#i finished this game btw i will never recover
angeltannis · 9 months
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So Forspoken, huh
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traumacat800 · 2 years
Every Kiss Begins With Kill Chapter 2 (NSFW)
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Buckets of Bug Blood
OK OK BECAUSE OF YOU THE TIMELINE CHANGED BASICALLY. So, Bob never sees Lila and survives. He still eats ppl though, but the VAMPIRE GUY SURVIVES HE'S SO CUTE (/platonic) I'M SAD HE DIED 💔
my mutuals have been BEGGING on their KNEES for chapter 2 soooo here it is fr <3
Also Brazen (your dog) is really fucking smart, tbh everybody needs a Brazen. SHE LITERALLY CAN ONLY BARK LMFAOO 😭😭 and she’s STILL the voice of reason. LMAO rather the BARK of reason. The entire thing is so goofy to the point where it’s amazing and fits perfectly in the series fr
There’s smut in this chapter. But the midst of it will be in the third chapter or fourth. Reader is 18 btw, senior in hs. <3
Breaking in (although it isn’t treated as such) , mentions of bugs (you like bugs sm), Bob Velseb.
It was the day after Halloween.
You were sitting at home, Brazen was laying on the bed next to you. She’s completely recovered from her illness and was back to being her usual self. You ran your finger through her soft hair, god, you loved your dog so much. Brazen perked up at something but you didn’t notice. You were on ibisPaint at the moment, although you keep switching off if it to either change the music or go on TimeWatch (Tiktok) or SOMEHOW study for a test that you never remembered having. Your brain worked in weird ways, you supposed. Your headphones were one of your most prized possessions, at the moment, they weren’t helping you. 
At least that’s what Brazen thought, as she barked at the tall man with horns that was creeping in the backyard. You had told her about meeting a man with the description before. Unlike Brazen, you didn’t sleep downstairs. Which meant that you never had to sleep next to the loud ass Tv, that somehow only played the news. Brazen hated your ignorance about the subject or rather the fact that you thought a murderer was hot. Now that murderer was back, probably to end you. 
‘I don’t get paid enough for this, I don’t even get paid at all!’ Brazen thought. 
Brazen continued to bark at the man but he never hesitated in his attempt to get to you, somehow making his way up to your window. Brazen jumped down from the window, and ran to your bed. You still couldn’t hear her barking over your loud ass music. Brazen rolled her eyes before nipping at you. You jumped a bit, taking out your headphones. Brazen looked back, the window was open, the man was inside. 
“Did you know that Endocannibalism is just one of many forms of cannibalism?”
You jumped at his voice, one you were definitely not expecting. You turned around. It was the guy from yesterday, he was still in his costume. 
“Dude, where are you finding these weird facts? Also how the fuck did you get in my room?” 
He pointed at the window, his smile never faltered. You felt a bit concerned for him, did he have nowhere to sleep or maybe he had no friends? You frowned at that thought, even though he technically broke into your house. He was a little weird but so were you. I mean you liked bugs, your shelfs were littered with bug books. Plus, he didn’t seem to have any bad intentions. So, you shrugged it off, as usual.
“Hey what’s your name? Never got it yesterday.”
He hummed, thinking for a couple seconds.
Brazen looked between the two of you, absolutely horrified at that sight. There’s no way you actually liked the murderer right? 
“I’m Y/n” 
You closed your window before looking back at him. 
“You know, you could’ve just knocked on the door. I would’ve let you in” 
Brazen huffed out a loud growl before leaving the room, probably going back downstairs. You closed the door behind her.
“Wanna play a game?” You asked, pointing to your video game console, he didn’t respond. So you went over to it, plugging in the second controller. He watched you curiously as you did so. Once you’d finally finished hooking up the game, you patted the spot next to you. His heavy footsteps filled the room as you sat waiting for him. He sat down, picking up the controller. You smiled at him, and you both played what was a very nice and gentle game of online Monopoly. 
Spoiler alert: 
It was not a very nice game, it was every man for themselves. 
Bob laughed as he defeated you, you’d landed on a house of his. It was 1500 dollars to pay off the fine, you’d only had 900 at the moment. There was no way he would trade you for his money. You whined in defeat. You had to go bankrupt, there was no other option. Bob smirked at you, you refused to look at him especially after all the shit you talked to him.
“Oh don't be like that” He purred
You refused to acknowledge how his dark voice made your stomach pool in anticipation. 
But little did you know, he saw right past you. 
Bob grabbed your hips, a bit questionably, only to see if you were truly comfortable with this or not. You didn’t shift, so he rested his head on you. You could feel his warm breath on your cheek, you felt your face heat up. He studied your body language a bit before finally asking—
“Can I touch you?”
You nodded. You were at a loss for words at the situation that was happening. It seemed straight out of wattpad, that you’d meet a guy you’d like and end up doing the dirty tango with him a day after. His hands trailed down your hips. Your breath hitched as he quietly studied you once more, slipping his hands into your undergarments. He removed one hand, spitting on it. For lube purposes since you had none. He slowly inserted his fingers inside you, it was uncomfortable. The pain was a sharp burn. Thankfully, he focused on the other elements of your body to keep your content. For example, biting your neck, rubbing around your nipples, and finally grinding against your leg. He was so hard and it was making you feel even more pleasure at the thought of taking him: It didn’t take very long for him to break you in. You managed to stifle a moan at how good his hands were, moving inside you slowly. He seemed like an expert on this topic. His head was resting near your neck, he took in all your sinful sounds. You pushed back against him, begging the man for more. 
“Needy Kitten.” He breathed out, you whined at the sensual tone of his voice. 
He started to pump his fingers in and out of you, setting a rather fast pace. Your hole twitched around him.You felt your stomach pool with pleasure, you closed your eyes. Clenching up your body as your orgasm struck through you like thunder. You stopped for a moment catching your breath. Bob was still hard, you notice. Although he seemed to be happy with how you looked now. Removing his hands from your undergarments. 
You figured it'd be easier if he just dry humped you, it’s not like you were ready for the real thing yet. You sat on his lap, your hole brushing up against his cock roughly. Bob moaned against you, grabbing your hips. He pushed you closer to him, taking full advantage of the body that you’d lended to him. His arms wrapped around you, as he grinded roughly against your ass. His heavy grunts and breaths made you moan and whine. He didn’t last very long though, cumming in his pants. Bob panted along with you. You fought the need to sleep, you didn’t want him to leave just yet. Bob seemed to notice this. You shifted the position, burying your face in his soft red sweater. His arms came to pull you closer, his head rested on yours. You could hear his heartbeat, it was fast. 
“Sleep now. I’ll be back soon.” 
You couldn’t help but follow his instructions. 
Bob stayed with you until it started to get light outside, tucking you into bed. While waking back to your window, he noticed the set of books you had. Most being about bugs. He took one from your bookshelf. 
The next day, you awoke to Brazen nipping at you. It was around noon. She was barking at something. Brazen had been barking a lot more lately, usually she never did. You yawned, your vision steadied after a while. That’s when you noticed a note and a bucket next to your window. You picked up the note as you peered into the bucket with a mysterious substance.
“Did you know that bugs have different types of blood? Some can be colorful and others dull. I killed every bug I saw to make this for you” 
You smiled at the genuine dedication. You face flushed at the thought of last night.
Brazen continued to glare at the bucket. 
Bonus art of the goofy goober
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mister-e-muss · 20 days
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Time for another backlog report, August 2024 edition. As always, thoughts are below:
Mega Man X:
Both this and X2 I beat as part of the Legacy Collection bundle. At first I stuck to the idea that each ‘collection’ counted as a single game, with individual games being more like chapters. That’s why I didn’t write my thoughts on Battle Network 1 when I finished it. I realized however that if I thought that large-scale, I was never going to actually finish it, or any of the individual games.
So what exactly do I say about this game? It’s Chrono Trigger levels of revered. Even Arin ‘I refuse to read more than three words consecutively’ Hanson of Game Grumps fake calls the intro stage genius for how it visually teaches the player about wall jumps.
I can hardly say a bad word about this game, not just because it’s so enshrined in the top tens of SNES games ever, but because I genuinely agree that it’s a great, tight action platformer with some kick-ass music.
Mega Man X2:
Okay, Capcom proved they could innovate the Mega Man formula. Could they follow up?
Turns out yes. While I generally hold the music as overall inferior to X1, I still think that there’s some great tracks in here. (My personal favorite is Flame Stag’s Stage btw.)
As for the story, I think the tension of Zero’s lost parts is both a good way to add more personal stakes and a clever way to justify reviving a character that had died in the last game. Believe me, it happens more than I’d like it to. Also, I took a screenshot of this specific dialogue because it is both a brilliantly dick-ish move and really stupid of Sigma to try and guilt trip X about his supposed failure. . . After he’d already beaten the X-Hunters and recovered Zero’s parts.
The stages themselves are a lot of fun to go through, with the exception of a few of the X-Hunter stages.
Trails of Cold Steel:
When discussing the Trails series, Cold Steel is the arc that everyone points to and says “Trash Anime Harem game.” That is not my issue with this game.
I think where I generally take issue is the scope. I know that’s a weird thing to say about these games considering just how grandiose and meticulous they are about every single detail, but it’s the most general way to put it. The cast is large, the maps are large, the grand tale of political intrigue is large. The strange part is that for all of its largeness, it could have been cut down by a quarter and still be able to do a lot of what it sets out to do.
Having the cast split themselves in half is an effective way of rotating the spotlight so that almost everyone gets a turn, but if they just compressed one or two character ideas they could have ensured that everyone had more room in their niche.
For that matter, the gameplay has also been expanded and shrunk down. The addition of combat links is a fun idea that makes you think about party comp and which characters pair well with others, but in this first outing, they don’t really do much. The fact that the game hides the two extra payoff options until a third and halfway through the game also doesn’t help. Where the series shrinks is in the orbment system. The master quartz return, and they’re just as fascinating as ever, but the quartz themselves have taken a turn for the bland. Rather than have each gem hold an element value, and arts appearing on characters as you build them, arts and passive bonuses have been divided in two. Except not really because high-level quartz give both. What this means from a design perspective is that players don’t have to keep track of seven different values building up a cast of 11 total playable characters. (Again, you could have cut that by half.) What this means from a gameplay perspective however is that orbments are much less interesting to tinker around with, turning what was a miniature puzzle into a simple best-in-slot. For a 60+ hour game to have one of its core systems be stripped like this, it makes the game feel more monotonous than it really is.
Despite all these general complaints, I honestly can’t recommend it enough. The soundtrack is just as good as it’s ever been, the plot does in fact try to strike a balance between zoomed-out political intrigue and zoomed-in character drama, and the combat is still among the best turn-based systems.
I even liked the bonding points for what they were. Having to chose which characters were worth your investment was a bit itchy, but the one-on-one spotlights were nice. That they also increase Link levels is also a very nice gameplay-story-integration that I will never say no to.
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Doing another tag game today because otherwise this'll never end xD
@trojieface tagged me in this and gave me an opportunity to show off how bad I am at consuming media. 😂 Thanks!
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Last song: Sleep Cult by L.S. Dunes. Slowly starting to forgive them for giving me the flu even though I'm still recovering. Over three weeks later. Sorry I'll get over it eventually. The show was amazing.
Last show: The Sandman! I still haven't finished it because, see above, I'm bad at consuming media. I am kind of planning on watching the rest though. (I've always been wanting to watch Leverage too btw! I just couldn't get my hands on it so far.)
Currently watching: Um. Twitch streams and court shows tbh. I know they're trash tv but I loved them as a kid and still do.
Currently reading: I spent my childhood and teen years reading all day every day and now I struggle to make it through a single ficlet. Theoretically I'm reading All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages, edited by Saundra Mitchell, though.
Current obsession: I am a non-obsessive person by nature and I still managed to stay in fandom for nearly a decade (so far!), which I know isn't that long, especially not considering my age. Does Gerard Way in a designer skirt and a pearl bracelet count?
I'm tagging @derridoid, @dearings, @i-believe-in-u, @fruitxbat, @crowblackslowblack, @padawanryan, @heavensenthale, @bootlegfrnk and @sugarhillpark if you wanna!
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7, 12, 17 (with lighthouse!), and 27 for the weird writer asks?
from the Weird Questions for Writers (aaaaa thank you for asking Jay and hope you're feeling better!)
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
There's always this point, especially during the climax of a longfic, where everything feels like it's reaching a breaking point? Like where all the little threads are coming together and a character realizes what the narrative has been pushing them towards this whole time (see also: the villain revealing their big evil plan , a tragic protagonist realizing there's no other way this can go, etc etc). I always love writing that scene the most because it's just me hopping up and down and shouting THIS IS IT THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL BEEN ABOUT THIS IS WHY I'VE CALLED YOU ALL HERE TODAY (with 'You' also including myself'.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
(1.) time oh god more time to write please just let me write i could do so much with more time
(2) would love, like, a Google catered specifically to fic writers. Like, it does me very little to know when the telephone was invented, I need to know when the majority of people had telephones in their homes/how having a telephone was considered socially/what the cultural zeitgeist around telephones were. preferably in pdf form
(3) I'd love, like, a 'finish chapter now' button. i wouldn't abuse it. i'd use it once per fic, max. but sometimes i've been through things SO MUCH in my own head that getting them on paper is THE WORST
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
(Discounting every OC, who is stressful in the sense that I am looking them in their eyeballs and asking WHO ARE YOU --) I'd probably have to say Harrier Du Bois, from the Disco Elysium series.
In short, he's an amnesiac alcoholic (recovering?) drug addict (recovering?) cop (alas not recovering) whose train of thought has 24 distinct voices. His sense of humor is spontaneous and it's so easy to lurch forward into the pit of 'random' humor (and so easy to make him less than a garbage fire than he really is). That he's also part of a game that lets you take a lot of distinct personality pathways also makes it tricky.
(Second place goes to Data from Star Trek, who canonically cannot use contractions and had me magnifying-glass my WIP trying to look for lost 'can'ts' and 'won'ts'.)
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
hello everyone welcome to my playground. most of the trivia is character specific, so I've divided it by character and limited myself to MAX five bullet points Parker - I don't really have a specific sexuality in mind for most of the characters (Arthur + John are *handwaves* vaguely aspec but they're mostly just trying to get by, y'know) except for Parker being a gay man.
That does come up later, but there's some backstory stuff that I never found a good place to put in:
Parker never really had romantic feelings towards Arthur (though he does admit Arthur cleans up nice). Him becoming Arthur's BFF was as much a surprise to him as it was to Arthur. (I have a lot of feelings about gay men having very close platonic male friends)
Parker has had a few casual encounters up in Boston when casework takes him there. Occasionally he's tried for a more serious relationship, but (a) Boston's a little far, (b) the same casework woes that affect heterosexual detectives also affect homosexual ones, and (c) there's at least one very angry man in Boston who ardently believes Parker is an adulterer.
Arthur doesn't know and never knew. Parker's pretty sure he would be fine with it (though he wouldn't lie and say that bringing Arthur along to a gay club in Boston for case-stuff wasn't a litmus test), but anytime the conversation turned interpersonal and/or heavy, Arthur shut off like an unpaid electric bill.
Parker's family does know that he's gay (though they don't know he's alive, because he hasn't actually told them).
Parker never would have agreed to go up to Boston with Arthur and John during Lighthouse. He wasn't totally convinced that John wasn't some leech/vampire/demon until he saw John clutching Arthur's body in the 2nd fic, upon which he thought, oh shit, that's a whole-ass guy.
The most scared Parker has ever been was when he was on the boat after John jumped ship with Faroe. Parker can take danger and life/death situations; in a pinch, he can even take spooky occult shit, just don't make him take spooky occult shit alone.
John -
John uses a cane: partially for pain issues with his knees, mostly for balance. Trying to balance on his own causes more pain. John ignores this fact frequently.
The reason why John first felt terror when he looked at Faroe was because that was also Arthur's first feeling when he looked at Faroe, and John absorbed it during his time in Arthur's head.
John didn't totally believe that Parker was Parker when they first met until he came face-to-face with Kayne. He trusted Arthur was making the right decision.
Kayne -
Just. So much that I ended up cutting about the mechanics of the Dark World that will undoubtedly be rendered un-canon in a few months. In short - Kayne is the quote unquote "leader" of the Dark World, but it's not really fulfilling its intended purpose. He mostly uses it as a sandbox and lets the rest get overgrown. Everything he's built for the Scooby Gang is intentional.
Kayne can read everyone's thoughts while they're in the Dark World.
The only thing Kayne can't control are the black stars.
Kayne did control Arthur's body for a hot two weeks and went to Boston (he's always wanted to see!). Arthur is saved from police suspicion because Kayne took one look at Arthur's decimated body and went 'yuck' and fixed it up (only to be undone when he returned to the Dark World, for the same reason that Parker woke up in the office where he died and not Innsmouth).
I have a few askance thoughts for what Kayne did during those two weeks: Kayne had a nice steak dinner, Kayne stabbed someone to death in an alley, Kayne met a nice lady at a bar and had sex with her in the bathroom, Kayne got a suit fitted. There were other acts of incredible violence in Boston that week; however, due to how different they were, the police never put it together that it was One Guy.
Arthur -
Arthur will likely never know the two things that, if he discovered, would absolutely wreck him: that he unintentionally transformed a ship full of WWI sailors into cultists and led them to their deaths [after the events of the second fic, they'll crash their ship along a shallow reef] and Kayne's Sex/Violence Party While Wearing his Face.
Arthur's last conversation before he entered the Dark World was with the taxi driver he paid a fiver to guide him to his overgrown parents' house.
General/Themes -
Suffocation is a really strong through-line in the fic: by drowning [on blood or water], by strangling, by hanging. How much is too much is basically the subtitle of the series.
Artistry is also in question - people are constantly mistaking John for an artist, Kayne knows how to make clever chords but mocks the meaning of art, [REDACTED] is introduced through discordant flutes and drums, Parker can't technically play piano but jumps at the chance to murder the ivories with Arthur, Bella wanted to be a garment maker more than she wanted to be a mother, Faroe is first shown drawing shapes in flour on the boat.
Mayhaps the church with the glowing yellow stained glass window in the Dark World can be our lighthouse
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sephwearsprada · 5 months
OH NO NOT AN EAR INFECTION 😭 I hope you're doing better now or that you're recovering at least! Other than that, how have you been? :')
Ahh i forgot that tidbit about the screenshot contests 😭 now that you mention it, i do have a vague memory of you complaining about them never making it available in your country. Even then, your sc's were truly one of a kind ☆
I see that you love the Clerith date uuuu, but which one? The Gold Saucer one or? Gosh they go on so many dates in the game sjfjsjfjdjsj 😭
I am better now :) thanks to the antibiotics! :D But in general, i am constantly stressed and exhausted. Yesterday i had to check a few times that it really is friday and I don't have work next day 🥲 my job is slowly killing me and now it's not the best time to change jobs.. Aaaa! I' sorry for whining 😭 Anyway.. How are you?? :) Are you fine and what have you been up to? 🤗
There is many dates indeed! All of them are so sweet and precious. But their golden saucer date was everything ;^; I had to save a save slot just for that. i have to play it again without subtitles. I know it has been giffed like by million people but I wanna make my own gifs 🥲 yes.. You read right! 😂 i will make a few gifs. But just a few 😅
I have played 140h and I still haven't finished the game btw 🥴🤧😭
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
no because literally, in a single ask there are many different topics and the answers just get longer. I imagine you opening your inbox and seeing some aks that look more like the digital bible itself😶
I'm telling you! I'm behaving now. I changed.
I'll wait, and I already have my doubts about something but I don't know if it's a reference. the 119% thing.
totally, just like they did when they guarded at all costs that Kate would be played by hailee. It would be really funny if the Nightwing phase hadn't just been a phase.... unless...👀 I also don't know how well-known this mafia game is, but I've literally never heard of it until now. you're good at FIFA? for further scientific research. i- i never played GTA, my mom was ok with me playing mortal kombat and seeing the most graphic and merciless deaths, but not with me stealing cars and running away from the police 😔
okay, if I go watch it for the gay shit and I come out of it sad I'll blame you and you'll pay for my therapy. If she's supposed to be an irredeemable villain then she did something really fucked up, right? because I'm kind of more of a fan of villains..... to a certain point... um yeahh..of course
I'm literally eating myself up because I want to know what this cliffhanger is, I mean, the show was cancelled... knowing this isn't going to ruin my experience, is it?
queerbait, queerbait is everywhere- oh, the denial, it's okay, thinking like this can keep you sane, but it's between ava and sara? wait, I got lost hwjakksskskk you defend flash until you possibly can't anymore, but only watch for caitlin? how does it work? RIGHT? It took me a while to like caitlin exactly for that reason. and don't judge me, but it got tired to a point where I wasn't even rooting for barry and iris to get together anymore. they almost made my hair gray for a while, but I recovered.
now I understand why there's SO MUCH supercorp fics, these people are drooling and surviving on crumbs- think with care <3 hdjskjsk
– 🌟
i’m happily surprised and impressed that we've managed to talk about so many things at the same time and, despite the slight confusion sometimes, we still have MORE to say. it's not often i find someone so willing to read my paragraph-long responses and then RESPOND with their own paragraphs. [and needless to say, i absolutely love reading your responses, even if they're long]
mhmm, we’ll see about that.
it technically is a reference but i don't know if you're thinking what i’m thinking. and if you're not one of us is going to end up looking like an an idiot 😶 [it’s me, btw]
i mean, he's technically still my favorite superhero so i guess the phase still isn't over. i’m just too gay to obsess over a man the way i obsess over kate. i don't think it's that well known but i love it. idk what kind of research you're doing that requires this knowledge but yeah, i’m pretty good at FIFA. not like super amazing or anything but i’ve played it all my life so i think i’ve developed some skills. funnily enough, my mom was the opposite way. mortal kombat was too violent but planning heists and stealing cars was fine. [but not until i was like…10 or something]
babe, i hate to break it to you, but i can't even pay for my own therapy so you're on your own. stop asking questions because i WILL write an essay on her. basically, she does do fucked up shit BUT she's also heavily, HEAVILY, traumatized. i can't get into it without giving out too many spoilers but as the show goes on, we learn she's genuinely just a heavily messed up person and NOT a Joker type of villain who causes pain for the sake of it. [she's also not a sociopath, no matter how many times the characters say she is smh. she's also queer-coded af so there's that]
it's probably my fault for bringing it up everyday lmao. it doesn't ruin anything at all, it's just frustrating. they do finish the plot of season 7 nicely so that's why i just ignore the cliffhanger. it was supposed to tease season 8 but then season 8 never happened. the thing that pisses me off is that the CW didn't bother to tell the writers or the producers or the ACTORS that they wouldn't be getting another season.
sorry, i phrased that weird because it's technically a spoiler. the queer-bait is between zari and a new character hence why i didn't give many details in case you decide to watch the show again. sara and ava aren’t queer-bait at all, they're just queer 👍 it doesn't work very well but like the flash still has some really good things in between all the shitty writing. [that's another reason to watch batwoman, btw, their writers are out of this world] plus, like i said, caitlin snow was part of my gay awakening so it's not like i could just ditch the show even while it was going downhill. i don't judge you at all, i hated their relationship in the last few seasons. idk how they did it but they made me dislike barry at some point which is a crime because he's my boy!!!
akdkkdkskk that's a perfect way to put it, no further comment is necessary. i’m definitely not thinking about it 😶
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succulentul · 2 years
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just two guys off to go kill lilith together they are going to have a happy time and kiss eachother and nothing bad could possibly happen to them now :J
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eggmarr · 2 years
Can I request “When he sees me” with Diluc for the event?
Congrats on 143 followers!
set in motion (143 event drabble)
pairing: superhero!diluc x gn!journalist!reader
warnings: modern au, pov blending, less emphasis on the romance but still definitely romance, diluc is basically batman, childhood friends to lovers who?!?! this is the product of listening to super yuppers, watching ratatouille, and vaguely revisiting my [redacted] phase smh
a/n: and here it is!!! i promised i would finally finish these and this concept smacked me across the face and kissed me on the cheek….they are on a mansard roof btw, bc i love those and they’re perfect for midnight stargazing :)
songs: when he sees me - waitress and super yuppers - wjsn chocome
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You’re not one for games of chance.
Despite all your protesting, and regardless of all your superstition, it feels like Lady Luck just has a personal vendetta against you - and instead of taking it out on the rest of your life, she seems to find new ways to make your life feel like that boulder in that one movie chasing the guy out of the cave.
Case in point…
“Is this seat taken?”
A somewhat familiar baritone fills the night air, and you find yourself giving a small smile at the voice. If you were to look back, you’d see the upward twitch of his own lips.
“It’s not like I own the roof, Knight.”
The man in question lets out a small huff as he settles onto the blanket you’d been resting on. The roof of your apartment building is slanted slightly and much darker than you’d prefer, but stable and offered a good view of the city skyline. You gazed off into the distance, eying the lights and cars amongst the bustling people.
Swiveling your head slightly, your eyes graze over the cloaked hero, mask in place as usual among swaths of dark clothing and covert armor. Even though you’d been his point of media contact for the better part of your time in the city, it was still hard to believe that the Darknight Hero didn’t have better things to do than to sit next to you and people watch.
(He did, but the idea of sitting with you was much more appealing.)
“You do though.” He speaks casually with you, instead of the biting formality he shares with the rest of the world. “You live on the top floor, so you do own the roof.” His side profile is fuzzy with the mask, but you suppose that’s the point of the ensemble.
Your laugh is a bright lantern in the abyss at this height, a beacon his eyes can’t help but follow. “Perhaps.”
Silence and white noise takes the place of conversation, a comforting feeling in the brisk wind and moonlight.
Despite the uncertainty in your throat, the question you’ve been pondering on and off slips through your filter.
“Do you have someone important in your life, Knight?”
He balks, and you stumble to recover the blunder. “Not that I’m fishing for information! I would never do that.” Your hands wave in mock surrender. “-Not after the trust you put in me to be your contact.”
“….What prompted that question?”
You can’t seem to remember the reason why either, and yet something inside you urges to continue.
“Curiosity.” It’s simple, but the only way you can describe it properly. “All this work to make the city a safe place; must have a reason for it, no? A damsel for the knight?”
The undignified snort he lets out makes your face feel much warmer than it should.
“I didn’t take you as one for romance tropes.” Skepticism tints his tone as he leans back into his palms, giving you a tilt of his head. “The world has enough of those in the celebrity tabloids.”
Your momentary quiet worries his nerves.
“I…” You begin, voice at a softer whisper in the wake of his words. “I recently got back in touch with a friend from way back. We’re supposed to go out for drinks with a few other mutual friends tomorrow.”
His attentive eyes trace your features, from the squeeze of your fists to the furrow of your brow. “If you’re already going out for drinks, I’d say you don’t have to be stressed.”
“Not helping, Knight.”
“Then what is it you look so terrified at?”
You scoff at his incredulous tone. “I am not terrified, just…mildly fearful.” The clenched hands you’d been holding fast to slowly loosened with your words. “It’s been so long since the last time we actually saw each other, much less talked to each other.”
A picture flashes in your mind: shorter by just an inch, a head full of fiery red hair and hands grasping a toy sword with the other locked in yours.
“I’m not the same person I was when we parted ways. Don’t think he is either.” The memory makes your heart hurt. “I don’t like guessing games.”
“Seems like you care for him a lot, then.”
“He’s just…” You trail off, before the right word finally comes to your tongue. “He’s someone I’ve known to love for so long that I don’t remember how to not love him. And yet, after not seeing him for so long, I don’t know if there’ll be something left to love.”
Leaving his life when you did surely drained whatever light was left in those ruby red eyes of his.
“Anyways,” You sigh, rubbing at your own tired eyes and glancing over to the masked hero. “It’s not really something important for a superhero, just-“
A sharp beep rings out from his belt, cutting you off and drawing both of your heads.
Even through the mask, he manages to look endearingly apologetic. “Sorry about that.”
“Is that disappointment I hear, Knight?”
Your teasing tone makes him duck his head. “Just hoping it isn’t another group of teenagers messing around.”
“…I do, by the way.” He pauses where he stands, tall shadow casting across the roof as he fastens some sort of gadget on his wrist. “I have someone to fight these battles for. I was their knight first, after all.”
And with a simple wave, he leaps into the inky dark - leaving you to the mercy of the stars.
(At least, until he meets you for coffee the next day.)
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cupcakestreets · 2 years
Touching base and flinging some ideas at you. What of Gateau's parents? Alive or dead? (If they're ghosts that must be awkward, mom nagging you to eat your vegetables from the afterlife.)
And did they know their son was a ghost whisperer with totally rad hair?
While Sweet is making the best of his time in Hisui, there's got to be times where he's homesick, right? What does he miss? Other than indoor plumbing and video games of course.
Just finished a couple pages of the project today. Paneling is a bitch. I will upload when I have more done. I currently don't know how many pages this is going to be. It got way bigger than I was expecting.
-- Warden Anon
Alright I've actually been stuing on this ask for a bit because I got the biggest brainworms about Gateau's tragic backstory. So TW mentions of: Abuse, and death ahead.
Gateau's parents were shitty. They started to shun their child as soon as their powers developed. Not only was he seen as a freak by his parents but also by the people in his village. The only one who treated Gateau (which btw is a name he chose for himself later on in life) was his older sister. His older sister had these powers as well but hers could be hidden easily as her hair did not float. When his powers developed she was there for them. His sister would offer guide lost souls and speak to spirits to put them to rest. Shortly after he developed his powers his sister was murdered and her body was never recovered. People believe it was a pokemon that got to them however Gataeu knew it was her abusive spouse, he died before he ever confessed. With no one there to protect him Gateau was once again shunned and ostracized by the village especially when he started protecting pokemon. Seen as a freak and only gained comfort from the kind ghost and pokemon he ran away. Sometimes he will hear his sister's song when he walked in a certain area of the forest. He will sing along and that song helps guide the ghost and lost spirits that have tragically lost their lives in the forest. When ever he hears her song he instinctively follows it and he will usually find shrine for him to rest at. Her voice also guides him to safety. He will sing her song quietly to himself when he works sometimes.
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If you're curious about how I imagine their singing voices would be and the song I was listening to when I was thinking of them. Also this song gives me big Gateau energy! Listen to it.
To the light hearted part of this post: Sweet misses certain foods he knows he won't be able to make in the past... Like the Baja blast. He also does not miss his home too much as his life before was ... unfulfilling to say the least. He was a neet, and had a really shit roommate. Him getting isekaied was a warm welcome. He won't deny he misses the luxuries of the future though. Oh the convenience! How he misses the. He has to make his own oil paints now and they're hard to get! He misses art stores.
I hope these facts help hehe good luck on the project~
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
hey hey hey, could you make sub harry x dom fem reader smut where the reader finds out that harry spying on her in the showers with his cloak, so she takes revenge after the quidditch match on the showers? basically shower sex but reader being dom as hell. face slapping, choking, eating out, lots of degration, just pure sub harry smut!! and i loveee your writing btw love 💖🤧
pairing: harry potter x reader 
warning(s): 18+, dom!reader, mentions of voyeurism, shower sex, oral (female receiving), choking, slapping (like once), degradation, mentions of orgasm control/edging 
word count: 1.6k 
a/n: sorry i haven’t uploaded in a while, i’ve been busy but i have the week off so i hope to post more often! as always, enjoy! 
Once you saw the last of the team travel out of the locker room, you were quick to barge in - knowing your boyfriend, and the team’s captain, was the only one left. 
He was taking his jersey off when you arrived, his muscular back facing you. 
“You were great out there,” you said softly as you approached him, wrapping yours arms around him from the back despite how sweaty he was. You knew you’d be showering with him anyways. It was a little post-game ritual the two of you often loved to share. 
Harry leaned into your touch, letting some of the weight from his sore body rest on you. You almost felt bad for what you were about to do to him. He didn’t even know what was coming. Didn’t even know he had been caught this morning. But you surely weren’t going to let it slide. 
“Where were you this morning?” You asked him, innocently enough. 
“Went to breakfast then came down here,” he answered easily, moving out of your grasp to turn the water on. 
“And before that?” You asked him, raising a sly brow at him. 
You saw him freeze for a moment, but he recovered quickly. It almost made you giggle - the thought of him thinking he could get away with it. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, not turning around to face you. Instead, he opted to begin removing his pants. 
“Don’t act stupid, baby boy,” you said, almost mockingly. “We both know exactly what I’m talking about.” 
He froze for real then, his hands glued to the hem of his pants. You could practically feel him wracking his brain for something to say, but you both knew he already lost. 
When he turned to face you, his expression was filled with guilt and shame. It was almost cute how pitiful he looked. You walked up closer to him, completely invading his space until your chest was pressed against his. You could hear the way his breath hitched before he released a shaky breath, and you knew he was exactly where you wanted him. 
“Did you think it was okay to peep on me in the shower? You’re not slick, you know? I know when you’re using the cloak,” you questioned, referencing what had happened just that morning. 
You had been taking a shower, excitedly getting ready to watch your boyfriend play in his game today, when you heard an unmistakable swishing along the bathroom floor. You barely even had to look up when you saw it hit the light in exactly the right way. To anyone else, it may have just been a trick of the eye, but you knew exactly what it was. You had been underneath it enough times to know. It was Harry, underneath his invisibility cloak, watching you shower. 
And as aroused as you were that Harry had managed to sneak all the way in there just for you, just to see you naked, you refused to give him the show he wanted. After all, he didn’t need to know you knew was there. So you continued your shower as you normally would, finally hearing the unmistakable swishing leave the bathroom once more. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, looking down at his feet bashfully. 
“I’m sure you’re not, but you’ll make it up to me. Won’t you, baby?” You asked teasingly, palming him through his briefs to find him already half hard. When all he could do was whimper, you couldn’t help but chuckle, but you let it slide. “Help me strip.” 
He moved eagerly, quickly helping you out of your layers until you were naked. You moved under the water, letting it encase you before you turned back to him. He was watching you with eagle eyes, not daring to take them off of you. 
“Down on your knees, baby boy. I don’t know what you think you were doing, but I’m in charge now,” you told him, spreading your legs seductively, leaving him with a perfect spot to place his mouth. 
He was down on his knees within a second, not even minding the cold, hard bathroom floor. His lips sucked around your clit harshly, forcing your hips to buck up from the wall. He didn’t miss a single beat, almost effortlessly working your body with his lips and tongues. Regardless of how you felt about this morning, your man was good and you both knew it. 
“Look at you finally being good. Maybe if you had been good all day, I would have been the one on my knees,” you told him between your moans. You felt more than heard him whimper against your body, picturing the roles reversed. 
He got you off quickly after that, wanting to prove to you so badly that he was good, so that hopefully, if you allowed it, he could get off too. You came with a deep moan, your back arched against the cool shower wall and your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him as close as possible to your body. His tongue didn’t stop until you were writhing, forcing him off of you. 
When you looked down at him again, a whole new rush of arousal shot through your body. His hair was a beautiful mess, tousled under your fingers and the water. His lips were swollen and wet, slightly parted as he finally got the chance to breathe. And his eyes. Oh his fucking eyes. He looked like an absolute glorious fucked out mess even though you hadn’t even touched him yet. He looked as breathless as you felt. The power you had over this man was borderline insanity. 
“Do you think you did a good enough job to fuck me?” You asked him lowly, watching his eyes widen. 
“Please. I’ve wanted to all day,” he told you honestly, the plea evident in his eyes. 
“I really don’t think you deserve it after your stunt this morning but I’ll be nice. You can fuck me, but you better make me cum twice of your cock before you even think about cumming,” you gave in with a dark chuckle, watching as a blush crept to his face and his cock twitched. 
He was on his feet in an instant, easily lifting you up and balancing your body between the wall and his strong chest. It didn’t take him much longer to slip his cock inside of you and from the angle, you could feel everything. Every vien, every ridge, every throb. He definitely chose correctly when he picked this position. 
WIth every thrust, his pelvis was brushing against your clit and the tip of his cock was perfectly hitting your g-spot. You couldn’t even hold the moans back. He was proving just how good he was tenfold, he deserved to hear how good he was making you feel. 
“You were so fucking bad this morning, you know that?” You asked, slowly dragging your hand up his chest and to his throat. You didn’t clench down hard, but the fact that your hand was there was enough to make him moan. “Who gave you the filthy idea that peeping on me was the right thing to do?” 
“Y/N, fuck,” he said back, not quiet an answer, but you knew exactly what it meant. It meant that as your orgasm was building, so was his and he was having a hard time controlling it between your words and your hand so perfectly placed. 
And you knew exactly what to do to tip him over the edge. To make him cum and break the rules some more just so you could fuck with him more later. It was devious, but it was the perfect punishment. 
“You’re not showing me how good you can be. I know how close you are. Are you thinking about me in the shower again? How good I looked touching myself while you watched?” You questioned, your hand only gripping his throat tighter. 
“No. Fuck. I’m being good, please,” he begged aimlessly, thrusting inside of you erratically, just proving how close to the edge he was. 
“If you were good, you wouldn’t act like a desperate little boy,” you told him, trying your best to sound coherent through your own moans. 
You gripped his chin between your fingers to hold him steady before bringing up your other hand and swinging it against his face, a resounding crack echoing around the empty locker room. His head remained steady, but his entire body trembled. He managed to keep you upright, but he was breaking down slowly, spiraling to his release. 
“You better make me cum before you do,” you got out, at least managing to sound menacing enough. 
“I’m so close. Please cum, please,” Harry whimpered, fighting against himself to get you there. 
No matter what, you could never say that Harry Potter was a quitter. He raced to get you to your finish, and when you did, you contracted around him so tightly he hissed and you released with a scream, unable to hold back the sound. He came with a groan, his head buried in your shoulder. 
You took a moment to catch your breath before opening your mouth to speak. “I thought I told you to make me cum twice before you did,” you offered weakly, still a little breathless. But nevertheless, your words had their desired effect. 
Harry’s head immediately snapped up and you could already see the apology in his eyes. You chuckled slightly as you slid back down the wall, gracefully landing on your feet. 
“Don’t worry, baby boy. You’ll learn your lesson for that one later - nothing a few edges won’t be able to fix. But first we need to finish your shower, hm?” You asked softly, moving his messy hair back out of his face. 
He gulped but gave you a steady nod before flashing a barely there grin. He was a little shit - basically asking for a punishment. But he was all yours.
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ampleappleamble · 2 years
Got tagged for a WIP title drop game by @dragonologist-phd (thanks for tag! ♡)
But uhhhhhh... I'm really only still working on Anthem Infinitum right now. I'm just monstrously slow about making any progress on it 😕 Newest chapter will probably end up being called Cold Comfort, though, so I've got that going (of course the beginning of the White March part of the story has to have a "cold" pun in the chapter title.) I tend to only title chapters/fics during or shortly after finishing writing them. I do have ideas for other one-shots but I wouldn't call them WIPs; they're nothing but brief plot synopses for now. I guess if I were to give them tentative titles, it'd be like: Family Matters, Hero Worship, Hope Springs, Word Problems, Weak Point: Exposed!, and Strange Bedfellows. How cliché! (Feel free to ask about any of these btw, although i may have already talked about some of them a long while back ♡)
I haven't even been drawing very much lately! And since it's all on my tablet my drawings don't really have titles. But if I were to title them right now just off the top of my head, some more recent ones would include: Axa's clothes, Axa's family, Vaargys' "family", Final Fantasy/PoE crossover dress-up fun time, and Edér recovering the Watcher's corpse at the smoldering ruins of Caed Nua. Will any of these ever be finished? Who knows!
I never have any idea who to tag in these things, so if you want to, do. If you don't, don't do it!
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kisa-is-dummy · 3 years
❤🌻My (Personal) Top 5 Undertale Theories❤🌻
V - Scarred Body
In 5th place, I present the theory that Frisk (and in timelines where Chara takes the role as the protagonist) is:
Whenever they "respawn", come back to life from whatever killed them, they will come back with a scar that indicates what caused to injure/kill them. Examples:
🔥Burn Marks (Toriel/Asgore/Asriel): Injury/Death by Fire (yeah, no $#¡+)
🪡Stiches indicate that they were heavily injured by stabbing or sharp objects in general. Sans due his attack in the genocide route; Papyrus with the traps that do NOT malfunction for some reason; Mettaton, DIRNTE? Undyne is same thing as Mettaton, maybe just a little less...extreme? Nvm, that doesn't sound like Undyne at all.
In the end, whenever they come back from the dead or just slightly recover from whatever injury, Frisk/Chara's body will now have a new scar to the collection.
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IV - Amnesiac! Chara
Basically, it's about the moment Chara hits their head on the ground, they lose all of the memories, including their real name. Once Asriel finds them and bring them to his parents. As soon they regain consciouness, they would be asked questions, giving hints about them remembering nothing about what happened before falling as an answer. Asriel "decides" to "name" them Chara, since none of them knew the actual one. It stayed like that until Toriel told them about the tale between the monsters and humans, in which caused to trigger Chara, finally remembering their past, and then coming up with the plan. Another thing is that after their death, they actually lost their memories once again, as they spend a god amount of years in the void. I'm not sure if it's possible for a person to have amnesia more than once, but we're talking about a game that has no logic at all, one of them being kids surviving a head trauma after falling a large role and living just fine, so, i guess it IS possible.
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III - The Children
I'm speaking about the Fallen Children (Excluding Frisk, and Chara will be explained soon enough) together with Sans & Papyrus, starting with the skelebros, by the way.
It never made sense for me that Gaster is Sans & Papyrus's biological father, because one; there isn't actual evidence that prove he is, and second...Gaster doesn't look like a skeleton at all, at least to me.
Point is, both skelebros are results of a (failed) cloning experiment. Why a cloning experiment? Well, let's suppose that, unlike Alphys, Gaster was so caught up to his job to the point he forgets to do basic stuff like...EATING and SLEEPING! Asgore tries to convince, and even demand him to take a break, but fails miserably, while Toriel oftenly enters the lab with a cup of tea with a slice of pie, but fails also; but it also affect him badly enough to be unable to finish other researches, experiments, you name it. That's when he came with the idea of cloning himself with the purpose to conclude all his unfinished work so then he can chill, and that was the plan. Until, since he was tired af, he messed up one thing, and that one thing was enough to cause the clones to "deform" and become who we know and love, Sans & Papyrus, the skeleton brothers.
And even if they were biologically his kids, it was never stated that Gaster's parenting skills were good.
I mean, I doubt that Gaster even LIKES kids. When Chara and Asriel were still alive, he torelated them, but that's it. And that was no different with Sans & Papyrus. I imagine that he gave them food and toys and called parenting. No, the Dreemurrs never knew about them. Cuz Gaster made sure they never LEFT the lab while he was alive (which didn't take too long, btw).
Moving on to the Fallen Children, I've always seen many comics where it states that Asgore killed every child that was brought to him. I am not saying it's wrong but, I feel that Asgore wasn't the only one behind their deaths. What I am implying is, what if some others monsters were part of the killing? Heck, even Toriel tried to kill Frisk, so what makes you think that she didn't try the same with the previous ones?
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II - Chara's Plan...was actually Gaster's Plan
Now explaining better about Gaster's true nature and Chara not being the "mastermind" of this plan, I don't think that Chara would be crazy enough, or even smart enough to formulate such idea, even if they didn't see what happened to Asgore or even mistook cups of butter for buttercups. So, I imagine that Chara was discussing with Asriel about how to get everyone out from the underground, with Gaster happening to pass by and "accidentally" overhear everything. Then he comes closer to them and explains that the only way to set everyone free is using a human soul as a spell breaker for the barrier. They were confused at first, only for Chara to realize that they will have to sacrifice theyself for this. And Gaster drops the "We need 7 souls to leave this place" bomb. Chara hates humanity, but never actually thought about killing someone, mainly knowing how much this would hurt Asriel. He, in the other hand, wasn't willing to hurt ANYONE for this. Gaster knew Asriel wouldn't approve, and didn't even bother discussing this with his parents, because he knew they would refuse before he could even explain, so Chara was the only one he could convince. And it worked. Until Asriel's execution.
But why? Gaster have always wondered how human science worked and planned to use it in his future projects. Plus, he believes that humans are the strongest species, considering that they managed to trap a whole race of monsters under a mountain, and then, must be intelligent as well. Plus, he was done. Tired of not being recognized for his works. Tired of his failed clones that became the kids he never asked for. Tired of everything and everyone. He was willing to do anything to finally get the recognition he believes he deserves.
And how did he die, according to you? A bit after separating theyself from Asriel's body after his death, Chara's spirit roamed into Gaster's lab, where they could see him pretty furious. He cussing, and in the middle of the cussing, he loudly called them and Asriel an idiot, for failing to do something simple, as killing 6 random humans to get everybody out of that hellhole, and how now he will never able to be recognized on science department, etc. Chara was disgusted, to say the least. They felt that Gaster didn't care about anyone but himself, and realized that not all monsters were innocent as they thought, deciding then to kill him by pushing of a balcony that led to another failed experiment: the void.
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I - Inner Grudges
Personally, I don't believe that Frisk actually forgave everyone, nor that they were a pacifist, neither that the monsters are innocent like the fans likes to claim. I theorize that Frisk is able to remember the resets and game overs, therefore, they can remember clearly what killed them and who. Heck, Flowey it's the monster they HATE the most, more than they hate Sans. And while they don't really hate Toriel, they don't really feel safe around her, especially after what happened in the ruins. Mettaton, Undyne...almost the same rate as Flowey.
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That's all for now. Bye.
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kageyamas-love · 4 years
hey!! i saw you were looking for requests and i’m in love with our boy nishinoya yuu so here i am 😌 so i read your rules for requesting but idk if i do this wrong so i’m sorry if i do !! if possible, could you write a nishinoya x reader where the reader attends a volleyball game and noya catches her eye and she tries to talk to him and get his number? (if not, that’s completely fine!! you’re an amazing writer btw!)
phone number
pairing: nishinoya x gn!reader
a/n: yess ofc! i love noya:) ne ways i made it noya asking for your phone number cuz i think it suits him better in this case so i hope this is ok:)) thanks for your patience!
yachi had been insisting on you to come with her to her team’s next volleyball match. she was recently accepted as their assistant-manager, and being the anxious girl she was, didn’t want to be in the stands alone. so, she asked you, one of her closest friends. being the nice friend you were, agreed to it.
“thank you so much f/n!! it means a lot to me” she sweatdropped. you gave her a crooked smile, “no problem! you never know, maybe i’ll find a cute guy there.” you half joked.
you looked for a good spot in the stands, almost immediately spotting yachi. “hitoka!!” you shouted, trying to get her attention. it startled her, but she quickly recovered. she waved you over. “f/n!!”
you caught the attention of some of the karasuno boys, who had just finished stretching down on the court, about to begin their game. they’d heard yachi’s excited call of your name. many averted their eyes back to the court, however one boy in particular’s focus was stuck on you. “nishinoya! head in the game!” daichi called, snapping the libero out of his trance. he sucked in a breath, shaking himself out of his thoughts.
“woah. that libero of yours..” you started, quickly losing track when you watched him effortlessly recieve one of oikawa’s serves. you didn’t mean to, but for most of the time your eyes were stuck on him. he was so focused and intense, but as soon as his team got a point, his intensity would transform into such a supporting and cheerful aura. yachi giggled. “yeah nishinoya really is something isn’t he? it’s so weird watching him play to be honest.. he’s so different outside of the court.” she replied. “so his name’s nishinoya?” she glanced at you, noting your captivated state. she blinked at you “you know f/n, you’ve been staring at him a lot.” her statement caused your cheeks to feel warm, stuttering out, “w-well yeah! he’s a good player! who wouldn’t watch him?!”
every so often, the boy would glance in your direction, causing your heart to flutter. often he didn’t even realize he was doing it. only doing it to reassure his subconscience that you were watching him. when he would catch himself doing it, he would snap his eyes back, internally scolding himself. not now noya. focus on the game.
after however, when karasuno had won the game, just barely, the boys headed to the guest locker room. the libero showered quickly, wanting to head out as fast as he could, hoping he could catch you in time to talk. his teammates watching blankly as he headed out of the change room hastily.
as you were talking with yachi in the gym hallway, you felt a tap on your shoulder. turning around you were met with brown irises. they stated you down intensely, but only for a second. when he smiled the tension dissipated. he also realized the slight difference in height. smirking to himself. “hi! i’m nishinoya yuu!! just call me noya though” he introduced himself. your cheeks were hot when you responded, but the smile on your face showed confidence. “hi i’m l/n”
he’s ended up getting your number, after tanaka had interrupted your little meeting with the libero, urging him to ask for it. “er- could i maybe get your number..?” and you chuckled at his awkwardness with a nod, briskly writing your phone number with perfectly printed writing on the back of his hand. once you finished, you noticed the hint of pink that dusted his cheeks as he walked away, stuttering out a ‘thank you’ whilst tanaka laughed at his best friend’s reaction.
nishinoya slapped tanaka on the back of the head. “what the hell man! you’re so embarrasing!” he muttered. tanaka only smirked. “if i didn’t you wouldn’t of asked for their number. don’t think i didn’t catch the looks you kept giving them” he answered. nishinoya’s brows furrowed. “no! i was gunna ask for their number! i just wanted to get to know them a little better first...” he mumbled the last part. once again, tanaka let out a barking laugh as a reply.
back to masterlist
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cherienymphe · 4 years
The Concubine (Stucky x Reader)
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warnings: Royalty!AU (bring on the misogyny), eventual DUB-CON, eventual NON-CON
summary: Where there’s a king, there’s a harem, and you are the king’s favorite concubine. No other man is allowed to touch you. That is, until this monarchy becomes a diarchy and you find yourself at the mercy of two men unwilling to share.
This isn’t your typical royal setting btw. If any of you have played the interactive game, The Arcana, just imagine the setting some place like Vesuvia.
Your hip lowered in time with the final beat of the drum, and the hall erupted into claps and cheers. A slow smile spread over your lips as you looked up, eyes connecting with familiar blue ones. The king didn’t outwardly join in the praise, but by the way he leaned his arm on the chair of his throne, eyes twinkling and lips quirking up ever so slightly, you knew that he was pleased.
You curtsied, lowering your head just as he rose. You looked up at him from beneath your lashes as he waved his hand, signaling for everyone to quiet down. You only moved when he instructed you to do so, and you slowly approached him as he descended, gliding down the golden steps with a grace that only a king could possess.
“How joyous it is to have Y/N finally return to us, and with quite the performance,” he said.
There were low murmurs of agreement just as he stopped before you. You didn’t shy away from his stare, and his smirk grew. You could feel so many eyes on you, you always did, but his gaze was the only one that mattered. It was the only one that had any affect on your life.
Were the king’s gaze to stray, were his tastes to change in anyway, your life would irrevocably change. That was what had been ingrained into you since you were a child, and you knew this to be true. You had seen it before with your very own eyes. A man’s mind was as fickle as the sway of his cock. That was what your mother had told you once.
“Let the feast commence.”
His voice carried, and the attendees did not hesitate to obey. The hall erupted into loud chatter and boisterous laughter as everyone dug in. Hardly anyone paid any mind as the king reached up to rest his fingers just under your jaw, tilting your head to get a better look at you. His thumbs brushed over your skin, and you smiled.
“I’m glad you are well. I have missed you,” he murmured just low enough for you to hear.
“I’m relieved to hear that, my king. I feared that my absence wouldn’t affect you in the slightest,” you confessed.
“How silly of you. Come and fellowship beside me, tonight. You are the guest of honor, after all.”
Your fingers pressed into his skin as you wrapped your hand around his waiting arm. He led you up the steps and lowered himself onto his throne. You sat on the arm, a familiar seat to you, and ran your eyes over the men whose bellies were slowly filling with rum as giggling women tarried around them.
You smiled at the women you’d grown to love over the years, sisters of sorts. Other concubines of the king. Although, they were a bit different from you. They had the freedom to take pleasure from other high-ranking men as well. They were showered in affection, and sometimes gifts, from dozens of men in the palace. They gossiped about the men they were currently sleeping with, some of their lovers overlapping, and they’d giggle about “that thing General Anthony likes to do in bed” or “the way Lord Samuel could pleasure a woman with his tongue for what seemed like hours”.
You’d listen and ooh and aah, but you could only ever imagine the stories they shared. You had been bred purely for this life, forced to go to courses for as long as you could remember. You knew of 30 different ways to finish a man by the time you were nineteen, 3 of which without ever having to touch him, but had never put any of that instruction to use until a year later when Lord Samuel came to your door.
By the smile on your mother’s face, you had known that it was her doing. That she’d finally gotten an audience with someone close to the king, someone who could get you into the palace. She had often talked of how she’d been a mistress to the king’s father in his day before the aging man allowed her to marry a low ranking official in his army. You were destined to follow in her footsteps. You’d always known it and had long accepted it. You were never bothered by it for your mother taught you that it was nothing to be ashamed of.
The king was entranced from the very first night, and you remembered the awe in his eyes as you had lifted your head from his lap, lips stained with the evidence of his climax. His bare chest had been heaving, glistening with sweat. You’d lost count of how many times you had forced him to the edge without ever actually pushing him over. You were taught that reactions varied, some men not liking that, at all, but it seemed that the king was not one of those men.
He was almost ravenous as he gripped you, pulling you into a heated kiss before covering your frame with his own. He had taken your virginity that night, spending hours taking pleasure from your body, curious to see just what you could do. It didn’t matter that he had four other concubines already, you swiftly grew to be in his favor.
You were pulled from your reverie by the feel of his fingers drawing circles into the back of your neck. You looked at him, unsurprised to find his blue eyes already on you, a crooked smile on his lips. You returned it. His eyes were always on you, every hour of every day, it seemed. Sometimes you wondered if he even visited any of the other girls anymore. He glanced away, and your smile fell.
You thought of your sisters and the stories they told well into the night. You thought of how there were some nights when they were simply left alone, using the free time to bask in their other hobbies or each other’s company. You could no longer remember a time where you didn’t feel the constant touch of Steve’s hands on your skin.
A low sigh escaped his lips as you pressed your fingers into his shoulder, kneading the naked skin. He tilted his head back, groaning as the tension eased.
“I’ve missed these hands,” he breathed. “How heavenly they feel…”
You softly chuckled.
“You mean to tell me that your shoulders haven’t been touched in weeks? I don’t believe that… I know for a fact that Anastasia’s hands are quite gifted as well,” you murmured into the quiet room.
“Not like yours,” Steve didn’t hesitate to reply.
You chuckled again.
“You flatter me, my king.”
“What use would it do to flatter you? You’ll be spending your first night back in my bed either way. I’ve no need to lie to you…”
You hummed in agreement, a small smile on your lips. You paused in your ministrations when he reached up to rest his hand over one of your own. You looked at him curiously, but he was facing away from you, and he did not turn as he began to speak.
“I indeed have missed you, Y/N. Your touch is the only one that truly satisfies me,” he said.
You blinked, a bit taken aback by the conviction in his voice.
“It is simply my duty, one that I enjoy.”
It wasn’t far off from the truth. Despite how weary you had grown of Steve’s appetite, you did enjoy pleasing him. You were exceptionally good at what you did. You had been bred for this life, after all.
“I feared that you wouldn’t recover from the bout of sickness that had befallen you. I feared that I would have to bury you…”
Your eyes widened just a tad at that.
“Earlier tonight, you said that you feared your absence wouldn’t affect me, and I told you what a silly thought that was. I did not lie. Your presence was very much missed.”
Over the years, you’d hardly seen the king show any thing even resembling affection. Sure, he could be sweet in the privacy of his chambers, soft spoken declarations whispered into your ear while he had his way with you, but that was different. Those were just words uttered during the throes of passion.
You looked down as you continued your movements, remembering that you’d also had similar thoughts. The fever that had struck you weeks ago had come out of nowhere, like a sudden storm in the night. You had hardly been able to move, and the king had not been allowed to see you lest he get sick as well. For a moment there, you too had feared that you would die. However, as quickly as the illness came, it was gone.
You’d been holed up for weeks, seeing no one but the physician and the occasional friend or two as they brought you gifts to lift your spirits. And lift them they did. A week ago, you’d woken up bright eyed and bushytailed, but the physician wanted to monitor your condition for a few more days just to be sure.
Your hands suddenly fell as Steve rose, turning to face you. Your brief confusion bled to understanding as his eyes darkened, feeling no need to hide his desire in this private setting. His chest brushed against yours as he stepped towards you, and you held his gaze when he reached up to loosen the clasps at your shoulders. The fabric of your top brushed along your skin as it fell to the floor.
One of his hands clasped your neck, tilting your head back as he pressed his lips to your skin while the other worked to rid you of your skirt. The sound of the gold detailing clattering to the floor was deafening as you stood bare before him. The familiar feel of his hands on your skin confused you.
The king’s touch was all you had ever known. It was familiar and comforting in a way you didn’t think anyone else would understand. It soothed a part of you that you often wanted to ignore as of late. On the other hand, his touch exhausted you. The weeks you’d spent in isolation were hardly a reprieve seeing as you spent the majority of it drenched in sweat, confined to your bed. Outside of that, you couldn’t remember a single night that wasn’t spent beneath him.
“God, I’ve missed you,” he groaned before pressing his lips against yours.
You moaned into his mouth, almost tripping over your own feet as he began to walk forward, forcing you back. He only stopped when the back of your thighs brushed the edge of his lavish bed, and he turned you both. You were breathless as he sat down, eyes running over your form as he smoothed his hands over you. When they traveled upwards, approaching your shoulders, you knew what he wanted.
You licked your lips as you fell to your knees, glancing at him from beneath your lashes as you worked to release him from the confines of his pants. The sound that left his lips when you wrapped your hand around him was indescribable. A cross somewhere between a moan and a growl, and he bucked his hips. You lowered your head, only breaking the hold of his gaze when you took him into your mouth.
You heard him lean back, a choked moan escaping as you began to work your mouth over him. His fingers gripped your hair, tightly, and you found yourself wincing. You flattened your tongue anyway, gliding over him, keeping your lips sealed tight around him. You brought your hands up to wrap around him as well to reach what your mouth couldn’t, and he hummed.
You copied him, humming around his cock, and it pleased you to hear how much he enjoyed it. This was something you didn’t think you’d ever grow tired of. Sometimes your mouth grew dry, and sometimes your jaw ached, but the way you were able to reduce the king to such a begging mess sometimes made it worth it. You loved this sense of control and power it gave you.
It was never your intention but pleasuring the king with your mouth often got you many gifts. You had your own room, an abundance of jewels that you only ever wore for him, and a private bath that was probably your favorite gift of all. Sometimes Steve joined you, but more often than not, your baths were spent in solitude, a small moment to yourself with just you and your thoughts.
He came quickly, and you knew then that his body missed you most of all. You swallowed with ease, no longer minding the taste of him, and he gripped you, pulling you up into a kiss before you could get your bearings. He kissed you like he was trying to retrieve your soul, fingers pressing so hard into your skin you were sure they’d leave marks.
You gasped when you found yourself on your back, and your trembling hands assisted him in undressing. His eyes were hungry, hands searching as he grabbed your legs, pulling you against him. The way his lips attacked you reminded you of that very first night, the night he’d ripped your virginity from you in a dizzying haze of pleasure.
He was hardly gentle as he slid inside of you, and you pressed your nails into his arm. His hold was tight as he began to thrust into you, as if he was afraid you’d slip away. His lips never left you, and sometimes you’d feel his tongue dart out, tasting you, committing the flavor of you to memory. Your toes curled as his skin slapped against yours, thighs shaking from the force behind his movements.
One of your hands fell to the bed, gripping the silken sheets in between your fingers as you fought to make sense of the pleasure coursing through you. Weeks you had gone without the touch of a man, without his touch, and you felt like you were being thrown back into the feeling head first. One of his hands gripped your face, pulling you into another kiss.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you,” he whispered. “…nearly drove myself mad…”
You moaned into his mouth, and his grip tightened. You squeezed your eyes shut as your hip began to burn from where he held you.
“Did you miss me?” he demanded.
“Y-yes,” you forced out, dragging your nails down his arm.
He groaned at that, twisting one hand into your hair as he jerked your head back. He bit into your neck, hips unrelenting as he did what he wanted with your body. The king got like this sometimes, especially when he was stressed and bothered. Although you knew that your illness and absence had weighed on him heavily, something in you knew that other matters were bothering him. The way he touched you and held you and kissed you told you so.
His touch grew less harsh as the night wore on, his frustrations and fears finally waning. His blond hair was in disarray as he slowly moved his hips against yours, and you fell asleep to the feel of him kissing every spot that he’d held too tight.
You approached the familiar group of brightly dressed women as they stood behind a pillar, peering around it as their hushed murmurs filled the air. You frowned in confusion, nearing them as you struggled to see what they were looking at.
“What’s going on?”
They all turned in surprise, and they all collectively sighed in relief when they came face to face with you. A few of them even perked up, and Tatia reached out to you with a grin on her red lips, gripping your hand as she pulled you closer.
“Thank the heavens you’re here, Y/N. The king adores you! Perhaps you can find out what’s truly going on,” she said, both curiosity and fear coating her words.
“What do you mean? What’s going on?”
A few of the women chuckled, knowingly eyeing you as Anastasia spoke.
“You had quite the late start this morning, so we don’t blame you for how behind you are on the news. After all, we all know how the king can be…especially when it comes to you,” she giggled, bumping your shoulder.
Tatia hit her arm, but even she was fighting a smile.
“There’s talk…of another king…,” she finally said.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the dark-haired girl, confusion growing.
“Another king? Here?”
Was that allowed? They all nodded.
“The neighboring king if I’m not mistaken. Amara heard talk of merging armies and resources and the like. We’re still unsure as to why, but surely it must benefit us, otherwise the king would never agree to such a thing,” she replied.
You pursed your lips, stepping around them to finally look at what they were seeing. Your shoulders sagged just as you caught the backs of Steve and a strange man as they walked away. They were the same height, but the stranger’s hair was dark and luscious as it brushed his shoulders. He was darkly dressed, and the outline of his garb was gold.
You felt someone’s hand on your shoulder, and soon Anastasia’s voice filled your ear.
“So…? Will you speak with him? Find out what’s truly going to happen?”
You turned to her with a small smile.
“I’ll do my best.”
The rest of them grinned, clasping their hands together as they thanked you. You turned back around with a slight frown. You didn’t have the heart to tell them that if Steve really did agree to such a thing, you all clearly needed something this other king had.
You were only proven right hours later when you finally got him alone.
“The other girls saw you today…with a stranger…”
Steve’s eyes met yours as you lathered soap into his chest. The two of you were in his bath, preparing for the night after a long day. Steam filled the large room, and the water sloshed as he readjusted himself, sitting up as he eyed you, waiting for you to continue.
“They speak of another king,” you murmured, gauging his reaction.
He didn’t respond right away, and you paused. Your eyes searched his, and you began to frown.
“My king…? Is it true?”
He hummed.
“…It is.”
You looked away, lowering the soap into the water as you stared at the wall.
“I see…”
“You sound bothered by this news,” he noted.
“It is not my place to concern myself with such matters. I’m a mere concubine,” was your response.
He laughed as he rose from the bath, water droplets flying as he stepped out. You ran your eyes over him, taking him in in all of his naked glory.
“Truly, Y/N. Tell me your thoughts on the matter. I’m genuinely curious to hear them…”
You pursed your lips.
“Do I have your permission to speak freely?”
His eyes narrowed, but he agreed anyway.
“You do.”
You licked your lips, glancing down before meeting his gaze again.
“What is it that he has that we need?”
His jaw clenched as he eyed you, lips thinning into a straight line.
“You have always been clever,” he said, chuckling without humor. “That, however, is a matter that doesn’t concern you.”
You looked away.
“You’re right. It doesn’t concern me, and I don’t know what it is, but surely this arrangement will cause more problems than it can solve,” you stated.
You’d heard the phrase ‘two heads are better than one’ often growing up, but your mother also had another one she too often used. Something about too many cooks in the kitchen. You hesitantly met his eyes again, finding him staring at you as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Pray tell…”
“What if there are more arguments between you two than there are agreements? What if you’re constantly having to change and revise things purely for the sake of compromise? You could spend more time adjusting ideas than actually executing them. This man is a stranger. We know-.”
“He is not a stranger to me. In fact, I’ve fellowshipped with him many times. We’ve grown up hunting together and preparing to take after our fathers,” he interrupted.
“I’m sorry-.”
“Do you not trust my judgement?”
“I do-.”
“Then act like it. You are doing an awful lot of questioning for someone who claims to trust me.”
His tone was harsh and clipped, and you knew that you had overstepped.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated. “I was out of line, and for that I apologize. I simply worry…”
He sighed and approached you, reaching to help you out of the bath. He brushed his hand over your cheek, wetting the skin as he ran his eyes over you.
“You want to protect your home, your livelihood, and me… I admire that, but I am king. You are not. You were right. Worry yourself with matters that concern you,” he stated.
You nodded.
“Yes, my king.”
“Good. Now, prepare our bed, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I need to be well rested,” he ordered.
You nodded, taking a step away from him before pausing. You blinked, a sudden thought crossing your mind as you turned to look at him.
“Will we have to answer to him as we do you?”
Again, he didn’t respond right away, and after a while, you accepted that he simply wouldn’t. With a soft apology, you exited the bath. A tall figure with shoulder length dark hair weighed heavily on your mind.
The next morning found you in the garden, hidden between some tall bushes as you swayed your hips. You hummed the familiar tune as you practiced, determined to make up for the weeks you’d lost to the sudden bout of sickness. The gold bracelets on your arms clanked together on beat, and you lowered your hip in time with the final beat, a line of sweat kissing your hairline.
You were startled by a slow clap sounding from behind you, and you turned with wide eyes, the fabric of your dress curling around your legs. Your eyes met blue ones that were almost familiar to you, but not quite. His dark hair kissed his shoulders, face lightly decorated with facial hair. He was as tall as your king, and you immediately knew that this was the man from yesterday. The neighboring king. Although, you supposed he wouldn’t be just a neighbor anymore.
“That was very good.”
His voice was deep, smooth and rich in a way that was different to you. You curtsied ever so slightly, lowering your head just a bit before thanking him. He tilted his head at you.
“…and what might they call you?”
You eyed him, unsure of what to make of him just yet.
“Y/N,” you answered.
You were unsure if you liked the way his eyebrows rose, eyes lighting up as he seemed to take you in in a whole new light. He ran his eyes over you, and you found yourself taking a step back.
You nodded in confirmation, and a crooked smile fell over his lips.
“I have heard of you. Steve’s most favored concubine…”
You didn’t respond but didn’t feel a need to. This man didn’t seem to need a confirmation for that.
“I heard in the wind that no other man is allowed to touch you,” he hummed.
Again, you didn’t feel the need to confirm that for he had clearly confirmed it already. He approached you, and you studied him. He smelled of spice and the trees all rolled into one.
“I’d heard that you had fallen ill not too long ago. I am glad to see that you’ve recovered. What a pity it would have been to not have been able to meet you,” he murmured.
“Thank you,” you quietly replied.
You jerked, eyes widening when he gently gripped your chin, tilting your head up.
“I am James. I missed your performance the other night it seems, but I will be sure to see them all from here on out…”
He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip, and you felt your heart skip a beat in your chest. He drank you in, blue eyes so similar yet so different from Steve’s. He ran his eyes over you, committing you to memory.
“I look forward to…many of your future performances.”
He stepped away and turned around, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the lingering touch of a man who was not Steve.
tags:  @sherrybaby14​ @xoxabs88xox​ @darkficreposter​ @mcudarklibrary​ @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ @kellyn1604​ @sebabestianstan101​ @villanellevi​ @readermia​ @jtargaryen18​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nickyl316h​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @arseofrivia​ @ariesmadness97​ @kaithezaftig​ @fafulous​ @tessa-bl​
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 1
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
The story is divided in several parts and will be updated every few days.
*I wrote this when the bunny UR+ cards first came out so there will be differences to the second event & their outfits
Story begins below the cut, have fun!
One fateful day, Diavolo had called his best friend Lucifer over to discuss a very urgent, utterly important matter...
"... A bar?" Lucifer repeated the prince's words.
"Yes!" Diavolo cheered.
"... And you want us to work there?"
"... Not only my brothers and me, but also all of the exchange students as well?"
"Strong yes! Barbatos and I will join, too."
"What? Are you sure? Should the prince of the Devildom really lower himself to such frivolous tasks?"
"Come on, Lucifer, it will be fun!"
Lucifer pressed out a deep sigh.
"... For you, perhaps... For me, it will be nothing but another day of babysitting a bunch of idiots..."
When the group arrived in the newly opened but already renowned bar, lots of them gave amazed gasps.
"It's huge!" Clover called out.
"And real fancy, too..." Mammon said, a mischievous spark in his eyes.
Belphie noticed how his brother was already searching for the most expensive decoration and gave an annoyed sigh. "Mammon's having idiot thoughts again..."
"All of you" Lucifer called out to the demons and humans living in the House of Lamentation. "I expect great manner from all of you. Lord Diavolo kindly asked us to help out with the grand opening of his acquaintance's bar. As it is the first day the place is opened to the general public, the owners asked him to offer help, and here we are. I would like to say that every item that gets broken or gets STOLEN", he shot Mammon an obvious glare, "will be repaid out of your own wallet. Furthermore, I am making you aware that..."
He kept talking for an unknown (but awfully long) amount of time, until Diavolo would pull him out of his ranting.
"Lucifer, relax! This is a laid-back place, I am sure everyone will do just fine. After all, we also have our kind Angel and Human friends to help."
Asmodeus raised an eyebrow.
"Is Luke allowed to be here, though? It's an adult place, after all..."
"Wha-?!" Some angry Chihuahua noises escaped Luke´s mouth. "I'm not a child, you know! Of course I am allowed to work here, show some respect!"
Simeon next to him gave the small blond a pat on his head while trying to bring the conversation back on track.
"Thank you for inviting us, Diavolo. Shall we get started, then? We don't have much time left until the first customers arrive."
They got shown around the whole place.
It consisted of two floors to sit in or play all sorts of bar games, a dance hall and a giant kitchen, serving all sorts of treats to go along with the (mostly alcoholic) beverages to buy from one of the even more impressive bars.
"The place looks pretty tame, though" Asmo pointed out as they had finished the tour.
"You think?!" Violet blinked at him. "I think it's amazing..."
"Asmo..." Satan mumbled. "I am pretty sure the places where you are a regular at are simply a little... special."
Completely ignoring the implications in Satan´s words, Asmodeus went on to ask the owner about whether they had what he called "fun rooms", which, yes, are just what you think they are.
They had to drag him back so they could finally be introduced to their work schedule.
"The bar is opened until four in the morning" Barbatos explained. "We will be working in shifts to maintain our stamina..."
Slowly, everything important had been settled, and the first bunch was about to start their shift.
All this was a happening planned with the mind of Sir Diavolo himself...
So of course it wouldn't end up being a normal evening. It never did.
Just as the group wanted to leave the kitchen-strategy-meeting, Diavolo called out to them.
"Behold!" he prompted. "Are you planning to go out looking like THIS?"
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, already alert at the smirk on his friend's face. "Oh no..."
Barbatos, who had shortly excused himself after explaining everything, entered the kitchen, now holding a piece of clothing in his hands.
"The waiters and waitresses at this pub are required a special working garment", Barbatos explained. "We have prepared suiting clothes in your respective sizes already."
"Cl...othes?" Violet dared to ask.
"Yes!" Diavolo beamed her a smile. "And after midnight, you change clothes once again. Those are a surprise, however, so you will have to be patient until then."
Solomon gave a contemplative hum.
"And... What are those garments, exactly?"
"... Violet?"
"... Clover?"
"... Do you have bunny ears in your outfit set, too?"
"... Yeah."
They stepped out of the women's toilet stalls, mustering each other.
A frilly short skirt, a pretty blouse, a cute bow tie, and two bunny ears as well as a matching bunny tail.
"... Looks pretty good, though" Clover mumbled. "A little embarrassing, but oh well..."
They checked their outfits for a little longer in the mirror, adjusting their clothes...
"To think they'd make us wear stuff like this", Violet said.
"Yeah... Like, are we supposed to serve customers like this? And look all weird, just the two of us?" Clover played around with her new pair of ears.
"Dunno..." Violet breathed as she checked her make up. “I bet the boys will think we look…” she stopped.
Realisation hit them.
They dashed out of the bathroom.
And opening the door, they saw...
Bunny boys.
Ten of them, right there, in those... With those... Looking so…
Violet suppressed a squeal while Clover was hiding a heavy blush.
But there was no time to recover from this critical hit.
Already having spotted them, Asmodeus was bouncing towards them, his frilly, pretty revealing blouse swaying around his curves.
"Waah, you girls are bunnies, too~!"
He began to inspect them thoroughly, also pulling the attention of the other males towards them.
But with all the damn nice snacks around, the girls had troubles focussing on only Asmo as he continued to squeal something.
"Whyyyy do we have to do thiiiisss..." Levi groaned, visibly uncomfortable in his butler bunny suit.
Lucifer (very stunning view btw, chef's kiss) crossed his arms in a sigh.
"You heard Lord Diavolo... It seems to be common practice in this local to dress like this... But I'm starting to regret agreeing to help out..."
A hand gently placed on Lucifer's shoulder.
"Oh, come on, Lucy" Simeon smiled, brown bunny ears reaching out of his hair. "I think this suits you very well. You look cute."
This only pulled a greater sigh out the demon's throat, but he wasn't allowed to keep this frown any longer, as Diavolo and Barbatos joined the group soon after.
To the group's surprise, both of them were in similar suits as well.
"Wow, all of you look stunning!" Diavolo wore a big grin. "I knew it was a great idea to suggest a dress code!"
"That was your idea?!" Luke pouted, having whatever trouble with his costume (which btw was designed to be distinctively less... sexy than all of the other suits, don´t worry about the angel child). His floppy rabbit ears looked adorable, but it only added to the impression that he shouldn't be here, serving alcohol for the next hours...
"Of course", Diavolo cheered. "They say good-looking staff makes more profit, and I want this evening to be a success."
"I heard the place was designed to imitate a classic bar from the human world."
Initiating a conversation, Satan was preparing glasses at the bar together with Violet, Clover and a few of his brothers.
"Is it normal for the staff to look like this in the human world?" he asked, quite amused to watch the girls' bunny ears bounce with their movements. "Not that I'm complaining... I just figured you must know."
"... You´re asking US? Do we look like we party a lot?" Clover mumbled.
Violet gave a shrug. "It's kind of a... Classic costume to go with, but I don't think it's really that common with humans, too."
The demon gave a nod, then excused himself as Levi was calling for him on the other side of the bar.
And now that the girls had some time for themselves again, they could finally let out their inner fangirls.
Basically just giving weird noises, exchanging a few completely out of context words that only two minds speaking the same language of stupid could understand, they gushed about all the males surrounding them.
"Clover oh my god I-" Violet whispered in a gasp. "I love the tails."
"And the ears" Clover agreed.
"And the vests."
"The bow ties."
"But the fluffly TAiLs oh myyy..."
"Lolll I bet you wanna squish them-"
Afraid someone might notice, they tried calming down. But as if the universe was trying to keep them agitated, Beel happened to pass by, stopping next to them to organise the bottles in the display shelves behind them.
The girls turned, mustering the male...
Suddenly, Violet's expression curled into a sly grin, thinking of the huge crush Clover had on Beelzebub. She leaned in on Clover to whisper in her ear.
"Squeeze his tail..."
Clover's eyes widened as she started to blush.
"What?! No..." she whispered back.
"I know you want to~", Violet continued to purr in amusement.
"Sh-shut up...!" Clover grumbled.
"Come ooon..."
"Y-you do it if you're so tough...!", Clover pouted.
Her friend only gave a shrug, stepping closer to the demon as she nonchalantly reached for the bunny tail attached to his pants.
Of course, Beel noticed her presence.
"Violet?" he blinked in surprise, but apparently did not register how Violet pulled her arm back immediately.
She shot him a smile.
"Hey, Beel, could you... hand me that bottle in the upper shelf? Asmo said he needed it over there."
And as the male reached for the bottle, Violet took the chance to squeeze that fluffy pompom.
"Thanks" she cheered, then went to grab Clover to disappear from the scene of crime.
Violet couldn't quite wipe the victorious grin off her face.
Clover on the other hand...
"I hate everything", she pouted.
"You should have just went for it" Violet laughed. "It's like this game we used to play in the human world when everyone is wearing hats with pompoms during winter. Just that here, it’s a bunny tail that you had to squish.”
"But..." Clover sulked, like always sad that she wasn´t brave enough to do what Violet asked her to do.
So Violet mustered her friend...
Then, an idea hit her.
"You know what, actually?" Violet said. "I dare you to squish a tail."
Clover made a weird sound.
"What?! Nooo... You know I'm awkward..."
"And let's make it a game!"
"... Are you even listening to me?"
Apparently, she wasn´t.
"Whoever manages to squeeze the most bunny tails wins -- without the person noticing, of course." Violet was grinning from ear to ear.
Clover gave a big sigh.
"... The tails from either of the boys?" She finally gave in.
"Yeah, let's."
"... Would you voluntarily go up to your crush Lucifer and risk your life?"
Violet's face turned into a conflicted blush.
"I..." she mumbled in an unconvincing shrug. "Maybe...?"
"They should have different difficulty levels", Clover suggested. "Giving different amounts of points,, depending on how difficult we consider the squeeze-ability of a tail."
Don't ask how or why... (And how they found the time to come up with this madness)
But in the end, the two girls had invented a game to keep them entertained for the next couple of hours.
They came up with a plan for the "bunny tail squeeze point distribution":
1 point: Beel, Belphie, Simeon, Levi (+), Asmo (+)
2 points: Mammon, Satan (+), Barbatos, Luke (V)
3 points: Lucifer, Solomon, Diavolo, Luke (C)
"The plus stands for a potential to increase in points, as those three are a little difficult to analyse. We'll count it depending on the situation and their wariness..." Clover concluded as she showed Violet the notes she had taken on a beer coaster. "And Luke's on there twice because I'm a fucking giraffe and get a bonus point if I can reach that Chihuahua’s tail. And thaaat... Would be all."
Violet squealed in excitement.
"Great, then let's go!"
Clover gave a last sigh, knowing what difficulties she'd have with this.
"This is SO going to end in some disaster..."
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