#i feel like matpat
cherllyio · 4 months
A timeline of the Season 5 trailer
This was a timeline i made with @lu-zijing in a youtube video we made together.
Video that helped me notice some details: "Lego monkie kid season 5 trailer breakdown" - Ash_Is_Bored
First scene:
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I theorise this to be the first scene for 2 reasons:
Wukong isn't wearing a circlet yet
The Sky isnt destroyed yet, and it just looks like normal training between Wukong and MK.
But, after they finish training, MK goes to bed but wakes up somewhere... different:
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The mystical monkeys got dragged to court in The Underworld, by The Underworld Kings, clearly by surprise since MK is in his PJ's. Also Wukong is still not wearing a circlet.
They are: "Do you three know of the crimes you have done", so its clearly the first time they are down there.
I imagine they are bassicaly told: "Everything is going wrong because of you three, so stop interfering with this, we will fix it".
This then followed by them getting sent back and being welcomend back to flower fruit mounatin... or what remains of it...
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(notice the volcanos around flower fruit mountain from the pilot ep):
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Wukong and Macaque are clearly pretty chocked and scared by this revalation, and even give eachother THAT LOOK.
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Ep 1 ends here.
After this they probaly gather all the monkeys from the island, and try to find a shelter for the time being.
And after everything is secure, they send MK home with a little: "We will figure this out, Bud, go check on your friends, they are probaly worried sick for where you have been."
What happens after MK gets home, i have no idea, but we do have a couple of scenes that look to be the closest to what happens afterwards:
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Pigsy has put up a noddle stand here, to celebrate some kind of "festival". Yet it is then intereupted by the sky suddenly breaking again.
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And if that wasnt enough, Li Jing (and Nezha in his mech) shows up, (probaly thinking that the skyes are breaking because of MK, Wukong and Macaque, hence why they were in court earlier)
Li jing sucks MK in his magical pagado (notice how MK is the only one dragged forward)(As mentioned in that breakdown i linked to)
Li Jing(to MK); Don't even think about running!
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We are then up in The Underworld again, where Li Jing is formely introduced and the monkeys are told that he is gonna be the next Jade Emperor:
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This is also here we learn about the "Pillar of Creation", which is the thing currently on beaming on Flower Fruit Mountain, and is also currently breaking apart (therefore why the sky is breaking)
MK: Sorry what the is "The Pillar of Creation"?
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This is also the same scene, where Wukong gets a new circlet on by Li Jing (because Li Jing and The Kings of the underworld think our mystical monkeys are the cause of the sky breaking)
This then followed by the monkeys getting teleported away(to what im guessing is going to be some kind of prison, since they probaly dont trust them out in the world).
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The scenes become a bit more scattered after this, and probaly take place further from eachother from now on, but MK, Wukong and Macaque are clearly breaking out prison here:
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They then join with the rest of the gang, and try to figure out how to prove that the mystical monkeys are innocent, while also trying to find out how to save the world.
In one of these scenes they stumble upon Li Jing, where Macaque stays behiend to give the others some time (but sadly gets trapped in the pagado in the process)
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This was mentioned in the breakdown with the glow, Macaque has on him in this scene, which is the same that shows when Li Jing uses his Pagado:
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Hence why Macaque isnt in the following scenes after this.
I can imagine Macaque gets trapped in The Underworld after this again (which would cause defintly some BAD MEMORIES to come back) (Shadowpeach backstoryyyyy????)
This though would also give us someone "on the inside", who can figure out why they are getting blamed for all of this (maybe he even meets the traitor king)
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Anyway, back to the rest of the gang.
On their way, they found out about "four mystical creatures" that can save the world.
But as they go too seek them, where they atleast found two of them, they are dying as they are trying to protect two magical stones.
Therefore, right before they die, they give the stones to MK (notice how they are the same place, in both scenes)
Mei: It seems to have something to do with the stone.
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They are though quickly interupted by our dear Li jing(who is honestly such an asshole at this point)
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Hopefully, they manage to get away with the stones.
There is a lot of other scenes i could talk about(but since Tumblr wont let me put in any more pictures) i am just going to talk about the last scenes in the season (before the special atleast):
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Wukong: Ok MK, there is something inside you that you cant control.
They have clearly gathered all the stones here (so its clearly near the end) , but something has gone wrong, and from what i could figure from others theories( @lunamikobrony2 ) its probaly that something happend to Wukong.
More specifically that (like the other magical creatures) he had to sacrifce himself, since Wukong is the LAST STONE. (again go check out @lunamikobrony2 theory)
So bassicaly this is going to be MK's "Apeshit scene". (and i dont know if that is going to be a good or a bad thing)
And thats all from me folks! If you want me to analysis more scenes from the trailer and where they fit in the timeline just ask me in my inbox.
!Or! if you have any changes you would like to make to the timeline, be free to say so! I am open to changing my mind about this!
Translations used: 1 (here) - 2 (here)
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the-knight-sir-dres · 11 months
Having watched the amazing digital circus for a third time now I have made several more discoveries:
One of the performers at one point was a worm on a string
Kinger has so far made 1 illegal move over the tent's checkered floor
All the characters with hands (except Ragatha) have four fingers. (This is similar to the Simpsons, which yields the absolute crackhead idea that the Amazing Digital Circus takes place within the Simpsons universe.)
The performers are capable of feeling pain. This has some downsides but ultimately means that they are all eligible for hugging. Except probably Jax, he'd kick you most likely.
Pomni is short compared to the others. Caine is roughly the same size as Pomni. Caine is fucking short.
And the actual juicy one
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This. In the Stanley Parable bit
C & A.
My deepest fears may be true.
The lore behind TADC may be...
a Bible Reference.
Presumably at one point or another there was another guy in charge called Abel. Not to spoil the plot of the bible or anything but bad shit happened.
There are Ramifications™ to this.
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clay-pidgeon · 1 year
i reblogged something from someone and now they’re DEACTIVATED i think i killed them
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groven4 · 11 months
"I don't ship securitywaiter" I say as I continue to fall deeper and deeper down the "crackship" rabbit hole.
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regsaysstuff · 1 month
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internetaddict104 · 9 months
MatPat is leaving Game Theory
OFMD canceled
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Guys I had a dream that (for context since i had this crazy theory for a while that had infected my mind for an hour straight a few weeks ago) Mack and Blue Mack (His name was Matt) were twins (thats all you need to know, i call it the Mack Bros theory) but then they faked their own death to go back to earth somehow to become the mat and ness twins (IDFK what to call them, FNAF twins?)
i haven’t been okay since then please someone help me
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umblrspectrum · 1 year
the day of reckoning has come. Matrick Patrick has covered Murder Drones, and oh my god it sucks so bad I don't care about spoiling people he literally
I'm actually about to lose it half his argument boils down to "Murder Drones is a Show that follows a plot", he makes no attempt to acknowledge the fact that all of the disassembly drones have solver, makes up a character on the spot to pin all the lore onto, incorporates TWO gags that are almost 100% jokes as part of his evidence, doesn't mention that he is not the first person to theorize that n was the reason nori died, never acknowledges doll other than to give blatantly wrong information, and gave us the brilliant line of "we can't talk about Murder Drones without bringing up World War II"
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send-me-a-puffalope · 7 months
The latest MatPat theory being focused around Vanessa 👁️👁️ Me when I get the giddy hyperfixation tingles whenever anyone brings up my blorbo.
While I don’t think the actual movie version of Vanessa will be revealed to be a robot (solely cause I feel like that’d be too controversial and require too much suspension of disbelief of a choice for the film franchise to make, since it is trying to appeal to a more general audience), I can see that being a possible route that allows the movies to do both Vanessa and Vanny without feeling like doing a 180 of Vanessa’s established character. This version of Vanessa doesn’t listen -> replace her with a new version of Vanessa (Vanny) who will, yknow?
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macadam · 11 months
Throwback to when someone referred to me as the matpat of transformers
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casey-complains · 9 months
matpat has made his career of shitty or stolen theories and bigoted behaviour, i am NOT mourning the removal of this white man
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theoryandahalf · 2 months
What if Matpat retires from GTlive before they can play kindergarten 3💔
Well...I mean...
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I think he's up for coming back?
Let me rephrase, as long as GTLive exists as a channel, I think there's very strong likelihood they bring Matt and Steph back for Kindergarten 3.
We can address my fears over the possibility that GTLive is actually gonna end in October at another time
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rainbow-beanie · 3 months
I really gotta know the significance of rambley’s constant glitches, cause it looks more and more like it’s something he can’t control. It kinda reminds me of vanellope from wreck it Ralph, since she’s a glitch too. though she hadn’t began as a glitch, so I wonder if something happened to rambley’s code to make him constantly glitch out, I thought the only times he glitches is from heightened emotions like with his outburst about Lloyd’s limited edition plush, but it seems to happen erratically, so I’m not sure what’s causing it
The easy answer would be that it’s cause the park is in constant disrepair, but if that’s the case then how come rambley can control the train ride and open and close doors without any problem? The only time he glitches would be when he transfers himself from one screen to the other. It just doesn’t make sense
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gtliveoutofcontext · 3 months
Hey chat maybe let’s talk about how Matpat and Steph are going to CONGRESS?? Like Hamilton?
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lilywily143 · 1 year
You guys think that we are just way too obsessed with Murder Drones so we know way too much about the details than casual viewers like MatPat?
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vellichorom · 5 months
I neither know nor particularly care about Spooky Month but do you think that Bob's cannibalism could be a form of theophagy. Because methinks that could be real interesting.
ohhh possibly...
bear with me here but you SEE, the cult he's apart of is VERY obsessed with the idea of " everything, " with their god, dubbed " The Eyes of The Universe, " either promising them " everything " - like the world or whatever they individually desire, or possibly protection from the alleged end of the world... or something like that, it's not entirely clear what the cult's or their god's motives truly are beyond the umbrella of the term " Everything, "
but i believe there's been some alluding to the god or the cult members using others' bodies as vessels, WHICH MAKES ME THINK... the human flesh is Important to the cult. & you've got a cannibal right there, referred to by the creator with a religious quote that virtually pertains to " every moving thing " being nothing but feed to him.
SO I CAN'T SIT HERE & SAY IT'S NOT PLAUSIBLE YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? thinking it could possibly be done as some form of connection TO the eyes of the universe or as ritual practice for the cult's end GOAL,
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