#the perceived notions of the PLACEMENTS!
jrueships · 10 months
is that tags post about zach wilson or joe burrow I can't tell 😭
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any! and all of them !
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obsidian-pages777 · 6 months
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Black Moon Lilith's placement in the astrological houses can provide insights into where you may experience deep-seated fears, unresolved issues, or intense desires. Here's a brief overview of how Black Moon Lilith may manifest in each house:
First House (Self, Identity): Black Moon Lilith here may indicate struggles with self-image, asserting individuality, or feeling comfortable in your own skin. There could be a tendency to hide aspects of yourself from others or to project a false persona.
In the first house, Black Moon Lilith bestows an intriguing magnetism upon the individual, giving them a presence that's palpably intense yet difficult to define. Their physical appearance often carries an unconventional quality, standing out amidst more conventional norms. They exude a rebellious aura, unmistakably signaling their disposition as disruptors and nonconformists.
2. Second House (Values, Resources): Issues related to self-worth, material possessions, and financial security may be highlighted. There might be a fear of lack or a compulsive need to possess or control resources.
Moving to the second house, Black Moon Lilith influences the native's financial instincts, endowing them with an intuitive understanding of what holds potential for prosperity and what doesn't. Despite their insightful judgments, their inclination towards sensual indulgence and defiance might lead to financial missteps if not managed cautiously.
3. Third House (Communication, Learning): Communication may be intense or secretive, with a tendency towards manipulation or power struggles in interactions with siblings, neighbors, or within your immediate environment.
In the third house, Black Moon Lilith influences communication and social connections, shaping the individual's speech with a provocative edge that can be perceived as confrontational or brash. They possess a seductive charm in their expression, yet their associations may often veer towards contentious or unconventional circles, challenging societal norms in their choice of company.
4. Fourth House (Home, Family): Black Moon Lilith here could indicate unresolved issues within the family or a deep-seated fear of abandonment. There may be a desire for emotional security but difficulty in achieving it due to underlying trust issues.
Moving to the fourth house, Black Moon Lilith casts a shadow over the native's home and familial environment, potentially introducing elements of instability or secrecy within the domestic sphere. Family dynamics may deviate from societal expectations, with the maternal figure possibly embodying qualities that defy traditional notions of motherhood. This placement may also heighten the likelihood of experiencing single parenthood or being raised by a single parent.
5. Fifth House (Creativity, Romance): Issues surrounding self-expression, creativity, and romantic relationships may be prominent. There could be a fear of rejection or abandonment in love affairs, leading to intense, passionate encounters.
In the fifth house, Black Moon Lilith bestows the individual with a profound capacity to evoke intense emotional reactions from others, spanning a spectrum from desire to anger and everything in between. Their self-expression tends to provoke strong responses, reminiscent of the disruptive influence associated with Aquarius in this house. However, relationships tend to be tumultuous and volatile for those with Lilith here.
6. Sixth House (Health, Work): Concerns about health, work, and daily routines may be influenced by subconscious fears or hidden desires. There may be a tendency towards self-sabotage or difficulty in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Moving to the sixth house, Black Moon Lilith's presence marks the individual as an outsider in their work environment, though the reasons may be elusive to others. In more extreme scenarios, they might even engage in covert activities like corporate espionage. While health issues may arise, they typically manifest as physical characteristics that make them stand out rather than serious ailments.
7. Seventh House (Partnerships, Relationships): Black Moon Lilith here could indicate power struggles or issues of control within partnerships. There may be a fear of intimacy or a tendency to attract intense, transformative relationships.
In the seventh house, Black Moon Lilith shapes the individual as a complex social figure, thriving in environments characterized by power dynamics and unconventional social norms. Their associations may raise eyebrows among mainstream circles, and they may be drawn to partners who are adept at concealing their true nature, leading to relationships marked by secrecy and potential betrayal.
8. Eighth House (Transformation, Intimacy): This placement intensifies Black Moon Lilith's influence, highlighting issues related to power dynamics, sexuality, and shared resources. There may be a fear of vulnerability or a tendency towards obsessive behavior in intimate relationships.
Transitioning to the eighth house, Black Moon Lilith intensifies themes of power, sexuality, and the occult, fostering a penchant for experiences that border on the extreme. For some, pleasure is intertwined with pain, and they may be drawn to secret societies or occult practices as a means of enhancing their personal power. However, this placement can also bring about significant challenges and hardships throughout life.
9. Ninth House (Philosophy, Higher Learning): Beliefs and ideologies may be challenged or influenced by subconscious fears or desires. There may be a tendency towards skepticism or a deep curiosity about the occult and hidden knowledge.
In the ninth house, Black Moon Lilith instills a drive for intellectual exploration and a thirst for knowledge that may lead the individual down unconventional paths or towards questionable sources of information. They may encounter challenges discerning between authentic wisdom and deceptive teachings, yet possess the potential to become influential figures in academia or pioneers in their chosen fields, despite facing initial resistance and opposition.
10. Tenth House (Career, Public Image): Black Moon Lilith here could indicate struggles with authority or issues related to public recognition. There may be a fear of failure or a compulsion to achieve success at any cost.
Transitioning to the tenth house, Black Moon Lilith's influence makes the individual a formidable presence in their career and public life, often eliciting fear and animosity from society at large. Whether they rise to prominence in fields like fashion or military leadership, their journey resembles a narrative where moral distinctions blur, and perceptions of heroism or villainy are subjective. They are willing to employ unorthodox methods to achieve their goals, challenging conventional notions of success and power.
11. Eleventh House (Friendships, Goals): Issues surrounding social circles, group dynamics, and personal aspirations may be influenced by hidden motivations or unresolved conflicts. There may be a fear of betrayal or a tendency to manipulate social connections.
In the eleventh house, Black Moon Lilith instills a sense of grandiosity and a belief in one's capacity to shape the course of history. However, this can lead to tendencies towards egotism and delusions of grandeur, potentially leading individuals to engage in deceptive behaviors under the guise of serving the greater good. Such actions may result in community backlash, as the eleventh house is associated with societal outcasts, mirroring Lilith's own nature.
12. Twelfth House (Subconscious, Spirituality): Black Moon Lilith here heightens psychic sensitivity and may indicate a deep connection to the unconscious mind or the spiritual realm. There could be a tendency towards escapism or self-destructive behavior if not channeled constructively.
Transitioning to the twelfth house, Black Moon Lilith grants the individual a subtle yet potent ability to exert influence over the collective consciousness while keeping their intentions hidden. They possess intuitive gifts, enabling them to discern others' motives and navigate interpersonal dynamics with ease. However, romantic relationships may prove challenging, often fraught with frustration and complexities reminiscent of the archetype of the mistress, regardless of the individual's gender or relationship status.
It's important to remember that Black Moon Lilith's influence can vary depending on other aspects in your birth chart and how it interacts with your natal planets. Additionally, while it may represent darker or more hidden aspects of the self, working with these energies consciously can lead to profound personal growth and transformation.
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🌫️🌷Venus Observations #2 🌷🌫️
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Venus and Neptune have a really interesting interaction when in aspect to each other, particularly with the conjunction, opposition, and square. It’s not that sextiles and trines are not important, but since they are softer, the energies tend to flow with more ease and therefore, less difficulties.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, so it would bring no surprise that individuals with this planetary aspect would display similar traits to the sign, if not maybe even stronger.
Natives with the strong aspects (preferably less that 6 orbs) are perceived as distinctively beautiful in some way. Not necessarily in a conventional way, but more so in their aura field, which then translates to the physical on some level. When Venus makes a strong aspect to the angles (specially ASC or MC) the native can be seen as classic beauties or it simply just draws a lot of judgment from others when it comes to their appearance or mannerisms. Venus with any other planet in general enhances and beautifies it. Pleasure becomes associated with the traits of the planet that its touching it.
When Venus meets Neptune, the planet that represents inspiration, spirituality, illusions, healing, and loss it causes the same effect but much stronger.
Therefore, these natives can find joy, pleasure or become enamored with the Neptunian topics mentioned above. Since Venus thrives the most in relationships that are inherently spiritual, “rose-colored”, or somewhat obscured from the public it encourages to only feel that inner harmony when love comes from a source that isn’t material or seen at all.
In essence we understand love to be a non-physical experience, even if we’re used to being brainwashed by the notion of pursuing this experience through physical or material experiences. The media tries to lead us to filling a void, that simply cannot ever feel complete without spiritual consciousness.
Venus in Pisces or Venus-Neptune natives despite being seen as those who foolishly and innocently love others almost to a detrimental level, understand this the most. They feel as if love can only be found in the moments that are filled with emotions and spiritual connections. A moment where the love they feel seems to be connected with everything, which it is, since the universe thrives when its in energetic harmony.
Does it mean these placements have an easy time simply because of its exaltation? Yes and no. They are given the blessing of finding beauty in everything, but that is exactly the same reason why they are prone to looking for love and beauty in all the “wrong” places. To them, there’s no such thing as an experience that can’t be filled with love and beauty. They will romanticize and beautify absolutely everything, including those who only wish to use them for their own benefit.
For example, if Neptune squares or opposes Venus, the person might choose the wrong partners in life and will tend to idealize them/not see them for who they really are.
At their most difficult moments they become victims of a lot of traumatic experience in love and struggle with understanding feminine energy (which is not exclusively related to gender), which can only be restored by recognizing that love truly lies within them, and in that which is the most connected to the universe, like nature. Many who have a harsh time with recognizing this can end up trying to transform themselves into a version they’ll love or others will, without noticing that they already embody that beautiful version they so desperately seek. They forget that their beauty truly comes from their own inner world and the amazing gifts that lie in there. They are creative geniuses, in every sense of the word. Similarly to Venus-Ketu/South Node natives.
I’ve personally noticed they tend to succumb to enhancing their bodies wether permanently or temporarily, as they initially may try to pursue their best outward self. They crave for others to see them, as they feel within.
It is advised for these natives to be extra careful when involved in romantic scenarios and with the uses of substances that can make them feel more connected to their inner world or the spiritual realm. You are already tied to the universe’s waves by nature, and without much effort. Instead of pouring the oceans of love you have to others all the time, do it instead consciously towards your passion, creativity, and those who are truly interested in your well being.
Note: Venus in the 12th house can also apply to this post to a certain extend.
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spiralingthoughtpost · 8 months
Vedic Astrology Observations
Ketu Dominant Men
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(GIF context: This GIF shows Jamie Dornan [Magha Moon] in 50 Shades of Grey, which has heavy themes of both Ketu and Mercury– Magha and Ashlesha.)
Ketu or "Chaya Graha", envisaged as the dragon's tail or a headless form, is a symbol of the utmost spiritual significance in Vedic astrology. It is the shadow planet representative of the South Node of the Moon, and it has the most significant karmic role. Ketu represents the process of spiritual growth that comes from isolation, detachment, and renunciation. Through the immersion of intuition and ascetic practices, Ketu facilitates the shedding of life's illusions and aids in the journey towards spiritual enlightenment, demonstrating how its influence tends to embody the more complex and often challenging aspects of the human experience on the path to spiritual release. In the kundli (birth chart), wherever Ketu is placed signifies where the soul is stripped of its external dependencies and illusions. Simultaneously, the placement of Ketu indicates where one possesses natural power brought into this incarnation from a previous mastery in prior lifetimes. Tapping into this energy requires a process of purification, where one is compelled to let go of attachments, desires, and even identities that no longer serve spiritual growth. This celestial influence, while guiding us towards spiritual enlightenment through the accumulation of past knowledge and garnered lessons, is regarded as a malefic influence. It is often associated with the idea of sabotage or obstruction in one’s material life. Ketu's malefic character can be understood as a necessary catalyst for transformation. Just as a dragon's tail signifies the end of a creature and a headless form denotes a lack of conventional sensory perception, Ketu's influence is about the cessation of the familiar, more comfortable aspects of life. This nature of Ketu reflects the complicated and somewhat paradoxical journey of spiritual growth. Similar to Rahu, it challenges individuals by disrupting the status quo in ways that may initially appear destructive or sabotaging. These disruptions are not arbitrary, however; they are purposeful, forcing introspection and reassessment of one's life path for the sake of uncovering higher truth.
Ketu, in Vedic astrology, holds a significant influence on an individual's personality and life path, and this influence extends distinctly to Ketu-dominant men, distinguished by having primary placement(s) in either of the three Ketu ruled nakshatras: Ashwini, Magha, or Mula. Ketu's dominance in a chart often results in a personality that sets people apart in their approach to life, relationships, and self-expression. While many of these observations may apply to both men and women, there are particular traits and tendencies that seem to be more pronounced in Ketu dominant men that I'd like to focus on. By looking at the examples given in this post, I hope you'll be able to look at Ketu a bit more clearly through the expression of its natives.
(GIF contexts: First one is of Alexander Skarsgard [Magha Sun, Moon, and Asc. If you want to understand magha in men, study this guy, lol. The second GIF shows Daniel Gillies [Magha Moon and Ashwini Jupiter.])
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In Vedic astrology, Ketu's influence in Ashwini Nakshatra creates distinctive qualities in men under its sway, embodying a dynamic and vivacious essence. This nakshatra conveys notions of speed, agility, vitality, courage, and tenacity, traits deeply ingrained in Ashwini men. They are often perceived as energetic and quick in thought and action, carrying a persistent zest for life that propels them towards new ventures and experiences with remarkable swiftness. This Nakshatra, associated with the Ashwini Kumaras – the twin horsemen sons of Surya (Sun god) known for their healing prowess in Vedic mythology – bestows upon its natives a natural inclination towards healing and rejuvenation, be it in physical, emotional, or spiritual contexts. Ashwini men exhibit an adventurous spirit and a curiosity that extends beyond the physical and into spiritual and intellectual explorations. However, this constant pursuit of novelty can manifest as a tendency towards restlessness or impulsivity, which can be particularly dangerous given Ketu's theme of temptation and continual transformation. Ashwini's initiatory nature also comes with the caveat of dropping old paths and starting again. The influence of Ketu in this nakshatra forces new beginnings, and sometimes this can be harsh for the natives and those around them, since it can feel like they are not really present unless there is fresh excitement. They can be sort of "hit it and quit it" when it comes to many different things in their lives, and you will have to look to different areas of the chart to see if they can be "tamed" so-to-speak. Ashwini Nakshatra also holds a special significance as it is the exaltation point of the Sun, a factor that adds another layer of complexity to Ketu's influence in this nakshatra. The Sun's exaltation in Ashwini indicates a nature compatible and conducive to the energy of the Sun, which is known for its righteous purity and expenditure of energy in addition to its scalding nature when things get too close. Since Ketu cannot provide or reflect its own light, its ability to give energy will depend on the planets it is with and the energy it absorbs from others (but it will do best by itself realistically). This will inevitably create a sense of exceptional vitality, confidence, and a strong sense of self for these individuals. Ketu's celestial alignment with the Sun in this nakshatra suggests that, while Ashwini brings qualities of introspection and spiritual inclination (especially as it relates to initiatory beginnings), they also possess a powerful presence, an ability to lead, and a radiant quality symbolistic of inborn power. In essence, the exaltation of the Sun in Ashwini Nakshatra can bring forth a unique archetype of individuals who are not only seekers and healers but also leaders and changemakers.
(GIF contexts: The first GIF shows Dwayne Johnson [Mula Moon]. The second one shows Arnold Schwarzenegger [Mula Moon]. I am fairly certain both have been open about being naturally fit but then eventually switching to steroids)
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Magha Nakshatra is characterized by themes of royalty, nobility, and the ancestral lineage, standing as a testament to the "mighty one." Symbolized by the royal throne, Magha is connected to themes of authority, power, and respect for tradition. The symbol of this nakshatra is the royal throne, and the ruling deity is Pitris, which are the ancestors. These signify natives who will have a deep connection to their ancestors and will receive blessings of power because of this. Men under the influence of Magha Nakshatra often display a reverence for their heritage, showing a notable pride in their ancestry and a commitment to preserving the legacy bequeathed to them through generations. This reverence for lineage is more than a nod to status or pride; it's an acknowledgment of the wisdom, duties, and responsibilities inherited from their forebears. Ketu's influence in Magha enhances the introspective and spiritual facets of these individuals, urging them to explore the meaning of existence beyond the mere physical realm. They often exhibit a strong inclination toward exploring rituals, history, and metaphysical truths, seeking to understand their place within the cycle of life and death. Magha men often possess an inherent sense of authority and a demeanor that commands respect, often finding themselves in roles that allow them to exert significant influence and guidance over others from their drive for power and recognition (one example of this is Donald Trump who has Magha ascendant, but I would not consider him Ketu dominant). Their leadership comes from a dignified bearing and nobility, reflecting Magha's royal "kingly" symbolism. Additionally, these natives are very creative and habitual. They are guided by their intuition, which taps into Leo's vibrant reservoir of artistic flair and inventive fervor. This intuitive connection fuels their desire to engage with the world in a way that feels instinctive and natural, allowing them to operate almost on "autopilot," where they do much the same things day after day so that they can free up their mind to focus on aspirations they consider more important. Such an approach enables them to withdraw into their inner worlds, providing a sanctuary where they can be free from the burdens of planning or deliberate thinking.
The final and most refined Ketu-nakshatra, Mula, encapsulates the essence of transformation and an unyielding pursuit of truth. Its ruling deity, Nirriti, is the goddess of destruction and dissolution, playing an important role in its influence on this nakshatra and its natives. Represented by the root of a plant, Mula signifies the foundation, inception, and the most profound layers of being. Men influenced by Mula Nakshatra are distinguished by their urge to unearth the underlying truths of life, a quest that compels them to probe into and understand life's most fundamental elements. These individuals are propelled by a need for authenticity and are often involved in tearing down superficial or outdated structures to rebuild more meaningful and genuine ones. This can make them seem intense or extreme, but their actions are motivated by a sincere desire to uncover and establish truths. Their journey is one of continuous transformation with phases of destruction and rebirth, reflecting the cycle of life itself. This endeavor is challenging and demands courage, as it often entails venturing into the obscure and uncharted territories of the psyche and the external world. Such journeys can be as unsettling as they are transformative, leading to significant upheavals. Being at the height of its expression and the final gandanta, Mula personifies the essence of Ketu in its most powerful manifestation, showing its natives as relentless seekers of the hidden, uncomfortable truths that lie at the very heart of existence. Their journey is one of perpetual evolution, driven by the need to strip away all that is insubstantial to reveal the core truths that make up the cosmos at large.
(GIF contexts: The first one shows Jonathan Rhys Myers [Mula Moon and Asc.] The second one shows Cillian Murphy [Ashwini Moon]. The third one shows Milo Ventimiglia [Ashwini Moon.])
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Individuals with a dominant Ketu as a whole in their astrological charts exhibit a character depth that is both remarkable and elusive. Their disposition, heavily influenced by introspection and a pronounced spiritual bent, markedly differs from the traits typically associated with other planetary dominants. Such individuals often exude an air of understated simplicity, coupled with an inherent complexity that defies superficial expectations. The influence of Ketu in their lives is distinct and potent, shaping their perspectives and actions in unique ways. For example, these Ketu-dominant individuals frequently exhibit a noticeable disengagement or indifference towards conventional societal success metrics and rules, such as material wealth, status, or typical career achievements and are more focused on base survival. However, this lack of interest does not necessarily preclude them from attaining these successes. In fact, their innate ability to unearth concealed truths often positions them as agents of significant change or realization in others, providing them with a unique form of attention and influence. This laissez-faire attitude towards success and rules in addition to their ability to attract and channel energy from their surroundings can paradoxically lead them to positions of immense power, despite an apparent absence of traditional discipline and seriousness often observed in most other leaders. Their ascent to such roles can seem almost suspicious, calling to question the subtle yet powerful influence of Ketu in their personal and professional trajectories as it relates to subverting the rational mind.
In social contexts, Ketu-dominant men command a subtle yet significant influence, characterized by an allure that is both captivating and somewhat unnerving. In gatherings, they might not be the most vocal figures, yet their impact is tangible, drawing admirers and leaving a memorable imprint on those they encounter. This influence resembles a kind of gravitational force, attracting people not through an assertive persona but through the depth of their character. People in the vicinity of Ketu-dominant men often feel an inexplicable urge to confide in them or seek guidance, perceiving a hidden wisdom. However, this magnetic pull can also lead to a dynamic where others project their desires onto these men, interpreting their enigmatic, void-like nature as a blank slate for their emotional or psychological needs. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced with Mercury-dominant and Moon-dominant women, who are drawn to these men, sometimes mistaking the serene stillness of Ketu for the intense solar energy associated with a solar mastered masculine principle. Such misinterpretations can give rise to complicated interpersonal relationships, where Ketu-dominant men become the unintended focal point of intense expectations or emotions from others. Their role in social groups often hinges on their capacity to absorb and subtly influence the energies around them. This makes them effective, albeit unobtrusive, leaders, advisors, or agents of change. They possess an ability to uncover truths and insights that might elude others, and this gives them power to understand, influence, and transform the energies around them in drastic ways.
Broadly speaking, the energy absorption characteristic of men with a dominant Ketu often translates into a desire for activities that enhance their physical vitality, giving them the ability to store more and consume more excess energy. A significant number of these men gravitate towards bodybuilding among other intense fitness regimens, and even those who do not actively engage in such pursuits will still often possess well-defined physiques, simply because they are predisposed to having to rely on others. This tends to evoke extreme envy in other men who typically idolize their appearance similar to the way they do with Saturn men, but even more so, because Ketu isn't restricted in the same way Saturn is. Ketu isn't the type that is working out 5 days a week, maintaining a strict diet to stay in shape, and putting in the time and effort to rise to a position of authority. It is more like eating whatever they want and barely exercising to somehow still maintain a six pack (and taking steroids) and being stumbled upon by a modeling agent who signs them out of the blue (this reminded me of that one guy, Jeremy Meeks, who was arrested and became a model from his mugshot He has Jupiter in Mula). This physicality, however, is just one facet of their widespread appeal. These individuals are also often the subjects of envy for their innate stillness and detachment, traits that enliven them with a magnetic quality. This magnetism, ranking them as one of the most heated polar influences second only to the sun, manifests in a presence that is both captivating and subtly disquieting, affecting others on a deep, subconscious, and often uncomfortable level. The allure of Ketu-dominant men does not stem from their vibrance or charisma in the conventional sense like it does with other heated planets such as Mars; rather, people are drawn to them out of a sense of obligation or a feeling that they should offer everything within their means to these individuals, sensing unconsciously that they are dependent on energy exchange. This dynamic is reminiscent of an authority figure who commands an obsessive following, akin to a revered boss to whom everyone wants to offer gifts, engage in discussions, seek approval from, or in extreme cases cross professional boundaries with. Their natural Tamasic disposition, which requires external sources of vitality to sustain itself, inevitably attracts individuals ready to lavish them with excess energy and resources. However, this can be a double-edged sword. The instinctual adoration they receive, a facet of Ketu's malevolent influence towards the native acting as temptation from their spiritual purpose, can lead them down more sensual and materialistic paths, particularly if not moderated by external forces. This situation is comparable to enabling a drug addict’s harmful habits, where indulging their vices and forgiving them in moments of weakness exacerbates their challenges rather than aiding recovery. This example is especially critical to consider, seeing that Ketu natives' susceptibility to losing themselves in substances like drugs and alcohol that cloud the conscious mind is extremely high. These are the type of individuals to indulge in these types of things like drinking, smoking, or whatever else they can use to blot out their sense of identity–much more than they probably should. Recognizing and addressing this vulnerability is important, as it plays a significant role in their journey, particularly when they are eventually compelled to confront the repercussions of their actions when led down the wrong path. When Ketu dominant individuals engage excessively in materialistic pursuits rather than in intuitive self-exploration, they often find themselves mired in dissatisfaction and left with a sense of emptiness that they struggle to comprehend.
The enthralling influence of Ketu can have a major impact on those around them, sometimes leading to attempts by others to remodel themselves to better align with the preferences of the Ketu-dominant person. This adaptation often entails the erosion of personal boundaries and the suppression of self-preservation instincts, driven by an overwhelming fascination or obsession with the Ketu individual. It is almost like they are cult leaders who, without trying, command power over others. This phenomenon mirrors certain dynamics observed with Moon-dominant individuals, who are recognized for their emotional depth, capacity for nurturing, and power over the masses, but Ketu's influence pushes this to another level entirely. The power wielded by Ketu-dominant individuals, therefore, transcends mere emotional or even subconscious manipulation or influence; it taps into a more fundamental level of interaction, where the boundaries between self and other blur. This positions Ketu-dominant individuals, especially men, as extremely influential figures in the lives of those they interact with, capable of inspiring unsettling transformations in their admirers and followers.
Ketu-dominant men have a tendency to be more explicit in their expression of sexuality, occasionally casting a sexual hue over interactions that are otherwise non-sexual, through both overt and subtle displays. This pronounced sexualization of their interactions and aspects of their persona is reflective of their complex nature and serves as a method of attracting others for the purpose of energy exchange. They often utilize their physical presence and sexual magnetism as mechanisms to draw others into their orbit, encouraging an exchange of energy that transcends mere physical attraction. However, this aspect of their identity, while significant, can overshadow other dimensions of their personality. The focus on their sexual allure and the power dynamics it engenders contributes to a skewed perception of their character, often magnifying the "bad boy" archetype they follow. This label stems from societal expectations and projections rather than the individual's authentic self. In reality, many Ketu-dominant men may not inherently embody the dark or mysterious persona often ascribed to them; rather, they seek normalcy and genuine connection. It is just that they struggle to do so due to the intensity of Ketu leaving them bereft of normalcy. The misalignment between perception and reality can lead these individuals to be pigeonholed into roles that don't fully resonate with their true selves from an early age, compelling them to navigate a complex social landscape that emphasizes their sexual persona and outward eccentricities over their true identity.
(GIF contexts: The first one shows Justin Timberlake [Mula Moon and Magha Asc] and Mila Kunis in Friends with Benefits. If you have not seen it, their "arrangement" basically overly gets complicated because it gets too emotionally intimate and intense for them. The second one shows Jared Leto as Joker in suicide squad. I think this is a good example of how people tend to perceive these people as being darker than they really are and get casted in roles that emphasize their darker aspects. It's also fitting that the Joker just wanted to be alone but has Harley Quinn constantly chasing after him.)
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When Ketu dominant individuals are more aligned with their purpose and resist extreme temptations, their interests often veer towards spiritual, creative, or philosophical domains. In these areas, they seek deeper, existential meanings and truths. Their pursuit of understanding the subtle intricacies of existence frequently leads them to explore unconventional paths, whether it be in metaphysics, the occult, philosophy, religion, or other subcultural movements that provide them with a sense of purpose. In environments where superficial interactions are commonplace, these individuals may not be easily understood or appreciated. Their depth and complexity demand more than superficial engagement for true comprehension, but most people should be wary of this, as like I said they can seem simple and grounded but will shake up your life in more ways than what you're probably wanting. Nonetheless, there remains a tendency for people to be drawn to these individuals, often submitting to their enigmatic draw they have that makes people stop thinking so much about rationality. This attraction, however, can sometimes result in Ketu dominant individuals being perceived as aloof or controlling, which is a misinterpretation of their true nature. Their apparent detachment is not indicative of a lack of empathy or a desire to dominate (they really don't want any control; people just give it to them). Instead, it stems from their intense internal focus and the ongoing process of inner development and self-realization. Their internal journey is a reflection of their outer nature, often misunderstood by those who only engage with them on a surface level. The depth of a Ketu dominant person's introspection and quest for understanding transcends the ordinary, making them complex figures who navigate their existence in ways that are not immediately apparent to the casual observer. Their journey is not just about self-discovery in terms of labels or findings one's place in the material world but also about how this internal transformation manifests in their interactions with theirs and other peoples' spirits.
Ketu dominant men often have compelling and unique perspectives on life and relationships, favoring deeply meaningful connections over temporary, superficial ones, which is usually what people want them for. Not many people can handle giving their energy away constantly, so even though it can feel like you want to give everything you have to them, when you have nothing left to give and they still aren't satisfied, it will start to take a toll on even the most fortified levels of patience. Their approach to love and relationships is characterized by a certain, shall I say... unpredictability; they are known for oscillating between periods of intense engagement and phases of extreme solitude. This pattern, which might resemble love bombing to certain people, reflects their struggle to balance their rich inner world with external relationships. These relationships are crucial for their vital energy management, yet maintaining them can be challenging due to their inward focus. In the context of friendships and family relationships, Ketu dominant individuals often appear to be on the receiving end more than anything. They can recycle energy they get from other sources to redirect it, but they'll get burnt out fairly quickly if others are not also consistently pouring themselves into these people. They maintain an aura of mystery, even among those closest to them because they can go from being hyper-social to complete hermit at the drop of a hat, in addition to being completely different in their heads compared to how others perceive them. Their approach to relationships deviates from the traditional, being more aligned with spiritual and intuitive interpretations of connections rather than conventional societal norms. This unconventional approach to relationships often leads to associations of then with the concept of "Twin Flames," likely due to the intensity and depth of connections they forge, but I wouldn't say these are particularly unique experiences to have with these people. They are just generally intense when it comes to everyone. Speaking of this, they will often be the ones to initially pursue the relationships with someone they want (including the women) and can be very persistent at it. They can become a bit overbearing, since in instances like that people initially were willing to give them energy but then started getting followed as they pulled away (kind of like having a stray dog follow you home after you feed it that can become aggressive if you don't continue to take care of it [while it may or may not destroy your home]; just a metaphor; it is not meant to be derogatory in any way-- some people can handle it and will love to do that, and it helps if they have more sattvic energies to balance it out so that it isn't super demanding). Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Yeah, they are typically the one's to initially pursue relationships with the people they want. Ketu dominant men are typically drawn to partners who share a similar depth and understanding of life in addition to their willingness to provide for him (this doesn't always mean financially; they can be very financially well off but still need a lot of attention, sex, etc. because they need energy exchange to function.) However, their compelling nature tends to attract a diverse array of individuals, many of whom may attempt to pretend to be someone they are not to align with the Ketu individual's desires, often at the cost of engaging in a sort of unspoken rivalry, where people stake claim to the Ketu person. This phenomenon demonstrates the effect of Ketu dominant individuals and those drawn into their orbit, highlighting the intricate dance of identity and adaptation in their relationships and the intensity people have a hard time understanding rationally. Their journey in love and companionship is not just about finding a compatible partner but also about navigating the intricate dynamics that their nature inevitably invites.
(GIF contexts: The first is of Chris Pine in Wonder Woman. I looked specifically for this example because I remember watching this and thinking how odd it was for him to make this otherwise normal scene so sexually intense, looking at Diana while standing there naked and commenting on being "above average." The second one pretty much speaks for itself, lol, and is of Eddie Cibrian [Mula Moon]. The third is of Derek Hough [Ashwini Moon and Mercury]. The fourth is Mickey Rourke [Magha Moon]).
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Ketu-dominant men often personify the archetype of the solitary seeker, captivating everyone's attention despite their preference for solitary introspection. They mirror the essence of an isolated mystic or artist that people are still obsessed with, drawing people to them who feel a compelling need to help them exchange energy in various forms (while I was kind of just exploring this thought, it reminded me of the Lion from Sing 2 played by Clay Calloway and the movie showed them going out in the middle of nowhere to go get him for their concert, and it turns out he has Mula Sun). This dynamic resembles the experiences of being famous, where, irrespective of one's desire for privacy, there is a constant pull from others to engage in some form of energy exchange, be it through a photograph, a conversation, a performance, or more intimate interactions. This intensity of interaction can be overwhelming and is a testament to the powerful presence these individuals possess.
In their professional lives, they may gravitate towards roles that favor deep analysis, solitary work, or engagement with the metaphysical aspects of their field, but there are usually still aspects of power – be it as researchers, healers, spiritual leaders, or creative artists. Their approach to relationships and social interactions is apparent from a discernible depth; they are the individuals who, at gatherings, might be found in the center of everything even though they were just trying to sit in a quiet corner to have a deep conversation with someone else. Preferring the sanctity of their personal space, they also might not even attend even though people will still try to drag them out. With the sun, it is more direct and will burn people that get too close, whereas for Ketu it can become draining and overly intense in the sense of Ketu men's piercing ability to reveal hidden truths. It demonstrates the paradox of their existence: while they are naturally inclined towards isolation and introspective pursuits, their fundamental nature attracts others who seek to either bask in their aura or dole out energy, even when Sun and Ketu natives themselves prefer the quietude of their own company. (As a side note, Ketu can really piss off the Sun sometimes, because Ketu doesn't combust. It can latch onto the solar energy without having to deal with the harshness of it, and that seriously disturbs Sun-dominant individuals because they are both very heated in polarity). In their professional lives, Ketu-dominant men typically gravitate towards roles that require deep analysis, solitary work, or a focus on the metaphysical dimensions of their field. Even in these settings, elements of power and influence are often present, whether they serve as researchers, healers, spiritual leaders, or creative artists. Their unique approach to relationships and social interactions is marked by an unmistakable depth.
(GIF contexts: First one is of Hugh Grant [Ashwini Moon and Mula Jupiter]. Second one is Tyler Hoechlin [Ashwini Moon and Jupiter].
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astrosouldivinity · 1 year
Random Astrology Observations: 💜
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12H Mars may struggle with standing up for themselves. Mars will be dormant due to it being in the 12H so its energy is hidden essentially. But I’ve observed they can attract DV relationships and people who want to fight them overall. Taking self-defense classes and learning how to protect themselves at a physical level may be beneficial for them.
Aquarius + Cancer in a chart makes someone who is extremely empathetic and understanding. Not only can they feel your pain at an emotional level because of their cancer intuition, but they can also logically perceive where other’s behaviors stem from and how it may influence their actions.
People really be trying you when you have the 22nd degree. This placement isn’t always a negative thing and I think it can help you see the intentions of others faster. But it can help filter out superficial types too. Essentially, surface-level people who judge you based on their already formulated preconceived notions/confirmation bias they have towards you.
Libra placements, especially Moon and Mars are either for monogamy or against it completely. I’ve observed the men tend to be more non-monogamous tbh. But the women can be too ex. Ariana Grande (she’s a Libra Moon). Before entertaining someone with these placements I usually will get their stance on monogamy plus ask how long their last relationship was because one thing my Taurus Sun/Mars ain’t gonna do is waste my fkn time 😂
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Hii ..
I wanted to know if there are any placements that show one's innocence and Purity( purity mostly).
Take your time ! ☺️
Purity is a catch all. It doesn’t exists. Neither does innocence. This universe is dual as per the hermetic principles and where there is so called innocence there is internalized shadow. So purity only exists in contrast, but if you want to be honest you have to include the other polarity, and then the bigger picture, although complete, is not pure anymore.
Astrologically, no planet, even if in a very dignified state, will be pure, because even a well functioning planet simply exists and it’s beyond black and white notions of morality.
The Sun is pure because it’s moral and righteous but it also disrespects everyone else because of its kingly status, so the morality becomes relative.
The Moon is pure because of its authentic emotional expression but it’s also fickle and changeable and unstable, even if it’s moods are real and honest.
Mars is pure because it’s loyal, logical and focused, but it’s also defensive, one track minded, touchy and hypersensitive to danger, which can make people uneasy and doesn’t allow for rest.
I’m not even gonna mention the nodes because they’re fundamentally shadow points so they’re the farthest thing from pure.
Jupiter is pure because of its benevolence but it can be a pushover and secretly harbor egotism.
Saturn is pure because of its strength of character but it can also be cold and controlling.
Mercury is pure because behind its desire and curiosity lies a positive agenda, but it’s also distant and can be paranoid in its neutrality and desire for allies.
Venus is pure in its passion and creation but its absolutely ruthless in what it perceives to be an unwanted element, and so it can be cruel.
In reality the closest thing we have to purity is integrity, accountability for our choices. Nothing is ever 100% pure but owning the truth of who we are is as good as it gets. The other next best thing we have to purity is energetic flow. That’s why people have been practicing things like yoga etc and as someone who’s been into it myself pretty intensely for the past half a year, it does wonders for your energy balance. But that doesn’t mean that the energy is 100% pure, it just means it’s not stagnant.
Ideas of purity can be very dangerous, as all totalitarian regimes in human history have proved to us.
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations ♠️
(Based on my *personal* experiences)
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This post is inspired by @zeldasnotes post about her personal experiences with certain placements etc.. I will detail my own experiences with certain transits, synastry aspects, and people! Please note that you may have encountered what I have stated below, and had a completely different experience. These are just my personal anecdotes🤍
In terms of synastry, any time someone’s Mercury made a square to my Ascendant I honestly had no idea what they were trying to say 90% of the time lmao. I often misinterpreted what they were saying or honestly just did not understand what message they were trying to get across. In many instances I also found myself being very offended at the things they would say to me.
With 8th house synastry, I was the “obsessed” one when their planets fell into my 8th house. This is especially true for their Venus in my 8th house. I have Venus conjunct Pluto natally. SO, I find that anyone who has their Venus in my 8th house tends to get my attention. I have a sag Venus, so I really bore easily if I don’t find a romantic partner interesting. Any time I had planets in someone’s 8th house and they did not have any in my 12th, 7th, or 8th house, I found that they were far more interested in me. As in, they were the ones who seemed to be “obsessed” with me, and i did not reciprocate that energy.
With 5th house synastry, I found it to be more of a friends with benefits kind of thing. However, with 7th house synastry accompanying it, I actually took the people I had 7th and 5th house synastry with quite seriously. Relationships for me have to be fun (I have a Sag Venus & Mars). So, 5th house synastry really appeals to me, as it has the element of spontaneity & surprise; and it’s not too restrictive. Thus, it’s never wise to follow the notion that your relationship can never be serious with 5th house synastry (or any house placement for that matter), as you need to look at both peoples charts first to determine what it is that they each need and WANT from a romantic partner.
I have experienced Venus-Neptune synastry quite a few times, and I have always been the Neptune person💀. With the easy aspects (trines, sextiles) I found that the Venus person was very caring towards me and they gave me a lot of grace. However, with the squares and oppositions, I honestly felt that the Venus person was not perceiving me accurately. As in, they either thought I was a lot better than I actually am or a lot worse. With the square, I found that the Venus person was viewing me through the lens of who I had the potential to be, and not who I actually was at that time.
In friendships, I strongly dislike 12 and 8th house synastry. These friendships have always ended terribly. This is especially true if their Sun, Mars, and Mercury were in my 12th house. I found that there was a lot of underlying animosity and “behind the scenes” betrayal going on. Some people like this synastry with their friends but I personally do not. It can be deeply intimate if their planets in these houses are making easy aspects. It’s simply not my preference though.
If you are wanting to attract a new romantic partner or even new friends. I highly recommend going out when you have transit Venus making a sextile, conjunction, or a trine to your Ascendant. I find that every time I go out when these transits are occurring I seem to attract a lot of POSITIVE attention. It helps if you have 11th, 7th, and 5th house transits happening at the same time too!
Disclaimer: Astrology cannot make you cheat. People cheat because they want to cheat. However, I have noticed a tendency to seek outside relationships(in addition to the one that they already have) in the charts of people who have Venus square Jupiter or Mars square Neptune. This is especially true for men with these aspects!
Mars is my Malefic by Sect. Meaning, I was born during the day. Thus, Mars transits tend to be more difficult for me. As opposed to a person who is born at night and has Saturn as their malefic of sect. Anyway, I find when Mars transits my 10th house or 12th house, my life literally falls apart. 10th house just seems like so many people are turning against me. Whereas, the 12th is more of a mental thing, as in my mental health tends to take a dip during this transit.
My most emotionally nurturing and fulfilling relationships (romantic, familial & platonic) have been with people who have their moon WELL ASPECTED in my 4th or 12th house. By well aspected, I mean their moon makes trines, and sextile to my planets. I’ve actually been quite significantly traumatized by people who have their moon badly aspecting my personal planets, in my 12th house.
All my long term friends and I have Venus trine/sextile/or conjunct Saturn in synastry. I’m not even exaggerating when I say this.
The best years of my life where when my solar return ascendant wears in the same sign as the signs that are over my 5th, 7th, and 11th house cusps.
I was once romantically seeing someone who I have many mutual friends with. Nobody knew we were seeing each other, and we had been ‘on and off’ -on the low for years. Our composite Ascendant is in Scorpio, and our composite Venus is in the 12th house!
I’ve said this before but when transit Uranus was in my 4th house, I moved homes 5 times.
TW:Mental Health/Suicide ideation! Please don’t continue reading if this triggers you.
One of the most difficult periods of my life was when Transit Pluto was making a square to the planet that is on my natal 8th house cusp. I was honestly very defeated and had lost hope in life. my thoughts became very dark and I did not think life was with living. It was honestly very fitting as the 8th house represents the cycle of life & death and Pluto is a planet that is associated with death, transformation etc…
Chart Readings are Still Open 🤍 (unfortunately I am not offering free readings at this time for those who have asked)
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rtofbs · 2 years
astrology notes 1.
note: these observations are based on the people around me and how I perceive and observe them. please let me know your thoughts and experiences with these placements too!
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Aquarius in 10th house could mean that it’s crucial for the person in their career to have like-minded people around, to be a part of a community, and hates and dislikes the work environment where there is no unity between peers and sense of comradeship. 
for Libra placements the notion of the Other is very critical in their existence. for example, Mars in Libra can make a decision or take an action easier if there is another person with them. also, Mars in Libra feels confident dealing with stuff when they have a partner next to them. The notion of doing something alone stresses the fuck out of them.
the Libra Ascendant people always use the Other to navigate through life, and it shows when they ask a lot about what other people think about this or that, and take these opinions as something that they can use to make a decision, about themselves as well.
the Mercury in Libra is a very versatile placements as it depends seriously on what the sign of its ruler, Venus. Meanwhile generally they might have an eloquent speech, if the Venus is on Scorpio, then this placement spices up the Libra Mercury to be more spikey, more investigative, more obsessive, more blunt, preying, sometimes to the point of rudeness and raw honesty.
Mars is strong when placed in Sagittarius, however it’s necessary for the Sagittarius Mars to have a clear vision and goal to make a best of this placements. without the clear goal, they can procrastinate a lot.
i noticed that females with Mars in Scorpio tend to project this placement outwardly, and wait for the person with these qualities (cool, collected, passionate, problem-solving and good at decision-making) to come to their lives and handle all of their inconveniences. when they don’t project this placement outwardly, they are a power house.
Virgo placements in my opinion are the most emotional out of the Earth signs, while the Capricorn is the least. Virgo’s are great at creating an image of collected person who is in charge even when everything is getting out of control, and during these periods they are especially emotional. the wonderful thing about them, that these Queens and Kings of Chaos at the end of the day manage to bring everything under their control and complete everything with flying colours.
Virgo placements also have a huge stalker potential with their amazing investigative skills. they get easily obsessed with their partner, and think that they are inferior to what their Partner had prior to them, so they might become fixed to make sure that everything is ok, and no one is gonna take their beloved one. this might be because their second ruler, Proserpina, is in Scorpio.
Moon in Sagittarius with heavy water influence in their chart, especially Scorpio, can get easily obsessed and fanatical in love to the point of building a whole fucking altar in their soul that they will cherish and worship for a very long time. these two placements mixed in one chart are definitely not about the limits and boundaries: it goes deep and wide.
I noticed that Capricorns love sweets and candies very much, and this can be their guilty pleasure as it gives a sense of comfort for them. Capricorn can compete with Taurus when it comes to being a foodie.
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carnivorousyandeere · 7 months
How would Erik respond to their darling being into astrology and wanting to read their birth chart? Also, any ideas on his zodiac and placements? 👀
He’s not one to believe in astrology, and finds himself at a loss as to why you’re so fascinated by it. He’ll give you their birth time and place if you ask, but they have no interest in reading their chart or yours. He will listen to you talking about your own placements out of some curiosity for how you perceive yourself, but he will not like it if you start talking about his placements and what it might say about them as a person lol.
He’s got the Sun in Virgo, Capricorn Rising, and Scorpio Moon.
Strong Virgo and Capricorn dominance in their chart in general. Also have the notion that he’s got some difficult Saturn aspects in his chart.
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minggukieology · 1 year
Hello, how are you? I have a little question about Jimin's words that got some K-ARMYs get excited in the quotes and comments in this sentence 내가 봤을때는 어제 졸리다 하구 내 영상 엄청 보구 잤더만 또 (sorry i cant send the link, tumblr doesnt let me do, you search it up for me pls) Jimin used "또", I think JM means JK DID that before and JM knows it. Could you please explain more clearly? Thank you always.
Hi, thanks for your message!
As you correctly assumed some k-armys have caught onto the appearance of 또 in this particular sentence. Most translations I found omitted this word completely. I assume it's because the placement is a bit off and they thought it didn't really add much to the meaning plus from the translator perspective this sentence is quite convoluted as it is. The thing is 또 can carry various meanings depending on the context and position in the sentence, but Jimin here used it kind of as a filler or added word in the middle of a long statement so the exact purpose of use can be a bit unclear.
The sentence could be translated as follows:
"When I watched (your live) yesterday I think you were sleepy, you watched lots of my videos and then slept *again..." (his speech continues)
Here what the comments were mostly about is what you also correctly added that they perceived that Jimin said it to express that this was not the first time Jungkook watched his videos and slept afterwards. I will leave this open to free interpretation because he didn't support this notion by any additional information.
Once again thanks a lot for your message, I hope I could provide a little more clarity despite the ambiguous answer.
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noxporium · 15 days
What Does The Deck Say? September 11, 2024
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"You keep telling yourself that if you devour everything and make it yours, then nothing will age and nothing will rot. But in your attempt to do just that, you are overlooking that you are aging yourself faster than time would do on its own and the very things you are seeking to preserve are instead rotting in place because they can’t be the things that they always have been. Let them go. Let yourself go. Let go of the notion that you can freeze time and prevent your fears from coming true. It is a bitter medicine to drink, but it is the one that will help you heal and move on."
The Motif Deck is a unique cartomancy system designed and painted by Lee Bradford where the images have no inherent meaning, and so it’s up to the reader to assign significance. The cards consist of seven objects interacting with each other: hand, candle, rose, feather, key, string, and cup. Each image consists of one or two of these items on a plain colored background. These images were designed to be meaningless – they are just objects. What gives them meaning is the combination of color, frequency, placement, and interpretation from the querent and the reader. The Motif Deck is ©Lee Bradford.
“What Does The Deck Say” is a weekday series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say as the posts are reading samples and not personal instruction. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to leave a comment about what they perceive in the random spread as each person will interact with the cards in their own way.
Personalized, direct, and private cartomancy readings are available via Ko-Fi: Noxporium.
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flowers-of-io · 2 years
Crimson Days: A Brief Characteristic
My piece for the Crimson Days event held by @d2artevents! 💘 // Read on Ao3
From the writings of Eido, Scribe of House Light:
Since our arrival to the Last City one and a half solar cycles ago, I have taken notice of several Human holidays never prior mentioned in Eliksni records. They are mainly small celebrations, rarely tied to naturally-occurring astronomical phenomena or a particular anniversary, and are not commonly observable outside large civilian settlements – which may explain the lack of data. Based on an extensive interview conducted with Lord Shaxx, my own observations, and analysis of contemporary and historical material graciously provided to me by prof. Meren Hale of the Academy, I have compiled an entry on the topic of one such holiday, the Crimson Days, in hopes it may shed some light on the area not yet extensively covered by anthropologists.
NAME: “Crimson Days” take their name after deep purple-red hue, which, according to Lord Shaxx, is the colour of Human blood and most vitals. The sentiment behind that corresponds with the ancient belief, evident in many Terran idioms and phrases (see: “Language and Culture Before the Golden Age”, crpt. Tyra Karn et al.), that the heart is the emotional management unit in the Human body. Curiously, I came across no proof of the notion of naming a holiday after the colour of internal organs being perceived as repulsive.
TIMING: The holiday is cyclical in nature, occurring in the latter half of every winter-season, but appears to be entirely customary and not tied to any natural phenomena. Asked about the significance behind its placement in the calendar year, Lord Shaxx spoke of “warming up frozen hearts” and expressed what (for the lack of visual verification) I presumed to be confusion when I wished for further clarification. From the information I was able to gather, the holiday appears to be of pre-Golden Age provenience, though I could not determine which specific customs date back to the ancient times and which are the result of the impact the Great Machine’s arrival and the Collapse have had on culture.
AESTHETIC AND SYMBOLISM: According to Lorrd Shaxx, the Crimson Days are meant to be a celebration of love and profound emotional bonds. As such, the symbolic coding centers around the colour red (see above), heart and flower imagery, with some variants including arrows, birds, and ribbons (see: ‘Crimson Bond’, Briar-Athewry, “Symbol in Cultural Studies). While I have not observed any municipally-funded decorations as is in the case of the Dawning or the Festival of the Lost, individual people often decorate houses and storefronts in accordance with the holiday’s aesthetic.
RITUALS AND CUSTOMS: Unlike some holidays of post-Collapse origin (see: Solstice of Heroes), Crimson Days celebrations are prevalent in all social classes across the City, civilian and Guardian alike. They are rarely collective, instead involving a small group — usually two individuals — and are meant to celebrate the relationship between them. Common customs include exchanging gifts, most notably plants and confections, writing letters, and involving in “dating” (see: Human Mating Rituals). Group activities are typically targeted at single persons, serving the purpose of finding a mating partner. Guardian-only traditions feature a type of ritual combat, where two pairs are pitted against each other in an activity known as “Crimson Doubles”; according to Lord Shaxx, this exercise is meant to test the partners’ cooperation skills and mutual trust.
- Matsuo, crpt., “The Past Is Now: Understanding Tradition through Contemporary Records”
- “3. Annual Conference on Pre-Collapse Culture”, Peregrine Institute of Higher Learning (see: Attachment 1)
- Briar-Athewry, Alice, “Symbol in Cultural Studies”
- Vale, K.S., “Hunter of the Heart” (see: Attachment 2)
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judybasha · 2 years
Judy Basha 900211329
Assignment 1:
A 29-year-old American photographer and filmmaker Khalik Allah's work primarily falls into three genres: street photography (all of his visuals are taken on city streets), portrait photography (he displays the faces of the underprivileged in our society), and documentary-street photography (he uses his photography to make educational motion pictures) (Glanzman, 2014). Khalik Allah states that his life's purpose is to shine a light on the faces of individuals who are often disregarded, or the "modern field slaves of nowadays," in order to encourage the development of new knowledge and to gain understanding (Allah & Shelby, 2016). I believe photography may help individuals become more visible since it's more prevalent, and accessible today, and perhaps promotes social integration. He meant "make knowledge born" in the sense that he believes it is his responsibility to focus the lens and light on figures in the same way that it focuses the eye on something, resulting in an understanding that leads to knowledge. Many people fear neighborhoods and people simply because they lack understanding. According to Khalik Allah, the purpose of photography is to envision, inform, and guide people through the use of a lens, light, and compassion in a way that will enhance or add value to their lives. As it visualizes, sheds light, and has a personal impact on the individuals, his technique of photography may really promote understanding. You will be persuaded to reconsider the notion that these individuals are criminals as a result. He is lighting the darkness via his portraits. His life's mission is to bring light into people's lives, which is also mirrored in his own photography. His life's philosophy is to follow your passion. His photographs or stills employ low-key lighting and nighttime filmmaking to emphasize the mood; obviously, no photographs are shot in the morning, which dramatically highlights the mood and dramatizes the photographs. Although the frame is dark, the people are lit in a way that reflects his personal aesthetic. The music in the documentary also had a street feel to it, which complemented the tone of the narrative. I believe his photographs depict reality, and this is evident when you observe them. All the visuals caught my attention as they expressed a common narrative, but two, in particular, stood out to me because it featured a man with smoke coming from a cigarette in his hand against the background of streetlights. The man is also lit in a manner that way that he appears to be the dominant of the picture, and the man's placement in the middle of the frame also improves to emphasize this. He clarified that the film's controversial title wasn't intended to offend anyone; rather, it was there as he perceived himself as a “field n*gg*r” given his surroundings and mentality at the time (Allah & Shelby, 2016). As he is doing what he is truly passionate about by portraying, educating, documenting, and finally doing what he loves quite certain, Khalik Allah I feel has a significant effect on others. This influence extends beyond the photography profession to most of us.
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Allah, K., & Shelby, T. (2016). Camera ministry: A conversation with photographer and filmmaker khalik allah on the production of and responses to his film field niggas.Transition (Kampala, Uganda), 120(1), 46-60.
Glanzman, A. (2014, October). Meet Harlem's 'official' street photographer. https://time.com/3589404/meet-harlems-official-street-photographer/
Allah’s school in mecca (2014, October). The Mind of Khalik Allah Khalik Allah Interview (Video). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tD_JRkfq_M
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kknelle · 2 months
Anime Convention
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Personally, I have not been to an Anime Convention in the perspective of someone going to engage with the anime community or fandom, or engage in any activities such as cosplay or panels. About a decade ago, I went to Anime St. Louis out of curiosity, and have gone to events in recent years that have cosplay participants, but I have never participated myself. Though, based on the lectures and articles of the sense of inclusion and belonging that is usually in conjunction with the topic of Anime Conventions, I believe the True Otaku documentary presents the structures, positives, and negatives of Anime Conventions rather well.
Firstly, the documentary’s point of how Anime Conventions are thought of as means to create new friendships and connections which may be useful in creating new hobbies, is a sensible point considering the number of possible activities and overall organization of Conventions. For instance, the ability to cosplay, or “Costume Play” as a character of interest in a person, could open topics of discussion of other individuals also dress as the character, or of the same franchise or genre of the character. As seen in the documentary, some individuals are passionate about their interests and overall status as a fandom, or Otaku member, and come to Anime Conventions at different times. This sense of passion can lead people to creating friendships and relations based on common faces, all while being set in a carefree environment where the individuals can be themselves.
Another area of Anime Conventions that expresses a positive is how it doesn’t necessarily prevent any individuals outside of the Otaku fandom from going, as some can go as a family, to support the anime-interests of their loved ones, as well as those who have a bit more knowledge on the Otaku fandom. It is also an intriguing factor how cosplayers aim to sometimes represent the likeness of their character both visually and in acting. The biggest factor to note in the individuals to go to Anime Conventions is how some cosplayers sometimes may lean toward some borderline risqué costumes.
As for the possible negatives of Anime Conventions, the primary negative that is probable is worrying how others may perceive you, or if a crucial part of a person’s costume is missing. For instance, a large area in Anime Conventions are the cosplay contests, and overcoming anxieties and stresses of your placement and how a person thinks people see them somewhat ruins the overall experience of showing your craft and undermines the positive purpose of contests such as cosplay.
From a personal standpoint, I think the differing styles clothing and of Anime culture are the most intriguing as they present Japanese culture in both the areas individuals have commonly grown accustomed to, as well as areas people may not know about. For instance, Samurai and Lolita types of accessories and clothing educate individuals on an area of Japanese culture others may not have known about. In fact, due to the internet, groups have been able to diversify based on interests such as Lolita clothing styles in order for the Anime/Otaku community to continually grow.
From the perspective of an aspiring artist, I can also respect the documentary’s notion to challenge oneself with cosplay types as well.
Therefore, I stand by the documentary’s stances on Anime Conventions, as well as the positives they may bring to a person in the future. Although I doubt I will participate in a convention in the future, I can see the possible positives of participating, in a social perspective, to be surrounded by those of similar interests, alike that of Genshiken.
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ainews · 3 months
In the 1390s, detectives, also known as gumshoes, were known for being palmar for freckles. This may seem like an odd characteristic for detectives, but at the time, freckles were seen as a sign of someone with sharp observational skills.
In the Middle Ages, freckles were often associated with wealth and privilege. People who spent a lot of time indoors were seen as having lighter, blemish-free skin, while those who spent more time outdoors working were more likely to have freckles. This was because the sun's rays would cause pigmentation to form on the skin, creating freckles.
But in the 1390s, freckles took on a new connotation – one of intelligence and observant nature. People with freckles were believed to have a heightened sense of awareness and a keen eye for detail. This made them ideal for professions that required observation and deduction, such as detectives.
Gumshoes in the 1390s were highly celebrated for their ability to solve cases using their sharp observational skills. They were seen as the elite of the investigative world, and their freckles were seen as a mark of their expertise.
One reason for this belief was the popular notion that the placement and patterns of freckles on a person's face could reveal their personality or fate. This theory, known as physiognomy, was practiced by many in the Middle Ages. It was believed that people with freckles near their eyes were more perceptive and analytical, making them natural detectives.
In addition to their perceived heightened senses, freckles were also seen as a symbol of honesty and trustworthiness. In a profession where deceit and manipulation were common, gumshoes with freckles were seen as more reliable and truthful.
Freckles were also linked to the occupation of alchemy, which was closely related to detective work at the time. Alchemists were known to have freckles due to their long hours spent in the sun while conducting experiments. As alchemy and detective work often overlapped, it further solidified the belief that freckles were a sign of intelligence and skill in solving mysteries.
In conclusion, gumshoes in the 1390s were palmar for freckles because they were seen as a symbol of keen observation and intellect. This belief was rooted in the popular notions of the time, and freckles were believed to give detectives an advantage in their investigations. While this may seem like a strange concept today, it was a widely accepted belief in the Middle Ages and contributed to the image of detectives as skilled and successful in their profession.
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siddhii-profesionalss · 10 months
Bridging Horizons: Paramedical Courses for Arts and Commerce Students in Nallasopara by M.A. Educare
In Nallasopara, the landscape of education is expanding, offering diverse opportunities for students from various academic backgrounds. M.A. Educare, a leading institution in healthcare education, recognizes the potential in arts and commerce students who aspire to contribute to the dynamic field of paramedicine. This article explores the tailored paramedical courses designed for arts and commerce students, demonstrating M.A. Educare's commitment to inclusive education.
Breaking Barriers with Paramedical Courses:
Traditionally, the healthcare field has been perceived as exclusive to students from science backgrounds. However, M.A. Educare has shattered this notion by introducing paramedical courses that cater specifically to arts and commerce students. This initiative is a response to the growing demand for skilled professionals in paramedicine from diverse educational backgrounds.
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT):
Duration: 2 years
Overview: Arts and commerce students can now embark on a journey into medical laboratory technology. This program equips students with the skills to perform diagnostic tests, analyze samples, and interpret results, opening avenues for them in clinical laboratories.
Diploma in Radiography (DR):
Duration: 2 years
Overview: The radiography program welcomes arts and commerce students into the world of medical imaging. Participants learn the operation of radiological equipment, patient positioning, and image interpretation, preparing them for roles in diagnostic imaging.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Courses:
Duration: Varies (Basic EMT, Advanced EMT)
Overview: M.A. Educare's EMT courses are accessible to arts and commerce students, providing training in emergency medical procedures, patient assessment, and pre-hospital care. These courses empower students to respond effectively in critical situations.
Certificate Courses:
Duration: Varies (typically 6 months to 1 year)
Overview: Arts and commerce students can specialize in specific areas through certificate courses. Examples include ECG Technician, Dialysis Technician, and Phlebotomy Technician, allowing students to focus on their areas of interest within the paramedical field.
Tailored Curriculum for Arts and Commerce Students:
M.A. Educare has developed a curriculum that caters to the educational background of arts and commerce students while ensuring they acquire the necessary paramedical skills. The coursework includes foundational subjects, practical training, and industry-relevant knowledge to prepare students for successful careers in healthcare.
Experienced Faculty and State-of-the-Art Facilities:
The faculty at M.A. Educare is committed to fostering a supportive learning environment for arts and commerce students. Experienced educators guide students through the intricacies of paramedical education, ensuring a smooth transition from their respective academic backgrounds. The institute's state-of-the-art laboratories provide hands-on experience, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Career Guidance and Placement Assistance:
M.A. Educare extends its commitment to arts and commerce students by offering comprehensive career guidance and placement assistance. The institute collaborates with healthcare organizations to facilitate internships and job placements, enabling students to embark on successful careers in paramedicine.
M.A. Educare's pioneering approach to paramedical education in Nallasopara reflects its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Arts and commerce students now have the opportunity to pursue meaningful careers in healthcare, thanks to the tailored paramedical courses offered by M.A. Educare. As the boundaries between academic disciplines blur, the institute stands as a testament to the belief that everyone, regardless of their educational background, can contribute to the noble field of paramedicine and make a positive impact on society.
Name- M.A. Educare- The Best Nursing Institute in Nallasopara
Address- A / 204 Bappa Sitaram Market, near SBI Bank, Nalasopara East, Maharashtra 401209
Phone No- 9029926203
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