#i drank at least 32 oz of water
queenofthedamnnile · 7 months
Every time I drink I lowkey wish I hadn't the next day. Not in a "omg what stupid shit did I do" way cause I don't even get stupid drunk just in a "good God when will these poisoning effects subside" way
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snailsnaps · 2 years
Quick check-in!
Have you done the following today:
Eaten at least one (1) meal with protein
Drank 32 oz or more of water
Consumed at least two (2) meals total with at least one (1) snack
Taken a nap (optional)
This feels like a sidequest
❌ Eaten at least (1) meal with protein
Unless derivatives count, I don't eat meat. Sensory bs.
❓ Drank 32 oz or more of water
I honestly cannot for the life of me remember.
✅ Consumed at least two (2) meals total with at least one (1) snack
The urge of sustenance is one I cannot ignore.
◼️ Taken a nap (optional)
I am quite literally physically unable to take naps. I have never in my more than two decades of life been able to take a nap.
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greatgoodplace · 6 months
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SOD: 263
EOD: 263
HW: 299
GW: 175
UGW: 150
Today's EOD weight was taken a few hours after eating and then pooping (finally), so it gives me hope that tomorrow I'll be at 261! I'm hoping to be at least 259 by the 1st.
I hate water so much, but I have these really cute, hella large tumblers and I decided that while I'm watching TV, I'm going to lay it on my chest and just absent mindedly sip it while I watch. I did it last night and drank 32 oz in one episode of LIB.
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homoerotictext · 10 months
cw emetophobia
nothing i would like more than to chug 32 oz of ice cold water but i just threw up the water i drank after i threw up this morning lmaoooooooooo 🤩🤩🤩🤩 at least im not serving coffee bitches today.... That's beautiful... but God at what cost
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rynliadon · 3 years
also i hate to ask questions about your work without asking about you, so. how are you? have you drunk water today? if not you should go do that.
I'm really good! had a fun day today. most of days have been fun recently since my school has the option of in-person again so I get to feel like a human being. today was a rehearsal for a socially distanced choir concert, and I also helped make decor for it (i made a tangled-themed banner of sorts, the kind with the triangles on a string). I actually drank at least like 32 oz of water today!! I've been very good wrt water drinking now that my life has a schedule. rn I'm procrastinating doing a video for said choir concert because I hate recording videos but this needs to get done in, like, 20 minutes ahfkskgks.
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mindwideopen · 4 years
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Bert.... is mad.
Look at bert’s head! It’s about to explode with fury. He’s soooo mad! Oh no.... Bert, will have..... your.... ass..... No. because Bert would never do that. Bert is a loving guy, but he’s reached his limit, as a lot of us do from time to time. Bert gave Ernie ALL of his power. He allowed ernies antics to affect him negatively. What Ernie did? Who knows. Probably swindled Bert out of the bigger piece of pizza, and more grape drink. He does that a lot...
Or maybe he drank all Bert’s ice cream soda when all he wanted was plain seltzer,
or he probably annoyed Bert by playing tag with him, when he was trying to read.
Ernie is a bit inconsiderate like that, or, Ernie is needy, and wants attention from Bert, and Bert is into his own thing, Either way, Ernie doesn’t mean to act like a mindless, thoughtless Turkey culo. He wants love, like we all do. Unfortunately, it’s coming off really inconsideratly. Sometimes, when it’s not you that’s the one being annoyed, it can be hilarious. But let’s put ourselves in each of their positions for a minute...
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Bert, does NOT look happy. He looks mad, yes, but also, hurt, upset, not appreciated, not understood, not cared for. Bert, is a perpetual victim of Ernie’s naughty business. Bert can also tend to like things the way he likes them. Kinda an immobile, guy. Maybe a guy that takes himself too seriously, too sensitive, with no sense of humor. BUT, regardless, Bert deserves love, and respect, and consideration even though Ernie doesn’t always show it in the way Bert appreciates. Does that mean Ernie doesn’t love Bert? Not sure. Are they in a serious codependent relationship of abuse? Could be. Or are they in a mutual friendship that somehow works for the both of them? It all depends on your perception.
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Let’s take in Ernie for a bit. Ernie, is a purveyor of glad tidings, fun and joy. On the flip side, Ernie has a ton of energy, and doesn’t flow outside of his own desires in the moment very well. Some would say, “Ohhhh... That Ernie... all he cares about is fun, and play, and singing, and dancing, and his rubber ducky, and he’s messy, and carefree, and doesn’t listen to Bert at all. What an Turkey culo!! But Ernie does care about how he, and others like Bert, feel. And he wants to break Bert out of his comfort zone, and have a little fun with his best friend. How you view them, is irrelevant to them, but means everything to you. Because they are not affected by you in the least. They’re muppets. But the energy that they bring up in you, is very very real.
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Ernie and Bert are facets of these 2 men: Jim Henson, who played Ernie, and Frank Oz, who still maybe I dunno, periodically plays Bert. But, they created these characters. And they evolved over time, both the characters, and the men.
I heard an interview where frank oz was discussing the character of Bert. At first, bert was a conundrum. He was boring. But frank oz, in his genius, made boring, fun! Well, Bert may be boring, but he loves it! He is the single most boring guy in the world, and loves what he loves; bottle caps, and pigeons named Bernice, and paper clips, and plain soda water. Bert celebrates his boringness to the hilt! I used to not get Bert at all when I was a kid. Bert?! You’re into boring....everything! But now that I’m older, I finally appreciate Bert, and his love of the mundane, cause he’s so into it. And frank and Jim, got it too, and they shared it with me, and all the other kids my age and beyond. Celebrate people not just for their similarities, but their differences too. And if you don’t celebrate their differences, at the very least accept the person, and love them anyway.
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Ernie gives Bert a serious headache. So he cares for him, and makes sure he has his hot water bottle (still not quite sure what that does...) But no one can say Ernie doesn’t care, or they can, but they’d be wrong to me, because Ernie, in his own selfish jerk way to some, cares a lot. And I sometimes appreciate him for it. Bert resigns himself to it a lot too, cause after all, both of these characters come from a place of love, and devotion to one another.
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But regardless of what I think of either, and much like gayle king of I dunno, and Oprah Winfrey, a Winfrey, they’re best friends. And isn’t it better to be friends, then not? Well, don’t ask me, cause I have none...
George Carlin: Kari, you, are seriously, one of the most ridiculous people I have ever not met personally. You have friends, you just walk away from everyone cause they don’t show up for you the way you’d like. I only know that, because you’re writing me, so I have an insight others don’t, because you cut everyone out. At least with Ernie and Bert, Bert gets pissed, and Ernie knows about it.
Bert in the year 2020: It’s been 50 plus years of ernie’s crazy behavior, and I feel the following: n for numb, b for beaten down, a for aggravated, and n again, for no more...
Ernie in the year 2020: bert, how many times do we have to go through this, Bert? I love you like a brother and friend, and I never want to upset you, ever, Bert. You’re special to me. I’ve learned that over time. You’re my best buddy, Bert! Just like rubber ducky, only you do all the shopping, and cleaning, and the dishes and laundry.
Bert: Er���—niiie! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! You are not responsible for anything! We are both 7, 8, 9 or 10 years old! When are you going to chip in and do your share in this friendship?! All you do is give me grief, Ernie! Grief!
Oscar the grouch: sounds like my kind of guy!!!
Bert: um, youve known him for 50 plus years!
Oscar: well, I didn’t know that about him! I love hate it!
Bert: ok, anyway, Ernie, if you keep doing the same things that make me angry over and over again, how is that changing? I don’t trust you, or believe you. Your words do not match your actions. Aaaagh! I don’t know what to think...
Mr. hooper: maybe I can help. You see boys, this is a classic case of the bullshit that I don’t have to deal with anymore because I am dead.
Bert: um, mr. hooper, you’re not allowed to talk like that on Sesame Street. I’m only 10 years old and I live alone with Ernie, unsupervised, which is bad enough. I don’t think we’re supposed to hear such talk.
Mr. hooper: We’re not on Sesame Street right now, we’re in Kari’s blog, so it’s fine, cause she’s the one swearing, not me, as I, am dead, as I/she stated above. Alight, boys, what I’m trying to say is this; can you please, for once and for all, be more considerate of one another’s feelings and maybe just maybe get back to the love? I’m over all this bickering.
Ernie: yeah Bert, I was trying to tell you that...
Bert: yeah Ernie, but at some point you have to back up your words with the proper actions. How many times have I told you that?! And you ignore me!
The count von count: 7 zillion, 345 trillion, 8 million, 32 times Bert has told you, Ernie, about that! Ah ah ahhhhhhh! (Lightening strikes)
Ernie: you’ve got a point there, Bert. Ok, I’ll show you, by giving you, the bigger piece of pizza once and awhile, and leaving your seltzer, plain, and allowing you to read in peace. Cause I support you bert, and I care.
Bert: that’s great Ernie! I do too! And I’ll make time to play tag with you more, and spend time the way we like to do, together.
Mr. hooper: word(s).
George Carlin: Kari, did you her all that?
Kari: yes. Oh man. I’ve been read by Ernie and Bert. Ok, my intention for writing on my blog is not to hurt anyone at all with my POV, but to be honest about my feelings, in love. I try not to be a mean passive aggressive person. I sometimes can be, but I’m trying to clean up my side of the street with that. And I do feel like I am friendless, but it’s because I’m hurt, and don’t feel loved or appreciated sometimes. That’s what it all comes down to, really.
Carlin: ok, clearly you need some time to sort this out. So I’ll leave us with this. I love you. You are a very kind, imaginative woman, who cares about people. I will allow you to sit in hurt as long as you need to. Just know that anytime you’re ready to join the world again, I’ll be there to support you. Some of these people are gone for good, and that’s ok, but some still care, and may want to work it out when the time comes. You’ll see when you’re ready.
Kari: thanks George. I love you too. And I will go and get a piece of almond Kringle now, cause I love O & H kringles (1) a lot, and give you the bigger piece!
Carlin: gee, thanks, as you will be the one ingesting it for the both of us. Better make it a sliver.
Kari: ok.
Carlin: oh, and Kari, one more thing...
Kari: what?
Carlin: friends are better, when shared. And by cutting people out, you’re not sharing you. Just sayin...
Kari: no Kringle for you!
Carlin: fine. I’ll keep our girlish figure in tact...
Kari: fine! The whole Kringle for you!
Carlin: she’s maaaaddd...
Cookie Monster: this has been monster-piece theater... good bye! Me eat all the Kringle now, then all her cookies, cause she upset, and she won’t eat anything, so it no go to waste! I love her, so I help!
Kari: I ate ALL the Kringle!
Cookie Monster: noooooooooooo...... (shakes furry blue paw in the air)
Scene scene scene.
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(1):,credit for my discovery of the o & h bakery and the Kringle itself goes to my friend Bonnie, who i believe now hates my guts. ❤️
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j-squad-mama · 5 years
Drank 32 oz of water before 2 pm (drinking at least another 32 while at work) and wow did it increase my supply for my first pumping session. Guess that's what I needed all this time.
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
How to Prep for a Colonoscopy Naturally?
Preparing for a colonoscopy is no fun task—especially if you want to do it holistically or you follow a Paleo or Autoimmune Protocol (AIP diet). 
If you’re wondering “what to eat” or what to expect the day before a colonoscopy (and how to survive with a holistic colonoscopy prep), here’s all you need to know. 
Standard Colonoscopy Prep Instructions 
In the big scheme of things, colonoscopy prep and procedure really only involves about 48-hours of your time. 
In order for the doctor to be able to fully see clearly into your colon with the scope, all needs to be clear, which means: 
Fasting for about 24 hours prior to the colonoscopy 
Ingesting a large amount of special “poo juice” (i.e. stool softeners and laxative)
And making friends with the toilet for the latter part of the day
Some doctors will suggest you eat a softer foods diet at least 3 days prior to the appointment in order to make things easier to pass and this can be helpful, but may not be 100% necessary to do.
Unfortunately, however, colonoscopy prep ALSO typically includes some non-holistic rituals that can make one who is used to eating a real food, Paleo or AIP-based diet think twice.
Additional (Non-Paleo Friendly) Colonoscopy Prep Recommendations
Non holisitc colonoscopy prep instructions the day before your exam may include:
Drinking Gatorade and Propel to re-hydrate with electrolytes
Sucking on sugary popsicles and candies
Eating Jell-O 
Drinking Kool-Aid and sodas
In other words: Starve. 
You Can Do Anything for a Day
True, your fasting colonoscopy prep diet is really ONLY for a day (you can do anything for a day—even buck your usual “norm”!), but, if you’re NOT used to blood sugar rushes, food dyes and artificial sweeteners, even one day of these things can feel long and agonizing. 
If anything, the MAIN objective of your colonoscopy prep is ONE thing:
Stay hydrated and keep your electrolytes in balance.
—Which is EXACTLY where I personally went wrong. I’ll briefly share with you what I did “wrong” during my Colonoscopy Prep—and how it went down—then give you a play-by-play of steps to take and what to eat in order to have an amazingly easy Colonoscopy.
My Colonoscopy Prep Gone Wrong: What NOT to Do
Long story short: My colonoscopy prep went south QUICKLY because I missed ONE step—I failed to ingest ENOUGH electrolytes during the day!
The result? A midnight trip to the local Emergency Room where I spent 3 hours with  my body in “shock” from dehydration as the ER staff nourished my electrolytes back to balance with an IV pump.
I’ll admit, when I saw the words “Gatorade” + “Miralax” as part of my colonoscopy prep, I did not think TWICE about substituting out water for the Gatorade. 
I don’t remember the last time I drank Gatorade.
However, looking back on it, I understand WHY the docs prescribe the artificially sweetened beverage—electrolytes.
Electrolyte 101
Your body loses a TON of water, sodium and potassium during the Prep do to all the poo you will be doing. If you DON’T have enough of these minerals, then you can bet your bottom dollar that your body will be in shock!
I Went into Shock
Somehow, I managed to make it the whole day, just fine, no real difficulties, minus hating going #2 every 45-60 minutes near the later hours of the day.
However, come 10 pm as I laid my head down on my pillow to rest, it all of a sudden hit me:
Lightheaded and dizzy
Cold sweat on my brow
Heart beating faster
Shortness of breath
I thought I was having a “low blood sugar” dip from not eating all day, so I raced downstairs to try to get some last minute nourishment in before I was restricted from all liquids at midnight for am 7 am procedure. 
Ten-minutes later, I began walking back up the stairs to climb back in bed, and the next thing I knew, I knocked on the door to my mom’s room who was in town to help me out, saying, “Mom, I don’t feel well…” and…
Passing out. On the floor.
To say the least, the event was very traumatic, as I began shaking and convulsing on the floor. 
“Lauryn! Lauryn!” my mom cried, and the next thing I knew, the paramedics and ambulance was there to “save the day.”
The prognosis? Severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
I was rushed to the ER where I was “rehydrated” and nourished with IV fluids, while hunger pains and lightheadedness still continued (I couldn’t wait to eat) and I was encouraged to stick out the procedure—only a few more hours to go. 
I managed to “make it through,” find out some much-needed information about my own gut health that’s been awry for a LONG TIME —and decide I don’t want to go through that for a LONG TIME.
However, looking back on it all, had I followed the following advice I am about to give you here, I would have been just fine!
The Moral of the Story
In short: Bring on the coconut water, sea salt and Ultima powder! (hydration and electrolytes)
The good news? Yup, you (or I) don’t have to turn to just Gatorade to get these electrolytes.
Don’t let my colonoscopy prep story scare you, but INSTEAD use it to encourage you in HOW to prep for your colonoscopy holistically—especially if you are looking for a Paleo or AIP-friendly approach to doing so. 
Holistic Colonoscopy Prep in 3 Steps—Paleo & AIP Friendly
Step 1: Begin Eating Easy-to-Digest Foods 1-3 Days Before Your Prep Day
This step is not ESSENTIAL, but most folks don’t complain when they DO eat with “easy digestion” in mind 1-3 days leading up to the Colonoscopy Prep Day.
Essentially, this means, avoiding some harder to digest foods like: 
Nuts & Seeds
Raw Veggies & Raw Fruits
Breads, Crusts, Crackers & other Grains/Glutenous Foods
Pork (slower digesting protein)
Aim to eat:
Bananas, cooked apples or pears/apple sauce
Cooked, sautéed and steamed veggies (cauliflower mash, steamed broccoli, sautéed greens, etc.) 
Starchy tubers (cooked and cooled)
Shredded and flaky meats and fish
Pastured eggs (if you tolerate eggs)
Healthy fats (avocados, ghee, butter, coconut butter, etc.)
Some directions will tell you to “AVOID” meats, coconut, avocado and leafy greens, but I found by prepping these well, I had no issues personally with keeping to my usual diet.
Step 2: Stock Up on These Goods & Prep Any Foods You Need
Hit the store a day or two before your prep to ensure you’ve got the goods you need.
Grocery List
Coconut Water
Vital Proteins Collagen Protein or Equip Protein Powder  
Cold Pressed Green Juice
Ultima Lemon Electrolyte Powder  
Bone Broth  
Gelatin & Fresh-Squeezed Juice (NO red, blue or purple)—to make “Jell-O” or popsicles
Sea Salt (add liberally to your broths and juices)
Foods you love for your Post-Colonoscopy meals since you’ll be taking it easy that day. Some ideas:
Green Smoothie: Coconut Milk, 1/2 Banana, 1 Scoop Protein, Greens, 1/2 Avocado
Shredded Chicken, Sweet Potato, Greens, Coconut Butter
Canned Wild Salmon, White Sweet Potato with Ghee, Asparagus
Ground Turkey (sausage), Butternut Hash, Steamed Broccoli
Pastured Eggs (scrambled), Mushrooms, Avocado, Spaghetti Squash
Meatloaf Muffin, Cauliflower Mash
AIP Pumpkin Muffin with Coconut Butter, Chicken Apple Sausage
Chicken & Veggie Bone Broth Soup 
After your grocery run, take an hour or so to prep a few goodies to have on hand for your “Prep Day.” Here are some ideas:
Holistic Recipes for Colonoscopy Prep Day 
Easy Paleo Jell-O by Wellness Mama
Homemade Popsicles-AIP, Paleo
Golden Milk Popsicles by My Heart Beets
The Ultimate Coconut Popsicle by Coconut Mama
Bone Broth Soup by Phoenix Helix
Green Juice by Stupid Easy Paleo  
Step 3: Eat & Drink THIS on Colonoscopy Prep Day
Technically, you are told to stick to liquids only on prep day. In my personal experience however, I ate my typical breakfast of turkey sausage, avocado, pan fried greens and roasted carrots before 9 a.m. on my prep day—and am glad I did because I don’t think I would have made it.
The good thing? I was fully clear by that time and prepped for my 7:00 am procedure. 
Here’s a sample idea of what to eat in the 24-hours leading up to the procedure.
8:30 a.m, (20-24 hours before): Eat a balanced real-foods meal 
12 p.m,: 8-12 oz. Coconut Water or Lite Coconut Milk with Collagen/Protein Powder; Green Juice Prep: Take Ducolax Tablets
1 p.m.: Begin Miralax Prep in Water with Ultima Powder. Drink 8 oz. of the prepared prep
mixture every 15 minutes for a total of 32 oz. (HALF OF PREP MIXTURE). Add a pinch of sea salt to your mix.
3 p.m.: 16-20 oz. Bone Broth with Collagen & Sea Salt, Gelatin “Jell-O” or Popsicles (made with Green Juice)
4 p.m.: Take 2 Ducolax Tablets with some Coconut Water & Sea Salt
5 p.m. Prep #2: Drink 8 oz. of the prepared prep mixture in Ultima every 15 minutes until the last 32 oz. are finished. Add a pinch of Sea Salt to your mix. 
6 or 7 p.m.: 16-20 oz. Bone Broth with Collagen & Sea Salt, “Jell-O” or Popsicles
9:30 or 10 p.m.:Ultima Powder in Water or more Jell-O or Bone Broth if “hungry”
Aim to “eat” every 2-3 hours, and drink liquids with electrolytes throughout the day. You will be “liquid full,” but to keep hunger at bay, incorporate collagen and protein via broth or powder in the day. 
Bonus: Day of the Colonoscopy 
You can’t eat or drink anything (except maybe suck on some ice chips), the day OF the colonoscopy (at least 2-4 hours before the procedure) so your food doesn’t mess with the anesthesia. 
That said, I KNEW I was pretty hungry going into my colonoscopy, so went ahead an prepared my post-procedure meal—one of my faves:
Post-Colonoscopy Meal
Ground Turkey Patty with smashed Avocado
Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Pan-Sauteed Greens in Coconut Oil
—My doc said I could go back to eating regular foods as tolerated, and I was able to tolerate this just fine. 
As a back up, I kept a Banana with Coconut Butter, Green Juice and simple Beef Isolate Protein Powder to mix up on hand IN CASE I couldn’t stomach food…but I was golden (and never as happy to eat again as I was after everything was said and done).
The End
Before you know it, your colonoscopy will come and go, and you’ll be back to your norm—doing what you love to do. 
My GREATEST colonoscopy “mishap” was NOT drinking enough electrolytes during the day (since I thought water could replace Gatorade). Had I ensured I got my electrolytes in through coconut water and more holistic powders (like Ultima), I believe my experience would have been a breeze!
After the procedure, I slept for about 2-3 hours on the couch at home after eating—so thankful to be well-fed—and then popped up, ready to start the day!
While I did take the day off from my usual routine (driving, gym, etc.), I did go to town with spring cleaning my apartment, stretching at home with my own yoga practice and working on my latest book outside in the beautiful spring sunshine. 
You will be JUST FINE and live to tell about it…just don’t forget to hydrate 🙂 
The post How to Prep for a Colonoscopy Naturally? appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/how-to-prep-for-a-colonoscopy-naturally/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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crookednature · 7 years
So I never thought Id be able to do something like this..but after a 2 week binge session in LA, I had to put a stop to my eating and drinking habits. I had gorged myself beyond comfort.. lost confidence and felt shitty and tired, even when trying to workout. As tough as it is to swallow, losing weight cant be done just by going to the gym. I thought I could eat like crazy, and go to the gym and magically burn 2000 calories. Wrong. The mental aspect of knowing I have eaten well drives my workout to to next level. Not to mention the beneficial chemical properties of healthy foods. As much as I try to start eating healthy again, I stop within 2 days..once my Trader Joe’s supply runs dry. My mindset needed to change, or I was not going to see the results I wanted. Im an all-or-nothing person, and these extremes are good when they benefit you, however, if Im in a binge eating phase-that hole becomes deeper and deeper. 
SO I DECIDED TO CLEANSE- I have been reading lots of blogs about the master cleanse..and they left out the details about the cleanse that I was missing. The Truth. And if you don’t want to read about some gross well..shit..then I suggest you dip out! 
2 T organic lemon or lime juice.
2 T organic Maple Valley Syrup.
1/10 t cayenne pepper.
10 oz spring or purified water.
Drink 6 to 12 glasses per day.
DAY 1-3 You will start with the salt water flush (2 teaspoons of salt & 32 oz of h20-basically a standard nalgene bottle size) 
for the rest you will drink a mixture of lemon juice/maple syrup/cayenne pepper
end the evening with smooth move laxative tea.
DAY 1- Woke up hungover AF. In NEED of a cleanse. Went to the store and got the ingredients..there were free flowers at the grocery store!! My award for cleansing! Did the salt water flush, and thought I was going to gag but then pictured the salt water as soup, and it helped me enough to get it down the hatch. I was at the toilet almost immediately. I will just say that there is a reason they call it a flush. I drank about 70 or so oz of the lemonade mixture. I wasn’t hungry until the night time, and I had my boyfriend talk me through it. IT HELPS TO HAVE SOMEONE TO CLEANSE WITH OR AT LEAST SOMEONE WHO WILL TALK YOU THROUGH IT.  I might have given up at this point..but the Lemonade mix is pretty delicious, so its nice to have. When you crave food- go to the Lemonade. It will give you what you need. 
Went to bed and drank the smooth move . WOW.  Woke up in the middle of the night and ran to the bathroom. (I TOLD YOU THIS WAS GOING TO GET GRAPHIC) by now its pretty much water. 
wet wipes..all I gotta say,
DAY 2- Woke up at 7am feeling sharp. And not HUNGRY. Was dreading salt water, but I slammed it down. Bout the same timing as my flush yesterday. I still dont feel hungry, but have energy. I heard people get nauseous but I think they are pansies lol. Ive lost 3 pounds. Not that exciting or surprising..as I have been shitting my brains out. I made my mix with a little more cayenne today because I like the flavor of the spice. Will see how this turns out. 
Stay tuned. Hit me up with any questions or motivation!!!! Id love to talk to someone else who is cleansing..so we can keep eachother on track. xoxo
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hexusproductions · 7 years
Massive Ask
I was tagged by @ysabelmystic
Rules: Tag 20 people
The Last:
1. Drink: Pepsi
2. Phone Call: From my mum
3. Text message: Talking with my sister when she needed help with an assignment
4. Song you listened to: Rap God by Eminem
5. Time you cried: I think…it was after the death in Justice League Dark.
Have you:
6. Dated someone twice: Not that I’m aware of
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Haven’t kissed anyone, mate
8. Been cheated on: Never
9. Lost someone special: A few. I’m still fighting for one in particular today
10. Been depressed: Often, for years and years and years
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes! But I’d never had that much to drink before at the time
List 3 Favourite Colours:
12. Black (I don’t care if you class it as a shade, it is found and used as a colour so it counts)
13. Royal purple
14. Dark blue
In the last year, have you…
15. Made new friends: Yes I have and my introverted ass is so happy about it!
16. Fallen out of love: Not in the last year, no
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, and having it pointed out just made me laugh more
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Negatively or positively? Positively, not behind my back, but very recently I was negatively. Pissed me off, let me tell you.
19. Met someone who changed you: No
20. Kissed someone on your FB list: No…?
21. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: If I had Facebook I’m sure I’d be able to answer that question
22. Do you have any pets: A dog and a cat. I might be getting a puppy and/or a new bird next year
23. Do you want to change your name: Yes and no. I use my birth name commonly but I’m not entirely comfortable with it.
24. What did you do for your last birthday: Ooo…it was a while ago now. I went to movies and bought some new Lego.
25. What time did you get up: Nine thirty, roundabout. I stayed in bed for a while because it’s been really cold lately
26. What were you doing at midnight last night: Binging a playthrough of Batman: The Telltale Series. I’ve never had much of an interest until recently with all the stuff I’ve heard about Puzzle Grandpa.
27. Name something you can’t wait for: The DCEU Batman movie we’re meant to be getting, as well as the rumoured animated adaption of The Long Halloween. I just really wanna see more Scarecrow.
28. When was the last time you saw your mom: A couple of days ago
29. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I really wish I was more organised, and motivated to do school-related stuff.
30. What are you listening to right now: Fall Out Boy, specifically Twin Skeletons
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I don’t think so. I can’t remember exactly, but I don’t think so
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: People that keep asking or telling me about ‘my future’
33. Most visited website: Most likely Tumblr
34. Mole/s: Three, all forming a triangle on my stomach. At least I hope that’s what they are.
35. Mark/s: There’s a scar on the bottom of my foot from when I was little and I stepped on a broken photo frame
36. Childhood dream: I went from wanting to be a pop star to a vet to a writer for DC Comics
37. Hair colour: Just a regular brown
38. Long or short hair: Short, almost at my shoulders. I should probably get it cut now that I think about it
39. Do you have a crush on someone: Nobody non-fictional (otherwise, there’s a certain musical dork that everyone knows I’m in love with by now)
40. What do you like about yourself: I’m creative, and people find me funny
41. Piercings: Nothing but regular ear piercings
42. Blood type: I have absolutely no clue. I’m always told that it’s the same as my dad’s, but I don’t know what his is either.
43. Nicknames: A shortening of my birth name that’s used by close family, but I feel uncomfortable when other people use it. One of my friends also calls me Shoe.
44. Relationship status: Single
45. Zodiac: Capricorn
46. Pronouns: She/Her
47. Favourite TV show/s: Mom, Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, and Justice League Unlimited
48. Tattoos: None currently but I’ve been thinking of a couple I’d like to get
49. Right or left hand: Right
50. Surgery: I’ve been at the hospital for a number of reasons but I’ve never had actual surgery
51. Hair dyed a different colour: No, and I’d like to keep it that way for as long as possible, thank you very much
52. Sports: I’m not in any teams or anything, but I can play decently
53. Vacation: I’ve been to Phillip’s Island, which is near a beach and was absolutely fantastic. I plan to go overseas later this year, which I’m excited but also freaked out about.
54. Shoes: I don’t understand people who have dozens of pairs of shoes. I’m good with my old sneakers and a pair of thongs (flip-flops for those of you outside of Oz)
55. Eating: Reheated leftover pizza from lunch
56. Drinking: Just water.
57. I’m about to: Launch into my week off of school and use it to write fanfiction
58. Waiting for: Motivation and the opportunity to finish my enrolments for next year
59. Want: More frequent internet access and to finally play Overwatch
60. Get married: I doubt that’ll happen at any point. I don’t really see myself getting married
61. Career: I’ve been looking at a career in forensic science, but tbh I’m not a hundred per cent certain
62. Hugs or kisses: Hugs! Getting squished is so much more enjoyable, and they’re less complicated
63. Lips or eyes: Eyes can be so much more beautiful
64. Shorter or taller: Taller, even by just a small amount.
65. Older or younger: Probably older. All things considered I’d prefer close to my own age.
66. Nice arms or nice stomach: Hmm, I guess I’d say arms.
67. Sensitive or loud: Loud just like me!
68. Hook up or relationship: I’d prefer a relationship that I can count on.
69. Troublemaker or hesitant: The pot wants a troublemaker kettle
70. Kissed a stranger: Hell no.
71. Drank hard liquor: Nah
72. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No
73. Turned someone down: To my knowledge no one’s ever been interested, so no
74. Sex on the first date: Never. Third date minimum, and only if I’m interested in them in that way.
75. Broken someone’s heart: Nope
76. Had your heart broken: Never got serious enough for that
77. Been arrested: No.
78. Cried when someone died: Not when I first heard that they had died, but a while after I did
79. Fallen for a friend: Possibly? I don’t know if that’s what it really was
80. Yourself: Sometimes
81. Miracles: Yes
82. Love at first sight: I believe in attraction at first sight, but not love
83. Santa Claus: No
84. Kiss on the first date: Depends on the person and how the date went, but yes
85. Current best friend: I’ve got two that I’ve known for years, but I also consider @couldyounottalktomethanks a member of this category
86. Eye colour: Hazel/light brown
87. Favourite movie: The Road to El Dorado
Tagging: (I have no clue who’s done this already) @tessalovesozzy @perlethewitch @couldyounottalktomethanks @lawful-evil-novelist @themarchinghare @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear @welcometovonwulfskimanor @hermannco @hugsforvillains @mortalorder @the-mexican-pineapple @yourfavoritehandsomenerd @takedasangel @sophiemoonlightuniverse @cjsfandoms @poltergeistprincesa @thekawaiikitty24 @little-elf-archer @c3powearsacroptop @lobsterquadriille
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92 tag
Tagged by @a-candle-for-sherlock - thanks! Oh boy. 
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Tap water 2. Phone call: Someone called me when I was on the beach yesterday. Turned out they were looking for someone else with the same name as me. 3. Text message: To one of my best friends: “Bara att mamma och pappa har tjatat så mycket om det och jag bara... Jag vet inte” 4. Song you listened to: Daydreaming with Paramore 5. Time you cried: Shed a few tears last night due to Raffles and Bunny (what a surprise). I think last time I cried “for real” was last week as I was leaving Los Angeles.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: No... I’ve barely dated at all. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, no regrets.  8. Been cheated on: Not really, since I’ve never actually had a relationship.  9. Lost someone special: Both my grandmothers and my grandfather as a child. “Broke up” with a very close friend at the start of last year and not completely over it.  10. Been depressed: Yes, several times. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I never throw up.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Green 13. Brown 14. Rust
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes, a few very special people :)  16. Fallen out of love: No... you have to be in love first, right? 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, often! 18. Found out someone was talking about you: No, not that I can remember. 19. Met someone who changed you: Yes, somewhat... in a positive way.  20. Found out who your friends are: More like they confirmed it once again <3 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Pffft... I barely use Facebook anymore and I’m not sure... but I think I’ve met most of them at least once. 23. Do you have any pets: No, never had any.  24. Do you want to change your name: No, I don’t.  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Took it pretty chill and had leftovers with my parents, since we had the party the day before.  26. What time did you wake up: Around 10:20. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Had just finished watching an episode of Frasier with my parents in the living room. So, teasing my mom for falling asleep as usual.  28. Name something you can’t wait for: Moving again, to a new town and my own place. Starting over again.  29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Less than an hour ago, before she went to bed.  30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I want to work more. 31. What are you listening to right now: Last Hope with Paramore 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, I had a classmate once named Tom.  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Trimmed cars driving by waaaay too loud.  34. Most visited Website: ... tumblr.com 
35. Mole/s: Here and there, no very significant. Some of them I really like though.
36. Mark/s: I currently have a scar above my knee from the end of May, but I think it will fade. Got two pretty deep scratches from a twig on my left foot the other day, that might leave a scar. 
37. Childhood dream: It changed a lot: Popstar -> Doctor -> Nurse -> Carpenter -> Nature photographer -> Author (that one still holds up)
38. Haircolor: Auburn (but naturally dark blonde/light brown)
39. Long or short hair: Somewhat long, below the shoulders at least. 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes, a few people (real and fictional). 
41. What do you like about yourself: My imagination and my ability to be true to myself.
42. Piercings: One in each earlobe. 
43. Bloodtype: I don’t know.
44. Nickname: Toni.
45. Relationship status: Single - me, myself and I. 
46. Zodiac: Pisces
47. Pronouns: I’m not sure, but I think I prefer they/them. 
48. Favorite TV Show: The X-Files.
49. Tattoos: No, and I don’t think I will get any either (but never say never, and if I did it would most likely be Harry Potter related).
50. Right or left hand: Right.
51. Surgery: Nope.
52. Hair dyed in different color: Auburn.
53. Sport: Dancing and Yoga (and played table-tennis as a teenager)
55. Vacation (this year): I was in Los Angeles (where I used to live) a few weeks ago and in Las Vegas for three days as well. 
56. Pair of trainers: Gore Tex.
57. Eating: CHOCOLATE (dark) 58. Drinking: Coffee, red wine, whiskey, water (lots of water) 59. I’m about to: Go to bed. 61. Waiting for: The X-Files s11 62. Want: Go to drama school in London and get a bachelor degree. 63. Get married: Nah... don’t know. Maybe.  64. Career: Actor (+writer/director)
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Kisses. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: Depends on the situation. 68. Older or younger: Older. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Haven’t had much of either, but I probably would prefer relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Not really, we had talked for a bit before we kissed. 75. Drank hard liquor: Many, many times. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Lost my (daily) contact in the ocean the other day. Not the first time that has happened since I love to swim under water with my eyes open.  77. Turned someone down: Yes, quite a few times. 78. Sex in the first date: No, never had sex. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes.  80. Had your heart broken: Yes, pretty badly once (romantically). And a few times by friends (nothing romantic). 81. Been arrested: No.  82. Cried when someone died: Yes, several times.  83. Fallen for a friend: Yes. 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yes, most of the time. 85. Miracles: No, I think everything happens for a reason. 86. Love at first sight: Somewhat... I believe that if you meet someone special, you can feel the connection from the start if you’re both open. I believe that some souls belong together, and sometimes you recognize each other immediately. I’ve had that happen.  87. Santa Claus: YES. 88. Kiss on the first date: If it comes naturally.  89. Angels: Well... yes, but calling them “Angels” sounds so Christian and I’d rather think of them as spirits or souls.
90. Current best friends name: Just gonna put the first letters: M, L, M, M, T 91. Eyecolor: Hazel. 92. Favorite movie: Titanic. The Wizard of Oz. Tangled. And many others.
@kajaono, @miamoemiamore @deliriouslylazyafternoons @one-thousand-splendid-stars @nawnomschnuff @xbooksandtea @realize8 
... if you’re up for it! ♥
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darkeyes14 · 7 years
Get to know me (tag)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
I was tagged by @epiphanicwiring​, thank you!
1. Drink: Wine 2. Phone call: Father 3. Text message: Biology teacher 4. Song you listened to: Appear- Kim Bum Soo 5. Time you cried: I’m not sure. Probably this week. 
6. Dated someone twice: Yes 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes 8. Been cheated on: Yes 9. Lost someone special: Yes 10. Been depressed: Yes, until last year. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
12-14: Grey, Black, Brown
15. Made new friends: Yes 16. Fallen out of love: Yes 17. Laughed until you cried: Don’t remeber 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes 20. Found out who your friends are: Yes 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them 23. Do you have any pets: 2 cats and 1 dog 24. Do you want to change your name: No 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Had dinner with my family 26. What time do you wake up: either 4-6 am or 1 pm. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Listening to music 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Starting over, going to college and moving to a new city. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? 5 minutes ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My personality.  31. What are you listening to right now: Hyolyn- Become each other’s tears. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My weird personality, my need for isolation, my perfectionism that stops me from loving deeply a person because of her/his flaws ( myself counts too).  34. Most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube 35. Mole/s: Yes 36. Mark/s: Yes 37. Childhood dream: To be a princess. 38. Hair color: Curently blonde, but my natural colour is brown. 39. Long or short hair: Medium  40. Do you have a crush on someone: No 41. What do you like about yourself: Idk. I hate my determination and my perfectionism, my attitude is bad, I’m not that cool.  42. Piercings: No, but I’m thinking about getting one. 43. Blood type: 0 44. Nicknames? Robby, Robita 45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Libra 47. Pronouns: She/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Doctor Oz. 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: Yes. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Yes, blonde. 53. Sport: I run from time to time, hahaha. 55. Vacation: I still have exams. 56. Pair of trainers: idk
57. Eating: I’m a vegetarian and I love sweets.  58. Drinking: Water, wine and coffee. I love coffee.  59. I’m about to: go to sleep. 62. Want: To achive my goals. 63. Get married: Maybe. I’m a hopeless romantic, but it’s hard for me not to get bored of someone or at least to find someone who likes the real me.  64. Career: What I plan to be and will be: Veterinarian 65. Hugs or kisses: Nope 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller:  Taller 68. Older or younger: Older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Why not both? 71. Sensitive or loud: Better loud. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant? idk
74. Kissed a Stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes 77. Turned someone down: Yes 78. Sex on the first date: No 79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah 81. Been arrested: No 82. Cried when someone died: Yes 83. Fallen for a friend: No
84: Yourself: Sometimes 85. Miracles: No 86. Love at first sight: No 87. Santa Claus: No 88. Kiss on the first date: Maybe. But I don’t go to dates, so: No. 
90. Current best friend name: Whiskey. ( She’s a cute cat ) 91. Eye color: Dark brown 92. Favorite movie: The Harry Potter series.
@therearenofreenames27 , @ezginese 
and whoever wants to do this
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riskystandard · 7 years
I got tagged by @cafecliche (actually she tagged me at my main but I never do ask things over there soooo)
1. 5 things you will find in my bag/backpack
-my laptop, always, for obvious reasons
-a tiny pin that says “fuck you” in pink cursive-- I normally keep it on my bag but I take it off when I have to meet Real Grown-Up Folks
-a solar panel! that’s actually on the outside of my backpack but it doesn’t really work anyway. it’s supposed to power a little charger pack but the connection got funky after I’d had it for like six months
-an obnoxiously large 32 oz water bottle because as much as I hate it, staying hydrated enough does help with my mood (especially because I never get enough sleep)
-miscellaneous crumpled papers with math and doodles and math doodles
2. 5 things you will find in my bedroom
-a very large piece of foam core that says “I’D FUCK HIM” and has red hearts all over it-- it was a prop when we did bloody bloody andrew jackson and I swiped it because I thought it was funny. it currently resides across the room from my roommate’s crucifix
-a giraffe pillow pet named hugo
-more blankets than one person should own
-a carton of diet raspberry tea snapples, for some reason? i got them in september and only ever drank two because i was saving them for special occasions but then no occasion felt special enough for the snapples
-harry potter numbers 1 and 4 and a small collection of some of my other favorite books from when I was a kid (the goose girl by shannon hale comes to mind but idk the rest)
3. 5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life
-go to israel
-go scuba diving again (I went once when I was 12 and it was awesome and it’s been a million years since I went swimming)
-build something that actually means something? I want to be able to actually help people (let’s build some medical devices, y’all) but i need to actually have skills to be able to do that so here’s to hoping!
-learn how to be more open about my feelings, at least to the extent where my friends will stop joking about how emotionally unavailable I am
-get a tattoo-- I don’t know what or where yet, but it’s gonna happen some day
4. 5 things on my to-do list
-be gay irl with @gavrielsaporta
-finish my poster presentation
-find somewhere to live over the summer so that I don’t have to leave my house at 5 am to get to work on time every day (RIP ME I HAVE NEVER WOKEN UP THAT EARLY IN MY LIFE)
-find some pizza (preferably free pizza. can anyone hook me up with some pizza?)
-oversee load in for the comedy show i’m production manager for tonight. i lowkey forgot that was happening until just now oops?
5. 5 things people may not know about me
-I do a loooot of theater tech, mostly in sound design and engineering. i’m pretty bad at it and idk why people keep asking me to do it, but it’s really fun, and i’ve also stage managed a couple productions
-I can lick my nose!
-I speak decent spanish, but not a lick of hebrew. rumor has it that my middle name (it’s a family name) comes from as far back as the spanish inquisition. i’d tell the whole story but maybe i should retain just a little bit of my privacy here on this hell site
-I have a 15 year old car named sally that I once threw up in when I was like 7
-my hair has been purple since I was 14 and I have no intention of changing it any time soon
I’m gonna tag @gavrielsaporta, @ingridlake, @androgynefatale, @drakanekurashiki, and @whoopsiedaisiedoo!
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Wed., January 18, 2017
Today’s goals:
- Do an at-home workout of some kind (the gym has been really busy lately and I just need a break from that for a day)
- Eat well and listen to body to see if I’m actually hungry <I had one snack today, but my body needed  some food as I was starting to fade while organizing.>
- Do the dishes
- Reset the furniture in the loft
- Get rid of the pile in the invisible corner
- Wipe down all mirrors and bathroom countertops
- Read at least 25% of book (Buffering by Hannah Hart!) <I am about to do this as soon as I finish here - I’m excited!>
- Drink at least 80 oz. of water <I’ve drank 48 oz so far, 32 to go!>
- Rewrite and submit first piece to new online magazine
- Email newspaper editor about job
- Update budget with new expenses
- The TV <I mostly was good about this today. The only time I had the TV on was when I was organizing things downstairs and had everything splayed out in front of the TV and then transitioned into a break. Much better than having the TV constantly on all day.>
- The bed <Making the bed actually kept me out of it. I sat on it for about ten minutes, but other than that, I stayed out. Maybe that’s the secret - make the bed and then you won’t want to mess it up.>
- Snacking, especially since I am not going to the gym <I had one snack this afternoon to get over a hump. It was a cup of Honey Nut Cheerios and they were delicious.>
Other things I tackled today:
- I surprised myself and organized a pile of stuff downstairs as well. There’s still a little ways to go with putting that stuff away in its proper place (we have so much office supplies and I’m not sure how we collected as much as we did). Once I get this job, we’re going to make a trip to Ikea to get some organizing bins and storage supplies. This will hopefully help us keep things off the floor and from stacking.
- I finished cutting out all the shapes for the second pseudo stuffed animal I’m making. I even started sewing the first couple of stitches, only to realize I should probably get some white thread to make it look cleaner. And, as I’m not used to my sewing machine yet, I messed up anyway so I’ll have to recut parts of one of the eyes.
I feel good about what I accomplished today. I didn’t do the writing I’ve been meaning to, but I’ll get there. I think keeping myself from getting distracted by screens will be a good step in the right direction. It just sucks being in limbo the way we are right now with waiting for the official offer for this job for me and finding out whether or not Josh is getting the promotion/raise he is up for. It’s very stressful not knowing and hoping that tomorrow will bring good news for both of us.
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sorryunavalible · 5 years
Step 2: Culiacan
Because I bought my ticket in the middle of the night and was in a rush to get to Spain I noticed some lengthy gaps between flights, but I felt like that was necessary because I was going to another country. My next flight that I had to catch in Culiacan originally had a 3 hour gap in between. Now with the delay the flight was scheduled to leave before I even was supposed to arrive. Thank fully the site I used guarantees your connecting flight. 
After landing the other plane had already been delayed and waiting for around 30 mins so we were able to get off the plane first and rush through customs. I know I study Spanish and I am coming to Spain to practice but I wasn’t in that mindset yet. So, after getting off the plane I was unsure what to do, did I have to pick up my luggage or would it just to go the plane because it had the tag on it?
With these questions in mind my first instinct was to ask for clarification, after asking about 3 people if they spoke English and hearing no each time I realized my learning/practicing would begin here I started to piece together what I did know to help in the current situation I was asking broken questions to get information like “ Estoy en un lugar correcto porque yo tengo otra avion listo ahora” which translates to “Am I in the right place I have a plane that is ready now”. This was answered with “Si” but the explanation after I didn’t try to decipher too much because at least I was in the correct area. After going through the customs attendant and getting my passport stamped I then had to wait for my checked bags sign a declaration paper and have them get put through a machine. After that I was in the main airport with all my stuff trying to figure out where I now needed to drop these bags off at. 
After finding the Volaris bag station I dropped off my bags and headed for the security check, I had to ask for directions cause I had no idea which was it was so here was more Spanish to practice conversationally. “Donde esta un cheque de securidad” To be fair it translates pretty clearly to “where is the security check”, so I was happy to be understood and be able to understand directions as well when given them. Off to security I go. 
So, every country I am sure is different but things were not as strict as America so the process was pretty quick and straight forward with similar liquid carrying limits and other details. So my smaller suitcase that traveled with me on the plane went through good, then my backpack got stopped. I forgot that while in Phoenix I filled up my hydro-flask because I know the regular water in Mexico can make people sick. However, because I had to go through security again 32 oz was too much liquid to carry. Which was fine I had no emotional attachment to the water. But when I asked where to dump it out I looked around for a trash can or something and there wasn’t any in the smaller security area I was now in.The security lady then made the motion with her hand telling me I had to DRINK IT. 
My first thought was are you freaking kidding me, is this a joke? The flight before was pretty short around 2 hours so I legit had not drank any of the water yet and now I had to chug 32 oz?! Oh yeah the other fun thing was I got the water and tasted it and eh it was okay but it was weirdly warm so I thought ill just take some in case or until I get more that was cold. So, here I was in this tiny airport which was extremely humid {I am not ashamed to say I think I sweat excessively for future references and the explanation of why in every airport I have a sweating story} already sweating from running like beads dripping down my face and that like boob sweat that gathers. Anyways long story short I was gross and in a rush so you know what I did. I freaking chugged that kinda gross awkwardly warm water while the security lady watched. When I finished she checked my water to make sure it was empty I grabbed my crap and dipped. When I say dipped usually I legit mean like took off. But after a few steps things turned in to a brisk walk this was because the floor was tile and the place was grossly humid.
Which means there was so much water in the air that it settles and separates kind of like dust so the floors were sweating as well and slippery, so to reduce my change of wiping out I walked. The gate wasn’t decided yet on my ticket so I just showed someone my ticket and asked “Cual puerta esto” which is “which door is this”. In Spanish countries they pretty much all call the gate “puerta”. They told me a number and direction and that was where I was headed. Finally I made it too the plane got on board and found my seat which was the very last row on the plane finally I could breathe and relax. The nice thing about being in the back was I was close to the bathroom, once we reached cruising altitude I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I had face wipes, vagina wipes, and regular for the body, I reapplied deodorant and headed back to my seat. 
Now that things had settled the plane was getting colder and I sneezed and the older gentlemen on the other side of the aisle said “salud” which is pretty much bless you and when I answered in Spanish saying thanks which isn’t really advance he started talking to me. He was the first of many to ask if I was athlete, but he asked what I studied and the conversation fizzled out cause he started saying words I didn’t know and I was tired so I wanted to sleep for a little if I could. This was Culiacan.
0 notes
clarencebfaber · 6 years
How to Prep for a Colonoscopy Naturally?
Preparing for a colonoscopy is no fun task—especially if you want to do it holistically or you follow a Paleo or Autoimmune Protocol (AIP diet). 
If you’re wondering “what to eat” or what to expect the day before a colonoscopy (and how to survive with a holistic colonoscopy prep), here’s all you need to know. 
Standard Colonoscopy Prep Instructions 
In the big scheme of things, colonoscopy prep and procedure really only involves about 48-hours of your time. 
In order for the doctor to be able to fully see clearly into your colon with the scope, all needs to be clear, which means: 
Fasting for about 24 hours prior to the colonoscopy 
Ingesting a large amount of special “poo juice” (i.e. stool softeners and laxative)
And making friends with the toilet for the latter part of the day
Some doctors will suggest you eat a softer foods diet at least 3 days prior to the appointment in order to make things easier to pass and this can be helpful, but may not be 100% necessary to do.
Unfortunately, however, colonoscopy prep ALSO typically includes some non-holistic rituals that can make one who is used to eating a real food, Paleo or AIP-based diet think twice.
Additional (Non-Paleo Friendly) Colonoscopy Prep Recommendations
Non holisitc colonoscopy prep instructions the day before your exam may include:
Drinking Gatorade and Propel to re-hydrate with electrolytes
Sucking on sugary popsicles and candies
Eating Jell-O 
Drinking Kool-Aid and sodas
In other words: Starve. 
You Can Do Anything for a Day
True, your fasting colonoscopy prep diet is really ONLY for a day (you can do anything for a day—even buck your usual “norm”!), but, if you’re NOT used to blood sugar rushes, food dyes and artificial sweeteners, even one day of these things can feel long and agonizing. 
If anything, the MAIN objective of your colonoscopy prep is ONE thing:
Stay hydrated and keep your electrolytes in balance.
—Which is EXACTLY where I personally went wrong. I’ll briefly share with you what I did “wrong” during my Colonoscopy Prep—and how it went down—then give you a play-by-play of steps to take and what to eat in order to have an amazingly easy Colonoscopy.
My Colonoscopy Prep Gone Wrong: What NOT to Do
Long story short: My colonoscopy prep went south QUICKLY because I missed ONE step—I failed to ingest ENOUGH electrolytes during the day!
The result? A midnight trip to the local Emergency Room where I spent 3 hours with  my body in “shock” from dehydration as the ER staff nourished my electrolytes back to balance with an IV pump.
I’ll admit, when I saw the words “Gatorade” + “Miralax” as part of my colonoscopy prep, I did not think TWICE about substituting out water for the Gatorade. 
I don’t remember the last time I drank Gatorade.
However, looking back on it, I understand WHY the docs prescribe the artificially sweetened beverage—electrolytes.
Electrolyte 101
Your body loses a TON of water, sodium and potassium during the Prep do to all the poo you will be doing. If you DON’T have enough of these minerals, then you can bet your bottom dollar that your body will be in shock!
I Went into Shock
Somehow, I managed to make it the whole day, just fine, no real difficulties, minus hating going #2 every 45-60 minutes near the later hours of the day.
However, come 10 pm as I laid my head down on my pillow to rest, it all of a sudden hit me:
Lightheaded and dizzy
Cold sweat on my brow
Heart beating faster
Shortness of breath
I thought I was having a “low blood sugar” dip from not eating all day, so I raced downstairs to try to get some last minute nourishment in before I was restricted from all liquids at midnight for am 7 am procedure. 
Ten-minutes later, I began walking back up the stairs to climb back in bed, and the next thing I knew, I knocked on the door to my mom’s room who was in town to help me out, saying, “Mom, I don’t feel well…” and…
Passing out. On the floor.
To say the least, the event was very traumatic, as I began shaking and convulsing on the floor. 
“Lauryn! Lauryn!” my mom cried, and the next thing I knew, the paramedics and ambulance was there to “save the day.”
The prognosis? Severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
I was rushed to the ER where I was “rehydrated” and nourished with IV fluids, while hunger pains and lightheadedness still continued (I couldn’t wait to eat) and I was encouraged to stick out the procedure—only a few more hours to go. 
I managed to “make it through,” find out some much-needed information about my own gut health that’s been awry for a LONG TIME —and decide I don’t want to go through that for a LONG TIME.
However, looking back on it all, had I followed the following advice I am about to give you here, I would have been just fine!
The Moral of the Story
In short: Bring on the coconut water, sea salt and Ultima powder! (hydration and electrolytes)
The good news? Yup, you (or I) don’t have to turn to just Gatorade to get these electrolytes.
Don’t let my colonoscopy prep story scare you, but INSTEAD use it to encourage you in HOW to prep for your colonoscopy holistically—especially if you are looking for a Paleo or AIP-friendly approach to doing so. 
Holistic Colonoscopy Prep in 3 Steps—Paleo & AIP Friendly
Step 1: Begin Eating Easy-to-Digest Foods 1-3 Days Before Your Prep Day
This step is not ESSENTIAL, but most folks don’t complain when they DO eat with “easy digestion” in mind 1-3 days leading up to the Colonoscopy Prep Day.
Essentially, this means, avoiding some harder to digest foods like: 
Nuts & Seeds
Raw Veggies & Raw Fruits
Breads, Crusts, Crackers & other Grains/Glutenous Foods
Pork (slower digesting protein)
Aim to eat:
Bananas, cooked apples or pears/apple sauce
Cooked, sautéed and steamed veggies (cauliflower mash, steamed broccoli, sautéed greens, etc.) 
Starchy tubers (cooked and cooled)
Shredded and flaky meats and fish
Pastured eggs (if you tolerate eggs)
Healthy fats (avocados, ghee, butter, coconut butter, etc.)
Some directions will tell you to “AVOID” meats, coconut, avocado and leafy greens, but I found by prepping these well, I had no issues personally with keeping to my usual diet.
Step 2: Stock Up on These Goods & Prep Any Foods You Need
Hit the store a day or two before your prep to ensure you’ve got the goods you need.
Grocery List
Coconut Water
Vital Proteins Collagen Protein or Equip Protein Powder  
Cold Pressed Green Juice
Ultima Lemon Electrolyte Powder  
Bone Broth  
Gelatin & Fresh-Squeezed Juice (NO red, blue or purple)—to make “Jell-O” or popsicles
Sea Salt (add liberally to your broths and juices)
Foods you love for your Post-Colonoscopy meals since you’ll be taking it easy that day. Some ideas:
Green Smoothie: Coconut Milk, 1/2 Banana, 1 Scoop Protein, Greens, 1/2 Avocado
Shredded Chicken, Sweet Potato, Greens, Coconut Butter
Canned Wild Salmon, White Sweet Potato with Ghee, Asparagus
Ground Turkey (sausage), Butternut Hash, Steamed Broccoli
Pastured Eggs (scrambled), Mushrooms, Avocado, Spaghetti Squash
Meatloaf Muffin, Cauliflower Mash
AIP Pumpkin Muffin with Coconut Butter, Chicken Apple Sausage
Chicken & Veggie Bone Broth Soup 
After your grocery run, take an hour or so to prep a few goodies to have on hand for your “Prep Day.” Here are some ideas:
Holistic Recipes for Colonoscopy Prep Day 
Easy Paleo Jell-O by Wellness Mama
Homemade Popsicles-AIP, Paleo
Golden Milk Popsicles by My Heart Beets
The Ultimate Coconut Popsicle by Coconut Mama
Bone Broth Soup by Phoenix Helix
Green Juice by Stupid Easy Paleo  
Step 3: Eat & Drink THIS on Colonoscopy Prep Day
Technically, you are told to stick to liquids only on prep day. In my personal experience however, I ate my typical breakfast of turkey sausage, avocado, pan fried greens and roasted carrots before 9 a.m. on my prep day—and am glad I did because I don’t think I would have made it.
The good thing? I was fully clear by that time and prepped for my 7:00 am procedure. 
Here’s a sample idea of what to eat in the 24-hours leading up to the procedure.
8:30 a.m, (20-24 hours before): Eat a balanced real-foods meal 
12 p.m,: 8-12 oz. Coconut Water or Lite Coconut Milk with Collagen/Protein Powder; Green Juice Prep: Take Ducolax Tablets
1 p.m.: Begin Miralax Prep in Water with Ultima Powder. Drink 8 oz. of the prepared prep
mixture every 15 minutes for a total of 32 oz. (HALF OF PREP MIXTURE). Add a pinch of sea salt to your mix.
3 p.m.: 16-20 oz. Bone Broth with Collagen & Sea Salt, Gelatin “Jell-O” or Popsicles (made with Green Juice)
4 p.m.: Take 2 Ducolax Tablets with some Coconut Water & Sea Salt
5 p.m. Prep #2: Drink 8 oz. of the prepared prep mixture in Ultima every 15 minutes until the last 32 oz. are finished. Add a pinch of Sea Salt to your mix. 
6 or 7 p.m.: 16-20 oz. Bone Broth with Collagen & Sea Salt, “Jell-O” or Popsicles
9:30 or 10 p.m.:Ultima Powder in Water or more Jell-O or Bone Broth if “hungry”
Aim to “eat” every 2-3 hours, and drink liquids with electrolytes throughout the day. You will be “liquid full,” but to keep hunger at bay, incorporate collagen and protein via broth or powder in the day. 
Bonus: Day of the Colonoscopy 
You can’t eat or drink anything (except maybe suck on some ice chips), the day OF the colonoscopy (at least 2-4 hours before the procedure) so your food doesn’t mess with the anesthesia. 
That said, I KNEW I was pretty hungry going into my colonoscopy, so went ahead an prepared my post-procedure meal—one of my faves:
Post-Colonoscopy Meal
Ground Turkey Patty with smashed Avocado
Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Pan-Sauteed Greens in Coconut Oil
—My doc said I could go back to eating regular foods as tolerated, and I was able to tolerate this just fine. 
As a back up, I kept a Banana with Coconut Butter, Green Juice and simple Beef Isolate Protein Powder to mix up on hand IN CASE I couldn’t stomach food…but I was golden (and never as happy to eat again as I was after everything was said and done).
The End
Before you know it, your colonoscopy will come and go, and you’ll be back to your norm—doing what you love to do. 
My GREATEST colonoscopy “mishap” was NOT drinking enough electrolytes during the day (since I thought water could replace Gatorade). Had I ensured I got my electrolytes in through coconut water and more holistic powders (like Ultima), I believe my experience would have been a breeze!
After the procedure, I slept for about 2-3 hours on the couch at home after eating—so thankful to be well-fed—and then popped up, ready to start the day!
While I did take the day off from my usual routine (driving, gym, etc.), I did go to town with spring cleaning my apartment, stretching at home with my own yoga practice and working on my latest book outside in the beautiful spring sunshine. 
You will be JUST FINE and live to tell about it…just don’t forget to hydrate ? 
The post How to Prep for a Colonoscopy Naturally? appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/how-to-prep-for-a-colonoscopy-naturally/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
How to Prep for a Colonoscopy Naturally? via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
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