#i fell cringe af
tommy-thomas · 1 year
K Last post of the night before i off to sleep
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I started it. Lost motivation. And a week out of my sleep schedule made me have the courage to keep drawing it loll
Its mot so bad tho
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natandacat · 8 months
Its become clear to me rather early that intelligence as we discuss it today is baked into eugenics, bc of the way people get genuinely grandiloquent and emotional about my intellect, always in a way that reinforces a kind of biological hierarchy. Like I'm not just smart, I'm "superior", I "dominate", etc. And its not lost on me how many of these hyperbolic admirers have been white adults, although I've sadly seen it parroted and internalized by all my peers (especially more racialized peers who were made to feel especially inferior). What is also not lost on me is how vehement my father was about the importance of being an intellectual, his way of desperately hanging onto that idea as a way to retain respect, how different his desperation was compared to the confidence of those white adults, and how many other migrants of his generation say the exact same words I've heard him say ad nauseam. So yeah. I dont much care about intelligence.
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jalwyn21 · 4 months
I'm a recent-ish follower, so I'm a little curious about your background, were you at one point a swiftie, but got disenchanted with her and that's why you have this deep well of knowledge of and about her, or was she always like a parasocial enemy of yours. I was always a hater, I love when ppl slander her, bc she's generally regarded so highly. I'm sorry her lyrics aren't good or groundbreaking, they are catchy at best and annoying at worst. She's also taking herself way to serious as an artist (name of her new album, cringe interview for the times). Also no matter what (or who; Matt Healy) she is doing, we aren't allowed to criticize her or her actions, when we call her our for her private jet use, we get accused of double standards and how corporations are polluting way more, as if that is in any way or form a justification for her being a fucking pest
Ok, story time then. 🤗 First of all, I'm old af, I'm pushing 30s. (Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo) 😅 So I've heard of ts ages ago but didn't care cause I didn't like her music. Never been a swi*ftie. 🤓
Then the whole Jake Gyllenhaal circus happened to the point that even Jake Gyllenhaal's sister was asked about that stupid scarf. That was the first time I properly noticed ts and I thought: what a despicable and petty girl she is. 🤮 But at least Jake Gyllenhaal had a decade long career so he was fine, and I didn't really think about her much after that.
Fast forward to 2016 when I went to see Ang Lee's new film because it's bloody Ang Lee, you know? And I'm glad I did cause it's one of my favorite films ever. And that is how I "met" Joe and completely fell in love with him. 🥰 And there were photos of him online being silly and goofy and adorable (and drunk 😹). And he was so nervous and sweet in interviews. It was just so easy to love him. 🥰🥰🥰
Can you even imagine how sad and disappointed and sorry I was for him when I found out he was dating ts? Cause I already knew what she will do to him. 😭 Like, I knew she will try to destroy Joe sooner or later and I knew that Joe won't have the decade long career Jake Gyllenhaal has to fall back on, when she tries to ruin his life. Call me Nostradamus. 😭
And for the record, Joe is still one of my favorites ever. He is a brilliant actor and a kind man. So I guess my issues with ts are kinda "personal" and kinda parasocial... 😅 In a way, I've been waiting for this sh*t storm to hit for years...
I should probably pin this for others to read when they check my account..
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lucy4-ever · 11 months
sfw headcanons about tom kaulitz
!all SFW!
loves checking you out
lets you take his oversized clothes
when you meet, he directly proved you he wasn't a player anymore cause he totally fell for you, and you REALLY satisfy him in bed, so what more?
he's flirty af and talk dirty in public as much as in private
he literally doesnt give a single fck
probably made you learn dirty words in german and told you they meant sweet things
and you understood quickly but still acted like you didnt know
so you randomly, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, say these sentences to tease him
you guys have usual arguments but he ends up saying you're right, cause... you were duh
however he never raises his voice at you
always sleeping on your thighs or chest
likes to embarass you and say cringe things so that you both start bursting out laughing
always has his hand on you : waist, shoulder, butt... (as long as you're fine with it)
acts like he doesn't crave your affection (but really does)
he fancies you and probably make fake scenarios about you
PHYSICAL TOUCH is his typa love (not that suprising)
you probably really get along with bill
you be both smoking at 1am and be like "let's stop smoking" and forget about it the day after
gets jealous really easily and tell you right away (he also insults them right to their face when you just stand there and laugh at the situation)
i feel like tom doesn't really have communication issues, he can sometimes be mean and harsh while telling you what he thinks
i think he has some trust issues (even though, he's the one who used to be a player)
but i think it's actually deeper than that
he doesn't feel safe, knowing what anyone could do to you :(
that's why he's so possesive and jealous
y'all love touching at eachother's hair
you probably already put makeup on his face due to a dare
oh yeah, games
when you feel like drinking you two have the tradition to play a game before getting too touchy
like, never have i ever, truth or dare, answer the question or drink..
big fan of snoop dogg
everyone knew tom always brought random girls in his room
but for you, it wans't his room, so everyone understood it was different
espicailly bill who immediatly made friend with you
his fav part of your body are 100% your chest, thighs and ass
you love his eyes and abs for sure 🤭
doesn't particulary loves being the spotlight but he really needs your attention to live
late drunk and high night drives in his car with the 2000s rap blasting is heaven
and you'll just park in an isolated place and do your thing
brought you to the studio and both made a song
y'all made an awful song, while being high and drunk, thinking it was perfect and re listened it the next day and were ASHAMED
georg, gustav and bill laughed for hours
you two often get bored and just start making out to kill time
and it works really well
got caught A LOT by literally EVERY ONE
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emojellyace08 · 9 months
"Lookism Men x Reader (When you're sick/not feeling well PART 2)"
A/N: I'm back from the dead after days of not posting :) :/. Warnings: getting sick, over fatigue, colds/fever, passing out, overall not feeling well Genre: fluff ☁️Reader is gender neutral (and in an established relationship with the character of choice :)
Hudson Ahn (Ahn Hyun-Seong)
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He won't be so fazed with you being sick but he's still worried deep inside. Taesoo might even whoop his ass out if he didn't attend his training because of him taking care of you. Now now, don't feel guilty about it. Hudson looks like he's hating every inch of him babying you but he actually finds it relaxing to do something else other than punching rocks on the woods (but he still hoped that you don't get sick he hates it seeing you very unwell).
He knows that you'll get dizzy and limping or you'll catch a cold especially if you have a weak immune system but Hudson will still scold you like calling you an "idiot" for being careless if you're being to stubborn to get help lmao.
Hudson will be the type of "Don't ask for my help if you're going to act like this for being stupid." but then he'll 100% look out and take care for you when you're not feeling well lol. He'll buy facemasks and your medicine for you to get better soon and he probably knows how to cook so you can rely on him when your sick and pretty much screwed up. And he will clean up the place once you're feeling better since he doesn't want to fell ill either, he has other businesses to do.
"You have a fever". "Wha-" "You have a fever". Hudson bitterly answered as you are tucked on the bed like a little toddler, pouting at your boyfriend's disappointed reaction as he sighs at you trying to pull out the puppy-eye card. Though you indeed look very cute, he still can't help but to cringe at you trying to calm down his nerves right now. "Don't act like this or I'll literally going to leave you here." he tries to tease threaten you while you pleaded him with that sparkly eyes and holding his hand with all of your strength despite feeling physically numb. "Wait! I'm just kidding!" you protested as you coughed because of your sore throat killing you right now. "Then why didn't you listened when I told you to get some rest. You could have passed out or something might happened even worse to you." he flicked your forehead gently making sure it won't hurt you, but you still reacted too much pretending it hurts just makes him laugh. You really are an idiot at times.
Hudson's probably a kuudere? It's no surprise if he's celebrating his victory inside when you hold his hand on your dates lmao. Now he'll get a bit overprotective of you even at the least problematic of things. It might not be obvious but he cares about you so much.
Eli Jang (Jang Hyun)
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Overprotective dad = Overprotective boyfriend/husband. Now he has to multi-task to take care of you and Yenna (but Sally and Warren will help him out so it will make him more relieved).
This man would be worried af. I wouldn't be surprised if he scolded your ass once again. Since he's already stressed out with the crews, you getting sick just makes him anxious more. But don't worry too much Eli would not point the blame on you, but please you just got to be careful at times since he's mostly not available :(.
But Eli has more experience in taking care of his someone than the rest of the men in this list. He knows what medicine and food you should take/consume, he would keep an eye on you almost 24/7 and he would NOT let leave you on his bed unless if you need to use the rest room (you got to recharge your energy y'know). And it's no surprise that despite getting worried at times, he's always ready with situations like this. He already has the alcohol/hand sanitizers, cough syrups and face masks in his bag. This man is your personal nurse lmao.
"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?" he glared at you as you made eye contact with his heavy and tired ones while you get yourself a fresh cup of water. And him carrying Yenna while he cooks breakfast and him boiling water to get your tea ready. "Uh I was just-" "You could have called me when you need something. You're just exhausting yourself go back to bed." he scolded you as you sighed and went back to your bedroom with Sally checking your temperature with a thermometer. "Sooo, am I feeling better now?" you asked in a cheeky matter as Sally sighed and showed you the results. "Not really. You still need to rest a lot. Eli's been stressed lately so you got to feel better and do your best." she stated as the blonde strawberry-haired lady ruffled your hair to make you feel better before leaving. After minutes, heck even hours of being alone on the bed getting consumed by your own thoughts Eli is back with your food, tea and medications ready. "Food is here" "Oh um yeah. Let me just-" you were about to get up when Eli placed the food tray on the small table in your bedroom and helped you get up by placing your pillow properly to support your head and back. "Am I a burden?" you asked him with a hint of worrying in your voice. "What do you mean by that? Of course not." he stated as he sat down on the chair beside as you avoid eye contact. "You've been doing a lot for Hostel. You take care of me and Yenna, you study and fight your ass off, even getting hurt because of the Workers. You've been doing so much for us." you answered honestly making your boyfriend sigh. "I know. But I chose to and I'm doing this to protect our family, especially you and Yenna. It may be exhausting but you're not a burden to me. So don't overthink too much love."
10/10 Boyfriend (still mentally unstable, but he's still nice if it's not on the Hostel arc lol).
Warren Chae (Chae Won Seok)
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Not the best caregiver but also not the worse?
But don't get me wrong Warren will still do his best when you got sick. Though he may or may not scold you a lot or he'll just sigh, witnessing your terrible state.
He'll be the type to forget that you're sick and order a box of your favorite fast-food even when you have stomach cramps/diarrhea because he cares about your cravings so much 😭. "Y/N! (I bought some) fried chicken!" you heard your boyfriend call out for you in a cheerful tone as he carries a box of freshly cooked chicken of your favorite brand along with other sweets and placing it on the wooden table. Sally can't help but to pout at him for being a bit forgetful at times. "Warren, didn't the doctor told you that she/he is not allowed to eat too much calories today?" "Yeah, didn't you remember that silly head?" you teased your boyfriend as he stands there dumb founded as his mind travels into different dimensions, he's just really stupid at times. "Wait wha- 👁️👄👁️. Oh shit, sorry I forgot to buy your medicine! Don't worry I'll come back here!" Trust me he'll look goofy af when he tries to run away bc he'll probably forget to bring his wallet with Sally screeching at the top of her lungs to get back since he doesn't have any money with him.
But the dedication in this man when he likes someone is actually really impressive. If he really cares, he'll make sure to give justice to his affection towards you. He'll stay up all night taking care of you even if it takes his own health at risk, he just wants to see you better.
I'm going to say that Warren is an overall a green flag most of the times. He may be somehow a bit dumb but he (along with Hudson ; I guess) are more emotionally well than the rest of the dudes in this list I guess (I'm literally roasting Eli and Johan at this point).
Johan Seong (Seong Yohan)
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Also a kuudere like Hudson. Johan will call you a dumbass for getting sick in different languages at this point.
It might not be obvious, but he'll also be worried if his someone is not feeling well. It may look like that it's just a common cold but it reminds him of his mom. Now she's struggling with her eyesight and him seeing you trying your best to get better just makes him a bit sad at this point.
It can be a bit surprising, but Johan knows about this stuff. His mom used to work at her salon a lot, causing her to have back pains at times and he likes to help her out while he listens to her rambles about her day (this is kind of a bit too cute and sad for a headcannon). He may not initiate it often since he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but the moment that it looks like you really need it he won't hesitate to help you out. "Does your shoulders hurt?" you heard your boyfriend ask you as you tried to rotate your shoulders to ease the pain. But considering how observative the brunette male is, he decided to ask you about it since it can be a bother when you're trying to study/work. "Yeah, would you mind?" "Oh, sure come here." >333 L:JD:LKJ:LAJKD. He'll also give advices to fix your posture so you wouldn't have to ask him for another remedial session especially when he's busy lmao. "Y/N I told you to not crouch when you're sitting. You're literally going to kill your spine at this point". he scolded you once again as he gently approached your shoulders and massage you. "Sorry love, I was just too focused on work/doing my homework I guess." "You just probably love my hands a bit too much..." "JOHAN!" (Johan on the outside: -_- Johan on the inside: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He also knows about your medications and what you should eat. He would scold you like Eli if you move too much when you're dizzy while looking you with that dead ass eyes. "Dummyhead, go back to bed you're still sick -_-".
It may looks like that he's hating every inch of these moments with you together, but it can be a bit fun and stressful memory for him. Making him chuckle and tease you with those pretty eyes when he recalls about it.
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bsins · 1 year
The “Get together” plan
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Pairing: Hawks x Fem!reader
Warnings: both of you being oblivious af is a warning on itself, the whole agency could dominate the world if they wanted to. General awkwardness.
Notes: not beta proofed, english is not my first language there might be mistakes.
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From the moment you walked into the agency and practically demanded a job, Hawks fell in love with you. And it was evident the feeling was mutual to the point that the rest of the members in the agency were so invested in their “in real life novel” that they made it their personal goal to get you both together. And so, the plan began.
Like in one of those monthly meetings, where everyone reunites with Hawks who listens on what can be improved inside the agency, suspiciously there was a 100% of votes to change the relationship guidelines in favor of allowing relationships at work. 
Next his sidekicks started bringing up the topic when they were on patrol with Hawks. With simple questions like “Have you talked with the new girl in the media department, pretty isn’t she?” and the way Hawks' expression softened and went rambling about you was enough to go to the next step. 
Sometimes Keigo would hang around with the janitor of the agency, she is a sweet old lady that would talk all day about her family, to him it was a good break from the chaos going on in the hero world. But this lady was also going along with the “get together” plan smoothly asking “When are you going to ask her out? you look so cute together” and when Hawks went all red on the face, stumbling out in his words. Then it was time for the final step of the plan.
On the other hand, you were oblivious when some of the people in the media department asked you “What do you think of Hawks?”
“He’s great, I mean as a hero and boss he’s awesome”
“But would you date him?” but before you could answer, the man of the moment walked in. He made a beeline directly to you. “Hey! could you please check this collaborations for the next month”
“sure” you took the papers from his hands.
“great” And both of you walked opposite directions with a  ._. face that everyone was cringing at your awkward interaction. But it was enough to keep going with the plan.
A plan with three steps turned into six months of brainwashing you both to finally go on a date. And everyone was already losing hope until one day Hawks walked through his sidekick's cubicles to his office with a jumbo bouquet of blue hydrangeas. He stopped right by his office door looking right at his assistant. 
“Could you clear my schedule for the rest of the day? And tell (Y/N) to come to my office, please” He then walked in, when the door was closed, everyone was doing a silent celebration until the elevator dinged and it was as if nothing had happened.
You walked the same path as Hawks until you reached his office, closing the door behind you. 
Everyone rushed to the door, some even started filming it.
It was barely audible but they could make a muffled “Um, (Y/N), this are for you”
“wow, thanks” awkward as always, cute.
“And, well, how do I ask this” hearing Hawks nervous was new to everyone.
“Are you firing me?” and now everyone was panicking, did they read the signals wrong?
“What? NO! no, god no” relieved was far from what they were feeling after hearing that.
“It’s just, I really like you, and want to take you out on a date, like…right now”  everyone was expecting your answer, this was the final countdown.
A few seconds passed and…
“That sounds great actually” and the whole agency cheered, papers flying everywhere, some congratulated each other about doing a good job on the plan. but as soon as both of you walked out the office it was as if nothing had happened, except for their winning smiles.
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
Wrestler Eric Cartman (aged up obvi) Pt. 10
I need therapy and I’m slowly becoming more obsessed with Jimmy and Cartman 💀
The entire reason I got on the South Park part of tumblr was Kenny but anyways, Jimmy needs more content and if y’all ever find some dm me <333
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• The coaches definitely poke fun at your puppy like behavior towards Cartman. Always, without fail, says “Aww, where’s your boyfriend” and “You miss your boyfriend?” as a joke to you when he isn’t there
• Coach didn’t actually think y’all would ever get together because it’s fucking Eric and he’s known the high schooler since freshman year.
• The coaches took a liking to you and consider you like a daughter so would definitely have a talk with Eric saying how he should never treat you badly or they’d probably fail him
• You and Cartman have the wrestling study hall so y’all chill together and he lets you read tarot cards for him. He secretly loves how into it you get, it makes him really happy to see you so interested in something
• The wrestling season is coming to an end now (Cough so that means this is gonna end until I get ideas or until wrestling seasons starts again Cough) so everything’s calming down! It’s really nice to not have practice and be able to walk home with you without being tired
• Cartman kinda misses leaving the sweat imprints on you tho
• Well the high school wrestling season is over, BUT NOT FOR THE LITTLE KIDS
• So your team is helping out the younger kids and teaching them how to wrestle!
• It’s actually kinda cute, and for once you’re the older one so they somewhat respect you
• Besides a couple, but it’s fine because Cartman scares them and always keeps them in line for you <3333
• All of the younger kids either hope they’re like you guys in highschool or they think you’re gross af. Especially when you guys kiss, you can always hear a chorus of groans from the younger kids
• You’ve more or less adopted them all as your children and Cartman begrudgingly just went with it. He doesn’t mind kids, he even wants his own some day but these kids- were so god damn annoying
• One time he actual threw one of his shoes at one of them and then the kid smirked at him before the kid threw it at him. MY GOD THE LOOK ON HIS FACE WHEN HE FELL OH HIS KNEES BECAUSE THAT KID KNEW WHERE THEY WERE AIMING
• The fact that when he tried putting on his shoe the shoelace broke 😭😭 (if y’all follow me you know where that came from 💅)
• I think it’s safe to say he hated those fucking kids. Well not really, you cared for them so it’s ok ish
• CARTMAN ABSOLUTELY DESPISED HOW HORNY THE MIDDLE SCHOOLERS WERE THO! They were all really gross and greasy and they kept flirting with you. Ofc you would never go for one of them, especially because of the age difference but it still pissed him off
• A lot of them called you mommy and told you pick up line after pick up line while you and him cringed like y’all never have before
• Thank god middle school wrestling is only a month, although you two will miss those annoying lil buggers good fucking riddance
• Anyways, end of wrestling season means field trips as a team! Like going to see a movie together as a team and having a banquet
• You have to beg Cartman to get on the zipline at the venue you’re at and even when you beg him he’s still hesitant
• He looked so stupid on the zipline and he screamed over a small jump I CANT-
• I can see him literally FIGHTING with everyone so they could all see a horror movie as a team
• He thought it was super boring while everyone on the team literally looked white because they were all scared, you even had a death grip on him it was hilarious
• Everyone on the team refused to talk to Cartman for a second because now they were wondering why they even let him out of all people choose a movie
• It’s fine tho, he held you for most of the movie
• Even tho he was teasing you for wanting to be held it was still real sweet
It’s not proof read at all sorry guysssss
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breezypunk · 11 months
Then vs. Now: Shippy edition
This was coming from a mile away. I searched high and low for this first photo, because it's old af and I wanted to put it on a back burner cos I cringe, HOWEVER.. it also reminds me on how far I've come in my VP journey and I am proud of where I am today, and I'm still learning new things as the days go by.
So here we go.. The very first screenie I took of the boys on PC.
July 21st, 2021:
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Yikes is an understatement. I had JUST gotten the game on PC and I was very eager, almost too eager to smush these two together.
I fell in love with the idea of them being together just weeks after Vaughn was created, even though I originally was going to pair him with Kerry, and before that just briefly Jackie. But Goro was Vaughn's missing puzzle piece, and the HC's started and thus their relationship blossomed into what it is today.
I say yikes because first of all, Vaughn looks rough. When I finally got ahold of mods I wanted them all ok. I had planned on using both cyberarms but than later on decided on using just one, the left on in particular. Also in true breezy fashion, his tats were always changing xD
Also I remember this taking me like an hour to pose because I hardly knew how to use AMM.
But I want to be very sentimental today and recreate this photo. So that's exactly what I did.
July 18th, 2023:
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Not an exact replica, but there was an attempt haha. I wanted to throw on the threads they wore in the first shot, and it felt very weird ehehe. But it was a lot of fun recreating the photo that started everything for them. Vaughn who finally has his perm. tattoos and his one cyberarm xD and Goro, my love Goro, I put him through the horrors but I love him so so much.
These two mean everything to me, and just like Vaughn, they both hold a very special place in my lil heart, and without them.. well I won't go there lmao, but they truly saved something in me that needed saving, and I will cherish these two forever, I will be annoying about them and never hush up about them, my babies, my sunset boys, and most importantly, my disaster boyfriends. <3 (very first ship name) :3
Portrait version under cut cos I also really like that one:
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Ler!Eddie Munson Headcanons
Eddie Munson x Reader
Strictly SFW; fluffy, playful, and plenty of romantic + platonic sweetness all around, very self indulgent
Note: I. Have. Never. Ever. fallen in love with a character as fast as I fell in love with Eddie Munson. (First, this jerk <3 steals my heart platonically, and then BAM- steals my heart again and this time I want to kiss him-) Some of these hcs might diverge from the canon storyline, so do with that what you will <3 Major thanks to my tumblr moots for inspiring me and helping make these hcs happen. This is probably gonna be a long post 🥴 I have no regrets~
*Spoilers for Stranger Things 4 Volume 1 under the cut!*
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Where... do I even begin... AHSJDJEJD- I suppose I'll start with this:
Eddie "The Ler" Munson. 🫢 EDDIE. "THE LER." MUNSON.
Eddie Munson is 100% a ler-leaning switch (unless he's around Steve 🫢 where he becomes the biggest lee a good 95% of their interactions). Yup. Absolutely a ler-leaning switch. I'd say that a good 80% of the time, he's the one tickling someone else to pieces.
This was a given- I mean, do you see how much he LOVES making people laugh??? (His whole cafeteria monologue had the Hellfire club giggling, the entire scene with Chrissy, his adorable little "still super jealous as hell by the way" moment with Steve 🥹)
So, if you happen to not only be ticklish, but you like being tickled... Eddie is going to have a field day, lemme tell you. He's familiar with the t-word quirk, he has the t-word quirk.
Either he knew he liked tickles long before he found out you like being tickled, or finding out that you like them was what made him realize it brought him as much joy as it brought you, which is a really cute concept and I can't get over it.
Eddie Munson is the scariest (<3) ler in the history of lers, and I will proudly die on that hill.
I say scariest, but Eddie would never ever want you to truly feel scared of him. He's an absolute sweetheart. An angel. A honeybun. However, he is playfully evil and a mischievous little shit (/p).
He never, EVER crosses your boundaries. He always asks for your consent before every affectionate gesture (hand holding, snuggles, platonic forehead or hand kisses or all those previous gestures in a romantic sense plus kisses on the lips if you're dating, and so on) and affectionate playful tickling is no different. Eddie Munson is strict af about consent.
What makes him scary is how invested he gets in the whole ler persona (You saw his theatrics in the cafeteria AND during the D&D scene? 💀 Yeah- I rest my case), his deadly good tickling skills, and the fact that he's very blunt about wanting to tickle you. It also doesn't help that he's absolutely FERAL.
For as often as he says so with a grin on his face or giggles leaving his lips, he will also say so very nonchalantly in the same manner he'd casually answer someone's question about what he had for breakfast- (🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️). However, Eddie will also say it in the most serious. tone. of voice. 
"Eddie... What's with that look on your face? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because, I want to tickle you."
*cue you just about short circuiting because this man is bold bold as a ler*
He's definitely. completely. unafraid to be the most secondhand-embarrassing with his tickling theatrics. Like, it's bad enough being flustered because of him, but then he pairs it with the WORST secondhand embarrassment and it's deadly. 
He makes the concept of "cringe" his bitch. Silly voices, ridiculous faces (The demon face he made at Jason ahsjsjdhf), the friggin finger wiggling that he's scarily skilled at since he plays guitar (bastard <3 /lh), doing a thing where he talks suuuper quietly and suddenly loudly evil cackles and you scream because he's jumpscared you AND is now tickling you at the same time.
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Eddie is going to make up SEVERAL characters and use different voices as he sends you on the tickling version of the Hero's Journey. You know the whole "tickle monster" bit? Eddie Munson has created many, many versions of that bit.
Just to jump back to the demon face and devil horns thing he did. He will stand still and look at you with that exact same blank stare before suddenly pulling that face but instead of making devil horns, his fingers are wiggling and immediately after that he's chasing you. 🫢🫢🫢
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He LIVES to fluster you or catch you off guard, so fully expect him to subtly, or maybe not subtly at all, teasingly wiggle his fingers in the air while he looks you dead in the eye.
Circling back to the whole "Eddie Munson has no issue vocally stating he wants to tickle you" thing, he also has a few looks he gives you that blatantly say:
"I am going to tickle the hell out of you at some point today and I'll leave it to you to decide when that's going to happen."
The smirk: An absolute classic, this one. If Eddie smirks at you, ha ha... you're in adorably ticklish danger.
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The glare or the squint: Almost exclusively reserved for when you "piss him off." Sass him (especially during the Hellfire Club D&D campaigns) and see what happens.
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The cheeky smile: A.K.A. Eddie can't stop admiring you and opts for tickling you because he lovesyour laugh and your smile and just wanted you to giggle. 👉🏾👈🏾
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The puppy eyes: More so the "I can see you're feeling down and I really wanna make you feel better, please let me make you laugh for a little bit" kind of look. Like I said, Eddie is an absolute sweetheart and it hurts him to see you sad or upset in any way.
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This absolute ass <3, sneaks tickling into the D&D campaign as often as possible. Whether it's the finger wiggle, giving you "the looks," saying the word out loud a few times in different context to make you squirm, describing something happening to your D&D character in a way that he KNOWS your brain will associate with being tickled (and he'll do the finger wiggle while he says it because he's an ass /lh /p)...
...or... if he's decided he's going to be very blatantly bold, your character actually encounters a tickle monster. AND... if he feels EXTRA bold, he's going to get up from his chair and tickle you if you don't roll enough hit points.
"Unfortunately, you did not roll high enough to make your attack~ The monster corners you, its hands lift, fingers wiggling... and it ATTACKS! With the most unbearable tickling you've ever endured in your time as a hero~"
He says it's for "immersion" but he knows what he's doing. Asshole <3
His favorite characters to act out are fantasy genre-related ones (of course they are! He's a D&D dungeon master) like an "evil overlord of tickling" who replenishes his mana from the sounds of your laughter.
He has custom dice with tickle spots on them, and dice with numbers for how many minutes he'll spend tickling that spot. T-word dice... HE HAS T-WORD DICE. And he makes YOU roll them-
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"Y-You can't make 'me rolling a nat 20' the only way to get out of this!!!"
"Best hope luck is on your side, Y/N~"
*You do not roll the 20. OR. if you do, he cheats and turns it to a lower number. You're getting tickled either way*
You don't know this yet, but he has a BACKUP. SET. just in case you try to hide the dice from him. Good luck to you when you try hiding the dice and find out about the other set.
He will absolutely call you by your D&D character's name when he's tickling you during or after the Hellfire Club meetings.
I like to hc that there's a random beanbag chair off to the side somewhere in the room y'all hold the club meetings in. He's 100% going to drag you over to it at some point and place you on it before tickling you to pieces. It's the tickle chair- HE NAMED IT THAT.
Eddie Munson is not above chasing you down the hallway and out into the parking lot as soon as y'all are done with the club for the night. 
"There is nooo shame, in running~" AHSJSKDJDJJEJE- PFFFHEEEEEE
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This jerk knows every type of teasing in the nonexistent "ler manual." 
I do mean EVERY TYPE.
Whether he uses them or not is entirely dependent on what you're comfortable with and your boundaries.
He LOVES using cutesy talk, but he will have zero complaints if you don't like it. If you don't like something, he won't do it, and that's final.
If you do like cutesy talk, Eddie is gonna be absolutely merciless with it-
His standard cutesy talk is this quieter, soft and sweet tone of voice and he's almost always smirking or grinning (unless he's been provoked into angry ler mode- I will elaborate on that in a bit 🫢)
"Why are you so giggly~? Huh~? You gonna tell me~?"
He is not above nuzzling your nose as he teasingly asks you why you're giggling like he doesn't know the damn answer.
If you're a person who's comfortable with full on babytalk/puppytalk kind of teases, it's your lucky day, because Eddie is also scarily good at those and manages to do so without sounding patronizing or like he's trying to be infantilizing.
If you don't like the babytalk/puppytalk, don't worry! Eddie understands 💙. (When I say that Eddie Munson has raised the bar from hell for me-)
He will however go so over the top with that kind of tease as a playful joke that makes you laugh because he sounds like a fucking idiot. He makes himself laugh with it several times because he cannot fucking take himself seriously.
Expect to hear him also jokingly use the most obvious teases that are most commonly associated with tickling. Like the classic "kitchy kitchy coo" type of teasing. He has a favorite one, though.👉🏾👈🏾 (I am too flustered to even type it out because it gives me the worst butterflies ever- so I have to copy paste it AGSHSHEJ)
"Goochie goochie goo~" Eddie LOVES annoying you with that one. (That fuckin phrase is my recently-discovered t-word KRYPTONITE- istg, it never flustered me before but then, the concept, of Eddie, teasingly singing that??? ⚰️ /lh)
He's an irritating little shit and it's cute. Eddie will annoy you with those joke teases and when you tell him off, well- further incentive to tickle you more. And he will justify it out loud to you.
"Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea to tell me to 'shut my pie-hole~' 
If those joke teases happen to ACTUALLY fluster you (me with that tease I had to copy x paste) and you don't mind hearing them, and EDDIE FINDS OUT YOU LIKE THE TEASES??? Prepare for the worst butterflies of your entire life while your face and ears get warmer than freshly baked muffins. Eddie, from that moment onward, takes those teases verrrrry seriously. 😈
This little fucker <3 will teasingly sing the word "tickle" over and over until you can't even look at him. And then he'll act like he doesn't know why you can't stop hiding your face.
If you love the banter-filled teases with playful insults, Eddie's so down for that. We've seen his banter. ("This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting Club.")
"Still think I'm all talk, you giggly little shit!??? Eddie 'all talk and no tickles' Munson, is very clearly tickling you! You knowww~ maybe I should start calling you Y/N 'no talk and all tickles' L/N, because I'm going to tickle you speechless."
He is not above calling you insult names affectionately if that's something you like and will insult him back. Butthead, dipshit, dumbass, numb nuts, jerk, shithead, etc. You two could affectionately banter back and forth all day if that's your love language. 🥹
Sweet nicknames are an Eddie Munson specialty too. If you don't mind being given a cutesy nickname, he'll call you a bunch. Lovebug, honeybun, giggles, cute stuff, sugar berry (this one is self indulgence to the maximum degree. Guilty. Oops 🥴🫢), sweetie.
You are the only person that Eddie calls "sweetheart." He deadass adores you as much as he adores his electric guitar, and that is A LOT of adoration and love right there. Whether you two are just best friends, or if you two are romantically together. That nickname is very high honor.
One of Eddie's favorite things to do is purposely "zone out" mid conversation, and you try to get his attention, only for his slow-wiggling fingers to suddenly come into your line of vision...
...and he will keep a deadpan expression on his face, as he keeps moving his hand closer and you eventually end up a squeaking flustered heap on the floor after your attempts to get away...
...then you've just tucked your arms by your sides and shriek when he kneels beside you and hovers his wiggling fingers closer again. His suppressed smile finally breaks onto his face because he's so. entertained. over how you're not even being tickled yet but you're THAT squirmy over what he's doing. 
"Why are you so giggly and nervous~?"
"B-Behehecahahause *hic* youhou're gonna... youhouhou're gohohonna..."
"Tickle you? Hm? Yeah, I am~ But you're gonna decide when I actually start~"
He loves being all soft and sweet-sounding with his voice in these moments.
"Why are you so giggly~? What's so funny~?"
"You're not gonna tell me what's making you laugh so much~? Do I have to tickle it out of you~?"
As mischievous and annoying but very adorable and sweet as he is, if you DO piss him off enough, I hope you're prepared for angry ler!Eddie. 🫢
He will whip his head around to look at you, and either glare, or smile, before he starts moving toward you as he tells you that you are in for the tickling of your life.
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This is the point where you should run. It's not like he won't catch you though. If you don't run, he'll encourage you to, just because he likes the chase and it's adorable how you react when he catches you.
Eddie's teasing amplifies by a full 100. He is going to use EVERY tease that he knows flusters you and he will repeat them relentlessly.
You know the whole "mock sympathy" thing? Yeah. Eddie Munson is really good at the mock sympathy.
"Awwwww, I know it tickles like hell. That was the goal."
"Switch spots? Is it too bad~?"
*cue you nodding, only for Eddie to move one hand to another weak spot so he's tickling two at the same time and you're thrown back into laughter*
The man is ruthless AGSHDHDJR- To make it worse, he doesn't even act silly or laugh along. His face. Is so. Serious. Or there's the tiniest smirk on his face.
Oh my God- there are so many more hcs I have for angry ler!Eddie but I am flustered enough as it is. (Don't worry, I'm not done with angry ler!Eddie you'll see the concept explored in fics- AGSJDJRKE) So, let's talk about Eddie post-tickling you to tears.
Every time, after Eddie's tickled you, he holds up his hands with a giggle and assures you he's done. Eddie's an attentive guy, and he'll stop whenever you want him to. First thing he does after that is grab you water.
He asks if he can give you a hug or hold your hand or snuggle. Whatever form of affection you allow, Eddie is so sweet about it. What he says also depends on whether he was in a soft mood, mischievous mood, or a full on "you are done for" mood.
Eddie will dote on you all damn day after that if you let him. I'm not even kidding. 
Wanna watch a movie? You get to pick it. And if it turns out to be boring the two of you, he'll talk over the movie with his own lines and character voices or roast the characters in the film just to make you laugh.
Hungry? He'll grab whatever snack you like. You just want to hold his hand and snuggle? Okee dokee. Hell, he'll even play songs on his guitar for you (yes. Eddie Munson will play your favorites 🥹).
No matter how you spend the rest of your time together, you can count on Eddie Munson to be the sweetest friend (or boyfriend) ever. Be on the lookout though 👀 because you might soon once again see Eddie Munson's slowly wiggling fingers out of the corner of your eye~
I'm so effing flustered from writing this oh my sweet Jesus H. CHRIST- AHSJDJKDFM /lh
I hope these hcs were worth the wait 🥺 The in progress fics I was working on before I got sick are still on their way, but I think I need to let myself get back into the writing groove and let my brain write for the most currently active hyperfixation. There'll probably be a whole wave of Eddie content on the blog. Get ready for the ler!Eddie Munson renaissance ✨ /p
~ Ushu 💕
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blankalisek · 1 year
Decided to share one of my fanfictions/oneshots lmao. It's cringe af but oh well.
It has been years since Devil and King Dice got married, their love only growing everyday. King Dice and Devil have been organizing their bedroom, cleaning it and going through their clothes to see if they want to get rid of any.
King Dice was looking through the closet, throwing the clothes he didn't like anymore on the floor behind him. That's where he found it: his lavender wedding dress, hung in the back of the closet, a small layer of dust covering it.
"Hey Devil?" King Dice said as he took the dress out of the closet "Look what I found!"
Devil turned around to see King Dice holding up the dress in front of him.
"Your wedding dress! I remember how stunning you looked in it~"
King Dice giggled a bit, always loving when Devil gave him compliments. But as he looked into the mirror, his dress in front of his body, he realized something.
"Hun? I don't think I'm gonna fit in it again…"
"Well, you did gain some weight over the years." Devil said in a playful tone, hugging King Dice from behind and squeezing him gently. "Not that it matters, you're still beautiful~" He added, then sat on the bed.
King Dice giggled once again.
"Oh, I know that." He said with a smile "but it's a shame it's too small now. It's a really nice dress, you know? Although… I might try it on, just to see how much smaller it is"
King Dice began to undress, and then he tried to put the dress on. It wasn't easy, the dress not going over his shoulders.
"Uh, a little help?"
Devil chuckled and stood up from the bed to help King Dice. He gently pulled the dress down. It was really tight for King Dice, obviously, and he laughed as he looked at himself in the mirror.
"Heh, I look ridiculous! Well, I guess I should've expected that"
Devil walked up to him again and kissed his cheek.
"You look positively ridiculous, darlin'. But I gotta admit, I think you still look stunning" he smiled and kissed King Dice's exposed back.
King Dice shivered at the kiss and leaned back into Devil's arms.
Devil helped King Dice out of the wedding dress and they put it away into the closet. But then, he saw King Dice staring into the mirror, hugging himself.
"Hey, you okay hon?" Devil asked
"Yea, I'm fine. Just thinking. Do you really still find me attractive?"
Devil smiled at King Dice and picked him up, then carried him to the bed.
"Of course I do, honey. I think your chubby  belly is adorable~"
King Dice giggled again as Devil started giving his belly little kisses. He then rested his head on King Dice's belly, purring contentedly. 
"Plus," he added "you make a good pillow"
King Dice and Devil fell asleep, Devil curled up like a cat on King Dice's belly. And as he drifted off to sleep, King Dice knew Devil would always love him. No matter what.
Cringe af but sure
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torse · 4 months
AU / headcanon scene - “The Khan Experience ™ ”
random dream I had
but this time... KHAN CENTRIC. the horror
anyway this is very shameless high school fanfiction tier fluff
Notkin got into a fight at school, he totally won, but his leg got messed up and he had to stay home for a week or two Khan volunteered to deliver Notkin's homework (THE FANFICTION CLASSIC) they didn't hate each other but weren't exactly friends in school they took class debates a little too seriously there may have been a few punches thrown over them but Khan is nosy and overheard/saw that Notkin was all alone in his house because Grief was on a business trip Grief was repairing clocks in a cathedral. they were awesome and Khan offered to hang out (invited himself in) after school for a few hours to keep him company over the course of a week or so, they became actual friends Notkin + Grief didn't own a TV so Khan always read books to entertain himself Notkin got bored enough to ask what he was reading, Khan explained the plot, then asked if Notkin ever reads in his spare time for this particular AU Notkin has dyslexia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and, mostly due to bad experiences in school, he is not fond of reading books so Khan offered to read to him on one day it got late, Notkin fell asleep while Khan was reading and Khan was left alone with his thoughts which suddenly became: "uh oh-" "UH OH" he woke Notkin up and they went to bed (Khan on the couch) the next morning Khan was eating breakfast at the table while Notkin was in the shower Grief is back, walks in, grabs a plate of food, starts eating it at the counter, and just STARES at Khan Grief: "Why do you look guilty?" Khan: "I don't know what you mean" Grief: "You spent the night. With Notkin. What did you do to be lookin guilty like this?" SQUINTS SUSPICIOUSLY Khan: "I didn't do anything!" Grief: "Hmmmmm. The kid said you aren't the sort to lie. But that don't mean you aren't tellin' half truths- " Khan: praying for mercy Grief: "So.. if you didn't actually do anything... that means you probably were thinkin' somethin'." Khan: "It wasn't anything lewd!" Grief: "...Hm. I see." looking like a cat that caught a canary "Well the kid likes you too so stop looking like you committed a crime already." (Notkin will never forgive Grief for that)
I HC Khan as demisexual and some kind of aro? so he struggles with understanding/knowing how to deal with these new, foreign, TERRIBLE- warm feelings
and feelings in general just because, The Khan Experience ™
anyway I know that whole thing is cringe AF IM SORRY
I have no quality standards for posting shit
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xiuminscheeks · 6 months
some thoughts on episodes 5 & 6 of My Demon
ngl, for a moment I really wanted her to accept the finance dudes proposal. yes, I've watched enough kdramas to know to be weary of nice guys, but he seemed sincere and cute 🤷‍♀️
Do Dohees balcony scene and the one with madam Ju before the wedding.....Kim You Jung can fucking ACT. I usually find crying scenes in kdramas kinda cringe, but she always delivers
that pretend kiss with the thumb had be laughing like crazy. Gu Won 🤝 Tae Ha
I have to mention the scene with madam Ju again cause it made me so emotional. it was very beautifully done
flustered Gu Won is hilarious
Dohees stylist deserves a raise, she always looks so good (marry ME Dohee, divorce the demon pls)
the nephew looks suspicious af but I don't think it's him, idk. also, i don't think it's the older son cause he is dumb af. I'm still trying to figure who the mastermind behind all that is
did I mention jealous and flustered Gu Won? cause I need more of that
Gu Won met and fell in love with past Dohee. is anyone even surprised
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penelopetheconartist · 7 months
Orange Porch Light : Part 4
Coral Island Fanfiction about Rafael and OC. This is what I do when I'm bored at work so it is not polished. I wrote it to give myself more Rafael content. Plz enjoy!
Coral Island 1.0 is released tomorrow :D
"Oh, you're going to the tavern this evening? Cool I'll see you there", said Pablo. "Rafael you won't go?" Inquired Penelope trying to sound chill because she wanted him to come but the whole point was to get to know other people. Raf shook his head, "nah. Uhm. I like my quiet evenings." Penelope nodded, “that's fair. Maybe I'll convince you some other time.” He liked that she didn't push him to go out and he especially liked that she was going to ask him again. “I definitely think people need to get out more”, Pablo said nudging Raf who only rolled his eyes because of course, Pablo will always try to push him to go out. “Alright cool, well I suppose I'll see you guys later.” “Byeeeee”, Pablo said like a dork and Raf just nodded and smiled. As soon as the door shut Pablo turned abruptly to Rafael. “Come out tonight.” “What? no.” “Yes! If you come out, it'll be a group setting and there will be no pressure and you can spend more time with Penelope! And maybe even ask her out!” it was a foolproof plan according to Pablo. “Pablo, it'll be too crowded, and I'll be too uncomfortable to talk to her at all.” “Oh my god, you're killing me. Raf c'mon.” “No.” “C'mon.” “No.” “Come OOONNNNN!” Raf grunted and walked away. “Uuughh,” Pablo lamented. If you don’t ask her out soon someone else will!”
Rafael ignored Pablo and continued working. Their stubbornness infuriated each other.
“Fine! I'll flirt with her tonight! I'll ask her out!” Raf tensed but continued to ignored him and started to hammer away to drown out his stupid brother. Pablo went to change so he could head out to the tavern. As he left, he called out, “don't be surprised if I bring Penelope home tonight. “ In frustration, Raf slammed the hammer as hard as he could and Pablo was gone. He knew Pablo wasn't serious but he aslo knew his brother was charming af and probably could easily win Penelope over. Angry, he went up to his room so he could watch movies alone.
Pablo was sitting with Luke and Alice and called over Penelope as soon as she arrived. Penelope waved and walked to the bar first to grab a beer. She sat with them and both Luke and Alice had so many questions for the new girl. This is exactly what Penelope wanted, to get to know more people than just the blacksmiths she had to see daily because she kept breaking her tools. Pablo attempted to flirt but all his advances fell flat. He was actually pleased because this meant she was seriously into his brother. Luke and Penelope both offered to collect more beers for the table. As soon as they were out of earshot Pablo leaned over to Alice, “I think I need your help.” “With what?” “Raf is head over heels for her and I'm pretty sure she feels the same way about him.” “Awwwwwww!” Alice beamed, “That’s adorable.” “It is until they try to talk to each other,” Pablo stared into the distance remembering the ‘cringe’ he had to witness, “oh my god Alice, Raf is so goddam stubborn.” Alice smiled, “Aww no he's just shy.” Pablo shook his head and leaned back, “same thing.” Alice only giggled. “I couldn't get him to come out tonight. Alice raised a brow, “Yeah he'll never come here on a Friday. Maybe a Tuesday.” Penelope and Luke returned with new drinks. Pablo tried to flirt a few more times but Penelope just didn't react. Alice did and kicked him a few times. A few more people came by to chat with the newcomer. Overall, Penelope had a good night. But as she walked home, she found herself feeling a little sad that Rafael didn't join them, but she didn't blame him. The place was busy and loud, and Penelope drank a little more than she intended so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed. But that was probably enough socializing for the rest of next week. Pablo got in late. The shop was quiet. He crept up the stairs like he always does on Friday. They still worked a half day on Saturday, and he didn't want to wake Raf. Pablo did feel like a dick for saying what he said to Raf and even flirting with Penelope. He decided he’d wake up early to make breakfast to show he was sorry. If Raf was still awake, he'd apologize now. He peeked into Raf's room and there were zero lights. Sometimes he's still up watching a movie on his tablet but not tonight. Alright, Pablo will apologize tomorrow. Pablo woke up before Raf and made breakfast. When Raf joined him in the kitchen Pablo was plating it up. Raf yawned and raked his hand through his messy hair, “what's this?” Pablo sighed, “sorry for what I said yesterday. I was being a dick.” Raf nodded in agreement and sat down to start eating. “Also, I'm sorry I flirted with Penelope last night.” Raf tensed and gripped his fork, he was preparing himself for the worst. Was Penelope about to join them for breakfast? Pablo sat down across from his clearly distraught brother, “you'll be happy to know she did not flirt with me in return. She barely paid attention to me. “ Raf relaxed and finally looked up at Pablo, “really?” Pablo leaned back looking disappointed, “Yeah. That doesn't often happen to me.” Raf just laughed and started eating. They were good now. Penelope arrived a little before they closed in a very good mood. A bit too enthusiasctically she slammed some money on the counter resulting in both her and Rafael jumping just a little.
He smirked slightly confused, “Uh hey. How’s it going?”
Penelope was embarrassed for slamming the money, “Hey. It’s going good. I got paid!!!”
“Ah”, his smile brightened, “congratulations.”
“Thanks! I’d like to get a new pickaxe! … please”, she added because she was taught to always be polite.
Pablo could hear them chatting from the other room, so he decided to eavesdrop.
Rafael was getting a work order ready for Penelope and tried to make conversation, “did you have fun last night?” “Yeah, uhm, Pablo seemed to have a little too much last night.” “Oh?” “Yeah. I think he was flirting with me but everything he said was so cheesy.” Pablo stayed in the other room as now he was slightly offended. Rafael just laughed, “he can get flirty when he drinks. And when he’s sober… He’s just flirty. Harmless really.” Harmless??!! Pablo was more offended. Penelope sighed in relief, “Oh good.” Raf’s heart did a happy dance because Penelope is NOT interested in his brother, “Hey so I’ll have this new pickaxe ready sometime this week. Is that okay?
Penelope was so excited to have money and new things, “that’s perfect!”
Her enthusiasm was endearing, and Rafael couldn’t stop smiling as she left.
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Is it just me or does Bakugou nearly always have the energy of a 13 year olds beginner writers edgy OC when serious shit is meant to be going down?
Remember Bakugou thinking ot was a good idea to announce his hero name - in the middle of a battle?
Or screaming to Izuku that he will kill him in the war arc? Like seriously Shiggy could just sit back at this point - BKG could have and nearly has killed Izuku on multiple occasions.
It's strange how Hori can create some amazing characters then there's this explosive garbage who gets way too much screentime.
As someone who’s written cringy edgelord OCs when I was younger and still cringes at them, Katsuki definitely feels like one of those characters, except he’s never given a reason to be edgy. A lot of those edgy OCs written by kids have some convoluted or “tragic” backstories that they make to explain their behavior (said backstories vary from quality, with most of them being cringe af). Katsuki’s just a punk ass bitch who fell in a lake and has carried a hate boner for some kid for over ten years.
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fly-sky-high-09 · 9 months
Me texting mom while out the other day: I bought myself two shirts (at the mall no less)
Mom, who always nudges me to buy more clothes for myself but I never do (because clothes shopping is tedious af): YES EXCELLENT I CANT WAIT TO SEE!
Me, arriving home and showing mom two "cringe" shirts I bought on a big sale, both for about 15$; one black shirt that says "tokyo japan" and "tiger never sleeps" in a font that looks like kanji but isn't, chinese illustration style print of a tiger with roses and actual chinese symbols next to it (if i'm not mistaken); the other shirt being a plain white shirt with lower edges having a car decal styled flames around it, colored in bi flag colors basically and a print of tiny flaming letters on the chest area that is the same color and say "truth" for some reason:
Mom: ... this is for indoor clothing right?
Me, smug: why?
Mom: o-oh, you know, they just look like that, not really for outing
Me: these are made for outing
Mom: oh
Me: but yeah no this is for indoor wear cuz all of my home shirts fell apart after many years
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thekaijudude · 5 months
Blazar isn't over yet but I feel that the plot here is one of the worst. Even Trigger had a more consistent plot
Agreed tbh
Tho the actual issue with Blazar that I have (and I can sense that we're on the same page here) is that this is basically following the early Heisei formula, which are episodic seasons where theres not much focus on an overall plot.
Personally, while I did grow up with the Showa and Heisei series, I always wanted the series to focus on the Ultra itself, in terms of treating it as an actual character with dialogue, actively contributing to plot development etc, rather than being basically a plot device. Which is why I prefer the New Gen series (And im literally just rewatching them while Blazar is airing cause its boring af)
So its not really the issue of Blazar having a bad overall plot, its just that the focus of the series from the get-go was it to be a episodic season. And I wouldnt really say that the plot is bad, but just too basic. Even Taguchi outright said this that Blazar has a simple plot.
But to us that are focused on continuity of how one episode leads to the next, yeah Blazar is really bad. Like compared with the other seasons where each week im actively looking forward to watching the next episode to see how the plot develops after new revelations have been made in the previous episodes, I literally actively procrastinate from watching Blazar episodes cause I know nothing substantial is gonna happen anyways.
Tho on the other hand, the second thing I look for in a series are the quality of the fight scenes. Which was definitely a disappointment because I honestly expected to see an improvement from Z. And while it too had a pretty simple plot, Z's fight scenes then was essentially the peak of the franchise. But Blazar fell short in this department. But then again, this could all be part of Taguchi's plan to make Blazar a more "realistic" series.
I dont vibe with that decision either based on what it turned out but hey, at least its finally ending lol
Of course not to say that its totally bad tho, because we do have highlights like Niji, Brood Gevalka, introduction of M421 (however little) etc
But overall, I'd give Blazar a 4/10. Completely unmotivated and uninterested to watch most of the episodes, might put it at 3/10 which would make it the same tier as RB which I actively hated how the plot turned out but I dont think Blazar, as boring as it is, is THAT bad (so maybe 3.5? Stay tuned for the final review after the last episode). But at least they did remove cringe content (only cringe I rmb might be the washing machine scene?) so at least thats an improvement?
Movie dosent seem interesting either since there's neither new forms nor crossover
All we can do is hope that Arc would return to the usual New Gen formula
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