#i go to those palette websites
fisheito · 11 months
Hi! Um, any tips on how to color/shade?
-Because i am beyond terrible at it
m..me?? cooouring? i mean. i hate colouring so much that i flat-col the minimum for character recognition and call it done
if i absolutely HAvE to shade something . i'll use the :shrug: shortcut of starting with the base colour, then tweaking the Saturation/Lightness bars: -shadow: lower saturation and lightness -light: whatever saturation, higher lightness
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if the character is somewhere with a distinct colour theme, i'll try to shift the base/shadows/lights to that colour.
likewise if there's a distinct coloured light source, i'll make the light on the char similar to that source
imagine me sitting on one section of the colour wheel. and walking toward the destination colour. just picking up colours in between. idk how legit it is, but i'm doing it
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sometimes i'll be all srs and try detailed light/shadows but. it ends up makin my drawing too busy. a mess.
CORRECT: try to replicate that light source IRL or thru reference so u can figure out why it looks wrong, then correct your placements
INCORRECT, BECAUSE I'M LAZY: do a simple shape-based cel shade and let the audience's brain finish the job 😂
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also i try not to use pure black or pure white for shading. i used to paint the night sky as 100% (zero lightness) black and the moon as 100% (ALL LIGHTNESS) white and my instructor wanted to fling me out a window. i could see it in their eyes. as they gently explained how IRL conditions are rarely 100% black or 100% white. maybe the night sky, depending on the conditions,, (if u actually colour drop a photo) is like 9% lightness with a tinge of blue. the moon is 96% lightness tinged orange. idk
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ironmanstan · 2 years
i think if i make my neocities site cool enough ill ditch my carrd for real actually
#like i could just. add it as a page on the site. and like i dont wanna link to my carrd AND my website everywhere lol thats dumb#the gamer speaks uwu#coding it is so fun tho its frustrating as fuck bc i forgot how inherently annoying coding is but well its still ok ^__^#css die and go to hell CHALLENGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#html my babygirl. javascript my soon to be babygirl idk how to write it really just edit and read through it#like i was obsessed with scratch when i was little and learned it on my own so like that alone already is like#just fully if then statements#if then statements my so beloved theyre so simple i should learn js properly lol#i need to tho i need to integrate the auto post archival script i found into my thing but the js is like#not cooperating with my css . and my css broke lmao#so i have deleted everything and restarted so rn i just have my main page done and the style sheet is in the main html#not ideal ! not ideal at all but it works bb#like see#i want multiple pages and i want to be able to blog here and there to go more in depth about my art if i feel like it#to achieve this i need every page on the site to have the same color palette decor etc#i could one by one update each page to style them individually but if i ever change my layout. i have to update it one by one#and if i make blog posts those are in theory a new page every post as well. so you see this is innefficient and sucks in the long run#easy in the short term or for a small site tho !#so i need to make a css file to collect everything where i only have to change the css to style every single page on the site linked to it#i had this working for a minute but for some reason my main page wouldnt link to my css file OUT OF NO WHERE ???#but the js file that formats the blog posts see it has like a specific format for text and everything so they look right#and i think this conflicted with some info in my css file that ALSO specifically formats some text#so it fucked everything up !#so im right now just with p much an individual page for html and css and im going to start again#copy my css i have right now first of all into an actual css file. link it to the html#then i really really have to scour and gut the script file before implementing it so we dont have everything break again#decent plan i have the energy to do actual work now tho so i wont be doing it until later when i burn out of drawing and need to do smth#tech shid#screaming in the tags
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brailsthesmolgurl · 6 months
A smol bird requested for this to be written and so here I am, playing fairy godmother! If any of you have any sort of requests, just drop me a dm as I am revived from my death and ready to write more delulus as your solulus!
Context: What happens when your outfit decides NOT to cooperate with you? What will the boys do for you?
Disclaimer: This one-shot is created with me studying their lore on various websites and social media so that I could get a better idea on what colours they like/represent and what style they lean towards. Some of you may disagree but its okay! You can read it as it is and add in your own imagery of a suitable outfit by your hubbies! Warnings: Fluff that might rot your brains.
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"I am almost done with this piece," Rafayel spoke, eyes still glued to his canvas, one hand holding up his messily stained colour palette, while the other held the brush as he drew strokes across the canvas. "Why don't you go and get changed as you wait for me to finish off this bit, yeah?"
"Yes sir." You quirkily replied and you stood up, spotting him sending you a teasing look given the way you addressed him. Earlier on, some strangers had came by Rafayel's mansion with Thomas to deliver some clothes. Apparently, these clothes are custom made by those luxurious brands specifically for Rafayel. Thomas addressed it as this was one of the ways the luxury brands show their support towards Rafayel's works. ONE OF THE WAYS... At this point, you are convinced that Rafayel is a huge deal and having luxurious brands begging on their knees to work with him sounded like a dream that would never come true to you.
The dress that sat on the bed was delivered for you as well, as per Rafayel's request. There was objection amongst the team that were handling the sponsorship and ambassador deals for the brand. But Rafayel spoke through the phone like he owns the company. "If she does not get a gown, then our business ends. Right now." He hung up abruptly, and the next thing he knew, the dress showed up at his door in less than 30 minutes.
Any brands, regardless luxurious or not, knows the right way and only way to please Rafayel. One wrong move and you are off the chart and some other brand may easily replace you. Hence, nobody dares to mess with Rafayel. Except for you. "The dress on the bed is yours!" He shouted from the living room and you picked up the dress.
The chiffon textured dress is of a forest green colour, going all the way down to your ankles. The strapless design made you gulped as you are not used to outfits of this measure, given the nature of your work, whereas your attire has to be 'appropriate for work in times of need'. Touching the inner material, you sighed in relief as you realised that there was bra padding for you hence you do not have to go all the way out to get a new bra just for this event.
Putting on the dress and zipping it up was easy, and you fit almost perfectly into the dress. The keyword being ALMOST. As you lifted your hands up, the dress started sliding down like it is a floatie on a wet water slide and woop, off it went and onto the ground. You panicked, bending down in one fell swoop and trying to gather the dress so that you can pull it up to your chest again.
But it does not let you go past the waist area unless you unzip it. Groaning, you struggled to find the zip as the dress is really puffy and you did not want to ruin the designer dress. "Is everything okay?" Rafayel stood at the doorway, leaning against the side of his door, as he watched you with amusement written all over his face. He has been standing there for quite a while hasn't he?
You gasped, pulling whatever that is on the floor to cover your chest area and he walked over, analysing the dress and scowling when he found out the reason. "I should have gotten them to measure you instead of just bringing you a standard fit." He took his phone out of his pocket and tapped on the screen a couple of times. His eyes looked back at you and you bit your lip in embarassment. "Your curves are way too beautiful to be hidden amongst this pile of leaves."
His comment made you giggled. Guess he has the same thought as you. "Toss the dress aside darling, I will get you a new one." Another few taps of the finger, he shows you the dress he has in mind. A purple dress with extravagant sleeves, puffing out like how a jellyfish would and you instantaneously knew why he opted for this dress. "I like purple better anyways."
"But wait Rafayel... this dress is not entirely scrap, maybe I can sew a temporary knot on it to tighten the top so it won't fall off. And there is really no need for you to get another custom one for me as we are running out of time." Your suggestion made him stare at you, purple-blue pupils blown wide as if he has really just witnessed a shark eating grass. iykyk.
He walked over and grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close to him, so close that you could hear the sound of his heart against yours. But at this moment, maybe he could hear yours louder than his. "Nobody can put a price on your love for me. EVER. But, I can sure as hell throw out any price on anyone, regardless the amount, as a representation of how much you worth to me." You looked away immediately, eyes stared at the arms that were holding you in place. He kissed your forehead, chuckling, before he pressed his phone against his ear. "Now, let's see who can make this dress for the price I am willing to pay in 30 minutes time." he makes me feel something
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You waited on a bench in front of Akso Hospital. You figured it would be a great idea to wait for Zayne as he finishes work early today and you might be able to grab dinner with him. You were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, looking through your daily for-you-page before a shadow loomed over you. You looked up and no doubt, it is Zayne aka the great and almightly Elsa.
"How long have you been sitting here?" He asked you, before handing you a candy that he had fished out from the pocket of his trench coat. "I was planning to meet you slightly later at your condo." The thought of him initially wanting to surprise you made your heart fluttered. You see, Zayne is a more upfront guy so having him to plan surprises are one of the uncalled scenarios.
"I had only been here for a couple of minutes." You lied, taking the candy out of his palm and unwrapped it before you tossed it into your mouth. The raise of his eyebrow towards you made your breath hitched as he knew you too well that you could not lie to him in his face. "Fine, I had waited here since 5pm." This made Zayne looked down at his wrist watch.
"So it's been an hour and 15 minutes?" He side eyed you and you admitted it by nodding your head. "Next time, it would be better if you were to just wait for me at home. If it wasn't for a full deck today at the hospital, I might just be covering shifts for other people and that might be inconvenient for you." But, he himself actually noticed you exactly an hour and 15 minutes, from his office's window, before his upcoming surgery. He had another three surgeries lined up for the night, but fearing that you may end up waiting the whole night for him, he decided to cancel his schedule for the night and transfer the case to other doctors. Even workaholics take a break. iykyk
"But I just wanted to come over to check up on you. I even chose to sit outside so that you would not be distracted as you are working." You pouted, hands picking at the hem of your shirt. You felt Zayne's hand landed on the top of your head, a gesture of love and comfort. He patted and smoothed your brunette strands back and you stared up at him. "I shall wait for you at home next time okay?"
"Now that's a good girl." killmeplease Zayne smiled warmly. "Now, lets get you back alright? My car is parked right by the road side. Come on." Hands around your waist, he slowly walked you over to his car. The smell of his cologne lingered on your nose, the smell of mint and dashes of cinnamon. Just like his personality, icy as mint but warm and welcoming as cinnamon once you get to know him.
He opened the car door for you and as you walked over to get into the car, your shirt got hooked against one of the metal wires that went astray from the metal fencing and the next thing you heard was the sound of a ripping cloth. You yelped as you stumbled and Zayne slotted himself right in front of you, shocked as well and using his body to block you from falling further. "Oh my..." Your cursed under your breath as your hands were against his washboard abs, steadying yourself. doublekill
He guided you into the car slowly before getting into the driver side himself. When he had started the car and turned on the air conditioning, he turned to look at you. "How bad is the rip?" He asked and you lifted the hem of your shirt, showing the rip that is around 4cm long.
"Why does this have to happen to one of my favourite shirt?" You frowned, fingers won't stop touching and fidgeting with the ripped edge.
"Do they still sell this shirt?" Zayne asked, hands reaching over to tug against the shirt, as if to examine the material of the outfit. The shake of your head made him sigh and he gestured to the glovebox. "Open the glovebox and take out the black pouch please."
You did as you were told and you watched in confusion as he took off his trench coat and placed it onto your lap. The coat still radiating warmth that was collected off of his body heat. He opened the black pouch and laid it flat on the arm rest of his car, and inside of the pouch was an array of threads and needles. "Are these suture needles?"
"Yes." His response was prompt. "Take off your shirt and hand it to me please." He requested and you gulped. Using the trench coat to block his view, you slowly took off your shirt and then wrapped his trench coat around your whole front. You knew that he had probably seen many naked bodies given his line of work but something about this scenario, with you being with him only in a car, felt very intimate and it made you very anxious. "You know how to sew?"
"I am a doctor, I know how to suture. And it is the same concept as sewing, but only with different kinds of needles and threads." He then started sewing, his concentration a trait you find admirable. It did not took him long when he finished sewing your shirt and he handed it back to you, the thread sewed on has gaps of equal length and was tied off neatly. As expected of one of the top doctors from Akso Hospital. As he started driving, he added. "Although I had managed to sew the shirt for you, I believe with my connections, I would be just as capable to find you the same shirt. Then, you would never have to complain about this being your only favourite shirt."
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You were going about your day in your own house before you heard your doorbell ringing. You placed your bowl of cereal down and took a glance on the clock on your phone. Who dares to threaten your peaceful weekend? You went over to the door and you opened it to reveal your blond hair lover. "Xavier?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed when he smiled at you.
"Good morning, I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He teased and stepped in, holding out a parcel for your. "I believe this belongs to you?" The small rip at the top side of your parcel indicated that he probably took a peek on what's inside. Acknowledging the parcel, you took it off of his hands and you blushed, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear.
"Good morning to you too. I guess I might have accidentally wrote your level instead of mine." You bit your bottom lip and you heard him chuckle in return. "But thanks for coming down to deliver this to me when you could have just asked me to get it from you." "But I wanted to see you personally. And seeing the clothes that are in the parcel, I thought I could get to watch you try them on too." His blunt answer made you stare at him like a mad man. His blue eyes however, glinted with nothing but honesty. This guy may be mysterious but he sure is straightforward in stating what he has on his mind. He probably noticed the way you reacted and he took a step back, retracing his words and slightly coughing to ease the awkwardness. "I mean, I would like to see you trying out these new outfits that you had gotten for yourself. It would be a good past time for me."
You chuckled at how goofy this guy is and gestured towards him to go and sit at the couch. You went into the room to get yourself changed and it was as if today is your fashion show day. You strutted out in different outfits, layered against one another and watched the way Xavier would react to you, either fascinated, or straight down confused. There was even this one time, he would just have a blank expression where you wore an oversized shirt under your tshirt. Clothing trends on the streets nowadays baffles him and he wondered if he was the one that was left out from the fashion ring.
Your last outfit featured you in a semi see through tank top and a pair of cargo pants. Not to mention, the tank top seemed to be too small for you as the way the blond boy sees it, it was holding onto your figure for dear life and barely leaving anything more to one's imagination. And the thought itself ticked him off. When you looked over towards Xavier, he does not look surprised nor confused, but rather bland. "What do you think?" Your tone came off to be amused and you did a twirl in front of him before you took a seat right next to him.
Xavier anxiously gulped and looked away from you, his voice low as he muttered. "I don't think this outfit looks nice on you, girlfriend." The way he shifted in his seat made you cornered him against the couch even more, wanting a better explanation. "The top you are wearing. I don't like it."
"And why so?" You asked, looking down at your top and adjusting it. "This is the trend nowadays, they call it the Y2K trend I think. And this tank top was on sale, so I just got it."
"I can buy you some other clothes. Even the ones that are not going to be on sale." He retorted, eyeing the tank top you were wearing with an underlying anger. "I just don't think I would like to see you wearing this in public. It is too revealing, and I guess tight on your body."
His answer painted your cheeks red and you gasped. What were you thinking? Of course you had forgotten about his possesive nature. He does not show it much and having such a pretty boy face like him further disconnects the word 'possessive' from his character. He reached into his hoodie's front pocket and pulled out his phone, opening up an app and handed the phone to you. When you refused to take it, he lifted his torso off of the couch to 'force' you to take his phone. Just like how you had previously pressed your body against him, this is his turn to take his small and sweet revenge. You panicked as he closed the gap between you two and within the next minute, he was pressed against you, one of his hand at the side of your head and another still holding his phone up to you, his gaze intense. "Just choose whatever you want from my phone, my card information is all in there. And perhaps before you check out, you can let me double check on the outfits you are getting." He low-key demanded before he explained himself for such a decision. "I just don't like nor want people staring wrongfully at what I treasure the most."
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Another fluff for another day. I already did my best in having to think of different wardrobe malfunctions as I did not want one theme of wardrobe malfunction to be stagnant across the whole story for all three of the boys. SO I hope you would understand my lovelies. :,) I am very very free so I will be posting more regularly for these few weeks. SO please do show me more love and support as that would aid me in my motivation in writing!
Do check out my other works as well!
Hope your Delulu is satisfied my lovelies <3
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izicodes · 4 days
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I've been itching to dive into something totally new and outside of my usual web dev comfort zone! After brainstorming for a while, I finally landed on a brilliant new project idea: building my very own desktop widget~! 
Now, full disclosure—I have zero idea where to even start when it comes to programming a widget, but that’s where the fun comes in, right? I’m all about learning new things (I have an addiction to studying so…)~!
In this post however, I’ll be sharing my initial ideas for the widget and brainstorming what tech stack might bring this amazing idea to life~! 
Prior knowledge on desktop widgets?
All I know is that they stick to the desktop area and some even always in front of the other windows. That’s all I know!
Widget Idea
So, the project idea I’ve chosen is something simple, just so I can get used to making widgets: a notepad. But, it’s not just any plain notepad widget—it’s going to have an aesthetic color scheme! (I know, pretty cool, right?) I really wanted to keep things basic for this first project.
The inspiration actually came from a Pinterest pin that I saved. I think the design is originally from a color palette generator website, but I want to take that concept and turn it into an actual desktop widget. Thus this project was born!
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Tech Stack
Alright, I lied—I'm not entirely stepping out of my comfort zone for this one! I'll be using ReactJS, a technology I’m super comfortable with and absolutely love. But to keep things fresh and challenging, I’m diving into something new as well!
After researching (thank you, ChatGPT, Google, and YouTube), I found out there are plenty of ways to build a desktop application, or in this case, a widget. You can go with WinForms, WPF, Tauri (Rust), Qt, and others. But I wanted to stick closer to JavaScript—specifically something I could pair with ReactJS. So, ElectronJS seemed like the best fit.
For this project, my tech stack will be:
ReactJS (JavaScript)
ElectronJS (JavaScript)
SCSS (for those extra styling powers)
HTML (obviously)
Visual Studio Code (with a lovely brown theme 🧸)
Toward the end of the project, I’ll also explore how to package the widget so people can download and install it on their own computers, and how to store the notes locally!
As I post this I am going to start the project so I will soon post updates! (This is where I fail…!)
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ArtTeacher! Geto x Fem Reader (Part Two!)
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Warnings? Explicit Language and Smut, sir kink, choking, breeding kink, possessiveness, reader is inexperienced.
2.5 Word Count. Read Part One Here!
Author's Notes? finally uploading this <3 send requests and hcs, while i still work on longer fics mwah
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ArtTeacher! Geto’s yawn echoes throughout his empty classroom- the lights flickering to life a beat late. The room smelled of paint and morning air as the windows were left open from the day before. 
To say the least, the room was a mess. The freshman class seemed to have the cleaning habits of toddlers. He rarely even came in at this time, but he made an exception for you. 
The previous day, late into Saturday night, you texted Geto about coming in early for a head start on your new project. He assumed you must’ve gotten his number from the school website, while yours was already saved in his phone. He felt his ears go hot as the next text came in.
(Name:) i’d love to get your feedback on it too!
He glanced at the clock that read eight am- an hour Geto usually spent out on a jog or still in bed because the weekend allowed him. He’d prefer your company over breakfast or coffee, but he’d settle for class with no way to comfortably bring a date up.
He spent the next few minutes obsessing over the state of his classroom. During the week it served as the beginner’s art course and they often left it in disarray. Geto had to start locking up the resources and completed works from his class, as they often went missing.
But with no time for him to worry about it, Geto began setting up your workstation. You’d be here any minute and he didn’t want you to waste your time doing something he could’ve started. All of your time should be dedicated to your art.
The soft knock at the door signaled your arrival, and Geto felt his heart drop in his chest. He sets down clean brushes at your easel before making his way over to the door and opening it for you.
Looking down, his eyes gravitated to the sundress you must’ve worn for him. Making his way down, your hard nipples poked through the thinness of the cloth and Geto’s mouth watered. He wrote it off, as he hadn’t had breakfast and you looked good enough to eat. If he had you how he wanted, you’d be spread across his desk with your toes in his mouth and his fingers in your cunt. 
“I brought you coffee, sir! I wasn’t sure how you’d like it, so I got the good sugar and cream from the cafe,” Bright as always, you gave him a sweet smile and entered the class to set the cups down. “I really appreciate you letting me come in early.”
Firmly shutting the door behind him, Geto watched your ass in the dress as you set your bag down to pull out packets of sugar and cream. “It’s not a problem…” He lost what else he had on his tongue, enamored by your thinking of him. 
“Aw, and you got me all set up?” You asked, gathering the ends of your dress to sit on the cushioned chair. “Where’s yours?”
“My what?” He asked, picking up a lidded cup from the on-campus cafe. 
“Your chair?” You say it like it’s the most obvious thing. With your half-done canvas in front of you, Geto handed you a palette while he sipped the caffeinated drink. While he’d love to keep you company as he watched you do his favorite activity, the room was trashed. He’d think those damn freshmen were doing this on purpose, keeping him from you.
Grabbing a chair and pulling it beside yours, Geto looked at you pointedly. “I’ll check on you in a minute; I just have to do this before my next class,” he explained. The (unintentional) doe eyes you gave him didn’t work- only creating thoughts of those same eyes filling with tears as he face-fucked you.
A playlist Geto selected before you came in tuned out the sounds of him tossing empty bottles into the trash and sweeping the floor. The jazzy mix of melodies helped the both of you at your tasks- you’d begun the next step in your art process, and Geto got to sneak peeks at your cute face scrunched up in concentration. 
Cleaning the room was soon insignificant; reduced from an hour of work for anyone else to 30 minutes for him. 
Rolling up his sleeves he finished wiping down a few more easels before lowering the volume and taking his seat next to you. The black coffee had done its job, that’s for sure. 
“Do you like it?” You asked, setting your brush into a cup of water. His mouth was set in a hard line as he analyzed the brushstrokes and tones of color you’d created. He wasn’t sure before this how proficient you were before, but now there was no doubt in his mind. 
“It’s beautiful,” he began, leaning back into his chair and making his legs comfortable before scooting closer to your easel. “But, let me show you something. Pick up your brush.”
You obeyed, taking your brush in your hand and standing from your chair at the flick of his chin. Large, warm hands rested on your waist as he guided you back into his lap. With your palette in one hand and your waist in the other, Geto could watch you work from a much better angle.
“A-Are you sure this will help? I don’t wanna block your vision…”
“You won’t,” He simply said, already feeling his cock growing in his pants. The curve of your lower back into your perfect ass had Geto’s hand dangerously low on your hips. “Watching you from here allows me to see from your perspective. Are you uncomfortable?”
“No, sir.”
“Then don’t allow me to delay you any longer,” he concluded, setting you on his clothed cock and watching you work. You could feel his eyes on your canvas, examining the vulnerability you expressed through your medium. Adjusting yourself on his lap, Geto let out a barely audible groan at the friction.
So you continued, despite the growing heat between your legs. When you’d lean forward to dip your brush into water, Geto’s thick bulge would grind deliciously into your cunt. You probably looked so slutty, you thought, sitting in your teacher’s lap like this. 
Idly whining your waist in Geto’s lap was just pleasurable enough to continue working, until he couldn’t take anymore. 
“Wait, (Name). Like this,” The hand on your waist guided you back and forth over his dick print. You weren’t sure how this could help with your art, but he was the expert, right?
At least he sounded pleased. The light breathing became heavier and the hand on your hip lost its innocence. Thick fingers dug into your ass, slowly lifting the thin fabric of your dress until Geto revealed your cute light pink thong. The brush you held between your fingers trembled from the bliss of finally having him beneath you.
Next came the clinking of Geto’s belt unbuckling and hitting the floor, your panties not following long after. He had set the palette down in favor of pulling down the front of your dress to pinch and flick at your nipples.
“You planned this, didn’t you?” He demanded, slapping your ass and humming in appreciation at your desperate whimpers. The paintbrush slipped from your fingers and landed at your feet. “Not your first time seducing an older man?” 
“S-Seducing?!” You exclaimed, shifting to sit on his thigh and catch his lust-filled gaze. His lips were hovering over yours, maintaining eye contact as he took your hand and guided it over the bulge in his underwear. Watching your expression, Geto felt your inexperienced fingers stumble and stutter over the length of his cock. He could see the bashfulness seep in until you broke eye contact and pressed your face onto his.
Geto, completely enthralled, gave in to the amateur kiss without any doubts. Easily overcoming you, he guided your lips to smooth over his and pick up the rhythm of kissing. The room filled with hums of approval and the sounds of light smacking from your tongues tasting each other.
“Seducing,” he confirmed, moving his hand from yours to the center of your legs. Finding your clit immediately, he ran a digit up and down your slit. “With your cunt dripping all over my finger. Did you plan this?”
It was a rhetorical question, you assumed because he didn’t pull away from your lips to allow you to answer. Instead, he worked his middle finger in slow circles over your clit, drinking in the sweet moans you gave to him. When you dug your nails into his shirt, all decorum snapped in Geto. Picking you up bridal style, he effortlessly carried you to his desk and laid you down, slotted between your legs. 
Feasting your eyes on Geto undressing was a delicacy you didn’t know you needed. He first started with his shirt, loosening button after button and exposing his broad chest. You resisted the urge to sit up and touch, knowing from the look in his eye that he’d disapprove.
“First time seeing a man up close?” He inquired, shedding the thin fabric from his shoulders. Long fingers trailed to his loosened slacks, awaiting your answer.
“Yes sir,” you nearly moaned, drinking in his obvious arousal. The slacks he wore slipped from his hips, boxers following not long after. 
His dick was eight inches of perfection. The trail under his belly button led down to neatly trimmed hair, a pretty sight if you had ever seen one. 
He gave himself a few languid strokes, keeping his eyes on yours as he lifted your leg over his shoulder.
“I’m assuming it’s your first time,” he hummed, nudging your other leg open slightly. “So I can’t be too rough with you, hm?” His lips gave your ankle a few slow, wet kisses before he started running the length of his cock up and down your slit. 
You shivered, watching his cock thoroughly coat itself in your wetness. Geto’s hips rolled against yours, nudging your clit with every push he gave. 
“She’s greedy, baby. Look how she’s twitching under me.” His lusty voice deepened as he slapped your cunt with his heavy cock. You gasped at the contact and tightened your grip on the desk, hopes of receiving Geto’s mercy flying out of the window… The sight of your cunt gushing for him so prettily had him completely narrow-minded. 
With the tip of his cock pressed to your twitching hole, Geto admires his best work yet. He thought you couldn’t get any more beautiful, but being sprawled out on his desk with smeared lip gloss and desperate tears in your eyes proved him wrong. 
“Be good,” He cooed, giving your hip an affectionate squeeze. Geto pressed and split you open on his length, watching your mouth open wider the deeper he slid into you. 
Any mere passerby could incidentally stroll by the isolated classroom, peek in, and find the usually quiet teacher railing his newest student. They’d hear the crescendo of moans echoing through the room (and in turn the halls) and know how much your sensei wanted you. 
Your legs settled on Geto’s rolling hips, the steady rhythm he set shaking the desk with each thrust. One hand remained firmly on your hip, while the other was placed affectionately on your neck. 
“Oh, sir,” you encouraged, his eyes holding yours. “Please, just a little tighter?” Taking a hand from the desk, you placed it delicately on his wrist and pressed his hand harder. Geto had to break eye contact to not cum too early, giving you a quick peck on your lips and tightening his grip on your throat. 
“You ask so nicely; how could I deny you?” His lips brushed yours mercifully, maintaining the harsh strokes that had your release creeping up on you. 
The hand he set on your hip pulled your legs around his waist, a satisfied hmph coming from his throat when you locked your ankles together. 
“So demanding, baby,” he cooed as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. “If I didn’t know better, I'd think you’d done this before.”
His hand tightened at the insinuation, but only briefly. You were just too cute under him, writhing with the pleasure only Geto could grant you. His silky hair slipped from the elastic he loosely had tied, pathetically landing on the floor by his feet.
“Eyes here, princess.” His hand left your throat to take your chin in his fingers and make you look at him. His hair was draped over his shoulders and he had the pinkest tint to his cheeks. Geto wanted you to see; he was just as ruined as you were. 
“You gonna cum?” He asked, not allowing you to answer. His hips met yours in a quick snap, and you watched a sick grin spread across Geto’s cheeks as your face contorted with pleasure.
Your cunt gushed around him, your wetness coating the art teacher’s legs and causing him to chuckle. He released your neck to prop himself up onto the desk, pushing your legs up and settling himself into a mating press. The hand on your neck trailed down in favor of playing with your clit.
“Watch me,” He demanded, giving you a quick slap on your pussy. “We’ll paint the prettiest picture of this.” 
Keeping your eyes on where you connected, Geto painstakingly fucked you with slow, deliberate thrusts. Holding your gaze where he wanted it through the bliss he was giving proved almost too big a task. Every time your eyes threatened to roll back in pleasure, he’d give your clit an affectionate rub. 
“You’re mine, you know that?” He looked so primal, hair shadowing his face as he watched you nod your head furiously. “My pretty little wife. How clichè is it that we met in class?”
His newest name for you went straight to your cunt, both of your imaginations running wild with thoughts of domesticity and late nights of lovemaking. You couldn’t hold on much longer; before long the thumb Geto worked over your clit and had you squirting on his cock. Your chest heaved with heavy breaths as he continued fucking you, mumbling praise as his own orgasm rushed through him.
Geto couldn’t resist giving your cunt a few final sharp thrusts as he painted your walls white. The muscles in his arms flexed, his eyes shut tightly and he let out the prettiest moan under his breath. The light sheen of sweat glistened under the dull schoolhouse lights, making the thought of being Geto’s wife impossibly more digestible. 
“Ah, I’m surprised the desk held up,” He sighed, slowly pulling out of you. Warm cum dripped from your hole, only to be scooped back up and pushed back in even deeper.
“Can’t let it go to waste. We’ll try as many times as we need to, hopefully at mines next time?” He climbed off the desk and offered you a hand and a kiss on the forehead.
“I love to,” you stood on shaky legs, leaning on the desk for support.
With his cum running down your leg and his hand mark imprinted on your neck, ArtTeacher!Geto impatiently waits for the portrait he’ll paint of you pregnant. 
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© succubusonthedoorstep2023. all rights reserved. please do not copy, repost, steal, or translate my work.
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star-daughter · 23 days
Whooh boy. Hi everyone! Sorry, It's been a while. But I have quite the post for you all today, because we'll be talking about a webcomic I just finished! ... I will warn you all though, that I do not have the kindest of words to say about it.
You may be aware of this comic, as it has a considerable following, especially here on tumblr, the comic is called Sparklecare. It currently has 4 volumes and is on a short hiatus so the website can finish it's redesign, but the plot summary of the comic from the last available snapshot of the website is as follows:
The comic follows the story of a cat named Barry Ill and his experience of being admitted to the Sparklecare hospital. Despite its glamorous reputation, the hospital is actually a prison that tortures and kills its patients and drains their families of insurance by the corrupt hospital's owner, Dr. Cuddles. Cuddles is a greedy Capitalist scumbag who cares about nothing but money, and so far, everything is working out for him. Any patients who escape or try to speak out against the hospital aren't believed and are written off as crazy. The story follows Barry's journey into uncovering the truth about why this place really is the way it is, and why nobody's talking about it.
From the outside, the comic is very striking and intriguing! From it's prominent art style and art direction, to the concept itself, it sounds like a fun time! ...Right? Well that's where the comic gets you; see just like the in-universe hospital, Sparklecare isn't as inviting and pleasant once you really sink your teeth in. And I'm here to talk about why I think that is.
Before we begin, I'd like to clarify since I've become aware of the community's um... Questionable attitude towards critique, that if you enjoy Sparklecare, that's totally fine! I'm not gonna tell you what you can and can't read, I'm here to express my own thoughts on it.
Now, I won't torture you with this post if it ends up on your dash, so the full post will be under the cut! Please check the reblogs, I may add more there if I run out of space.
Also, CW for bright colours, blood and a whole heaping o' medical mispractice.
Before I get into some of the more serious issues with the comic, I wanna first start off with the thing you're going to first see trying to read it: The art. Here I would say the website, but since it's getting a redesign, I don't feel confident speaking on it. I'll leave one note on it though: it needs serious optimization...
Onto the art: I will say, I found the art quite charming, especially the art in the first 2 volumes. I think the comic has a way with setting mood and tone using it's palette, specifically in the dramatic "blue/red" scenes - I think those look gorgeous!
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The style in volume 1 & 2 is also very pleasing to the eye, although it can look off at points. I think the style succeeds extremely well with it's tendency to give characters large, exaggerated expressions - it's very cartoony and I love it. The lineweight is also used very well in my opinion!
However... There's a few big elephants in the room that they are The designs, lettering & panel work.
I'll begin with how the series handles it's lettering, as it's one of the most important parts of a comic. Although it's unique, that does not mean it's good.
In volume 1, it starts off fine enough, it's a simple speech bubble with white/black text.
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It sort of flip-flops between having a shadow/glow and not having one, which although confusing and hurts my eyes sometimes, not a deal breaker! The bubbles are all colour coded also so no matter the scene, you understand who is talking. That is very good! I like that! I wish the colours weren't as bright as the backgrounds, but I understand why they are.
Volume 2 introduces what I consider my favorite of the lettering styles, big bold outlines with bubbles that better surround the text!
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It's easily the most recognizable lettering style of all the volumes, and it's very readable. It's simple, but lettering is at it's best when it's simple and understandable.
This volume's lettering also introduces colour coded words & different fonts.
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Which, I think looks lovely! It adds personality, and since fonts carry different tones with them, it helps with emphasis and how people read the dialogue. However, this isn't to say I think this lettering is perfect.. I'm not a huge fan of the random dots & spots, I think they clutter up the page when there too many characters on screen speaking, which distracted me from focusing on the actual words they were saying.
It also changes mid-way through volume 2! Suddenly, we get character-coded dots & spots... Which, cool in theory, but in practice, as I mentioned, it clutters the page if there's too many characters speaking at once.
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Plus, they're used on background characters who do not appear again after their introduction, which is such a waste... If you're going to introduce these character-specific details, they should be used on characters who are important, not character we'll never see again.
When we get to volume 3 & 4, the lettering style almost completely solidifies, the same big bold outlining from volume 2... But now instead of just having personalized dots, we get fully personalized speech bubbles. Which, again, cool in theory! But in practice it's just... So hard to read.
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On lettering, I will applaud the use of a custom hand-written font. It looks great! It's fairly clear and adds a nice touch to the comic's overall appearance... But how they use the font is, in my opinion, awful. Characters talk way too much for how much page space there is, which means that there isn't enough space for the bubble to encompass the text, which means text needs to get smaller.
These pages are over 2000 pixels wide and tall, but there's no consideration for how the images & text will look when shrunk down to fit into a normal browser page, which means the text gets tiny and barely readable if there's too much of it - which there often is. I'll get into how I feel about the writing in a moment.
On the panel work, it's fine, it's not super jaw-dropping but it's serviceable. Where the panel work starts to fail though, is it's pacing. See, in comics, pacing is extremely important, good pacing means a better and clearer reading experience, bad pacing can leave the reader confused and force them to reread repeatedly to understand what's going on.
Sparklecare suffers from this heavily, I feel. Take a look to this page below, while not the worst example of it, I think demonstrates a bit what I mean.
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There's a lot of text, similar looking shots, and... Very little background to help, well, ground where we are, which made me feel dizzy while reading. There's not a lot of proper flow, because speech bubbles float all over the place, often times out of order in which you are supposed to read them. You tend to dart your eyes all over the page to "properly" read it, which makes for a bad reading experience - the clearer the order is, the better the flow.
On backgrounds, I do not like the near-complete lack of them. Sparklecare gets around backgrounds by filling the colour voids of the panels with dots, specks, lines and patterns - but they don't do the job! It makes the pages feel more cluttered and difficult to look at and read.
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Even when they do have backgrounds, they're also filled to the brim with patterning to take your mind off how often strange they look.
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Being unable to see what's going on is a reoccurring issue with the comic, and it doesn't just end at the panel work or backgrounds...
The character designs in Sparklecare also contribute to the visual clutter, what with many of them having many small details or otherwise being unpleasant to look at due to their colour palette.
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Here's a few examples of characters I think have too much going on or are just eyesores. And see, I get it, they're supposed to be sparkleanimals - designed like a kid on DeviantArt was making them in 2011, but you can get that look without making the designs hurt to look at. Sparklecare both tries to work within a limited palette and tries to have every colour possible on a character and it pulls neither off well. Not to mention, the multitude of small dots & details, adding more to the pile of small dots in the comic.
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When a ton of characters are on screen, it tends to make things more confusing to look at - due in part also to the comic's continuity issue. Things or characters that are in one panel or page, will disappear the next, or swap places. Overall, small art issues pile up onto a mess of bright colours and rainbow.
Now here's where we get to the fun point, The writing. Oh boy! For the most part, or at least in volumes 1 & 2, the writing is completely fine. Complicated, a bit odd, but nothing to scream about... Until volumes 3 & 4, because that's when the issues in the writing really starts to show it's rainbow-speckled face.
I'll be direct, I don't like the writing in Sparklecare. The characters are typically unlikable or annoying, and when they do have something interesting going for them, it gets walked back on for plot reasons. Characters also seem to be unable to do wrong, unless they're deliberately out to be the bad one. Characters will do something bad, but get reassured that everything is fine and it isn't their fault even though they did something bad - which is weird the first time, but awful the next 40.
The writing does have it's good points (I liked most of the writing in volume 2, I thought Hemera's struggles with wanting to keep her friends safe was really interesting and I liked the chunklings), but there's prominent issues I can't shove aside.
I namely have issues with the humor, specifically it's uh... Sexual humor. Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good penis joke every now and then, but volume 4 has about 5x the sex jokes of any volume. It was genuinely horrible to sit through because I knew every serious moment would get a joke about stroking it a page or two afterwards.
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(One note on that first image there, it happens right after Barry [the green guy] completely belittles and insults Uni [the purple one]...)
The meta humor also felt very, very forced.
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It always came out of nowhere, and completely out of place every time it was used. I like meta humor also, but this is supposed to be a more serious comic, yes? I mean, it should be considering the topics at hand, so suddenly throwing in references to this being a comic feels weird to read.
I will say, I do like some of the jokes, specifically these ones:
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Let me circle back to the character writing really quick, because there was characters I enjoyed! ... Just not the main ones.
I think, out of everyone, my favorite characters were:
Several background characters with no lines
Dr. Party
I also really enjoyed how Cuddles was written in volume 1 & 2, he felt very threatening to me.
Outside of these characters though, I found little interest in the main cast and even found myself rooting for the downfall of a few of them due to their poor writing.
Specifically on Barry, there's a small arc in volume 2 where he realizes he needs to stop violently denying that Uni has magic (Which is a stupid plot in my opinion, by the way, considering the worldbuilding has a lot of magic in it. You'd think the smart guy character would know that?) after Uni's magic helps them in the dump. However, right afterwards, in volume 3 & 4, Barry goes right back to verbally assaulting Uni about how magic isn't real! It's not enjoyable to read, and makes no sense to me after what happened in volume 2.
One note, since I don't know where to put this but, I don't like doom. I really don't ... I think I'm supposed to feel bad for him? But I can't! I saw him in volume 1 take glee in having power over the patients, and as the site states:
Doom is not a normal nurse, because he takes on the role of a doctor by harming people alongside regular nurse duties.
He literally tortures people! I'm sorry, I cannot forgive that! No matter how bad he feels about it.
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Some more notes on writing before I end this because it's getting too long.. The disability rep in Sparklecare is, questionable sometimes. For the most part I think it's perfectly fine, buuut there are moments I don't think of fondly.. Specifically this moment in volume 2:
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Barry starts having a paranoid and panicky moment due to his contamination OCD (Because they're in a literal trash heap) and Uni decides to...
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Call it cute??? Genuinely what the hell, who thought this was a good thing to put in here? I haven't read the spin-off AU comic, but I hear it treats it's character with OCD even weirder. Yuck!
On a related note, I hate the cutesy names for disorders. They don't even come up often in-universe, there's little purpose in having them, especially if most of them are just real life, actual disorders. I know it's about an abusive hospital but come on man! You don't have to use baby names for everything! You don't even follow the weird naming pattern for everything! Things like autism don't get a weird cutesy name, but OCD and depression get one? Have some consistency if you're gonna make a weird universe decision.
Alrighty.. This should be the end of it, I'm not sure how to end it because there's still more I want to talk about! I'm super-duper open to talking about anything I've said here or elaborating on why I feel certain ways. This is in no way meant to be a hit-piece of the creator of Sparklecare, I think there's a lot of protentional, and I simply adore some aspects of the comic (Specifically visually). I really do hope this comic will improve over time and that it sees a long life of success.
If you come to this post to disagree, I ask you read through what I say carefully and come at me respectfully, I have no interest in fighting with people over a webcomic about furries.
-Mod Star
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clairegregoryau · 1 month
Ahoy friends! I've been thinking a lot about my old pal the Revenge recently while working on a few art projects, and I suddenly remembered that we have the website of an art director from S1 of Our Flag Means Death, Samantha Avila, where the specific paint colours used in the exteriors were given.
Decided I'd track down the listed paints from the original companies (Benjamin Moore for most, Sherwin-Williams for the Glitzy Gold) and make myself a Procreate palette, then thought I should share it with everyone! Here's a link to a Drive folder that includes this image, the downloadable swatch/palette for Procreate (edit: and now for Illustrator, too!), and a PDF of the key colour diagrams of the Revenge (see below).
These colours are for the exterior of the ship, but I'm pretty confident they're repeated inside Stede's cabin as well (you can see more cabin details in the submission to the Art Directors' Guild Awards in 2022/23, which they won!)
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The first 13 colours in the palette are the specific colour swatches, and the rest are light or dark shades of those, per the light/shadowed examples in the images and the delightful digital dollops that the Benjamin Moore website provides. The only colours missing are the custom stains for the unpainted wood. Only one of those (Rich Mahogany from Minwax) is listed with the number #225- that corresponds to Red Mahogany, which is here:
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Here are the key colour diagrams used to put this together, available on the website linked at the start and in the Drive folder also linked.
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I hope this helps! I'm looking forward to incorporating some more specific and deliberate Revenge colours into my art going forward, too.
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employee052 · 5 months
been tryna take it easy recently so heres more palette stuff
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the outfit was taken from kingsman: the golden circle, ik eggsy's outfit was orange, but it was an orange-y red to me that i said fuck it and made it full red
gonna do non-palette stuff tomorrow ive had a shit few days regarding my mental health so ive been doing these instead of shitposts or big projects
the website i generated the colour palette from is this if ur interested: (warning you beforehand that its one of those generate 3 as a free trial then you have to either pay money, make an account to generate 5 more, or wait till tomorrow to make another 3 situation so :P going on incognito works tho)
non infographic ver under the cut:
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intermittentstitcher · 4 months
List of Online Embroidery/ Sewing / Needlework Resources
Hello my name is Cleo and this is my masterpost full of resources and information that will help you in your stitching journey.
Taglist Form
Invite link to my community Fibre Artists on Tumblr
My Tags
Intermittent Stitcher Recommends
I don’t go here but I wanted to pass it on
Intermittent Stitcher Thoughts
Intermittent Stitcher Opinions
Intermittent Stitcher Poll
I love myself a beautiful gradient
Intermittent Stitcher PSA
Intermittent Stitcher FO’S
Intermittent Stitcher Tips
Cats of Craftblr
My Perchance Generators
Random Things to Stitch
Needle Type generator
Random Textile Craft and Technique generator
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC .
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC Colour Variations
Embroidery Website randomiser
Embroidery Hoop Size randomiser - in inches
Embroidery pattern Design Prompts
Random Embroidery stitch Generator
Aida Fabric Count generator
Embroidery Styles
Embroidery Project Generator
Other resources that I have made
My Goodreads book recs
Needle Organisation System
Embroidery Organisation Bingo Card
My Embroidery Pinterest board
Songs to Stitch To - my Spotify playlist for when I’m crafting
Orchestral Crafting Music - for when you really want to focus on your projects.
Crafting Acronyms - a list of acronyms used in the crafting community.
Videos to embroider to - videos that I like to put on in the background whilst I’m stitching.
Other Resources that I have found
Threadcolors.com - colour matching for DMC threads
Thread - Bare Stitching - tools and calculators
Flossmaxx - colour conversion for major floss brands
Needle N’ Thread - blog with useful tricks and tips.
Royal School of Needlework Stitchbank - has a wide variety of modern and historical stitches.
Sarah’s hand Embroidery Tutorials - a visual dictionary of embroidery stitches
StitchLifeStudio - an Etsy store that sells custom frames for embroidery hoops
Colour Scheme - good for helping you to select fabric/ thread colour palettes for your projects.
Color Designer - a website that has a wide variety of tools that can help you develop colour palettes for your projects.
List of colours ( alphabetical)
List of colours by shade
List of Crayola crayon colors
The symbolism of flowers
Sew What Podcast - A podcast where the host Isabella Rosner talks about historical embroidery and interviews a wide range of guests
Sarah Homfray Embroidery - YouTube channel
Antique Pattern Library
Bernadette Banner - Historical recreation YouTube channel
Sewstine - a historical recreation YouTuber that specialises in machine embroidery
Danielle Clough - A South African embroidery artist who produces beautiful pieces with bright colours. I have linked her Instagram.
Quilter’s Paradise - free online quilting calculators
ImageColorPicker - allows you to pick colours from photos
Loose Ends Project - This allows crafters to sign up to finish the craft projects of those who have passed away or have become disabled.
DMC - A well known embroidery supply brand. They produce high quality stranded cotton as well as a litany of kits and free patterns.
The DMC Youtube channel- has lots of tutorials and information.
Sylko thread colour inventory list - for those who have inherited their grandmother’s thread stash
Omni calculator - allows you to convert various lengths
Thread colour palette generator - allows you to generate colour palettes to use in your projects
Stitchpoint - allows you to write phrases in 7 different cross stitch fonts
FlossCross - a free online cross stitch pattern maker
Hours Tracker - the app I use to keep track of the hours I spend stitching
r/Embroidery - the embroidery subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
r/CrossStitch - the cross stitch subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
Code Crafters Quilt Generator - allows you to generate a random quilt design
Freebloss - a Amazon store that produces kits for many crafts including embroidery and they are affordable and high quality
prettycolors - a Tumblr blog that posts random colours along with the hex code and this can be a helpful resource for fibrecrafters when they are trying to pick a colour for their project(s).
colour-palettes - a blog that posts user submitted colour palettes and I think that this blog can also be used as inspiration for fibrecrafters when selecting colours to use in their project(s).
Swatches - this app allows you to swatch colours from photos as well as being able to swatch colours in real time.
John James Needle Guide - a guide to different types of needle and their uses.
Cable Patterns - allows you to make your own cable patterns for knitting
RSN collection and archive- photographs of objects in the Royal School of needle work collection. The first 100 objects have just been digitised and put online.
Hand exercises for knitters- these can also be used by other crafters in general
Things that I suggest you buy
I have not received anything in exchange for recommending these products
A colour wheel - this will enable you to choose the best colours for your projects
Multicoloured cases - this box filled with multicoloured cases will help you to organise your threads ant to easily take them on the go.
Plastic embroidery hoops- I find that plastic hoops are able to maintain tension and keep your projects drum tight.
Embroidery Floss Organisers- these help you to keep all of the various colours that you are using in your projects in one convenient place.
Pellon Stick-N-Washaway Embroidery Stabilizer - allows you to trace or print out your design and stick it onto your fabric, stitch over it and then wash it off once you’re done.
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Hey good evening
been a follower for 13 years now and going through my blog going through nostalgia . i was about to mass download your archive then i realized you had nsfw works as well deleted. if there's any chance you happen to have the full archive of your works i will be grateful
ill pay for reasonable price lol
I never collected rips of NSFW for anything past comedic effect, a lot of it is a deep dive into underpaid employee/mandated market fetishes. What you don't want to do is go to a something 'e' something 'hentai' .org all the while not using a group tag to reference the individual game companies that have the released ""game"" you're interested in. No matter how bad the quality of the game is those types of archivists will catalogue an entire game for a 10x10p tit.
Quality and availability is mixed. It's easy to identify an automated format rip (bit errors -> wrong palette) or 50% compressed jpg. Normal browsing etiquette and I haven't given my computer anthrax while saving autistic fueled searching of defunct Japanese websites. Without emulation and sourcing it's probably the most complete way I remember for the eroge parts of the eroge.
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bitternest · 11 months
/rubs eyes it's seven am who gets up at 7am
People who get dinged repeatedly about Tumblr shutting down apparently.
Christ on a bike. Okay, long post inbound. On Tumblr's fate, enshittification and navigating the post-web2.0 world.
So I've been meaning to make a post like this for a while now, but because tech is literally my job I... haven't.
First off, Tumblr isn't being shut down. It's being put on legacy support. Maybe one day it will be shut down, but Automattic seems to have the costs dialed in and don't seem to want to nuke it. Yay.
This day was always going to come for one simple reason - social media websites are fundamentally impossible to fund. The cost of that much image and video hosting and bandwidth is not scalable without passing that cost over to the user. In most cases, this is done by making the user the product. But this is non-sustainable. As Tumblr discovered, as Twitter is discovering and as Google Has Ordained, that social media will inevitably be censored and restricted at the whim of the people actually paying - advertisers. And then your users stop caring. Some sites get around this by also robbing you of your dopamine production as well as your privacy - i.e. getting you engaged with their Algorithm.
So, enough with the reasoning, what can you do about this. Well, you can try the next big thing. For many people, that's bluesky. I don't know about you, but I don't think highly of Twitter 2.0 - from the dude who couldn't make Twitter profitable the first time around. And to be clear, its sole goal is to be profitable. It's a corporation. That's... it's purpose. It's purpose is to extract wealth.
For me, the only two vaguely viable options are cohost and the fediverse. Cohost because haha palette-swapped Tumblr but also because the core ideas the founders had are neat and resonate with me.
And the fediverse because that's the only technologically viable way forward for what we've come to expect social networks to be. It is a network in the real sense, an interconnected sprawl of self-hosted servers that individuals or communities are responsible for and the best way to deal with the costs of social media - distributing them. Mastodon is the most famous service in this space, but there are others. Explaining the fediverse outside of "a network of social networks" is beyond the scope of this post and is a real issue with adoption because, no, it's not necessarily easy.
But now we get to the real crux of my post:
The resilient things aren't easy. If you want to build and participate in something lasting, you need to do some hard things. Sometimes that's learning what the fuck @[email protected] is supposed to mean. Sometimes it's learning how to read an RSS feed. For artists it can mean learning to set up your own website, with zero code and for free even! (sorry @varethane, i'll get the post up eventually) For tech people it means finding an IRC (what, you think Slack is gonna survive its own enshittification?).
Frequently, it's learning how to back up your posts. Because no matter the site, the day will come when hosting 20 billion jpegs overtakes the cash flow of shiny rainbow crabs.
It is a requirement of the post-web2.0 world that you become more tech-savvy. As we tire of corporate horseshit, we must become more capable of forging our own way. If you want to stay connected, you need to learn how to make and maintain those connections, both social and technological.
And to not end this post on a somber and self-important note, that mastodon id isn't me - I never joined because no server ever appealed to me. If anyone's got suggestions I'm listening. I'm bitternest on cohost as well. Mutuals can DM me for my Discord.
Miss me with those bluesky invites tho
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ynfg-review · 2 months
Yume Nikki Fangame Reviews: .flow
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Website | Wiki | Play Online
.flow was released by lol in 2009, and features the technologically induced dreamstates or memories of a girl called Sabitsuki. The game was last updated in 2019, and has a full set of effects and three endings.
Atmosphere: .flow is grungy, industrial, and dripping with gore. This is a game about decay, where crunching mechanical sounds and strange drones follow you through the abandoned rooms of back-alley hospitals with bloodstains on the floor. .flow evokes some of the whimsical surreal feel of Yume Nikki, but combines this with more realistic representations of eerie environments. It has quite a lot of variety in the vibes of its worlds, but the cohesion of its themes and repeated imagery prevents this from feeling incoherent.
Exploration: .flow is a sizable game, although many of its worlds are small in comparison to those of Yume Nikki or 2kki. It has fewer dead ends, and is harder to get lost and stuck in than many YNFGs, so it’s easy to go on a long meandering journey without having to turn back. Rather than wandering through vast, atmospheric areas, the heart of .flow is in the passages and connections between spaces, which often have implicit narrative associations.
Art: Much of the game has a muted, dark colour palette, which normally wouldn’t appeal to me but which works extremely well for the vibes it’s trying to cultivate. There are a few brighter and prettier areas with some lovely pixel art, and these have even more of an impact when they’re surrounded by drab greys and rusted metal corridors. All of the gore and horror art in the game is really effective and high quality – definitely where lol’s pixel art style shines the most.  
Storytelling: .flow has the strongest environmental storytelling of any YNFG I’ve played. Whilst retaining a lot of ambiguity and room for the player’s imagination, it builds a picture of the protagonist’s life story from her birth itself. Multiple NPCs recur throughout the game, and the endings provide a lot of food for thought. There’s nothing quite like sitting down late at night to read decade old .flow theories on obsolete forums.
Horror and CWs: This is unambiguously a horror game. It brings together Yume Nikki’s surreal body horror style with some pretty in-your-face gore and a lot of medical imagery. Nevertheless, the areas which I find most unsettling aren’t always the ones with the blood and chasers. It’s a great game for haunting, uncanny environments.
 As well as the gore and medical horror, .flow comes with a hefty content warning for depictions of (horrific) pregnancy, suicide, and sex work. There’s an area relating to the latter which is pretty heavily sexualised in imagery and sound design.
Best thing about it: The encroaching horror that builds with the subtle implications of the narrative. The final ending is a great payoff (whilst still leaving most of your questions unanswered).
If you like… Ethel Cain, exploring abandoned buildings, the poem 'Tulips' by Sylvia Plath.
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transactinides · 2 months
Once again have I fallen victim to the appeals of marketing collaborations OR my review of Самокат х Honkai Star Rail exclusive desserts
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Collaboration items included:
• macarons, three flavors in a pack - vanilla plombir, raspberry brownie, white chocolate and (blue) cheese;
• tayaki with dulce de leche filling;
• mini tarts, two flavors in a pack - mango and raspberry.
My thoughts going in
I expected the tarts to be my favorite out of the bunch - I am not that huge of a fan regarding macarons, and and tayaki still hold somewhat of a "gimmick food" position here, so in a lot of places they suck just because people would buy them anyway for the tayaki appeal. Tho I had been informed by my dear bestie* that the foxboy on tayaki packaging is, in fact, a chef, so I held out some of the hope for it. I did overall vibe with the flavors selection for the collaboration items, so I expected each dessert to not be half bad at the minimum, even accounting for collab food always being at least a bit shit.
* said bestie will be receiving all future in-game promocodes I'll be getting as a part of a collaboration, so don't worry, I'm not forcing it to do unpaid labor mwah 💗
Tayaki with dulce de leche - 3/5
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[1] - product photo taken from the website, [2-3] - my photos of tayaki i got
My initial vibe check of "tayaki is probably going to be mediocre" turned out to be correct, alas. Despite the very enticing website photo, in actuality there was way less filling, to a ridiculous degree. The dough itself wasn't bad, but it was also on the drier side, which more filling could have definitely fixed... Tayaki was, however, very soft and chewy, and there was potential, so 3 out of 5 seems deserved. Not awful, but won't be ordering again.
Mango and raspberry mini-tarts - 4/5 and 5/5
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[1] - product photo taken from the website, [2] - my photo
I have made an executive decision to rate different flavours of the same product differently, as you can see. Makes more sense to me, you know.
Both tarts have the same base, so no point talking about it separately. The crust was nice. Soft, but still structurally sound, great texture and great taste. Very happy with it overall 👍 And this time I wasn't scammed out of my money by filling-less dessert, great crust to filling balance in both mini-tarts.
Difference in my review scoring ultimately comes down to mango vs raspberry filling. I got the impression that the mangoes used weren't that great, maybe a bit unripe or something like that. I could def taste it while eating, so I had to bump the score down a bit, even if overall the mango tart was pretty nice. Raspberry was perfect, no notes. Not too sweet, with just the right amount of bitterness to it... A highlight of the entire collaboration for me indeed.
Macarons with white chocolate and cheese, raspberry brownie, and vanilla plombir - 4/5, 4/5 and 5/5
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[1] - product photo taken from the website, [2] - my photo
I was so pleasantly surprised with those! Once again, I'm usually very neutral about macarons, but those ones were nice :3 Literally melted in my mouth and everything!! Vanilla plombir, unexpectedly, was my favorite - it had a very gentle and sweet (without being overwhelming) taste... Like a good vanilla ice cream... Raspberry brownie and white chocolate + cheese each get a point redacted for the filling. Raspberry brownie had a bit of a bitter aftertaste - pure cocoa is bitter, and raspberries are kind of acidic themselves, so those needed something sweet to offset them, you know... Maybe at least tweak the ingredients proportions... White chocolate and blue cheese was. Way too much blue cheese way little chocolate, to the point where cheese really overwhelmed the palette. On top of that, I don't particularly enjoy blue cheese already, so this one wasn't for me. I think having blue cheese as a more subtle flavor would have gone a long way - it would add complexity without being. what it is right now.
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ilikepjo24 · 11 months
There's a post going around Tumblr about the color palette of your name (I saw @prodogg do it) and I tried it but my name has a very boring color palette so I did Atla characters instead.
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Okay! All of them are very bright colors that represent Aang's bright attitude and there's a dark shade at the top row which brings to mind the flaws of his character. Personally, I feel like that dark brown represents the guilt Aang feels for leaving. We also have some yellow and soft red, which are the colours of his outfit. There's some light grey that reminds me of his eyes and pretty light blue and beige, breezy light his element. We have some blue, some yellow, some green and some red. True Avatar core right there.
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Ohhh~ So many pretty blues! Blue eyes, blue clothes, blue nation, blue element and so on. Once again, I feel like the dark color in the third row represents the more bitter parts of Katara personality. Her small moments of jealousy, spite and harness. I also like how all the blues are different shades, some coming close to grey, others close to green and some being pure blue. The variety of shades really shows what I well rounded character she is.
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Oh my... That's unexpected... There's only one shade of blue! But I can see some pretty browns and greys in there that are in his colour palette. I wonder why there are so many greens... Probably because he's one of the only characters that are grounded to earth 😂 maybe even a bit too much, seeing how he's always suspicious and doubtful. There are also some snow-like colours in here, which is fitting, seeing as he's from the Water Tribe 😎.
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That's a very interesting palette... The brown colours remind me of the Earth Kingdom, but there's a snowy white in there, probably because of how close Kyoshi Island is to the Southern Water Tribe. There's also a bit of green in there, even if it's greyish, and I couldn't help but notice those dark shades of red... Is it because she relocated in the Fire Nation after the war, and is currently working as Zuko's bodyguard? I also see a few really dark shades in those top corners, although I'm not surprised. Suki is a warrior through and through, and sometimes warriors have to do some ugly things to protect their homes.
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No surprises here! I like how Toph has more dark shades than other characters, since she's more in touch with her "dark side" after participating in secret wrestling matches and pulling all those scams. Many shades of green and brown, like her element and her country. But there's also some very light greens in there, so light that they could pass as white or grey, which is unlike the usual Earth Kingdom greens. I wonder if it's because she uses her bending in a much different way that all the other earthbenders, which makes her special. Or it could be because that's the color of her eyes.
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That palette is an interesting one for sure. There are so many dark colours in here! And as we all know, the Prince of the Fire Nation didn't have a very happy life, or a very bright attitude. There's a dark brown-red in here and a dark blackish green, along with some blues and greys and a brownish gold. I wonder if it's because of his travels to all the four nations during his search for the Avatar. And I'm loving the references to the Blue Spirit with all those blues in there. Zuko's second, secret persona is a big deal for his character, since all the times we've seen him wear that mask, we've also gotten hints for his future redemption and friendships.
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Ah, there we go. My favorite girl! Right of the top we have some dark shades, fitting for s true vigilante. There's some brown-ish gold abd black, which brings her hair and eyes to mind. A pretty shade of red, for a true Fire Nation Princess. The lack of blue surprises me, seeing as her fire and her lighting are both blue... I guess the website must believe that she is much more than her bending. And there's quite a lot of green I see... Probably because her peak as a strategist and warrior was conquering Ba Sing Se and bringing the Earth Kingdom to its knees, all while wearing the iconic green Kyoshi Warrior uniform and the even more iconic green Earth Queen outfit.
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martyryo · 7 days
how do you pick out such cool colors and outfits?!? :000 i love your art :3
Also, I'm sorry if answers will disappoint you but I don't have a thought behind color picking. Truth is lately I've been just using colors I like, trying to make them fit to the overall vibe of the drawing.
For example, in the vamp marla drawings I used a dark moldy orange cause it reminded me of rust and decay, and with that I added some tilted bright magenta lines to contrast it and make it pop. That's it. And to figure them out I just kept modifying the hue until I liked the combination. So I guess, play around with colors, be silly :3
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Oh also lines and halftones play a big role in my drawings. I don't like having many elements of the same value one next to the other, cause they don't make each other stand out. (imagine a plain outfit with EVERYTHING black. Nothing else. Kinda boring).
I try in fact to put dark areas next to brighter ones so their shapes are more distinct to the sight (the eyes in the drawing for example wouldn't be so visible if there wasn't the dark eyeshadow to drag your eyes towards them. The hair has subtle black lines as texture while the skin has halftones, this makes the brain perceive them as different).
Now for the outfits...well, since the past months I've been drawing the same 3 blorbos in their canon fits, soooo use reference I would say... referencing things is always the best thing you can do, from fits and especially colors if you're trying to obtain a certain mood or atmosphere (and I be forgetting cause I'm lazy but don't be like me 💥).
I did design the following fits out of raw imagination, but I needed some reference for cowboy and pirate fits on pinterest.
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In these cases I tried to add some recurring patters for each of them.
Narrator has many horizontal lines going on on the pants (design and the dangly things on the side) while also having like two belts and a string. More lines yippie!
With marla I went with earrings matching the necklace, while also adding lace (is that how it's called??) on the rims of her top, glove things and collar. For her top and skirt I went with vertical lines that are also present on her stockings while cloak/scarf has those repeating things at the end (me when I don't know clothing vocabulary).
Tyler has kinda the more boring fit cause I was getting tired. I was trying to go with items of the upper body being tighter while having large pants with bug boots, kinda triangle shaped, but ehh I need to work more on that. Reoccurring would be the flowy clothes folds cause I view them as soft materials contrasted with a more rough vest. I tried to add on that soap bubbles patterns but it's kind of a weak effect so fnenrne.
Again. Reference. And taking breaks between designs cause your brain at some point has enough of your ideas.
Uhmm idk if all this yapping in an okay answer for you, I spent all afternoon trying to analyze my drawings and I was going insane. But I thank you for asking cause you made me realize I should adapt to a stable technique huehue =w=
Also for school work, when I need to pick colors, the website I linked below is the tool I always use. You can search for an already existing palette or generate a random one u.u
Lmk if you wanna know anything else, I'll try my best to answer. Have a great day <3
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fairestar · 1 year
How do you make your posts so aesthetic im on mobile and literally can't figure this app out😭
with lots of screen time and scrolling through pinterest! all pictures ive ever posted are from there. i love and live for pinterest.
✿ a little tumblr guide :
for formatting your text, just select it and go from there. for the small text, select it and tap the “<s>” button.
for the collages / banners i've included in some of my posts, i go through pinterest, look for pictures that have similar colour palettes, download them and go to this website to make the collage. i don't recommend changing the size of it while on the page because it can ruin your pictures, just work with the predetermined size and once you're done, download your collage and resize it by cutting it with your gallery app.
for coloured text, you can select it and choose one of the fixed options; but if you want a specific colour, you can only do it from the tumblr website. first make a draft of your post, then go to this page to choose the hex code for the text you want to edit (the hex code is the one that's six characters long and made of numbers 0-9 and letters A-F, ex.: #A77BF9), once you have your code, go to this page, write whatever it is you want, select the “solid text” option (if you want a degradé one, you'll need more than one colour code), put your hex code and copy the text at the bottom of the website. now, back to your draft (remember, you can only do this from the website, not the app), click on the little settings wheel at the top right, at the end you'll see something that says “rich text”, open that menu and choose “html”. now, if you don't know about programming, your draft will look crazy, don't worry, that's just the html version of it. go through it until you find the text you want to modify, select it (only the text, not any other thing around it, if you see something like a <h1> or <b> anything with the < > symbols, do not touch those because you'll either delete everything or lose the formatting you might have already applied —if you accidentally delete those when changing the colour, don't worry, once you're done with the colour you can apply the formatting again just as you always do—), and in its place paste the long text you copied from the website. if you want to know if you did it right, at the top of the post there's a “preview” option, choose it and see if your text is good to go. now that you're done changing the colours, go back to the settings wheel and choose the option “rich text” again, so you can continue working on your post. it's kind of a mess, yes. but your posts will be a hundred times prettier. and you will learn the basics of html coding too.
little side note: if you've modified the html code of your post, always go back to the app before posting it and check if it looks okay because changing the html code makes you lose some formatting you might have already done, like organising pictures or adding a “keep reading” button. also, check the attached screenshots for a more visual tutorial!
hope this is usefull ♡ feel free to reach out again if you need help with anything else!
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