#i feel stupid whining about it
did-you-reboot · 2 years
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mamawasatesttube · 22 days
i wish it wasn't so normal for people to complain about unfinished wips or fics that take a long time to update. because sometimes i think i have a really fun idea for a fic but it'd take a while for me to write, and i like talking about my work as i do it and i don't like writing entire fics over like 20k without sharing, because i lose steam. so if i were to write and post that cool fic idea, it'd be as a wip. and then i think about all the people who just refuse to engage with wips, or all the other people who would just go "update pls" all the time, and of how people only really comment in the first 24 hours something is posted and then it's lost to obscurity, and then i just go "actually whats the point in going through the effort writing this out? i'll just daydream about it now and then and be done with it." and then i don't write it. alas!
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ihateornithologists · 2 months
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someone needs therapy ig
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domwitch · 11 months
Watching closeup missionary vids crying sobbing screaming why isn't that meeeeeeeeeeeeee
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francesderwent · 2 years
Jonathan starts out the story with a very close-knit family unit, a mother and a brother who all love each other deeply but who have already faced a lot of hardship. this leads to him having a very batten-down-the-hatches, circle-the-wagons kind of approach to life. his circle expands (minutely) as the story progresses, to include Nancy and Argyle, but he always has a limited list of people he cares for, and his goal is to protect them. he’ll make sacrifices for them, he’ll shape his life with them in mind. his whole universe shrinks to fit the few people who matter, and everything else fades away—including the possibility that those people could find happiness in the wider world. the world is a threat, something to be guarded against. you can’t take on the world and win, it’s not going to change for the better no matter what you do, you just have to keep your head down and deal with the tragedy of it. he’s seen monsters, he’s known loss. he knows all too well that the picture-perfect happy family is an illusion painted over resentment and cruelty, or even just an illusion painted over the complications that come with loving flawed people. any other outlook is naivety—this is why Jonathan has so little patience for Bob Newby, who is decent but simple, buying into all the things that Jonathan has already seen aren’t unbreakable. and this is why Jonathan walks away from Steve and Nancy kissing in the high school halls in season 2, not out of jealousy, just out of impatience with how juvenile and unrealistic it seems to him. they’re playing into the image of what teenagers are supposed to be and do, the path they’re all meant to be on, and Jonathan doesn’t have any time for that. the image is a lie. the path where you try to fit into the world and put down roots there can only destroy you. when Will feels bombarded, Jonathan doesn’t tell him that he’s going to be happy and people will come to understand him; Jonathan tells Will that he understands him. Jonathan will do absolutely anything to be there for the people he loves; the world will do nothing for them but break them. their happiness, if they find it, is going to have the quality of escape: stepping outside the stifling boundaries of what’s expected and hiding out in a Castle Byers, somewhere they can be safe with the people they love, away from everything that wants to hurt them.
Steve starts out with a couple of merely surface-level friendships and no close family; he’s an only child, he has nowhere to direct his love and devotion, and no one giving that unconditional love to him. he’s already won everything small town high school life has to offer him, reputation and good looks and unsupervised freedom. when all of that is revealed to be vanity of vanities, useless trappings laid on top of an empty cynical life, he too sees monsters and comes to know loss. but his reaction to it is different. in season two, Steve still sees some value in going to a party and wearing the costumes he and Nancy worked hard on. he sincerely misses his girlfriend after an hour, without any cynicism, without needing to appear cool. he’s thinking about getting a job with benefits, so he can be someone to rely on. and as soon as anyone steps into his peripheral vision, Steve loves them. he loves Dustin who orders him around, he loves Robin who makes fun of him, he loves the kids who don’t listen to him, he loves Nancy who broke his heart. his perfect popular ordinary life was empty—so he fills it up with real things, that are still very much real ordinary things. he gives ice cream to the kids and watches movies with Robin, he remembers the song that the carousel horse plays, and through it all he keeps on looking for love and believing in love. the more darkness Steve sees, the more fully he throws himself into the world. it’s after he’s come very near to dying that he tells Nancy his deepest wish is to have a big family and see the world with them—he wants to bring MORE little people into existence and then he wants to introduce them to the whole of the world. he wants to have adventures with them, ordinary people in an extraordinary world, forging through it all together. and then, it’s in the oppressive hell of the upside down, where darkness is literally all around him, that he confesses that the dream is still tied up with her—not some picture-perfect fantasy, but a grounded hope, rooted in his real and abiding love for her, as he really sees her. the world is dark, and wilder and more complicated than it appears. but Steve finds his hope in the most ordinary thing there is: a husband and wife and their children. he is the sane man in a mad world that G.K. Chesteron talks about: the normal boy who becomes the fairy tale hero. 
so what about Nancy? Nancy’s outlook on darkness and the world is very much “ride out and meet them”. she sees evil in the world, and chooses to face it head on, and then, as much as possible, she tries to shoot it in the face. not for nothing does she tell Jonathan in season one when he asks what they should do about the demogorgon, “I want to kill it.” she’s not just being dramatic. she means it. what Nancy most wants, from the moment she discovers the tragedy and violence of life, is to eliminate evil in the world. she wants to kill the demogorgon, she wants to root out the unprincipled men who let it loose and see them punished for the harm they caused, she wants to banish the mind flayer even if she has to chase him out with a hot poker, she wants to set vecna on fire and then pump him full of hot lead.
and so, initially, Jonathan’s perspective seems attractive to her, because he too is aware of precisely the evil that she wants to fight, whereas Steve seems to still be appreciating the shiny surface, the veneer of normalcy and happiness that has ugliness underneath it. “it’s all bullshit,” she tells him. she can’t play the role anymore, she can’t pretend everything is fine when everything that she once knew was poisoned by death. and not only is Jonathan aware of the darkness lurking under reality, his rejection of it is so total that he’s willing to reject the entire world along with it. he so hates the evil that Nancy wants to fight that he will turn away from everything else to hide away with just her and Will. that’s romantic. it is! eros loves to say “you and me against the world”, and the romanticism of that does win out in season two. Nancy picks Jonathan and the escape he offers, picks him because he sees the same world she does. but as the story progresses, we see that their worldviews don’t align perfectly. they’re not in agreement about how to deal with the world. Jonathan wants to get through his internship with a minimum of conflict and go home to his family; Nancy wants to prove herself, change people’s minds, make a lasting difference. Nancy is starting to imagine a life she can build with him, Jonathan can only see what he already has and wants to preserve.
so what we see starting to happen in season four is Steve’s perspective is becoming more and more appealing to Nancy. she’s surprised by that, and I think confused by it. it doesn’t make any sense to her, but suddenly his hopes and dreams don’t sound like bullshit anymore. the picture he paints for her of the life he wants sounds nice, especially because he knows what he’s talking about; he’s been quietly practicing for it, taking care of others younger and weaker than himself, attracting no attention and asking for no reward. it’s not bullshit, it’s not naive—it’s the dream she had before everything fell apart, and now it could be real. and why does Steve’s hope become steadily more and more attractive than Jonathan’s escape? because Jonathan can only retreat, into the safety and solitude of the Byers homestead or into a cloud of smoke. Steve can enter into the world and transform it, light it up from within. Steve can act, and Nancy is a woman of action.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 month
#random personal stuff#personal whining ahead feel free to ignore#it's sinking in that the increase in the displaying of these 'jokes' at work is related to our boss no longer being here#it can't have been a coincidence that the picture in the inbox went back on top the very day we threw her her goodbye party#apparently this man thinks that she was the one who was pushing back against the nonsense?#and maybe she was - I don't know what went on between them#(though I always got the impression that she seemed a bit afraid of him for whatever reason and just let him do whatever most of the time)#but I'm tired of having to put up with this and angry at the situation in general#and I really will go and talk with the VP of Academic Affairs once I can get some advice from my communications major friend#so I can avoid just walking into her office and exploding#(I don't understand this I don't understand why he feels the need to display these images in the office & always about this now-completely-#irrelevant topic and even if it were relevant the 'jokes' are juvenile and mean-spirited and I know he thinks he's doing the Lord's work in#picking the kinds of books that he does but tell me exactly how this garbage is the Lord's work and what he thinks he's accomplishing with#this other than making himself look petty and giving me further cause for frustration because it isn't just the stupid pictures it's the#pervasive attitude behind them that I have had to deal with for years now and I wish I were a different person so I could get right in his#face and tell him that this is unacceptable and expect to be heard and regarded)
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louderfade · 3 months
i haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years i am so bad at self care it's ridiculous trash lyfe forever
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villainsposting · 4 months
I never follow drama so I don't know what you're referencing most of the time, but may I say congratulations on having the most correct opinions on Alastor & co.
Thank you!! ^^ Happy to supply the Hazbin Hotel populace with my Thoughts.
I try to keep the drama reined in best I can, but if I don't let out my frustration at general fandom bs once in awhile I fear I might explode.
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mumpsetc · 6 months
I, Like Every Brony in the Modern Day It Seems, Really Like Vylet Pony But IMO Her Work Lacks That Same Punch Shit Like Cats Millionaire or SGaP Had. It's Not That Its More Fandom Based, Plenty of SGaP and Cats Millie Was That Too But It Just Feels More Disconnected From the Characters AND Specific Fandom Interpretations, It's Too General to Really Hook Me the Same Way
#Like OK What About Fluttershy Makes You Interpret Her as a Scene Kid Gir Hoodie Pony? Why are Maud and Derpy in Love?#Why is Pinkie Specifically the Lesbian Pony W/ a Chainsaw? (I Know The Answer to This One Im Just Whining)#Antonymph Esp Bothers Me in a Stupid Way. DGMW I Do Love the Song a Lot But Its Too GENERAL to Be Narrowed in on Fluttershy#And I Get It Isnt Technically About Her Its About Me the Listener But Its a Hurdle I Cant Just Easily Jump!#I Do Need to Listen to More Ive Only Listened to Cutiemarks and the Things That Bind Us and Tales From Equestria#Ive Heard Great Things About Carousel#And I Do Think Cutiemarks is a Good Ass Album I Do Love the Titletrack and Think the Exploration of Cutiemarks as a Concept in That Album#Are Really Good#I Just Love Pony Music When It Feels Like an Encapsulation of the Character or Concept and VP Just Feels Too Disconnected for That to Me#I Will Say Though the Production on Her Work is a Lot Easier to Just Toss On and Listen To. When I Got Sgap or Cats Millie On I Am in a MOD#And VP I Can Enjoy Basically Anytime So Her Accessibility is Definintely a Bonus Too#IDK Dont Listen to Me Im Just Somepony With Too Many Opinions on This. Sgap Was My Third Most Listened to Artist According to Spotify#Anyways if Antonymph Was Gonna Be a General Anti-Cringe Song It Shouldve Used a BG Pony and If It Was Gonna Be a Character Song#It Shouldve Been About Twilight#Also Rarity is Really OOC in Cutiemarks I Do Not Like Syndicate and Nonexistant Meet Cute is Good But#BUT...#Eh Whatever The Tags are Like Triple the Fuckin Post#Dreamy.txt
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aroace-poly-show · 6 months
whys my dad like this
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khaotunq · 8 months
still following the Ayan Seduction 101 posts
still love them
and you
carry on 🖤
I'm going to cry on u omg. Thank you 😭 idk who you are but I will fight anyone for you forever asfhdjs
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lonely--seeker · 5 months
I twisted my ankle in front of a store today, people actually were concerned enough to ask if I was fine. I almost FELL right on top of a toddler. I can't go out of my room without embarrassing myself for 15 minutes. Now I can't sleep because it hurts enough to be annoying. Spare me from my suffering this new years eve by depositing $100 in me account.
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alligaytorswamp · 9 months
Im kind of feeling like i can't take it anymore
#vent#bad sad sleep-deprived and mentally ill#i am currently crying myself to sleep just fucking sobbing because everything hurts#my brain is failing me my body us failing me#i dont know what to do with myself#so many things are happening so many things hurt and i have no body to talk to#i have never felt so utterly alone#i hate myself for even writing this because i feel so pathetic and as if im just whining for attention#because i probably am#some lame ass cry for help because i really don't know how to function at this point#truly i am just so fucking alone#and there is just so much that is happening and i cant share it with anyone so it just all stays in my stupid brain and#probably makes me more mentally ill or smth#and for however long all i do is keep myself from crying during the day bc i cant let my family catch me having mental breakdowns#yet i have all of these painful thoughts that are plaguing my mind all the fucking time#i am just so so tired#and i keep thinking about death and it's so fucking scary#i just wish i wasn't myself and i had a different brain i could be better than this because maybe then i would be fine#at home im in toxic hell#in online spaces i have no one actually close to me#in my brain i have horrible thoughts and hardcore daydreaming distactions that dont fix anything#in my course i think im not doing well enough and im scare dthat my the end of it im still going to be a useless unemployed moron#on my silly blog i think if i dont make content i have no value and ehatever i make is not even that good or interesting#so i better cover it up with quantity but i dont have time or ability to do so#which again makes me into a fucking Nothing#god my head hurts so much#that's what u get for wailing at 4 am#anyways i am doing horrible and i can't take it anymore truly reaching my fucking limit#all my fault tho so ☺#delete later and if someone actually reads it Um sorry for this i am hashtag unwell 😋💫
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sadpuppyg1rl · 16 days
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supercantaloupe · 8 months
beginning to not have fun with these opera bracket posts tbh
#some of you guys are being really mean honestly. and i think that's really pathetic and unnecessary.#'why are people complaining about us voting for the Objectively Best Operas' cause it's not about what's Objectively Best#(there literally cannot be an Objective best if people are this argumentative about it....cause then it's.....subjective....)#it's about what You Personally Like More. every poll is literally titled 'which do you prefer' not 'which is Best(tm)'#which. sure sometimes we like things because we think they're the most well crafted works available#but also sometimes we like things that are just. fun. not necessarily Artistic Masterpieces. but they're enjoyable#and there is no moral or intellectual superiority attached to which opera you like best#for gd's sake.#'why are you people taking this so personally and whining about everything' well you are saying that people should be banned from#Watching Opera and or that you would like to kill someone/yourself if your choice doesn't win#or that people are literally brainless troglodytes for voting against your taste#and like#idk#i think it's valid to be upset about that?#'have you noticed that the people who Complain are Objectively Wrong' how do you say this with a straight face#and still feel comfortable up on that high horse of yours?#whatever i guess. you guys can have fun pretending that the forza or don carlo guys are making out or whatever#but it's just. unnecessarily mean to pretend like anyone who disagrees or has slightly different taste is Stupid and Wrong#i wanna talk about me#it's probably obvious that there's a particular post i'm referring to with this but i'm not gonna link it#because i don't want to directly get embroiled in anything. don't fucking @ me to argue i will honestly just block you#you can reply if you want guess but if you're rude or weird. watch out.#it's yom kippur. i have bigger things to focus on than fucking bitichfights on tumblr over the most pointless popularity contest yet devise
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manchasama · 2 months
I am...baffled and disappointed.
I was watching a fansub of the first few Onepiece episodes, and was completely thrown off by them translating nakama as "friend". Like, no? That is not right. Just leave it as nakama please it's so much less offputting than Arlong going "Nami is my friend". That absolutely does not work.
Then on a whim I decided to google what fansubbers would still be using nakama, only to find at some point the fandom became absolutely poisonous about not only the term nakama, but leaving japanese in at all.
"It's a deliberate troll of old fansubbers!" "They just didnt' know how to translate it so they left it in." "It means friend/comrade/crew and they should just have used the REAL word!" "They thought leaving Japanese in made them edgy and cool"
Like...y'all realize YOU sound like the assholes here? Then of course there's the people who are like "You should never leave the japanese in the translation!" purists who I just don't understand. Misconception of words aside, because that is their OTHER argument, if you want it purely english, watch the dub maybe.
There ARE untranslatable concepts, and what I remember is fansubbers used to put their heart and soul into trying to convey the concept instead of literal translations. And sometimes, leaving the original term with a translation of subtleties works better. If you are mad at the fandom for assigning it further meaning beyond that (which I never really...picked up on? Nakama has different meaning for everyone, it's not a one-stop "closer than family" term?? Literally never heard anyone say that except for the people complaining that people say that), then I don't think you like fandom at all.
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