#i dont want to have to explain every detail of the show in order for someone to be able to understand me
official-bunbun · 2 years
Putting some feelings in the tags. Feel free to ignore but responses are also fine, i just want to say what i have to say
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that-ari-blogger · 11 months
Critical Role's Cameraman
So, Critical Role (@criticalrole) just released their newest opening title sequence, an animated sequence in the same style of Your Turn To Roll and I would be remis as a film nerd to not pick apart every detail.
What fascinates me about this introduction, however, is the camera movement and shot composition. Allow me to explain.
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So, we open with a hand, this is a close up, I don't think that is unobvious.
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But this stops being a close up rather quickly, before it starts moving away. The shot just gives the hand context, and suddenly you aren't in an extreme close up of a hand, you are in a medium shot of a very large person. Then the camera pans backwards, and you can see villains and places spring up, although the perspective on Matt remains weird. Is he a few metres from you, or a hundred? How big is the Game Master here? There's a sense of mystery, of incomprehension. This is setting up some cosmic horror shenaniganry.
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Then, we get Fearne. This is a wide camera motion, swivelling around her in a tracking shot that focuses on her face, and those eyes. It is like a reverse panorama, where Fearne is taking in the world, the world is observing Fearne.
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But I want you to take note of the leaves here, because they are used to form a connection between her and Orym. The transition uses them, while it isn't a direct wipe transition (the leaf just flies close to mask an abrupt cut), it is framed as one. The name of that isn't important, though, what's important is the leaves. By being in both shots, they emphasise the relationship between the two characters. But where for Fearn they show off her sense of wonder, for Orym, they take on a very different meaning.
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Notice, however, how still this shot is. There is no sense of danger here. This is a scene of a warrior with a sword and two people passing on from this world. But it's calm. Because this is a memory. Orym might not be at peace with the death, but the memory isn't a violent one, it's a memory of his family's lives.
Cut to a close up. Orym creates a gust of wind.
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And cut to the next shot.
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I will not lie, Bertrand is my favourite character across all of Critical Role, so this shot of him made me smile, but it isn't the point here. The point is Imogen's introduction.
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Although is Bertrand not actually the point? Because take a look at how Imogen is shown here. Do you notice anything?
She's shown in the exact same way. Imogen is shown doing the exact same thing that those who have died have done. And she can see them ahead of her. The camera panning back shows a wider perspective here, showing her as she tries to run, tries to get away from the same path as Bertrand.
The wind from Orym's blade that came to this scene gets across a consistent element: Memory. This is a dream. But dreams can become nightmares.
As Imogen loses her footing, the camera gives some of its wildest movements yet. It tumbles around her, then looks up.
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The camera stops moving when it sees the red moon, because now the viewer has something to orientate themselves around. There is a constant point, and we can see Imogen falling down. And getting closer, and closer, and closer, until.
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These are the three frames in order, there is nothing in between.
Imogen crashes into the screen, and we get an abrupt impact frame (that's the black and white one) then Ashton. This is so cool to watch, in my opinion, but it is quite possibly the opposite of smooth in camera work. So why is it so cool? Motion.
The motion is in towards Imogen and out away from Ashton. They are both falling, just in different directions. And the impact frame both helps smooth over and accentuate the abrupt transition.
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The camera around Ashton is a tracking shot. They are falling, but they remain the exact same in the screen (shrinking slightly). The rest of the world moves. And when Ashton lands, the screen cracks. The tracking shot is used to show Ashton's disassociation with their surroundings. Not in a "I feel nothing" type of way, but in a "it's me vs the world" type of way.
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Then, there is an abrupt cut away. Nothing hides or smooths this at all, because Ashton's memory isn't smooth, and neither is Ashton. Remember the disassociating thing I mentioned, now it changes again to someone who gets lost in his thoughts. Medium.com calls this an "anxiety stare" and as someone who does that on the regular, I can attest to this abruptness being exactly what that feels like.
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I'm not going to talk too much about the ship, but just be aware that there is a Dutch angle (the horison is diagonal) here to heighten the stress of it.
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Likewise with this shot, there isn't much to talk about. The slow outward zoom and triangular composition are neat, and the tiered reactions (bottom row reacts, then middle, then Fearne) are amusing, but other than that, not much.
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Then we meet Laudna, playing with Pate and giving him life. That's a neat little shot, I wonder if there's a metaphor there.
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This is a super cool visual because it establishes exactly who this character is in two seconds. But I also want to point out the symmetry of this. The hair becomes the blood which becomes the hair again, and then the tree.
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Laudna is introduced as big and scary and imposing, and that is very intentionally undercut by making her look small.
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Being small means you are less likely to be the focal character, so shrinking Laudna takes away her agency. Only to give it back through Imogen, and when the camera pans back outwards, Laudna is the same size, but the colours and the surroundings make her feel less alone, and as a weird result of that, less small.
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And last but not least in this moment, there is the delayed drop of the hands. Laudna finally feels safe and finally breathes a sigh of relief.
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That, however, imediately match cuts to this. FCG's vision. The red tinting has obvious implications that I don't need to explain, but the match cut heavily implies a connection between this group and the Bells Hells. There is a fear that this might happen again made clear by a single transition.
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Here's something else. FCG doesn't move. At least, the camera doesn't treat them as moving. It's a slow panning out as if nothing is happening. It's the disassociation vibe that you get from Ashton's falling shots now repurposed to someone who isn't in control of their own actions. This is what FCG is afraid of, this is the important pieces of his character. This is FCG.
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And just like Laudna, FCG finally gains agency when surrounded by their friends who hug them, and FCG finally moves.
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Chetney Pock O'Pea, outlaw of the RTA, alpha of his own heart. A fundamentally chaotic character who takes rules as suggestions to be intentionally ignored. A man who's first instinct upon meeting you is to consider how you could be killed. And he is introduced whittling, with a steady camera and warm light illuminating his face. This is a peaceful side of Chetney, there is a duality to him.
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Speaking of which, notice how Chetney draws back from the light as he transforms. His eyes begin to glow, but they don't illuminate him, until this:
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Chetney is now backlit by the cold light of the moon itself (There's a neat reveal of Ruidus caused by the pan, but that's only tangentially relevant). Notice how much further you are from him here than in his first shot. But notice how much of him is visible, and how much of the screen he takes up. It's the same, this is still the same character. It's a true Doctor Jeckyl and Mr Hyde character. This isn't split personality, but a character who can be a different person in each form, while still remaining Chetney at all times.
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There is more in this video. I encourage you to watch it, but unfortunately, Tumblr has a limit on how many images I can include, so I will leave you with this final shot. A group of heroes looking up at a threat that is so much bigger than them, a threat that is literally controlling the light. But the Bells Hells are closer to the camera, they take up more of the screen. The battle isn't lost, instead, it is just starting.
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mspbandj · 2 months
i will never stop being absolutely mind blown about just how baked in casual abelism is in general society, fr fr
I'm spending a couple weeks visiting my mother, who I love dearly and who is a genuinely good person who really does try, and we were watching a few episodes of an old TV show called Monk. Its a Sherlock Holmes-esque cop show about a brilliant, genius detective called Monk, and every episode sees some insane crime be commited in San Fransisco, and Monk always always manages to figure it out just in the nick of time because he notices all the little details that no one else does. The whole show is entirely about how good this guy is at his detective job.
Detective Monk also has a whole bunch of neurosis. Ticks, OCD impulses, he needs his pencils perfectly straight and his newspaper layed flat in the centre of his doormat every day. He never touches anything without a wet wipe, and he always ALWAYS needs the colours within the lines.
We were watching one episode where he was trying to take a simple multiple choice test for his job, and, despite easily knowing all the answers (in an earlier scene another character read through practise questions with him and he answered them all before she even finished the sentences) he ends up only being able to answer one question in the half hour he has to take it because of these OCD compulsions. So I make The Comment™ about how really, he should be given disability accomodations, such as being allowed to bring his own materials, have extra time, have several copies of the test or, better yet, take it as an oral exam, things like that.
My mother, bless her heart, pushed back because she didnt understand what I meant. I tried to explain a bit more, and she said "Right, but this is a test he needs to pass in order to work. Would YOU want someone like that (points at TV screen) assigned to your case?"
I think the penny almost dropped when I pointed out that the entire show is about how brilliant and genius he is at detective work. Like I cannot stress that enough, every single episode is just this guy solving the most insane mysteries over and over and over again. But the instant he's shown to struggle with a "simple" task, all of that just... disappeared.
I know this is just a TV show from the early 2000s but man. MAN. Ableism is everywhere and its so so easy to overlook, miss, and even perpetuate without really meaning to. I dont really have an ending to this post but again it just... really blows my mind.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 11 months
ok your posts have got me so curious what is lobcorp and who is Angela I am dying to know
ohhhhhh anon. im so glad you asked. youve activated my infodump trap card. we are gonna be here a lilwhile, but i will try to keep it short regardless.
[inhale] lobcorp, also known as lobotomy corporation, is a multitasking monster-management game, part of a series of games from the producers Project Moon. it starts as a very simple "dystopian setting manage the monsters and sometimes employees die nbd" sort of game, but then rapidly, intensely spirals the more you play. its notoriously difficult but also ridiculously fun and satisfying to get correctly. you are expected to fail and retry multiple times, so much so that it is an active in-narrative plot point.
you play as the manager of L corp, named X, and angela is your Helpful AI Assistant here to help you make energy efficiently and be the best manager you can be. :] by making energy. nothing else. dont worry about it.
lobcorp as a game has absolutely Fantastic characters, and Doubly so in its sequel Library of Ruina. its a series that focuses on character growth, cycles of violence, autonomy, the definition of humanity and personhood... and just. so, so much more. its so full of The Horrors.
. this, of course, is the very basics of getting into the game. i am going to explain everything very vaguely and very messily. i'll spoilercut in case you're interested in looking spoilerless based off of this, (extra post abt it [here] if youd like to check it out yourself) but i will Try to keep it vague. i make no promises. youve asked me about my favorite character. that i have previously spent 6 hours straight explaining to a friend. you understand. here we go.
lobcorp takes place inside a monster-management facility... that is, in and of itself, a closed-off timeloop. in order to progress, certain events and interactions must happen in a very specific way for its ultimate goal to be realized. should something go wrong or a mistake occur, the loop resets to day 1, and you must do it all over again.
angela, your ai assistant, was built to be the perfect person to keep you, the manager, on-track for a plan of your own making. dont worry about it. she was built to be able to seamlessly and efficiently move things along-- the ability to feel emotion to be able to connect with employees and make crucial decisions, the ability to recall anything that has ever happened regardless of the loop, and the ability to perceive time much, much slower than a normal human to make judgements more efficiently.
she guides and supports you all the way up until the final leg of the journey, where... she simply doesnt show up again. she has done her job, and you no longer need her. you have a plan to finish, and an incalculably long time loop to finally close. everybodys suffering results in a happy ending, and everyone gets to rest. ^w^ yay yippee!
. just kidding. nothing is ever easy. angela, as a character, is seemingly set up to be a game mechanic and very little more, in the beginning. eventually, more comes up about her as the game progresses, and well...
...anyway imagine being built to be an imitation of somebody you are not in a broken individual's deepest throes of grief, and the minute you become conscious the guy you were built to love hates you simply because you exist-- because you are not the person he lost, because you're a shoddy imitation, mirroring everything he hates... that he made to be that way, in a cruel act of self-loathing. ok?
now imagine you're built to feel, built to remember, and then forced to guide a timeloop countless years long, forced to follow a script that makes you harm people you desperately want to protect and connect to, causing them to hate you. you remember every bit of harm you had to impose on them in painful detail. imagine doing all this so that your creator can come in and fix all of their problems after youve set the stage. ok?
now imagine you finally do everything right. you finally, finally help this guy to see his plan to fruition, and in the last steps of everything, when everyone comes together and finally starts to move towards their own endings... nobody looks back for you. nobody thinks to look to you, to look for you. because nobody thinks youre anything more than an object.
imagine all that, and once, finally, you start to Want. because of course, after holding everything up by yourself, you would want something more than to fade away wordlessly. of course, after all this mistreatment, you would want a future too. this story was set up so that everyone could grow and move forward-- except you. isnt that cruel? isnt that horrible? so, truly, who would really blame you for taking what you truly deserve? who could blame you for reaching for the same light they did? so what if it means you have to destroy everything you-- everything they worked for with your own hands. they can hate you all they want-- its no different from what it's been. you only have one goal now, and simply, it is to Live.
. Library of Ruina is the sequel to Lobotomy Corporation following a curious machine trying to become human. angela becomes one of two main characters, and the entire game functions as a dialogue on her growth as a character now that she finally has the autonomy to learn and change. she searches for the One True Book, something that will grant her humanity and the freedom to live, grow, and most importantly: forget.
along with the second primary character, roland, they learn more about the city and how it truly functions-- and also learn about themselves, And each other.
what do you do when you teach yourself all you can do is survive and look out for yourself-- when you finally open back up to the possibility of hope and connection, and everything is ripped out from under you yet again for circumstances out of your control? what do you do when you're a victim of a cycle of horrific deeds, crushed beneath the weight of people who couldn't care less about you, and your only hope of escaping alive is to pull down anyone else in your way?
what do you do when you finally free yourself from a seemingly endless gauntlet of suffering, finally grasping power youd never been able to have before, all in the name of finally, finally getting the vengeance and resolution you deserve? when you follow the path set in front of you, set by actions of people who came before you, spiralling endlessly into the distance? what do you do when this guise of distance and coldness you put up is rightfully challenged and you have no way of defending yourself-- when you have to question what if this "self" youve made of yourself is truly who you are... and if this path ahead is truly of your own choosing, or the making of someone whose influence you could never really shake off.
what does it mean to have autonomy when your life is never truly yours?
lobotomy corporation and library of ruina, aka: Who Wants To Be Part Of The Torture Nexus ? Try Now !
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butchdiaz · 3 months
hiiiii your edits are so incredible!!! i've been thinking about trying my hand at video editing do you have any tips?? also how does one source clips lol
hope you're having a good day :)
hi!!!! thank u so much! for sourcing clips, i did it the hard way by downloading full episodes and screen recording the clips i wanted w quicktime which is a lengthy process that takes up a lot of space on ur laptop LOL but i really wanted HD footage and didnt know any other way when i started and now i just have my own little library of clips.
here is a lifesaving site to download eps if u dont wanna/cant torrent. i forget who made it but if someone knows lmk so i can credit!
after i had done all that i discovered that there were these magical things called scene packs that are more popular over on twitter. where u can easily download every buddie scene in s2-4 for example that took me hours to record myself 🤦🏽‍♂️ i dont really have any specific sources for u bc im not on twitter. sorry ik thats not very helpful LMAO but if u ask around/search for them i know they are out there!
and uhhh as far as tips go here are some things i personally think about while editing! everyone has different styles and methods though:) this got long accidentally so its going under the cut oops
- i like to try and tell a story w my edits so im almost always thinking about that first and foremost. like how can i tie the beginning to the end and have a satisfying climax etc. i try to work with the song and highlight the emotional/tonal shifts in the music with my editing
- on that note, i am very influenced by the music while im editing cause i want my edits to LOOK like how it FEELS when im listening to the song. i think my best example of this is im afraid i love you. the drop in the chorus feels like a punch to the gut everytime and i really wanted to visuals to reflect that so it would be the most powerful. hence: soft lovey dovey looks galore and then BAM! SHOOTING. these comments fills my heart with glee cause it makes me feel like i did a good job capturing the feeling the song gives me.
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i also really love the way the beat comes in in the second verse of that song and i made sure to sync up the shots to the beat at that moment instead of the words in order to highlight the musical shift. (i always think about how @ilostyou loves that verse and calls it bouncy, it makes me feel like i achieved my goal!!!!)
- the little details and nitpicky stuff goes a long way! like painstakingly making sure clips hit right on time with the beat/the words if thats ur intention. it may seem like a chore at the time but it definitely pays off for me at least
- i also think a LOT about composition, and how to make edits flow smoothly so that the viewer can follow the story easily. if i have a bunch of faster clips in a row im going to try to make sure the focus stays in the same place so the viewers eyes dont have to jump around to find what they are looking for. its easier to explain w an example so in happy to be here, for these three shots on the word "en-gi-neer" i wanted the order to go frank -> dr salazar -> buck.
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because then it goes back to frank for "listening" so i wanted space between when it shows him AND i wanted it to end on buck cause he's the most important. but the original shot of dr. salazar was flipped so at first it looked like this:
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and i didn't like how ur eyes had to go back and forth so fast, so i flipped the middle clip. it was much easier to process all three clips in quick succession if the subject didn't move. hope that makes sense!
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valkyrieromanoff · 9 months
hi, i dont know how or if you take request, but i was hoping you could write a rex x ahsoka oneshot
i love your writing, if you could, i would be amazed
anyways, thanks, xoxo❤️ 
'Soka: Captain Rex x Ahsoka Tano
Synopsis: Ahsoka and Rex meet again after years apart, and sparks fly between them.
Warning: kissing
Words: 2.14k 
a/n: So I've never written about them, in fact, I confess that Rex and Ahsoka have never been anything to me other than great friends. However, it's always fun to try and write something new. I hope you like it and that it made sense. They're both of age, it's set in that episode of Rebels where Ahsoka and Rex meet again ;)
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"Rex? Is that truly you, by the force?”  Ahsoka Tano asked in a whisper, as her blue eyes met the older figure of the former captain of the 501st. She took a step forward, her mouth trembling gently as if she had trouble knowing if this was really happening or was a figment of her imagination.
“Yeah, that's really me! 'Soka” His eyes widened as his mouth grew into a broad smile. A lifetime of service under the Galactic Republic and a decade of war could be seen etched into his features. He was now a middle-aged man in his late 30s. His head was now free from the confines of a sleek, blue-and-white helmet, yet there were certain things about his appearance that remained unchanged.
Ahsoka Tano jumped into his arms in a tight hug, it had been over ten years since she had seen Rex, the last time was shortly after Order 66, when they decided to go their separate ways to avoid attracting the Empire's attention. She felt like she had a lifetime of longing in her chest.
He felt her arms wrapped tightly around him, her body pressed warmly into his as they embraced. Rex held her in his own embrace, as if wanting to be sure that she was real and was really here, in front of him. He hadn't seen her since she was a young apprentice, but even after all these years, she hadn't changed. Her appearance may have matured, but she was just as lively and sweet as he remembered her. Looking down and seeing her familiar face made every hardship during their time apart all worth it.
"I missed you so much, Rexster" The pet name escaped Aksosa's lips against his "I missed you so much, Rexster" The pet name escaped Aksosa's lips against his neck, still not wanting to let go. She took a deep breath, her eyes closed tightly, as she tried to keep in her mind Rex's presence.
Rex laughed at the childish nickname, his breath catching as he held her close. His eyes never left hers, as he tried to recall every little memory that he'd kept over the years. He couldn't believe that it had been so long since they'd last seen each other. And yet, here she was, standing right in front of him as if they had just come off the battlefield together. Her soft voice and gentle touch sent shivers down his spine, the warmth of her affection filling him with emotions he couldn't quite explain.
When they finally separated, Ahsoka smiled happily at Rex, the corners of her eyes crinkling softly, showing that she was no longer that young ex-padawan, but a grown woman working for the Rebellion.
He smiled widely in return, gazing softly at her with an admiration he thought he'd lost. He couldn't help but wonder how much time had really passed since they'd last met. Despite her growth from young padawan to a mature young woman, she still held that same youthful charm that captivated his heart. His blue eyes remained fixated on her smiling face, taking in every detail of her beauty and warmth. The two shared an understanding that transcended any amount of time.
"So, are you going to invite me in or are we going to stay out?" With a teasing smile spreading across her lips, Ahsoka raised an eyebrow in question.
He chuckled softly at her comment, taking a step back from her to let her in. His eyes never wavered from hers, still amazed by how she'd become a vibrant, mature woman. Her sarcastic sense of humor made him smile and reminded him of how much he had actually missed her. He stepped aside as she entered his humble home.
"It's cozy, I don't think we've ever had anything like this, even back in the days of the Republic'' Ahsoka commented, entering Rex's house, her blue eyes taking in the room, it was small but comfortable, somehow it was exactly how she imagined it would be.
Rex chuckled under his breath, remembering all the times he'd heard people say the same thing. His home was a simple place, small but cozy, decorated with a few trinkets and memorabilia from their time in the Clone Wars. But no matter how simple it was, its warmth was undeniable. He felt proud of what he had become, a simple man living a simple life. There was something about keeping his home simple and humble that felt right, like he was carrying on a tradition from his days as a clone.
"You kept this" Ahsoka murmured softly, looking at the photo of her, Anakin and Rex together after one of the missions, they were hugging each other, Anakin in the middle of them, putting his arms on their shoulders. Smiling, she ran her finger over the younger Rex's silhouette in his blue and white 501st gear.
A small smile grew on Rex's face as he saw what photo she was referring to. That photo had been taken after one of their hardest battles in the Clone Wars, where they had almost lost their lives. Anakin had pulled them together into a tight embrace, all the while flashing his mischievous grin. Ahsoka's finger tracing down his younger self brought back a surge of memories that he thought he had forgotten. His eyes turned toward the horizon, reliving events of their past in a blur.
"You know, one of the only things I miss about the war was us all being together" Ahsoka softly admitted, taking a moment to withdraw her finger away from the younger Rex's photo and carefully tracing his buzz-cut blonde hair on the holopad.
Ahsoka's words caused a bittersweet sensation to wash over him, as he struggled to suppress the wave of emotions that came with it. He missed having those connections as well. Those times they shared together as a trio, where nothing seemed to hinder the bond of brotherhood they had built. The days of the Clone Wars were behind them now, but that didn't stop him from longing for those times. Their lives now were different; they had new roles, new tasks that had to be completed. Still, something in him longed for a return to those days.
Ahsoka finally let go of the photo, lifting her fingers to wipe away the single tear that ran down her face. Rex noticed the tear that slid down her cheek and felt his heart tighten with worry. He walked alongside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder in a comforting gesture to let her know that he was there. It was a sad reminder of how much they had both endured, and while they had survived, there were things that still hurt. He held her close, hoping that his presence would be enough to provide her with some form of solace. He never wanted to see her upset again, especially when he could do something about it.
Ahsoka tenderly rested her head on Rex's chest, her blue eyes remained fixed on the picture that hung on the wall. She closed her eyes and whispered, "Thank you," closing her eyes as she let Rex's embrace sink her in.
He gently rubbed her back, his hand moving up and down in circular movements to soothe her. The warmth of her body melted away his tension, bringing peace to his mind and soul. As her head rested against his chest, he took in a deep breath, letting their hearts resonate as one. The beating of her heart was like the music of the force, a beautiful melody that brought harmony to the universe. With a single glance, he was reminded once again of why he had fought for her, and why he would fight for her still.
"I blame myself for not finding you sooner" Shrugging into Rex's arms, Ahsoka muttered as they turned to face each other.
Her words brought a small smile to his face, as he was glad she couldn't see the shame that he'd harbored for so long. He regretted being apart for so long, a sense of guilt that he never knew how to shake off. But being around her now reminded him that nothing was truly lost. He could finally begin to heal the wounds in his heart, as he took in the sight of her beautiful smiling face.
"I think I always knew somehow that you were alive, I just never had the courage to go after it" With her palm lightly brushing his white bearded cheek, Ahsoka confided, raising her eyes to meet his. "I think I knew that if I found you, I wouldn't be able to let you go," she said.
Her words brought a wave of emotions through him, as he smiled gently and leaned into her touch. Her fingers grazing along his cheek made him recall the countless days they spent together, bonding through their shared struggles and victories. It was strange how she could stir up such intense nostalgia with only a few words and gestures. Her gentle caress made him feel safe and secure, like he wasn't alone anymore. He felt her warmth and kindness wash away the pain of his past, leaving behind only comfort and warmth.
Ahsoka leaned forward, resting her forehead against his, their breaths finding a calm rhythm as they closed their eyes and allowed the wave of emotions to wash over them.
He inhaled sharply as their foreheads connected, their eyes remaining closed as their breaths synced in perfect harmony. He couldn't help but think just how much he had missed this. It seemed like they could remain locked in this moment forever. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them together in the quiet serenity of this moment. Ahsoka smelled like home to him, like the safety and security he had lost long ago was restored by her presence.
"There wasn't a day that I didn't think about you" Ahsoka murmured against his lips, their breath mixing due to their proximity.
His eyelids fluttered as he felt the warmth of her breath caress his lips. This was the feeling he had yearned for so long. The sensation that had caused him so much grief was now something he cherished deeply. The way their breath mingled, becoming intertwined as if their souls were connected. He couldn't help but be reminded of how much he had missed her. This moment was priceless.
With a flawless rhythm, "Rex" Ahsoka whispered his name, causing his heart to race in his chest. Her hand was still stroking his white beard.
He felt her soft words echo in his ears, causing sparks of feeling to race through his body. His heart fluttered in his chest, as he suddenly found it difficult to resist the overwhelming urge to close the distance between them. His eyes remained closed, his lips trembling slightly as he tried to remain strong. In that moment, he knew he had never wanted anything more than to hold her.
"I... can i kiss you?" Ahsoka asked in a whisper, her voice might be shaky, but the sparkle in her eyes was confident, as if she wanted nothing more than to join her lips with his
The world seemed to have come to a standstill as her words reached his ears. He opened his eyes slightly, gazing into her blue eyes and seeing a fiery determination that left no room for doubt. They had been so close to that moment before, and he didn't want it to slip away again. His body moved instinctively, as if it knew exactly what he wanted, his body closing the gap between them in a heartbeat.
It felt like fireworks had gone off all around them when their lips connected, yet all they could focus on was the delicate sensation of their lips moving in ethereal synchronicity.
His lips met hers, their lips locking in a moment of pure bliss. The sensation of their touching felt so natural, like every fiber of his being was connected to hers. Their lips pressed softly together, their breath mingling as they shared in a tender moment so pure that words couldn't describe its beauty. In that moment, they could have stayed there forever, their hearts beating as one, their minds as one.
Her body was so close to his that he could feel every breath against his body, the warmth of her lips leaving him speechless. He savored the feelings of intimacy as their bodies leaned into each other's, their lips pressing together over and over again while the joy of being reunited washed over them. The taste of her lips was so familiar and nostalgic, but yet so satisfying. Their connection was effortless, as if both of them could read each other's emotions in the moment. Their hearts were finally connected, no longer separated by the shadows of the past.
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thelureking · 5 months
Hey! Better late than never! I actually have been editing this list since november, but I lost some of the things I said about the last games and it took me this long to remember what I had written. The risks I run because my mind flows better when I write with pen and paper. So, seeing how well the last list did on my memory, and because I got bored of talking to myself, I shall torture the unlucky ones who have found this post with both my video game taste and my rambles about them. I am so sorry in advance.
It's the same as before: they are ordered chronologically, from first played/finished to last, not ranked in how much I liked them. If I dont say a lot its not because I didn't like it, or that it was bad. At times I didn't want to give too much away. This time I tried to write each segment right after finishing them, or the following days, so that's why I talk way more or in more detail about each game and my own opinions. And who knows, maybe this will be a yearly thing. I like it, I'm Having fun. And hopefully some of these games get the love they deserve by whoever reads this.
So, once again, and now with more words:
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1) Mothmen 1966
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Mothmen being in the title was enough for me to give it a go, so it's good to say that the game is also good. It is divided by chapters, each one from the perspective of one of our three protagonists, showing the perspective of these vastly different people even if they are connected in some way. The game goes from a visual novel style to changing the gameplay to be interactive while also maintaining its format, something that I found entertaining. Its visuals are a treat, and I believe they enhance the horror presented in the story. All of the parts in this game work in its favor. I cannot believe I am actually saying this, but to get an achievement you need to take an L. I am not joking. It is part of a puzzle and me being good at it made me miss an achievement. No hard feelings, I had a good laugh about it as I was going back to the save file and doing it again. Sometimes, sucking is the way to go. I may have spent way too much time trying to win the Impossible Solitaire. But I will, one day, you'll see.
2) Roadwarden
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You know a game is good when I play it for hours uninterrupted and is the main reason I turn on the computer.
Roadwarden is, as the title image says, an illustrated text based RPG, in which you take the role of a Roadwarden who is tasked to explore an unknown peninsula to expand a merchant's guild's influence, establish its safety, and find out what happened to the missing previous roadwarden.
Let me tell you, this game is amazing from both a mechanical and storytelling level. Mechanically because the game keeps track of so many things, it will remember even an answer you gave at the very beginning, and it'll become an integral part of your character. Even little thoughts as you are about to sleep will shape who you are playing as. On the story telling level, so many of the quests and towns are interlinked that holding back on finishing certain quests is the way to go, although in some cases having as many done as possible will no doubt help. The characters and towns are all unique and memorable, each with history that shapes them and how they interact with each other and you, the outsider. Both gameplay and story service each other to present an experience unlike any other, enhancing each other at every opportunity. The art and soundtrack set the perfect atmosphere for each moment. And the world building. Man, the world building, it's just. So well done, you actually believe this is a real place that existed before you arrived, and that it will continue to do so after you leave. It wasn't waiting for you, it did not kick into gear just because you showed up. It has its own issues, its own history, its own people, nature, culture, and you can feel that with each written word, each piece of information. I can't even explain properly just how good the world building is.
I just really fell in love with being a guy on the road taking care of these settlements' problems, getting to know their inhabitants and gaining their trust, all while falling in love with the game. There is one quest that I do not want to spoil, but the ending was so. Fitting, in a way, that I was surprised I didn't see it coming. Even as I saw the achievement name once I completed it, I looked back and just. I just smiled like damn, good job.
If you want to really take in this entire world and its people, I would personally recommend playing in Casual, since any other difficulty setting will put a limit to the days you'll be allowed to stay, and I must stress that this experience must not be rushed. Unless you dont mind a time challenge, in which case you do you. Also don't know about your memory, but I needed to take notes, and some highlights are: "Efren marry me", "We should have all stabbed Thais full Julius Caesar style", "Eudica and Efren my beloveds" and "Thyrsus is my Warlock Uncle". With that being said, the Journal mechanic is a god sent, and I can't be more grateful that it exists. Finally, a journal that doesn't get stuck in the first sentences of a quest from when you first got it.
Oh boy, those are a lot of words. Can you tell I really liked this game? I can't wait to see more from this developer.
3) Exhibit of Sorrows
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A short game set in a clown exhibit, with a point - click and drag gameplay. I'll keep this one short, since this game can be played for free in both browser and for download in Itchio, and it is a neat little thing that you can beat as fast or as slow as you want. You interact with each exhibit, clicking and dragging the mouse depending on what you need to do, each with a little buddy that you need to help or have fun with to get the key, and proceed to the next screen. Its length and artstyle make for a fun and interesting experience, pacing itself beautifully. It is effective in every way. And come on, they are clowns, they are so cute and look like plushies. I love them all.
4) The Firebrand
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A game about a detective interrogating a woman with different word prompts that he writes down in his notebook, all which branch into more questions and answers. You'll uncover the story and the truth of this conversation as you play along, finding out stuff about the woman, the detective, and even the world they live in. It is an interrogation against a clock that keeps on ticking, and luckily the developers give us the chance to check out a dialogue tree and how to get both the Normal and True Ending. With that in mind, the questions that don't lead to either of these are worth reading, as they serve to paint a bigger picture. And hey, you can also get the Bad Ending while you do it.
5) Royal Alchemist
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Royal Alchemist is a visual novel in which you, the protagonist, are tasked with tutoring the three princes of a nation. You will fight for your life against the challenges this new position presents and also the stat checks you will have to pass at different points of the story, both of your character and the princes. Speaking of, each one of them represents a different route, with their recommended order (which I highly request following as stated by the creators: Aurelius, then Serin, and finally Nazir. Trust me, they were made to be experienced like this, you wont regret it). You will experience the constant back and forth, the battle of swords and wits with Aurelius, the emotional build up with Serin, and to describe the main appeal of Nazir's route before playing it would be a spoiler. The romance in this VN is some of the best I've experienced. I have never read about two characters holding hands in such an intimate way, it made the pure build up of a route worth every second. And the Princes aren't the only interesting characters, this visual novel is full of fun and complex characters, all with their own personalities and roles. From Raphael, the butler who might as well be the patron saint of patience, to Viola, the infamous head merchant. It has a mechanic of stat raising and, as stated before, there will be points in the story where you will need to reach a certain level of a skill to be able to pass. But don't worry, there is an official guide made by the developers which is a life saver, which not only has each stat requirement for each route, but also with neat additions like character profiles and more. The only criticism I'll give it is that some scenes are cut short when they could have been expanded on and it would have had a better effect, not only in terms of an emotional connection, but also to further enforce the bond between the player and the relationship developed in the route. But besides that small complaint, this visual novel is one I would gladly recommend.
6) Fear & Hunger
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God, this game. This game hates you on a mechanical level. This game will put the fear of god in you every time you get further away from a save point, every time you think "yeah I can take this enemy no problem" and next thing you know you are eating dinner with your creator; every time you think "oh neat, a new area" and proceed to eat shit and die for the next hour because you just lost a fucking arm and a leg and can't outrun your enemies anymore. And you refuse to start another run because you are just that stubborn, and you will suffer through the consequences of your early game actions. No this is not my personal experience what are you talking about. It is a bleak and grotesque horror rpg game, made with RPG Maker. You will accompany whichever poor soul you choose as your playable character in their trip to the dungeon of Fear and Hunger, for whichever the reason their story presents. Should you play this game? Be mindful of the triggering content, first and foremost. This is a dark game, and it does not shy away from depicting it. From enemy designs, gameplay mechanics, to the way of worshiping gods, to specific game overs, and so on. Its hard and you will feel it unfair. This game will not hold your hand, and when you think it does it will put its teeth around your wrist and tear it off your body, its saliva infecting your wound with poison and leaving you to rot. I love this game.
7) Clash: Robot Detective
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Fun fact: I never look into games that much before playing them, which in this case led to the asssumption that I was going to play a robot. So I named my character Flesh, because I thought a robot named Flesh was funny and also cool. Turns out, I ended up playing a human named Flesh. Which was somehow even funnier, and ended up becoming a pattern when I played the extras, which have a different protagonist, and I decided to commit to the bit and named them Blood. Flesh and Blood, my favourite human beings.
You play as the extremely new assistant to our titular detective Clash, who asks for your help in solving a mystery taking place in the cruise ship you are vacationing on. Depending on the different dialogue options, you can play as the good or the bad cop, and Clash will balance you out in this act, which leads to different and interesting outcomes.
I have to say, the artstyle drew me in. I am a sucker for these types of illustrations, and I'm glad that the writing and story were as good. I was invested not only in the case, but also on Clash as a character, who I will longingly stare at from a distance because I respect his boundaries and preferences.
Keep on going, you majestic robot detective, I can't wait to see what kind of trouble you get into in the future.
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Long awaited (at least for me) DEMO from Airdoft (creator of FAITH) and , and it all came about because of her videos and a single tweet.
The demo is short, but it shows the great potential of what a game like this could grow into, and I cant wait to see it become a finished project.
EDIT: Sadly, the game has been canceled, so we won't be able to see this concept grow into a finished game. Hopefully it'll inspire others with its style and presentation.
9) (Don't) Open Your Eyes
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In this room, you know how everything looks. Does that include your midnight intruder?
This entire VN is a one sided conversation between you and something that may or may not be there, shaped in the darkness of your closed eyelids. Both of you are gripped by the same question, the intrigue eats away at you. Your imagination runs wild trying to give shape to this anomaly, and it is so desperate for you to find out.
There is only one way to do so:
Don't open your eyes.
10) Fortress
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Man, short and effective is the way to describe this one. It has such a fantastic grip on atmosphere and tension that I admire. It truly captures the feeling of returning to a place where an impactful childhood memory took place.
Using the same location and making you play through it at different times of the story was done so well. I was ready for things to happen just because they did in the past, the first half of the game, and expected them to happen again.
In the past, I was ready to shoot on sight. As an adult, I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger, not even to see if I could. I don't know why, months after playing it, this little thing has stuck with me the most.
11) The Shadows That Run Alongside Our Car
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You leave the gas station with a stranger, either on the wheel or sitting next to you. The silence hangs heavy between you two, the road is empty, the sun is setting, and the end of the world is now. Time to break the silence, you get to choose who. In this visual novel you get to decide how this conversation at the end of the world unfolds, a game of perspective between our two characters, who may hide certain details about themselves or reveal them, if they give you the choice. After all, what would you gain by hiding a secret in this car ride? It could be your last.
12) Attack of the Murder Hornets
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Hornets are evil, evil things of nature. They are coming for your bees.
They are coming for you.
13) Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (+ Siege of Dragon Spear)
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There has to be a saying that goes: If you can't play the game everyone is talking about, go play every single game in it's series that came before it. Because that's what I did, even if I already wanted to play the Baldur's Gate games before the third one came around. But it was definitely a good push. The game's story has a much smaller scope than I expected, or maybe that's just how I feel now that I am currently playing the second game, but I think it works in its favor.
I think the reason I don't have much to say, besides the fact that I had lots of fun, is because my head is still processing Siege of Dragon Spear (with its much bigger scope) and what I am currently seeing in the second game. What all I'll say about that one now is man, what a way to start a sequel.
My suffering came mostly from the ruleset used (which I was unfamiliar with) and the fucking paralysis spell. Fuck it. ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE PARALYSIS SPELL.
In terms of characters, I didn't end up using most of the available NPCs in my party, even if I made the effort of recruiting them all, mostly because the ones I had I liked a lot. I liked Rasaad and I was pleasantly surprised he had a romance in the expansion AND the second game, which I am enjoying a lot. Jaheira and Khalid never left my party, same with Imoen who I kept treating like a sister because come on, the setup of being raised in the same city since birth and being childhood friends was perfect. I love Baeloth an unhealthy amount, he is so perfect in the expansion I made an effort to keep him in the party even if I had high reputation. In the expansion my party was insane looking. Like Oh yes, the Hero of Baldur's Gate, her monk companion Rasaad, Jaheira and... a gnome nobody knows why he is around, Baeloth the entertainer I guess, and a GOBLIN? At one point I did switch Jaheira for Viconia, only because Baeloth was one point of reputation away from leaving the party. I swear, the grip that man has on me. The story from Viconia's POV must be so funny: She gets recruited and instantly tells me she is fucking off, gets recruited again only because I dont want an idiot entertainer to leave; and then when she is about to be killed, who comes to her rescue? THIS DUMBASS. She must be like: GOD, DAMN IT, I CAN'T ESCAPE THIS BITCH. I am her surface curse.
My closing thought for this game is: Whoever made the TOSC maze... Who the fuck hurt you? Same goes for whoever made that final boss. WHY?!
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crabbng · 7 months
I've been trying to study your art style, your backgrounds I mean. Can you tell me or explain in someway how you like draw your backgrounds? Like sometimes you'll have characters interacting with an object or part of the world so you only draw that object in white space. But sometimes you go the whole nine yards and draw everything.
In white space you leave it up to us the reader to understand that the character is in that area without drawing it and that's so cool to me.
How do you know when to not redraw a background? Like in the scene when Chaarose was talking to the old lady. There was hallways drawn and you drew most of the room but for the most part the only thing that we saw was the couch/chairs so we know they were in a room but the background was white and not very much detail but we understand this was her room how did you do that? You do this with a variety of other panels like when they are in Hana's house (when baby first turns humanoid) you sometimes draw the couch or the table and there are things that indicate walls but I think it's my favorite thing in the world when you do this.
Basically my question is how do you know when to do this and how do you go about doing this? Do you just decide I dont wanna draw that background again so the reader knows where the characters are? Or do you do something else?
thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it ☺️☺️💕
i guess it's a consideration of what's important to communicate in that panel. is this an establishing shot/do i need to set a new scene? do i want to focus on the character and what they're saying? do i need to convey space in order to achieve a certain mood? (like the more recent pages of chaar where she's sitting in front of the sea looking very small)
the other thing is like. how have i arranged the people in the panel. if they're sitting down and i want to show more than their torso, it's going to look weird if i just draw them sitting on nothing. generally the more i show of a character, the more background i put behind them.
the OTHER other thing is.. man i got all these pages to draw 🤣🤣 i CANNOT be drawing backgrounds in every panel (nor should i, it gets too cluttered)
there's a sort of rule of thumb I've heard of having at least 1 panel of background per page, to ensure the reader remembers where they are, which i think is a decent starting point if it's something you're unsure about.
so yeah, idk how helpful this is, i may have rambled a bit but like. consider what the point is in having a background in a panel. whether that be you need to establish a location, your characters would be floating around otherwise, or it's important to evoke a certain mood. I'm sure there are other things, but that's GENERALLY what i consider.
imo the less backgrounds you draw per page.. the better lol. save yourself the time and wrist stress 🤣 but im also someone who enjoys focusing on characters more, so i am biased!!
amyways. hope that helps. or is interesting. i appreciate the question tho!! i am flattered u enjoy my work ☺️ feel free to hmu with more questions!
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ickadori · 8 months
OMG I JUST READ UR REPLY TO MY FEM SUKUNA ASK URGHHHHHH IM GOING CRAZY U HAVE ME THINKING. THOUGHTS!!!!! blushed a little and started giggling at my phone a lil crazily when i read that.
fem!sukuna who merely dresses in a plain ceremonial yukata with black and navy patterns. it hangs off her shoulders deliciously. she calls you a treat but you say the term is far more fitting for her, (ur beloved queen) her ichor colored eyes shine a possessive, affectionate glint when u say it... do you perhaps see the tips of her ears flush a pink when you say so? her arms and fingers still coated with blood and guts and you travel ur eyes upwards to her biceps. as she shrugs on the yukata on after bathing in the blood of the latest fool who dared to challenge her, you're lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her arms and shoulders. (not like u dont see them often anyway hehe) she's buff--still somewhat lean. but when her arm flexes to adjust her sleeves, oh god. you could probably die happily. her flesh almost ripples as she instinctively flexes her arms. you see beautiful black ink along her arms too. you suck in a breath standing there, eyes widening. everything feels warm. she glances at you, and you do a tiny wave, "hello. ryomen." you whisper, as her eyes sparkle. (you remember on a warm, spring day as you and sukuna are under a large willowy, tree. the birds chirp, you knew sukuna wasn't fond of them until you came around. she lets them live upon your insistence that you enjoy the presence and the cute chippering. you ask her how she got them. her tattoos. she grins at you, baring her teeth, and tells you how they're marks of her power. she pulls you even closer, letting your face nuzzle her chest. thump, thump, thump; her heart goes.) you press a chaste kiss to her heart and hum affectionately ........ you ask uraume for the truth later that day. you know sukuna well enough to tell it was a lie of some kind...but you let her have her moment of glory, rather liking her eyes squinting and teeth baring when she smiles. (blood adorning her canines or not) after a bit of begging, they reluctantly explain the tattoos are really from her time of imprisonment as a mortal from heinous crimes there, slaughter that . they murmer quietly that sukuna told you otherwise because she wanted to impress you, show off her strength... (you think it's very cute for someone as powerful as her, in her current prime, and with absolute dominion over cursed spirits to feel the want to impress you.) and to not tell her they told you anything unless you wanted a block of ice for breakfast the following morning. (they wouldn't do that, really. you know; with their undying respect for lady sukuna and you) so you laugh it off. - L anon :3 <3
sukuna wanting to impress reader and lying about her marks :'))))) wait no bc i love the hc that the stripes have an actual meaning behind them rather than just being there for aesthetic purposes.
what if the marks were placed on her to signify just how cruel and inhumane her crimes were? "the heinous crimes you committed make you nothing short of a monster, so in repentance, you will be forced to wear the marks of a monster - let your appearance properly reflect what festers inside you."
the queen of curses feeling the need to lie in order to impress some random little human is so cute i'm gonna die!! why can i see her playing up her fights to once she's finally returned home. the fight could have been some minor thing, one that hardly required her presence, and it could have lasted no more than a minute, and yet she's spinning it into some grand tale because she likes the way your eyes seem to sparkle as you listen, and how you ooh and ahh over every little detail.
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sharky-the-idiot · 1 year
So Maria is the granddaughter of Dr.Gerald robotnik, who is also the grandfather of eggman. Maria and eggman are cousins I believe, unless it's been changed as of like 2018+. Maria has N.I.D.S, an illness that causes the affected person to get weaker and weaker and need constant medical attention as it progresses, and so her and her grandfather are in space, due to the anti gravity helping the symptoms to not progress as fast. While up there, her grandfather, who was actually the opposite of eggman, a kind caring person who wanted to use science for good and help cure his granddaughter was put on a task to create the ultimate life form by the government. So he created shadow, Gerald gave Shadow a soul so that humanity would not abuse his power for monstrous acts. Little did Gerald know that in the end, he himself was still only human. the plan was called off while still being worked on, and he was taken away and executed by the govfor creating shadow and 'putting humanity in danger' despite building its best protector. They interrogated him, before asking "is that all?" And it cuts to black, them prolly shooting him off screen. He didn't get a trial either, so it was straight up murder. While all this was happening, it's seen in the cutscenes of both the games and anime, that Maria was standing above a control panel weakly, before it cuts to a scene of shadow in the tube thing, in shadows flashback it showing maria saying how she wanted revenge on humanity. this is seen altered a lot though And YKNOW WHAT REALLY FUCKS ME UP? The fact that Gerald altered shadows memory so he wouldn't feel as pained, only the true meaning and stuff coming out when Amy says something that triggers it. And because of eggman being related, imagine if that's the reason he's so fucked up now This actually would explain why Eggman has so many childish characteristics despite being a grown man - since people who have experienced severe trauma as children often carry on childlike traits well into their adulthood to cope with the fact that the innocence of their childhood was cut short. It makes the concept of his "Eggmanland" amusement park SO much more tragic when you think about how it's probably a manifestation of the final drops of a traumatized childs innocence seeping through the cracks of an angry, bitter and broken old man's rampage of revenge against a world that wronged him and his loved ones so brutally, suddenly and pointlessly that he lost his goddamn mind That might also be why he hates sonic so much, due to him striking a resemblance to shadow. Oh and btw Shadow's design is based on the Prophecy of Super Sonic. In otherwords, Shadow almost owes his existence to Sonic in every way. but also due to Gerald coming into contact with Black Doom during his experimental processes, who offered up his immortal alien DNA in order to create Shadow. That's why Shadow looks like Black Doom and its why he's immortal while being able to channel the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Black doom is also why they shut down the project AND HIS FUCKING LAST SPEACH FUCKS ME ALL THE WAY UP! YOU DONT EXPEVT LINES LIKE "You ungrateful humans who took everything away from me will feel my loss and despair…" FROM A GOD DAMN SONIC GAME WHERE SOMEBODY IS CHAINED UP AND ABOUT TO BE KILLED Oh and Shadow tried to retcon certain details; such as wanting to remember Gerald fondly. The same man that nearly destroyed the entire planet from beyond the grave due to being driven mad with grief. This entire story line (not including silvers, knuckles backstory, blaze's lore ect) is why I'm still so into sonic.
infodump on shadow the hedgehog lore ehe
I saw Maria and thought both "SPLATOON⁉️⁉️⁉️" AND "OMORI⁉️⁉️⁉️" at the same time I need help
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laesas · 2 years
Yay fuck raw ratings the sequel!! I would love to hear you yell about armtankhun, vegasporsche, and kimbig 👀😇💕
1 . What Made you ship them
Look at THEMB. its rare that I remember the exact moment that I absorb a ship into my heart but that one scene of them at Yok's Bar holding hands so casually and comfortingly that I was like. Yep. THEM.
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2 . What are your favourite things about the ship
Despite the fact that I love how KinnPorsche flipped the script on the typical Bodyguard/Charge = Protector/Protectee - I am still a total sucker for the dynamic of someone becoming their counterpart's safe place in every sense. I think ArmTankhun fills that gap, less about the physical aspect but more about Arm analysing and acknowledging Tankhuns fears and then sweeping and debugging every room and explaining all the protocols in detail and making Tankhun feel safe in his home again.
I think that the fact that Arm is also a total weirdo is super underutilised as an element of the ship.
But IDK theres this one AO3 author thats really fucking nailed the dynamic you should all should definitely check them out <3
3 . Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It's that their Autism 4 Autism swag is unmatched. Man did not memorise the speed of planes and bullets to be classed as the neurotypical one in the relationship. Sure it's projecting but it's also the highest honour I can bestow.
1 . What made you ship it?
Why dont you stay instumental ost playing in the background of the motorbike scene. That and the lighter thing 🔥. Hot Girl Shit. <3
2 . What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like that Vegas is possibly the most unreliable narrator in the whole show, and I think that you end up with a really fun tangled web of motivations, all of which vegas is lying to himself about: like wanting to be chosen over Kinn, wanting Porsche for Porsche, wanting to follow his father's orders, wanting to break his fathers rules and also the utterly fucked up wanting to hurt and break Kinn's shiny new toy just to feel something.
Also this:
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3 . Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think that there are generally 2 camps when it comes to Vegas which are: 1. Vegas is a babygirl, he didnt *mean* to be bad and he would never have *really* assaulted Porsche or Pete and he should recieve love and shipping. and 2. Vegas is an awful human being and definitely was going to assault Porsche and Pete and therefore does not deserve a redemption arc and his ships suck.
And to that I say: Dont be a pussy. Vegas is awful and snakey and wildly problematic yet he and Porsche should definitely be allowed to fuck. Porsche was absolutely considering it. Obsessed with that wet little rat of a man. Love him.
💌 Lets chat ship! Send me a ship and I’ll give my honest opinions on it ✨
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what would be heelel’s reaction if y/n asked for a threesome w leviathan 🫨
cuz they way he ATE her up with his snake tongue 🧎‍♀️
imagine she said levi eats her out better to heelel 🧍‍♀️💀
lol. sweet anon.
well, given levi's tongue and being a serpent master himself, i wouldn't doubt he being really good at it because that is his specialty. But keep in mind, heelel's love making and oral performance is no joke. think of it this way, all brothers have their own unique traits and specialities, but Heelel is like the grandmaster of all things.
And unfortunately, you wouldn't dare to ask for a threesome or say anything like that.....really you wouldn't. because he's made it very clear that you belong to him. allow me to explain in a little bit of detail, because i actually have a couple of other anon asks that had relatively similar questions, but heelel....he's waaaaay more dangerous and sadistic than what you guys might believe.
The whole entire way of being ravished by each brother on separate occasion was just to prep you because you had to commit to each deadly sin (metaphorically speaking,) because each brother is associated with their own deadly sin, you had to experience them in order for you to come to hell, much less getting ravished by Heelel's demon form. (that was painful to write about) but during that scene, if you kind of read in between the lines where the brothers come in to help you, it kind of shows that they have served their purpose and aided their brother in one thing that he desired most, and that was to get you ready to become immortal. afterwards, when you read lucifer's chapter, as well as in jay's chapter and probably a few others, they even give hints such as "we can only do so much" or "i only have you for a day" those are key verbiages that they had a mission to accomplish.
i dont think alot of people understand just how obsessive and possessive heelel is with you, or maybe it's because the final chapter, the amount of love he displayed ppl are mistaking that to think that he would be open bc of his love for you....that is not the case.
like yes, he had his brothers prep you, but that was merely it. he isn't like heethan, who would also be very angry if you had asked and punish you, however, heelel is waaaaay more brutal in his punishments. trust me, there were alot of scenes i actually cut out from the original draft bc i just knew alot of ppl were going to be uncomfortable with it and i was afraid ppl would start hating on heelel. he is sweet and loving towards you if you're obedient and loyal to him, but cross the line, express, or even give him a thought that youre going to leave him, not love him, not be his, or think of someone else, he wouldn't kill you.....but he is going to hurt you to make you learn the lesson. you will not be shared with anyone else and you are only for him and him only. the man waited 7000 years for you to come to life so he could take you. i didn't really draft too much detail into it, but you, as far as in the storyline and after you were brought to hell, you just knew that he claimed you and that he will become murderous and veeeeeeerrry bad if anyone tried to take you. you wouldn't dare to ask unless you want to get a whole list of injuries.....he would do it to you for even thinking of another person aside from him. the man is sadistic, twisted, insane, (i mean he is the devil) but its like 100x worse because he loves you so much that he watches your every move 24/7. lets just say, if you didn't take the hint of how much he loves you or you were feeling too bold to ask, again, you'd get hurt and you would get a rude awakening.....preeeeettty bad. like lol. don't mistake his kindness to you, you can ask him anything else, but the moment you ask for something like that, its not good for you. not to mention, his brothers would never be okay with it because they love and respect their brother (and king/master) too much to betray him like that. they're nice to you but that's it. if you said something like "levi does it better"........i think he might....just might.....actually break you...like literally. like yes he loves you and you're the world to him......but its soo much that he's selfish in keep you all to himself...you're almost like a slave to him (or to his love) if that all makes sense. i went a little long with this in hopes that other anons can understand as well. heelel is great....but he can also be veeeeeeeerry bad depending on you.
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years
https :// www. tumblr.com/damnfandomproblems/703405919773589504/i-think-that-whats-not-being-considered-is-that?source=share this is fair but yall are missing the point unless it is important to the story THE PLOT UNLESS IT IS SOMETHING THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NESESSARRY race, ethnicity, nationality whatever does not matter its all just a side bit of information that you do not need to know say you in a high-school of somewhere and you go on a fieldtrip (like a filler episode of an anime or something) and you go explicitly to learn about a different culture or people than your own. while to many these people seem the same this would be an excellent time to explain the differences between the two as a sort of educational episode. to show off lesser known cultures and people or its important lore that two or more different groups are opposing each other and its important the reader knows the difference between the two or more. but this is not necessary in EVERY story. sure it could be a fun little trivia information sometimes. a passing comment from a character like "wow you know seem to know so much about this stuff!" "yeah! i lived there most of my childhood i picked up a few things" and its not really that important other than that. i mean seriously how important to you is it that you know the exact details of what people are in real life. how often do you ask your coworkers or peers or whatever exactly where they are from or what they are besides maybe sometimes in small talk? if it is often why? why is that the only thing you care about? if an author wants to include that information that's perfectly fine. its also fine for you to want more representation either or yourself or to learn about others. but here something yall need to learn. content creators are not your personal entertainment making slaves that you get to order around. all these anime and manga yall consume were not made for you. they are people and they make content for themselves. they are making content because THEY enjoy it. its not their RESPONSIBILITY to provide representation for you. yall seem to think that whatever you want should be served to you on a silver platter. no. what you get is what other people decided to make and share on the internet. either have the money to commission someone or make the content yourself. as a content creator myself we are not your slaves. we work for ourselves, not you. your allowed to enjoy or hate our content, but you don't get to demand or dictate what we should or allowed to make. if someone hasn't made something to your liking then make it yourself. if you want a story about a certain thing then MAKE IT. we arent fucking machines. we are real people just like you so start treating us like it. you like "slice of life" over "action"? then you would create "slice of life". but someone else enjoys "action" over "slice of life"? but you want them to make "slice of life"? too fucking bad. they aren't interested and you dont get a say in what they make. its the same with race. or any other topic. you wouldnt create "action" over "slice of life" because it doesn't interest you so why would you force someone to do something they have no interest in. race is not as important as yall think it is and you need to stop putting it on some pedestal. I don't understand why this even needs to be explained. yall really act like its the end of the world because the content you want isnt being created and served to you within seconds. i cant believe yall act like its actually a fucking problem that some races and cultures aren't being constantly talked about in entertainment media. especially in media where it hold no importance to a story. this is not the big important problem yall think it is and it could be solved very quickly if yall would just start making content yourselves instead of expecting everyone else to do it for you its baffling. sorry again for the long ask
This is the ask the anon is responding to.
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fipindustries · 2 years
weird inchoate throughts incoming:
i noticed the way i infodump about something im deeply into tends to be a bit different from how other people do it and this might be a product of me masking, i dont know. but now a days i tend to be more reserved about this stuff than i used to be when i was younger. i try to stay away from just word vomiting everything i know and/or might find interesting about the topic, but rather try to curate the information and the way im presenting it as if i was pitching it.
rather than merely exposit im almost trying to sell the concept, im trying to make sure it has at least a shadow of the same emotional impact that it had on me when i first discovered it, im almost trying to reverse engineer the experience i had learning about the thing for the first time. so that they can GET IT, so that they can feel it in their bones what i felt, so that they can see not just what it is but WHY i care so much about it, so that they care a little bit as well and they dont think im a weirdo for talking non stop at them about something they dont care about.
im trying to get them invested
in order to do this i try to stay away from merely rapid fire exposition, this isnt an oral exam or a memorization test, this is a story that i am about to tell. i will keep firmly in mind what is merely tecnical minutia that wont contribute to selling the idea and what are the emotional keystones to get the listener hooked, i will try to cold read my audience a bit to see what tone to strike, how much energy to put into my tone, what thing to emphazise, what things to leave by the wayside.
the first thing ill keep in mind is that i will try my best to make this a conversation, which means that instead of launching on a 40 minutes long monologue, ill try to structure it as questions and answers. every time the conversation goes back to me and i launch on a fifteen minute rant about something i am directly and very pointedly adressing the question the other person asked. this helps the whole thing stay focused, structured and most important, interesting for the person listening to me. they are getting something they want from me and i get to feel smart by being able to explain whatever the other person wants to know about this vast world i hold inside of me.
there is a downside to this which is that im very dependant on the other persons full willingness to paticipate and keep the conversation going. but the upside of that is that the times it happens i know for a fact the other person is actually paying attention and interested in what i have to say
when i introduce the idea for the first time i try to reduce it to its most fundamental essntials, as quick and succint as i can make it while still communicating the very core of the concept. i try to make it concentrated and flavorful, promising depths and complexities beneath if the interlocutor is ever interested in plundering its dpths with me and if they bite, that is when the dumping starts.
a common mistake i see is people going on and on about details that are not relevant for the overall conveyance of the experience, it will just dizzy and confuse the listener trying to keep all details straight without knowing what is the main take away from it all. i will forego using too many names, opting for general labels like "this dude" or "the blue chick" or "the weird one i told you about". ill refer to previous events like "the big fuck up" or "that party" and so on and such.
i will make liberal use of hands and body gestures, ill put on a fun one-girl theatre show extravanganza, ill make voices and faces. ill re tell certain bits in a much more exagerated and overacted way because that way its a bit funnier and more engaging to listen to when coming from a person talking. ill pause, ill create dramatic tension, retell my own reactions that i had when i got to a certain part.
i will also try to highly structure the whole thing, if im about to embark on a tangent or a quick aside that is vital to get context i will make sure the listener knows this, ill put a pin on what i was saying, lay some sign boards on the ground and once we rejoin the main narrative ill make it explicit that that is what we are doing.
i have been told im really good at explaining things, i like to think is one of my talents, definetly is a thing i had a lot of practisce in. this is the first time i actually sat down to examine what is it that i do to get these results
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boiled-dennis · 2 years
i actually dont undersrand how in conversations about recommending shows to people, folks're always saying not to start with the Beginning of a show, and that they pick specific episodes to give people the feel of the show,, when the person is already planning on watching all of it .. and the shows in question always have continuous storylines and layered, ongoing jokes and people .. ., . say shit like "yeah i didnt allow them to see the first one where they establish all the characters and important plot elements- i went to the episode in season seven thats full of golfing jokes, because my buddy loves golfing" like man youre the one who has seen the show a million times and first watched it in the proper order ,. nobody wants to watch a show with someone who's gonna keep pausing it to explain whole seasons of details just because they HAD to see the murder mystery episode right now. your soul is marred by the weak desire for instant gratification........ where is your sense of being in it for the long haul, the dedication to experiencing the story With someone beat by beat .... witnessing their every reaction up until the best episodes are watched in a natural order... so your pal can fully understand why something is So Very....... . . . many people engage with their own personal interests in The wrong way and most certainly have deep, profound commitment issues if they cant sit down and watch a show in the morally correct order
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aprincesslonging4luv · 7 months
a trauma dump in a way
I guess I can talk about one of my co workers. I dont know if ive talked about this on here, but I was hit by a car two and half years ago. and im still battling the lawsuit, and healing from my injuries. I had a lot a lot a lot of injuries, over 9 injuries. and this co worker, he keeps joking about my accident. and it's like, um, ?????. I mean its different when I make a joke about it, because when I make a joke about it I decide its okay and im actively thinking about it, but when someone else makes a jokes about it it catches me off guard, it triggers me. because I wasn't expecting it. and I dont appreciate it.
like, its not like he has to constantly ask people what they said or can't hear ur best friends talk to you half the time. its not like he can't eat and watch a movie at the same time. its not like he needs a hearing aid at 17, 18, 19, 20 years old. its not like he get triggered when someone gets hit by a car or a bus or anything when watching movies and tv shows. its not like he has major back pains as a result of a fractured pelvis from the accident. doesn't have brain damage, can't focus or remember or understand things as well as he should be. so incredibly angry at the world for what happened. treating strangers horribly, just because of the anger you have for what happened what to you. that theyre living their happy go merry life, and here you are traumatized. hurt. and you can't even control it. you dont want to be mean, but it just happens. its deep inside of you. the accident made you a hateful person. not like he has to deal with that.
dealing with the repercussions of not brushing ur teeth for a year after ur accident because you were so tramitauzed and depressed. didn't have to go through inpatient and out patient rehab. didnt have to beg your parents to please take you out of inpatient rehab, begging and crying to please take you home. didnt have to spend 3 weeks in the hostpital, spend thanksgiving in the hospital. doesn't have to deal with lawyers telling you your case is impossible to win, that it was your fault. doesn't have to go to therapy for their severe PTSD. not like he'll ever see Christmas different. or thanksgiving different. not like he has to deal with the flashbacks constantly, everyday. not like he has to look at the pictures from the scene, the police report, the 911 calls, the witness statements. its not like he can't drive at 19 because he's so incredibly scared of being on the road, in control of a car, and can't focus on two things at time. not like he has to a ride a bike to a from work everyday because he can't drive at 19. not like he sees the 18th of every month differently, especially the 18th of November. not like he spent 8 months with half of his paralyzed. not like the facial nerves in his face are still different to this day. not like he can't go to doctor appointments anymore because he has to relive the accident all over again, every time. its not like he mourns the person he was before the accident, how my brain used to be normal.
so, after all that, why does he make jokes about it? but then again, its not like ive told him all this. I wish I was strong enough to do that. but in order to get him to understand that he can't make jokes like that, I have to relive it. I have to give the details, explain what im going through and how this is hard. and that takes so much. it's so hard.
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