#i feel like shit trying to explain how i feel like shit sometimes
softly-sirius · 1 day
Will you watch the Barbie Movie with me? (fem!reader)
Currently on shift: Carmen, Richie, Sydney
I know, I'm so late, I'm sorry :(
Richie Jerimovich is not going to the Barbie movie
No way
Absolutely no way
He cannot be seen standing in line for that movie, it would ruin his reputation
Until you look at him with that look
Until you tell him you were really, really, really looking forward to it
He folds very quickly
You and Eva watch the Barbie movies you grew up with in preparation
Richie really starts to regret his choice to come with you about two movies in 
Like what the fuck is a bibble and why is it so annoying
Starts to backtrack, but it's too late, he has already agreed. 
He gets in line, dreading the next two hours of his life
Comes out of the cinema wiping the tears from his eyes, because holy shit. 
Eva is holding one of his hands and you’re holding the other. 
You end up driving the car home and he sits in the back with Eva
When he’s tucking her up for bed that night he gives her a big smooch and promises to protect her from everything. 
He’s ready to fight sexism with his bare hands for his little girl
Holds you all night and tells you how much he loves you and that he’s an alan right? Right!?
You and Eva get matching bibble Croc charms and Richie gets a complex
You do buy Richie an ‘I am Kenenough hoodie for his birthday’ 
He goes on a tirade and says he hates it, but he wears it all the time at home
It's comfy god damn it
INNSISTS you buy your pink outfit with his card
Releates, because you are everything and he is just ken
Thinks, Holy shit, is this really that hard for you to be a woman
Fucks you so good and praises you so much when you get home
Maybe when you’re having a talk and he’s trying to explain how he feels, is embarrassed because he finds it the best way to explain it
He doesn’t understand how you can love him so much sometimes, because he feels like you’re so amazing and he’s just ken. 
You tell him you love him chef ken
When you buy him a chef ken for christmas he fucking looses it
Also, if you collect vintage barbies or are just all into barbie facts history he will listen to you talk about it for hours and would adore it if you showed him your collection. 
At first, she didn’t care at all that this movie was coming out until she found out how much you were looking forward to it
Then with Twitter and all the excitement I think she would really get into it
She would have some really cool thrifted pink outfits
I kind of feel like you would sneak in some pink cupcakes to eat at the cinema
Matching painted nails 
Probs becomes her comfort movie 
You and Sydney are always calling Carmen and Richie Ken, whether that's in front of them or when she's venting 
‘God Richie stop being such a Ken’
She is everything, you often think, watching her deal with all their bullshit. 
Would you love me if I was a worm?
Would you peel my orange?
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You know that whole scene with Klaus reuniting with Punch and Judy/ Adam and Lilith? That already gives me so many emotions but I ended up accidentally making it worse with headcanons about their previous relationship that I hope at some point will make it into a fic:
Bill and Barry never really grasped the way constructs were treated outside of Mechanicsburg. They don’t really get the concept that something like that could matter so much to people, that they would actively view people as less than human for a few stitches or an extra limb. That the insanity of Mechanicsburg could actually be an improvement on the rest of the world that supposedly cared about morals in this one thing that they’d never even questioned before.
They try, they really do, they get righteously furious about it every other week, but they never really get it. They’re more confused than anything when Klaus and Judy tell them they should be the ones to ask for boarding while travelling anonymously because they’re less likely to be turned away.
They don’t notice that Punch and Judy take certain adventures more personally than the rest of them do, the way they went all still when hearing a monologue about constructs taken as ‘spare parts’ by Sparks that insist it doesn’t count because they’re not people anyway. Even worse the supposed ‘heroes’ they work with to take down rogue Sparks and then turn around and insist that the job isn’t finished until they purge the area of the Spark’s creations as well.
They’re complaining about their professors and Klaus explains why he dislikes one of them by casually bringing up that he had a pet theory of a ‘sliding scale of humanity’ and he once derailed a lecture by trying to place Klaus on it. They are horrified and murderous and Klaus becomes the first person to marvel at how sheltered someone was growing up in Mechanicsburg.
So there is always a certain connection between Punch, Judy and Klaus over this in particular because they know that Bill and Barry can’t possibly understand. Not like they do. And it’s important, to Punch and Judy entering an outside world for the first time and having it reject them even as it grows used to and even welcomes the Heterodynes but not them, never fully. Heterodynes can redeem themselves with enough determination but how can you redeem yourself when your only crime to begin with was existing?
It’s important to Klaus who knew relatives and friends who looked like they had to force themselves to say his name without flinching because they didn’t really believe it was him they were talking to. University was a fresh start but it took years for him to break the nervous habit of adjusting his cuffs and collar to cover his skin because it was just exhausting to watch the way people changed once they noticed.
Sometimes they talked about it but most of the time they’re just there for each other and that’s enough. Also they’re all way more willing to get into a fight on someone else’s behalf than their own so it gives them a nice opening to beat the shit out of bigots.
On an unrelated and slightly less angsty note I also think that Punch and Judy were sort of the mom friends of the Heterodyne adventures. They got into the habit of spending a considerable amount of their lives trying to make these insane twenty somethings get some rest every now again and the rest of it complaining (Punch naturally had a sign language that the Boys may have invented specifically for him but communicated perfectly adequately through Looks as well) the constant, stupid risks they took to their own lives.
When it became clear that they couldn’t have children Bill and Barry couldn’t feel more terrible about it, they spent ages trying to come up with a solution but couldn’t imagine one where there was an ironclad guarantee of no amnesia. Klaus suggested adoption since they were so good with the orphans they came across but, though it wasn’t ruled out, Judy half jokingly made comments about how she was busy enough with ‘her boys’ anyway so she didn’t need children for now.
Klaus finds it easiest to talk to Punch sometimes because he really listens and waits until he’s finished speaking to offer input when it’s wanted (it usually isn’t). He’s also exceptionally good at reading non verbal cues which is helpful because Klaus always had some kind of allergy to talking about anything personal.
Judy knows about Lucrezia and Klaus. She’s fairly certain Bill is the only one of them who doesn’t. She personally thinks both of them would be a lot better off with someone else, anyone else really. She distrusts something in Lucrezia’s eyes when she’s around them, calculating and almost predatory, but then both of them had unusual ideas of what constituted romance. She doesn’t like it but she doesn’t say anything. Years later she’ll wish she had.
When Punch and Judy hear that Klaus is back from the dead and annihilating all the warring nobility’s armies that cross his path they think ‘Well something else is clearly going on there but that does sound a little like what Klaus would do if he went off the deep end to be perfectly honest.’
They find out he’s conquering an empire and that sounds a lot less like Klaus. Then Barry returns in a complete panic, holding his niece like a lifeline and talking about how Klaus is working for the Other.
It’s a struggle to even contemplate it, the same Other that killed Bill’s infant son and most likely Bill as well, the Other that destroyed the Wulfenbach barony and massacred its people, including Klaus’ own parents, the Other that ravaged Europa sending it into a state of utter chaos. They know Klaus. They’ve known him since he was reckless eighteen year old who just wanted to make the world a better place. They know him.
But…… A few months ago they would have said the thought of subjugating the continent would never cross Klaus’ mind, that he’d never do something like that. He wasn’t that kind of Spark. On their bad days the boys used to talk about what would happen if either of them ever crossed ‘the line’ and though they’d all reassured them that they never would Klaus had promised in complete sincerity that he wouldn’t let them.
No one had ever thought that Klaus might need to have a line. He never even properly lost control of a fugue, he didn’t forget morals in the heat of the moment, every decision he made he’d stand by years later as the right one. He took things further than the boys sometimes but that was because he’d concluded it was for the best and he didn’t need a strict code the way they, still wrestling and redirecting those Heterodyne urges inside them, did.
They also knew Barry and he wouldn’t ever be able to believe something like that if there’d been any other explanation. Barry had known Klaus too.
Basically I’m never going to get over the tragedy that is this group of people because they were friends! They were probably the first real friends any of them had had! They were so young and optimistic and they decided they were going to start fixing things because no one else would. They thought the world could get better and people deserved second chances and for a while it actually worked and it meant something and then it blew up in their faces.
Everything falls apart worse than it was when they started, they lose everyone close to them and they wonder if the world was ever really going to change at all. When the era of the Heterodyne Boys comes to an end they don’t face it together the way they always thought they would if they failed. It ends with all of them are separated and so disillusioned that they’ll believe that even their closest friends would betray them and humanity in the worst way possible.
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just-a-floofy-catt · 2 days
I feel like i haven't posted in forever again TwT
I found an old GlitterGolf idea drabble that I wrote after reading a really good fic about them buried in the depths of my phone so uh...
*throws it at you*
Omg a glittergolf fic with judgemental, sassy, hw2-esque Sun
So like, not only is there the trope of Monty disliking him and thinking hes annoying asf and a weird freak,  but now instead of being oblivious and nice, Sun returns the same energy, thinking that Monty is a selfish brute who shouldnt be trusted around children. Like, he'll make very off  comments about him and just spend the whole time scowling and trying to shoo him out XD
So, like, imagine there's a thing going on at the daycare.
Where, as almost like, a way to bring more business in and shit, theyve started having a daily thing where one of the glams will visit the kids there and do an activity with them for an hour or so. Usually its Freddy, sometimes its Chica, and rarely its Roxy. This is the first opportunity that Sun really gets to meet them, and it actually goes really well. Sun absolutely adores Freddy, has a new bestie in chica, and shockingly has some good banter and an unlikely friendship with Roxy.
However, theres a day where Freddy has to go for energency maintenence, and the others are all booked for parties.
Leaving only Monty free to do it.
Now, Monty has never done one of the shifts before, because he doesnt do well with the younger kids. Both because hes scary to alot of them, and because he also just doesnt really know how to deal with them. Maybe deep down theres even a deep rooted fear of hurting them 👀👀👀
(There definitely is)
But so he is absolutely NOT excited to go.
Despite the way that the rest of the Glams praise up Sunny and how great he is, Monty does not care and still views him as the same annoying freak he always did, despite not having met him yet.
So, he shows up and Sun opens the door all cheery being like "Oh hello Freddy! Youre a bit late i was worried you werent gonna show up and-"
And then he clocks that its monty.
He immediately glares down at him in pure, utter distain, voice filled with disappointment and mirth.
Monty stares back up at him with a huff, tense. If he had fur, his hackles would be absolutely raised.
Then Sun would be all like "ugh. Ew. why are you here", and Monty very bluntly explains that hes been forced to go and that Freddy is in maintenence.
Then Sun tries to shut the door on him XD
"Im sure the kids can go one day without a glamrock then! Ill let them know freddy is sick, thank you for telling me. Lovely to meet you, Montgomery!"
Monty stops the door by grabbing it stongly with his hand, scoring clawmarks into it.
"What do you think you're doing?!"
Sun scoffs at the damage
"Im the one taking over, dipshit. Im here to do my fuckin job"
The realization that hes truely stuck with Monty dawns on him, and he opens the door again, taking a deep breath.
"No swearing in the daycare..."
He spits it through gritted teeth and relents, turning his back to him and stalking away.
Then the cheery front goes back up and he completely changes XD
He introduces Monty to the kids as best as he can, but none of them really seem too interested, making him both snicker but also be incredibly frustrated that his dramatic intro didnt work.
(Also, to explain more character stuff, Sun is mostly in typical fanon form, and then uses all that hw2 sass mostly as a defence mechanism. Hes definitely got some mischief to him that he also uses it for, like banter with Roxanne, but for the most part hes a sweetheart. He gets easily frustrated with management and people that he doesnt like, but has alot of patience with activities like crafts and also with the kids. He is still like, painfully innocent and has his loopy childlike vibe, but just covers it up when he feels threatened. The best way i can describe it is that he acts like a playground bully when he doesnt like you. XD Still childish, but now just a more snarky, cold and mean version. Hes a bit cautious of some new things, although very curious. So he normally is a bit cautious around new people, but very welcoming and nice.
This is different for Monty, because of what he hears from the kids XD
Alot of them when mentioning him in passing, see Monty as scary and violent, so now thats how Sun views him. Alot of the kids see him as a threat, so now Sun does too. Hes protective of the kids, so of course hes jumped to judge someone he doesnt know based on whether the kids like him or not XD
Dont get me wrong, in some situations hed definitely try to show the kids the thing theyre scared of isnt so bad, but in the case of Monty, he has confirmation  that he can be angry and violent from the other glams and staff, so of course he still just sees him as bad lmao.
Like, the way he acts towards Monty is mostly because of mama bear instinct stuff. He sees him as a threat to the kids  so he doesnt like him.)
Enemies to lovers my beloved ✨️
But over time, Monty starts having to do it more and more, as inconveniences keep piling up, and Sun starts to kind of let his guard down, and the scathing defensiveness turns into teasing. He sees Monty actually trying to connect with some of the kids, and also after spending his whole life w Moon, understands that Monty is frustrated that theyre scared of him. He starts to see the good in Monty, and also pity him a bit.
Monty on the other hand, starts to admire how much Sunny cares about the kids, and steadily gets used to his upbeat and overly cheery demeanor. He no longer sees him as annoying, but instead, endearing.
And then theres eventually endgame GlitterGolf
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jrueships · 10 months
is that tags post about zach wilson or joe burrow I can't tell 😭
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any! and all of them !
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mokeonn · 7 months
Before I go to sleep I leave you all with this piece of advice: sometimes you don't actually have to answer big political questions, sometimes you can just say "I am not smart enough to know that, I just know the small things I do to help." Like you can often times completely avoid making a fool of yourself if you just say you don't know.
#simon says#to explain here and not in a reblog:#sometimes when you try to explain big picture solutions you're gonna sound dumb#you might not have done enough research#you might not have a rebuttal to a counter argument#you might not be articulate enough to explain why you think this#sometimes you gotta take a step back and give the simple solution. the one man solution#you do what you can to fight against the problem#you talk to people to help spread awareness and how to fight the bad problem#and you vote and invite others to vote for bigger steps towards solving the problem#like you can talk about theory and how you believe we need to do a huge drastic thing to solve and issue#but people will disagree and argue til you're blue in the face#they'll poke and prod until you mess up or lose your temper and use it against you#and you'll feel dumb and they'll learn nothing#sometimes the best thing to do is step away from the big picture and just say 'idk what the solution is I just know the things I can do“#sometimes you gotta admit you're not a scientist/expert and you can't answer that#i used this while talking with my Dad tonight#he brought up our climate crisis and space travel as a possible solution#and I said I think that's just addressing the symptom and not the cause and we need to care for our Earth now#and he asked me what solutions I think would fix it#and knowing my incredibly smart Dad who is articulate and ready to throw rebuttles at a moments notice to play devils advocate#and my past experience in struggling in this topic with him before#i just told him I didn't know. all i knew is the little things I can and do do to help#and that hopefully by spreading the word and habits and encouraging others to vote for those bigger solutions I could help make a change#but all I really could do is the little things I have control over#and the topic became much less stressful about the little things we have control over#like planting native plants and recycling and adopting habits that are healthier to our planet#which was 100% more preferable to if I tried to give a big solution. because I would reveal i didn't have all the knowledge needed to argue#and my articulation would make me sound like a stupid kid who only thinks they know what's best#so yeah I basically suggest that if you dont wanna feel like shit after debating someone just step away from the big picture for a moment
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Me, fighting tooth and nail against my irl friends who are sw*fties: yeah well, maybe I want my sad girl music to have a 3 minute guitar solo and distorted audio after the second verse of vaguely gay lyrics have you considered that ?!
#admit it if pete wentz's lyrics were sung by some white woman to plain ass slow piano music with max 3 cords yall would eat that shit up#but heaven forbid it be layered and/or vocally/musically compelling with a decibel count over 65.2#or not sung by a climate criminal trying to sound emotional or weepy but actually sounds constipated 💀#icarus' random screaming#icarus' burning life stories#anti taylor swift#im probably slicing my palm open for a demonic ritual in shark infested waters by doing this but oh well#pete wentz#fall out boy#icarus falls out#not even just fall out boy. I'll put on the tamest led zepplin or rage against song i can find and they look at me like 😶😣😖😨😰😱😵#i put on eat your young they ASK then i try explain the critique of war profiteering/capitalism and theyre like silly ***** readin too deep#LIKE YOU ASKED. I KEPT IT SO SIMPLE. YOUR FELLOW SWIFTIES LOVE THIS SHIT WTF#im scared to try and bring up mitski (esp. working for the knife/best american girl) lest i kill my own friends#like they're not insane conspiracy swifities and i love them dearly but they're fundamentally tiktok youth gen z and im... not :/#and im fine with it we joke and laugh about it and poke fun at each other for it but sometimes i feel so alienated#not on purpose. not by them. but i look at em and they look like test tube babies (not mean).#they look to me like what ginny & georgia looks like to them. too polished too stylised too... Just So#sometimes they look like the same lifeless tiktok copy and pasted and it scares me#im trying to remember that post about how tiktok thirst traps and general posts are so set up and stilted they look sexless#and robotic#anyway#the generational gap between me and my fellow teens/young adults 💀💀💀
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
The struggle between being happy that all kinds of aspecs are talking about aspec experiences more and barely being able to stand the way people talk about aspec experiences
#i don't know how to say it but like. i'm aro and i hate how nobody ever. talks about us except us#if i was the type of person who comes out and if i didn't already need a powerpoint to explain asexuality#i'd start telling people i'm aro and not aroace#like just. the way i feel towards both alloallos & alloaces who try but fail at being inclusive....#towards alloace and sometimes aroace communities & the way they are & act....#legit making me think about identifying as like. non sam aro or something#yeah technically i'm asexual but i'm going to take that word away from everyone#my allo friends are trying bless their heart but they DO NOT GET IT!!!!#they're trying and they're FAILING!!! BADLY!!!!#i understand people who use certain sets of pronouns but only with specific people. holy shit#like if i see one more time that asexuality means not being interested in relationships.#if my friends ask me and only me if i'm comfortable with a sex discussion when i am participating in it#if i get told 'no bitches!! :D' as a pride thing ONE MORE TIME#i'm sorry if you're seeing that m btw. on the infinitesimal chance you do see it. it's not against you it's my aro rage#i just. i'm not ace and then aro as an afterthought.#i'm ARO and eventually if it comes up i'm ace#'oh but no bitches isn't necessarily about sex it can also be about relationships'#yeah okay. well. i'm interested in both of those. i do want bitches. not like allos but i'm not signing up to be a nun here.#the flattening of the aspec experience to 'asexual and possibly aromantic' is making me want to tear things apart with my teeth#hate hate hate hate#and let's not forget adolescent romances. listen. i'm a teenager and i love romance#but all the stuff where the 17yo alloace teen feels broken and ends up dating a comprehensive partner......#i keep seeing it like you see the fin of a shark. and that's already more than i can stand#i'm happy it's resonating with people but it's exactly as insipid as bland straight love songs to me#anyway. i didn't get everything i wanted out but i chipped away at it.#wow i have a ramble tag now
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westywallowing · 9 months
back on my Bullshit and ranting in the tags rq
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philosophiums · 2 months
Sam - your tags are so good. You're like an Olympic gold medalist at tagging. You go for miles with interesting new perspectives and you really get my gears turning!
Also, your freak is so versatile and I'm super into it. My initial observation from which I drew this conclusion IS - you always seem down to clown with themes like dark romance, corrupted morals, degradation of character. Your input seems well thought out so I KNOW you think about it a lot HOWEVER - the vibes for lmhs seem like a balance between atla and jjk?
You got me wondering - when you love so many variations of a character how the heck do you stay consistent with your characterizations for such a big project like lmhs? Like what is a writers version of musical scales to keep you in tune?
I know I opened this sounding super serious but I AM super serious ok listen to me I need you to know - you're tearing this shit up. Every time you go off in the tags im in the stands like Saeko Tanaka like yeah examine that motherfucker he can't hide SHIT from you.
crow!!!! i woke up to this and have been thinking about it all DAY <3 <3 <3
SHDJKBVJKSDVFB MY FREAK IS VERSATILE what an incredible compliment im crying /pos KSJDBVJKDFVB
i am SO down for darker themes i LOVE corruption of morals i love a fucked up romance i love when a character convinces themself they are doing something Good and Correct even when they know it's bad and destructive. and i'm here for lighter themes! coffee shop-esque (flower shop, tattoo artist, etc) and everyone lives and exploring the softer sides of healing it's GOOD
AH well i do not claim to be an Expert nor do i claim to be necessarily Good/Skilled at maintaining a set characterization for any character ever (i strive to, i want to, but that's for readers to decide i think)
HOWEVER i do have like. things that i try to do? i look at characters from a sort of... analytical point of view i guess, breaking down A) their goals (what they want), B) their motivation (why they want), C) their trauma (if they have none, i give them some :D), and D) any changes in world view they have throughout their arc (positive OR negative growth). i'm not necessarily looking for how they tick on an emotional level but instead how they fit in a story and what role they serve. once i've got that, THEN i look for traits that are closer to their chest (personality, reactions to changes in their environment, etc)
truly i perform autopsies on characters i like KJSDBVJKSBDFV i want to understand them at their roots. who are they, really, and why does that make them a "good" character
it's easy enough at that point for me to just pick them up by the scruff and move them into a different story and let them run around KJSBDVJKSDBVJK
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Everytime I face a new character limit on a website that didn't have them before/used to have really long ones... AUGHHhhh the modern social media world was not made for people like me (lovers of details, rambling, elaboration, thorough explanation, and nuance)
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#twitter and other short form shit and everything being a Phone App On Small Screen instead of a Proper#Computer Website i feel like has just ruined the format of literally everything for me. Thoughts just keep getting more and more condensed#with detail and nuance taken away. everything over simplified into only the basics. blah blah blah. I've already probably rambled about thi#all before but it's just SO frustrating. I literally just CAN NOT talk that way!!! even if I try!!! I took multiple advanced placement#english & language arts classes in school and I literally never made below an A on any assignment EVER except for ESSAYS#where I would legit get almost failing grades just because I cannt express myself concisely. I took an english placement test thats made to#like evaluate your competency in a subject and out of the 102 multiple choice questions I only missed TWO of them. almost a perfect#score. But for the 5 open response questions (about articulating thoughts succinctly) I did not get a single one of them lol#I only got partial credit on 3. It's like I OBVIOUSLY understand the material and I know how Words Work and how to analyze and interpret#meaning and etc. etc. But it's just when I have to express myself CLEANLY I can't. It's always ''well you have very good points and you#get around to the idea eventually and I think it's very insightful - but it just needs to be shorter/the side tangent needs to be removed/#etc.'' I've always wondered if it has something to do with being on the schizophrenia spectrum and how that can cause disorganized#speech sometimes hmm..ANYWAY.. But I just naturally express myself in a very particular way which is lengthy and I can't rea#ly seem to control it. So it's basically like just.. being gradually pushed out of every place that won't accomodate people with different#ways of like perceiving and expressing or etc. Everything cannot ALWAYS be 100% 'Short and Snappy and To The Point' or a quippy one#liner or the Bare Minimum of information being provided or etc. Some peoples brains just do not work like that!!!!! Sorry I operate#in detail and elaboration lol. ANYWAY.. I still sometimes use random ''dating sites'' like OKCupid to look for platonic friends since#I never leave the house so it's hard for me to just meet friends naturally. And I just realized today that they added a RIDICULOUSLY small#character limit to their messaging system (2000 words?? augh). And also took away answer explanations (when you answer a compatibility#question you used to have a space to give detail and explain why you answered the way you did) and removed a few other features and it's ju#t like.. how the fuck is any of this actually helpful in terms of judging compatibility? take away ALL nuance and anyting that actually#is meant to tell you anything about a person? Bumble's character limits for your profile description are even more fucking insane and so#is every other disgustingly minimalistic place I've seen like.. OKC used to be superior BECAUSE it allowed for a TON of detail. like back i#2016 or something there was SO much data you could look at. long form question answers. personality trait summaries. etc. Now you have#SOO little to judge off of when evaluating compatibiility it's like. You'd have better luck just throwing a dart in a crowded street and#talking to whoever it hits. Why are people so fucking allergic to reading anything longer than 3 words and providing DETAILS!! It just seem#harder and harder to find any place to meet platonic friends where you have any amount of actual data to go off of and it isnt basically#just random 'speed dating' set up shit. AARGH. &I know 'oh just join a club& meet ppl irl' 1. erm..covid. 2.I mostly want to meet ppl#in places I'd like to move so I already know ppl when I get there. You kind of HAVE to do that online. bc I am not there yet.. WISHING for#Complexity.Com where ppl can upload full 900 page psychological files of themselves. MINIMUM profile character limit 30k words lol
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butchshepherd · 1 year
Kind of a rhetorical question and more of a vent but how do you get over having an "all or nothing" attitude because it's making it hard for me to not get upset and discouraged when I have to admit to myself that there's no guarantee we'll be able to live with the kind of dogs I'd like to have, mainly because of allergy issues. One notable thing about this is I'm pretty sure shepherds and herding dogs are like a special interest to me, on top of the "normal" interest I have in them if that makes sense, and that's why I struggle with the thought of potentially never having one so much. I know it's a good thing to expand your options and keep an open mind and research different breeds but part of me just doesn't want to because that means accepting that there's no guarantee of anything really, and that's what makes me want to give up the whole thing and stop caring entirely 🥲 even though that makes no sense.
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
If funky guys had become paladins of voltron which one would be in which Lion?
back in the VERY early days of this whole au(like. buddys-name-was-still-ryou early) i wanted to base every clones personality/character on a diffrent lion.... but over time it slowly stopped fitting their personalities and i kinda abandoned the concept lol. though you can still see some remnants of that in . certain design choices...
going back to this concept after uhhh two years?? i think? was definetely interesting! all the characters changed WILDLY since then and i tried to re-assign the lions to fit the changes........ it was surprisingly hard
i couldnt for the life of me decide in a few cases, so instead im just gonna give the most suitable options lol
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tashi & soup - im putting these two together beacuse- and i have NO IDEA how that would work- theyre copiloting the black lion! they function the best as a duo and separating them would NOT be a good idea in a situation as stressful and complicated as piloting voltron. they barely manage to keep everyone alive on a good day... also picking only one of the two as The Leader just feels wrong
buddy, ideally, would like to stay as FAR AWAY from voltron as psyhically possible, thank you very much- but nothing in this cruel world is ideal, so they get the red lion:) i actually have this whole story idea where basically stickbug ""goes rouge""(like. some sort of 'sleeper agent mode' left over by haggar gets activated by accident??) and runs away to do some evil shit so buddy goes after him(on a whim)(alone)(without telling the others) and while searching for him they bump into fUCKING VOLTRON- so they form a very uneasy truce until they find stick. and at some point buddy finds out he can pilot the red lion! its awful he hates it:/ he pilots anyway cause his loved one is in danger(this whole thing is way too complicated to talk about here lol)
i had A LOT of problems figuring out the last three..... they changed so much that i just cant rlly fit them into these categories anymore... but i tried!!
ORIGINALLY stickbug was supposed to be based on the green lion but he doesnt fit it as well anymore....... i think taks does pretty well tho! shes very bold and iquisitive and a pain in everyones ass<3 plus loves learning about diffrent planets' unique ecosystems n stuff. stick IS very curious and likes exploring so he still kinda fits? but hes not as forward as taks, so yeahhhh im very torn on this one
i have NO FUCKING CLUE what to do with blue. all three of em could propably fit there ngl....
yellow could either be taka or stickbug- taka is the youngest and the brightest, hes what brought all of them together in the first place(it takes a village to raise a child)....... buuuut hes not really a 'puts the needs of others above his own' kind of person? hes still a kid and NOT ready for that kind of responsibility. soup is an OBVIOUS choice here of course, but im not sure- honestly, the more i think about it, the more stickbug starts to feel like the best option here? ok hear me out: stickbug, for most of his life, had very little power over his life. even while with the funky guys(ESPECIALLY in the beggining, these bozos were dysfuctional as fuck) there were moments when the others would talk over him bc 'hes a kid', and even without that theres still his people pleasing problem wnich meant he often disregarded his own good to make other ppl content. so, taking this scrawny guy desperate for control over his life and putting him in the toughest, stongest, most resilient lion- basically i think he deserves to go a little apeshit. as a treat. let him wreck shit for once
honestly it kinda funny im stting here and calculating all of this like a mad man where IN THE ACTUAL SHOW the paladins switch the lions like pokemon cards
realistically speaking i think they would all trade and switch em a lot and then squabble over who gets to pilot yellow bc they ALL want to wreck shit sometimes:)
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
ok so you've heard of the 'I liked this before it was popular' crowd, now get ready for the equally insufferable 'I disliked this thing when everyone else liked it & now everyone hates it so I feel smug' lot lol...
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mieczyhale · 1 year
becoming a fan of something or someone means getting weird secondhand embarrassment that didn't occur before. and anxiety! !SO MUCH!! both SO EASILY. just because i... now care about the thing or the people involved?? really??
because i really love a thing i can't freely enjoy it without some weird vague negativity related to some unknown vague people?? sure. okay. checks out.
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toytulini · 11 months
ouagh at some point i should try to post some of the multiple thousands of pictures I've taken every time i go to an aquarium huh
#toy txt post#i went thru my phone and sorted almost everything in my camera roll at some point#need to do more sorting again and also sort into narrower categories to make it easier to tag shit and then#ill be able to like. navigate my insane amount of photos on here one day#also the multiple thousands is not. an exaggeration#i seem ti take At Least 1000 everytime. i go to an aquarium#less so at the one i volunteer at sometimes just cos. its smaller and i try not to be on my phone while volunteering#ouaaaagh#i guess i should try to look into more. schooling/edu fucking cation#cos volunteering there. doesnt suck#like its a little physically demanding just cos the water is Very Extremely Cold and its like 2hrs drive away from me#but like. like i Hate interacting w ppl i dont think i could do customer service or retail BUT i love#a captive audience to infodump about sea life to#i just need a college professor that is very extremely patient w me and treats me like the fragile little baby that i am/j#i guess i need to once again seek out Fucking Therapy to wrangle with my Homework Issues#all those posts explaining how to study that were too triggering to look at ages ago. guess i need to find them lol#god. it really does feel like such a silly stupid issue i have here. like if someone else told me they had issue w this id be like#no yeah of course that sounds horrible im so sorry etc#but alas i am not so forgiving w myself like#oh yeah im apparently traumatized ig by uhhhh Being Assigned Homework. like. normal amount. it was fine and all#like i passed shit. it was extremely difficult and i barely made it in some classes but i did Get Thru It and i had like accommodations to#turn in shit late and everything but uhhhhhhh#yea#theres slightly more to it than that ig but! like. basically. that is basically.#im a huge baby who couldnt do their fucking homework and now if i see Study Tips ill start crying#which is super inconvenient cos like hey bitch you know what might help with the homework?#taking my brain out of my skull and shaking it#anyway. im way offtopic here#the point is that i have so fucking many pictures of fish#and also pictures of birds from the beach i have soooo fucking many. i should post more Photos
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