#i LOVE him i think more parties should have a weird little grandfather on their roster
beauregardlionett · 4 months
NO ONE is doing it like chetney. my man slept through two of his party members attacking each other, and the ensuing argument after, only to be woken up by fearne kicking him and handing him a blade and asking him to do his "geometry" and "beautiful mind" shtick on it, tried to go back to sleep without doing that only to get kicked again, did his "geometry" only to witness thousands of deaths to a single blade, immediately threw up after, handed the sword back to fearne, and laid down to go to sleep again without saying anything
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nel-world · 3 months
co worker
KWAMI: Hey there!
CO-WORKER: Hey, how's it going? Just wrapping up some reports.
KWAMI: Same here. Busy day, huh?
CO-WORKER: Definitely. Speaking of which, I need some advice unrelated to work. I've been chatting with this girl for a bit, and we're planning to hang out and grab a bite to eat.
KWAMI: Nice, sounds like a plan.
CO-WORKER: Yeah, but I'm kind of struggling to choose a restaurant. Do you have any suggestions?
KWAMI: Well, it depends on what she likes.
CO-WORKER: She loves Indian food.
KWAMI: Got it. There's a great Indian restaurant called "Bombay Bistro" nearby.
CO-WORKER: That's perfect! Thanks!
KWAMI: No problem. Gotta go now. // Kwami: Hey there! Thanks a lot for recommending the restaurant.
Coworker: No problem at all. Hope you enjoyed it.
Kwami: Actually, I need some advice. We're meeting again for a second date. Do you have any movie suggestions?
Coworker: That sounds amazing! there is a movie khkh playing at amc theater.
Kwami: By the way, are you coming to the party on Friday night?
Coworker: Not sure yet.
Coworker: By the way, did you hear what our boss said about the new project?
Kwami: No, what happened?
Coworker: He mentioned that we might need to work some weekends to meet the deadline.
Kwami: Seriously? That's going to be tough.
Coworker: Yeah, but if we manage it well, it should be fine.
Kwami: Agreed. .// scene: with co worker …party
COWORKER: Come on, man, I told you I'd get you up one of these days. Drinks?
KWAMI: You alright? You seem a little quiet.
ROOMMATE: There's a party.
ERROL: I just dont want to go to parties.
MAX: Oh, man. But parties are great! Free food, free drinks, and lots of people. What's not to like? You haven't lived until you've woken up in a stranger's garden, wearing nothing but a captain's hat and a smile on your face.
Parties are where you master the art of small talk. Do you think I was always this charming? No way. It was the parties. If you don't learn to love them, you'll end up being that weird person who never goes to parties. Is that what you want?
no man i cant do it..
// // KWAMI: It's so good to see you. It's been a while.
CO-WORKER: Yeah, it has. I really need a friend right now.
KWAMI: What's going on?
CO-WORKER: I haven't heard from her. You know, the girl I went on a date with.
KWAMI: Oh, breakup?
The most dangerous animal in the jungle: the female human. One minute she takes you to the heights of ecstasy, and the next, she can shatter your soul with a single glance.
CO-WORKER: I'll be okay. She's the first girl in ages that I've… you know, really liked.
CO-WORKER: I've started writing poems again. I find it helpful. Do you want to hear one?
CO-WORKER: "I thought I was your man, the yin to your yang. But now I sit in the dark and say damn."
KWAMI: I got it.
KWAMI: How's work? // // Father Joseph: Your grandfather saved all of his life… to bring the family to this country. He got a good job in the stockyards, had a nice little house in South Chicago. I was about 12. Somebody sold him on the idea he ought to move to the country and become a dairy farmer. Well… he buys some land, you know, and gets a couple hundred cows. Within five months, every one of those cows was dead with disease. It was the Depression. Couldn't sell the land. There was no work. So one day… he took off. Didn't come back. My brothers and me, we split up… to live with friends and relatives. Chasing a stupid dream causes nothing but you and everyone around you heartache. Notre Dame is for rich kids, smart kids, great athletes. It's not for us. You're a Ruettiger. There's nothing wrong with that. You can have a damn nice life. Frank is gonna take over plant number two. In a couple of years, he'll make more than me and Johnny. He's in charge of the expansion program.
0 notes
qyllenhaal · 4 years
❛ Bunny ❜
Series: The Devil I Know
Senator!Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 4.9k~
Summary: Reader Surprises Chris on their week long vacation together with something that he's been begging for for a long time
warnings: 18+ only!!! Unprotected sex, daddy kink, dom/sub elements, roleplay, creampie, breeding kink, cumplay, age gap (reader is in her late 20s)
A/N: I'm hoping to start taking requests soon! I've been so busy with life that my ideas for this series are drying up.
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Y/n would be a damn liar if she said she wasn't turned on by the roleplay idea that Chris brought to her and the way he kept calling her his "bunny." She scoffed at him and rolled her eyes at first, it just sounded so ridiculous to her, but the more she thought about it. the easier it became to envision it happening.
Her in a Playboy bunny costume sounded so basic to her, but the excitement in Chris's eyes showed that it meant something to him.
She felt guilty as he explained how boring his sex life was before meeting her. He was trying to make her feel better about the idea, and feel a sense of pride, instead she felt loathsome. She wasn't able to determine if she felt more sorry for him or his wife. Their marriage was dying anyway and was going to die whether or not Y/n was in the picture, but she still felt awful about being the final death blow to their multi-decade marriage. He wanted to take her up to his father's cabin up north while his wife stayed home? It sounded good in theory but something about it made it hard for her to say yes.
"C'mon, you deserve a break. You've been working your ass off to get Withers primaried and you actually have a chance of unseating him. Don't you think you should relax? You work so hard all the time honey."
It was all too enticing to say no; to be whisked away from an entire week and ravished by her lover.
"There she is," he teased when he saw that smile forming on her face, "I knew you'd come around to it. I'm going to make sure you don't lift a finger, and you get to taste my famous ceviche."
He kissed her cheek and let her get back to work before she could come up with a reason that causes her to change her mind.
Y/n kept her excitement to herself but she was over the moon. Once she let the guilt simmer, she began to fantasize about the possibilities of an entire week of having Chris all to herself without interruption. They'll be able to act like a normal couple if only for a week.
She got herself through two weeks of more tough work, but it was fulfilling to know that she was succeeding in her work, and that she had a trip with Chris on the horizon.
He hadn't brought up his little idea since she'd agreed to go on the trip. It seems as if he forgot all about it as his shock that she said yes had consumed his thoughts. Y/n couldn't let it go though. She couldn't stop thinking about it now that they were going to be gone for an entire week. She could wear that little get up for days and give him a sight that's going to be etched into his brain until the day he dies. Y/n loves that she has that effect over him; the ability to make his heart race and his cock hard with just a simple look.
It was not a cheap costume to buy because she didn't just want to buy any regular costume that could be bought at party city. No, she wanted something that was better quality and could endure Chris attempting to tear it off her body. She paid extra for the shipping so she had it in time.
When it was finally in her possession, she stared at it in awe. She was tempted to put it on, to see how she looked in it, but she wanted it to be a surprise for both herself and Chris. The material it was made of felt nice; the entire costume looked like it could've been owned by a real playmate. It wasn't often that Y/n felt overwhelmingly sexy, but she did just simply staring at the costume in its precious box. Chris was up in age, she hoped he didn't have a heart attack.
"It's so beautiful up here."
When Chris said a cabin up north, she didn't think all the way up north in Maine. But it was perfect. Only two weeks into fall but the trees were filled with vibrant red, orange, and yellow leaves.
The cabin was near a river that held the reflection of the trees. It seemed as if it had gone untouched for years, but it was filled with pictures. Y/n could pick out the face of a younger Chris in some of the photos, but everyone else was unrecognizable.
"That's my grandfather," he interrupted her thoughts when he caught her lingering on a particular picture.
She glanced at him before bringing her eyes back down to the image again. "You look so much like him," her fingers skirted across the glass. She felt a weird pang of longing hit her in the stomach. It's as if Chris wasn't just a few feet away from her. Maybe what she felt inside was shame disguised as something else.
"C'mon," he grabbed the framed picture from her hand and placed it back where she found it, "I wanna show you something."
Y/n trailed behind him, her hand in his, as he guided her through the house and up the stairs.
Chris led her upstairs and to another set of stairs. He took her to a dusty attic which somewhat confused her. Then grabbed a box that looked older than her.
"Remember that time you tried to show me that constellation...what was it...Be- Belt- B-"
"Yea that was the one," he took the top off of the box and she peered into it, "now you can show me other star thingys in the sky."
She laughed but wrapped her arms around his neck. It was an unsuspecting gesture from him, but she welcomed it nonetheless. He could get really sentimental at times and it would just make it harder on her that she couldn't publicly love on him.
"It's great Chris. Let's just hope the skies are clear one of these nights."
He smiled and kissed her cheek for the nth time today.
"Alright. I'm gonna go get started on my famous ceviche. You enjoy yourself however you want. Walk around, explore the place," he stroked her cheek before leaving her alone to go get started on dinner for the two of them.
It had been a long day of driving and all Y/n wanted to do was go to sleep, but something was buzzing inside of her. She hated that Chris's dinner and "famous ceviche" was probably going to go to waste because if her plan works successfully then he isn't going to give a damn about dinner.
Y/n made sure she packed the box holding the costume at the very bottom of her suitcase. She held her breath as she held it up in the air and stared at it. She's sure that she could wear a garbage bag and Chris would still want to fuck her but she couldn't stop herself from being so nervous about putting it on.
She did it anyway and was relieved when what she saw in the mirror looking back at her wasn't so bad. In fact, she looked sexy. The look was complete with the bunny ears and bowtie. She wore a simple lipstick, one that was going to be smeared later on, paired with coats of mascara. At the end of night Y/n wanted to see the proof of his handiwork.
Even though she knew he wanted this, she was nervous about how he'd feel about her "act". She's been deliberating for a week whether or not she should go all the way with the fantasy but why not? Chris deserved it after convincing her to come on this trip. Besides, he works hard too.
"Hun, the food is ready!"
A few seconds of silence didn't make him flinch, but after a few more minutes passed and he didn't hear footsteps coming down the stairs, he was confused. Another call of her name resulted in nothing but silence; she didn't even respond to "Button."
She could be asleep, he thought, but he was still curious. If she was then he could at least catch a glimpse of her sleeping peacefully, put the food away, and then come join her.
"Y/n?" His voice got softer as he approached their bedroom. It was cracked enough for him to see that the light was on. He pushed it open and there his girl was. On the bed and dressed like she stepped out of his dreams.
"What is this?" His laughter was mixed with interest and disbelief. Just some time ago she was vehemently saying "no!" regarding his idea and now she was dressed like a Playboy bunny.
"Do you like it, daddy? I got it just for you."
Chris felt himself hardening in his jeans. Sheer tights stretched over her thighs and he just wanted to rip it off her body. She looked good enough to ruin.
"Of course I like it Button," he cooed as he approached her waiting body on the bed. He touched the material of her outfit still in a state of disbelief. This was his ultimate fantasy.
"I'm glad you like it. I did it just for you daddy," her voice was soft, girlish, and coquettish as she palmed his cock through his jeans. He swears he could cum just from this if she kept it up. He grabbed her hand to stop her.
"You're a naughty little bunny, aren't you?"
"Nooo daddy I've been good," she inched herself backwards on the bed before slowly turning onto her stomach all the while keeping eye contact with him, "I've been a good girl."
"I suppose you have," he didn't even try to argue against her claims. That pout on her lips made him incredibly harder.
Chris ran his hands over her ass and she mewled softly at his warm, strong hands on her. Y/n closed her eyes, a cocky smile on her lips knowing that she probably turned his brain into mush. She pushed her ass into his touch for more.
"The things I want to do to you..."
"Tell me daddy. What do you want to do to me?"
"Uh uh, you don't go demanding things around here. You've been a good girl, but I can easily change my mind. I can make you take my fingers and edge you while you wish it was my big cock splitting you open, but I don't think my bunny wants that."
She pouted and pressed her face into the bed. Chris chuckled at how easily her demeanor changed. He put his knees on either side of her legs and grabbed her hips to drag her ass to his pelvis. She gasped at the swift movement whimpered when he started to mime fucking her.
"Oh baby you look so good like this. I don't know if I want to keep you all pretty and in this costume while I fuck you, or take it off of you and ruin that cute little face of yours."
He had plans to do both, but he liked to hear her whimper when he told her about the utter filthy things he was going to do to her. If she thought he was going to rip it off of her without savoring how good she looks then she's wrong.
He's so grateful that he packed that polaroid Y/n gave to him as a birthday gift. It was how he got around her "no pictures" rule. She never let him take pictures of her, not even on the second phone he bought just to contact her. How could he not document how she looks after cumming hard for him? Or when he leaves a trail of white all across her bare chest? He often had to rely on his memory, but he planned on this trip being different.
"Stay just like that Bun."
Y/n broke her character for a little bit, rolling her eyes and relaxing her arched back when he left the room. Sometimes he did little things that annoyed her, but the way she jumped back into her character when she heard him come back showed her that the annoyance was just a façade.
"So perfect," the camera's shutter fired and the camera spit out the first ever photo he has taken of her.
Y/n wanted to protest against him, but she stayed silent. It wouldn't hurt to have a few polaroid's as keepsakes; she even looked back at him and made eyes at the camera.
Chris could spend all day photographing her, but the strain in his pants was becoming too painful. He placed the camera down and stood at the edge of the bed.
"Come put that pretty little mouth of yours to use."
Y/n hopped up from her position and found herself on the floor in between his legs as he sat on the edge of the bed. She clumsily fumbled with his belt and fastener on his pants. "Eager little bunny, slow down a bit," he taunted.
She tried to listen, but she's desperate to get him in her mouth. His hard cock springs out from its restraint and almost hits her cheek. She gasps lovingly at the pre-cum seeping from his blunt head. She wanted to taste it, but she didn't do it without Daddy's permission. Instead she wrapped her hand around his length and squeezed him.
Chris watched her stare at his cock in awe, like she wasn't already familiar with it. She gave him a few languid pumps and he sighed at her soft touch. He thought about how beautiful it would be to paint his cum across her breast. She looked like an absolute sex-pot; it was hard for him to control himself.
"That feels so good, bunny. You're such a good girl — keep pumping me...a little faster bun... good girl," his praising voice was as smooth as a cat's purr. Y/n felt the presence of her arousal when her sex pressed against the material of her costume.
The pre-cum oozing from his tip made her mouth water. He didn't instruct her to do anything further, but she couldn't stop herself from wrapping her lips around his length. He didn't seem to have a problem with it either because he sighed and pushed her mouth further down on his cock.
"You're so beautiful like this bunny...my precious girl," he cooed between breaths.
Her mouth felt like heaven, her warm tongue laving him with saliva and washing pleasure over him. He felt the muscles in his lower abdomen spasming as she sucked on him faster and feverishly. The concentration on her face was so cute to him, but greatly juxtaposed by the light makeup that was beginning to smudge on her face.
His cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged on him. Y/n tried to pull herself off, but he kept her still, forcing her to relax her throat while he filled her mouth.
"That's it girl — fuck — you're going to make me cum. Is that what you want? Me to cum down that pretty throat of yours?"
Y/n tried to shake her head no and say out loud, but she was muffled by his cock. She loves to watch him jerk over her tongue or other parts of body until he cums, but she wanted him to cum while he was fucking her; he could always paint her tits later.
"You don't want me to cum down your throat bunny? Where do you want me to cum?"
Chris knew she was unable to answer, but that was apart of the thrill. His ego was through the roof and the sense of power he felt because of this was astounding. She made him feel so many things at once, but all he was concerned with now is seeing her body shiver with pleasure.
He let go of his physical grip on her and she took the opportunity to come up from her. Her lips were pink and there was a line of saliva collecting her mouth to his cock.
"Look at you, so pretty," he petted her as he stared into her eyes that held a glossy look of desire for him and him only, "get on the bed bunny."
He wanted to worship her. He wanted to make her cum over and over again until his name was the only thing left on the tip of her tongue. As she laid out on the bed for him, in a costume just for him, he wondered how he got so lucky with her. They were so different, but they were somehow meant for each other.
"You're so gorgeous," his hands glided down her stocking-covered thighs. He squeezed her flesh and he groaned as if he could feel what he was doing to her. She made him dizzy just from how beautiful she was.
Y/n's body anticipated every stroke of his hands on her body. He didn't leave an inch of her exposed skin untouched. He touched and looked at her like she might disappear at any moment. It was his mission to memorize how her body feels under his touch.
"Daddy," she whined, not being able to stand to ache between her legs anymore. She isn't sure what she wanted him to do, she just wanted him to do something.
"Be patient, sweet thing. Let me take in how beautiful my little bunny looks."
"You like when I dress up for you, daddy?" She further parted her legs as a suggestion for him to place himself between her legs. Chris picked up on what she was doing, but he didn't follow through.
"My perfect little bunny," his voice trailed off as he palmed her breast through the costume.
Y/n moaned and arched into his touch. It wasn't long before he was pawing at the top of the costume to free her breast. The costume was tight against her body, but he managed to get what he wanted. He cupped her tits before he leaned down to wrap his lip around her nipple. His thumb teased the other one, stroking it to life. Her delightful sighs sounded heavenly.
"Feels so good," Y/n whined. She tried to grind against him in desperation but he wasn't having any of it. More of his weight was pressed against her to keep her still. He switched over to sucking on her other nipple. His eyes met hers before lightly closing from the feeling of ecstasy.
The mess that was forming between her legs was becoming unbearable. Y/n knew for a fact that she soaked through her costume and with just one swipe of his hand, Chris would be able to feel it. She didn't say anything but she was just so impatient and wanted him to give the same attention to her sex. But he wanted to savor her in this costume before he takes it off of her and just fucks her in the bunny ears.
"This body is so perfect."
As his hands slowly slid across her stomach, the cogs began to turn in her head; she wanted this night to fulfill all of his fantasies.
After taking his sweet time with her body, Chris was finally getting her out of the costume. It won't be the last time she wears it this week, but it was bittersweet to see her out of. However her body alone was driving him wild. She still had the bunny ears on which made her look incredibly cute.
"My lil' Bunny has been so patient for me," he kissed her cheek before moving to kiss the front of her throat, "I'm gonna reward that pretty pussy of yours."
Y/n felt the lust boiling over as Chris moved down her body and his was finally home between her legs. "You got so wet for me bun," he taunted her. His fingers prodded at her slit but didn't push in all the way like she needed. It was torturous to tease her when she had been such an obedient girl for him.
He didn't keep her waiting for long. His tongue was diving through her silky folds to get a good taste of her.
"Undress daddy, baby."
The gruff of his voice made her feel even wetter. She often teased him for being so much older than her but oh did she love all the psychical manifestations of his age. The grey in his hair drove her wild, and she loved how grey his beard was whenever he grew it out.
She grabbed at his soft cotton t-shirt and pulled it over his head. The light dusting of grey hair on his chest tickled her fingertips. She couldn't stop herself when she leaned in to nip at his collar bone. Her lips were so sweet on his body making his head spin. She started tugging at his pants while her lips were still on his skin. He did most of the work, but he didn't care, he just needed to be freed of his restricting clothes.
Y/n wrapped her hand around his cock and gently pumped him.
Chris sighed into her ear, "wanna cum on my tongue or my cock bunny?"
"Your cock daddy! Bunny needs your cream inside of her," she whined.
He thought about fucking her the entire drive; his mind thinking of all the things they could do alone, but he never thought he be blessed with this.
"My little bunny wants my cock? You want to get on all fours and show me how dripping you are?"
Y/n nodded her head, eyes wide with lust and her bottom lip slightly poking out.
"Good girl. Show daddy just how pretty you are."
She moved from his arms and laid her head against the bed as her ass stuck in the air. Chris got off the bed and stood against the very edge. His strong hands laid gently against her ass and he pulled her puffy lips apart with his fingers.
"Fuck girl," he groaned, unable to contain the desire he felt," you're dripping. You're dripping for daddy, aren't you? I thought you were a good little bunny, but only slutty bunnies get this wet."
Her body tensed when his left thumb dragged against her clit. It was swollen and so sensitive to his touch.
Chris's cock was hard and ready to be inside of her warm silk. He had brought the condoms that felt like nothing along with him; two boxes since they were going to be together for six more days.
She heard him tearing something up, but she looked back at him and reached up at him.
"What do you mean 'no'?" He furrowed his brow but still held the half ripped condom wrapper in his hand.
"No condom daddy. I want to feel all of you."
He groaned and he felt his cock become impossibly harder. They had gone back to condoms because Y/n said stopped taking her birth control when she stopped speaking to him, believing that they were possibly going to stop this relationship. She also said she was going to start again, but he just could not remember if she said her doctors appointment was happening this month or next month.
"Are you on the pill?" His tone had a hint of excitement to it, but ultimately he was concerned; she was always strict about protection.
"I don't know," she said feigning innocence, batting her lashes at him and wiggling her hips in anticipation for his cock. This little character she decided to adapt was driving him crazy.
"Don't lie to me girl," he gripped her arm and she whimpered. His rough handling of her had made her even wetter.
"I'm not! I really don't know daddy!"
She knew, and he knows that she does, but he was too weak by the sight of her bent over in her little bunny ears with her wet cunt exposed to him. Her ass began to sway from side to side, calling him to come closer. But what she wanted him to made him think to himself: 'is she fucking crazy?'
"I need you so bad daddy. Please ruin your little bunny," her voice was sweet as candy.
Chris always wanted her but something about this unlocked a deep hunger inside of him. The risk of this made his heart race and sweat form on his skin, but he wanted this just as bad as she did.
"Baby," he placed a hand around his cock to help guide it inside of her, "I'm gonna ruin this pretty fucking body of yours."
He fully sheathed himself inside of her and Y/n sighed with tenderness. The small touch of his hand on her lower back felt so incredibly intimate and she was grateful that he convinced her to come on this trip.
"You feel so fucking good girl," he pulled out just a few inches only to push back in, "I'm going to fill you up. Is that what you want, pretty baby?"
Y/n is unsure what is more taunting: the tone of his voice or his increasing pace. Both of his hands now grabbed her hips and she swooned over how large they felt holding her. He dragged her back onto his cock until he was nearly pounding her. Each thrust was ruining her softly.
His thrust became more wild as he felt her walls grip his entire length. She felt so warm and wet around him. He missed being bare inside of her, feeling her entirety from the inside.
Soon her little bunny ears were falling off of her head as he fucked her hard. There was something so intoxicating about ruining everything that's so perfect about her. He loved that she gave him permission to do so too.
"Look at me," he said through gritted teeth. He grabbed her arm and forced it against her back. Y/n twisted her upper half to look up at him. She placed her hand on top of his for a glimmer of intimacy in this moment of nasty brutal fucking.
"I'm gonna pump you full of me, bunny. Good girls get all my cum."
Every time he slid home inside of her, stretching her completely, she cried out louder. Her thighs trembled and shook with each thrust into her. He was fucking so hard it was almost mindblowing. She always teased him for being an "old man" but he was proving that his age didn't hinder him from pounding into her.
He was getting closer and closer to slipping over the edge. She just feels so warm and tight around him, her contracting walls inviting him to cum inside of her. He loved being able to see her face as she hit every spot inside of her that made her toes curl.
"I feel that pussy tightening up," he spoke breathlessly. He tried to concentrate on his words but her wet cunt rendered him speechless. "Cum for me bunny."
Y/n began to meet his thrust. Lust bloomed in her stomach when she imagined feeling him empty inside of her. They were so incredibly close and if they kept this up they could cum together.
"Give it to me daddy" she whispered, staring back at his face, "please cum inside of me...I've been such a good girl...I need it so bad."
Chris's thrust got sloppy as the muscles in his lower abdomen began to spasm. His entire body felt like it was on fire. Y/n started cumming around his cock and her pussy tightening up hugged his cock and milked him. "Fuck!" He grunted loudly as he fucked the both of them through their orgasms.
Despite her body being too hypersensitive to take anymore, she whimpered when he pulled out of her.
"Keep that ass up in the air."
Chris grabbed her ass cheeks to spread her open. "Push it out for me bunny." His cum came seeping out of her hole and slid through her folds. He spread it around her sex with two fingers before pushing it back into her hole. She gasped when she felt him slide back into her. Her walls clenched around his fingers, still hungry for more. He wanted to fuck her again, but he was too tired to go again.
"You're going to wear me out girl," he joked, laying next to her on the bed. She looked just as tired as him but that look in her eye indicated that she was completely satisfied.
"It's been a long time since you've fucked me like that. I think I should wear that costume more often."
He placed his palm against her face and she leaned into like she always did. She closed her eyes and felt lulled by the sound of his now steady breathing. This moment together felt like it could last a lifetime. Y/n wishes that they could just stay here forever instead of a week. If she never had to think about an empty promise ever again, she'd be content for the rest of her days.
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arlertwifey · 3 years
snk cast x gn!reader + cute summertime romance
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☼ — ft. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Levi, Hanji, & Erwin (all characters are 18+)
☼ — genre: pure fluff + gn!reader x character, warnings: mentions of vandalism/petty crime, alcohol mentions 
☼ — a/n: please enjoy my first snk x reader content :)
Fills his time with a weird mix of volunteering around the city and committing blatant acts of vandalism
He spends his days helping out at the youth shelter and nights scribbling graffiti anywhere he can find a spot. Takes you to spray-paint every underpass you come across
Unnaturally good at arcade games and wins you lots of little random plushies from the claw machines. Your favorite is an angry-looking brown bear that you can’t help but think resembles him
Loves to stay up late and discover new parts of the city with you. Has a bad habit of falling asleep on your shoulder wherever you are though, when he finally runs out of energy
Even though he tries to play it off like he’s too cool for them, insists that you two take cute photobooth pictures together and keeps his favorite of them in his wallet
A R M I N 
Practically lives at the beach during the summer. The two of you plan out your days there in advance so your able to visit the different tide pools and see various sea creatures.
Has a strong sweet tooth. He’s a huge fan of any type of frozen treat, but is extremely partial to slushies. In at least half the pictures you get of your summertime adventures, his mouth is stained teal from the blue-raspberry flavor he always buys.   
Gets surprisingly tan during the summer, due to the fact that he’s outside whenever possible. Even when studying, he prefers to do so at parks around where he lives rather than indoors. His hair bleaches out a little further as well.
Willing to go to parties with you when the two of you are invited by mutual friends, but tends to slip outside to the porch after the first hour. More often than not, the two of you wind up ditching all together and heading off to find someplace to get late night food. 
He brings you to visit his grandfather during the summertime and the two of you help him out with repairs around the house. Being around the two people he loves the most brings out Armin’s talkative side and the three of you spend your vacation days swapping stories over glasses of iced tea.
M I K A S A 
Busy during the summer, so you can’t meet as much as would like
Part of her gym’s regional kickboxing team and helps teach part time. You go to all her matches and cheer till your voice gives out. She tells you that you don’t have to come, but secretly is so, so grateful that you do
On days when you’re both free, you try out all the best brunch places in the city. Mikasa prefers small family-owned businesses. The two of you quickly become regulars at your favorite spots
Sends you voice messages when you are apart ever since you said that you liked to hear her voice. She’s adorably awkward in them, usually just telling you about whatever she’s doing at the time and how much she misses you
Gets misty-eyed when you show up at the airport with flowers for her when she gets back home. Squeezes you till your out of breath and lifts off the ground a little bit when you hug again after your time apart.
The actual best at planning a fun day full of activities
Busts his ass working at a couple part time jobs most days, but makes up for how busy is by making sure you two have the best possible time and do the most when you’re together
The type to have a bucket list for all the different activities he thinks you guys should do together. He puts a lot of effort into creating it with you. The two of you decorate two matching posters so that each of you has a copy. 
A little bit of a sucker for cliches: ice cream dates and visiting waterparks. He’s a romantic at heart and with you he feels like he can finally participate in all the classic lovey-dovey activities couples do.
One of those people who acts like an influencer despite the fact that he’s only followed by family and friends. Takes super high quality pics of you so he can brag about how great his s/o is. Took a few photography classes in college and it shows. Every photo he takes of you looks amazing because you can tell just how enamored he is with you.
King of matching couple fits. Loves when the two of you wear coordinating colors or even just similar accessories.
L E V I 
Not a fan of hot weather, so prefers to hang out in the evenings or early mornings when it’s cooler (which works well with the fact that he has to work most days). 
Has no clue what to do during the summer, besides what you two always do, but does his best
You two go for early morning runs at his suggestion and then get breakfast afterwards. There’s a smoothie place down the block from the park that you frequent, with different local fruit specials each week. 
He brings you to his favorite tea shop and you two slowly drink your way through their summer refresher menu throughout the season. You learn
Is willing to go to the beach, but be prepared to cover the man with sunscreen, because he burns. Since he knows that he won’t encounter anyone from work, he sometimes wears a large sunhat for extra UV protection.
When your vacation time finally lines up, the two of you get out of the city and head to the charming town where his mother lives. You get to help Kuchel in her garden and listen to her stories about adorable young Levi.
While he’s not extremely enthusiastic about summer as a season, he does find it far more enjoyable when he gets to spend it with you
Lives for traveling during the summer months, half for fun and half for their work as part of an anthropological research team. Whenever they can’t bring you along, expect lots of silly, cheesy postcards and many late night phone calls.
Thinks that camping is an absolute must. You two go on hikes together to find the best places to camp. Teaches you all sorts of cool facts about the different areas you are in. Likes when the two of you get “lost” and have to navigate back with a compass (and a park map as backup).
Makes their own homemade juice blends (some better than others) and freezes them into popsicles. Brings you them and other snacks when you’re working.
Stays up late with you and points out different constellations while you drink hot cocoa on the rooftop of their apartment building. While you don’t understand everything they are explaining to you, you love to watch their excited expression and enthusiasm as they tell you all about the world.
Glamorous cultural events are Erwin’s favorite part of the summertime 
Expect to to be brought to opening ceremonies, christenings of cruise ships, and wine tastings
Despite the fancy events, Erwin makes sure you don’t feel too out of place by spending the evenings shit talking the other guests with you, and trying to guess who is sleeping with who and who is going to get drunk and ruin the evening
Insists that you get out of the city as often as possible, so expect a lot of weekend getaways
As much as he likes to do things with you, he can also appreciate an afternoon spent drinking sangria and reading by the poolside (a private pool, of course. He can’t resist asking you to put sunblock on his back (half because he actually needs the help, half just to see you blush at the request).
Owns a sleek vintage convertible that he’s only able to drive in the warmer months. Likes to pick you up from work in it while still dressed in his impeccably sharp suit from the office, just to see the looks on your coworkers faces
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jjackrabbitt · 3 years
That Damned AU
Hey guys (gn), I know you’ve heard me talk about this before, but I’ve actually been working on it now, so here’s part of it. It’s called That Damned AU because it’s been waking me up in the middle of the night to think about it for the last two years, so it’s just me damning it. I will probably change the name at some point. If you have any suggestions, I will gladly consider them. Basically, That Damned AU follows the events of the canonical story line of MPHFPC, but I’ve changed some things around, messed with some details, and added a few things. Mostly to fix or add to things that I have complaints about or wanted to hear more of. I will be tagging it as That Damned AU in case you want to block it
Before we begin I would like to thank @finn-nito for letting me talk his ear off about all this and in turn talking my ear off. It’s been a lot of fun doing this with you and getting to know you.
Now for the damned thing:
Ricky actually goes into the house with Jacob when Abe doesn’t immediately answer. Probably makes dumb comments about the decor or some thing. Goes back to his car for the gun when they see the screen door. Tells Jacob to stay there. Rushes back when he hears Jacob yell for Abe when the flashlight is found. Catches up to Jacob just on the edge of the woods and gives him shit for moving. Tries to lighten the mood and reassure Jacob, until they see the trail of blood. Is there with Jacob when he finds Abe. Ricky tries to keep Jacob from touching Abe because he thinks Abe is already dead. Both of them handle the situation Extremely Badly. We actually hear Abe call Jacob “little tiger” this time instead of just retconning it. Ricky alternates between trying to get enough signal to call the police and crouching with Jacob to try and help him. Abe’s riddle is delivered the same as before and Jacob does see the hallowghast. Ricky tries to shoot it but can’t because he doesn’t even know it’s there. When Jacob sees it he does grab onto Ricky and start shaking him with one hand, still holding onto Abe with the other.
Both boys have to be questioned, together and separately. Jacob sees Ricky’s interview because he gets a chance to snoop through the policeman's notes. He gets mad that Ricky wouldn’t admit to seeing the hallow and Ricky gets defensive about it. They don’t stop talking though because they mutually think the other is having a stress reaction and is seeing things/is erasing things from their own memories.
Jacobs parents didn’t really like Ricky before and they really don’t like him now because they think having him around will remind Jacob of finding Abe, but Jacob almost seems less stressed when Ricky’s around so they’ll allow it.
They don’t necessarily see each other more, but their interactions are way more emotionally charged now.
Ricky does start carrying his gun more because while he didn’t see the hallow, that was a scary night and he did hear something. He brings it into Jacobs house several times without Jacobs parents knowledge. This is a point of contention between Ricky and Jacob because if Jacobs parents find out Ricky will not be allowed back and will be cut off.
Because Ricky is still very much attached to Jacob when he starts seeing Dr. Golan this time, Ricky is in more danger of wights.
Dr. Golan hears a lot about Ricky. Probably significantly more than he wants to.
Ricky doesn’t get the medical attention that Jacob does because he’s poor and when Jacob knows Ricky’s having a problem he asks Dr. Golan for advice for Ricky.
Jacob is more resistant to Dr Golan’s work this time, because Ricky is there to call bullshit when he hears it and mentions that Jacob's meds are making him weird. Golan responds to this resistance by trying to convince Jacobs parents that Ricky is bad for Jacob. It does work but both of his parents are fairly shit at computers and they both have to sleep some time, so Jacob can still message Ricky and sneak out at night.
Ricky does appreciate when Jacob gets advice from Dr. Golan for him, but he does still give Jacob shit for therapizing him.
Both of them are being observed by wights at this point. Jacob gets a series of very weird food delivery guys and there’s like, three different cars that consistently follow Ricky. The food delivery guys aren’t outright weird, they just have the same ~*vibe*~ as Golan and some times they say strange shit. One of them knew his name without Jacob introducing himself.
The cars wouldn’t be weird if they weren’t definitely the same cars, didn’t only stop following Ricky when he A) was near his house or B) took random turns without signalling, and didn’t seem to follow any particular pattern to where he was seeing them. If they were in a similar area at similar times every day then okay, he just keeps seeing the same people on their way to work or whatever, but that’s not what’s happening.
Not much comes of it though. Jacob gets a few weird stomach aches, Ricky gets pulled over by a really strange cop once. Some one breaks into Ricky’s house while no one’s there and goes through stuff but doesn’t take anything or make a mess, the door’s open and a few things have moved when he gets home. You know, normal stuff.
Once, Jacobs parents go out of town. One of his mothers cousins is getting married, and they just aren’t sure that Jacob’s ready for travel and relatives and a party and everything. They don’t want to leave him for the weekend, but they both agree that he’s been doing really well lately (and it’s been months. They want to get out of the house and do Normal People Things). They tell Dr. Golan that Jacob’s going to be alone for the weekend and tell Jacob to go across the street to their neighbour for help if anything happens and they give the neighbour Dr. Golan’s number.
Roughly ten minutes after they leave, Ricky shows up. The Crown Vic goes in the garage, Alien is turned on, Chinese food is ordered and the weekend commences.
They barely even watch the movie, they’re busy talking. They fall asleep on the couch and honestly? It’s the best sleep Jacob has in months.
Until it’s about 4 a.m. and Jacob wakes up violently because this time the scene in his dream changed. This time he and Abe are in Abaton. He doesn’t know it’s Abaton, of course, and though the events of the dream have change, this one feels worse some how. Now he’s missing his grandfather and this place that he doesn’t even know what it is. He feels weirdly protective of it.
Dr. Golan Really doesn’t like Ricky. It’s significantly harder to manipulate Jacob if Ricky’s there to call bullshit. It’s still pretty easy to get Jacob to go to Cairnholm though. Even Ricky doesn’t call him a quack over it. Only tells Jacob to send him a post card of the only place on earth that’s more of a nowhere than Englewood, Florida.
Jacob does have some apprehension over being separated from Ricky, but he figures it’ll be okay since there will be a phone at their hotel.
They do spend a lot little more together than usual in the weeks leading up to Cairnholm. It worries both of them that they’ll be more than a 20 minute drive from the other. Jacob’s more obvious about it, Ricky (poorly) pretends it won’t bother him that much.
Jacob does bring one of his dads less favoured cameras with him, to take pictures.
His dad does try to insist that Jacob spends some time with him to look at birds. It’s funny, they keep seeing this one peregrine hanging around. Some times she, Frank says it’s a she, flies over them. She doesn’t seem too interested in hunting. Some times she disappears for a little while, but she comes back most of the time, unless it’s later in the day.
Kev and Martin are dating. I know it says in the book that Kev has a wife but no he doesn’t ❤️. Kev and Martin are dating and in love and very little will convince me otherwise. Everyone on Cairnholm is completely chill with it. They have dinner with Martins uncle on Wednesdays. Kev tried to take Martin fishing once and it went terrible but it was fun.
Jacob meets Martin on the first day, at the Priest Hole. He’s done at the museum for the day and is getting a drink with his sister and working on his poetry. He and his sister are harassing Kev while he’s on the job. They meet because Martins sister, Amelia, sees Frank and Jacob lugging more than they can carry up the stairs and makes Martin come with her to help.
Amelia is one of the very, very few ocs you’ll see in here, I’m not here to add a bunch of people. She’s here because I don’t want Martin to be lonely, as a plot device to make things move forward, and because I think we  should have more women. Yes MPHFPC already has a good amount of active women characters, yes I want more.
They start talking because both Martin and Amelia are huge nerds who would be excited about bird watching. When Martin mentions the museum, Jacob gets interested, as before he thinks it will help him unravel his grandfathers riddle. That’s it for now, but I will try to update again soon, though it probably won’t be as long. if any of you have any ideas or opinions to add, I’d love to hear them!
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Oh hey I've got more
Differences in the Jocks Kwami Swap AU
More from season 2!
The moment has finally arrived
Really at the start not much is different, Penny is having trouble controlling everything that's happening around her, but I'm thinking I might swap what they have Jagged do-
I don't know for sure yet but I'm considering my options. Either way Penny gets pushed to the limit and gets akumatized
Chartreux and Crimson are fighting her as they normally would, while Kitsune is having a whole ass crisis cause her plans aren't working
She kinda collapses on a roof, watching the other two heroes do their thing all chaotic and remembers her motto, the advice she received and follows religiously;
"Life your life with no regrets"
And she starts to realize that the duo make tons of mistakes and never seem to get down on themselves despite how much they should regret their decisions
Kitsune realizes that she's been thinking about the advice the wrong way. It doesn't mean to do everything without flaw the first time, but to have fun and live in the moment, have fun and enjoying life for what it is
So she goes feral
Jocks style
Joins the fight and just follows the flow and in the end the new Jocks Trio are victorious
However, Fu isn't so pleased. He can't take back the miraculouses, but he has to stop this mess before it gets worse
So he and Wayzz go for a walk, and are saved by a certain classmate, who gets invited back for tea
Ugh the baby
Episode starts with Max learning about the miraculous and Fu and stuff from Fu, who hands him the turtle and asks him to become the leader the team needs
Max isn't sure about the idea at first, because if he can't even keep Kim and Alix out of danger, how can he protect his fellow heroes?
He gets a pep talk and agrees
Meanwhile the class has gathered to scheme a way to get Adrien out of his schedule to hang out with them. They were all assigned secret roles and invited by a "mysterious mastermind"
It's just Kagami
Newly living her life her way, she comes up with something so ridiculous it might just work
Only it doesn't and the Gorilla is about to be akumatized but instead it's the baby
The trio transform to fight it only to receive messages on their devices from a "Shell Shock", which they promptly ignore
When the Turtle Hero does show up, he saves their asses and pulls them aside to tell them the plan and of course none of them are too pleased
However they go with it and they win. Shell Shock explains that he was chosen to be the team leader and the corespondent between them and the "Guardian" and tells Kitsune that he will message her through the magic system thing for when she's needed. Otherwise she is to stay away from the fight
Yeah she's not happy
Episode ends with Adrien joining the class for some hangout at the park after his next shoot was cancelled due to the akuma attack
The day has finally arrived for Kagami to try out for the fencing academy in Paris and a lot is riding on her acceptance. If she fails to get in, her grandfather will have her and Tomoe moved back home again. She'll lose her newfound freedom, her friends, her secret identity
Still upset about essentially being called a sidekick, Kagami isn't ik the right mindset for fencing. She and Trixx have a little chat in the locker room before she puts her necklace and ring in her locker
Marinette, Alix, Kim, and Ivan (the last three having just stayed past their lacrosse practice) are there to cheer Kagami on and show their support
Kagami and Adrien are paired up to fight, but they don't have any mats to practice on because they're being cleaned. While they're fighting, Kagami steps on a wet part of the floor and slips, losing in the process
No one liked that
The instructor says that since she lost she can't join and says his decision is final when people mention how unfair he's being
Kagami just walks out, trying not to show how upset she is when she calls her mother to share the results. When asked to challenge the decision and do a rematch, she states that in her family there is no room for second chances and leaves
Then haha akuma time
Having not gone back to her locker, she doesn't have the fox miraculous so it's a normal akuma
Might change some things about Riposte not sure yet
Shell Shock messages Kitsune that they won't need her at the start of the fight but things get rough for a bit there, and he can't help but think that Mirage would have been useful then
The heroes end up winning, Kagami's mother tells her to "stop being stubborn" and to accept a fair second match, deciding to keep her loss a secret from her grandfather
For the final bit, Kagami gets her proper rematch, and kicks Adrien's ass. And with that, she's in the academy and gets to stay in Paris
She goes and puts on both her ring and the fox miraculous, apologizing to Trixx for what happened while they were apart
The class is preparing a surprise party for her, everyone pitching in something to make it extra special
Some of the classmates discuss their gifts to her while preparing, Nino with his playlist for the party, Mylene with a plush from one of those animal charities, Alix with a collection of recipes and some spare fabric she got from her grandma all the way from Egypt
And Juleka with a CD of "background noise" music she and Luka made with Marinette in mind
As that's happening Gina (?) Shows up for her annual Nonna and Mari day, which Tom forgot about because of how excited he was for the surprise party idea
Rather than what happens in canon, Gina and Marinette take turns choosing a small activity to do together, just like every year. After a trip to some candy shop, Gina's about to have her final turn where she planned to give Marinette her gift
That's when Alya calls Marinette and claims that she's got a huge scoop and needs her trusty moderator to help her out
Marinette doesn't want to miss out on the little time she gets with her Nonna but Gina just insists she go cause it sounded important. She leaves after saying she'll see Marinette back home later
The Birthday Girl shows up to the surprise party and she's actually surprised this time cause she was so focused on picking the perfect activities for her and Gina that she didn't see the clues
Befana happens when Tom tells his mom that Marinette is at a birthday party and she gets mad that her own granddaughter felt the need to lie as if she wouldn't let her go to her own party if she asked
There's a bit of a detail about Marinette not even taking any of the candies with her, even though it's both of their favourite
I liked Befana's powers well enough, I thought that it was pretty cool. It's based on La Befana, who I believe is basically Italian Santa?? It's cool
The heroes struggle to sneak away while some of their classmates are turned to stone or into those weird angels, all while trying to keep Marinette safe
Shell Shock and Chartreux are the most successful, since Kagami and Kim are trying to protect the birthday girl
They do get a chance to transform and Shell Shock comes up with a complicated plan to stop the akuma
So obviously it gets screwed up at some point
Once the fight is done, Marinette tries to talk to Gina and explain everything, making it clear that she loves their days together
This is when Gina gives her the gift, er, gifts. First is a bag meant to allow Mari to bring some if her sewing stuff on the go
The second is a jacket just like Gina's, only it has the little blossoms from Marinette's shirt and shit, and announces that she's staying in Paris for a while longer, promising to take Marinette on a proper bike trip
Here's the next four episodes planned! I'm nearly done with season 3 now and I'm gonna wait to do another Differences post while I figure things out with 2 and 3 lmao
I hope y'all like my plans for these episodes, so let me know what you think! Suggestions, complaints, compliments, I'll take em all
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taexual · 4 years
i’d love you to stay but that’s simply insane // JJK (1)
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        jungkook is an uncontrollable lead vocalist of the campus band, and you’re a goal-oriented top student that’s known his rich and complicated family since childhood. you don’t want anything to do with each other, until each other is exactly what you want to do.
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: college au
warnings: strong language, accidents caused by drunk driving (DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, DRIVE WHILE DRUNK OR AGREE TO RIDE WITH SOMEONE WHO’S DRUNK!!!)
words: 4.4k
                       chapter one.
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The music coming from the stage was deafening and headache-inducing but the ambience of the club itself was absolutely energizing, and you kept switching between regretting the decision to come here, and thanking your roommate for convincing you to. Glancing at the girl next to you – she’d already finished her fourth drink and you weren’t sure if she realized it because she seemed to be hypnotized by what she was seeing on stage – you smiled even despite knowing that you’d be stuck helping her battle a killer hangover tomorrow.
“It’s crazy,” Inna said suddenly as if having read your thoughts, “isn’t it? I mean, they’re driving the whole club insane, look at them!”
You did look but not at the band on stage. The second floor of the club provided you with a great view of the first floor and the sight of your heavily intoxicated and barely legal peers dancing so close to the stage, they were nearly on top of it already, distracted you – it always amused you to see the duality of the top students in your class.
“Yeah,” you said. “But Parental Advisory brings the insanity with them wherever they go. I saw some people who brought actual posters to the club.”
“Shit, I should have thought of that,” Inna said, hitting herself on the temple with her palm in disappointment.
“I don’t even get it,” you started and your roommate was already groaning. Even drunk, she could recognize the tone of your voice when you were about to complain. “I mean—”
“Come on, you said you wouldn’t complain!” she whined.
“I said no such thing,” you disagreed, “and I’m not complaining, anyway. I’m just saying how they’re nothing special. Everyone’s only listening to them because they’re the only band on campus.”
Inna looked like she wanted to argue – like she’s done a million times before – but then she decided to let it slide and finish her drink instead.
“You’re only saying that,” she pointed out then, the straw of her cocktail still in her mouth, “because you have a weird prejudice against their lead vocalist.”
You raised your eyebrows with a skeptical scoff. “Jungkook? I don’t have anything against him. I just think he’s an overrated, arrogant asshole.”
Your roommate glanced at the stage again, seemingly losing herself in the performance for a minute, before she agreed to give you the benefit of the doubt, even though she always suspected that there was something more there – she knew you and Jungkook had history and she felt like your open dislike for him was concealing your deeper feelings.
“He may be arrogant,” she said just as Jungkook tossed the towel he’d used to wipe the sweat on his forehead off into the crowd, “but that’s just because he’s aware of how good he is.”
“Or maybe it’s because his dad owns a successful business,” you said, “and he’s just an entitled heir.”
“Sure, that could be a factor. But being an heir wouldn’t make those girls so devoted to him,” she was only half-joking as both of your gazes immediately fell to the side of the stage where a group of girls was already waiting for the performance to be over.
“There’s always a crowd of girls wherever he goes,” Inna continued, her eyes glistening. She chuckled then, “and, let me tell you, word is, they’re never disappointed.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes even despite having heard the rumors on campus as well. It wasn’t that the members of Parental Advisory slept around – or maybe they did but they weren’t ones to brag about it – but they knew what to give their audience to make them satisfied. That included their shows on stage and their parties back at their shared house – a notorious place already, known all over campus as the only spot where a party could stay alive and burning all throughout the weekend.
“Do you think his groupies leave reviews?” you slipped into sarcasm without meaning to. “Do they rate his performance on and off the stage out of five stars?”
“No, are you seriou—okay, that’s enough for me. I’m going to get another drink,” Inna stood up, choosing to focus her energy into having a good time rather than trying to get you to see the band from her point of view.
You debated stopping her -- she’s already had more drinks than she could handle -- but the determination in her eyes as she turned around and crossed the room towards the bar stopped you. You didn’t dare to interrupt a woman on a mission.
Finishing your own drink as you waited for her to come back, you took this time to focus on the atmosphere of the club. Despite the fact that Parental Advisory was, obviously, not one of your favorite bands, they did play good music – even if you could already feel a headache creeping in – and, there was no denying, they definitely knew how to put on a show.
You watched Jungkook lean into the crowd with his mic stand, his white shirt almost see-through from his sweat – and everyone who was close enough to touch him went wild. It was almost as if he ignited wildfires inside of them with his eyes – just one look and everyone around him dropped all of their inhibitions and started to live.
You knew of the effect he had on people even before he joined the band as you found yourself reminiscing about all the times you’d listened to Jungkook play a very strained version of Für Elise on his grandfather’s old piano. He’d always look at you after he finished playing and the glitter in his eyes made you feel as though you’ve just listened to the most harmonious melody in the world, even if his family’s cat wouldn’t stop hissing, begging him to stop and get away from the piano.
Somehow, listening to Parental Advisory – even though they favored alternative music and stayed clear of Beethoven – always brought back the memories of Jungkook at the piano. It softened you until you started to understand why every person at the club was completely at his will, responding to his every gesture, and, for a little while, you could relate to them as you followed Jungkook on stage with your eyes.
You didn’t like these memories – they lowered your walls against your will – so you were glad to get distracted by Inna as she plopped back down on her seat next to you, a new drink in her hand.
“Man,” she said and then took a sip, “if I’d brought a poster too, maybe we could have gone to the after party.”
Of course she wanted to go to their after party. When it came to Parental Advisory, after parties were basically a part of their performance, so she couldn’t just leave in the middle of it.
“You can still go even if you don’t have a poster,” you said, already coming up with a plan of how you were going to get home after the final song ended. “It’s not like their parties are exclusive.”
“Well, they sort of are,” Inna said. “It’s different when you just show up to the party. The people who matter arrive with the band. And they usually invite some of the girls with the posters backstage after the show.”
“The people who matter,” you repeated with disgust, “I hope you realize how pretentious that sounds. You’re not a loser if you don’t roll up to the party with the band.”
“It’s—okay, maybe it’s a little pretentious,” she said. “But I’d still like to be a part of that crew. Or, at least, arrive with someone.”
She wasn’t trying to conceal her wistful tone and even if she was, she probably wouldn’t have been very successful, because her wish to get a glimpse into the inside world of Parental Advisory was obvious in her eyes as she watched the band play out the final chords on stage.
Despite dragging you to gigs like this nearly every weekend, Inna was, all things considered, a good friend and you felt like you owed her this one thing because tonight really wasn’t as torturous for you as you may have made it seem.
You still couldn’t help but sigh before speaking to let her know how difficult saying this was for you (all so she wouldn’t expect you to do this every time you went out, really), “I suppose we can go to the party together. I’ll make sure you don’t feel like a loser.”
Her whole face lit up as she turned to you. “Do you mean it? Because I’m too drunk to recognize it if you’re mocking me right now.”
“I mean it,” you said sincerely. “If you don’t mind arriving with me instead of the band.”
“Oh, who cares, the band will be inside,” she dismissed her previous stance immediately, “thank you! I’ll make sure to repay you by getting you a clean cup of beer so as not to repeat my last mistake.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, frowning as you tried to resist the memory of Inna’s last mistake that involved accidentally making a cocktail of beer and tequila and then leaving you to fend for your life as you battled a hangover that seemed to last the whole week.
“Let’s not go there,” you said, “I’ll get my own drinks this time. Or, actually, maybe I’ll stay sober. One of us has to.”
Inna chuckled. “Good! I think it’s a little too late for me to do that.”
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As it turned out, your roommate wasn’t the only one who got drunk way before the after-party started, because, by the time you returned to campus and reached the large building Parental Advisory lived in – courtesy of their rich parents, of course – everyone there was already wasted and in the middle of a very intense game of how-many-stupid-things-can-I-do-in-one-night. The guy who dived head-first from the roof into the jacuzzi in the backyard – no clothes on him whatsoever – must have been winning.
“Did you see that?” Inna laughed, her eyes lighting up like a child’s in the presence of candy. “There’s a reason why people won’t shut up about the parties here.”
“Hmm,” you looked around, more concerned about the girl from your Philosophy class who was attempting to do a keg stand all by herself. “But how do they not have accidents here? Everyone’s drunk out of their—”
“Oh my God, there they are!” your roommate squealed as she stopped walking suddenly and you automatically bumped into her. She turned to you, completely unbothered by the fact that you’d made her spill half of her drink. “Do you want to say hi to Jungkook?”
You lifted your gaze until you saw the four members of the band make their way towards the kitchen – which was, conveniently, directly behind you –  and then scoffed.
“Not at all,” you said as the group approached. “But even if I did, watch how he successfully ignores me.”
But your expectations weren’t met as Jungkook – still mid-laugh about something someone had said to him – stopped right in front of you.
“Oh!” he looked surprised to see you, but not nearly as surprised as you felt when he stopped to talk to you. Inna had stopped breathing as she watched you from the side and, frankly, you thought your lungs had given out, too. “Nice to see you here. Having fun?”
You hadn’t talked to Jungkook in seven years at least – a lucky number, one would think – and now that he was suddenly addressing you again, you weren’t sure if you’d ever learned how to talk at all.
“Sure,” you ended up saying because what else was there to say? “I like what you’ve done with the place. Before the party started, I mean.”
He laughed, giving the space that was once his living room – but was now a dance-floor with a couch that was nearly tipped over by some couple that was making out on it – a good look and then turning to you again.
“Thanks,” he said. “My mom took care of it.”
“Of course,” you let it slip. Acting like you didn’t know him was obviously not going to work because you did know him, and you knew very well that his mother was an interior designer because she was the one that designed your parents’ house, too. “Hope she’s doing well.”
“She is,” Jungkook said but it sounded a lot like the automatic response you’d given him before – “sure, I’m having fun at this party” – and he realized that as he cleared his throat, “she, uh, she’s still in touch with your mom, I guess, yeah?”
“Well, they’re best friends,” you said. Once again, your mouth opened before you could control yourself and every single word came out sounding overly sarcastic and borderline snotty. It was like you were trying to live up to his arrogant nature while he was pretending to be humble. “Anyway, it’s, uh, good to see you, I guess. I’m going to—”
Your eyes were already on Inna – who was no longer as amused by Jungkook as she had been moments ago, and was currently ogling Taehyung, another Parental Advisory member, who was talking to someone a few feet away from her – and you were already in the middle of taking a step past Jungkook and towards her, when he suddenly grabbed your forearm, stopping you.
The act – or, his touch, to be precise – shocked you so much that you turned to him with parted lips but weren’t able to express your surprise out loud.
“Wait, you guess?” Jungkook asked, sounding oddly amused. “So, it’s not really good to see me, then?”
For a moment, you didn’t understand what he was saying at all – because you weren’t thinking what you were saying when you spoke to him – but then you realized and pulled your arm out of his grasp.
“I’ve made small-talk with at least a dozen people I didn’t know before tonight,” you said, “it’s been good to see them all.”
“You know me, though,” he insisted, grinning now. It was like he listened to the sarcasm in your voice but deliberately chose not to hear it.
Still not really sure why he was talking to you now of all times – you’ve been going to the same classes for three years now and there have definitely been opportunities for you two to interact but you both ignored all of them – you figured he was just bored. Doing the same thing every Friday night – performing and then going home to get drunk with strangers who basically worshiped him – was bound to get tiring after a while and maybe he was looking for new ways to entertain himself.
“I knew you,” you clarified, not wanting to become his newest form of entertainment.
He shrugged, seemingly unfazed by the seven years you’d spent not talking. “You still do.”
You scoffed and were clearly about to disagree, so he jumped in before you could.
“We can always catch up,” he said with a nod towards the kitchen. “Let’s get a drink.”
“Why?” you asked. You couldn’t help it, this was too weird.
“Why not?” he countered, ever the opportunist. You didn’t reply. “What’s with the frown? Do you still plan everything out in advance? Should I make an appointment with your secretary before you can agree to get drinks with me?”
You felt the frown he’d mention deepen as your skeptical expression turned into a full-on scowl. You didn’t appreciate being mocked.
“You should,” you said. “But, fair warning, I’m booked until graduation.”
You were already turning to walk away – and noticed that Inna had disappeared – but, once again, Jungkook pulled you right back in by speaking louder.
“Aw, that’s disappointing,” he said in a way that made him sound more excited than disappointed. “Won’t you make an exception for an old friend? You used to.”
You felt goosebumps rise on your skin as he said this but didn’t even attempt to defend yourself. He had always been the exception to everything in your life – no matter how busy with homework you were, no matter how many school events the student council needed your approval for, you always made time for him – and, somehow, that came back to bite you in the ass.
“I haven’t talked to you since we finished middle school,” you said, purposefully not sticking to the day in discussion for too long or Jungkook would have undoubtedly used that against you, too, “lots of things changed. I only make exceptions for the people who matter now.”
Jungkook – who was absolutely going to discuss your middle school graduation in great detail if you’d stopped talking after you mentioned it – grabbed his chest and threw his head back dramatically.
“Ouch,” he fake-moaned, “that’s really cold, you know. I’m just trying to reconnect with you.”
“I think you have more important matters at hand,” you said, finally finding an excuse to walk away – it came in the form of three girls who had appeared by his side, evidently too tired to be waiting for his attention from across the room.
He hadn’t even noticed them at first – which was surprising, considering how strong the scent of their combined perfumes was – but, as soon as he turned his head to finally look at them, you walked away.
Instead of being annoyed by your abrupt exit, however, Jungkook seemed to grow even more amused. This was the first time you’d left him hanging – things really have changed.
“I’ll call you!” he called out across the living room but you didn’t turn back so he assumed you didn’t hear. Sighing, he turned back to the girls by his side. Taking the one closest to him by her hand, he pointed towards the kitchen. “Ladies.”
When you finally turned around to look at him – because you did hear what he’d said – he was already guiding the group of girls into the kitchen and filling their cups. An unexpected sense of disappointment settled in your chest but you tried to shake it off.
He was the one who decided it’d be better if the two of you stopped being friends at the beginning of ninth grade. It couldn’t have taken him seven years to change his mind.
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A loud commotion outside distracted you from the conversation you’d been having with someone who, apparently, lived in a dorm room across the hall from yours – funny how you haven’t even seen each other before tonight – and you both turned to look out of the window.
“What the fuck was that?” you heard Yoongi, another one of Jungkook’s bandmates, ask himself, as he hurried past you. “Is that fucker fighting again?”
Your heart rate picked up as you realized that the “fucker” in question must have been Jungkook. Thinking rationally, you knew you had no reason to go out there and check what was going on, and yet the possibility that Jungkook was in a fight – and not for the first time, apparently! – was enough to send you right after Yoongi, until the two of you stopped in the backyard, both looking around to see what was causing the loud noise.
“Do you see him?” Yoongi asked you, too drunk – and too busy looking after his lead vocalist – to question why you were outside with him when everyone else settled on watching the scene play out through the windows of the house.
“Why do you think it’s him—oh. Yeah, I see him,” you pointed to a black car parked at the far end of the backyard – clearly, the car belonged to one of the members – and Yoongi saw Jungkook as soon as he turned to look.
Frankly, it was hard not to see Jungkook because he was being unceremoniously thrown on the hood of the vehicle by a guy that was about twice his size. And yet Jungkook seemed so much more aggressive than him as he pushed himself off the car and attacked.
“Fuck,” Yoongi muttered briefly before breaking into a sprint. “Jungkook! Shit, get the fuck away from him. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
Profanities continued to spill from his mouth as he attempted to break the fight up. You found yourself running to catch up with them – which was a blessing for Yoongi because he struggled to hold the other guy back when Jungkook kept throwing himself at him – but you didn’t dare to intervene just yet.
“What are you doing?” you demanded – no one paid any attention – and then cleared your throat before trying again, louder, “Jungkook!”
Still, the boy was far too focused on his opponent – who was being cradled by a huffing Yoongi – so you had no choice but to step in – literally – and place both hands on Jungkook’s chest, pushing him back into the car roughly.
Taken off guard, he stumbled and fell on his back, landing on the hood of the car yet again and nearly taking you with him as he had angrily grabbed your wrists before he fell. He was seemingly ready to push them away before he looked into your eyes.
“Fuck,” he exhaled as soon as your gazes met, his grip on your wrists softening but not disappearing as he held your hands against his chest that moved up and down, his heart beating rapidly under your fingertips.
After waiting until his heart rate slowed down just slightly, you pulled your hands out of his and stepped away so he could stand up from the car.
“What the hell happened?” you asked. You could feel yourself start to shake but it wasn’t due to the chilly evening air.
“He’s being a dumbass again, that’s what happened,” Yoongi snarled, pushing the guy he’d been holding back off of himself and glaring at him and Jungkook both. “You need to get your shit together, man. I’m sick of looking after your sorry ass.”
The last part was directed at Jungkook who groaned, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie down. The guy he’d been fighting spat on the ground, gave him one last frustrated look, and returned to the party. Jungkook looked like he was going to yell something at him but Yoongi cursed loudly and gave up right then and there, turning around towards the house.
“I don’t need you to look after me!” Jungkook yelled after Yoongi, who pretended not to hear him as he walked away, and then – much to your surprise – the younger boy threw the driver’s door of the car open.
Confused and seriously concerned, you watched Yoongi leave before turning back to look at Jungkook. “W-what are you—”
“Just go!” he snapped at you as he got into the car.
“You can’t drive!” you protested in panic, grabbing the door before he could close it.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want,” Jungkook snarled, looking at you with a fire so prominent in his eyes that you ended up letting go of the car door out of sheer surprise. You’d never seen him like this before.
And then, as you turned away from him for just one second, searching for Yoongi – surely, he’d come back to stop him – Jungkook started the engine of the car.
You swore under your breath, knocking on the window of the car but it brought no response from him. “Jungkook! You can’t—”
He said something and you automatically stopped pounding on his window to listen. The engine of the car was drowning out his words and you expected him to lower his window and repeat what he’d said, but Jungkook used the moment when you took an unconscious step away from the car, and pushed the pedal.
You swore loudly as you watched him drive away, running your hands through your hair in desperation. For the next minute, you watched the car maneuver around the front yard clumsily and then drive down the main street. When he disappeared from your field of vision, you pulled your phone out from your back pocket but you didn’t know who to call.
Looking around again, you realized that Yoongi had gone back inside, and suddenly, you weren’t sure what would be faster, calling the police so they’d be on the look-out for a drunk lunatic behind the wheel or finding the rest of the Parental Advisory members so they could hopefully find a better solution.
But before you could reach a decision – it all seemed to happen in a split-second, honestly – you heard a loud crash. With your heart immediately falling down to your stomach and then plummeting all the way down to your feet, you ran across the yard and towards the main street, hoping – praying – that the sound was unrelated to Jungkook.
And yet, as soon as you stopped on the sidewalk and looked down the road, you saw the same black car right there, next to where the road split into an intersection. It had been forced to stop by a lonely lamp post, the view of which was partially blocked by a large tree trunk, but even so, you could tell that Jungkook had slammed the car right into it.
Struggling to breathe, you listened to people pour out of the house. They seemed to be much more alarmed than they’d been when they first heard someone fighting.
You didn’t think you could move.
“Call an ambulance,” you whispered, your eyes glued to the smoke that was coming out in dark, angry swirls from underneath the totaled hood of Jungkook’s car. “Someone needs to call the ambulance!”
Your own phone was lit up with the number of the police that you’d dialed mere seconds ago but you couldn’t find the control in your fingers to press call. Then, you heard cursing and realized that the people from the party weren’t going to help. They didn’t even consider helping.
They were running away. Escaping from the accident which seemed to them like the perfect reason for expulsion from university. They no longer wanted to be a part of the special club that got to arrive to Parental Advisory parties with the members of the band themselves. 
Inhaling deeply, you realized that no one else was going to do this for you, so you finally managed to pull yourself back together again.
You pressed your phone to your ear and with each beep of the dial tone, you cursed the Parental Advisory parties more and more – they were an accident waiting to happen. An accident so awful, it could erase seven years of silence as you hoped Jungkook would be able to talk to you again. 
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
all’s fair in fake love and gore
CHAPTER 1: (un)predictability
Summary: Roman and Patton have been dating for a while, and it’s fine. Remus doesn’t care. Unfortunately, it’s another excuse for his family to put Roman on a pedestal. Except that, through a turn of events nobody expected, Remus ends up pretending to be madly in love with his close friend Logan for his family’s holiday trip. Both parties are convinced nothing will happen between them. Roman and Patton, however, are terrible meddlers who believe in the power of love.
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Lightly tense family dynamics, Remus being Remus, OCs for family members (If I miss something please tell me!)
Notes: Listen-I hate the holidays but I live for this trope. I’ll try my hardest to do it justice and make it work. Name was suggested to me by the lovely @grayskiesrainyskies, thank you ma’am!!
Pairings: Intrulogical, Royality, Creativitwins
Two hours. It’s just two more hours. He’s reasoning with himself against all odds, but the urge to slam his head against the dining table is palpable and he’s barely holding it together. Remus had always hated family dinners, he hadn’t even bothered going up until recently. Adulthood was messy. Family was messier. More accurately, Remus was the mess of the family. Roman and him had long since mended their relationship, they even hung around in the same circle! That only made it worse when Roman and their mutual friend Patton started dating. It’s not that he wasn’t happy for them, he was. Their fluffy, happy, fairy-tale romance was something out of some god damned Disney movie, and Remus was so happy someone put up with Roman’s hopeless romanticism. Except now, because the family loves Patton.
He’s spent the entire night being as family friendly as he possibly could. It was a tiring effort to be dressed up like a “normal person”, without any makeup or accessories, and placating the old fleabags that he happened to be related to. Even then, he got the typical onslaught of negative attention. He didn’t even care. He didn’t, he really really didn’t. What made the dinner so wildly unbearable was Patton’s existence. He got along with everyone in the family, helped out with cooking, set the table, watched the kids, and was entirely sweet and rated-G. The family doted on him. Remus and Roman’s parents told Roman that Patton was “the one”. Both pairs of grandparents called him a “sweet young man” who was “the perfect homemaker for Roman”. Ugh. Perfect Roman, perfect Patton, and their perfect romance. 
Dinner came, and now the family can’t seem to stop asking them happy little questions. The kids table even came over with the occasional curiosity about Patton and Roman. Remus could tell Roman’s calm and polite demeanor was shattering around question thirty. Even Patton was tired at question fifty. Then Aunt Patty had to open her stupid mouth.
“Well Patton,” She says with a wide smile, “You really are such a great young man! It’s quite the blessing that you’re with Roman.”
There it is. That’s what Remus has been waiting for all night. 
“Aunt Patty, please,” Roman mutters, putting his head in his hands.
“Uhm, I’m not really sure what you mean!” Patton laughs nervously, genuinely confused about what she means. 
The table laughs, and Aunt Patty continues, “Oh, well, I just mean that you chose the right twin!”
Roman succumbs to the urge and lets his head slide onto the table, his hands are behind his head and squeezing at his neck. Patton stares at Aunt Patty like she’s gone mad. Remus slips his butter knife off the table and stabs the back of his hand with it. It hurts, but skin doesn’t break. Most of the table laughs. His parents, his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, his adult cousins. They all laugh at the prospect of someone so nice dating someone like Remus. He stabs his hand again, harder this time.
His mother pipes up next, and Patton looks as if he’s going to lose his mind, “It’s a blessing really! If Remus brought someone home they’d probably be crazier than he is!”
“We really are lucky he doesn’t keep partners around for long!” Says his grandfather, and the table laughs again. Remus stabs his hand again.
He can see the gears of Patton's brain working as Roman sits up, “Guys,”
There’s something dangerous behind Patton’s eyes, “Can we please,”
Patton smiles in a way that makes Remus panicky, “Just leave Remus alone?”
He’s got a devious plan, and Remus can tell by the way he places a soft hand on Roman’s shoulder.
He brightly says, “See, Remus, this is why I told you you should have brought him!”, while making the most innocently intense eye-contact Remus has ever had. 
Patton has been spending way too much time with Janus. 
Everyone goes silent. Even the kids, which is a miracle. Remus stabs himself in the hand for the fourth time, the skin breaks. His blood gets onto the sleeve of the white button-up Roman lent him. 
“Remus,” His father speaks very softly, “Do you have a partner?”
Patton smiles at him again, he thinks it over once or twice, “Yeah, what about it?”
“Why didn’t you bring them?” His mother asks with excitement clear in her voice.
Remus scowls, and everyone knows why, “You literally just fu-freaking laughed about his mere existence.”
One of his uncles clears his throat and breaks the silence, “H-How long have you been with them?” 
“Six months.” Remus lies, he hopes the three of them can act well enough to pull it off.
That amount of time is five months longer than any of his previous flings, and his parents erupt into dramatic cries, “You haven’t told us after half a year!”
“I told Roman and Patton!” He yells back, turning back to his food and shoving some in his mouth to angrily chew.
“Roman! Patton! Who is it? Do we know him? Is it serious?” His father has stood up and has leaned over the table to interrogate the pair. 
“Do-” Roman starts, and Remus knows he’s doomed, “Do you remember my friend, Logan?” 
Remus kicks Roman under the table. As hard as he possibly can. His father stops moving, his mother drops her fork. 
“You’re lying.”
“He’s not!” Patton chirps, “None of us expected it either but they’re very cute together!”
“Is Logan that stuck-up boy from their high school graduation who kept talking about following the proper protocol?” His grandma asks with a surprisingly shocked expression.
“That’s the one!” Roman points as he speaks, then the entire family has their eyes on Remus again. 
“What? Are you looking for some explanation or something? He’s smart and he’s hot and he respects my choices,” Remus scoffs out, getting out of his chair and taking his plate to the kitchen, “I’m not talking about this anymore.” 
Patton and Roman follow him into the kitchen with their plates. As he scrapes his plate into the trash, he gives Patton the most intense glare. 
“Remus, I’m so sorry-” Patton pauses, and snatches him by the hand, “Did you stab yourself!?”
The next two hours, nobody brings anything up. It’s a breath of fresh air to have them shocked into respecting his damn privacy. Family leave or head to bed. The only people left awake when the trio are leaving are the twins' parents.
“What do you want, dad?” Remus asks when his father approaches.
His father gives a smile that he assumes was supposed to be warm, and opens his mouth to speak.
“Dad, Remus and I should really be going,” Roman cuts in, probably to try and save Remus from a potentially foreboding conversation.
Roman is pushing Patton and Remus towards the door, their dad chuckles. They must look fairly comedic with Roman angrily pushing against their backs as they stand without budge.
“Remus, you know the family’s winter trip is coming up,” 
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” He rolls his eyes, and Patton smacks him upside the head.
“Your mother and I would like to extend the invitation to Logan, to get to know him.”
The room is so silent, you can almost hear Aunt Patty snoring in the guest room. Despite everything, Remus can’t bring himself to just say “no” to this offer. The family Cabin is huge, beautiful, quiet, and has a very nice library. Y’know, rich people shit. It really does seem like something Logan would love under different different circumstances. 
He agreed to ask, but he was sure Logan would say no.
Called it. Remus knew that even if himself, Roman, and Patton groveled and begged, Logan was not going to budge.
“Logan! It’s only two weeks!” Roman pleads.
“You need a break anyway! What’s more relaxing than being my little boytoy!” Remus grumbles, he’s only partially joking. Logan does need a break, he can tell.
“Okay but have you seen their cabin?” Patton asks in the innocently excited way he tends to do.
That piqued Logan’s interest. He looks at Patton and inquisitively moves his eyebrow vaguely upwards. Roman opens up a folder on his phone of photos from the cabin. There are nearly two hundred, but each photo is whittling down Logan’s resolve. He thinks again about their neat little family library. The fairly large room goes almost entirely unused, only with two exceptions. Remus, and long past on Gran-Gran. Remus remembers sitting on his great-grandmother’s lap while she read to him countless stories. She didn’t mind his weirdness. Logan didn’t mind much either. He’d be alone with hundreds of books for three weeks, what more could he want? He’d just have to let Remus sit in. 
“You know,” Remus leans in, whispering into Logan’s ear very gently, “We’ve got a big library.”
That’s what breaks Logan, who lets out the longest sigh Remus has ever heard in his life.
He agrees to go on two conditions. He will have physical contact with Remus but he will not kiss him, and he gets the make up the story of how the pair met. Remus couldn’t be more ecstatic. His family could suck it! He had a sexy ass fake boyfriend, who's probably gonna make up some dumb and adorable story about meeting in at a Library Book Club Meeting. Logan’s hot, he’s hot. It will work out. No strings attached. None. 
Roman jokes to Remus everyday before the trip that we all know how the trip will end. Remus thinks he’s more unpredictable than that. He hopes he is. 
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rebeccatherine · 3 years
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Mature Characters: Sharon Carter (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Arthur Parks Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Espionage Summary: Sam Wilson accompanies Sharon Carter on an undercover SHIELD mission.
Read on AO3 under the pseud rebeccavis or below.
Sam had offered to sleep on the floor. He said he was used to it from his days in the military, which Sharon understood; Steve had mentioned to her offhandedly before that his bed never felt quite right. However, on this occasion the bed was probably the safest place for both of them. As she had pointed out to Sam, they had a clear view of the window from there should they need it and, if anyone decided to check in on them, it would look a little strange for a doting wife to be alone in a king-size bed. Sam, after looking horrified by the notion of someone spying on him while he was asleep, eventually conceded. 
“Sorry.” Sam’s whisper had been preceded by the sound of something soft hitting the floor. “Why do they give you so many dang pillows?”
Sharon chuckled. “I don’t know,” she admitted, “Rich people shit?”
Their backs were turned to each other and, even if they hadn’t been, Sharon doubted she’d be able to see much of anything in the darkness of their isolated cabin. She heard a soft rumble from next to her, though, and could see Sam smiling in her head. “Rich people shit,” he agreed.
Sharon supposed she was meant to go to sleep now. While she hadn’t served in the military, she’d had her fair share of sleeping in strange places as a SHIELD agent, many of which had been far less comfortable than where she was at the moment. Even so, this was maybe the first time she was worried about having trouble drifting off. Her mind was usually where she felt it should be: focused on the job and what steps she needed to take to ensure its success, including getting a good night’s sleep. Tonight, her mind was for some reason lingering on terms of endearment, unexpected compliments and arms wrapped tenderly around her waist. 
She felt Sam’s weight shift slowly next to her and suspected he was turning over onto his other side. It was something she had been thinking about, too, although now it meant they’d be face to face, which would be weird. Or would it? She settled for rolling over onto her back instead to stare at the ceiling. Her eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness, and she could just about trace the outline of the wooden beams above her head.
“Hey, Shar?” Sam’s voice was soft, but so unexpected that she froze for a split second. “Can we talk?”
“Sam? Is my purse out there?” Sharon had raised her voice a little, hoping she’d be heard from outside the bathroom where she was putting on her makeup. 
“Uh...yeah, I see it, baby,” she heard Sam reply, emphasizing his last word significantly more than was necessary, “Do you need it?”
“Oh, I think I left something in there, but I can…” Sharon trailed off as she heard footsteps in her direction and then a gentle rap on the door she hadn’t bothered to lock. “You can come in. I’m almost done.”
The door opened with a click and Sam stepped in, offering up a smile as his eyes met hers. She could tell there was a slight nervousness to his expression, at odds with how comfortably the bespoke dark suit he was wearing fit him.  
“Almost, huh?” he said, his tone playful.
“Wouldn’t want to forget my lipstick,” Sharon explained, reaching over to take her small silver clutch from his hand, “Thanks.”
“Yeah, you’d look terrible without it,” Sam teased, to which Sharon chuckled. 
Having reclaimed the missing item from her purse, Sharon turned back towards the mirror to apply the deep red shade to her lips. It reminded her of the colors her aunt had always been fond of wearing, perhaps even more so because, like her aunt once had, she was currently sporting brunette shoulder-length curls. Her dress, on the other hand - red, full-length, with a front slit and a mostly open back - was probably something Peggy would not have opted for unless she had also been undercover.  
“Just to be clear - you look amazing, Shar.” She glanced over her shoulder at the sound of Sam’s words, then directed a grin at him.
“So we’re not going with ‘baby’?” she asked. 
Sam’s brow furrowed. “Damn it.”
“It’s OK, you don’t have to worry. While you were out I put a bug killer in one of the lamps by the bed, so nobody’s listening in on us,” Sharon assured him as she turned around, “It’s good to get some practice, though.”
“I just thought ‘baby’ would be easier,” Sam explained, “I’m worried I’m going to forget to call you by your cover name.”
“‘Baby’ works great. I’ll go with it, too.” Sharon gave a nod to indicate she was ready to go, then emerged with Sam into the bedroom. “Look, I know this undercover stuff isn’t exactly your thing, but I promise you’re in safe hands,” she added, “Besides, it’s not like you have to put on a British accent or anything.”
“Thank God,” Sam noted, “I bet you can do a great British accent. You have family from there, right?”
“Yeah, that’s an easy one for me. My grandfather’s whole side of the family is British.”
“Did they teach you any fun British slang?”
“Plenty, but I’m pretty sure it’s all from the fifties so I’m totally out of date.” Sharon gave a small shrug of her shoulders. “You know my aunt used to call me ‘Shaz’ sometimes?”
“Shaz?” Sam echoed. His eyebrows raised as he shot an endearing glance at her, clearly entertained by the idea. “That’s amazing. Can I call you ‘Shaz’?”
“Absolutely not,” Sharon replied, though she kept her tone light.
“Noted. Although I make no promises after this mission is over and I’ve found the nearest place where I can get a daiquiri,” Sam noted, “You don’t have to join me, though.”
“Maybe I’d be OK with it under those circumstances,” Sharon conceded with a smile, “I do like ‘Shar’, though.”
Sam looked pleased with himself. He made his way over to the bed to pick up Sharon’s coat, which he offered to her. “Trust me, I’ve worked with you enough and heard enough to know I’m in the safest of hands,” he affirmed, “I just don’t want to get in your way. Do the photos look good?”
“Oh, yeah, they’re perfect. All you need to do is distract Parks and I know exactly where I need to go,” Sharon slipped her arms into the outstretched garment, shrugging it over her shoulders and gently tugging her hair out from underneath it. “Tell Redwing I said thanks.” 
“I will,” Sam replied after a small pause, “So we’re in, we talk to the party guests for a bit, you go download the files, and we’re out. Pretty straightforward apart from the fact that our ride isn’t coming until tomorrow morning.”
“So unlike Maria to not come pick up her friends after a party, but what can you do?” Sharon joked, “I think we’ll be OK to spend the night in our luxury log cabin.”
“I can always take the floor,” Sam said. 
“We can talk about that later. Let me give you your comm.” Sharon’s purse didn’t have room for much besides her lipstick and some cash, but the communication devices - one of which she handed to Sam - barely took up any space at all. “Is there anything else we need to go over?”
“I don’t think so. I’m glad we have these,” Sam admitted, then something seemed to occur to him, “Oh, I was going to ask you about ground rules. I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable, but I know we’re supposed to be married...I guess I don’t know how this usually works.”
“When we’re in the field pretending to be a couple we tend not to go overboard on public displays of affection unless the intention is to make someone else feel uncomfortable. Honestly, though, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I trust you.” Sharon exchanged a small smile with him, and was glad to see he looked a little relieved. 
“Alright, then, Mrs. Dixon. Let’s go.” Sam offered up his arm, which Sharon took as they made their way down the wooden staircase to the living room. “This is some really weird rich people shit, you know. What kind of person owns what looks like an English mansion in upstate New York and makes his friends hire out nearby log cabins with no cellphone service just to attend his party?”
Sharon laughed, partly because it sounded a lot like something Tony Stark might do. “I’m glad you got that off your chest,” she commented, “And you’re right. Unfortunately, tonight I think we’re going to have to deal with a lot of rich people shit.”
“Name?” The man at the entrance to the mansion was dressed as a butler and peering at Sam as if he was a curiosity, which gave Sharon a strong urge to kick him in the face with one of her high heels. 
“Dixon. Sean Dixon,” Sam told him with a confidence that meant Sharon didn’t have to force a smile. She gave his arm an affectionate squeeze, having kept her own wrapped around it for most of the drive over.
“Ah, yes, and you must be the lovely Cherie Dixon.” The butler pronounced her name with a perfect French accent, so Sharon naturally had to correct him.
“Oh, it’s ‘Sherry’, but believe me, if I could say it your way I would,” she declared. The giggle she gave along with her words was fake but well-practiced, unlike the smile the butler gave her in return which was simply fake.  
“If you would be so kind as to step into our testing area,” the butler instructed them. 
Sharon gave a small nod which Sam mirrored, and the two of them made their way inside. Out of the corner of her eye, Sharon noticed that their ride - a chauffeured limousine that had been provided by the owner of the mansion - was still waiting in the extended driveway. She wondered what instructions the chauffeur had been given should she and/or Sam turn out to be mutants.
They had both been briefed early on that the party had a strict policy against mutants attending. It wasn’t a particularly new development; there were many, particularly those in power, who didn’t like that mutants could often hide in plain sight unlike most of the Avengers. What wasn’t clear, however, was how such policies were being enforced, and that was one of the things she and Sam had been tasked with finding out.
“Please give me your left index finger.” Sharon had been ushered along with Sam through the first door on the left, where a line of men and women dressed as old-fashioned footmen and maids were holding anachronistic devices that were roughly the same shape as a large calculator. She glanced at Sam, who just barely raised his eyebrows, then turned to the woman who had addressed her. 
“Here you go,” she said, letting go of her companion’s arm to present her left hand to what she assumed was a lab technician-turned-maid. The woman clearly didn’t have much in the way of bedside manner, as she pricked Sharon’s finger with a needle without so much as a warning. She then instructed her to press the small drop of blood to a pad on the device she was holding, where a bright light shone behind Sharon’s finger before she received a reading. 
“NO X-GENE DETECTED,” the screen flashed. 
“Is that good?” Sharon asked, her eyes wide.
The woman who had tested her all but rolled her eyes. “Yeah. That’s good,” she said, then turning to Sam, “You’re up next.”
Sharon’s eyes darted around to the other would-be house staff while Sam was similarly tested for his lack of a mutant gene. The devices they were using were unfamiliar to her, and she could almost make out a logo on the back of them but not quite. For now, she just made a mental note to try to steal one of the devices before they left the mansion for the night. 
“NO X-GENE DETECTED,” the screen flashed again, and Sam was also cleared to go out the door and back into the foyer.
“I feel like she drew way more blood than she needed to,” Sharon remarked, shaking her head. The needle prick didn’t really bother her at all and she’d had far worse injuries in the field, but Sam had been very quiet so far and it was starting to unnerve her how differently he was acting compared to his usual self. She hoped that she might be able to help him relax by drawing him into a conversation. 
“Oh, yeah?” Sam’s response wasn’t very encouraging but he did offer her his hand, which she took. 
“Maybe she was just jealous,” Sharon mused playfully. Sam had taken her hand in both of his and gently turned it over. “What are you doing?”
“Just surveying the damage,” Sam said with a hint of a smile, “You think she was jealous of your ring?”
Sharon had managed to almost forget about the 2 carat, heart-shaped engagement ring and matching wedding ring on her left finger. Sam clearly hadn’t, though, and she was glad he seemed to be settling into his role. “I think she was jealous of my gorgeous husband,” she replied, “You do look very good in that suit, baby.”
“Well, you look good in pretty much everything, baby,” Sam replied. Something about the way he was looking at her took Sharon off guard, and she was surprised to feel the back of her neck grow hot. Sam was apparently a better actor than she had given him credit for.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice coming out quieter than she intended at first. She cleared her throat and then added: “You’ve always known how to compliment a girl.”
“Isn’t that why you married me?” Sam teased. He let go of her hand and offered his arm to her again. 
“One of many reasons,” Sharon replied with a grin. She accepted his offer and then nodded towards an open doorway that led into what appeared to be the living room. “Everyone seems to be heading in there and it looks like they have drinks, so I vote we go check my coat and then we follow,” she suggested. 
“Lead the way, Cherie.” Sam managed a pretty decent impersonation of the butler from earlier, and Sharon laughed.
“Shut up.”
“Sher-ee,” Sharon repeated, butchering the French guttural ‘R’ sound as if she hadn’t had plenty of practice speaking French in her line of work.
“Eh, close enough.” The woman seated in a small, cream-colored armchair across from Sharon and Sam shrugged her shoulders with a smile, tossing her shoulder-length blonde bob. Sharon didn’t know too much about her yet but she did know that her name was Marie, she seemed to speak better French than Sharon did even when she wasn’t pretending, and - most importantly - she was their ticket to the person they were looking for. She seemed younger than Sharon, maybe twenty at most, and eager to make conversation. Sharon had spotted her chatting with the host of the party earlier, and all they needed to do now was get her to lead them to him.
“Didn’t you tell me your name means ‘darling’?” Sam asked, glancing at Sharon. They were sitting on a powder blue couch, his arm resting gently around her shoulders. 
Sharon all but batted her eyelashes. “That’s what my mom always said.”
“Yes, she was correct,” Marie said enthusiastically, “From chérir, to cherish.”
“Like the Madonna song,” Sharon joked. Sam chuckled, but Marie’s blank expression suggested to Sharon she’d been right about the other woman’s age.
“Clearly your mother chose well,” Marie continued, “You make a wonderful couple.”
“Thank you. I feel like I can barely remember what life was like before Sean,” Sharon said, all smiles, “We’re a good team. He makes up for all the things I’m missing.”
“Come on, baby, there isn’t anything you’re missing,” Sam insisted. 
“It’s OK, I know I’m not the smartest cookie in the cookie jar,” Sharon retorted, “But you, on the other hand...I’m telling you, Marie, you’re looking at the world’s next Tony Stark.”
“My wife likes to brag about me,” Sam told Marie, “I also love to hear it, though, so it all works out.”
“So you are interested in technology?” Marie asked.
“I’m working on starting up my own tech company,” Sam explained, “Cherie’s father is an investor and I’m looking for a few more.”
“In that case, you should definitely talk to Arthur if you haven’t yet. I know he’s always looking for new collaborators,” Marie said, “You know the mutant detectors that scanned your blood when you first arrived?”
“So that’s what they were?” Sharon mused out loud.
“Wait, did Parks provide the lasers they use in those?” Sam piped up.
Marie grinned. “Yes. He and Trask are hoping they’ll be able to make them available to the mass market soon.”
“That’s impressive,” Sam said with a nod, “Do you work with him?”
“Oh, no.” Despite Marie’s reply, Sharon could tell she was flattered by the notion that she might be involved in Arthur Parks’s company. Nice going, Sam. “I’ve just known him since I was very young. Arthur’s wife, Lucy, knew my father and when I was growing up he wasn’t around very much...the Parks practically raised me.”
“Well, clearly you’ve picked up a lot from them. I’m around Sean all the time and I still don’t really understand his work,” Sharon said with a laugh.
“I actually had been hoping to get a chance to talk to Mr. Parks. I’ve never met him directly but from talking to friends of his I really think we’d have a lot to offer each other,” Sam affirmed.
“Then allow me to introduce you,” Marie offered, “Trust me, it would be my pleasure.” 
“Alright, Sam, I’m in the study. Clear your throat if our friend is suitably distracted.”
Sharon soon heard Sam’s subtle assurance over her comm, although she almost didn’t need it because she could also hear Arthur Parks droning on in the background. She felt relieved that she had only had to stand next to Sam and pretend to be interested in the man’s work for a relatively short time before, as she had expected him to, Parks had invited ‘Sean’ to join him and a couple of other men for a cigar. Sharon had then spent a few minutes in Marie’s company before excusing herself to use the powder room. Her companion had offered to go with her, but Sharon had managed to convince her that she needed some privacy when she implied that she might be taking a pregnancy test. 
“I’ll be as fast as I can and keep you updated. Sorry this has to be a one-way conversation,” Sharon told Sam. 
When she thought about it, there were quite a few things she felt as though she wanted to apologize to Sam for. This wasn’t supposed to be his mission in the first place, for one. The original plan had been for Steve to accompany her, until the discovery that more than a few guests at the party had ties to HYDRA had made it impossible for Steve to go incognito. Sam had the technical expertise to both help in the field and impress Parks, so he had been the natural choice. The world of espionage was far from Sam’s natural environment, though, and even though he’d been doing well so far, Sharon felt a sense of responsibility in making sure nothing happened to him. That feeling was coupled with a decent-sized amount of guilt that she would actually rather be on a mission with Sam than Steve at the moment. 
“I’ve got to admit I’m a little envious of you, Dixon. It sounds like your story’s just starting and you have a world of opportunities ahead of you. I remember when it felt that way for me.”
Sharon rolled her eyes as she took her lipstick out of her purse and popped a concealed flash drive out of the bottom of it. She had little to no sympathy for the plight of someone like Arthur Parks. 
“I do feel very lucky,” Sharon heard Sam’s voice say, “Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely had to hustle, but the hustle was worth it.”
“Hacking in now,” she informed Sam quietly, the flash drive now inserted into Parks’s personal laptop. 
“Mmmm, and I’m sure having a rich wife can’t have hurt. I wasn’t so lucky.”
Arthur Parks’s use of the word ‘wasn’t’ gave Sharon pause. They hadn’t been given any intel on his marriage having recently fallen apart, although it was a little odd that his wife Lucy didn’t seem to be in attendance at the party.
“A word of advice, Dixon, although it’s probably too late,” Parks continued unprompted, “Always sign a prenup.”
Sam gave what sounded like a slightly nervous laugh. “I don’t think I need to worry about my wife.” Sharon was about to tell him not to be afraid to throw his wife under the metaphorical bus if he needed to, but a third person with an English accent spoke up before she had a chance. 
“I think this one’s a lost cause, Arthur.” Sharon had heard the man introduce himself as Jonathan Wilson a little bit earlier. “You and your wife seem very much in love.”
“I really think it’d be hard not to fall in love with Cher,” Sam declared. Sharon noticed his ‘Cher’ sounded a little close to ‘Shar’, but hopefully nobody else would pick up on it. “I mean, you’ve all seen how beautiful she is but on top of that she’s so...brave, and talented, and just so competent…”
Sharon couldn’t help the smile that crossed her features for a moment, even if it quickly vanished as she realized she was listening to a bout of silence. Either something had gone wrong with the comms or Sam had paused awkwardly mid-sentence and although the latter was preferable, it still wasn’t ideal. 
“...at making me happy, you know what I’m saying?” Sharon heard a few ripples of laughter following Sam’s joke, and she breathed an inaudible sigh of relief. 
“Nice recovery,” she told him, “Alright, I’m in. Just keep doing your thing, but maybe don’t lean into the doting husband role too much. I don’t see so much as a picture of Athur’s wife in his study and it sounds like things got ugly.”
The conversation took more of a business slant again and Sharon was able to relax ever so slightly, continuing to listen while she went through the files on Arthur Parks’s laptop. She had always found it a little ironic that the objective of any given mission, like this, tended to be the easiest part. Getting in and getting out were usually the parts that you had to worry about. 
“Looks like the intel we got was solid. Parks is definitely trying to build himself some kind of team, but I think SHIELD will have to dig deeper to find out what for,” Sharon informed Sam, “I’m copying the list of contacts and his correspondence. Lots of familiar names here, several associated with HYDRA...and Georges Batroc. Interesting.”
“Anyway, I’m sure you’re tired of listening to me by now. Maybe I can get my laptop and show you some photos of all the places Parks lasers have been used. Who knows, I might even give you some ideas about where they haven’t.”
Sharon stiffened as she glanced at the progress bar in the corner of the computer screen. “I’m not done,” she said after hearing Arthur Parks’s words, “Sam, can you stall him?”
“I...think I already have some ideas, actually,” Sharon heard Sam say, “Marie mentioned you were interested in music, and I…”
“Marie thinks she knows a lot more than she actually does,” Parks interrupted, “My wife is the music lover. Not that her taste in music is any good.”
“Marie’s just a kid,” Sam noted softly, “They always think they know a lot.”
“Not that much of a kid.” Arthur Parks’s voice was quieter than before and Sharon was having a hard time hearing him. “It’d be nice if she acted like more of an adult every once in a while.”
“Almost there,” Sharon said to Sam. Her fingers were hovering over the flash drive, ready to retrieve it the moment it was finished copying the files. “Just keep him talking.”
“Well, she has nothing but nice things to say about you and your wife, so it seems like you taught her something,” Sam said, managing to keep his tone jovial, “She said you practically raised her?”
“You seem to be very interested in Marie,” Parks commented. Sharon thought she might have heard the sound of a clinking glass. “Wilson?”
“Yeah?” Sam answered at the exact same time as another voice that Sharon presumed belonged to Jonathan Wilson did. 
Shit. Sharon watched the progress bar creep towards the end far too slowly for her taste as Arthur Parks offered Jonathan Wilson a drink. 
“Sorry. I thought you said Dixon,” Sam said sheepishly.  
“Well, I was also going to ask you a different question,” Parks said, “You a Scotch drinker?”
 “Sometimes,” Sam answered. 
“Sometimes,” Parks echoed with a chuckle, “Where are you from again?”
“New York,” Sam replied, “City. The City. Harlem.” He clearly remembered his cover story but seemed to be having trouble keeping his nerves under control. 
“Right, right.”
“Got it,” Sharon declared, “I’m going to close up here and I’ll come knock on the door looking for you.”
“There’s something about your accent, though…” she heard Parks muse while she stowed the flash drive away back in her lipstick tube, “Sometimes it sounds a little off to me.”
“I can’t pick up on anything...but then, I don’t suppose I’d be able to,” Jonathan Wilson commented with a chortle.  
Sharon stood up after closing Parks’s laptop, making sure it looked just as it did when she had first found it. She felt as though she could practically hear Sam’s heart beating faster, or perhaps it was just her own. “Hey, don’t be afraid to change your backstory a little if you need to,” she encouraged him, “The easiest lies to tell are the ones with a bit of truth.”
“How did you know?” Sam said, feigning being impressed, “My dad is from Louisiana. I don’t even notice it most of the time but Cher tells me sometimes the occasional word slips out.”
Sharon smiled to herself. The door to the study was closed behind her and from there it was only a quick trip across the hallway to where she needed to be. Granted, it was quite a large hallway. 
“I knew it,” Parks declared, “I’ve been to Louisiana a couple of times. New Orleans is a great…” 
Sharon knocked loudly at the door. When Arthur Parks pulled it open, he was greeted with the sight of her with her hair slightly dishevelled and grinning from ear to ear. 
“Can I help you, Mrs. Dixon?” he asked. 
“I just thought I’d stop by to rescue my husband,” Sharon answered.
It was getting in and getting out that you had to worry about. Getting to the party had required a lot of planning, from SHIELD providing Sharon and Sam with aliases and a mission briefing to their conversations on the flight to New York. During that time they had also planned how they’d be getting out, but that plan hinged on everyone perceiving them as nothing more than party guests. To that end, what they couldn’t do was leave the party at the nearest opportunity. Rather than make more small talk, Sharon had suggested they head to the ballroom and she didn’t think she’d ever seen Sam look more relieved. 
“So do you think I thoroughly destroyed your chances at entering into a business deal with Arthur Parks?” Sharon wondered playfully. She had to lean in close to him to be heard over the music, but that was easy to do when they were dancing.  
“Oh, I think those chances are pretty much roadkill by now,” Sam replied, making her chuckle, “That’s alright. I think if I’d had to listen to him for another half hour I’d have lost my mind.”
“I wouldn’t blame you. It’s his loss, at any rate.”
“Sure is. For a successful businessman, he seems pretty good at losing things.” Sam lifted his arm and gently twirled her around while she barely hid a grin. 
“You can spin me more than that,” she said, “I used to be a figure skater, you know.”
“Wait, really?” Sam closed the small distance between them as the song changed to one with a slower tempo, his hands coming to her waist. 
“Oh, yeah. My mom taught me to ice skate when I was a kid,” Sharon explained, “Have you ever tried it?”
“No, I haven’t, but I always thought it looked fun,” Sam replied, “I guess it’s probably a bit like flying.”
 “Well, I’ve never flown, but to me it feels a lot like flying.” Sharon let her arms rest around Sam’s shoulders almost without thinking about it. “I’m a little out of practice, but I still go sometimes. I’ll take you - maybe before rather than after we go to a bar for that daiquiri.”
Sam seemed to like that idea if his grin was any indication. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” He glanced over his shoulder momentarily and then leant in so that he could lower his voice even more, speaking softly  close to her ear. “You just need to go on a few more ops with me if you ever want to try flying.”
Sharon was surprised not by Sam’s gesture but her own reaction to it. She’d seen him harmlessly flirt with other people before, especially Natasha, and she enjoyed flirting herself when the occasion called for it. The unusual part was feeling her neck grow hot and letting her gaze linger on his lips when he pulled back. “I’d like that,” she admitted, “You’re a good partner.” 
Sam smiled again.
Sharon swiftly decided that she should keep talking, mostly because she wasn’t sure what she’d do if she didn’t. “Hopefully next time you’ll get to have a little more fun,” she told him.  
“Hey, I’m having fun,” Sam insisted, to which Sharon raised her eyebrows. “I am now, at least.” Sharon laughed. “I do wish the music was a little better.”
“Mmm, some Marvin Gaye, maybe?” Sharon suggested.
“For starters,” Sam replied, a hint of suspicion in his smile. 
“You know who probably would’ve picked better music?” Sharon said. She was struggling to keep a straight face before the punchline of her own joke, which she decided to attribute to a combination of both the high and relief from having completed a large part of their mission. “Arthur Parks’s wife,” she just about managed to get out before she burst into laughter, hiding her face in Sam’s shoulder. She heard him laughing as well, which only made it more difficult for her to compose herself, but at least she figured the other party guests wouldn’t think much of it. 
“You’re a great partner,” Sam declared, then adding, “We’re good to stay here for the rest of the party, right?”
Sharon nodded, pressing her lips together to suppress any remnants of her giggles. “I did just tell you that I’m pregnant, after all.” Sam’s eyes widened almost comically for a moment before he seemed to remember the excuse Sharon had used to get rid of Marie. 
“Of course,” Sam joined in, “We can name the kid Laser.”
Sharon had to cover her mouth with one of her hands to muffle a guffaw. 
“Hey, Shar? Can we talk?”
Somehow, Sharon had a feeling Sam didn’t want to talk about the mission, which had gone remarkably smoothly, all things considered. The intel they needed was stored on the flash drive in Sharon’s purse, which was sitting on the nightstand next to something else they had also managed to bring back. Just before they left the mansion, they had returned to the testing room with an excuse about Sharon having misplaced her wedding ring. While Sam distracted the woman who had tested Sharon earlier, Sharon had managed to grab one of the mutant detectors and the staff seemed none the wiser. The only real concern now was the fact that they had to spend the rest of the night in their cabin, which meant if Arthur Parks or anyone else did suspect them, they would know where to find them. Sam was aware of all of that, though, and she would be very surprised if he wanted to go over what to do if they caught a glimpse of someone staring at them through the window. 
“Sure,” she replied, her eyes still on the ceiling. She let out a small exhale before she rolled over onto her side to face Sam, barely able to make out his expression in the darkness. “Is everything OK?”
“Yeah. I just...I’m not even sure I should be saying anything, but...y’know, aside from almost forgetting New York was both a state and a city and being called ‘entertaining’ by some weird British folks, I actually had a really good time tonight.”
 Sharon couldn’t help a small smile. “I kind of meant it when I told Marie we made a good team.”
“Did you mean it when you said we should go ice skating and then for drinks?” That question caught Sharon off guard, particularly in how hopeful Sam sounded when he said it. “It’s OK if you didn’t,” he added quickly, before she had a chance to respond, “We’ve known each other for a while, but we’ve never…” Sam paused. “Tonight, when we were dancing, I just felt like…”
“I felt it, too,” Sharon said quietly. 
“OK.” She was starting to be able to see his face better as her eyes continued to adjust to the light, and she realized a smile was slowly spreading across it. “OK,” he repeated with a nod, “I’m kind of getting the feeling there’s a ‘but’ coming, though.”
“There’s a ‘but’,” Sharon admitted. His delight at the notion that they both felt similarly was already making her reconsider what she was about to say, but she wanted to be honest with him. “I’m not ready, Sam.”
“Ah. There it is,” Sam said. His grin vanished, as she expected, and he gave a small nod. “I understand. You did break up with Captain America. That had to have been pretty crazy.”
“Or, as my extended family likes to tell me, I’m the crazy one.” Sharon flashed a humorless smile. “I don’t...I’m not in love with Steve anymore, but that breakup wasn’t easy. It wasn’t even anyone’s fault, really, it was just...well, I’m sure the last thing you want to hear is gossip about your best friend.”
“I did just kind of admit to having a crush on my best friend’s ex-girlfriend, though,” Sam noted.
“I guess you did.” Sharon’s smile was genuine this time. “God, I wish we’d figured this out sooner.”
“I’ll take some of the blame for that. I was too busy staring at redheads.”
“And I was too busy thinking if I stuck around long enough Steve might fall in love with me.”
“Shar…” Sam’s voice was soft, and Sharon suddenly felt like she might have said too much. 
“If you were just a hot stranger this would be a whole lot easier,” she joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment, I think,” Sam teased back, “It’s OK, Sharon. Sometimes the timing just isn’t right.”
“I just meant that if it was someone I didn’t really care about, maybe I’d go on a date or two and it wouldn’t end well but it wouldn’t be a big deal. If it was you, though...I wouldn’t want to mess it up.”
“If it was you, I wouldn’t want to mess it up, either.” Sharon’s breath caught in her throat. “Can I...can I ask you a favor, though? If you do feel like you’re ready someday, and assuming you haven’t met anyone even hotter, can you let me know?”
“What if you’re dating Natasha Romanoff by then?” Sharon asked, not entirely unseriously. 
“In that case I would like everyone to please give us as much privacy as possible,” Sam replied with a smirk. 
“Wow, OK. She’s really your type?”
“Are you jealous, Shaz?”
Sharon couldn’t help but laugh. “Maybe a little. Is that OK?”
“Yeah. That’s OK.” Sam’s eyes had what could only be described as a twinkle in them. “You still haven’t answered me.”
“You’ll be the first to know.”
17 notes · View notes
winterrose527 · 3 years
and ok hmm on her morning run Ella finds that a dog (ahem matchmaker greywind) has followed her home
omg of course this has to be the first one I wrote! also I am sorry because this turned out longer than expected?
It had started as she’d taken the exit at the reservoir. That feeling of being followed. She had just kept running, because she had a far better chance of outrunning someone than she did fighting them off. She didn’t bother looking back, not wanting to risk stumbling, and she extended her legs further.
Usually she ran so that she didn’t have to feel guilty for eating ice cream every so often, or to clear her head, but her legs reminded her that they were good for this, too. Getting away.
It was foolish to run this early in the morning in the park. Even though there were all those op-eds about how it had been so gentrified with outdoor yoga classes and early morning kids play groups, she’d grown up knowing that you never went into the park at night. And a self-defense class she’d taken in college had told her that most assaults actually happened in the early morning.
So she was an idiot for doing it, but it had been such a beautiful morning and she’d woken with so much energy that she hadn’t been able to stop her feet from bringing her towards the green lushness. By nine o’clock it would have been too hot to run, so she’d set out at six.
She felt better as she exited the park. Shops were opening up, people were out walking their dogs. She could still feel it though, that sensation of being followed.
She turned her head quickly but didn’t see anyone so she kept running, turning right off of 5th avenue and heading east.
It was still there though. She reached into her armband and pulled out her keys, sticking them between her knuckles.
As the dark green awning of her apartment building came into view, Sid standing outside, she got the nerve and stopped running and turned around.
“Hey!” she shouted.
An old man across the street didn’t even look at her. It would take more than that to shock a long term New York City resident. Even if there was no one standing there for her to yell at.
Except, that wasn’t exactly true.
“Hey,” she said more softly, bending down.
A big grey dog, some sort of Husky mix maybe, approached her, his amber eyes looking into hers. She held her hand out and he sniffed it before his eyes closed and he rubbed his face against it.
“Hey,” she all but cooed now, crouching down and drawing him towards her, stroking his soft fur and ears, “Are you my stalker?” He made some sort of grunt in response and she felt around his neck for his tags. It was a grey tag darker than his fur and on one side it said Grey Wind. “Hello Grey Wind, I’m Myrcella.”
She turned the tag around and saw an address and a telephone number.
Grey Wind wasn’t wearing a leash and though he’d followed her long enough that she didn’t imagine he’d run away from her, she didn’t want to risk losing him either.
“Alright, come on you, let’s get inside and call your human,” she suggested.
As though that made very good sense he let her lead him by the collar towards her apartment building.
“They must be so worried about you,” she told him, unsure of why she was talking so much to this dog.
“New friend?” Sid greeted her.
“He followed me home,” she explained, “I’m just going to bring him upstairs while I call his owner.”
She had never looked into what her buildings rule was about pets, though she imagined that if there was a weight capacity Grey Wind far exceeded it.
“I saw nothing,” Sid smiled at her.
She smiled back, “Thanks Sid. Come on Grey Wind.”
Grey Wind looked at Sid who held open the door for him and then looked at her so she went inside and he followed. They went over to the elevator and she pressed the button for the eighth floor, grateful that no one else got in with them.
She led him to her apartment and brought him into the kitchen and filled a bowl of water and put it on the floor for him.
Once he’d had some to drink she looked at his tag again and dialed the number.
“Hello?” someone answered on the first ring.
“Hi, you don’t know me, but I’m Myrcella Baratheon and I think I have your dog?” she offered stupidly.
“Oh thank god,” the man said, “He just took off like nothing I’ve ever seen before, I’ve been all over the neighborhood. Is he alright?”
Myrcella glanced at Grey Wind who had rolled over onto his side and lifted his front paw to give her access to his belly.
“Um,” she couldn’t help but laugh, “Don’t be offended but he doesn’t seem as shaken up as you are.”
The man chuckled, “Of course not. I can come get him, where are you?”
In addition to being warned from going into the park at night, she’d also understood from a young age that you never gave your address to a stranger. There was something about Grey Wind’s amber eyes though and the concern in this guy’s voice that made it seem somehow less stupid.
“168 East 94th Street,” she said, “Just call this number when you get here and I’ll bring him down.”
“That’s funny,” he said, “I’m 168 West 94th Street.”
“Only in New York…,” she said that phrase that encompassed everything from a random party taking place at a taco truck or someone peeing right next to you as you ate outside at a five star restaurant.
“I’ll be right over,” he told her, “And I’m Robb Stark, by the way, and… thank you.”
“See you soon,” she said.
She hung up and poured herself a glass of water, sipping it as she sat on the floor with Grey Wind. He laid his head in her lap and let her scratch behind his ears.
“I should have kept you a little longer,” she told him and then thought about the panic in Robb’s voice, “But then your Daddy might have really lost it. What were you doing, running away from him?”
Grey Wind looked up at her, almost like he was trying to tell her something and though she didn’t know what it was, she scratched underneath his chin.
In what had to be record time, her phone buzzed.
“Hi, Robb, are you here? I’ll be right down,” she said.
“Um, actually, your doorman sent me up,” he told her, “But uh, I totally get it if that’s weird, I mean I’ve basically warned my sisters never to open their doors to a strange man and actually maybe your doorman shouldn’t be doing this job but uhmm… I am outside your apartment.”
There was no way that Sid had let him up, it had to have been one of the other guys. Sid didn’t even let her grandfather up without her express permission.
“Oh, that’s um.. okay I’ll be right there,” she said.
She hung up and got off of her floor and Grey Wind followed her. Stangely, even though he was Robb’s dog and therefore his loyalty would be to him, she felt better about opening the door with him at her side.
When she did, her first thought stupidly, was that she wished that she’d showered. Her second thought was that whichever doorman had let him up was getting a huge Christmas bonus.
She took advantage of his attention being on his dog and checked her appearance in the mirror above the little table in her foyer. She brushed a few strands of hair off of her forehead and was glad that she’d chosen her light blue exercise shorts and matching tank top for her run.
“What were you thinking, buddy?” Robb asked as Grey Wind threaded through his legs, his tail smacking against the doorframe he was so excited to see him. Robb finally looked at her and then something passed over his gorgeous blue eyes and he nodded down at Grey Wind, “Okay, I get it now.”
“Hi,” she greeted him.
“Hi,” he smiled at her. “I’m so sorry about all of this.”
“That’s alright,” she waved him off, “He’s a sweetie pie.”
“I’m glad he was a good boy,” Robb said and then held out his hand, “I’m Robb Stark, which you knew already.”
“Myrcella Baratheon,” she shook his large one, feeling her fingertips tingling.
He looked down at where their hands met and released hers, his fingers trailing over her palm as he did.
“Um, so, since you already gave him a run, I have a bit of time before work,” Robb joked and she smiled. His eyes wandered over her face and he gestured behind him, “Can I buy you a coffee… as a thank you?”
“Oh I’m sort of a mess,” she demurred.
His eyes looked over her, “This is you as a mess?”
She blushed, “Not a stage five or anything,” he smiled and she felt something in her stomach, “But I can make us coffee here… if you want to come in.”
“Yeah?” he asked hopefully.
She nodded, “You’re not like a murderer or anything are you?”
“I am not a murderer,” he agreed, “But I’m a little torn here.”
“Oh…” she nodded.
He shook his head, “No, no it’s just that one part of my brain is like this gorgeous girl just offered you coffee, you take it. If she offers you horse manure, you take it. And then the other part of me, the part that has two younger sisters is wanting me to tell you not to invite me in.”
She nodded, “It’s the second one,” his eyebrows raised, “The second voice in your head? He’s the one I’m inviting in.”
He grinned, “Well, both of them would be delighted.”
“Come on in,” she said, opening her door wider to accommodate his broad shoulders, “Grey Wind can lead the way.”
His dog did just that and she followed them into her kitchen, which gave her a great view of Robb’s butt in his shorts and his muscular back in his t-shirt.
“This is a great place,” he told her.
“Thank you,” she smiled, “I’ve lived in the city my whole life but I’ve been here about a year, have you been in the city long?”
“Just about six months,” he answered.
She went over to her counter and nodded, “That makes sense.” He looked at her questioningly and she explained, “You’re still nice.”
“What’s your excuse?” he asked.
She shrugged, “Haven’t figured it out yet.” Then she gestured to her counter, “So I can make us French Press or if you prefer a cappuccino or latte…”
“I’d like to say I’m easy, but I’d really love a cappuccino if it’s not too much trouble,” he admitted.
“It’s no trouble at all, please sit,” she suggested and went about making their coffees.
She made his cappuccino first and then made herself a vanilla latte and brought them over to the table and handed him his.
They heard sirens go by as they sipped their coffee, but it was New York City so neither them nor Grey Wind thought much of it.
She learned that he was from Vermont, the oldest of five. That his sister Sansa was working at a fancy boutique in Soho and that he worked as a VC, but focused on giving opportunities to entrepreneurs from more marginalized groups.
She told him that she’d been raised a couple blocks west and fifteen blocks south, that her bedroom growing up had a view of the Met and that when she was six she’d decided she was going to run away there and live in one of the historical rooms. She told him that she had two brothers but that neither of them lived in the city anymore and that she worked for a publishing house and had just taken on her own authors for the first time.
When he finished his cappuccino she offered him another which he accepted but didn’t drink.
“I try not to drink more than one cup in a morning,” he told her when he noticed her looking.
“Oh,” she said, “Then…”
“I wasn’t ready to go,” he admitted.
She felt a blush rise on her cheeks but found the gumption to ask, “Will you think I’m terribly forward if I told you that you don’t need to make up an excuse to be here?”
“No,” he said, “But it’ll make it a lot easier to ask you to have dinner with me tonight.”
“Robb,” she smiled, “You don’t need to make up an excuse to be here.”
“Myrcella,” he grinned, “Will you have dinner with me tonight?”
She was about to answer when both of their phones flashed. They both picked them up off the table and she saw that it was just a Neighborhood Watch notification.
Robb was reading his and she saw the color drain from his face, so she looked down.
Attack in Central Park at 6:45 AM, victim is female, age 26 and has been taken to the hospital to address her injuries.
“Were you…” he started.
“Yeah…” she agreed.
They both looked down at Grey Wind who was sprawled underneath the table, touching each of their feet.
“Maybe somewhere outside?” she asked, “That allows dogs.”
Robb nodded, “I know a place. We’ll come pick you up at 7.”
She smiled, trying to get her heart rate to return to normal, and said, “I have lived in this city my whole life. I don’t need an escort, I just won’t run in the park in the morning anymore.”
He looked at her like he wanted to say something, and then his blue eyes softened, “Just looking for an excuse to get more time with you.”
And just like that, her heart steadied.
“You don’t need an excuse.”
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louezem · 4 years
Saying Yes - Brothers
Summary:  Katniss and Peeta had a bitter break up years ago and went their separate ways. Katniss knows nothing of Peeta's life now, until a stunning blonde walks into the exclusive bridal salon were she works, to buy her a dress for her wedding - to Peeta Mellark.
Written for @promptsinpanem
Part 5 - Brothers
Eight Weeks Later...
Part 5 - Brothers 
Eight weeks later:
“Good evening, Mr Mellark, it’s nice to see you,” the doorman welcomed him with a tip of his head.
“Good evening,” Peeta returned the welcome. “I’m here to meet my brother for dinner but I need to go upstairs first. When he arrives can you send him to The Arena?  I’ll meet him at the bar.”
“Of course, Mr Mellark, I’ll let him know.”
Peeta strode through the hotel lobby, acknowledging staff members and guests alike with a nod or a smile before using his keycard to access a small private elevator that rose directly to the penthouse he’d shared with Glimmer.
It felt a little weird being back in this space.  He’d moved out of the hotel and into a very nice apartment a short distance away a couple of weeks earlier.  The views weren’t as spectacular and there was no room service or overnight dry cleaning at his new place, but he was enjoying having a space that was just his more than he’d expected.  He liked displaying his own art on the walls of his home and cooking in his own kitchen again.
He opened the sliding doors to the patio and stepped outside, glad that none of the Glimmer’s personal staff were around to observe him as he said a last goodbye to the place that he’d called home for quite a while.  He walked to the infinity balcony and leaned over admiring the view over the city and listening to the faint sounds of the crowds and the traffic far below.  He could feel the autumn chill in the air, the days getting noticeably shorter.  It was almost sunset, so he decided to stay and watch from this vantage point one last time.
The media attention had been pretty brutal in the weeks immediately following his and Glimmer’s break up, usually casting him in the role of a gold-digging gigolo who’d used Glimmer to further his career in her Grandfather’s chain of hotels and then broke her heart.   They didn’t let up until a couple of photos of Glimmer and her entourage of girlfriends started showing up on online as they partied their way across Europe.  When a photo of Glimmer dancing closely with the sovereign prince of some small European principality showed up on twitter the interest in Peeta finally began to fade.  He smiled to himself, knowing Glimmer most likely leaked the photo herself to draw the attention off him, if the winking emoji she’d text him around the same time was anything to go by.  But she’d never admit it to anyone else.
In the bedroom he gathered the last few personal documents and books he’d forgotten into a box and dropped his keycard in the drawer of the bedside table, switching off the lights on his way out.      
He felt sad that this chapter of his life was over but not heart-broken like he thought he was supposed to be.  He should be on his honeymoon in Europe right now, for god’s sake, but instead he was single again.  He kept waiting for some stronger emotion to hit him but the simple truth was, he was okay.  If anything, he was a little excited about the future and the new opportunities that were already presenting themselves.  It wasn’t like back when…
An image of a pretty dark-haired girl with tears running down her face came into his mind, immediately morphing into a more recent memory of a gorgeous woman with flashing silver eyes climbing into a taxi and driving away…
He shut down that train of thought quickly.   Dr Aurelius had said no good would come from letting his mind wander down those paths.  In the weeks since he’d bumped into her again, Katniss had made a reappearance in his dreams, costing him more than one night of sleep lost to restless tossing and turning.  So much so that he’d started painting in the small hours of the morning again.
He dropped his box of things off in his office downstairs and headed to the bar where he immediately spotted a head of blond wavy hair almost identical to his own.  
“Hey Rye,” he greeted his brother and slipped onto the barstool beside him, letting his eye run over the room.  Like everything in the hotel the restaurant exuded sheer luxury - from the long polished mahogany bar to the more private dining areas with deep seats upholstered in sumptuous dark blue velvet and tables set with the finest sterling silver cutlery and cut crystal glassware.  The only thing he didn’t personally care for were the large displays of snow white roses, but they were something of a trademark for the owner, Coriolanus Snow who insisted on them in all his hotels.
“Peeta.” Rye welcomed him with a pat to his shoulder and raised his finger to catch the attention of the bartender. “What are you drinking?”
“My usual please, Finch,” Peeta smiled at the bartender who came to serve him, a slender natural red-head with fox like features and pale eyes, “and whatever my brother wants.”
“A double on the rocks, and put it on his tab.” Rye winked and raised his glass.
Peeta chuckled and Finch gave them a closed lipped smile before scurrying off to get their drinks.
“This is some place,” Rye commented.  “It’s a far cry from the spit and sawdust of Abernathy’s bar, back home.”
“It is,” Peeta chuckled.  “Is the old man even still alive?”
“Sure is, and as surly as ever.  But enough of small town news, tell me how’ve you been,” Rye looked him up and down.  “We haven’t talked much in the last few weeks.  You don’t look too bad, all things considered.”
“Thanks, I’m doing okay,” Peeta lifted his drink and clinked it off his brother’s glass. “I’ve been busy with events here in the hotel and moving to my own place.  Next time you’re in town we should meet up my new apartment instead of the hotel.  I’ll cook you a steak.”
“It’s a deal,” Rye agreed. “I’ll bring the beer.  None of your fancy wines, thank you very much. You got a big TV?”
“I’ve got a regular TV and sports on cable,” Peeta laughed. “I prefer to use my walls for my paintings, not a huge flatscreen.”
“You can spare at least one wall for a decent 60 inch. The one in the suite we stayed in upstairs before the wedding was awesome.  We did you move out anyway, I thought you could live at the hotel for free as a perk of your job?”
“There is a private suite that comes with the package but with Glimmer due back in town soon I thought it was best to find my own place.   Better to keep a little healthy distance between us until things settle.” 
“Probably wise.” Rye agreed.  “Have you talked to her at all?” 
“Sure, a couple of times.  Honestly, we’re fine with each other.  I mean, yeah, it feels strange being a single guy again.  I miss her company and I miss sleeping beside someone at night.” He let out a small chuckle. “I even miss Caesar, but all things considered we’re good.”
“I’m glad you feel that way. Glimmer is a great girl,” Rye sipped his whiskey, a thoughtful look on his face.  “Stupid dog, though.  Give me a mutt over a pampered pooch any day of the week.”
“Hey Caesar is great.  He might be small and fluffy but he has the heart of a great dane,” Peeta chuckled.  “The little dogs always do.  Besides—” Peeta stopped. 
“Besides what?”
“I think Glimmer may have done the right thing by calling the wedding off.” Peeta confessed. He cleared his throat. It was the first time he’d admitted as much out loud to anyone.  “Moving out will make everything less awkward in the long run, when she starts to see someone new.  I don’t think she’ll be single for long.” 
“Does it bother you?  The thought of Glimmer with another guy?”  Rye was watching him.
Peeta knew if he tried to lie, his brother would see right through it.  No one knew him the way Rye did.  He considered his response carefully, as he’d asked himself the same question a million times.
“No.” He answered truthfully.  It was the first time he’d fully admitted it, even to himself, and with it came a sense of relief.  “It really doesn’t bother me and that’s that thing.  It should, shouldn’t it?  I mean, I should be turning green with jealousy at thought of Glimmer with someone else, but I’m not.  All I want is for her to be happy.”
“Hmm.  What about you? Have you had any thoughts about moving on yourself?”  Rye raised an eyebrow. 
Peeta shook his head.  “No.  Relationships are the last thing I’m thinking about right now, and maybe not for a long time.”
“Who said anything about relationships? You have needs. You’re a young reasonably good looking guy—”
“Gee, thanks!” Peeta laughed at the back handed compliment.
“—all I’m saying is the ladies love a guy like you, and there is nothing wrong with a little healthy no strings attached fun.  Or a lot of healthy no strings fun if you prefer.  How about Finch over there?  She a bit of a fox and she keeps looking at you like she sees something delicious she’d like to eat.”
“Delicious but toxic,” Peeta snorted, shaking his head.  “I don’t do casual hook-ups but if I did I’d never choose someone at work.  It would be unprofessional.”
“But dating the granddaughter of your employer wasn’t?”  Rye laughed out loud.
“That was different, I was working someplace else when I met Glimmer.”
“Okay fair point,” Rye conceded, tipping his head.  “But tell me why you just described yourself as toxic?  Don’t tell me you bought into all that bullshit the media accused you of.”
“No, but look how my last two relationships ended.  The love of my life cheated on me and broke my heart, then my next serious girlfriend dumped me on our wedding day.  Even if—"
“Wait.”  Slowly Rye rested his drink on the bar and turned to face his brother, all former joviality had left his face. “Peeta, do you still believe Katniss Everdeen is the love of your life?”
“That’s an odd question to ask,” Peeta frowned.
“Humour me.”
“Fine then, the answer is yes,” he gave a slight nod of his head. “Yes, I believe Katniss is the great love of my life.  Hopefully not the last love. But the great one.  I loved Glimmer but it wasn’t the same.   I don’t think I could ever love anyone again the way I loved Katniss.”
Rye let out a deep sigh and ran a shaking hand though his hair.  “I was afraid you were going to say that.”
Peeta’s frown deepened. “Rye, what’s wrong?  You’re acting weird.”
“Peeta, there is something I need to talk to you about.  It’s been playing on my mind for some time, since long before the wedding was cancelled, if I’m honest.”
“Okay.  This sounds ominous.  It’s nothing to do with your health is it?  Or Graham, or Mom? The business back home is doing okay? Because you know I can help with that if you need—”
“No, no – calm down, the business if fine, Mom and Graham are fine, or at least they were, last time I spoke to them.  By the way, Mom said to tell you how foolish you were for letting a prize like Glimmer slip through your fingers.”
Peeta rolled his eyes. He could care less what his mother thought of him or his life, not when she couldn't even bothered to come to his wedding.
“Stop deflecting Rye.  This isn’t the first time you’ve hinted you had something on your mind and you’re not usually the type to hold back, so whatever it is, spit it out.”
“I worried if I do you’ll punch me in the face.”
“Rye, so help me—”
“Look, let’s move over to a table.” Rye threw back what was left in his glass and nodded to the bartender for another.  “We might need a little more privacy for this conversation.”
Once the brothers were resettled in a quiet corner with fresh drinks in front of them Peeta sat back and waited.
“It’s about Katniss.” Rye began nervously.
“What about her?” Peeta frowned.
“It’s about what happened between her and Gale Hawthorne the night of Madge’s party.”
Peeta looked at him, his frown deepening.  That was not what he’d been expecting to come out of Rye’s mouth.
“I already know what happened Rye.  I don’t need to hear the sordid tale of how you caught my girlfriend making out with another guy again.”  His tone was dismissive.
“Peeta, did you ever wonder why Katniss gave up trying to contact you after you broke up with her?” Rye’s voice shook a little as he spoke. He was nervous.
Peeta met his brother’s worried gaze with a now stony one of his own.  “I reckoned she figured out it was pointless to keep trying.  You caught her red handed and she knew that I’d never forgive her. Cheating is a deal breaker for me.  She knew that.”
“Okay, that’s reasonable.  But did you ever stop and ask yourself why you didn’t see her around at school later on, when she had a full ride to go to Panem U?”
“Yeah, she had, for tuition.” Peeta nodded. “We’d planned to live in the dorms for freshman year, and if we could find roommates we liked to share expenses with us, we’d rent a place and live together off campus after that. For the first month or so after school started I did look out for her.  Fuck, every time I saw a girl with olive skin and dark hair I hoped it was Katniss.” Peeta grabbed the whiskey bottle Finch had left on the table, and tossed back a shot.  “But after a while I figured out she must have gone somewhere else.  I guess she decided she didn’t want to see me either.”   
Rye locked eyes with him. “Before I tell you this, I need you to know that I’m really sorry. I want you to keep that in your head and remember it when I’m finished.”
“Sorry for what?”  Peeta eyed him warily.  “You’re starting to freak me out now, Rye.”
“I fucked up and got it all wrong, Peeta.  Katniss didn’t cheat on you with Gale the night of Madge’s party.  Or any other night.”
Peeta sat deathly still, his face impassive, as he stared at his older brother. The only reaction he showed to the grenade his brother had just launched at him was the darkening of his eyes from blue to black.
“What the fuck are you saying to me, Rye?  You’d better explain what you just said.  Fast,” he growled.
“Okay hear me out.  I need to start at the beginning.” Rye put up a placating hand.  “You remember that I had a massive thing for Madge Undersee, right?  I even thought I might be in love with her, but she only had eyes for Gale Hawthorne.” 
“Sure, I remember.  You always had a thing for blondes.”
“Still do.” Rye laughed dryly, but with no humour.  “I ended up crashing Madge’s party that night with a couple of the guys I used to wrestle with back in High School.  Cato and Marvel.  It was already late when we got there and Katniss was there hanging out with Madge and Gale. They’d all had a few drinks and looked pretty comfortable with each other.  Katniss and Madge were dancing and Gale was watching them both.  I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Katniss and Gale were friends since they were kids,” Peeta interrupted. “Madge was her best friend in High School.  Off course they were friendly. The only reason I wasn’t at the party too was because I was due at the bakery the next morning at 4am to finish a wedding cake, so Katniss tagged along with Gale instead.”
“Anyway,” Rye continued. “As the night went on I drank more and I managed to corner Madge on her own in the kitchen away from her friends.  I asked her to go out on a date with me, begged her to give me a shot, but she turned me down flat. I kept trying to charm her until she got pissed off told me to leave her alone, that she liked someone else.”
“Let me guess, that someone was Gale?” Peeta asked.
“Yeah.” Rye confirmed with a nod. “So I backed off with my tail between my legs, grumbling all the while to the guys about what was so special about Gale that made him so popular with the ladies, and what had he got that I hadn’t got.  They laughed, saying he had quite a reputation with the ladies and he was well known for frequenting the slag heap with different girls, but lately he’d been there a lot with a certain Seam girl.  They were looking at Katniss when they said it.”
Peeta raised an eyebrow at this.
“Anyway, by then I was drunk and feeling pretty sorry for myself.  A little while later I decided to call it a night and left to walk home when I heard some rustling and caught sight of Gale back in the trees.  At first I thought he was taking a leak, but then I realised he was leaning up against a tree because he had a girl backed up against it.   This kinda made me see red because Madge was back at the house waiting for him to make his move and he was here, wasting time with another girl.”
“Katniss.” Peeta growled, downing another shot.  It might be ten years ago, but it still hurt.  
“Yes.” Rye nodded.  “It was Katniss.  I saw him bend down and kiss her, but she must have seen me because she shoved him away and came running after me and we argued.   She tried to say what I’d seen was nothing, that she’d only gone outside to check on Gale because he was drunk and he came onto her.  She swore she never invited it.”
He took a deep breath. 
“I was so angry I couldn’t think straight.  I yelled at Katniss to get the hell away from me and to stay the hell away from you and told her she wasn’t good enough for you.  Gale came over and tried to throw a punch at me for yelling at Katniss, but he was a drunk as I was and he missed and we both ended up on the ground.  Then his friend Thom and Madge came out of the house and broke it up.  Katniss was crying and Madge took her inside.”
“I know this part Rye.” Peeta’s icy voice cut across him abruptly.  “But you never said anything about her shoving him away before.  You made it sound like she was a willing participant, that she was all over him.”
“I know.  I know I did.” Rye threw his hands up in the air. “I thought she shoved him away because she saw me, but I only found out years later that I was wrong about all of it.  After what Cato and Marvel had told me about Gale and a Seam girl at the slag heap, I put two and two together and made five.”
“When did you find out you were wrong?”  Peeta spat out, his head spinning.  The repercussions of what Rye had done were huge.  The whole path of his – and Katniss – life had changed because of what Rye said he saw that night.
“Not until a few years later.  Believe it or not, it was Gale who confronted me.  He and Madge were engaged, and I had long moved on.  They came by the bakery to order a wedding cake.  While Madge was distracted talking flavours and buttercream with Dad, Gale asked could he have a word with me outside.”
“At first I thought he was going to bring up my old crush on Madge, but instead he started talking about that night. He basically said he wanted to clear the air and Katniss’ name, and he confirmed everything Katniss tried to tell me years before was all true.”
A heavy silence fell between the brothers and Peeta sat stiffly as his brain tried to process this new information.
“But if he had feelings for Madge, why was he trying to kiss Katniss that night? That makes no sense!” Peeta burst out. 
“I asked him the very same thing.  He said his feelings for Madge were new and he never expected a girl like her would look at a Seam guy like him, let alone date one.  He was confused by what the true nature of his feelings for Katniss were.  They’d been friends for so long and everyone including his  family told him they’d end up together eventually but then she started dating you and he was worried he’d missed his chance.  So when one presented itself, he took it. He said he had to do it.  Just once.”
“And the seam girl he’d been sneaking around with at the slag heap?”
“Leevy Collins.”
“I can’t believe I’m only hearing about this now,” Peeta muttered dropping his head into his hands. “You should have come to me with this when Gale first told you, Rye.”
“I know.” Rye shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  “Gale told me Katniss gave him hell afterwards.  He felt bad when he found out that you broke up with her. They didn’t speak for a long time, but Madge invited Katniss to the wedding hoping they could patch things up.  Gale told me I should try and encourage you to go as well.  He hinted that Katniss wasn’t seeing anyone.”
 “Wait, so Katniss and Gale didn’t speak again until Madge’s wedding?”  Peeta exclaimed.  “That was years later!”
“I guess so.  I don’t know all the details. Katniss and Prim moved away when Prim finished High School. I guess they moved to the city then.  I didn’t keep tabs on her.  After you left she wasn’t on my radar.  I heard her Mom had died—”
“Wait, what - Mrs Everdeen died?!?”  Peeta's head shot up in shock and he suddenly realised just how far he’d distanced himself from his home town if this news never reached him.
“Yeah, I think it was the winter after you left to go to school that I heard a rumour about Katniss’ Mom.  Talk around town was she was really sick.  By then Katniss was working double shifts in Sae’s diner but she got another job working evenings in Abernathy’s.  Mrs Everdeen died about a year later.  Cancer, I heard.”
So Katniss finished raising Prim alone. Peeta thought. She had no one.
Why didn’t you tell me any of this back then?” Peeta clenched his fists tightly. He’d had arguments with his brothers before but he couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever felt so angry with Rye and it hurt.  Rye was his big brother, the one he could depend on who always stood up for him and been there for him. Deflected their mother’s rage onto himself when she would beat up on Peeta too hard.  “You never said a word.”   
“I didn’t think it would make any difference.  You never mentioned Katniss again, I thought you had put it all behind you.  You were living this amazing life in the city, you’d a great job, travelling all over the world in private jets, you had a gorgeous, sexy girlfriend.  I thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie.” 
“You could have told me some things, Rye.  I would have liked to know.  I would have sent flowers to Mrs Everdeen’s funeral.  I liked Mrs Everdeen, she was troubled but she was kind to me.”
“I didn’t want to make things worse for you, Peeta.” Rye’s tone had taken on a slight edge of annoyance.  “Don’t you remember what you were like back then?  After you left home any time anyone tried to talk to you about Katniss, you snapped their heads off.  You made it very clear you didn’t want any information from back home, Everdeen related or otherwise.  So in the end it was best not to say anything.”
“I was hurting, Rye.  I was devastated and angry, thinking my girlfriend had cheated on me and lied to me.”
“I know Peeta, and I get that now. I’m sorry. I take full responsibility.” Rye looked away, his guilt and shame written all over his face.  
An uncomfortable silence settled between the brothers, neither knowing where to go from there.  Even through the haze of his own anger Peeta could see how deeply upset Rye was.
“No.” Peeta eventually broke the silence. “It’s not completely your fault Rye.  It’s mine too.  I should have trusted my girlfriend when she told me she loved me instead of believing the worst of her.  I should have listened to her version of events. Maybe if I didn’t always feel like I wasn’t good enough for someone like her to love, we could have resolved it.  I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, testing her feelings, hoping if I showed her how much I loved her she would be more demonstrative when it wasn’t in her nature.”
“Back at the hotel, the day before the wedding, she said…” Rye trailed of, shaking his head.
“Back at the hotel she said what, Rye?” Peeta prompted.  “Don't stop now!.”
“She asked me if you were happy.  She made me promise to take care of you, for her.”
Peeta swallowed deeply, tears stinging behind his eyes.  Even this tiny sign that she still cared for him was too much.  
“Is there anything else, I should know? Any more surprises?” he cleared his throat, almost unable to speak.
Rye nodded hesitantly.  “There is one more thing,” he said, obviously troubled. “I promise this is the last of it.”
“Go on.”
“Somehow Mom found out about what happened, I don’t know how. Maybe she overheard me talking to Dad. She threatened Mrs Everdeen with Child Protective Services if Katniss went to the same school as you.”   
“Jesus Christ.”  The tears behind Peeta’s eyes finally began to fall.  He knew the threat of CPS would have terrified Katniss.  She’d confided her fears about her mother’s mental health to him many times, and was worried about leaving Prim to go to school.  He knew, with absolute certainty, that his mother making such a threat would have been enough to stop Katniss leaving for school, even if they hadn’t broken up.  She would never risk her sister ending up in foster care.
“Peeta, are you okay?”  Rye put his hand on his shoulder but Peeta shook it off and stood up.
“After everything else, it’s too much.  I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with all this new information Rye.  I think I need to talk to Dr Aurelius.”  Peeta wiped at his eyes and tried to compose himself, suddenly remembering where he was. 
“Everything you’ve told me tonight has turned everything I believed about Katniss upside down.  I spent years believing the worst of her and it burned a hole in my soul.   It changed me as a person.  Now I find out all this.  Our family destroyed her, Rye.  You, me, Mom.  We took away her chances.  I shouldn’t have let that happen, I was supposed to protect her, we protected each other.  I’m the one who let her down and needs her forgiveness, not the other way around.”
“For what it’s worth, even when you still believed the worst of her, you had already forgiven her.” Rye offered.  “You were ready to let go of the anger.  All it took was seeing her that day, on the steps of the hotel.”
“Maybe so.  But now I have more questions than I have answers.”  Peeta was so confused.  “This changes everything.”
“I think you should go find her and talk to her.  Get some closure.”
“Do you think she would she want to talk to me?” Peeta shook his head. “I didn’t just break up with her that day, I tore her apart, Rye.”  Peeta brought his hands up, rubbing his temples which were beginning to throb.   “I called her unforgivable names and told her to crawl back to the slag heap where she belonged.”  
“Peeta, you have to know how truly sorry I am.”  Rye’s voice shook with emotion. “I never meant to cause—"
Peeta put his hand up to stop him. “I know.  But what’s done is done.”  He pulled out his wallet, throwing a handful of notes on the table.  “I’m going to leave now.  I have a lot of thinking to do.”
He left the table and made his way across bar being careful to avoid catching the eye of any of the other diners.  On seeing him approach, Finch came straight over.
“Please see my brother’s room and tab are charged to my account,” he instructed smoothly.
“Of course, Mr Mellark.  Have a good evening, sir.”  With a smile she retreated to serve another customer.
“Peeta, wait.” As he turned he found Rye was standing closely behind him. “I’m worried.  We’re brothers.  All I ever wanted was what was best for you. Are we going to be okay?”
“I need some time, Rye.  I need to process how I feel about all this.  This… this was huge.  What happened that night changed the course of my life.”
“Fair enough.” His older brother watched with saddened eyes.  “I understand.  Please call me when you’re ready to talk.  I’ll be waiting.”
#Without looking back again, Peeta walked away.  He didn’t remember bidding goodnight to the doorman, or climbing into the cab that took him home.  He let himself into his apartment, chucking off his suit jacket and loosening his tie before heading straight to the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a glass.
Peeta flung himself onto his sofa, exhausted, his arm flung across his eyes as he tried to reconcile everything Rye had told him.  He felt like a steamroller had run over him.
Katniss didn’t cheat on him.  Katniss didn’t lie to him.  It wasn’t real.
Katniss didn’t cheat on him.  Katniss didn’t lie to him.  It wasn’t real.
Katniss didn’t cheat on him.  Katniss didn’t lie to him.  It wasn’t real.
Again and again it went around and around in his head.  How it must have hurt her when he’d taken Rye’s word over hers.  How betrayed and alone she must have felt.  A sob caught in his throat. 
“Katniss, I’m sorry, I should have believed you,” he spoke into the shadows of the empty room, feeling hot tears finally burning a path down his cheeks, whether from sorrow or shame he didn’t know.  “I’m sorry, I love you, I’m sorry,” he sobbed until he finally passed out.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Longest Night (50) Celebrating
Here we go! The last chapter! And it’s a doozy! 
I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I grew up calling all of my parents friend’s ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’. Some of them I still do. Which was really fun when I dated a family friend and kept calling his mom ‘Aunt Julie’. We are not related. Fun times!
Also, there’s some nicknames in this chapter. “Peepums” is Tom. “Nonnie Cheng” is Sabine. And “Nonna Gina” is Tom’s mom. You know how grandparents all have their weird nicknames. 
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20 years later
When Marinette awoke that morning, she was alone in bed. It wasn’t that odd. Adrien had always been an early riser, but this was a different reason than just that. 
But she didn’t worry. It was best just to leave things the way they were. 
Dressing in a robe, she went downstairs to start making breakfast. The kids were old enough to get ready on their own now, and as long as they were down before 7, she didn’t bug them. 
The first into the kitchen was the youngest, Emma. A complete girly-girl and lover of all things pink and fashionable. Even at 12, she had her own sophisticated sense of style (party cultivated by her grandfather). She danced in her pink dress and adorable white flats. “What do you think, mama? Perfect for career day? Do I look like a professional?” 
“Of course you do, sweetheart.” 
She beamed. “Where’s papa?” 
“Oh, uh, I’m not sure. He couldn’t sleep last night, so he went for patrol. He hasn’t been back yet.” 
Emma frowned hard. “He’ll be there for career day though, right?” 
“He wouldn’t miss it for the world! But Peepums and Grandfather Gabriel are going to be there too.” 
“Is Peepums bringing treats?” 
“I would assume so. He never passes up a chance to bring snacks. Now, I’m making crepes, you want one or two?” 
“Just one, mama.” 
The next down the stairs was the oldest (by two minutes) Hugo. “Morning mama,” he smiled brightly. 
“There’s my birthday boy! Feel any older?” 
“No, but I feel wiser!” He joked, as he jumped on the stool by the counter. 
“Where’s Louis?” 
“Stuck in the toilet.” 
“And you mean that figuratively, right?”
He shrugged. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Crepes, blueberry, your favorite.” 
“Yes! I want five!” 
“You can have three, I don’t want you to get a tummy ache before school.” 
“Lame! Bring on the crepes!” He pounded his fists on the counter. 
“Three, and then if you aren’t stuffed, I’ll consider more.” 
Then came the unmistakable sound of a body slowly falling down the stairs, before a dark haired teen crawled across the floor and collapsed next to his mother’s legs. 
“Ah, Birthday boy part 2. Welcome to the land of the living!” 
“It should be a crime to have to wake up early on your birthday.” Said the boy, face flat against the ground.
“You truly are my child,” said Marinette with a smile. 
“Where’s pops?” Asked Hugo, digging into his second crepe. 
“Out on patrol.” 
This caused Louis to stir and look up. “Did something happen?”
“No, he just couldn’t sleep.” 
Hugo frowned. “Nightmares again? He’s been having those a lot lately.” 
“Yeah. I’m not sure why he’s having them. But you kids don’t need to worry about it.” 
“Are we still okay for our party tomorrow?” 
“Of course!” Marinette beamed. “Even if papa wasn’t feeling great, we’d still have it! Aunt Chloe reserved the rooftop pool for you, after all.”
“…I’m so excited,” said the child on the floor, with no enthusiasm. “You just can’t tell right now.”
“Well, you’re not going to get any rest on the floor. Sit in your seat and eat your crepe. I’ll make a little coffee.” 
Emma bounced nervously in her seat. She was flanked by Tom and Gabriel, who had both already presented for career day. 
The day was almost over, and her father hadn’t shown. 
“It’s okay, my little cupcake.” Tom assured, petting her blonde hair. “He’ll be here.” 
“And if he doesn’t make it,” added Gabriel, “It wasn’t because he didn’t want to. He’s probably out there stopping a criminal, saving lives. I know you’re the most important thing in the world to him.” 
Emma nodded, believing both of her grandfathers, but also not wanting to be one without a dad on career day. 
Through the years, Emma had gotten used to her father’s unpredictable behavior. He loved her to the end of the world and back, and would move mountains for her if he could. And most days, it really really showed. 
But some days, he just wasn’t…there. Emotionally, spiritually, or like today, physically. Her mother had similar episodes, but mostly in mood swings. She got angry sometimes, seemingly over nothing. Never directed at Emma or her brothers, thankfully, but Emma knew that there was something different about her parents. 
She knew the story. She had been told pieces of it growing up, but never allowed to watch the footage. Mama and Papa had been kidnapped and tortured, because they were superheroes, and they were never the same after. The details were vague, and she was told it would be too scary for her to handle every time she asked. But she saw the scars, heard her father’s screams at night. 
Most days, she didn’t want to know.
“Alright! I think that’s everyone!” Miss Bustier called. “Thank you all for participating in our career day! It’s awesome that we have such a wide range of jobs just in this very room!” 
Emma deflated. Her father really wasn’t coming. 
Tom laid a giant hand on her head and rubbed. 
But then, there was a knock at the window. 
“Chat Noir?” Miss Bustier asked. 
The man in black waved as she opened the window. 
“So so sorry I’m late!” He apologized, hopping into the room. “I caught a robber, and I walked him down to the police station and we had to do all this paperwork—“ 
“Papa!” Emma shouted, leaping over her desk. She ran to him, and threw her arms around him in a crushing hug. “You made it!”
“Just in time it seems,” he laughed, hugging her back. “I’m sorry I’m late. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course! Come on, it’s your turn to present!” She took his hand and led him up to the front of the room. “Everyone, this is my dad, Chat Noir! He’s a superhero!” 
The next day was Saturday, and Marinette was full of stress up to her neck. She paced poolside, as her family helped set up for the party. 
“Alright, Nino’s on music, Alya’s on Emma duty, Chloe covered catering, mom and dad have the cake, Gabriel and Emilie have decorations…what am I missing?”
“My Lady, you’ve gone over this list a hundred times. We’re fine.” 
“Drinks! I forgot the drinks!” 
Adrien pointed over at the bar. “Luka and Kagami are on drinks, remember? Luka’s making his mimosas for the adults.”
“Oh, right.” Then she pointed at him. “No alcohol, alright? Not with your medication.” 
“Oh come on, these are Luka’s mimosas! I’m gonna get krunk!” 
“Dad’s gonna get krunk?” Asked Hugo, from the pool. 
“No one is getting krunk!” Marinette poked Adrien in the chest. “Look what you started!” 
“I’m only teasing.” Adrien laughed, taking his wife’s hand. “Relax My Lady, it’s a party, a sweet 16 party! Everyone’s here to have fun. And they will as long as we relax.” 
Marinette got close, whispering conspiratorially, “that’s just the thing! Do you remember our sweet sixteen parties?” 
“Well...I didn’t have a party,” Adrien shrugged. “You, Alya, and Nino helped me escape the house and we went to the movies.” 
“Yeah, and they spent the whole time making out, so you and I just sat there awkwardly.” 
“I think I put my arm around you,” he grinned. “My very good friend.” 
She stuck her tongue out at him.
“And your sixteenth...was that the year that Lila told everyone it was on a different day?” 
“And you were the only one who called to confirm it was on the original day, and so you were the only one that showed? Yep, that’s the one. I cried on you for 15 minutes when I realized no one else was coming.” 
“I mean, yeah, that sucked, but we still had fun with your family.” 
“My point is, this is Hugo and Louis’ sixteenth birthday. I want them to have a good one, to have what we couldn’t have.” 
“You have their gifts in your purse, right?” 
“Then I wouldn’t worry about it. Their friends and family are coming, everything looks good, so just relax.” 
Marinette took a deep sigh. “You’re right, my love. Whatever happens, happens, and we’ve done all we can.” 
“The party will be fine, Mom.” Said Louis from a lounge chair. 
“Ah! Louis? Why aren’t you in the pool?” 
“I’m perfectly content just relaxing here. I’ll get hot soon enough and go in the pool.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Adrien wrapped an arm around his wife. “Marinette, let him alone. He’s fine. You know he’s our introvert.” 
“Mama! Papa!” Emma called, running towards them from the hotel elevator. “Look at the swimsuit grandfather Gabriel got me!” She twirled, letting the shimmery, glittery greens, teals, and purples swirl in a kaleidoscope of color. “I look like a mermaid!” 
“You sure do, Princess!” Adrien beamed. 
Emma squealed in delight before running back to Alya. 
“See? All of our kids are enjoying themselves. The guests are slowly trickling in...” he gestured to the elevator where more classmates with gifts arrived. “And no catastrophes yet.” 
“Fine fine, Kitty, I get it. I’ll have a mimosa and lighten up.” 
“Have one for me too!” He called after, as she headed to the bar. 
Soon, the guests arrived. Hugo and Louis had invited their entire class of 18 kids. Some parents stayed to help with chaperoning, and some even brought younger siblings that were friends with Emma. 
It was turning out to be a real shin-dig. 
So far, Marinette felt at ease. The four parents that had stayed were mostly just hanging out at the bar, but the kids were in the pool, and no one was drowning. 
Louis still reclined on the lounger, sunning himself. 
“You're still doing okay over here, kiddo?” 
“Mom, I’m doing so okay. So okay, it’s ridiculous. Nonna Gina brought me over a virgin mimosa, cause everyone’s talking about them. I feel like I’m on vacation.” 
“As long as you’re content, I’m happy. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling left out.” 
“Nah,” he waved her off. “I will go swimming, but I’m going to wait until after eating.” 
“Okay, kiddo.” 
Seeing Hugo happily enthralled in a cannonball contest, and Louis sunning himself like a cat, she decided to check in with her youngest. Though she saw Alya at the bar talking to Kagami, and Emma nowhere in sight. 
This used to make her panic immediately. None of her kids were especially hyper or rambunctious. They didn’t run off on their own, especially without letting her know. 
But there was still a fear, still a niggling doubt in the back of her head that said ‘what if’? 
As calm as possible, she approached the adults at the bar, and asked Alya. “Have you seen Emma?”
“She ran down to the lobby to use the bathroom,” Alya answered casually. 
“Yeah, Marinette, she’s 12. She can handle going to the bathroom alone.” It was a reassurance, no judgement. Because sometimes, Adrien and Marinette needed a reminder that their children were well adjusted and had plenty of common sense.
Marinette knew that. And it wasn’t the bathroom part she was concerned about. It was the trip down to the lobby by herself. 
She heard a father speak softly, “for superheroes, they are certainly overprotective of their kids. Kind of feel sorry for them.” 
Marinette nodded at Alya, and retreated sheepishly. Was her paranoia ruining her children’s lives? 
“What’s with that look, My Lady?” Adrien asked, softly, sipping on his drink. 
“Sorry, sorry, I just…overheard something I shouldn’t dwell on.” She looked at the drink in his hands, narrowing her eyes. 
“It’s virgin!” He handed it to her. “I promised I was going to quit. Getting plastered at our kid’s birthday would be the worst time for them to find out I have a problem.” 
“It’s not a problem yet, but that’s why I want you to stop. So it doesn’t become one.”
“Hey! Let go Isaac!” Louis’ voice carried over the water. Instantly, Marinette and Adrien were alert and looked to see a larger boy pulling Louis toward the pool by the arm. 
“Hey!” Marinette called out. “Let him go! If he doesn’t want to go swimming, don’t force him!” 
“Oh come on, Lady!” The father from the bar shouted over to her. “What’s the point in having a pool party for your boys if they aren’t even going to go swimming!?”
Louis surfaced with a gasp, and then a defeated “aw man!” 
“Are you okay kiddo?” Marinette asked. “You didn’t have your phone on you, right?”
“No, I’m fine.” He took off his soaked shirt and dropped it on the edge of the pool with a loud plop. “Just…didn’t want to get wet yet.” 
“Dude, come on Isaac, don’t be such a turd!” Hugo chastised. 
“He looked lonely!” Isaac argued. 
“Whatever,” Louis said, defeated. “Just…don’t dunk me, okay?” 
“No promises!”
Adrien frowned at the exchange as Louis swam over closer to his brother. “Isaac, Isaac, why is that name familiar? Is that the kid that’s been picking on Louis? Why is he here?” 
“Oh,” Marinette smacked her head. “That’s what they were asking about!” 
“What? Who?” 
“A few weeks ago, the boys were asking me questions about what to do about a classmate people don’t get along with. They asked if they should include them in the party if they were inviting the rest of the class. I told them that would be the right thing to do, but I didn’t realize they were talking about Louis’ bully!” She groaned. “And it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” She glared at Isaac’s dad at the bar. 
Adrien smiled over at the pool. Both Hugo and Louis were laughing and seemed to be having a good time. It seemed Louis was already over his impromptu dunking. “Our kids are resilient. It’ll take more than that to bring them down.” 
“They are strong.” Marinette breathed. “Stronger than me.” 
It was then that Emma returned. “Hi mama, I’m back. Aunt Alya said I should check in with you because you were worried? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going.” 
Marinette smiled at her. “It’s fine Emma. You told Aunt Alya, so someone knew. You just know I’m a basket case.” 
Emma frowned at her mom. “You’re not a basket case. You’re just...worried?” 
“Does that bother you? Do I make you feel trapped or smothered?” 
Adrien stared at his wife in horror. Likewise, so did Emma. “No! Not at all!” She hugged her around the waist and added, “Nonnie Cheng worries about where I am too. She says it’s because you went missing, and it’s scared her ever since. I don’t want to scare you, mom.” 
Marinette hugged Emma tightly and said, “I have the best kids in the world.” 
“In that case,” Emma grinned. “Can I have some soda?” 
“Sure, just tell Aunt Kagami what you want.”
“Thanks mom!” She beamed and scurried off. 
“And no running!” Marinette called after. “Girl’s got my clumsy streak. She’ll break her neck.” 
“Crisis averted it seems.” Said Adrien. 
“For now,” Marinette narrowed her eyes. “But Ladybug never rests!” 
Adrien pecked his wife on the lips. “Someone has to be responsible.” 
“Hey pops!” Hugo called from the pool. 
“What’s up?” 
“We’re going to do a diving contest! You should join!” 
“Come on Mr. Dupain-Cheng!” 
“Show us some Chat Noir style!” 
Marinette nudged him. “Go ahead. Show those kids how it’s done.” 
He smirked. “Okay okay.” He took off his shirt and laid it on the lounger by their bags. Then he entered the pool from the shallow end, coming up behind the kids. “How does this diving contest work?” 
“It’s easy!” Said Hugo, “we’re going to take turns coming up with unique ways to jump in the pool. Winner is the best technique, or most creative.”
“I got one!” Said a chubby kid. He climbed out of the pool and up on the diving board. 
“Make room!” Someone called. “Cannon ball champion on the loose!” 
“This is called ‘The Patrick Star’!” He bounced twice, getting real air before leaping out, parallel with the water, arms and legs spread out like a starfish. 
And he collided with the water with a resounding clap, making everyone go, ‘ooo!’ 
The kid surfaced, his entire frontside pink. “Ow.” 
The rest of the class laughed at him. 
One by one, classmates would come up with a dive, though most were a lot more elegant than the first. 
“I call this, ‘The Ladybug’.” A girl said. She ran and jumped, twisting in the air while throwing her arm, mimicking Ladybug’s yo-yo. She managed to say “bug out!” Before she hit the water. Marinette whistled. “She’s got my vote!” 
“Come on, Pops,” said Hugo. “It’s your turn!” 
“I don’t have a—“ 
“Just make something up! Go go!” 
Adrien pulled himself out of the pool and headed toward the diving board, aware of the people watching, curious. 
This was his twin boys’ special day. He had to be impressive. He had to be the cool dad. 
He took a running start, falling into a front flip as he hit the diving board. His adult weight bowed the board with force, sending him up into the air. He curled tightly into a ball, using the momentum to rotate three times, before coming out of the ball and diving seamlessly into the water. 
When he surfaced, the crowd of kids were going wild. They screamed and chanted “Dad! Dad! Dad!” 
Obviously started by his boys. 
Adrien beamed as he treaded water. Being Chat Noir was great, even with all the pain it had brought him. But being his kid’s hero was the absolute best. 
But everything came to a screeching halt as Isaac, the butthole kid, let out a loud, “EWWW!!” Grabbing everyone’s attention. “What’s wrong with your dad’s back!? It’s all gross!”
Adrien slammed his eyes shut, all at once feeling self-conscious. But this was just a dumb teenager. Maybe he didn’t know any better. But before he could gather himself to calmly explain his scars, his boys spoke up for him. 
“It’s scarring, you jerk,” said Louis. 
“He got it from being a superhero, when he was just two years older than we are!” Added Hugo. 
Isaac scoffed, “Chat Noir and Ladybug aren’t real superheroes! Not like the ones in America! All they do is rescue cats from trees and show up for charity events. They don’t even do anything anymore!”
Adrien sloppily backtracked, reaching out for the edge of the pool. 
“Just yesterday, he caught a robber! That’s not nothing!” Hugo defended. 
“Oh yeah?” Said Isaac, “My dad said that they used to fight supervillains, but they couldn’t stop the guy responsible for them! He said they’re losers and failures!” 
“Hey Jean,” said one of the parents. “Tell your kid to shut up.” 
Isaac’s father took a chug from his beer and shrugged. “Someone had to say it.” 
“Monsieur,” said Ladybug with god-like patience. “I suggest you and your son leave. I don’t feel the need to play host to someone who could be so hateful and misinformed.” 
“Misinformed?” The man, Jean, scoffed. “I was there. I saw the stream back then. I remember what it was like. The weekly akumas, classes and events always cancelled. The only reason they stopped is because Hawkmoth gave up. I don’t think you guys should be getting recognition anymore. Sorry, not sorry.” 
“Mom?” Louis called from the pool.
Jean frowned, continuing. “The rest of us have to make a living working hard, every day. You and your husband just put on some skin tight leather and prance around. Now you’re set for life. It’s disgusting.” 
“Hey man, if you don’t like it, you can leave,” said Alya. “No one invited you. I heard your son was only invited out of obligation.” 
“Mom!” Louis called again. 
“Marinette and Adrien suffered enough for a lifetime. Every day is a struggle! How dare you say otherwise!” 
“MOM!” Louis screamed. 
Marinette whipped her head over to the pool, seeing Adrien struggling to keep his head above water. Louis and Hugo were holding him up. She hurried over. “What happened? What’s wrong?” 
“He’s having an attack!” 
Tom rushed over, reaching his hands under Adrien’s arms, and pulled him out of the pool. He tried to set him on his feet, but he kept leaning forward, trying to lay down. His eyes were wide, but unfocused, as his breaths came rapidly. 
Marinette tugged on his arm. “Come on, Kitty. Not here.” She called over to Chloe. “Is there a room we can borrow for a second?”
“Follow me!” 
Louis broke off from the group, but Hugo and Marinette were quick to escort Adrien away from the party. 
“Mom?” Emma asked, right as they were about to get on the elevator. 
“It’s okay, Honey. Dad just needs a minute. Stay behind with Aunt Alya, okay?”
Emma nodded, though didn’t look convinced. 
Chloe showed them to her room, where she quickly got a towel for Adrien to wrap up in. 
Hugo and Marinette eased him down to sit on the couch. There, he slumped, his head resting on the back of the couch. 
Louis found their room, cup in hand. “I brought a coke. I know that usually helps.” 
Marinette sighed in relief. “Thank you baby,” she took the cup from him and put it in Adrien’s hand, then helped him take a sip. 
They sat for a while, watching Adrien breathe slowly and take occasional sips from his drink.
“I’m so sorry boys,” Marinette looked to them sadly. “We didn’t mean to ruin your birthday.”
Hugo frowned at her. “What? You guys didn’t ruin anything. Isaac’s the one that pooped on our party.”
“Yeah,” added Louis, “and we were having a great time up until now. Don’t worry about it mom.” 
Adrien very shakily brought the cup towards his face, and Marinette was quick to help, so he didn’t spill. “Dad’s going to be fine,” she explained. “Why don’t you boys get back to the party?” 
“If it’s okay, I’d like to wait until dad feels a little better. I’d feel guilty if I left,” said Louis.
“Me too,” said Hugo. “And I need a few minutes to calm down to keep from punching Isaac in the face. What he said was dumb. He has no idea what you guys do.” 
“…it shouldn’t have bothered me…” Adrien said, softly. 
“I’m okay,” he took a deep exhale. “Just…lost myself for a moment.” 
Hugo hugged him tightly around the shoulders. “Love you, dad. Don’t worry about it.” 
“I’m sorry for scaring you boys…and your friends. But I’ll be alright now.” 
“You recovered pretty quickly,” Marinette noted. 
“It’s because I have my big strong boys with me.” He wrapped his arms around his sons. “There was nothing to worry about.” 
Except, there was. 
Alya burst into the room, Chloe behind her, with a look of panic. 
“Marinette, come quickly!” 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
“It’s Emma! She’s been akumatized!!” 
As Emma watched her father be rushed out of the party, a stone fell into her gut. No matter how often this happened, no matter how good they got at catching the attacks, it still scared her when it happened. 
She was torn between wanting to be with him, and not wanting to see that vacant expression on his face. Her mother said it was a coping mechanism he developed a long time ago, when they had been kidnapped. He just switched his brain off when he got overwhelmed, as to not experience pain. It only happened a few times a year, only in super stressful situations where he thought about his torture. 
Emma wiped at her face as she looked over the party. Alya was chastising the adult man that had talked bad about her father, and Hugo and Louis’ friends were ripping into the kid that started the whole mess. 
Everyone was angry and yelling. 
“Emma?” Gabriel asked, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright, dear?” 
“Oh, Grandfather…” She sniffed. “I’m just…scared.” 
“Your father will be alright. It’s nothing physical, it’s just a mental state.” 
“I know…” She screwed up her lips. “But I’m scared people are going to keep saying that stuff to him. Mom acts like I’m too young to understand what’s happening…but people are forgetting that they are real superheroes, and they act like they’re mascots. I’m scared this is going to happen again.” She rubbed at her damp eyes. “He doesn’t deserve it. Neither of them do.” 
“You really love your parents, don’t you?” 
“Of course! They’re the best!”
“Then, I have a plan. Would you be willing to help?”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Come with me, we’ll speak in private.” 
Curious, Emma followed Gabriel into the hotel, down to a conference room. He locked the door behind them. 
“You remember our little secret?” 
“That I know you were Hawkmoth?” 
“Yes. My plan requires me to come out of retirement, just this once…and to akumatize you.” 
She looked startled. “You want to turn me into a supervillain?”
“Only if you agree to it, dear.” He pet her hair. “My goal is to make you a supervillain, so you can terrorize Paris and remind them of what Ladybug and Chat Noir used to do. I’ll be able to see through your eyes, so I can stop and undo any damage if something goes wrong.” 
Emma crossed her arms. “You’d make mom and dad fight me?”
“Not fight you, rescue you.”
She frowned again, thinking about it. Then she nodded. “Let’s do it!” 
Gabriel smiled at her, and opened his sports jacket, where Nooroo was hiding. “Nooroo, Dark Wings rise!” 
In a flash of purple light, Hawkmoth had returned. Inside his cane, a little white butterfly fluttered. 
Emma danced on her toes. “What kind of powers are you going to give me? I want to be pretty!” 
He chuckled at her eagerness. “Of course, my sweet Emma.” He evilized the butterfly, and then coaxed it into the paw print bracelet she was wearing. 
A purple mask appeared on her face.
“Mermaidia, I’m giving you the power of the seas. You may travel through any body of water, and turn those that oppose you into sea creatures. In exchange, you must give Chat Noir and Ladybug a taste of nostalgia. Do you accept these terms?” 
“Absolutely, Hawkmoth.” 
The dark purple fog encompassed Emma, turning the sweet blonde girl into a real mermaid, with purple hair, shimmering scales, and an abundance of glittering gold and jewels. In her hand, she held a trident. 
Hawkmoth took a bottle of water from the table, and poured it on the floor. 
Mermaidia stepped into the puddle, and disappeared. 
“Regardless if you feel like you’re right, it’s still your opinion. And an opinion doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole, especially to people who are hosting this party!” Shouted Alya. 
The rest of the parents were quietly watching the exchange, not really wanting to get involved. But they were also paying attention to a similar argument in the pool. 
“You are a grown adult and a parent. It’s your job to teach your kid respect and kindness, two qualities I haven’t seen from him today.” 
“Look lady, I know you’re friends with the Dupain-Cheng’s and all, but come on. It doesn’t bother you that they don’t work at all? What’s the point of them calling themselves superheroes anyway? They should just hang up the suits and get real jobs.” 
“They. Can’t.” Alya emphasized. “Did you not just see what happened to Adrien? What if he was working and he had an attack? What then, smart guy?”
“He won’t have attacks if he was doing something with his life!” 
“They are full time parents, and full time heroes! They do more than just ‘rescue cats and make celebrity appearances at charity events’! How can you be so ignorant?!”
“What did you call me!?” 
Screams came from the pool, and the argument halted. 
Mermaidia had made her appearance. 
“I am Mermaidia! You all have grown too soft and comfortable! I’m here to remind you what it was like back when there were akuma!” She laughed, pointed her trident, and turned a child into a fish. 
The party descended into madness, as Mermaidia shot rapidly. None of the teens in the pool escaped, and all turned into various fish and sea creatures. 
Isaac turned into a starfish, and Emma stuck him to her arm. “You’re coming with me. I want you to see how wrong you were.” 
Several adults had tried to escape as well, but Mermaidia stopped them in their run. 
Only those who knew the identity of Hawkmoth, or were previous Miraculous users didn’t panic. Rather, they stood staring, confused. Alya backed away carefully, and escaped into the hotel. Whether Emma purposely let her go or not, she would never know.
“Emma?” Asked Sabine. 
“I’m not Emma anymore, I’m Mermaidia!” She turned Isaac’s father into another starfish, and stuck him on her other arm. “You mocked my parents, but now, they’re the only ones that can save you! Ahahaha!” 
“Emma, stop.” Tom demanded. “You’re a good girl. We can’t let what people say get to us. People will always have their opinions that we disagree with, but we can’t take it personally.” 
“But I can take this personally!” She shouted back. “My father is the greatest man alive, and no one will doubt that when I’m through! Just you see!” 
She turned the rest of the assembled party goers into creatures, before leaping into the pool and disappearing.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Alya, Chloe, Louis, and Hugo all returned to the party, only to find a bunch of fish. 
“What the…?” 
“She’s called Mermaidia,” Alya clarified. “She’s turned everyone into sea creatures. She appeared from the water, so I think she can transport through liquid.”
“She totally can, dude,” said a sea turtle from the pool. 
“Nino?” Asked Chat Noir. 
“Cha dude, what do you think? Pretty fitting for me, huh?” 
“Are you okay?”
“Totally. All the little dudes are too.” He gestured to the fish in the pool. 
“Emma turned the kid and his dad who started the argument into starfish.” Said a sea-snake. “They’re on her arms. So be careful when you attack.”
“Where’s my mom and dad?” 
“Over here!” Called a walrus. There was a crab next to him, waving a claw. “We’re fine, honey. Just save Emma!” 
“Next question,” Said Ladybug, wielding her yo-yo angrily. “Where’s Gabriel?”
Chat Noir rested a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s focus on saving Emma, and then we’ll find him.” 
She sighed. “You’re right, as always, kitty. However, I think we might need some help with this akuma.” She opened her yo-yo and reached inside, pulling out two octagonal boxes. Then she turned to Hugo and Louis. “I hoped to give you your presents later, and hoped you wouldn’t ever have to use them. But desperate times come desperate measures.” 
Hugo and Louis smiled at each other, with excitement. 
“Louis, my wise, observant, and cunning child, this is the Miraculous of the Snake. With it, you can turn back time an infinite amount of times in a five minute duration. You will use it for the greater good.”
“And Hugo, my brave, bold, and exuberant child, this is the Miraculous of the Turtle. With it, you can create an impenetrable shield. You will use it for the greater good.”
“Louis, to transform, simply say ’Sass, Scales Slither.’ And Hugo, your phrase is ‘Wayzz, Shell On’.”
“Sass, Scales Slither!”
“Wayzz, Shell On!” 
A flash of green and teal, and the boys were turned into superheroes. They high fived each other. 
“The Reptile Boyz are back in town!” Hugo cheered. 
“Really? ‘Boyz’ with a ‘Z’?” Chat Noir asked flatly.
“It’s cool, old man!” Said Louis. 
“Alright team, let’s focus,” Ladybug said, a bit too fondly for the situation at hand. She took out her yo-yo, and looked for intel. There was a special report live from Nadja Chamack. 
“—Mermaidia is the first Akuma in 20 years! It was thought that Hawkmoth had retired, but it seems he has one ace left up his sleeve. The akuma was last spotted at the Luxembourg park! Hopefully, Ladybug and Chat Noir are on their way! Again, this is a real akuma, so it is advised to stay indoors and away from water!” 
“She’s at the park! Let’s go!” 
This wasn’t nearly as scary as Emma thought it would be. In fact, she was having a lot of fun. Hawkmoth did advise her that she would be influenced by her anger, but that really didn’t seem to bother her. It was really fun to turn people into sea creatures. 
Though, she did feel really guilty when she hit people that were crying in fear. 
But that’s what her parents were here for! To undo all this! It was fine! 
“I am Mermaidia! And Ladybug and Chat Noir are your only chance for salvation!” 
“Now now Emma,” Chat Noir spoke from behind. “Go easy on us. We’re a little wet behind the ears.” 
Emma had to stomp down the urge to run and hug her father, and instead declared. “There you are, Ladybug and Chat Noir! Ready to do battle?” 
Ladybug simply crossed her arms. “If you don’t give up your akuma, you’re grounded.” 
Mermaidia stomped her foot. “You can’t ground me if you can’t catch me!” And she leapt into the fountain. 
“She’s escaping!” Cried Hugo. 
“Quick, fan out! Look for sources of water, and call as soon as you get sight of her!” 
This was not Hugo or Louis’ first time using a Miraculous. Every once in a while, Marinette and Adrien would allow the children to pick one out to try, and then they’d have a family game of tag out on the Paris rooftops. The rules were to stay safe, and to not allow the media to take pictures. And at the first sign of danger, they were supposed to go home and let Mom and Dad handle it. 
So the boys were familiar with their powers, but boy, they were not ready for the anxiety of an Akuma attack. 
They may have been older, but Emma was still the reigning champion of tag. 
“Find anything?” Louis asked, crossing his brother. 
“Not a scale,” said Hugo. “Have you activated your Second Chance yet?” 
“No, but I will the second we find her. Then if she escapes, we can just reverse time.” 
“Smart.” Then, Hugo’s eyes caught on something in the river. “Huh?”
“How often do you think whales go down the Seine?” 
“There she is! She’s on top of it!” Hugo activated his distress beacon on his shield, making sure to keep up with Emma, but also stay out of sight. 
“We have to play this carefully. She can literally jump into the water and disappear at any second.” 
“Not if there’s no water to disappear into,” said Chat Noir, appearing from nowhere. 
Hugo resisted a scream. “D-Chat! You’re too sneaky!”
“I’ve been doing this a while, kiddo. Ladybug’s not here yet?” 
“No, what’s the plan?”
“I have half a plan…”
“Then it’s a good thing I have half of one too!” Said Ladybug, finally joining them. “After you sent your signal, I called the French Waterway Commission and had them close the lock she’s on.” 
“What did what the what?” Hugo asked. 
“The river is made up of locks,” explained Louis, “chambers that fill and empty with water so boats can travel. The ground isn’t level, and the water level changes.” 
“So Ladybug basically had them dam up the section Emma’s on right now,” said Chat.
“But she can still travel through water, so once she reaches the dam, she’ll just abandon ship, er, whale.” Hugo observed. “So then what?”
“Then we put my plan into action,” Chat cracked his knuckles, and stealthily made his way to the river bank. 
Louis and Hugo watched in fascination as Chat called his Cataclysm and touched the water. In a boiling wave, it rolled quickly past Emma, evaporating as it went. It didn’t even have time to settle, just went up in a cloud of steam. 
The whale that Emma was on run ashore, and she came to a halt. “What?”
“Nowhere to run now, little girl!” Ladybug called. 
Mermaidia jumped from the back of the whale and landed in the sand. It wasn’t even damp. Chat had literally evaporated all the water in that section of the river. 
“Second Chance!” Louis activated his bracelet. And just in time too, as Mermaidia shot a beam at Ladybug, and turned her into a dolphin. “Second Chance!”   
Time restarted, and Louis shouted. “Ladybug, dive!” 
Ladybug dove out of the way, missing the three shots Mermaidia took. 
“I’m not going to take it easy on you just because you’re my mother!” Emma shouted. “So let’s show Paris what a real superhero looks like, hmm?” 
“Oh you are so grounded when this is over, little lady!” She dodged another blast, and called for her Lucky Charm. 
Hugo called for Shelter while she glanced around, looking for the purpose of the tennis racket her Miraculous had bestowed upon her.
Then it dawned on her. 
A grounding wasn’t enough for her naughty child. Oh no. This called for the big guns.
The second Hugo’s Shelter faded, she shot out her yo-yo, catching Emma around the arms, and yanked her to lay across her leg. Hugo and Louis peeled the captive starfish off, while Chat took the trident. All the while Mermaidia wriggled around, fighting against the yo-yo string. 
“No akuma in the trident, my lady.” Chat Noir shrugged. 
“Oh, I’ll get it out of her.” Ladybug raised the tennis racket. “Where’s the akuma at, Emma?” 
“This is cheating!” 
“Okay, you asked for it.” And Ladybug brought the tennis racket down on her bottom, once, twice, three times before Emma cried out. “Okay okay! It’s in my bracelet! Stop! Stop!”
Chat broke the bracelet, freeing the butterfly, as Ladybug set her crying daughter down in the sand. 
She caught and purified the butterfly, and removed everyone from the bank of the river before casting her cure. 
Emma Dupain-Cheng returned, pouting, and still rubbing her behind. “I was just trying to help…” 
“Where’s your Grandfather?” 
“He’s in a conference room at the hotel. But don’t be mad at him, please…” 
Before Ladybug could yell more, Isaac and his father approached her. “Uh, Ladybug?” 
“Look, I wanted to—we wanted to apologize. Thank you for rescuing us, and I’m sorry. I guess I had forgotten what it was like having akumas around. You still stopped Hawkmoth, right? Well…until today…” 
“Hawkmoth is a friend of ours now,” Ladybug clarified. “He’s paid for his crimes, but today has shown that he hasn’t quite learned the right way to deal with problems. I believe he was well intentioned, but we will be having words.” 
Isaac’s father nudged his son. “You want to say anything?” 
Isaac shyly looked at the family and admitted, “thank you for inviting to the party. No one invites me to things.” 
“Yeah, well, work on your boundary issues, and maybe it’ll happen more often,” said Louis. 
“If you guys want to head back to the hotel, I think there’s still time for cake!” Said Chat, with optimism. 
After the Miraculous cure restored the party, everyone gathered again and lunch was served. 
But, the Dupain-Chengs were in the conference room. Marinette and Adrien frowned at their youngest and Gabriel. 
“Now, son--” Gabriel began. 
“What were you thinking?” Adrien interrupted. 
“I was thinking that Paris needed a little reminder of all the hard work you guys did.” 
“Yeah, cool,” sniped Marinette. “Except now they think you’re out of retirement, and that’s a huge reminder that we didn’t stop you!” 
Gabriel took the brooch off. “Then here. Make it official. Tell them that this akuma was my swan-song and I made it to surrender.” 
Marinette took the brooch regardless, and put it in her bag. “I don’t know what I’ll say to the media. They’ll want to know who you are, and if you’re going to prison…and akumatizing your own granddaughter?” 
“I told him I was okay with it!” Said Emma. “I knew what I was getting into. It’s not that big of a deal!” 
“Not that big of a deal!?” 
There was a knock on the door, as Hugo and Louis peeked their heads in. “There you are, Grandfather!” 
“Hi boys,” he smiled at them, softly. 
The twins pushed passed their parents to stand in front of him, arms crossed, just like Marinette and Adrien. 
“What you did was terrible,” Said Louis. 
“So awful,” echoed Hugo. 
“You could have permanently hurt or traumatized people.” 
“Done thousands of dollars of property damage.” 
Gabriel sighed. “I know…I just—“ But he was cut off as the boys wrapped him up in a tight hug. “What?”
“Thanks for the coolest present ever!” 
“Yeah! Mom gave us our Miraculous, but the chance to use them on a real akuma!?” 
“Hey!” Shouted Emma. “I was the akuma! No thanks for me!?”
They gave her a noogie. “Thanks twerp.” 
“You’re a twerp!” 
Marinette and Gabriel met eyes. He gave a sheepish shrug. “I know I’m bad. But I deeply love my family.” 
She then gave up trying to be angry. “Alright fine. I admit it. It was fun to fight an akuma again. But it’s over now!” 
Adrien shook his head fondly. “Thanks for meddling dad.” 
“Your welcome, son.” 
“I want cake!” Hugo shouted. 
“Cake time!” 
“Yay cake!” 
“No cake for Emma. Only broccoli.” Marinette clarified. “You were naughty.” 
“Aw man!!” 
Oh my word this story got AWAY from me! It was only supposed to be maybe 20 chapters when I first started on it? But here we are, a year and a half later, and over 200,000 words! I kinda can’t believe I’m done! 
Anyways, thank you all for sticking around through all the heartache. I appreciated every single review and like. And one parting question: What was your favorite part?
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light-miracles · 4 years
Taang: Jealous Aang (of the man of your choice)
Okay! Taang and Satoph and a little of Bei Fong family.
'The swamp shows us the people we have lost. The ones we love.'
In Aang's eyes, it was a good way to lose her, he thought as Toph's husband took her hand to take her onto the dance floor and dance to a song that he claimed to be their favorite, even though Aang knew Toph and knew her favorite song was Secret Tunnel. Still looking at her, the Avatar took a sip from his wine glass.
He hated hating visits and special occasions, not being able to fully enjoy being with his friends, even now that they were older and everyone had their own families and the occasions to see each other were becoming more and more special. The last time he had seen Toph was when Zuko's daughter was born. Everyone had gathered to meet Princess Izumi. The baby girl was beautiful. Aang was having a lovely afternoon with Zuko and the baby until Toph arrived. All the happiness and hope of seeing her died when she noticed that she was not alone. He was with her. And their child was with them, growing strong and healthy in her womb.
It had been too much and he'd had to come up with an excuse that were partially true to leave.
And that had been the last time he saw her, almost two years ago. Until inevitably they had to meet for her birthday in Gaoling. He hadn't dared to not go.
It was a good party, with lots of food and music and games and happiness. Toph's Earthbending and Metalbending Academy had never looked so fun and bright. There were at least 40 people Aang knew, and many more that he didn't. Toph's students were familiar faces whose names he could never remember, much to the Avatar's frustration. Katara and Sokka had danced many songs with Toph, happy and free of their usual duties. Suki and Zuko had been juggling flaming dishes. Lin, the beautiful little girl he had once fantasized about raising as his own when he and Toph inevitably married, was eating at least five different pieces of cake, with her grandfather Lao at her side, who far from reprimanding her, was eating cake too, smiling in a way he only did with his first granddaughter. Little Suyin (Aang couldn't even look at her) was happily moving her arms in her grandmother's arms, both of them dancing in a calmer way than her parents'.
And Aang didn't want to feel that way, that's why he had avoided being alone with Toph for a while now. Because he couldn't get those thoughts out of his head.
That should be my daughter.
Lin should love me like a father and not like an uncle.
Those should be my in-laws.
This should be my family.
Your smiles should be for me.
Your love should be mine.
Everything would be different if Satoru (don't think of his name, don't think of his name, don't think of his name) had never appeared.
The song changed and, guided by an irrepressible urge, Aang walked up to the couple and happily asked if he could dance with Toph. That man (don't think of his name, don't think of his-) smiled happily at him and took a step back. Toph arched an eyebrow with a defiant smile and took his hand, and they both began to dance.
They had both always been good dancers, which the other man obviously wasn't, because Toph began to dance in the wild yet graceful way that only the people who truly knew her knew she was able to dance.
"It seems that you finally cheer up a bit, you got us worried," she said between frantic movements. Aang noticed that people were beginning to look at them.
"A lot of stress lately," he said without lying but not telling the whole truth.
"Your Avatar Mumbo Jumbo will make you die young if you remain all work and no fun," she said turning around. Aang couldn't help it, he smiled for the first time that night. "It's my birthday. Have fun or I'll kick your ass."
"Are you happy?" asked Aang suddenly.
"I drank two bottles of wine and someone spilled cider on my dad. How couldn't I?!"
"That's not what-"
The song ended and they both stopped dancing, hearing their audience's applause. Toph raised her hands in the air and moved her hips. "I'm fabulous, I know!"
They both got off the dance floor, Toph walking over to her husband and wrapping her arms around his waist. That was something else that should be his. Her affection, her caresses, her real caresses, not the friendly punches she shared with her friends. Her love, her joy, wasted on that man. It was unbearable.
"Toru, can you get me another glass of wine?" asked her with a fake sweet voice. "Sorry, I said it wrong. It sounded like a question and it's an order. Bring me more wine right now."
"And what do I get in return, eh?"
"If the wine is good..." Toph quickly bit his lower lip. Aang had to look away so as not to succumb to every bad thought he'd had all night. "... Something very good later."
"This woman uses me as her errand boy,"  said Satoru looking at Aang. "I'm the happiest errand boy in the world."
That man walked away, happily and drunkenly dancing towards to the drinks table.
"Now, what were you saying?"
Aang looked around quickly before allowing himself to look at Toph. No one was looking in their direction. And Toph looked too good, her hair down, her pale cheeks as red as two apples, and a huge smile on her face.
"Are you happy, Toph?" he asked seriously.
His friend was perhaps too drunk to think that the question was a little weird. "Pffff, duh."
"Of course, man! Got everything I've ever wanted!" she said as if she was talking to a particularly dense boy. "What kind of question is that?! *jip*" she said, losing her balance a little for the first time that night. Aang held her arm. "See those girls eating cake at the table?" asked Toph pointing towards Lin and Suyin at the corner table. "Those are my daughters. And I don't need to see them to know that they're beautiful and strong and good. My parents are next to them, they no longer suck and they learned to listen to me and respect me and, this is wild, you won't believe it, we even talk about our feelings from time to time. It's diabolical, Twinkles," she laughed. "I'm surrounded by my friends, my best friends, who are my family on my birthday and at my Earthbending academy. And I travel the world regularly to check out the Earthen Fire factories. I have it all, Twinkles."
"And Satoru."
"Sure, I travel with Satoru. Someone has to drive, duh."
"That's not what I mean."
"Man, just spit out whatever you want to say Twinkles! Or let's dance again. Whatever."
"Toph," he said, leaning down and taking her by the shoulders. "Do you love Satoru?"
"Do you love him?"
She looked confused for less than a second. "I married him, remember?"
"But do you love him?"
"Of course I love him, dunderhead!" she said removing his hands from her shoulders. "Why are you asking so many questions? I'm not drunk enough not to notice that you're acting weird."
"I-I just wanted to make sure that you're happy. That you have everything you wanted. That-"
"I love Satoru? Well, I do. I love him. I'd never have married him if I didn't want to share my life with him," she said almost aggressively. And for a moment, it almost felt like she knew. As if she knew why he had been acting distant and taciturn for so long. Toph opened her mouth, but said nothing for an eternal second, as if there were so many thoughts in her head, all too complex for her drunken stupor. Finally she just said, "He's the best choice I've ever made."
That hurt. It hurt more than being struck by Azula's lightning all those years ago. It hurt so much that he couldn't breathe, couldn't think.
"There's no more wine so I brought Suyin," said Satoru suddenly appearing, holding his daughter. "Your mother finally released her."
"I ask you for wine and you bring me a baby? Man, you do listen when I talk to you."
"I already sent someone to get more wine. Su wants to dance with you while we wait."
Toph took her baby daughter in her arms. "Is it true Su? Do you want to dance with Mommy?"
"Yaay! Dan wi mommy!"
"Very good, Badgermole. But the moment the wine arrives you go back to your grandma, I warn you."
The music changed to a slower one, and Satoru took Toph's hand again to dance, slower than before, swaying gently with Suyin in between. Lin, feeling ignored, ran across the entire dance floor and spread her arms, demanding to be a part of the dance as well. Satoru took his stepdaughter in his arms and put her on his shoulders.
It was then that the pain for the first time turned into melancholy, a silent acceptance of his defeat.
He had loved her and lost her. Just like the swamp once told him he would.
But at least he hadn't lost her to the unforgiving grip of death. He had lost her to another man. A man that hadn't lost his chance like him.
It was torture.
But it was at least a good way to lose her.
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ofstarsandfireflies · 4 years
We’re almost a week into 2021! How are you all? Ready for another movie?
I wanted to try something different tonight, hope you all enjoy!
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Kubo and the two strings
A young boy with one eye goes on a magical adventure, seeking three pieces of armour to protect himself from his grandfather, who wants to steal his other eye.
Peter was just a baby when Dormammu, Stephen’s father, ripped out one of his eyes.
Tony told Stepen to flee, to protect their son and that only his magic could keep him safe.
And that’s what Stephen does, managing to protect Peter from one last bolt of dark magic that was intended for his son, falling through the portal as blood drips down his face.
But that doesn’t stop him from crawling to the bundle wrapped in his cloak and crying.
Finding sanctuary in an old village, Stephen raises the boy as best he can, keeping him away from the thousand eye gaze of the night sky and telling him stories about his father and the incredible armour he wore and used to protect them.
About Thor and his axe and the Captain and his shield, and how the three combined vanquished many foes.
As Peter grows over the years, he starts displaying magical powers of his own, and Stephen tries to help him harness it, but there is only so much he can do.
Peter takes his abilities into the town they live outside of, telling people the stories he was raised on by using his powers to magically fold origami to move and fight and dance, creating the armoured man he calls Tony, the hero of his stories.
As his story reaches its climax, the bell tolls, and Peter knows he’s not meant to be out after dark.
He hurries back home, just as his father wakes up from his almost comatose state, a horrible side effect of the dark magic used on him that has slowly been eating away at his memory over the years.
He spends the night telling Peter another story about Tony and the Avengers, but can’t remember how it ends.
It’s gone.
Much like most of his memories.
But he does remember to warn Peter about never staying out late, to always year the cloak of levitation even though it can’t levitate anymore, and to always carry around the small monkey charm for protection.
Peter goes back to the town the next day, watching the celebrations for a festival the people have to honour their dead loved ones and is told they can even speak to them.
Maybe Peter could contact Tony?
He tries following what he sees other people doing, hoping Tony will answer his call for help, but as the sun sets and Stephen wakes alone, Peter gets angry with being ignored by Tony’s spirit.
He needs help to save his father from the magic that is causing him to slip further away, he wants Tony’s help to save him but all he gets is silence.
And then Peter hears his name being called as he realises just how dark it is.
Two figures dressed in black tell him who they are.
They are his uncles.
And they have come for his other eye after years and years of searching for him, seeming how Dormammu admires the first one.
Peter tries to get away but he isn’t fast enough.
As the two men come closer, they are suddenly thrown back by Stephen’s magic.
With little time to say goodbye, Stephen tells Peter he needs to find the armour, axe and shield. Only then will he be safe.
Then he gives Peter the amulet around his neck, touches the cloak which springs to life, and watches as the cloak takes off with Peter before he rushes into the fight with his brothers.
Peter wakes up, far away from the place he called home with a large monkey watching over him.
A large, talking, monkey.
It tells him his father is gone, having used the last of his magic to bring him to life to protect him.
Peter is alone and powerless with no one but this mean monkey for company.
But during the night as they rest, Peter’s powers seem to grow stronger, folding the paper still in his pack into the miniature Tony he used for his stories.
Tony is pointing them in a certain direction and, having little else to go on, they follow its direction, Peter believing this is his father answering him and wanting to guide him.
None of them notice they are being followed.
Not until Peter is snatched up by their next party member.
A man in full body armour making him look more machine than human who wasn’t after Peter, but Tony, stating that he thinks he knew Tony. That Tony was his leader.
He can remember that, but he can’t remember his name, or anything from his past.
Monkey is very skeptical of this Armour who wants to go with Peter on their quest and Peter isn’t helping matters by telling Armour Tony is his father.
They can’t trust anything this man says because he can’t trust anything he says, the two of them almost coming to blows before Peter steps in and stops them.
And that is when they realise the paper Tony is still pointing them in the direction they need to go.
Following him to a cave, they see a large axe resting in a larger hand.
Monkey thinks it could be a trap, his suspicions becoming true when Armour grabs the axe and the hand lifts up, revealing a Celestial of all things.
Monkey take the axe and attacks it, the axe shattering on impact.
It’s not the right axe.
The Celestial grabs Monkey as Armour fires blasts from his hands up at it and Peter uses his magic to distract it from killing him, all of them seeing more axes sticking out of the helmet covering its head.
Armour and Peter are trying to keep the Celestial distracted until it begins moving toward Peter.
Racing forward with no regard for his own safety, Armour manages to grab him, his suit powering up and flying them up out of harm’s way before he is grabbed too, managing to throw Peter on the Celestial’s head as he is.
One after the other, the axes break on impact, and slowly the Celestial is squeezing the life out of his companions.
Finally, Peter finds the right axe just in time and the Celestial vanishes, Armour snagging up Monkey and Peter and flying them out of there as the cave collapses in on itself.
Finally out in the fresh air, their path ends where the water begins, and Monkey and Armour decide now is a good time for another argument about how they’re going to get to their next destination.
Monkey wants to walk around.
Armour wants to go through.
As Peter walks off, playing with the amulet his father had given him and wondering why it looks like half of it is missing, he notices how the leaves follow his command much like his paper does.
He weaves them into a ship to sail on the water, creating a solution to their problem.
On board, however, he starts to face a new problem.
Instead of arguing, Monkey and Armour are being...nice to one another.
Really nice.
So nice it’s kinda weirding Peter out.
And then they see Tony pointing to the water.
As if something is down there.
Armour is ready to dive in, he knows he can stay underwater for a long time with his suit’s capabilities, but Peter stops him.
His father had told him about what lies underneath these waves.
An old power that contains knowledge it shouldn’t know, couldn’t know, but does, and shares its wisdom with you to keep you down there.
Armour is sure he’ll be fine, throwing Monkey a wink before diving into the water.
And as a storm surrounds them, Peter knows Armour is in trouble.
Monkey won’t go in after him, so Peter takes it upon himself to dive in.
Monkey is about to follow when he’s pulled back by a magical rope, one of Peter’s uncles floating above him.
He pulls Thor’s axe from his back and readies to fight, lightning illuminating the axe head.
Peter finds the next item, Cap’s shield, floating before him. He grabs it just as a huge green eye opens before him, showing him the truth about Monkey.
Monkey is actually what remains of his father, Stephen.
And it’s this knowledge that is the last thing to flicker through Peter’s mind before he passes out.
Armour finds him not a moment later and sends a blast at the eye, making it snap shut.
He quickly pulls Peter up to the surface where Monkey is waiting for them, injured but alive.
Peter comes to and calls Monkey “Father.”
Stephen holds him close.
They make it to shore and Stephen is gathering wood for their fire as Armour and Peter just stare at him.
They want to hear his story.
So Stephen agrees.
The night Stephen met Tony, he’d been instructed to kill him by his father.
He tells his listeners how Tony was considered a threat because of how powerful he’d made his suit, how it could survive almost anything, anywhere.
And how only his father, Dormammu, should be the one to wear such a piece.
He tells them how he waited for Tony alone.
How they fought.
And how that fight was what started Stephen’s rebellion. All for Tony.
And then for Peter.
When Dormammu found them, he was enraged by Stephen’s betrayal, and Tony, along with the rest of the Avengers, gave their lives so Stephen could escape with Peter.
And Peter wants to know why his Grandfather hates him.
But Stephen corrects him.
He doesn’t hate Peter.
He wants to make Peter just like him.
Blind to Humanity.
As Peter sleeps, Armour asks Stephen why he didn’t tell him the truth sooner.
Stephen knows the magic keeping him here is fading, and had been hoping to get through this quest without having to tell Peter the truth.
He didn’t want him to lose his father all over again.
He didn’t want him to be alone.
Armour promises to keep Peter safe, and Stephen is grateful for putting his mind at ease.
The next morning, Peter is going on about seeing the final piece, the suit his father wore, being kept in the Sanctum where Tony and Stephen had built their army of Avengers and Sorcerers to keep their family safe while he packs away origami Tony, not needing him anymore.
So they travel to the Sanctum, finding it abandoned and almost falling apart.
There’s old suits much like Armour’s laying around all over the place, some still with what remains of their wearers inside them.
But it’s all a trap.
With Stephen and Armour caught in a magic bind, the second brother descends on them and mocks the two of them for not realising they had been together this entire time.
For not realising the truth.
That Armour was actually Tony all along.
Peter’s magic is what finally unbinds them, Stephen using Thor’s axe while Tony fires at their attacker, all fighting Stephen’s brother as a family, but it’s not enough.
Stephen’s injury from his first fight is festering and his brother makes the wound his target for all his attacks, Stephen’s fading magic making him even more weak.
It’s the blast from Tony that ends them.
And Tony and Stephen are finally reunited. He knows Peter is his son now and can protect him.
And he would have been able to, if Dormammu hadn’t decided to end their family reunion, killing Tony.
The armour around his body shakes and slides into the strange device on his chest and hits the ground.
Peter can only stare at it as Stephen tries to protect him from his father, pushing him out of the way as he is killed next.
Peter is shaking, crying, staring at where his parents lay and at the device that was on his father’s chest sitting on the ground before him.
Dormammu steps toward him.
Then he takes another step.
And another.
And Peter doesn’t want to move.
He doesn’t have the strength.
He stares at the device and slowly realises the design looks familiar.
It looks like it belongs to the amulet around his neck.
Grabbing it, he presses it into the amulet, the green stone connecting to the blue.
The armour that had been covering his father slowly slides out over his body, the amulet burning with a bright cyan light from the chest where its burned into the metal.
With the shield in one hand and the axe in the other, Peter is prepared for anything Dormammu can throw at him.
Dormammu knows the power of the stone Peter holds, and he knows Peter can’t use it.
He tells Peter to give it to him. That only he should have that kind of power.
Peter looks down at the glowing amulet.
Each half representing his fathers.
And refuses.
He’s not going to give up their memory, even if that’s all he’ll ever have if them.
He not going to stop fighting, because that’s what they did in order to protect him.
Dormammu tries to attack Peter but can’t.
The armour is too powerful against his magic, bouncing off of the shield, being destroyed by the powers in the axe, hitting the plates of metal and not leaving a dent.
And it just angers him further.
All of his sons are dead because of this armour.
And he’s not even the one wearing it from their sacrifice.
Peter hasn’t even lifted a finger to attack him back, he’s just standing there.
But it’s when Dormammu tries one final time, that Peter decides to move.
And with him, everything moves as well.
Power encases the entity he calls his grandfather before him, sucking his magic from him and leaving him as a powerless human being.
It’s kind of ironic he wakes with no memory, but Peter can’t find it in himself to kill him.
After all, he’s still family.
The only family Peter has left.
He looks down at the amulet on his chest and smiles.
That’s not true at all.
Quotes -
“Hanzo was filled with rage. His soul tormented by the grief of a family stolen from him!”
Peter telling the story of his father.
“No, what was he really like? When he wasn’t fighting, when he was with us.”
“He was just like you.”
“Like me?”
“Yes. Strong, and clever, and funny and, oh, so handsome.”
Peter being curious about the father who died to protect him and Stephen knowing everything.
“Magic is not meant to be easy. You need to learn control. Concentrate on what you’re doing and always remember, don’t mess with the monkey.”
Monkey is good at advice. And scaring kids. But good advice mostly.
“It never fails to amaze me how the creatures down here fight so hard to die another day.”
“Down here, there are days worth fighting for.”
“There is nothing down here worth anything! It’s pathetic what happened to my sister. I looked up to her. She was so strong. And love made her weak.”
“No. It made me stronger!”
Stephen while he is fighting his brother and lands the killing blow.
Heart of time, Heart of mine
Peter is being hunted by Dormammu, and with his parents gone, he needs new friends.
How little he realises how old they really are.
Missed a day? Catch up here!
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
could you tell us more about the brarg family au with the 3 babies and trans luci?
I definitely can! This au has been living rent free in my head since i started that drawing and I was actually sketching more stuff for the AU right before I got this ask so- I definitely can ramble more about it
This was supposed to be just a collection of a few hcs and now it’s a multi-pages word document the size of a fanfic so – Im really sorry.
I didn’t think a lot about their backstories tbh, though I have it in my mind that Luciano transition in his late teens and that he and martin either met after that or knew each other before luciano came out, lost all contact, and then met again after (and you can blame oxiosas fic for that yeah im not even subtle)
But I imagine them having some sort of meet cute and kinda progressing really fast in their relationship without realizing – yk, its just a fling, no big deal, yeah ive met his parents, yes I basically spend every weekend in his apartment, yeah I have a spare key now, ops I guess we’re adopting dogs and plants together- oh I think we’re married. Yeah. We’re married.
Ok but for real Luci does the proper proposal-with-a-ring-and-knelt-down-on-a-special-day thing and Martin is just bright red saying yes over and over again
It is Afonso (port) the first to be all WHERE ARE MY GRANDCHILDREN like… the night of their wedding.
They live in a house in a not too big city with two dogs, one cat, one parrot and all the birds that Luciano feeds and names that aren’t actually theirs. Still, they choose the house with two spare rooms because they always talked about having two kids.
In this AU they can buy a nice house and don’t have to worry about money and can raise kids like the world isn’t ending.
I think right after they got married they got in line for adoption. However, everything indicated that it would take a long long time so they started talking about the possibility of trying to have a biological kid. I think luci was the one to suggest it when he noticed martin had been thinking about it but not saying anything for a while.
Lots of boring doctor visits and confused doctors looking at luciano and trying to process it like the dumb cishets they are. Boring exams and all that, but everything is on track eventually, luci pauses his hrt and keeps his jockstrap on the drawer and they’re googling the best positions for fertility on those weird cishet sites and doing it like bunnies etc etc
Getting pregnant the natural way after years of testosterone is not the easiest thing in the world, so it takes a while. But eventually it works.
Both of them are kinda freaking out with this whole first pregnancy thing. Martin is the ultimate protective husband, and spends way too much time on the internet finding out what luciano can and can’t eat, what exercises he should do, and going to every single doctor visit. He’s very committed to it.
Luciano has to drink non-alcoholic beer and hates life. There’s a single teardrop shed every time he buys it. And drinks a lot of lemonade like it’s the same as caipirinha. Poor guy. Martin doesn’t help on that, life isn’t fair, he buys his own beer.
But he also has to drive absurd lengths to find the weirdest fruit or make the most hideous, blasphemous pizza toppings because Luciano is constantly craving absurd shit. But poor baby actually really NEEDS that chicken M&M pizza at 8am.
They’re super proud daddies though, and both their instagrams at this point are just baby belly pictures. Luci had top surgery on this au on my hc so also. Lots of shirtless pics. He looks like an old uncle with a beer belly and he’s PROUD. Just. Baby bellies all over.
Martin picks the entire baby layette. Because of course he does.
Their baby shower is a huge deal though. Their dads are there, Antonio brings an entire trunk filled with diapers and tells everyone how many tincho used to need when he was a baby, Afonso is cooking for everyone and talking about how he’s gonna be a grandfather (!!!). Iracema (pindorama) is scolding Luci about his bad habits while also quietly being a super proud grandma. Zola (angola) bought toys because she knows that’s what kids actually like, Samero (Mozão) keeps asking if they installed all the necessary security stuff in their house – we will, chill, we still have some months to go – Vera (Tomé) is teasing Simão (Timor) about him no longer being the family baby, Fatima (g.bissau) is another one who bought a huge amount of diapers, Rosinha (cabo verde) is taking pictures of everyone and everything, Sebas and Dani are discussing if the kid should speak Portuguese or Spanish, Maria brought a huge pink plushy as a gift, it’s quite a party.
Once they’re late in the pregnancy, Luciano mostly spends his time on Martin’s oversized t-shirts asking for foot rubs and not getting much sleep because the baby keeps moving. Martin on the other hand is a little nervous about being a dad, but absolutely loves feeling the little kicks and talking to the baby all the time, except when its 3am and he wants to sleep but Luci cant because of it so he just does his best to keep him company. He mostly ends up falling asleep on his chest though and doesn’t help much
I wrote all of this but I still don’t have a name for the girl lol Anyway, she’s finally born, and if martin was overprotective when Luciano was pregnant, he’s ten times more with his baby girl. Tbh theyre both kinda going crazy with this whole parenting thing, both are overprotective, tired, and have no idea what theyre doing.
Zola and Sebastian are the girl’s godparents. Sebastian isn’t very good with kids so when he takes care of his niece he either puts on a tv show and lets her eat whatever crap she wants, or relies on Daniel to do the actual taking care, since he is good with kids.
Luciano and Martin are very much neurotic first-timers and have all this schedule of what their girl can eat and when and when she has to sleep etc etc.
When Zola takes care of her, she just ignores it and does it her way. She helped raised Luci since he was a baby anyway, he survived just fine and even married and reproduced, she knows what to do better than both the dumbasses, and they never even find out.
Afonso on the other had follows everything when he’s with his granddaughter, determined to be a better grandfather than he was a father, and the baby loves him so he’s doing a good job.
They’re a very cute family yes yes
She grows up well and happy, a bit shy maybe but very smart and sweet, loves the dogs and her aunts and uncles and granddads (afonso more than antonio though)
By the way, Iracema is soft like butter with her granddaughter.
When she’s about four or five years old they start talking about having a second one, considering the age difference and all. So back to doctors, Luci stops the hrt again and they go back to trying, but again it’s not the easiest thing in the world to do it naturally after years of hrt.
But god listens to the prayers of such good catholic family, and right after they start thinking about a second child, they receive the news they will finally get to adopt a baby.
Luciano is the one to receive the news, he’s working at home when the social worker comes to tell him they can finally adopt. He’s extremely happy, he hugs the poor lady and is barely able to concentrate as she explains the paperwork that is left and the details of it because he can’t stop smiling.
He immediately texts martin saying something like “CALL ME RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO TALK” and it’s in happy caps but martin understands it wrong and thinks someone is dying or dead but then his phone is what dies so he gets home as fast as he can thinking all the worst scenarios just to find luciano jumping on him with a smile for ear to ear. It’s such a shock he takes a while to react but when he does you have two idiots so happy they can’t function.
It’s another girl, she has big brown eyes like her sister and it’s a few months old.
They quickly reassemble the crib and paint the second room to get everything ready in time to take her home, and the next week or so it’s nothing but all the family visiting to meet their new baby.
Since they managed to adopt, they decided to stop trying to have another kid. Luciano goes back to the doctor do some routine exams so that he can go back to testosterone and the doctor just awkwardly explains that, well, that won’t be exactly possible. Not for the next eight months, at least.
He’s quite shocked at that, and takes him a while to tell martin. They just got a new baby and do they even have space to raise three kids? Eventually it just escapes from him and martin is shocked as well, but ultimately both of them are just worried about their place being too small, and once they relax about that they can’t shut up about having another baby on the way to anyone.
Still, it’s not easy to manage, martin is just as worried as he was with their eldest, except that this time he’s simultaneously worried about their new baby and about Luci’s pregnancy. Poor dude needs a break asap. So he’s trying to do most of the work of caring for a little baby to spare luciano from the stress, while also taking care of him as well as he did the other time.
Luci is more chill about being pregnant, he’s done this before, he’s fine. He’s even a little too chill about it, as shown in the art, he still wants to carry their kid on his shoulder and having a few sips of martin’s beer is no big deal and honestly he’s fine, he can help with the baby, and Tincho just needs to relax and it will all be fine.
Again, poor tincho needs a break.
Some things don’t change though. Them being super proud daddies who do nothing but take pictures of their kids and Luci’s belly every chance they get. And they’re really happy and excited to have their house full and this big family.
Just a good cute family AU where nothing bad ever happens thank you very much.  Yet it took me almost 2k words to say it. I have no self control and I’m very sorry. However, if anyone has their own hcs to add about this whole au, I will be more than happy to hear and talk about this AU even more than I’ve already done.
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that0negayslytherin · 4 years
What would you change on Love Victor exactly? Asking as someone that likes S1 and wants to understand what are the problems some have with it.
OK buckle in because I have so many thoughts on how I would change S1. Granted, this is all based on personal preference so like if you disagree please feel free to do so!!
(As a disclaimer, I really love this show. I love the characters so much and I think the cast brings such life to them. Most of my problems are more on the writing/structural level when it comes down to it. Just want to make it very clear that I’m not trying to tear the show down. We should be critical of the things we enjoy!! Ok, so without further ado,)
Things I would change about Love Victor S1:
First of all, the timeline. There...isn’t one LMAO. This is a gripe more from the fanfic writer’s perspective as well, as it just makes it difficult to know where they’re situated in the school year, when important events happened, etc. Timeline is a mess! But also, how long were Victor and Mia together? How long was he at Creekwood before things started happening between them? We can speculate but it’s all very vague.
BENJI. We know hardly anything about him?? And he’s supposed to be like Victor’s gay awakening in some ways and the major love interest for Vic? And by trying to make him this like mysterious but magnetic beacon of gayness they lso sort of stripped him of a personality.
ALSO Victor never shows interest or attraction to literally any other male (my friends and I joke that maybe he’s not even gay he’s just Benji-sexual) and that’s something that could’ve been remedied so easily with like a single line of internal dialogue or something.
Which brings me to Derek, who I do think is an interesting character but also just sort of exists to act as a barrier between Victor and Benji, which is...unnecessary imo because Victor is already putting up barriers himself (dating Mia, namely) to avoid coming to terms with things. One thing I will say is that through his relationship with Derek we learn things about Benji, but I also think it’s a problem that a lot of what we know about Benji is only in relation to how he functions in his romantic relationship. Anyway I would’ve preferred just to learn more about Benji and cut the character of Derek altogether.
I understand this would cause issues for the birthday party episode and they would’ve had to change a lot of what happened there, but getting Victor to a point where he confronts his grandfather for being homophobic could’ve been done another way without making a weird example of Derek and Benji.
AND ANOTHER THING, Benji’s insistence on being super open about their gayness even though Victor tells him that his grandparents aren’t down with that is. Not realistic from my perspective LOL like most queer people would be like oh shit ok gotchu I would very much like to not be attacked for my identity today! That’s a more specific thing but yeah that didn’t make any sense to me.
Victor’s parents. GOD, I do NOT think we needed as much of their storyline as we got. I understand wanting to provide valid reasons for them to up and move in the middle of a school year, but I just think the season spent way too much time on it as a way to parallel Victor’s cheating, which just felt really extraneous to me.
Speaking of his family, I feel like we get almost ALL of their religiousness in the first episode or so and then it sort of gets dropped for most of the season? Which doesn’t make sense because that seems to be a pretty big factor in Victor struggling to accept his sexuality so I think that could have been more consistent.
This is more of a minor thing that comes down to personal taste, but some of the dialogue is...not great? Just a little cringey and trying too hard to be cool I think? But some of it IS good which sort of makes the bad dialogue feel worse like we know you can give us good dialogue so the awkward moments seem magnified I guess.
Ultimately, my biggest issue is that they structured the show as more of an ensemble show but then didn’t give it the space to actually be that. Ten 30-minute episodes was not enough time to cover all of the storylines and subplots they created, which is a shame because I really like a lot of the characters. For instance, I do sort of like Felix and Lake, but for a show that’s supposed to be about a person of color figuring out that he’s gay, there was way too much focus on a white cishet couple. I also thought that a lot of Mia’s storyline was really interesting but, again, there wasn’t enough space in the season to really do it justice. I really hope that season 2 is structured a little differently (longer episodes, maybe) because they’ve already revealed a SLEW of new characters, and while I love the idea of adding more queer characters and expanding on the world, I also worry that the main points (namely the fallout of Victor’s coming out and the start of his first gay relationship) will get a little bit lost in all of it.
At the end of the day, like I said, I really do love this show. Victor is such a relatable character for me and I think Michael does an incredible job playing him, and the whole cast really is just phenomenal. One of the reasons I enjoy the show is because of choices the actors have made, little moments that could be nothing but take on an extra life because of things like body language, inflection, etc (e.g. I personally think a lot [most?] of the Venji moments are only as good as they are because Michael and George have such great chemistry). Also, it’s a very cute show and it’s a lot of fun!!! My hope is that some of these issues are more or less remedied come season 2 <3
I also recognize that the switch from Disney+ to Hulu may have had some bearing on some of these issues so I don’t want to 100% fault the writers, but I do think that there’s just way too much going on in the first season relative to the collective runtime.
Finally, I’m going to take this opportunity to plug the LV Fic Lovers Discord server because we talk a LOT about our S2 wishlists, critiques and praise of the first season, and stuff about new cast information in addition to talking about fanfic, so if you’re into the show and want a space to talk with other people who enjoy it, I highly recommend checking it out!! :)
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