#i follow most ppl back
niishi · 8 months
I talk shit about the stuff I don't like so ppl who like it won't follow me but yet
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tianhai03 · 7 months
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didnt have the time to do a full finished drawing, but i tried to keep up with my tradition for redrawing the same good bro day drawing ive done for 3 years already :')
(last year's, which also has links to prev years as well)
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puppyeared · 5 months
Why are ppl scared to call it what it is and say we’re still going thru covid on top of seasonal illness. Like. That’s pretty important right. I was watching the news and they were like oh yeah we have an unprecedented number of flu cases “as well as other sicknesses” without actually saying Covid. No announcement abt vaccinations or masking or anything. Also if I hear someone joking abt “war flashbacks” for mentioning covid I fucking hate u
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rendiggitydog · 1 year
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Hii another height update! Here’s the Google Doc with all the sources!
edit: THIS CHART IS OUTDATED! Check the tag ‘hermitcraft heights’ for the most recent version <3
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mangokabuto · 3 months
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Just for fun I mapped the strawhats onto Brian David Gilbert's "Mortal Comfort" Ideal Cuddler Chart. I don't think i have them 100% right but i wanted to start the Discussion yk?
Here is my reasoning (sorta-ranked from most to least ideal according to BDG's criteria, though your personal preference may differ (as does mine)) :
MOST IDEAL STRAWHAT CUDDLER AWARD goes to Jinbe! He is big and soft and kind. I think he would be very good at it. He would take initiative to rub your back and have pleasant conversation, but he let you fall asleep if you wanted to.
Nami: Not a super adventurous cuddler, nor does she do it often. She WILL pickpocket you, so be ready for that. She's probably the closest to normal you're going to get.
Usopp: He needs to fidget with his hands and is happy to comb your hair or rub your back or massage your shoulders, but he's going to talk your ear off whether you like it or not, and he'll whine if you try to leave. Extremely clingy and needy in a cuddle, and his pockets are full of little gadgets and tools that are not super comfortable to lay against.
Luffy: Very enthusiastic but he will not sit still long enough, man is constantly adjusting or twitching. He's prone to squeeze too tight with the wrap-around rubber hugs, and if you aren't paying close attention he WILL put bugs and beetles on you. He's also the type to think it's funny to wipe boogers on you, or put his cold hands up your shirt. If your arm or leg fall asleep he's not gonna move for you, he's gonna think it's funny.
Chopper: He hasn't had enough practice yet, he mostly just wants to be held. Very enthusiastic though. Constantly making sure you're comfortable, to the point where it's distracting/a little annoying.
Brook: Bones are not extremely comfortable, but he is able to summon a cool/chilling wind so the temperature control will be ideal, and he's very polite and gentlemanly when he's not trying to see your underwear. As long as you stack some pillows around him to actually lean against, you're golden.
Robin: She will be up to some freak shit with her devil fruit I know it. Being cuddled by a dozen hands may sound very nice but she will turn them against you, either to tickle you right when you're falling asleep or grab your ankle and let you think it was a monster under the bed. She WILL be up to mischief.
Sanji: Also constantly making sure you're comfortable, much more than necessary, and will dote on you WAY too much while you're trying to sleep. He'll keep getting up to grab water or a snack or another blanket or something and won't just settle into the cuddle unless you make him. Also he is likely to either catch on fire or start violently bleeding from his nose depending on the circumstances.
Zoro: Very open to the idea of cuddling but not an active participant; he just falls asleep. He is essentially a very hard body pillow. (If he WAS actively participating he may match where Robin or Luffy is instead.)
Franky: Not a single part of his body is comfortable or free of hidden guns, but he will damn sure try his best!! He will also try and hold conversation and compliment you, but much too loudly. The enthusiasm is there, but...man he's struggling everywhere else.
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glouris · 1 year
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I don't understand how gow youtubers that post these “whAt iS gOiNg to HaPpEn iN tHe NexT gAmE???” vids just completely ignore Atreus. They are even more in denial about Kratos stepping down from the mc role than me about Heimdall kicking the bucket, it’s crazy. That one guy deadass went “Well maybe Atreus will die and that will lead to Kratos going to another pantheon” MISS MA’AM ATREUS HAS BEEN SET UP TO GO ON THE JOURNEY TO A DIFFERENT LAND WHILE KRATOS IS HELPING SETTLE THE MATTERS IN THE 9 REALMS??
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randomminty · 2 years
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Putting my iono and grusha here as well. They’re friends for streaming reasons
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everyonesidolgoro · 1 month
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Yeah I'm asking med info on a Yakuza blog. Thats no tweird cause everybody on here has at least one personality disorder + other label like if Ur normal and on this site YOU are the weird one!!!!!
Also if anybody takes other 'atypical' antidepressants so non of that SSRI SNRI shit please tell me which if you are comfortable
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gothprentiss · 28 days
hey tumblypoos hey my beloveds hey gays and theys and so on... what's been going on
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cerealmonster15 · 6 days
the block button isnt enough i need to set things on FIRE
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silvercrane14 · 25 days
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didderd · 1 year
'm already fkn 5 away from 400 jeezus
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5-pp-man · 1 year
No. You guys don't get it. Yosukan is about them wanting to earn each other's respect, its about overcoming internalised homophobia together, it's about having each other's back and helping each other out and
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sarosthewizarddude · 6 months
Other social media is like, oh no I wish more people followed me :(
And then Tumblr is like, *someone follows me* you have bad vibes fuck you blocked.
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saetoru · 1 year
cancel culture is one of society’s worst downfalls because it just does such a good job of labeling moments of ignorance as actual bigotry and people who willingly try to learn and be better will be dragged mercilessly while the actual racist and misogynistic and abusive people who show us time and time again that they have not changed and will never care to change still have careers
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cinna-bunnie · 8 months
ppl who seem to always rotate through having specific kinds of trans girls to proclaim their hate for and implicitly putting themselves above them for not being into the same things make me so uncomfies, like... they r not hurting u in any way, yes people can be extra cringe sometimes but why are u like this.
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