#i feel like shit oh my goddddddd
vzajemnik · 10 months
:////// i really dont like my friends huh
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
wouldn't it be funny if I could write again lollollol........
#got a very sweet comment on a fic today and I was like oh my god. oh my goddddddd. ppl *still* like my stuff.#ppl still like my silly little stupid little stuff that I had stupid silly fin working on & it's dumb and silly but I shared it!#and ppl like it!#and I'm like not pushing myself anymore. like before I was kinda trying to force shit to happen#like sitting in bed with an open notebook/laptop like CREATE BITCH!#and I'm not doing that anymore lol and being on my meds has really made me feel SO much better#but also like I just don't.... have any ideas anymore. can't rotate blorbo like a rotisserie chicken anymore#I lay down to go to sleep now and because my body is not operating under severe extreme toxic anxiety levels anymore#I just fckn fall asleep. like I'm OUT. good night. sleepin. snoozin. zonked. 7+ hours.#no more blorbo thoughts at the end of the day I'm TIRED and my brain FINALLY shuts off#I hope one day I'll write again. I had so much fun with it. I have had a couple Thoughts#since I have been on my meds#but they're nothing more than a few quick sentences scrawled in a notebook.#it's like I'm doing so much other stuff and having fun in other ways and SLEEPING FINLALLY SWEET GOD ALMIGHTY#there's just like zero processing left for original blorbo ideas#this doesn't make sense and I bet you were all relieved cause I haven't ranted in tags in like months but hahaha#🤡 I STAY HONKIN'!!!! 🤡#(I'm actually really in a really good place mentally rn I promise like the best I've felt in years I'm just ahhh!! tonight lol)#erin explains it all
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203y · 1 year
the indescribable heartbreak at seeing a missing pet flyer for a cat
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it's fuckin gummy out here😩
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bellewintersroe · 4 months
Would you please write a headcanon for Malarkey, Babe, Chuck, Shifty, Liebgott, Winters (and anyone else you'd like to do) about them seeing you dressed "like a girl" for the first time. I mean all pin up looking and everything (tastefully of course though). Maybe you had to wear army fatigues just like the rest of the guys (and of course no makeup or ability to do your hair or wash everyday) and that's the only way they've really ever seen you. But you finally get the chance to really dress up for once (you're a girly girl). I'd love to know what you see their reactions being.
Oooooo being a girly girl myself I LOVE this concept!! Easy Boys x Reader - how they react to you dressed up.
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Don Malarkey:
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Normally Don would just muck around with you, he’d think you’re beautiful either way but he feels comfortable with you to joke around like he would similar to how he is with the guys.
so when you walk into that pub one day all dressed up like one of those pin up girls he’d seen in the magazines? Good lord-
Eyes pop out of his head fr.
double takes- cos he’s so mf stunned like- it ignites something deep inside of his body and every single inch of his body is on fire.
I feel like he’d sorta look at you differently when you’re having a conversation, like he’d be smiling and blushing- I think he’d be stammering, maybe he couldn’t hold eye contact as often?
like he’d suddenly stop throwing jokes in your direction and actually engages in a more quieter and normal? Conversation. Like you’d probably be so confused until one of your friends tells you why you’re so nervous.
unlike the other guys, I don’t think he’d make a move, not that night anyway. He’d probably be too nervous. I think after that he’d be a little more nervous around you, maybe he’d be fearful some other guy has swooped you up before he could??? Babe Heffron:
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I feel like Babes reaction would depend on if he’s had a few to drink or not. But let’s say he’s sober?? We’ll set the scene in Austria, you finally have access to pretty clothes and makeup again- which you missed so dearly throughout the war.
slowly you’re doing yourself up again, getting used to being around the men all dressed up- I think it would be super nerve wracking.
Ofc all the men notice cos their jaws are on the floor, but Babe’s mind is lost. He knows that he feels the strongest out of all of these guys, you took such good care of him in Bastogne and his soft spot for you becomes well- a big fat crush that he can no longer hide.
He takes some hyping up from Ramirez and whoever else before he scurries up besides you, walking as smoothly at he can, looking all handsome in his uniform.
“Hey y/n.”
“oh hey, Babe!”
“you look real pretty y’know.”
then it would be your turn to be a blushing mess, he’s grinning towards you with a sparkle in his eyes, and although he’s nervous the genuine desire and longing for you is obvious.
“Thank you, Babe! You look real good in your uniform too.” He doesn’t expect you to throw a compliment back so for a second he’s turned away from you with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Yeah well, ya’ hair looks real nice too.” The boys deffo told him to compliment your hair and your eyes- and that’s what script he sticks to at first before growing enough confidence to genuinely compliment everywhere else on your face (and body??)
Ur bum looks real good in the dress you were, and if Babe thought you were beautiful in your army fatigues, oh my goddddddd-
Babes just a sucker, he often looks stunned and in awe of you- because that’s what he would be, real complimentary to the point you have no option but to just kiss him.
plus at the end of the night when you two have spent some time together, he loves to twist his finger through the loosened curls in your hair.
Chuck Grant:
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Probs one of the men that giggles and woops at you when you walk into the small pub the troops have taken over in Holland.
ofc it’s all fun and games they’re ur friends and by no means are objectifying you.
but anyway Chuck is all amused at first, but his smile slowly fades when he feels the fluttering of his heart and stomach and oh fuck- he’s in love with you.
he knew it before, but now seeing the way all these men are looking at you in your pretty dress with your hair and makeup all done- noooo, he has to make you his there and then.
“Later, suckers.” He’d take a last swig of his drink before carrying it in his hand, sliding away from the table and approaching you. At first he’s oozing with confidence, hyped up from his cheering friends, but when he actually gets close and sees your red painted lips smiling up to him he’s a gonner.
“Uh hey… can I sit?” He awkwardly spokes, it’s a little funny but you’d find him so cute and ofc he’s fucking handsome asf so you oblige.
Accidentally stares in awe when you’re topping your lipstick up.
“You want some?” You’d tease and his lips would pull into a charming smile. “Yeah, but not from the stick.”
oooo the flirtation would be on the second he gets a little buzzed from the alcohol, you’re clearly flirting back and not to sound rude because it’s obviously consensual- but Grant can’t keep his hands to himself.
seriously he’s never seen your body so…. Tight? Like your outfit is still modest but hugging you in all the right places, if you move onto his lap at some point in the night he’ll probs get a boner.
deffo goes back to his bed that night with a smirk and red lipstick stains everywhere.
Shifty Powers:
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Ugh shifty, shifty, shifty, where do I start?
yeah he’s super respectful and sweet, we all know that, but he deffo has a smart side to him. Let me explain.
when you walk into that ‘pub’ in Austria, all dolled up, he’s smirking and hiding behind his cup, eyes roaming a little too far down your body than he intends to.
he’s love struck, like he already knew you were the most beautiful thing on this planet, but now you’re a god damn Angel.
but when you’d come to sit with him out of all the other guys, again, he’d be smirking behind his pint glass.
“Y’know you look real beautiful, Y/n.” He’d give you the most genuine and kind compliment you’ve received all night, he’d hook his arm around yours to walk you somewhere, ugh he’d probably come across really calm??
I do think Shifty would be sweatinggggg, like boy he’s nervous on the inside, and when you clasp your hand with his he’s gulping.
not to sound crude, but he probably hasn’t seen a woman in a while, not one as amazing as you- so he gets a little hot and bothered when your hand runs over his shoulder.
he’s not one to be too forward, I think he’d be more traditional so he wouldn’t necessarily make a move on you- but he’d tell you how he feels there and then.
being honest he wants you soooooo bad, he feels the ache in his chest even just glancing at you. Plus, Shifty can tell you’re glowing both inside and out, he’d probably pick up on that and make you swoon like you’ve never before.
Joe Liebgott
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Listen Joe has been knowing ur attractive for a realllllll long time. Like im talking since Toccoa and all.
But nothing comes of it so he treats you like his little sister, like similar to Malarkey he’d joke around with you, ruffle your hair- he likes that you’re not afraid to get dirty and have a little fun.
like he’d probably rugby tackle you (gently?) because he knows you’re so just down to earth and cool.
so he hold off all the compliments or what not and his flirtation is more through playfulness?? Like you just have a bond and he fucking loves ya- he tells you all the time, but all of a sudden you walk in looking like a fucking pin up model and he gasp- loves you in a way that isn’t so… platonic?
uhhhh Joe’s shifting in his seat, eyes fixated and mouth slightly hung open. Has to tense his jaw and blink away just so nobody see’s him looking like a creep.
doesn’t know how to act around you?? Like he’s acting all nervous and awkward because you’re so fucking beautiful and done up and god, all the men want you in there.
tries to be mean as a form of flirting, but that doesn’t work- it goes badly wrong so he ends up chasing you out of the pub, grabbing at your waist.
“Hey, y/n, slow down. I didn’t mean it like that!” “Then how did you mean it, Joe?! You think I look tacky!” “No I don’t! I really don’t!” He kinda laughs again and you attempt to shrug him off but uhhh he get carried away and the feelings just fall out his mouth. “Truthfully-” “shut up, Joe.” “No, truthfully, I think ya look gorgeous. Like shit doll, I think I’ve fallen in love with ya.”
The admission is only followed by more and more and he blurts out how nervous you made him feel- his ability to express emotion all these years later surprises you and you’d just kiss him so quickly he almost stumbles off his feet.
tells you you should dress up more often like that for him.
Dick Winters:
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Ummmmmm probably already with you?? Winters has seen you all dressed up before but after a particular long time of seeing you struggling, he’s in awe to see you looking so radiant and happy.
watches from afar with the most loved up feeling ever, he’s extremely secure in your relationship, yet still oogles in utter awe from you.
has to put up with the other men (they don’t know about your relationship) staring and gawking, he legit has to close Babe’s mouth for him??
but seriously, he just smirks when he sees you laughing at the men’s advances on you cos he knows he’ll be the one in bed with you that night.
and you are ugh- he’s so amazing and can’t get over how perfect you looks, he even asks you to leave the dress on when you’re doing the deed 🙈🙈.
“I’m so glad I’ve got you all to myself.” He’d mutter whilst you’re wrapped up in his arms, hair and makeup slightly frazzled. “Me too, I couldn’t cope for a minute longer not speaking to you out there.” “And all of them gawking at you… I mean who can blame them, you look absolutely beautiful.” Lewis Nixon:
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Ummm what the fuck? He’s amazed? Jaw is dropped and he has to put his glass to one side whilst Dick pushes his jaw closed for him.
“is that Y/n?” He’d squint, “as in our Y/n?”
wastes no time in getting to know you and sit besides you, it’s not like you two haven’t talked before, but you’ve never really been close or had the chance to be. Now, the war in Europe is over and Lew is divorced, it opens new opportunities- hence why he comes and speaks to you.
a little Dutch courage never did no harm, and in Lewis’ case it began a beautiful relationship. But holy fuck- he’s in complete shock at how beautiful you are, your hairs pinned up to perfection, your makeup is highlighting every feature of your face so perfectly.
you should best believe that your lipstick will be smudged over his thumb and lips later that evening, cos Lewis isn’t one to waste any time…
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hotgirlstiles · 4 months
Derek gets deeply pissed off when someone says smn like "how didn't you kill Stiles yet? he's so annoying and he's babbling all the time. how can you stand to be with him? aren't you embarrassed when he talks nonsense?" bc what the fuck do you mean he's embarrassed?
He's not annoyed or frustrated, because he likes hearing Stiles talk, he likes that Stiles feels comfortable around him enough to let his conscious flow free. He loves it, bc he sees how Stiles shuts up in the presence of his dad, he knows that he's the only one since Claudia who actually listens to what Stiles says.
And he hates when Stiles hears those things bc he shuts off and doesn't talk for days and Derek has to grab him by his face and growl "fucking talk to me" and shake him a little. And Stiles explodes and cries and they have sex and then everything is normal again.
OH YM GOD YESSS./ HEDWIG OH MY GOD. this is so crazy cause i once had a post about how stiles' exes/previous relationship has definitely done the "kisses you to shut you up" thing especially when he's rambling and stuff so when he's finally with derek, he FULLY expects derek to do the same. like to the point that he sometimes suddenly goes quiet because no one has ever let him ramble this long and surely derek isn't even listening anymore??? except. except derek looks up from whatever he's doing and perfectly follows up on whatever stiles has been saying and even says some super specific things he's said bc guess what! guess what! derek hale IS the most perfect boyfriend and he LOVES stiles. to death!!!
"He loves it, bc he sees how Stiles shuts up in the presence of his dad, he knows that he's the only one since Claudia who actually listens to what Stiles says." GODDDDDDD. I JUST KNOW YOU WERE SMIRKING SO EVIKLLY. YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE GONNA DO TO ME WITH THIS SENTENCE CHRIST. i forgot what fics i read this once but claudia being the only one who can keep up with stiles' talking and random changes of topic. the sheriff who can't even keep up with stilesclaudia's conversations. the sheriff who has definitely, at one point after claudia's death, told stiles to shut up because claudia is dead and no one's gonna listen to him anymore............
i just. oh my7 god. i have so much fucking emotions about stiles' rambly self and derek absolutely loving it and keeping track of everything and LISTENING. like derek hale is a listener he LISTENS!!!! sometimes he even shocks stiles because he'd randomly open up a conversation by recalling stiles has said daysss or weeks ago and acting like they were just talking abt it. like he knows how much stiles loves talking abt his interests or abt anything in the sun it's so. he just loves him so much
i jsut love the idea that derek knows stiles is often annoying and rambly but that's HIS annoying and rambjly human. he loves him BECAUSE he's annoying and rambly, because he's who exactly derek needs..... he'd absolutely punch someone for saying all that shit abt stiles honestly he's just so perfect
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loserrofthecentury · 5 months
I never want to see another skybound take again, cause most of it is just “Starscream is so sadistic and malicious for no reason, he’s so bloodthirsty” HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN? HE’S BEEN A PIECE OF SHIT SINCE HIS ORIGINAL INCEPTION? Read some other tf media than idw for once oh my goddddddd
It’s so frustrating cause the main reason I like Starscream in Skybound is because he’s treated less like comedic relief but like. An actual threat. But people hate it because for reason they figured out Starscream wasn‘t a nice character?
Also, and I feel like it’s very obvious, but Starscream is meant to contrast optimus?
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tubchunk · 8 months
me spitting out all my thoughts here as i watch tubbo's vod
"YEP innocent" "innocent to me" yeah like qtubbo doesnt give a shit if fred is bad, he will burn it all down to find her
"its time for me to step into the sun, you know? and who cares if everyone else burns?" HOLY FUCKKKKKKKK TUBBO??????
"this is more than a villain arc, this is a lifestyle adjustment" oh qtubbo you are going to fly so close to the sun and youre going to burn and i am here for it all
"you wrong me? you're not gonna be around to tell the tale" HES SODHDJDBFBFJ QTUBBO ENJOYERS WE ARE SO BACK
"this is not a story of villains and heroes, this is a story of revenge" WHAT WAS IN HIS FOOD TODAY WHAT WAS HE ONNNNN LINE AFTER LINE IS HITTING
qtubbo knowing the server underestimates him and is now ready to show what he really is capable of YOU GO BABYGIRL
"this is a conflict where there arr no winners, just mutually-ensured destruction" goddamn he is on it today
GIRL 26 STACKS OF TNT?????????
qtubbo deciding that morning crew doesnt need to know about what hes gonna do, cuz theyll always be his boys :(
"i think we show them a healthy does of regret" his qcellbit is coming out !!
just imagining qtubbo with his airpods in as he is dramatic, bumping classical music
"the suit stays on until he's found, safe and alive" thr fact that qtubbo does all this, still in thr suit for his date GOD its so sad
that post that said qtubbo, a machine guy, tearinf every block down by HAND is important cuz that shows how genuinely furious he is. cuz he needed to feel the catharsis of tearing it all down himself.
why did he research warp plate mods to figure out where fred is😭😭 gay love stories are getting out of hand
"i made a promise today. i said i would break every block he has ever placed. *i* will break. fire wont break. tnt wont break. *i* will break." holy fucking shittttttttt he got possessed by qtubbo
qfit noticing and asking why qtubbo was at quackity's but as qtubbo askes him to leave him be, he did. he knew qtubbo would come to him when he wanted to.
qtubbo's action plan just being pushing qquackity over the edge that is so fucked up and i am here for this downward spiral !!
"i could mentally destroy him until hes a quivering ball of tears and regret on the floor" HOLY FUCK???????
"youre trying to turn me against the federation while actively doing thr same exact thing they're doing, the fucking hypocrisy" GOD i think qquackity is justified in his reasons BUT QTUBBO ISNT WRONG HERE!!!! IN HIS EYES, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THEYRE BAD AND THEN DO THR SAME THINF AS THEM???
him still saving all the stuff qquackity got from the eggs and others cuz "those seem important" GOD
"he doesnt need a hoise, cuz home is where the heart is. and i feel like thats a lesson he ought to learn. too bad that his is dead and cold" QTUBBO HOLY?????
"its like you never existed at all. thats my mission" girl youre speedrunning that descent into insanity and evil and i love you for it
"youre crazy. maybe i am! i dont give a shit!" wow hes so aware
"i didnt have a purpose before. but now its to make sure quackity never has a mark on this server" he didnt have a purpose and now, after losing fred, his purpose is to make qq pay holyyyy
"i never said i was morally grey, i said i would fuck up all his shit" LETSGO BABYGIRL
him literally saying he doesnt care and the enemy of his enemy is his friend yoo
qtubbo not being silly and walking into fred's office and just quietly moving on STOPPPPPP
"if youve become as bad as the thing you are trying to destroy to destroy it, yourr not better. youre just a replacement" BARS 🔥🔥🔥
qtubbo's voice instantly softening looking at fred's office and the desk plant he got STOPPPPP THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME
him replacing the flower on fred's desk with a poppy :(((
"why do i bother making anything to help the server? this is the thanks i get" oh yeah he is fully turning against everyone soon
oh god convo with qfit
oh i know qfit is concerned hearing qtubbo talk this way but theres nothing he can do to make him change his mind, so he just stays by him
"just to watch him. not say a word. just watch him" WATCHER QTUBBO??????
oh qtubbo is actuslly scaring me rn
"theres an old sayinf that 'if youre on the quest for revenge, dig two graves" "thats alright. i dont care if i burn as long as he does as well. maybe ill dig 3 graves. maybe ill take some other people along with me on the way" HOLY FUCKCJDJFJDJFJFJDJFJ QTUBBO YOURE INSANE I LOVE YOU SO BAD
"so i take there was no date?" "i was invited on one. it was real to me" GODJDDHFB IM GONNA END IT ALL
qfit still reassuring qtubbo that fred is okay, he still cares for qtubbo so much thats someone he has grown to care for
qtubbo gaslight gatekeep girlboss
"is it more satisfying to destroy a person. or watch them destroy themselves?" AND WE ARR WATCHING AS QTUBBO ALSO DESTROYS HIMSELF BIT BY BIT OOOOOOOOH
his ass spoiling stuff again😭😭
snack break!
qtubbo instantly leaving when he sees quackity joined and fred joined god
the curse of bad nees bringer tubbo about to strike again with wilbur LMAO
distracted to spy on wilbur so real
qtubbo just carrying thr flower from fred's office in his offhand im sick
qtubbo warning qpac that he may hear some stuff about him that isnt true i. coming weeks, and qpac saying he trusts qtubbo 100% MORNING CREW MY FAMILYYYYYYY
not pac and tubbo arguing over who has to break the news to wilbur lmaoooooo
qtubbo qquackity's biggest hater rn
damn im sad tubbo crashed before the event but that laptop was hanging by a THREAD
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Really want to write some cute fluffy shit for all the fandoms I write for (VLD, Sally Face and Hazbin) where reader has a stutter bc..I have a stutter. I WANT TO WRITE X READER WITH A STUTTER AND SHAMELESSLY SELF INSERT OKAY? SHOULD I DO IT? Or is that too niche? Anyone else have any kind of speech impediment? Cuz like I can’t stop imagining my comfort characters either lovingly teasing me about my stutter or being so kind and patient and waiting for me to finish my sentence when I’m struggling or even trying to finish my sentences for me (which actually really irritates tf out of me but I think it would be sort of endearing coming from a comfort character).
Sal would be so sweet and patient, just watching with eager eyes as reader speaks, probably nodding along expectantly.
Alastor would def be one to try and fill in the blank when reader is stuttering and can’t get a word out. He’s a know it all fs 🙄
Lucifer would also be so sweet and kind and probably would cut reader off with a gentle pat to the head or a kiss to the check as he tells them to take their time, take a breath first.
LANCE MCCLAIN would relentlessly tease and bully reader but also would find reader’s speech impediment so cute and unique and also kinda funny. He’d really get on my nerves sometimes but I love him anyways.
And then Keith would probably beat lances ass and defend tf out of reader with a speech impediment. Keith is so quiet all the time, he would totally suggest that you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. You guys can just sit in silence and bask in each other’s presence.
I also like to imagine ✨spicy moments✨ with comfort characters where reader can’t stop stuttering bc they are flustered and trying to focus on the situation and comfort character being like “oh my fucking goddddddd you are so cute I love you, go on”
Like imagine trying to tell your f/o that you want to kiss them or you want them to touch you or something and you can’t really get the words out and your blush just keeps growing and you feel really stupid and like you’re gonna throw up but in a good way? Fuck, I would be an absolute mess trying to get intimate with literally anyone omfg a stuttering, blushing mess. Jamie.exe has stopped working 🫠
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snowyvoid · 5 months
Honestly looking at Gordon must've been so fucked up after Coomer began to question their reality. You have his coworker, maybe his friend, who he has worked with for a long time, Dr. Gordon Freeman. And then he stops seeing his face on the specific day that the world ends in an almost inconceivable way. He is wearing a full hazard suit when he walks into the locker room that morning. A mirrored glass visor hides his eyes. He snaps his head around like a prey animal. A metal filter covers his mouth. He never knew Gordon to shout.
I think it'd take until the first time they slept for Coomer to question his body language. He noticed before, noticed Gordon leading with his hands, noticed how he held a gun like it was the most natural thing in the world, noticed how his whole body seemed to twist whenever he needed to turn around. But there were more important things going on, it was easy to ignore. But no one sleeps like that. Sitting, calm, still, upright, but utterly silent.
It's undeniable by the time Coomer has him in his hands. His many, many hands. Coomer should feel the metal of the suit shifting against cloth against skin against bone. But he doesn't. It's one solid piece, like the carapace of a bug. His lungs don't rise before he screams. The blood comes from nowhere. The blood comes from nowhere. The mirrored visor reflects nothing, and this was never Dr. Gordon Freeman.
OH MY GOD DUDE,,,,, this is the best thing i have ever. seen with my eyes holy shit you are incredible. like holy fuck you need to write hlvrai fics. i dont yet have anything to add but maybe in a few days i will reblog with more. i need to think before i respond to this because its so fucking amazing. at some point you better fucking believe i am going to make art based on this. just. goddddddd i wont be able to stop thinking about this for a few weeks i think.
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missy-0-piink · 1 year
Hang on a moment hear me out ok, with a vibrator in public all day, you beside him as important deals and other shit is dealt with, fucking with the settings and then taking him out to a fancy dinner, only to fucking ruin him when you get home
- verlaine simp anon
Oh my goddddddd
Yes he’d be so fucking cute
One minute he’s super focused on discussing business with his colleagues, the next he tenses up and makes a surprised noise
Everybody asks him if he’s alright, and he shrugs their worries off after a moment of staring like a deer in the headlights, giving some sort of excuse
But on the inside?
He’s going insane
The feel of the vibe turning in, stimulating his g spot while he has to keep quiet. He ends up not paying attention to very important details for the port mafia, but can you blame him? He can’t fucking think straight
All day it continues like this, with him getting impossibly close, but as soon as he’s on the edge, you turn the toy off
He accidentally let out some whimpers during these times, but thank god no one questioned him
When you take him out to dinner, he feels so needy
He’s stuttering over his words when he talks to the waiter, and he’s shifting in his seat, his erection uncomfortable from where it’s straining against his pants
As soon as the waiter leaves, he turns to you
“(Name), please-“
“Be a good boy and make it through this dinner, and then I’ll reward you when you get home, ok?” You interrupt, smiling oh so sweetly at him
He lets out a small whine, a desperate “yes” falling from his mouth
All throughout said dinner, you had kept him on the edge, even worse than what you had done throughout the day, and it showed.
He was trembling in his seat, eyes glazed over, breathing heavy and blush very apparent on his face
He looked delectable like this
When you two made it home, both of you pounced on each other. Kisses heated and desperate, clothing stripped away in seconds, and him naked on the bed in no time
“Oh please! Please fuck me (name)~” he whined, his French accent thicker like this
He was naked on the bed, face flushed red, hips bucking slightly into the air against his own volition, tip leaking
His face was one word; desperate.
Eyes half lidded, begging you with his gaze, and mouth pulled tight at the corners; indicative of discomfort (from the ache of his erection)
And how could you deny such a pretty thing?
Within the next few minutes, you had pulled out the toy, prepped him (with his delicious moans accompanying that) and started ploughing into him with your strap, fearing loud moans and whines from his throat
He cums fast, the sensation euphoric from the edging and teasing all day
But you don’t stop.
He’s crying as you rip out another one, cum coming out thinner and thinner as your relentlessly fast pace practically pushes it out of his prostate
He can’t form words, just mindless mumbles of praise and exclamations of pleasure in an mix of French and English
Fuck, you were dripping
When you’re finally done with him, he can’t speak, just noises falling from his mouth as you pull out.
His body is shaking and twitching as he comes down from his high, eyes glazed over and mind elsewhere
He makes noise of content when you cuddle up beside him, pulling him close to your chest as you two drift off
Sorry if it’s a bit rushed, I just haven’t done Verlaine in so long I miss him!!!!
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pippastrelle · 2 months
Bulletpoint liveblog of C3E91 let's go!
Second half: Crown Keepers
Oh, is this where the Crownkeepers come in? I heard that. Haha I always wonder what it's like at the studio hiding the fact that, like, Robbie is there.
AABRIA! God, I want to know how her hair and makeup is done. It's so different and so cool nearly every time I see her. She's got such style.
Moment to appreciate the music they play during the art reel at the end of the break.
CROWNKEEPERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I actually never fully watched Kymal so the bunny woman was a surprise XD
The collaborativeness is nice, asking Anjali about her sister.
….Me not having watched Kymal might confuse me for the next two hours.
Black lipstick will never not get me. Aimee.
Is Dorian going to reply to Orym's message??????
Good on Matt for starting off.
(Pleeeeease may they say this woman's name). Her character's Morrighan. Whoa, a champion of the Matron of Ravens.
The Crownkeepers have been having a real swell time.
(Fy'ra Rai has always been a great name to say). So, sent by the Wildmother to protect them.
Aww, Dorian feeling some consequences of his avoidance.
From an above-table perspective, I'm surprised they're all feeling so lost? I wonder if it was planned and if Aabria's going to suddenly give them a direction, or if they're reticent to set too much in stone?
Sleep as an exhausting void… Creepy.
"Can I hear him?" "Make a wisdom save." Terrifying. "Shouting at you while running backwards." What a description.
I do love Opal, too. Such a situation but still trying to retain that image of her.
"We gotta get these chuckles out not." Whimper in terrified player.
I love Aabria's GM-ing in a lot of other things (ACOFAF is S-tier), but I think this highlights why I found EXU Prime harder to get into. The Crownkeepers tend to lack a motivating goal from the off-set, making it a bit hard for me to figure what they're trying to do and why.
Still, starting off with PVP might be the wakeup!
HA! Matt Mercer doing the ad read. Love it.
Spider Queen is intimidating and poor, poor Opal.
Holy shit, Opal's raising into the air and burning the forest. Hahaha make Aimee choose which friend to destroy. Awwww forcing her into PvP!
Goddddddd Aabria is the Betrayer God here.
Black eyessssssss. Magic second set of arms.
God, imagine being Aimee rn.
27 on initiative??????
At least Opal can communicate her panic.
The Dariax rolls balance Morrighan's.
Aw, sweet with Morrighan and Opal whispering telepathically.
Amazing image of stone cold Opal in contrast.
I like how Matt and Aabria pop in with lessons for the others. Nice to see players propping each other up.
"She's just a little guy."
Absolutely fair, seeing weird shit for your Betrayer God Champion friend and just wanting to knock her the fuck out.
Kind of Anjali to tally up the numbers as they roll.
Eeeeeek, ripping a rapier down her thigh.
Hahaha "if Opal did crossfit".
(I googled it. Morrighan is played Erica.)
Oh christ Ted's helping. I wonder how much Morrighan knows about Ted.
"NONONO STOP!" as verbal component for Shield is fantastic.
I don't trust that this is Ted?? Does Ted know Opal's fucked right now??
"Why's the first thing you do drawing blood?" Well, because it's D&D.
Haste lets you go get a hotdog from Arby's. Vax knew this well.
Aabria's English accent is so American-version-of-English but I like how it sounds anyway.
Let the ashhole return, cowards!
Yeah, Robbie, this is a weird situation. Dorian's just choking on his flute. Yeah, trying to restrain Opal is a good plan. NO! NAT 20 minus 1 + 4 plus 13. Aimee/Opal, go! Get! It!
Nice, Aabria, failing forward is a lesson we can all incorporate.
NAT ONE PLUS 13?? ROBBIE! Cannot catch a break.
T_T Fy'ra being betrayyyyyed again. Ooh, very very cool from Anjali calling for a flashback.
(We still never got the response to Orym. Has that happened yet or it that going to be the bookend? I'm curious what this is going to mean for the actual campaign. It's a really fun idea to bring in another GM for a section. Sure, more Actual PlayTM than homegame but Matt at least gets to play.)
Haha Anjali welcome to the DM club! I know about this from the Ginny Di video. Anjali DMed an official lego game.
Can they free Opal?
Ohhh. The Wildmother wants this? Am I misunderstanding? Shit.
They can't separate Opal from the crown.
Love how different people set their dice.
Never take advice from GM Aabria :P
Holy shit these guys roll high.
I hardly ever see people take the dodge action.
I do like Opal a lot.
So the Spider Queen is just trying to full take over Opal. I wonder if Teven or the other Betrayer God Champion had this sort of thing happen.
GO AWAY FOREVER??? THEIR MOTHER DID THIS TO OPAL AND TED?? Evalux? A splinter group? I'M SO CONFUSED AND INTRIGUED! THE BEACON'S INVOLVED??? How tf did they get it in Byroden? So there's a splinter of Luxon followers who split themselves in one life instead? God, I hope the main cast get to watch this.
…..And Opal has no memory of it. Will we ever get this information?
Erica continues to roll like a god.
The turns have felt both long and fast. I've still got, like, an hour and a half.
I love how Matt describes/contextualises things, even as a player.
A 7!!!!!
Bless is good. Dariax panicking is great.
XD God initiative takes a long time in a big group.
Ah! Dariax is a bard! Yeah! So cuuuute for the Double Ds. "THE PERFORMING ARTS IS WORTH IT!"
So. All of them are blind in the darkness. Awesome, awesome move, Aimee.
Hahhahahahaha right. Warlock. No spell slots.
XD It's such a long game. No loo breaks.
Gotta love Cyrus. "NO DON'T SHOOT!" The himbo persists.
….Matt, what did you get for the WIS save?
Hahahaha "that could can see". Okay. Blind mistystep? …..I'm sure 8 will get it.
Aww, attacking your friend's going to leave a bad taste in your mouth. Lay on Hands is good.
I appreciate Aabria's helpfulness as a GM.
Fy'ra good teammate.
Opal, again, is amazing. I love how she tackles such complex things in her very Her way. Preserves drama and humour in her self-absorbtion.
I wonder how Opal washes her hair under that crown?
Well, some allowance for fighting when Opal attacked them? Obvs harder emotionally than logically.
Aww everyone got to see the memory of Opal and Morrighan bonding.
Dorian is forever clanking with all the instruments he carries. T_T 9 to dispel fails. Good plan though. Until back into the darkness he goes.
I like the idea of going back to the Crownkeepers, especially as a perspective on Opal and Dorian, but I'm two hours into this section and still don't quite get the full significance of it. Which is a shame. I still have faith, but I think this encounter would be more enjoyable if I understood better why we were seeing it in the Bell's Hells campaign.
I've always respected Opal/Aimee going in on being the asshole sister. Getting to see that perspective.
The gem flashbacks are cool.
"We can both be coins." "And we're richer for it!" Amazing. Great pun. Love Fy'ra. Love Ted coaching Opal.
Max offering blind Dariax up on a plate. Respect.
Con sorcerer is smart.
Aabria has no luck against Dariax.
I'm sure that 9 WIS will help perception.
I. Love. Opal. Aimee plays her and her struggles and her relationships with everyone so well and nuanced. Dariax is a well-done character too. Real even behind the humour.
I leapt too, Aimee. Holy shit what the fuck, Spider Queen?
(Fuck you, Twitch, for skipping, my god).
Oh god, Cyrus, don't die.
Nooooo, Dariax. Living nightmares. Him and Dorian seeing their nightmares.
Spider Queen Opal wtf.
Pick up next week? Huh. I… am confused by this. Interesting encounter. I liked the drama between the Crown Keepers. But, again, I don't understand the significance for the Bell's Hells? So I reckon next week will be first half Crown Keepers, second half Bell's Hells. Huh. Interesting episode. It was fun, though I really don't deny still being on the edge of my seat to find out what's happening with the BH.
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redactedparx · 2 months
off anon^.^
Tumblr media
he’s so fucking hot and muscular and his collarbone and fucking chest hair and scruff oh my fucking goddddddd not to mention the fucking HICKEY(it’s from cupping but like now we know what one looks like on him) omg just imagining him having someone in his lap and he bounces them on his cock and their face is shoved in his neck desperately sucking hickeys there as he tells them how good it feels and fucking good they take it
i love more dom-ey ppl with hickeys like their cute adorable little sub marked them up! i bet they’re so proud of themself
need to be awstens puppy need it so bad
he is just like a so fucking man it’s so hot i can’t. calling that man daddy i need him to fuck me so bad
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youareinlovetv · 2 months
ALL my thoughts on ttpd in one post:
fortnight is not what i expected at ALL and it's so insane like.. oh my god. this is slut all over again
the same can be said with the title track. it's so weird to me how it's melancholic like this i thought it would be absolutely devastating
she ate with the lyrics on it though "we're two idiots" yes you are bitchessss
my boy only breaks his favorite toys... insane. that's all i have to say
down bad is CRAZYYY like the thing at the beginning goes so hard and it feels like slut but way way more devastating and not happy
"fuck it if i can't have him" hurts me she is so hurt i need to hug her!!!!!!
so long london genuinely might be one of the best songs she has ever written and produced because holy fucking shit
and then she just spits out fact after fact like joe is shaking
"you swore that you loved me but where were the clues, i died on the alter waiting for the proof" this line. hurts me. so much. she's so fucking evil i can't i can't i literally CANT
at first i thought 'but daddy i love him' was about joe but apparently it's about matty??? ok then
she is such in denial but i'm proud of her for putting it on the album!!
i forgot what lyric but the one abt him being her whole world broke me (i thought it was abt joe though so...)
i dont rlly have anything to say about fresh out the slammer other than its definitely about joe and him protecting her from the paparazzi and shit and it just makes me sad
ok first of all. the buildup and the chorus is insane
the bridge kills me too
the first lyric of guilty as sin having blue in it... shut up
who's afraid of little old me is INSANE and BATSHIT and BULLSHIT and crazy and what the absolute fuck
god this song hurts it's so anti-hero coded i can't
i can fix him is another one of those songs i cant comment on yet bc im still processing it eizosdfhasoihd
loml is so painful
when she said "loss of my life" i was gagged. literally gagged
it's so sad beautiful tragic but cranked up to 10 and i can't take it anymore
"LIGHTS CAMERA BITCH SMILE". GAGGGGGGGGEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the smallest man who ever lived is so savage. she ate
ratty deserves it
thats all
i truly don't know how to feel about clara bow like. it's a good song but i genuienly dont know
BUT her saying "you look like taylor swift" gave me goosebumps idk why
ok to be honest overall the bonus songs imo aren't as good as the main album
they're still GOOD but not as good
i don't have much to say about them because i've listened to them but i still need to process them so maybe i can reblog this later with my thoughts abt them but yeah
all i can say is KIM being hidden in thank you aimee gagged me
and the manuscript ate....
this album. is so good. i can't
it's so so so good that's all thank you for reading
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thegeminisage · 2 months
star trek update time. last night* we watched tng's "attached" and ds9's "necessary evil." *i am typing this at fuck o clock it will go up when im at work
attached (tng):
ok, the premise of this is basically every spirk fic ever, right...? "ooh, we accidentally have a telepathic connection and our feelings are revealed"
to get this out of the way, i like how much worf e riker e deanna was in the b-plot of this, even just circumstantially (i missed data though). i also think riker finally getting fed up with the aliens and giving them shit was really funny. riker is never mean to ANYBODY. i'm also glad he was relatively chill about picard being missing for once lol. like, in NO way were these assholes ready to enter the federation. not to agree with picard, but PART of a world can't enter. if you haven't mastered world peace you can't sit with us etc etc. not that i'm fully buying the propaganda of the federation as the ultimate good or that earth does somehow have world peace but whatever. even i know these guys weren't ready. what a fucking joke
frankly stunned this didn't lead to discussion about the affair baby wesley crusher. yes i know picard said he would never act on it. i don't care about that. i KNOW these people have had an affair baby. they're the type. he would knock her up and leave her high and dry. it's the kind of man he is. don't tell me there's no affair baby. i know what i know. there IS an affair baby!! i will die on this hill
actually, even though i dislike picard, i think sir patrick stewart is a v talented actor and i DO like him. i also really like beverly, so they managed to be charming a couple of times in this episode, mostly when they had a thought we couldn't hear and then started snickering about it
that said, i have no respect at all for jean-luc. the campfire conversation sucked. beverly was DEEPLY flattered and also in a little bit of a vulnerable position and he WAS LYING when he said he didn't feel that way anymore bc he tried to hit her up at the end of the episode. a man would have HELD HER, jean-luc. i would have held her. beverly crusher i would treat you so much better
this is insane bc i don't even have a crush on beverly. like genuinely. i only talk like this about sophie devereaux and brit marling characters. i just think it's outrageous her man doesn't treat her better. i almost had a fit when it came out he didn't like the breakfasts until beverly responded in kind also lol her saying croissant w the french accent
them getting sick when they split up was really funny. jean-luc, time to ruthlessly experience morning sickness. this is how it was after you left her high and dry post affair baby conception
the bait and switch at the end fucking killed me i love beverly making him ask and then turning him down GOOD FOR HER but i have no idea what motivated the entire thing. like, was the goal to get them together before the series ended? ok, why keep them apart? why show her pushing him through to safety at the expense of her own if she was gonna turn him down? why was she giving dtf vibes there at the end? like i was YELLING at him to go to her and then he did and she was like "actually nah." which was FUNNY and again good for her but what the fuck? i thought she wanted him. i just want her to be happy.
necessary evil (ds9):
i knew going in that this was an odo episode but AN ODO AND KIRA EPISODE??? swoon. oh my god she was the first person to give him his little constable nickname. HURL. KILL MEEEEE
actually, odo/kira and odo/quark people were BOTH getting fed during this ep. odo like yeah idc about quark but im gonna solve this murder case w extreme prejudice. i like both so i had a great time
every single mention of odo's dehumanization in the past makes me HOMICIDAL please treat him really niceys. i would kind of like to know what the cardassian neck trick is though. just not from odo
"i dont drink" fuckin hilarious. i think odo should shapeshift himself a digestive system so he can try food. um one that can digest stuff in 16 hours i guess or it would all just fall out when he gooped again. we tossed around the idea of chewing gum, since you just spit that back out eventually. but does he even have tastebuds, or just the approximation of them? his other senses seem to work ok........
the window in this acted SO sketchy like she was fake crying at her third dead husbands funeral after she just inherited a zillion dollars but she literally was innocent. she pointed at kira and was like girl she did it and we're like NO kira's innocent! and then kira is literally not innocent but shady sketchy widow is. incredible
kira with long hair my beloved. i would hate it if she had long hair in present day but it's perfect for past kira
ds9 looks SO BAD in the past. to have children running around and playing in it now is insane. you can really feel the difference between the cardassian occupation and Now so well in this episode, it's as striking to us as it would be to kira and odo
ohhh my god kira and odo. "will you ever trust me again" he's not even mad she killed that guy just mad that she lied about it. AUGHGHGHG
but when kira did something shady it was for a good cause. when odo was being shady he was indirectly working for the fucking cardassians. "choose a side" so true but he eventually chose kira's <3
i love deeply that he didn't try to fuck her. like it genuinely didn't even occur to him. ace king.
40s mystery style of this was so fun. odo narration is so funny bc like he doesnt wanna do it and his log is just one sentence bc he thinks its fucking stupid and then by the end of the ep hes like man am i supposed to be usign this thing as a diary?? girl dont worry about it james t kirk did the same fucking thing
final note: rom in this episode was amazing. i've never really given him more than a passing thought before this but him secretly being a fucking amazing thief was truly fantastic. sisko and odo good cop bad copping him was really funny too especially when you remember his son and sisko's son are besties. i would still rank the ferengi as my least favorite ds9 characters but i was pleasantly surprised with how often i laughed
TONIGHT: tng's "forces of nature" which sounds like. its gonna make me mad lol
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clarajohnson · 5 months
the magicians s2e6
quentin coldwater you are so goddamn embarrassing i love you
once again alice is such a fun fucking character. she liked when q did pretend cirque du soleil ????? i could cry !!!!
margo's outfits are improving but i'm looking forward to when we get past the amazon corsets
the only thing better than "no offense q but you're a little crazy right now" is him blithely acknowledging it, "maybe, yeah"
my children loved me i was a good mother!
i couldn't possibly make fun of q for trying to summon niffin alice like sorry you would do it too for alice quinn
best bitches !!!! they could've parented a demon baby together it would've been okay
okay i think he actually would've liked a unicorn milk latte. or have requested one in earnest at least.
like i need more people calling me daddy!
something hale and summer do is they occasionally adopt the same affect, the same intonation, it's such a subtle thing and it doesn't come up all the time but it so clearly telegraphs that these people are completely tethered to each other
"i know my daughter she's trying to protect us" oh PLEASE
ughhhhhhhhhhh i forgot about loria. oh my god fuck your parents dude. BUT ELIOT DON'T !!!!!
SCREAM at the virgin queen margo
god fillory is so much fun like it's total bullshit all the time but it's also SO fun i enjoy that half of the plot so much
what's fen's title? do we know? queen consort? she has to have a title right
"if ess was a girl and you found pussy you know interesting in a sometimes you like thai food kind of way"
not to do this because i do this constantly all the time but margo hanson is my best friend i'm in love with her
don't worry the thing will not be born AUGH once again i feel like this is such a randomly traumatic plot to force on julia
niffin alice has terrible posture. somebody get her a better niffin bra!
q thinks people's love for him is so conditional every time it comes up it makes me so sad. also i would like for him to get a better hair routine i know grief and everything but dude it's stringy.
i remember when i first watched this episode i wanted daniel to have died from falling off the ladder he doesn't even deserve all that i was just mad at him for being a shit dad
ess is hot but not hot enough to act like this. you're a virgin to me sweetheart? i think margo should be allowed to kill him.
actually margo should be allowed to kill me if she wants to
queliot obviously first most tragic romance in the magicians but fen/baylor is possibly ranked second when you think about it. wait kady/penny. okay fen/baylor is top three.
even i studied and i'm dead!
it's so sweet that she has dreams about forgetting to study. sorry i feel like somebody applauding disney for having a gay character but i genuinely like the female characters in this show so much. they get to do all kinds of shit! and feel shit!
yeah honestly the reynard plot occasionally veers into an almost anti-choice rhetoric, i could have done without like 90% of this plot
i love asking questions that have a 50/50 shot of being resolved in this episode but do we ever find out who dana's son is
once again! best bitches!
you guys have been so royally fucked with! sometimes the florida jumps out of him
"she never figured out how to be a woman" is such an insane thing to say. the magicians should've dug into motherhood more. haha. wrote a thesis on motherhood voice.
cripes reynard is so fucking scary
benedict you are an angel
"we're gonna put our jimmy choos so far up your ass you're gonna taste next season" as a declaration of war is unbelievably good
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