#i forgot about your rings like sports i'm so sorry
hopelesslovebug · 2 years
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i think...... it's been a long time since i drew giorno
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97linelover · 3 months
false number alert - Kim Mingyu
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18+ / mdi
summary: it´s normal to chat over your phone nowadays, but what happens if you receive a text from a stranger?
And what if this stranger is not who he claims to be?
content: Idol Mingyu x non Idol reader, fight,angst, happy end,fluff, smut
wc: 4.6 k
a/n: I got a weird text the last week and I came up with this idea, I´m not quite sure if I like it though.
unknown: You got time? I could call you!
Y/N: I'm sorry this has to be the wrong number.. I don't speak your language. And I don't know you.
Unknown: Sorry for my fault. I drank, and a random girl gave me a number.
Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry, but looks like she ditched you and you got the wrong girl. Here is just Y/N, and I am in my bed.
Unknown: Well, Jake here; nice to meet you, Y/N. Sorry, my English is not good.
Y/N: That is no problem at all. Write as you want. I can use a translator.
Jake: You sure?
Y/N: Yes. :D
Y/N and Jake didn't notice that they were texting for hours now. It just fitted; they had a lot of topics, but suddenly Jake had to leave.
Lily did not mind; she had to sleep; in Korea it was already morning, while in America it was night.
Texting a stranger was something she never wanted to do, but Jake made it so easy tonight, and since he is from Seoul, there was no way that they would meet ever. But little did Y/N know that Jake would be more than just a texting pal.
Jake: Y/N, are you awake?
Y/N: Yes, I'm still learning for my exam. 😟
Jake: I just came home from work. I'm tired. 🥲
Y/N: Isn't it like 3 in the morning in Seoul? Go to bed, Jakey.
Jake: I wanted to talk to you. But I don't want to disturb your studies. Good luck tomorrow. FIGHTING!
Y/N: Good night, Jake🥺.😴
From now on, the two of you became best friends; you texted him more than your best friend.
But since finals were just around the corner, you could not talk to him for a while.
Jake: You still alive Y/N??
Y/N; Yup, lol, sorry to share those news, jakeyyy."
Jake: I'm happy, u answer. I thought you forgot me... 😥
Y/N: No!! Would never, how was your day?
Jake; Call? I wanna hear you.
Your eyes went wide; you never talked to each other; you never had a phone call. But you were so curious what he sounds like. You took a deep breath to stay calm, and it was not that easy.
Not even a second later, your phone was ringing.
"Hey Y/N" His voice was deep, sultry, and fucking perfect. "Hey," Y/N's voice was soft and beautiful. Exactly how he imagined it to be.
"Now English is harder," Jake chuckled. "Don't worry, Jake, I'll understand you somehow," you giggled, and Jake sweared your laugh was doing something to him.
"Tell me about your day," you said while sitting down at the window. "We practiced a lot for sport," Jake told you he was an athlete. "My mates and me are tired," he yawned.
"Jake, you should sleep; we can text each other tomorrow." Your smile could be heard through the phone. "No, tell me about your day," he wanted to know; he suddenly felt so awake.
"Liz came over; we had dinner; she quickly went home because her brother needed help," you giggled, "and now I'm learning again." A sigh left her lips. "It'll be worth it at the end; I'm proud." You could hear your heart flutter.
They talked a little more until you heard soft snores from the other side of the call. Goddamn, why was he so cute?
"Good night, Jake," she whispered and ended the call.
"Come on, Darling, your grandparents are already waiting." Your mother took your hand, guiding you towards your grandparents.
It was the day of your graduation, and you could not be happier right now; you finally made it.
The ceremony was beyond beautiful; laughs were shared, tears were wiped away, and people were just so proud of you.
But you could not wait to enter your home, calling Jake.
When you rushed inside, you found a beautiful flower bouquet on the table with all your favorite flowers and a card tucked between them.
"I knew you would rock this. I'm so proud of you.
- J"
You smiled so brightly that your mother could only join it; you told her a little bit about him, and she happily listened to her daughter's love story.
You snapped a picture and wrote down a little message.
Y/N: thank you. It means so much to e.
Jake: You deserve it.
Your father walked towards you. "Honey, I know you're currently on cloud 9, but did you ever see him?" You looked up, shaking your head slightly. "You need a picture, just to make sure he's not a 57-year-old male named Carl," he k'pecked your head. "You're right."
Y/N; Hey Jake, I wondered if you would send me a picture of yourself. We know each other for a while now, and I'm really curious. 😇
Jake: Yes, wait. I'm in the car. I’ll snap one when I’m inside the building
When he send her a selfie of him she felt like squealing, he was beautiful. So it was just absolutely perfect. 
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When you were getting off the plane, the first thing you'd noticed was the dry air. Vegas wasn't the best city, but your mother got you this trip as a graduation trip gift.
Liz traveled with you everywhere.
You directly told Jake about your trip, but he did not read the message yet.
When they arrived at the hotel, you took a deep, clean shower and got ready. You changed into something comfy and did a light make-up.
The main thing you did in Vegas was shopping. When you tried on a beautiful red dress, you snapped a picture and sent it to Jake.
and this time the answer came within seconds.
Jake: You're stunning, wow.
A deep red blush was on your face.
Jake did things to you which were not normal. But what can you do about it? The heart wants what it wants, and there's nothing you can do about it.
You took the dress and looked at the price..nevermind.
Y/N: Nevermind. Too expensive:
Jake: But it was so beautiful.. but dont worry, you'll look good in everything.
Ever since you both got in contact, you learned Korean; you sucked, but at least you were trying. You wanted to talk to him even more; you wanted this to work out.
You both went to the next stores and bought a few things. When you got back to your hotel, you called Jake, but he didn't pick up.
He was probably busy...
You went out to eat something; you were sitting in a small Italian restaurant when you suddenly saw Jake. You nearly choked on a noodle; he was walking outside of the restaurant with some friends, it seems.
"LIZ," you shrieked, "what?" "Jake, he is here." You quickly got up, but when you walked outside, he was nowhere to be seen.
Were you dreaming? You could swear it was him.
"He is not here, love; maybe you drank too much," Liz giggled. Maybe it was a dream.
Later that night you called Jake, but he did not pick up. Again.
Y/N: Hey, I think im going crazy..
Jake: Why
Y/N: I went out with Liz and I thought you were there. I saw you walking around with some friends, but when I looked for you again, you were away.
Jake: You know I was working the entire day :S?
You were absolutely going crazy; he was in Korea, and you're in Vegas.
To say you did not sleep well that night was definitely true; the night was horrific. That you thought Jake was here, and you really thought that he was.
Today would be different. She promised herself to not think about it, but how when Liz walks inside the room, giving her a bag with the beautiful red dress in it. "From Mr. Jakeyyy," she laughed, and you directly typed a message.
Y/N: You are insane. I can't accept this. '
Jake: Oh, and how you can; just snap a picture in it, and I'm satisfied.
And she did; both of the girls got ready for a night out, and she sent him a picture, and in return, he sent one back.
"Fuck me, he is hot," you gasped, showing it to Liz. "Absolutely," she agreed.
But when they were on their way to the club, Liz sighed, "You know, I still don't trust Jake." She looked at you, "What? Why?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
"You guys never facetimed; you only send each other normal photos. I don't know, he just seems fishy," you sighed. You don't know why you trust him so much.
When you finally reached the club, you bought some drinks; it did not take you long to get drunk.
You didn't know how much you had, but you felt quite tipsy.
You giggled when you saw Liz making out with a handsome Asian man, but you felt your heart stop beating when you saw Jake. And this time it was him; he was wearing the same thing he wore in the picture.
You didn't hesitate and walked towards him. "Jake? Jake, oh my god," the guy looked at her like you were crazy.
"It's me, Y/N." "Sorry, but I don't know a Y/N." You understood what he said. And it broke your heart.
You took your phone out of your pocket and showed the selfie. "But this is you?" You were basically pleading by now.
"Sorry, but I'm Wonwoo," he said and looked apologetic. So Jake played her. He was not who he claimed to be.
They all were right.
You felt the tears in your eyes; your heart felt so heavy, and you didn't know how to act. Liz noticed her best friends state and got her quickly outside of the club.
"You were right." You hiccuped and cried, "I wish I didn't know it, Y/N." She stroked your head. "Everything will be okay, my baby," you whispered.
Inside the hotel, you basically ripped the dress off.
You were still crying and called his number, "Hey, y/N, what's wrong." There he spoke with his beautiful voice, "Can you send me a picture of you right now?" You whispered, "Okay, wait." You heard a few noises, and then her phone vibrated.
"You don't feel bad?" You whispered while looking at it, "What you mean?" In any other moment you would've giggled because of his Korean. "You know I think it's funny; I trust you; I trusted you without a doubt, and then I was planning on having a nice night, but then I ran into your doppelgänger," you could hear his breath hitch.
"I met Wonwoo," you whispered and cried. "And I know that everything was just a lie; everything we had in those last few months was just based on a lie." You didn't let Jake speak.
"I just want to see a picture of you, Jake; I want to know why you decided to lie to me," and you just heard. Sigh, "Okay, wait, let me take one," and not even a second later your phone vibrated again.
*picture attached from Jake*
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Your breath hitched. "This is you?" You could hear him taking a deep breath. "Yes." He was quiet now. "I do not understand why you lied to me; after this, I cannot understand this the slightest." You found him even more beautiful than Wonwoo; his looks matched his personality so well. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
"I need time, time to think about everything. Time to think about if I want someone in my life that just lies to me without feeling bad." You were crying so bad.
You were tired and you did not know how to handle this.
"Y/N, picture is not me, texting is me," he stuttered. "Believe me, I didn't lie about the things I wrote." He sounded sad.
"I don't know what to think, Jake; I need time," and with that, she ended the call.
And for both of them, this was a nightmare; the relationship they built was so good, and it just got ruined. Just because he was scared of being hurt, he did not realize how bad he hurt you.
When Liz carried you towards her date 2 days later, you did not want to join. You felt like you had the biggest heartbreak ever, and you constantly felt like crying.
"So he is also from Korea; his name is Seokmin, and he is the guy I hooked up with at the club." You barely registered her words when you two walked into the fancy hotel. "Damn, this guy must be rich," you mumbled, and Liz chuckled. "Well, his Louis Vuitton dress shirt definitely looked like it when I undressed him." She wiggled her eyebrows, and you giggled slightly. "Well bonus."
You took the elevator up the rooftop floor and there was a group already sitting, all eyes on you two. "Liz," the tall, dark-haired male, got up. "Seok." She grinned brightly and hugged him. You waved shyly towards all of them. "Y/N, this is Seokmin, Seok, this is Y/N." Liz introduced you, and he hugged you, "Nice to meet you, "Y/N." He smiled at you and introduced you to every friend, and when your gaze landed on Wonwoo, your breath hitched.
Why the fuck was he here?
"Is Mingyu running late?" Jihoon asked, and Wonwoo shrugged. "He has been weird for the last two days; his mysterious girl probably was someone ugly." He looked you right in the eyes.
"Mingyu met her?" Seokmin added now, "No, I don´t think so; he would not show himself right now." Wonwoo said, "He always does this," he added, and you ordered a drink looking around.
"Y/N, your name sounds so familiar." Jihoon said confused, and you shrugged. "I don´t you though," you giggled, and he chuckled. "Oh, there he is, Mr. Kim Mingyu, Mr. I just signed a Calvin Klein cooperation." Soonyoung cheered, and you followed his gaze, feeling your soul leaving your body.
"Jake?" you whispered, and Liz turned towards you. "Wait, thats him?" she whispered, and you nodded. "This is him, but why are they calling him Jake?" you furrowed your eyebrows. "Oh my god." You got up, and his gaze landed on you. "Y/N," he said, shocked.
"Wait, this is your Y/N?" Seokmin asked, and Mingyu could only nod, and you felt sick all of a sudden. "So Jake was also a lie," you scoffed. "What a fucking joke.".
"I can explain," he walked towards you, but you quickly took some steps back. "I don´t wanna hear; you lied to me with everything; we shared so many things with each other, every secret of me, every flaw of me, and you just lied the entire time; you told me your name was Jake, and you sent me pictures of your best friend; how messed up is this?" You tried your best not to cry, "but I guess that´s just your thing, right?" You walked past him. "I swear, I'm so done with you; I can´t believe I trusted you with anything I said to you.".
And when you left the building, you ignored how he pleaded for you to wait, to let him explain.
You could not do it; you were so tired of this entire situation.
When you entered the hotel room, the first thing you did was block him.
But now, 4 days later, when you arrived back home, your mother brought you a black envelope. You sat down on the couch while reading his handwritten letter.
I know I am the last person you want to hear from, but I can only tell you what I really mean.
I want to explain, and I really want to see you. Dune will visit Seokmin tonight. I would love for you to join.
Maybe tonight will explain a little why I hid my Idenity.
Sincerly yours
It was weird to read his real name; you fell for someone named Jake, and now hes called Mingyu´? How weird was that?
But you definitely wanted to know why he did it, so you were sure to visit this place with Liz.
You called her, and she quickly told you that she would drive there in 1 hour, so you needed to hurry. You took a quick shower and applied some make-up.
You slipped into a summery dress and some converse when Liz texted you that she was here.
"Can you tell me where the fuck I will find out why he hid his identity?" You whispered confused.
"I could tell you, but you should see it for yourself," she smiled slightly. "It will make sense by then.".
You both arrived at the stadium, and you furrowed your eyebrows; why? There were thousands of girls camping; you were confused.
But there was no time to think about it. Liz basically dragged you inside with two lanyards, and the security gave you two pink bracelets—'seventeen.' Follow again tour 2024' was standing there in bold letters. 'Staff' was added. "Don´t lose this; this will give you entry to every single room here." The security told you two this information, and you nodded.
"Let´s go to our seats. The show will start in 5 minutes." Liz dragged you along the rows until you landed in a separated seating area. There was one girl already looking at you. She smiled softly at you, and you smiled back.
She must´ve realized how confused you were.
"dune I don´t know what´s going on; where is he?" But before you could say anything, you saw a girl group walking past you with different pickets with his face on it.
On the others were pictures of Seokmin, Wonwoo, and Jihoon.
What the fuck was going on?
"You know, he will be happy that you´re here," a soft voice said, and you turned around. "Huh?" You furrowed your eyebrows, and she laughed slightly. "Sorry, I am Minseo, Mingyus sister." She smiled softly at you, and your eyes widened.
"Oh, I´m Y/N," you bowed slightly, and she hugged you. "Mingyu told me so much about you; he also called me after you left, and I quickly told him that he should be open about his work and that you will understand," Liz nodded. "Mingyu is a really nice guy, and I mean, I say this as his sister," she giggled, and you blushed.
"Minseo, I´m just so confused. I need to wrap my head around what's happening right now," she nodded, understanding, "oh guys, the show is starting." Liz screeched, and you looked towards the huge stage; the crowd was going crazy as they were coming down the stage.
You watched with wide eyes as the music began to play, as you saw the familiar faces perform, and when Mingyus voice began to ring through your ears.
The entire show you could only sit there and watch; you were speechless.
Your Mingyu was a global idol, and you did not know.
When the show finished, Liz was euphoric. "Aren´t they amazing??" you nodded. "Do you want to meet him?" She whispered, "I think I need to." You got up, following Minseo and Liz towards the backstage area. "They are currently changing into comfier clothes, but Mingyu told me that you can already wait in his room if you want to go to his hotel," Minseo told you.
You agreed because those were his duties; he also needed to go live, and you did not want to be a burden.
You waited on his king-size hotel bed, waiting for him to come when the door finally opened.
Mingyu walked inside, placing his backpack on the floor, taking off his cap, and then looking at you. "Y/N," he whispered, and you smiled. "Hi Mingyu." It was weird to say his name and to sit in front of him, but you were also excited.
"I´m so happy you´re here," he breathed out and smiled at you. "I thought that we should talk; I really enjoyed talking to you," you admitted, and he nodded. "I think I should explain some things to you." He pulled out a chair and sat down in front of you.
That he gave you space made you feel so respected.
"Okay, so at first I want to tell you that I am confused; everything that has happened was so confusing for me," you giggled slightly, and he nodded. "And I get it, believe me, but you know it´s hard for me to trust people," he sighed.
"I met this girl and she did not know me; I barely tell strangers my real name; as you can imagine, being famous has a lot of bad habits; I have to be careful, and then I was in it too deep. You can´t imagine how bad I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to do it in person; everything came different. I wanted you to know the real me, but I never had the chance." You nodded understanding.
"Imagine if I had told you over the phone you would´ve never believed me at all," he sighed. "I just hope that you can trust me again someday."
"You might think I´m crazy, but I trust you; I think you´re exactly the guy you pretended to be, and I want you in my life," you said with a shy smile. "You became a huge part of my life, Mingyu.".
"There is one more thing I need to tell you." He scratched his head and looked you in the eyes. "What is it?"
"I fell for you; after all those texts, I began to realize how much you mean to me," he admitted honestly, and you nearly choked on your spit.
"You fell for me?" You could not believe that at all. "I did; I´m completely smitten for you." He looked down, afraid of being rejected. "Gyu," he looked up. "I fell for you as well," you whispered, and his eyes began to sparkle.
"Can I kiss you?" He got up from his chair, and you also got up from the bed, nodding "please.".
There was not a second wasted when he attached your lips.
His hands pulled you close; your hands were around his neck, the kiss deepened, and you moaned into his mouth.
God, this was too good to be true; the way he kissed you made you absolutely crazy.
„We should take this slowly,“ you mumbled against his mouth. „Yeah, you’re right,“ but the way your hands were playing with the hair on his nape and the small moan he let out made your pants damp.
„I want you,“ you whimpered against his lips, and he smirked, pulling his sweatshirt over his head.
„Good that we feel the same,“ he laid you down on the bed until there was a knock on the door. "Maybe they will go away," he whispered while kissing your neck.
But the knocks became louder. "Mingyu, open the fucking door." The voice was unfamiliar. "Fuck my manager, you need to hide in the bathroom; if he sees you, he will freak out." You quickly got up, getting in to the bathroom.
"Mingyu-ah, were you sleeping?" He asked, confused. "Yeah," he scratched his head. "You got an interview for tomorrow morning; it´s pretty spontaneous, so I wanted to make sure you set your alarm." Mingyu nodded. "I´ll set one; see you tomorrow." He closed the door.
You were sitting on the bathtub edge when he walked in. "I´m sorry," he said, apologetic, and you giggled slightly. "That´s alright," you got up. "Maybe I should go," you yawned slightly. "You can also stay the night if you want. We can just lay down and talk?" he suggested while you two walked back into his room.
"I mean, if you want me to, but I don´t have any stuff here," you shrugged your shoulders, and he walked towards his suitcase, grabbing a shirt. "You can put this on?".
As the night got to the end, you both fell asleep while cuddling. You don´t know what time it was when you did, but you two talked until your eyes fell shut. He pecked your forehead and turned the light off.
You woke up with Mingyus alarm ringing, a yawn escaped you, and you felt him stir next to you. "Wake up, Gyu." You turned off his alarm, and he pulled you close. "Wanna sleep some more?" he pouted, and you giggled. "But you need to, and I also need to get to my hotel." he groaned. "When will we meet again?" he pulled you on top of him. "I don´t know; maybe when I have some days off, I have three weeks off in September." You shrugged your shoulders.
"Let me know when, and I´ll buy you some plane tickets," he softly kissed you. You both got completely lost within each other; his hands wandered under your shirt, his fingertips gliding along your skin; your hips were grinding on his crotch; you felt yourself getting extremely aroused.
"God, you make me crazy," he groaned, closing his eyes while you whimpered on top of him. Those little sounds you made made him dizzy; all the blood was rushing downwards.
His second alarm brought you down from your high; you were breathing heavily, and he sighed, "I swear the next time you´re with me this will end way better." He kissed you.
And now, 2 years later, you were living in Seoul; you quit your job and applied for some in Korea. You quickly found one with the help of Mingyus sister. Apartment hunting with the Kim Siblings was way more fun than you would´ve thought.
Minseo became like your sister; you both did so many things together that Mingyu sometimes grew extremely tired of you two.
But he was glad that his family accepted you like that; his mother directly liked you, and his dad as well. His family always said that the two of you matched so incredibly well. They were happy that Mingyu found someone apart from all that fame. Someone that brought him back to reality whenever life got too troubled.
You were currently making some food for Mingyu after his live show; it would be his last one for some time now. They deserved it; they all worked so so hard whenever you watched them.
The way Mingyu was always so tired when he came home and you both barely went out was draining for him. He wanted to spend more time with you; he wanted to travel the world with you.
His dream destination would be Italy. After they filmed the Nana tour there, you wanted to see the beautiful scenery as well.
So you bought two plane tickets and booked a beautiful Airbnb; tonight you will surprise him with that.
You were cooking some pasta and poured in some red wine when the door opened. "Jagi, I´m home," he said while taking off his shoes. "Kitchen love," you answered while putting the noodles on the plate.
"Mhmm, it smells so good," he said while walking inside, hugging you from behind and kissing your head. "Sit down, love. Dinner is done." You turned around to smile at him, and he kissed you.
When you both finished dinner, he yawned, "I´m really happy for this time off," you admitted, and he nodded. "We all are. Wonwoo and Joshua will fly to Europe and do a photography tour," he said to talk about the schedule of the boys.
"And we will go to Italy," you smiled brightly. "We will what?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Maybe I bought two plane tickets, and we will stay in Italy for a month?" you blushed.
"Oh my god," his smile became so big, and you giggled, "happy?" He nodded happily, "more than happy; I need to pack." He got up.
"No need to, I did it already." You put the dishes away, and he lifted you up, twirling you around.
And if someone would´ve told you that you would end up in Italy with a ring on your finger, planning your forever with someone you learned to love over the phone, you would´ve laughed.
But as you both exchanged your vows and your closest friends sobbed, you knew this was real.
This was your happy end.
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doitforbangchan · 7 months
Cloudy day - Felix
Hello loveys, this was requested by the wonderful @softkisshyunjin <3 thank you for being so sweet, i am so happy we are friends :')
Not proofread :)
Idol!Felix x Fan!reader (afab)
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Warnings: Fluff, angst, cheating (not reader), cursing, panic attack, crying, Felix being perfect as usual WC: 2k
This was surreal. Here you were, about to meet Straykids, the people you have been idolizing for years, at their fan meeting. Even being in the same city as them was worth the 3 hour drive, let alone getting to meet them. You were buzzing with excitement. You had a feeling this was going to be the best day ever! It didn’t matter to you that you were at the very back of the line, you would wait all day if you had too!
And wait all day you did. Only a few hours but it felt like time was dragging on and on, ever the close to the front you got.The one downside was your boyfriend didn’t want to join you today. You had begged him to come with you, as your boyfriend he should want to share your joy with you, even though it didn’t interest him. Just like you had done for him time and time again; be it going to sports matches or going to clubs with his shitty friends, you always did what he wanted. So it hurt a little that he wouldn’t do the same for you - claiming he had an important meeting for work he couldn’t miss. 
Whatever. It didn’t matter he wasn’t here, you were happy anyways. Plus it was almost your turn! You were chatting with the girls (the only 3 people left in line)  behind you when you were ushered to the first member, album in hand ready for them to sign it. 
Walking up to the table you were greeted by I.N’s smiling face, beckoning you over. You held back a squeal when you reached him. He was so pleasant! A kind young man who chatted with you and signed your albums and photocards, adding a smiley face after his name. 
It went like that when you met all of the boys, a few of them letting you hold their hands (Swoon) and being so kind to you, even though you figured they were probably tired from meeting so many people. The only one left to meet was Felix. 
Just as you were a few feet away, waiting your turn your phone started to ring. You explicitly told everyone you knew not to bother you unless it was an emergency so you knew something bad must have happened. Looking at the screen it was a call from your boyfriend. You answered instantly. 
“Hey babe, what's going on?” Worry laced your voice. 
“Hey…. listen Y/n… I know this is a terrible time to do this and I’m really sorry, but….” He paused, sounding frustrated. 
“What is it honey? Did something happen at work?” 
He sighed, “I’m breaking up with you.”
 You felt your world shatter at his words. “W-what? W-why?” 
“I’ve kinda been seeing Katy for a few weeks.” His fucking coworker? “And it's been going really well. She’s into the same things I am, and isn’t a grown adult fangirling over a bunch of boys who can barely dance. Look, just mail me the stuff I left at your place. I have a box of your stuff I'm dropping off in front of your door. Sorry y/n.” Then he hung up the phone. 
Suddenly you couldn’t breathe, your chest feeling tight and you were getting lightheaded. What the actual fuck. Cheating with his coworker he told you not to worry about. Fuck how stupid could you be? A whole year of your life down the drain. 
Hot tears were streaming down your face, blurring your vision. 
You didn’t even register that you were being ushered forward until you were face to face with the sunshine boy himself. He was beaming at you but that was fading into a look of worry as he took in your panicked features. 
“Hey, dearie, are you ok?” He asked but you couldn’t respond. The feeling of impending doom taking you over completely. 
“I-I” You were wheezing, trying to get words out but struggling beyond comprehension. “Im…no, I-” This was the worst place you could have gotten a panic attack. It had been so long since you had one you almost forgot how much it overcame you. Though it came to no surprise to you when the sobs started to wrack your body. 
Felix had a look of panic on his own face now, and he turned to make eye contact with his security who came forward to help you. Felix addressed the security “I don’t know what happened, but please show this young woman to the back room and make sure she is alright.” 
The security uttered a quick ‘right away sir’ and led you away gently. Fuck this was so embarrassing. Not only had Felix seen you act a mess, but you were getting worried looks from all the members. This was quickly turning into the worst day ever. 
You were led to a back room where a team of people were asking you what was wrong and if you needed assistance. It took you a while to get your breathing back in check and calm down enough to answer them. By the time the medic team was sure you were alright you were ready to leave and put this whole mess behind you, but they insisted you stay; apparently they had been asked to keep you around. 
It wasn’t too long after that you found out why. Mr. Sunshine himself made an appearance, coming through the door and looking around. When he spotted you sitting there waiting he looked relieved. 
“There you are!” He sped walked to you, crouching down in front of your still shaking form, and grabbing both your hands in his. “I had been so worried! We all were! Are you ok sweetheart?” 
You could barely stutter a reply, “I’m o-ok, F-felix. ‘M really sorry f-for causing a scene.” 
He shook his head, “No, no don’t worry about it! I know a panic attack when I see one and I know it can't be stopped sometimes.” His hands rubbed the skin on the back of yours in comforting circles. “The medic team said your name is Y/n, is that right?” 
You nodded to his question. “I’m Felix, but - you already know that cuz you said it already..” he laughed off his mistake, causing you to have a small smile at the sound. 
“Yes. It's nice-to meet you Felix.” you were starting to get a grip on the shaking.
“Where are you from, Y/n?” You answered his question and thus began him getting to know you and asking you questions about yourself, noticing the more he chatted with you the better you were getting, him seemingly taking your mind off of your panic attack. He wanted to know all about you, how old you were, what you did for a living, your hobbies, and your hopes and dreams.
 He was curious about why it happened in the first place, though. “Y/n if you think you’d be able to talk about it, do you mind if I ask what happened when you were in line? I had seen you looking so happy just a few minutes before.” 
You felt yourself deflate at his inquiry; your heart started to race again as you remembered why you had the attack in the first place. “ I was having a great time, you were all so nice. It’s just that, w-when I was in line about to meet you I got a call.. From my boyfriend…Well now ex boyfriend.” You felt the tears start to gather on your lash line. “He umm, he broke up with me…because he’s been cheating on me with his coworker..” 
Felix opened his mouth in shock. How could anyone want to cheat on someone as beautiful as you? You were so sweet! It made no sense to him. He spoke before he registered his own words, “He is a fucking idiot.” He felt his face redden at his statement. 
You froze for a moment, before you burst into giggles at Felixs’ words. He couldn’t help but start laughing with you, finding your own contagious. It only took a few seconds before you both were clutching your stomachs, uncontrollably laughing together. 
Something about Felix just made you feel better. Lighter. His overall presence just brought you extreme comfort. “Thank you for saying that. Honestly, to spring this on me when I was having such a good time is a dick move.” 
Felix nodded, “For real, what kind of person does that to someone? What kind of person cheats on such a pretty girl to begin with?” 
You blushed at his words, choosing to ignore them and focusing on the first half of his statement. “ He was not a very good boyfriend that's for sure, he never wanted to do anything I did and would put me down when I was enthusiastic about something. I had begged him to come with me today but he declined saying he had a ‘meeting’. Though now I know It was to meet up with his side chick.” 
“His mistress!” Felix exclaimed. “That is terrible. I would say I’m sorry for your loss, but honestly I’m not.” When you gave him a slight confused look he continued, blushing again. “I mean, if he hadn’t broken up with you when he did I never would have gotten to talk to such an amazing girl. His loss really.” 
“You really think that?” You were getting choked up, overwhelmed by his words. 
He nodded, “I do. Forgive me for being bold, but when I first saw you standing in line I could not keep my eyes off of you. Seeing you dancing and laughing with the other people in line made me excited to meet you.” He took your hand in yours. “I know we don’t know each other and you literally just got out of a relationship but if you are willing, I would love to get to know you more.” 
The tears were leaking from your eyes again, “oh Felix..” You couldn’t find the words to describe how flooded with emotion you felt. 
The blonde tightened his hold on your hands, “ please don't cry, we don’t have to continue anything if you don’t want to, we can leave here just friends or even less if that’s what you want.” 
“No!” you protested louder than you had intended. “I mean, I do want to get to know you more, Felix. I am just feeling very overwhelmed right now.”
He nodded in understanding, “I can only imagine. We can take it super slow, if you'll have me.” 
“I think I would like that very much.” You answered shyly. Felix broke out in a wide grin and launched himself at you, suffocating you in a hug. You reciprocated his hug just as tightly, laughing at his antics. 
Suddenly Felix pulled back, looking as if he had an epiphany. “I have a great idea!” You hummed for him to continue. “Why don’t you post a picture of us on your social media, maybe it will make your ex jealous!” 
“That… would actually be hilarious, Felix. Let's do it.” 
He helped you wipe the makeup from under your eyes and patted down your hair. Then together you posed, with Felix giving your cheek a light kiss as the camera snapped the picture. 
You both were giggling as you uploaded the picture to Instagram with the caption ‘so glad I have my sunshine to brighten my cloudy day <3’ 
Maybe today was your best day ever, after all. 
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
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Modern Eddie x fem!reader —miniseries
Summary: you’re new to Hawkins working as an apprentice at the local tattoo shop and part time at the hospital in administration. You agree to a date with a cute guy at work.
W.C 2.5k
Warnings: NO MINORS 🔞 assault, sexual assault, eventual smut.
PART: 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
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“Well bye,” you say half heartedly as you turn to unlock the door to your apartment, fumbling with the key ring as you hurriedly try your stubborn key again in the lock.
“Yeah thanks for paying for dinner, and the movie, sorry I forgot my wallet and my ex gets half of my check for stupid child support.” Jason chides, running a hand through his hair looking at his phone and swiping right on the black glass.
You normally don’t do dates, between working long hours at the tattoo parlor as an apprentice, and part time as a secretary at the hospital, you were busy. But when Jason, the cute Physical Therapist, who wore too much cologne and too much hair gel asked you out on Wednesday to a movie and dinner, you accepted just for something to do. You expected a somewhat decent movie, and maybe dinner at Enzo’s. But what you got was a slasher flick, and dinner was at the newest sports bar, clad with stripper poles and every douche Hawkins could offer. You could get past the scary movie, you liked horror films, preferred them even, but it was the unwanted touch of Jason’s heavy hand on your thigh riding up your skirt that had you start questioning what was happening.
Dinner wasn’t any better, you had already paid for the movie which, fine— you didn’t mind splitting the cost of a first date, but when the bill came after dinner—burgers and cheese balls—and Jason didn’t shift his weight around on the stool to retrieve his wallet, you knew then and there that he had no intentions of actually paying for anything tonight. You listened for two hours about the highs and lows of Jason’s life. From his high school basketball career to marrying his high school girlfriend in college, to her getting knocked up, to him leaving her because she didn’t pay enough attention to him, you had had more than enough for one night.
You thought he would get the hint when you rolled your eyes at everything he had said, you were also only replying with “uh-huh”. Either he was that damn dense or just very unaware that you were not interested in what he was saying, he kept rambling on. You finally grabbed your purse and started heading out the door when he noticed you were gone and fell instep behind you.
The ride home led to even more of a nightmare, instead of bringing you back to your apartment, Jason had driven you to a secluded part of woods surrounding Lover’s Lake. His hands were on you faster than sweat on a sumo wrestler's top lip. He was forcing his mouth on your neck, breath laced with the dizzying smell of too many Jack and Cokes. His hands pulling your hair to get you closer to him but not in a sexy way. You finally managed to tell him that you had to get home to call your police chief dad to check in. It was a lie, the first one you could think of to get Jason’s hands off of you. Your dad wasn’t even a cop but Jason didn’t know that. When he put his truck in park you all but ran to your door. Which led you to this moment right now.
The key finally clicks into the lock and your hand is on the knob turning it sharply when your back is shoved up hard against the concrete wall that makes up the newer construction of your apartment building.
“Where are you running off to honey?” Jason growls, rubbing his hand against your cheek, grabbing your chin and thrusting it up to him, “I know your little story about calling your dad is bullshit, so why are you lying?”
The threatening look in his eyes is scary, he looks deranged, angry that you had turned him down.
“I'm— I’m not lying” your wavering voice giving you away. Your entire body is frozen, ice cold in the bitter October air. “I just want to go inside, by myself.” You were clear with what you wanted, to be left alone.
Jason moves his hips into you as he yanks your hands to your sides pinning you against the wall. “I bet that pretty mouth would look good wrapped around my cock.” Before you can react Jason has you flipped around so your chest is pressed against the cool wall, cheek rubbing roughly onto the stone leaving a rash. His breath is hot against your ear, “Don’t deny that you want this.” Panic settles in your chest and riddles throughout your body. Realization of what is going on finally hits you. He’s not going to stop.
“Jason, no! No! Let me go!” You wiggle your body beneath him and fight like hell to get away from his grip.
Jason grips your skirt and jerks it upward. “Just relax honey, Jason’s got you now.” Tears sting your eyes at the sickening feeling of his hands groping your thighs.
The roar of a motorcycle engine whirls in your ears and screeches to a stop. Jason is continuing his assault on your body, ripping your tights with one hand the other gripping both of your hands behind your back. You were helpless against him. He was stronger and taller, and you were about to fall victim to him and probably not even the first one. “No! Get off! Jason, leave me alone!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Jason shouts above your head. The sound of his zipper being undone rings like satanic bells in your ears.
“Hey!” A loud voice bellers out, you hear heavy boots running towards you as Jason’s head is smashed into the concrete above you. Blood from his nose drips onto your forehead as he is suddenly grabbed like a rag doll and thrown off of you. “If I see you here again I’ll fucking kill you! Get outta here!”
You slide down against the concrete and hold your knees to your chest, sobs rack your body as you shake uncontrollably.
“A-Are okay? Did he hurt you?” The once booming voice of the man who saved you is now gentle, coaxing a reply as you hear him lower down squatting to your level. The sound of chains jingling and keys being shoved into leather, are muffled against your crying. “It’s okay, he’s gone, I promise, let me help you inside.”
Still afraid to look up, you open your eyes and see large hands reaching out to you. You had seen the rings before, but couldn’t place them. Your eyes lift slowly as you see the concerned gaze plastered on the face of one of Pete’s clients. You didn’t know his name, but that face haunted your dreams.
He was in the shop almost weekly whether he was shooting the shit with Pete or adding to the sleeves he had on both arms, he was a frequent flier. Always smiling that big beautiful toothy grin, his wild hair shaking when he laughed at Pete’s ridiculous jokes. He was handsome beyond belief, but after training with Pete one day and watching in awe at his slightly muscular chest, you saw a woman’s name tattooed above his heart, “Chrissy”.
His eyes are warm and inviting as he stares curiously into yours. You place your hands into his and he pulls you up gently. Finding your keys on the ground and opening your door, he helps you inside. Avoiding touching you in fear of triggering you, he keeps his distance, arms hovering above you as if you’d fall backwards at any second. “Is there uh, anyone I should call? Cops? A friend, your parents?” You walk achingly to your bathroom and shut the door quietly, throwing your purse onto the counter and looking into the mirror, a shell of yourself looking back.
“No” you mutter out weakly as you start the shower water. You hurriedly undress and throw your clothes into a pile, later to be thrown away. All you need right now is to get the feeling of Jason’s hands off of you. The water in the shower is scalding, damn near intolerable. You step into the burning abyss and let the water trickle down your face, blending in with the tears. How could you be so stupid to go on a date with him? If you would have said no you could have avoided this entire situation. But being new to Hawkins, you thought it could be fun to meet someone new, maybe even snag a boyfriend. How fucking dumb could you be? You reach around your shower for the pumice stone and scrub your skin harshly, everywhere he had touched you. You scrubbed until your skin was raw, the epidermis scrubbed and scraped until a new baby layer of skin started to appear, like a snake molting.
A soft knock on the bathroom door has you jumping out of your raw skin making you scream.
“Sorry! I’m sorry! I was just checking to see if you’re okay! I’ve seen you at Ace of Spades, you’re Pete’s apprentice right? I’m Eddie if you didn’t know.”
You tell him your name as you turn the water off and step out of the shower on your plush pink bath rug. As you grab your robe off of its hook you notice your wrists have bruises on them from the way Jason held your hands in his tightened threatening grip. You wipe the tears from your eyes and wrap the oversized terry cloth robe against your body. The warm robe gathers you into a hug holding you tightly. You’re exhausted. Mentally and physically.
Opening the door to the large bathroom you are met by Eddie sitting on the floor adjacent to the door. Large hands hanging over his knees as his wrists sit atop them. He stands up and gives you some space.
“I uh— I noticed you have boxes in your living room, are you new to Hawkins?”
“I moved to Hawkins last year after accepting the apprenticeship, but I’m newer to this building.” You say eyes casted downward.
“Me too, uhh new to the building, well it was built last year and I somehow got in so yeah that’s what I mean, I’m —I live here too, across the hall actually.” Eddie says hands motioning to the door, “108.” The apartment building had 8 apartments to one level, they were all outside entry meaning your front door led to the outside. The aroma of French vanilla coffee tingles your nose as you walk out of the bathroom.
“Did you make coffee?” You ask sitting down on the couch.
“Yeah, I did— figured you might want some after, uh- everything.” Eddie says scratching the back of his neck.
He walks into your kitchen and hands you the Beauty and the Beast “Chip” mug you had gotten as a birthday present a few years ago from your parents. “I found some creamer and figured you used it”.
“Thanks” you whisper, clutching the mug with both hands. “for everything.”
“Anytime,” he’s leaning back on your counter facing the living room with his legs crossed as he takes a sip of his own coffee, “since you’re not from Hawkins I should warn you of the creeps around here… Jason is at the top of that list.”
“I wonder why, he seems great.” you deadpan.
Eddie lets out a small laugh and so do you, finding it easier to laugh through the pain than wallowing in it.
You’re about to ask Eddie to come sit with you when his phone rings. “Sorry I gotta take this, hang on.”
You smile and nod slightly to him. You make your way to your bedroom and change into some pajamas, and run a brush through your hair. As you come back to the living room you don’t mean to overhear Eddie’s conversation.
“Yeah I’ll stop by and check it out. Alright, yup, bye” Eddie pockets his phone and looks over to you, giving you a small smile. You slide onto the couch and bundle up in a blanket. You motion for Eddie to sit down and he chooses to throw a black denim clad thigh over the arm of the couch. “Do you want to talk about it? I maybe a shitty barista but I am a good listener.”
You’re twirling small designs into your knees on top of the blankets. You barely know Eddie but he was illuminating such a calm and caring presence that made you feel safe with him being around. “I just— I thought that I could go on this date and possibly meet some new people, I only know a handful of people in Hawkins. I should have known when the girls at the hospital rolled their eyes when he asked me out.” You let out a sigh and throw your head into your knees, “I just didn’t think it would end like— this.”
You cry silently into your knees for awhile until you feel the weight of the couch cushions sag. Eddie is sitting on the couch by your feet, he rubs the top of them reassuringly. “Don’t worry about Jason, I’m gonna stop down to the sheriff's office tomorrow and tell them what I saw. These apartment buildings have security cameras so it will be on there, I’m gonna talk to our building manager and get copies to bring with me.”
You wipe your eyes on the blanket and look at him, “you don’t have to do that.” You say letting out an exasperated breath.
“I know, but I’m going too, that motherfucker is going to pay, it’s like he’s only gotten worse throughout the years.”
“Some people never change.”
“You got that right… so tell me about yoursel—”
Eddie's phone rings again. He begrudgingly takes it out of his pocket and mutters some explicits to himself, “just a sec,” he says as he stands up from the couch walking into the kitchen.
“Hello, yeah, I said I’d look at it later… well fuck I can’t just drop whatever I’m do—.. what does it matter? Fine. Alright fine.”
Eddie shoves his phone into his leather jacket pocket and comes back over to you. “Listen, I uh.. I gotta go. My —friend needs my help with their car. If you need anything I’m just right across the way there. Are you going to be okay tonight?”
His big eyes go wide as he looks into yours. You could melt in that chocolate fountain of Willy Wonka bliss that are his eyes. “Yeah, thanks again for everything— I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t here.”
Eddie hides his face with his hair at the small compliment. “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“I’ll let you know what happens after the sheriff office stop tomorrow okay? Remember, I’m just over there, stop by anytime.”
He throws you a wink and a short little wave as he exits your apartment.
@boomhauer @munson-blurbs
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albonoooo · 4 months
got tagged by @monacotrophywife, thank you!!
1. do you make your bed?
yeah, right before i go to bed at night.
2. favourite number?
3, 7, 13
3. what's your job?
i'm a student assistant in my uni's english and american studies institute's student office (i'm also a student in that institute)
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
fuck no
5. can you parallel park?
badly and only in perfect conditions. both driving teachers i had kinda neglected teaching me properly and i have no natural talent for it either.
6. do you think aliens are real?
i don't doubt that there's some form of other life out there, but that's about it.
7. can you drive a manual car?
yes. aside from my last few driving lessons, i've only driven manual cars. i hate it, but it's the standard where i live and automatic cars tend to be more expensive here since they're usually newer so i don't see myself getting lucky and having an automatic any time soon.
8. guilty pleasure?
not sure there's anything i feel very guilty about enjoying. i wouldn't exactly brag about some of the music in my liked songs, maybe.
9. tattoos?
not yet. i'm waiting with that until my decision making organ is fully developed.
10. favourite colour?
green and blue. green to look at and blue to wear.
11. favourite type of music?
hard to say, i enjoy a variety of music from all kinds of genres. i think my most listened to genres on spotify tend to be pop and rock??
12. do you like puzzles?
i definitely did as a kid, i haven't done one in ages though.
13. favourite childhood sport?
the only sports i did long-term as a child were swimming and horse riding and i enjoyed both for different reasons (also had moments of not enjoying both for, again, different reasons).
14. do you talk to yourself?
yes, all the time.
15. tea or coffee?
i drink both occasionally and don't feel overly passionate about either. it depends on my mood which i prefer.
16. first thing you wanted to be when growing up?
a vet! this wish lasted quite long, until sixth grade, which is why i chose to do latin instead of french in school. it only stopped after the realisation that being a vet includes having to put down animals and having to be professional and composed about it.
17. what movies do you adore?
i probably forgot many, but some of my favourite films are: les choristes, lord of the rings trilogy, the hobbit trilogy, napola, die wilden hühner 1 & 2, vorstadtkrokodile 1, new year's eve, the princess and the frog, tangled, balto and spirit - stallion of the cimarron which makes me sob my heart out every time i watch it
no pressure tags: @liamlawsonlesbian @borntogayz @piastrisms @bright-and-burning @glasscushion (sorry in case of any double tags) and anybody who wants to do this <3
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bphantom01 · 1 year
ARC V MONTH DAY 18 - D/D/D - Different Dimension Day
A kind-of manga-inspired AU (but not rlly? Idrk) Just a lil over 800 words.
A/N: HEADS UP i haven't read all of the manga (literally like only some chapters in, and I forgot reading abt it for a long time. Yeah I should go finish reading that soon… (from what I've heard, excluding that one scene, its good anyway. And it did pique my interest for a bit).
And bc of that, this doesn't take place in any part of the Manga (& only contains some elements from it if ud even count em) so its literally an AU. Also, Yuya & Yuzu aren't here. Let's say they're just sleeping somewhere in their head for this one.
This is kinda inspired by this post & one of @/tetsuya04's (not sure if I should tag u :,)) recent b-girls in the manga art!
Relationships: Light Yuto/Ruri, everything else is platonic (I'm getting bored of writing that lol...)
Warnings: exactly two ‘shit’ words i think
‘Over there, Ruri,’ a voice whispered into her mind. ‘That's him, right? Or at least the brother of the guy—the one we knew traveled from the past to this timeline, like us.’
‘Yes, Rin. That's him alright,’ Ruri thought back, peering at a certain boy from the corner of the small bar she was in.
‘Oh good, we finally got him,’ another voice whispered within her mind. ‘One of those Sakakis… Quick, we should get that USB from him while he's just sitting there.’
Ruri sighed. Serena, impatient as usual. ‘Yes, yes. I'm going.’
She stepped out of the shadows unnoticed.
‘But Yuri,’ Yuto thought as he drank some chocolate milk. ‘We're doing this for Yuya, remember…? It's for his sake.’
Things have been a bit complicated recently for Yuto and his brothers… And there was the possibility of Yuya knowing the truth and getting caught by Reiji…
Somebody accidentally fell onto him, making him spit some of the chocolate out.
He looked at the floor to see who it was, but he couldn't make out who they were as they sported a midnight blue cloak.
“Ahh, sorry…” The person apologized, kneeling to try and regain themself. By the tone of voice though, he made out that the person was female. “My mind has not been functioning correctly recently… and maybe I had a little too much drinks.”
Yuto smiled at them. “That's alright, ma'am. Do you need help?”
“Oh no, I'm alright. Thank you, though.”
When the person got up, Yuto saw some purple strands of hair spill from the hood of their cloak.
And when the person looked down on him, he was met with the most gorgeous pink eyes he's seen.
Something about them rang a bell in Yuto's heart and mind, almost enough to make him fully remember a memory…
A certain, small memory from a long time ago, one that seemed to be felt with joy and laughter.
It's been a long time since he's recalled something like that that didn't include his brothers.
‘Yuto-nii?’ Yugo called. ‘Why're you frozen? Are you okay?'
‘I'm fine, Yugo.’ “Well then ma'am, suit yourself. Be careful next time.”
“Will do.”
Another chord was struck.
That voice… He hadn't noticed it before, but it was… Familiar.
‘Hey guys… Does that person look familiar to you? And her voice, too?'
‘Well, it certainly made me feel something…’ Yugo mused, his metaphysical self seen only by Yuto and the rest of the brothers observing the woman with wild interest.
‘Yes, I agree with Yugo here. She sure does ring a bell, at least for me, too,’ Yuri agreed. That person sure caught their interest, and in an unusual manner, too.
Yuto decided to try and see who it was. He got up. “Excuse me, ma'am, but can you—’
‘Do you mind me asking about your name?’ Yuri interrupted. ‘Sheesh, know how to be polite, brother.’
“—do you mind me asking about your name?” Yuto quickly corrected, as even if it wasn't necessary, Yuri would continue to insist anyway.
“I do, actually,” she responded, although rather gloomily. “Why'd you want to know my name?”
With the other person, voices raced in her head.
‘Oh come on, there you go again, falling for his charms.’
‘Says the one who keeps teasing her for crushing on him in the first place.’
‘Oh shut up, Rin. And that was years ago.’
‘Girls! Stop it,’ Ruri interfered. ‘I'll try my best… Gee…’
“Just out of curiosity,” Yuto shrugged.
Ruri looked down. “My name…” She paused.
‘Ohhh no…’ Rin said, clearly unamused. ‘Don't—’
“Ruri. Ruri Kurosaki.”
‘Ah, shit. Get ready for the chase.’
That was all it took for Yuto.
Suddenly, it was like a locked chest had suddenly been opened in his mind, causing a plethora of memories to rush their way into his—and his brothers’—brain.
‘What is all this!?’ Yugo exclaimed.
‘Memories, Yugo…’ Yuri clarified, also amazed at the sudden remembering. ‘Memories hidden and abandoned, left to decay and be forgotten because of the mission we set for ourselves to get Yuya out of this mess.’
“Ruri…” Yuto muttered.
If he recalled correctly, he was the sister of a dear old best friend of his, someone named Shun Kurosaki.
And also… His long lost crush. Her… Occasionally, he does think of her and her family… But to see her in person…
“Well, I'm off now,” Ruri nodded, pulling the hood of her cloak to her face, “...Yuto.” She walked to the other side of the bar, where another door was.
She knew his name!
‘Wait, if they're here too...Yuto, the USB, is it still there?’ Yugo asked, floating around him in search of it.
Yuto himself checked his pockets, but the USB wasn't anywhere in them. “Oh, shit…!”
He then looked at Ruri. “Wait, Ruri, how-how'd you get here!? And the USB—”
But before she could answer, she had already left the room.
Ending A/N: uhhh i wanted to post this on manga day but decided eh and posted it now.
Now this is just and idea, but I'm thinking of idk maybe writing one one day (don't hope on this too much ill prolly give up on the thing) myself? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ def with more emotion, influence of backstory, & other plot-related things when I may plan the thing.
But if someone else wud/cud do it, I might (emphasis on might) give it a read ;))
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fandom-blackhole · 2 years
15 questions
Thank you so much for the tag my lovely, @mando-abs
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, my mom got my first name from a church sermon and my middle name is after my grandma
2. When was the last time you cried?
I am not ashamed to admit it was several times while watching a playthrough of God of War Ragnorok....it was very emotional ok.....
I will also be crying tomorrow during The Last of Us premiere if only because I'm in shock that the show is real :)
3. Do you have kids?
No but my youngest sister and I always joke that she's actually my daughter
4. Do you use sarcasm alot?
No not at all
5. Whats the first thing you notice about people?
The why they present themselves to others, meaning like how they dress, how they carry themselves, body language, ect. I usually can get a good read on someone before they even say anything.
6. Whats your eye color?
Green w/ a yellowish gold ring around my pupil
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
SCARY MOVIES, I love suspense
8. Any special talents?
Does having the ability to hyperfixate on things for years count?? Being super annoying??
9. What are your hobbies?
Embroidery, drawing, reading, writing, sleeping, video games, scrolling tumblr, procrastination
10. Where were you born?
Kansas, USA
11. Do you have any pets?
Gwen, my child and baby girl
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12. What sports do you play/have played?
I was in track and field in high school, loved shot put but I quit bc the coach sucked ass and never helped the girls and only hung out with the boys
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
History and Literature but I was a big FACs kid too
15. Dream job?
Clinical psychologist, but like in a hospital setting
No pressure tags: @any59 @obiknights @writeforfandoms @familyvideostevie and anyone who would like to do this!! (Sorry if I forgot to tag you, im suplffering from chronic brain fog lol, and if you don't wanna be tagged let me know!)
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shrek-5 · 1 year
dispatch from emonight
Pop punk is characteristically high energy. there were people somehow thrashing around to like 150bpm for 3 hours nonstop. therefore i have resolved: I NEED TO WORK OUT MORE SO I CAN GO HARDER AND LONGER IN THE PIT. When people fell down (inevitably, with the shoving) people created space around and helped them up which was wholesome. But phones and glasses and things fell too and got trampled and lost (rly glad i decided to wear contacts).
Threw my bag at _____ (sorry and thank you _____) whenever an MCR song came on and fucking dived into the goddamn mosh pit, which – contrary to a largely female and adolescent demographic many picture of the band’s fanbase – was composed solely of built and/or YP-looking dudes in muscle tanks (many of which were also MCR themed) roughhousing, all the while still belting “I DON’T LOVE YOU LIKE I DID YESTERDAY”. I got punched in the face several times. 11/10 experience. friends will be familiar with my oft-expressed desire to beat people up (please don't report me i don't act on it), hostility, and general socioemotional dysregulation stemming from childhood trauma. ___ said clubs are one of the few places you can actually let loose in this conservative country. she might not have been talking about moshpits, but they're spaces, outlets of sanctioned and even encouraged violence. i didn't know i needed that; the thrill, the understandings between strangers, the collective release. chaos can be a love language
The last song closing the night was of course the genre-defining Welcome To The Black Parade. At the ending of the intro, the pit hollowed out as the mainstay moshers formed a ring, a fighting ring, stanced up towards each other, counting down to the moment the song would ramp up into verse, the moment they would fling themselves toward the centre in a frenzy of testosterone and eyeliner. And when it happened all hell broke loose and us with limbs flailing and heads butting melded into a mass of angst incarnate. Even as equipment got knocked down and audio got cut off the whole room still kept singing, “WE’LL CARRY ON!"
It was like a religious experience. Being crushed in a sea of bodies, random 2000s videogame montages flashing up on the screen a la subway surfer overstimulation tiktoks, I forgot who I was. In the moment all that mattered was the song, the power it had, connecting me to these strangers around me, the collective catharsis. God it was beautiful. This is what it means to be alive
and i've barely even seen anything, in conservative singapore. this shit must get exponentially wilder with drugs. I NEED to experience that
cardio in boots and baggy pants and a buzzcut… it may be pride month but im standing in solidarity with the most oppressed group of all, chao recroots. but instead of serving the army i'm serving cunt
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lyrics i remember yelling the hardest:
when you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see / you can find out firsthand what it’s like to be me
i’m watching you two from the closet / wishing to be the friction in your jeans
what a shame the poor groom's bride is a WHORE / i chimed in with a, 'haven't you people ever heard of / closing the god damn door'
AFI (like Miss Murder lole)
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wear comfy sports shoes not boots
actually i was soaked in sweat i see why people wear v little clothing. alot of movement and it’s surprisingly all non-sexual and non-gropey
drink red bull
! Make arrangements in advance for what to do after shit ends at 3am and there's no public transport. like schedule a cab or ask to hitch a ride and sleep over at someone’s house
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0 notes
maloskiworld · 3 years
A reason more - Charles Leclerc
MASTERLIST (requests are open!)
Summary : there's a hundred reasons to love Monaco, and he's the best of them.
Warnings : none ? i think
Words count : +4.3K
A/N : Hi everyone ! Here a really sweet imagine with the one and only Charles Leclerc. Tell me if you like it, feedbacks are more than welcome. 🌻
PS : English isn’t my first language, so sorry if there’s any mistakes ! ❤️
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not my gif, credits to the owner !
You knew Monaco by heart. You've always loved this city. Growing up there felt like a breath of salt air. There was a hundred reasons why you loved this city. The soothing yellow of the sunrise, the burning orange of the daylight and the sexy red of the sunset. You loved every color of Monaco. Don't get starting on the sea because it was as relaxing as a good massage after a hard day. Monaco really held a special place in your heart. There definitely wasn't a better place to live in.
Beside your love for your hometown, you also loved your job - based in it. You were a sports coach. Helping athletes becoming their better selves and improve their performances. There were many sportsmen (and women) around Monaco, so you were always busy. You'd give your 100% with everyone. Sometimes, helping them for a week or for months.
It's been almost six months since you started working with a boxer. Hugo was a really nice guy, and it was pleasant to work with him. You were supposed to meet him this morning to go for a run before your workout session. You were waiting for him near the harbor. It was still early in the morning, and the streets were almost empty. Just how you loved Monaco. Quiet and peaceful.
You've been waiting for half an hour. You tried to call Hugo several times without success. Anxiety started to grow in you. It wasn't looking like him to ditch you without at least sending a text. Worried, you decided to go back home, stopping by his flat first. You knew the code so no need to ring the intercom. Walking the steps, you were wondering if it was a really good idea. Maybe it was weird to show up at his house announced ? Just because he missed a session ? Maybe it was, but you just wanted to make sure he was okay.
You knocked on the door kinda loudly. It didn't take much long for the door to flip wide open. You were greeted by an extremely hot looking guy. It made you back up a little.
"Oh, sorry." You managed to get your eyes off his percent green ones and looked at the number of the flat. You frowned when you saw the number 3 painted in white above the door. It was the right one. You looked back at the stranger, mouth open ready to talk. But he beat you to it.
"Looking for someone ?" His voice caught you off guard. So sweet and yet so strong.
You heard someone making some noises in the background, and saw a familiar blonde guy coming up to your direction.
"I'm so so sorry, coach. I should've call. I was asleep", he looked so tired. You smiled, realizing what was going.
"Hope the night was good, at least." You chuckled lightly, totally forgetting about the stranger that was starting right at you. "You should get back to sleep, that hangover looks rough. Sorry that I disturb you, call me to reschedule !"
You waved, smiled at the man in front of you, and went away.
Your heart was beating hundred miles an hour, you got scared it could fall from your rib cage. Who was that guy ? He looked so familiar, but you just couldn't put a name on his cute face.
Days have passed and you totally forgot about your mini interaction with that mysterious brunette. One last day of work, and then you were free for a weekend. Just in time for the Monaco GP. Your friends begged you to come with them. They made puppy eyes, and were so nice with you (one of them even bought you flowers ), so you had to bend to their wish. They were so into F1, it was sometimes scaring you out. You loved the sport, but didn't watch it a lot. You'd prefer a good old football game - lame according to your friends. They wanted you to see how much F1 was "the best sport ever". You weren't really convinced, but you focused on the fact that you'd get to spend a nice weekend with your three best friends.
They got VIP accesses and couldn't shut up about a specific Charles Leclerc. A monegasque that had material to be World Champion one day. The name didn't really ring into your head. But if your friends rooted for him, you'd support him too.
The first day of the weekend, they made you wear a Ferrari hat. You didn't mind, red looked good on you. You were all walking down the paddock to join your seats when one of your friend screamed. He took your arm and shook it so hard, you thought the world was ending.
"What the hell Louis ?!" you retorted.
"It's Charles Leclerc ! Oh my", was all he could said. You looked at those three grown ass men getting excited to see an another grown ass man, it made you laughed so hard.
"It's not funny Y/N !", one of them said punching you in the arm.
"Just go talk to him. Ask him for a...." You didn't finish your sentence when your eyes landed on the said Charles Leclerc. He was the stranger that made your heart fluttered days ago. You couldn't believe it. Were your eyes tricking you ?
"Someone's falling in love ?", Louis mocked you.
"No... I just met him a few days ago, and I didn't know it was him", you simply stated. Your friends were going crazy, asking you so many questions. "It wasn't anything, stop fangirling ! He's friend with Hugo, a guy I work with. That's all. Can we move on ?" you spat out, rolling your eyes. God, they could be childish.
The three boys decided to let Charles alone, they'd ask for an autograph later on the weekend. You went on with your little walk, but you felt a pair of eyes staring at you. The monegasque driver was shamelessly checking you out, with so much kindness in his eyes. Your cheeks caught on fire.
The end of the weekend came so quickly. It was already sunday and the best part was still ahead of you. Yet, you already had so much fun, F1 was actually a really enjoyable sport. You'll definitely pay more attention to it from now on.
Charles Leclerc was still on your mind. You couldn't help but remember his longing look towards you two days before. If you thought about it a little too much, you'd blush again. Was it really for you ? Maybe there was someone behind you...
Sadly for him, he wasn't going to take the start of his home race. He got pole position - which everyone got so excited about - but crashed into the barriers right after. The car couldn't be fix in time. You were so gutted for him. Your friends were devastated, but soon got over it. You assumed Charles didn't and your heart ached for him.
The race was going to start, the drivers left for the formation lap but you needed to use the restroom. You told your friends you'd be back real quick. They pressured you to stay because you were going to miss the best part but you couldn't hold it any longer.
You quickly went away and tried your best to be as fast as possible. Stepping out of the bathroom, you stumbled on a familiar face. You gasped a little, not excepting to meet his hypnotizing green eyes. You didn't really know what to say or what to do. You didn't know the boy, but felt like he had always been in your life. Strangest feeling you'd ever experience. You took a step back, what was he doing here ? Shouldn't he be at the garage or something ? You quickly got your shit back together.
"Sorry for you, it's so unlucky", you managed to say, not even thinking of saying hello. He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a disappointed look. His eyes held so many emotions. No one ever looked at you this way.
"Enjoying the weekend still ?", he simply asked.
"Yup", you answered. "It's my first GP", Charles looked at you with wide eyes.
"No way ! I hope you like the experience, it'll be nice to so see you in the paddock more often", he said winking at you. You laughed lightly.
"I should probably go back with my friends, they must wonder if I didn't get myself lost", you told him.
He was about to answer but someone creeped out behind you. Louis was there, wide eyes as he saw Charles with you. He stood there, mouth wide open.
"Excuse him, he's a big fan of you since F2 if I can recall well", you said patting Louis's shoulder.
"Nice. I can sign you something if you'd like ?", Charles politely asked. Your friend touched his body everywhere in the need of something to give his favorite driver, no words still out of his mouth. You gently gave him your hat.
"Here, that was yours anyway", he smiled at you and proudly handled it to Charles. The driver sprinted to his garage to look for a pen.
"It wasn't anything ?", Louis suddenly shouted at you.
"I swear ! I saw him once at Hugo's flat. It's only the second time I'm seeing him. I just ran into him on accident", you defended yourself. You didn't lie to them, Charles was still some sort of stranger to you.
He came back with four hats. All of them signed.
"I figured your other friends would be please to have this too", he said in such a nice way. That boy was a sweetheart.
"Thank you so much", Louis said before taking your wrist. "Well, the race isn't waiting for us. We're headed back. Can't wait to see you on track again, Charles. Bye !", the redhead guy cheered and pulled you with him. You waved at Charles, giving him your best smile. You put the hat back on your head, and walked alongside with Louis.
"I didn't even get your name !", screamed Charles.
You answered your name, but your voice got covered with the sounds of all the engines on track. He didn't understand it. He should have chased you to ask it again, and maybe get your number. But your friend was so excited to get back to see the race that he was making you jog. You faded away as fast as you entered his life.
You didn't see Charles after the race. You were a little disappointed but tried to get over it. He was Charles Leclerc, and you were just Y/N. Not that it was bad in any ways, you were proud of yourself and everything that you achieved. But he could be with whoever he'd fancy, so why would he be choosing you ?
Your mind kept wandering back to this weekend, your thoughts always ended up on Charles. You couldn't shake him out of your head. It was weird how a stranger could have so much impact on your life. You didn't know him, but yet he was your first and last thoughts during the day. You weren't going to lie, you searched him up on the internet as soon as possible. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. He went through hell and high water but always managed to come back stronger than before.
You kept your little daily routine going on. You haven't seen Hugo since his hangover. You were terrified that he didn't want to work with you anymore. It was a shame because he was a cool guy to be around. You loved his mindset and even though you were the one helping him, you learned a lot from him.
A grey day without appointments made you pick up your phone. You dialed his number. He answered almost immediately.
"Hey coach ! What's up ? I was starting to think you forgot about me !" he said with a joyful tone.
"Hey. How could I ? You're my favorite client. I was just waiting for you to reschedule, like I told you to", you replied in all honesty, voice so low.
"Oh shoot, I forgot. Sorry again", he groaned.
"Who's that ?", you heard on the end of the line. You immediately recognized the voice, and were frozen on your spot.
"Not your business, Leclerc. Still there miss ?" You gulped loudly before putting your professional mask back on and answered with a simple yes.
"Are you busy right now ? Do you want to go for a run ?"
Without thinking much of it, 5 minutes later you were facing Hugo's front door. Your heart was racing, maybe Charles was still in there ? You were wondering if he forgot about you. Were you a fading memory or still a pleasant souvenir ?
"Thanks ! I appreciate that you're always there for me", Hugo said while opening the door.
"No problem", you answered and the blond cockisly put you in a hug - which he never usually did. You couldn't helped but frown before meeting the green eyes you'd die for.
"Guys, I'm going for a workout session with my coach. Stay or leave, I don't care. C'mon Y/N !", and with that Hugo was out of the door, with you on his heels.
"Y/N", you heard Charles repeat before being back in the streets you loved. It looked like he was testing how your name rolled on his lips, and you almost fell in love with it. You didn't had more time to think about it, soon your job all over your mind.
You ended up spending the whole day with Hugo. Part working, part chatting up. He went back to his flat in the evening. You stayed in the harbor, wanting to see the night fall on the boats. You climbed down a few rocks and went to hide in a small cave. That was your favorite spot in the whole city. You were facing the harbor, with the sound of the waves heating the rocks below. It was also a perfect spot for stargazing, the best activity according to you. You knew so much about astrology and could spend hours looking at the stars. You always came here when you were little when things got too much for you. It was your hidden gateway.
You heard someone slip slowly on the rocks and appeared in front of you. Slight chock was written all over your face. Charles Leclerc stood there with smiling eyes.
"Y/N. I uh - I promise I'm not...stalking you. That's my secret spot when I wanna think...", he said, stammering on his words. A cute blush creeped on his cheeks.
"No worries. It's mine too. Best place around Monaco. Sit with me ?", it came out more as a question than an affirmation. He smiled lightly and placed himself down near you. Your legs were close, and the touch sent a shiver down your spine.
"Are you cold ?", he didn't wait for your reply to put his brown jacket around your shoulders. It wasn't the cold that made you shiver, but the night was settling in and you were still in your sweaty sport clothes. His smell was all over his jacket. It traveled to your nose and you wished it could stay on your body for the rest of your life.
"So, what did you need to think of ?", you asked trying to lift the mood a little. It was pretty awkward between the both of you.
Another silence fell between you two. You felt so stupid. How could you have been so dumb ? You clearly invaded his privacy. Your heart felt like he knew the emerald eyed boy but it wasn't the case. You met him three times in your life - three times that resembled like heaven. You were about to apologize and run away from him like a child scared of a clown. He shifted uncomfortably before letting his raspy voice filling your ears.
"You", was all he could said. You chocked on air. You didn't dare to look at him, but felt him peering at you. You hadn't enough strength to answer. You prayed that he'd keep talking.
"Do you like Hugo ?", and you chocked on air once again. What was up with this boy ? You were on a roller coster, going higher and higher, each time more scared of the down. It was too good to be true. Was Charles Leclerc - the actual Charles Leclerc - jealous ? Did he care about you ?
"No", was all you managed to say. Your eyes stayed glue to the ocean. You were lightly shaking, goosebumps all over your body.
"I'm sorry...I - I don't know what... What got me... You're just... really really beautiful", he said with a voice so low you almost didn't hear it. This time, you found the courage to look at him. The light of the moon drew perfectly his contours. Butterflies had burst in your body. The sensation made you feel so good. You smiled a little and a chuckle escaped your lips.
"Why do I feel like I've known you my whole life ?", you just asked him. The both of you were saying what was going on on your minds, the conversation not really making a sense.
"You've been on my mind since the day I met you", he said back.
"Do you think it's love at first sight ?", you said, so casually. He looked at you, and his tongue went to wet his lips a little. You found the movement very attractive. He leaned closer to you, your eyes shot close in anticipation. You couldn't wait to taste his lips on yours.
His ringtone took you out of your daydreaming.
"Allô ? Hum, oh, d'accord. Pas de problème. J'arrive, maman. Bisous", and he hung up the phone immediately. He blushed. "My mom needs me", he said like a little child. He was so cute.
"Go help her, Superman", you joked. He laughed along with you.
"Can I see you again ?", he said while slowly getting up. You got up as well. Both of your faces were so close together. He took a step back, and went outside the little cave. He wanted to kiss so badly, but he also wanted to take his sweet time with you. He wasn't going to kiss you and run away.
"Take my number", as soon as the words left your mouth, he had his phone in hands ready to registrer your phone number.
"I'll call you", he promised you with a kiss on your cheek. The contact felt so nice. You were beyond happy, blushing on the way home.
When you went to take off your clothes to hop in the shower, you realized you still had his brown jacket. The perfect excuse to see him again. Or you could just keep it forever.
The day after went by quickly, you were busy every hour of it. You went home, tired as hell. You decided it was the perfect timing to take a relaxing bath. One minute in and your phone was buzzing. You were praying it wasn't anything urgent. An unknown number was trying to call you. You answered without a second thought.
"Hello ?", you weren't sure who it could be. Your heart was hoping for a certain someone.
"Hello, Y/N !", Charles happily said. "How are you since the last time I saw you ?", he asked you.
You laughed a little. "Well, I'm great since yesterday. What about you ? Oh, and I still have your jacket", you had a big smile painted on your face.
"Right - hum... Feels like forever. I'm good, I'm good. Then I guess you'll have to see me again", he answered. You could feel he was a bit nervous. In all honestly, you had miss him too. You were dying to meet with him again.
"I don't mind, it'll be a pleasure", you told him. You moved in the bath, making the water stir.
"Where... Are - are you in a...pool ?!", Charles wondered, a surely disbelief look on his face. You could picture his shocked face all too well for a boy you met not that long ago.
"No, silly. I'm in my bath", you simply stated.
"Oh", was all he said for a second. On the other end of the phone, he was purely blushing. He pictured you, naked, in your bath. Your signature jasmine perfume printed all over the room. Goosebumps ran over his body, making him shiver down to his spine.
The conversation flowed for almost an hour. It was so easy to talk with Charles. He was genuinely a prince charming with a silver sword. Or a red car, in his case.
He called you almost everyday. And soon, calls turned into FaceTimes. Once, you fell asleep while being on video chat with him. You had workout all day and his soothing voice made you fall into Morpheus arms easily. You woke up soon after. He hadn't end the call, and was sleeping peacefully too. You smiled and drifted back to sleep with that image engraved on your mind.
He then left for Bakou. You talked with him before the race. Giving him a peep talk to cheer him up and encourage him. He thanked you for your kinds words with his whole heart. He promised to do his best for you.
He ended P4. You watched the race on your TV and were beyond proud of him. You left him tons of messages. He didn't reply since he went to celebrate with his team. During the night, he left you a voice message " Hiii Y/N ! I got P4 ! Can you believe it ? P fucking 4 ! Purée. It feels nice, especially after that shit show in Monaco ! God, I wish you were there so much ". He stopped the audio when someone called his name to take a shot. Even drunk, he was thinking of you. You sent him red hearts, feeling like a teenage girl in love.
This is where the feeling sinks in. You were in love with Charles Leclerc, head over heels in love even. You fell for his green eyes, his bright smile, his voice, his body, his personality. His whole being was perfect. You wanted to be his. He was the missing piece in your life.
On monday, you went out in a little restaurant with your three best friends. They went to a bar after. You accompanied them to La Rascasse, but decided you were too tired to go in. You left them and was about to go home. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, Charles's cute face was showing up on the screen.
"Hey, mister P4", you said happily.
"Hi Y/N. Sorry I'm calling this late, you weren't sleeping at least ?", you smiled so big. Charles was always so caring.
"No, of course not. I'm on my way back to my flat. Congratulations on the race. Are you home ? You sound so tired", you mindlessly answered. Charles felt himself falling a little more in love with you. You were his soulmate, and he couldn't be more sure about it than right now.
"Yeah, I'm back. The flight was awful. Where are you ? I can hear the wind on the phone", you heard the sheets wrinkle. He was probably laying in bed. You shivered. He was exhausted from his weekend but still took the time to call you before drifting off to sleep. It made your heart fluttered.
"The harbor, near La Rascasse. I was out with my friends", you let out a little laugh.
"Don't move, please, don't move", he said.
"Charles, what are you saying ?", you asked completely out-taken by his words. He told you to stay where you were. He was nothing but reassuring, nevertheless you started to get a little nervous. Minutes passed that seemed like an eternity. You didn't dare to move even from an inch. Suddenly, you heard that Charles hung up on you. You couldn't be more lost.
"What the..."
"Hi", you heard from behind you. He was out of breath. You turned around faster than your shadow to meet his beautiful green eyes. He was wearing a pair of joggers and a simple black tee-shirt. His hair was a mess.
"Did you just get out of bed ?", you asked him, laughing a little. He simply nodded. Without saying anything else, he got closer and closer to you. The familiar butterflies came back to your stomach. Your breath was erratic. His face was so close that his nose was slightly touching yours. Your skin remembered how his lips on your cheeks felt and you wanted him to fully kiss you. You'd let his lips traveled everywhere if you could.
"Can I kiss you ?", he gently asked. His fingertips were travelling all around your jawline. Goosebumps erupted on your body. You felt like you were on fire. The wind was cold but if someone told you there was a fire behind you, you'd believe them. You leaned closer to him, your hips collided with his. He flipped you over and pinned you to the fence's harbor. Your arms went to rest behind his back, hugging him tightly.
"Darling", he purred. He wanted to hear you say it. Say that you needed him as much as he needed you.
"Please", you just said. One of his hand went to draw circles on your neck. His lips grazed yours. He closed his eyes, and brought your lips on his. He finally fully kissed you. All of his movements were so gentle, and respectful. You felt drunk in love, already addicted to his touch. Your lips moved in perfect harmony. You had to broke the sweet embrace to breath again. He didn't let you much time to rest before kissing you again and again. It's like it was the only thing you were meant to do for the rest of your life. You found your purpose in life : be alongside Charles.
He let his forehead rested on yours. His nose drawing random pattern on your face. He wanted to know it by heart.
"Be mine."
Charles Leclerc was a reason more to love Monaco.
🌻 Thanks for reading 🌻
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darkphoenix07 · 2 years
Hi!! Can you do yunho reaction of lil brother being over protective and warning yunho ? And like this brother being like 6-10?
Little brother being overprotective and warning your boyfriend (Yunho reaction)
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As Yunho knocked your apartment's door, he sees an unexpected little person standing in from of him with a judgemental look.
"I wouldn't have opened the door if Noona wouldn't call me to let you in. Just because I have opened the door, doesn't mean I like you," the little soon to be 10 years old's words start tickling Yunho that he has to press his lips together to stop laughing and making that little one more angry.
"Look, I brought you something," Yunho says stretching a box of KitKat in front of him but he crosses his hands, "I don't take anything from stranger."
Yunho sighs hitting his head thinking, How you are not like your brother at all. You are so sweet and welcoming with everyone but this little fellow is so judgemental when it comes to any person. How can someone be like this?
Yunho enters in the apartment following him and closes the door firmly.
"Have you had lunch? Did your Noona cook you something?" Yunho asks your little brother and he shots Yunho another death glare, "She will come and cook for me."
"I can order pizza or hamburger for us," Yunho says trying hard to convince him that he is a nice guy but get disappointed, "I don't like fastfood."
Yunho finally gives up plopping on your apartment's sofa and hopes that you will come and save him from this little devil who is staring at him like he is about to eat Yunho alive.
Suddenly bell rings and before Yunho can get up, your brother runs towards the door to open, "Noona," he hugs you tightly being a completely different personalities from a while ago.
"I am sorry you had to stay alone. Oh, babe, you are here also?" You notice Yunho and start to go to him but your brother hugs you tighter than before, "I missed you, Noona."
You smile patting his head, "Aw, my baby brother missed me this much?"
He looks at you with baby doe eyes, "Can we watch something together? You and I?"
"Of course, Yunho can join us too, you know," you say and your brother leaves you. He shots the 202957th death glare at Yunho and he gulps as he sees it. You run towards him and hug him, "I missed you, Yunpup."
"I missed you more but your brother here is being a little devil," Yunho says kissing your cheeks releasing the hug. He again hugs you and winks at your brother making him cross his hands.
"Noona, I am hungry," he says almost shouting making you leave Yunho, "Oh, I'm so sorry. Can we order something? For today? You love meat masala pizza right? We can have that?"
"I would love that," he says clapping and Yunho's face falls shocked hearing him. Not a few minutes ago, he declined pizza saying he doesn't like fastfood and now he is so happy about having pizza.
You start to order but Yunho grabs your hand, "Lunch on me," he says smirking at your brother and your brother just squints his eyes at Yunho.
You accidentally see your brother looking mad at Yunho. You remember the first time he met Yunho, both of them were so jealous of each other, fighting with each other talking about how much they knew you. Even Yunho almost told him, he knows about how your body response at him but gladly you grabbed his mouth. Ever since, your brother hates Yunho. He keeps saying Yunho will hurt you, he is a bad guy but Yunho has started to take care of your brother which is doing no work.
"I'm going to freshen up," you tell them to give them alone time.
As you leave, Yunho again sits on the sofa after ordering the meal and starts watching sports.
"Omo, it's el clasico ( When in football club game, it's Real Madrid vs Barcelona, the game is called El clasico) and I forgot," he says rising te volume which draws your little brother's attention.
"What? El clasico today?" He jumps on the sofa running towards it and looks at Yunho, "You must support Barcelona," he says raising am eyebrow like a little version of a man.
"Haha, no," Yunho says mockingly and he starts clapping his hands.
"Oh my God, since when?" Yunho can see your brother's eyes sparking as he asks Yunho.
"Since, 2007 which means before you were born," Yunho says giving him a sarcastic smile.
Your brother sighs, "Do you play football?"
"I was the captain of my team," Yunho says and your brother leaves another heavy sigh, "Can you...um...teach me, hyung?" Your brother finally requests Yunho something which melts his heart completely.
"Do you even have to ask?" Yunho says ruffling his hair, "So, have you accepted me as your brother-in-law?"
Your brother's face again changes, "Yes but if you dare to hurt my Noona, I will never let you see her."
"That will never happen. Let's focus on the game," Yunho says smiling which makes your brother smile too.
You sneakily stare at them as they keep enjoying the game together.
How adorable they both look!
It was my first request and first reaction. I don't know how it was. I hope you like it.
Thank you for your request.
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naokow · 3 years
Get Free
 summary:  I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride, I never really noticed that I had to decide, to play someone's game, or live my own life.
warnings: angst, manipulating behaviour from eren, female reader (i’m sorry i didn’t make the reader genderless), cursing, smoking, drinking. let me know if i should add something else.
word count: 2.8k
A/N: so let me know if it sucked, pls, thank you. also, English is not my first language, so there can be mistakes pls tell me where my dumb ass was wrong
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The hand on the waist was the final nail in the coffin for you.
How dare he dance with another girl. How dare he smile at her, how dare he ignore you and act like you weren't there, too.
"This is just pitiful," Marleen snorted, finishing half of her drink in a sip as she watched the same scene unfolding in the living room, those two uncaring of everyone else, like they were throwing it in your face.
You hummed, not really in the mood for taunts and half assed advices. "Which part?"
Marleen finished her drink and threw the cup over her shoulder, over the improvised bar the frat boys did last year with wood panels and boxes. It landed in the kitchen, someone yelling at the brunette as it nearly missed him.
 "You. Honestly, for the last time, you need to—"
Frowning, you tensed and turned to glare at her, only to stop staring at the dance floor. "Honestly, Marleen, for the last time, I'm not fucking Jean to get over Eren."
She raised her hands in mock surrender, taking the half empty bottle of beer from your loosened grasp. "Doesn't have to be Jean, pal."
Groaning, throwing your head back dramatically, you couldn't find it in yourself to debate this subject, again.
Not that it mattered. Not like it was supposed to be a fun night at a frat house. Not like you made a fuss about it, dressed in your best leather pants and top, tattoos on display.
Not like you actually tried a bolder look with the cat like eyeliner and actually put on lip gloss, because you knew Eren liked those, said once your lips were pretty like that, coated with too much cherry glitter—
No, it didn't matter, not even as you sat there, feeling stupid as you pulled at your snake bites, wondering if you should get drunk or just go back to your dorm and complain to Annie.
But the blonde was at the party, too, somewhere among the crowd and probably sulking just as you, if you were to guess after seeing Armin with some junior chick an hour ago.
Marleen pushed herself away from the counter, losing her balance as she fell from the chair, but you saw it coming. Rolling your eyes, you caught her arm and steadied her.
Marleen grinned as you let her go, and seized your bicep, squeezing it three times, like a grandmother would with her grandchildren's cheeks.
"God, I love your muscles."
You loved them, too, but often found yourself wondering if Eren would pick you if you looked different, like the pretty, thin brunette wrapped around him on the dance floor.
God, how much can someone dance?
"Anyway," Marleen sighed, fake annoyance and all that, "Someone has to fuck Jean."
You snorted, "Poor you, volunteering like that for society."
She waved you off, pushing your now empty beer bottle into your chest as she left your side with her arms in the air, waving franatically to catch Jean's attention from his seat on the couch, where Connie was trying to explain something with his fingers.
Putting the bottle behind you on the counter, you tried to stop yourself from looking at him. What good did it do to—
He was gripping her waist, his large hands, clad in rings you got for his last birthday, covering her exposed skin. Her arms were in his hair as he bent to say something in her ear—
No, you noticed, he was kissing her neck and she was grinning sideways at Eren.
Scoffing, you tugged at one of the pierces in your nose. You should know better by now, Marleen once chided after cleaning your face off, ruined make up almost dried on your cheeks.
He knows, Annie scolded from beside you two in the small public bathroom after Eren ruined karaoke night and brought his new girlfriend.
He knows you love him and doesn't care. So do yourself a favour and move on.
Yeah, you watch Eren laugh at something the girl said, move on from the crush you had on him since you were sixteen and his hair was still short and he was crying over his parents' divorce.
Sure, move on and forget all the times you helped him, picked the pieces and put him first. Like he did, all those years going down the drain ever since the school year started and he barely acknowledged you.
"You look like shit," someone took the seat next to you, and you sighed before accepting the offered red solo cup.
"Feel like it, too," you looked at Levi snorting as he sipped on his beer. He looked like he just got out of bed.
Right, you scowled at yourself. You've been so busy preparing to let Eren walk all over you, that you forgot that Levi lived in the frat house that hosted the party.
Hange was talking Erwin's ears off, but he smiled and waved at you from where he stood close to the oven, once you looked over your shoulder to inspect who was there. Hange imitated his gesture without turning to see who, exactly, they were saluting.
Levi ignored them altogether, hair disheveled from his twitching fingers. He probably had a nap, you guessed, from the simple black shirt and jeans. Most likely got dragged down from his room by Zeke, or someone.
You knew him well enough, since he bumped into you almost one year ago, in the parking lot where you were smoking, asking for a lighter. Sure, he ignored your bad mood since you walked over to class when Eren forgot to pick you up.
It was just one time.
It wasn't until many months later that he picked a habit of ditching you and your plans together.
Levi was older by two years, and so were his friends, but they took you under their wing almost immediately.
They were protective of you, especially Hange, but no one came close to Levi anytime Eren made you cry or upset you with anything.
Like now, as he glared at the place where you already knew Eren was having fun with the girl. But you chose to look at Levi, chin in the palm of your hand.
Finally, he turned to take you in, his eyes catching onto the fact that you wore the rings and choker he got for you over the last year, then the many earrings Hange and Erwin got you anytime you wanted another pierce.
"Well, you sure look worse than me," you smirked, but Levi frowned at your attempt.
"He did it again?"
You couldn't find it in yourself to get mad at his words, "He just forgot, is all."
Levi snorted, "He should get checked for that Alzheimer he's been sporting for the last months."
You hit his arm, barely touching him, and huffed. "Play nice."
To his credit, he left it at that and let the noise of the party fall over you, both nursing your drinks.
You pondered going to Hange to ask if you could crash over the night with them, knowing Marleen was busy and Annie probably left by now.
"Want to dance?"
Well, then.
Your eyebrows almost reached your hairline as your eyes found Levi's, "Huh?"
He didn't shrug, or rolled his eyes, simply putting down his bottle and staring at you. You didn't want to look over at the dance floor, or be near that sexual tension, but—
But Levi was trying, and you knew how much he despised the parties, or having to interact, or, God Almighty forbid, dance.
And he was asking if you wanted to, because he knew you liked the song that was playing before you even realized what song it was or that you've been moving your head along with the beat for the last minute.
But Eren was th—
You jumped from the bar stool, "Sure."
You were taller than Levi by some good inches, but that didn't bother him. It never did, not even when you made fun of it at game nights or that one time at the carnival when he was the only one to join you in the big rides.
It didn't bother him, not even now, as you let him put his hands on your bare waist and slightly gaze up at you.
Hands around his neck, you let your chin rest near his ear, "You dance like someone's grandpa."
You could only assume he scoffed as he moved his arms around and pushed you closer to his chest.
"That's how you're grandpa danced?"
You shrugged and let him move your hips to the beat, fingers lost in his hair. "Wouldn't know. He died before I was out, kicking and screaming for the last time in my life at my mom."
Levi shook his head at your words, used to your humour and thankful you couldn't see his smile as he put his forehead on your bare shoulder.
You found yourself forgetting about Eren for a while as Levi danced with you and touched your skin, fingers grazing sometimes over your back or spine.
Then he was lost to your mind altogether when Levi caught your eye and you tried to make sense of the look he was giving you.
Marleen said something about his stares, when you couldn't see him watching.
You wet your lips, and he watched your tongue swipe over the pierces. "What, Ackerman?"
He shrugged, "You hate lip glosses."
It was barely there after all the drinks, but the thin, shiny coat with that stupid glitter was noticable enough for Levi to glare at.
And you did, you did hate lip glosses when Levi's arms were around you like that and his hands didn't shy away at the feeling of your muscles like Eren once did, because, damn, what chick wants those abs?
"'m stupid, I know," you mumbled, head titled close to his ear, but he turned to look at you, not even dancing anymore as his mouth was so damn close to yours.
"Want me to buy you another lipstick? What was it, again? R—"
You laughed, and Levi smelt the juice and whiskey on your breath. "Red, yeah. Still don't know how you found that shade, it was so nice, and I finished it too fast."
Levi smirked a little, "Told you, it's a secret. How else am I gonna surprise you?"
You felt him around you, too real, too much, it consumed you, steadily, as his eyes wondered around on your features.
"You surprise me anyway, Ackerman."
He wet his lips, then frowned, having to remind himself you weren't there for him, that you were in that position only because you were hurting again and because he was stupid and reckless and—
"Take it off, please?"
Levi searched your eyes, "What?"
"The gloss crap. Take it off, please."
Levi's breath hitched. "Are you sure?"
You looked down at his lips, "Help me a little, Levi."
Damn you. Damn you and your beautiful face, that irresistible body and that personality and the fact that it made him fall hard. So hard he couldn't deny you, even if it hurt him.
Because you were still hang on Eren, waiting and suffering, uselessly prolonging the inevitable everyone knew its end, but you. 
But now you were in his arms and looking at him like he put the stars that formed those constellations you adored so much, on the sky.
Damn you, da—
He would never admit it hurt to press your lips to yours, to feel that cherry lip gloss first, then the punch as he probed at your mouth to get rid of that crap as you so nicely asked him to.
He hardly noticed how the pierces felt against his tongue, all lost to his mind as he gripped your hips tighter.
He would never admit it bothered him how your fingers played with his hair as you moved your face down and kissed him too roughly for his taste.
But it brought some satisfaction to glance over your shoulder at the shocked, angered Eren, his dance partner forgotten as he stared at his hands on your skin.
Good, it felt good. Even when Levi knew you would regret it the next day and go back to sulking over Eren.
But you brought his mouth back to yours and kept his face in your hands and made him ignore how much it hurt while he bruised your lips with too many kisses.
Levi tried to convince himself that things would finally be better, that it was the right move and he wasn't just a rebound. Maybe, if he kept telling himself that, he would believe it, too.
Even as you pecked his lips once, twice, stopped to gulp down breaths of air, like you just surfaced from water, like you've been drowning and finally, finally, you were free now.
But you stayed close, foreheads pressed against each other's while some stupid disco song started playing and Connie's excited yells surpassed even the stereo system.
You opened your mouth, and Levi wondered if he should be the first to say sorry.
"This is nice."
Flinching, you furrowed your brow and turned to look at Hange. They grinned, inches away from your face. Levi scoffed, and took one, two, fuck it—
He almost jumped away from you, putting space, almost making a statement. He glared at Hange.
"Is this our new secret handshake? I have to tell Erwin," they didn't wait, and you sighed as Hange bounced away to annoy Erwin for the millionth time that night.
You clicked your tongue, Hange forgot to tell you why they interrupted... Whatever that was with Levi, who was now rubbing his face in what you knew was annoyance.
Wetting your lips, and feeling no trace of cherry, made you feel worse than before.
"Right, I'm—"
Levi scoffed, hands back into his pockets as he already moved to walk past you. "Don't. I'm sure Jean would like to continue this."
You wondered why his words stung that much, because you were supposed to feel better after kissing someone. Because it was supposed to make you feel something else than sadness and constant self hatred.
Eren was making his way towards you, and Levi was already lost in the crowd before you could try to mend things. And say what, exactly? Nothing made sense anymore, your thoughts scattered all over the place because—
"What was that about?"
He was asking you, talking to you, and it didn't feel as good as you thought it would. Neither could bother to step aside, talk somewhere private, people still drinking and dancing around.
But why would Eren go somewhere private with you? It wasn't right. Nothing was feeling right as he glared down at you, at your swollen lips and flushed cheeks, that even the low light of the Christmas lights hanged around the walls couldn't hide.
Sure, you were broken. Mind blank and fingers twitching to hold onto something.
Eren frowned, "What was that about, with Ackerman?"
You blinked at him. "I'm sorry?"
It wasn't the apology you almost shot at Levi earlier. You sounded too confused and shocked, even for you.
But nothing made sense and Eren was now fuming.
And you were all years for him, straining yourself to hear him over the music and the crowd that pushed your bodies closer. All because you were used to this, dropping all doubts and latching onto Eren. Honestly, you couldn’t remember the last time he was that close to you, couldn’t comprehend the harsh reality. 
He was there because it bothered him to lose his play toy, and you were too blind to see it, or anything else beside his eyes as he talked. Blinking, you allowed Eren to take you to the kitchen, something about another drink. 
Levi was lost to you as Eren put his arm around your shoulders, barely keeping it there as he started talking about his classes and something his colleagues. You granted him your attention, all of it, never half hearted like he was with you most of the time.
Try all the time.
Because you were better, always so caring and welcoming for Eren to just pick and take whenever he pleased. But he was your friend, you cared too much about him to just let him go or ignore his needs. And he even left that pretty girl to talk with you. Surely, that must count as something. 
“Where’s your lip gloss, hm?” Eren inquired, watching you over the rim of his cup as you blinked, head titled to actually think about what he asked. Then,
“Oh, sorry. must’ve worn off,” you struggled to articulate the words, barely thinking them through, feeling small, almost lost under his stare for a moment. Eren smiled down at you, almost cynically, as he put his cup down and took your hand in his. 
“Want to dance?”
You nodded, faster than before, with—
It didn’t matter, not in that moment.
Assuring him it was alright, because every little thing was alright to you as long as it was Eren and his hand was taking yours, even if the hold was loose, barely there, like he was seconds away from letting it go.
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miyaniacs · 3 years
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NAVIGATION // Characters // Chapter Three
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summary: Reader: female; 20 years old ; Apparently you know something… but what this something is you still got to find out.But curses, good and bad sorcerer now want to get you into their hands.
Ending up in the hands of the good ones, y/n finally meets her old best friend again - Yuji. Now Yuji and his friends make it their mission to keep you save in this whole new world. Days turn into weeks and you become closer and closer to your ‚bodyguards‘
warnings: Naoya being a not as bad but still an ass
a/n: Heyy, I'm so sorry for not updating in ages, I didn't quit this, I just couldn't find the energy to start writing. I still want to and I really want to continue this story, since I actually also want to see where this ends haha and its just fun to write- I would really appreciate it if you give me some feedback and comments / rebloggs - it helps to find motivation to write again 🥺💞 love you all so much and thank you so much for being so understanding ❤️
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You wake up to your phone ringing. Half asleep you reach to answer whoever decides to call you this early.
“Miss L/N?”
“Yes? Who’s there?”
“Missing work 2 days in a row and forgetting me already?”
Suddenly you’re wide awake. After everything that happened you totally forgot your internship.
“M-Mr. Zenin?” You stutter.
“Indeed. Now darling, care to explain where you’ve been yesterday and right now?”
“I - uhm S-So you see I had an family emergency… “
“Missing work and lying?”
“I’m not lying!” You desperately try to defend yourself. “We both know you are. But I could forget about your … misbehavior.”
“If you be my plus one on a business dinner I got to attend tonight.”
“WHAT?! Me ?” “Yes you.” He chuckles. “But … but why?” “Mhhh I like to have beautiful women next to me on those normally boring nights…. So either you come with me, or your internship only went on for a week.” “No no - I’ll come with you!” “Perfect. A packet with something for you to wear should be in front of the door to your room. I’ll pick you up at 7pm.” “Wait ! I’m not at my apartment.” “I know.” And before you can say anything else, he already hung up. Confused you state at the wall the phone still on your ear. What does he mean? He knows? Does he know your here? But how can he know about this place or that you’re here. Wait … havent they talked about him? Does that me your boss … is also one of them? Your eyes widen, you jump up and run towards your door and open it. There it is. Two white packets with your name on it and a black ribbon which says Chanel all over it in white letters. Taking a deep breath you lean down and try to grab them, but then you hear your name. “Y/N!” You shoot up again and are met with Gojo’s chest. “Y- yes?” “Why did Naoya Zenin sent those to you?” “Uhm he - he called me just a few seconds ago and …” and what - your boss sends you a fancy dress and shoes and wants you to come with him on a fancy business dinner? Please this sounds like some unrealistic film or the beginning of an … adult film. “Yes?” “Uhhh he wants me to accompany him to some business dinner …” you mumble and look down at the white packages. “And you agreed?” He asks sarcastically. “I had no other choice … I missed two days of my internship… “ “Don’t you think there are more important matters now?” he tilts his head. “You don’t get it … having this internship in my resume … I‘ll be having so many open doors!” “What does an open door get you when the world is ending?” He asks and tips with his finger on the sport where the mark appeared yesterday. “You … promised me I’ll survive this …” you look up at his bandaged eyes. “ I did - and you will.” He sighs and pats your head before sighing again, “okay then go … but I’ll drive you there and pick you up AND you got to text me every 30 minutes!” “But he told me he’ll pick me up …” “Well he will not - I’ll talk to him.” “But why every 30 minutes ? Isn’t that a bit extreme?” He lifts up his blindfold and looks at you with an intense look. “No - you clearly don’t know him as good as I do. If I could I’d be coming with you to make sure nothing will happen to you.” “O - okay…” you stutter and he smiles brightly while dropping his blindfold again. “Good ! Now go and shower. I don’t think he’ll want you to … smell.” “I- HEY!” You punch against his chest, but it only makes him laugh even harder. He turns around and waves, “The others are already training.” With a sigh you finally pick up the packages and go back inside. Carefully you place them on your bed and get ready for the day. You convince yourself to wait to open them up until you have to get ready. Knowing your clumsy self you‘ll ruin the dress of you open it now. -later- “Wow you look beautiful! The Zenin chose a pretty nice dress.” Gojo whistles and opens the passengers door of his sports car. “It’s a bit short.” You roll your eyes and sit down. “What did you expect?” He laughs and closes the door. You watch him walking around the car before getting into it himself.
During the whole drive you keep one side eying him - what is his motive behind all this? Why is he constantly talking about how to text him whenever you’re forced to leave the restaurant, whenever you see strange and not to forget to text him every 30 minutes. Naoya is … well Naoya but he’s nothing to be afraid of?
The car stops and Gojo turns to his right and looks at you. “Y/n?” “Yeah?” “I’m being serious. He’s dangerous.” “Sure you’re not just jealous?” You joke and raise one eyebrow. Gojo did not take the joke well and now fully turns around in his seat, taking off his sunglasses. “No. I’m not. He is dangerous and I don’t want you to get hurt just because you’re being too naive.” “Naive? My life did a 180 because of you all?! And I just want to have this normal part back, even if it’s just my job.” “Job. This is a fucking dinner. Or dinner with fucking. Who knows what he’s planned.” He pushes his lips into a thin line. “Wouldn’t mind that.” You mumble. “CANT you stay serious for one second?!” “Yes. If you’ll be Nice to me.” You huff and grab your small bag. “Hey - wait wait wait -“ “No. Texting you whenever anything happens and every 30 minutes. Got it. - thanks for the drive.” And with that you get out of the car. Pulling the hem of your dress down, you look around and search for your boss. “Ahhh you look even better in that dress than I imagined.” A hand wraps around your waist and you’re pushed against a board chest. A knock on the window, reminds you of Gojo’s presence. “Let’s get inside and away from .. him.” Without waiting for your responds he Leads you towards the fancy looking restaurant. “The others are already inside.” His hand remains on your waist and you quickly look over your shoulder just to me met with his sharp eyes and a prominent smirk on his face. “Yes?” “Uhm .. nothing.” “Don’t be afraid doll, I’ll be by your side the whole time.” He gently squeezes your waist. “Thank you sir.” You mumble. “Please call me Naoya.” He smiles. “Oh okay.” You turn around again and you hold your breath. On the table you’re walking towards, in a empty room in the back of the restaurant, sits non other than the men thingy you saw in his office the day you were handed the small package. The man turns towards you and immediately you put your hand over your moth. IT ONLY HAS ONE EYE?! “Naoya- what-“ “Shhhhhh I’m here to protect you.” “You’re late.” The thing says. “The Barbie is a Slow driver, had to wait for our special guest.” Napa replies and pulls away a chair on the round table for you to sit down to. Hesitating a few seconds, you sit down, due to a slight push of Naoya, who sits down next to you. You’re eyes are fixed on your hands, which still fiddle with the hem of your dress.
Why are you really here? And who or what is this thing? Is this a curse? And if so- why is your boss making deals with curses? Shouldn’t he be on the human side?
“So that’s her?” The thing asks, his eye fixed on you. “Yes Jogo that’s her.” Naoya says and you see his hand moving towards your thigh, rubbing small circles with his thumb. “So what will be do doing with her?” He responds. “What?” You ask confused and look up your eyes moving from Jugo towards Naoya and back. “We are doing nothing with her.” Naoya says in a firm voice and shoots a warning glare towards the other, who just chuckles. Frightened by the curse in front of you, you try to stay close to the only save source - which as for now is your boss. Your hand moves over his hand on your thigh and he immediately moves his over yours and squeezes it. “When are the others coming?” Jugo asks and leans his head in his hand. “They should be here soon.” You keep looking down on your hands. This was a mistake. Something really doesn’t feel right. Maybe you should have listened to Gojo … the only thing you want right now is to tell him to come and get you out of here. You want to text him, yet Naoya holds your hand tight, with no way to escape his grip. Your bag stands between you and him, you can’t reach it with your other hand. Just as you’re about to think if it’s worth it leaning over and grabbing your bag, the door opens again. “Ahhhhh finally Cousin. ” Naoya smirks. Confused you look behind you and your eyes widen. Two males enter the room. One of them walks straight towards Jugo, his gray hair pulled together in two extremely low ponytails, his whole face covered in stitches. Nether the less the other male is the one making your heart race. “Toji?” You breath out.
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taglist (open) : @laceymorganwrites @irreverent-dream , @fiona782 , @shadyjinyoung , @kasianthus @hello0i
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namjooningelsewhere · 3 years
The Prince Charming!!
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Pairing : Yoongi x reader
Genre: 18+
Warnings: Absolutely nothing!!!!
Summary- You are forced to attend a prestigious homecoming ball which you wanted to avoid but also which you couldn't, you didn't make in any plans on avoiding until you actually meet someone interesting and suddenly everything just seems perfect. Comfortably perfect!
The big thingies weren't quite your scene, specially when all you had to do was look like a freaking doll and stand in poise and behave and watch what you said. Naah please you were done with it.
And today happened to be exactly that kind of day. It was ball at the most affluent family of the city, The Mins. Seems like the so called prince charming had returned to his kingdom after a sabbatical and to celebrate the return his parents had hosted a ball, actually quite grand one at that.
You never wanted to go home because you knew your mother would be waiting with her battalion of stylists, beauticians to make you look like a diva, which obviously you were not. You had features that were standing out but you thought you needed to shine from within to shine on the outside.
You crept inside your own house like a thief tiptoeing to avoid any noise that would attract the attention of your mother. "Rebeca where you think you are going?" Your mothers voice boomed through the corridor. She was your mother alright.
"Give me one good reason why you haven't tried the dresses I've sent to your room? One good reason why you haven't pushed it for the fittings yet?" Umm maybe i came just now, Maybe i was busy trying to prepare for a interview that can get me something real?" You scoffed.
"Very funny, now go to your room and try the dresses and show it to me?" She said. I walked slowly to my room displaying ample amount of disinterest. "Faster now woman, The balls in the evening not tomorrow" you heard your voice once again. How does she know everything? You still couldn't uncover this mystery, You checked if hallways had cameras but nope nothing nada.
You try a lot of dresses but a red one catches your eyes. You try the red one it fit you beautifully amplifying every curve at your body and with a thigh high slits making it look picture perfect. Which also made you look perfect for the gram;).
You finished with a little bit of makeup and a shimmery nude gloss which made your lips look even prettier. You arrived at the ball with your parents and it looked it was more of a met gala type event.
As you walked to the hall you could see girls in all kinds of designers making it a high society designer store, looks like the so called prince charming had a lot of options to choose from.
You were greeted by a cheerful greeting and you grinned by the ear, you knew who it was. Hobi your bestfriend waving right back to him. You gave him a friendly hug, and he gasped for a second "Look at you gorgeous, looking enchanting!! He chimed.
Oh boy didn't have much of a choice you see! You exclaimed. The event turned out to be extremely boring with occasional dances here and there. All everyone was doing was to try finding the guy in question.
You moved to the hallway to use the powder room all you could hear was the gossips about the prince charming, "Where is he ?" I've heard he's hot!! Imagine how will he be?" You were absolutely disinterested in the prince charming and the only reason you had your ass in the room was your mother. That woman was capable of throwing you out of the window if you didn't do what she said. She was someone you would never mess with.
You scanned the room for Hobi, this guy was nowhere to be seen. And somehow you exactly knew where he would be at this moment. You fumbled for the phone but let him just be, At least he was having fun.
The ball was going in full swing yet there was no sign of the prince charming, wishing that man would appear somewhere and this ball would end, so you looked at the exit so that you could have a breath fresh air, you found a exit to a open space down towards the parking.
You moved ahead and went near the garden, and just spread your hands the air felt cold and specially it felt even cold with the strapless dress you had on. "Bored already?" You jumped at the voice behind you.
You turned behind to see a man, a magnificent man. Dark hair on his forehead dressed sharp a tux and those rings in the fingers was the highlight and his sly smile made me loose my breath for a second. Who was this you thought to yourself.
"A lot actually, but I don't seem to have a choice" You sighed. "And why would that be?" He asked. "You friends with the Mins?" You asked in a cautious tone. No he said. "Just that I find such events exhausting not to forget my mother bought me here all dolled up because she thinks I might find a good match and that's downright stupid. You exclaimed.
You could clearly say he was amused. He chuckled and that made you zone out to a parallel universe. "Oh I forgot I didn't get your name?" I didn't give it out yet you chuckled. Rebecca you replied stretching your hand in forward to a handshake.
"Lovely name" he said. Before you could say anything out heard footsteps approaching and next thing you knew he pulled you by the hand and started running towards what looked like a lake house.
I'm sorry people would have misinterpreted and this is a small group of the people here you know, they talk he explained awkwardness quite evident in his voice. "I can understand all these people do is talk. And I'm the last one to be involved. I have a quite fierce of a mother who will not tolerate any such nonsense of this sort" he laughed at my exasperated comment.
"Did someone tell you are dramatic?" He chuckled. "Yeah but then i told them not to mention it again" you laughed. "What are you doing here? Friend of the prince charming?" You asked curiosity taking over you.
"Prince charming?" He asked amused. " Yeah since he has a gazillion girls here who are here for him, must be a charmer I guess you say. He looks like he wanted to have a laughing fit, but didn't do so. "What if he was a charmer? I mean the guy has money, power, mostly looks and what if hes sexy too? Don't you find it appealing?"
"That's not what's all appealing, I mean i cant just doll up and compete for someone who i don't even know and besides my kind of love is more of a personality not the wallet or the pants or the looks. You argued.
"I'm starving!!" he says with a cute expression. Why don't you find something to eat inside I'm sure they have a plethora of options."I said "Nope food inside feels boring, Lets go out." You had your jaw open to the ground at his offer, How were you even supposed to leave this god damn place without your mother knowing.
You planned a hundred scenarios but nothing concrete came to your mind but some voice in your head asked you to throw caution to the wind and go with the tux guy. "Okay you said but there is one thing you have to do for me," You look at him innocently hoping he would agree. "Anything" He replied.
"Can you get me a pair of sneakers? I am going to have my feet cut off if i stay in these heels for one more min." He burst out laughing at your request, "This is the most unique thing someone has ever asked me to do", He chuckled.
He ushered you to the parking lot and opened a car boot to hand you over a pair of white sneakers and you unknowingly threw your heels in his boot. ?He closed it and pulled you towards his bike, You had your eyes out of your head for a minute. "Care for an adventure?" He smirked.
"Haven't you been noticing I'm wearing a gown all this time? You asked amused at this persons innocence. "Oh come on sneaker girl i know you can manage and for all you know this might be the most adventurous night of your life? Be a sport!"
You still could not believe you were doing this as you wore the helmet but it seemed thrilling and you thanked the designers to have kept the slit big enough to manage. The ride was filled with an adventure you have never tried before and most of it for the part that he was a complete stranger and still you felt the urge to trust him like it was inbuilt.
You decided to eat kimchi fried rice avoiding his amused looks for choosing something simple when you could have gone more for a gown and tux place but for what it was worth it turned out to be one of the best meals you and he had in a while. The time was passing by in mere fractions as you planned your last stop on a hilltop, starlit and quite a scenic view of the city.
The wind was blowing in your face calming all the excitement of the night it had really been an interesting one for sure. "did you dance at the ball?" He asked . "No why? You know its a shame that you are wearing such a beautiful dress meant to be to a ball but you didn't dance. I smiled at his thoughts believing that coming to this ball was a decision that was totally worth it. Even worth of getting myself killed by mother the moment i step inside the house. But it seemed worth it.
"Who said we cant change it?" he said. You were shocked when he played the song that was the most perfect fit for the night and pulled me in for a dance. You swayed in his arms like you belonged there and he danced as if you were some queen he was having a dance with. You moved as if it was just meant to be and in that moment strangely everything seemed perfect.
The ride back was just you and him discussing your and his interest and just normal things, just as normally as a night could have ended except he didn't let you go till you handed him your number. "Thanks for saving me from the ball and i had an amazing time really" you said unsure of his reaction.
"Likewise" He replied but with a peck on your cheek. He left you at the door bidding a goodbye. As you stood there in two minds, relishing your encounter of the stranger whose name you had forgotten to ask and second what was the lioness inside the house going to do with you?"
You Froze on your spot when you received a text message:
Sneaker girl, FYI I'm not a prince charming!!!
Something inside you told you this wasn't the last time you were meeting this prince charming.
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
MonsterOlympics One Shot +13 (Part 1)
Monster Maze HighXMonster High
This One shot is divided in parts because is long as hell XD, as well this contains many racy jokes, black humor and swearing, if youre sensitive with this humor i recommend you to not read this shit, as well this One shot is just for fun
The Spring/Summer season, A Flowering but sunny season for Romance, vacation And Mating.
But also a Season for the sports specially in the Monster Maze High, where the Students and the Staff where preparing everything for the most importan Event for them.
The Monster Olympics an important event where the Students shows their skills in many sporty activities in competition against any School for monsters.
Everyone especially Betrayus was excited for the event.
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Betrayus: Alright Class, that's all for today's class but first I have an announcement for all of you!.
Clyde: Will you wanna add an Ice Cream Machine in the Cafeteria!?
Inky: Clyde we already have one...
Clyde: Oh.. Hehe yeah I forgot that part.
Pacster: Awww I don't minded to have another one...
Skeebo: Chill out Lemon lizard, is that really the only thing you use your mouth?
Spiral: Hey!! Don't insult my Bro like that!!
Bradley: Hey! Don't yell at my boyfriend!!
Pacster: and you don't yell at my Friend!!
Victor: And you don't yell to my Ex!!
Pacster: Try me Bitch!!
Aurora: Oh no..
Ryan: *face palm* Ugh...
They were about to fight as many times in other classes but they where stopped by Mr Betrayus.
Betrayus:*Demonic Voice* SILENCE!!
The students where now quiet in their seats
Betrayus: Uhum as I was saying I have good news for you.
Pinky: Will you add Hot springs rooms for all the students and the Staff?
Cylindria: Pinky.. this is the first time I'm Agree with you.
Inky: Yeah! Sounds like a good idea.
Betrayus: *Sniff Sniff* We are already working on it, Pinky you have an A by thinking in the staff :,D
Pinky: Really!? Thank you Teacher~
Skeebo: Tsk.. smug..
Bradley: C'mon Foxy it's a Great idea~
Ryan: Oh Man I can't wait for it..
Betrayus: Easy Dear Students, as you already know... The Monster Olympics is coming here, so for it I sent to make new uniforms for you and why not the staff too.
Amber: We will have new Sport uniforms!!?? O.M.G Now I don't know what is better if the Hot Springs or the uniforms!.
Farid: Duh Obviously Both news are wholesome... I hope the uniform is Blue, that color makes my beauty shine~
Farren: dude, the most important thing is that the uniform is comfy enough for us.
Spiral: You understand me Bro
Farley: *lifts his hand up* Hey Mr D-.. Betrayus.. with who we will compete this year?...
Blinky: Tell me we will not compete against the Belfry Prep...
Inky: Yeah.. I know we beat them..
Bradley: but they where such a bastards with us..
Skeebo: Ugh that vampires.. if I see any vampire from that school I have no doubts in Break his teeth by what they do to you that year Bunny..
Betrayus: Good Boy Skeebo~ but Don't worry Guys we will not Compete against them again...
Aurora: Phew what a Relief..
But this year they would fight against a School similar to them.
Betrayus: We will compete against Monster High!
Farley: Monster High?..
Pacster: You mean that school where all the cool things happens there?
Betrayus: What do you mean?
Spiral: Yeah, we are all follow a monster blog where many news are released, and all the cool things happens in that school and of course it's released in the page..
Amber: Since founding the Vampire Queen and give her company in her movie release in Horrywood, face the same Van Hellsing, Going to Boo York, etc.. all the things happens in this school are just fights, parties, and regular School dramas.
Mandy: *sighs* yes, the only interesting thing happened in this School is Just the Attack of Apex Crowd next to his pet Hans.
Cylindria: It's not the School's fault, we don't look for an adventure because we don't want it... I most suggest more school trips.
Betrayus: Conceded And you have an A by understanding as always Cily.
Bradley: And Dad? How would be the things about the event?
Betrayus: Good Question son, i asked for the uniforms, they will be here this Friday, about where we will do the event, me and my brother already talked with the Headless Master Bloodgood and we are agree in doing the event here in this same campus, before the event some students from Monster High will come to know you and take along.
The Ring bells, it was time for lunch and the students where free to leave.
Betrayus: Well students that's all for today's class don't forget to do your homework *leaves*
Everyone have leave except for the Fluffy Gang, Farid and Farren noticed that Farley was completely in shock while his tail was wagging.
Farid: C'mon Farley it's Time for lunch and time to take care of Claw.
Farren: Hey, what's wrong man?
Farley: We will compete against Monster High.. you know what that means?
Farren: Being hitted as we were hitted by Skylanders academy?
Farley: No!.. I-its not that..
Farley's expression was a mix between nostalgic and Excited
Farren: Oh shit.. now i know what that means.. That Cat..
Farley: I will see her again!! After long time without seeing us, i will finally see her again!! *Wagging tail*
Farid: Did you 2 have never being in contact?
Farley: Uhm yes, we have calls sometimes but seeing eachother, not really.. when i had the opportunity something happens as what happened with Claw and his mother if you remember... I was expecting of seeing her.. but don't misunderstand me I love the baby Claw.. but I still miss my old friend.
Farid: Now you mention that.. I wonder if she and her pals have adopted a baby like us, except it's a doggy.
Farren; Don't say stupid things..
Farley: Well let's go to lunch, I can't wait to see her.. *leaves*
Farren: or did he never asked her to take a walk, while we take care of Claw?
Farid: a Guy asking a girl to meet up and take a walk, you don't think it sounds like a date?
Farren: Well that's a good point.. but it's still so dumb of him to wait for meet up with her.
Farid: Hmm Dog's stuff.
The Fluffy Gang finally left the classroom without knowing that someone have recorded them.
A Ghost Girl left the Monster Maze High flying back to her original School.
The Day ended and it was time for the students and the Staff to rest.
Room 01
Stratos was getting ready to sleep when his younger brother entered into his Room with a cup of Tea.
Betrayus: Hey Dear Brother, *gives him the cup*
Stratos: Thank you Betrayus, *drinks it*
Betrayus: And tell me dear brother, what do you think of this?
Stratos: It's the First time we are doing this event in this campus, how do you think I am!?.
Betrayus: Don't worry, we will work hard to make the school look their best.
Stratos: *Sighs* at least I can count with you in this moments.
Betrayus: Just rest easy Stratos, everything would be okay.
Stratos: I Hope so.. *Finishes his tea*
Stratos fell asleep quickly throwing the cup in the floor.
Betrayus taked Stratos to his bed and left his room.
Betrayus: Ohh Man, the chloroform worked hard... The good thing is that i never mentioned him that Elli and Mitzy would come here to see the event..
2 days later
The Day of the visit of the Monster High have finally came, the Maze High students where waiting for their visit.
When they arrived, they started to take along
Name: Frankie Stein
Daughter of Frankenstein
Age: 16 (Days of life)
Specie: Living corpse (Frankenstein)
Frankie: *waved to the students* It's so nice to being here, I'm so glad that another school is having this kind of inclusion.
Spiral: Wow, you are like me
Frankie: You're like me too! By the way I'm Frankie Stein
Spiral: Spiral Stein, well the Stein part is just a nickname, my actual nickname is Hunterson
Frankie: Heheh, for one moment I thought that you were my cousin, by the way, Who builded you?
Spiral: A Couple of Scientist Elfs, my adoptive parents.
Frankie: Wow really? My grandfather builded me, Victor Frankenstein.
Spiral: Victor Frankenstein!!?? The original!? That's so cool!
Name: Clawdeen Wolf
Daughter of the Werewolf
Age: 16
Species: Werewolf
Clawdeen: do you really don't have Werewolves here?
Victor: Nope, mostly Weredogs and a Werefox, the only werewolf we have is the School guard Mr Derek the scary wolf standing behind us.
Name: Howleen Wolf
Daughter of the Werewolf
Age: 15
Species: Werewolf
Howleen: T-t-that man is really scary.
Victor: don't worry he is a nice guy, hehe
Amber:*goes to a Pink vampire girl* Uhhh~ are you the famous vegetarian vampire?
Draculaura: Uhm.. yes?
Amber: Eww did you bring your mutt with you?
Clawd: Grrrghh...
Amber: Ugh you give me-
Betrayus: *pushes Amber away* Draculaura!! You're here!
Name: Draculaura
Daughter of Dracula
Age: 1,600
Species: Vampire
Draculaura: Godfather Betrayus!? *Jumps to hug Betrayus* It's nice to see you again!
Betrayus: it's a pleasure too, sorry for not going to your 1,600 years party.
Draculaura: It's okay, i really loved the gifts you seended me
Name: Clawd Wolf
Son of the Werewolf
Age: 18
Species: Werewolf
Clawd: Godfather Betrayus?
Draculaura: Yeah, He is my dark baptism godfather.
Betrayus: Heya, you most be my Strawberry's Boyfriend, good work in making her happy.
Clawd: Really?.. you are not disagree with this?
Draculaura: Clawd, My godfather is married with a Jackalope.
Betrayus: and my hybrid son has a Werefox boyfriend.
Clawd: That's amazing! I never expected this.
Betrayus: Well welcome to the family Bud
Farley was looking for her friend between the monster high students
Farley: I wonder if-
Name: Toralei Stripe
Daughter of the Werecat
Age: 16
Species: Werecat
Farley: Tori!?
Toralei: Sheepdog!?
Farley: Tori!!
Toralei: Sheepdog
Farid and Farren: fuck..
Claw: Mew?
To be continued....
Stratos: *throws Farid and Farren a Shoe*
No swearing in front the kitten!!!
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pottahishotasf · 3 years
Hi! If it's not to much trouble could I please have a Harry Potter golden trio and marauders era ship (male)? My pronouns are she/her. I am Scorpio and my Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff,I can be introverted or extroverted,it depends on who I'm with and how I feel. I am 5/7,my hair is light brown with natural blonde highlights but I go to the hair dresser to bring my highlights out a bit more. I would say my style is a mix between cottage core and light academia but I only wear clothes that I am comfortable in. My favorite sport is American Football and I love watching people dance. I am also a bit more on the chubby side,I like reading and learning about history. I also love baking and I play the keyboard and I want to learn to play guitar. I don't like video games that much,I love being outside tho. Although during cold/rainy days (when I can't go outside) I like to watch movies (mainly Disney). I also listen to music a lot,I really like lyrical based music (Taylor Swift,Olivia Rodrigo). I also have to be organized or I can't function and I always wear this one ring on a chain for sentimental reasons. I live in the state of Georgia and I have a strong southern accent. I am mature for my age and for that reason a lot of people my age tend to get on my nerves easily but I'm never mean unless I'm on my period. I don't wear a lot of makeup on a daily basis but I do love experimenting with eye shadow so sometimes you can find me in my room trying to recreate a look I saw on Instagram. I have anxiety and I tend to hold the hand or arm of a person that I trust when I am anxious. I also overthink a lot. Thank you!
So I was gonna ship you with Harry but decided against it and would rather ship you with Blaise Zabini! Because why not?
And also for the Marauders Era... I ship you with James Potter.
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For James I think he would love to watch movies with you, and I also think that he would love Disney! Of course you're the one to introduce it to him.
"Love, its raining... You can't go out right now, you'll get sick." You said as he insists on going to a nearby store to buy chips.
"But I know your craving for (your favorite food) and I want to buy you some." He continued to beg.
"Yes, well maybe we could just buy it later, and let's just watch Princess Diaries! I forgot I have the tape with me" You suggested.
(Let's just pretend they have some old fashioned TV and that Princess Diaries was published wayyy backk.)
He also loves it when you experiment with your makeups on him.
"Love, can you put on some red and gold eyeshadow on me? Anddd do what ever you want with my face!!!"
He always asks you to do his make up whenever they won the quidditch match for the after party.
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This is for both of them so I'll be using "they/them" a lot!
Both of them would love to watch you bake and would beg you to teach them how to.
I would imagine James playing around like booping your nose with flour on his finger, and would not take anything seriously...
With Blaise it's the same but he would definitely try to concentrate more, and I feel like he's very good in the kitchen... So I think the both of you would go to the kitchens often to bake!
And he would definitely cook you some random meals, and introduce you to some of them! ( The ones that you're unfamiliar with. Of course!)
And both of them couldn't fight the urge to stare at you too! Especially when you're distracted!
They would also try and help you when you have anxiety—
Like they offer you to play with their hand or squeeze it as hard as you can, just for you to relax.
They would also remind you to take deep breaths!
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Sorry for the wait, and THANKKKK YOUUUU!!!!
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maggies-scribblings · 4 years
2) "How long have you been standing there?" If you're willing, I'm thinking this would be interesting with Marichat post season 3. 😊
“How long have you been standing there?”
Of all the responsibilities Marinette inherited as Guardian, that cursed Grimoire was by far her biggest headache.
Well, Master Fu did leave a USB drive with the scanned pages of the sacred book, and a password-protected file with all the discoveries he’d made with her help: the power-up potion recipes, the story of how the Miraculous came to be, the descriptions of each jewel’s powers…
Unfortunately, his work was left incomplete by his forced retirement, leaving Marinette to painstakingly decipher almost everything Master Fu could not. However, there was still a very important part that eluded her after four years — the ritual that had to be performed in order to summon The Wish. Not because she wanted to use it, rather to be able to identify any peculiar ingredients or locations she could use to trace Hawkmoth.
The cypher on this section was even more complex than the rest: not only were the glyphs more intricate, the illustrations were so bizarre she couldn’t tell whether they were allegorical or instructional.
It was a race against Hawkmoth, who had recently cracked the code on the copy he had stolen from Master Fu. This had been evident a few months ago, when a fire-powered Mayura, together with a flaming akumatized villain, had attacked an old theatre full of people attending a concert.
Repeatedly, Hawkmoth had shown to be playing around with the power-ups, prompting Ladybug to keep a stockpile of potions so that everyone in Team Miraculous could use them in an emergency.
Approaching the subject as methodically as her chaotic life allowed, Marinette reserved her Wednesday nights to work on the Grimoire. On this beautiful evening, she decided to move the studies to her balcony, reclining on her lounge chair. At least her muscles could relax a little. Her nerves? Not so much…
“Goddamn mystical book!”
She was holding the tablet on one hand and taking notes on the notebook on her lap with the other. She’d been on this very page for weeks, with no progress.
“Aaaah!” Marinette screamed, “are you sure you can’t help me, Tikki?”
“I’m sorry, Marinette,” the little god replied from her favourite flower pot. “You know us kwamis can’t know the secrets of the book.”
Another few minutes passed in silence, before Marinette let out a frustrated huff, slamming her stuff down on the reel that served as coffee-table.
“I give up! I will never break the stupid magic code on the stupid magic book.”
“Is everything okay here?” A familiar voice asked, quizzically.
Looking for the source of the voice, Marinette yelped as she spotted the unexpected visitor, perched on the wall just behind her.
“How long have you been standing there?” she asked, as she tried (and failed) to conceal her reading materials.
“I heard a scream,” Chat Noir replied evasively, “I simply wanted to check on my favourite civilian. After all, this city is littered with danger!”
“Oh. I didn’t realise I was so loud.” Marinette blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry to alarm you. I was just having trouble with some homework.”
“Can I help you?” he plopped down beside her. “My wits are as sharp as my claws.”
Marinette snorted involuntarily, only to try and cover it up with a fake cough.
“No, thank you. It’s… kinda personal.”
The notebook with some of the symbols she’d copied was still visible, despite Marinette’s attempts to hide it. She watched in panic as his eyes landed on it, head tilted sideways in curiosity.
“Oh, I recognize some of those characters.” Before Marinette could swipe it from view, he picked it up.
“Hey, that’s priva— wait… you know these symbols?”
“Not exactly… Why are you writing this?”
“Oh! It’s a—a…” Marinette scrambled to find an excuse. “It’s copied from an old document, from my mother’s side of the family. I don’t even know what it is.”
“They look like Thai characters, only… in an ancient form…”
“Thai? You know Thai!?”
“Oh… I’ve been there for— for work. I saw something similar to this in an old museum.”
Reluctantly, she allowed him to see the rest of her notes. She was pushing her luck, really. Then again, Chat Noir had never seen the Grimoire, had he? And who knew, maybe he could help.
He flipped through the pages, studying the copied symbols intently.
“These drawings, though... they don’t look like anything I’ve seen before… except…”
Marinette noticed the change in his countenance, from curious excitement to perplexed recognition. “Uh-oh!”
“Oh, never mind, then.” She forced a laugh and waved dismissively, trying to pry the notebook from his claws. “It’s probably an old recipe or something like that.”
“Where did you say you got this?” Was his voice actually trembling?
“My—my mother’s uncle— great-uncle. He’s no longer around.”
“Not around, huh?” Marinette felt the way he was studying her face. “You mean he died?”
“N—no… he— retired.” Even with the risk of discovery, she couldn’t bring herself to lie. “A—abroad.”
“Hmm…” he mumbled again, flipping the pages of the notebook until he found a particular figure. “This one certainly rings a bell.”
He showed her the pages where she had reproduced the diagram of the wish. “Crap, I forgot I had doodled that!”
“You’ve seen that image before?” she gulped nervously.
“Just once, briefly. In a book I borrowed from my father then lost.”
“You? Y-you borrowed then lost it?”
“Hmm-hmm. It was mysteriously returned a few days later. My father never told me who found it.”
“And this book… belonged to your father?”
“It was a present from my mother. He was very upset about me losing it.”
“Upset?” Marinette was barely able to speak coherently, the way her head was spinning.
“Yes. So upset he was— never mind.”
Chat Noir put the notes down on the table, the movement lighting up the tablet screen Marinette had forgotten to lock.
It was impossible not to see the scanned page, complete with balloon notes and the title “Miraculous Spellbook Translation — V.2.34”. Marinette smacked her own forehead. “Why didn’t I lock the screen? Why didn’t I change the name of the file?”
She couldn’t stop him from picking up the tablet and flipping through the pages, exact reproductions of Gabriel Agreste’s book, down to the wear marks and ragged edges.
There were a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, where it seemed like both were putting two and two together and coming up with a square.
“Whe—” his voice came out cracking, so Chat Noir cleared his throat and tried again. “Where exactly did you get this, Marinette?”
“I— I told you already…”
“That great-uncle of yours… his name wouldn’t happen to be Wang Fu, would it?”
Marinette grimaced — there was no going back now.
“Y-you knew my uncle?”
“He was Master Fu to me… but of course, you know that very well, don’t you?”
Chat Noir’s frown turned into that mischievous grin he sported when he had a trick up his sleeve.
“So, would you say you can’t make heads or tails of this book… Bug?”
Marinette smiled back playfully, flicking his nose in an affectionate gesture.
“I’d say we’ve only just scratched the surface, Kitty. What do you say we work on it together?”
Prompt: “How long have you been standing there?”, Marichat, post-season 3.
For @miraculous-elcie. Thanks to everyone on Discord who chimed in!
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