#i feel like i cant start fresh either but idk. up in the air and its my blog. not a big deal but just annoyed and upset lately
psychicsolanum · 2 months
I have so many thoughts after finishing it.
yet I feel so empty lmao.
I'm gonna put my disorganised rambles under a read more if anyone is interested and/or wants to scream with me about it
umbrella academy is one of, if not, my favourite show ever made for its storytelling and unique art direction yes, but mainly its characters and their dynamic, like everyone who loves this show.
i love the fluffy sibling relationships and how their trauma affects how they live and behave with one another. everything is built off of the characters!! it's never revolved around love interests unless it made sense and I really loved that. patch (mostly), dave, ray, lila and even Delores tied into the main cast's arcs and pushed the plot forward in a way that I thought was really satisfying and didn't take away too much from the family dynamics that the show focuses on.
so why did they choose these random romantic relationships this season to focus on? I thought the twist about Ben's death was actually great and unexpected personally, (and i loved seeing the kids go out on a mission; i always wanted more flashbacks to their childhood) but to boil it down to a virus that made him fall in love with someone he just met? that's so boring and so unlike anything they've done before imo!
also what happened to sloane lmao. I know basically nothing about behind the scenes stuff but what was the point of having her and Luther get together last season if they had no plans, I'm guessing they must have and the actress didn't come back?
and I feel like hargreeves' grand plan that caused everything in this show to happen feels so anticlimactic now. I mean I guess it literally meant nothing now. this feels like life is strange all over again but worse lol.
Klaus! thank god he exists in this series. what a breath of fresh air any time he was on screen. i never thought i'd be so relieved they threw him into another side quest lmao thank god he wasnt burdened by the main plot too much. I don't mean to say I'm completely happy with what they did with him, they started this arc of like, not letting his powers define him and finish his transformation that he's been continuously going through since s1, but because the show ends with everyone killing themselves it just kind of fizzles out? still love him and his careless whimsy, i thought the way he got his powers back and the scene following it was really good. as always wish they explored it moreeeeeee ughhhhh. Omg they never did anything more with the void or God either. I loved that stuff :(((((((((((
I cant even think about the five and lila stuff without getting mad so I'm just gonna say: fuck you for that. what the fuck were you thinking. why. why. why. in my head five is aroace and moves on with his life, maybe takes up golfing idk. who cares. anything else. HE LITERALLY SAID "I WANNA FUCKING KILL HIM" ABOUT DIEGO IN THE LAST EPISODE?!?!?!?!? and he hid the way home to her children from her for months???? I like the very end of the plotline where it explained founder five, very Loki, but that could have been accomplished without the 7 year romance...............
I think the 6 year time jump reallllyyyyy did not help this season at all. it just led to all the conflict with Allison being resolved instantly and her only story being the one klaus is living with. also wtf was going on with her powers why did they just give her telekinesis thats way more boring than her rumours! I like the tiny bits we got with klaus and allison but it was so short! with the time jump we missed so much development, most of them feel like completely different characters for no real reason. the only thing we know about luther is that he became a stripper, and viktor owns a bar in canada i guess??? these guys were most of the main plot in season 1 and they were so one dimentional this season. i feel like we barely got to get to know Claire or Diego and lilas kids which would be fine if the rest of the plot going on with the other characters was good and engaging, which i felt it wasn't. I don't even know the kids names apart from Grace, which is very cute ill give them that.
The show ended with the main cast doing a group suicide. ceasing to exist. none of them getting to heal.
I'm sorry I don't want to be a hater and I really do hope that some people loved this season but im just so sad lol. i liked the first couple eps and I really love these characters, judging by twitter I'm not alone in my disappointment though lmao. what was the potential s5 gonna look like?!?!?
I loved klaus and Allison a lot and we got little snippets of greatness, I want a spinoff of them now!!!!!!!
I'm excited to hear other people's opinions, maybe I'll see other perspectives and feel a little better haha.
klaus 4ever 🖤☂️🖤
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
hiii grace how are you bby?
good newssss im all updated on bambi!!!!!!!!!!!!! great news ive now started ataraxia!!!!!
i love them so much like it’s just so refreshing reading about their lives and everyday drama. idk if ive been on an accidental reading loop of sad books but i feel like ive been desensitized to cute simple stories yk like nothing hits anymore unless a billion of things happen at once. and this might sound weird or exaggerated but i truly think that bambi has been helping in that aspect because it’s just sooo good and normal and simple and chill and soothing fr a breath of fresh air.
and your writing omfg i swear im a hater of 1st person pov first human second but somehow my brain excludes your stories from all that hate cause, again, youre lovely af!
i also think ive read (on a comment maybe?) that you’ve got angsty plans for them and while i cant wait for the drama and jealousy and lack of communication and sad girl hours i dont think ill be able to handle a sad ending please please please let them love and be loved by each other. they deserve themselves so much!!! i
t’s currently 2am here in rio and i just finished bambi so im not entirely done with my comments but i just couldnt go to sleep without thanking you again for sharing another story with us. you do it all for free and it’s unbelievable to me how much time, effort and thought you put in for us for funsies. im not usually an assiduous commentator (?) on wattpad but im trying i swear
thank you thank you thank youuu ily g 🫀
I read ur message whilst stuck in traffic n it really made me smile so thank u 🩵 im so happy you’re all caught up with bambi AND ataraxia!! i’m shocking myself with how well i’m doing with writing n updating and not burning out soooo this will have been the kiss of death heHAW
oh i get it 100% !! sometimes u get stuck in a sad loop I’m like that with my daydreams n tv shows and reading actually so I totally get it but im glad bambi are helping 🥺 it actually blows my fuckin mind that my writing would be ANYTHING but horrific and chaotic
omg ur a 1st person hater?! Could never be me bestie 😌, but also thank you for saying that bambi is ur exception 🥺 do u know how much all your kind words mean to me?! and yeah it’ll either be a comment or something on but I have ideas for angsty unhappy times bc what is a story WITHOUT the middle dramaz and hey you know I do love the drama and ivy n bambi h are just a little bit too happy rn it’s suspicious 🤨 but I can say hand on heart ataraxia will end happy!! i have no sad ending plans for this sequel and I love them as a couple sooooo much so please don’t worry 🩵
omg 2am!! GO TO SLEEP!! it’s okay that you’re not a big commenter, a lot of people aren’t and I get it, I’m not either but I demand it from my readers bc I’m a hypocrite 🩵 even if u just comment ONCE on a chapter that’s enough for me as long as you’re enjoying it and coming back for more every time I update 😌
love you lots and lots and lots 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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userholland · 3 years
i hope you’re okay!!! i don’t know why people spew hate on your blog or directed at you :( literally j bc they hide behind an anonymous face makes them think they can say shit, really pathetic.
I am giving you the biggest hug ever, and if you ever decide that you will take an indefinite break for forever, those who love you on here will understand. You are worth more and better than whatever those shitty anons are saying. Love always <3.
thank you so much. <3 lately ive been struggling with a lot in my personal life and it just hasnt been the most supportive few months ever either. its like, i want to not be seen differently by my mutuals and i dont want to be miserable and i feel like im sort drowning in this hate thats sent to me over anon.
but the fact is, it all stems from my opinion about zendaya and also just tom & her being a couple. i feel like i tried to express and explain multiple times that i dont hate either of them or the relationship. and how i dont not dislike because of her and just her or are jealous of her, rather im actually so turned off by her fan base / some of this fan base that it made me question people's morals and what is supposed to be funny. i almost have realized some ppl think im inclined to praise zendaya by association. like i dont wanna be a hardass either but im honestly just not understanding where all of this defensiveness is coming from other than just it being for a celeb they love who i just dont really like anymore for preference in actors. because it shouldnt feel like a big deal.
i wanted to joke about all this and be able to post any thing but then it became such a toxic environment to the point where im simmered down to a loser and worthless. so. im not asking anyone to defend me, its no one's job, but i think i guess i also wasnt expecting all of it to take a toll on me and my mental health. being told im fat, ugly, a loser, racist, sexist, a waste of space, pathetic, and that i should die / kill myself everyday all because of this.... because i think that a person is showing obsessive behavior toward a pair of celebrities and reblogging photos of them and making assumptions about them all the time. because i think racism was being wrongfully pointed at and used in the context of this relationship when it was inappropriate. like im supposed to settle with it that and be told that i am a moron for not thinking theyre the cutest couple in the world as well.
ive also said that ive always been open to constructive criticism and if i should off, then message me and we can talk about it. and i dont get why people couldnt do that? worst comes to worst, you just stop talking. you dont have to confront me on anon or on a post because of a point. genuinely having beef on tumblr is a bit much for something thats for fandoms.
but i cant stand the way im being treated or how any of my mutuals are being treated either. so i feel like i can only post so much of my opinion until no one even gives me the time of day because they think im being negative. i just dont feel comfortable on here but i still find comfort in my mutuals if that makes sense. so thats why i stay but i dont know, im fine with going back and forth for now. i just sort of come on everyday and wonder why everyone hates me so much and why im a terrible person with no real evidence... so. yeah just frustrating and exhausting
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jade-parcels · 3 years
idk if you did this already, if you did sorry for asking. but lately my period cramps have been killing me! could you do some comfort headcanons for period – cramps, sensitivity, chest pain, headaches, feeling more insecure than usual – involving childe, diluc and maybe zhongli (and, well, anyone else if you feel like it). it can be either in a modern au or in genshin universe. anything is ok. thank you so much!
Helping you on your period
With Diluc, Zhongli, Childe and Baizhu
I think the universe matched us up! In sync cycles gang!!
Thank the Pyro Archon!!
Diluc already has a high body temp but when he activates his vision and holds it against your stomach? Say bye to those cramps
Since it’s just the two of you, he’s more than happy to cuddle with you and read to you while holding you close against his chest
Anything you want, just name it. You want a hot bath? You want something sweet? You want pain killers? His staff is on it!
It hurts him to see you in pain like this cause besides letting you use his vision and giving you pain killers there really isn’t anything he can do :( so he’ll apologize a lot to you even though it isn’t his fault
If it starts to get really bad he’ll take you to the cathedral! I mean…Idk what they could do for you but he’s trying his best
Whatever commission work you had planned before your period started is finished rather quick. When he goes to check on the tavern, he’ll complete your commissions for you and bring the mora back for you! He knows how hard it can be to get good paying commissions nowadays so he wouldn’t want you to miss out
If he sees that you’re feeling down, he’ll put more effort into complimenting you and being more affectionate than usual :)
Ah yes, he is experienced in this area
He’s been around for so long, he knows all kinds of tips and tricks to help make symptoms not as severe
However his remedies are notorious for taking forever to make. His sobering tea takes 6 hours to brew…and his pain killer tea takes 9. By the time he finishes making all of his herbal concoctions, your period will be over lmao
Zhongli will put a lot of effort in to make sure you’re comfortable. He’ll get you as many pillows or blankets as you need, open the window for fresh air, close the drapes if it’s too bright, read to you if you’re bored. He knows you’re miserable so he’ll do his best to entertain you and keep you as comfortable as one can be in this condition
He’ll offer to do yoga with you if you’re up for it. Certain poses can alleviate pressure in the pelvic area so he’ll do it with you! (Squats always help me out too when it gets really bad!! Doing squats, drinking water and applying heat never fails! But everyone’s different!)
When you sleep, he’ll play with your hair and rub your back :) he loves how peaceful you look while finally getting some rest :)
He’s a little clueless but he’s got the spirit!
See, when he received his education from the fatui they didn’t really give him a course on female anatomy so…he is aware of periods and what they are but he has no idea how severe symptoms can be
So when you’re in so much pain that you can’t get out of bed?? He’s super worried about you, he’s about to go get a doctor to come here to see you
It’s kinda funny to actually go in depth and explain how bad symptoms can be, how much you bleed, how awful cramps are cause he just…doesn’t know. Most men don’t actually know! He’ll genuinely feel bad for you and by explaining it all to him, he’ll learn and become a very reliable helper :)
“You should probably take a bath, right? I’ll go warm up some water” “Stay with me…just for a few more minutes” “Okay but then we’re gonna take a bath together. I’ll make the water extra hot too, that’ll help with cramps right?” “Mhm”
He’ll try to get you up and moving when you allow it so you don’t feel stiff from sitting in the same position for too long
Ajax is very affectionate already and will become even more affectionate if he sees that your self esteem is low. He’ll make sure to reassure you that you’re still so beautiful to him :’)
He’d think you’re pretty no matter what. You could have greasy hair, hormonal breakouts and eye bags from being tired and he’d still look at you like ‘wow…’ :’)
As a medical professional, he’ll insist on being at your side when you show any indication of being in pain
He’ll make you some herbal pain relievers, they’ll taste super bitter and make your tongue numb for a minute but they’ll kick in pretty quick!!
Baizhu cant afford to take full days off but he’ll take half days in order to make sure you eat breakfast and lunch, drink water and rest.
You help him out when his own illness kicks in so he has no problem helping you out :) he’s content to rub your shoulders and coach you into sitting/laying positions that may be more comfortable
If you’re more cranky or sad than usual he’ll make you something warm and cuddle with you :) when you don’t feel well, you get to see his excellent bedside manner in action! Though he is far more affectionate with you than he is with his other patients lmao
If you’re someone who worries about their symptoms and fears they have suddenly developed a rare disease over night (looking up symptoms on the Internet is a terrible habit :’) ) He’ll be there to assure you that nothing is seriously wrong
“Honey, my side has been hurting a lot” “I know dear, I’ve already told you you don’t have appendicitis” “Maybe my liver is gonna rupture!!!” “That’s higher up, I’d be able to tell due to swelling and a fever. You don’t have either of those” “But what about that pain in my neck? What if it’s a tumor Baizhuuuuu!” “Darling, I think you just need to go to sleep” pffttt
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
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request from @tyongf-sunflower99 ; Hiii how are u? <3 I'd like to request a mafia or racer thing for haechan or jeno? Like fluffy and lightly suggestive (if it's okay!) Idk much about the plot but I trust you 💗thank you un advance!!
thankyou for the request! i’ve chosen racer jeno hehe, i hope you enjoy it!!
racer!jeno + female reader (intended but can be read as gender neutral if ‘princess’ is omitted!)
word count: 1.4k
warnings: overuse of ‘princess’ — lots and lots of fluff, gets suggestive towards the end tho
“i can’t believe your parents let you come out tonight” jaemin teased as he walked closely behind you.
“you really think i asked for their permission?” you snickered in response, halting your movements once you reached the start line.
“that jeno kid really rubbed off on you” you gulped are the mention of his name. it was no secret that you and jeno had been ‘hanging out’ the past few weeks. it all started when you accompanied jaemin to one of these street races. personally, you had no interest in it, but when you caught the eye of the striking lee jeno, everything changed. he approached you first, charming you with his smooth words. it didn’t take long for him to capture your attention. the only issue was, you weren’t sure if it was just a friendship, or leading to something more.
“oh be quiet, he does NOT have an impact on me” you rolled your eyes, moving to scam the crowd, waiting for jeno to come in sight.
“keep telling yourself that” jaemin smirked, nudging your arm, causing you to turn back to him. before you could say anything, the person you were looking for, happened to be right next to your friend. you jaw was slightly ajar, you hoped he hadn’t eavesdropped on the prior conversation.
“evening, princess” jeno’s deep voice make your ears perk up. okay, maybe he did have an impact on you.
“h-hey” jaemin took it as his cue to leave, patting your shoulder softly, mumbling about going to grab a snack (to be honest, you honestly weren’t even listening)
“here to watch me again?” jeno stepped closer to you, making your breath hitch.
“i-well yes? i mean isn’t everyone else here for the same reason?” you try to play it off, making jeno chuckle softly at your rambling. he found you completely and utterly irresistible.
“that hurts me, princess. i really hoped you had come for me” he slightly pouted. you quickly moved to touch his arm gently,
“i did!” you blurted out, shutting your eyes in embarrassment. jeno moves his hand to hover over yours, that was on his arm.
“that’s what i wanted to hear” he muttered, rubbing his thumb over the surface of your hand. you finally looked up at him, your eyes meeting his glistening ones. he always liked looking into your eyes, there was something so comforting and innocent about them.
“i have to get ready soon, but meet me here when i’m finished?” he continued to hold your hand in his. it felt so natural.
“yeah of course” you nodded, feeling his hand slip out of yours, which made your heart sink. he sent you a quick smirk before he made his way to his car. jaemin snuck up behind you with a packet of chips in his hand.
“oh you’re whipped” you elbow his side, snatching the chips from him as he groaned in pain.
maybe you were whipped for jeno.
once jeno’s car passed the finish line, everyone started cheering. despite his cocky attitude when it comes to racing, he always performs. that was something else you liked about him. from the few times you hung out alone, he seemed to be off in his own world. he was always zoning out or mumbling about something random. you loved hearing whatever he had to say, which made him immediately comfortable with you.
his eyes were searching the crowd once he exited his car. despite being met with multiple people congratulating him, his main focus was you.
you timidly made your way towards him, struggling to pass the crowd. suddenly, you felt someone grip your wrist, pulling you towards them. you felt yourself slam into the figure in question.
“thought i was going to lose you, princess” jeno couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, you actually waited.
“i don’t break my promises” you gleamed, feeling instantly shy.
“wanna get out of here?” you nodded, rushing to the passenger side of his car. you also decided to sent jaemin a quick text, you knew he was going to tease you the following day, so you muted him before he could respond.
“sorry it was a bit crazy out there” he apologised, starting the engine of the car.
“it’s alright, i mean, i guess you’re famous”
he scoffed,
“highly doubt it. they’re just happy they’re getting money from betting on me” he shrugged, looking over at you to make sure you were all buckled up. this wasn’t the first time you had been in his car, but he could get used to this sight.
“where to, princess?”
“anywhere...as long as it’s with you” that caught him off guard. jeno didn’t get flustered easily, but you always hit a weak spot in him.
“the things you do to me” he muttered loud enough for you to hear. you chose not to respond, feeling heat rise to your ears. jeno slowly made his way out of the track, now travelling along the highway.
“do you actually like racing?” you weren’t sure what conjured you to ask him that, but you were curious nonetheless. he always played down his interest for racing.
“where’s this coming from? well if i’m being honest, it’s fun. i enjoy the adrenaline and sometimes the attention. the money isn’t too bad either. but it’s not a lifelong thing, you know? just something to do while i’m young” he goes off on this whole tangent about living your life the way you want to. you wish you could relate, but you were forced to study and take as many extracurriculars you could fit into one day. you rarely had any free time to be alone.
“i wish i enjoyed something as much as you enjoy racing” you sighed, fiddling with the keychain on your purse. jeno wasn’t sure how to respond. he turned to park at a random field, a singular street lamp hovering over the car, allowing you to see him a bit better.
“you’ll figure it out soon. i’m sure if it. you’re amazing like that, princess” jeno smiled softly, moving his fingers to brush against yours. you sensed he was slightly nervous, linking your fingers with his in response.
“i really like hanging out with you, jeno” you whisper slightly, pulling your face closer to his.
“i really like hanging out with you too. it honestly feels like you’re keeping me sane” he chuckled, moving so that there was a tiny gap between your lips.
“if i kissed you right now, would you kiss me back?”
“only one way to find out” and with that, jeno presses his lips to yours. at first it was quite gentle, his lips were definitely softer than you had imagined. his hand moved to graze over the side of your neck, resting it there as he continued kissing you. you placed your hands on the sides of his face, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth with ease. part of you wanted him to drive you home and continue this in your bed, but the thought of your parents catching you with a boy in your room had you shaking.
jeno pulled away first, his lips still close enough to brush against yours.
“you don’t understand what you do to me. being with you, it’s like a breath of fresh air. i cant really explain it” he wanted you to know how much he truly cared for you, before you went any further.
you pressed another kiss to his lips before trailing down his neck. jeno felt his breath hitch, his hands now balled into fists. this was only something he dreamed about, he didn’t think it would ever happen.
“you’re too good to me” he sighed, softly stroking your hair as you continued kissing his neck. you weren’t sure what came over you, but hearing him praise you, made you feel good.
“wanna take this to the back seat? only if you’re comfortable of course” he offered. you quickly made your way to the back, pulling him to hover on top of you. without another word, you continued making out. you let his hand rest on your waist, gently rubbing your sides as he kissed your neck. you softly whimpered every time he brushed over a sensitive spot. it made him more eager to make you feel good.
“jeno, be my boyfriend” you said in between kisses, making him smile against your lips. it’s as if he had been waiting for those words to leave your mouth, the moment you met him.
“i haven’t wanted anything more”
the rest of the night consisted of more kissing, more groping and a lot of compliments being exchanged. at the end of the day, you were able to score yourself a street racing boyfriend...now let’s hope your parents won’t be too mad.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Forest pt. 1
Alucard Tepes x female! reader
Warning: cursing, violence, gore, mentions of blood
Specifics: chapter fic, romance, angst, fluff, not requested, action, adventure, race neutral reader, human reader
People: alucard tepes, monster thingy from the show
Words: 3,338
Summary: Since Alucard lives in the forest now in Dracula’s castle he meets the reader in the forest and in that moment he starts to have a liking towards her and is very bashful, blushy and romantic towards her and she is a goofball and is very silly and lighthearted. From the moment that they met all Alucard wants to do is protect the reader no matter what is takes. 
Authors Note: god alucard is so sexy and so beautiful like god dang! lol sorry im a bit of a horny nerd. anywho its rlly late where im at andddddd i cant go to sleep cuz i slept the whole day so ayyyee. anywho i was inspired idk where but i was inspired to write this bc i think alucard deserves love and someone who adores him like i do. i loved writing this tho and rlly want to write for castlevania more but this is going to be chapters idk how many yet lets just see where the wind takes us i hate planning anyways. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS THO I AINT EVEN MAD ABOUT IT!!!!! LIKE YASSSSSSSSSS
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“Alright so its been almost a month and I haven’t died. That must mean I’m doing something right.” You used a piece of wood you made into a cane to help you get up the steep hills. You were voyaging alone in the forest. You had a family that were settled more outside the town that you lived near. You were a large family and your siblings came down with a sickness. You were determined to find a cure and determined to find medicine for them. As scary as it may have seemed you needed to put on a brave face for the dangers that lay out ahead. You knew those monsters walked around and as much as that terrified you, your siblings came first. At a young age, adventure excited you and you always wanted to prove to yourself and family that you were more than capable of doing things alone. 
You saw a river down below. The water rushing past rocks made you relaxed and with a glint in your eyes you smiled. “Aha!” You looked left and right, seeing if anyone was present. “Alone with just the woods and me. I knew mother was wrong. I can very much so take care of myself.” You threw your satchel on the floor alongside with your clothes. “I smell like a pig.” You chuckled at your joke. The cool, clear water was down below as you ran to it, looking forward to the coldness and the feeling of being clean. You jumped in not knowing someone was near. 
You dunked your face laughing. “And there’s fish!” You swam behind a light blue fish. Being at awe when you saw the way the fins shone from the sun. You picked it up skillfully and carefully you set it free. Your body delicately floated. “This is the life.” Birds chirped, the wind blew like a whisper against your cheek. 
But suddenly, the rustle of the trees alarmed you. You heard the snapping of a twig. Your head snapped to the noise. Fear bubbled inside you as you thought of all the possibilities. What if it was a bear? What if it were those monsters? Your heart sped fast as you backed out of the river. Your breathing was faster. You needed to get out of here. As you got out your back hit against fur. You quickly turned around as saw a huge demon, monster, you didn’t even know what but you knew it was from Dracula’s army. Its teeth were sharp and its eyes were bright and red. It was your worst nightmare. You erupted a scream as you sprinted around it, climbing the hill to where your satchel laid. 
“Oh my God! Oh my God! I’m gonna die!” You didn’t care about your nudeness, all that mattered to you was surviving. You tried to go as fast as possible but the creature landed in front of you, stopping you from escaping. It cornered you against a huge boulder and tree. With everything you had you lifted your cane high in the air and hit the monster. It didn’t even flinch. 
“What?” Your eyes widened in horror. The creature picked you up as if you weighed nothing and threw you against a tree. You cried out in pain as your back burned and ached to an extreme level. You then noticed that a tree branch stabbed right through your shoulder. The blood dripped down your arm onto your naked skin. You felt queasy and weak. Thoughts and last words echoed through your mind. The monster was about to devour you but a flash of blonde hair came into your vision and you saw, him.
This young man was nothing you’ve ever seen before. He was stronger than the average person, throwing the monster back and forth. He punched it high in the air and then threw it against the boulder. He was incredible. Full of power. Your eyes were starting to close and your vision grew blurry as the last thing you saw were the fangs that the man displayed. 
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“Mother I had this terrible dream!” Your whole body shot up. That was a terrible decision as you winced in pain. “It was not a dream.” You breathed hard as you took in your surroundings. The fire was lit making the room comfortable as you were once shivering from being wet. It looked as if you were in the kitchen of somebody's house. “Hello?” Your throat was dry. You were in a stranger’s house. You were in a stranger’s house! “Oh dear.”  You were put high onto a table. You jumped off but were still too weak. You landed hard on your knees but caught yourself with your arms. Your shoulder pounding in pain. You became dizzy. You heard footsteps nearing. “Who are you?” You tried to stand up again but slipped into the arms of a man. 
“Hold on. You are still not well.” His voice came out almost like a whisper. He picked you up and sat you back on the table. “Also, I’m the man who saved your life.”
“That was you? That was, um, pretty amazing.” You curled into yourself. You were nervous around this man. He intimidated you and made you feel shy. He was very handsome and charming. “You kicked that things as* real good.”
The man chuckled, “thank you.”
You quickly looked at your nightgown. It was too big for you as the sleeves ate your arms and the collar was off the shoulders. Your eyes shot open. You were bashful. “Did you, um, see anything?”
He looked away, “I kinda had to. Sorry. You were naked when I saved you.”
“Great. That’s great,” you inhaled clapping your hands. Suddenly you sensed a throbbing pain on your shoulder and you looked to see a blood stain on the nightgown. “Um excuse me sir. Is that supposed to happen?”
The man looked worried as he laid you back down and pulled the nightgown down enough to see your shoulder. “It does not look good. It seems with that jump you reopened the stitches.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. God, this really hurts.”
He got to work on doing your stitches again as he got his items. “Bite down on this.” He opened his mouth to show the action and you saw his teeth. 
“Agh please don’t eat me! You’re a vampire aren’t you?” You flinched away. 
The man rolled his eyes as he shoved the cloth in your mouth but before he got started on you he said, “You are right. I am a vampire.”
You spat the cloth out, “I knew it. I also would like to know your name as this may be my last moment and I would like to remember who will either save me or take my life. My name is y/n l/n.”
“The names Alucard Tepes and this is going to sting a little.” With that Alucard poured some alcohol on your wounds. (im sorry i dont know how helping ppl w medical stuff works :( 
You shifted and tried pouncing up, fighting the urge to let out a blood curdling scream. But Alucard pushed you down with his hands, shushing you gently. “I know, this hurts.” You could almost sense some love and actual concern in his voice. His brows knitted, “I promise, you are almost finished.” 
You looked deep into Alucard’s eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen. This man or vampire looked unreal. He looked made up, something from stories you read as a child, like a prince. You felt something go off within you. Not knowing if it was lust or something else but a fire erupted inside your soul as Alucard’s face inched closer to yours to get to work on your shoulder. His smell was intoxicating. Almost like a musk but yet something floral, fresh, mixed in. Your heart thumped faster at the contact. 
His plump lips quivered as they looked at your state. No way did he want this innocent soul as beautiful as you looked dying on his table. He already had to deal with a lot recently. He didn’t know why or understand but he had this inclination, this feeling, that he needed to keep you alive. He just had to. 
Unable to keep the scream at bay no more you let it out. Your veins protruding from your neck as you became dizzy and once again passed out.
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Your eyes opened. Your body was aching. It felt like it went through war. You inhaled as you looked around again, but this time you were hoping things were not a dream as then Alucard would be fake. Remembering his name your head whipped to the side to see Alucard holding a wash cloth stained with blood. He was sound asleep. His head resting against his arm against the table. All the medical stuff was out and about as if he were still working on you. His back was arched at a odd position. 
“He must of fallen asleep while working on me,” you whispered to yourself. His hair sprayed out on his shoulders and table. Without a second thought you touched his hair lightly and you were shocked. It felt like silk upon your fingers! His golden eye lashes kissed his cheek as he snoozed so peacefully. You felt bad leaving him to worry for you and to be sleeping in an uncomfortable place. You felt you weren’t that deserving of such treatment.
You kicked your feet out and hopped off the table. Your feet pattered against the hard floor as you walked to Alucard. You snatched him a blanket you saw nearby and draped it over his tall, lean body. You smiled seeing how elegant and graceful he looked sleeping. 
You yawned, scratching your head as you looked upon the window and noticed it was raining. Surprisingly in this vampire but also a stranger’s house the rain seemed cozy and it made you feel at peace. It was dark in his house. The trees shook from the tiny wind and rain. 
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“I must leave but I should thank Alucard for helping me with my wound last night. I probably wouldn’t have last without him.” Your mind wondered back to what happened at the river. Yes, Dracula was gone according to what the towns people said but why was his army still about, his monsters? It didn’t make sense to you. But what did you know? You were just a weak human living in a mysterious world you didn’t want any part of. 
You pulled out a chair and got to writing a thank you letter to Alucard, pulling out a pen, ink and a piece of paper.
“Dear Alucard. No, too direct. How about, to a savior? Too high and mighty.” Finally you had written your letter but it sounded very awkward and you were too much of a p*ssy to give it to Alucard. “Ugh this is hopeless.” You crumpled up the paper, throwing it on the floor by the garbage. 
You thought and thought and thought until an idea popped in your mind. “I know,” you snapped. “I’ll make him breakfast. My mother always says a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” You crossed your fingers, “lets just hope this man likes human food instead of hearts and blood.” You gulped. 
You rolled your sleeves up, washed your hands and brought out the pots and pans and butter. “I’m going to make toast, eggs, bacon, beans and mushrooms.”
You spiced up the food and placed them in a skillet. The sizzle satisfying your ears. The sun started to peak through the clouds as the aroma wafted through the house. You grinned, loving to cook and make a person happy with your hard work. “I hope he likes this.” You were almost finished when Alucard coughed behind you. 
You jumped, being in the zone. “Oh hi there,” you waved awkwardly. “My apologies if I woke you.”
“Uh, no I woke myself up,” his rough voice made your knees weak as it was still laced with sleep. He stretched, cracking some knuckles, yawning as well. “What I would like to know is what are you doing?”
“Well,” you started setting up the table cutely. “I wanted to say thanks for helping me back there. I was kind of a p*ssy to be honest and like a wuss so this is just a little thanks for all the help.”
Alucard didn’t know what to say so instead he just smiled. 
“Please, sit, sit, sit,��� you pointed to the seats. “Breakfast is almost ready.”
Alucard awkwardly sat. Not ever having this type of service. He looked at you as you were preparing the finishing steps of your dish. The sun cascaded around you and you were illuminated like a goddess. You were breathtaking. Alucard blushed madly. You put everything on the table. Seeing Alucard’s expression you laughed, “are you alright?”
Alucard coughed, “yes, thank you for all of this. You really didn’t need to. It all looks beautiful.” He looked at the presentation. 
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You took the seat beside Alucard. You could of sat anywhere else but you sat beside him. He almost couldn’t hear what you were about to say in that moment from how hard his heart was beating.  
“No need to thank me. I think we’ve done enough thanking and now its time to dig in.” You patted his hand. 
Alucard just looked at the food and he almost felt tears at his eyes. Nobody ever cared for him like this. 
“Is it okay? If its not to your liking I totally get it. You don’t have to eat it. I don’t even know if you like this stuff. I mean who knows maybe you only eat flowers and here I am serving you bacon and eggs.” You became flustered. 
“No, no, no this is lovely its just,” he choked back a cry. “Nobody has ever done anything like this for me, ever.”
You clutched onto his hand and gave him a beautiful smile. “Then that just means you have to eat double. As much and maybe more than what your stomach can hold.” You giggled.
Alucard blushed again as he started to eat quickly. Enjoying every moment of your company and food. “The beans are delicious.”
“Well I’m glad you liked them. Its my mum’s recipe, she always makes them like this.” You then recalled why you came on this journey in the first place. “My satchel!”
“Don’t worry, its safe.”
You raised your brow, “did you take a look?”
Alucard paused, “no, I would never.” He took a bite out of his bread. Chewing on the piece silently. “Maybe just a tiny peek.”
You pouted, “Nosy. I should of locked it.”
“Why do you have all those books in your bag anyways?” Alucard crossed his legs as he took a sip of his coffee. His light orbs staring intently at you. 
Seeing the rain start to become tiny droplets of rain you thought about your family and how you missed them. This was all for them. “My siblings you see are very ill,” your hand shook with anxiety. “My village is very poor and we are limited in resources, especially medicine. We’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work. They just seem to be getting worse. I’ve been researching and trying to find an answer and supposedly, I read that there is a certain flower that only grows in a specific area that may cure the illness. In the books there is a map and that’s why I was led to that river well more like I wanted to take a bath and that’s what led me to the river. But I’ve been on this trail for a while. I’m just, scared because it all depends on me. If I can’t find this flower, if I can’t find a cure and my family dies it will be my fault. I would have killed them.” You didn’t even realize it but you were crying. 
Alucard saw you were distressed and held onto your hand. He comforted you through your anxiety. Your teary eyes looked into his and he gave you a toothy smile, “I’ll help you find it.”
“What?” You rubbed your eyes.
“I know the place you need to go. I can guide you there. Besides the outside world is very dangerous for a beautiful girl such as yourself. I can see that this means a lot to you and I want to help.”
You dropped your fork and got out of your chair. “You mean it? You aren’t joking?”
Alucard chuckled, “I promise I am speaking truth.” Alucard flung his hand out to you. 
You quickly shook on it and shouted with enthusiasm, “deal!” You jumped up and down laughing as you hugged Alucard. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can we please leave immediately then?”
“We can leave today.”
You danced, “yes. I’ll go change and get my things.” You brought the empty dishes to clean them as Alucard stood up with a smile on his face. 
You were something else, something different. A breath of fresh air in his depressing life. Maybe you were meant to be here. Maybe you were a sign. Either way Alucard thought that these couple of days were to be very exciting. Alucard was about to get ready when a piece of paper in the corner caught his eyes. It was crumbled. “Hmmm, what is this?” He bent down to pick it up and read the words. With just the first word to the letter his smile grew bigger and bigger. 
Alucard coughed as he raised the letter you wrote to him earlier but discarded high in the air, “Dear Alucard, to my savior. I would love for you to know that I am extremely appreciative for what you have done for me in saving my life-”
Your eyes almost popped out of your head. That letter was not supposed to be read by him especially. It was embarrassing. You dropped a plate in the sink and felt your whole world collapse. You wanted to crawl in a hole and die. 
“When I first saw you I thought you were a prince-” Alucard kept going until you couldn’t take it any longer. 
You sprinted and tried grabbing the letter out of his hand. “Alucard, give that to me. Now.”
“Oh you want this letter?” Alucard smirked. “You do sound like an obnoxious romantic whore.”
You gasped, “I do not! That was supposed to be my thank you letter and I didn’t like it and you weren’t supposed to read it. So give it back!” You jumped for it but Alucard raised it high in the air. “Alucard, give it to me.”
Alucard’s face came closer to yours as he pinned you against the table. “Why don’t you come and get it?”
You practically climbed him, snatching the letter out of his hand. “Aha!” But Alucard’s footing was off and he and you fell with a thud. 
The birds chirped lightly as Alucard laid under you and you fell on top of him, your arm bracing for the impact. Alucard held in his breath with a red blush as he looked at you so extremely close. You both held that position for what felt like forever. You eyes were wide in horror at the compromising position. 
You quickly stood up and were flustered. Forgetting where everything was. “Um, um, um. I’m going to go put my trip on so we can get ready for the clothes.” You quickly ran away. 
Alucard breathed quickly as he brushed back his long hair whispering the words. “My savior.” He noticed you were in such a panic mode that you forgot about your letter. It was left and Alucard was not going to leave or throw away evidence that someone saw him in such a good light. He loved that letter because it was from you. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​
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reddogcollar · 3 years
thinking more if my funny little rewrite thoughts so like. here's an entire run down of what I'd do with season 1 of my pride
under the cut cuz its long and like. warning for like. everything that already happens in the series anyway
starting first! with the naming conventions. so the whole naming scheme is appropriation of indigenous culture. and I'm white so take this one with a grain of salt but replacing that mess with instead the mother naming the cub after a trait after getting to know em would. probably fix it? Like naming a cub Power or Tenacious and. stuff
the names could not only be personality based but just general descriptors. Quick for someone fast, Golden for someone blonde, Cherished for someone especially loved by their mother. Names could also be based off something they want the child to be, like Fearless or Perceptive. naming a child after something they don't start as, but turn out to be instead would make everyone to regard the mother as an especially good one for knowing her child so well. Being wrong would have the opposite effect. Waiting too long would bring scorn, implying you don't spend enough time with your child to think of any name at all.
Prideless lions wouldn't be named by their parents at all, instead given the right to name themselves based on what they think. This leaves room for them to rename themselves as grow and change, something pride lions cant do. Until the cub names themselves, the mother will refer to them with affectionate nickname.
and I think that. fixes that issue. onto plot
I think episode 1 is fine left alone, though all three children would be left unnamed. though I think its weird how quick managed to rip off the skin all around nothing's eye but didn't actually damage it. Like at all. so she's half blind now too.
So they go on lion trial, power saying quick is unfit because he was bested by a cub, so there's no way he could've beat star fairly. sharp calls forth the currently unnamed fire to ask his opinion as a supposed witness. even though I'm pretty sure he ran away before star died? eh <3
despite having the chance to get rid of quick, he says it was fair and quick has earned the pride. whether or not that's true, fire is a devout believer in pride law and a pride without a mane would be worse than a pride lead by a cheating mane.
because nothing and quick each half blinded each other, they go with the law of equivalent exchange. one each gets something from the other. nothing asks for her and her brother's lives to spared, and quick asks that she always takes as little resources as possible
instead of like. skipping 2 years. it would instead actually like. show the childhood. how nothing is ignored by her on mother, and doted on by fire. specifically because he think she's weak. despite doting on her, he also generally ignores her opinions.
even as a little wounded baby she gets the least food and water, enforced by quick and even fire sometimes, rules are rules. some of the unnamed adults will try to cheat this tho and get her more food and water cuz Holy Shit? Dude?
when she's a little older and not. covered in open wounds. the adults more or less stop trying to protect her. she's on her own now, and they have cubs of their own to worry about anyways.
since time is also a resource she gets the least of that too, most notably the least time being trained in anything. hunting, fighting, tracking, she's taught the absolute least.
despite that, she always tries.to do the absolute most. first to volunteer for anything she could theoretically do, last to get picked for any minorly important task. getting ridiculed for doing things slower due to her limp, to the point where she starts trying to just power through the pain to walk normally. it only slows her down and she gets mocked more. fire generally doesn't stand up for her, just makes her lay down
eventually she starts getting out a bit. The younger cubs mock her, their parents don't stop them, her mom never speaks to her unless its to antagonize her, and quick is downright terrifying. despite being healed up, fire never leaves her alone and disregards her when she wants to be alone.
this is how she meets hover, who is now named insightful. bc I just inexplicably cant stand the name Hover for a lion. she thinks she's insightful, but she's kind of just snarky and a little mean without saying anything w real depth, probably bc they're all prepubescent
despite being snarky and a little mean, she's a breath of fresh air to nothing cuz she's yk. not ableist and calls fire out when he starts acting ableist. its a short interaction, and when they're home fire immediately goes to tell his mom there's not only a prideless lion in their territory, but a cub, implying her mother and possibly siblings are around. cuz he's a little bitch
nothing gets into an argument with him over it, she could've been their friend after all, and both fire and her mom yell at her for even thinking about disobeying pride law
not sure what else to do here, so skip to when they're 2 and fires about to be kicked out. they're both still nameless, bringing a lot of bad opinions power's way. she's also required to name at least fire before he leaves. so she sits down, rolls her eyes, and half asses the name fire. quick is about to push him out but nothing interrupts, saying she still needs a name.
power gets annoyed and demands what she could even be named after, her injury? her disregard for the law? her ability to butt in at the most annoying times? nothing sputters, shocked and unable to come up with a response for a moment. before she can, she's named nothing
she protests, and even fire thinks that's a lot. they're both shut down, by power and quick respectively. most of the present adults are shocked, some of the older ones even appalled. none step in though. fire has to go, and nothing leaves toward the watering holes so she doesn't cry in front of her mom. all that stupid shit is internalized though so she starts trying again to support her full weight on her leg no matter how much it hurts. thinking maybe it broke and healed so wrong that it can barely support her now. idk I'm no doctor
she ends up laying down by the water, feeling all bad and in pain. then she notices the crocodile and some other lion and yada yada saves her life. insightful immediately recognizes her and that stops nothing from chasing her off. they catch up a little until they hear someone coming. insightful runs off and farleap, now called jumper comes out of the grass.
she questions nothing, she heard something and she can definitely smell a stranger. nothing lies and said she just chased off a prideless. jumper doesn't seem convinced, but doesn't push it because the stranger is gone, at least. so she just gets her drink and nothing goes home. and that's the day.
next day we can be introduced to feather, now named light. he's the runt of his litter, the lightest color of his siblings, and the light of my life. his name has nothing to do with the reincarnation stuff, which ill get into later. he gets teased for being smaller than his sisters, but keeps up an over energetic, happy mood that children have. he prefers hanging out with nothing though, seeing as she's not gonna be mean to him for being short.
he refuses to leave her alone to the point of finding out when nothing starts sneaking out to see insightful. their little dates go all nice and cute until light jumps out of the bushes scaring the life out of them. nothing freaks out a little because holy fuck? quick's son just found her out? oh god oh fuck! insightful is just amused though, because children are funny.
they make light swear to keep it a secret, and he promises. as long as nothing lets him go with her whenever he wants, because its fun breaking the rules and being out at night. it's a little less fun third wheeling on your cousin's date when you're like 7 but its fine cuz insightful plays with him
everyone thinks its pretty weird how both nothing and light are getting exhausted in the middle of the day, and jumper is still on that "I don't believe that you chased that prideless off" stuff, and eventually convinces power of increasing like patrol or whatever, and everyone keeps their guard up, making it harder for nothing and insightful to meet
this spurs nothing to ask insightful to join, to which insightful asks her to leave the prides and go with her. nothing says she doesn't want insightful to just have to take care of her and it goes back and forth and its a whole thing. it turns into an argument and they part ways for the night before it can escalate further.
the next morning, insightful has shown up and is asking to join. mostly so she can spend more time trying to convince nothing to leave the prides with her.
they get convinced and she is stripped of her name immediately. either quick or power will rename her when they come with something suitable. of course she is. upset as all hell. she swallows it though, since she's never seen nothing so happy. light is ecstatic, also, cuz he thinks she is cool.
go through some time showing insightful being worn down by pride life, nothing still continuing to practically destroy her body to make herself palatable, and light being downright bullied because he's still smaller than his everyone his age. quick even starts looking down on his son cuz Why Is He Still So Small? light begins to resent his father, and pride life a little.
jumper is rude as hell, naturally. except this time insightful actually stands up for nothing by cuz holy shit? that's your girlfriend why wouldn't you help her?
we can also implement the homophobia rule here. because of course power is a homophobe. would you expect anything less??
and yeah that's the vibe until nothing is left with some unnamed lion to look after the children while everyone else is off doing things that are important. she goes off for a drink and light follows her because of course he does. yadda yadda fire is back for a visit cuz he thinks nothing is like. useless and can't survive without him. their little visit goes down light thinks its so cool to meet a bunch of prideless men yk yk
on their way back they run into quick, who is followed by power and insightful. that unnamed lion with the other children said nothing and light had been gone for a long time and quick is pissed off cuz that's his only son n she just took him off for a jaunt.
he's yelling at her and insightful is about to interject before she's stopped by power, and light interrupts his dad to tell him about fire's group. cuz hey it'll make him leave them alone so like? go off??
nothing gets pissed off at him though because he just sent his murderous father off to kill her brother. rude or not he's still important to her. she and power have their interaction, power whining about how much she "loves" her children, you know. except nothing disowns her. power gets called out and yk yk. its a whole thing and gives nothing some of the agency she lost over the years
then she goes off to find quick, insightful follows her to help, and light follows them because he feels bad.
quick is dead, proud is a dick, light is hidden away in this scene. it goes much the same except light is seeing his father's corpse for himself and insightful is there negotiating their lives alongside nothing. also threatening proud
they yet away with their lives and run as far away as possible just in case he comes after light. nothing may be annoyed but letting your small cousin be murdered isn't cool
so they go off to find fire. its important to nothing cuz ykkk he's her last living sibling and as far as she's concerned, her remaining immediate family. he treats her how he does cuz he loves her, right? right. right?
nothing lives on the stretch how she lived in the prides, taking as little as possible of everything. insightful starts trying to get her to eat more before she like. drops dead. but its hard bc yk internalized self hatred is a vibe. they stay hot on fire's trail, until they come across some bones, a lot of blood, and the eaten remains of tangle. I'm making that plot point more fucked up.
everyone is of course freaked out, and insightful immediately takes it on herself to make sure nothing and light have some skill in fighting cuz Oh My God! they each play to their strengths, and it's like typical training montage. I like to think that with nothing's bad leg opponents would naturally try to take advantage of her balance, and which point she could rear up on her hind legs and then unexpectedly just crash down onto her opponent with her full weight. idk I've never seen a lion fight.
so yeah they eventually find fire and light and insightful are like. not trusting him at all, they suspect him. nothing isn't so hasty with the blame, cannibalism is a lot to accuse your brother of. fire says that if he takes over the nearest pride, he can change her name due to her time as a prideless lion.
as discussed, light objects. he thinks she should be able to choose her own name. pride or not. fire the devout follower of pride law didn't like that
they kill that old man, fire demands the pride, moonstrike (now striker) denies him and he's like. "You cant do that. That's illegal" and striker claims he couldn't have beaten her mate in fair combat after getting his ass kicked the first time. plus he's got some random child that isn't his
he takes that as "kill the kid" and yk. goes after light. nothing's reaction time is normal now though and barrels into him before he can rip lights throat out. he's still gravely wounded though, so much so that insightful is fully occupied trying to keep him alive.
nothing and fire square off, fire is ableist, nothing challenges him. You know. except this time she kills him. she gets him on his back and cuts him open, guts everywhere. no Ghost scene.
Injured and horrified, she lays down. she's like. going to have a breakdown. she just killed her brother, light may be dead, these strangers won't quit staring at her, its not good. episode end.
cut to like next morning and nothing's injuries are being taken care of at the same time as light's. insightful is in there with em talking with striker. noticing she's up, striker asks her name. I'm still not sure what I'd want her to change it to but she does change it. perhaps Enough?
idk idk either way, she doesn't get the pride. she beat fire but it wasn't his to give. however, striker offers them all a place there, including light. boom season 1 end
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eye-raq · 5 years
Stop it girl
Erik X Black Reader.
Warnings: Fluff, regular shit.
Summary: Erik was tired, laying out on the floor of him and his girls shared bedroom while scrolling through his phone.
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“You want me to buy you a new tapestry? I saw one the other day when I was out buying some new Jordan 1s”
Erik walked back into the bedroom with a bowl of milk, double stuffed oreos floating on the top. He had his dreads braided back fresh; his home girl had her own natural hair shop and cleaned him up nice with a fresh retwist and a tappered fade. He had on grey sweats that hung loose on his hips, and no shirt.
“What did it look like? You know I’m picky.” His girl, Blessing, was into anything bohemian with soft grunge. She had her hair in long thick dreads, soft curly baby hairs, thick lips, and a cute plump body, her chest and ass too thick for anything she wore and her cute muffin top didnt help either. She was squishy and adorable and sexy and Erik loved every roll and dip of her honey covered body. She was feisty too, and when she wanted something she didn’t hesitate.
“It has some type of galaxy shit going on, idk. Purples and pinks and blacks with these little ass twinkly stars, looked like Uranus or Saturn in the background, had a quote at the bottom of it in cursive.” He put his bowl on her nightstand before lowering to the floor with her, laying on his side before grabbing the bowl again. He stuck his index finger in the bowl, dipping the Oreos further. She was busy making waist beads, one nestled around her curvy waist digging into her love handles.
“You should have picked it up you know I love anything with galaxy shit in it.” He kissed his teeth, eyes trying to focus on the classic movie she popped in her VCR, “I cant believe you still have one of these bitches, it just got a little dust too, and it’s still functional.” His eyes lowered a fraction, sleep trying to creep up on him. That was his own fault too, staying up all hours of the night.
“It’s called taking care of shit of sentimental value instead of letting it waste away.” She spoke out, just finishing up her blue and purple one she was making for a friend her fingers were getting numb now deciding to finish later, and join Erik in watching the movie. She pushed everything to the side, crawling over to lay her head in his crotch area. Her cute chubby feet with toes painted a hot pink wiggled near his bowl. He scrunched his face, playfully swatting at her feet, “if you don’t get those fat ass feet away from me girl, looking like honey buns.” She swatted at his ass causing him to grip her wrist, “yo what I tell you about slapping my ass?”
She rolled her eyes, “and what I tell you about talking about my feet? Just for that you owe me a foot massage after work tomorrow.” Erik shook his head popping a moist Oreo in his mouth, “and what you giving me?” He tried to speak between chewing. She paused, mind in wonder, hands resting on her belly. Erik just eyed her fame, mouth watering from just the look of her thick short ass bunched up on him.
“I’ll think about it.” They both turned back to the TV, monsters ball playing and that one delicious scene almost approaching. She stole an Oreo from his bowl causing him to wine like a baby. “Ask first baby that’s all I ask okay? I spent money on these Oreos.” She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped, “Erik bye.”
“I’m being forreal. Everything I have don’t belong to you, girl.”
“I have about five of your hoodies in my closet right now, E. I take what the fuck I want when I want.”
Erik did a double take, dropping his Oreo back in the bowl and causing milk to splash on her legs. Growling, Blessing wipes at her legs aggressively.
“Chill out! You getting milk on me!”
Erik playfully bites into her leg, “You got five of my hoodies? Where they at?” Erik gets up from the floor, walking over to her messy closet with jeans sling over the rail and shirts hanging off the hangers. Sliding through her clothes, Erik finds all five of his favorite hoodies freshly washed and wrinkle free.
“My all black exclusive lost tribe hoodie?! You serious? I thought I lost this shit and your chubby face ass had it the whole time?!”
“Shut the fuck up with your odd shaped head! You knew I had it don’t play dumb,” Bored, Blessing decides to continue making her waist beads.
“I should throw you over my fucking knee, babygirl. You agree with that?” As mad as Erik was he decided to leave the hoodies there because they were neat and unbothered.
“Stupid ass,” he teased.
“Shut up. You’re the stupid one.”
As soon as Erik made himself comfortable on the floor, Blessing started poking him in his dimpled cheek, twisting her finger. Erik swatted her hand away every single time, finally kissing his teeth and grabbing her finger with force.
“Stop it, girl.” He shoves her hand away, causing her to laugh. This only made Blessing want to continue. She takes her chubby feet and plants them on his shoulder, wiggling her toes obnoxiously in his face. His eyes focused forward but she could see the way his jaw looked like it was going to snap from how hard he clenched it.
“You get so mad for what? I can’t mess with you but you can mess with me?”
“It’s because I’m Daddy and you do what I say.” Grabbing her foot, Erik begins to tickle her feet, that annoying screech she always made loud. Blessing yanks her legs back so bad that she kicked Erik in the head, pausing with a shocked look and a hand over her mouth. Nothing was said but the anger on his face and the reddened spot on his cheek made her laugh so hard her lungs hurt. Even through her teary eyes she could see his rage.
“Nigga, you look like you about to burn my fucking room down!” She shook her head repeatedly, “I’m so fucking humored right now; tickled.”
“Hehehe hahaha shut the fuck up.” That was his come back and it clearly went on death ears because she kept on laughing and hollering.
“Big nigga why you always mad? Chill the fuck out,” Shaking her dreads, Blessing went back to doing her waist beads.
Erik got up from the floor, seating himself on her bed to feel more comfortable. She thought he was being a sour puss but he actually had another plan. Grabbing one of her plush throw pillows, Erik wracked her on the side of her face so hard her eyes closed and her face scrunched up in ugly surprise. His laugh was the golden one, clutching his stomach and stomping his leg.
“Bro you should have seen your face! Looking like,” Erik mimicked her look before bursting into laughter again, “you mad ugly.”
She could still feel the sting like carpet burn on her left cheek. Blowing out hot air through her chubby cheeks, Blessing turned completely away from him.
“You got my fucking eye burning and my face all hot! I kicked you by accident dummy.”
“You want me to kiss it big head?” Erik tossed the pillow back in place.
“I don’t want your stinky ass lips on me ugh,” Blessing shoves his face away.
“Wasn’t saying that shit earlier when I was kissing all on you in the car,” he grabbed her by her dreads, gaining power. She fought through enjoying the force he applied by keeping a straight unbothered face.
“Stop it, girl. Stop acting like you don’t want me yanking you up and shit,” Erik kisses her temple, soothing the burn from the pillow hit. He started swinging her from side to side, humming no guidance in her ear that made her wiggle. He couldn’t sing for shit but she loved it when he sung this new song to her.
🎶 I don’t wanna play no games, play no games, 🎶
“Don’t say that last part because you know it ain’t happening,” Blessing stopped him mid song with a bitchy tone, “You don’t plan on making me Blessing Stevens I’m still gonna be Blessing Jones.”
“Forreal, B? You know I plan on making you my number one forever. Remember that time at red lobster when I fake proposed to get free cake? I can do it again but with a big ass rock.”
She smiles despite her salty attitude, “keep talking, Zaddy.”
“Nah, don’t pull that shit now,” Erik let her go, “you fucked up Blessing.”
“How?!” She pouted, “You mad at me now?”
“Yup. Turn around.”
Blessing groaned, folding her arms, “fight me.”
“Which means come fuck me.” Erik corrected.
“Shut the FUCK up.” Blessing rolled her eyes.
“Which means come eat this pussy.” Erik bit his lip to fight a smile.
“You ain’t cute. Leave me alone.”
“So basically I’m fine as fuck and you want my attention?”
“Ugh!!!! I hate you!” Blessing turned to him, ready to hit Erik upside his head but he caught her hand just in time.
“I love you too, Baby girl,” Erik gripped her chin, “you know you a bomb ass girlfriend? All that crybaby shit and getting mad only makes me want you more.” Erik gripped her neck, pulling her in for a kiss.
“You can be mad at me all you want but your ass isn’t going anywhere. You’re mine.”
“Says who? I got options.” Blessing fucked up with saying that to him.
“The fuck?” Like flipping a light switch Erik’s aggressive nature surfaced again to make her weak. Taking his hand, he wrapped around her neck with one hand and his mouth dangerously close to her hear.
“The fuck You talking to?”
“Daddy, not you,” she rolled her eyes into her head to fake annoyance. Erik just stared at her with his hard ass eyes making her squirm.
“What you looking at?” Blessing asks with a slight roll of her neck. He just licked his lips, looking her up and down.
“What, I cant stare?” He just grabbed her up and said, “man, come here.” She followed him like she just wasn’t mad at him a few seconds ago.
“Tomorrow ima fuck the shit out of you cuz you been acting crazy lately.” Erik rested his head on the side of her face.
“Why not tonight?” Blessing was wet and horny now she needed some dick, some fucking love, her hard headed ass boyfriend.
“I’m tired, B.” His eyes did speak that into existence when she turned to look at him. She admired his handsome face even though his eyes were focused ahead and ready to close.
“...damn, yo ex dumb as fuck.” She stated, causing Erik to chuckle. Blessing turns back around, pushing her booty into Erik’s crotch. He gripped her hip to stop her but she just kept on going, rolling her hips like she spelling out coconut. Erik lets out a frustrated sigh at his dick disobeying him.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what? I’m just playing.”
“This is blasphemous,” Erik spoke in a fake surprising tone, “you’re molesting me with your phat ass.”
“Shut up you know you want me to sit this assssss on you,” Blessing spoke in a melodic tone.
“Blessing, don’t start this shit. I still got a fucking cramp in my neck from eating the pussy for an hour straight, my abs still burn from doing push ups in the pussy-“
“I don’t wanna hear that shit you got more stamina than a damn horse.”
“You don’t listen to shit!” Erik yelled in her ear, flipping her over on her back. He pinned her to the mattress, face all scrunched up.
“What, Erik? I told you i got options if you don’t give me what I want,” fighting a laugh at his frustration and anger, Blessing purposely moves her hips beneath him to force him into having wild sex.
“...Bruh im a fuck you up...you acting up...what’s your fucking problem? You need some dick? You need a hug? You need your pussy ate? You need kisses? Like tell me something.”
“You finish telling me to stop now?” She questioned while looking at him a hint in her eyes as to why she’s been acting up.
“You not getting no dick with that attitude then,” he lifted off of her, laying on the other side of the bed closest to the window.
“First of all, I’m sorry.” Her entire mood changed. She decided to act innocent even though she thought about riding the fuck out of him in that moment.
“Aight, So we good?” She chanced a look at him even though she knew that wouldn’t be successful. Erik just stared at her calmly, waiting for her response.
“Yes. We’re good. No more playing.” Blessing blinked up at Erik innocently.
“So that mean you ready to get your pussy ate again?” Erik sat up, taking his hands to pull down her bottoms. Laying flat on the bed, Blessing lifts her hips to help Erik out as he slid the right fabric from her round booty. Tossing it to the side, Erik went flat on his stomach, arms wrapped around her thighs to pull her close. Blessing shielded her face like always whenever Erik kisses her gently on her inner thighs. It was torture.
“Talking about YoU NEeD To Fix YOUrr AtiTude, first of all, nigga...eat it out of me.” Blessing couldn’t help herself. Erik slapped her inner thigh to calm her ass down but that also made her laugh. She was silly.
“Stop, B,” without a warning Erik started eating her pussy. Blessing locked up around him, doing that thing with her hands where she held him in place but at the same time pushed him off of her.
After Erik successfully shut her up and had her moaning, he laughs, looking up at her weak expression and says, “You good?”
Blessing couldn’t even respond to that smart ass remark because Erik’s mouth was back on her pussy like it never left.
“What happened to that attitude? All that make me shit? Like it ain’t shit. Like I won’t eat the fuck out your soul and fuck the attitude out your soul and never give that shit back?”
That’s all he had to say in that moment while she laid back and let his tongue crave her. Erik got her ass to stop now with his tongue flicking her clit. On the inside she battled to sass him but his tongue was hitting that spot so the shit didn’t matter anymore.
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gothytrash · 4 years
rules: tag people you want to get to know better!!!
tagged by: @transseven (kinda im just bored and wanna do it)
your name and what you would’ve named yourself: finn...and i named myself that:))) i considered kalen and max also but finn felt right. might fuck around n change it again tbh
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): virgo sun/libra moon/aries rising
when did you join tumblr and why: 2012 maybe?? i was a ~hipster aesthetic blog~ until i became the mess i am today
top 5 fandoms: i dont consider myself really IN any fandoms but,,,mortal kombat, overwatch, polygon, animal crossing, and unus annus are things im really into rn!!
top 5 films: i really dont watch movies much um....jawbreaker, my neighbor totoro, howl's moving castle, spirited away, clueless, pretty much anything ghibli or disgustingly 90's
go-to song when you want to feel something: i have a playlist that is all megan thee stallion for when im extra mentally ill and need to feel like a bad bitch again
what’s your religion or faith if you have one: i don't feel strongly about any really?? i used to relate to wicca when i was younger until i realized a lot of it is stolen closed practices and cultural appropriation and it just didnt feel...right i guess?? im actually a very spiritual person in private though u might not guess it from the everything about me!! im just still not sure if there is a religion i would feel totally comfortable in, although buddhism has always intrigued me!!
a song that makes you feel seen: dog teeth by nicole dollanganger ... teen idle by marina ... vienna by billy joel ...
if you could have any career: i'd love to perform, idk what but i just wanna create for people!!! even as a youtuber, a streamer, or more original performing like in a band or doing drag i just..love to be seen and make people happy:)))
do you have a type: um not really??? hot alt queers to the front of course, and i prefer someone else to be able to take the lead in most things, but that rarely factors into my attraction. if u cute u cute and i will kiss u
what does my heart/soul yearn for: to feel cared for:))) to be a first choice:))) independence:)))
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone: blunt, compassionate, easygoing, impulsive, ditzy
favorite subjects in school: music, english, and forensics
where does your soul feel the most at home: anywhere there is fresh air and some peace and quiet
top 5 fictional characters: mileena, yuri, dva, kuromi, howl
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: FUCK um. many moments in the promised neverland i cant even pick one so just the show as a whole....the abortion scene in sex education......and also all of your lie in april just so much of it
earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the stars
favorite kind of weather: that time in either fall or spring when its perfect sweater weather, the sun is shining but the breeze is cool enough that u don't sweat at all, and it stays that way until the sun goes down:') and everything smells so nice....it's different for spring and fall but they both smell lovely
top 3 kins: mileena, yuri, and kuromi
favorite medium of art: to do? graphite or digital bc im bad and must erase a lot! to enjoy? all of it literally all art makes my heart go whoosh
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: ambivert
favorite literary quote: i had to search so hard for this bc i couldnt remember it all but my fave book in my early teens was across the universe by beth revis and i always really liked this quote idk why: " I stare at the stars... And even though there are so many and they look so close together, I know they are light years apart. The glitter in the sky looks as if I could scoop it all up in my hands and let the stars swirl and touch one another, but they are so distant, so very far apart, that they cannot feel the warmth of each other, even though they are made of burning. This is the secret of the stars, I tell myself. In the end, we are alone. No matter how close you seem, no one else can touch you."
some of your favorite books: i dont read as much as i used to so most of the books i loved are young adult books but: the crank series by ellen hopkins, the painter from shanghai by jennifer cody epstein, every day by david levithan, i am the messenger by marcus zusak
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: i want to travel as much as possible, but i think i'll always wanna come home to canada. maybe not where i live now, but canada just feels the most like home and id love to live somewhere beautiful here
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: i mean i guess my gay ass is in the most ideal timeline right now, but bigotry and such out of the picture i would have fucked w the 70s so hard....big hair big shoes and just not giving a fuck??? gimme
if you could play any instrument masterfully what would it be?: guitar or piano are obvious choices but tbh id be an iconic saxophone player
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you have a connection to?: artemis and apollo were the first deities i was drawn to when i started my craft and figuring out religion and such, but recently i have been very drawn to persephone and dionysus??
lastly, favorite recent selfie from your camera roll: (i never take selfies this is the most up to date pic i have and its bad but oh well)
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i'm not gonna tag anyone bc i dont have friends but pls do it if u wanna!! i wanna know yall better!!!
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tentastic-yu-ki · 5 years
just pentagon things
(with links to stuff !!)
this took me so long to make heheh but i hope you like it !! <3
v o c a l s from the gods
god herself cast her hands upon him and now he has the voice of a million angels
doing ALL the parts in bohemian rhapsody bc of course
grandpa #1
a lil bean :’)
fake maknae
his fluffy bangs during naughty boy era are on the list of my favorite things ever
his cheeks y’all
ok but he looks eerily similar to jiheon from fromis_9 when they smile idk if i’m the only one who sees it but
whenever he does the little wave thingy you know what i’m talking about
he sings in fluent english and it makes my heart flutter every. single. time.
lowkey done with the rest of the members but loves them so much
yuto lifting him up at the end of naughty boy relay dance is basically that one scene from the lion king
tbh the members are always lifting him up and it’s precious
his lil cape during shine
hwitaek in general is just bsidjsbdhdb
such a good leader :’)
i have no talent
mr hwitaek has all the talent
if i’m lucky some of mr hwitaeks talent may rub off on me
i just ?? love him ??!
his piano playing in the gorilla acoustic video makes me weak in the knees
pentagon of leader
y’all remember his twin brother manuel
i play jazz piano and holy shit i could only hope to gain half the talent he has in his hands alone let alone his vOICE
grandpa #2
i have so much appreciation for him and i look up to him a whole lot as a musician i just don’t know how to express my love
critical beauty was his era bitches
constantly being corrected by hongseok
such a groovy ass mf
lee hwitaek vs the english language
he is gorgeous !??!? kills me with his gaze
smile needs more appreciation
he killed it in triple h especially his vocals in 365 fresh
jangjigi jangjigi jang jang jang
ABS :0
‘can i have a bite’ lmao
the group mom
but he’s a cool mom
his eyes are so frickin adorable :’)
absolutely hilarious oh my god
good ass storyteller
two words: his. lips.
his laugh is precious guys like i can’t
this video from the real man
when he shaved his hair off before the real man 300
hongseok x jinho ?? cute as hell
just lovely
such an underappreciated member
i stg whenever he speaks english it’s either to correct somebody, say hi to international fans, or its something completely ridiculous and i love it
y e l l i n g
he and hyuna being a power couple
popping dancing
owned the gorilla era imo
!! tattoos !!
a whole plant dad
his hairstyle suits him so well omg
did i mention yelling
i wish the best for him (and hyuna) and he’ll always be a part of pentagon in our hearts <3
his eyes when he smiles :’))))
video of him yelling in case you don’t know what i’m talking about
also this
S U P P O R T H I M or i’m coming for u
also support p nation !!
hot shinwon yeah u want ?!
the visual
like the man is a whole model
i kinda just want to sit and have tea with him he seems like that kind of friend
his legs are so underrated
his breathy laugh is amazing
probably slowly losing his patience with the members
when i first got into pentagon i was like hm he seems like the mature one
but none of them are the mature one
we will never forget
it seems like in fanfics he’s always some sort of ceo or manager or fashion designer and i’m here for it
always providing quality content whether he realizes it or not
always providing quality content whether we realize it or not
trying to make food while hui was asleep and then realizing he didn’t have chopsticks
his name is actually shinpon excuse you
absolutely losing his shit during the sha la la don’t smile challenge (13:11)
can you really blame him tho it was funny as hell
screaming + running in fear? shinwon invented that.
yeo one
he cares so much about universe :’)
compilation of him asking universe if we’ve eaten today because he cares
him almost kicking himself in the face that one time i can’t find the video agh
super lovable and wholesome
ok but his teeth
his smile is just so pretty ???
boi is drop dead gorgeous
so pure and just HKSNSBSJS
his asmr videos? yes king
he really expected me to sit there for almost an hour listening to him whisper the members names over and over?
and he was right because i did
yeo one makes me feel the same things i did when i saw bubbles in the air at disney world for the first time
he’s just like that
boyfriend material
the boy is hilarious
he just reminds me of a whole bottle of sprinkles yknow
like if rainbow sprinkles were a person
it’s yanan and yanan only
high note battle with jinho
he’s tol but his voice is smol
“don’t talk with me”
earrings lmao
probably smells like vanilla tbh
‘can you please edit this out?’
he’s literally gonna give me cavities with his sweetness
just from looking at pics of him
i like don’t even know what to say he’s just a ball of sunshine :’)))
so sweet i could put him in my coffee
he deserves so much more that he gets
i’m running out of ways to reiterate that yanan deserves all the love in the world
y’all better appreciate him or i’m coming for u and ur whole family
he’s just out here chillin, his smile making the world a better place
my uwus? gone. snatched if you will
it’s ya boy toto
him being spooked by ghost stories
cLINGY !!!!!
two words: back. hugs.
i want a yuto hug hmph :((
his laugh is so cute i just-
him being spooked by the dark
his guy-fieri-reminiscent shirt
(you know the one)
him being spooked in general
i will protect this boy with my LIFE
we need more yuto aegyo
but also his visuals make me spontaneously combust
somebody call the fire brigade yknow
when he had the eyebrow slit i cried
im at a loss for how to express my love for adachi yuto
can i have his dangly earrings pls thanks
he’s always feeding everybody it’s so cute
our nagano boy :’)
cough excuse me i had something in my throat i meant our nagano pRINCE
this video of his ‘high note’ and wink never fails to make me laugh
he reminds me of this guy ive had a crush on for a long while ?? like personalitywise they’re oddly similar,, he’s cute n shy but also tall and vv clingy ??? and he recently started doing his hair differently and it’s literally yutos hairstyle i almost stopped breathing ok
also his hugs feel like what i imagine a yuto hug would feel like and i only realized it just now as i’m writing this
he’s my little honeybunch cinnamon apple sugarplum gumdrop babyboy
i just love kang hyunggu a whole lot if you can’t tell by um
the rest of my blog
my profile image
my lockscreen ffs
do i even need to say that he’s my bias
duality? he invented that.
hyunggu being a cutie patootie vs kino being rUDE AS HELL
like he’s a grape juice box and a whole ass bottle of fine wine yknow what i mean
the lace blindfold ?? somebody pinch me
i mean have y’all heard voicegasm ??
he did that shit
he’s under arrest for stealing my heart~
(and my uwus)
i don’t even need to say it bc y’all already know but he’s the dance KING
the violet bby
“he’s sensitive”
when hyojong changed the number song lyrics to joke about him being sensitive (2:25)
when he wears big sweaters :’)
i miss his lil ponytail during naughty boy
ppl never talk about this but he’s surprisingly good at languages ?!?
his laugh is one of my favorite sounds on the planet
that one move in can you feel it (01:55 in the mv) gets me every. single. time.
the kino list is long but i just have so much love for this boy
he a long boi
i cant find the vid but there’s this one moment at a fansign or something where he just stepped over the table like it was a completely normal thing to do ?!???!?
i keep getting shocked over and over about how generally handsome he is
any hair works on him like ??? magic ?!?
screaming during lost paradise
and most songs
and most of the time anyway
i love him lots and lots tho
can pull off the goth look
can pull off the emo look
can pull off any look
he belongs in an opera lmfaooo
his acrostic poems
i’m a star ? that shit sLAPS
this boy is carrying the entire rap industry on his bACK
i’m sad that i cant think of more stuff for wooseokie
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thefloatingstone · 6 years
A weeked at a hotel is quiet and alone.
A long walk or a going to a movie that starts after dark helps.
A four hour or longer bath where you sit in the water helps. Even if it doesnt helps it helps. And you smell good at the end of it which is nice even when you lack appreciation for nice things currently.
Do new things - feeling trapped or in a rut or the need to escape can be alleviated by feeling like youre making some sort of progress or have control over something in your life.
Sleeping more doesn’t help. Sleeping less doesnt help. Both are enough of a change/ strain on your body that they make you think they are but really they just increase problems and make the days pass quicker or slower.
Make goals. Meet goals. Cant get to goals make smaller goals to get there.
Focus on the things you can do and help and control and if you can’t do anything about it aknowledge it and let it go.
Hydrate. Youre not doing it enough, no one is.
Eat regularly, just like you should sleep regularly and for 9 hours - your body and therefore your mind functions better on a schedual.
It may not help but i can garrentee you not doing these things makes it harder than it needs to be.
Can also play games or read or watch shows until it passes, if it passes but thats just a… Temporary solution not an actual fix action.
But sometimes you don’t need a fix action you need a distraction to be immersed in and thats okay.
Get someone to talk to. Professionally.
Friends and family can help but we’re all not really great at healthy coping - and we know what works for us or what we’ve learned but we can’t always give you personalized tips that will help YOU get through your dips.
Clean/ reorganize your room - this just makes you feels self satisfied if youre lucky and if you arent well theres a little less mess and your mind feels less cluttered if you make even a little progress. Your environment can add to the strain.
Open a window idk why fresh air helps.
Candle with a scent you like - light it. Pet fire keeps you company.
Bake. Idk why but it helps, doesnt matter what youre making but if it makes a mess for you to clean up while you wait for it to be done its a win.
Plus baked goods are nice to have and eat or give away which makes you happy… Especially since half the time you dont feel the need to eat whatever youve baked.
Blast music. Loudly. Especially dark depressing shit or especially lively rebelling shit.
Or just play classical piano in the background because it helps…. Filter. Which is nice.
It gets better. Even if it turns out to be something youll struggle with it gets better because youll learn to manage it and it can’t take away the good even if it tells you it can.
Youve survived every horrible thing thats happened to you. Youll get through this too keep that in mind.
Also watch what youre telling yourself. Something as simple as telling yourself not “i can’t deal with this -emotional pain/situation - ” but “i dont want to deal with this” can in time make it easier to get past it because youre not bogged down in trying to… Reject how you feel.
Youre allowed to feel this way. Like. You may not want to but. You do so youve got to accept it on some level in order to beable to get past rejecting reality and figure out how best to approach it.
Emotions arent unreasonable. Like. Logically you’ll say they are but youre not depressed or whatever for no reason. Either theres something effecting you or your brain chemistry is off either way there is no “i shouldnt feel this way”
So like. Really dont talk down to yourself. Or if you do at least try to tack on something like “alright try again” or idk something positive or at least foward thinking.
And remeber you’re not alone.
Reach out. Message people. Sit on silent calls and share dead air with others. You may ache like a raw nerve or feel left out or ignored or a hundred other things but just. Attempting to be apart of your friends life or just hearing another person can do a world of difference. If not… In the moment than later it def gives you something to build on.
And youre not… A bother. Youre not… Responsible for making decisions about other peoples emotional wellbeing. Theyve got to tell you ‘hey i dont/ cant talk about this right now lets just bs about whatever instead". You need help or a distraction or anything ask the people you care about.
Youre not alone and isolating… Usually makes things worse.
Like alone time can help but isolatings a different ballgame entirely and youll know which youre doing.
Hell just posting on here and asking for tips is great and Im proud of you.
Sorry if that or any of this sounds condescending - im just. Summarizing shit ive learned and tried and had to talk myself into because i really thought my mental health was bullshit and i shouldnt need help with basic things.
But people do. Like. We’re not made to fuction the way we do and we’re not taught a lot of really simple things and how they effect us or the difference between coping healthly and not.
… Fuctioning can only get you so far so long, you’ve got to actually take care of yourself you know? I mean dont beat yourself up because taking care of yourself doesn’t line up with what you think that should mean is all.
Sorry to bug and do hope you get to feeling better soon.
This is an incredibly in-depth and helpful message. Thank you so very very much for taking the time to write it out for me. I’m posting this to prevent it from getting buried
Also, again, I want to thank everyone for sending me responses and messages about this. I’m sorry I’m not replying to all of them individually, but I am reading all of them <3 a lot of you are saying the same things like taking a walk or doing some light exercise, drinking water (I haven’t been doing that enough today) and things like that. As I said, I can’t do exercise tonight since it’s late, but I’ll try and take a walk tomorrow if the weather is good. And I’ll try and get some water in me.
I’m afraid talking to someone professional isn’t really possible right now, but hearing I can just go once makes me feel a little better. I’ve never realised I don’t have to try and afford an ongoing therapy thing. I can’t do it right now, but I’ll see if I can figure something out at some point in a few months if I can.
But thank you again for your help, guys. And although I feel bad for asking... but I’d really appreciate if you guys could continue to give it. Not because I want instant gratification or anything, but just because I don’t have much support elsewhere, and I want to get past this.
and thank you for being patient with me. I’m trying, I really am.
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hyseok · 6 years
Alone With You : Chapter One
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Sure, today didn't go as planned, but really when does it ever? Note to self: stop accepting invitations to parties thrown by Jeon Jungkook, actually, lets just stop being his friend all together.
Let me take you back a bit. October 30th 12:45 am; me being as studious as I am, decided to stay in. Studying... slowly dying. You get it. I needed to cram for an exam that was planned just after Halloween. And you know what, I was happy in my little bubble, but of course why would the universe allow me to just have peace and quiet?
bam bam
I jerked my head toward my dorm door, "Who the hell is at my door at 12 in the morning?" Groaning, I head toward the door ready to cuss out whoever decided banging my door like the fucking hulk was a good idea. Then it clicked. "I swear to god Jeon if this is you I'm going to-" Of course it is. I swing open my door and sure enough, there he is, Jeon Jungkook, standing there leaning against the frame slightly. Eyeing him up and down I notice that he's not wearing the same black shirt and puma sweats he always seems to be wearing. Instead, he's wearing a black button up fitting perfectly with his black ripped jeans & of course, black boots.
He meets my gaze and smirks. "See something you like?" He says, ending it with a greasy wink. "You wish." I say, rolling my eyes as he pushes past me. Jungkook and I met in high school, I honestly thought I'd never have to deal with his greasy ass anymore but much to my surprise he got into the same university as I did. Lucky me.
"Why are you dressed like that anyway?" I say closing the door. "I thought your style was primarily 'Homeless person going through a lot'" I say not to far behind him, heading straight for the kitchen. Without even looking he hold his middle finger up. "Fuck you." I gasp, dramatically holding my hand up to my mouth. He rolls his eyes and continues "There's a party tonight.. speaking of which" He side glances me up and down and scoffs. "Why aren't you dressed yet?" I raise my eyebrow at that and he chuckles. "Come on now, I told you about this party last week... damn for someone so smart you'd think you'd be able to remember something so simple" He says reaching into the refrigerator, pulling out the last of my strawberry milk. "I didn't forget Jeon. I just merely CHOSE to ignore you." I say with a slight shrug. He grasps at his chest, his face contouring into fake pain. "You know Sara, that hurts." He says. "Anyway, you can't just sit here wasting away in a pile of books, You're coming." Jungkook has always been the type of guy to have the upmost confidence.
I guess knowing him as long as I have, I've grown to know all of his tricks and well, to put it simple. He gets what he wants, when he wants. "You're delusional." I spit back, walking past him, making my way to the the scatter of books on my coffee table when I hear Jungkook say something I hoped he never would. "Yoongi will be there." My body, as if someone pushed pause on a universal remote stops, slowly I turn to him. His smile is as wide as ever because he knows. He knows uttering those words he’s got me in the palm of his hands.
(Note to self number two: Never speak about who I am infatuated with around Jeon Jungkook.) But like I said earily, he gets what he wants. When he wants it.
So of course I went. Not without a few more snarky comments moving back and forth between Jungkook and I. Hurriedly, I put on a simple outfit. A black crop top, ripped Jeans and my favourite sneakers. I'm going but just so I can get some fresh air. You know.. get out of the dorm. Like a broken record this is what I told myself, what I repeated on the car ride to Park Jimin's house, where the party would be held. 
Yes because of that, totally not because of him. Nope not because of Min Yoongi.
"SARA!!" Hoseok yells out the moment my foot hits the floor of the house that already seems to be busting through the seems with people. Making his way through the people to stand right in front of me. "Hoseok, Hi!" I say with a smile. Hoseok has always been so kind to me, a really good friend. I mean, he is quite goofy but I like that most about him. "Hey, Sara!" Seokjin, a friend I met through Jungkook. Says as he walks up to us with an orange disposable cup in hand. He goes to pass it to me and without a word, I take the drink from his hand and take a sip. "What the fuck?!" I say immediately after, the feeling of the liquor going down my throat is not pleasing at all. 
"Oh sorry, forgot to warn you. That's vodka." Seokjin laughs. Sometimes it's hard to believe he's the oldest.
"Hey!! There you guys are." Jimin, the host of the party, and the one i’ve known the longest out of the entire friend group. I smile at him before noticing the two other guys walking behind him. "Hey shortie" Jungkook says. Jimin gives him a glare, Seokjin and I give each other a knowing look and back up slightly. We'd rather not be involved in another one of their... 'brotherly' fights again. Which honestly almost always end up with Jungkook having a bruised face and broken nose and Jimin having to deal with some type of broken bone for several months. 
In the midst of the tension, I look past Jimin's shoulder and wave slightly at the two no one has seems to acknowledge yet. They look at me and smile, waving back, the blond one waving a little more enthusiastically, continuing to give me a very boxy grin. "Oh shit right, these two. This is Namjoon and Taehyung. I never got the chance to introduce you." Jimin says scratching the back of his neck. "Oh and this is Sara." He finishes, giving them a strange look I cant quite decipher. The two look back at me, then back to Jimin, finally meeting my gaze once more. "Nice to finally meet you." Taehyung says. "We've heard al-" His words are cut off by a quick jab in his side from Namjoon.
He stands there sheepishly, glances being exchanged back and forth and an awkward silence passes by which says a lot about the situation considering this is a packed house full of loud university students. There shouldn't be an opportunity for silences.
Finally, Seokjin breaks the awkward bubble we've constructed around each other. "Okay so, lets have some fun since everyone has met Sara now!" He says, Hoseok nods "Ill go get you a drink that won't murder you." He laughs as he turns to make his way to the drink table. When the others aren't paying attention, I look over at Jungkook, who surprisingly, hasn’t gone off yet to flirt with every female in the house. "Okay.. he's coming right?" I say quietly, fielding with my fingers.. He looks at me amused and shrugs. "He's always late to things like this" Not very helpful. "He'll be here," Is all Jungkook has the chance to say before he's swept away by a group of girls. Not too much time passes before Hoseok returns, solo cups in hand. He reaches out to hand me mine and I accept it.
After another awkward silence and about way too many bad jokes from Seokjin, everyone decides to split up. Walking through the house it's apparent that everyone is either; high on something, drunk out of their mind or trying to fuck in the middle of the living room. Fuck, this is why I wanted to stay home. I sigh and make my way to the living area. Deciding on just standing in the corner next to the stereo, I'm the outcast even at parties.
It's been about 2 and a half hours now, the one person I wanted to at least glimpse at just once is no where to be seen. "This is fucking pointless" I say, pushing myself off the wall. I put down the drink I haven't really touched since arriving and make my way to the kitchen.
The first person I see there is Jimin, standing next to a group of guys I don't know. I make my way toward him, tapping his shoulder. Slowly he turns to look at me. "If you see Jungkook tell him I left." I say immediately, not waiting for his response i turn to make my way to the front door. I just want to go home at this point.
"You're leaving so soon?" Jimin asks right behind me with a look of hurt on his face. "The party was great Jimin, really, but I'm not feeling it anymore right now." I say, pushing through the crowd of people grinding against each other. It's about fifteen seconds before he responds. By then we've already made it his front door.
"Didn’t you ride with Jungkook? Do you need me to go get him? Or I could call a cab for you" He asks, a hint of worry in his voice as I slip on my jacket. I shake my head. "No it's okay, I'll be fine to just walk." I say with a smile. "Tell Taehyung and Namjoon it was nice to meet them, try not to break any bones tonight." I finish with a final hug exchanged between him and I. I turn to make my way out of the door, it's about a 20 minute walk but I think it'll be nice to just enjoy the rest of the night. So I start my way down the vacant street. 
Its only been ten minutes of walking yet the thoughts of why I even left my dorm in the first place flood my mind like a broken faucet. Maybe this crush thing has gone too far.. I wasted my night waiting for him. I could have been home sleeping or studying. This is never worth it but I always do it. For him. Why do I like him so much? Why exactly am I trying so hard?
I sigh as I look up at the moon. The night breeze feeling nice against my skin. "Maybe it's time to just stop trying.. right?" I whisper.
I guess so.. 
I let out a some what defeated sigh, I just need to go home and take a warm bath and sleep at this point. I’m about five minutes from doing just that now. Turning the corner, I can see my building now, and It finally starts to feel like this night is coming to an end.. Well that is until.. 
[a/n: so...this is chapter one of my yoongi x oc au, dedicated to my friend who gave me the inspiration for it, I hope you guys enjoy it, idk how may parts it’ll have but im thinking 4-5?. Anyway, Chapter 2 will be out sometime tomorrow!! Thanks for reading. Note: I posted this on my wattpad also.]
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
How many cats and dogs have you had as pets in your lifetime? oooo boy. ok lets see. 5 dogs, 9 cats?
Can your mom and/or dad play any instruments, or how about anyone else in your family? My mom doesn’t play anything. My dad is a drummer
Have you ever colored in an adult coloring book as a stress reliever? Yes. I’ve done it this week alone, just to try and calm down a little.
Can you crack crab legs without a tool? i have no idea. I don’t eat crab or anything in the sea for that matter. 
How many light sources are in the room you’re in? ooo good question. umm, eight? lol
What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels? uhhh cream cheese.
Who’s your favorite director? i really don’t know, i don’t follow who directs what.
Bats: cute or gross? i mean, I don’t really care.
What was the last really intense pain you felt? lung pain during this whole nonsense.
Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? either. 
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I would love to, but I don’t see it happening with the travel restrictions these days.
What is your father's middle name? He doesn’t have one. he’s got a family name and the men who have it do not have a middle name. Where did your last kiss take place? uhhh I believe on my driveway 
Which movie villain do you find the most terrifying? no clue, tbh. none that come to mind
Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures? I don’t think ive ever done that. 
Which one of your family members are you closest to? My mom. one of my brothers and my sister.
Would you rather have name brand shoes or name brand clothes? brand names just don’t matter to me, but if i was forced to choose i guess shoes?
Are you a good liar? no. not at all.
Are you proud of your parents? Im super proud of my mom.
Which is better: orange or grape soda? orange
Was the last thing you ate hot or cold? hot. so yummy.
Who was the last person in your house who isn’t family? uhhhhhhh, idk who was here when I wasn’t in town, but prior to that I would imagine em/nathan
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? green 
Can you remember the last song you listened to? something from the toy story soundtrack lol. I’m binge watching all four today... I am using Kile’s disney+ for as long as he has it. I don’t think he watches it ever, so I imagine it’ll cut off soon.
Have you ever been dumped really harshly? once. it was horrible. every other time I’ve done the break up.
Can you do a back flip, or anything else of that sort? heck’n no. unless im going into a pool maybe.
Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? yes
What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? he sexually assaulted me
Are you more of a phone or a computer person? my preference is laptop, 
Do you have a job, and if so, where do you work? not currently.
If not, do you want one? yeah i’d like to have income.
Do any medical afflictions run in your family? yes. a few.
What’s your favorite Mexican dish? pork tacos from mama marias omggggggggggggg.
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes. bulls games, bears games
Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? of course.
What months were you and your siblings born in? january, july, august, august
What did you have for dinner last night? nicks.
Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? absolutely. to keep the shape n such.
Has your town ever flooded? uhhhhh to my knowledge once. it had rained SO heavily for like a week and the local ponds and lakes were over-flowing. a car literally floated down my road. it was so weird.
Have you ever played at the McDonald’s play place? when I was a kiddo yes. not often tho cus I didn’t like the smell, it was always sticky, and there were always bratty kids.
Have you ever taken a picture of snow? only every single day it snows
Do you cry easily? i notoriously do not cry in front of anyone. I am not a crier. when I lost Kile I cried for weeks.
Are you happy with where you live? I love it.
Do people ever mistake you for being a different race? No
Do you hate the last person you kissed? no, i’m not a hateful person
What genre is your favorite movie? drama, romance, kids lol
Who was the last person you were in a car with? Mom. she picked me up from the airport.
Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? yes. I always seem to get the nice workers and they help so much.
When was the last time somebody hit on you? yesterday. blegh. 
Was the last person you met a male or female? hmm. Iiiiiii wanna say male. 
What brand is your underwear? I think the pair im wearing is hanes.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? usually green bean casserole.
Do you have a TV in your room? yup. watching TS1 right now.
Are any of your electronics charging right now? my phone. of course it was on 2 percent.
What was the last video game you played? acnh on the switch.
What’s the biggest promise someone’s ever made to you? Did they keep it? that they will be there for me forever and always take care of me. no. 
Google, Bing, or Yahoo? Google.
What was the last song you had on repeat? more by bobby darin
Who is your favorite person to watch on YouTube? froggy fresh
How many college degrees do you want? i have two. I’d like my masters and/or phd
Can you wink? yes but I dont think it looks good lol i have to get better
Do you own any jerseys? I did, I dont know if I have any still
Have you ever tried to snort Pixie Stix as a child, or even an adult? No. i wasn’t a dumb child and i certainly wouldnt do that as an adult
Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake? not really no. 
Has there ever been a time in your life, you felt sexually undecided? no. 
Do you think tattoos and piercings are sexy on the opposite sex? im not into piercings on guys. tattoos are fine if they arent trashy
Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? all the time.
What color are the headphones you have at this moment in time? kind of a creamy taupe-y color
Ever choked severely on something during lunch at your school? no
Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie? i probably consume more fruits? but i love both. 
What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? white
Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? no. sadly
What do you usually buy when you go to the dollar store? i cant even tell you the last time i went to a dollar store.
Ever peed in the pool? Be honest! I would have been murdered lol no i dont do that. it grosses me out.
When you’re older, what kind of house do you want to live in? something on a lot of land, big front porch.
Where do you want to get married? probably a courthouse. maybe outdoors?
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? no. just mom.
What is your favorite childhood TV show? recess
Honestly, do you like school? no. i looooooooooooooooooooooooove it.
Last thing that made you cry? probably dejavu.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? sort of yes.
Last person you took a walk with? liza, em, dutch, della
Have you ever liked someone who didn’t like you back? i think currently to be honest. 
Who was the last person to actually pick you up in the air? lol either mario or an old friend david
Does any part of your body hurt? yeah. my muscles have been weakening sooooooo bad it is so painful. 
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret what would you do? Million bucks. noooooooooooo question.
Can you keep a secret? Sure.
Your favorite romantic movie? sleepless in seattle probs.
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? I loved it for the longest timeeeeeeee. i dont think ill love it as much this next year, but maybe by then ill have met someone new who knows.
Who was the last person you took a picture with? uuuuuhhh probably one of my nephews/niece
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? Some do, some dont. 
Do you celebrate 420? Nope. verrrrrry much not my thing.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? i think so lol
How do you eat Oreos? with milk. 
Do you wear your shoes in the house? sometimes. my preference is slippers. we usually wear something on our feet because gram needs to and so does mom.
Would you survive in prison? probably not, tbh. 
Ever been to Georgia? the state, yes. many times. the country? never.
Do you get your hair cut every month? gosh no. my dream is to get my hair done professionally again sometime, but its so daggum expensive.
Current relationship in detail. I am single. i will probably start casually dating soon. 
If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to? i dont even know. I always imagined I’d go to kile. but who knows now.
List things you spend money on in an average week. i can go several weeks without spending.
Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10. ooooooohhhhhh, id rather not.
Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? i am convinced bill would not give a fig whether or not im in a relationship. mom, however, would probably be EEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXtra cautious now.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? oh im sure. 
Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? yes. even if we don’t talk anymore... theres just always a connection.
What board games are you good at? oooo, i’m very good at board games.
Is there a sport/hobby you keep thinking about taking up, but that you’ve never quite gotten around to starting? quilting. its expensive and im not wanting to get it all cvid-y
Do you think pranks like egging/toilet-papering someone's house are funny or immature? Immature.
Do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea? there are people who can pull it off, but it is notttttttttt my style.
Is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? What? debt bill put my mom in. they don’t speak tho.
Do you ever actually read the “Terms and Services” when you sign up for websites and such? the first couple years. 
If you have a handheld games console (a DS or GameBoy, for example), how often do you use it? I don’t use the switch handheld, despite really wishing i could. the controllers are broken and beyond what I can afford. so I just use the tv dock.
Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? i’d pick it up 1000000000000000% , I just would be so curious what they would say.
If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you? absolutely.
Are you afraid of falling in love? I am. I don’t ever again want to feel the way ive felt with my two heart breaks. 
Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now? yes, but the feeling is lessening. I responded to him for the first time in... idk how long. thinking he’d be eager to talk and be responsive. he wasn’t. it just pushes me further and further from feeling those feelings.
Have you ever kissed someone & wished you didn’t? no, i dont think so.
Did you get kissed last night? goodness no. 
Do you enjoy going through a carwash? I love it.
How did you get most of your scars? benny. by far.
Ever had to take an inkblot test? I have taken 2. One for a fellow student in a classroom who had to administer it for a project. another time in a psych class the prof asked me to for a demonstration
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? yep! the only time ive been grounded.
Have you ever seriously slapped someone in anger? no. I do not get physical in my anger. I withdraw. 
What/who woke you up this morning? Just me.
Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you? My mom. dropping off ice water and benny.
What’s one of your locked text messages? I don’t even know if this phone locks messages tbh. I used to do that all the time on my t9 phones.
Have you ever finished a game of Monopoly? I think maybe 1 time.
Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed? Yes.
The truth all comes out when someone is drunk, true? I wouldn’t say alllllllll, but i do think inhibitions are lowered so it makes it easier
When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself? messaging kile and realizing he isn’t interested in responding. makes me feel so dumb.
How about feeling disappointed in someone else? something a family member did to me this past week.
For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? ummm. lately it’s been jealousy. i dont like people taking what was mine. but i’m learning if they had access to it, that likely means that it is best to let it go. so maybe im now leaning towards envy of like beautiful relationships.
Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? uhhh, not unless its like in a joking, light-hearted manner.
Do you have any specific chores you do around the house? when im not sick... i vacuum, dust, do dishes, wipe counters and table, do laundry of others, disinfect, etc.
For you, does comfort or fashion come first in dressing? I would say 51% comfort and 49% looking nice
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? yes. lots of jealousy due to their feelings toward me.
Do you like Laffy Taffy? No. not my style of candy
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? manual.
Are your biceps at all noticeable? hardly.
Have you ever seen a walrus? absolutely!
Did you ever have one of those Easy Bake ovens as a kid? no. one time moms friends daughter (who was significantly older than me) lent hers to us... but there were no mixes of anything. so I didn’t know what to do with it.
Does your bathroom have a theme to it? nope.
From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside? uhhhhhhhh 3 if you dont include the garage door.
Are there a lot of trees in your yard? i wouldn’t say a lot. I wish.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap? treating me like crap cuts down my interest like immediately.
Have a best friend? meh.
Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you? no.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? yes. I dont need to concern them or worry them.
Does anyone hate you? kiles ex(?) i am sure does.
What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? hm. i dont really have any.
Do you remember important dates? yes. almost always.
What’s some lyrics from a song that means a lot to you? “what if we could put the world on hold and finally meet somewhere inside of the world? I would meet you... would you meet me?”
Who gives the best advice? mom
Who do you usually see in your dreams? :) It varies. depends on who I think about.
What type of cake did you last eat? graduation cake. 
How many of your friends are gay or bisexual? I have like 4 casual friends that are, but my closest friends are all straight.
What’s your favorite type of sandwich? buona chicken one. bless it.
When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline? tonight. I said maybe once this quarantine business is over.
Do you like The Offspring? I know a couple of songs but I definitely can’t call myself a fan. << same
One pillow or two? 12
Do you like Mad Libs? not really no.
Are you suicidal? no. I mean there are moments where I think wow, i dont want to be here. but not like let me put together a plan.
Where do your grandparents live? my fathers parents were killed by a drunk driver bout ten years ago. My mothers father passed away maybe 12 years ago. My gram is fine and lives in the room down the hall. 
Do you cut yourself? not purposely
What is your pet’s name? benny and lottie.
Have you ever been to Canada? not yet.
Aren’t babies overrated? no, no. theyre expensive af though.
Have a built-in pool in your backyard? i wish more than anything but no.
Ever won yourself a stuffed animal? maybe once or twice. I one time had a guy win me an animal at a carnival and i found that sooooooooooooooooo attractive.
Ever had someone else win you a stuffed animal? woops. yes. lol
Ever been to a circus? i think when i was really little.
Ever shot animals? I have not. i couldn’t. 
Do you consider yourself intelligent? I do. It is something I have some confidence in.
Have you ever run away from home? when my dad was abusive, yes. 
Do you put family first, friends, relationships, school, or something else? faith, family, friends, school, relationships (only cus im not in one)
What’s something you’ve stood up for in the past? my faith.
What’s something you worked extremely hard to get? my degrees and honors.
Are you satisfied with your body image? no. I am honored to have a body that is capable of all that it is.. that has been my “home” all these years. the body that still breathes life every day, thats all incredible. I dislike having the fat that I do, as I worry it could be off putting to others. but then I realize im fine being single, so then my body imagine is fine. its a weird cycle.
Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory? yes. when I worked and a customer didnt like a policy or whatnot.
Have you ever seriously taken advantage of someone or been taken advantage of? never to my knowledge have I taken advantage of someone else seriously. I have been VERY seriously taken advantage of.
Have you ever been seriously ill? trying to get over it now tbh
Have you ever befriended a former enemy? uhhhh, not that I know of. I tend to be friendly to everyone, but I can’t think of a situation where it was an enemy.
If you’re not religious, would you ever pray as a last resort? If you are religious, do you often pray for other people? I do pray for others quite often. it’s important to me. I sometimes will see strangers and immediately start praying over them. I actually almost started my GRE late because I was praying over every person I saw in the room lol.
Have you ever dated someone, then after you dated they came out of the closet or switched (for lack of a better word) sexual orientation? no. not to my knowledge anyway.
Has a boy/girl ever walked a ridiculous distance just to see you? How about vice versa? yes! like 8 miles lol. I have not. 
When was the last time you felt really uncomfortable? this past week.
Is there anything that your mom is really known for as to how she is as a person? shes everyones favorite. shes kind, funny, sarcastic, down-to-earth, warm.
Who have you been talking to the most today? mom lol
Are you nosy? I think it could be perceived as nosy but I love to make people feel ridiculously special. So I will sit and ask questions just to get them talking about themselves. If I recognize the personal questions are not working, I’ll keep it totally light.
What’s the meanest thing you have done to a friend? i really dont know.
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about? if we consider kile an ex, it would probably be that he feels overwhelmed and feels alone because he doesnt have me or his ex anymore. :(
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed? ooooo thats hard to narrow down.
Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh? no. everyone comments on how they love when it turns wheezy.
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jooheongif · 7 years
hi,it is i,theory anon!it was still day for me but i spent a lot of time figuring things out and reading theories and making my own and freaking out and then i was mentally exhausted and slow the rest of the day..worth it i really do love theories!i really didn't expect something so long either but mx never cease to amaze and outright refuse to be underestimated,it seems. i might also be biased but i too think it is a masterpiece(the song,cinnamontography,the monstas themselves...) (cont.)
i really liked every bit of the film i noticed and can't wait for anything they have to put out!since i already sorta know i'm gonna be amazed (isn't that also amazing?they just keep evolving and they're already so incredible). it's so nice being their fan:)) also,i'm so happy you caught up on your sleep and hope the studying paid off (even if not,i think it's great to invest yourself in something)! (cont.?)you're really out there with your heart full of love and you're sharing it so selflessly,it's honestly really inspirational to me and just generally truly wonderful.i can feel you're a gorgeous person with a breathtakingly beautiful soul and i hope you're proud of yourself,i feel you have reason to be!even if not,i can at least honestly tell you i'm so incredibly proud of you and happy to have contacted you because you are truly so caring and kind and genuine and radiate love (cont.???i'msorry!)(and you just,completely unprompted,told a complete stranger you're proud of them,i cannot express how deeply touched i am ( :') ) you're really so incredible i hope you know!)! this is probably pretty incomprehensible but i hope you can tell i'm really touched by your sweetness, you really made my day so much brighter. i'm very grateful to you for all of this kindness and i hope you keep being this wonderful and magical and radiant (cont.?? ?? last one i promise!)LAST ONE!!! also i REALLY hope you take very good care of yourself and i hope you know how wonderful and magical and radiant you are! i'm very sorry this was so long and please don't feel absolutely any pressure to reply,i just hoped to convey how grateful i am for you and everything you said. so now that i've tried to do that,i'll be gone (AT LAST)! please eat your veggies,drink water,take in some fresh air and stay strong (hehe) and i hope you smile today!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
hi theory anon !! how are you ?? hope ur doing well !!! hope u got some rest from being exhausted by the theories the other day :-) 
thank u sm for ur msg !! how to reply to this...where do i even start !!! firstly, im so.... :( my heart is so :( idk what to say im so touched by this ?? icb u would take the time to type out 5 separate msgs for me ??? thank you so much and im so sorry for giving u the trouble of writing all those separate msgs !! pls dont apologise for sending all of them btw !!! i rly appreciate every single one of them :( i was having a....not so good time at uni today and ur msg helped to pull me back into real time and i feel sm better !! u hav made my day !! thank u sm :((on first watch of the music film before reading theories and things, i thought that it was abt them all destined to find each other no matter what dimension or universe or part of the planet they are in ! like no matter what, they are always meant to find and meet each other ? but maybe thats just what my friendship deprived self wanted to see at the time ??? not to sound so..l*nely sorry ! but anyways...i just...rly lov plotlines abt friendship so i :(( no idea how i could relate that to dramarama but then again does it hav to ? a mystery :( anyway..after reading theories, some ppl had the same thoughts but even better and some had smth else completely different ! even though it feels kinda bad not knowing the actual truth abt their concepts, at the same time it is kinda nice bc reading other ppls thoughts and interpretations is rly interesting !dlfsdkjfkldjfsdjf thank u sm for saying all those nice things abt them !! ur right !! they just keep improving and being better than themselves w every comeback ??? i hope that since they already had their first win for dramarama, for this cb they are a little more relaxed and feel less..pressured ?? and that they can just enjoy the moment on stage, performing and promoting their work w/o worrying so much abt winning  ? :( like...do mx and their choreographers, producers, stylists + everyone who works with mx so that they can be mx..do they even hav a moment to take a step back from all the chaos and just...admire all the work that they've done ?? even if they dont get the results they want...even if it doesnt do well on the charts by their standards..like do they know how much impact their joint work has on so many ppl ??? and that so many ppl rly admire and appreciate what they've done :( anyway i rly hope the monstas rly just..truly enjoy this cb w/o feeling so much pressure :( idk...do we as mbb put too much pressure on them too ?? idk.. im writing this and hoping for the best but at the same time i know that the whole industry is fuelled by competition and its all just one uglie business™ in the end that we're all directly/indirectly contributing to as fans and whatnot, but at the same time cant do much abt it bc we just ..wanna support  our favs :( idk im prob typing a whole lot of nonsense rn but i lov the monstas and ill keep supporting them so ..that meme of marge dancing nervously i guess ?ok dam...there i go again writing too much im sorry ! :( ill try to wrap this up ??? sorry u hav to read all of this btw !! thank u sm for caring abt me btw !! all those nice things you've written...u are too kind ??? idk what to say to u to even thank u properly for all of this but please know that i rly appreciate all that you've written up there !! :( idk if i even deserve that level of kindness ! i think ive still got a long way to go to reach the person u hav described above but i hope one day i can be even a small fraction of that person !!!! you wrote that i inspire u but honestly ur the one who is inspiring me ?? :( taking the time out of ur day to write 5 nice messages to a stranger !! wishing a stranger well and caring abt their wellbeing ?? writing all those nice things :( !!! im always pleasantly surprised by anonymous msgs bc icb someone out there takes the time out of their day to be kind !! it always gives me some kind of  hope and reminds me that maybe the world isnt all that bad thanks to kind ppl like yourself :( im sure im not the only one who thinks like this...so rly thank u sm for selflessly spreading love like that ! thank u for being here bc the world is a better place w you in it ! i hope u are taking care of yourself and getting rest and drinking water + eating ur veggies too !!!! ily and thank u sm !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
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alien-bodies · 7 years
Oversharing Time!!!
(i just made that title up that’s not the official title I’m just Like That)
Ok so @frogyell​ tagged my main account (I am BLEST) but that’s for Refined Star Trek Content and this one’s for excellent moodboard content and garbage so here’s the garbage!!! I’m putting it under a cut bc it manipulates your brain to want to read through 85 fuckin facts about me more wow I love science
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. last drink: Water! off to a great start
2. last phone call: my local Hot Topic. I feel like I should also mention I work there. But if you don’t know that and steal my phone you’ll see I have a contact named Hot Topic
3. last text message: Google sent me a verification code, but the last one I sent was to my brother it says “k”
4. last song you listened to: It’s called The Horror Of Your Love by Ludo, if I had to delete all but one song on my 121-song Best Enemies playlist I’d keep this one it’s Peak and kinda has vore but it’s metaphorical. metavoreical, if you will
5. time you cried: during my latest EMDR sesh! I was in Wales and everything it was a Lot I got ice cream after
6. dated someone twice? Big No
7. kissed someone and regretted it? Not really?
8. been cheated on? my ex had 16 anime dating sims downloaded at one point while we were dating does that count
9. lost someone special? yea
10. been depressed? hella
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? I’ve been drunk 1 time and it was when I was playing English handbells at my dad’s church’s wassail night but I did not throw up no
fave colors
12. Black
13. Lavendar
14. Light blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends? Hell Yell!!
16. fallen out of love? k i n d a ? ?
17. laughed until you cried? oh absolutely
18. found out someone was talking about you? OH BOY YUP YUP
19. met someone who changed you? yes! she managed to physically alter my hippocampus without touching it how fuckign whack is that
20. found out who your friends are? It’s always the same miraculous group chat
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list? sure have
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? I keep it nice and refined so all of them. My old account is another story
23. do you have any pets? one beautiful and talented cat named Moriarty. A good description is she’s got puppy software on cat hardware.
24. do you want to change your name? listen I’ve been through 4.5 of these fuckers, I like Nate, I’m Quite Finished
25. what did you do for your last birthday? invited 2 pals over, I remember one of them suddenly whipped out I Am The Doctor and the Dr Who theme on the piano out of fuckin nowhere and I was like “Daniel what the hell you’re so talented” and then I hardcore dissociated the rest of the day
26. what time did you wake up today? 10:00
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? chatting w @houseofoakdown​ and also editing my monstrosity of a fanfiction
28. what is something you cant wait for? Going back to school! then I can graduate in my pajamas and eat creamed corn in celebration
30. what are you listening to right now? the same goddamn playlist, this one’s called Battle Cry by The Family Crest, i cri erytiem
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom? probably???
32. something thats getting on your nerves? my brother vaping in the bathroom with the fan on at 12:30am
33. most visited website: tungle dot hell
34. hair color: I started out blonde af now I’m less blonde but still blonde.
35. long or short hair: short
36. do you have a crush on someone: :[] yes
37. what do you like about yourself: i’m hella smart, my moodboards are bangin, my writing is cool af, I’m well-hydrated at all times
38. want any piercings? Big No
39. blood type: A+!!!!! thats me!!!!!
40. nicknames: my brother calls me a goon sometimes
41. relationship status: im married to my laptop
42. zodiac: I was born on the last day of Taurus so I’m a definite Taurus/Gemini power combo
43. pronouns: they/them, tho in some places I use he/him bc The Dysphoria got hog wild enough I decided to pretend to be a trans guy so ppl would take me seriously, but I’m moving more towards they/them everywhere now. 
44. fave tv shows: Dr Fuck, Sherlock (I’m armed with a pitchfork and an arsenal of beefed up tv & film knowledge come on fight me), DOWNTON ABBEY
45. tattoos: in August I will get a bee on my right arm and probably a Secret Word in Gallifreyan on my left it’ll say fuck
46. right or left handed: one time I was bored in grade 10 and tried to make myself ambidextrous but that was a hassle so I’m firmly right handed. Except in archery.
47. ever had surgery: got all 4 wisom teeth out not long ago! I still need to squirt water in my gum holes so I get all the mushy food out :{
48. piercings: I used to have my ears pierced but they’re grown tf over now!
49. sport: first of all what the hell is this question looking for second of all I have a red belt (which is 2 below black belt) in Taekwondo. I really need to do that again hhhhhh
50. vacation: i went to England and France in the summer with my family as a “””grad trip”””, it was lots of fun but my collection of sensory issues extended to chomping and I dissociated so intensely in The Louvre my mom told me to go back outside so I wrote fanfiction while listening to 21 Pilots and chatting w my imaginary friends and it took me like 18 hours to process I’d seen The Mona Lisa with mine own 2 eyes. Also the plane was delayed twice bc we used Air Canada for some godforsaken reason and I had 0 hours of sleep when I went to the Sherlock Holmes museum and I started talkin to this bust of Sherlock Holmes and then I hadn’t eaten enough and we were walking to this bookstore and I said “I need food!” and my dad said “We’ll get it AFTER” then I shouted “I’M GONNA DIE” so I got a BLT from Tesco. 
51. trainers: h
more general
52. eating: the last thing I ate was chocolate chips straight out of the bag
53. drinking: I got another cup of water
54. im about to watch: my entire fanfiction to take 3000 notes on consistency. and by watch I mean read
55. waiting for: my brother (not vaping) to get out of the bathroom so I can PEE
56. want: Orphan Black to be on Netflix so I can actually binge watch it then call my grandma about it
57. get married: idk I didn’t think I was a get married person but since realizing I’m a lesbian it seems like a good idea!
58. career: nurse and a writer. I might just move to London and work double time to write enough scripts I have some street cred then pitch a TV adaptation of Faction Paradox to the BBC and win
which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs bc it means my friends are in my vicinity not Toronto
60. lips or eyes: uh. eyes???????????
61. shorter or taller: i’m 5′3″ and I would love a tol partner
62. older or younger: i don’t think I care
63. nice arms or stomach: what fresh hell does this mean. I’d like a nice stomach free of gastrointestinal issues and acid reflux. not that I have either of those but just in case
64. hookup or relationship: I have 300 many self-esteem issues so imma say relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: AU where I don’t have anxiety and I’m a trouble maker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: noop
67. drank hard liquor: I PUT RUM IN THE WASSAIL HELL YEAH also once someone bought me a shot at a queer dance thing bc it was payday and my friend told me to gulp the WHOLE SHOT and then the lemonade so I don’t barf and I was like “brah this is too high-stakes” so I poured the vodka in the lemonade and took sips and everyone stared at me
68. lost glasses: in grade 6 and then my mom threatened to make me wear one of those granny glasses chains so I never lost them again
69. turned someone down: ya this kid Cyrus used to chase me around in grade 5 and I’d run away always he was weird af one time he made out with a folder right in front of me in the middle of class
70. sex on first date: probs not at this point but I’m not opposed to the general idea when I’m less w h a c k e d  u p
71. broken someones heart: Not that I know of?
72. had your heart broken: c o n s i s t e n t l y in the most fricked up ways god
73. been arrested: no but once I booed at the police bc the local nazis (yeah) were gonna have a rally so we had a counter-rally and I dropped in but there were no nazis except one old dude in a MAGA hat showed up 2 hours late lmao
74. cried when someone died: oui
75. fallen for a friend: Big Lesbian Mood
do you believe in
76. yourself: YA BB
77. miracles: not as such
78. love at first sight: nah
79. santa claus: I wasn’t allowed to believe in Santa as a child bc he was “too much like God” sad
80. kiss on a first date: ye!
81. angels: big no
82. best friend’s name: I don’t exactly have a proper best friend but I’m goin with Liam
83. eye colour: blue/grey
84. fave movie: either The Force Awakens (bc I love bb8 and I’m gay 4 Rey) or Interstellar shut up
85. fave actor: uh idk let’s go with my brother
WOW THAT WAS LONG JEE🅱️US. I’m tagging @houseofoakdown @spoonietimelordy @gemvictorfromtheponyverse @spockswhales @raesand and that exhausts the ppl I know but you’re all worth quadruple in my heart 💖
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@ The anon
Well, for collecting, I cant really help you in finding dead things, they kinda just find YOU. Although water sources in the woods and along main roads is always a good bet if you want to pick up your own deads. If you’re ok with buying from trappers and hunters there is an array of sites to order from. Heres a useful link for buying furs Alternatively, you can go hunt the things yourself - but that seems to be…an unpopular opinion. Its really just up to you.
Collecting Things you will need with you in the car at all times (if possible)
Trash bags\plastic bags\or even a plastic bin, whatever floats your boat. Be aware that corpses left in plastic bags in anything over 70F or 21c (I think) for more than a couple hours will begin to literally melt. I cannot tell you how long an individual corpse will last in a plastic bag in your car trunk, but if its hot, probably not more than two or three hours before it is ruined. Its gonna be gross, man. Do not be alarmed if the pelt gets damp, you only need to worry if the fur starts coming out in huge clumps when gently tugged on.
Gardening or latex gloves I don’t personally believe in using gloves, because there are very few things you can catch from the dead. BUT there ARE things you can catch - especially from raccoons, so, if you want 100 percent safety, and also maybe to feel less grossed out, bring these.
Knife\scalpel Vulture or not, I think its wise to keep a knife on you at all times   regardless, but you will definitely want one in the car in case you find something pancaked into the road but with bits you want. (IE: the top half might be gone but the tail is good, or the back half is gone but the head is good.). The knife should be sharp….derp.
Hedge clippers In case the knife doesn’t cut it or you find  deer or coyote you cant fit in your car. Pro tip - try to find the joints to make chopping less of a hassle
Air fresheners\febreeze\ anything you want to keep the car fresh Even if you keep it in a bin or bag - the smell WILL linger. I didn’t notice it, but other people sure as shit did - and they didn’t like it.
Theres probably more things Im missing, but this is just my personal list.
If you want the skin - I recommend watching some skinning videos , not only will it prep you for the gore, but in general they are very helpful.
Key words for vids you WILL need at some point - Fleshing. Fleshing is very important. This will probably take up a lot of your time tbh. It does mine anyway…
Once skinned and fleshed you need to put a generous amount of salt on the skin…like..an entire layer. Make it look like Christmas morning. The salt will get all mushy and eventually hrden as it dries the skin out. Replace the salt daily. When the skin is dry and kinda stiff - and the salt isnt getting mushy anymore. You’re done with salting phase.
Tumblr Skinning links
Skinning out a coyote foot
Tumblr Taxidermy tips
Prepping a face for taxidermy
Reshaping  face
Mounting a face
Tumblr Tanning links
Brain tanning
Processing for bones
Maceration: When you put the corpse in a plastic bag in the sun - or in a bucket or bin of warm water to melt down for bones. In either case you will want t make sure it is somewhere dogs will not get it. If you use a bucket, make sure to put a lid on top of it. This is the most effective way, but also the most smelly…Like…its bad. Its terrible. Chew some gum or a mint or just dont breathe around it, because its the worst thing ever.
Burial - You can just wrap it in a sheet or whatever and bury it outside, or in a pot. May take a while, but its the least smelly, most discreet and you can care for flowers while the corpse rots down =3 If you want articulate the bones - or put them back together to form a complete skeleton later. Cut the corpse into sections and wrap them individually (again a sheet is best, but certain wire works too)
Open pit - This was my preferred method - Some bones get stolen but, eh. You just dig a hole and pile your body in there on top of a sheet or trash bag. Make sure to secure it by putting wire on top and weighing it down with dirt on the edges, or rocks. You can put leaves over top of this if you want to help the smell.
simmering or boiling - NOT RECOMMENDED. You put the parts in a pan or crock pot of water you will never be using outside of gross stuff ever again.I hear this is easier with a crock pot. Supposedly this is by far the fastest way - but youre very likely to ruin  the bones. You just…set the crock pot to simmer or boil the bones
Dermestids - You can get yourself an aquarium and fill it with corpse eating beetles! They require some basic tips and care sheets, but they dont seem difficult. The most worrisome thing is - that if they escape they may eat your collection…This is the most effective and safe way imo, but it can take time - and also you have to care for beetles.
If you have bones but they're a little dirty (dirt, grease, stains) and you ant them pearly white, you will want to soak them in a tin can, glass jar, or plastic tub with peroxide. Skulls will float, find a way to weigh them down (stuff em with beads, rocks, whatever. Tie a string to a rock then to the skull and let it sink. Arrange ther bones in a teepee or wedge to make them hold the skull down.
If you mess up, its ok, this might help.
I advise cleaning the skull separate from other bones. ANd I recommend cleaning the teeth separate so you risk losing them less.
Dying bones
You can dye bones by boiling various plant leaves and berries with salt. Pokeberries make a deep purple-red, rose petals vary - the red makes a sort of maroon....ect - just experiment.
How to tell if the plant\berry can be boiled of its color - take a petal or part and rub it between your thumb and fore-finger, if it bleeds on you - it can make a dye. (at least in my experience.)
Crystalizing bones
Dry preserving
Much like  wet preservation, but you drop the body part \ small animal into formalin or alcohol for a month or two and then take it out and let it mummify. Idk a terrible bunch about this - I just stuck things in a box and forgot abut them for months on end...probably not the best idea...I have some regrets.
Example and some tips:
Uuuuuh, I feel like im missing stuff, but, I did my best. Here have some ref links.
Misc Ref so you can see how traps work in case thats something you worry about
Making rawhide
Reshaping a face
The MBTA in case you live in the US
All birds UNPROTECTED by the MBTA in the US
How to tell if a skull is bleached
How to pack frozen deads to ship to others
Sorry this got kind of lenghty, and linked to a lot of other posts rather than TLDR giving my own takes, but all of these links have been insanely helpful to me at some point or other and they do a great job of walking through the processes imo =3. I hope this helps.
Feel free to IM me if you have a link you want added to this post
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