#i dont wanna start drama just. like. just be cool about it. just like keep it in mind
2hoothoots · 2 years
heyy so since this apparently needs to be said: the Aquato family aren't white. if you're going to draw Raz (or any of the others) with more human skin tones, that's cool, go for it, but i'd just be mindful of how pale you're making them
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livinahey · 9 months
aaaaaastrobs-essions (jk) .・゜゜・
i'm back :)
if you struggling with low self esteem go to fire sun/earth mars/venus in angles (1h/4h/7h/10). They will cheer you up and remind you that you deserve fine things in life 💅✨🧚‍♀️ just dont fake your insecurities to them or theyll disgusted by you
speak of self esteem, someone that have their asteroid medusa (149) in your 2nd are the one that silently judge and mock you. the one that try to attack your self esteem. the one that underestimate you; and will start to think "whats cool about them?" if you get great achievement in life. EVEN think that you dont deserve that and it should be them because they think theyre way much better than you 😹😹 what a bitch. beware of them try to steal your great things as a result ‼️😒👹💥💥
asteroid nemesis (128) in house shows ab whats hurt you then you develop animosity/hatred to it, check the theme of the house
1h - hatred towards self identity, hatred towards how people see you, you can hate your looks :(
2h - hatred towards possessions. You may lacks of material possessions, feel less than others in that area and you hate it
3h - hatred towards sibling, neighbor
4h - hatred towards family
5h - hatred towards "spotlight", flings, drama, childlike spirit
6h - hatred towards coworker, health (you may feel youre less healthy than others)
7h - hatred towards partner (✋💀💀), partnership itself. you likely wanna do everything alone
8h - hatred towards mystery. you hate it when someone hides something from you, not clear ab something, keeping something from you, being secretive
9h - hatred towards um.... tw religions. sorry you probably hate particular beliefs. hatred towards travelling, inlaws are also possible
10h - hatred towards public image, fame. you can hate public figures, famous person 😹😹 (im laughing because yeah we all know public figure often are not what they show on the media aka theyre fake)
11h - hatred towards friend, hatred towards what you see on internet. can be indicator of someone that dont like to use social media, or you give hate speech/comments on social media
12h - hatred towards whats "out of reach"
cardinal moons are pure souls that surrounded by "darkness". they can easily influenced by negativity from their surrounding so they MUST, i say MUST to keep good ppl around them or....bye (aka they can turn themselves into the evil)
what's with sag venus and having interest in things that they shouldnt be interested to
taurus women have this fiery strong badass facade to them, while the men looks like cute puppy (and wise???) lmao (for sun moon mars)
mutable mercury in first decan (0°-9°) why are you like to lie for no reason. are prone to say what they dont really mean. go seek better hobbies!
some of leo sun men are gay but they hide it by having love relationship with women... that's very weird (and irritating) of you
undeveloped earth venus only falls for/want to dating popular goodlooking mf even if in personality wise theyre not that best and it can leads to unfulfilling relationship 💁‍♀️
talk ab earth venus, i see them always fall for fixed sign venus (no im not referring them fixed venus as bad one that i mentioned above)
developed earth venus? they dont need to be with someone to increase their status, they simply being the (true) great person they are 🤩 (they know how to and do get the good life by themselves!!)
what i like ab fire moon is theyre so passionate but sometimes it can be too passionate where it leads to them making unnecessary drama 😭😭
water suns are prone to being delusional 😹😹
air venus stop giving mixed signals
i cant help but think ab where sagittarius in your chart shows what's "wild", "crazy" about you. thats why pluto in sag generations being seen as scary bcs the power (pluto rules ab power) they have.... 😹😹
moon-neptune aspects 🤝 say something then regret it
libra big 6 placements 🤝 attract petty ppl (and then get attacked, being seen as bad one when they just want to defend/protect themselves :()
undeveloped fixed moon 🤝 being petty
pluto in earth house (2h/6h/10h) are the brat but loved lmao
aqua mars 🤝 makes ppl amazed
air sign jupiter give the vibes of unstoppable teenagers (in a good way). see blackpink lisa (aqua jupiter), nct jaemin (gemini jupiter), newjeans hanni (libra jupiter), or another air sign jupiter you know! 😉
saturn-sun aspect are prone to experience unexpected loss :(
there's nothing more i hate in synastry than squaring to venus aspect... bc i feel unwanted there 🧍‍♀️🪓
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enden-k · 3 months
Just wanted to hear other people opinion about what they thought of the new storyline for wuwa.
(If you are unfamiliar with the old/cbt1 storyline drama here's a reddit post that explains the whole thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/YBEuZ7jhC5)
Long story short I have been hearing people saying they prefer the old storyline when in reality the old story wasn't perfect. Sure it had good moments but it doesn't make up the fact the Rover was still being disrespected even after all the quests they have done for the people.
Considering the fact that Kuro games had 6 months to rework the whole story before their release date it make sense why the story is rushed both in the main story and Yinlin story. There were things that felt like they could've explained better and revise here and there but there were moments where I didn't enjoy the mainstream (Scar, Jiyan and the Battle of Jinzhou were my favorite parts).
My biggest issue about this whole conversation is that people keep bringing up Genshin and HSR storyline. Now there is nothing against these two stories as they are quite in their own way but what I hate about this comparison is that Hoyoverse has a total of 8 games (one of them being a dating sim) so they have alot of experience in making lore meanwhile Kuro Games only has a total of 3 games. This is unfair comparison if you ask me.
Another issue that I have is that most of the lore that Genshin and HSR that you want to know about isn't main story but from the side quests. These sides are so long and info dumping that many players just skip through everything or don't play the quest (Aranana quest is a prime example)
Now I don't know how true this is but as of right now Kuro Games are still working on all the bugs and issues that players are facing but they are still hiring writers to help with the story. If this is true we might have to wait for awhile for the story to be more clearer and better.
But that just my opinion I love the game I think the story could use some work but the game just got released two weeks ago so it hard to decide what will happen next and how the story goes.
i dont have anything to add bc i share the same thoughts as you. the story is a little weak but all the things considered you just mentioned, i have patience and hopes it gets better (since some ppl just looooove comparing hoyo and kuro; gnshn wasnt perfect either, inazuma was a mess before they had better writing for sumeru and i dont even wanna start with what the fuck ever was the luofu story but they COOKED w penacony and belobog). some sections like scar and the final battle was pretty cool
anw im tired of ppl comparing gnshn/hsr w wuwa too thats why i just dont bother reading those comments or replying
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
god the Omeagorverse is brilliant brilliant brilliant. so good so delicious so nutritious to me. thank you thank you thank you for sharing it. i am actively considering taking pen to paper to physically draw out the family tree and draw like hearts and smiley faces and stars around the vile nasty rot :)
MWAH even though i still think its embarrassing im glad people are enjoying it<3 and oh dont worry i have a family tree of like nearly 900 characters at this point. It Is Evil For Me.... It's Terminal,... ten pages of character explanations below the cut do NOT click unless u want to walk around in my lovecraftian mind palace (shed of dumb ideas and deviantart OCs)
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865 characters in what five months. God,
jae: hes maegor's firstborn with vis :3 maegor thinks he's lame and not good enough. jae is also oedipally insane about viserys because maegor was gross about it so he's got mommy issues about vis. he marries ceryse' niece as like an apology gift to the hightowers like sorry we did polygamy and disrespected you and inventented gay marriage sorry about that. he was also betrothed to aerea (shore up inheritance + appease rhaena) but viserra took aerea on the world's worst bachelorette party to valyria and only viserra returned alive :3. jae gots nutso after vis dies and starts bringing in boy youths as court favourites and maris kills him in a fit of rage due to his grossness and also maris has her own shit going on (lesbian drama, dw about it)
viserra: married into the lannisters to keep the iron throne's federal reserve in the clear and cos raising taxes spells real doom. she femdoms her husband and then kills him as a blood sacrifice to have kids (only death can pay for life). became regent for a while before house lannister kicked her out. marries into harrehal (lucamore the lusty is her hubby) kills him too. marries a couple more times, has a coupe kids, ends up trying to fly her dragon (vhagar btw) into the sun or moon or something. not 100% on her death yet.
daenys: oh poor baby girl. vis marries her into the starks to keep her safe from court + there was stark rebellion drama. has weird tension with her mother-in-law whos a bolton and her husband sucks too. she has 13 kids (9 make it to adulthood). daenys ends up killing maegor its a whole thing, hush hush. goes nutso after and she and vis die together codependently as one theyre the same person etcetc
aegon: jae's eldest, momma's boy. momma's special heir to the throne special boy. hates his twin brother aerion because aerion is daddy's favourite and jae obviously wishes aerion was heir instead. marries a lannister cousin and a velaryon who hate each other and it causes a succession crisis when he dies. he has a horrible emotionally and physically incestuous relationship with his sister helaena. aerion ends up kidnapping helaena and it causes a minor civil war where aegon and aerion both die RIP
aerion: jae's second, twin to aegon, daddy's specialist evil son. whats a little child endangerment between kids. kills the high septon when hes 14 cos the high septon was abusing helaena and gets exiled to essos at FOURTEEN cos he refused to admit why he did it (didnt wanna ruin helaena's reputation). he was just like lol #yolo he was cringe anyway. gets radicalised in essos cos why tf should cringe aegon get the throne when aerion is way cooler. kidnaps helaena but also in their minds its somewhat of a rescue cos everyone in westeros is weird about helaena. him and aegon die together :3 also he has a bastard with a martell bastard who does Rhoynish Restoration in essos with her three dragons she takes over volantis and burns the rot out of it at one point but thats not important. she's doing her own thing. ALSO HE CLAIMED BALERION that's also why he's so cunty about getting the throne he's like um you got vhagar the girl dragon and i got the cool old valyria dragon that granddaddy aegon rode so 🤨
helaena: helen of troy :3 she's one of grrms favourite historical girls; 6 year old who is breathtakingly gorgeous and everyone is weird about it. her cradle egg dragon is called urrax after the story of daeryssa and serwyn and also she befriended dreamfyre cos dreamfyre got depressed after rhaena died and started terrorising oldtown cos rhaelle was there. helaena did her horsegirl magic on dreamfyre and saved oldtown and so oldtown loves her. every man in the world wants to marry her but shes literally 13???? that does fucked up things to your psyche. has weird relationships with aegon and aerion due to them being her protectors and the only men growing up who werent weird about her but guess what babygirl. all feudal men are weird :3
daenerys: named after daenys which of course made the evil destiny stars align. she's basically the middle child so she's mostly ignored by both her parents. her dragon is called seafoam :3 she thinks both aegon and aerion are too neurotic to be king and she would be wayyy better. somewhat worships maegor cos he didnt gaf about primogeniture. gets married off to corlys velaryon (he still exists here) but she doesn't mind to much cos she likes exploring essos with corlys. best friends with aegon's velaryon wife and HATES the lannister wife soooo much. after aegon dies, viserys takes the throne which makes her sooooo fucking mad but she gets to be hand of the king with corlys. after viserys dies she and corlys swoop in and do the westerosi regency era until her grand-nephew comes of age. absentee mother because she's too busy girlbossing her way through the red keep
viserys: babyboy you were never gonna be normal with a name like that. jae is weird about him cos viserys looks exactly like his namesake he's also soft and likes non-reptillian animals and being nice to people which is not very targaryen of him. jae has him trained by his kingsguard to beat the pussy out of him but it just makes vis an even sadder kitten. has clinical depression (diagnosed at 5 years old) so cant even get angry and rage and blow up the red keep like he wishes he could. forced to marry aerion's spurned betrothed who's their distant cousin alyssa arryn (half targ herself, i had vaella survive and marry rodrik similar to daella). alyssa is crazygirl she gets radicalised by a red priestess from asshai 😈 they agree to have a sexless unconssumated marriage though. viserys gets voted king after aerion and aegon die (aegon's kids and wives have their own drama going on so a council is necessary) and he's like what if i just kill myself but he's got a slightly evil kingsguard boyfriend whos like nooo dont kill urself youre so powerful now ahaha. pretty okay king, basically lets daenerys rule cos he's too busy being depressed and wanting to khs :( poor baby. anyway alyssa hears a prophecy about TPTWP and AA and goes megacuckoo and does blood magic to have kids and that's its whole drama dw about it. he does end up getting to kill himself though good for him 😭
maegelle: poor baby. gets married off to the hightowers at FOURTEEN cos jae thinks she's weird and autistic and needs her outta the red keep. he's like dont u wanna be lady of the hightower? its so big!! and shes like no because my special interest is religion and prophetic dragon dreams. she weirds him out too much with her prophesies of his death etc. ends up achieving religious euphoria ecstasy etc after getting visions and doing some miracles and abandons her husband and daughters to live in a convent. she doesnt realise she's just trying to escape the cycle of targ torment the only way she knows how :(
anyway thats just like 9 of my guys i invented. i mostly do this so i have something for my brain to think about when im trying to go to sleep but The Thoughts are tormenting me. can you tell im a little funny in the brain. anyway if u made it this far i love u i love u i love u♡
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 2 ] [ INVESTIGATIONS....START!!!]
( Plaintext: My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 2 ] [ Investigations....start!!!] )
Habit is pretty new around here, but if he can't find a single friend then God help him he is going to make the ghost in the bathroom who may-or-may not-exist-but-hopefully-its-a-may-- his friend. Now if only he had any idea where to start?!?!
Well, she's fading in relevance, but some rumors still stick- that is atleast a place to start with.....
( Wanna clarify this is NOT actually drama he's going there for though, that's just what the majority of the place harbours. I guess this particular use is like...more of...Information-Hole??)
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[ GIF description: Pinkie Pie from MLP FIM uses a attached slide and somehow slides up and out of an underground lair where she prepares for parties with a variety of party items and folders on everyone's likes and dislikes. End GIF description]
That's right. You heard me, bozo. Habit has a secret underground cave under the angel statue at the forefront of his school full of folders on every single person only used for the V.V.V. Important Purposes Vital For Survival. Such as catty gossip that can be used against you later. He hasn't really told Kamal about it truthfully because he'd never let that fly HQKJSJSK
But sometimes when they're talking after being out of their respective schools he TRIES anyway. Getting really close and whispering conspirationally.
'' So I heared his moms gettin' die-vorced...''
( habitspeak translation: So I heard his moms gettin' divorced...)
Sorry guys, Kamal is also trying, but just to keep his cool. The times when he does tolerate enough to give some gossiping ground. Still though, brotato, personal space.....😳😖( blushing emoji and closed-eye agitated emoji )
HOWEVER. He simply won't entertain the idea of this fanciful ghost-hunt his friends picked up and the associated taperecorded interviews, derelict dental records(???), old newspapers, photographs, impromptu questioning around the neighbourhood, bake sales for means to obtain said-newspapers, urban legend discussion printouts, breaking n entering into school offices at 3 AM ... Holy DUCKNUGGETS. Chill out big time, saaley. Don't fuck around and find out with what we don't know, yeah? He's mildly superstitious( despite liking to think himself more rational than that) so he's really uncomfortable with Habit mentioning it.
>POV: your just the janitor in the basement to grab your dust pan but Habit is Happening
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[ ID: Meme of a guy with a vast number of papers and red tape stuck together on the wall like a stereotypical conspiracy theorist. He is explaining them raptly with wildly serious looking eyes. End ID]
So, um. Habit gets more huffy around him about that But he Keeps Going Anyway. And getting into more trouble with everyone as usual.
Guys, I NEED you to know I'm TOTALLY imagining a musical sequence where Habit's going through his All Saints High school and EVERYONE'S LIKE....
[ Video Thumbnail ID: A painterly style illustration of the three musicians performing " We Don't Talk About Bruno...But It's Cursed" in the style of the Madrigal family members, but ominously done in glowing greens and bright reds. The title text is in the same colors and has a roughened look. Their eyes all glow green and the man in the middle has rats on him in an imitation of Camilo Madrigal. All of them are posed like they're telling a sinister story, clawing their hands and grinning in an unhinged manner. End ID]
( plaintext: "We don't talk about Martha" )
Of COURSE it would not be like, the exact same bcuz different context. But just the general vibe of someone's real self faded into increasingly contrived stories, the implication that meeting with this person is a portent of bad luck, danger and possibly death itself and an enforced silence on events. And the protagonist wanting to unveil the truth.
Oh and! I particularly took a Catholic school for Habit to go to( it wasn't his choice, Father sent him off ) because of that one line he drops in a PSA " hate the sin love the sinner" I think, which I've most frequently heard around(not personally) as like. An anti LGBT sentiment from Christians. It was jarring to hear in the game, but worked to effect. And also Martha and Habit's story sprung from this one particular song that was sent to me, plus Catholic schools are some of the largest spread in the US, admitting non Catholic students as well. His own family would probably follow a different Russian Orthodox tradition though.
Well, what's happening on the B side?
Martha is quite, quite highly amused.
( Also perhaps holding an little flicker of hope, cuz it's like. People who do not fully believe in her cannot see her no-matter-what,
as she found out when she was newly-awakened and tried to go about school as usual
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[ Gif description : An animated sequence from the Katawa Shoujo visual novel where Hanako looks on in confusion while students zip past her impossibly fast, their faces and figures blurring. Only one other person stands without moving. It generally represents the feeling of the world leaving Hanako behind. End ID]
<Yup. Kinda traumatizing. Stuff like this is why she prefers to stay stall-confined self-exiled most of the time.>
and also she has to reveal herself voluntarily. She's not shown herself, but he clearly does believe....)
She's like " Woah. DOLLY : O (open mouth emote)" HSJDJDJ A big, walking, talking one. Which he is. It just particularly endears her because she used to have a hobby of collecting them, finding out about their histories and stuff. When she was alive she eventually stopped talking about it because some people would find it embarrassing. Still carries that shame, but hey, there's no soul around to see right now.
Follows him around sometimes, even. Walking in front, clutching the walls above, at his shoulder.
Judgementally spectating him getting into another fight come-to-blows by virtue of his incredibly short-fuse especially with assholes( Hes uh. Stressed. To say the least.) . Only she likes to pretend he's actually following her by walking in front of him all-proud by vaguely predicting which direction he's taking. Actually he doesn't even see her there, but that just reduces any pesky possible arguements, right? Playing pretend is so much better. Few regrets. Like how he has to usually stitch his wounds up himself 'cause skin-bandages feel gross on the fur and don't do much. She could probably do that for him, and better!!! Without all the shaking and sniffling.
That is of course all a big IF. Habit's skyrocketed to the exact sort of notoriety she has spent so many years averting for herself, in like, record time. In a strange turn of events--- this kind of reputation making it hard for him to keep n' make new friends who don't slip through his paws like wilted petals-- has led him to.....someone who would under more non-time displaced circumstances...would NEVER be his friend. No matter how much she both admires and envies his loudly bold, curious and creative side coming through in times like how he touts around and takes apart the one Mecha Jesus Transformer ( from Kamal) with a whole backstory he's made up with his, apparently one friend, now. Or when he refuses to follow taken-for-granted rules without reason( like she couldn't bring herself to). But now, there's no one around to see......
Still, old habits die hard. Even when you're already dead in the ground. So she hesitates...and hesitates some more. Teetering on the edge of an afterlife-changing desicion.
But once...
It's just a regular bathroom visit. Open the door, check for other people, run inside. Regular running away from everyone, letting perenially red eyes run redder when for all the high-achieving to not make anyone mad still the teachers didn't know what to make of him. Running over chipped molars in the mirror-reflection for far too long, the usual. Nothing out of the ordinary, not the cursing God, not the attempts in the stall to muffle his noise lest passing janitors hear, not the barely contained scream, not in-the-end when it all thankfully stops and he slumps down on the closed seat, exhausted.
And then he says something. New.
"I wish ..someone would miss me if I was gone."
Unfortunately this time Habit can't contain the part-excited and part-terrified scream hoarsely ripping from him when all his researching becomes reality.
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[ Gif description: Animated cutscene from the Faith games in its signature usually colored-outline, black fill-in, rotoscoped cutscenes. Amy Martin rises up from the edge of the beds end, hands first and then up to her head covered by long hair. There's a slight glitching distortion. End description]
( Plaintext: She Is Here.)
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baizhuo · 1 year
alright, because i think this really DID NOT need to be publicized at all because it was a personal and PRIVATE qualm and issue, i'm gonna be 100% real and honest with y'all.
the user @/wiindscng is a controlling little bitch ( sorry ) individual that wants me to stop using the penname 'ghost' because i 'took' it from an ex mutual of mine and they dont wanna 'come back' because im using it.
as i have explained before: yes i had an ex friend named ghost. and it was unfortunate that we arent friends, and out of decency i didn't use the name but after a while i decided that... fuck it. NOBODY controls a fucking penname and alias. I have WANTED to use the name for a really long time because, as i have said..... i tend to GHOST people. ( albeit unintentionally and i always come back but it happens )
also, i will say that i do, in fact HAVE PROOF of this conversation because despite her not listening to me about how i dont like phone calls, she wanted a phone call. Because i am aware of her manipulative and victimising behaviour i HAD to fucking record it because i knew she was going to twist something. I didn't do it out of malice, i was just done and tired of her fucking bullshit. I also had Finn ( aka @legendsung ) listen in on the conversation because of how batshit crazy her requests would most likely be.
I WILL be transcribing that ENTIRE phone call from start to finish just to PROVE AND SHOW EXACTLY what went on and to show how her asking for something that neither I nor her can control is absolutely UNREASONABLE.
im sorry but im kind of over her petty bullshit as well. yes, this IS drama. i am saying that right now, im being wholly honest with you guys. but im also done with her disrespecting me.
to whomever the anons are, please stop sending me stuff, please stop hovering her blog. I have told her that i cannot control who goes on her blog and who tells me shit, but she also believes that im stalking and harrassing her. im not. but i've also stopped caring to keep this private.
she wants to air out our dirty laundry, then fine, absolutely FINE. but i will also say this, im over her treating me like shit and her being an ACEPHOBIC and ABELIST piece of shit.
She also apparently thinks that its not okay????? for me to hyperfocus and talk to only specific people and that i HAVE to validate her. ( well had to at this point. )
i have so much more to say about this, but tbh, again, this is all drama. i'm over it, this is just me airing everything out.
feel free to read THIS explanation if you want to understand some of the depth and breadth of what is going on. Fair warning this is VERY long and only SCRAPES the tip of the iceberg.
if you wanna keep in touch with me, feel free to ask for the discord, otherwise, if you can find my other blogs, then cool. have at it. if you dont you want anything to do with me, thats fine too.
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signedeclipse · 2 years
So I made another KNY OC and she is a part of the Rengoku family. I'm simple so I googled japanese girl names associated with fire, so her name is Rengoku Homura and she and Mitsuri were Rengoku's only tsuguko's. She isn't as strong as Mitsuri, but she makes up for it with speed. She also has the appearance of their mom but got the same hairstyle.
I thought about it, and I feel like after her mom passes away, and I don't think Shinjuro, the father, would acknowledge her at all. He took the death very hard, so I feel like to cope, along with the drinking, He would ignore her to the point that if it weren't for her brother's, she'd feel like she wasn't there 😭
So anyway, the story happens after the Mugen Train Arc. She was on the mission with them and the stuff was tough. After Tanjiro comes and stirs drama at the house, the dad would actually move to make space for her in the hallway and even looks at her. It's small, but it would be a start
It's probably a stupid idea, but after not sleeping for 48 hours, THE IDEA SOUNDS SAD BUT FLUFFY AND COOL TO ME
Anyways, I'll take my sleep deprived ass and go to bed 💀
I read this a looong time ago but never got around to responding!! Thanks so much for being patient with me, Morgan <3
I always love hearing your ideas, especially OCs because god I just have so many and love to hear what others get up to. KNY OCs especially tend to be so unique!
I love slow burn, but not necessarily romance? Like seeing all the relationships around a character shift as they would in real time, which the development with her father Shinjuro seems to really support!
I can't wait to see more of this character, please keep me updated! And dont be afraid to PM me too 🥰
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ble-ed-mo-re · 2 years
PLEEEEEASE TELL ME ABT UR KIDSWAP AU!! tess looks so cool... they all do actually!! are their classpects swapped at all? also, what pronouns they be all up n usin? 0retty much just spare any details mew have on them atm, if u dont mind none :33!!
:D!!! ill start w the beta kids bc theyre the only ones posted so far and i dont wanna spoil anything for the other characters until im done
vika is the prince of light as she is a very destructive person. she does eventually get over her edgy 4chan phase but not without getting her ass beat. she uses she/her pronouns but finds when people use it/its pronouns for her funny. she is youre average chronically online teen in the early and late 2000s. everyone at school thinks shes super weird and cringy due to solely talking about online drama. was there for the beginnings of christory. shes autistic and says shes “not like those retards” even though she absolutely is like them
kali is the mage of space. she is almost like your average goth girl at school, only that she isnt really goth. but she tries to be. she is obsessed with vampires, witches, werewolves- any type of popular mythical creatures. she has a passion for old school literature. rumours at her school about her is that shes a real life vampire due to her vampiristic tendencies. (drinking her own blood, and drinking the blood of animals.) she is the secret writer of my immortal, or so she claims. strictly uses she/her and will curse anyone who misgenders her
tess is the rouge of mind. she dropped out of school due to [redacted] and not having sort of support for her blindness. shes youtube famous as she posts videos of herself doing sick skateboard tricks and doing stupid dares. she lives life on the edge and has almost gotten herself killed numerous times. shes almost constantly in a manic state of mind, thinking that nothing could ever kill her and that she is safe from everything and anything. her “friends” in real life encourage her dangerous behaviours and delusions. she mainly uses she/her but honestly doesnt care what people call her
koda is the page of blood. he is a firm hater of bugs. which is ironic considering the fact that he lives outdoors. he lives on a island closer to the north rather than south. he is a notorious furry artist and lolcow, as his rage episodes are extremely funny to look at. he lives on furry sites and forums online. he is a little hater at heart. he absolutely hates being compared to the brother bear movie and will explode at people you do that. he uses he/him but later on starts to question everything
vika and kali met when vika attempted to troll kali on one of her cringy fanfics. it resulted in kali emailing vika all of her private information and a picture of her house. vika was instantly in love
kali and koda met when kali commissioned him for a drawing of a gay werewolf and vampire art piece. theyve stayed in contact due to their shared love of werewolves
tess met vika when vika also attempted to troll her. tess started to mess with her back, which ended up with vika getting angry and getting labeled as a lolcow. tess hasnt left her alone since
koda and tess met on a online chat forum about homeschooling advice and how to self teach yourself basic skills in life. they ended up exchanging emails, and eventually chumhandles. koda developed a little crush on her, and theyve been friends ever since
vika and koda met when on one of vikas anonymous accounts, she commissioned art of her secret fursona. koda doesnt know about vikas trolling and posts on various drama sites such as kiwifarms and lolcow. she hasnt posted any of his stuff on the sites and doesnt plan on it
kali and tess met through their shared “hate” of vika. kali gives tess all of vikas accounts that shes ever made (not including her anonymous one) to make sure tess keeps bothering her.
if u have any more questions feel free to ask!
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
heyup its anon back from that hell we call life and im just here to ask one very important question i have been stuck on for a while now: what is a good valentines day gift that isnt flowers (horrifyingly expensive) or chocolate (i just dont like them) ? answer however the hell you like man i ran out of people to ask
and yeaaaaah your reply to my prev ask totally reminded me why i dont care too much about the ak community actually its cos i dont wanna be in drama (unlike in genshin)
oh and get this, i was rushing lantern rite the other day (did it in 3 hours hehe) and using my nonexistent primos i won my 50/50 and got the big booba man like hell yeah now all i have left is kaveh (my beloved) and yes. maybe i will go back to genshin. if you play in asia i can drop my uid but im pretty sure ur a north america kinda person so like probs not
anyways didnt answer ur prev prev reply to one of my asks but like yeah they shlda made more people darker skinned in sumeru :/ kinda iffy that they aint ykyk like i live in southeast asia and my skins still darker than everyone in the cast lmao (okay maybe not everyone id say im on par w xinyan?) and it suuuuuuuucks but oh well mhy is just (insert thumbs down) anyways hope ur doing well lol u can throw in updates abt ur ocs too i havent had time to be on tumblr much lately thankiessssss
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do NOT apologize lmao i love talking
imo, the best valentine's gift is one that's not too extravagant but a little personal. gift card to a store/place they like or somethin'. maybe i'm broke but i don't really do v-day even tho i'm in a relationship LMAO
i don't mind the ak community very much in terms of seeing cool gameplay and a lot of the few people who interpret lore and the few other fanfic authors in english floating out there that i've seen have been really cool and i do try to encourage other creators in the space. there are some exceptions as some things/tropes/opinions piss me off but i try to keep it posi.
i do play in NA on genshin and english global on ak :( but grats on the autism man, the superhero we needed AND wanted. my partner played genshin for a bit before i did and they sent me a picture of xinyan and went ash this looks like you. they aint fuckig wrong. colorism won today
as for ocs! i've been thinking about audie a normal amount* lately. i scribbled some stuff with him and encio and gnosis but lost it when my computer crashed :( there's some stuff i posted in my tag for him tho (which is "oc: audie") about them and their games of chess.
shealtiel DOES do this but he doesnt know why. me instigating a fight because the andoain is hot and i want him on me. also, i think that when he converses with andoain on the trail- because andoain knows he's being followed and just lets shealtiel do it and sometimes tries to chat with him, persuade him to stop being so furious- if andoain starts annoying him he turns off his hearing aids and leaves. turning off my hearing aids i don't want to hear you anymore. andoain has to live with knowing that shealtiel can put him on mute. shealtiel hopes it makes him fucking writhe.
0 notes
wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Dear future me
Send me one "Dear---" and I'll write a letter to this person
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"Future me, huh?"
Wasn't that an interesting one? What would she even be like, in the future? How far into the future? Five, no ten years? She's never been one for outrageous ambitions--always felt like the next day should come as it does. No real plans, no nothin'. Let the flow come to you.
Maybe a year would be nice. Or two--yeah, lets do two years.
That's not too far off. A lot can change in two years. She should be married by then, right? She'd be in her own happily ever after.
Tapped the pen onto paper. She wouldn't try to write properly to start out with this time. No reason to--who the hell's gonna see it, anyway?
dear +2 yrs carol
suuuuuuup dude. its the coolest cat from way back here to check in on how youre doin. must be livin pretty, right? must be in like a super cool mansion with sony and must be swimmin in gold gems all day LOL. invite me sometime yo! id love to swim in all that cash~
okay but seriously, how are things? incase you dont remember writin this bravo sierra then here's a little reminder. this is before we say anythin to sony, just got done talkin to tangle. you still keep up with her, right? damn i hope you do, she's probably the coolest girl we've met on these dumb gemerald travels, besides asagi.
Shit, that wasn't a name she thought about in a while. Still trying to figure out the gem back then. She swore she got... something out of it, it got more consistent at one point. Consistent enough that she could visit people like Asagi all the time.
Then, she lost the mojo, somehow. Felt like it shifted. She could use it for short distances, but what was the point if she could just use her bike instead? Hell, now she can't even do that anymore.
But, the recent developments seemed hopefuly, at least. If she really could use it like this, to hop between her friends like a ping-pong ball then...
It made her want to train with it more. It made her happy. She could see her friends, for real this time.
...She'd really hope she'd keep up with them all. And... she would, right? She's seen so many people come and go...
speakin of, you keep up with everyone else, too? jet, bapho, dan--that weird bird girl seemed interestin', too. iunt remember her name if she told me. just has some weird marital probs. lmao cant say we cant relate right?
well. YOU probably cant. everythin must be perfect with him now. shit i bet you guys are thinkin of kids too right? i really hope not i dont wanna deal with kids theyre AWFUL. please future c. im beggin you dont get kids DONT GET KIDS
sony's okay too, right? we treatin' em better? no more drama bullshit right?
and lilac! hows she??? did she ever come back??? like she totally did right shes chillin with me and sony again
She scribbled out the last line.
she totally did right shes prolly like a world famous runner right. i bet theyd have to ban her from all of the competitions LOL. LIKE I BET SHE'D ENTER AND THE GUARDS OR WHATEVER WOULD BE LIKE ''LMAO SORRY DRAGON GIRL YOURE TOO FAST''
She snickered. Why did it feel like she wanted to tear up? That didn't make sense.
anyway keep up the good work, me! becareful tho we're in for another world invasion if timing suits us right lmaaaao.
Paused for a moment.
Nobody would ever see this, right?
so how did talking to lilac go. she put us down hard didnt she, right? like how i figured. for as much as i wanna call her flaming id never do it to her face. we're sisters to her. she'd never see us in that kind of light.
this isnt a bad thing or anything lmao i
Nobody would ever see this.
She scribbled out the last line.
it hurt, right? thats what im expecting it to feel like. she'll comfort us or whatever but there's gonna be some sort of painful closure we get outta that. she's always there for us, she'd help us through this too. i can say that for sure because i know how this girl is. always helping other people. little miss heropants
A somber smile formed.
itll be nice to get that closure, though. im excited for it. especially after everything that happened so far. finally be at peace with the whole thing, keep her as our bestie, then focus solely on sonar. thats the best case scenario here.
regret not saying anything sooner, about all of this. i know i gotta keep with my ''everythin happens for a reason'' motto but damn it i fuckin hate havin regrets. like if i told lilac sooner she couldve rejected me sooner and i wouldnt have these will they wont they feelings about it all.
sure, whatever, i love her. i admit it tenfold now. but i KNOW in my heart that i love sony more. if i gave up ''my boy'' like that i think id ki--
id be fucked up about it for a long ass time. worst mistake of my life
swhy i want them both, on some level. and like i CAN have them both i just gotta keep lilac as my friend and sonar as my husband.
but the
She paused. What the hell was the word for it? Big long fancy word. Started with a D...
Whatever, she'll think of it later.
but the [FANCY D WORD] is whats important right. i gotta keep my head in the game and keep em that way. and thatll be easier when i get over lilac, shit i bet its easy as hell for you right now right
yeah ofc it is youve already been through it all. i envy you, carol. youre way cooler than me and i can only hope to get there someday. and i guess i will but the fact that im still choking on it makes it hard.
everythin with sony's gonna go fine. im only a little worried about that now. and lilacs just gonna say she's always been straight and that'll be that. easy.
bet it wasnt easy though. bet it was still anxiety inducing talking to either one of them. sonar's not gonna hate me for it, i cant imagine he would.
but id be lying if i said i wasnt scared of his reaction. tangle said itd be okay. so i think itll be okay. but honestly i dont realy know for sure.
the uncertainty is killin me. but my due date for the assignment's coming up and i cant procrastinate until the final second. ive already done that too much.
shit carol idk what this letter is anymore. im sure youll look at this in the future and crumble it up into a ball becaue its so cringe. but
shit idk.
hope its okay out there in the future. if one of my friends ive met now aint here with me by then then ill
i dont know what ill do.
take care, your's truly
carol tea
. . .
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She sighed. She'll actually fold this letter up, then walk over to the closet and put it in her hoodie pocket. She'll have a better hiding place for it later. But for now.
It'll stay there.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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Wc: 4k
Pairing: eren jaeger x reader
Cw: car sex, fingering, emphasis on reader being innocent and a virgin. reader is armins little sister. corruption kink
you're 6 years old when you first meet eren jaeger. apparently he'd run off some people that were bullying you big brother, armin. you admire him and mikasa immediately.
you're 8 and he's 11 when you get a scrape on your knee from playing tag. eren runs into your mothers bathroom to fish out the first aid-kit, you know he just doesn't want you to tattle, you never would anyway, but he pulls out a pink band-aid with little ariels all over it and places it gently over the cut. he stays there for a few beats, soothing the skin around the hurt area with his thumbs. his big bright green eyes look up at you, "better?" and that's the first time your heart skips for a boy.
you're 11 and he's 14 when armin starts becoming protective. "he's had like. 5 girlfriends in middle school, who knows what he's gonna be like in high-school"
it intrigue you, for some reason.
you're 13 and he's 16 when he taps furiously on your window at night, wild eyed and wearing a t-shirt and sweats. he falls ungracefully on his ass when you let him in, though he grins at you from the floor. "thanks, squirt"
you wince at the nickname, knowing it solidifies you as someone only platonic to him. armins little sister and nothing more. "what's this all about?"
he gets up and swipes imaginary dust off his sweats, looking around your room. its absurdly girly. he picks up one of your plushies and tosses it up, then catches it, peering over at you and grinning. "i hope you never change," he sighs and flops down onto your pink sheets. "girls my age are fucking psychos"
you creep closer to him, snatching your plush back. "im sure there's something you're leaving out there. im not completely dumb, you know"
he waves his hand, "yeah but you're....i don't know? innocent or whatever. you don't care about shit like boys and drama"
i do care about boys, you think, watching the way his shirt rides up to expose a hint of tan skin. you look away, squeezing your plush to your chest. "im gonna grow up eventually, ren"
he sighs and sits up, looking at you from under his ridiculously cute floppy brown hair. "Just promise me you won't go boy crazy"
you roll your eyes and sit down next to him, he leans in and licks a broad stripe against your cheek with his tongue, grinning "we have cooties"
you swat at him and wipe your cheek, groaning and calling him gross. "i know that. you and armin never let me forget how gross boys are", you side eye him. "what did you even do? really?"
he looks to the side, only now having it in him to look the least bit sheepish, "my girlfriend may have caught me with my hand down historias skirt..."
yeah, boys really are gross. but not eren, no he's beautiful and magical and makes you feel all the fluttery things. but he's also a player, a bad boy, dangerous and completely off limits. maybe your crush should have ended there, but of course it didn't.
You're 15 when you go on your first date with a boy. until now you haven’t allowed yourself to even think about men outside of the enigma that is eren jaeger, but that’s a lost cause, a stupid crush you need to let go of. and despite what eren thinks, you’re not that innocent. not in your head anyway. you’re a girl and you have fantasies. 
the guy is nice, armin likes him enough. big and tall and humble, reiner brought you flowers for your first date. the age difference is a little weird, he’s in erens grade, a senior, but you think its harmless. you’re turning 16 soon. the date goes well, you smile and giggle alot, and reiner seems smitten by the end of it. he even goes as far as to kiss your hand when he drops you back off at home, at 8pm sharp, just like he promised. he was kind and sweet, and you liked him, but you wonder what it means that there were no flutters in your belly, not like when you’re around him…
you’re still thinking about that when you open the door, and walk inside. the house is quiet, and you wonder where armin is, and eren. thinking they both must be in armins room, you go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, stopping on your path there when you see eren on the couch. he’s lounging back, hand idly wrapped around a gaming controller as he watches you.
you glance around him. “where’s mimmin?”
he doesn’t take his eyes off you. “annie called”, he leans forward a little, propping his chin in his palm as he observes you quietly for a moment.
you squirm in place, his eyes are too hot. “oh” and you make to start moving again but his voice stops you. 
“so. braun, huh?” his tone is hard to discern, the words coming out cool and detached, but his eyes are that intense green. 
“yeah” you say, shifting on your feet. “he was nice. kissed my hand and everything”
“sounds like a dream” and that is definitely said sarcastically. you bristle but eren is already turning away from you, facing the TV. “didn’t think he was your type though” 
because erens been your type since forever, you guess he’s right. reiner couldn’t be more different in both personality and looks, but maybe that’s a good thing. “maybe he can be” you say softly, looking at your feet. you dont see erens eyebrows jump, or his lips twist disdainfully. 
“If you wanna settle for missionary the rest of your life, then sure, go ahead” he sounds a little miffed and that confuses you. makes you look up. you don’t even know reiner that well, but you feel the need to defend him from erens usual snarky jabs. 
“not every guy that doesn’t live on Xbox and fuck half the school is a bland guy” you huff. you feel a little guilty for calling him out but he started it. eren hated preps, that was obvious, but its not like he was a model person either, if his long track record of promiscuity was anything to go by. reiner wasnt boring he just…..wasn’t eren. but that wasn’t a flaw. It shouldn’t be. 
“you been keeping tabs on me, princess?” eren asks wryly, smirking now. you just glare at him, quirking a brow and daring him to prove you wrong, to say he’s better. 
he doesn’t. he just looks at you, sets his controller down and does that tick he’d developed since he was young of jiggling his knee, tapping his finger on it. “don’t go on more dates with him” 
you squint your eyes, “and why not?”
“because i said so” 
“you’re not my boss” 
“because..” he scratches the stubble on his jaw, gaze looking far off as he stares at his bouncing leg. “guys shouldn't touch you” 
your mouth pops open. you get that, right now, you’re too young for stuff like sex, but being touched? everyone your age had boyfriends, why should you be any different?
It feels a bit like deja vu when you tell him, “m’not staying innocent forever. dating and s-sex are apart of life. you do it, why shouldn’t i?” 
you didn’t really get his whole overprotective bit, armin, who was your brother, wasn’t even this bad. he’d seen happy almost, when you told him about your date with reiner, even, so you really don’t see where eren is coming from. 
erens lip curls in a smirk and he points a finger at you. “that’s why” he says. “you can’t even say the word sex without stuttering. what’ll you do when you see a cock for the first time?” 
your skin heats, hating that he’s right. “I’ll grow out of it” you promise him. 
he huffs a laugh. “sure thing, dork” but then his face gets serious. “you don’t need to change though. sex is lame, i promise.” 
“you seem to have alot of it, so there must be something good about it” 
“for me, yeah” he grins. “but im selfish. most men are, and you deserve better than some highschool tumble with a guy who looks like he can’t find the clit to save his life” his eyes weigh you down. “just keep bein’ you. If i come back from college and hear that you’re the towns tramp stamp, m’ not gonna be happy” 
and that’s that. 
you’re 16 when eren leaves for college. you get to 18 without ever being touched. 
you’re 18 and you wish you hadn’t begged armin to let you come to this stupid bomfire party. it’s just the first time he’s been home in the 2 years since he’d left for college, and you know that means eren is back too, though you have yet to see him. he’s supposed to be at the party though.
you wonder if he’ll react to having seen you after not for awhile, if he’ll look at you different now that you’re grown. you’re wearing a simple pleated white skirt and a pink top, the picture of innocence you’ve always been, never changing. 
being around so many people makes you uncomfortable, you want to cling to armins side, but you don’t want to be annoying so you tell him its okay to leave you. your eyes scan the mass of people on the crowded beach as you nervously hold your solo cup to your chest. 
your eyes stop their nervous skittering when they land on someone familiar. 
college eren is completely different and yet wholly the same since you’d last seen him. he’s wearing a red bomber jacket, over a black t-shirt and skinny jeans, scuffed converse kicking in the sand as he shifts from one foot to the other. you peep tan skin, a hint of a tattoo peeking on his neck and….and black hair. he’d dyed his hair, and, is that jewelry on his ear? rings on his hand?
he’s smiling easily with a pretty blonde and...and reiner. talking to them like old friends as he tilts his head back and laughs, taking a swig from his cup. he’s still chuckling and shaking his head when his eyes flick distractedly over, rove over you and then stop. even from all the way where you are the green of his eyes pins you in place. the warm glow of the bonfire dances across his features, and you see the bastard has a lip ring as well. he takes his time cataloging you and you do him, before his lips tilt, he hands off his drink and he makes his way over to you. 
your whole body is tense with nerves as he gets closer and closer.
when he’s standing in front of you, the smell of his cologne wafts over you. his smile is small and genuine. “hey, pip” 
pip as in short for pipsqueak. you have to fight the urge to grin at him, your cheeks warming pleasantly, even though you groan out loud. “m’ not little anymore” 
“I can see that” eren eyes rake over you, linger on your bare legs before dragging slowly back up. his eyes feel like a caress and when they meet yours again, you’re already tingly. you’ve never been touched sexually, and just one look from eren has you wet between the legs like nothing. “still dress like you wanna be an extra in a Bratz commercial” 
the tension disputes as you swat his arm. “shut up!! Its a fashion choice, not like you’d know. dressed like a wannabe rockstar” 
“aw, c’mon. you’d be my groupie right?” 
you roll your eyes. “you wish, jaeger”
“mm” he hums softly. “s’cute though. always has been” 
before you can even register the compliment, he’s leaning forward to peek into your cup, swiping it easily from you. “underage drinking, are we? left you for a couple years and you go rebel barbie on me” 
you squawk as he chugs all of your drink back in one gulp, crushing the cup in his fist and tossing it behind him. “ren! I wasn’t even drinking it. It was..” you wave your hand around. “for the aesthetic”
“uh huh” he drones, but then he jerks his chin. “i’ll get you another one to stand around and look pretty with then. C’mon”
cute, pretty. the compliments are gonna make your heart fly out of your chest if he doesn’t let up. you follow him as he leads you to a keg, one that’s a little ways away from the bustle of the party, close to the parking lot where you came in. 
you shyly say ‘thank you’ when he fills you a cup and hands it to you, proceeding to lean back against a car as he goes back to observing you.
to distract yourself you mumble, “you can’t just lean on a strangers car for the sake of being cool” 
the grin is back. “you think im cool?” when you glare at him he rolls his eyes and slaps the hood of the car. “she’s mine, pip. you can untwist your panties” 
you blink at him, “since when did you get a new car? and when did you dye your hair?” 
he looks at you curiously, drumming his fingers. “do you not, like. follow me on instagram?”
you look away, kicking your feet in the sand. hesitantly you admit, “didn’t wanna miss you, so i didn’t look” 
he doesn’t say anything to that. the silence stretches between you, making you nervous. should you not have said that? you guessed it was weird, after all, but it was true. If you’d looked at how erens life was progressing without you there to see it, you’d have cried and been a total lovesick girl about it. 
he finally breaks the silence. “do you have a boyfriend?” 
you look back at him. “uh...no? do you?”
the smirk you wanted ghosts over his lips again, and your eyes are drawn to his lip ring when he tugs it between his teeth. “nah, you know me. unattainable” 
“yeah, i know” you say under your breath, thinking of how eren jaeger had been an unattainable fantasy for you for years. 
“so no current boyfriend or…?” 
“no boyfriends...ever” its embarrassing to admit, but less humiliating than admitting that the reason that was is because you’re in love with your brothers best friend, the very man standing before you now. 
“that’s kinda tragic, pip” eren hops up on the hood of his car and fishes a cigarette out of his pocket. he waves a hand at you, “you’re rockin’ a bod like that and no one’s bagged you? thought you’d be beating down options with a bat by now” 
you watch the smoke that plumes in the air, the way it coils and wisps, and really look at eren. he’s tragically beautiful. his no black hair is boyishly messy, tangled around his head in a dark halo. his face is sharp and tan, his eyes striking and making you feel like you’re sinking into the sand beneath your feet.
you’ve wanted him for so long, it makes you ache. years and years of pushing away men and declining confessions for this man in front of you. you’d never expected anything from him, but you couldn’t move past the fantasy in your head. couldn’t imagine giving any of your firsts to anyone but eren. 
“you told me to stay innocent” its out before you can stop the words, they just fumble out, spilling from your lips and into the air like the smoke.
eren stills, pauses from where he’d been about to take another drag. his expression is unreadable. he flicks the ashes from the cig on the sand, stumps it out under his foot as he hops down. the wind ruffles his dark hair as he just looks and looks and looks at you. 
“yeah?” and oh, jesus, if the rough gravel in his voice doesn’t make your cunt warm immediately. “and you listened?” 
you squeeze your thighs together, an action that draws erens gaze between your legs. to late to back down now, you think, and wet your lips. “y-yeah. I did” 
“you didn’t let any boys touch you while i was gone?” eren continues and he draws closer, creeping towards you.
you shake your head, silent as he comes in front of you. he reaches up to delicately push a strand of hair behind you ear with one of his ring fingers. he keeps it tucked behind your ear as he towers over you, staring you down. “you’re still my innocent little girl, huh?” 
you wonder if this is how it feels to be seduced, seduced by eren jaeger no less. his eyes are warm, and they make you feel warm from where the rest on your eyes, and then, your lips. they part under his gaze, on instinct. “I am, ren. always have been” 
his eyes darken, and the finger behind your ear becomes his whole hand sliding to cup the back of your head, slowly fisitng your hair in it. “shit” he tilts your head up. “you can’t say things like that, baby”
baby, baby, baby. your head swims. you’re on autopilot now, speaking without thinking and you think that’s good because if you were thinking clearly you wouldn't have the courage. “i’ve always been your good girl. no one elses” 
you have one second to hear his exhale before his lips are crashing against yours, and oh. oh, he’s good. you feel the metal of his lip ring against your bottom lip as he slides his tongue in your mouth, eating you up.
“god, you’re sweet” he nips your lip. “knew you would be”
you pant into his mouth, your hands curling on his chest, “y-you’ve thought about me?”
“‘course i did, im not blind” he pulls away. “I just really like my dick and didn’t want it chopped off. armin is scary” 
you know he can be when he wants to be, knows if he saw eren ravishing his little sister against his car right now, body parts would be strewn about. and that’s just from armins verbal warfare.
you look at eren demurely from under your lashes, “i don’t want anything to happen to your…” you trail off at the end.
erens eyebrows climb up his forehead, he presses close to you, tugs you to him. “my…” he prods, eyes glinting with mischief. 
you look away, pouting. “know i can’t say it” you mumble, hating that even now, saying vulgar words is embarrassing for you.
erens chest shakes with a laugh. “you just sucked my tongue down your throat, pip, and you can’t talk about my cock? you’re precious, c’mere.” he starts walking backwards, towards his car. “we gotta be sneaky about it but-” he dips down to kiss you again, once, twice. “i really wanna touch you” 
you gulp, and nod, let him pull you to his car and open the backseat for you, climbing in after you. he shuts and locks it behind him and then he’s facing you, eren jaeger giving you his full attention. looking at you like he wants you, like he’s seeing you, like he wants to do alot of bad things to you.
you place a shaking hand on his shoulder. “im- i dont know what to do..”
you want to impress him, but pretending you’re good at something you’re not won’t do that. eren doesn’t like liars anyway. 
he scoots close to you, pulling you halfway onto his lap until you’re sitting comfortably against him. you bite your lip when you feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing against your ass under your skirt. one of his hands settles on your bare thigh, scooting it up just barely.
“you ever watch porn, sweetheart?” erens breath puffs against your ear and you squirm on top of him. 
you push down your own embarrassment, resigning yourself to be a big girl and be honest. “s-sometimes” 
“yeah?” god, why does just that word turn you on so much? “tell me what kind of stuff you watch when you touch your little pussy” 
his vulgar words go straight to your cunt, at the same time his hand slides up your thighs and slips under your skirt. you close your eyes when you feel the tip of his finger trace over the band of your panties. “they’re always a couple..” you gasp when his hand dips inside, palm cupping over your pussy. “a-and the guy has dark hair..”
“Imagining anyone in particular?” eren teases, but you hear his breath catch at the same time yours does when he sinks one long finger inside. the folds around your slit part seamlessly around the intrusion, sucking his finger in like your pussy wants it there. “so wet, baby. keep talking for me?”
ever the good girl, you push through the tingles and the heat spreading down your legs, the slick sound of his finger fucking in and out of you filling the silent car as you struggle to find words. “s-shes always inexperienced. Its her first time and...and hes gentle” you moan a little when erens thumb comes to swirl around your clit, hips lips finding your neck. he’s teasing another finger at your tight entrance when you swallow another groan and try to keep talking like he’d asked. “he’s gentle but he takes. t-takes what he wants”
“mm” eren hums, tongue sliding against your skin. you gasp when the tip of his ring finger edges in beside the other one, stretching your tight passage around his digits in thorough little twists of his fingers. “that’s real good, baby. you like the sound of that, huh?” 
eren hooks his chin over your shoulder, bunches your skirt around your waist so he can see where your little pussy is clenching and squeezing around him, clit engorged and throbbing for attention. when you don’t answer, he continues, using the slick dripping down your slit, gathering it and then pushing back into you. “I bet” he says, low, husky. “In those videos, he eats her out real nice, yeah? makes sure her little virgin cunt is wet enough to take his cock”
“y-yeah” you pant, holding his wrist but not pulling it away, pushing him more towards you. you’re starting to grind down against the pleasure, walls rhythmically fluttering around his fingers, fucking yourself on them without even knowing it. he curls them, and your head thumps back against his shoulder as you cry out. 
“i’ll give that to you” eren promises, pumping his fingers faster, his other hand coming up to cup one of your tits over your blouse, giving it a squeeze. “gonna take you home after you cream around my fingers and lay you out on your bed” he kisses your cheek, holding you firm against him when you start to twitch and writhe. “lick this little flower open. wanna feel your thighs squeeze my face when i drink the cum from your pussy, get you all loose and wet and then i wanna feel you drip down my dick when i slide it inside”
“oh god, ren!” you jerk in his hold as you feel your orgasm crest over you, gushing down his palm, as you ride his hand, milking it as tingles shoot across your whole body. A milky, creamy film rests around his knuckles when he slides his fingers out of your weeping cunt, still pulsating and twitching from the come down. 
he rubs the excess slick around your folds and clit, rubbing it in. you whimper and he chuckles and kisses your cheek. 
you sag against him, fucked out. eren brushes some hair from your forehead and kisses it. “wannabe punk pounds sweet virgin pussy into her bed” 
you look at him, confused and dazed “huh?”
eren grins at you. “s’ gonna be the name of our porno” 
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lizzienaut · 2 years
leaving the community
oh man, hardly thought i’d see the day when this would happen. i’m not really sure where to start this post to be honest, so apologies in advance for having to read my poorly thought out ramblings.
for those that don't wanna read, the tl;dr = i'm furthering myself from the sfw community, this blog is going on a permanent hiatus, you can find me @buntopiia or @kinkynaut if youre 18+, im just generally unhappy and tired here but im so grateful for all of the support and all the super cool friends i made here <33 its not goodbye forever!!
it’s been a good run, hasn’t it? but then again, it’s not like im going away completely — i'm still gonna be active on tumblr, just not in the sfw side of the tickle community. i'll also be active on my new main, which is @buntopiia, so if you aren't 18+ or just arent comfy with nsfw content, you can still find me there if you ever wish to talk.
so here comes the nitty gritty of it all; i just don't enjoy being here anymore. im sure its super apparent to everyone that the sfw community is always on the brink of tearing itself apart, barely being held together by its seams - and to be honest, i'm just completely over it. it seems that we can't go a day here without someone getting death threats or being told to kill themselves over the way they perceive their interest in tickling, which is such a stupid fuckin sentence to type out, but here we are.
the rampant hatred everyone seems to have for each other is draining. and this isn't about the anons that i've gotten specifically- i found those funny more than anything (i'm still a slut well denizen at heart), but a whole slew of other things as well. the constant drama feels reminiscent of high school, and come to think of it, it's probably because the sfw community is filled mainly with minors. mostly ones who don't know how to cultivate their own online experience and blame the adults for it, but i digress. every callout post is just a reminder of how toxic and shitty the sfw side of the community can be. lots of people hide behind the "sfw" title to seem innocent and approachable. lots of people demonize the nsfw community for everything that happens here. but in all honesty, when's the last time you've seen any big drama from the nsfw community?
lots of people stay in their own little bubble there, curating their own content and reblogging from each other solely. i find that (most) adults are very good at following their dni criteria and keeping minors away, even if they don't listen. and the fact that the kinksters are so harshly spoken about by the sfw community is another major factor as to why i'm leaving.
i have a tickle fetish. i see tickling as something both nonsexual in platonic scenarios and sexual in romantic ones (in my own life, of course). hearing people constantly saying having a fetish is gross or vile or whatever is genuinely upsetting, which is why i was in denial about it for the longest time. i felt disgusting for it. i was so ashamed and terrified of people finding out, because i thought it would make me some kind of "pervert" or something, which also sounds incredibly stupid when i type it out.
like seriously, this is a post about tickling. the fact that we have drama and community politics over here is the dumbest shit i've ever heard lmfao
but yeah. i feel safer in the nsfw community than i do here now. i'll post the occasional fluffy tickle art on my main, but other than that, all of my content will be posted onto my kink account. and you're more than welcome to interact with my main!! you dont even need to be on anon or a main yourself, im more than okay with tickle blogs interacting with me. it isnt something im ashamed of anymore, and being in the nsfw community has helped me overcome that fear. being unabashedly kinky is extremely freeing, tbh.
its been fun and ive seriously enjoyed my time here with you guys <33 again, i'm not gone completely! i'm just distancing myself from the "sfw" brand and moving on to other things. thank you for everything <3
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kordeliiius · 2 years
Who are all these metronome kids o keep hearing abt, i have shit memory and they seem to have Funky Powers
HI ALRIGHT SO for everyone just tuning in, I’ll do my best to give a rundown for each main-ish character and their proposed abilities!! Keep in mind this is an odd mix of canon and headcanon that will hopefully make sense by how I’ve structured this thing. I’ll also add links to sources and additional speculation where needed, since the LN wiki doesn’t touch on everything (but it contains tons of info on other canon characters and a pretty expansive gallery)
Ten is the main playable character and he carries a device that allows him to record, edit, and replay sounds from the environment. This mechanic was the main means of puzzle solving and stage progression, though it became increasingly harder to create an engaging experience from. So instead of stripping the game of the mechanic (and by extension, its identity), the game's development was halted indefinitely. He's also shown in the demo footage to interact with the spirits he frees, but like. How does he do that. Sometime later the idea of Ten having a sixth sense arose and I started drawing him with heterochromia to symbolize that (I’ve already gone off about how I think eye color could represent magical potency in the LN world), and depending on how that impacted his social life it’d make sense if he were more keen on befriending nomes and spirits rather than people. I also think it'd be cool if he knew how to play conventional instruments as well?? It might have an advantage in certain encounters. [[This game also had the original nomes in them; they're called metrognomes and they're soulless husks created by separating a child's soul from their body (sound familiar?) Ten can control them using his noise machine.]]
The game also has a secondary protagonist, New, who was at the center of the inciting incident and had some additional role in the gameplay. I remember hearing she could’ve been an AI or the co-op P2 but all the info in my head got jumbled up and I cant remember where that factoid came from. From what little we've seen of her, I’d assume that she prefers the stealth route and will fight bare-handed if things come down to it, but the synopsis also hints towards her having magic as well. Because certain technology responds to her presence, I'm thinking this could be some unique ESP, or if you wanna get real crazy, an earlier subvariant of transmission. (Either option poses an advantage in gameplay, allowing her to perceive things that Ten’s senses can’t, but the latter would totally heighten the drama.) That being said her abilities are unpredictable and she doesn’t have much tech knowledge to begin with, so that’s what drives her to seek help.
The other kids you might be thinking of aren't actually from the game, instead the community kinda,, made them up?? This ghost girl that @/oryst and I designed in tandem has a number of influences: the unidentified face on the old website, this fanmade box art and its reinterpretations, and also Mono! We still dont know where the artist got this idea from, but I rather like the idea of Ten having a temporary ghost companion that allows for some unique problem-solving. What we've ultimately created is the spirit of a young transmitter (having the “landline” equivalent of Mono’s “handsfree” capabilities) who was sought out and killed, and is now the spirit piloting the all-powerful machine at the core of the city. After the two become intertwined, it’s not exactly clear what her real personality is anymore. She was also New's friend in life, giving our protag all the more reason to burn the place down.
There's this other community-original character who acts as a spy for the corp. (updated design) They're a double amputee and are unpowered, but probably have some special devices to assist them on the job and can command scouts as well. I originally wrote them as another childhood friend of New's, maybe a sibling, but the two of them were split up due to a grudge surrounding their friend's death. It's also super ironic that the image I based them off was actually New as she appears in-game? It used to be so indecipherable that no one could recognize her. Maybe I'll use that bit of meta-irony to tweak their story or relationship a bit, who knows.
Also worth noting that each character here parallels the LN kids in one way or another, however no connection is exactly one-to-one. Somebody could argue that Ten was the original Mono because of how technology is a big part of their schtick, but to me his overall demeanor is more comparable to Six, and the metrognome sequences parallel Runaway’s route in The Hideaway to a T. On the flipside, New is commonly likened to Six because of her design and possible AI functionality, but the notions of magic and mystery in the synopsis make her more of a Mono in my eyes. The Ghost and the Spy, however, are intentional callbacks to Mono/Rain and Runaway respectively.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 7 months
My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 2 ] [ INVESTIGATIONS....START!!!] (REPOSTED)
( Plaintext: My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 2 ] [ Investigations....start!!!] ( Reposted))
Habit is pretty new around here, but if he can't find a single friend then God help him he is going to make the ghost in the bathroom who may-or-may not-exist-but-hopefully-its-a-may-- his friend. Now if only he had any idea where to start?!?!
Well, she's fading in relevance, but some rumors still stick- that is atleast a place to start with.....
( Wanna clarify this is NOT actually drama he's going there for though, that's just what the majority of the place harbours. I guess this particular use is like...more of...Information-Hole??)
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[ GIF description: Pinkie Pie from MLP FIM uses a attached slide and somehow slides up and out of an underground lair where she prepares for parties with a variety of party items and folders on everyone's likes and dislikes. End GIF description]
That's right. You heard me, bozo. Habit has a secret underground cave under the angel statue at the forefront of his school full of folders on every single person only used for the V.V.V. Important Purposes Vital For Survival. Such as catty gossip that can be used against you later. He hasn't really told Kamal about it truthfully because he'd never let that fly HQKJSJSK
But sometimes when they're talking after being out of their respective schools he TRIES anyway. Getting really close and whispering conspirationally.
'' So I heared his moms gettin' die-vorced...''
( habitspeak translation: So I heard his moms gettin' divorced...)
Sorry guys, Kamal is also trying, but just to keep his cool. The times when he does tolerate enough to give some gossiping ground. Still though, brotato, personal space.....😳😖( blushing emoji and closed-eye agitated emoji )
HOWEVER. He simply won't entertain the idea of this fanciful ghost-hunt his friends picked up and the associated taperecorded interviews, derelict dental records(???), old newspapers, photographs, impromptu questioning around the neighbourhood, bake sales for means to obtain said-newspapers, urban legend discussion printouts, breaking n entering into school offices at 3 AM ... Holy DUCKNUGGETS. Chill out big time, saaley. Don't fuck around and find out with what we don't know, yeah? He's mildly superstitious( despite liking to think himself more rational than that) so he's really uncomfortable with Habit mentioning it.
>POV: your just the janitor in the basement to grab your dust pan but Habit is Happening
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[ ID: Meme of a guy with a vast number of papers and red tape stuck together on the wall like a stereotypical conspiracy theorist. He is explaining them raptly with wildly serious looking eyes. End ID]
So, um. Habit gets more huffy around him about that But he Keeps Going Anyway. And getting into more trouble with everyone as usual.
Guys, I NEED you to know I'm TOTALLY imagining a musical sequence where Habit's going through his All Saints High school and EVERYONE'S LIKE....
[ Video Thumbnail ID: A painterly style illustration of the three musicians performing " We Don't Talk About Bruno...But It's Cursed" in the style of the Madrigal family members, but ominously done in glowing greens and bright reds. The title text is in the same colors and has a roughened look. Their eyes all glow green and the man in the middle has rats on him in an imitation of Camilo Madrigal. All of them are posed like they're telling a sinister story, clawing their hands and grinning in an unhinged manner. End ID]
( plaintext: "We don't talk about Martha" )
Of COURSE it would not be like, the exact same bcuz different context. But just the general vibe of someone's real self faded into increasingly contrived stories, the implication that meeting with this person is a portent of bad luck, danger and possibly death itself and an enforced silence on events. And the protagonist wanting to unveil the truth.
Oh and! I particularly took a Catholic school for Habit to go to( it wasn't his choice, Father sent him off ) because of that one line he drops in a PSA " hate the sin love the sinner" I think, which I've most frequently heard around(not personally) as like. An anti LGBT sentiment from Christians. It was jarring to hear in the game, but worked to effect. And also Martha and Habit's story sprung from this one particular song that was sent to me, plus Catholic schools are some of the largest spread in the US, admitting non Catholic students as well. His own family would probably follow a different Russian Orthodox tradition though.
Well, what's happening on the B side?
Martha is quite, quite highly amused.
( Also perhaps holding an little flicker of hope, cuz it's like. People who do not fully believe in her cannot see her no-matter-what,
as she found out when she was newly-awakened and tried to go about school as usual
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[ Gif description : An animated sequence from the Katawa Shoujo visual novel where Hanako looks on in confusion while students zip past her impossibly fast, their faces and figures blurring. Only one other person stands without moving. It generally represents the feeling of the world leaving Hanako behind. End ID]
<Yup. Kinda traumatizing. Stuff like this is why she prefers to stay stall-confined self-exiled most of the time.>
and also she has to reveal herself voluntarily. She's not shown herself, but he clearly does believe....)
She's like " Woah. DOLLY : O (open mouth emote)" HSJDJDJ A big, walking, talking one. Which he is. It just particularly endears her because she used to have a hobby of collecting them, finding out about their histories and stuff. When she was alive she eventually stopped talking about it because some people would find it embarrassing. Still carries that shame, but hey, there's no soul around to see right now.
Follows him around sometimes, even. Walking in front, clutching the walls above, at his shoulder.
Judgementally spectating him getting into another fight come-to-blows by virtue of his incredibly short-fuse especially with assholes( Hes uh. Stressed. To say the least.) . Only she likes to pretend he's actually following her by walking in front of him all-proud by vaguely predicting which direction he's taking. Actually he doesn't even see her there, but that just reduces any pesky possible arguments, right? Playing pretend is so much better. Few regrets. Like how he has to usually stitch his wounds up himself 'cause skin-bandages feel gross on the fur and don't do much. She could probably do that for him, and better!!! Without all the shaking and sniffling.
That is of course all a big IF. Habit's skyrocketed to the exact sort of notoriety she has spent so many years averting for herself, in like, record time. In a strange turn of events--- this kind of reputation making it hard for him to keep n' make new friends who don't slip through his paws like wilted petals-- has led him to.....someone who would under more non-time displaced circumstances...would NEVER be his friend. No matter how much she both admires and envies his loudly bold, curious and creative side coming through in times like how he touts around and takes apart the one Mecha Jesus Transformer ( from Kamal) with a whole backstory he's made up with his, apparently one friend, now. Or when he refuses to follow taken-for-granted rules without reason( like she couldn't bring herself to). But now, there's no one around to see......
Still, old habits die hard. Even when you're already dead in the ground. So she hesitates...and hesitates some more. Teetering on the edge of an afterlife-changing desicion.
But once...
It's just a regular bathroom visit. Open the door, check for other people, run inside. Regular running away from everyone, letting perenially red eyes run redder when for all the high-achieving to not make anyone mad still the teachers didn't know what to make of him. Running over chipped molars in the mirror-reflection for far too long, the usual. Nothing out of the ordinary, not the cursing God, not the attempts in the stall to muffle his noise lest passing janitors hear, not the barely contained scream, not in-the-end when it all thankfully stops and he slumps down on the closed seat, exhausted.
And then he says something. New.
"I wish ..someone would miss me if I was gone."
Unfortunately this time Habit can't contain the part-excited and part-terrified hoarse scream from himself when all his researching becomes reality.
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[ Gif description: Animated cutscene from the Faith games in its signature usually colored-outline, black fill-in, rotoscoped cutscenes. Amy Martin rises up from the edge of the beds end, hands first and then up to her head covered by long hair. There's a slight glitching distortion. End description]
( Plaintext: She Is Here.)
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haikyuuthots · 4 years
Hi I really enjoyed you tik tok prank head canon! Is there any way you can make a head canon where the reader calls them bro prank lol. Like how would they react. Can you do Atsumu, Suna, Bokuto and Ushijima please!!!! Thank you 😽
Calling him “bro” prank
Characters: Miya Atsumu, Suna Rintaro, Bokuto Koutarou and Ushijima Wakatoshi
Warnings: none I think
Scenario: how the boys would react if you tried the calling them bro prank on them haha
A/n; thanks for requesting!!! I had a lot of fun writing this one, I hope you enjoy it 😌💕
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Miya Atsumu
You always referred to Atsumu as babe, baby or love
So when you saw this prank on Tik tok you wanted to see how he would react
You were both sitting in the living room of your shared apartment
He was watching a volleyball game on the tv while you were writing an essay on your laptop
He was going crazy talking about a serve one of his favorite teams just did
“Woooo babe did ya see that crazy serve?!??”
You thought this might be a good time to pull the prank off
“Mmm no i didn’t can you go back so I can see it?”
He rewinds the video and you watch intently as he shows excitement all over again
“Bro!! That was so cool” you say as casual as possible
Atsumu’s entire demeanor changes, and the look of excitement he had seconds ago completely fades
“What did ya just call me?” His face filled with confusion
“Huh when?” You try your best not to laugh out loud, he looks completely lost lmao
“Literally 3 seconds ago, you called me bro.”
“I did?” You’re doing your best to play it off
“Yes you did! I hate it I’m not your bro. ” He’s slightly pouting
You slightly chuckle “aw come on bro don’t be like that.”
He looks towards you with a disgusted face, he is evidently unsatisfied with your choice of words
“Y/n stop dont call me that I’m baby and nothing else I will actually ignore you if you call me that again.” He actually looks a bit upset
But you still wanna tease him a bit more
“Fine I’m sorry.,,” you briefly laugh and pause for a second “...bro”
“That’s it I’m ignoring ya til ya act right.”
He gets up and begins to walk away
You’re full blown laughing now “baby baby wait.” You say as you reach out to stop him
His ears slightly perk up at the mention of his regular nickname
Still laughing you talk “it’s a prank. I’m just messing with you. I saw it on Tik Tok
He looks down out you, in disbelief, his frown quickly changing into a smile
Soon after he starts laughing with you
“Chaotic duo*
“That was actually kinda mean babe, I was like wtf why is she calling me her brother”
You start laughing even more “ wtf did you actually think I would call you bro? Never. you’re baby.”
He leans in closer to you and gently grabs you by the waist kissing you softly on the lips “better be.”
You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck, he softly picks you up causing you to wrap your legs around his torso as he continues to kiss you
Pulling away briefly he speaks again “but seriously don’t ever call me bro again I hate it”
“I won’t” you answer smiling up at him.
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Suna Rintaro
You usually don’t try to pull pranks on him because he normally never falls for them
But after watching so many of these on tik tok and watching the reactions you were curious to try it out yourself
You’re casually sitting on your boyfriends lap while you’re both on your phones watching short videos
A few time passes by when Suna breaks the silence between you two
“Hey babe you hungry?”
You thought this was the perfect time to call him bro
“Nah bro I’m good” you say sounding as normal as possible
Suna drops his phone and gently shifts you from his lap making you look towards him
You ignore him and continue to look down at your phone lol
He doesn’t say anything at first, leaving an awkward silence for a few seconds
Still staring in disbelief he breaks the silence again “pause that and look at me real quick.”
You do as he says and you look up at him innocently acting like nothing is wrong
“What’s up?” You innocently reply
His grip tightens around you waist a bit “did you.. really just call me that?”
“What are you talking about?” You’re trying your best to keep a straight face
“You just called me bro.” He’s pouting
You honestly can’t believe he fell for it hahahaha
“Oh. Yeah I did. Does that bother you?” You’re just trying to rile him up at this point lmao
He scowls at your reply, gently pushing you off of his lap so he can look at you better “yes that bothers me, I’m not out here calling you dude or anything because you’re my girlfriend.”
You can’t help but laugh at his expression. Completely satisfied at the fact he actually reacted to your little prank
Suna is beyond confused “why are you laughing? I’m serious please don’t call me bro.”
“Baby” you gently leans towards his chest as you continue to laugh “I’m totally joking, it’s a prank I saw on tik tok.”
He cracks a small smile before he speaks again “this is the dumbest prank ever.”
You’re still laughing “yeah? But you were hella pressed so it worked.”
He rolls his eyes at your teasing “yeah yeah you got me.”
Still smiling you sit on his lap again and hug him tightly placing small kisses on his face to lighten up his mood
“I promise I would never call you bro and mean it.”
He smiles into your kisses, tightening his grip around your body while he kisses you gently on the lips
“I’m glad you wouldn’t cause I’m your boyfriend.”
“I know baby.” You respond leaning in once again, to close the gap between your lips.
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Bokuto Koutarou
You have not called bokuto by his name since you started dating
It’s always a baby, babe or bub
So when you were on tik tok and saw a girl prank her boyfriend by calling him bro you wanted to try it out yourself on your boyfriend.
You and bokuto were tangled in each other’s arms watching a movie together.
The movie was a suspenseful, drama and the scene that was playing had a lot of blood
As you wince at the gore, you quickly decide this is where you’re gonna do the prank lol
“Aww bro look at all that blood.” You say, with a hint of disgust in your voice
Bokutos grip around you loosens, and he quickly goes to look for the remote to pause the tv
He’s looking towards you, with a very large frown on his face
You slightly chuckle “what’s wrong you don’t like the gore?”
“No it’s not that.” He answers still frowning
“Then what is it?” You respond pretending to not know why he’s really upset
“It’s just..... are you mad at me or something?”
You give him a confused look “why would I be mad at you?”
“I don’t know but you always call me babe, or something but just now... you called me bro.”
You’re doing your best to hold back your laughter “bro you sound crazy.”
Now Bokuto is pouting even more than before “aw did you just bro me again?” He dramatically buries his face in his hands “im sorry i made you mad but can you please go back to calling me baby?”
You can’t keep the joke going any further, Bokutos distressed figure is actually making you feel bad
“Baby” you coo as you remove his hands from his face “I’m just kidding, it’s a prank.”
You start laughing out more as you watch Bokuto relax into your touch
He instantly joins in to laugh with you
“Oh my god I can’t believe you got me.”
“I honestly didn’t even think you would notice”
“How could I not, you called me bro!” He replies still laughing a bit
“Why would you think I was mad though?” You question, still chuckling
“Why else would you call me such a terrible name? The only reason I could think of is if you were upset with me.”
You briefly laugh as you lean in to kiss bokuto softly on the lips, he reciprocates right away tightening his hold around your waist
Pulling away from the kiss bokuto speaks again, “do me favor and never call me bro again? I really hated it.”
You lovingly look at your boyfriends face “ oh I promise I won’t, I hated it too.”
He chuckles at your reply as he leans in to kiss you once again
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Ushijima was used to you calling him Toshi or love.
In fact he only ever responded to you when you called him one or the other
One time you called him by his last name and the man deadass unintentionally ignored you
That being said this man is still very stoic and hardly ever shows any reactions
So when you saw this prank you weren’t sure if he would react, the most you were expecting was to be ignored lol
You and Ushijima were out in the store buying some groceries
You were thinking of a good time to causally call him bro and you finally decided to do it when you were at the vegetable aisle
Picking up a giant broccoli you look over to Ushijima, quickly grabbing his attention
“Bro look at this broccoli it’s huge!” You say enthusiastically
Ushijima is staring at you with a blank stare, almost trying to understand the words that just came out of your mouth
“Helllo????” You say waving your hand in front of his face
Ushijima gently grabs your hands and lowers it
Still holding on, he asks in the most serious tone “what did you just call me?”
You’re holding back a smile trying your best to be as serious as you can
“Oh just now??? I said bro”
“Why would you call me that?” He’s looking at you with a confused face
“Because we’re close, people who are close always casually call each other bro”
“But y/n we”re dating.”
“Sooooo??” You say still trying your best not to burst out laughing
“People who are dating don’t call each other bro they call each other cute pet names”
“But you don’t call me any pet names?”
“Babe. I call you babe, that’s a pet name.”
“Well I want you to call me bro.” At this point you’re about to break, this conversation is so funny to you.
“I’m not gonna call you bro. And I don’t want you calling me bro either, I hate that.”
“Come on bro don’t be like that.” You teasingly say letting out a small chuckle
Ushijima once again stares at you, this time he’s evidently unamused
“I won’t respond to you if you keep calling me that.” He says as he begins to walk away
You’re full blown laughing as you run to stop Ushijima from walking away any further
“Toshi wait” you say holding onto his shirt
Ushijima turns around to look at you, still very confused
“I’m totally joking, I would never call you bro. It’s a prank I saw in tik tok.”
Ushijima cracks a soft smile, looking down at you as you laugh
“Thank god, I was so confused by that entire conversation.”
“I could tell, you’ve never looked more lost.”
He gently grabs you to hold you as you guys begin to walk again
“Alright let’s go, we need to finish shopping.”
“Okay love.”
He smiles as he hears the common pet name. That what he loved hearing you call him.
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shoezuki · 3 years
Got any webcomics recs?
anon this is so fucking dangerous to ask me i hope you prepare yourself for this OKAY heres some of my favourites.
Space Boy: genuinely one of if not the best comic i ever read. like. holyfuck. its honestly good to go in completely blind for this one n i dont wanna say Much cuz its just. holyfuck. but BASICALLY its a sci-fi, mystery, romance comic about a girl named tammy who lived on an asteroid far in outerspace, but needed to spend 30 years in hypersleep to travel back to earth, leaving her stuck in the past with all of her friends now 30 years older than her. its sweet and cute and fucking heartbreaking i really reccomend that shit so hard
Eleceed: this one makes me vibrate at impossible speeds i jus opened it n went brrrrrrrrr. its an action, superhero comic. it follows a kid named jiwoo who has quick reflexes n is jus really fast, but keeps it a secret and spends his whole life helping stray cats on his own. he takes in a really fat stray cat but that cat ends up being an Extremely powerful man named kayden break who was on the run and transformed into a cat n got stuck in that form. basically kayden introduces jiwoo to the world of the 'awakened' (what they call homies w cool powers) and trains him in secrecy. it has a lot to do with trust, organizations, and the concept of hierarchy and power. its so good its so fuckign good genuinely. altho bloody at times
Suitor Armor: a fantasy/medieval comic about the soon to be queen's lady in waiting, lucia, who was taken in by the queen's father when she was a kid. she's secretly a fairy in hiding and has been living in the castle her entire life, having no clue about fairies or magic besides hearing of the ongoing war between fairies and humans. she meets a knight who turns out to be an enchanted suit of armor without a soul, and names him modeus. over time he learns to speak and think for himself. its. okay its so gorgeous the art is amazing IT GETS KINDA FUCKED UP THO OH MY GOD. like jesus. oh my fuckign god. its so well done n it hurts as lucia learns about fairies and whats been happening to them while she's lived a blissfully ignorant life of comfort and like. warnings for blood and gore and human experimentation and jus. yea. its so good
The Remarried Empress: a political/medieval drama. it follows the empress navier, whos a fucking badass and is known as being 'cold and calculated'. her and the emperor had been engaged since they were kids but they grew up together and do genuinely care for one another. but the emperor finds a woman while hunting, and makes her his mistress and essentially devotes so much time and attention to her while this mistress rashta is conniving and manipulating in order to become empress. so the emperor divorces navier, but literally after accepting the divorce navier INSTANTLY asks for approval to remarry the king of a rival kingdom named heinrey. its. god its really sweet and just a LOT. like heinrey LOVES navier SO FUCKING MUCH. but navier doesnt know if she Can be loved so desperately like he does n shes so used to supressing her emotions in favour of rationality but GOD HEINREY LOVES HER. (theres genuinely a scene where navier yells at the emperor and heinrey is there fantasizing like oh god if she spoke to me like that.....)
OKAY LAST ONE but most importantly please for the love of god read paranatural. its a comedy action comic about a boy moving into a small town with his dad and sister, then starting to see ghosts and spirits and discovering a whole world pertaining to spirits. its SO FUNNY and good and well done and all the characters are amazing. seriously its jus so fun. but it also somehow like. it hits hard at times too. it makes shit thats goofy HURT. i cried over a book eating spider librarian. i fucking sobbed.
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