#i dont want to spoil it but if someone wants a synopsis before reading just message me directly!!!
rowretro · 3 months
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✧Warnings: kissing, mafia hoon, blood, suggestive, dead body, detailed murder
✧Synopsis: Sunghoon is a very innocent man, a beautiful, sexy wife, 3 kids, a 12 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. He's a perfect family man who owned a homely café. He's just an ordinary person.... until one of the most feared mafia men paid a visit after a dreadful incident.
Sunghoon woke up, a few loose hairs covering his forehead as he leaned over to his wife who slept soundly beside him, straps of her nightgown both down from all that tossing and turning, her arm hanging off the bed. "Such a beautiful sight to wake up to." he cheekily said as he kissed her collarbone, hearing her whine softly. "Not now babe~ the kids are probably up" she groggily said, sitting up as she sleepily rubbed her eyes.
"One half caf non fat white soy latte to go" Sunghoon called out. "Wow you got that first twy?" His son, Ryuu asked stunned as he smiled "What can I say, daddy's perfect" Sunghoon cockily said as Y/n rolled her eyes, and packed the order. "Yoi sexy- stop with the eye rolling.... mommy married me for that reason y'know?" Sunghoon added as Cherry gagged "Dad shut up- that's gross" she commented, clearly disgusted.
That night Sunghoon closed the cafe, locking all the doors as he carried Ryuu "Cherry go sleep. you have an exam tomorrow" "I know mom just let me be will you? Im jsut finishing up my homework" she whined as the woman sighed "Fine. but go to bed straight after" she warned as Ryuu came up to y/n, in his cute jammies, making grabby hands with a pout "awww what does my cutie want noww?" she asked as he smiled "a lil sibling to pway wif?" he asked with big eyes.
She blinked, then noticed Sunghoon hiding by the fridge "I see where this is coming from... if I give you a lil sibling now, that baby will become the cutest in the family-" she pointed out as Ryuu frowned "I dont want a sibling anymow!" he pouted as Sunghoon groaned. She snickerred to herself as she carried the littlun to his room. Sunghoon followed behind closely, resting his chin on her shoulder as she tucked the little boy in.
It was dead night, stars scatterred across the night sky, the kids asleep, y/n on Sunghoon's lap as he snuggled her. "Why do you want another baby?" she asked as he stared into her eyes. "Look at how independant the kids are becoming... I want a little cutie that likes me more than me" "maybe dont be cocky, and spoil the kids more" before he could say anything else, his phone rang "hello?..... what? how- I'll be right over there." he said his voice dark as he called Jay "Bro... can you look after my kids, I need to go visit the cafe.... yeah the police are there, they found a body... I know yeah- see you there" He cut the call and turned to y/n.
"What the... why our cafe what is going on hoon?" y/n asked as she glanced at him, the man stunned and confused "I don't know... but we haven't done anything wrong have we?" he asked as y/n thought for a second "aside your cockiness no nothing serious." she said as he glared at her. "Sir, we've concluded it's not a suicide, he has open stab wounds, he had died before being hung on your building... he's a part of the Park mafia, one of their men... is there any chance you've seen him around or anything suspiscious in your area?" Office Lee asked as Sunghoon frowned, shaking his head as he explained truthfully.
About a month passed and they were back in business, everything back to normal, as they went about their day, though y/n was still a little shaken from the previous event that had taken place. "dad- that lady gave you this note- and some old guy is waiting outside-" Cherry said as she pointed at a hooker, who smiled at him, waving the drink and giving a thumbs up as she left with it. It's so weird. He read the note "someone you love is waiting outside" it read. Sunghoon sighed as he left the cafe and went to the bench outside with his notepad and book.
There sat an old man, he looked scary, a scar on his eyebrow, yet fairly attractive for an old man. "Sir, may I take your order?" he asked "You know what I like son..." he said as Sunghoon snickerred "How would I know sir?" he asked, genuinely confused "One Black coffee... with a shot of jack daniels" "Sorry sir but we don't have alcohol" With that the man snickerred. Sunghoon left briefly then came back with the black coffee, placing it before the man "Would you like sugar or no sugar?" he asked kindly "you should know son" he said again as Sunghoon sighed "Im afraid I don't" he said, patiently.
The man comfortably sat in his chair, pulling out a small alcohol bottle and pouring it into his coffee as Sunghoon watched, he pulled out a cigarette "sir no smoking." he said pointing at the sign as the man let out a hearty laughter "ah Leo... you remember this? Black devil, your favourite flavour that you created... smoked it everyday since you left." the man said as he stared at Sunghoon. Confused, Sunghoon looked behind him "Leo? I'm sorry I think you mistaken me for someone sir... My name is Sunghoon owner of this very successful cafe... by the way that black coffee's 3.79." he said as the man laughed yet again.
"Still my cocky little son hmm?.... this act you're putting up for your pretty wife and lovely kids will not last long. trust me on that." "Ah son.... a father knows his son... you know... you always loved going hunting... specifically for that eagle... It didn't ever get caught in your trap, nor by any of the arrows or guns yet it died in my coffee remember?.... It died in MY hands... LEO..." The man said as he stared directly at him "Leo Park..." The man said, his deep gravely voice enough to scare the shit out of any human before him. "It's Park Sunghoon" He interrupted as the man laughed "I see you believed that you have died.... but until you come and admit you are Leo Park... I will be here..." .
he said as he left, leaving Sunghoon confused. Yet Sunghoon just shrugged, thinking he was a crazy old man. He went back inside to find Y/n staring at him "Who was that?.... are you ok? he seemed a little off..." she asked as Sunghoon kissed her forehead "just some drunkard babe, its fine I dealt with him, he was calling me some white boy name-" Sunghoon explained as Y/n nodded. That night he did the usual, lock the café, make sure all is safe, carry Ryuu back home and get Cherry to go to bed without her bitching at him. The male sighed as he lied down in y/n's lap. "First day back in business and things are weird-" he sighed as y/n ran a hand through his hair.
That night they met officer Lee, a close friend and a trusted cop. "I sent a picture of this Black Devil cigarette pack to the higher officials, the investigation team say its from a very large mafia gang ran by Park Daeheon... He had a son named Leo, and many claim his death was part of the cause behind a very big murder and the burning down of their factory-" Sunghoon cut him off halfway "Heeseung Im sorry but what am I going to do with this information?" he asked as Mr Lee picked up a file with an image. A picture exactly like Sunghoon, but with more silver hair "This is his son Leo... he looks exactly like you..." he said as Sunghoon frowned.
"From what we believe the officer's need proof, from your memory, at 11 years old, can you tell us everything backed up with proof-" Y/n cut him off halfway maddened by the claim "We're the victims here he came to us, he's the one who's harrassing Sunghoon claiming he's his son!" Sunghoon kissed her forehead as he calmed her down "Sweetheart its ok... I know you're asking me as you're concerned... I grew up in an orphanage Lee hee, im still good friends with the Sir who ran the place, sweet old guy, Eventually I got around asking my long-term crush out, my beautiful wife then we chose to move into a cute cottage, like a house in a snow globe, got married as we had our first child, and now growing our sweet family along with her family business... " He explained as Heeseung nodded.
The following day, Y/n was out running a few errands, picking up some medication in the pharmacy, Ryuu by her side, and Cherry in school. Sunghoon suddenly called her "Honey I just left my car at the motor shop, what are you up to?" he asked "Picking up your meds sweetheart." she replied. "You could've waited until my car got fixed, why leave Ryuu at home alone?" he asked concerned "Sweetheart, these things need to be done ASAP, you've been pretty anxious lately and don't worry, Ryuu is with me kay? I'll take the bus home it'll be ok" she reassured as Sunghoon said he loves her and hung up.
The woman walked out carrying the bag of medication and her 4 year old, unaware of the dangers lurking behind her, a man ready to pounce at her, sharp, clean knife at hand. He lunged forward, as he blocked her path, raising the knife to stab her. Scared, she hugged her baby close, turning away as she shut her eyes. Nothing.... Nothing but the sound of flesh ripping, the gory sound of blood spilling and some muffled groans. She opened her eyes as Ryuu whimpered at the sight. The old man from yesterday, had slashed the attacker's neck.
She stares up, frightened as she snuggled Ryuu protectively "Don't worry honey... I mean no harm... why would I hurt you?.... you know who he is?" he asked pointing at Ryuu "My grandson..." he said as Y/n frowned "Sir if you don't leave me alone I will call the police..." She respectfully warned as the man smiled sweetly. "I don't mean any harm... I just want to tell you, you're a sweet lady from what I've heard a sweetheart, won't even harm a fly, and you fell for the innocent Park Sunghoon... Im sorry but Sunghoon is just a mask for who he really is. My son Leo Park, the one to take the reins for my tobacco factory... He's vile, violent, won't hesitate to kill." He explained as y/n backed away.
The woman took the bus with her son, hastily rushing inside the house, locking the door she called Sunghoon, firghtened "Babe! what the fuck is going on?! he's here- he followed us home! Cherry's still in school and Ryuu is with me." She managed to breathe out as Sunghoon frowned "honey who's he? what's going on?" he asked "That man from yesterday-" she replied "Lock the door's im coming over with Cherry. If anyone comes through the front door, slash him, use one of the display swords, im sure they'll work ok? I'll be right over there." He said as he ran.
Upon arriving, he came through the front door, the point of the sword only inches away from his chest as he slid down the wall, cherry smacked it away "MOM-" "No its fine- she thought I was an intruder... " Sunghoon sat down as he calmed his breathing. "What's going on here Hoon?... that man comes up to us, slashing another man attacking us, before me and Ryuu- claiming you're Leo and calling our son his grandson?!... What the fuck?!" she asked as Cherry stared in shock, her first time hearing her mother curse. Sunghoon looked up as he reached his arms out to Ryuu, yet Y/n held the little boy back "Don't Hoon.... he's already traumatized as is... after that man showed the picture of Leo, I don't know what he's thinking now...." she said as she carried the teary eyed, little boy who was exhausted. He turned to Cherry who walked away...
A/N: Part 2 coming out soon!!! sorry this was long hope u liked it, im writting the second part rn<3 (BASED ON THE MOVIE LEO, sorry for not mentioning it b4, I RLLY WANTED TO SEE HOON IN THIS ROLE NGL)
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teyamloving12 · 2 years
Lesson Not Learnt
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Warning: NSFW content(MDNI), choking, degradation, consental picture taking, dom!Neytiri, dom!Ronal, overstimulation, etc.
Pairing: Neytiri x Reader x Ronal
Synopsis: You still have not learnt your lesson yet you refuse your punishments. Neytiri and Ronal are mad which meant all hell just broke loose.
Request: For story: Continue the segment of the reader flirting with other girls/boys to make Ronal + Neytiri jealous. Neytiri (who’s usually a soft dom) turns rough and drags the reader to their mauri and ties them down + blindfolds them + doesnt touch them until Ronal comes in. She sends a pic to Ronal saying something like (idk something like “she’s wet for these boys and wants to be a whore but not us”). Ronal comes in and helps Neytiri punish them, both of them degrading the reader in the most dark ways. (Kinks the reader has: choking, being spanked, degraded, being used like a toy, size kink, slapped on the cheek). After the reader is fucked out the Ronal stuffs her fingers in their mouth and says they act like a spoiled whore and that they only belong to her + Neytiri. They dont stop and they take pics of each other overstimulating the reader for their camera rolls and put captions on each pic for them to have memories
Read part 1 here
You enjoyed the punishment from two days ago but you didn't really care about what would happen afterwards. You still continued to have your ways with the boys and girls in the village.
Neytiri sat outside of her marūi looking at you lovingly before her eyes widen. Who was the boy you were with? She really tried to talk you over of talking to others besides from her and Ronal. You have not learnt a thing from last time.
You were having your fun in public like you have no shame and even worse it was one of your brother's friends, the very same one she told to stay away from yet you didn't listen at all. You allowed the filthy thing to place his disgusting hands on you.
You allowed him to let him kiss on your soft skin like a hungry animal. She held enough. She walked over to you as you made out the boy on the far corner of the coast. You were so caught up in what you were doing you only heard the clearing of someone's throat in the background.
You looked up only to see a Neytiri who was furious. She pulled you off his lap and proceed to drag you to her marūi. "I'll talk to you later, sweetheart!", you yelled to the boy that still sat on the log. "No! She will not be seeing you anything!", Neytiri yelled back angrily.
You tried to pull your hand from hers but she was way stronger than you. "I have tried to be nice! But it is as if you wish for me to humiliate You!", she yelled in your marūi. You just couldn't stop by a whore, could you? You never eealized she was watching. She pushed you on your bed. Now you're sincerely afraid. You crawled back only to hit your head on the bedframe.
Noticing you were still in shock, she wrapped her hand around your throat. You hit her hand. You were being out of from air, you coughed as you struggled to remove her hands. Neytiri was never aggressive, it was usually Ronal who was rough with you. Your eyes were starting to close. You felt a tight grip on your hands.
You were so shocked you completely forget Neytiri was choking the hell out of you. You started to think of your 'punishment' with Ronal and clenched your legs together attempting to conceal your heat and the wetness from your cunt. She finally released you from her grip, you panted before your eyes widen. It was happening again. You were happy yet knowing Ronal's reaction just sent chills down your spine. "Final piece of the cake!", she said before covering your eyes with a cloth.
You squirmed expecting her to touch you. You were waiting all day and it was not your fault you liked a little action every now and then. You thrusted your hips into the air, a whimper were heard. "I am not touching You! Maybe if you behaved like I asked you to that this was not have happened again!", she scolded. "Such a fucking slut! When you're quiet, your beauty stands out. Throwing yourself out there to every boy that catches your eye, hmm?", she continued.
If she was so angry then how would Ronal react?
Neytiri hated the sky people yet a phone have its advantages. You hear a click after the other, afraid of the sound you shut your legs. Neytiri kissed the back of your thighs and licked the inside of them until they were forced open. She kissed your clit, making you pussy leak like a broken pipe. You hear another click and a vibration.
"Pretty girl isn't wet for us but these nasty boys in the village", Neytiri typed. You were overwhelming by the by the silence until an angry Ronal barged in. Now you were in big trouble! She was way more aggressive than Neytiri could be. No matter how much Neytiri's wrath began to show its true colors, it could never compare to Ronal's.
"Do this is what we do now, huh? I warn you countless times, child and you still did not heed my warning!", she shouted standing over your tied up body. "You are pathetic, that is what you truly are, pathetic! A disgrace to Eywa. ", she continued. Tears stung your eyes as they fell soaking the blindfold. "Please I said I was sorry, I'll never do it again. I'll even stop talking to boys and girls I promise!", you pleaded. She rolled her eyes. No amount of begging could even spare you.
You continuously begged hoping you would be able to change Ronal or even Neytiri's mind but received a harsh slap across the cheek. Ronal crawls down towards tour pussy and literally glared at it. "See? I told you she's not wet for us at all?", Neytiri said softly, cooing you as you sobbed. "Yes I am, I'm not wet for them! It's all You!", you said trying to hold back the tears from being punished again. " What did I say before, tìyawn?", Neytiri asked. "To stay silent.", you whispered. "That's right so shut the fuck up, you know Ronal is not going to show you mercy and as adorable as you are, a punishment is a punishment. It must be done.", she said. You felt her grabbing your erect nipples.
Almost moaning, Ronal spoke out. "Moan and see what happened!", you bit your lip so hard you tasted the bitter taste of your own blood in your mouth. Oh what this woman did to you! She continued to tease your puffy clit making it so hard not to moan. You tried to push her away with your hips but Neytiri just chuckled knowing your legs were already going weak.
Your breath hitched after Ronal bit on your clit hard. Your eyes rolled back, no girl or boy could have made you feel like this. In heaven with Eywa herself. Neytiri kissed your stomach going down to your inner thighs. Ronal pushed her fingers and curled them inside of you. Something in you snapped. Your mind was blank and hour eyes threatened to close from the overpowering yet slow movement of the two women. Neytiri grabs her phone and again you heard the click. You grabbed from the bedframe now unable to think straight. Neytiri looked seeing you like this, it was captivating. She was satisfied.
Ronal grabbed your hips allowing her tongue to slide forward down in your cunt. Her face was full of your juices yet she didn't care. You clenched about your tongue and one last movement allowing to squirt all over her face and the sheets of the bed. You were exhausting, Ronal sat on the side of the bed finally taking off your blindfold.
"You're a spoiled little whore and whores must be taught their lessons. You belong to no one but me and Neytiri! Test me once more and you will not like it!", she said with her fingers soaked in juices in your mouth. This was the last time you heard before passing out on the bed. Neytiri sat down showing Ronal the pictures under her album with beautiful captions of lustful thoughts.
Nothing was wrong with creating new memories and starting over. As for You, you were fucked if caught talking to anyone but the two women that stood before you.
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tennessoui · 3 years
obikin 28,11 :3
kit to kit: oh, 28, knocking on the wrong door, that can be a cute modern quirky au
kit to kit: yeah totally sure !!! you know what it could also be? 4.2k of dark canon AU that is dub con due to identity issues that definitely ends with anakin tied to a bed with future plans of stockholm syndroming him!!!
(so read at your own risk here this is definitely on the darker side of these prompt fills)
28. Knocking On The Wrong Right Wrong Door AU (4.2k)
The storm’s picked up to dangerous levels by the time Anakin and his padawan have picked their way out of the smoking rubble of their ship and made it into the nearby town.
“Think of it this way!” Anakin yells over the howl of the wind. “The rain’ll put out the rest of the fire!”
The look Ahsoka gives him is cold enough to freeze the rain that’s pelting down on them.
“I hope Master Windu grounds you for destroying another one of the Temple’s ships,” she snips at him, looking deeply unimpressed with his dramatic expression of hurt and betrayal.
“No one keeps count of that stuff, Snips,” Anakin grins. “And anyway, if I get grounded, you’d definitely be grounded with me. As my Padawan.”
“I’d be promoted, actually. They’d knight me on the spot the first time I come back with all my ships intact.”
Anakin rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to say something, but there’s a crack of thunder loud enough to shake him to his bones and a seriously bright flash of lightning that connects with a wind-swept tree next to them.
“Shelter!” Anakin yells over the renewed rain. “Come on, Ahsoka!”
The town is small, but there has to be some sort of hotel or lodge or--
“We don’t have any credits, Master!” Ahsoka cries, running after him.
She’s right. All their funds were in their ship, and neither of them had thought to grab them.
Kriff it all.
He changes course as soon as they get to the outskirts of the village.
He pounds on the door of the first cottage they come across. Either no one’s in or they’re particularly unfriendly, because the door stays firmly shut.
He hits the wood harder, setting up a constant rhythm. In a second, they’ll run to the next house, but there’s something about this place that feels right. Surely if only Anakin could knock loud enough to be heard over the storm--
The door cracks open and warm yellow light spills out over the doorstep.
“What?” The man asks stiffly. Anakin can only see a sliver of his face--one blue eye, dark red hair, and a beard.
“Good evening,” Anakin says, putting on his best Jedi voice. “I am seeking shelter from the storm for myself and my companion. We--”
“There’s an inn next to the school in town. Goodnight.”
Anakin wedges his foot in just before the man can close the door. “Please sir, we don’t have any credits--”
“Unfortunate. Goodnight.”
“Please, sir. My name is Anakin Skywalker. I am a General in the War. Shelter us tonight and the Jedi Order will see you repaid in full!”
The man pauses and looks him up and down slowly. The door opens a little wider. “Skywalker?” He asks, sounding suspicious.
Anakin nods eagerly. He doesn’t particularly like dropping his name like that, especially not on strange planets, but he needs to get his Padawan out of the storm. “Anakin, yes. We won’t hurt you or anything, sir. I swear.”
“Come on, Anakin,” Ahsoka says from behind him. “Let’s just go somewhere else. Someone else will let us in.”
The man tears his gaze away from Anakin, the first time he’s done so this entire time, and looks over Ahsoka as well. He opens the door even farther. “I’ll let you in,” he decides and Anakin has to fight the loud sigh of relief. “But I would like you to give me your weapons for the night, please.”
The man looks back to Anakin with a smile. It changes the lines of his face, softens them until the man looks pleasant instead of harsh. He has a nice smile. He has a really, really nice smile.
“No--” Ahsoka starts to say, sounding offended, but Anakin, still dazed by the flash of the man’s teeth, is already saying, “Yeah, of course. Here you go,” and giving his lightsaber to the man as soon as he opens the door all the way.
“Thank you, Anakin,” the man replies with another one of those smiles. Anakin can feel his face heat up at the way his name sounds rolling off this man’s tongue. “And thank you, young one,” he says when Ahsoka reluctantly thrusts her own lightsabers towards him.
“I’m not young,” Ahsoka takes great offense and the man looks apologetic.
“‘Soka,” Anakin reprimands immediately. “Don’t be rude.”
She stares at him in astonishment. He doesn’t tend to correct her that harshly, even when she’s been snippier to foreign dignitaries. But the man doesn’t deserve an attitude from either of them. He’s letting them stay in his house! He’s gorgeous! He’s going to house them out of his own generosity for the night! He’s very, very fit!
“The sitting room is just down the hall and to the right,” the man says, with a tilt of his head. Anakin obediently pulls Ahsoka along. “I’ll just go grab you some dry clothes to change into.”
Behind him he hears the man lock the door. That’s good. Safety is important and he obviously seems a little paranoid. It’s now Anakin’s full time mission to make sure the man knows he can trust him. Them.
“I have a really bad feeling about this, Anakin,” Ahsoka hisses as he practically shoves her down the hallway and into the sitting room, which looks nice and cozy. There’s a couch and everything, with a Holo projector balanced on an old looking low table.
“I’m feeling much better about this than about our odds in that storm,” Anakin argues back in an undertone. There are footsteps above them, so the man’s bedroom must be on the second floor. Anakin wonders what it looks like, and Ahsoka seems to catch on with where his thoughts are because she hits him on the shoulder.
“You’d know what I’m talking about if you were thinking with your brain instead of your lightsaber, Master.”
He opens his mouth to tell her how rude that is and also how very wrong, as Anakin can think with both, thank you very much, but the man appears in the room with them before he has a chance to.
“They won’t fit, obviously,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as if he’s embarrassed to have surprise guests in his house and not have their correct sizes in his closet. “But anything’s better than what you’re wearing now, I thought.”
“Yeah!” Anakin says eagerly. Ahsoka gives him an unimpressed look, crossing her arms. “I mean,” he coughs. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
The redhead gifts Anakin another one of his smiles. This one makes his blue eyes crinkle, which just might end up being his cause of death. Enshrine him in the Jedi Temple and at the plaque on his fee put “Here Lies Anakin Skywalker: Dead Because An Attractive Stranger Treated Him With Human Decency”.
His padawan rolls her eyes and takes her proffered stack of clothes. The man shows her where the fresher is and she stalks into it.
“I’m sorry,” Anakin apologizes immediately when the man turns to look at him with a lost look. “She’s just mad at me for crashing our ship. We were flying fine one minute and the next we have to make this emergency landing that turns out to be a bit--hard on the landing. And….you didn’t ask, did you? Kark. Sorry.”
The man smiles again with an amused shake of his head. “It’s alright, Anakin, I was wondering anyway.” He holds out the clothes for Anakin to change into and Anakin grabs them because it’s something to do that isn’t keel over from embarrassment.
Or, of course, kneel down to show this stranger how much he appreciates his kindness.
Anakin wills that thought--and it’s gorgeous mental image--away. He just hasn’t had sex in a while, not since he and Padme had gotten divorced. Usually, he needs that intimate connection with someone before he even thinks about sex, but maybe when he’s too horny it doesn’t matter anymore? Because he doesn’t even know this man’s name, but when their hands brush as he receives the stack of clothes, he feels as though the lightning from outside is shooting down his spine.
“Um.” He says, like the intelligent war general he is.
Has the man moved closer? Are his eyes dark or is it just the lighting? Is he interested in men? Is he interested in Anakin? Also, what is his kriffing name?
Anakin glances down at the clothes, preparing to ask at least one of those questions, before he realizes something. “There’s no shirt here?” He asks instead of anything much more pressing.
The man’s eyes widen and a blush spreads across his cheeks. “Oh, blast,” he mumbles, already turning to leave. “I’ll go grab you one, I’m sorry, I knew I forgot something.”
Anakin finds himself feeling hopelessly endeared by the man’s awkward flailing. He wonders if he’s managed to fluster the man. The idea feels amazing in his mind.
Grinning to himself, he starts shucking off his wet clothes. He can at least change into the pants while he waits for the man to come back, and if his timing is right---
He’s tying the loose pants tight around his waist when he hears footsteps in the hall.
He turns around, shirtless, to glance at the man in the doorway, who’s stopped to stare at Anakin.
Anakin tries not to preen too obviously. Jedi training has done ridiculous things to the muscles of his back and chest, and he wants the man to look. To appreciate. To want.
And the man looks like he does. The man looks like he wants a lot.
There’s something dark and dangerous and wild and unrestrained in those eyes. Anakin wants closer.
He drops his shoulder and turns to face the man completely, letting him look his full. His gaze feels like a brand on every part of Anakin it touches. His hands tighten on the fabric of the shirt he’s holding when Anakin stretches his arms above his head as he yawns in a pathetically fake manner.
The man takes a couple of steps forward and Anakin stills in anticipation. He had thought he’d looked beautiful smiling, but this--this naked, dangerous want for Anakin that clouds his face--is so much more attractive. It would take one word from the man and he’d be on his knees. His back. His front. He’s not picky, he’s too busy feeling like his whole body is a live wire.
The door opens and Ahsoka’s deeply unimpressed tone effectively snaps the tension in the room. “What are you doing.”
“Getting dressed!” Anakin yelps, taking the shirt the man extends to him and putting it on immediately.
The man sends Ahsoka an unreadable but dark look before blinking a few times and smiling at her. Whatever had been on his face is gone and Anakin can’t help but think that he must have imagined it.
“Please, sit. Are you hungry?” He asks, rubbing his hands together. “Fixing you two a meal would be the least I can do for the galaxy’s heroes.”
Anakin flushes and preens as he follows the direction, the man’s praise wrapping like a warm blanket around his mind.
Ahsoka is less taken in, even as she settles in on the couch next to Anakin. “You could tell us your name,” she says, arms crossed. The look is ruined by the way the gray tunic the man has given to her is big enough to fall off one of her shoulders.
The man freezes for a second, barely noticeable if Anakin was not watching him as intently as he is. Then the stranger’s shoulders droop for a second and he looks so sad that actually Anakin doesn’t care if he never learns the man’s name. He’ll call him Dear for the rest of his life.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” the man eventually murmurs, sitting delicately on the arm of the comfortable looking chair and giving them a half-sort of smile. “At your service.”
Anakin’s eyes narrow at the name that feels like it should be familiar. Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan. It’s pretty. He likes it.
Ahsoka jumps to her feet. “Obi-Wan Kenobi!” she says and turns to Anakin as if that’s supposed to mean something to him. He blinks up at her in confusion. “You’re the Jedi that Fell after Qui-Gon Jinn died!”
Anakin rises immediately, brain trying to process this new information. Yes. Yeah. Obi-Wan Kenobi. They’d met. They’d met on Tatooine. Kenobi had been Qui-Gon’s padawan. He’d killed Maul after Maul killed Qui-Gon. And then...he’d left the Order. Anakin had been assigned another Master. He’d forgotten all about Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“I didn’t Fall,” Obi-Wan Kenobi corrects from his place on the chair. “Please, sit down.”
“You left the Order with Dooku!” Ahsoka accuses. “And you’re trying to tell me you didn’t Fall?”
Anakin’s hand goes to his belt automatically, but he doesn’t have his lightsaber. He’d given it to Obi-Wan.
“Look at my eyes, young one,” Obi-Wan demands in a cold tone. “Are they Sith-gold?”
Anakin hesitates. Obi-Wan has a point. His eyes are blue. And surely they’d know if there was another Sith afoot in the galaxy. Sith don’t like keeping quiet about themselves, from everything Anakin’s learned about them.
“You’re old enough to know how to hide that,” Ahsoka challenges immediately, which makes Obi-Wan wince.
“You don’t pull your punches, do you?” He asks with a forced laugh. Then he looks at Anakin, and his face turns pleading. “Anakin,” he says gently, slowly, Ah-na-kin, “I’m not lying. Please believe me. I--I didn’t leave the Order to join the Sith. I left because they wouldn’t allow me to train you, Anakin.”
Anakin feels like the shipwreck from an hour ago caused less whiplash than these few sentences. “Me?”
“Qui-Gon begged me to train you as he lay dying in my arms,” Obi-Wan’s jaw clenches and his face looks sad again. He closes his eyes as if to ward off the memory and when he opens them again they look wet. “When they wouldn’t allow me to, I realized there was nothing in the Order left for me. Dooku, my master’s master, came to me and asked me to leave with him. I had no idea that he would Fall. As soon as I realized what he had become, I ran. That’s why I’m here, Anakin. Please believe me. I have no involvement in the war, on either side.”
Force help him, but he does. He does believe him. He looks so honest, so heartbroken. This is Obi-Wan Kenobi? He can’t really say he remembers enough about what Kenobi had looked like all those years ago to know if the man in front of him could be an older version of the Padawan he’d met. He doesn’t actually remember anything about Kenobi, except--
“Hey, wait a second, you called me a pathetic lifeform!” Anakin says indignantly, a nine-year-old’s rage welling up in him at the memory.
Obi-Wan blinks at him and then bursts into laughter. It sounds like rocks, sliding into the ocean. Sith don’t laugh like that. He can’t imagine Ventress laughing like that. Or laughing at all, aside from a sinister chuckle.
Obi-Wan wipes the wetness from his eyes and grins at Anakin. “I’d forgotten about that,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
Anakin pouts. “I was standing right there.”
“Making moon-eyes at Queen Amidala, yes,” Obi-Wan raises a sardonic eyebrow. “I thought you were sufficiently distracted. She was quite prettier.”
Anakin’s first instinct is to say, I’m prettier, but that’s not actually appropriate, and maybe Obi-Wan wouldn’t agree with him anyway.
“Do you believe me, Ahsoka?” Obi-Wan asks, turning to her while Anakin is working on controlling his flushed face.
Anakin’s padawan is still standing, but looks unsure. “I...I don’t know.”
“Then we can talk more about it over a cup of tea,” Obi-Wan decides, standing up. “I’ll be back in a second.”
As he walks past the couch to get through a door that must lead to his kitchen, he brushes his hand along Anakin’s shoulder and neck.
Anakin would like to say he handles this touch with grace and aplomb as befitting a Jedi Knight, but the look Ahsoka gives him makes him feel much more like a pathetic lifeform than a Jedi Knight.
“We can trust him,” Anakin mutters to her. “I remember him.”
“It’s been years, Anakin,” Ahsoka mutters back. “Even if you remember everything he’s ever said to you, he could be a completely different person. He probably is.”
“It’s just a night, Snips,” he reasons. “And there’s no alternatives. And I think we can trust him.”
She hesitates for a second and then exhales. “Fine,” she agrees. “But I’m not happy about it.”
Anakin grins in response.
Halfway through tea, Ahsoka starts nodding off.
“Crash landing takes a lot out of anyone,” Obi-Wan says sympathetically with a wink at Anakin, who puffs up in indignation. Before he can say anything in defense of his very necessary landing, Obi-Wan has taken Ahsoka’s tea and put it gently on the table. “Come on, girl, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping. I have a spare room.”
Ahsoka goes easily enough, in a way that makes Anakin feel bad for how short-tempered he’s been with her in the past few hours. He’s been stressed, she’s been stressed, but she’s just a youngling still. She’s probably been exhausted for so long now.
“Could you put our cups in the sink, Anakin?” Obi-Wan asks as he leads the Togruta out of the sitting area.
Anakin complies immediately, carrying each mug like they’re something special and precious before dumping out the contents into the sink and filling each with water.
He thinks about washing them and putting them into cupboards, but he doesn’t want Obi-Wan to think that’s he’s rifling through his cupboards or anything, so he goes back to the living room to wait for him.
Obi-Wan returns just a few seconds later, smiling slightly to himself.
“What?” Anakin asks immediately. If there’s a joke that Obi-Wan finds funny, Anakin wants to hear it too.
“Just something Ahsoka said,” he replies, looking fondly down at Anakin.
Anakin’s feeling too persistent to be sidetracked by that though, so he raises both his eyebrows.
“That she’d skewer me on her lightsabers if I besmirched her master’s honor, no matter how much he asks for it,” Obi-Wan recalls with a perfectly straight face.
Anakin buries his blushing face in his hands instantly. “Force,” he mumbles.
Obi-Wan laughs again. It’s just as pretty as last time and it makes Anakin peek through his fingers.
“It’s alright, Anakin,” Obi-Wan soothes. “I told her I thought I would be quite good at resisting any sort of begging from you.”
Anakin’s first thought is, of course, Want to bet?, but that’s hardly a thing to say to a near stranger. Even if he is very handsome and he has looked at you like you’re a feast and he’s a starving man just a few hours ago.
No, Anakin. Bad Anakin.
“So that’s me for the couch then, yeah?” He says in a totally normal and not at all high-pitched voice, standing so he can go fetch a blanket.
The look in Obi-Wan’s eyes freezes him where he is. They’re filled with that same dark want from before paired with a promise. “If you’d like,” Obi-Wan murmurs and then just to make sure there’s no confusion, he holds out his hand. “Or….”
Anakin doesn’t even have to think about it before he’s interlacing their fingers.
When Anakin comes to, there’s light streaming in through the windows in Obi-Wan’s bedroom. He grumbles and tries to roll over.
He can’t.
Both of his arms have been securely tied over his head, and there’s a gag in his mouth.
Really, his first instinct should be panic and not a sort of sleepy arousal at what Obi-Wan plans to do with him like this.
But no. The panic doesn’t set in until he sees Obi-Wan by the window, deathstick held between his lips as he listens to a holocall.
“Yes, Master,” Obi-Wan murmurs, exhaling a line of smoke out the window before turning to look at Anakin. He nods his head in greeting, as if this is a normal scenario. “Yes, he’s just woken up.”
When he turns his head back to the window, the yellow of his eyes catch on the sunlight and gleam bright gold.
“The padawan has been dealt with,” Obi-Wan continues, which makes Anakin lose any sense of calm he still felt. He’s cut off from the Force so he can’t feel his bond with Ahsoka. Fear and fury wash through him equally at the thought of Obi-Wan, this Sith lord traitor and dirty liar, dealing with Ahsoka.
Oh Force, she’d been right. She’d been so right. Had she paid the cost for Anakin’s blindness?
“Yes, Master. Tell Sidious he can expect his Chosen One kneeling before him in chains as soon as he deposits the credits into my account. I’ve sent multiple pictures already as proof that Anakin Skywalker is alive and bound.”
Anakin tries to yell through the gag, but it’s ineffective and only causes Obi-Wan to look at him with an amused eyebrow raise. “And awake,” the Sith traitor purrs into the comm. “Must go now. Remember, Dooku. My credits.”
With that, he ends the comm and stubs out his deathstick with a flourish, walking around to stand at the foot of the bed with all the grace of a predator who knows its prey is well and truly cornered.
“Good morning, darling,” Obi-Wan croons. “Sorry you had to hear that.”
Anakin glowers at him. He’s never hated anyone more than he hates Obi-Wan Kenobi at this moment.
“Your padawan is safe,” Obi-Wan starts, sitting on the bed by Anakin’s midsection and tracing a hand down his bare chest. Anakin twitches away from him. “No, really,” the Sith promises in a soothing voice. “I drugged her last night of course, but you have to admit she looked like she needed a full night’s sleep.”
The tea. Force, the tea. If Anakin had thought to check the tea, or to follow Obi-Wan into the kitchen and watch him make it, they wouldn’t be here in this position. He wouldn’t be here in this specific position. Force.
“And this morning while you slept, I carried her out to my ship--or Dooku’s ship, I suppose--and put her on route to the Jedi Temple. She’ll arrive in a day or so, probably. I even gave her food and drink to survive comfortably until then. There’s no need to worry.”
Anakin tries to convey the level of disbelief he has for that statement in a single glare. Obi-Wan shrugs languidly, hand still touching his skin in a way he’d enjoyed last night. His body hasn’t gotten the notice that it shouldn’t enjoy Obi-Wan’s touch anymore, which is making this whole bound and gagged thing really awkward.
“Well, for her, I suppose.” Obi-Wan chuckles and pulls his hand away so he can light another deathstick. He takes a drag and then exhales. “I’ll even let you comm her. It’s actually quite important that you do. You see, I told her that I would kill you if she tried to come back here without first going to the Temple. She seemed to believe me.”
He rolls his eyes fondly, as if they’re sharing a joke at Ahsoka’s expense.
“Like I’d kill you,” Obi-Wan huffs a laugh, shaking his head and bringing the deathstick back to his mouth. “I told her I’d let you comm her the second she lands. Of course, she will be surrounded by Jedi masters, who will be very interested in hearing my proposed trade deal, even if she isn’t. I will give them the name of Darth Sidious, my master’s master. I will give them proof enough to end the war and have him arrested and tried for his crimes. And they will give me you.”
Anakin feels his eyes widen at the words. It’s so unexpected that even if he weren’t gagged, he wouldn’t be able to think of a single thing to say.
“It’s perfect, really,” Obi-Wan murmurs, a hand coming up to stroke through Anakin’s hair. “Sidious thinks he is about to get his hands on you, as that has been the plan for weeks now. He has paid good money for you, you know. I almost feel bad for deciding to break our agreement. But you just fell apart so beautifully under my hands last night, darling. How can I give you up?”
Anakin shivers as the memory of last night washes over his mind. He’s never felt more ashamed and yet still guiltily pleased with his performance. The praise he's getting. Force it feels good to be praised.
“So Sidious thinks he will get you, the Jedi will get Sidious, Ahsoka will probably get knighted, and you will be where you belong,” Obi-Wan blows out smoke and then leans down to grin into Anakin’s face. Anakin has to tell himself not to look away. Those yellow eyes are filled with a recognizable lust. It had been so attractive last night. It’s still attractive now, if he’s being completely honest. Force, what is wrong with him?
Obi-Wan’s hand leaves his hair to press delicately on a new bruise on his throat. “You will be with me.”
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miirakii · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS - eren has died, you and mikasa grieve.
WARNINGS - angst, mentions of a car accident, illusions to chapter 139 (dont read if you want to possibly be spoiled)
PAIRING - mikasa ackerman x gn!reader.
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You didn’t know how to classify your relationship with Mikasa, you being one of her childhood friends alongside with Eren, you thought that life would be okay and you all would stay together like old times, being childhoods friends you shouldn’t be feeling this way, a feeling of not knowing where, or what to do with your life, everyone seemed so sure and focused of their futures, while you were just there in the backgrounds of people’s lives, you especially wanted to be with her, Mikasa. Being by her side you thought would not bring you a feeling of inadequacy. But instead you pushed her away thinking that she was better off without you.
Flashback to when the reader is younger.
You always felt different compared to them, always struggling to keep up with them, always falling behind whenever you all went to play tag, always being the last to make it up to the hill which everyone hangs out at when they were younger making it one of the memorable childhood spots you often think about. You also felt less whenever you would also compare yourself to the duo, Eren was stubborn but he had a good resolve, he saw the beauty of his beliefs, and he always worked hard to prove them to be true.  And there was Mikasa in your eyes. She was courageous, hardworking, and she was so strong.
After Eren had died under mysterious circumstances, and you didn’t want to bring up the subject. You saw the bright light in her eyes falter she would always plaster a fake smile while saying she was okay but you knew she was still a mess over his death, and that’s when the childhood friendship between everyone started to diminish, Armin one of Mikasa’s friend would always try to get everyone together but something would be always missing between you guys; Eren. And sure enough everyone and everything changed, no more hangouts, no more group chats, no more staying at each other’s houses, nothing was the same.
Back to current time.
You gasp realizing that you were in a long dream. 
“Y/n why are you crying? And why are you sleeping under a tree?” Your
B/f/n says shifting their body position so sunlight can reach your body.
“I’m sorry I was really tired so I just sat somewhere so I could take a nap.”
“Why are you crying?”
“I’m not sure, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry it’s alright let’s go, we need to get to class, this is a new semester, new student’s are here so let’s try to start fresh okay?” Their voices laced with concern and hopefulness knowing what happened to Eren and how bad it affected you.
As you and b/f/n walk down the halls of Paradis University you see a lot of new faces joining your sculpting and painting class. When you enter the door leading to your class you quickly scan the room seeing more new faces joining the class so you sit down and you prepare your materials, unbeknownst to you someone walks into class but it doesn’t register to you who it is until you hear the art professor say her name “Everyone please welcome transfer student Mikasa Ackerman to our class.”
“Mikasa?” you said thinking aloud.
“Y/n?” Mikasa said with concern, and a bit of fear laced with her voice.
“I thought you were Marley.”
“No I came back cause I needed to do something.”  She said stiffening her posture.
“And that is?” concern lacing your voice.
Mikasa walks up to you, she balls up her hands into a fist, her face is difficult to read “For someone who abandoned their childhood friends 2 years ago, you sure do care a lot.”
Tears begin fall from your eyes “Mikasa I-”
“No save your breath, I already know what you’re going to say “I’m sorry”, but  Y/n it’s too late.”
Mikasa storms out of the door before you get any words out.
You’re just left sitting there, tears rolling down your face, your b/f/n reaches to comfort you but you put your hand to stop their hand from reaching you.
“I’m okay, I just need to be alone for a while. Can you text me about today’s assignment?’
“Yeah of course.”
You get up packing up all your stuff and you start to walk towards the professor trying your best not to break down in the classroom in front of many people.
“Can I-?” your hands gesturing to the door.
“Yes of course” the professor says, seeing you almost break down but not completely.
Now in the bathroom.
There was so much you wanted to say, to do, but you just couldn’t. Seeing Mikasa made you completely fall apart, seeing her reminded you of Eren’s death, and how badly you reacted to it, and how badly you’re still coping with it. You pushed her away because you were hurting and how desperately you were in love with her but you couldn’t do anything about it. There was all this baggage you were holding and how it was bringing you down. You began to slowly drift off to sleep on the floor in one of the bathroom stalls farthest away from the door.
You find yourself in a grassy plain resting against a tree the same place where you fell asleep earlier. Our place. You thought about everyone laughing as they ran up the hill to see who could get there first. The old days when everything was peaceful and okay. Unbeknownst to you, tears start to pour down your face.
That voice sounds so familiar.
He smiles “ I can’t believe you remember my voice, it's been so long since we talked.” He sits down.
“How has it been?” He asks.
You make a weak smile, you wipe the tears from your face you scoot closer to him, you drop your head staring at the green grass.
“It’s been hard without you. It just feels like yesterday that you died and it feels like a part of me is missing. I just feel so empty. Nothing feels right without you. Your death impacted me so hard that I feel like I will never be able to recover and it’s only been two years.” And confessing that you let the tears flow you hug Eren and sob.
 “I’m sorry that I distanced myself from you, and Mikasa.” You begin to say between sobs. “ If we were all together by each other's side your death could have been prevented and everyone would be happy and okay, I just feel so responsible for your death my heart hurts so much, I’m so sorry Eren.”
Red Swan by Yoshiki Starts To Play
Can hide your fear.
Eren hugs you “My death is not your fault, it’s nobody fault, I made that choice because I wanted to die that way, I want to be remembered as someone who cared for others and was willingly to die just for others. I know that it hurts Y/n and I know that getting over it will be even harder, please remember that I will always be looking out and over for you, and also looking over Mikasa and Armin. So don’t you worry about them.” 
If you’re lost you can look around and you will find me, time after time, if you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting, time after time. I promise you no matter what happens, when you look back, I will always be there.
With that Eren’s body starts to dissipate, signaling that your time together is almost up, he smiles.
You get up trying to grasp at Eren’s body silently pleading for him to stay.
Eren just smiles.
Can lie my dear.
“I know you’re in love with Mikasa Y/n, and I know that Mikasa is in love with you.” 
You gasp “how did you-?”
He laughs.
“We’re childhood friends after all, Mikasa told me how she felt about you, she was worried that you wouldn’t return her feelings so she tried to push them down after you left Marley she was upset but I told her to go to Paradis and confess. When she left, I wanted to get something for you guys, I got out of my car and I was heading to the store and then I saw the woman and the child crossing the street and the car came down the street so fast so I jumped in with both of them. I don’t regret it.”
We’ll see the end.
“I will be here every step of the way Y/n until the very end, do not worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
You start to cry but these are tears filled with happiness.
We’ll be the end.
You being to shout at Eren.
And with that Eren’s body has completely dissipated, hearing that declaration  Eren thinks to himself that it’s finally time rest peacefully now, knowing that his job is done, he will continue to watch over you and Mikasa, protecting the people he loves most, and also knowing that they will be free, and most importantly they will be happy.
Here forever, rest peacefully, my most beloved, my dear.
You awaken to the school bell ringing letting you know that the period has ended and it’s time for lunch. Getting off the bathroom floor you look at yourself in the mirror, obvious signs showing that you were crying but you don’t mind, remembering your conversation with Eren was spiritually and mentally beneficial and you felt better. You were beginning to feel at peace.
You pull out your phone to see multiple missed calls and multiple text messages.
where are you?
you’re probably sleeping as always.
so i’ll just tell what the assignment is.
we have to create a piece of art representing a person or an event in your life that you will always look back on and honor.
you have 2 months to get it done
and we have partners, your partner is mikasa.
You shut your phone and cut on the water so you can wash your face. You cup your hands with some water lightly putting the water on your face and looking at the mirror you relax and let out a big sigh. You turn off the water and dry your hands off. You do a final check to make sure you didn’t leave anything behind as you were scanning the bathroom. There's a window open. You walk towards the window to see a bird staring at you.
The bird comes closer to you and it lightly places it’s wing on your shirt more specifically your heart. For some reason you start crying again but the bird gently swats away the tears with its wing, and then something a sort of feeling washes over you, but before you can say anything the bird flies away out of the bathroom window.
“Thank you Eren.” You say wiping the extra tears away as you close the bathroom door.
Fly into heaven.
Walking out the bathroom, you decided to go to the library to find Mikasa so you could talk to her. While you were walking in the hallways your mind was in all different places, from your conversation with Eren, to how Mikasa would react to you being partners with you.
You finally make it to the library to see that it's empty, but there’s only one person there.
She has her head on the desk, ears plugged in, her eyes closed, her eyes looking red, puffy, and swollen.
She’s been crying.
You sit in a chair right across from her, pulling out y/f/n, a fork, and a napkin. 
Mikasa awakens “Y/n?”
“Mikasa, you don’t have to force yourself to talk to me. It's lunch time and I brought some food for you to eat.”
“No, I think I should say this to get this off my chest.”
Taking a breath and begins to speak.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier in class, it was out of line and uncalled for, it’s okay if you don’t ever want to speak to me again.”
“No it’s okay I know what I did and you have every reason to be upset at me.”
You pass some of your y/f/f to Mikasa and she eats some.
“About the project..” you say getting out your sketchbook.
“Oh yeah, who or what should we dedicate it to?”
“We should do both, the person and the event.”
“Oh? Who and what event.”
Your lip quivers “Eren being the person and the event being the three of us running up the hill like we used to do.”
You could see a tear forming on Mikasa’s face before gently wiping it off.
“Yeah we should.”
“Great, then I’ll see you Friday!”
Over the past few days you and Mikasa had gotten closer, hanging out like regular again, spending time with each other, everything was getting better again slowly but surely.
hey, where should we meet up so we can go?
uhhhh let’s meet near the front of the uni since it’s not that far, we can just walk.
Now in front of the uni, you see in the distance a figure approaching you with a bunch of markers, pens, and other drawing utensils.
Faint blushing covers both of yours cheeks.
“We should get going, it's gonna get dark soon” Mikasa says while looking down at the floor.
“Oh yeah we should let’s go” as you begin to walk away you feel Mikasa’s hand grip your wrist pulling you back to her, now looking at her , her face is very red “can we hold hands? please?”
And with that you take your hand with Mikasa’s and interlocks, holding onto it not tightly but enough to remind you that you’re still there.
Walking hand and hand the cool breeze makes you both shiver.
“Do you have something to cover for the coolness?” you say breaking the comfortable silence.
“Yeah I do, two scarfs I bought not too long ago.”
Little do You Know By Alex and Sierra Starts to Play
I’m tryin to pick myself by piece by piece
Before you could say anything you see a bird not too far away from the tree.
“Mikasa” you say with panic lacing your voice trying to comfort her since you haven’t told her about the bird.
“I know Y/n, about the bird, I didn’t wanna believe it at first but that one was different from all the other’s it was always looking over me. And I just knew it was him he always used to preach about how he would protect us both, and now that he’s gone he kept his word, I know it’s been two years since he died but I’m not over it at all, I’m still trying to reign in the fact that he’s gone. I directed all my anger towards you because that day-” Mikasa sits down on the grass and begins to break down “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry you didn’t do anything wrong and I blamed you.” she says, shivering.
I’ve been holding back for the fear that you may change your mind.
You sit down next to Mikasa getting both the scarfs out of the bag. Mikasa’s hand is extended so she could grab one. 
Already knowing what to ask next.
“What happened that day Eren was killed?”
Mikasa’s face softens “Y/n.”
“No Mikasa we need to get this off our chest, we need to come to terms with Eren’s death. It's been weighing down on us for too long, I hate to say it but we need to move on.”
Mikasa begins to take deep breaths, and stops crying.
The sun had fully been submerged with the darkness and the moon was out.
Running up on the hill  you weren’t paying attention to where you were going you accidentally trip over a rock. “Ow, my leg.”
“Are you okay Y/n?” Mikasa said running up the hill after you before lightly grabbing your body and carefully moving your body under the tree. 
“Yeah I’m fine I probably sprained it, nothing too major.”
“No you’re hurt, please just let me heal it.”
Our love is here and here to stay.
“The day Eren was killed I had told him that I had feelings for you and I was upset that you left, and I was also scared because I thought you wouldn’t return my feelings. He told me to go to Paridis to confess to you, he wanted to buy something for us.” 
Motioning to the scarfs.” I had found out when I had just landed, they had found the scarfs in the backseat of his car that was his gift to us.”
Suddenly your leg wasn’t hurting anymore so you stood up, grabbed the scarf that was in your  hand and you walked towards Mikasa with the biggest smile on your face.
“ I like you Mikasa a lot and I was also scared that you wouldn’t return my feelings either.”
“Kiss me” she said.
And so you did. You both closed the distance with a sweet, but meaningful kiss. Mikasa snaked her arms to your neck pulling you closer, and then pulling you away.
“Why’d you pull away?”
“Because I wrap something around you, only if you’ll let me.”
“Sure but can I also wrap something around you too?”
“Yes of course.”
And so Mikasa wraps the scarf around you a feeling washed over you again that same feeling when you and Eren interacted in the bathroom.
You start to cry
“Thank you for wrapping this scarf around me Mikasa, I’ll treasure it forever.” 
You say wrapping the other scarf around Mikasa.
Mikasa starts crying also.
“Thank you for wrapping this scarf around me Y/n, I’ll treasure it forever.”
So lay your head on me.
Mikasa and you both begin to feel very sleepy you both hold hands and fall asleep on each other’s shoulder. Before fully succumbing to sleep a bird fly up the hill and then resting itself into your lap resting itself.
You and Mikasa both gently put your hand on the head of the bird. Finally succumbing to sleep.
Next day
Awoken to something being dropped by you. You and Mikasa awoke to a package right next to you. You and Mikasa both gently open to see it’s a painting with you Mikasa, and a bird racing up the hill with smiles on your faces you and Mikasa hand in hand while Eren is right next to you guys. 
There’s a note attached to the package reading.
From the boy who sought freedom, thank you and goodbye. I will love you both always and forever.
And with that the bird fly’s away off into the morning rays.
Three years later
How did you guys like the story? You said to your 2 children named Eren, and Carla.
“We liked it very much.” They said both in unison.
While snuggled up with the book you were done reading Mikasa enters the house with a axe and firewood.
“Do you need any help darling?”
“No thank you though, did they like the story, and did you guys learn a lesson from it?”
Carla and Eren looked at each other before shaking their heads no.
“Life can be hard sometimes but it also can be very beautiful only if one just learns to look a little closer past the negativity and the hurt.” You say.
The bird returns again to the window and you and Mikasa smile knowing that your not alone, Eren is here looking over you both and your children protecting them every step of the way.
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littlenahsstuff · 3 years
In love, I swear.
A/n Literally my first time writing actual fanfiction. This might be a flaming dumpster fire idk. I will persevere and cringe later, but for now, enjoy.
supreme!Cordelia Goode x reader
TW:nothing much, just a big old fluffernutter sandwich. A little angst. Swears I guess.
Synopsis: Cordelia has just recruited you to be a counselor at Robicheauxs and it's safe to say you are head over heels for the supreme. Unfortunately, you aren't the one to tell her.
You always thought that you weren't too special of a witch, you had the basic witchy spells down and specialized in the people who struggled on the inside... but in a more witchy sense. You also helped the witches who needed to get their powers more developed or who ones that are just behind in school. A sort of glorified counselor you suppose. It's sorta funny, especially since you aren't the most confident, how you can talk to all of the girls. When it boils down to it you are just a witchy gal searching for love. Specifically Cordelia's. It could never happen though.
Your love life wasn't the only area you lacked in before Robicheauxs, you had been struggling to find a job suited for your interests. Let's just say that you have a lifetime ban from one of the Mcdonalds in Louisiana. Fire and grease doesn't mix.
Of course, if it wasn't for dear, sweet, precious, Cordelia, you would be living on the streets. Luckily that didnt happen and so here you are today, three months in to your teaching position at Robicheauxs.
Oh, the moment, "You're hired. I look forward to expanding the academy's family and getting to know you better especially," left the Supremes lips, the better off you were.
And yet, even with all of the joy that comes with finally getting paid, there were the challenges as well. For starters, everyone was extremely nice to you, even though you kept mostly to yourself, there was this one person that made this heaven more hellish. Madison the bitch witch Montgomery.
You had been warned by Zoe, your closest confidante in this new place and also Madisons freaking girlfriend, that she was no pleasant peach. Never in all of your doubtful thoughts, had how bad it actually was crossed your mind. It was never the cockiness that got to you, you had a different appreciation for it than most. Found the confidence refreshing almost. No, no no no no. It was in fact, that she was constantly trying to dig up dirt on you.
"You're too much of a goody two shoes y/n," she once stated with a glare. The same day you had heard Zoe squabbling about something and your name came up. Your name and the fact Madison had stolen your wallet to look at your license. It turned up later on your bed stand.
Madison's a lover of Zoe and drama you've come to find out.
It's harmless though really, you dont mind the extra bit of attention that comes with it. Its flattering so no need to complain to anybody, especially not Cordelia.
Cordelia, mmm, yeah now shes the biggest threat here. She is the reason you got this job and might be the reason you lose it.
She once caught you with your doodle journal. It was a harmless question,
"Y/n, what're you drawing?" She looked over your shoulder. You almost jumped out of your skin and your sketchbook went flying.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" She worried her lips a bit. Her big, plump, kissable lips. Come on Y/n, get out of it.
"Yes," you squeaked. Sinking farther into the sofa. She chuckled her beautiful chuckle and sat on the couch arm.
"So, what was my favorite school counselor drawing just then?" She questioned. Glancing to the thrown book.
Your face went red.
"Uh-" you paused, come on you're making it a bigger deal than it has to be, "you." You couldn't look into her eyes.
She gazed at you at you and it felt like a hole was being burned into your skull.
"Okay," Cordelia said, leaving it at that. Stood up and made to walk away.
"Wait!" She paused and turned back to you, seeing you scramble to get your sketchbook.
"Yes?" Her eyebrows raised in surprise.
"I- don't you want to see it?" You said and you slapped yourself mentally for about the hundredth time she walked in.
She smiled softly at you, "Of course, I thought you didn't. You looked scared to death, like bambi."
"Okay," you flipped back towards the page and cringed. It wasn't your best peice. You could never capture her beauty right.
Her eyes scanned over it, widening before squinting with her grin.
"It's so good!" She gasped.
"Yes, that is Cordelia Goode," you joked in a monotone manner. She slapped your shoulder jokingly, making you snort.
"You nerd, I didn't mean it that way. Either way, you did a fantastic job! I wished I looked as good as you make me seem," she muttered the last bit, bit you heard it. It saddens you to remember the damage Fiona did.
"Hey, Cordy," you started. You realized that you used a nickname that Madison did, but she doesn't seem to care.
"You know what I think? I think that you're wrong. You see I just can't for the life of me get your soft proud loving smile right. Your eyes aren't as warm and glowing as they are in reality. I couldn't manage to picture the right placement for those worry lines or crowd feet you have. You might not like them, but to me they show that you worry and care and that you laugh at the stupidest of things, which is a trait I adore. You are more perfect than any Davinci or Van Gogh," you say. You don't like when your friends feel bad about themselves.
Cordelia's tearing up a bit and wiles it away. "Didn't know you were a goddamn poet too?" She joked with a giggle, "thanks y/n, sometimes I need to hear something like that."
"No problem Cordelia," I can't help it, you're my muse, is what you want to say.
"Well, I have some paperwork, but it was nice to see ya," she hurriedly excused and rushed out.
Unbeknownst to you, Madison was watching. She knew exactly how to get dirt on you now. She had something all along.
The next week you spent daydreaming about Cordy...elia, you couldnt help but go back to that conversation. You needed to be more discrete, way more descrete.
So you made sure to draw your crush no more. That didn't change the fact you forgot to destroy the evidence in writing.
You had slept in a little too late, so in a rush you were to get to your office. The reason you had being you daydreaming about Cordelia and yours faux life together a little too long.
A bunch of new juicy stuff for Madison as she snatched it from your bedside table. It was too easy really.
She opened it up to the first page. It acted like a normal diary, just stating checklists of things to do and things you did. The size was fairly large, so skipping a few pages till she got to the juicy stuff and the part where you actually did know Cordy wasn't harmful.
It was a barf fest of emotion. "Oh Cordelia is so awesome, oh I'm so lucky to work with Cordelia, oh my, I won't ever get a chance with Cordelia, she's the supreme!"
"Ew," Madison groaned, whipping out her phone.
Then she found it, the goldmine of confessions. It was all the way in the back, meaning you had wrote it recently.
"Dear, myself
Cordelia today caught me drawing a picture of herself and said something I didn't particularly enjoy listening about herself. I can't believe Fiona would send her into such a deep hatred of herself that even with her gone she's hurting. She's no mother. Cordelia is the love of my life, even if I'm not hers, she deserves all the love I can give. She's not broken, but she just needs someone to love her and I do. I promise to give her as much love as possible without her finding out what kind it really is, I'm in love, I swear.
Sincerely, Y/N."
So she snapped a picture of the page.
After school was over Cordelia was not expecting Madison to barge into her office. Let alone with something regarding YOU of all people.
"Cordy, I've got something to tell you about y/n!" Madison sang out, waving her phone in front of Cordelia's face as she sat on top her desk.
Madison was just careless with others and too carried g about herself. It was the perfect storm. The only person who could ever take it too far to just prove a point. That there was something wrong with you.
If Madison Montgomery had taken one moment to actually think about it, she was just jealous. Jealous that another person at the coven was better than her to Cordelia. She was one spoiled bitch growing up. Guess it backfired.
"What?" Cordelia questioned in concern, "Is she okay? Madison what did you do to her!?" Her thoughts raced, Madison's pranks often went a little too far. She did kill Misty.
"Now now Cordy, don't get your panties in a twist. Here read this," Madison demanded to her supreme, she shoved it into her face and Cordelia grabbed it.
Her eyes expected headlines on the news or a mugshot, but she realized it was just your writing.
"Madison," she warned.
"Come on, I know you can read!" Madison poked Cordelia's forehead, prompting a slap from the Supreme.
Ms. Goode exhaled, "Fine."
Her eyes fluttered over the words, brows furrowing with every sentence. She couldn't comprehend, could she read?? It seemed to her as if her brain was creating what she wanted to see, but no, you wrote it. Unfortunately.
Everything's silent. Then the thought flits across her head, you like her back.
"In love, I swear."
Oh she's mad. Not at you, no, she could never. Madison on the other hand better,
"Get out of my office right now," Cordelia whispered. Madison's smile faltered.
"What, didn't you want to know your feelings are reciprocated? Come on, I'm just trying to get you two to speed up the process." Madison hopped of the desk and sauntered out.
What has she done.
Cordelia was wracked with guilt for awhile, with no way to tell you either. How does one even go about telling someone they read their deepest darkest secrets. How!?
She couldn't, so she did what she could. She pulled away from you and into her work. All of those lunches spent together stopped. The nights in the green house gone. Reading together on the weekends by the fire, gone.
And it left you empty. You had no idea what you did, but you must've done something.
So you decided to confront her, you hadn't gone much sleep since, so you were literally and figuratively tired of all of this shit.
Your knock on the door startled Cordelia, but your presence startled her even more. Both of you looked like wrecks.
"Oh, Y/n! Please, come in," Cordelia gestured and you did, closing the door behind you.
It was then that you finally broke down.
"What did I do Delia!?" You sobbed, falling to your knees. Yes it was dramatic and not even you expected it but you were holding your emotions for so long.
"Oh," Cordelia briskly moved over to you, concern painted on her face. She was watching you carefully, you looked so fragile. Just like she had felt at times.
"I'm sorry," you whimpered, "What did I do?" Her hand tilted your head towards her, but you still couldn't look into her brown eyes, opting for the floor. If you did, you probably wouldn't be able to look away.
"Y/n look at me sweetie," the nicknames never failed to make your heart soar. It was your weakness, your eyes met and they were glued there.
"What did I do?"
"Nothing nothing!" She took a deep breath, "I saw a page from your journal."
You froze, terror crept up your spine.
"Oh my god. Um Cordelia I am so sorry, you, wow I- god I'm so creepy! It's perfectly fine if you want to not be my friend or fire me. I didn't do it to be weird, it was how I expressed myself. I was trying to hide it I promise, i dont even know what happened!?"
"I'm gonna kill Madison, faster than my mother did," Cordelia groaned.
"Wh-" your brain malfunctions. Is-Is Cordelia kissing you? Right now?
Indeed she was and just like you dreamed about, her lips were so soft and her kiss gentle.
Maybe Madison could be forgiven... but not without a harsh talk.
"In love, I swear," she repeated in a whisper against your lips.
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corvusthecryptid · 5 years
so i uh. went a little bit feral considering that “what if deceit were katherine” thing from my tags. under the “read more” is my fucking insane rant/rambling about the au ideas. i might GENUINELY turn this into an au at some point so if you want to read it and be surprised by who takes up what role, do not read on, this will spoil it for you.
synopsis: vampire diaries but deceit is katherine, thus making other sides into other petrova doppelgangers.
deceit pretends to be people on a few occasions. katherine does this MULTIPLE times, pretending to be elena. THEY ARE LITERALLY BOTH FIRST SEEN ONSCREEN PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE THEM.
okay. okay. i feel like this leads to patton being elena which is. sorta fitting, personality wise? logan could work as elena since deceit pretended to be him too, but it wasnt like. how we were introduced to deceit.
then comes the question of whether the sides should fill, like, all the main roles. if so, then roman and remus could be stefan and damon respectively because brothers, logan could be alaric because teacher man, and virgil could be jeremy since he was all edgy in season 1 then developed as a character and got better about it.
ALTERNATIVELY, to keep the whole “same face” thing, we could say that the sides can only be petrova doppelgangers. in which case we see less of some of them. deceit would be katherine still, obviously, and patton would still be elena.
but who is gonna be amara? the answer: roman. it fits so well. fell super hard for someone to the point of being willing to do anything to be with that person, ended up getting majorly hurt by it (for amara this is silas, for roman this is unnamed boyfriend from the moving on episodes). i feel like this fits.
then i feel like logan could fit tatia VERY well. because tatia’s backstory (before she meets klaus and elijah) is that she had a husband and a son, and her husband died. she was expected to throw herself onto his funeral pyre because thats what wives did back then when their viking husbands died. but she decided not to because she was like “uhhh thats fucking stupid. im going to move instead, and make a new life for myself.” and then she did! which is a very logan move in my opinion, just being like “fuck what society tells me to do, im going to do what makes sense for me.”
this leaves remus and virgil who. i genuinely dont know what to do with them. like there’s. there’s only four canon doppelgangers i dont know what to do with them-
now, you’re probably wondering: “jay, if the sides won’t replace the rest of the main cast, who will?”
and the answer to this is simple: the same main cast from the original series except a loy gayer. damon and stefan are still the love interests, they just fell in love with deceit and later patton. klaus and elijah were very gay for logan when he was around, and later realized deceit was cute as heck too. as the saying goes: “could be gayer!” so we’re making it gayer.
thank u for coming to my ted talk.
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