#i feel awful but hey at least this blurb is cool
caregivingchrysalises · 5 months
hi my little dove, awe angel are we feeling icky hun? can you tell buba where it hurts love? a headache, awe dewdrop it’s okay, i know it hurts baby, is there anything buba can do to make things better? i’m going to dim the lights a bit is that alright love? there we go,, much better~ would you like head scratches? i can also bring a bottle/sippy with something cold if you’d like? there’s no pressure to make any decisions now hun, whatever will make my darling happy i’m happy to do angel. you’re never a burden baby, i promise. you’re not being a bother for needing help and wanting someone to look after you while you’re hurting, that’s what i’m here for~ for the good and the icky, i’ll take care of you through it all sweetheart,, now do you want to try and get some rest with me love? the moon and i agree rest will do us all some good sprout.
goodnight angel, rest well
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chubbyreaderchan · 2 years
We Aren’t A Joke | Poly!Lost Boys x Plus Size! G/N Reader
Warnings: Fatshaming, self-hatred, touchy vampires, nothing else. They/them pronouns but can be read as any gender really, no editing,  
A/N: This might end up being its own little thing because there’s more I want to write but this just needed out of my head. I think I want to have blurbs with this reader and the boys and such. 
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The boardwalk was practically empty. The holiday season had passed and the lull between Christmas and spring break was in full swing. David was in an almost trancelike state, staring at no one, in particular, his belly was warm and full from the hunt the night before. Truly, a night of relative quiet for the rowdy bikers.
David tossed his cigarette over the side of the pier into the water below, he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Paul.
“Holy shit,”
David looked at Paul and then in the direction he was staring, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. The cool wind picked up just then and he had to hold back an animalistic groan at the smell that washed over him.
Hell, he could practically feel all of his mates grumbling at the smell. David hadn’t realized he’d shut his crystal blue eyes until they fluttered back open to see what he knew was the next member of their little family.
He wanted them. He wanted them… now.
They hadn’t even looked at him and his boys, their plump little future mate was enticed by a table of trinkets. David couldn’t resist raking over their sexy body, taking in each soft curve and dip. Cute. Very cute. They were in a thick sweater, one much too big on them which was only slightly disappointing for David, hugely disappointing for Paul who was practically bouncing to get to them.
In fact, David watched as Paul bounded over like a golden retriever.
“Hey, sugar,” he said into their ear. “You all alone tonight?”
They backed up in surprise and glanced behind Paul at the other boys who were watching in love-sick awe. David could hear their heart race.
“I’m not interested,” they said quickly.
Paul looked like he was gut punched.
“Aw, come on babe. We can go for a ride. Get something to eat,” He almost sang out.
David had a feeling he should have been the first one to talk to their mate, not Paul. David and the other boys began to close in on the two.
“I just don’t want to be a part of… whatever this is… joke… dare…. Whatever.”
“Joke,” David seethed. “You think we’re a joke,”
They bit their lip. “Not necessarily you. I’m the butt of the joke here,”
Dwayne looked at them, thinking. He had a bad feeling about this whole situation, and he could feel the radiation of rage off of Marko. All of them would fight for any of their mates, but Marko was always the first to jump in. Swing fists and fangs and ask questions later.
“We just want to get to know you, sugar. You are just… irresistible,” Paul smiled. “At least tell us your name?”
Despite their better judgment and past experience in these situations, they gave in.
“I’m…(Y/n),” they said awkwardly. “And I don’t want to be part of the ‘dare the friend to ask out the fat person’ game,”
They were getting frustrated; they could feel their usual reaction starting to build. They could all feel it. David moved, pushing Paul back and running a leather-clad hand over their plush cheek. His blue eyes felt like they were reaching inside their soul.
“Sweetheart,” he said, leaning into their ear. “I promise we aren’t going to hurt you,”
His breath was cold, or perhaps the night chill got to them. They tucked their hands around their middle, trying to shield themselves from the cool Santa Carla wind.
“Come on, princex,” David encouraged.
He had them, he just needed to pull them in.
“I-I don’t even know you,” they said with a soft sigh.
They pulled back from David’s grasp, causing him to growl slightly. He didn’t like that. Not at all, even if it’s just from some silly human insecurity. They belonged to him and his boys, they were going to keep them if he had to drag them back to the cave by force.
“I’m Dwayne,” spoke the quietest. “That is David. Marko. And Paul. We promise we aren’t going to hurt you, princex,”
His words were so sincere. The way he looked at them made their heart flutter.
They sighed, defeated. Marko smiled approaching them and throwing an arm around them in whatever way he could reach. His fingers pressed into their soft flesh and he wanted to die at the softness. Hell, he would die for their softness, and he barely knew them.
“Dove, we are going to keep you safe,” the cherub said.
“I’m sorry, but how often do four very beautiful men come up to a fat person and really want to be around them… in any capacity? I don’t want to be abandoned in some parking lot in the middle of nowhere just because it’s funny to mess with ‘piggy’” they air quoted.
“The fuck?” Paul said loudly.
“Yeah, what the actual fuck. Who did that?” Marko was gripped onto them tighter, almost bruising the soft flesh.
David snaked his arm around them nudging a silently protesting Marko away. They began to walk, their human in the middle as they flanked them.
“Why don’t we go for a ride, kitten? I’ll prove that we want nothing but the best for you, sweetheart,” David promised. “You’ll ride with me,”
“Ride?” they were in front of four motorcycles that seemed to reflect each boy’s personality. “Oh, I’ve never--,”
A gentle pinch at their ribs caused them to squeak adorably, Marko walked around them with a smirk.
“Don’t worry, it’s fun.” The smallest of the group said.
He had a devilish grin that (Y/n) couldn’t help but find heart-meltingly cute. Without warning, David wrapped his arms around their middle, as if they had been dating for years and it was the most natural thing.
“I promise to keep you safe, just trust me,”
The scruff of his facial hair rubbed against their tender skin, and they could have sworn the bleach blonde took in a deep breath of their scent.
David mounted his bike and held out his hand to help them onto the back of his. Once on, he grabbed their hands and forced them to press directly against his back wrapping their arms firmly around his middle.
They just felt… right.
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imogenkol · 2 years
i bring u a silly lil idea in time for valentine's day but... 'forehead against forehead'' + raleigh and marisol 🙊 let them have a moment...
this was such a cute idea, thanks for letting me borrow your sweet girl for an adorable lil blurb, AJ!!! 💕💕💕
Raleigh took a long drag from their cigarette and watched the smoke dissipate into the cool evening air. The muffled music in the distance seemed to mock them, but they still couldn’t stop the rhythmic tapping of their foot in time with the beat. They missed the stereo they used to have in Ohio before it got stolen and tainted by the most god awful patriotic country tunes. Why some of the assholes in their old group felt so attached to a country that didn’t really exist anymore annoyed them more than getting constantly robbed by their own people.
Laughter from the party reached Raleigh’s ears. They leaned back against the bench and chewed on the inside of their cheek – probably a little too hard. A part of them thought that it couldn’t hurt to at least check it out, but they knew better. It was enough to simply enjoy some peace with a cigarette that hadn’t been sitting in an abandoned gas station for two decades. 
As they took another puff, Marisol came walking by. She didn’t notice Raleigh at first, she was far too enamored with whatever she had cradled in her arms. Raleigh couldn’t quite make out what. 
They quickly blew out the smoke and whistled at the girl. “Hey, whatcha got there?”
Marisol startled slightly, but as soon as she saw Raleigh, her face lit up. “Oh, hey, Raleigh! This is Cheddar.” She turned enough for Raleigh to see a small, furry little creature curled against the crook of her elbow. “She’s my friend.”
“Your friend? Jesus, it really is slim pickings out here. Morgan is friends with her stupid horse and your friends with a stupid rat.” Raleigh didn’t intend for that last sentence to sound so harsh. They tried to brush it off with a laugh, but it only made them feel like even more of an asshole. 
Surprisingly, Marisol seemed unfazed. She happily sat right next to them on the bench. “Cheddar is actually pretty smart. And I wouldn’t exactly say it’s slim pickings.” 
They nodded. “Yeah, I know.”
“You wanna hold her?”
Raleigh suspiciously eyed the animal that Marisol offered. It wiggled a bit in her hands, but her grip was gentle enough that it didn’t look uncomfortable. “It’s not gonna bite me?”
“Nope,” she confirmed cheerfully. 
They tossed their cigarette into the dirt and tentatively accepted the rat. Cheddar started to crawl along Raleigh’s forearms, searching for a comfortable spot to hide. The sensation of her tiny feet grasping onto their clothes for purchase made them giggle. Then Raleigh anxiously glanced up at the sky, worried that a hawk might swoop down and snatch the damn thing right out of their grasp. That would just be their luck. 
Marisol also laughed. “She likes you.”
They kinda liked the little rodent, too. “Maybe we’re kindred spirits or something.” 
“I can see that,” she said, leaning into them. “Are you going to the party?”
“Nah, nobody wants me there,” Raleigh replied with a dismissive shrug.
Marisol’s features scrunched up in concern. “Who said that?”
“Well…” They kept their eyes on Cheddar and scratched her head between her small ears with the tip of their finger. “No one. But I can just tell, you know?” 
Marisol watched for a moment as Raleigh stared down at their new pocket-sized buddy to avoid her gaze. She bumped her shoulder encouragingly into them. “Even if that were true, which it isn’t, I’d want you there.”
A bashful smile slowly came across Raleigh’s face and they turned to look at Marisol. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She laced her arm through theirs and leaned in until her forehead gently rested against Raleigh’s. “You wanna go with me?”
Raleigh’s heart felt like it might burst out of their chest as their smile grew wider. “Maybe that wouldn’t suck.”
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ageofnations · 2 years
When the Night is Over // jtk
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Summary: You meet Jake at a local bar after attending one of his shows. The beautifully talented musician is much more bashful than he lets on.
(Short blurb based on this request by @welightthefire <3 Thanks so much, I hope you like it!)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol (obviously lmao)
He wondered how his brothers could have so much energy after a performance as electric as the one they had just completed. It was the second to last night of the tour, a Friday night, and they all wanted to enjoy the bittersweet moments just a little longer. What was supposed to be sitting down for a “quick drink” turned into Sam’s and Josh’s voices reverberating against the walls of the karaoke bar.
Jake at least hoped Danny would be on his side and try to wrangle the two. He practically begged him to explain to them that “One more song” should actually mean only one more song, considering they had their last show the next night, but he was gravely disappointed. Danny was egging them on and recording videos of the pair with an amused smile.
Jake was exhausted. He was glad to have the rest of the night out, but he just couldn’t bring himself to be up and boisterous like the others. He sat at the end of the bar, drumming his fingers against the old-fashioned he had been sipping on all night.
You were at the bar with some friends after the concert, making the most of the weekend road trip with one another to see your favorite band. You saw them from the moment they stepped into the bar, and you especially couldn’t ignore the duet taking place on the mini-stage for karaoke nights. You saw Jake sit down, alone, at the bar as soon as he made it through the door, but you had to go through some major convincing to actually walk over to him.
“I think we have to at this point,” one of your friends had said. “It feels like it would be, I don’t know, bad luck if we didn’t at least get a picture.”
“He looks tired, though. What if he’s trying to relax after the concert?” You argued.
The other friend that accompanied you rolled her eyes at your hesitation. “Then they would go home, Y/N. He’s probably just trying to play it cool. Come on, it’s just a picture.”
And that was all it took, they had grabbed your wrists and practically dragged you along with them across the bar. You all were giggling like little schoolchildren, but yours was mainly to mask the nervousness flowing through your veins. You were excited, but as you grew closer and closer, the realization of it all was starting to sink in. You were about to meet one of your favorite musicians, if not your absolute favorite, of all time.
Which is exactly why they pushed you to the front at the very last second, causing you to basically stumble over yourself as you were feet away from Jake. He had his back to you, thankfully, but the commotion behind him made him turn his head slightly.
You shot a death glare to the group behind you before straightening up and putting on the friendliest, most confident smile ever.
“Hey, I am so sorry to bother you, but can we get a picture? We are huge fans,” you start. The excitement was threatening to swell into an overwhelming feeling of awe as he fully turned to face you, but you swallowed the bubbling emotions down.
His signature smile was infectious as he greeted you all. “Yeah, absolutely,” his low and husky tone did very little to calm you. You were well acquainted with how his voice sounded from all of the videos you had seen of him, but it felt much more sentimental now that he was talking to you specifically.
You grabbed your phone from your back pocket while one of your friends recruited a stranger to take a group picture. You asked if he was willing to take a picture with each of you individually, to which he agreed, and you silently prayed he wasn’t already too annoyed by you all.
You were the last to take a picture with him. It went by incredibly fast, but you tried to drink in every detail of the interaction as you could, afraid you’d miss something. He was leaning into you. His arm was wrapped tightly around your back to your waist, and his hand gripped your hip firmly. There was a distinct scent to him, and it was amplified by the lack of distance between you.
After the pictures were taken, he unwrapped from you, making you feel a slight chill where his arm had previously been placed. He reached out to give each of you a tight hug - once again leaving you to receive yours last - as you all showed your gratitude to his kindness. Once he pulled away, you heard the familiar notes of Light My Love over the speakers.
You all glanced to the stage to see Josh and Sam, still very much drunk, leaning against one another as they prepared for their next round of karaoke. You noticed Jake shake his head and let out a breath of a laugh. Your friends squealed and ran to get closer to the stage as if they were about to witness an encore of the concert you had just come from.
You weren’t too interested in seeing the two men mumble through the words of their own song, so you decided to stay in place and watch from afar.
“So are you guys from around here?” Jake asked. You were pleasantly surprised that he would still go out of his way to carry a conversation with a fan, but you assumed it was just to pass the time.
“No, we’re just in town to see you guys actually. You guys killed it by the way. Best concert experience I’ve ever had, seriously.”
“Yeah? Well, thank you,” Jake couldn’t bite back the smile from the compliment. He hadn’t felt too confident about the night’s performance, so hearing that someone had enjoyed it filled him with pride.
“What was that one riff? Was it new?”
Even though your question was vague, he knew exactly which "riff" you were talking about. It was an accident, a mistake that even made his twin glance over at him uncertainly. He tried to cover it up with some improv chords, but he didn’t want the rest of the crowd to know it was completely unintentional. “Yeah…” He lied, hoping his grin hid the falsehoods he was speaking. “Yeah, it was. You liked it?”
“Absolutely! If I don’t hear it on the next release, I’ll be quite upset with you guys.” You nudged his arm to poke fun at him.
He chuckled. “I can’t make any promises, but I’ll-” He glanced at his brothers swaying on stage before looking back at you. “I’ll see what I can do.”
He seemed much more bashful in person than you would have imagined. On stage, he was like a God. Confident without being too cocky. Approachable but still very intimidating. But right now, he just seemed like any other person that you could get along with. His eyes were softer as you looked into them, and his cheeks were glowing pink.
“Oh and the outfits!” You let yourself ramble. “Absolutely gorgeous. Yours are always my favorites, but this one absolutely took the cake.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. “What do you want, an autograph or something?”
“No, I’m serious! You look amazing!” You giggle, soon realizing that you had referred to his present appearance rather than how he looked while performing. Freudian slip, you thought. You silently hoped that he didn’t hear it, or think about it too much. He probably hears that stuff all the time, right?
“Well thank you-” he paused, realizing he hadn’t even asked for your name.
“Y/N,” you held a hand out to him as a friendly introduction. He hesitated before shaking it. His hand was slightly clammy, and you thought you saw a slight quiver in it before interlocking with yours. He didn’t pull away immediately like you imagined he would, rather choosing to relish in the softness of your skin.
“It’s nice to meet you-”
“Y/N!” You heard one of your friends shout at you. The duo was approaching you swiftly, one more upright and conscious than the other. You could tell they were both considerably drunk, but one was leaning against the other, indicating it was time to go home.
“Looks like I’m back on duty,” you joked with Jake. “I should probably get them home.”
“It was really nice meeting you. Thanks for the pictures and good conversation,” you said with a smile, which he returned.
As your friends approached, you situated them in front of you to keep a hand on their backs for stability. “I’ll see you at tomorrow’s show!” You called behind you to let your friends lead the way, making sure they didn’t get distracted on the trek outside.
He was a little breathless as he watched you leave the bar. He replayed every sound of your voice, every laugh you’d let out during the interaction. It wasn’t until the door closed behind you that he was able to respond.
“I hope to see you, too.”
WHY do I want to write a Part 2 to this...anyways thanks for reading! Again, sorry for the delay! (update i did a part 2)
jake taglist: @fireandsaltydogs @teenagesublimefan @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @weightofdreamz @gretavanflowerpower @gretavancreep @joshkiszkas @streamsofstardust @kdarling1 @gretavanflipflop @stardustingold @tripthelight-fanfic @gmolszewski @loofypoofy @the-chaotic-cow @hippievanfleet @doodle417 @gretavanfleas @myownparadise96 @stardustdanny
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dadsbongos · 3 years
airhead reader @ the exchange
Warnings: fem reader Summary: airhead reader blurbs for the exchange event :) Word Count: 2.1 K ~~~
"I just feel bad that all I can do is carry the money…" you huff, handing Megumi coins for the vending machine.
"You make a great coin purse, if that helps at all," Nobara pats your head.
"Aw, you think so?"
"Definitely. I should bring you next time I go shopping."
Just as you'd begun feeling better about your broken arm, Mai and Todo arrive. And as if Mai's insulting rant against Yuji wasn't enough to make you hate Kyoto, Todo opens his mouth.
"Fushiguro, was it?" Megumi braces himself for whatever Todo has to hit him with, "What kind of woman is your type? If you prefer men, that works, too."
"Huh?" you tilt your head as Nobara and Megumi do.
"Depending on your answer, I'll beat you half to death right here," he rips off his shirt - ew - as he speaks, "and drag Okkotsu, or at least the third-years, out to the exchange event," he lowers into a fighting stance, "By the way, my type is a tall woman with a big ass!"
"Ick," you gag, "I hope you don't think that was a cool intro…"
Megumi quirks a brow, "Why do I have to talk about my taste in women with a guy I just met?"
"He's right. That's a tall hurdle for an antisocial guy," Nobara points at Megumi.
You toss your uninjured arm over the boy's shoulders, "He can't even order his own food, what makes you think he'll talk about that?"
"You two be quiet," he groans, "This is confusing enough already. You'll just make it more complicated."
Todo continues to talk - something about fetishes - while you turn your attention to Megumi's hair. Running your fingers through it and smiling at how soft it is.
Megumi would rather avoid confrontation while Nobara and you are unarmed. Figurative and literal, respectively. So, he supposes that he should give up and fork over an answer. Hope it suffices.
But then, he's never really thought about what type of person attracts him most.
Your fingers are still in his hair though, and that's enough to calm him down to think. You're enough to calm him.
His brows furrow, thoughts circling back to you every time he tries thinking of an answer. Suddenly, it hits him like bricks to drywall.
Megumi walks in on you writing on sticky notes. He leans over to see that each one has a compliment and a flower drawn on it. Each flower is different.
"What're you doing?"
"Ah!" you jump and cover the notes, "Hey! You weren't supposed to see these!"
"I figured," he muses, sitting beside you at the table and picking up a note, "'Your summer coat is coming in nicely, but you always look great, Panda.'"
"Uh, yeah," you smile nervously, uncovering the notes, "I don't know. I wanted to do something nice, ya know? And what's nicer than a compliment and a pretty flower?" you take a note and hand it to him, "You weren't supposed to get it until tomorrow, but here."
"'You look scary at first'," he pauses to glare at you, "Wow. Thanks."
"Aw, no! Keep reading, keep reading!"
He sighs but compiles nonetheless, "'You look scary at first, but then you're a secret sweetheart. I'm glad we met, 'gumi.'"
"Turn it over!"
He does so and his brows raise in surprise, "'You're my best friend. Dunno what I’d do without you now that I know you. I love you.'"
"Sappy!" you toss your hand out and pat where Megumi's heart is, "But it's true. I love you, 'gumi. Don't forget that."
He nods and tucks the note into his pocket, taking your hand from his chest and holding it. He looks out at the other notes. Each one is different. But each one is also very, dearly special.
"Thanks," he feels anxious now, and he can't explain why, "You're my best friend and I love you, too."
"Woo-hoo! 'Gumi loves me!"
"I don't have a particular preference," he barely snaps his eyes from you to Todo before you notice him staring - though it's apparent Todo does, "As long as she has a good heart and unshakable character, I won't ask for more."
"Aww," you coo, head leaning against his shoulder, "how sweet!"
Nobara nods, "Not a bad answer. If you had said something like 'big boobs', I'd have killed you."
"Shut up…"
"I knew it. You're boring, Fushiguro."
"Hey, don't talk to or about him like that!" you huff.
Megumi will have to apologize for shoving you later, but he doubts you'll be incredibly upset that he saved you from being close-lined by Todo alongside him. As long as you didn't land on your broken arm, which a quick glance confirms that you didn't. Good.
He shakes his head, he should be focusing on the man in front of him.
But when it comes to you, he can't help but to be distracted. He both loves and hates this power you have over him.
“Itadori…!” you’re sobbing into the boy’s uniform, clinging onto him with your uninjured arm, “I missed you!”
“I missed you, too!” Yuji’s eyes have also filled with tears as he returns your tight embrace, “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you guys I was alive sooner!”
You sniffle and wipe at your eyes before burying your face into his chest, “You had a reason. I’m not mad.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re not,” he mutters, shivering under the cold stare of Megumi and Nobara.
“Aw, don’t mind them,” you giggle, “They’ll forgive you.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because we all love you, Itadori. No way we could stay mad at you.”
“Shouldn’t you be out there for the exchange?” there’s a woman with a large scar over the side of her face pointing at you as you stand at the back of the room.
You look around for Gojo and see that he hasn’t arrived yet, and now all the other older, intimidating sorcerers are staring at you.
“Uhhh,” you lift your casted arm and gesture to it, “Ow.”
Utahime, you think her name was, sighs, “I didn’t know Gojo was dumbing his students down…”
It’s stuffy as the people in the room continue staring at you, as if expecting some form of a coherent answer. You don’t even know the names of these people, with the potential exception of Utahime.
“Uhm,” you scratch the back of your neck, “I broke my arm,” you gesture to the cast once again, “on a mission that my friends and I went on to exercise a special grade. Itadori died. But he’s back now! So that’s cool…” you smile and nod, “Gojo-sensei said I probably shouldn’t participate in the exchange, though, which is a bummer. But it could be worse, Itadori could still be dead.”
“Perfect explanation!” Gojo suddenly appears in the doorway and pats your shoulder before turning to stare at an elderly man that you vaguely recognize, “Wouldn’t you say?”
Without waiting for an answer, Gojo begins to shuffle you further into the room and toward a seat before taking the one beside you.
You look up at the screens displaying the event, everyone seems to be holding their own. Thankfully.
But then, it isn’t everyone you see, is it?
Your brows furrow and you lean over to your teacher, “Was Itadori kept out, too?”
Gojo’s lips thread upward, but this grin of his is different. It feels disingenuous, nearly plastic, as he shakes his head, “He sure wasn’t, kid.”
"Gojo-sensei…" you stare up at the dome, wide-eyed in horror, "Please, let me help! My friends are in there."
Gojo shakes his head, "You couldn't even participate in the exchange because of that broken arm. I can't let you go in there now."
"But…" it feels like the faces of your friends are staring at you, waiting for you to help. Waiting and watching and being disappointed in your lack of action, "I… I can't just do nothing. Please, sensei, I can't sit here while they're fighting!"
He understands the feeling. Nobara, Yuji, Panda, Toge, Maki. Megumi. You want to help them.
You have to help them.
Yes, he understands completely, but he can't let you in.
Because if you do, you'll just end up more injured than you are now. He can't let you go in, no matter how much he knows it pains you to sit around.
Gojo lays a hand atop your head and grins, "Don't worry about them, your greatest and strongest teacher won't stop until they're out. Besides, they can defend themselves, they're strong, right?"
You know that, but the faces won't go away. They're urging. You should be in there. They need you in there.
"Hey, after this is all over, I'll treat you kids to something nice. On me."
It doesn't make you feel better, but it's all you can hold onto.
"We just got Itadori back…" your head lowers, as if in shame, "I don't want to lose him again."
Gojo leaves you at the entrance.
You feel so useless with this broken arm, as if you weren’t guilty enough not being able to compete in the exchange.
"I'm sorry, Maki…"
"Don't pout over what you can't control. We'll just have to train you harder for next time, got it?"
"Got it!"
You wait at the base of the dome, staring into it. Trying to see in. The hand on your non-injured arm clenched as you're left to ponder. What if they die in there? All you can do is sit here. Waiting. Hoping.
"Promise you'll do your best?"
"Obviously, I'm gonna win!"
"Ah, Kugisaki… I didn't wanna place all that pressure by making you promise to win. Really, don't promise that or else you might- "
"Don't even consider us losing. You know we're better than that, don't you?"
"Uh- right! My bad! You guys'll totally mop the floor with Kyoto!"
You press your hand into the dome. So close. And yet, you know that with no experience or training with this broken arm - you'd be more trouble than help for the others if you went in. So far. So distant. It isn't fair.
"I'll save the good cough drops for when you get back, okay?"
Then, you see it. The dome is falling and Gojo stands above it all.
You can hear your name being called from ahead. Panda is running towards you with two people in his hold.
You stumble as you rush forward to be at Panda's side.
"Oh God…" they both appear to be unconscious and Megumi has flora poking from his stomach, "Oh… God!"
"Everything will be alright," Panda sounds so calm, but there's a twitch in his face that betrays it all, "Neither of their injuries are fatal."
When Megumi wakes up, you're sitting beside his bed with a pizza box in your grasp. You smile and open it, "I thought you'd be hungry! But… it's kinda cold now."
He watches you place the opened box over his lap, "How long were you holding onto that?"
"Few hours," you shrug, "but it was in the fridge, so don't worry! You started groaning and scrunching your face ten minutes ago so I knew you'd be getting up soon."
Yuji and Nobara rush into the room shortly after.
"We were so worried!" Yuji takes Megumi by the shoulders.
"Idiot, don't be so rough, he's still healing!" Nobara punches Yuji in the shoulder as she shouts.
You grin at the scene, knowing that your friends are okay.
"Maki… you're already out of bed? But you and 'gumi were pretty hurt. Shouldn't you rest more?"
"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I can't afford to rest yet when there's a chance the exchange might still go on."
Even if you couldn't help them.
"Ah, man," you whine from between Panda and Megumi, "I wanna play, too! No fair!"
Megumi pats your shoulder, "Next year, maybe."
"But we won't be playing baseball next year… it'll be back to individual fights and I'll get my ass kicked!" you lean forward, nearly hanging off the bench, and Megumi has to pick you up to sit straight, "I bet it'll be Todo, too, right after he calls my taste in partners boring!"
"You're not going to get your ass kicked, now sit up, or you'll do more damage to your arm."
"Boo," you grumble.
"Yeah, you're so unfortunate to have a friend warn you like that," Megumi stands while putting on his helmet.
"Good luck, 'gumi!" you call after him as he walks to home plate.
"He's gonna get out," Panda mutters.
"Maybe," you nod, waving excitedly to Megumi as he readies his bat, "but I believe in him."
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
Blurb idea! Okay so I wear alot of goth and punk clothing and I just love the idea of opposites attract pairings so like maybe a goth/punk/alternative reader with Alex? Like they meet at the bar on open mic night while she's preforming and he's like whoa she's so cool! But so out of my league💀 and he thinks he'll never get a chance and all of a sudden the reader comes up and is like hey you're cute wanna hang? And he is baffled lol
opposites attract || alex kerner x fem!alternative!reader
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gif credit to @/lovecafes
summary: while singing at an open mic night in the bar, you catch the attention of someone least expected
pairing: alex kerner x fem!alternative!reader
word count: 2,313
warnings: drinking (alex and reader), alex being incredibly awkward, reader loving it and teasing him
a/n: hope you like this one!!! i thought this was an incredibly sweet idea - i imagine reader is singing something from the cranberries, like zombie or linger - this is also set a couple years after the events of goodbye, lenin! - i'd say in mid 90s
The last act had just left the stage when the host jumped on the stage, grinning out at the audience who continued to hoot and holler. It was open mic night down at the local bar, The Sour Apple, and for a last minute event, a lot of people turned out. The Sour Apple wasn’t your usual hangout. Typically you were in the basement smoking pot with the rest of your friends, or performing in backyards with your band - but you wanted a new change of scenery that night, and you thought - hell, an open mic might be fun.
You had invited a few of your friends and bandmates, hoping that maybe you’d be able to perform some of your new songs to test the crowd and see if they were feeling it or not. Only a couple of your friends showed, but the whole band came out and you were pleased. It took quite a bit of convincing, especially for your drummer, Reed, to tag along since apparently he had a bad history with The Sour Apple.
Not only that, but you all stook out like a sore thumb. Leather, studded belts, platform boots, multicolored teased hair, heavy makeup - you weren’t fazed by the stares you received when you walked in, all typical reactions when you went into a new place. Maybe that’s why you stuck to the typical spots, to avoid the judgement. It wasn’t like you cared, but it did get tiring after so long - feeling the stares on the back of your head while you just tried to enjoy life.
“Okay everyone, last call for anyone who wants to get up and participate in open mic!” The bar fell silent into hushed whispers, looking around to see if anyone else wanted to get up on stage. “Any takers? Come on now, don’t be shy!”
Turning towards the rest of your bandmates that were seated along the bar, you grinned their way before the bassist, Lee, shot up - beer spilling from the cup as you gained the host’s attention.
“Right here! We’ll come up!” He exclaimed, stepping off the barstool he was propped on and onto the main bar floor, turning and holding up his hand towards the bartender, “Five shots of jäger my good man!”
While the bartender poured out five shots, the rest of the band groaned, wishing that Lee hadn’t been the one to pick the shot. He was the only one to like the taste of the thick licorice. You only wished it was something more easy, like fireball or hell - Jack Daniel’s would suffice. But you braved the shot, clinking glasses with the rest of them before dumping your head back and letting the warm shot run down your throat.
You held in your gag as you sat the glass down, being pulled now by the guitarist, Winny, through the crowd and up onto the stage. As the singer, you took center stage, the spotlight blinding you as you held your hand up to block the light while you adjusted the mic stand, the rest of your band getting set up behind you.
“Hey everyone! We’re the Toxic Cats and we’ll be singing-” You stopped short, what were you going to sing? Turning around, you glanced towards Lee who shrugged before the other side at Winny who came up to the mic.
“You all know the Cranberries! How about their new song that just came out! You all liked that?” When the crowd erupted in cheers, you smiled weakly, looking at Winny who winked your way, “Looks like we got our song. Go kill 'em, Tiger.”
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
“You gonna sing tonight, Alex?” Denis teased from his spot at the bar, downing the rest of his pint while he glanced over at Alex who was facing the stage, shaking his head. “I heard you got a real pretty voice.”
“Well whoever told you that is lying. Don’t think anyone wants to hear me sing. Sound like a rat stuck in a trap.” He explained, lifting his own pint up to take a drink from. He sighed and leaned back against the bar, blinking slowly as he watched the last act get off the stage before the host jumped on. Shaking his head, Alex exhaled slowly, turning back to face the bar.
As he turned, he caught the laughs that came from the other end of the bar. The group of alternative folks catching his attention. He didn’t mean to stare, but they were just so...different. They weren’t the typical crowd that hung around The Sour Apple, and it surely didn’t go unnoticed.
“Weird folk they are,” Turning, Alex furrowed his eyebrows at Denis who was drinking a new pint now, glancing at Alex, “They’re in a band...not a big fan of their music, but they’re pretty popular I’d say. I’ve seen a couple of their shows. Always doing something with fire or chanting in another language. Gives me the heeby jeebies.”
“I think you’re drunk, Denis.” Alex noted, rolling his eyes as Denis waved him off, insisting that he wasn’t while sloppily sipping from his pint. His attention fell back towards the end of the bar, towards the band as they now took shots before heading up onto the stage.
Through the crowd, Alex only noticed the red hair on you. It reminded him of a Coca Cola can - maybe that wasn’t the best comparison, but it’s what he thought! His posture returned to his original spot, leaning against the bar while facing the stage where you now stood center stage at. While your teased dyed red hair stood out the most, he also noticed your outfit, which surprisingly impressed him.
Starting at your feet, he noticed the high platform boots - you were probably taller than him in them. Alex also noticed the ripped tights, wondering if they came that way or if you did that yourself, under the black skirt that was tattered. You were wearing a band tee of some sorts, not recognizing the band. He had seen alternative girls before, but never once did he look at them the way he looked at you. You were pretty and Alex was awed by your mystery.
When you finally began to sing though, the familiar tune of the Cranberries, Zombie, harmonizing through the bar, his lips turned into a smile, straightening up to really be intune with the song. He had heard it a thousand times, but your cover, hearing it from you - it was more haunting and beautiful than anytime he heard it on the radio.
Alex felt hypnotized to your voice, leaning forward with his mouth gaped open as he listened, gaze remained fixed on you as you swayed on the mic or leaned against one of the other band members. He hadn’t even realized it was over until Denis shoved him, his attention snapping towards him.
“Jesus man, you’re drooling!”
His cheeks went hot, face red as Alex reached his hand up to his mouth, wiping away the drool with the back of his hand before turning back towards the bar, doing his best to ignore Denis who was laughing and in a drunk fit.
“Oh man, you got the hots for her don’t you? The singer! Man, I don’t think I would have ever taken you as the type,” Denis watched as the band made their way back towards their spot at the bar, high-fiving those in the crowd as they passed by them. When you were settled back in your seat, Denis stood up and grabbed the back of Alex’s jacket, pulling him up and with him towards the end of the bar, “Come on, go introduce yourself!”
Before Alex could protest, Denis shoved him towards you, stumbling forward and knocking into you. You turned around, ready to yell at whoever had knocked into you and made you spill your beer before your gaze softened, seeing Alex cowering.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, it’s fine...relax,” You let out a weak laugh and turned towards him, placing your now empty pint on the counter, “I’m a little disappointed though, someone just bought me that. I didn’t even get the chance to drink it.”
Alex smiled back at you, staring at you for a little too long before he knocked himself out of his trance, turning towards the bartender and holding up his hand.
“Two pints please!”
It didn’t take long for the bartender to fill up two new pints for the both of you. Scooting them forward while Alex picked up his, you picking up your own. You clinked your glass against his before taking a drink, setting your glass back down with a sigh.
“I don’t think I caught your name,” You introduced yourself and leaned forward, your right index finger swirling around the rim of the glass, “I’d like to thank the cutie who bought me my drink.” You sent a wink his way and grinned, seeing him look down briefly as his cheeks went pink.
“Alex, I’m Alex!” He introduced, sitting down finally on the barstool beside you. When you called him a cutie, his chest tightened, feeling flustered as he tried to think of what to say next.
“My favorite color is red!” He blurted, “How do you get your hair so big?”
Alex cringed at his question, closing his eyes and mentally slapping himself in the face. He was sure at that point he had lost all chance of impressing you, and he hadn’t even been talking with you for more than two minutes. But when you laughed and didn’t throw your drink in his face, he opened his eyes and smiled weakly.
“Lots of hairspray and teasing. Unfortunately I’m not the most eco-friendly with this hairstyle. Mother Earth is probably taking her revenge with all my split ends.” He let out a laugh at your joke, glancing at the guitarist of the band who turned in her stool, leaning forward.
“Or maybe it’s because you’ve just fried your hair. I’m telling you, you should just let it go natural.” You waved off Winny and nudged her back, your attention keeping fixed on Alex.
“So, Alex, did you just want to come over and ask me about my hair?” You took another drink from your pint, your gaze fixed on him as you watched him get flustered again, trying to think of the words to say. “You know, guys like you don’t usually go for girls like me. Did your buddy set you up for this?”
It had happened plenty of times. Pretty boys always got a kick out of embarrassing the alternative girl. You wouldn’t be hurt if this was what was going on, but you would be pissed to have your time be wasted. To your surprise though, Alex seemed to be different.
“No! I mean, well he pushed me over here, but not like that,” He rushed, leaning forward slightly in his stool, as if ready to catch you if you tried to turn away. “Your singing, I’ve never heard you guys before. You sound great! God, part of me was thinking that you sounded better than the Cranberries-”
“Better than the Cranberries? Now you’re just pulling my tail,” It was your turn to blush, cheeks red as you waved him off while he continued to praise you, his hand falling to your knee. You looked down briefly at his hand, smiling before back up at him, “Well, maybe you should come see one of our shows? I’ll get you a front row seat on the best couch in the basement.”
The best couch in the basement. Why did he have a feeling that this wasn’t something he had experienced before. He watched as you pulled a napkin from the bar, digging into your coat pocket before pulling out a pen, scribbing your number down before handing it over to him.
“Here’s the house number. If you call just ask for me, I’m usually around.” You looked up at him and smiled, opening your mouth to say another thing before hearing your bandmates call you for you behind, insisting that it was time to go. Frowning, you grabbed your coat and stood up, towering over him in your platform boots.
Your gaze kept on Alex who stared at the napkin, his smile stained on his face as he ran his thumb across the number. He looked cute, innocent, pure. All things you weren’t used to. When you heard Reed calling for you name, you nodded and waved them off before resting your free hand on Alex’s shoulder, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
But before he could answer, you were already turned and heading out of the bar, catching up to the rest of your bandmates who were climbing into the taxi to head back home. Standing up, Alex held the napkin in his hand, staring at the dark doorway that led outside of the bar. Of course he was happy, but damn - did you have to leave so quick?
Turning, Alex tucked the napkin neatly into his own jacket, making sure it was secured before making his way back to Denis, sitting back in his original spot. When Alex settled back in, he turned and looked at Denis who was laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
Without saying a word, Denis motioned towards his own cheek, signaling for Alex to check his face. He reached his hand up and swiped at his cheek, noticing that your black lipstick had made it’s way onto his skin. He smiled to himself, feeling giddy inside before cleaning the rest off.
“So I take it went well?” Denis asked, leaning closer towards Alex. Smiling, Alex nodded and took a final sip from his pint.
“It went great, now come on, let’s get you home.”
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imagines-r-s · 4 years
sticking it - j. farabee
chapter 1
a/n: ok, this chapter is very dialogue heavy lmao, but yolo. (feedback is always welcome, feel free to send asks about the series, i would absolutely love to talk about it.) i’m also kinda debating to have a ‘sticking it’ blurb night sometime soon?? anyways i hope you all enjoy this one 
taglist: @butgilinsky @barbienoturbby @sunsetholland @lovenhlboys @sortagaysortahigh @hockey-racing-fubol @oopsiedoopsie23​ (if you want to be added, just send me an ask)
warnings: uh, kathryn? that can be considered a warning i think, swearing, i think that’s it? if i missed anything lmk 
sticking it masterlist
wc: 3.2k
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(gif not mine)
“You want me to go where with you?” Joel asked the group in front of him.
“My cousin has a gymnastics meet and we were wondering if you wanted to go with us tonight after practice?” Kevin repeated for the third time. 
“Dude, you have to come. These things are surprisingly super fun, it’s not hockey and there’s no physical fighting, but it’s still pretty cool,” Travis said, shrugging his shoulders. 
“Are you guys going to keep asking until I say yes?” to which Kevin, Nolan, and TK all nodded their heads. “Fine, I’ll go.”
“Ok, sweet. Karly is planning on coming, too, so I’ll just meet you guys there,” Travis interjected as he grabbed his practice bag. 
“We’ll pick you up around 4:30, we have to get there early since Pat has to give his pep talk, all traditional stuff, yada, yada, yada,” Kevin said. 
“Yeah, okay, just let me know when you’re on your way,” Joel said as the two of them went to their cars. 
“y/n, I don’t understand why you’re still worried, your knee will be fine,” Nicole reassured you as the two of you walked into the arena, “Adrian already said you’ve been out for long enough and he’s waiting to hear news of the y/n y/l/n revenge tour, you can’t let him down, dude.”
You rolled your eyes, “well, Adrian can suck it up, he’ll be fine.”
“Ok, that’s how you want to be, then tell Marcus and Michelle that you’re scratching every event today. It’s fine by me, you’re my competition, but good luck petitioning onto the Olympic team after that,” Nicole said, walking ahead of you towards the locker rooms to get dressed. 
“Wait, Nic, stop,” you quickly followed after her, “Your reverse psychology isn’t going to work on me, but I’m not scratching every event.”
“That’s what I thought. Now, babes, you have to realize you’re going to be okay and getting in your head about it will only push you back ten steps. And I missed having actual competition,” Nicole caught the small smile on your face in the mirror, “ok, we honestly have to get ready if we want to have time in the tunnels before we compete.” 
Grabbing your garment bag that held your competition leo and warm-ups in, you started to get ready. Quickly getting your leo on, you took note of how beautiful the new leo was. A navy blue, long sleeve leo with mesh sleeves and rhinestone decals or as Michelle always called it ‘all blinged out’. Once you put on your warm up pants, you did a light makeup look that was pretty much just eye shadow and mascara and then pulled your hair up in a tight, but simple messy bun. 
“Are your boys coming tonight?” Nicole asked, meeting you by the door of the locker room. “Yeah, you know Kevin wouldn’t miss it, but I don’t know if anyone else is coming,” you replied. 
“Oh, well Nolan better be here, you need your pep talk,” Nicole added which made you laugh, “okay, well I’m going to let you do your pre-warm up-warm up and I’ll see you out there soon. You got this, babes.” 
Once you saw Nicole leave the tunnel, you immediately put your headphones in and started listening to one of the hype playlist that Nolan had put together for you. You went through visualizing your routines, visualizing the perfect motions, tumbling, and skills. You were stretching your legs out when you heard a familiar laugh sound from one side of the hallway, turning you saw Karly, TK, Nolan, Kev, and then beside them, Joel Farabee. 
You had never met him personally, but you had seen him play enough times to know who he was. He was also usually included in game highlights if you missed a game, so you were well aware how significant he was to the team. 
You stood up quickly and made your way over to them, “Karly, omg, I’ve missed you, babes. Tiki Bar, I’m still planning on stealing your girlfriend, just so you know.”
“You really have your priorities in order, don’t you, y/n/n?” Travis said.
“I like to think so. Hey, Kev, thank you for bringing your friends along for the y/n y/l/n revenge tour.”
“Dude, you didn’t mention this tour?” Nolan questioned. 
“Oh, well Adrian said this is my comeback meet, so it’s a revenge tour to show how cool I am,” when you got a nod in response from Nolan, you looked over to Joel who stood awkwardly beside him, “Farabee, do you talk or just stand awkwardly 24/7?”
When he heard you say his name, his eyebrows rose in surprise, “how come you know me, but I don’t know you?”
“Well, you see, I actually talk to people instead of just standing off to the side awkwardly. Plus, you’re literally Kev’s teammate, so it would be bad if I didn’t realize who you were.”
“I feel like you’re just upset I wasn’t talking to you, babe,” Joel added. 
“Awe, yes, of course. The pain in my heart from not talking to you is unbearable, thank you for sparing a few words,” you said sarcastically, placing your hand over your heart.
“Ok, children, that’s enough of that for today. We just came to wish you good luck, we’re going to go wait outside the tunnel so that way you can get your pep talk as usual. Now, c’mon, Beezer,” Kevin pushed Joel out of the way and towards the exit before he could say anything else. 
“Are we skipping over that for right now or?” Nolan asked as you walked back to where you were standing by the wall before they came over. When he got a simple nod in response he let out a simple ok, “what event are you starting on?”
“Floor. I’m pretty sure at least.”
“Ok, what’s the worst thing about the floor for you right now?” and the two of you talked about each event like you did every competition. Nolan doing his best to make sure that you talked out everything that was on your mind. Giving you a quick hug and a quick you got this, he made his way back towards his seat. You made your way back to get your warm up jacket from the locker room and went to find Marcus. 
By the time Nolan had made it back to his seat, the announcement that warm up and stretching would start now went off. “Ok, I genuinely thought the only people that did gymnastics were like 10 year olds,” Joel said. 
“10 year olds doing gymnastics is honestly a really boring thing to watch. Like when y/n was 10, I hated going to her meets. She was good, yeah, but it was boring and all of them had the same routines. 0/10 would not recommend,” Kevin added. 
“Are we all just ignoring whatever the fuck happened when y/n/n met Joel? Or was I the only one that noticed?” Nolan was shocked by the fact that no one had mentioned it. When the group went quiet for a moment, the only thing that could be heard was Karly holding back a laugh. “Care to share with the class, Karly?”
“Nope. I want to see how this one plays out before I make any comments,” to which the whole group looked at her confused. “It’s a developing story. It has to develop, obviously.”
Once the national anthem was over, the first event that you had was floor. “y/n/n, I don’t care how you do today, I just need you to go for everything. You have it in you to get high scores anyways, so just focus on doing your skills,” Marcus said, “you just have to do this 1 minute and 30 second routine, land all your tumbling, do your jumps well, stay tight, and you got this.”
“Representing the United States of America, y/n y/l/n on floor,” the announcer read over the loudspeaker. 
“Alright Twinkle Toes, go have fun out there,” Marcus told you one last time before you made your way up to the floor. You stood there anxiously, awaiting the judges who were somehow never ready on time to salute you. Once they did salute you, you flashed your best smile and marched onto the floor, going to your beginning pose. 
The group up in the stands were anxiously awaiting for your music to start, which did include Kevin having to yell at Joel to put his phone up before you performed. All of them believed in you, but this was your first competition back and they weren’t sure how it would go. Would you be back to your old competition level? Better? Would you hurt your knee again? They knew the risks, but simply pushed it to the back of their head. 
Just stick the landings. Four tumbling passes. Three leap series. Two turns. And one score. You have worked your ass off to get back to where you are now; this was your comeback and if you started off great, you could only go up from there. Hearing the beep that signaled that the floor music was starting, the first few notes of ‘Feeling Good’ rang out and you started your routine. 
Starting off your routine with a small dance combo and some poses, you went straight in with two back to back tumbling passes. After the first tumbling pass, the tension in your body eased up. You were back in your element for the first time officially since your injury and you couldn’t have felt better. Right now you didn’t care what score you got, you were just happy to be back. You went for your leaps and jumps, then your final two tumbling passes. 
After finishing your routine in your end pose, you saluted the judges again and practically ran back to Marcus. “I did it, oh my god. I did that,” you weren’t in shock, but the realization finally hit you that you had officially had a great start to the comeback tour. “Yeah, we all knew you could, y/n/n. I’m not shocked,” Marcus hugged you. 
When the camera came around as results of your routine came back, you simply smiled and waved towards the camera as you listened to Marcus tell you the plan for the rest of the competition. When the score results came up, it showed that you were in first place. Everyone else had competed in one event already, so you knew it wasn’t just an accident. You were back. 
“Dude, are you crying?” TK nudged Kevin, who quickly wiped his tears. 
“No, but if I were, it’s a completely valid response to a time like this,” Kevin said quickly. 
What you hadn’t noticed from where you were was how much Joel had been watching you. Before your routine started, he couldn’t have been less interested, but once he saw you performing and the smile on your face after you finished your routine he was hooked. Everyone did take note of how much he was watching you, especially Karly. 
“And the story keeps developing,” she thought. 
With a good score on vault and on bars, you were still doing fine in the meet - it was you and Kathryn Davis for first and second, but this event would show who won all around. The only event that you had left was beam, you only hoped that your hesitation wasn’t as obvious as you felt. You obviously wouldn’t be doing the dismount, you were just going to do a double back that you had solid and weren’t afraid of doing. But even with that, you still had fears looming around a dismount you knew like the back of your hand. 
The fear that you had for beam was evident when you had a few too many wobbles - which made your score lower - luckily there were no falls, but it still affected your score. Even with a lower score you still beat Kathryn in All Around, but came third on beam. 
After awards and talks with media, you made your way back to the locker room to get your gym bag. “y/n, oh my god. Babes, you did amazing. I’m so proud of you,” Nicole came rushing in for a hug. 
“Thanks, Nic. I’m just glad to be back, winning was just a plus,” you said, smiling, “do you still plan on coming with me, Karly, and the guys if we go out to eat?” to which she simply nodded. The two of you made your way to the usual spot you met Kevin after a gymnastics meet. 
Eventually the group made their way over there, all of them quickly congratulating you. “y/n/n, I hope you know how proud I am of you right now,” Kevin said softly after hugging you, “you’ve come such a long way and you rocked it today.”
“KD is slowly approaching,” Nolan said. 
“y/n, omg, it was so cool competing against you. Sorry to have beat you on beam though, maybe if you tried your dismount you would have won,” she said, a fake smile on her face.
“Well, sweetie. You do know that’s just one event right? In everything else, I still beat you. Even when I hurt myself last year, I still somehow ended up with the gold, so you honestly have nothing to brag about,” you said, your fake smile matching hers.
“I see you brought your hockey players to help you out here, how nice of them.”
Everyone watched cautiously, Kevin ready to pull you back if he needed to; Nolan, TK, and Karly were all ready to jump in and help you fight; while Joel just stood there realizing how much he liked seeing you when you were mad. A lovely dynamic for today. 
“Hun, if anyone needs help, it’s you. Especially in the math department, apparently. But congrats on the one gold medal, you deserve it,” and with that you stepped away from her and towards the doors of the arena. 
Somehow Joel was the one that was walking closest to you, “hey, you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. She just annoys me a lot, nothing crazy,” you shrugged. 
“You did good today. It’s crazy what you can do out there honestly,” he said genuinely. 
“Awe, Farabee, that’s so sweet. ”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it, babe,” he said, slightly nudging you.
“Are you guys seeing this, too?” Karly asked the guys walking beside her, “like y/n and Bee? Or are your eyes not working today?”
“Maybe we shouldn’t have introduced the two?” Kevin says looking back towards you two just as you trip Farabee, “yeah, maybe not the wisest decision?” 
“Haha, suck on that on-,” your sentence interrupted as he pulled your shin to where you ended up on the ground of the parking lot beside him, “that was uncalled for, Bee.” 
“No, it was perfectly reasonable, you were rude to me earlier, so it’s payback.” 
“What the fuck is she doing on the ground?” Nicole asked as she caught up to the group, confused by your and Joel’s actions, to which everyone around her simply shrugged. 
“There she is, the gymnastics superstar. How was the first night of the ‘y/n y/l/n Revenge Tour?” Adrian asked as you entered his office. 
“Eh, same old, same old. You win some and you lose some, and then people are extremely petty about the fact that they lost, so they bring up a traumatic injury that you hardly ever talk about while making fun of you losing an event, yada, yada, yada,” you smiled. 
“Didn’t really know all that, but I’m proud of you,” Adrian led you over to sit on the bench, so that he could check your knee, “your knee looks- why is there a phone number written on your shin?” 
“Ohhh, haha. About that. I forgot to wash it off,” you said simply. 
“Girl, I know there is way more to that story that you aren’t sharing. C’mon spill.” 
“Ok, well basically. Kevin brought one of his teammates to the game, and there’s this kinda like tension that’s there, but it’s not. So, I kinda tripped him in the parking lot to show that I’m so in love with him and he tripped me back, then we all went out to eat. We’re basically engaged now, we’ve already bought a house and a dog,” you said in a monotone voice. 
“Ok, enough with the attitude, I just asked about the boy. So, what’s his name?”
“Joel Farabee.”
“What’s your specific nickname for him?” Adrian placed some athletic tape below your knee, just as precaution.
“Bee, but he doesn’t have a specific one from me yet, we aren’t that close,” you jokingly rolled your eyes, “no, but he couldn’t find a blank piece of paper, so he just wrote his number on my shin.”
“Did he not see your arm? And have you texted him yet?” Adrian asked as you started with your daily drills, rolling his eyes when he saw you shake your head, “look, he’s a hockey player. I have dealt with a few of those. 7/10, might recommend. They’re interesting individuals, that’s all I can say. But you have to text him.”
“Ok, well read me the number and I’ll text him,” opening your phone, you pulled up your texts, “wait, what the fuck do I say?”
“Well, there’s this word in the English language that works as a simple greeting when you don’t know what else to say. A three letter word, pretty simple.”
“Adrian. I don’t need the attitude today, this is stressful enough,” you quickly typed up the message and practically threw your phone across the room right after, “there, I did it.”
“Did you just throw your phone?”
“Yep, but I texted him,” you said, holding two thumbs up.
“I didn’t realize how much you doing gymnastics your whole life influenced your social skills. My deepest condolences to you,” the both of you looked over towards where you threw your phone when you heard a notification go off, “you better check that before I do.”
“Okay, fine,” quickly grabbing your phone, answering quickly to which he responded just as fast, “he simply asked if I was going to be at Kevin’s later and if I wanted coffee, so, are we done here?”
“Mhm, get your coffee. And I expect updates.” 
As you were on the drive home, your phone started buzzing continuously, you realized that it was just Nicole, “hey, babes. What’s up?” 
“Have you checked twitter? Or instagram? Or anything?”
“No? I’ve been at P.T, why?”
“You’re not going to like what I’m about to say, so if you’re still in the car, I suggest pulling over for your own safety.”
You pulled into your apartment complex, “ok, I’m home. What’s up?”
“Just check Kathryn’s instagram, but apparently she’s been training her 3.5 dismount on beam for months and she has it now. She said she plans on competing it at the U.S. classic in May.” 
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
Could I please request a Suga x reader blurb where he's injured or sick and they take care of him? I don't have a preference for what's ailing him, but if at all possible I would love if he leaned against them or they cupped his face in their hands while he cried tears that he fought very hard to keep back. Thank you!
hii🤍 awe sick suga :(( i envisioned him having the flu btw [i didn’t want anything too intense but i hope you enjoy]
Sickly Sweet
pairing: Sugawara Koushi x reader
warnings: sickness
genre: fluff/comfort, a sprinkle of angst
a/n: suga was my first Haikyuu love so this lowkey hurt
Sugawara Koushi absolutely hated being sick.
He would take extra precautions to ensure his health. A small bottle of hand sanitizer in his bags, washing his hands for 60 seconds with extra soap. He would even take allergy meds whenever he felt even a little under the weather.
Sugawara Koushi absolutely hated being sick.
So when he caught the flu and was bed ridden for about a week, he was miserable.
He insisted that you don’t come over. He didn’t want you to get sick as well. He said that FaceTime calls would be just as affective but you disagreed. You were there to care for him. Whether it was putting a cool rag on his forehead or making him a warm bowl of chicken soup, you weren’t gonna let him battle the flu alone.
You had just gotten home from the grocery store. You had picked up fruits high in vitamin C and more meds for him to take.
You filled up his water bottle before you went to his room. You quietly knocked, to make sure he wasn’t asleep.
“Suga? It’s me.”
His groggy and tired voice broke your heart. You stepped inside the dark room, the only light coming from the TV that played. Suga was curled up in his bed, blanket upon blanket covered him. All you could see was his pale face peaking out from the top of the bed.
“How are you feeling?” You asked as you handed him his water. Suga sat up, rubbing his eyes.
“Never been better,” he joked. You sighed. You placed your hand on his forehead. He was still burning up. You grabbed the small towel from the nightstand and went to run it underneath the cool sink water.
“How was the store?” asked Suga. You returned with the cloth and placed it over his forehead.
“Good. I picked up some oranges for you to have later,” you explained. Suga took another sip of his water.
“I’m not hungry.”
“I know baby but you’ve gotta eat something. Just a few slices, okay?”
You organized the blankets and removed them from the bed, hoping to cool Suga down. You joined him on the bed. He instantly wrapped his arms around you, holding onto your waist as his head rested in your lap. You gently ran your fingers through his grey hair.
“You’re gonna get sick you know,” he whispered. You chuckled.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” Suga sat up to face you.
“But I do. Seriously Y/N, I’ll be okay.”
You shook you’re head.
“Nope, I’m not going anywhere. Not until you’re fully recovered but even then I’ll still stick around,” you smiled. Suga sighed.
“I’ll just hate myself if you got sick too-”
“Hey now, stop it. I’m gonna be fine and so are you. We both are stronger than a little virus.”
Sugawara’s lips began to slowly quiver. He wouldn’t know what to do if he got you sick. What happens if he got better but you got worse? He thought of every awful outcome of you getting sick, which worried him even more.
Sugawara Koushi absolutely hated being sick, but he absolutely hated seeing you sick even more.
Before Suga even knew it, he was crying. He had promised himself that he wouldn’t. That he would be strong but just the idea of you being in the same state as him caused him grief. That he could be the cause of your future agony. Of course he wanted you to stay and take care of him, but he wanted you to stay safe even more.
Suga’s tears streamed down his face like a powerful waterfall. The weeks worth of emotions all poured out in this little moment.
You brought your hands to softly cup his face, rubbing away his tears carefully.
“I-If you get s-sick too I’ll...”
“Shhh it’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere and I’m gonna be just fine Koushi. I’m gonna be just fine.”
Suga couldn’t stop. He just felt so awful, inside and out.
“You s-should g-go-”
“No way. I’m not leaving. If you get me sick than so be it Suga but I’m sure as hell not leaving.”
You brought Suga towards you as he began to sob into your chest. His weak body fell into yours. You reassured him you were here to stay, rubbing himself back in hopes of calming him down.
“Shhh you’re okay. We’re gonna be fine...”
Suga sniffled quietly and looked up at you. The tip of his nose red just as his cheeks. You cupped his face once more.
“You should sleep, okay? I’ll bring you some food after,” you whispered. Sugawara nodded slowly.
You nodded. You laid back down as Suga found a comfortable spot, resting his head on your chest again. You ruffled his hair carefully, keeping him close to you. He feel asleep almost instantly, tiny snores escaping his nose. You smiled at the sound.
If Sugawara Koushi had to be sick, he was happy he could at least be with you.
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful ]
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Clean-up in Aisle 4 (Will Miller x GN reader blurb)
Summary: a grocery store meet-cute with Will. Little bit of fluff, mainly angsty.
Author’s note: First time writing Will. Super quick one but hope you like it. Helps a lot if you know Will’s canon from the movie. You can read-up here if you wanna. Told you I was in Triple Frontier feels tonight!
Warnings: vague but thematic mentions of prior trauma related to military service and PTSD / anxiety themes, though nothing in-depth / graphic. Swearing. 
GIF: @will-grammer
Tumblr media
The first thing you noticed about the man was the broadness of him. Wide shoulders, leading down to a nipped-in waist. You weren’t ogling. Really. It was simply hard to miss, since you nearly drove your cart into his back, the brick wall of a man coming to a sudden, dead halt in front of you as you each approached the grocery store.
The second thing you noticed, as you huffed out air and scooted your cart around him, was the way his hands white-knuckled as they wrapped -achingly tight- around the handle of his own cart, the tension extending into his forearms and along the veins of his straining biceps.
The third thing, causing you to fully abandon your intended pursuit of a passive aggressive side-eyeing, was his ashen expression; the way his gaze fixed unerringly on the sliding, automatic doors as though they were the gates to hell and he was deathly afraid to enter. You saw then that the tension extended all then way through the chords of his neck, into his chiselled jaw, which was covered in a scruff of blond beard.
You’d seen that look before. Seen it on others in the field; and out of it. Had seen it plenty when you looked in the mirror too. It looked like trauma, raw and exposed and bile-inducing, and the recognition had the words rising out of your throat before you could stop them.
“Hey, are you okay?” you had asked casually, in a cooling voice as you lined your cart up side-by-side with his.
It was reflex by now. You had seen too many comrades freeze in the face of danger - and in your experience, freezing near-always led to sub-optimal outcomes. Perhaps that’s why you felt a personal responsibilty to shock him back to life. He seemed stuck. He seemed like he needed a push, like that damn cart.
The man’s eyes - hazel centred and fringed with a piercing yet muted blue - flicked fiercely towards you, and the hint of volatility made you very suddenly take note of his size and latent strength, your body’s fight or flight response firing as he appeared to take a little unkindly to the interruption.
Of course, you stood your ground. You always do. It’s a bad habit of yours.
His eyes softened, however, just a little, as he clocked gentle concern rather than confrontation in your own, and he self-consciously shuffled from foot to foot, his heavy combat boots seeking surer-footing on the paving; quite literally grounding himself.
Oh, he’s definitely military this one. You recognised that too in the way he moved. In the habits ingrained in his body.
Still, you saw the rush of panic fleeting across his eyes as he ignored you and fixed his stare back on the threshold of the store. It might have looked like nothing -a simple line to cross- but you knew all too well how the smallest of lines could be something much bigger; a marker, a milestone, a hurdle.
It seemed hard for him. And if it seemed hard, and he was still here, trying, then you were damn sure it seemed important too.
You had noticed the ticks in his body then too. He tapped his boot and his fingers on the handle, almost as if he was counting. Counting-up or counting down to something, you were not sure.
“Afraid to go in?” you had asked him gently, devoid of any mocking.
“I had a bad experience here...” he had told you, his voice a deep, drawling, painfully empty baritone.
He told you this much, though he was not sure why or how he even began to speak. Why or how he looked at you. He was not sure either, why he was unable to continue speaking.
He was a speaker by profession, wasn’t he? He had repeated his story often enough as part of his motivational speeches, and yet, the words died in his throat now.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
His hands tightened their grip on the cart, just like they had tightened...
“Hmm,” you acknowledged, chewing on your lip as you digested the new information.
“Well. Me too,” you admitted, as his eyes segued back to those double doors, bumping open and closed as his proximity continually reactivated the sensors. “It was bad. My shorts had split clean in half right down the ass-crack and no-one thought to tell me. Some of the clerks still call me Cheeky to this day.”
The incident you spoke of was painfully true, and at least mildly cheering, you thought, but the man barely registered it. At least, not initially. He took a moment, still staring, still counting, but then he looked at you with a reluctant and pained amusement that evidently took him by surprise.
Now, he saw you. His eyes gave you the once over.
You were not what he was expecting. That story wasn’t what he was expecting. He wasn’t expecting...
“Wait, what?”
Letting your mouth draw open into a smile, effortlessly holding his attention now, you had pressed on with your distraction.
“Split right up the ass-crack. Mortifying. So... I could use the company, if you’ll brave it with me?” You had nodded your head towards the double doors, and you had shifted your cart to casually bump his. “We could go together?”
The man had simply stared at you, and you had patiently waited for his response. The muscles in his jaw had twitched, tendons slipping over bone. He was frozen still; that is, until you had politely nodded and started to move away from him, with a sincere, “Take care of yourself, man.”
“Hey, wait up,” he had called as you moved ahead of him, and you threw your head over your shoulder to humourously inspect the seat of your pants.
“Shit, why, is my ass out again?” you had laughed, and Will tentatively laughed with you, following you into the store; crossing his personal boundary.
It was hard, and it was important.
You had waited for him to catch-up with a soft smile, proud of the man although you did not know him yet, and this time he had drawn his cart to a halt alongside yours.
“Your ass is not out,” he had promised. “Shit. Not that I was looking. I just, uh. Shit. I could actually use the company?”
“Sure,” you had nodded, without judgement, and you had stayed closely by his side on your usual, winding route around the store.
You had tried your best to cheer him and distract this stranger, and even earned a few smiles as you engaged him in meaningless conversation.
Then, the man had paused at the mouth of a particular aisle and stared turbulently into the vacant space there, face and body pulled taut as if replaying an unpleasant memory. He was about to abandon his cart, you thought. About to leave you with a hanging apology he in no way owed you about how he wasn’t ready for this.
It was important, but perhaps it was still too hard. 
However, instead, you had blitzed into the centre of the aisle and trampled over his ghosts, barraging all of his memories out of the way as you shifted armfuls of dog food into your cart with a clatter.
He had swallowed thickly, his hands stuffed into his pockets, until you shot him another soft smile.
“You have a dog,” he observed tentatively, consciously tearing himself away from the past. Counting the seconds; his breaths, his heartbeats, the cans of dog food. Moving forward.
“I do. He’s the goodest boi. He even has medals of honour.”
The man tips his mouth into a lop-sided smile. “What for? Can he walk on his hind legs?”
“Ugh, okay. I love it when smug fuckers underestimate my mutt.” You had added the last of your tins to the cart and gestured for Will to follow you into the next aisle. Away from his demons. He did follow. “No, actually,” you begin more softly, “he sniffed out IEDs when I was on my tour of duty.”
“Holy shit, you’re army?”
“Ex-Army,” you correct. “You too, I’m guessing?”
He had that look. That manner to his movements. The man looked like he had killed. It was a look you had learned to identify at ten paces. It was a look you saw in the mirror often enough.
“That obvious?” he says, sucking in air through his teeth.
“Oh yeah.”
He had smiled nervously at you. For the first time since meeting him, you noticed that he looked sweet.
“Yep, uh, I got out. Now I give motivational speeches where I relive my trauma and try ‘n’ convince recruits it’s all worth it.”
You had nodded, thin-lipped, as you moved towards the check-out.
You had wondered what happened to him out there, but something about the way his gaze had fallen on that spot in the aisle told you that what weighed heaviest wasn’t what he did while he was in, but what he did when he got out.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost...
That could happen. You had seen the pattern too many times amongst your buddies. Still, you had seen regret in this man’s eyes. That doesn’t always happen. Not everyone can pull back from the violence. Not everyone wants to.
You had peered into the man’s cart as he moved the items to be scanned. He had cola, lemons, and some sriracha in his cart, but... one step at a time. Coherent meals could come later.
This was hard. This was important.
“You should meet my floofy war hero. He’s outside in my truck,” you had offered, picking-up your bags, and the man picking up his... lemons etc..
“Oh yeah? Sure. Would be an honour,” he had smiled shyly, and you had tracked together over to your truck, thrown your bags in the back, and had let your boy out of the passenger seat.  
“Hey, buddy,” the man had cooed, kneeling down on the ground to deliver some quality scritches, and you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sight.
“Aw, he loves you! Freddie, you slut!” you had laughed as this huge, burly man baby-talked to your mutt, your dog rolling on the floor and showing his belly like you didn’t feed and water him and take him for walkies.
You had watched the man for a moment. You had noticed a lot about him already, but now you noticed that, shit, he was handsome. That smile. That laugh. Blonde hair and beard and piercing eyes. His arms rippling beneath his pale blue t-shirt.
He had risen back to standing and leaned up against your truck, looking like soemthing out of a catalogue. And then, there it was again. That look. That raw, exposed, bile-inducing look.
“Listen,” he had said earnestly. “Thank you. I probably would still be standing out front if you hadn’t taken pity on me.” 
“No problem. Except, not pity. Not at all,” you had reassured. Affinity, maybe. Recognition.
He had huffed out a gentle, grateful breath.
“For real though, I was getting kinda tired of eating gas station noodle pots. Wouldn’t have my...” he had finally peered into the paper bag, registering the groceries he had panic bought. “Fuck. Wouldn’t have my lemons and sriracha without you.”
“Okay. Now maybe I’ll take pity on you,” you had smiled, gently teasing, and you shifted a few choice ingredient from your bags to his, despite his protests that you’d done enough for him already.
“You did it,” you had said firmly. “I just walked into a place where all the clerks accidently saw my ass cheeks. Whatever you did. It was hard and it was immportant. You did that. You should be proud.”
He had looked at you curiously and disbelievingly with those piercing eyes of his, like he didn’t deserve your words - even though they were merely the truth. So, you had bumped him on the arm, loaded Freddie back into the truck, and had thrown him a “Take care of yourself, man” as you clambered into the driver’s side.
“Wait.. I...”
The handsome, troubled man had motioned to you and you had wound down the window, leaning your arm out the side of the truck.
“Yeah?” you had asked, with a soft smile, but the man had simply shaken his head.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
He had looked apologetic, like maybe he wasn’t ready to subject himself to anyone just yet. As if he looked at you and saw the ghost of someone he let down standing over your shoulder. Maybe even in your face.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
His brows had knitted together, and he had looked down at his boots, shifting and seeking sure-footing all over again. Grounding himself.
“Listen,” you had offered, starting your engine up. “I do my weekly shop at 2pm on Sundays. You know, if you ever need some company? Or,” you had added with a smile and a casual wink, “if you ever need an excuse to check-out a nice ass again.” 
He had nodded his head and pursed his lips together, before a broad grin split his features, his deep baritone now sounding full as a chuckle spills out of him.
“Good to know,” he had smiled, looking up at you shyly, and he had stepped back to let you swing the truck around and pull away, offering you a wave.
He never did tell you his name, but you had a feeling that you might be seeing him around.
Sometimes, things were simply better with company, after all.
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nico-twix · 3 years
the prisoner of my enemy is my prisoner
Hey guys, sorry if this ain't your thing, but in honour of star wars day, I decided to post a little blurb of a fanfic I've been writing!
Kylo Ren x Reader
Words: 1.5K
Tags: second-person "You", no (y/n), force choking, mind invasion, blasters, mechanic reader, a poor attempt at humour, slow burn
When the First Order raid a Resistance Base, the last thing they expect is to imprison their prisoners, but as will become common, Commander Ren makes an exception for you.
May the Fourth be with You!
“Wake up, prisoner.” Cool blaster metal digs into your arm as you are gracefully awoken.
You would be lying if you said this was the first time you have been captured, but this has been by far the worst treatment.
You’re not quite sitting or standing, and as far as you can feel—because you certainly can’t move your head to look down— you are bolted to this “seat” of kings. What you can see: grey wall, white trooper, and emo creep in the corner.
They excuse the trooper and stand in front of you. Their black helmet softly reflects a red light that is outside your vision.
“You were a prisoner of the Resistance.” Their, his, voice is modulated, but you can still pick up his annoyance. Short. Clipped.
“I’m well aware of that, bud.”
His mask diffuses what you could only guess to be a growl into static. Scary man did not like that answer. “You are now a prisoner of the First Order.”
Ah fuck. If it were possible, you would have stiffened in your binds. You have heard of the First Order—everyone has. But you knew them as the largest arms purchaser in the galaxy and had no clue who, what, or why they are how they are.
He steps even closer to you; his helmet is obscuring all of the grey walls in your vision. “The resistance wanted you enough to keep you alive. Why?”
Barely alive. Their prisoner for 100 days and all I got as food were some dry-ass crackers. “Look, bud, if I knew I would tell you.” You attempt to shrug your shoulders, but all it does is bring a dull ache.
“No, not bud.” This close, the helmet voice sounds scarier, deeper, more alive. The hairs on your arm start to tingle like they are static.
“Not bud, read you loud and clear, pal.” As soon as the word leaves your mouth, he’s got his hand around your neck.
“If I didn’t need you alive to invade your mind, I would have killed you by now.” He places a finger on your forehead as he tightens his hold further and your eyes roll back into your head. Your brain feels like it’s getting pushed out of your nose and chopped open like a Koja nut simultaneously. Your lungs burn and you are powerless to stop him. If only I had a choking kink to make this somewhat enjoyable.
Images of your life flash past, leaving you little time to process what’s going on. Finally, you see your time with the Resistance. All 100 days, although each was the same. Your guard telling you to build it. You don’t know how. You don’t even know what it’s for. The visions stop. He seems to find what he is looking for at that moment as he lets you go. You’re inhaling air faster than a vacuum cleaner as blood rushes throughout your body, black dots dancing in your vision, pounding headache wrecking your brain.
He calls the stormtrooper back in. “You can move her to a lower security cell,” he turns to look at you, “she really does know nothing. Resistance Scum.” Even against the modulation, you can hear his leering sneer. What an ass.
The trooper releases your head bindings and you can only see your interro(r)gator’s backside. What an ass.
The new cell is much better in that you have full motor control, but the good things stop there. They sure went over budget on decorating. The whole thing is painted in the same soul-sucking grey colour as before and there wasn’t even a window. I thought I booked a room with a view. All that was in there with you was a mat for sleeping and an air vent on the floor that was pumping in only what you could assume was unfiltered space vacuum it was so cold. Maker, I know I complained about the Resistance prison, but this is bad.
If you had to stay in this cell for another day, you were going to commit homicide. This leaves two options: either one, escape, or two, hope that the next trooper that walks in here has a nicely written will. One seems easier. How hard could escaping be?
Apparently very hard. You have been going at this for hours. But try as you may, your arms will never magically extend far enough through the cell bars to grab the keys off of the guard. Which leaves the vent. Vents are nice, but not the safest thing in the world. For all you know, this could lead you out into space or through fan blades or to the trash receptacle. But fuck it, Maker damn you if ever saw your “pal” again.
The vent luckily had no screws, and with just a light tug, the door flipped open unveiling a straight shot down. How far down? Who knows, not you! So, with one last look at the guard, you slid to your freedom.
You couldn’t have been sliding for more than twenty feet when you collided with more metal venting. You landed as lightly as an elephant and your ankles burned with shooting pain. You got to down to your hands and knees to falter through the next set of passageways, eclipsed in darkness and dust. Every so often, you would come across another vent opening and you would peak to observe where you were. You have passed by three trooper quarters and figured you were in their wing of the ship. Meaning that their armoury should be nearby. The plan from here on out should be simple.
Step 1: Get to the armoury
It took what seemed to be two hours to finally find the armoury and it certainly didn’t help that you got lost. Twice. You wondered how long you still have before your “pal” realizes you’ve escaped. Based on prior experience, prisoners generally get checked on every six hours, so you should still be safe. You pop open the vent door below you and fall on your ass into the armoury.
Step 2: Steal some of that zesty trooper armour.
The armoury in the dark was creepy. Every couple of steps, you would feel a solid limb of their armour smack against your legs or shoulders. Your hair even got caught in one of their belts. None of them seemed to be in your size. What am I, in the Men’s section? You duck behind a container of spare helmets as you hear the familiar schwoop of blast doors.
“Poor bastard didn’t deserve that though.” Various clicks and hisses went through the air as two troopers stripped off their armour.
“None of us do. He’s lucky he only broke his leg, gets a free trip to the med bay.” The light streaming in from the open door allowed you to see them discard their armour pieces under a “repairs” sign.
“He better not take the last blue lollipop; I’ve been eyeing it.” They both chuckled at that, grabbed new armour, and left.
You let out the breath you were holding in. You weren’t spotted, everything will be okay. You try to remember the layout from earlier and make your way over to where the broken armour was dumped. One of the troopers looked your size, so you borrow it and hope they won’t miss it terribly.
Step 3: Find their weapons stash. Walk around like a headless chicken looking for their weapons stash.
Every good escape needs good weapons. And this will be a damn good escape. It would be if you could find the weapons. I feel like I’ve seen that door before. You probably have. You’re just following the gaggle of troopers in front of you, hoping this won’t look suspicious. It definitely did. If the clocks on the walls were anything to go by, it has been around 4 hours since you escaped, meaning that you have been lost on this ship for at least an hour and a half. 1000 rooms on the Starkiller base, 1000 rooms on Starkiller. Enter one, I am so done, 999 rooms on the Starkiller base. Your slightly too large armour makes awful clicks and you pray to Maker that your hell would end soon. And then, almost as if Maker heard your pleas, you found the room you were looking for.
Step 4: Escape!
The weapons room was more like a weapons sanctuary. All along the walls, beautiful blasters polished to perfection, and yet they had some of the worst specs you’ve ever seen. This is outrageous! They expect me to escape with a blaster pistol? It’s not even modded.
What used to look divine, now just looks pathetic. You huff, having taken offence at their poor supply, and “borrow” a couple of weapons from the shelves, a repeater here, a stun baton there, and a trusty set of standard-issue repair tools. With precision unmatched by even the finest droids, you get to work, soldering and welding, stripping and joining, and hoping and praying that what you have only tested out in dreams would work.
And you might have been able to test it, had the blast doors stayed shut.
Step 4b: do not get caught. It’s a little late for that
“Trooper, report.”
Please let me know what you think and if there are any mistakes! This blurb is available on AO3 if you want to subscribe for more updates!
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lilmissmousey · 4 years
Hi there.
It’s been awhile.
Denial Chapter 7 is live 💖 love you all
Denial Chapter 7
Vegeta stared with disdain at the flight of stairs in front of him. Hip throbbing, head aching, temper boiling, he attempted to rise from the front passengers seat of Bulma’s black SUV only to be engulfed in a blinding fire of pain.
“What’re you doing?!” Bulma’s hand gripped Vegetas shoulder, “You goon! You can’t be walking right now! Your hip is broken!”
“Watch. Me.” He growled, brushing her fingers off.
Bulma massaged her temples, “For the love of God. Let me get the crutches out of the back at least!”
“I will NOT be caught dead with crutches! I will snap them in half! I can do it my-“
“Hi ya buddy!”
Oh. Oh no. Vegeta knew that obnoxious, chipper voice.
Beaming down at him with a huge smile from the open car door, arm up and casually leaning on the roof was Goku, “Ya missed our match this morning! Just wanted to see...hey, what happened to you?!”
“It...” Vegeta mumbled, “it was nothing. Just a little run in with a car.”
Goku’s dark eyes grew large, “A car?”
“Nothing?!” Bulma’s head popped into view from beside Vegeta, “You got HIT by a car!”
Goku blinked, “Who’re you?”
“It wasn’t that bad.” Vegeta could feel his cheeks starting to burn hot.
“Not that bad?!” Bulma shrieked, “you were unconscious for hours! You have a concussion! And a fractured hip!”
“A minor inconvenience.”
“You almost died!”
“Says who?”
The man outside the SUV watched with great confusion. Vegeta got hit by a car? There had been a blurb on the news the other night about it, but they hadn’t released a name. Only the vehicle description. Goku felt terrible he hadn’t known sooner. Vegeta was his buddy. He also could have sworn he recognized the blue haired woman in the drivers seat from somewhere...
“Aha!” Goku proclaimed, snapping his fingers loudly.
Both Vegeta and Bulma’s mouth snapped shut, their eyes both now focused on Goku.
“You’re the girl from Vegeta’s phone!” Goku grinned, “The girl on the wallpaper! It’s nice to meet ya! I’m Goku. Vegetas ju jitsu partner!” His large hand shoved itself past Vegetas nose to shake Bulma’s hand which she offered, “man, he sure talks about ya a whole lot! And with how much he doesn’t talk that’s sure saying something!”
“Kakarot...” Vegeta hissed, ignoring Bulma’s smug smile.
“Well, I think you and I are going to get a long just fine!” Bulma laughed, giving Gokus hand a last squeeze before Vegeta batted it away from in front of his face.
“Man, I’m sorry to hear about the accident!” Goku scratched his chin, “I tried callin’ ya yesterday to make sure of the plans, but ya never answered. Makes sense now.”
Vegeta inhaled sharply, “Ah shit.” His phone. He never even realized it was gone.
“Oh no,” Bulma sighed, “Vegeta, you lost your phone? I’m so sorry.”
“It’s just a phone,” he mumbled, “I’ll buy another.”
“Already done.” Bulma finished typing something on her phone screen and shoved it back in her purse, “I ordered you another, I’ll have someone drop it off this afternoon.”
Suddenly, as if a wave came over him, Vegeta felt to tired to argue. The world shifted on its axis, causing a rippling wave of nausea. He winced, adjusting his hip as the pain radiated, “Thanks.” He muttered.
“Hey, you okay buddy?” Goku crouched down, eyes full of worry, “What can I do?”
From inside Bulma’s heart, a warmth began to tug. This Goku guy was very kind, “We need to get him inside,” she said gently, blue eyes meeting Goku’s black, “But he’s not supposed to walk very much. He has crutches, but is refusing to use them.”
Goku’s brows furrowed, “Aw man. I just came from ‘Geets apartment. The elevators broken.”
Heaving a sigh, Vegeta cracked one eye open, willing the world to stop spinning as he met the worried gaze of his best friend. Hades be damned if he ever admitted it, but in his own heart he knew it to be true. He was well aware Goku felt that way about him as he expressed his feelings openly and without abandon, and never once forced Vegeta to say it in return. It was unwritten, but wholly understood between them, “Kakarot, I’m going to ask you the most embarrassing question of my life.” He winced.
That look of determination Goku got before every match suddenly spread across his face “What’s that?”
“Okay bud, only about ten steps left.” Goku carefully readjusted his arm beneath Vegetas left armpit, gripping the right hand a little tighter that was slung over his shoulder. Every step the took, Goku would lift Vegetas entire body off the ground, gently placing him right foot down on the next step. It had taken over a half hour and a lot of swear words from Vegeta, but they finally reached the apartment. Bulma unlocked the door, opening it wide enough for both men to fit through. As they finally crested the threshold Vegeta grunted, and quickly tightened his grip meaningfully on Gokus hand, being careful to not meet the larger mans eyes. He could feel the gentle stare though, see the sincere smile out of the corner of his eye. Goku squeezed back and said warmly, “Anytime.”
“Mph.” Vegeta looked away. Goku chuckled.
Bulma’s head popped out from Vegetas bedroom, “Let’s get him laying down in here.”
“Got it!” Goku grinned, then turned his head “Hey,” he whispered in Vegetas ear, “at least ya got a cute nurse outta the deal.”
“Shut. Up.” Vegeta hissed.
“Hey,” Goku shrugged, “it’s better than a picture, ain’t it?”
Vegeta clenched his jaw. A picture; his picture. It was gone. In all honesty, he was more upset about that than the phone. Hopefully it had been saved somehow.
After another round of swear words, Vegetas leg was propped up with pillows, at least relieving some of the pain. Bulma flitted around, gathering water and snacks as well as sorting out Vegetas pain pills in the kitchen as Goku sat on the edge of Vegetas bed and asked questions about the accident.
“I’m telling you, it was intentional.” Vegeta muttered, sipping at the glass of ice water Bulma had already placed on the side of the bed, “just a gut feeling.”
Face propped in his hand, dark brows pulled together, Goku drummed his fingers on his cheek, “Who though? And why her? She seems awful nice.”
Vegetas eyes darted to the door to make sure Bulma wasn’t eavesdropping, “Not sure. It could be anyone. She has a position of power in her company, and the smarts and money to go with it. There are a few nasty lawsuits floating around. I’ll have to take a look when I get the chance.”
“Hm.” Goku stood, stretching his back, “Well, I still have a few contacts out there. Old friends,” he shot an uncharacteristically dark smirk at Vegeta, “I’ll see what I can find.”
Vegetas eyes narrowed, “Don’t go digging to much Kakarot. You don’t need to get involved. We’ve both been out a long time. You’ve got a clean record. You’ve got the wife and kid to worry about.”
“Eh, Chichi won’t mind.” Goku shrugged, “She can’t mind if she doesn’t know anyways. I was never really a part of them in the first place. No one, and I mean no one, hurts my friends.” There was a sharp edge on the end of that sentence that made Vegetas fist clench into the blanket, a small and familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through him.
Goku’s normally chipper facade seemed to falter for a minute, a glint in his eyes, “Just like the old days. I got you. And you got me.” Just as quickly as the tense air in the room was there, it was immediately sucked out again, and Goku’s grin returned, “Anyways, fell better buddy! Call me when you get your new phone!” With a roll of his neck, and with his signature wave, Goku was out the door.
Vegeta let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He knew that look. He knew that Goku. That was the Goku most people had never met. He hadn’t see that look in a long, long time.
I got you. And you got me. The words repeated in Vegetas head, memories of them as young teens racing through back alleys, those same words being laughed as Goku and he managed to get away from whatever trouble they were involved in. “What have I done.” Vegeta muttered, eyes pinching closed as another wave of nausea ran through him.
“You alright?”
“Just...a headache still,” He grumbled, Bulma’s cool fingers dancing across his forehead.
“I’ll get you your medicine.” She whispered, “I’ll shut the blind too. The light may be hurting your eyes.”
Vegeta grunted, “I don’t need the pills. I just need some sleep.”
Bulma sighed, the sounds of the blind hitting the window sill echoing like a bomb in his ears, “Stop trying to be tough, it’s alright. You got hit by a car. You’re allowed some pain relief.” He could hear her shuffling around the room. Everything was so overwhelming. He wished this would stop.
Another wave of head pain, “I just need you.” The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them, his eyes still sensitive from the concussion pain snapped open to see if she’d heard.
But she wasn’t there.
“Did you say something?” Bulma’s called from the kitchen, “sorry, I was grabbing you some more water and the pain pills. I really think you should take them.”
Vegeta sighed, half relieved, half disappointed, “Whatever.”
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pineappledols · 4 years
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The Halloween surprise!
Summary- Xavier and Elijah may have gotten what they wanted... again.
Tags- @blindedbythelightt
A/n - this is part 2 to the little blurb thing i wrote about e and x going mask shopping. Thank you so much for all the love you gave part one. I really enjoyed writing this and the first one. Please feel free to request anything. Feedback would be very much appreciated. Also if you happen to be my older sister again please keep scrolling. Thank you so much for reading! Part 3?
“ Babe, there’s a package for you!” Grayson called out to y/n. Y/n came out from the hallway with a fussy Liana on her chest. Y/n and Grayson switched what they were holding with each other. When y/n grabbed a pair of scissors and opened the package up Grayson warmed Liana a bottle y/n made for her earlier that morning. The package included Xavier and Elijah’s new updated Halloween masks they asked for.
“ oh my gosh! They came so early!” Y/n commented. “ what did?” Grayson questioned finally calming down Liana. “ the new and improved mask of the month” y/n replied with. “ oh my gosh hahaha. You are truly a sucker for them aren’t you?” Grayson went to go sit next to his girlfriend with Liana now almost asleep on his chest. “ hey! At least i didn’t buy them a whole set of a mini builders kit that was a price that ‘ mommy can’t know about because she’ll freak’” “ okay that’s not fair haha! They really wanted to build with me!!” “ okay sure...”
“ whatever back to what’s important here.” “ oh right!”. Y/n pulls out the two small face masks and remembers the smiles on their faces while picking out the masks and smiles down at them. “ look at how cute these will look at them!” Y/n excitedly announced. “ you are SUCH a sucker for them!” “ yeah, yeah, yeah. “ Grayson looks at his watch and remembers that he has to pick up his boys. “ oh won’t you look at the time i have to go pick up our little ghosts now.” “ okay baby. Go have fun picking up our little monsters!” “ they are not monsters!” Grayson hands Liana to y/n and kisses her forehead while grabbing his keys from his pocket.
“ love you” Grayson says walking out of the house “ love you so much more” y/n responded. She knew she won by the sneaky little smile on her boyfriend’s face that proves it. “ it’s just you and me li, well and uncle E and auntie Kristina but who knows what their doing.” Y/n put Liana in her rolling crib next to her while she starts to think of how she will surprise her sons with their new face masks.
After a few minutes of hard thinking she decides to put each face mask in a decorated box they made with Kristina when she was babysitting. Y/n then hides the boxes in their play room and waits for her favorite boys to come home. Once she hears the front door open and her boyfriend asking to put their bags in their room and get washed up she comes out very quickly hoping that they didn’t see anything.
“ what kind of body are you trying to hide in your children’s play room?” Ethan asks her. Jumping y/n puts her hand on her heart and tries to control her breathing after being scared to death by her childhood best friend. “ Jeeze Ethan! You can’t do that to me!! You remember what happened last time you did that?!!” “Yes it was hilarious” “ no it wasn’t” “ yes it was okay whatever. What are you actually doing?” “ don’t tell Xavier and Elijah but their new face masks arrived” “ oh cool.”
“ MOMMYYY???” “ MAMAAA???” “ coming!” “ that was so not chill at all” “ shut up” “ haha” y/n walked back to the kitchen with Liana rolling next to her to be greeted by her sons and her boyfriend. Xavier and Elijah jumped up from their toys and ran over to y/n and hugged her. “ Mama i missed you so much!!” Elijah said. “ i missed you so much more bubba” “ mommy i missed you too!!” Xavier said “ i missed you more buddy” after a little talk about how school was y/n noticed a yawn from Xavier which then triggered Elijah to yawn then y/n. Xavier and Elijah giggled at that thinking that they started a chain reaction.
Grayson came over picking up a sleeping Liana and put his hand out to grab his son’s hand “ alrighty i think we can all agree that it’s nap time” “ yes please”. Grayson, Y/n and Liana lead Xavier and Elijah down the hall to their bed room and got them in their jammies.
After a long needed nap from the whole house y/n and Kristina start to make dinner together after they have made dinner they heard loud conversation from their boyfriends and two kids. “ Dinners ready!” Y/n calls out making everyone go to the dining table and eats their dinner. After eating dinner and then cleaning up dinner while Xavier and Elijah were watching their “ toons” with uncle E, their dad and Liana it was time for the surprise. Y/n sneaks back into their playroom and grabs the two boxes with the face masks in them and heads back to the living room.
“ alright boys, i have a surprise for you two” y/n tells the room. “ is it a trip to Disney land?!” Xavier asks. “ nope not a trip to Disney land” y/n responds with. “ awe” sighs the room. Y/n giggles at that. “ here’s a hint it’s something Halloween related” “is it our costumes?!!” “ not yet those are coming later. How about you guys open it and find out?” “ please” Elijah asks. Xavier and Elijah start to open their boxes and once they do it’s suddenly Christmas for them.
Their big bright smiles light up the whole room. It was a sight to see. “ MY MASK!!! Thank you mommy!” Xavier excitedly says “ it’s my new mask thank you so much mama!!” Elijah says with a smile. The two boys run up to hug their mother as a thank you. Grayson jealously announces “ group hug!!” And hugs his beautiful family lovingly. “ i love you guys so much”. “ I’m hungry”
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Electricity | Shawn Mendes
“Going to the gym it’s already a part of Shawn’s life, but the whole atmosphere changes when he sees you waking in for the first time. It was like electricity”
sooo, even tough i’m working on a new soulmate series  (follow me for more updates *wink*) i felt bad for not updating my masterlist or whatever recently, so i had this idea coming back from gym and it’s a really simple concept. anyways, i’ll stop rambling and hope you like this concept/blurb thing... that’s it, it’s not my best work, but it was what I could come up with... byeeee
*Word Count: 2.2K+
*Warnings: cursing and that's it!
*Posted: March 15th, 2020.
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Shawn’s pretty sure he’s an idiot. Not that he ever doubted that, but right now he’s just one hundred percent sure he’s pathetic. Working out is a really important thing on his life, not only for working purposes, but also to be able to keep up with all the stuff he has to do in general and to keep himself healthy. So it’s no surprise he’s basically everyday on the gym or doing something, and he generally was really good on focusing only on his workout, but recently that was becoming harder and harder, all because of you.
He’d always workout on the mornings to be able to work after and be free for the rest of the day, making this routine to not have excuses to skip leg day. And since this have been for a while, he knew pretty much everyone around him enough to notice when someone new showed up, but he didn’t pay much attention. That was until the first time he saw you. You were walking into the gym with a friend, giggling about something she said with an adorable blush on your face, an oversized hoodie and a pair of black leggings, and the messiest yet most beautiful ponytail he has ever seen in his life.
He just stood there in shock, mesmerized by the sound of you laughing and breathtaking smile and his trainer even asked if he was okay, which he just nodded. He tried so hard not to look at you because he thought that was invasive and kind of a dick thing to do, he couldn’t help to find himself looking for you, trying so bad to keep his eyes to himself. He didn’t want to be a creep. The second time his trainer noticed, he told him she was the sweetest girl he ever met but was dating some dude at work. The third time he tried to ignore your presence but it was hard, you were like a magnet and your voice was like melody to his ears.
His biggest regret was telling that to his friends, they didn’t miss a beat on mocking him about the mysterious girl he’s been crazy about. Every single time he mentioned something gym related they would make some funny comment about it. Brian even decided he would join him on his workout just to see the girl that’s been on his friends mind for a while now. So a week later he joined Shawn at the gym on his usual time and couldn’t stop cursing.
“Dude, why do you wake up that early?!”
“So that I can start my day knowing I already worked out and that I’m free”
“You are fucking insane, Mendes”
“Fuck off, Brian” he said chuckling as he got there and pushed the door open.
“I better end up looking like you after all this sacrifice”
“You know that’s not how working out works, right?”
“Yeah, and that’s why I hate it”
“Shut up, you didn’t even started, dude”
“Whatever” Brian said as they approached the trainer, only to be told to start by earning up.
They followed Shawn’s insane routine, with Brian complaining at every single movement, saying it was pointless since you were not there for him to finally meet you, even tough Shawn didn’t even had the courage to talk to you. When Brian was cursing for the billionth time, Shawn saw you walking in alone and going straight to the girl who he noticed that might be your trainer.
“Dude, what’re you... oh shit, that’s her isn’t she?”
“Shit, I know her”
“I mean, I don’t actually know her, but she’s a really good Finn’s friend”
“Finn’s? She’s not his girlfriend?”
“No, dude, he’s got a girlfriend for two years now”
“Holy shit”
“Want me to talk to her and introduce you guys?”
“That would be so awkward”
“Only if you make it”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea”
“Are we done?”
“With what?”
“Your routine? ‘Cause I honestly feel like I won’t be able to talk tomorrow”
“Yeah, we can cut it a little shorter today”
“Great, hey, Y/N!”
“Brian” Shawn hissed through gritted teeth but it was too late, you turned around to see who was calling your name, and then you shot them a breathtaking smile, or at least, Shawn was finding it extremely hard to breath.
“Brian, right?” she asked approaching both of them.
“Yeah, that’s me, and this is Shawn, my best friend”
“Hi, Shawn” she said smiling at me and offering her hand to shake, and so I did.
“Hey, nice to meet you” Shawn said unable to hold back the grin that was plastered on his pink lips.
“Are you guys done? I don’t want to bother you too”
“Yeah, we’re cool, how’ve you been?”
“Fine, actually, things are a little crazy at work but that’s a good thing right?”
“I guess so, she’s a lawyer” Brian said.
“Oh, that’s nice”
“What have you been doing?”
“I’ve been working with Shawn for the past months”
“Really? Didn’t know you had music gift”
“Oh, he doesn’t” Shawn said and the girl giggled.
“I’ve been helping him on tour”
“So basically you’ve been traveling ‘helping Shawn’ and being payed for it?”
“Pretty much” Shawn said smiling.
“Hey, I do a lot, okay?”
“Sure thing, Brian, how do I take his place?”
“Just say the word” Shawn said chuckling making Y/N giggle, his heart melting at the sound.
“Great to know you too are already friendly enough to mock me” Brian said making both of their faces red.
“Anyway, it was nice talking to you guys, but I really gotta start this so I won’t be late later”
“Sure, it was nice seeing you too, Y/N, take care” Brian said and Shawn just mumbled a quick ‘bye’ before she turned away smiling at them “now you know each other” Brian said grinning and Shawn hit the back of his head playfully.
“You idiot” Shawn said as they left the gym laughing.
Since their first introduction, they haven’t talked much but would always say ‘hi’ at least to each other everyday, and she didn’t leave his mind at all. It was getting harder to don’t seem like a creep for looking at her while she was trying to mind her own business and sometimes he even caught her staring, but quickly turning away. So when she didn’t show up one day he got worried, she didn’t seem the type to miss her training, at least, she didn’t on the last month and a half. He even considered asking what happened to her coach but decided to drop it. But for his relief, she came to talk to Shawn’s trainer about it.
“Y/N called to say she couldn’t make it”
“Oh, everything alright?”
“Yeah, she just had a meeting she had to reschedule and she’s super busy, so this was the only time she and her client could meet”
“Nice... can I ask you a favor?”
“I won’t be able to come here on Friday, can you keep an eye on Shawn for me?”
“Totally, I just have to ask Y/N since she’s in for his usual time”
“I can come on another time if you want” Shawn said as he finished a series, taking a break.
“I’ll talk to her, if she doesn’t mind, would it be bad for you?”
“No, not at all” Shawn said trying to contain his excitement.
“Great, thanks, Jen”
“Anytime, Duke” she said as she went back to where she was previously.
“She said Y/N finds you cute”
“Yeah, you should ask her out”
“Dude, are you serious? Is my love life you entertainment?” Shawn asked trying to keep his features as serious as possible.
“Pretty much”
“But for real, you should really ask her out, it’s been a while you’ve been drooling over her and not doing anything about it”
“Yeah, maybe Friday”
“Whatever works for you, rockstar, now let’s go back to work”
Friday came faster than expected. Shawn was practically hoping on the streets to get to the gym in excitement. Jen was already there when he arrived, but he didn’t spot Y/N, which calmed him a bit.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Hi, Shawn, good morning, Duke showed me his plans for you, do you mind if we change it a bit?”
“Not at all, what do you have in mind?”
“I know you have some hard times stretching, so maybe we could work on that as well? To balance things a bit”
“Great, Y/N will be here anytime, wanna start warming up a bit?”
“Works for me”
Just as Shawn was doing as Jen told him to, Y/N walked in wearing a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie, as always, and her hair in two braids. He could feel his palms sweating.
“Good morning, guys” Y/N said smiling at them.
“Morning” they both answered.
“So, Jen, what are we doing today?”
“We’re not going to change much, Shawn’s going to fit in your routine”
“Good luck, dude”
“Hey, it can’t be that hard right? I think I can handle it” he said, feeling his ego being punched.
Shawn didn’t consider himself as an athlete of anything like that, but he worked out hard for a while now.
“Let’s ser about that, tiger” Y/N said with a grin playing on her lips.
“Enough with the flirting, can we start?”
“Yes, Ma’am” Shawn said as soon as he felt his face heat up and Y/N’s cheek get a little pinker than usual.
He was so wrong. His workout routine was pretty intense, but hers were just something else. She trained a lot the muscles on her anda and back due to pain she has from stress and position at work, so there’s not so much weight lifting but what she does is just as bad, Shawn found himself almost begging to grab a few weights or something on his routine. When Jen announced the worst was over he almost felt happy, then he remembered she told him she was going to help them stretch, which was literally his biggest fear.
He was mesmerized by Y/N’s ability to apparently ignore the natural humane positions and simply became like a doll on Jen’s hands. He just stood there in awe with every movement she made while he couldn’t even touch his toes. But even tough the training was completely different and out of his comfort zone, he swear he never had more fun in his life. Y/N was constantly cracking jokes and making some sarcastic yet funny comments about pretty much everything. He was also impressed at how naturally the conversation was flowing between them, they sometimes ever forgot that Jen was right there beside them the whole time, only being remembered due to the exercises and the bickering about their flirting situation. Shawn found himself disappointed on how fast the minutes flew by.
“Well, it was fun, guys, see you two on Monday” Jen said as we grabbed our stuff.
“See you, Jen, thank you” Shawn said as she went to her next class.
“She’s right, today was actually really nice” Y/N said looking up at Shawn from where she was sitting on the floor.
“It was, Monday we’ll have the part two to this”
“Yeah... or maybe...”
“Yeah?” Shawn asked offering a hand for her to stand up, which she gladly took with a smile on her lips.
“Are you free right now?”
“I am, why?”
“Wanna go grab something to eat? There’s this really nice place nearby with some healthy stuff and great iced teas”
“I’d love that, actually I was intending to ask you out for a while now”
“I know” She said chuckling.
“What? Wait... how?!”
“Brian told me”
“I’m going to kill him” Shawn muttered under his breath.
“Hey” she said squeezing his hand, that he even forgot that was still holding hers “don’t do it, I’ve been wanting to do the same for a while now”
“Really?” Shawn asked, his whole demeanor changing into a smirk, making her blush.
“Yeah, I was just waiting to see if you’d actually do something other than ask about me or stare at me from a distance”
“Sorry, I got a little nervous”
“That’s why I decided to step up”
“And I appreciate it, but I was wondering... if we could actually have a proper date, one that I’m not all sweaty and shit”
“Hmm... it depends”
“On what?”
“Are actually going to ask me out this time?”
“Y/N, would you like to go on date with me... tonight... or whenever you’re available actually”
“I’d love to, and tonight’s just fine by the way”
“Okay, I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Fine by me, give me your phone” she said and I handled it to her, in which she wrote her number down.
“Thank you” Shawn said smiling at her.
“Are we still going to grab something to eat now or...?”
“Oh, yeah, sure, let’s go” Shawn said squeezing her hand back and she just smiled at him, not letting go of his hand as she pulled him outside.
Shawn could literally feel his whole body exploding in excitement. Little did he know, she was feeling the same way.
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
: @fivefeetapartt
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t-lostinworlds · 5 years
You Did It (Shawn Mendes)
A/N: Wrote this on a whim again and it’s sorta different? I think lol. Suppose to be a blurb but is 1k words even considered as a blurb? haha. Anyhow, I think I shed a tear or two writing this but it’s not sad I promise asdfghjkl. It’s just a little something for Shawn’s first ever stadium show. And gosh, I’m so proud of that boy. Anyways! Hope you enjoy! x
Summary: Shawn’s had this weird and unexplainable experience when he was just a child, but years down the line, he was very grateful for said experience and to have met this mysterious man.
Warnings: Emotional stuff maybe and Typos
Word Count: 1.8k+
Masterlist in Bio
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Shawn was lodging his guitar case down the busy street of Toronto with a wide smile on his face, his eyes scanning the beautiful but busy city underneath the summer sun. People were going out and about with their day, no one sparing the 12-year-old boy a glance as they hurry from one destination to another.
"Shawn, buddy, you wait here and don't wander okay? I'll be back as quick as I can." His father ruffled his hair, a bright smile written on the man's lips as he watched his son be so excited having bought his first guitar, never seeming to have the will to let go of the instrument despite the fact that it's almost the same size as the kid.
The young boy nodded, his dad helping him settle his guitar on a bench before disappearing to handle some adult business, Shawn swinging his short legs that couldn't touch the ground as he sat patiently and waited as he'd been told to do so.
He was humming a simple tune that he thought of on top of his head, eyes looking up the CN tower as it stood tall and mighty that it seemed to touch the blue sky in the perspective of a young boy's eyes.
And with a simple turn of his head, Shawn's vision was met by another magnificent looking building. One that looked like it stretched till forever down the street, not as tall the tower, no, but definitely bigger, or fatter, as Shawn thought.
The big and beefy letters was staring right back at the boy, all red and bright at the very head of the stadium. Shawn's always wondered how big it was inside, and how cool it would be sit amongst thousands, or in his dreams, sing in front of those people.
"Hey there kid, this guitar yours?" A man sat down beside the boy, face unrecognizable as it was hidden under a baseball cap and dark sunglasses. He wore an all black outfit too, hands shoved in the pockets of his black coat, a very suspicious outfit but with a smile bright and welcoming that Shawn couldn't help but smile himself.
"Hello mister and yes, it's my first guitar ever." The boy chirped excitedly, face lighting up as he talked about the most precious item in his life as of now.
The man's smile only widened from there, nodding with a soft chuckle as he gave the kid a pat on the back. "That's amazing dude."
"Yeah! I can't wait to learn more and play it." The little one giggled, tearing his eyes away from the man to look back up at the big, fat building. The man followed Shawn's eyes with a soft sigh. "Have you seen what's the inside of that stadium?"
Shawn looked back at the man and shook his head no, a small frown on his face with a look of full curiosity, an innocent one that a child possess. "You want to see it from the inside?" The man asked softly, his smile never wavering as he looked at the boy adoringly.
Shawn contemplated on it for a moment, his parents' rule of never talking to strangers echoing inside his mind. But that's the thing, this man doesn't feel like a stranger to Shawn, if not, the boy feels like he knows who this guy is, despite not having seen him before.
"We'll be back here before you know it bud." The man reassured, standing up fully on his feet as he offered Shawn a hand. Shawn smiled, his trust for this man feeling so strong in his veins as he stood up on his own two feet, taking the man's hand as he held his guitar case on the other.
"Here, let me help you with that." The man chuckled, taking the guitar from his grasp at they walked towards the stadium.
"Whoa" Shawn gasped, his features coated with nothing but absolute wonder as he looked around the huge and spacious room. His eyes glanced up at the roof that seemed to go on forever, the endless numbers of seats from in front of him to high up above. Compared to the young kid, the stadiums size was overwhelming to say the least.
"Come here little guy." The man called out as he beckoned Shawn to the side of the stage, helping him carefully up the stairs.
"This place is so big!" The boy shouted in pure glee, followed by that sweet giggle as he heard his voice echo throughout the space. The man couldn't help but grin wide as he felt his heart grow ten times its normal size.
"I know. I'll never get used to seeing this view." He chuckled as he stood right beside Shawn, his expression barely readable having that his face was half covered but his smile just says it all how in awe he was, just like the kid beside him.
"How many times have you been here before?" Shawn asked as he looked up at the man warily. "A couple of times." The man shrugged with a fulfilled grin. "Now, put this on and stand right there in the middle." He handed Shawn his guitar, helping him slip the strap on and guiding him right in the middle of the stage.
"Now close your eyes kiddo." Shawn did as told as he clutched his guitar tight as much as he can in his hands, the man crouching down right beside him with a hand gently rested on his shoulder.
"Imagine this stadium full, all the lights, the beat of the drums and the bass shaking the stage beneath your feet. You're feeling the adrenaline rise through your body as scanned the huge crowd. Imagine all the people with bright smiles on their faces, all of them singing loud with excitement that they might blow the roof off." The man whispered softly, a sense of full on gratitude and pride in his voice that Shawn was feeling it course through his chest too.
"What are they so excited for?" Shawn asked, fingers absentmindedly strumming the guitar strings emitting a soft melody that softly echoed around the space, eyes still shut tight as he imagined what the man had said, a tingle in his stomach that Shawn couldn't help but grin.
"They're excited for you buddy. These fifty three thousand people are here for you, to cheer you on."
"Me?" The young kid's voice was full of question, not seeming to believe what the man had said. Why would that many people scream for him? Little Shawn from a small town called Pickering?
The man hummed, voice filled with a mixture of so many emotions as he said:
"You did it kid."
"Huh?" Shawn opened his eyes as he looked at the man beside him with furrowed brows. But he only grinned at him, giving his shoulder a comforting squeeze before standing back to his full height.
"Come on. Let's get you back. Your dad might be looking for you." Shawn didn't question any further as his young brain tried to understand what the man could have meant.
There's no way that many people would be there for me. That's just impossible. Shawn thought to himself. But the more he tried his hardest to make it make sense, the more confused he was getting as he was just a young kid who know so little, so he decided to just forget about it.
With one last look at the view from the stage, Shawn smiled before turning back around, placing his guitar back on the case and following the man out.
"Dad's coming. Always remember kiddo, have the greatest time of your life."
The man gave Shawn a curt nod, hand grabbing his hat to tip it down with a wide smile, and that's when Shawn caught a glimpse of a bird tattoo on the man's hand.
A look of confusion coated the young boy's features but the man only smiled wide at that. And before Shawn could even ask about the tattoo, he heard the calling of his name.
"Shawn! Where have you been? I told you not to wander! Are you okay?" Manny's face was in full panic as he crouched down in front of the boy, cupping Shawn's face with both hands, turning it side to side to see if he was hurt.
"Dad I – I'm fine. Dad there's this man–" Shawn started, pointing back at where he last saw the man only to see no one. Manny followed Shawn's finger only to end up looking at nothing. "What man son?"
"He was–" Shawn blinked for a few times, brows furrowing as he scanned the crowd only to see no sign of the mysterious man. The boy's casted his eyes down at the guitar case he was clutching, staring at it for a few seconds before his gaze landed back up to stare at the stadium.
"Let's just go home bud. Your mum is worried sick."
Shawn nodded as he took his father's hand, walking down the street and taking one last look at the huge sign up above: Rogers Centre
Rogers Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada – September 6, 2019
Shawn stared at his swallow tattoo with a shaky breath.
His emotions were all over the place, the adrenaline in his veins growing tenfold as the lights flickered pink. He was all crouched down at the bottom of the stairs as the sub-bass thumped through his body.
His heart was racing against his ribs as the crowds roar only grew louder and louder by the second. Shawn gripped his guitar tighter to his chest, a wide and bright smile making its way to his lips as he looked up at the opening of the stage to see thousands of people all there for him, screaming his name. A small tear slipped out of Shawn's eyes, his heart full of warmth and gratitude as he reminisced on how far he's come, selling out his first ever stadium show, right here, in his home.
You did it kid.
Shawn shook his head with a soft chuckle, wiping his tears with the back up his hand before bringing it up to press his guitar pick against his lips, eyes fluttering close as he took one deep but thankful breath, right before someone in his ear said that it was time.
Placing the pick on the floor right under the stairs, Shawn climbed up slowly, emerging into the crowd as the people only screamed louder from there on out, that excitement all for him, a sense of pride and gratitude filling him up as walked and reached the middle of the stage.
Shawn gripped his guitar tight against his chest, and under his breath he spoke, his voice soft as a whisper that only he and that mystery man could hear the words:
"I did it."
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pascalpvnk · 5 years
um if ur still taking blurbs.... 54,37,38 🥺
1.1k of best friends to lovers that has been sitting in my inbox for two months (I’m so sorry) and being put together piece by piece. I’m kinda really not satisfied with how it turned out but it is what it is. I hope that at least you enjoy. (masterlist linked in bio)
Warnings: fluff, swearing, teasing (in a friendly way), lactose intolerance, a tickle fight, confessions of love
14*: “Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.”
37: “You look like you need a hug��
38: “I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies”
“Do you want a bite?” You ask, offering a heaping spoonful of your cookie dough ice cream. The marble top of the island is cool against your bare elbows. Shawn leans on it as well, getting down to your level but with much space between you. It’s the only barrier separating you two apart. 
He gives you a smug look. “You’d be fucking insane to think I’d bite ice cream,” he smirks, clearly thinking he’s hilarious. You try your absolute best not to crack a smile, but the combination of his dimples popping out, eyes crinkling and his own intoxicating smile, it’s pretty damn impossible. Your fingertips reach over to playfully shove his shoulder, and he releases a string of giggles.
“Stop playing! You know what I mean, goose,” you resist the strong urge to boop his scrunched up nose. “It’s gonna melt so please just eat it.” Offering him the spoon once again, you expect him to take it in his hand. 
The words “my pleasure” roll off his tongue and are as sweet as honey, making you feel all warm and tingly inside. Instead of taking the whole utensil between his fingers, he wraps his lips around the end of it, taking the scoop of ice cream away. His dark, chestnut eyes bore into yours and you could stare into them for hours on end. Blood rushes to your cheeks and a bit down south, the sight of him making you melt in place of the ice cream.
He hums quietly, but you definitely don’t miss it. “That was good. I can see why it’s your favorite.” He’s using the same silky tone that he had before and it’s driving you nuts. You bite the inside of your cheek and nod before shoving some ice cream into your own mouth. Anything that can help cool you down will be useful. 
You constantly debate with yourself whether or not you should tell him how you feel. But you don’t think you could survive if you ruin the friendship you already have if he doesn’t feel the same. When he pulls shit like this though, it’s pretty difficult to contain yourself and shove those words down. But then again, the things you’d do just for him to give you a chance are infinite, within reason of course. 
“You okay? You’re kinda flushed.”
Your attention snaps back up to him. Yeah, you got lost in your head again. Blinking a couple times, you come up with a fib on the spot.
“Yeah, just starting to get a stomach ache. Yunno,” you pause, “…lactose sensitivity or whatever.”
Shawn shakes his head and laughs, “you never learn, huh? It’s okay though, I love you still, but I’m taking this away from you.” He takes the bowl and backs away out of your reach. Your stomach flutters at his words. I love you. Not exactly the context you want it, since he’s your best friend and not your boyfriend, but it’s better than nothing. Anything from him is better than nothing at all.
You put on your best pout, not expecting him to actually confiscate your precious bowl of ice cream. 
“Awe, you look like you need a hug,” he teases, totally mocking your pouty face. Without another word, he sets down the bowl and starts toward you. Everything in you begs that something snapped and he’s just going to kiss the shit out of you and confess his heart to you, but it’s much too good to be true. 
Shawn swiftly throws you over his shoulder as his fingers attack your sides. Your body freezes before you begin to squirm. You hate it when he tickles you. It makes you feel helpless and like you can’t breathe. Plus he makes you ugly laugh when he tickles you hard enough. But then again, you kind of love it. You love it when he laughs back and the feeling of his hands on you is addicting. You’re mad at yourself for loving it even a little because you know damn well that you only love it that little bit because you’re so in love with him.
After a few seconds of cackling, losing your breath, and almost peeing yourself, Shawn tosses you on the couch. He stalks across the room to the TV like nothing happened. 
“That wasn’t a hug, you bitch,” you pant.
“Shush, I’ll hug you in a second. Pick a movie, anything but Disney, though.” He shuffles through the cases he has in his hands, eyeing the other movies that are in the cabinets. 
“Even after knowing you for forever, I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies. You’re literally a child trapped inside a man’s body.”
“But you love my body so it’s okay,” he smirks. 
“Shut the fuck up. Maybe I don’t love you at all, huh? With your cocky, Disney hating ass.” Oh the lies that slip past your lips. 
He’s quiet for a moment and you worry that you played too much and hurt him. Quietly, he puts a movie into the DVD player and sits down on the end of the couch that is opposite of you. 
“Shawn,” you test to see if he’s okay, “hey, I was kidding. You know I love you. Well, I love you more than you probably know considering I’m in love with you but I-”
Everything following your word vomit seems like it’s in slow motion. You can feel your heartbeat in your throat. His expression completely changes from blank to shocked. He locks eyes with you and your entire being shatters when it isn’t a look of mutual endearment, just cold shock. You feel so stupid.
“Disregard that! Everything I just said, forget about it and let’s watch the movie. Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.” You would give a lot in this moment to be able to sink into the sofa. 
His silence scares the ever living shit out of you. Typically, you can sit together in silence for hours and be comfortable, but you probably haven’t ever felt more uncomfortable in your life.
The audio from the television distracts you as he scoots closer to you and cautiously puts his head on your shoulder. It takes you off guard. Your eyes well up with tears and you’re unsure of how you feel in this very moment.
“I can’t just be your best friend if I feel the same way,” he whispers.
With everything coming together in the most beautiful way—much more beautiful than you could ever imagine—with the physical and metaphorical warmth of him on you, you couldn’t feel more comfortable. Comfortable with him and comfortable to know that he will be with you even more in the future. Comfortable with the fact that he is your future. 
Like, reblog & let me know what you think! xx
permanent taglist:  @sunrise-shawn @yourvoiceislikearose @queen-of-sarcasm-bae @delicaateshaawn @spooky-seavey @sinceweremutual @tell-me-when-ur-ready @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @2-shots-of-water @givelove-always @hehemendes @particularnervous @elizabeth5wolf @jhebe59 @tastymendes @boobear729 @softmendesss @shawn-styles @hurts-like-hell-xx @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @honeyrosemuffins @moviesbooksandfandoms @i-play-video-games @plmtrees @ausgezeichnetlich @gareth932-blog @shawnieeboyy (let me know if you want to be added or removed. crossed out users cannot be tagged.)
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calpalirwin · 5 years
Crash and Burn
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Summary: Ashton wasn’t the type to consider himself unlucky when it came to love. It was actually quite the opposite. He loved the thrill the was trying to find The One.
A/N: I’m a ho for both this picture and for Thomas Rhett music (hence the title) so here’s a (significantly shorter) angsty Ash blurb for y’all!
Content: Surprisingly cuss-word free? Al-fuckin-right!
Word count: 1,400-ish (told ya it was on the short side)
And away, and away we go!
Ashton didn’t have it in him anymore to be heartbroken as the door slammed. A year ago he would’ve been. A year ago he would’ve sat on his couch and stared blankly at the wall for hours as the tears fell and his mind raced over what he could’ve done differently. A year ago a full bottle of whiskey would slowly drain as he burned out her memory.
But this wasn’t a year ago. This was today. And that was the eighth girl. And he just didn’t have it in him to feel the pain anymore.
He sat down on the couch anyway, a dry chuckle leaving his lips. “Looks like you’re a solitary man again, mate,” he told himself as he continued to chuckle.
He knew better now. He knew that the girls could leave and his world would keep on spinning. It would spin him right into number nine and number nine would spin him right back here in a matter of months.
He should be bitter. Or jaded at the very least. But he wasn’t. He wasn’t even numb. He was… dare he say… hopeful. Hopeful that number nine wasn’t the lover he let crash and burn.
“I can’t do this anymore!” Girl One cried, her tears splashing on the hardwood floor.
“Do what?!”Ashton had responded, his hands pulling at his hair in frustration.
“You’re never home! And when you are it’s like your mind is somewhere else!”
“Baby, I can’t be with you every second of every day!”
“I’m not asking you to!”
“You kinda are…” Ashton said, his voice dropping.
“I can’t do this anymore,” she repeated, her voice a disappointed whisper as the door slammed shut behind her.
Ashton screamed.
“Nine shots?” Calum asked skeptically.
“One for every door slam,” Ashton replied, raising up the first shot glass.
Calum shrugged, grabbing a shot glass himself. No way he was letting Ashton pound nine shots on his own. “To girls breaking our hearts.”
“To crashing and burning,” Ashton nodded, clinking the glass and feeling the burn down his throat.
“You’re suffocating me!” Girl Seven screamed.
Ashton’s fingers clung to the tabletop to keep himself upright. Seven, seven, seven. Can’t get it right, can’t get it right, can’t get it right. Say something. Anything.
The door slammed and the tears splashed onto his fingertips.
The whiskey poured and the cycle spun on.
“But there’s only been eight girls,” Calum pointed out with a wince, swallowing the fourth shot. “Why do you have nine?”
“For good luck,” Ashton said with a wink, slamming down the last shot. He let out a breath, feeling the burn flow through his body.
“Didn’t she just leave this morning? And you’re already on the hunt for the next one?”
Ashton shrugged. “Yeah, so?”
“Has it ever occurred to you that things aren’t working out with these girls because you need to slow down?”
Ashton shrugged again. “Heartbreak has made you bitter, Cal.”
“As it should.”
Ashton shook his head, a wild grin on his face. “Nah, you got it all wrong. The right girl’s out there. And I’m not missing my chance to see if she’s here.”
“Buddy, you’ll crash and burn again if you keep doing this to yourself.”
“Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t. But I won’t know if I sit here with you all night.”
Calum rolled his eyes and scanned the bar, spotting a girl who threw back a shot with a grin that rivaled the one on his friend’s face. If Ashton wasn’t going to listen to reason, he might as well go after a girl who seemed as reckless with her heart as he was. “There,” Calum said, nodding his head in the girl’s direction. “Her.”
Ashton followed the brown-eyed gaze towards the girl who had her hands up as she twirled her hips to the music blaring out the jukebox. “Good eye, Cal,” Ashton said, slapping a hand on the table as he stood up, his rings giving out a small thud as they connected with the wood.
“Hey there, gorgeous,” he flirted, leaning a hand against the jukebox, trying his best to look cool.
“Hey, handsome,” she flirted back, eyeing him up and down.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing by herself?”
“I’m not by myself. I’m with you."
Y/N was wild in a way Ashton hadn’t encountered before. He’s dated shy and quiet. He’s dated crazy and loud. The clingers. The independent ones. You name it, he dated it. And while each girl was different from the last, Y/N was the one he couldn’t pin down. It was like she was a mixture of every girl he had ever dated rolled into one. She could be cuddly and soft one minute and then hard as stone the next. She could say some of the dumbest jokes and the most poetic thoughts. She was… well she was like him. And it drove him the best kind of crazy.
At six months she was the longest relationship he had managed to keep, having weathered the storm that was him leaving for two months to go tour.
He was teetering on the edge of deciding if he just liked her a lot or if it was actually love. And he was terrified. He held back from saying those words, knowing once he did there was no going back. He held back, waiting for the end to come like it always did. Like the cycle demanded. The crash. The burn.
But then, she was dancing in the kitchen, in nothing but his shirt, and it just slipped. “I love you, Y/N,” he chuckled, taking her hand and spinning her in a circle.
Her eyes went wide at his admission, and he fought to keep his face neutral while his brain screamed. But then, she just smiled up at him. “Aw, I love you too, Ash.”
“Happy anniversary,” he said, sliding a key across the table towards her.
Her eyebrows shot up over the rim of her coffee mug. “What is this?”
“A key.”
She rolled her eyes and reached for it. “What’s the significance, Ash? Is this a ‘I’m tired of keeping my door unlocked for you’ key? Or a ‘move in with me’ key?” The key twirled in her fingers.
He shrugged. “What type of key do you want it to be?” He knew what type of key he wanted it to be. But, even with the “I love you” out, he was still hesitant. This was a love he didn’t want to let go of. So his default was to play indifferent. Put forward small pieces of himself and let her do with those pieces as she saw fit.
Her eyes narrowed.
He kept his face blank as he leaned forward. “I love you, Y/N.”
“If you love me, then tell me what this key is for.”
“It’s for the front door.”
The coffee cup slammed down, and he winced. No, no, no. The crash. No, no, no. “You’re insane,” she scoffed, standing up from her seat.
His brain started screaming as the deja vu washed over him. He stayed frozen in his own seat. His eyes scanned his cupboards, searching for the comforting burn, and not finding it. Stupid sobriety. No, no, no.
The tear broke like glass against the table as door slammed and the windows rattled.
The choked sob worked itself out. “NO!” His fists came down hard on the table, more tears shattering like his heart. “No,” he said in a broken whisper, getting up. This time he was doing what he never did for girls one through eight. He was going after her.
He was about to rip the door open when it pushed inwards towards him. What?
“Were you crying?” she asked, a giggle bubbling up inside her.
He hurriedly wiped at his face. “No. What were you doing?”
“Checking that the key worked. What were y- Did you think I left you? Were you coming after me?”
He cleared his throat and rubbed at his neck. “No,” he lied.
She smiled that wild smile of hers and pecked at his lips. “Yeah, you were. So, you like love me love me, huh?”
He let out a small chuckle. “Maybe.”
“Ash, haven’t you learned by now that this is a fire that won’t burn out?”
He pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply, thinking about how the only crashing he wanted to do was crashing into bed, and loving her through the night straight into the end of his days.
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