentions to change.
Im always happy to further explain any of this, but I will not tolerate harassment for the things I like. But anyways yeah thats my whole thing on ships im gonna go cry over my broken apple pencil now
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scepterno · 9 months
do you think you could put your favorite ships in a post? i think it’d be interesting to see what your thoughts and opinions are :3
for Total Drama?
my two biggest are alenoah and trustin, but i also like to pass noah around like a baton. he's fun with trent, duncan, gwen, owen, izzy, kitty, and emma. (sometimes cody if i ship it in my own way and NOT the fanon noco way that's been around for a decade. never was a fan of how people characterized noco)
aletyler is cute but i prefer them as friends with like... a one-sided crush on alejandro's part (he just really likes his emotional support himbo). aleheather is iconic although i prefer heather as a lesbian and alejandro as a gay man. tbh i think aletrent could be good too since theyre both so mentally ill and physically fucked from the show.
owen/izzy where izzy is dating eva separately is kino (im all about polyamory)
gwourtney is awesome but i also really love gwent and duncney. those four together being in a super queer not-quite relationship foursome is soooo peak to me.
geoff/brody/bridgette is fun af. harold/leshawna is iconic altho i dont think they'd last much longer after the show, instead becoming like indestructible best friends. lindsey/tyler is canon forever to me.
also i really like mike/zoe/cameron. mike/scott is good too. sam and dakota are cute. bowrajwayne is my fav new gen ship. scary girl/damien could be soooooooo funny next season if they go for it. zombie guy and australian girl are also a good canon couple. i like spud and rock together. the guy from the daters team and the girl from the best friends team would be a nice couple too.
chref is canon
and i think those are all my thoughts!
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
hot take time about the mizu and akemi ship. y'all can disagree but i said what i said, because again, it's just an opinion!!!!
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putting the rest under a cut so y'all are free to ignore this if you want. i'm just rambling anyway and, again, these are just my personal opinions.
okay like i gotta hand it to blue eye samurai like it's genuinely impressive that they've written their characters so well, like each one of them feels so real and fully-realised
and as a consequence of that, it actually. for the first time ever. has me rooting against a sapphic ship becoming canon endgame LIKE LMAO ???? i didn't think that was POSSIBLE but here we are ???
cuz like if you know me at all you know i usually instantly latch onto any femslash ship at any given opportunity. like i don't think yall understand. i was ride or die for korrasami before it was even remotely a thing, like at that point korrasami was still a CRACK SHIP in the fandom and i was gunning for it immediately and begging them both to leave mako's stupid ass!!!
but SOMEHOW this show, with all its gender fuckery galore and all its well written characters, has somehow made me look at the mizu/akemi ship and say "i'll pass." like dont get me wrong i was pinning my hopes on it initially in the first episode, but by the time i got to the end??? NAH.
like don't get me wrong they ARE cute and sexy on paper and i DO definitely see them developing feelings for each other (mizu towards akemi especially, less so the other way around because akemi just does not strike me as the pining type) but for an endgame? nah. it'd be weird and messy for both of them like!!! they'd be bad for each other!!!
they both want and need completely different things in life (mizu wants vengeance but needs acceptance/belonging; akemi wants freedom but needs autonomy and empowerment).
and they don't even share much in common that would help them bond in a romantic way? like not even interests-wise, but like. personality-wise too. their perceptions of life and approaches and experiences all directly contrast each other. like i know that they're narrative foils and all, which is great, excellent really, but romantically? there is no common ground between them.
besides, of course, both being AFAB and struggling with the patriarchy and misogyny, both having a surrogate father figure who raised them (swordfather for mizu; seki for akemi). aside from those things, they diverge in almost every single way?
like i do get the appeal of the "yin and yang" dynamic of opposites attract in ships (i have so many such ships from other fandoms after all), so i do suppose that, if given enough time for a really long and intense slow burn, it could work. but with all the plot plot plot the show's got going on, i don't know if that's going to be possible, especially now that mizu is ??? apparently going to london ????
and what would their endgame even look like? the two of them running off into the sunset together? why? when akemi has everything she wants and needs in edo palace? which, by the way, is completely the opposite of what mizu wants and needs, as mizu needs a place where she is free to be herself and is accepted and loved for who she is. she does not need, nor want, a life of political intrigue. she is not made for it, nor is it meant for her. akemi, on the other hand, is perfectly suited for such a life, while being completely unsuited for a life on the road, travelling, or living on a farm in the middle of nowhere. nor would akemi like or enjoy such a life either! she'd get freedom, yes, but it would hardly be fulfilling, especially now that she has decided that she wants greatness!
i don't know. if they become canon endgame, the show better put in the work. because this is a netflix adult animated show with the freedom to do that (unlike, say, cartoons on nickelodeon and disney where the creators all faced heavy censorship to get some rep in), so if they're taking the sapphic endgame route, they better buck up and put their backs into it because seeing the state of it right now, the chemistry is bone-dry and the prospects are disastrous!!!!
so until further developments prove me wrong and change my mind, every time i see mizu/akemi content somehow escape the confines of the mute function, i just reenact the gengar gay wrongs gif:
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ryuseiired · 6 months
what do you think of/rate 0309?
ohhh yippee i get a ship to rate back!!!
i have mixed feelings. on 0309. because i think it can be really interesting and cute when done right and when you consider their characters and how they'd interact.
but also, being a popular m/m ship, there is a lot of mischaracterized content out there where people attempt to simply put them into a generic yaoi template. mikoto in particular suffers from this and when paired with fuuta tends to be very... made into some sort of softboy to pair with fuuta's more hotheaded nature. so this makes me kind of side eye it like are you being normal. are we being normal about 0309. or have we forgotten who they are!!! people also often dont play with the fact that they like canonically do not get along at first and i'm like but thats the fun part. guys who dont like each other slowly realizing that oh, oh no, actually everything i thought was annoying about you before has become kind of endearing
i do think they could be a good couple though i don't think they'd get along at first but i really do think they could learn to like each other and work well together... theyd be good at balancing each other out since one of mikoto's biggest flaws is just how willing to sacrifice himself to be liked and successful and normal he is and fuuta doesn't seem to care much about society at large or what it thinks of him. something where fuuta can teach mikoto its ok to prioritize yourself sometimes and mikoto can help fuuta see the value in caring about his life and finding something to do with it a little more. also i love how easily fuuta brings out mikoto teasing him its silly. theyre silly. mikoto deserves to get to relax and banter with someone a little.
tl;dr i enjoy it when its done well some people do it in ways that make me want to eat a brick though god bless them
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dolorum-magne · 1 year
May I ask your opinions on Brim (Brian x Tim) and Jay x Tim?
Of course!
Brim (Brian x Tim): not my personal favourite but I'm fond of it still because it was the first thing I saw of the fandom when I had just started getting into mh. I like them more as best friends but I still think the ship is pretty good!
Jam (Jay xTim): I LOVE this ship! Its my personal favourite ship, I really love it. Its the one I started shipping as I saw their relationship develop throughout the series and the one I draw art for and read the most fics about :)
Gonna include some others even though no one asked lol
Bray (Brian x Jay): I like this one! Not my personal fav but I've grown fond of it through art I've seen from some of the artists I follow. Again, I think they'd be great friends but don't ship them, mainly because of their limited interaction in the series itself. When I have seen it its been very cute and wholesome so I really like his ship ^^
Jaylex (Jay x Alex): I don't ship this personally. I love them as friends, and I don't dislike the ship at all, I just don't ship them together personally. I love them being best friends, and I've seen some cute content of this ship, it's just not for me I guess :)
Brilex: this one’s actually growing on me I’ve seen it a lot more recently, plus I thought some of the 'friends, to lovers, to enemies' thing ive seen is kinda cool, but overall I’m indifferent. It’s a good ship tho
Timlex (Tim x Alex): again, not for me. It's alright and I think premarble hornets they could have been friends but I don't ship them, I just dont see the appeal tbh, but idk, I think it's a good ship tho!
Jayssica (Jay x Jessica): no. Jay is canonically gay and I agree with the popular headcanon that Jessica is a lesbian so I really don't like this ship or the people who ship it tbh :/
Amylex: YES this one makes me really sad but I love it. Alex was a good boyfriend and I think he really did love her very much, and I don't actually think he killed her, they make me so sad :(
Polyhornets: I like this one! I dont see poly ships often, but I think its nice! I think of it as a big qpr personally, but either way I think its an alright ship
Bram (Brian x Jay x Tim):I like it! Ive seen it a few times and once again its always pretty wholesome!
Jessica x Taylor (do they have a ship name yet? Jeylor maybe? Tessica?): I like it! Dont see it much since the comics are still fairly new and most people don't even know who Taylor is, but I think its cute!
That's all I could think of but if you have anymore you'd like my opinions on, shoot me an ask!
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lanaevyssmoved · 7 months
i don't go here so i don't know anything but like. wyll & gale or emperor & gale. tee her
wyll and gale
interest level: 6/10
what i like: they look good together in the gifs and stuff i have seeeeen.... i really like gale so any gale ship gets immediate bonus points because he's there....... i think gale works very well for the princely old-fashioned romance that wyll offers and i think wyll would respond very well to gale's grand gestures and intense romance that he offers..... idk i think they'd be very wholesome and cute together!!!!
what doesn't work for me: maybe i'm toxic but its too sweet... too wholesome. i dont think gale would be toxic with wyll i think wyll would fix him. which is grand for gale. that hubris has been romanced away by acorn boy. and gale and wyll could honestly be a massive powerhouse in the duke ending because of gale's connections and wealth. but like. it's not spicy enough. i need someone to be not a great person in some way for me to really like it. but these two together are just. too nice. too good. it works TOO WELL!
gale and the emperor
interest level: 9/10
what i like: ok see now we're toxic. now i'm interest! we have so many dynamics here first of all i'm going to point out in the ending gale is the only person to actually said he will miss the emperor, which is sick. we also know from tavflayer romance that gale is not only sexually attracted to illithids but immensely fascinated by them, every part of them, wants to study them, learn their biology, get a lil mad scientist freaky about it. that's hot. emperor is ambitious and loves power, is power hungry, and will be very into you if you encourage it to seek more power, and gale's entire thing is power, getting more power being more powerful, hubris etc, and gale's domain as a god is the god of ambition. like. while gale is not stupid enough to fall for the emperors tricks, i think they could bounce off each other very well because gale does not back down from people who are more powerful than he is. as shown by his general disrespect toward raphael, an archdevil!
what doesn't work for me: no ones giffed empys sex scene with origin gale yet and i think the entire fandom should be ashamed of itself for this. including myself. nothing doesn't work it's fucking fantastic NEXT
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beauzos · 2 months
obligatory yuty for the ask!!! but also if you dont want to only talk abt yuty then Ummm fulbright:3 or both even if youre feeling fancy...
Send me a character and I’ll list:
I already got one for Yuty, but thank you! So Fulbright it is.
Favorite thing about them: His pure of heart, dumb of ass nature... idk! I just feel like his bombastic, friendly personality is so lovable. I was invested in him from the second I met him! He just leaves such an impact with his silly but earnest personality. I love how determined he is, how he's got these big emotions and how much he believes in Blackquill and isn't scared of him one bit even though everyone else is because he sees Blackquill's raw potential. Waaaa. It's nice. Least favorite thing about them: Beyond him tasing Blackquill, um. What they did to his character by having him get murdered off-screen before the game starts lol. I think the way they did the Phantom twist was incredibly lame and I've talked extensively about it before so I'll spare y'all and just link the posts where I've bitched about it instead. 1 | 2
I haven't thought about it in a while so my opinions may have changed a bit idk just read these KRKFNM Second post isn't mine but I did leave a fucking tag essay so there's that. I do plan on replaying Dual Destinies soon to see what I feel about the game after knowing everything I do now, though. Favorite line: idk if it's a favorite line exactly but my favorite moment with him is in Turnabout Academy where he pops out of the art room window and is like "oh it's y'all!! in justice we trust!!" and helps out Athena and Apollo while Athena excitedly greets him n Klav and Apollo are like ??? It's so cute. brOTP: Ummm him with Ema is pretty fun! I want all the detectives to be buddies, and I think that Ema would originally be so pissed off and annoyed by him, but come to appreciate his earnestness and kindness. I think once she cools off and becomes a proper forensic detective she'd mellow out and be much more open to befriending people she works with. I think they'd get along very well. I also like the headcanons where Bobby really looks up to Gumshoe, so I like their dynamic too.
I also think him and Yuty would be fun. I think Nahyuta would be annoyed by Fulbright at first like Ema, though. But Fulbright probably fills a similar environmental niche to Datz, so I think Nahyuta could deal with him eventually. I imagined this scenario (admittedly in a shippy sense-- I think Madhibright is a funny ship and kinda cute, but I don't actually ship it anymore, they're just pals) where they meet post-SOJ and thought it'd be fun. Here's that post I made. OTP: Blackbright, I guess! IDK, I don't ship as much for him as I used to, but this is still my number one. I LOVE their dynamic in DD, I love the possibilities of what a dynamic could be like post-DD had he lived, so on. They're definitely Together but it might be kind of an unlabeled grey area friendship gay thing too. I don't know KRKF but I like them a lot! It's fun. I think they're very cute. nOTP: I dunno. Who are they gonna ship him with if not Blackquill? The Phantom? I've seen cute stuff with the Phantom and him as buddies that I find interesting. I wouldn't call romantically shipping them a NOTP, it's just vaguely weird but I don't really care at all. So, none I guess. Random headcanon: He's from the South and has a Southern accent!!! I love giving characters I like Southern accents it's kind of a thing I do if I have an excuse to, lol. It's why like half the Tazmily villagers were written with accents during my Mother 3 fanfic days. I think it suits him, idk why. It's better than the goofy ass voice they gave him in DD 😭 Unpopular opinion: idk. I don't know what people think about him, aside from him being another character the AA subreddit will try to convince you just absolutely sucks. Aside from, like, I don't know, I think it's a bit off sometimes if AUs where Bobby lives that people try to put all the blame for shitty behavior towards Blackquill on the Phantom. I get why, but I think sometimes it's worth examining how his position of power could be harmful to Blackquill regardless of his pure intentions or whatever. He's a cop, after all.
I know some people are uncomfortable with the ethics of a ship with Blackquill while he's still in prison (which is why some folks will specifically only interpret Blackbright as a post-DD thing) but I'm also like. idk I think THAT'S worth examining too! By people smarter than me. I'm not doing it KRKF I just find their dynamics interesting, warts and all.
I get it, though. Sometimes you just don't wanna fucking get into it SDJN but yeah! Song I associate with them: Never Ever Getting Rid of Me from Waitress. Quintessential Blackbright song Favorite picture of them: This pose is my fave everrr it's adorable.
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though I also like the one official art where he's crying looking at Blackquill. ok gay ass
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sinkableruby · 1 year
hey talk about Monogatari ships
YAHOO <- said like mario
although i do want to say that i dont really do many ships either so my ideas may not be sparkling... nevertheless it is a fun ask and i want to do it
i will try to keep big spoilers out of it for once!
ill mostly leave aside canon i think
ships i like:
sodachi/tsubasa: this ones a shout out to you. but also. it is very good... i always think of that idea of them bonding over cooking. not only would they be good for each other with each able to provide the kind of support they'd both need, but i think they'd understand each other too. its good 😌
hitagi/ougi: i dont think i would like this one seriously but its just really funny to imagine. araragi crying in the background, ougi being so confused... its so fucking funny
hitagi/tsubasa: i know this one doesnt work bc like the whole point is that its unrequited and all... but i still think its cute. two best friends and they're gay for each other? that's wonderful. i love it.
koyomi/shinobu: weirdly i do like it. wouldnt say i necessarily like it more than the canon koyomi/hitagi but theres something i can appreciate about how theyre stuck immutably together, bonded forever... once koyomi gets older we dont know how his lifespans gonna work, so theres something there about being lonely and solitary in the world except for just one person who you'll always be with whether you like it or not. it's not exactly a sweet or romantic type thing but its more like a 'you're all i have' melancholy sort of thing.... and thats interesting to me
tsukihi/nadeko: the classic i love this one yeah. i dont even think it'd be a super healthy relationship given how tsukihi is.... tsukihi. but thinking about how nadeko has been pining over her for so long i think itd be interesting, especially considering tsukihi would definitely not be as infatuated with nadeko as nadeko would be with her. and nadeko would have to put up with so much for it... they'd probably break up like every other week because of tsukihi's fickleness, or like have whole periods where they dont talk and nadeko thinks theyve broken up or are fighting and tsukihis just being tsukihi. 'the things nadeko does for love' is basically how i think of it. maybe she'd be better off just moving on... poor nadeko. not very good luck when it comes to love...
suruga/higasa: ok i said i wouldnt talk about spoilers so i wont talk about this one much. but i think they'd be cute together. i like how higasa sees through suruga. i think itd be super cute if she was teasing her out of like a crush. they should kiss
also any like specialist/specialist stuff i'd probably like, just bc we get so little of those guys that its cool to play around with their dynamics. maybe like yozuru/tadatsuru for like a kinda rarepair rivalry dynamic... i could see them as a divorced couple maybe. but really just. any of them. hell maybe theyre even a polycule who knows.
and also rouka/suruga is good but i dont really have any thoughts on it per se, i just like it a lot. its complex... its bittersweet... ya feel
ships i dont like:
koyomi/tsubasa: yeah p much everyone's talked about why this would never work. i might almost like it for like, the angst it would bring but i think it doesnt quite reach there either so its just meh.
koyomi/ougi: m..m... dont like it.. dont like it. i think their relationship is so much more interesting the way it already is so i dont really feel the need to see them in a romantic one yk. i dont think it would be good for either of them either... they will just stagnate if they stick around each other. and also this is like maybe not so applicable bc anything is possible in the ship world but. these two just would never. they dont see each other like that yk. if im looking from an analysis lens here, the camera which is mostly under koyomi's perspective that licks and slobbers over all the girls never does that for ougi. despite him thinking shes like "bewitching" (appearance wise but also probably in the other sense too lol) or w/e. i could write more about this and the harm i think it would do but it'd get spoilery and become a dissertation so ill leave it at this. ummm... dont like it. :p
deishuu/hitagi: ok i see people talking about this one a lot so i just have to put my foot down.. i think its meh. i think its whatever. i think kaiki is not and was not interested in her, and just saw her as a brat who was infatuated with him. and while i do think its possible or maybe even probable that hitagi was infatuated with him while he was scamming her bc she saw him as a savior... i dont think the infatuation would have been that strong. maybe just a little crush, but nothing serious. i wouldnt go so far as to call it love yk, if those feelings were there... and on the idea of that 'if,' i also think its way more interesting if kaiki only THINKS hitagi was infatuated with him when really she never was because it shows the flaw in his perception. like thats the kinda perspective cool thing i like in the monogatari series... thats why i like how its so vague in canon too. the ambiguity makes this dynamic interesting imo
suruga/karen: kind of dont have strong feelings about this one but i cant really see it. i dont think they'd be the right dynamic for each other and it'd become awkward...
ok thats all i can think of for now thanks for sending the ask >:3
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hi! do you think you could do some headcannons for shiver x marie? I know it's not exactly a popular ship by any means but I think they'd be cute together :3. something alot of ppl seem to gloss over when writing shiver is how dramatic they are, probably because they tend to play a sort of straightman to frye's shenanigans, but with someone as serious as Marie they'd get to be they're full dramatic self lol. sorry this kinda turned into me rambling about gay cephalopods 'xP -🍰
sure sure!! i think they'd be cute esp after thinking about deep cut and squid sisters being besties i think shiver and marie would be so nice together -w- have some rarepair headcanons!!
Marie and Shiver mirror each other in a lot of ways so they get along very well because of their similarities
Marie gets to put up with shiver’s shit all the time LOL they’re like “i need a kiss right now or im going to pass away” and marie is like *sigh* and gives them a kiss
They both like a lot of the same things i think, so they will talk for hours on end about their favorite shows or music or theories about upcoming games or somethin
Marie gives them a lot of tips on running the splatcast, since she doesn’t do it anymore its like vicariously reliving her late teen years
Shiver is probably older! still dont know their canon age yet but i think they’re maybe 22-24 while Marie is 21
this being said,,,, bc they are old enough to drink, every weekend they have a wine and bad movie night where they get tipsy on their fave wines and watch a comically terrible movie and end up laughing their asses off over it
they like to stay up late (throwback to nightowl splatfest ftw) and do random stuff together, or just talking or being in each other’s presence 
Shiver feels very open around Marie, like they’ve known each other for longer than they really have. despite being younger, Marie has an old soul that’s great for giving advice, she knows the world not because she’s experienced a lot of it but because she’s been taught of it. likely stories passed down by grandpa cuttlefish that stuck with her, she’s very strong in her morals
when they sleep they often swap who gets to be the big spoon during the night, they might fall asleep with Shiver as the big spoon but when they wake up, Marie ended up taking the position of big spoon at some point
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charliesinfern0 · 5 months
8, 9, 15, and 16 abt any f/o you want :D
F/O Voice Asks
im sorry i couldnt use my voice, im still not very confident about it ^_^;;
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8. have you ever been in denial about your feelings for an f/o?
no not really. i do sometimes feel a little embarrassed when I share that i have a new f/o (thats why some of them are secret), but im never really in denial about my feelings lol
9. what's the shortest amount of time it's taken you to f/o a character? longest?
most recently, the shortest time it took me to f/o a character is 2 days. when i first saw matthew, i thought 'oh yeah im probably gonna end up liking him', but right after i finished watching scott pilgrim takes off, i didnt really feel like that about him. but then like two days later, suddenly i was like 'wait... i do like him o///o'
the longest its taken me to f/o a character is about like 6 years. back then i got the manga that 🐙 is from, and i didnt really think much of him, until just last week i got back into reading it, and then i realized 'oh wait... i like him!!!! >///<'
15. name a song or lyric that reminds you of your f/o or ship, and why.
I Think I Like You by Donora, The Missing Piece by Forgive Durden, and Orange Shirt by Sex Bob-Omb make me think of Matthew and Juniper ^_^ (also i changed her name its Juniper Quinn/Weldings now)
I Think I Like You is from Juniper's perspective, realizing that she feels a lot better just spending time with Matthew, they dont have to be doing anything special for her to feel happy.
The Missing Piece is a musical-sounding duet song, so it makes me think of like a theatric duet that they would do lol
Orange Shirt i think is just very cute and one of my fave Sex Bob-Omb songs, so yeah :)
(also also Seventeen (Age) by Mike Krol and I Feel Fine by Sex Bob-Omb make me think of just Juniper lol. Seventeen (Age) makes me think of the really shitty relationship she had with her family (also it just sounds very scott pilgrim-y to me), and I Feel Fine makes me think of how Juniper sleeps a lot during the day and mostly only goes out at night :P (its also another one of my fave Sex Bob-Omb songs lol)
16. wildcard, just ramble about your ship!
well, today i finally got to planning out my comic for Matthew and Juniper!! im mainly really happy about the fact that i figured out how they actually meet and how to make circumstances in which they'd see eachother a bunch. basically, Matthew is in New York because Gideon called him there to tell him about the League and his fight with Scott, and he decides to visit a record/cd shop, and while he's in there he meets Juniper, who recommends him some albums, and he ends up buying all of them bc he was just so shocked by her lol. then, way later, he's walking out the the G-Man Media building after his meeting with Gideon, and he passes Juniper, and hes like !!!! and turns and tries to stop her and talk to her buts hes all nervous and cant get a word out and she's like "...?" and walks off and he sees her walk into the G-Man Media Building and is like ??? so he waits for her outside and when she comes back out she's like "so wait who are you?" and he's like "um... im matthew. matthew patel." and shes like "oh like, the matthew patel gideon just told me to meet at the Rockit?" bc like she's Gideon's assistant lol. and she's like "oh yeah im juniper quinn, but you can call me june" (or maybe she says that he can call her june later in the story when theyre closer idk) and they both go to the rockit together (they get to the Rockit from New York by using a subspace thingy btw) and she gets to watch matthew fight scott and also meets ramona maybe? idk maybe they meet later, and then juniper saves matthew from getting killed by scott, and scott recognizes her from somewhere??!!? (but he cant remember where lol), and juniper and matthew get out of there, and im not sure about what happens next, i really want to like have juniper interact with the other exes too (i really want her to be friends with all of them), but yeah thats what ive got so far for my comic ^_^
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tokimekiinversion · 6 months
gonna do this yumejoshi twitter thread! (not all of them but some of them) (actually wait nevermind i just did all of them)
1. briefly introduce your yume ship! is it romantic, platonic, familial, or something else?
mmm we are so in love it is doki doki love romantic kiss kiss mwah
2. how did you and your comfort character(s) meet?
i watched monogatari!
3. what is the dynamic between you and your comfort character(s)?
they tease me and mess with me a lot and say funny things and i laugh bc they are funny. we do... physical affection i give them kisses all the time. they are also a little mean... and try to get me to fall down a dark path. but its not that serious and probably doesnt work anyway since i just dont do things i dont want to. also, to some extent, this video. im the one on the right. and it would be more like, ougi is reading a book and smiling but yeah.
4. how would you and your comfort character(s) describe each other?
me describe ougi: the best. amazing. wonderful. brilliant. wise. super cool. love of my life. beautiful. adorable. impish. rude. fun. funny. beloved. hot 😳. sinister. scary. creepy. (<- good things) and more!
ougi describe me: cute. foolish. teasable. admirable. bubbly. considerate. thoughtful. kind. pleasant. easy. boobs
5. who is better at cooking?
neither of us are ace chefs but ougi is more swift when following recipes. so i would ask them to make food and then they make it bad on purpose to force me to get faster and better at cooking. grrrr...... annoying 💢......... but i wouldnt mind that much because i'd get to COOK FOR THEM YAAAAAAAAY NOURSHING OUGI and it would probably make me a better more confident cook too
6. who is better at organizing?
ougi. this has no footnotes
7. who is more athletic?
also ougi. they ride that bicycle. i do nothing....
8. who tends to lose track of time more?
probably me more, but i bet ougi would get lost in a good book (prolly mystery novel) and sit up to stretch and its 4 hours later
9. who gets tired faster?
probably also me with my lack of good physical practice.... ugwah.... ougi should take care of me when im tired........... wah....................
10. who gets more excited about special occasions (birthdays, holidays, etc)?
easily me. although i would get more excited for events for them than mine. they wouldnt really get excited for either. but they would make sure to celebrate my birthday and stuff of course.
its like this:
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i am the one who makes their birthday and such a special occasion... because i refuse to let it not be!!!!!!!!!!!! because they are the best and deserve nice things and should be celebrated😌
11. who is better at planning surprises/keeping secrets?
this is also ougi. have you seen that poker face?
also id be good at keeping secrets normally but they would just know anyway and make me tell them. also also if we were playing a prank together i would be the one trying not to crack up like 95% of the time. and the other 5% is we're both trying not to
12. what is something about you that your comfort character(s) don’t know?
mm... not much! probably random details and anecdotes. basically, whatever they don't ask about, or anything not important
13. what is something about you that ONLY your comfort character(s) know?
well if i said it would defeat the point! tryna get me to spill my secrets...
14. what are three ways in which you have changed since meeting your comfort character(s)?
im smarter and happier and much cooler
15. what are three ways in which your comfort character(s) have changed since meeting you?
HOPEFULLY, if they are not being an OBSTINATE LITTLE SHIT some of my love for them will have rubbed off and they like themself more now :) they are also happier, because obviously i don't make them anything but happy 😌✨ also they'd get even more insufferable. i can't not spoil them 😭
16. what is your favourite thing about your comfort character(s)?
everything! well, there's parts i like more. and they shouldnt be so hard on themself but. everything!
17. what is your comfort character(s)’s favourite thing about you?
they'd say boobs to mess with me >:( but it's not true 😇 they like my excitability and my kindness
18. what is your favourite moment featuring your comfort character(s) in the media they come from?
the gweh is just.... its just..... its everytihng
19. do you have alternate universes of your yume ship? tell us more about them!
welll...... unless u count me in naoetsu as au then no...................
20. what nicknames do you and your comfort character(s) have for each other?
i actually was tryna think up nicknames for ougi once but its hard bc their name is short already. i just kinda call em whatever comes to mind. they can be ougi, they can be my beloved, they can be my precious little thing, they can be the oug. the ouger, even. its what it is
ougi doesnt have nicknames for me they just call me by my name tho.
21. if you had to describe your yume ship with one song, which song would it be?
gwah theres a few of these.... hmmmmm.......
invisible touch is too perfect to not include
the bird and the bee - my love
mad head love - kenshi yonezu
and ill even put...
mitski first love late spring
arms tonite mother mother
some of it is describing the relationship more in general and some of its more about my feelings..... well thats okay too
22. where do you want to be with your comfort character(s) in three years?
i want us to be happily married and in love........ and i want to have raised my devotion levels and number of tributes 😌✨
23. if there was a book written about you and your comfort character(s), what would the title be?
going by the series' usual naming convention......... sakumonogatari (錯物語).
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selamat-linting · 1 year
last night, a little homestuck before bed and :
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-i dont think i can maintain the facade of composure or coherence anymore. this is five seconds before john find several people brutally slaughtered, including his own dad, and he himself get stabbed to death. look at him! look at how silly this child is. my zillyhoo son, its unfair theyre piling up all this shit to you.
-i get why rose went grimdark tbh. things are pretty bad out there. it fucks me up that she's like, taking over the suicide mission. and how awful it is that she'd gone off the deep end that she looked at her parents dead body and only think of killing. something i noticed between the two light players is that theyre always burdening themselves with the hard, difficult tasks alone even though the team wanted it to be done as a group effort. its commendable but not always a good thing.
-its pretty funny that the kids with shitty guardians' have a wildly contrasting reactions to their dead parents like
dave, at the beginning of story : my bro is the coolest guy ever
dave now : huh. he's dead. okay. time to use the sword lodged in his chest as a trampoline! sweet loot. i love not getting knifed in my apartment
rose, at the beginning of the story : my loathsome mother and her penchant for the devil's drink!!!!!
rose, now : i should've looked out for her *activates rage mode*
i mean, i suppose thats appropriate but. you know how it is. poor kids, they've been through a lot. did they even have a warm meal lately? also i think bro is kinda handsome and i understand his fascination with puppets. i too, read a tentacle dick spamton fic as a lark and becomes genuinely intrigued with it.
-i am in love, in love! with the format of clicking to a collage of pictures. There was just so much Shit going on and the banner have doc scratch home being burned down and snowman making out after smoking a bloodied pipe. and then jade hunting frogs with dave. it would have been adorable to see these kids finally meeting each other for the first time if the world wasnt going to do a hard reset.
-fuck it. an AU. kids being kids. no sburb no tragedy. theyre just online friends. jade's grandpa is alive, he took jade into civilization often so she's not undersocialized and knows how to function if she wants to live a normal life. and as a birthday gift he took all of her friends to the island as a surprise for her 13th birthday. they spend the day catching frogs and playing paintball. and then at night, rose and jade urge everyone to try lucid dreaming. none of them made it because theyre all too busy making fun of john's movie selection. dave is beatboxing over squiddles music. and then right in the middle of their playing, a ship crash landed to the island. it was the trolls.
-uhhghgghghhh i need to see. an animatic. of jade and dave's fight. with bec noir. look at all the moves theyre making it would have been one hell of a fight and we were robbed of a proper flash with boisterous music! space time vs omnipotence lets fucking go!
-speaking of vriska, wow she really is giving her all in these pages. her last stand with jack. the enemy she took part in creating. she knew she was going to die and done her best asking out literally everyone alive. and the best/worst thing is, everyone accepts. terezi literally came to her with all the rp outfit they used to do. and, i know i should be shocked but im just laughing at karkat showing up late with the sloppy makeout note. And she gave the cutest most adorable date proposal to john like, ugh its cute teenage puppy love! yes, i think they'd go well together. I dunno, maybe its my kimharry enjoyer heart speaking, but i think characters who'd done terrible violence should be with someone who only met them after they strived to be someone better, or at least a blank slate. that way, they get a fresh start and can focus on improving instead of getting distracted with hurt feelings and old wounds. also i am not burdening terezi, aradia, tavros, and all of the kids she personally maimed with All of That tbh. unless they want to ofc.
-anyways, here is the updated vriska relationship chart
matesprit -> still, the poster of nicholas cage in con air, or karkat if youre so inclined to imagine a world where she makes out with karkat before fighting terezi. gross lol.
moirallegiance -> john, full stop. her relationship with terezi needs some peace time before coming back into pale redrom
kismesis -> terezi. im FROTHING at the mouth thinking at the tragedy of their relationship. this is some intergenerational trauma shit, some wicked codependency junk, like the cuno and his buddy C. its the real shit fa- (okay i should stop speaking like cuno before i embarras myself)
-also. WHY WAS IT A JUST DEATH! im hitting the clock im destroying it with jack. fuck you fuck you so much. Doc scratch fix the clock so it gives me what i want or i'll burn your house! asshole!
-im curious about the sprites. i hope they find a way to be relevant again. i've always think theyre awesome and has more info that could have been beneficial for the kids.
-all in all, i give this homestuck liveread and overall rating of what the fuck what the fuck ohhhhh ohhh my fucking godd imma read this again motherfucker
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lordsooga · 9 months
hit us with the . *thinks really hard* midzel, volga/ghirahim, ganghira, impa/zelda (whichever game you want), sidlink . no coherence between these pairs just whatever popped in my head i haven’t heard you about yet
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Midzel: I do ship them, though they never really became my THING. So not a ship I've thought about a lot, but I DO know everyone who ships them is extremely right too. Also obviously two princesses from parallel worlds of light and dark who cannot be together is DELICIOUS.
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volga/ghirahim: I've never played the original hyrule warriors so i dont know jack-shit about volga besides that he..... IS..... the dragon from OoT? But from the little I know about him and from what you've told me I think they'd absolutely hate each other. I cannot think of any conceivable reason they'd actually get together?? But it would be the worst relationship in the world. You're gonna have to, like, lock them in a box alone together and shake them. And then I think they'd come out hating each other even more.
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I'll go ahead and put the rest of these under the cut:
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ganghira: Ohhhhh baby. Being literally made as a weapon to be wielded and then meeting this guy who is.... a different man entirely from your master, but still have something of him inside of him. I love that. I"ll enjoy a cute ganghira fanwork. But I cannot see this being anywhere near healthy. But that doesn't mean I don't think they wouldn't work together in their fucked up way.
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impa/zelda: Another sheet that isn't super full even though I think they'd be cute together. All the wholesome ships get pretty empty bingo sheets. I'll go with aoc zelda and impa for this one. They fucked up kind of Sheikah devotion to the crown isn't REALLY there in this game, but Impa would still clearly do anything to support her. Personally I like them together platonically or as qpps if anything.
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sidlink: YEAH BABY SIDLINK BABY!!! dont let the empty sheet fool you, that shark is basically why i bought botw!!! and you know what, i still think they're adorable together. he's just big enthusiastic and supportive, how am i not supposed to love him. Link should have something in his life constantly hyping him up and supporting him. He's also irresistible to the royal zoras so. I mostly like them as just good, wholesome fun together.
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Jim/Olu and Lucius/Izzy for the ship asks
(I like to send one that’s cute and good and one that will fill my mutuals with rage)
do i ship it: fuck yes baby this is actually the first ofmd ship i wrote fic for!!! i have not uh. finished. the fic. but some day i plan to!! anyway yes love these two so so much
why i ship it: LOVE how olu says he's known jim for "over a year" (instead of like, the very ambiguous "years" we get for izzy and ed) so we know they've known each other for less than two years which is not actually a lot of time??? yet they still give this vibe of ride-or-die having each other's backs doing anything for each other besties. genuinely obsessed with the idea of olu, reliable steady and everyone's best friend, stumbling upon this weird quiet knife assassin who comes off really stoic and aloof but they actually just lack social skills, and then the assassin is like "i want to kill your boss's husband" and olu is like "i'll help you with that. i'll help you escape, too. i'll follow you anywhere i'll die for you" and then the two of them just. stick together forever. i also find it hilarious how olu is jim's voice of reason and i also find it so fucking sweet that he's the little spoon. 10/10 ship wouldn't change a thing.
canon potential: i mean they're. literally canon. can't imagine the show permanently breaking them up for any reason. the happy ending of the show is almost definitely gonna include these two being together
fanon interpretation/fandom around it: there is a depressing lack of tealoranges content. like it's to be expected of a canonical side pairing that isn't two skinny white men but there's like nothing. they're always together in the background of fics (also to be expected) but like, i want some more jim/olu centric fics (i do have like one or two in my Marked For Later list on ao3 but i dont have the time to rlly read anything longer than 10k rn fhjghfkj). there's a decent amount of fanart tho but obviously not as much as any of our Main Ships
do i ship it: ok so it's not a no. but it's not a very strong yes??? lucius/izzy is kind of the only izzy ship i can tolerate, i guess. im always wary of ships that have izzy x any person of color bc 9 times out of 10 the content is just "person of color decides to spend their time and energy rehabilitating a white man" and the focus is 100% on izzy getting treated nice and like, NO mention of how the character of color feels or why they'd even be interested in izzy in the first place. blackhands is only good when it's izzy crying alone while masturbating sadly. stizzy could be fun if you really dug into the way the two of them fucking hate each other and never actually change that dynamic but nobody does this. steddyhands same as the last one but now with the added bonus of people's racism really jumping out in every fic. and then i guess i could tolerate izzy x any other white character but i'd just be making it up bc he doesn't interact with any of them except lucius. so like by default yeah i guess i kinda ship lucius and izzy.
why i ship it or not: the tension is there the potential is there and it would be so so good for izzy if he realized sub ≠ masculine ≠ top. i think if i could ever manage to write any of the fics ideas i have i would be shoving these two together in the background all the time just so that izzy can be magically fixed by lucius's dick and i can resolve that conflict easy (i don't actually think it's in character for izzy to get topped by lucius once and turn into a like, friendly and likable person, but the idea of it is funny enough that i would write it into a fic if i ever fUCKING WROTE ANY FIC AAAAAAH-). now all that being said. at the end of the day i just don't like izzy enough to have any strong positive feelings abt this ship. i'd be happy seeing izzy become normal but i'd probably be just as happy (if not happier) seeing him get fed to some sharks so like. this one is fine i guess. lucius has established himself as being very emotionally intelligent and also down to talk some sense into other characters so i can see it.
canon potential: the potential is there but idk if they're gonna do it or just keep all of izzy's horny sub energy purely subtextual until he fucking dies the end. bc the tension is fucking real in the "have you ever been sketched?" scene but will they commit to it?? only time will tell. i think if they redeem him it'll probably happen tho.
fanon interpretation/fandom around it: fan content of this one is good actually. art is cute, the fics are cute, i've never seen anyone break lucius up with pete (or fang) to make it happen. i also haven't seen any izzy dom content for this ship which would be the biggest ooc offense of all time so i'm ok with everything i've been exposed to. i mean most of the PWPs have izzy give in really quick once lucius just directly asks him to fuck which seems a little ooc, but it's for PWP oneshots so like i get it they're not dragging this out into a 100k slowburn.
ask me about more ships im bored!
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baekhvuns · 10 months
i get you, single life is the peak of peace and oh them drawings 😩🤌i can obsess over whoever I want, I can have 10 husband's without even getting married THE PURE JOY. Im not that big of a manhwa fan but I've read a few and i can assure you, I desire that type of a romance BCZ DONT YOU SOMETIMES WANT SOMEONE TO FALL SO CRAZILY IN LOVE WITH YOU?!?! They'd embrace you, they'd tell you how pretty you are and even when you'd say 'you might get get tired of me' they'll reply "you're like the moon honey, no matter how many times I look at it, it seems to get prettier and enchanting" 😭😭😭😭 BUT I DAMN WELL KNOW MEN ARE NOT FUNCTIONED LIKE THIS AHVAJABAJAB WHYYY?!?!
Yes my happy marriage!! I honestly get the hype arnd it!!
Speaking of manhwas or webtoons, I have a few of my favourites like daytime star Oh God it is such a sweet SUCH A FLUFFY STORY BUT THEN THE ML LOOKS LIKE THIS:-
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LIKE EXCUSE ME SIR THIS ISNT ALLOWED IN MY HOUSEHOLD GODDAMN!! and he's the greenest flag ever. I've also read more webtoons like operation love and surprisingly I read see you in my 19th life as a webtoon and I still haven't watched the drama. I'm currently trying to read this manhwa called my in laws are obsessed with me, AND ITS COMPLICATED ALR?? IT IS! BUT! I looovvee the art style so much I'm on my damn knees AND THE BLACK HAIRED DUDE THERDEO!!! AH HE GV MY BUTTERFLIES 😭😭 I feel like this story is presented really good and i actually like the female lead in this.
I have one more and idk why but it reminds me how you write for some reason. It's titled "midnight crying crow" and the FL on this is a detective so strong, so sassy, and in general THAT girl and the ml 😭 he's an actor AND SUCH A DIVA OMG, and that reminds me of your written Seonghwa so much Bcz
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LMFAOO NOT THE SIDE EYE!! Now im def gonna watch it soon! Omg they are so long and bestie I started watching one piece a few weeks ago 😭 AND I MADE IT TILL EP 7!! See I struggle with watching too like idk how peeps watch a whole season in a day, I just can't but somehow i finished a few series.
Ohh honestly I still like comedy animes better so I'm suggesting baby Buddy daddies (i literally wrote baby daddies-) , spy x family (it's so good YOR AND LOID IS MY SHIP OK?), The babysitters club IT IS SO CUTE 😭 , saiki k, the way of a househusband THIS IN PARTICULAR BCZ IMAGINE AN INTIMIDATING MAFIA GUY FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU AND AFTER MARRIAGE HE BECOMES A MANWIFE WHO LIKES CUTE THINGS AND JUST FOR YOU!??!? It's top tier!!
Ikr somehow pictures be motivating to get my life together even 😭 hell even stationary motivates me, i would've never studied or wanted to study if it wasn't for cute stationary!!
park peace no srs, no situationships just pure delusion <3 UHUH EXACTLY make them scenarios in ur mind and then giggle into ur pillow like 😭😭 pathetic but u KNOW WHAT BETTER THAN EVERYONE AND THEIR MEN,, NO NO I FUCKING GET U SO MUCHF WHKFHWK LIKE SAY THAT TO ME????? TELL ME IM A CUP OF COFFEE??? NEVER GIVE UP NEVER WHAT??? will forever make the men in my fics act like that, my delusion will go on
that man is so fine, the hair, the authority
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I !!!! WANT !!!! HE !!!!
see now im trying to read day time star….why is it kinda dry 😭😭😭😭 crying fbwmfjwk iM not a huge fan of it atm 😭😭 SEE U IN MY 19TH LIFE I PREFER THE WEBTOON OVER THE ACTUAL DRAMA ANYDAAAAAY
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pls tell u ur reading secretary’s escape…
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I WILL READ THAT WEBTOON !!! omg???? written hwa??? this is a must for me,, omg if u like detective type of webtoon a pls pls pls read the purple hyacinth, legendary chemistry almost like miraculous ladybug and chat noir type <3 yes. YES I GOT THE POINT BRWMBDSK
LMFAOOOO no literally i cannot watch it for hours long like i have up sailor moon in first 10 eps 😭😭
wait i do not rmr if i rec-ed the remarried empress, yeah. an empress, remarrying, to a younger king? who’s like a golden retriever and the art?? LORD HAVE MERCY. my fav webtoons depend on the art, if i don’t like the art i don’t read it and this one has one of the best arts ive seen. SORRY THE DUDE IS JUST SO FINE FHFWMDJAKJ LET ME JIST SHOW U FBWMDWL hate her ex husband tho so he kinda fine but problematic
trust he looks even better in season 2 the art just keeps getting better!!!
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men of harem is pretty good but it’s dragging along,,, PERFECT REVENGE MARRIAGE!!!! A MUST!!!! a good day to be a dog is also vvv ☺️☺️ and u can read lost in translation if u want to be depressed for the rest of ur life.
no literally!!! this reels w that same song and ppl studying got me like???? me too???
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