#i feel like we could use a fun shaping project and since i have a dumbbell lying around and we don't actually need a retrieve for anything
seagulley · 4 months
We're in this weird limbo right now with rally ob. New rules are being developed to be closer aligned to the FCI RO rules, but the process is slow and pretty painstaking, and while it's still ongoing we have no trials to attend. And when we do get a chance to trial again I don't really know what exactly the new rules will look like, so everything’s a bit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ right now.
In the meantime, Kaija and I are just hanging out and having fun and making some lovely progress in training that may or may not end up being useful at some point. It's kinda nice having the pressure be off like this, and I'm trying to use our time in the rally limbo to work on my own attitude in training. Trying to get better at laughing off errors and backslides. I've struggled in the past with wanting to push through when my dog isn't getting it and with becoming flustered or frustrated bc we're in class and people are watching us etc etc etc. But pushing past what she's prepared for and getting frustrated when it doesn't really work has never actually helped. So I'm trying to just laugh and move on when mistakes do happen. And when something needs to be fixed, we fix it at home and then slowly bring it back to class, I don't worry about it in the moment.
I want to be as fair to Kaija as I can be while we're doing this silly little sport together, and not having any pressure to be trial ready in however many weeks is honestly really helping me stick with that mindset. Even when we fail spectacularly in front of everyone lol.
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mygnolia · 1 month
sunghoon when you’re sick
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pairing: sunghoon x gn!reader headcannons!
cw: cursing, mentions of chicken noodle soup (the food not the song), married life, getting sick/colds, hoonie my bae
wc: 1k
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- okay so i feel like because he’s on the ice a lot
- he’s cold
- like in en-o-clock ep 20 behind he said it had been a while since he was on the ice so he was cold but that just means whenever he’s performing he’s not cold or not that cold at least
- and he’s acclimated to ice rink temperatures right?
- (and self projecting here but i myself am very cold all the time and it takes me a long time to get warm but i never get hot-?)
- so i feel like maybe one day its raining
- or the heater is broken and you have to suffer
- and you’re both on the bed, scrolling through your phones, but you’re shivering
- but sunghoon’s used to it
- only issue? he is not a raging furnace
- he’s a block of ice
- “sunghoon i’m cold.”
- “y/n, i can’t help you.” he’s just honest w/ everything atp
- “yes you can! cuddle me.” and you’d forcibly grab his arm and tangle urself with him
- you come to the very shocking realization that sunghoon is literally colder than the temperature outside.
- you pull away IMMEDIATELY and scowl at him
- he shrugs as if to tell you “i told you so.”
- he’s not offended he just accepted that he will never be warm
- man knows you’re just trying not to become the ice cube that he is
- omg sunghoon emotional brick and ice cube look at my…shape skills go
- so you’d go back to becoming one with the blankets but it doesn’t work and you’re like “hoonie :((“
- “yes dear.” sunghoon rolls his eyes, looking over at your covered figure nonetheless abd adjusts your blankets for you
- “can we cuddle, the blankets aren’t working :((“
- sunghoon probably gets an eye workout with how many times he rolls his eyes
- but he… L words u…so “okay. come here.” and he puts his phone down on the nightstand and gives you a hug
- internally he would laugh at your antics but he knows you’re just cold and he obviously wants to help but
- mans literally -2 degrees in body heat idk what to tell u
- but after a while you warm up the blankets EVENTUALLY get hotter
- u probs fell asleep and your body heat increased so you’re warm now
- he falls asleep too
- u end up with a COLD and he’s fine btw
- through the coughs and sniffles you blame him for not being your personal fireplace
- he goes “we slept together???? and you cuddled me??? for three hours??? fyi you could have gotten more blankets”
- ‘why can’t this man just spoonfeed u chicken noodle soup like a good bf’
- “can i at least have a kiss?” you pout at him underneath your blankets, even though the heater is in perfect working condition, and sunghoon feels himself falling harder for you everyday
- you are just so DAMN!!! CUTE!!! he can only handle so much until he says fuck it and puts a ring on ur finger
- omg married life with sunghoon or wtv…. NOT blushing
- “no. i’m going to get sick if I kiss you too.”
- “I AM SO SICK OF U!” /j
- ur stupid play on words makes him laugh and he gives in w/ a small peck :>
- even though ur hating him for not being cute and cuddly he just can’t get sick
- he has a competition coming up! sunghoon can’t be under the weather when he’s already under ur spell >:
- “take your medicine goddamnit” but it’s lovingly scolding you as he pushes the weirdly cherry flavored liquid down and follows up with a cup of warm water
- always has tissues on hand
- you’re in the car? tissues. you’re in the kitchen? no babe don’t use the paper towels to blow your nose it’s too rough on your skin
- if you want to cuddle he will say no
- “guess this is my life now”
- “i can’t believe you won’t cuddle with me :(“
- “i cant believe you got sick despite hugging me and still having three blankets.” NO CHILL
- sunghoon simultaneously makes fun of you but will take care of you
- if he’s not home expect a sticky note or a voicemail
- “ahh, sorry for ringing your phone so early, i hope you’re getting your sleep <33 just wanted to call and make sure you drink the water in the bottle next to you, i warmed it this morning before i left for practice, and there’s some food in the fridge that jay brought over yesterday. hope you feel better soon i love you”
- alexa play fighting bleeding losing…no matter what i do by txt
- yeah he’s so sweet he’d stop the teasing bc he knows you hate being sick and doesn’t want to make it worse for you
- sometimes you wake up and you literally can’t breathe??
- breathing through nose era when!! /j
- you’d try to get your work done, hoon alr called sick days off for u but you have nothing to do at home so you get your laptop
- “Hi honey,” Sunghoon greets from the doorway, quickly kicking off his shoes and entering your bedroom. “I brought you some tea, Heeseung said it would help you since his mom gave it to him. Do you want some right now?” You nod, coughing with the quick and unexpected movement of your head.
- Sunghoon comes back with a steaming cup of warm golden tea, and blows on the top before letting you take a sip. “Be careful, it’s hot.” And you dismiss his words before you’re hissing at your burned tongue.
- u don’t catch a break huh
- you finish the cup of tea by the end of the night and sunghoon comes to give u a little forehead kith before telling you to sleep
- tmr u wake up and you can BREATHE again
- which gods did this why do you finally feel like a functioning human being
- ANYWAYS THOUGH!! Sunghoon’s competition is in two hours you don’t have time to waste hello?
- Outfit with hoodie, giant puffer jacket, and a turtleneck, and the thickest pants known to mankind
- driving to the rink where he’s competing and watching him with a giant lovesick grin without him knowing you’re there
- you give him a hug when he’s done
- happy at first and loves to see you, but wants to make sure you’re okay
- You both go home and he’s like “half of that outfit is mine.”
- yeah. he’s not wrong. anyways.
- celebratory dinner! he kisses you many many times thanking you for coming out to see him
- happy to finally cuddle again, holding you close now they you’ve recovered
- he got sick the next day.
f for sunghoon. thank you.
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non-stop-imagines · 9 months
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From this request (my 🍑 anon, luv u bby 💋)
Word Count: ~5.9k words w/ smau
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Black Actress!Reader (@\badbrownskinn on ig face claim)
Warning: Smut (p in v, slight fingering), breeding kink went hard in this one, slight creampie kink but it's there nonetheless, Michael B. Jordan (I just feel like it needs to be warned that he is in here 😂), mention of pregnancy and babies, mentions of food and small mention of alcohol, Danny and Reader being ride or dies, Twitter environment, lots mention of Daniel touching Yn cause he loves them 😘Minors DNI!!! 18+
A/N: Hehehe, this one was a project, but I am SO GLAD that I have it done. 🍑 anon requested this before I even suggested having anon designations. They have been there though it all😭😘😘. So I really really really hope I did this idea justice. It was so great and I am just so thankful you entrusted this idea with me. I hope you all like it because we all need a little Danny in our life and I think this will satisfy it for a moment. Anyway, have a good weekend, and let's hope Suzuka is going to be a good race. Love you all!!!💖💛💖💛
A/N 2: All of the pictures used for the smau portions are all from pinterest and are not my own product.
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   "Now, tell me again why we are doing this?" You sit to tie your tan and white Jordan 1's, Daniel's hands soon replacing yours in the process, finishing the job for you on one foot and then beckoning for the other foot, which you give.
   "I'm leaving tomorrow for Faenza to do simulator work before the race the week after, so I made sure I left today fully open, and I continuously reminded you to keep today clear, so we can spend the day together, before I’m gone for 2 weeks straight and you have to stay here." He smiles briefly up at you then finishes tying before standing and, albeit unnecessarily, taking your hand to assist with you standing again. It was something he always did, but you knew why. Since getting married almost 2 years ago, he would grab your left hand to help you up, and you would always feel his thumb run over the ring on your finger, the sap.
   "Aw, you mush. You're so freaking cute, you know that?" You purposefully use your left hand to squeeze his cheeks. You loved the sight before you, manicured hands and shiny wedding ring wrapped around the scruffy, goofily smiling face of your husband, surprised his pupils weren't in the shape of hearts with how he was looking at you. You were going to bring his face in for a kiss, but instead his arms reach behind you to grip your ass pulling you in for a kiss, your arm trapped between you two and hand still on his face. A squeeze from Daniel's hand ended the kiss, you pulling away shocked from the sensation.
   "Boy, you always have your hands on my butt." You swat at him so he could let you go and you could go and grab a few more items before you left.
   "Because, we're married now. That's our butt." He smacks it as you walk by and then head to the kitchen to prepare your guys' matching water bottles for the day.
   "When you say all day, you mean all day. You only fill our waters when we won't be home for hours." You take your cup and take a sip from your straw as you walk out the door, which Daniel opened for you and straggled behind to lock before jogging to open the car door for you.
   "Need to stay hydrated. We're also getting coffee, and you know it makes you feel anxious unless you drink water as well." He makes sure you're in the car before closing the door and jogging to his side and climbing in. At first he doesn't start the car. He just looks at you as you file through your purse to make sure you had everything, a soft, dazed look in his eyes and a matching grin on his lips, but when you look at him it was like a switch flipped on behind his eyes, brightening both them and his smile. "Let's go have some fun."
   Daniel makes quick work of rattling of yours and his coffee orders to the starstruck barista. He was standing behind you, head on your shoulder and hands wrapped around yours as his arms circled around your waist to rest on your stomach.
    "Okay, and-um- w-will that be all for you two?" The barista's eyes were as large as golf balls and her hands were shaking as she repeated the order and gave the total. "Um, I love you two, by the way. I literally cried when I saw your wedding photos." Her voice was only an anxious whisper when she spoke, handing Daniel's card back to him.
    "They make him cry, too." You point your thumb back at your husband, and chuckle as you stuffed your phone back in your purse after quickly typing something out to your stylist.
   "I can't help that my wife is the most gorgeous woman alive and I am so lucky to have been the one that you decided to marry." Daniel basically says this all in one breath as he makes quick work of putting his card back in his wallet so he could wrap his arms around you again, thumb instinctively and sweetly caresses your stomach.
   “Your wedding dress was really pretty, and I just love you guys so much. I’m sorry, can I just get a picture of you two, I don’t even have to be in it. You guys are just so cute…” The barista began to shakily reach around for her phone and once she did grab it, you held out your hand.
   “Give me this phone, you are going to be in this picture.” You three, and any other employee around, huddled into the selfie and after loads of thank yous from you, Daniel, and nearly anyone else in the coffee shop, you both were back in the car and on your way to the next destination.
   “So, what next?” You take a sip of your drink and place it back in the up holder before reaching over to mess with the curls on your husband’s head.
   “Well, we have reservations at that brunch place that you have been wanting to try but we have never been not busy and in the same place to have time to do so. And then after that, I want to take you shopping and then I was thinking that we could try and go see a movie with anyone noticing us. And, yes, I did make sure to bring stuff we could use as costumes.” He turns his bright smile to you briefly but keeps his eyes on the road. All you could do for a moment was look at your husband with so much adoration it made your chest hurt.
   “Sounds like a plan, baby.” You grip his face to squeeze his cheeks and bring his face a bit closer so you could kiss the cheek closest to you. “Love you.” 
   Daniel comes up to a stop light that has been red for a while now, so knowing that the light was due to turn any moment, he quickly leans over and uses the hand closest to you to turn your head so he could capture your lips in a few sloppy kisses, somehow timing the end with the turn of the light perfectly, and continues to drive down the road while you looked at him shocked and slightly kiss-drunk. “Love you, too.”
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Liked by gabunion and 182,939 others
yn_onscreen Oh my man I love him so...✨
tagged danielricciardo
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danielricciardo Ms. Streisand would be flattered you used her song lyric
>yn_onscreen You knew it was game over when I watched that movie
hallebailey So you're outfit goals 24/7. Noted 📝
>yn_onscreen You and Chloe ain't nothing to sneeze at 🩷💁🏿‍♀️
user1 Love when Mom and Dad go on dates
user3 Danny, tell me your secrets. How did you do it
>danielricciardo Let's just say she's a laugher
>user3 so it's confirmed, he saw THAT Tweet comment
   "Hon? Honey?" There was a gentle nudging at your shoulder after hearing the soft whispering voice of your husband slowly coaxing you out of your slumber, then a few scratchy kisses to your exposed neck and shoulder, his hand intertwining with yours as he slowly guides his hands to rest on your tummy.
   "Hmm? Why are you up? What time is it?" You try to reach up to touch the silk scarf on your head, but realize Daniel had a grasp on your hands. Instead Daniel momentarily releases one of your hands to adjust it and then takes hold again.
   "It's 5:00am, baby. Sorry. I just wanted to let you know I was leaving for the airport." You roll over from your side to your back losing the grip Daniel had on your hands in an attempt to reach past him to turn on your lamp light, but he beats you to it, turning on the dim light.
   "Where are you going?" Daniel's heart melts at the whiny tone of your question, the answer of which you knew but since it was early and you were just waking up, it slipped your mind.
   "Faenza. Simulator work before next week's race." Daniel had knelt by the bed now, caressing your slumbersome face with his index finger.
   “Oh yeah. You’re leaving now?” You reach around him again to grab your phone, checking the time for yourself.
   “Yeah, in the next few minutes.” Your eyes have been fluttering open and shut since Daniel initially woke you up, but they finally settled on staying closed when you felt Daniel climb into the bed, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck and head tucked into his chest, getting deep whiffs of his cologne as his fingers first ran along your sides before reaching around to caress your back. “I made you breakfast. A couple pieces of the avocado toast that you like, with the prosciutto and the hollandaise sauce, and hazelnut coffee with whipped cream and caramel." Daniel’s hand moves from your back and travels down to your butt, bare but covered by the robe you forgot to take off before going to sleep. His touch was still soft and loving despite the sensual location.
   “How long have you been up to do all of that?” You mumbled your words into his shirt, letting your hands that were draped around his neck travel up to his hair, scratching the nape of his neck with your manicured nails.
   “A few hours. I also had to make sure I had everything packed.” Daniel brings his face to your scarf, breathing the scent in, not wanting to let you go.
   “Oh, thank you baby.” You stay cuddled into Daniel, making what he had to do next even harder for him.
   “It’s no problem.” He pulls away from you a bit, enough to place a kiss on your forehead. “Okay, love. I have to get going.” It took a minute for Daniel to follow through with his words, cradling your head to his chest and then placing another kiss to your forehead and then your lips before finally getting up from the bed, making you open your eyes after you lose the physical contact with your husband and feel the bed move when he gets off of it.
   “Make sure you have me on the phone until you lose service on that plane.” You reach out to Daniel with your left hand, which he swiftly takes and presses his lips to the ring clad finger.
   “That means you have to make sure you call me when you get up.” His eyes roam over your body, now minimally covered by the blankets on the bed and your robe, so his eyes were able trace from your cleavage, over the curve of your tummy, to you thighs, his mind wandering to the wonders hiding between them, so he didn't hear your brief answer.
   "Danny?" He blinks himself back to the present, eyes cutting back to your face. "I'll make sure to call you. Now go. Love you." Daniel bends down to press one more long kiss to your forehead and then your lips. When he pulls back he hesitates for a moment longer, just watching your tired face look up at him, running his thumb over your ring and then giving you a final kiss on the forehead.
   "Love you, too." You watch him leave the bedroom and listen for the door to close. For a moment you just lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, willing yourself back to sleep, but when that doesn't work, you just sigh and make your way out of bed, facetiming Daniel as you walk out of the room.
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fallontonight @/yn_onscreen and @/michaelbjordan join us tonight to talk about their new movie, in theater this December!
tagged yn_onscreen and michaelbjordan
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user4 I will be sat 🧎🏾‍♀️
danielricciardo Is the one in the gold dress single 🥵 asking for a friend (me I'm the friend)
>yn_onscreen Sorry, I'm married to someone who should be WORKING rn
>danielricciardo What, I can't take breaks to flirt with my wife? 🥺
user5 Okay, but why do they look perfect together-you know what, let me shut up 😶‍🌫️
im.angelabassett If they act anything like they did on set, you guys are in for a treat
>yn_onscreen Miss Angela, we weren't that bad
>im.angelabassett Yes y'all were
  "So, how would you explain the plot of your movie?" Jimmy asks both you and your costar. You look over and see Michael motion toward you, so you take over and answer.
   "Um, well, really it's just poking fun at Rom-Coms, romantic movies, um, but it's pretty obvious that it's mainly, like, Hallmark movies that all have the same plot basically that we really mess with." There was a general excited reaction from the people around you, ooo's and laughs from the crowd, a small chuckle from your costar and an exaggerated accepting nod from Jimmy. "And the best part is that, like many movies that poke fun at other genres, the heroine realizes exactly how ridiculous the whole situation is and simultaneously helps other people realize it while embracing it as well. I really do think that people are going to enjoy it."
   "And another nice part of the movie is the fact that it has a primarily black cast. It was a joy leading alongside this lovely lady." Michael gives your cheek a light peck and takes hold of your right hand.
   "See, I was going to say that about the cast but it's his favorite part to talk about so I've let him have it." You giggle incessantly, feeling a small squeeze to your right hand.
   "Now, Yn, you got married right before filming began, right? It must have been something going from your own love story to filming one." Jimmy fidgets with the papers in front of him as you nod in response.
   "Yeah. I guess I went the method acting route for this one. But it did suck to have to leave right after our honeymoon. Daniel and I had each other on FaceTime almost every hour each day. We were only ever not on the phone after receiving multiple warnings and 'or else's." You laugh after your answer but look over at Michael when you feel your hand shift with him.
   "Hold on, you're married?" His tongue darts out of his mouth to run along the patch of hair underneath his bottom lip as he waited for your answer.
   "I am." Your answer was slightly snarky and confused because you were sure that Michael knew you were married.
   "Happily?" That was when you realized he was joking, making everyone, including you, in the studio laugh wildly.
   “Yes, happily. You always play too much.” You swat at him and chuckle a couple more times.
   "Hold on, dang girl." He is able to successfully guard himself from your swats, also laughing with the crowd before posing another question. "Wait, your husband is a racing driver, right?"
   "Yeah, Formula 1. Why?" You reach for your mug of water that sat on the desk to your left.
   "They usually have to stay pretty light, and Daniel he's kinda tall and skinny?" You nod, a questioning neutral look on your face because you knew your costar can be a bit out-of-pocket with his statements sometimes. He eyes you up and down, eyes lingering on your butt for a moment longer than anything else. "He's able to handle all that you’re packin’, huh?" Your face doesn't change, in fact it gets more intense, your cocked eyebrow lifting higher and your lips twisting to one side. "Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. She's giving me that mama look, you know what I mean. The 'shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you' look." You couldn't help but crack a smile as everyone giggles at the exchange between you two, like a squabble between siblings.
   "Jimmy, do you see what I had to deal with?" It was signaled that this interview segment was nearing an end, so you take it upon yourself to create a bit of a witty end. "I need to get some form of compensation or something for having to deal with Michael for a year and a half…like all of these lovely people in this studio here and everyone watching going to see our new movie, out this December!" You flash a bright award winning smile to the camera while everyone clapped then let Jimmy finish out the segment and take the show to commercial. The only thing going through your mind was that everything went great and you could wait to call your husband.
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   You check your phone again for a response to a simple "What are you doing now?" text, something to see if he was free to call again, but still nothing an hour later. And you hadn't heard anything from him since hours before that. Your brain recounts the FaceTime call between you and Daniel the day after your appearance on Jimmy Fallon's show. It was brief because he was headed off somewhere and you had a meeting to get to, but the annoyed "Yeah." followed by an apology and compliment on how you looked was not the answer you expected to asking him if he saw the interview. You just shrug it off though and take a sip from the wine glass you were holding before setting it down on the bathroom counter to start your nightly face routine. You were nearing the end of the routine, looking for your final moisturizer when a pair of arms snaked around your middle and lips surrounded by scratchy facial hair try to kiss your neck, but, reflexively, you throw an elbow back at the perpetrator, turning around and instantly feeling a weird mix of sorry, angry, and confusion when you saw it was your husband. 
  "Hi." Daniel groans out, recovering from the impact to his abdomen.
   "Baby, I'm sorry! But what the actual fuck are you doing here?" You accept his touch on you this time, his hands massaging the exposed flesh of your sides as your hands go up to his face for a kiss.
   "Three days is too long." His face was neutral while his eyes moved around your appearance. You were in a skimpy cropped cami and even skimpier gray shorts, all of his favorite parts of you exposed. He began to move a hand back and forth so his thumb would skim your tummy before moving both hands to your butt, pulling you a bit closer to him. You just looked at him, face glistening from the different products you put on it, waiting for him to continue talking. "You looked good on the show the other night. I hope you got to keep that dress."
   "I did." You bring your arms to wrap around his neck, his hands now moving all around you butt, massaging, rubbing. If you were a bronze statue, you would have dull areas on both of your ass cheeks. "Baby, there's something going on in that brain of yours. Just tell me."
   "We're married, right? I got you that ring on your finger?" You nod to his obscure question, moving your hands up into his hair. "Then why didn't that asshole get the fucking hint?" Daniel squeezes your butt a bit harder now, but quickly releases and runs his thumb over the area in an act to soothe it.
   "Danny, he was playing. Yeah, it was stupid, but it was all a joke. Besides, I told him not to do that again anyway, so it should all be fine now." You drape a hand over his shoulder after you speak, trying to scratch his back.
   “You know, I want that to be enough, I do, but you know how fucking tired I am of people wondering how I can ‘handle’ you?” You feel yourself being walked out of the bathroom, moving your hands to Daniel’s shoulder’s to keep yourself steady.
   “That has never bothered you before.” You raise your arms instinctively when you feel Daniel’s hands trail under your cami to pull it off, letting your unrestrained boobs fall, to which Daniel quickly tosses the shirt to the side to bring his hands to them.
   “Well it has never been said on national television by my wife’s coworker.” He quickly shed’s his own shirt and begins to do the same to his pants. “But you’re right. Everything is fine because it's me that comes home to you. Me who gets to see you like this, all exposed.” He approaches you again, one hand moving down the front of your shorts, a singular finger sliding through your folds. “Me who can make you wet by just being here, apparently.” He uses the ample amount of juices you’ve already produced to make easy circles around your clit, causing your knees to buckle slightly and a shocked high pitch whine to bubble from your chest. Just as quick as he inserted his hand into your shorts, it was removed, licking you off of his index finger before going to push his underwear down his legs, and you watched mesmerized as his dick springs free from them, the sight of it hard and bobbing by his thigh sinful. “Are you gonna join me?” His voice knocks you out of your trance and once your brain processes the situation you are quick to remove your shorts, kicking them toward the bathroom.
   “So this is why you flew all the way from Italy? To prove that you can ‘handle me’?” You let your hands roam his body, running up his shoulders and then slowly down his torso, sitting on the bed as they ran closer and closer to his pelvis.
   “Something like that.” He takes your hands that were about aching to take him in, leading you back into standing. “Ah. Stand up, love. I have a better idea.” He distances himself but still keeps a light hold on your fingers, eyes roaming your naked frame and loving what they see. “Fuck, you’re sexy. This is why I have had to fight off that fuckhead of a co-star of yours.” He brings you into him again, wrapping your arms around his neck and placing his hands on your hips, caressing and massaging the flesh and allowing his hands to travel where they may.
   “You know you wouldn’t have fought anyone-Ah!” You were shocked by the unexpected touch to your pussy, two long fingers briefly dipping into you before being slid up to your clit, lazy circles of various pressures being applied to the bundle of nerves.
   “You’re right. You’re mine. They’re just jealous.” The offending appendages move back to dip into you again, making you produce heavenly whimpers as they move in and out, gathering slick as they work until Daniel decides he couldn’t wait any longer to be inside of you, pulling his fingers out and sucking your taste off of them. “Come here.” This was less of a demand and more of a general comment to himself as he pulls you closer to him, both hands on your ass initially, but for a moment one hand leaves its post, grabbing his dick and running the tip along your folds before finally pressing into you, the sensation feeling different and deeper since you were standing. The hand that was still on your ass moves down your thigh to hitch up your knee to Daniel’s waist as the other hand goes back to where it came from, kneading your butt as he begins to thrust into you.
   “Oh! Daniel!” You could help but lean forward, wrapping your arms around Daniel’s neck and burying your face into him as well as his pace slowly becomes more brutal and slaps to your ass occurred with every other thrust. 
   “I find it funny that everyone thinks that I can’t handle this ass when it’s me making you moan like this.” Another smack to your ass makes you jolt and Daniel takes advantage of the movement to adjust you a bit, bringing you higher up on his hips, the change in angle causing you to have to be on your tiptoes. “This is my ass. I married this ass. And these tits. And this tummy. And these thighs. All of it. Mine.” He was rambling, thrusting with nearly every word, erotic screams coming from you in response. He gracelessly reaches for your left hand, bringing the ring clad extremity between you two. "Does he not see who's last name you have? This fucking rock on your finger?" If Daniel hitched his hips anymore, you would be fully off the ground, the mere thought of him being any deeper than he was now making you wetter.
   "They know, baby. I'm yours. I’m your wife." You moan out, your left arm making its way back around his neck, a knot in your stomach tightening with each thrust, each brush of his pubic bone on your clit. There was something in your confirmation that you were his and only his that twisted something in his brain. Satisfied an itch, but there was one part of that itch that was hard to reach, and he could only think of one solution to satisfy that final itchy spot.
   “I’m gonna fuck a baby into you. Then everyone will know your mine. Only mine” You wanted to respond, but there were a couple problems that stopped you from doing so initially. First, Daniel was fucking you so well that you could only produce groans, moans and whines each time Daniel’s dick is slowly pulled out of you and harshly thrusted back in. Second, you didn't know how you wanted to answer. You two talked about it a lot , but now? 
   "You'll look so pretty all round and soft from me. You want that? You want to be all round with our baby?" Our baby. That sounded nice.
   "Yes, Daniel. I want you to cum in me. You have no idea how much I want to have your baby" Finally words come from your mouth as you lift your head from his neck and press your forehead against his. You both had exhausted smiles on your faces.
   “Alright, then.” After these words, it was skillful how swifty he pulled himself out of you and brought his hand down your other leg to lift you onto the bed so that your hips were and the edge of the bed and he was standing between your legs, his fingers on his right hand running through the slick, puffy, folds of your pussy as he admires your face, glistening with a mixture of sweat and skincare products. "I'm gonna stuff you so full. I just want to see the pretty pussy leaking with cum." He starts to fuck you with his fingers when you beckon him to your face, grasping his chin with your left hand, ring sparkling with the sweat on his face.
   "All I hear is a lot of talk, Ricciardo." You give a sultry look through your eyelashes to your husband, failing at stifling a wide smile when you feel his fingers being pulled out of you and the head of his dick rubbing along your slit.
   "Well then, let me put my money where my mouth is, Ricciardo." He pushes into you slowly, eventually bottoming out, leaning forward to give you a sloppy kiss and then picking up your left hand to press a kiss to your ring, then adjusting his grip so your fingers were intertwined and pressing your hand back on the bed. He pulls back at an equally slow pace but in no time at all he was back to the toe curling pace he had when you were still standing, his unoccupied hand initially roaming your body, feeling up every body part that moved with each thrust, overwhelmed with the sight, but at a certain point he could tell that the sounds you were producing were becoming lazier and more exasperated, so he brought that hand to rub your clit, helping with snapping that knot tightening in your stomach again. "Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you pulse around my cock, milk all the cum from me so you can end up all round and soft with our baby. Make me cum so hard it's leaking out of you and I gotta push it back into my beautiful wife. Have our baby in that pretty tummy of yours." His words were an oddly sweet amount of filth, and were enough to snap that knot and make you cum, obvious from the tightened pulsing grip your walls had on his cock. With his hand still in yours, he places unfocused kisses around your face as you ride your high, but then removed his hand from yours to first adjust your legs that instinctively wrapped around his torso in the midst of your climax and then bring his hands to your hips, shifting the angle upward a bit. "Fuck, that's it. Squeeze my dick, baby. Make me cum inside you." 
   "Baby… fuck Danny. It's so sensitive. I can't-" Your complaint was stopped by more sloppy kisses that you couldn't help but get into, tongues swirling around and more often than not missing their target, Daniel's hands traveling up from your hips to squeeze your boobs.
   "These are gonna be so pretty and swollen…" It was obvious that what you said went in one ear and out the other but you didn't care. Your head was swirling with too many other thoughts, and sometimes lack thereof, to care, still reveling in the pleasurable sensation of his pubic bone dragging over your clit, and now the feeling of Daniel rolling one nipple in between his thumb and index finger. It wasn't long after this that his thrust were more sporadic as you felt warm, long strings of cum coating your walls, filling you up, and afterward he kept his dick in you as he bent down to kiss you again, this time less like lust driven teens and more like the fully and utterly in love married people you two were. He loved you more than you could imagine, and the mere thought of just seeing you carryinh his child, your guys' baby, made him want to smother you and protect you and show how much he loves you that much more. You are his wife. Full stop.
   When he stands back up again, much to your dismay as signaled by the small whine you let out when your arms were unlatched from around his neck, pulls out and watches his cum flow out of you, a slow trial trying to make its way down your ass but is partially stopped by his fingers, using the digits to stuff back in you what he can, earning small exhausted mewls from you. You had your eyes closed, trying to recover, so it was a surprise to you when you felt yourself being shifted fully onto the bed and a couple of decorative pillows trapped in the nearest town he could find was placed under your hips and one was placed under your feet, and a larger heavy blanket was draped over your naked frame.
   "You really thought this through, huh?" Your eyes follow him as he pulls on his underwear and hops into bed, laying propped on his side as attempts to move the hair that was stuck to your forehead.
   "Surprisingly no, but I am not gonna let my good work go to waste." He leans down to kiss you again, simple slightly tongue involved kisses that are finished off with a couple of pecks. "Now, what do we have to do? Let's see, uhh… names-i like Aliyah, you came up with that one a while ago. College fund-gonna need to open one of those. I think the nursery should be in the room down the hall. What do you think?" 
   You just stare at him for a second, a small smirk on your face while you examine the genuine excitement on his face as he talks about the future before reaching up to bring his face down to kiss you, turning on your side but with your hips still propped. "I think we need to get to sleep and then you need to get back to Faenza before anyone notices that you're gone." You kiss him one more time and then snuggle your head into his chest.
   "I like that idea. We'll go with that." He presses his lips to your hair, just breathing in its sent before realization hits and he tries to reach over to your nightstand for your bonnet but you stop him, taking his hand and draping his arm over your waist.
   "I'll be fine for one night. That's why I also have the silk pillowcase." He just looks at you for a moment, eyes moving over every corner of your face, and then kicks away the pillows propping you up so he could cuddle as close to you as possible.
   "I lub you." His words were muffled now that his lips were pressed to your forehead, right below your hair line, so he could continue to be intoxicated by your scent.
   "I love you, too." You wrap your arms around his neck and shift even closer so you are chest-to-chest with him. Eventually weariness finally caught up with the two of you and you both dozed off into a Dreamland, unknowing that both of you ended up dreaming about your happy little family.
   "Baby, I could've gotten it myself." You plop yourself back down onto the couch and lift your somewhat swollen feet onto the coffee table, silently glad your dotting husband got up to refill your water and bowl of cereal your were craving.
   "You were just begging me to massage your feet. Shut up and let me take care of you damn it." You giggle and the faux aggression that Daniel responded with, running your hand over your 5 months pregnant belly. 
   "Aliyah, your daddy's a big ol' meanie sometimes." Your baby girl in your stomach wiggled around at the sound of your voice, but began to practically flip around when she heard Daniel's voice approaching.
   "You talking about me? I can just turn my ass around and take your salted Frosted Flakes with me." He turned and dramatically started to walk back, stopping when you grasp his shirt.
   "No, no. Okay, I'm sorry. Give me the cereal." He begins to hand you the bowl, only for it to be a ploy for him to lean down for a quick peck.
   "You look pretty." His eyes dance over your face as he sets the bowl of cereal down on the side table and slowly runs his hand across your belly to your hips, leaning down for another longer kiss.
   "Sans my swollen feet and puffy face." You receive another kiss that's accompanied by a light squeeze to your hips, just at your butt.
   "No, even your puffy face and swollen feet. You're the prettiest person I've ever seen." Sure he's been completely and utterly infatuated with you since he first met you, but seeing you pregnant turned it up a notch. He never understood what people meant when they said that pregnant women had a certain glow until he saw you. You were always so radiant even when you didn't think so. And he loved when you talked to your unborn daughter, laughing to yourself after telling her a joke or saying something funny. It made him more than excited to see you once your daughter is born. And your body…as he kissed you over and over, deeper and deeper, his hands roamed over your body that has changed quite a bit over the past few months. He squeezed at your soft thighs and widened hips, ran his fingers over your tummy, fingers blindly finding the developing stretch marks, and brought his hand to your boob, loving how plump they are getting, giving the one he had in his hand a light squeeze.
   "Ow, Daniel…" You giggled, intoxicated from the intense lip locking that was just put on pause. He loved how you looked at him too. Like he was the whole world wrapped up in a little bow. You were his wife, you were in love with him. And he loved you more than you could ever know.
   "Sorry, I forgot." He went back in to kiss you, getting a small peck in before you abruptly push him away.
   "I'm sorry. It's just…your daughter is currently using my bladder as a trampoline. Can you help me to the bathroom?" You poke your bottom lip out and bat your eyelashes.
   "Yes, I'll help you." He presses a kiss to your temple and then assists in helping you clamor from the couch, grinning and following you as you waddle to the bathroom.
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Liked by landonorris and 402,848 others
danielricciardo And baby makes 3 ✨Mommy and Daddy love you, Aliyah Jade ♥️
tagged yn_onscreen
View all 956 comments
user6 Can they please televise this fight to the death that's about to happen between the drivers for godfather?
landonorris Congrats you two! Couldn't think of 2 better people to become parents
>yn_onscreen Thank you for being our practice child, Lando 😘
>landonorris It was no problem at all
user7 So...did anyone else count back the months and realize...🫠
>user8 Daniel said "Fuck all of you, watch this"
gabunion So happy for you two 😭🩷
>yn_onscreen Please know that I have you
michaelbjordan Damn y'all I was just jokin 😂♥️
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genericpuff · 2 months
saw a post criticizing lore rekindled a while back, and one of the points made was "it's unfair to rachel that someone else can profit off and make money off her work"
do you profit off lore rekindled??? i don't remember if you ever said that you were monetizing lore rekindled, so i'm unsure where this piece of information came from
I literally do NOT profit off Rekindled in any way shape or form, it's a Tumblr comic that's free to read, zero subscriptions, paywalls, or ads.
I did just recently open a Patreon and apply my Twitch channel to become affiliate, but 1. my Patreon doesn't have any paid members yet , 2. my Patreon won't be offering rewards that limit the reading experience of Rekindled (it's gonna be like random doodles n junk), and 3. I haven't even streamed since I applied for Affiliate and people are watching the streams for art and lo-fi, not for any sort of exclusive reading experiences that wouldn't also be accessible on Tumblr (you just get to watch me slowly work on Rekindled while playing FF XIV LMAOO) All of these restrictions I have in place is to prevent exactly what folks assume or accuse me - profiting off Rachel's IP. At the end of the day I just wanna create an AU fanfic project, even if it's created out of disappointment for what could have been.
I *do* spend a few hundred a month though for my assistant. So I'm working on Rekindled completely at a loss, out of my own pocket. So in that regard, even if I were to monetize any part of Rekindled... it wouldn't be for my own profitable gain, I'd maybe be able to cover some of my assistant fees 🤣 (but that's just hypothetical food for thought, because as I said above, I don't want to monetize Rekindled because of the potentially legal and ethical issues in doing so. Making money is also just not why I'm making Rekindled because it's something I wanna just do for fun! Money complicates things, turns shit into a job :'0) And let's be real, in that hypothetical scenario, I don't think any money I could generate on my free to read Tumblr project would come anywhere close to threatening Rachel's bottom line 🤣
And this isn't to throw anyone under the bus but when people get suspicious of Rekindled profiting off LO, I can't help but think of the actual fans of LO selling handmade LO merch on Etsy and LO-style adoptables and other arts and crafts dedicated to their favorite comic. And I'm not gonna judge them for that, more power to 'em if people wanna buy their cool stuff (and some of it is really REALLY cool, like I wanna buy their stuff too LOL), I just think it's ironic that people separate the two because... I'm not a diehard fan? Or because Rekindled has gotten popular here. Beats me. All that "popularity" is still just a niche remake of a niche comic in a niche medium. It's not Spiderman Lotus levels of big 🤣 but I know it probably feels that big to people who are engaged with this fandom and spend a lot of time in it.
There's an opposite side of being a yes man that perpetuates similar behavior on the other side - when you come up with reasons to rag on someone just for the sake of it because you can't rationalize them NOT being the all 100% pulp of evil LMAO (and I see people do this even to Rachel and it's not fair imo, like people who use the Lolita thing as a way to accuse Rachel of being a legitimate pedophile? Like no, I don't think we should be normalizing serious accusations like that. I think she's just misinformed in a lot of ways at worst and suffering from dark romantasy porn brainrot at best LOL).
Like, as an example, I've also seen people claim stuff like I'm in the fan spaces telling people not to read LO and to read LR instead? Which like... why would I do that, LR isn't for the fans anyways and I don't gain anything by being a dick in their space 🤣 If my own readers are doing that, that's out of my hands (but respectfully don't do this please!!! there's a reason I don't use the standard LO hashtags and only stick to the anti ones!!!!) but again (and this is a big assumption so take with grains of salt) I think people just like to claim these things because they feel it's just naturally the right thing to do when someone who has opinions they don't like actually puts them into action. Because now they can't say shit like "well if you think you're so much smarter than Rachel why don't YOU write the story!" and "you don't know what it's like to manage a comic!" so they grapple onto whatever other argument they can even if it's misconstrued or entirely pulled out of thin air and not backed up with any legitimate evidence.
Their perspectives make sense to them. My perspective makes sense to me. I don't blame people for being suspicious when they see someone like me pour this much time and effort and money into a project like Rekindled, they assume it HAS to do with something they can rationalize from their own point of view, like wanting to "steal" Rachel's work or profit off it or take it for myself out of "jealousy".
Sorry to disappoint y'all with a boring answer, but I'm just someone who was once a huge fan of LO and couldn't let it go. I'm just someone who's way too hyperfixated, with a lot of passion for making comics and experience to match. I'd still be making it even if I didn't have an assistant. I'd still be making it even if I was stuck working with nothing but paper and pencil. Because I love making it and I love what it means to me, and I love that it makes other people feel the same way I do about it.
And that's really all I have to say on that.
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cinamun · 5 days
hi! okay—first off? the masterful way in which you’re able to invoke such thoughtful conversations with your storytelling is everything to me. every update of TFA feels like a character study of people we’ve all encountered at some point in our lives! it’s beautiful, really.
secondly! with that being said, i wanted to pick your brains a bit about indira! i don’t know if you’ve ever talked about this before, but regarding our girl’s preference for non-exclusive relationships—how much of it would you attribute to her personality, and how much could be considered a trauma response?
considering all that she’s been through, given her own experience with an overly (wrongfully) possessive man in her life that overstepped SEVERALLLL boundaries [+ having to witness the aftermath of what elijah…rip…did to hope] i just always got the vibe that those things collectively made her very wary of wanting a man to ever feel that comfortable with having a ‘claim’ to her. which is understandable! but the idea also makes me very sad for her; since so much of her current mindset towards dating seems like more of a trauma response than anything.
like yes! as a 21 year old myself, i get the idea of wanting to be free and wanting to date around! but is indira really dating? or is she just entertaining people to avoid looking deeper at a bigger problem/fear that she has, and isn’t willing to overcome at this current point in her life? both things are valid, but i just wanted to hear your take as the storyteller because indira is SUCH an interesting character to me, and i’d love to get a deep-dive on her mindset because i relate to…well…almost all of her story 😭 and i’ve found that my own take on dating has shifted drastically due to my experiences with men in the past. where indira is avoidant but still interested in pursuing SOME form of intimacy/companionship, i’ve staunchly sworn off sex and use dating apps as a means to test the waters to ‘see if i’m even ready to date’ … and i’m not. which almost always leads to me getting overstimulated and ghosting after a day or two of light conversation, lol. so this could easily just be me projecting! but either way, i’d love to hear your thoughts!)
Good morning friend! If we aren't taking a deep dive at the human condition, what are we even doing? lol I very much enjoy picking apart our behaviors and why we do the things that we do. Why not put these pixels in Situations™ and then pick it apart in the replies and asks and sometimes DMs?
About Indira...
She is her mother's child and her wanting to date with no strings attached is part of her personality. Indira is healthy, she's happy, she's wealthy and she's beautiful. Why can't it just be that she has no desire to be anything more than what she wants? If a man sleeps around, we don't question it most times. But as soon as we saw a grown, independent, emotionally stable Dira sleep with two men while telling them exactly what their role was, we decided she was foul and something must be 'wrong'.
I find that fascinating!
Why can't it just be that Indira is having fun and living life? Why can't it just be that she is young, carefree and likes big dicks and big wallets?
Having said that, we have yet to hear from Dira how the experience with Rahul and Ryker may have shaped her as an individual (not just who she sleeps with). We saw bits and pieces about how Elliot's demise impacted her and certainly it wasn't a positive impact. Luckily, Dr. Carter, the family therapist, took turns with each of the Drake children after The Tragedy on the Pier™. She didn't have to go through it alone and worked hard in theraphy to develop healthy boundaries and work through the trauma.
Needless to say, there is so much more to come with her. We've only caught glimpses because the story has gone in a few different directions since her debut in Tomarang as a brand new young adult. I do hope you stay tuned for what is to come!
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kiiyome-art · 24 days
I've been thinking a lot about destiny lately, and how I want to go about writing and drawing out my warlock, Vienna's, story, now that the light and dark saga is coming to a close. I was a bit late to the destiny scene, all things considered, and between my creative struggles and (trying) to be a functional human being, I've not created as much as id have liked to. So come along with me on my little rant as I think allowed my thoughts, if you feel so inclined.^^
There's still so much I want to write, and stories to tell within the destiny universe.
I started playing the game during season of the plunder, when my friends introduced me to it, and we became a glorious fireteam! I was drawn to the pretty warlock space magic immediately, and thus, Vienna was born. ( Though I've since become a hunter main, she's still my favorite blorbo. )
I quickly fell in love with the story and it's characters, dug deep into the lore and since then, her story has gone through a LOT of changes. I try to stick close to the canon story for the most part, in my universe Vienna is the young wolf who was risen in D1, and has since gone through most of what we see throughout the dlcs and seasons past then, I'll probably elaborate on that further at one point.
Most of my drawings that I've posted here are fun little doodles, occasional quips between characters, and overall "for fun" stuff. The majority of what I've thought up for Vienna has been confined to my own head and the rare rants to my friends. And now with final shape being so close, I feel myself pressured to know, and write down, everything that I can. Which, realistically, is silly.
I had plans to make a three minute animatic of Vienna during forsaken since it was a MASSIVE turning point for her, have it out by final shape, then make an entirely NEW animatic based off OF final shape, mostly inspired by Caydes return. Whilst I had mapped out most of it and gotten some rough sketches down, I didn't even begin on the actual project. Could I have? Probably. Do i feel guilty about it? Yes. Will those projects still happen? Hopefully.
I know for all you creatives out there that might be reading this, the feeling of having plans, and not being able to carry through with them, or it not turning out how you wanted, is a shitty feeling, not foreign to ANY of us.
I felt myself compelled to write this in the first place because I know that, well, I'm not alone.
There's many creatives out there feeling the same pressure to get stuff done as I am, even if we don't say it. We want to have everything figured out, to create something wonderful, with the final shape feeling like "the end" of destiny as we know it and all. So this is me calling out to whoever might be listening; be nicer to yourself.
You have all the time in the world to create that animation, paint that painting, write that story. Just because final shape is "an ending," doesn't mean you can't still work on and have fun with the story beats you have in mind prior to Final Shape. No ones gunna call it silly, were all equally starved for content here. And who knows, once we all know how final shape ends, it might inspire you and help your story flow together better.
I'll try my best to tag my posts relating to Vienna and her fireteam with time stamps from now on, as I tend to jump all over the place and it could get really confusing really fast. The TLDR of it all;
Don't feel guilty about unfinished projects. Final shape isn't the end, dont let it be, and dont feel confined to just creating content relating to post final shape.
That's all! I appreciate you reading if you got this far, and im excited to see the amazing things the Destiny corner of tumblr will come up with next.
See you starside! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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nightsandreala · 6 days
something short i wrote in april for reala day 🥺 post-canon (kind of au?) fic where nights finds a nightopia based on a mall and gets reala a stuffed animal (it’s very unserious). can also be read under the read more lol 🤭 thanks for reading
For most Nightmarens, collecting things was almost instinctual. They would take bits from each Nightopia they ravaged: any Ideya the dreamer possessed was the first and foremost goal, of course, but they would also take pieces from the world’s landscape, any effects that happened to strike their interests. NiGHTS certainly wasn’t any different— in only a matter of decades the elegant nighttime garden scene that made up their lair had become absolutely trashed, cluttered with anything and everything they could find during their daily searches through Nightopia, the dark grass and cobblestone walkways littered with out-of-place seashells and jewels and stones of all shapes and sizes. Stray feathers and scraps of cloth and linen formed makeshift nests among beds of thorny vines; out-of-place flowers, long since plucked from their original lands, decorated the heads of stone-carved statues. NiGHTS’ things weren’t so much trophies as other Nightmarens claimed their possessions to be, just things that made their lair feel more ‘theirs’— it was the least they could do, a lair and whatever was inside it was the closest any Nightmaren could really get to owning anything, and even so, their lairs could be destroyed by Wizeman just as easily as their bodies could be.
Right next door, however (or at least as ‘next door’ as lairs could be in a world as twisting and turning as Nightmare), was quite a different room: Reala’s. Reala, as far as NiGHTS could remember, had always kept his lair the same way from the very beginning: red and black everywhere, making up a majority of the room from the checkered floor to the backing of Reala’s majestic throne. Jagged spires of rock lined the outside of the ring, but he made sure that not even a pebble strayed out of place if they happened to crumble. The three blue-flame lamps flickered on eternally at a steady pace, keeping a constant, comfortable level of warmth and low light. Reala’s room was always immaculate, and he had prided himself on that fact in those days, had tried to use it as an example of how NiGHTS should have kept their own space. Of course, it never worked.
“It’s so… empty, though,” they would argue, shifting uncomfortably in the seat of Reala’s throne, “You don’t have anything, it’s like you don’t even live here!”  
They would offer their twin some of their own trinkets, or perhaps sneak some in when he wasn’t looking (only to have them promptly returned soon after). And Reala, time and time again, would explain, “Everything we need, Nightmare gives us. All of your… things aren’t necessary.” 
NiGHTS would never admit it, but when they made that sudden decision to leave Nightmare behind, all their things did seem unnecessary. Maybe they had forgotten how fun it was to be able to collect things, living the way they had for so long— wandering between dreams without settling in any one place for too long, residing in the nearest tree or riverbank or warm, grassy field. With no permanent place to come back to, nowhere to keep things after their journeys ended they had learned to travel light, with only their own outfit and their flute, really, and it wasn’t as if that took up much space (none at all, actually, they would simply summon it when they wanted it and wish it away when their performance was through). More important than the lack of storage space, though, was the need to stay hidden, to not leave a single trace or clue as to where they’d been, should Reala be sent looking for them.
Those days, at long last, were far behind both of them now, though. And NiGHTS wasn’t going to be a minimalist ever again.
A majority of their house’s decor were the results of NiGHTS’ newest hobby— traveling to new Nightopias not in search of Ideya, not even in search of food or building materials for the house or anything remotely useful in Reala’s mind, but in search of things. Human things, at that. They had explained the process with a joy Reala couldn’t comprehend, about how they’d found a Nightopia fashioned after some kind of Waking World market, full of different shops, full of various items, empty of any dreamers. They had come home that day with as much stuff as they could carry with only their own two arms, absolutely beaming with delight.
“It almost reminded me of how humans used to dream back when we were still… you know, hunting,” they’d said, offering a vague hand gesture as they spread out their items on the floor to show off to Reala. “Remember? How they were always dreaming about castles and markets and feasts and all that?” 
Reala couldn’t help but smile— perhaps humans were still just as disgustingly greedy even now, but he had to admit that outrageous human desire had always made for fun dreams. The two of them had crashed many a royal banquet in centuries past, made quick work of the dreamer’s Ideya and then spent the rest of their time making even quicker work of tables of dreamed-up food, helping themselves to tastes of the Waking World that simply couldn’t be found in their regular meals of Third-Levels. 
NiGHTS had spun a similar tale of their adventure that day: “It was bigger than a castle, I think, and it had these staircases—“ They were all but flailing their arms about at this point, in a wild attempt to replicate something, “—that were moving! All the shops were inside, and each one had different things… look!” 
They had gone back several times since then, always returning home with arms brimming with whatever piqued their interest: soft and warm things to cover their bed with, small and colorful things to line their windowsills. Anything and everything in-between. Reala had to admit that their room was neater than their lair had been, at the very least. And, knowing Reala’s dislike of trinkets, they only ever brought things home for themself. Except for this particular day, when they’d merrily entered Reala’s room and tossed him… this.
“…What is this?”
“It’s a cat,” NiGHTS told him, like he already should have known. “Well, y’know, a stuffed one. I would have gotten you a red one, but pink was the closest they had.”
Reala stared at the object in his hands, soft plush material looking out of place in his rough, calloused hands and sharp yellow nails. A cat? That was the creature Clawz was supposed to resemble, if he recalled correctly. But this didn’t look anything like Clawz, save for the little triangle-shaped ears and sewn-on whiskers, maybe— and he doubted that, in pretty pink fur and black plastic bead-eyes, it looked much like its Waking World counterpart either.
Reala tried again. “But what is it, what is it for?”  
“Well, it isn’t for anything, really, you just have fun with it. I felt like you needed something like that, y’know.” NiGHTS lightly tossed their own ‘cat’ (theirs was a nice shade of light purple) in the air and caught it again, switching it between hands like a basketball. “But you could use it for a pillow, maybe. Or you could use it like this!”
Reala, too distracted and, admittedly, slightly enchanted by his new acquisition, completely missed NiGHTS winding up across from him, and only looked up just in time to be met with a faceful of stuffed animal. He reacted a second too late, clumsily swiping at nothing but air with an annoyed grumble. NiGHTS hesitantly reached for their cat, gathering it back into their arms with a hint of shame. “…I could keep yours if you really don’t want it, Rere.”
Reala tested the plush again. It would make a nice pillow. And it was soft, easy to hold and squish and knead his claws into. He could see himself becoming used to it, really, just having something for the sake of having it.
“No, I suppose I’ll keep it,” he told them, rubbing the cat’s ear between two fingers. “Just as long as you don’t bring me any more. I don’t need my room ending up looking like yours.” 
NiGHTS grinned, tossing their cat upwards again. “Fine! I’ll only get them for myself, and then I’ll have more to throw at you.”
…And just as long as he could hit them back soon enough.
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waitmyturtles · 7 months
Thank you Turtles for yet another great piece on IFYLITA. I'm so excited that you picked up the novel. So having known the context, how would you have fixed the IFYLITA finale, if you were the director and didn't know if it was possible to have a S2 or not? Would you still have included all 3 Yais or do you think you would have tried to extend IFYLITA into a 16-18 episode series in order to adapt everything from start to finish? Is there anything from Part 1 of the novel that you are glad/happy that it wasn't adapted into the series or things you like that the series have done differently/taken different approach from the novel?
You must be so tired after your work trip and I'm really sorry for bothering you about IFYLITA even though you just wrote such a long post about it 😭
@clairedaring, I will take ANY EXCUSE to keep talking about I Feel You Linger In The Air -- I LOVE this extended conversation, thank you for engaging me in it! <3
Here's my thinking on how this first season shaped up, and a lot of this comes from conversation that I had with @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm before I read the novel last week into this week.
The material for the 1928 Chiang Mai era clearly fit a style and a tone that director Tee Bundit knew he could do a lot with. (@clairedaring, my recent history with Tee Bundit has been in watching many of his shows -- TharnType and Lovely Writer in particular -- for my Old GMMTV Challenge project, where I'm watching older Thai BLs to learn more about the genre. I also watched Step By Step -- TT and SBS are two of my most passionately hated shows, and I utterly LOVED Lovely Writer, so I have a real love-hate relationship with Tee Bundit, lmao.)
Since I've read the novel -- I'm glad he stuck with one era for the first season, and I really liked how he expanded it. We know that Eaung Peang and Robert have much more minor roles in the novel, and Tee Bundit greatly expanded EP's role to include a lesbian main couple, as well as a dialogue about women's reproductive health and freedom. There was Yai's arranged marriage in the drama that got extended, as well as the criminal downfall of Uncle Dech, Robert, and Yai's father by proxy. Yai's mother gaining power to run the family after that, etc., etc. -- these are all themes that Tee clearly glommed onto in expanding that era, and @clairedaring, to the point you made in the reblog tags of my previous piece from yesterday, I am SUPER glad we spent most of our time in this era. Tee also just made it GORGEOUS for us to watch, which was a treat.
I think if Tee had tried to include all three Yais, we would have felt short shrifted. The Seehasingkorn/Ayutthaya era of the novel is so lengthy. And there are HUGE behavioral change moments for both Jom and Commander Yai in that era. Especially for a Thai audience that's familiar with the novel, if that had gotten shortened, then there definitely would be public criticisms and outcries. (Plus? That era was so much FUN in the novel. Jom was SO SASSY and bold to start courting Commander Yai first!)
I think, if Tee Bundit gave a huge bunch of energy and attention to 1928 Chiang Mai, he'd want to do the same for an even older, more nomadic era. I cannot imagine how beautiful it would be to see that depicted.
And then Tee could fix the order of some scenes from the first season, and we could see more reveals in context, as well as the present day? A season 2 would just be ridiculously awesome for all of that.
The one thing I would have liked fixed was the redundancy from episode 11 to episode 12. I also would have liked more specific clarity about pieces of Jom being lost every time a drawing was made -- we saw that he froze and transcended himself, but that was illuminated pretty early on in the novel, and I think the same could have been done in the series without losing dramatic effect.
But these are minor quibbles. We got to center ourselves in the development of the incredible relationship between Khun Yai and Jom to start the dramatic introduction to this series, and the way Tee Bundit did it defied nearly all of my expectations about this work. He didn't miss any of the big themes of the novel, which I so appreciate, and I think he enriched our experience of the novel by expanding greatly the plight of women in that era. I'm glad we had mostly one Yai to deal with, because more of them would have been a lot!
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mdhwrites · 9 months
What did you think of Anne's sacrifice/death/rebirth, especially compared to Luz's? Do you think it's the sane Anne, or was she replaced by a copy?
So I've talked before about how the death/rebirth of Anne is beautiful. How death is the greatest change we as humans have to ever face and Anne embraces it to save the community she cared about. It's pitch perfect thematically and her understanding she's still a dumb teen and STILL embracing death instead of godhood not only helps keep the thematics on point but also is just great for her character.
As for the clone... Why does it matter? A large part of Amphibia's optimism with change is that our experiences shape us. That they and the people we have met along the way will always be a part of us and shape who we shall be. Since this Anne has all of her memories, all of her experiences, all of those connections... Why should we argue about whether the cells and the like are the same? That is Anne.
It's actually a fun parallel to the Ship of Theseus that doesn't require transfer of souls or the like. That is Anne because she has the spirit of Anne. The personality. The heart. She could be placed into a giant monster or a tiny robot and it would still be Anne. Arguing if she's the same or not is pointless.
Also, comparing it to Luz is laughable. TOH doesn't have themes that fit trying to portray death as an accidental thing you can't control, the only reason The Collector needs saving is due to stupid writing, the choice isn't hers and her going to see the Titan pretty much purely exists for LITERAL GOD to pat her on the head, give her a cookie, tell her she's special and then let her go. Hell, the fact that Luz gets given a choice barely works on a meta level, let alone a narrative one. Do you want to go back, save all your friends, be beloved by all and get to live out the same sort of consequence free fantasy you've always wanted to? Or do you want to die and let everyone you know die for no reason? Especially no reason when you've gone through THREE different character conclusions IN THIS SEASON about you forgiving yourself for your singular mistake that barely mattered to anything.
That is INFINITELY more stupid and meaningless than "Do you feel confident to control the fates of UNIVERSES or do you have humility and accept that you did good and are willing to die with that?" Because remember: Anne isn't revived because she asks to be. She's revived because her willingness to believe ANYONE can improve and no one is flawless, INCLUDING HER, convinces the god that hey, if I think she's ready now, just imagine what more life experience will do to her? Before she gets revived without it even actually being her choice. Though, she does say that she'd like to live again which stops it from being like the guardian is doing something she doesn't want.
It's beautiful and part of why I had to talk about how the fandom undersold it because sure, you can describe it as "Anne dies saving Amphibia and then is revived by god," but that is leaving out JUST how good the writing is. Then again, much of Amphibia looks just fine on paper but looking a little closer almost always yields so much more than you'd expect.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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nattikay · 2 months
fursuit making roller coaster so far:
Originally I was planning to follow Neffertity's tutorials for the digi feetpaws and feline tail; however, carving the foam for the tail turned out to be much more difficult than I was anticipating. I like the general shape I wound up with but I could not for the life of me get the foam as smooth as I wanted it; it's very rough and clunky and I was getting frustrated.
Never fear though, I decided on a new plan: instead of using the clunky carved foam as the actual core of the tail like I was planning, I'll just wrap it up in a bit of wadding or tape which should smooth out the shape a bit, use that to get a sewing pattern, and then just sew and stuff the tail normally. That means that buying the thick foam and all the time carving it won't be in vain, plus I think it'll make patterning easier anyways (I've struggled in the past with sewing Natti's tail, my current one isn't even one I made myself, I commissioned it from my friend Daisy (who did an amazing job!!) because the one I made was a twisted mess lol). So yay for that!
Even with a modified plan in place for the tail though, after the mess of trying to carve foam for that, I was starting to dread all the additional foam carving I'd have to do for the feetpaws; my confidence had taken a hit and I was not looking forward to the process nor optimistic about the results; was starting to get the slogging feeling of "good grief what did I get myself into wth this project". BUT THEN!! I found the SplitGrapeSode digi foot pattern, which had a similar look to the Neffertity one but required ZERO FOAM CARVING! Just sewing and stuffing! Which! Yeah I can do that!! and so THE HYPE RETURNED and I am feeling a lot more optimistic again lol
Unfortunately, I finally went up into the attic to take stock of how much faux fur I had leftover from previous iterations, and it turned out to be a lot less than I thought. A little over half a yard's worth of white (which, comparing to to the pattern I cut out yesterday, appears to be enough for about 3/4 of a footpaw), slightly less than that of tan and dark blue, and barely a few scraps of light blue. So I guess I have to order quite a bit more, and wait for it to come before I can do a whole lot else. I'll need at least one footpaw finished before I can really start the body (since I'll need it to line up the digitigrade padding shape properly), and I can't finish a footpaw until I have enough fur, and the next big part of the tail will be patterning and furring. so 😅 guess we gotta put things on hold for a short while. I suppose I have enough white left for bottoms of the footpaws, so maybe I'll start there in the meantime, or maybe see if it's enough for the handpaws. We'll see...
thank u to my mom and brother for agreeing to encase me in duct tape for the DTD though. the process was about as fun as I remember 🙃 well at least it's done lol
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eyes-inthe-dark · 5 months
Hi Hello I actually make things sometimes
I don't know if anyone who follows me is interested in this stuff bc I very rarely post things from my own life, but I decided to be a little more active on here besides reblogging funny shit regarding my current hyperfixation.
So, here is the (incomplete) crafting diary of a neurodivergent trans person surviving christmas with the family and the dark and dreadful times (winter) in general by making shit! with my hands!
First: fiber stuff
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I picked up tablet weaving over the last few months of 2023 and made my first pair of somewhat mistake-free shoelaces over the holidays! Only got the pattern completely right on the second try with the red but both laces now get to add a fun little detail to my shoes.
Next I tried a more complicated pattern and experimented a lot, hence the irregular pattern and troubleshooting at the start of the band. I'm now repurposing it as a camera strap and I learned a lot from it tho.
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My current setup is basic cardboard tablets (I had to make extra ones so I had enough for the last band with 30 cards), tying the warp to something sturdy like a bookshelf, and sitting down with a backstrap belt on the other side of the room. I used thin wool yarn for this, which stuck to itself quite a lot, but not too much to be unmanagable, and I really like how the finished product feels.
If anyone's interested, I could make a longer post on how I made the shoelaces, I think it's a very beginner friendly project.
I managed to get my hands on a drop spindle and gave that a try, but I ran out of wool after making a very small amount of very chunky yarn and am currently working out where to best get sth local. It was fun tho!
I also finally finished the knitted scarf that has been in my wip pile for... approximately three years? I started it when I was still in school, feels like an eternity ago. It's just a simple (although very long) red wool scarf, but it keeps me nice and warm in this cold, harsh- *checks weather* ...5°C and neverending rain.
Next up: woodworking!
Noodled around with my grandpa's old dremel that we still had lying around, which resulted in this truly terrifying weapon:
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Behold! I named it Toothling. It's great for poking friends and family when they least expect it.
This was more of a test run to see if it all still works and to try out doing small scale work with wood, now I gotta think of something fun to make. (I say, as if I didn't already have 50 different ideas)
Before that fuckery, I made this magnetic dice box/rolling tray for my lovely partner's birthday.
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Though I don't feel like I can take credit for working the CNC magic on this, I did all the hands-on work with the sanding, assembling the magnets, shellac coating, and whatnot. I'm pretty sure wood is some sort of fruit tree, since it smells strongly of what I suspect might be plum or cherry.
Last but sure as fuck not least: embroidery
This I actually get professional instruction for at uni. I've kinda lost patience for it atm, but mostly because I cannot resist making unnecessarily complicated pieces with tiny little stitches and then am forced to finish it because I do actually kinda need to pass this class. My lecturer keeps telling me not to go so detailed, yet I have proven resistant to her good advice. But, I figured if I have to make two full pieces of embroidery to be graded on and put hours of work into, I might as well choose designs that I can turn into patches for my jacket:
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Catha and Ruidus! I love me some big moon little moon imagery. The prompt was to incorporate most of the techniques/stitches we've learned so far. Added the little gold chain stitch around ruidus for the arcane latticework. It came out a little wonky shape wise, but I love it nonetheless.
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And my most recent wip, a stained glass window design with the Ninth House skull and Gideon's sword behind it, to feed my current Locked Tomb obsession.
And that's it!
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bellybiologist · 6 months
Tallying up the Year
I hope you guys' december (which is almost over already, wtf) is going/has gone well! 2024 is upon us.
This christmas weekend, I mostly found myself thinking about how this year went, and honestly? despite all the things I haven't gotten to do, I still managed to accomplish quite a lot.
Me typing this rambly post out is less anything anyone needs to read, but more to remind myself of Things That Got Done™ than anything else because sometimes... I forget I do be getting shit done! And it's important we remind ourselves of the work we do.
The Things That got Done™
I advocated for my own Health. I scheduled (and went to!) so many doctor and dental appointments this year, holy shit. But, if the last few years have taught me anything, I simply have to put in the effort. I got my colon mostly sorted out, started a new regimen for my skin and hair (after chopping it off) so I'm feeling better, schedule an appointment with the optometrist in January, and even got lots of issues with my teeth fixed. Granted, our broken medical system made it incredibly stressful, and i spent thousands of dollars on the latter that I will be paying off til next july BUT!!!! This section is about the good things.
Started Streaming Again! I've been missing streaming since I stopped way back in I believe 2020. It was a fun way to interact with followers and supporters, so I'm glad I'm back to it on a regular schedule, with many of the old regulars still joining me while I work. Speaking of which:
I finished 43 total stream doodles. While I'm only filling a handful a month, it's definitely adding up! 40+ boys in the span of 5 months is nothing to scoff at, and that's not even considering that I'm doing this alongside normal patreon work.
I finished 39 total commissions this year. I'm definitely still going quite slowly, and I thank everyone who has been extraordinarily patient thus far, but I'm happy to say that my pace has been decent... at least relative to previous years. I got more done in the last 5 months than i did in the roughly year and a half period before 2023!
Replaced SEVERAL appliances that broke down. My computer moniter, my microwave, my refrigerator... all failed on my this year, and it took some work, but I finally managed to get them all replaced! So far, everything is working fine, but next on my agenda is to save up for a new desktop. This one I use for work has been at it since 2017, and it's about time to look into upgrading.
My Google Drive is Looking Nice. It's still not perfect, but I'm still immensely proud of how it's shaping up. There's still some curating of older pieces to do, but I've found a stride where I'm regularly updating it for people to peruse.
Now despite these W's, I still got a long way to go. The things below could be considered resolutions for 2024, but that feels cursed to call them that. They are simply:
Things I Want to GET Done
Adding more YCH Figures. I was definitely expecting to have more to choose from by this point. And I really need to update some of the older ones too, because I think they've aged poorly. I got some neat suggestions and hopefully will find some time this week to showcase them in my discord to collect some feedback before releasing them.
Do more involved pieces/projects. I want to do more things like Comics, or simply pieces that I work on over the course of several sittings, ones where I can experiment and fiddle and practice!!! I rarely ever get to do that these days (I've only finished a few Big Personal Pieces this year), and I need to find time and energy to do them more because those are the things that truly make me feel like I grow as an artist. (and maybe I can find a shading style I actually fucking tolerate.). I also want to get more OC development and stuff done too, cuz I really didn't draw my children a whole lot this year!
Make more fucking Money!!!!! Let's not kid ourselves. I want to get to a point where I'm not just barely meeting the monthly quota. How to get there? I don't know, honestly. Things are so very stacked against artists right now, so it really does feel like the only thing that can be done is Not Give Up. Which I won't do. If/when I go down, I'm making it everyone else's problem. Trust. 😏
Save up to Visit the Boyfriend. I haven't seen him since January 2022! Big goal is to be comfortable enough to where I can fly my ass up there and smooch him. 👏🏽
I won't lie, i'm going into 2024 quite anxious and still scraping by by the skin of my teeth (that I'm still paying for). It's going to be a BIG year cuz oh boy, it's election year, there's plenty of family developments i gotta keep an eye on and work to be a part of... not to mention all the horrible stuff going on still (free palestine!).
Here's hoping shit goes our way this coming year! And let's get ,more strikes going so everyone is getting their fucking money!!! :V
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
I care about Rose! In fact, we started watching house of dragon (only 2 episode so far though) and it constantly makes me think of Rose because you use it as inspiration. Like obviously there’s the coronation scene which reminds me of stars. And there’s the character Willum is sorta kinda inspired by. And it’s an entirely different world, but every time I’m drawn back to Rose wondering how things will play out. (Which is not pressure to finish writing it if you don’t want to. Writer’s block can be a bitch and I get that the motivation for this project has been sucked out, but I just want you to know that I still care, and I’m not the only one.)
Also, I’ve been meaning to start my Ready, Set, Detonate analysis but I keeps getting away from me. I’m not sure there will be much to analyse, but there’s definitely fun details I want to point out. Oh and I am Looking 👀 at the fit/pac tag and kicking my feet. I don’t actually know if they are already in a relationship (I’m sure we’ll find out, but I just loved Fit’s little “Pac’s here?” That man is gone. Oh and I’m so excited for this Tubbo and to read more Bagi and the lore. Just all of it.
Then the original writing is a mood. I keep getting like a few chapters into my story before deciding it’s not good enough or thinking of something else I could do and throwing it all out. It’s this constant loop that never seems to get anywhere even though the story gets more and more fleshed out in my head every time. I think it’s because the opportunities are endless. Like there’s no characters and personalities and dynamics to stick to like there is in fan fiction. It’s free game but that does mean you have to decide everything yourself.
Anyway, best original writing advice I can give is remember the drafting process. There’s going to be a shit ton of drafts, which feels different for you because you’ve been mostly writing stories and posting them as you go, which means some minor or major editing, but leaves you without a chance to do a once over. It’s a sort of pressure to get everything right the first time. Meanwhile, original writing is something you keep close to your chest. There’s different drafting stages ranging from the zero draft (aka excessive daydreaming about all the possibilities) to the final draft (where you just go through and kill all your darlings and pour over ever single word to find the right one).
I’m struggling a lot with the first draft, which is literally just getting words onto a page. It’s a somewhat coherent mess that just allows you to shape the story and its structure so you can work off of that and edit it later on. I don’t know if this actually helps, but yeah, the first draft sucks and then it mostly gets easier. Just write, is kinda shitty advice, but it’s mainly, just get words onto a page, you will get a million chances to fix it, you don’t need to be happy about what you wrote right now.
ohhhh I'm so excited you've started watching hotd!! good timing since the second season is going to come out later this year :D I hope you enjoy!! and I'm so happy to hear you're still excited about rose. I definitely want to finish writing it, like I said it's just me worrying about if anyone will bother to read it but a lot of you have said you would so that helps assuage my worries a bit
feel free to send whatever random thoughts you have about ready set detonate you know idc if it's analysis or not I just love seeing peoples reactions!! fit and pac are not in a relationship (yet) in the fic but theres a lot of flirty pining going on lol
god yeah it's so much harder with original fiction because it feels like there's so much pressure. you have too much freedom to do whatever you want so you're constantly second guessing if it's good enough or not. and ofc I know rough drafts are supposed to be shitty but I've tried to hone my skills so that my first draft is always incredibly solid because I rarely have the patience to do heavy edits, but that's with fanfiction. it has to be different with original fiction I know but it's hard to make my brain okay with that. I keep feeling like it needs to be nearly perfect on the first run :( but yeah I'm mostly trying to get words on a page. but then I think back and realize I forgot to mention this or I need to mention more of that etc etc and it's just stressful arghhh
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judgeanon · 11 months
Plastic Skies of Betrayal - Model 12: F-5E Tiger II “Area 88″
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So this model is a little special. I know I said the same thing about the last one, but while the Raptor build came with a heavy dose of anxiety and frustrations, the next build turned out to be a nice planetary alignment of materials and people all coming together in an incredibly rewarding project. Just like the Raptor, however, talking about it involves talking about other things first. In this case, a late 70s manga that set up camp in my brain months ago and refuses to leave. 
Have you ever heard of AREA 88? If not, you’re about to.
So there’s this plane called the Northrop F-5 Tiger II, which I’d actually never heard about until I played Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. That game famously starts you off in an F-5 and locks you there for the first four or five missions, so I became pretty well-acquainted with this tiny little fighter. Some people might recognize its shape from the original TOP GUN, where it was painted black and used as a stand-in for Russian MiG planes, but on the other side of the Pacific, a lot of people know it best as one of the signature planes of one Shin Kazama.
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Shin is the protagonist of AREA 88, a manga by Kaoru Shintani that started all the way in 1979 and ended in 1986, the same year TOP GUN came out. I first heard about it while looking at some model kits, and since I was (and in a lot of ways still am) elbows deep in fighter jets at that time, I started to dig a bit deeper. Three OVAs and half a manga series later, I was absolutely hooked. The air combat is fantastic and the manga pulls a bunch of incredible visual tricks to render it, but it’s the intense melodrama of the characters that really kept me in. It’s a tremendously engaging, compelling and interesting series from every angle. And funny enough, I’d actually seen it once, over a decade ago. Just not as a manga or as an anime.
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As it turns out, AREA 88 had a videogame for the SNES that had been brought to the West as “UN SQUADRON”, and I had actually played it back when my computer was so underpowered that all I could play were emulated retro games. Running into the game’s source material again in the midst of a wild craze triggered by another videogame was a strange but fun little return, and along with my growing obsession with said source material, cemented my decision to make my next model AREA 88-themed. And the universe seemed more than happy to provide.
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My current favorite hobby shop turned out to have a 1/72 Tiger II model for a very nice price, made by the same company that made the F-16 model I’d built some months ago. To make things even better, it was also the exact same kit I’d already seen a much better hobbyist than me turn into Shin’s plane and upload tons of great reference pics online. All I really needed would be the decals, so I asked the shop’s owner if he could get me in touch with someone who prints customs decals. He obliged, although in the end that wouldn’t be necessary.
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The build itself was pretty sweet, although not without its hiccups. There was no family drama to distract me this time nor lingering feelings of guilt. Even money was no longer an object. Feeling more relaxed than usual, I took my time with it, and challenged myself to add a few extra touches. For example, taking the thinnest brush I have, dipping it in red paint and giving the stick a little button,
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The other thing I also tried out was, for the first time, primer. Yes, I’m a dummy. Yes, I’m not sure how I got this far without it. But I’d never actually needed primer before until disaster struck and some patches of paint began to fall out of my Raptor model kit. I’m still not sure what caused it exactly, but priming models from now on seemed like the smartest solution. As we say down here, better to prevent than mend.
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That said, I don’t think I fully understand this whole priming thing yet. Without an airbrush or a spray can, I just used a brush to coat the kit with it, right off the bottle. I’m not sure if this is a good way to use it but at least it smelled really good. And not in a thick chemical kind of way, just genuinely sweet smell. But anyway...
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Painting had to be paused for a moment after I let a friend borrow my white paint, so for a week or so only the Tiger’s tail saw any paint, but once I had everything back things moved pretty quickly. I was a bit worried about the blue part since masking tape and me don’t see eye to eye. Still, it worked out alright, and any imperfections were quickly corrected with a bit more paint. Which is something I really appreciate in model-making: if you mess up, you can usually paint over it. Usually.
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Like with the stick, I took the time to paint a few other little details like the position lights. Decals and weathering also worked out pretty well, thanks to HobbyBoss’ decals being really good and the plane itself being really small compared to the last couple ones I’d made.
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The other thing I felt quite proud of was my paintjob on the transparent parts. I’d been scared of canopies for so long that a bunch of my first models are still purely transparent there, but thanks to a couple of really comfortable brushes and some experience, I’m feeling far more confident about it nowadays. Plus, I’d fallen in love with this shade of blue, so adding more to the plane was its own reward. And speaking of canopies, another little touch I’ve been adding to the planes since the Raptor is to give the whole thing a coat of matte varnish, but then use gloss for the canopy, giving it a nice shiny finish. Although that led to a moment of anxiety when a drop of varnish went inside the canopy and stayed there, giving it a very ugly thick white curve that I feared was permanent. In the end I went to sleep and woke up to the varnish having completely dried out and disappeared, so that’s a good life lesson: sometimes you just need to sleep things off.
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So with that and a combination of black and gray panel liner, the Tiger was done! ... or was it? After all, this wasn’t just any Tiger, this is supposed to be Shin Kazama’s Tiger. It was still missing a couple of very important touches. But for the time being I was pretty damn satisfied with the model, top to bottom.
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A couple of weeks passed and I never really got around to contacting the guy I’d been recommended, but then I ran into something interesting: a local hobbyist in our local version of eBay was offering custom display bases for model kits at a pretty affordable price. I’d been thinking about getting or even making a humble display base for pictures and stuff, but when I noticed that he was offering custom touches, an idea came to my mind. And that idea lead to a frankly pretty amazing moment of pure human connection.
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So after I got paid, I reached out to the guy and asked about getting a 1/72 base made with some extra touches. First, he asked for a picture of the model I wanted to go on the base, so he could take some measurements. Feeling pretty proud of my work so far, I sent him a picture...
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... and I swear, the very first thing he said was, and I quote:
“Oh, is that Shin Kazama’s F-5 from Area 88?”
To which my answer was “Ok, that simplifies matters.”
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On top of immediately understanding the assignment, new friend even offered to throw in a little extra: a Shin Kazama scale figurine, free of charge. I said yes, of course, ‘cause momma didn’t raise the kind of fool that says no to free stuff, and also asked if he knew anyone who could help me with the decals. As it turned out, he did know a guy. And the combined efforts of three different people living nearly 400 miles away from each other all came together to make something that makes me incredibly happy.
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Like everything else I’ve made so far, it’s not perfect. The tail decal couldn’t be easily printed in transparent paper, so it was printed on blue paper that’s ever so slightly a different shade than the one on the plane. But the results are still more than good enough for me.
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In the end, this kit turned out to be a very welcome de-stresser. The difficult parts turned out to be a lot less difficult than it seemed, and the base and decals story is something I know I’ll always talk about with a smile on my face. In a hobby that’s usually pretty solitary, that little bit of long-distance camaraderie went a long way. And left me a very nice base for all future projects.
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popomocco · 3 months
deSPIRIA's staff interview
Interview given by the creators of deSPIRIA, published by the Dreamcast magazine in 2000-06-09. The interview is located at pages 44 and 45 in this pdf.
Many thanks for the person who archived this issue! You can see other deSPIRIA articles in here, but this is the only entry that has an interview, the other JPN ones are game guides.
Translation done by rio 🧬🦠🧬
Title in page 42: STAFF INTERVIEW The up-and-coming
Text on the first photo: How was 「deSPIRIA」 unique system and setting made? We will now chat with the staff of Dennou Eizou Seisakusho and a producer from Atlus to better understand the development of this piece of work.
Text under the second photo: Dennou Eizou Seisakusho, a company based in Osaka, situated right next to Higashiyodogawa. It has approximately 20 staff members, the game 「deSPIRIA」 has been developed in a garage modded into a production room. The scenery in this room is very different when compared to most game companies.
行澤星人 ・ seito YUKUZAWA
Dennou Eizou Seisakusho (limited). Managing director
President and CEO of Dennou Eizou Seisakusho and deSpiria's art director. His most prevalent work is the PS game 「Dark messiah」  [Hellnight] (published by Atlus).
[Please get lost in the peculiar setting os this game]
藤本裕 ・ Yutaka FUJIMOTO
Dennou Eizou Seisakusho (limited). Planner
DeSPIRIA's director. He was responsible for the script, setting and such. His body of work includes RPG computer games and 「Dark messiah」 [Hellnight].
[Please have fun in this peculiar cybernetic world]
上田清隆 ・ Kiyotaka UEDA
Dennou Eizou Seisakusho (limited). Planner
DeSPIRIA's director.  He has been involved in works such as 「Last bible」and 「ぐるぐるガラクターズ」(published by Atlus).
[Please pay attention to this dark script]
田中裕之 ・ Hiroyuki TANAKA
Atlus (incorporated). Producer
DeSPIRIA's producer. His body of works include 「Princess crown」 and 「Growlanser」.
[Please get absolutely hooked on this game's world]
- I want to know how did Dennou Eizou Seisakusho and Atlus get involved with each other.
Tanaka We have been associated with them since the release of the PS title 「Dark messiah」. Yukuzawa went to study CG in america, we started talking to each other about how I knew that there are people like this out there but how I had never met any one them. We talked a lot and as a result I got interested in this company Dennou Eizou Seisakusho that Yukuzawa and company created  and asked them to proceed with the development of 「Dark messiah」.
- What is the reason for the company to be established in Osaka?
Yukuzawa Three years ago when we made 「Dark messiah」 and whatever location was fine for us really, but I was born and raised in Osaka and by pure coincidence the garage of a company building happened to be vacant. We didn't have any money we could borrow for the company, "so let's set it here" and that was it.
-What occasion caused the creation of deSPIRIA?
Yuzuzawa  When we finished working on 「Dark messiah」 and we started talking about what we should make next, and made 「Dark messiah」 is also like this but, our scenario planner Fujimoto said he wanted to create a setting with an even stronger appeal and that is what kickstarted this project.
Ueda And then while thinking about the components in this dark world, we were shaping to this idea of making it a traditional RPG but then we thought "what if we make a system where we are able to read the opponent's true feeling without speaking to them" and then we fleshed it out.
Fujimoto 「Dark messiah」 is a horror adventure game set in Tokyo, but this time we wanted to produce a chaotic city based in Osaka, Hong Kong and such other places. But at that time we didn't plan for it to be a dark work. But then we incorporated the idea that Ueda mentioned and it resulted in a darkly cool Osakan setting that you can see in its visuals, script and such.
-Is there any building that was used as reference?
Ueda While talking with Fujimoto about creating a fictitious city based in Osaka, we talked about things like Naniwa and joked around about a tsūtenkaku robot, takoyaki missiles and making a game with an image like that, but we wanted to try creating a more serious game. We wanted to make a motif with a significance similar to the image of 「Black rain」 but not overly so. This is Fujimoto's own unique setting.
-What does this reinstated Osaka look like?
Yukuzawa Setting wise rather than a parallel world, it is like a possible future. It has the feel of a place that has the remains of the once destroyed city, but also has things that are completely different. It has areas that feel incredibly realistic with a setting that is completely different. It has many things that will make a resident of Osaka go "Ah, it is that thing".
-What is the theme of this piece of work?
Fujimoto The theme is "dread".  This expression also means fear, but it is a type of fear that originates from internalized feelings, like desolation. Many other horror games have things like monsters and other things that are scary to look at, but we wanted to express through the dialogue a type of internalized fear that stems from the ambience and such.
-To express such a theme, the team also had to represent things that are taboo in the game industry though
Tanaka We worked on the game while being conscious of those restrictions, but once the game was finished, we looked back and saw that at some point it became a half-assed effort. It was something we wanted to avoid the most, but while trying to create this new setting while imposing those restrictions, that world ended up disintegrating mid-air. So we decided to adopt a creation style where we create whatever we wanted to create and fix any portions that were troublesome later.
Title in page 43: The staff's goal is...?
-How did the MIND system come to be?
Fujimoto As we mentioned before, the general idea stemmed from being able to read people's minds. To create a game in the RPG genre means you can't leave battles out, right. The MIND system was created by applying our concept into the battle format. That system has 3 functions: listening, absorbing and peeping into people's minds. The materialized shape of these beings is similar to that of a monster. Since they aren't proper living beings nor monsters, they were shaped in such a way that their function can be easily understood. Since there is no way for them to actually have a body we actually didn't want them to be shown.
-So MIND battles became a sort of combat that happens in the mind, is that right?
Fujimoto Yes. But, it is not a fight that happens completely inside the mind, or the subspace so to speak. It is simply the protagonist's point of view which changes. There are enemies who aren't MIND users after all.
-Was there anything referenced for the creation of MINDs?
Yukuzawa We didn't reference anything in particular. The designers came with a bunch of ideas and then we decided amongst those ideas. Rather than looking like a monster, an animal or anything of the sorts, we wanted something with the impression of something that lives inside a human, so we set on this depiction of a parasitic insectoid.
-How many MINDs are in the game?
Ueda We have planned more than 60 of them.
-Are the battles planned encounters or random encounters?
Ueda There are both event battles and encounter battles.
-Is there a set amount for the number of MINDs the protagonist is able to release?
Ueda In the battle field it is 2, 3 if you include her. But there is an outer layer of consciousness where she can hold the 2 MIND previously mentioned plus 4 others, making it 6 in total. There is also a deeper level of consciousness, if you go to a special facility you can access those MINDs in the deeper recesses of the mind and interchange their places.
-How did the explorational spheric system come to be?
Yukuzawa There was a feature in QuickTime movie where you could see a static image with a 360 degree view, right. I think it came around 7 or 8 years ago, but it gives the images such an incredibly realistic feel to them and since it is basically a flat image it can look incredibly pretty even without any rendering. Thanks to it we were able to display the environments seamlessly.
-The idea for the messages in the mind diving sequences to be displayed in movement is really innovative.
Ueda From the start we wanted it to be a type of expression method that was done through a message rather than something graphic. We reached the feel of it by wanting to show a message in a representational manner, so the emotions can be felt around through how they are displayed. Actually, it would have been fine to present the information all at once using something graphic, but we set out from the place of wanting to show that by seeing how the words are displayed in the other party's consciousness the feeling they are experiencing can be understood. By the way they move I believe it is possible to form an image of how they are feeling.
-How many patterns are of this display?
Ueda It changes according to the other party's condition, circumstances and such. If it is a peaceful moment, if it is a violent moment. Since there are also cases in which the main point is hidden in between the text, in such times the sentence stops and forms in a way in which it can be readen. There is no standardization at all. The movement of the messages are manually created.
-What are the circumstances surrounding the conception of Allure, the protagonist?
Fujimoto It started with this image of her being raised by the sisters in the church. In the process of incorporation of the MIND user setting, she became this character who was born without a heart, who was raised in the sterile environment of the church, she kills those who interfere with the church, heretic leaders and such. She doesn't speak to other people and is solely focused on her duty. She herself does so without questioning the morality of it and behaves only according to the success or failure of her mission.
Since she is this emotionless human being who gradually acquires these emotions through the choices she makes, one of the reasons why we chose a girl protagonist was so this change could be easily understood.
-What is the origin of this work's title?
Fujimoto It is a made up word, but in this game's world 「SPIRIA」 while mainly referred to as a memory solution, it is also the name of the process of the materialization of a human's memory, so we wanted to name the game by expanding upon this word. We thought that 「SPIRIA」 by itself felt weak, so we added 「デス」 [read as desu, but it also reads as death] so it would have more of an impact.
-Lastly, please pitch this work to us.
Ueda I want the players to see this profound setting, with a world that is a little off. It is a bit text heavy, so please take your time and play it without haste.
Yukuzawa I want the players who play this game to get lost in this peculiar world that cannot be found in any other game. I want them to have a first hand experience of wandering in this world through the eyes of the protagonist.
Ueda I want people to play through the dark scenario in the game while deliberately reflecting upon its contents. I also think that the cyberpunk setting is another point of interest.
Fujimoto I think that an unprecedented setting has been made. I want people to enjoy this peculiar cybernetic world.
-Thank you very much
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bellafemme · 1 year
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Billboard interview.
Why Lana Del Rey Is Opening Up About Her Family on ‘Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd’
There is, in fact, a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard. Though a few online spectators suspected the tunnel, which inspired the name of Lana Del Rey’s album Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd, out March 24, might be located in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Del Rey recently revealed that the underground tunnel is actually in Long Beach, Calif. — not far from Los Angeles, where Del Rey has lived for the last six years.
The singer-songwriter’s use of SoCal iconography has been a cornerstone of her songwriting for over a decade, from Born To Die’s (2012) depictions to old Hollywood glamor to Norman Fucking Rockwell’s (2019) allusions to Venice Beach. While it’s present on her new project as well, Del Rey admits she is not quite as focused on “world building” as she once was, and instead is “living from the neck up,” focusing her craft on more lyrically driven and intimate songwriting.
Del Rey’s Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd discusses unrevealed details and stories about her “family of origin,” especially in songs like “Fingertips,” which she says “tells everything about everyone from day one.” Just weeks before its release, Del Rey – who is Billboard’s 2023 Women in Music Visionary honoree — talks about creating the album in her living room, and why she is ready to talk about her family.
How did your new album begin to take shape?
Mike Hermosa, who produced the majority of the songs on this album, would come over to my house, and I would hear him in my living room playing piano. He’s not even a musician full time. He’s a DP, a cameraman. I would hear him play, and I’d be like “can I record that?” or I’d sneakily record something. Eventually I asked if he could just keep playing, and I could sing. Then, every Sunday when he wasn’t working, he would just kind of noodle around, and I would sing. That’s how we wrote the first song: “Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd.” I knew right away that I really, really liked it. I enjoyed how casual writing with Mike was. He didn’t have a dog in the race. He wasn’t interested in anything beyond just playing. It’s fun that the entire album didn’t feel like we were making one until the end when Jack Antonoff came in and was like “I really like this. Can I put something on top of this?” When Jack comes in, you know you’re making a real record.
Do you feel this casual approach to songwriting was able to open you up creatively?
This process was almost like automatic singing. I just knew exactly every word to sing for everything he played because the chords were perfectly arranged. I think my overall feeling when writing this album was just, “wow, I got lucky.” Also, I realized that, even when I’m seeking so many other things in my life, music really seeks me. It’s like a little bird following me around. Somehow when I didn’t want to make music, I was presented with the best collaborators I’ve met. I just had them in my living room. I realized music is the one thing that constantly shows up for me, even when I’m looking for something else.
Since you were singing so automatically, as you put it, did you go back and edit, or did you leave it as is?
There was a lot of editing, because it was mostly a stream of consciousness, but every now and then I’ll have a complete song come to me fully formed. The song “Fingertips” I created in one sitting, voice memoed it, and sent it to [the producer and composer] Drew Erickson. He came back to me the next day with a full orchestra. Again, I just felt so lucky: lucky for the songs, lucky for these producers, lucky for the project.
You have Jack Antonoff coming back on this record. He’s worked on so many major albums in the last five years, including two of your own (Norman Fucking Rockwell and Chemtrails Over the Country Club). As someone who has worked with him so often, what’s his secret? Why does everyone want to work with him?
He can play anything on any instrument. He can fit the right instruments and melodies to any idea you’ve had. I think he plays something like 16 instruments. For us, it’s definitely very collaborative. I think probably out of any projects he’s worked on, he would say I give him the most direction. It’s funny because I recently heard all of his records he made from when he was in high school, and I still hear so much of what he’s done on Taylor [Swift]’s new record from that high school record. He’s just prolific. It’s absolutely wild to watch. That’s why it’s so fun because you really get to create any sound with him. He’s also a girl’s guy. He gets it!
He’s also a featured artist on the album too. How did that come about?
I was done with the album, and he came in for a couple days. We sat there, and I said, “let’s just play the piano.” I can make a song out of anything Jack plays. That’s actually how Norman got started too. He just plays and I just sing. He started playing something and then I was thinking about his fiancée [Margaret Qualley] who I just can’t live without! I love her. I started singing “he met Margaret on a rooftop / she was wearing white / and he was like / ‘I might be in trouble.’” I asked him what he thought we should say in the second verse because with him and Margaret it was a “when you know you know” situation. He had the idea to sing about what you should do when you don’t know. He started singing, and I told him he should just sing it on the record. It was really fun.
What overall themes did you try to capture in this record?
Family of origin is the overall theme. I think with Blue Banisters I wanted to capture this idea too, but I flew it under the radar. I was trying to address some criticisms that I had heard said after Chemtrials… mostly that people don’t know much about me. I didn’t promote that theme of Blue Banisters at all intentionally. In this album, I got to really finish my thoughts and get super specific, which I was not comfortable with completely before… I do list my grandpa, my brother, my dad, my Uncle Dave. In the song “Fingertips,” I sing “Charlie stop smoking / Caroline will you be with me / will the baby be alright? / Will I have one of mine?” I think I was able to open up about this because Mike was so casual to work with. All in my living room. It allowed for that. “Fingertips” tells everything about everyone from day one until now.
Are you nervous about being so forthcoming about your family in this record?
I was. I was so uncomfortable. Then, by the grace of God, I felt completely unburdened.
Your father, Rob Grant, is releasing an album on Decca Records on June 9, and you’ll be featured on two songs. Has he always been musical?
My dad has always played piano and he sang when he was younger with my uncle who’s a traveling organ player for Emmylou Harris and Buddy Guy. They wrote country records back in the day. I don’t know how and when it came to him. But I think he just decided he wanted to record it. And [my manager] played it for Decca Records, and they loved it. I’m not talkative when it comes to myself, but you will learn so much about me in hearing him. It gives so much context to the family.
How Lana Del Rey Became ‘Completely Unburdened’ For Her Most Personal Material Yet
Lana Del Rey practices "automatic singing." Using the improvisational songwriting technique, she lets her voice carry over accompaniments, not commandeering where her words or melodies take her, accepting all ideas she has in the moment and editing them later. Lately, her voice has led her home, back to memories of her childhood in Lake Placid, N.Y., and to ruminations on relationships with her family and the divergent paths they’ve taken. That subject underpins her upcoming ninth album, Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (out March 24). Del Rey, 37, says she hesitantly began to unpack this subject matter with her previous album, Blue Banisters — but now, she’s ready to dig deeper. “At first I was so uncomfortable,” she says of the more personal material. “Then, by the grace of God, I just felt completely unburdened.” As a singer-songwriter, this year’s Visionary honoree has embodied that word for over a decade. Her 2012 major-label debut, Born To Die, made her a star and defined music’s Tumblr era, as a young Del Rey toyed with both the romantic and the darker sides of the American dream. Her “world building,” as she calls it now, for her early work created a collage of beautiful and disparate images, pairing hip-hop aesthetics with references to the Kennedy family, Elvis Presley with John Wayne, and old Hollywood glamour with biker gang grit.
Since then, Del Rey has pushed musical boundaries — seamlessly peppering an album with features from Stevie Nicks to Playboi Carti (2017’s Lust for Life), reworking a Sublime cover into a contemporary Billboard Hot 100 hit (2019’s “Doin’ Time”), for instance — while achieving both critical acclaim and commercial success. She has earned six Grammy nominations and holds the record for most No. 1s on Billboard’s Alternative Albums chart. And somehow, each week, it seems a new song from her vast catalog gains traction on TikTok. (“West Coast” and “How To Disappear” are two recent breakouts.) Younger artists often cite her as an inspiration — including Billie Eilish, whom Del Rey now calls “my girl. It makes me feel comforted that music is going in such a good direction.”
Since 2019, you’ve released four albums. Is it fair to say you have more creative energy than ever?
I think it might look like that! It’s funny because I keep telling people, “I haven’t worked in three years,” but really I just haven’t done shows in three years. As soon as I start getting ready for a show, that’s when it feels like work.
How has your process changed since Born To Die came out?
Eleven years ago I wanted it to be so good. Now, I just sing exactly what I’m thinking. I’m thinking a little less big and bombastic. Maybe at some point I can have fun creating a world again, but right now, I would say there’s no world building. This music is about thought processing. It’s very, very wordy. I’m definitely living from the neck up.
Can you remember what it felt like creatively when you were just starting out?
I think back to the beginning, being in New York. I would just go to a little deli by Grand Central and all you had to do to sit at the table for hours was buy a black coffee. I remember thinking, “I’m doing it. I’m living it.” It was all very thrilling. I was so psyched back then.
You recently featured on Taylor Swift’s “Snow on the Beach.” What was collaborating with her like?
Well, first of all, I had no idea I was the only feature [on that song]. Had I known, I would have sung the entire second verse like she wanted. My job as a feature on a big artist’s album is to make sure I help add to the production of the song, so I was more focused on the production. She was very adamant that she wanted me to be on the album, and I really liked that song. I thought it was nice to be able to bridge that world, since Jack [Antonoff] and I work together and so do Jack and Taylor.
Who do you consider to be a visionary?
Joan Baez. I sang with her recently. She gave me a challenge: She said, “Go down a little road and look for a left turn and find my house [in Northern California]. If you find it and can play ‘Diamonds and Rust’s’ high harmony, I’ll come to Berkeley with you and sing.” So my sister and I rented a car and searched for the house. I was very nervous. I don’t play guitar that well, but I learned the first three chords and sat across from her, [and when] we stopped playing, she was like, “Great, I’ll see you at Berkeley.” And another visionary to me is Cat Power. I had heard that she would run offstage when she wasn’t feeling it or just turn her back to the [audience] and keep playing. That’s when I knew I could probably do this.
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