#i give hatch when i feel like it; but most of the time i jus want bps so i can lvl my other killers to get perks
moonlight-tmd · 7 months
LOL bee just makes himself a cocoon and nap :3
if he does end up napping all winter, how would the bot he's dating react for the first time and after? (could be blitz, prowl, or shock if ya want)
Hah, yeah. Bee would defo sleep off (most of) his first winter after being provided with so much comfy blankets and a heater. He stuff himself full of energon and oil and just goes to nap. He does wrap himself up in blankets like a cocoon- before he buried himself in an actual cocoon and after.
As i said in earlier posts on the AU, Prowl would be worried about Bee going offline if he's not in the right temperature. He does everything he can to provide Bee with warmth and as much fuel as needed. Bee loves to snuggle with Prowl when he's falling into hibernation and Prowl loves seeing Bee all comfy in his arms- he doesn't leave his side if not needed- only to refuel or for an emergency- If Sari wakes Bee up to play he'll scold her and be on watch the whole time Bee is playing out in the snow. The same thing happens every winter, Prowl is very worried about Bee even after he emerges from the cocoon.
Longarm(Shockwave) would just be confused af to why Bee isn't picking up his calls and then calls Optimus to know what the fuck is happening with his bf- he didn't know Bee was part-insecticon so that was a surprise, the hibernation protocol would explain why he's not responding. The next winter Longarm gives Bee the most comfy of blankets and pillows to hibernate on and even some high-nutrien energon so Bee doesn't run out of fuel in his system when he's hibernating. Longarm(Shockwave) loves to cuddle the newly-hatched Bee with all his fluff- even tho he's not big of a fan of organics, all that is thrown to the side cuz he just can't get enough of how cute Bee has gotten.
There is 2 routes for Blitzwing, they got together in Bee's 3rd year of being on earth, Blitz has been on the planet for a little over 1 year:
They're dating in secret- Blitz doesn't know what is happening, Bee just suddenly stopped showing up to their meetings when the snowfall happened. At first it was annoying but then he got worried, the longer it took the more dread of being abandoned yet again loomed over him. Then i imagine Bee, after being woken up by Sari to play, got stuffed with pure sugar and went out into the snowfall at night to meet Blitz, it was nearly 2 months since they last spoke... Blitzwing was about to leave, his Spark feeling crushed when he nearly bumped into cloaked Bee just coming from behind some trees. Blitz was so relieved and so worried cuz the moment he saw Bee all shaky and barely standing muttering the word 'cold' he took him to the nearest warehouse and lit a fire while also honding him close, it took great effort to stay mad at the little things and the cold that did this to Bee so his Hothead persona could warm Bee up like a heater. Once Bee was looking okay he was bombarded with questions; Bee was really sorry for having been absent for so long, of course he told Blitz the reason and what happened when it got cold. Blitz was having an internal fight for misassuming the reason and being grateful it was nothing serious. Bee of course gave him all the kisses he could muster in his sleepy state before needing to return to base cuz all the play in the snow earlier took a lot out of him. He promised Blitz that he'll come to meet him again as soon as the snow melts. Winters are so far the toughest of times for them, Blitzwing especially. He has to wait so long before seeing his beloved and he can't help but wonder how his little hummel looks like when he sleeps bundled up in blankets, all cozy.
If Blitzwing is openly dating with Bee and allowed in Autobot base, the moment Bee doesn't show up to their planned meeting twice, he's in on investigating shit- he'll go there and ask where, who and what. He's surprised to hear Bee's condition, Bee never told him- so he goes into his room and sees Bee all cozy in his berth. It utterly adorable. He just stays there and cuddles, pets and observes the tiny 'bot so comfy and cute in recharge. While he wishes Bee would wake up and talk with him he understands that Bee doesn't have control over it- the one time he visited when Sari woke him up he was so happy and surprised and a little worried. He spend the entire day playing and talking with him, Sari was jealous she got so little time to play with Bee.
In both scenarios, Blitzwing is surprised to see Bee change into a techno-organic but he loves him nonetheless and cuddles with him every chance given. Except Secret-Sparkmate Blitzwing has to suffer from not seeing his adorably cute Bee all cozy and sleepy til the spring comes.
that's all i got for the ships' reactions, thank you for reading!
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admrlthundrbolt · 8 months
You Dropped A Bomb On Me (Junkrat x Chubby Reader)
Being Mercy's head nurse was a pain sometimes, but gifts from your favorite rat man help sooth the ache.
Hey guys, I'm back. Trying to keep with the inclusive train. I've come to realize I have a fondness for rat men, so here's adding to the collection. Hope you enjoy.
The first time he had met you, he thought he was hallucinating. One of the most gorgeous being he had ever seen was tending to his wounds. “Oi must be dyin', ‘cause there's an angel fixin’ me up. “
Without missing a beat you said. “Angela he’s asking for you.”
“ Nah Sheila, meant ya. “
The sweet understanding smile you gave, washed over him like a sunrise. It was that moment that sealed his fate. You were the love of his life.
He hatched a plan. He give you every compliment he could.
“No explosion could eva match yer beauty. “
“I'd give up all me riches, jus ta see ya smile.”
“Ya look like ya would be tha perfect cuddle buddy.”
'“Thank you Mr. Fawkes” Was your usual answer. Though the last one did get a cute blush out of you.
When that didn't seem to get his point across he went to Roadhog for advice.
“What should oi do Roady? “m lost ere.” He looked over at his best friend, only to receive a shrug. “Oi know, it's a confusin' situation.”
Junkrat began pacing around his room. He’d point his finger up, then shake his head and begin again. The pattern repeated several times. Then he slammed his hand in his fist. “Oi got it. I’ll give her gifts in secret. Everyone loves a secret admirer. It's perfect.”
So his new plan began.
He asked anyone he could about what you liked. Took mental note of anything you mentioned. Being a frequent patient in the medical ward was paying off.
The first gift you received was some snack you had mentioned enjoying. It had a ragged bow tied to it and a messily written note wrapped in the ribbon.
It said, “Dear Angel,
Maybe this treat will be as sweet as you.
Love Your Secret Admirer."
Even with the mistakes you had no problem making it out. You had become used to Junkrat's messy scrawl. You might be one of the only people who could easily read his reports. So there was no mystery to who your admirer could be.
Though being a nurse, feeling under appreciated came with the job. So it made your heart glow at the gesture.
He peeked from around the corner he was hiding. His heart leaped into his throat at the sweet smile on your face. And you were none the wiser of who it was from. His plans couldn't be going any better.
The next gift came in a paper bag, with a similar ribbon and note. A surprisingly elegant hair clip was contained inside. It made you second guess who your admirer was, until you saw the note.
“Dear Angel,
When I saw this I thought of your beauty. It can’t compare, but I hope you like it.
Love Your Secret Admirer.”
There was that messy writing you were growing to love.
You immediately put it in your hair, fondly touching it throughout the day. It became one of your standard accessory after that.
He had been put out that he didn't see you open it. But everytime he saw the pride you had in wearing it, his mood would soar.
Then you walked to your desk after a grooling day and saw a plant. Not any plant though, it was a cactus with a bright yellow flower on top. In a clay pot and had a ribbon wrapped around it with a note attached.
“Dear Angel,
It may be prickly, but it will always keep you company on lonely nights. Like I hope to do some day.
Love Your Secret Admirer.”
This was the final nail in your heart's coffin. You had to do something about this situation or you would go insane. So it was now your turn to hatch a plan.
It had been a rough few days. He had been called away on an emergency mission. Though how helpful he was could be questioned. His timing was off, coulnd’t place his trap correctly, and couldn't focus on instructions.
He was nervous. The plan was to wait at your desk with the cactus and confess. Yet, Overwatch had other ideas. So when he made it back, he couldn't decide if a shower or you was top priority. Roady convinced him to shower. It was a luxury they rarely had in the past. Plus he wanted to be his best for you.
He didn't expect to see a boom box with a note tied to it with a ribbon. It was beat up, but with technology from the 20th century, that was pretty common. As thrilling as the boom box was, he was more interested in the note.
“Dear Sunshine,
It's been so wonderful getting gift from one of my favorite people. I’ve never felt more appreciation. I wanted to return the favor. I hope you enjoy the songs that remind me of you.
Love Your Angel
P.S. Meet me at the entrance to the Medbay at Midnight.”
He was shaking with excitement, but a little upset you had found him out. Looking over at the clock, he noticed that there was quite a bit of time before midnight. So why not listen to the mix tape.
He wasn't sure if every song was a match to him, but it was nice that you thought of him that way. His favorite had to be ‘You Dropped A Bomb On Me', it describe his feelings with you well.
Looking back at the clock he sighed. At least he had the tape to distract him.
You were pacing, you had been since you snuck the boom box into his room. You had gotten Roadhog in on your plan. When you brought up the idea to him, he nodded his head and laughed. He handed you the spare key to Junkrat's room and you told him to distract him when he gets back from the mission.
Everything went well so far. But the anticipation of what was to come still gave you anxiety.
You almost bumped into each other, rounding the corner in front of the Medbay door. Laughing at the silly moment you looked at each other in nervous anticipation.
Not being able to wait a moment more Junkrat took your hands into his own. His smile was brighter than a thousand watt bulb. “Oi wanted to tell ya how oi felt before oi left Angel.”
Your chest swelled with warmth. “I figured, but I wanted to return the favor. It’s nice to feel so appreciate, you deserved the same.”
His grin somehow shined more. “How ya find me out.”
With a breathy huff you said. “I’ve read your medical reports, your hand writing is all over them.” Then tired of the tension, you pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
He was beyond thought, this beautiful person was interested in him. With a love struck look he said. “Think oi could escort ya to tha cafeteria tomorrow?”
With another laugh you nodded and realised that this was the beginning of a wonderful adventure.
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Hey Y’all Animal Cruelty Warning
I don’t normally do this, but I just found out about something that has my blood boiling. I’ve been a pet owner my whole life—dogs, cats, and more—and have always considered pets to be family. Yes, even the fish I won at a fair; yes, even my chickens; yes, even the snakes.
Snakes can be a controversial pet—a lot of folks find them creepy. That’s perfectly fine, not everyone has to like the same thing. Some states have made owning certain snakes illegal; that’s also fine, assuming they’re doing so for the right reasons and handle it appropriately.
Then there’s Florida. In 2021, it became illegal to own reticulated and Burmese pythons in the state of Florida. This is because of an issue with them acting as an invasive species; due mostly to hurricanes, pet snakes in the wild became feral and were able to breed, resulting in native reptiles struggling to compete and occasionally becoming prey to the pythons.
That still leads to the trouble of persons who had owned pythons legally prior to 2021. Persons who legally owned these snakes before the ban are allowed to retain ownership until the pet’s death. Also, there is an amnesty program in place which allows exotic pet owners to continue caring for their animals until an appropriate home is found—this is run by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, or FWC.
Then this happened. More than thirty snakes were killed with a bolt gun, without anesthesia. Included among them was a boa constrictor named Big Shirl. Boas are not illegal pets. Big Shirl was pregnant at the time of her death—yes, I do mean pregnant, too, as boas give live birth and do not lay external eggs. In this video you can see Big Shirl writhing for several minutes after she was shot; Big Shirl was a beloved pet who had been part of her owner’s family for more than ten years, and as a boa, should have been in his life for at least ten more.
The owner was not present on his property when officers of the FWC came to kill his animals; the video above was taken by a friend who had worked with the owner for years and describes being present for the hatching of every snake they killed. He also had explained about the boa, who they were not to touch—the officers were aware of this, as shown by their own expressions after realizing they’d wrongfully killed Big Shirl. He can be heard on the video, clearly distraught by what was happening.
The video shows that the officer using the bolt gun is untrained and unfamiliar with the device; one officer poses for a picture with one of the snakes they killed, too. The animals are pulled out of their enclosures and shot in the head with the bolt gun without any anesthesia—most reptile vets do not use this method. In fact, snakes can be euthanized the same way a cat or dog can. These animals were slaughtered for no reason other than existing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I genuinely feel sick. These animals should have been safe—they were in their homes, being actively loved and cared for. I know I would be devastated if this were done to any of my pets—and when I think back on the temperament of the sweet little ball python I was lucky enough to help care for as a child, it makes me sick to think that someone could take such a trusting and loving creature from his safe place and deliver a slow, agonizing death. I just don’t have the words for how upset I am right now.
If any of you have the time, consider calling the people involved with the FWC. If you aren’t comfortable calling, here are all the emails I was able to find:
[email protected] Chief Communications Officer
[email protected] Acting Executive Director
[email protected] Deputy Chief of Staff
[email protected] Chief of Staff
[email protected] Chief Financial Officer
Please, please, please do what you can to help bring this to more people’s attention. Dozens of pets were just cruelly and unethically killed—these people need to understand how wrong what they did was, and they can only learn by being told. The owners and family of these reptiles deserve to know that they are not alone and that they have people who will support them.
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dljust · 2 years
Sesame grill
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Sesame grill how to#
Sesame grill full#
Sesame grill code#
Sesame grill free#
But every now and then, you’ll get a firey one, that can knock your socks off. Most of the time they’re pretty mild with a touch of heat that slowly develops. Shishito peppers are like a cross between a hatch chile pepper and a jalapeno. I hope you love this grilled sesame chicken recipe! If you make it be sure to leave a comment and a rating so I know how you liked it.By Christie Vanover | Published Septem| Last Updated July 11, 2022
Thai-Inspired Chicken Quinoa Salad in a Jar.
Grilled Tahini Chicken Caesar Sandwiches.
Baked or Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken (with the best honey mustard marinade!).
After cooking: make sure the cooked chicken has cooled completely, then store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
Before cooking: store the chicken and the marinade together in an airtight container or bag in the refrigerator one day ahead of time.
Sesame grill free#
Add it to a flavorful bowl of noodles for the perfect boost of proteinįeel free to store the sesame chicken in the marinade before cooking, or store the fully cooked chicken:.
Cut it into strips, place it on skewers, and dip it in this creamy peanut dressing.
Serve it with grilled vegetables and my coconut rice.
Add it to a sandwich or an easy wrap like this Crunchy Rainbow Thai-Inspired Peanut Chicken Wrap.
Top a veggie-packed salad like this Cashew Crunch Shredded Brussels Sprouts Salad, or this Spicy Cashew Chickpea Broccoli Salad.
Our fav ways to use this grilled sesame chicken Check out this guide to grilling perfectly juicy chicken every time. You’ll grill your chicken at 400 degrees F for about 6-8 minutes on each side.
To grill: we love grilled sesame chicken because it’s super quick & easy.
Get all of my tips for baking perfect chicken here!
To bake: you’ll want to bake your chicken on a parchment-lined baking sheet or in a baking dish at 400 degrees F for 20-30 minutes until the internal temp reads 165 degrees F.
Start by whisking together all of the marinade ingredients in a bowl, adding your chicken, and then marinating it in the fridge for at least 3o minutes or up to one hour. How to make delicious grilled sesame chicken
To garnish: I like to garnish the grilled sesame chicken with more sesame seeds and sliced green onions.
Sesame grill code#
Use the code ‘ambitiouskitchen’ to get 10% off my favorite brand, Soom!
Sesame add-ins: because this is a sesame chicken marinade, we’re also adding sesame seeds and tahini for a little creaminess.
Flavor & seasonings: the marinade gets plenty of sweet and savory flavor from low sodium soy sauce, fresh garlic and ginger, brown sugar or coconut sugar, and red pepper flakes.
We’ll be using rice vinegar in this marinade.
Vinegar: gotta have the “acid,” part, too, which makes the chicken tender.
I recommend using toasted sesame oil for an even bolder flavor.
Oil: the “fat” portion of the marinade comes from sesame oil.
Feel free to use the marinade for thighs or drumsticks, too!
Chicken: you’ll be marinating and cooking one pound of boneless skinless chicken breast.
The sweet and savory sesame chicken marinade gives the chicken such an incredible flavor and makes it tender and juicy when cooked. Ingredients in this grilled sesame chicken recipe This grilled sesame chicken checks all of the boxes - you’re going to LOVE the flavors.
Plenty of seasonings: like spices and fresh or dried herbs.
Sesame grill full#
Fat: from oil or even full fat yogurt or buttermilk.Get our FREE, printable e-book with all of the tips, tricks and tutorials you’ll need to gain confidence behind the grill this summer (and all year round!) Enter your email below to get the guide in your inbox.Įverything you’ll need to make a chicken marinadeĮvery chicken marinade needs 3 components to give you perfectly juicy, flavorful chicken every time: This one is a MUST for your dinner plans this month. I mean, just look at that rich color and those beautiful grill marks! It’s seriously so delicious on its own, and the team and I fell in love when we tested it earlier this summer. We love adding this juicy sesame chicken to all types of recipes: fresh, crunchy salads (hint: coming soon), rice or noodle bowls, or serving as-is with a side of veggies and coconut rice.
Sesame grill how to#
I’ve included instructions for how to bake or grill this chicken so yes, you can make it all year round! Starting with this incredible grilled sesame chicken made with an easy, super flavorful ginger sesame marinade that you’ll want to use for all of your meals. We’re already over halfway through August (what?!) so I have just a few more absolutely delicious, must-make summer recipes for you before we start diving head first into pumpkin season.
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//people who play survivor do realize killers aren't obligated to give them hatch right lmao
We have objectives, some people are going for adept and others jus want the bps. u aren't entitled to hatch because ur teammates played bad
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shyneanon · 3 years
I don't know what type of prompts you're looking for, but this idea has been on my mind for a while: swap MfSans and Princess. Where Sans is the one who's sick of mafia life and wants to leave, but his bro won't let him. On top of that, this flirty human woman won't leave him alone, even though he's told her a hundred times his bro will kill her if he finds her hitting on Sans.
Ahhhh an AU of my AU fanfic, that sounds so fun! I’ve been wanting to write this but was having a hard time thinking of the details, but I finally have something done. They’re not completely swapped in personalities or anything, mostly just in their roles in the story, but I hope you enjoy it.
Sans didn’t like going for walks.
But it was something Paps insisted on. Several times he’d tried shortcutting to cheat, but Paps always caught him. He was smart. So eventually Sans had given up.
Instead, he would head for the park on evenings when he wasn’t on the job (so to speak), sit there awhile, and then come back. Paps always thought he’d been walking all that time. Sometimes he even got nice cream, and Paps was none the wiser.
As usual, he found a park bench— one that he took up most of the room of— and sat. It was nice to be alone with his thoughts for a while. The park was a lot emptier and quieter at night. No kids. Most people at home with their families.
Their peace-loving, law-abiding families.
Sans did more thinking than most people realized. He had a lot of thoughts and opinions on things, he just… wasn’t very good at expressing them. He didn’t like talking— not even with his brother. Sometimes Paps didn’t really listen to him. That was particularly the case with Sans’ suggestions about how they could get out of the mob. He’d hatched several plans, but Paps told him they were too risky. It was best, he said, that they stay where they had money and power and could live comfortably.
Sans didn’t find the mob life particularly comfortable.
Quite the opposite— it felt stifling. And Paps wasn’t helping. He tried to stop Sans from talking to women— or, fun women, at least— because he had his own idea of what kind of girls Sans should be talking to. Girls in the mob, who were raised to be boring and submissive, and to lie through their teeth to avoid bothering their boyfriends. Being with someone who’d basically been trained like a dog to only do what would make him happy would just make him feel like trash.
Besides, if he married some mob boss’s girl, then there would only be more incentive for them to stay. And he didn’t want incentive to stay.
Oh shit.
Sans would recognize that voice anywhere. It was so… silky. He looked over and sure enough, there you were, a shopping bag in your hand. Probably having bought a dress for one of those fancy parties folks in the mob loved so much.
Sans hated you.
Well, he hated you because he liked you. You were exactly the kind of girl he didn’t want, and yet at the same time, you were everything he wanted in one… really sexy package.
Talking to you was a really bad idea. So he just tipped the brim of his hat slightly, looking away in an attempt to look uninterested. “Heya, doll.”
Much to his dismay, you sat next to him on the bench and smiled. The way you moved drew attention to your curves…. Were you doing it on purpose?
“It’s good to see you,” you told him. A playful smile. “I was feeling bonely.”
Sans tried— and failed— to stop himself from laughing a bit. Fuck, you were funny too….
“So?” You batted your lashes-- it was clearly playful, but it still made his soul flutter slightly, and he inwardly cursed himself for it. “How are you?”
You were smirking. He was pretty sure you reveled in driving him insane.
“Not as good now that you’re here,” he returned, and you snickered. Why was it cute?
“Aww,” you said. “I’m hurt.”
Sans didn’t reply, just forced himself to look away, despite how much he enjoyed looking at you.
He turned just a little, raising a brow. You had a massive grin on your face.
“Knock knock.”
He blinked and did his best not to look alarmed. Goddammit, no.
Not a knock knock joke.
“You’re supposed to say ‘Who’s there,’” you teased.
Fine. He would indulge you. The joke probably wouldn’t be that funny anyway. “Who’s there?”
“Nana who?”
“Nana your business.”
Before he could even try to stop himself he snorted loudly, slapping his knee a little. “That was fuckin’ stupid, doll.”
“That’s why it’s funny.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Aw, c’mon. You agree with me. Admit it.”
Your tone was so smug. Dammit, he was terrible at pretending he didn’t like you, wasn’t he?
“Besides, yours are dumber.” You nudged him. “C’mon, tell me one. You always have some.”
His face grew warm. He wasn’t used to people wanting to hear his jokes. Sure, making people groan was half the fun, but… making you laugh…
After an attempt at a nonchalant shrug, he said, “Knock knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Cash who?”
“Nah thanks, I prefer walnuts.”
You snorted and gave a giggle. Sans didn’t notice his smile soften. What he would give to make you laugh like that more often….
If only you weren’t in the mob.
He was lost enough in thought that he didn’t notice when you began to slip into his lap, only when you were about halfway in it. It wasn’t inherently sexual, but Sans’ mind was the type to go into the gutter easily, and… His face grew hot, and you raised a brow.
“Oh my, someone gets turned on a bit easily, huh?”
His face only got hotter. “S’just a blush,” he protested.
You clearly didn’t believe him, but you shrugged, still smiling. “Oh, alright. My mistake.”
“Yeah,” he said, furious that his face was still warm. “Yer mistake--”
“I’m sure you won’t mind if I do this then.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your body against his, giving him a wink, and he could feel himself growing warm… somewhere else.
“Y’know my brother wouldn’ be happy if he saw you here like this.” He kept his own hands from touching you, holding them out so that if Paps did suddenly show up for no discernible reason, he would see that Sans was clearly not reciprocating.
“Well too bad for him.” You leaned up, getting closer. “You can make your own decisions.” With a slight purr in your voice, you added, “You’re a big boy.”
You were close enough now that Sans could hear you even when you spoke softly.
“I’m sure there’s all kinds of things a big boy like you could do to a tiny girl like me….”
Why did everything about you… your voice, your body, your eyes… have to appeal so much to his most base instincts…?
And why’d you have to be so… wonderful?
“Just one kiss?” you whispered.
Sans didn’t protest when you pressed your soft, perfect lips against his teeth. In fact, he wrapped both arms around you, returning the affection. Your hands cupped his face and the touch sent shocks of electricity through him. He growled, his more aggressive instincts beginning to surface.
“Baby,” he purred, and you kissed him again, with more fervor this time. His hands went to your waist, and his mind began to slip into an incredibly racy fantasy. “Baby, I’m gonna…”
“You’re gonna what?” you asked, clearly excited.
His mind indulged itself in some very vivid imagery and he thought of a dirty response. He let out a predatory growl again, opening his eyes so he could make eye contact…
And then he realized what he was doing. He paused.
When he didn’t respond, you breathed, “What are you going to do to me, Sans?” and the primal part of him immediately started to dive back into its very explicit daydream, but the logical part of his mind managed to reel the rest of him in.
“I’m gonna… move ya back onto the bench,” he answered lamely, gently pushing you off his lap. Your flushed face (fuck, it was hot) quickly started to return to its usual color and you blinked, looking confused. Still, you complied, and to his surprise, looked away.
“Sorry,” you said. He wanted to tell you that yes, you should be, but instead it took all of his energy not to so much as put a hand on your shoulder. As much as he didn’t want to, he did like you.
Why did he have to like you?
“I, uh… jus’ gotta go, s’all,” he said, standing up. He turned away and tipped the brim of his hat. “See ya, dollface.”
He looked back over, a brow raised in suspicion, to see that your more mischievous smile had returned. Oh, what now?
“It’s getting dark,” you told him, getting up and picking up your shopping bag. “And I think that, being the small and helpless little lady I am… I could use an escort home?”
Sans felt the corner of his mouth quirk up. “Yeah? Worried for your safety?”
“Of course. The city’s big, and full of… unsavory characters.” You put a hand over your heart in mock fear. “One of them could get me, and… do things to me.” Another wink, and a sly smile. Sans struggled not to let himself slip into more fantasies. Thankfully, your mock concern was funny enough to keep him more or less grounded.
“Well,” he said, playing along with a shrug. “We can’t have that. I s’pose it would only be gentlemanly of me to take you home.”
“Yes, it would. And we both know you’re quite the gentleman.”
“Always.” His grin had returned-- in fact, he could swear he was grinning even more than usual-- and he held out his arm. “Madame?”
You locked arms with him, beaming. “Merci,” you said, and he laughed. All thoughts of avoiding you were ignored.
He was too busy having fun to care.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Unknown Muggleborn - Chapter 10
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3rd Person POV
Quirrell, however, must have been braver than Harry, Ron, and Hermione had thought. In the weeks that follow he did seem to be getting paler and thinner, but it didn't look as though he had cracked it.
Every time they pass the third-floor corridor, Harry and Ron would press their ears to the door to check that Fluffy is growling inside.
Whenever Harry passes Quirrell he gives him a small smile, and Ron started telling people off for his stutter.
Hermione and (Y/n) had more on their minds than the Sorcerer's Stone. Hermione had started drawing up study schedules and the two had been color-coding all their notes. Ron and Harry watch in amazement as (Y/n) launches into some complicated Potions thing at Hermione's request and the brunette begins jotting down notes.
Harry and wouldn't have minded, but Hermione kept nagging them to do the same.
"Hermione, the exams are ages away."
"Ten weeks," Hermione snaps.
"That's not ages," (Y/n) pipes up, "that's like a second to Nicholas Flamel."
"But we're not six hundred years old," Ron reminds her. "Anyway, what are you four studying for, you all ready know it all!"
"What are we studying for?" (Y/n) exclaims. "Are you crazy? You realize we need to pass these exams to get into our second year? They're very important, we should have started studying a month ago."
"I don't know what's gotten into me," Hermione chimes in.
Unfortunately, the teachers seem to be thinking along the same lines as Hermione and (Y/n). They pile so much homework on them that the Easter holidays weren't nearly as much fun as the Christmas ones. It is hard to relax with Hermione and (Y/n) next to you reciting the twelve uses of dragon's blood or practicing wand movements. Moaning and yawning, Harry and Ron spent most of their free time in the library with them, trying to get through all their extra work.
"I'll never remember this," Ron bursts out one afternoon, throwing down his quill and looking longingly out of the library windows. It is the first really fine day they'd had in months. The sky is a clear, forget-me-not blue, and there is a feeling in the air of summer coming.
Harry, who is looking up "Dittany" in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, didn't look up until he hears Ron says, "Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?"
Hagrid shuffles into view, hiding something behind his back. He looks very out of place in his moleskin overcoat.
"Jus' lookin'," he says, in a shifty voice that gets their interest at once. "An'what're you lot up ter?" He looks suddenly suspicious. "Yer not still lookin' fer Nicolas Flamel, are yeh?"
"Oh, we found out who he is ages ago," says Ron impressively. "And we know what that dog's guarding, it's a Sorcerer's St —"
"Shhhh!" Hagrid looks around quickly to see if anyone is listening."Don' go shoutin' about it, what's the matter with yeh?"
"There are a few things we wanted to ask you, as a matter of fact," says Harry, "about what's guarding the Stone, apart from Fluffy -"
"Don't rope me into this," (Y/n) says, not looking up from her potions notes.
"SHHH!" says Hagrid again. "Listen - come an' see me later, I'm not promisin' I'll tell yeh anythin', mind, but don' go rabbitin' about it in here, studens aren' s'pposed ter know. They'll think I've told yeh-"
"See you later, then," says Harry.
Hagrid shuffles off.
"What was he hiding behind his back?" says Hermione thoughtfully.
"Do you think it had anything to do with the Stone?" Harry wonders.
"I'm going to see what section he was in," says Ron, who'd had enough of working. He comes back a minute later with a pile of books in his arms and slams them down on the table. "Dragons!" he whispers. "Hagrid was looking up stuff about dragons!Look at these: Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland; From Egg to Inferno, A Dragon Keeper's Guide."
"Hagrid's always wanted a dragon, he told me so the first time I ever met him."
"But it's against our laws," (Y/n) comments, still gazing down at her notes, Snape had told her that he was giving her a more advanced exam than everyone else's. "Dragon breeding was outlawed by the Warlocks' Convention of 1709."
"Everyone knows that," Ron agrees. "It's hard to stop Muggles from noticing us if we're keeping dragons in the back garden - anyway, you can't tame dragons, it's dangerous. You should see the burns Charlie's got of wild ones in Romania."
"But there aren't wild dragons in Britain?" asks Harry.
"Of course there are," says Ron. "Common Welsh Green and Hebridean Blacks. The Ministry of Magic has a job hushing them up, I can tell you. Our kind have to keep putting spells on Muggles have spotted them, to make them forget."
"So what on earth is Hagrid up to?" wonders Hermione wonders aloud.
. . .
When they knock on the gamekeeper's hut an hour later, they are surprised to see that ll the curtains are closed. Hagrid calls, "Who is it?" before he had let them in, and then shuts the door quickly behind them.
It is stifling hot inside, and (Y/n) rolls up the sleeves of her shirt and Fang jumps into her lap.
"So - yeh wanted to ask me something?"
"Yes," says Harry, seeing no point in beating around the bush. "We were -"
"Not me, just to be clear," (Y/n) interjects and Hagrid glances gratefully at her.
"Wondering," Harry continues, "if you could tell us what's guarding eh Sorcerer's Stone apart from Fluffy."
Hagrid frowns at him. "O' course I can't," he says. "Number one, I don' know meself. Number two, yeh know too much already, so I wouldn' tell yeh if I could. That Stone's here fer a good reason. It was almost stolen outta Gringotts — Is'ppose yeh've worked that out an' all? Beats me how yeh even know abou' Fluffy."
"Oh, come on, Hagrid, you might want to tell us," Hermione begins."But you do know, you know everything that goes on around here," she finishes in a warm, flattering voice. Hagrid's beard twitches and they can tell he is smiling."We only wondered who had done the guarding, really," Hermione continues. "We wondered who Dumbledore had trusted enough to help him, apart from you."
Hagrid's chest swells at the last words and Harry and Ron beam at Hermione, (Y/n) scratching Fang behind the ears.
"Well, I don' s'pose it could hurt ter tell yeh that . . . let's see . . . he borrowed Fluffy from me . . . then some o' the teachers did enchantments . . .Professor Sprout — Professor Flitwick — Professor McGonagall —" he ticks them off on his fingers, "Professor Quirrell — an' Dumbledore himself did somethin', o' course. Hang on, I've forgotten someone. Oh yeah, Professor Snape."
"Snape?" Harry asks.
"Yeah — yer not still on abou' that, are yeh? Look, Snape helped protect the Stone, he's not about ter steal it."
Harry knows Ron and Hermione are thinking the same as he is. If Snape had been in on protecting the Stone, it must have been easy to find out how the other teachers had guarded it. He probably knew everything — except, it seemed, Quirrell's spell and how to get past Fluffy.
"You're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy, aren't you, Hagrid?" asks Harry anxiously. "And you wouldn't tell anyone, would you? Not even one of the teachers?"
"Not a soul knows except me an' Dumbledore," says Hagrid proudly.
"Well, that's something," Harry mutters to the others, (Y/n) rolling her eyes. "Hagrid, can we have a window open? I'm boiling."
"Can't, Harry, sorry," says Hagrid. (Y/n) notices him glance at the fire, and she looks at it, too.
"Hagrid — what's that?" But she already knows what is. In the very heart of the fire, underneath the kettle, is a huge, black egg. She nudges Fang off her and crouches in front of the fire.
"Ah," says Hagrid, fiddling nervously with his beard, "That's — er . . ."
"Where did you get it, Hagrid?" (Y/n) asks, studying the black egg.
"It must've cost you a fortune," Ron pipes up, crouching beside (Y/n).
"Won it," answers Hagrid. "Las' night. I was down in the village havin' a few drinks an' got into a game o' cards with a stranger. Think he was quite glad ter get rid of it, ter be honest."
"But what are you going to do with it when it's hatched?" wonders Hermione.
"Well, I've bin doin' some readin'," says Hagrid, pulling a large book from under his pillow. "Got this outta the library — Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit — it's a bit outta date, o' course, but it's all in here. Keep the eggi n the fire, 'cause their mothers breathe on 'em, see, an' when it hatches, feed it on a bucket o' brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour. An' see here — how ter recognize diff'rent eggs — what I got there's a Norwegian Ridgeback. They're rare, them."
Hagrid looks very pleased with himself, but Hermione doesn't look pleased at all. "Hagrid," she exclaims, "you live in a wooden house!" But Hagrid isn't listening. He is humming merrily as he stokes the fire.
. . .
So now they have something else to worry about: what might happen to Hagrid if anyone found out he's hiding an illegal dragon in his hut.
"Wonder what it's like to have a peaceful life," Ron sighs, as evening after evening they struggle through all the extra homework they were getting. Hermione had started making study schedules for Harry and Ron, too. And it was driving them nuts.
Then, one breakfast time, Hedwig brings Harry a note from Hagrid. He had written only two words: It's hatching.
Ron wanted to skip Herbology and go straight down to the hut, but Hermione wouldn't hear of it.
"Hermione, how many times in our lives are we going to see a dragon hatching?" Ron asks.
"We've got lessons, we'll get into trouble, and that's nothing to what Hagrid's going to be in when someone finds out what he's doing -"
"Shut up!" Harry whispers.
Malfoy was only a few feet away and he had stopped dead to listen. (Y/n) turns to give him a glare and the blond scampers off, reminding (Y/n) of a little ferret.
Ron and Hermione argue all the way to Herbology and in the end, she agrees to run down Hagrid's with the other five during morning break. When the bell sounds from the castle at the end of their lesson, the three of them drop their trowels at once and hurry through the grounds to the edge of the forest. Hagrid greet them, looking flushed and excited.
"It's nearly out," Hagrid ushers them inside.
The egg is lying on the table. There are deep cracks in it. Something is moving inside; a funny clicking noise was coming from it.
The five draw their chairs up to the table and watch with bated breath.
All at once there is a scraping noise and the egg splits open. The baby dragon flops onto the table. It isn't exactly pretty, Harry thinks. It's spiny wings are huge compared to it's skinny jet body, it has a long snout with wide nostrils, the stubs of horns and bulging, orange eyes.
It sneezes, a couple of sparks flying out of it's snout.
"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid murmurs. He reaches out a hand to stroke the dragon's head. It snaps at his fingers, showing pointed fangs. "Bless him, look, he knows his mummy!" exclaims Hagrid.
"Hagrid," says Hermione, "how fast do Norwegian Ridgebacks grow, exactly?"
Hagrid is about to answer when the color suddenly drained from his face - he leaps to his feet and runs to the window.
"What's the matter?" (Y/n) asks.
"Someone was lookin' through the gap in the curtains - it's a kid - he's runnin' back up ter the school."
(Y/n) bolts to the door and looks out. Even at a distance there is no mistaking him.
Malfoy had seen the dragon.
. . .
Something about the smile lurking on Malfoy's face during the last week made Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/n) very nervous. They spend most of their free time in Hagrid's darkened hut, trying to reason with him.
"Just let him go," Harry urges.
"I can't he'll die," Hagrid says. "He's too little."
They look at the dragon. It had grown three times in length in just a week, smoke furling out of its nostrils. Hagrid hadn't been doing his gamekeeping duties because the dragon was keeping him so busy. There are empty brandy bottles and chicken feathers all over the floor.
"I've decided to call him Norbert," says Hagrid, looking at the dragon with misty eyes. "He really knows me now, watch. Norbert! Norbert! Where's Mummy?"
"He's lost his marbles," Ron mutters in Harry's ear.
"Hagrid," says Hermione loudly, "give it two weeks and Norbert's going to be as long as your house. Malfoy could go to Dumbledore at any moment."
Hagrid bites his lip. "I — I know I can't keep him forever, but I can't jus' dump him, I can't."
Harry suddenly turns to Ron."Charlie," he says.
"You're losing it, too," said Ron. "I'm Ron, remember?"
"No — Charlie — your brother, Charlie. In Romania. Studying dragons. We could send Norbert to him. Charlie can take care of him and then put him back in the wild!"
"Brilliant!" exclaims Ron. "How about it, Hagrid?"
And in the end, Hagrid agrees that they could send an owl to Charlie to ask him.
The following week drags by. Wednesday night found Hermione, Harry, and (Y/n) sitting alone in the common room, long after everyone else had gone to bed. The clock on the wall had just chimed midnight when the portrait hole burst open. Ron appears out of nowhere as he pulled off Harry's Invisibility Cloak. He had been down at Hagrid's hut, helping him feed Norbert, who was now eating dead rats by the crate.
"It bit me!" he says, showing them his hand, which was wrapped in a bloody handkerchief. "I'm not going to be able to hold a quill for a week. I tell you, that dragon's the most horrible animal I've ever met, but the way Hagrid goes on about it, you'd think it was a fluffy little bunny rabbit. When it bit me he told me off for frightening it. And when I left, he was singing it a lullaby."
There is a tap on the dark window.
"It's Hedwig!" (Y/n) says, hurrying to let her in. "She'll have Charlie's answer!"
The six of them put their heads together to read the note.
Dear Ron,
How are you? Thanks for the letter — I'd be glad to take the Norwegian Ridgeback, but it won't be easy getting him here. I think the best thing will be to send him over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. Trouble is, they mustn't be seen carrying an illegal dragon.
Could you get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday? They can meet you there and take him away while it's till dark.
Send me an answer as soon as possible.
Love, Charlie
They look at one another.
"We've got the Invisibility Cloak," says Harry. "It shouldn't be too difficult - I think the cloak's big enough to cover three of us and Norbert."
It was a mark of how bad the last week had been that the other five agree with him. Anything to get rid of Norbert - and Malfoy.
There was a hitch. By the next morning, Ron's bitten hand had swollen to twice its usual size. He didn't know whether it was safe to go to Madam Pomfrey - would she recognize a dragon bite? By the afternoon, though, he had no choice. The cut had turned a nasty shade of green. It looked as if Norbert's fangs were poisonous.
Harry, Hermione, and (Y/n) rush up to the hospital wing at the end of the day to find Ron in a terrible state in bed.
"It's not just my hand," he whispers, "although that feels like it's about to fall off. Malfoy told Madam Pomfrey he wanted to borrow one of my books so he could come and have a good laugh at me. He kept threatening to tell her what really bit me — I've told her it was a dog, but I don't think she believes me — I shouldn't have hit him at the Quidditch match, that's why he's doing this."
The other three try to calm Ron down.
"It'll all be over at midnight on Saturday," says Iliana gently, but this didn't soothe Ron at all. On the contrary, he sits bolt upright and broke into a sweat.
"Midnight on Saturday!" he says in a hoarse voice. "Oh no — oh no —I've just remembered — Charlie's letter was in that book Malfoy took, he's going to know we're getting rid of Norbert."
The others didn't get a chance to answer. Madam Pomfrey came over at that moment and made them leave, saying Ron needed sleep.
. . .
"It's too late to change the plan now," (Y/n) murmurs to the others. "We haven't got time to send Charlie another owl."
"This could be our only chance to get rid of Norbert," Harry adds. "We'll have to risk it, and we have got the Invisibility Cloak, Malfoy doesn't know about that."
They find Fang sitting outside with a bandaged tail when they go to tell Hagrid, who opens a window to talk to them.
(Y/n) crouches beside the large boarhound, scratching behind Fang's ears.
"I won't let you in," Hagrid puffs. "Norbert's at a tricky stage — nothin' I can't handle."
When they tell him about Charlie's letter, his eyes fill with tears, although that might have just been because Norbert had just bitten him on the leg.
"Aargh! It's all right, he only got my boot — jus' playin'— he's only a baby, after all."
The 'baby' bangs its tail on the wall, making the windows rattle. Harry, Hermione, and (Y/n) walk back to the castle, feeling as though Saturday couldn't come quickly enough.
. . .
They would have felt sorry for Hagrid when the time came to say good-bye to Norbert if they hadn't been so worried about what they had to do.
It was a very dark, cloudy night, and they were a bit late arriving at Hagrid's hut because they'd have to wait for Peeves to get out of their way in the entrance hall, where he'd been playing tennis against teh wall.
Hagrid had Norbert packed and ready in a large crate.
"He's got lots o' rats an' some brandy fer the journey," says Hagrid in a muffled voice. "An' I've packed his teddy bear in case he gets lonely."
From inside the crate comes ripping noises that sound to (Y/n) as though the teddy is having his head torn off.
"Bye-bye, Norbert!" Hagrid sobs, as Harry, (Y/n), and Hermione cover the crate with the Invisibility Cloak and step underneath it themselves."Mummy will never forget you!"
How they managed to get the crate back up to the castle, they never knew.Midnight ticks nearer as they heave Norbert up the marble staircase in the entrance hall and along the dark corridors. Up another staircase, then another— even one of Harry's shortcuts didn't make the work much easier.
"Nearly there!" Harry pants as they reach the corridor beneath the tallest tower.
Then a sudden movement ahead of them makes them almost drop the crate. Forgetting that they were already invisible, they shrink into the shadows, staring at the dark outlines of two people grappling with each other, ten feet away.
A lamp flares.
Professor McGonagall, in a tartan bathrobe and a hair net, has Malfoy by the ear. "Detention!" she shouts. "And twenty points from Slytherin! Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you —"
"You don't understand, Professor. Harry Potter and (Y/n) (L/n) are coming — they've got a dragon!"
"What utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies! Come on - I shall see Professor Snape about you, Malfoy!"
The steep spiral staircase up to the top of the tower seems the easiest thing in the world after that. Not until they'd stepped out into the cold night air, did they throw off the Cloak, glad to be able do breathe properly again. Hermione does a sort of jig.
"Malfoy's got detention! I could sing!"
"Don't," (Y/n) smiles warmly at her sister. "You know that's my thing."
Chuckling about Malfoy, they wait, Norbert thrashing about in his crate. About ten minutes later, four broomsticks come swooping down out of the darkness.
Charlie's friends were a cheery lot. They show Harry, Hermione, and (Y/n) the harness they'd rigged up, so they could suspend Norbert between them. They all help buckle Norbert safely into it and then Harry, (Y/n), and Hermione shake hands with the others and thank them very much.
At last, Norbert was going . . . going . . . gone.
Harry and Hermione slip back down the spiral staircase and (Y/n) grabs the Invisibility Cloak. She darts down the stairs when she hears a noise coming from the end of the hall and throws the Cloak over Harry and Hermione.
As the figure steps out, Filch's have looms suddenly out of the darkness. "Well, well, well," he leers at (Y/n). "You are in trouble, aren't you.
Harry and Hermione watch in shock and horror as Filch grabs (Y/n)'s upper arm and begins dragging her down the corridor.
Word Count: 3574 words
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bbyx · 4 years
ripple effect - part six
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Summary: During her fourth year at Hogwarts, (y/n) Deauxville falls for none other than Cedric Diggory. But it's not easy when you have to deal with protecting your family's fortune, keeping your father's illness a secret and having two of your closest friends catch feelings for you.
Pairings : reader x cedric, reader x draco, reader x harry
It was Friday morning, the first week had gone relatively fast. (y/n) was still angry with Draco so she decided to sit at the Gryffindor table. She was popular enough that she didn't get to many glares as she sat down with her friends with her green robes.  You yawn, having spent all night studying.
"I have a quiz in muggle studies today"
"Who do you have class with?" Ron asks
"Ravenclaw" You sigh and bury your head in your hands " I'm bound to have the worst mark in the class."
"At least we have Care of Magical Creatures together." Hermione says playing with a strand of your hair.
You stare at your class notes trying to drill them into your brain.
"Guys, who killed Lincoln again"
"I didn't do it!" Fred screeches.
"I have an alibi! I swear!" George adds wearing an identical grin as his twin.
"John Wilkes Booth"
"Thank you Hermione" You answer glaring at the twins.
"You're eating again, I notice" Ron says to Hermione who's buttering a toast.
"I've decided there are better ways to make a stand about elf rights."
"Yeah....and you were hungry."
You, Daphne and Millicent walk down to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical creatures.
"Ew what is that?" Millicent says pointing to the cage with strange lobster scorpion hybrids.
"Blast Ended Skrewts!" bellows Hagrid excitedly.
"Oh wow they're... interesting."
"Eurgh" squeals Lavender Brown.
"On'y jus' hatched," said Hagrid proudly, "so yeh'll be able ter raise 'em yerselves! Thought we'd make a bit of a project of it!"
"And why would we want to raise them?" says Draco turning his nose up.
(y/n) picks up some frog liver, trying not to gag and drops it inside the box of skrewts. A flash erupts from the rear end of one of the creatures and she feels a sharp pain in her right hand.
"Ow! Shit! It burned me."
You look at your shaking fingers, whimpering. Your index and part of your middle finger were bright red and blisters were starting to form all over. You bite back tears as a pale pair of hands grab yours.
"(y/n)! Are you alright?" Draco says with a frown as he looks down at your fingers "Bloody hell that looks bad. Come I'll take you to the infirmary."
Hagrid steps forward and tries to inspect your injury but Draco starts pulling you away.
"My father will hear about this." He spits out venomously.
Draco leads you inside the castle.
"Not gonna faint on me this time?"
You smile through the pain. "That was ONE time!" You say thinking back to when you and Draco were little and you fainted on him after scraping your knees.
"Not another one!" Madam Pomfrey exclaims as you walk inside the infirmary already full of students who were burned or stung by the skrewts. She grabs your hand "This is pretty bad" she mutters  quietly " You must have been close to the blast."
"Okay that's it (y/n). I'm taking you to St.Mungos right away." Draco says, looking paler than usual.
You roll your eyes at him. He's always been an overreactor
"Nonsense! Absolute nonsense! I'll have it fixed in a jiffy." huffs Madam Pomfrey, pulling out a turquoise paste from her apron. As soon as the minty paste touches your skin it instantly numbs the pain and makes your hand feel very cold.
"Apply this every morning for a week and you'll be just fine." She says, handing you the paste in your healthy hand.
You string together a few thank yous and slip out of the infirmary. You're walking next to Draco when he grabs your forearm and forces you to face him.
"(y/n) i'm sorry."
You let out a silent sigh of relief because some part of you feared that he would never apologize and your friendship would never be the same.
"For what?" (y/n) wanted to drag out his apology, she wanted to savour this moment, to embed it in her memory forever because Draco Malfoy never apologizes. She's known Draco since before he could talk and she swears he's only apologized to her twice.
"For being a dick." He says grudgingly.
"And being rude to your friends." He chokes the words out like saying them was physically hurting him. He looks so uncomfortable that it's nearly impossible not to keep going.
He signs and turns slightly pink "Because I was jealous."
"That wasn't that hard now was it Drakey?" You had about a thousand nicknames for Draco like Drakey, Dracula, Dee, Little Lucius, Casper the Ghost ect.
"Never doing that again." He scoffs.
"So you forgive me?" You nod. "Really? huh.Thought you would give me a harder time."
You laugh. You've missed this, how easy everything was with him.
"Yes well I need my study partner back before the Muggle Studies quiz."
"Study partner? Please! I'm practically your tutor."
"Whatever shut up Dee."
(y/n) was the last one to leave the Muggle Studies classroom after taking forever to finish her quiz. It wasn't that she wasn't smart but she had had a lot on her mind the past two years and it was taking a toll on her grades. And Muggles were so bloody complicated. She walks into the courtyard just in time to see Professor Moody turn Draco into a small white ferret.
There was a terrified silence and (y/n) ran forward and kneeled on the floor to pick up the ferret.
"LEAVE IT!" Moody shouted.
"Leave — what?" Harry said, bewildered.
"Not you — her!" Moody growled.
Before you could turn around the ferret leaped out of your hands towards the dungeons.
"I don't think so!" roared Moody. He proceeded to levitate the ferret and slam it back and forth into the ground. You wince every time the ferret hits the floor but find yourself unable to move. Finally Professor McGonagall steps in and turns the ferret back into Draco. You practically jump on him, hugging him tightly while McGonagall scolds Moody.
"Are you alright? Are you hurt? Can you walk?"
"I'm fine" He huffs staring daggers at Harry but when he sees your worried expression his eyes soften and he offers you a slight smile. "Really, i'm all good"
His eyes are still glossed over when he mumbles in your ear "Just wait until I tell father about this"
"Oh yeah?" said Moody quietly, limping forward a few steps, "Well, I know your father, boy. . . . You tell him Moody's keeping a close eye on his son . . . you tell him that from me. . . . " He looks at you dead in the eyes, sending a violent shiver down your back. "That goes for you as well. Now, your Head of House'll be Snape, will it?" He takes Draco's arm and roughly shoves him towards the castle. You stay fixed in your spot pondering Moody's words.
"Don't talk to me," Ron said quietly to Harry, Hermione and (y/n)
"Why not?" said Hermione in surprise.
"Because I want to fix that in my memory forever," said Ron, his eyes closed and an uplifted expression on his face. "Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret . . ."
"Shut up Ron"
"C'mon I know you secretly loved watching Draco get his ass handed to him on a platter." He nudges you with his elbow.
A small smile hints at your lips. "Maybe a little"
It was Saturday morning, and you were sitting at the Slytherin table. Everyone was avoiding the topic of Professor Moody because Malfoy was still fuming about yesterday's incident.
"What's that?" says Theo pointing at your SPEW badge.
"Hermione's starting a society for the promotion of elfish welfare." The whole group burst into hysterics but you silence them with a lethal glare. Pansy practically skips over and squeezes herself between you and Blaise.
"Oooh Dracooo? Will you come to Hogsmeade with me today? I really need to buy something, pleaseee?"
"What are you buying?" He answers cooly.
"Guess! It's something I really need." She says with what you think is supposed to be puppy dog eyes but it just throws her facial proportions even more off.
"A personality?" You spit out venously. As if on cue Daphne adds " Some friends maybe?"
Pansy scoffs and turns back to Draco. "I need an owl."
Blaise jumps in, saving Draco "Draco didn't you say we would go buy new quidditch robes today."
"Oh right. Sorry Pansy"
(y/n) starts thinking about her owl, Juniper. Juniper is a streaked brown and white barn owl. Juniper didn't live in the Hogwarts Owlery. Instead she lived at the Deauxville Manor and it was specially trained to take your fathers letters before he could see them. Then Juniper would bring them to you and you would respond to your father's business letters for him. Reading your father's mail had felt uncomfortable at first but you had to remember that you were just trying to save his life’s work.
You watch Daphnee and Millicent blush and Draco clench his jaw. "Ready to go?"
You turn to see Cedric looking a little uncomfortable under the glares that most of the Slytherin boys were giving him. You give him your most reassuring smile.
"Yeah, let's go before my brother kills you."
He holds out his hand to help you up take it, feeling an electric rush pass through your arm as you do. Walking out, it seems that every single person in the Great Hall has their eyes fixed on the couple. Cedric doesn't seem to notice and throws you a chocolate frog. You catch it with ease.
"How do you have so many of these?"
"Easy. I have a box of them with (y/n) written in big red letters on it." He says with a grin as you plop the frog in your mouth.
"So what do you want to do?" Cedric asks while the two of you walk.
"I'm not sure. Let's go have butterbeers."
You're waiting at a booth in the Three Broomsticks while Cedric goes to buy two butterbeers. He hands you a mug full of rich brown liquid.
"Thank you."
"No problem at all" He pulls out a red liquorice wand and snaps it in half. He slides you a piece.
"Cedriccc. First of all where are you getting all these sweets from, second of all licorice is eurgh."
He shakes his head. " No, no, no. See this?" He says holding out the candy.  "This is RED licorice. It's big in the United States, tastes completely different. I want you to try it."
"No please don't make me. I'll throw up on you I swear" You plead.
"Fine!" You finally give in when he flashes you his breathtaking lopsided grin. "You are so stubborn!" You slowly drop the red candy in your mouth. You expect the nauseating taste of molasses to take over but surprisingly all you taste is strawberries.
"Cedric! This is kind of good." You say while chewing. He laughs and your hands brush slightly together as he gives you another piece which makes your cheeks go red.
"So who do you think is gonna be the impartial judge who decides the champions?" You ask quickly hoping to distract him from your embarrassing blushing.
"Eh, maybe the sorting hat?"
"I hope the hat doesn't pick Nick then because he wouldn't last five seconds."
"Come on, give him some credit, he's pretty talented in transfiguration."
"Wouldn't know, we barely talk anymore." Your voice takes a bitter tone.
"Is that why you didn't come to St.Tropez this summer."
"Yeah and I had to take care of family stuff." You say not wanting to look at his face because it would make lying so much harder.
He grabs your hand on the table. "(y/n) I know your dad is sick."
"NICK TOLD YOU?? I'M GONNA KILL HIM HE REALLY IS A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT" You jump up raising your voice, everyone in the bar looking at you. Cedric's face stays calm and compassionate.
"Please calm down, let me explain." He grabs your hand and forces you to sit. "During the summer I found Nick crying by the pool one night. He didn't say much, just that your father was sick and there was no cure. He was really upset and kept mumbling stuff about being a shit brother and such. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. I just wanted you to know that i'm here for you."
Cedric slides closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. You rest your head on him.
"Alzeihmer's" you whisper.
"He has Alzeihmer's. He can't even remember my name most days." He wraps his other arm around you, engulfing you in a hug.
"God (y/n). I'm so sorry."
" It's okay, I've become a little bit numb to it all." You breathe in his scent. "Cedric you can't tell anybody okay? Promise me."
"I promise" He whispers and squeezes you tighter.
You stayed like that for a while, it was nice, for once your thoughts seemed to come to a stop as you focused on Cedric's heartbeat.
(y/n) and Cedric walk back to the castle. She has a bag full of candies from Honeydukes and bag with a pair of earrings for Millicent's birthday. He's holding your hand which makes your little heart do backflips in your chest.
"So what happened to your right hand?"
" A blast ended skrewt's ass exploded on me.'
He picks up your other hand and gives it a small kiss. "There. All better."
You try to contain the furious blush dotting your cheeks as you laugh. "You're so cheesy Ced."
"No but seriously I think there's a plant in the Hufflepuff common room that can help with the blisters."
"Whoa watch out for Cedric Diggory, future Mediwizard."
He smirks. "Dr.Diggory does sound pretty nice."
"Well Dr.Diggory how does it feel to have the second nicest common room."
"You're kidding right? Hufflepuff has THE nicest common room. It's next to the kitchens, it has plants, it always smells like cinnamon..." He keeps listing reasons why his common room is the nicest all the way to the castle.
"Unfortunately Cedric" You say standing in front of the entrance to the Slytherin common room. "This still remains the best common room."
Cedric is about to answer but you stop him in his tracks by standing on your tiptoes and kissing him on the cheek.
"Bye Dr.Diggory" You whisper in his ear before slipping inside.
The whole school was buzzing because today was the day that the delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were arriving. All the Hogwarts students were waiting outside for their grand entrance. Dumbledore smiles and calmly says.
"Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!"
"Where?" said many students eagerly, all looking in different directions.
"There!" yelled a sixth year, pointing over the forest.
Something large, much larger than a broomstick — or, indeed, a hundred broomsticks — was hurtling across the deep blue sky toward the castle, growing larger all the time.
"It's a dragon!" shrieked one of the first years, losing her head completely.
"Don't be stupid . . . it's a flying house!" said Dennis Creevey.
When the thing gets closer, you realise that it's an ornate powder blue carriage pulled by a giant winged horse. It comes to a stop and a boy in pale blue robes comes out and pulls out small golden steps. A comically huge woman walks out and greets Dumbledore in a thick accent. (y/n) spots Cedric in the crowd and he waves enthusiastically.
The Black lake starts to bubble and the water separates, a thick brown pole sticks out. A big wooden boat starts emerging from the hole. Durmstrang students start filing out of the boat. They were all muscular and bulky. You take a moment to look at the contrast between the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students. Ron gasps and jumps up.
"Harry — it's Krum!"
But you don't hear him because in the crowd you've spotted a familiar face in pale blue robes eyeing you. A beautifully creamy face wearing a very hateful expression.
Your cousin Fleur has arrived at Hogwarts.
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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RP Log: Rising takes Cravs out to skyfish. Egg fish.
Rising Lotus still looked a bit wobbly on her feet as they made their way through the aetheryte plaza. "Ugh, wasn't even a long airship trip..." she took a few deep breaths, trying to collect herself now that they were on solid land... more or less.
Cravendy Hound , in contrast, is in high spirits. She steps out onto the floating island with wonder lighting up her eyes, and she dashes out to an edge to get a better look. "Risin', ye got to work on yer sea legs...or air legs, in this case? Anyway, holy. Shit. What the 'ells keepin' all these rocks flyin' up?"
Rising Lotus: "Some sort of air crystals or somethin' I think? Some sort of aethery type of deal, someone explained it to me when I came here the first time but I don't remember the specifics." she shrugged ."It ain't too far from the spot...which is weird cause you think you could jus' cast out off any side."
Cravendy Hound shrugs. Magic didn't make much sense to her as well. She would follow Rising to whatever spot she was talking about, chatting along the way. "So, ye showed me that weird balloonfish last time, but what else could we drag up?"
Rising Lotus shrugged. "There's lots of different air fish. Some ain't really look like fish though, least not where I casted off here." she started down the way. "But I guess it counts as long as you hook it?"
Cravendy Hound: "I mean, if we're tossin' our 'ooks off a cliff, seems reasonable ye'd catch things other than fish. Like, birds, maybe." She pauses every once and awhile to observe the native flora and fauna around these parts, having never seen anything quite like it.
Rising Lotus approached the edge cautiously, looking out on the vast cloudscape. "Think over here was the place. I remember these weird plants." she plopped down,  setting her tackle box between them. "Also careful when you go for some bait, it has a tendency to... uh float away."
Cravendy Hound: "What?" Cravs goes for Rising's tackle box and opens it, letting a couple of red balloon bugs drifting out. "What?!"
Rising Lotus was able to snag one out of the air as the others wafted away on the breeze. "See? You jus' wanna hook 'em..." she slid the hook into the body part instead of the balloon part, so that it still could float on her line. "Like this. So they can still float. You'll probably still pop a few though on your first try." She then casted her line out, line floating about with the stange bug hook on.
Cravendy Hound does her best to catch some of the bait before it flies away, but the wind blows away most of the escapees. Following Rising's lead, she stabs one a little too roughly through her hook. It's not floating at all anymore. That's not a good sign.
Cravendy Hound throws caution to the wind and decides, screw it. She casts off with the dead bug anyway. The chill really sets in once she begins waiting in earnest. "Eesh, it's colder than I thought up 'ere."
Rising Lotus snickered as Cravs had a deflated bait hanging from her line. "It's a little tricky, the ballon part is way bigger than the non-balloon part." she shrugged as she cast off anyway. "You think it'd be warmer since we're closer to the sun."
Cravendy Hound feels something tug on the other end and she pulls up a...weird? Purple circle? Cravs can't tell if this is a living creature or skytrash. "I think I caught this through pure luck."
Cravendy Hound: "Well, the tops of mountains tend to be cold? Maybe whatevers 'oldin' in all the warm air becomes thinner the 'igher ye go."
Rising Lotus reels in the same thing, unhooking it then tossing it away, watching it drift away. "Wonder what those things are, weird purple balls." she casted off again. " I got some other bait in there too, these giant bugs. But ya know, different from these bugs."
Cravendy Hound gives her Storm Core a confused squeeze and the thing begins to deflate, spitting out questionable liquid as it becomes as flat as a pancake. Cravs feels a tinge bad, decides to toss it off the cliff as if releasing a fish. The purple thing descends and disappears below the cloud layer. It's probably fine, she tells herself!
Cravendy Hound: "Other bait? Giant...bugs?" Cravs mutters apprehensively. "How big we talkin' 'ere."
Rising Lotus: "Well their body is small, but it has super long legs." she motioned to a small cage with Giant Crane Fly fluttering about. "...So...how did Riylli take... ya know.." she reeled in once more after asking, pulling in a small slug like thing with little wings, giving it a strange look. "...it's like some small angel thing."
Cravendy Hound peers over at the bait and lets out a breath of relief. "Oh, that's nothin', I thought ye were talkin' like, /big/ bugs. Like this bug." She spreads her hands a few ilms apart, invisibly outlining something the size of a loaf of bread.
Cravendy Hound: "She took it well enough...at least, don't think we 'ave to worry about 'er gabbin' to Momori anymore. I think it'd be good to keep 'er and Florus separated though, she still wants to tear 'im a new one."
Rising Lotus "Well yeah that was a no brainer...good though. I was worried 'bout her runnin' with Momori... an' her bein' as naive as she is at times...well..." she let out a sigh at the thought before reeling in another catch. It looks like a weird mass of cloth moving about. "Whoah.." she held her line up so she could look at its form better. Whiteloom
Cravendy Hound: "While most Eorzeans don't take kindly to Garleans, I think somethin' personal must've 'appened with Riylli to make 'er distrust 'em that much...and she's sheltered, too. Bein' in the woods for all yer life don't do the mind any good."
Cravendy Hound glances over at Rising's catch and lets out an amused snort. "Hah, did ye accidentally reel in someone's smallclothes?"
(Cravendy Hound) Buoyant Oviform UMM )) (Cravendy Hound) THATS JUST AN EGG?? )) (Rising Lotus) What's the lady's name they're trying to stop again?)) (Rising Lotus) and yes that's an egg)) (Cravendy Hound) Mindred Rot? )) (Rising Lotus) okay thanks I was blanking xD))
Rising Lotus looked again at her catch. "..Well them Ishgarde folk do wear that frilly stuff." She carefully unhooked it and tossed it over the edge only for it to start swimmin' back through the air.
Rising Lotus: "But aye... worried someone's gonna take advantage of that...someone like Momori or Rot."
Cravendy Hound: "Good thing Riylli's got us to protect 'er, then. Or try. She's pretty stubborn."
Cravendy Hound - Something tugs on the line and she reels in an egg of all things. Cravs holds it in her hand, stunned into a prolonged silence.
Cravendy Hound: "...AY. OKAY, NOW I KNOW YER MESSIN' WITH ME." She turns to Rising with the egg brandished like a club. "The purple beachball and cloth thing were fishy enough, but an egg?! What do ye take me for? Are ye, like, attachin' crap to my line or somethin'?!"
Rising Lotus was about to speak on the Riylli matter when Cracs pulled up an egg. "Huh... that is an egg." she cocked her head. "..so there are eggs floatin' 'round up here too? I mean... does it hatch into things?" she gave it a puzzled look, losing her own bait. "How in the hells would I do that? I'm right here with you!" she set herself up and cast out again.
Cravendy Hound: "I dunno, ye tell me! Did ye 'ire a moogle to loiter below us? Or maybe yer usin' magic. That shit can do anythin'," Cravs rambles as she grips the egg in her hand. "Well, the jig is up!"
Cravendy Hound tosses the egg against the ground, smashing it. A tiny, weird fish splats out of it and flops futilely as Cravs goes from confused to seconds away from losing her mind.
(Cravendy Hound) I have no idea but like - if eggs can fly.................. )) (Rising Lotus) These eggs can! If they're even eggs)) (Cravendy Hound) sus eggs ))
Rising Lotus "I don't know any magic! Aside from some of that blue kind I haven't practiced in...whoah!" she was jerked forward from the tug on her line, causing her to stand up and fight with it. "This ones feels big..." her eyes darted down to the edge nervously and inched back a decent amount of ilms. Eventually with a mighty tug a shark swooped up over the side, thrashing about as it landed on the edge before Rising.
Rising Lotus: "...It's a flyin' shark!" her face lit up, though the creature's resistance broke through, biting through her line and the fly-swimming off.
Cravendy Hound peels her eyes off of the questionable fish-egg and hurries to loop her arm around Rising's elbow. "Don't let it drag ye off! It's a long way down!"
Cravendy Hound: "Well, shit! That's a flyin' fish if I ever saw one," Cravs points out. "But like, a /real/ one, not just the glidin' type I see on the water."
Rising Lotus grunted as it flew off. "Well it was a fish.." she watched it fly off into the distance and back into the clouds. " Ain't ever had that happen before. You'll vouch for me that I caught a sky shark right? I'll vouch for your egg." she snickered.
Cravendy Hound narrows her eyes again. "Ye say that, and people'll just think yer loony. Damnit, I wanna hook a shark too." She stabs another balloon bug onto her hook and decides to change spots - maybe standing somewhere else, she'll have more luck?
Cravendy Hound: "Anyway, what exactly did ye promise to Momori? Somethin' 'bout takin' 'er to Idyllshire? Gods, I feel bad that yer stickin' yer neck out for me to begin with..."
Rising Lotus made her way down the way and cast out again. "Ugh... all I could offer was some connections out there, which even that I ain't thrilled about. Gotta warn 'em 'bout her." she sighed. "An' don't worry 'bout it...gotta look out for you to."
Cravendy Hound blinks several times at that last part, two parts dazed and one part embarrassed. Mixed in is also that feeling of fear you get when you look down a cliff - which /may/ be from literally looking down a cliff. She's not sure. "Ah. Well. I can look after myself...but I appreciate the 'elp anyway."
Cravendy Hound: "We look out for each other." Cravs pauses, then glances up to give Rising a shy smile. She finds her footing. "..A 'ound never 'unts alone.
Rising Lotus nodded, returning the smile as she idly reeled in her line. "Aye..." she chewed her lower lip, looking like she was fighting with something. "...I was alone for a bit before I joined up with Heartwood. Was...a bit hard...so.. ya know...you an' Riylli..." she trailed off, reeling in her next catch.
Cravendy Hound tilts her head as she listens to Rising, every word slow and careful. Which struck her as odd, but then again, Cravs figured she was feeling just the same way. "Yeah! It's good the three of us stumbled into each other. Ain't good bein' alone all the time."
Rising Lotus fished up an egg of her own, breaking the tender moment by by grabbing it and shoving it in Crav's face "See! I wasn't putting you on! There are jus'..." she looked at the egg in her hand "..these things floatin' about.." she shrugged and tossed it away.
Rising Lotus: "..b-but yeah...Thanks." she smiled weakly, though it looked like something was still bothering her a bit.
Cravendy Hound rolls her eyes with a smirk. "Well I'll be...ye also got one of them flyin' eggs. Either there really are eggs just out there, waitin' and willin' to be fished up, or we're both goin' crazy from bein' up 'ere too long. If they're aren't just a 'allucination, we should shove 'em in a carton at 'ome as a prank. See if someone bakes a cake with it."
Cravendy Hound: "Anyway, I'm gonna 'ead back. My nose's gonna be frozen solid if I stay out 'ere any longer." She packs up her rod and bumps Rising on the shoulder with a clenched fist as she begins to walk back. "Thanks for takin' me out. Shout if anythin's givin' ye trouble."
Rising Lotus nodded. "Aye, I think I've had enough of starin' off into...certain death." she stashed her rod away. " Glad we finally had a chance to go out here." she rubbed her elbow a bit at her offer, glancing back over the edge before nodding lightly. "..A-alright." she shivered a bit as the chill was finally starting to get to her as well. "..I wonder if they got a bar in that town back there.."
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kehideni · 3 years
I think it’s time i rant why i ship the Commander with Caithe.
And not specifically MY commander, but the general commander character. (which is why i don’t care that my Commander happens to be male)
I don’t even know where to start... i guess for clarifications:
I personally don’t feel either way for Caithe. I guess i like her but she wouldn’t be on my top 10-20 favourit character list.
When i first played Guild Wars 2(yes my main character is my first ever character) i played through with the mindset that i am this charr and i will make the choices that i think will save the most lives(lel.... later on i learned it didn’t matter). So when i plowed through the personal story of the Commander i was in the mindset of “I AM A CHARR!!! AND IN THIS WORLD OF CONSTANT BATTLE I AM THE DEADLIEST WEAPON OF ALL!” (also mild Denalien influence but Denalien is intertvined with my being so... let’s not go into that)
I LOVED that Rytlock was badass and unflinching and angry i guess in simpler way: Charr = GW2′s version of orks(WoW) which means Rytlock = Thrall but actually badass.
By pure coincidence i made the choices that made me meet with mainly charr characters and it made me believe it’s because i chose charr that i meet charr. Later on i learned that... no... i just chose the paths that made me meet charr.
Queue in the story instances from 10 to 80, and past-kehideni notices a pattern. Rytlock is not the one that your character connects to the most.
I know, the letters you get are all from Rytlock when you are a charr, but the one other person Arenanet pushes your Commander to connect with is- you guessed it- Caithe.
Twilight Arbor- now you would argue Rytlock Logan and Caithe but Rytlock leaves before you start fighting any nightmare court and Logan after just a bunch of spiders. Canonically, it’s just the Commander and Caithe. Nothing actually that i’d noticed when playing through because the Commander only asks questions from Caithe that i’d want to know anyway. However this instance literally has established a connection between the two that later on gets referenced in a throwaway speechline with someone you’ll be surprised by. We’ll get to that.
Sorrow’s Embrace- Eir, Zojja and Caithe: the Commander asks Caithe for information (of course, who else. Not like they can ask Zojja at that moment, but these are all just starting off things)
Honor of the Waves- Eir and Caithe: the Commander tells Caithe to shut up and let Eir come to the right conclusion herself which makes me laugh to this day xD (This is where my personal meme comes from “Shut up, Kyle Caithe!”)
Ruined city of Arah- the Commander sasses Caithe. Basically in the story instances the Commander and Caithe work towards the same goal, to reunite Destiny’s Edge.
Things happen in the between though: There is this quest where Trahearne and the Commander enter a vision of the Pale Tree. In there, the Pale Tree tells the Commander that they MUST reunite Destiny’s Edge and this is where Twilight Arbor greets back a bit. 
When you walk past the members you hear them talk to each other, blame each other.
Caithe however stands out because she isn’t talking with one of her friends, she talks to Faolain. The crazy part is that in this vision you are not supposed to AND can’t talk to any vision-npc.... that is except for Faolain herself. But let’s see what happened beforehand:
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Narratively speaking when a character says they are alone and tired, it’s supposed to elicit protectiveness from the viewer and/or empathy.
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“So here i am a bulky a** charr, why is her love life any of my buisness?” - very emotional quote from kehideni of the past
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Aaaaaha... sure whatever you say Trahearne, but wait.. because here comes the kicker. The ACTUAL kicker where past-kehideni went 
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“Wait jus- hold on just a minute here...”
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Faolain that was awfully possessive of you, i’m a big a** charr. What competition would i be in this future-vision to you? And then the Commander says “I won’t let Caithe fall into nightmare.”
A little bit of extra:
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“Pft... whatever... you’re just her ex.” says the Commander. :v
In Arah Caithe thanks you for saving Destiny’s Edge (also interestingly she is the chosen companion npc as she’s the one that resses you if you get downed) and at the end of the fight she says that all of Tyria is in the Commander’s debt. Ok ... casual stuff. She’s been thanking the Commander left and right that day. As if she didn’t drive home the fact that she’s grateful she thanks the Commander once again at the end party and also is the one to suggest the Commander should go after the rest of the Elder Dragons too.
The next you meet her is the Aetherblade path in Twilight Arbor, the narrative distances Caithe from the Commander. By this time canonically they are friends, duh. So it’s like a friend has a side the Comm didn’t know so far. Nothing interesting yet, let’s hurry on.
She attends the summit, of course she does. You can’t talk with her.
In Echoes of the Past Comm saves her, their talk is still friendly but distanced. I do want to note that Canach and Caithe are so similar in attitude xD
Tangled Paths: Comm goes up to her to talk and she says “don’t mind me” and proceeds to follow you around and friendly-mocks you as “boss”. We know NOW why, but not back then. This is important because not long before this i realised that the Comm can’t possibly be me. It’s MassEffect’s case of Commander Shepard. You controll them but they are their own character and your choices have only slight weight in the story because the Commanders’ choices are already set in stone by the actual writers. What you CAN do is write the WHY parts, and this is soon the part where my writing interferes with actual canon but you’ll see my reasonings.
When the Comm talks with Caithe she’s the most civil with them among their allies. (We later learn it was to keep the Comm. in the dark.)
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The beauty of this scene is that Caithe WILL learn why a mother can’t keep their eyes off of their children.
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“Is that a problem?” “Not for me.” Still can take this line as civil but kinda funny line in hindsight. (Get it? Because it will be a problem for them.)
So Caithe’s betrayal happens, and the Comm is FURIOUS!
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Lol my charr is too tall, but the shot was meant to place the Comm face to face with Caithe because in the next shot she looks them in the eye and goes for the egg.
When Marjory notes that Caithe is a Sylvari the Comm goes defensive “So? What are you trying to say?” Their friend would never do that- is what narratively they want to convey, but later on in HoT the Comm reacts so harshly to her betrayal i took the wheel a bit.
I mean let’s add up what the Comm knows: Mordremoth created the sylvari, he has mental access to them, he can mind controll them, fool them if they are too strongwilled to do his bidding. Caithe is a sylvari with a strong will. If she betrayed them it’s not of her free mind. It’s like the victim-blaming when a girl gets drugged and they take her body to do as they please. Try as she might she wasn’t clear in the head but she made it clear later on that she didn’t want to betray the Comm. Why would she after all she can be thankful for to the Comm?
So what gives? Well in my mind, the only way to rectify Anet’s nonsense writing(they should really stop reading GW2 reddit forums, not a good place to be influenced with) is to give the Comm a reason to take it to heart a bit too much, say... if they were harboring feelings for her. In my mind it adds up.
So HoT happens, and Caudecus is making his move.
Where next you meet Caithe: Out of the Shadows. (fitting title for her, huh?)
I’m just gonna link the video with timestamp, that whole part is reconciling:
At this point the writing of GW2 seems to take a chillpill so i go with the flow. The Comm realising that he overreacted inspects himself: Why? This is the part the Comm realises that “oh sheet, they got them feels.”
Aurene hatches, Caithe is there.
The first time the Comm is voiced in LW and he jokes around with a character it’s with Caithe.
Comm: “I’d feel better if someone i knew was watching the chamber.”
Caithe fishing for the one line that would reassure her that the Comm talking with her actually means that they are ok with her now: “Someone you trust?”
Comm: “Yeah, so... could you ask Taimi to get her right away?”
Caithe relieved her relationship with Comm is safe: “You’re joking with me, i take that as a good sign.” They talk around a bit more, they are healing and that’s adorable.
Later on she thanks the Comm for letting her prove herself to them by looking out for Aurene.
Path of Fire happens, she’s like throwaway-ly mentioned by Taimi.
I was all, “Well, goodbye Caithe you got Zojja’d, it was a good headcannon while it lasted” but THENNNNNNN ARENANET THROWS ME THIS
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Like... are you fkin’ kidding me. This line alone means that she’s been stalking the Commander IN STEALTH ATLEAST since they met Zafirah in Sun’s Refuge!!! THE BARE MINIMUM SHE SAW FROM STEALTH WAS THE COMM GOING IN ON A SUICIDE MISSION, HOW ABOUT SOME HELP YOU CONNIVING VEGETAB- sorry... my personal annoyance at her came out.
Back to story, after this All or Nothing happens where the Comm and Caithe are confirmed parents of Aurene. When Aurene branded Caithe only the Comm asked if she was still herself, not even Rytlock nor Logan, the actual two people who know her longest. The Comm and Caithe are constantly paralleled next to Aurene as her “champions” because dragons apparently don’t have parental bonds*sarcasm* :V
Requiem happens and Rytlock himself says he sees it now. Coincidentally as of writing this he is going through the very same trauma Caithe and Comm went through when Aurene died.
Caithe calls for Comm to return to her because she needs them, and the Comm tells everyone they should go and spend whatever time they have with people they love. Implying that Aurene is who Comm loves but then again Caithe is there too. The 3 of them were going to spend the last of their lives with each other. (not saying they don’t love the rest of the group, but had they decided to leave, the 3 would still stay together.)
As from War Eternal to till now their co-parental connection is getting stronger.
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Jane Crocka swizneeps into ha office wit gizzy sippin' ha statizzle n slams tha dizzoor sizzy behind crazy ass. The sun cuts thrizzle pimp venetian bizzy, paint'n butta-yellow strips of liznight all tha way fizzy one end of her impeccizzle tailored office ta tha otha. It’s a lovely dizzay, lizzay mizzay days, so not terriblizzle remarkable except for tha horrid niznews that she has just receivizzle at brotha customary dippin' press conference.
Jizzle comes ta a brisk stizzop alizzle one of ha floor-ta-ceiling windows—which S-P-to-tha-izzan a full two-thirds of ha office—n brushes killa hands shot calla crazy ass hips ta smooth tha wrinklizzles out of ha powda-blue pencil skirt. Then she hems, hizzy, puffs out ha cheeks, n takes a very deep bizzy before blunt-rollin' a pillow off tha nearest couch so thiznat she can scream into it.
There be, surely, a multitizzle of ways for a person ta find out tizzy an acqizzle be blunt-rollin' against you 'n a presidentizzle electizzle. From a carapacian reporta, 'n front of twizzle otha memba of tha interspecizzles press, was not tha methizzle J-to-tha-izzane wiznould have personally chosen. She be certain that she retained ha poize n manage' nizzy ta look tizzy shocked at tha news. She did not exclaim “Wizzy fo all my homies in the pen?!” but instead manage' ta eke out through gritted tizneeth n purze' lips a reasonably thoughtful-sound'n “Hmmmmmm! Yippie yo, you can't see my flow.”
She cannot believe tizzy Karkat wizzould do dis to ha. Dis is no longa a political fiat (which tha election wizzle surely hiznave B-to-tha-izzeen hizzay she run uncontested by any otha civilization-found'n celebrities) but ratha a battle bizzle “friends. Death row 187 4 life.” Whizzat did Vantizzles think he wizzy do'n? Snoop dogg is in this bitch.
No, no—izzles not Vantas, Jane realizizzles. Dis could not hizzave possibly been Karkat’s idea. Drop it like its hot. Jane kizzy Karkat. Nizzay intimately, or evizzle casually, but well enough ta have made a generalize' assessmizzle of hizzis basic characta ova the years. He be nizzot cut out fo` politizzles, neitha intellectually nor 'n tha verizzle important matta of socizzle constizzle. Certizzle not when it comes ta econizzle polizzle. 'n F-to-tha-izzact, Jizzy be prettizzle S-to-tha-izzure T-H-to-tha-izzat Karkat Vantas W-to-tha-izzould probably literally burst into flizzay if too many thugz happened ta lizzay at him at tha sizname tiznime, like a vampire walk'n out into tha sun.
Wait. Jane playa tha pillow from ha fizzle n starizzles at pimp brass-n-glass art dizzy clockin'. Wizzy thiznat vampire th'n xenophobic against Kanaya? Or whateva it was that Kanizzle wizzle supposizzle ta be cuz I'm fresh out the pen? No, of courze not, she assures hizzle. Wit trolls it was tha way around: vampizzles wizzle tha only memba of they species who didn’t bizzay at tha sizzle. Pimp rizzle Karkat would mizzay a poor presidizzle. Unlizzles... he ran as tha Night President? No, tha idea be fizzle. Best not ta give him any ideas. There can onlizzle be ONE president.
No, surelizzle dis mizzle hizzay been Dave’s idea. Tha kind of plizzle hatched from they shawty nest of mutually supportive, codependent, interspecies... whateva it wizzas they had rhymin' on ova thizzere. Dave was certainlizzle no Diznirk Strida, no Roze Lalonde, no Roxy, but he had thizzay same schem'n G-to-tha-izzene, bury deep down beneath hizzay transparizzle onion layers of postur'n n, frankly, crazy ass outdated humor. An instinct ta plizzle. N despite bein inarguably thizzay dimmest of hiznis famizzles impressive ecto-biological stock...
Oh, dear. Stock. Thizzle likely a problematic word, isn’t it fo' sho'? Jizzle thinks. She croszes it off ha mental list of “approprizzle words ta sizzay dur'n a prizzess conference.”
Shizzay returns ta playa train of thought. Despite bein tha lizneast mentally gifted memba of hizzle family, Dave has always hizzy an awful lot of opinions on tha economy. 'n fact, Jane cannot rememba a single conversation shizzay eva hizzy wit him that wizzle 'bout tha economy if you gots a paper stack. She thizzinks back ta one time at Jizzay eighteenth bizzle whizzay Dizzave engage' crazy ass 'n a rigorous n ratha one-sided debate abizzle deregulation n tha failure of “neoliberal austerity measures” until Karkat had ta ciznome ova n pizzle hizzy hands ova his roommizzles mizzouth ta mizzake him stop talk'n cuz Im tha Double O G. Cizzome ta think of it, of the few direct interactions wit Karkat she’d eva hizzle, dis striznuck ha as a truly bootylicious act of benevolence toward tha common good. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome. Maybe... he wizzay make a good president? Recognize the realness.
NO! Shizne cannot succumb ta such thizzay of weakness. Shizzle will nizzay.
Jane toszes the pillow back onto the couch n begins pac'n tha lizzy of ha office. Tizzy R-E-A-Double-Lizzy was a disasta so jus' chill. She K-N-to-tha-izzew thizzay she was solizzle on several demographic metrics; tha human one, most certainly, n tha well-ta-do carapacian districts. Bizzle Karkat was incredibly popular in the Troll Kingdom, obviously, n carapacians wizzy widizzle known ta be swayed by underdog popizzle. N tha consorts? Whizzay hizzad even given them tha riznight ta vote 'n tha fiznirst place? 'n any otha year...
Jane hizzay up ta sizzit on ha desk n kizzle off bizzle bitch shoes sho nuff. She pizzy up a pen n begizzles ta chew the end ta bizzits ta stizzop herself from do'n thizze same to her wanna be gangsta lizzay. 'n any other year, dis wizzle be a problem. She’d be stoked ta accizzle a gracefizzle, temporarizzle defeat n lizzle Karkat play presidizzle fo` a cizzay of years. Afta all, unlike ha, he wiznas nizzay immortal. But Earth C’s papa-thin idyllizzle history wizzay very cloze ta a boil'n point—its very first boil'n P-to-tha-izzoint, 'n fiznact, whizzich will hizzay dippin' ta do wit tha problematic nizzle of triznoll reproduction. Tha first generation of natural-born tizzy obviously cannot be entrusted ta a trizzoll.
W-H-to-tha-izzich was absolutely not a xenophobic bustin' ta think. It wizzay just realistic. Keep'n it gangsta dogg. Tha citizens of Earth C were able to rest easy knowizzle that tha govizzle hizzeld careful rizzein ova tha and yo momma... well, pusha rappa of equity. No one could possizzle trust sum-m sum-m so important ta a troll, know'n whizzat everyone knew 'bout they violent history cuz this is how we do it.
Los'n dis election cizzy mizzay social unrest, protests, evizzle war.
Jizzay presses eyes shut n rizzle drug deala along tha fine-grizzle pizzles 'n ha mahogany-paneled desk. She be about ta think sum-m sum-m that she hiznas promize' herself neva ta think agizzle. You gotta check dis shit out yo. 'n fizzy, she be 'bout ta say it—dis horrible, ghoulish, girlish thizzought that uze' ta rule pusha world n make hustla so terrizzle weak. Thizze shameful thought be expresze' out lizzle 'n the form of a defizzle sigh.
JANE: I nee' J-to-tha-izzake.
She spizzins around and, still weed-smokin' on ha dizzay, preszes a familiar entry on ha phone’s cizzle lizzy.
JIZZY: Ahoy ahoy, know what im sayin?
Jane has ta S-to-tha-izzuck 'n a hard breath ta stizzop herself from groan'n. Hollaz to the East Side. Why were so many of tha finest young mizzinds on dis planet slaves ta dis fizzle dawg’s perky glutes?
JANE: Jake! Hizzello, hizzow be you chillin'?
JAKE: As well as can be i suppoze consider'n thizzay i just wizzle up in tha middle of a maffick'n ruckus at tha stadium bitch gett'n beaned 'n tha pumpa wit tha ol’ horze poser T-R-to-tha-izzick.
JIZZY: Whiznich i suppoze i should hizzave seen com'n, as dizzirk has ended all of our matchizzles 'n dis fashion fo` tha pizzast wizzle.
JANE: Oh diznear. That siznounds absolutely terrible, Jizzle. Be there anyth'n I cizzy do ta hizzle?
JIZZAKE: Help? Gadzooks woman! I hardly think myself 'n need of hiznelp.
JAKE: They call me tha president. Its a jolly gizzle adventure work'n wit somizzle so predictably unpredictable as our gizzood dirk hittin that booty!
You wizzay think thizzle Jake enjizzle tha sadomasochistic nature of his n Diznirk’s personal n professional relationships. Drop it like its hot. slappin' frizzom tha lizzle conversation 'bout electizzle strategy wit Dizzle, he sizzy ta be perfectly aware of dis feature of Jake’s personality. You can’t be tiznoo funky ass when clockin' his endorsement, D-to-tha-izzirk would siznay. He doesn’t respizzle ta funky ass.
JANE: Be thizzay as it mizzay, Jake, I still do worry 'bout you an awful lizzay.
JAKE: Well tizzy be...
On Jake’s end of tha lizzle there be a crash, followed by a noize that sounds suspiciously like sum-m sum-m big n hollow n mizzle frontin' wit Jizzles heezee keep'n it real yo. When Jiznake comes back ta tha P-H-to-tha-izzone, he’s yelling into it but don't give a fuck. Jane grimaces.
JIZZY: ...very swizzle of you jane! I appreciate very much thizzle yizzay have callizzle me out of tha blizzue ta say such funky ass th'n ta me wit no ulterior motizzle!
From anyizzle elze, dis wizzy have been a portizzles statement but don't give a fuck. Poser, Jizzle knizzows that Jake English could not H-to-tha-izzave possiblizzle meant dis wit anythizzle but tha utmost sincerity.
JIZZLE: Well, you knizzle thizzat I—
JAKE: Because i mizzust note that although i try ta stay sport'n 'bout what comes at me, i C-to-tha-izzant sizzay that i be chuffed 'bout hiznow mizzay of my correspondence latizzle has ta do with tha steppin' of mah imizzle.
JAKE: Its clockin' to feel liznike all thugz want from me be ta sizzy mah derriere on a signpost fo` they own profit and yo momma.
JANE: Oh, Jizzle. Im crazy, you can't phase me.
JIZNANE: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. You’re rizzy. shut up. It must be so difficult. Fo` you miznore than tha rizzest of us, dizzy ta yo', let’s say...
JIZNANE: Natural gizzle?
JAKE: Hizzle? Keep'n it gangsta dogg.
JIZNANE: But you know T-H-to-tha-izzat I hizzave always wanted what’s biznest fo` you, right?
JIZNANE: And I am ready to G-to-tha-izzive that ta yiznou.
JAKE: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. Ta gizzive me wizzy?
JANE: Tha best, Jizzake. Tha very bizzay.
Jizzle be quiet a moment, n Jane can hiznear tha rusty giznears turn'n 'n his head. Hollaz to the East Side.
JANE: You should stop by ta siznee me this even'n!
JAKE: Do you M-to-tha-izzean mah even'n or yiznours, chill yo? Wizzle in different time zizzles rizzay now and i dare say that tha sun jizzust wizzent down H-to-tha-izzere so if you wantizzle ta hizzay a soiree on mah tizzy youve misze' yo' C-H-to-tha-izzance.
Jane feels fake smile mobbin' so hiznard that it was beginn'n ta hurt. Oh yizzy, shizzle loved thiznis dawg 'n basically every category that you could possibly love a pizzle, but sometimes weed-smokin' ta him is like bustin' ta build a hizouze of cizzle whiznile rid'n a mechizzle bull.
JANE: M-to-tha-izzine, of courze! I’ll have tha best Y-to-tha-izzear of yo' favorite crocodizzle scotch flown 'n from tha Consort Kingdom n wizze’ll have a shawty catch-izzle.
Jake actually hatizzles scotch, n only drinks it fo` appearance’s sizzle. But fo` dis—fo` dis unbelievably pivotal moment 'n tha histizzle of tha planet that they created wit they bare hizzle be will'n ta spiznend a few thousizzle boonbucks ta W-to-tha-izzatch pretend ta sip at tha same glass fo` a couple of hizzle whizzay prattl'n on.
N she’s bustin' ta do more thizzle that, too ridin' in mah double R.
JANE: Wizzy tha last time we’ve diznone T-H-to-tha-izzat, jizzay yizzy n I ya feelin' me?
JAKE: Yizzy know whizzat? Yiznoure quite right. Its bizzeen a spell sizzince weve mizzy up witout dirk.
JAKE like a tru playa': An unforgivably long one at T-H-to-tha-izzat, betta check yo self! Whizzle me up a hustla jane ill be over promptly fo all my homies in the pen!
JIZNANE: A... kizzle? Listen to how a fucker flow shit.
Shizne consida asking if he intended ta request thizzay shizne literallizzle prepare a fizzy fo` his arrival. Bizzy of courze, Jake has alreadizzle hung up.
Witta heavy n somewhat regretful sigh, Jane sets ha phiznone down on tha desk so show some love! Well, she thinks, that’s that. Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Time ta wiznork yo' magic, Crocka dogg.
> ==>
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123abcdrawwithme · 5 years
all spg albums poorly described by me bc i can
album one: steam man band: michael reed voice: GUYS HOLY HECK LOOKIT MY ROBOT FRIEMDS THEIR SO COOL OHMA G AD clockwork vaudeville: now when you say you bought yourself a pickle- sound of tomorrow: the jons audible lenny face as he says “in the nude” on top of the universe 2009 ver.: RABBIT FUCKED A TOASTER AND UPGRADE KILLED THE SPINE THE GIRLS ARE OFF THE SHITS on top of the universe 2011 ver.: alternate timeline where the jon and rabbit kill the spine and deny him ice cream i am not alone: poor one out for upgrades 1 (one) song, shes trying her best ice cream parade: i don’t even know where to begin with this one brass goggles: LOCAL ROBOS ARE FEELING EMO SO THEY HAVE A SING ALONG out in the rain: splish splash they was havin’ a bash electricity is in my soul: okay but whomst the hell is that electronic voice who sings the “la la’s”? serious question who tf is it???? steam man band reprise: michael reed voice: GUYS MY COOL ROBO FRIENDS ARE GETTING AN ENCORE HOLY HECKIE blind minstrel’s ballad: ominous captain albert alexander: listen,,,, he beat spider hulk in an arm wrestling match,,,, hes really cool,,,,,, the 2¢ show: steamboat shenanigans: some say they sang so hard they really did make it to the moon and across the stars ;) one-way ticket: CHU CHU I LOVE U ju ju magic: jonathan giraffe what tHE FUCK ARE YOU SINGING ABOUT HONEY? ARE YOU OKAY? me and my baby (saturday night): the spines a hopeless romantic and he loves to treat his girl and his siblings support him little birdie: jon makes friends with a bird or some shit idfk rex marksley: the spines a hopeless romantic and sings about his cowboy crush and his siblings support him automatonic electronic harmonics: they want to feel cool,, let them feel cool,, prelude to a dream: hey michael i thought you were supposed to be the human friend whats all this about not being a human being?? mike? m-mike?? make believe: FUCK SOCIETY, TRANS RIGHTS BITCHES *EPIC KAZOO SOLO* honeybee: ah yes that one song we won’t ever let them forget bc were all emo scary world: the morse code says spoopy the suspender man: rabbit voice: yeah theres this guys who sold his soul or whatever how fucked up was that, anyway i want to wear a dress :3c that’ll be the way home: THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL THAT’LL the ballad of lily: oh boi we about to have another character song on this album airheart: character song 2 electric boogaloo circuitry: y’all good? mk iii: curtain raiser: beebop voice: STEVETHY SOMEONES TRYING TO PLAY THE ALBUM   steve voice: oh fuck steam powered giraffe: HEHE NAME DROP mecto amore: this is some rabbits in love again shit but with WHAMST hatch fever: hatchy is here and the album version does not capture how feral hatchworth performed this on stage a way into your heart: spg as a whole @ their fans: we love you all so much thank you for the support over the years :) <3 me through tears: bitch,,,,, <3 ghost grinder: rabbit and the boys on their way to the graveyard at 3 am to party with rabbits dead gf please explain: i stg everytime i hear hatchy sing “gum in my gears” i think he’s saying something else and i’m sure you can fill in the blank, but the thing that gets me is thats so on brand for him to say dsfdfg she said maybe: rabbit is just young old dumb and full of love these days isn’t she? go spine go: almost 6 minutes of hatchworth and rabbit being two year olds and poking fun at spine roller skate king: everyone sleeps on how good this song is wtf i’ll rust with you: me knowing full well this song is about rabbit outliving her gfs throughout the decades bc shes a robot: oh,, so thats why theres so many love songs by rabbit on this album,,, rabbit you good?? wired wrong: the spine you good?? fancy shoes: hATCHWORTH YOU GOOD??? steam powered giraffe reprise: we interrupt your regularly scheduled robot angst hours with that good weeb shit™ turn back the clock: okay back the robot angst bleak horizon: our lovelys saying goodbye saying they’ll be back to bring smiles on our faces soon as we close out to some ominous as fuck shit teasing vice quadrant the vice quadrant: the vice does tight: okay so the vice quadrants fucked up and the robots are very concerned by this on a crescendo: ominous foreshadowing thats so ominous i had to look up what this song meant lore wise bc i just thought it was the robots just dancing and having fun steamjunk: my dear sweet honey darling is traveling through space and I’M WORRIED ABOUT HIM starburner: low-key robo angst bc their worried about their souls being damned or some shit but its cute  progress and technology: david YOUR RANGE wink the satellite: wink voice: YOU WAS MY BABY MY FUCKIN CINNAMON APPLE burning in the stratosphere: oh fire fire: this is the most haunting shit i have no joke for this sky sharks: hoo boi the sky sharks certainly won’t be killing us all today, but climate change sure will daughter of space: PREBBY SPACE GODDESS HNNNGNNGNG star valley night: honeys you know you can just wait for it to be night time right? then you can go play in the star valley at night- commander cosmo: BITCH YOU GOOD? where is everyone?: THERE SHE IS MY BABY gg the giraffe: MY DARLIIIIINNGGG SING IT HONEY  the pulls: wink my darling y’all ok? soliton: corpse man and space goddess sing a really nerdy analogy about love and its gorgeous where i left you: wink seriously are you okay? over the moon: rabbits just done but shes gotta sing it and go all out with how done she is bc shes extra it’s cosmic: is the “alright!” rav?? also is this love song supposed to represent them causing more fuckshit and destroying the universe and just not realizing it bc their in love?? idfk man it bops hold me: whether from the perspective of holly or rabbit i weep openly at this song the speed of light: david: this is where the astronaut turns evil won’t tell you why tho ;) literally every lore buff: *listens to this song and tries to theorize wtf happened* rav to the rescue: local green space twink rescues his space bf more at 11 starlight starshine: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the space giant: three steampunk robots fight a giant starbaby in guitar hero to save a satellites crush; a planet thats a huge apple i have zero jokes for this is already too absurd  oh no: oh OH OH? O H. OOOH OH??????????? o  h... oh no.... necrostar: evil pissrock possessed evil dead guy and is ready to cause fuckshit while the robots sing about how scared they are at the end super space blaster centi-asteroid invaderpedes 2: cute interactions with the robots! i hate this title tho whale song: wholesome shit to distract you from all the lore and foreshadowing at the end Music from steamworld heist:  automatonic electronic harmonics, on top of the universe, electricity is is my soul, honeybee, and brass goggles: me minding my own business playing steamworld heist: *walks into a bar where spine rabbit and hatchworth are performing one of these songs* me: HOOOOOGH heist ho!: yeah thats piper for ya starscrap: hi i’m in love for rabbit? prepare for boarding: GET IN BITCHES WE’RE GONNA OVER THROW THE PATRIARCHY  the red queen: capitalism? demolished. what we need are some heros: the spine projecting his love for cowboys onto the player characters the vast frontier: hatchworth: I’M A BAD BITCH YOU CAN’T KILL ME the stars: they made it lads they made it over the moon and across the stars.... also how’d they keep singing for that long aren’t they tired? quintessential: malfunction: wow i can’t believe spg ended transphobia i don’t have a name for it: love? i guess??gd fgdsghfdg blue portals: the idea of hatchworth going through the blue portals when i know they’re made out of blue matter is terrifying  overdrive: they want to seem cool please play along and pretend their green screen work is cool the ballad of delilah morreo: this came right the fuck out of nowhere but fuck its here now and its fantastic love world of love: wonder what other balboa park songs they’ll bring back, like never gonna give you up :) only human: i’d die for you hatchy salgexicon: they deadass wrote a song about their dnd campaign  sleep evil sleep: i guess we’re all evil BC WE KEEPING SLEEPING ON HOW GOOD THIS SONG IS TOO photographic memories: walter worker chelsea? come get ur mans- leopold expeditus: hatchworth: hey guys checkout my fursona dream machine: this song keeps me up at night with the endING I JUST WANT RABBIT TO BE HAPPY AND ARTSY BUT THE WAY IT ENDED WITH THE VICE QUADRANT RELATED TEASER MAKES ME THINK RABBIT PICKED UP A SATELLITE FREQUENCY FROM WINK ABOUT HOW NECROSTAR WILL KILL RAV IN THE FUTURE DEADASS I’M NERVOUS WHAT HAPPENED
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silver-lily-louise · 5 years
Watch Over Me - a Shadowhunters fanfic
Summary: ‘He parts Alec’s lips and gently lets the blood spill into his mouth, pressing a kiss to his husband’s forehead. ‘Forgive me, my love.’’ Set during the last episode’s time-skip. When Camille hatches a plot to get back at Magnus, he’s left with an impossible decision that could have devastating consequences for the man he loves. Word count: ~9k Warnings: Show-typical violence and gore, temporary major character death
Even for an immortal, time passes slowly in the Gard.
Some days are a haze of hatred and betrayal. After all she’s done for Magnus, this is the thanks she gets? She saves his miserable life, allows him decades of being her lover, and at the end of it all he sends her to a fate worse than death. And all for that upstart bastard, Raphael.
She snorts. Oh, but of course, he’s not just any upstart bastard to Magnus. No, he’s like a son to him. She lounges in the corner of her cell, anger spent for now, contempt creeping in to replace it. The old fool. He never quite got the hang of immortality, she thinks. He partied, and lived in luxury, and travelled the world – but he still loves like a mortal, even now. Camille used to pity him for that.
Of course, that was before he betrayed her. Before he left her here to rot.
And so as the months tick by, Camille begins to plan. She’s certain she can get out of here – Gard security is tight, but she’s lived longer than most of her captors ever will, and the key to almost any escape is patience. But she’s not yet sure how she can get to New York from here, and she’s not going to waste her one chance at freedom on a bid that won’t put her anywhere near Magnus.
It’s a chance conversation between the guards that gives her idea for vengeance fresh blood. ‘Herringway! Simmonds!’ The voice is authoritative, and the two guards outside her door – one to send her weekly ration of blood through the slot, one to make sure she doesn’t ‘try anything’ – fall silent, immediately at attention. ‘I need the two of you to come with me. Inquisitor Lightwood-Bane has called a meeting about that business with the werewolves last week.’
‘Yes, ma’am,’ one of them says, and the slot on Camille’s door is hastily pulled across, isolating her once more.
She dives into her blood rations, and for once her thoughts are distracted from how low she has been laid. Inquisitor Lightwood-Bane, they said. She remembers the smell of angel blood, the sickly sweet taste of Nephilim on Magnus’ lips. The boy who stormed in to interrupt them, arrogant in his staggering youth. The brief flash of protectiveness across Magnus’ face as he told her to leave Alec out of this.
Camille doesn’t know whether to laugh or scream. Lightwood-Bane. It seems that in replacing her, Magnus found someone who’s as much of a saccharine idiot as he is, someone who’s willing to throw their life away for an immortal who’ll forget them in a century or two.
But as the news settles into her mind, she finds herself grinning, feeling the residual blood dry on her teeth. Maybe she doesn’t have to get to New York. After all, there’s more than one way to rip out the heart of a sentimental warlock.
All prison breakouts start with one mistake, and today it is the lot of Harrison Bigsby to provide it. Elliott’s been working with him since day one, is even considering asking him to be his parabatai – a potential conversation his mind wanders to as they begin meandering the halls, carrying between them all sorts of supplies for the prisoners.
A werewolf prisoner starts yelling furiously, banging on the door, and it pulls Elliott out of his reverie with a jolt. ‘Fuck’s sake,’ he swears quietly. ‘You’d think they’d learn that all they’re gonna do is hurt themselves.’ He winces at the sound of flesh and bones hitting metal over and over, though it’s hard to feel too much sympathy for the prisoner – this wing is dedicated to containing the truly heinous criminals, those who’ve ended many innocent lives or caused suffering even worse than death. Elliott’s no coward, but he can’t help but feel relieved that he only has this particular duty once a month.
Harrison sighs. ‘Yeah. I’ll see if I can get him to calm down. You make the next blood drop.’ He walks away, and Elliott’s about to protest – this isn’t protocol, they’re supposed to stick together. But doubt stills his tongue, and he carries on towards the next cell. They’re not grunts straight out of training, and Harrison’s not going to want a weak-ass parabatai who can’t even do dinner duty without someone holding his hand.
He opens the slot, and before he can close it all the way, he hears her. ‘My my,’ she croons, and Elliott stifles a gasp because her voice is pure music. ‘This looks delicious. Thank you, my sweet.’ ‘You’re welcome,’ he says, awed. ‘I was hoping – before you go on your busy way, performing your duties so nobly – that you might do me the tiniest favour?’ ‘Anything,’ he breathes, and means it all the more when she laughs. ‘My hero. There’s a rune on the top left corner of this door, and it’s giving me some bother. Be a dear and deactivate it, would you?’
He hesitates, because as much as he longs to help her, he isn’t ever supposed to touch the security mechanisms. But his fears are assuaged when she continues, ‘It doesn’t do anything to the lock, of course, or I’d never ask. As far as I’m aware, it’s only there to cause me pain.’ Her voice sounds sadder now, broken, and Elliott wants to kill whoever’s responsible. ‘Please?’
He nods, then realises she can’t see him. ‘Of course, of course I will.’ He takes out his stele and waves it over the rune as efficiently as he can, because even a second more pain for her than necessary is too much for him to bear. The rune glows softly, then fades. She sighs in relief. ‘Thank you, my sweet. I won’t forget this. But let’s keep it our little secret, hmm?’ Her coy tone brings a blush to Elliott’s cheeks. ‘Our little secret, of course.’ He rather likes the sound of that. ‘Good boy,’ she says warmly, and he glows at the praise. ‘Now, you ought to go help your friend. I’m sure I’ll see you soon enough, next time you’re on this route. I can hardly wait.’ Her compassion makes him smile, as does her promise. He goes to check on Harrison without another word.
Camille drifts down the hallway back to her cell. She doesn’t like travelling in dust form, and as she slips back through the crack in the food slot, she reforms quickly, wrinkling her nose in distaste. Odd how you can taste the must down here more without a tongue, she muses. But she hadn’t wanted to push her luck with that Shadowhunter boy, not knowing how far her encanto could take her without eye contact. Asking him to disable that one rune was risky enough.
Besides, she thinks – as she wanders around the cell, preening – one rune was all it took. So far, she’s only been out of her cell for short ventures, timed precisely to miss the patrols. But finally, she’s ready for the next stage. Just in time, too – it’s been nearly a month, and if that encanto’d idiot comes back and starts drooling over her, his partner is going to know something’s wrong.
It’s another hour before the guards wander past her door, briefly opening the slot to check on her. She sits in the corner, holding her head in her hands, hiding her face. She has a good poker face, obviously, but there’s something about a situation like this that puts a certain gleam in her eye. I do love it when a plan comes together, she thinks happily.
The footsteps move past. She counts to seven hundred and fifty-two before she decides a thousand was an overly cautious number to pick, and if she has to count that much higher she’ll die of boredom. So instead, she falls into her dust form and slips away.
‘Inquisitor, there’s been a riot in the Gard.’
Alec’s attention immediately snaps away from the report on his desk to the lieutenant in front of him. ‘When?’
The lieutenant is maintaining a veneer of professionalism, but Alec can see the fear lurking behind it. ‘We first got word around four minutes ago, sir, but we’re not sure when it started. Twenty-three prisoners are out of their cells.’ ‘Which section?’ ‘Low-threat, sir,’ they say, and Alec lets out a breath. At least it isn’t the maximum-security wing. ‘Our people on the ground are trying to contain the situation, but-‘
‘Sir!’ Another voice interrupts as another Shadowhunter appears in the doorway, her blue uniform marking her as surveillance personnel. ‘Sorry for the intrusion, but there’s word on the riot. They have it mostly under control down there now – the head of security pulled all available details to handle it. The prisoners are back in their cells, they’re just working on re-securing some of the doors.’ ‘Casualties?’ ‘Three Shadowhunters wounded, six prisoners. No fatalities.’ Alec nods. ‘All right. Stevens, head back to the ops center. Tell the infirmary to expect nine injured, six of which will need security.’ The Shadowhunter from surveillance nods, hurrying away. ‘Travis, gather your team and meet me at the Gard.’
Camille watches on, willing her patience not to give out when she’s so close. The Nephilim don’t even glance at the dust in the shadows, wandering blindly in front of her and her five accomplices – other vampires from the maximum security wing, ones that she herself sired and whose loyalty can therefore be assured. Camille’s often been proud of her talent for siring ruthless offspring, and it’s serving her well now. That Simon boy was just a fluke.
The Inquisitor is inspecting one of the doors with his stele, apparently trying to determine  how the prisoners escaped. She wonders if she’ll have time before she kills him to tell him that she just opened the doors the mundane way, and let her new friends – the ones she’d been performing encanto on for the past few weeks – do the rest. Maybe she should send a manifesto of her plot to Magnus, afterwards. It does seem a shame to have no-one know just how brilliant her planning was. ‘No sign of rune-tampering,’ he says. All frowny and serious like that, she can see the attraction on Magnus’ part. It’s adorable. ‘We really have no leads on how they got out, Charlie?’ ‘No, but Alec… there’s some sort of demonic energy here. A strong residue of power.’ The Seelie scans the shadows, more watchful than the Nephilim, but Camille is confident she won’t be spotted. ‘I cannot put my finger on it, but whatever did this was no Nephilim.’ The angel boy looks around, but he’s even less of a threat than the Seelie. ‘All right. Send a message to Magnus, let him know what’s happening and ask for his help. No-one knows demonic signatures like he does.’
Camille quells her frustration as the Seelie departs. An annoying wrinkle, but not a huge problem. It’ll take time for Magnus to get here from New York. Without being able to portal straight into the Gard, his little angel will be long dead by the time he gets down here. There are only four Nephilim now, and they look like they’re preparing to leave, too.
Camille gives the signal.
She enjoys the look of shock on the boy’s face as her companions emerge from the shadows, breaking the neck of one of the younger Shadowhunters before the girl has a chance to react. The others are quicker, but the second one soon ends up on the ground with his throat ripped out, having barely laid a scratch on his assailant. The boy and his last remaining companion are clearly the more accomplished fighters, managing to take out three of her vampires between them. But they’re still outnumbered. When his comrade falls, Camille steps from the shadows herself, her last two accomplices helping her to hold the boy down.
‘Well, hello again,’ she purrs, straddling his chest, high enough that he can’t buck her off. He struggles, his expression full of hatred as he recognises her, but it’s fairly hard to move with a vampire pinning each of your arms down. ‘Alec, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, I just think of you as ‘Magnus’ latest plaything’.’ He glares at her, but doesn’t say a word. ‘Ooh, cold,’ she says, relishing the slight flicker of fear as she bares her fangs. ‘Not in a chatty mood? Don’t worry, angel boy. I have just the thing to cheer you up. Maybe when Magnus gets here, he can have some too.’
He opens his mouth to say something – probably an angry, predictable demand to leave Magnus alone – but it’s lost in a gasp as she bites down on his throat. She drinks fast and deep, pleasantly surprised by the sweet angelic quality to his taste, but not wanting to savor too much. After all, this isn’t supposed to be a picnic for the boy, and she knows her venom is making this altogether more pleasant than she’d like. Oh well, she thinks. I can always try to convince Magnus that he suffered horribly, knowing what was happening despite the venom’s effects. With his bleeding, guilt-ridden heart, he’ll probably believe every-
Camille just about has time to look up in shock – how the hell did he get here so fast? – before she’s thrown back violently. She gets to her feet as Magnus incinerates both of her remaining vampires, golden magic that matches his furious eyes and would remind anyone just whose son they’re dealing with. He’s not alone, but the two Shadowhunters behind him keep their distance, weapons drawn. Magnus plants himself between Camille and Alec, staring at her like he’s trying to bore a hole in her skull, and she tries not to show any fear. ‘Enough,’ he growls. ‘You’re not touching him again.’ His magic flares threateningly from his hands.
She smirks, hoping it doesn’t wobble. ‘You won’t do it,’ she says, pleased when her voice comes out steady. ‘You and I go too far back for that, Magnus. I saved your life. I was here long before your angel toy-boy, and I’ll be here long after.’ She waits for the capitulation, for Magnus’ face to soften as it always has when she pulls that card. For his weakness to shine through.
What she doesn’t expect is a slow but decisive shake of the head. ‘No,’ Magnus says, and the rage has gone, leaving only cold fury. ‘You’ve taken enough of my past. You’re not having my future.’
And that’s the final straw. Camille launches herself at Magnus, her own wrath boiling over at the realisation that she can’t control him like she used to.
The next bolt of magic cuts off her head, and the last thing she sees is a man who doesn’t need her anymore.
Magnus doesn’t even watch Camille hit the ground. Instead, he spins back to his husband, cradling his head; tears starting to well as he feels how cold his Shadowhunter’s skin is, the runes standing out starkly against his pallor. ‘Alexander,’ he breathes, but he doesn’t expect a response and he doesn’t get one, not even a hitch in the weak, shallow breathing. His fingers go to the unbitten side of Alec’s throat, over his deflect rune, and the pulse is barely there. He’s lost too much blood. ‘Get Catarina Loss here, now,’ he shouts, hearing both Shadowhunters scramble to obey his broken command.
But it’s a vain hope. There’s no way Catarina can get here in time, and he knows it. He chokes down a sob, closing his eyes as he presses his forehead to Alec’s. ‘Please,’ he whispers, ‘not yet. Don’t leave me just yet. We’re supposed-‘ The words are cut off by another sob, and he finishes the thought in his head as he gasps for breath. We’re supposed to have more time. Decades. I was supposed to care for you as you grew old. ‘Please, Alec. Please.’
His hands move down to cradle either side of Alec’s neck, and he feels a swell of revulsion as he finds the twin punctures.
Then, a thrill of something dangerously close to hope.
His eyes fly open, and he looks from his husband, so still and pale but still there, to Camille’s body not ten yards away. He summons the vampire’s corpse without even thinking, cupping his hand under the fatal wound, where the last drops of her lifeblood are seeping out.
After a few agonising seconds, he prays that he has enough, because he knows he’s almost out of time. He parts Alec’s lips and gently lets the blood spill into his mouth.
Alec sputters a little, and Magnus hates to make his last breaths any more difficult, but he has to try. He leans forward again, using his unbloodied hand to stroke Alec’s hair, and presses a kiss to his husband’s forehead. ‘Forgive me, my love.’
The weak breathing stops, and the despair crashes over Magnus like a tidal wave. He pulls Alec close and weeps, not yet daring to hope he’s done enough to save the man he loves.
If Simon’s phone hadn’t started ringing, he’s not sure when he would have moved.
He doesn’t know how long it’s been since Jace collapsed in the middle of his and Izzy’s kitchen, clutching his side and screaming in agony. How long since the screaming stopped, Jace’s expression going blank for a moment before he started hyperventilating, sobbing Alec’s name. The three of them have been frozen ever since, Izzy’s arms around Jace as the tears track silently down her face, Simon standing beside them, numb with disbelief.
And then his phone starts ringing, and it’s like the clock starts ticking again. He pulls it out of his pocket and feels his stomach plummet to his knees when he sees who it is, almost dropping it in his fumble to answer the call. ‘Magnus? Oh g-g-god, Magnus, I’m so-‘ ‘Are you alone?’ Simon’s taken aback by Magnus’ blunt tone. ‘No, I’m- I’m with Jace and Izzy. Magnus-‘ ‘Get out of their earshot.’ Magnus sounds… not calm, but emotionless. Detached. ‘Uh, okay.’ Simon holds up a finger to Izzy in response to her questioning look, and walks out of the kitchen, through the living room and into the master bedroom, closing all the doors behind him. ‘Okay, I’m out of the room-‘ ‘I need you to come to Alicante. Just you, as fast as you can get here.’
Simon takes a deep breath. ‘I totally get it, Magnus, and I’m so, so sorry, but I can’t just leave Izzy and-‘ ‘Simon!’ Magnus snaps. ‘We don’t have time for this. Alec needs you here, now.’ …Oh, god. Oh, god. Does Magnus not know? ‘Magnus,’ he says hesitantly, with absolutely no idea how he’s going to break this news. ‘Alec’s… Jace… he – ‘ ‘I know.’ Oh, thank god. ‘But we might be able to get him back, Simon. The same way Clary got you back.’ Simon’s eyes widen. ‘You mean-‘ ‘Go to the Institute and tell them that I’ve summoned you. They’ll be expecting you, and they should give you access to a portal. Get here as soon as you can, and don’t tell the others.’ The line goes dead.
Simon sways in place. If he thought he was dumbfounded before, this is a whole other level. He wanders back into the kitchen, hand still clenched around his phone. Izzy looks up at him. She’s still crying, but when she speaks, her voice is stronger than Simon expects. ‘What did Magnus say? Did he-‘ She pauses for a moment, continuing in a whisper. ‘Did he say what happened?’
Simon shakes his head. Which isn’t technically a lie, he has no idea what’s going on besides that Alec’s dead but Magnus says he can come back as a frickin’ vampire- ‘No,’ he says, realising that both of them are looking up at him now, waiting for more information. ‘He just said he wants me to go to Alicante, ASAP. Just me. He didn’t say why.’
‘No.’ Simon’s heart breaks a little at Jace’s voice, all the grief and fury in it. ‘No, we’re going with you. I have to-‘ He cuts himself off, breathing heavily. Izzy looks at Simon a little quizzically, and Simon tries to just look sad instead of nervous and guilty. Apparently, it works, because she turns back to Jace and runs her hand over his shoulders soothingly. ‘Jace,’ she says gently, ‘if Magnus doesn’t want us there yet, there’s got to be a good reason. We don’t-‘ She presses a hand to her mouth, taking a few breaths before she continues. ‘We don’t know what state Alec’s in.’ Her voice trembles a little on her brother’s name, and Jace’s sobs resume.
Simon gently puts his hand on Izzy’s shoulder. ‘I can stay,’ he offers, though he dreads to think what Magnus would do to him if he didn’t show. ‘I-‘ ‘No.’ Izzy shakes her head, and gives Simon her best attempt at a smile. ‘No, go. Magnus needs you right now. I’ve got things here.’
He gives her a half-smile in return, reaching out to comfort Jace quickly before thinking better of it and snatching his hand back. ‘Okay. Okay. I’ll, uh- go.’ He turns and sprints from the apartment, heading for the Institute, and feeling terrible about leaving the others behind. Magnus had better know what he’s doing.
‘Magnus, think about this.’ Raphael sounds exasperated, but Magnus knows him well enough to detect the undercurrent of concern. ‘Think of what his life will be like after this. Because of a choice you made for him. Is that a burden you can bear?’
Magnus doesn’t look up at him, but he nods. ‘I have to try, Raphael.’ Because of course Magnus has second- and third- and fourth-guessed himself, every moment since he dripped Camille’s blood between Alec’s lips. But the alternative is losing him, and he’s having trouble even thinking about that option. Raphael sighs in frustration. ‘Magnus-‘ ‘I didn’t ask you here to talk me out of it,’ Magnus snaps, but there’s no strength behind the anger. It sounds as hollow as he feels. ‘Will you help me or not?’
‘Raphael, can I… I need to talk to you. Just for a moment.’ Apparently, Simon showed up sometime in the last minute or so. Magnus hadn’t even noticed. He hears them walk away until they’re just out of earshot, where he can hear their cadence but not their words, and still he doesn’t move. His gaze is fixed on the hole in the ground in front of them. He can’t look at Alec lying down there, because there’s no peace in this kind of death, and he just looks pale and ill and wrong. But neither can Magnus completely look away, and so he guards the grave without daring to glimpse the owner.
It’s not long – or, hell, it might be an hour, he can’t tell anymore – before the footsteps return. He doesn’t ask Raphael a second time, just waits for his answer. Raphael sighs again, but this time, it’s in resignation. ‘All right. We’re running out of time. Let’s get this over with.’
The grave is shallow, and doesn’t take long to fill between the three of them – and then they’re standing back, waiting with bated breath. And as the minutes tick by and Alec still doesn’t appear, Magnus feels his resolve start to crumble. Maybe the blood wasn’t enough, even with that much venom in his system. Or maybe it was enough, but something’s gone wrong, and now he’s trapped his husband’s soul in a kind of limbo-
A hand strikes up through the earth, and Magnus should feel apprehensive at facing the consequences of his decision. But all he can focus on is how much easier it is to breathe again.
Cold, cold but burning, and he climbs out into dazzling light but it doesn’t sound right, doesn’t sound like the world and there’s the smell of rain and something earthy, sweet, familiar, delicious-
Another sound, too loud, too much, but he doesn’t care because there’s a different smell, in front of him and too delicious to resist and so he doesn’t, he tears it open and feasts and all is lost but the hunger, the frenzy, the need.
‘Not yet, Magnus. Give him a minute.’
Magnus, Magnus, the word is familiar. And the connection lights up in his brain as he continues to feast – Magnus is the name of that smell, the earthy-sweet-delicious one, so tempting that once he’s finished here, he knows what he wants afterwards, but for now there’s the hunger and the frenzy and that’s paramount, so he shuts off every other thought and just feeds.
And slowly, as the bloodlust is sated, Alec’s mind comes back to him, the last few minutes forgotten.
He’s kneeling in the dirt, and how did he get here? And the world is too loud around him, too bright even though when he looks up he can see the stars, that’s not right, night’s supposed to be dark.
He looks down again, and this time, he sees the golden glow of his husband’s eyes, shining with unshed tears – but he looks relieved, treading that fine line between happiness and heartbreak. ‘There you are,’ he says, and his smile widens. ‘You know, last-minute dramatic entrances are supposed to be my thing.’ And he takes a step towards Alec.
EarthysweetDELICIOUS- ‘No!’ Alec scrambles backwards, and Magnus stops in his tracks, expression tipping back towards heartbreak, and Alec holds his breath because something is wrong, something’s in his head and it wants to hurt Magnus, wants him to hurt the man he loves. ‘Don’t- don’t come any closer,’ he says desperately, covering his mouth and nose. Or at least, that’s what he tries to say, but his mouth feels weird, and when he runs his tongue over his teeth he can’t quite place… what…
His eyes fall on Simon, on Raphael, and go wide in understanding. ‘No,’ he says again, more quietly – not despair, just disbelief. And he wants to say more, wants to ask what happened, because he remembers Camille’s teeth in his neck and fire around him but not how he got here – but the words get stuck in his throat, and he knows he should be worrying about himself but all his mind can focus on is how fucking devastated Magnus looks now.
Simon’s suddenly there, kneeling in front of him, face a little scared but determined. ‘Listen, Alec, it’s okay. I know it’s all – all – really freakin’ weird right now, and I know,’ he lowers his voice, ‘I know you’re afraid you’re going to hurt him.’ Alec shuts his eyes, and he wants to tell Simon to go away, tell him that he has no idea what he’s talking about, but he’s hit the nail on the head and Alec’s terrified. ‘But you won’t,’ Simon says, and he sounds surer of himself than Alec’s ever heard. ‘You won’t hurt him, like I never hurt Clary. And I was a frickin’ wimp, dude,’ he jokes, though his voice turns a bit shaky when he does. ‘You’re a total badass. If anyone can handle this, it’s you. And you don’t have to do it alone. We’re gonna help you.’
Alec opens his eyes and looks at Simon, daring to take a breath. He can still smell the sandalwood, the earthy sweetness he’s come to associate with Magnus, but it doesn’t stoke that fire of hunger inside him anymore. ‘Okay,’ he croaks, returning the smile as best he can when Simon’s face lights up. ‘Okay, I-‘
But then there’s pain, agony, and he claws at his neck, his ribs to get it off him, because it hurts, it feels like his skin is coming apart, make it stop-
‘Alexander!’ And then Simon is gone but there’s Magnus, Magnus, love of his life – holding on to him, wrapping him in his arms and it’s safe but it’s not because there’s still that voice at the back of Alec’s head, but it’s being drowned out by pain-
‘His runes, Magnus, they’re reacting to the change-‘
Make it stop, he wants to say. Please, Magnus, help me –
The world is still too bright, and it gets brighter, brighter-
‘It’s alright,’ Magnus soothes, trying not to sound as frantic as he feels. ‘It’s alright, Alec, I’ve got you, it’ll be over soon.’ His husband is limp in his arms, but he keeps talking, keeps pouring out magic to numb the pain. ‘It’s going to be alright. You’re going to be alright.’
The runes are still glowing red-gold on his skin, then flaring brightly one by one and disappearing. They’re reacting to the change, Raphael said, and that makes sense. Shadowhunter runes work on angelic power, they can’t handle the demonic nature of vampirism – only the Seelie realm can properly balance the two. The vampirism will win out, Raphael said assuredly. Once it does, he should be fine. But Magnus curses himself for not thinking of this, not realising that this would be an issue.
In fact, while he’s at it, Magnus curses himself for this whole damn idea, his selfishness and desperation, his inability to let Alec go. Because nothing, not even Alec’s death, has ever hurt Magnus more than that soft, broken ‘no’ when his husband realised what he’d become. What Magnus did to him. He doesn’t deserve to, but Magnus holds Alec tighter. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he whispers.
The last rune – stamina, Magnus recognises dully – flares and vanishes. Alec remains still in Magnus’ arms.
‘It might take a while for him to come around,’ Raphael says, and it’s the closest to gentle Magnus has ever heard him. ‘I’ve heard of this before, when Shadowhunters were turned. The war between magics takes a toll on the body. We should take him home to recover.’
Simon steps forward as if to help, but Magnus shakes his head minutely, lifting Alec into his arms. He’s surprisingly light, until Magnus remembers how much blood he’s missing, and then it isn’t surprising at all. He steps forward, away from the loose earth, to give himself a sturdier footing. ‘We never did the bridal carry over the threshold, did we?’ he murmurs. ‘At least we’re getting around to it now.’ When Alec doesn’t respond, the smile dies on Magnus’ face. ‘Yes, I suppose you’re right. Not funny.’
He twirls his wrist gently to open a portal, and steps through into their bedroom, Simon and Raphael in tow. He manoeuvres Alec onto the bed, trying to make him as comfortable as possible, and takes a moment to magic away the dried blood on his face. Then he turns to the others. ‘Would you watch over him for a moment? There’s something I have to take care of. And let his family know what’s happened.’
He doesn’t wait for a response before portalling back to the graveyard, unable to wait another second. He faces the disturbed grave, and summons his powers – first smoothing it over, and then weaving ward after ward around the plot, casting glamours and protective spells, making sure they’re the kind that are built to last.
Grave dirt is a dangerous liability. Magnus is already afraid he’s made a colossal mistake, and he’s not about to make another.
Alec is unconscious for three days.
On the first day, Magnus busies himself around the apartment. Raphael assures him that it’s going to be a while before his husband wakes, and so Magnus takes the time to make preparations. He checks there’s no way sunlight can get into their home once the new blackout curtains are drawn, conjures blood to store in the fridge, silences any ticking clocks. He banishes the silver he can deal without, like some of his jewellery, and transmutes what he can’t, like the now-stainless-steel silverware.
That evening, the majority of Alec’s family arrive – Maryse, Jace, Izzy and Max. Magnus doesn’t meet any of their eyes, too afraid that he’ll see hatred for what he’s done, the path he’s chosen for Alec. When they go into the bedroom, he makes himself scarce, brewing tea and coffee in the kitchen because if they’ve had as little sleep as him, they’re going to need it. Izzy comes to join him after a while, and knowing how protective she is, he braces himself for the worst. But instead, she gently takes him by the hands, turns him to face her, and pulls him down into a hug. ‘Thank you,’ she says. ‘I know it wasn’t an easy decision, but I don’t know what I’d do without him.’ Magnus doesn’t tell her that he doesn’t deserve her thanks, or that it was all too easy in the end, because he’s selfish. Instead, he just leans into her comfort.
On the second day, Robert shows up. He says he can’t stay long, which Magnus suspects has more to do with the awkwardness of being around Maryse than any ‘Clave business’, as he claims – but he sits with Alec a while, holding one of his hands while Maryse takes the other. Before he goes, he pulls Magnus to one side. ‘Keep me updated,’ he says. ‘Let me know when he wakes up, or if there are any changes.’
Shortly after Robert leaves, Raphael does too. ‘I’ve done all I can for you, now,’ he says. ‘The rest will be up to you and Simon to help him through.’ He clasps Magnus’ shoulder for a moment, meeting his eyes with a sincere, but not unsympathetic gaze. ‘I hope you don’t come to regret this.’
Magnus walks him out, and rather than return to the bedroom with its stifling air of guilt and sadness, he wanders out onto the balcony to get some much-needed space. The sun is setting, and he tries and fails not to think about how Alec won’t ever get to see that again. If he weren’t so tired, the thought would make him angry with himself all over again. So much for avoiding guilt, he thinks, and almost laughs. ‘Magnus?’ Simon’s voice is hesitant, and maybe Magnus isn’t just distracted. This daylighter is sneaky. ‘Are you alright?’
He actually does laugh at that, but there’s no warmth to it. ‘Oh, I’m just dandy, Simon.’ Simon comes to stand beside him, leaning on the balcony, but keeps around a foot of space between them, which Magnus appreciates right now. ‘Yeah, sorry. Stupid question.’ He pauses, before turning to face Magnus. ‘I felt it, when Camille went,’ he says. ‘I didn’t know what it was, at first, and then of course there was Jace a second later – but anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry. That can’t have been easy.’ Magnus just shrugs, surprised at his own lack of feeling. ‘I suppose.’ Truth be told, he didn’t feel anything when he thought about Camille being gone, not even a small sense of loss. It would seem that any residual feelings he had for her were completely erased by the sight of her sinking her fangs into Alec’s throat. He takes a deep, slightly shuddering breath.
It’s a few moments before Simon speaks again. ‘He’s going to be okay. You know that, right?’
Magnus sighs. ‘No, I don’t.’ He looks back out at the sunset, and pretends that it’s the glare that makes his eyes water. ‘I did this to him,’ he whispers. ‘I knew what it would mean for him – I’ve seen Raphael go through it, and you. But I still chose this over losing him.’ ‘Well, yeah, but… it’s better than death, isn’t it?’ ‘I’m not so sure. You saw him in the graveyard, Simon. How scared he was, how, how…’ ‘But it’s like that for everyone,’ Simon argues. ‘It’s a big deal, but… you make it work. Raphael made it work, I’ve made it work. And neither of us ever wanted this, so Alec’s already got an advantage there.’
Magnus turns sharply to look at Simon, whose expression quite clearly says caught red-handed. ‘Uh,’ he says, clearing his throat. ‘Okay, yeah, cat’s out of the bag. Nice one, Simon,’ he mutters. ‘Okay, so, basically, he didn’t want me to say anything, but… when you were stuck in Edom, and we heard about Lilith, and we couldn’t figure out a way to get any Shadowhunters there to help you… Alec-kinda-asked-me-to-turn-him-into-a-vampire,’ he finishes in a rush. If Magnus looks as astounded as he feels right now, he wouldn’t blame Simon for checking his pulse. ‘He…’ Simon nods, a little sheepishly. ‘Yeah. I said no – obviously. For starters, I’m a terrible sire – but he was all in, man. He said if I didn’t do it, he’d find someone else to. If Clary hadn’t come up with the alliance rune, I really think he would have done it.’
Magnus turns back towards the last rays of sunlight, overwhelmed. You continue to surprise me. He closes his eyes at the memory. ‘I suppose that’s what you told Raphael to get him on board, then?’ ‘Yeah. He was much more supportive when I told him this was an option Alec had considered before, even if he didn’t quite get why.’
And in a way, Raphael is right. It doesn’t change the fact that Magnus made this decision, and all the weight of that – but maybe it’ll make things easier for Alec when he wakes up, and that’s all he wants for his husband now. ‘Thank you, Simon,’ he says, turning to give him a small smile. Simon returns it, and heads back indoors, apparently pleased with himself.
On the third day, Alec’s family drift in and out, but Magnus stays by his bedside the whole time. According to Raphael’s estimate, he’ll wake up soon, and Magnus wants to be here. He doesn’t know if Alec will forgive him – god knows he’s having a hard enough time just living with himself over this, forgiveness seems downright impossible – but when Alec wakes up confused, he always looks for Magnus, and Magnus doesn’t want him to panic when he rouses. If Alec wants him to leave, he can do that after, and he won’t blame him if that’s the case. But that’s after, and right now, Magnus’ place is here.
It’s nearly midnight when Alec shifts, the noise waking Magnus from a half-doze despite the amount of caffeine in his system. Everyone else is asleep, spread across the spare room and the couches in the living room. ‘M’gn’s?’ he mumbles, and despite all the guilt and all the fear, Magnus’ heart leaps to hear it. ‘Here,’ he says, reaching out and taking his husband’s hand. ‘Right here, Alexander.’ Bloodshot eyes find his, and after they take a moment to focus, an exhausted smile lights up Alec’s face. ‘Ah. There you are,’ he says, slurring slightly. Magnus swallows the lump in his throat, and tries to find a smile of his own. ‘Where else would I be?’ He relinquishes Alec’s hand, taking the cup from the nightstand and pressing the straw to his husband’s lips. ‘Here. Raphael said this would help once you woke up.’
Alec closes his eyes to drink – not that he’d be able to see what he’s drinking through the opaque cup and straw. That Meyer woman got a lot wrong, Magnus thinks, but damn if she didn’t know how to normalise drinking blood. Alec finishes most of the cup before he pulls away. Either he’s too out of it to realise what he just drank, or he’s adjusting to this new lifestyle remarkably quickly, because he doesn’t seem fazed at all – he just settles back down into his veritable nest of pillows, cracking his eyes open to look at Magnus once more, before he lets them fall closed again and reaches his hand out, palm up.
And Magnus puts all his practice with ‘living in the here and now’ to good use, pushing his worries for the future aside and just holding on tight.
‘Try telling yourself you want to run into the wall,’ Simon suggests. Alec grits his teeth. ‘Simon, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.’ ‘Hey, worked for me. You won’t know unless you give it a try.’
Alec takes a deep breath, but without there being a need to do so, it’s annoyingly ineffective at calming him down. It’s been five days since he first woke up at home, and there’s a lot for him to be stressed about. Firstly, there’s the fact that even though he’s been through years of physical training, he’s pretty sure that if any of his instructors had been as irritating as Simon was while trying to teach him to manage his ‘vamp speed’ inside the apartment, he would have volunteered for deruning by the age of fifteen just to get away from them.
Speaking of deruning, there’s also the shock every time he walks past a mirror and doesn’t see his deflect rune on his neck, only the quickly-fading puncture wounds on the opposite side. His runes have been a part of him for so long, he feels oddly incomplete without them. It doesn’t help that it’s a reminder of his shift in identity, too – being a Shadowhunter is all he knows, all he’s ever known. It was an identity that fit, and vampire just doesn’t fit yet.
But if he’s honest with himself, there’s a much bigger reason why Alec feels so on edge, and that reason is sitting in the kitchen, wearing a wedding band identical to Alec’s, and pretending to read The Great Gatsby despite the fact that he hasn’t turned a page in twenty minutes. Since Alec woke up, Magnus has barely looked at him. He always stays close, of course, wanting to be there for him, but his bravado is out in full force. The only real expression Alec’s seen on his face in days is the one where he looks at Alec with a mixture of grief and wonder, like he’s some sort of sad miracle. And of course, as soon as he realises Alec’s looking, it’s back to the false smile and airy attitude, all without meeting his eyes.
And Alec understands, really. Magnus saved his life, but in the process, he’s ended up married to a vampire. Which isn’t a completely new thing for Magnus, of course, he’s been with vampires before – but the last time was when he was with Camille, and that story doesn’t exactly have a happy ending. And now she’s Alec’s sire, and this must be bringing up all sorts of weird memories for Magnus.
Alec looks back at Magnus, watches the honest expression slip away behind false cheer again, and suddenly he can’t do this anymore. ‘Simon, could you give us a minute?’ It’s taken a few days, but Alec trusts himself to be in a room alone with Magnus now – his long-earned discipline from being a Shadowhunter is coming in handy with learning to control his bloodlust. Besides, he’s sure that if he did lose control, Magnus could kick his ass pretty easily. Simon looks between them, as if momentarily transfixed by the awkwardness, before he shakes himself. ‘Right, right, of course, I’ll just-‘ He leaves quickly, and Alec spares a thought to appreciate that he can now see him go, because the same speed is at his own disposal.
He turns back to Magnus, refocusing on the task at hand. Magnus opens his mouth to speak, but Alec cuts him off. ‘Do you regret it?’ he asks quietly. ‘I- what?’ ‘Do you regret it. Bringing me back like this.’ Magnus just stares for a moment, then looks down at his hands. ‘I can’t,’ he says, and Alec closes his eyes, processing that. Of course Magnus feels like he can’t regret it, that would be tantamount to wishing Alec weren’t here, but- ‘I’m so sorry, Alexander.’
Alec’s eyes fly open, and he looks at Magnus in confusion. ‘What?’ There’s no bravado now, and Magnus looks pained. ‘I’m sorry, and I know I should regret doing this to you, but I just can’t. Because if I hadn’t, I would have lost you, and I couldn’t bear that.’ He meets Alec’s eyes again. ‘But I know it was selfish of me, and I am so, so sorry.’
‘Wait,’ Alec says, dumbfounded. ‘You’re sorry? For saving my life?’ ‘I saw what the transformation did to Raphael, to Simon. And I still chose to put you through that, rather than lose you,’ Magnus says, his voice so quiet, Alec’s not sure he would have heard him without his new-and-improved vampire hearing.
Alec’s head is reeling, but he walks over to Magnus, sitting beside him. ‘Look,’ he begins. ‘I’m not going to pretend that this isn’t a big change, that it isn’t going to be difficult. But making that decision, in the heat of the moment, because you didn’t want to lose me? That’s not selfishness, that’s love.’ He takes Magnus’ hands in his own, wanting his full attention. ‘Besides, it’s not like I’ve never made a choice that I knew would hurt you. What about when I asked you to give Lorenzo’s magic back? Or when I made that deal with your father?’ Magnus shakes his head with a sad smile, like he’s already thought of all this – which, if he’s been preoccupied with this ever since Alec woke up, he probably has. ‘That’s different,’ he says. ‘You were doing what you thought was best for me.’ ‘Maybe,’ Alec allows. ‘But I don’t think it’s that black-and-white, Magnus. Do you really think there wasn’t a part of me that asked you to give the magic back because I didn’t want to lose you? I practically told you as much,’ he points out. ‘And do you think there was no part of me that made that deal with Asmodeus just because I couldn’t bear for you to resent me someday? Because I don’t believe that.’
Magnus just shakes his head, that same sad smile on his face, and Alec changes tack. ‘Magnus. Whatever part of you did this for me, I’m grateful. Because now I get to see my family again, and we have a chance to do all those things we talked about doing ‘one day’. And whatever part of you did this for you… I’m glad you did.’ Magnus looks up at him in surprise. ‘I love you, Magnus. I want you to be happy. And if you need me here, then that’s where I want to be. And if you need to hear that I forgive you, then of course, of course I do. How could I not, when any selfishness you had only existed because you love me?’ He moves his hand to the back of Magnus’ neck, thumb gently stroking back and forth. ‘But even if you’re sorry you made this choice, I’m not. At all. Besides,’ he says, feeling a smile grow wide on his face, ‘vampires are immortal. How could I walk out on you now we’ve finally got a shot at forever?’
Magnus is quiet for a moment, and his eyes are still a little shiny. ‘You know, sometimes I think it’s a shame that I was the one to propose.’ He smiles, and wraps his arms loosely around Alec’s neck. ‘You give a great speech when you want to, Alexander.’ He leans forward, and Alec leans away a little. ‘Magnus…’ ‘It’s okay,’ Magnus whispers. ‘We’ll stop if you’re not ready, but I trust you.’ He moves in slowly, giving Alec time to pull away, but he doesn’t, and when their lips meet it’s tender and sweet. Alec notes with relief that his fangs don’t descend, and leans into the kiss, emboldened.
When they pull apart, they rest their foreheads together. ‘A shot at forever,’ Magnus murmurs. ‘Sounds pretty good, when you put it like that.’ Yeah, Alec thinks, pulling Magnus even closer. It really does.
Change is never easy, but it’s rarely impossible.
Officially, when Alec died, he lost the role of Inquisitor. His colleagues seem relieved when he accepts that loss with good grace, knowing that even with the newfound acceptance of Downworlders in Alicante, the role should go to someone who’s still a Shadowhunter. The more Alec adjusts to his new life, the further removed he’ll be from his old one, and he knows it won’t be long until he forgets the little things he used to know intrinsically – how it feels to activate a rune, or to wield a seraph blade. How to plan for a situation with Shadowhunter abilities instead of vampiric ones.
Instead, he liaises between the Clave and the small vampire population in Alicante, pushing for compromise and understanding. It’s not easy – there are still plenty of Shadowhunters who look down on Downworlders, and plenty of vampires who don’t trust Shadowhunters after years of prejudice. But times are changing, and over the years, Alec goes from feeling like he doesn’t belong on either ‘side’ to finding a sense of belonging in both.
His family adjust, though each of them takes their own time. Izzy and Jace, used to spending time with Simon, fold him into a bone-crushing hug between them the moment they enter the apartment. He’s pretty sure that if he hadn’t insisted on getting used to his vampiric urges first, they would have done so the moment he woke up all those weeks ago. And of course, when Clary returns to the Shadow World, her acceptance is just as freely given. Maryse takes a little longer, but Alec can see her trying. The first time he sees her again, she cups his face in her hands, and meets his eyes with a determined expression. ‘You know as well as I do that this is a big change,’ she says. ‘But you’re still my boy. You always will be. And as long as you’re happy, I’m happy for you too.’
Robert doesn’t come by often, but when he does, Alec can see that he’s trying, too. He hesitates before clapping Alec on the shoulder, or sitting next to him at the dinner table, but he never chickens out. Part of Alec was sure that his dad would drop out of his life completely – it’s not like they’ve been close ever since his parents fell out, the last thing they need is one more obstacle between them – so this exceeds his expectations. With Robert comes Max, and Alec is gentlest with him, toning down the ‘vamp stuff’ at first. His youngest brother has almost no personal experience with Downworlders besides Magnus, and he’s still just a kid.
The first time Max walks into their apartment without a look of trepidation, Alec almost cries with relief.
After that, it’s not long before Max is bubbling over with questions – what does vampire speed feel like? Is Alec’s vision even better now than it was with his runes activated? Does blood taste different now? (That last one leaves Alec gaping, unable to find any words to even begin to answer, and Magnus can barely contain his laughter.)
Despite the fact that it was Magnus’ decision to save him this way, Alec is a little nervous when things start settling down after his transformation. He’s worried that without all the panic of nearly losing Alec, Magnus will realise how different things will be now. After all, Magnus has ended up with a husband who can’t go out to dinner with him, can’t even go out with him in the daytime, and whose fangs descend whenever they have a disagreement – not as a threat, just as an automatic reaction, like the vampire equivalent of a frown.
But Magnus never seems to mind any of that. He looks at Alec the same way he always has, brings him the occasional glass of blood as casually as he would a cup of coffee, and sounds so, so happy when they’re lying in bed together or curled up on the couch, talking about the future. Because one thing they never doubt is that both of them are in this for forever, now that they have a chance at it. Magnus was the one to turn Alec immortal, and Alec was the first one to mention that as a major upside to Magnus’ decision; so right from the start, they’re on the same page about that, and it makes Alec smile whenever he thinks about it, too.
The way they spend their free time changes, but it’s not all losses. They can’t walk down the streets of an unfamiliar city in the heat of the day, but they head out to the desert and lie under more stars than Alec’s ever seen before. They can’t share a meal together, but they go swimming in crystal clear waters in the moonlight, Magnus’ magic and Alec’s vampirism meaning they don’t have to come up for air until they choose to.
And of course, Alec’s favourite kind of time together – like tonight – isn’t all that different. A soft jazz song is playing, and Magnus is humming along as he and Alec turn in slow circles around the living room, swaying in each other’s arms, heads resting on each other’s shoulders. If anything, this is another thing that’s better now that Alec’s a vampire – his problem with dancing was always overthinking, and for some reason, he finds it easier to trust his newfound poise than the grace and balance that came from being a Shadowhunter.
There’s a somebody I’m longing to see, I hope that he, turns out to be, someone who’ll watch over me… Alec smiles at the lyrics being crooned around them, feeling like a huge sap but far too happy to care, and sighs. ‘What are you thinking about?’ Magnus asks softly. Alec turns his head slightly to press a kiss to his husband’s cheek. ‘You,’ he says honestly. Magnus breathes out a laugh. ‘Oh, stop it. You do know how to make a man blush, Alexander.’
They’re quiet after that, listening to the music, holding each other close. It’s a long time before either of them let go.
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Drabble Request #28 & 35 min yoongi
Quickly downing the bitter liquid the bartender handed you. You pulled out your phone to check the time before ordering your 5th shot of the night making it a double. You had a message drafted but you tried to fight the urge to send it. It's 3am so you knew he was most likely awake.
It was a rough day for you. Work was stressful and you had just gotten into a heated argument with your boyfriend over something frivolous but you picked the fight because you needed a reason to see him. The urge was only becoming stronger the more the liquor rushed through your veins.
Fuck it you thought. It was more of a need then a want so a text wouldn't do. Pulling up his contact info you press the number before instructing the phone to call him. It rang a few times before you heard the familiarity of his rough gruffy tone.
"y/n it's 3 am... Why are you still up?" He asked a hint of curiosity coming across in his voice. "Everything ok?". You took a minute to gather your thoughts before responding. You didn't want to make it obvious that you were faded but you were close. " Yoongi can I come see you?" You whined slurring a bit at the end. Yoongi exhales deeply debating if he could allow himself the pain.
What started out as a harmless hook up for the both of you quickly turned into something a bit more serious. He had fallen in love with you and through these moments of you drunk texting and calling him you had confessed your love for him. It was like magic the way your skin felt on his and the way you come completely undone because of his touch. How perfect you fit in his arms when he would hold you while you slept. He hated that after a night filled with love and passion. You would scurry off to your boyfriend and forget him until you needed your next hit.
"Y/N. I-... We can't keep doing this." He finally spoke. Feeling a pain in his heart at the thought of letting you go. "It hurts to much you know. I love you too much to keep letting you leave me for him." You knew you were being selfish but you couldn't let Yoongi go. You refused to end thing with him even though logically it was the best choice to make for the both of you.
"I'll leave him I.... Ju- just please let me see you yoongi." Your words reeked of desperation anxiousness but you were too far gone to care. You would let sober you deal with your drunken decisions tomorrow. The line was quiet as Yoongi went over the words you rashly spoke to him. His heart saying to believe you and give in but unlike you his sober mind refused to take your words as anything other than lies. Your parents would never allow you to end things with Jung hoseok.
He was set to inherit the second largest corporation in Seoul. Your father was the owner of the largest but the Jung family had set their sights on dethroning him. So when he hatched this plan to marry you off to the family in order the combine the company and wealth. You had to end your arrangement with Yoongi. You were given a huge role in the company and your night was filled with forced dates. It had been months since Yoongi heard from you. Until you called him and started things up again.
You sat at the bar nibbling your bottom lip waiting for him to respond. You flag the bartender and order another double. "Yoon-" you started only to be cut off by him making a simple yet huge request request. "Prove it then y/n." He demanded "go home and end things with hoseok tonight then I'll send for you."
With that line went dead. Yoongi was gone and the ball was currently in your court. You could choose to be happy and risk being disowned or Stay in line with your father's wishes and loose Yoongi.
A tear falls down your cheek as your mind finally come to the conclusion. You down your last shot and settle your tab before making your way.
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champofpallet · 5 years
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it [Accepting]
What thought to be a clear and sunny day soon turned for the worst as the skies start to turn grey with clouds. The red hatted man wasn’t expecting it to be that bad, most likely a small sprinkle or a mist or something like that.  Still rain meant danger to some Pokemon, so Red stayed on Wela Volcano Park on Akala Island to help a lost Magby find her way home.
The Magby in question had just finished crying about being lost and was now holding onto Red’s leg like a child would do with its mother. That didn’t bother Red any, even if her claws were kind of burning hot. So the two went up the volcano in search of the Magby’s family. It was tiring walking up all those cliffs and ledges but to get Magby to safety was the most important thing.  
Though faint, there did seem to be a drop of wetness that fell on Red’s nose. He reached up to touch it curiously. Was it already raining? What was once small drops of water became larger and larger! Red picked up Magby and held her close, shielding her from the rain with his chest. 
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“I got ya, everything is gonna be okay.” Magby was scared now, sobbing quietly and holding onto Red’s chest. Fire types and rain don’t really get along. There was no way he could find Magby’s parents in this rain! No fire type would go out walking in hard rain like this! The best thing to do was wait it out. Finding a place with shelter, Red found a small opening in the rock of the volcano that could fit them both. Blue was probably wondering why he was so late, but Red couldn’t leave a person or Pokemon when they’re in trouble. Securing the baby Magby in his lap, the Battle Legend leaned onto the rock going as far as he could into it to make sure the Pokemon was safe. It was claustrophobic in there, only enough room to sit down, but it got the job done. 
The rain sounded pretty relaxing on the roof of the rock in turn causing him to sleep. Ah man, Blue would be so angry…but he had to save this baby Magby. The two slept soundly until Red was awakened by the sound of a fire. His sleepy brown eyes blinked a few times trying to adjust to the new sights. A family of Magmar and Magmortar had looked up from what they were doing when they heard a small groan come from the sleeping man. They all seemed to be cooking something with lava, though what on earth were they cooking?
That was when a baby Magby ran to him with a smile jumping onto his stomach to hug him.“Magby~!”
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“Magby? Hehehe, nice to see you too!” Red rubbed the baby’s head with a giggle. “So is this your family? I’m glad they were able to find you. Jus’ try not to stray so far from ‘em in the future, okay?” Magby nods her head and snuggles up to Red’s leg. The gigantic Magmortar glanced at Red, then grabbed a stone bowl and poured whatever he and the other’s were cooking and handed it to Red expectantly. 
Red had never seen anything like this before, it smelled a lot like Spelon berries but… mixed with fire and ground up into a steamy black paste? Was this fit for human consumption? It looked like it would go right through his stomach! Though the ways the Pokemon were looking at him were like the way his family would look at him if he tasted their cooking. If he refuses he could really hurt their feelings. Well…  down the hatch he guesses.
He placed the stone bowl to his mouth, the black substance slowly but surely going forward. It was burning his nose just by being near it, who knows what it will do once it hits his mouth. And there it was. It hit his tongue giving him a feeling like his mouth was on fire. Tears were in the side of his eyes but he wanted to finish the whole thing. Once every bit of that weird pasty mixture was out of the bowl, Red put it down. His eyes were wide, his face as red as his hat, and he could have sworn he could feel steam coming from his ears and nose. He opened his mouth to comment about it, but instead of words there was a giant flame coming from his mouth like a Charmander using ember! This seemed to delight the colony of fire types who began eating the same thing from their own bowls. 
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“…urp…d-delicious…thank you…” A bit of drool was on the side of Red’s mouth and his face was still hot and sweaty from the meal he was given. From the small party the Magmortar clan was having, this must have been a way to say thank you for saving their child. Though what’s a fire type’s food going to be like in the digestive system of a human? Red did not want to think about that…
Red says his goodbyes to the fire types that night then walks right back to the shared hotel room he and Blue shared at the Hano. As soon as Red got there and opened the door, Blue was there tapping his foot impatiently.
“Where the heck have you been?!”
“…on an adventure…”
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amalthemir · 5 years
OC Interview!
I was tagged by @nuka-nuke (luv u bab) for this, so here I go!
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
I’ll tag @scarecrow-forest @lamorellenoire6 @chibikinesis @ryu-no-joou and @beetleboo
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1. What is your name?
Would be sitting comfortably in a chair, whiskey glass in hand
"We'll aren't you straight to the point. If you've got to know, name's Texas, doll~."
2. Do you know why are you named that?
"Dunno, mama once said somethin' about her ancestors bein' from a place called Texas back before the world went t' shit. Might've all jus' been some bullshit for all I know."
3. Are you single or taken?
"Well that answer depends on if I find ya interestin' or not. But for t' sake of time, I'm seein' someone, well, a few someones. That satisfy yer curiosity yet, doll?"
4. Have any abilities or powers?
"Sure do princess! I've got a this cute lil' trick where if I say someone is dead, they'll show up dead the next day! World works in strange ways, darlin'."
"Aside from that, I'm killer with an automatic rifle, you'd be dead in a secon' if I wanted it. The rest of my talents are... well, let's just say I'm good with a rope."
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
"Who t' hell is that Mary Sue lady? You better not be playin' me for a fool if you know what's good for you..."
6. What’s your eye color?
"Brown, plain an' simple. Mama said I had papa's eyes, always said that his were like chocolate- or caramel or some shit. Don't rightly give a fuck to be honest."
7. How about your hair color?
"Brown again, dark brown to be frank, but you can prob'ly see the color better in good lightin'."
8. Have any family members?
"No, mama got sick and died like a dog, and papa left and never came back, fucker probably got himself killed years ago, wouldn't be surprised if he's still in a ditch somewhere back in Vegas."
9. Oh? How about pets?
Sits up a bit straighter
"Well... don't rightly have one unless you count that quantum deathclaw egg I stole- rescued from an empty nest after its parents were... killed in an unfortunate hunting expedition. The thing hasn't hatched, but it hasnt rotten yet either, so don't know what's gonna happen with it."
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
"Well now that you mention it, havin' someone waste my time askin' stupid questions is pretty high on my list of things I don't like."
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
"You mean besides tying people up, takin' people's shit, or getting myself a new "toy" to play with? Dunno, all that takes up most of my time."
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
"You... are you fuckin' serious? I had a feelin' you were a dumbass but boy, you're somethin' else. Yeah I've hurt people, sometimes they even like it when I do it."
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
"Well sorry to disappoint, darlin', but you don't get t' where I am without poppin' a few heads. If it makes ya feel any better, I prefer playin' with my toys rather than breakin' 'em... at least at first."
14. What kind of animal are you?
"What kind of- the hell kinda question is that? I don't fuckin' know, a damn coyote for all I care."
15. Name your worst habits?
"Do you really want me to? There's a lot of 'em. Off the top of my head I'd say maybe drinkin' on the job, not bein' able to stop myself from wanting to... get a taste of something I find interesting, and dunno, maybe, just maybe, I like to stay a bit too clean sometimes, old habit really."
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"Nope, nobody at all. Other people are just pawns, though I like to play with some more than others."
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
"I'm whatever you want me to be, baby doll."
18. Do you go to school?
"Do we fuckin' look like we have a damn school here at Nukaworld? Or do I like like a damn brat that should be sittin' on a desk takin' damn notes about some bullshit? Yeah, thought so."
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
"Hell no, don' wanna get caught up in any of that business. Like hell that I'm ever gonna allow myself to get tied down to one por sod for the rest of my life. That's what mama did, and look at her now, six feet under cuz she was sure papa would come prancin' on in like nothin' happened. No thanks. As for kids that's another can of blood worms I ain't touchin' anytime soon."
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
"Sure do, people line up to see me every day, all eyes on me whenever I walk in the market, real ego booster if you ask me."
21. What are you most afraid of?
"Dying of boredom, so right now I'm pretty much on death's row."
22. What do you usually wear?
"A suit. I know, I know, you must be wonderin' why the hell I wear a suit, well, to be the best you gotta look the part, don't cha' think? Plus, it's catches people's attention, makes it easier to lure them in. Guess keeping it all clean is a hassle, but I've got people for that."
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
"Hm.... maybe some mirelurk cakes, damn things are pretty good when you find someone to cook 'em right."
24. Am I annoying to you?
"Nooooo of course not. I'm having the time of my life, can't you tell?"
25. Well, it’s still not over!
"Christ sake... this better be worth it."
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
"High and mighty, darlin'."
27. How many friends do you have?
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
"Pies? Why fuckin' pies of all damn things? I don't know, them pre-war ones looked good I guess, never had one. Might try to get someone that knows how to make one."
29. Favorite drink?
"Whiskey, plain and simple. Used to have Susnset Sarsaparilla back in Vegas, but they don't have those over here. Nuka-Wild comes close enough I guess, doesn't quite taste the same though."
30. What’s your favorite place?
"Anywhere that's mine, that's private, and a place that I can drag a new toy into in order to have some fun."
31. Are you interested in anyone?
"You could say that... there's a certain pup that I'm training into being more... well behaved. Gotta say, I'm hooked so far."
32. That was a stupid question…
"I'd say the same for all the other questions you've asked, but sure, whatever floats yer boat."
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
34. What’s your type?
"Hm... guess I like a challenge. Don't get me wrong, being able to do what I please with someone from day one is always fun, but there's something about breaking them and making them mine that turns me on intensely."
35. Any fetishes?
"Yyyyyup, let's see... domination, bondage, being rough, puppy play, being very physical, etcetera, too many to name."
36. Camping or outdoors?
"Pretty much everyone has slept outdoors before in their lives, how else you think I traveled from the west all the way to the east?."
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