#i get some wicked ladies to commission and i fall a little in love with them what about it!!!
7th of Second Seed, Fredas
Today was a fitting day for clothing.
Avon went and met with Mother about arrangements with the Temple, and since Nabine has no interest in taking on the role of lady of the manor, it fell to me to ensure that silk samples were presented, that tailors and seamstresses were brought in, and that everyone was properly measured.
Nabine I had go first, since she complained that the appointment was interfering with her ability to go for a hunt with some of the nobility of the city. A young lord of our House, from the Heran family, has taken a keen interest in Nabine, especially at the various dinners we have had.
I do not know if he is an upstart looking to steal her away, as if she is not a force of nature rather than an object to be bartered for, or if he is fascinated by her beauty and wanting to know more of her.
She has assured me that she will not kill him if he behaves, knowing what an imposition it would be for me to deal with should there be any suspicion to fall upon her. I am, understandably, grateful.
As it is, I had quite a time of being able to lure someone from the city, as well known as I have become.
Luckily, in the city center, things are steadily growing and more and more dark corners appear all the time. At night, with both the moons dark, those shadows grow deep and long. And so it was easier to lure a drunkard from the streetlights to the alley. Out of light, out of sight.
I made sure to place a hand upon the stranger first. I had to see if their actions were wicked enough to be worthy of sacrifice. I am not a cold and uncaring sort. I do not wish to take the life of an innocent. Criminals are the sort I seek in the dark.
The first one’s biggest sin was embarrassing themself with how much they drink and how degrading their actions are in such a state. I let him go with a short reward for heeding my call. A small prayer, but hardly an offering.
The next one, however, was far better. For he cared little for my comfort as he took what he wanted before I had any chance to protest. And I like a bit of rough handling, but this was almost frantic.
Of course, I could instantly see what sort he was. The kind that liked to beat up their lovers. The sort that cared nothing for the men he used. And I am not talking about simply being a rover, oh no. This sort of mer enjoyed taking and using and discarding. Touched by Bal’s hand with the level of self-serving cruelty he liked to inflict. 
He had not yet killed anyone, but it was easy to see that the injuries he gave were getting graver and graver. It would only be a matter of time.
So I waited until he was feeling his most powerful before I pulled out the small needle of my hair pin and shoved it into his gut. I knew the area that would give a nasty pain.
He reeled backwards, shoving me hard as he did. I used the force as I teleported behind him, so that the momentum would push me forward and into his back, making sure that it hit where I knew it would go through to more of his vital organs.
As he used both hands to hold the wounds. I asked him if he still wanted to finish, as he was not yet spent.
It confused him and he seemed to almost be unsure if he was actually hurt or if it was an illusion. I summoned my two shades to his sides where they each stroked his sides.
At that point, he seemed to be convinced that he had taken something, perhaps he was thinking a strong drink or even skooma. He seemed to be looking at his hands and at me very confused.
I asked him if he was alright, said he was looking a little pale.
He tried to act tough and said to continue.
So I recited the offering prayer in Velothis as I brought him to his climax. And just before he could finish, I told him to send my regards to my Prince and slit his throat from ear to ear.
Still under the impression he was not understanding the truth of the situation, he tried to speak. What came out was burbling and sputtering.
I told him that I could not understand what he was saying, maybe he had struck me too hard earlier.
It took him several minutes to bleed out. He was in horrible pain, yet not quite believing it the whole time. Very strange indeed. Sometimes people do not quite register the pain of the needle at all, it is such a fast sharp pain, but so small a point that sometimes the target thinks it is a cramp of some sort.
Of course, by that point, the poison is already into their bloodstream.
I wonder what he thought in those final moments. Did he think of all those he hurt? Did he feel as helpless as he enjoyed making others feel? Mephala only knows.
Though, with all the blood, I did have to be very, very careful. I had to get rid of my blood soaked tunic and make my way invisibly back to the manor.
I had quite a scrapped shoulder, a nasty welt on my cheek, and a small cut upon my forehead. That would be from the back of his hand and ring and the impact of the blow making me hit the stone wall. I am lucky I thought to lean slightly forwards or likely I would have had a concussion to deal with as well. 
It made it all the more rewarding when it came time for my own fitting today, where I could commission extra sets of clothing made.
Of course, I made sure everyone had an outfit for the event. All in the blue of House Indoril, with embroidery for our House crest of the pale green that represents Mother Morrowind. 
Sildras alone has a slightly different coloring. His robes are gold with embroidery in the blue of our House. This is not the gold of House Hlaalu, of course, though he would be allowed to wear it. No, this is a show of wealth.
Now I wait for Nabine to return, to hear if she conquered not only the beasts of Deshaan in her hunt, but also this lord of house Heran. I know that he has some sibling currently awaiting admission to Shad Astula. Beyond that and a love of hunting, I know little of this mer. I think we have only been formally introduced twice.
I do hope Nabine gave him a good introduction to the proclivities of a Bosmer huntsmer. And should he have offended, well, I am sure I will help to deal with cleaning that up in time.
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aurora077 · 5 years
Harry Potter and the OMG Hermione is not Ugly - Chapter 8
Heart to heart -- With Snape!
Two pairs of eyes followed Harry and Ron as they sat down to breakfast. The owners of those eyes would be dismayed to know that they were having the exact same thought as the other in reaction to seeing the redhead:
 Why’d it have to be him???
After having the most restful night of sleep since she realised her feelings, Hermione had gone down to breakfast in a slightly cheerful mood. She made sure to go down extra early so that nobody would be able to tell she hadn’t gone back to her dorm at all, but instead they’d assume that she had just gone to bed late and woke up early. (Or, so she hoped.) Oblivious to Harry’s worry, she munched on her toast idly, thinking about the Charms quiz they’d be getting in a few days.
That is of course, until her friends came down to breakfast, bringing her earlier dilemma to the forefront of her mind.
Malfoy had been having trouble sleeping ever since The Incident. He was always tired, he found no pleasure in the things he liked (including leading the Inquisitorial Squad and taking points from his fellow students), and he found himself sighing all the time.
He’d had another rough night and decided he’d just forget about trying to sleep in and go down to breakfast early. Surprisingly, someone else appeared to have beaten him to it. There was Granger, sitting at the Gryffindor table all by her lonesome, eating her meal and practicing charms-- quite absentmindedly apparently because a teapot was wobbling dangerously next to her and she appeared not to notice it. Her wand was nowhere in sight and Malfoy was struck with an odd bout of admiration. Even if the witch in question was doing it unconsciously, wandless magic was an impressive feat.  
He settled for watching her go through a variety of charms while eating his eggs. It was quite amusing. The teapot had floated in the air for a while, going through some interesting transitions.  Finally, after being shrunk to the size of a teacup, it righted itself and abruptly settled back on the table as it turned a shade of purple that would have made Dumbledore sing.
He was just grateful she hadn’t managed to make it explode.
Of course her Charms session was cut short by the arrival of her friends, who were inexplicably early as well.
As he watched them come into the hall his bad mood returned. No point in sitting there watching the Golden Trio act all chummy, he decided, and promptly left the hall.
“Hermione! There you are!” said Harry, plopping down next to her and scanning her worriedly. “Is something wrong?” she said, eyes widening at the sight of the bags under his eyes, “Did something happen?” Ron snorted as he took a seat beside Harry, “Nothing’s wrong Hermione. Harry just spent—ouch!” He glared at Harry, whose foot had mashed his under the table, “What was that for?”  Harry gulped, “Sorry mate...accident.” He turned back to Hermione while Ron muttered curses under his breath and bent down to check on his sore foot, “I just couldn’t sleep, nothing to worry about.” He smiled at her convincingly (or so he hoped). Ron had almost outed him. It wouldn’t do to have her find out that he spent all night looking for her on the map, she might think he was stalking her. The last thing he wanted was for Hermione to think he was a creep. “Oh no! Was it the dreams about you-know-who again?” she cried worriedly. Ron, having caught on to what Harry had been trying to do but also taking the opportunity for a little revenge, emerged from under the table with a wicked smile on his face, “No don’t worry Hermione it was nothing like that at all. He’s just been having a lot of dreams with Malfoy as the star lately.” Harry sputtered in indignation but couldn’t refute it without exposing that he was lying so he had to let it slide. Shooting a glare at Ron, he completely missed the way Hermione’s face fell.
Draco had left in such a hurry that his breakfast had not digested well. He groaned at the slight stomach-ache he was having and decided he’d just have to go get something from the Hospital Wing. While waiting for Madame Pomfrey to attend to him, he heard a loud thump followed by several derogatory words. Curiosity getting the better of him he peered around the curtains to be met with Professor Snape’s angry face looking up at him from the floor.
“Well don’t just stand there, help me up!” he demanded.
“Sorry Professor!” said Draco, swiftly offering his aid to the fallen man.
Snape sat on the bed, rubbing his head gingerly. He did notice that he felt a lot better than he had in ages....physically at least. He was about to ask why Draco was in his chambers before he realised that he was actually in the Hospital Wing.
“What happened Professor?” Draco asked, curious and also bit concerned as to why his favourite teacher was in the Hospital Wing. Snape privately wondered the same thing but snarkily replied, “I fell out of bed Draco, don’t tell me you’re becoming as slow as Weasley now.” Draco was taken aback. It wasn’t like the Professor to speak to him like that. Crabbe and Goyle maybe but not him.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Severus regretted it. He saw the slight hurt on the boy’s face and softened. “Forgive me Draco,” he said, with a small groan as his head throbbed, “I’m not particularly myself at the moment”. The boy just nodded a silent acceptance but continued to look worriedly at him as Madame Pomfrey ushered him away for his own treatment.
He’d always had a soft spot for Draco. The boy reminded him slightly of himself if he was being honest. Draco was smart and cunning, but what really struck a chord with him was the fact that the boy was always vying for his father’s approval, and to a less noticeable extent, his love and attention. Severus, as a boy, had once craved his own father’s approval, but as he had told Lily once, his father did not like much of anything—which included his own wife and son. And while he had no doubt that Lucius loved Draco, the Malfoy family wasn’t exactly what you would call warm and cuddly.
Then there was the fact that once upon a time, Severus himself wanted Lucius’ approval. It was part of the reason he had used that dreaded word on the love of his life that fateful day. Wanting to fit in with the group of boys who had recently accepted him as a part of them (all future death eaters but Lucius being the ‘leader’) he had done something unforgivable and lost the most precious person to him in the whole world.
The person he’d confessed his love to just the day before, his brain supplied, and his eyes widened in horror at the memory of what landed him in the Hospital Wing in the first place.
“Oh no..oh no,” he gasped, and rubbed the bridge of his nose to try and alleviate the migraine that was fast approaching. What had he done?!
“Professor!” Draco cried, “What’s the matter?” He had gone to drink the potion for his stomach and was about to leave but upon hearing the Professor’s pained cries he doubled back. He found Snape rocking back and forth slowly on the bed, and ran to get Madame Pomfrey. “What’s wrong with him?” he asked nervously.
“He’ll be fine, the Professor’s just having a stressful time right now,” said the nurse, coaxing a calming draught down Snape’s throat, “Be a dear and keep him company for a while would you? Just until I come back to determine if he’s ready to leave.” “Yes Ma’am,” Draco gulped; coming from her, it wasn’t a request but rather an order. She was one terrifying lady when she wanted to be and he dared not disobey.
“Ah Harry my dear boy, just who I was looking for,” said Dumbledore, popping out from behind the Golden Trio. Ron startled so badly his sausage flew straight off his fork, only to be caught smoothly by Dumbledore who proceeded to eat it right then and there, completely unaware of Ron’s heartbroken look.
“My sausage,” he whimpered to himself, pouting at the loss.
Hermione glared at him and gestured pointedly to the entire breakfast spread that was on the table before them.
Ron had the good sense to look abashed.
“Yes Miss Granger, I did notice,” continued Dumbledore, as if Hermione had meant to signal him rather than Ron, “Marvelous job you did with that teapot. It’s simply magnificent! Why I may have to commission one for myself! I’ve never quite managed to get that shade of purple on anything.” It was enough to make him want to sing delightedly, however, he did have some more important things to discuss than the wonderful teapot—singing would have to come later so he filed it away in his brain’s to-do list and got back to the matter at hand.
“Dear Harry, do forgive me for interrupting your breakfast, but I simply must have a word with you,” he said.
Harry wasn’t inclined to speak to Dumbledore, especially after the night he’d had, however the headmaster could not be ignored and so he reluctantly separated from his friends and followed Dumbledore back to his office.
Meanwhile, Draco was pleased that the calming draught worked and the Professor was somewhat normal again.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Draco asked, in a small voice. He didn’t know what was plaguing Professor Snape (though Madam Pomfrey had said stress but he felt there was more to it than that) but he would be an ear if one was needed, just as the Professor had been for him so many times before.
Severus sighed, he really didn’t want to recount the memory again. The shock of the fall that had woken him up had momentarily driven the previous day’s events from his mind, but the thought of Lily brought it right back. What he did was inexcusable and also, completely humiliating. It burned even more because of who exactly witnessed his breakdown.
“It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with Draco, I’ll be okay now. I just haven’t been myself for a while. Yesterday was a particularly bad day,” he said.
“If it makes you feel any better Professor, I know the feeling,” said Draco despondently.
Genuinely worried he missed something going on with his student while he was attempting to drown his despair, he coaxed the boy into elaborating.
Draco was reluctant to share at first; it wasn’t exactly something he was used to, but eventually he cracked.
“I...I just don’t know. Lately I’ve just been so tired. Nothing brings me joy anymore. And Crabbe and Goyle have been getting on my nerves more and more. It’s like they have one brain cell between them!” he cried in frustration. “What’s more...I,” he stopped. He wasn’t sure how to say it and certainly not how it would be received by the man in front of him.
“Go on,” Severus said, so gently that nobody would ever believe this was the same man who tormented so many on a regular basis.
“I feel like...well, I don’t really have friends do I? Not the way Saint Potter and crew do. Crabbe and Goyle follow me around but...well it seems more true what the Gryffindors call them...they do seem more like lackeys than friends. Even when I’m together with them, I still feel...alone. Father always says that it’s better to be around those less intelligent because then I’m the one in control but—”
“But you need proper companionship. Equals who can keep up with you,” Snape finished for him, “And most of all, people who actually like you for you and not your family name. Not people you have to control, but people who can actually enrich your life.” In other words, Draco was terribly lonely.
Draco just stared. He nodded, unsure of how the Professor could have read him so easily when even he didn’t know how to express the feelings he had. Did he use legilimency?
Severus sighed, “No, Draco, I can simply read the look on your face.” Draco flushed, had he been that obvious?
“More to the point,” Snape continued, “I know this because once I was also a boy with similar feelings. Unlike you however, I had that companionship. I had it and I threw it away while seeking the approval of others.” Others like your father, he left unsaid. Lily may have been his love, but she was also the best friend he ever had. Probably the only friend, if he was being honest with himself.
“Don’t be like me Draco. You asked why I was here? I was reminded lately of the very friend that I lost, and it was too much for me to bear. I am not proud of the way I have been acting but it is what it is. If you can learn from my mistakes then at least some good will have come out of my loss. Don’t wait until it’s too late. You’re at school now, the only real chance you have at making friends. Especially when considering what is going on outside of these walls,” he said meaningfully, and Draco caught his drift with a solemn nod of acknowledgment.
“I’ve never made friends without father’s approval,” Draco admitted, slightly ashamed, “I don’t even know how to make friends. People just gravitate towards me, I’ve never had to look for any.”
“Well has there never been anyone you wanted to be friends with? That your father may not have approved of but you thought you could be friends anyway?” Snape queried.
Draco blushed brightly. There was only ever one person. And he had in fact tried to befriend them, before he was sorely rejected...in favour of Weasley no less!
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globgor-of-mewnie · 5 years
Since When Has Our Relationship Ever Been Easy?
At last. After three and a half years, it’s time to crack my knuckles and write fanfiction again. I’m honestly very shocked by the lack of fanfiction revolving around Eclipsa’s family. Globgor doesn’t even have a character filter on fanfiction.net! Like, WHAT?!
Very well. Then I shall take matters into my hands.
I’ll warn you now, this story isn’t going to be very plot-heavy. Oh, there’s an overall plot, but it’s more about living out the daily lives of Globgor and Eclipsa up until the point of their imprisonment. I’m going to use all the tiny glimpses of info given to us about their past and do what I can to create an accurate timeline for them. Each chapter will be divided based on their current ages. If I get a new filler idea for some point in their lives, I’ll create bonus chapters to add on. Okay, I think I covered everything, so read on and enjoy!
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, this story will be canon for my muse Globgor, as I’m writing what I honestly believed plausible for his character!
Prologue CH1
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away lived a beautiful princess. She was young, only seven, but very intelligent for her age. She was the kind of girl who always asked ‘why’ and would gladly face any danger just to feed her curiosity. She was a bit selfish, but not in a mean way. It wasn’t that she didn’t care about other people. She just found her own feelings to be important too and often felt like she was the only one who thought so too. It wasn’t fair that she was always so lonely and bored staying in the Butterfly Castle all day! Why did everyone have to fight all the time? It would be much more fun if everyone just played together instead. This princess’ name was Eclipsa.
Now, far away from Butterfly Castle lived a young monster, only eight. He was a boy of no origin. That is, no one knew where he came from Not even him. He just showed up one day, a hungry toddler digging in the trash. When it became apparent that the monster child was a Size-Shifter, a rare and deadly breed of monster, the locals took turns taking care of the child. Eventually the boy performed odd jobs in order to earn himself some food and a place to sleep. Times were rough for monsters. No one was too young to offer a helping hand. Not that this bothered him. He liked making himself useful. This monster child’s name was Globgor.
Eclipsa and Globgor. Two children who came from races that despised each other. Although they currently didn’t know each other, the day would come when they would fall madly in love with each other. They’d give up everything to be with one another and become the most infamous villains in all of Mewni. Their actions would cause them to be loathed and feared for many centuries to come.
This is their story, and it’s time to tell it.
“Yo, this brochure is the bomb!”
“There’s only one act though…”
“Yeah, but it’s only the best act of the kingdom!”
“Yeah, show some respect, man! Oh wait, ssh! Here we go!”
The boy quieted down as their leader stepped out from behind the makeshift curtains that had been put on display for them. It was their homeboy, Prince Jushtin. He carried his usual air of confidence as he held a microphone up to his mouth.
“Yo, yo, how ya’ll doing tonight? You doing good?”
“You bet!”
“Eh, could’ve used some snacks….”
The other Boy-Prince Cru looked at old man Whizzbag with disdain. Pea-Pea had to nudge him in order to help him get realize how stupid and thoughtless he was being. The man was hip, but he was always spouting utter nonsense.
Jushtin didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he did a little turn and gestured with grandeur towards the curtains. “Yeah, yeah, I thought so! So allow me to be the one to introduce you to the one, the only, the princess Eclipsa!”
The Cru burst into applause as a small child with curly head of dark green hair stepped out onto the makeshift stage. She giggled as she showed off the large hat, long boa, and sequins blouse and skirt. She walked just like her uncle instructed her, holding her arms out so she didn’t trip.
“Eclipsa is wearing a fabulous outfit put together by her favorite uncle!” Jushtin walked alongside his niece as he continued his narration. “Now, this isn’t a look that can work with just any young lady! No, for most it would be trying too hard. However, due to the princess’ pale skin and uniquely colored hair, the extravagance helps bring out her facial features, most notably those precious spades on her cheeks!”
“Ooooooooh!” The cru leaned forward, watching  in awe of the seven-year-old’s modeling skills.
Jushtin snapped his fingers and waved his hips side to side. “That’s right, Clippy! Strut your stuff! Bring your style to life! Unce, unce, unce, unce!”
“You’re so beautiful, princess!” Sazmo sounded breathless as he held out a hand to the little model. When she gave him a high-five, he grabbed he fell back and let his bros catch him. “She touched me! I got the angel’s touch! I’m never washing this hand again!”
Eclipsa continued to giggle and blush at all the attention she was getting. She was about to turn around to get dressed in her next outfit when she looked down and noticed something was amiss. “Oh no! Uncle Jushtin! I got it wrong! My shirt is on backwards!”
Jushtin took a quick glance at her before smirking at his friends. “You heard the little lady, boys! Backwards shirts are the new in! Follow the lead if you want to stay up with the times!”
Eclipsa watched in amazement before bursting into a fit of laughter as all the boys proceeded to turn their shirts backwards.
The group went silent as the doors to the castle suddenly burst open. In walked several members of the Mewman army being lead by an irate Solaria. A growl could be heard before she even had a chance to throw down her helmet. She swore and shook her head, even as several members of the castle staff appeared before her.
“Mommy’s home!” Eclipsa quickly ran in the direction of her mother, followed closely by her uncle.
“Your majesty, did you manage to disband the monster soldiers from our outpost?” someone pleaded while trying to stay out of the queen’s way.
“Of course we did! But at what cost? We lost too many of our men!” Solaria ran a hand over her face as she continued to move forward, seemingly unaware of the small girl running at her heels.
“Mommy! Mommy, Uncle Jushtin and I are having a fashion show! Come and see!”
“We need to be find a way to lower their numbers before they reach the battlefield!” Solaria reached for some documents passed on to her by one of the court members. She gave it a read over while she continued. “Where do these beasts keep coming from? I swear, they’re breeding just to spite us!”
Eclipsa wasn’t discouraged. “Mommy! Mommy, come see!”
“How do they keep finding our outposts? Is someone giving them intel? Oh wait, it’s those Avarians, isn’t it? They’ve been flying around and spying on us! I knew we should have stationed the Ponyheads on air patrol! But no! They’re just too good for that!”
“Mommy, look at what I’m wearing! Come see! Come-“ Eclipsa stopped her insistent pleading once Jushtin placed a jeweled hand on her shoulder. He smiled at her in an apologetic way.
“Clippy, I think your mom is busy right now.” he whispered. He started to guide her back over to his Cru. “Let’s continue the show and maybe she can meet up with us later, m’kay?”
Eclipsa’s smiled faded. She looked at the floor dejectedly. She wouldn’t cry. She knew her mother had the most important job in all of Mewni, but she was getting busier every day. She never got to see her anymore. Of course she was grateful to have her Uncle Jushtin to play with, but she missed the days she had the majority of her mother’s time.
She wished the monsters would just leave them alone. They always kept her mom so busy. And so angry.
“Your majesty, should we call up a meeting with the High Commission so you can share what you saw?”
“I will in a couple of hours.” Solaria finally stopped her tirade in order to turn around and look at her retreating family with a smile. “In case you didn’t hear, I’ve received a personal invitation to a fashion show.”
Eclipsa instantly spun around with a happy gasp. She charged forward and leapt into her mother’s outstretched arms. The queen chuckled at her daughter’s delight before looking up at her brother.
“Why’s your shirt on backwards?”
Jushtin simply clicked his tongue and gave her a piteous look. “You haven’t heard that the backwards shirt is what’s in right now? You make me sad, little sister. You make me sad.”
Far from the Butterfly Castle stood a tavern filled with a variety of different monsters. Its popularity helped make it into a large, but still rather beat-up looking place. The latter was due to the fact that this is where monster army came to either boast of their victories or rage at their losses. Whatever the case was, the patrons always hung on their every word. Those who fought for monster kind were considered heroes, even if they didn’t always come home with good news.
Today had turned out to be one of those days.
“I swear, the next time I see that pompous queen, I’m going to scratch out those annoying cheek marks of hers!”
“Oh, then why didn’t you do that today, Rex?”
“What? Are you saying it was my fault?”
“You always do this! Everytime you come home empty, you brag about-“
“You act as if you did much better!”
“Guys, guys, we did manage to take out a lot of her soldiers-“
“Oh, putting a happy face on things? Yeah! Tell that to the families going to sleep hungry tonight!”
“Oh enough already!” an Slime Man soldier sighed while pouring himself a drink. He turned to the other residents with an apologetic smile. “I’m truly sorry to all of you. This whining isn’t what you want to hear. You all deserve to hear our words of grandeur and promise. Take hope. What I take from this battle is that we posed as a threat to the wicked queen. We struck fear into her heart! I can feel it!”
“Slime, stop talking. Please. They don’t want to be coddled. They want the facts!” A Frog Man grumbled. He looked down at his empty tankard and snarled. “Where the heck is the brat? OIE! GLOBGOR!!”
An eight-year-old boy with scraggly light pink hair and a green tunic jumped nearby. He had been so enraptured by the story of the soldiers that he had forgotten he was supposed to be working. He quickly grabbed the pitcher and refilled the Frog Man’s drink. “Sorry about that! Won’t happen again!”
“Hey, can we get some goat-pig over here? We’re starving!” a Septarian called.
Globgor took a pencil from behind his pointy ear and jotted down in a little notepad. “Of course! Right away!”
“And while you’re at it, my armor needs to be washed,” another monster said, tossing said object over to the boy.
“Yeah, mine too!”
“Same here!”
“Actually a wash sounds pretty great!”
Pretty soon, a pile of chest plates were poured on top of the young monster. Somehow a small hand managed to pop out of the top and give a thumbs-up. “I’m on it! I’ll get these right back to all of you!” his muffled voice called.
Globgor was met with a piteous chuckle as he finally managed to pull himself out of the heavy armor. He was met with the amused eyes of Gooblah, the only other Size-Shifter in Mewni. He was a much darker red than Globgor was, donned many battle scars, and had a long wisp of white hair as well as a beard. At the moment, he was sitting at a table, trying not to laugh at plight of his only brethren.
“Aw, what’s so funny?” Globgor didn’t enjoy being laughed at. It meant that the person doing it didn’t take him seriously. He attempted to save face by striding over to the bar to fetch his cleaning gear by keeping his nose up in the air.
“Those boys could use you as a personal hanky, and you would thank them for it,” old man Gooblah chuckled.
“And why shouldn’t I? They’re out there fighting for our lives against the evil Mewmans! The least I can do is offer my services to them when they get back!” Globgor kneeled down and began scrubbing the blood and grime off the armor.
“It’s admirable that you respect them, but that doesn’t mean they need to treat you so rudely.”
“They’re just blowing off steam. Plus they want to toughen me up! Everyone’s expecting me to join when I get older!”
“Right. Because we’re Size-Shifters. A rare and deadly breed of monsters.” A sullen look appeared on the monster’s face as he stared into his drink. He didn’t seem to hold the title with much pride.
Globgor looked at him. “I hear you used to say that with vigor. Why are you such a coward now?”
Gooblah smirked. “It’s cowardly to not want to fight anymore? To find it all pointless?”
“You’re letting everyone down. We were unstoppable when you were going around eating Mewmans. These men wouldn’t be disappointed right now if you would just kill the queen!”
“You weren’t even born yet, how would you know?” the older man sighed as he looked over at the young, loud soldiers. “I’m sorry I’m the only other Size-Shifter and yet such a disappointment. I know you want a big, scary monster to look up to. I just…..I had an epiphany, you know? This war, what we’re carrying on with….there’s no winning it. Not with how we’re doing it. We hit them, they hit back harder, and then we hit harder, and eventually we all just wind up setting ourselves on fire.”
Globgor finally stood up. “It won’t have to be that way once we dominate the Mewmans and make them our slaves!”
A frown appeared on the other’s face. “But now what would that make us? I thought we were fighting for fair treatment. That doesn’t sound very fair.”
“The Mewmans will never treat us fairly! It’s bad enough that you won’t fight, but now why are you taking their side?”
“I’m not. I just want there to be peace. I’ve seen too many of my friends die from everyone’s stubbornness and pride. There has to be another way. Somehow.” Gooblah turned back to his drink, seeming to prefer seeing his own reflection rather than the incredulous look on the younger boy’s face. “Anyhow…..have you found a bed for tonight?”
Globgor grumbled and looked away. “No. Today’s work was for food. You think if I harvest your crops tomorrow, you could let me sleep in your house tonight?”
Gooblah chuckled and gave a small smile. “Sounds like a deal.” He still didn’t look up from his drink.
Before Globgor could speak to him further, he got another call from the soldiers, one of them complaining that his chair was uneven. He gave his elder a grateful nod before heading off to tend to the needs of the customers.
Gooblah watched the boy, a somber look on his face. Globgor….he really was a good kid. But growing up alone in the middle of a war was filling his heart with anger and hatred. He didn’t want to bring peace to Mewni. He wanted to see Mewmans either die or serve monsters. If he was this ruthless as child, what would he become once he reached adulthood? Any semblance of love would be removed, leaving only a bloodthirsty tyrant. Stump help the Mewmans when the boy learned how to increase in size.
It didn’t look like things would be getting better in the future. And for that, his old heart truly went out to his fellow Size-Shifter. If times were different, maybe Globgor would’ve grown up to be a noble, valiant monster. But with the way things were now, he had no doubt though that the boy would grow up to become an unintentional villain.
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snekthing · 7 years
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A petrification commission for a friend of mine on DA and Discord, this time with my two Poke’mon Jewel and Shady, based on an rp we did. Enjoy! :3
Upon the calm forest, two Poke’mon were talking a walk, enjoying each other’s fine and friendly company. Those two being Shady, a Zoroark, and Jewel, an Umbreon. While the two did enjoy each other’s company, being good friends for a long time, Jewel was a little bored with the stroll, hoping for some danger or perilous things to happen. Shady on the other hand wasn’t so fond of the Umbreon’s interests as she tends to be dragged along with her friend. Just when Jewel promised not to try getting her fluffy friend involved, the ground they walked on shook and then tumbled down a steep hill, leaving the ladies to fall onto the ground below. As the dust cleared, they saw an old temple resting in the more hidden parts of the forest. Jewel was immediately intrigued by it, wanting to go inside. Not having much to do, Shady sighed tiresomely and followed her peril thirsty friend. The temple was almost dark inside, with Shady and Jewel trying to find their way traveling inside, unaware of another Poke’mon who lived inside. Before either of them could notice, a shiny Arbok slithered from the shadows, greeting the two lovelies to his abode with a venomous hiss. Shady was already wanting to leave, but Jewel was more intrigued as she anticipated a good soothing coiling from the handsome snake. Before Shady could leap in to grab Jewel and flee, Arbok chose her first as his victim. He gave a sinister, but mysterious glare towards Shady, causing her to stiffen in shock as she slowly felt her body getting still and cold. It was revealed that the Arbok’s mystical glare was causing her body to be petrified, covering her in a smooth casing of stone. Soon after looking at the Zoroark, the serpent thanwent to the elegant Jewel, who felt the need to give an alluring and flirty pose as the snake used glare on her next. Jewel felt the tingling sensation of the stone covering up every part of her body, soon leaving her in stone as well. The Arbok was pleased with his work, coiling around the Poke’mon to admire their beauty and cuteness, stroking their stone-shelled fur and curves, kissing his trophies softly as he knew these two were definitely good keepers. He held onto his beauties with his coils, slithering to another room where it turns out many other Poke’mon visited the temple and met the same fate. Shady and Jewel were placed on pedestals like the rest of the Poke’mon beauties, all for the sinister and wicked shiny Arbok to keep to himself for a long time as the shadows of other “guest” cast among the ancient room.
Been a while since I draw Shady, but it’s nice to have something with my Zoroark gal again, and to be with my Umbreon gal as well. Arbok/Zoroark/Umbreon-Nintendo/Poke’mon Company Shady/Jewel Damsella-@snekthing​
Also, guess who the shadows are and you get a free pizza slice. <w>
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all-sortsa-stuff · 7 years
This life, part 10
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2124
Warning: Sort of fluff
Part 9
The feel of so many eyes on your back as you retreated to your room, was chilling.  The silence was worse but your exhaustion took precedence over it all.  It would be the first night in a long time, that you would sleep with much less weight upon you.  For that, you thanked the Gods as you climbed into your bed.  Relief and fatigue let you slip into slumber quickly, dreaming, for once, of nothing.
Loki stood in his stunned silence as you walked towards your chambers.  Perhaps he had been dreaming and that kiss was an illusion.  No it was real… it felt as the last time he had kissed you.  Frigga stood staring at him with a knowing grin before looking to her husband.  “Odin, my love, I think it is time to take our leave.  Fair eve my sons.”
Odin followed his wife, a bit confused at what had just transpired.  Thor and Loki watched as their parents parted before Thor grabbed him by the shoulders showing his happiness.
“Brother, run after her.  Get on your knees and thank her for giving you hope.”  Loki looked at his brother shaking his head.
“As much as my entire being wants nothing more, I will heed her words.  Her mind needs rest and I will not hinder that.  Too much has she dealt with that she was not given the choice.”  A more thoughtful smile appeared on his brother’s face.
“Do not fear this, brother.  By the Allfather you both will find your happiness.”  Loki smiled briefly as he stepped back from Thor.  
“I do not fear my heart nor the love I have for her.  For they have always been there.  My only fear is that she will find she does not feel the same.”  Looking off towards the direction of your chambers, his Trickster smile surfaced.  “That and perhaps if I found myself on the ill end of her fist once more.”
Thor laughed feeling hopeful that the two people he felt closest to would find their own happiness after such a long path of misery.  “She has a temper just as you do; I believe there will be a time when she will hit you again.”
A few hours of rest seemed to be all you needed to feel like a different being.  As close to normal as you could be for the time.  You washed and dressed for the day, though this time you wore your leathers.  It had been some time since you had given yourself the chance to do so.  Not yet feeling worthy to wear the armor of a warrior.  Today came with a new dawn and perhaps a new life.  This life had be far different from what you dreamed as a young one but you would not let that keep you from what you wanted any longer. 
It felt good to wear them again.  Like missing an old friend and wrapped in their security.  The sight of your missing swords tugged at your heart.  You would have to commission the blacksmith to forge new ones.  Though you knew, they would never be the same.  A soft knock sounded on your door pulling you from the vision in the looking glass.  One of the maids stood there, bowing her head deeply when you appeared.
“My Lady, the king and queen have gathered for breaking their fast, they request you to join them.”
“Of course, I cannot refuse, I will join them.  Are the princes there as well?”  The girl nodded her head though she avoided eye contact.  
“Yes madam, with the Warriors three and Lady Sif.  They all wait upon you.”  Laughing quietly you closed your chambers door behind you.
“It seems I will face the masses all first thing.  Thank you young one, I will find my way this morn.”
Once again, all eyes were on you as you entered the feasting hall.  The king and queen were seating at their head table with everyone else sat at those tables around it.  It was rectangular shaped so that everyone could see the king and he could see them.  “Forgive my tardiness; I was unaware of the meal this morning.”
Loki stood from his seat as you rounded his side of the table.  There was an open seat between him and Sif that you had assumed was kept for you.  Frigga set her stein down on the table as she answered you.  “I thought we could all share this meal as it has been some time since the last time.  I have missed it.” 
Sitting down carefully you flashed a sweet smile up to the queen.  A mug and plate of food were brought quickly for you.  Sif beside you, hugged you gently before returning to her own plate.  “I have missed you my friend.”
“[Y/N], we are all curious to your journey last eve.  You said you would share after resting.  Are you rested enough now child?”  The king sat back against his high-back chair with his own stein in hand.  You knew there would be little time to wait after worrying them all.
“Yes, my Lord.  I have rested and will share if all wanted to know.”  He nodded waving his hand to encourage you to begin.  With a deep breath, you began.  “I made the journey to the Far Keep after receiving a letter from my father.”
The silence that followed your statement was to be expected until Fandral choked on his ale spitting it over his plate.  “Sorry… sorry” He held a hand up to excuse himself and his idiocy.
“You went to the Far Keep child?  Why?  Is Theinn dying?  I had not received word of ill health.”  Odin sat forward, concern written over his face.  Loki sat quietly next to you watching you carefully.  You could see it out of the corner of your eye before glancing at him.  With a half-smile in his direction, you turned back to the king.
“No, Allfather.  He is as well as an imprisoned man would be.”  That statement confused all gathered.  
“Then why did you go to the Far Keep?”  Any response to this would be difficult but it would be better to let it fall from your mouth in nothing other than the truth.  You told the whole tale from the words expressed in the letter to all you had spoken with Theinn.  Frigga stood from the table leaving, when you had told of your father’s explanation of your abilities.  Another time, you would ask her what she knew of it. 
“It seems child; you have made many people regret their treatment of you.  I hope you see it was a fault of theirs, mine included.  Never yours.”  You were unaccustomed to words like this and unsure of what to say so you merely bowed your head in thanks.  The rest of the meal went without an issue as conversations resumed.
There was no mistaking the heaviness in the air between Loki and you, as you sat close but you both understood this was not the place.  Too many ears and eyes about.  However, you were not going to prolong it for the sake of both of your sanities.  “Loki would you walk with me?”
He stilled as he finished his ale.  “Of course.”
Your friends had started to leave for their own tasks, allowing you both to the time to walk quietly towards the gardens.  It was the only place you knew there would be privacy without leaving the gates.  “I was relieved you returned safe, [Y/N].  I do not believe I would have made it through another disappearance.”
The sincerity in his words struck something within you that caused a smile.  “My apologies for frightening you.  It was not my intention.  When I received the letter, my mind thought of nothing else.  With how the days previous had been…”
“My turn for apologies.  I should not have spoken what I did.  I will no push you for something you are not willing or ready for.”  The fear that rolled off him was palpable.
“Please do not.”  The beauty of the gardens opened up before the two of you as you stepped out into the sunlight.  Turning to look up at him, you wanted to rest a hand on his chest but thought better of it.  Instead you picked a bloom close by and fiddled with it in between your fingers.  
“Much change has occurred recently and I was not ready for it all.  When you spoke… when you explained what you had thought of me after we…”  It was difficult to say the words.  “Shared that night… I was angry.  So very angry.  You followed it with a declaration of love, I could not reconcile them together.  It was too much.”
He looked as though he would speak apologies once more but you raised a brow with a smirk cautioning him forward.  “I will not say I was in my right mind.  You had been taken, I was ready to do anything in my power… give my life even if you would be returned safe.  Speaking with my brother then finding the ill thoughts I held onto for so long were not true… I swear to you I would have slit my own throat to take back ever foul word I had ever said and horrid action I had ever done.”
“Why could you have not trusted me?”  It took Loki a few moments to answer.  Staring at the ground beneath his feet because he could not bear to look at you yet.
“Why would anyone so, pure and magnificent as you, want the younger brother of Thor?  You were to be queen to he, who would be ruler of Asgard.  I was merely the shadow… the lesser brother.”  The words caused a break in your heart as you stepped close to comfort him.  A hand going to his cheek.
“You knew me better than that.  I would never have given something so precious to anyone unless it was meant.”  Loki closed his eyes, relishing in your touch.  He pressed his cheek further against your palm.
“[Y/N]… forgive me.  I will spend the rest of my days proving to you how much I regret everything I have done.” 
“Can you trust me?  Trust in what I say or what I may do?”  Opening his beautiful green eyes, he looked upon you as though you were his salvation.  While it warmed every bit of you down to your smallest toe, it caused a nervousness to grow within you.  How could you live up to something as that?
“I trust you with my life and would follow you to the end of all the realms.”  A wicked grin appeared on your face.  There was no doubting his vow.
“I will attempt to not find the edges of all of them, perhaps only a few.”  His low quiet laugh came just before he pulled you close, kissing your lips.  The surprise of it wore off quickly as the innocent kiss lingered.  His lips warm as they pressed you for more; his hand about your hip pulling you further against him.  
You hand held to the back of his neck as you lifted onto your toes to meet his touch.  As his tongue sought entrance to press and entwine with yours, the thoughts swirling in your mind left.  It felt as though there was nothing else in the realm but the two of you together, now.
Several moments later, you pulled back in an attempt to catch your breath.  While he allowed you to end the kiss, he did not let you pulled completely away.  You were still wrapped in his embrace.  “I will not apologize for that.  I have dreamed of that so many nights.”
With a shake of your head you smile.  “Nor will I.  Promise me, though.  I will not rush this.  I cannot.  I need time to…”
Loki shook his head, before resting it against yours.  “I will never force anything.  When you are ready, we will do so together.  I have not waited all my days to rush it to ruin so quickly.  My heart is yours, [Y/N].  I am not worthy of yours but I will do anything to keep it safe if and when you would give it to me.”
He left you unable to form any other words.  There truly was nothing else that could be said.  Loki loved you.  He loved you so much that he would wait until the end of time for you to heal and allow your heart to become his.
There was nothing else for him to prove.  Now you just had to let go and allow yourself that happiness.
Part 11
tags: @feelmyroarrrr  @bolontiku  @aquabrie   @malindacath  @almondbuttercup  @frenchfrostpudding @independentgirl   @lokislonelylady  @hollycornish @magpiemischief  @myclock  @xxxprettydeadgirlxxx  @mariadoghorses  @red-writer13 @magellan-88  @mirhem  @deepnachodelusion  @melkor--dreams  @ex-bookjunky @vagabondfairy  @cheyowl  @kindaace @whiskeyandwashitape  @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx  @thehotforhiddles @greenhands5 @studyblrlt  @marvelousmissfit  @saraholdtheh972  @sonia7atm @rosesandmischief  @accio-h0gwarts 
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corvidfeathers · 8 years
It was a happy coincidence that the de Rolos has a daughter so young, who happened to survive the tragic death of the rest of her family. She was just young enough to grow past that tragedy; she would come to love the Briarwoods more than she ever had her own family. 
Delilah could be sure of that.
The destruction of Cassandra de Rolo was a gradual thing.
(Warning for emotional and magical manipulation and brainwashing.)
“Lady Briarwood,” the voice startled Delilah out of her reverie. “I caught the girl in my workshop again.”
Lady Delilah Briarwood straightened, shaking off the cobwebs of indecision and doubt that had been gathering in the idle moment. Days in Whitestone were really suited for little, but some appearances had to be maintained, and on certain days she sat in the Whitestone throne room and heard the grievances of the townsfolk. There had been few, at first, and then many, and then few again, when the citizens of Whitestone learned what sentence dissent carried. It was mostly an empty gesture now, but Delilah carried it out anyway on occasion, letting a few peasants into the throne room if they were brave enough and humoring their ramblings until they displeased her. The days in Whitestone were long, without Silas by her side.
Baroness Anna Ripley was standing at the center of the throne room, looking annoyed. One of her hands was holding the wrist of a pale, dark-haired girl. There were twin lines of blood across one of her cheeks, and the girl was staring down at her shoes, her fists clenched, and every muscle speaking of the desire to get away from her captor. Ripley’s wrists bore similar marks as her face.
Delilah gathered all of her composure into a brilliant smile. One needed it when dealing with people like Ripley. “Anna,” she said, beckoning imperiously as if Ripley hadn’t already stepped into the room.
The wan light of a Whitestone noon shown through the stained-glass windows of the throne room. It glinted off of Ripley’s dark hair, and gave her pale skin a sickly hue, not unlike that of Delilah’s many servants. Delilah toyed with that thought, and then set it aside for another time.
“This child,” Ripley said. “Is becoming a nuisance. She’s interfering with my work.” She tugged on the girl’s wrist, bringing her closer. The girl let out a small cry… and then her eyes met Delilah’s and she went limp.
Delilah smiled. Cassandra de Rolo was one of the few unexpected yet wonderful things to come of her and Silas’ conquest of Whitestone. Children had always been something Delilah had wanted, back when her notions of the future had been vague and naïve and happy. Back when she had not had to plan and scheme and fight for her happiness. That particular facet of her desires was something she gladly discarded when Silas was brought back to her. He was enough. He was always enough.
But it was a happy coincidence that the de Rolos has a daughter so young, who happened to survive the tragic death of the rest of her family. She was just young enough to grow past that tragedy; she would come to love the Briarwoods more than she ever had her own family. Delilah could be sure of that.
“Cassandra,” Delilah said, standing up and stepping down from the dais on which her throne sat. “You mustn’t interfere with Baroness Ripley’s work. What she is doing is vital for all of our futures. For the future of humanity.” She couldn’t miss the derision that flashed through Ripley’s eyes, but she ignored it. What was important now was the girl.
Cassandra looked up at her with limp, silver eyes. Her dark hair fell past her shoulders, and hadn’t been cut in some time; Delilah would have to see to that. Just another little detail for her new life. For all their usefulness, undead servants did not possess much initiative of their own. She was wearing one of the gowns Delilah had commissioned for her, a dark velvet dress in the style of Wildmount. Cassandra dropped her gaze back to her shoes. “I’m sorry, my lady,” she murmured.
“It’s quite alright,” Delilah said, stepping closer to her. Her voice was soft and honey-sweet. She brushed a lock of hair back from the girl’s face. She was starting to go white along her temples. Some were better suited to strain than others, Delilah supposed, and the last two years had been… stressful for Cassandra. “It’s natural to be curious. But curiosity has its price. It killed the cat, did it not?”
Cassandra mumbled something indistinct. Her eyes were half-lidded, and her body slack. She was swaying slightly on her feet, leaning towards Delilah.
Ripley, who looked a bit unnerved, let go of Cassandra’s arm.
It all happened in a flash; suddenly Cassandra stiffened, and her arm flashed out towards Delilah’s chest. Something green and sharp sparkled in her palm, sending little refractions of dull light bouncing off the white stone of the throne room.
Delilah spoke a word, her hands moving, and Cassandra froze. The long, wicked-looking shard of residuum stopped a hair’s breadth away from Delilah’s throat.
Cassandra’s strained against the spell. Her eyes were wide and wild, her teeth clenched in a snarl, but she couldn’t open her mouth. The magic crackled in the air between them, holding her in place, no matter how hard she struggled.
“Again?” Delilah said. Her tone was still soft and honeyed. “How many times do we have to do this, Cassandra? How many times before you realize the truth? You’re bound to us in blood, child. You did that with your own hands. You’re a de Rolo no longer.” She cupped the girl’s chin in one hand. “You don’t have to keep fighting. It’s a credit to your strength… but you owe the dead nothing. You can give that up, now. Give up all of that unpleasantness.” Her voice dropped, low and sweet. “All of those painful memories. You don’t have to fight for them. You’re one of us now.”
The fragment of residuum tumbled from Cassandra’s fingers and shattered on the floor of the throne room. Out of the corner of her eye, Delilah saw Ripley start.
A tear rolled down Cassandra’s cheek, and then another. Behind the magic of Delilah’s holding spell, her limbs were trembling.
“You’re one of us now,” Delilah repeated, her voice layered with magic. Enchantments that had taken years to learn, enchantments to bend kings and worlds around her fingers. Against that, what defenses did a fifteen-year-old girl have? And still, she fought it.
Less and less, each time.
Cassandra’s muscles slackened again. If Delilah released the spell, she would fall.
“Don’t worry,” she murmured. “Sleep, for now. Sleep. We’ll talk in a bit.”
Cassandra’s eyes drifted closed. Delilah let go of the holding spell, and caught the girl in her arms. She barely weighed anything.
“Guard,” she called to one of the men by her throne. “Take young mistress Cassandra to her room, and see that she is not disturbed. Carefully!” she scolded, as the man took Cassandra from her. It was only after the door closed behind the guard that Delilah turned her attention back to Ripley.
It could have just been a trick of the light, but Ripley looked faintly disgusted. “I’m not one to walk away from a problem, especially not one as scientifically fascinating as this whole endeavor,” Ripley said. “But if your… side projects… continue to detract from my research, there are plenty of other avenues of discovery in the world, and plenty of other benefactors who could use my skills.”
That was a hollow threat, but it was in Delilah’s best interest that Ripley not know that, not yet. Ripley would never leave Whitestone alive, could never be allowed to leave Whitestone alive. Unlike Professor Anders, she was not a devotee of the Whispered One, just a mercenary scientist with few scruples and useful talents. Those talents weren’t common, so Delilah and Silas had to human her egotism and obsessions… to a point. It was important that Ripley continue to believe she would be able to take her money and walk away from this job no strings attached as per her custom. It kept her useful.
As soon as she ceased to be useful, Delilah was going to enjoy adding her to the ranks of her servants. For sure, it would be a loss to the world. Ripley would lose everything that made her useful, and interesting: those nimble fingers, those piercing eyes, that clever mind. It was an acceptable loss. Plenty of better people had died.
“My apologies, Baroness,” Delilah said. She smiled. “Cassandra is... something of a distraction, perhaps, but she’s important in maintaining control of the town. Through her, we can regulate and control the attempts at rebellion.”
Ripley’s lips curled into a sneer. “Peasants with pitchforks wouldn’t have much chance of winning against us anyway,” she said, but then pondered it for a moment. “But I suppose, in the long run, the girl saves us future disruptions.”
“Just so,” Delilah said. “I’ll keep a better eye on her, however. She won’t disturb your work again.”
Ripley eyed her warily. “Make sure she doesn’t.”
“Perhaps I can help make up for your wasted time,” Delilah said. “There are so many of my servants in this castle; far more than I or Silas could ever need. I could assign you a few to help you with your experiments…”
Ripley’s face twisted in something like contempt. “Those twitching pieces of meat wouldn’t do anything but hinder my experiments,” she snapped. “If I needed an assistant, I would hire someone living. I would dispose of them afterwards, if need be. But for the time being, I’m quite fine on my own.”
Delilah smiled. “As you wish,” she said. She stepped back up to her throne, and sat down once again. “Thank you for bringing the girl’s disobedience to my attention, Anna. You can return to your work now.”
Ripley stood still for a moment, an entertaining display of emotions playing over her features, and then turned on her heel and stalked from the room.
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