#angst lmk
cherllyio · 4 months
Li Jing has trapped Nüwa - A season 5 theory
Now I know, this sounds crazy, but dont worry it will all make sense when i show you my evidence for it:
Evidence number 1: How he has the power to do
Evidence number 2: How he has the right motivation to do so
Evidence number 3: Its is shown IN THE LEGO SETS
Evidence number 1: He has the power to do
First of all, Li Jings "Pagado" is weapon used to "trap" people inside of it(sort of like the calabash). He even used this in the original mytholgy against Nezha, when Nezha tried to kill him(Dont worry, i will make an analysis about them soon).
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And we even see Li Jing! trap MK in the Pagado in the trailer! (Notice how MK is the only one being pulled forward, while the other are getting pushed back) (This was metioned in a breakdown here)
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Second of all, we know this Pagado, is IMPORTANT, with how it placed in the direct middle of the season 5 poster. MK and the rest are even IN A PAGADO IN THIS POSTER. (picture of real life pagoda underneath)
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Evidence number 2: He has the right motivation to do so
If we want to understand how Li Jing's motivations works, we first have to look at where he got his ideals from: The Celistial Realm.
Since season 4, we have all been made aware that the whole "Celistial realm system" isnt that great. The Jade Emperor being a prime example of this, as mentioned by Azure.
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Azure: "But overtime it became clear for me, that The Jade Emperors only concern was kepping his subjects under his boot"
And if we actually start analyzing it further, we realize that The Celistials realms biggest flaw is that they focus too much on "Order".
Bassicaly: Everyone has their roles and needs to follow them, like how Nezha was so intense about his whole "protect the celistial realm" role. So much indeed, that it was WORTH MORE THAN HIS OWN LIFE.
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So it would make sense that in this next season, we would get a direct antagonist(or even villian) who is FROM The Celistial Realm.
Because lets be real, even though MK and the rest are heroes, they dont really follow the celistial realms whole "order system".
They are so incredebly chaotic, that of course someone like Li Jing(whom seems very happy for "intrapping the chaotic", aka putting a circlet on Wukongs head) would not like our protagonists.
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And with all this in mind, how would someone like Li Jing then react to Nüwa? Someone who seems to embrace the chaotic as not "something that needs to fixed", but as something that is vital for this world (a real philosophy in dualism btw).
Yea, Li Jing would not like someone like that.
Anyway last evidence:
Evidence Number 3: It is shown in the Lego sets:
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The only time we have seen Nüwa in the lego sets was something called the "Celistial Pagoda"
Notice how Li Jing is IN that Lego sets, holding his Pagoda, that looks suspingly a lot like a smaller version of the big Pagado.
With all this in mind then....This is how i imagined it went down:
How Li Jing trapped Nüwa
Li Jing one day learned that the creation godess, Nüwa, was creating something called "The Harbinger of Chaos". He didnt know what it even was, but he DEFINITELY didnt like the sound of it.
Therefore, Li Jing goes to confront Nüwa, trapping her in the process, but... what about MK you might say?
Well as RV sketch theorised in their video: "What is MK", MK is acutally Broken/ not complete yet (hence why he is glitching, and also why his stone has that crack).
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Therefore they also theorised that the reason that he isnt Broken/ not complete yet, is because that something happend to Nüwa while she was making him, leaving MK alone and unfinished.
He then, somehow, got brought to live, and found his way to Pigsy.
This then meaning, that if both our theories are correct, Li Jing was the one to trap Nüwa and leaving MK all alone on that mountain.
Li Jing might even have found MK's half finished stone and tried to DESTROY IT. And thinking that he finished the job, he just left it there (not knowing that MK is now the result of that).
Li Jing not only ruins his own family, but also ruins other peoples(deities) families too!
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dr4gong4l · 6 months
My silly big angst thinking blob:
Mk with samadhi fire... He's not really hurt by it- only a few scratches and ended up actually surviving the whole big ball of deadly fire from Mei, did use all his energy tho so:
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Huggies :D
Then I found out Red Son doesn't get hurt at all from the samadhi fire, considering he's the creator :D
So then this thing:
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What if... Mei just, boom💥 dead.
Mei ended up exploding, just like, fading away into bits, especially at the part where LBD was using the power to begin with. Red Son couldn't save her in time...
The silly thing (Dragonfruit):
"DON'T YOU GIVE UP ON ME DRAGON GIRL!" Red Son shouted, holding her tight till his eyes widen. Tears? Tears?? Really? Right now?!
"No- NO- Stay with m-" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry" She sobs, her tears evaporated by the sole flames, slowly consuming her.
"STAY WITH ME, DON'T LET IT GO-" Red Son was pushed back, the fire, was getting stronger, no, he can't leave her, he won't! Red Son pushed himself to his limit.
"... Tell MK I'm proud of him." Red Son couldn't breathe for a moment. "Tell everyone, they're the greatest friends, I ever needed. Tell them, they're family... To me, I always protect my family..." Mei smiles at him. "I'll protect you too."
No. Please. No! "... D-Don't joke like that- don't-" Red Son squeeze her tightly. Her face... Her beautiful sweet face, why can't she stop smiling? Why should she go?
"You're the greatest hero Red, you're my hero..."
Red Son hugged her as she smiles at him. He can't help it, he gave her one back, despite it all, Mei wanted him to smile, by happy.
The samadhi fire consumes her as Red Son is left hugging himself... But the samadhi fire, now once cold and powerful, but gave him warmth and love.
The besties (Mk and Mei):
Mk runs in, despite everything, she's his best friend! No matter what, as he was slowly losing himself, he hugs her tightly but...
She was slowly... Consumed.
"No- no! Mei! Mei! Please-" Mk shakes her as she's slowly disappearing. He can't lose his best friend, he can't lose Mei, he doesn't want to lose anyone ever again! Never please, not her not her! Never her!
"... I'm proud of you Mk..." She smiles. Her tears forming as Mk couldn't help but cry holding her, she hugs him back, comforting him.
"Our friends... And you... Are like family to me... I'll always protect my family... And...
Tell Red Son... He'll always be my hero..."
She smiles through, Mk sobs, please... Please stay. Please. All he could think. But after all. He hugs himself kneeling on the ground, holding the remains of a warm hug.
You might have noticed the Mk and Mei one is shorter, well that's because I have NO IDEAS what to write :D.
Writing is not what I do especially with things like wording and grammar because English is my second language :')))
Again angst is my middle name!
(No it's not. Seriously :'))) )
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They're so silly I love them :D
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kyri45 · 15 days
Aww! I'm picturing the next night after Wukong made the bed bigger. Wukong stays up late hoping Mac will join him but losing hope. Mac sneaking in at 1AM hoping Wukong is already asleep and won't notice him cuddling up to him. Wukong still awake and trying his very best to hide it so Mac doesn't get spooked and runs.
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He’s the little spoon (and also his warm stove)
Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST / NEXT
Honestly I just needed a context for the next update and this anon vision was like sent from heaven. This is the calm before the mini-storm. Many frequently asks will be answered in the next 3/4 updates.
I see a lot of people asking the gays to kiss. I more than agree and I’m the first who would want that. I also must say though that, at this point, forgiveness is still in the process. Trust, at least from my ace perspective, should be earned gradually and with both sides not enforcing the other, but letting the door open so the other can take their time to step forward.
Maybe I’m just talking aimeless, but all of this to say that we need more platonic /queerplatonic cuddling in general media.
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deviliciousnavy · 2 months
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This scene destroyed me fr I just can't T~T
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echoes-of-the-unknown · 2 months
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And then he was fine, don’t worry about it :)
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angelcake10023 · 19 days
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“Mama’s Boy….” 🎶
I don’t know why I do this to myself… i need to draw something fluffy next-
Song I pulled from vvv
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peasantflour · 2 months
The Hand Hold We Deserved!!
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I finally got the chance to watch LMK Season 5 over the weekend!! I have a ton of thoughts about it, but I wanted to redraw this sweet moment between Wukong and Macaque in the final episode, and imagine what we COULD have had if it weren’t interrupted.
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duckthevillain · 18 days
His face after MK sacrificed himself I'm-
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How did I not notice
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Good lord they want me dead
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catientringer · 4 months
Mini-comic time🙊i hope you enjoy the angst✨
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(He‘ll be fine don‘t worry)
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kristea9ay · 1 month
How and where did he walk for the first time?
Mk fell asleep with both of his parents cuddling, but when he wakes up...his papa is upset? Not on his watch!
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Blurred text here
First - previous - next
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marshymoss · 7 days
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twitter artist challenge thingy:3 macaaqquuueuueguerhejdskvm
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cherllyio · 4 months
A timeline of the Season 5 trailer
This was a timeline i made with @lu-zijing in a youtube video we made together.
Video that helped me notice some details: "Lego monkie kid season 5 trailer breakdown" - Ash_Is_Bored
First scene:
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I theorise this to be the first scene for 2 reasons:
Wukong isn't wearing a circlet yet
The Sky isnt destroyed yet, and it just looks like normal training between Wukong and MK.
But, after they finish training, MK goes to bed but wakes up somewhere... different:
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The mystical monkeys got dragged to court in The Underworld, by The Underworld Kings, clearly by surprise since MK is in his PJ's. Also Wukong is still not wearing a circlet.
They are: "Do you three know of the crimes you have done", so its clearly the first time they are down there.
I imagine they are bassicaly told: "Everything is going wrong because of you three, so stop interfering with this, we will fix it".
This then followed by them getting sent back and being welcomend back to flower fruit mounatin... or what remains of it...
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(notice the volcanos around flower fruit mountain from the pilot ep):
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Wukong and Macaque are clearly pretty chocked and scared by this revalation, and even give eachother THAT LOOK.
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Ep 1 ends here.
After this they probaly gather all the monkeys from the island, and try to find a shelter for the time being.
And after everything is secure, they send MK home with a little: "We will figure this out, Bud, go check on your friends, they are probaly worried sick for where you have been."
What happens after MK gets home, i have no idea, but we do have a couple of scenes that look to be the closest to what happens afterwards:
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Pigsy has put up a noddle stand here, to celebrate some kind of "festival". Yet it is then intereupted by the sky suddenly breaking again.
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And if that wasnt enough, Li Jing (and Nezha in his mech) shows up, (probaly thinking that the skyes are breaking because of MK, Wukong and Macaque, hence why they were in court earlier)
Li jing sucks MK in his magical pagado (notice how MK is the only one dragged forward)(As mentioned in that breakdown i linked to)
Li Jing(to MK); Don't even think about running!
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We are then up in The Underworld again, where Li Jing is formely introduced and the monkeys are told that he is gonna be the next Jade Emperor:
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This is also here we learn about the "Pillar of Creation", which is the thing currently on beaming on Flower Fruit Mountain, and is also currently breaking apart (therefore why the sky is breaking)
MK: Sorry what the is "The Pillar of Creation"?
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This is also the same scene, where Wukong gets a new circlet on by Li Jing (because Li Jing and The Kings of the underworld think our mystical monkeys are the cause of the sky breaking)
This then followed by the monkeys getting teleported away(to what im guessing is going to be some kind of prison, since they probaly dont trust them out in the world).
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The scenes become a bit more scattered after this, and probaly take place further from eachother from now on, but MK, Wukong and Macaque are clearly breaking out prison here:
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They then join with the rest of the gang, and try to figure out how to prove that the mystical monkeys are innocent, while also trying to find out how to save the world.
In one of these scenes they stumble upon Li Jing, where Macaque stays behiend to give the others some time (but sadly gets trapped in the pagado in the process)
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This was mentioned in the breakdown with the glow, Macaque has on him in this scene, which is the same that shows when Li Jing uses his Pagado:
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Hence why Macaque isnt in the following scenes after this.
I can imagine Macaque gets trapped in The Underworld after this again (which would cause defintly some BAD MEMORIES to come back) (Shadowpeach backstoryyyyy????)
This though would also give us someone "on the inside", who can figure out why they are getting blamed for all of this (maybe he even meets the traitor king)
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Anyway, back to the rest of the gang.
On their way, they found out about "four mystical creatures" that can save the world.
But as they go too seek them, where they atleast found two of them, they are dying as they are trying to protect two magical stones.
Therefore, right before they die, they give the stones to MK (notice how they are the same place, in both scenes)
Mei: It seems to have something to do with the stone.
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They are though quickly interupted by our dear Li jing(who is honestly such an asshole at this point)
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Hopefully, they manage to get away with the stones.
There is a lot of other scenes i could talk about(but since Tumblr wont let me put in any more pictures) i am just going to talk about the last scenes in the season (before the special atleast):
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Wukong: Ok MK, there is something inside you that you cant control.
They have clearly gathered all the stones here (so its clearly near the end) , but something has gone wrong, and from what i could figure from others theories( @lunamikobrony2 ) its probaly that something happend to Wukong.
More specifically that (like the other magical creatures) he had to sacrifce himself, since Wukong is the LAST STONE. (again go check out @lunamikobrony2 theory)
So bassicaly this is going to be MK's "Apeshit scene". (and i dont know if that is going to be a good or a bad thing)
And thats all from me folks! If you want me to analysis more scenes from the trailer and where they fit in the timeline just ask me in my inbox.
!Or! if you have any changes you would like to make to the timeline, be free to say so! I am open to changing my mind about this!
Translations used: 1 (here) - 2 (here)
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dr4gong4l · 7 months
Just a little thing I did. Eh not too bad I suppose? Slightly a bit agnst but I'm not too sure. :3
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"I will not accept being this disrespected! I did what I can to save the world! I didn't just-" "ADMIT IT. You have that power to her. You gave the power, that can help your father, that can MAKE HIM PROUD, to your enemy! Isn't that great? The one, and only son of the DEMON BULL KING, gave up the samadhi fire! Taught her how to harness it, when he couldn't do it himself when he was a child! For many years and was defeated! She took it away from you, you helped her! Despite knowing SHE DOESN'T DESERVE IT." It backfires at him. Laughing. Mockery...
"The all mighty Red Son."
"Do not use that title as a mere insult, faker!" He tried to use force to get rid of this... Pest. Such unwanted attention of a mere negative thoughts. Frustrating, irritated, demanding that, thing, to shut it's disgusting mouth!
"Don't go blame on me now... You actually gave it! You gave up the power you were born with! Admit it Red Son! You failed. You failed! Don't hear me? I'll tell again!" It laughs and shreeks happily. This isn't Mei, she would never! This pest is taking her form!
Why is he here?... He shouldn't be here... He hates it here... All this. All of thi-
"... Admit it Red Son. You're nothing. Without power. You have nothing. Like what your father said. Nothing but disappointment."
(I realized I forgetten his scar so I fixed it immediately 🥲)
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lilacgaby · 7 days
title: save me.
pairing: childhoodfriend!katsuki x reader
katsuki has always saved you, his princess.
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the first time you asked katsuki to save you was in kindergarten.
you'd fell and scraped your knees after some other little boy shoved you to the ground, upset that you had taken the swings from him earlier. you were in tears as you begged, "save me kacchan!" as his eyes widened and a feeling he couldn't describe overtook him, he scared off the other boy, happily taking the praise from you as you looked at him stargazed, in awe of his strength.
from that day on he swore to protect you, in all the games you'd play, he'd be the knight, you'd be the pretty princess in the tower, and his gang of friends would be monsters, trying to attack you.
he'd superglued your hands together at recess once too, just to keep you with him. he smiled as he said, "now we'll be together forever!" the reprimanding the two of you faced because he did so was worth it in his opinion, as the message stuck throughout the years.
it manifested in his protective nature over you never ceasing even as you two aged. in middle school the guy who'd been rude to you to the point of tears in biology came to you the next day, shakily begging you to forgive him. guys wouldn't look your way, terrified to even upset you. when you confronted katsuki about it? he'd deny it, say you must've done something yourself.
katsuki felt you were the only one who was his equal, the only one he wanted by his side on his journey to become number one.
that's why he was glad to be with you in u-a, why he 'let' you apply without the public humiliation he'd inflicted on izuku.
since you two were together constantly due to the dorms, you'd do everything together. you'd study together, train, sit next to eachother in class, eat lunch together. you'd even developed a habit of napping in his bed, waking up with horrible 'bedhair', not knowing it was because he'd play with it when you were fast asleep.
and as you two graduated, becoming pro-heroes, getting married. opening an agency together, plans for children on the way.
plans that were all thrown out as quickly as they were conceived.
the last time you asked katsuki to save you was when you were bleeding out in the destroyed streets of the city. debris and destruction surrounding you as you struggled to even mutter the phrase. "..s-save.. me." you could barely see him, let alone see the heartbreak and despair in his reaction.
everything hurt, your body could barely process why. maybe it was the fact you were being impaled on a blade of steel, brought forth by the villain who'd caused this madness in the first place.
"you're.. you're gonna be okay." he said, equally for yourself and him. trying to convince himself this was all a nightmare, one he'd hope he'd wake up from soon.
but as he looked over at you, processing the fatal wound in your stomach. he knew he couldn't be selfish and lie to you a second longer.
his words came out cracked as he confessed, 'i.. i don't-- i can't help you.'
how dare you? how dare you try comforting him in your last moments, reaching out to coddle his face with the hand that wasn't mangled, softly smiling and ignoring the blood cascading down your mouth as you dedicated your last words just to him. "i love you.. you've always- been my knight, katsuki."
he felt your hand drop, but he rushed to pick it up. he had never felt so hopeless in his life, he always swore to protect you.. and yet? he failed. he was a broken man as he was escorted away from your corpse, only your ring to serve as a permanent reminder of what he lost.
he was a broken man as he tried and miserably continued life without you, seeing you in everything, yet never feeling you again.
the only form of solace he would ever get was to find that villain, and to pummel him into the ground. and he did so, feeling so gratified in the moment, as if he'd served justice in your honor.
but all the blood he'd shed would be worthless,
for nothing could bring back his pretty princess in her tower.
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alt ending!
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racoonponiee · 1 month
this fandom has been dear to my heart for exactly a year. I love the content that the fandom makes, the wonderful art and stories. So I'd like to present my first animation for a special artist @kyri45 !! a wonderful comic artist who made the AU shown in the video "Shadowpeach BIO parents AU". I have adored their content since the first ever showing of the AU. It is a wonderful comic that you should read and follow Kyri for! They also have their own other comic!😉
I really hope you enjoyed my first ever animation (despite it only being twelve seconds hehe...)
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narejane · 2 months
Scene redraw👀???
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Holy moly I finally got tumblr working again 😭😭😭
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