#i dont think any of this is really want he wants. referring to power and respect and position and all that.
trainingdummyrabbit · 10 months
i wish kaigaku wasn't evil i would've loved to see him as the thunder hashira potentially
i think kaigaku should get to continue to commit atrocities because its funny <33
genuinely tho god this is such a Concept because like. yes yes the nuances of good vs evil and potential vs execution but honestly i just. dont think thats something thats fully in the cards for him. because like... his selfishness is such a huge part of Him as a character that getting rid of it just feels like itd make him.. an Entirely Different Character. its a Core Character Trait.
like!!! yeah!!!! i would really love to see him actually get along (or interact at all) with other characters!!! but for him specifically, the fact that hes so genuinely selfish is what makes him so interesting. its less of what he does, and more of how does he get there. personally, of course.
and then, especially with the whole pillar thing, i genuinely do not think that would make him any happier. i dont know what would. i dont even know if he does either.
this is getting away from me but tl;dr: seeing him in a non-(solely)-antagonistic role would be really fun but because of how his character is at a core point, it would have to be something intensely worked towards to make it feel satisfying and not disregard the things that are Very Much Wrong With Him
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seawing-vibes · 1 month
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Decided to fill out a template from @/falling-skyzz I feel normal about . The dragons ! List of characters & design & dynamic thoughts under the cut <3
Also If anyone else fills out thus template feel free to send me the post,, I would love to see other people filling this out!!! I love templates !!
Secretkeeper & Moon • I understand theres a lot of reasonable hate for Secretkeeper but!!! I find her & moon to be a very fascinating pair! To make a long ass thought short, I think Secretkeeper is the embodiment of “product of her environment & deeply traumatize & projecting”. I think she genuinely really loves moon but obviously expresses that through being “”protective””. But I think shes genuinely a character with a capacity for change & realizing the autonomy Moon has over her own powers. Also from the perspective of Moon I think her arc around her relationship with her mom could be really interesting, especially as Secretkeepers authority becomes challenged in Moons life & she has to confront the bullshit her mother has put her through. Overall very very interesting pair I think about them a lot.
Design Note: Secretkeeper is duller in color than Moon & has less stars due to lack of moon light on the island! Also the scales around her mouth are almost completely black, making her mouth barely visible, giving her the name “Secretkeeper” as she “has no mouth to tell others secrets.”
Tsunami & Starflight • Just one of my fav siblings! This specific illustration is from the Arena Scene in Dragonet Prophesy! I really really love Tsu & Starflights dynamic of looking up to eachother & their development together just. So neat!
Design Note: Starflight has very few constellation marks in this illustration as he hasnt spent much time under moonlight quite yet!
Shark & Abalone • One of my more out-there ships! I based this on the thought that Shark was once close with Abalone (cough. Husbands.) and that relates to why he was willing to give Tortoise a lunch-break from watching the eggs. He already saw someone close to him die from being overworked to watch the clutch, he didn’t want to watch another dragon die from his sisters selfishness. I could write an essay on these two I swear
Deisgn Note: Shark is based on a tiger shark & abalone is based on real abalones! hes one of my fav designs here
Six-Claws & Ostrich • He’s just a sweet dad! the little we see of him he seems to really love her & vice-versa <3 they’re just neat
Design Note: Six-Claws is based on a king cobra & is a specific sub-“species” of hooded Sandwings ! Burn found his hood mutation & six-claws super interesting
Tamarin & Pike • My fav background friendship! They’re just fun. I like Pike just chillin out around Tamarin & describing flower colors to her to the best of his ability (she just likes to hear him ramble about a shared interest)
Design Notes: I updated how I draw Tamarins eyes to properly resemble a blind-born dragon ! Also Pike’s deisgn got some yellow in it and I really like it <3
Whiteout & Thoughtful • I just think they’re neat!! They just seem like a sweet pair love them
Design Note: none really! Just experimenting with a rando Thoughtful design that I tossed together for my “ships tier list”
Tsunami • Its just her :) my fav dragon <3!!! I definitely dont think she upholds the “princess” title once she gets older, her only link to the throne is by Coral insisting monthly visits but Tsu otherwise wouldn’t be any interesting in royal life I would imagine
Design Note: Shes caught a waaururrghh something im going bonkers I cant remember what fish that is and my reference photo seems to have dissipated into the cosmos
Anemone • I LOVE HER. SO MUCH ! Anemone haters BACK OFF!!!! Her relationship to her powers is so fucked man. Something you’d think would give her power & control is just a key by which others use to manipulate and abuse her like . Man :( shes literally never had any autonomy over her own identity & intermingled her powers into her identity So Much only for that aspect of herself to also be revealed to be a facade for someone else’s desires like. GUH I love her so much I hope shes having a good day I dont care what anyone says she deserves to be a brat and I support her for it
Design Note: none really! The stars in her talons are just metaphorical though
Snowflake & Snowfox • THE OGS!!!!!! MY FAVORITE PROBLEMATIC LESBIANS <3 Ahhh remember in the early days when they were considered the #1 most problematic ship because they were gay and also evil. I love the evil lesbians so much they’re so shitty sorry Darkstalker Snowfox should’ve been queen I would’ve loved to see that go down it’d be so silly
Design Notes: Snowfox is based on an arctic fox shedding into their summer coat!! I know its p . Away from canon descriptors of her but it was sm fun to illustrate so shhh <3 Snowflake is just grey & blueish per-canon but shes sooo fun. love her.
Okay thats all here are the individual illustrations now !!!!! Because why not !!! If these aren’t transparent its all over
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ganondoodle · 15 days
Will Zelda abolish the monarchy in your TotK rewrite?
she will not turn to the camera and say "i am abolishing monarchy" (since that needs to be said these days ..) but in a way its kinda meant to be like .. the opposite of the canon totk messaging?
like, fictional monarchy in itself isnt like the root of all evil, its the ideology that goes with it? i like fictional monarchy stuff and other races got them too so i wouldnt say its a clear -this is bad- thing
i do want to turn the whole idea of "hyrules royalty and its ruling is always good and just and anyone against it is automatically labeled as evil" upside down .. or more like, let it go further, rauru in the rewrite is .. similar to the canon one, thats kinda the point, hes the good and just king that wants to unite all nations in peace and wants to get rid of any "evil" be it monsters or someone threatening his 'peace'
but then you think about it, his idea of 'peace' is very specific, not everyone might want to be under his control, not everyone might have joined willingly and just bc theres someone opposing him does not have to mean they are some evil demon, all this talk might have been deliberate manipulation of history, he says hes invited a nation to join under his rule? he makes it sound like it was a nice offering like bringing a piece of cake to a neighbour, but it could be anything, he has those magical nuclear power pebbles, multiple, even just having them has an effect on others, he can say he would only use them for good, but that can be a lie, and more importantly, you dont know what his idea of 'good' is he can say he would never use it to hurt people, but what if he declares others to not BE people in his eyes he wants to bring about a world of light with no shadow to be found, rebuild a glorious kingdom of the past, there will be no shadow to hide in, there will be no place he is not, as he is the light, the king of light, and he knows whats best for all in his eternal, holy kingdom of light
.. most of this isnt even non-canon, it just gets presented as he says it, a one note fact, and you are supposed to agree- so really im just rewriting that part to be more overtly how it felt like to ME, and turnign the second half into opposing that bc hey, this might not be cool actually
im really jsut cranking raurus actions and ideals up just a tiny bit, and show more directly that its the behavoir of an imperialist king of all
so really its more like .. teaching her the lesson of how easy it is to fall into that line of thinking, how you need to consider .. maybe blindly following old traditions isnt always good, consider other perspectives, be careful bc she could have gone into that direction too (like she literally does in the canon totk end ..) and in a way she already has, but afterwards (in the rewrite) she can work against that, she could be rauru and has to decide and work against it
i know that isnt a clear answer, this whole idea is a little hmm to me bc TO ME canon totk already reads like that, and i want to work against it, bc in canon it goes unchallenged, and alot of people ... alot of people..., just go along with it seemingly not even beign able to see how its all suspicious-
in the end, i want it to be a careful but hopeful vibe of, zelda as a scientist, a historian, interested in alot of fields, being able to change something, a shift in perspective, like lady eboshi in princess monokoe saying at the end that they will start anew, now building good town- its not garanteed, zelda is still in a position of power, but she doesnt have to rebuild it like it was, people might still refer to her as princess and have high respect for her, but after being so deceived by rauru, being on the opposing side to almost the exact idea they once had, it has humbled them and can pave the way for a better future
ganondorfs spirit at the end moving on after finally being able to take out rauru, even if it meant to help out those hed see as being in the prime spot to become jsut like rauru, over the course of the second half all of them learning of each other, now more confident these younglings of a world thats long changed and not his anymore being able to build something better, and years after the ordeal theres news of a male gerudo having been born
(i know that idea goes agaisnt what made up his character for alot of the other games (though rewrite totk gan is still a different one from the old games), like his eternal problem of not being able to move on and refusing to die, and im sure theres lots of not the bestest thigns in my writing of it all too, but so far, its what i have been imagining, and unfortnately i am a sucker for those types of cliché endings-
it doesnt have to mean the next games would be going up against the gods or soemthing, though i do like that, but i felt like its a nice end for botws world, and much less uncomfortable than the canon totk end, theres no refounding of the kingdom, no swears of fealty, just young people working to rebuild the world into something better after it was almost wiped out, the kingdom already fell in botw, and the world kept on turning, i see no reason why it shouldnt be able to keep doing it)
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Hcs for sir pentious with someone who isn’t interested in power or politics but somehow keeps failing upwards and accidentally gaining more territory and the favour of more powerful demons? Can be romantic or platonic, you decide! I hope you’re doing ok and that you’re not burnt out!
Sir Pentious x powerful but uninterested!reader
Got a little behind on requests so I got nothing in the queue SOBS
No big deal I only have a small handful of requests currently in the inbox! sjckekvkrkvk
Anyways happy valentines to those who celebrate
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He looks up to you, and he knows you're powerful!
Though he is a little intimidated at first when he realizes just how powerful you are
You guys meet after he tries to take you on to get himself more power, you dont even want to beat him up but a series of accidental events leads to his swift defeat
Oddly enough I dont think he would use your power to his advantage, unless hes in some deep shit
He doesnt want to take advantage if you, and he truly thinks he can fight for himself (even if he can barely hold up on his own a lot of the times..)
In the beginning he treats you as a superior, referring to you as sir or madame or any gender neutral term, he gives you a solute before doing something you asked him to do. Stuff like that
It does tone down over time as he realizes you're just a person and that you really don't care about that sort of thing
Still does the sir/miss thing because hes a gentleman with manners
He asks you how you rose to power and he looks
So genuinely confused when you explain it was all on accident
"How exactly.. does that happen..?"
Would it be wrong for him to be proud of you if it's nothing something you wanted or aimed for?
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
could you do mantis, tigress, viper, po, shen, tai lung, kai x a white peacock reader that can manipulate all forms of physics? For reference, the White Peacock Reader has the ability to manipulate all forms of physics regardless of laws. Other have sent you this type of question, so I am sending you this type of question. And I love your stuff too.
mantis,tigress,viper,po,shen,tai lung and kai x white peacock reader who can manipulate all forms of physics
I'm glad you like my stuff! And of course I can
Not been proof read yet I just wanted to post it 😭
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He finds you beauty and grace very admirable
You fight with such ferocity and grace it's almost unbelievable
He thinks that your powers are really cool but also really scary since they dont abide to any of the laws
Meaning you can do things that shouldn't physically be possible
Thinks that your some kind of God or something,maybe you've just been blessed by the gods
Not to much sparing,he fears that hell be crushed before he can even move
He asks to trace the patterns on your feathers(if you have any patterns)
He wonders if your tail can get in the way when fighting
Your fighting style is literally drop dead gorgeous
Saw you phase through a wall once,cant unsee it
Scary for in battle but very useful as an ally
He asks if you know why your white instead of the usually colours
Very curious about you
Your very mysterious
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She finds your beauty breath taking but remembers during battle not to be distracted
Shes curious of how you got your powers,did you learn them?,if so who was your master?,were you born with them?,does it run in your family?
Lots of questions
Training constantly
You've bested her more times then she cares to admit
She'll say that you cheated
Shes not saying that because she thinks you incapable,shes just saying that to try and mend her wounded pride
Her leg has phased through you and she lost the match because her brain practically stopped working for a minute or so
She likes to stay on your good side,mainly because she genuinely fears your powers
She believes that you can control them well but the things you can do,shouldn't be humanly/animaly possible
She likes to help clean your tail if you allow her
She wonders how you can fight with such a big tail
She fears fears what people will say when she tells them she lost a match to you,so you tell her that she can say you lost sometimes
She finds it scary and impressiv how much you can do,you can control things like the weather,solid matter etc.
She asks about your origins and if there may have been a particular reason as to why you were born as a white peacock with such immense power
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brought to you by the same gif,again
As a previous ribbon dancer she likes to see the art in different peopls kung fu/fighting style,which meand she loved the way you fight
Such precision and beauty
She thinks your way to overpowerd
Like if you wanted to you could legit just walk on water
Dont like cold noodles?,ok lemme just,heat that up for u rq
She likes to stay relatively on your good side
She will ask to put flowers in your feathers,if you allow her to she will be ecstatic
Such a sweet heart
If you give her a feather as a gift of luck she may just pass out
If you have any patterns on your feathers she likes to trance them with her tail or just look at it
Shes scared to get priced by your sharp talons in battle/sparing
Loves your feathers
Shes curious to your feather colour being white but wont dig or think to deep about it
She just puts it down as being an unique quality of yours
Your tail can get annoying every so often
She likes how you input your tail into your fighting style
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Your white feathers give him a tad bit of PTSD
He find the way you fight majestical,almost as if hes watching a play
He likes your feather and asks how you keep them so clean
He would be very hesitant with you sometimes due to the fact you remind him of someone
He thinks white suits you
Hes very surprised,fascinated and intrigued apon finding out about your powers
Your powers are like nothing hes ever seen before and he loves it
He likes to have long training sessions with you to try find a weakspot
He wants you to try teach him
Even if you tell him it's your genes and not taught he will still ask,there no hurt in trying
Liked your tail but it is very big
He likes making noodles for you both and sitting under a tree on a rainy day,knowing that your the reason your both not drenched in water
He wonders how you obtained such power and wonders what It would be like going all on out dragon warrior against you
He gets distracted by your feather alot
If you were to ever give him a feather hed treat it like a treasure that needs to be protected at any cost
Likes to watch your methods of fighting because he wants to try doing it himself
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Hes rather shocked apon learning that there another white peacock
And your very powerful
In some ways hes happy that theres another peacock since he wont feel as lonely being the only white one but then again he in some ways feels like that was a huge part of his character
Apon first meeting you he gets extremely defensive and accuses you of being an imposter,even though you never said a single thing
Has alot of curiosity about your powers
Shen will try test your limits and see if you just unleash your powers out of pure emotion,he has morbid curiosity
He likes to spar ALOT
He likes to talk to you about how he created the cannons aswell as what he did to get the result
Hes very clingy and will often hang around you
Should anyone speak bad about you if you dont handle it,he will gladly
He finds a sick kind of pleasure from having so powerfull by his side
He throws firework shows for you
If you are good with close combat he will get a custom commissioned weapon of your choice for you
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Tai lung
Although he finds your white feathers beautiful he also feels threatened
The pure reason for this is power
Hes been a star student for so long,the best of the best and you show up and have more power than him
Hes very stand off ish at first
He warms up to you eventually,its just a case of him getting there
He comes to find the brutality and accuracy of your fighting method
He trains with you at any given chance,hes not afraid to fight someone stronger than him and he will most likely go in blind,refusing to learn anything from his opponent
He asks if your methods can be taught and is a bit sulky if it cant
Hes not going to underestimate you by a long shot,hes more likely to overestimate you
He finds you feathers pretty and can momentarily find himself losing focus in training
If you gave him a feather he'd treat it as if it were his life sorce
He believes that when he achieves the dragon scroll you two will finally be even
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Other than oogway he hasnt seen such powerful chi before
Nor has he seen the types of power you weild
Your a mystery at first,a mysterious white peacock shows up one day and has practically limitless power?
Hes going to be after your chi,no doubts
After awhile it's much like having a frenemy
"Still havnt given up your chi,(name)?""still havnt defeated oogway,kai?"
Its can go back and forth like this for a very long time,which it usually ends with you slipping through solid matter to escape
It gets to the point whether hes unsure if he still wants to take your chi
It would give him so much raw power but hes grown...fond of you
Which he hates to admit and probally wont
Once you become acquaintances tho it will turn into sparring seasons often
He brings his jombies out every so often to spice things up
He likes how smoothly you execute your kung fu moves/attacks
However in the end he still technically got what he wanted,just differently
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tsugumichikaneshiro · 2 months
tsugumichi kaneshiro is a weak little bitch. here's why!
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↑ if you don't know who tsugumichi is, that's him! he's the serial killer from kotoko's narrative, and who i will focus on. this post is 99% just overanalyzing subtext and extrapolating from (seemingly) unrelated information, so please bear with me. also its really messyyy
first thing i'd like to point towards is the nature of his crime. he is a 24 year old man who kills elementary school girls -> his victims are always inherently weaker than him. the question becomes: why the fuck did he do this. why are they his victims specifically. it seems very likely he was targeting them, after all.
it can't be because he thinks he can get away with it more easily; his father has enough power to get him out of any legal consequence. even his neighbors knew about his crimes, but he still didn't get arrested ever!! he might just like killing them, that is true. he might just like killing them specifically. but! i think it'd be more interesting if those are his victims because those are the only type of people he can kill. only elementary schoolers are weaker than him, so those are the only ones he can and will kill.
he tried to fight back against kotoko, by the way, he did try! he was just really bad at it and apparently ended up getting mutilated so so badly, meanwhile kotoko seemingly suffered zero severe injuries.
additionally, please look at this quote from YONAH:
K: How ridiculous... It's always like this... All of you weaklings always act like this... All of you enjoy seeing someone getting hurt... [...] All of you enjoy seeing a bad person falling down... [...] You keep asking for it, but as soon as it happens near you by your own choice, you all start complaining and evading your responsibility... You're always like this... Always such idiots!
of course, this could just be her talking about everything everyone ever. even herself, if you believe she's projecting. however i do think this was, in some way, referring to tsugumichi.
her generalizing weaklings, saying “it’s always like this, all of you weaklings always act like this,” as if she has personal experience with it... saying it towards someone she thinks likes when people get hurt, when it can be very easily assumed that tsugumichi also enjoyed seeing people in pain? i like to think this means she saw him as weak, at least a little bit
now whether she saw him as weak prior to or after killing him is a mystery! one that i won't really get into... both are possible options with their own merits and there's too little info to actually decide on one scenario over the other... i will say that i am more inclined towards her seeing him as weak prior to killing him, but that is mostly bias and such
there's also this one interrogation that could also be a vague at him, even if unintentional
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yes i think he has a weak will (more literally a "weak heart") yes i also think it could be a vague at herself but this post is primarily about tsugumichi being weak... he is a weak little bitch and it's what led to him turning to evil, down the inferior path and such.
whether the thing that caused him to turn to evil was external influences (i really like the internet theory for kotoko so this could also be applied here, but that has less basis to it for him) or just him having some sort of power trip where he really really just wanted to feel some sense of power and does it by killing elementary schoolers... we dont know LOL. there's very little info on him and i am just extrapolating from as much as i can.
i think that's all i can cover that relates to this. some of it probably makes zero sense so feel free to ask me things if you feel so inclined and such.
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
The crew listens to Epic: the Musical.
MK's favorite song is Legendary.
Wukong identifies with Just a Man (not that he'll admit it).
Macaque likes Ruthlessness because he's an emo little stinker.
Sandy likes Open Arms (of course).
Tang and Red Son like Warrior of the Mind.
Pigsy really thinks the monkeys should take Luck Runs Out to heart.
Mei likes Keep Your friends close (a fun bop that belies danger underneath, just like her).
I have to be careful binging a new muscial (or in this case Saga) cus I end up playing each song on loop for hours. Opinions might change once the full and finished versions of later sagas are released.
I love all these hcs <3
Im imagining the gang likely sees/listens to Epic on the reccomendation of MK (who's currently on a Greek Mythology hyperfixation), and he gets them all to watch the full play - maybe in the future as a irl performance or film.
"Legendary" is SUCH an MK song. Both him and Telemachus growing up with the stories of someone dear to them and wanting to replicate their success. I could also see him really liking "Warrior of the Mind" with the theme of "some nobody" gaining the favor of a god (reminds you of anyone?) + SWK is infamously the personification of The Mind in Jttw so its a bonus. MK is smiling evily whenever a harsh plot twist occurs and his fam are shocked silent. >:3
Sun Wukong feels targeted personally with how many of the Epic songs remind him of his past. Ofc he starts crying halfway through "Horse and the Infant", and is inconsolable during "Just A Man" - verbally yelling "NO!" at the end. And like Nezha and Sandy is *silent* during Posideon's songs. Is super jazzed during the triumphant Ithaca Saga though! And feels mega catharic during "King" when Odysseus proves that he still rules to the suitors! He tries his best to hide how much the muscial is affecting him.
Macaque is a canon theatre Nerd - so he's already listened to the musical multiple times, but he's uber excited to see the live performance (and secretly bond with his found fam). Is rocking out during "Ruthlessness" and "Done For" in particular, so much so that he's fidgeting and dancing within his seat. He also vibes with "No Longer You" as someone with powers of prophecy. Is really amazed how much Wukong gets into the musical, but in retrospect understands *why*. Him and Wukong accidentally share a glance during "Would You Fall In Love With Me Again" and it gets a little awkward afterwards.
Mei is similarly excited to see anything with her bestie, so she tried her best not hear/see any spoilers ("it's a centuries' old story Mei" "Ssssh!! Dont tell me!"). She was shooketh by how hard the muscial goes. "Keep Your Friends Close" is her fave based on beat alone. She gets delightedly scared and amazed by consistent horse imagery used with Posideon (shameless link to my fave Animatic of "Ruthlessness").
Tang loves himself some historical and mythological adaptations, and is estatic that MK has given him an excuse to go see one! He's not as familar with Hellenic mytholgy as he is with Hindu-Chinese, but he knows enough lore to make the pog-champ face at every foreshadowing/reference. "Warrior of the Mind" really gets to him as a song about valuing your smarts. He also feels really empathetic for Calypso.
Pigsy only went cus Tang begged him. He feels super lost by the deep Greek lore he's missing, but he can get Odysseus's whole thing with trying to get home - but he def identifies more with Eurylochus. "Luck Runs Out" proves this to him. Later on he feels that the second-in-command was justified in having the soldiers rebel against Odysseus after so many losses (who wouldn't after losing all their friends?). Audibly gasps at the end of "Just A Man" - cus who would just do that!? Is a little freaked out by Circe turning the Athenian's into pigs - Eurylochus is depicted as partly-transformed, played by a pig-demon actor who was in super convincing human makeup in the previous sagas. He also gets protective feelings by-proxy seeing Telemachus's situation since the prince reminds him of MK. Is surprised by how much he likes the musical!
Sandy feels betrayed. This isn't like Disney Hercules at all! He does really enjoy Polites message in "Open Arms" and the later moments when the hopeful soldier's outlook is proven correct. He's a little overwhelmed at points though - he get eerily quiet during Posideon's scenes. He sobs joyfully when Odysseus finally makes it home and reunites with his family! :')
Because of this really good animatic/almost child-like depiction of Aelous by gigi; I can def see "Keep Your Friends Close" being Nezha's fave. It reminds Nezha of when he was far more carefree + has a solid lesson on about trust/"forbidden fruit". He also enjoys the more march-like tune of "Survive". He does however, freeze when he listens to Posideon's songs "Ruthlessness" and "Get in the Water" - he has been on the bad end of a sea god before and is quietly shtting himself for Odysseus.
Red Son goes in feeling like he could have stayed at home listening to the musical on his phone while working on a car instead. He is however blown away by the heavy themes and performances, especially "Warrior of the Mind" and Telemachus's situation - a prince forced to grow up fatherless and protecting his mother from suitors due to his dad pissing off a higher power? Hello?? Accidentally shrieks "YES!!!" when Athena becomes Telemachus's mentor/friend after "Little Wolf".
Princess Iron Fan I could see loving any song including Penelope (she empathizes with the Queen's situation hard), but unexpectedly enjoys "Keep Your Friends Close" - she's a fellow Wind Goddess at her core. It also reminds her of her not-so-little-anymore nephew.
DBK on the flip side loves the heavier songs like "Polyphemus" and "Ruthlessness". This man is a Posedion apologist. He does feels bad for Odysseus by the end though - man just wants to get back to his wife and kid dammit!
Bonus: The Spider Gang are watching the bootleg and Spider Queen agrees with Circe's whole girlboss attitude especially "Puppeteer". Scorpion Queen is Calypso in "Not Sorry For Loving You".
This got a little away from me - hope you enjoy!
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
Why the “betrayal” in chapter 108 is so interesting to me (spoilers for chapter 108 + 110)
Another short terukane analysis, if you can even call it that. Posting at midnight again :3
So this section is started when the big clock is stopped, and akane + teru head to no. 1’s boundary to see whats going on. They see hanako frozen, bully him, yadayadayada not important
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Very very shortly after they get into the boundary, akane is approached by an owl. More specifically a “messenger”, which we can assume was sent by kako or mirai or some other clock keeper person.
the owl flies up to akane, lands on his arm, and tells him something. This “something” seems to shock akane. Well, less of shock factor more of unwant.
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He clearly does not want to comply with what the owl is asking of him/ordering him to do, but again, akane will complain, but when it comes down to it, he’ll do It. He seems somewhat distressed, but when teru is in frame with him his anxious expression disappears and is replaces with that of a content/not particularly happy nor sad nor anything face.
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Then we see him start to talk about the clock to teru, and mention something he needs to “ammend”.
Then, this godforsaken panel comes next
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Now that you understand whats going on i can break it down. we can generally assume this owl told him “stamp him for the trial” or smthn like that, but why would he be so distressed and uncomfortable with doing this?
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He visibly wants to fight back. He really really doesn’t wanna do this. But why? Maybe he doesn’t wanna lose teru’s trust again, maybe he just doesn’t wanna go through with the trial, but no matter what he wants, he goes through with it
if you know teru’s character, like really know his character, you’d know trust is like a big thing for this dude. And he trusts him completely. He trusts him in the place where his supernatural abilities are at their strongest. Akane told him to follow the bird, and he did it without question. Putting his back to him while they walked together, being extremely vulnerable in a place where akane (a supernatural aka his literal born enemy) is at his most powerful
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We cant see his face, so we dont know what he’s thinking, but quickly akane steps forward, and hits him with the mallet, and this panel is born
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This, along with the next two or three panels have alot so lets break these down even further.
for starters, akane knew teru well enough to know how he would react, and moved his hand (that was guarding his sword) away
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And teru’s face is very telling aswell. Ive never seen him make this face before its kinda funny. He looks as if someones just ripped something from him. He knew akane was behind him, but he didnt do this. Who did this to him. Wouldnt akane shout oh i dont know “hey pres watch out” or something?? Whats happening??
he turns and the one thing he was hoping wasn’t true, was true
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It WAS him. Teru’s had a record of responding to distressed moments by taking it out on other people via violence, feeling betrayed, he immediately turns to attack akane.
And akane hits him with the “forgive me president.” with the title for added sincerity, showing he really does care
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Teru not stopping after akane’s told him to multiples times, akane was forced to put him into an even more vulnerable position, this time, without room for withdrawl
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During the trial (chapter 110) alot of people were shitting on teru for not doing anything while akane was being beat up by tsukasa, but dudes in a restraint ofc he cant fucking do anything, he said it himself 😭
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Teru has always seen akane as human, and thats i think one of the things akane likes ab him. Even after literally being half supernatural and welding inhuman abilities, he still sees him as human. Snd therefore treats him like one. But this “betrayal” i feel like changed something for him. He refers to his as a “clock keeper” rather than “aoi” or any other name
(looking at him, signifying its directed at him too)
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Case and point, teru and akane trust and care for eachother (or at least used to) even if they dont say it :3
i feel like theres more but i cant think of anything. I also don’t even know what point i just made here so if u don’t understand, i dont either ur not alone
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gayometer · 1 year
Idk if u do yandere but can u do platonic yandere god’s reaction to Zeus’ child daughter ( 13 yrs old ) who is like rapunzel. Like in addition to her great adorable beauty she has absolutely gorgeous blonde hair which is like seventy feet long and can be used to heal, make ppl younger, and even revive ppl who has died in ragnarok. She also has beautiful singing voice that can soothe anyone who listens to it. And is overall very cheerful and optimistic. Also if u dont do yandere u can just make the gods just really fond of her.
Thank u!
The most protected angel
Fem! Reader
As Anon said it's PLATONIC (which should be said cause they're greek gods)
Also don't mind me putting in Tangled references everywhere
Warning: I don't condone this behavior, this is for entertainment for fictional characters. "Yandere" in real life is a SERIOUS problem if you have a problem with manipulation, gaslighting DNI this entire post.
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ZEUS who uses his position to scare off anyone who he doesn't approve of. Zeus engraves in your brain that humans will only use you, they don't care about you, they only want to use your powers for their own benefit.
HADES who takes it upon himself to show you how dangerous the human realm is, you're safer with your father. Hades takes it upon himself to "prove" that you're safer with them. You should only trust gods that you father approves of.
POSEIDON who will belittle any suitor who thinks they have a chance with you, being his youngest niece also means he will use that as an excuse as to why you can't do certain things and that you're too naïve to be on your own.
ADAMAS who will control his temper so he doesn't frighten you, he will leave you with either Hades or Zeus if he ever feels his temper going out of control.
APHRODITE who will give you anything you want when it comes to fashion, Aphrodite does your hair and makes sure you have the best clothes. To her you are the only goddess who is more beautiful then her, she makes sure you know that and will join in when Poseidon belittles any god or human who thinks they're worthy of your hand.
HERMES who makes it his mission to prove that Zeus is right, he might even team up with Hades to make sure you stay by their side. Hermes also makes sure you're eating well and that your hair isn't a mess, don't get him wrong he knows that Aphrodite is more then capable of taking care of your hair, but it's just so long and it's always dragging on the floor so let him check your brother is just a worry wart ok?
HERACLES who tries his best to keep your innocence, you're too kind and pure to be out there all alone. Don't get me wrong he loves humanity, but father knows best so listen to him.
ARES who just like Heracles will try his best to keep your innocence, especially about war, someone as kind and gentle as you shouldn't know about that.
LOKI who teams up with Hades and Hermes to "prove" that you're just naïve and can't trust others. Your father knows what's best for you and the others will make sure to always prove that Zeus is right.
THOR who takes his position as your "bodyguard" extremely seriously, he doesn't let any suitors get close to you.
ODIN who will take advantage that he's also a father, he'll tell you that you're too gullible to even leave any of the gods side. They all just want to take advantage of your abilities.
SHIVA who gaslights you saying you're not "in love" with that human, you just invented that whole "romance" thing. All you need is your father and the other gods, you don't need a partner.
BUDDHA who sees how naive you are and gullible you are, you shouldn't be out there all alone, Buddha is much more lenient but don't let that fool you, he's just as dangerous as your father.
ZERO who is your only playmate, he's basically your Pascaal, just much more protective and makes sure you don't leave the heavens.
BEELZEBUB who watches you from the cameras, courtesy of your father. Beelzebub tells Zeus everything that goes on, so be careful....he's always watching.
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memecucker · 6 months
ive mentioned this before but I think its funny how people use the word "carny" in pro-wrestling to mostly refer to like, huckster mentality promoters and "any publicity is good publicity" mentality bc like yeah that was absolutely part of actual carnival wrestling but what i think is interesting is how carny wrestling was this weird thing where yeah sometimes they would borrow people from the freak show and have a 500 pound man wrestling 4 little people alongside what was basically shoot fights and arguably something that should be mentioned in the history of combat sports
Bc the big way carnies made money through pro-wrestling matches was by enticing onlookers into entering a "beat the champ" challenge where they had to put up money to enter. This was basically a scam similar to pool hustling where the trick is that the mark (in both senses) is misled into thinking they'll be able to win the wager against someone that has been hiding their skill at the contest. Except instead of pool you had the carnie champ just barely beat planted challengers while they or the barker would goad attendees into stepping up and in particular you wanna focus on guy's that had a couple drinks and brought a date with them. At this point the pro-wrestler will then reveal their hidden powers and smash him because a trained fighter will almost always beat an untrained dude that just thinks he's tough and they had tactics that were geared against random civilians like yeah some guy off the street may be really strong but without training theyre gonna run out of breath pretty quickly.
But at the same time you could still get someone who was a legit high school or collegiate champion who happens to attend the carnival. Or sometimes the carnival happens to set up in an area where folk wrestling is an ingrained part of the local culture and a lot of people know how to fight making the contests a lot more real. Which was pretty important bc the way a carny wrestler was paid was they get a cut of the money people paid for the wrestling show but if they lost a fight that money will be used to pay the victorious civilian meaning that if you lost just one fight in a day you didnt get paid for all the work you did. And while the ref was in on it the fact that the scam factor is being heavily upped compared to normal promotion wrestling makes kayfabe much more important bc you dont want all the other losers to start demanding their money back so if a civilian pinned you while the ref is watching they have no choice but to count. But you could do stuff like concealing a nut shot or a bite as long as you legitimately hid it well enough from the crowd. Which meant that pro-wrestlers that cut their teeth on the old carny circuts like Harley Race developed a reputation for being pretty legitimate shooters but not like the way amateur wrestling champs were but in a street fighting type of sense because resorting to 'dirty tactics' like striking the nuts, eyes or throat or biting was an inherit part of how you made a living.
but yeah i just think its funny how carny wrestling was arguably the most "real" type of pro-wrestling but in a very unsportslike way
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blorbingqls · 9 months
"We accept the love we think we deserve" - seeing this quote in terms of love and control as subjects in Only Friends
With @tomatoland 's brilliant post on TopMew on the above quote here , i think that with 7 eps in, we have understood that love and control are very well linked with ephemerality as a subject.
As i have previously linked epheremality with control here, i would like to talk about how love also makes us lose control with the impermanence of life. This is a long overdue post for 4 eps now.
linking the ephemerality squad here so that you can also share your opinions on this @waitmyturtles @lurkingshan @slayerkitty @respectthepetty @ranchthoughts (anyone else i am missing, pls tag, i really appreciate it)
As Tomato (@tomatoland i hope you're okay with that nickname; i really tried to find a name on your blog for you) has referred in their post, Mew left his bubble of insecurities and got his heart broken. Completely legible and correct on his point. Top really loves Mew but now Mew has no reason to believe him anymore. With the play in their power dynamics, both of them loved each other and lost control of the way they wanted the relationship. Yes, if Top and Mew has stuck to their original plans - just reaching to the point of ideality and sex, then, this relationship should have ended after they got their goals. I dont think that sex was a goal for Mew as much as it was for Top, but, we can say it was in the secondary.
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But as they fell in love, they, especially Top understood how the love he received from Mew is so much more than he thought he deserves (taking into account his trauma and past experiences). So , even though Mew is projecting his hurt by doing things that literally are asshole-ish as fuck on his accord, Top is willing to let go all of that since even he knows he is in the wrong this time and he is willing to lose all control he has on his life - of fame, money and insecurities in order to have Mew back. Top is willing to be as obsessive as Mew said he would be in a relationship in order to get and accept the love he think he deserves from Mew, even if it won't be good.
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But, I also feel, the concept of love as explored in the series so far, not just runs along with TopMew because of the books, but also with all the remaining couples in the show. I won't discuss P'Yo and her partner, CheumApril in this segment, because I want more angles on this from the coming episodes in order to validate my point. But, I'll discuss this point with our other views on the couples: RayMew, TopBoston, SandRay, and BostonNick.
Now, RayMew is a pairing that is being enforced on the viewers for the past 3 episodes now and the last episode shows a pretty good view of how as characters, Mew and Ray view each other.
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For Ray, his love is unconditional for Mew because it correlates with that fact that Mew was the only reason who made him stay in this world - who made him believe that he deserves the love from his friends, the love which he didn't get from his parents or any potential partners. But potential partners were never in the scene because Mew was Ray's emergency contact. Their relationship runs deep and however much you may think, even if Ray thinks Mew's love for him could be more as a friend, he also believes that because as he is so damn shitty and a fucking burden to society, he can't ask for more from Mew for the sake of their friendship and his esteem. He keeps entertaining the idea of them as partners several times, but, until ep 7, Mew has never entertained the idea that his love for Ray will be any worthy of more than a friend. Because, Mew wants to continue making the boundary and keep the control, according to me.
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Now, as Mew has entertained the idea, i am interested how it pans out in the next episode (not very promising tho). just linking this out here because its so fucking interesting.
We will mainly take here Boston's viewpoint since Top gave up on this since the very beginning and became firm with it post ep 3. He gives no flying fucks about the possiblity of it. Top considers Boston to be a one night stand and a one night stand only.
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Boston, as has mentioned so many times, considers Top to be top tier; the person who gives him something as close to love because as an Machiavellian prince (refer here) Boston considers Top to be the only worthy competitor in his reign. And he really doesn't care if he hurt others feeling. Mind you, Boston has been the most truthful to himself, maybe not to others. And as a prince, his love speaks volume through keeping them in their reign because ultimately Boston wants power and control in his arena. That's the fucking politics of it. And Top is the only worthy contender who can damage his reign. Hence, he wants the top tier power as much as possible, and only Top can give him that. Him fucking off to America, that can easily happen through Top, because he is a very well known hotel chain owner/manager. So, Boston wants his loves, because he very well thinks he deserves it and he accepts it as much as he can. But, he also knows that for him, he can't make this love into a weakness, because that will be out of his control.
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Boston however, as Mew so incredibly pointed out, is gullible. Ray couldn't see through him, but, MEW FUCKING DID. That is why even though Boston didn't consider Mew as his competitor, he was fucking jealous of him because Mew got Top and was chosen over eventually by Top. Mew has the power that Boston didn't think he had, till now. And tbh, Mew is now winning the game, despite his insecurities with his relationship with Top.
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God, I have so many feeling for these babies. Where to start? Okay so, you know in second episode, Sand built that boundary with Ray regarding friends with benefits? Well, it has backfired on him. COMPLETELY.
As ep 8 preview says, I love how Sand realised the fact that they were never friends to begin with, for even to have made that boundary to make sense. Sand is a pathetic little man, as so many of you have pointed out, but, why is he the way he is?
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His incredible nature to be so caring of others around him has made him feel like its his responsibility to take care of everything. His mother, his business, his money and job, his style and even his fucking roommate. Now, Sand is so emotionally attached to this damsel in distress, pathetic burden to society (affectionate) Ray, that even before they became friends, he made Ray his responsibility. Sand has no right to ask for love from Ray, because they are not friends, lest friends with benefits to ask for any care towards himself. But he selfishly asks, for the first time.
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Because, as a person who keeps on taking care of others endlessly, it is harder for them to ask for the care and love they expect and deserve from whom they love while keeping their self esteem intact. And for Ray to completely shut him down at that time, and him still following Ray while he was drunk, makes him so much real because you feel responsible for that person. You are their emergency staff, even if they don't consider you to be.
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While Ray comes from another perspective itself. He initially wanted to know Sand more as a person, because he is a person who wanted to explore the life beyond what has been given to him. He is a spoilt brat, and when he realised that he can't buy Sand's love, he explored it with him.
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But because I think Ray believes that Sand will always be for him, even when he does asshole-ish behaviour (because thats where everyone leaves) he has taken Sand for granted. The backup option. Anything goes wrong with his ideal relationship, he can always go running back to Sand, because Sand has become his addiction.
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Apart from drugs and alcohol, Mew and Sand are the only people he can keep coming back to. For Mew, it is only at a cost. At some conditions, only for something personal. While maybe Ray wants explore that possibility with Sand, but he is afraid. He is afraid that Sand will go away. just as Mew did. A person who can only consider him a friend and nothing more. Even if he wants to explore that possibility with both of them, loving them at the same time, he can't make people his priority, because he doesn't know how to do that. Nor does he think he's worthy of it. So, he accepts whatever he thinks he deserves off Sand's love and care.
I am interested to see how it pans out for these idiots once his relationship with Mew falls out. I am concerned for Ray so much. Give him access to therapy and rehab soon pls. Sand and Ray's father I think are going in that direction, with this speculation by @prapaiwife.
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Now, our final pair has been the most interesting couple in this show so far. Why do I say that?
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Well, for Nick, Boston is one of the top-tier gays. As pointed out by Boston, he likes bad guys. And lets be honest, Boston, most dishonest, cunning bastard out there. So, Nick believes that he will be that gay who lands the top tier dick and fix this problem. Right?
Wrong. Nick very well knows this won't happen. Still he keeps hoping for more as Boston doesn't know how to not be a hypocrite as a prince. He keeps giving some here and there false hope through his actions, not words which makes Nick believe he's special, but he's not. He takes whatever love he thinks Boston gives him, despite him not being his number one, despite Boston cheats on him over and over again. He just wants whatever of love as actions that Boston can give to him because that proves wrong all of his low self esteem. So he accepts whatever he thinks he deserves because he can't ask for more in a bed friend relationship. With Boston's guard so up and his will to leave the country, Nick knows he can't do anything but try to make him stay. Even if that's a 99% chance of not happening. He tries because he doesn't want Boston to hate him. He only wants him to love him. Because for him, thats enough.
The sadness keeps on piling up for these outsider, hard working roommates, doesn't it?
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While, for Boston, he is nothing but a rebound from the angst of not getting Top. He wants a serious relationship, and maybe, he does look for it in Nick, maybe not, but he doesn't love Nick. He doesn't love Top either. For Boston, Nick is a toy he wanted to play with.
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Because he cares about his reign, his reputation. And, Nick realised that. Hence, Mew contacted him and Nick gave that information to Mew. They will bring Boston down together because Nick somewhere believes he can get him back.
But Nick babygirl, he doesn't love you bub. He doesn't. And, it hurts so much. Because Boston keeps on taking from you, whatever he deserves. And that is your care for him, for granted. He is a leech bub. He is.
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Now, how does it all link to ephemerality and control?
Well, love itself is impermanent. It doesn't stay.
The world knows this and still we chase it. And at an age as our characters, we chase love and freedom like anything. In order to gain control. We take up jobs, more courses to learn, experiment with love and relationships, with people because the time is ticking and people say now is the age. We break hearts and get it broken.
As P'Jojo says "This show is Hurt People Hurt People", tell me who hasn't been hurt by love, by control and by living at its time? And also by missing out each of these experiences because you were lonely with your own life and burdens?
We accept the hate and love the life gives us, because this is what we think we deserve out of this. And tbh, these feelings, are never permanent. They keep changing with time, and that's the only thing thats permanent.
Change is the only thing that remains permanent.
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space-owl · 1 year
Okay time to finally talk about the boiling isles/The Titan/Kings Dad!
And why I love him and hes been a character of the show the whole time.
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We first really "meet" the titan when Eda shows us the beauty of the boiling isles at the start of the show
Just a dead carcass, right? Thats how it seems at first but over the show we learn that the titan is magic! That the magic around Luz comes from the Titan! Now here is where the Titans character first really shines. He gives Luz the spell! And literally gives her a clue to make the connection!
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Now we think that this just happened randomly because she really listened to the nature. But since we now know that the Titan was actually there, seeing and listening to everything, this was a choice he made! Notice how Luz saw the light glyph in the sky after she spoke directly to the Titan.
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Luz: "youre supposed to teach me magic...."
And afterwards it starts to snow, revealing the glyph to Luz!
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Afterwards in more episodes, and especially in season two we learn that the habitants of the boiling islands worship the titan. The question of course is if they always did this in the first place or if Philip was the one who convinced them that the titan is some sort of god. I think they always kind of worshipped the titan since it was important for Philip to earn the islanders trust and so he used an already established deity that was wroshipped by the witches.
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Witch on screen: "he says he can talk to the Titan!"
Witches on the island constantly refer to the Titan like we do refer to god when we express worry or doubt or if we just wonder what is going on. ("Oh my Titan" "For Titans sake" "In the Titans name" etc)
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And those graffiti. Sure they were most likely added to be jokes. But those jokes only work because it is established before that the witches of the islands see the Titan as a god!
Also see how Eda and Lilith react when they find out King is a titan!
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Lilith: "I cant believe that all this time you had a titan under your roof! - GASP - Ive eaten ice cream with a god!"
The Titan didnt choose to be worshipped. But he chose to tell Luz the glyphs and how and where to find them. And he chose to not tell Philip about them!
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Philip: "Took years to find them. Almost as if the world wanted to hide them from me."
Another instance that showed or hinted at that the Titan was still there, alive and watching out for King was when the wind gently brushed the swing he was sitting on in "Clouds on the horizons"
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And - of course - something that got kinda overlooked by all of us, the GIGANT still beating heart in the throne room!
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But we also learn that Titans themselves were crazy powerful. So powerful that they were the only ones who were strong enough against the collectors powers! Their blood is literally the cause of Luz being able to cast magic in the first place! Because of them and well because of the boiling isles Titan things from the human world wash up there constantly. Because they create those rifts.
So what did we learn? We learnt that the Titan is a big being that was crazy powerful and was worshipped by the witches on the boling isles. We also learnt that he has sort of a character of his own and may or may not be still around.
And THEN..... we actually meet the guy!
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Basically in his pyjamas, what he is wearing is also basically merch from the show. The "bad girl coven" shirt and the glyph sweatpants. Thats something any nerd from the show would want to wear. He has a dad bod and the first thing he does is making a joke to Luz about himself. Yes he is wise and does give Luz a lot of advice and her crazy powers, showing that he is very powerful even when he is trapped in the inbetween. But he never considers himself better than Luz or anyone else on the isles. He is very down to earth!
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Also the reveal that they dont take gender that serious but is totally fine with the title "dad" cuz thats what King has been calling him the whole time. All while he chuckles!
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The Titan: "What? Have you been drinking Edas home brewed apple blood?"
When Luz presents them the idea that she "might just be as bad as Belos" he immediately asks her if shes serious about that in a joking manner.
And, of course, the cherry on top for all of this, is the one direct message they could send to their child. The only thing The Titan could EVER tell directly to King! And what is it?
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King: "... I loaf you...? I loaf you!"
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King: "... Oh hahaha! BREAD pun!"
Its a DAD joke! And King loves it!
I think none of us really knew who the Titan was and if hed ever show up ever on screen. (Honestly I myself thought its more likely that we would see Evylin and Caleb.) But whatever our idea from the Titan mightve been, Im sure no one of us thought it would be like this. The Titan turned out to be just some guy. Just a being that happend to slip into all of this mess. I think we can all learn from that that some things arent as big as they seem (literally.)
This reveal was awesome and I love that the show took this route with him.
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aj1dordinary · 7 months
GRWM to participate in a life or death brawl!
platonic!Johnny Cage x platonic!gen-z!reader; neutral!Kenshi Takahashi x neutral!reader; platonic!Raiden x platonic!reader; platonic!Kung Lao x platonic!reader; platonic!Lui Kang x platonic!reader
@one-green-frog @whore-of-many-hot-men xox
thank you guys for showing love to my very first piece! i look forward to providing you with as much content that i can pump out! now that i’ve essentially finished the general background info, I’m gonna try to follow the storyline as closely as possible while also developing the lore for !reader. bear with me pls! don't know about any relationships taking place, but that may change. anyway, enjoy! xox
“hey guys! welcome back to my channel! as you all know, johnny and i decided to take a little vacation in between some of his big projects. that doesn’t mean that you miss out on all the action though so here’s a quick little get ready with me in this rehab facility he checked us into!” you poke your tongue out and shoot a peace sign to the camera before turning it around and showing the beautiful scenery of the monk academy.
“y/n! check this shit out!” johnny wails, he began showing his improved skills by throwing punches at a wooden dummy and with an uppercut, knocked the head a good 5 yards away. 
you whistle and track the trajectory of the dummy head with your phone. you’d managed to ration out your battery life despite filming and posting an abundance of johnny’s new life of martial arts. 
johnny runs over after to see the video for himself and as you play it back for him, he notices someone looking on with great disdain. 
“kenshi, man! I’m telling you, if you wanna piece, all ya gotta do is ask.” he makes a show of it by flexing his arms and posing as if he was back on the red carpet. 
kenshi rolls his eyes and lets out a puff of air, “i dont want anything you have to offer, john.” he crossed his arms and turns his attention toward the other guys that lui kang recruited to be the power rangers of earthrealm. 
you learned that kung lao and raiden were their names. you had to stop johnny from getting himself cancelled as he tried to make references to Godzilla when the men clearly were not of that origin. but they were cool people, you’d have to make a mukbang with them one day for sure. you paused, realizing you were no better in terms of geography.
“oh really? not even sentō?” speaking of being an antagonistic asshole, johnny removed the sword from his back and waved it around, trying to perform swift and severe moves as a ninja would. he made it a goal to make the sounds as well. 
you just stood at the ready, phone already recording and the sound picking up the popping of bubblegum in the background. a week in and you traded in your black flats and pantsuit for the same training attire that the guys were wearing. you were by no means throwing any punches, but you’d be damned if you didn’t match for aesthetic purposes.
kenshi stopped in his tracks, “oh i think you done did it now, johnny baby…” you twirl a curl of hair between your fingers, lowkey focused more on the rippling muscles and raging testosterone that put itself on display for you.
“now, now. if there is gonna be a brawl of any sorts, its going to be the one that decides who our champion of earthrealm will be.” 
“ahhh, the all-knowing, all-powerful always has such perfect timing,” you coo. “what’s hopping kangaroo?” 
“ah, i’ve been managing the behind the scenes of the competition. making sure all is in order for whomever our champion will be.” he smiles genuinely before bowing before you out of kindness. you would be rude to not return it.
“which is totally going to be me.” kung lao says affirmatively before throwing his makeshift razor-hat. it passes just over your head before getting imbedding in the side of a building.
“watch were you throw that thing! you kill my assistant, you replace her!” johnny pokes at his shoulder.
“nice to know that you value and care for her…” raiden chips in. 
“word.” was all you said in agreement.
“right…” lui kang claps his hands together, looking over the lively bunch in front of him. part of you wonders if he was beginning to regret his choice in heroes.
“as I was saying, today is the day. whoever comes out victorious in the matches will be earthrealm’s champion and will go on to battle against outworld warriors to defend the title. we will start with johnny and kenshi.”
“y/n, watch me beat his ass real quick.” 
“best 2 out of 3?” you say as you join lui kang on the sidelines. he simply nods.
“round 1… fight!” you say before banging the gong.
“beat his ass, johnny! wooooo!” you jump and cheer from the sidelines. 
“finish me johnny cage~” a robotic voice chimed from your phone. the sideline goes silent before you mutter a quick “oops” to check what the fuck just happened. 
you’re accidentally livestreaming. the voice being someone who donated. well, gotta get paid someway. you turned the phone back on the action, watching as donors flooded the chat, saying how sexy johnny looked when he was fighting and the whole nine yards.
“chat thinks you’re so cool right now. don’t disappoint!”
and how could he? with a swift uppercut, kenshi called it quits for the first round while he regained his balance and strength. 
“you’re not done yet johnathan carlton!” you call. he runs over as you take a gatorade bottle and squeeze the contents into his mouth and a little bit on your hands before smacking the shit out of him. “you get out there and you finish it!” he nods without a word before bumping your fist. when he turns to get back in the ring, you deliver a swift slap to his ass for encouragement.
“does that actually help?” raiden comments. he wouldn’t lie, he was tickled by the nonchalant relationship you and Johnny exhibited.
“nah. he just has a really nice ass.” you say, body language unwavering.
it definitely wasn’t helping. he was getting his shit handed to him this round. so much so, he tagged you in.
“whyyyyy am I here! i’m so quitting after this!” you scream as you block many of kenshi’s attacks. johnny, who claims he is just taking a breather, now acted as cameraman as he and the chat giggled at your attempts to evade kenshi.
lui kang had a smirk on his face as he watched the growing potential in you. Despite your obvious fear, you were evading kenshi’s offensive moves quite diligently. He eventually spoke with the goal to guide you.
“compose yourself, y/n. you’re bouncing all over the place, use that momentum for something else.”
you were desperately running out of air from running around the ring, but you couldn’t let up or else kenshi would deploy his frustrations about johnny on you (mmmmm). despite your fear, you heard lui kang’s voice and man, does this god have a voice of reason. you had to obey. so you placed your trust in it and stopped before quickly ducking.
 In doing so, you felt a gust of wind fly over your head, surely a devastating blow from kenshi. you then turned and blindly threw a punch. surprisingly, you made contact, square in the middle of his chest. he gasped for air as the assault caused it all to exit his lungs and drop to his knees. he looked up at you with a fire burning in his eyes. you did not wait to continue and tagged johnny back in.
“now who’s the kangaroo?” lui kang smiled.
“you must think you’re so funny.” you respond, completely stale-faced.
johnny ended up losing the second round, before recovering and winning the final round. quickly though, he was thrust into battle with kung lao where he lost. 
“a brawl between old pals,” you start. “how you feeling kung fu panda?” you put the camera directly up to his eyebrows on a 0.5x setting, getting an insane shot of his forehead.
“first, you’re no better than johnny,” you gasp. “second, i’m feeling really confident.” he finishes. 
“and you ray ray?” you proceed to give him the same media coverage.
“i’ve been waiting for this day for a while.”
“oh he’s so gonna beat your ass”
and you should’ve bet money on it too as raiden came out victorious. 
“so these outworlders, they hot? mutated? what exactly should we be expecting God-Almighty?” johnny asks but not without you delivering a swift elbow to his side for his crudeness. 
“outworlders do have an enhanced strength compared to humans. some also have powers like me.” lui kang demonstrated with his possession of fire.
“so what’s raiden got that can go up against people like you.” kenshi spoke up, finally seeming over the bitterness of his loss earlier. 
“i am always prepared. raiden, i bestow upon you the element of lightning. i ensure that it will aid you tenaciously. i am certain earthrealm will remain in good hands with you.” He hands the amulet over and raiden immediately demonstrated his new abilities by electrocuting the shit out of some training dummies. 
“ok one, he just literally roasted the fuck outta y’all and two, can he charge my phone with this new ability.” 
“can you be serious for one moment?” kenshi grumbled.
“oh im sorry, i thought someone who’s ass i kicked earlier had something to say?” you retort.
he was ready to respond again, but lui kang redirected the conversation.
“it is time. we must depart. outworld is expecting us.” he begins to move his hands in the same circular motion as before and another portal beings to open up.
“y/n! y/n! Look!” johnny points as if he was kid asking his parent capture his performance.
“i got it johnny, damn! it’s not like this isn’t my whole ass job.” you roll you eyes as you break your slowly dying phone out again. before entering the portal, lui kang turned to you,
“i trust that you won’t be getting yourself in trouble?” he raised an eyebrow, his playful demeanor replaced with a serious one.
“don’t worry kangaroo, i’ll be doing the PR work for both johnny and i. count on me to clean up any mess these boys make. it’s all in the job description.”
his face screwed up in thought before he nodded.
“Let us show these outworlders what we are made of.” he led first through the portal.
I will update as much as I can but just know I am a college student with other commitments. bear with me!
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suffarustuffaru · 4 months
i need to share my very horrible idea to combine the reinhard/julius/otto/subaru boy drama into one julius-centric fic
ok so a little while ago ive made all kinds of ottojuli and reinjuli posts and while i havent finished all my major julisuba posts Yet i am quite fond of julisuba also and i think itd be incredibly funny if you just dumped all of these ships into one story. just go ALL IN on that boy drama!!!! go big or go home amirite!!!! the worlds WORST love trapezoid youve ever seen!!!!
this post is just me rambling fic ideas bc i sadly dont have time for Every Fic Idea and also i just. i just think itd be funny putting multiple ships with the same person in them into one fic. on a serious level its like mimicking real life relationships where sometimes people come and go and you have different dynamics with each person!! on another level i just think this is also very funny so!! here we go. under the cut:
anyway so my idea for this is that you know, julius of course meets reinhard when hes ten and reinhard is eight and then it alters julius's brain chemistry. at first he's in complete awe of reinhard. and then over time the shame starts setting in. that julius isnt as strong as reinhard. and the jealousy sets in a bit too, so julius's got this chip in his shoulder trying to carry his family's legacy and trying to carry the weight of knighthood to be as perfect as possible. to be as close to reinhard as he can. they meet again in their teens and julius shows reinhard the ropes of like basic knight stuff bc reinhard just joined the knights. and of course reinjuli become friends but julius has spent his whole life quietly watching reinhard from afar and now julius still has that distance with reinhard even as theyre supposedly friends now. reinhard is a God, you know? his powers and his leash from the kingdom and his family keep him distant and the two of them are ignoring that. classic homoerotic "do i want him or want to be him" friendship where both of you are too scared to get any closer for various reasons with a Twist (reinhard's very real monster complex that keeps getting validated bc Everyone Around Him thinks hes a monster).
anyway but then julius remembers that you know, shit between reinhard and him wont work out for many reasons, like reinhards family deciding to torment julius at various points in his life (heinkel, whos julius's boss, and reid, who went from julius's childhood idol to. you know.), and also reinhard needs to have kids because hes the sword saint, and also homophobia exists in rezero. and also even if those werent all obstacles julius still has his Complexes connected to reinhard and they got that distance between them so. no go. (repression gets in the way of relationships :((( )
also quick side note is that ex 4 happens and julius reinhard ferris go to vollachia and julius interrupts a meeting with vincent vollachia himself to go "I UNDERSTOOD THAT LITERARY REFERENCE YOU JUST MADE. THATS A REALLY GOOD REFERENCE I LIKED IT A LOT" bc hes a massive nerd and ig this is slightly-more-of-a-disaster-gay julius au so julius is like ............................. vincent was kinda cool for that.
AND THEN SUBARU CRASHES INTO JULIUS'S LIFE and julius is like seeing this guy who's also got a chip in his shoulder and then he insults the knights and says the knights are all depending on their dads (nepotism) and julius is like .......the chip in my shoulder was bad enough and also youre kinda like me fr. and you are clearly a fucking misguided kid so now i have to save your ass. i cant NOT save your ass. and reinhards like "julius and subaru nooo you dont have to do this :((((" and julius cant admit atm that hes also doing this to save subarus life so julius is just like "he disrespected the knights >:(((("
but yes we all know what happened there. julius saves subarus life. julius has to slice subarus throat in that one failed loop. they become friends across several timelines. they also homoerotically share souls, you know, typical bromance things, rivals to lovers except subarus the one going YOURE MY RIVAL and julius is like he is SUCH an upstart. hes really grown on me like a fungus but thats the appeal. and julius i think sees subaru as like a kindred spirit (or at least thats how i interpret julisuba) except subaru is like way more freer than julius is. same desire to prove yourself but subarus not restraining himself constantly like julius. its sometimes to the point of recklessness and general stupidity and what have you, but his boldness and bravery and determination and heart really is admirable.........................
yeah so anyway julius falls for ANOTHER guy again, you know how it is sometimes. the heart wants what it wants and julius is cursed to always have the worst meetings with his closest friends. and of course julius gets heartbroken bc wtf i have to kill my new friend :((( noo!!!! but in the finished loop its like. oh subaru...... hes really improved himself. hes grown so much already. hes kind of. inspirational really. idk how he does it. except subarus you know got that Mystery to him the same way reinhard does (theyre traumatized and Cant Take About It Normally so they just randomly lore drop what they can) and also subarus SUPER into emilia. and julius is like .................... well. subarus taken. haha. and reinhards. taken. fuck me. fuck. and like somethings going on with subaru and rem and emilia right. fuck. and subarus got his whole toxic masculinity / gender crisis..... and he doesnt know hes Bisexual yet...... man. what a loss for julius amirite haha.
and also subarus busy after arc 3........... and julius has no idea whats happening there but that seems Real serious :(( and julius's got other things to attend to so he hopes subaru reaches out to him eventually..... or that they cross paths again since subarus in the emilia camp and julius is in ana camp (and of course reinhard is in felt camp and like that was a whole debacle bc wtf. reinhard, u do know thatd be a big deal to our mutual friend felix?). so. julius pines from afar ONCE AGAIN HAHA.
(also of course subarus still attracted to reinhard here. its um. well julisuba can bond now over pining over reinhard but thats for later also!!)
anyway of course during arc 3 julius briefly runs into some gray haired merchant twink thats being dragged around by subaru bc ana camp rescued this guy from a cave somewhere??? and this new guy and subaru made a deal or whatever so he was just helping out in the background of the fight against sloth??
and whaddya know................ julius goes to drink at a bar bc you know he probably tastes wine for fun in his free time (hes definitely Fond of wine anyway iirc) and now hes Sad over the Ones That Got Away so. bar it is. and gray haired merchant twink is there!! no way. they start talking a bit casually while drinking you know and julius's taste is Unfortunately either the graceful ones (anastasia, because julius has great taste in women) or the cringe fail ones (all the twinks - except for felix - that julius keeps having the wildest first meetings with, because julius has slightly shit taste in men) so julius is like huh this otto guys kinda funny lol. endearing in a weird way!! and -
oops they both end up being a little. they make a little bit of a move on each other. bc they were drinking and got a Bit tipsy. ottos Also not over the one that got away (subaru) (again) and hey. the finest knight truly is. Fine. objectively fine. totally. so you know. things get a little out of hand, maybe they do a bit of cringe fail flirting hidden underneath five million layers of repression and the Horrors of Being Known but ultimately they both embarrass themselves somehow (read: how far they went with each other while under the influence is up to you) and agree to Never Speak of This Again bc oopsies they were both technically each other's first time being Straightforwardly Not Straight with another man. oops. anyway julius has to go back to his camp and otto fucking bolts but he bolts right into subaru and gets his ass dragged into sanctuary drama.
julius is totally not a little bit envious about that.................... about otto getting to accompany subaru to sanctuary... but dont worry julius!! youll get to make up for it later!! bc eventually arc 5 stuff happens. and julius is Glad to see reinhard and subaru again. even with all the Baggage. and subaru is of course Weird about julius but eventually subaru reassures julius after they both confide in each other about the astrea drama (theyre honorary astreas via being dragged into the astrea family mess). and subarus reassuring to julius in a whole new way okay. subaru, whos unrestrained and incapable of being on the down low about anything, and julius, whos always holding himself back with a gazillion layers of repression, starts learning to let go a bit...
but also juliotto meet again. its terribly awkward and they both agreed to never speak of their awkward encounters again. subaru is going ??? and reinhard is clueless. otto then also goes to save reinhard and felt from heinkel trying to take felt hostage, which was also terribly awkward but reinhard and felt are grateful about it (but lbr if reinhard and otto knew each other deeper reinhard would maybe be a little. Apprehensive. around otto while otto would be sympathetic with reinhard bc hes like male emilia). but then while otto manages not to get erased by gluttony....... julius gets erased. of course. which you know results in being forgotten by reinhard in julius's THIRD first meeting ever with reinhard. and subarus the only one who remembers him of course.
then arc 6 happens :,))))) and julius of course has to confront his ideas of knighthood, his identity, his self esteem, and who he is outside of His Name. and also julius gets his ass beat by reid. his childhood idol. who reinhard KNEW was a shitty person but never ever told julius (whether this is because reinhard wanted to spare julius's hero worship or because reinhard never got the chance to tell julius is hard to say lajdsf). but julius does get to triumphantly win in the end!! grow as a person!!! learn to undo a bit of that repression and not hold himself to impossible standards all the time!! hes growing still!!! hes finally solidified his friendships with people like subaru and emilia!! hes remaking his relationship with anastasia!! hes asserted himself, hes planning on going to meet reinhard again one day and duel him!! things are looking up even if its still bittersweet that he doesnt have his name back yet!! does this mean?? perhaps?? a HAPPY ENDING?? julius can have the two men (reinhard and subaru) he admires the most in his life?????? as friends???? or as boyfriends?????? slowburn mutual pining????????????????????????????????????????
and then comes. arc 8 otto. that piece of shit.
julius is very much someone who has to grapple with the weight of the expectations that people throw at him. and also reinhard is someone who May envy julius a bit, but there's also you know, joshua and subaru with the Explicit Envy and (past) resentment because theyre placing heavy expectations on julius!! theyre pointing blame at julius!! julius is trying to find himself outside of stuff like that, especially after arc 6, but he's still got stuff to work on you know? he still has duties to fulfill!! loyalty that he has to act on bc hes gotta help subaru and co in arc 8!! and then in comes otto.
otto is also someone with expectation placed on him, but its Different. ottos mostly a nobody and when hes Not a nobody, his reputation tends to be Derogatory. hes a menace. hes a bad luck charm. hes grappling with the fact that he has to keep being left behind - post-arc 5 bc he was injured, but also repeatedly during arcs 7 and 8 because hes too physically weak to be on the same playing field as emilia or garfiel or subaru on the battlefield. he feels Useless after placing his identity on the expectation that hes Dependable and Useful.
julius is a bit more on even ground with otto now that julius is. also mostly a nobody bc his name is still gone. and also julius had to deal with having that part of his identity crushed. julius tried to be useful over and over in arc 6 only to get his ass repeatedly curb stomped by reid in the beginning. he was a nobody. he wasnt dependable anymore. and also otto is that one guy he had a Passing Fling with over having The Ones Who Got Away and julius was still vaguely hopeful about maybe being pals at least but ottos brushed him off a bit since arc 5. theyre like each others secrets you know? and now otto doesnt know that shit - julius is the only one who Knows - and otto also hates julius's fucking guts now. over SUBARU. and julius has been through this whole rodeo clown circus with arc 3 subaru so this is an absolutely terrible ride through memory lane.
and this is julius's THIRD twink that hates him for terribly unfair reasons. julius is very tired and a bit heartbroken in this au trying to pretend it doesnt bother him. on one level it doesnt. bc ottos pathetic and clearly Overcompensating for Something. on another level it kinda does bc julius had a Thing going with otto. and otto is the complete opposite of julius. like hes different from the other guys julius has liked.
julisuba is about complimentary opposites - they appear Extremely Different at first glance but theyre very similar. theyre people who try to look and act bigger than they are, people who keep reaching to be The Best, to be Perfect, because theyre overcompensating. theyre worried their entire identity is only built off of trying to be bigger than the shadow that other people in their lives (like their families) cast. but they cant reach perfection. and julius is like subaru but if subaru tried to really make himself "refined" - if he tried to stop putting his heart on his sleeve all the time. reinsuba are very similar too. theyre very refined knights who try to keep themselves in check at all times while the weight of the world is on their shoulders. they cant have a hair out of place. except julius is like the "smaller" version of reinhard. julius is less powerful. its like comparing a human and a "god" - reinhard, whos untouchable. but its a double edged sword, because julius gets to be a normal person, because half the expectation placed on him is also purely from himself, while reinhard isnt. reinhard isnt Free. hes on a leash by the kingdom and his family. julius even gets his kind of "celebrity" status stolen from him via the loss of his name. hes truly kind of Normal now - julius is like if reinhard didnt have his crazy abilities and had a little more of a chance to be free.
otto? yeah otto is. very very far from all of that. hes so obviously imperfect that most of his reputation, when its brought up, is just him being known as a mess who's caused various forms of chaos everywhere he goes. either that or hes just. There. Invisible. very very average. and otto is someone who wants a nice comfortable life, someone who wants to fit in - julius and subaru arent Exactly like that, and while reinhard also wants to be normal, ottos the one who has more of an opportunity. but he doesnt. because otto Dooms Himself by being recklessly cutthroat. otto is like if subaru was just. More of an asshole, so ottojuli would just be a rather Extreme Challenge for julius to have to deal with HAH. and normally otto is someone who repays how people treat him - a very "you treat me like this, i'll treat you the same way in turn" kind of deal, except ottos developed a vendetta against julius and its basically like if subaru never let go of his arc 3 julius vendetta.
yes so anyway. etc etc stuff probably happens but i ran out of ideas lajdlfjasdf i just think combining ALL the boy drama and recontextualizing + adding to canon would be. batshit crazy. and terribly entertaining. im so sorry julius but i want to see you crack a bit under the pressure. reinjuli as a ship is like tragic gay yearning that never goes anywhere past being friends with quiet homoerotic tension, then julisuba is. you know. extreme rivals to lovers, starts out Rough but then ends up being super super sweet and theyre Trying their best underneath the self esteem issues. and then ottojuli is. toxic yaoi at its finest (pun intended). you get Every flavor of mlm possible!!
ok so you may be asking "ok what would you even name this fic then" and to that i say that this would be called To All the Boys I've Loved Before.
anyway i really wanna write this idea someday ill inform you guys (if youre reading this and are Interested) if it ever happens :< so. in conclusion this is just julius the entire time throughout all of these events:
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Hey love your stuff could you do mantis tigress viper po shen and tai lung x a camel spider reader that can manipulate wind.
Mantis,tigress,viper,po, shen and tai lung x camel spider reader who can manipulate wind
I'm glad u like my stuff!
Also here a reference image for those of you who didnt know what a camel spider is,bc I'm going to be honest I never what it was until now and I both love and hate it
Proof read-ish
My tumblr isnt lagging to much for once ☺️
Also ty for requesting some kfp villains 👹
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^camel spider
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Now I'm not sure how big camel spiders are but I assume they're possibly a bit bigger than a mantis so
Mantis is happy that someone is around his height
He finds you very menacing though,hes not going to lie about that
Hes actually surprised when you tell him your fangs arnt poisonous,they do still hurt but arnt venomous
This makes him feel abit better but hes still abit weary
You make for a good opponent,considering your size and everything it makes a fair fight for mantis
Your both really small,fast and talented so you make for a powerful duo.
You scare of quite abit of people,If you dislike this mantis will do his best to comfort you
The fact that you can manipulate and control wind is so fucking cool
If people thought you were a hard opponent to beat before,well they'd be in for a surprise
One time you managed to trip monkey with your wind manipulation,mantis found this hilarious,after making sure monkey was okay of course
Your a dangerous and menacing enemy and mantis is all for it
He likes cuddling you alot
He wonders if you can spin silk
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She has alot of respect for you
Despite being small you make a worthy opponent
Your also one of the only ones who's able to beat her
Shes impressed with how much raw strength you have despite being so small
Your wind manipulation plays into how easily your able to best her
She likes to train with you and push your limits
She wants to improve the both of you,pushing the limits of your powers and pushing herself beyond her own limits
If shes ever a little to hot she can feel a small breeze come her way
She likes picking you up and placing you on her shoulder
She'll never let mantis on her shoulder but she will absolutely let you
Should anyone ever threaten to step on you they're going to be stopped immediately
Tigress wont let disrespect like that slip past her
Shes also surprised your fangs dont hold any poison
She likes to softly pet your fuzz
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She loves your fuzz so much
She likes to slither around with you on her head
The fact that you can manipulate wind is so fascinating to her,your so small and yet you can controll such strong air currents
Shes weary of your fangs at first till you disclose that they arnt venomous
She dosnt find the fact that your a spider scary she loves it
She likes to spar with you every so often
You help her put the flowers she has on her head
She wonders what the world looks like from your pov
Shes incredibly sweet with you and softly pets you with her tail
She finds it adorable when you put your front legs up when you try to be menacing
She honestly finds you more cute then menacing(probally because shes a snake)
She likes to put little things on your head like acorn tops and small flowers so you can match her
If you let her dress you up she'll happily hold you up like a kid who just dressed up a cat
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Hes thinks your cool but finds you abit scary
Keep his distance from your fangs
He had a hard enough time beating mantis and you have wind powers?!
He dosnt spar with you to often(probally bc he knows his ass is gonna get kicked)
He likes picking you up and putting you on his shoulders or head
When you use your wind it can actually be pretty peaceful aslong as hes not getting flung around by it
He likes to softly brush you fuzz with a finger
Will try to handshake with each leg of yours
When sparing he trys to be as careful as possible
He trys to see things from pov
He trys to learn wind manipulation as well,let him have his fun
He likes to play with his action figures as you watch
He likes to ramble about the things he likes and just talk in general
He tries to make a tiny house or dummy for you,they either end up to big or to small but it's the thought that counts
He likes to learn about what you can and cant do as a spider
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Hes surprised how a little thing like you is so strong
He loves to spar with you and push your abilitys
He dosnt learn for a long time that your fangs arnt poisonous
Hes surprisingly careful with you,dont mention it though
He will sit you on his shoulder and will almost forget that your there
If anyone stares at him or you when you are he'll glare at them harshly
He makes sure your as respected as him
He sees you as his equal no matter your size
Hes fascinated by your wind powers and will constantly ask about it and try find out how far you can go with them
If you ever need help getting up somewhere he'll hold out his hand so he can help you get up
He's affection deprived so he dosnt know how to ask for it,he'll give subtly hints though
If hes annoyed with someone in the room theyll suddenly be escorted out by a sudden strong wind,how strange
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Tai lung
He has a tone of respect for you
He sees you as one of his worthy opponents
He loves sparing with you way to often
He finds you wind manipulation interesting and sometimes hes a tad bit envious of it
Needs reassurance sometimes of how great his is
He also likes to pet your fuzz
He asks you to watch or join him train
He likes to make accomplishments with you
Hes fascinated by the fact your fangs arnt venous and even thinks that you had your venom switched out for your powers 💀
He likes to put big things on your head just to watch you pull it off with an annoyed expression
When you hold your arms in the air he finds it funny and actually has a hard time believing it's a defense mechanism
Holds you close to him as a makeshift hug
He will try not to hit you with his tail
It can be hard though since your so tiny
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wasyago · 9 months
okay um
riptide spoilers for the recent episodes!!!
I dont usually write theories and stuff but i haven't really seen anyone talk about it (maybe i just missed it), and i need to get these thoughts written down because my mind is going a million miles per hour and its driving me crazy.
(Also i guess, disclaimer, im not a patron so the last ep i saw was 108, and i don't know any of the information shared in rolled.)
So. This team of strong pirates, Captain Widow, they're turning the Dread Queen into a lich, right? Like, that's the only logical solution i can think of. They're talking about the Dread Queen obtaining power over life and death, which is like the main lich thing - immortality and the ability to be both dead and alive at the same time. They're performing a long complicated ritual, which is also necessary to become a lich, and that ritual requires a lot of sacrifices and feeding energy and nutrients to the Dread Queen. (And, i apologize, all my knowledge about liches comes from Pointy Hat's videos, but i think they're pretty good to base a theory on).
From what i can recall and what i relistened to: no one knows anything about the Dread Queen, Shadowbeard has never talked about her, in the newspaper about the Lords she was just a silhouette, in the memory Jay got from the Black Sea all they said is that they needed to find her corpse in order to make someone a pirate lord (which clarifies nothing), Drey thought she and all the rest of the Pirate Lords were dead. From what we know about the Lords, Rose dissappeared in the hole in the sea accident. According to Lizzie's words, a couple years ago two more of the Pirate Lords went missing, which are the Dread Queen and our boy Hendrix (which we know is hiding in his pocket dimension). And then Shadowbeard was murdered by Ava in the Shadow Scull Masacre.
As we know from Zamia, the Dread Queen's crew didn't disappear but instead came to the black sea and took over an island. And because there's no contact with the outside world from the black sea, and because Navy freely allows pirates passage there, its fair that the world thought the Dread Queen was dead. And this lack of contact and no Navy activity is probably why the Dread Queen chose the Black Sea as a place for her lich ritual. No one will know about it and no one will interfere, no one will stop them from taking over an entire island and killing it's emperor and doing whatever dark magics they want.
Im not sure why they picked this island specifically. Whether its because of the Great Tree (tm) that is "the way of life and connects every corner of the island and gives it life" and probably has a lot of nutrients for the ritual in it. Or for any other reason, maybe it was just the first island they saw, maybe they just wanted a cool castle, maybe because it's the capital, i don't know but I'm sure there's a smart reason.
Gardeck The Scull Crusher aka the minotaur guy did say that their captain is blessed, and its the reason why death is temporary to them, which is one of the details that confuses me. Because first, who is he referring to, the Dread Queen or Captain Widow, both are technically captains. And second, if he is talking about Widow, then uhhh, how? If he's talking about the Dread Queen and if she is undergoing a lich ritual, (and becoming a lich would grant her the power to freely revive people), then how is she able to cast spells while in a cocoon and probably unconscious and probably not yet a lich?
Uhhh don't know how to end these things but that's all i got for now. Also HUGE respect to Grizzly for coming up with all this and connecting so many things and parallels. Because some of the information comes from as far back as episode 32, and its still relevant and accurate and comes up in the plot now, and oh my god.
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