#i genuinely think the only reason it's still functional is because for the last 2-3 years I've barely used it
You know how there's stuff like Book Bub and Book Riot's ebook deals emails?
Is there one that's for NON Kindle books like for the Kobo store?
When I finally replace my kindle, I do think I'll try a kobo, but I'm also trying to not buy many ebooks from Amazon anymore.
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blub-blub-bish · 3 months
Zombie Kenny, but every time he dies, he comes back and slowly becoming a zombie again
A very much self indulgent, Kenny centered, zombie au idea. Aka, a long ass idea that over uses the word “which “ and “HOWEVER “
Long ass idea below cut vvv
Basically, Kenny, who can’t stay dead, got bit in the zombie apocalypse. the first time he got bit, he became a normal zombie, like usual. After around a week, he lost consciousness and ended up in the afterlife.in hell he watched his body, still roaming around on earth, and thought “ oh, this must be it. I’m dead. For good.” Not really sure if he should feel sad or happy, but he’s dead for good. Right?
When his body, that for some reason decompose faster than others, decomposed enough and dies, he came back a normal human. HOWEVER, his body is slowly decomposing again, which has pros and cons.
The pros:
•He’s practically immune, considering he’s like…partially a zombie already
•The zombies think he’s one of them, so now, He can walk through a zombie horde or just wander around without getting chased and shit.
•He doesn’t need much sleep. He only needed around 2 hours of sleep to last 2 days, making him a great night guard.
•Cthulhu took pity on him and decided he would respawn around his allies every time he dies.
•He’s very light, people could pick him up like those school skeleton models and just carry him around.
The cons:
•His body is literally deteriorating, which hurts like a bitch. He feels constantly like he’s slowly dying (which he is)
•Because his body deteriorates over time, at some point, his body is wayyy too weak to function. So he had to either, kill himself, or wait until the virus kill him. Which can take months.
•He usually already have to kill himself every 2 weeks. If he does it over 2 weeks, he would literally lose control over his own body.
•When he lost control over his body (over 2 weeks), he is still conscious. But like watching a movie, he can’t do anything. Just watch. That’s why when he starts to feel like he’s loosing control over his own body, he kills himself.
•After finding allies, he would ask someone he trusted to make sure to kill him if he went over the 2 weeks mark. His allies usually remind him when this happens.
•After a week , he can’t cook for others. 1, because his tongue is usually dead, so he doesn’t taste shit, and 2, because his skin starts to peel, which might fell into the food. Which sucks because my headcanon is that his love language is cooking for others.
•Speaking of food, my guy could only eats meat and chocolate.
• If he doesn’t eat for over a day, he would literally go crazy and bite any meat (human, animal, don’t matter) which would turn the thing that he bites into zombies.(if he doesn’t eat the whole thing)
• The meat and muscles in his body rots, so he smells like shit all the time :v. Mf have to practically bathe in perfume so he doesn’t smell like a corpse.
Why does his body still deteriorates you may ask?
Because Im the writer and I say so./j
The somewhat more logical explanation of that is because he was still conscious for a while after he got bit, aka his body is still somewhat alive. If only the zombies ate him, he would have been able to comeback normal. But they didn’t. So now he had to live with his curse. Womp womp
“Oh, but his curse make people forget he died.” Yes. People still forget that he died. HOWEVER, they still remember that he got bit. They still remember him saying he can’t permanently die and genuinely believe him when he started to look like an actual zombie. Like, his skin starts peeling, his meat and muscles starts rotting (which he usually rips out with a knife bc it smells like shit. Ripping it out also slowed the deterioration process), and bone LITERALLY showing on his arms and legs, yet he still have control over his body.
When he kill himself, he usually comes back after 2-3 days, but if the virus kills him, aka the virus taking over, giving him around 3 very, VERY, painful months, he would come back around a month or 2 . Basically recovering mentally and physically in the afterlife.
Basically, his life sucked for the rest of his existence. Even satan and Damian took pity on him, but they can’t really do anything considering his curse is in Cthulhu’s hands.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Sort of answer to your other anon, but feel free to add to it if you want hehe. For now I only know the show and only ship loustat, but that's because I think it's the most developed pairing so far. I kind of need a little time to get into ships, but I'm down for any and everything. I agree ships don't necessarily need to be moral, but I do believe they need to be compelling and help each other in a way, even if it isn't with every single thing. I have OTPs that had terrible moments, but grew into their best selves together. Loustat is usually a dynamic that I hate, because it happened too fast, it got problematic and dark pretty fast (in terms of number of episodes, not the years they spent together), they had other people, they spent a whole season apart... Reminds me in a way of those toxic, even abusive on-and-off couples, that always treated each other poorly, made each other worse, could never work it out, but for some reason kept going back together because "it's sexy" or whatever networks tried to sell. But Loustat subverted my expectations. They're not entirely like that, but I do think they have some of those characteristics. But in their case, it's explained because they both lived shitty lives. And the series show why they're that way and that they're sort of at war with themselves too and genuinely regret their actions. And unlike those other ships, they're a differently species that don't completely function like us and have forever to redeem themselves. Those other couples just felt like a repetitive waste of time without any depth. But the writers really do a great job. And we did see Loustat bounding, Louis trusting Lestat in a way he didn't with anybody else, smiling, having fun and a happy life as well, so we know the connection is there and it isn't just angst and sex. And there's the actors, who have some of the best chemistry I've ever seen anywhere. I'm down for any ship if they have that too, because I trust the writers and so far every duo seems to have amazing chemistry. Will the writing and chemistry be on Loustat's level? I don't know, but I'll have fun with whatever they give me for however long it lasts. This is the first time I feel like I don't even need to think or worry too much, I'm just waiting for more and to be surprised because they always exceed my expectations and I hope that never changes. I was pretty into Loumand at the beginning, I thought they had an ease, sensual, flirtatious vibe and it was exciting to see. But that was mostly the actors than the script and, after the first kiss, we don't see much of it anymore? No scene laughing, comforting each other, going out etc... We have the museum and bar scenes, but I wouldn't call them a Loumand moemnt because they were most about Armand's backstory and betrayal. I never shipped them as much as Loustat, I could have, but before it got to a point I could, it turned cold and distant so I moved on. On the other hand, Lesmand, is something I don't ship yet, but I'm excited because of 1) simply curiosity, everything I hear from the books sound like that's a pretty heated relationship, for better or worse 2) I also hear they're kind of mirrors and understand each other in ways others can't, so even with all the bad history they still sort of care for each other? And if that's true, it's a really interesting and unique dynamic to explore that we don't see that often 3) Sam and Assad really sold their chemistry to me on that scene they shared blood 4) relationships that are extreme as theirs seem to be, tend to result in great, intense, emotional, explosive acting and that's my favorite type... My favorite scenes on the show are the church scene and the hug and those are very intense moments as well. So if they can do something like that in their own flavor because I wouldn't want a Loustat copy, it should be fun to see. Even if it turns out to be like "omg, they're so terrible and I don't want them together not even for one episode" and I won't ship, I'll probably still enjoy it for the writing and acting.
As said, shipping is a personal preference (thank you for detailing yours 🥰).
I am very sure the show will do something very distinctive for each pairing, and this is the only thing I‘d add here now - all these “ships“ are actual relationships in the VC, with their own history, and importance.
Personally I think that is amazing ^^ and I cannot wait to see them.
If I will write and/or read them? We‘ll see. But I think we‘re blessed that way, whether it fits personal preference, or not. 🥰
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hecatesbroom · 5 months
For the ask game! Numbers 3, 25 (especially from a fashion POV!), and 30/31 as a double feature :)
Hii!! Thank you! You made me very happy with the opportunity to ramble about question number 25 haha.
What was the last song you listened to?
Technically, the intro song to The Golden Girls because I watched an episode yesterday before bed haha.
Other than that, I genuinely can't remember -- it's been a while since I listened to music! We recently got a piano and I've been listening to a a lot less music as a result, because I've been making it myself instead :) (very very simple tunes, but hey, it's still fun!)
What’s your favorite decade? (from a fashion POV)
OH this is hard!! I think if I were to pick just one, it'd be the 1970s -- but that's because it allows me to cheat & sort of include two of my other favourite decades (the 1900s and 1940s) in the process, because a lot of 70s fashion was inspired by those :) (and I have a weakness for pointy collars, what can I say?)
Idk, what I love about the 70s is how many contradictions there are? On one hand you have sleek a-line skirts and fitted blouses. On the other you have frills and ruffles, (slight) bishop sleeves and flowy maxi dresses, and those opposites (and the combination of them) are just really fun to me! (I also grew up on a lot of 70s media so honestly, I think it's also partly nostalgia haha)
But I think my favourite fashion decade is actually the 1940s. I love the silhouette, which is still somewhat reminiscent of the elegance of the 1930s, but a little harder in a way. Slightly more practical in its skirt lengths (for obvious reasons), a little more masculine in its shape (which is a fascinating trend you see more often in fashion history, during big wars. Fashion during the 1910s actually turned a little more masculine in shape as well, at the time of WWI!).
I'll stop here because I could go on forever, but yeah!! The 1970s because it's a cheat move to include 2 of my other favourite decades (and it's a lot easier to find 70s clothes to wear myself!) and the 1940s because... well, I just like 40s fashion haha
What are you looking forward to in the near future? & What are you looking forward to in the distant future?
In the very near future, I'm looking forward to visit my grandma for her birthday today :)
Honestly I don't tend to look more than a year or so into the future (and even that's a stretch at the moment haha) but I'm really looking forward to finishing school in 2,5 months!! It was only a year, but oh boy, was it a year. I'm mostly really excited to have more energy to be myself again, if that makes sense? I'll be able to do some more research for my writing projects (I've got a small stack of books waiting for me already), go thrift shopping, and see my friends again!! And my brain will also (hopefully) start function normally again lol. I'm really looking forward to being able to think at my natural speed again haha.
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penumbralwoods · 4 months
😇 5 paragraoh essay please ?
ok actually? it's been way too long since we talked about the narrator.
the main appeal of this ass (to me) is just how inconsistent they are. it's a bit but it's also a character trait; they'll say literally anything to get what they want without remorse. it's actually very important to me in portraying the narrator that i don't ever write genuine remorse. they'll SAY they're sorry, they'll REGRET things maybe, but they're never going to actually give a shit that something they did hurt stanley. it's a fun thing i pulled from one of if not my favorite fanfics ever- stanley has a sense of "going too far" and sets certain things off limits to protect the narrator, but it is by NO means mutual. because they are an ass.
heading back to canon for a second, it's incredibly interesting that they get annoyed if you go through the correct path too many times. they don't even ACTUALLY want that to be the choice every single time, but like everything else they're gonna lie about it. i think there's a lot you can do with an entity that thinks it's all-powerful and in control of everything, but not only is it wrong, it doesn't even actually want that. always a fan of what the character THINKS they want vs. what they actually want.
okay in my defense i went an entire two paragraphs before talking about the skip button WE HAVE TO DISCUSS THE SKIP BUTTON. first of all i think the entire section with the reviews is actually a pretty decent representation of rejection sensitive dysphoria, something that absolutely makes sense for the narrator to experience. and okay. the skip button itself. for those unaware the skip button has been the center of my interest in the stanley parable since i first got into it 2 years ago. alexis royce is largely to be blamed for this, but it's also just one of my favorite sequences, in any game, ever. it's one of those things that the more you think about it, the more horrifying it is. the narrator really did just sit and wait for stanley to come back. for an entire year. and that's the last time we know exactly how long a skip was. and their last (known) appearance is 5 presses later. it adds an entire other layer to the obvious projections on stanley- "he never functioned well by himself, and constantly needed support and guidance from others." <- guy about to do nothing but sit and wait for their boyfriend for millions of years
in an entirely different vein the countdown ending. oghhh the countdown ending. i'm always hesitant to say it's one of my favorites because i know exactly why it's YOU PEOPLE'S favorite. slash silly but i am a little sad that the rampant sex jokes have just. erased any actual analysis of it when it shows SO MUCH about the narrator. this is the main thing- at any given point, they have the potential to do something like this. at any given point, they are willing and able to torment, kill, manipulate, whatever you can think of. because it'll all reset anyway. it doesn't matter, and they know it doesn't matter, the end is never the end is never the end. and this is why i refuse to write them as remorseful. the countdown monologue makes it incredibly clear how detached and apathetic they can be, and i fully believe that even after an event like that in a clearer mindset they would still believe they were in the right. stanley pushes the wrong button, the narrator psychologically torments him for 3 minutes and then blows him up.
so tl;dr. the narrator is a character very very near and dear to my heart and despite the liberties i've taken (by the way, they/them isn't canonical, that's just me reasoning that it makes wayyyy more sense for it to be gender neutral/inhuman aligned) there is already SO much there in the game. they are the worst person on earth. they are painfully sympathetic. they are codependent and unable to function without stanley. they wrote him a love song. they blew him up. they waited for him for millions of years. they yell and insult him every time he makes the wrong choice. they get frustrated when he makes the right choice too often. absolute bastard of a character, and even 2 years later by far the easiest for me to write for. insert shameless plug for my ao3 i wrote 11 chapters of putting them in Situations
wow we actually made this thing 5 paragraphs go us. read my words boy
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nicklloydnow · 2 months
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“Depending on how we define the money supply—and I would define it very broadly as all claims to dollars at fixed par value—a rise in the gold price sufficient to bring the gold stock to 100 percent of total dollars would require a ten- to twentyfold increase. This of course would bring an enormous windfall gain to the gold miners, but this does not concern us. I do not believe that we should refuse an offer of a mass entry into Heaven simply because the manufacturers of harps and angels' wings would enjoy a windfall gain. But certainly a matter for genuine concern would be the enormous impetus such a change would give for several years to the mining of gold, as well as the disruption it would cause in the pattern of international trade.
Which course we take, or which particular blend of the two, is a matter for detailed study by economists. Obviously little or none of this needed study has been undertaken. I therefore do not propose here a detailed blueprint. I would like to see all of those who have become convinced of the need for a 100 percent gold standard join in such a study of the best path to take toward such a goal under present con-ditions. Broadly, the desired program may be summarized as follows:
1. Arrival of a 100 percent gold dollar, either by deflation of dollars to a gold stock valued at $35 per ounce, or by revaluation of the dollar at a "gold price" high enough to make the gold stock 100 percent of the present supply of dollars, or a blend of the two routes.
2. Getting the gold stock out of the hands of the government and into the hands of the banks and the people, with the concomitant liquidation of the Federal Reserve System, and a legal 100 percent requirement for all demand claims.
3. The transfer of all note-issue functions from the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to the private banks. All banks, in short, would be allowed to issue deposits or notes at the discretion of their clients.
4. Freeing silver bullion and its representative in silver certificates (which would now be issued by the banks) from any fixed value in gold. In short, silver ounces and their warehouse receipts would fluctuate, as do all other com-modities, on the market in terms of gold or dollars, thus giving us "parallel" gold and silver moneys, with gold dollars presumably remaining the chief money as the unit of account.
5. The eventual elimination of the term "dollar," using only terms of weight such as "gold gram" or "gold ounce." The ultimate goal would be the return to gold by every nation, at 100 percent of its particular currency, and the subsequent blending of all these national currencies into one unified world gold-gram unit. This was one of the considered goals at the abortive international monetary conferences of the late nineteenth century. In such a world, there would be no exchange rates except between gold and silver, for the national currency names would be abandoned for simple weights of gold, and all the world's money would at long last be freed from government intervention.
6. Free (but presumably not gratuitous) private coinage of gold and silver.
I must here differ with Professor Mises's and Henry Hazlitt's suggestion for return to the gold standard by first establishing a "free market" in gold by cutting the dollar completely loose from gold, and then seeing, after several years, what gold price the market would establish.45 In the first place, this would cut the last tenuous link that the dollar still has to gold and yield us a totally fiat money. Second, the market would hardly be a "free" one, since almost all the nation's gold would be sequestered in government hands. I think it important to move in the reverse direction. The Federal government, after all, seized the people's gold in 1933 under the guise of a temporary emergency. It is important, for moral and economic reasons, to permit the people to reclaim their gold as rapidly as possible. And since the gold is still held as hostage for our dollars, I believe that the official link and official convertibility between dollars and gold should be reestablished as soon as Congress can be so persuaded. And finally, since the dollar is merely a weight of gold, properly speaking, it is not at all appropriate to establish a "market" between dollars and gold, any more than there should be a "market" between one-dollar bills and five-dollar bills.
There is no gainsaying the fact that this suggested program will strike most people as impossibly "radical" and "unrealistic"; any suggestion for changing the status quo, no matter how slight, can always be considered by someone as too radical, so that the only thoroughgoing escape from the charge of impracticality is never to advocate any change whatever in existing conditions. But to take this approach is to abandon human reason, and to drift in animal- or plantlike manner with the tide of events. As Professor Philbrook pointed out in a brilliant article some years ago, we must frame our policy convictions on what we believe the best course to be and then try to convince others of this goal, and not include within our policy conclusions estimates of what other people may find acceptable. For someone must propagate the truth in society, as opposed to what is politically expedient. If scholars and intellectuals fail to do so, if they fail to expound their convictions of what they believe the correct course to be, they are abandoning truth, and therefore abandoning their very raison d'être. All hope of social progress would then be gone, for no new ideas would ever be advanced nor effort expended to convince others of their validity.” - Murray Rothbard, ‘The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar’ (1974)
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 121
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See?   They combined together and got really huge!  This is just like when Ribrianne and the U6 Namekians did all that stuff and everyone loved it!  Universe 3 is just as cool as those characters!  Right? Right?  You’re shaking your head no, what are you not getting here?
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Last Episode, Universe 3 attacked Universe 7′s team in a desperate all-out bid for survival.  Their assault was so pitiful that Frieza didn’t even do anything to help and U3 still got their asses kicked. 
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So Dr. Paparoni combined his three robot teammates into a big robot, Koicéareta, and when that failed, he combined with Koicéareta, forming an even bigger creature named Agnilasa.  The fact that I have to keep looking up all their names to copy and paste into this post should tell you how memorable these guys were. 
So obviously, this was why Universe 3 didn’t bother trying to use Potara earrings when Kefla made her big play.  Universe 2 tried and failed, Universe 4 was relying on stealth instead of power, and Universe 11 saw no point in fusion because Jiren’s so strong already.  But U3 didn’t use it because they already had Agnilasa in their back pocket, and he’s like four guys already. 
And yeah, this is just like the fucking Sigma Force, when General Rildo absorbed them all after they lost. 
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Anyway, let’s go over this.  He’s really huge and strong and fast, and when the whole U7 team tries to attack him from every angle he somehow manages to block them all at once.  17 reasons that he must have ultrasonic radar, like a bat.  Yeah, why not?
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Also he can do the Janemba thing where he makes portals and punches through them to hit enemies at unexpected angles.  So he basically controls the entire stage. 
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Goku nearly gets eliminated, but Frieza kicks him back in the ring so he can continue winning the tournament.  Frieza sarcastically apologizes for kicking him so hard, and Goku genuinely replies that Frieza’s kicks aren’t enough to bother him.  Sick burn from Goku. 
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Then Agnilasa tries to eat 18, presumably because he realized he can’t knock anyone out of the ring without a teammate making the save.  Yeah, but if you kill 18, you get disqualified, dummy.  Unless Agnilasa’s planning to just swallow them all and puke them up over the side of the ring. 
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Fortunately, it doesn’t come to that, as Goku and Frieza show up in time to save 18.  Then she pays it forward by saving 17...
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But she gets eliminated in the effort. 
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Then Agnilasa grows wings, for... no real reason.  Oh, wait, Ribrianne did this, so U3 thinks it makes them look cooler.  Well it doesn’t.   Just give it up, Universe 3. 
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So the squad all power up to their final forms, except 17, who only has one form.
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Then they shoot their best hand lasers as Agnilasa shoots a giant fireball down at them.  They believe that Agnilasa’s plan is to destroy the entire stage, thereby eliminating everyone while he flies to safety.  Maybe, but Agnilasa could just be really dumb and not understand what he’s doing.  This episode does a lousy job of explaining whether Agnilasa is a mindless beast or a cunning tactician, and it’s kind of sublime how the managed to screw that up.
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Anyway, 17 makes a barrier around himself and fliest through Agnilasa’s energy blast, then attacks the big red thing on his head, thinking that it must be his weak point.  Just like Cell Max, I guess.
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That disrupts Agnilasa’s functions enough for the other four guys to blow him away...
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I’m somewhat surprised to see them separate into their original forms on the bench, but whatever. 
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So Universe 3 gets erased, but before they go, Lord Musco opens his robot suit and reveals his true form. No one cares. 
Seriously, this whole two-parter was this desperate attempt to showcase the team that got zero characterization through the entire arc.  And now it’s too late, because this is their last hurrah, and there’s no emotional resonance because they never mattered.  I guess it was supposed to be a big deal that Mosco never came out of his robot suit, but they never hinted at it before, or explained why he stays in there, so why should we care? 
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Anyway, we’re not down to the last eight competitors, and the stage is set for Universe 7 vs. the Pride Troopers.  Jiren warns them that beating U3 was the last triumph they will ever experience.
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And Goku’s like “Nuh-uh, we still have to beat you guys, silly goose!”
Anyway, here’s KISS with “Strutter”.
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slimschance · 4 months
Wednesday - 29/05/24
i feel so (emotionally) empty and dull wtf... i don't wanna cry or nothing i just wanna disappear with no disturbance, to be in full isolation with nothing but 4 walls
on the plus side, i put my hair in a really cute low bun, but i think it's falling out or moving bc it's getting looser and starting to pull now. for context i never do my hair, it pure hates me so i'd normally just detangle it and then leave as is.
uno it's bad when your "me and who" pinterest board is just pictures of people being friends... so fucking disheartening to tell adults, both family and teachers, no, i won't enjoy my last day, or any days of school, nor my school holidays, because i have no friends. i do genuinely enjoy listening to their stories of them and their mates but they all refuse to listen one bit when i tell them i won't be enjoying mine. the teachers try and say shit like "of course you do (have friends)" and "i didn't have many friends either", yet go on to explain their friend group of 20+ people, their 3 best friends, all the parties they got invited to, their 2 different boyfriends and how they went to uni on the bank of mum and dad, making at least 20 more pals that they talk to weekly till this day.
literally my best and only pal is my 11y/o cousin and that doesn't even count for anything because we're related man. i used to be close with his sister, my 15y/o cousin but we just don't hang out at all like whatsoever, even at functions. i do love her sm still, i always make sure to buy her treats when shes on her period, check up on her when shes ill and ensure shes safe and happy. i'll also just gift her for no reason so she has higher standards for her future boyfriends, she really doesn't pick the thoughtful ones at all. either way, she's heavily motivated to do go on and make lots of money and go into further education, difficult jobs ect. so i don't worry too much, i know she has her head screwed on.
most of the time i have to pretend the concept of best friends is just a concept, simply a movie trope, to stop myself from breaking down. i full course envy every single person whos had a best friend, one that actually enjoys your company, even if that best friend doesn't reciprocate (as in count you as their best friend), i envy you 😭 i literally just long for someone who doesn't mind my company. not even someone who likes my company, just someone who tolerates it. how fucking sad is that
i genuinely don't think anyone at all classes me as a friend, and anyone who could be a friend has never wanted to talk outside of school despite having my snap, email and insta, and i know every last one of them has chat shit about me minimum twice, every single one. i've never harmed any of these people physically nor mentally, all my previous friends (not exactly a decent sample size, i can count them on my hands) that fucking hate my guts still admit i'm one of the kindest people they know and that i'm a great friend, supportive, useful and funny, it's literally because i'm unattractive and neurodivergent that people don't like me i swear down 😭 i asked someone to reword a sentence once and they gave me death stares for 2 years and still chat shit to this day bro. at least there was actual reason for this one i spose, usually it comes from fucking nowhere
anyway i've been writing too long its 7:58 now erm
just finished watching the girl next door on netflix, i love this film 😭 shame it's leaving netflix early next month. they're a cute couple frl
i watched pretty woman like 6 hours ago, yet julia robert's smiles still got a hold on me bro. every time she smiled i smiled with her because her smile is that charming, gosh.
6:55am next day - summary
i didn't update but my nans seemingly safe after her surgery - we were all up nan's from 7ish and we watched BGT, me and my cousin played subway surfers, that fruit drop game and all sorts of the tile music games. he gave me a dead leg like five times from sitting lit on me though ahaha
mum told me if i wanted to go out in the week cah i've been pretty miserable, i could message my (other, not the one with surgery) nan or cousin, when i said "no, i have no energy to message someone and i don't wanna get shot down again" (i'm too sensitive to rejection, even from my nan who loves me like heck) she had a go at me. i'm sorry but almost everything is disappointing nowadays, i'm not gonna add to it unless you want me stepping off the 3rd floor by next week ffs.
anyway, i'm just glad and incredibly lucky to still have both my nans alive. thankful
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ljbrary · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now ive been writing for the last of us but most of my fics are star wars (specifically most of them are the clone wars) and i have one six of crows fic
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
all of them are star wars fics
lean on me (but let me laugh, first)
don't fix it if it's not broken (but broken's only a point of view)
fill the hollow space with silence (and other words of comfort that aren't so comforting)
it's a process (you wouldn't understand)
it's not good grief (but it's better)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i think i get to most of them and i seriously try my best to but like i struggle with replying to even my texts irl and i have no concept of time at all (the adhd is adhd-ing unfortunately) but every single one literally makes my life
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think either the love only lasts so long (the grief lasts longer, the guilt never leaves) or this silence hurts worse than the truth (if only you would tell it) which are quite literally the same exact situation just from different povs because i have never had an original thought in my life. it's post-mortis arc in the clone wars with anakin and ahsoka and the transparently trauma-shaped elephant in the room between them.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i honestly have no idea? so im just going to say my tlou fic statistically significant because although its bittersweet it ends with joel and ellie together and thats literally all i need to be happy at this point in my life.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, but i probably should.
(that was a joke. but like if i did its fine bc i have 3 brothers who've already found my ao3 and bullied me for it so the hater would prob need to get real creative after all that lmao.)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no i dont have the executive functioning skills necessary to plan one of those out but they sound interesting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
guys my fics aren't that good. if someone stole it they'd just return it no worries.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no i haven't but that would be sick.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
like ab said in her post, ab, ash, and i tried but it just never came to fruition but it was a fun attempt
also my older brother and i when we were younger tried to write a percy jackson fic together.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i like found family more than romantic stuff, but if i have to choose definitely percabeth because they are the reason i have unrealistic expectations in life.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
thats so funny lmfao
okay but self deprecation aside idk maybe like imagery or metaphors sometimes? also apparently writing emotion ig? my english teacher in high school told me i was good at the psychological aspect of understanding a character and their actions/emotions but i don't know man
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
for starters, starting. im supremely bad at starting things. i always struggle with intros/the beginning of writing pieces. and i struggle with plotting/planning things. i also am incapable of writing genuine dialogue, every conversation i write sounds so disjointed and awkward. i also tend to focus too much on the introspective aspect of characters and forget about that irrelevant little thing called a "plot."
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i made up my own language for a few star wars fics and it was so atrocious that i can't even bring myself to reread them again so i think i'll be staying away from that one for a little while.
however if i was smart or savvy enough to pull it off i would totally do it that would be sick.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson when i was 10 years old on wattpad. my older brother and i co-wrote the fic and then i made my friend at school edit it on the computers in the library. still have yet to live that one down.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
weighted words hurt more than loaded fists (if you know how to use them) i have a soft spot for it even though it's one of my least popular fics in terms of like hits and kudos. its just a found family (shocker, i know) modern/foster care au with rex and ahsoka. i like the imagery, metaphors, and just the vibes overall.
okay leaving this open to anyone who wants to do it!!
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relative-dimension · 2 years
“The Expedition”
Season 1, episode 9 - 18th January 1964
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[id: The Doctor looks down at Susan Foreman and says “My dear child, this is no time for morals.” /end id]
This is the bit where this story really starts to drag, and we’re only on episode 5. There’s an awful lot of Thal internal politics, the Daleks get their own subplot to explain why they’re a threat despite already having a justification through Ian’s “dislike for the unlike” explanation (in my opinion, making it so that the Daleks’ reasons for mass murder are self preservation punctures somewhat the idea that they’re a stand-in for the Nazis - that won’t be their main function for some time)
Is it an entertaining watch: 2/5, it’s not the worst but nothing really happens and I found myself checking how long was left, which is never a good sign.
Does the production hold up: 2/5, again, the Thal costumes are weird, the POV Dalek shots are disconcerting, and whatever the monster in the lake was meant to be, I just thought it looked a bit silly.
Does it use its time well: 3/5, they took the right amount of time to convince the Thals to side with the Tardis team in my opinion. That being said, it could move a bit more, since even when they get into the action with the journey through the swamp, nothing really happens.
Are the characters consistent and well-used: 5/5, now, this is the strength of this episode. Each of the regulars gets an opinion and a voice on whether the Thals should be involved in their attempt to get the fluid link back, and you can really understand why they think what they do!
Is there anything actually going on under the surface: 4/5, I had been dreading the scene where Ian convinces the Thals to fight the Daleks ever since I remembered that was something that happened in this story, but they approach it with so much more nuance than I had remembered. For one thing, Barbara and Dr Who are the two who want the Thals to fight, whereas Ian and Susan are against it, but it’s Ian who does the speech and demonstration to get them to act. By placing this argument in the hands of the character who doesn’t necessarily believe it, it lets a more complicated argument than just “the Daleks are the baddies :(” come across. Ian appeals to the protection of their culture, and then their people, and finally gets a reaction from Alydon, the Thal leader. The reason the Thals get involved in the fight with the Daleks isn’t because they have an obligation to help the Tardis team, or just because they’re a “ready-made army” as Dr Who puts it, but because they are fighting for their right to exist without the Daleks as a threat.
Does it avoid being a bit dodge with its politics: 3/5, having said all that, I will return to my earlier point that the Daleks planning on leaking more radiation into the atmosphere for their own self preservation really removes a lot of the nuance of that part of the episode. Suddenly, the Daleks aren’t a threat because they are space-racist and hate the Thal people - they’re a threat because they need radiation to survive, and the extermination of the Thals is just an added bonus. The space-racism is still there, but there’s other factors that make the Thals’ entry into the conflict a bit more complicated to think about. If I try to explain it I’ll just talk myself in circles like last time. It gets a reasonably good mark on this becuase it is genuinely trying to present an argument which respects their desire to not become warriors and destroy the planet again. It is kinda weird that the thing that Alydon will fight for is protection of the Oh So Helpless Woman He Presumably Shagged. Like come on. Really, Terry?
Overall Score - 19/30
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maddieinwonder · 4 years
Bait & Switch
Spencer Reid x GN!BAU!Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None, super fluffy 
Word Count: 3.5k words 
Plot: Reader reveals that they’re going to buy a Nintendo Switch so Spencer invites them to go together with him. In the process, some feelings reveal themselves.  
Author’s Note: My first time writing about Spencer, and actually, my first time writing a fic in a long time haha. Just imagine that this takes place in 2017, although you don’t have to know anything about the Switch in order to read this.
"What's got you in such a good mood, baby?" Derek asked, leaning over his chair. Even without looking up, you could feel the smirk that decorated his face. After almost a month at the BAU, you didn’t need to be a profiler to expect this much from Derek. "Got a date this weekend?"
You tried to focus on your paperwork before relenting, rolling your eyes. Still, you couldn't hide the smile in your voice when you shot back a reply. "With this job? You wish, Morgan."
"Give yourself some credit, beautiful. With your looks I'm sure you could score a good looking fellow for a night you won't forget."
"I'm sure you would know all about that," you replied, this time grinning from ear to ear.
Ever since you joined the BAU, your seat has always been across Derek Morgan. The guy was a terrible flirt but also one of the most trustworthy people you knew, so you couldn't keep up a sarcastic mood for long.
"Actually," you replied genuinely, "I'll be lining up this weekend to buy a Nintendo Switch." Out of the corner of your eye, you could sense Spencer stiffen in his chair next to you.
"A what switch?" Derek asked, his face scrunching up in confusion.
But before you could begin to reply him, Spencer rolled his chair over and opened his mouth. The both of you knew what was coming.
"The Nintendo Switch. A video game console developed by Japanese company Nintendo that's completely one-of-its-kind, on account of its console functioning like a tablet that can either be docked on a home console and linked to a TV, or used as a portable device with two wireless controllers so you can..."
Not being able to help yourself, you giggled at his info dump. You've always admired how much knowledge he could store in his big brain. But more importantly, you thought he was kind of cute like this. A fire would light in his eyes and it seemed like the world around him ceased to exist.
You only realised you were staring at Spencer when the last bits of his question registered in your mind. "...you going to?"
Blinking your eyes, you snapped to attention. Derek seemed to notice, because you felt his signature smirk return to his face.
"Which store are you going to?" Spencer repeated the question. Anybody else might be annoyed, but he only seemed mildly restless. A rare look for the unathletic genius.
"I'm going to the one three blocks down from here," you replied.
"So am I!" Spencer sat upright in his chair, beaming. You think that this is the most excitement he's expressed to you since you joined the BAU.
Then his confidence seemed to waver. He began tugging at the edge of his sleeve, eyes glancing to the side at nothing in particular when he asked, "W-would you like t-to go together?"
A smile spreads across your face before you can stop it. "Sure! Sounds like fun."
Spencer grinned back, and there was a moment of silence before Derek interrupted the conversation that he began. "Well, I'll leave you and lover boy to plan your date. I'm going to spend my Friday night at the bar."
Your heart thumped involuntarily at the word "date", while Derek turned to Emily. "Hey Prentiss, you want to grab a few drinks and dinner? I'm sure I can get the others to leave work for one night."
"Anything's better than this," Emily shrugged, lifting her mug of already-cold coffee.
Standing up to retrieve her bag, she smirked at you and Spencer, having heard more of the conversation than she let on. "Have a great weekend, you lovebirds. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
She and Derek shared a laugh as they moved towards the Batcave to retrieve Garcia next.
As you watched them go, you feel Spencer's eyes on you and a flush warming your cheeks. You knew they were just teasing you with the word "date", but the truth is you've liked the genius almost as soon as you met him.
You may not have an eidetic memory, but you could still remember the flutter of butterflies that exploded in your chest when you first laid eyes on Dr. Spencer Reid.
He had waved from a comfortable distance, the other hand tucked in the pocket of his dark slacks. He towered over you easily with curly locks that barely touched his sweater vest, and you swore you've never seen anybody more attractive in your life. His intelligence only added to your attraction. 
"Shall I pick you up at 7am tomorrow?"
You turned back to Spencer, who seemed even more nervous now that everybody in the bullpen had left. Yet what he was proposing was rather bold compared to his usual behaviour.
“Pick me up?” You repeated.
“It’ll be easier to find a parking spot that way, and the weather report predicts that tomorrow will be a sunny day, so I know you’d rather not walk three blocks to the store.” He rambled nervously.
“You know me well, Spencer.” A cheeky smile snuck onto your face, and in a moment of false bravado, you said what was on your mind. “7am. It’s a date, then.”
Spencer’s face turned beet red.
You didn’t wait to dwell on his reaction, dumping the last of your paperwork into a pile and picking up your bag. But as you walked to the elevator, you couldn’t help yourself from grinning ear to ear. It was a date. Kind of.
You couldn’t sleep. You had gotten home earlier than usual, but the extra time to plan for your “date” tomorrow proved to be a bad idea.
What would you wear? What would you talk about? Should you extend it to a meal, or dessert, or maybe coffee?
Although you were confident in the moment, you were beginning to regret teasing Spencer before you left. You’d known him long enough to know how he reacted to embarrassment, and there’s a good chance he might back away because of your forwardness. 
You groaned, trying to get these thoughts out of your head. The reality of the "date" was sinking in now. This would be the first time that you and Spencer would be alone in a non-work setting. To say that you were nervous was a gross understatement. 
But there was something worse than showing up nervous, which was showing up nervous and sleep-deprived, so you turned off your bedside lamp and tried to will yourself to sleep. That's when your phone began to buzz.
You were so on edge that the sound almost made you fall off your bed. Turning over your phone, your heart leapt to your throat.
Spencer, 2:03am: Sorry to disturb you when it's so late, but I realised I don’t have your address. Could you send it to me when you're awake?
You gulped. Just relax, just relax, you repeated in your head.
Me, 2:05am: It’s alright, you didn’t wake me up. I’ll attach my address below.
Spencer, 2:06am: Thanks. Having trouble sleeping?
Me, 2:07am: A little
Spencer, 2:08am: Me too.
What was I supposed to reply to that? You silently screamed. But it turned out you didn't have to figure it out.
Spencer, 2:11am: To be honest, I'm a little nervous about tomorrow.
Me, 2:13am: Why?
Spencer, 2:15am: I suppose it’s because we've never spent any time alone before.
Hearing the genius act so shy made you feel a little more brave.
Me, 2:16am: Well, I'm looking forward to the chance
Spencer, 2:17am: I am too.
Despite your nerves, you smiled at his small confession.
Spencer, 2:19am: We should get some sleep.
Me, 2:19am: I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Spence
Spencer, 2:20am: Sweet dreams.
Your anxieties were washed away and replaced with the biggest smile on your face. Without knowing it, Spencer’s words rippled a sense of calm over you, and you fell asleep shortly after. 
The next morning, you woke up with a newfound clarity. You knew what you were going to wear. 
Spencer couldn't stop tapping the edge of his steering wheel. He knew he was nervous, and admitting it to you last night didn't do much to stop that fact from eating away at him.
He texted you 3 minutes ago that he was waiting outside your apartment, but you hadn't replied. Although he knew that there were plenty of logical reasons why you might have missed his text, his hands didn't stop itching to call you and see if you were alright.
Then out of the corner of his eye, you emerged from the corridor and he felt his heart speed up.
You were wearing a blue flannel that he'd never seen you in before with a pair of dark jeans. Your hair, which you usually kept in a up-do at work, was let down in waves, touching your shoulders. And then there was the pièce de résistance, you were wearing a Doctor Who t-shirt with the TARDIS on it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
He didn't break his gaze on you the entire time you got into his car. Even when you beamed at him and wished him a good morning, a small yawn escaping your perfect lips, he was completely tongue-tied.
"Earth to Spencer," you called out, looking up at him curiously. "You there?"
Spencer shook his head suddenly, cursing himself internally for being such a doofus. "Sorry, uh, I was distracted. Good morning." He smiled sheepishly, tucking a stray hair strand behind his ear.
"Anyway," he cleared his throat. "I was thinking we could grab some coffee before we headed to the store? We can make it quick. I know there'll be some people already lining up."
He peeked at you rubbing your eyes and thought it was the cutest thing he's ever seen. “Looks like you might need it," he said without realising he'd just flirted with you.
You giggled, lowering your hands from your face. "Sounds great." 
Spencer wasn't lying when he said it'd be quick, although in truth you could have taken all the time in the world and you would still be happy. The initial awkwardness between you washed away almost immediately as you fell into a quiet conversation about your favourite Doctor Who episodes. 
You wanted to commit the sight of him driving in the morning to memory. The sun had just rose, lighting a gentle halo around Spencer’s messy hair and sculptured face. He was wearing a bigger sweater than usual, the sleeves hanging around his wrists loosely. While his eyes were focused on the road, his lips parted slightly as he softly bantered with you about David Tennant. 
You felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and kiss him despite the driving hazard. And despite the fact that you’ve never kissed him, of course. But you could hope. And hope you did. 
Your hope had grown when he parked in front of the coffee house you’d once mentioned was your favourite. Spencer made your coffee order perfectly and you had found yourself hoping that it was because he’d paid extra attention to you, and not because of his brilliant memory. 
And when you reached the video game store and he opened the door for you, you hoped it was because he wanted to make a good impression, not only because he was a gentleman. 
And when he stood between you and a video game rack in line, you hoped that he was trying to shield you from the other people in the store, and you hoped that he was thinking of pressing you against the rack and kissing the daylights out of you. 
You needed to get a hold of yourself. 
The conversation had swapped to the reason why you two were here in the first place, and you found yourself talking to Spencer about Breath of the Wild, a game that brought you back to fond memories of your childhood. 
“The Legend of Zelda was the first video game I ever played, on the first console I ever owned.” You shared, smiling fondly. “It was the video game that my brother and I bonded over, and we bought every game together since.”
Spencer nodded in rapt. You felt him leaning closer to you, although it may have been your imagination. 
“This is actually the first time I haven’t been with him for a new game,” you realised. “Due to our jobs, we haven’t seen each other in awhile, but we still text each other!” You tried to end on a lighter note, not wanting to bring the mood down on this “date”.
Spencer looked at you as if he wanted to say something, but he kept his lips shut. 
“What about you? What was your first video game?” You threw the question to him, trying to divert attention away from your sad-enough story. 
He blushed in response to your question and looked down at his black converse. You noticed he began touching his sleeve in a familiar motion and you looked at him suspiciously. “Spencer?”
“W-well, the t-truth is, I didn’t actually c-come here to buy a Switch, and I don’t play video games at all.“ The last part of his sentence came out rapidly. You might have missed it, if you weren’t already used to the tongue twisters he spit out on a daily basis.
“What?” You exclaimed a little too loudly, causing the other shoppers in line to glance at you weirdly. “Then... Then what are you doing here?” You said quieter this time. Your eyebrows furrowed as your mind scanned the possibilities. 
“W-well, I, uh, wanted to spend time with you,” he blurted out. He raised his eyes to meet yours, his face completely red.
It was your turn to be flustered now. Your voice was quiet and you could feel your hands shaking. “Is this a date, Spencer?” 
“Only if you want it to be, I mean, I want it to be but your opinion matters to me, and I wouldn’t want to bring you on a date if you didn’t want to. We can just hang out like friends if that’s more comfortable--” 
You grabbed his free hand, gently lowering it from where it was moving as he rambled, until your fingers were intertwined. 
“I would like it to be,” a large smile took over your face. You were a little teary despite how weird it was to confess your feelings for him in a video game store of all places. 
Spencer was quiet for a moment, squeezing your hand in return. “Would you like to go for lunch after this? As a date,” he clarified this time. 
"I would love that,” you beamed at him, “as a date.” 
Spencer had always imagined the kind of girl he would fall in love with. Caring, intelligent, had an appreciation for classic literature, maybe. But when he saw you for the first time, every expectation he held flew out of the window.  
You were beautiful. Wavy dark hair tied into a high ponytail, wearing a navy shirt, and funnily enough, a beige cardigan and black converse. Morgan joked that it was like meeting Spencer 2.0, but he disagreed: the two of you were worlds apart. 
You were incredibly tech savvy, although not as much as Garcia, but certainly more than the rest. You loved the smell and taste of coffee without sugar. You were happy to hug everybody you met, from colleagues to victims. You didn’t like paperback so you read everything on a Kindle. 
But the biggest difference between the two of you, was that you were emotionally intelligent. 
All of your brilliance, combined with your PhD in psychology - having worked as a psychiatrist affiliated with Sex Crimes before joining the BAU - you were able to pick out the team’s moods from a single glance. It’s what endeared everyone to you immediately, and what made you such a great profiler.   
But the way you treated him was different. You just, listened to him. While everyone else had gotten into the habit of cutting him off or simply ignoring him when he opened his mouth, your eyes would light up instead. 
He could always tell you were listening because you would look into his eyes when he spoke, and you would ask him questions after he was done. 
It made him feel like the world around him ceased to exist, except for you. 
So he started studying your interests to grab your attention, trying to throw in a few jokes hoping to see you smile. It only took one month for him to seize his chance. Still, never in his calculations did he think you would say yes. 
He smiled at the thought, stroking your hair gently as you cuddled on the couch together, watching you play Breath of the Wild. 
After a more than successful first date, you had asked him to come over the next day to spend more time together. A month ago, he would have politely declined with an excuse like needing to read a new academic journal, but when he arrived at your doorstep he allowed himself to be drawn into your arms, relishing the giggle he earned as a reward for being hugged. 
“Damn it,” you grumbled quietly as you ran out of stamina scaling a cliffside for the fifth time.
Spencer laughed. Without a second thought, he pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head. 
In the background Link fell off the cliff once again, the game playing a sound that he came to recognise as Link dying. But there were no curses this time, as you had turned to look at Spencer, nothing but adoration in your eyes. 
“That was our first kiss,” you said so quietly and sweetly that Spencer’s heart melted at the sound of it. 
“First?” He took his chance, leaning closer. “You know, the usage of the word ‘first’ almost always implies that there will be a ‘second’ and a ‘third’ and a...” 
His voice trailed off as your fingers left the controller to touch his lips. Your touch was intoxicating and he wanted more. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Spence,” you started, lifting your finger from his lips. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you-” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he managed to get out in a hurry before capturing your lips in his. He felt your astonishment at first, but you quickly lost yourself in the kiss as he brought his hands up to cup the sides of your face, deepening the kiss further. 
You finally broke apart after awhile, both panting for air and smiling widely. Spencer never thought he could be so lucky. “That’s the second one,” he said quietly, bringing up two fingers to indicate the number. 
You looked at him with love in your eyes and abandoned your controller on the table before throwing yourself at him, flattening the two of you against your couch. 
“Ready for the third?”
Derek Morgan wasn’t an idiot. That’s why he could tell that something had changed over the weekend between his desk mate and boy genius. 
The two came into work together on Monday morning, which was weird in itself, but they also took every opportunity to stick to each other, from coffee breaks to disappearing for lunch and “asking” about paperwork. 
When they vanished for the umpteenth time that day for coffee, Derek leaned over Emily’s desk to confirm his theory. 
“It’s not just me. Pretty boy finally made a move, didn’t he?” He cocked an eyebrow. 
“Definitely. Those two are so obvious that even Hotch has picked up on it. From his office.” She quipped, grinning as her eyes moved to the scene behind Derek. “Speak of the devil.” 
Entering the conversation, Spencer did what he did best. “Did you know that ‘speak of the devil’ is the short form of the idiom ‘speak of the devil and he doth appear’? The phrase can be traced back to the 16th century when mentioning the devil was considered prohibited. In fact, when people were caught saying the phrase--” 
Derek caught your eyes drifting to look adoringly at Spencer. He couldn’t take this anymore. “So what happened between you two last weekend, huh?” he interrupted, smirking. 
Your reaction was better than he gambled. You turned a bright red and your eyes darted between Spencer and Derek in panic, truly flustered for the first time since he’s met you. But Spencer was strangely calm, his eyes travelling from his best friend to Emily in the background trying to stifle her laughter, while a small smile tugged at his lips. 
“We’re dating now,” he announced to the two a little triumphantly, while rubbing your shoulder as a peaceful gesture. 
Derek and Emily were stunned by their friend’s directness, only to be shocked out of it as Hotch walked by. “Finally,” he muttered, loud enough for them all to hear. 
You were the first to crack a smile, then the rest followed suit with laughs and congratulations. Hearing the uproar, Garcia and JJ peeked out of their rooms, joining in and demanding more details about this new but not entirely unexpected development. 
Amidst the chaos, Spencer laces his hands in yours and gives it a squeeze. For the first time in a long time, you feel unequivocally, unmistakably happy. 
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pangolin-404 · 2 years
Recent Thoughts about Minecraft
right as the title says! Thoughts I have about the recent Minecraft updates, and what direction I see the game as going in. Gentle criticisms and such! Don’t misunderstand this, I love this game dearly.
Starting off:
The Warden and the Ancient City
I think the Warden has been buffed far too much. The idea of it being stronger than the Enger Dragon itself is interesting. But the ranged attack 1) has a much to short cooldown time, 2) bypasses shields, and 3) goes through walls. This is too much. I disagree with the idea of a mob players have no choice but to avoid, period. Minecraft is about choices and playing how you want to play. By intentionally making a mob a pain to deal with, Mojang is making the game less fun for players by removing the option of having a challenging fight, or a fair flee (I will say it again! The ranged attack goes through walls!). The Warden doesn’t even drop anything, which I also see as a flaw, but given how it’s not intended to be engaged with at all, I’m not surprised. Right now, I really love the Warden as a concept, but it needs a better execution.
The Ancient City doesn’t have loot worth avoiding the Warden for. Some of its most precious loot outside of music discs are, as of writing (March 11, 2022), enchanted diamond armor and emeralds. I can’t see players going in without netherite or at least enchanted diamond armor of their own, and a player that armored wouldn’t have much of a use for armor. Either lesson the threat (re: weaken the warden) so it’s worth the trip or increase the reward. If this was an advanced civilization, as players believe, why not add a scrap of netherite or two, or more diamonds? I’ve seen theories the structure in the center is a portal, which would make the journey more appealing.
Fireflies (and Frogs)
So, Mojang removed fireflies. 2-pixel entities that frogs were meant to eat. They removed fireflies because, in real life, fireflies are poisonous to frogs. This is a silly reason to remove a mob for. Cookies are poisonous to parrots, and yet players can still shove one down their bird’s throat! Frogs don’t have to eat the fireflies. They can exist in the same habitat, no problem. Fireflies make for a living ambience, a light source. People want to put them in bottles and have cute little jars of flreflies! I’ve seen people tease the firefly for being 2 pixels big, but never genuine disagreement toward it.
Pandas, axolotls, dolphins... All mobs added to Minecraft, all real endangered animals. I think it’s cute to have more irl animals but, personally, I want more wacky critters, like the Mooshroom and Glow Squid. Why not make a mob that serves the same function as a dolphin: Intelligent, playful, and provides a speed boost? I think the frogs are cute, and I think the fireflies are cute, but... I want more passive mobs that aren’t based off real animals.
I think it’s great Mojang has a clear stance on protecting endangered animals. Just, maybe, in the future... more passive weird mobs, please? The ones we’ve gotten lately, like the Guardians and Phantoms and Hoglins, are hostile. Striders are an exception, but they’re found only in the nether. When was the last time we got a passive overworld mob like that? Glow Squids, and...? Nothing else.
Minecraft is a fantasy game with different dimensions and magic and I just want more critters and beasts (friendly), y’know?
Things are Moving Too Fast
Simple as that. That, I believe, is the crux of the problem. Mojang has been showing possible new features, like the Warden, Archeology, and even the Caves & Cliffs, without being totally set or ready for them. These features have been pushed back and reworked (not that these things are inherently bad! It’s just been happening more often more recently). I worry Mojang’s devs are working too hard to produce more content. They aren’t ready to release these things. First Caves & Cliffs was cut in half, where we didn’t even get the Caves & Cliffs in question until the second part. Then the Ancient City was pushed back as the idea grew and developed. Some features, like Archeology, were mentioned and never brought up again.
I want them to slow down. They need to stop setting deadlines for themselves. They need to work at their own pace and take their time deciding what features Minecraft deserves, and how to implement them.
They don’t owe us once-a-year grand updates. 
We love Minecraft. They know this. They need to slow down and take their time on these things, listen more to the fans, and not hold themselves to such strict rules.
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I’m going to be honest before I get to the Sam/Rebecca subplot: if they drop plots threads indicating that this continue into the next season and uplift this pairing, I’m out.
This storyline is gross and I can see why some people quit the show when the revealed happened.
When I say I’m repulsed by age gap relationships of this nature, this isn’t a shipping thing or a race thing. This is a moral and ethical thing. Because it’s not just an age gap, it’s also that Rebecca is Sam’s boss. I legitimately don’t see how people can overlook this and ship how “cute” this is. I’m not judging anyone, it just genuinely doesn’t make sense to me.
And for people who think I’m a hypocrite, Ted/Rebecca is not the same. Sam and Rebecca is like a principal dating a student. If you want to age Sam up, because people love to accuse others of infantilizing Sam, it’s like the president of a college dating a student. In both cases, there would be backlash, and have been, to these types of relationships.
Which would make Ted’s position that of a teacher/professor or someone higher. In most cases, there aren’t objections, however, both parties have to be transparent about their relationship and careful about how and if that influences their professional relationship with each other and others.
Last week, I mentioned a friend of mine who was 18 and dated someone who was 28. Both are white for reference. When I found out their ages and respective positions, I became concerned and doubly concerned.
Oh, they had chemistry and he made her so happy, but he was also controlling as fuck and emotionally abusive. During the duration of their relationship, he became her boss and would monitor her interactions via cameras in the back office. She was stressed out as fuck and would go to the bathroom to cry. You know, where cameras weren’t and where he couldn’t enter.
And it was a secret relationship because he could get in trouble. I didn’t say anything because she was with her boyfriend before she knew me. Me telling someone could’ve gotten him in trouble or fired, but that wouldn’t have ended the relationship. It would’ve made her end our friendship and cling closer to him. Instead, after I quit for other reasons, I sporadically checked on her to see how she was doing and give her advice and resources.
As far as the actual episode itself goes, I struggled to enjoy it due to the Sam/Rebecca situation. It should’ve ended at dinner at most.
The only emotional beat that landed, imo, was Jamie and Roy’s hug. I do think Ted’s confession was strong, but the flow was kinda weird for me. By itself it works.
Two things working for me that wasn’t at the forefront of the episode was 1. How Ted’s problem is fucking over the team. 2. That Nate is in over his head.
Even if AFC Richmond had lost with Ted being in his A game, it wouldn’t have been that made and the team would’ve been more competitive. They were sloppy and making baffling errors. Their head was not in the game and it showed. Man City wasn’t that good, Richmond was just that ill prepared.
And who led training?
Nate has great instincts, but he isn’t ready to lead a team and he still has a lot of work to do before growing into coaching a team as head coach.
But let me stress, this falls completely on Ted and even Beard to an extent. Yes, Ted is having emotional issues, however, many people rely on him and he wasn’t there. I don’t mean literally because teams should be able to function without their head coach for stretches of time. He hasn’t been there mentally and emotionally for most of the season. Because AFC Richmond’s competition isn’t as premier as Man City, it’s easier to appear more dominant that you are, esp if you’re coach isn’t on his A game. However, when you’re up against actual Goliath’s in the league, you’ll get your ass handed to you like Richmond did.
As I mentioned earlier, if they do go through with supporting and uplifting Sam/Rebecca, my time with this fandom ends with the season 2 finale.
But if we take Ted’s dark forest into consideration, there is another way this could play out. Actually many.
The one I can see happening that can get her somewhat redeemed, because some will never get over this happening in the first place, is her hitting rock bottom via her relationship with Sam. Something will happen or make her have unflattering thoughts about herself and her actions that will drive her into a tailspin.
And I’m unsure if it’ll be just a personal crisis or if it’ll also be a professional crisis.
Some may disagree with me, but I do want this affair to come to light. Because if it doesn’t, it sets up this fucked up precedent that Rebecca can do fucked up shit and get away with it in private.
Rebecca fucked over her club, uprooted a man’s life in bad faith, and almost ruined several people’s careers due to her bullshit in the first season. The fact that she didn’t have to answer for any of this is a God damn mercy on Ted’s part even though she didn’t ask for it.
Now for her to date/fuck a player because “she just has to know.” Because she doesn’t want to let something pass her by?
Rebecca’s fear of loneliness is leading her to make very bad decisions and I fear what this means for Sam’s career and relationships if this breaks. There were people who allegedly care for Sam, yet cheered for this relationship to happen. What do you think happens with his locker room relationships? I’ve already explained in another post that either this sours those relationships OR they want favors from him because he’s dating/fucking the boss.
He’ll get crucified in the media. He may even have trouble getting employed. Why? Because that’s how racism works.
“But, masterthespianduchovny, if Sam may receive hate and racist acts committed against him, why do you want the affair exposed?”
Because this shit show of a relationship isn’t about just Sam. It’s about Rebecca’s fear of loneliness leading her to make bad decisions that effects everyone not just her and Sam. It’s the fact that a white woman isn’t thinking about how her actions could have major consequences for a young black man.
Rebecca is so obsessed with not being lonely and being loved that 1. She never sought help or productive ways to deal with the fall out and humiliation of her marriage. 2. She dated a man because he was “fine” and not because she was actually invested in him and the relationship 3. She’s getting involved with a player on her team without thinking of any of the consequences. 4. She’s not considering the other players, the coaches, or anyone else she’s responsible for.
Oh, and considering we got that call from Sam’s dad…his relationship with his father will most likely suffer as a result. AND now that Dubai Air thing looks suspect, esp because she was talking to him around that time unknowingly.
Oop! And isn’t she getting her relationship with Nora back on track? Even though Nora and Sam can’t legally date and I’m not saying every decision should be swayed by a teenage girl, however, Rebecca is literally sabotaging every relationship just because she’s afraid of being alone (I agree with another poster who said we really didn’t need to explore this storyline, but alas…)
Although Ted forgave Rebecca for her scheming in season one, I honestly don’t think he’d be so forgiving for this. It’s his job to protect players and look out for their well being and how can he one his boss is involved with one of his players, which again, affects others players. This relationship has major consequences for other people who are not in it.
Also, Sam…for someone who people love to say is mature enough to date an older woman, not once did even be consider the ramifications of getting involved with the boss.
Not once.
And that looks bad because a mature person his age would be mindful of such a thing. This isn’t considered or, at least, isn’t said onscreen. Sam os either thinking with his dick, his heart, or both, but he isn’t thinking with his head. Because there is no way you’re thinking with your head and don’t stop to say, “hey, this thing could jeopardize my relationship with my teammates and the other people I work with. Maybe I should think some more of this before pursuing a relationship with my boss.” Sam was all in from the moment he decided he wanted to have dinner with Rebecca. There was no thinking on his end.
But Sam’s super mature, right?
Another poster mentioned that there might be a screaming match between Rebecca and ted and I’m so here for that. No, I don’t think this argument will be romantic. They’ll have legitimate gripes with each other, but yeah…this is an argument that needs to happen. Which will most likely be before Rebecca gets help.
That’s all assuming this happens. Like I said, they could have Sam and Rebecca being a power couple (🤮), or handle this some other way. But if this is going to be framed as a good thing, others can enjoy it, but the show will have one less viewer from me.
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caninekakashi · 2 years
1 16 and 22 djdjsjdjfj <33333
I OWE YOU MY LIFE. im gonna do 22 first because everything else has to go under a cut its SO much
22. how much of your own self/experiences do you believe pours into your projects? if this differs per project, which projects have the most and least of you?
so much! i have to project onto these men or i will go insane. my brain is a big cocktail of disorders so i love seasoning characters with trauma or other issues and just forcing them to go through it, if a fic is lighter ill try to keep it softer but if i really want to write a whump fic, no one is coming out of that without at least 8 years of therapy
ok under cut now <3
give short descriptions of all your current WIPs
ok this is kind of a mess because i have so many
kkgai secret marriage fic: essentially team 7 decides that kk is a lonely sad man and start trying to set him up with literally anyone they can think of, blissfully unaware of the fact that gai and kk have been married for 3-5 years. all of the other shinobi know and do not say anything because this is hilarious to watch play out. this is sadly one of the least done ones </3
heart of a dog: i already have a oneshot up on this for ao3 but its going to be kkgai early years to pre-team7 and then a dif fic for after team7 to the ending. i am exploring youth mental illness and kakashi being a dog. this was mainly an excuse to write a slightly feral wolf kakashi
obkk pwp 1: kakashi's chakra veins get frozen fighting kiri nin while on a mission with obito, obito funnels his fire into a chakra massage to help melt the ice in kakashi, kakashi is half naked for Reasons and obito is pretty much fondling him in a sensory way.
slip your wedding veil over my eyes (leave me mourning, leave me blind.) obkk unknown marriage fic: follows canon events up until ob gives kk the sharingan, uchiha clan traditions dictate that a sharingan is a marriage present (exchanged between 2 clan members or between the clan member and the one being invited). ob does this as a last ditch effort to ensure that kks can NEVER have the sharingan taken away from him. since rin does the procedure she is counted as a witness and its a binding agreement. there WILL be angst in this
“with this eye i curse you, as you curse me. what i feel for you, you will feel through me. to the end of all things, i will fan your flame eternally. <- wip vows
you're here forever 2: this is another gift fic for u actually sdjhgs, obkkrin being in the timeout den all day. kakashi is very zoned out and very dog, obito woke up without a bedspread, rin is the only functional adult in the house that day
currently only at 2k words so its still Coming Along
explosion sound: friend sent me this i laughed about it for a full day. went "wait obkk" and started writing like an insane person. video is nearly verbatim conversation ob and rin have
time of the month: obito confuses the menstrual cycle with the phases of the moon <3 he is 13. rin and kk want 2 kill him and minato is dying
hokage requirments include fucking uchihas: thought about THIS post way too much, and decided that'd be a great post war redemption arc for obito
top surgery:
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i genuinely don't know, this is the only thing written in that doc.
16. to what extent do you research for your writing?
for hoad i was googling the gender ratio for wolf litters at 3 in the morning. i don't know. what that necessarily MEANS for me... but it cannot be good.
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this was to differentiate between hatake clan and inuzuka clan traits btw. for a throwaway line of topic that may not ever be used in fic, but it IS in my lore bible.
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shotorozu · 4 years
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔬𝔰𝔥𝔦 ᥊ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you find yourself in a bar that you and your ex used to go to regularly. the local bartender calls your ex- shinsou hitoshi; thinking you guys are still together. 
𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀: angst to fluff (happy ending), sfw, pro hero au (aged up), drinking (alcohol mentions and intake) ex to lovers, minor todomomo (not the center of this fic) reader is in the top 5, some swearing. 
𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱: [Y/N = your name, L/N = last name, H/N = hero name, ] f! reader, quirk not mentioned. 
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i also did this trope on ao3 with todomomo, so i better not see people think i plagiarized them because.. that’s literally me lol. also! i was very conflicted, bc i also wanted to do this with shouto but since I already have 2-3 fics in the making, i went with hitoshi (but let me know if you wanna see shouto’s version.) 
word count to be added when im not sleep deprived
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You swivel down another shot down your throat, not caring of the burn in your nose, nor do you care about the smell of the alcohol. 
You’re never like this, this is not the best representation of yourself, no. This is not who you are as a person, and the way your former classmates look at you with concern when you chug down another shot shows how unusual this is to them.
“Take it easy..” Momo pats your back, and you exhale heavily, putting down the glass. Everyone is certain that you’ll obtain some serious hangover, almost to the point that you’d have to take the morning off to treat your hangover. They’re aware that you’re not this careless, since you're in the top 5 after all. 
But they let you be momentarily, but why you may ask?
Because this is your way of coping a breakup with your boyfriend of 3 and a half years, Shinsou Hitoshi. They’re aware on how hurt you really are, and to be real- they were the ones that asked you to come out with them tonight to distract you. 
“They’ve been going at it for a while, it’s almost concerning.” Tsuyu comments, as she tends to a slightly tipsy Mina, holding her so she doesn’t fall face first into the floor. 
The least they could do is let you be, while you're not totally blacked out.
The local bartender- Maki, looks at you with concern when you order another shot, yet they still give it to you (with the slightest hesitation) since you’re such a good friend to her. (Your rank makes you very respectable, it’s almost intimidating! but your casual friend ship with the bar tender says other wise.) 
But on the contrary, you'd know when you’ve reached the limit, and you’d probably know when they’d start refusing your requests of another shot. 
One by one, their friends depart from the table, either they were too drunk to even handle it so they were brought home, or something came up- everyone could agree that they all had some sort of worry towards their dear friend’s very out of character coping mechanism. 
“I have to go soon,” Momo sighs, when she receives a text from Todoroki- though it’s very obvious that she’s still very concerned for you, considering that she’s the only friend left. “Please take care of Y/N, Maki-san.” 
Maki nods at your black haired friend, and the creation hero looks at you one last time before leaving the bar. 
Lifting your head, your words are slurred as you request for another shot, which seems like the umpteenth time that you requested for a shot. The concerned bartender still attends to your needs, yet- she’s contemplating of calling someone if you ask for another. 
Likewise, you finish that shot in a moment, and you slump down on the table. Eyelids fluttering slowly as your laughter is filled with intoxication, your cheeks are warm from being inebriated from the intake of alcohol. 
You don’t notice how your concerned bartender dials up a number, requesting for them to pick your drunken state. 
     »»————- ➴ ————-««
“Did you know the word bed is shaped like one?” 
It’s now past midnight, and you’re mouthing off about something random, the train of thought is endless (but it’s more like a shower thought ramble.) Your fists are deep into your hair- holding your head up so it doesn't hit the table, meanwhile Maki paces back and forth- still tending to other requests from the very few customers left. 
“Now that you’ve mentioned it, yeah.” They answer absentmindedly, “Man, I haven't seen you in nearly 4 months! it’s been a while. You knows how to hold your alcohol so frankly, this is the first time I’ve seen this side of you!” 
“Oh really?” You slur, continuing on to spout out purposeless words.
The bartender’s response is a total blur, words turning into background noises, and a part of you is lucky to still be conscious and still functioning (yet it's barely) 
“..But you hold it well for--” 
You’re also very lucky that you’re a little too under the influence to even register the name.
You didn't know you’d take this breakup with him harshly. The most you were expecting was just.. crying while eating ice cream. 
But no, it was an utter shit hole. 
The door busts open, and the bartender’s expression seems to brighten up “Ah, there you are!” 
You grumble, the bar’s lights causing your eyes to sting- and your head hurts too. You might need some aspirin later.. you close your eyes shut. The bartender is chatting with the unknown person, and frankly- you just wished you didn’t intoxicate yourself this much.
The baritone voice is almost sufficient in sobering you up. Turning to the familiar voice, you see the tall figure, sporting bedraggled purple hair. 
It’s Shinsou Hitoshi. A reason why you’re in such a mess, coping with a breakup in the first place. 
You almost fall off your chair in sudden revelation to the appearance of your ex lover. It was almost like.. your drunken state was making you see things- a possible hallucination maybe? it has to be that. Maybe it’s the side effect of the growing headache?? What was in that shot?
“Ugh, I must be crazy,” You wipe your cheek from slob, your head throbbing from the growing headache. The weary purple head raises an eyebrow, and the bartender is confused by the sudden tension. It's abnormal, alright.
The reason why you broke up was because of his lack of self care. 
Again, it’s not like he was being a shithead and cheating on you, or being a total prick of a boyfriend and neglecting you, and it’s definitely not the other way around either. 
It was probably the opposite. He'd neglect himself for days on end, not caring about himself, and not caring about his own being. It was.. not what you wanted at all. 
You figured just because the both of you are rising up heroes, and also adults- he would’ve gotten a grip of not neglecting himself. 
But even habits like that don’t get old. 
“Hitoshi- seriously, when was the last time you’ve took a breather?” growing slightly irritated by Shinsou’s continuous neglect of his own self care, and also the fact that he’s clinging onto you 24/7. 
“It doesn’t matter.” He shrugs, pinching your cheek. Heck, you should be glad he wants to be with you for the majority of the days. But you can’t tolerate him when he’s constantly complaining about being tired, although making little to no efforts in taking care of himself. Heck- his dark circles got even darker- how is that even possible?
“’Toshi, it really does. You can’t neglect self care.” Your brows furrow when he chooses to ignore your words. “You’re not listening to me.” 
“You should be glad that I want to spend time with you.” 
It stung. What the hell did he even mean by that..?? scoffing, and slightly offended, you reply “That’s not the main issue.” you cross your arms “We’ve talked about this before, remember?” You reason out, giving him the nice benefit of the doubt. You'd like to be civil here. 
He ignores you once more, and you can actually feel the irritation grow within you. “I don’t want to be the reason why you neglect yourself.” 
“I’m really not, okay?” He retorts back, “Why do you always have to bring up things that don't matter?” 
Aggitated, you snap back “Wh- we’re talking about you! Hitoshi, we’ve talked about this- and you said you’d work on it! do my words mean nothing to you?” Hitoshi’s gaze flickers up, only staring at you, as if it was his own way of judging you and your intent. 
And that’s how it erupted into a full fight, and into your eventual breakup. 
You didn’t know how expressing your genuine concern for him blended into him saying things he’d never mean in his entire life. He doesn’t stop you when you walk out, not saying a thing at all
There was no verbal breakup. It was just.. there. 
The unknowing bartender interrupts the nonverbal tension, “I thought you’d be a lot happier, y’know.” 
“..’ll get going now, thanks again.” Before you know it, Hitoshi’s hooking your arm around his shoulders— as he walks to the door, leaving the very familiar bar.
It’s awkward, surely. You’re not sure why he was there, and you’re not so sure as to why he decided to come to your aid in the first place. If Maki called him, and he was requested to come to you in question, then he could’ve just..
“..sent someone else,” You mumble. You reek heavily of alcohol, and your skin is undeniably warm. Frankly, he doesn’t remember the last time you were like this— was it the first time you had a drink? it was years back at this point.
You’re pretty.
That’s one thing that hasn’t change. Surely, what changed things was the fact that he said some.. horrible things— and refused to even listen to your concerns, which ultimately cause your breakup. His relationship status changed into some lonely and young hero, and his heart ached in different ways.
But you’re still very beautiful, to him.
Doesn’t matter if you’re all dolled up for a hero interview, or a mess on a off saturday. You’re still beautiful.
But now— he’s focused on your words, and he’s taken aback when you continue to speak, causing the both of you to stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
“You’ve coulda asked s-someone else to pick.. me up.” Your words are slurred, a normal side effect of being drunk. However, seeing your ex has surely sobered you up.
“That’s true,” Shinsou moves to continue walking, so you guys weren’t standing on the middle of the side walk on a cold early morning.
“What are you even doing at a bar at 1am?” He changes the subject, but you’re still caught on to your previous question. “You didn’t answer my question at all, meanie.” Her grip is firm, so there’s no way of budging it.
His laugh lacks humor, yet he feels obligated to answer her. Or else they’d be stuck on the sidewalk, due to her hero grip.
“It didn’t feel right,”
“Yeah sure.” You grumble, “Because you suddenly care.”
“I’ve always cared, Y/N.”
“Really?” You say, not really believing him anyway. “You seemed pretty sure with your words back then to care.” Despite being toxicated, your words have undertones of venom
“You may say that, but.. I’ve always cared.”
“Then why the hell did you say all of that back then, huh?” Overwhelmed by seeing your ex, who you still fucking loved by the way— tears grow at your eyes. “If you’re lying, stop it.” You say, literally not in the mood to be lied to right now.
You’re literally being carried by your ex, while intoxicated, while also having a throbbing headache.
“I’m not.” Hitoshi answers firmly. A certain edge grows in his throat, and he hates it.
“Yes you are,” Your voice is now wobbly, it’s really just a mix of your overwhelming emotion, as well as your drunken state. “You would’ve told me that weeks ago!”
You were always right, and he knows it. Ever since from the last moment you shared with him, your words were just.. nothing but the sheer truth. Yet, he’s only hurt you— because of his denial.
He knows you’re right, and he knows that he had his habits of neglecting his own care. Though that’s why he decided to change, that you were in fact- correct all this time.
And he was just an ass to even admit it.
“You’re right,” His fists crumple, grip tight as he fights his sudden urge to break. “You were always right. I’ve always cared, and you’ve always cared about me. Yet I was worried of changing, not being around you just so that I could take care of something that’s not really important-”
“But you are, Hitoshi,” You sob, nearly collapsing onto the ground— “You matter so much, yet you don’t even see it, and if I’m going to contribute to your destructive ways— then...”
“How could you? If you don’t care about my words, then do you care about yourself..?”
Shinsou sighs, bending down to meet your level— you’re gasping and sobbing into his chest, tears angrily running down your cheeks.
“I know, kitten, and I’m sorry.” Wiping your tears with his thumb, he speaks once more. “That’s why.. I’ve thought about what you’ve said, and I decided to take care of myself a bit more, I want you to know that.. I do care.”
You glance up at him, the city lights luminating his face— enough for you to see the adorning expression he’s sporting.
“..really?” You speak, in a nearly hush tone, again— you’re still very drunk, and overwhelmed with emotions. This could’ve been passed off as a fever dream, and you could’ve been normal with it.
“Yes, Y/N.” His mouth perks up into a small smile.
“Then.. would you allow me to start over with you again?”
Pushing against Hitoshi, you envelope him with your arms— it’s almost cliché and dramatic, the way you collapse into his arms like it’s the last day on earth.
But.. Shinsou’s glad he has you again. Finally a chance to prove that he’s changed.
You sit on the counter of your apartment, hands covering your face— as a way to shield your eyes from the prodding sunlight that peaks from the windows.
“This should help,” Hitoshi hands you a cool glass of water, “The way you hold your alcohol is terrible,” You chug down the glass of water, and you take a jab at him with your feet.
He hisses at the sudden attack, and only chuckles, “You’re mad because it’s true kitten,” He teases
“Shut up,” You draw him in with your leg, setting the glass down, “Just kiss me already,”
And so he does, pressing your lips against his— savoring the sweet warm moment he’s been practically starved of for nearly 4 months.
He pulls back, his expression showcasing that he’s tasting the aftermath.
“Ew, you taste like beer.”
You glare at him, and take another light jab, “Of course I do, Idiot.”
Despite saying all of that, he pulls you in once more.
       ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading (literally the first fic i’ve ever posted, so y’all BETTER like it or i’ll 💀)
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :)) (literally don’t, it’s 3:26am on a tuesday.)
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ot3 · 4 years
i watched red vs blue: zero with my dear friends today and i was asked to “post” my “thoughts” on the subject. Please do not click this readmore unless, for some reason, you want to read three thousand words on the subject of red vs blue: zero critical analysis. i highly doubt that’s the reason anyone is following me, but hey. 
anyway. here you have it. 
Here are my opinions on RVB0 as someone who has quite literally no nostalgia for any older RVB content. I’ve seen seasons 1-13 once and bits and pieces of it more than once here and there, but I only saw it for the first time within the past couple of months. I’ve literally never seen any other RT/AH content. I can name a few people who worked on OG Red vs. Blue but other than Mounty Oum I have NO idea who is responsible for what, really, or what anything else they’ve ever worked on is, or whether or not they’re awful people. I know even less about the people making RVB0 - All I know is that the main writer is named Torrian but I honestly don’t even know if that’s a first name, a last name, or a moniker. All this to say; nothing about my criticism is rooted in any perceived slight against the franchise or branding by the new staff members, because I don’t know or care about any of it. In fact, I’m going to try and avoid any direct comparison between RVB0 and earlier seasons of RVB as a means of critique until the very end, where I’ll look at that relationship specifically.
So here is my opinion of RVB0 as it stands right now:
1. The Writing
Everything about RVB0 feels as if it was written by a first-time writer who hasn’t learned to kill his darlings. The narrative is both simultaneously far too full, leaving very little breathing room for character interaction, and oddly sparse, with a story that lacks any meaningful takeaway, interesting ideas, or genuine emotional connection. It also feels like it’s for a very much younger audience - I don’t mean this as a negative at all. I love tv for kids. I watch more TV for kids than I do for adults, mostly, but I think it’s important to address this because a lot of the time ‘this is for kids’ is used to act like you’re not allowed to critique a narrative thoroughly. It definitely changes the way you critique it, but the critique can still be in good faith.  I watched the entirety of RVB0 only after it was finished, in one sitting, and I was giving it my full attention, essentially like it was a movie. I’m going to assume it was much better to watch in chunks, because as it stood, there was literally no time built into the narrative to process the events that had just transpired, or try and predict what events might be coming in the future. When there’s no time to think about the narrative as you’re watching it, the narrative ends up as being something that happens to the audience, not something they engage with. It’s like the difference between taking notes during a lecture or just sitting and listening. If you’re making no attempt to actively process what’s happening, it doesn’t stick in your mind well. I found myself struggling to recall the events and explanations that had immediately transpired because as soon as one thing had happened, another thing was already happening, and it was like a mental juggling act to try and figure out which information was important enough to dwell on in the time we were given to dwell on it.
Which brings me to another point - pacing. Every event in the show, whether a character moment, a plot moment, or a fight scene, felt like it was supposed to land with almost the exact same amount of emotional weight. It all felt like The Most Important Thing that had Yet Happened. And I understand that this is done as an attempt to squeeze as much as possible out of a rather short runtime, but it fundamentally fails. When everything is the most important thing happening, it all fades into static. That’s what most of 0’s narrative was to me: static. It’s only been a few hours since I watched it but I had to go step by step and type out all of the story beats I could remember and run it by my friends who are much more enthusiastic RVB fans than I am to make sure I hadn’t missed or forgotten anything. I hadn’t, apparently, but the fact that my takeaway from the show was pretty accurate and also disappointingly lackluster says a lot. Strangely enough, the most interesting thing the show alluded to - a holo echo, or whatever the term they used was - was one of the things least extrapolated upon in the show’s incredibly bulky exposition. Benefit of the doubt says that’s something they’ll explore in future seasons (are they getting more? Is that planned? I just realized I don’t actually know.)
And bulky it was! I have quite honestly never seen such flagrant disregard for the rule of “show, don’t tell.” There was not a single ounce of subtlety or implication involved in the storytelling of RVB0. Something was either told to you explicitly, or almost entirely absent from the narrative. Essentially zilch in between. We are told the dynamic the characters have with each other, and their personality pros and cons are listed for us conveniently by Carolina. The plot develops in exposition dumps. This is partially due to the series’ short runtime, but is also very much a result of how that runtime was then used by the writers. They sacrificed a massive chunk of their show for the sake of cramming in a ton of fight scenes, and if they wanted to keep all of those fight scenes, it would have been necessary to pare down their story and characters proportionally in comparison, but they didn’t do that either. They wanted to have it both ways and there simply wasn’t enough time for it. 
The story itself is… uninteresting. It plays out more like the flimsy premise of a video game quest rather than a piece of media to be meaningfully engaged with. RVB0 is I think something I would be pitched by a guy who thinks the MCU and BNHA are the best storytelling to come out of the past decade. It is nothing but tropes. And I hate having to use this as an insult! I love tropes. The worst thing about RVB0 is that nothing it does is wholly unforgivable in its own right. Hunter x Hunter, a phenomenal shonen, is notoriously filled with pages upon pages of detailed exposition and explanations of things, and I absolutely love it. Leverage, my favorite TV show of all time, is literally nothing but a five man band who has to learn to work as a team while seemingly systematically hitting a checklist of every relevant trope in the book. Pacific Rim is an incredibly straightforward good guys vs giant monsters blockbuster to show off some cool fight scenes such as a big robot cutting an alien in half with a giant sword, and it’s some of the most fun I ever have watching a movie. Something being derivative, clunky, poorly executed in some specific areas, narratively weak, or any single one of these flaws, is perfectly fine assuming it’s done with the intention and care that’s necessary to make the good parts shine more. I’ll forgive literally any crime a piece of media commits as long as it’s interesting and/or enjoyable to consume. RVB0 is not that. I’m not sure what the main point of RVB0 was supposed to be, because it seemingly succeeds at nothing. It has absolutely nothing new or innovative to justify its lack of concern for traditional storytelling conventions. Based solely on the amount of screentime things were given, I’d be inclined to say the narrative existed mostly to give flimsy pretense for the fight scenes, but that’s an entire other can of worms.
2. The Visuals + Fights
I have no qualms with things that are all style and no substance. Sometimes you just want to see pretty colors moving on the screen for a while or watch some cool bad guys and monsters or whatever get punched. RVB0 was not this either. The show fundamentally lacked a coherent aesthetic vision. Much of the show had a rather generic sci-fi feel to it with the biggest standouts to this being the very noir looking cityscape, which my friends and I all immediately joked looked like something from a batman game, or the temple, which my friends and I all immediately joked looked like a world of warcraft raid. They were obviously attempting to get variety in their environment design, which I appreciate, but they did this without having a coherent enough visual language to feel like it was all part of the same world. In general, there was also just a lack of visual clarity or strong shots. The value range in any given scene was poor, the compositions and framing were functional at best, and the character animation was unpleasantly exaggerated. It just doesn’t really look that good beyond fancy rendering techniques.
The fight scenes are their entire own beast. Since ‘FIGHT SCENE’ is the largest single category of scenes in the show, they definitely feel worth looking at with a genuine critical eye. Or, at least, I’d like to, but honestly half the time I found myself almost unable to look at them. The camera is rarely still long enough to really enjoy what you’re watching - tracking the motion of the character AND the camera at such constant breakneck high speeds left little time to appreciate any nuances that might have been present in the choreography or character animation. I tried, believe me, I really did, but the fight scenes leave one with the same sort of dizzy convoluted spectacle as a Michael Bay transformers movie. They also really lacked the impact fight scenes are supposed to have.
It’s hard to have a good, memorable fight scene without it doing one of three things: 1. Showing off innovative or creative fighting styles and choreography 2. Making use of the fight’s setting or environment in an engaging and visually interesting way or 3. Further exploring a character’s personality or actions by the way they fight. It’s also hard to do one of these things on its own without at least touching a bit on the other two. For the most part, I find RVB0’s fight scenes fail to do this. Other than rather surface level insubstantial factors, there was little to visually distinguish any of RVB0’s fight scenes from each other. Not only did I find a lot of them difficult to watch and unappealing, I found them all difficult to watch and unappealing in an almost identical way. They felt incredibly interchangeable and very generic. If you could take a fight scene and change the location it was set and also change which characters were participating and have very little change, it’s probably not a good fight scene. 
I think “generic” is really just the defining word of RVB0 and I think that’s also why it falls short in the humor department  as well.
3. The Comedy
Funny shit is hard to write and humor is also incredibly subjective but I definitely got almost no laughs out of RVB0. I think a total of three. By far the best joke was Carolina having a cast on top of her armor, which, I must stress, is an incredibly funny gag and I love it. But overall I think the humor fell short because it felt like it was tacked on more than a natural and intentional part of this world and these characters. A lot of the jokes felt like they were just thrown in wherever they’d fit, without any build up to punchlines and with little regard for what sort of joke each character would make. Like, there was some, obviously Raymond’s sense of humor had the most character to it, but the character-oriented humor still felt very weak. When focusing on character-driven humor, there’s a LOT you can establish about characters based on what sort of jokes they choose to make, who they’re picking as the punchlines of these jokes, and who their in-universe audience for the jokes is. In RVB0, the jokes all felt very immersion-breaking and self aware, directed wholly towards the audience rather than occurring as a natural result of interplay between the characters. This is partially due to how lackluster the character writing was overall, and the previously stated tight timing, but also definitely due to a lack of a real understanding about what makes a joke land. 
A rule of thumb I personally hold for comedy is that, when push comes to shove, more specific is always going to be more funny. The example I gave when trying to explain this was this:
saying two characters had awkward sex in a movie theater: funny
saying two characters had an awkward handjob in a cinemark: even funnier
saying two characters spent 54 minutes of 11:14's 1:26 runtime trying out some uncomfortably-angled hand stuff in the back of a dilapidated cinemark that lost funding halfway through retrofitting into a dinner theater: the funniest
The more specific a joke is, the more it relies on an in-depth understanding of the characters and world you’re dealing with and the more ‘realistic’ it feels within the context of your media. Especially with this kind of humor. When you’re joking with your friends, you don’t go for stock-humor that could be pulled out of a joke book, you go for the specific. You aim for the weak spots. If a set of jokes could be blindly transplanted into another world, onto another cast of characters, then it’s far too generic to be truly funny or memorable. I don’t think there’s a single joke in RVB0 where the humor of it hinged upon the characters or the setting.
Then there’s the issue of situational comedy and physical comedy. This is really where the humor being ‘tacked on’ shows the most. Once again, part of what makes actually solid comedy land properly is it feeling like a natural result of the world you have established. Real life is absurd and comical situations can be found even in the midst of some pretty grim context, and that’s why black comedy is successful, and why comedy shows are allowed to dip into heavier subject matter from time to time, or why dramas often search for levity in humor. It’s a natural part of being human to find humor in almost any situation. The key thing, though, once again, is finding it in the situation. Many of RVB0’s attempts at humor, once again, feel like they would be the exact same jokes when stripped from their context, and that’s almost never good. A pretty fundamental concept in both storytelling in general but particularly comedy writing is ‘setup and payoff’. No joke in RVB0 is a reward for a seemingly innocuous event in an earlier scene or for an overlooked piece of environmental design. The jokes pop in when there’s time for them in between all the exposition and fighting, and are gone as soon as they’re done. There’s no long term, underlying comedic throughline to give any sense of coherence or intent to the sense of humor the show is trying to establish. Every joke is an isolated one-off quip or one-liner, and it fails to engage the audience in a meaningful way.
All together, each individual component of RVB0 feels like it was conjured up independently, without any concern to how it interacted with the larger product they were creating. And I think this is really where it all falls apart. RVB0 feels criminally generic in a way reminiscent of mass-market media which at least has the luxury of attributing these flaws, this complete and total watering down of anything unique, to heavy oversight and large teams with competing visions. But I don’t think that’s the case for RVB0. I don’t know much about what the pipeline is like for this show, but I feel like the fundamental problem it suffers from is a lack of heart.
In comparison to Red vs. Blue
Let's face it. This is a terrible successor to Red vs. Blue. I wouldn’t care if NONE of the old characters were in it - that’s not my problem. I haven’t seen past season 13 because from what I heard the show already jumped the shark a bit and then some. That’s not what makes it a poor follow up. What makes it a bad successor is that it fundamentally lacks any of the aspects of the OG RVB that made it unique or appealing at all. I find myself wondering what Torrian is trying to say with RVB0 and quite literally the only answer I find myself falling back onto is that he isn’t trying to say anything at all. Regardless of what you feel about the original RVB, it undeniably had things to say. The opening “why are we here” speech does an excellent job at establishing that this is a show intended to poke fun at the misery of bureaucracy and subservience to nonsensical systems, not just in the context of military life, but in a very broad-strokes way almost any middle-class worker can relate to. At the end of the day, fiction is at its best when it resonates with some aspect of its audience’s life. I know instantly which parts of the original Red vs Blue I’m supposed to relate to. I can’t say anything even close to that about 0.
RVB is an absurdist parody that heavily satirizes aspects of the military and life as a low-on-the-food-chain worker in general that almost it’s entire target audience will be familiar with. The most significant draw of the show to me was how the dialogue felt like listening to my friends bicker with each other in our group chats. It required no effort for me to connect with and although the narrative never outright looked to the camera and explained ‘we are critiquing the military’s stupid red tape and self-fullfilling eternal conflict’ they didn’t need to, because the writing trusted itself and its audience enough to believe this could be conveyed. It is, in a way, the complete antithesis to the badass superhero macho military man protagonist that we all know so well. RVB was saying something, and it was saying it in a rather novel format.
Nothing about RVB0 is novel. Nothing about RVB0 says anything. Nothing about it compels me to relate to any of these characters or their situations. RVB0 doesn’t feel like absurdism, or satire. RVB0 feels like it is, completely uncritically, the exact media that RVB itself was riffing off of. Both RVB0 and RVB when you watch them give you the feeling that what you’re seeing here is kids on a playground larping with toy soldiers. It’s all ridiculous and over the top cliche stupid garbage where each side is trying to one-up the other. The critical difference is, in RVB, we’re supposed to look at this and laugh at how ridiculous this is. In RVB0 we’re supposed to unironically think this is all pretty badass. 
The PFL arc of the original RVB existed to show us that setting up an elite team of supersoldiers with special powers was something done in bad faith, with poor outcomes, that left everyone involved either cruel, damaged, or dead. It was a bad thing. And what we’re seeing in RVB0 is the same premise, except, this time it’s good. We’re supposed to root for this format. RVB0 feels much more like a demo reel, cutscenes from a video game that doesn’t exist, or a shonen anime fanboy’s journal scribbling than it feels like a piece of media with any objective value in any area.  In every area that RVB was anti-establishment, RVB0 is pure undiluted establishment through and through.  
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