#i feel like i don't know shit about chet and i LOVE that i don't ever want to know anything about him i love the mystery
beauregardlionett · 4 months
NO ONE is doing it like chetney. my man slept through two of his party members attacking each other, and the ensuing argument after, only to be woken up by fearne kicking him and handing him a blade and asking him to do his "geometry" and "beautiful mind" shtick on it, tried to go back to sleep without doing that only to get kicked again, did his "geometry" only to witness thousands of deaths to a single blade, immediately threw up after, handed the sword back to fearne, and laid down to go to sleep again without saying anything
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vegaseatsass · 6 months
So the way I assume at least some number of people felt about Pit Babe ("not sure this is hanging together narratively, but OMG THIS SHIT IS CRAZY! I HAVE TO GO TELL TUMBLR!") is the way I feel about Blank the Series. Well, I was right that the younger Nueng (who I will call Anueng) is named after the older Nueng (who I will call Nueng), because Anueng's mother was in love with Nueng. HOWEVER! Fah named her daughter after Nueng as an act of SPITE. Nueng didn't reciprocate her affections, so Fah ended up fucking Nueng's fiance - maybe as a way to feel close to her unrequited love ?? - and getting pregnant at age 16. Nueng encouraged her to abort the child for the sake of her future. So 20 years later, Fah tells Nueng YES I named my daughter after you: because you RUINED MY LIFE! By 1) breaking my heart when we were kids 2) almost causing me to miscarry my daughter, whom you are now in love with!!!! So both of Anueng's parents were and probably are in unrequited love with Nueng. They produced a baby who has decided her only mission in life is to get with this older woman... who both her parents are/were in love with. Now if that is not enough melodrama for you, Nueng left her fiance at the altar but he is still like, into her and likes hanging out with her. As soon as she told him he's Anueng's father he wanted to become a part of his daughter's life. So Nueng becomes like the gatekeeper of time with Anueng. Fah is like "help me bond with my estranged daughter (who wants to fuck you just like I do)". Chet, the father, is like "will you allow me to see my daughter (who wants to fuck you just like I do)?" as if it's Nueng's call... So in response to the epic guilt Nueng's feeling about Anueng's almost-miscarriage (it wasn't actually her fault btw, Fah is lying to chain Nueng to her out of guilt), Nueng arranges an amusement park date between her two exes, their daughter, and a guy who likes their daughter, even though the daughter in question only wants to be there with Nueng. There's one hilarious scene where Nueng tries to set both mother and daughter up on an age appropriate heterosexual date through a haunted house while she fades into the background, and they both rush through while the men jump and gasp in fear, because the women only want to get back to Nueng waiting outside. I just don't think I can express how weird this is. Nueng sets up a birthday party for the girl who has been professing her love for her since they met, where all the attendees are intended to help Anueng move on from her, but there is NO distinction between "people who can parent you instead of me" and "person who wants to fuck you instead of me". Nueng makes a sincere comment about how easy it is to fall in love with Anueng, TO HER FATHER. Anueng's MOTHER is jealous that her daughter likes Nueng better than her. It's just all sooooooooooo fucking weird and psychosexual. 20yo Anueng's babyishness remains incredibly offputting to me, but my friend has pointed out she only does that when she's around Nueng, so it's very obviously a performance. When she's around literally anyone else she kind of just looks like she's dissociating 24/7. Plus her abusive grandmother has kept her so sheltered and isolated and abused that it's not surprising she doesn't really know how to socialize authentically. So even if it's not my bag I'm like, narratively compelled by whatever the actual fuck is going on in this GL. And did I mention: Mon and Sam are there, too!!!! There's a whole plotline where Anueng is jealous of Sam because she thinks Nueng and Sam are girlfriends. When she finds out they're actually sisters (and she double-checks onscreen: ACTUAL, biological sisters? This isn't a pseudocest situation?), she's like oh! So you like beautiful rich women! All I have to do is replace your sister by becoming a beautiful rich woman myself!!!
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dadrielle · 1 year
Top five 1-on-1 conversations I am DYING to have happen soon, about Myriad Topics:
*Laudna and Fearne: god I want them to talk about e v e r y t h i n g. Ask Fearne about how the split affected her beyond the threesome! Talk to Laudna about that rage! Check in with her about FCG's shit! Ask Laudna about Orym and Imogen and the way people's relationships are changing! Talk to her about guilt again! More fire lessons! Ask about her doggy!
*Imogen and Chet: Bro the fact that he's the only one of the Hells that Knows about the girls would make this conversation funny and interesting as hell. I think he'd also be an interesting one to check in with her about her mom since he's done it before. Also I just love them being bitchy combative friends soooo much.
*Ashton and Orym: Hey buddy what the fuck with the self sacrificing and the push push pushing. Conversely, hey buddy, why do you keep talking to strangers about your feelings instead of us and what's up with you calling yourself "of the Hishari" now?
*Fearne and FCG: Please please please keep being petty. I want her to call him out for his callousness, which is extra interesting coming from Fearne. I want her to be mad that choosing to do things that hurt the others doesn't make him feel guilty the way it does her! I want her to steal the coin. I want her to try to reckon with why doing things she feels are justified (like only healing him a little) still makes her feel guilty. Also I think Fearne being like, ok, explain to me exactly what your god is about, you don't even know do you? would be fun.
*Laudna and FCG: Confront him about how he treats you Laudna please do it oh my god give me the JUICE. Tell him about clerics chasing you out of towns! Tell him what you think the gods think of you and make him reckon with that!
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grifff17 · 5 months
Audiodrama Sunday 04/28/24
So much stuff this week! I think this is going to be my longest writeup yet!
@camlannpod what the fuck? Trying to avoid spoilers, but the ending of that episode was wild. The sound design for the last scene was so good. Also “You're good with an axe, right?” was brutal, I audibly said "oof". Only 1 more episode in the season, hopefully they get funding for a second one.
The first episode of @wanderersjournalpod came out this week. This was a promising start to a new show, I'm excited to see where it goes from here. The setting feels very mystical, I can't wait to learn more about the world.
@worldsbeyondpod was so tense. Suvi and Ame had the most awkward conversation in existence. This story has so much nuance, neither of them are clearly in the right, though I feel inclined to take Ame's side due to the "Geas + Alter Memory" double espionage scheme. Meanwhile Ursulon discovers that Orima of the Reaching Green is a short queen and gets a cool horse.
I'm now up to date with @lostterminal. Season 15 was great. I love Nia, and Daphne and Raffi were really interesting new characters. Also, the dragon was terrifying. This show doesn't usually have very much action, so the confrontation with it really stood out. The description of the automatic turret going "click, click" as it locked on to Maddie was so intimidating.
@worldgonewrongpod I loved this episode. The storytelling felt so natural and real, like someone telling me a story about a weird road trip they went on. I think I said this about the last episode too, but this was my favorite episode yet. It also sets up the backstory which was never really explained as to why Jamie and Malik are separated at all.
In @midstpodcast we finally had a nicer episode. No horrible fucked up Weep/Trust stuff happening, just Lark reunited with Zeila and Sherman. However, there's so much tension between these characters. I was surprised that Lark forgave Sherman for selling her out. Something to remember is that Lark and Sherman had been hooking up before everything went to shit, which was mentioned once and I think really changes their relationship.
New @keepitsteadypod! This is the first new episode of this show since I started doing these. This was a really cute episode. For how popular fake dating is as a trope in fandom spaces, you don't see a lot of it in audiodramas.
Fun episode of Mission Rejected this week. It was cool to see Bowden go from "vain actor" to "badass spy" when the stakes ramped up. We don't get to see him take charge very often, it was neat for him to be a competent leader. I wonder if the gang lying to Zelda(who definitely saw through it) and Chet(who probably didn't) is foreshadowing for more of a conflict with the new Secretary of Defense later in the season. Also I loved the squabbling gay couple running an illegal mining operation as the villains of the week.
@breakerwhiskey episode 200 wow. A letter from Harry! We learned that Harry has been listening to most of Whiskey's broadcasts, which recontextualizes a lot of the previous episodes. Also, the end was heartbreaking.
I started season 2 of @longcatmedia's Mockery Manor! I'm 2 episodes in and really like it so far. JJ and Bettie are employed in different parks, JJ is on the run from an organized crime ring, and Bettie became a monk? Also, it's clear that neither Hilda nor Jenkins stole the shipment, neither of them have motive. But I don't know who else would have motive either. Lots of mysteries this season.
Spout Lore had a great planning episode. I'm excited for the "saving Highspear" arc, the Highspear is so cool as a concept. A reverse Tower of Babel, that lets the whole world talk with each other. A literal monument to wizard hubris, which feels destined to fall. However I doubt it will, because, as the players mentioned, it would be really annoying from a storytelling perspective if everyone suddenly spoke different languages. This has actually made me realize I really want a story set shortly after some sort of "fall of the Tower of Babel", where communication is a struggle, but that's just because I think linguistics is cool. Anyways, the buffet talk had me rolling.
What a great week! However, it did not help my queue, which continues to grow instead of get smaller. I'll reach the end of it one day.
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grigori77 · 4 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 96
Ah, I see, so THIS is why Liam looks like a cute beatnik from a 50s jazz club ... oh boy ... he's brought back the German accent BIG TIME and it's giving me massive Caleb vibes ... meanwhile Tal's clearly having EVEN MORE fun with this ... oh my gods ... wow ... that's a DOOZY, definitely ...
Marisha (cracking up): "It sounded like there was more!" Travis: "I know!"
So ... yeah ... it was all SO HEAVY when we ended it last week ... the group is WELL on the way to imploding under the weight of what just happened in the night ... can they come back from this? This is SO WORRYING ...
Oh boy ... RIGHT BACK where we were at the end ... wow ... so it's just the two of them again ... O.O
Fuck ... now even LAUDNA can feel Delilah's starting to take over ... that's not good at all ...
This is starting to sound SO MUCH like Laudna knows she's not going to be around when this is all done ... oh man ... AND she's starting to think maybe that's A GOOD THING? Fuck ... no, really, NO ...
Imogen's trying SO HARD to keep this all together for BOTH OF THEM but I can feel her breaking too ...
Come on, Imogen, that's it, bring her back from the brink ... LISTEN TO HER, Laudna. She's the best thing in your life, and she feels the same way about you, luv. You need to buck up ...
Imogen: "I'm gonna miss our little cottage." Oh fuck ...
Ah shit ... the tissues ... yeah, that's how it is with ALL OF US right now ...
Crap ... that's right, Dorian's missed A WHOLE LOT, he doesn't KNOW about Delilah, not really ... oh, and also about IMODNA ... XD ... AND Chetney's threesome with Fearne and his ex ...
Oh yeah ... Bordor ... that was a whole bunch of wrong ... that took a whole lot out of ALL OF 'em ...
Ashton being all philosphical again abdout villains trying NOT TO BE ... yeah ... he's pretty spot on ...
Dorian: "CAN she be trusted?" Oof ...
Ashton: "You okay?" Imogen: "No." Ahston: "SHE okay?" Imogen: "No." Ahston: "Okay."
Laudna's just been having a good powerful MOPE while all of this has been going on ... yeah, of course she has ... oh FUCK OFF, Delilah. You're not welcome right now ... oh yeah, Fearne, great timing, snap her out of it!
Orym: "Are you all right? I didn't hurt you too terribly did I?" Laudna: "Oh, I think I can see a few ribs ..."
Yes ... please, come on you too, make up. You're FRIENDS, you mean so much to each other. MAKE UP. Yeah. That's it. Exactly that.
Yeah, exactly. Fuck Delilah, we just want our LAUDNA.
This is exactly it, yeah ... she's not alone, they're ALL carrying their own big mistake baggage, she's not alone in that ...
Awwwww ... Ashton's BIG SISTER Laudna ... I love it ... :3
Wow ... yeah, it may be a joke, but Chetney DOES have a point there ... Dorian's the one true innocent in the group now ... you poor sweet summer chaild ...
Nice move, Chet. Yeah, that works.
Oh, that's interesting ... yeah ... that pipe ... yeah ... that could be REALLY GOOD for Laudna right now ... go on, girl, take a puff ...don't be afraid, this can only HELP ...
And then Dorian comes in with the sweetest cap for all that ... awwww ... :3
AAAAAAND just like that Chetney's OUT. XD ... of course he is.
Spin the bottle? REALLY?!!! LOL ...
Wow ... not they're just getting ridiculous ... XD ... "Hammer time?" Yeah, that's the worst one yet ... "Chetney needs sleep"? Slightly better, maybe ...
More rest, at least ... which is needed ...
Liam'#s giving Orym a point of exhaustion for NECESSITIES ... of course he is ... wee selfless lad ... we love him but he does punish himself sometimes ...
THAT'S what the Gambler's Blade does? DORIAN!!! O.O
Essek is a bit ... MOODY this morning ... hmmmm ...
"I like pulp!" XD
Ah, so everything's ready for them ,then? Sweet ... cue gearing up montage ... LOL ... oh, and descriptions too ...
Hot Shots: Part Deux for Chetney ... XD
Oh shit ... that's right ... they're back from the Moon ... IS Orym a little different? And our boy's a bit toussled now ... yeah, that's CUTE, I'm sure ...
Imogen's wearing PANTS now? Okay ...
Dorian's wearing "THE SLUTTIEST SHIRT"! Cute ...
Nipple talk ... oh dear ... XD
Oh wow ... Laudna's kind of giving me some subtle Harrow the Ninth vibes right now ...with a touch of DELILAH too, which is ... worrying, just a little ... O.O
Ashley's alwasy SO GOOD at weaving a beautiful picture, she really is ... and a utility belt. Yeah ... :3
Ashton's rocking a CROPTOP right now? Awwwwww ... and a spike trade with Fearne, too ... cute ... ooooooh ... and "Smiley Day" ... oh man ... I love it ...
Matt makes a rather pointed "prepare your spells" statement that everybody IMMEDIATELY takes as SUSPICIOUS and I'm right along with them. What are you planning, Mercer?
Yeah ... that fucking bloody apron's just gonna leave a trail behind them THE WHOLE WAY ...
Divvying up stuff ... here we go, ten minutes of inventory bookkeeping while we wait for the game itself to start up again ... XD
Ah ... sucking up one Ring of Protection with the harness ... hmmm ...
Imogen's jealous of Essek's floating thing ... not surprising ...
Ooooh ... ExU: Calamity recap ... cute ...
A FEW tries? Oh, I don't like the sound of that ...
Wow ... they're all REALLY crossing their fingers ... XD
Rolling a D100? Oh fuck ... 14? Hmmmmm ... ouch ... oh, that didn't go well ... they went NOWHERE and took 11 points of Force damage each ... bugger ...
Second try ... ANOTHER roll ... 45? Okay ... SEEMS like the right place ... an abandoned encampment? Interesting ... oh, sounds like it's NOT where they should be, then ...
Lyrengorm? Where?
He can only do it ONCE MORE for the day? Bollocks ...
A final roll ... 61 ... MORE snow ... much colder ... Orym's ENTIRELY BURIED ... a particularly AGGRESSIVE mountain range this time ... some kind of VERY fancy castle ... oh, so we ARE in Eisselcross ... but we're not sure WHERE ... oof ...
Crap ... they've been spotted ... by SOMEBODY ... big lumbering somebodies ...
Undead ice giants? Yeesh ... yeah, better hide ... argh ...
Matt: "There's a reason you took a BOAT to Esselcross last time!"
And now it's time for a break ...
Do they run? Do they fly? WHAT DO THEY DO?!!! Hiding's obviously out of the question ... eep ...
A DISTANT Command on one of them? Risky, Imogen ... "HALT!!!" Oh, it doesn't work on undead? BALLS ...
And now one of them flung a rock ... BAIT & SWITCH!!! Nice save, Orym! Crunch ... STILL 26 points of damage ... ow ...
There's a whole BUNCH of 'em coming now ... AAAAAAAH!!!
Essek's trying a HIGHER level Teleport ... okay ... one more roll ... 48? Oh bollocks, Laura! This is so bad ...
DO NOT give Mercer ideas, Ashley! O.O
More snow ... elsewhere ... hmmmm ... Essek has no idea where they are ... great ...
Yes. Sniff the wind, Chetney ... the air is THINNER ... oh, they're AT ALTITUDE right now ... cute ... on a mountain, then ... that's just PEACHY ...
Oh, if they had something FROM Aeor? I mean THEY COULD just use a piece of FCG ...
Looking into Essek's memories, then ... O.O ... and a glimpse of Aeor ... it's all VERY dramatic ...
Aha, a specific anchoring point ... good idea ...
Laura: "Guidance? Will that help?" Matt: "No, but it's nice to have." XD
So, the Staff ... oh boy ... this could go SO BAD .... she rolls 99 for it ... well, that's ... potentially good?
A frozen woodland glade ... Huh?
Don't shoot the rabbits with your harp, Chetney. They'll only explode and that's not what ANYONE wants ...
An amber coloured dome of energy over them? Oh, yeah, that definitely rings a bell ... XD
At least it's nice and warm in here ... although they are in danger of getting buried under the snow before morning ...
Essek's just IMMEDIATELY going to sleep, then ...
Fearne, you're adorable ... :3
Chetney's going hunting. WITH THE HARP. Oh boy ...
And he shoots a boar? Oh, okay, I suppose that's too big to just blow up ... food!
There's a huge city out there? Hmmmm ... no chance that's Vasselheim, maybe?
Time for food, then ...
Another try at Teleporting, then ... roll AGAIN ... 53? Fuck ...
They land ON THE SLOPE of a mountain ... AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Another jump ... another roll ... 46? No, NINETY-six ... somewhere icy and cold ... oh, that's it, then. They made it ... phew ...
Yup, they're here. On the VERY EDGE of the ruins, then ...
Time for Stealth, then ... group check time ... oh boy ... fucking hell, Travis ... 41?!!! How the FUCK did you do THAT?!!!
Shit ... are those more of theose undead ice giants? Oh no ... gods, bo what to know WHAT these things are ... eep ... O.O
Going down into the gloomy underground darkness ...
ICE TROLLS?!!! Lovely ... yeah, just GO QUIETLY, please ...
It's getting STUPID tight in here ... this is NOT GOOD ... Chetney's going ahead to check the route ...
Oh, that's a DROP. Great ... now what?
So they have to climb down with the rope ... great ... oh, Chet wonders if he could ICE-CLIMB down? I really don't know about that ... oh, the Immovable Rod, that shoudl be helpful ...
Yeah, this couldn't possibly go wrong ... O.O
A ruined courtyard? Fascinating ... smelling for anything alive down here ... a clean must? Strange ...
So he's climbing down, then ... okay ... the others getting down will be ... INTERESTING ...
Oh yeah, some light might be helpful now ...
Bones? Frozen into the ice underfoot? Hmmm ... that could be ... problematic ... and some bodies too ... oh lovely ... there's SOMETHING unpleasant down here, clearly ...
Wait ... WHO is this? Oh ... FUCK ... shit! Oh, that is SWEET!!! Nice callback ... O.O
So, going EAST then ...
The Praesidis Ward? Hmmm ...
A giant cavern that was once a city ... weird ...
It's getting WARMER? Hmmm ...
Fearne has a point ... this DOES look like that weird ruined city in the cavern on Ruidus ...
Wait ... there's SCARY things down here to be on the lookout for? Way to bury the lead there, Essek ...
Yeah, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING, people ...
He became a FISH. Really? Fascinating ...
Another Group Stealth check ... generally good rolls once more ...
Skeletons? Lots of them? Great ... this place is like a necromancer's wet dream ... I really hope this isn't where Mercer's heading with this ...
Grim Psychometry? IN HERE?!!! Whoa, Chet ...
That is ... troubling and not terribly infomrative, really ...
Crap ... was that a troll?
Moving on, then ...
Weird creepy corpse ... which wasn't there LAST TIME Essek passed through ... charming ... it IS moving, but, like, RIDICULOUSLY slow? Oh, that's unnerving ...
Imogen, AGAIN, don't touch ...
Oh, this seems like a nice, fancy place ... but Essek's not taking any chances with it, clearly ... and somebody's been through here, too ... hmmm ...
HE did this? Interesting ... well, at least he hasn't lost his sense of humour ...
Another cavern ... more industrial environs this time ... fascinating ... and it's curving UPWARDS as it goes ...
The Genesis Ward ...
It just smells of metal and water ... okay ...
So we have a specific destination now, then ...
What, try to home in on Ludinus' Harness? Could that work?
Oh, so there really ARE other things moving around in here besides the group ... that's disconcerting ...
A tent? Really? Well THAT is a pretty major sign of life ... I think they may have found what they're looking for ...
Arcane Eye? Cool ...
Oh, so something happened here ... something VIOLENT, according to the blood ... and CORPSES ... Ruby Vanguard? Oh wow ... THAT'S interesting ... this was ... relatively recent, looks like ...
More of an eagele's eye view of the cavern now ... a big jagged hole in the floor, off in the distance ... great ...
Heading in to take a look at the tent, then ...
So the deaths happened within a space of DAYS, then ... it looks like they all killed EACH OTHER?!!! O.O ... whoever did this was ENJOYING themselves? Charming ... and one of them killed HIMSELF ... and apparently was very HAPPY when he did it ... that's just LOVELY ...
It's a pretty nondescript knife, Imogen ...
Grim Psychometry again, then ... oh boy ...
Oh, so the elf was the one who killed them all ... really violently, with SIGNIFICANT manic strength ... carves soemthing into his chest ... and then kills himself too ... wow ...
Chetney DRAMATICALLY unveils the elf's chest ... a sigil ... what is it, then? Ask Essek ... he doesn;t recognise it ... Laudna casts Eyes of the Rune Keeper ... no joy, it seems ... hmmmmm ...
Oh ... Laudna asks DELILAH if she recognises it ... great ... she doesn't either ... great ...
Don't take a pee on the arcane time dome, Orym ...
Something's grinding out there ... stone on stone ...
A group stelth check, but grading everyone individually as they hide? Oh boy ...
Two groups, then ... roill well, guys ...
It's VERY TALL ... oh boy ... that is DISTURBING ... that's like ... it's a hood, but it DOESN'T actually have a head? Ye gods ... and it has a VERY BIG HAMMER it's gragging behind it ... and there's LOTS of teeth in a maw in its belly ... well THAT noise was just unsettling, Matthew ...
Fuck ... a whole bunch of creepy translucent scorpion-like creatures seem to crawl OUT OF IT ... charming ... and they're searching the area ...
Laudna just gave herself away ... and they're all going RIGHT FOR HER now ... oh fuck ...
And THIS is where Matt chooses to end it ... but not before he gives us a look at the Battlemap for next session ... and it's MASSIVE ...
Oh, this is gonna be a SCARY encounter to start things off next time ... But it's the end of the month, so that's gonna be a FORTNIGHT'S wait ...
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
hello lovely! you’re my favorite bells hells writer, you just hit the nail on the head with every post and i’m so excited everytime i get the notif that you posted
if your requests are still open and you have the time/want to, could you do a bells hells x reader with the prompt “please just hold me?”, like maybe reader had a nightmare or something and asks the party to hold them? please and thank you !!!!
Hello darling! Your words made me all warm and fuzzy, I'm honoured to be a favourite something hehehe. I did a similar post here for when the reader is afraid of the dark, if you're interested :)
~ Poet
"Please Just... Hold Me?"
-> S/O has a nightmare
Ashton 💙
Fuck- Shit- I mean, sure. Sure. C'mere. I'll keep you close.
Even though you're the one seeking comfort, Ashton initially freaks out a little bit themselves. They're not used to the vulnerability that comes with bad dreams, especially when it's being shared with someone he cares about.
Before you give him the go-ahead, his hands are hovering in mid air, clueless on whether or not it's okay to touch you.
They're not the best at words in situations like this, so they let their body do the talking for them. Toned arms pull you into their lap, one hand gently running up and down your back as you calm down.
His crystalised skull glints and catches the miniscule light in your shared room. A little rainbow makes a wobbly appearance on the headboard. Their body is strong and grounding beneath you.
Chetney 💙
Give me time and I'll figure out a way to punch nightmares. It's not impossible if it's for you. I'd do anything for you.
He's got his mind set on that end goal, and Chet doesn't give up easily. But it can wait for another day. A day where you're not trembling beside him.
Because of how smol he is, it's less him holding you and more him being scooped up into your lap with his arms around your neck. Your nose is pressed into his shoulder as he mutters soft words into your ear.
He makes teary attempts at making you laugh, something to distract you both from the water pooling in the corners of your eyes.
He keeps an eye on you in the morning, a subtle way of checking in. He doesn't bring it up in conversation - the man respects your privacy too much.
Dorian 💙
Do you even need to ask? Of course I'll hold you. You're safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you. They can't touch you now.
He feels a little helpless in the moment, his very being flooded with cautious alarm when you reach out for him blindly in the dark. He's not the strongest, nor the bravest, but he'll be your rock and help you through this as best he can.
Pretty words are what he lives on though, and he knows just what to say to make everything feel a little bit better. Sweet nothings and intimate musings drip from the lips that rest on the crown of your head.
His fingers sweep in soothing circles across your skin, and you cling to his silk shirt and silky hair as he guides your fluttering heartbeat to steady to a more restful rhythm.
Sings you lullabies of crisp apples in spring and warm sunshine that kisses the face of a dear lover. Those nightmares are easily kept at bay while you lay beside him.
Fearne 💙
Oh dear. It's just not fair, is it? Don't worry, baby, I got you. Ol' Fearnie's here now.
She's so naturally tender with you. In the daytime, Fearne teases relentlessly, pokes and prods and says sweet flirty things that make you want to curl up into a tight little ball and burn from embarrassment.
But here, she smooths back sweat soaked wispy hairs away from your forehead, presses her lips to your forehead and hushes your unnecessary apologies.
A light floral scent envelopes your entire being like a blanket while she encases you in her arms, her downy fur there feather soft and cosy.
Little Mister lifts his head from the foot of the bed and scampers up to hold your free hand, coos quiet. The other stays placed on top of Fearne's sleep dress, right over her heart. The heart that beats for you.
Imogen 💙
I know what it's like, love. Trust me, I do. I'm not going anywhere. Whatever you need, big or small, it's yours.
Of all the party members, you know that Imogen is the most familiar with nightmares. You've spent many sleepless nights sitting with her, smoothing back her hair and holding a cup of water to her lips as she calms down from vivid visions with vague meanings.
The storm can be so vast and crimson at times, unbearable even. It terrifies her, makes her anxious when it's bedtime. Even if she tries to hide it, you can tell.
But when you're distressed and whimpering under the covers beside her, she pushes those thoughts away and tries to be a bit braver. Braver for you. It's the least she can offer.
She cradles you into her side like you're some glass object that could shatter, her words and thoughts soothing you until sleep or daylight finds you both.
Laudna 💙
Those bad dreams have some nerve poking around in your head. They wouldn't dare if they knew what I could do. Lay back, precious thing.
Like Chetney, Laudna makes the nightmares out to be a personal enemy. They're cruel and unworthy of someone so good such as yourself. Just out of reach so that she can't protect you from them.
If she could, she would show them how scary-scary she can actually truly be.
But until she has the power to physically strangle the embodiment of your bad dreams, she fluffs your pillow and helps you lean back onto the mattress. She's humming something quietly, a lullaby of some sort, her fingers gingerly stroking your face once she's cuddled into you.
She asks if you want to talk about what you dreamt, and respects however you answer. Works you through what you remember and curls her fingers around your own as you speak.
Orym 💙
Hey, hey. Look at me. Hey. Hi. It's me. You're alright, okay? I'm right here. We're alright. Just focus on me.
He lights a candle quicky, and you now are able to see the concern on his face that the shadows previously hid from you. There's a sadness in his eyes, but it's overpowered by the protectiveness in his actions.
He perches at your side, cupping your face while his thumbs gently wipe away crusty sleep from your eyes, soft smile brighter than the flame on the nightstand.
A sprig of lavender grows effortlessly from his palm and he tucks it in between your pillows to help you sleep better when you feel ready to.
Orym has had his fair share of nightmares, and helps you through it like he approaches everything - with practiced carefulness and kindness that is so good in nature that the bad dreams dare not linger.
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dispatchvampire · 7 months
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Radio Free Bucky - Bucky x Fem!OC
Pairing: Bucky x OC (in progress)
Warnings: Fluff, mild angst, casual swearing, smut in later chapters
Series Summary: A bunch of interrelated  of fluffy ficlets about Bucky and Penelope. Strangers in the night, tenuously connected by the past, finding their way together a little at a time.
Chapter Summary: In which Bucky has a birthday and someone unexpected knows about it.
It was his birthday, but he’d kept the proceedings low key. Dinner with Sam and his family, some cake, before retiring to the fixer-upper he’d bought not far from their family homestead so he had a place to stay in Delacroix  that wasn’t the front room couch when he came down. That’s really all he had the mental and emotional space for these days.
The soft patter of rain on the roof and windows droned in the background as he worked on the birdhouse Sarah had asked him to. Sam’s sister was a sweetheart, very unlike her brother, and he had no problem giving in to any and all requests from her and her boys. They did love them some Uncle Bucky. 
A memory of a warm summer afternoon on the bayou made him smile as Chet Baker’s smooth voice crooned about falling in love too easily, just a shade louder than the downpour. As much as Sam gave him shit for it, Bucky liked what he liked, and he wasn’t ashamed. It was good music. 
He’d found this satellite radio station one day online, looking for god knows what now, but it had been a revelation. A whole channel devoted to 40’s music, and it was like the universe was giving him a bit of comfort after kicking the hell out of him for so long. 
The soulful trumpet at the end of the song faded into the gathering shadows in his workshop.
“That was Chet Baker on vocals and trumpet there, and I think that might be my favorite song of his. It’s ten past eight here on the east coast, and this is 40s Junction.” 
Just hearing her voice made Bucky smile. It was warm, knowing, with a spark of humor that made him wonder if her actual smile was as nice as what he pictured in his head. And, to be fair, he’d pictured her a bit.  
This woman, the only female DJ at the station near as he could tell, was a nightly companion as he worked on his projects and unwound at the end of the day. Hearing tiny snippets of her life, and how joyfully she related to the music that was clearly way too old to be current for her, made him feel a little less alone in the world. It was an unusual feeling and he’d started to enjoy it. 
“Now, I know I promised you all I’d get to some Ella Fitzgerald this hour, but…” she trailed off and he turned his head to look at his phone like he expected to see her there, with a mischievous grin. “I wanted to take a moment to share something with you all. Today’s a special day in my family. It’s a tradition my Pawpaw started way back in 1945.
“I’m sure you all have guessed by now that he’s the reason I’m here with you, five nights a week from four to midnight. He was my best friend growing up and I miss him terribly. 
He served in the Army in Italy, with the 107th Infantry Regiment.” Bucky carefully set his work aside as his fingers went numb. 
“You history buffs probably recognize the unit, but for those that don't, that’s Captain America’s outfit, and my grandfather was Gabe Jones, one of the original Howling Commandos. 
“Today is March 10th, the birthday of one of my Pawpaw’s fallen comrades in arms, Bucky Barnes. For years, on this day, he’d raise a glass and tell us about the man who saved his life more than once. A man who gave him a reason to go on, to keep fighting, even when all seemed hopeless. Whose death marked his young life indelibly. You get the picture. 
“He’d raise a glass and ask us to remember the fallen and their families, and to help those still around us carry on. After the Blip, I’m sure a lot of us can relate to those sentiments.” Her sigh held paragraphs he didn’t need a translation for. 
“Anyway, long story short, it feels weird to say that Bucky isn’t dead, as Pawpaw informed us, but I’m celebrating his day just the same. I’d like to think he’s having a good 107th birthday, out there, somewhere. 
“As for me, I raise a glass to him, and all the boys who served.” She paused and he could faintly make out the sounds of ice cubes hitting glass. “And with an extra sip for those who didn’t make it home. Happy Birthday, Sergeant Barnes, wherever you are. Now, here’s Ella, serving up some Black Coffee.” 
Bucky’s gasp when the music kicked back in told him that at some point he’d lost air, and even though he was breaking currently, the lump in his throat was throttling him slowly. Of all the things… so many thoughts in his head, fragments of memories, imaginings. Abandoning his workbench entirely, he shuffled across the room to toss himself down onto the couch in the now mostly-dark. 
He could see Gabe’s face in his mind like it was yesterday. Easy smile, quick wit, brilliant mind. Gabriel Jones had been a good man, and it warmed Bucky’s heart to know he’d gone on to come home, have a family, and that he kept the joy in his life. 
The tender affection in her voice when she spoke of her grandfather said more than any words could ever. That was the true measure of a man, the love of those left behind.
There was a voice in his head, one that sounded annoyingly like Dr. Rainor’s, whispering that he was well-remembered by those he’d left behind too, and that meant something. To them, to the world. It was a voice quickly snuffed out by the knowledge that while that may have been true at the time, a whole encyclopedia of lifetimes had transpired between then and now, and his worthiness of that sentiment, no matter how well-intended, well… it was more worn than not. 
Still, it warmed his heart a little to know that he was thought of fondly, and by his DJ-crush of all people, even if it was a strange coincidence. How could it not? He may have still been getting used to this time, but having that moment, that connection no matter how brief, felt like a much-needed hug in a world that has offered him precious little in the way of comfort. 
For a second, he could just close his eyes in the gathering darkness and let the music and rain rhythm wash over him, like a baptism of time, washing him clean once more. For a second, he could just… be. And it was enough
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genderlesssinner · 1 month
Prepare yourself for more of my rambling bullshit
I apologize this is gonna be LONG as I just spew my thoughts while watching
Oh right Liliana is here I forgot this is where we left off OOF
The Weave Mind built the fortress, okay okay okay
Burrow Site?? Ah the dig to the cage
Oooh no he's using Liliana for the projection??
Oooo fae info dump
Are the Unseelie part of how Ludinus does the widespread projections? Or is he just rallying the troops
I am both stressed and love how eager Travis always is for things to go poorly
So much teleporting if they do this and going to the Fey is time fucky so that could be bad I hope they remember that and maybe Morri can still help with that?
Istg Travis. That die roll is gonna get Chet one day and no one is gonna believe it at first cause he fakes out so much
"we're not interesting enough for that" TAL
Part of me really hopes they turn the Sorrowlord fully against Ludinus but I also don't want that sombitch anywhere near Fearnie
Always walkin and talkin, or they would never get anywhere. Ever.
This meeting should be interesting.
I know my love, J'mon is one. Who are the other two.
Love having telepathic bond, hell yeah Imogen
Braius apologizing to Fearne is hilarious to me Fearne is the last one to be picky about relationship stuff yet he kissed Imogen and it it's fine lol
TALIESIN IS SO INTO THIS I love Taliesin's reactions to everything omg
"shut up baby I know it" LIAM LEMUR O'BRIEN
I have so many mixed feelings about all of this wow okay
Thank you for stopping them Matt
Oh no oh um is that papa Wyvernwind?? It iiisssss oh shiiiiiiitttt
Hoo boy, those are big ass golems
Oooh man I love these absolute chucklefucks
The beacons are lit
Cerkonos!! Fuck yeah. Ashari!
Vex is like fuck the politics we have to *stop* this
Everytime they say Sunder King it sounds SO FAMILIAR and I can't remember it's driving me bonkers
That is one hell of a name Matt
Oh SHIT the dragon Zone of Truthed the whole damn place ooooff
Oh shit Braius of of everyone being able to lie? That totally won't bite is in the ass WILL IT SAMUEL?
OH SHIT the fucking bright queen vouching for the mighty nein shiiiitttt if she only knew
Taliesin: happy wiggles
Oh poor kiki dealing with all these assholes on top of everything else
Dorian thank you oh my god I was sitting here like Ash pls I love you but this one time keep your opinions to yourself you beautiful dumbass
Oh no
Okay maybe it's okay that Braius can lie ...maybe
Many months = two whole days
A GUY WHO MAKES Chairs crying
"what's the Platinum Dragon's mother's name?" Hoo that throwback
Oh boy Sam is making something Canon rn
Interesting okayokayokay
Oh Ashton oh no
Oh. Okay. No I'm vibing with this though.
Fearne flashing the room would be hilarious
"quick spin the bottle" XD
Oohhhh showing them is uh an interesting choice right now with the uh exhaustion that comes after
Fuck shit I missed a bit because technical issues hell
Oohhhhhh hh my sweet bard boy
Robbie is such a wonderful story teller ugh
Orym blue screening over Dorian and his horsedragon, love him
Chet is gonna wolf out ain't he.
Tiny sexy breath 🤣🤣🤣
Aaand there it is. Ope he's not actually changing okay okay
I totally got distracted and missed something said but it's fine I'll watch again Monday
Where's papa Wyvernwind
I forgot his name is Bronte
Yeah no tracks okay fuck.
Break time! More rambling fuckery in the second half yall
Go use the bathroom and get drinks and snacks
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zeephyre · 1 year
god chetney totally clocked them, it's so funny bc they were NAWT subtle -- also, patê low-key exposing them and laudna very subtly (not) changing the subject... chef's kiss.
this episode????? was so good??? i am so happy that my hellians are back together??? i can barely focus rn so I'll try to remember all the good bits (which was the whole episode).
fcg and ashton -- im really glad ash specifically told fcg to hold onto the feelings they have for frida to give them smth to come home to, bc he's brought up how self destructive fcg can get bc they don't consider themself important. it was a very cute moment, and i almost cried bc i love ashton and... idk. he's not coping.
ashton gave me very manic energy this episode. a lot of emotional distress disguised as an epiphany, but that moment of them telling fcg that they can't afford to be useless explained every second of flustered panic.
(not to be that person but i uh...i am starting to ship milo and ashton. i liked it before but now i REALLY like it).
i need to know wtf talie and matt have cooked up those little bastards.
chetney getting caught in a trap almost immediately after ajit warned them to be careful or whatever was pretty funny. the whole time that was going down i kept thinking, "the world is ending. we have better shit to be thinking abt than this fr," and not in a bad way. it's just ??? bro who cares who hired you, we are BUSY. i knew chetney attacking that shop keeper was gonna bite him in the ass, and it honestly was hilarious.
i know it was just casual and also sort of a trick, but i loved fearne giving chet a little kiss. they are so real to me y'all don't understand.
i have a very complicated relationship with the matron, bc i love her aesthetic, love her vibe (tho i hate birds, but i love a raven motif), and i also will never forgive her for taking my skrunkly wunkle away from me. that shared vision between orym, chet and fearne was... fucking amazing. matt outdid himself this episode fr. it's probably one of my favourite scenes of this whole campaign.
speaking of which... VAX SCREAMING???? HE'S IN PAIN????????? LET MY BABY GIRL OUT????? I STARTED FUCKING BAWLING NO JOKE. The imagery was so visceral i felt sick to my stomach and i just started tearing up. ludinus your days are fucking numbered.
:( still no caleb safety confirmation but i think he's fine guys what could have possibly gone wrong /s.
we're in zephrah 🥺 i knew the episode was about to end, and it was so damn beautiful, but i can't wait until thursday. we're gonna see kiki. we have to tell her abt vax, but i also don't want her to know that he's suffering.
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is it thursday yet :(
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crayistic · 11 months
I needed to come somewhere to rant.... so here it is. Critical role Campaign 3 Episode 77 spoilers ahead so please don't read if your not wanting spoilers.
First of all want to say the episode was brilliant, in terms of the story and the hopefully future animation for sure. However I have so many issues.... I have seen alot of people and shippers getting g happy about the fact thatAshton kissed Fearne... and saying things like he is being the barbarian and is wanting to be the one to take the pain and damage... so on and so forth and I couldn't disagree with this more.
First of all, from a players perspective... i know there is trust and love between the crit cast and they are all about support and aftercare... but thus choice by ashton as a player with other players made me feel quite uncomfortable. It was such a horrible place to put Ashley in and it was easy enough to see how angry and how rediculous most of the cast thought the choice was. Not only that but Matt himself making comments about how he gave them clear warnings. It would jave been less painful for others if he had let Fearne take the shard (or gave her some support or time to think about it for herself) that put her and the others through what he did. He knew how risky it was and he was very prerered to die, so anyone saying he was doing it for his friends? Like what... how? Because the pain of losing someone and having to carry that with you, when you also played a part in it MAJORLY out weights phitjcal pain. Then chockyness with the end result when it was all fluke and luck. If it wasn't for fearnes spell and randomly swaping the ring with chet... yes these are all great story points but I do think he crossed the line alittle.
Now the missed opportunity for the story. Mat wad clearly setting up the emperor and empress, giving them clear signs and opportunities to gain power for two of the bells hells. Now what? Will ashton be completely OP, and how is that fair to the other characters. Mat is now going to have to find away to limit him and again yes, the game is about the players, not everything goes to plan and things can change in an instant but again I do think there are lines. If he had died, there is a big change Ashley would have blamed herself for saying she didn't want the shard (however i also think she was influenced by Tals persistent pushing and comments for him to have it). I was really looking forward to seeing what it would be like to have two of them tighed to eachother by ancient power and what that would mean for them. Not to mention how stressed and upset she was at the table, I get that shit can happen in game but when another player is doing it to you without any type of warning for over 40 mins of play... it seemed abit messed up.
Moving into the shipping aspect of things. I'm a lover of romance in d&d and I had a forst class ticket aboard the Imogen/Laudna and the Fearne/Ashton boat. I was looking forward to being able to see Fearnes vulnerable side. She is usually so ladeda about flirting, intimacy and so on but this... this was kind of gross and it almost felt like she was being used and manipulated. While this could have been tal not recognising fearne was going down that path for ashton and him rushing to implement things last moment or whatever was going on... it just felt wrong.
Out of nowhere he's calling her hot after she's referencing him saying he wants a sister... and the horrible thing is you can tell she has feelings for him because ots almost like she is to wrapped up in the slight attention that she doesn't even see how he's acting. Saying she's hot while lased in the request to lie to all of their friends, aid him in doing something stupid, very much from the begning never planning on fearne having the shard... saying how he trusts her more?... It felt like love bombing to confuse her and get her to do what he wanted. Her returning his hot comment and running away... there was no recognition to how she doesn't normally act like that... what did it mean and so on, he just sat back and made a cocky comment
Then the whole thing, grabbing her and kissing her right before it happened. He actually made a comment saying to just do it because it will never happen again and it's the only one she gets. Like imagin if you actually loved or was falling fir someone... it felt like she was nothing but a tool and none of the others would do it for him because it was fucking STUPID but fearne also wouldn't have done it to any oof the others... so what's the difference? Well maybe ots the fact she has feelings for him. The people saying he wanted to do it to take the pain over his friends... I just don't get it. His actions were nothing but selfish. Doing something so crazy and actually telling people to heal him. Saying he needed this like having one shard wasn't enough. Putting fearne in that position, someone he clearly knows cares for him more than a friend and she had to stand there and watch him fucking shatter into pieces and come back... nearly dying over and over and worst of all at the aid of her own hands. Now I don't see how they could have any chance of a romance because he kicked it in the ass before it even began... or he doesn't even see her that way and did completely use her... because if it was the only kiss she was getting... then why do it unlessbyour trying to love bomb her?...
It was all abit twisted and fucked uo to me and I really don't know how to actually feel about the whole thing... definitely the most controversial point of bells hells to me. Oh man what I would give to be a fly in the wall after that. The following pics sums up my emotional roller coaster through that ep....
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totalswap-official · 8 months
Click in "more" to see Michael and Alfonso's introduction
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. Names: Alfonso Novacain Weakarm & Michael Novacain Weakarm
. Participant 2. The Fighter
. Age: 20
"I don't wanna live in a modern world"
. Participant 3. The lover
. Age: 19
"Watch the 21th breakdown happen someday"
. Acception Tokens:
-Alfonso is Gentle, supportive and understandable. And he's almost the same that Michael, The unic memorable bad thing that he did in his life was being arrested for Vandalism with his brother. Alfonso and Michael are both emo-punk looking like British dudes. Alfonso is slightly smarter than Michael, but he doesn't consider his brother "dumb". Alfonso is a good person, but maybe he wasn't always like that when he's interacting with other type of people.
-Michael is normal I guess? The unic memorable bad thing that he did in his life was being arrested for vandalism with his brother Alfonso.
Michael and Alfonso are both emo-punk looking like British dudes. Michael is Honestly not that Smart if you compare him to Alfonso, but he isn't dumb. Michael is Honestly a really nice and cool person, but he won't have mercy on you if you say shit for him or acts like a mother f*ckers next to him (Michael Already broke the face of a racist, he almost killed him but the guy was arrested and Michael ran away)
Michael gets more nervous and slightly paranoid when his brother isn't around, expecially when his brother don't tell him where he is. It gets worse when he is in a place that he doesn't feel comfortable or that he isn't familiarized with.
. Why they entered in the reality?
-They entered in the reality show for the 1 Million dollars and to know more people.
. Alfonso's & Michael's Past:
-Alfonso always taked care of Michael, even knowing that he was just 1 year older than him. Alfonso Don't think is necessary to tell more things about him.
-Michael had a okay childhood. He growed up by the care that his parents gave to him, but mostly of the time his brother taked care of him.
His brother Alfonso always helped him and taked care of him when he was a toddler and little kid, because of that, Michael grew up always valorizing his brother and always knowing that he can blindly trust him if he wants, cuz it would be nothing to fear.
But that also created something bad on Michael, because of his blind trust for Alfonso he started to have separation anxiety, everytime Alfonso; takes to long to come back, goes somewhere and don't tell Michael, disappears when they are in some place are the many examples of how Michael's separation anxiety made him paranoid. Also, the emo-punk fashion that they adapted was because they noticed that the government is shit, and that punk will never die.
. Additional information:
Alfonso is trans.
Alfonso tries to respect his brother weird taste in men but he can't
If Alfonso and Michael had a the same relationship that Lorenzo and Chet had, they would beat the shit out of Each other and yell death treats at each Other.
He honestly hate people that tries to be "scary" towards him, the Unic possible person that he can slightly tolerate is Zeck.
He loves the Punk fashion, he just don't like the mohawk haircut (mostly of the time is really ugly)
He name is Alfonso because when I was watching Ridonculous Race, I thought Lorenzo's name was Alfonso
He's Michael's biological brother (🤯)
Michael is kinda of Autistic.
Is more easy to you annoy, entertain and make Michael be Interested in you if you try to scare him (this will happen Alot with his interactions with Zeck)
Not counting with punk or rock music, him and Alfonso also really like 2000's aesthetic music.
He is bissexual. In his life he already was attracted and interested in Alot of men, but he also thinks that girls are pretty.
Michael is the name of a boy that a bestie of mine dated, he already broke the heart of Alot of boys and girls, and this Michael somehow did the same (sometimes)
He said that he'll be that type of guy that would say "save yourself, I'll hold them back" then he would stupidily die in the middle of a apocalypse.
He is Alfonso's biological brother, if you didn't noticed ("GIRL, YOU CAN'T BE THAT DUMB!")
. Musical References:
Green day, Michael and Alfonso will make alot of references to Green Day.
The second name Novacain is a reference to Give me Novacaine by Green day
The rose part of their name is kinda random.
The weakarm part of their name is a reference to Billie Joe's third name "Armstrong", but instead of being Armstrong it is WEAKarm.
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altijd-november · 8 months
so i have seen dead poets society but it's been awhile and i know you like it so tell me about it
OKAY so this will be very long so proceed with caution
the main characters are neil perry and todd anderson. neil's father is very controlling and wants neil to become a doctor and basically neil does everything he asks always. then there's todd, he's new at their school (welton) and the personification of anxiety. they have a new english teacher, mr keating. he is everything that the school is not and not only teaches them english, but also to think for themselves, to make art, poetry, to live life to the fullest.
neil and todd are roommates (AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES) and neil manages to convince todd to join his friends. they are knox overstreet, charlie dalton, stephen meeks, gerard pitts and richard cameron.
knox is a creepy straight guy with a crush on chris noel (my gf fr). chris is a very (very very) pretty girl who has a boyfriend, chet danburry. knox has dinner at the danburry's (smth to do with making connections) and meets chris, who's there with her best friend ginny danburry. anyway he goes to a party and at some point chris falls asleep and this creepy bitch decides to start stroking her forehead. he gets noticed, chet beats him up, chris wakes up yells at him to stop. she's mad at both of them.
charlie dalton is charlie dalton. unique in every way and we love him for it.
meeks and pitts are nerds and built a radio together. they dance together. even though only one of them can hear the music at a time. they are everything to me.
cameron is the most overhated character in the series. he's a kid trying to survive school and be good and i need to hug him.
neil becomes a theatre kid. todd a poet. after the show shit happens that we don't talk about.
now for headcannons. obvi todd and neil are gay for eachother. the subtext is there. (walt whitman, tchaikovsky, gay ass staring, practicing lines together...).
charlie is a bisexual disaster. god i love him too. he's on the arospec btw. i feel like he's got some funky gender stuff going on but i cannot settle for anything, but he's something for sure. he's in love with knox, who is also bi and also a disaster. idk i dont really like cannon knox and try not to think about him.
meeks and pitts are in a qpr and no one can tell me differently. meeks is aroace and makes the worst sex jokes. pitts is aspec to me. ALSO bigender meeks my beloved.
cameron collects A's (grades, gender, sexual and romantic orientation, autism and anxiety). they're very sex and romance repulsed and hate it when people say that they're the token straight (they're very closeted to me). cam is my favourite character to write angry.
chris is very bisexual and transfem. she's in love with ginny after she breaks up with chet and the stuff with knox is unrequited because i say so.
ginny is non-binary and a lesbian. they've been in love with chris for forever and had to watch her date her brother... ouch angst incoming.
i am stopping myself here to protect my sanity. questions are welcome always. if you read all this you get a cookie.
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musette22 · 1 year
Hellooo, it's me, I'm alive! Sorry for disappearing again this weekend, I hope everyone had a great one! 💛 Mine was really really wonderful, so, time to overshare because I'm feeling all mushy and tired but happy. These past few days made me realize once again how lucky I am to have so many incredible people in my life 💕 I love them SO much and I'm so grateful they love me too, which sounds cheesy but it's true 😅
I don't think anyone particularly needs these, but I still want to share some of the stuff my friends and family have said and done this weekend just because they're pretty amazing and I kind of wanted to write it down to remember it (I'll put most of it under the cut though, because it got longer than I anticipated. whoops, who's surprised, not me either)
So my friend's little boy, who is three, got a little confused about pronouns while he was chatting away, and accidentally called me a 'he'. His mom gently corrected him like, "No honey, auntie Minnie is a she." And when he asked why, she said "Because Minnie feels like a she. What do you feel like?" And he gave it some thought and said "I think I feel like a he", so she said, "Well, there you go, we'll call you a he then! But if you feel like a she later on, or auntie Minnie feels like a he, then that's also okay. Does that make sense?" And he looked thoughtful for a second, said "Yep", and carried on playing.
Later that day my other friend picked up her almost one year old, looked at his little face and said "I'm pretty sure he's either going to be a construction worker or a drag queen. Maybe both." And then kissed his nose and told him she'd love him regardless of what he'd become.
I was talking to the husband of one of my friends (who is my friend too, but I knew her first), and out of the blue he asked me, "What kind of music do you like to listen to? I know you like Arctic Monkeys, but what else do you like?" So I told him I listen to a lot of 40s and 50s music, among other things, and then the conversation carried on. And then later that night, Billie Holiday suddenly came on, followed by Chet Baker, and it turned out he'd actually made a whole playlist of 40s music because he realised he'd been playing a lot of recent popular music during the getaway so far, and he wanted me to hear something I liked too
At some point I was talking to the husband of my other friend, and when he asked me whether I'd been seeing anyone lately, I kind of shrugged and told him that it isn't really a priority for me right now, that I'm not excluding the possiblity of dating or starting a family, but I'm not actively looking for it either. He just clinked his beer bottle with mine and said, "Cool, that makes a lot of sense. We don't all have to follow the same path in life to be happy, right?" And I was already grateful that he got it, but then he was quiet for a minute and said, "Shit, I'm sorry, I bet you're fed up with people asking you about dating and kids. It's literally no one's business but yours and I'm sure that if you ever want to talk about it, you'll let us know. I won't ask again."
At some point, my friend suddenly dropped down onto the couch next to me, put her arm around me and said "My god, I feel like we've only talked about kids all weekend, sorry about that." So I assured her I didn't mind at all (I adore those kids, I really do), and she was like, "Still, tell me about what you're reading right now, and while you're at it, please show me the cutest picture of Chris you saw this week," and then she spent a while cooing over my boys with me in return.
I was sitting next to my other friends' three year old little girl in the car on put way back from visiting a nearby castle, and she was super impressed and a little overwhelmed in that way kids have sometimes. She kept wondering aloud whether 'the princess' had been at home, and whether, if she'd ever meet her, the princess would want to be her friend. So I told her that of course the princess would want to be her friend, probably even best friends, and then she laughed and said "No silly, you're my best friend" and hugged me, and I kind of melted into a puddle
During brunch today, I was telling a story about how when I was jogging recently, I thought I was being followed by a guy on a scooter, and that I'd stopped to send my mom my location because I was genuinely a little scared. As it turned out, the guy just wanted directions, so I laughed it off and told the story as a joke, but then my brother frowned and said, "No, but it's not okay that you can't even go on a run without feeling scared just because you're a woman", and then told me he read an article recently about the precautions many women necessarily have to take whenever they go out or go on a date, like location sharing, or faking phonecalls, or bringing pepper spray, because we often fear for our safety in a way that men rarely have to. And then he said he'd never realised that before, apologised to me, his girlfriend and my mom on behalf of men in general, and said he wished we'd never have to deal with any of that
I was talking to my mom while we were on a walk, and she told me about an old friend she'd run into recently. So I asked her how they knew each other, and she proceeded to tell me a story about how in the 80s, they used to do sit-ins together to demonstrate for immigrants' and unemployed people's rights. When I asked her if she'd never been worried about getting arrested or anything like that, she just shrugged and said "Not really, because I knew that we were doing it for the right reasons and that was what mattered most."
Anyway, I know they're all little things and they should all be normal things, but I'm aware that they aren't always, or everywhere, or for everyone. And they just made me stop and marvel at how wonderful these people all are, big and small, how comfortable and at ease I feel around all of them, and how amazing it is that they not only exist and work to make the world a better place, but they also care about me in return. Like, not to sound like a hippie, but whoa, I'm feeling a lot of love and gratitude right now ❤️
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pstelwitchcraft · 2 years
Critical Role - C3EP52 (After the break)
We're back with more Sending fails!
F.r.i.d.a looks so cool i love themmm
Also the kids are starting to get strong i love it
Feels like yesterday when imogen had like, 10 hit points
Also this is absolutely the leylines being fucked
Something happened and magic everywhere is going heywire
I'm now convinced the exaltants are being "awakened" to be Predathos' army and it's all gonna go balls to the wall
Imogen has to be this campaign's double agent right? They're absolutely gonna have to fight her at some point and it's gonna wreck me
Now that I think about it does it mean they'll have to fight fearne too??? 😳
i'm getting vibes from imogen and f.r.i.d.a and i don't hate it? 👀
Exandria's Greatest Bake-Off: Pike Trickfoot vs. FCG and their easy-bake oven
Ooooo fearne has pass without a trace now? Thank God
Once again i got sad we won't see marisha, liam and tal tonight 😔 hope we have robbie with them tho, maybe even more people from EXU?? I hope we get to see Opal!
Chetney still struggling 😅
I don't know Dustel but I f*cking hate him ���
Chetney backstory finally!
Don't get me wrong I'm very excited but I knew it was gonna be some bullshit 🤣
Travis is NOT here for anything serious this campaign AT ALL
He "kneecaped" someone?????
Aabria somehow has great chemistry with everybody she ever roleplays with it's the Iyengar effect istg
That little talk with chet was so cute
And then... fearne tells deanna he has horrible diarrhea
They keep making it worse 😅
This IS indeed a wild group to meet out of nowhere
"Be nice to us, we're trying our best" 🤣 they're so stupid but I love them sm 💖
This is probably the most vulnerable and reasonable FCG has been all campaign for real
I don't think the real problem here is whether or not the gods are good, it's whether or not the Godeater is good, and even before we worry about that, it's about whether or not its gonna wreck everything and everyone in it's path to the Gods
Imogen herself is most likely gonna die for whatever this whole thing is if they let it happen
Like are we really willing to do all this shit and possibly extinguish all life on Exandria when you could like... not worship the Gods? It's not like they're forced to or smtg
Wait. WAIT. So if Ruidus is wherever (whenever?) the other half of the group is and it's NOT in Exandria anymore there are really only two possibilities for where the others are: back in time or in another realm and both are big problems for us
Matt please let my babies see each other I'm getting sad rn
Oh shiiiiiit this is a big big mess yall 😳
So ruidus is in exandria it just doesn't move?? So the others are actually still in Marquet then
It's the Reilora 😱 this is baaad
Yup, they're already trying to pull her to the dark side. This is gonna be a mess. I'm preemptively so upset for how much this is going to hurt.
I have a feeling this is how they really got to Liliana and all those people. Whatever Predathos is, it has some sort of pull on people that makes them want to give into it, specially the ruidusborn and even more specially the exaltants.
Do not listen to the robot right now
Laudna would be slapping yall in the face for even SUGGESTING IT
Do NOT let Imogen go into the freaking alien godeater hivemind or so help me GOD
See? This is why I get worried when they're separated they're like each other's emotional support pet, two days and Imogen is already considering going into the damn light
This scene with f.r.i.d.a is giving that scene from twilight without the homoerotic undressing
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Why, why would he go to chetney alone like that?? He has almost taken half the party once this is BAD!
Tho we know robot boy is a heavy hitter so I guess it could go either way🤷
This is the only place where we can get heartfelt, beautiful monologues about the meaning of death and life and morning toot in the same episode and that's why I love this show
This fight is giving one of those old chihuahuas that keep snapping at your ankles but that has for some reason taken a burning passion rage against your robot vacuum
Also you can't convince me a dog wouldn't absolutely hate this thing
It would just feel like a threat, this weird human that isn't human and it can mimick stuff but also it sounds weird? My dogs would go NUTS
Listen. I'll be a chetney apologist for this one. I'm a wildlife veterinarian and animal behaviorist and idk where dude thought he was gonna get off approaching a wolf like that, or honestly approaching him alone at all
Surprising he survived all this time in wildemont tbh but I'll give him a pass bc it's is D&D
Love that Deanna is so horrified by them when this is not even the full party 😅 like, ma'am we're missing- *checks notes* one tree/cadaver/goo person, a magic rock rainbow sparkle barbarian and a 4ft tall widowed ballerina that is prob covered in monster blood as we speak 😀
Final thoughts:
Overall I loved this one, it was light and fun and everything I needed after all the stress from the last few weeks
I also enjoyed the split party dynamic more than I thought it would and I am hopeful it's gonna lead to some good things in the long run
It's a bold move ngl. One of the quintessential, funnest things about D&D parties is the found family, the unity of it all, it's seeing them spend time with each other and develop different dynamics, games, inside jokes
In any other situation it might alienate party members from each other and make it not feel as cohesive, maybe even jeopardize the forming of a tight bond.
But with Bell's Hells we have such close pairings that this almost feels like it has to be done
Fearne and Orym, FCG and Ashton, Laudna and Imogen are all pairings that came together and rely deeply on each other, to the point where it felt a little stiffening to the other members of the group bc these people very rarely sought deeper companionship and support from anyone other than their initial pairing
Also we can get a closer look at Chetney's backstory and hopefully Ashton's next episode when I'm hoping we'll see how the others are doing
I also was hoping there would be some time fuckery or realm travel and still kind of am, but it's sounding like the other half of the Hells were still in Marquet by the end of 52
If they are still in close proximity to the beam it's going to be a mess and I have no idea what to expect but chaos, specially since they can't call the others and I'm guessing shit is going DOWN over there
If they are indeed in the shadowfell, close to the key that Beau and Caleb tried to take down, I wonder if they could go after that connection and weaken whatever they are doing to Ruidus, hopefully even sever that connection completely.
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grifff17 · 4 months
Audiodrama Sunday 6/2/2024
Happy Pride Month! Audiodramas are overwhelmingly queer anyways, almost everything I listened to this week, by total coincidence, had queer characters in it. Unrelated, I've decided to start doing new show alerts, and putting them at the top of these posts, to try to spread the word about new shows I check out.
NEW SHOW ALERT Hamuel Burger and the American Dream was created by @asbestos4president for the @podcast-bookclub Podcast Jam. The show, which currently only has 1 episode, has the insane premise of an alien twitch streamer who has come to earth to kill the president. This show was so funny. I laughed out loud multiple times. I really want a full season of this show.
NEW SHOW ALERT The pilot episode of Bitcherton, an improvised Jane Austin parody podcast, came out this week. I love the cast for this show, it already looks like its going to be really fun. The occasional modern day references ("I think he was just a misogynist") had me rolling. Their Kickstarter for a full season starts June 13th, check out the pilot episode before then!
I listened to parts 1 and 2 of the Last Breath miniseries of Skyjacks Couriers Call. The description of the whole town, and the Leviathan refinery in particular, was insane. Excited to listen to the last part when I have time.
I caught partially up with @breakerwhiskey. Holy shit, an actual other person who is alive and doesn't want to kill Whiskey. I sure hope nothing bad happens to them! Things do seem to be looking up for Whiskey, I expect something to go wrong soon.
@midnightburgr released part 2 of Welcome to the Horizon! I love Verge so much, they're such a great character. I desperately wanted to hear that conversation between Verge, Frank and June that was implied to happen right after the episode ended. Hopefully its in the next one. I bet this miniseries will lead to Verge going off to find the diner to reunite with Leif, and I can't wait for that.
@midstpodcast had a hell of an action scene in the first half of this week's episode. I loved the nature corner. This show keeps doing this thing where I'm already blown away by the episode then look at the runtime and there's still 20 minutes left.
Mission Rejected this week has me wondering how many episodes until Chet Philips is the president of the United States of America. The Speaker of the House is 3rd in line for the presidency, he's not far off. As far as the actual plot of the episode, I have fond memories of watching Murder She Wrote with my grandparents so I loved this episode. Of course she figured out they were spies. Also I love how this show changes the bumper music for themed episode to match the theme.
@re-dracula Jonathan had a good idea to try to send letters through intermediaries, but it wasn't clever enough. Dracula is actually starting to be intimidating to me, rather than charmingly weird as he was in the earlier episodes. Dracula also knows that Jonathan uses shorthand code now, which can't be good.
Dear Liisphyra this week had a really funny intro bit. Also, the idea of a Genie who is just really annoyed with the people who find his lamp is great. He's not going to curse them or anything, he just wants them to go away so he can go back inside. I keep thinking I should write a letter in to this show, they have an email address in the description, but I need an idea first.
In Spout Lore this week Vyng's dice really told a story. I feel like Vyng is usually so competent in combat, and consistently rolling badly vs the pigs was so different. Speaking of the pigs, I love the aesthetic of "post-apocalyptic farmingpunk". I've never seen anything like this before, and I don't know how else to describe it. It's a post-apocalyptic wasteland, but its of halfling farmers, so they have scarecrow disguises and beets carved into skulls.
I started a new job this week, which theoretically means I have less podcast time, but I still listened to so much this week. I'm ready for getting through more of my backlog next week!
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revvethasmythh · 1 year
🦋, 💞, 💥
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Honestly? Stupid typos. Like, if I go back to my fic and realize that I've misspelled "the" and "teh" or used the wrong "they" in a sentence or written "to" instead of "too", I want to die. I hate it I'm like oh no everybody's going to think I'm illiterate, said the person who's been writing fiction for almost fifteen years and definitely is not illiterate. like it's a stupid insecurity, but it for sure is mine
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
always character, for me. I think worldbuiling is fun and all and plot is necessary sometimes (in fic--in original works, it's pretty necessary), but without character what do you even have? That's like the heart of a story for me, is having characters to love and root for and explore, especially since a lot of the stuff I write ends up being very character study-esque. a plot, to me (most of the time, at least), is really just a device to develop my characters further or to further explore the interiority of the characters in media that I enjoy
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
okay I know my least kudos'd fic is my most recent (where did my baby go?) and I almost don't want to count it because it's my most recent but I'll do it and the runner-up instead: I think I have a very solid handle of group dynamic of the Nein and capture that dynamic and their voices on the page really well, which is not all that easy to do when they're all on the page together because it kind of feels like herding cats, but imo I pulled it off well
the runner is a fearne/chet fic (say, say my playmate, won't you lay hands on me) and I feel like the compliment I'd give it is kind of the same? I think their voices come across as accurate and distinct and dynamic rings true to canon, which is something I strive really had to do, so that's the wonderful thing I'm going with
(also the song choices for all my titles and shit? exemplary. to me. in my heart. they're all Very Intentional and I am proud of them).
Ask me fic writer questions!
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