#i get it if it's just not your taste or w/e but to me it's the platonic ideal of doctor who
willowkatt · 1 day
i think my chem is special in a way where their music changes with each album. not saying other artists haven't done it, duh, but with my chem being my favourite band/artists i just gotta get this out there for them!
i think variety can be a musician's biggest strength, i'd personally rather four albums that sound on a scale of two-mildly-similar-sounding-songs to absolutely-night-and-day rather than four albums that sound all the same.
my two favorite albums are Bullets and Danger Days, again, night and day, but it still feels like my chem. all four members come together and write awesome lyrics, put great power and emotions into them and the instrumentals, it's fucking crazy. even with their single Foundations you can still see their skills still shine despite it still sounding different.
Summertime and Our Lady Of Sorrows are so different to eachother but i love them both so much, normally i wouldn't listen to songs like Scarecrow but since it's my chem the power in it shines through.
and it's not just the main four albums, it carries across to the demos too!
i remember putting Not That Kind Of Girl as a song of the day in a server, and someone actually liking it and being surprised it was my chem!! their variety in music genre and style is such a damn superpower. it's always fun to see people finally trying out a my chem song and being like "oh damn, didn't expect this to be good"!
i love my fair share of pop-punk and rock, but having my chem also have options of songs that are a little less that (sorry i'm not good with genres LOL) such as The World Is Ugly, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, Emily, Early Sunsets Over Monroeville and Desert Song just to name a few - allows me to just cleanse my pallet while still being able to hear Gerard sing, y'know? and don't even get me started on their solo music, you'll probably see me making a Drugstore Perfume appreciation post soon.
and that's about it, i love my chem with almost all my heart and really wanted to get this out there, and remember don't attack people for what albums they like and dislike, it's all just a person's taste in music :D be free to reblog/comment and tell me your feelings on this, such as your favorite night and day songs!!
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backsideattackkkk · 16 hours
you hate the columfags so much but I want to hear your thoughtz,,,,Who do you think was dyl's halycon girl?
oh yippie. i've already answered this before, but i like to yap, so thank you anon :]
my main thought is: dylan did not love one girl, he circled around numerous girls that he thought he was in-love with, but in reality was just in-love with love, and that it could save him from his misery.
in klebold's journal, specifically the page dated: 1/2/98, the text reads:
man I dont know what's up lately...never do in existence. All this shit w. [edited] and [edited] friends.... so wierd & different from past... yet again, thats the way in existence. I wonder if i ll ever have a love...my love. [edited] got his, I dont, wont ever get mine. Here's all the people ive loved, or at least liked (or thought I loved) - all the same meaning.
followed by this image:
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now he says "all the same meaning" and because of the hearts, I will assume the list is of people he had crushes on or thought he was "in-love with".
perhaps the halcyon girl was part of this list, or maybe these are past crushes, but still it gives an insight that dylan was not focused on just one girl and he was just kinda having little crushes on girls and was somehow convincing himself (that at least some) were 'true love'.
I've seen a few names thrown around. those being:
rachel joy scott
marla foust
kristen theibault
erin boortz
i'll try to explain why each girl has been said to might've been her halcyon girl, there's a LOT of info for some, and I'm just typing what I remember.
why rachel joy scott? oh boy.
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the letter R in the heart drawn in the klebold's diary. but there is no direct information about them being close. like at all. other than they both had devon as a mutual friend. they knew each other and probably only just because of the saved performance.
why marla foust? marla is picked mainly for two reasons: the acoustic poem, the mention of "mara" in klebold's writings and that he supposedly asked her to prom.
In his journal entry of november '97 called "ThoughtS":
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"church was so fun.... the rec thing w. mara". there's speculation that he just misspelled her name, which isn't far fetched seeing that he misspelled his own middle name at some point.
the acoustic poem:
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there's 10 letters, marla foust, is 10 letters. it's possible to fit her name in:
M is for the moments of joy she gives me A is for how she Always Leaves me helpless with her beautiful gaze. R is for the RARE moments she shares w. me L is for the Lost & found love that I've been Looking for all my Life A is the Aspect of us as a couple. F how Fondly i hope to spend time with her O how she is the only one i love, that i have ever Loved U is for the universe where we can Look at the stars. S How Supremely beautiful she is T Her Taste for everything she does.
as for the prom, marla told investigators at one incident klebold asked her to prom, but had to declined his offer because she already had a date. (however some people think she lied about that because dylan didn't even know the date to prom and robyn had to basically beg him to go).
why kristen theibault? klebold a girl in his june ‘97 entry called "my 1st love??":
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“such a strange name, like mine”, the theory is derived because of her last name, ‘theibault’ pronounced a lot like ‘klebold’. plus, kristen not only have friends in the TCM, (joe stair, chris morris and tad boles) she and dylan definitely knew each other at-least, to the point that dylan's dad mentioned her.
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why erin boortz? again, the acoustic poem, but instead, with erin:
E = is for the (everlasting, eternal, ecstatic) joy she gives me R = is for how she (renders) me helpless with her beautiful gaze I = is for the innocent (infinite, intense) moments times she shares w. me N = is for the (new, newly) found love that I've been looking for all my life B = is the (both, beauty) of us as a couple O = is for how (often) I hope to spend time with her O = is for she is the (only) one I love, that I have ever loved. R = is for the (roof) where we can look at the stars T = is for how (truly, totally, terrifyingly) beautiful she is Z = her (zeal, zest) for everything she does
fun fact: erin's chevy blazer was hit with bullets during the shooting. I can't find much info about her than that lol.
that's about all I can think about tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of these girls, or maybe all of them at some point. or just a few. I've seen some people say he may had feelings for devon, but who knows.
a few things from his journal like:
"girls i know (mainly [edited] & [edited]), how i know i can never have them, yet i can still dream..." - mentions two girls and how he can't be with them.
"The one who I thought was my true love, [Edited], is not. Just a shell of what I want the most... The meanest trick was played on me - a fake love... She in reality doesn't give a good fuck about me... doesn't even know me..... I have no happiness, no ambitions, no friends, & no LOVE!!!" - ok. so bro really has the habit of just saying some girls are his true love and then realize they aren't. u see what i'm saying? he was playing hot potato.
"Goodbye all the crushes ive ever had, just shells.... images, no tu truths... BUT WHY?" - alright, first. crushes. plural. and again, frustration that said girl(s) didn't meet his halcyon expectations.
"[Edited] who i think i love deeper than ever... I was hollow, thought I was right. Another form of the Downward Spiral... deeper & deeper it goes. to cuddle w. her, to be one w. her, to love; just laying there." - ok. see, and now he just goes to another chick he's SUREEE is his true love.
"I don't know my love: could be [edited], or [edited], or [edited], or [edited], or anyone. I don't know & im sick of not KNOWING!! to be kept in the dark is a punishment!!!" - this could go on forever, but i think my point is made. he didn't love one girl, he was just desperate for something of "not knowing". he just wanted something or in this case, someone to save him.
tldr: dylan was lonely and just wanted some girl and the love they'd have to "save him".
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tea-earl-grey · 6 months
something i'm thinking about that's making me a little hesitant of the specials is that i very obviously see that they're trying to have Fourteen (still gritting my teeth when I say that) parallel Ten and fix some of Ten's mistakes. and yeah that's cool! the Tenth Doctor has the fascinating character arc that is really interesting to dissect and parallel. we've already seen The End of Time parallels with Donna & Rose saying that you need to let it go (vs Ten's "I don't want to go."). the glass wall in Meep's spaceship paralleling the radiation chamber with Wilf. Fourteen saying "Why does it have to be this?!" instead of "Why does it have to be me?!" and logically the best way to justify David Tennant coming back as the Doctor is to say this new mini-era is to fix the Tenth Doctor's mistakes and respond to that era of the show.
but my issue is that we already did that. the Twelfth Doctor's era is such a perfect response to Ten's. Ten often hid behind their whimsical charisma until it bubbled over (most notably in the Time Lord Victorious arc) but Twelve always had that brutal honesty and darkness and instead learned to embrace whimsy and kindness over time. Twelve was put in a similar position as Ten & Donna where they believed the only way for Clara to live is to erase her memory and Clara calls him out on that bullshit because she won't have her memories and her life stolen from her and instead the Doctor's memories are wiped. both Ten and Twelve's era have an immortal character (Jack & Ashildr/Me) and Jack is in love with the Doctor and pretty blatantly hero worships them whereas Ashildr does. not. like. the. Doctor. and challenges their views. Twelve and Missy managed to have the healthiest relationship that the Doctor and the Master ever had when uh. Ten & Simm!Master very much did not. Twelve managed to stay in one place on Darillium for 24 years and at St Luke's for at least 70 years while Ten constantly needed to move forward. Ten was the first Doctor to meet and remember River while Twelve was the last (onscreen at least). Ten agonized about sacrificing themself for Wilf, for one innocent because they believed they could have been so much more, and Twelve doesn't hesitate for one moment over laying down their life for a doomed village in The Doctor Falls. Ten's last words are "I don't want to go." and Twelve's last words are "Doctor, I let you go."
i'm not against Fourteen mending their past mistakes and i expect these parallels to continue but i really hope there's something more to Fourteen having their old face back because frankly i don't think we can parallel and dissect Ten's era any better than Twelve's era did.
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based off of real words my brother said to me
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biracy · 8 months
Cannot find my older post about it (tbh I didn't try very hard) but honestly I am so tired of people trying to pretend like there's any sort of consistency to "cis women getting a nose job is evil and NOT feminist. However all transsexual surgery is Holy Holy Holy". It's truly not surprising how often people end up reblogging from like, actual tradcaths about "modern women ruining their natural feminine beauty" or whatever. I've said this all before so I don't wanna repeat myself but obviously this does not mean "you cannot critique what drives people (cis or trans) to get 'plastic surgery'" or "women's choices exist in a vacuum" (although I would roll back some of the extreme performative hatred for women who make The Bad Not Feminist Choices), but it DOES mean "stop pretending like there's any sort of actual distinction between Cis Plastic Surgery (bad) and Trans 'Gender-Affirming' Surgery (good) that does not fully rely on the medicalization of being transgender" and it ALSO means "stop pretending to care about bodily autonomy when what you really mean is 'people can do things with their bodies I think are cool and good, but not things that I don't like. Those things should literally be banned, that's how we will save women'"
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isekyaaa · 8 days
But on the other hand, a psychological horror fanfiction of That's Not My Neighbor in which you are the doorman and a certain entity becomes obsessed with making your life a living hell.
#story ideas#i just can't get out of my mind a scene where like....#it's already at the end of your shift and the last person comes to the window#it's someone you already let in though so you assume it's a doppelganger#but upon giving this person a look over you begin to realize with horror that there's nothing wrong with this person#they have everything right#and if that is the case.......#w h o w a s t h e p e r s o n y o u l e t i n ?#i can't imagine sitting there realizing that everyone will die and it's all your fault#you let in the real person and you just sit there with your face in your hands ready to let death come#but the evening passes... and the next morning comes.... and life goes on as usual#nobody is dead#but you definitely let in both the imposter and the real person#so where did the doppelganger go?#and then you start overthinking everything#is the doppelganger still in the building? did it kill anyone? and if so who was replaced?#are this person's eyes too big? was her hair always like that? was his hat always that specific shade of gray?#eventually you realize that this is all just a game to the imposter#it's seeing you slowly go insane and is loving each and every single moment of it#and when your mind finally breaks from the abject fear and guilt it has built up within you brick by brick...?#that's when you'll taste your sweetest#i also could totally make this into a yandere like thing where it wants to keep you alive#that's an option too haha#idk how to write psychological or horror or yandere tho so like....... it'll be a first for me
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erb23 · 5 months
Incensed, enraged even.
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dex0s · 5 months
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—♡DOUMA X MALE READER WARNING: smut, non-con, cannibalism?, douma, reader having a huge chest, thoracic area called boobs/tits, daddy kink, face sitting, breeding kink, semi-public?, incest?, cliffhanger ending (only because I’m lazy), not proof read
A/N— okay I know I was gone for like 2 months but um— yeah
You were a member of his cult and your older sister got sick to the point she had to stay in bed instead of praying to your demon lord. For the past couple days you had been asking your lord to heal your sister. And at first DOUMA was uninterested or just ignored you but then he got a full look at you. (H/c) hair, beautiful bright (e/c) eyes, nice face, well shaped body, and lastly YOUR CHEST. Oh and how he was so in love.
“Oh look a new play thing. Just. For. Me~ and ONLY me~”
After that you notice changes. One, Douma would ONLY look at you if you in the room but the moment you leave his face becomes disinterested (even if he doesn’t have emotions he feels like his life just decrease by a life time). Two, you ALWAYS feel like you’re being watched no matter what you doing or where you are, there are always RAINBOW EYES watching. And three, when you go and pray to your lord you can notice the lust in his eyes like a predator eyeing their next meal.
“I can’t believe I haven’t noticed you sooner… I wonder if that man will let me keep you~ who know maybe I will quit bugging him~”
Knowing damn well that man can hear him
One time you went to douma and asked for his blessing so your sister could get better and by pure coincidence your sister gotten better and could move around better then before. You thanked douma for the blessing but even tho it was a complete coincidence douma wanted more than just a thanks. He gave you his blessing and healed your sister. He wants more and he will get want he wants whether you want it or not .
HaAh~ Oh you tastes Sooo~ good~ Your so good—Fuck! for daddy~
Grinding your hips into the pillow while Douma is thrusting in and out your ass. “Ahh~ you look like dog when you do that~” Douma said, moving his hand up your body and stopping at your chest. “W-wait~AH!” Slamming his cock back in he starts to grope your chest. “Hmm! What a— good boy you are, so good— for daddy” you start to feel yourself about to release and you try to warn your lord but all that came out was babbles. Douma seem to notice this and started to go even harder on you hearing your gummy walls take him in and out and all the noise you were making made him even more hard then white sticky cum came out your dick but that didn’t stop Douma in fact he decided to switch it up a lot bit.
He lifts you over his face, your legs are shaking then slams you down on his face. Taking his long slimy tongue starting with kitty licks, suddenly roughly gripping your thighs and full on eating your ass like there’s no tomorrow. When the door opens (you didn’t even notice at first) it reveals your sister. Your sister was in shock, she didn’t know you had a side like this. Hearing your moans and the licks your sister can feel a wet spot in her undergarment. While your sister was standing there Douma could smell her wetness and started to get upset.
“Why is she here.”
“She needs to leave can’t she see I’m playing with my plaything.”
“It’s her fault he’s in this situation”
“She shouldn’t be so selfish and get sick”
“You know what… It’s show time”
Taking out his tongue from your ass, he moves you to his lap. Picking you up with your legs wrapped around his waist Douma starts to walk to your sister. “You know it’s rude to stare” using one of his free hands and roughly grabbing your sister’s chin forcing her to look at his rainbow eyes. “W-what are you doing to my brother!” Yelled out your sister that was trying to force Douma’s hand off of her and trying to reach for you, when Douma grabs the hand that was reaching for you and pulling it off her body. Finally snapping out the trance you hear a bloody cuddling scream. Turning your head around to see your sister on the ground clutching her shoulder but before you can say anything you were placed on the ground on all fours in front of your sister.
“Why don’t we put a show on for your sister~ hmm dear~”
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25 w joel!!
The Third Date
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pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
rating: E (18+ ONLY, minimal plot, cunnilingus bc obviously, unprotected piv, joel talks you through it, rough-ish sex, creamp!e, soft fluffy joel bc daddy, i love him)
wc: 2.6k
prompt: 25. “Does that feel good?”
joel masterlist
The summer breeze offered just a bit of respite from the Texas heat, even though the sun had long gone down. You had a stuffed animal tucked under your arm, something bright pink and unicorn-adjacent, though you couldn’t be sure. He won it for you at the county fair, the location of your third date that somehow managed to top the first two. You had no intention of keeping it for yourself, it was much too big and ostentatious for your taste, but you thought it would make a nice gift for Joel’s six-year old daughter.
Walking up the pathway to your apartment, Joel’s hand clasped with yours, you began to feel a thrilling rustle of excitement and anticipation in your stomach. He’d been a gentleman so far, keeping his kisses tame and not letting his hands wander too far, but this was the third date, after all. You couldn’t help but pray he’d finally accept your invitation to come inside your place tonight.
“So,” he started, a shy smile on his face as you faced each other in front of your door. “I had a really good time tonight.”
“Me too.” You smiled back just as smitten. “I know you mentioned wanting to wait, but…if you wanted, you could come inside.”
Joel seemed to study you for a moment, his smile growing wider as he admired the sparkle in your eye. He’d been wanting to follow you inside since your first date, but given that he wanted something serious to come from this, he figured the smartest thing to do would be to wait for the right moment. And right now seemed as right as ever, though he did feel a little embarrassed to only make it three dates before giving in to his need for you.
“I’d love to,” he replied, reaching to cup your jaw. You closed your eyes as he leaned in to press his lips against yours, soft and sweet, just like all the other times, but soon it grew hungrier. He moaned against your lips as your fingers curled over the leather of his belt, tugging him closer. “Maybe we should take this inside, darlin’.”
“Yeah,” you panted, nodding as you scrambled through your bag to find your keys. Unlocking your door and stepping inside, Joel plucked the stuffed animal from underneath your arm and set it down on the carpet before quickly finding your hips and walking you backwards into your living room. “Wait—“ you giggled as you fell back against the plush cushions. “Shut and lock the door.”
“Oh, right,” he chuckled and blushed at his eagerness, the front door still wide open. He walked over to it and shut it, locking the doorknob and closing the deadbolt for extra measure. When he turned back to you, he was still flushed. “Got ahead of myself there.”
“That’s okay,” you assured in a purr, curling your finger at him to beckon him close again. “I like it when you get ahead of yourself.”
“Oh yeah?” he grinned and strutted towards you until he was leaning over the couch, his lips ghosting over yours. “You look so goddamn beautiful sittin’ here, you know that?”
“Why don’t you show me just how beautiful you think I am…with these?” You laced your fingers with his and and squeezed.
“Do I have permission to use more than just my hands?” he purred as he pulled you up onto your feet, his hands leaving yours so that he could hold the small of your back while yours rested on his chest.
“Depends, I think I need a sample first,” you purred back with a smirk. Tipping your head towards the hallway, you whispered, “Bedroom’s that way.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Joel never let go of you as he walked you backwards down the hall, his lips slowly and carefully working yours until you were sure if you tried to speak, the only thing that would come out was a string of incoherent squeaks.
“This one?” Joel asked as you arrived at your closed bathroom door, and you were forced to test your theory.
“No,” you managed, pointing behind him at the other closed door. “That—it’s that one.”
“You nervous?” he asked, his face shifting from one of amusement to concern. You quickly shook your head and reached your hand to his face.
“No,” you found your vocal footing. “Well, I mean as nervous as anyone would be before they took a beautiful man like you to bed.” Joel blushed. “You just…make me dizzy, that’s all.”
“I make you dizzy?” he asked as though it was an unheard of thought. “Baby—“ He grabbed your hand and lowered it to his thumping heart. “You’re making me dizzy.”
“Joel,” you exhaled. “Open the door.”
Joel nodded, a look of stunned reverence on his face as he scrambled to reach behind him for the doorknob, fumbling with it until it turned and opened the door. You stumbled inside, your hands gripping onto his shirt while his lifted the skirt of your dress, your teeth clashing as he kissed you breathless, neither of you caring about how sloppy it was.
“Take your clothes off,” you ordered as you lifted your dress over your head. Joel was quick to obey your command, tugging his t-shirt over his head before peeling his jeans off. You crawled onto your bed and sat on your knees in the middle of it, a smile on your face as he took you in. Joel ticked his jaw and chuckled as he crawled onto the mattress to join you, his warm palms resting on your waist as he guided you back against the pillows.
“You’re fuckin’—“ He shook his head as he hovered above you, his eyes taking over your entire form. “Breathtakin’, baby.”
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you grinned.
“Oh, yeah right. You’re just sayin’ that.”
“No—“ You reached for his hand, lowering it until his fingertips rested on your clothed mound, allowing him to feel your dampness. “That’s what you do to me.”
“Fuck,” he exhaled and leaned down to kiss you again, deep and slow and hungry. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby.”
You didn’t doubt his promise, the look in his eyes alone lighting you up in ways every other lover never seemed to master.
His lips traveled down the slopes and curves of your body, stopping at the cups of your bra to knead your breasts in his hands. His fingers slipped the straps down your shoulders before he reached beneath you to undo the clasp, the lace slowly unveiling your pert nipples to him for the first time. He sucked in sharply and looked up at you as though he was seeing god.
Your back arched as he swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud before sucking it into his mouth, his hand snaking down your belly and back to the damp spot on your lacy panties.
“God,” you moaned, your eyes screwing shut as he rubbed perfectly pressured circles against your clit, the lace adding a beautiful bit of friction that had you keening for more.
“Does that feel good?” he rasped as he kissed his way to your other breast. You nodded quickly and lowered your eyes to meet his, your breath hitching at the look of lust blowing out his already dark eyes. “Good. I’m just gettin’ started with you.”
“Fuck,” you whined, already nearly fucked-out and he’d hardly even touched you.
Joel’s lips moved lower, pressing sloppy, open mouthed kisses to your stomach and over your navel until he was kissing the waistband of your panties. Moving lower, he ran his nose up and down your clothes slit, an animalistic groan vibrating against your core.
“Smells so sweet, baby,” he praised in a rasp. “Can I taste you?”
“Please,” you urged, combing his dark hair back as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties and tugged them off you. When he returned to his spot between your legs, he pressed kisses onto the sensitive skin of your thighs, urging them to fall open for him. When you finally worked up the courage to spread yourself wide for him, Joel took a look at your soaked pussy and nearly drooled, his eyes wild as they lifted from your heat to your eyes.
“I’m gonna stay down here forever, baby, so damn pretty.” You were about to respond to his praise but he cut you off with a broad lick from your dripping entrance up to your clit, punctuating it with a swirl of his tongue. Your back arched off the bed and your hands found the headboard, pressing on them to find purchase so you didn’t float off into heaven. “Tastes so fuckin’ good, too, baby. You’re just a fuckin’ dream, ain’t ya?”
“Joel,” you nearly cried, so consumed by him and the filth leaving his tongue that you didn’t even care how desperate you sounded. Joel didn’t seem to mind, either, his tongue returning to your folds to pull more pretty sounds from you. “You feel—fuck—you feel so good.”
He hummed against you and you could feel his smile as he lapped at you. You didn’t dare look down at him, knowing that if you did, you’d never be able to look at anything else ever again. The man between your legs was quickly earning his spot as your idol, beating out any god that would dare smite you for it.
“So fuckin’—“ he mumbled into your pussy, the last few words turning into nothing but hums against your clit as he sucked it into his mouth. You were already there, free-falling over the cliffs of bliss, but when he pressed two fingers deep into your cunt and curled up, you swore you died and went to heaven, but that couldn’t be—not for someone so gladly taking part in sin like this. “There you go,” he praised, pulling back enough to watch you writhe, your cunt pulsing around his fingers. “So good for me, baby.”
“Joel, please,” you mewled, grabbing at him to pull him back to you. You needed to ground yourself under the weight of his body, to feel his warmth and remember that you were here, and so was he. Joel obliged, climbing back up your body until he was resting on top of you, hugging you close. “Let me taste you.”
“Not tonight, baby,” he whispered in your ear. “Just wanna make you feel good.”
“You’re…perfect,” you sighed and he chuckled, pulling one out of you in turn. He propped himself up on his elbows and stroked your hair back, grinning down at you.
“I like you a lot,” he confessed, his eyes as tender as his voice.
“I like you a lot, too,” you smiled back. “But right now, I want you fuck me like you can’t stand me.”
“Oh yeah?” he chuckled before leaning in to kiss your pulse. “You want it rough, baby?”
“Mmhm,” you hummed in response and nodded.
“Turn over for me,” he ordered. “All fours.”
You wasted no time in obeying, your body scrambling into your knees as soon as he lifted himself off you. Pressing your face and chest down, you arched your ass up as high as you could, turning your head so that you could catch a glimpse of him from over your shoulder as he lined himself up behind you.
“I don’t have a condom,” he warned. “But I got tested a few weeks back and I’m clean.”
“Me too, and I’m on birth control.” He nodded and leaned down to press a kiss to the globe of your ass. Shaking it for him, he cooed in delight at the sight. “Hurry up back there, I’m getting needy.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You could hear the grin on his face. “I like it when you boss me around.”
“Good, so do I.” You chuckled for a moment, but were cut off by the blunt head of his cock pressing into your entrance, sliding all the way in in one quick thrust. You gasped and gripped the pillows beneath you as he kept himself buried completely in your heat for a moment, his own breath ragged as he waited for you to acclimate to his girth. “So fucking big, Joel.”
“Baby, I ain’t gonna last long,” he warned, wrecked and trembling already. “Rub that pretty clit for me while I fuck you, can you do that?”
Nodding your head, you reached beneath you to start rubbing circles against your swollen and sensitive bud while he withdrew his cock all the way before shoving back in, the head of hit prodding against your g-spot.
“Fuck, baby,” you moaned, eyes squeezing shut as he set a brutal pace, his cock pistoning in and out of you just like you asked for. You knew you were going to be sore in the morning but none of that mattered now, not with the searing hot pleasure of ecstasy building again. When his hand came cracking down upon your ass, you gasped, but any worry you may have caused Joel was quickly dispelled by the twitching of your walls around him.
“You like that, don’t ya?” he teased in a purr, bringing his hand down to spank the other cheek, your pussy pulsing for him again. “God,” he choked on the word. “Such a dirty fuckin’ girl for me, ain’t ya?”
“Yes!” you cried, your fingers now working your clit fast, your toes curling as your orgasm threatened to wreck you for good. “Joel, I’m—“
“Go on, baby,” he urged. “Soak my cock.”
You fell flat onto the bed as your orgasm hit, but Joel followed you, his brutal thrusts never ceasing as you came for him with a cry of his name so loud you were concerned the neighbors would call the police.
“Fuck!” he moaned loud enough for them to hear, too. “I’m gonna cum, baby. Where do you want me?”
“My pussy,” you managed, still reeling from your high. “Cum inside my pussy.”
“Jesus,” Joel groaned, feral like a wild animal and pressed deep inside you, so deep that you could feel him in your stomach as his cock swelled and twitched with his release. His chest heaved against your back as he laid over your limp form, pressing kisses to your shoulders. “Fuck.”
“Talk about a good third date,” you sighed, content and sated. Joel laughed and nodded as he rested his head against your shoulder, carefully and slowly pulling out of you with a hiss before rolling over onto his back.
“I probably should’ve asked earlier, but…can I stay the night with you?” he asked, drawing hearts on the heated skin of your back. You turned your head to the other side to face him and grinned.
“What about Sarah?”
“She’s at my mom’s,” he assured.
“In that case, yes. I would love it if you stayed the night.” He grinned and beckoned you into his side and you nestled in there, resting your head on his chest and taking your turn drawing your name on his skin. “Besides, that gives me the chance to finally suck your dick like I’ve been dreaming about.”
“God, baby,” he groaned and rolled you onto your back, resting himself between your thighs as he pecked every inch of your face. “How am I gonna ever leave this bed?”
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almondamaretto · 3 months
hii i loved ur crossfaded story, do u think u could do some stoner matt bf hcs? 🫶🫶
YESSSSS omg girl u have good taste
i was looking for an excuse to write ts. also not proofread!! and not good because i was high!!
stoner!matt x afab!reader
warnings: use of weed, smut
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— ok lets get one thing straight, this man is one of those deep thought, random fact stoners that make you rethink everything about the world.
— "who decided that the alphabet was in alphabetical order? maybe we wanted e first, yknow?"
— always has at least one joint or the makings for one joint on him at all times. not as bad as chris who i would imagine carries around like 2-3 all the time.
— i would give anything to see this man rolling a fuckin joint.
— feels like an unpopular opinion i'm not sure, but he definitely thinks watching his girl roll one is hot. especially if you're not as experienced as him, yet still make an effort to try and impress him.
— if you're a stoner, he's buying you cute shit. cute papers, a cute grinder, lighters and stash boxes.
— is either non-verbal while high or actually yapping with no in between, but the simple truth his, he wants to be touching you at all times.
— imagine js sitting there, chatting his ear off, reflecting on your day n he's just staring, completely engrossed. meanwhile his fingers have been trailing up and down your thigh...
— or, he's running his mouth while taking a hold of your hand, leaving chaste kisses all over your hand, face, neck, and lips, only quiet whilst doing so.
— would def always be down to smoke w you, he could never say no to his sweet girl.
— loves to smoke in a group with his brothers, closest friends, and you cause he is a big quality time guy, but there is something so satisfying about being alone with you, watching the way you move through the haze filling the room.
— i think he would get more jealous while under the influence, you just look so good and he knows what every other guy is thinking.
— he is obviously very touchy and needy when he's high, but he also speaks in such an insatiable way, voicing all his dirty thoughts with no reserve.
— "and that's when- wow i can't shut up" "i could think of a few ways to shut you up."
— and you're gagged. figuratively and literally.
— one day, the friend group is at a party or some type of event. you and matt are nowhere to be found though, tucked away in some large room behind a locked door, the window cracked open.
— the roach of a used up joint was thrown onto the bedside table, hands now busy with pulling each other impossibly closer.
— he had pulled you up onto his lap, large hands gripping your ass as you pressed against his hard-on. your lips were quickly pressed together in sloppy kisses, your hands exploring his torso enthusiastically, his grazing up your sides and ass.
— "you were sittin' so pretty down there for me doll. did you really expect me to not pay attention?"
— he grumbles out while his lips ghost over your neck. you practically melt into his hands.
— chris came banging on the door, talking about something neither of you had interest in. matt never faltered in his movements, continue to squeeze your ass and nibble on your neck and chest.
— "matt!" "shh, stay quiet for me baby, he'll leave soon."
— when chris persists, he's groaning loudly and laying you gently on the bed, leaving a final kiss to your lips. he swings the door open to reveal only himself, blood-shot eyes and lip gloss smeared over his lips. his hair was jostled every which way, chest heaving slightly.
— chris just grins and shakes his head, mumbling something to matt that undoubtedly makes him roll his eyes.
— "nick and i wanna go to this other party madi's going to, you gotta drive us."
— he immediately refuses and goes to shut the door, but somehow chris convinces him with the reasoning of "less people means less chance someone tries to barge in."
— side note, you always get whichever seat you want and aux when matt's driving, it makes the other two go insane.
— mornings when you both don't have anything important to do or wake up a little earlier than usual, he wants to do two things.
— 1. wake and bake
— 2. morning sex.
— i mean seeing you first thing in the morning, getting high, and then fucking you dumb? thats his own personal heaven.
— it's doesn't take long for you to end up face down whimpering into a pillow while he drills into you from behind, senses heightened by the drug.
— he's struggling himself to keep quiet, opting to let out small grunts and whimpering into your ear, otherwise biting his lip to stay quiet.
— you fill all of his senses so well, your sounds sounding so heavenly to him, your walls squeezing him so well while he thrusts into your tight cunt.
— "doing so good for me mama, takin' me so well." he strains out as he gets close. you're both especially sensitive, highs coming all too soon.
so sorry if this is bad y'all 😭
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scarasdickrider · 3 months
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“W…wait hold on e-Ellie..mnn” you grasp down at her hair your hips squirming as she works her tongue on your swollen clit.
“Hmm…” she glances up at you her messy look turning you on even more you can’t help but feel another orgasm build in your core, “a..ah…Ellie I-….break” you whimper with soft gasps and pants trying to hold your self back, Arching your back Ellie knew you were close again she didn’t stop either. She begins to dart her tongue deep into your wet folds into your soaking cunt tasting all your juices she moans lightly at the taste, you roll your eyes back your legs lightly shaking as you come again Ellie holds your waist tightly keeping you in place from her firm and tight grip nursing you in your high with her tongue expertly. She finally pulls away you lay there panting “that’s my girl” she coos crawling on top of you giving you a long kiss her tongue darting into your mouth you can taste yourself on her tongue “Nh…Mmhh” you moan into the kiss Ellie’s hands run down you soft stomach back down to your dripping slits she softly rubs two fingers on your clit while making sure to tease you by entering her fingers in and out.
Finally she pulls away for the deep kiss giving you a teasing smirk “you like this huh baby?” She chuckles softly at your slightly flushed cheeks.
“Come here baby” she lays down pulling you and positioning you on her waist straddling you “that right you know what to do right baby” she smirks the strap touching your soaked thighs. Nodding you put your hands on her waist teasing the tip of the strap on your entrance she grabs your waist and starts to push you down on it her face smirking as she sees your face contort into pleasure “that’s my girl taking me so well hm” she coos with a gentle chuckle “ a…ah Ellie-….mn big” you whine as you sit on the base of her strap. The sound of rough skin slapping fills the room moans echoing through out, “Ellie..e-Ellie w-…wait I can’t gonna cu..come” your voice hitches she shoves your face into the pillows her breath heavy and ragged “shut..shut it and take it till I’m done” you whine into the pillows her hands on your hips keeping them up as she pounds you from behind. After one final thrust you come squirting and squirming everywhere your body trembling a few more thrust and you squirt with those thrusts but there much smaller, she leans down to bite and kiss at your neck. “You were so good for me…” she whispered softly next to your ear kissing just below it “let’s get you cleaned and rested up we’re busy tomorrow” with that you guys get up to the bathroom and have a relaxing bath
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winkwonkwankwenk · 5 months
yandere gojo with a pregnancy/lactation kink please
Felt like Gojo would have more a breeding kink if he was yandere so did a few tweaks n stuff
Word count: 1.3k
Pairing: Gojo x Fem!Reader
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He’s watching you, lurking in the shadows of your apartment and waiting for you to notice him. You were supposed to be home hours ago, who were you out with? Who kept you away? He creeps up behind you, letting his blindfold slip from his eyes as his shadow looms over you. You’re humming quietly to yourself as you cook but you jump when his arms wrap around you tightly.
“Satoru! I told you to stop doing that!” You let out a quiet sigh when he nuzzles your neck, “At least announce when you’re here. I could’ve cut myself.”
“I’m sorry, Pretty girl.” He looks down at the knife in your hand, thinking of how pretty you’d look in red. “Where were you? I’ve been waiting since-”
“Did you sneak into my apartment again? I’m going to start locking my windows.” You grin when he grimaces, teasingly looking up at him only to see his smoldering eyes stare back. “Satoru?”
“Where were you?” His gaze is icy, freezing your breaths. “Answer me.”
“I was with some friends-”
“Who?” He pulls you closer by your wrist, watching the knife drop and hit the kitchen floor with a loud CLANK! “Who were you with?”
You squeeze your eyes closed when he leans down, lips pressed together. You whimper when he kisses you, knowing what’s about to happen. You’re going to be punished. You don’t think you’ve done anything wrong but you can tell he’s fuming by the way his tongue presses against yours. You moan into his mouth as he drags you upstairs, stumbling into the bedroom with him. 
“What did I tell you about hanging around him, hm?” He roughly pushes you back on the bed, “Spread your legs.”
“Be a good girl and spread. Your. Legs.” He smacks your thigh, “Now.”
You slowly spread as he slips your skirt down to your ankles, your panties following closely. You try hiding your dripping cunt with your hands but he pushes them down above your head. You knew he’d be upset but you had hoped you wouldn’t be caught- how foolish. Gojo was a loving boyfriend but possessive one, and when he told you not to hang around other guys he meant it. You had broken a rule, you had been a bad girl, and now he had to discipline you.
“Play with it.”
“Play with that pretty pussy.” His voice is a low growl against your ear as he holds your hand above your cunt. “Get to it.”
You bite down on your lip to muffle your moans as you finger yourself, your aching core just out of reach. You look up at him with those pitiful e/c eyes but he ignores your silent plea, giving your hand a push to force your fingers in deeper. You moan into his mouth as he sucks on your bottom lip, squirming when he pushes his fingers in with yours. It’s too much, you’re going to tear if he keeps thrusting them in like that! You try pushing his hand away by his wrist but his glare makes you shrink away. 
“I was sitting, waiting for you, and you were out cuddled up with another man.” He lets you take your fingers out so he can continue pushing his in. “How’d his dick taste, hm? Did he touch you here too?”
“I-It wasn’t like that! We just got- mmh- coffee!” You try to crawl away but he’s got you trapped under him. His thumb circles your clit and you cry out “Satoru, please!”
“God, what do I have to do to get you to understand you’re mine?” He pushes his fingers back into your walls, stroking them against your sweet spot until you clench around him. “Your body knows, why don’t you?”
“I do know! I know!” Your eyes roll back at you pant, “I k-know~”
“Really? Tell me who you belong to then.” He curls his fingers inside of you, smirking as your body spasms.
He laps up your juices until your cunt is clean, knowing he’s about to cream all over it anyway. He makes you watch him press his cock in, every inch filling your stomach until he’s stuffed inside. He starts slow only to tease you. He makes you beg, plead for him to speed up because he hits all your favorite spots when he’s tendering thrusting. 
“Faster? Is this not enough for you?” He doesn’t give you a chance to respond before holding your mouth hostage in a frantic kiss. “Fine, but remember this is what you asked for.”
He pushes your legs back above your head as he slowly slides out, his tip barely inside your needy hole now. You arch your hips, trying to convince him to put it back in but he makes you wait. He traces your entrance with his dripping tip until a cocktail of your fluids drip onto the sheets- then he plunges back in. You cry out as he hits your cervix, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he keeps you pinned under his muscles. His stomach presses against yours, your legs wrapped around his waist so tightly you’ve got him locked on top of you. You’re squeezing his cock so sweetly, clenching tight enough to cut off circulation. 
“Does it feel that good? Good enough for you to realize I’m the only one who can make you feel like this?” He pants, slapping your waists together and splashing your juices on his stomach. “Say it!”
“Hnnh~!” Is all you can moan out as his hips snap forward, his cock peeking from your stomach now. 
“Say it, Y/N.” His fingers tangle in your hair as he yanks your head up, his thrusts slowing to a stop. “Say it or I’m done.”
“Satoru! Only Satoru makes me feel like this!” You scramble to say what he wants, “Please…put it back…need it.”
“You didn’t need it earlier when you were with that bastard-”
“Cum inside me.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, hazy eyes staring up at him so innocently as you say something so vulgar. “Please…Satoru…I want you, only you.”
He rams back into you, mercilessly pummeling your pussy as he keeps you pinned in mating press. His eyes are different, narrowed and focused as you wither beneath him. He’s in deep, not deep enough though. You say you're his but he needs everyone to know, everyone. His teeth sink into your neck, tongue tracing dark circles on your skin. You turn into a melting mess of heavy breaths and high-pitched cries as he knocks around your womb, stirring your stomach until you feel his cock in your chest. You gasp when he grunts into your neck, his heavy load flooding your stomach. 
“Be a good girl and get pregnant.” He whispers into your ear, tongue tracing it as he continues to slam into you. “Then he’ll have no choice but to know you’re mine.”
“S-Sa-anngh~” You can’t think straight, not when your stomach is burning from the warmth of his cum. He hasn’t stopped, you know he isn’t going to until he’s sure he’s knocked you up.
He wants to fill you until you’re oozing his seed and ruined beneath him. His teeth drag down your neck, leaving little red lines on your smooth skin. You can feel your heart racing and throbbing from head to toe as his cock jolts inside of you, coating your walls with thick ropes of semen until it bubbles out. Your legs stiffen, no longer able to stay above your head and plopping down on the mattress. He grinds against your exhausted groin as the two of you ride out your orgasms, whispering sweet praises into your ears as his body trembles.
“No one else can have you.” He rasps, kissing the hickies he’s left on your neck. “No one.”
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anikaluv · 11 months
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❤︎︎ pairing: Miles (e!42) × fem!reader
❤︎︎ genre: fluff (slight angst?)
❤︎︎ cw: reader gets stood up :( , Miles (e!42) is named Myles (creative Ik), suggestive content, cussing
❤︎︎ summary: It’s been a few months since you and Myles have been “practicing”, and you finally got the courage to ask Miles out. Unfortunately, you get stood up on y’alls first date and Miles (e!42) happens to come in time to sweep you off your feet.
❤︎︎ w/c: 2.1K
❤︎︎ a/n: Tysm for all the support on my last post babes <3 . Decided I’ll post a part two cause y’all make me feel a lil motivated.
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You lean back against Myles desk as he pinned you down, making out with you mercilessly. His hands once on your waist now fully rummaging your body looking for anything he can get his hands on. You mumble random pleads, the more his lips interact with yours the farther you tip off the edge.
Myles smirks confidently, fully aware of the effect he has on you, and he revels in the satisfaction it brings him. "You've wanted this all along, haven't you, princesa?" he taunts, knowing deep down that you desired him. Over the past few months, during your visits to the Morales' house for your supposed "study sessions" with Miles, you came in clothes more revealing than the last.
He loved it.
In truth, you have no idea why you had been secretly finding your way to Myles' room over the past few months, and honestly, you still had no idea what you two were. Each time, you reminded yourself that these encounters weren't truly bringing you closer to Miles but rather betraying him.
However, you managed to summon the courage to ask Miles out recently, and to your surprise, he accepted. So you decided to fully give in to your desires, which lead you to this very moment.
You gently pulled away, ending the intense kiss. Myles licked his lips, shamelessly admiring your curves while you struggled to catch your breath. Releasing your arms from around his neck, you placed them on his toned chest.
Bashfully, you gazed up into Myles' eyes and summoned the courage to address the question that had been weighing on your mind for months. "Myles, this is still just practice, right?" you asked, attempting to speak out the uncertainty that had plagued you.
Myles chuckled at your question, but his amusement quickly faded as he recognized your seriousness. "Of course, mami." he replied, his tone shifting to one of sincerity.
You nodded, finding comfort in his reassurance, and tilted your head back as Myles began planting tender kisses along your neck. His hands glided down to your ass, squeezing it firmly, while he trailed a path of kisses down your collarbone.
Each peck he lays on your skin came with little compliments that makes you melt in his hold. “You taste so good, mami….such a good girl f’me” he whispered, and your heart swelled with warmth at his praise. You babbled a thank you, the words sounding like a melody to his ears.
Unfortunately for the both of you, a ringing sound rang around the room, snapping you back to reality. Your neck naturally turned towards your phone, giving Myles more access to your skin.
He bit into it fiercely, trying to catch you off guard. That for sure left a mark. You gasp loudly, Myles took that as consent to continue. "Come on, chiquita, just ignore it," he urged, attempting to persuade you to brush off the interruption. You tried to, yet you couldn’t ignore the loud ringing that echoed through the room.
You reach for your phone, dismissing the sound of Miles groaning in defeat. Your eyes bulged at the alert on the screen. “Reminder: Date Night with Miles at 9:30” . Instantly, you sprung up from Myles' desk and swiftly gathered your purse and belongings.
Myles watched you, curious. "Woah, where are you going in such a hurry, ma?" You finished collecting your things and made a beeline for the door. "I have to go home and get ready before I'm late for my date with Miles!" Turning around one last time, you planted a swift peck on Myles' cheek.
"Thank you, Myles, for everything," you said quickly, and just like that, you were gone. Myles stood there, his hand subconsciously caressing the spot where your peck had left its mark, grinning softly.
“Anything for you, mami.”
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You sat at a circled booth looking around at your surroundings. Miles told you he would pick out the place so you had no idea what to expect.
The restaurant was amazing. It wasn’t extremely fancy, it carried a homey vibe, but still had elegance. Soothing Soul music echoed throughout the restaurant as scents of delicious foods wafted through your nose.
It was perfect.
You squirmed in the booth, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. You had chosen to wear a short skintight black dress. It hung tightly to all of your curves in the right way. It was a little see-through, but the restaurant was partly dim, so you hoped it wouldn’t be too much.
Your hand instinctively moved towards your neck, gently caressing the hickey mark that Myles had left behind. Even spending nearly 30 minutes meticulously applying makeup to conceal it, you couldn't help but feel frustrated.
An annoyed grunt escaped your lips as you envisioned Myles smirking, fully aware of the predicament he had caused.
You slapped your forehead in frustration, this was your exact problem. You’ve tried to get your head off Myles for the past 2 hours. But no matter what, he would always stick in the back of your mind, like a leech, a hot attractive leech.
You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh of exasperation. If Miles didn't show up soon, you feared where this train of thought might lead you.
Your gaze swiftly shifted towards the entrance, and lo and behold, there he was—the face that had captivated your admiration for quite some time.
Despite the dimly lit ambiance of the restaurant, you recognized him instantly, his iconic smirk played on his lips as he exchanged pleasantries with the usher, pointing in the direction of your booth. His untied Jordan's adorned his feet with effortless style as he strode towards you, a sleek black suit hugging his lean frame.
Your heart raced in anticipation, unable to resist the overwhelming feeling of swooning in his presence.
As he approached, you reached into your clutch to retrieve your phone, determined to put it on silent. There was no way you would allow any distractions from this man.
Just as you grabbed your phone, the screen suddenly lit up, revealing the notification: "4 unread messages." The sender's identity puzzled you for a moment.
Miles <3
Hey, something came up.
I’m so sorry.
Would you wanna reschedule?
I’ll make this up to you, I promise.
You’ve never been more confused your whole life, everything was frozen in place, the pieces just weren’t coming together. If Miles wasn’t coming to y’all’s date, then who on earth-
“Hola, mami.”
Myles smoothly slid into the booth beside you, casually looking through the menu. "What are you thinking of getting, ma?" he asked, his tone nonchalant. "I’ve never been to a place like this so imma let you choose.”
“Myles. What the actual hell are you doing here?”, you stutter out, your voice filled with confusion.
Questions raced through your mind. How did he even know your date was gonna be here? Why was he here? Was this some sort of sick joke?
“Woah, chill out.” Myles jokingly rose his hands up in defense. “Let’s focus on you, hermosa.”
He inched closer to you, his gaze leisurely roaming over your features. “Te ves absolutamente hipnotizante… (You look absolutely mesmerizing),” he murmured.
The way he looked at you so intensely, you felt like you were naked.
Despite the way your breathe became caught, you decided to shove those emotions deep down and face the problem at hand. “Don’t try to change the subject Morales. This was supposed to be a special night, my special night and I don’t need you ruining it.”
Myles let out a playful scoff, clearly not taking your words seriously. "Oh, come on, ma, you don't actually mean that," he teased.
He casually draped his arm around your shoulder, his other hand delicately caressing your thigh as he toyed with the edge of your dress. "Forget about him. He's not showing up anyway. Besides, you have me," he mumbled the last part, but it was enough to provoke frustration within you.
You swat his hand away forcefully, displaying your aggression. "I can't simply forget about him, Myles!" you exclaim, your voice filled with desperation. "I've been looking forward to this day my entire life, for fucks sake!", you crossed your arms and huffed, denying to believe the situation you’re currently in.
It felt as if smoke were coming from your ears, and though you tried to maintain a composed tone, the venom in your words could not be contained, striking into Myles heart like knives.
Myles clenched his fists tightly, irritation seeping through his features . "So, what? Am I not good enough for you now?" he spat, his eyebrows furrowing in anger as he locked eyes with you. "All those times you snuck into my room, it was all just a game to you, huh?"
He gently rested his hand on top of yours, and when you didn't pull away, he intertwined his fingers with yours.“He don't deserve you and you know it. Leaving such a pretty girl like this, and you still want him? You a fool, ma,” he admitted. His other hand reached up, gently gripping your chin, tilting your face towards his. “I can treat you so much better than him.”
You responded with silence, overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions flooding your mind. "So, what exactly are you saying?" you mustered, your voice filled with a desperate need for confirmation. You craved concrete words, an explicit declaration that this wasn't some sort of joke, prank, or-
Myles gently cupped your cheek, pulling you closer until his lips met yours in a light kiss. It was different, it was gentle. Unlike the heated sessions you had in his room, right now he treated you so delicately. His hand found home around your waist, and you let him hold you, accepting anything he would give you.
"I want you so bad, mami," he confessed, his eyes captivating your attention with every word. "I adore every aspect of you. Todo, princesa—I want all of you," he expressed, his words filled with passion and longing.
A smile broke across your face, a realization dawning upon you. Who knew you’ve been after the wrong Morales brother this whole time. "I feel the same way, Myles," you confessed, giggling as he released a sigh of relief you didn’t know he was holding.
You playfully pecked his cheek, causing his signature smirk to return to his face. He leaned his head against your neck, finding solace in your embrace.
You wrapped your hands around his neck, reciprocating the hug wholeheartedly. However, a lingering question continued to nag at your mind. "So, does this mean we're officially together?" you asked, a touch of worry laced in your voice.
Thankfully, Myles sensed your unease and began whispering into your ear, his words comforting as he gently traced soothing circles on your waist.
“Don’t worry princesa I promise you, this is real.”, and you immediately felt content, because at the end of the day you wanted him, needed him, and you knew he would happily give you everything you desired”
“Also, I see that you tried to hide that hickey I left on yo neck, if you want, I can give you another one somewhere el-“
“Miles Gonzalo Morales.”
“Love you too, mami.”
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EXTRA: "Goddammit, I'm not gonna be able to make it," Miles muttered, frustration evident in his voice as he listened to the news of a villain initiating a bank heist. He sighed, reaching for his phone to send you the disappointing message.
Meanwhile, Myles paused his game and removed his headset, intrigued by his brother's conversation. "Won't make it to what?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued. Miles exhaled heavily as he began preparing himself, putting on his spider suit.
"Me and [your name]’s date. We were supposed to have it at [restaurant name] tonight, and I even bought this special suit for the occasion," he explained.
Myles feigned disappointment, masking his true intentions as his brother prepared to make a daring exit through the window. "Ah, what a bummer," Myles responded, concealing his excitement.
As soon as Miles left the room, Myles sprang into action, rushing straight to his brother's closet. If he wanted this to work, he would have to be quick.
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ENDING A/N: AHHH THIS IS MY BABY. This girly took a whole week and I hope y’all like her. I wanted to continue the playfulness of the practice kissing idea but also dig deeper on the uncertainty of what you and Myles were and I think I did it well! Thanks for everyone who waited and supported Just for Practice, you are the ones who motivated me to write This is Real. Stay tuned for my next post loves <3
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TAGLIST: @moodysunflowerbaby @bbybubbles @nightshxdex @sparkysparking101 @go-to-sleep-salem @hellokittygator @yumimak @stevenknightmarc @spidrstar @sukisprettyface @loaks-tanhi @homebyeleven @urmotherswhor3 @hxidyq @axeoverblade @kaaylvst @em711 @agstuffsworld @st4rmiles @imonmyvigilanteshh @1uv4jiya @l5byrinth @planetspiderzz @janaeby @6thhokageswife
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zebuie · 2 months
⚸⋆Unleashed Desires ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧
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𝓟𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘; academic rival!ellie x fem!reader
𓆰𓆪 SYNOPSIS:: Ellie Williams, your academic rival who always had u beat, One night in a club, she lures you to her dorm where they indulge in a steamy, no-holds-barred fuck session filled with passionate curses and intense pleasure. The lines blur between competition and desire as their taboo passion takes over.
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂; SMUT!,swearing, porn w little to no plot,degradation (r receiving), strap on usage (r receiving), face slapping (r receiving), fingering (r receiving), hair pulling (e receiving), slight fluff in the end/aftercare,enemies to lovers trope, lmk if I excluded anyth
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From the time you first met Ellie in the first grade, it was clear that you two were constantly competing against each other. It has been that way ever since the two of you started attending the same university. Ellie always finds a way to boast about her achievements, just as she did today when she strutted up to you with a sly grin on her face and boasted about her 98%. She asks you with a smug expression, "So, what did you get?" You grit your teeth as you recall her arrogant remark, trying to resist the surge of anger simmering within you. You decide to put her in her place once and for all. In front of everyone, you pull out your notebook with a confident smile and flip it open, exposing your grade book. With a nonchalant air, you point at the entry with today's score on it – a perfect 100%. The silence that ensues is deafening as Ellie's face turns from smug satisfaction to astonished shock before she can muster up a weak "Congratulations." Her friends exchange glances filled with jealousy while whispering amongst themselves about how ruthlessly they just got beaten by a girl who seemed like an underdog till now. Feeling proud and satisfied, you turn back to whatever task was at hand but don't ignore the sense of accomplishment and pleasure swirling inside you - finally putting that annoying rival in check using sheer talent instead of indulging in immature competitions.
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As the day went on, Ellie's attitude towards you took a sharp turn. She couldn't stop talking about her defeat behind your back, trying to defame you in front of their group of friends. You overheard snippets of her insulting comments, mocking your success and even hinted at rumors she spread about you. At one point, during lunch break, she brazenly bumps into you as she carries her tray full of food from the cafeteria line, causing both trays to clash and spilling food all over yours. Her eyes filled with hatred as she sneered out "Clumsy bitch" You clench your teeth before responding sharply "Oh fuck off williams, it’s actually soooo fuckin pathetic how worked up your getting over me getting a better grade." Your words send a chill down her spine as people around them pause and look at you two with surprise etched on their faces.In response, Ellie scoffs derisively "Fucking lucky then! Bet you rely on tutors to keep those grades high." This sends a flash of anger inside you which compels you to grab hold of one side of her arm forcefully and hiss through gritted teeth You grab Ellie's arm in a tight grip, eyes blazing as you seethe with frustration. "Don't even fucking dare insinuate that" Your tone is aggressive, causing her friends to quickly move away, realizing this argument between you two is about to escalate. "I work my ass off for those grades, no tutor needed! And unlike your stuck up self who only brags about fake achievements," your voice drops menacingly low, "I earn mine the hard way." Ellie looks at you with disdain mixed with fear before pulling her arm away roughly from your grasp. "Whatever helps you sleep at night knowing some geek like you actually tops me," she sneers mockingly before turning on her heels and storming off. Despite ur harsh words exchanged earlier and the bitter taste left in your mouths from this exchange; something inside both of you starts simmering - an intriguing mix of anger coupled with an undeniable attraction towards each other which neither one dares acknowledge out loud just yet.
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A few weeks later, you catch a glimpse of Ellie from across the dimly lit club standing at the bar with a drink in hand. Ellie wore a loose muscle tee with a faded logo, crop top of a band you couldn’t recognize. The shirt cut off just above her toned midriff, showing the hem of her branded boxer shorts peeking out. And u couldn’t deny, Her muscular body looks so fucking good under the neon lights of the club. As you saunter over to to the bar, she smirks cockily "Look who decided to grace us with her presence." Her sarcasm is evident yet it doesn't bother you as much as it usually would. You move unconsciously closer to her, catching Ellie's gaze as she takes a swig from her beer bottle. A challenge lingers in her eyes as if daring you to make the first move. Suddenly, you blurt out "Wanna get outta here?" Ellie shrugs indifferently, taking one last sip of her beer before tossing it in a nearby trash bin and following you without another word. The silence between you two fills the air as Ellie trails behind you through the empty halls of their dorm building. Each stride she takes sends a shiver down your spine - her presence creating an undercurrent of desire that's hard to ignore. Once inside her room, she kicks off her converse and throws herself onto one of her plush couches; clearly, she expects something to happen now.
You hesitate for a moment before deciding to break the tension "Ellie..." You trail off nervously, not knowing how exactly to voice out what's brewing between both of you. Ellie lifts her head and looks at you with a blend of curiosity and amusement "What is it?" Her gaze intensifies as she takes in your nervous demeanour. In response, you step closer to her until their bodies are almost touching. Your lips part as if to confess the feelings that have been brewing inside you for weeks now when suddenly, Ellie pulls you closer and claims your mouth in a rough kiss; her hands gripping the sides of your hips as she deepens the kiss, You're startled by her unexpected move, but you don't resist as Ellie pulls you in. Her lips are rough and demanding, sending electric shocks straight to your core. She tugs on your jeans, pulling them down; revealing your bare legs to her hungry eyes. she slowly pulling your shirt up, then unclasping ur bra. Your hands find their way to her hair, entwining themselves gently as she continues devouring your mouth hungrily. She kisses you deep, her tongue pushing against your lips until you open up for her. Her hands are everywhere, gripping your ass cheeks hard as she pulls you closer. You moan into the kiss, your body aching for more. Without breaking the kiss, Ellie pushes you back onto the couch; pinning you beneath her body with her muscular frame.
Her lips trailing down your jawline, kissing and nipping gently on your skin. You shiver at the sensation, needing her closer than ever. hissing between her teeth as she rubs against the soft fabric covering your damp pussy. 
You're panting now, desperate for more of her touch. She slips two fingers beneath your panties, stroking your wet folds roughly. "You're so fucking wet." She mumbles against your skin before pulling back to look you in the eye. fuckin tease. Your breath hitches as she trails her finger along your bottom lip - a silent command to guide her further. Without hesitation, you reach down and tug her fingers towards your dripping pussy, inviting her to dive deeper. She obliges eagerly, pushing two more fingers inside you; stretching you gently as she curls them to hit your sweet spot. You throw your head back with a moan, gripping the couch beneath you as waves of pleasure wash over you. Ellie's fingers are relentless, pounding your core hard as she swirls them around until you're on the verge of cumming. She adds a third finger, stretching you even more; making your walls clench desperately around her digits. You whine loudly, urging her closer "Ellie... please..."
She leans down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss as she picks up speed; driving you over the edge with a fierce orgasm that has you crying out loudly.
You collapse against the couch, panting heavily as she continues to stroke you gently until your climax fades. She pulls her fingers out of your damp folds and brings them up to her mouth; sucking them clean with a satisfied moan. Her eyes meet yours, filled with lust and desire "I've wanted you for so long," She murmurs before climbing onto you completely; positioning herself over your breasts as she grinds against your still sensitive pussy. Your hips buck up automatically, desperate for her touch. She slides her sweaty pussy along your soft skin, moaning softly as she picks up speed. You reach up to stroke her hair and kisses down the side of her face; She pulls back to look down at you, her eyes smouldering with a wicked intention. "I want all of you." Without waiting for your consent - she slides off your body and hops down from the couch. Making her way over to a nearby drawer, she rummages around until she pulls out a purple strap on She comes back towards you, her eyes filled with lust as she gazes down at your glistening pussy.
Without any warning or preamble - she positions herself between your thighs once again, running the strap on along your wet slit. You let out a sharp intake of breath, arching your back as she pushes the hard plastic shaft against your entrance. "gnna make you feel s’good mama, gonna be a good little slut f’me ‘nd lemme fuck u with my cock huh?," She smirks down at you, pushing the strap on inside you slowly and deliberately until it fills you completely. She begins to thrust slowly and sensually, your moans growing louder as she hits all the right spots. She picks up speed, slapping against your skin in perfect sync with your eager cries of pleasure. You wrap your legs around her waist, clinging tightly to her as she pumps harder into you - stretching you full and satisfying every craving deep within you. Ellie's relentless pace sends a fiery heat spreading through your entire body - you moan loudly, feeling her hitting the perfect spot over and over again. She grinds against you more forcefully, biting her bottom lip in pleasure; "You're such a fucking slut for my cock." Her words send a shudder through you as she slaps your face gently - leaving behind an electrifying sting. Ellie pulls your hair, twisting it gently as she slams her hips into you harder.
"You love it don't you? You're a dirty little slut who wants every inch of my dick." She slaps you again, this time a bit harder; leaving a red handprint on your cheek while maintaining her intense rhythm inside you.
Ellie groans loudly, her body tensing up as she pulls you closer. "You've been such a little brat all these years... so fucking impatient... needing this cock so badly..." She slams herself into you once more, hitting that sweet spot with deadly accuracy; sending shivers down your spine. She continues her ferocious pounding as you pant breathlessly - your body craving more. "please don't stop," You whisper between gritted teeth, desperation coloring every word.
Ellie smirks down at you, pinching one of your nipples roughly - making you arch up into her even more. the strap on bumping against her clit- Ellie slams into you forcefully, her breathing growing heavier as she nears her climax. "That's it baby, fuckin’ take it..m’so close." She bangs harder against your g-spot - every stroke igniting sparks deep within you. You feel your orgasm building up, a fierce heat engulfing you - making it impossible to hold back any longer. "Ellie fuck im gonna-" Your cries are loud and desperate as waves of pleasure crash over you; Ellie gasps out her own climax moments later - her entire body trembling against yours. 
Once she's finished cleaning you up, "here u go," she said as She tossed you an oversized t-shirt and some boxers to change into. Ellie pulls you into her arms; cradling your head on her chest. She strokes your hair gently - whispering soothing words that help chase away the lingering afterglow. You melt into her embrace, feeling safe and content in her arms. "thank u," You murmur against her soft shirt as she runs a comforting finger along your cheek.
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aoteyam · 1 year
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This is for anyone else who is searching for certain avatar (wotw) fics; I’ve got you.
note: Reminder minors please remember to read authors notes and warnings, majority of them should be sfw blogs; Also remember to check out the tagged authors blogs for more of their amazing work and support them ✨
**will keep updating this **
Second: LO’AK FANFICS | Catergory: A-Z
• A •
Anything for you @naughtyforneteyam
As long as it's with you. @loakismine
Avatar the story of us @tonni30
A misunderstanding - lo'ak x reader @readerxlol
• B •
Being human + dating lo'ak @lo-aksgf
Best friends. @atokirina-writings
bounce @snoopdogsnip
boys dont cry @outsideofthegarden
burning love @p0w3rzz
• C •
childhood bestfriends to lovers @lola-bunn1
clueless @starkeysmoon
Come to you @whatisthatmae
• D •
dull | lo'ak @bonnibuckets
• E •
Empathy @mochi-yu
• F •
failure @m1kasawps
first kiss with lo'ak @livelaughloak
Five things lo'ak loves about you @tinkerbelle05
Fmokx @/loakismine
• H •
Happier @littlethingsinlife
Him Being insecure @sxmpforneteyam
hurt @bruisedcupids
• I •
Injured || lo'ak x reader @budgiesunset
In love with the enemy @vandnana
it's always been you @/lola-bunn1
I see you @hearts4neteyam
I see you @bibibelly
I see you lo'ak @loaksbitch
• J •
jealousy @lxvvvllyy
Just Dance @/snoopdogsnip
Just the start @sunandsstars
• L •
lo'ak getting jealous @/livelaughloak
lo'ak learning hiw to read @/livelaughloak
Lo'ak @marvelsage
Love at first sight @yapeachys
• M •
Me Gustas Tu @starriluvs
My First @/loakismine
• N •
nebula @tysukets
nightmare @eywascall
not funny, didn't laugh @/tysukets
• O •
Ocean breeze @/rslytherinesinner
Only one. @starriluvs
• P •
partner in crime @astr1dblogs
perfect @/sunandsstars
• R •
Rivals to Lovers with Lo'ak @angelltheninth
• S •
scream @sethcertified
Sharing same music taste @/hearts4neteyam
sneaking out @/snoopdogsnip
starlight lovin' @/tysukets
sugar crash @/snoopdogsnip
• T •
teach me @/loakismine
Together again @otherperson12
the chase @/starkeysmoon
The perfect pair @mooooonnnzz
The pink promise @/vandnana
• U •
Unrequited Love @shanaurrr
• W •
Worthy @white-girl444
• Y •
you idiot. @urjanedxn
You're perfect @/shanaurr
Your killin me @slutforavatar
You were just a child.... @/atokirina-writings
#- 123 - REQ (untitled)
lo'ak x female reader @price45
lo'ak x metkyina!reader @marastarz
Lo'ak x Metkayina!GN! @imagineitcreateit
lo'ak headcannons @rainymoodsworld
lo'ak x non-binary @klefansklaroline
angst to fluff @/lola-bunn1
loak x insecure reader @loveysmoke6998
lo'ak x reader @/loveysmoke6998
lo'ak x human!reader @beannmx
lo'ak x polar opposite twin @/beannmx
lo'ak x bestfriend reader @/lola-bunn1
Omatikaya, Metkayina hybrid! reader @/ilikeballs
Lo'akxFem!Metkayinareader @avatarl0v3r
Headcannon of Lo'ak @/angelltheninth
Lo’ak x Female Na’vi Reader Headcanons @woalain
Yo this list is slightly longer than others.
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havocskies · 4 months
bro pls pls pls pls 🙏 do an NSFW alphabet with hobie ill do anything?!!!
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i am losing my self respect day by day.
anyway im also sorry for not posting ive been flirting w this dude for the past few days he is so cute but that will not stop me from writing for yg xoxo
╭──╯ . . . . . ༶•┈┈୨♡୧┈┈•༶ . . . . . ╰──╮
- hobie is an absolute GOD at aftercare n i wholeheartedly believe this. especially when he knows he can be a bit much at times, there’s never a time where he skips out on aftercare. i think he would like to just relax, cuddle, and talk for a bit after he cleans you up thoroughly. then probably get a little treat, but he always likes to make sure you actually had fun as well. he’d put all of his attention on you way before he started worrying about himself, you’re always his priority
- i think hobie doesn’t have a MAJOR preference for anything but he seems like a thigh kinda guy. doesn’t matter the gender or size, he’s a thigh enthusiast. not always in a nasty way, he also just thinks they’re comfortable and whatnot. wear anything that shows your thighs and he is all for it 🙌
- im sure hobie keeps up w his health and cares for it, so i don’t think he’d taste horrible. he’s considerate guys 😭 idk if he’d really have a preference for where he cums either. probably asks beforehand or just knows what you prefer but if you’ll let him he’ll switch it up for funsies
- hobie doesn’t really keep secrets much, and i don’t think he’d be doing anything vile enough to really have to keep secrets anyway 😭 he’s just a normal dude imo but thoughts wise ?? he’s definitely imagined some things he’s too scared to talk abt im sure (take that how u will)
- im sorry ik yg see him as like a sex god manwhore but i cant see it 😞 he’s spiderman he’s a nerd and he’s goofy, like yes he’s hot but he definitely fumbles without knowing the opportunity was even there LMAOO but regardless i think his body count is VERY low if not even zero. that doesn’t mean he’s ignorant, though. he’s figured out enough to know what he’s doing and what to do, he’s considerate and never wants his partner to be left out of thought
- i can’t really see him having a favorite position i think he would’ve had little to no opinions but the moment yg find one you specifically like a lot he LOVES it. loves anything that makes you react the most, he’s such a pleaser yg cannot convince me of anything different
- yg write him to be all serious n i dont like it 🙁 he’s hobie he’s gonna crack a few jokes, especially if he’s nervous or he sees you’re nervous and he wants you to relax. probably jokes about how he’ll try his best not to send you to the hospital or wtv (he is not that confident)
- hobie probably isn’t always clean shaven so he believes you don’t have to be either. still he’d at least be trimmed just to make things easier and whatnot. just his preference, whatever you do w yours he could not care less. other than that i think if sony was allowed he’d have a happy trail but unfortunately sony are pussies (im kidding)
- i think hobie would prefer intimacy over anything else. he’d see sex as less of a pleasure thing and more of something to be shared when you’re extremely close. i don’t think sex w him would ever be meaningless, he’s always trying to show how much he loves you
- hobie’s probably just an average dude. doesn’t do it too much bc like ?? why would he when he has you. ofc, if you’re not up to it yea he’ll go somewhere or just deal with it, you’re never obligated in his eyes. i just think he’d prefer you over anything else
- he’s gotta be a little freaky. like i say a lot (im sorry) he does joke abt biting, so he probably has some small kinks but i doubt anything serious. maybe at the most a very minor corruption kink, but its only about introducing you to things if you’re entirely willing. something about knowing he’s the one introducing you to it makes him wanna do it more
- hobie doesn’t strike me as a very public kinda guy. like maybe on occasion, but it’d have to be somewhere he’s pretty sure yg won’t get caught. i do think he’d prefer in your or his own home though, makes it more intimate and less stressful. he would however joke about fucking near someone yg don’t like out of spite
- you’d probably have to be actively trying to get him going, sex is never really the first thing on his mind. ofc it can very well happen unintentionally. i think gestures, positions, anything that shows off something ALONG WITH the clear intent will make him realize. maybe. i still wholeheartedly believe he’s pretty oblivious most of the time, he can be wanting it but he won’t realize you’re trying to make him want it. he’s a little dumb bear with him. he also just doesn’t associate revealing clothing with you wanting sex, so you’ll have to find other ways to get him to realize you want him. anyway i think mostly anything that shows off your thighs will get his mind wandering. anything that shows off their shape or just shows them off in general
N = NO
- in no way ever will you get this dude to do cnc (consensual nonconsensual) he gets sometimes its a trauma response but yg also have to remember he’d have to be getting off by pretending to assault you and i just can’t see it. he couldn’t do it, he’d rather try and help you with that trauma in other ways
- happy to give always 🙌 he sees it as no different than you giving. even so, i don’t think he’d ever ask you for head. he’d see it more as a bonus, not something that’s expected in a relationship. if you’re never comfortable giving or even receiving head he will not be losing sleep whatsoever
- probably likes to switch it up. while i do think most of the stuff he said in his intro were jokes (runway model, inconsistency, labels, etc) i do think he does like to switch things up. he doesn’t like being limited to one thing, he likes to explore a bit and keep you on your toes xoxo
- hobie doesn’t strike me as someone who cares much for quickies. he’d much rather take his time, show he actually loves you. if both of yg are REALLY struggling then yg are going home, end of story. if you were to suggest a quickie he’d be unsure but he’d be willing to try at least
- hobie’s big risk taker im sure, but sex is a lot different than everything else. it’s a lot deeper and meaningful, so he doesn’t want to risk upsetting you or causing problems. idk if he’d even wanna risk being caught bc that’s just an inconvenience to everyone else 🙁🙁 only if it’s inconveniencing someone neither of you like i suppose
- pretty good stamina. not crazy or anything, but he can definitely go for a while. i think he finishes fairly average time but he can go multiple rounds, yk ?? like i said not a sex god guys
- im sure hobie isn’t against toys at all ☠️ kinda goes back to what i said w introducing you to things. he’ll definitely try anything (as long as it’s humane 😭) and really doesn’t have much shame. take that part how u will.
- hobie definitely likes to tease, no doubt. not all the time ofc but he can be an asshole just for jokes. if you’re genuinely upset he’ll stop. plus i think edging and overstimulating would count as something that deserves to have a conversation over first, not everyone’s completely into that and he knows full well
- i don’t think he’d be loud. not a whimperer probably but definitely a groan kinda guy. he has no shame breathing and groaning in your ear if he’s really goin (with you ofc he is)
- switch. i think by default he’s more dom leaning but if you take that position he won’t complain, he thinks it’s hot as hell. would probably let you do almost anything to him 😇
- he’s pretty tall guys, it’s not small that’s for sure. i think honestly he’d be around 6-8, anything above is just scary in my full opinion so that’s not what he has ummm. i do think he’d be pretty normal girth. and, ofc, if he is pierced he would’ve done it himself. a stranger handling and piercing your dick is not for the weak im sure
- probably a pretty normal/average drive. he didn’t think much about sex before you so going without it isn’t a problem for him at all. i don’t think he’d be like horny 24/7 around you, most of the time he’s just happy to be around you
Z = Zzz
- like i said w aftercare hobie prefers to stay up with you and spend time. even if it’s late at night he will try his absolute best, he’s not sleeping until he’s sure you’re comfortable and completely cleaned up. unless you like emptied his balls or destroyed him or something, then aftercare is on you i guess 🤕
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