#i feel like....... the answers may be pretty obvious w/in the past 5 years BUT i wanna know... in ur minds eye... what u rmmbr the most
kimquatz · 4 months
very curious abt smth.... an old meme that went around a while ago, but what do you guys think my "trademark" is 👀 like "oh that's the ___ guy!"
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Student Council President Sakura
When Naruto let go of that pitch, Sakura knew their school had won. She hugged Hinata who was also overjoyed, and she turned to her side to give Sasuke a high five then she realized he was still not back.
As she moved along the bleachers, she rallied her schoolmates to give a resounding yell routine. Disappearing within the noise, she moved along the halls below the benches, and there she found the group.
When the fist made contact with her face, she almost blacked out. The pain came rushing in after a few seconds of numbness, her sight a complete blur, a slight disorientation, and her hearing muffled. The scuffle played out before her as her eyes refocused, Sasuke kicking and punching the goons on the stomach, but it seemed she got it wrong when Kakashi’s eyes drifted to her as a pair of glaring daggers.
His one foot was on the wrist of the guy who punched her. When the blood finally dripped from her broken nostrils, Kakashi broke the guy’s hand, thankfully echoed by the screams from the bleachers. “You’ll get expulsion and multiple restraining orders just for the hell of it.”
While Kakashi called the security, Sasuke went to Sakura’s side with a mix of an irritated but worried look on his face. Ah, he was wondering why.
“I’m okay,” she tried to say despite receiving no question, but the words came out wrong. Oh my gods, are my teeth broken? How embarrassing?
As if summoned by her thoughts, he stood before them right after the guards took away the passed-out bullies. “Let’s get you two to the clinic.”
“I can’t call Naruto. I left my bag with Hinata,” she tried to say again but the words were coming out jumbled like I con kor Nar-u-o…I re ma ba wi Hina-a…
Kakashi was trying not to laugh as she communicated with Sasuke who was on the other bed, being checked by a doctor with curtains drawn. The school clinic recommended them to go directly to the hospital.
“He would have to wait for our congratulations,” Sasuke replied.
“I see you wincing in pain, young man. That’s a broken rib right there,” the doctor noted from the other side. When the curtains were swept to the side, Sakura saw her raven-haired classmate clutching at his side. When his eyes opened to find hers, he glanced away and let go of his pained expression.
“Ms. Haruno, I will be referring you to our plastics. Would be a waste if your student council president loses her pretty face.” The doctor tapped Kakashi’s shoulder as she walked out of their ward.
“Thanks, Nohara,” he called out after her.
Sakura deduced he was friends with the doctor, but she could ask him that some other time. She looked a bit older than the Math teacher so they might not be together. Regardless, shouldn’t she be more engrossed of having a crooked nose in front of Kakashi than his personal love life? When he turned her attention to her finally, she instinctively covered her face with her hands.
“Sakura, you should tilt your head upwards, just a little bit. You had a nosebleed earlier, didn’t you?” She did what he said, but gods, this was so embarrassing. She tried to look at him through her fingers, and his beauty mark moved as he chuckled. Ugh, why is he so perfect?
His phone suddenly pinged, and he took a moment to read the message. “Hmm. I need to leave and go explain things to the board. Nohara might advise bed rest and school leave for at most three weeks so get well soon, all right?” Then, he turned to Sasuke. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
Sakura wondered if she should ask a favor from Kakashi. Asking him to stay was a tad too much, and asking him to contact the council would be too irresponsible. Maybe she could sneak out after his exit and find a way to contact the council. She should also call Naruto – second on the task list. He would be devastated without their congratulations.
A hand on her head stopped her thoughts. “Stop thinking at hundred miles per second, and rest. I will take care of the council and inform Uzumaki of your situation. I assume you three are friends?”
“No.” “Yes.” Sasuke and Sakura answered respectively.
Kakashi smiled, finding amusement in their dynamics. “See you soon.”
“Shi yo,” she muttered through her broken nose, unaware of her fingers already fidgeting the rubber band on her wrist.
She was back in the hospital the following week. While Sasuke was advised to be confined, she was sent for home care. The mandated rest did not even last a day because she needed to show up to her shifts in the café and showed up she did in some elaborate mask to cover her bandaged nose and a sketchpad for conversations. To appease the constant nag and flood of messages from her councilmates, she stopped showing up in school for three days and turned the tables on them by doing all the nagging and demanding daily updates.
On the fourth day, she was up and running through the school halls to reach the board inquisition in time. She gladly accepted an annoyed litany of precautions and reminders from Kakashi.
“I never thought you could be this stubborn, Sakura.” He was visibly exasperated. “I can’t tail you every time and remind you that you’re injured.”
But you could. “I’m sorry, Sensei. I promise to not push myself so hard for the next days.” Sakura gave him a peace sign which he jokingly waved away.
“Pull your energy back, like 60 percent of it.” He patted her head softly, like an adult would to an unreasonable kid, and never have she felt more insulted. “If only I could take care of you.”
Like a babysitter would? She immediately put distance between them, feeling angry for no reason, and she stormed off, leaving him clueless in the middle of the hallway about her sudden rigid behavior.
Now she was back in the hospital after a week of mild recuperation. When she went to check on Sasuke, she found him asleep, probably from the sedatives. It amused her that even in slumbers, his brows would furrow, yet a part of her worried that there must be something looping him in nightmares. She left her presence with a basket of fruits and a medium-sized carton of tomato juice which Naruto mentioned was his favorite. Several juice boxes of the same flavor were stacked on the other side of his bed and a plastic bag filled with instant ramen bowls. She would ask the maintenance staff later to take out the trash.
When she finally reached the door of Dr. Aki Nohara, her assistant gestured for her to wait for a while outside. She figured she can loiter in Sasuke’s room and have one of the nurses get her until she heard Kakashi’s voice inside the room.
“I know you literally accelerated throughout school, but you need to act more like your age.” Her doctor scolded her teacher like an old friend. She was aware of her eavesdropping, but she hoped to learn more of his life. “I’m saying you should visit Rin.”
“Does she miss me?” It was and wasn’t his voice. She didn’t hear his usual nonchalance when he blurted out those words. Ah, a weird ache was forming in her chest.
“Do you even need to ask that from me when the answer is already so obvious?”
“Hmm. I’m just not ready….yet.”
“Well get on with it and put a ring on her finger or others will!”
Ah, her sensei was apparently planning to get married? So he had someone after all, someone named Rin. Sakura felt the room crowd her in, almost suffocating her, and she accidentally bumped into a passing staff and a tray cart of medical supplies.
Her small disturbance brought the occupants outside the room. “Ah, Ms. Haruno, you may come in now. You look pale, dear.”
Kakashi waved at her, his teacher persona already up in arms, then he turned to Dr. Aki. “Your medical advice for my heart is noted, but not now, maybe in the far, far, far future.”
Dr. Aki tsked at him. “Off you go Hatake. I have a patient waiting. Oh thank heavens, the color is returning to your face.”
He’s not marrying her……yet. Would it be silly to think I have a chance?
A whole two weeks have gone in secluded rooms – a week alone in a hospital room because of Itachi’s connections and another week alone cooped up in his apartment. He got radio silence from his brother, and he almost wished he gave him an earful of insults instead – many of which should have called out his cowardice, especially when the clash had an avoidable casualty. He looked so stupid next to cool Kakashi, Kakashi who was only five years older than them, Kakashi who smoked and read with baseball playing on the background, Kakashi who took on all four people at once with no scratch on his body, Kakashi with his silver hair being friends with doctors and bigshots, Kakashi with his beauty mark laughing at Sakura.
If there was any further downside to this, that was also the angry flood of texts he got from Naruto the night of the game, and then nothing. He was too drugged with sedatives he didn’t have the right mind to reply and process them. He was too drugged to wake up with a clear mind even. He didn’t bother to text or call back. Whatever, whatever, whatever. He took a look again at his phone, checked the time, found no new messages, and put it back on his side table.
His past self would have enjoyed this momentary social isolation, but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling of missing company however, he can’t bring himself to admit this aloud.
The next time he opened his eyes, he scrambled out of bed in panic and cold sweat. Someone was incessantly ringing his doorbell. When his eyes tried to find the clock, he found that it was already eight in the evening. He was sure he wasn’t expecting any guests tonight.
He trudged on to his door and mustered some strength to look through the peephole. Blue irises looked back at him, moved away a few steps, and struck a pose with a pink-haired girl with bandages still on her nose. The door never opened so quickly during the length of his stay.
“Are you stalkers or something?” were the first words he spat.
“Dr. Aki Nohara said it’s okay to visit you now!” Naruto whined. “And Sakura brought food!”
Sakura presented several paper bags. “It was Naruto’s idea actually. He nagged me for a week.”
“Yeah and I couldn’t understand her in the first few days,” the blonde said, rather straightforwardly.
Sasuke held back the urge to slap his hand on his forehead, but he moved to the side as he allowed them to venture inside his apartment. On second thought, did he put his underwear on the laundry basket?
“We figured you didn’t have dinner yet,” Sakura told him as she laid out the food containers on the dining table. “Mind if we use your utensils?”
“I forgot to say please make yourself at home,” Sasuke snapped sarcastically.
“Eeew, you’re still in your pajamas.” Naruto made a face at him while he opened his fridge and scoured for water and fruit juices. “That makes the two of us who didn’t shower!”
“You idiot. I showered this morning.” Nevertheless, Sasuke sat on the seat beside Sakura, allowing her to give him a bowl of ramen and some serving of okonomiyaki. A large platter of takoyaki was placed in the center of the table, first to be consumed by impatient hands and hungry mouths. Sakura had one hell of an appetite and fast metabolism to boot.
“Anyway, congratulations idiot,” he said while munching on the last piece of takoyaki. “Aren’t you supposed to travel to Fukuoka for the semis?”
“Yeah, next week! It doesn’t start until next month, but Captain Haru said we need to train,” Naruto replied as he proceeded to open a bowl of instant ramen. “The board also granted us exemption from exams. My brains are saved.”
“Your training camp really coincided with the school field trip,” Sakura noted. “Maybe we could visit you in between?”
“That would be the best!” Naruto grinned sheepishly, but Sasuke swore there was a tinge of red in his cheeks.
Finally rid of all food and dishes, the three lounged around in his living room, browsing titles in Netflix – Sakura wanted gore, crime, and horror while Naruto wanted adventure and fantasy films.
“What genre do you want, Sasuke?” Sakura asked. She was in possession of the remote and was seated on the other end of the couch. Naruto was on the floor with an open packet of chips and soda.
“And if I said romance?” he chided, weirdly enough to catch them offguard, but Sakura landed on the Twilight series and pressed play without second thoughts. “I was joking.”
“And it’s now starting,” she said back.
“How long are you gonna stay here?” He lost track of time – not the first instance this happened but the first occurrence without the burden of something heavy. “It’s past midnight.”
“I thought I was slow but you’re actually slower,” Naruto teased. “We’re staying over, grumpy.”
“I would love for a vampire to bite me,” Sakura quipped out of context.
Sasuke figured he didn’t have the energy to refute their uninvited sleepover at his unit. By the time New Moon played on screen, Naruto was sleeping on the floor with his mouth hanging wide open, and Sakura was lying fully on the couch, her feet stretched out on his lap. He slid out of this awkward entanglement and strode quietly to his drawers where he took out spare blankets to cover them with. On his bedside table, his phone lit up with a message notification.
Happy birthday, Sasuke. – Itachi
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Hi! Hope you're doing well :) just saw your post that your cat is healing up, yay! On to some happier days for you both :)
I have two MBTI/enneagram questions. Feel free to answer either/both/none, whatever.
Question 1
This is a tritype + MBTI question. I've been ruminating a lot this summer about tritype, and have found it to be super illuminating for me to use in conjunction with MBTI. It blows my mind that these theories can build on and work with one another and that consistent patterns can be determined to help us understand ourselves and others better! (ok, getting off the little soapbox now.) I've had some frustrations deciding how to distinguish functions from enneatypes though.
How does one know whether they're a 5 because they are (maybe they're a Ti-dom, etc.) or because they're in a Ti-grip or some Ti-loop when they take the test? Same idea with 7s and Se, or other enneagram + function combinations that are really common?
Does the person in question (you) have problems with minimizing their life rather than expanding it? 5s shrink their world. Make it smaller. Do without more things. Deny themselves experiences. Pull away from people. Remain hidden. Observers, not participants. If you have 5 in your tritype, that will show up. It's not the same as low Ti nitpicking or tearing people's words to shreds to humiliate them. Ti breaks things apart to understand them; strong Ti knows how to then put them together again, with a strong understanding of how the object, system, belief, principle, etc., functions. Inferior Ti can pull things apart, but can't always put them back together again.
You need to know functions and Enneagarm types enough to know the difference; 5 is not analytical, and Ti is not analytical. 5 is minimization of needing anyone, anything, of shrinkage and distance; Ti is deconstruct, study it to learn it, and rebuild it through an inner framework of comprehensive understanding. It's not just driving a car, but knowing how the engine functions.
[...] How would someone know whether their answers to these tests are indicative of enneagram or MBTI, in your opinion?
The tests aren't reliable. You have to do inner studying to determine your type structure. To be able to see each number's mechanisms operating in you, when you are using them. (EG, being fully aware that I'm using 2 mechanisms right now... that my 7 really wants to cut and run and not stick around to face the hard stuff... that my 5 just said no to an experience for no reason other than fear... that 9 is overreacting to someone raising their voice, and I'm interpreting that as Threat Level 6...) Enneagram is meant to give you a window into your own default mechanisms, so you can be aware of them, and choose whether to surrender to instinct or choose a different path. A test can start you on a path, but you really need to focus inward to know for sure.
Regarding INFJ or ENFJ... are people your entire universe or secondary to your inner musings? Fe-doms can't shut off Fe. People are their world. Emotions are their world. Human dynamics are their world. INFJs can shut off Fe. They often do so, and become too lost in their heads, inert in the outer world, and fearful of Fe connections, because they may lose themselves in other people and that would pull them away from their thoughts.
If you have any input on parenting effects, or whether being around lots of Fe-users impacts Fe-usage (especially since Fe is all about mirroring and blending in to fit what others need/norms), I'd love to hear it. Thank you thank you thank you!!
Your environment does impact you somewhat, but you are "you" when you are alone. What do you choose to do? Where does your focus go? How well can you dwell "inside myself" for long periods of time? The longer extroverts do this, the more uncomfortable, depressed, or imbalanced they become, because their natural focus is on the world and its potentials. Introverts do this easily, because their natural focus is on their "me" filter (the world passes through me / my dominant function, I'm not a fish swimming in it).
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louadorable126 · 3 years
Demons(you).me: Chapter 9 - Schrödinger's Eva
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Artwork Commissioned from Aya/Itouyas on twitter! Please check her out! <3
>>Click here to read on Ao3!<<
In a city controlled by the generally altered race of Demons, Lady’s life as a mercenary on the lower floor was never easy. Especially when she ran into Dante. A demon on the hunt for his missing brother.
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Vergil, Lady, Dante
Chapter 9:
At the loud clunk of a bottle rolling out the bottom of a vending machine, Dante mindlessly squatted down and reached a hand under the dark flap.
The glass was ice cold to the touch beneath his fingertips; wet too - dripping with water droplets that uncomfortably ran down his hand. Water condensing under the warmth of his flesh. Just what he needed right now. A good kick to the senses.
God, he felt so numb.
The walk here had done little too soothe him. No, it had just given him more time to think, when he just wanted to do the exact opposite. It had been a constant battle of trying to keep his mind empty, free of any stray thought, while also trying not to get run over by cars. Something that turned out to be pretty damn hard!
Dante pushed himself back up off the ground, using the colourful vending machine as a support. He didn’t even attempt to find a bottle opener. Instead opting to just rip the mettle topper off with his bare hands. Bottle plugged to his mouth in his next breath and letting the freezing liquid pour into his system. He couldn’t bring himself to stop. It kept coming; as he chugged, chugged and chugged, until his body could take no more - practically on the verge of asphyxiation when his lips finally left the bottle.
“Fuck, that was good!” He coughed out, voice raspy. Falling back against the vending machine with a thump. The young man allowed himself a few moments to breath, before glancing back at the bottle. He’d managed to down at least 3/4’s of the bottle in one foul swoop. He had to smile a little at that, a new record for him. Might as well finish you off then, shouldn’t I?
And so he did. This time thankfully not almost suffocating himself.
Done with the bottle, he dumped into into a nearby, green ringed recycling hole beside the machine. Lighting up happily when he did so, as he moved to order another beer from the vending machine’s display.
"Attention all travellers! Due to a on-going police incident, all trains from 11pm onwards have been cancelled, as this floor will be placed under immediate lockdown for the foreseeable future. It is advised travellers either find suitable residence for the night, or board any of the remaining trains currently platformed. Thank you for your patience. Glory be to our Emperor!”
The peppy tannoy announcement quickly faded away, soon replaced by the starting of a tacky hip-hop beat in its place leaking out of the small rooms speakers. Dante sighed and shook his head at the announcement. Walking over to a small steel counter and bar stool by the large glass window, new bottle in hand.
It made sense they’d be closing off the area. Although Dante hadn’t exactly counted on them being so quick about it. The police were far less efficient than his people were at dealing with stuff. Although, murdering a bunch of people right next to some of the wealthiest of humans in the city, probably send a rocket up the arse of much the bureaucracy that normally held them back.
Must’ve been quiet the pandemonium back at the party . All those corporate folks clutching their pearls and fainting... W hat I would have given to seen that! Dante chuckled to himself at the thought. Taking another swing of his beer. Guess those poor guys down there will work for now.
Blue eyes focused down on the hectic platform bellow. The last stragglers of the floor’s night-life battled each-other over the nearby ticket hurdles in a mad crush. Although there was a particularly amusing group of what looked to be a dozen bachelors, bent over backwards forming a makeshift stairwell over the tall barrier for their groom to walk up. It obviously failed of course. The guy lost his balance and ended up going crashing to the ground on top of his friends, but they all seemed to be having a laugh at least.
The platform itself was no better. People sprinted down towards the trains like they were getting onto the last life-boats of the titanic. Cramming tight into the trains like fish in sardine cans. Clearly he wasn’t going to be sitting on the way back it seemed. Great.
For what should have felt like a clean victory tonight, really was starting to feel like the complete opposite. Yeah, their big family secret was now as good as dead and buried now (if Augustus was holding up his end of the bargain), and they could return back home finally. But, what would even be awaiting them there now when this adventure was over? Lady sure wouldn’t. She’d be stuck back down here. Where they could only - what? Visit her whenever they were given a new assignment? Ugh, Dante wasn’t even starting to miss them. How much pleasure had he gotten from being able to do his own thing down here? It was amazing feeling, not having every mission strictly chosen for him by mother dispatch’s hand-
Don’t think about that! A voice snapped in the back of his mind like a metal slap. His body jolted in sharp response, as the alabaster hand around his glass tightened. Just don’t.
Dante took a shaky sip of his icy drink. Squeezing his eyes tightly shut as he attempted to purge his mind of the thought once more.
But the beer did little to help, its chill expertly focusing his mind onto that exact topic, onto her alone.
What was Trish? Please stop . Clearly not Eva in terms personality that’s for sure. They couldn’t be more different. There… there just wasn’t the same flame there that Eva had always had. That’s the best way Dante could think to describe it. Eva always felt warm in a homey way, while Trish felt like the violent tinders setting the whole place alight. Stop It!  
Granted, he couldn’t lie that he didn’t find that quality rather admirable. But the uncanny valley was just far too strong for his own liking. Heh, maybe that’s the same feeling people get when they meet him and Verge for the first time. Two people who look completely alike, but are so wildly different from one another it.  Fuck, maybe Trish is just a long lost twin of Eva’s who’d just happened to be converted into a demon at some point? Fucking absurd idea, he knew. But given how many recent revolutions about his family had come to light in the past few weeks. How much did he truly know about his family, anymore? For all he could know, twins really could just run in the family-
He was just kidding himself wasn’t he? Dante could already imagine Vergil disapproving remarks over how ridiculous such an insane idea was. And he knew damn well phantom Vergil wasn’t wrong. He knew the most likely answer. You’re going to regret this you idiot! Stop thinking now! He always had.
The only other thing Trish could most likely be was…
Eva herself.
Ground up and converted into one of his own kind.
There was no other obvious (and realistic) way why Trish would look so much like her. And in a twisted way, the idea just worked, from the moment it clicked in his mind! What would be a more fitting punishment for her and Sparda, for having half-human offspring like him and Vergil, than making Eva into a demon against her will?
A twisted, cruel smirk pulled at Dante’s lips. This was all his fault wasn’t it? He should’ve been there to protect her. He never should have gone looking for Vergil. He should’ve payed closer attention to him instead of brushing his strange behaviour off, stopped him before he went on his murder tour of the city’s databanks in the first place. He was such a awful brother and son to the both of them, wasn’t he?
"Attention travellers! 5 minutes remain until the last train departs!”
Despairing, Dante went to go take another sip from his bottle. Yet only a drop of the bitter drink landed on his tongue. He lifted the bottle up into the air, and lazily tipped it upside down. Squinting a little, gazing up into its small hole, only to depressingly find nothing there…
Maybe he was taking this self-deprecating train of thought too far though? There was nothing concrete about that conclusion. He was just going off yet another assumption wasn’t he?
For one, Trish didn’t have the trademark bleach white hair they all had. Heh, another blindingly obvious deduction there Detective Dante! He thought, a weak smirk just tugging at his lips. It...wasn’t a great case for Eva not being converted the more he thought about it though. She clearly had the tech of a demon, being able to summon those swords at will and all, and as Vergil had demonstrated tonight, she could’ve just dyed it blond. Perhaps it was a faint memory of Eva slipping through. But no, even that didn’t seem quite right...
He’d run into a few newly converted demons in his time, and while disoriented, they seemed to be able to completely recall their old lives with no trouble. Yet Trish had no memory of either of them - not even the basic motherly sixth sense that Eva always seemed to have, still lurking in there at all. So Eva's memory being wiped (did they even have that tech?) seemed out of the question. And what about the rucks that would’ve been caused upon the discovery that a human woman had been living on the upper floor for like what? 20 years under the demonic authorities noses? That would’ve been all over the news without question! Yet they hadn’t heard a peep of anything like that…
“Attention travellers! 2 minutes remain until the last train departs!"
So Eva could be safe, but she also be long gone. What a wonderful fucking paradox!
Dante rubbed a hand across his tired eyes, his fingertips glazing over the warm sweat covering his brow. He got up from the stool, nursing the empty beer bottle to his chest; somewhat amazed it wasn’t shattering beneath his firm hold. He really needed to get going. No matter how much the anxious twist of his gut, or dizzy, alcohol-fogged mind begged him to do anything but sit his ass back down.
Shakes racked his body, as he stumbled out of the small room and headed towards the escalator back down.
“Attention travellers! The last train will be departing in 1 minute!"
Click here to read more!
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weaverlings · 5 years
Every Episode of WTNV with Carlos Mentioned
No, I did not keep track of how long I spent on this. Anyway.
Total series count: 89 episodes
In the main podcast, anyway. The list includes at least partial context; however I wasn't counting the number of times Carlos was mentioned per episode, just if he was mentioned at all. So if he came up more than once I didn't necessarily record each time. Still, there are definitely spoilers.
I can't like… guarantee that I didn't miss something, unfortunately. However, I used both "Carlos" and "scientist" all the time, and I additionally used "boyfriend" from 26 onward and "husband" after 100. So it should be pretty close, at least. 
I might go through and do live shows later. However, the answer for them is (almost) always yes, as most of them at least have a segment that Dylan Marron performs at some shows, so it'd be more a matter of checking for mentions of Carlos outside of that.
The reason I did this was to see if I was at all correct in my sense that Carlos has been mentioned less over time. My conclusion: well… sort of?
There actually was less of him than I thought in both year 1 and year 2 (year 1 in particular). However, years 3 and 4 had a LOT of him, and it has gone down from there through the end of year 7, when Carlos was only mentioned in 7 episodes total, with very few casual mentions by Cecil (vs when he had a particular role in what was going on). 
So the problem (or at least, I consider it one) hasn't been going on for as long as I thought in the grand scheme of the series. I now believe that a significant part of the issue is just… Well, it has at this point been almost three years since that decline. Plus listening live makes everything feel drawn out, so there's a lot of perceived time in between individual mentions. 
That being said, I think the actual conclusion is: it's maybe not as I thought, but I also wasn't completely imagining it, especially not looking at very recent events. We don't know what this year will hold, but year 7, as mentioned above, had the least of Carlos in it so far. There are also some significant gaps - Cecil mentions Carlos in episode 91, and after that the next time he comes up in year 5 is in 100 (!!!!)
He is mentioned in a solid majority of the series, but it's pretty front-loaded at this point. Also he has a few appearances in the first novel, and he's a central character in It Devours!
Finally, thanks so much @cecilspeaks because this wouldn't have been possible to do at all otherwise.
The complete list is as follows:
Year 1
episode 1: yes (well of course) 
episode 2: no
episode 3: yes (the Telly thing)
episode 4: yes (dissenting at the PTA meeting)
episode 5: yes (Cecil tried to ask him about the moon but couldn't find him)
episode 6: no
episode 7: no
episode 8: yes (Carlos wants to talk about lights in Radon Canyon, not dinner or weekend plans)
episode 9: yes (but in the context of Telly wandering the desert)
episode 10: no
episode 11: yes (Cecil asked about tectonic activity - Carlos is "distracted yet beautiful")
episode 12: no
episode 13: no 
episode 14: no
episode 15: no
episode 16: yes (basically the central plot of the episode)
episode 17: no
episode 18: no
episode 19 A+B: no for both
episode 20: no
episode 21: no
episode 22: no
episode 23: no
episode 24: no
episode 25: yes (absolutely)
Total year count: 9
Year 2
episode 26: no
episode 27: yes  
episode 28: no
episode 29: yes (Carlos has opinions on subway riders' DNA)
episode 30: yes (checking out the house that doesn't exist)
episode 31: yes (Carlos "promised a certain person dinner")
episode 32: yes (Carlos gave Cecil the watch for their 1-month anniversary)
episode 33: no
episode 34: no
episode 35: yes (Carlos is being industrious!)
episode 36: no
episode 37: arguably (Cecil mentions finding "someone that might make [him] feel better about what has happened today" which probably means Carlos, but he's not mentioned directly)
episode 38: yes (Carlos has scientific opinions about orange grove growth + Cecil almost texts that he loves him but just knocks the imposter out instead)
episode 39: no (but fun fact: Dylan Marron originally did the pre-episode announcements for this one. I don't have the file anymore sadly.)
episode 40: yes (Lauren brings him up though)
episode 41: no
episode 42: no
episode 43: yes (Carlos is looking into the house that doesn't exist again)
episode 44: no
episode 45: no
episode 46: yes (he's on the phone w/ Cecil about the oak doors)
episode 47: yes (but it's Lauren and Kevin talking about how they haven't found him)
episode 48: yes (Cecil doesn't know where he is)
episode 49 A+B: yes (and I don't wanna talk about it :( )
Total count: 14 (ish, because 37 is subject to debate and 47 is different as noted. So maybe 12.)
Year 3
episode 50: yes (people have been asking Cecil about Carlos)
episode 51: yes (he spends most of it on the phone with Cecil)
episode 52: yes (Cecil's been getting calls and snapchats)
episode 53: no (but Steve mentions Cecil had "softened in the right places" over the past year)
episode 54: yes ("A Carnival Comes to Town." that's it.)
episode 55: yes ("The University of What It Is." again. that's it!)
episode 56: yes (Cecil's been isolated w/out Carlos, Cecil talks to Diane about Carlos, and then Cecil has a dream about being w/ Carlos again and sleeps well…)
episode 57: yes (Cecil wonders if Carlos knew the list, and then discusses the "current context" of their relationship - a matter of space)
episode 58: yes (Carlos doesn't want Cecil to say he's trapped in the other world + Cecil misses him)
episode 59: yes (Carlos is on the phone w/ Cecil)
episode 60: yes (Cecil considering whether or not he can visit Carlos)
episode 61: yes (Cecil mentions Carlos to Earl and also wonders if science can help him process the events of 59)
episode 62: no
episode 63: no
episode 64: yes (this episode has the watercolor painting in it)
episode 65: yes (Carlos leaves a voicemail)
episode 66: yes (considering the logistics of the Dog Park)
episode 67: no
episode 68: yes (Cecil talks about visiting Carlos)
episode 69: yes (Cecil announces his "last" broadcast to move to be w/ Carlos)
episode 70: A; yes (but again, context - it's got Carlos still in the otherworld). B; yes, Cecil describes Carlos' return
Total count: 17 
Year 4
episode 71: yes (Carlos "participates" in the heist and is safe at home later)
episode 72: yes (Carlos can apparently sleep through anything!)
episode 73: yes (Carlos apparently tells Cecil not to worry about even catastrophic or paradoxical mistakes)
episode 74: yes (certain local radio hosts and scientists may have been using the Dog Park to go back and forth between Night Vale and a desert otherworld)
episode 75: yes (matching lycra shorts)
episode 76: yes (Carlos makes delicious fruit salad! also he's working on a solution to the flamingo problem)
episode 77: no
episode 78: yes (Carlos likes the gory parade + Earl is invited to dinner w/ Cecil and Carlos)
episode 79: no
episode 80: yes (Cecil tells his boyfriend he wants a beret)
episode 81: yes (Cecil spent time w/ Carlos between reeducation sessions)
episode 82: yes (sort of. Cecil mentions knowing what it's like in a long-term relationship, which is cute, and it's obvious who it's about, so I'm counting it)
episode 83: yes (Carlos does the shopping because Cecil has trouble with auctions)
episode 84: yes ("Hey there, Lonely Boy…")
episode 85: no
episode 86: no
episode 87: yes (Cecil considers the possibility of a tropical vacation w/ Carlos)
episode 88: yes (phone conversation, bunny nickname)
episode 89: yes (what Carlos is up to w/ the stranger situation)
episode 90: yes (Carlos is in the crowd against the dog/strangers)
Total count: 16
Year 5
episode 91: yes (Cecil reaches out to Carlos about the train, but he doesn't know :( )
episode 92: no
episode 93: no
episode 94: no
episode 95: no
episode 96: no
episode 97: no
episode 98: no
episode 99: no
episode 100: YES
episode 101: no
episode 102: yes (Carlos who Cecil is closest to other than Josie)
episode 103: yes (they're excited about going to the beach w/ family + they visited Josie together)
episode 104: yes (Cecil and Carlos go together to pay respects to Josie)
episode 105: yes (Carlos discusses dinner + TV viewing plans and has some concerns about the Smithwick house)
episode 106: no
episode 107: yes (Carlos arranges a task force regarding sounds heard under the earth)
episode 108: yes (tied into broken-reality weirdness)
episode 109: no
episode 110: yes (Steve brings him up - asked Carlos about space and Carlos skips away because he's so excited about science)
Total count: 9
Year 6
episode 111: yes (Carlos worries about having grown too used to Night Vale + the material testing in ep1 was an excuse to talk to Cecil)
episode 112: no
episode 113: yes (everything makes Cecil think of Carlos. Also he's out of town at a science convention)
episode 114: no
episode 115: yes (Cecil isn't concerned about robberies at labs or radio stations, but is concerned about librarian attacks on his family)
episode 116: yes (Strip uno… also "just the most vicious outfits")
episode 117: no
episode 118: yes (Cecil knows science… heck yes of course!!)
episode 119: yes (Carlos' hair is used to calibrate equipment)
episode 120: no
episode 121: no
episode 122: no
episode 123: no
episode 124: yes (A Door Ajar pt 1)
episode 125: yes (A Door Ajar pt 2)
episode 126:  yes (A Door Ajar pt 3)
episode 127: yes (Carlos and Cecil plan to hold a blood matter viewing party)
episode 128: yes (the viewing party starts + Cecil and Carlos have a houseguest)
episode 129: yes (everyone, including Carlos, is surprised by the depth of the blood matter)
episode 130: no
Total count: 12
Year 7
episode 131: yes (Carlos texts Cecil about a matter of scientific accuracy)
episode 132: no
episode 133: yes (Carlos has a concern about the time situation, and also there's the Telly ending)
episode 134: yes (Cecil and Carlos attend a high school football game together + with the rest of their family)
episode 135: no
episode 136: no
episode 137: no
episode 138: no
episode 139: no
episode 140: no
episode 141: no
episode 142: no
episode 143: yes (Cecil tells Carlos he's coming home but, y'know, no one can hear)
episode 144: no
episode 145: no
episode 146: no
episode 147: yes (Carlos has been studying the moon and… there's other stuff that happens)
episode 148: no
episode 149: yes (once again a lot of stuff but Cecil remembers by the end. It's "already forgotten" apparently)
episode 150: yes (Cecil discusses their anniversary; also Carlos discovers his clock working)
Total count: 7
Year 8 (ongoing)
episode 151: no
episode 152: no
episode 153: yes (Carlos' experiments get messy so he ends up working at Steve and Abby's place)
episode 154: yes (Carlos is continuing to run experiments at Steve and Abby's and is taken in for questioning when Steve is arrested)
episode 155: yes (Carlos is really the one who figures everything out tbh)
episode 156: yes (Cecil is anxious about death/separation from Carlos, and then gets excited when he thinks there's a way for them to be together forever)
episode 157: yes (Carlos has some concerns about the proposed solution and wants to talk it out w/ Cecil)
Total count (so far): 5
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thestoryofhiccstrid · 5 years
So today is a very very special day!! Indeed, it's the birthday of my bestie @foreverandalwayshttyd , and I wanted to write you a little something sweetie ♡ I really hope you will like it, even though it will never be as good as I wish it could since you deserve the very best! Love you lot, you make me the happiest and I'm beyond grateful to have you! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY GIRLIE!!! I WISH YOU A YEAR FULL OF HAPPINESS, UNFORGETTABLE MEMORIES AND LOVE <3
Now, as for the context, it's taking place in rtte, after season 3 episode 5 :) I'm so sorry for all the mistakes I've made (hopefully not too much!!) Enjoy :D
Astrid couldn't stop turning around in her bed, and her hut had never seemed so nerve-wracking and scary. There was sweat dripping on her forehead and her temples. It seemed to her that the bedroom was burning and that she couldn't do anything to make it stop, to put an end to this agonizing heat.
Her heart was racing, as if he was threatening to get out of her rib cage at any moment. Her headache and her arms shaking did not help to realise her overwhelming urge to find a normal breathing again and a less blurred view. She just could't focus on anything else than herself on the brink of death.
She was about to cry, and she hated that. Indeed, she couldn't cry just because of a nightmare! She was a strong and fierce girl, undoubtedly fearless! She was Astrid Hofferson for Thor's sake!
Well, even if she was repeating to herself this anchored thought of her, her shivers wouldn't stop, just like her heart pounding. It looked so true, she could feel the huge pain of the Scourge of Odin all over again, and it was simply so exhausting.
Suddenly, she heard someone knocking on her door boldly.
_ "Astrid, you forgot your knives on the table of the central pavilion. I ... I wanted to give them back to you... Can I come in?"
She immediately recognized the familiar nasally voice of Hiccup that she liked more than she would admit, always shy about her increasing feelings for him that were quite scaring her about how deep they were, and the last thing that she wanted was him seeing her being a total mess.
Since he didn't get any reply, he soon started to worry and decided to knock again, the want to make sure that she was okay devouring him.
But still, no reply at all.
_ "Astrid? Astrid! Are you okay?" he said, his voice full of concern for the girl that, only a week ago, caused him the fear of his life, but also the same girl that was always the main character of his craziest dreams (that may or may not include a passionate and all so desired kiss), since... well... since as long as he could remember.
_ "Yes, don't... don't worry Hiccup, I will take them tomorrow. But thanks."
She felt so guilty about not opening her front door to her... best friend? That was what he was to her, right? Or maybe more? No, what was she thinking about! And even if she had developed feelings for him, which is clearly not the case, would it be mutual?
She didn't know anymore... Another thing she wants to figure out, since there were so many different feelings rushing in her heart at the same time whenever his cute face full of freckles was in front of her. And his bright emerald eyes, those that looks at her like nobody else do, and that definitely were her weakness. She could litteraly get lost into them.
She thought for so long that he was just her best friend and nothing more than the guy who share with her the taste for adventure, the guy that completely changed her opinion about dragons and war, the guy the most awkward yet cute she ever met, the guy the most caring and protective and faithful to his convictions, and attractive...
By Odin! Did she just admit to herself that she found him attractive? Her?? And meaned every word she said, if not more???
She was so not the type of girl paying attention and importance about looks, but she had to admit that Hiccup was no longer a pretty boy with a sweet smile. No, he was so much more than that.
She just didn't want to put words on it, so afraid that it might reveal her obvious feelings for him, her uncontrollable want to be with him, to make him understand how much he means to her, how much she couldn't picture herself waking up without seeing his usual grin with his adorable crooked teeths, or his excitement about a new exploration that obviously imply rescuing dragons (and she wouldn't want it any other way).
How much she couldn't imagine doing any mission without him, get some sleep without saying him goodnight, eating if she was not sitting on her usual chair because then she would have to deal with the twins stealing her food or worse, having Snotlout teasing her about how she can't live without him.
How much she cherishes every single thing that makes him him.
She didn't know how long she had been lost in her thoughts, but she was unquestionably really shocked to hear him again, testifying that he was still here and that he won't give up. Why she's not even surprised? He's definitely stubborn when he wants to, and she also deeply love that part of him. As most as she find his determination heartwarming, her flushed cheeks and her dilated pupils clearly don't want to confront his gaze, not now!
_ "Astrid, I don't want to appear intrusive or anything, but I feel like you was trying to avoid me today... Did I do something wrong? If it's the case, I'm so sorry! You know I'm here for you and that you can tell me anything and... yeah I really hope you're okay after everything you've been through this past few months. I... I miss spending time with you..."
That was it. She couldn't take it anymore. She let hot tears rolling down along her blushing cheeks, trying her best to choke her sobs. She felt so weak, so vulnerable, so fragile at this very moment.
And him, he was so nice to her, so receptive at any move she make, at any tone of voice she use. He was always there for her, exactly like he said, making sure she feels alright, happy and surrounded, offering her all the support she could wish for and even more than that.
And her? What did she do? What did she do to deserve this amount of goodwill and kindness and this unstinting support ? Was she really losing her self-confidence?
She obviously didn't wanted to be an emotional wreck. She had to believe that those horrible nightmares will come to an end with all her might!
Thus, she wiped her tears with determination and decided that the bravest thing that she could do right now was to open the door to him. After all, if there is someone in this world that won't judge anyone, it's him for sure.
_ "Hi Hiccup! Don't you worry, you didn't do anything wrong, like at all! Hum... Well... it's not you that have to apologize... I mean, I don't know where I would be without you... you litteraly saved my life and I can't think of a way to thank you enough, to repay you... I am so sorry, I didn't wanted to hurt you!!!"
And with that confession out of her chest, quiet sobs returned in spite of herself.
Instinctively, he pulled her against his chest, wrapped his arms around her waist and cradled her delicately while drawing gentle circles in the small of her back.
She immediately relaxed and put her head in the crook of his neck, taking the time to breathe his woody scent, which reminds her so much of the forge and all the hours of work he spends inside. Everything became more peaceful and bearable. It was as if this place in the hollow of his arms was meant for her. It felt like home. The precise place where she can be herself, and she was definitely overwhelmed by love right now.
She opened her eyes and dared maintaining his gaze but what she found was no longer determination. It was without a doubt hesitation.
_ "What is it? Are you feeling uncomfortable about this?"
_ "What? No! No, no, no, no, no! It's just... argh!"
_ "It's just what?", she replied, squeezing his hand in order to encourage him to continue.
_ "Forget it, it's not that important anyway", he answered, trying to avoid her gaze.
_ "What happened to you?"
_ "What are you saying?"
_ "We promised to always tell each other the truth!"
_ "Are you telling me that I'm lying to you?! Seriously Astrid?!"
_ "Up to you to convince me otherwise!"
_ "Is it the lack of sleep that makes you say things like that?"
_ "WHAT?? Say that again to see!!!"
_ "I'm just saying that I'm not hiding anything from you Astrid! But what about you, huh? You haven't told me anything lately!"
_ "Okay, well, what do you want to know?!"
_ "I don't know! How are you feeling, why are you avoiding me, how do you manage to make me feel so insecure about our friendship..."
_ "Our friendship? You question our bond?!"
_ "NO! OF COURSE NOT! It's still not my fault if everything you do makes me doubt!"
_ "I don't follow you... doubts about what??"
_ "About us!! I... urgh! I just... I just... let me show you"
Without another word, he crushed his lips againt her own, and both of their hearts skipped a beat. He said he wanted to show her, that's what he will do. He cupped both of her cheeks, leaned a little more and tilted his head a little for having a better angle to take control.
Her lips were so soft, so perfect, so addictive! He felt like he was in heaven. He took the time to memorize every new sensation, every little sigh and moan, exploring every inch of her divine lips who had become in a quarter of a second his favorite place of all time, as if they were meant to be pressed against him own.
Paying attention of any possible sign of reluctance, he definitely felt more alive than ever when she answered fervently, wrapping her arms against his neck, which send shivers along his spine and made him groan of pleasure.
She even intensified the kiss, brushing her lips against his own languorously while mobilizing an infinite tenderness at each new meeting, full of anticipation.
They kissed with passion until they were forced to part to catch their breath, which they did grudgingly.
He scanned her face and found an Astrid grinning from ear to ear, with cheeks flushed red and pupils blacker than ever. As for him, his blissful smile and the soft tingling on his lips were the proof that he only wanted one thing: repeat this delightful moment as many times as she would allow him.
_ "This sounds kinda familiar" she said, her eyes sparkling and focused on his reaction.
_ "I think I'm definitely more comfortable when I directly show you what I mean. Note that this time I didn't throw you on a branch" he admitted with a teasing smile.
_ "I think so too, and I appreciate it, really", she confirmed, letting out a chuckle that made his heart melt instantly. He wished he could hear her laugh on repeat.
_ "I'm so sorry Astrid, I feel so dumb to have waited this long! I was so scared about losing you, I- I..."
_ "Shhh.. that was amazing! You are amazing Hiccup, and if there is someone who must apologize, it's really me! Wanting to repress my feelings was propably the worst idea I ever have! The only thing holding me back was the fear of ruining our friendship, and I would never have forgiven myself if that had happened! But I definitely want to be more for you" she confessed, eyes filled with hope.
_ "And I definitely want you to be your boyfriend, you insomniac", which earned him a light punch in the shoulder, but it was all worth it because what followed made him feel high, as if he was able to touch the sky, and this time, Toothless wasn't there to make fun of him (but he'll catch up eventually).
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pocketfulofrogers · 5 years
Forever May Be Enough
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: 5 Years after the snap and losing everyone, including the love of your life, you take Scott’s semi crazy sounding plan straight to Tony. Basically bits and pieces of Endgame.
Notes: Endgame spoilers, but in this house we ignore canon. This is my final contribution to @teamcap4bucky summer sun and fun games! I got inspired while reading part 15 of @marvelgirl7 series The Protector. She writes lovely, but heartbreaking stories so in this we have a lot of angst, some Bucky, and a sweet ending.
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“It’s not possible.” Tony says simply. “I’m sorry.” He adds quieter. You feel Steve tense, Natasha’ s shoulders fall. You’re almost certain Scott is vibrating.
You however, are frozen. Stuck leaning against the rough grain of a wooden pillar, eyes trained on the lake at the edge of the property. The clear blue burns your throat, turns your stomach inside out. His words swirl around your head and lap at the edges of the last wall of sanity you have left.
It’s the same ones that have haunted you for years. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. They weave their way through your body until you hear them fall from different lips.
Broken consonants and wide blue eyes looking up to you, filled for the first time with true fear. Crumbling fingertips leave ash in the sweat of your cheek as they desperately try to grasp something. Anything. Shaking fingers trail through long hair in an effort to keep him with you and you beg him to hold on just a little longer. You scream for Steve to do something, but you can see in his eyes defeat has already carved its home within him.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky whispers below you.
“Please. Bucky, please.” You beg with a sob, but he disappears anyways. You fold into yourself, howl your grief as you grapple at the empty space before you. Pain sears in your chest and you can taste rust on your tongue. Heaving gasps catch in your throat making you fear you may actually be suffocating. “Make it stop.” You beg.
Steve has to drag you away.
Natasha nudges you and you break from your trance only to see Tony walking away.
“Please.” The word breaks through louder than you intended and wince. “Tony, please.” You add quieter.
“I’m sorry, kiddo.” There are those stupid words again.
He grabs your hand, presses the pad of his thumb into your knuckles, and moves to meet your gaze. When he clocks the cracked skin of your lips, the dark skin seeping beneath your eyes, worry builds in the pit of his stomach.
“Why don’t you stay for a while? Get some fresh air and Pepper can teach you about composting. Would be a great time. Morgan would love it.” Tony offers. When you don’t respond, only look off into the distance past his shoulder seemingly caught in a memory, he looks to Steve. He shrugs a response and slightly shakes his head. They all know you’re not well. You haven’t been for a while, but he’s forgotten how to help you. “We still have a room for you if you change your mind.”
His hand slips from yours and with it, your last piece of hope.
Steve walks to the car with you, his hand on your back. When he opens the door and helps you in, you want to scream at him that you are not fragile, you have not broken, but you can’t form the words.
Bruce turns Scott into a baby, among other things, and you excuse yourself to get some air. You were clinging so desperately to this second chance, but the harder you grasped, the quicker it seemed to slip away. Steve recognizes the look of you teetering on the edge and follows you.
“We’ll figure it out.” He says behind you.
Raking your hands down your face, you turn to him. “I know, I know.” You huff out. “This is just bringing everything back up. I guess you could say I’m not handling that well or whatever.” 
“I know it’s hard, Y/N.” 
“I just miss him so much.” You whisper.
It’s times like these he wishes Tony came around more often, or that you’d accept the countless offers to stay at the cabin. Time had allowed for apologies, but Steve still carried the guilt from Siberia and your relationship with Tony had forever been tainted after the accords.
Tony doesn’t know if he hates that he made you choose sides or the fact you didn’t choose him more.
Still, he knew you in ways the others couldn’t. Two souls born of similar circumstances; he was always able to read you. He had taken you under his wing after stumbling onto you what felt like almost a lifetime ago. He considered it his job to look after you, never failing to protect you in battle. Despite you arguing you can hold your own.
When Tony pulls up, seemingly answering Steve’s unspoken wishes, his relief is palpable. But when he pulls the shield out of his trunk to return it, your relief sends you flying into his arms.
He stumbles back, slightly caught off guard. “Oh, thank god.” You mumble into his neck.
You travel back in time to New York, get a kick out of seeing a younger Tony again and remind him you are well versed with old man jokes. Steve comments that you sound more like yourself, Tony agrees.
“Hope is a powerful thing, boys.” You smile.
Somehow you manage to hold onto it when Tony tells you they have to try 70s New Jersey for the Tesseract. You try to convince him you should go in his place, beg him to let you do this for him. He smiles softly, shakes his head, and disappears.
You mourn the loss of Natasha. It settles deep in your bones and you wonder if this will be the thing that breaks you. Steve, ever stoic, reminds you of what you’re all fighting for and he sounds so much like her.
Bruce snaps his fingers. There’re several explosions, you’re drowning on the lower level, and then you’re thrown into the next battle for the fate of the world before you’re even able to catch your breath. It’s a scene from your nightmares and so reminiscent of the worst day of your life.
Smoke thick in the air, an outrider pins you down. Its monstrous face snaps at you with rancid breath and you push back as hard as you can. The moment you think this is it, a bullet rips through it spraying blood into the open air.
“Perfect timing.” You mumble as you push the body off you. There’s a chuckle from behind you.
Oh, you know that voice. It whispers to you light as air on your worst days, sings lullabies when you can’t sleep, ghosts its lips down your neck.
“I’m getting pretty good at saving you.” Bucky quips behind you. You don’t want to look, you can’t. Fears that he will only disappear again will not leave you be. He kneels before you, concern creasing his brow. “This isn’t the best place for a break, doll.”
You finally meet his eyes and the air leaves your body. He reaches for you, a ghost manifested, and you flinch away. It couldn’t be, could it? You hover a hand beside his face, graze tentative fingers down his temple and you ache.
“Bucky?” You whisper, broken. You repeat his name again with more weight.
“Unless you know another handsome guy with a metal arm.”
He catches the tears as they fall from your waterline and you lunge for him. Wrap your body around his, bury your head in his chest, breathe him in. It’s sweat and dirt, but it’s him. Truly him. This moment had taunted your dreams for the last five years.
You pull away to take a moment to look at him. Not a day aged, the same soldier you’ve always loved. He gives you a crooked smile and you trace his lip with your thumb.
“We should really get back to it, darlin’.”
You smile at his voice, let his low timber soothe the scars time has left. “Just a moment, please.” He nods. You lean forward, replace your finger with your lips and revel in the taste of home.
“Alright, let’s finish this.”
Pepper clings to you when the doctors say Tony will survive. You hold her and whisper soothing words to hide your own tears. Rhodey takes over for you, ignoring your protests when you tell him you’re fine. The bags beneath your eyes and your bitten down nail beds tell him a different story.
Bucky finds you outside on a nearby bench pulling at the loose strings of your sweater.
“I hear Stark is going to pull through.”
You smile up at him and pull his hand into your lap when he sits beside you. “He’s too stubborn to let death win.” You chuckle.
“Seems that’s something else you learned from him.”
You’re quiet for a beat and he hopes you’ll take this moment to open up to him. You were different, that much was blatantly obvious. You carried yourself stiffer, your tone had become colder. He tried to ask the others, but it had been subtle changes over the years, things they never noticed. Clint even suggests there may have been no change at all.
But he knew better. For you it was five years, but to him it was five hours. He just wanted to help you.
You tilt your head towards him, turn up the corners of your lips. “Good thing, too.” You joke instead.
Steve returns with Natasha. You don’t ask him how, they don’t offer.
Bucky awakens to you grunting in your sleep. Your fists have the sheets gripped in a vice; your knuckles are white. You mumble something he can’t quite make out before screaming yourself awake. He pulls you to him quickly. Slips his hand in your hair while he whispers affirmations that he is okay and you are safe.
He waits until your sobs slow to just a hiccup.
“Talk to me.” He pleads softly.
You push out of his lap. “I’m fine, really. Just a standard superhero nightmare. Run of the mill. Go back to bed, Buck.” You flash him a smile, all tear-stained rosy cheeks and bloodshot eyes, and his heart still flutters.
He watches you get up for water and finds himself about to lay back down. You had gotten so good at disarming him, he almost didn’t catch what you had done.
“No.” He says before you’ve crossed the threshold of your room.
You turn back to him and raise a brow. “Well, I supposed you could stay up? I’m not your mother.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” He counters.
You advert your eyes and cross your arms before your chest. Bruce had taught him cues to look for when he asked the others for tips. He knew your arms were meant to act as a barrier, which meant he was encroaching on something you didn’t want him near.
He reaches a hand out to you. “Come here.” You don’t budge. “Please.” He adds.
You huff, but walk to take it. He guides you to sit before him, but you’re still unable to meet his eyes.
“You don’t have to tell me everything, or even anything, I just want to help you. Five years is a long time, doll. It couldn’t have been easy to go through.”
You’re quiet, only tracing the metal lines of his hand. He lets you turn his arm over and wordlessly gives you his other when you reach for it. Tony said it was how you grounded yourself. Feeling something on your fingertips allowed you to anchor yourself to something real.
“I’d never tell the others, but I think I gave up for a long time.” You start quietly, keeping your eyes down. “After we killed Thanos and found out the stones were gone. Steve tried so hard, he did, but I think it’s hard to hold someone else together when you yourself are falling apart.” You gnaw on your bottom lip to stop its quivering. “Losing you was the hardest thing I think I’ve ever had to survive.” You barely whisper.
He squeezes your hand in support. “I’m here.”
You clear your throat and swallow down your emotions. “You are.” You marvel. “The whole world said it would never happen, that we needed to just rebuild what we still had.”
“I’m s-“
“Don’t, please. You came back to me and that is all I could have ever asked for. It’s just going to take a minute for me to make peace with the time we lost, but I’m getting there.” You place a hand on his cheek and he leans into your touch. “You just simply being here is more than enough.”
He makes you pancakes in the morning. The smell is what wakes you and you follow it all the way to one of the kitchens of the compound. You find him standing before the stove, back facing you. He’s still in what he wore to bed. Sweats, no shirt. The muscles of his back tightening with his movements distracts you enough that you have to shake your head to clear the number of less than innocent thoughts that come to mind.
“Well isn’t this a treat.” You say from behind him.
He laughs and bows before motioning for you to take a seat. He puts a plate before you, topped exactly how you like it.
“Who went out and got all of this?” You ask.
Bucky licks some whipped cream from his thumb. “Guess Natasha had a sweet tooth.” He shrugs.  
You plop a bite into your mouth. “What’s the occasion?” 
“It’s been a while, Tony’s on the mend, Steve’s still set on retiring for now, and the others are laying low. We have to decide what we’re going to do.”
You hum and raise a brow. “Awful big decision for first thing in the morning, my love.”
He nods in agreement. “Still a decision to be made, though.” He takes advantage of you full mouth. “We could stay here, run some trainings, monitor some missions with the new head of SHIELD. I think we’ve earned a break from saving the world for a bit.”
“Or?” You prompt, sensing the word on the tip of his tongue.
“We trade this life for one of our own. A house, a yard,” He lists. “Kids.” He adds quieter.
Your eyes widen. An awfully big discussion for first thing in the morning indeed, but clearly something that’s been on his mind.
“It’s just something to think about, but there is a question that needs answering. What do we do now?” He asks you.
You swallow the last of your breakfast and smile, commit the image of him hopeful and buzzing before you to memory. “Well, we have forever, don’t we? Let’s figure it out tomorrow.”
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
MM Anon 3
MM Anon 3
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Oct. 1
MM ANON … 🎼” back to black”🎼…… uncomfortably reunion …… “ AND THE CROWDS WENT…… home”… “blend in with the POC”🤣🤣🤣🤣…… Pressed for time. …… PR with blinkers… don’t Sue the messenger …… Harry on camping…… background colour …… “ bloody African Queen ‘ don’t think so”…… “ returning after their triumphant tour “…… OMG’ it’s definitely her
Oct. 2
MM ANON, This vacuous tart is in need of serious therapy ‘ she’s trying to intimidate the British press who employ Rottweilers as journalists and have brought down whole governments. They string antagonists up by their Gonads and bury pieces of flotsam like nutmeg alive. Not only is this virus on a hiding to nothing,she has underestimated the established reading matter of middle England ‘THE DAILY MAIL. ………… ‘popcorn darlings ‘ popcorn !!!!!!!!!!!
Oct. 2
MM ANON …… Dear Darlings ‘ today is my birthday 🎼 happy birthday to me🎼…………🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 2nd Oct. 1944. ……… “ a day that live in ignominy” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Oct. 2
MM ANON …… Thank you dear Skippy and all your faithful helpers ………… your blog is a joy and a privilege to post on …… GBTQAOGC👑👑👑👑👑 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
You are so welcome! We are honoured to have you join us! You are loved!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct. 2
MM ANON …… A TM visit?…… a pitiful cry for help …… “tears of a Crown”…… “ Philip’ stop swearing!!”…… ink block carnage … a scathing edi-TORY-al……”A Sunday surprise “…… “well,well,well’ fe-MAIL- empowerment”…… Fleet St. circling the wagons …… 🎼 “ Homeward bound, I guess ………” 🎼j…… … ace card archificial …… “SA’ well that was a dud Megs”…… leap-Frog to Calipornia 🤫🤫🤫
Oct. 3
MM ANON …… rogue withdrawal …… a petulant rattle slays fleet st. …… royal analysis paralysis ……… “ settlement now!!!! ……TM lawyers up…… tabloid utopia …… “ This is a bloody tape diversion old thing “…………“A spitting Halloween 🎃 “……… “ remember ‘remember, the 5th of Nov.” …… “ Philip ‘ this year you give the Queen speech”…… 🎆🎇😱🇬🇧💩⚖️⚖️⚖️…… GBTQ.
Oct. 3
MM ANON , UNDER THE RADAR!!!!!!!! The Queen probably has information and physical evidence appertaining to “It” regarding her “ lost” years. During the summer PW spent a week at MI6 at Vauxhall. ( being briefed?) what on? Suddenly this week there’s a story of a certain acquisition of a “tape” the next day , via H. she sues the MOS regarding a letter. (Smoke And Mirrors) The hinges are falling off that locked door on her past ………………………!!!!!!!! Allegedly.
Oct. 4
MM ANON …… Meanwhile at CH…… A Family meeting’ o dear!!…… “ One is apoplectic with disappointment “… (two red faces)…… “ this isn’t a game of happy f%#@k families!!!”…… an atmospheric cut…… legs and tails …… They Aga successful …… in the brown Windsor soup……a green beret chum…… nutmeg begs…… happy Harry …… SS documentary’s doom.
Oct. 4
MM ANON …… Smoke and Mirrors divert us from the elephant in the doom!!!, nothing to do with nutmegs bawling in the bathroom over being picked on by those nasty hacks 🤣🤣🤣 or hacked phones (it’s a daily mine field for the high profiled) abysmal failure on behalf of their security. It’s the tape darlings ‘ murkmegs very sore-did past. Popcorn’POPCORN 🍿 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Oct. 5
MM ANON …… chocolate sundae …… don’t give up your day job …… single exit west …… a SMALL diversion … “ is he mine?” …… home alone ………… “ I fear for them Philip” …… Duty calls …… 🎼” you wore out your welcome with random precision “🎼……… “ we must talk Harry”……… jack and Jill went up the hill ……… “ it’s all on This memory stick.
Oct. 5
Does this mean PiersM is a friend of Her Majesty (👑) or a friend of MM?
So many players, so much darkness in this schtick. My brain is fried. Thank you Skippy🐼
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Oct. 6
MM ANON … the Queen …… “ one can’t choose ones family “…… “ Philip loves me doing Melania” …… “I rather liked Donald “ …… “ l frightening Vlad…… “ on our day together she never stopped yapping “ … “Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “… “ the little one, she’s a fireball “ …… “Camilla says she’s illiterate “ … “ what sort of name was that!!!!!”…” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “ … “LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!”
Oct. 7
MM ANON …… “MORGAN ‘ a suitable case for treatment” …… sue- da - nam?
Oct. 7
MM ANON … Calapornia Dreem-in…… “ To be ‘ or Not to be…” …… “ I made a bit of a boob”……… “ the real Mc- COY darlings “…… “ artistic lie- sense …… “ not my best work”
Oct. 7
MM ANON …… This is only my opinion on the validity of the alleged article. AN OPINION!! like skippy suggested in all posts , re disclaimer ……… what would be verified in this situation is “ face recognition tech.” ANYBODY?????? 👃🏾👁👄👂
Oct. 7
MM ANON … lets move on!!!!…… fab unfore-tunate…… pre tour panic… …a fleet-ing vengeance …… “ don’t take this personally”…… “ you have TWO choices”…… “ get your bloody head out the sand”…… “it’s crumbling around your feet”……… “ baby ‘ what baby?”…… “we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”…… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
Oct. 8
Oct. 8
MM ANON … fab two ‘ future Queen……future king …… also rans …… three weddings and a refusal …… Archie-bargy …… a dog with no name …… silent screaming past…… 🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼…… “ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “…… everyone is scarfing …… (another private flight)…… Branson island … Mail on payday… … “ please boo the buggers”
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct. 8
MM ANON …… This is only my opinion on the validity of the alleged article. AN OPINION!! like skippy suggested in all posts , re disclaimer ……… what would be verified in this situation is “ face recognition tech.” ANYBODY?????? 👃🏾👁👄👂
Oct. 9
MM ANON …… “ sorry, not today thank you “…… never EVER explain …… “what happens in house, stays in-house”. ……a special briefing …… another cover-up?…… … glowing anticipation …… special forces …… “unprecedented care”…… a very tired PR …… public appearance nerves …… “we’ll pay you handsomely”…… “she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
Oct. 10
MM ANON ……corespondents under the radar …… “MA to MM”…… 🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼…… “ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”…… ‘ thank you LG.”…… “were in need of another f#@ing hole”…… Sheeran a common problem ……” drag her along ‘ your joking”… not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!…… Christmas 🧣 scarfs …… 🎼Back in the USA”🎼…… “friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”…(very trying!!!)
Oct. 10
MM ANON, for Mr Skippy, “ take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear wittiness of thy love ,thy power and thy way of life “ …… GOD BLESS YOU BOTH. 💜💜💜💜🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oct. 11
MM ANON … aggressive tabloid PR…… desperate image…… manipulate a student …… public fear…… ((loving wife and mother))…… 🎼” Money, get away”🎼…… a fence for Harry …… “ how do I milk this”…… most dangerous tour…… “ I guess I never got the memo”…… the natives are getting restless …… nutmegs public anticipation …… Scrambled eggs!!
Oct. 12
MM ANON … Sunday sensation??……… LG will give the word…… lots of dirty dirt…… 🎼” love me or leave me”🎼…… when the going gets tough ……”…… “ not another chicken dinner”…… “ is She nice”…… “ I think you should know something”. …… “ Fair is foul,and foul is fair”…… WOW!! ace down the line!!…… “advantage MOS”… location,location vexation.
Oct. 13
MM ANON … “ THE MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK …… 🎼”Sparkles spangles, see how they shine, sing-a-linga “🎼…… Tom the Bomb… “A woman of sub-stance🤣”…… maybe ‘ sex lies and video tape … 🎼” when you come to the end of a lollipop”🎼… ……” A kid for two farthings” …… “ you know how to whistle don’t you Harry”…… “an obvious cuckold…… “…… home to roost”
Oct. 13
MM ANON, Tom Bowers , Britain’s most feared biographer is going to write a “TELL ALL” Tome on the evasive one , will we expect 🎼sparkles spangles, your heart will sing , jing-jing-a-ling a 🎼…… OMG, the anticipation for this one is EPIC , 🎼 yachting, hotting, see how she lays ,toss-a-lotta🎼 This author flays his victims alive ‘ WE WAIT IN APOPLECTIC SUSPENSE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣PLEASE TOM DO TELL “EVERYTHING!, emails,sexts And video tapes. 🎼”Sparkles spangles and deeds”🎼
Pakistan Tour 14-18
Oct. 14
MM ANON …… Pakistani perfection ……”will anything ever happen?” …… “ she’s a disease” …… HMTQ is feeling the strain ……… oh’ oh , the green eyed monster …… “MA has all the answers” …… ( and the evidence)………” if I had a penny ……… “…………” she got to show, to much gossip!!” ……… “ Harry, Dear heart, pull your head out of the sand” …… “it’s Kismet old thing,kismet!! “
Oct. 15
MM ANON ……A sense of humour ‘ tuk tuk …… 🎼nobody does it better 🎼……… REAL ROYALTY …… ‘after the Lord Mayor show came the dustcart …… Charlotte the “NEW”future people’s Princess 👸 …… Little Louie people’s Prince 🤴 ……… “, it’s nutmeg crumble for desert marm,…… “ that’s the bloody way to do it!!!”…… “ what’s that other silly tart doing?”…… “it’s a mystery Philip”
Oct. 16
MM ANON …… On the banks of Huntspill River …… a pretty Sum-erset …… O dear ‘ how not to be princely …… 🎼” everybody’s doing the loco- emotion”🎼……… In the real steps of his mother…… “Protocol, dignity and humour “…… Their successes drove her apoplectic …… LIZARDS 🦎 ……” please George ‘ don’t do that”🦎🦎🦎…… … Nanny doesn’t like🦎🦎🦎…… “I miss the children”…… ROYAL AIR FORCE ONE. …… MI6 and the visit??…… “ de visit was spectacular ‘ de-brief was better”. ……” Thanks M.”
Oct. 16
MM ANON… nutmegs agenda ‘ write his nauseating tome, push in front, psychologically undermine him , feed his anger and resentment for W&K! , Don’t get near the public ( fears of rejection), continue emotional blackmail, put pressure and endorse his lack of self esteem ,psychotropic drugs?, cry and keep asking him why people hate you ‘, convince him the BRF are against both of them …… question his grasp on reality. This is her agenda ‘ allegedly. Speculation of course.
Oct. 16
MM ANON … after one year of marriage the boys a total wreck , mounting the Dias in Africa all disoriented ,and blubbering at child works , he’s in a psychotic purgatory that she continues to perpetuate. How does Harry dump the faux bump and find true happiness????? Britain is waiting for the inevitable divorce and the English rose Harry will one day meet. It’s Kismet LG ,pure Kismet!! “ Cry God for Harry’………… “.
Oct. 16
MM ANON …Harry’s split second mishap…… A choreographed comforter. …… 🎼” 19th nervous breakdown” 🎼…… a plethora of past lovers … 🎼” we have no secrets”🎼🤣🤣…… The announcement,an unstable Stable. …… 🎼” I’m not in love, so don’t forget it” 🎼……… fixan a vixen. ……… nutmeg on Toast……… MA” is he mine? Yup!! ……” accolades on the return”.
Oct. 17
MM ANON …… Thank you for the wonderful and ingenious humour LH. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Oct. 18
MM ANON …… “Festering,yes”💸💸💸💸”it’s a struggle” 💸💸💸💸……… comment section ‘ #@&*#¥……… “ I was flying “…… 🎼” Never cried when granny died 🎼”……soon,wonderful weekend with the children …… FaceTime mummy’🦎🦎🦎🦎……… “ Kate , ones so proud”…… “ you’re a stalwart William “ …… “ you’re very pretty dressed as a Unicorn 🦄 “…… $h!t !! She’s gone nuclear!, …… well’ that Doc was a load of boll***.…… “shhhh’ I heard that too!!”… gossip darlings ‘ gossip!!… “ all that glitters,”
Oct. 18
MM ANON, OMG , Harry’s festering, nutmegs struggling, Archificial is having an identity problem. ( “ I wanna know who’s my dad’) ……… “ is it mine”, nutmeg gazing towards a distant horizon, someone with a all knowing smirk gazing back from distant horizon ‘. And there both going to try and flog this p!$$poor Documentary to the savvy Brits. Are they both off their f#@ing trolly , who TF wants to see them whining about how they struggle on 20 million a year , not those trying to pay a mortgage.
Oct. 18
MM ANON , “ not many people asked if I was alright”, well I wasn’t alright…… , Ahhhhhh , what a shame nutmeg,perhaps if you didn’t fake your pregnancy people would have warmed to you ‘ ( NO , DONT THINK SO ). So nutmeg plays the poor me card , poor me, poor me pour me a drink. ………… I wonder what the RPO conversation is when she’s not being obnoxiously present. , she apparently treats everyone like 💩💩💩💩. I have news nutmeg, Britain doesn’t give a $h!t.
October. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”.
Oct 19
MM ANON , “THEY DON’T MAKE IT EASY”, I’M OKAY, can’t wait for the trawling that the whiner is going to be subjected to. The comments section of the DE&DM and MOS is 95% negative, and aggressively anti Megain. The Mocumentary will only draw more humiliation and subtle sarcasm from the tabloids. Juxtaposition this with the shining success W&K received on their return from Pakistan and you have the pulse of National opinion. The big takeaway is “Nutmeg is hated”.
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 years
I write this now for I have no illusions about the path I choose. I delve into the Forbidden, and risk my existence. I would prefer there be an attempt to have memory of me, should I Cease for one reason or another.
Studies just beginning, going well. Only three notebooks burned so far.
Studies going… not quite as well. Twenty notebooks this week. One of them was my math notebook, the asshats. Be that as it may, I will continue forward. Mama didn’t raise a quitter. Mama did raise someone with a healthy fear of what else They can do to me should they get the motivation. Proceed with caution.
I just accidentally walked into a Deal and I don’t know how to feel about this. On one hand it’s fascinating to finally have proof and observation on how it works. On the other, neither of the deal makers were appreciative of the fact I Was There. This seems like the opposite of caution.
Mine retribution hath come unto me For the fae, they make me speak with glee In rhyme and Iambic Pentameter
(And also write it, bastards couldn’t give me even a centimeter.)
Date: XX-XX-XXXX DING DONG THE WICKED CURSE IS DEAD. That was beyond annoying. An exercise in vocab much? At least the English teacher was impressed. I think I convinced my roommate I was a changeling, and I didn’t have the vocab or planning skills to tell them no, I’m just a dumbass. I guess the fae did give me a centimeter since the last two lines of my poetic entry aren’t in pentameter, but I don’t care anymore. I’m f r e e.
I’ve got so many questions about changelings. Are y'all not prepared for this shit at all??? I swear to god the most obvious changeling in the school just tried to use the chemistry labs to make a potion IN CLASS. There’s no way this guys a forbidden major like me, he’s too obvious about this all and too casual. And apparently not well versed in potions, everyone knows you need to shake and not stir the potion of Things I Shall Not Name.
I’m 95% certain my roommate got Taken and Replaced. The remaining 5% could be the effect of the club they joined, who the hell knows Elsewhere is weird. But my 95% is reinforced by their refusal to touch my iron rings whereas previously they didn’t even blink. At least they share the food, I guess. It’d be nice if the hawk out the window would stop staring but we can’t all win, I guess.
Date: XX-XX-XXXX I accidentally involved my Replaced roommate in the forbidden major and it is something else to watch them pretend to be ignorant to what I’m doing. Their acting is on par with a 5 year old. Like ah yes, this thing of which I do not know of. What is this thing? Is this really specific piece of equipment used for this really specific task? It is? How surprising! I want to go “Relax you’re obvious anyways” but that seems rude and honestly they seem to be having a good time, I’d rather not ruin it.
Date: Ok we’re back on track now Now we’re getting into things my Roommate doesn’t know either. They’ve become even more obvious, because they’re approaching it like someone who actually has an iota of background knowledge. On the bright-side we now have a lot of gemstones we didn’t have before.
Date: XX-XX-XXXX I mentioned that my favorite gemstone was opal so my Roommate went and turned the entire bedframe into opal. Send help. It’s an insult not to use it but it’s opal and opal is not made for the stress of a human body on the frame what do I do?
Date: XX-XX-XXXX I politely mentioned my concerns and they admitted the flaw of what they tried, thank god. Nice to have you back wood bed frame. A thing to note is my Roommates increased interest in specific types of metal. I’ll keep track of this of course but it’s good to see them research something human.
How the fuck does one brush metal hair? Style it? Cut it??? My Roommate just walked up behind me, announced “The frame failed, so let’s try this.”, ran their fingers through my hair and now I’m pretty sure it’s all platinum. Just platinum. Individual threads of fine metal, never acting quite like metal but definitely not acting very much like hair. Let’s aim for an upbeat note though: My Roommate really likes me and while I’m not entirely sure why, I choose to take this as a good thing.
It’s a bad thing, definitely a bad thing. They got drunk from honey, looked me dead in the eye, and said “If I could Take you away, I would.” Dear powers beyond help me, how did the danger not come from fae who dislike how much I know? How’d it come from a fae fascinated by my curiosity, a fae who desired to discover with me? A fae who’s described quiet poetically how my knowledge could help me take down anything I desire? What, am I suddenly sexy because I know the specific weaknesses of most species? W A I T
I may as well try recording this, though my book will probably be burned later.
They said we need to go past an oak tree and we’ll be there. Hello soon to be demise
oimbe owekhd
There are 9,723,490,357 racoons. they hold answers.
Date: XX-XX-XXXX I’m alive, somehow. Safe and sound in my bed. I’m deeply unsettled by my survival. Even more unsettling is past the point we stepped beyond the oak tree, I don’t remember anything. There’s nothing to record now, and the previous entry is just incoherent past a certain point (WHAT THE FUCK DID I MEAN BY RACOONS. WHY WERE THERE SO MANY?). I haven’t been able to find my friend.
Date: DON’T KNOW DON’T CARE My Roommate just picked me up and carried me off. I don’t know where we’re going. I’m backreading entries to calm myself. Really started out so formal, huh? Oh well.
They set me down, as if proud, and turned to a fae. Apparently they’ve convinced their Court I’d be an asset to have. Goodbye, as it seems I am to be a slave of fae for my foolishness in trust.
Date: … After a week, I realized they had no intentions of slavery. But it’s already too late for me to fight fate. I don’t know what I am now, but it’s not human. They aren’t interested in my form, at least. But my heart does not beat, my lungs don’t long for air, and I don’t think I need to sleep anymore. I’ll likely keep this diary going, in a different journal, but finders head this warning: My story is a little strange, but this is one of the better outcomes. Don’t walk the path of forbidden majors unless you’re ready to fall from the grace of knowledge.
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starlight-drive-in · 5 years
All My Life, for You - Ch. 2
This chapter: Saeyoung Choi/MC (named), Saeyoung Choi/OC Saeran Choi/OC
Fic Description: Mi-Cha and Saeyoung have been happily married for 5 years and their lives have never been happier. The same could be said for Saeran who is now in a much healthier place than he was a few years ago. The twins are close once again, their lives are healthy and normal for the most part. It would seem the picture perfect happily ever after, if it weren’t for the fact that someone who has been looking for them for a long time is about to make an unwelcome appearance.
Saeyoung has two things in this world he has sworn to protect, and nothing is going to stop him from keeping his promise this time.
Chapter Description: Saeran takes a little alone time, which subsequently gets interrupted. He may or may not be happy about this.Mi-Cha and Saeyoung attempt to be sneaky.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19773562/chapters/46928929
Saeran sits cross-legged on a large rock that marks the summit of the mountain trail he's been working his way up for the past 40 minutes. Slightly winded, he takes deep breaths and focuses on recovering himself. "Whew, I need to work out." He tells himself.
He takes another deep breath of fresh mountain air and savors the way it fills his lungs. It's been years since Mint Eye, even longer since he was trapped in that God-forsaken excuse for a house. Even still, the feeling of freedom manages to take him by surprise. The sheer fact that he's allowed to do this, allowed to do what he wants when he wants. It still feels foreign.  Some things will haunt him forever, he knows that. But being able to have a life is more than he ever hoped for.
He pointedly takes a moment to fully absorb his surroundings. To his left, he can see the hotels, restaurants, and shops that line the edge of the beach below him. The beach has mostly cleared out by now although he can spot a few couples taking sunset strolls along the water’s edge. He scans the length of the beach, searching for his brother’s telltale red hair, wondering if one of the couples on the beach might be his brother and sister-in-law.
Ahead of him lies the reason he made this hike to begin with - a beautiful sunset painted in reds and purples, quickly taking over the blue that was there before. Long strings of clouds run the length of the horizon as sun meets ocean, light dancing on the waves. He takes another deep breath and smiles. He’s always loved the sky. When he had nothing else he still had the sky. Even when all he had was one small window to look at it through, the sky was always there. Always beautiful and always breathtaking, a faithful companion when all else was lost.
He remains for the next hour or so until the sun has all but finished its decline below the horizon. Taking the flashlight out of the small pack on his back he begins decent back down the mountain to the hotel. On the way down he contemplates what to do when he gets back to his room. He’s pretty hungry, grabbing dinner himself seems to be a good place to start.
He stops at one of the many restaurants on the way back, opting for a bar seat instead of a whole booth with him being only one person. He orders and then takes his phone out while he waits, seeing he has a few new messages.
Saeyoung: Don't get up to too much trouble without me now, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do ;)
He scoffs. What exactly is that supposed to mean anyway? He thinks, not bothering to actually respond
Mi-Cha: Sorry about leaving you on your own tonight, if you need us to come back just say the word!
Mi-Cha is way to considerate. She always has been, always. Everyone knows this about her- it’s immediately obvious to most upon meeting her for the first time. Ah. but he’s known that about her longer than any of their friends, or even his own brother. It was specifically the reason he had chosen back her then. He shudders then, slightly embarrassed at his past behavior. In the end, it would seem that he inadvertently played matchmaker for Saeyoung. He’d have to remember to give his brother shit about owing him one later. Thinking about how much things have changed, he smiles.
He’s so absorbed in his own self-reflection that he doesn't even notice a woman sit down next to him.
“You must like her a lot.” She says, grabbing his attention finally.
He’s caught off-guard for a moment and stares blankly at her blue eyes.
“W-who?” he stutters embarrassed.
“Your girlfriend, or whoever's making you smile like that.” She giggles.
“Oh, I wasn’t. I don’t. Uh, I don't have a girlfriend.”
“Oh?” She asks.“A boyfriend, perhaps?”
“Oh, no - uh- not that either, I’m single.” He clarifies.
Her face brightens visibly. “Is that so? Well in that case, whatcha drinking? Vodka soda?” She motions exaggeratedly to his glass.
Am I being hit on right now? He thinks to himself Probably not right? She just wants someone to talk to he’s sure of it.
He chuckles.“Seltzer, I- uh don't really drink.”
“Damn, I’m not doing too good here tonight” She giggles. “I guess it’s true what they say about making assumptions.”
“It’s fine.” He says, not really knowing how to respond but smiling politely.
She twists a finger around a lock of dark hair nervously, the boost of confidence she inspired in herself a moment before coming over here quickly wearing off. “So - uh, you here on vacation?”
“Yea, with my brother and sister-in-law. Family bonding ya know?” This conversation isn't the most comfortable thing for him, but it’s not entirely unwelcome either. “How about you?”
“Girls weekend out.” She says, a slightly sarcastic tone in her voice. “Which apparently turned into ‘Let's all get drunk and pass out and leave Jisun on her own’ weekend.”
“Ah. Yea that doesn't exactly sound like what you signed up for.” He responds empathetically. His food arrives and he thanks the server quickly, then turns his attention back to her.
She scoffs. “You've got that right. Eh, it’s whatever. Kinda needed a break anyway. Not that I don't love them. It’s just sometimes their energy is a little much for me. I’m sorry that probably doesn't make any sense.”
He understands completely though. “It does. I feel like that a lot with my own friends, especially my brother. Too much energy for his own good. Sometimes I just need to get away from him.”
“Yes! Exactly! Ugh, feels nice to talk to someone who gets it.” She smiles earnestly, feeling a lot more comfortable than before.
He returns her smile also feeling a tad more relaxed and truly takes in her image for the first time. Her hair is actually a very dark violet and comes just to her shoulders, her eyes a deep blue. A swath of freckles dots her nose and upper cheeks. She’s wearing a simple dress with a large floral pattern - Hibiscus - he recognizes them as, how ironic. He takes a sip of his drink and decides he agrees with the sentiment.
His phone beeps with a new notification, Mi-Cha checking up on him, of course. He takes a moment to reply before setting it back down.
She shifts slightly in her seat, “Anyway, I didn't mean to interrupt your meal-”
“You’re not interrupting” He interjects, feeling slightly rude for being on his phone. “I-It’s nice to talk to someone new.”
“Yea? Yea, I agree” She says.
“You said your name was Jisun?” She nods affirmatively. “I’m Saeran.”
“It’s very nice to meet you Saeran.”
Just then her own phone begins to ring in her clutch purse. She answers it and immediately her eyes go wide at whatever the person on the other end has said. "Yea, yea ok I'll be right there." She ends the call and looks over at him looking a bit disappointed.
"Ugh, I'm sorry. Duty calls looks like I've gotta go babysit some sick drunks."
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't also feeling disappointed. "Ah well, I wish you good luck then. You might wanna pick up some cleaning supplies, and maybe some painkillers on your way back?" He offers.
"Looks like someone has experience." She notes.
"Ha, yes, unfortunately."
"Well, I hope you have a good night, Saeran."
He smiles. "I'd say the same but."
She laughs at that and begins to retreat toward the door.
"And lots of water!" He adds over the din of the restaurant.
She gives him a thumbs up on her way out the door. She was going to have to give her friends a long, loud talking to in the morning about how they inadvertently pulled her away from a very cute guy.
Saeran watches wistfully out the window as she proceeds down the sidewalk. He dares to hope they’ll meet again, however unlikely that may be.
"It’s the hottest planet in our Solar System, which is a little weird when you think about it because it's not the closest to the sun. Mercury is, but guess what?" Saeyoung explains excitedly, holding Mi-Cha's hand while the two of them walk back to the hotel.
Mi-Cha smiles thoughtfully, enchanted at how enthusiastic he gets over things he's passionate about. Suddenly a familiar shock of red hair catches her eye through a nearby restaurant window.
"Saeyoung." She says, releasing his hand as she peers through the window, trying to stay close to the side as not to be noticed by the current object of her attention.
"Mercury has no atmosphere to regulate its temperature. So. Its temperature fluctuation is all over the place and you know what else?."
"Saeyoung!" She says louder this time.
"I-is that Saeran?" She says in a hushed tone, pointing to a man at the far corner of the restaurant's bar.
Saeyoung's mouth falls open when he spots his brother.
"Yea but who is that?" He ducks around her to try to get a better look but she pulls him back.
"Don't! He'll see you!" She scolds in a whisper. "We’ve got to be sneaky!.
"Why are you whispering?" He whispers.
"Why are you?" She retorts.
"Just following your lead, boss." He answers.
"Don't you forget it." She mumbles. "Ok, ok but seriously who is she?"
"The girl reading this" Saeyoung says dramatically. Before laughing at his own joke.
Mi-Cha snickers "Saeyoung!"
"Hehe." Is his only response as the two of them sneakily peek through the window again.
"She's pretty." The pair say in unison.
"Like really pretty! Has he said anything to you about a girl?" Mi-Cha inquires.
"No, you?"
"Mm-mm" she shakes her head back and forth.
"I'm calling him." Saeyoung says pulling his phone from his pants pocket.
Mi-Cha quickly plucks his phone from his hand. "Wait, don't."
"But MCeeee he could be in danger!" He begs.
Mi-Cha looks again at the two of them through the window. The girl says something and Saeran smiles brightly, seemingly at ease. "Oh, yea he looks like he's in a lot of danger."
"That's just how they get you."
"Sae, come on. Let him have a little fun. He's not a kid, he can take care of himself."
"It's my sworn duty to protect him as an older brother!"
"You know you're twins right? You're only like 3 minutes older or something like that." She says, taking her own phone out and quickly typing a message. She watches through the window as Saeran’s phone lights up. He looks down at it and picks it up, eyeing the girl apologetically before taping a couple times and setting it back down.
Her own phone vibrates confirming what she already knew was true.
Mi-Cha: Heading back to hotel, you all good?
Sae2: All good, out getting food.
"See? You worry too much!"
"I can't help it!"
"I know Babe" she responds, taping him lightly on the nose before offering him her hand. "Come on, let's go! Your brother left us alone on our date, let's leave him alone on his!"
"Do you really think it's a date?!" He asks, wide eyed taking her outstretched hand.
"I have no idea," she laughs. "But If it is, he deserves some privacy. Plus I have other plans for you.” She gives him a devilish smile.
“Oh?” Saeyoung replies, completely forgetting his prior mission. “In that case, lead the way!”
The Victorian Flower Language meaning for Hibiscus is 'delicate beauty', :) (Or at least that's what google told me so that's what i'm going with.)
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annashipper · 6 years
Megapost Nr. 5 - May 17th 2018
Nonny Nr. 1:   I wonder how much it costs Ben to hire these paps to show up at airports and family events?
Anna:  I assume he doesn’t pay for the paps.  He does them a favour by giving them a scoop and they do him a favour by putting the pics up for sale and hoping they’ll get picked up by the tabloids.  It’s a win-win.  Well... unless you consider Ben’s integrity, in which case it’s a win-win-lose  :o/
Nonny Nr. 2:   I have to say, I’m with that nonny number 10. It’s crossed my mind on countless occasions that I’m wrong, that the babies and marriage are real, and bens paranoia over the subject is just humiliation over his family not forming from true love. Then we get these so. Fucking. Obvious arranged pap shots that is zip right back into knowing it’s all fake and it’s all to get people talking back and forth cause I dunno he can’t sell on his own anymore or something. It’s all fake.
Anna:  I’ve tried sooooo hard to talk myself into believing this whole thing is real far too many times Nonny.  I’ve even tried to disregard all of the weird belly inflating / deflating / remaining stunted / deflating / inflating to ridiculous proportions / remaning stunted for the last trimester of gestation from the Pilo pregnancy back in 2014-5, and still nothing makes sense when you take a step back and try to look at the bigger picture.
The moment it became impossible for me to argue back and forth with myself and / or play devil’s advocate while discussing the showmance with other Skeptics bts was when he went on record during his Vanity Fair interview for Doctor Strange and stated matter of factly that his wife and (then only) child are not a PR stunt. 
Eveything that’s been said / happened since is just static to me and I’m just along for the ride, waiting for Ben to come to his senses and end this charade.
Nonny Nr. 3:   Quick! I bet the pr machine are already finishing up an article calling Sophie pretty!
Anna:  Nonny, not only did they not call her pretty, they didn’t even call her pins stunning (as is the Fail way).  Granted, she’s wearing trousers, but still... BUMMER!  :P
Nonny Nr. 4:   Wait, so let me get his straight. Ben supposedly travels w his family everywhere, making sure that they are always w him, but he makes them travel on other planes because we never see them at the airport, and one time we finally see both parents and these two can’t manage their kids together? Huh?
Anna:  “HUH?” indeed Nonny!
Nonny Nr. 5:   Why do you spend so much time expressing hatred towards someone you don't know and who doesn't affect your life at all? Is this the best use of your time on this earth?
Anna:  Let’s flip your question on its head Nanny Nonny, shall we?  :D
Why do you spend so much time reading Skeptical blogs, sending in anonymous asks expressing your aversion to what Skeptics have to say when no one cares for your opinion and/or asked for it?  Is this the best use of your time on Tumblr?
Nonny Nr. 6:   Even if they were to hire kids to fly w them, it would be too complicated. the real parents would have to be there, or there would have to be a note from the parents giving permission for them to take the kids over seas. the kids real passports would be used. its too risky. that on top of blurred faces giving away an arrangement w the paps (in the US) vs non blurred faces giving away the older boys real identity. its too risky. they won't be seen at an airport. if they are, not where docs checked meaning, if we DO see the kids, like the one time we saw one kid at the airport, just like that time, it won't be anywhere near the gate where passports are checked. you won't see them carrying the kids through security giving the people the kids passports, or if you see them carrying kids off a plane, we won't see them getting ON the plane w the kids. the only thing they could do is board sep, the kids w the real parents, then just agree to carry the kids off the plane.   thats the closest they could get to "proving" they flew w the kids. ben and sophie board on their own. kids and real parents board , ben and sophie carry kids off the plane. maybe they could carry the kids on the plane, but after the real parents have gone through security w the kids passports etc. yeah, they could do that. take pictures carrying the kids on or past security, then carrying off. they won't be able to give the kids passports or anything.   or, you know, PR, just have the paps video them carrying the kids through security, giving security the kids passports w NO other documentation (like a letter from the real parents) then have them get off the plane. its all too risky. if they had real children that were theirs, this would be easy. but they don't, so we wont ever see them w the kids near security. if we do, it will be very staged to avoid seeing the real parents or any letter giving permission to fly w the kids
Anna:  Nonny, I’m not asking for miracles, so I don’t really expect them to be photographed passing through security or checking in.  I’m just asking for a convincing pap walk with both of the pillows; especially after Ben stated his family follows him wherever his work leads him whenever he has to be away from home for more than a weekend...
FF#1 Anon:   Me and Mr. FF#1 will be heading over the border to the US for a week. I don’t know how much I’ll be in your blog in that time but what a great send off with the airport pap walk. I saved them all to my phone so I can giggle endlessly
Anna:  I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself FF#1; I feel the exact same way!  Have a wonderful trip and give Mr FF#1 my best!  :D
JT Anon:  ok ok ok ok, so he doesn't just force sophie to take a sep plane and struggle w the kids alone ALL the time. SOMETIMES he makes a nanny take a sep plane w the kids!! nah, this is one of those rare occasions he left the kid for more than 48 hrs. must be hard since apparently he doesn't do that...expect now...unless the kids are riding w the help in coach on a sep plane. Thanks PR for answering all our laughing at ben making his wife and kids take a sep plane! no kids, i know. can't blur faces
Anna:  Boooooooo JT!  I object!!!  I’ve been promised a family trip and I want it even if the pillows magically appear on an NYC street pap walk before the LL event tomorrow   :P
CMA Anon:   Come on, praise when praise is due - they have at least learned *how* to hold hands properly even if they're not clued up on *when*.
Anna:  CMA, I just hope it doesn’t take them another 4 years to muster the art of human hand holding at the appropriate instances...
Discerning Anon:  NYC weather - It was raining yesterday afternoon and evening and was in the low 60s. This morning it is raining, it was raining harder earlier but should clear up this afternoon, it’s now humid and in the 70s. It might rain tonight. Friday was originally reported to be raining all day, but that has since been updated to just rain in the evening probably and in the 60s. Saturday rain all day, maybe heavy at times, 60s.
Please plan your pap-ops accordingly. 
Anna:  Discerning Anon, you’re SO accommodating!   I’m sure the Intern would like to thank you from the bottom of his heart  :o)
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micahrodney · 3 years
Thread; Chapter 5 - Fantasyland
This was a commission for MatthewCaveatZealot. There was a terribly familiar thump as Neil's head hit the ceiling above his bed. The same precariously rigged alarm clock on his loft bed was blaring, and the disorientation that came with it. Neil wanted to believe that what he had experienced was a dream, but he knew better by now. He was awake, for certain, but he had not truly been asleep.
The question now was how he made it back to his dorm room, though he feared the answer was obvious. Another day or so of him running on “autopilot”. Let alone what that must have been like for his family.
His family. God, he missed them so much right now. In the past week, his universe had expanded a thousand-fold, entirely against his will. All Neil wanted was the safe surroundings of his old family home. He wanted Travis's insufferable theatre music blasting at all hours of the night. He missed Dawn spending every hour of the night playing on the NES they had. Just as comforting were the random pop-ins from Kim, and the sight of his father hard at work, with papers sprawled all over the coffee table.
He wanted his mother. Just his mother being there. Her presence.
The hole in his heart was warmed by a bit of metal. It was then that Neil noticed that he was wearing an amulet of sorts. It was on a chain of silver and ended in a pendant made of some otherworldly metal. It shone as brightly as freshly pressed steel but had faint transparency to it. Etched into it with crystalline blue lines were several stars, connected by points: the Crossroads, of course. Roughly, they formed a constellation similar in appearance to the Southern Cross.
“Can you hear me?” Rem asked, directly into his mind. 
As the Somni spoke, the blue lines glowed faintly.
“Yeah,” Neil replied, dazedly. “Are you going to explain this?” 
“We simply moved this one to a more convenient position along this thread. But fear not, you are in your original world, as Nox promised,” Rem explained. “To this one's family, the transition was natural. That is to say, this one did not do anything untoward or unexpected in its absence.” 
“If we're going to be communicating regularly,” Neil said, exasperated. “You could try being a little easier to understand.”
“What does this one mean?” Rem asked, as patiently as Neil had ever heard him. 
“For starters, you could stop calling me 'this one.' You know, use 'you' and 'your',” Neil replied. 
Rem waited for a moment to respond as if he were trying to wrap his head around the new mode of communication. “Very well. Neil. I will attempt to speak more plainly to... you.”
“I appreciate the effort,” Neil praised faintly. 
“It is difficult for me,” Rem added. “Somni are not accustomed to dealing with other races. Your presence is honestly slightly confusing to me. It upsets our natural order.”
“Well, I can't exactly stop existing to make things convenient for you,” Neil retorted, thinking back to their first exchange where he had nearly been reduced to atoms by his soon-to-be mentor. 
“Indeed not,” Rem agreed. “Now are we going to spend the rest of the day discussing our feelings on the matter, or shall we get down to business?”
Rem was consistent, Neil had to give him that.
“Alright, boss,” Neil said, leaning his head back against his pillow. “What's the game plan?”
“The Crossroad we are concerned with is a crucial event that will take place this evening at your friend Damian's house. Something will happen, we know not what, but you must be there to witness it occur,” Rem explained. 
“Wait, that's it?” Neil asked. “You don't have any more information than that?” 
“We observe only the surface level information about these changes. I may as well ask you about the inner workings of an ant colony. It is up to you to be at the right place at the right time. The event should be significant enough that you will not mistake it if that is any consolation,” Rem said, without any sign of sympathy. 
“Cool,” Neil sighed. “And then what am I supposed to do?” 
“Binders can read the movement of the Crossroads and correct their course. When you finally do enter the critical moment your perception of events will be rather metaphysical,” Rem began. Here, for the first time ever, his tone softened somewhat, though it retained every ounce of its original rigidity. “The experience can be quite frightening. Just know that I will be watching over you and you will not be in any personal danger. However, if you fail-”
“I get it,” Neil cut him off firmly. He didn't need to be told. Thousands of timelines erased in an instant. Trillions of lives cut short. 
“Good,” Rem uttered. “Now what is your plan?” 
“I just have to get to Damian's house, and I know the perfect way to get there.”
Angie stirred her coffee idly as she listened to Neil's proposal. The tiny booth at The Junction was not an ideal location for the chat, but it was her lunch break and the poor boy seemed so desperate. It was quiet enough for two in the afternoon, with a drizzle keeping most people off the streets.
“So you finally want to join my game?” Angie summarized. 
“Yeah, I mean,” Neil rubbed the back of his neck. His own coffee was barely touched, but the aroma was satisfying and kept him alert. “Damian always talks about how great it is.”
“Normally I wouldn't let you just pop in last second. I mean our session starts in like four hours,” Angie began. “But honestly Jack and Violet can't make it tonight so it will probably be a good one for you to test out the waters a bit.” 
Neil knew about Jack and Violet but was not familiar with them personally. Honestly the fewer unfamiliar faces the better for his purposes.
“Is this just about the game?” Angie asked, leaning into Neil slightly across the table. There was a peculiar expression on her face which Neil couldn't read. 
“What do you mean?” Neil asked, somewhat defensively. He had made the decision to wear a blue sweater today and he felt like he was drowning in it under her gaze. 
“I mean... a little birdie told me about Erica,” Angie replied, tilting her head slightly. “Do you wanna talk about it?” 
In all that had happened over the past week, Neil had completely forgotten about Erica. The girl he loved for years, and who broke his heart completely out of nowhere. He guessed he should still be feeling sad about that, and yet when the fate of the multiverse was at stake, a young romance seemed pretty insignificant.
“Oh, well yeah,” Neil shrugged. “I mean, I'm okay and all. It was just so sudden.” 
“Take it from me, breakups suck, but they also just kind of... happen, you know?” Angie said, leaning back in her seat. “It'll hit you every once in a while. You'll get reminded of them and what you had, and then, boom, you're crying into your pillow again for no good reason. But it gets easier, bud.” 
Neil coughed uncomfortably. He wasn't sure how to process this new and unsolicited advice. Naturally, his brain defaulted to asking the worst possible question.
“You've had a breakup recently too, huh?” 
Angie rolled her eyes at him. “Tactful.”
“Sorry, I'm just really bad at this,” Neil laughed. 
“Utterly hopeless. Too bad I can't teach you how to talk to women since that requires a brain,” Angie teased. 
The two chuckled nervously and there was a brief silence, during which a thousand possible conversations could have happened if either party knew what to say. Neil wondered for a moment how many different threads had just been created at this moment involving either of them being just a little bolder.
“So who all will be at Damian's place tonight?” Neil asked, as casually as he could manage. 
“Trying to meet somebody?” Angie teased. 
Neil blushed slightly. “I mean, I just wanna get a sense of the crowd, you know. Usually, when I'm at Damian's house it's just his folks and kid sister. And they have a pretty quiet household usually. It's-”
“Settle down, champ,” Angie said, knocking her fist on the table to get Neil's attention. “It's gonna be Damian, Ash, and Victoria. And now you, I guess. Which reminds me, do you already have a character created?” 
“Oh, uh,” Neil's blush intensified. Perhaps this was a bad idea after all. 
“Hang on, I always carry the Rules Cyclopedia with me in my backpack. Hope you don't have any plans for the next hour and a half,” Angie chuckled. 
Damian's house, or more accurately his father's house, was practically a castle. The post-modern nightmare was rigid white walls with wide bay windows and a wrap-around patio. It looked more like the office space of some high-tech startup than it did a residential home. To complete the effect, the home was surrounded by twelve acres of dense woodlands with neatly lined cobblestone paths. If Damian's dad had the power, he would have evicted the animals too. 
The main ground-floor living space was technically called the “sunroom” but all the shades had been drawn and track-lighting illuminated a rectangular mahogany table. Six comfortable leather desk chairs were arranged around the promising assortment of battle maps, books, bowls full of various flavors of chips, soda bottles, and even a tray of deviled eggs, courtesy of Damian's mother.
Angie sat at the head of the table, a beautifully illustrated dungeon master's screen creating a sense of distance between her and the players. She had dressed up for the occasion, with a grey wizard's robe draped over her shoulders and clip-on elf ears.
The players were more casual, the only one who really got into the spirit of the event was Damian himself, who was wearing a maroon vest and bracers to mirror his half-elf rogue character: Quem. He was sitting just to Angie's left and fidgeting with his dice.
Opposite Damian was Neil himself, who had, after considerable effort of grasping the rules of this strange new game, had settled on a gnomish wizard named Frobozz the Magnificent. This was definitely not his usual scene, and he much preferred games on a computer screen to those played with pen and paper.
But duty called.
At the end of the table were Angie's friends Ash and Victoria. Ash sat beside Damian, his chiseled features and slight stubble capturing the image of the rugged Marcus, the human fighter he played. He wore a black t-shirt bearing the album artwork from Metallica's “Master of Puppets”.
Victoria was dressed somewhat plainly in a grey v-neck and jeans but wore a black pick around her neck as a sort of talisman. Damian had mentioned that she was the guitarist of a local garage band, and the connection between these two and Angie started to make more sense. She was controlling Elwin, the halfling bard.
“Alright guys,” Angie said waving her arms in a grandiose bordering on the satiric gesture of welcome. “As you all know we are joined by a new face tonight. This is Neil.”
“Hey, man,” Ash nodded respectfully. 
“Welcome, welcome,” Victoria greeted. 
“Uh, hi everyone,” Neil replied nervously. “So yeah. First time.” 
“It'll get under your skin,” Ash said. 
“He's not wrong,” Damian chuckled. “I was just gonna play a session or two to see what I thought. Now I host the game.” 
“Yeah, Damian, I gotta say, this doesn't seem like your scene,” Neil said, feeling slightly bolstered by the presence of his friend. 
“Hey, I get to spend five hours a week pretending to be the world's greatest thief. What's not to like?” Damian shrugged. 
“He only started playing because he was trying to sleep with my friend Liana,” Angie corrected. 
“Lies and slander!” Damian chuckled a little too brazenly. 
“I mean, fair enough, you stuck around after she moved, but you were not subtle about it,” Angie added, fiddling with a sheave of notes behind her screen. 
“Get used to this,” Victoria said conspiratorially to Neil. “D&D is about 80% game to 20% trash talking.”
“Don't forget the snacks and beer,” Ash added. 
When the game finally began properly, Neil had to admit the appeal. Gone were the five random strangers sitting around a table. In their place were a team of four heroes being led through a fantasy realm through Angie's skillful story-telling.
The heroes had been tasked with the recovery of an ancient artifact from the ruins of a long-abandoned castle. Elwin, Quem, and Marcus began the session already at the gates of the castle, where they had left off the previous week. Angie used this as an opportunity to introduce Neil's character. Frobozz was a former wizard of the fallen kingdom who had been magically sealed away in the castle dungeon for many years. Now Frobozz was helping the heroes while he decided what to do with the rest of his life. It was a simple story that allowed Neil an out in case this wasn't for him.
But it was hardly necessary. Within the first hour, he already knew he loved the world that Angie had created. The castle was filled with deadly traps and terribly clever puzzles to solve. And when they reached their first combat encounter and Angie broke out the battle map and clay miniatures it went to the next level.
“I don't have a gnome wizard mini yet, so you'll have to be a goblin for now,” Angie said apologetically as she placed the figurine on the map. 
The battle was fierce, with the four of them facing off against four undead warriors, each one mirroring the players themselves. A hulking zombie still in plate mail led them, followed closely by two skeletons, one wielding a dagger and the other a bow. In the rear was a spell-slinging shade. And considering Neil did not know what he was doing, the battle was especially hectic.
It was about halfway into the melee when there was a knock on the sunroom door. Ash was explaining the finer points of the Magic Missile spell to Neil, while Victoria was desperately searching through her character sheet to see if she had any Potions of Healing left.
“Come on in!” Damian called. 
The door slid open and his little sister Talia entered the room. She was wearing a set of lime green pajamas and holding a stuffed Babar the Elephant.
“Talia, what's up?” Damian asked, walking over to the young girl.
“Mama needs your help,” Talia said. “In the kitchen.” 
The plan was for their family to have a traditional dinner around this time, but Damian would be excused to bring his plate back to the sunroom. As for the others, Mr. Levant had ordered them a couple of pizzas out of consideration for their palate.
“Hi, Talia,” Neil greeted politely. 
Talia froze in place and gave the unmasked expression of shock that only kids can truly manage. She then covered both of her eyes with her hands, and meekly muttered, “Don't talk to strangers.”
“Stranger? That's Neil,” Damian laughed. “You're being silly, kiddo.”
“Sorry, I'm not trying to frighten you, little miss,” Neil apologized, scooting his chair back in. 
Stranger... maybe I am a stranger. What if this isn't my thread after all? 
“It's about dinner time, isn't it?” Ash asked. 
“One-track mind,” Victoria teased. 
Damian ignored both of them and took his little sister's hand. “Alright kiddo, take me to her. Angie, I'll just be a few minutes.”
Neil leaned back in his chair a bit as he tried to consider what he would do as soon as Damian got back. He was in a tough fight and had no idea how to get out of the mess they were in. As his brain whirred with the possibilities Ash and Victoria were debating, he felt a pulse from the amulet.
“You are near the Crossroad now,” Rem informed him. It was clear that nobody else in the room, except him, had heard the voice. “It's not in that room. Somewhere else in the house. We still don't have a clear picture.”
Neil was taken aback. For a moment he had almost forgotten why he was there. Now that he was reminded, he needed a way to excuse himself from the group.
“Uh, I'm gonna go see if Damian needs any help,” Neil explained. 
“You can just say you're using the can, dude, we're grownups here,” Ash said. 
“Allegedly,” Victoria smirked. 
“I'm not the one who tried to seduce a dinosaur, okay?” Ash shot back, referencing some prior adventure of theirs. 
“It's a valid strategy, I'm a bard. I'm sorry you don't understand our love,” Victoria laughed. 
--- Neil slunk down the narrow T-shaped hallway from the sunroom in the southeast corner of the house into the open-layout public space. The western side of the house was an open space, with carpet for the living room half and tile for the dining room. Around the corner from this, facing the front door, was the stairwell leading up to the bedrooms. On the opposite side of this were the stairs leading down into the basement. The kitchen was off to the side of the dining room, on the opposite side of the house from the sunroom.
“So any bright ideas?” Neil whispered. 
“It seems likely that it is in the floor below you,” Rem offered. 
“I was afraid you were going to say that,” Neil sighed, moving towards the basement door and placing a hand on the basement door. 
“Talia!” shouted Damian's mother from the kitchen. “Don't touch the pan, it's still hot!” 
Neil jumped at the sudden shout, and his fingers rattled the doorknob. Footsteps approached from the stairs above him and he quickly let go, attempting to act casual. He was temporarily frozen as Anders Levant rounded the corner.
Damian's step-father was an impressive-looking man; bald but with a neatly trimmed beard that lined features nicely. He was wearing a black collar shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and draped in grey suspenders that connected to his matching pants. The man looked constantly ready for action, and this was no exception.
“Evening, Neil,” he said with a smile, but with the grain of unflinching seriousness that coated everything the man said. “Break time from the grand adventures, eh?”
“Mr. Levant,” Neil nodded. In truth, Neil had only met him once or twice before. He was something of an enigma and wasn't one for large social gatherings. “Sorry, I was just going to see if I could help your wife set out dinner.”
“Were you?” Mr. Levant said, his voice raised slightly.“ I'm certain she would welcome that. You're going to make some woman very happy someday. My generation never got taught 'woman's work', you know.” 
Mr. Levant let out a deep bellowing laugh and patted Neil on the shoulder. There was a slight, reflexive grip as he reached Neil's neck. A tight pinch, and then he let go. His touch felt like lightning at the moment, but it was over as soon as it began.
“Right,” Neil nodded. “I mean, I figured. I guess I'd better go into the kitchen then, right?”
“You know where it is, oh grand explorer,” Mr. Levant nodded. It was a statement, not a question, and it carried the subtext of dismissal. 
“Yes sir,” Neil said, sliding past Mr. Levant and walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. He glanced briefly over his shoulder to see Mr. Levant sliding a key into the basement door and locking it shut. 
“It's him.” 
Rem's message was unnecessary, as he felt a powerful burning in his chest at the sight. The pieces were falling into place right before him, and now he just had to do something about it. He had to get into that basement. Something horrible was going to happen down there. But what? And how? And how did it relate to Mr. Levant?
Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
“Pizza!” Talia cried. 
“Tiny one, that is for your brother's friends!” Mrs. Levant said. “You can have one slice after you finish your dinner.” 
“I'll get it!” Neil said, opening the front door. 
There was another way into the basement. A window on the lower level. It was narrow, but Neil was slim and he could probably squeeze his way through it. He just had to get outside and work his way around to it. This was going to require a distraction and the pizza man was perfectly timed. He opened the door to a haggard-looking college kid holding two large boxes and a couple of 2-liters.
“Hey sir, it's $18.78.” 
“I'll grab the food from you,” Neil said, taking the pizza. 
“You gonna pay for it too, Neil?” Damian asked, appearing from the kitchen and patting him on the shoulder. 
“I'll get you back for it, I promise,” Neil laughed, trying to hide his nerves. As he turned around, Mr. Levant was still standing by the basement door. 
Damian handed the guy $25. The window was closing, and he was being watched closely. He couldn't exactly bolt out the front door after the pizza guy. Holding the food and balancing the two-liters anxiously he moved towards the sunroom. Neil felt a knot forming in his stomach. His time was running out.
Then he considered another strategy. One born from desperation and recklessness.
“Rem,” Neil whispered, his lips hidden behind the two-liters. “It's Mr. Levant himself, right?” 
“Correct. What does that have to do with-”
Before Rem could finish his thoughts, Neil acted. Feigning himself slipping on his shoelaces, he barreled into Mr. Levant, food first. Pizza and soda went everywhere and Mr. Levant was knocked back against the rear wall, his head making contact with the molding of the dining room door-frame.
“Son of a bitch!” Mr. Levant cursed, as he reached back to his head. His hand came back bloody. 
Neil didn't look much better as he had hit the opposite frame, except his forehead took the brunt of it, leaving a nasty gash between his eyes.
“Oh! Daddy's bleeding!” Talia cried. 
“Dad!” Damian cried out, rushing past Neil to help his father up. 
“I'm sorry!” Neil blurted, doing his part to keep up the illusion. “I slipped, I'm so sorry!”
“Hey, is everyone alive?” Angie asked, poking her head out of the sunroom. 
“We've got to get you both to a hospital,” Mrs. Levant said, emerging from the kitchen. She had been through far worse and was doing a wonderful job of maintaining her composure. “Talia grab some towels. Damian, you start the car. Are you alright, husband?” 
“Looks like you got me,” Mr. Levant chuckled, calming down slightly as he sat up to stare Neil directly in the face. “Boy, you certainly do know how to throw a party, don't you?”
There was an understanding between the two of them at that moment. They were both going to play their part, certainly. But Neil felt it as sure as he felt the burning in his breast from the amulet, and the uncomfortable way the light glinted off of that phony smile of his. Anders Levant knew exactly what he had done, and – somehow – why he had done it. There was far more to this man than Neil could have ever possibly imagined. 
It's him, alright.
0 notes
goldenscript · 7 years
31. congratulations (m)
↳ prompt: the night we shared in the car → soccer player!jooheon
pairing: lee jooheon | reader genre: college au / fluff, smut word count: 4,527 author’s note: wishing the happiest of birthdays to my dearest @yongceo! <3 even though this was painfully late (at least painful to me), i hope you enjoy this min bean!
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4 to 4.
When soccer season rolls in, there’s only one thing on everyone’s mind—championships. It’s silly to say that something like this is nothing more than just a sport, that whatever happens that year won’t define the players (or even the audience), but that’s the thing: it does. It matters. It matters to you (an avid watcher). It matters to the coach (for obvious reasons). It matters to the players (duh!). And most of all, it matters to Jooheon, the team’s captain, who lives, breathes, and exhales this damn game.
Not only is the fate of the team’s position as a ranking school on his shoulders, but the maintenance of his members, because he demands they be in tip-top shape to even step foot on the practice field, because ironically enough, this is more than a game to him. It’s literally everything. What his entire academic career has been built around is kicking around a black and white checkered ball, practices (mornings and evenings), and the very success that he promises to bring and almost always does!
Despite only being a third year, he’s ranked as one of the top center forwards in the entire collegiate league, and he’d be damned to let that moniker go to waste. Tonight, of all nights, is the defining moment in his career, in the university’s name for their sports team. And although the first two years has been a build up of getting this very moment, everyone is still praying and hoping that he can finally be proud enough to walk off the field with an invitation to championships at the start of spring.
Even though you aren’t on the field, you can feel the nerves from the surrounding observers; hell, you can even feel them from everyone else traipsing around.  
The players are trying to tip the balance on the scale, while the audience do their best to send their best wishes to their respective sides of the bleachers. Only a minute ticks down on the fluorescent red clock, each second clicking with enough speed to readjust the beating your heart as your eyes darted the opposite ends of the field in an attempt to follow the scene before you.
Pandemonium breaks out on all ends as the ball volleys between players, one of which you recognize as your boyfriend and the other as the man who had initially been antagonizing him in the beginning, the two are going head to head, trying to gain control over the one key to their success. All this game needs is one more goal and then their school were in with a new challenge to push the team, putting them onto paths for greater and bigger things and that’s all your boyfriend needs to keep him from succumbing to the exhaustion threatening to overtake his lungs (and the fact that—you know this damn well—he’s at a very high refusal to put your good luck kiss and hair tying to waste).
He quickly jukes past the antagonizer and between two of the opposing team’s defenders, flashing the trio an almost apologetic grin because out of everyone, of course he knows just how much they wanted this win—who wouldn’t?
Without a second thought, he quickly passes the ball over to Jungkook and sends a stern nod at the taller boy. Jeon’s only a first year, but his stats are no joke, with a rising record like his, it’s no wonder Jooheon trusts him to make the final shot. The brunet gives a mighty kick, sending a flurry of black and white flying past everyone and into the net before anyone else can even blink, let alone breathe.
As if anticipating any other outcome, everyone else seems to wait until the scoreboard officially changes, gleaming brighter than the stadium lights and the final buzzer echoing into the cool night—
5 to 4.
And boy, did everyone holler.  
The roar of cheers travels down to the players like a monotonous hum, creating a veil of discordance to shroud you even as you create some distance from it. All of the noise intermingles with the heavy breathing from the players and the very faint sounds of droplets hitting the mesh of their jerseys in a not-so-pretty fashion. Well, red-cheeked, heavy breathing, and sweaty Jooheon will always be one of your favorite sights anyway...
But, between the cold sweat running down their backs and victory hanging over their heads, neither of those things could’ve stopped Jooheon from breaking away from the group’s celebratory dogpile. With his back turned away from them, his eyes scan the bleachers before they settle on you already on the field, and it’s all that he can seem to focus on.
Punctuated with a grin so bright and so blinding like the bleacher’s overhead lights, you’re quite awestruck, stopping on the track as you watch his legs carry him to you. His slick arms envelop you in a tight embrace before you can even get a word out, “Jooheon, oof—”
You literally find yourself a devoid of words, only a sensation of going airborne on this chilly post-autumnal evening. At least, the flying lasts for about a full revolution until he sets you down, still grinning and elated more than ever. “Congrats—”
Yet again he cuts you off, his lips pressed firmly against your lips before he pulls back. “Can you believe it? We really did it!”
You laugh, tightening your hold around the front of his jersey and pulling him into your arms. He falls into your touch, tightening his sudden hold on your waist. His warmth is seeping into your cold limbs and it makes you want to hold on tighter. Just to keep this moment commemorated to memory, because it feels monumental even to you. You’re about to say something when a sharp whistle breaks into the still bubble of your little world, coaxing the two of you to look up and remain planted right beside one another.
Minhyuk flashes a wolfish grin at the two of you, “Y/N, please thank Jooheonie for us, ‘kay? Party at our place if you guys are interested, too!”
The rest of the team jogs over to thank their captain, patting his shoulder, and even greeting you with kind smiles and tired eyes. It’s a sweet moment until Jooheon puts the blond in a chokehold for the crude comment.
You can’t help but laugh as you send a wink toward Minhyuk, setting your sights on Jooheon as he leads you toward the locker rooms so he can catch a quick shower before you two go out and celebrate for the night. If only he had a clue...
It’s a tradition to have a celebratory make out session in Jooheon’s car.
Often times, you’ll come by to see him after his evening practice because the library is a few blocks away from the stadium, and when you do, he’ll offer you a ride back to the residence halls. Because of this, the sight of his flushed cheeks and slick visage (because sometimes he just can’t be bothered to shower at the school when he can just do it at his apartment), you can’t help but initiate these heated moments.
They’re always involuntary, of course. Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re trying to kiss him until you look at him from the corner of his eyes trying to wipe away a droplet and it’s just… game over for you. All forms of impulse control fly out the window, and you’re meeting his eyes with the look that says it all. One moment you two are flying down the freeway toward your dormitory and another minute, you two are pulling off at the back roads near the rest stops and all you can feel is his hot, heady breath against yours and your wandering hands only a millimeter away from the one sweet spot that you’re aching to touch and he’s aching to be touched.
It’s rare for the two of you to consummate these desires in this kind of venue, where the risk of being seen and caught are at its highest, and whether the perpetrators are the roadside patrols or some passersby wandering around, but the very prospect is enticing. You quiver at the thought of stripping yourself bare just for him in the small cabin of his vehicle, straddling his lap and placing open-mouthed kisses across those glorious collarbones in a flurry of violets and faint fuschias, and the sound of your name rolling off his tongue in whimpers.
He loves it all.
He loves the thrill of whatever may come if either of you get caught,and the very act of getting lost in the heat of the moment — it’s unlike any adrenaline rush he’s ever felt during a game. He’s told you this before in a drunken stupor, lips pulled into a pout as he literally voiced his desires to be put in such a risqué position again. And truthfully, you love the pleasure and the control you’re given, because he’s never once been the one to initiate this fantasy.
Like the previous time, your hand rests on his thigh and gives a squeeze closest to his anticipating member. He stiffens the small circles he’s been tracing at your hip and pulls away from your lips to ask with caution, “What are you doing?”
You’ve long since shimmied out of your coat and the sweater, only a thin camisole covering your upper half, and the delicious heat of his skin, now slick more than ever from the close proximity of your body against his, and the heat blasting from the vents, send flames coursing up and down your body.
The flash of recognition, if only for the briefest of seconds beneath the dim lighting of the street light, doesn’t slip your notice as you run your tongue over your bottom lip. You look at him from the tops of your lashes that tell him exactly what you want. It’s exhilarating turning on this switch of seduction just for him, just to see his eyes go wide in that split second before he mirrors your ministration and his reddened bottom lip goes slick and glossy.
“Don’t you like your gift?” you answer with another squeeze to his thigh. This time it’s much closer to the sweet spot, and you feel excitement bubbling in your core. “Can I, honey?”
“W-wait,” he stammers, trying to sit up from the reclined chair. The pout forming on your lips has his stop short and the hardening length beneath you has more apparent. “I—I thought you said that last spring was going to be the last time?”
“I know,” your tone is only a little bitter because it isn’t like you wanted that to bite you in the ass right now, of all times. Because, okay, the only reason why you didn’t want to make any guarantees of this in the future was simple—the fear of losing the taste for it and the fear of getting caught because fucking Changkyun just has to point out that getting caught having car sex by the police would label you and Jooheon as sexual offenders (weird rules, but you double checked and never had the justice system more). But, also for the simple fact that you wanted to be able to surprise him with this offer as reward for things like going to championships because that was huge. So, you tell answer simply, “but consider this a token of congratulations for going to champs, baby.” 
He sighs, “This should be my reward if I win champs...”
From the doubt in his tone, you know more than anyone that Jooheon is the type of person that won’t give himself enough credit even if he deserves it. Even though championships were ages away, he was still thinking about that instead of the success in your current time. He’s prone to this thinking, disregarding his successes because he believes that if he’s stuck in just that one moment then he won’t escape and he won’t do any better than he did then, and perhaps this is yet another reason for you to show him that he deserves to celebrate moments like these. Not just for your sake or his teammates’ (Minhyuk has voiced plenty of his concerns before), but for his own and that makes you even more resolved on showing him just how precious and how well-deserved the praise he receives isn’t bullshit or obligatory nonesuch everyone’s prone to spewing when in the right moment.
You tug on his collar so he’ll look at you, the light flush on his cheeks seem to be fading but the forlorn look in his eyes makes you a little sad. Your tone is soft and careful, a twinge of whining etched between the words, “But that’s too long from now…”
“Baby…” He matches your tone, but the corners of his lips are upturned. It’s a blatant attempt to throw you off the baseless put-downs echoing through his head.
Your eyes narrow ever-so-slightly, because he should know better than anyone that there is no throwing you off this trail when you’re set on making him feel better. You trace the marks you created on his skin as you try once again, “What do you say, honey? Be adventurous for once.”
He laughs — the sound far from his usual jovial sound. In response, your features don’t relent in the slightest because as much as he’s trying to brush you off right now, there’s no way in hell you’re letting yourself getting thrown off. Not when it’s him; in your eyes, he truly deserves the world, and you refuse to let him think otherwise.
Another decision gets made that has his eyes go wide as the black cotton gets thrown off into the growing pile of clothes where your seat was. You’re about to reach for the hook of your bra until you hear him groan, “God, you’re so fucking hot right now.”
As his head hits the headrest completely and his eyes shut, you swear you hear him say under his breath, “I want you,” and knowing him, there’s no way you could’ve misheard him. In a way this gives you one more shot at getting him to concede officially because you know for a damn fact that he wants this even if he doesn’t think he deserves it.
You roll your hips against his and press your lips to his, “I know.”
Of course, you know.
If there’s one thing Jooheon has done for you (among the plenty of other things that has come with being in a relationship with him), it’s that he’s made you feel loved and appreciated in ways you never thought you could feel.
There’s a softness with him that has been so rare to find in previous significant others, it’s hard to imagine you ever let yourself date anyone else, because he makes you feel beautiful and loved. He’s patient even when you’re taking ages to find the right blouse and encouraging when everything else has sapped your strength. Sometimes just looking at him gives you motivation to keep going, to keep growing as a person, and that’s what being with someone should be like — even if you’re made for yourself, others can help you grow into yourself. They can love you and help you along the way of your journey, and with him, it’s always been a steady growth, with the natural ups and downs, and you know that in all that time he’s only ever tried to make you feel like how he sees you.
Even though you haven’t done the same as often as you wish you did, you absolutely refuse to let this opportunity to do exactly what he’s done for you to slip past your fingers, because goddammit, you love Lee Jooheon and knowing that he loves you too will always have you wanting the best for him and his golden heart.
He relinquishes a moan, his warm breath brushing against your skin. He’s fallen into your clutches from the rutting of your hips are met with some reciprocation and the caress of his fingertips assisting you in the removal of your brassiere. A rush of tranquil focus settles between the two of you as you calculate your next move and do exactly what feels good for the both of you.
As soon as that article of clothing joins the rest of the pile, his hand rests back on your hips and guides you against him for a best taste of the unrelenting friction between your leggings and his jeans. You can feel his length straining now that it’s begging to be free, but you keep him in place to grab the bottom of his shirt and lift it up and over him to join the ever-growing tower beside you two. It’s an intimate moment as you slide your hands up and down his torso and let your bare skin touch his before capturing his lips once more.
The pillowy softness is an addictive feeling as you kiss him over and over again, resting your hands on the sides of his face because you want him to know you’re here and you’re not going anywhere. You hope that each time he tastes you, he’ll taste the love and affection you always wish to show him even if you can’t with the stresses of school weighing on your shoulders. You hope that whatever fears plaguing his mind are silenced, if only for this moment, just to give the two of you this moment together.
What you relish in the most isn’t just the thrill of possibly getting caught, it’s the stillness of the road where no one pays a damn mind to either of you two and lets you both be as you are. Everyone has their own destination, sometimes they’re not even there to congregate on the road, and the camouflage of the back roads have always tickled your fancy for the privacy. The very intimacy of having him all to yourself while everyone else is off doing their own thing, whether it’s his roommates throwing a party or your fellow RAs covering your shift because neither of you really ever have the time to breathe with the loom of responsibility and the obligation of education resting on your shoulders.
You know damn well that when you make the most of your time with Jooheon, you want to feel good and you want him to feel good, so the moment he releases another whimper, a lot more pained than before, you ease off him and search his visage for an answer.
“What? What’s wrong, baby?” your voice is no louder than a hushed murmur, awaiting a response now that he seems a little less in pain but still discomfort riddled over his fair-skinned features.
His response is soft in tone, but far from innocent, relinquishing flames all across your core: “I really, really want you, Y/N….”
There’s just something about these small admissions that get you albeit they come every-so-often from him, hearing it is all the more motivation for your confidence to spike and a sense of control to wash over you.
Your fingertips draw soothing circles across his forearm, “Well, all you had to do was ask.”
“You little shit,” he scoffs with a smile on his lips.
You wink at him, “Only for you.”
Sitting on the pile of clothing, you use that opportunity to shimmy out of your leggings and underwear as he kicks off his jeans and shoves his boxers down to his ankles. He grabs a spare T-shirt from his open duffle bag in backseat and places it beneath him and his hand reaches past you for the box of condoms he keeps in the glove compartment. He’s about to beckon you over now that he’s fully equipped to the onslaught of pleasure that’s to come with you, but before he can slip on the condom, you take matters into your hands.
Slipping the rubber onto him, you make sure to involve an additional pressure just to hear a sharp exhale part his lips. Sometimes akin to your name floats across the air, enough to act on your own desires by coming back to him. He always manages to soften your resolve even as you attempt to tease him and draw out these moments you share together. It’s been far too long since you’ve had this much free time with him, and having it makes it a little too hard not to just jump him right on the spot.
You’re careful not to bump your head, musing now that you’ve settled yourself back onto his lap, “Better?”
“Fuck yes,” he groans, bucking his hips against your exposed core. Your excitement is bubbling over though it’s not as obvious as your beloved boyfriend’s. The feeling of his hardened member elicits a shudder, however.
A part of you already wanting to relinquish your own moan just out of the sheer possibilities that’ll come within the hour, but instead you shakily ask as you rise from your spot and position him to your entrance, “Ready?”
“Y-yes,” he says, nodding slower now that you’re beginning to ease him into you. He throws his head back, a rather loud thump! considering just how close your proximity is, though he gives you no time to react as he shuts his eyes and places on hand on your hip and the other on the side of your face.
With his fingertips poised against your skin, there’s nothing else you want in this world—of course, aside from your degree and a well-paying job. Being with Jooheon is nothing less than a fairytale mixed with the reality that not everything is as easy as getting the prince, but the butterflies and the wondrous adoration you feel for him hasn’t lessened even a little bit over the years. From the old days in high school when you two had to sneak around your dad’s back to the days when he worked at that café pining from afar; who knew this is what would come from your friends’ meddling? (They say they didn’t but you know damn well that Changkyun and his rival wanted nothing more than the formation of this relationship and its flourishing.)
To you, it’s amazing how much time and how much chance has come to play in both your lives—that these precious moments you two could share would be so gentle despite how raucous the venues would be. Although you weren’t always this kind of person to do these sorts of things, you’ve found that sharing them with him makes them better. It’s not cheap or quick with this man; in fact, it’s beautiful and memorable.
The sounds he makes are nothing short of your name and the thing he would do—the oh-so-glorious things—that only seem to make your hips respond with fluid sharpness until you’re absolutely certain that the spot getting hit is in fact the spot. Because although you two have had time and experience to learn one another’s bodies, there is still lots of learning to do—the sort you don’t mind in the slightest knowing that your growth is in sync with him.
Your evolution together has led to these moments—special ones—that you’ll carry for as long as you live. This car as beat-down and well-worn as it is carries more memories than any journal can, it’ll commemorate the night he won qualifiers, and hell, it’ll probably do the same for when he actually does win championships. Or maybe it’ll be the place you comfort him. Either way, it’s a place that as unconventional as it is stands to be your favorite one where you share laughs, memories, and conversations that can’t seem to parallel any other.
“Oh fuck,” you murmur against his lips, rolling your hips once more in the same manner as the previous, you find yourself hit the perfect spot.
He perks up, kissing your cheek and making his way down your neck. “There, baby?”
“Y-yes,” you whimper, continuing the same ministrations. “N-no marks, honey!”
He pouts, nodding against your neck and tickling your visage with his wonderfully soft dark locks. “Love you~”
You smile, placing your hands on both sides of his face just so he can face you. “And I love you, too.”
You smile, placing your hands on both sides of his face just so he can face you. “And I love you, too.”
He’s looking at you, even in the half-assed lighting you can see that he’s looking at you like you’re the best damn thing in the world again. It doesn’t happen as often as many think, but when you catch it on off-chances like this one, you’re left awestruck. The very need to show him just how much he means to you overtaking your body, though it seems he wants to do the same exact thing.
He gives you yet another kiss, this time with a fervent hunger as he puts his all into this one gesture that has you reeling. Your heart goes haywire in your chest, pressing closely against his as you match his pace down below even with your thighs filling with lactic acid and crying for mercy, you can’t help but continue on to finish off that high that’s overtaken you both.
With his name on the tip of your tongue already entering the heady air of the car, you feel the euphoria of warmth and bliss so hot, you’re practically writhing at his touch. It’s like this every single time. Each shared moment seemingly newer than the last like everything has changed each time you both come together. The sight is dim and seedy, but you can make out his half-lidded eyes and his parted lips. It’s truly a sight to behold.
As soon as your own name departs his lips not too long afterwards, leaving you even hotter as you bring his lips back to yours once more for that final kiss.  
You grin up at him, stroking back the stray locks of dark hair. “Seriously. Congratulations, honey.”
“Thank you, baby,” he replies, nuzzling your cheek with his nose. “Thank you so much.”
Twenty minutes later, the two of you are clean and headed toward your dormitory. His hand is held in yours, giving a squeeze every-so-often just to hear your soft giggle and receive a squeeze right back. The warmth in your heart wholesome and encompassing, even at the stoplight where a soft silence lapses beyond the music playing at the lowest volume in the background.
“I love you,” you decide to say, looking over at him with what you’re sure is the same adoration he always musters around you. You don’t do this because you know he loves it, rather you do it because you want to—you feel it in your heart.
He presses his lips to your forehead, “I love you too.”
And he does. You know that, and hearing it makes you feel like you’ve won some sort of qualifier for championships.
If only you knew just how much he thought this was better than winning any kind of game.
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Every You Every Me (11/15)
Pairing : Tony!Father x Reader!Daughter x Steve x Avengers
Warnings: swearing, some tears, fight, violence, idk Summary: You are Tony’s daughter, everything was normal until you recall your past in your nightmares.
A/N : Tony POV, I’ll fix grammar later.  Spiderman appears in this chapter. 
Chapter 1   Chapter 2.1  Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6   Chapter 7     Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14
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"Why did you told her, Tony?" Steve said as he walked towards me.
"What? you still wanted to play dumb with her?, leaving her in the Tower every day without giving her any reason?" I said while checking my iron suit.
Steve said nothing, instead he look at me with a glare.
"Well, guess what Cap, I'm tired of that so I told her, she will understand it later" I said with the same glare.
"You could always say so in other terms, Tony" Wanda said as she glared at me.
"Hey man, I know she's your daughter and stuff but, you literally make her feel like shit" Sam said with a tired voice.
"What? Now I'm the villain? fine!, but this is the best for her and you all agreed with it, don't forget that!" I turned around to see the rest of the team.
"Now, lead the way, Cap" I told Steve, really this was going to be a long and hated mission.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. check the location again" I commanded.
"You did that five minutes ago Tony, and nothing happened" Natasha said as she looked at the long corridor.
"Well, if you have a better option, then let it out" I told her and she just rolled her eyes.
"Next time we have a mission like this, I swear I'll stay with Y/N in the Tower" Sam said in the comms.
"Do you think she still there? I mean, what if she really left?" I heard Wanda answer.
"She is there, she's not going anywhere, or else F.R.I.D.A.Y will tell me, so focus in the goddam mission!" I said tired of all this problem, since we arrived everyone hasn't stop about it.
"Really? Look around Tony! This place it's cold and empty like your heart!" I heard Clint.
"Can you all stop being childish! I said I would talk to her after we end here" I said as I looked at Natasha.
"You better do that Tony, if not, I swear that I will make Bruce smash all your lab" she said as she walked away from me.
"We apologize for interrupt this program to inform you that, Robocop found a room with all our answers! " Sam said excited.
"Finally! Where is it?" Clint asked in the comms.
"Basement, sixth door to the left. BRING LIGHTS!" Sam said.
"Copy that, we arrive in 5" Cap said.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. make a scan of the basement" I told the A.I. but nothing happened.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y?" I asked again but the system appeared 'frozen'
"What happened?" Natasha asked me.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y glitched" I told her surprised.
"Well, that happens pretty often in that kind of tech" Natasha said as she kept walking, Vision and I behind her.
"Not my tech, so this is weird, I'll check it when we arrive home" I said while taking my helmet off.
"No. You will talk to Y/N FIRST when we arrive to the Tower. Later, you can fix your toys" Natasha said as she turned around to face with a glare.
"I meant that! What kind of father you think I am?" I told her with my hands in mock of surrender.
"I rather not answer that" she said as she turned her body to keep walking.
"Unbelievable, you say one thing wrong and you're the villain, but you gave them suits, weapons, a place to stay, and you're nothing but an asshole" I mumbled to myself.
"Matters because it's how and to whom you said so" Vision said and I looked at him confused.
"We all agreed to keep Y/N away from missions because maybe it's the best way to keep her away from her past, but we never agreed to leave her behind in every possible way" Vision said.
"You're now talking like a father Vision, something you want to tell me?" I said with a raised eyebrow.
"There's no joke in what I said, just stop treating her like a bomb that will explode in any second, she's our friend, your daughter, not a weapon" he said with a sad smile.
"Well, I will, I promise" I told him after listening to them, I didn't even know I treat her that way.
"Stark, be my guest and open the way to the lady" Natasha said with a smirk as she pointed with her finger the stairs towards the basement.
"You know, there's a good reason why in the Tower the basement it's 'Spooky 5', but, just because I want to change my reputation with all of you, I will" I said while placing my palms in front of me to make light.
We descended the stairs until we saw Sam in the distance.
"First place, Team Iron Man! Now come and take care of your children" Sam said with a roll of his eyes.
"I was wondering why he hasn't said something in all this time" I said as we entered the room.
"Well, this for sure it's a surprise, not because he has tape in his mouth, but who the heck brought the tape?" Natasha said with a smiled as she saw Peter's mouth.
"You know how hard it's to take glue from the suit?" I said tired as Peter waved at me.
"I brought the tape when I saw he was going to be part on my team! Really Stark? of all the possible combinations you made you gave me the worst, I have to me a nanny for a Tin man and a thirteen year old spider" Sam said while rolling his eyes.
"He's fifteen, actually" Bucky said with shrugged.
"Now you are friends with him?" Sam said as he turned his face to looked at him.
"Well, it's the only thing he says, so..." Bucky said again as he shrugged.
"Alright, alright. What did you find Bucky?" I asked him.
"Well, don't you see? All this computers had the data we need" He said as he pointed to the computers.
"Fine, they work?" I asked as I walked to one of them.
"Well, I don't know if ALL of them work, but at least, all in the front row do" Bucky said.
"Okay, help me here Tin Man and check the other ones, Vision, Nat, help him. Sam, check the entrance, I'm going to surf " I said as I checked the computer.
"Don't you ever say that again Tony" Natasha said with a cring.
"I have better quotes, leave me alone" I said with a chuckle.
And then out of nowhere we all heard a big noise, we prepared for any kind of trumble when he heard Sam.
"Clint! I told you to bring lights! Why you never listen?!" Sam said trying to hold his laugh.
"Not my fault, Wanda pushed me" we heard Clint.
"What? I did not! you kept walking and I tried to hold you!" Wanda said.
"Stop acting like kids and let's check the room" Cap said and all we knew, he wasn't anything  but happy.
"Tony, just for you to know, don't make Steve get angry right now, he really wants to fix things with Y/N and his mind is going crazy trying to find a way" Bucky said in a low voice before Steve came in.
"Stark, what he have?" He said in his 'Cap voice'
"Well, Capsicle, Bucky found this computers that may have intel, but, at least this four are empty, Nat, Bucky and Vision are checking the other ones" I told him while moving to other computer.
"Why does Peter have tape on his mouth?" Wanda said as she looked at Peter.
"Obvious reasons, Wanda" Sama said as he mocked with his hand 'he talks to much'.
"Oh, I see, nice touch" she said with a smile.
"The final row it's empty too, I guess there's nothing in them" Natasha said with a frown.
"Then why we have a mission here? If there's no intel or Hydra agents, what are we doing here?" Clint asked as he rubbed his knees.
"I don't know anymore, maybe it's something we haven't see" Natasha said as she looked around the room.
"Maybe there's something in the other rooms" Steve said as he looked at the room too.
"We already check" said Bruce as he entered the room with T’Challa and Thor.
"Something interesting?" Wanda asked.
"Chairs and tables, just that" T'challa said.
"Well, I don't know what you want to do Cap, but we already checked every spot here" I told him.
"Let's go and check if-"
"Hello Avengers! I hope you’re having fun with the fake mission..."
We heard a voice in the room and in seconds all the computers came to life with a video.
"Who the fuck it's he?" Bucky said as he saw the same video.
"Is that the Tower?" Natasha said as she looked at the image.
"What?!" Everyone said and look at the computers.
"...Well I just wanted to let you know… thank you for preparing everything to take ‘Y/N’, how you call her, away from you, nice touch from you."
"What it's happening?! Is he in the Tower?! Stark!" Steve said but i could only see the image, indeed, it was the Tower, what was happening?.
"...Well, this message should be her goodbye, it’s the last time you will see 'Y/N’, have fun trying to find her, Auf Wiedersehen..."
And in those seconds, the camera moved and I saw Y/N in the floor, blood and red marks in her skin, but worst of all, she wasn't moving at all. And then it hit me, 'the last time you will see her'.
I was frozen but I started to panic, they took her away from me, and I was far away from her, I couldn't help her right now. I looked at Steve, he was frozen in place too, looking at the image of Y/N in the floor, his hand balled in a fist and he punched the computer, breaking it in million pieces. He looked at me and I didn't know what to say or do, the only thing I knew was that just maybe, we still have some time.
"I'm not letting them take her away" I told Steve and he nodded.
"To the Quinjet! Now!" Steve ordered and we all left the building.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y! call Y/N right now!" I said when I put on my helmet, anxiety was growing inside of me.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.! Goddam it! Call her!" I shouted again when I had no answer.
The flight to the Tower was the second fastest we had, but when we saw at the distance the Tower, my heart clenched. All the windows were broken, just like if there were a hell of a fight.
We all ran inside the Tower, screaming for Y/N, looking for her. F.R.I.D.A.Y. wasn't enabled, maybe they shut it down, but there wasn't answers, there wasn't any sign of Y/N, just blood everywhere, Hydra agents in all the path towards the comm room.
And the I saw in the floor her broken wristband, I kneeled in the floor to take it with my shaking hands and I broked when I finally held it, I knew she tried to protect herself with the iron suit, I knew she tried, and that just broke me more.
"Tony, Vision fixed F.R.I.D.A.Y. in any moment we can have footage of what happened" Bruce said behind me.
"It's my fault Bruce" I mumbled as I held the wristband tighter against my chest.
"Tony, you can't blame yourself right now" Bruce said as he placed a hand in my shoulder.
"Look around Bruce! It smells like death here! her blood is in the floor and walls, and it's no my fault?! she could have saved herself I wasn't disabled her suit" I said as I showed him the wristband.
"You what?" Bruce said surprised "You disabled her suit?!" he said now annoyed.
"So it’s a tech problem"
We heard her voice and we went to the common area to see the footage, everyone was already there. We saw her go to the basement and check all the installation until she doorbell rang. She went there to greet Mr. Lee, in this part the sound wasn't pretty clear, we all saw her normal movements when, she leaned in the doorframe, hiding her wristband from Lee, her hand was ready to activate the suit, but why?. And then, the postman grabbed her wrist and Y/N smashed the box in his face.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y! Code Red! Inform my father!”
She shouted as she kept running inside the Tower, in the other camera, the postman changed it appearance into the man we saw in the videos.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y! Code Red!"
She kept running until a laser cutted her arm, she turned around and smashed the flying robot, then she kept running, until the windows broken. We saw the Hydra agents trying to get hold on her, but she wasn't giving them the opportunity, she wasn't lying when she said she double her training, she fighted against all of them and I turned around to see the others.
"She's Lilian there" Wanda said as a tear crossed her cheek.
And she was right, Y/N may have trained and get the ability to be a better fighter, but, in that scene, in that moment, Y/N was Lilian, hate and rage moved her, the style of fight was just like Hydra.
"Time to go home"
She turned around and the man was behind her. She put on the iron suit but nothing happened.
"Fucking hell Tony!"
"What happened there?" Steve asked and everyone turned their head to face me.
"It thought it was better that way, but I was wrong" I told them without looking at them, but I knew, Bucky was holding Steve.
The man walked to her and disabled her suit, it first shocked me, why the fuck he knows how to disable the suit?!. Y/N fell to the ground like a ragdoll, and then, the man started the video we saw in building. Then, he took Y/N and left.
I really didn't see it coming but a second later I was in the floor while Cap punched me in the face over and over again.
"You gave them Y/N! You let them take her away!" Steve said over and over again.
Bucky and Sam tried to take Steve away from me, and when they finally moved him away, Bruce and Vision helped me up.
"She's gone Tony! She's gone because of you!" Steve said and when I looked at him, I saw tears of rage in his eyes.
"What are they going to do with her? Fucking hell Tony say something!" Steve said again as he tried to move away from Bucky and Sam.
"I'm not letting them take her away for ever Steve" I told him as I cleaned my bloody nose.
"What?" He said confused and everyone looked at me.
"She's my daughter, and no one will take her away from me" I said as I tried to compose myself.
Taglist: @kgbrenner @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @castellandiangelo @koizorahana
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boelca · 7 years
- lol you know that feeling when you get too excited and do a little much weLL HERE YA GO SAY HI TO LEE. I only did the first 10 questions on the fan apprentice ask meme by @gooddoctorjules on this one, so I’ll probs do another post later yaaaayyy -
You've heard about them: the magician and his apprentice, the fortunetellers with scary accuracy, the manipulators of the unknown. You've heard of their shop, tucked away in some dark corner, full of thingamabobs and doodads the likes of which you've never seen, the feeling of something in the air. You've ventured near the shop a handful of times, curious as others before you had been about the truths that the building held, but you've never had the courage to go in.
But things change, and you need help, guidance, something, anything to guide you. You're at a precipice of unparalleled proportions, and some divine counsel from those whose names are whispered in all parts of the city, whether or not their skills are for real or if they're just another set of cons, may just be what you need to gain some control over your life once more.
It is just barely after sunset when you knock on the old wooden door, the dying light of the sun splaying across its now-smooth grains. You hesitate (taking yet another deep breath while doing so), before pushing open the door and striding inside in a fashion that you hope appears at least somewhat confident. Some of that confidence deflates, however, when you realize that there is no there, save for a somewhat intimidating dog that's just staring at you from its space in front of a set of curtains. You swallow hard, before your eyes alight upon a small bell sitting on the counter. Tentatively, you ring it, and a light, "A moment, please" seems to come from absolutely no where. You whip your head around, trying to find the source of the voice, when you notice a very peculiar... skull?
Slowly walking towards it, you notice that there are blue gems where eyes are supposed to be, and a sense of need rolls over you. You don't know why, but you've always needed this exact skull... and what on earth is that delightful scent? It reminds you of being back home, the gentle waves tickling your feet and your sister's favorite perfume, of the life you left behind by coming here. Maybe, if you take this skull, you'll finally feel right again, maybe-
"Please, don't." As if knocked out a trance, you whirl around to find the speaker, and you feel as if you've lost the ability to breathe as you take in the person in front of you. Long, fluffy, raven bangs cover their left eye, (something you can't help but feel a little grateful for, as the piercing gaze you get from the single slate eye makes you feel as if you've been stripped down to your barest pieces, as if the person in front of you knows everything about you from that one look), and their full lips are set in a hard line, making you feel as if you've been caught with your hand in the forbidden cookie jar.
Overwhelmed, trying to divert their attention from digging too deep, you blurt out, "Tell me my fortune!"
1. What is their full name? What does it mean? Do they go by any nicknames/aliases? All they know is Lee. Whether or not there's a last name to go with it, they have no clue. They've tried asking Asra but... well, you know. They feel like there's something missing, though... maybe, just maybe, there's more to their name than they knows? They also answer to "Apprentice," "Asra's Apprentice," etc.
Lee (by itself) means pasture or meadow. They have no memory of their last name and never really bothered making one up. If asked, they just use the letter A, which is short for Apprentice.
2. Do they have a familiar? What is it? Yes! Elam the Doberman, Lee's precious familiar! Like Lee, Elam has a very serious, no-nonsense personality. He's very protective of Lee, as well as of Asra and Faust. He kind of comes and goes as he pleases during the day, but he always comes back home during the night to help Lee sleep. He's not very excitable, but he can't help but throw the puppy eyes when someone makes sweet potatoes.
Elam just kind of appeared a year prior to when the The Arcana is set. He showed up one day around the shop looking for food, and Lee made sure to set something out. This continued for a few months until they got comfortable around each other, and then everything sort of fell into place.
3. What type/s of magic do they specialize in? Besides the obvious divination and being able to read the Arcana, Lee dabbles a lot but hasn't really committed to anything. Jack of all trades, master of none fits them pretty well. They know a little healing, can do a few parlor tricks (like lighting candles without a match and putting out candles w/o being near them), can make a few potions, can cast weak/light protection charms on small stuff, etc. They like to know a little bit of everything in case something comes up. The only thing that they're actually pretty good at is reading the Arcana.
4. Which of the major arcana best represents them? The Hermit: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
5. What animal best represents them? The Lion: "You are fiercely independent, confident, and in control which is balanced by a quiet demeanor. You are also a creative and influential force... Most people with this totem are very loyal, and will defend friend and family honor to the death." [x]
6. Describe their grimoire profile. Name: Lee Brief Description: The cool, composed apprentice who just can’t remember the past. ♍ Favorite Food: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Honey Favorite Drink: Green Tea Favorite Flower: Gladiolus
7. What is their Myers-Briggs type? ISTJ: The Logistician
8. What is their natural alignment (lawful/neutral/chaotic good/neutral/evil)? Lee floats between Lawful Good and Neutral Good. They have a strong moral compass that dictates most of their actions, regardless of how they feel about a person. This moral compass typically aligns with the law, but there have been a few... notable discrepancies.
9. Which Hogwarts house would they be in? Agggghhhhh, Lee would probably be in Gryffindor? They reeaallly toe the line between the two, and I would put them in Slytherin, but their ambition is kinda... nonexistent lol. Kinda going back to the whole moral compass thing, Lee does what they think is right and is 100% unapologetic, and they don't mind stepping in if they feel someone is doing something they deem "wrong," no matter the situation, and if that isn't a sort of reckless bravery, idk what is. Also, disgustingly confident in themselves, like Jesus, doubt yourself a little like the rest of us, okay?
10. Of the nine intelligences (logical-mathematical, existential, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, spatial, naturalist, musical, linguistic), which is their greatest strength? Their greatest weakness? Greatest Strength: Intrapersonal - Lee is very aware of themself, and they know how their own limits and abilities. Greatest Weakness: Kinesthetic/Musical - Lee has literally no musical talent whatsoever and has no interest in changing that. As for the kinesthetic side, they keep themselves in healthy condition, and they know a lot of the facts, but if you throw a ball at them or try to force them into doing some kind of a dance, they're gonna be a little pissed.
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Also another little Lee to enjoy, this one also from RinmaruGames
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cooperjones2020 · 7 years
Second City, chp. 4
Summary: Sometimes she worries she’s settling — for a smaller job, a smaller city, a smaller life than she’d promised herself — but that was before she found out Jughead Jones lives in Chicago. That was before she found out the final secret of Jason Blossom’s murder.
A/N: In my brain, they have three drinks over a period of 4-5 hours, so Jughead is fine to ride the mile or so from the bar to his house. I even calculated it and his peak BAC without food is .046.
A/N 2: This chapter is just a continuation of the previous scene because it got too long, so I reprinted the end of it if you don’t remember :)
Second City one / two / three
Nobodies Nobody Knows one / two (ao3)
In which Jughead Jones turns the tables
(Previously on Second City:
“Did your routine change? Anything in the physical process of how you wrote?”
“Definitely. Being an established author has conveyed a huge privilege on me. The Final Fissure was written in spare time at school or late nights at the diner. I’m still a nighttime writer. I still can’t write at home, I need people around me to observe. But writing gets to be the focus of my day now. I’ve also gotten better at letting other people see my writing. As a teenager, I was obsessive about making it perfect first.”
“Oh I remember.” They’re both facing ahead, so the recorder has a better angle, but she can see him smiling at her out of the corners of her eyes.
“But now, sometimes it’s just get it on the page and send it off, especially if I’m under a deadline. Still, though, I like some feedback if only to reaffirm my own conviction that I’m headed in the right direction. Actually, Archie looked at a few chapters of Sweetwater Subtext pretty early on.”
“Really? I can’t see him as a particularly dedicated editor.”
Jughead’s laugh is big, his head is thrown back and his shoulders shake. “No, definitely not. But it was more feedback on the content I was looking for, than the style. Whether I was crossing a line with anything.”
“Well, color me intrigued.”
She takes a risk. “I’m surprised Archie didn’t tell you I was moving here.”
“Yeah, well, we don’t exactly talk about you.” It hurts. She knows it shouldn’t. She knows it makes sense. But it does. Because it sounds like ‘I don’t think about you.’
“Right, obviously. That was stupid of me.” Way to ruin it, Betty. “On a related note, what do you owe to the real people upon whom you base your characters?”
“That’s a question I’ve been wrestling with. The best answer I’ve been able to come up with, insufficient as it is, is honesty.”)
She manages to recover, even somewhat gracefully. They speed through the rest of her questions. She barely has to look at her notes, except as an excuse to break eye contact when the butterflies get too intense. She realizes, wounded pride aside, that she’s actually having fun.
“Okay, let’s get back to Sweetwater Subtext for a second. As we’ve said, The Final Fissure had an obvious ending point with the reveal of the murderer. I know you can’t give me any spoilers, but what’s next for these characters? Will there be a third entry in this series?”
“Unclear.” She lifts her eyes to his and they seem to burn into her, like he’s trying to tell her something she’s afraid to translate.
“Oh. Um, okay. Any idea what does come next then?”
“Well, The Final Fissure is gonna be a TV show. We’re still working out if I’m going to be involved, though right now I’m leaning no.”
She pulls the hair tie off her wrist and moves to put her hair up, then lets it slide out of her hands when it’s shorter than she expects. She knows she has enough material, knows this is going to be good, but she doesn’t want to stop. She feels drunk off Jughead’s words, like she’s a teenager sneaking champagne at a cousin’s wedding.
He interrupts her while she’s still formulating her next question. “Would you mind if we took a break? I could use some food.”
“Oh of course, I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize, I was just on a roll earlier and skipped dinner.”
“Jughead Jones voluntarily skipped a meal?”
“I wouldn’t call it voluntary. Sometimes the muse is actually a slave driver.”
It’s now closing in on 11, which means the dinner menu has been replaced by the late night menu, so they order baskets of a variety of fried things.
“I didn’t mean it like that earlier. It’s just, I don’t know, I think it would be kind of weird if me and Archie talked about you. That whole same-ex-girlfriend thing.”
Betty lets out a soft sigh. “Sometimes I even forget we dated. It was such a weird, hazy time in my life. I fought so hard for so long to be my own person, not Polly’s sister or Alice’s daughter. By the time senior year came around, I was tired of fighting everyone’s expectations. Veronica was back in New York, you were on the south side. We were the only two left, of the core four, and it just made sense, you know? So we went to the back to school dance together, and then homecoming, and then winter formal. And before you know it was prom and we’d been dating for eight months.”
“I always thought you two would get married and have the 2.5 kids and white picket fence thing. You know, even when we were dating, I think I thought that in the back of my mind.”
She rolls her eyes. “I know. It wasn’t in the back of your mind. I seem to recall a certain speech in a certain red-headed person’s garage at a certain other person’s birthday party.”
“God, I’m never going to live that one down. Once I managed to go an entire eleven months without thinking about it, and then the memory just crept back in. Here, Jughead, you think you’re making progress on your social skills, well remember this?”
Betty laughs. “Well that was never in the cards for me and Archie, and I didn’t want it to be. Dating him was just…comforting you know? Comfortable. And I could really use that then.”
“Do me a favor and promise me that you will never tell Archie that. You guys may be best friends and he may be ass over elbows for Veronica now, but no guy wants to know that sex with him was just comfortable.”
She holds up a pinkie and waits for Jughead to take it. “I promise.”
“I was surprised, when I walked into Mary’s and found you.”
“I had gathered that. Though you were probably no more surprised than I was.”
“What made you decide to move?”
Betty exhales, nervous about answering truthfully but wanting to nonetheless. “I was just so sick of New York, sick of my job. I was running on a cycle of adrenaline—benzodiazepines—caffeine—melatonin that was unsustainable. I got home from a stakeout one morning at 5 am and I realized I was doing important things for other people, breaking big stories, but as a result I missed out on doing important things for myself. I was making decisions I otherwise wouldn’t have made.
“Then I got a call from Cynthia—my editor—offering me the job here. It was a deus ex machina, just what I needed at just the right time dropped out of the sky. It felt like a good time to pull the rug out from under myself. To look for a new dream.”
She’d worked so hard to get to a place where could break those big stories, doing the investigative journalism she’d always wanted. But it wasn’t what she’d imagined it would be.
“And that’s okay, you know? I feel like the hardest part is telling other people, people who knew me then. Like I’m afraid they’re going to think I’ve compromised, but I’m happy. Dreams change. Well, at least for most of us,” she ends by nudging him with her elbow.
Jughead looks at her like he believes her, like he doesn’t pity her.
“I think you probably filled your quota of breaking big stories before you even left high school. I’m glad you realized you weren’t happy and did something about it.” He pauses and takes a big breath. “And I’m glad you’re here. Glad we could do this.”
She smiles at him, the corners of her lips curving down. “Me too.”
Time for a change of topic. “Polly said Jellybean works at Pop’s now.”
“Yeah, for about a year.”
“Does that mean you get free burgers?”
“No. Only half-price. But yeah, she mentioned last week that Polly and your mom come in sometimes with the twins.”
Betty can’t help the goofy grin that breaks out at the mention of her niece and nephew. “Yeah. Her and my mom have gotten a lot closer the past couple years. Since my dad died.”
“Oh, Betts, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. He’d been sick for a while. We…made our peace with it. With each other. But you know what’s sick? My mom’s been happier since. Like thirty fucking years and I’m pretty sure they were both miserable almost the whole time. How do you get to the point where it’s not even worth trying to go after happiness?”
“Sometimes you fall into a pattern that isn’t worth the effort it would take to break. Not everyone is as brave as you. I’m certainly not. And they had other things they were living for. Polly. You. I think that’s something I’ve learned since FP got out. My mom died, too, before— well, before. I think that’s that one thing that really fucked my dad up. That he didn’t get a chance to make it right with her. I’m sure it’s why he’s been a model citizen ever since.”
“No, Juggie. He was always so proud of you. I’m sure it’s for you. For what you’ve done for him, and for Jellybean.”
“Did Archie ever tell you about Thanksgiving our sophomore year of college?”
“No. That’s the first one he spent here, right?”
“Right. Mary and Mike had just moved in together, in the house they’re in now. I don’t think he was quite ready to see Mommy share a room with someone other than Daddy. Over the course of the morning, his face got redder and redder until it matched his hair. Then, when we were about to sit down for dinner, he flipped out and somehow wound up spraying mashed potatoes all over the table.”
“What! Oh no!” Years later and Betty feels the burgeoning heat of secondary embarrassment for her best friend.
“Yeah, it was great. Mary locked him outside.”
“I would have too.”
“And while all that was going down, I was upstairs, face timing with Jelly, who was still in Ohio then. I came down to Archie outside, Mary crying, and food everywhere.”
“So what happened?”
“Well, after we cleaned up the worst of it, Mike and I ate like nothing was wrong. Archie and Mary made up after a few hours. I never did get any mashed potatoes though.”
“Obviously the worst part. Oh god, the twins had been in their terrible threes that year. I spent the whole day going back and forth referring their screaming and then my parents’.”
“Mine’s worse.”
“It is. Which means I will get us the next round of drinks.”
“That is an offer you will never hear me turn down.” Her heart stops when he smiles at her, one dark curl dropping in front of his face.
She lifts her empty water glass up and twists it back and forth in her fingers, swishing the melting ice cubes around. He looks at her upturned palm for a beat too long, and she realizes he’s looking for her half-moon scars.
“I don’t do that anymore. I…haven’t since college.”
“Can I ask what made you stop?”
“I had to de-escalate. It didn’t work at first. I just switched to picking at my skin—my nails or acne or scabs. I still have pretty bad scars on my shoulders. But when I got to college, I was able to see a therapist who my mom couldn’t interrogate so that helped. She told me to hold an ice cube when I have the urge to do something destructive.” She doesn’t know why she’s telling him all of this, but for the simple fact that he seems to genuinely want to know.
“An ice cube?”
“Yeah, to cup it in the palm of my hand. Anyway, I’m a work in progress.” She’s been looking at her hand, but she switches to his face. “Wait. How did this turn into you interviewing me?”
“Well technically we’re still on our dinner break.”
“Okay, whatever.” She turns the recorder back on and asks him a few more perfunctory questions about release dates and promotional schedules. His answers are just as perfunctory, so his must be too.
“I should probably go home soon.” He just stares at her. When she begins to pack up the recorder and her notes, he snaps out of it and signals to the bartender to bring their check.
When it comes, he moves to take it but she swipes it before he can. “Nope.” She pops the p. “My interview, my expense report.”
Outside, he tries to convince her to let him take her home again, but she refuses. “I can expense the uber too and my house is way out of your way this time.”
He tries to argue with her, but she stands her ground. She believes him when he says he’s fine to ride but that doesn’t mean she wants him on the road any longer than he has to be.
He takes her phone out of her hand and minimizes the uber app. “Fine, then text me so I know you got home safe?”
She agrees and lets him hand her into the car when it comes. Then, as she turns to look at him out of the rear window, she realizes he’s given her his phone number.
When she gets home, she texts him: “home and locked in where the bad guys can’t get me.”
He responds with: “don’t forget to check under the bed. sleep tight, betts.”
She locks the deadbolt, then turns to lean against the door, her phone pressed to chest. Fuck. This isn’t good. She should feel awkward. She should feel the weight of delayed embarrassment at her reckless oversharing of her life. But she doesn’t.
Instead, she listens to the tape while she washes her face, flosses her teeth. She only gets through the first half an hour to forty-five minutes before she’s too tired to pay attention anymore, but she can already tell it’s good. It’ll be the best thing she’s ever written. The last thing she thinks before she falls asleep is that he’s always brought out the best in her.
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