#i drew this a couple of years ago (twice in fact) but i wanted to revisit it <3
sallyisdrawing · 4 months
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Happy International Women’s Day!
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bodegacowboy · 1 year
The fragments of this blip of a story came to me two days ago and it just happened to remind me of NaruSaku day. So after many years  away from tumblr and the fanfic game, here is my meager contribution to you NaruSaku fans on NaruSaku day. Hopefully you will enjoy it.
Sakura read the last page for the last time and with a soft shake of her head she slammed the book shut. A long pensive sigh escaped her lips as she tapped her fingers along the book cover. She drew in a deep breath and frowned. She brought the the book up to her face and her frowned deepened . She flipped the book, back and forth from the front cover to the back, once and then twice, before quietly hurling it across the room.
The book's flight from Sakura's hand consisted of a quick bounce against the wall and a noisy crash onto the floor. It settled on the floor with a new crack in it's spine to match the crack on the wall.
"I'm guessing you won't be recommending this one."
The voice startled Sakura out of her frustration. She looked over to see her husband grinning at her from the entrance of their kitchen. 
"Huh?" She replied, blinking back at him.
Naruto pointed at the book. "I can't say for sure but my gut is telling me that you did not like that book.”
Reality returned to Sakura. She was sitting by the window in their living room. This was her spot to lounge and read, a sacred space of relaxation. She  sank into the arm chair with a groan, embarrassment overcoming her.
"You know it's funny I thought I'd seen all the forms of your angry face. But while watching you read that last page over and over I might have discovered at least five new forms."
Blushing, Sakura sent her gaze up to the ceiling. “Ha, ha ha.”
"Feels really good knowing that I've never made you that mad."
"How long have you been standing there watching me read?"
"Maybe around eight minutes, ten minutes at most” Naruto answered. 
Sakura turned her attention to Naruto. "What's weirder me rereading the same page for ten minutes or you watching me reading the same page for ten minutes."
Naruto held up his hands, framing Sakura between his fingertips. "I am not embarrassed to say I watch you read. You get so peaceful and still. It's not that different from looking at a painting."
Sakura nodded. "So you're saying I'm a work art."
"Is that what I'm saying?"
"That's what I am hearing”
"That’s an it's an interesting interpretation, I won’t fight against it."  
Sitting up in the arm chair Sakura sighed. "I wasn’t so peaceful just then."
Naruto glanced back at the book on the ground. "Usually, you are very peaceful."
"I've been betrayed Naruto.”
Naruto ran his fingers across his whiskered cheeks. "Ah, well if you feel you’ve been wronged, present your case to me and perhaps I the Hokage of Konohagakure will be able to execute justice on your behalf."
She smirked. “Absolute justice?”
“The most absolute type of justice.”
Sakura glanced at the ground feeling, her face tinged with red again. "Ok listen I am biased. I am a sucker for a happy ending. I love a happy ending."
"And that's not want you got."
"That...” Sakura pointed at the book. “That was a terrible ending.”
Naruto began to speak but she put up a hand to stop him. Sparks of passion flickered in her eyes. .
"Hold on, let me say this first. I get that art is subjective. I understand that. This is not my first book, I read Naruto..."
 "I can vouch that you do read. I’ve seen you do it.”
"I'm not new to storytelling, or archetypes and literary themes and motifs.."
"You are a professional reader, no a veteran, no a reading sage."
Sakura continued, "The people who think that book is great, I know what they're going to say. The ending is great because it goes against the expectations of the audience. There's no conventional "happily ever after" with the main leads getting together. Despite them having excellent romantic chemistry-
Naruto nodded "I'm sure there were fireworks."
"- and despite the fact they were a couple we as the audience could easily root for and we did root for them. We rooted throughout the entire book-"
"Of course we wanted to see them win."
"Exactly!” Sakura exclaimed. “But I get it, right, the idea is that keeping the couple apart-in theory-at the end is a “fresh” and innovative decision. The heartbreaking ending, the leads going their separate ways, it has a more realistic ring to it.”
"I see." Naruto said while vainly attempting to conceal his amusement. 
"I know what you are going to say Naruto, I know--
"Well I don't know so please go on."
"You’re going to say that the story is not a romance per se, the heart of the story is about two people following their dreams. Yes, it’s a story about people hoping to find success in a harsh world, it's about two people following their dreams. See, I get it, y'know. You can't have it all. In the end they're not together but they do, bitter-sweetly, achieve their dreams. I really know what you're going to say Naruto, you're going to say Sakura it's realistic, and it's about the journey y'know, the fascinating journey they embark on during the course the book.”
Naruto nodded in affirmation. "Sakura....it's realistic and it's about the journey y'know, the fascinating journey they embark on during the course the book."
"I disagree!" She snapped back.
Naruto took a step back in mock surprise. "You do?”
Throwing her hands up in the air Sakura snorted. "Alright you can argue it's realistic, maybe, again art is subjective for the most part. Whether it's realistic or not, that’s up to how you interpret the psychology of the characters."
"Of course, absolutely. I couldn’t agree more” Naruto said.
Sakura looked away from her husband and stared daggers at the book. “All that said, I totally disagree. I DISAGREE.”
Stifling his laughter, Naruto turned away from his wife. He looked back at her when he finally regained his composure.
"So its safe to say, the ending didn’t work for you."
"That ending Naruto, honestly the last few chapters of that book were so uncalled for, it could have ended in so many other ways then the way it did. Yes I'm biased, I understand that. I am not here to tell you that all books should supposedly have a happy ending or that all main characters should get together. But the author--taking the audience through a journey of hope and optimism and then to go ahead and betray your themes, to ignore your own clues-I'm just saying the story deserved better.”
Drawing in a breath Naruto stepped into the living room. He then walked over to the book and picked it up off the ground.
“It was that bad huh?” He asked.
“The end made the journey pointless, subjectively, to me” She answered. “I know people will say the story is not about their love specifically, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a critical part of their story, I mean again, I'm not one who thinks that every story needs a happy or romantic ending. But their arc was there from the beginning, it was always there, they were pursuing their dreams together and supporting each other during their struggles. They supported each other more than anyone else.They could have overcome it all if they were just given the chance.”
Sakura stopped, taking a moment to catch her breath. Naruto considered the book and then his wife. He offered her a warm smile.
"Naruto it's not a smart clever subversion of the audience expectations, it's not literary, it’s not a realistic refreshing take. It's a cynical dull ending that leaves it's audience with at best apathy at worse a deep lingering sadness.”
Naruto met her gaze. Her eyes glittering with fiery passion. Twin tears escaped the flames running quickly down her cheeks.
Sakura swiped at both cheeks with both hands. "OK, maybe soft-hearted saps like me should stick to nonfiction."
Naruto shrugged. "I don’t know what soft hearted saps should read. I just know, I like soft hearted saps like you. I think they’re kind of sweet, and they’re passionate and usually they are really cute.”
Smothering a smile, Sakura rolled her eyes. "That can't be true. What type of person likes saps who cry over books?"
Naruto raised his hand. "I am that type of person."
"No, be serious"
"I swear. I married the exact type of person we are talking about."
Losing the battle against her smile Sakura asked, "How's that been working out for you?"
"It's been real-real interesting."
She laughed. "I'm sure it has."
Running his free hand through his hair Naruto feigned a heavy sigh. "There is no way to get around it, love will take you to interesting places."
Sakura tsked, "You know Naruto I'm sitting here doing my best to be depressed over a terrible book and here you are trying to invalidate all that hard work by cheering me up."  
"You're right,” Naruto said walking towards her. He handed her the book. “I should really let you stew in peace."
"Well” she said taking the book from him. “Since, you're already here interfering with my mood, you might as well stay."
"Oh, you sure?"
She grinned. "To be perfectly honest Naruto, I don't mind looking at you.”
Naruto put his hands up, “Hold on we’ve already been through this. I’m more than just a pretty face Sakura.”
 “I didn’t imply otherwise” Sakura said. “I’m just acknowledging, that looking at you makes me feel better.”
"Wait let me get this straight, I like watching you read and you like watching me cheer you up."
"It makes perfect sense."
"I'm starting to see why we got married."
Their eyes met again and they laughed. Somehow in perfect unison, somehow in sync, their laughter filled the entire household, warming it like the rays from a summer sun. When the laughter finally subsided, after it had taken up most of their energy Sakura held the book up and scrutinized it once again.
"This was almost my favorite book."
Naruto reached down to caress her cheek. "There will be better books."
"Yeah” she agreed. “Maybe, I'll even write one."
Pleasantly surprised Naruto asked, “Sounds great. You got any ideas?"
"Yeah, a stubborn boisterous brat who grows up to become a virtuous hero. Here's the hook, on his way to becoming a hero he falls in love with a slightly neurotic but brilliant beauty. Hold on, a slightly neurotic but brilliant beauty who happens to cry over books."
Naruto grinned. "I like it so far. So is it an action adventure or a mystery?"
"I was thinking a comedy. Literary people will call it a surreal fantasy because of how absurd and intellectual it is."
"I feel smarter just by hearing you describe it."
Sakura paused for dramatic effect. “You know what, maybe it will have have some romantic elements to it."
"Would that make it a romantic comedy?" Naruto inquired.
"Hmmm, I guess you could say that. If you had to put a label on it. I expect there will be some cute moments here and there.”
"I can't wait to read it."
"I can't wait to write it. Shouldn't be that hard I already know how how it's going to end."
Naruto leaned down and planted a small peck on Sakura’s forehead. "Now I don't want you to give too much away, but I have to know, should I expect a happy ending?"
Sakura smiled. "Of course, I already told you Naruto. I am a sucker for a happy ending."
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acnhretreat · 1 year
wow this post sure got long.
i’ve been wanting to make some more animal crossing art
i’m getting used to drawing again after almost 10 years of stopping (with like one drawing here and there every couple years) so i’ve been warming up letting myself draw poorly and it’s been extremely freeing, since the reason i quit drawing to begin with was because i started feeling like i wasn’t good enough. at that time i quit drawing and got into abstract painting because “you don’t have to be good at it” but newsflash to past insecure me you don’t have to be good at any art to make it. and while logically i know this, and i actually believe it deeply with my whole soul that you do not have to be “””good””” at art to create art and in fact it’s very human to create art and whether art is “””good””” or not is subjective anyway and i’m genuinely, and always have been, a huge fan of “””bad””” art because so much “””bad””” art is sooo good. and i feel this way about like all mediums. catch me consuming and appreciating all kinds of art all over the place. but, sorry gonna overshare for a sec, i’ve got an eensy bit of a personality disorder that makes me an eensy bit insecure and filled with an almost unshakable sense of shame and humiliation. well, it’s my fucking life goal to break free from that shame. and thank god, the older i’m getting the stronger my sense of self and self worth are becoming. and finally, i’m allowing myself to explore drawing again, which i used to do and enjoy for hours upon hours every day of my childhood. drawing was my main form of escape and artist expression aside from writing. i create all different types of art but drawing used to feel like mine. it came so natural to me i never thought twice about it. i let a small comment that someone made get to me. and i am determined to concur this. i was 16 at the time, or maybe had just turned 17. when i stopped drawing. and i’m 27 now and it feels soo freeing to let myself draw and not be “great” at it.
since i was about 20 i’ve been trying to get myself back into drawing, dipping my toes in drawing just one little thing every couple years. i felt so stressed because i had a lot of artist’s acquaintances. i grew up in a pretty artsy town in northern california. and i remember when i started trying to draw again, i felt so frustrated that my peers had never stopped drawing, they continued to practice and got better. whereas i stopped and got worse. and i compared myself and felt so angry. i felt like i would be just as skilled as them had i never given it up! and it made it so hard for me to start back up again. my drawing abilities had regressed to the skill level i was at when i was in like 4th/5th grade. i wasn’t even at the level that i was when i had stopped drawing at age 16/17. and it took me a long time to get over the fact that i’m going to have to practice a whole lot more to get back to the place i left off.
this year i decided i don’t care anymore. i keep a sketchbook in my bed under the pillow on the side i don’t sleep on. pencils and markers within reach. and i’ve been allowing myself to draw whatever, whenever i feel like it. silly art, vent art. sometimes i want to draw but all i can do is write on the page and that’s alright too. i’ve spent the last 10 years mostly just writing and painting abstract to express myself, so that’s just what flows easier sometimes. but i’ve been creating. drawing stuff. the other day i thought to myself “i havent really drawn a picture of spongebob since i was a kid” so i took out my markers and i drew a really crude drawing of spongebob. and then i drew patrick and squidward and sandy and a jellyfish. and it did look like a kid drew it lol. and it was so fun to make. A couple months ago i took out a crayon and drew along with Steve on some episodes on Blue’s Clue’s like i used to do when i was 5. Steve actually taught me how to draw a lot of basic stuff. and that felt so nice to imitate what he draws on screen and get my hands comfortable creating shapes intentionally again.
the other day i drew a whole bunch of pictures of Stitches and some of them turned out looking real freaky and i actually was pretty happy with the end result, having a bunch of blobby drawings of my favorite animal crossing villager all on one page lol.
i feel so inspired by the animal crossing art i see online it makes me excited to get to draw more. sometimes i don’t have a ton of creative energy to draw a big elaborate drawing like i used to when i was a teen but i’m gonna baby-steps my way up to drawing more and more elaborate and interesting animal crossing artwork. not even to share with others people or anything, although i might someday. but just for me. for the love of my favorite game and for the love of drawing
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roger-that-cap · 3 years
sam wilson x fem!reader
warnings: absolutely none. this is pure fluff, the perfect way to kick off my first sam wilson obsession
word count: 1.3k- basically a drabble
inspired by lover by taylor of course- y’all can peep the places i slid in a few lines hehehe
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 You were reading, but then again, you weren’t. There were moments where you could pull yourself together and look at the pages, but you knew that it was all in vain. Sam Wilson was right across from you, sitting at the table with you as he watched you the same way. You felt your cheeks warm up at his steady stare, and finally you put your book down. The soft music playing in the background filled the silence while you tried to string together a coherent sentence. 
 You could never remember to do anything around Sam but admire him. “Can I help you, Sam?” You asked, the playful tone of your voice not escaping his notice. You saw his lips quirk up into that small half smile that stole your heart months ago and propelled you forward into a life you never thought you’d live. 
  “Didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to look at my girl,” he drawled, and you rolled your eyes before picking your book up again, even though you both knew that you weren’t going to retain a word of what you pretended to read. ‘What, are you busy or something?” 
“Trying to get in some light reading,” you murmured, your heart settling to a calming rate when his leg found yours under the table, locking with yours in the way that he almost always did. You couldn't keep the smile from coming to your lips. It only took him a minute and a half to trail his hand across the table and take your left one, gently prying it from the book and holding it tenderly. 
 When you opened your mouth to scold him with less than your full chest, he gave you a look that made your heart stutter. “Just wanna be close to you, sweetheart.” He was just so charming. He was smooth in a way that made anyone’s mind falter for a moment, and so genuine that you knew he meant every word he said. He had this charisma, a dazzling aura around him that you saw from miles away, and it was what drew you to him in the first place. He never failed to put you in a romantic kind of haze, one that only he could put you in and take you out of. 
You had loved and lost a few times in life, had your heart borrowed and returned and dyed blue many more times than you would have preferred, but it was all worth it when it came to Sam. You knew that you would go through each heartbreak three more times just to love Sam once, if that was what it took. Your blue heart turned a passionate pink the second you met him, and you just knew that it was safe with him. You had never met anyone like Sam Wilson, and you had surely never met anyone who made you feel like he did. 
Within a few minutes, you had only turned the page once, and the feeling of his eyes on you surely didn’t make you go any faster. When you finally got to a new chapter, you saw that it was going to be told from the point of view of a character that had a particularly boring arc up to that point, and you knew that there was no way you were going to be able to ignore Sam while reading it. “You need something, Wilson?” 
He grabbed your second hand, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. “Just you,” he said, and then the annoying sound of the wooden chair scraping the floor was loud in your small apartment. He brought you to your feet, and then you were standing with him, both hands intertwined over the table.  “Let’s dance.” 
You blinked. “Sam, you know I don’t dance.” You had two left feet and not enough heart to have fun while embarrassing yourself. The last time you had danced was actually with Sam, when he put on old, outdated slow song and tried to prove that he could out dance Steve and Bucky, even though they had lived through the slow dancing age. You had dragged him down a bit, but he still managed to show off with you on his arm. 
“You also didn’t ride roller coasters, eat fair food, swim in the ocean, or go to concerts,” he pointed out, and you rolled your eyes. “And look at you now, sweetpea.” 
It was true. Sam could bat his eyelashes at you twice and you would do anything he wanted. Not because he was too pretty to deny, but because he wanted you to be with him. He made you get on that terrifying ride because he wanted to see your face on the climb, and because he wanted to hold your hand while you went down together. He wanted you to go to the beach with him and get in the water because he knew you’d like it if you tried it, and because he would get to see your eyes light up when you realized it yourself. He wanted to do everything with you because he wanted memories with him. And deep down, you knew that you would always go where he would. So, without a word, you rounded the side of the table and went into his awaiting arms. 
He was a good dancer. He led you without even saying a word, a hand on the small on your back and the other pulling you close. You closed your eyes and leaned your head on his chest, humming in contentment as words left your mind until you were only filled with thoughts of him. 
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” He asked, and you nearly cursed him and his observant skills. 
“Just…” you said, and your heart swelled at the way he looked down at you, waiting patiently for you to form your words to your liking. “It’s in times like these where I can’t remember if I’ve known you for twenty seconds or twenty years,” you murmured, and he gave you a small smile. 
  “And why is that?” He asked, a teasing lilt to his voice, and you ignored the way that your cheeks heated up again. 
 “We just- we just feel close,” you explained weakly, but he didn't press. He knew you weren’t finished, like he knew everything about you. “Not even just physically, but, everything. All around.” 
  He was still swaying you gently, the innocent kind of dance that you would see between a sweet couple. His hands were warm on your skin, gentle and firm in reminding you that he was there with you, not halfway across the world and bleeding on some sort of aircraft. “Can we always be this close, sweetheart?” 
  Instead of your heart speeding up again, it just ticked on steadily like the time, a metronome that kept up with your swaying. “As long as you want us to be.” 
In a display that would have made your stomach churn with how sickly sweet it was had you been watching another couple do it, he bent down and kissed you again. “That’s gonna be a long time, darlin’.” 
You didn’t have a ring on your finger. Hell, you didn’t even have a full year under your belt with him. You didn’t have the same skills as him, you didn’t like to go on those long runs at the crack of dawn with him, and you sure as hell weren’t built for the kind of life that he lived so that others didn’t have to. But you knew that you loved him wholly and eternally and you could feel that he returned it,  and that fact was as hard and true as a diamond. You didn’t need three summers and a proposal to decide or realize that. 
“Forever, then.” You said, and your heart skipped at your own words, until he bent down and kissed you, lips against your for a few seconds until he pulled away, still so close that you could feel them moving against you when he spoke again. 
   “Forever works for me.” 
i quite literally have had zero time to write, and when i did have time, writer’s block was terrible. I’m fr very sappy rn and this was the cure i guess? this is my first sam fic and the first thing i’ve made since i got into a funk, so be please be gentle skfjs
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Affection from Jeonghan will usually come in the form of a practical joke. He loves to mess around with you and wind you up, but once he’s finished pulling whatever stunt it is, he’ll always pull you into a hug to make sure that you’re not mad at him.
The two of you had grown up together, you could never remember a time when Jeonghan wasn’t in your life. You gravitated towards each other from the moment that you met each other, his personality instantly drew you to him, and together, you soon struck up a very close friendship as you grew up alongside on another.
As he began to grow up and learn more about love, Jeonghan realised that a lot of those feeling translated to you. When the two of you reached the point in your lives where you were beginning to find your own feet and walk down different paths, he knew that he couldn’t let you go too far down the path without him. His confession pulled you back when it began to feel like you were getting away from walking down his path too.
When the two of you started dating, very little changed. You’d often get up to the same things that you did as kids, the arcade or the beach were two of your favourite places to go. Neither of you ever settled on a favourite thing to do, you were both open to trying just about anything with each other. You weren’t people who could just sit down and talk on dates, you loved to mess around and laugh, and often end up getting thrown out of somewhere too for making too much noise and causing too much chaos.
You were the first for Jeonghan when it came to everything, as he was with you. The two of you had experienced so much together before you started dating, it only felt right that you experienced everything to do with love together too. Already knowing each other so well certainly helped the two of you transition into a romantic couple, you didn’t have to learn too much about each other which was a big bonus. And best of all, you were already a suitable fixture to support him when he was working or away on tour.
Sometimes, knowing each other so well certainly caused a couple of arguments between the two of you. You both knew the perfect ways to push each other’s buttons and wind each other up, which would often lead to many petty squabbles between the two of you. You’d never argue over anything major, but if you came home to see Jeonghan hadn’t washed up, then you’d hit the roof. The best way to describe your relationship was like an old married couple, but you could guarantee that any time the two of you argued with each other, it made everyone else who was sat around with the two of you fall into hysterics of laughter.
You were already a part of his family without needing to get to know them. Secretly, his family had always been rooting for the two of you, so when you arrived at their home one day and told them that the two of you were together, they struggled to act surprised when they always hoped deep down that it would come true.
Having been around the boys since the very start, you’d always just been another part of the dorm. Neither of you were in any rush for Jeonghan to move out of the dorm, you slotted in perfectly, and the boys were always very respectful of your relationship too, so none of you ever had any complaints about the other.
From a young age you’d always told each other that you loved each other, and so a romantic ‘I love you,’ never really happened. As you began dating, from friends, you still just continued to tell each other that you loved each other, only nowadays, it carried a bit more of a significant meaning then it did all those years ago.
You’d been a part of Jeonghan’s life forever, so if someone dared tried to take his place, he wouldn’t be happy about it. His eyes will often let you know when he’s feeling jealous, as much as you usually love them, all of the colour, will drain from them when he’s feeling bitter towards someone else. He’s always been the one to take care of you, and you’ve always been the one to take care of him, so if anyone tried to get in the way of that, then you both will quickly put an end to it and gravitate back towards each other again.
The two of you always remembered how you joked in school about being mum and dad one day, that the thought of it becoming a reality almost felt too good to be true. You only ever saw your futures with each other, so naturally, you could only imagine having children with each other too. You’d often talk about all the old dreams that you had as children and imagine how many of them would eventually come true.
He absolutely loved to pull pranks on you and mess around, being serious wasn’t something that Jeonghan liked to be. The two of you were the king and queen of practical jokes as far as you were both concerned and would often pull pranks on the other boys and wind them up too. Together you made quite a daunting team because of the trouble you caused, even the staff were often on their toes whenever the two of you were nearby. If you’d had a rough day, Jeonghan would listen to everything that you had to say, but it would be inevitable that he’d soon have you smiling once again and forgetting about it.
Being away from each other never felt like it got easier for the two of you. You’d spent long enough with Jeonghan travelling that you were used to time on your own, but that never meant that you were happy to be by yourself. What Jeonghan appreciated the most was how understanding you were, even if he wasn’t able to call you for a few days, you’d still eventually pick up the phone with a smile on your face and no complaints. He was good at controlling his emotions when he missed you, but he never got used to the feeling of not being able to see your face whenever he wanted to or hear your voice when he walked through the door.
His nickname ‘angel,’ was a bandwagon that you definitely jumped onto. He loved when you called him ‘angel,’ having given it to himself anyway, he was super pleased when you caved and started using it too.
Jeonghan is obsessed with your eyes, he can tell exactly how you’re feeling by the look in them after so many years being around each other.
P ⇴ PDA 
He doesn’t mind being affectionate in public too much, but he won’t make a big deal out of it either. He loves to prank the media and get yourselves headlines, and then laugh about it when he sees that a stupid photo of the two of you messing around each other has made its way onto one of the many popular news websites.
When you tell him you’re fine, when you’re not, Jeonghan will refuse to let it go. He knows you far too well to know when you’re faking a smile. He’s a good listener and will sit by your side until you’ve told him absolutely everything.
Over the many years you had together, the two of you collected a lot of things. As a result, Jeonghan loved to scrapbook, first your friendship, and then your relationship. The two of you would often sit down and look back over all the memories you had together, most of them you’d often forget about. Old cinema tickets and arcade tickets filled most of the pages, from films from a few days ago, to ones from many years ago.
S ⇴ SEX 
Initially, intimacy was a big hurdle for the two of you, but you slowly managed to step over it. The two of you always felt like you knew everything about each other, but that was until it came to romance. You could only ever laugh about it at the start of your relationship, but as you began to get more comfortable being so close to each other, intimacy also became a lot easier, and more relaxed for you both too.
The two of you were always talking to each other, you could never go too long without messaging each other. Your phones were glued to your hands when you were apart, you would always be texting one another.
Life for Jeonghan was not a thing without you in it. He could never remember a time when you weren’t there, but best of all, he loved having that one person there throughout his life who was by his side through it all.
The chance to explore the world together was something that you both adored. You’d never go to the same place twice, Jeonghan loved to be the one to travel with you and show you the world. The two of you loved adventuring together, your bucket lists were filled of places that you wanted to see together.
If someone dared tried to take your attention, Jeonghan wouldn’t be happy, you were always his as far as he was concerned.
Whenever he pranked you or overstepped the line, Jeonghan would always kiss you by way of an apology. The two of you knew each other inside out, it wasn’t just the look in each other’s eyes that could tell a story, it was often your kisses too. The two of you could pick up on just about any emotion that the other was feeling by their kisses, whether you were happy or sad, the two of you would always fix or support any situation.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his soulmate; you’d been there for him since day one.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
Depending on how the two of you were feeling, falling asleep would vary. Sometimes you’d be the big spoon, other times Jeonghan would be, you were comfortable with each other regardless of how you slept.
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darqx · 3 years
Ask and ye shall receive [maybe]
I would just like all of you to know, i collect these asks and then answer some of them when i have a bunch hence why a lot of them are so old |D;
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Sos all i could think was this
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The wording of your first sentence made me laugh a lot XDD Rire is currently a single pringle by choice, so the most anyone could do is flirt and hope that somehow catches his interest for an extended period of time.
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Rire’s tentacles aren’t self cleaning so much as they are self manifesting :D They only exist when he wants them to, so technically they are never the “same” tentacles twice.
O no XD;
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So i had a lot of fun at one point figuring out how souls both looked and tasted in my BP verse, and whilst all souls just look like amorphous blobs/clouds/flame when extracted, according to my notes Rire’s should theoretically be coloured red. With maybe some gold or pearlescent flecks.
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I think my exact words were we probably couldnt classify it as “love” in the definition we are used to lol. Hmm i think that if he could/did, it would pretty much be a sadistic master/pet relationship. In other words he’d be exactly the same except he’d provide some more affectionate aftercare and keep you healthy (cos he wants you to last and last and last), and would protect you from most external harm (cos he can be possessive). Bonus points if you still try and fight him every now and then cos that would keep the “relationship” spicy.
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Depends on what you mean by immortal lol, like if you just mean hard to kill he might take that as a challenge. If you mean they’re like, idk a God or something then he is actually smart enough to weigh up the pros and cons of an altercation and nope out of one if he deems it to be a lost cause (for him) :d
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He’s kinda too busy having fun tormenting people to really watch it/have an opinion on it.
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I actually drew something like this a couple years ago, it was a bit tongue in cheek but it still stands XD They can have tea as a common denominator lol. On a side note though I don’t think Law would ever try and kidnap Rire due to how anxious Law is and how imposing Rire just looks lolol.
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Analyse what they might actually want - and then probably do the opposite lol. You know, cos he’s an asshole.
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It’s a medium sized city i think (i dont envision it being like a megapolis or anything lol) and there’s a whole bunch of different kinds of demons living there. It’s kinda divided into 2 areas; the main central where he and most of everyone else lives, and an outer section where trading with other Sectors can happen.
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I’d rather they didn’t! :v IMO if you’re gonna sell BTD merch you should at least draw it yourself...
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I had no idea what a port was in this context and so threw the question at Gato and her exact opening words were “someone made a web port???? Weird!” cos apparently that sounds near impossible considering a few things lol. Maybe you are a tech wiz tho!
Anyway (if you are talking about a web port) we agreed that whilst you could do that, we cant officially support it. This is due to the fact that since we’re not controlling the web port we wouldn’t know if there was like, any weird extras added into it or something (not saying you would do that, just that the possibility for malicious code/adverts/virus etc is there).
Long story short; if you wanted to make your port available to others to play we wouldn’t go out of our way to force you to take it down lol, but we can’t support it as an official way to play the game. So any players of a web port that’s outside of the official download areas, you do so at your own risk.
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308 notes · View notes
knchins · 4 years
Hunger - Todoroki S.
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Summary: Todoroki Shouto doesn’t want to follow the footsteps of his father. On the brink of starvation, he hears the call of a witch who finds a way to fulfill both of their needs.
Pairing: Incubus!Shouto x Witch!Reader
Rating: E+
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Sm*t, v*ginal fingering, v*ginal s*x, oral s*x, c*nnilingus, choking, some mentions of (consensual) breeding, soft!dom Shouto, some begging ig, some mentions of sugar daddy/baby, Shouto is several centuries old and is of age, oh and some fluff
Notes: This was my very first request I think??? I got it months ago lol so idk if this person if even still following me RIP. But I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope they enjoy it wherever they are <3 I did deviate a little bit but not TOO much.Censored words is so I can show up in the gd tags.
 Dealing with demons had become sort of a pastime for her, the young witch living in the secluded wood out in the countryside. She greatly enjoyed the remoteness, though sometimes it did come to a great disadvantage. Travelers would come, asking for potions or spell-work, something to help them with their troubles in life. As a grey witch (one who practiced both white and black magic), she tended to be able to help just about anyone with anything. Of course there were a few lines she wouldn’t cross such as raising the dead or directly causing death. She did have some morals after all, albeit somewhat controversial ones.
 Whenever she needed an item that she simply had no access to, then she would call upon demons to aid her in her work. The first couple times she had been a little reluctant and she would be lying if she didn’t say she had a few close calls, but ultimately demons could be bartered with just as humans could. The lower leveled ones were rarely smart enough to outwit her or ask for something she just couldn’t give. So far, dealings were good and they only became better when she met him.
 On the fourth or fifth time she called out for help, this time she needed a rare desert root for a drying spell, she followed the same procedure as always. She lit her candles, drew a summoning sigil on the floor, and chanted the words that would bring her the closest demonic being that felt the urge to heed her call. She specifically did it in a way that powerful demons would not be attracted. In fact, she would much prefer to keep them away for they were much smarter and more conniving, and ultimately not worth the risk. This time though...this time someone with a little more juice than what she normally found herself bargaining with appeared before her.
 Todoroki Shouto was an incubus with the most prestigious lineage of any sex demon that resided in hell. His father was known by all demonic beings. He was number one in his class, The closest to king that anyone of them could truly be. He had also fathered more children than any other demon, enjoying ruining human women to the point that they could no longer be satisfied by mortal men. Shouto found it distasteful. The way Enji wold flux his hormones so that any woman within a few hundred feet would simply beg for him to fuck her, to breed her, to make her his. He had more half-siblings than he could count in addition to the three full-blooded ones. His mother had also been a high class demon with a pedigree, though her whereabouts were currently unknown.
 He was minding his own business, taking a nice walk through the woods in the mortal realm when he heard the call. There was a tugging sensation on his chest and a melodic voice ringing in his ears. It was not a call for someone like him. Someone capable of such true  power. Yet, something drew him in. Something about that voice had his interest piqued. He couldn’t resist answering her quickly, less some other demon came to her first.
 He appeared before her, hair split down the middle perfectly. One half red like his father’s, the other white as his mother’s. One dark grey eye and another a brilliant blue, his white button-down shirt loose fitting with a few top buttons undone to show off his chest. If he wanted to lure in the opposite sex then he could with ease, but Todorki Shouto had a secret. One that made him much less powerful than he could be.
 The witch was taken aback by the demon in front of her. He was certainly the most handsome she had ever seen, most lower level ones were not very pleasing to look at. It made them easier to deal with. Her curious eyes blinked as if to make sure he was really there. Immediately she could sense that something was off about him. Something wasn’t quite right, however she could not pinpoint what it was.
 Shouto regretted answering the call immediately. The witch he had been summoned by was possibly the most beautiful creature he’d ever set eyes on. She was pure beauty and grace, more stunning than anyone residing in hell or earth. In fact, part of him wondered if maybe she was an angel. However the various bottles of herbs and assorted animal parts quickly led him to believe that she was not divine. She was simply mortal and in need of help.
 “Oh an incubus.” She said, still looking very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. “What a surprise. I’m not sure if you can help me or not. You’re a little out of my league.” The last part seemed like a joke but Shouto wasn’t entirely sure.
 “Why did you call for me here?” He asked calmly, his face perfectly blank though his eyes were fixated on her.
 “I’m in need of something for a spell.” She said honestly, “Sometimes I call upon demons to help me gather items I cannot easily get.”
 “Is that not dangerous?” He asked, starting to look more intrigued than anything. “Do you not worry about your safety?”
 The witch let out a nervous laugh, “Well, lower levels ones aren’t much of a problem for me. You’re a bit more than I’m used to. I’m surprised you even heard it honestly.”
 Shouto knew immediately why he heard it. Because as it stood, his power level was that of some lower tier demon. He had only fed twice since coming of age. His hunger was almost maddening. It had been eating away at him for decades. But he would not be his father. He would not be a glutton for sex and breeding. He refused to follow in his very heavy footsteps.
 “I was simply within range.” He said, though she knew that him happening to be close by to her didn’t really mean much. The spell was designed to not be heard by anyone over a certain power level. Could an incubus really be below that? “What do you need?”
 “A root.” She replied, flipping through one of the many of her family’s grimoires. She found the page that had a drawn picture, name, and general description. “This one.”
 “You’re doing a drying spell.” He said out loud by mistake. He knew because he had had this particular spell cast on him many times throughout the years, though recently it seemed to be working less and less. It was to dry up sexual desire. It was one of the few things that helped him get by so long without feeding. Without it he would have been driven insane by lust many decades ago.
 The witch cocked her head at him curiously, “yes, I am. For a client. She’s tired of having children but her husband just won’t stay off of her. She’s hoping it’ll get him to stop.” She paused for a moment, “Can you get it?”
 “Yes.” he replied dumbly, as if it were totally obvious.
 “What is your price?” She asked then, realizing he didn’t catch the implied question.
 Shouto thought for a moment, it was about time to recast the spell judging by the lecherous thoughts that were starting to cross his mind. “Can you perform another one?”
 She looked perplexed for a moment before it dawned on her why he heard her incantation. He was starved. And he must have been for some time too. “I can but I think I can do something else for you that will be much more beneficial.”
 “And what is that?” Shouto asked, wondering if perhaps there was another spell or potion out there that was more powerful and thus would be more effective.
 “Just have sex with me.”
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 That was how it started. Any time the young witch needed something, she’d do a more specific summoning spell, one that only Shouto could hear. And every time he’d come, no matter what he was doing, to aid her. She would often jokingly call him her demonic sugar daddy because he provided everything for her for the low low price of coitus.
 The first couple times had been a little awkward. Shouto’s abilities were almost dormant. He fumbled his way about her body which was quite embarrassing for a sex demon. However after a few practice rounds the two truly began to find what got the other off the most. And in half a dozen sessions Shouto was feeling power, but with power came hunger.
 When he appeared before her hearth one night, without an invitation, the woman nearly threw an old vase full of nightshade at him in terror. She only put it down when she realized it wasn’t just any random intruder, but her newfound lover. She hadn’t needed anything in quite some time now. Hadn’t called on him because business had been rather slow and the jobs she did get, she didn’t need anything from him. Perhaps it was a little cruel of her to not call on him regardless, but she honestly did not know how much his appetite had grown. How it began to consume him until all he could think about was her, naked and writhing beneath him as he pounded into her. He craved her and only her. It was not something that ever really happened to Incubi. After all they could have anyone they wanted. But he didn’t want anyone else. He only had eyes for her.
 “Shouto.” She breathed out, heart still racing as she set down the clay vase. “I wasn’t expecting you, did you need something?”
 His eyes were fiery as he stepped towards her and she could smell the faint scent of hell on him. She wondered if maybe he had another argument with his father. He had told her a little about his family life during post-sex cuddles. It wasn’t much but she knew he hated the demon that sired him. He always seemed to be wound extra tight after coming straight from hell, and that was usually the reason.
 “Go bend your ass over the bed.” He said, further unbuttoned the flowy shirt he typical wore. Her eyes grew wide, embarrassment heating her face as she took a small step away from him. It wasn’t really out of fear, just a simple reflex. He never really got demanding of her like this, maybe something was wrong.
 But the warmth pooling between her legs told her that despite the interruption, despite having not planned this whatsoever, hearing him order her to get into the bedroom had her flooding with desire, and he could smell it.
 Shouto didn’t really have to use his pheromones to seduce her. He was naturally attractive and had a body that looked as if it had been sculpted out of marble. No, he never used them before but he was definitely using them now and they had her weak in the knees as she trembled. She walked on shaky legs into her bedroom, keeping her thighs pressed together as she walked in an attempt to hide the wetness that was accumulating in her panties. It was pointless though. He could always tell.
 He left his shirt in the living room and kicked off his boots on his way to the bedroom. He lost his pants at the entryway, watching as she leaned over the side of the bed and resting on her forearms. Her eyes large and doe-like at the rush of adrenaline. Sex with with a sex demon was always an unforgettable experience. It was easy to see how people went mad over it. The way he made her feel, the orgasms he gave her, none of it compared to any other lover she had ever had. Perhaps that was one reason why she had been so willing to listen to him just now. She knew he’d make her feel good, and who didn’t like to feel good?
 Shouto padded over, dropping to his knees behind her as he pushed her skirt up over her ass so that the fabric could bunch at her waist. His nimble fingers hooked around the elastic of her panties and he slid them down with an odd amount of carefulness. He practically buried his nose into her sex, inhaling that sweet scent of arousal that had him feeling absolutely feral. His tongue came to prod at her clit, causing a small whimpering sound to come from her.
 He dragged his tongue over every inch of her pussy, savoring it fully until she was a quivering mess with shaking knees that threatened to make her fall down. “Let me breed you.” He said between kitten licks. “You can have anything in return.”
 They had been using protection until then. Sex demons were incredibly fertile and typically had no trouble creating offspring. But at the time when this started, Shouto didn’t want to sow his wild oats like his father had. This witch had him wanting to throw all of that to the wind. He just didn’t care. That drive to fuck without any sort of barrier was maddening.
 Anything from a demon was a very big price tag, and Shouto had never tried to deceive her. He had never been anything other than honest. And despite all her teachers to never trust a demon, she found herself trusting him. Every time their bodies intertwined she fell more and more in love, no matter how much she had tried to resist. She had thought some distance would have helped ease her feelings, but apparently it had been hard on both of them.
 “Y-yes,” She gasped out as he latched onto her clit to suck, “Ple-please, Shouto, fill me with your cum.” She was gripping the old quilt on her bed tightly to try and keep herself grounded, but the way he was eating her out, two lithe fingers now dipping into her dripping core made it impossible to even think straight. All she could think about was her simple need to have him inside of her.
 He didn’t stop working his fingers or tongue until she hit her first peak, moaning out for him in a way that had him nearly cumming prematurely. The strain in his underwear was painful now as he throbbed with need. After one long lick along her slit he stood up, grabbing onto the globes of her ass for pretend support.
 “Tell me what you want me to do, Little Witch.” He said as he pulled down his briefs and kicked them away as if they were the most offensive thing in the world to him. “You’re shaking like you want to say something. So say it.”
 “I need you,” She said, somehow sounding out of breath despite not having done anything besides orgasm. “Shouto, I need you so much.” He wrapped one hand around his cock, pumping in slowly as he watched her continue to tremble. “Please fuck me!”
 The amount of lust he was feeling for this one mortal woman was dizzying. No one had ever told him that one person could have this kind of effect on a demon. Neither his father nor his two older brothers. Was it that far fetched to think that something was happening to him that had never happened to them before? They all had a primal drive for sex but never towards one specific person. Shouto found that he desired no one else in any of the realms. He only wanted her.
 He pushed it without any hesitation, feeling her tense suddenly at his thickness stretching her out. He watched with fascination as he disappeared inside of her cunt, the warm, wet feeling enveloping him like summer rain. “Fuck,” He couldn’t stop himself from cursing and just how amazing it felt to be inside her. It was like taking that first breath of fresh air after being held underwater for an extended period of time. It was so damn freeing.
 The witch relaxed against the mattress, her eyes closed to focus on that beautiful feeling of him completing her with his cock. Shouto took hold of her hips to keep her upright and steady as he pulled out slowly before bottoming out all over again, her slick making for the best lubricant as he moved with ease.
 It started slow. Shouto wanted to revel in the heat. He wanted to drink in the feeling of her walls clamping down around him. The sound of her tiny whimpers when he pushed all the way in after pulling out. But this was much too slow for her, she couldn’t handle such a torturous rhythm. Shouto had eternity but his little mortal did not. Her time was limited and the thought of that made his heart suddenly ache.
 “F-Faster,” She dared to mumble to him, sometimes he’d punish her if she begged too much. If she didn’t let him enjoy himself properly. Today was not one of those days though. Today Shouto wanted to hear her cry for his cock.
 So he obliged, increasing his pace as his fingers dug into the flesh of her hips. His witch began to moan even louder as he hit that sweet spot again and again, making her dizzy with ecstasy. She never lasted long when it came to sex with Shouto, something he took great pride in. He loved nothing more than to give her multiple orgasms.
 But this view just wasn’t doing it for him. He pulled out abruptly, making her cry at the sudden emptiness. He flipped her over onto her back, ripping at her blouse so that it was torn wide open for him. Then he tugged down her bra to free her breasts before reinserting himself into her. He watched her face contort with pleasure, the glossy look in her eyes as he began to pound into her at a relentless pace. The hypnotizing way her tits bounced with every thrust, they were just so perfectly in sync with one another. It was the definition of beauty.
 Shouto brought a thumb to her clit, lightly pressing on it in a way that had her clamping down on him even more. It was as if she was trying to suck him in deeper, never wanting to be without him again. He grunted at this sensation, eyes burning with lust as her mouth made that perfect “o” formation with her eyes rolling back as her second orgasm overcame her.
 He never talked much during sex, choosing to be a silent observer. Every now and then he’d give a command or order, but that was about it. He had never been much one for dirty talk like his father or eldest brother. The witch was fine with this. He made it hard enough for her to think without adding the pressure of comprehending something as complex as language.
 Just when she thought he might be coming to his end, he increased his pace even more. She whined, still feeling incredibly sensitive from the first two orgasms. At least he had the decency to take his thumb from her aching clit. Instead he reached up and wrapped his hand around her bare throat, squeezing just enough to lessen the flow of oxygen and blood to her brain.
 She gasped for air, her moans less audible now as air came out in strangled puffs. He would loosen just enough to give her a small break before tightening back up again. She grabbed at his wrist, and he waited for her sign that it was too much. A double tap anywhere on his body with her pointer and middle finger, or their safe word if she could manage it was all he needed to tell him that he’d gone too far. But neither came and so he continued to abuse her pussy with a pace so fast no human could possibly keep up, and only when she was screaming his name a third time did he finally release himself.
 Shouto came inside her for the very first time. Normally he pulled out even with a condom on. He really wanted to take no risk. This time, this time he had to claim her as his somehow. If any other demon were to come to her then then they’d smell him all over her. They’d think twice before crossing a Todoroki, that was just how well known his family was.
 He removed his hand from her neck, before leaning down to kiss it softly. His nose nuzzled the underside of her jaw in a way that might have appeared to be loving if either of them knew what that word really meant. Her heavy breathing slowly calmed down, delicate fingers squeezing his biceps with care. A simple sign to tell him that she was alright and that he did good. She had found that sometimes he needed encouragement. Sometimes he wasn’t as confident as he pretended to be. But small reassurances were really all he needed to bounce back to normal.
 “Can you stay the night?” She mumbled. Any time she asked, any time she was feeling particularly weak for him, he would turn her down. Saying he had other things to do. Saying it just wouldn’t be proper. Making any excuse he could.
 This time Shouto did not move from on top of her. His mound clouded with the afterglow of such an intense orgasm. He knew then that he’d do anything for her. Anything at all. And because of that realization he hummed back a simple affirmative. He’d stay as long as she would have him.
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285 notes · View notes
bubblesuga · 4 years
Summary: Yoongi’s always been a coffee man. When stuck at the studio in the early hours of the morning, he craves caffeine. The only problem with that is there’s no coffee shops open at three in the morning. So, he finds himself at the next best thing, a 24 hour tea shop where he finds you. 
Warnings: cussing, smut, shower sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), oral (f receiving)
W/C: 4,798
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It’s too early for this. 
Or maybe it’s too late. 
Yoongi isn’t sure. In fact, he’s pretty sure his clock stopped working three hours ago. Unless the last few minutes have felt like hours, then Yoongi was on the verge of tearing every piece of equipment from the wall and smashing it into a million pieces. 
Yoongi’s been working on this album for far too long. His fingers are cramped from continuously playing the same three notes over and over just hoping and praying that something will come to him. He’s confused more than anything. Before he had no problem spitting out 2 or 3 songs in a day, recording demos and having the studio ready to record for the other members the following day. 
Lately, however, he’s lucky if he can even get a concept for a song down. It’s like his mind has been clouded over with writers block and he’s not getting anywhere. Like someone sucked his ability to compose music right from his brain with a straw. 
He tosses the pen he had been anxiously tapping on the desk into his bag, along with his notebook, and he stands abruptly. 
Scoffing at his phone, he glares at the black 4:37 on the screen while the elevator in the BigHit offices slides downward. There’s no coffee shops open yet, there has to be something though. He just needs caffeine, though he could really go for an iced americano with- 
“Special-tea...?” He raises an eyebrow at his phone, Google holding up options for the nearest place selling caffeinated beverages. Rolling his eyes, he begins the short journey to the one 24 hour shop within a five mile radius. 
What kind of a name is ‘Special-tea’? Who sat in an office and thought, ‘ah you know what? Let’s name a tea shop but make it punny.’
“Stupid.” He grumbles to himself. He’s well aware that he’s far too tired to be having human interaction right now but he needs to get some progress done. At this point he’ll take a ghost of a song. 
Stepping into the tea shop, he’s overwhelmed by the smell of flowers. Undeniably strong, he takes a moment to collect his thoughts before stepping all the way in. As the door chimes, he hears a gasp and a patter of foot steps.
“Welcome to Special-tea! How are you doing today?” 
The voice is loud, echoing off of the various shelves scattered around the shop with loose tea for sale. He whips his head towards the register, spotting you. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” He didn’t realize how sore his voice was from attempting to record backing vocals earlier in the day, but it came out gruff and quiet. A stark contrast to the bubbly barista in front of him, her nose dusted in flour and a messy apron protecting her clothes. Well, attempting at least, because Yoongi has to hold back a smile when he notices hand prints of flour on your backside. 
“What can I get you this morning?” you question, leaning over the counter and causing Yoongi to blush when he notices the way you’re smiling. When you meet his eyes, Yoongi can tell you recognize him. For a moment he feels the need to brace himself, but soon realizes you’re calm. 
Yoongi returns a smile, haphazardly running his fingers through his hair. “Dumb question, but do you guys sell coffee?” 
“Coffee? No, but we do sell black earl grey. I’m told that’s a close comparison as far as bitterness goes,” You explain, turning to the shelf behind you and pulling out a bag of tea, “you’re welcome to smell it if you like.” 
He raises an eyebrow, leaning forward and sniffing the bag. He backs away quickly and watches you bite your lip to stifle a laugh, “It’s not exactly a new tea drinker’s type of tea.” 
“I’m not really a new tea drinker,” he grumbles, wiping his nose, “I’m a tea drinker only in times of desperation.” 
She smiles again, “What causes said desperation?” 
Yoongi rolls his neck, “I’m trying to write another song. Get the ball rolling to finishing up an album.” 
“BE, right? I’ve heard good things about the process,” you say softly, surprising Yoongi by your admission to being a fan, “I figured it would be finished already?” 
His eyes stay trained on you as you turn back to the shelves, rummaging through various boxes of tea. It takes him a moment to realize what your question was, so he sucks in a breath, “Ah, yeah. It’s nearly there, we just need one more track because one of them got trashed.” 
Why is he revealing so much to a stranger? Namjoon is going to kill him. 
“Trashed? Why’s that?” 
“We realized the song itself didn’t follow any of the messages we wanted to put out there.” 
Damn it, Yoongi. Stop talking. 
You finally stop rummaging and pull out a bag of tea without showing Yoongi. He tries to catch a glimpse but instead watches as you boil more water and begin steeping the tea. 
“What kind of message did it have?” You ask, leaning backward against the counter and crossing your arms. Having expected a follow up question, Yoongi swiftly dismisses it, “What kind of tea are you making?” 
“The kind you drink.” You smirk. 
He lowers his gaze at you, “It’s kind of your job to tell the customer what they’re getting.” 
You laugh, “Alright. Jasmine green tea. It’s subtle enough that it won’t get your coffee loving tongue in a twist, and has enough caffeine to keep you up to finish whatever you’re working on.” 
Yoongi is happy with this response, taking the time to lean away from the counter and gaze around the shop. It’s small, something he’s definitely not used to from coffee shops. The earthy smells from earlier have dwindled down to a nice summery scent, lavender filling his nose the closer he got to the register. 
As much as he tried to keep his eyes away from the cute girl behind the counter, he couldn’t help but turn back and watch you as you organize various things. Something about the way your hair slips from the messy bun it’s in and your charismatic way of helping him while also providing a sense of normalcy drew him in in a way he has never experienced before. 
“Order up, Suga.” 
He shakes his head from his gaze, walking back up to the counter and pulling out his wallet. 
“On me,” you say, “besides... don’t want to make you pay for something you may not like.” 
Yoongi nods, murmuring a small ‘thank you’ and bringing the cup up to his mouth. 
Without missing a beat, he reaches for his wallet and pulls out a 10000 won bill, stuffing it in the tip jar. He gives you a small smile, thanking you again as he turns towards the door. 
“Wait!” you call, “What do you think?”
Yoongi raises his hand up just before he walks out of the door, “It’s delicious!” 
The smile on your face was worth Yoongi’s little white lie. 
“Alright, this is great! We’ll record tomorrow, yeah?” Seokjin speaks for the entire group as Yoongi plays them the demo of the song he was finally able to right. There were a few jabs here and there about the auto tune Yoongi likes to utilize, but other than that it was well received. 
The only person he could think was you, though, because if he hadn’t have tasted that tea he would have never thought of writing what he did. 
“How did you manage to spit out something like this in a night?” Jungkook teases, patting Yoongi’s shoulder softly. 
“What do you mean?” Yoongi chuckles, clicking sound files around and creating a copy of his demo.
Jungkook grins, “Who’s the girl that made you think of that?” 
“No girl,” he defends, “a good writer doesn’t need actual experiences. All from the imagination, young Jungkookie.” 
Namjoon raises an eyebrow, “I’m pretty sure that’s not the case at all.” 
Yoongi shushes him, saving his project one more time before deciding to kick everyone out and lock the studio. 
Of course they’re going to find out eventually what happened. Especially since Park Jimin follows Yoongi to the elevator. Once they’re the only ones inside, Jimin turns to his Hyung, “Tell me about the girl.” 
Yoongi, knowing that no one else could read him better than Jimin, sighs in defeat. “She’s gorgeous. Her nose had flour on it, her hair was messy, and she was everything that I’m not used to. She has a smirk- god the way she smiles- it just makes me melt for her.”
Jimin seems pleased with this answer, “and you’re going to see her now?” 
The bell above his head is a welcoming sound. This time you’re not waiting in the back. Instead, you’re counting money at the register as he enters. This time you wore a purple apron, and it’s clean compared to a couple of days ago. You still haven’t looked up, so Yoongi walks slowly up to the counter and taps his fingers twice. 
“Ah- Yoongi! Good evening, what can I get you started today?” 
“The same as last time, please.” Yoongi grins, watching you carefully as you nod at him and turn on your heel and kick on the kettle. The way the straps of the apron tie right above the curve of your back has Yoongi’s mind beginning to wander. It’s been years since he even thought of looking at a woman like this in person, but for some reason when it comes to you he just can’t stop. 
“So,” you break the silence, “how did that song writing go?”
“Oh,” his cheeks are a rosy pink, “it went well. I showed the other members the demo and we’re recording it tomorrow.” 
“I can’t wait to hear it.” You grin, pouring the water over the tea bags. Yoongi thanks you quietly and pulls out his wallet once more. You shake your head, “Nope. Your last tip was enough to cover your next 3 drinks.” 
Yoongi nods, “Oh okay.” but then ignores you, slipping another 10000 won bill into the tip jar. Just as you’re about to open your mouth in protest, Yoongi sends you a wink and salutes on his way out before he closes the door behind him. 
Your alarm is too loud. 
It’s like a banshee screeching in your ear, like a baby crying, like a rooster crowing. You groaned loudly at the sound and threw your hand on top of it, rolling out of bed to drag yourself to the shower. 
It’s been a few weeks since Yoongi became a regular to your work. The initial star struck feeling you got when you were around him had dwindled away, and now you feel you can call him a friend. 
Your routine was as follows: Yoongi enters the shop, you make him his drink, and he stays and distracts you for a while. Much against everything you stand for, you drop everything to talk to him. It causes you to have to move much faster than usual on your prep work but you didn’t mind, because you loved seeing the way Yoongi would laugh at your jokes. 
You feel like you know the man beyond the idol. The person who hides under the shadow of a stoic demeanor is bright. The way you perceived him prior to actually knowing him was wrong. He is, without a single doubt in your mind, the most interesting man on the planet. 
When you arrived at work, your evening worker is already willing to go. 
“I counted the safe and there’s some money missing. If Summer asks, it wasn’t me.” Flora says, shrugging her shoulders. 
“Okay,” you raise an eyebrow, walking towards the back, “any orders?” 
“Uh, yeah!” you hear her call, “chocolate covered strawberries for 6!” 
“Awesome-- thank you!” You call back just as the door dings and Flora exits the store. You take a moment to walk through the kitchen to make sure everything is set up and then you pull your apron over your head. 
The doorbell dings and you can’t help the smile that stretches across your face. 
“What’ll it be today, Mr. Min?” You still stand in the back, glancing in the mirror to make sure you look your best. 
“Honey butter croissant,” he yells back, “how did you know it was me?” 
When you’re happy with your look, you finally walk to the front and smile, “So we’re changing it up today, are you okay? You sick or something?” 
“I just wanted something new,” Yoongi looks different today. He’s dressed in a cream cardigan and black jeans, the usual rose tint to his cheeks is a bit stronger today. 
“Okay, I’ll have to bake some new ones. It’ll take about 20 minutes if you’re willing to wait.” You explain, with an unsure smile. 
Yoongi looks around for a moment, “Ugh, I guess I can wait.” 
“Awesome,” you speak, “I’ll be back in a moment.” 
As you walk towards the back, Yoongi listens carefully to you humming along to a song that’s been stuck in your head for days. You pull out a couple of fresh croissants and prep a baking sheet. Sticking it into the oven, you brush the flour from your hands onto your apron and walk back to the front. 
Yoongi jumps up from his phone when he notices you standing in front of him. This is the closest you’ve ever been to him, the freckles across your nose easing him into a sense of comfort. “Do you plan on telling me why you kept ordering a drink you hate?” 
Yoongi’s eyes widen, “Now why on Earth would you think that I hate it?” 
“Welp,” you laugh, “you’re usually my only customer at night, and every morning I would check the outside garbage to see if it needed to be changed, yet the only thing I would find is a full cup of tea, with your name on it.” 
For a moment, Yoongi was silent. He stumbles over his thoughts in an attempt to come up with some type of excuse. Something to hide why he had been coming here all this time. Yet, he couldn’t. So instead he looks up from his chair and smirks, “How else was I supposed to talk to the pretty girl at the tea shop?” 
You swallow, your mind racing a million miles a second. Before you have the chance to respond, he stands. His body is close, and he smells so good. His cologne is expensive, herbal and earthy, and it makes you want to bury your nose into his neck and inhale. His eyes, the usual dark brown has turned into honey, drawing you in and keeping you there. 
“You could have asked me on a date, we could have gone from there.” You shrug, feeling Yoongi’s calloused hand gently push away a stray hair behind your ear. He doesn’t move it afterwards, though, instead his thumb finds home on your cheekbone, stroking gently. His face has shifted, and he laughs. Almost bitterly, causing your heart to sink. 
“I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested in the types of dates I get. You see,” his other hand slithers around your waist, “we get long walks in the park but we have to wear a mask and a hat. We get picnics by streams late enough at night that we know no one will be around. Sometimes we can slip away to another country where we pray that no one recognizes us, but with my schedule that thought is laughable at best.” 
“What if I like long walks in the park with masks and late night picnics?” You breath, the look in your eyes stirring Yoongi’s heart. 
“Then I guess we’d have to give it a shot, wouldn’t we?” He whispers. Your eyes flutter from his eyes to his lips, silently begging him to close the gap. You could sense his hesitancy, though. It blossoms from his chest and heats up his entire body but for some reason he’s frozen, completely still. He’s fighting, urging himself to lean forward and kiss you but he can’t move. 
Good news for him, though, because you take a moment to lean up and press your lips against his softly. It’s gentle, easing him into the feeling of you so close to him. His lips taste of mint chocolate, causing you to smile into the kiss. It takes a moment, and for a second you’re hoping that you didn’t read the situation wrong until finally, he kisses back. It’s eager, introducing his tongue to yours and grinning idly into the kiss. 
You allow him to back you up against the counter, boxing you in and surrounding you completely. His hands move down and pull your hips close to his, feeling the strain of his cock against his jeans. 
“We’re entering dangerous territory here, baby.” Yoongi speaks, pulling away just a little bit. His eyes stay closed and his breath is hot on your face. 
“How so?” You whisper, afraid of the answer but also intrigued. He doesn’t respond, instead capturing your lips and breaking the kiss repeatedly. Your fingertips dig into his shoulders and he smiles at the knowledge that you’re enjoying this just as much as he is. 
A groan fills the air when you finally buck your hips towards him. In a feverish attempt to feel more, you wrap your legs around his waist and hang from his shoulders. Just as you’re about to slip your hand between your bodies, the timer on the oven blares through the building, shattering the small walls you built around the two of you. 
“Fuck--” you gently pull away, “I’m sorry. I’ll be back in a moment.” 
Quickly, you slip off the counter and rush to the oven. You pull out the croissants and douse them in honey butter from the fridge. You watch the butter melt for a moment, collecting your thoughts.
Did that just happen? Did that actually hap-
When you walk back out, Yoongi’s hands are clasped behind his back. He mutters a small thank you as you hand him the plate. He rips off a corner of the pastry, and pops it into his mouth. 
There’s a beat of silence. One-- two-- then he speaks. 
“It’s delicious.” 
“Thank you, I work hard on them.” 
“And you just left her?!” 
Oh god. Yoongi has never seen Jimin so angry before. The small man can yell louder than ever imagined, and Yoongi would be lying if he said that he wasn’t scared. 
A mere 30 hours ago, Yoongi had his tongue buried in your mouth and he was the happiest man on the planet. Then it changed quickly once he realized what exactly this could entail. Even though he wanted nothing more than to bend you over the dough table and take you roughly while you scream his name, he couldn’t help but over think. 
Standing in Jimin’s living room, he expected to be comforted and given some nice advice from his friend. Instead he’s learning that he pulled a bad move.
“You’re supposed to be giving me advice, not yelling at me!” Yoongi yells back, gesturing his hands wildly. Even though he’s scared, he can’t help but defend himself to a certain extent. 
“Hyung, I thought you’d have enough intelligence not to kiss her and run!” 
Yoongi groans and drops onto the couch, his face falling into his hands, “The things I was feeling scared me.” 
“Oh my god, go to the tea shop!” 
Yoongi spots a customer at the register. He opens the door quietly, the break of dawn just behind the mountains. This was different to Yoongi’s usual time and you know that, your eyes going wide in surprise while you finish ringing up the last customer. 
Once Yoongi hears the heels clack against the tile and the door open, he rounds the shelf and walks up to you. 
“I’m sorry I left so quickly yesterday. I just- I got scared. I wasn’t sure how to approach the situation but after thinking over it I realized that I really need you to kiss me again,” Yoongi speaks fast, quicker than you’ve heard him before and it takes a moment for the words to settle in your mind, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You breathe out a laugh, leaning forward and pressing your lips to his again. This time it’s slow and soft, different but Yoongi loves every second of it. The minute you kiss him, you taste coffee. You hold back another laugh, pulling away with mock hurt, “You cheated.” 
Yoongi brows furrow, “I don’t follow.” 
“You drink coffee and then come try to sweep tea shop girl off her feet? Cheater!” You tease, putting your hand on your chest as though you’re in pain. 
Yoongi grins, “You’re crazy. I would never drink coffee, not when I can taste you. You’re probably going to have to kiss me to make sure.” 
You gnaw your lip, leaning upward and pressing a kiss to him again. He giggles against your lips, a sound that you will never get sick of. You pull away much to both of your dismay, “Let me take you back to my apartment. It’s small but it’s big enough for the two of us.” 
He agrees instantly. 
Yoongi waits in the car while your relief shows up and you clean up. He taps his feet against the pedals anxiously, the thought of what could happen exciting him. You have clouded his mind for a weeks now and as you skip out of the building and hop into Yoongi’s passenger seat, he can’t wait to get his hands on you. 
He follows your directions, his hand resting on your thigh as he tries not to speed. When he pulls into the parking lot, you lead him up the stairs to your apartment. 
Nervously, you toss your bag onto the couch, “It’s not much. . . but it works for me.” 
Yoongi grins, “It’s quaint. Cute.” He reaches forward and wraps his arms around you in a back hug. You welcome it, craning your neck to kiss him. 
“I need a shower. Join me?”
Yoongi nods, “Yes please.” 
There’s a thumb in your chest louder than you’ve ever felt before. This is actually happening. Min Yoongi, is being lead to your bathroom and you’re about to shower with him. 
Yoongi doesn’t waste much time once the door is shut behind you. He latches his lips onto your neck, tugging at the hem of your shirt and easing it over your head. 
“I want to make sure you want this as much as I do.” Yoongi says breathlessly as he catches a glimpse of your bare chest. You don’t respond verbally, but you look him directly in the eye as you slip your pants and panties off in one swoop. 
You stand in the shower, turning on the water and peaking your head behind the curtain, “What’s taking you so long?” 
Yoongi moves fast as he tears off his own clothing, and you close the curtain so you don’t spot his body too quickly. Building suspense for yourself, you wet your hair under the warm water and feel your muscles relax after your long day of work. Although your eyes are closed, your ears are trained on Yoongi. He steps behind you, continuing his assault on your neck. 
You sigh happily, but everything changes the minute Yoongi opens his mouth. 
“Spread your legs, baby. I’ll hold you up.” 
Instantly you feel your cunt clenching around nothing (unfortunately). You immediately allow Yoongi to guide your leg to the edge of the tub. He slides a finger in between your folds, collecting your wetness all while his lips trail kisses across your chest. 
Finally you allow yourself to open your eyes, gasping at the image in front of you. Yoongi’s body is as rosy as his cheeks, his knees on the bottom of the floor and his face level with your heat. 
“Ah, now you open your eyes.” He smirks, and doesn’t give you much warning as he licks a long stripe from your heat to your clit. You instantly moan, tossing your head back and bracing yourself against the wall of the shower. 
He moves ruthlessly, consuming you like a starved man. The feeling of him against you doesn’t compare to the imagine in front of you. His fingers reach between your folds and pump in and out of you while he continues to nip and suck mercilessly at your clit. He looks up at you through his lashes, and you swear you feel him smirk against you as he speeds up his thrusts and sucks as hard as he can. 
“You look so good like this,” you moan, “your tongue feels so good.” 
Yoongi pulls away to let out a groan, “Fuck.” His chest is heaving and he reaches a hand down to squeeze his shaft for a moment of relief, then he stands. 
“Think you can hold your leg up for a moment, baby?” Yoongi instructs, laying a kiss on your forehead as you spot his hand pumping himself a few more times. You nod silently, allowing yourself to relish in his glistening skin as he runs the head of his cock over your slit. You appreciate his concern, and you know he’s going to take care of you after he’s finished ruining you. You couldn’t be more excited as Yoongi’s cock continues to slip over you. 
For a moment you feel him enter, both of you gasping at the contact but just as quickly as he enters, he slips out. 
“No,” you shake your head, “please no teasing. Fuck me.” 
Yoongi gives you a devilish grin, his hand holding up your thigh once again as he finally begins to push into you. He takes pleasure in the way that your lips part with every inch that he pushes in. Yoongi was proud of his size, and your reaction further fuels his ego. Finally, he bottoms out and you’re rewarded with being filled to the hilt with nothing but Yoongi. 
He moans your name in your air after you adjust to his size, beginning to thrust faster. “So... tight. Fuck.” He sinks his teeth into your collarbone, relishing in the feeling of your nails scratching into his back. He can’t bare to leave your cunt for more than a few seconds, because the way you clench tightly around him was the closest thing to Heaven on Earth that he’s ever experienced. Every one of his thrusts is meant with a rewarding moan from you, your juices coating his cock more and more and fueling his pleasure. 
“Ah,” you moan, “Yoongi. So good.” Your brain was absolute mush. You couldn’t think of anything else but him. 
“So good at taking my cock,” he laughs breathlessly, “I can’t believe how well you’re doing.” 
You surrender yourself completely to Yoongi at his words, his encouragement pushing you closer to the edge. “I’m close.” 
“Good girl, cum for me. Cream on my cock.” Yoongi praises, kissing your lips tenderly as you feel yourself clench tightly around him. White hot electric shocks rush through your body, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
He breaks the kiss with a bite to your bottom lip, “Take my cum. Take it- fuck fuck-” Yoongi’s cut off by his orgasm taking over, and you open just in time to see his jaw drop as he rides out both of your orgasms with increasingly slow thrusts until finally, he slips out, the feeling of his release dripping down your thighs. 
He rests his forehead against yours, suddenly hyper aware of the water dripping down your bodies.
You lower your legs onto the floor, Yoongi holding you up while you struggle to regain your balance. The two of you giggle, sharing kisses for a moment as you both work off the pleasure. 
You reach behind Yoongi, squeezing shampoo into your hands and massaging it through your scalp as Yoongi takes your soap across your body. It’s such a simple move, but even though you’ve already had sex he still is taking the time to take care of you. It’s endearing, and it fills you with hope for something more with Yoongi. 
As you both finish the shower, you step out of the bath tub and reach for a towel. 
“Oh, by the way, Yoongi?” You say as he runs a brush through your hair. You bite your lip to hold back a giggle as he stops, “Yes baby?” 
“I still tasted coffee.” 
Yoongi laughs, “God damn it.” 
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Heavy Heart | Roman Sionis x Male!Reader
Another Vent Fic, sorry. This time with Arrowverse!Roman Sionis (Batwoman Season 2), though. The episodes still aren’t out here, but I think I’ve seen enough Clips to at least get his voice and feel right. Sorry if not (in case anyone even ends up reading this).
summary; You’re struggling with personal issues, regarding your interpersonal relationships. Roman unexpectedly shows up at your doorstep and you have a heart-to-heart.
notes; Male!Reader; Reader has Borderline Personality Disorder; Favourite Person (FP); Rejection; Abandonment Issues; Spiralling; Mild Dissociation; Self-Harm (Scratching and Cutting); Blood; Hurt/Comfort; Unexpected Visit; Love Confessions; Soft Kisses; Hugs; Little Dialogue.
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It’s only been a couple of months, since you and Roman have started dating. Honestly, you’d never expected it to happen at all. You’ve been his assistant at Janus Cosmetics for over two years at that point, while you’ve been silently crushing on him the entire time. So to say that you were ecstatic about the fact that he liked you, too, would’ve been an understatement.
Naturally, as it always happened, Roman has become your new Favourite Person all too quickly and crushingly. Of course, at this point in your still blooming relationship you couldn’t care less, because you were happy, you were on top of the world when you only thought about him and the way he kissed you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
Still, in the back of your mind, this tiny voice kept reminding you that every time you’ve had an FP in your life, it didn’t end well; and it never lasted very long – a year tops, maybe. So, you were cautious, like you always were. You were hyper aware of everything you said and did around him; how often you texted him; how fast you responded to him; how many gifts you made for him and how much time passed in-between them. All so you wouldn’t fuck it up by being too much or too little. You were desperately trying to find this golden balance between it all.
The last time you had a Favourite Person wasn’t too long ago, actually. They had still been it when Roman has asked you on your first date with him. But not even a week afterwards, they had suddenly stopped responding to your texts and ignored you. They had never tried to contact you again and you were far too afraid and anxious to do it on your own accord after too much time has passed already. After all, you had already convinced yourself that they had lost interest in you and hated your guts all of a sudden.
Of course, you had tried to forget about them, which was made a little easier by the fact that your entire focus was on one Roman Sionis. Still, it didn’t prevent you from thinking about this supposed friend at least once a day, if not more, and wondering where it had gone wrong and if the same would happen with Roman very soon. It was bound to happen after all, and since this particular friendship had ended so very suddenly after not even four months, you could only fear how long your relationship with Roman would last.
Every single day, you tried your damnedest not to ponder too much and let anxiety overtake your body. Instead, you attempted to just focus on Roman and how much you loved him, which was a whole lot and far too much, to the point where it caused your chest to hurt. Often times, you wondered if it would be acceptable of you to already say those three particular words to him, or if that would ruin everything. You were incredibly uncertain, and he never seemed as though he was going to say them any time soon. Either way, you forced yourself to be patient and not fuck everything up again.
The fact that Roman had asked you out, even though he very much knew about your BPD diagnosis had shocked you to your core, but it somewhat calmed you down to know that it wasn’t a secret between you two (you had even checked in with him if he really knew upon his question). Still, you often wondered if he was truly aware of how much baggage you had on your shoulders and just how exhausting it could be to be in a relationship with a person who had this particular disorder – not only for you, but for him as well.
As the months have stretched on with barely an incident between you two, you had allowed yourself to get a tiny bit more comfortable. Whether or not you should regret it was beyond you, when your best friends have suddenly ceased to respond to your texts and more and more people around you have seemed to ignore you. At first you’ve given it all some time and tried not to jump to conclusions, because you knew they were all busy with their own lives and weren’t always in the mood to talk or text – and you respected that, you knew exactly what that was like.
But as two days have turned into four and essentially a whole week, you couldn’t help yourself anymore.
Feelings of utter loneliness and rejection overcame you in waves. You’ve been short of crying every couple of minutes; your chest hurt so much; your skin felt so tight – you desperately wanted to claw it off.
Then, you started to isolate yourself more and more. At work, you acted mostly normal, just like always – putting on this mask of being fine and a good worker – when in reality, your entire world was falling apart piece by piece.
None of it went past Roman, of course, he was way too perceptive for that. But when he asked you what was wrong, you deflected the question and said that it wasn’t important, it would be okay in a few hours or days anyway.
That wasn’t the case, though.
It didn’t get better at all. The feelings just wouldn’t go away. Every time you looked at your phone and saw all the unanswered messages you’d sent out to people weeks and months ago made your heart heavy and your chest tighten painfully. The more time passed, the worse it got.
Eventually, you also just couldn’t help wondering about Roman and doubting his interest in you. Was he truly interested in you at all? Would he have enough of you soon? Would he drop you gently or harshly? Would you even still have a job when he did? Fuck, it certainly wasn’t the best idea to date your boss, was it?
As you sat at your desk at home, preparing Roman’s schedule for the next week, your phone suddenly pinged. Immediately you took it into your hands to see if it was Roman – he was the only one who you were talking to at all anymore, after all. But then you saw that it was your previous Favourite Person, the one right before Roman. They had reacted to something you had posted on social media. They had commented on it as though they hadn’t suddenly stopped talking to you months ago.
As soon as you saw it, your eyes burned with tears that suddenly pricked them, your heart clenched so painfully and your skin was crawling. You were hurt and confused. It was all too much.
Just half an hour before that you had exchanged a few texts with an acquaintance you had on social media, which was as unfulfilling as it always had been. They clearly didn’t care about you, since they would never once truly ask how you were feeling, but in fact only talked about themselves and their life’s struggles. You were nothing but a tool for them to vent their worries to without an ounce of care in what you had to say in the least. It was a role you’d been very much used to, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.
So, naturally all of this was a lot for you to process – too much, really – and you felt so many negative emotions all at once. They were crushing you. You were in agony.
As the urge to hurt yourself to relieve the emotional pain and exchange it with a temporary physical one overcome you, you forced yourself to take a few deep breaths and distract yourself first, before you did something you would later regret.
Unfortunately, it only lasted for a few minutes at a time, as the urge became bigger and your anguish stronger.
Only a few hours later, you decided to shower and as soon as you got dressed, you couldn’t even think twice before your fingernails met your neck’s skin and scratched it open. You stared at yourself in the mirror as your hands just kept on moving, all across your neck and collarbones, scratching away intensely until it was bright red, irritated and bleeding.
For a moment, you inspected the fresh wounds.
It still wasn’t enough.
You quickly disinfected the irritated, scratched-open areas and then proceeded to take out the small blade you kept in the drawer below your bathroom sink. Then, you pressed it against your inner forearm and drew a small, deep line with it, causing blood to well up instantly as sharp pain shot through you. You set the blade down and squeezed around your wound, forcing out more blood. You desperately needed to see it flow out of you.
A few seconds passed and you took the blade back into your hand and rested it a few inches below your fresh cut.
You hesitated.
Shaking your head, you put it back into the drawer and instead nursed your still bleeding wound.
After all, you’ve already done more than enough damage.
The loud and sudden ringing of your doorbell startled you and you quickly, but quietly, walked towards your apartment door to look through the peephole. Roman stood in front of your door.
Were you supposed to meet him and you forgot amidst all the pain you’ve been in?
Nervously, you opened the door and smiled at him. It hurt to smile. You could only guess how strained it must have looked, not to forget the angry red and mildly bleeding wounds on your neck that you had no way of hiding, then.
“Roman, wh- what are you doing here? Sorry, uh, come in first, maybe,” you stammered out your awkward greeting, stepping to the side to let Roman into your apartment, while your heart violently hammered against your rib cage.
“I’m sorry for suddenly coming by, but I’ve actually been in the area and thought I could pay you a little visit. I missed you,” he replied as he walked past you and hung his coat on the hook on the wall, “Besides, I tried to let you know by sending you a text, but I suppose you were busy showering by the looks of it.”
“Oh- yeah. Yes, sorry. It’s okay, though. I missed you, too. I’m glad to see you,” you responded softly, nervously looking around the room and avoiding his eyes.
Suddenly his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you close, your bodies flush against one another. His left arm travelled up and around when he cupped your cheek with his hand and gently stroked his thumb over it, before he leaned in to kiss you on the lips. You were entirely too overwhelmed and still a little beside yourself, but you reciprocated the chaste kiss automatically and put your arms around his shoulders.
When he broke the kiss, he looked you over. You could feel the shame crawling beneath your skin, making you feel far too hot.
“I didn’t catch you at a good time, did I?” he inquired quietly, grazing his fingers over the wounds on your neck so very lightly so as not to hurt you more.
Because of how tight your throat felt, you could only shake your head and avert your gaze.
Roman heaved a deep sigh and kissed your forehead softly, “It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t have to hide from me,” he murmured against your brow, “May I ask what’s caused this?”
Hesitating, you opened and closed your mouth a couple of times, so short of crying again, as you thought about whether or not it would scare him off if you told him the truth. In the end, you nodded, though.
“Let’s sit down first, please. Can I get you something to drink?” you said brokenly, daring to look at him for a second.
“Water, please.”
Quickly, you walked into the kitchen and got Roman a glass of water, while he sat down on your couch in the living room. Your hand was shaking when you passed him the glass and he looked at you with such a soft expression that it took your breath away.
Why wasn’t he up and running already?
When you sat down next to him, he set the glass down on the table in front of you two and put his arm around you, once more pulling you close against him. Your sides pressed together and you allowed yourself to rest your head against his shoulder.
“You can tell me as much or as little as you want, okay, my sweet boy?” he told you softly and kissed your temple shortly.
Nodding, you inhaled deeply and exhaled a shuddery breath. Then, you started to tell him everything that’s been going on lately and how much it all hurt. Sometime into your explanation the tears that have burned your eyes started to flow and run down your reddened face, leaving painful streaks behind. All the while, Roman was quietly shushing you and rubbing your upper arm soothingly, and peppering gentle kisses on the top of your head.
When you were done talking, you squeezed your eyes shut and pressed your entire body into Roman’s side in an attempt to both vanish and be close to him one last time, before he would leave you (at least that was what you’ve expected to happen anyway).
Instead, Roman wrapped his other arm around you as well and embraced you tightly, lovingly.
“I’m not going to leave you, baby. I’m not going anywhere. It angers me to know how much pain people have caused you in your life, especially as of late, but I won’t be one of them, alright?” he assured you and kissed your temple once more. “I love you, Y/N.”
Stopping to breathe altogether, you could barely believe what you’ve just heard.
Despite your disbelief, you choked out a quiet “I love you, too, Roman. So much”.
The issues that caused you so much pain in the first place may not have been solved with it, but you felt a little more secure in your relationship with Roman now, at least. That way, you could now quiet down these nagging thoughts in the back of your mind that kept telling you that he was going to drop you any second.
Sighing deeply, you relaxed a little and wrapped your arms around Roman’s middle as you pressed your face into his chest.
For the time being, you could pretend that everything was going to be alright.
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syuga-s · 3 years
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The Last Time
w.c 4.3k
pairing. Jooheon x gn!reader
genre. angst, a little fluff maybe, idk how to classify it but it's my take on relationships in real life(?)
a/n. (warnings) I throw some curses here and there, mention of the word "sex" once, tried to make it as gender-neutral as possible, I could really use some help about t/w, feedback is more than welcome, hope you like the fic 🧍‍♀️
Once again you were at the same bar. With the same friends. Same music. Same drinks. It's safe to say that nothing's changed in here but you.
For some reason, you were awfully quiet tonight. Everyone was away from the table by now. All of them talking and dancing in groups.
You were regretting saying yes to going out the very moment Jasmine was at your front door. But your best friend really wanted to get you out of your house.
The thing is you weren’t going to be alone, all of your friends were tagging along. I guess I need to suck it up, maybe I could have fun, despite him.
And you really tried, there was no need to make a scene anymore. All of your friends have had their fair share of nights seeing you 'talk' with him and making things awkward for everyone. It's been a while, though. You haven't seen him in exactly 2 years.
How do I explain this? There's no resentment anymore, no hate for what happened between you. But when there's a choice between spending your Friday night at the same place as him or staying at home? Well...
But tonight was clearly different. Something (Jasmine) had dragged you here and to be quite honest, it hasn’t been half bad yet. Jasmine kept waiting for you to get up from your chair to come and chat with Jackson and Changkyun. Her all-time crush and his best friend.
"In a sec!! Just let me finish this drink!" You said while you showed her your glass. She quickly nodded and turned to keep talking with those two. You have to remember to thank them later for keeping her entertained because if it weren't for them cracking jokes every single second, she wouldn't have let you off the hook that easily.
Meanwhile, you decided to get a little lost in your head. Laughing to yourself because you were feeling like having a main character moment. Being the only one sat down in a place full of people. The mysterious persona drinking by themselves.
But that didn't last long.
"Mind if I sit here?" You shook your head. He put his drink next to yours and asked, "How are you?" And it somehow felt like you couldn’t have avoided this exact situation.
You released a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. "I'm sitting Jooheon, drinking… existing, you?" He forced himself to smile. Trying to hide the fact that he was still feeling uneasy around you. Nonetheless, showing you the dimples that you used to love so much.
“I can see that”, he paused, "it's been a lot since I last saw you, you look different".
You hummed softly, finally making eye contact with him. "So you expected for me to look the same?" You surely weren't going to pass up the opportunity to be passive-aggressive to him.
It still makes you happy to know that he has never minded this side of you.
"I'm teasing, I guess we both look different, it's been what? Two years?"
"I'm not sure, but it feels like a lot" He took a sip of his drink and started to fidget with the glass. Maybe you're not the only one that's changed after all.
In the two years, you were together, you never saw him like this. But let's remember the fact that you never fully knew him back then. It just feels weird to see him this anxious. Especially with you.
"I've wanted to reach out to you for a while now," You frowned at his words. "Guess I lacked a little courage" He let out an airy laugh. "I really want to talk to you".
Now it was your turn to feel tense. What is this supposed to mean? How long has he been wanting to talk? And talk about what?
You tilted your head and opened your mouth to ask him all this, but he didn't give you the chance to get the words out.
"Before you say something, please believe me I just wanna talk", "but not in here”.
"Alright then, where do you suggest we ‘talk’ Jooheon?” He took his phone out to check the time. 10:44 p.m. He pursed his lips and said, more like hesitating, "I could walk you home?"
You stared off into your group of friends. This was going to make their night interesting. Seeing you two go together again, just like all those times before.
Jooheon's been waiting for this since he saw on your social media that you were leaving the city. And Jasmine took care of letting him know that you would be coming back in about 6 months.
That was a year ago. More than 365 days waiting to be in the same room with you. Praying that you would let him talk to you. Not that you would reject him. But he was scared, he was perfectly aware he messed up everything.
As you were both saying goodbyes to your friends, you started to think about how everything had ended between you two.
You know what? Yes, maybe I was wrong in ghosting him but after all, I don't owe him anything. Just like he threw me out of his life two years ago. We didn't work out, he never communicated with me. He didn't choose me back. I just had to watch him get rid of me, no explanations, no nothing. And I find it really hard to believe that he's been dying to talk to me. What could be so important that he wants to have a proper conversation? How will I explain to him that I stopped replying for no particular reason? That I just realized that we weren't good together, and I had to let go of him? Should I tell him that no matter my hard feelings, I still thought about him constantly?
You had left each other in the cold back then.
He called your name, and you snapped back to reality. Didn't even realize you were already outside of the bar when he softly asked you, "aren't you cold?"
You smirked and told him "Well yeah, walking back home in this weather wasn't in my plans dummy, but I didn't bring a jacket though".
He used to be so attentive to you. One of the other things you used to love about him. Always concerned about you.
He simply put his jacket around you and started walking before you could complain about something as simple as this. Like you always did.
It feels nice to know that someone in this world knows you to this extent. The way you’ll react to simple things. How can you still love someone despite knowing that you don’t work together?
You realized he still has this jacket. It's the same one he gave me the first night we spent together. Why do I have to remember this now? Not fair. Maybe he wore it on purpose.
You gave a little run to catch him. Now that you were by his side, you were getting impatient, "Can you please start talking? I'm intrigued by all your seriousness".
You were kind of hating this feeling. Everything about him felt familiar. Suddenly, you wanted to cling your arm to his but thought twice about it.
He chuckled. "Well it's not super serious, I want us to have a nice conversation, you know?" You snorted at this, what does a nice talk mean?
"I can be nice, as long as you tell me WHAT you wanna talk about…", "come on Jooheon, just get to the point".
"Okay!! OKAY… I-" he took a deep breath and continued, "First of all, I want to apologize to you for everything, then I want us to talk about what happened between us if that's okay with you?"
You'd be lying if you didn't say that you wanted this to happen since you drew apart the first time. You always dreamt of having an adult conversation with him.
But the dream left your mind bit by bit. Just like your heart got itself back together after he left you, piece by piece.
Overwhelmed, you could only stare straight ahead into the street. He called your name again. Now your eyes were on his, and you could see his concerns. How his mind was going miles per hour, just like yours.
"I want to apologize too,” you smiled and finally let yourself link arms with him. “It’s gonna take us a while, isn’t it?”.
The walk to your apartment took around 15 minutes. The words you exchanged with Jooheon were kept to a minimum. You weren’t gonna get into the heavy stuff right there in the street.
When you finally arrived, you gave him back his jacket. It was gonna get uncomfortable to talk with him with a piece of clothing that made you remember too much.
“Want something to drink? I have a beer, wine, you name it”. He sat on your couch while you searched for something non-alcoholic in your little fridge. “A beer would be okay”.
You got yourself some water. Otherwise, your head would be fuzzy, and wouldn’t be able to tell him all you’ve had on your mind for years.
You handed him the bottle, and you took your seat on the carpet. Your mind wandered off to the last time he was in here.
When he told you goodnight and planted a soft kiss on your lips like he always did. You knew it wasn’t a simple ‘good night’, for you.
You remembered how your eyes followed him until he closed the door of your apartment.
He took a swig of his drink and by the time he put the bottle on your little coffee table, it made you realize he was sitting right there, in front of you.
Finally, gathering the courage to start telling you what was on his mind. “I never thought I’d get the chance to talk to you again”.
I didn’t think so, either. We both fucked up multiple times.
You were never a couple. After 5 years, you never understood what had lacked between you. The desire was there. Now and then you had your moments of happiness. Usually on the weekends.
When you met, you weren’t looking for love or a serious relationship. At least one of you.
Jooheon was free, like the wind or like a bird. He flew back and forth and once in a while he needed to land somewhere for a while. Every so often he sought another fire, another bed, other arms that weren’t yours.
The time came when he made you feel a million things inside. Overwhelmed with words and emotions, mostly love. But also turmoil and maybe desperation.
It made you happy that he made you feel so much after being empty for months. You felt different with him. It was the kind of love you didn’t know you had in you. Didn’t even think it was possible to express about someone like this. Until him.
You didn’t need anyone else. You just needed Jooheon. Not only that, but you didn’t care for how long your love would last because you believed that the meaning of the word love was what you had built together.
A few hours together. Every so often the whole night.
But when the morning came, the nightmare started to take form. Texts at inappropriate hours, and even unanswered messages.
You started thinking that you didn’t know better. You started feeling insecure. Replaceable. Maybe he knows better than to be with me.
Desperate to know what you had. But afraid that you would ruin everything with the words “What are we?”.
Tried to convince yourself that all of this was okay. That it was a good thing that you were going slow, giving him the chance to open up to you.
Months kept passing and your trust in him was running thin. He made you feel weird on the daily. Wondering if he was seeing someone else. If he danced with someone tonight. Had they kissed? Is he having sex with someone who isn’t me? What if he’s tired of me?
You wanted to be with him, but It was starting to hurt.
I hate that when I try to get myself to think that I don’t like you anymore… you do these little things that make me love you.
When you were together, he treated you like there was no one else for him. His hand was always wrapped up in yours. Talking until dawn, about college, his family, and your relationship. Those times, you couldn’t lie to yourself about your feelings.
He was the only face you could see in the world. The only guy you’ve ever wanted to keep around. But how did we get to this point?
The day you told him you were starting to fall in love with him, all he could reply was, “I don’t know what to say, I never thought you would be in love with me”.
“That’s all you have to say?”
“Well what do you want me to say? You took me by surprise”.
“You could tell me how you feel. I’m not expecting for you to tell me you love me back, I-“
There’s no return now, you have to keep talking.
“I’m just tired of not knowing what’s in your head, I’m not sure if you want to have something with me anymore, it’s okay if you don’t so, just be honest with me”.
“I like you”. You stayed quiet after hearing this, urging him to tell you more than just three words.
“I mean, of course, I’m attracted to you”.
At that moment, you liked what you heard. But the more you thought about it, you realized that he didn’t actually care for you, or loved you. Maybe that was a greedy thought from you. Maybe you expected too much.
You were angry but mostly angry at yourself.
Why are you still waiting for him? It's been years and nothing has happened between you. Nothing ever will at this point.
You ended up telling him not to bother you again, that if this was his way of ‘loving’ you, you were better off without it.
But that was a lie, you longed for your phone to show his name, even if it was at 5 A.M. Still thinking that there was no other way to love someone.
Unable to put an end to it, months kept passing and nothing changed between you. Jooheon had many others, and you only had him.
You loved spending nights like this by his side, watching him sleep, wondering for hours about you two. Unable to explain how you could love him this much.
Maybe he did love you, but you can’t handle this kind of love anymore. It’s better for both of you to end this, whatever it was because it's driving you crazy. And you meant it this time.
Jooheon told you goodnight and planted a soft kiss on your lips like he always did.
You knew it wasn’t a simple ‘good night’ for you, this was the last time you were gonna let him in. Your eyes followed him until he closed the door of your apartment. Fighting back your tears while softly saying to yourself, “I’m always going to love you…”.
The texts at 5 A.M. came again, but this time there was no answer. Jooheon started calling and sending texts for days, but you didn’t reply. All your efforts in disappearing from him on social media weren’t stopping him.
He met someone else, yet the texts wouldn’t stop. Until one day they did.
Now and then your curiosity would get the best of you and you would see his Instagram stories with her. An older girl you had met once. They were supposed to be friends.
You wanted to avoid comparing yourself to her but, he never posted something with you. It’s a dumb thing to worry about, but it’s one of those things that sometimes matter.
You tried to understand the whole situation. Accept the fact that you two weren’t meant to be. That he didn’t see a future with you.
Your days stopped revolving around him. You focused your time on getting your degree, learning another language, going out with your friends. Even tried meeting new people.
There were a few here and there. No one was enough for you.
Your ideas of love and relationships were different now. You gave another meaning to the word love. You wanted to find someone who would love you and take care of you. A quiet kind of love, real love.
What you had with Jooheon, was something you never wanted to experience again. Days went by, even months until you saw each other once more; for the first time in Jooheon’s life, he felt a knot in his stomach, he knew he lost you, for good this time.
Months passed and Jooheon left his girlfriend. He now felt different because he looked for you in everyone, yet he couldn’t find you, and he felt empty.
He cursed himself a thousand times for not knowing how to appreciate you and the love you gave him for two whole years. Tears finally fell from his eyes, he couldn’t believe he was crying for someone, crying for love, crying for you.
He took his phone out, swallowed hard, and started typing another text.
“I miss you, and I need you with me now and always, I never thought I would say this, but I’m not happy without you. Maybe I should’ve loved you less and loved you better, I just want you to know that I’ll always be waiting for you my sweet y/n…”
But the message was never delivered. You had changed your number.
It made sense that you would do that someday. It’s been too long, but this didn’t stop him from sending you texts in the middle of the night. When he felt the overwhelming need to have his arms wrapped around you.
I still love you
(9:05 p.m.)
no, I don’t
(9:06 p.m.)
I’m confused why did this happen
(2:26 a.m.)
I want you to be happy, if this is what it takes then I’m okay with it. be happy. for me. please.
(10:45 a.m.)
I kind of hate you for changing your number
(8:57 p.m.)
I’m sorry
(1:43 a.m.)
maybe if I wasn’t so fucked up this wouldn’t have happened
(3:37 a.m.)
why can’t things be like they were before
(10:13 a.m.)
please come back to me. I need you. You need me
(1:58 a.m.)
I still want you
(4:06 a.m.)
The day you left town was the day he swore to himself to try his best to get another chance to talk to you, just once more. To make things right, not caring anymore about his pride. He just wanted to let you know everything he didn’t say when you were by his side.
That he was sorry that it took him too long to acknowledge he was wrong. That he knew he was a little too late and wishes that he could say something more meaningful than a simple “I want you back”.
“I wonder why” You smirked at him.
The more you kept making eye contact, the more you realized you didn’t feel any kind of resentment anymore. You both had grown, and while you didn’t actually need this kind of closure, you figured this was the healthiest moment to do so.
His eyes were avoiding you now, his smile was still there, but you could tell he lost a bit of his confidence. “Okay, so I’m gonna talk first, please just hear me out. I want to rip the band-aid,” He said with a forced laugh.
“I don’t know why I could never tell you that love scares me. That it scares me to be attached to someone”. His tone was soft now.
“I still play in my head the day you told me you were falling in love with me. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you not to tell me those things because you could have changed your mind any moment”.
“I never told you how I felt one of the many nights you spent with me. You were stroking my hair and I seriously felt like crying because I was fucking scared”.
“I was scared to lose you”.
“I’m sorry because I know I made you think I didn’t want you for something serious. I’m sorry for being immature”.
“I look at you now, and I’m happy to get to see you like this. You’re still everything I’ve ever wished for and more. You need to know that nothing compares to you”.
“And believe me, I don’t expect you to take my words as a way of asking you for another chance, I know I don’t deserve it… but I would really love it if you could let me show you I could love you better this time”.
You never imagined these words coming out of his mouth. Couldn’t believe how he was looking at you. Hopeful but understanding at your loss for words.
“Can I ask you one last thing?” His voice was barely audible, but you nodded at him.
“Well, maybe it’s not an actual question, but I’d like to know why you stopped talking to me”.
“Look Jooheon, I don’t know how everything I wanna say will come out, so please bear with me”.
You didn’t know where to start, either.
There were so many things to be said that you were getting nervous to start talking. Because once you opened your mouth, you didn’t know if you would be able to piece everything together.
“When everything ended I really wanted to hate you, everyone around me hated you,” you admitted to him, “except for me and I hated that”.
“I knew that all I could be able to do was cut you from my life, so I just decided to stop talking to you”.
It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. “I admit it was a poor way of handling things, and I’m sorry for that”.
You’ve always been scared of having this type of conversation.
You let out a sigh because you never thought that the following words were gonna come out of your mouth, ever.
“I’ve only been in love once in my life, and that was when I was with you”.
“It used to frustrate me that I wasn’t able to make it work with anyone after you. I couldn’t help but compare everyone to you”.
“I swore to myself that I never wanted to go through the same thing we had, maybe because those memories are yours and I don't want anyone else messing that up, you made me feel so safe, I felt alive with you, nothing could stop me when I had you”. 

“You've been the only one I've ever wanted to see every day, no matter the hour or how busy I was, I truly wanted everything with you”.
You hadn’t noticed how he had been looking at you this entire time. He couldn’t believe that you used to feel that way about him. Still couldn’t wrap his head around hearing you say how you loved him.
You quickly wiped a tiny little tear that escaped your eye, hoping we wouldn’t notice. But he did.
You let out a nervous laugh and said, “I’m not sad, I swear, It’s just that I never thought I would say all this out loud, especially to you”.
“You don't know how many times I wanted to call you, run to you”.
“Last year before I left I wanted to see you, I kept trying to convince myself that It didn't have to mean anything, that I was just desperate for any physical touch, but from time to time, I wonder if what I really needed was just you”.
He didn’t say anything. So you just said his name out loud. “Jooheon…” Followed by a long pause.
“I feel so different now”.
“When I was far away from you, I realized that I need someone who isn’t absent when it comes to me, someone that isn’t a ghost in my life”.
While you were talking, you were watching his every move and how he couldn’t stop playing with his rings. You’re still not used to seeing him act like this.
“At this point, I want someone who will take care of me, that makes me feel safe. Someone who wants to be with me because they love me, and they love to have me next to them. I’m beyond only spending the night over, I want whole days”.
You finally got up from the floor and sat next to Jooheon. Facing him, making him do the same. He kept looking at you for a whole minute but it felt like hours.
You didn’t know what to do after his following words.
“What I realized with being away from you is that I was pushing away what I’ve always wanted. I wasn’t confident that I could meet you where you were. I felt it would be better not to waste your time back then, but that was then, and this is now…”
You kept looking at each other a little too long. Both realizing you didn't need words anymore. The love was still there.
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mageofseven · 4 years
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Part 3! This is the last part, containing Beel and Belphie's sections below the cut. Please enjoy~
Part 1 | Part 2
Things were peaceful with the pregnancy for a while.
Even in the beginning, when MC was barely showing and faced very little issues, the sixth brother was waiting on her hand and foot
And he almost always had a smile on his face. He was just insanely happy about becoming a dad, about having a baby with MC.
He handled every thing more or less with stride.
When she started showing and the woman felt self-conscious about the fact that she was losing her figure, he'd hold her close and kiss her, telling how beautiful she was, that the belly she was growing made her no less so. In fact, it made her even more beautiful because to him, what her body was doing was a beautiful thing: growing and carrying his child, something that meant the world to him.
Yeah, he was a bit anxious about how things would go since Lucifer told them the pregnancy could become dangerous for her, but he was still truly happy for the two of them to become parents.
Unlike his siblings in the other timelines, Beel had no fears about how he'll be as a dad; he knew he had so much love to give their son or daughter and was ready to give it.
It wasn't until MC's fourth month when some concerns were raised.
MC's belly had grew at an unusual rate. Despite just entering her fourth month, her belly was roughly the size of what it should be in her sixth or even seventh month of pregnancy, according to Satan.
Beel didn't really know anything specific about pregnancy so he didn't see it as anything to worry about. I mean, he was the Avatar of Gluttony and this was his baby. MC developed quite the appetite because of this and was eating at least twice more than she used to. Surely that's all this was? And if so, the man couldn't see it as anything dangerous, at least.
Still, MC's anxiety grew over it, causing him talk over it more with the blonde to figure out if there was anything he could do for her.
And so the time came; the rune! Satan drew the rune over the human's belly to collect the data they needed.
After a minute or two of absorbing the data, the blonde raised an eyebrow.
"What is it?" MC asked.
"It... well, I suppose for a start, Beel is correct that his sin is part of the reason for the growth spurt." Satan began. "But only partly."
Beel leaned towards his brother, listening closely.
"However, there are some more difficult elements at play here." The fourth brother continued. "The most pressing being... the number."
"I... what?" The woman stared at the demon in front of her.
"It seems you two are having twins. Two girls, in fact."
Beel immediately pulled MC in for a hug. The woman cried heavy tears, but they were paired with a smile. The big guy teared up as well.
"Twins. Beely, we're having two little girls." She said from inside his arms.
"I know." The man pulled back and gave her a sweet kiss before laying both hands on her belly. "Our little girls--"
"I hate to interrupt," The Avatar of Wrath said, but of course, did so anyway. "But... do either of you realize the danger this poses to any degree?"
Beel turned back to his brother, furrowing his brow.
Satan sighed.
"Beel... one baby was going to be rough on her body, but two?" He pointed out. "Honestly Beel, she'll likely be eating at least as much as you, if not more, and that still might not be enough for her body. It's manageable now, but once she enters the last trimester, it'll be very difficult to keep two gluttony demon children fed as well as the mother they're siphoning nutrition off of faster than she can get it."
Basically, MC was going to be eating an extreme amount of food and still literally be starving. That's how Beel understood it at least.
The man looked at his girlfriend and frowned in worry. He hated feeling hungry and didn't wish that on his Muffin, but knew she'll end up feeling even worse than that.
"Is there anything I can do for her now?" The redhead asked.
"Right now... all we can do is stock up and hope for the best." The blonde answered. "Lucifer should probably be informed so things can be planned out."
And so he did. He walked his girlfriend to their bedroom so she could lie down for a bit while he went to Lucifer's study to inform him. The older brother was instantly stressed out, but let out a sigh and told him that he'll handle it.
Lucifer did warn Beel though that he probably won't be able to eat as much as he's used to because of this. The Avatar of Gluttony only nodded. If he had to go hungry to keep MC fed and alive then so be it. It was worth it to him.
As the months went by, Satan's predictions were proven true. By half way through her seventh month, MC was bedridden. Her belly had grown so big that she literally could not get out of bed on her own.
The woman was never alone though. She constantly had either Beel or Belphie or both with her to bring her food or carry her to the bathroom or cuddle her so she didn't get lonely.
What was equally as worrisome as her gravid boulder of a belly was the rest of her. The woman had lost so much weight in her thighs, arms, and face that she looked like she's been starved for years.
Each touch of Beel's was extra gentle because his girlfriend looked so fragile like this. He was afraid to hurt her even more, especially because of their girls' kicks.
The twins had inherited their daddy's strength. Occasionally, one or both of them would kick their mama a bit too hard, causing a bruise to form on her belly.
This led to lots of belly time. Beel would kiss and rub his Muffin's belly while talking to his girls, telling them how loved they are, but how they need to be more gentle with their mama.
Despite how difficult the situation was, both Beel and MC kept positive, smiling through it. After all, this was all for their little girls so of course it was worth it.
Good End:
Oh this poor woman. It took ten months of pregnancy, being a full month over due, but her twins were finally ready to come out into the world and meet their parents.
It was a long twelve hours for the couple; after all, these were two very big, overdue demon babies of gluttony being pushed out by a mom they've seriously weakened for months now. Yet despite the odds, both Mama and babies made it out okay.
Beel kissed his girlfriend's head and watched as she fed their girls. Their girls. This was really happening. Beel was a daddy. His sweet Muffin was a mama and those sweet girls feeding from her chest were their daughters, sporting his hair, eye color, horns, even delicate versions of his wings, but still had all of their mother's facial features. They were identical, unlike him and Belphie, but the demon truly hoped the two could forge just as strong of a bond together as he had with his twin.
When the two were done drinking, Beel took the one from MC's left arm and brought her into his own. Just then, a knock came to the door and it clicked open to reveal Belphie, who Beel texted a few minutes ago; he wanted his twin to be the very first one to see his daughters.
The couple smiled at him.
"Belphie, come see them." MC invited him to come closer.
The seventh brother approached the bed and gave a small smile.
"So... whose who?"
MC looked up to Beel, letting her boyfriend introduce them. The man smiled.
"This is Arsenia." The redhead stared down at the little girl in his arms, kissing her head before looking to the one in MC's arms. "And right there is Anais."
The three talked for a bit and watched the babies before MC needed to sleep. Beel laid the twins in their cribs before giving his Muffin a quick kiss on her head.
"Sweet dreams, Muffin. Thank you for everything." He smiled.
Bad End:
Twelve hours. Twelve hours of labor that seemed like it was going no where. The first baby was barely even crowning after all this time and MC was losing what remained of her strength. The woman honestly didn't know how much more she could take.
Beel felt so helpless as he watched her struggle. He was so hyperfocused on his Muffin that he hadn't even thought of food once during these twelve hours and even a non gluttony demon would be getting hungry right then.
It took another hour, but MC eventually got the head out and then the shoulders. But that was it. That was as far as she made it. She had lost the last of her strength and just... faded away at that moment. Beel couldn't accept it at first and just kept calling her name and shaking her shoulder, begging her to wake up. But she didn't. The man let out a howl of pain before collapsing on his knees in sobs. He cried for a minute before remembering his girls.
Beel quickly shot up and freed the first baby, Arsenia, from her mother's body. Anais... Anais, he never got to save. They never knew it, but the cord had been wrapped around her neck for most of the labor and she left them before even MC did.
And just like that, the Avatar of Gluttony lost his Muffin and one of his daughters. As he held tightly to Arsenia though, he vowed that he would never, ever let any harm come to her.
Beel was a loving, but fiercely protective father. His daughter handled it in stride for the first twelve years of her life, but after that, grew to really resent him. He never let her truly live her life. By fifteen, she actually ran away to the Human realm in search of what was left of her mother's side of the family, leaving a note saying that she couldn't handle him suffocating her anymore. Arsenia had succeeded in finding her grandma and Lucifer convinced Beel to just let her be for a few days. Then he came to get her and the two had a heart to heart talk.
The man didn't know how he could grow to let go more; all he knew was his fear. This was his daughter. His worse nightmare was losing her just like he did with MC and Anais. But he knew if he didn't learn then he was just going to lose her in another way. The man just didn't know what to do anymore. Not without MC, who kept him grounded. Not without MC, who he sees everytime he looks at his daughter's face. And so he was stuck feeling desperate and lost and just wanting his daughter to understand him and be happy.
After the two's three month fight, Belphie was dedicated to taking care of MC.
He was an ass to her when he found out of she was pregnant and he knew it, never even denied it, but it came from a place of fear and love for his human.
Seeing just how important this baby was to her though... it was enough for him to bury his fear deep inside of himself for her. He had to; she needed him and he was not going to abandon her again.
Her second trimester was... well, let's just say he stepped in to support her at just the right time.
MC was always so exhausted and went through her days in almost a daze.
She even passed out at the dinner table one evening, face falling straight onto her plate.
Normally, the Avatar of Sloth would find this funny, but the pregnancy had him on edge.
She woke up fairly easily though. Just a couple shakes of her shoulder and the woman was lifting her head, wondering why there was mashed potatoes in her hair.
That was enough for him though. Belphie picked his girlfriend up and carried her to his room. He cleaned the food out of her hair before laying her back on the bed.
"I'm sorry..." She mumbled.
"Don't apologize, Butthead." He said softly, pulling her to his chest.
He knew she couldn't help it. In general, pregnancy could be tiring, but when the baby daddy is the literal Avatar of Sloth? Yeah, that made things harder.
The human fell asleep, barely staying conscious long enough to hear his response.
Belphie leaned in and kissed her forehead.
Even after such an early bed time, MC didn't wake up in the morning. Or the afternoon. Belphie was tense as hell, but tried to be patient.
Around 3pm, after sleeping for about twenty hours straight, the man tried shaking his girlfriend awake. But she wouldn't.
Belphie started freaking out and shaking her harder. She still wouldn't wake up.
He had to triple check that she was alive. And she was; the woman still breathed slow, sleepy breaths and had a calm pulse like any sleeping person would.
But she wasn't waking up? Why?
At some point, the younger brother wasn't sure when, but Beel had gotten up and rushed to Lucifer.
The oldest brother put a hand on his youngest brother's shoulder, stopping him from shaking the human anymore.
Belphie instantly shook the oldest off and gave him a glare.
"Stop, she's not waking up!"
"Shaking her is not going to help the situation."
Belphie was frustrated with the Avatar of Pride, but knew he was right. But what else could he do?
Lucifer did most of the talking with Beel after that. The two went back and forth on different things as Belphie simply held his girlfriend close.
Eventually, the two left the room and came back with Satan, book in hand. Belphie growled as the blonde approached the bed.
Satan sighed.
"Enough with that. I believe I know a way to figure out the problem."
And with that, the fourth brother explained step by step everything he was going to do.
The boyfriend scowled, but let the blonde do what he needed to do.
Satan opened his book and laid it on the bed. He gave a glance at the page before pulling down the blanket and raising up the woman's shirt.
Belphie growled again, but stopped as Beel laid a hand on his arm. The man then took a deep breath and just sat up, watching the blonde's movements carefully as he guarded his girlfriend. Yeah, Satan was his brother, but more importantly, that was his girlfriend the blonde was messing with. Whatever he does, he better be gentle.
The three other men watched as the Avatar of Wrath drew a rune around MC's navel. The woman stirred, making some noises in her sleep, but didn't awake.
When the blonde finished the rune, it glowed a very bright purple. The fourth brother raised an eyebrow at this.
"It's... not supposed to do that." The blonde picked up his book, rereading the passage once more.
"What did you do?" Belphie immediately jumps to the worse scenarios.
Satan waved off his words and continued to read the passage.
"It's suppose to glow green since I am the rune's scripter... however, it shows itself in your color."
The Avatar of Sloth didn't say a word; he didn't understand what was going on. He looked down at his human, whose sleep had turned a bit restless since the other man drew the rune on her.
The fourth brother finally sat down the book and reached out to lay his hand on the rune
...and was immediately shocked.
Satan cursed and pulled his hand towards his chest.
"What happened?" Lucifer asked.
The fourth brother just shook his head and breathed for a minute in order to keep calm.
"It... I seemed to be locked out." The blonde answered in a controlled voice.
"What do you mean, you're locked--"
"It means I don't have control over the rune!" The Avatar of Wrath snapped at the oldest before taking a deep breath. "Belphie, you do it."
"Do what?"
"Just put your hand on the rune; it'll do the rest."
Belphie stared at his brother for a minute before slowly laying his hand on MC's belly, right above the rune.
Suddenly, his eyes glowed as his brain was flooded with information.
Okay, first off, he learned the rune was purple because of the baby. As soon as they sensed the rune intruding on their safe place, the baby locked Satan out... apparently to protect themselves and their mother. Belphie only has access because they seem to trust him.
It also seemed that the baby has inherited their dad's protective instincts. Belphie approves.
That's not the only thing they got from him though.
The reason MC has been out cold for past twenty hours is because they inherited their dad's miasma powers, the ability that he uses with his aura to weaken people and put them to sleep
The very same power he used the night he killed MC.
Belphie wanted to curse, to scream, to aim all his anger at the little being doing this to her
But then he discovered why.
The baby... they sensed their mama's great distress, something MC had been trying so hard to hide from him.
It all went back to the first revelation; the baby was protective of their mother. They weren't just protecting her from outside forces, but from herself too.
Lastly, he learned learned that there was no single baby; there was two
Twins. A boy and a girl.
Belphie pried away his hand so quickly that he almost fell off of the bed. If it wasn't for Beel being right behind him and catching him, he would have.
"What is it?" His twin asked.
Oh dear devil, where should he even start? The seventh brother didn't even know if he wanted to say anything; he just wanted time to let it all sit within him, but he had three pairs of eyes trained on him at the moment.
Belphie glanced down at MC's sleeping face and a fresh wave of guilt washed over him. She was essentially being drugged into sleep by his kids. Once again, this was his fault.
Sensing how overwhelmed his twin was, Beel turned to Lucifer and said some things that the younger twin didn't even try to hear before the oldest and the blonde left the room, leaving the twins alone.
Belphie sat with his knees to his chest and hid his face in his arms.
Beel came up and hugged his brother.
"It's my fault..." Belphie's voice cracked.
The younger twin told the redhead everything, who listened patiently to all of it.
Beel's arms tightened around his brother.
"You know she wouldn't blame you for it." Beel told him.
"Doesn't change the fact that it's my fault..."
The twins talked together for a little over an hour. After that, Belphie fell asleep next to MC and Beel left to update Lucifer.
The conclusion? Wait. All they could do for now is wait. Satan looked into some human-safe potions that would be strong enough to wake MC if she took too long, but otherwise, waiting is all they could do.
Two days later, MC woke up in severe need of water. Beel ran to go get some for her as Belphie held her close, relief washing over him.
A few bottles of water later, MC asked what happened.
Belphie didn't know what to say. Or rather... how to tell her.
But he did. He admitted everything with a heavy heart and actually apologized to her.
Wide eyed, his girlfriend pulled him in for a hug.
"Hey... none of that." She told him. "I'm fine, I-- it's okay."
The two laid there and cuddled for a while. Belphie laid with his head on her chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath (and being incredibly grateful for each one) as his girlfriend stroked his hair.
"So...twins?" She asked softly. "How...how do you feel about that?"
Belphie let out a sigh. How could she lay there and worry about him despite the situation she was in?
It didn't help that the demon honestly had no clue to how to answer that. How did he feel about any of this now?
He hated all of this in the beginning and he resented this baby for even existing. Since his experience with the rune and getting the chance to understand the babies inside of her... he really didn't know.
They seemed... anxious and overall just wanted to protect their mother. That was no different from Belphie himself.
His twins just... devil, he could feel his heart softening for them as he thinks over everything.
He didn't resent them anymore, but how did he feel about them? About there being two of them?
Honestly, it sounded like a hassle. Even once this whole pregnancy is done with, MC and him will have twice the responsibility; he was exhausted just thinking about it.
Still, he accepted it all.
"Dummy, you shouldn't be worrying about what I think." Belphie shook his head. "...How do you feel about it?"
"A bit... scared." She admitted. "I don't want you to get overwhelmed again and... and leave me."
Belphie sat up and stared down at her.
"I'm not leaving you. Ever." He said firmly. "I know I was a dick in the beginning, but I'm staying with you. Period."
MC looked away.
"Y-Yeah, but..."
Devil, he had to keep her stress levels down or their twins are gonna drug her again. The demon leaned in and kissed his girlfriend before laying his head back down on her chest.
"I love you, Butthead." He mumbled. "I'm not leaving you or our kids so stop worrying."
He could feel her body relax underneath him.
Months went by with very little issues. She went through somedays with a really froggy mind and that was concerning on it's own because she was extra clumsy like this, tripping over furniture and starting little fires in the kitchen.
Belphie and Beel were always hovering around her because of this, ready to catch her when she tripped. They also took over her cooking duty and took turns. MC felt bad and said she should be contributing more, but Belphie would always silence her with a kiss and tell her she's contributing enough by carrying his little gremlins.
This made her smile because she knew he was joking. If he was able to joke about them like that then there must be affection for them underneath it all. And she was right.
Her coma-like sleeps were rare but they did happen twice more in her pregnancy. Luckily between Belphie and Beel, they were able to keep her stress down enough to where it usually wasn't an issue.
Good End:
MC had woken him up in the middle of the night. Her contractions started while she was asleep and woke her up when they got too strong for her to sleep through. Belphie woke up to her crying and clinging to him.
From 3am to 9am, a long six hours, MC labored hard till she pushed both twins out. Their son had his dad's dark hair while their daughter had MC's hair. Both had Belphie's purple eyes though. Their daughter had their dad’s horns while their son had their dad’s tail.
MC held their son close to her chest as Belphie held his daughter. He stared down at the little girl, who lightly squirmed in his arms and let out soft cries.
He looked over to his girlfriend, just to notice that he himself had been crying as he watched his daughter. The demon looked away, blushing. After a moment, he spoke.
"I know we really didn't talk about this beforehand... but I want to name her Lilith."
His girlfriend gave him a smile.
"Of course."
The two discussed it for a few minutes and decided to name their son Judas.
Bad End:
Things fell apart early in MC's eighth month. The woman suddenly just collapsed where she stood, seconds after whispering Belphie's name and trying to reach out to him. The man caught her before she hit the floor. She had suddenly fallen into one of her comas. But why? He thought his girlfriend was okay, but apparently she had been bottling some feelings up. She would have had to have been or otherwise their children wouldn't be doing this to her.
It was three days later that Belphie woke up in the night to feel that the bed was wet. Very wet. MC's water broke! She was still in her coma though so how did this work?? Even with the contractions, could she birth the twins if he she wasn't awake to push?? Belphie quickly woke up Beel who in turn rushed to Lucifer. The oldest called a doctor, who had Belphie stay outside of the room.
The youngest brother paced back and forth in the hallway, cussing, and overall more awake then he has been all of his demon life.
In the end... MC didn't make it. But the twins did. The twins survived even when his girlfriend didn't and that fact destroyed him.
For the first two years of their life, Belphie had absolutely nothing to do with his kids; Beel raised them for him. It wasn't because of what you might think. Belphie didn't resent his kids or blame them for their mother's death like he thought he would. Belphie was drowning in self-hatred because it was his fault. He believed this with every fiber of his being. He couldn't even look at his children, especially Lilith, who he saw both MC and his sister within her whenever their eyes met.
Eventually, he got his shit together, at least somewhat. He always needed help though so Lilith and Judas were raise by both their father and their Uncle Beel. Belphie was pretty laid back as a father so between him and Beel, the kids had the freedom to do just about anything. However, they grew to be a bit bratty. Good hearted, but bratty. Any time anyone other than he or Beel tried to discipline them or said anything awful to his kids, Belphie was ready to murder a bitch and slowly at that; it was a lot easier to set this man off now as a parent. Luckily, Beel was always able to drag him away and calm him down.
Those around them were always put on edge by the Avatar of Sloth's presence because of this; even the other brothers weren't sure how to interact with him somedays. Still, his kids were safe and between himself and Beel, they never went without anything. They grew up loved and protected... just like MC wanted.
He sometimes got into these depressive moods when he thought of her and couldn't leave his bed. At first, Beel would try to occupy the kids elsewhere so he could have his space and the twins didn't have to see their daddy like that. One day though, when they were five, they snuck away and into the attic room that he hid in. Wordless, the two just climbed into bed with him and he held them close to his chest.
As much as he missed MC... he loved his kids and moments like that reminded him just how important they are to him. There was once a time where he told himself that if he had to choose between MC and their kids, he wouldn't hesitate to choose her; he simply couldn't imagine how he could care about anyone as strongly as he does her. Now that they're here though, he doesn't have to imagine it; it's his reality and though he missed MC with every fiber of his being, he wouldn't trade his children for anything in the three realms.
Part 1 | Part 2
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writinglionqueen · 4 years
A Favor
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Summary: Being Roman’s babygirl comes with it’s own set of things for you to do, bookkeeping and knowing some of the people Roman meets was one of this things. But this new meeting with a certain Scottish businessman provides something, new. Drew McIntyre is a little bit of a mystery to your knowledge but he comes seeking a favor from Roman; a debt to be repaid. But, his suaveness and looks enraptured your own attention. Must to the behest of your man. 
Warnings: A part to the Mafia Boss Roman series. Something a little later down the timeline. This was an idea I couldn’t get rid of which is why I wrote it now. I mean....their interaction on Friday was 🔥. And like I said in the previous one....this isn’t to be accurate...as much as it’s self indulgent.....just fyi
It’s been a while since Roman had asked you to sit in on a meeting. The very first one you’ve attended with a businessman who was very less than kind to the fact you were at Roman’s side, listening in on their business. Roman, on the other hand, loved having you at his side. And, in all honesty, you loved it as well. It meant the man was trusting you, allowing you to get a taste of the way he conducted his business. 
At that very first meeting, he filled you in on your role in those meetings. You were allowed to speak and have your own mind. You were not meek, only their to listen. You weren’t “Roman’s bitch” as you thought you were in the eyes of the businessman. You had a critical role. Be Roman’s witness. Be a second pair of eyes and ears. It was later, after the meeting had ended that Roman entrusted you with the knowledge that, if you wanted to, you could have a more critical role in his meetings. He wanted you to be a little birdy; rounding up rumors and knowing the truth on those who he conducted business with. 
Technically, it was Heyman’s job to be on tabs with everyone Roman conducted business, but the little stubby man could only know and keep tabs on so much information. Roman just wanted you to round up rumors. When you were not in Roman’s presence, or even around him, no one knew who you were. It was, almost, ingenious that it happened that way. Being the outsider to all of this had it’s perks in that way. If Roman gave you a name, you had the looks and intuition to figure this person for who they were, knowing their rumors in the interwoven webs of this life....and it wasn’t that hard. 
Some men loved having...intimate, interpersonal relations with their staff. Some loved to blab to the right ear or just in general. You were able to slip into their circles, get the information you needed and report to Roman. And when he conducted the necessary meetings, you were at his side, whispering into his ear of the rumors you heard while the people would drone on about things. Often lying in the face of Roman, which you were not afraid to correct with a purr into your man’s ear. It was fun; having Roman’s hand around you, his large fingers stroking your side as he listened to you in his ear when necessary, and even watching the color leave people’s faces as Roman corrected them on the information they tried to spout, being figured out for their truths. Your role was, indeed, fun. 
It wasn’t really a daily thing or an occupational thing. It was only necessary when Roman needed to talk with these people. And, that wasn’t often. People tried their best to ensure that the Samoan man didn’t need to speak with them. Because, usually, a meeting meant a warning. 
Or, in some cases, some business partners wanted to speak with Roman. In that channel, things were different. You still, usually, did your best to learn what you can, but....the reasons for those kinds of meetings varied. Whether it be asking for assistance, checking in with Roman, cashing in a debt, catching up as if Roman was an old friend, or...in the dangerous case....threatening Roman. 
The latter reason was dangerous. Not only to witness but for the person in question. And you’ve only witness it twice. One instance was with a man who was desperate, spouting about how he was going to get the FBI involved. The notion made Roman smile, before Jimmy and Jey gave the man a reason to keep his mouth shut, and Roman reminded the man of who he was and reminded him that he had eyes and ears everywhere, connections like no one else. There would be no way for Roman to get into the trouble the man thought he would, but....there was every reason that the man could lose a loved one, or even his own life for the threat at hand. That definitely made the man quell on his threat.  The other instance, was a threat the Seth Rollins had made to Roman. That one was different. Seth was almost as dangerous as Reigns. Seth has influences and just as many eyes in places as his counterpart. So when he felt as though Roman was stepping into areas that “did not belong” to Roman, Seth was vocal about it and had said so in a meeting. With a look of indifference to the other man, Roman agreed to stick to his own turf. With a smile, Seth left happy to hear that. 
And those two instances answered a question for you; For what reason would a sheep threaten a lion in his den?
Well...if the sheep was a lion just the same, they would have no fear fighting. 
That question and answered always set you on edge when Roman was contacted to meet with someone, instead of Jimmy and Jey picking up the person. 
And it was that small fear you had as yet another businessman had contacted Roman to meet with him. But curiosity drove you more than your own fear. You didn’t know what terms this meeting was coming about. But there was an issue on your end, you couldn’t find a lot of personal information about this guy. 
Drew McIntyre.  
Heyman grumbles about hos this man embarrassed his last client; taking all that he had, leaving Paul to find new work....which is how he came about working for Roman, apparently. That notion was intriguing to say the least, and you tried to get more information on him, but.....he didn’t mingle with his own staff, or enough to cause rumors or anything. He wasn’t in any bad deals or anything, as far as you were aware. And....it seemed, he and Roman went a ways back. You tried to get Paul to spill but the man wouldn’t say much except for what he already told you. Jimmy and Jey also confirmed they had no dirty or anything on this guy. He was clean in that regard. And, he didn’t mingle in public affairs, so you weren’t able to find a clear picture of this man. Drew McIntyre left you curious as to who he was dealing with Roman. And, as such, that curiosity would get the better of you. Especially the night of the meeting. 
As you and Roman waited for this man to be arrive, you took it upon yourself to ask from Roman directly. He was very honest with you anyways and wouldn’t spare you any details. 
You were on the couch, plucking invisible fuzz from your cocktail dress while Roman was at his desk, Heyman not too far away from his boss. Both were looking over documents. Whether or not they pertained to this Drew guy, you didn’t know. But now was an opportune time to ask. 
“So, who’s Drew McIntyre to you, babe?” you asked Roman, your eyes peering over to him. He looked up at your curiously, a document in his hand. Heyman gave you a small look that read he was displeased that you were so upfront about asking Roman about this matter. You gave both men a look of nonchalance and curiosity. “I couldn’t find many rumors about him. He leaves me feeling very curious.” Roman’s lip quirked at that notion. 
“We’ve known each other for a bit,” Roman said. “A couple years ago, the man helped me when I needed it. Now, it seems he wants to cash in on a favor.” A favor? Now that was very interesting. 
“Any particular favor?” you asked. Heyman’s frowned deepened as Roman chuckled. 
“Babygirl, that’s what this meeting is about,” he answered. “So I wouldn’t know. I could guess, however.” You gave a slow nod before you stood up. 
“Curiouser and curiouser,” you murmured, moving over to Roman’s desk. The Samoan’s brown eyes watched you approach. The sparkle of playfulness behind them as he started to collect his documents and hand them to Heyman. 
“Take care of these for me, Paul,” Roman murmured. The small man collected the documents in his hands before leaving the room, to do whatever needed to be done with those documents. You smirked at Paul as he left before you moved around Roman’s desk and to where he sat at the grand chair behind it. 
Roman had moved out from under his desk a little, allowing enough space on his lap for you to sit there, and sit there you did; one leg over the other and your arms wrapped around Roman’s neck. 
“I can tell you’re very curious about him, babygirl,” he said to you. You gave a quiet sigh.
“Not being able to find much has left me feeling like I won’t be helpful to you,” you said back. One of your hands lowered to scratch under Roman’s beard. The action made him smirk. 
“Having you by my side is way more helpful than you know,” he murmured before leaning down to give you a quick kiss. Roman’s phone buzzing on the desk had you turning towards it. Your man reached for it, looking at the message on the screen before putting it back down. “Drew’s here.” Your heart rate started to pick up with the small thrill that was sure to come by this meeting. Roman say the nerves on your face with his inquisitive, dark eyes. “This meeting should run without a problem, babygirl. I don’t think Drew is here to be a pain in my ass....this time,” You giggled at that. 
“Alright, if you say so,” you murmured before giving Roman one last kiss before hopping off his lap. “I’m just....excited to meet someone knew that runs in your circle.” Roman hummed. 
“I bet you are,” he said to you, standing to his feet with a small groan. You looked back to Roman, peeking at the outfit he decided to wear for tonight with a small bite of your lip. The same textured, navy shirt he wore when you two first met, dark dress pants and dress shoes. He looked good but, then again, he always did. 
“Anything I should know about our guest before he’s actually up here?” you asked Roman. The man’s brow quirked in thought. 
“He’s...a very large man,” Roman said. 
“Large....large how?” you questioned. 
“He’s a little taller than me, some would find it imposing,” he answered. “It will be a lot more apparent the closer you are to him. He also loves his wife more than he cares to be around people. Which is probably why you didn’t find a lot on him. He saves interactions for when he needs to. He’s a very reserved individual, which is more than I can say from when he was younger.” 
“Really? you asked. “How come I didn’t find any news on that?”
“He got a favor from a man in Hollywood named Dolph Ziggler, had some things wiped for Drew,” Roman answered, checking his phone one last time. You gave a nod. No wonder you couldn’t find things on him. But....you’d probably learn a few things about this man from this meeting. 
A knock sounded from the door, drawing your attention. 
“Come in,” Roman called while moving closer to you. His hand settled on your waist and he drew you into his side. 
Heyman opened the door, leading in a man who’s size had you frozen in place. Roman wasn’t kidding when he said he was ‘large.’ He didn’t look like a businessman though for the way he was dressed. He had on a deep maroon shirt under a leather jacket. He was clad in dark jeans and a pair of dress shoes that, surprisingly, fit the look. His long dark hair was neatly pulled back and his own, dark beard was trimmed to perfection. He was just another definition for gorgeous. Something alike Roman’s own looks, but yet...unique and intriguing to you. He had your full attention. 
Jimmy and Jey followed Paul and Drew in, closing the door behind themselves before taking their usual place behind the couch reserved for the guest. Both made sure to have their hands clasped in front of them, standing with respect and discipline.  
“Roman,” the guest greeted brightly in a thick Scottish accent with a voice just as deep as Roman’s. His smile gleamed in the lighting of the office and, you couldn’t help but watch as he reached for Roman’s outstretched hand. 
“Drew,” Roman greeted with politeness. Drew’s bright blue eyes panned to you. He wore a pleasant smile on his face and....you did your best to ensure you knees didn’t buckle under his soft stare. 
“And who is this?” Drew asked reaching for your hand to place a kiss on your knuckles like a gentleman. His accent was so nice to listen to, something deep and mellow but nothing that would make it hard to understand him. And you were so caught up in how the Scotsman talked that it barely registered you didn’t answer his question until Roman answered it for you, giving Drew your name. The man couldn’t help the smile on his face at your lack of answered, but he allowed your hand to fall back at your side. “I heard you found yourself someone new after all this time but I didn’t expect her to be a such a lovely sight.” The compliment from a man like Drew had your face feeling hot.
“Yes, indeed. I lucked out in that department,” Roman said, motioning towards the set of couches to your left. “Shall we get on to business?” Drew gave a nod.
“We shall,” the Scotsman answered with a tone of playfulness as he sat his large form on the couch opposite of the one you and Roman found yourselves in. Heyman made it his mission to stand right behind Heyman, watching in on this meeting. The man in front of you got comfortable where he sat, sitting all the way back, arms across the back of the couch and one of his legs crossed over the other. “The drive over here was awful,” Drew commented. “After work traffic and I see they’re building a new bridge on 27th street.” The man’s eyes looked between you and Roman before landing on you. “It’s just awful. Nearly got out of my own car because someone wasn’t paying attention to the road. Would’ve knocked their teeth in.” He was smiling at you, observing the way you gave him a small polite smile in turn. 
“What do you do for work, Mr. McIntyre?” you asked politely, in part to get to know Drew but get information you needed for later. Drew smirked at you, lip quirked in a way that made your heart flutter. 
“Please...call me Drew,” he said off the bat. “Mr. McIntyre is a little...too formal for me. Just call me Drew.” You did your best to not smile outwardly at that. 
“Ok then, Drew....what do you do for work?” you corrected with a small, intrigued smile to the guest before you. 
“I run a firm that deals in business consulting,” Drew answered. “Basically help others get to where they need to be in life by giving them honest truths about certain aspects of business.”
“So like....the hard knocks of business....the economy, business deals, branding and things like that?” Drew’s blue eyes held a level of pride and amusement to your question. 
“Pretty much,” he answered, “My own business has been knocked down in the past and I took that as a learning opportunity, show, I’m just helping others so they don’t go down a self destructiveness my own business did years ago. And I’d rather be blunt about that information than sugar coat things.” You nodded along to his information. You were going to look into it later....just in case.
“Sounds like an interesting niche of work,” you said to Drew. He smiled. 
“I like it,” he said, happily. “Lately it’s been better after I’ve taken care of Lesnar’s business. Huh Paul?” Drew’s eyes looked to Paul who was standing behind Roman. “His company’s management could’ve been better....or at least....on his own part. I see you found it good here with Reigns. I’m impressed with you Paul. This seems like a better fit and better line of work than what you had with the old brickhead.” Heyman stayed silent at Drew’s teasing but the Scotsman paid that no mind as he looked back at you. “Lesnar wasn’t a very great boss in his own right. Not showing up when his employees needed him, skimping them of their own hard work and money. It was no wonder why it went to shit under him. When I got involved with his business, things improved and we figured the only issue was with the boss and not the employees. But, I figured he couldn’t handle that hard truth and left then I took it upon myself to appoint someone who was better fit for the job. I didn’t think they’d let you go following that incident, Paul. In all honesty.”
“I also left on my own cogeneses, thanks for asking,” Paul mumbled.
“That’s good on you Paul. I hear Kofi and his partners have transformed that business into something fun and unique,” Drew said absentmindedly. “Good for them.”
“And what is Lesnar doing now?” you asked in curiosity. The man would probably still hold a grudge on Drew for him interfering. 
“Probably on a farm somewhere away from people,” Drew answered. “Paul would know more about that though, I’m afraid.” Drew couldn’t help the teasing bits at Paul and, you couldn’t help but smile that he was trying to annoy Roman’s own little consultant. “I kinda want to know a little about you. What do you do?” 
The question made you freeze. No one had asked about your own occupation. And....you weren’t sure if you were allowed to answer it. 
“Currently I’m a student,” you answered Drew’s question. His eyebrow raised and he looked a little curious himself.
“What do you study?” he asked. “Besides the people Roman hangs around.” You smiled at that. The little bite of playfulness from Drew’s part almost made you forget about the Samoan beside you. 
“We’re off topic,” Roman said, his arms tightening around you. Drew’s eyes casted to Roman, trying to decipher the tone you could hear as well; the smallest zest of jealousy from your man. “It’s late, Drew. I have things to take care of tomorrow.” That was a lie but you didn’t want to say that in front of your guest. 
The man looked to you, a little smile on his face because he probably knew the tone in Roman’s voice as well. 
“What made you want to cash in your favor from a couple years ago?” Roman asked. The blue of Drew’s eyes went to Roman a the question. The playful and happy nature of his seemed to wash away. A neutral look replaced the smile and he sat up straighter on the couch, choosing to lean forward. He rested his thick forearms on his thighs while looking to Roman. 
“I’ve been having a problem with a certain viper as of late,” Drew answered, lowly. 
The “viper” Drew was referring to could only mean one person; Randy Orton. You figured out after a while of being around them that the boys had their own nicknames for certain people. For Seth, he was called “The Messiah” sometimes. The CEO of LEGIT BO$$ fashion company was none other than called “The Boss” when talked about by the men. Everyone that Roman knew or had been in contact with in his circles had a nickname. “The Viper” was just the chosen nickname of a guy who ran a company that was infamous in keeping people hidden. 
Why would a guy like Drew be having problems with a guy like Orton?
You looked to Roman who nodded. 
“Has he been causing problems of merit for you?” Roman inquired. Drew snorted. 
“Understatement of the century,” the Scotsman muttered. You looked back at Drew who crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair. “He’s been threatening to take something I care about away. Make...” Drew paused to look over at you. “Make them ‘disappear’ like he tried to do to Wyatt all those years ago. Just, poking his nose into my business. Figured I could use the favor to look into this matter for me.” 
“I see,” Roman murmured. “Are you asking me to take him out....or ensure he stays away from what’s yours?” Drew sighed, deeply through his nose. 
“I won’t be sure until Monday,” Drew answered. “I wanted to be sure he isn’t a threat. Especially after. So....I am asking for your men to look into seeing what his plan maybe....and who he has in his corner.” 
“Orton usually works alone,” Roman commented. 
“I meant in terms of bringing his own troubles with him,” Drew said. “I hear Wyatt may be trying to get back at him for the incident from a few years ago.” Roman nodded. 
“Makes sense,” he said to Drew. “Wouldn’t want Wyatt to be your problem as well.” 
“Precisely,” Drew murmured. “So....is this a favor you can provide for me?” You looked to the man at your side, seeing him think. 
“To cash in the debt you provided me a couple years ago...yes, I can look into Orton and his matters, and make sure he won’t be your problem....or Wyatt,” Roman said with finality. Drew let out a small breath of relief. 
“Thank you, Roman,” Drew murmured. “I’ll consider that debt to be repaid when you can say, without a doubt, Orton or Wyatt won’t cause me anymore trouble after Monday.”
“You know I’ll try my best,” Roman agreed. “If that is all you wanted to inquire about, then I think this meeting is over.” With that, Roman’s arm left you and he went to stand, followed by Drew. Both men reached out for each other, shaking hands in finality to the favor Drew wanted. 
“Again, thank you,” Drew said to Roman. 
“You’re welcome, McIntyre.” The Scotsman gave Roman a small smile before his blue eyes flickered to you. Standing to your feet, recalling the difference in height as the man towered over you. However, you reached out your hand to shake Drew’s nonetheless.
“It was a pleasure to meet you,” you said to the man. Drew smiled, his hand accepting yours to shake a couple of times. 
“The pleasure was all mine,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss your knuckles one last time before dropping your hand. The way your face felt hot at the small act. Your hand moved to fiddle with the fingers of your other hand as Roman’s hand draped along your shoulder. It was an act of Roman being a sweet kind of possessive. He obviously jealous by the large, imposing man, but not in the way you would’ve expected. 
The way Drew smirked at that, made your heart skip a beat. Why did that look good on him?
“The boys will see you out,” Roman said. Drew gave a nod. 
“Until next time, little one,” the Scotsman murmured before he followed the twins out of the room while saying, “I’ll keep in touch, Reigns.” Roman said nothing back but watched as Drew left the room just the same. 
“That man can be such an arrogant jackass,” Heyman commented behind Roman who hummed his agreement. 
“He can be,” Roman muttered. You looked up at Roman, seeing his eyes casted tot he door still. 
“Aww, are you jealous?” you teased Roman. The man looked down at you. He was frowning. 
“No, I just didn’t approve of the way he was looking at you and how you were looking at him,” he answered quietly. 
“Baby, that’s jealousy,” you teased, turning to Roman fully. 
“This isn’t funny, babygirl,” he mumbled. You couldn’t help the smile and giggle that escaped you. 
“And what are you going to do about it, huh?” you asked Roman, encircling your arms around his neck, drawing him down just a bit.
“I think, I’m going to make sure you remember who’s babygirl you are,” Roman said, lowly. You giggled because the notion sounded delicious. 
“I look forward to it,” you teased before kissing Roman. The Samoan made a noise as his arms encircled your waist. 
“I’ll take this as my que to leave,” Paul muttered as he went to leave the room. Roman pulled away from your lips. 
“You and the boys can go home and lock up, I don’t need anything else tonight,” he was quick to say to Paul before his lips moved back to capture yours, enthralling your heart into a quicken pace because you knew where this was going to lead off to. 
You already know that your his babygirl. 
And no one else’s.  
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In all honesty I got a little sleepy close to the end so I don’t think the ending is all that great...but I hope that this kinda was the expectation of the reader meeting Drew and Roman getting a tad bit jealous....idk lol ~Bri
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readiajin · 3 years
To Love Herself - Chapter 3: Hello
Synopsis: Following ACOSF until Nesta’s confrontation with Amren. Rather than going to hike and soul search with Cassian in the wild, Nesta uses her powers to disappear.
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Chapter 3: Hello
Nesta - After Disappear
“Who the hell are you?”
Nesta jumped to her feet and whirled around. 
A woman stood a couple yards away. No, not a woman, a High Fae. The female had dark skin and her tightly braided hair was pulled back, revealing her pointed ears. Despite her ears marking her as High Fae, Nesta couldn’t help comparing her to the Illyarians. She wore fighting leathers somewhat similar to theirs, and they were form fitting around the muscles of her torso and arms. A bow and quiver were slung over her back, with a sword sheathed at her side. 
Nesta froze as she silently cursed herself for not having any weapons of her own. She had no idea how she had used her magic before and had very little faith in it if the female decided to attack. She however, had her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised at Nesta as she slowly looked her over. 
“Do you speak? I asked who you are and what you are doing here.”
The arrogance in the female’s voice made Nesta grind her teeth but also stand straight and lift her chin. 
“You didn’t actually.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You didn’t ask what I was doing here before. You only asked who I was.”
The female tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at Nesta. “You know I don’t think you are in a position to have so much attitude.”
Despite Nesta’s rapidly beating heart, she forced her face to be impassive as she gave a dry smile. “Funny, I was about to tell you the same thing.”
Nesta wasn’t sure how she expected the female to react, but to burst out laughing wasn’t it. Her laugh was high pitched and infectiously jovial. At least it would have been if it wasn’t at Nesta’s expense. Nesta felt heat rush to her face but retained her still exterior as the female leaned over her knees while attempting to catch her breath. 
When she finally calmed down enough to wipe tears from her eyes she took in Nesta again, her face softer than before. 
“I don’t know what I was expecting, but you’ve surprised me.” 
Nesta had no idea what that meant, but she bit back, “You haven’t surprised me.” 
The female snorted. “Nevertheless, if you want to live you should probably come with me.”
Taken aback, it took Nesta a moment to respond, “I don’t need your help nor will I go anywhere with you. Turn around and go back to wherever you came from.” 
The female rolled her eyes. “Mother, you are a piece of work, aren’t you? We both know that you didn’t intend to come here or even know where here is. If you want food and shelter and help you will come with me, Nesta.” 
Nesta stepped back at her name, trying to call to magic for help but it was silent. “How do you know my name?”
The female’s lips curved it into a tight smile, but she simply shrugged and turned away. “Welcome to the Forest of the Lost,” she said over her shoulder before heading to disappear between the trees. 
Part of Nesta told her to let the female go, but another part screamed at her to get answers. 
“Wait!” The female stopped. “Tell me your name if you want me to follow.”
The female turned back slowly, a mischievous look in her eyes.
“I’m Thalia. Now keep up.”
Cassian - After Appear
The Obsidian Isles were named so for the smooth rocks that made up the beaches instead of sand. Flying towards them from above, they looked like dark slashes dividing the rough sea and dense evergreen forests of the Isles. 
Cassian glanced at Feyre flying to his right, trying to be calm as he flew towards his heaven and his hell. It had been decided that only Cassian, Feyre, Rhys, and Azriel would go to meet Nesta. Elain had made her feelings clear, and no one explicitly had said it, but it was understood that it is probably better to keep Mor and Amren far away from Nesta. 
They had sent Azriel to scout ahead as usual, but the Northern Island and the rest of the Isles were all free of Fae. Azriel could find no evidence that anyone had even visited recently, or where exactly they were expected to meet Nesta. 
So now they flew towards the dark beaches, all four of them on high alert. 
They landed in the center and examined the tree line. “Anything?” Rhys asked Azriel. 
Az shook his head. “Place seems as abandoned and cursed as usual.”
Besides from their location in the cold and gray north, the soil of the Isles were fertile, and the surrounding waters prime fishing. Despite that, no Fae settlement had ever lasted. Stories of tragedies befalling any settlement were plentiful, from lighting burning down a half built cabin to an entire colony disappearing. This fact had been pointed out repeatedly by Mor as she argued with him and Feyre to not be stupid by coming here. 
Cassian wasn’t worried, as there had never been any tragedy for someone visiting the islands. Even if there was a curse, Cassian would settle down to stay here if Nesta asked him too. 
Stupid. Cassian’s logical voice chided him. He couldn’t let his emotions influence him right now. He was still angry with his family for their mistrust of Nesta, but he also needed to think as the General he was. Nesta had managed to get into Velaris without anyone knowing, at least twice. How many times had she gone there besides the two times they knew about? Cassian didn’t want to consider she had been so close without him knowing while he worried about her, but he knew now not to make assumptions. 
“Should we go into the trees and look for her?” Feyre asked as the beach remained empty. 
“No,” Rhys replied. “We shouldn’t risk an ambush hidden among the trees.” 
Feyre shot her Mate a dark look. “Nesta is not going to ambush us.”
Rhys and Feyre fell silent, speaking mind to mind. Knowing better than to get involved, Cassian turned to the trees again. 
Cold winds swept off the sea, making Cassian shiver. As he looked at the trees, his gaze snagged on a boulder about 60 yards away, just slightly beyond the tree line. There was nothing special about it, besides it’s massive size probably being a foot higher than Cassian’s height, and just as wide. But as he stared at it, Cassian suddenly felt a tug in his gut. 
“There.” He said, before moving toward it without waiting for a response. 
Cassian walked around it, examining the smooth surface for any signs. He met Azriel at the back, as he had gone around the other side. 
“Do you see something in this bolder we don’t, Cass?” Feyre asked as she and Rhy joined them. 
“I…” Cassian frowned. “No, I thought something was telling me this was it.”
“This was what?” Rhys asked. 
“A giant boulder of obsidian, of course.”
The voice that spoke those words did not belong to any of them. 
In an instant Rhys had thrown Feyre behind him, his dark power surrounding them. Cassian and Azriel both drew their swords and siphoned up shields around them, jumping back. 
However, they all froze upon seeing the figure now perched atop the rock.
Emerie sat there cross legged, an amused look on her face as she looked down on them. 
“It really is just a rock,” Emerie said as she hopped down to stand in front of them.
Emerie turned to Rhys and Feyre to bow. “Good to see you again my Lord and Lady.” She straightened to look at Cassian and Azriel, smiling. “You two as well.” 
Cassian thought back to the last time he had seen Emerie. After Nesta had disappeared, Cassian had stopped training the priestesses and Emerie. Had stopped doing a lot of things. His last conversation with Emerie had been a couple days after Nesta had gone, when it had become clear to him that neither Emerie or Gwyn had any idea how or where Nesta went. 
Azriel had tried to continue to train them all for a while, but between looking for Nesta, Feyre’s pregnancy, the threat of the human queens, Koschei, and the talks with Vallahan, Cassian later learned training had been put on hold. That was another thing for Cassian to feel guilty about after they were also gone. 
“Emerie,” Rhys said, looking her up and down. She wore leathers like the ones Feyre had described Nesta wearing, her wavy hair braided with feathers down her back. And the missing sword was hanging from her belt. “What are you doing here?”
She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could Cassian felt the world shift. Every molecule of his being was suddenly pulled to the right as time seemed to slow down and he turned. 
“She is helping me show you all what I told Feyre was the truth.”
Nesta said this from 10 feet away, standing between two trees where she had certainly not been a moment before. She looked as Feyre had described. Wearing well worn fighting leathers, molded to show off the sleek muscles of her arms, stomach, and thighs. Her golden streaked hair shone in the sunlight, with a silver feather braided into it. Her smooth skin now had a warm tan, making her glow. Cassian had never been able to take his eyes off her, but now there was no denying how devastatingly beautiful she was.
She stood straight, her arms crossed with the Great Sword at her belt. Her stormy grey eyes were bright like a thunderstorm as dusk as she surveyed them all. Except for Cassian. She seemed to be dutifully ignoring his stare. 
“The reason I asked you all here is because this is the meeting point of those within the Night Court who are working with the Rising to steal the Night Court's power.” 
“Hello Nesta,” Rhys said, his voice cold. “It’s been a while.”
Nesta took in Rhys with an equal level of disdain as he gave her. After a moment she simply said “Yes,” before turning to Azriel and continuing.
“The fact that your shadows have not picked up this group's activities tells me that they are probably already well established in Prythian.”
“Nesta,” Feyre said, stepping forward. “If you want us to believe you, why not start with how you left eight years ago and what you have been doing since them.”
Nesta sighed. “I ended up on the continent and met some people who… helped me. They also were interested in helping the priestess. Something I understand you lost interest in once I was gone.” Nesta still didn’t look at Cassian but he felt as if she punched him in the gut. “The group consists primarily of lesser Fae who want to upset the hierarchy of power between them and High Fae. Actually they really just want to flip it, and subject the High Fae to the same treatment they revived. They call themselves The Rising,” Nesta rolled her eyes. “So to answer your inevitable question as to how we know this, the former priestesses have been tracking this group's movement on the continent. We intercepted one of their correspondences to a contact here.” 
“How do you know they have a source within the Illyrians?” Azreil asked, the only one of them not completely taken aback by Nesta’s explanation.
Nesta nodded to Emerie, who removed a parchment from her pocket. “This is the last message we intercepted,” She explained as she handed it over to Azreil. 
Az brow furrowed slightly as he read the paper before handing it to Rhys.
“What is it?” Cassian asked as Rhys got the same look.
“The top part is Illyrian but the bottom part is in a language I don’t recognize,” Rhys explained as Cassian took a look for himself.
The part in Illyrian read: PEAK SUNRISE DROUGHT CEILING
“What is that supposed to mean?” Feyre asked after they translated the Illyrian for her. 
“We aren’t sure either,” Nesta said. “We think it refers to another meeting place. And we were hoping one of you knew what the other language was.”
“Amren might know,” Azreil said.
Nesta stiffened at the female's name. “That would be helpful,” She said. 
Cassian blinked in surprise. Nesta wasn’t one to appreciate someone else helping, especially Amren. 
“And how exactly does the Rising think they can steal Prythian’s High Lords’ powers?” Rhys asked. 
“Like I told Feyre before, by finding the physical manifestation of it in Prythian.” Nesta leveled Rhys a glare. “If you know, you might want to check it, and the Illyarians. And look out for Riding members infiltrating  the courts.”
Rhys examined Neata with the High Lord stare that regularly brought Fae to their knees. “And what will you be doing, Nesta?”
Nesta held her chin high, weathering the power rolling of Rhys. “My friends and I will be handling them on the Continent.” 
Cassian couldn’t take it anymore. “Oh, that’s all?” He growled.
Nesta finally looked to Cassian, her face impassive. That look made his blood boil, in conjunction with how it felt like she was ripping out his heart. 
“We have been trying to stop this group from spreading on the Continent for years now. I have no interest in seeing Prythian become subject to their misguided revolution.”
“You sure you and your friends can handle it?” Cassian spit out. “Sounds like you have been failing for years.”
Out of the corner of his eye Cassian sensed Emerie step back. Silver flames danced in Nesta’s eyes. 
“We’ve done a lot in the past eight years.” She said in a deadly quiet. “I’ve done a lot of things. I’m doing this to save the lives of innocents. I’m not interested in another war or anything else.”
Cassian fell silent. 
In all the times he had imagined seeing her again, it wasn’t like this. He knew she was the queen of pushing people away, but even at her worst he knew what to expect from her. He could take her yelling and cursing at him. He hadn’t really believed Feyre before about Nesta looking good. Hadn’t truly believed she could be happy without him when not a day had gone by where he hadn’t missed her. But Cassian didn’t know how to handle her standing tall, strong, confident, and beautiful, telling him what to do. All without him. 
Probably sensing Cassian’s coming breakdown, Feyre stepped forward. 
“I’m sorry Nesta, I’m still very confused. How did you get into Velaris, and who are your friends besides the priestesses?”
“You are the one who wanted me to master my powers Feyre. I did.” 
Feyre blinked. “Okay but who—“
Feyre was cut off by an ash arrow flying out of the trees to lodge in the middle of her chest. 
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angellissy · 4 years
Don’t fall in love with me
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15. “I told you not to fall in love with me.” JJ Maybank x Reader
PART 2 A/N: This is my first JJ imagine, it is a bit angsty so be prepared for that. If you want more of this, please request away. This prompt is from this prompt list, so you can either request from that one or if you have another idea, just let me know :) I hope you guys enjoy this!
She had not seen him in days. Her arms had not been around his body for several hours, minutes, and seconds. She held her lips between her teeth, gently tugging on it as an attempt to minimize the worry that clouded her mind. Her fingers tapped in sync to the beat of the song that was blasting through the van, around her sat a couple of her friends. They were laughing loudly about something John B had said, she hadn’t heard the joke. She could barely hear their laughter, her mind was so focused on the lack of presence of a certain someone. Her eyes burned holes at the seat that he usually was situated on, but now there was simply a backpack laying there. 
A hand grasped hers, making her move her eyes from the empty seat and towards the girl sitting next to her. Sarah Cameron had been her best friend for as long as she could remember. Before they even were born, they had been destined to spend their lives always in the presence of each other. Their families had been intertwined with each other for several decades, so when both of their mothers got pregnant at the exact same time. They were overjoyed by the fact that their kids would be joined by the hip forever. She and Sarah had been, for the most part, both of them were kooks and had always received everything on a silver platter. Making both of them naive about how things could be just minutes from their houses. Both of them had befriended Kiara in their freshman year, and that was when things started to change. When Sarah stopped hanging out with Kie, she lost both of her best friends. But that quickly changed when Sarah and John B started dating, it wasn’t really surprising their relationship. They had always had that chemistry.
“Are you okay?” Sarah was looking at her with concerned eyes, a result of watching her best friend stare into nothing for the past hour. “I wanna know where he is, and for the love of God I wanna know why he is not answering my calls.” Her answers captured the attention of the others, who looked at her with sorrowful expressions. “You know how he is, he disappears sometimes, don’t worry because he will be back in no time.” Pope said, his answer made her shake her head and she quickly got up from the floor, causing Sarah’s hand to slip out of hers. She made her way to the door and dragged it open, earning a shrieking sound from the rusty van. “But that’s the thing, I don’t know how he is because he never shuts me out.” They didn’t have time to answer before she had gotten out of the van and started her journey back into the town. 
The “he” in question was JJ Maybank, the boy that had captured her heart not so many years ago. It was thanks to Kie that the pair even had crossed paths. As most of the people in the outer banks, they were from two completely different worlds. It hurt her heart to think about the fact that she probably wouldn’t have looked twice at the blonde surfer boy if it weren’t for Kie, because she was not supposed to. Everyone knew that kooks and pogues did not work well together, but during these last years and months, those lines seemed to be blurred more and more. JJ had walls stronger than brick, and it had taken her very long to even make a crack in them. In the beginning, she didn’t even think she had too, they were just friends and besides, they never talked about stuff that was hard. But her repulsion to tear down his walls, disappeared the second small butterflies appeared in her stomach. It took a while for both of them to admit their feelings for one another, but when they finally did, no one could come between them. They complemented each other. When he was impulsive, she was thoughtful. When she was scared, he was brave. Not one of them had felt a love like this before, sharing the tragic fate that neither of their parents had acknowledged them. 
That was why she was so surprised that he had not reached out to her, or at least answered her texts. He never left her in the dark, and maybe that was why she found herself standing outside of his porch. It was dark, the sun had disappeared hours ago, the only light came from the broken light that sat on the wall. She took a deep breath and let her hand knock, one time, then two times and last three times. Before she even had time to react, the door flew open, causing her to take a few steps back. “Who the fuck are you.” That was the voice of the infamous Luke Maybank, a man she despised with a burning passion. Still, she couldn’t help how her voice quivered when she asked where JJ was. His father shook his head at her and took a swig of the beer in his hand before he yelled the name of her boyfriend. He gave her a disgusted and unimpressed look before he turned his back around, probably walking towards the sofa just to down another round of beer. It did not take long before her boyfriend appeared, he stopped short in his track when he saw her. The lack of light did not give her the opportunity to notice the way his jaw clenched. He stepped out on the porch, the wooden boards creaked under his weight. She could not help the smile that formed on her lips or the way her heart started racing when she looked at him. “I have been so worr.-” Before she had time to finish, he interrupted her. “Why are you here?” Her eyes were clouded by confusion as she looked at his serious expression. “What do you mean? I’m here because you literally disappeared from the earth’s surface.” One of his hands dragged through his blonde hair, and he shook his head at her. “I told you that you can never fucking come here, you need to go.” She was taken aback by the anger in his voice, it was very different from the soft tone he usually used. Her eyes wandered over his body, and she drew a sharp breath when she noticed the large bruise forming on his left arm. Her body moved closer to his and she reached out her hand to this his arm, but he just backed away. “JJ, please.” She whispered, but he continued to just shake his head at the girl he had loved for the last couple of months. “Can you stop? I don’t want you here, why do you think I haven’t answered you or called you?” Tears were brimming her eyes, and hurt was flowing through her veins, making it hard to breathe in the cool air. “Stop fucking crying y/n, this was bound to happen sooner or later.” “What the fuck was bound to happen, can you please explain what the fuck happened because honestly, I feel like I’m in the dark here.” Her voice had gotten a few octaves higher, surprising both of them. He was the storm, she was the calm. But not now, not when he was cracking her heart open with every word that left his mouth. “This.-” He put his arms up and gestured to everything that was around them. “This was bound to happen, we are not meant to be together.” His eyes were glossy but she couldn’t see that she could solely focus on his words and the anger rising inside of her. “But what the fuck happened JJ? Because just last week, you told me that you loved me to pieces.” She was screaming now, the desperation was evident in her voice. Because she did not understand, and maybe she didn’t want to either. “Listen, I told you not to fall in love with me, and this is why. I fuck everything up, and you don’t need that.” His voice broke, and he tried to cover it up with a cough. “But I need you JJ, please” Her voice was barely a whisper because she couldn’t breathe. It felt like her heart was being torn apart. “Well I don’t need you, so go.” He didn’t even look back as he closed the door behind him and left her shaking body on the porch. A small whimper left her lips and she drew a ragged breath. She stared at the door, hoping it would burst open and that he would take her in his arms. Hoping that he would tell her what happened so that she could help him, so she could pour all of her love over him. Even though she watched the door for the following ten minutes, nothing happened. And that broke her heart even more. It took all of her remaining strength to walk from his house and when she finally reached another street, she fell down on the ground. Her hands scraped against the ground, not that she noticed it. 
Her body lied on the ground for almost thirty minutes, and by the time her friends came, she was shivering in tune with her tears and whimpers. They were saying something, probably her name, and then someone lifted her off the ground. Once again she found herself sitting in the van, whishing for a certain person. You shouldn’t fall in love with me, those words had left his lips after their first kiss and oh how she wishes she had listened to him.
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Day 28: Tanning
Six years after he left Hawkins in his rearview mirror, Billy Hargrove tripped over Steve Harrington on a beach in Cancun. In Billy’s defense, it was two in the morning, and the secluded beach he was on was difficult enough to find that it was usually only frequented by employees of the resort. Billy knew for a fact that most of his coworkers were already at their monthly poker night, so he should have had the beach to himself. 
Instead, Steve Harrington was blinking up at him, eyes big and dark and honestly warmer than Billy had any right to expect. Billy stared down at him. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Billy asked while he was still trying to figure out if this was actually happening, or was a particularly vivid dream. Steve snorted.  
“Tanning, obviously,” Steve replied. “Now fuck off,” he added, but there was no edge to his tone at all. Besides, Billy had never in his life fucked off just because Steve Harrington had asked him to, and he wasn’t about to start now. He sat down next to where Steve was lying on a beach towel on the sand in the dark. Steve snorted, like he’d been expecting that all along. 
“Seriously, what are you doing here? And why don’t you look surprised to see me?” Billy asked, because Steve was taking this suspiciously well. He hadn’t looked like a deer in the headlights even once, which was kind of a shame, actually. Steve was cute when he was confused. Steve sighed.
“Robin speaks six languages and can get by in a few more. She was best friends with half of the staff less than a day after we arrived. As far as I know, she’s terrorizing the employee poker game as we speak.” Steve smirked at him. “And apparently the hot new scuba instructor is all anyone wants to talk about.” Billy rolled his eyes. 
“Great,” he muttered. “So you and Buckley are here on vacation?” Steve winced a little. 
“Not exactly,” he said, and Billy had only been back from his own vacation for a day and a half, but he had heard the story. Several times. His eyes widened. 
“Oh no,” he breathed. “You’re the guy whose fiancee left him a month before the wedding.” Steve raised a water bottle that was clearly not full of water and took a long swig. 
“I am indeed,” he said, making a face at the burn of alcohol. 
“That fucking sucks,” Billy said, although he could admit to himself that he was not personally all that disappointed by it. He hesitated, but he was too curious not to ask. “Did she actually—“
“Yes, she actually called me from her bachelorette party to tell me she was leaving me for the stripper. In fact,” Steve said, looking at his watch for some reason, “Diana and her exotic dancer have probably been married for about four days now.” Billy did the math and his eyes widened.
“You let your fiancee use the wedding the two of you planned…to marry someone else?”
“Yes,” Steve said, “but I drew the line at letting them go on the honeymoon. I planned it, so I get to enjoy it.”
“With Robin.”
“Yep,” Steve said with a grin. Then he held up one half of a little gold heart, from where it was hanging on a chain around his neck. “We’re best bitches,” he said.
“I’m sure you are,” Billy said with a laugh. Then he shook his head. “You’re still way too fucking nice. It’s good to know that some things haven’t changed since high school.” Steve shrugged. 
“It was mostly just practical,” he said, flopping back and staring up at the sky. “It was definitely too late to get our deposits back, so when she asked if she could still use the venue and the caterer, it felt dumb to say no.”
“Yeah,” Billy said, nodding sarcastically, “why inconvenience someone who completely fucked you over?” Steve just hummed in response, and Billy watched him watch the sky for a long moment. Eventually, Billy flopped down on his back next to Steve and stared up at the stars. Steve held out the water bottle, and Billy took a long swig. He was a little surprised to taste dark rum. 
“How long have you been in Cancun?” Steve asked. Billy shrugged. 
“A few months.”
“Where were you before that?”
“Grand Cayman,” Billy said, and Steve looked over, eyebrows high. “I go where there are scuba instructor jobs,” he explained. And then he left again, right around the time whoever he was fucking started dropping hints about taking their relationship to the next level. But Steve didn’t need to know that part. Next to him, Steve sighed. 
“That sounds so cool,” he said a little wistfully. And it was. Although it had been a little cooler a couple of years ago, before freedom started to feel just the tiniest bit like loneliness. 
“What about you?” Billy asked. “What have you been up to? Aside from…you know.”
“Getting dumped?” Steve asked. “Well, I also lost my job.”
“Holy shit,” Billy breathed, and Steve actually grinned over at him. 
“Two weeks ago, I showed up to our annual fundraising gala with a dude I picked up at a bar the night before, and we may have done some light pre-partying. My father was not amused, and he told me not to bother coming in anymore.” Billy stared, but Steve’s amusement seemed real. 
“Well, you’re not sobbing into a cocktail that comes in half a coconut on one of the shitty tourist beaches, so you seem to be handling it fairly well,” he said. Steve huffed a laugh. 
“Yeah,” he said. “It’s stupid, because my whole damn life imploded in the last month, and I definitely should have been devastated, but you know what I felt instead?” Billy shook his head. “Relief,” Steve said. “I was relieved when Diana broke it off, and I was maybe even more relieved when my dad told me not to come back to work anymore.” He looked back up at the sky. “Now I just have to figure out what comes next.”
It was stupid—Billy knew it was. He hadn’t seen Steve Harrington in six years, and it wasn’t like they had even really had a chance to become friends before Billy bailed on Hawkins the second the doctors told him he could. But one of Billy’s biggest regrets, one of the missed opportunities he had thought he was going to look back on with disappointment until the day he died, was lying next to him on a beach in Mexico, and he just wasn’t the kind of person who missed an opportunity twice. 
“You could stay here,” he blurted out before he thought too hard about it. Steve choked on a big sip of rum. 
“What?” he asked, once he was sitting up and had the coughing back under control. Billy shrugged. 
“You could stay here,” he said again. 
“Just stay in Mexico,” Steve said skeptically. “And do what?” Billy couldn’t resist. He shot Steve a suggestive smile. 
“The hot new scuba instructor, obviously,” he said. He sat up and leaned in slowly enough to give Steve plenty of time to pull back, or put a hand up to stop him. Steve didn’t do either of those things, and he was just as good a kisser as Billy had always assumed he’d be, based on the stories about him. 
“Well,” said Steve when they broke the kiss to breathe, “it’s good to know that some things have changed since high school.”
“Less than you’d think,” Billy murmured. “Does that mean you’ll stay?”
“Maybe,” Steve said with a grin. “I feel like I should save that decision for when I’ve had a little less rum. Besides, I’m here for another two and a half weeks. I’ve got time to think it over.” Billy grinned and leaned back in for a second kiss. He had never expected to get another shot at Steve Harrington, but now that he had it, he sure as hell wasn’t going to waste it. And with two and a half weeks to work with? Well. He was going to make damn sure that Steve’s best bitch got on that return flight all by herself.  
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ohdearhiddles · 4 years
SUMMARY: You and Tom liked each other in the past but never shared your feelings with each other. After a bad breakup, Tom asks you to dance with him to cheer you up, leading into something much more than just a simple dance.
TITLE: Dance With Me
AUTHOR NOTES/WARNINGS: steamy make-out session(ish) and kinda fluffy... i’m not that good at warnings. anyway there wasn’t a request other than a deep burning need to write this out oops!!
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“Dance with me,” Tom said, holding his hand out for you to take. A goofy grin was on his face, showing that he was not only quite serious about dancing, but also quite serious about making sure you had fun while it happened. Without a second thought, you let him pull you close to him, dancing along to the soft melody of “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers.
As you swayed with the opening rhythm, you felt every worry in your mind disappear. Tom and you had been friends for a short while, and you couldn’t deny that you didn’t feel something towards him that was much more than friendship. Even knowing this, you knew you couldn’t make a move; the moment had passed for you to even think about making one. 
I’ve hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time
Your head was resting on his chest as he softly hummed along to the music. If you hadn’t been in a relationship when the two of you had met, would it have been different? Would you be seen as more than just another friend? You didn’t bother giving yourself the hope; in times like this it’s just better to let it go. The music continued as did your rampant thoughts, but Tom’s voice slowly brought you back to the land of reality. 
“What are you thinking about?”
You could feel the soft vibrations of his voice as he spoke, it was like the most gentle alarm clock to wake you from a daydream. 
I need your love,
I need your love
He waited patiently for your response, arms still wrapped around your waist. You shook your head, not daring to speak. If you answered, it would start a conversation. Quite frankly, as much as you loved listening to Tom talk, you wanted to savor this moment for as long as you could before the 3 minute song ended.
Tom didn’t press you any further, but you were sure he’d ask again later. He’d always been the curious type, especially when you were unusually quiet. Minutes passed too quickly for your liking, the last verse of the song playing through the speaker sitting on your kitchen counter. The lights in your living were dim and you could not have been more thankful for the shadows Tom cast above you, shielding your face from his view.
Time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?
“Y/N,” you heard him whisper your name. His voice was so soft you would have never heard it if it wasn’t for the song coming to a close. Your {Y/E/C} eyes met his blue ones, and you suddenly realized how close his face was. Tom didn’t say anything else; in fact, it was better that he didn’t.
As silence filled the room, his hands reached up from their spot on your waist to cradle your face as he pulled you into a hesitant kiss. His lips were soft against yours, and before you had time to register what was happening, he had pulled away.
“I’m sorry,” he said, taking a step back.
‘No, don’t apologize. Come back,’ you thought, but no words left your mouth.
Tom’s eyes searched yours for any reaction, anything that told him that you didn’t hate what he had just done. What he found must not have been what he was searching for because he cleared his throat and turned away from you to walk towards his things.
“Where are you going?” You asked, watching as he grabbed his coat off the back of the couch.
“Home,” he responded. As he walked towards the front door, he explained, “I shouldn’t have done that, Y/N, I apologize. You’ve just gone through a break up and here I was thinking that now I might have a chance. I took advantage of my position as your friend. I shouldn’t be here. You deserve better than that.”
Your body began to move on its own as he bent down to grab his shoes. Before he could even slip the first one onto his foot, your hand was wrapped around his wrist, pulling him away from the threshold. 
“Don’t go,” your own voice was quiet, scared of the feelings building up inside of you. His eyes traveled from your lips to where your hands held onto him as if your life depended on it. You watched as his jaw clenched, his mind probably trying to fully grasp the situation. 
You couldn’t blame him for taking a second to think; you understood the feeling. You still couldn’t believe your dearest friend and long-time crush had just kissed you and then apologized for it as if you hadn’t been dreaming of that moment since you met a few years ago. Hell, you dreamt about it so much, your own (ex)boyfriend began to realize that he couldn’t compare to someone who could brighten up your day just by existing.
Tom’s free hand began to pry your fingers from around his wrist. His eyes never left yours as he began taking hesitant steps towards you until he had you pressed up against the wall.
“If I stay,” he began, his face growing closer with every heartbeat. “I’m not certain you’ll be able to make me leave if you change your mind.”
Your hands fumbled with the collar of his shirt, Tom’s gaze getting a little too intense for you to handle. If he kept looking at you like that, you’d collapse into a heap of skin and bones right in front of him. It wasn’t fair how just eye contact with this man was already too much for you to take. You still hadn’t spoken when you felt his nose brush yours only a few centimeters from connecting.
“If you don’t want it, push me away.” His words sent shivers down your spine, your knees weak already. He didn’t even give you a fraction of a second to do so if you had wanted to.
This time the kiss wasn’t hesitant. No, this time, the kiss was filled with years of pent up emotions and a desperation to make up for every second of lost time. You could feel the warmth of his body as he drew even closer, one hand pulling you in by your hips and the other pulling your face up to his. Your hands grasped the fabric of his shirt, making sure the man stood in front of you wouldn’t have a chance to escape even if he tried.
Your eyes fell shut as his lips began to move against yours, his tongue sliding in to meet yours. As the battle of dominance in the kiss took place, you felt Tom’s hands slide down to the sides of your upper thighs, squeezing lightly. It may or may not have been a sign to take action, but you were too invested in the feelings consuming you that you didn’t think twice to lift your legs for him to grab. His body pressed against yours, leaving absolutely no space between the two of you as he held you in place. A guttural moan emitted from him, a reason to believe that he was enjoying this as thoroughly as you were.
You were the first to pull away, trying to catch your breath. Tom, however, didn’t stop his passionate attack. You could feel his hot breath on you as his lips trailed over your jaw and stopped to leave a trail of kisses from the top of your neck down to the spot right above your breasts. You opened your eyes to see the top of Tom’s head as he pushed the two of you off the wall, walking slowly over towards the sofa. As he sat down, leaving you to straddle his hips, his teeth grazed your collarbone. His eyes met yours once again, his signature smile reaching his eyes. You leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips, taking his bottom lip between your teeth as you pulled away.
For a second, his eyes followed yours as if testing to see how you felt about what was happening. As he attempted to analyze your body language, your fingers played with the hem of his shirt, tugging slightly. You heard a soft chuckle before he reached down to slip his shirt off.
“Is this what you wanted?” He asked, that beautiful smile still on his lips.
“Which part? The part where I’m on top of you or the part where you’re shirtless? Because I wanted both.” You retorted quickly before closing your eyes with an embarrassed grin on your face. The response only earned a melodic laugh from Tom, his eyes playful when you opened yours to steal a glance. It was at that moment that you realized that he said that he wanted a chance with you earlier. He wanted you to give him exactly what you had wanted to be given for the last few years: a chance. You suddenly became extremely aware of his hands underneath your shirt, caressing the skin at the small of your back.
His smile fell as he looked down at the position between the two of you. Part of you wanted to know what was going through his mind to make such a sad expression appear on his face. What had he thought of?
“Is that all you wanted, Y/N?” He questioned, his eyes glistening with the hope of a child wanting their parent to buy them a new toy. Suddenly, you understood. Tom was making sure. He was testing the waters, ensuring that what you wanted was exactly the same as his. 
“Or is this all you wanted?” One of his hands motioned to the minimal amount of space between you two. Tom was certainly one of the kindest men you had ever met, and it hurt you to know that he believed that after the past few years of friendship all you wanted was a chance to get into his pants.
Quickly, you moved to sit next to him, your hands wrapping around his wrist to pull him with you. It took a couple seconds for him to realize that you wanted him to lay with you. You smiled up at him as the two of you laid on the sofa facing one another. It was clear that he was fairly confused about your lack of response, but after a moment or two, his hand was placed on your hip where his thumb gently brushed along the revealed skin.
“Tom,” you said, and he hummed in response. He wasn’t meeting your eyes for once. “Did you think we were going to have sex tonight? Is that what you wanted?”
This caught his immediate attention. Tom’s mouth opened in protest, but before he could get a single word in, you cut him off.
“At least take me to dinner first,” you murmured.
He shut his mouth at what you said, the happy look on his face slowly returning. 
“That I can do.” Tom spoke through his giddy smile. “This weekend? Your favorite restaurant?”
It was your turn to smile at him. Honestly, it took very little to please this man, and it never ceased to amaze you how quickly he could do a 180.
“It’s a date, then.” You spoke quickly, standing from your spot on the sofa. Tom seemed to groan at the loss of physical contact, or maybe it was because your apartment suddenly felt so much colder after being so heated. Spotting the blue top on the floor, you reached down to pick it up before tossing it back to its rightful owner. 
“Now put your top on and dance with me,” you spoke, sauntering back towards the speaker to turn on a new song. Tom’s arms snaked around your waist just as you turned the power back on the small device as he whispered hotly into your ear, “Gladly, my love.”
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